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If we reproduce of another persons actual

words, we can use in two ways, naely ! "y usin#
direct speech and indirect speech.

1. Direct Speech.

Direct speech is a for of ori#inal sentence fro

soeones opinion without under#oin# any chan#es.

$he constructions of direct speech in #eneral consists

of two parts of sentences !

a. %ain clause which is called &reporting er!

". Su" clause which is called reported "ords.

2. Indirect Speech.

Indirect speech or reported speech tells

a"out the ain discussion or opinion of

soeone that is as a copound sentence

which consists of ain clause and su" clause

separated "y certain con'unctions and su"

clause "y eans of soe chan#es

. $he chan#e of tie and place fro direct speech
. $he chan#e of tie and place fro direct speech

to indirect speech when the ain clause in the
to indirect speech when the ain clause in the

Past Tense
Past Tense
, naely !
, naely !
toorrow !eco$es ( the day after) the followin# day

toorrow ni#ht & ( the ni#ht after) the followin# ni#ht

toorrow ornin# & ( the ornin# after) the followin#

ne*t wee+ & ( the wee+ after) the followin# wee+
ne*t onth & ( the onth after) the followin#


ne*t year & ( the year after) the followin# year

now & ( then
today & ( that day

this wee+ "ecoes ( that wee+

this onth & ( that onth

this year & ( that year

this ornin# & ( that ornin#

yesterday ( the day "efore) the pre,ious day

last ni#ht & ( the ni#ht "efore) the pre,ious ni#ht

last wee+ & ( the wee+ "efore) the pre,ious wee+

last onth & ( the onth "efore) the pre,ious


last year & ( the year "efore) the pre,ious year

a#o & ( "efore

this & ( that

these & ( those

Here & ( there

The %or$s o% Direct and Indirect Speech as %o&&o" '
The %or$s o% Direct and Indirect Speech as %o&&o" '

(. Co$$and and Re)*est.

E+a$p&es '

-. He said to e, .Do your hoewor+ /.

0 He as,ed e to do y hoewor+.

1. He said to her, .Co$e here /.

0 He to&d her to co$e there

2. He said to the, .-ring your note "oo+s when you

went to school /.

0 He ordered the to !ring their note"oo+s when

they went to school.

3. He said to e, .4lease sit down /.

0 He as,ed e to sit down

Negatie Co$$and.
Negatie Co$$and.

E+a$p&es '

-. I said to hi, .Don.t "orr/ /.

0 I as,ed hi not to "orr/

1. $he doctor said to e, .Don.t go o*t at ni#ht /..

0 $he doctor adised e not to go o*t at ni#ht

2. He said to her, .Don.t &eae the house when I a$ away /..

0 He to&d her not to &eae the house when he "as away.

3. 6ur teacher said, .Don.t cheat when /o* hae

e*aination /..

0 6ur teacher re)*ested us not to cheat when "e had

Note '
Note '

-. $he reporting er!s that are used to chan#e direct speech to

indirect speech are ! te&&, as,, order, co$$and, re)*est,

adise0 etc.
1. In%initie "itho*t to in the direct speech "ecoes to in%initie in
the indirect speech
2. If direct speech uses the word &p&ease. to refine the for of
coand and we want to chan#e it into indirect speech, so the
word &p&ease. ust "e oitted.

3. In the for of ne#ati,e iperati,e "y usin# &Don.t. which is followed

"y &in%initie "itho*t to in the direct speech, and we want to

chan#e it into indirect speech ust "e chan#ed to

"ecoe &Not to in%initie 7see the sentences in part - a"o,e0
no. 1 - 2 8.
Tas, ' 1 Tas, ' 1
Change the %o&&o"ing sentences into indirect speech 3 Change the %o&&o"ing sentences into indirect speech 3

E+a$p&e '

I said to the, .4pen /o*r "oo+s /..

0 I as,ed the to open their "oo+s.
-. &9ont worry a"out e, please /.. 7A#us told his other .:.::.::8
1. &;ait here until I coe /.. 7He told e ::::::..:::::.:.8

2. &$ell e what you want /.. 7Ali told her ::::::::::::....8

3 &5eha,e yoursel,es /.. 7She told us .:::::::::.:::::.8

<. &9ont spend your oney only on ci#arette /.. 7%y other told e :8
=. &9ri,e as fast as you can /.. 7I as+ed her :::::::::..:...:8
>. &5e a #ood "oy /.. 7 I told ?ohn :::::::::.::.:::.:...8

@. &9ont #o without e /.. 7He told Alice :::::..:.::::.::.8

A. &;ash your shirt /.. %other as+ed her son ::::::::.....:.:8
-B. &9ont "rin# your "a# with you /.. 7I told her :::..::::::.:8
C. Positie %or$ 1State$ent5 in the Direct Speech.
C. Positie %or$ 1State$ent5 in the Direct Speech.

;hen the ain clause is in the present tense0 and if we

chan#e the direct speech into indirect speech, the tense
will not chan#e

E+a$p&es '

-. He sa/s, &I go to school..

0 He sa/s that he goes to school.

1. He sa/s ,.I "ent to school..

0 He sa/s that he "ent to school.

2. He sa/s, .I hae gone to school..

0 He sa/s that he has gone to school.

3. He sa/s to e, .I a$ st*d/ing En#lish C..

0 He te&&s e that he is st*d/ing En#lish.

1. $he chan#e of tense in the
1. $he chan#e of tense in the
indirect speech
indirect speech
the ain clause is in the
the ain clause is in the
Past Tense
Past Tense


a. Si$p&e Present Tense & Si$p&e Past Tense
7S*!6ect 7 8er!-17s9es 7 ... 8 & 7S*!6ect 7 8er!-2 D .... 8
E+a$p&e '

He said, .I go to school. & 0 He said that he "ent to


". Si$p&e Past Tense Past Per%ect Tense
7S*!6ect 7 8er!-2 7 ..... 8 7S*!6ect 7 Had 7 8er!-# 7 .... 8

E+a$p&e '

He said, .I "ent to school. & 0 He said that he had gone to

c. Present Per%ect Tense Past Per%ect Tense
7S*!6ect 7 Hae9Has 7 8er!-# 7 .. 8 7S*!6ect 7 Had 7 8er!-# D .. 8
E+a$p&e '
He said, .I hae gone to school. 0 He said that He had gone
to school
d. Present Per%ect Contin*o*s Tense Past Per%ect Contin*o*s Tense
7S*!6ect 7 Hae9Has 7 -een 7 8-ing8 & 7S*!6ect 7 Had -een 7 8-ing8
E+a$p&e '
He said,. I hae !een doin# y duty. 0 He said that he had !een doin#
his duty
e. Present Contin*o*s Tense Past Contin*o*s Tense
7S*!6ect 7 ($ 7 8er!-ing 5 7S*!6ect 7 :as 7 8er!-ing8
Is :ere
E+a$p&e '
He said,. I a$ doin# $/ duty 0 He said that he "as doin# his

f. Past Contin*o*s Tense Past Per%ect Contin*o*s Tense

7S*!6ect 7 :as9:ere 7 8-ing8 7S*!6ect 7 Had 7 -een 7 8-ing8
E+a$p&e '
He said,. I "as doin# $/ duty. He said that he had !een doin#
his duty
#. ;*t*re Tense Past ;*t*re Tense

7S*!6ect 7 :i&& 7 8-1 7 ... 8 & 7S*!6ect 7 :o*&d 7 8-1 7 ...8

Sha&& Sho*&d
E+a$p&e '
He said,. I "i&& do $/ duty. & 0 He said that he "o*&d do his

h. Present <oda& Past <oda&

7S*!6cet 7 can 7 8-1 7 ...8 & 7S*!6ect 7 co*&d 7 8-1 7 .. 5
$a/ $ight
$*st had to

E+a$p&e '
He said,. I can do $/ duty.. & 0 He said that he co*&d do his

Note '
Note '

-. ;hen the direct speech is in the positie 1state$ent5

9 negatie, which is chan#ed in the indirect speech,

the con'unction ust "e used, is that.

1. ;hen reporting er! 1said5 in the direct speech is

not followed "y o!6ect, and we chan#e it into indirect

speech, the ,er" &said., there is no chan#e.

2. 5ut when the reporting er! 1said5 is %o&&o"ed !/

o!6ect, so the ,er" said ust "e chan#ed "y to&d

Tas, ' 2 Tas, ' 2
Change the %o&&o"ing sentences into indirect speech 3 Change the %o&&o"ing sentences into indirect speech 3

E+a$p&e '

He said, .I "i&& do $/ hoewor+..

0 He said that he "o*&d do his hoewor+.
-. ?ohn said, &%ary, your "oo+ is on the ta"le..
1. $ono said, &I ha,e to wor+ hard to day..

2. He said, &$he doctor pulled out two of y teeth last wee+..

3. $hey say, &;e are learnin# En#lish Graar..

<. $uti+ said, &Alice, your father will "e an#ry if you coe late.
=. %ary said, &I ,isited y parents yesterday..
>. She said to her hus"and, &6ur $ele,ision needs repairin#..

@. %ary said to ?ohn, &Eou did not coe on tie this ornin#..
A. ?ohn said, &I a a student and I ha,e studied for three years..
-B. %other says to her son and dau#hter, &Eou are ,ery dili#ent.
9. 9. The interrogatie %or$ o% Direct Speech "itho*t *sing The interrogatie %or$ o% Direct Speech "itho*t *sing
)*estion "ords 1=es9No0 >*estion5. )*estion "ords 1=es9No0 >*estion5.
E+a$p&es '

-. %ary said to e, .Do you go to school today C.

0 %ary as,ed e i%9"hether I "ent to school that day.

1. $he teacher said to her, .Did you do your hoewor+ &ast night C..
0 $he teacher as,ed her i%9"hether she had done her hoewor+ the
night !e%ore.
2. %other as,ed hi, .Hae you c&eaned your roo C.
0 %other as,ed hi i%9"hether he had c&eaned his roo.
3. I said to the, .(re you st*d/ing En#lish now C.
0 I "anted to ,no" i%9"hether they "ere studyin# En#lish then
Note ' Note '

-. ;hen the direct speech is in the interro#ati,e for,

whether it uses Fuestion word or not, if the ain clause

uses ! said 7reportin# ,er"8, and we chan#e it into indirect

speech0 so the ,er" &said. ust "e chan#ed "y reporting

er!s ' as,0 in)*ire0 "onder0 "ant to ,no" etc

1. In the direct speech without usin# Fuestion words, 7=es9No

>*estion8, when we chan#e it into indirect speech, we

ust use the con'unction of ' i%9"hether.

2. ;hen the direct speech is chan#ed into indirect speech,

the interro#ati,e construction ust "e returned in the

positi,e fors.
Tas, ' # Tas, ' #
Change the %o&&o"ing sentences into indirect speech 3 Change the %o&&o"ing sentences into indirect speech 3
E+a$p&e '

&Do /o* see %r. ?ohn passin# here C.. He said to e.

0 He as,ed e i% I sa" %r. ?ohn passin# there.
-. $he an as+s e, .9id you hear a loud crash C..
1. I said to her, .;ill your father and other "e "ac+ "y -- ocloc+ C..

2. I said, .Gan the #ardener "e#in his wor+ on Saturday C..

3. $hey said to the, .9id you succeed in a+in# hi chan#e his ind C..
<. She says to hi, .;as your holiday Fuiet and peaceful C..
=. He as+ed e, .%ay I "orrow your "oo+ C..
>. $hey said, .Gan you coe toorrow, ?ohn C..

@ .Garoline said, ;ill you help e, %ary C.

A. ?ohn says to her, .9o you want e to help you C..

-B. $he teacher said to hi, .9id you see e at the "oo+store yesterday C..
E. E. Interrogatie %or$ in the Direct Speech !/ *sing Interrogatie %or$ in the Direct Speech !/ *sing
)*estion "ords )*estion "ords

E+a$p&es '

-. %y other said to e, .;hen do you do your

hoewor+ C..

0 %y other as,ed e when I did y hoewor+.

1. Hather said to e, .;here did you go &ast "ee, C..

0 Hather "anted to ,no" where I had gone the "ee,


2. $he doctor said to e, .How lon# hae you !een ill C..

0 $he doctor as,ed e how lon# I had !een ill.

3. He said to ?ohn, .;hat are you doing no" C..

0 He as,ed ?ohn what he "as doing then.

Note ' Note '

-. ;hen the direct speech in the Fuestion fors "y usin#

Fuestion words and we chan#e into indirect speech, so

the con'unction that is used, is the Fuestion word itself.

1. $he construction in the indirect speech ust "e

returned in the positi,e fors.

2. $he ,er"s &said. and &as,ed. can "e followed "y or

without o"'ect.

3. $he ,er"s ! in)*ire0 "onder0 "ant to ,no", cannot "e

followed "y o"'ect.

Tas, ' 2 Tas, ' 2
Change the %o&&o"ing sentences into indirect speech 3 Change the %o&&o"ing sentences into indirect speech 3
E+a$p&e '

I said to hi, .:hen do you go to Sura"aya C..

0 I as,ed hi "hen he "ent to Sura"aya.

-. &;here did you hide the +ey C.. I said to y "rother.
1. He said, .;hen will you return, %ary C.
2. %other as+s e, .How did you #et into the roo C..

3. $he policean said, .How any of the "oo+s were stolen C..

<. $he doctor said to y little sister, .How old are you C..
=. $he teacher says to his students, .;hose pencil is this C..
>. ?ohn as+ed, .;hy was %r. ?ac+ an#ry C.
@. $he teacher said, .;hy dont the students finish their wor+ Fuic+ly C..

A. ?ohn said, .who did you see at the station yesterday, ?ane C..
-B. 9a,id said to e, .;hich one do you li+e "est C..

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