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1 Quadratic Functions Standard Form- f(x)=ax^2 + bx + c

Ex: (2x+3) (x-4) f(x)= 3(x^2-2x) -3(x^2-2)
=2x^2-8x+3x-12 =3x^2-6x-3x^2+6
=2x^2-5x-12 =-6x+6
a^2-bx-c bx+c
5.2 Graphing Parabolas
x= -b/2a and y= ax^2+bx+c (finding the vertex)
Draw a line across the vertex to find the axis of symmetry
Make a table with three points to draw a graph (the two y points have to be equal on either side of the y point for the vertex)
5.3 Graphing Parabolas in Vertex Form
If a>0, then upward facing parabola. If a<0, then downward facing parabola. [y=a(x-h)^2+k] (absolute value)
5.4 Factoring Quadratic Expressions
Guess and Check- (x+4) (x+1)= x^2+5x+4
a1- 3x^2+11x+6=(3x+2) (x+3). Why? (3x) (3)=9x and (2) (x)+2x. 2x+9x=11x
AC Method
Determine AC by multiplying the A term and C term. Find two numbers that add to the B term and multiply to AC. (Call the smaller number M and
the larger number N). Rewrite the original equation as Ax + Mx + Nx + C. Factor the new equation by grouping. Perform final factoring by applying
the distributive property.
5.6 Complex Numbers
i makes radicals negative
i=i i^2=-1 i^3=-i i^4=1 etc.
Completing the Square
Steps: Isolate the x terms and create a perfect square trinomial. Make sure to balance the equation. Factorwrite as a square of a binomial. Use the
square root method.
Ex. x^2+12x=-20
x^2+12x+36=16 (36 added to -20 to balance equation)
x+6= +/- 16
x=-6 +/- 4
x=-2 or x=-10
The Quadratic Formula

(If b^2-4ac>0 then 2 answers. If b^2-4ac=0 then 1 answer. If b^2-4ac<0 then no REAL answers.)
6.2 Zeroes of Polynomials
Zeroes are the opposites of x and y.
Ex. (x+1) (x-2)Zeroes are -1 and 2(2x-1) (2x-4)Zeroes are .5 and 2.
6.3 Dividing Polynomials- Is (x+4) a factor of: f(x)=x^3+3x^2-6x-8?
Direct Substitution: Plug in the zero for x- (-4^3-12^2+24-8)
Long Division: x+4/ x^3+3x^2-6x-8
Synthetic Division: -4
1 3 -6 -8
Factoring a Higher Degree Polynomial
Find a zero. Use bottom row> replace xs. Repeat until reduced to a quadratic. Factor the quadratic to get final two factors. (Use factoring methods)
Rational Roots Theorem
+/- Factors of the constant/ +/- Factors of the leading coefficient
Irrational Roots Theorem
If 3+2 is a zero, then 3-2 must be a zero.
6.8 Graphing Polynomial Equations
End Behavior: Pointing up to the right and down to the left is positive (vice versa is negative)
Odd Degrees: Point in opposite directions
Even Degrees: Point in the same direction
Opposite Directions: Odd
Same Direction: Even
(Remember degrees of polynomials and factors)

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