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Managing Communication

Contents................................................................................................................................. 2
Stakeholder in Burger King:.................................................................................................... 3
AC 1.2 Explain the systems used for ommuniating key information to the stakeholders in
your hosen organi!ation....................................................................................................... "
AC 2.1. #o$ ommuniation is influened %y &alues and ultural fators. E&aluate these
influenes $ithin the organisation you ha&e researhed.........................................................'
AC 2.2 (he use of tehnology ) ho$ it helps ommuniation and $hether it also hinders
ommuniation. Support your $ork $ith examples.................................................................*
Communiation +s ,uiker:................................................................................................. *
Expanded Communiation -pportunities:...........................................................................*
Communiation .ust Be .ore /eli%erate:..........................................................................0
Communiation +s .ore off1putting: ...................................................................................0
(ask 3 ) +nterpersonal ommuniation ................................................................................12
AC 3.1 E&aluate the effeti&eness of your o$n ommuniation skills...................................12
(he Communiation ,ui! :................................................................................................ 12
+ ha&e e&aluated my ommuniation skill %ased on the follo$ing 3ui! : ...........................12
Sore +nterpretation:......................................................................................................... 11
AC 3.2 +nlude theories of interpersonal ommuniation in your e&aluation.........................12
AC 3.45lan your o$n personal de&elopment to impro&e your o$n ommuniation skills:. . . .13
AC 4.1 :Communiations audit of Burger King :....................................................................13
AC 4.3 6eommendations :.................................................................................................. 14
AC 4.4 E&aluation and onlusion:....................................................................................... 1"
6eferenes:.......................................................................................................................... 1'
AC1.1 Understand the background to organisational strategic
change, Identify the key stakeholders in the organisation and for each stakeholder
analyse the key information and knowledge they need. Compare your findings with
the knowledge and information needed by stakeholders in other organizations.
Organizations can be seen as systems operating in multidimensional environments.
Organisational change is often motivated by major external factors, for instance,
extensive cuts in funding, decreased market opportunity and dramatic increases in
services. Usually, organisations undertake technical, structural or strategic shifts in
the organisation to evolve to a different level in their life cycle, for example changing
from a highly reactive organisation to a more stable proactive environment. Many
organisations are undergoing a radical process of transformation to adapt with
present business needs !".
#ow the $uestion is what is the strategic change in a particular organization%
&trategic change can be defined as a difference in the form, $uality, or state over
time '" in an organization(s alignment with its external environment.
) restructuring of an organization*s business or marketing plan that is typically
performed in order to achieve an important objective. +or example, a strategic
change in the ,urger -ing might include shifts in a corporation*s policies, target
market, mission or organizational structure.
Stakeholder in Burger King:
.hey key stake holders of ,urger -ing are &hare holders, Management and
employees, /ustomers, &upplier, +inancial organisation, 0overnment, .rade unions,
/ity council who can influence the change and can be affected by the change in the
.he key information and knowledge stakeholder needs depends on their role and the
interest they have on ,urger -ing. shareholders specifically looking for company
performances such as periodical financial data. 1n addition, suppliers are interested
in sales figures of business. Moreover, government is interested in company
performances to create the employment opportunities to make the country wealthy.
+or example, ,urger -ing shareholders keeps their eyes on financial data to see
whether business is losing or getting profit or ,urger -ing 23 manager look at staff
information in order to recruit and retain the right staff in right position.
AC 1.2 Exlain the s!stems used "or communicating ke!
in"ormation to the stakeholders in !our chosen organi#ation.
4arious way of communication system used in my chosen organization i5e5 ,urger
king. .he effective use of this system are very crucial for development of the
business. &ome of them are briefing, emailing, performance appraisal, periodical
meeting, training, publishing financial data in news paper, websites, sending
information using letters, advertising product in paper, manuals, booklets,
+or example, in ,urger -ing, employee*s promotion, salary increase depends on
performance appraisal communicating through sending email and letter. 1n addition,
,urger -ing publishes the financial data in newspapers to inform their shareholder
about their present condition of business. Moreover, ,urger -ing promotes their
product to customers through advertising in websites, using periodic, leaflet etc.
1.3. An analysis of potential barriers to effective workplace
/ommunicating can be more of a challenge than we think, when we realize the many
things that can stand in the way of effective communication. .hese include filtering,
selective perception6 information overload, emotional disconnects, lack of source
familiarity or credibility, workplace gossip, semantics, gender differences, differences
in meaning between &ender and 3eceiver, and biased language.
.here are four main barriers to effective communications 7"5
1. Cultural Barriers:
.here are many factors that make up what we refer to as 8culture9 but to me, cultural
difference is about attitudes and beliefs that come from our personal environment
and experience. )s such, two people could get the same message but interpret it in
two entirely different ways simply because their frames of reference and language
'. $inguistic Barriers
4ariance in expression or collo$uialism is common even among those who speak
the same language.
:. Biases
;e all have them. ,ias is, after all, shaped by our experiences and who we are. 1t
becomes an obstacle to effective communication though when we consciously or
subconsciously choose to speak only to those who are more likely to understand and
agree with us. 1t(s natural. ,ut in leadership, it is also important to extend the reach
of our message to those whose biases do not necessarily align with our own.
<. Assumtions5
)ssumptions sabotage effective communication and have the potential to lead
everyone down unintended paths. +or instance, you may assume that because
people are nodding while you speak, they understand and agree with what you are
saying. &imilarly, if you invite $uestions about your message and get none, it would
be easy to assume there are none.
AC 2.1. %o& communication is in"luenced b! 'alues and cultural
"actors. E'aluate these in"luences &ithin the organisation !ou
ha'e researched.
1t is a fact that effective communication is the key to success in both personal and
business relationships. 1n the absence of proper communication between two
people, actions will not be in tandem with the actual motive. Many a time, the reason
behind the lack of effective communication between two individuals is, the cultural
differences between them. ,e it an informal or a corporate setting, a gap is created
in the communication between individuals coming from different cultures, as a result
of which the message to be conveyed is misinterpreted or not understood.
.he factor that influenced the communication are5
!. &ocial and =conomic /onditions.
'. /ultural ,ackground.
:. >anguage and accent.
<. ,ehaviour and #ature.
7. 3eligion
,urger -ing is an organisation that serves customers from various backgrounds and
cultures. .his makes it extremely important to manage communication in the most
delicate manner as possible. .he organisation has to keep in mind that not all
customers consume all the menus the company offers. +or example5 customers who
are from an 1ndian background won(t eat beef, customers who are from a Muslim
background won(t eat pork. 1t is vital information like these that the organisation has
to keep track of in order to meet the needs of people who are from different
backgrounds and cultures.
,urger king culture means how improving ethics in organisation that means moral
rights and wrong of any decisions in burger king.
2ow people behave in organisation for example in burger king company had made
some rules and regulation so all the staff should follow those rules, and how all the
staff behaves with each other and how they behave with customers.
,y providing staff proper training to maintain company values so that all member of
the organisation should learn proper way of work.
+or example in the burger king the company setting standard of all food and safety
like temperature , holding time of all products, and the culture of burger king includes
standards ,language ,way of behaving, way of communicating, way of dressing .
&tandards5 &etting standard of products temperature, holding time and the entire
staff member follow these standards.
>anguage5 .hey have different staff form different culture and ethics values but at
work place all the staffs speaks only =nglish language.
?ressing5 /ompany having dress of all staff so that dress communicates any one is
working in burger king.
;ay of behave5 =very staff behaves politely and friendly.
AC 2.2 (he use o" technolog! ) ho& it hels communication and
&hether it also hinders communication. Suort !our &ork &ith
.echnology has transformed business in many ways, but its affect on communication
is debatably the most significant. 1n reality communication through email, text
messaging, instant messaging and even budding tools like social networking have
been @among the most deep effects of technology on every area of business.@
2owever, while technology did make business communications $uicker and easier, it
has also made, at times, communication more offAputting and less obvious.
/ommunication 1s Buicker5
;hether you need to speak with an employee who is travelling in another state or
country or you need to communicate with your supplier half way around the world,
technology allows you to do so instantaneously. 1n fact, thanks to email and text
messages, you can now send messages to people in other time zones before you
forget without worrying that you will wake them up. 1n fact, according to ;alden
University, the 1nternet has allowed business people to communicate easily
regardless of time zone and language issues.
=xpanded /ommunication Opportunities5
.echnology allows individuals to communicate and carry on a business relationship
without ever meeting face to face, so people in all parts of the world now have the
chance to interact with a company in a rural part of the United &tates. +or example,
technology allowed for the emergence of the virtual assistant, a worker who
completes tasks for her client online without having ever met him, in the 'Cth
/ommunication Must ,e More ?eliberate5
)lthough technology has made communication instantaneous, so you don*t have to
spend hours planning and composing before you communicate and wait for a long
period for the reply, it has also made planning deliberate communication periods
more important. +irst, companies that do take advantage of telecommuting and
virtual offices need to deliberately plan to communicate with individuals in teams to
avoid employees losing touch and to make sure all are working toward the same
goals. &econd, even if you work in a physical office, instantaneous communication
regarding $uick decisions and memos cannot replace specific communication times
where big decisions are discussed and progress reports given. 2owever, when
employees are communicating in multiple ways every day, it can be easy to forget to
schedule these types of meetings.
/ommunication 1s More offAputting5
+rom constantly overhearing cell phone conversations, to the worker who is
constantly emailing or texting you to the incessant @ding@ of your office*s instant
messenger, communication tools that were designed to make you more productive
can actually do the opposite. 1nstant communication can make it harder for workers
to deal with one task at a time when their work is constantly being interrupted by
comments and $uestions that relate to other projects or even personal issues. 1n
fact, some employees must make an effort to turn off communication devices while
they work to meet deadlines.
(ask * ) +nterersonal communication
AC *.1 E'aluate the e""ecti'eness o" !our o&n communication
/ommunication skills are some of the most important skills that you need to succeed
in the workplace. ;e talk to people face to face, and we listen when people talk to
us. ;e write emails and reports, and we read the documents that are sent to us.
/ommunication, therefore, is a process that involves at least two people D a sender
and a receiver. +or it to be successful, the receiver must understand the message in
the way that the sender intended.
.he /ommunication Buiz 5
1 have evaluated my communication skill based on the following $uiz 5
Score +nterretation:
,ased on the $uiz 1 am capable communicator, but 1 sometimes experience
communication problems. 1 have to take the time to think about my approach to
communication, and focus on receiving messages effectively, as much as sending
them. .his will help me improve.
AC *.2 +nclude theories o" interersonal communication in !our
.heories of 1nterpersonal /ommunication E"5
&ome of us may believe that interpersonal communication is a matter of common
sense or that skilful communication is an innate ability that you either have or you
don(t. 1n the text, ?enise &olomon and Fennifer .heiss demonstrate that
interpersonal communication skills are not just common sense6 nor are they
mysterious $ualities that defy learning.
1nterpersonal communication G1H/I has been defined many ways. &ome scholars
define 1H/ based on the situation and number of participants involved Ge.g., Miller,
!JKLI. Using Miller(s definition, 1H/ occurs between two individuals when they are
close in proximity, able to provide immediate feedback and utilize multiple senses.
Others define 1H/ based on the degree of 8personalness,9 or perceived $uality, of a
given interaction Ge.g., Heters, !JK<I. 1n Heters(s view, 1H/ includes communication
that is personal and occurring between people who are more than ac$uaintances.
)nother view of 1H/ is a goals approach6 that is, 1H/ includes communication used
to define or achieve personal goals through interaction with others Ge.g., /anary,
/ody, M Manusov, 'CC:I.
AC *.,-lan !our o&n ersonal de'eloment to imro'e !our o&n
communication skills:
,ased on the previous $uiz 1 am capable communicator, but 1 sometimes experience
communication problems. )s 1 am not perfect communicator, 1 need some plan to
improve skill. 1 need a process to develop my communication skills. .he following
steps will help me to develop the communication skills5
A&are o" m! o&n communication st!le: =ach person has a uni$ue way of
communicating. .his step will identify my exact position.
Ad.ust to the other st!les o" communication:
-ractice &ith "riends or "amil!. Objective listeners may be able to identify
unclear presentation of ideas.
%a'e other eole read m! &ork. ;ith regard to writing, sometimes we
become 8too close9 to our work and no longer see where we may be making
errors. )n objective observer can point out overlooked mistakes.
/ead. 3eading has many benefits. 1t(s like exercising the mind. 1t keeps us
mentally sharp.
(ake a ublic seaking class. 1t could help me to be a more sensitive and
deliberate communicator. Hublic speaking courses encourage an examination
of our thoughts and beliefs and thus may lead to clarity of thought.
Ask "or an ob.ecti'e oinion. 1 could ask my friends, family members or
teachers whether they agree with my selfAevaluation.
AC ,.1 :Communications audit o" Burger King :
1n ,urger king there various methods of communications such as telephone, fax,
internet, =A mail, etc.
(here are t&o t!es o" net&orks:
>O/)> )3=) #=.;O3-& G>)#sI5 where all the electronic machines are
connected with each other and close to each other.
;1?= )3=) #=.;O3-& G;)#sI5 where computer communicate with each other
via telephone lines or wireless transmission.
Some examles o" net&orks in burger king are:
Minder5 .hat(s electronic device which connected with H2U GH3O?U/. U#1.
2O>?=3I calculated which product is expires after a certain limit so the screen of
minder communicate with staff which chicken patty is expired.
?rive thru system5 that electronic device which can communicate between burger
king staff and customers.
1nternet5 communicate managers with head office via emails.
.elephone5 this is also good source of communication in business.
=lectronic device5 to help taking order on front counter and drive thru and that
system connecting with main computer in the office.
AC ,.* /ecommendations :
/ommunication is the key to maintaining any relationship. ;hen you feel that the
person you are having a discussion with is not hearing you, or you do not understand
what he is saying to you, it causes you to disconnect from the conversation.
,usiness and personal relationships will improve when you spend time learning to
.he following methods can be used to improve work place communication5
!. Open /ommunication5
1f you are in management then you need to use these tips for improving
business communication skills and focus on open communication throughout
the business and with all staff members. .he reason for this is employees
have specific knowledge of their focus area and can provide insight you are
not privy to in management. .his will help the business grow and be more
'. /onsistency
1f you are interested in tips for improving business communication skills and in
communicating effectively then you always need to be consistent. ;hen you
are not consistent you cause confusion which leads to misunderstanding.
;hen you are consistent in your thoughts, actions, and treatment of others
you create a calm environment where individuals feel respected and open.
:. /lear /ommunication
)lways be clear in your communication style. #ever say anything without
thinking about it and how it will sound to others. ?o not fail to use these tips
for improving business communication skills. .his is important because what
you say can be interpreted in numerous ways if you are not clear.
<. >istening
>istening involves many tips for improving business communication skills and
is a communication tool you cannot afford to not have. .he reason for this is
when you listen you hear what your employees are saying, you can prevent
problems and misunderstandings before they start, you can get more
business because you know what the market(s needs are, you can achieve
more in business by listening than by talking.
7. /ultural 0ap5
Minimize the gap in multi cultural environment by respecting each one
individually and treating e$ually.
AC ,., E'aluation and conclusion:
.oday(s technology has offered business organizations multiple methods to
communicate. &ome forms of communications are more effective than others.
/ommunication is one of the most important elements of a successful business.
;hen writing a business communication it is crucial that you know who the members
of your audience are and communicate with the visible purpose. =ffective
communication achieves its objective to persuade, respond or gain information by
considering the style, format, purpose, organization and by tailoring the
communication style to meet the audience re$uirements.
!. the University of )delaide. G'CCEI. Leading Change, Transition &
Transformation. )vailable5 >ast
accessed 'Cth Fan 'C!:.
'. 0M &H3=1.P=3 . G!JJKI. Toward a Theory of Strategic Change . )vailable5
>ast accessed 'Cth Fan 'C!:.
:. &trategic /hange, )vailable5
http5NNwww.businessdictionary.comNdefinitionNstrategicAchange.html, >ast
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<. =R)M1#1#0 ,U&1#=&& /OMMU#1/).1O# H3O/=&&=& 1# ,U30=3
-1#0, )vailable 5 http5NNwww.ukessays.comNessaysNbusinessNexaminingA
businessAcommunicationAprocessesAinAburgerAkingAbusinessAessay.php >ast
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7. ,arriersAtoAeffectiveAcommunication , )vailable5
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E. =xplaining .heories of 1nterpersonal /ommunication. )vailable5
http5NNwww.sagepub.comNupmAdataN<JL<O?aintonO/hapterO:.pdf, >ast
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