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Philip Neri Parish

The Northwest Paulist Center
for Evangelization & Reconciliation

2408 SE 16
Avenue | Portland, OR |97214-5334
www. stphi l i pneri pdx. org
Pari sh Offi ce 503.231.4955 | Fax 503.736.1383

Guided since our founding in 1912 by the missionary vision of the Paulists
committed to the mission of J esus, and dedicated to be welcoming to all, we,
the community of St. Philip Neri, strive to reach out, to reconcile and to
promote unity for all Gods creation through worship, education, and service
toward the common good.
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 22, 2014


Today we celebrate The Most Holy Body and Blood of
Christ---formerly known as Corpus Christi. It is a
celebration of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the
Eucharist. I am the living bread that came down from
heaven: whoever eats this bread will live forever.
Some cultures honor this day with processions after
Communion, some have adoration after Communion.
How are you personally trying to be bread for other
people in your life? How do you share the
Presence/grace of Jesus with others?

Two jackets were found after June 14/15 Masses: one
child's brown jacket and an adult black jacket. Call the
office if they are yours.

Today is our first breakfast with the summer crew.
Breakfast will be right after the 9:30am. We thank all
volunteers and helpers today. The final Rigatoni sale
will also be held during the breakfast. Thank you.

We ask your prayers for Jeanne McPherson---our
Business manager---whose son died unexpectedly in
Boise this past week. Please pray for Jeanne and her

Thank you to the generous response for financial
assistance- we have collected a little over $480. We
also have donations of ice and buns. A big thank you
to David Olsav - our Contemporary group
drummer - who has volunteered to put together a
percussion group to march in the parade. See the flyer
for the Parade Music Group for more details.

We say goodbye to Fr. Tom Dove, who went to school
in this parish, left to go back to sunny California on
Sunday. We appreciate your visit, and sense of humor!
We also welcome back Fr. Charlie from his trip to the
east coast. Welcome home.

In the back of the Church foyer in the glass case we
have bibles, prayer books, rosaries, among other items
at a low cost. Feel free to ask any staff before or after
the masses or contact the office to take a look.
Next Sundays Scripture Readings:
Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles
June 29th 2014
Reading 1, Acts 12:1-11
Responsorial Psalm, Psalm 34:2-3, 4-6, 6-7, 8-9 (5b)
Reading 2, Timothy 4:6-8,17-18
Gospel, Matthew 16:13-19

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Sunday, June 22, 2014


Sunday, June 22: 9:30am Mass Dagostino Family Church
10:30am Mass Deaf Community Mass Chapel
Monday, June 23: 8:00am Mass Millie Nightengale Chapel
Tuesday, June 24: 8:00am Mass Families of Reynolds High School Chapel
Wednesday, June 25: 8:00am Mass Ann Marre Salta (A) Chapel
Thursday, June 26: 8:00am Mass For those with mental illness Chapel
Friday, June 27: 12:10pm Mass Jospehine Healy Chapel
Saturday, June 28: 8:00am Mass Peter Ju- Hyung Oh Chapel
4:00pm Mass For the Deceased Church
Sunday, June 29: 9:30am Mass Irene Cullen Church
10:30am Mass Deaf Community Mass Chapel

Please fill out a Mass Intention Form (located in the foyer of the Church) if you would like a Mass celebrated for
you, for an anniversary of death, birthday or marriage, or some other special event. You can also call the office.

Church cleaning for June 23
through the 29
Barbara Masvidal, Patricia Valentine, Marcia Angelos
PARISH OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 am Noon on Mondays 9:00 am 4:00 pm Tuesday through Friday
Office: 503.231.4955

Pastor, Director of the NW Paulist Center Business Manager
Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP, x 118, Jeanne McPherson, x 103,
Associate Pastor Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP, x114, Rose Wolfe, x101,
Director of Adult Faith Formation Maintenance and Grounds
Barbara Harrison, x107, Edward Danila,
Receptionist/Bulletin Editor
Angelica Liharik, x102,

BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS: Deadline (unless otherwise noted) is Tuesday at Noon
prior to the Sunday Mass.

Put it on your calendars now: Saturday, July 19, 10am-
3:30, Carvlin Hall. Celebrating the feast day of Mary
Magdalene------a Day of recollection: Recognizing &
Naming our ministries as Women. Just as people with
blue eyes see shades differently than people with
brown eyes---so too, men and women experience
serving God in ministry differently. Come and discover
your style. Guest speaker, Sister Sally Brown, SNJ

Sunday we welcome Claudia Prisby --from Chicago--
the grandmother of Helen Dreasher. Helen made her
First Communion on May 18 but her grandmother was
not able to be with the family. In honor of her
Grandmothers visit-- Helen is wearing her
grandmothers First Communion dress and together
they will take the Offertory Gifts to the Altar today.


Christie Viveros
Laurie Blair
Jeanne McPherson
and family

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Sunday, June 22, 2014

Catholic Stewardship is about Time and Talent and Treasure

The traditional understanding of the biblical command to tithe is of giving 10% back to God from the many
blessings we receive. And in many Christian traditions this has been interpreted as giving a full 10% of ones
income directly for the support of the local church community to which one belongs.
Catholic stewardship takes a broader view. Because we are all members not only of a local parish, but also of a
diocesan, and national, and universal Church community, we interpret our responsibility to contribute to the
support of the Church as extending into these areas as well. Also, as the Parable of the Good Samaritan in the
Gospel of Luke makes clear: our neighbor is anyone in need. And, because we are members of the human family
via our local communities and citizens of a state and a nation, we also recognize that our responsibility of
charitable giving extends into these areas as well.
A handy formula used in many dioceses is the suggestion that in tithing, in giving back to God, Catholics should
contribute 5% of their gifts to the support of the local parish, 2.5% to diocesan and wider Church needs, and 2.5%
to the needs of the communities in which they live.
Using this formula: If you earn $50,000 a year, are you currently giving $2,500 or $50 a week to support your
parish, and $1,250 a year to other Church needs, as well as $1,250 for various other charities?
Unfortunately, this formula is more theory than fact for most parishes and dioceses. Were it a fact, there
would be no need for special campaigns and fundraising efforts which are so common in Catholic parishes and
Catholic Stewardship also teaches that our giving should not only be of our treasure, but of our time and
talents as well. And especially, not only of time or talent, but also some treasure.
Time and talent and treasure, a trinity of giving is what true stewardship is about. Being as generous as
possible in all three dimensions of stewardship is what the Church asks of us.
We dont preach or write very often about money from the pulpit or in Pastoral Corners at St. Philip Neri
Parish. Not often enough it would seem since our financial situation is always so delicate. Now that you are
hearing it, I hope you will all pray deeply for the guidance of the Holy Spirit when as individuals or families you
reflect and decide how much you will be giving in support of the Parish in your weekly or monthly giving for Fiscal
Year July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP

Prayers: We are thinking of a small project for the Fall. If you have a favorite prayer(s) that you would like to
share with the parish, please drop it off at that office or email it to:

Christian life may be joyful, but it's not always a party--Pope FrancisMay 30, 2014. While Jesus promises great
joy, being a Christian doesn't mean that life will become all sunshine and roses. The joy Jesus promises comes from
knowing there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and receiving the strength and hope needed to get through the
hard times. We have to tell the truth: not every part of Christian life is a party. Challenges such as illness, having
troubles with a family member, a paycheck that doesn't cover expenses or defaulting on a mortgage and losing
one's home are not uncommon. There are many problems..But Jesus tells us, 'Do not be afraid!' (CNS)

Join Archbishop Sample on June 28th at the Cathedral at 1:30pm for a special Mass and consecration of the
Archdiocese to our Blessed Mother under the title of Immaculate Heart of Our Lady of Fatima. Inspired by Pope
Francis, who consecrated the world to Our Lady of Fatima last October, Archbishop Sample is entrusting anew the
entire archdiocese to Marys maternal protection and intercession. This is part of a larger spiritual effort to support
and strengthen marriage and family life in the Archdiocese of Portland. The new national Pilgrim Virgin Statue of
the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which was blessed by Pope Francis last October, will be present at the Cathedral for
the Rosary, Mass and consecration on June 28

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