Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

Week: Week:

Workout 1 - DE Bench Press Sets / Reps Weight Reps Workout 1 - DE Bench Press Sets / Reps Weight
DE - 8 x 3 (60%) DE - 8 x 3 (60%)
TRICEPS - 3-5 x 3-5 TRICEPS - 3-5 x 3-5
Shoulders/Chest - 5 x 10 Shoulders/Chest - 5 x 10
LATS - 5 x 10-15 LATS - 5 x 10-15
BICEPS - 2-3 x 6-10 BICEPS - 2-3 x 6-10
Workout 2 - ME Squat/DL Sets / Reps Weight Reps Workout 2 - ME Squat/DL Sets / Reps Weight
ME - ME x 3-5 ME - ME x 3-5
UL - 2-3 x 3-8 UL - 2-3 x 3-8
HAMS / Lower Back - 3-5 x 8-15 HAMS / Lower Back - 3-5 x 8-15
ABS (upper/lower) - 5 x 5-20 ABS (upper/lower) - 5 x 5-20
Workout 3 - ME Bench Press Sets / Reps Weight Reps Workout 3 - ME Bench Press Sets / Reps Weight
ME Bench - ME x 3-5 ME Bench - ME x 3-5
TRICEPS - 5 x 10-15 TRICEPS - 5 x 10-15
LATS - 5 x 10-15 LATS - 5 x 10-15
Upper Back - 5 x 10-15 Upper Back - 5 x 10-15
BICEPS - 2-3 x 8-12 BICEPS - 2-3 x 8-12
Workout 4 - DE Squat/DL Sets / Reps Weight Reps Workout 4 - DE Squat/DL Sets / Reps Weight
DE Box Squat - 10 x 2 (55%) DE Box Squat - 10 x 2 (55%)
HAMS - 2-3 x 3-8 HAMS - 2-3 x 3-8
Lower Back / HAMS - 3-5 x 8-15 Lower Back / HAMS - 3-5 x 8-15
ABS (obliques) 5 x 5-20 ABS (obliques) 5 x 5-20
ME Exercises (Upper Body) Shoulders/High End Work ME Exercises (Lower Body) MAX EFFORT LIFTS:
Thick bar or regular barbell bench press, Seated dumbbell clean, Bradford press, Box squats, Rack pulls (partial deadlifts), Rotate every 2 weeks
Barbell floor press, Rack lockouts, Side press, Rear delt flyes, overhead press, Front, Back and Hack Squats, Deadlifts,
1, 2, 3 or 4 Board presses, Incline barbell bench, Push presses, Shrugs, dumbbell military press, Zercher squats, etc.
Close-grip bench press, etc. Dumbbell bench presses, Blast Strap Volume
push-ups, etc. DE Squat/DL Week 1: High
TRICEPS Box squats - various height boxes Week 2: Medium
Triceps ext. (dumbbell or barbell), pushdowns, BICEPS/Grip Week 3: Very High
Blast Strap pushups, close-grip benches, rack Barbell, EZ bar or reverse curls, forearm curls, HAMS/Lower Back Week 4: Low
lockouts, elbows-out extensions, etc. Hammer curls, Zottman curls, dumbbell curls, Glute-ham raises, Romanian deadlifts,
Hex head dumbbell holds, plate pinches, etc. Good mornings, Stability ball lifts, leg curls, Back-off weeks:
LATS/Upper Back Reverse Hypers, pull-throughs, upright sled drags 1) Complete week off
ROW - Bent-over dumbbell, kbell or barbell rows, ABS kbell swings, back raises, band curls, band 2) DE/ME the same - no assistance work
EZ bar rows, chest-supported rows, etc. Russian twists, Side Bends, Straight leg situps, good mornings, etc. 3) No ME, just DE and assistance work
CHINS - Chins/Pull-ups (various grips) Hanging leg raises, Weighted sit-ups 4) No ME/DE work; just assistance work
Band pull-aparts, face pulls, shrugs, etc. Stability ball crunches, Rainbows, Unilateral Movement (Lower Body) 5) DE/ME/RE work at a reduced volume
ab fallouts, Leg raise on stability ball, etc. Single-leg squats, Step ups, Lunges,
DE Bench Speed-skater squats, etc.
Bench press, dumbbell bench press, etc.
Blast Strap exercises: Push-ups, rows, dips, chins, leg raises, external rotator, flyes, triceps extensions, rear delts, abs, curls, etc.
Westside Training - Mass Program
ME Bench
Floor Presses
2 Board Press
Incline Press
Bench Press
1 Board Press
2) DE/ME the same - no assistance work
3) No ME, just DE and assistance work
4) No ME/DE work; just assistance work
5) DE/ME/RE work at a reduced volume
Westside Training - Mass Program

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