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Consti 2 Midterm Transcript Atty. Galeon [Type text] Garcy Kate Go LLB 1 eh!

#$% &'(C%)) CLA$)%
)ection 1
*o person shall +e depri,ed o- li-e li+erty and property
.itho/t d/e process o- la.0 nor shall the person +e denied
e1/al protection o- the la..
2/stice Cr/34 The concept o- #/e &rocess .as exec/ted +y
God at the Garden o- %den0 a-ter Adam and %,e ate the
-or+idden -r/it0 s/mmoned them to a hearin5 altho/5h he
already 6ne. .hat happened +/t still a--orded them a chance
to explain themsel,es. God instit/ted the concept o- d/e
Concept or ori5in in %n5land0 as enshrined Ma5nacarta0
centered mainly on the proced/ral aspects o- d/e process0
thr/st is centered more on the implementation o- the la..
Concept .as exported to the $) s/ch that it ass/mes t.o
1. )/+stanti,e aspect
2. &roced/ral aspect
7hat is d/e process8
9- .e exam the constit/tions0 yo/ cannot -ind any
partic/lar pro,ision on .hat d/e process is.
There is no partic/lar de-inition o- the term d/e process.
9s this the res/lt o- o,ersi5ht o- the -ramers o- the
constit/tion8 (r is this intentional8
:ramers intended not to de-ine +eca/se there .ill +e a
tendency that the co/rts .ill +e +o/nd +y that de-inition.
The omission to de-ine the term d/e process0 .as
intentional0 to 5i,e the co/rt eno/5h room to apply the
principle o- d/e process 5i,en the pec/liar circ/mstances
pertainin5 in each sit/ation.
*ot the res/lt o- an omission.
7e can only descri+e .hat d/e process is +eca/se there is no
exact de-inition.
9n one case0 -ormer 2/stice :ernando descri+ed d/e process
as re-errin5 ;to the responsiveness to the supremacy of
reason and obedience to the dictates of justice.< =e merely
descri+ed .hat the term is all a+o/t.
2/stice :ran6-/rter4 the embodiment of the supporting idea
of burden?
)ection 1 Art
*o person shall +e depri,ed o- li-e0 li+erty or property
.itho/t d/e process o- la....
#e-inition o- terms /nder section 1 article
*at/ral persons li6e h/man +ein5s0 protection incl/des
protection o- property0 indi,id/al -reedom0 li-e or animal
existence0 not only :ilipino Citi3ens +/t also -orei5ners
inside o/r territorial >/risdiction and
2/ridical persons li6e corporations or partnerships +/t
only limited to the protection o- property ri5hts.
9- property is ta6en a.ay0 there is depri,ation o- property
9- the li-e is ta6en a.ay0 there is depri,ation o- the li-e o-
the person
=o. a+o/t i- there is merely an imposition o- a
prohi+ition in the exercise o- ones ri5ht0 .ith respect to
the en>oyment o- the thin50 .o/ld that amo/nt to
depri,ation8 ?%)0 does not only mean act/al
Note: .hat is prohi+ited is depri,ation WITHOUT d/e
process. )ec1 allo.s depri,ation o- li-e0 li+erty or property
PROVIDED that there is o+ser,ance o- d/e process. )imilarly0
i- property is ta6en -or p/+lic /se /pon payment o- >/st
compensation0 depri,ation that is allo.ed0 there is
o+ser,ance o- d/e process @payment o- >/st compensationA
#oes it merely re-er to o/r animal existence8
*ot only re-ers to physical or animal existence0 also
incl/des o/r en>oyment o- God 5i,en -ac/lties. %x. 9- yo/
are 5ood in sin5in50 the state cannot prohi+it yo/ -rom
p/rs/in5 yo/r sin5in5 career.
Means -reedom
7hat is protected is o/r -reedom to do .hat is ri5ht0 and
not the -reedom to do .hat is .ron5
(ne cannot exercise his ri5ht to the pre>/dice o- others
:reedom o- speech0 .e cannot /se it to the pre>/dice o-
the ri5hts o- others
&ertains to anythin5 that is capa+le o- o.nership
May +e real property @landsA0 personal property @laptopA0
intan5i+le property or tan5i+le property.
=o. a+o/t p/+lic o--ice0 is that protected8 *o0 no one
can claim that a p/+lic o--ice is ,ested .ith a property
License or a -ranchise .o/ld not come /nder the p/r,ie.
o- property. They are mere pri,ile5es.
Consti 2 Midterm Transcript Atty. Galeon [Type text] Garcy Kate Go LLB 1 eh!"
)$B)TA*T9B% A)&%CT
1. )omethin5 to do .ith the intrinsic ,alidity o- the la.
2. :ocal point is not on the en-orcement o- the la..
. Central point o- in1/iry is the existence or a+sence o- a
valid governmental purpose
C. 9- con5ress .o/ld enact a la. then .e can attac6 the
same that it does not enshrine d/e process s/ch that it
does not in,ol,e a lawful su!e"t or the s/+>ect has no
+earin5 on p/+lic interest.
D. :or a la. to +e ,alid4 it m/st ha,e a la.-/l s/+>ect and
im+/ed .ith a la.-/l 5o,ernmental p/rpose.
&'(C%#$'AL A)&%CT
)omethin5 to do .ith the manner +y .hich the la. is
9mmortal cry o- #emosticles to %/ridiaris4 ;Strike but
hear me first<
'e-errin5 to the la. .hich proceeds /pon in1/iry and renders
p/nishment a-ter trial
&res/pposes the re1/irement o- noti"e and #earing
As a r/le0 .hen yo/ tal6 a+o/t d/e process0 it has
somethin5 to do .ith notice and hearin5
?not ,s 9AC
)C4 Boid %.( +eca/se it imposed p/nishment @con-iscation o-
cara+aosA .itho/t the +ene-it o- prior hearin5. 9t is a5ainst
concept o- proced/ral d/e process. 9t imposed the
p/nishment .itho/t the +ene-it o- a trial.
$s applied in !udi"ial pro"eedings% due pro"ess would
re&uire t#e e'isten"e of t#e following re&uirements:
1. There sho/ld +e an impartial co/rt or tri+/nal .hich is
clothed .ith the to determine the matter +e-ore
a. *ot all co/rts can try any crimes0 apportioned
and de-ined +y con5ress itsel-.
+. *o /se i- co/rt is already +iased in -a,o/r o- a
partic/lar party0 m/st not side .ith a partic/lar
party. '/le 1"4 2/d5e may +e inhi+ited -rom
handlin5 a case0 i- the spo/se or child is ha,in5 a
pec/niary interest in the co/rt then the >/d5e
m/st inhi+ited himsel- -rom handlin5 the
partic/lar case.
2. Co/rt sho/ld ac1/ire >/risdiction o- the person o- the
de-endant or o,er the s/+>ect matter o- the action.
a. Ci,il case collection o- s/m o- money0 ho. can
the co/rt ac1/ire >/risdiction o,er the person o-
the de-endant8 9- accion in persona @a--ects the
pri,ate ri5hts o- the partiesA >/risdiction i-
ac1/ired thro/5h s/mmons .hereas de-endants
are re1/ired to or e,en .itho/t
s/mmons0 the de-endant -iles his then
he has s/+mitted already to the >/risdiction. 9-
the de-endant -iles a motion to dismiss then he
is not /nder the >/risdiction o- the co/rt.
+. 9- accion quasi in rem @a--ects the property or
ri5ht o- 5eneral p/+licA >/risdiction may +e
ac1/ired thro/5h p/+lication o- ne.spaper o-
5eneral circ/lation. )/mmons may +e had
thro/5h p/+lication e,en tho/5h respondent
does not recei,e the s/mmons0 a-ter the last
p/+lication o- the s/mmons the co/rt already
ac1/ired >/risdiction o,er the person o- the
c. Criminal case ho. can the co/rt ac1/ire
>/risdiction o,er the acc/sed8 As soon as the
acc/sed is placed /nder arrest and not
arrainment. The moment that the acc/sed is
arrested then the co/rt is deemed to ha,e
ac1/ired >/risdiction already o- the person o-
the acc/sed.
. There sho/ld +e an opport/nity to +e heard on the part
o- the de-endant.
a. The co/rt m/st a--ord the parties the
opport/nity to +e heard.
+. Ta6e note that .hat is re1/ired is only an
opportunity to +e heard0 i- a person -etters a.ay
-rom the chance 5i,en to him then his chance to
+e heard is deemed to +e .ai,ed +y him. 9- the
de-endant does not -ile an then his ri5ht
to +e heard is deemed to +e .ai,ed @did not
a,ail o- his ri5htA
c. 9- a-ter arrai5nment >/mped +ail0 he cannot say
that he .as denied d/e process.
d. Act/al hearin5 is not necessary
e. Trial type hearin5 is not al.ays necessary
@e,idence and cross examinationsA
-. La+or cases trial type hearin5 is not re1/ired0
s/+mission o- ar5/ments is eno/5h0 .hat is
re1/ired is only an opport/nity to +e heard
@5eneral r/leA
5. %xceptions4
i. Case a5ainst p/+lic o--icial0 the person
is placed /nder pre,enti,e s/spension0
,alid e,en .itho/t 5i,en the
opport/nity to +e heard
ii. 9ss/ance o- Temporary 'estrainin5
(rder @&oll/tion ad>/dication +oard4
9ss/ance o- ex parte @e,en +e-ore trial
or hearin5A T('. )ec D '/le DE4 '/les o-
Ci,il &roced/re
iii. Cancellation o- passport o- the person
.ho is so/5ht -or the commission o- an
Consti 2 Midterm Transcript Atty. Galeon [Type text] Garcy Kate Go LLB 1 eh!"
i,. 9ss/ance o- a .arrant o- arrest e,en
.itho/t hearin5 the side o- the acc/sed
-irst0 s/ch that i- the in-ormation is
already -iled in co/rt0 >/d5e .ill
e,al/ate the s/--iciency o- e,idence0 i-
so then co/rt may iss/e a .arrant o-
,. 'estraint or attachment o- property -or
tax delin1/ency is ,alid
,i. Clos/re o- resta/rants that are -o/nd to
+e /nsanitary
,ii. %ntertainment h/+ i- -o/nd to +e
sho.in5 illicit sho.s0 clos/re o-
esta+lishment may +e ,alidly ordered
,iii. */isance per se @Ca+rera ,s Lapid4
-ishpond demolished .hich is a
n/isance per seA
C. There sho/ld +e rendition o- >/d5ement only a-ter trail.
a. )ec 1C Art E4 decisions m/st partic/larly and
distinctly set -orth the -acts o- the case and the
la. on .hich it is +ased
+. #ecisions sho/ld mention the -acts o+tainin5 in
a 5i,en case0 e,idence presented +y the parties0
as .ell as the la. relied /pon +y the co/rt on
.hich the decision is +ased
=o. a+o/t puli"ation re&uirement8 9- the la. is not
p/+lished then can .e say there is ,iolation o- proced/ral
d/e process8
(E)% the la. can +e said to ha,e not ta6en e--ect.
=o. a+o/t appeal8 9s appeal part o- proced/ral d/e
process8 9s it a constit/tional ri5ht8
It depends. As a r/le0 appeal is not a constit/tional 'i5ht0
it is not an inte5ral part o- d/e process. 9t is only a
stat/tory ri5ht0 can +e a,ailed o- only .hen there is a la.
allo.in5 appeal. Con,ersely0 .here the la. does not
allo. yo/ to -ile an appeal0 yo/ cannot in,o6e that yo/
are denied d/e process.
As a r/le0 appeal may +e pro,ided -or +y con5ress /pon
reFenactment o- a la.. B/t cannot pass a la. depri,in5
the appellate >/risdiction o- the )/preme Co/rt
Cases .hich appeal as a matter o- ri5ht4
1. )ec D &ar 2 Art E )C appellate >/risdiction o,er
cases a+o/t the ,alidity o- a la.0 treaty0 national
a5reement or la. or presidential decrees0
orders0 instr/ctions and ordinances
2. Cases in,ol,in5 the ,alidity o- imposin5 tax0
polls0 penalties imposed p/r,ie. o- the
appellate >/risdiction o- the )C
. Appeal to the )/preme Co/rt .here the iss/e is
the >/risdiction o- the trial co/rt0 5/aranteed the
remedy o- appeal.
C. Criminal case and penalty imposed +y the trial
co/rt a-ter hearin5 is recl/sion perpet/a or
hi5her0 acc/sed can appeal
&eople ,s Mateo
)C4 9n a criminal case imposin5 a penalty o- recl/sion
perpet/a or hi5her0 any s/ch appeal sho/ld -irst +e -iled .ith
the Co/rt o- Appeals
D. 7here iss/e is the p/re 1/estion o- la.0 ri5ht o-
appeal may +e had.
&reliminary 9n,esti5ation normally i- yo/ -ile a criminal case0
yo/ need to -ile a criminal complaint then therea-ter the
prosec/tion o--ice concerned shall iss/e a s/+poena to the
respondent directin5 the respondent to -ile his co/nter
a--ida,it .ithin 1! days -rom the s/+poena to5ether .ith the
a--ida,it o- co/nter complaint. A-ter -ilin5 o- complaint0
normally the respondent is a--orded .ith the opport/nity to
s/+mit his or co/nter o- the complaint.
9s this an inte5ral component o- proced/ral d/e process8
It depends*
9- the penalty imposa+le -or the o--ense is imprisonment
ran5in5 -rom C years 2 months and one day0 then
preliminary in,esti5ation is a matter o- ri5ht. 9- the
o--ense char5e is m/rder .here penalty exceeds C years
2 months one day0 responded sho/ld +e re1/ired to
s/+mit his co/nter a--ida,it at the preliminary
in,esti5ation le,el
7here penalty imposa+le is imprisonment than C
years 2 months and one day0 preliminary in,esti5ation is
not a matter o- ri5ht. 9- char5e is ,iolation o- B& 220
preliminary in,esti5ation is not a matter o- ri5ht.
&roced/ral d/e process is li6e.ise applica+le to
Administrati,e &roceedin5s.
As applied0 pres/pposes the -ollo.in5 re1/irements
1. There sho/ld +e an opport/nity o- a hearin5.
9ncl/des the opport/nity to hear one side and to
present oneGs e,idence
2. The co/rt m/st consider the e,idence presented +y
the parties
. %,idence presented m/st +e s/+stantial
C. #ecision o- the co/rt m/st ha,e somethin5 to
s/pport itsel-0 meanin50 it m/st +e +ased on
e,idence0 the -acts o+tainin5 in the case.
D. The co/rt sho/ld consider the e,idence that are
presented d/rin5 the hearin5 or o+tained thro/5h
the records and is made 6no.n to the parties
a. $y ,s )andi5an Bayan
H. Tri+/nal m/st not only rely on the recommendation
o- his s/+ordinates
Consti 2 Midterm Transcript Atty. Galeon [Type text] Garcy Kate Go LLB 1 eh!"
". The tri+/nal m/st render the decision in s/ch a .ay
that the parties may 6no. the iss/es in the case.
%I$AL &'(T%CT9(* CLA$)%
%1/al protection incl/des >/ridical and nat/ral persons
:orei5ners are a--orded e1/al protection o- the la.
The term is not partic/larly de-ined0 intended +y the
-ramers as not to restrict the application and to 5i,e
lee.ay to >/d5es on the application. (- e,ery case.
#oes not mean that it sho/ld +e 5i,en /ni,ersal
application0 not applica+le to all persons0 i- so0 it .o/ld
res/lt to ine1/ality.
)er,ed .here there is e1/ality amon5 e1/als.
&ersons or thin5s +elon5in5 to the same class m/st +e treated
7o/ld permit a ,alid classi-ication0 +/t peripheral or
s/per-icial distinction is not a ,alid classi-ication.
9- the distinction is +ased on s/+stantial di--erence
)/+stanti,e 1/ality is not eno/5h0 may +e in,alid i- in the
application there is ine1/ality.
2/stice Cr/30
?e6o ,s hop6ins
%,en i- the la. appears in its -ace ,alid0 i- there is ine1/ality in
the application or en-orcement0 it .ill +e declared as in,alid
&eople ,sBera
Grants to apply -or pro+ation0 +/t in the implementation0 to
pro,ide salary o- the pro+ation o--icer0
sC4 .hile the act may +e ,alid in
#octrine4 s/+stanti,e 1/ality is not eno/5h
Generally0 s/per-icial di--erences is not a ,alid 5ro/nd in s/ch
%xceptionsJ9nstances .here physical di--erences is ,alid
%x. 7omen is prohi+ited in .or6in5 in port areas
'ecr/itment o- mem+ers o- the armed -orces0 re5/lation in
hei5ht .hich m/st +e at least DKC0 ,alid.
May +e re5arded as ,alid
$fter all% e&ual prote"tion of t#e law% re&uirements:
1. Classi-ication m/st +e +ased on s/+stantial distinction
9nchon5 ,s =ernande3
)C4 held ,alidity in prohi+itin5 aliens -rom o.nin5
I/into ,s comelec
)c4 there is ,alid di--erentiation +et.een an elected and
appointed p/+lic o--icial
Appointed o--icers shall +e deemed ipso -acto resi5ned
/pon -ilin5 o- the certi-icate o- candidacy0 may not
en5a5e in any partisan acti,ity. %lected p/+lic o--icials are
not deemed ipso
La5man ,s (choa
)c4 there is no s/+stantial distinction +et.een arroyo
admin and past administrations.
Cha,e3 ,s &c55
)c4 n/lli-ied compromise a5reement +et.een heirs o-
Marcos and &CGG
2. Germane to p/rpose o- the la.
There m/st +e rele,ance to the p/rpose o- the le5islation
#/n5lao ,s comelec
La. prohi+itin5 elected p/+lic o--icials .ho already
retired -rom ser,ice0 and +een paid their retirement
+ene-its0 prohi+ited -rom r/nnin5 -or the same position.
. M/st not +e limited to existin5 conditions
(rmoc s/5ar company inc
&artic/lalry sin5led o/t /nder the 1/estioned ordinance0
,iolation o- the e1/al protection o- the la.
L/tes ,s araneta
)pecial assessment tax .as imposed -or the reha+ilitation
o- the .hole s/5ar company.
C. M/st +e e1/ally applied to all mem+ers o- the same class
La5man ,s ochoa
&ast administration o- arroyo .as sin5led o/t
)c4 there sho/ld not +e any -/rther classi-ication amon5
those o- the same class
Leipo ,s hop6ins
)c4 la. is ,alid on its -ace0 +/t in the implementation0 it
allo.s -/rther classi-ication0 there is /n-airness0 or
ar+itrariness in the implementation or application o- the
Tatad ,s G' 12CH!
Balidity i- 'AE1E! secD
9mported cr/de oil to the &hilippines tax rate L
9- -inished prod/ct tax imposed is "L
)c4 ,iolati,e o- e1/al protection cla/se to the ne. players
o- those that m/st import -inished prod/ct0 di--erential is
pre>/dicial to the interest o- the ne. players in the oil

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