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A Midsummer Night's Dream

Libretto di Benjamin Britten e di Peter Pears, da Shakespeare

Musica di Benjamin Britten
"C !
(The wood. Deepening twilight.)
(Enter Fairies, first group with Cobweb and Mustardseed, second group with Peaseblosso and
O,er hi--, o,er da-e,
trou.h bush, throu.h brier,
o,er park, o,er pa-e,
throu.h /-ood, throu.h /ire,
0e do 0ander e,er10here,
s0i/ter than the moon2s sphere3
and 0e ser,e the /air1 4ueen,
to de0 her orbs upon the .reen5
Co0s-ips ta-- her pensioners be
in their .o-d coats spots 1ou see3
those be rubies, /air1 /a,ours,
in those /reck-es -i,e their sa,ours5
"LL ("!R!ES
#e must .o seek
some de0drops here
and han. a pear-
in e,er1 co0s-ip2s ear
(Puc! appears suddenl".)
&o0 no0 spirits6
(The Fairies scatter to the side.)
Or ! mistake 1our shape
and makin. 4uite,
or are 1ou not that shre0d
and kna,ish sprite
ca--2d Robin )ood/e--o0:
are not 1ou he that /ri.hts
the maidens o/ the ,i--a.er1,
skim mi-k, and sometimes
-abour in the 4uern
and boot-ess make
the breath-ess house0i/e churn3
and sometime make
the drink to bear no barm3
mis-ead ni.ht70anderers,
-au.hin. at their harm6
8ou do their 0ork,
and the1 sha-- ha,e .ood -uck:
hose that &ob.ob-in
ca-- 1ou and s0eet Puck
But, room, /air19
here comes Oberon5
"nd here our mistress5
#ou-d that he 0ere .one9
(Enter, slowl" $beron and T"tania, with her train% fro opposite sides)
Oberon is passin. /e-- and 0rath,
because that she,
as her attendant hath a -o,e-1 bo1,
sto-en /rom an !ndian kin.3
and jea-ous Oberon
0ou-d ha,e the chi-d
!-- met b1,
proud 1tania
!-- met b1,
jea-ous Oberon9
(airies, skip hence:
! ha,e /ors0orn
his bed and compan15
(The Fairies hide)
here/ore the 0inds
ha,e suck2d up
/rom the sea conta.ious /o.s5
here/ore the o:
hath stretch2d
his 1oke in ,ain,
the /o-d stands empt1
in the dro0ned /ie-d,
the cro0s are /atted
0ith the murrion /-ock3
the seasons a-ter:
the sprin., the summer,
the chi-din. autumn,
an.r1 0inter,
chan.e their 0onted -i,eries,
and the ma;ed 0or-d,
b1 their increase,
no0 kno0s not 0hich is 0hich:
and this same pro.en1
o/ e,i-s comes /rom our debate,
/rom our dissension3
0e are their parents and ori.ina-,
0e are5
%o 1ou amend it then3
it -ies in 1ou:
! do but be.
a -itt-e chan.e-in. bo1,
to be m1 henchman5
Set 1our heart at rest:
he /air1 -and bu1s not
the chi-d o/ me5
&is mother 0as a ,otaress
o/ m1 order:
But she, bein. morta-,
o/ that bo1 did die3
and /or her sake
! 0i-- not part 0ith him5
)i,e me that bo1
and ! 0i-- .o 0ith thee5
Not /or th1 /air1 kin.dom5
(airies, a0a19
(E&it T"tania with her train.)
#e--, .o th1 0a1:
thou sha-t not /rom this .ro,e
ti-- ! torment thee /or this injur15
M1 .ent-e Puck, come hither5
(Puc! approaches $beron.)
hou rememberest
the herb ! she02d thee once3
the juice o/ it on s-eepin.
e1e7-ids -aid 0i-- make or man
or 0oman mad-1 dote upon
the ne:t -i,e creature that it sees5
Be it on -ion, bear,
or 0o-/, or bu--,
on medd-in. monke1,
or on bus1 ape5
(etch me this herb,
and be thou here a.ain,
ere the Le,iathan can s0im
a -ea.ue5
!2-- put a .ird-e round
about the earth
in /ort1 minutes5
('e flies off.)
&a,in. once this juice,
!2-- 0atch 1tania,
0hen she is as-eep,
and drop the -i4uor
o/ it in her e1es3
and ere ! take this charm
/rom o// ther !2-- make
her render up her pa.e to me5
($beron disappears. Enter ("sander and 'eria)
&o0 no0, m1 -o,e9
#h1 is 1our cheek so pa-e6
&o0 chance the roses
there do /ade so /ast6
Be-ike /or 0ant o/ rain,
0hich ! cou-d 0e-- beteem them
/rom the tempest o/ m1 e1es5
"1 me9
/or that ! cou-d e,er read,
cou-d e,er hear b1 ta-e or histor1,
the course o/ true -o,e
ne,er did run smooth3 but,
either it 0as di//erent in b-ood5
&ERM!", L8S"N%ER
O cross9
oo hi.h to be enthra--2d to -o05
Or e-se mis.ra//ed
in respect o/ 1ears5
O spite9
oo o-d to be en.a.ed to 1oun.5
Or e-se it stood upon
the choice o/ /riends5
O he--9
o choose -o,e b1 another2s e1es5
!/ then true -o,ers
ha,e been e,er cross2d,
it stands as an edict in destin15
hen -et us teach
our tria- patience5
" .ood persuasion:
there/ore, hear me, &ermia5
! ha,e a 0ido0 aunt,
a o/ .reat re,enue,
and she hath no chi-d3
/rom "thens is her house
remote se,en -ea.ues5
"nd she respects me as her on-1 son5
here, .ent-e &ermia,
ma1 ! marr1 thee3
and to that p-ace the sharp
"thenian -a0,
compe--in. thee
to marr1 0ith %emetrius,
annot pursue us5
!/ thou -o,est me then,
there 0i-- ! .o 0ith thee5
M1 .ood L1sander9,
i/ thou -o,2st me
! s0ear to thee,
b1 Cupid2s stron.est bo05
! s0ear to thee,
b1 his best arro0
0ith the .o-den head5
&ERM!", L8S"N%ER
! s0ear to thee
b1 the simp-icit1
o/ *enus2 do,es,
b1 that 0hich knitteth sou-s
and prospers -o,es,
and b1 that /ire 0hich burn2d
the Cartha.e 4ueen,
0hen the /a-se ro1an
under sai- 0as seen,
b1 a-- the ,o0s
that e,er men ha,e broke,
in number more
than e,er 0omen spoke,
! s0ear, ! s0ear555
(The" slowl" go out. $beron appears)
Be it on -ion, bear,
or 0o-/, or bu--,
On medd-in. monke1, or on bus1 ape5
But 0ho comes here6
! am in,isib-e3 and ! 0i-- o,erhear
their con/erence5
(Enter Deetrius. 'elena pursuing hi)
! -o,e thee not,
there/ore pursue me not5
#here is L1sander and /air &ermia6
he one !2-- s-a1,
the other s-a1eth me5
hou to-d2st me
the1 0ere sto-en unto this 0ood3
and here am !,
and 0ode 0ithin this 0ood,
because ! cannot meet m1 &ermia5
&ence, .et thee .one,
and /o--o0 me no more5
8ou dra0 me,
1ou hard7hearted adamant3
-ea,e 1ou 1our po0er to dra0,
and ! sha-- ha,e no po0er
to /o--o0 1ou5
%o ! entice 1ou6
do ! speak 1ou /air6
Or, rather,
do ! not in p-ainest truth
te-- 1ou, ! do not,
nor ! cannot -o,e 1ou6
E,en /or that do ! -o,e 1ou the more5
! am 1our spanie-3 and, %emetrius,
the more 1ou beat me,
! 0i-- /a0n on 1ou3
use me but as 1our spanie-,
spurn me, strike me,
ne.-ect me, -ose me3
on-1 .i,e me -ea,e,
un0orth1 as ! am,
to /o--o0 thee5
empt not too much
the hatred o/ m1 spirit3
/or ! am sick 0hen
! do -ook on thee5
"nd ! am sick 0hen
! -ook not on thee5
!2-- run /rom thee
and hide me in the brakes,
and -ea,e thee to the merc1
o/ 0i-d beasts5
('e goes out.)
(running out)
!2-- /o--o0 1ou
and make a hea,2n o/ he--
to die upon the hand
! -o,e so 0e--5
(are thee 0e--, n1mph:
ere he do -ea,e this .ro,e,
thou sha-t /-1 him
and he sha-- seek th1 -o,e5
(Puc! flies in.)
#e-come, 0anderer9
&ast thou the /-o0er there6
(Puc! gi)es $beron the flower and lies at his feet.)
! kno0 a bank 0here the 0i-d
th1me b-o0s, 0here o:-ips
and the noddin. ,io-et .ro0s,
4uite o,er7canopied
0ith -uscious 0oodbine,
0ith s0eet musk7roses
and 0ith e.-antine:
there s-eeps 1tania
sometime o/ the,
-u--2d in these /-o0ers
0ith dances and de-i.ht3
and there the snake
thro0s her ename--2d skin,
0eed 0ide enou.h to 0rap
a /air1 in:
and 0ith the juice
o/ this !2-- streak her e1es,
and make her /u--
o/ hate/u- /antasies5
ake thou some o/ it,
and seek throu.h this .ro,e:
a s0eet "thenian -ad1 is in -o,e
0ith a disdain/u- 1outh:
anoint his e1es3
but do it 0hen
the ne:t thin. he espies
ma1 be the -ad1:
thou sha-t kno0 the man
b1 the "thenian .arments
he hath on5
(The" disappear. *i& rustics enter cautiousl".)
!s a-- our compan1 here6
"1, "15
8ou 0ere best to ca-- them .enera--1,
man b1 man, accordin. to the script5
(irst, .ood Peter 'uince,
sa1 0hat the p-a1 treats on5
Marr1, our p-a1 is,
the most -amentab-e comed1,
and most crue- death
o/ P1ramus and hisb15
O/ P1ramus and hisb15
" ,er1 .ood piece o/ 0ork,
! assure 1ou, and a merr15
No0, .ood Peter 'uince,
ca-- /orth 1our actors
b1 the scro--5
Masters, spread 1ourse-,es5
"ns0er as ! ca-- 1ou5 Nick Bottom,
the 0ea,er5
Name 0hat part ! am /or,
and proceed5
8ou, Nick Bottom,
are set do0n /or P1ramus5
#hat is P1ramus6
a -o,er, or a t1rant6
" -o,er, that ki--s himse-/
most .a--ant /or -o,e5
M1 chie/ humour is /or a t1rant:
! cou-d p-a1 Erc-es rare-1,
or a part to tear a cat in,
to make a-- sp-it
the rocks3
and shi,erin. shocks sha-- break
the -ocks o/ prison .ates,
and Phibbus2 car sha-- shine
/rom /ar, and make
and mar the /oo-ish (ates5
his 0as -o/t19
No0 name the rest
o/ the p-a1ers5
(rancis (-ute,
the be--o0s7mender5
his is Erc-e2s ,ein,
a t1rant2s ,ein3
a -o,er is more condo-in.5
&ere, Peter 'uince5
(-ute, 1ou must take hisb1 on 1ou5
#hat is hisb16
a 0anderin. kni.ht6
!t is the -ad1 that P1ramus
must -o,e5
Na1, /aith,
-et me not p-a1 a 0oman3
! ha,e a beard comin.5
hat2s a-- one:
1ou sha-- p-a1 it in a mask,
and 1ou ma1 speak
as sma-- as 1ou 0i--5
"n ! ma1 hide m1 /ace,
-et me p-a1 hisb1 too,
!2-- speak
in a monstrous -itt-e ,oice5
hisne, thisne:<"h, P1ramus,
-o,er dear9 th1 hisb1 dear,
and -ad1 dear9<
No, no3 1ou must p-a1 P1ramus3
and, (-ute, 1ou hisb15
#e--, proceed5
(practising to hiself)
<"h P1ramus, m1 -o,er dear,
th1 hisb1 dear, and Lad1 dear555<
Robin Star,e-in., the tai-or5
&ere, Peter 'uince5
Robin Star,e-in.,
1ou must p-a1 hisb12s mother5
om Snout, the tinker5
&ere, Peter 'uince5
8ou, P1ramus2 /ather3
m1se-/, hisb12s /ather3
Snu., the joiner3
1ou, the -ion2s part3
and, ! hope,
here is a p-a1 /itted5
&a,e 1ou the -ion2s part 0ritten6
pra1 1ou, i/ it be, .i,e it me,
/or ! am s-o0 o/ stud15
8ou ma1 do it e:tempore,
/or it is nothin. but roarin.5
Let me p-a1 the -ion too:
! 0i-- roar,
that ! 0i-- do an1 man2s heart
.ood to hear me3 ! 0i-- roar,
that ! 0i-- make the duke sa1
<Let him roar a.ain,
-et him roar a.ain<
"n 1ou shou-d do it too terrib-1,
1ou 0ou-d / the duchess
and the -adies,
that the1 0ou-d shriek3
and that 0ere enou.h to han. us a--5
'$!NCE, S"R*EL!N),
SNO$, SN$)
hat 0ou-d han. us,
e,2r1 mother2s son5
E,2r1 mother2s son9
But ! 0i-- a..ra,ate m1 ,oice so,
that ! 0i-- roar 1ou as .ent-1
as an1 suckin. do,e3
! 0i-- roar 1ou an 2t0ere
an1 ni.htin.a-e5
8ou can p-a1 no part but P1ramus3
/or P1ramus is a s0eet7/aced man3
a proper man,
as one sha-- see in a summer2s da13
a most -o,e-1 .ent-eman7-ike man3
there/ore 1ou must needs
p-a1 P1ramus5
#e--, ! 0i-- undertake it5
(+eneral satisfaction.)
But masters
here are 1our parts3
and ! am to entreat 1ou,
re4uest 1ou and desire 1ou,
to con them b1 toni.ht3
there 0i-- 0e rehearse anon5
#e 0i-- meet3
and there 0e ma1 rehearse
most obscene-1 and coura.eous-15
ake pains3 be per/ect: adieu5
"t the duke2s oak
0e meet5
(E&eunt. Enter ("sander and 'eria.)
(air -o,e, 1ou /aint
0ith 0anderin. in the 0ood3
and to speak troth,
! ha,e /or.ot our 0a13
0e2-- rest us, &ermia,
i/ 1ou think it .ood,
and tarr1
/or the com/ort o/ the da15
Be it so, L1sander3
/ind 1ou out a bed3
/or ! upon this bank
0i-- rest m1 head5
One tur/ sha-- ser,e
as pi--o0 /or us both3
One heart, one bed,
t0o bosoms and one troth5
Na1, .ood L1sander3
m1 sake, m1 dear,
-ie /urther o// 1et,
do not -ie so near5
So /ar be distant3
and, .ood, s0eet /riend3
h1 -o,e ne2er a-ter
ti-- th1 s0eet -i/e end9
L8S"N%ER, &ERM!"
"men to that /air pra1er,
sa1 !3
and then end -i/e
0hen ! end -o1a-t19
(The" go to sleep. Enter Puc!.)
hrou.h the /orest ha,e ! .one5
But "thenian /ound ! none,
on 0hose e1es ! appro,e
this /-o0er2s /orce
in stirrin. -o,e5 and si-ence5
#ho is here6
(coing upon the sleeping ("sander)
#eeds o/ "thens he doth 0ear3
this is he,
m1 master said,
despised the "thenian maid3
('e s,uee-es the .uice on ("sander/s e"es.)
Chur-, upon th1 e1es ! thro0
a-- the po0er this charm doth o0e5
So a0ake 0hen ! am .one3
/or ! must no0 to Oberon5
(E&it Puc!.)
(in her sleep)
"men, amen
to that /air pra1er, sa1 !5
(Enter 'elena and Deetriud, running)
Sta1, thou.h thou ki-- me,
s0eet %emetrius5
! char.e thee, hence,
and do not haunt me thus5
O, 0i-t thou dark-in. -ea,e me6
do not so5
Sta1, on th1 peri-:
! a-one 0i-- .o5
(0unning out)
O, ! am out o/ breath
in this /ond chase9
he more m1 pra1er,
the -esser is m1 .race5
&app1 is &ermia,
0heresoe2er she -ies3
/or she hath b-essed
and attracti,e e1es5
"-as, ! am as u.-1 as a bear3
/or beasts
that meet me
run a0a1 /or /ear3
(*he sees ("sander.)
But 0ho is here6
L1sander9 on the .round9
%ead6 or as-eep6
! see no b-ood, no 0ound5
L1sander i/ 1ou -i,e,
.ood sir, a0ake5
"nd run throu.h /ire
! 0i-- /or th1 s0eet sake5
ransparent &e-ena9
Nature sho0s art,
that throu.h th1 bosom
makes me see th1 heart5
#here is %emetrius6
O, ho0 /it a 0ord
is that ,i-e name
to perish on m1 s0ord9
%o not sa1 so, L1sander3
sa1 not so
0hat thou.h he -o,e 1our &ermia6
Lord, 0hat thou.h6
8et &ermia sti-- -o,es 1ou3
then be content
Content 0ith &ermia9 No3
! do repent the tedious minutes
! 0ith her ha,e spent5
Not &ermia but &e-ena ! -o,e3
0ho 0i-- not chan.e a ra,en
/or a do,e6
#here/ore 0as ! to this keen
mocker1 born6
#hen at 1our hands did ! deser,e
this scorn6
)ood troth, 1ou do me 0ron.,
.ood sooth, 1ou do,
in such disdain/u-
manner me to 0oo but /are 1ou 0e--3
per/orce ! must con/ess
(running out)
! 1ou -ord o/ more
true .ent-eness5
She sees not &ermia5
&ermia, s-eep thou there3
and ne,er ma1st thou come
L1sander near9
S-eep thou there3
and, a-- m1 po0ers,
address 1our -o,e and
o honour &e-en
and to be her kni.ht9
(running out)
(wa!es up, calling)
L1sander, he-p me,
0hat a dream 0as here9
L1sander, -ook ho0 ! do 4uake
0ith /ear3 a serpent
eat m1 heart a0a1,
and 1ou sat smi-in.
at his crue- pre15
L1sander9 0hat, remo,ed6
L1sander9 -ord9
#hat, out o/ hearin.6 .one6
no sound, no 0ord6
"-ack, 0here are 1ou6 speak,
an i/ 1ou hear3
speak, o/ a-- -o,es9
! s0oon a-most 0ith /ear5
(running out)
L1sander, Lord555
(Enter T"tania, with Cobweb, Peaseblosso, Mustardseed, Moth and Fairies.)
Come, no0 a rounde-
and a /air1 son.3
then, /or the third part
o/ a minute, hence3
some to ki-- cankers
in the musk7rose buds,
some 0ar 0ith rere7mice
/or their -eathern 0in.s,
to make m1 sma-- e-,es coats,
and some keep back
the c-amorous o0- that
hoots and 0onders
at our 4uaint spirits5
Sin. me no0 as-eep3
then to 1our o//ices
and -et me rest5
8ou spotted snakes
0ith doub-e ton.ue,
thorn1 hed.eho.s, be not seen3
ne0ts and b-ind70orms,
do no 0ron.,
come not near our /air1 4ueen5
Phi-ome-, 0ith me-od1
sin. in our s0eet -u--ab13
"LL ("!R!ES
ne,er harm, nor spe-- nor charm,
come our -o,e-1 -ad1 ni.h3
so, .ood, 0ith -u--ab15
#ea,in. spiders, come not here
hence, 1ou -on.7-e..2d spinners,
Beet-es b-ack, approach not near3
0orm nor snai-, do no o//ence5
Phi-ome-, 0ith me-od1555
&ence, a0a19 no0 a-- is 0e--3
one a-oo/ stand sentine-5
(T"tania sleeps. The Fairies, e&cept one standing sentr", slip out. $beron appears.)
(s,uee-ing the .uice fro the
flower onto T"tania/s e"elids.)
#hat thou seest
0hen thou dost 0ake,
do it /or th1 true7-o,e take,
-o,e and -an.uish /or his sake3
be it ounce, or cat, or bear,
pard, or boar 0ith brist-ed hair,
in thine e1e that sha-- appear
0hen thou 0akest, it is th1 dear3
0ake 0hen some ,i-e thin. is near5
('e slowl" disappears and the lig.hts fade on the sleeping T"tania.)
"C !!
(The wood. T"tania l"ing asleep. Enter the si& rustics.)
"re 0e a-- met6
Pat, pat, pat
"nd here2s a mar,e--ous con,enient
p-ace /or our rehearsa-5
Peter 'uince6
#hat sa1est thou, bu--1 Bottom6
here are thin.s in this comed1
that 0i-- ne,er p-ease5
(irst, P1ramus must dra0
a s0ord to ki-- himse-/3
0hich the -adies cannot abide5
B12r -akin, a par-ous /ear5
! be-ie,e 0e must -ea,e the
ki--in. out, 0hen a-- is done5
Not a 0hit:
! ha,e a de,ice to make a-- 0e--5
#rite me a pro-o.ue3
te-- them, that !,
P1ramus, am not P1ramus,
but Bottom the 0ea,er:
this 0i-- put them out o/ /ear5
#i-- not the -adies be a/eard
o/ the Lion6
he Lion5
! /ear it, ! promise 1ou5
here/ore another Pro-o.ue
must te-- them p-ain-1
he is not a Lion
but Snu. the joiner5
But there is t0o hard thin.s3
that is, to brin. the
into a chamber3 /or, 1ou kno0,
P1ramus and hisb1 meet b1 moon-i.ht5
%oth the moon shine that
0e p-a1 our p-a16
" ca-endar,
-ook in the a-manac3
/ind out moonshine5
Moonshine, moonshine5
hen, there is another thin.:
0e must ha,e a 0a--
in the .reat chamber5
8ou can ne,er brin. in a 0a--5
#hat sa1 1ou, Bottom6
Some man or other must present #a--,
and -et him ho-d his /in.ers thus,
and throu.h that crann1 sha--
P1ramus and hisb1 0hisper5
hen a-- is 0e--5
Come, sit do0n,
e,er1 mother2s son,
and rehearse 1our parts,
e,er1 one accordin. to his cue5
P1ramus, 1ou be.in5
(Puc! flies in.)
#hat hempen home7spuns
ha,e 0e s0a..erin. here,
so near the crad-e
the /air1 4ueen6
Speak, P1ramus5
hisb1, stand /orth5
hisb1, the /-o0ers
o/ odious sa,ours s0eet555
Odours, odours5
Odours sa,ours s0eet:
So hath th1 breath,
m1 dearest hisb1 dear5
But &ark, a ,oice9
sta1 thou but here a0hi-e,
"nd b1 and b1 ! 0i-- to thee appear5
(E&it 2otto)
!2-- /o--o0 1ou,
!2-- -ead 1ou about a round5
('e follows 2otto)
Must ! speak no06
"1, marr1, must 1ou3
/or 1ou must understand
he .oes but to see a noise
he heard and is to come a.ain5
Most radiant P1ramus,
most -i-170hite o/ hue,
o/ co-our -ike the red rose
on triumphant brier,
most brisk1 ju,ena-
and eke most -o,e-1 =e0,
as true as truest horse
that 1et 0ou-d ne,er tire,
!2-- meet thee, P1ramus,
at Ninn12s tomb5
#h1, 1ou must not speak that 1et3
that 1ou ans0er to P1ramo:
1ou speak a-- 1our part at once,
cues and a--5
P1ramus enter:
1our cue is past3
it is, 2ne,er tire25
O, as true as truest horse,
that 1et 0ou-d ne,er tire5
(Enter Puc! and 2otto with an ass/s head upon his shoulders.)
!/ ! 0ere /air, hisb1,
! 0ere on-1 thine5
(Puc! flies off.)
O monstrous9 O stran.e9
0e are haunted5
Pra1, masters9 /-1, masters9
(E&eunt 3uince, *nug, Flute, *nout, and *tar)eling.)
#h1 do the1 run a0a16
this is a kna,er1
to make me a/eard5
(Flute reappears.)
O Bottom, Bottom,
thou art chan.ed9
0hat do ! see on thee6
(E&it Flute.)
#hat do 1ou see6
1ou see an asshead o/ 1our o0n,
do 1ou6
(The rustics reappear fro behind the trees.)
B-ess thee, Bottom9 b-ess thee9
thou art trans-ated5
(The" desappear.)
! see their kna,er1:
this is to make an ass o/ me3
to / me, i/ the1 cou-d5
But ! 0i-- not stir /rom this p-ace,
and ! 0i-- sin., that the1 sha-- hear
! am not a/raid5
he 0oose-- cock, so b-ack o/ hue,
0ith oran.e7ta0n1 bi--,
the throst-e 0ith his note so true,
the 0ren 0ith -itt-e 4ui--,555
#hat an.e- 0akes me
/rom m1 /-o0er1 bed6
he /inch, the sparro0 and the -ark,
the p-ain7son. cuckoo .ra1,
0hose note /u-- man1 a man doth mark,
and dares not ans0er na15
! pra1 thee, .ent-e morta-,
sin. a.ain:
Mine ear is much enamour2d
o/ th1 note3 so is mine e1e
enthra--ed to th1 shape3
thou art as 0ise as
thou art beauti/u-5
Not so, neither:
but i/ ! had 0it enou.h to .et out
o/ this 0ood555
Out o/ this 0ood do not desire to .o:
hou sha-t remain here,
0hether thou 0i-t or no5
! am a spirit o/ no common rate3
the summer sti-- doth tend
upon m1 state3
!2-- .i,e thee (airies
to attend on thee3
"nd !5
"nd !5
"nd !5
#hre sha-- 0e .o6
Be kind and courteous
to this .ent-eman3 hop in his 0a-ks
and .ambo- in his e1es3
/eed him 0ith apricocks
and de0berries,
0ith purp-e .rapes, .reen /i.s,
and mu-berries3 the hone17ba.s
stea- /rom the humb-e7bees,
and /or ni.ht7tapers crop
their 0a:en thi.hs
and them at the /ier1
.-o070orm2s e1es,
to ha,e m1 -o,e to bed and to arise3
nod to him, e-,es,
and do him courtesies5
(bow deepl" to 2otto)
&ai-, morta-, hai-9
! cr1 1our 0orship2s merc1,
1our merc1, hearti-15
&ai-, morta-, hai-9
! cr1 1our 0orship2s merc15
! beseech 1our 0orship2s name5
&ai-, morta-, hai-9
! sha-- desire 1ou
o/ more ac4uaintance,
.ood Master Cob0eb5
8our name, honest .ent-eman6
&ai-, morta-, hai-9
! pra1 1ou, commend me
to Mistress S4uash,
1our mother,
and to Master Peascod, 1our /ather5
8our name,
! beseech 1ou, sir6
&ai-, morta-, hai-9
&ai-, morta-, hai-9
8our kindred hath made
m1 e1es 0ater ere no0,
.ood master Mustardseed5
! desire 1ou more ac4uaintance5
8our name, sir6
(coes forward)
Come, sit thee do0n upon
this /-o0er1 bed,
0hi-e ! th1 amiab-e cheeks do co1,
and stick musk7roses
in th1 s-eek smooth head,
and kiss th1 /air -ar.e ears,
m1 .ent-e jo15
(T"tania and 2otto settle down on the ban!.)
#here2s Peaseb-ossom6
('e goes to 2otto.)
Scratch m1 head Peaseb-ossom5
(Peaseblosso scratches 2otto/s head.)
#here2s Monsieur Cob0eb6
('e goes to 2otto.)
Monsieur Cob0eb,
.et 1ou 1our 0eapons in 1our hand,
and ki-- me a red7hipped humb-e7bee,
and .ood Monsieur,
brin. me the hone17ba.5
(Cobweb finds a bee, catches it and ta!es the hone" to 2otto.)
#here2s Monsieur Mustard7seed6
)i,e me 1our nea/,
Monsieur Mustardseed5
(Mustardseed sha!es his hand )iolentl".)
Pra1 1ou, -ea,e 1our courtes1,
.ood Monsieur5
#hat2s 1our 0i--6
Nothin., .ood monsieur,
but to he-p Ca,a-er1 Cob0eb
to scratch5
(Mustardseed helps Cobweb to
scratch 2otto/s head.)
! am such a tender ass,
i/ m1 hair do but tick-e me,
! must scratch5
#here2s Monsieur Moth6
!2m he555
#hat, 0i-t thou hear some music,
m1 s0eet -o,e6
! ha,e a reas2nab-e
.ood ear in music5
La -a -a -a555
Let2s ha,e the ton.s and the bones5
(The Fairies ta!e their instruents and start to pla".)
"h9 "h9 ! ha,e a reas2nab-e
.ood ear in music5
(2otto gets up and begins to dance.)
La -a -a -a9
('e "awns.)
But, ! pra1 1ou,
-et none o/ 1our peop-e stir me:
! ha,e an e:position
o/ s-eep come upon me5
S-eep thou, and ! 0i--
0ind thee in m1 arms5
and be a-- 0a1s a0a15
(The Fairies disappear.)
So doth the 0oodbine
the s0eet hone1suck-e
.ent-1 ent0ist3
the /ema-e i,1 so enrin.s
the bark1 /in.ers o/ the e-m5
&o0 ! -o,e thee9
ho0 ! dote on thee9
(The" sleep, and it grows dar!. Enter $beron and Puc!.)
&o0 no0, mad spirit9
#hat ni.ht7ru-e no0
about this haunted .ro,e6
See, see, m1 mistress
0ith a monster is in -o,e5
his /a--s out better than
! cou-d de,ise5
But hast thou 1et -atch2d
the "thenian2s e1es
0ith the -o,e7juice,
as ! did bid thee do6
(Enter 'eria and Deetrius.)
Stand c-ose:
this is the same "thenian5
his is the 0oman,
but not this the man5
($beron and Puc! listen.)
O, 0h1 rebuke 1ou him
that -o,es 1ou so6
!/ thou hast s-ain L1sander
in his s-eep,
p-un.e in the deep,
and ki-- me too5
"h, .ood %emetrius,
0i-t thou .i,e him me6
! had rather .i,e
his carcass to m1 hounds5
Out, do., out, cur,
oh hast thou s-ain him, then6
! am not .ui-t1
o/ L1sander2s b-ood5
! pra1 thee,
te-- me then that he is 0e--5
"n i/ ! cou-d,
0hat shou-d ! .et there/ore6
" pri,i-e.e ne,er to see me more5
"nd /rom th1 hated presence part
! so5 See me no more,
0hether he be dead or no5
here is no /o--o0in. her
in this /ierce ,ein:
&ere there/ore /or a 0hi-e
! 0i-- remain5
So sorro02s hea,iness
doth hea,ier .ro0
('e lies down.)
#hat hast thou done6
thou hast mistaken 4uite
and -aid the -o,e7juice
on some true7-o,e2s
"bout the 0ood .o s0i/ter
than the 0ind,
and &e-ena o/ "thens -ook thou /ind5
! .o, ! .o3 -ook ho0 ! .o,
s0i/ter than arro0
/rom the artar2s bo05
('e flies off.)
(-o0er o/ this purp-e d1e,
hit 0ith Cupid2s archer1,
sink in app-e o/ his e1e5
#hen his -o,e he doth esp1,
-et her shine as .-orious-1
as the *enus o/ the sk15
#hen thou 0akest, i/ she be b1,
be. o/ her /or remed15
(Puc! flies in.)
Captain o/ our /air1 band,
&e-ena is here at hand3
and the 1outh,
mistook b1 me,
sha-- 0e their /ond pa.eant see6
Lord, 0hat /oo-s these morta-s be9
(Enter 'elena, ("sander following. $beron and Puc! stand aside.)
#h1 shou-d 1ou think that
! shou-d 0oo in scorn6
hese ,o0s are &ermia2s5
#i-- 1ou .i,e her o2er6
! had no jud.ment 0hen to her
! s0ore5
Nor none, in m1 mind,
no0 1ou .i,e her o2er5
%emetrius -o,es her,
and he -o,es not 1ou5
(Deetrius awa!es.)
O &e-ena, .oddess, n1mph,
per/ect, di,ine9
o 0hat, m1 -o,e,
sha-- ! compare thine e1ne6
Cr1sta- is mudd15
O, ho0 ripe in sho0 th1 -ips,
those kissin. cherries,
temptin. .ro09
hat pure con.ea-ed 0hite,
hi.h aurus2 sno0,
/ann2d 0ith the eastern 0ind,
turns to a cro0 0hen thou ho-d2st up
th1 hand: O, -et me kiss
this princess o/ pure 0hite,
this sea- o/ b-iss9
O &e-en9
O spite9
O &e--9
N1mph, per/ect, di,ine9
! see 1ou a-- are bent
o set a.ainst me
/or 1our merriment5
(To ("sander)
Look, 0here th1 -o,e comes3
1onder is th1 dear5
"h, L1sander,
0h1 unkind-1 didst
thou -ea,e me so6
!njurious &ermia9
most un.rate/u- maid9
&a,e 1ou conspired,
ha,e 1ou 0ith these contri,ed
to bait me 0ith this /ou- derision6
!s a-- the counse- that
0e t0o ha,e shared,
the sisters2 ,o0s,
the hours that 0e ha,e spent,
0hen 0e ha,e chid
the hast17/ooted time
/or partin. us, O, is it a-- /or.ot6
"-- schoo-7da1s2 /riendship,
chi-dhood innocence6
#e, &ermia, -ike t0o arti/icia- .ods,
ha,e 0ith our need-es created
both one /-o0er,
both on one samp-er,
sittin. on one cushion,
both 0arb-in. o/ one son.,
both in one ke13
t0o -o,e-1 berries mou-ded
on one stem3
so, 0ith t0o seemin. bodies,
but one heart3
and 0i-- 1ou rent
our ancient -o,e asunder,
to join 0ith men
in scornin. 1our poor /riend6
!t is not /riend-1,
2tis not maiden-1:
! am ama;ed
at 1our passionate 0ords5
! scorn 1ou not:
it seems that 1ou scorn me5
"1, do, perse,er,
counter/eit sad -ooks,
make mouths upon me 0hen
! turn m1 back3
0ink each at other3
ho-d the s0eet jest up:
(as if going)
But /are 1e 0e--:
2tis part-1 m1 o0n /au-t3
0hich death or absence
soon sha-- remed15
Sta1, .ent-e &e-ena3
hear m1 e:cuse:
M1 -o,e, m1 -i/e m1 sou-,
/air &e-ena9
O e:ce--ent9
(to ("sander)
S0eet, do not scorn her so5
!/ she cannot entreat,
! can compe-5
hou canst compe- no more
than she entreat:
! sa1 ! -o,e thee more
than he can do5
!/ thou sa1 so, 0ithdra0,
and pro,e it too5
'uick, come9
(holds ("sander)
0hereto tends a-- this6
"0a1, 1ou Ethiope9
No, no3 sir, seem to break -oose3
8ou are a tame man, .o9
&an. o//, thou cat, thou burr9
,i-e thin., -et -oose,
or ! 0i-- shake thee
/rom me -ike a serpent9
#h1 are 1ou .ro0n so rude6
0hat chan.e is this6 S0eet -o,e6
Seems to break -oose3
take on as 1ou 0ou-d /o--o05
h1 -o,e9
out, ta0n1 artar, out9
S0eet -o,e5
8ou are a tame man, .o9
Out, -oathed medicine9
hated potion, hence9
%o 1ou not jest6
8es, sooth3 and so do 1ou5
%emetrius, ! 0i-- keep
m1 0ord 0ith thee5
! 0ou-d ! had 1our bond3
!2-- not trust 1our 0ord5
#hat, shou-d ! hurt her,
strike her, ki-- her dead6
"-thou.h ! hate her,
!2-- not harm her so5
#hat, can 1ou do me
.reater harm than hate6
"m not ! &ermia6
are not 1ou L1sander6
(To 'elena)
O me9 1ou ju..-er9
1ou canker7b-ossom9
8ou thie/ o/ -o,e9
L1sander, keep th1 &ermia3
! 0i-- none:
!/ e2er ! -o,ed her,
a-- that -o,e is .one5
"1, b1 m1 -i/e3
be certain 2tis no jest,
hat ! do hate thee and -o,e &e-ena5
8ou both are ri,a-s,
and -o,e &ermia3
"nd no0 both ri,a-s,
to mock
(furious to 'eria)
(ie, /ie9 1ou counter/eit,
1ou puppet, 1ou9
Puppet6 0h1 so6
a1, that 0a1 .oes the .ame5
No0 ! percei,e that
she hath made compare
bet0een our statures3
she hath ur.ed her hei.ht3
and 0ith her persona.e,
her ta-- persona.e,
her, /orsooth,
she hath pre,ai-2d 0ith him5
"nd are 1ou .ro0n so hi.h
in his esteem3
because ! am so d0ar/ish and so -o06
&o0 -o0 am !,
thou painted Ma1po-e6 speak3
&o0 -o0 am !6 ! am not 1et so -o0
but that m1 nai-s can reach
unto thine e1es5
! pra1 1ou, thou.h 1ou mock me,
.ent-emen, -et her not hurt me3
1ou ma1 perhaps think,
because she is somethin. -o0er
than m1se-/,
that ! can match her5
Lo0er6 Lo0er6
&ark, a.ain9
O, 0hen she2s an.r1,
she is keen and shre0d9
She 0as a ,i:en 0hen
she 0ent to schoo-3
and thou.h she be but -itt-e,
she is /ierce555
Litt-e a.ain9
555she is /ierce5
Nothin. but -o0 and -itt-e6
)et 1ou .one, 1ou d0ar/5
&ark a.ain9
8ou minimus,
o/ hinderin. knot7.rass made5
(to ("sander)
#h1 0i-- 1ou su//er her
to /-out me thus6
8ou bead9
&ark a.ain9
8ou acorn9
Let me come to her9
8ou bead9
#h1 0i-- 1ou su//er her to /-out me6
)et 1ou .one, 1ou d0ar/5
Be not a/raid3
she sha-- not harm thee, &e-ena5
No, sir, she sha-- not,
thou.h 1ou take her part5
8ou are too o//icious
in her beha-/ that scorns
1our ser,ices5
Let her a-one: speak not o/ &e-ena5
No0 /o--o0, i/ thou darest5
Na1, !2-- .o 0ith thee,
cheek b1 jo0-555
555to tr1 0hose,
or thine or mine is most in &e-ena5
(E&eunt ("sander and Deetrius.)
&ELEN", &ERM!"
8ou, mistress,
a-- this coi- is 2-on. o/ 1ou5
Na1, .o not back5
! 0i-- not trust 1ou, !555
&ELEN", &ERM!"
555Nor sta1
in 1our curst compan15
Na1, .o not back5
8our hands than mine are 4uicker
/or a /ra1,
m1 -e.s are thou.h,
to run a0a15
('elena goes out, followed b" 'eria. $beron coes forward in a rage, dragging Puc!.)
O09 Oh9 O09
his is th1 ne.-i.ence:
sti-- thou mistakest,
or e-se committ2st
th1 kna,eries 0i-/u--15
Be-ie,e me, kin. o/ shado0s,
! mistook555
($beron sha!es hi.)
! mistook555 "h9
hou see2st these -o,ers seek
a p-ace to /
hie there/ore, Robin,
o,ercast the ni.ht3
and -ead these test1 ri,a-s so astra1
as one come not 0ithin
another2s 0a15
i-- o2er their bro0s
death7counter/eitin. s-eep
0ith -eaden -e.s
and batt1 0in.s doth creep:
then crush this herb
into L1sander2s e1e3
0hen the1 ne:t 0ake,
a-- this derision
sha-- seem a dream
and /ruit-ess ,ision,
haste, Robin, haste3
make no de-a1:
0e ma1 e//ect this business
1et ere da15
($beron goes out)
$p and do0n, up and do0n,
! 0i-- -ead them up and do0n:
! am /ear2d in /ie-d and to0n:
)ob-in, -ead them up and do0n5
$p and do0n, up and do0n,
&ere comes one5
(Enters, calling)
#here art thou, proud %emetrius6
speak thou no05
(iitating Deetrius)
&ere, ,i--ain3
dra0n and read15
#here art thou6
(o--o0 me,
then to p-ainer .round5
L1sander9 speak a.ain:
hou runa0a1, thou co0ard,
art thou /-ed6
(iitating ("sander)
"rt to the stars
and 0i-t not come6
8ea, art thou there6
(o--o0 m1 ,oice:
0e2-- tr1 no manhood here5
(E&eunt. Enter ("sander.)
&e .oes be/ore me
and sti-- dares me on:
#hen ! come 0here he ca--s,
then he is .one5
"nd ! am ! /a--2n
in dark une,en 0a1,
and here 0i-- rest me5
Come, thou .ent-e da19
('e lies down.)
(or i/ but once thou sho0 me
th1 .re1,
!2-- /ind %emetrius
and re,en.e this spite5
('e sleeps. Enter Puc!.)
&o, ho9
Co0ard, 0h1 comest thou not6
(calling in off)
"bide me, i/ thou darest5
#here art thou no06
Come hither: ! am here5
(Enter Deetrius)
Na1, then, thou mock2st me5
hou sha-t bu1 this dear,
i/ e,er ! th1 /ace b1 see:
no0, .o th1 0a15
(aintness constraineth me
to measure out m1
on this co-d bed5
('e lies down.)
B1 da12s approach -ook
to be ,isited5
('e sleeps. Enter 'elena.)
O 0ear1,
o -on. and tedious,
abate th1 hours9 Shine com/orts
/rom the east, and s-eep,
that sometimes
shuts up sorro02s e1e,
stea- me a0hi-e
/rom mine o0n compan15
(*he sleeps.)
8et but three6 Come one more3
t0o o/ both kinds make up /our5
(Enter 'eria.)
&ere she comes,
curst and sad:
Cupid is a kna,ish -ad,
thus to make poor /ema-es mad5
Ne,er so 0ear1,
ne,er so in 0oe,
Bedabb-ed 0ith the de0
and torn 0ith briers,
! can no /urther cra0-,
no /urther .o3
M1 -e.s can keep no pace
0ith m1 desires5
&ere 0i-- ! rest me ti--
the break o/ da15
&ea,ens shie-d L1sander,
i/ the1 mean a /ra19
(*he sleeps. The Fairies coe in )er" stealthil".)
On the .round, s-eep sound:
he2-- app-1 to 1our e1e,
.ent-e -o,er, remed15
#hen thou 0akest, thou takest
true in the
o/ th1 /ormer -ad12s e1e:
and the countr1 pro,erb kno0n,
in 1our 0akin. sha-- be sho0n:
=ack sha-- ha,e =i--3 sha-- .o i--3
the man sha-- ha,e his mare a.ain,
and a-- sha-- be 0e--5
(E&eunt Fairies. Puc! s,uee-es the .uice on ("sander/s e"es and goes out.)
"C !!!
(The wood, earl" ne&t orning. T"tania with 2otto, and the four lo)ers lie asleep. Puc! and
$beron appear.)
(obser)ing T"tania)
M1 .ent-e Robin3
see2st thou this s0eet si.ht6
&er dota.e no0 ! do to pit15
"nd no0 ! ha,e the bo1,
! 0i-- undo
this hate/u- imper/ection
o/ her e1es:
Be as thou 0ast 0ont to be3
see as thou 0ast 0ont to see:
%ian2s bud o2er Cupid2s /-o0er
hath such /orce and b-essed po0er5
Be as thou 0ast 0ont to be3
no0, m1 1tania3 0ake 1ou,
m1 s0eet 4ueen5
(T"tania wa!es.)
M1 Oberon9
0hat ,isions ha,e ! seen9 ! 0as enamour2d
o/ an ass5
here -ies 1our -o,e5
&o0 came these thin.s to pass6
O, ho0 mine e1es do -oathe
his ,isa.e no09
Si-ence a0hi-e5
Robin, take o// this head5
1tania, music ca--3
and strike more dead than common
s-eep o/ a-- these /i,e the sense5
(Puc! reo)es the ass/s head.)
Music, ho9 music,
such as charmeth s-eep9
(Enter soe Fairies.)
Sound, music9 Come, m1 4ueen,
take hands 0ith me,
and rock the .round 0hereon
these s-eepers be5
(The" dance.)
No0 thou and ! are ne0 in amit1
and 0i-- to7morro0
so-emn-1 dance in %uke heseus2
house triumphant-1,
"nd b-ess it to a-- /air prosperit15
here sha-- the pairs
o/ /aith/u- -o,ers be 0edded,
0ith heseus, a-- in jo--it15
(air1 kin., attend, and mark:
! do hear the mornin. -ark5
('e disappears. $beron, T"tania and the Fairies disappear, still dancing. Distant horns.)
"LL (O$R
#e are a0ake9
"nd ! ha,e /ound %emetrius
-ike a je0e-, mine o0n,
and not mine o0n5
"nd ! ha,e /ound /air &e-en
-ike a je0e-, mine o0n,
and not mine o0n5
"nd ! ha,e /ound L1sander
-ike a je0e-,
mine o0n, and not mine o0n5
"nd ! ha,e /ound s0eet &ermia
-ike a je0e-,
mine o0n, and not mine o0n5
"LL (O$R
#h1 then 0e are a0ake3 -et2s .o
"nd b1 the 0a1 -et us recount
our dreams5
(The lo)ers go out.)
(slowl" wa!ing)
#hen m1 cue comes,
ca-- me, and ! 0i-- ans0er:
m1 ne:t is, 2Most /air P1ramus52
&ei.h7ho9 Peter 'uince9 (-ute,
the be--o0s7mender6
Snout, the tinker6 Star,e-in.6
)od2s m1 -i/e, sto-en hence,
and -e/t me as-eep9
! ha,e had a dream, past the 0it
o/ man to sa1 0hat dream it 0as5 ! 0as,
there is no man can te-- 0hat5 ! 0as,
and ! had5
But man is but a patched /oo-,
i/ he 0i-- o//er to sa1
0hat ! had5
he e1e o/ man hath not heard,
the ear o/ man hath not seen,
man2s hand is not ab-e to taste,
his ton.ue to concei,e,
nor his heart to report,
0hat m1 dream 0as5 M1 dream9
! 0i-- .et Peter 'uince
the carpenter to 0rite
a ba--ad o/ this dream,
and it sha-- be ca--ed
Bottom2s %ream,
because it hath no Bottom3
and ! 0i-- sin. it
in the -atter end o/ a p-a1,
be/ore the duke5
to make it the more .racious,
! sha-- sin. it at her death5
(E&it. Enter 3uince, Flute, *nout and *tar)eling, glooil".)
&a,e 1ou sent to Bottom2s house6
is he come home 1et6
&e cannot be heard o/5
Out o/ doubt he is transported5
!/ he come not,
then the p-a1 is marred:
it .oes not /or0ard, doth it6
!t is not possib-e:
1ou ha,e not a man in a--
"thens ab-e to dischar.e
P1ramus but he5
No, he hath simp-1 the best
0it o/ an1 handicra/t man in "thens5
8es, and the best person too5
(Enter *nug.)
Masters, the duke is comin.
/rom the temp-e5
!/ our sport had .one /or0ard,
0e had a-- been made men5
s0eet bu--1 Bottom9
hus hath he -ost
si:pence a da1 durin. his -i/e3
he cou-d not ha,e
2scaped si:pence a da1:
an the duke had not .i,en him
si:pence a da1 /or p-a1in. P1ramus,
!2-- be han.ed3
he 0ou-d ha,e deser,ed it:
si:pence a da1 in P1ramus,
or nothin.5
&e cou-d not ha,e scaped it5
&e cou-d not ha,e scaped it5
'$!NCE, SNO$, S"R*EL!N)
Si:pence or nothin. a da15
&e cou-d not ha,e scaped it5
#here are these -ads6
#here are these hearts6
most coura.eous da19 Bottom9
! am to discourse 0onders:
but ask me not 0hat5
Let us hear, s0eet Bottom5
Not a 0ord o/ me5
"-- that ! 0i-- te-- 1ou is,
that the duke hath dined
and our p-a1 is pre/erred5
Our p-a1 is pre/erred5
Most dear actors .et
1our appare- to.ether,
.ood strin.s to 1our beards,
ne0 ribbons to 1our pumps3
and e,er1 man -ook o2er his part5
Let hisb1 ha,e c-ean -inen3
-et not the -ion
pare his nai-s3
eat no onions no .ar-ic,
no onions,
that a-- ma1 sa1:
!t is a s0eet comed15
No more 0ords,
no more 0ords5
!t is a s0eet comed1
(pushes the out)
o the Pa-ace, .o, a0a15
!t is a s0eet comed15
)o, .o a0a1, .o9
(The" all lea)e e&citedl". The lights go down on the wood and up again in Theseus/ palace. Enter
Theseus and 'ippol"ta with their court.)
$rchestral March
No0, /air &ippo-1ta,
our nuptia- hour dra0s on apace3
this happ1 da1 brin. in
"nother moon:
but, O, methinks, ho0 s-o0
this o-d moon 0anes9
she -in.ers m1 desires,
-ike to a step7dame or a
-on. 0itherin. out
a 1oun. man2s re,enne05
his da1 0i-- 4uick-1 steep
itse-/ in ni.ht3
his 0i-- 4uick-1 dream
a0a1 the time3
"nd then the moon,
-ike to a si-,er bo0
Ne07bent in hea,en,
sha-- beho-d the
O/ our so-emnities5
! 0oo2d thee 0ith m1 s0ord,
and 0on th1 -o,e,
doin. thee injuries3
but ! 0i-- 0ed thee in another ke1,
0ith pomp, 0ith triumph
and 0ith re,e--in.5
(Enter ("sander, Deetrius, 'elena and 'eria. The" !neel to Theseus)
"LL (O$R
Pardon, m1 Lord5
! pra1 1ou a-- stand up5
(The" rise.)
! kno0 1ou t0o
are ri,a- enemies:
&o0 comes this .ent-e concord
in the 0or-d6
M1 -ord, ! sha-- rep-1 ama;ed-1,
! 0ent 0ith &ermia hither:
our intent 0as to be .one
/rom "thens, 0here 0e,
0ithout the peri-
o/ the "thenian -a05
M1 -ord, /air &e-en to-d me
o/ their stea-th,
o/ this their purpose hither
to this 0ood3
and ! in /ur1 hither /o--o02d them,
(air &e-ena in /anc1 /o--o0in. me5
But, m1 .ood -ord555
(air -o,ers,
o/ this discourse
0e more 0i-- hear anon5
&ermia, ! 0i-- o,erbear
1our /ather2s 0i--3
/or in the temp-e b1 and b1 0ith us
hese coup-es sha-- eterna--1
be knit5
&ESE$S, &!PPOL8"
=o1, .ent-e /riends9
=o1 and /resh da1s o/ -o,e
accompan1 1our hearts9
(The lo)ers ebrace.)
Come no03 0hat mas4ues,
0hat dances sha-- 0e ha,e,
o 0ear a0a1 this -on. a.e
o/ three hours
bet0een our a/ter7supper,
and bed7time6
(Enter 3uince with pla" bill. 'e hands it to 'ippol"ta and bows.)
" tedious brie/ scene
o/ 1oun. P1ramus
and his -o,e hisb13
,er1 tra.ica- mirth5
Merr1 and tra.ica-6
tedious and brie/6
hat is, hot ice
and 0ondrous stran.e sno05
#hat are the1 that do p-a1 it6
&ard7handed men
that 0ork in "thens here,
0hich ne,er -abour2d
in their minds ti-- no05
! 0i-- hear that p-a15
(E&it 3uince.)
(or ne,er an1thin. can be amiss,
0hen simp-eness
and dut1 tender it5
ake 1our p-aces, -adies5
(Enter the rustics.)
!/ 0e o//end,
it is 0ith our .ood 0i--5
hat 1ou shou-d think,
0e come not to o//end,
but 0ith .ood 0i--5
o sho0 our simp-e ski--,
that is the true be.innin.
o/ our end5
Consider then 0e come
but in despite5
#e do not come
as mindin. to content 1ou,
our true intent is5
"-- /or 1our
0e are not here5
hat 1ou shou-d here repent 1ou,
the actors are at hand
and b1 their sho0 1ou sha-- kno0
a-- that 1ou are -ike to kno05
his /e--o0 doth not stand
upon points5
heir speech 0as -ike
a tan.-ed chain,
nothin. impaired,
but a-- disordered5
he1 hath rid his pro-o.ue
-ike a rou.h co-t3
the1 kno0s not the stop5
!ndeed the1 hath p-a1ed
on his pro-o.ue -ike
a chi-d on a recorder5
" sound, but not in .o,ernment5
!t is not enou.h to speak,
but to speak true5
PROLO)$E >'uince?
)ent-es555 )ent-es555
#ho is ne:t6
)ent-es, perchance 1ou 0onder
at this sho03 but 0onder on,
ti-- truth make a-- thin.s p-ain5
his man is P1ramus,
i/ 1ou 0ou-d kno03
this beauteous -ad1
hisb1 is certain5
his man, 0ith -ime and rou.h7cast,
doth present #a--,
that ,i-e #a-- 0hich did
these -o,ers sunder3
this man, 0ith -anthorn, do.,
and bush o/ thorn,
presenteth Moonshine3
this .ris-1 beast,
is Lion b1 name5
(or a-- the rest,
-et Lion, Moonshine, #a--,
and -o,ers t0ain at -ar.e discourse,
0hi-e here the1 do remain5
(E&eunt all but 4all.)
! 0onder i/ the -ion be to speak5
No 0onder, m1 -ord:
one -ion ma1,
0hen man1 asses do5
#"LL >Snout?
!n this same inter-ude
it doth be/a-- that !,
one Snout b1 name, present a 0a--3
and such a 0a--,
as ! 0ou-d ha,e 1ou think,
that had in it
a crannied ho-e or chink,
('e holds up two fingers.)
"nd this the crann1 is, and sinister,
throu.h 0hich
the /ear/u- -o,ers are to 0hisper5
#ou-d 1ou desire -ime
and hair to sin. better6
!t is the 0ittiest partition
that e,er ! heard discourse5
P1ramus dra0s near the 0a--:
(Enter P"raus.)
)rim7-ook2d ni.ht9
O 0ith hue so b-ack9,
0hich e,er art 0hen da1 is not9, O ni.ht9
a-ack, a-ack, a-ack,
! /ear m1 hisb12s
promise is /or.ot9
"nd thou, o 0a--, o s0eet,
o -o,e-1 0a--,
that stand2st bet0een her /ather2s
.round and mine9
hou 0a--, o 0a--,
o s0eet and -o,e-1 0a--,
sho0 me th1 chink,
to b-ink throu.h 0ith mine e1e9
hanks, courteous 0a--:
=o,e shie-d thee 0e-- /or this9
But 0hat see !6 No hisb1 do ! see5
#icked 0a--, throu.h 0hom
! see no b-iss9
Cursed be th1 stones
/or thus decei,in. me9
he 0a--, methinks,
bein. sensib-e,
shou-d curse a.ain5
(to theseus)
No, in truth, sir, he shou-d not5
<%ecei,in. me< is hisb12s cue3
1onder she comes5
(Enter Thisb".)
#a--, /u-- o/ten hast
thou heard m1 moans,
/or partin. m1 /air P1ramus and me9
M1 cherr1 -ips ha,e o/ten
kiss2d th1 stones,
th1 stones 0ith -ime
and hair knit up in thee5
! see a ,oice:
no0 0i-- ! to the chink,
to sp1 an ! can hear
m1 hisb12s /ace5 hisb19
M1 -o,e thou art, m1 -o,e ! think5
hink 0hat thou 0i-t,
! am th1 -o,er2s .race5
M1 -o,e thou art, m1 -o,e ! think5
hink 0hat thou 0i-t:
O, kiss me throu.h the ho-e
o/ this ,i-e 0a--9
kiss me5
(The" !iss.)
! kiss the 0a--2s ho-e,
not 1our -ips at a--5
Oh, 0i-t thou at Ninn12s tomb
meet me strai.ht0a16
2ide -i/e, tide death,
! come 0ithout de-a15
hus ha,e !, #a--,
m1 part dischar.ed so3
and, bein. done,
thus #a-- a0a1 doth .o,
a0a1, a0a1, a0a1 doth .o5
his is the si--iest stu//
that e,er ! heard5
he best in this kind are
but shado0s3
and the 0orst are no 0orse,
i/ ima.ination amend them5
&ere come t0o nob-e beasts in,
a man and a -ion5
(Enter (ion and Moonshine.)
L!ON >Snu.?
8ou, -adies, 1ou,
0hose .ent-e hearts do /ear,
the sma--est monstrous mouse
that creeps on /-oor,
shou-d kno0 that !,
one Snu. the joiner, am a -ion7/e--,
nor e-se no -ion2s dam5
" ,er1 .ent-e beast,
and o/ a .ood conscience5
he ,er1 best at a beast
that e2er ! sa05
But -et us -isten to the Moon5
his -anthorn doth
the horned moon present5
&e shou-d ha,e 0orn
the horns on his head5
!, m1se-/ the man i2 th2
Moon do seem to be5
he man shou-d be put
into the -anthorn5
&o0 is it e-se the man i2th2 Moon6
his -anthorn doth the horn555
&e dares not come there
/or the cand-e5
Proceed Moon5
"-- ! ha,e o te-- 1ou
that this -anthorn is the moon3
!, the man i2th2 Moon3
this thorn7bush,
m1 thorn7bush3
and this do., m1 do.5
! am 0ear1 o/ this moon:
0ou-d he 0ou-d chan.e9
But si-ence3 here comes hisb15
(Enter Thisb".)
his is o-d Ninn12s tomb5
#here is m1 -o,e6
Oh9 Oh9 Oh9 Oh9
((ion chases Thisb" out. *he drops her antle.)
#e-- roared, Lion5
#e-- run, hisb15
#e-- moused, Lion5
#e-- run, hisb15
#e-- shone, Moon5
(Enter P"raus.)
S0eet Moon,
! thank thee /or th1 sunn1 beams3
! thank thee, Moon,
/or shinin. no0 so bri.ht3
but sta1, O spite9
But mark, poor,
0hat dread/u- do-e is here6
E1es, do 1ou see6
&o0 can it be9
daint1 duck9 O dear9
h1 mant-e .ood,
0hat, stain2d 0ith b-ood9
"pproach, 1e (uries /e--9
(ates, come, come,
cut thread and thrum3
4uai-, crush, conc-ude, and 4ue--9
Beshre0 m1 heart,
but ! pit1 the man5
0here/ore, Nature,
didst thou -ions /rame6
Since -ion ,i-e hath here
de/-o0er2d m1 dear 0hich is:
no, no, 0hich 0as the /airest dame
that -i,ed, that -o,ed, that -iked,
that -ook2d 0ith cheer5
Come, tears, con/ound3
out, s0ord, and 0ound
the pap o/ P1ramus3
thus die !, thus, thus, thus5
No0 am ! dead,
no0 am ! /-ed3
m1 sou- is in the sk1:
ton.ue, -ose th1 -i.ht3
Moon take th1 /
(E&it Moonshine.)
No0 die, die, die, die, die5
('e dies.)
#ith the he-p o/ a sur.eon
he 1et reco,er,
and pro,e an ass5
(Enter Thisb".)
&ere hisb1 comes,
and her passion ends the p-a15
! hope she 0i-- be brie/5
"s-eep, m1 -o,e6
#hat, dead, m1 do,e6
P1ramus, arise9
Speak, speak5 'uite dumb6
%ead, dead6 " tomb
must co,er th1 s0eet e1es5
hese -i-1 -ips, this cherr1 nose,
these 1e--o0 co0s-ip cheeks,
are .one, are .one:
Lo,ers, make moan:
&is e1es 0ere .reen as -eeks5
on.ue, not a 0ord:
Come, trust1 s0ord3
come, b-ade, m1 breast imbrue:
"nd, /are0e--, /riends3
thus hisb1 ends:
(*he stabs herself.)
"dieu, adieu, adieu5
Moonshine and Lion are -e/t
to bur1 the dead5
"1, and #a-- too5
>raisin. himse-/?
No, ! assure 1ou3
the 0a-- is do0n that
parted their /athers5
(2otto and Flute get up.)
#i-- it p-ease 1ou
to see the epi-o.ue,
or to hear a Ber.omask dance6
No epi-o.ue,
! pra1 1ou3
/or 1our p-a1 needs no e:cuse5
Come, 1our Ber.omask:
(The other 0ustics coe in and arrange thesel)es for the dance. The" dance. Midnight sounds.
The rustics stop dancing, bow deepl" to the Du!e. 'ippol"ta and the court, and lea)e. The others
he iron ton.ue
o/ hath to-d t0e-,e:
Lo,ers, to bed3
2tis a-most /air1 time5
! /ear 0e sha-- out7s-eep
the comin. morn as much as
0e this ha,e o,er0atch2d5
S0eet /riends, to bed5
S0eet /riends, to bed5
(Enter Cobweb, Mustarseed, Peaseblosso, and Moth.)
No0 the hun.r1 -ion roars,
and the 0o-/ beho0-s the moon3
0hi-st the hea,1 p-ou.hman snores,
a-- 0ith 0ear1 task /ordone5
No0 the 0asted brands do .-o0,
0hi-st the screech7o0-,
screechin. -oud,
puts the 0retch
that -ies in 0oe
in remembrance o/ a shroud5
No0 it is the time o/
that the .ra,es a-- .apin. 0ide,
e,er1 one -ets /orth his sprite,
in the church70a1 paths to .-ide:
"nd 0e /airies, that do run
b1 the trip-e &ecate2s team,
/rom the presence o/ the sun,
/o--o0in. darkness -ike a dream,
no0 are /ro-ic:
not a mouse sha-- disturb
this ha--o02d house5
(Puc! arri)es with a broo and chases the Fairies.)
! am sent 0ith broom be/ore,
to s0eep the dust
behind the door5
($beron and T"tania and the other Fairies appear.)
hrou.h the house .i,e
e,er1 e-/ and /air1 sprite
sin. this ditt1, a/ter me,
sin., and dance it trippin.-15
(irst, rehearse 1our son. b1 rote
to each 0ord
a 0arb-in. note5
&and in hand, 0ith /air1 .race,
#i-- 0e sin., and b-ess this p-ace5
OBERON, 8"N!", ("!R!ES
No0, unti- the break o/ da1,
throu.h this house each /air1 stra15
o the best bride7bed 0i-- 0e,
0hich b1 us sha-- b-essed be3
and the issue there create
e,er sha-- be /ortunate5
So sha-- a-- the coup-es three
e,er true in -o,in. be5
#ith this /ie-d7de0 consecrate,
e,er1 /air1 take his .ait3
and each se,era- chamber b-ess,
throu.h this pa-ace,
0ith s0eet peace3
e,er sha-- in sa/et1 rest,
and the o0ner o/ it b-est5
rip a0a13 make no sta13
meet me a-- b1 break o/ da15
(E&eunt all but Puc!.)
!/ 0e shado0s ha,e o//ended,
think but this,
and a-- is mended,
that 1ou ha,e but s-umber2d here
0hi-e these ,isions did appear5
)ent-es, do not reprehend:
!/ 1ou pardon,
0e 0i-- mend:
E-se the Puck a -iar ca--3
so, .ood unto 1ou a--5
)i,e me 1our hands,
i/ 0e be /riends,
and Robin sha-- restore amends5
('e claps his hands.)
&E E N%

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