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Anapolon For Great Results

Especially since it relates to Comprare Testosterone Undecanoato replacement therapy for


Insulin resistance increases 5-alpha reductase, which increases conversion of testosterone
to dihy-drotestosterone inside hair follicle.

In addition, obesity, age, alcohol, medications and sedentary lifestyle increase aromatase
activity, which lowers testosterone and raises estradiol. Increased DHT, lowered
testosterone, and elevated estradiol levels can contribute to hair loss in genetically
predisposed people. But so can medications, stress and nutritional deficiencies.

In studies conducted by Glaser and Dimitrakakis, 2 / 3 of women treated with subcutaneous
testosterone implants have scalp hair re-growth on therapy. Women who didn't re-grow hair
were more likely to be hypo or hyperthyroid, iron deficient or have elevated body mass index.
And none in the 285 patients treated for about 56 months with subcutaneous T therapy
complained of thinning hair.

However, in studies conducted by Glaser and Dimitrakakis, over 90% of women treated with
subcutaneous testosterone therapy have documented decreased aggression, irritability and
anxiety. And this is not a new finding. Androgen therapy has been utilized to treat PMS for
more than 60 years.

Myth #9: It may boost the risk of breast cancers

It was thought to be early as 1937 that breast cancers was an estrogen sensitive cancer
understanding that testosterone acted as being a counter balance to estrogen. Clinical trials
in primates and humans have confirmed that testosterone carries a beneficial impact on
breast tissue by decreasing breast proliferation and preventing stimulation from estradiol.

However, some epidemiological numerous studies have reported an association between
elevated androgens and breast cancer. But these studies suffer from methodological
limitations, and most importantly, usually do not account for associated elevated estradiol
levels and increased body mass index. And the cause and effect interpretation of such
studies conflicts with the known biological effect of testosterone.

Although testosterone is breast protective, it may aromatize to estradiol and also have a
secondary, stimulatory effect about the estrogen receptor. But when testosterone is along
with an aromatase inhibitor in a subcutaneous implant, it blocks testosterone from

This type of treatment has become shown to effectively treat androgen deficiency symptoms
in breast cancer survivors and is also currently being evaluated inside a U.S. national cancer
study. In addition, Dimitrakakis and Glaser see a reduced incidence of breast cancer in ladies
treated with testosterone or testosterone with anastrozole implants.

Myth #10: The safety of testosterone use in ladies has not been established

Testosterone implants are actually used safely in ladies since 1938. Any real concerns would
be well established at this point.

Long-term data exists about the successful and safe using testosterone in doses as high as
225 mg in approximately 40 years of therapy. In addition, long lasting follow up studies on
supra-pharmacologic doses employed to 'female to male' transgender patients report no
surge in mortality, breast cancer, vascular disease and other major health issues.

Many with the side effects and safety concerns related to testosterone are from oral
formulations, or are secondary to increased aromatase activity due to elevated estradiol. This
effect increases as they age, obesity, alcohol intake, insulin resistance, breast cancers,
medications, drugs, processed diet and sedentary lifestyle. Although often overlooked or
otherwise addressed in scientific studies, monitoring aromatase activity and signs and
symptoms of elevated estradiol is critical to the safe utilization of testosterone in sexes.

Adequate testosterone is essential for physical, mental and emotional health in sexes.

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