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vaddlo - 131 Cheshlre Lane - SulLe 300 - MlnneLonka - Mn - 33303 - www.vaddlo.

com - ph: (763) 971-4400

1 vaddlo l SLreamlng leaLures and luncLlonallLy................................................................................. 2
1.1 lrequenLly Asked CuesLlons ........................................................................................................ 2
1.2 SLreamlng ConflguraLlon.............................................................................................................. 4
1.3 AppllcaLlon Lxamples................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 ulsLrlbuLlon AppllcaLlon (Slngle SLream-Lo-MulLlple CllenLs)............................................... 3
1.3.2 8ecordlng/Archlve AppllcaLlon ............................................................................................ 6
2 CompaLlblllLy Summary ....................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 vaddlo Lab 1esLed lnLeroperablllLy.............................................................................................. 7
2.2 lleld 1esL Medla layers or Server............................................................................................... 7
3 Medla layer/Server lnLeroperablllLy .................................................................................................. 8
3.1 CulckLlme Medla layer............................................................................................................... 8
3.2 vLC layer .................................................................................................................................. 10
3.3 8eal layer ................................................................................................................................. 12
4 Ceneral 1roubleshooLlng ................................................................................................................... 14

vaddlo - 131 Cheshlre Lane - SulLe 300 - MlnneLonka - Mn - 33303 - - ph: (763) 971-4400

( )*++," -. /$0%*1,#2 3%*$40%& *#+ 34#5$,"#*6,$7
1able 1.0 llsLs Lhe currenL LasyuS8 1ool producLs LhaL supporL l sLreamlng ln addlLlon Lo Lhe uS8
SLreamlng funcLlons.
1ab|e 1.0- LasyUS8 1oo|s roducts w|th I Stream|ng Support
LasyUS8 1oo|s roduct ke|ease Vers|on Comment
Clearvlew Pu-uS8 1Z Camera 8elease 2.0.0 vldeo Cnly devlce
Av 8rldge 8elease 2.0.0 lncludes boLh Audlo and vldeo l

(8( 30%94%#$67 :&;%+ <4%&$,"#&
1ab|e 1.1- I Stream|ng IA for LasyUS8 1oo|s
Genera| uest|ons
CuesLlon What I Stream|ng rotoco|s are supported?
Answer 8eal 1lme SLreamlng roLocol (81S) or P11 Llve SLreamlng (PLS)
LxplanaLlon vaddlo l SLreamlng producL wlll supporL elLher 81S or PLS proLocols.

CuesLlon What |s the Lncod|ng format for the I Stream?
Answer vldeo: P.264 Maln roflle Audlo: AAC
LxplanaLlon 1he vldeo source of Lhe devlce ls encode as P.264. Cn Lhe Av 8rldge Lhe sLereo audlo
sources are encoded as AAC

CuesLlon What V|deo keso|ut|ons can be streamed?
Answer up Lo 1080p/30
LxplanaLlon 1he encodlng ls user selecLable for vldeo resoluLlon Lo lnclude 1080p, 720p, 376p, 480p,Cll

CuesLlon What Med|a |ayers are supported for the I Stream|ng dev|ce?
Answer Culck1lme, vLS, and 8eal layer
LxplanaLlon AddlLlonal layers may be supporLed lf Lhey supporL elLher 81S or PLS formaLs and are
capable of decodlng an P.264 sLeam.

CuesLlon Are I|ash Med|a |ayer and W|ndows Med|a |ayer Supported?
Answer no
LxplanaLlon Wlndows Medla layer (WM) does noL naLlvely supporL 81S proLocol. WM uses
MlcrosofL Medla Server (MMS) whlch ls a proprleLary proLocol. llash layer uses 8eal 1lme
Messaglng roLocol (81M). 8oLh Lhese proLocols are noL currenLly supporLed on Lhe
vaddlo l SLreamlng devlces.

CuesLlon Can I Stream be sent to a Content De||very Network (CDN) Serv|ce?
Answer uepends lf Cun supporL lngesL 81S SLream
vaddlo - 131 Cheshlre Lane - SulLe 300 - MlnneLonka - Mn - 33303 - - ph: (763) 971-4400

LxplanaLlon ?ou wlll need Lo check wlLh Lhe Cun Servlce rovlder lf Lhelr medla server can accepL a
dlrecL 81S sLream. lf noL, mosL Servlce rovlders have deskLop sofL cllenL LhaL accepLs
uS8 WebCam and uS8 Audlo. 1he vaddlo devlce can be place ln uS8 SLreamlng mode for
Lhese lnsLances.

CuesLlon now many C||ents (med|a p|ayers) can connect to the Vadd|o Dev|ce?
Answer Cnly one ls recommended.
LxplanaLlon 1he vaddlo devlces were deslgned Lo supporL a push model Lo a Medla Server for
mulLlparLy dlsLrlbuLlon. vldeo drop ouLs may occur wlLh mulLlple cllenLs connecLed Lo Lhe
vaddlo devlce due Lo Cu llmlLaLlons on Lhe embedded processor.

CuesLlon Can the Vadd|o dev|ce stream I and US8 at the same t|me?
Answer no.
LxplanaLlon 1he user wlll need Lo deLermlne lf uS8 mode or l SLreamlng mode. 1hls ls due Lo llmlLed
Cu resource on Lhe hardware plaLform Lo supporL slmulLaneous operaLlons.
Conf|gurat|on uest|ons
CuesLlon What |s the ua||ty Sett|ng |n the Stream|ng Conf|gurat|on age mean?
Answer 1hls ls composlLe of encoder seLLlng opLlmlze by vaddlo englneerlng Lo produce hlgh
quallLy vldeo.
LxplanaLlon 1he P.264 encoder on Lhe vaddlo devlces are based on varlable blL raLe (v88) scheme. 1he
v88 scheme dynamlcally ad[usLs frame raLe and encodlng proflles based upon avallable
neLwork bandwldLh. 1he CuallLy SeLLlng of "Plgh CuallLy, SLandard, and Low 8andwldLh"
represenL Lhe opLlmum encoder proflle for selecLed vldeo resoluLlon.

CuesLlon Can the Aud|o and V|deo synchron|zat|on be ad[usted
Answer ?es for Lhe Av 8rldge
LxplanaLlon 1he Av 8rldge lncludes an audlo delay feaLure LhaL allows buffer audlo based upon user
seLLlng (ln 30msec lncremenLs). 1hls allows Lhe lnsLaller manually synchronlze Lhe audlo
and vldeo sLreams compensaLlng for any vldeo frame delay occurrlng upsLream of Lhe

CuesLlon Can the Web ages be used for kemote-kea| 1|me 12 Contro|s dur|ng stream|ng
Answer noL 8ecommended
LxplanaLlon 1he Medla layers can lnLroduce slgnlflcanL amounLs of delay (up Lo 13 seconds ln PLS
mode) assoclaLed wlLh bufferlng. 1he Web 1Z conLrol pages are near lnsLanLaneous. lor
example a an ConLrol lssues on Lhe Web age may noL be seen ln Lhe Medla layer unLll
13-seconds laLer.

CuesLlon Can the k1S ort be ass|gned to any va|ue?
Answer noL compleLely
LxplanaLlon 1he SLreamlng conflguraLlon page has a edlLable LexL box allowlng Lhe lnsLaller Lo seL
deslred porL. 1he vaddlo devlce wlll supporL porL 334 and anyLhlng above 1024.

CuesLlon 1he US8 Stream|ng has support for two Co|or Space formats, what does the I Stream|ng
Answer 4:2:2 Cnly
vaddlo - 131 Cheshlre Lane - SulLe 300 - MlnneLonka - Mn - 33303 - - ph: (763) 971-4400

LxplanaLlon 1he l SLream supporL only Lhe 4:2:2 color space formaL.

(8= /$0%*1,#2 !"#>,240*$,"#
1he l SLreamlng funcLlon can be enabled from Lhe embeddlng web pages under Lhe AdmlnlsLraLor
accounL. 1o enable Lhe l SLreamlng mode use Lhe followlng sLeps
I||ustrat|on 1.2- AV 8r|dge Stream|ng Conf|gurat|on age

S1L 1: SeL SLreamlng mode Lo l SLreamlng
S1L 2: SeL Lhe vldeo 8esoluLlon Lo deslred value (1080p, 720p, 376p, 480p, 332x222). lor
1080p/30 l sLreamlng susLalned neLwork bandwldLh wlll need Lo be up Lo 4mbs. 8educe frame
raLes wlll occur wlLh lnadequaLe bandwldLh. lf sLreamlng Pu over Lhe lnLerneL, 720p resoluLlon
ls recommended.
S1L 3: SeL Lhe vldeo CuallLy SeLLlng Lo deslred value. Plgh CuallLy (besL), SLandard (beLLer ),
Low 8andwldLh(good). SeL Lo SLandard or Low 8andwldLh lf ma[or neLwork bandwldLh
flucLuaLlons are expecLed durlng Lhe sesslon.
S1L 4: lck Lhe l SLreamlng roLocol. PLS wlll use Lhe orL 80 (P11 orL). WlLh 81S, user
can use 81S defaulL porL of 334 or seL Lhelr own value (>1024)
S1L S: SeL aLh for u8L address LhaL Lhe l sLeam wlll be posLed aL. 1he u8L address can be
hlghllghLed and copled from Lhe browser. 1he copled u8L Lhen can be pasLed lnLo Lhe Medla
layers address.
S1L 6: ress Save 8uLLon. 1hls wlll perslsL all seLLlng Lo Lhe LasyuS8 1ool uevlce.
S1L 7: Launch Medla layer and enLer u8L address of Lhe l SLream lnLo Lhe player.

vaddlo - 131 Cheshlre Lane - SulLe 300 - MlnneLonka - Mn - 33303 - - ph: (763) 971-4400

(8? :@@6,5*$,"# AB*1@6%&
1hls secLlon descrlbes Lwo prlmary appllcaLlons LhaL Lhe l SLreamlng funcLlons assoclaLed wlLh Lhe
LasyuS8 1ool producL were deslgned for.
(8?8( C,&$0,D4$,"# :@@6,5*$,"# E/,#26% /$0%*1F$"FG46$,@6% !6,%#$&H
1he LasyuS8 1ool producL wlLh l SLreamlng was deslgned and opLlmlzed Lo supporL a slngle cllenL
(Medla layer) Lo Server (vaddlo uevlce) relaLlonshlp. lf a MulLlple-CllenL Lo Server relaLlonshlp ls
requlred lnLermedlaLe Medla Server wlll be requlred.
1ab|e 1.3.1- D|str|but|on App||cat|on System D|agram

ln Lhls sysLem dlagram, Lhe Wowza Medla Server funcLlons as Lhe SLreamlng Lnglne for ConLenL uellvery
neLwork. 1he Wowza Medla Server lngesLs Lhe 81S SLream from Lhe Av 8rldge and Lhen 1ranscodes Lo
mulLlple proLocols (PLS, 81S, 81M, and MlcrosofL SmooLh-SLreamlng). AfLer Av 8rldge medla sLream
ls Lranscoded Lo varlous proLocols, lL ls Lhen broadcasLed Lo mulLlple medla player cllenLs for playback aL
end-user's deskLop.

vaddlo - 131 Cheshlre Lane - SulLe 300 - MlnneLonka - Mn - 33303 - - ph: (763) 971-4400

(8?8= I%5"0+,#2J:05K,L% :@@6,5*$,"#
ln Lhls example, only a slngle Server Lo CllenL connecLlon ls requlred. An Av 8rldge sLreams Lhe
vldeo/audlo vla PLS. Culck1lme (MacCS) recelves and records Lhe sLream Lo local hard drlve uslng
Movle Maker opLlon wlLhln CulckLlme.
1ab|e 1.3.2- kecord|ng App||cat|on

vaddlo - 131 Cheshlre Lane - SulLe 300 - MlnneLonka - Mn - 33303 - - ph: (763) 971-4400

= !"1@*$,D,6,$7 /411*07
=8( )*++," M*D N%&$%+ -#$%0"@%0*D,6,$7
1he compaLlblllLy Lable below represenLs Lhe Medla layers and Servers LhaL have been LesLed and
valldaLed by vaddlo Lnglneerlng for lnLeroperablllLy wlLh Lhe LasyuS8 1ool producLs LhaL supporL l
SLreamlng funcLlon.
1ab|e 2.1- LasyUS8 1oo|s I Stream|ng Interoperab|||ty
|ayers or Med|a
Ma[or I|nd|ngs Comment
Culck1lme 10.2 (Mac)
7.7 (Wln7)
none Wlndows may need AcLlvex pluglns
vLC 2.0.x none
8eal layer 16.0 none
Wowza Medla Server 3.4 none 1esLed wlLh 81S SLream Lo Wowza

=8= 3,%6+ N%&$ G%+,* .6*7%0& "0 /%0L%0
lleld LesLlng Medla layer or Servers are deflned of known cusLomer deploymenL of Lhe LasyuS8 1ools
producL are uslng Lhe l SLreamlng funcLlon.
1ab|e 2.2- I|e|d 1ested Interoperab|||ty
|ayer]Server Descr|pt|on Comment
18A 18A 18A

vaddlo - 131 Cheshlre Lane - SulLe 300 - MlnneLonka - Mn - 33303 - - ph: (763) 971-4400

? G%+,* .6*7%0J/%0L%0 -#$%0"@%0*D,6,$7
?8( <4,5;$,1% G%+,* .6*7%0
Genera|: Apple's medla player supporLlng boLh 81S and PLS proLocols. Medla layers
avallable for boLh Mac, Wldows, and lCS devlces.
1able 2.8- 1esLed verslons
u|ckt|me Vers|on Cperat|ng Systems LasyUS8 1oo|s roduct
Clearvlew Pu uS8 10.2 Mac CS 10
Av 8rldge

Clearvlew Pu-uS8 7.7 Wlndows 7
Av 8rldge

kecommended Conf|gurat|on (W|ndows):
S1L 1: Launch Culck1lme appllcaLlons. Co Lo llle<Cpen u8L selecLlon from Lhe menu. LnLer
Lhe u8L (PLS or 81S) of Lhe l SLream obLalned from Lhe LasyuS8 1ools devlce ress Ck.

S1L 2: Culck1lme wlll connecL Lo l SLream and dlsplay bufferlng unLll vldeo slgnal ls rendered
on screen. (See 8elow)
vaddlo - 131 Cheshlre Lane - SulLe 300 - MlnneLonka - Mn - 33303 - - ph: (763) 971-4400

S1L 4 (|f prob|ems occur): lf Culck1lme does noL connecL Lo Lhe vaddlo devlce, Lhere may be
an lnLeroperablllLy lssue wlLh Lhe medla player. Some ulrecLx plug-ln may be ln confllcL wlLh Lhe
lngesLlng Lhe 81S SLream. 1he ulrecLx pluglns can be dlsabled by golng Lo
LdlL>references>Culck1lme reference ln Lhe maln menu. 1ab Lo Lhe Advanced age. Cn Lhe
vldeo panel, selecL Safe mode (Cul only). 8econnecL player Lo sLream and see lf vldeo ls

vaddlo - 131 Cheshlre Lane - SulLe 300 - MlnneLonka - Mn - 33303 - - ph: (763) 971-4400

?8= )M! .6*7%0
Genera|: vLC ls an open source cllenL medla player and has supporL for Wlndows, Mac CS, and
Llnux operaLlng sysLems
1able 3.2- 1esLed verslons
VLC Vers|on Cperat|ng Systems LasyUS8 1oo|s roduct
Clearvlew Pu uS8 2.0.3 Wlndows 7
Av 8rldge

kecommended Conf|gurat|on (W|ndows):
vaddlo - 131 Cheshlre Lane - SulLe 300 - MlnneLonka - Mn - 33303 - - ph: (763) 971-4400

S1L 1: Launch vLC appllcaLlon. Co Lo maln menu and selecL Medla>Cpen neLwork SLream.
1he panels below wlll pop-up. LnLer Lhe u8L address of Lhe LasyuS8 1ools devlce sLream and
press play.

S1L 2: 8elow ls Lhe example of rendered vldeo. vLC can someLlmes defaulL Lo wrong aspecL
raLlo. 1hls can be easlly change under vldeo>AspecL 8aLlo ln Lhe menu.
vaddlo - 131 Cheshlre Lane - SulLe 300 - MlnneLonka - Mn - 33303 - - ph: (763) 971-4400

?8? I%*6 .6*7%0
Genera|: 8eal layer ls a free medla play LhaL supporL boLh Wlndows and Mac CperaLlng
1able 3.3- 1esLed verslons
kea| |ayer
Cperat|ng Systems LasyUS8 1oo|s roduct
Clearvlew Pu uS8 16.0 Wlndows 7
Av 8rldge

kecommended Conf|gurat|on (W|ndows):
S1L 1: Launch 8eal layer. Co Lo maln menu and selecL reallayer<flle<open. 1he panels
below wlll pop-up. LnLer Lhe u8L address of Lhe LasyuS8 1ools devlce sLream and press play.

S1L 2: vldeo wlll sLarL playlng as seen below.
vaddlo - 131 Cheshlre Lane - SulLe 300 - MlnneLonka - Mn - 33303 - - ph: (763) 971-4400

vaddlo - 131 Cheshlre Lane - SulLe 300 - MlnneLonka - Mn - 33303 - - ph: (763) 971-4400

O P%#%0*6 N0"4D6%&K""$,#2

Symptom otent|a| Issue keso|ut|on
LlmlLed neLwork
Check Lhe sLreamlng sLaLlsLlcs ln Lhe player(supporL by
vLC, C1, and reallayer). See lf vldeo frames are
dropouLs are occurrlng. 8educe 8esoluLlon or CuallLy
seLLlng ln Lhe vaddlo devlce lf neLwork bandwldLh ls
Choppy vldeo
Cu LlmlLaLlon 1he Medla layers requlres an P.264 decoder Lo render
Lhe vldeo and requlre slgnlflcanL Cu/Memory. Check
Lhe Cu sLaLs ln Lhe operaLlng sysLem lf uLlllzaLlon ls
above 80. 8educe vldeo 8esoluLlon or CuallLy seLLlng
Lo reduce Cu load on C.

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