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Teleconference call on April 10, 2014
1. Call to Order
Chair Brown convened the regular meeting at 2:35 p.m. (Eastern Time).
2. Roll Call
Members present were Tim Brown, Jacqueline Kamp, Gayle McKillop
(sitting in for Keith Cubic), Joe Scorcio, Robert Hill, Mike Harper, Mike
Kayes, and Judy Francis. Keith Cubic, Charlie Compton, Tracy Hegler,
Dennis Sandquist, and Royce Maniko were excused. Megan Nelms was
unable to access the meeting through the teleconference portal and was
excused. A quorum was confirmed.
3. Approval of February 6, 2014 Teleconference Summary was delayed to the
end of the meeting as the minutes had not been sent out. Chair Brown
then sent the minutes by e-mail to all participants.
4. Finance Report
Mike Harper reported that the current balance in the checking account is
$1,672.28, and this includes $300 of the ESRI donation that was retained
because the budget is getting thin. An infusion of funds will be needed
in the next few months to sustain the organization. Robert Hill moved to
accept the finance report. Joe Scorcio seconded the motion and it was
approved unanimously.
5. 2014 Renewal Notices March/April update
Mike Harper reported he would be unable to send out the renewals until
May. He is getting together with Megan to arrange sending out renewals.
Tim will follow up with Megan since she has volunteered to help.
6. NACO Annual Conference
Brown reported that NACO has requested a mobile workshop. Robert
Hill is arranging a workshop on pipeline safety. In addition, NOAA will be
submitting a session on Coastal Resiliency.
7. Other Business Letter of recommendation for Judy Francis to represent
NACP on the US Forest Service Planning Rule FACA Committee
Judy Francis recapped her desire to be appointed to the advisory
committee. The Forest Service has a new planning rule in effect, and
members to an advisory committee are being appointed. There is a
need for someone to represent the local government perspective. She is
requesting a letter of endorsement. Robert Hill moved to endorse Judy for
the appointment. Joe Scorcio seconded the motion and it was approved
Robert Hill moved to adopt the minutes of the February 6, 2014
Teleconference. Joe Scorcio seconded the motion and it was approved
unanimously. Mike Harper abstained as he was not present at the meeting.
8. Schedule Next Executive Committee Meeting Date and Time
The next meeting of the Executive Committee was scheduled for June 12

at 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), immediately following the teleconference call
for the County Planning Division of APA.
9. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 3:05 p.m. (Eastern Time).

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