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Designed by George B. Walsh in 1986, in tribute to the font Attika

designed in 1953 by the renowned typographer Hermann Zapf. Here is a
A B G D E Z H Y I K L M N J O P R S T U F X C V a b g d e z h y i k
l m n j o p r s t u f x c v ! % WQ ~ ( ) [ ] { } < > ; , . :
a`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
katbhn xyw ew Peirai met Glakvnow to Arstvnow
proseujmenw te t ye ka ma tn ortn boulmenow yesasyai
tna trpon poisousin te nn prton gontew.
SPECIAL CHARACTERS available in Attika: (keyboard equivalents given;
you can also use the Insert symbol tool in Microsoft Word (under the
Insert menu).
W digamma (shift-w)
q koppa (q)
Q sampi (shift-q)
! % lunate sigma small and capital (option-s and option-shift-s)
~ obelus (option-t)
$ left half-bracket (option-shift-comma)
right half-bracket (option-shift-period)
_ left double-bracket (option-shift-[ )
right double-bracket (option-shift-] )
` sublinear dot (option-period)
non-breaking space of 50 ems (option-shift-space) to adjust spacing of
sublinear dot (type after letter and before dot to move dot to the right).
Designed by Jeffrey Rusten, based on various Greek upright fonts
illustrated in Victor Scholderer, Greek Printing Types 1465-1927 (London
1927): that of Nicolaus Jenson (1472, plate 7), the Complutum Greek
Testament (ca. 1510), Robert Proctors Otter (1910, plate 59) and Victor
Scholderers New Hellenic (1927, plate 58). Here is a sample:
A B G D E Z H Y I K L M N J O P R S T U F X C V a b g d e z h y i
k l m n j o p r s t u f x c v ! %W Q ~ ( ) [ ] { } < > ; , . :
a`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
katbhn xyw ew Peirai met Glakvnow to Arstvnow
proseujmenw te t ye ka ma tn ortn boulmenow
yesasyai tna trpon poisousin te nn prton gontew.
SPECIAL CHARACTERS available in Athenian: same as for Attika, but
with addition of stigma; keyboard equivalents given; you can also use the
Insert symbol tool in Microsoft Word (under the Insert menu).
W digamma (shift-w)
q koppa (q)
Q sampi (shift-q)
! % lunate sigma small and capital (option-s and option-shift-s)
stigma (option-k)
~ obelus (option-t)
$ left half-bracket (option-shift-comma)
right half-bracket (option-shift-period)
_ left double-bracket (option-shift-[ )
right double-bracket (option-shift-] )
` sublinear dot (option-period)
non-breaking space of 50 ems (option-shift-space in Mac) to adjust
spacing of sublinear dot (type after letter and before dot to move dot
to the right).
In addition to all the unaccented letters of the Athenian Greek font,
Symbol Athenian contains a number of special symbols for metrics, Greek
papyri and inscriptions. The typing instructions below are for the GreekKeys
Universal Keyboard. Most users will prefer to enter these special symbols
by using the command Insert symbol (in the Insert menu) of Microsoft
Metrical Symbols
With shift and option keys depressed, metrical symbols can be printed
as follows:
w beginning/end of composition
= end of strophe
\ end of period
e (frequent) caesura
r dovetailing
t triseme representing
y triseme representing
u tetraseme
i one syllable of pair of which one is long
g ellipsis (catalexis or syncopation)
h long
j short
k resolved long
l contracted double short
; anceps
o long (extra large)
p brevis in longo
The following are superscript symbols, which must be typed after the
symbols over which they are to appearexcept for the bridge, extra-large
long and synizesis, which must be typed after the first of two symbols over
which they are to appear but before the second.
(Use these short and long marks only over other metrical symbols: for
marking long vowels see below.)
b resolved long
n short
c bridge
m long
v long (extra large)
z synizesis
q synizesis (extra large)
The larger superscript symbols must be typed at a little distance from the left
margin or a tab.
Acrophonic numerals
and other epigraphical symbols
I (= one) shift-i
1 (= five) 1
D (= 10) shift-d
2 (=50) 2
H (=100) shift-h
3 (=500) 3
X (=1000) shift-x
4 (=5000) 4
M (=10,000) shift-m
5 (=50,000) 5
6 (= 1/2) 6
7 (=1/4 ) 7
8 (=1 drachma) 8
0 (= 5 obols) option-b
- (=10 minae
or 100,000 drachmas) equal-sign (=)
T (= 1 Talent) shift-t
! (= 5 Talents) shift-1
@ (=10 Talents) shift-2
# (= 50 Talents) shift-3
$ (= 100 Talents) shift-4
% (= 500 Talents) shift-5
^ (= 1000 Talents) shift-6
& (= 5000 Talents) shift-7
* (= 1 Stater) shift-8
( (=5 Staters) shift-9
) (= 10 Staters) shift-0
_ (= 50 Staters) shift-hyphen
(= 100 Staters) option-shift-4
(= 500 Staters) option-shift-5
(= 1000 Staters) option-shift-6
(= 10,000 Staters) option-shift-7
(= 50,000 Staters) option-shift-8
various other symbols:
(double line) option-shift-d
(triple line) option-f
Papyrological symbols
< (fibers horizontal) shift-comma
> (fibers vertical) shift-period
(= dhnria) option-shift-f
? (= draxma) shift-slash
| (= tow) shift-backslash
(chi-rho monogram) option-backslash
Other characters and symbols
(epsilon with circumflex) option-e + e
(omicron with circumflex) option-e + o
(epsilon with circumflex
and smooth breathing) option -u + e
(omicron with circumflex
and smooth breathing) option-u + o
(epsilon with circumflex
and rough breathing) option-i + e
(omicron with circumflex
and rough breathing) option-i + o
(alpha with macron) option-= + a
+ (iota with macron) option-= + i
(upsilon with macron) option-= + u
(rho with smooth breathing) option-shift - (hyphen)
(double interpunct) option-semicolon
(triple interpunct) option-shift-e
` (sublinear asterisk) option-period
(left upper half-bracket) option [
(right upper half-bracket) option]

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