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Go ye into all the world and preach thegospel to every creature.'^ [Mark 16:15)
Vol. 52 Wiimerciing, Pcnna., January-February, 1953 Number 1
Our Future Plans
When I left Japan in April, 1951, two strong
forces were pounding at the door of my heart
demanding attention. Realizing the tremendous
need for Christian workers in Japan, I could
not ignore the demands made on my soul to
remain at least until other laborers were en
listed. Responsibilities in Tokyo Bible Seminary
and in Nishiogikubo Church caused me to pon
der over the advisability of returing to America
just then. The possibility that Japan may not
be always as receptive of the gospel as she is
now was another thought which I entertained.
On the other hand, visions and plans of future
service for Christ in Japan had run through
my mind since the time when I first arrived
in Japan in 1948. Then Tokyo Bible Seminary
was founded and I found myself in the position
of teacher in that institution. Such responsibil
ity demands preparation. Knowing that I was
illrprepared to fill such a position, I determined
to rcenter school, which I did in September,
1951. These two years which I have spent in
study in Cincinnati Bible Seminary have been
indeed profitable in my preparation for service
for Christ in the land of the rising sun.
Now the time of my sojourn in America as
a student has drawn near a close and our faces
are again turned toward Japan. My wife and
I arc applying for passports immediately and
are trying to make the necessary preparations
for entering Japan in August. The fall term of
Tokyo Bible Seminary begins in September and
we want to be there ready to take up our work
at that lime.
We believe that Japan's greatest need today
is an army of Japanese preachers adequately
trained to lead the whole land to Jesus Christ.
Therefore, we expect to spend most of our
efforts and time in trying to make Tokyo Bible
Seminary just as faithful and capable a servant
as possible to help meet this need. We are
aware of some of the difficulties as well as our
own weaknesses and incapacities which shall
confront us. But our answer to this is trust
in God who gives wisdom liberally to those
that ask Him.
We also expect to spend what time we can
in building older churches up in their most holy
faith and in planting new ones. Language
study also comprises an important part of our
plans for the future, for the most effective
missionary among any people learns their
The thought has often occured to me that
it would be a wonderful thing if we evangelists
did not have to include in our future plans the
item of dependence on others for financial sup
port. But after further deliberation, I am per
suaded that that is wrong, for it is one of God's
great blessings to his people to permit them to
share their material blessings to support those
who labor in the Word.
Most of the funds necessary for living-link
support for my wife have been pledged by her
home congregation, Piqua, Ohio. Only $360-
a year, however, has been pledged toward my
support. That means that $840 a year is needed
to complete my living-link. We will not have
time before we depart for Japan to make an
extensive itinerary among the churches to
raise these funds. But we will gladly visit
churches interested in helping to provide this
support. Will you help us? If so, please con
tact us at 2715 Price Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Pray for us, brethren, that God may speed
us in our return to Japan and that we may
faithfully fulfill our ministry there. Pray for
the Japanese Christians for their temptations
and difficulties are many. Pray for lost Japan
that she may be saved. Pray that a host of
trained workers may be sent forth into that
white harvest field, And God will answer.
Andrew Patten
A New Addition
To The Mission
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fatten
The decision to be a missionary in a foreign
land is a momentous one. indicating that a
person is qualified and willing to attempt the
fulfillment of the needs of another race and
the forsaking of family and old friends in the
homeland. Its announcement is made only after
much prayer and thought.
Recently a missionary has been added to
the staff of the Cunningham mission, and it is
the purpose of this article to describe the pro
cess. Such an announcement in this instance
is flood-lighted with romance. While some have
dreamed of the romantic part of the foreign
work, this writer has observed the romance
of a foreign missionary on furlough, Andrew
It started visibly when a missionary from the
Flathead Indian Mission in Montana, Betty
Armstrong, visited the Cincinnati Bible Sem
inary in the fall of 1951. Andy, never a man to
let opportunity's knock go unanswered, soon,
made an acquaintance with her. .A.fter a short
visit, she left for Montana, and Andy's life was
never the same again. His "dormitory-mates"
had ample opportunity to see his letter-writing
and the other effects of the "love bug" bite.
Last September Betty enrolled in the Sem
inary for one semester's study. Acquaintance
blossomed into courtship. On November 4 the
World Mission Volunteers meeting of the Sem
inary, of which Andrew is president, provided
the occasion for the pleasantly surprising an
nouncement of their engagement. (This was
more than any missionary comity agreement!)
Development then came rapidly. The wedding
date was set for December 20 at the Church
of Christ in Piqua, Ohio, Betty's home church.
Although most of the wedding party was
late for rehearsal on the morning of the wed
ding day, none was so late as Matthew Ikeda,
a Japanese Christian who is now studying in
the Seminary, an usher in the wedding. He
arrived five minutes before the music began,
and all was well. The Piqua church furnished
the organist, singer, and one usher. Maid of
Honor Dorothy Schmale, an instructor at the
Seminary, and Best Man Earl Sims, brother
of Harold Sims, stood with the bride and
groom as they pledged their vows before Prof.
Annual Report
There are now 14 churches in Japan which
were started by this mission. Thirteen of them
reported and are included in this summary.
Here are the names or locations of the churches:
Abico, Arakawa, Minato, Mikawashima, Nishi
Hachioji, Nishi Ogikubo, Sakurayama, Seta-
gaya, Kamiuma, Wakaba, Yochomachi, Nakano,
Soka, Yokosuka. Several of these are new
churches and quite small, and without buildings.
The total attendance averaged as follows: Sun
day morning service 383, Sunday night service
168, Sunday School 1107, Prayer Meeting 95,
Women's Meetings 81, Youth Meetings 129.
The total number of baptisms was 119. The
total offerings for the year amounted to Yen-
1,339,336equal to $3,720.10.
The annual report of the churches for the
year 1952 is in some respects not as good as
the last two years. Although the figures for a
few of the churches show a little increase, the
majority showed a slight decrease. Especially
noticeable is the sudden drop of baptisms from
more than two hundred in 1950 and 1951 to just
over a hundred in 1952.
Of course this is something which concerns
us very much and hasten to make an effort to
explain. Without a doubt, the year 1952 to the
nation of Japan was one of great importance,
a time when they made their first major step
up the ladder of reinstatement in the world.
The effect of once more being free has been
felt in many ways. It is evident that persons
became Christians because of the American
Occupation and also the socialistic advantage
of church membership. Therefore, when the
agreement was signed the latter part of April
it automatically set free those persons who had
become Christians for these reasons. No longer
indebted they began to fall away. Then there
are, of course, those persons who just naturally
drift away (thorny, hard ground). It is a little
difficult to write about a report that is disap
pointing, but easy to report something where
there is improvement. Therefore, to write that
the total baptisms have dropped by almost fifty
per cent, grieves me very much.
I pray that this report will be acceptable to
God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ, and trust
in God for the salvation day by day, of the
Japanese people who shall be saved according
to His grace throughout this year of 1953. Pray
with us to this end.
Yours in Jesus' Name
Stanley Buttray
G. M. Elliott of the Cincinnati Bible Seminary.
The ceremony, witnessed by a large number
of local friends and visitors, impressed upon
each one the greatness of the work Betty and
Andy would soon undertake. The words were
simple and appropriate, honoring the Eternal
Author of Marriage.
At the reception in the church basement flash
bulbs provided the illumination as various
photographers continued their pictorial records.
While the newly-weds were cutting the cake,
Betty's parents were making acquaintance with
the visitors. (Andy's family was unable to at
tend.) Suddenly a woman's shriek and a crash
notified the party that the punch would be
delayed in arriving. A large crock of it had
been dropped on the kitchen floor. After a quick
trip to the grocery store, however, a substitute
punch supplemented the ice cream and cake.
On that day there began a fresh example of
"missionary cooperation." For a few days they
"honey-mooned" in Columbus, Ohio. After a
visit in Piqua they moved to 2715 Price Avenue,
Cincinnati 4, Ohio, which will be their home
until the trip back to Japan next summer. May
the Lord bless their preparations and their com
bined work. Earl Sims.
Published bi-monthly by the Church of Christ
Cunningham Mission, Tokyo, Japan, for the infor
mation and inspiration of every Christian whose
heart is open to the call of Christ, and who is
willing to help in the supreme task of carrying out
the Great Commission of Christ: "Go ye therefore
and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Ghost; teaching them to observe aU things what
soever I have commanded you; and, lo, 1 a with
you alway, even unto the end of the world." Matt.
28:19, 20.
fintered as second class matter in the Wilmerding.
Pa., Postofflce under the Act of March 3, 1879.
EVA D. GREEN Forwarding Agent
Office of PubUcation:
Wilmerding, Pa.
Please send all correspondence and offerings for
the mission to: Miss Eva D. Green, 127 E. Mercer
Avenue, College Park, Georgia. Make all checks pay
able to our forwarding agent.
Mrs. W. D. Cunningham Director
16 Wakaba Cho, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Patton, 2715 Price Ave.,
Cincinnati 4. Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor, 1003-3 Chome Kamaiu-
ma. Setagaya-Ku, Tokyo.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Buttray, 575 2-Cbome,
Kamiochiai, Shinjiiku Ku, Tokyo.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Sims, 450 Aral Machi,
Nakano-Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Mrs. W. D. Cunningham Mrs. E. G. Nabell
Mr. T. O. Hathcock Miss Eva Green
Mr. Lawrence Bain J. E. Lipscombe
Orvel C. Crowder Alfred E. Sims
Packages lor Japan should be sent direct by
parcel post to one of the missionaries whose ad
dresses are shown above. Packages of clothing can
be sent up to 22 pounds, not over 42 inches long
or 82 inches in girth. Packages of printed matter
up to 6 pounds 9 ounces, not over 24 inches long
and 36 inches girth can be sent.
Consult your local post office about preparation
of packages for maiUng.
If you change your address please notify A.
E. Sims, 310 Brown Avenue, Turtle Creek,
Pa., giving both your old and your new address.
We want to keep our mailing lists up to date.
If you make an offering you are entitled to
receive this paper if you so request. Send all
offerings to Eva D. Green, 127 E. Mercer
Avenue, College Park, Ga.
More About Wealth
Of Mrs. Cunningham
(See Oct.-Nov. Issue)
Since we published the letter about Mrs.
Cunningham's wealth, several have written
about it. We include in this issue a statement
by Owen Still, who.was formerly a missionary
serving with Mrs. Cunningham, and a forth
right statement by Mrs. Cunningham herself.
No doubt one reason why Mrs. Cunningham
was reluctant to reply to the charges, was her
desire to rely on Christ's admonition: "pray
for them that persecute you." Certainly there
is no better way than that.
But upon mature thought, your editor has
arrived at the personal belief that Mrs. Cun
ningham really IS tremendously wealthy. Per
haps very few in this world have such great
wealth as she has. Her wealth is accumulated
and stored in three different places. First there
is the wealth that is stored in her memory:
memories of rich experiences, memories of vic
tory over difficulties, memories of souls won to
Christ, and oh so many, many precious mem
ories! No amount of money, even numbered in
BILLIONS, could purchase these memories
away from her. Second there is the wealth that
is stored in the hearts of friends. And these
friends abound in many parts of the world.
Perhaps the greatest accumulation is among
the Japanese with whom she has served more
than fifty years. Do you suppose Mrs. Cunning
ham would take a trillion dollars for these
friends? No, no, a thousand times nol! Third
there is the wealth that is stored up in heaven.
Jesus said "Lay up for yourselves treasures in
heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth con
sume and where thieves do not break through
nor steal." And who do you suppose has more
treasures laid up in heaven than does Mrs.
Cunningham? Yes that treasure is worth more
than all the money in this world, all the silver
and gold and precious gems, all the houses and
lands, yes all the wealth of this world. Yes
indeed we heartily agree that Mrs. Cunningham
is indeed a tremendously wealthy woman 11
A. E. S.
Hauula, Oahu, T. H.,
December 15, 1952
Dear Brother Sims:
I want to thank you for your statement in
defense of Mrs. Cunningham. Persons who
know her need no such statement; but others
who have not had the privilege of knowing her
might believe that which is not true when
supposedly Christian leaders make such ac
cusations as those reported in your article.
You know that soon after Brother Cunning
ham's death, we went to Tokyo to work with
Mrs. Cunningham. She entrusted me with pri
vate papers of the Mission among which was
Brother Cunningham's will. I had heard some
of the untrue things that had been said about
him. I remember that I cried when I came to
the part of the will in which the family was
remembered. The children were willed one dol
lar each. (I understand that they had to be left
something to make the will valid.) As I remem
ber, Mrs. Cunningham was willed the home
which they had built nearly fifty years ago and
with money received from his teaching English
and the making of English phonograph records
to be used in the Japanese schools. This home
was completely lost during World War II. All
other property according to this will was en
trusted to a committee of whom Judge Hath
cock was the chairman. Since we have known
Mrs. Cunningham she has drawn from this
committee the same salary as that received by
all the other adult missionaries, and this in
spite of the fact that she was director of the
I wish that the person who made these false
charges could be given the facts and that he
or she would try to correct them.
You are doing a good work as editor of the
Tokyo Christian. The Lord continue to bless
you and yours.
Your brother in Christ,
Owen Still
Mrs. Cunningham Writes
I was not a little surprised when I heard
recently that some one had reported that Mrs.
Cunningham was a rich, woman and needed
no funds.
I cannot imagine who would say such a thing]
nor how such a report got started. The Devil
has many ways of trying to injure Christian
work and those who are doing it.
When Mr. Cunningham passed away he left
in Steubenville, Ohio bank $5000 matured life
insurance in his own name. I felt that I had a
perfect right to keep that amount for my own
private use. Two thousand dollars of it I di
vided among the children.
All other money that Mr. Cunningham left
was in the name of the Mission and I con
sidered it a sacred fund that should be used
for the purpose given.
I didn't want it in my name and at the advice
of Judge T. O. Hathcock of Atlanta, Ga., and
others formed a corporation to hold the funds.
Judge Hathcock has spent much of his valu
able time looking after these funds and seeing
they were invested where there could be no
loss. I have never used any of them for my
personal use.
I was out here in Japan 6 months after war
broke out and two more months on my journey
home without salary so you can readily see
what happened to my $3000.
At present I have saved a little over $1000
and I think you would agree that it's time I
began saving something for my old age.
Emily B. Cunningham
A. Delightful Visit
Since the Mark Maxey family from Kyushu
visited us last spring we have had repeated
invitations and urgings to go down to south
Japan and return their visit. We chose the
Christmas vacation this year because mid-win
ter is the most suitable time to go south and
because this would be the last chance we would
have to make such a trip before our furlough
which begins this summer.
The first thing that tempted us to give up
was the cost of the trip, but we finally decided
not to let that interfere. Then a couple of cash
Christmas gifts clinched our decision. Next
came the coal strikelongest in Japan's his
tory. The supply of this essential fuel became
so short that almost all passenger trains were
stopped for a while. But the strike was settled
just in time to make train reservations. The
inevitable rise in rates came just after we got
back home. Lastly, Sylvia became very sick
with a cold and ear ache the night before we
were to leave. But we gave her one of those
hip shots of penicillin and went on anyway.
She got better.
From the time that we actually got under
way at 9:30 on the morning of December 26
we enjoyed the trip and congratulated ourselves
a thousand times on our decision to go. The
train was warm. This was a welcome change
from the biting cold north wind outside and
the interior of the house which had been cold
through a month of coal shortage. The accom
modations were very reasonable and nice^2nd
class pullman. And everything went just ac
cording to schedule. It was really a relaxing
change for all of us.
Thirty-two riding hours after we boarded at
Tokyo Central we stepped off of the train in
Kagoshima city. This is about 1000 miles south
of herethe extreme southern part of Japan.
The weather was balmy, and Mark Maxey had
the car backed up on the platform so the lug
gage could be unloaded into-the car immedi
ately. Such service! We felt exactly like mil
lionaires arriving for a 3 month winter vaca
tion at Palm Beach. We tore out of the station
and to a ferry which had waited for a few min
utes on us to get there. Soon we reached the
other side of the bay which was the boot of a
beautiful towering live volcano. After driving
for a little over an hour we reached the home
of the Mark Maxeys. The jumping off place.
The next morning was Sunday and we visited
4 places. I preached at 3 of them. One place
was a leper colony. Then on Wednesday I
preached at 2 other villages and on Friday at
2 more churches. There are small but promis
ing churches scattered all over that penisula,
and I was very interested in the workits
growth, methods, and possibilities. Thursday
afternoonNew Year's Daywe visited a vil
lage and talked with a doctor and his wife about
starting new services in one more place. The
rest of the time we spent in sight-seeing, eating,
and visiting; and enjoyed every moment of the
fellowship with them.
On Saturday, January 3, we returned to
Kagoshima city where Isabel Dittemore and her
mother and daughter live. I preached in Sendai
(45 miles north) Saturday night and 2 places
Sunday and baptized one young man Sunday
afternoon in warm Kagoshima bay. It was a
thrilling visit all the way around.
Monday we started home, but this time we
stopped in Osaka and Kyoto where we had
short visits with all the missionaries there. Also
we stopped in Nagoya to visit the Davis family.
We arrived back home Thursday evening,
January 8, after 2 weeks of absence. We will
never forget the kind hospitality of all of the
missionaries, and we are much encouraged by
seeing their work. There is a strong and active
group of missionaries representing churches of
Christ in the southern half of Japan.
Harold Sims
Collossians 1:18 "And He is the Head of
the body, the church: who is the beginning, the
Firstborn from the dead; that in all things He
might have the pre-eminence."
A New Junior Church In Cunningham Home New Nakano Church
Evangelislic Meetings
The meetings began Monday niglit, Decem
ber 1st. For the first niglu we had expected
about 25, but they just kept on coming in until
the sermon was almost over and finally there
were 62 present. The sermon was good (all of
them so far have been more than an hour long)
and the crowd was pleased with both it and
the nice new building, but it was nothing like
the rejoicing of the members. We were all so
happy and encouraged we could hardly leave
the church that night. The next night there
were 67 presentmore than at the movie across
the street. From the next night the attendance
fell down, maybe because the sermon was not
as interesting, but probably because of the cold.
Wednesday night we had 47, and Thursday
night only 37 (Maybe because I had preached
the previous night). Thursday night's sermon
on "The True God" was the best yet. Friday
night we had 41, and Saturday 44, Sunday
morning 50, and Sunday night 34, Changing
preachers each night the subjects the first week
were largely introductory. (Subjects: The Place
of Religion in our Life, The True Religion,
Seeing God through His Word. The True God,
Man Is a Sinner, The Fate of Humanity.)
The above is a picture, taken November 30th, 1952 of Mrs.
Cunningham's 9-10 A.M. Bible Class for teen-age students.
There are many things about the meetings of
which we are rejoicing, The house just in front
of the church is strict Buddhist, and they will
not even let their children come to Sunday
School. But the first night the old Grandmother
came walking over, looked in and finally came
in. She has been back every night. She can't
read by the electric light, so remembers the
scripture and hymn numbers and reads them
the next day. We loaned her a song book and
New Testament. She is one of the most zealous
inquirers. But there are about .six or eight other
people who heard about Christianity for the
first time Monday night and came back every
night that week. Also Lois" Englisli speaking
friend, that she has been asking to come ever
since we moved here, came one night to church.
This class meets in her home every Sunday
morning. They are 100 per cent Bible Carriers
and Bible Readers. Each Sunday they report
the chapters read during the previous week.
Recently they were organized into a "Youth
Church" since about half of them are Chris-
Every Sunday morning a Communion Service
is held for them conducted by one of our Busi
ness men who is also a preacher. Four of the
young people have been appointed Deacons and
do their work revently and efficiently.
A Seed That Grew
Thursday afternoon I was sitting here won
dering what to do to make the beautiful Jap
anese holiday beneficial, when a Korean student
minister (Mr. Pak) came into talk. He is a
young man who is studying in the Conservative
Presbyterian Seminary here in town, but who
formerly attended the Church of the Brethren.
For a while he came to our Mikawashima
Church, but is now preaching for a small group
at another place in town, so I had not seen
him for some time.
The last time I had seen him he was very
confused on the subject of baptism. At his
school some professors said one thing and some
said another. We had discussed the subject at
some length and finally I had given him
Briney's book on "The Form of Baptism" to
read. But it had been so long since his last
visit that I had given up the book as lost and
had written him off as a dyed in the wool (at
least sprinkled in the wool) Presbyterian.
After the usual greeting that is given every
time you meet a person for the first time in the
new year, he suddenly said, "I have decided to
be immersed." I was very glad to hear this of
course, but he went to say that five or six of
the people where he was preaching wanted to
be baptized and that he would immerse all of
them. He then said that he wanted to be bap
tized that very day, and that if he were going
to be scriptural he wanted to go all the way
and be baptized in a river.
I was agreeable to all of this and we were
soon on our way out to the quiet flowing Tama
riverabout 40 minutes drive from here. We
soon located a nice place. The sun was just
beginning to cast purple shadows as it set be
hind the mountains in the distance when we
entered the water, and it was really a beautiful
baptismal service. We had prayers of thanks
after we had changed back to our regular
clothes. Two fishermen in the distance and
God in the high vaulted heavens were the wit
nesses. Harold R. Sims
We know that this is an important work for
the future of the Church and ask that you join
your prayers with ours that this Youth Group
may shine for Christ.
Mrs. E. A. Thomas, the wife of a business
man in Japan, for a year, will teach this group
during her stay in Japan. She has had ex
perience with Youth Groups in her home
Church in Los .'\ngeies where Brother Tom-
lison ministers.
Emily B. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sims are expecting to
be home on furlough this summer. At first they
had planned to come last summer, but later
decided to wait another year. They may be able
to attend a few conferences or camps during
the month of August and to accept invitations
to visit churches during the fall. It will be six
years March 31 since they left home.
We also understand that Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Taylor plan to come home on furlough this
spring or summer. They have been working
in cooperation with the Cunningham Mission
since they were compelled to leave China be
cause of the Communists getting control. He
has been in charge of the Correspondence
School the past year. They have been in China
and Japan more than six years.
We are glad to welcome Mrs. Andrew Patton
as a new member of the Mission Staff. Mr. and
Mrs, Patton have applied for passport and visa
to go out to Japan in August. They hope to
get settled in time for the opening of the fall
term of the Bible College in September.
There is still need for another consecrated
couple to go out to Tokyo to work with this
mission. With both the Simses and the Taylors
on furlough and only the Pattons going out,
there will still be a shortage of missionaries.
Who is ready to answer, "Here am I, send me."
There is an urgent need for more praying.
Brother Stanley Buttray's article emphasizes
this, because of the greater difficulty of bringing
the Japanese to Christ since they regained their
freedom from American occupation. And espe
cially we need to pray for more missionariess to
hear and ans.swer the call.
We have been having a prayer meeting at
6:30 every morning. It is really cold, but I
haven't missed one yet. Also I am sure many
of the people at home are praying for the meet
ing, and it is a real success so far. Because
of the coal strike we only have gas six hours
a day and cannot get coal. The church is ice
cold, but the people are coming faithfully and
sitting in the cold for IH hours every night
believers and unbelievers suffering together to
hear the Word of God.
The Sunday School, Sunday morning, De
cember 7, the first time in the new building, was
just overflowing. They were jammed into every
roomabout 260 of them. The new building
and the Christmas season just about doubled
tbe attendance.
Harold R. Sims (From a personal letter)
Saturday evening was the night of the City-
wide Youth Meeting again. I think there were
about 70 present at the Yotsuya Church, 11 of
whom went from Nakano. The speaker was
the translater of tbe new New Testament in
colloquial Japanese, which is taking the country
by storm. He gave a very interesting and en
lightening talk, and I think he has some good
ideas. He was a former propaganda writer for
the Japanese militarists, and is really a lan
guage scholar. H. R. S.
We arc glad to see that the offerings in
creased during the last two months. While the
increase was not enough to make up for the
deficit of the preceding four months, yet it is
encouraging to see the increase, and we want
to express our thanks to God for that. May
more of His servants be encouraged to give
in a way that is pleasing to Him. This Mission
should have approximately $30,000.00 per year
in order to carry forward the work. They fell
far short of that last year, but even $30,000.00
seems pitifully small as compared to the vast
amounts being spent for less worthy causes.
Rope Holder List
December and January
ARKANSAS Bentonville Christian Church,
$19.25; Siloam Springs Women's Council,
First Christian Church, $50.00.
CALIFORNIA Mrs. J. H. Yates, $50.00;
Mrs, Maree Clickenger, $5.00; Covina Church
of Christ, $40.00; Culver City Church of
Christ, $10.00.
COLORADO Elbert Christian Church, $40.
W. W. BonDurant, $10.00; Miss Julia E.
BonDurant, $5.00.
FLORIDA Eustis Church of Christ, $325.00;
Major and Mrs. Walter W. Evans, $25.00;
Del.and Christian Women's Fellovrship,
First Cliristian Church, $50.00.
GEORGIA A Friend, $5.00; Mrs. Carrabelle
Kamn, $5.00; Mr. J. M. Blackwell, $5.00; East
Point Loyal Gleaners Class, Jefferson
Park Christian Church, $7.55.
IDAHO Buhl Christian Mission Fund,
$25.00; Boise First Christian Church, $25.
ILLINOIS Edwardsville Missionary
Study Group, $20.00; Mr. Eldon La\vless,
$250.00; Alton First Christian Church,
$10.00; Miss Fern McClelland, $1.00.
INDIANA Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Eade,
$10.00; Burncttsville Christian Church,
$5.00; Markle Church of Christ, Missionary
Society, $106.88; Columbus Christian
Church, $50.00; Wabash Kum-Join-Us-
Class, Treaty Church, $37.27.
IOWA Miss Bertha K. Sargent, $30.00;
Lovilia Church of Christ, $10.00; Council
Bluffs First Christian Church, $50.00.
KANSAS Mrs. Roy Pigeon, $3.00; Clear-
water Churcli, $128.00; Norton Christian
Church, $67.82; Hugoton Christian Sunday
School, $65.00; Mrs. Virginia G. Templeton
and Nadine, $6.00.
KENTUCKY Harrodsburg Cornishville
Christian Church Sunday School, $100.00;
Sadieville Women's Christian Missionary
Society, $12.00; Mr. John Eggleton, $1.00.
MAINE Mr. William F. Brawn, $l00.
MARYLAND Mt. Rainier Christian Church,
$6.00; Mrs. Leona O. Rider, $10.00.
MICHIGAN Miss Mabel B. Gould, $1.00;
Forest Hill Church of Christ, $10.00; Mrs.
Margaret J. Morrison, $35.00.
MISSISSIPPI Mrs. Joe Martin, $6.00;
Hickorv .-Xntioch Christian Church, $25.00;
Columbus Women's Christian Fellowship,
First Christian Church, $25.00; Aberdeen
First Christian Church, $25.00.
MISSOURI King City The Loyal Wo
men's Class, Island City Christian Church,
NEBRASKA Mr. Virgil Marshall, $250.00.
NEW YORK Mrs. Lillian Clark, $1.00.
NORTH CAROLINA Nashville Beulah
Church of Christ, $65.00; Mrs. H. F. Latham,
$15.00; Lcaksville Young People's Society,
Christian Church, $3.00; Ransoniville _St.
Clair Missionary Society. $17.35; Janiesville
Christian Hope Church of Christ, $18.50;
Mrs. T. H. Davis, $35.00.
OHIO Mr. and Mrs. Addie H. Pelfrey,
$10.00; Cincinnati Missionary Group,
Chase Avenue Church, $25.00; SeamanMay
Hill Church of Christ, $25.00; Geneva In
dependent Missionary Society, Park Street
Christian Church, $3.00; Hamersville
Church of Christ (A Friend), $10.00; Jamcs-
to^vn Grape Grove Church, $51.00: Mal-
vern Missionary Society. Chri.;tian Church,
$25.00; HamersvilleChurchof Christ. $37.50;
Rushylvania Church of Christ, $50.00; Glous-
ter The Loyal Daughters, $25.00; Salem
Phillips Christian Church and C. E. Society,
$75.30; Nashville Church of Christ, $20.00;
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Deem, $10.00; Columbus
Southwood Church of Christ, $20.00;
Georgetown Bethlehem Church (Adams
County), $20.00; Moscow Ladies' Aid,
Church of Christ, $10.00; Hicksville West
Milford Church of Christ Bible School,
$35.00; Steubenville LaBelle View Church
of Christ, $10.00; Phalanx Station Brace-
ville Christian Church, $17.00; Miss Mildred,
Covington, $5.00; HopedaleLoyal Workers
Class, Christian Church, $25.00; Hopedale
Married Workers Class, Christian Church,
$5.00; Hopedale Christian Church Sunday
School, $23.17; New Somerset Christian Bible
School, $21.00; Willing Workers Missionary
Society, New Somerseet Christian Church,
OREGON Mr. N. J. Reasoner, $1.00.
PENNSYLVANIA Dickerson Run Van-
derbile Church of Christ, $50.00; Mr. B. M.
Swart/.welder, $250.00; ScottdaleChurch of
Christ, $10.00; Turtle Creek First Chris
tian Church $125.00; Mrs. Louis Lautenslager,
$50.00; Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Smith, $10.00;
McKcesport First Christian Church, $100;'
ConfluencePrayer Group, Christian Church,
$10.00; Sandy Lake Carpenters Corners
Missionary Society, $25.00; Ridgway Church
of Christ, $12.00; Miss Jean Swartzwelder,
$25.00; Lancaster Church of Christ, $5.00.
TENNESSEE Erwin First Christian
Church, $20.00; Mountain CityFirst Chris
tian Church, $50.00; Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
Hodges, $5.00.
TEXAS Mrs. John E. Long, $1.00; Mrs.
W. S. Blodgett, $4.00; Barstow Christian
Church, $10.00.
VIRGINIA Ellerson Gethsemane Church
of Christ, $120.00; Ellerson Pole Green
Church of Christ, $9.90; Staunton Church of
Christ, $12.95; Mrs. C. S. Wilson, $2.00; El
lerson Young Married People's Class,
Gethsemane Church of Christ, $40.00; New
port NewsColonial Place Church of Christ,
$15.00; Richmond Fairmount Avenue
Church of Christ, $100.00; South Norfolk
Bible School, South Norfolk Church of Christ,
$25.00; Cash from Radford, Virginia, $45.00.
WASHINGTON Mr. L. S. Trowbridge, $30.
WEST VIRGINIA Miss Elizabeth Furman,
$.5.00; Wheeling Warwood Christian
Church. Missionary Society, $50.00.
ONTARIO, CANADA Highgate Ridge-
town Church of Christ Bible School, $19.00.
MISCELLANEOUS Sale of books (Flam
ing Torch), $1.50; Additional premium re
ceived on Canadian check, $0.51.
Total receipts $4,052.45
Brought Forward 1,213.19
Salaries of missionaries... .$1,150.00
Transferred to Tokyo ....
Printing of Tokyo Christian
Stamps and second sheets ..
A. E. Sims for Post Office
Deposit and Stamps ....
Travel Expense
Andrew Patton
Exchange of checks
Salary of forwarding agent
Tokyo Treasurer Reports
Annual Report, 1952
Balance brought forward $ 2,096.15
Georgia Account $ 9,057.76
From special Korean Fund for
Korean Church 2,442.24
Churches and Individuals
directly to Japan 2,521.82
Refund 2.78
Sale of oil stove and tub 16.66
Payment on Setagaya church loan .. 37.50
Rent on Karuizawa house 35.00
Last payment on Nojiri house 300.00
$ 2,096.15
Travel $ 1,
Building repairs
Bible Women
Bible Seminary
(Room, Board, Help).. 2,
Bible Seminary
(General Maintenance) 1,
Correspondence school ..
All Japan Convention ..
Language study
Church tax and insurance 1,
Church buildings 6,
Korean buildings 1,
Designated gifts
Medical expense
Korean fund balance
General bund balance
Balance $2,709.55 T
Gifts received in Tokyo during December. T
GEORGIA Pine Mountain Valley Rosse- n
vcit Memorial Church, $30.00. 9
INDIANA Wabash Church of Christ. $106. ^
OHIO Mr. J. J. Bruehlman, $10.00; Colum-
bus Beechwood Church of Christ. $20.00
Total $166.00
-p99)Ujcno aa?)sod[ iKC Tujoj asa
vi 'JiaaJD aninx 'anuaAV UAVojg 0T 'sxu}s "3 "V
itiDon ascaid 'aiqviaAnapun si sfin JI :ja)svai)sod
Here are the two girls who live at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sims. The one on the
left is from the old Adachi Church. She works
for them during the day and goes to night
school. The one of the right is from Chaplain
Barber's place. She is practically a boarder,
going to school every day and helping out just
a little with the supper dishes. The Chapel up
there pays $11.00 a month toward her board.
"Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." [Mark 16:15)
Vol. 52
Wilmerdiiig, Peiiua., Muy-Jiiiio, 1953
JViimlier 3
Pattons Have Passport,
Hope To Sail In August
Oin- heurts were gladdened a (cw days ago
wlieu the postman dropped by with a package
containing our long-awaited passport from
Washington. We then set about gathering the
necessary data required by the Japanese for
the issuance of a visa. Upon presenting these
papers to the Japanese Consul General in Chi
cago, we had little trouble in securing a visa
from him. That completes the most important
and yet merely the beginning of our prepara
tion to return to our work in Japan. We bow
the knee to the Father of all mercies for this
further manifestation of his watch, care and
Great joy is set before us as we prepare to
return to our work. Returning to Japan is like
going home. In fact, we expect to make Japan
our home. Dear friends in Japan have made
known to us that they are awaiting our return
to them. Countless hundreds of others in Japan
need our help or that of other messengers of the
Cross of Christ. Like disconsolate prisoners,
they have been taken captive and led away to
dumb idols and have been led to believe that
this bondage is their liberty. It is imperative
that all .such preciou.s ones be liberated from the
tyranny of Satan by the Savior who came to
proclaim release to the captives and to set at
liberty those that are bruised.
Recently we received a very encouraging let
ter from Brother John Muto who is a Christian
(because of the work of Grace Faniham), and
a student of Tokyo Bible Seminary, from which
we take some excerpts. "Even Brother Patton
got niarriedl We are very anxious to see Sister
Patton as well as Brother Patton. While we
have never met her yet we feel as if we have
known her already since we are all one in
Christ and brothers and sisters one (with)
another. I believe you are enjoying the married
life God has ordained as we have been. I would
like to present you a Scripture verse as
a token of my love in Him'House and riches
are an inheritance from fathers; but a prudent
wife is from Jehovah.' (Prov. 19:14)"
"I know your greatest concern is about
Tokyo Bible Seminary. I ever thank the Lord
for He has given me a conviction that it is
God's institution, not ours. It is really growing
under the grace of God and by the prayer? nf
many Christians who are concerned about it
. . . Now I love my alma mater and am willing
to do for it whatever I can. From this school
year Bro. lijima and his wife are taking charge |
of the dormitory for which we are very happy. I
am glad to be interpreter for you when you
come back. Let us study together His eternal
Word, shall we?"
This letter of our young Japanese friend and
brother about sums up what we should say of
our future plans in Japan. If we can enlist other
young men of the caliber of Mr. Muto and Mr.
lijima and can train them to be faithful and
effective ministers of the gospel, who can mea
sure the results? Such young ministers are our
joy and crown and hope. They make great
sacrifices both to learn and to proclaim the
gospel. Training such young people is our su
preme task.
Betty and I still plan to sail in August if
possible, but we have not yet learned on what
day we will be able to board a ship on the
Pacific Coast. Sailing for Japan by the middle
of August would allow us to get settled in our
new home and make other preparations before
the beginning of our fall term in Tokyo Bible
Seminary in September.
Pray for us that God will give us a safe
journey and that we may remain faithful and
be used of Him in Japan.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Patton
Paul Buttray Returns New Yokosuka Church
By the time you read this our son Paul has
already been in the states a number of weeks.
Paul is sixteen now and has one more year of
high school. Since the American School in
Tokyo is not accredited he has been anxious to
return home and complete his schooling. He
will be living with his aunt, Mrs. T. L. Mc-
Kinsey, Route 1, Conneaut Lake, Pa.
He does not realize it at this time but being
here in Japan has been a wonderful opportun
ity and an experience he shall long remember,
VVc covet your prayers for him.
Mrs. Mabel Buttray
Paul Buttray, 16 year old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Buttray.
After spending three full years in Japan 1
am now back in good old U. S. A. I never
thought I would get back the way I did. I
didn't want to go to Japan at first, but after
1 was there for a while I got used to it.
I left Tokyo International Airport 10:00 a. m..
May 25. There was a boy who had gone to
.-.cliool with me for the last two years on the
same plane. We had planned to come back to
gether for a long time. There were missionaries
from Osaka and Tokyo and also some Japanese
We headed out over Japan for -'\laska. After
seven quick hours of seeing clouds and water
we spotted some islands, the Aleutians, off the
coast of Alaska. It was 9:00 p. m., their time
when we landed. It was snowing a little and
the wind was blowing. There arc no trees on
this island and the houses are built down in the
ground to keep them protected in the winter,
'hiis was just a re-fueling stop, but we were
served sandwiches and cake. After one hour we
left for the next hop (12 hours) to Seattle.
After eating supper it was dark, so we slept
a while. But it was only dark for four hours
and I slept two of thosethe only darkness of
the trip.
When we got over the state of Washington
we were thrilled! We had a good view of
Olympia National Park and its snow-capped
peaks. I could also see highways down below
i)ut couldn't .see the cars. As we were pulling
up to the main building in Seattle there were
ciuite a few newspaper men. I knew they weren't
for me. They had come to take pictures of a
legless Korean boy. He had lost his parents
and was frozen in 1950. Some GIs adopted him
and fitted him with artificial limbs. They also
collected enough money to send him to Boys-
To Be Dedicated
Recently much of my time has been taken
in the church l)uilding program at Yokosuka.
Just two and a half years ago at the persistant
urging of Ogden Robbins, a Christian Navy-
man, I began going to Yokosuka every Sunday
afternoon. The interest and attendance has
varied over this period of time and the result
has been twenty-three baptisms.
The Robbins family helped in many ways
(luring the week to keep their interest and to
help these young Christians grow in the grace
and the knowledge of Jesus Christ. As it was
impossible for me to be there during the week
this was of great help. But June, 1952 found
the Robbins family on their way back home to
the U. S. A., and from that time it has been
quite a struggle as Sunday afternoon is not
enough contact or time for teaching.
But through the Robbins' personal giving and
their influence upon various churches and in
dividuals that gave offerings and my own per
sonal giving plus more than three thousand
dollars provided by the Mission is making it
possible for a small but adequate church build
ing. At present, plans for the dedication arc
for Sunday, June 14. On that day will begin
a three or four weeks evangelistic meeting. You
can be certain that I will be quite busy as
Yokosuka is forty miles from Tokyo and it
takes one hour and forty minutes by car or two
hours and ten minutes by train.
At the time of completion of the revival I
am turning this work over to Mr. Kamata who
will be the regular preacher and live in the back
of the church building. At that time I will begin
a new work wherever the Lord leads. Please
l>ray for this revival beginning June 14, that God
will pour out His Holy Spirit upon the Evan
gelists and every Christian. I am trusting God
for a great harvest at this place and at this
time. Stanley Buttray
.\n Editor Speaks
We clipped the following from "The Plea,"
a magazine published by Fred Smith, Eliza-
hcthton, Tenn., a very helpful monthly. _
"We want to congratulate the missionaries
of the Cunningham Afission in Japan for their
courageous and statesmanlike changing of pro
cedure. From our e.xpericnce on the mi.?Sior.
field we arc sure that such a program of true
New Testament strategy will be blessed of God.
(The aim is to develop truly indigenous, self-
supporting churches.)"
Thanks. Fred, for the encouraging word. We
know that God is able. Without His help all
luiman plans and effort are vain.
town, Nebraska. There he will become an
.American citizen.
.After an hour in Seattle we were on our way
to Minneapolis. It took us four hours and I
looked out of the window continuously. Differ
ent states had different types of land. The thing
that interested me most were the lakes in Min
nesota. Large and small, they could be seen as
far as the eye could see. Wc were flying at
about 400 mph and altitude about 23,000 feet.
I stayed in Minneapolis two days and then
went on to Pittsburgh, where some of my rela
tives met mc. We then went by car to Mead-
ville. Pa. .After being in Japan three years, it
is like coming into another world. The first
thing I noticed were the large houses and big
lawns, also the high speed of traffic as com
pared to 35 mph. the highest speed limit in
It is great to be back in .America again. I am
thankful that I could come back and be able
to finish mv education in this country.
Paul Buttray
Published bi-monthly by the Church of Christ
Cunningham Mission, Tokyo, Japan, for the infor
mation and inspiration of every Christian whose
heart is open to the call of Christ, and who is:
willing to help in the supreme task of carrying out
the Great Commission of Christ: "Go ye therefore
and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Ghost; teaching them to observe all things what
soever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with
you alway, even unto the end of the world." Matt.
28:19, 20.
Entered as second class matter in the Wilmerding,
Pa., Postofflce under the Act of March 3, 1879.
In just a few weeks now, tiic Lord willing,
Harold and Lois Sini.s and the children will he
at home in Turtle Creek, Pa. Leaving Japan
June 30. they expect to arrive at their destina
tion July 17. Do not send any more mail to
tliem in' Tokyo. Send it to either 310 Brown
.\ve.. or 509 James St.. Turtle Creek. Pa. They
are expecting to be at the Mi.s.sion Weeks at
Lake James and at Cedar Lake. .A.ny church
desiring a visit from them should send the re
quest to tlie above address. It will he six years
and three and one half months since they left
home. So you can imagine the joy it will he
at the home of your editor and the Luttons,
the parents of Lois, fondling the three grand
children for the first time! Thanks and praise
he to God.
MRS. W. D. CUNNINGHAM Director i-hildren for the first time! Thanks and praise
EVA D. GREEN Forwarding Agent
0Qce of Publication:
Wilmerding, Pa. TIR^IVHII
Please send all correspondence and offerings fur I
the mission to: Miss Eva D. Green. 127 E. Mercer IIIH
Avenue, College Park, Georgia. Make all checks pay-
able to our forwarding agent.
Mrs. W. D. Cunningham Director i ^ ^ KW
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Patton, 2715 Price Ave., ~
Cincinnati 4. Ohio. 00%!
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Buttray, 575 2-Chome, JSqU^P
Kamlochiai. Shlnjuku Ku. Tokyo.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sims, 310 Brown Ave.. Turtle '
Mrs. W. D. Cunningham Mrs. E. G. Nabell I A
Mr. T. Hathcock Miss Eva Green I M
Mr. Lawrence Bain Llpscombe JB
Orvel C. Crowder Alfred E. Sims ^
packages tor Japan be by
parcel post to one of the missionaries whose ad- ' ra/1natino- c1ac<5 Front row Mr Osumi
dresses are shown above. Packages of clothing can ,,1953 graduating Cias^ pront row. ivir. ^sumi,
be sent up to 22 pounds, not over 42 inches long Mr. Haruyama, Miss Kitajima, Back row. Mr.
or 82 inches in girth. Packages of printed matter Watarai, Miss Ando.
up to 6 pounds 9 ounces, not over 24 inches long .
and 36 Inches girth can be sent. -
Consult your local post office about preparation
of packages for mailing. | I
If you change your address please notify A.
E. Sims, 310 Brown Avenue, Turtle Creek,
Pa., giving both your old and your new address.
We want to keep our mailing lists up to date.
If you make an offering you are entitled to
receive this paper if you so request. Send all
offerings to Eva D. Green, 127 E. Mercer
Avenue, CoUege Park, Ga.
Mrs. Cunningham's Support
Mrs. Cunningliam has no living-link support
and will continue to depend on her many
Chri.stian friends to supply her needs after the
change in policy Septcmlier 1. Offerings for
Mrs. Cunningham will continue to be .sent to;
Mis.s Eva D. Green
127 East Mercer Avenue
College Park, Georgia
J'ackagcs for Mrs. Cunningham should he
sent by parcel post to the following address:
Mrs. W. D. Cunningham
16 Wakaba-Cho, Shinjuku-Ku
Tokyo, Japan
It is suggested that you consult your local
post office about the preparation of packages
for mailing.
Any undesignated funds received by Miss
Green after September 1 will be placed in the
General Fund to assist churches witli buildings,
repairs, taxes, pay annuity interest, insurance,
etc. Eva D. Green
The forwarding agent for Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Buttray will be: Mrs. Homer .'\nderson,
R. D. 7, Meaciville, Pa.
The forwarding agent for the Harold Sims
family will he, for a while at least: Alfred E.
Sims, 310 Brown .\ve.. Turtle Creek, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Patton, as yet. have
no forwarding agent. Contributions may ]>e sent
directly to them. Their address after August 20
will be: 450 .A.rai Machi, Nakano-Ku. Tokyo,
In our last issue, the leading article was an
announcement and an explanation of some
changes in policies and methods of the Cun
ningham Mission. Up to now your editor ha.s
not received very many comments, but all that
lie has received have been favorable.
Let us re-emphasize that there is to he no
change in tlie doctrinal teachings. All the mis
sionaries hold firmly to the historical principles
of the movement to restore the Christianity of
the New Testament. They continue to insist
upon absolute loyalty to tlie Bible as the Word
of God, and the all-sufficient rule and guide for
all followers of the T-ord Jesus Christ.
Again there is to he no change of persoiiiiel.
All of the present missionaries arc to continue
on in the work, the Lord willing. It is to be
lioped that other recruits will go out to help
them in the great work that is needed to be
done. Tliey will be associated together in a co
operative "way for mutual help and encourage
ment, and yet each will be free and independent
The policy will be to help the Japanese
diurches to achieve self-support, and sell-con
trol and direction under tlie guidance of tiie
New Testament, as soon as possible. When the
churches advance to the place of owning their
own church building much will be saved in
Perhaps what concerns us most will be the
new method of support. Under the new plan
each missionary family will have its own for
warding agent, and will be dependent upon its
own ropc-liolders for liotli living link salary
and expenses. Heretofore they have had their
own living links for salary, but other expenses
have been taken care of from the general fund,
and the living link churches paid through the
Treasurer of the General Fund. But the mis
sionaries will need a lot of help besides salary.
For example, the Harold Sims Family will soon
be coming home on furlough, and. since they
are still under the old plan, the_ Mission pays
the travel expense for their trip home. But
Our American Helpers
Many Americans are, in these days, coming
to Japan from the United Slates. Some are sol
diers and some are business people.
Many of them know of the Mission and se
cure my address and hunt me up when they
arrive here.
When they come to visit me I always urge
them to put their membership in the First
Church here and they usually do and men I
find out what they can do and put them to work.
This is good for them and helps mc too.
Last year Mr. Vandevcer now at San Jose
Bible Seminary, led the singing in two Bible
Classes and also led our Clioir. He was always
here and always on time, rain or shine at 9
every Sunday morning.
Last September Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thomas
from Los Angeles came out here on business.
Their first Sunday in Japan they hunted up the
Church of Christ and agreed to help me and
ever since Mrs. Thomas has been teaching
our Junior Church every Sunday morning from
9 to 10. She also is always on time.
Last Sunday Mr. Josepii Mullen wliose father
is a iireachcr attended our morning service and
I invited him homo with mc to- lunch and he
promised to come and lead the singing in both
Sunday morning Bible Classes.
I just have no words to express how much
this means to me. I cannot lead the singing,
: that means so much to the Japanese, and ail
those who help me are a blessing to me and
the work. Just when I need help the Lord
always raises up some one to help me.
when tlicy go hack out next year the new plan
will have gone into effect, and it will be neces
sary for them to pay their own travel expense
back to Japan. Tims you can see that they will
need to be independent faith missionaries in the
true sense of the word.
Someone may ask, Has this new plan been
tested and proven? Or is it just an experimeui?
In answer, it may be said that more than fifty
years ago, the Cunninghams went out on faith,
entirely independent. A similar plan has been
in effect in the Morse Mission. These mission
aries, after being driven from West China by
Communists, are still doing a wonderful work
in Burma. A similar plan is in effect with great
success in the Philippines with the associates
of Mrs. Wolfe. A similar plan is in effect in
the Osaka Mission in Japan, where they have
almost double the number of missionaries who
are in the Cunningham Mission in Tokyo. A
similar plan is in effect among most of the inde
pendent missionaries in India. And there are
many others that could be mentioned. So, you
see, it is by no means a new experiment. But
it docs call for faith on the part of the mis
sionaries. and it calls for a lot of rope-holders
wlio are good and faithful .stewards.
Remember the date wlien tlie new plan goes
into effect September 1, 1953. If you arc a
Living Link Cliurch, or if your offerings are
Imade on a calendar year basis, then two-thirds
' of your annual offering sliould be sent by Sep
tember 1 to Miss Eva Green as heretofore, and
one-third of the annual amount should be sent
to the individual missionary or his forwarding
agent after September 1st. Also after September
1, The Tokyo Bible Seminary, which has pre
viously been supported from the General Fund,
will need funds on which to operate. The oper
ating expense runs about ?200.00 per month. If
you wish your offering to go to the general
Kiiul or to the support of Mrs. Cunningham,
then continue to send it after September 1 just
as lieretoforc to Miss Eva Green, 127 East
Mercer Ave., College Park, Ga. The names and
addresses of the forwarding agents of llie other
missionaries will he found in this paper, either
in this issue or the next. Or. if you prefer, offer
ings maj- be sent directly to the missionaries
in Japan. Regular postage to Japan is five
cents; air mail postage is twenty-five cents.
It will take a little time to get adjusted to
the new plan. But we ask that you be much
in prayer for God's blessing and guidance upon
this work that it may go forward in a greater
wav than ever before.
Our Hospital Ministry Resting On The Oars
The past few mouths 1 have made recordings I By Alfred E. Sims
for the purpose of bringing comfort to those j Did you ever see one of the intercollegiate
in hospitals. It is not unusual to have three ; boat-racesr These teams of oarsmen train for
or four persons from one church in the hospital [ months. It takes a real man to make the team,
with tuberculosis. From visiting our sick mem- When the big day comes and the race is on,
bers 1 began to realize that here was a great every man on the boat is pulling on his oars
work to be done among the sick and no one with every ounce of strength he has. If just one
seemed to be doing much about it. man on the team should weaken and rest on
I beheve these recordings have proven quite the oars it would probably mean the loss of
successful. Stephen lijinia, our first graduate the race.
of the seminary and now general supervisor, Perhaps you may see in vour mind's eye the
has recorded some messages for me and with twelve disciples of Jesus rowing across the Sea
song.s sung by the college students have proven of Galilee and in distress because the winds
worthwiiile. were contrary. They didn't give up and rest on |
The last time I visited the hospital at Tsuch- the oars and drift back from whence they had !
Harold Taylor, preaching Baccalau
jura there were some patients who desired to come. No, they kept striving on in spite of the Sermon at Tokyo'fiible Seminary and hi
hear the recording a second time. After having contrary wind.s. Jesus was mindful of their ef- terpreter standing by.
played the mes.sage in_ one dormitory and we fort and of their distress and came to their aid,
were leaving, some patients came running after walking upon the boisterous sea. No doubt this'
us and said tlnit other patients in another ward was a great lesson to those disciples. What TVint
of the same building wanted to hear the record- about the followers of Jesus in these more re- * uiiougtl r Una
ing. But the assistant head doctor who was cent times? Let us consider a few things. In our last issue we nientio ing. mil ine assistant ticad doctor wlio was cent times.' Let us consider a few things In our last issue we nientioned the nee
with mc said it would not be good for those I. WHEN JESUS GAVE THE GREAT a car for the Harold Sims family transp
patients as they were psychological cases. COMMISSION TO HIS DISCIPLES IT tion while on furlough. What they would
However, my personal opinion is that doctors WAS A SUPREME CH.-\LLENGE TO "n railroad and bu.s fares would be enouc However, my personal opinion is that doctors WAS A SUPREME CH.-\LLENGE TO "n railroad and bu.s fares would be enoup
over certain wards did not want their patients THEM. The Evangelization of the world is the meet the monthly payments but they u
to hear a Christian message. Since then, from supreme husiness that King Jesus has intrusted need help for the down payment. So far
what I have heard I am sure my opinion is to His church. Remember. "The King's liu.siness contributions have been sent, amoiintinj
well founded. refjuires haste." Notice in Acts 20:16 and other ?35.00. If there are others who wish to he
One of the nurses had written mc wanting places how Paul was "Hasting on." In all the project it should be without delay, ;
information about baptism. So after sending Testament record wc find no "dilly dally- "ced will be almost immediately. They
a letter about baptism the young nurse wrote '"g," "marking time," or "resting on the oars" matter, as everything, to be subject tc
back saying she wanted to be baptised. There- so to speak. We are to take seriously the e.x- Lord's will. But if it is the Lord's will,
fore on this last visit I was e.xpecting to baptize pressed will and the commandments of our '^c very appreciative. Just pray that He
her. l)ut upon arriving found that almost all of King, just as did those early disciples. The peo- S^Lle, that the right thing may be done.
the nurses and doctors had gone away for the ple of this world are LOST and only the Gospel ^cek to follow His guidance? Conti
day, because it was a national holiday. Natur- of Christ can save them, and this Gospel has t'ons to this project may be sent to 310 Br
ally, I was disappointed, but trust that I will l>ccn intrusted to us. His followers. Our Savior Avenue, Turtle Creek. Pa.
have the privilege of hajitizing iier the next "s depending upon us to go witli His message
time. to tlie lost world.
Just a few weeks ago I visited Yamada san H- MORE THAN 1900 YEARS HAVE INSTEAD OF CONTINU
and played the new recording for him and a GONE SINCE THIS GRR/\.T COMMIS- THE TASK THE LC
group of patients. Rather an unusual thing hap- SION W'AS GIVEN BY OUR LORD YFT 1-kOVIDED. Indeed it was a sad
pcned. Two elderly men. their hair partially THE WORLD IS ONLY PARTLY EVAN- , ''eccle.stasiicism" look over and
turned gray Came to listen. Just as the message GELIZED. There are probably more unsaved minds of men while they forgot
was coming to a close, one of them arose and people in the world today than when Christ evangelizing the world. It was a dr
casually began to leave. He would go a little gave the Commission more than nineteen cen- , so-called leaders of the ch
way, then stop and listen, and continued to do turics ago. While it is true that millions have ambitious for self advancement, tli
this until finally he reached the door, hesitated been saved the unsaved population has increased interest than or the I
and went out. There is a certain gras.s weed still more. More than a billion people in the Clinst, it was a tragic day when
growing here in Japan which has a great mass world have not been Christianized, and vast became divided and clissipated its em
nass of traditions, customs, superstitions and and me. Jesus said. 'Go ye into all the world .,6
leathen religions, choking out the message that and preach the gospel to evcrv creature." and accomplishment of His will, '
e had heard. we have not done it. The vast" majority of the '['^stmg on the oars m the face of the e Had Heard. we Have not done it. 1 he vast majority of the r --T i , X.
Pray1Pray! Pray that God will break through world is still imevaiigelized. Wliy? What has \-nrMttj l.- r-
le wall of darkness which envelopes tiiesc pco- gone wrong? The Gospel has not lost its power. r, I GREA I IDE
le. Pray that God will work powerfully 's simply Iiecause too many have been rest- RrR I HE CHURCH AS
irough us. His servants as we live and preach 'Hg on the oars instead of going at our Lord's BEGINNING BEwI- C irough us. His servants as we live and preach 'Hg on the oars instead of going at our Lord's I .V),, cE BLGIIShNIaG BEwl-C
iis Word. command. How can we face our Lord when He i - V, R ANY CORRLPTIONS
Yamada san is continuing to show wonderful comes again? IIMVISIONS.' In the early days of this rest
j exercises and will be discharged from the suits. Some said they 'turned the world upside ^^'^''^^cterized by a zeal and earnestness sin
spital. The Lord willing, he will enter the down' but they only turned it right side up. beginning of the New restameiit Chu spital. The Lord willing, he will enter the down' but they only turned it right side up. i>cginmng ot the .\ew iestameiit Lhu
5le Seminary again this coming November. They "multiplied."Acts 6:1. Indeed, if the ^ c arguments began; and some bee
Thanks to the First Chri.stian Church, Long church had continued to win souls and multiply self-saUsficd and con ent to just rest upon
ach, Calif., for providing the money necessary in the same ratio as in that first generation the 'leed to keep alive that crusading ;
his scholarship in the Seminary. Some of whole world would have been won long ago. I^^t consecration, that earnestness that will
; monej' is used for incidental needs. Since If everj' Christian would win even one lost soul church to the iieed of Chris
iiada san should not work for about a year to Christ every year, the whole world would "'D'- ^ followers of Christ are often
accumulated money will meet his expenses be won in just a few years. "Each one winning to shame by the propagandists of error. Var
tile time that he cannot work. one" would double the church, and it wouldn't often more diligent on the job t
Stanley Buttray have to be doubled many times to make a bil- adherents of the truth. One thmg is cert
lion. You can figure it out if you enjoy mathe- resting on the oars. Shame on
'e have not heard from Mr. and Mrs. Har- matics. The big question i.s why are we not as that we are so tardy and dilatory at the i
Taylor since they arrived on furlough in diligent or as much in earnest as were those Lord lias set for us. Whiie resting on
country, and cannot give their .American early disciples? Is it because wc are just lazy? 9"^ drifts. One never drifts up-stri
ess at this time. No doubt they are busy Is it that wc do not have an impelling love for H",' down-stream or just drifts with
ng with relatives and friends and speaking our Lord and for all those poor lost souls for ^ need to get busy and pull stroni
ig churches in the western states. whom He gave His life? Could you imagine a tve want to get anywhere.
father just resting on the oars when he knows . WHOLE?.
ke 11:9, 10 "And I say unto you. ask, and his son, the pride and jov of his heart is out Rj-Rr c M.ANY INDI
ill be given j*ou; seek, and ye shall find; there struggling to keep his head above water I^LALS HERE AND THERE ARE L.
c, and it shall be opened unto you. For and liable to go down and he lost? Oh that we ^ING. There are too many who are too pr
one that askctli receiveth; and he that all might have that impelling love! l George do it instead of shoiiklci
th findeth; and to him that knocketh it IV. IT W.AS A SAD DAY WHEN THE j Too many have an :
be opened." CHURCH REGAN TO .ARGl'R ABOUT-! (Continued on page 41
TOKYO cnmsTiAiy
MISCELLANEOUS Sale of book, $1.00.
Total $2,589.68
Brought forward $1,528.07
Transferred from Reserve Account $3,500.00
Salaries of missionaries $1,917.70
Transferred to Tokyo 1,000.00
Transferred to Tokyo for
Adica Building 2,000.00
Transferred to Tokyo for
Yokosuka Church 1,000.00
Travel expense
Paul Buttray 130.00
J'rinting and mailing of
Tokyo Christian
.Annuity Interest Payments
Salary of forwarding agent
Gifts received in Tokyo during months of
February and March.
ALABAMA First Christian Church, River-
view, $137.50.
CALIFORNIA Los Angeles View Park
Church of Christ, $105.00; Ukiah New
Testament Church of Christ, $26.00.
KENTUCKY Mrs. Karl Wilkjng, $30.00.
OHIO ColumbusBethany Class, ludiapola
Church of Christ, $40.00.
PENNSYLVANIA Mr. B. M. Swartzwelder
(In Memory of Mrs. .Swartzweldcr), $15.00;
Clymer First Christian Church, $10.00;
Titusvillc Church of Christ, $50.00.
Total $413.50
Tokyo Bible Seminary, Students and Faculty,
It has come to our attention that there may
be some of the Japanese who are writing letters
to friends at home asking for money. This is
unknown to us, if it is done. No missionary
would encourage such a thing for many rea
sons that a person who has never been on a
jorcign" ii-cld-mi-ght-iiotthmkoLitiS- not- good-
for the Japanese Christians because it will take
away their self-sufficiency, it will cause envy,
and it will tempt them to be unfaithful stewards.
Furthermore, the American brethren have no
way of knowing the true character of the_ re-
riiiester and use of the money which they might
send. Spiritual fellowship and encouragement
is undoubtedly possible and profitable through
letters c.xchangcd between the Christians in
Japan and .America, but we urgently request
that no money be sent directly to the Japanese
Christians. .Also we would be interested to hoar
from anyone who has received such a request.
lope Holder List
April and May
RKANSAS Siloatn Springs _\Voinen's
CDUiicil. l-'irst Christian Cliurch, $50.00,
OLORADO Clbcrt Christian Church, $40.
beth Reed, $1.00.
LORIDA Eustis Church of Christ,
$.135.60; Miss Grace Cuniniings, $40.00.
rEORGIA Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roebuck,
$5.00; Mrs. Ida Jackson,_ $0,50; Adairsville
Women's Council, Adairsville Christian
Church, $15.00; Mrs. Carrabelle Rauni, $5.00.
LLINOIS Dr. Leila G. Scott, $100.00; Sum-
ner Bethany Church, $21.00.
NDIANA Mrs. Roy V. Hobbs, $5.00;
Wabash Bachelor Creek Missionary So
ciety, $50.00; Burnettsville Christian Church,
$5.00; iliss Ethel Howard, $30.00.
OWA Kalona Christian Church, $18.50;
Mr. John E. Ncal, $100.00: Griswold Mis
sionary Society, Churcii of Christ, $7.17;
Council Bluff First Christian Church, $50;
Miss Bertha K. Sargent, $20.00.
CANSAS Clcarwater Church of Christ,
$.iS.55; Norton Ciiristian Church, $58.46; Mrs.
Virginia G. Templeton and. Nadine, $4.00;
Mr. Wilbur Fields, $1.00; Mrs. Roy Pigeon,
$1,00; Miss Ellen I-awrence, $3.00; Miss Eva
B. Whitaker, $5.00.
CENTUCKY Elizavillc Christian Church,
$78.11; Mrs. Maggie Grubbs, $15.00; Mt.
Rvrd Loval Builders Class, $15.00.
MICHIGAN Miss Mabel B. Gould, $1.00;
Miss Marv E. Oliphant, $5.00.
MINNESOTA Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wil-
ong, $5.00.
NEBRASKA Mrs. Kittie Myers and daugh
ter, $5.00,
40RTH CAROLINA Washington In
dependent Missionary Society, $30.00.
DHIO Hamcrsville Church of Christ, $60.94;
Missionary Society. Christian Church of
North Industry, $25.00; Willing Workers Mis
sionary Society, New Somerset Christian
Church, $10.00; Columbus Southwood
Church of Christ, $20.00; Cincinnati Pri
mary and Junior Departments, Columbia
Church of Christ, $2.65; Phalanx Station
Braceville Christian Church, $30.00; Miss
Mildred Covington, $5.00; Mrs. Nellie Kouts,
$5.00; Belmont The Women's Bible Class,
The Chestnut Level Church, $10,00; Mr. Ira
Mercer, $20.00; Mrs. Blanche Macnpa, $40.00;
Perryton Church of Christ, $45.00.
DKLAHOMA Mrs. L. M. Wilson, $5.00;
Mrs. Loren Davis. $20.00; Mrs. M. J. Groom '
/In ilcmory of Mrs. Sidney J. Davis), $10.00. I
PENNSYLVANIA Ridgway Church of,
Christ. $12.00* Dickersoii Run Vanderhije ;
Church of Christ, $50.00; Confluence
Prayer Group, Confluence Christian Church. ^
$10.20; New Castle Central Christian j
Church, $75,00; Lancaster Church of Christ. i
$15.00; Miss Grace Stitzinger, $120.00; Clynier I
Christian Sunday School. $53.00; Pittsburgh
Mt. Lebanon Christian Church, $50,00; Fay-
etle City Church of Christ, $64.00; Lock'
HavenFirst Church of Christ. $25.00; Tur
tle Creek First Christian Church. $125.00:
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Smith, $10.00.
FENNESSEE Erwin Christian
Church. $40.00; Mountain City First Chris
tian Church, $50.00.
FEXAS Mr. Edgar Sage, $20.00; Mr. Edgar
B, Siddall, $10.00; Mrs. \V. S. Blodgett. $4.00;
Meadville The Loyal Gleaners Class. First
Christian Church, $40.00; Mr. F. W. O'Mallev,
17IRGINIA Richmond Fairmount .'\ve-
nue Church of Christ, $100.00; Newport
Ncw.s Colonial Place Church of Christ.
$15.00; Denbigh Lebanon Christian
Church Missionary Society. $50.00; Ellerson
Young Married People's Class. Gethsemane
Church of Christ. $40.00; Ellerson Geth
semane Church of Christ. $65.00.
WASHINGTON I\Irs. Lida F. Conover. $2.
WEST VIRGINIA Wheeling Warwood
Christian Church Missionary Society. $50 00;
Chester Women's Missionary Society. $15.
Mr. Osumi, Salutatorian of the Class of 1953.
(Continued from page 3)
ludc like this: "I help to pay the preacher so
that exempts me, let him do it." Many preachers
become .self-centered and proud, and they too
just take it easy, resting on the oars. It may be
a large part of the blame rests upon the
preachers, but not all. Then there are would-be
leaders who become ambitious. They think of
the church as a means to obtain personal ad
vancement. In working out tlieir ambitioui
schemes they lose sight of the great cominis
sion, the supreme purpose of the church. Then
is no place in God's program for a lazy man o
woman. Jesus chose working men. enterprisin
men who could get results. He himself set th
example. "My Father worketh hitherto and
work." Paul writes to the young man, Timoth;
"Endure hardness as a good soldier of Chri
Jesus." "Make full proof of thy ministry."
find them wherever they are on the firing 1;
for Christ. We call attention to just a few
many. There is Mrs. W. D. Cunningham, w
after 50 years as a missionary still insisted
going back to Tokyo to continue her witn
for Christ. There is Russell Morse who mi,
have come out of China when warned, and t
escaped more than a year in a communist prij
but chose to stay on at great risk, in ordei
bear witness for Christ. There arc minis
who simply amaze us with the amount of w
Ithey get accomplished, P. H. Welshimer
example. There are men and women in hur
walks of life who are constantly bearing wit
for Christ. Such make an impress upon
world, and they are not forgotten in the f
of God. No matter what walk of life in w
one may be engaged, the important thing
be God's man or God's woman or God's t
One who really loves God and loves his f'
men can not he content just to rest upoi
oars while so many arc going down, eter
The above article may be obtained in
form from the Tennessee Valley Printinf
Kimberlin Heights, Tenn.
Mark 8:38 "Whosoever therefore shall he
ashamed of me and of my words in this adul
terous and sinful generation; of him also shall
the Son of man be a.shamed, when he cometh
in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."
'paajueisno aSeisod lujoj ssq
Bj anjnjt 'anaSAV uMoaa 0T 'sniig *3 "V
asBafd 'aiqcjaAgapun sf smi ijajSBaijsoj
"Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mar/c 16:15)
VoL 52 Wilmerding, Penna., Jiily-Augiist, 1953
dumber 4
Home Sweet Home, July 16
This picture was taken at the Pennsylvania Station, Pittsburgh, just after the arrival of
the Harold Sims family. They are, left to right; Sylvia Jean Sims, W. C. Lutton, Mrs. A. E.
Sims, Jonathan Harold Sims, Mrs. Norma Lutton Fowkes, Mrs. W. C. Lutton, Mrs. Lois
Lutton Sims, Harold R. Sims. Hope Joyce Sims (holding doll), A. E. Sims. Margaret Sims was
taking the picture.
It was 1:40 A. M., July 16 when Harold and
Lois Sims and their three cliildren, Hope Joyce,
Sylvia Jean and Jonathan Harold arrived in
Pittsburgh, Pa. There at the Pennsylvania Sta
tion to meet them were Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Lutton and their daughter. Mrs. Norma Fowkes,
ilr. and Mrs. A. E. Sims and their daughter,
Margaret Sims. It had been six years, three
months and sixteen days since they left for the
mission field, and you can imagine the greetings
that ensued. The incomparable joy and grati
tude to God are never to be forgotten. After
the greetings had subsided a little a number of
pictures were taken and then we all loaded up
in the two cars and came back to the home of
the Luttons, parents of Lois. There was so
much to talk about that we just stayed up the
rest of the night. The parents of both Harold
Sims and Lois Lutton Sims live in Turtle Creek,
Pa., an important suburb of Pittsburgh.
The next ten days were busy ones, with the
returned missionaries dividing their time be
tween the two homes. On Wednesday night a
Welcome Reception was held at the Turtle
Creek Christian Church, witli a large crowd in
attendance. At the Sunday morning service an
exceptionally large crowd thrilled to the mes
sage which Harold brought concerning their
work, after being deliglited by a trio sung by
the three Lutton girls, Lois and her two sisters,
Mrs. Havlicsek and Mrs. Fowkes.
On July 24, the Harold Sims family left to
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sims and Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Sims, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Har
old preached for Earl Sunday morning and for
Ralph Sunday night. Again it was a glorious
reunion of the three brothers and their wives.
All three of the brothers are ministers of the
They left Cincinnati on July 27, stopping by
to see Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Patton at Piqua,
O. The Pattons are their associate missionaries
to Tokyo and will be returning, sailing date Au
gust 31. Leaving Piqua, they went on to Lake
James. Ind., where they participated in Missions
Week, and then on to Cedar Lake, Ind., for
Missions Week there, and that was followed
by a week of Bible Conference. They are e.x-
pecting to be home in Turtle Creek again about
August 18th.
Thej' will have some time for speaking en
gagements during the Fall and any church or
missionary group that would like to have them
come should send the request to them at 310
Brown Ave., Turtle Creek, Pa. They hope to
arrange their itineraries so as to take in as
many places as possible on each trip. They may
not be able (on account of time limitations) to
accept every invitation, but they want to be as
helpful as possible and go where they can best
serve the cause of Christ.
How Does II Feel To Be Called
Strange as it may seem, although your editor
has been a grandpa for more than five years, it
is only very recently that he has heard the
word from the Hps of his own grandchildren.
It still seems to be new and strange. Yes this
is quite an experience, getting acquainted with
one's grandchildren. All three of them were
born in Tokyo. Hope Joyce was five years old
last March; Sylvia Jean was three last May.
(Oh yes, they both speak two languages.) Jona
than Harold was one year old August 8th.
Proud? Oh well, consider circumstances and
pardon grandpa.
Matt. 16;26 "For what is a man profited, if
he shall gain the whole world, and lose his
own soul? or what shall a man give in e.xchange
for his soul?"
Evangelism At
Yokosiika Church
Although the custom of tlie older Japanese
Christians is to have not more tlian three days
or a week for evangelistic meetings, I decided
if we were going to have a good fruitful revival
we must break this custom. Therefore, four
months before the church building would be
finished I began making plans for a three or
four week meeting and asked two of our finest
young ntinisters to do the preaching.
.\bout eight months ago God began at about
the same time to work in the lives of these two
young men. For three years I had been praying
and looking for this time wlien God would con
vict of the prevailing unevangelistic spirit,
especialh- in our Bible College. I was very
happy when both of these young ministers said
they would help in our first evangelistic meeting
in the new cliurch building. The first week
Brother Muto, minister of the Mabashi church
preached and also helped teach the children
each night. The first week the attendance aver
aged about 37 and the interest grew from night
to night. For e.xaniple, there is an old man wlio
lives almost next door to the church and [
would judge him to be nearly seventy years old
This man came every night and Sunday morn
ings for the first fourteen days of the meethig.
The first night he sat in the back seat and each
night he would move closer to the front until
at the end of a week he was sitting in the sec
ond row and remained there each night through
another week. At the close of the second week
you could even hear his voice singing above
the others. And when on Thursday night there
were four persons baptized, the old man in
order to see every detail got to his feet ami
leaned forward watching every movement and
listening very intently to every word, in order
tliat he might not miss a thing concerning God,
His Son, The Word and Salvation. This man
is typical of most of the persons that came dur
ing the meeting. The one difference is, at the
end of the first ten days nine young people con
fessed Jesus as their Lord and four of these
were baptized immediately while the old gentle
man after the fourteenth night walked out of
the service and never has yet returned. The
fourteen nights he listened to God's Word but
was not convicted or constrained to accept it
to the salvation of his soul.
This is very clearly evidence of the power of
Satan in the lives of the older Japanese in con
trast with the present day young people of
Japan. Our hearts are heavy in prayer for this
man as well as for all of the adults who at
tended during the meetings. It is a real victory
to win a person from the older generation.
Won't you pray with us for these peoplefor
there is power in united prayer.
Then, the second week. Brother lijima, min
ister of the Minato church preached and helped
teach the children and the third and last week
Brother Haniu, minister of the Setagaya church
During the three weeks, the children came
every night from seven to seven thirty and
were taught various choruses, prayers and
stories from God's Word. Fukuda san, a second
year student who has been helping me for more
than a year, was very faithful and was with me
every day throughout the meeting. Fukuda san
and two of our other fine students took turns
teaching the children stories by the Kami-shibai
method (a very popular and effective method
used among Japanese children). It consists of
a 15 by 25 inch cardboard, either hand colored
or painted scenes making them more attractive.
Maybe ten or fifteen of these cards will be used
to help describe and tell the story. These chil
dren's meetings were very successful and the
(Continued on Page 4)
of Christ, $100.00; Charlottesville First
Christian Church, $382.55; Harrisburg
Church of Christ, $11.54; DenbighMission
ary Society, Lebanon Christian Church, $75;
Ellerson Young Married People's Class,
Gethseniane Church of Christ, $40.00; South
Norfolk Bible School, South Norfolk
Church of Christ, $25.00; Newport News
Colonial Place Church of Christ, $15.00; El
lerson Bonnie Brae Church of Christ, $40.
WASHINGTON Mrs. Lida F. Conover, $5.
WEST VIRGINIA Miss Elizabeth Furman,
$5.00: WheelingWarwood Christian Church
Missionary Society, $50.00,
CANADA Yellow Grass, Sask.Church of
Christ Sunday School, $11.40.
Sale of Flaming Torch, $15.00.
Total $3,425.39
Brought forward 821.48
Salaries of missionaries... .$1,200.00
Transferred to Tokyo 1,000.00
.Additional travel expense for
"Mr. Harold Sims & family 271.03
Travel expense of Mr. and
Mrs. .Andrew Patton...1,125.00
Printing and mailing of
Tokyo Christian 295.00
Stamps 6.00
Exchange on checks .10
.Annuity Interest 6.00
Martin-Johnson Printing Co.
for Envelopes 18.03
Salary of forwarding agent 70.00
Balance $ 255.71
Gifts received in Tokyo during Mav and June,
CALIFORNIA Ukiah Church of Christ.
$20.00: Los Angeles A'iew Park Church
of Christ. $35.00.
WASHINGTON U and I Class, Christian
Church, $31.00.
HONOLULU, HAWAII Christian Church,
Kaimuki Woman's Council, $10.00.
Total $96.00
(Continued from Page 1)
average attendance was one hundred forty. I
am trusting God to raise up from among these
children strong Christian soldiers in order tliat
the Gospel may reacii every home in Yokosuka.
My hope and desire, my prayers were that
God would give us victory in the heart and life
of every person in the neighborhood of the
church and every person who came to the
And this is still my prayer and hope in God
knowing that he is not willing that any
should perisii, but that all should come to re-
pentence. Therefore, I am looking for a greater
outpouring of God's Holy Spirit in the building
of His Church at Yokosuka.
Your servant in Christ,
Stanlev Buttrav
-paaiocxeno LKZ nuoj ssq
'iiaaaD anJuj, 'annaAV HAioaa 0I 'smis *3 'V
ascaid 'a^qcjaAtiapaa n siq) ji rja^sBm^soj
Rope Holder List
June and July
CALIFORNIA Mrs. Myrtle E. Ulrey, $6.00.
COLORADO Elbert Cliristiaii Church $40.
FLORIDA Mrs. Eva Jensen, $20.00.
GEORGIA Savannah Central Church of
Christ, $10.00; Mrs. Edward T. Lindsay, $5.
ILLINOIS Hcrrin-First Christian Churcii,
$13.00; Maywood First Christian Church,
$73.62; Miss Fern McCleliand. $12.50; Miss
Marguerite McCleliand, $5.00; Mrs. Julius
Reinliart, $35.00; Suinner Bethany Chris
tian Church, $24.00.
INDIANA Geneva Domestic Cliurcli of
Christ Sunday School, $52.50; W'abashKum-
Join-US Class, Treaty Christian Church, $42;
Staunton Women's Christian Missionary
Society, First Christian Church, $25.00; Col
umbus Christian Church, $50.00; Markle
Church of Christ Missionary Society, $75.00;
Grecntown Meridian Street Christian
Clinch, $60.29; Burnettsville Ciiristian Church,
$5.00; Waterloo Cedar Lake Sunday
School, $22.93; Miss Ruby F. Hoffman. $10.00.
IOWA Council Biuffs First Christian
Church, $50.00; Brookljm Madison Churcii
of Christ, $23.35; Des Moines Rising Sun
Sunday Scliool, $114.38; Mt. .Auburn Churcii
of Christ, $10.00.
KANSAS Miss Elicn Lawrence, $3.00; Mrs.
Virginia G. Templeton and Xadine, $5.00;
Mrs. Roy_ Pigeon. $1.20: Norton Christian
Church, $53.79: Clearwater Christian Ciiurch,
$40.42; Mrs. Ellen Overtoil, $2.00,
KENTUCKYGerniantown Christian Church,
MARYLAND Mt. Rainier Christian Church,
MINNESOTA Fairmount Church of Christ,
MISSISSIPPI .AberdeenChristian Church
Circle, $25,00: Columbus Women's Chris
tian Fellowship, First Christian Church, $25.
MISSOURI Martinsville Christian Cliurch,
NEBRASKA Mrs. Lillie Corman, $5.00;
Wakefile Christian Church Sunday School,
$20.00; Mrs. Hazel Stats, $3.00; Mrs. Effie
Myers, $1.00; Mrs. Bertha Tumbleson. $1.00.
NEW MEXICO Miss Marguerite E. Byerly,
NEW YORK Mrs. Lillian Clark, $1.00.
OHIO Nashville Cliurch of Christ, $20.00;
KillbuckUnion Grove Church of Christ,
$39.29; SteubenvilleLaBelle View Church of
Christ, $15.00; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Deem,
$10.00; Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Schubert, $10.00;
Phalanx StationBraceville Christian Church,
$33.00; SaleniPhillips Church, $50.00: Miss
Mildred Covington, $5.00: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Calendine. $10.00; Columbus Southwood
Church of Christ. $20.00: Miss Janice God-
love $1.00; MorristnwnChristian Church
Bible School, $5.00: TorontoFirst Church
of Christ Missionary Society, $50.00; Mr. and
Mrs. Albert J. Schlyer. $10.00: Franklin-
Women's Missionary Group, Central Church
of Christ, $10.00; MorristownKum-Join-Us
Class, Morristown Christian Cliurch, $21.64;
Mr. J. Ira Mercer. $35.00.
PENNSYLVANIA LindenLyc. Church of
Christ Bible School, $20.00; Miss Jean
Swartzwelder, $25.00; Confluence Prayer
Group, Christian Church, $10.00; Mr. and
Mrs. Roy E. Smith, $10.00; Sandy Lake-
Women's Missionary Society, Sandy Lake
Christian Church, $10.00; Sweet ValleyThe
Church of Christ, $25.00; Meadville First
Christian Church, $700.00; Howard Will
ing Workers Class, Church of Christ. $10.00;
Miss Jane Godlove. $1.00: RidgwayChurch
of Christ. $12.00; Dickerson RunVanderbilt
Church, of Christ, $50.00.
TENNESSEE Erwin First Christian
Church, $60.00; Blountsville Blountsvil!
Christian Church DVBS, $25.72.
TEXAS Mrs. W. S. Blodgett, $3.00; Mrs.
Chas. Halsell, $200.00.
VIRGINIA Waynesboro Christian Church,
$16.18; RichmondFairmount .Avenue Church
Daughters In Christ
The two young ladies in this picture with
me are my especial pets, Dorcas Noguchi, on
my left, is the eldest daughter in the home in
which I lived for two happy years. She has
been very faithful in helping me and also car
ries on the Sunday School I started in their
The young lady on my right is Rose Hase-
gawamy birthday present for she was one of
two girls baptized on my 80th birthday. She
comes very faithfully to Sunday and mid-week
services and is a promising worker.
I think you must admit that they are both
pretty and they are just as good as they are
pretty. E.B.C.
Freshman Class of Tokyo Bible Seminary.
Left to right: Mr. Ishihara, Mr. Ito, Miss
Kurahara, Mr. Fijiama, Mr. Ito. Also Mr.
Kamata from Okinawa, not in the picture.
Tokyo Treasurer Reports
From Georgia Account $1,000.00
From churches 96.00
Total $1,096.00
Zaidou (Buildings) $3,937.46
Travel 261.67
Seminar)' Maintenance 138.88
Tuition, Food (Seminary) 299.33
Taxes 22.67
Outstations 16.10
Correspondence School 16.65
Supplies 1.22
Property Repairs 60.79
Postage 8.46
Miscellaneous 11.10
Total disbursements $4.77,4.-33.
My Friday Evening Group
This is a photograph of my Friday Evening
When I first returned to Japan after the war,
in 1947, 1 lived in the home of a very lovely
Japanese family.
Soon after 1 moved in, they called me one
evening over to their parlour. Tliere I met Mr.
Asari. They asked me it I would start a Bible
Class for them. I was longing to do that very
thing. I asked Mr. Asari if he would help me
and he gladly consented to do so._
They offered their lovely large parlour with
a piano and we began a Bible Class the fol
lowing Friday which has continued ever since.
Many have come into the Cluirch from this
group and after 6 years a number of the Char
ter members are still with us. Three of them
are deacons in First Church and have become
useful workers in the Church. The entire No-
News From Nakano
A young college co-ed was converted to Christ
(hiring our evangelistic meeting at Nakano this
spring. Coming out of deep-rooted intellectual
atheism, she has become one of our outstand
ing young Christians since the long fight with
doubt and disbelief in her heart. One of our life
long memories will be tlie experience of hearing
this girl and another just three weeks out of
heathenism raising their beautiful voices to
gether in a newly-learned hymn, "It is Well
With My Soul." One of Miss Matsuoka's tal
ents (she is also the church pianist now) is her
winning per.<onality. Thus she became a witness
for Christ first in her home. All of us rejoiced
with her when her father and mother began
accompanying her to every church service soon
after her baptism. Now we rejoice yet more
because we learn through a letter from the
young minister there that this mother and
father, expressing joy, and thankful
ness at their daugliter's testimony were baptized
into Christ July 26.
Recently, in answer to prayer, a generous
offering in the form of a bequest of $4,327.66
from Mr. Houghson's estate was received. As
I have no living-link support and the mi.^jsion-
aries in our mission are each going on his own
support. I just asked tlie Lord to show me a
way when this gift came. Now I can continue
my work without being too much of a burden
to the Mission funds. I expect to devote my
remaining years exclusively to teaching and
training workers and to open new work wher
ever and whenever I can in this needy field.
guchi family wito were old enough became
Cliristians. One of the younger daughters has
since become a Christian.
We also, with the help of their little daugh
ters started a Sunday School in their home
which grew to over 200. Thirty-five of them
became Christians and some are even yet at
tending First Church but most of them attended
Fourth Church which was nearer. We also had
a group of women in meetings twice a month
and all of them became followers of the Lord
Jesus Christ and were buried in baptism. I was
in that home just two years and deeply re
gretted leaving it but also wanted to return to
my old work at Yotsuya where a new Church
had been built and the members waiting for me.
The Friday Class continues and its members
are still becoming Christians and working for
the Lord. E.B.C.
Sixth National Convention
We would like to see all of you at the sixtli
National Missionary Convention, which is to
be held September 23-27, 1953, at the First
Christian Church, Lincoln, Illinois. The attend
ance has grown from year to year and we hope
and expect this to be the best yet. Among the
many missionaries present will be the son of
the editor. Harold Sims and wife, from Tokyo,
japan. This will be a wonderful opportunity to
get better acquainted with your missionaries.
We recently heard indirectly that our good
friend and co-worker Mrs. McCall of Imperial,
Calif., has gone to her reward. She was a gen
erous contributor to the Mission for many
Will Be
in a new program of direct-support
in a permanent program for evangelizing
Pattons Sail On Aug. 31
Our present sojourn in our native country is
quickly drawing to a close. It is but natural
that this fact should sadden us for it means
that we must temporarily part from our rela
tives, friends and homes. Facing a life of intense
activity devoid of some of the comforts of life
in America, however, does not sadden us. The
busy servant of the Lord is most often the
happy one and some of tlie things which we
prize most highly here arc not necessities in
making a life happy, full and useful. The thing
that counts most is the conviction that the anti
cipated sphere of service and the Lord's will
for one's life are mutually agreed.
Words fail us when we seek to adequately
e.xpress our feeling of gratitude and indebted
ness to our true yoke-fellows in the common
faith for their encouragement, hospitality and
support while we have been in the U. S. And
to tliose dear ones who iiave pledged themselves
to uphold our hands in the work in Japan we
offer our hearty thanks. In return for this grace
of theirs we pledge before God to keep the faith
and to be faitliful ministers.
Undoubtedly our supporters are well aware
by this time of the cliange in our financial pol
icy. This will mean that after September 1st
we must look more directly to the churches at
home for our financial support. We believe that
this is as it should be. There is no more anxiety
than before for this is our Father's world. Tlie
eternal God that watches over the sparrow and
clothes the lilies will rally to our help if we
only prove worthy of His support. Our greatest
concern in the way of financial support is for
the Tokyo Bible Seminary. It must now solicit
its own support from God's people who are
interested in a trained and effective Japanese
ministry. Teachers must be paid, the grounds
and buildings must be kept in repair, the school
library must be stocked with good books, partial
support for the students must be maintained,
and numerous general expenses must be met.
We pray that you will put this Seminary on
your list as being worthy of your continued
We have booked passage on the SS President
Wilson, sailing from San Francisco on August
31st. The Wilson's arrival at Yokohama is ex
pected to be on the morniiig of September 14,
just one day before the opening of the fall term
of Tokyo Bible Seminary. Thus the busy minis
try which we anticipate in Japan will begin
soon after our arrival there.
We do not hesitate to say that this is a crucial
time in the history of Japan. The land of the
cherry blossoms has changed. Feeling against
America has become prevalent in some quarters.
Confusion and discontent are gaining the upper
hand. We fear that moral decay is setting in.
The conditions for such decay seem to be al
ready present. America has given them some
bread and democracy, but has not led thein
to God. We cringe to think of the outcome if
more Japanese do not turn to Christ.
Will you join with us in earnest prayer to
God that the people of Japan may be brought
from darkness to light and from the power of
satan to God. Will you pray that we, as mini.s-
ters of His, may be greatly used, to the glory
of God and to the .salvation of the Japanese
people. Andrew and Betty Patten
iMissionaries Meet
i We were delighted to have the Pattons with
us Saturday night and Sunday, and to have An
drew preach Sunday morning. In the after
noon Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor came from
.Scottdale where he had preached in the morn-
; ing. It was a verj- happy meeting of these co-
laborers in Japan.
The Taylors are busy visiting the churches
and reporting concerning their work. They ex
pect to enter Lincoln Bible Institute for post
graduate work this fall and winter. They are
planning to return to Japan next summer and
open up a new mission work in northern Japan.
May God bless them and guide them in all their
consecrated service to Him. A.E.S.
Rope Holder List
June and July
CALIFORNIA Mrs. Myrtle H. Ulrc}', $6.00.
COLORADO Elbert Christian Churcli $40.
FLORIDA Mrs. Eva Jensen, $20.00.
GEORGIA Savannah Central Church of
Ciirist, $10.00; Mrs. Edward T. Lindsay, $5.
ILLINOIS HerrinFirst Christian Church,
$13.00; Maywood First Christian Church,
$73.62; Miss Fern McClelland. $12.50; Miss
Marguerite McCielland. $5.00: Mrs. Julius
Reinliart, $35.00; Sumner Bethany Chris
tian Church, $24.00.
INDIANA Geneva Domestic Church of
Christ Sunday School, $52.50: WabashKuin-
Join-US Class, Treaty Christian Church, $42;
Staunton Women's Christian Missionary
Society, First Christian Church, $25.00; Col
umbus Christian Church, $50.00; Markle
Church of Christ Missionary Society. $75.00;
Greentown Meridian Street Christian
Chuch, $60.29; Burnettsville Christian Church,
$5.00; Waterloo Cedar Lake Sunday
School, $22.93; Miss Ruby F. HofTman. $10.00.
IOWA Council Bluffs First Christian
Church, $50.00; Brooklyn Madison Church
of Cfirist, $23.35; Des Moines Rising Sun
Sunday School, $114.38; Mt. .Auburn Church
of Christ, $10.00.
KANSAS Miss Ellen Lawrence. $3.00; Mrs.
Virginia G. Templeton and Nadine. $5.00;
Mrs. Roy_ Pigeon. $1.20: Norton Christiati
Church, $53.79; Clearwater Cliristian Churcii.
840.42; Mrs. Ellen Overtoil, $2.00.
KENTUCKYGermantown Christian Church,
MARYLAND ilt. Rainier Christian Church,
MINNESOTA Fairmount Church of Christ,
MISSISSIPPI AberdeenChristian Church
Circle, $25.00: Columbus Women's Chris
tian Fellowsliip. First Christian Church, $25.
MISSOURI Martinsville Christian Church,
NEBRASKA Mrs. Lillie Cornian. $5.00;
Wakefile Christian Church Sunday School,
$20.00; Mrs. Hazel Stats, $3.00; Mrs. EfTie
Myers, $1.00: Mrs. Bertha Tumbleson, $1.00.
NEW MEXICO Miss Marguerite E. Byerly.
NEW YORK Mrs. Lillian Clark, $1.00.
OHIO Nashville Church of Christ, $20.00;
KillbuckUnion Grove Church of Christ,
$39 29; SteubenvilleLaBelle View Church of
Christ, $15.00; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Deem.
$10.00; Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Schubert, $10.00;
Phalanx StationBraceville Christian Church,
$33.00; SalemPliilUps Church, $50.00; Miss
Mildred Covington, $5.00; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Calendine, $10.00; Columbus Southwood
Church of Christ, $20.00: Miss Janice God-
love, $1.00; MorristownChristian Church
Bible School. $5.00; TorontoFirst Church
of Christ Missionary Societ}% $50.00; Mr. and
Mrs. Albert J. Schlyer. $10.00: Franklin-
Women's Missionary Group. Central Church
of Christ, $10.00; MorristownKtun-Join-Us
Class, Morristown Christian Church. $21.64;
Mr. J. Ira Mercer, $35.00.
PENNSYL'VANIA LindenLyc. Church of
Christ Bible School. $20.00: Miss Jeati
Swartzwelder, $25.00; Confluence Prayer
Group, Christian Church, $10.00; Mr. and
Mrs. Roy E. Smith. $10.00; Sandy Lake
Women's Missionary Society. Sandy Lake
Christian Church, $10.00: Sweet ValleyThe
Churcli of Christ. $25.00: Meadville First
Christian Church, $700.00; Howard Will
ing Workers Class. Church of Christ. $10.00;
Miss Jane Godlove, $1.00: RidgwayChurch
of Christ. $12.00; Dickerson RunVanderbilt
Church of Christ, $50.00.
TENNESSEE Erwin First Christian
Church. $60.00; Blountsville Blountsvillo-
Christian Church DVBS, $25.72.
TEXAS Mrs. W. S. Blodgett, $3.00; Mrs.
Chas. Halsell, $200.00.
VIRGINIA Waynesboro Christian Church,
$16.18; RichmondFairmount .Avenue Church
of Christ, $100.00; Ciiarlottesviiie First
Christian Church, $382.55; Harrisburg
Church of Christ, $11.54; DenbighMission
ary Society, Lebanon Christian Church, $75;
Ellerson Young Married People's Class,
Gethsemane Church of Christ, $40.00; South
Norfolk Bible School, South Norfolk
Church of Christ, $25.00; Newport News
Colonial Place Churcli of Christ, $15.00; El
lerson Bonnie Brae Church of Christ. $40.
WASHINGTON Mrs. Lida F. Conover, $5.
WEST VIRGINIA Miss Elizabeth Furman,
$5.00: WiieelingWarwood Christian Church
Missionary Societj-, $50.00.
CANADA Yellow Grass. Sask.Church of
Ciirist Sunday School, $11.40.
Sale of Flaming Torch, $15.00.
Total $3,425.39
Brought forward 821.48
Daughters In Christ
Salaries of missionaries... .SI.200.00
Transferred to Tokyo 1,000.00
.Additional travel expense for
.\Ir. Harold Sims & family 271.03
Travel expense of Mr. and
Airs. -Andrew Patton..1,125.00
Printing and mailing of
Tokyo Christian 295.00
Stamps 6.00
E.xchaiige on checks .10
-Annuity Interest 6.00
Martin-Johnson Printing Co.
for Envelopes 18.03
Salary of forwarding agent 70.00
Balance $ 255.71
Gifts received in Tokvo during Mav and June,
CALIFORNIA Ukiah Church of Christ,
$20.00; Los Angeles View Park Church
of Christ, $35.00.
WASHINGTON U and I Class. Christian
C'nirch, $31.00.
HONOLULU, HAWAII Christian Church,
Kaimuki Woman's Council. $10.00.
(Continued from Page 1)
average attendance was one hundred forty. I
am trusting God to raise up from among tliese
children strong Christian soldiers in order that
the Gospel may reach every home in Yokosuka.
My hope and desire, my prayers were that
God would give us victory in the heart and life
of every person in the neighborhood of the
church and every person who came to the
And this is still my prayer and hope in God
knowing that he is not willing that any
should perish, but that all should come to re-
pentence. Therefore, I am looking for a greater
outpouring of God's Holy Spirit in the building
of His Cluirch at Yokosuka.
A'our servant in Christ,
Stanley Buttray
'paajavicDO LfSS auoj asn
Bj 'snnaAV unota DIE 'smys *3 'V
jlJon asBsyd 'ayqcaaAiiapan si siq) jj :j9isBni9soj
The two young ladies in this picture with
me are my especial pets, Dorcas Noguchi, on
my left, is the eldest daughter in the home in
which I lived for two happy years. She has
been very faithful in helping me and also car
ries on the Sunday School I started in their
The young lady on my right is Rose Hase-
gawamy birthday present for she was one of
two girls baptized on my 80th birthday. She
comes very faithfully to Sunday and mid-week
services and is a promising worker.
I think you must admit that they are both
pretty and they are just as good as they are
pretty. E.B.C.
Freshman Class of Tokyo Bible Seminary.
Left to right: Mr. Ishihara, Mr. Ito, Miss
Kurahara, Mr. Fijiama, Mr. Ito. Also Mr.
Kamata from Okinawa, not in the picture.
Tokyo Treasurer Reports
From Georgia .Account
From churches
Total $1,096.00
Zaidon (Buildings) $3,937.46
Travel 261.67
Seminary Maintenance 138.88
Tuition. Food (Seminary) 299.33
Taxes 22.67
Outstations 16.10
Correspondence School 16.65
Supplies 1.22
Property Repairs 60.79
Postage 8.46
Ali-scellaneous 11.10
Total disbursements $4.77.4.-33.
"Go je into all the ivorld and preach the gospel to every creature.'' [Mark 16:15)
Vol. 52
Wilmcrdiiig, Peiina., September-October, 1953
Number 5
Abico Church Building Dedicated
The Abico Church Building, which was dedicated on August 16. Inoue San, minister of the
church, is on the left facing this way wearing a dark suit.
On Sunday, August 16, Mr. Buttray preached
the dedication sermon at the new Abico church.
This congregation was established in 1949 by
the present mini.ster, Luke Inoue, a graduate of
the Tokyo Bible Seminary. During the last
two years he was in the seminary he began the
Sunday School and church at Abico, a small
country village about thirty miles from Tokyo.
Upon graduation in 1952 he expressed the desire
to make rural evangelism his life work. But
sickness came into his family, making it impos
sible for him to give all of his time to this work.
At the beginning of this year because of a
change of circumstance.s in his family he was
able to leturn to Abico to live and plans were
made to build a small chapel on property which
liiiu been bouglit about two years ago looking
forward to this time when the church had
grown and full time could be given to it. This
property was bought with two purposes in
mind, one for a small chapel and the other for
a Christian cemetery. There has been a great
need for a burial place for Christians since most
of the cemeteries are Buddhist or Shintoist.
The church building was completed August
16 and tiie dedication was held in the afternoon
with more than forty persons present, including
representatives from all of our Tokyo churches.
Special music wa.s provided by the men's quartet
of the Seminary and a lectern was presented to
the congregation by the churches.
Evangelistic services arc to be held during
the first three weeks of October. Please pray
for these meetings if this new.s should reach
you before October 20. Also your continued
prayers for Inoue San and this full time cfYort
is needed and greatly appreciated. Remember
prayer changes things. James 5:16-18.
Mabel Buttray
I Thessalonians 5:2, 3 "For yourselves know
perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh
as a thief in the night. For when they shall say,
Peace and safety; then sudden destruction
cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman
with child; and they shall not escape."
Pattons Busy
Andrew and Betty Patton sailed from San
Francisco August 31, arriving in Japan just in
time for the opening of the Tokyo Bible Sem
inary of which he is president. Since at this
writing we have no message written especially
for the Tokyo Christian we pass along a part
of what he wrote to Harold.
"Over a week has passed since we arrived in
Tokvo and I have just now found time to write
a few lines. To put it mildly, we are already
snowed under with work. The Buttrays, Mrs.
Cunningham and some of the Japanese people
met us at the pier. As soon as wc got our bags
through customs, the first problem was laid on
my shoulders. To make a long story short, we
finally dismissed Mr. Kamata from teaching in
the Seminary. After much prayerful thought I
am fully convinced it was the best thing to
do, for he has never been fully in harmony with
what we teach and believe and his recent ac
tions made our action imperative. Besides losing
a teacher, we also have the problem of some
money being stolen one Sunday while everyone
was away. But in other respects the spirit of
the Seminary is fine. We had a faculty meeting
and made much progress making plans for the
school. Wc have designed a school seal which
will soon appear on our stationery etc. And we
are still thinking a!>out a chapel and girls' dorm
itory building over at Buttrays.
"Mrs. Cunningham gave me some money for
the school that had been sent to iier, and I
banked $360.00 today, so we are at least getting
a start for the school financially.
"We arc still living with Buttrays, but plan
to move about Monday. The walls of the house
have been painted and the floors waxed.
"The typhoon is here and blowing outside
right now. It arrived early this evening and
has already blown down Buttray's fence. It is
really blowing in earnest now, but I am afraid
to stick my head out for fear a tile will crack
my head." Andrew Patton
The Great Alternative
"Jesus said therefore unto the twelve, Would
ye also go away? Simon Peter answered him.
Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the
words of eternal life."John 6:67,68
Everybody needs religion, and usually seeks
it, in one form or another. Some folks seem to
be satisfied with very depraved forms of reli
gion, as for example the idolater who worships
the image he has made with his own hands or
that some other man has made. Such stupidity
is to be pitied, but no more so than the skeptic
who worships his own intellectual creation, or
who worships himself.
True religion is that which God has revealed
and made manifest in His Son. Jesus Christ
calls men to the true religion in these words:
"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy
laden, and I will give you rest." Millions have
gone to Him, down through tlie years, and have
found peace to the soul. Many also have "gone
away" from Him. But to whom have they gone?
When Peter was given the privilege of going
away he replied: "Lord, to whom shall wc go?
Thou hast the words of eternal life." That still
holds today.
1. For one thing, Jesus Christ is the greatest
character in the history of the world. But He
is more than an historical character. He is also
our living Christ and Savior. No great character
before Christ is worthy to be compared to Him.
John the Baptist was a truly great man, but
he said of Jesus, "Whose shoes I am not
worthy to unloose." Since the time of Christ
the greatest of men, including Napoleon,
Shakespeare, Gladstone, Washington, and a
host of others have acknowledged His super
2. He is the greatest teacher the world has
ever known. He gives the only satisfactory
philosophy of life. He satisfies both the heart
and the mind by revealing the true destiny of
3. He has exerted the greatest and most bene-
ficient influence in the world. Individuals and
nations have been transformed by His influence,
to the extent that they have accepted and fol
lowed Him.
There are many such instances today, as in
the past. Some go away and preach the glorifi
cation of men, or success, or wealth. Others
go away from Him and try to succeed by mak
ing the church just a social club, leaving out
the very fundamentals of the gospel of Christ.
Some go away because they cannot or WILL
not hear His Word. Perhaps they were only
followers of the crowd, following for loaves
and fishes. Some go away to worship the god
dess of pleasure, or at the shrine of Bacchus
or of mammon. Some go away down the road
of indifference or carelessness. Their love is
grown cold and they get offended at His great
challenging call to sacrificial service.
No other alternative gives any measure of
true and lasting satisfaction. To whom will they
go? In Christ's day they might have gone to
the Sadducces or Pharisees or some pagan reli
gion. In this our day they may go to atheism
or agnosticism or cynicism or ritualism or
countless other "isms," but none of these have
"the words of eternal life." None of them can
.satisfy the heart's deepest longing.
When people go away from Christ where will
they go to settle the problem of sin and its
(Continued on Page 4)
THE TOKYO CHRISTIAN Words Of An Expert Bible College Product
ubilshcd by-monthly by the Church of Christ ~ ^ Published by-monthly by the Church of Christ
Cunningham Mission, Tokyo, Japan, for the infor-
m.ition and inspiration of every Christian whose
heart is open to the call of Christ, and who is
willing to help in the supreme task of carrying out
the Great Commission of Christ: "Go ye therefore
and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Ghost; teaching them to observe ail things what
soever I have commanded you; and lo, I am with
you alway, even unto the end of the world." Matt.
28:19, 20.
Entered as second class matter in the Wilmerding,
Pa., PostolTice under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Mrs. W. D. Cunningham. 16 Wakaba Oho, Shinjuku-
Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Forwarding agent. Miss Eva D.
Green, 127 E. Mercer Ave., College Park. Ga. (Miss
Green Is also forwarding agent for the general
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Buttray, 575 2-Chome, Kamio-
chial, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo. Japan. Forwarding
_ agent.-Mrs. Homen Anderson. R. D. 1, Meadvllle, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Patton, 450 Aral Machl, Na-
kano-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Forwarding agent. Mr. or
Mrs. Ray Armstrong. Route 3. Box 310, Plqua, Ohio
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sims, on furlough, 2811 Warsaw
Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Forwarding agent, A. E.
Sims, 310 Brown Ave., Turtle Creek, Pa.
Mrs. W. D. Cunningham Mrs. E. G. Nabell
Mr. T. O. Hathcock Miss Eva Green
Mr. Lawrence Bain J. E. Lipscombe
Crvel C. Crowder Alfred E. Sims
Packages for Japan should be sent direct by
parcel post to one of the missionaries whose ad
dresses arc shown above. Packages of clothing can
be sent up to 22 pounds, not over 42 inches long
of 82 inches in girth. Packages of printed matter
up to 6 pounds 9 ounces, not over 24 Inches long
and 36 inches girth can be sent.
Consult your local post office about preparation
of packages for mailing.
If you change your address please notify A.
E. Sims, 310 Brown Avenue, Turtle Creek,
Pa., giving both your old and your new address.
We want to keep our mailing lists up to date.
If you make an offering you are entitled to
receive this paper if you so request.
How Do You Evaluate
The Tokyo Christian?
A question has been raised as to the advis
ability of continuing the publication of the
Tokyo Christian. The cost of printing and mail
ing has increased about 150% in the past seven
or eight years. Do you like it enough that you
would be willing to pay a larger subscription
price? Don't send any money now, but write
and tell the editor how you feel about itif
you feel strongly enough to write. If no one
writes we'll take it for granted that it makes
little difference to you readers whether it con
tinues or not.
In case you may not know it already, we may
apprise you of the fact that the editor of this
paper receives no salary. He has been gladly
donating his time as a small contribution to the
Missionary cause. The fact that the Tokyo
Christian is, so far as we know, the oldest mis
sionary publication among our people has been
a challenge and an inspiration to keep it going.
Even if it is no longer worth all of the increased
cost, we feel sure that it has not been in vain.
Only eternity can tell the full extent of its influ
ence and inspiration during the past 52 years.
For many years it was published monthly. Then
in recent years it has been published bi-monthly.
What would you think of publishing it quar
terly? Let us be praying that God will guide
us to do the right thing. It is our prayer that
His will may be done in the matter.
Alfred E. Sims, Editor
Acts 10:34,35 "Then Peter opened his mouth,
and said. Of a truth I perceive that God is no
respecter of persons: but in every nation he
that feareth Him, and worketh righteousness,
is accepted with Him."
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Buttray and their son,
Paul, just before Paul returned to this country
to finish his High School work and graduate
from an American High School. Be praying for
We do not know the name of this expert, but
the words are taken from a booklet sent out
by Unified Promotion, and surely none but an
expert would be thus honored. On the first
page we read: "This booklet is for the use of
ministers and the committees of the church
and its organizations which recommend mis
sionary budgets." The pages are not numbered,
but the page on which the following expert
words appear is headed, "Evangelism." Read
thoughtfully as we quote:
"An analysis of social trends in our country
indicates the necessity for the church to make
the greatest possible evangelistic impact of
which it is capable. Information from tlie Fed
eral Bureau of Investigation brings to our
minds the importance of strengthening the
moral and spiritual fiber of our national life.
Indications of religious indifference and spiritual
apathy are faced each day in many areas of our
present society. The influence which contempor
ary religion brings to bear upon our culture
must be intensified increasingly or soon wc will
liocome a people without moral or spiritual
insight. _
"According to figures wliicli were released
during 1951 the population of the United States
increased approximately 1.7%. The net increase
in membership througout our entire brotherhood
as reported in the 1952 Year Book was 1.19%.
"This situation calls for a more effective pro
gram of evangelism. This is our Year of Evan
gelism which is being promoted by the national
and state forces.
"It was the conviction of the Committee on
Evangelism of the Home and State Missions
Planning Council tliat our brotherhood could
achieve an increase of at least 10% each year
above the resident membersliip reported for the
year book during the Long Range Program.
The cooperation of each church is urgently re
quested in this effort."
What a masterpiece! It certainly must have
been considered a "knockout" for those for
whom it was intended that is, for the little
cogs in the big machine, it must have been
intended for such as do not know Jesus Christ
as Savior and Lord, for it makes no reference
to Him or His Great Commission! It must have
been intended for such as do not believe the
Bible, for it makes no reference to the Bible,
which is a tower of strength and inspiration to
every true evangelist of Christ. It must have
been intended for such as have never been born
again, for surely every true born again Christian
is so filled witii the love of Christ and the love
of the souls that are lost that he will be Im
pelled by that love to do his utmost to save
the lost without any such expert motivation.
But is the chief thought of this expert mas
terpiece to save the poor souls that are lost
from the punishment to which tlicy are going,
or is it just to add people to the church whether
tliey are saved or not? We might also ask, Why
a Year of Evangelism? Is it that the experts
have been so occupied with perfecting the de
nominational machinery, and so busy trying to
force the churches into subjection to the ma
chine by hook or crook or cunning that they
now feel the need of more "resources"? We can
not detect in the above masterpiece any love
for lost souls or any desire to save them for
their own sake or for Christ's sake.
Of course those who are truly born again
Christians and have a real love for Christ and
for the lost souls for whom Christ died, are
not thinking in terms of "a year of evangelism,"
but they are thinking of evangelism year in and
year out as long as life shall last or until the
Lord returns to claim his own,
Let us not be misled by all this expert fol-
clc-rol. Rather let us pray for the experts that
they may be converted and know what it means
to be a new creature in Christ. If that seems
hopeless or impossible, just remember that with
God nothing is impossible.
Acts 4:12 "Neither is there salvation in any
other: for there is none other name under
heaven given among men, whereby we must
be saved."
Mute san, one of our very finest students
had some wonderful experiences this past sum
mer. Having preached the first week of the
Ynkosuka Church evangelistic meeting, in
which he got the meeting off to a good begin
ning. There were good crowds, good interest,
and good messages which kept the people com
ing back each night.
Then Muto san's plans were to go to Okin
awa and on to a little island of Miyako but for
some reason his passport and visa did not come
at the time he had planned. Of course the
thougiit that ran through his mind was that it
was not God's will that he should go. But plans
had been made and missionaries and Japanese
Chri.stians were waiting for him to come to
teach in the Youth camp and to hold rivival
meetings. But for some reason the U. S. author
ities of Occupied Okinawa were silent. Days
went by and still no answer. Days turned into
weeks as Muto san, Japanese pastors, members
of the church and missionaries prayed for God
to open the way for him to enter Okinawa.
Tliese were also anxious days and weeks
for the missionaries and Christians at Okin
awa and Miyako too, for they well remembered
how their hearts were made glad a year before
%ylien Mr. Muto had come and' preached
the Good News of salvation and many
became Christians. But finally, after more
than two weeks of prayer and anxious waiting
the visa and passage came through. That was
a happy day! The following day as Muto san
left Tokyo everything seemed to be working
out fine for he would just have time to reach
the southern part of Kyushu and catch a small
ship to Okinawa. But that night and the follow-
mg day it rained which later became one of the
worst flood disasters in a number of years for
Japan. Knowing that Mr. Muto would reach
Moji, a city m northern Kyushu at the time the
flood was the worst and the underground rail
road tunnels had filled, making it impossible
to travel to southern Kyushu. Again there was
prayer and the following day a telegram was
received saying that he had arrived safely in
southern Kyushu in time to board the ship that
was to take him to Okinawa.
Upon arriving at Okinawa he helped in a
Youth camp, preaching and teaching which re
sulted m twelve rededications and five baptisms.
CContinued on Page 4)
An Interesting Letter
Dear Mother Cunningham,
I have made up my mind to be baptized. You
have urged me many times before to be bap
tized but I refused it every time. That -was be
cause there was something in my heart that
I did not want to be baptized because I was
persuaded without thinking about it carefully
and to me more time was necessary.
The thing that hindered me, in short, was that
there was very little of "myself" in me. My
real inmost thought always said "I will be bap
tized, I want to be a Christian," but outwardly
I tried to deny it and said, "I must think it
over some more."
Besides I did not like that Baptismal Service.
To have it in front of so many people made me
feel it was so affected.
I feel that wlicn I am alone I am most honest
and frank with myself but when there are so
many people around I am afraid I shall get
confused and cannot have a pure feeling.
I still feel the same way but I am prepared
to go through with it.
A year ago I was living such a busy life that
I did not have time to think about faith but
by a special providence I became ill and I re
ceived time to think quietly by myself. Until
that time I was like a machine for study.
One of my friends says she would not even
think about religion but it is different with me.
I am sure from my earliest childhood I was
pulled by religionto me it is something very
close and serious.
Right after the war when things were in con
fusion there was nothing that satisfied my heart.
It was just vacancy. But suddenly the memory
of mv childhood days came back to me. When
I was three years old just once my brother, who
died since, took me to Sunday School. Some
thing from that experience remained with me.
The shock of the surrender and being m the
stage of growth made a blank in my heart. I
knew I needed something to fill that blank.
Then I decided to go to Sunday School and for
four years I attended Sunday School very faith
fully. During that time "faith" that was to con
trol my whole life was gradually established.
To my blank heart Christianity that was sink
ing in little by little enveloped my whole mind
and body.
I think the seed planted in my youth deter
mined my whole life.
Before my illness I did not know my own
heart and how important it was to be a Chris
tian I was always opposing myself but that
was not the real me. Now I am different,
Christianity is a necessity to me.
I will surely be baptized. Of course my
knowledge of Christianity is immature, but I
don't think that matters, if I keep on studying.
Please excuse my poor composition but what
I want to tell you is that I have made my de
cision to be baptized.
If this letter could help you understand me,
I shall be very happy.
Yours sincerely,
Betty Matsuki
Betty Matsuki was baptized with Rose Hase-
gawa on my last birthday and a more lovely
birthday gift it would be hard to imagine.
Both girls are living earnest Christian lives.
Rose will be a teacher in the Sunday School
and Betty, who has a lovely high soprano voice
will sing in our choir.
Betty is just seventeen and I think has deep
thoughts for such a young person. She spent
three months in bed last year with pleurisy but
is quite recovered. E.B.C.
Please note the following changes of address.
The forwarding agent for Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Buttray is Mrs. Homer Anderson, R. R. No. 1,
Meadville, Fa.
Harold and Lois Sims, home on furlough,
are now residing at 2811 Warsaw Ave., Cin
cinnati 4, Ohio. They expect to continue there
during this school year. Their forwarding agent
is A. E. Sims. 310 Brown Ave., Turtle Creek,
Omikoski: a portable shrine borne on the shoulders of many men and usually carried through
the streets at the time of a festival (Omatsuri).
God Shows The Way! Furlough Experiences
From the day of their arrival in this country,
Harold Sims has had the privilege of speaking
in one or more churches every Sunday so far.
Lois and the children have accompanied him on
many of the trips but not all. He has also had
several appointments between Sundays. Lois has
also made several appearances at some churches
without Harold. They have everywhere met
with a very hearty cordial reception, and great
ly appreciate the hospitality that has been
shown them.
Harold attended the Sixth Annual Missionary
Convention at Lincoln, 111., and enjoyed every
part of it. He appreciated meeting a great many
friends there. He was also one of the speakers
on Friday night. The attendance was very good.
(Your editor regrets that he was unable to be
We have now visited all of our Living-Link
Churches except Eustis, Florida, and we are
laying big plans for that visit some time in the
future. We have had a wonderful time at every
place. It is great to be able to visit old friends
once again after some years of absence.
Matthew Ikeda, a student from Tokyo, is in
Cincinnati Bible Seminary with us, so some
times we get practice in speaking Japanese.
Matthew has spoken in many different churches
all over the United States and is becoming well
known. He is not what you would call "an
official representative" for the Mission, since
the Mission doesn't pay his travel expense or
salary. The Charlottesville, Va., Church helps
with his school expenses. All offerings given to
him are his own personal responsibility.
The Standard Publishing Co. has made a very
interesting and kind offer to print the "Life of
Christ Visualized" series in foreign languages.
Everything but the letters will be the same as
the English editions, and the price will be very
reasonable perhaps about 14 cents each,
PROVIDED we order at least 100,000 copies.
I am sure this would be a very valuable thing
in the Japanese language. It would be widely
read and might bring the gospel story into many
homes not otherwise entered. How many are
intere.stcd in a project like this? How strong
is your interest in a financial way?
When we were at Lake James and Cedar
Lake Missions Weeks this past summer we had
no plans to go to school while on furlough. We
thought that people with a family the size of
ours couldn't think seriously of school again,
because of the expense and other difficulties
involved. Also we had planned to travel widely.
But we found out quickly that this "deputa
tion work" is not an easy task. Also in talking
with many preachers and missionaries we found
that it is very difficult to get speaking appoint
ments except on Sundays and Wednesday
nights. So we began to think of taking another
year of graduate work, especially since week
ends would be free for speaking engagements;
and since, after all, a school term at CBS just
takes slightly more than half the weeks of our
furlough. Then too, those who are engaged
mainly in teaching on the mission field un-
doubtedlv need the refreshing experience of ad
ditional study while on furlough. So we decided
that, the Lord willing, we would go to Cincin
nati Bible Seminary, for Harold to continue
the graduate work which he had left unfinished
when he left for the Mission Field in March,
1947. The Lord certainly must have been will
ing. for everything has worked out perfectly,
as if made to order.
1. The Chase Ave. Church of Christ in Cin
cinnati wrote that they would promise to help
us financially so that the whole family would
be able to move to Cincinnati.
2. The Seminary then offered us the position
of House-parents for one of the girls' dor
mitories, providing us an apartment in the build
ing free of rent. They also furnished beds and
chests of drawers.
3. One of the students let us use his gas cook
stove, since he was moving into a furnished
4. Pearl Willis and his good wife, ministers
of the Chase Avenue Church, let us use their
old refrigerator for the school year.
5. The other Sims families, Ralph and Earl
and their wives, helped with dishes, canisters
and other things for the kitchen.
6. Some people of the Montgomery Road
Church in Cincinnati loaned us a baby bed, rug,
and other kitchen utensils.
So you see how the Lord has supplied for on "d TUr.,,
us. Phil. 4:19 is again demonstrated. We just i I ii h rnnnJrJl
thank Him and rejoice constantly. The good- fool, this night thy soul shal be required of
ness of everybody to us has certainly been a thee; then whose shall those thngs be, which
blessed experience. We are unworthy, but God. Ihou hast provided. So is he that layeth up
and His people are the best friends in the world treasure for himself, and is not rich toward
to us. Harold and Lois Sims God."
Rope Holder List
August and September
COLORADO Elbert Cliristiaii Cinirch, $40.
Reed, $5.00.
ILLINOIS Mr. Harry C. Randolph, $1.00;
Sumncr Bethany Christian Church, $22.00.
INDIANA Mrs. Roy V. Hobbs, $10.00.
IOWA - Council Bluffs First Christian
Church, $50.00.
KANSAS iliss Ellen Lawrence, $5.00;
Hutchinson Church of Christ, $10.00; Mrs.
Virginia G. Teinpleton. $4.00; Norton Chris
tian Church, $44.41; Mrs. Roy Pigeon, $2.00.
MAINE :\Ir. William F.- Brawn, $5.00.
MASSACHUSETTSMrs. E. S. Donnell, $8.
MINNESOTA Marion Christian Bible
School, $25.00; Mrs. Eldred J. Smith, $2.00.
MISSISSIPPI - Friend.s, $15.00; Hickory
Antioch Christian Church, $25.00.
^^-^9 Ashland Clear Creek Church of
5o5.63; East Liberty Cliristian Church,
$-0.00; East Dayton Church of Christ, $20:
A^~aiid-.Mrs. J. H. Deem, $20.00; Pcrryion
Church of Christ, $12.00; Miss Mildred Cov-
ington, $5.00; CincinnatiWcstwood-Cheviot
$25.00; Indian Run Churcli,
$30.00; Columbus Southwood Church of
Christ, $20.00.
PENNSYLVANIA LcmoyneFirst Church
of Christ, $35.00; ConfluencePrayer Group,
Confluence Christian Church, $10.00; Lancas-
ter Churcii of Christ, $20.00; Mr. and Mrs.
Key L. Smith, $5.00; Wampum Chewton
Christian Church. $25.00.
TENNESSEE HarrimanChristian Church
Ladies' Aid, $20.00; Mrs. James Wood, $20.00.
TEXAS Mrs. W. S. Blodgett, $2.00; Mr.
Edgar Sage, $22.00.
VIRGINIA Newport News Twenty-
Fourth Street Church of, $200.00; El-
lerson Gcthsemane Church of Ciirist, $65;
Ellerson Young Married People's Class,
Gcthsemane Church of Christ, $20.00.
WASHINGTON Greenacres Christian
Church, $25.00.
TOTAL GIFTS $ 930.04
Interest on bonds 244.37
Gift received for Andrew Patton made
payable to Mission (check deposited
and check issued) 16.75
Transferred from Reserve Account $1,713.97
Great Alternative
Continued from Page 1)
Tokyo Treasurer Reports
Tokyo Treasurer's report for July and August.
From Churches and Individuals $ 188.30
From Rent of Karuizawa House 50.00
From Georgia Account 1,000.00
results? Where will they go with their guilt and
burden of sin to secure forgiveness and free
dom? Some try to ignore sin, iiiit it can't be ig
nored. One can't get away from it. Did you
ever see a small beam of sunlight in a dust-
filled room? Well, shutting out the sunlight
doesn't take away the dust; it only keeps you
from seeing it. Some love darkness rather than
light because their works arc evil. Some talk
of going to nature and science. Can science and
nature remove the burden and the strain of
sin? No, if there had been any other way to
free man from the guilt and power of sin, then
Jesus Christ need not have offered the sacrifice
of His own blood, shed upon the cross for the
remission of sin.
Going away from Christ, where would one go
for inspiration and the impulse to the better life?
Someone may say, go to literature and art. Yes
there is much of Inspiration in the great litera
ture and art of the world. But did you ever
stop to think that if Christ and His influence
j weretaken out of literature-.and -avL Uvere-
would be pre'ciou.5 little of inspiration left. As
a matter of fact it would be more degrading
than uplifting.
Finally, what will those wlio go away from
Christ do when they come to the end of the
way? When one faces death, what assurance or
Ihope is there from any other source except
IChrist and God's Word? More than thirty years
ago it was my lot to stand beside the open
grave of the wife of a professed infidel. I shall
Inever forget the look of absolute hopelessness
i upon the face of that proud man. How I pitied
him! But no one but Christ could help him in
such an hour.
We are all called upon sooner or later to
rnake this all-important choice: Christ, or what?
"Will ye also go away?" Shall we answer with
Peter; "Lord, to whom sliall we go? Thou hast
the words of eternal life," A. E. Sims
Brought Forward
Designated for
Andrew Patton $ 16.76
Salaries of missionaries .. .i. 800.00
Additional travel expense for
Andrew Patton 300.00
Shipment of books to Tokyo
Bible College by
Andrew Patton 398.82
Printing of Tokyo Christian.. 295.00
Stamps 6.75
Salary of forwarding agent .. 35.00
Balance on hand $1,308.52
Gifts received in Tokyo during July and Au
gust, 1953.
CALIFORNIA Los Angeles View Park
Church of Christ, $70.00; Mr. Elbert Holland,
OHIO Payne Church of Christ, $58.30;
Mr. Elma F. Stonerock, $40.00.
! Total receipts (July and August) $1,233.30
Buildings $ 888.88
Travel and car repairs 313.89
Tokyo Bible Seminary 289.72
Out.stations 91.11
Correspondence School 8.34
Property Repairs 237.10
Miscellaneous 5.56
Total disbursements $1,834.60
Girls at the Christian Workers Camp in
Karuizawa. They are preparing rice balls for
one of the meals.
Bible College
(Continued from Page 2)
Besides thi.s there were seven persons in the
camp that made decisions to enter Bible Col
lege. Then leaving Okinawa he went to Miyako
wliich is about seventy-five miles bv ship (these
are not ships as we think of them but very
small boats and are generally quite dangerous
to travel in). On reaching Miyako, he held a
two weeks meeting resulting in tweiitv baptisms
and twelve rededications. If you knew the Jap
anese a little better you woiild realize that even
one redcdication is the unexpected and the un
usual. And to have seven persons in one week
decide to enter Bible College and to full time
ministry is a real victory. Praise be unto God
who_ answers prayer and pours out His Holy-
Spirit in wonderful blessings and victories, even
m these times and in all places where Christ
Jesus IS honored by Christ centered Christian
hvin g.
i Your servant in Christ,
Stanley Buttray
'pasjncjcno oSBjsod iWE asn
Bd 'Jiaai3 aiijnx 'anuaAV UMOjg 0T 'sniis 'at 'V
^;nou asraid 'aiqcjaAiiopun si siq? ji ;ja)SBui)soa
John 3:19 "And this is the condemnation, that
light is cqine into the world, and_men loved
darkness rather than light, because their deeds
were evil."
John 12:48: "He that rejccteth me, and re-
ceiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth
him: the word that I have spoken, the same
shall judge him in the last day."
Harold Sims was the speaker for the Cincin
nati Bible Seminary Alumni Banquet, October
28. He is also scheduled to speak at a Mission
ary Rally in Charlottcsville, Va., and at a Con
ference at Atlanta Christian College early in
November. If you are in easy reach of Cincin- h SBTT'Ed
nati and would like for him to speak at yoirr/.A-w /{gritrr"STn W THT+r
church, please write to him at 2811 Warsaw ^ >U IH
Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. _ UOfflSA
Will Be
in a new program of direct-support
in a permanent program for evangelizing
Andrew Patton, President
450 Arai Machi, Nakano-Ku, Tokyo
'Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature " \Mark 16:15)
Vol. 52
Wilmerding, Pennao9 November-December, 1053
Number 6
First Days In Japan
By Betty Patton
We arrived in Tokyo on September 14th after
having had 14 days of good sailing on the high
seas. During the few hours that our ship was
docked in Hawaii we visted the Powell family
there and Andrew renewed his acquaintances.
These good people refreshed our spirit. As we
went on our way we rejoiced in the work of
the Lord on the island of Oahu.
September 14th was a very dreary, foggy,
rainy day as far as the weather was concerned.
But the typical gloomy atmosphere of Tokyo
did not dampen our spirits. As we looked down
upon the anxiously awaiting friends on the dock,
there stood a welcoming committee for us. Mrs.
Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. Buttray and five
Japanese preachers had come to Yokohama to
welcome us. What a wonderful reunion this was
for Andrew. As for me, there was joy in my
heart as I met my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Dinner was served in Mrs. Cunningham's
home. How often I had thought of meeting her.
She told of the work she was still carrying on
regardless of the many years the Lord has
added to her life.
On the day we arrived we saw many Shinto
fall festival parades. As I looked upon their
celebration in the streets, my heart ached for
them. Small children were dressed in their
finest. Some few had their faces painted. A
portable shrine in gilded gold had been built
and secured on poles for conveyance. About
twenty boys carried this through the streets,
cliailting'and dancing m a snake-likeTashion as
they went along. Policemen escorted the par
ade. On the sidewalks others, old and young,
women with children on their backs, followed
the procession. In front of the god were two
long ropes. Holding on to these ropes were
many young children. At the end of the pro
cession a group of young boys carried a drum
and beat it. The destination of the parade was
a specially built platform where interested spec
tators were entertained. Priests and others
supervised the parade and guided the little ones
in their formations.
Upon seeing these things one feels again the
great need for many to heed the call of Christ
to GO and TELL of Jesus the Savior who died
for the sins of these people and who now lives
in heaven. How much in darkness these people
are. Just one day in Japan is enough to con
vince one of her need for Christianity.
Andrew is very busy with the plans for a
better school year. Classes for the fall term
of the Seminary started just one day after we
arrived. Much needs to be done especially since
the school is supported independently as of
September 1st. We pray that many Christiansf
at home will see the need for supporting such
a work here in Japan and will take it upon
themselves to help support the school. In this
way many young ministers may be trained and
used as instrumeents through which God can
give a great increase. At present there are
twenty full-time students. Night classes are
taught so that many can come from the sur
rounding churches to drink of the Everlasting
Since we moved into the Sims' house, one of
the girl students of the Seminary has been liv
ing with us. She had been working very hard
and had become ill from lack of vitamin Bl.
We hope that God will give her added strength
as the days go by. Also we are helping to sup
port another girl and are making it possible for
her to continue her schooling. She is a very
diligent student and worker. She helps cook for
the students at the Seminary. Will you pray
for these girls and for us that we may be able to
continue to help them in this way?
I have experienced my first Japanese meals.
It seemed very odd to me at first, but now I
Missionaries And Readers Agree
On Future Of Tokyo Christian
Since the beginning of the missionary work
of the Cunninghams in 1901 the Tokyo Chris
tian has performed the important role of inform
ing interested friends concerning the work of
the Church of Christ Cunningham Mission. The
circulation of this publication has grown from
a mere handful of the friends of the Cunning
hams in the beginning to the present time when
about 9,000 copies are printed and mailed bi
monthly. We believe that this little paper has
been used of God in many ways in causing the
people of God to have a larger and clearer
vision of the "fields white unto harvest."
In spite of this great usefulness of the Tol^o
Christian, the financial burden on the mission
in printing the paper has become so heavy that,
after much thoughtful consideration, we have
decided to change the paper from a bi-monthly
to a quarterly publication. These four issues of
the paper will be printed in March, June, Sep
tember and December. The next issue will be
published in March, 1954.
Another means of reducing the cost of the
Tokyo Christian is by revising our mailing list.
If you wish to continue to receive the Tokyo
Christian as a quarterly, then do not neglect to
fill out one of the subscription forms, found in
this issue and return to A. E. Sims, 310 Brown
Ave., Turtle Creek, Pa. The subscription price
rejiiains the same50^ for two years, or 8 is
sues. Churches or organizations^ contributing
$10.00 or more, may still receive a bundle of 10
upon request, but please do not request them
unless you are sure they will be properly dis
tributed and appreciated. Each person or church
sending on offering of one dollar or more will be
automatically placed on our mailing list.
If you or your friends have never been on
our mailing list and would like to receive the
Tokyo Christian, please send in your subscrip
tions to the editor.
We regret that it has become necessary to
revise our mailing list, but we believe that it
is imperative to do so in order to make the
best use of the Lord's money. We have confi
dence that you, our friends, will agree with
us in this decision and trust that each of you
will cooperate with us in making this new
endeavor a success.
The Missionaries
This issue was already on the press,
ready to be printed, when we received a
Cablegram from Tokyo sasdng that Mrs.
W. D. Cunningham passed peacefully
from this life on December 25, at 11:00
P. M.
She was 80 years old and had been a
missionary to Japan for 52 years. She and
her husband established the Yotsuya Mis
sion in Tokyo in 1901 and the same year
started the publication of the Tokyo
A good and faithful servant, an efficient
leader of others and a winner of souls has
been called to her eternal reward. A more
complete statement and appreciation will
appear in our next issue. Editor
feel almost like one of the Japanese. One meal
was served in a small room partitioned by slid
ing doors. The wife served her husband, Andrew
and me. But the wife didn't eat with us^just
the three of us. The children were introduced
to us during the meal. They appeared at the
sliding-door entrance where they knelt and
In response to the editorial in the last issue
"How Do You Evaluate the Tokyo Christian?"
we have received a number of repliesnot as
many as we had hoped, but all so far have been
in favor of continuing publication if possible.
We take the privilege of quoting from some
of these, not mentioning names or towns, since
some might not want the publicity. The first
one came from the state of Maine and reads as
"In the September-October issue of the
Tokyo Christian I note your question as to how
we evaluate the Tokyo Christian.
"We have always enjoyed it very much as it
was interesting to know what was going on in
the Cunningham Mission.
" I also note the added expense of printing
the paper, but I am sorry to say that I cannot
increase the amount I have been sending, from
the fact that I am 80 years old and therefore
do not have a chance to earn any more, but
we still give a tenth for the Lord's work, and
hope that it will be possible for us to send the
same amount that we have been sending to
the Cunningham Mission.
"After reading the above I find that I should
have said we have some income but it is limited."
Such words do our heart good. May God
continue to bless such a faithful servant of His.
Who says, "I can't afford to tithe"? Only those
who -have never -tried'-itr-"Prove meTrow^here
with."Mai. 3:10.
The next one is from Mississippi. It also is
"I just want to tell you that we of the Wo
men's Christian Fellowship in
enjoy reading the Tokyo Christian. We are
especially interested in the Buttrays, since we
have a small part in their support. We will be
willing to pay more for our subscription since
the cost of printing and mailing has increased."
Here is one from Illinois, that should not be
"In reading the Tokyo Christian, which I
received a few days ago, you asked whether it
was worth printing and mailing the paper. I
want to tell you how much I enjoy it. I only
wish many more people could read it, to see the
need on the fields and the faith that the mis
sionaries must have to go out to the needy
"My husband through the years has sent of
ferings to Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham. He so
much admired their faith and courage, and the
great work that is being done in Japan by God's
people. Only your paper keeps us in touch with
the work there.
"My husband went to be with his Lord on
August 23rd. He hadn't been sick. He died of
a heart attack on a Sunday evening."
Again we say. May God bless and comfort
this good woman.
From Kansas comes this good practical mes
"Enclosed please find $5.00 for missionary
work, to be used as needed. I like to read the
Tokyo Christian and hope it will continue to
be published. Once each month wouldn't be bad,
and once each quarter would be much better
than not at all. I pass my paper on after reading
it. With interest and prayers for His work."
Yes, the prayers can change things and make
the difference between success and failure. We
trust that there were more who prayed than
those who wrote letters. We all need your
Then we have this brief message from
(Continued on Page 2)
Published by-monthly by the Church of Christ
Cunninsham Mission, Tokyo, Japan, for the infor
mation and inspiration of every Christian whose
heart is open to the call of Christ, and who is
willing to help in the supreme task of carrying out
the Great Commission of Christ: "Go ye therefore
and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Ghost; teaching them to observe all things what
soever I have commanded you; and lo, I am with
you alway, even unto the end of the world." Matt.
28:19, 20.
Entered as second class matter in the Wilmerding,
Pa., Postoffice under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Mrs. W. D. Cunningham. 16 Wakaba Oho, Shinjuku-
Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Forwarding agent, Miss Eva D.
Green, 127 E. Mercer Ave., College Park, Ga. (Miss
Green is also forwarding agent for the general
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Buttray, 575 2-Chome, Kamio-
chiai, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Forwarding
agent, Mrs. Homer Anderson, B. D. 1, Meadville, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Patton, 450 Arai Machi, Na-
kano-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Forwarding agent, Mr. or
Mrs. Bay Armstrong, Boute 3, Box 310, Piqtia, Ohio
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sims, on furlough, 2811 Warsaw
Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Forwarding agent, A. E.
Sims, 310 Brown Ave., Turtle Creek, Pa.
Mrs. W. D. Cunningham Mrs. E. G. Nabeil
Mr. T. O. Hathcock Miss Eva Green
Lawrence Bain J. E. Lipscombe
Orvel C. Crowder Alfred E. Sims
Packages for Japan should be sent direct by
parcel post to one of the missionaries whose ad
dresses are shown above. Packages of clothing can
be sent up to 22 pounds, not over 42 inches long
of 82 inches in girth. Packages of printed matter
up to 6 pounds 9 ounces, not over 24 inches long
and 36 inches girth can be sent.
Consult your local post office about preparation
of packages for mailing.
If you change your address please notify A.
E. Sims, 310 Brown Avenue, Turtle Creek,
Pa., giving both your old and your new address.
We want to keep our mailing lists up to date.
If you make an offering you are entitled to
receive this paper if you so request.
What They Say
Continued from Page 1)
"I want to tell you that I do enjoy reading the
Tokyo Christian and would like to see it con
tinued. I mentioned the matter to our Mission
ary group and some were interested, but I doubt
if they will write to tell you so. A friend in
One from California was not received till
December 8, but it said in part: "I guess I've
received and read every copy of it that has been
issued in the last 45 or 50 years. I almost feel
acquainted with the personnel of the mission
the Japanese as well as the American workers.
However I know that it does require money to
print even a small paper. And I have reached
the age of retirement^yes, I'll be 75 my next
birthday^and I was never able to save enough
to have more than a very modest home up in
the mountains, and so have to depend on an
old age pension for a living. But I think I could
manage to spare a little more in order to con
tinue the paper, unless prices of food continue
to increase. No doubt you must do what seems
best, but that will not alter the fact that I'll miss
it, if it is discontinued."
Your editor can't be too harsh on others who
failed to write, because he too has often felt
the urge to write and failed to do so. There
were some other messages received, but we feel
that the above are typical. None expressed a
wish or willingness to see the publication dis
continued. The missionaries in Tokyo feel the
same way, and have decided that we try to keep
it going as a quarterly.
In 1941 In 1946
1. Yotsuya Kida Torn down Gone to Nazarenes 10
2. Setagaya Hanyu W Remained To army and returned 14
3. Yochomachi Kadomura A Burned Killed in Action 1
4. Ogu Tanaka R Burned Sick and retired 9
5. Mikawashima Oda Burned Gone to Presbyterians 5
6. Nakano Toyoshima Y Burned Managing Kindergarten 1
7. Sakurayama Still E Burned Mis'y (now in Hawaii) 2
8. Kamiochiai Saita A Burned Retired
9. Shinogawa Takada R Burned Retired
10. Hanozono None S Torn down
11. Sarue Matsuyama Sold Gone to Korea
12. Meguro None Sold
On December 7, we remembered that it had been 12 years since the beginning of the
war with Japan, and decided to make the above chart to explain briefly some of the changes
that have taken place in the 12 years as to the 12 churches that were associated with the
Church of Christ Cunningham Mission in Tokyo, back in 1941quite a lot of changes for a
period of only 12 years.
Post-War Experience
When I first arrived in Japan, after World
War II, I lived in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Noguchi and their daughters. They made me
so comfortable and I was so happy in their
home that I found it hard to leave. In fact I
shed some tears the day I left and said good-by
to all the dear ones standing at the gate to say
farewell. But I felt that I had to go back to
where I had worked before the war and encour
age the First Church.
I had a splendid work at the Noguchi home
for they welcomed every Christian activity I
carried on and assisted me in it. I had a large
Bible Class every Friday evening and many of
the members became Christians and most of
them put their membership at First Church and
are still attending. Some of them working faith
fully. I also carried on a successful Women's
Meeting. Most of them became Christians and
attend either Fourth Church or First Church.
I had two very large Sunday Schools in my
home with all the children the house would hold.
We divided the school twice and held the meet
ings on different days. Thirty-five of the older
ones of that group became Christians and some
are attending First Church.
The climax of everything came when a liquor
dealer in the neighborhood was baptized and
begged me to stay and work in that district
and offered to build me a Church building if I
would consent but the location was too near
Fourth Church and I refused to agree to his
There were six daughters in the Noguchi
home and only one son and he had been in
Russia, a war prisoner, for two years at that
time. How earnestly we have prayed for his
return. Eight long years have passed and only
yesterday we received word that he is released
and will return home on Friday of this week.
There is surely joy at First Church over this
good news. All the family are Christians expect
this young man and we are all praying earnestly
that he too may accept the Savior.
"It is no secret what God can do."
Emily Cunningham
A Salute To The Editor
We wish to thank the editor of the Tokyo
Christian, Mr. A. E. Sims, for the good and
sacrificial work which he has done in editing
this paper. It has been and is no easy task.
We missionaries have oftentimes been so busy
in Japan that we failed to find time to write
and send the articles for the paper on time. In
spite of these and other difficulties, Mr. Sims
has continued to render this valuable service for
the work of the Lord. Mr. Sims has received
no monetary remuneration for this work but
has done it out of his sincere love for the Lord
and his strong interest in the cause of world
evangelism. We thank you, therefore, Mr. Sims,
for this your work of faith and labor of love.
^The Missionaries
Report From Yotsuya
On Sunday, November 22nd, First Church
had four baptisms. A Methodist Minister and
his wife who have been worshipping with us
since last September and studying about the
Church of Christ decided they wished to be
Christians only, were two of the four. The third
was a Mrs. Sekiguchi, from our Woman's
Group whose husband was a member years ago,
and who died recently, was the third and the
fourth a young man 18 years old who since last
spring has faithfully attended our Junior Church.
We are proud and happy to welcome them at
First Church.
Recently I took cold and have been rather
slow recovering and Mrs. Buttray very kindly
agreed to take over one of my Sunday Bible
Classes for the time being. I hope to be able
later to take it on again.
I am still carrying on the Junior Church and
my week-day Classes as usual.
We are all busy with Christmas programs.
The Japanese love a Christian Christmas and
we work hard each year to help them under
stand the Virgin birth of Christ and to know
the great sacrifice God made to give the world
the greatest gift of allHis only Son.
Notes By The Simses
A recent letter from the young minister of the
church at Nakano (1953 graduate) ays a revival
meeting was held November 1-15, using all
home talent, and there were 13 additions. We
rejoiced with him. Evangelistic meetings were
held in other places, but we don't have the
specific results.
We are still working on plans for the Life of
Christ Visualized in Japanese, because we feel
such a good price is too good to pass up. I be
lieve that the books will sell in Japan at a very
small loss, or none at all. The main problem
is getting the capital for printing 50,000 vol
umes. This will take a little over $7,000.
We have received word from the Japanese
consulate in Washington that there will be no
duty on the books.
Not only are the books themselves valuable
in their gospel teaching, but their sale would
provide additional funds for literature. This
seems to me to be a good investment for some^
one with $10,000 or so, or for a division of peo
ple with just a dollar.
Harold and Lois got Grandmother Sims to
be a baby-sitter for 10 days in the middle of
November while they went to Charlottesville,
Va., for the Missionary Rally there and then
to Atlanta, Ga. We had a very pleasant visit in
both places. Charlottesville is one of our living-
link churches, Atlanta Christian College is Har
old's alma-mater, so we had many joys in meet
ing old friends again. It was Lois' first trip into
the deep south.
Harold Sims
In 1953
Elder Rim
8. No church, but a missionary residence now
Minato 60 1949 lijima
Nishi-Ogikubo 60 1950 Oba
Kamiuma 30 Iwata
Yokosuka 30 1953 Buttray
Abiko IS 1953 Inoue
Soka IS Sudo
Furlough Experiences
While we were still in Japan I often wondered
what we would do when we came home on our
first furlough. Other missionaries had told us
some of their experiences, but each had a dif
ferent idea of how his furlough should be. Com
ing back to our homeland after living away for
several years does make a difference in our way
of living. The first few weeks were strange, but
it didn't take long to feel at home again.
We are glad for this furlough. It is a wonder
ful experience, and one we will remember al
ways. After being away for a while struggling
with a new language, making a home and new
friends, the memory of former Christian fellow
ship dims a little, so when we returned it was
a real tonic to our souls to be so warmly
greeted and to take part in the worship services
where every word was fully appreciated. You
can imagine how we enjoy being with our par
ents and brothers and sisters. The children are
-happy to-know their grand-parents, and have
never been shy with them. Harold is studying
at Cincinnati Bible Seminary and we are house-
parents for the 18 girl students living in this
dormitory. Hope and Sylvia are both attending
school. Hope goes to the kindergarten at Whit-
tier Public School and Sylvia attends a Christian
Day School class twice a week. Jonnie is 16
months old now and is trying to say some
things. We enjoy watching him walk and imi
tate the girls.
Some of you probably wonder if we ever
think of Japan. We certainly do. We look for
ward to the letters from the missionaries still in
Japan and also from the Japanese friends there.
We rejoice with them in their victories and feel
deeply for them in their times of trouble. Above
all we feel deep concern for the souls that are
still without Christ and hope of salvation. We
plan to return next September in time for the
beginning of the second semester at Tokyo
Bible Seminary. We are thankful for all of you
who have supported the work so faithfully and
ask that you continue to remember us and the
workers in Japan. Lois Sims
I like the man who faces what he must.
With step triumphant and a heart of cheer;
Who fights the daily battle without fear;
See his hopes fail, yet keeps unfaltering trust
That God is good,that somehow, true and just
His plans work out for mortals, not a tear
Is shed when fortune, which the world holds
Falls from his graspbetter, with love, a crust
Than living in dishonor; envies not,
Nor loses faith in man; but does his best.
Nor ever murmurs at his humbler lot;
But, with a smile and words of hope, gives zest
To every toiler; he alone is great
Who by a life heroic conquers fate.
Sarah Knowles Bolton
I Thes. 5:9, 10 "For God hath not appointed
us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord
Jesus Christ, who died for us, that, whether we
wake or sleep, we should live together with
The World^s Need
The greatest need of this world is Christianity.
There are three things necessary for the onward
progress of Christianity: first the truth, the
faithful message of Christianity; second, a mul
titude of witnesses, faithful messengers of
Christ; third, the belief, acceptance, and appli
cation of that message by those who receive it.
As to the first requirement, fortunately, we
have a message that is true beyond question or
dispute; a message that is superior to anything
else in the world; a message that is both thrill
ing and satisfying to the soul. This is the mes
sage that God has given us by revelation or by
inspiration, as we say. But one great handicap
is that many of us have the message in the
wrong place. We have it only between the lids
of a Book, instead of in our minds and hearts.
Too often we leave it hid away in the bottom
of a trunk or some other inaccessible place.
Although this is such a wonderful message, it
is effective only as it enters into hearts and
This brings us to the second requirement: a
multitude of witnesses ones who know the
message and faithfully bear the message to
those who know it not. Hear the last words
of Jesus to His disciples before ascending to
His Father: "But ye shall receive power, after
that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye
shall be witnesses unto me . . . unto the utter
most part of the earth." Acts 1:8. While it is
true that the apostles are still witnessing
through the written Word, it is also true that
the great need is for living witnesses bearers
of the message of the apostles. The fact that so
many thousands are witnessing for Christ is
one of the encouraging things today. Yet the
number needs to be increased. All followers of
Christ are His living witnesses today. But what
kind of witness are they bearing? Are they all
faithful witnesses? Unfortunately the witness
of many is negative because of their lives. It is
possible to witness for Christ with the lips and
witness against Him by the life one lives. The
adverse testimony of sinful, unfaithful lives of
professed followers does more harm and is a
greater hindrance to the cause of Christ than
all the theoretical arguments of professional in
Also many are ineffective witnesses because
of their lack of knowledge of Christ. One must
be familiar with the Christian message as it is
revealed in the Word of God. A man who
wanted to witness for his friend gave testimony
that was directly against him, not intentionally,
but in ignorance. Just so there are many who
desire to witness for Christ, but in reality wit
ness against Him, simply because they do study
His Word, that they may know the truth. They
"have a zeal for God but not according to
knowledge." Rom. 10:2. This doesn't mean that
it is essential for one to have a high education.
Many of the best and most faithful witnesses
for Him have a very meager education, but they
know Christ and the message of His Word.
Again, no matter how much one may know,
if he does not have the spirit of Christ he can
not be a true witness for Him. "If any man
have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of
His." Rom. 8:9. And again look at Acts 1:8.
Such is the witness that is influencing the world
for Christ. Spirit-filled men and women, testi
fying for Him faithfully.
The third essential requirement for the on
ward progress of Christianity is that the testi
mony of Christ's faithful witnesses shall be be
lieved and accepted and applied in the lives of
those that hear. Rom. 1:16 "For I am not
ashamed of the Gospel; for it is the power of
God unto salvation to every one that be-
lieveth .." Even the Gospel has no power to save
those that believe not. Mark 16:16 "He that be-
lieveth and is baptized shall be saved; but he
that believeth not shall be damned." The evi
dence is sufficient for any and all that are will
ing to believe. It is not that people CAN not
but that they WILL not believe. Jn. 20:30, 31.
"Many other signs truly did Jesus in the pres
ence of His disciples . . . But these are written
that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ,
the son of God; and that BELIEVING ye
might have life through His name."
But there were many even in the time of
Christ and the apostles who would not believe.
Jn. 10:38 "If I do not the works of my Father,
believe me not. But if I do, though ye believe
not me, believe the works: that ye may know,
and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in
Him." Jn. 5:44-47 "How can ye believe, which
receive honour one of another, and seek not the
honour that cometh from God only? . . . For
had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed
me: for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not
his writings, how shall ye believe my words?"
The words of the Gospel of life and salvation are
lost on them that believe not, and many are
those that have gone down in unbelief.
But someone may ask: just what must one
believe? Certainly it is not necessary to believe
alLthe^jOPINIjQNS-of_menrfor even-gootLmen
may be mistaken. But there is no mistake about
the message God has revealed. It is this God-
revealed truth that is to be believed and not just
the opinion of men. The Phillipian jailor asked
Paul and Silas "What must I do to be saved?"
and they answered "Believe on the Lord Jesus
Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:30, 31.
But what does it mean to believe on the Lord
Jesus Christ? Surely it means more than mere
intellectual assent, for "the devils also believe
and tremble" but that doesn't save them. One
can not truly believe on the Lord Jesus and
ignore His Word, or be disobedient to His will.
It means just that simple trusting faith that
takes Him at His word and does just what He
says to do. For example the Phillippian jailor
who was told to believe on the Lord Jesus "took
them the same hour of the night and washed
their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his,
straightway." Acts 16:33. Thus we see that be
lieving on the Lord Jesus led to action, and it
always leads to action. One can't believe on the
Lord Jesus and be just the same that he was
before he believed. One can have an intellectual
assent concerning Jesus and continue on in the
old life of sin. Most all people believe in Jesus
in a way, just as they believe in Washington or
Columbus, but so many of them do not really
believe on Him as Lord of their own lives, else
they would not be in rebellion and refuse to
submit to His will. On the day of Pentecost,
when the promise of the Holy Spirit to the
apostles was fulfilled and they began to witness
for Jesus, many of the multitude believed and
cried out, "What shall we do?" and they were
told, "Repent, and be baptized every one of you
in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission
of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy
Ghost." Acts 2:38. 2:41 reads, "Then they that
gladly received his word were baptized; and the
same day there were added unto them about
three thousand souls." Only those that "received
his word" were added. So the great question
WORD?" If you have not, will you do so with
out delay? What saved people then will save
them now. Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ the
same yesterday, and today, and for ever."
Rope Holder List
October and November
ARKANSAS Bentonville Christian Church,
COLORADO Elbert Christian Church, $40.
BionDurant, $10.00.
FLORIDA Tampa Palma Ceia Christian
Church, $4.45.
IDAHO Buhl Christian Church, $25.00.
ILLINOIS Mrs. Julius Reinhart, $30.00.
INDIANA Bookville Church of Christ, $15;
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Eade, $10.00; Burnetts-
ville Christian Church, $5.00.
IOWA Kalona Christian Church, $16.50;
Mrs. Matie L. Baily, $7.50; Council Bluffs
First Christian Church, $50.00; Miss Bertha
K. Sargent, $25.00.
KANSAS Mrs. Virginia G. Templeton and
Nadine, $4.00.
KENTUCKY Mr. John Eggleston, $1.00.
MAINE Mr. William F. Brawn, $5.00.
MARYLAND Mr. William S. Egbert, $25.
MASSACHUSETTS Mrs. E. S. Donnell, $8.
MICHIGANMiss Edith Mueller, $2.00; Mrs.
Margaret J. Morrison, $35.00.
MINNESOTA Fairmont Church of Christ,
NORTH CAROLINA Scranton Church of
Christ, $21.00.
OHIO Mr. Ira Mercer, $75.00; Miss Mildred
Covington, $5.00; Columbus Southwood
Church of Christ, $20.00; East LibertyMis
sionary Society, East Liberty Christian
Church, $25.00; Nashville Willing Workers
Class, Nashville Church of Christ, $15.00.
OKLAHOMA Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Davis,
OREGON Mrs. Thomas Courtney, $1.00.
PENNSYLVANIAMrs. Louis Lautenslager,
$50.00; Scottdale Church of Christ, $6.00;
Confluence Prayer Group, Confluence
Christian Church, $10.00; LemoyneLadies'
Aid Society, Church of Christ, $25.00; Mrs.
W. M. Evans, $5.00; Fayette City Ladies'
Aid, Church of Christ, $15.00; Mrs. W. Craig
Lee, $25.00; Homestead Park Christian
Church, $20.00.
TEXAS Mr. Edgar B. Siddall, $10.00; Mrs.
W. S. Blodgett, $2.00.
VIRGINIA Newport News Colonial
Place Church of Christ, $15.00; CASH, $45;
EllersonGethsemane Church of Christ, $50.
WEST VIRGINIA Wheeling Warwood
Christian Church, $50.00.
CANADA Ontario Mrs. Jack Legg, $1.00.
Total Gifts $ 856.31
Brought Forward $1,308.52
Salary of
Mrs. W. D. Cunningham ....$300.00
Post Office Deposit 15.00
Miscellaneous postage and
TravelA, E. Sims 10.00
Stamps 1.75
Printing and mailing of
Tokyo Christian 297.95
Exchange .10
Annuity Interest 502.00 1,126.80
Balance on hand $1,038.03
If you are on a gloomy line.
Get a transfer.
If you're inclined to fret and pine.
Get a transfer.
Get off the track of doubt and gloom;
Get on the sunshine trainthere's room.
Get a,transfer.
If you are on the worry train.
Get a transfer.
You must not stay there and complain;
Get a transfer.
The cheerful cars are passing through.
And there's lots of room for you.
Get a transfer.
Sims' Car Fund
Before we got home several people kindly
send offerings to help us purchase a car. We
felt it was a necessity for the extensive travel
ing, much of it with the entire family, that we
planned to do. Soon after we arrived home we
went to the Weeks of Missions and to visit our
living-link churches, so we had to buy a car
just as soon as possible.
On July 20 we purchased a 1949 2-door Pack
ard. This car was in very good condition, just
as cheap as others of the same year, we looked
at, and the dealer offered us by far the biggest
reduction. The $825 purchase price came mostly
from money we had received from sale of our
piano, refrigerator, washing machine, and living-
room furniture before leaving Japan. We sold
these things planning to take new ones back
to Japan.
We have applied on the car fund (1) the
money specifically designated for that purpose
(2) personal gifts from friends not otherwise
designated (3) money received from supply
preaching on several occasions.
Here is how things stand at present.
Price of the Car $825.00
Designated gifts for car
Lyda Respess $ 5.00
Mrs. Yearick 5.00
Riverview Ala 10.45
Mrs. Charnesky 25.00
Charlottesville, Va 137.00
Personal gifts of Friends ....$90.00
Supply preaching
East Chicago, 111 25.00
Newport News, Va 25.00
Carnegie, Pa 25.00
Wash. C. H., Ohio 25.00
Alfordsville, Ind 30.00
Markle, Ind 50.00
A complete financial report through the end
of Jhie year-jwill soon be sent ta all who have
contributed to us.
Telephone Numbers
In many churches we have visited we have
found people who have sons or husbands in
Japan nowsome of them in Tokyo. The Mis
sionaries there would be very glad to get in
contact with these people. All you people in
the various churches that have service-men in
Japan should send them the missionary ad
dresses. They can visit us and give you a first
hand picture of the work and perhaps some
real pictures also. Of course it is hard to find
an address in Tokyo, so here are phone numbers
of the missionaries in Japan. This is the easiest
way to get in contact with our missionaries in
Tokyo if you are passing through.
Mr. and Mrs. Patton (previously Sims' house)
38-5171; Mr. and Mrs. Buttray, 95-3056; Mrs.
Cunningham, 35-2422.
We still have left a few copies of "The Flam
ing Torch," the life story of W. D. Cunningham,
founder of this Mission. As long as they last
we will send them to the subscribers of this
paper for fifty cents, or two years subscription
and the Flaming Torch for $1.00. We don't
know of a better book-buy, anywhere.
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Books For Library
Harold was the speaker at the November 5
meeting of the World Mission Volunteers of
the Cincinnati Bible Seminary. He showed pic
tures of the work and spoke about qualifications
of missionaries and methods of work in this
period of rising nationalism in Asia. An offering
of $74.63 was received for the purpose of buying
books for the Tokyo Bible Seminary Library.
By getting liberal discounts we were able to
purchase more than $100 worth of good refer
ence books. Of course we need many more.
This leads me to say that if anyone has any
books to donate we will appreciate them very
much. The Japanese students can usually read
English and when they spend so much time
looking up the big words, etc., they like to read
books that are really meaty and worthwhile.
We like for them to get into their hands books
that strengthen faith and edify. No school can
really operate without these tools, and good
books are sadly lacking in Japan. Perhaps some
have thought of giving books for Japan, but the
high postage rates make sending them prohibi
tive. Now you have a golden opportunity to
send them to us at 310 Brown Ave., Turtle
Creek, Pa., and we will take them with our
freight to Japan free of cost to you.
Besides books we can use some maps, com
munion sets, charts, etc., that might be found
in many church closets.
Please place me (or keep me) on the mailing
list to receive the new quarterly Tokyo C)hris-
tian. (check either 1 or 2.)
1. I have sent or will send within the year
an offering of $1.00 or more a. to the General
Fund, or b. to Tokyo Bible Seminary, or c. to
one of the missionaries listed on page 2 of this
2. I enclose herewith 50^ for each sub
Please place (or keep) this church, or organi
zation, on the mailing list to receive the new
quarterly Tokyo Christian. We have sent or
will send within the year an offering of $10.00
or more to the General Fund, or to Tokyo Bible
Seminary, or to one of the missionaries listed
on page 2 of this paper. Please send 1 10
copies (check which)
310 Brown Ave., TURTLE CREEK, PA.
You will probably not receive this till after
the Christmas rush in the postoffices, but we
take this opportunity to wish you one and all,
the joy and blessing of a happy new year.
We are sorry that this issue was so late com
ing out, but we were delayed in getting enough
material. The next issue will be due to come
out in March. Just be patient while we are mak
ing some readjustments.

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