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Victor is sitting in a car with the window rolled down.

Dan walks up to the car, punches

victor in the head and runs away. and then the facts indicate the victor died instantly as a
result of being punched in the head by dan.
Is Dan Guilty of MURDR!
" #urder is a killing by one hu#an being by another with #alice aforethought$ one way
to estabish such #alice is through intent to inflict seriously bodily in%ury.
&ere, Dan is sitting in a car with the window rolled down and Dan walks up to the car
and punches victors head, which can show intent because his punch was a volitional
voluntary act. Dan punches victors head which shows infliction of serious bodily har#
because it was an in%ury that create a substantial risk of death.
Dan will argue his intent was not to cause serious bodily in%ury %ust to cause a touching,
and that the e'isting evidence does not show his sub%ective intent to cause serious
(hile further investigation about things such as the force used to hit Victor, the a#ount
of strength Dan has, or Victor)s si*e co#pared to Dan)s si*e #ay help to show intent to
cause serious bodily har#, at the present a#ount of facts there is too little evidence to
shows Dan)s intent.
+herefore he is not guilty of #urder.
Dan)s running away after punching hi# can further show intent becuase he #ost
reasonably ran away because he know he %ust inflicted bodily har#$ the i#portance of
running away to establish intent can be co#pared to the fact that he only walked up to
the car before punching hi# which can show before punching hi# there was no reason
to be running. +herefore it is likely Dan e'hibited #alice which shows he is guilty of
co##on law #urder.
R-R./0 1unaware of fro# where references ca#e fro# ... not #y own work but
the work of others thats why it is 2references23
20erious bodily in%ury or har# is the serious physical har# caused to the hu#an body. It
usually refers to , per#anent disfigure#ent or prolonged loss or i#pair#ent of the
function of any body part or organ. +he ter# 4serious bodily in%ury5 is interchangeably
used with serious bodily har#$ grievous bodily har#$ great bodily in%ury.2

2+he intent to do in%ury, for e'a#ple, #ust be de#onstrated if one is to be convicted of
such cri#es as assault, battery, or #urder. "s it is i#possible to read #inds, it can be
difficult to effectively prove that an individual intended to do har#. "s such, %udg#ent on
the issue can often be relatively sub%ective and is based on e'isting evidence and
witness reports.2
2+he ter# e'pressed #alice describes a stated intent to do har#$ the intention to do
har# is clear, deliberate, and e'pressed. I#plied #alice describes situations in which
there is no e'plicit state#ent of intent to do har#, but in which the intent to do har# is
apparent. +his is #uch #ore sub%ective as there is no e'pressed intent to in%ure anyone$
such intent #ust be inferred fro# evidence after the fact.2

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