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Research Journal on International Relations & Economic Development

Draft Agenda

Governed by an independent Board of Governing Council, the Krityanand UNESCO Club is a Registered NGO
under Societies Registration Act, 1860 with Government of Jharkhand and tax-exempt institution. We are
working for the aims and purpose of the United Nations and its work among our society. At the 41st plenary
meeting, On July 23rd, 2012, Krityanand UNESCO Club Jamshedpur was officially granted special
consultative status as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with the United Nations Economic and Social
Council (ECOSOC). The ECOSOC is one of 6 principal organs of the United Nations System established by the
UN Charter in 1945 and serves as the central forum for formulating policy recommendations regarding
international economic and social issues. NGO consultative status allows Krityanand UNESCO Club
Jamshedpur to make direct contributions to the programs and goals of the United Nations by accessing and
participating in the work of the ECOSOC. In 1997 we established a library on International system with
support of different UN agencies and in 2006 we started our service in Social and Economic Development
Program through our Research works in different social sector.
The initiative arose from a series of meetings held between academics and members involved in the field. The
major motivation stemmed from the realization that, particularly in the International Relations and Economic
Development, scholars tended to conduct their work in an isolated fashion, with a very meager interchange
among researchers of the concerned involved. Our Journals aims to operate as a network that will deepen and
strengthen bonds between scholars concerned with the subject of International Relations, Political and
Economic Development, International Law and Human Rights, Science and Technology for future
Development, magnifying their voices and participation in UN agencies, international organizations and
universities. Within this framework, the Organization now offers a specific journal, KNUC Research
Journal on International Relations & Economic Development, with the purpose of consolidating a
channel that will publicize and promote groundbreaking research.
At the Forum KNUC Research Journal on International Relations & Economic Development,
we will discuss and research foreign affairs and global Economic development issues among states within the
international system, including the roles of states, inter-governmental organizations (IGOs), non-
governmental organizations (NGOs), and multinational corporations (MNCs). We will focus on geopolitical
analysis, globalization, international policy issues and apply qualitative and quantitative analysis. Our focuses
will analyzing, as well as formulate new solutions to issues with foreign policy and economic development.

Area of Focus and Impacts of Global Affairs;
Global affairs and issues need to be addressed and discussed. We provide a platform to discuss and submit
articles related to foreign affairs & global issues such as: Geopolitical Analysis, Globalization, International
Law, Human Rights, Diplomacy, Negotiation, Government, Business, Public Policy, Economic Development,
International Political Economy, NGO's, MNC's,

With the aim of ensuring internal consistency and adopting a political and not only an academic dimension, the journal
intends to privilege discussions whose main focus is centered and aims to strengthen the work of International Relations
and Economic development concern activists through the promotion of a high-quality debate on related issues, Its
objective is to develop empirical research oriented mindset among young research.

If you have questions about our research journal please email us @ and can be fully accessed
online at
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Research Journal on International Relations & Economic Development

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