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A Romp through the Quantum Field (Part 1)

with Gregg Braden and Dr. Bruce Lipton

By eryl Ann Butler

Miraculously, the baseball-sized tumor visible on the sonogram began
to shrink as the practitioners1 surrounding the patient chanted a
simple phrase. In just under three minutes, the inoperable, terminal,
incurable cancer had simply disappeared.
miracle! "r simply a technology #e don$t yet understand!
s one might e%pect, this #as not a scene &rom 'estern medical
care. (he rare video sho#ed a routine healing in a medicineless
hospital &ormerly active in )eijing. *resented during a joint
con&erence in *hoeni%+ by ,.-. (imes best-selling author .regg
)raden and reno#ned cellular biologist, /r. )ruce 0. 1ipton, it o&&ered
the captivated audience a taste o& the secrets o& the 2uantum 3ield.
)raden and 1ipton$s research in their respective scienti&ic disciplines
has resulted in a pair o& treasure maps leading to the same chest o&
spiritual riches. (he deepest mysteries o& religion and spirituality
have, &or the most part, eluded 'estern seekers. )ut in a surprise
ending, it is science that comes to the rescue.
)raden notes that #e are an intentional species unbound by the
la#s o& physics or biology. 'e have been taught that emotions and
belie& don$t have much po#er in our lives, but nothing could be &urther
&rom the (ruth4 'e have the po#er to heal our bodies, #e have the
po#er to alter reality, #e have the po#er to choose peace #here
there #asn$t peace +5 hours ago.
nd the prospect o& learning ho# to heal ourselves comes in the nick
o& time, considering the insu&&iciency o& health insurance and more
importantly, in light o& studies sho#ing allopathic medicine itsel& is the
leading cause o& death in the 67.8
'e have the po#er to heal our environment as #ell. .lobal #arming
is just the 9arth$s &ever trying to kill o&& the organisms inter&ering #ith
it, notes 1ipton. It$s time &or us to take our po#er back and recreate
the garden that used to be here.
"ur o#n thought processes provide the key to this trans&ormation.
-our thoughts are not contained in your head : they are a part o&
the 2uantum 3ield, 1ipton continues. 'hen playing through your
nervous system, the thoughts generate a vibratory &ield similar to that
o& a tuning &ork. (hought vibrations interact and entangle #ith
harmonically-resonant structures in the 3ield. 7imply, #e activate and
bring into our lives the things that #e think about the most.
*sychologists reveal that over ;<= o& our thoughts are negative and
redundant. /o the math>
(he secrets o& our deepest empo#erment can be discovered by
unlocking the door to our relationship to the 2uantum 3ield, and
1ipton and )raden o&&er us the keys in their intervie#s #ith
#areness Magazine.
Meryl nn )utler? (hank you, .regg, &or sharing your thoughts #ith
us. 'ill you e%plain more about this 3ield o& energy!
.regg )raden? (hank you &or inviting me. -es, scientists have not yet
agreed on a term &or it but they agree it has three distinct @ualities? it
is every#here al#ays, it has been here &rom the beginning, and it has
an intelligence that responds to human emotion. It sounds a lot like
1ynne Mc(aggart calls it the 3ield.5 "thers call it a 2uantum
0ologram, or the Mind o& .od. I call it the /ivine Matri%A in my
upcoming book.
(his 3ield is the stu&& o& #hich our bodies and our #orld are made.
cademic and research organizations have demonstrated the &act :
and it is accepted as &act no#, not just as theory : that this 3ield
e%ists. It holds the blueprint o& all possibilities #e #ill ever kno# or
e%perience in our #orld, everything &rom per&ect health, longevity,
peace, abundance, success&ul careers and loving relationships to the
blackest moments o& the darkest prophecies, the most horrible
diseases, or the greatest destruction #e could ever imagine.
ll those e%periences e%ist as possibilities, as unrealized potential in
this 2uantum 9ssence. (he choices that #e make in each moment
are #hat breathe li&e into these energetic blueprints.
M)? 0o# can #e unleash this po#er&ul &orce!
.)? "nce 'estern science ackno#ledged the e%istence o& the 3ield,
the scientists started asking B#hat do #e do #ith it!$ nd this is #here
ancient spiritual traditions become so valuable, because many o&
them begin at the place #here our science has just no# arrived.
7piritual traditions o& the past are born o& the understanding that #e
are all connected by spiritual energy, and #hat one person does in
one place has an e&&ect on #hat is happening in other parts o& the
#orld. (hat is a &undamental premise o& the ancient traditions,
#hether &rom the native ,orth merican or the aboriginal traditions,
the 2uechua traditions in the ndes, the (ibetan or traditional
)uddhist traditions, or the ancient 9ssenes #ho believed to be the
authors o& the /ead 7ea 7crolls.
s di&&erent as they appear to be &rom one another, all o& these
sacred traditions say that #e are all connected through a /ivine
Matri% or 9ssence. nd through this &ield #e are each part o& one
another, part o& our #orld and part o& a greater e%istence they call
.od. 7o this 9ssence is #here the marriage o& science and
spirituality brings us to a greater #isdom, more than science or
spiritual traditions can o&&er alone.
M)? 7o, #ould you say this union creates something greater than
the sum o& its parts!
.)? *recisely. 'hen #e ask ourselves #ho #e are in the #orld, our
greatest sources o& kno#ledge come &rom science, spirituality and
culture. 7o #hen #e marry all o& those #ays o& kno#ing into a greater
#isdom, it empo#ers us to participate. I am using that #ord
(his is not about control or manipulation o& our #orld. (his is about
participating in the outcome o& the healing o& our bodies, healing o&
our &amilies, the peace in our communities and peace bet#een
nations, because they are all linked through this 9ssence, they are all
part o& the same 3ield o& energy.
M)? Is that #hat you are re&erring to #hen you ask the @uestion,
re you a passive observer or a po#er&ul creator!
.)? 'ell, @uantum physicists have arrived at the understanding that
there are no observers : it is impossible &or anyone to simply
observe the #orld around them. I& #e are #atching something and #e
have thoughts, &eelings, emotions and belie&s about it, #hich #e all
#ill, then by virtue o& this 3ield, #e have become part o& #hat #e are
#atching. nd this is #hat is sho#ing up in the laboratory
M)? re you saying that #e are basically al#ays creating, #hether it
is by intention or by de&ault!
.)? -es, i& #e de&ine intention as the act o& observing our #orld #ith
an e%pectation o& an outcome. 'e are al#ays creating, even #hen
#e are not a#are o& #hat #e are creating. 'e can$t not create>
9very#here #e look, consciousness #ill put something there &or us to
see. I& you are a#ake and conscious, you are creating. 7o, #hat does
it mean #hen you are trained to look &or something you don$t #ant!
'hat does it mean to keep looking &or a lump in a breast!
Intentionality is #here #e can tip the scales in our &avor>
M)? /oes everyone on the planet need to learn the language o& the
2uantum 3ield in order to create a better #orld!
.)? 9ach one o& us already kno#s this language. It is a nonverbal
languageC there are no #ords or other out#ard e%pressions.
9veryone has everything they need to create joy and abundance and
health in their lives every day. 'hat scientists are &inding is precisely
#hat ancient te%ts tell us, the language this 3ield recognizes is the
language o& human &eeling and human emotion. It does not take
every person in the #orld e%pressing the same &eeling to create an
(he studies sho# that a relatively &e# number o& people #ith a
&ocused intention have tremendous leverage in terms o& a&&ecting ho#
our reality is responding, both in our bodies and in our #orld.
"ne &amous e%ample #as a research project done during the Israeli-
1ebanese #ar in the early 1DE<$s.F In this study, people #ho had
been trained to &eel the &eeling o& peace in their bodies #ere
positioned in #ar-torn areas in the Middle 9ast.
'hen they #ere intentionally &eeling peace during speci&ic #indo#s
o& time, it changed the level o& violence happening in the area around
them in statistically signi&icant #ays. Grime, hospital emergency room
activity, and tra&&ic accidents declined, and terrorist activities stopped
altogether. nd #hen the practitioners stopped, then all those
activities reversed.
7ince these practitioners had been trained by Maharishi; in (M
techni@ues, this phenomenon became kno#n as the Maharishi 9&&ect.
nd the results #ere so clear-cut that the researchers #ere able to
determine the e%act percentage o& a population needed to create this
e&&ect. (hat amount is the s@uare root o& 1= o& a given population.
7o, #hen that critical mass o& practitioners participated, the threshold
opened up and #e began to see the e&&ects. "bviously, the more
people #ho participate, the &aster #e are going to see those e&&ects.
(he s@uare root o& 1= is just 1<< people per million, or only about
E,<<< in the current #orld population o& F.A billion. (hat is all it takes
to make the di&&erence.
'hether #e are talking about one #oman$s healing in the video o& the
dissolving tumor, or about healing bet#een nations : as di&&erent as
they seem &rom one another : the principal and the e&&ect are the
M)? t the *hoeni% #orkshop you mentioned you #ere on the edge
o& some e%citing ne# research developments.
.)? -es, this is the +<th year I have o&&ered this #ork in one &orm or
another, but as di&&erent as the various aspects o& my #ork appear,
they are all &ocused and directed at empo#ering us to become better
people and creating a better #orld.
(he .od GodeE research is ongoing and #e are #orking #ith
researchers in other parts o& the #orld in translating the human
genome into the languages and the letters o& alphabets that can be
read like the pages o& a book. 'e hope to have more in&ormation to
share about the deeper layers o& these translations be&ore the end o&
this year.
'hat #e are talking about is another aspect o& that #ork. 'e no#
kno# &rom the &irst layer o& these translations, as I discussed in (he
.od Gode, that #e are an intentional species, #e kno# #e are no
&luke o& nature, #e are not an accident o& biology, #e are here on
purpose and appear to be #ired to create in our #orld.
(hrough the #ork /r. )ruce 1ipton, my colleagues, and I are doing,
#e are &inding that #e are not bound by the la#s o& physics and
biology that, in the past, #e believed #ere limiting us. (hat #ork is
ongoing, continuing to reveal ne# e%pressions o& &reedom. I& #e are
not bound by the la#s o& physics, and i& #e are not bound by the la#s
o& biology, then suddenly #e become tremendously po#er&ul beings>
nd i& #e are &ree o& those la#s, it means #e are &ree o& the limits #e
believe are imposed by our /, and space and time and distance
and aging and longevity, and all the implications that go #ith that> 7o
all o& these are married together into a very e%citing and empo#ering
#ay o& looking at ourselves and our #orld. nd the key is that #e are
a part o& everything #e see and e%perience rather than separate &rom
I& #e are part o& that /ivine Matri%, #e are given the gi&t, the ability
and the blessing that allo# us to trans&orm our bodies and our #orld
into li&e-a&&irming e%pressions o& that connection rather than li&e-
denying e%pressions. (o me, that is the e%citing thing about our ne#
discoveries and #here this #ork is going>
M)? 0o# did the t#o o& you end up sharing this #orkshop!
.)? I #as a &an o& /r. )ruce 1ipton$s #ork be&ore #e ever met. 'e
both began our #ork in the mid-E<$s, our paths had crossed a number
o& times and #e became &riends. "ur #ork seemed so di&&erent, but
#e #ere al#ays looking &or a #ay #e could share it together.
I came &rom the perspective o& studying the physical #orld o& our
e%ternal reality, and )ruce &rom the biological #orld o& our internal
realityH and as )ruce$s #ork evolved into the biology o& belie& and my
#ork evolved into the /ivine Matri% and the po#er o& belie& to change
and alter our reality, suddenly our respective #ork connected in a
very natural &it.
'e &irst presented a #orkshop together as an e%periment at the
I9J9dgar Gayce 0ead@uartersD in +<<8. (hen #e took that
#orkshop to ustralia and no# across the 6.7.
It has been a #onder&ul #indo# o& opportunity to marry our messages
into #hat I believe is a very potent, po#er&ul understanding o& #ho #e
are in the #orld. 'hat #e believe and ho# #e &eel about ourselves
and our #orld is actually the code that allo#s us the po#er to create
and heal and bring joy and peace into our lives. (hat is the message
)ruce and I have come together to o&&er. nd #ithin the conte%t o&
#hat #e are seeing on the si% o$clock ne#s, I think no# it is perhaps
more timely than ever.
M)? (his has been so very enlightening, thank you, .regg>
.)? (hanks &or inviting me.

G",39I9,G9 I,3"
.regg )raden K /r. )ruce 0. 1ipton #ill present )odies o& 9arth, Gells o& .od?
Molecules, Miracles, *assion and the 6nity 3ield on "ctober F-E, +<<F, in Irvine, G.
Gall LE<<M 8DA-E55A to register, or visit the #ebsite? ###.Gon&erence'
.regg )raden is a &ormer 7enior erospace 7ystems /esigner turned ,e# -ork (imes
best-selling author. 0is books include 'alking )et#een the 'orlds, #akening to
Nero *oint, (he Isaiah 9&&ect, (he .od Gode, 7ecrets o& the 1ost Mode o& *rayer,
and (he /ivine Matri%. 0e o&&ers seminars and guides international tours in search o&
the sacred. L###.greggbraden.comM
/r. )ruce 0. 1ipton is author o& the 1os ngeles (imes best-selling book, (he )iology o&
)elie&? 6nleashing the *o#er o& Gonsciousness, Matter and Miracles. cellular
biologist, he is &ormer ssociate *ro&essor at the 6niversity o& 'isconsin$s 7chool o&
Medicine and &ormer research scientist at 7tan&ord 6niversity$s 7chool o& Medicine. 0e
o&&ers #orkshops throughout the 6.7. and internationally.,
Meryl nn )utler is a Ienaissance #oman? artist, author, educator, labyrinth builder and
joy&ul e%ploress o& cutting-edge @uantum developments. D< Minute 2uilts is her
handbook &or personal and planetary healing through creativity, &un and &abric. 7he says,
(hey don$t call @uilts Bcom&orters$ &or nothing> (rained in ,e# -ork by one o& ,orman
Iock#ell$s students, she tutors adults and children in the greater 1os ngeles area in
traditional dra#ing and painting, as #ell as in @uilting and &iber arts.
1 (hese practitioners #ere trained in techni@ues o& energy #ork called Ghilel, a &orm o&
+ )odies o& 9arth, Gells o& .od? Molecules, Miracles, *assion and the 6nity 3ield
con&erence #ith .regg )raden K )ruce 1ipton, Ouly 15-1F, +<<F, *hoeni%, N, and "ct
F-E, +<<F, Irvine, G
8 /eath by Medicine. .ary ,ull *h/, Garolyn /ean M/, ,/, Martin 3eldman M/,
/ebora Iasio M/
,ovember +<<8. nnually, over a @uarter o& a million deaths are caused by medicine
Liatrogenic illnessM. (his is more than cardiovascular disease Lthe second leading cause
o& deathM and cancer Lthe thirdM ###.,utritionInstitute"&
5 (he 3ield? (he 2uest &or the 7ecret 3orce o& the 6niverse by 1ynne Mc(aggart,
0arperGollins +<<+
A (he /ivine Matri%? )ridging (ime, 7pace, Miracles, and )elie&s by .regg )raden, 0ay
0ouse, Oanuary +<<;
F(he 9&&ect o& the Maharishi (echnology o& the 6ni&ied 3ield on the #ar in 1ebanon?
time series analysis o& the in&luence o& international and national coherence creating
assemblies. 3indings? Improved @uality o& national li&e?
P Increased progress to#ards peace&ul resolution o& con&lict and decreased #ar intensity
P /ecreased #ar deaths and #ar injuries L1ebanon, 1DE8-1DE5M
P Increased con&idence and economic prosperity? improved &oreign e%change rate
L1ebanon, 1DE5M
le%ander, G. ,.C bou ,ader, (. M.C Gavanaugh, Q. 1.C /avies, O. 1.C /illbeck, M. G.C
Q&oury, I. O.C nd "rme-Oohnson, /. '. (he e&&ect o& the Maharishi (echnology o& the
6ni&ied 3ield on the #ar in 1ebanon? time series analysis o& the in&luence o&
international and national coherence creating assemblies. Maharishi 6niversity o&
Management, 3air&ield, Io#a, 6.7.., and Massachusetts Institute o& (echnology,
Gambridge, Massachusetts, 6.7.., 1DE5. Gollected *apers v5.88A
L###.mum.eduJtmRresearchJtmRbiblioJsocioRc.htmlM *ublished in the Oournal o& Gon&lict
Iesolution, Sol. 8+, ,o. 5, /ecember 1DEE, pgs. ;;F-E1+
; Maharishi Mahesh -ogi is the creator o& (ranscendental Meditation L(MM and leader o&
the (ranscendental Meditation Movement
E (he .od Gode by .regg )raden, 0ay 0ouse +<<5
Mathematical consulting services #as provided by 1os ngeles-based tutor, *aul /avis.

A Romp through the Quantum Field (Part !)
with Gregg Braden and Dr. Bruce Lipton
By eryl Ann Butler

'e live our lives based in #hat #e believe about our #orld,
ourselves, our capabilities, and our limits. 'hat i& those belie&s are
#rong! 'hat #ould it mean to discover that everything &rom the /,
o& li&e, to the &uture o& our #orld, is based upon a simple Ieality
Gode that may be changed and upgraded by choice! In a rare,
e%tended #eekend, .regg )raden, )ruce 1ipton and (odd "vokaitys
invite us on a journey to do just that>
L*art 1 o& this article, &eaturing an intervie# #ith .regg )raden,
appeared in the 7eptemberJ"ctober issue o& #areness Magazine. It
can be &ound online at
*art + continues our intervie# #ith /r. )ruce 1ipton.M
M)? )ruce, the merging o& your and .regg )raden$s #ork is so
e%citing> (hank you &or your #illingness to share some o& your
thoughts #ith us.
/r. )ruce 0. 1ipton? (hanks, I$m happy to participate>

'e live our lives based in #hat #e believe about our #orld,
ourselves, our capabilities, and our limits. 'hat i& those belie&s are
#rong! 'hat #ould it mean to discover that everything &rom the /,
o& li&e, to the &uture o& our #orld, is based upon a simple TIeality
GodeT that may be changed and upgraded by choice!

L*art 1 o& this article, &eaturing an intervie# #ith .regg )raden,
appeared in the 7eptemberJ"ctober issue o& #areness Magazine. It
can be &ound online at *art + continues
our intervie# #ith /r. )ruce 1ipton.M

M)? )ruce, the merging o& your and .regg )radenUs #ork is so
e%citing> (hank you &or your #illingness to share some o& your
thoughts #ith us.
/r. )ruce 0. 1ipton? (hanks, IUm happy to participate>

M)? (he premise o& your book T(he )iology o& )elie&T is that
humans are not, as #as previously believed, victims o& our genes, but
that the en"ironment ha# a direct e$$ect on our D%A. 'ould you

)1? 7ure. 6ntil recently, it #as thought that genes #ere sel&-
actualizing, meaning genes could turn themselves on and o&&. s a
result, most people today believe they are genetic automatons, and
that their genes control their lives.

)ut my research introduces a radical ne# understanding o& cell
#cience. (he ne# biology reveals that we &control' our genome
rather than being controlled by it. It is no# recognized that the
environment, and more speci&ically, our perception or
interpretation o$ the en"ironment directly control# the acti"ity o$
our gene#. (his e%plains #hy people can have spontaneous
remissions or recover &rom injuries deemed to be permanent

M)? (hen it really is about Tmind over matterT!

)1? -es, this ne# perspective o& human biology does not vie# the
body as just a mechanical device, but rather incorporate# the role
o$ a mind and #pirit. (his breakthrough is &undamental in all healing
because it recognizes that #hen #e change our perception or belie&s
#e send totally di&&erent messages to our cells, causing a
reprogramming o& their e%pression.

(hi# new #cience i# called epigenetic#. ItUs been around &or about
1F years, but itUs just no#
being introduced to the general public. 3or e%ample, (he merican
Gancer 7ociety is an
organization that has been looking &or cancer genes &or the last A<
years or so. )ut theyUve &ound that only about A percent o& cancer has
genetic linkage, leaving DA= that is not genetically linked. Iecently
the merican Gancer 7ociety released a statistic that said )* percent
o$ cancer i# a"oida+le +y changing li$e#tyle and diet. 7o no# they
are telling us, TItUs the #ay you live, itUs not your genes.T

M)? 7o the long sought-a&ter T3ountain o& -outhT could be right
inside ourselves!

)1? 'ithin every one o& our bodies at this very moment, there are
billions o& stem cells, embryonic cells designed to repair or replace
damaged tissues and organs. 0o#ever, the activity and &ate o& these
regenerative cells are epigenetically controlled. (hat mean# they
are pro$oundly in$luenced +y our thought# and perception#
a+out the en"ironment.
,ence our +elie$# a+out aging can either inter$ere with or
enhance #tem cell $unction- cau#ing our phy#iological
regeneration or decline.
M)? 'hat part does evolution play in this!

)1? 'ell, as it turns out, /ar#in #as #rong. Gurrent science
overrides /ar#inUs theories emphasizing competition and struggle,
but this in&ormation can take years to get into the te%tbooks.
Gooperation and community are actually the underlying principles o&
evolution, as #ell as the underlying principles o& cell biology. (he
human +ody repre#ent# the cooperati"e e$$ort o$ a community o$
$i$ty.trillion #ingle cell#. community, by de&inition, is an
organization o& individuals committed to supporting a shared vision.

Oean-)aptiste 1amarck had it right &i&ty years be&ore /ar#in. In 1E<D,
1amarck #rote the problems that #ill beset humanity #ill come &rom
separating ourselves &rom nature, and that #ill lead to the dissolution
o& society. 0is understanding o& evolution #as that an organism and
its environment create a cooperative interaction. I& you #ant to
understand the &ate o& an organism, you have to understand its
relationship to the environment. ,e recogni/ed that #eparating
our#el"e# $rom our en"ironment cut# u# o$$ $rom our #ource. ,e
wa# right.

nd #hen you understand the nature o& epigenetics, you see his
theory is no# substantiated. 'ith no mechanism to make sense o&
his theory be&ore, and especially since #e bought the concept o& neo-
/ar#inian biologists #ho said the human body #as subject to genetic
control, 1amarck looked stupid. )ut guess #hat! ,e# leading-edge
science reveals he #as right, a&ter all.

M)? 7o, ho# does this play out on the cellular level!

)1? 0n$ormation $rom the en"ironment i# tran#$erred to the cell
"ia the cell mem+rane. 1e u#ed to thin2 that the cell nucleu#
wa# the +rain o$ the cell. But in 1345 0 di#co"ered that the
mem+rane i# actually the +rain o$ the cell. (he nucleu#- a# it
turn# out- i# actually the reproducti"e center. (he cell mem+rane
(mem.+rain6) monitor# the condition o$ the en"ironment and
#end# #ignal# to the gene# to engage cellular mechani#m#-
which in turn- pro"ide $or it# #ur"i"al. 0n the human +ody- the
+rain #end# me##age# to the cell'# mem+rane to control it#
+eha"ior and genetic acti"ity. (hi# i# how the mind- "ia the +rain-
control# our +iology.
3or e%ample, an important discipline in the health sciences is re&erred
to as p#ychoneuroimmunology. Literally thi# term
mean#7 the mind (p#ycho.) control# the +rain
(neuro.) which in turn- control# the immune
#y#tem (immunology). (his is ho# the placebo e&&ect #orks>

1hen the mind percei"e# that the en"ironment i#
#a$e and #upporti"e- the cell# $ocu# on growth.
8ell# need growth in order to maintain the +ody'#
healthy $unctioning.

,owe"er- when con$ronted +y #tre##- cell# adopt
a de$en#i"e protection po#ture. 1hen that
happen#- the +ody'# energy re#ource#- normally
u#ed to #u#tain growth- are di"erted to #y#tem#
that pro"ide protection. (he re#ult i# that growth
proce##e# are re#tricted or #u#pended in a
#tre##ed #y#tem.

'hile our systems can accommodate periods o& acute Lbrie&M stress,
prolonged or chronic stress is debilitating because the bodyUs energy
demands inter&ere #ith the maintenance it re@uires, and this is #hat
leads to dys&unction and disease.

For e9ample- the $ear that ha# +een propagated in the :nited
;tate# #ince 3.11 ha# had a pro$oundly de#tructi"e e$$ect upon
the health o$ our citi/en#. <"ery time the go"ernment ad"erti#e#
concern# o$ more terror attac2#- the $ear alone cau#e# #tre##
hormone# to #hut down our +iology and engage in a protection
7ince the 'orld (rade Genter attack, the health o& the country has
plummeted and the pharmaceutical companiesU pro&its have
skyrocketed L#ith a 1<<= increase in less than &ive years>M

"ur color-coded terror alert system has also been responsible &or
another serious conse@uence. In a state o& &ear, stress hormones
change the &lo# o& blood in the brain.
:nder normal- healthy #ituation#- +lood $low in the +rain
i# pre$erentially $ocu#ed in the $ore+rain- the #ite o$
con#ciou# control. ,owe"er- in #tre##- the $ore+rain
+lood "e##el# con#trict- $orcing the +lood to the
hind+rain- the center o$ #u+con#ciou# re$le9 control.
7imply, in &ear mode #e become more reactive and less intelligent.
M)? In your #orkshop, you talked about ho# #e receive stress
in&ormation. 'ould you elaborate on that!

)1? 7ure. (he principle source o& stress signals is the systemUs
central voice, the mind. (he mind is like the driver o& a vehicle.

I& #e employ good driving skills in managing our +eha"ior# and
dealing #ith our emotions, then #e should anticipate a long, happy
and productive li&e. In contrast, ine&&ective behaviors and
dys&unctional emotional management, like a bad driver, stress the
cellular vehicle, inter&ering #ith its per&ormance and provoking a
7tress in&ormation can come to the cell &rom the t#o separate minds
that create the bodyUs controlling central voice.
(he (#el$.) con#ciou# mind i# the thin2ing you= it i# the
creati"e mind that e9pre##e# $ree will.
ItUs the e@uivalent o& a 5<-bit processor in that it can handle the input
&rom about 5< nerves per second.
0n contra#t- the #u+con#ciou# mind i# a #uper computer loaded
with a data+a#e o$ preprogrammed +eha"ior#. It is a po#er&ul 5<-
million-bit processor, interpreting and responding to over 5< million
nerve impulses every second. 7ome programs are derived &rom
genetics? these are our instincts. ,owe"er- the "a#t ma>ority o$ the
#u+con#ciou# program# are ac?uired through our
de"elopmental learning e9perience#.
(he #u+con#ciou# mind i# not a #eat o$ rea#oning or
creati"e con#ciou#ne##- it i# #trictly a #timulu#.
re#pon#e @play.+ac2@ de"ice. 'hen an environmental signal is
perceived, the subconscious mind re&le%ively activates a previously-
stored behavioral response V no thinking re@uired>
(he insidious part o& the autopilot mechanism is that subconscious
+eha"ior# are programmed to engage without the control o$- or
the o+#er"ation +y- the con#ciou# #el$.
,euroscientists have revealed that 35A.33A o$ our +eha"ior i#
under the control o$ the #u+con#ciou# mind. Gonse@uently, #e
rarely observe these behaviors or much less kno# that they are even
'hile your conscious mind perceives that you are a good driver, it is
the unconscious mind that has its hands on the #heel most o& the
time. nd the unconscious mind may be driving you do#n the road to
'e have been led to believe that by using #illpo#er, #e can override
the negative programs o& our subconscious mind. :n$ortunately-
to do that- one mu#t 2eep a con#tant "igil on one'# own
(here i# no o+#er"ing entity in the #u+con#ciou# mind
re"iewing the +eha"ioral tape#. (he #u+con#ciou# i#
#trictly a machine. Gonse@uently, there is no
discernment as to #hether a subconscious behavioral program is
good or bad, it is just a tape. (he moment you lapse in
consciousness, the subconscious mind #ill automatically engage and
play its previously-recorded, e%perience-based programs.
AB7 0o# did #e get our subconscious programming in the &irst
BL7 (he prenatal and neonatal brain operates predominantly in delta
and theta 99. &re@uencies through the &irst si% years o& our lives.
(his lo# level o& brain activity is re&erred to as the hypnagogic state.
'hile in this hypnotic trance, a child does not have to be actively
coached into speci&ic behaviors. 7he obtains her behavioral
programming simply by observing parents, siblings, peers and
In addition, a childUs subconscious mind also do#nloads belie&s
relating to sel&. 'hen a parent or teacher tells a young child he is
sickly, stupid, bad or undeserving, this too is do#nloaded as a &act
into the youngsterUs subconscious mind. (hese ac@uired belie&s
constitute the central voice that controls the &ate o& the bodyUs cellular
AB7 (hatUs pretty sobering> It seems to me that our subconscious
mind is like a chunk o& green kryptonite &rom 7upermanUs home
planet, the one thing that could strip him o& his superpo#ers. (he
kryptonite is analogous to the rocky &oundations o& childhood. s you
indicated earlier, the subconscious isnUt evil by nature V and neither is
the kryptonite. -et itUs through these avenues that the programming o&
our childhood come back to plague us as adults, and V &rom #hat you
are saying V rob us o& our o#n superpo#ers> Many people &eel so
stuck, ine&&ective and victimized, in spite o& the &act that their
conscious intentions are &ocused upon success. 7o #e come to the
ultimate @uestion, how can the #u+con#ciou# mind +e
BL7 (o change a behavioral tape, you have to push the record button
and then re-record the program incorporating the desired changes.
(here are several #ays to do this #ith the subconscious mind.
Fir#t- we can +ecome more #el$.con#ciou#- and rely le##
on automated #u+con#ciou# program#. By +eing $ully
con#ciou#- we +ecome the ma#ter# o$ our $ate# rather
than the "ictim# o$ our program#. (his path is similar to
)uddhist mind&ulness.
7econdly, clinical hypnotherapy directly addresses the issue at the
hypnagogic state.
In addition, #e can use a variety o& ne# energy psychology
modalities that enable a rapid and pro&ound reprogramming o& limiting
subconscious belie&s. (hese are &orms o& 7uperlearning that open
and integrate +oth hemi#phere# o$ the +rain at the #ame time-
allo#ing us to re-#rite our subconscious programs. 6sing these
processes that are
mechanistically similar to pushing the record program on the
subconscious mindUs tape player, #e are able to release the limiting
perceptions, belie&s and sel&-sabotaging behaviors.
<nergy p#ychology modalitie# include P#ych.C-
Re#onance Repatterning- <F( (<motional Freedom
(echni?ue#)- <DR (<ye o"ement De#en#iti/ation and
Reproce##ing) and Body(al2.
AB7 s a labyrinth builder, I &ind many people report physical
sensations o& pro&ound #ell-being and peace as a result o& #alking a
labyrinth, as #ell as sense o& timelessness, such as in an altered or
hypnagogic state. Many spontaneous healings seem to be a direct
result o& labyrinth #alking, and I mysel& have e%perienced healings
and a sense o& e%traordinary #ellness. /o you see this modality as a
#ay to reprogram the subconscious
as #ell!
BL7 I believe any process that e%pands sel&-consciousness and
allo#s us to observe and interact #ith our subconscious minds #ill
open the gate#ay &or change. 'ith conscious a#areness, #e can
actively trans&orm our lives so they are &illed #ith love, health and
prosperity. (he u#e o$ the#e new @rewrite@ modalitie#
pro"ide# a way to communicate with the cell# o$ your
+ody and i# the lin2 to tran#$ormati"e +iology a# well a#
AB7 (his #as #onder&ul, thanks, )ruce, &or sharing your insights>
BL7 (hank you, I enjoyed it>
Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton are blazing the trails of awareness of
our interconnection with the Quantum Field, guiding us toward new
and exciting understandings. Even this dnamic duo!s presentation
stle is significant " these gus live the co#operation the preach$
Braden and Lipton offer their material in an integrated dance of
snerg, as their two distinctive arms of science converge, fittingl, at
the heart.
Gregg Braden is a former %enior &erospace %stems 'esigner
turned (ew )or* +imes bestselling author. ,is boo*s include*ing Between the .orlds-, -&wa*ening to /ero 0oint-, -+he
1saiah Effect-, -+he God 2ode-, -%ecrets of the Lost 3ode of 0raer-,
and -+he 'ivine 3atrix-. ,e offers seminars and guides international
tours in search of the sacred.
'r. Bruce ,. Lipton is author of the Los &ngeles +imes best#selling
boo*, -+he Biolog of Belief6 7nleashing the 0ower of
2onsciousness, 3atter and 3iracles-. & cellular biologist, he is a
former &ssociate 0rofessor at the 7niversit of .isconsin!s %chool of
3edicine and
former research scientist at %tanford 7niversit!s %chool of 3edicine.
,e offers wor*shops throughout the 7.%. and internationall., www.beliefboo*.com5
3erl &nn Butler is a 8enaissance woman6 artist, author, educator,
labrinth builder and 9oful exploress of cutting#edge :uantum
developments. -;< 3inute Quilts- is her handboo* for personal and
planetar healing through creativit, fun and fabric. %he sas,
-+he don!t call :uilts =comforters! for nothing$- +rained in (ew )or*
b one of (orman 8oc*well!s students, she tutors adults and children
in the greater Los &ngeles area in traditional drawing and painting, as
well as in :uilting and fiber arts.>3ab&rt5
by Meryl nn )utler L*ublished in #areness MagazineM
W +<<F )ruce 1ipton *h./. ll Iights Ieserved.
Ieprinted #ith permission.

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