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Unit 1: The Parts of Speech

Nouna person, place, thing, or idea

Person: boy Kate mom
Place: house Minnesota ocean
Thing: car desk phone
Idea: freedom prejudice sadness
Pronouna ord that takes the place of a noun!
Instead of" Kate # she car # it
$ fe other pronouns: he, they, I, you, e, them,
ho, e%eryone, anybody, that, many, both, fe
Adjectivedescribes a noun or pronoun
$nsers the &uestions what kind, which one, how
many, and how much
$rticles are a sub category of adjecti%es and include
the folloing three ords: a, an, the
old car 'hat kind( that car 'hich one( two cars 'ho many(

Verbaction, condition, or state of being
$ction 'things you can do(think, run, jump,
climb, eat, gro
)inking 'or helping(am, is, are, as, ere
Adverbsdescribe %erbs, adjecti%es, and other
$nsers the &uestions how, when, where, and to
what extent
Many ords ending in *ly+ are ad%erbs: &uickly,
smoothly, truly
$ fe other ad%erbs: yesterday, e%er, rather, &uite,
Prepositionssho the relationship beteen a
noun or pronoun and another ord in the sentence!
They begin a prepositional phrase, hich has a
noun or pronoun after it, called the object!

Think of the bo, 'things you ha%e do to a bo,(!
-ome prepositions: o%er, under, on, from, of, at,
through, in, ne,t to, against, like
Conjunctionsconnecting ords!

.onnect ideas and/or sentence parts!
0$1234- 'for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so(
$ fe other conjunctions are found at the beginning
of a sentence: hoe%er, hile, since, because
Interjectionssho emotion! 5sually the first
ord's( and are set off from the rest of the sentence
by a comma ',( or e,clamation point '6(!
$ fe interjections: o, bam, gee, ha, aha, ouch
HINT: many people mi, up pronouns and adjecti%esthink about ho it is being used in the sentence6
Many girls ent to the dance! 'many is an adjecti%e describing how many girls(
Many ent to the dance! 'many is a pronoun, replacing the noun girls(
HINT: many people mi, up ad%erbs and prepositionsthink about ho the ord is used in the sentence6
I looked down! 'down is an adverb describing where I looked(
I looked down the ri%er! 'down is a preposition, starting the phrase down the river(
HINT: many people mi, up ad%erbs and nounsthink about ho the ord is used in the sentence6
The test is tomorrow! 'tomorrow is an adverb ansering when the test is(
Tomorrow ill be beautiful6 'tomorrow is a noun6(
The Noun
A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing or idea.
George! Jupiter! Ice cream! Courage! Books! Bottles! Godzilla! All of these words are nouns, words
that identify the whos, wheres, and whats in language. Nouns name people, places, and things. Read the
sentence that follows:
George and Godzilla walked to Papa John's to order a large pepperoni pizza.
George is a person. Papa John's is a place. Pizza is a thing. Godzilla likes to think he's a person, is as
big as a place, but qualifies as another thing.
Persons: ohn hunter audience !!!!!!!!!!!!
Places: theater "innesota park !!!!!!!!!!!!
Things: car tele#ision hat !!!!!!!!!!!!
Ideas: inspiration $oy freedom !!!!!!!!!!!!
Common or Proper Nouns:
A common noun is a general name for a person, place, thing, or idea. &hey are usually not capitali'ed unless
they are at the beginning of a sentence.
A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place, thing, or idea. &hey are capitali'ed.
Common: actor planet month !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Proper: Adam (andler )enus No#ember !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Concrete or Abstract Nouns:
A concrete noun names a person, place, or thing that can be seen, heard, smelled touched, or tasted.
An abstract noun names an idea, quality or state.
Concrete: bell skunk sand apple !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Abstract: pride sadness uncertainty independence !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Singular or Plural Nouns:
A singular noun names only one person, place, thing, or idea.
A plural noun names more than one person, place, thing, or idea.
Singular: city foot monster !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pura: cities feet monsters 888888888888888
Coective Nouns:
A collecti#e noun names a group of people or things.
Eample: herd media pack !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Compound Nouns:
A compound noun is a single noun that is !ormed b" combining two or more words
Eample: footprint doghouse backpack !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Possessi#e Nouns:
A possessi#e noun shows ownership or relationship.
Eample: hiker*s boots +aren*s car !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$inding Nouns
,nderline e#ery noun in each sentence.
-. .f all the world*s monsters, the dragon is best known.
/. Ancient cultures imagined the dragon as a giant snake.
0. 1uring the "iddle Ages, dragons were depicted with wings and legs, breathing fire.
2. 1ragons resemble li'ards in the artwork of earlier cultures.
3. "ythology tells the story of 4ydra, a nine%headed dragon.
5. 6or centuries, (cotland has claimed the monster of 7och Ness.
8. (ome people claim to ha#e seen Nessie and e#en photographed the monster.
9. :ndeed, cameras ha#e detected a large, mo#ing ob$ect in the waters of the loch.
;. &he mysterious serpent has inspired writers, scientists, and preser#ationists.
-<. &here may actually be some unknown creatures li#ing in this body of fresh water!
;,press an action, condition, or state of being
Action Verbs: May be physical or mental 'knocked / anted(
%in&in' Verbs: <o not e,press an actionthey link sentence parts together!
--0orms of to be: as, ere, am, are, is, be, been, being 'these stand alone(
--;,press .ondition: look, smell, feel, sound, taste, gro, appear, become, seem, remain
-ome %erbs can be action or linking!
$ction )inking
=e felt the seat cushions! They felt dry!
=e tasted the popcorn! It tasted salty!
(epfu (int: If you can substitute >, is, are, was, or were for a %erb, you kno it is a linking %erb!
%in&in' Verb Sin'
'-ing it to the tune of ?)ondon 2ridge is 0alling <on?(
am, are, is, as, ere, 'and( be,
forms of be,
forms of be,
taste, smell, sound, seem, look, feel, say
become, gro, appear, remain!
!)ercise: Identif$in' Action and %in&in' Verbs
.ircle the noun's( and underline the %erb's( in each sentence! $bo%e each %erb, rite A if it is an action %erb or
L if it is a linking %erb! @emembersome sentences might ha%e more than one %erb!
The alarm sounded in the hallays!
The music sounded good6
7! The man paused before climbing the mountain!
9! The hole 4ukon appeared hite!
:! The man as cold!
A! The temperature dipped to fifty degrees belo Bero!
C! -till, the man began his journey!
D! Ee felt hungry and thought about lunch all day!
F! The moisture on his mustache appeared disgusting6
G! $fter he rubbed his hands along his nose, it became numb again!
H! The dog floundered!
7I! The manJs hands gre numb, as the coldness gre and gre!
*+ (epin' Verbs
(epin' Verbs
(epin' verbs 'also called au,iliary %erbs( are combined ith other %erbs to form verb phrases! $ %erb phrase
may contain one or more helping %erb ith an action %erb! -ome helping %erbs donJt e%en ha%e an action %erb
ith themthey indicate that an action is directed at the subject!
"eminder of the *+ hepin' verbs3 4on5t for'et to memori6e $our ist3
am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been, have, has, had, do, does, did, can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, must
-andra has a pair of .onga drums at home! helping verb acts as the main verb!
-he has practiced her drumming all summer! helping verb plus action verb!
Circe nouns and underine the compete verb phrase in the foo7in' sentences8
7! 3ur friends ill be coming to the birthday party late!
9! The principal does like your project!
:! 4ou should ha%e gone ith your dad!
A! The forard did play ell!
C! 4our project ill be seen by se%eral people!
D! The girls are laughing really loud!
F! $nyone can join knoledge bol!
G! The ad%isor ill elcome you ith open arms!
#e carefu of adverbs that interrupt verb phrasesdo not incude them in $our verb phrases8 9ords i&e
not, never, always, sometimes, rarely are caed adverbs because the$ modif$ the verb phrasethe$ are
N:T part of the verb phrase8
-usie does go to dances! -usie does sometimes go to dances!
-usie goes to dances! -usie rarely goes to dances!
7!3ur friends ill not be coming to the birthday party late!
9! 4ou should ne%er go alone!
:! I donJt ant any e,cuses!
A! -tudents sometimes make lame e,cuses!
C! I had alays ondered the truth!
D! -heila rarely misses a free thro in practice!
F! Eoe%er, -heila does not make them in games!
G! I ill alays e,pect your best in class!
An adjective modifies or limits the meaning of a noun or pronoun.
An adjective tells what kind, which one, how many, or how much.
What Kind Which One How Many How Much
famous song this song one dollar some music
squeaky noise that way three tenors more room
green light these words several years less energy
Articles: The most common adjectives are the articles a, an, and the.
Proper Adjectives: These are formed from proper nouns. They are capitalized and often end in -n, -an,
-ian, -ese, and -ish.
Examples: American artists perform in international countries.
Japanese crowds fill Yokohama tadium.
;indin' Adjectives Circe nouns< abe verb phrases and underine each adjective and dra7 an arro7 to the 7ord it is
modif$in'8 9rite P above proper adjectives8 $s e correct, you ill need to say hich of the four &uestions the adjecti%e ansers!
7! Ted has taken se%eral classes in photographic journalism!
9! The thoughtful audience remained silent throughout the performance!
:! The ne models ill use less fuel and get better mileage!
A! Kloria bought a yello shirt and hite jeans!
C! The senior class is studying ;uropean history!
D! Mauna )oa is a large %olcano on one of the Eaaiian islands!
F! @ed apples usually are crisp and juicy!
G! The reporters asked insightful &uestions during the inter%ie!
H! The agents found the secret documents in an old suitcase!
7I! The miners talked to the press after the terrifying ordeal!
77! The refreshing ater cooled my hot feet!
79! The tra%el magaBine included an article about Lapanese gardens!
9atch out for possessive
pronouns that oo& i&e adjectives

the$ are not adjectives3

=ore A4>!CTIV!S?
M $djecti%es modify nouns and pronouns!
M $djecti%es anser the &uestions what kind, which one, how many, or how much"
M <onJt forget that articles 'a, an, the( are alays adjecti%es!
M The ords my, our, his, her, and their are possessi%e pronouns, 13T adjecti%es6
;indin' Adjectives
Circe the noun@sA< abe verb phrases and underine each adjective once and dra7 an arro7 to the noun
or pronoun it modifies incude articesB remember that artices are adjectives3
#e prepared to tell us what $uestion the ad%ective answers&
7! ;%eryone enjoys a rela,ing day at the beach!':(
9! I can see about ten umbrellas from here I am standing!'7(
:! Those umbrellas protect sensiti%e skin from harmful sunlight!':(
A! I usually sunbathe in a place ith feer people!'9(
C! I ha%e gone there for se%eral years!'7(
D! The hot sand burned my feet!'9(
F! =hen I go to that beach, I take cold drinks and salty snacks!':(
H! If I am lucky, I can read an interesting book for a fe hours!'C(
7I! )ittle children play &uietly near their parents!
77! I like to go for long alks on the beach!
79! I look for colorful shells and more rocks for my collection!
7:! I can see cruise ships on the ay to Me,ican resorts!
7A! I imagine e,citing trips to -outh $merican ports!
7C! In my mind, I see -panish galleons at the bottom of the ocean!
7D! .hests ith rare coins and gold necklaces lie belo the surface!
7F! The sight of a beach ball ends this daydream!
7G! I returned to my soft blanket on the beach!
7H! The angry gulls fle aay hen I disturbed them!
97! -oon they settle don, and a peaceful feeling descends on all of us!
99! -omeday I ould like to buy a house near the blue ocean!
9:! I ould sit on a comfortable chair on my porch and look at the sea!
9A! I ould atch gentle sunrises and spectacular sunsets e%ery day!
9C! I ould ne%er lea%e that beach again!
An adverb modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
=>amples: ?e instantl" recogni'ed @eetho#en*s 6ifth (ymphony.
&he famous notes rang out %uite clearl".
&he orchestra waited until the auditorium grew completel" quiet.
&he student orchestra stopped here during a national tour.
&hen ?ill they be returning soonA
'ow =#eryone played magni!icentl".
To what etent &he auditorium was completel" full.
B "any ad#erbs are formed by adding Cly to ad$ecti#es. (ometimes the spelling changes because of
this addition.
frequent D ly E !re%uentl" e>treme D ly E etremel"
true D ly E trul" possible D ly E possibl"
Other Commonly used Adverbs
An intensi!ier is an ad#erb that defines the degree of an ad$ecti#e or another #erb. :ntensifiers
always precede the ad$ecti#es or ad#erbs they are modifying.
=>ample: ?e were rather surprised that classical music is still popular.
Commonly used Intensiiers
e)treme$ most Cuite so tru$ just
near$ rather some7hat ver$ more on$
rea$ too
after7ard fast o7 often toda$ aread$
forth more so7 tomorro7 aso hard
near sometimes too bac& instead ne)t
sti $et even ate hot strai'ht
far no7 on' then
Adverb Practice
)ook back at the page before this666
Identif$ 9ords =odified b$ Adverbs
<ecide hether each boldfaced ad%erb modifies a %erb, an adjecti%e, or another ad%erb!
<ra an arro to the ord being modified! =rite V< A4>< or A4V on the line!
7! The dictator caous$ disregarded the ishes of his people! 888888
9! The stadium as virtua$ silent after our heartbreaking loss! 888888
:! My grandparents usua$ go to bed at ten oJclock! 888888
A! =e ere ver$ definitely told to come to this door! 888888
C! The sun never shines brightly in this corner of my garden! 888888
D! The sound of your %oice is bare$ audible in this loud room! 888888
F! This speaker chooses her ords Cuite carefully! 888888
G! 4ou need to be more meticulous hen you do your proofreading! N 888888
H! =e ere e)treme$ shocked hen e heard the bad nes yesterday! 888888
7I! The library closes ear$ on -aturdays during the summer! 888888
77! Ea%e you learned $et ho on the championshipO 888888
79! The speaker as some7hat annoyed that the microphone asnJt orking properly! 888888
7:! The rock band arri%ed at the concert ate and ent right on stage! 888888
7A! The ind ble surprisin'$ strongly all night! 888888
Identif$in' Adverb
5nderline each ad%erb and dra an arro to the ord being modified!
7! =e cleaned the house thoroughly last eek!
9! -andra rearranged the furniture yesterday!
:! <ri%ers on the e,pressay must be %ery careful!
A! The %otes for mayor are still being counted!
C! Lill does e,ceptionally fine ork!
D! The Indian rugs ere incredibly e,pensi%e!
F! I heard your &uestion clearly, but I donJt kno the anser!
G! The city often holds concerts in the park!
H! The current is too dangerous for simming!
7I! The ind as bitterly cold during the month of <ecember!
=ore A4V!"#S?
M $d%erbs modify %erbs, adjecti%es, and other ad%erbs!
M $d%erbs anser the &uestions where, when, how, and to what extent"
M If a ord is modifying/describing a noun or pronoun, it is an adjecti%e, 13T an ad%erb6
;indin' Adverbs
Circe the noun@sA< abe the verb@sA and adjective@sA< and underine each adverb once and dra7 an arro7
to the 7ord (verb, adjective, or adverb) it modifies8
#e prepared to tell us what $uestion the adverb answers&
7! The ship sailed smoothly into the harbor!
9! My neighbor absolutely adores her cat!
:! Put the ne bookcase there, please!
A! It rained hea%ily for most of the night!
C! This author rites e,ceptionally gripping no%els!
D! Ee is surprisingly graceful for a hea%y man!
F! Tomorro the painters begin ork on our house!
G! Many doctors consider bungee jumping an unnecessarily dangerous sport!
H! .an you belie%e that the plane actually arri%ed earlyO
7I! 4ou must breathe more deeply at this altitude!
77! My ears and nose became &uite cold as e aited for the bus!
79! Patiently, $dam shelled the peas!
7:! The president %etoed the ta, bill recently!
7A! ;mergency doctors &uickly surrounded the incoming patient!
7C! $s the balloon soared higher, e gripped the supports tightly ith our hands!
7D! 2rad began to draft his report on T!-!;liot immediately after supper!
7F! The dispatcher ga%e directions clearly but siftly to the rescue s&uad!
7G! The tree trunks still smoldered!
7H! The children tried hard to please their mother on her birthday!
9I! 0un, food, and football go together!
97! 3n a really &uiet night, you can hear a train histle far in the distance!
%et5s practice3 Dou can abe ever$ 7ord in these sentences3
Noun @NA Verb @VA Adjective @AdjA Adverb @AdvA
7! The student tasted the hamburger!
9! The hamburger tasted good!
:! The %ery big dog appears cute!
A! The young child as skipping &uickly!
C! Eope should not be ignored!
D! The girl feels the arm blanket!
F! The girl feels incredibly sick today!
G! Today is not becoming a beautiful day!
(Personal and Possessive)
A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun or another pronoun.
The word that a pronoun stands for is called its antecedent.
Ray said he hates getting up early for school.
Possessive Pronouns show ownership:
Kara drove her car.
***Loo at the chart !elow too see all the personal and possessive pronouns.
(Possessive are in parenthesis)
"ingular Plural
#irst Person $% &e (&y% &ine) 'e% us (our% ours)
"econd Person (ou (your% yours) (ou (your% yours)
Third Person )e% hi&% she% her% it (his% her% hers% its) They% the& (their% theirs)
0inding the Pronouns and $ntecedents
5nderline all the pronouns once! 5nderline their antecedent tice!
7! 4ears ago children ere told to jump up and don on the earth so that its plants ould be stimulated to gro!
9! 2oys ere probably the first jump ropers, impressing girls ith their speed!
:! Lump rope probably became more popular ith girls hen one girl added her songs to the game!
A! In hopscotch, children hop o%er lines and test their balance!
C! Kail remembers, *3ne of my fa%orite games as tag!+
D! If players didnJt *freeBe+ hen tagged, their mo%ements could cost them the game!
F! @unning as its on reard and being chased as e,citing!
G! 2illie Eoliday as a jaBB singer admired for the uni&ue &uality of her %oice!
H! 2ecause it is understood by people of all nations, music is considered a uni%ersal language!
7I! Its location near the -ahara <esert and the 1iger @i%er made Timbuktu a thri%ing commercial city!
77! Malcolm and Kreg do their homeork in the library!
79! Many ;uropeans use bicycles as a means of transportation to and from their ork!
:ther Einds of Pronouns
"efe)ive F Intensivethese are formed by adding 'self or 'selves to personal pronouns
"efe)ive reflects action back upon the subject! Intensive emphasiBes a noun or pronoun in the same sentence!
Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, oursel%es, yoursel%es, themsel%es
<onna prepared herself for a long day!
4emonstrativepoint out -P;.I0I. persons, places, ideas, or things!
this, these, that, those
The people at the end of the line ill get better tickets than those at the end!
Indefinitedo not refer to specific persons, places, ideas, or things! It usually does not ha%e an antecedent!
$nother, anybody, anyone, anything, each, e%erybody, e%eryone, e%erything, much, neither, nobody, no one,
nothing, one, somebody, someone, something, both, fe, many, se%eral, all, any, more, most, none, some
-e%eral of the fans aited in the rain!
Interro'ativeask a &uestion
=ho, hom, hose, hich, hat
=hat is your fa%orite songO
"eativeis used to introduce dependent clauses 'something that canJt be a sentence alone(
=ho, hom, hose, hich, that
The seats that the students asked for ere una%ailable!
Identif$ the bodface pronouns8
7! 9hich is the oldest Boo, the Philadelphia Poo or .entral park Poo in 1e 4orkO 888888888888888888
9! Kodiak bears sunned themseves on the toering rocks! 888888888888888888
:! Those are griBBlies, an especially %icious type of bear! 888888888888888888
A! Karl Eagenbeck, 7ho as an animal dealer, de%eloped the idea of putting moats 88888888888888888
in front of animal cages!
C! $bout 9II years ago, an$one ith money could establish a small Boo! 888888888888888888
D! 4ou $oursef could ride on the back of a giant tortoise! 888888888888888888
F! ;e7 of the earliest Boos made the preser%ations of animal species a priority! 888888888888888888
G! The $riBona--onora <esert Museum, 7hich is a small Boo in Tucson, contains 888888888888888888
nati%e plants and animals!
H! =here are the allabies that look so much like kangaroosO 888888888888888888
7I! The atchful mother &uail guarded the babies hersef8 888888888888888888
This e)ercise covers A%% pronouns: persona< refe)ive< intensive< demonstrative< indefinite<
interro'ative< and reative8
In the folloing sentences, be the first to underline $)) 8888888888 pronouns correctly6
Dou can use previous pa'es to hep $ouit 7i just ta&e $ou more time 8
7! =hile alking through the BooJs rain forest, I myself sa the anaconda slither under a shrub!
9! The gibbons amused themsel%es by singing from tree to tree!
:! This is the largest bison in our Boo!
A! Many of the %isitors ere aed by the ne a&uarium!
C! =ho is going to %ie the snake displayO
D! Peacock feathers themsel%es are things of beauty!
F! )uckily, the animals seem undisturbed by the large number of people ho come to see them!
G! =hich is larger, the gorilla or the orangutanO
H! The curator, ho o%ersees the animals, is usually a highly-trained Boologist!
7I! ;%eryone entering the insect display as gi%en a magnifying glass!
77! Melissa startled herself hen she suddenly came upon the Komodo dragon!
79! -e%eral of the Bebras ere thundering across the sa%anna area!
7:! The %eterinarian herself is responsible for the medical needs of the animals!
7A! $nimals that roam the grasslands include giraffes, Bebras, and lions!
7C! Is this a bighorn sheep or an ibe,O
7D! $ trained Bookeeper himself is directly responsible for the animals under his care!
7F! =hat are the jaguars eatingO
7G! $ colorful maca as grooming itself high atop the palm tree!
7H! The tracks of the ocelot differ from those of the lyn,!
9I! =hose as the idea of making Boos more naturalisticO
97! The platypus, hose appearance is &uite unusual, is a nati%e of $ustralia!
99! 3ften e can see oursel%es reflected in the antics of the monkey!
9:! 3ne of the pandas as eating a bamboo shoot!
9A! 2actrain camels are o%er thereQ these are the <romedaries!
9C! The magnificent lion carried himself ith grace and dignity!
$ ord that shos the relationship beteen a noun or pronoun and another ord in the sentence!
Common$ Used Prepositions
A preposition be'ins a prepositiona phrase! $ prepositional phrase begins ith a preposition and ends ith a
noun or pronoun, called the object of the preposition!
1ote: 4ou can ha%e adjecti%es and ad%erbs in prepositional phrases, but 13 R;@2-6
Compete the foo7in' sentences8 Circe the object@sA of the prepositiona phrase8
9! :n GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG you ill find your make up ork!
:! They are going to go inside GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG8
Prepositions that consist of more than one ord are compound prepositions!
Common$ Used Compound Prepositions
G! Aside from GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG< you did really ell in this class!
Underine the prepositiona phrases in the foo7in' sentences8 Circe the preposition8
7! -hippers in the Midest ha%e alays looked longingly toard the $tlantic 3cean!'9(
9! The Kreat )akes ha%e alays had a large amount of traffic!'7(
:! )arge steamers sailed fairly easily from <uluth to <etroit! '9(
A! $ major problem has been the linkage of this traffic on the lakes ith the ports of the ;ast .oast
and ;urope! 'A(
according to by means of in place of on account of
aside from in addition to in spite of out of
because of in front of instead of prior to
about before during off toard
abo%e behind e,cept on under
across belo for onto underneath
after beneath from out until
against beside in outside up
along beteen inside o%er upon
among beyond into since ith
around by like through ithin
as despite near throughout ithout
at don of to
Preposition Practice
5nderline the prepositional phrase in each sentence and circle the preposition! @emember that compound prepositions
ha%e to or more ords!
7! $ &uilt is simply a co%er for a bed!
9! 2ut, to many omen and children, it has a deeper significance!
:! In colonial $merica, omen often seed and assembled &uilts together!
A! These &uilting parties ere a chance for much-needed socialiBation!
C! ;ach piece reminded the &uilter of a lo%ed family member or friend!
D! Suilts ere often presented as gifts!
F! Instead of money, young nelyeds ould recei%e a &uilt!
G! Today, &uilts ha%e regained much of the popularity they had years ago!
H! 2y means of &uilts, people today can touch the past!
=ore of the same? #ut pease not 7hen commas are used and 7hen the$ are not333
7! =oodorking means forming ood into useful or beautiful objects!
9! $ competent oodorker needs a number of tools for the job!
:! 0or measuring and cutting, you need rulers, framing s&uares, and scissors!
A! $ccording to most modern oodorkers, hoe%er, an electric sa is the preferred tool!
C! =ith a plane, the oodorker shapes and smoothes the ood in fine items!
D! @ubbing ith abrasi%e sandpaper makes surfaces smooth enough for the last step in the process!
F! =oodorkers use simple paintbrushes for the painting and final touch on the project!
A con%unction connects words or groups of words"
.oordinating .onjunctions connect 7ords or 'roups of 7ords of eCua importance in a
;,amples: -onia and her friends atched the ne music %ideo!
The action started out at the beach, but the scene changed &uickly!
and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet
Correative Conjunctions are ord pairs that ser%e to join ords or groups of ords!
;,amples: 4ou ill not on$ hear your fa%orite song but aso see the band!
!ither the music or the %isual images ill grab your attention!
both"and either"or neither"nor hether"or not only"but also
Subordinatin' Conjunctions introduce a subordinate clauseclauses that cannot stand aloneand join them
to independent clauses!
;,amples: The band aited 7hie the director checked the lighting"
Athou'h music videos are short, they are e,pensi%e to produce!
$fter as though if so that hen
$lthough because in order that than here
$s before pro%ided unless hereas
as if e%en though since until hile
Conjunctive Adverbs are used to e,press relationships beteen independent clauses!
;,ample: The in%ention of the transistor radio contributed to the rise of rock and rollQ simiar$, the
introduction of cable tele%ision helped launch music %ideos!
$ccordingly hence still
$lso hoe%er therefore
2esides instead thus
.onse&uently ne%ertheless furthermore
0inally otherise similarly
.onjunction =orksheet
Underine the coordinatin' conjunctions in the foo7in' sentences8
7! Pulling on her boots and taking her alking stick, Krandma ent to get her mail!
9! Maddie ould not eat meat nor buy processed food containing preser%ati%es!
:! Kari alays uses bron paper bags or the comics to rap presents!
A! 1eeding to study but anting to play soccer, Maggie had to check her schedule carefully!
C! Ee kept going in a southeasterly direction, for he remembered seeing a campsite there!
D! $sserti%e yet sensiti%ethatJs a good combination of leadership &ualities!
F! 2en ne%er learned ho to dri%e, so he took the bus e%eryhere!
Underine the correative conjunctions8
7! I not only like oatmeal for breakfast, but I also like it for lunch!
9! 2oth my brother and my sister are graduating today!
:! ;ither e celebrate your birthday today, or e celebrate it on the eekend!
A! This table is neither stable nor le%el!
C! Ee decided he ould enjoy the %acation hether he took it in the summer or he took it in the fall!
Underine the subordinatin' conjunctions8
7! -ince it as my birthday, my mother ga%e me guitar lessons for a gift!
9! $lthough I could take them any time I anted, I began my first lesson in the summer!
:! I ent to the music store here my teacher shoed me different kinds of guitars!
A! $fter he shoed me the si, different strings on the guitar, he e,plained the guitarJs other parts!
C! -ince my first lesson ent ell, my mother took me to an ice-cream shop!
D! 2ecause I ant to join a band, I practice an hour e%ery day!
Underine the conjunctive adverbs
7! =e ere at homeQ ne%ertheless, the package, arri%ed safely!
9! The dictionary is a %aluable toolQ hoe%er, not all dictionaries agree!
:! =e must lea%e at onceQ otherise, e ill be late!
A! The outfielders ear glassesQ conse&uently, the sun onJt find them!
5nderline all the conjunctions!
Coordinatin' Conjunction: connects ord groups of e&ual importance! (A)#*+,
Correative Conjunctions: pairs of conjunctions! #oth-and )either-nor
Subordinatin' Conjunctions: introduce subordinate clauses and john them to independent clauses! because
Conjunctive Adverb: e,press relationship beteen independent clauses! however therefore
5nderline the conjunctions in the folloing sentences!
7! ;,ercise is a great ay to build endurance and increase your energy le%el!
9! 1ot only is e,ercise good for you but it also is fun!
:! $lthough setting up an e,ercise schedule takes time, it is ell orth the effort!
A! Many teenagers take up running, but their interest in that sport may fade!
C! $s people age, they e,ercise less and less!
D! $t least :I minutes of e,ercise three times a eek is recommendedQ hoe%er, not enough people follo these
F! It takes discipline to e,ercise e%ery dayQ besides, no one seems to ha%e time for it!
G! 0e acti%ities are so important yet so easily ignored!
H! <ecide today to begin an e,ercise regimen, and donJt let yourself off so easily!
7I! 4ou may choose to take up either rac&uetball or running if you like strenuous e,ercise!
77! 4ou might not ha%e access to state-of-the-art facilitiesQ still, you can be sure that there is a sport for you!
79! 4ou ill be impressed hen you see the difference e,ercise makes!
7:! =hether you are a confirmed couch potato or an acti%e person, e,ercise can help you!
7A! 2e sure to begin todayQ otherise, you may put it off fore%er!
A word or phrase used to express emotion"
;,amples of interjections: wow, gee, hey, ouch, aha, boy, and imagine" -ee chart belo!
$ strong interjection is folloed by an e,clamation point!
;,ample: Di&es3 3ur paper is due tomorro!
$ mild interjection is set off by a comma! If the interjection is at the beginning of the sentence the comma comes after it!
If it is in the middle of a sentence there ill be a comma on each side of the ork, and if it is at the end of the sentence,
the comma ill come before it!
;,ample: 9e< here should e startO
H Sometimes an eipses @?A can be used as 7e8

interjection meanin' e)ampe
e,pressing realiBation ?$h, no I understand!?
e,pressing resignation ?$h ell, it canTt be helped!?
e,pressing surprise ?$h6 IT%e on6?
alas e,pressing grief or pity ?$las, sheTs dead no!?
e,pressing pity ?3h dear6 <oes it hurtO?
e,pressing surprise ?<ear me6 ThatTs a surprise6?
er e,pressing hesitation ?)ima is the capital of!!!er!!!Peru!?
e,pressing greeting ?Eello Lohn! Eo are you todayO?
e,pressing surprise ?Eello6 My carTs gone6?
calling attention ?Eey6 look at that6?
e,pressing surprise, joy etc ?Eey6 =hat a good idea6?
hi e,pressing greeting ?Ei6 =hatTs neO?
e,pressing hesitation, doubt or
?Emm! ITm not so sure!?
e,pressing surprise ?3h6 4ouTre here6?
e,pressing pain ?3h6 IT%e got a toothache!?
ouch e,pressing pain ?3uch6 That hurts6?
uh e,pressing hesitation ?5h!!!I donTt kno the anser to that!?
uh-huh e,pressing agreement ?-hall e goO? ?5h-huh!?
um, umm e,pressing hesitation ?GC di%ided by C is!!!um!!!7F!?
introducing a remark ?=ell, hat did he sayO?
Circe the interjections in the foo7in' sentences8
7! =ell, hether e like it or not, the foods e eat make a difference in our health!
9! Eey6 I got an $ on my test6
:! 4es, a balanced diet includes fruits and %eggies!
A! 4ou ill say *=o6 I ish I started earlier6+
C! )etJs go, ehO
D! 1o, arenJt you glad you ent to the partyO
Unit 1 "evie7 for test
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
Pronoun Preposition Conjunction Interjection
7! includes the articles a, an, the ......................
9! one ord e,clamations, like =3=6 88888888888888888888888888
:! 2ecause, =hile, and =hen are all e,amples of 88888888888888888888888888
A! ord that replaces or takes the place of a noun 8888888888888888888888888
C! ord that modifies nouns and pronouns 888888888888888888888888888888
D! a person, place, thing, or idea 888888888888888888888888888888
F! =ell, 1o, and 4es, are all e,amples of 88888888888888888888888888
G! ord that modifies a %erb, adjecti%e, or another ad%erb 888888888888888888888888
H! ord that connects and shos a relationship beteen a noun or pronoun and the rest of
the sentence it begins a prepositional phrase! ...........................
7I! e,presses an action, a condition, or a state of being 8888888888888888888888888
77! connecting ords like and, but, or, so, nor, for 888888888888888888888888888
79! $m, Is, $re, =as, and =ere are all e,amples of 888888888888888888888
7:-7A! $n adjecti%e ansers the &uestions 88888888888888888 88888888888888888
U pt! each 88888888888888888 88888888888888888
7C-7D! $n ad%erb ansers the &uestions 88888888888888888 88888888888888888
U pt! each 88888888888888888 88888888888888888
%abe each 7ord as the correct part of speech8
3h, my mother did not tell me you ere coming today!
In the backyard our friends played tennis hile -am and I cleaned &uickly!
2oth the football team and %olleyball team ha%e playoff games this eekend!
This is a good re%ie for you!
-e%eral of the students sang se%eral songs at the choir concert!

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