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(Concluded 15 April 1958)

The signatories to this Convention;
Desiring to esta!ish "o##on $rovisions "on"erning the e%%e"ts o% the &esignation o% a %or'# in the "ase o%
internationa! sa!es o% goo&s;
Have reso!ve& to "on"!'&e a Convention to this e%%e"t an& have agree& '$on the %o!!o(ing $rovisions)

Arti"!e %irst
The $resent Convention sha!! a$$!* to sa!es o% tangi!e internationa! %'rnishings+
It &oes not a$$!* to sa!es o% se"'rities, sa!es o% shi$s, vesse!s or air"ra%t registere&, sa!es * a'thorit* o% !a(+ It
a$$!ies to sa!es &o"'#ents+
For its a$$!i"ation are "onsi&ere& to e sa!es "ontra"ts %or the &e!iver* o% goo&s to e #an'%a"t're& or $ro&'"e&,
(here the $art* is o!igate& to &e!iver sha!! $rovi&e the ra( #ateria!s %or the #an'%a"t're or $ro&'"tion+
The on!* &e"!aration o% the $arties on the a$$!i"ation o% a !a( or the -'ris&i"tion o% a -'&ge or aritrator is not eno'gh
to give the internationa! sa!e (ithin the #eaning o% the %irst $aragra$h o% this arti"!e+
Arti"!e .
I% the $arties to a "ontra"t o% sa!e e/$ress!* &esignate a "o'rt or "o'rts o% a Contra"ting State as "o#$etent to hear
&is$'tes (hi"h have arisen or #a* arise that "ontra"t et(een the $arties, the "o'rt so &esignate& sha!! e
e/"!'sive!* an& an* other "o#$etent "o'rt #'st &e"!ine -'ris&i"tion s'-e"t to the $rovisions o% Arti"!e 0+
1hen the sa!e "on"!'&e& ora!!*, "ontains the &es"ri$tion o% the %or'#, this &esignation is not va!i& 'n!ess it has een
e/$resse& or "on%ir#e& * a (ritten state#ent %ro# a $art* or a ro2er (itho't eing "ha!!enge&+
Arti"!e 0
Ho(ever, i% a &e%en&ant a$$ears e%ore a "o'rt o% a Contra"ting State (ho is in"o#$etent &'e to a &esignation %or in
Arti"!e . 't (hi"h its o(n !a( "an ass'#e -'ris&i"tion, it sha!! e &ee#e& to have a""e$te& the -'ris&i"tion o% the
"o'rt, 'n!ess it a$$eare& to o-e"t to s'"h -'ris&i"tion or to save sei3e&, or in &anger o% %ore"!os're, or to !i%t a
Arti"!e 4
The %oregoing sha!! not $re"!'&e the "o'rts o% the Contra"ting States on the $rovisiona! or $rote"tive #eas'res+
Arti"!e 5
The -'&g#ent in a Contra"ting State * an* "o#$etent "o'rt 'n&er Arti"!e . or Arti"!e 0 sha!! e re"ogni3e& an&
&e"!are& en%or"ea!e, (itho't revie( o% the #erits in the other Contra"ting State i% the %o!!o(ing "on&itions are #et)
6+ The $arties (ere &'!* s'##one&, re$resente& or &e"!are& in &e%a'!t * the !a( o% the State (hi"h has #a&e, an&
in "ase o% &e%a'!t -'&g#ent, the &e%a'!ting $art* (as a(are o% the re7'est in a ti#e!* %ashion to &e%en&;
+ . the -'&g#ent has e"o#e %ina! an& en%or"ea!e 'n&er the !a( o% the State (here it (as ren&ere&;
+ 0 it is not "ontrar* to a -'&g#ent a!rea&* ren&ere& on the sa#e s'-e"t et(een the sa#e $arties * a "o'rt o% the
State (here it is invo2e& an& has the %or"e o% res -'&i"ata;
+ 4 it "ontains nothing "ontrar* to the $'!i" $o!i"* o% the State in (hi"h it is invo2e&;
+ The o$inion o% the "o'rt re7'ire& 5, the -'&g#ent is not the res'!t o% %ra'& (hi"h the %oreign "o'rt (as not re7'ire&
to 2no(;
A""or&ing to the !a( o% the State (here the -'&g#ent (as given 8+, The e/$e&ition that is $ro&'"e& %'!%i!!s the
"on&itions ne"essar* to esta!ish its a'thenti"it*+
Arti"!e 8
1here re"ognition an& en%or"e#ent is re%'se& e"a'se the %ina! -'&g#ent &oes not #eet the "on&itions !ai& &o(n in
$aragra$h 6 o% Arti"!e 5, thro'gh no %a'!t o% the a$$!i"ant, the agree#ent on -'ris&i"tion re%erre& to in Arti"!e .
$re"!'&es not that the $!ainti%% ringing a ne( a"tion %or the sa#e "a'se in the "o'rts o% the Contra"ting State (here
the re"ognition an& en%or"e#ent o% -'&g#ent (ere &enie&+
Arti"!e 9
The $resent Convention sha!! a$$!* to the #etro$o!itan territories o% the Contra"ting States+
I% a Contra"ting State (ishes the i#$!e#entation in a!! other territories or s'"h other territories %or (hose internationa!
re!ations it is res$onsi!e, it sha!! noti%* its intention to &o so * an a"t (hi"h sha!! e &e$osite& (ith the Ministr* o%
Foreign A%%airs Nether!an&s+ It %or(ar&, thro'gh &i$!o#ati" "hanne!s, a "erti%ie& "o$* to ea"h o% the Contra"ting
This &e"!aration sha!! have e%%e"t (ith res$e"t to ea"h non:#etro$o!itan territor* in the re!ationshi$ et(een the State
(hi"h has #a&e an& the States (hi"h have &e"!are& to a""e$t+ This !ast state#ent is %i!e& (ith the Ministr* o% Foreign
A%%airs o% the Nether!an&s; it %or(ar&, thro'gh &i$!o#ati" "hanne!s, a "erti%ie& "o$* to ea"h o% the Contra"ting States+
Arti"!e ;
The Convention sha!! a$$!* on!* %ors &esignations #a&e a%ter its entr* into %or"e+
Arti"!e <
Ea"h "ontra"tor on signing or rati%*ing this Convention or a""e&ing State #a* reserve the a$$!i"ation o% treaties on
the re"ognition an& en%or"e#ent o% %oreign -'&g#ents (ith other States =arties to the Convention+
Arti"!e 6>
Ea"h Contra"ting State, (hen signing or rati%*ing this Convention or a""e&ing to, #a* e/"!'&e %ro# its s"o$e)
a) "ontra"ts not "onsi&ere& "o##er"ia! 'n&er the nationa! !a(;
b) "ontra"ts "onsi&ere& insta!!#ent sa!es 'n&er its nationa! !a(+
Arti"!e 66
This Convention is o$en %or signat're * the States re$resente& at the Eighth Session o% the Hag'e Con%eren"e on
=rivate Internationa! La(+
It sha!! e rati%ie& an& the instr'#ents o% rati%i"ation sha!! e &e$osite& (ith the Ministr* o% Foreign A%%airs o% the
Sha!! e &ra(n '$ o% the &e$osit o% instr'#ents o% rati%i"ation Min'tes, in"!'&ing a "erti%ie& "o$* sha!! e sent, thro'gh
&i$!o#ati" "hanne!s, to ea"h o% the signator* States+
Arti"!e 6.
This Convention sha!! enter into %or"e on the si/tieth &a* a%ter the &e$osit o% the %i%th instr'#ent o% rati%i"ation re%erre&
to in Arti"!e 66+
For ea"h signator* State s'se7'ent!* rati%*ing the Convention, the Convention sha!! enter into %or"e on the si/tieth
&a* %ro# the &ate o% &e$osit o% its instr'#ent o% rati%i"ation+
In the "ase re%erre& to in Arti"!e 9, $aragra$h ., o% this Convention, it (i!! a$$!* the si/tieth &a* %ro# the &ate o% %i!ing
o% the &e"!aration o% a""e$tan"e+
Arti"!e 60
An* State not re$resente& at the Eighth Session o% the Hag'e Con%eren"e on =rivate Internationa! La( #a* a""e&e
to this Convention+ State (ishing to a""e&e sha!! noti%* its intention * an instr'#ent &e$osite& (ith the Ministr* o%
Foreign A%%airs o% the Nether!an&s+ It %or(ar&, thro'gh &i$!o#ati" "hanne!s, a "erti%ie& "o$* to ea"h o% the Contra"ting
States+ The Convention (i!! enter into %or"e %or a State a""e&ing to the si/tieth &a* a%ter the &ate o% &e$osit o% the
instr'#ent o% a""ession+
The a""ession (i!! have e%%e"t on!* as regar&s the re!ations et(een the a""e&ing State an& s'"h Contra"ting States
as have &e"!are& their a""e$tan"e o% the a""ession+ This state#ent (i!! e %i!e& (ith the Ministr* o% Foreign A%%airs o%
the Nether!an&s+
It is 'n&erstoo& that the &e$osit o% the instr'#ent o% a""ession #a* ta2e $!a"e a%ter the entr* into %or"e o% this
Convention 'n&er arti"!e 6.+
Arti"!e 64
The $resent Convention sha!! e %ive *ears %ro# the &ate s$e"i%ie& in Arti"!e 6. o% this Convention+ This $erio& sha!!
egin %ro# that &ate, even %or States (hi"h have rati%ie& or a""e&e& to it s'se7'ent!*+
The Convention sha!! e rene(e& ta"it!* ever* %ive *ears in %ive *ears, 'n!ess &eno'n"e&+
The &en'n"iation sha!!, at !east si/ #onths e%ore the &ea&!ine, e noti%ie& to the Ministr* o% Foreign A%%airs o% the
Nether!an&s, (ho sha!! in%or# a!! the other Contra"ting States+
The &en'n"iation #a* e !i#ite& to "ertain territories or territories s$e"i%ie& in a noti%i"ation #a&e in a""or&an"e (ith
Arti"!e 9, $aragra$h .+
The &en'n"iation sha!! have e%%e"t on!* as regar&s the State (hi"h has noti%ie& it+ The Convention sha!! re#ain in
%or"e %or the other Contra"ting States+

In (itness (hereo% the 'n&ersigne&, &'!* a'thori3e&, have signe& this Convention+
Done at The Hag'e, 65 A$ri! 6<5;, in a sing!e "o$* (hi"h sha!! e &e$osite& in the ar"hives o% the Govern#ent o% the
Nether!an&s, an& o% (hi"h a "erti%ie& "o$* sha!! e sent, thro'gh &i$!o#ati" "hanne!s, to ea"h o% the States
re$resente& at Eighth Session o% the Hag'e Con%eren"e on =rivate Internationa! La( an& the Unite& States -oining

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