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Sample Registration System Sample Registration System

Dr Anshuli Trivedi
y Registration of births & deaths Act-1969.
y Initiated by Office of registrar General of
India in 1964-65 on pilot basis & full scale
from 1969-70.
SRS provides SRS provides- -
The main objective of SRS is to provide reliable
annual estimates of birth and death rates at the
State and National level separately for rural and
urban areas.
SRS also provides data for estimating-% population
in different agegender groups, Total Fertility Rate
(TFR), Gross reproductive rate(GRR),Birth
interval, birth order & still birth rate, Infant
Mortality Rate (IMR), Maternal Mortality Rate and
other measures of fertility and mortality.
Terms Terms- -
y Crude Birth Rate - Total No. birth X1000
y Mid year population
y Crude death Rate- Total No. of deaths X1000
y Mid year population
y Total Fertility Rate- Average no. of children born to woman if she
would have to pass through her reproductive years bearing children at
same rate as women now in each age group.
y Gross Reproductive rate- Average number of girls that would be born
to a woman if she experiences the current fertility pattern throughout
her reproductive years assuming no mortality.
y Net reproduction Rate- No. of daughters a new born girl will bear
during her life tie assuming fixed age-specific fertility & mortality rate.
y Growth Rate% - CBR-CDR exclude migration
y 10
Terms Terms- -
y Perinatal mortality Rate- Late fetal deaths(28 wks) + Early neonatal deaths
in one year. X1000
y Total no. of live births in same year
y Still birth Rate-Fetal deaths over1000g at birth/28 weeks of gestation x1000
y Total no. of live births in same year + still births over 1000 g at birth
y Early Neonatal mortality Rate- Death in I st 7 days of birth X1000
y Total no. of live births in same year
y Late Neonatal mortality Rate- Death in I st 7 to 28 days of birth X1000
y Total no. of live births in same year
y Neonatal mortality Rate- Death in I st 28 days of birth X1000
y Total no. of live births in same year
y Post Neonatal mortality Rate- Death in 28 days to 1 year of birth X1000
y Total no. of live births in same year
y SRS in India is based on dual record system-
y 1) Continuous enumeration birth & deaths
by part time enumerator.
y 2) Independent six monthly retrospective
survey by full term supervisor.
y These two data are matched.
y Advantage of this system- Eliminates
y & identifies source of distortion in two sets
of record.
Sample design(Rural) Sample design(Rural)- -
y Stratum-I-Population <2000-Uni-stage stratified
sample random sample without replacement.
y Stratum-II-Villages with population>2000-Two
stage stratification is done.
y Exclude-Villages with population of less than 200 i.e.
<2% of total population of concerned natural division of
the state.
y Stratum are divided into 3 equal sized substrata
based on Female literacy rate based on Census
y Number of sample villages in state
allocated to substrata is proportionate to
their population.
y Villages are selected randomly.
y Stratum-II-Villages with population>2000-
y Each sample village is subdivided into
segments having population of <2000.
y Frame of each segment is prepared & one
segment is selected randomly.
Sample design(Urban) Sample design(Urban)- -
y Towns & cities are divided into 4 strata-
y Stratum-I -Pop<1lac.
y Stratum-II Pop>1lac-<5lac.
y Stratum-III Pop>5lac.
y Stratum-IV-Metropolitan cities.
y Unit-Census enumeration block
y CEB is divided into 3equal sized substrata
are formed
Sample size Sample size- -
y IMR is used for estimation of sample size
at Natural division.
y Permissible limit of error-10perse.for
rural & urban areas. In major states with
population of >10 million.
y For minor states-15 perse.
Structure of the SRS Structure of the SRS- -
y Base line survey of the sample unit to obtain resident
population of the sample areas.
y Continuous ( longitudinal) enumeration of vital events
pertaining to resident population by the enumerator.
y Independent retrospective half yearly surveys for
recording births & deaths for 6 months.
y Listing of women in reproductive age group along
with their pregnancy status.
Structure of the SRScontinued Structure of the SRScontinued
y Matching of events recorded during
continuous enumeration & those listed in
course of half yearly survey.
y Field verification of unmatched & partially
matched events.
y Filling of verbal autopsy forms for
finalized deaths.
Base line survey Base line survey- -
y Carried out prior to the start of continuous
y Prepare notional map, house numbering, house
listing & filling of a household schedule.
y Form-1-List of houses covered by samples.
y Form-II- Fills house hold schedule-Records
residential status & demographic particulars of
each individual.
y Form-III-List of pregnant women.
y Exclude inmates of hospitals, inns ,hotels as they
are not permanent residents of that area.
Continuous enumeration by Continuous enumeration by
enumerator enumerator - -
y Form-IV-Birth record & Form V-Death record.
y Enumerator records events pertaining to-
y 1) Usual residents-Living inside the sample unit.
y 2) Usual residents-Living outside the sample unit.
y 3)Immigrants present.
y 4)Immigrants absent
y 5)Visitors inside the sample unit.
y To trace the missed cases enumerator must visit all
house hold in each quarter-in rural areas.
y Once a month in urban areas.
Half yearly survey Half yearly survey- -
y Carried out by full time supervisor of the
statistical cadre of state Census
y Fills up Form IX-particulars of birth
y & Form-X- particulars of the death.
y Updates-house list, household schedule &
pregnancy status of women.
Matching Matching- -
y Match-Form IX-particulars of birth
& Form-X- particulars of the death (Half yearly
survey) with
Form-IV-Birth record & Form V-Death
record (continuous survey by enumerator).
At Directorate of the Census Operations.
Entries are matched as Fully, partially,&
Field verification Field verification- -
y Partially & unmatched event is verified in
field by visit to concerned household.
Verbal autopsy Verbal autopsy- -
x Verbal Autopsy (VA) is an investigation of
train of events, circumstances, symptoms &
signs of illness leading to death through an
interview of the relatives or associates of
the deceased.
x Used to find out- determining the cause
specific mortality by sex and age.
Type of Forms : incl. Structured & Narrative
x Neo-Natal Form
x Childhood Form
x Adult Form
x Maternal Death Form
Cause of Death Assignment
by Health Professional
Cause of Death Assignment
by Health Professional
Verbal Autopsy Activities
Part Time Enumerator
Continuous recording of birth/death events
Half yearly retrospective survey
Collection of the circumstances, symptoms
and signs of illness and Narrative in
VA forms
Quality Check
10% Re-sample in the field
by independent Re-Sample Teams
Inform households about
the conduct of VA
Cause of Death Cause of Death
Assignment by Assignment by
Health Professional Health Professional
The annual estimates of births, deaths and
infant mortality rates are based on about
1,50,000, 50,000 and 10,000 reported number
of sample births, deaths and infant deaths
respectively at the national level.
Since 2000,MMR is calculated by RHIME-
Represented, Re sampled, Routine Household,
Introduction of Mortality & Medical Evaluation.
Vital Statistics of India & MP-SRS-Oct-2009
India M.P.
CBR Total-22.8
CDR Total-7.4
IMR Total-53
Number of samples

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