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products designed to meet the acceptance criteria (DAC) and the standard customer; or

Classification should be non-essential items manufactured in violation of the acceptance

criteria to meet the design criteria and customer acceptance standards; or

design acceptance criteria (DAC) has been changed to meet the DAC and related products
manufactured after the change of acceptance criteria.
8.3.1. Control of non-conforming products after deliver! .

"hen discovered after deliver! or use has started substandard or product failure# the sales
department responsible for failure or failure of on-site product identification# recording and

Companies should ta$e maintenance# Depot# replacement and other measures of impact
or potential failure to adapt to the degree of influence in order to minimi%e or eliminate the impact

on-site service personnel $eep records disposition# to be confirmed after the end of the
service users.

"hen the &ervice person bac$ to compan!#the! should bring the non-confirming product
bac$ to 'aste repositor! and records services# reports# images# etc. together hand in the sales
department summar!.

the (ualit! and safet! should anal!sis the non-confirming product #and ta$e improvement
8.3.) Customers notice
*f the delivered product does not meet the acceptance criteria for the design# or the
re(uirements of the contract# the sales department responsible for notif!ing customers and $eep
records notice.
8.3. + ,ualit! inspection department ta$e responsible for product failure monthl! pro-ect
classification# sub-sector summar! and anal!sis. &ave nonconforming product revie's# records
8. Date analysis
.he Corp shall set and maintain

Control /rocedure of Data Collection and Anal!sis

determine# collect and anal!sis data# to verif! the suitabilit! and effective# and to identif! the
improvement 'hich can be performed.
8..1 &ource of data

01ternal source
/olic!# la' and regulations and standards; *nspection conclusion and feedbac$; 2ar$et
trends. 3eed bac$ information from customer; 2onitor conclusion and feedbac$ and so on.

*nternal source
Dail! 'or$; 3ounded or latent non-conforming; 4e(uirement of improvement; the results
of monitor and measurement; the emergenc! information# others information.
8..5 Data collecting# and anal!%ing

.he collecting of data can adopt the e1isted records directl!# and as 'ell as adopt
these methods such as communication and investigation and so on.

.o loo$ for the regularit! of data change# ofen using statistic methods. .he Crop
mainl! uses the follo'ing methods6 map# causalit! diagram# (uestioners# sample monitoring and
other applicable statistical techni(ues 'hich according to the specific re(uirements identified.
8..3 3ollo'ing information should be provided for data collecting# anal!%ing and
a) Customers7 satisfaction degree.
b) Conformation of the products meets the re(uirement of customers.
c) Characteristic about process and products# and developing trend.
d) .he information from providers.
e) .he trends in operational characteristic of environmental impact and occupational
f) .he performance of 8ealth# safet! 9 0nvironmental.
8.. Data utili%ation

0ach unit find out the e1isting problems# improvement measures and to improve based on
the results of data anal!sis.

3or the need to pass information# according to : the management procedure of

information e1change;# at the same time# each unit should anal!sis the results based on the above
information# it is sent to ,8&0 department once ever! half !ear.

.he ,8&0 department shall ma$e use of the collected information to find (uestions#
activel! loo$ for the opportunities for improvement# determine the need to improve the direction#
and the concerning units activel! ta$e the corresponding corrective and preventive measures # and
perform the

Control /rocedure of Correcting 9 /reventing


&ubmit a management revie'# provide the basis for top management decisions.
8.5 The improvement
8.).1Continuous improvement
.he Crop shall establish and carr! out

,ualit! 4ecord Control /roduces

continuousl! carr!
out the
Activit! 'hich includes the improvement of products# activit! and after-sale service#
a) .hrough the actions of management polic!# management target# e1amining 9 verif!ing result#
data anal!sis# correcting 9 preventing measure# management e1amining to choose opportunities
for improvement and to continuousl! improve the effectiveness of management s!stem.
b) 0ach department can use :Correcting measure; and :/reventing measure; to embod! the plan
and management for da!-to-da! improving activities.
c) .he management of the Crop shall be responsible for more important and long-term improving
pro-ect to ensure the improvement 'hich relative the e1isting process# product and environment
and to meet the needs of resource.
8.).5.1 .he time to ta$e corrective measures
a) <on-conformities are fund 'hile the Crop# customer or the third part! e1amining and
b) .here is problem occurred in management revie'.
c) "hile customers lodge a complaint or the relative parties complain.
d) .here is serious non-conformities occurs.
e) =ther items can7t meet the re(uirements of ,8&0
8.).5.5 &teps to ta$e corrective measures
a)4evie' (identif!) non-conforming# ta$e measures to reduce the impact created b! non-
b) *nvestigate non-conforming to determine the reason of non-conforming.
c) 0valuate the demand measurement to ensure that non-conforming 'on7t recur.
d) Deciding and performing the measure that 'ill adopted# and ris$ evaluation shall be
performed in the prior measure to be implemented.
e) 4ecording the measure result.
f) 4evie' the adopted correction measure
8.).5.3 .he implementation of corrective measures

a) 0ach unit shall develop the corrective measures in time for improve the problem
e1isted in the process of production# activities and after-sale service.
b) 3or the ma-or# 'ide and fre(uent non-conforming# ,8&0 shall organi%e the relevant
department to develop the corrective measures.

.o submit corrective action plans should be completed in ) da!s.
d) ,8&0 shall ma$e an evaluation or validation for the effectiveness of preventive
measures. "hen preventive measures 'ere found null# the relevant units shall re-anal!%e the
reason and establish preventive measures until the verification of effective. .he proven effective
preventive measures can be incorporated into the relevant units of the corresponding documents.
e) ,8&0 shall be responsible for collecting and collating of the implementation of
prevention measures and submitting the anal!sis result for management revie'.
f) .he record of preventive measures activit! shall be implemented according to

/rocedure of 4ecord

8.).3 /reventive measure

.he Crop should identif! potential non-conformities and adopt preventive action to eliminate
the potential non-conform reason and prevent non-conformit! occur. .he corrective action should
be in accordance 'ith affection degree of potential problem according to

2anagement /rocedure
of Corrective and /reventive 2easure

8.).3.1 Distinguish potential non-conformit!# and follo'ing records shall be anal!%ed in time6
a) ,ualit! statistic of corps7 goods# products (ualit! statistic# mar$et anal!sis# the
investigation of customer7s satisfaction# etc.
b) 3ormer internal audit report# management revie' report.
c) .he performance report of correction# prevention and improvement measure.
d) 2easurement and monitor record
e) /rocess activit! record
f) 0mplo!ee7s rationali%ation proposal
8.).3.5 3ollo'ing steps shall be follo'ed 'hile performing preventive action6
a) *dentif! potential non-conformit! and its reason.
b) 0valuate the measure re(uirement of preventing non-conformit!.
c) Determine and perform the needed preventing action; 4is$ evaluation shall be
performed in the prior implement.
d) 4ecord the result of measure acting.
e) 4evie' the adopting preventing measure.
8.).3.3 .he implementation of preventive measures
a) 0ach unit shall organi%e the information collected and use appropriate statistical
techni(ues for anal!sis. .he preventive measures should be 'or$ed out for improvement 'hen
an! signs of non-conform are found.
b) 3or the potential of ma-or failure# the relevant units shall report to ,8&0# and ,8&0
shall organi%e to anal!sis the potential reason for non-conform# indentif! the preventive measures
and implement a clear dut! unit.
c) ,8&0 shall ma$e an evaluation or validation for the effectiveness of preventive
measures. "hen preventive measures 'ere found null# the relevant units shall re-anal!%e the
reason and establish preventive measures until the verification of effective. .he proven effective
preventive measures can be incorporated into the corresponding documents of the relevant units.
d) ,8&0 shall be responsible for collecting and collating of the implementation of
prevention measures and submitting the anal!sis result for management revie'.
e) .he record of preventive measures activit! shall be implemented according to

/rocedure of 4ecord

8.+ Concerning documents:

2anagement /rocedure of Customers7 satisfaction

2anagement /rocedure of *nternal Audit

2anagement /rocedure of /roduction /rocess

2onitor and *nspection /rocedure of .echnological Discipline

.est And *nspection 2anagement /rocedure

Dis(ualification /roduct Control /rocedure

2anagement /rocedure of /roduct *dentification and .ractabilit!

4outine .ests /rocedure

Confirmation .ests /rocedure

2anagement /rocedure *nspection and &upervision

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