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SERVICE Beyond the Extra Mile in Loyalty Marketing

Copyright 2012 J.M. Enage
All rights reserved
No part of this book may be reprod!ed in any form or by any ele!troni! or me!hani!al means in!lding
information storage and retrieval systems" #ithot permission in #riting from the athor. $he only e%!eption is by
a revie#er" #ho may &ote short e%!erpts in a pblished revie#.
$he information presented herein represents the vie#s of the athor as of the date of pbli!ation. $his book is
presented for informational prposes only. 'e to the rate at #hi!h !onditions !hange" the athor reserves the right
to alter and pdate his opinions at any time. (hile every attempt has been made to verify the information in this
book" the athor does not assme any responsibility for errors" ina!!ra!ies" or omissions.
J.M. Enage 21)*+1,0 Colonial 'rive -i!hmond" ..C. /0C ,$0 )0,.112.2002 3enage4gmail.!om
A!kno#ledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Abot the Athor.......................... vii
5ore#ord ................................i% 6ntrod!tion.............................. %iii
Chapter 1. 7reparing 5or the Jorney of Change ........................1
$he Competitive Market....................... 1 8oyalty Marketing............................ 2 E%traordinary Cstomer
9ervi!e ................, Cy!le of $ransformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Chapter 2. $he 5irst Mile;7ersonal $ransformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
9#it!h to <man for others= mode ................10 Eliminate the 9even Ma3or -oadblo!ks . . . . . . . . . . . 12
'eto%ify for s!!ess ..........................1) 'eliver the 5or Magi! 7s of E%traordinary Cstomer
9ervi!e ............................1+
Chapter 1. $he 9e!ond Mile; 6nstittional $ransformation.................. 21
Core vales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Create great prod!ts and servi!es............... 22
7romote internal loyalty....................... 21 7romote e%ternal loyalty....................... 2, 7rovide good tools . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2: 9#it!h to transformational style of servi!e ........ 2:
Chapter ,. $he $hird Mile;Cstomer $ransformation.................. 20
$he (>( 5a!tor;and .?M-................... 2+ (>( Case 9tdy E%er!ises ....................11
Chapter :. $o 6nfinity and .eyond the E%tra Mile;8ifetime Cstomer 8oyalty . . . 1:
Cy!le of $ransformation....................... 1: 8ifetime Cstomer 8oyalty..................... 1) $ransformational
A!hievement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1)
.ons Chapter. @o# to -everse .rand -esistan!e" and $ransform to .rand 6nsisten!e and .rand
Advo!a!y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
.eing A#are of Cstomer 5eedba!k and (ord of Moth............................... 12 $ransform .rand-esistan!e
to .rand 6nsisten!e.... ,0 $ransform .rand 6nsisten!e to .rand Advo!a!y .... ,2
.ons Chapter. (hat 6s Aor Cstomer 9ervi!e 6BC................. ,,
Bestionnaire;@o# to $est Cstomer 9ervi!e 9kills................................ ,, @o# $o -evitaliDe Cstomer
9ervi!e #ith Cltral 9ensitivity $raining........................... ,)
$o all my :0"000 E !stomers in the present and the past yo have taght me patien!e" hmility"
!reativity dedi!ation" hmor and perseveran!e. Ao have blessed me #ith lots of #isdom. Ao have
given me more than 10"000 hors of pra!ti!e to pay my des and get things right. FAnd it !ontines
on.G Ao have molded my passion to go beyond the e%tra mile. Ao are also my tre mentors. $o all
the e%traordinary !stomer servi!e agents in the #orld that have to!hed me in one #ay" shape or
form Fin!lding Hmiko from $okyoG" yo are the reason for this book and the inspi ration in
!stomer servi!e e%!ellen!e.
(ith profondest gratitde 6 a!kno#ledge -aymond Aaron for inspiring me to #rite and set
gidelines for personal gro#th and development. (ithot his !oa!hing and spport" this book #old
not have been possible.
6 am gratefl to my editor $homas @a!k for giving me a Ithird eyeJ and in assembling and
preserving my voi!e in all the stories" e%pressions and sentiments. @is professionalism sho#s
throgh. $hank yo to my design team -andolene and 6ryna 9pi!a for their patien!e and dedi!ation
in getting !on!epts beatiflly implemented.
My sin!ere thanks to my grandfather and n!le Ambassadors Jose Ma. 'elgado and Antonio C.
'elgado for serving as role models in fine diploma!y and hman relations. $hey may not be here
today" bt they are forever an inspiration to my #ork and pra!ti!e. 7astors 'avid 7oirier" Jimmy
Mar&eD and 5rank .erto and .ishop Chito $agle K yor talks and #alks inspire me al#ays.
$o my !olleages and asso!iates in real estate and 3oint ventre pro3e!ts K >din Lavier" $hane
8anD" Mord 8emon" >DDie Jro!k" 'ean MraDiosi and -i!hard 8edding K thank yoN Aor e%pertise
and professional asso!iation #ith me are trly valable.
$o my past and !rrent !olleages at A6M6A like Andrea" -honda" 'enise" (ayne" Marivi!" et!.
for tea!hing and sharing te!hni&es in great !stomer servi!e. $o my !rrent and past speriors at
A6M6A K -oger 5o%" Chris Cormier" Alden @ad#en" Marlene Crit!h" Cheryl Ma!'onald" Hellay
@amelin" 9hamim 9a!hedina" .ryan Johnson" 9san Mraham" 9san -andha#a" .iba 73evali!a"
Jenny 7an" 9tephanie 8oang%ay" 9teven @ankins" M#en 8ivingston" Jerry M!donell and other
nmentioned valable staff" yor spport is invalable.
.ig thanks to my spport and pbli!ity team Monina Estella" -i!a /illalon"(illie O Marimil
/illareal" " Mike O Mina E!hevarria" Marin!hi Estella" 8oie O Maryllis Enage" 7i&illo O MariDa
Enage" MM O Chi&i 5ran!is!o" Mary Avelino" $om O 6ngrid 5irme" Chito O /ivian CrD" Joe O
7ea!h /arona" Edgar O Mari!h Jayme" -affy O Christy Abasolo" 6to O Moni!a -amireD" Ms O
.ing Nar!iso" $ony O 9san Nar!iso" 8eo O Maribel Mer!ado" Merry O 8ani AblaDa and other
family friends.
$hank yo most of all to the t#o model #riters in my life K my father 7hilip Fde!easedG #ho
sho#ed me the bsiness #riting dis!ipline and my mother Milagros #ho demonstrated to me !reative
#riting te!hni&es" other forms of artisti! e%pression and !reative living. $heir love" spport and
en!oragement are #ith me al#ays.
8astly" to my most !herished !hildren Miantin" $oni!hi" Miel and Celine" this is my #ork of love
for yo. 6 #old not be here #ithot yo.
Ad Ma3orem 'ei MloriamN
J.M. <Chem= Enage has dedi!ated his !areer to a!hieving s!!ess in sales" marketing" !stomer
servi!e" information te!hnology" and pro3e!t management. J.M.Js giding prin!iple has al#ays been
to go the e%tra mile and beyond" and internalPe%ternal !stomers and servi!e have been a ma3or fo!s
of his learning and pra!ti!e.
@is Christian pbringing and Jesit ed!ation inspire him to #rite abot serving and giving ba!k to
the !ommnity Fwww.BeyondTheExtraMile.comG.
J.M. #as born in Manila" 7hilippines also kno#n as the Call Centre Capital of the (orld and no#
lives in /an!over" .ritish Colmbia #ith his for great kids" in a !ity de!lared by the ?nited
Nations as one of the top three most livable !ities in the #orld" bt ironi!ally the most ridi!losly
e%pensive !ity in #hi!h to o#n a home.
7art of the pro!eeds for the sale of this book #ill go to his favorite !harity organiDation" 9!hools
(ithot .orders Fwww.schoolswithoutborders.comG.
The only certain means of success is to render more and better service than is
expected of you, no matter what your task may be.
>g Mandino, The !reatest "alesman #n The $orld
5or bsiness o#ners" entrepreners" and professionals" !stomer servi!e is a topi! of signifi!ant
!on!ern. And it shold beQ after all" !stomers are the very reason that bsinesses e%ist. .sinesses
serve !stomers" and !stomers pay for prod!ts or servi!es. 6f all goes #ell" everyone is happy.
$he !stomer*bsiness relationship is familiar to everyone. (e may not all be bsiness o#ners"
bt #e are all !stomers. (hen #e go the gro!ery store or the gas station" fly to another !ity" rent a
!ar" dine in a restarant" or stay in a hotel" #e be!ome a part of the !stomer servi!e e!onomy. 6n
every transa!tion" every one of s is either a !stomer on the re!eiving end or a !stomer delivery
agent" !ompany" or organiDation that srvives on servi!ing !stomers.
Ao and 6 kno# ho# it feels to re!eive everyday !stomer servi!e. And #e kno# ho# it feels
#hen" on those rare o!!asions" #e re!eive e%traordinary !stomer servi!e. $he differen!e is hge.
>ne is a transa!tionQ the other is a transformation.
>rdinary !stomer servi!e is !ommon to most !ompanies and organiDations. A transa!tion is
made" and no one is nhappy. $he minimm has been a!!omplished. .t to meet yor goals in this
highly !ompetitive global e!onomy" there is a real need to differentiate yor brand or !ompany verss
all the rest. Ao need to make every transa!tion a transformation.
Extraordinary %ustomer "ervice sets itself apart by taking a holisti! approa!h in the 3orney
of !hange. 6t goes beyond transa!tions and ordinary !stomer satisfa!tion to a more meaningfl and
delightfl relational*based transformation of the individal" the instittion" and the !stomer.
(hen J.M. asked me to #rite the fore#ord for his ne# book" 6 happily a!!epted. 6 first met J.M.
ba!k in 200, at a real estate !onvention. 9in!e then" J.M. has spported me by being a reader of my
bestselling book %hicken "oup for the %anadian "oul and the &ew 'ork Times bestseller
%hicken "oup for the (arent)s "oul, !oathored #ith Ja!k Canfield. @e has also parti!ipated
in my 9trategi! A!tion !oa!hing sessions and real estate !orses.
And J.M. is #ell &alified to #rite this book. @aving been in the sales and marketing indstry
!overing varios positions of management as #ell as frontline sales and !stomer servi!e" his many
years of e%perien!e in!ldes internal and e%ternal !stomer spport" retail sales" te!hni!al spport"
online sales" and !all !entres.
6n Extraordinary %ustomer "ervice" the message !omes alive #ith tre stories abot
e%treme !stomer servi!e in a!tion. AoJll e%perien!e J.M.Js stories as he has himself done so" both
dire!tly and indire!tly throgh his !olleages and asso!iates. $his book reveals the strategi! vale of
taking a transformational approa!h to !stomer servi!e" and of going the e%tra mile for !lients.
J.M. sho#s yo the se!rets of implementing !stomer servi!e delivery that is .ig" ?ne%pe!ted"
Memorable" and -elevant F.?M-G" and helps yo to attain e%traordinary !stomer servi!e and gain
!stomer loyalty for life.
Most impressive to me are the !ase stdies and e%*
er!ises that bring abot the method and te!hni&es for a!hieving e%traordinary !stomer servi!e. And
J.M.Js approa!h is not a magi! #and implementation bt a !on!rete step*by*step formla to look at
every en!onter as a learning" bilding" and refining opportnity in !stomer servi!e. Every !stomer
intera!tion is a <!reative repetition= of finding ne# #ays to go the e%tra mile" of bilding a relational
asset" and be!oming top*of*mind in the !stomerJs life.
Mistakes #ill be made along the #ay. $his is normal in the learning pro!ess to#ards the goal of
e%!ellent servi!e. .t the key ingredient or gate#ay is having a gro#th mindset. $his #ill set yo on
tra!k to deliver a positive e%perien!e that the !stomer #ill not soon forget. Extraordinary
%ustomer "ervice goes beyond the e%tra mile in loyalty marketing" and !an help yo to rea!h and
e%!eed yor goals.
6 #ish yo great s!!ess on this 3orney of !hangeN
-aymond Aaron &ew 'ork Times best selling athor of %hicken "oup for the (arent)s
"oul Creator of the www.+,-+,-+, for #riting a book to enhan!e yor .rand
The path to personal transformation is wrought with simple daily creative repetitions
that ultimately reveal facets of the gem within... .ust as the sculptor daily chisels
away and uncovers the hidden masterpiece underneath the block of wood.

9ometimes the most ordinary events !an have an e%traordinary impa!t in oneJs life. 6n my early teens
6 attended an international event of .oy 9!ots. 6t #as a on!e*in*a*lifetime event to represent my
!ontry in the 11th (orld Jamboree of 9!ots" held in 9hiDoka 7refe!tre" Japan" in the foothills of
glorios Mont 53i. 'espite rain and floods" the event" designed to promote #orld nderstanding"
#as highlighted by s!oting and fn a!tivities in!lding meeting" !ompeting #ith" and sharing
!ltral" sports" and otdoor fn a!tivities #ith other yoth from all over the #orld.
.t there #as one other event that stands ot dring that visit to Japan. After the Jamboree" or
!ontingent #ent sightseeing and shopping. 6t #as in the ele!troni!s shopping distri!t of Akihabara
#here 6 pr!hased a 1*in*1 portable $/*radio*!assette player the siDe of a shoebo%. $he pretty sales
lady from #hom 6 pr!hased it #as named Hmiko. Althogh she did not speak English" she
patiently <a!tioned ot= ot to me the $/Js featres and benefits" as #ell as ho# to operate it. 9he
#as both eager to please and very kind. At that time 6 #as very e%!ited to get this ne# and
te!hnologi!ally advan!ed toy;probably even more e%!ited than the time" years later" #hen 6 got my
first i7hone and i7ad.
6 #as so thrilled #ith the pr!hase that it #as not ntil many hors later" after 6 had retrned to the
hotel" that 6 realiDed that 6 had left my #allet po!h at the department store. All of my po!ket money"
my passport" and 6's #ere in that po!h.
My heart stoppedN .lood rshed p and do#n my head and 6 #as spee!hless and #hite. @o#
!old 6 have forgottenC $hat #hole sleepless night 6 #as an%ios to figre ot ho# to re!over it in
this land #here !ommni!ation #as a problem" #here streets #ere hard to figre ot" and #here
people #ere strangers. $he ne%t evening #e #ere to fly for home and 6 did not kno# #hat to do.
My s!ot leaders #ere made a#are and #ere ready to help me sear!h. $he ne%t morning" as my
s!ot leaders #ere making in&iries for me" 6 felt nervos" lost" and gt*#ren!hed.
At mid*morning the hotel manager !alled to say 6 had a visitor. /isitorC (hat visitorC 9in!e #hen
#old a torist in a foreign !ontry get a visitorC 6 had no time for this" bt nevertheless 6 dtiflly
#ent do#n to the front desk.
$he visitor #as the pretty sales lady Hmiko #ho had sold me the portable $/;and she #as
holding my #allet po!h" #ith everything still in itN .oy" #hat relief and 3oy 6 feltQ it #as like 6 #on
the lottery. 6 thanked her profsely and repeatedly.
$hat #as my first e%perien!e #ith e%traordinary !stomer servi!e.
5or Hmiko" it #as probably an ordinary event. 5or me" it #as going to be a disaster ntil Hmiko
sho#ed p and demonstrated to me my first lesson on !stomer servi!e;going the e%tra mile.
(hat an e%traordinary e%perien!eN
(hat an e%traordinary agentN
(hat an e%traordinary department storeN
(hat an e%traordinary !ontryN
6 !ame into this !ontry not kno#ing ho# to speak the langage bt !ame ot of it nderstanding
#hat it means to be e%traordinary in giving servi!e to others.
There will be bumps along the .ourney and air pockets in your flight/ stay your
course, en.oy the ride and move on with dogged perseverance.

prepArIn! For the Journe" oF ChAn!e
8ife is a series of 3orneys. And the most memorable ones are those that e%pand yor horiDons.
9ometimes the me!hani!s of a 3orney may seem repetitive. .ying yor ti!kets" booking yor
a!!ommodations" getting on the plane" boarding the tor bs" and shooting pi!tres may all seem
repetitios" bt the ne#ness of ea!h pla!e makes it fn and e%!iting and different. Every time #e visit
a ne# pla!e #e !reatively repeat all these rotines. $he rotines may be boring at first" bt #hen yo
visaliDe yor destination" it be!omes #ell #orth it. Every pla!e is an adventre" a ne# dis!overy"
and a ne# e%perien!e.
6tJs the same in !stomer servi!e. (e !reatively repeat ea!h en!onter" ea!h approa!h and ea!h
e%perien!e. 6t may appear rotine" bt the pro!ess is rene#ed and different ea!h time.
the Co#petItI$e #Ar%et
6n todayJs marketpla!e #e see there is strong !ompetition in all areas;!onsmer prod!ts" retail" and
servi!es. Companies take great effort to promote their brands. 'ollars are being spent to promote
brand a#areness. Massive promotions are being ndertaken to in!rease trial for prod!ts or servi!es.
And in!reasing resor!es in mltibillions of dollars are being fnneled into advertising in all media
;$/" print" radio" so!ial media" and internet. $his is all in an effort to
gain and retain !stomers.
Consider these t#o &otesR
<$he prpose of bsiness is to !reate and keep a !stomer.=
<$he aim of marketing is to kno# and nderstand the !stomer so #ell the prod!t or servi!e fits
him and sells itself.=
$hese t#o statements are by reno#ned management gr 7eter '!ker. @e believes that a
bsiness begins #ith the !stomer in mindQ it prospers be!ase of good prod!t or servi!e strategyQ
and it stays profitably in bsiness be!ase of e%traordinary !stomer servi!e.
(hat does this mean in terms of a highly !ompetitive marketpla!eC Assming all prod!ts are
e&al" the end reslt;the bottom line and the ltimate determi nant of s!!ess in the marketpla!e;is
the ni&eness and positioning of the brand. And #hile the delivery of the brandJs image relies on
tools s!h as advertising" promotions" pbli!ity" and pa!kaging" ltimately it is the people;the front
lines in the !ompanyJs !stomer servi!e;#ho !an make or break brand loyalty.
&o"A&t" #Ar%etIn!
Cstomer loyalty. 6tJs #hat every CE> #ants and every marketing manager dreams of. 8oyal
!stomers spend more" !ost less to a!&ire" and a!t as ambassadors to the marketpla!e. $hey provide
a steady sor!e of revene and may even #illingly test ne# prod!ts" like ele!tri! !ars or advan!ed
personal ele!troni! devi!es.
(reparing for the 0ourney of %hange
$hey stand in line #hen Apple offers a ne# prod!t in its retail stores. Cstomer loyalty is ho# the
-olling 9tones or Jay*L !an sell ot a !on!ert tor in t#o hors. 6tJs ho# an airline !an establish a
reliable base of travelers #ho donJt shop arond for a better deal every time they fly. $hey make their
reservations #ith their familiar and reliable provider.
6tJs !ommon sense that yo market to yor loyal !stomers differently than yo market to ne#
prospe!ts. 8oyal !stomers kno# yor prod!t or servi!eQ #hat they are looking for is a deeper
involvement and the highest level of servi!e. (hen a reglar !stomer of a restarant arrives for his
!stomary seven oJ!lo!k reservation" he e%pe!ts to have his table #aiting and the staff ready to serve
him. And #hy notC @eJs earned spe!ial servi!e" and he deserves it.
$his is not to say that everyone shold not re!eive e%traordinary !stomer servi!e. $he best #ay
to !onvert a ne# !stomer to a loyal !stomer is to provide e%!eptional servi!e. -emember HmikoC
(hen 6 #alked into her store she had no idea #ho 6 #as. 6 #as a ne# !stomer. 5or all she kne#" 6
#old probably never see her again. 6t didnJt matter. 9he #ent the e%tra mile" and the reslt #as that
she made a friend for life.
$oday" loyalty marketing is a ma3or fa!tor in most !ompaniesJ efforts. Among todayJs travel and
shopping !onsmers" a!!mlating air miles and in!reasing loyalty points have be!ome a ma3or
pastime" and even a fll*time fo!s. Marketers kno# that having a great loyalty marketing program
#ill lead to !stomer retention. $hey kno# that the !stomer #ill stay #ith the !ompany that gives
ba!k" the !ompany that re#ards #ith goods and servi!es" the !ompany that provides travel and
va!ation" the !ompany that is a friend" and the !ompany that goes the e%tra mile.
e'trAordInAr" Custo#er ser$ICe
1There are no traffic .ams along the extra mile.2 3oger "taubach, &*L
4uarterback and coach.
A ma3or !omponent in the s!!ess of any loyalty marketing program is e%traordinary !stomer
servi!e. (ithot it" the !ompany loyalty marketing program is po#erless. (ith it" the marketing
effort be!omes a ma3or fa!tor in #inning and retaining !stomers.
$o begin or dis!ssion" letJs revie# the range of !stomer servi!e.
ordinary !stomer servi!e is defined as one that satisfies the !stomerJs needs. 6t is a transa!tion
flfilled. 6t is a prod!t or servi!e delivered.
Ao go to the spermarket" take yor gro!eries to the !he!kot" pay" and leave. $hatJs ordinary.
Ao arrive at yor hotel" sign the register" give them yor !redit !ard" and the !lerk hands yo a
room key. $hatJs ordinary.
Ao board the plane" !ram yor !arryon bag into the overhead bin" b!kle p" and take the tiny
bag of salted peants that is offered by the flight attendant. $hatJs ordinary.
e%traordinary !stomer servi!e is #hen the !stomer de!lares <(o#;that #as greatN= 6tJs the
differen!e bet#een a transactional e%perien!e and a transformational e%perien!e. 6t is the
differen!e bet#een
(reparing for the 0ourney of %hange
se!ring a !stomer for the short*term verss se!ring a !stomer for life. 6t is the differen!e
bet#een a strggling" hit*or*miss" barely profitable bsiness and one that thrives" is profitable" and
gro#s !onsistently.
Ao go to the spermarket" take yor gro!eries to the !he!kot" and the !lerk rns to find yo a
repla!ement for the !ontainer of yogrt that she noti!es is leaking. $hatJs e%traordinary.
Ao arrive at yor hotel" sign the register" and the !lerk offers to arrange for a dinner reservation
and ti!kets to a sho#. $hatJs e%traordinary.
Ao board the plane" !ram yor !arryon bag into the overhead bin" and the flight attendant brings
yo a pillo# and a blanket so yo !an take a nap. $hatJs e%traordinary !stomer servi!e.
6t does not matter #hat area of servi!e;a retail store" !all !entre or te!hni!al spport;most
marketers kno# that having great !stomer servi!e makes the differen!e bet#een having a !stomer
for the short term or having them as !stomers for life.
.t all this may re&ire a !hange. $here is a !hange !y!le that involves personal" instittional" and
finally !stomer !hange.
C"C&e oF trAnsFor#AtIon
.efore the 3orney of !hange or the first mile begins" it is important to note that it all starts #ith a
paradigm shift. $his shift starts at the personal level and moves on to the instittional level" and
ltimately !as!ades to the !stomer level. 6n !ertain !ases the instittional level transformation !an
be the start and the personal level !an be the se!ond phase. $he important thing is that the !hange in
the !stomer #ill only happen #hen both the instittional and personal !hanges happen and
ltimately #ork together in the positive !hange pro!ess of the !stomer" #ith !stomer being an
important fo!s.
$he !y!li!al !hange is ongoing. $hrogh dire!t !stomer feedba!k" market analyti!s" and
!onsmer srveys the !stomer servi!e organiDation and agent gains ne# insights into delivering
better servi!e. $he agent informally ses this information to adapt and !ater to !stomer needs better.
6f it is effe!tive #idely" it is then passed on to the instittion F!orporation or organiDationsG to be
formaliDed and instittionaliDed. $his in trn is re*implemented to the !stomer formally" and on and
on the !y!le goes ntil #e seeR
S A dynami! !stomer"
S .eing responded to by an e%traordinary dynami! agent"
S .eing spported by an e%traordinary dynami! instittion.
ChApter (
the FIrst #I&e)personA& trAnsFor#AtIon
1Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the
shore.2 5ndre !ide
A friend of mine on!e said to me that in order for !hange to happen" #hat has to happen first is that
there mst be a realiDation that !hange is needed. $his happens only #hen yo a!!ept yor #eakness
or sitation and then resolve to trans!end it. $here has to be a shift in thinking from a stats &o
mentality to a mentality of !hange for the better. 5or some people this realiDation is borne ot of
dissatisfa!tion for the stats &oQ for others it is a reslt of a tragedy or disappointmentQ and for
others still it is a reslt of simply 3st #anting to be a better person be!ase of peer or instittional
pressre" their religion" faith" or mantra in life.
6n every !ase the ob3e!tive is to evolve into a better person seeking a higher state. 6 have fond
that the best !hange happens from the inside" from an inner !onvi!tion that 6 !an be better than 6 am
no#" and that 6 o#e it to myself" my family" friends" and faith. $he impets for !hange may start from
the otside" bt it is only #hen it is internaliDed that it be!omes long lasting !hange.
9hift yor paradigm. $ransition from a fi%ed mind*set to a gro#th mindset. $rn yor #eakness
into strength.
(hen 6 #as in primary grade s!hool" 6 #as flat*footed F6 still amG. 9elf*!ons!ios as 6 #as then"
this additional !hallenge #eighed do#n on me" both literally and figratively. 6 #ore high*!t"
!orre!tive" heavy orthopedi! shoes that made me even more self*!ons!ios be!ase 6 looked like the
odd one in !lass. 9ome of the kids #old lagh and stare at my <!ombat boots.= 6t #as not a great
phase in my life.
8ater" 6 realiDed 6 #as not alone. 6 had a !lassmate #ho #as relatively #orse off than meR he had
polio. @e #old #ear these leg metal bra!es that e%tended from ankle all the #ay to the pper legs.
@is bra!es #old !lankety*!lank every time he #alked and ran. .t 6 sa# that he a!!epted it"
managed to have fn" and did not mind being noti!ed and stared at.
$his broght me to the realiDation that yo !an be happy and <normal= if yo have a!!epted
yorself. 5rom then on" 6 learned to go beyond myself and 3st have fn and make the most of things.
6t #as then that 6 started 3oining e%tra!rri!lar a!tivities like art !lb" s#imming" so!!er" tra!k" and
My mom said 6 #as blooming. 6 thoght 6 #as 3st finding myself.
9in!e 6 loved rnning" 6 aspired to 3oin the tra!k team. 'espite my flat footedness" 6 over!ame this
#eakness by visaliDing that 6 !old be a very good rnner. 6 #as determined to e%!el and persevere.
6 didN 9o 6 trained myself every day by rnning p the steep drive#ay of or hose all the #ay to the
se!ond story of the hose and do#n again. 6 #old tiptoe from one end of the hose to the other and
ba!k" 3st to develop an ar!h and strengthen my foot and ankle ms!les.
The *irst Mile6(ersonal Transformation
My hose #as 3st behind the s!hool" bt #alking there entailed !rossing a long stret!h of field
and !limbing a steep 1+0*foot stair!ase. $his !ommte to s!hool #as my daily #orkot. (earing my
heavy !ombat boots" 6 #old rn a!ross the fields" !limb the steep" long stairs" and arrive tired bt
happy that 6 #as on my #ay to over!oming a personal !hallenge.
6 tried ot for the tra!k team" and made it as one of the team sprintersN 6n or inter*s!hool
!ompetition 6 #on my ra!es and or team #on the !hampionships. $he s!hool ne#sletter had a photo
of me rnning to the finish line #ay ahead of the pa!k #ith the !aption <-n" 9amson" rnQ 'elilahJs
not on the #ay.= (ith pride 6 broght my ne# !onfiden!e #ith me to high s!hool" frther !olle!ting
medals and !ontribting to s!hool !hampionships for many years. (hen 6 look ba!k no#" 6 realiDe
the irony of it all. 6 #as flat footedN $hat is hardly imaginable no#adaysN $his #as a momentos
a!hievementN $here are many other rnners #ho have sprint re!ords better than mine" bt relative to
my flat footedness" 6 have a!hieved many milestones. -elative to my self*!ons!ios state" 6 #as
going in a positive dire!tion. $he shift in mindset of <Chem" the flat footed !hmp= to <Chem the
!hamp= made that #hi!h seemed impossible to be #ithin my grasp. $his #as a transformation of
#eakness into strength" and the very sor!e of self*!ons!iosness into a sor!e of po#er and
!onfiden!e. 6 #as transformed" and to this day 6 donJt let my kids think that they are any less #ith
#hatever ailments or #eaknesses they have.
6 did itN $hey !an do itN And so !an yoN
swItCh to *#An For others+ #ode
$he most primitive of hman approa!hes is to be self*serving. 6t is to be a man for himself rather
than a man for others. 6t says" gather food for yorself. Make yor o#n !ave !omfortable and let the
other gy #orry abot his.
6s pri!e and profit alone enogh to keep a !stomerJs bsinessC 6n the !onte%t of bsiness" shold
one primarily fo!s on self*serving servi!e" or shold one !onsider selfless servi!e. (hi!h !omes
firstC (hat !omes to mind #hen one speaks of !stomer servi!e and being a man For #omanG for
othersC My Jesit ed!ation has taght me that the prpose of life is to serve. 6s it to serve others for
profit" or is it to serve others be!ase of !ompassionC 6n this day and age" #here profit and po#er are
the defalt motives in life" !ompassion or kindness are often farthest from the motives of people. .t
if #e are all !itiDens of <hmankind"= isnJt it only natral and tre that to be hman is to be kind" and
to be the kind of person #ho !ares" loves and servesC
?nfortnately #hat is natral is not ne!essarily instin!tive. 6f #e are to sbs!ribe to this noble and
natral intent" are #e not forgetting some pra!ti!al ne!essitiesC 'onJt #e have a family to feedC A
!ompany to rn profitablyC (hi!h !omes first" or srvival or the !stomerJsC
$he path #ell travelled by all is the srvival of self firstR <6 !ome first before anything. Company
profits !ome first before !stomer satisfa!tion.= .t if one #ere to take the least travelled path" if #e
#ere to be !ontrarians" or medims of !hange" #e need to take a bold and giganti! step a#ay from
the !ro#dJs dire!tion and
The *irst Mile6(ersonal Transformation
on#ards to a different and hopeflly better path. 6f #e take the path least travelled" good things !old
6f #e serve the !stomer first and not #orry abot self or !ompany profits" #onJt the happy
!stomer !ome ba!k to yo for more bsiness" and ths !reate !stomer loyalty that se!res !ompany
profit for the long termC
17nly a life lived in the service to others is worth living.2 5lbert Einstein
@ere is a story of an insran!e salesman #ho took the least travelled path and #on a !stomer for
life throgh his attitde of e%traordinary !stomer servi!e. 'avid #as an insran!e broker #hose
!lient asked him to pgrade his ato insran!e !overage. $he !lient #as afraid that his teenage son
#asnJt ade&ately !overed" and he #as prepared to pay for more !overage.
'avid kne# his !lient #as of average in!ome and #ith a gro#ing family. After analysis of his
!lientJs needs" 'avid determined there #as no need for in!reased !overage;in fa!t" the !lient even
&alified for a good driver dis!ontN 6nasm!h as 'avid #as also spporting a family of his o#n and
#old #el!ome the e%tra in!ome" his !ons!ien!e told him the !lient did not need additional !overage.
'avid told him so" and sggested that he save the money for his kidJs !ollege tition. $he !lient #as
a#ed and thanked 'avid profsely #ith !ompliments as #ell as repeat bsiness and referrals. 'avid
transformed an ordinary transa!tion into an e%traordinary e%perien!e that broght abot
e%traordinary !stomer loyalty.
e&I#InAte the se$en #AJor roAd,&oC%s
1Travel light. The baggage you carry wears you and the customer down. Lighten up.2
$aking the least travelled path means avoiding or over!oming the 9even Ma3or -oadblo!ksR
1G having a !lody mind. $his means that itJs important to have a !lear mind" settled emotions"
and good physi!al state before fa!ing or talking to a !stomer. Ao !an 3st imagine #hat #old
happen if yo 3st had a fight #ith yor spose and yo #ere pset or #ere #orrying abot the
!hildrenJs s!hool pi!kp. >r maybe yo #ere 3st not feeling #ell" and #ere simply e%perien!ing
stoma!h pains.
At all times" #hatever yo say or do #ill in one #ay or another affe!t yor !stomer approa!h.
9ettle do#n first. Either yo settle the isses first or take a deep breath" !ommit to resolving the
isses on the ne%t opportnity" sht off the distra!tion" smile" and fo!s on serving the !stomer.
2G .iases and pre*!on!eived ideas. 6t is important to kno# and remind one that every !stomer is
different. Every person" regardless of ra!e" belief" langage" or !ltre deserves a minimm of
respe!t" an open mind" t#o ears" and one #illing heart. Not only that" bt many overt biases are
against the la#.
An asso!iate of mine;6Jll !all him 5red;#orks in a high*end art gallery. >ne day a gy #ho
#as #earing old 3eans" a plaid shirt" and sneakers !ame into the gallery. @e looked like he !oldnJt
afford a poster" m!h less a T:0"000 original oil painting. 5red left him alone.
The *irst Mile6(ersonal Transformation
After a fe# mintes the !stomer #andered over to ask if the gallery had any #orks by a !ertain
artist. $hey didnJt" bt they !old probably get one. $he !stomer then handed 5red his bsiness !ard
and asked him to let him kno# if any #orks by this artist !ame on the market. @e left and 5red st!k
the bsiness !ard in his desk dra#er.
A fe# days later 5red happened to look at the !ard. $he gy #as the head of a ma3or @olly#ood
stdio. 5red fond the !stomerJs photo online and sre enogh" it #as the same gy;only at the
A!ademy A#ards !eremony he #as #earing a t%edo" not an old plaid shirt.
Needless to say" 5red ki!ked himself for not engaging this !stomer the #ay he #old have if he
had not let his biases get in the #ay.
8eave yor biases behind. $hey !an take their toll on yo and yor !lients.
1G not listening. -elated to U2 aboveQ #hen #e make assmptions #e !an say or do things that
!ontradi!t" hrt" and inslt a !stomer. $he tri!k is to listen first" nderstand" probe and ask more
&estions. 8isten not only #ith yor ears bt also yor eyes" mind" and heart.
At the gro!ery store the other day 6 #as in line behind a #oman. 9he had a big !art of gro!eries;
it #as obvios she #as going to spend at least t#o hndred dollars. 9he handed the !ashier t#o
skimpy bndles of s!allions" and asked very ni!ely that sin!e the bndles #ere ndersiDed" #old it
be possible to !ont them as oneC -emember" sheJs ready to by a hge !art of gro!eries and sheJs
asking abot s!allions that !ost t#o dollars. (hat does the !ashier doC 9he !alls for the manager.
$hen #e #ait. $he #oman #aits. $he manager finally appears. @e takes the bndles of s!allions. @e
says that heJs going to the ba!k room to see if there are any bigger bn!hes. 6n the meantime" he tells
the !ashier to !harge the !stomer fll pri!e for ea!h bndle. $he nhappy !stomer dtiflly
!omplies. Can yo imagineC (hat idio!yN $he !ashier had no athority to make a !ommonsense
!stomer servi!e de!ision" and the boneheaded manager !old not bring himself to go the e%tra mile
to make a !stomer happy. @e had to <go by the rles.=
,G /erbosity" or diarrhea of the moth. Commni!ation is an art" bt over !ommni!ating !an also
be seless and ineffe!tive. >ffer only the information re&ired at the time" be!ase it takes time for
some to digest #hat yo have first given them. $hen yo !an move on to the ne%t &estion. (ith an
irate !stomer" it is so tempting to snap ba!k #ith snide remarks or a sharp tonge. .efore yo even
say it" hold itN .ite yor tongeN $his #ill save yo" the !stomer" and even their loyalty. $hey may
or may not deserve it bt yo #ill salvage the sitation by not going the same path. $ake the higher
road and assre the !stomer yo are listening" nderstanding and #illing to help ot.
:G negative mirroring. (e get #hat #e refle!t. 8ike attra!ts like. 6f yo e%de happiness" !ortesy
and love" e%pe!t to get the same. 6t may not happen all the time" bt based on my good and bad
e%perien!es if yor otlook is generally positive" the ma3ority of the time the !stomer and the
!stomer e%perien!e be!omes positive. 8ike#ise if yo e%de negativism in the form of sar!asm"
bias" ill feelings" or anger" gess #hatC E%pe!t to attra!t negative" irate" and npleasant !stomers. 6n
The *irst Mile6(ersonal Transformation
most !ases" yo either !ase it or yo sb!ons!iosly tell the for!es of the niverse to send yo all
the bad !alls.
)G not bon!ing from a mistake. Mistakes happen. $his is a fa!t. $he &estion is" do #e a!!ept and
remedy them" or do #e hide and !over pC $o take the latter a!tion invariably #orsens the sitation.
$o be hmble and a!!ept falt !an !alm if not endear a !stomer. Cstomers like honesty" hmility
and transparen!y. .eing able to bon!e ba!k by !orre!ting a mistake saves the sitation" the !ompany
and the !stomer.
>n!e 6 fle# from .oston to Cin!innati dring a bliDDard. Not only #as the #eather bad" bt on
that same day the airlineJs !ompter system !rashed and there #as a system#ide baggage disaster. At
the airport in Cin!innati" the baggage !laim area &i!kly be!ame a #arehose of lggage. 9it!ases
#ere lined p every#here. 6 had no idea #here my lggage #as;for all 6 kne# it !old have been in
Chi!ago or Atlanta.
@o# did the airline handle this !risisC (ith honesty and sin!erity. $hey told s e%a!tly #hat
happened. $hey assred s that every bag #old be lo!ated and delivered. $hey took or information
and rged s to go home. 9o 6 did. 8ater that afternoon" the hotel front desk !alled. My lggage had
been delivered.
'id 6 s#ear never to fly on that airline againC No. 6 believed them #hen they said they #old fi%
the problem. $hey did fi% the problem. 6 remained a loyal !stomer.
0G 8a!k of prin!iples. -elated to U) above. Not only do !stomers like honesty" they vale 3sti!e"
!harity" kindness" empathy" helpflness" !orteosness" !heerflness" friendliness" reveren!e" and
loyalty. (hen yo e%de these !hara!teristi!s !onsistently" gess #hatC Cstomer loyalty #ill not be
far behind.
A friend of mine re!ently boght a ne# hose. A!tally" the hose itself #as not ne#Q it had been
bilt in the 1220s. 6t had not been remodeled very m!h" and it had retained its original !harm and
detail. My friend had the hose inspe!ted" and he #as not sre abot the ele!tri!al panel. 6t looked
>H and it passed inspe!tion" bt he #anted to be sre the #iring #as in good !ondi tion. 9o he !alled
a lo!al ele!tri!ian #ho servi!ed many of the hoses in the neighborhood. $he ele!tri!ian !ame to the
hose" e%amined the #iring" and told my friend that nless he #anted to add more lines" everything
#as fine. $he #iring #as p to !ode and nothing needed to be done. $he !harge for the visitC
My friend #as impressed by the ele!tri!ianJs honesty and e%traordinary !stomer servi!e. (hen
the time !ame for a signifi!ant pgrade" #hom did my friend !allC Ao kno# the ans#er to thatN
Nothing is more important in any bsiness relationship than honesty and integrity. 9ometimes it may
not appear to pay off bt in the long rn it definitely #illN
deto'IF" For suCCess
@o# does one remove bad !stomer servi!e habitsC And then ho# does one develop great !stomer
servi!e habitsC
6t all starts #ith an attitde of !hange and improvement. (e !an se all those negative
e%perien!es" mistakes" and setba!ks to learn and improve. @aving a
The *irst Mile6(ersonal Transformation
shift in mindset paves the #ay to gro#th. As #orld*reno#ned 9tanford ?niversity psy!hologist Carol
'#e!k esposes"the simple idea of having a <gro#th mindset= for a!hievement and s!!ess !an
make an astonding differen!e in yor personal transformation. 9he saysR
<6n a fi%ed mindset" people believe their basi! &alities" like their intelligen!e or talent" are simply
fi%ed traits. $hey spend their time do!menting their intelligen!e or talent instead of developing
them. $hey also believe that talent alone !reates s!!ess;#ithot effort. $heyJre #rong.
<6n a gro#th mindset" people believe that their most basi! abilities !an be developed throgh
dedi!ation and hard #ork;brains and talent are 3st the starting point. $his vie# !reates a love of
learning and a resilien!e that is essential for great a!!omplishment. /irtally all great people have
had these &alities.=
Correlating this to !stomer servi!e e%!ellen!e" a gro#th mindset !an be a!hieved in three #aysR
self*transformation" !oa!hing" and taking sto!k.
1. self transformation. $his is the personal realiDation and !onvi!tion that one !an a!hieve
e%traordinary !stomer servi!e by refle!ting on and revie#ing every !stomer intera!tion. Every
day" every en!onter" every sales and servi!e !all is an opportnity for yo to improve. Meister
E!khart" the legendary forteenth*!entry Merman philosopher" saidR <.e #illing to be a beginner
every single morning.= 6f yo take this attitde" the path to !hange !an be rapid and signifi!ant.
2. personal !oa!hing. 'one properly" this !an be a srefire #ay to fast tra!k improvement by either
leveraging an e%pert or getting a third party to provide ob3e!
tive advi!e and motivation to frther a gro#th mind*set. $he !oa!h identifies and reinfor!es good
behavior" and sggests alternatives for ineffe!tive behavior.
A !aveat to this is that !oa!hing #ill not #ork if the !oa!hing is 3dging" evalating performan!e"
and pla!ing emphasis on H76 Fkey performan!e indi!atorsG. $his !an be de*motivational" and !an
!reate a negative fi%ed mindset. $he !oa!hed individal be!omes an ob3e!t of !riti!ism rather than an
agent of !hange and development.
1. taking sto!k. $o frther a mindset that fo!ses on gro#th" taking sto!k of oneself is essential.
(hat are my strengths" #eaknesses" and opportnities to improve onC (hat !an 6 do to satisfy the
needs of the !lientC (hat !an 6 do to make the !stomer feel more valedC (as the rapport #ith the
!stomer good and positiveC 'id 6 !are for the !stomerC (hat areas !old 6 improve onC 'id 6
probe his needs enoghC (hat else !old 6 have offered himC 'id 6 offer something he did not needC
(as 6 sin!ere in helping the personC
de&I$er the Four #A!IC ps oF e'trAordInAr" Custo#er ser$ICe
1Every great business is built on friendship.2 0.%. (enney
E%traordinary !stomer servi!e is based on the personal intera!tion bet#een yo and yor !stomer.
6tJs #hat makes the differen!e bet#een an ordinary transa!tion and a tre transformation. $o do #ell
#e need the 5or Magi! 7s to promote !stomer loyalty.
The *irst Mile6(ersonal Transformation
1. .e personable. $hese are !hara!teristi!s" virtes or vales that give yo the hman !onne!tion
verss an atomated servi!e system or ma!hine. 7ositive personal traits attra!t the !stomer to
yo and yor !ompany. (hat are theyC $hey in!lde politeness" patien!e" persisten!e" honesty"
hard #ork" friendliness" !heerflness" empathy" kindness" and fairness.7t simply" this means
applying the Molden -leR $reat others the #ay yoJd like to be treated; and #hen possible"
even better.
2. provide the prod!t or servi!e. 6t all boils do#n to #hat is the !stomerJs need or problem. 'id
yo respond #ith the right prod!t at the right timeC 'id #e provide a great soltion to his or her
needsC 6f all yo !old offer #as 3st a good soltion" did #e deliver to them or servi!e them in a
great #ayC Mreat prod!t or servi!e delivery is pre!eded by probing and &estioning and
1. promote the brand. 6t is essential to promote not 3st the prod!t or servi!e bt also the !ompany
and the brand. 6n the long rn" the brand has to stand ot in the !stomerJs mind and in their
a#areness. @ave yo positioned the brand or !ompany so that the ne%t time the !stomer de!ides
on a pr!hase" the brand is first to be !onsideredC -emember" it !osts m!h less to sell to a repeat
!stomer than it does to attra!t a ne# !stomer.
,. the pls fa!tor. @ave yo gone the e%tra mile for yor !stomerC @o# did yo <#o#= themC
(hat bons did yo pass onC $his !old be e%tra hard #ork" or a valable tip" or an a!t of
kindness" sympathy" and thoghtflness. 5or #hat e%tra servi!e #ill they remember yoC
(hat vale*added servi!e did yo provideC (hat kind of rapport did yo establishC 'id yo bild a
long*term relationship" or #as it 3st a one*time transa!tionC
ChApter -
the seCond #I&e) InstItutIonA& trAnsFor#AtIon
$he best type of !hange starts from #ithin. .t there are times #hen instittional or !orporate
!hanges !an be an impets for personal !hange. $ogether both personal and instittional !hange !an
enhan!e the gro#th mindset of a s!!essfl !stomer servi!e !ompany. (hen the attitde of
e%traordinary !stomer servi!e is embra!ed by all employees" the instittion sets itself p for overall
Core $A&ues
$he <!ltre of gro#th= in any s!!essfl organiDation begins #ith its !ore vales. $his is the basi!
frame#ork from #hi!h emanates the spirit and philosophy of the !ompany. (hat it believes in" it
promotes from #ithin by providing the str!tre" spport systems" and poli!ies that fleshes ot its
!ore vales. @ere are a fe# e%amples.
a6M6a" a leading loyalty marketing !ompany" vales passion in all its different forms. $he
!ompany re!ogniDes and re#ards the follo#ing valesR
7 as in 7artnership
A as in Athenti!ity
9 as in 9trong >pinions * loosely held
9 as in 9impli!ity.
6 as in 6n!lsiveness > as in >riginality
N as in Nimbleness
Lappos" the online store highly regarded for its otstanding !stomer servi!e" doesnJt train
employees for !stomer servi!e. $hey hire to fit the internal !ltre. And their !ltre is based on the
ten !ore vales belo#R
1. 'eliver (>( throgh servi!e.
2. Embra!e and drive !hange.
1. Create fn and a little #eirdness.
,. .e adventros" !reative and open*minded.
:. 7rse gro#th and learning.
). .ild open and honest relationships #ith !ommni!ation.
0. .ild a positive team and family spirit.
+. 'o more #ith less.
2. .e passionate and determined.
10. .e hmble.
$he &estions to ask no# isR 'o positive !ore vales en!orage the !reation and provision of great
prod!ts and servi!esC 6s the instittionJs strategy aligned #ith the !stomerJs needsC 'o yor !ore
vales reslt in !stomer satisfa!tion and servi!eC 'o the !ore vales transform the employee" the
organiDation" and the !stomer in a positive lasting #ayC
CreAte !reAt produCts And ser$ICes
No amont of e%!ellent !stomer servi!e !an repla!e a good prod!t or servi!e. $here has to be a
good prod!t or servi!e that serves a real need.
A !lassi! e%ample is the marketing deba!le of Ne# Coke. 6n 12+:" Co!a*Cola" fa!ed #ith sagging
sales to
The "econd Mile6#nstitutional Transformation
ar!hrival 7epsi" introd!ed a ne#" s#eeter formlation of its flagship beverage. A!ross ea!h !an #as
a banner that read <ne#N=;hen!e the ni!kname Ne# Coke. 'espite some early a!!eptan!e in the
marketpla!e" Ne# Coke generated a hge !onsmer ba!klash" and less than three months after its
introd!tion Ne# Coke #as repla!ed by the original formla" #hi!h #as no# kno#n as Coke
<$here is a t#ist to this story #hi!h #ill please every hmanist and #ill probably keep @arvard
professors pDDled for years"= said Coke president 'onald Heogh at a press !onferen!e. <$he
simple fa!t is that all the time and money and skill pored into !onsmer resear!h on the ne# Co!a*
Cola !old not measre or reveal the deep and abiding emotional atta!hment to original Co!a*Cola
felt by so many people.=
pro#ote InternA& &o"A&t"
-elated to !ore vales" if there is a mesh or !ongren!y bet#een !ore vale of the individal and !ore
vale of the !ompany" loyalty reslts. $he employee thrives in a positive environment and remains
loyal to the !ompany" espe!ially if his or her needs are addressed and spported. Employee
engagement is key.
6 re!all the story of an employee;letJs !all him James;#ho #orked #ith a high*te!h internet
!ompany. James #as #ell paid" his benefits #ere generos" and !ompany systems en!oraged him to
bring ot his best. James happily spent e%tra time at his #ork" and !ontribted great ideas that led to
signifi!ant gro#th for the !ompany. $hen the !ompany #as boght by a !onglomerate. $he #orking
environment !hanged" and not for the better. $here #as less trst" and employees #ere left ot of
!orporate de!isions that dire!tly affe!ted them. James felt like a !og in a great #heel. @e &it and
#ent to #ork for another !ompany that en!oraged !reativity. A fe# years later" James read in the
ne#spaper that the !onglomerate #as in finan!ial troble. 9ales #ere do#n and the !ompany #as
laying off employees and !losing fa!tories.
pro#ote e'ternA& &o"A&t"
$he mantra goesR <$he happy employee gives yo a happy !stomer.= .y promoting internal loyalty"
it follo#s that the employee #ho feels #orthy and flfilled &i!kly sho#s a positive attitde in the
#ay he or she treats the !stomer. $he !stomer benefits from a loyal employee in terms of great
servi!e" #hi!h ends p in their be!oming a loyal !stomer. Companies like Lappos" #hi!h hire for
!ltre fit" make this happen. $hey believe a loyal employee !reates loyal !stomers. $hey en!orage
and re#ard agents #ho satisfy !stomers.
>n the other hand" there are !ompanies that fo!s primarily on prod!tion or H76 Fkey
performan!e indi!atorsG as a basis to evalate agents. $hey later find ot the hard #ay that this is not
a great strategy for retaining !stomers. 6f they are #illing to evolve" they move to an agent*
spportive and !stomer*!entri! model and evalate everything based on !stomer satisfa!tion. .y
doing this" they in!rease !stomer loyalty both amongst agents and among !stomers.
The "econd Mile6#nstitutional Transformation
pro$Ide !ood too&s
9pporting the agent andPor the !stomer #ith proper tools goes a long #ay in a!hieving !stomer
satisfa!tion and loyalty. 6n fa!t" reports sggest that p to si%ty per!ent of !stomers s#it!h brands or
loyalty de to te!hnologi!al problems from the former brand. Hey fa!tors on tools;the phones" 7Cs"
#ebsite interfa!e" and other !ommni!ations and data systems;are sability" integrity" and stability.
@o# effi!ient are the tools being sed to serve the !stomerC 6f the system takes longer than normal
to pro!ess a transa!tion" are #e letting the !stomer do#n and en!oraging him to look for better
servi!e else#hereC 6s the information in the database a!!rateC Are there system glit!hes that deliver
ina!!rate information and as s!h do not inspire !onfiden!e and trst from the !stomerC Are tools
stable enogh to deliver servi!e on a !onsistent basisC >r is instability a poor refle!tion on the
swItCh to trAnsFor#AtIonA& st"&e oF ser$ICe
$he most !ommon #ay of approa!hing !stomers is transactional;that is" order taking and order
filling. $his is done 20V of the time" and regardless of the prod!t &ality the typi!al reslt is short*
term !stomer satisfa!tion.
(hat is not !ommonly sed is a transformational approa!h. 6t re&ires probing" resear!hing"
and determining the real needs of the !stomer" both obvios and not so obvios. $his is done less
than 10V of the time;and the reslt is long*term !stomer loyalty.
$his reminds me of 8eo" an insran!e broker 6 kno# #ho got a !all from Andre#" #ho #as an
elderly !lient. Andre# #as a ble*!ollar" hard#orking individal #ho had e!onomiDed all his life to
save p for retirement. @e #anted to rene# his life insran!e !overage and in!rease the fa!e vale.
$he transa!tional approa!h that 8eo !old have taken #as to sell to the !stomer #hat he literally
#anted;more !overage. 6nstead" 8eo took an approa!h that #as honest" !aring" and transforma*
tional. @e said" <Andre#" yo have #orked all yor life" saving p for retirement to have a ni!e nest
egg and en3oy life. 6 kno# yo #ant more !overageQ ho#ever" 6 have evalated yor needs and based
on or !onversations" yo do not need to in!rease !overage. Ao are appropriately insred. 6 #old
sggest" thogh" that yo se the money instead to treat yor #ife to a ni!e dinner and en3oy
yorselves. 6f yo really #ant to invest it" by her a ni!e ne# pie!e of 3e#elry.=
And transform it did. Andre# thanked 8eo for his honesty and professionalism and #as
over#helmed #ith gratitde. 8eo may not have earned anything in that transa!tion" bt he had made
a loyal !stomer for life. 8eo #as not e%pe!ting any re!ipro!ation from Andre# bt despite this
Andre# told everyone he kne# #hat a terrifi! insran!e agent 8eo #as. $here #ere a fe# referrals
from Andre# bt 8eo again did not take them on as !lients as he felt there #as no real need for
insran!e !overage. Again he did #hat #as right for the prospe!tive !lient.
ChApter .
the thIrd #I&e)Custo#er trAnsFor#AtIon
$he traditional !y!le of brand marketing involves three phasesR a#areness" trial" and repeat pr!hase.
Everything starts #ith a#areness. (ithot it there #old be neither trial nor repeat pr!hase. (ith
it" trial of the prod!t or servi!e !an follo#. 6f the prod!t or servi!e trns ot to be good" repeat
pr!hase is the ne%t step. 6n todayJs !ompetitive and highly generi! #orld" the repeat pr!hase !an be
stopped or hi3a!ked by other brands if their !stomer servi!e proves to be better. No#adays this !an
happen #ith the !li!k of a mose. $he key is to move the brand throgh these three stagesR
1. .rand a#areness. $he !onsmer kno#s abot the prod!t or servi!e" and has the opportnity to
by it. 6t may be a ne# prod!t" s!h as a te!hnologi!al giDmo or a ne# drg" or a ne# entrant
into an established market" s!h as a soft drink or brand of 3eans.
2. .rand insisten!e. >n!e the !onsmer has tried the prod!t or servi!e" they are satisfied" and they
develop brand loyalty. (hen they go to the spermarket" for e%ample" they #ill al#ays !hoose
that parti!lar brand of soft drink be!ase itJs familiar and they identify #ith itJs lifestyle
1. .rand advo!a!y. $he loyal !onsmer goes beyond merely !hoosing the brand for themselvesQ
they re!ommend it to others. $his is parti!larly tre #ith servi!e providers. (hen yo !all yor
friend to ask if they !an
re!ommend a good ele!tri!ian" yor friend says" <Ao simply mst !all so*and*so;heJs the best.=
'eveloping brand advo!a!y is a!!omplished #ith !onsisten!y and e%!eptional servi!e. 6t is #hen
yo raise yor level of servi!e to the ne%t level that the !stomer #ill not only insist Fbrand
insisten!eG on yor brand bt #ill also promote yor brand Fbrand advo!a!yG. Not only has the
!stomer been transformed" bt they have also be!ome an advo!ate and transforming agent of yor
the ,u#r FACtor And the wow eFFeCt
$his is also sonds like and a!ts like the <.omber.= $his ses the same military strategy of <sho!k
and a#e= or <srprise and delight=. Ao bomb and sho#er yor !stomers #ith a series of great
6 !all this the .?M- 5a!tor.
$he .?M- 5a!tor is a key formla in #inning !stomers for life. $he aftersho!k is !alled the
(>( Effe!t. $ogether they reslt in .rand advo!a!y or loyalty to yor .rand for life.
$he e%tra mile of !stomer servi!e is !hara!teriDed by events of srprise and delight in the
!stomerJs e%perien!e. After the prod!t or servi!e has been delivered or !ompleted" it means giving
vale*added servi!e. >r it !old be delivering a prod!t or servi!e in a pleasantly srprising #ay.
$his !an be in terms of giving that e%tra tip or advi!e" a dis!ont in pri!es" a givea#ay" being e%tra
helpfl" friendly" !aring" and being thoghtfl of the !stomer even after the transa!tion. $he
aftersho!k effe!t of the bombing is a#esome.
The Third Mile6%ustomer Transformation
6 !all this the (>( Effe!t.
(hat is the formla for a (>( !stomer servi!e deliveryC 6t has to be .ig" ?ne%pe!ted"
Memorable" and -elevant F.?M-G.
8etJs go ba!k to or e%ample of 8eo" the insran!e agent" and analyDe ho# .?M- #as
implemented in his !lientJs e%traordinary !stomer servi!e e%perien!e.
.ig. 5irstly" #hen 8eoJs !lient Andre# !alled" Andre# #as ready to make a pr!hase. 6t #as a big
deal for 8eo to not re!ommend a ne# transa!tion or e%pense for the !stomer. $here #as no ot of
po!ket re&irement from Andre#" the !lient. 6n this !onsmerist so!iety #here the emphasis is on
profits and sales" forgoing a deal #as a great dealN 6t #as at the same time big hearted of 8eo. .y
re!ommending #hat he did" he denied himself a !ommission.
ne%pe!ted. 9e!ondly" it #as ne%pe!ted. Andre# #as asking for an in!rease in insran!e
!overage. $ypi!ally an ordinary agent #old have responded #ith a proposal. 6t !old have been
either minimal or it !old have been hge. 8eo #as basi!ally being asked to #rite himself a !he!k.
.t ne%pe!tedly from Andre#Js point of vie#" 8eo took his !stomerJs best interest at heart and
re!ommended #hat #as right.
Memorable. 'o yo think Andre# #ill forget this in!identC No. 'o yo think he #ill dismiss this
3oyfl moment easilyC >f !orse not. 'o yo think he #ill hesitate to share this story to his friends
and relativesC No. 'o yo think he #ill re!ommend this brand of servi!e to othersC Aes" he
absoltely #ill re!ommend 8eo to others.
relevant. (hat !an be more relevant than not re!ommending a prod!t a !stomer does not needC
$oo many times #e see !lients or !stomers #anting to by something over the !onter or over the
shelf or online" or agents offering only the high margin or high !ommission prod!ts. 'o #e really
probe to find ot #hat they need or do #e offer the first thing that !omes to mindC 9ometimes" the
best soltions are a reslt of asking the right &estions" resear!hing the relevant fa!ts" or doing the
-emember Hmiko" the ele!troni!s store !lerk #ho retrned my #alletC Moing ba!k to my very
first e%traordinary !stomer servi!e e%perien!e" letJs see ho# .?M- #as implemented.
.ig. Hmiko kne# 6 #as a foreigner in Japan #ho did not kno# the langage" and she rightflly
!on!lded 6 #old be literally lost #ithot my #allet. 6t #as big deal for her to resear!h and
determine the hotel #here 6 #as staying.
?ne%pe!ted. Moreover" it #as even hge that she !ame the ne%t morning to personally deliver my
personal effe!tsN 9he !old have 3st phoned the hotel and left a message for me. .t she #as also
a#are 6 #as leaving the !ontry soon and sspe!ted that a yong teenager did not kno# his #ay
arond do#nto#n Japan.
Memorable. $he retrn of my #allet #as a signifi!ant event in my life that 6 still re!ont to my
family" friends" and bsiness asso!iates. 6t is no# even pblished and memorialiDed in a book that
#ill be available to be read by millions.
-elevant. Hmiko kne# that to servi!e a !stomer #as not prely transa!tional and short term.
(hether she #as a#are of it or not" she #as not only selling an
The Third Mile6%ustomer Transformation
ele!troni! prod!t and representing her department store" bt also representing her !ontry and its
people. 9he literally #ent above and beyond the !onfines of her store to deliver and !omplete a
servi!e. 6s it any #onder #hy 6 am partial to Japanese !arsC >r #hy 6 love sshi and tempraC >r
#hy 6 admire Japanese management style and believe in kai8enC 6t all started #ith a simple bt
e%traordinary transa!tion that has transformed my life in many sbtle #ays.
wow CAse stud" e'erCIses
8etJs go throgh a fe# e%er!ises #here #e stret!h or E%traordinary Cstomer 9ervi!e ms!les to
(>( or !stomer sing the .?M- gidelinesR
Case U1. AoJre a ti!keting agent #ith <Allian!e Air= in .oston" and yor 5light +2+ has been
delayed by t#o hors. A passenger" Mr. .lake" is franti!" as he is a !onsltant and has an important
meeting in Chi!ago #ith his !lient and he !annot be late. @is reptation is at stake. Aor options areR
aG Met him on the ne%t flight #ith another airline. @e
#ill still be delayed for his appointment bt at least yo #ill get him there as &i!kly as possible.
bG Advise him yo !annot do anything as yor hands are tied and he has to take the ne%t flight #ith
Allian!e Air" #hi!h is three hors from no#.
!G 'o option <a= bt in addition to this" ask Mr. .lake for his !onta!t in Chi!ago" !all the person
yorself and apologiDe that on behalf of Allian!e Air that throgh no falt of Mr. .lake" flights
have been nfortnately delayed and that Mr. .lake #ill be there in the ne%t hor and a half. 9ay
that again #e are
very sorry for this delay and the in!onvenien!e it
has !ased them.
Case analysisR 6f yo sele!ted <a"= yo did the ne%t best thing anyone !old have done. >n the
pls side" yo offered a soltion and an alternative. .t Mr. .lakeJs problem of fa!ing p to the !lient
#as still a hot one. 6f yo sele!ted <b"= Mr. .lake #old not have been happy #ith this at all as a
three*hor delay #as pra!ti!ally half a day lost. $his #old have been the #orst !ase s!enario. Again"
Mr. .lakeJs fa!ing p to the !lient #old have been even a hotter sitation. 6f yo sele!ted
<!"=!ongratlationsN Ao srely (>(ed Mr. .lake. Not only did yo give him an a!!eptable sol*
tion" yo also got him off the !entral hot isse;saving fa!e #ith his !lientN Ao not only took the
bold initiative of apologiDing on his behalf bt yo also took the brden of fa!ing p to his !lient for
him. $his #as srely .ig" ne%pe!ted" Memorable and very relevant to Mr. .lakeJs <hot= sitationN
(>( indeedN
Case U2. AoJre a travel advisor and re!eive an inbond !all from a traveler" Mrs. .oland" #ho is
sobbing and seems to be emotionally over#helmed. (hen she regains her !omposre she reveals that
her mom has passed a#ay. 9he needs to !an!el her trip to Erope #ith her family" and #ants the ne%t
flight ot from /an!over to Calgary to attend the fneral.
Ao do one of the follo#ingR aG Can!el her trip to Erope" book her on the ne%t flight
ot to Calgary" and get her taken !ared of right a#ay. bG 9ympathiDe #ith her" !an!el her trip to
Erope" and
book her on the ne%t flight ot to Calgary.
The Third Mile6%ustomer Transformation
!G 'o <b"= and in addition to this" advise Mrs. .oland
that yo #ill take !are of !oordinating her airport
pi!kp in Calgary if she !old give the telephone
nmber of her sister" sin!e she #as not in a !ondi
tion to do so.
Case analysisR 6f yo sele!ted <a"= yo got the 3ob done. Anyone !old have done this thogh;
even yor !ompetition. 6t #as prely transa!tional and yo srely got her off yor !ase. 6f yo
sele!ted <b"= yo did something e%tra. Ao #ere sensitive to her nfortnate reality and still got her
needs flfilled. .t if yo sele!ted <!"= not only #ere yo !ompassionate" yo #ere also sensitive to
the fa!t that she #as not in any shape to arrange for her airport pi!kp. 9o yo did the ne%t best thing
by sending her sister a !opy of her itinerary" pls a!tally !alling her sister to !onfirm airport pi!kp
as #ell as offering !ondolen!es to the family. Ao assred her yo #ere going to take !are of things
for her so she need not #orry. And this yo did. >n top of this yo sent her a te%t message on the day
of the fneral servi!e sayingR <Mrs. .oland" again or deepest sympathies to yo and yor
family...offering prayers for yo and yor loved ones. $ake !are.= (o#" this #as not 3st transa!*
tional" it #as transformationalN $his #as .ig*hearted of yo. $his #as an ne%pe!ted intiative in
arranging for her pi!kp" Memorable Fyo think she #ill forget yor te%t message after the
transa!tionCG and relevant. Ao provided the right servi!e at the right time and #ith the right spiritN
$hatJs e%traordinary !stomer servi!eN Ao got a !stomer for life.
9eroic hearts can convert disadvantages, weaknesses and disabilities into great

ChApter /
to InFInIt" And ,e"ond the e'trA #I&e) &IFetI#e Custo#er &o"A&t"
.DD 8ightyear" the memorable !hara!ter in the film Toy "tory" de!lares that to 3orney from a
lifeless toy to an <alive= and needed toy" one has got to have the faith and a <!an*do= attitde. 6n this
3orney of gro#th into e%traordinary !stomer servi!e" #e need to have an attitde of beginning and
repeating every day" in a !reative and hopefl #ay. $he 3orney #ill have ps and do#ns bt as long
as the mindset is progressive" the destination is #ithin rea!h.
6f yoJve #at!hed the movie !roundhog :ay" yo kno# that in or hmdrm daily life" things
!an be boring and repetitive. @o#ever" if #e sprinkle in an attitde of !reativity" a mindset of gro#th"
pls a dash of faith" the everyday !an be an e%!iting adventre. $he attitde of !reative repetition
transforms the !ommon into the n!ommon" the ordinary into the e%traordinary" and the natral into
the spernatral.
C"C&e oF trAnsFor#AtIon
$o 3orney into the realm of an e%traordinary !stomer servi!e e%perien!e" one mst go beyond the
e%tra mile. $his a !onstant paradigm shift" an internal transformation that ltimately !hanges oneJs
#orld from point A to point ." !hanges oneJs a!tions and srrondings from point . to point C" and
oneJs !stomer satisfa!tion from point C to lifetime loyalty. $he !y!le !ontines from point C ba!k to
A again and on#ards. $he !y!les repeat day to day in oneJs !onstant gro#th mindset in order to
be!ome better and better in self transformation" instittional transformation" and !stomer
&IFetI#e Custo#er &o"A&t"
(hen the e%traordinary !stomer servi!e ethi! be!omes a #idely and !onsistently pra!ti!ed mode"
!stomers !ome ba!k for more. .rand loyalty is a!hieved. .rand advo!a!y is perpetated. And
finan!ial se!rity is in pla!e" both for the agentPs as #ell as the !ompany. $his is #here most
!ompanies" organiDations and bsinesses aspire to be. 6t is a !ontinos program of development for
srvival" sstainability and profitability.
trAnsFor#AtIonA& AChIe$e#ent
6n addition to brand loyalty and finan!ial se!rity" there is another benefit. 6n the drive to !onsistently
provide an e%traordinary !stomer servi!e e%perien!e" the effe!t on the individal !an be profond
and mean
To #nfinity and Beyond the Extra Mile6Lifetime %ustomer Loyalty
ingfl. 6n most !ases" the e%traordinary !stomer servi!e agent e%perien!es flfillment and 3oy
be!ase of the immeasrable e%perien!e of be!oming a person for others;a hman trly being and
be!oming. $his !an be a greatly satisfying" 3oyfl" and e%traordinary stateN 6n the end" beyond that
e%tra mile is a life of profond" 3oy" flfillment" and s!!ess for the !stomer servi!e agent" the
instittion" and the !stomer.
Be positive, cheerful kind and loving/ you will get what you reflect.

,onus ChApter
how to re$erse ,rAnd resIstAnCe1 And trAnsFor# to ,rAnd InsIstenCe And
,rAnd Ad$oCAC"
9itations arise #hen !stomers !omplain" are agitated" and 3st #ant to give p on yor brand or
servi!e. (hat do yo doC @o# do yo handle this deli!ate sitationC 'o yo 3st #alk a#ay or take
it as an opportnity to re!over and redeem yorself and yor brandC
$he thing to remember is that the most loyal !stomers !an often be !reated in !risis sitations.
,eIn! AwAre oF Custo#er Feed,AC% And word oF #outh
$he first line of defense against bad !stomer feedba!k is to have good radar. .e a#are of #hat yor
!stomers are saying" both to yo and to ea!h other. -emember Ne# CokeC 6n dis!ssing the
deba!le" indstry analysts believe that Co!a*Cola #as not tned into !stomer attitdes abot
!hanging the !lassi! re!ipe. (hile fo!s grop taste testing of the ne# formla #as positive;
leading the !ompany to believe that the marketpla!e #old embra!e Ne# Coke;many !onsmers
had deep*seated loyalty to the !lassi! formla" and #ere horrified that the !ompany #as really going
to make a !hange.
$o stay tned into yor !stomers" here are several steps that yo shold do.
S Establish a feedba!k system.
S @ave an atomated !stomer srvey mailbo%.
S Che!k and administer yor blog siteJs !omments.
S -evie# $#itter mentions.
S Monitor yor MoogleE" 5a!ebook" 7interest and other so!ial media notifi!ations.
S /ie# Moogle 7la!es revie#s.
S @ave yor !stomer servi!e agents log and report !omplaints.
S 7erform a reglar sear!h of yor brand" !ompany" bsiness" servi!es" and prod!ts via
Moogle" Ao$be" Aahoo" .log9pot" et!. (at!h ot for negative feedba!k and !omplaints. 6f time is a
fa!tor" !reate alerts delivered to yor -99 reader or email reglarly sing Moogle Alerts and 9o!ial
trAnsFor# ,rAnd resIstAnCe to ,rAnd InsIstenCe
>n!e yo establish yor !hannels of feedba!k both online and offline" yo #ill kno# #ho" #hat" and
#here yor bsiness is being talked abot. $here may be re!rring topi!s" isses or !omplaints. $ake
heed of these" as they may represent a bigger isse to fo!s on and may re&ire priority.
9o #hat do #e do #ith this informationC
respond s#iftly. .y responding &i!kly" yo are able to prevent the <sno#ball effe!t.= 6t sho#s the
brand is sin!ere and dependable and responsive. 6mmediately take !ontrol of the problem regardless
of #hose falt or #hat happened" assre the !stomer yo #ill take !are of the isse yorself.
Bonus %hapter
respond positively. .y responding positively" yo are demonstrating that yor !ompany or brand
trly !ares and sin!erely #ants to serve. 7la!e the !stomerJs emotions first. A!kno#ledge and
handle the !ase of their stress. Calm them and diffse their emotions. 9ho# them yo are on their
side. 6t is !r!ial yo a!kno#ledge their !on!erns before tending to the resoltion.
respond !reatively. $o do this" probe and determine the !stomersJ tre needs and other nderlying
re&irements. 'ig deep and #ide. 5ind the nderlying !ase of the problem and fi% it. $his is the
time to think ot of the bo%. 6f itJs a falty prod!t or servi!e" offer a !onta!t nmberPaddress and
resoltion. 'onJt offer e%!ses" 3st soltions. $his !an sho# that the !ompany takes efforts to step
p to the plate to make amendments. 6f the brand has failed to deliver" this is a redemption
opportnity to not only resolve the isse bt also to over*deliver. 9ometimes asking" <@o# !an 6
make it betterC= !an lead to the !stomer preferring yor brand and possibly insisting on it. 7erhaps
offer a free prod!t !opon or dis!ont" or maybe a#ard their a!!ont #ith 1"000 free loyalty
marketing points. Ao might even #aive the admin fee on their ne%t transa!tion. After three to for
#eeks of resoltion do a follo# p !all to verify their !ontined satisfa!tion. $his #ill demonstrate
yo !are. $his !onverts a !omplaint into a !ompliment that !an go viral. >f !orse" this re&ires
boldness and going beyond the e%tra mile. At this time" e%traordinary !stomer servi!e is more
needed than ever.
trAnsFor# ,rAnd InsIstenCe to ,rAnd Ad$oCAC"
Jst as #e trn arond !omplaints and negative feedba!k" #e #ant to re#ard !ompliments and
positive feedba!k from those #ho take the time to speak" blog" or t#eet positively of or brand. (e
mst be doing good things too. 9o #e en!orage or e%isting !stomers to talk favorably more abot
or brand to others. As <#alking or srfing #ord*of*moth advertisers= for or brand" #e en!orage
them frther by re#arding them #ith <srprise and delight= promotions" free !opons" dis!onts"
!omplimentary drink passes" t*shirts" memory fobs" et!. (hat message are #e !onveying by doing all
of thisC (eJre saying" <(e appre!iate yo and yor bsiness. (e !are abot yo. (e #ant to
!ontine dealing #ith yo.= Effe!tively #e are en!oraging them to !ontine sharing positive stories
abot or brand. $hey are or #ord*of*moth marketers.
>ne of the more po#erfl #ays to !reate lifetime loyalty is by thanking or !stomers reglarly.
And this does not ne!essarily have to be a single !stomer appre!iation day in the year. (e !an make
it as often as needed.
8etJs go ba!k to the story of Ne# Coke. -emember that by 12+1" market share of Coke had
de!lined to nder 2,V" largely be!ase of fier!e !ompetition from 7epsi. $his #as the rationale for
introd!ing Ne# Coke" bt !onsmer response #as s#ift and the marketpla!e re3e!ted the ne#
formla. 8ess than three months after Ne# CokeJs introd!tion" Co!a*Cola e%e!tives annon!ed the
retrn of the original formla" nder the name Coke Classi!.
(as this a disaster for Co!a*ColaC A!tally" noN 6n the t#o days after the annon!ement of the
retrn of
Bonus %hapter
#hat #as no# !alled Coke Classi!" the !ompany hot*line re!eived over 10"000 !alls. .y the end of
the year" Coke Classi! #as sbstantially otselling both Ne# Coke and its ar!hrival" 7epsi. 9i%
months after the rollot" CokeJs sales had in!reased at more than t#i!e the rate of 7epsiJs.
Co!a*Cola had managed to trn a pbli! relations disaster into a vi!tory" and !reated millions of
ne# brand advo!ates.
,onus ChApter
whAt Is "our Custo#er ser$ICe I23
2uestIonnAIre)how to test Custo#er ser$ICe s%I&&s ," &Auren $or%1 ehow ContrI,utor
(hether for the sake of revie#ing a bsiness" a!ting as a !onsltant" or assessing the pro!esses in
yor o#n pla!e of #ork" !stomer servi!e is one of the most important aspe!ts of a !ompanyJs
operation. $esting the &ality of !stomer servi!e a representative is providing re&ires assessing the
most key aspe!ts of problem*solving and hman relations.
1. $est the !stomer servi!e representativeJs initial greeting and !ommni!ation skills. ?pon
first !onta!t #ith the representative" assess #hether he or she greets yo eagerly and politely.
'etermine if they ask ho# they !an help yo. 6f this !onta!t is in person" they shold smile. @is or
her tone of voi!e shold be at least moderately bright and !heerfl" and their speaking shold be easy
to nderstand.
2. Assess the representativeJs ability to nderstand a sitation. 7resent him or her #ith a
!ompli!ated problem that involves a some#hat lengthy and !onvolted e%planation Fabot seven or
eight senten!esG. >bserve ho# many times they need to ask yo
Bonus %hapter
to repeat or !larify and #hether they rea!t negatively to being presented #ith a diffi!lt task. 6f
they have to ask for !larifi!ation" observe #hether they ask good &estions. ?ltimately" 3dge ho#
#ell they nderstand the isse.
1. >bserve #hether the representative !an be patient in a diffi!lt sitation. Met frstrated #ith
both the representative and the !ompany they #ork for. 'onJt go so far as to shot" inslt or se
s#ear #ords Fthis is more than they shold reasonably be e%pe!ted to handleG. 6nstead" e%press
yor frstration !almly" bt firmly. $he best representative #ill apologiDe even if the problem is
not their falt.
2. Evalate the representativeJs ability to solve problems and delegate. 6f they !anJt fi% the problem"
they shold be able to help yo get in to!h #ith someone #ho !an. (at!h for any problems that
may not be the falt of the representative and !old indi!ate that the !ompany itself is training
their representatives inade&ately.
1. Evalate the representativeJs ability to take initiative. (at!h for &estions that probe beyond the
!stomerJs needs. 'etermine if they ask both transa!tional as #ell as transformational &estions.
>bserve if they make the right offers of prod!tsP servi!es to the right !stomer at the right time.
'etermine if they !an and #ill take the e%tra mile for the !stomer.
how to re$ItA&I4e Custo#er ser$ICe wIth Cu&turA& sensItI$It" trAInIn!
1#t)s a small world after all2 $alt :isney
(ith the advent of the internet age" or #orld has trly be!ome smaller. 5riends from before #hom
yo thoght yo #old never see again" yo !an re*dis!over #ith email" so!ial media" or the !li!k of
a bro#ser. .sinesses yo thoght yo #old never rea!h !an be !onta!ted #ith the !li!k of a btton.
All things good are possible instantly. 8ike#ise all things bad are possible instantly;like losing a
!stomer de to insensitivity to !ltre.
(orld*!lass !ompanies and organiDations that #ant to !ontine a !ltre of gro#th have to have
an implementation of Cltral 9ensitivity $raining in some form or another. 6f yo have !overed the
<, Magi! 7Js of Cstomer 9ervi!e= bt !ontine to lose !lients or bsiness remains flat" Cltral
9ensitivity $raining may be one area yo shold look into. Many !stomer servi!e managers"
professionals" entrepreners" and organiDations #old be srprised if they only kne# ho# often
frontline agents and representatives drive paying !stomers a#ay. Cltral sensitivity <no*noJs= are
happening daily in most bsinesses #ith internal !stomers as #ell as bet#een internal to e%ternal
!stomers" and .2. Fbsiness*to*bsinessG !stomers.
$o have an e%traordinary organiDation" these !ltrally sensitive isses have to be addressed
!olle!tively. $hey have no pla!e in a gro#th bsiness environment or any !ommnity for that matter.
Bonus %hapter
ra!ism and e&ality K $here is no pla!e for ra!ial slrs" pre3di!ial !omments and demeaning
#ords in the #ork pla!e or ot of it. Not only is the #orld or marketpla!e" it is or hman mankind.
>r hmanity is or home #here all are !reated e&al.
8angage and patien!e K (hile learning another langage helps bridge relationships and fosters
rapport" it is not ne!essarily re&ired. (hat is more important is the langage of patien!e and !are.
Moing ba!k to the e%ample of Hmiko" she earned me as a !stomer for life despite the fa!t she did
not speak English. 9he patiently <a!tioned ot= and demonstrated the prod!tJs featres and benefits"
and more importantly sho#ed tre !are and honesty by delivering my lost #allet to my hotel.
se%ismPse%al orientation and respe!t K All !stomers deserve to be treated #ith respe!t regardless
of se%. $oo often #omen and sometimes men are treated ne&ally despite that fa!t that they are
paying !lients. $he same applies to non*traditional !oples or individals #ith a different se%al
orientation. An orientation and e%pe!tation of positive treatment regardless of gender or se%al
orientation to all !stomers is a step in the right dire!tion. $his effort #ill enhan!e and gro# yor
!stomer base. All hmans deserve a basi! level of respe!t and a ma%imm amont of !are.
harassment and !are K No#adays" losing !stomers de to harassment is one thing" bt losing
yor bsiness reptation de to a la#sit is another. $his !an trly be a sho#*stopper and set ba!k
yor bsiness operations. Care and !on!ern for the !stomer takes pre!eden!e in any a!tion or
spoken #ord.
.efore embarking on a bsiness e%pansion" #hether #orld*#ide or 3st in!reasing regional
distribtion" make sre Cltral 9ensitivity $raining is part and par!el of yor overall bsiness plan.
6n the long rn" this ne!essary !omponent of e%traordinary !stomer servi!e #ill save yo money"
enhan!e yor !ompanyJs reptation" make for a better #orkpla!e environment" and in!rease !stomer

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