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Osadcii Tatiana, The Educational Partnership Monitoring of the relation kindergarten-

family in the early age childrens vocabulary development, Master Thesis , Chiinu,
Thesis structure. Thesis has the following structure : annotation, introduction, three chapters,
conclusions, bibliography (sources) and annexes.
Key-words : Educational partnership monitoring, lexicon, passive vocabulary, active
vocabulary, kindergarten-family partnership, collaboration forms between educators and parents, ante
preschool age, kindergarten-family partnership collaboration, vocabulary enriching, vocabulary
strengthening, vocabulary activation.
The object of research is the monitoring phenomenon of the early age childrens vocabulary
development by kindergarten-family educational partnership capitalization.
The purpose of the research involves the development, implementation and validation of the
Kindergarten-Family Partnership Project focused on developing ante preschool childrens
The hypothesis of the investigation. The level of the early age childrens vocabulary
development will increase significantly if the family is a partner with teachers from preschool
institution, and is involved systematically in the process of childrens vocabulary development,
focusing on enrichment, strengthening and activation of the ante preschool childrens vocabulary.
Research objectives : the theoretical analysis on the problem of the ante preschool childrens
vocabulary development by capitalization of the educational partnership between parents and
educators; the developing of the assessment methodology of the early age childrens development
level of the vocabulary; foundation and development of the Kindergarten-Family Partnership Project
focused on ante preschool childrens vocabulary development; monitoring the implementation of the
Kindergarten-Family Partnership project focused on ante preschool childrens vocabulary
development; processing and interpretation of experimental data; conclusions.
Theoretical significance and value of the work derives from the fact that they were
determined the theoretical parts of the phenomenon monitoring of the ante preschool childrens
developing process by partnership capitalization between kindergarten and family; it was
conceptualized, developed and validated a Kindergarten-Family Partnership Project focused on the
early age childrens vocabulary development; it was developed the diagnostic method of the early
age childrens development level of the vocabulary.
The important scientific problem addressed in the research is to elucidate the optimization
opportunities of development process of early age childrens vocabulary by kindergarten family
partenership valorification.

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