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Waves crash over the sides of the beaten wooden deck, as men pull sails and shufe cargo.

Land is in sight!
The towering buildings of stone and wood rise off the harbor, with plumes of dust rising out of the city districts
obscuring any sight deeper into the great region of trade. Ophir is a land that rises and falls with the coming
trade of ships that move from port to port. The Ambassador, dressed in a full regalia of gold trimmed robes,
looks gleefully out toward the markets ahead, hoping to ofoad all the extra cargo hes picked up and make
quite a bit of coin. Unfortunately, the crows nest calls down bad news with a yell: Two ships have already
beaten us to port, sir! The Ambassador slams his hand into the rails of the ship: Blast! Well never get rid of all
these goods now.

Ophir is a bustling world of trade, overowing with precious goods to deliver to its denizens, that only the
bravest and wisest choose to participate in. Moving about the tangled trade routes is a dangerous proposition,
not only because of the sea itself, but also because losing the race means losing your livelihood as a master
trader. The great temples of Ophir demand tribute to build their towering wonders to the gods and all great
traders of Ophir seek to see the temples rise ever higher.
21 Coins
30 Goods Cubes
2 Barriers
48 Market Cards 4 Market Modi!ers 7 Map Setup Tokens
4 Double-sided Cargo Upgrades
1 Game Board
6 Temple Tiers
8 Specialist Cards 4 Player Boards 4 In"uence Die 4 Favor Markers 4 Ships
44 Victory Point Cards
x 12 Threes x 9 Ones x 12
A x 20 B x 24
3 3
x 12 x 12 x 8
1 2
1. Randomly place the (3) Market Modi!ers below the 3 center market spaces.
2. Randomly place the (1) Temple Modi!er above 1 of the 3 center market spaces.
Have the most Victory Points (VP) once the Temple construction is complete.
Each player rolls a die. The player with the highest roll becomes the Starting Player.
See for setup and rule changes for a 2 player game.
1. The Starting Player places the (2) Barriers on the map in any con!guration they want as long as the Barriers
are not on two edges of the same outer hex.

2. Randomly place the (7) Map Setup Tokens on the board face-down.
After theyve been placed, "ip the tokens face-up to reveal the locations of the Goods for this game.
3. Place the (30) Goods Cubes on the corresponding hexes identi!ed by the Map Setup Tokens.
All Map Setup Tokens except for the Temple and Market can be returned to the box.
1. Place the (6) Temple Tiers near the Temple area of the game board.
In a four player game, place the 2/1 Temple Tier on the empty space of the Temple area.
In a three player game, place the 2/1 Temple Tier on the empty space of the Temple area and the 3/1
Temple Tier on top of the 2/1 Temple Tier.
In a two player game, place the 2/1 Temple Tier on the empty space of the Temple area and the 3/1
Temple Tier on top of the 2/1 Temple Tier. Return the 7/4 Temple Tier to the box, it will not be used.
2. Place the 5 and 10 Victory Point Cards on the VP spaces of the Temple area and the 1 and 2 Victory Point
cards near the Temple area.
3. Place the (4) Cargo Upgrades on the Upgrade space of the Temple area.
1. Each player receives these items in a single color of their choice:
(1) Player board, (1) Ship, (1) Die, (1) Favor Marker.
2. Each player sets up their Player Board by:
Setting their die to [1] and placing it on the In"uence Die space.
Placing their ship on the Temple hex of the map.
1. The player to the right of the Starting Player randomly draws Specialists equal to the number of players plus
one. These will be the only Specialists available this game, the rest can be returned to the box.
(5) Specialists are drawn in a four player game
(4) Specialists are drawn in a three player game
(3) Specialists are drawn in a two player game
2. That player looks at the Specialists, chooses one by placing it face up in front of them, then passes the
remaining Specialists to their right.
3. Players continue choosing and passing until the Specialists reach the Starting Player.
4. The Starting Player chooses one of the two remaining Specialists and returns the unchosen Specialist to the
game box.
2 Player Rules
The Starting Player takes the !rst turn, and play continues clockwise until a condition is met.
1. Shu"e the A and B Market Card decks separately.
Randomly remove (5) cards from the A deck and return them to the game box without revealing them.
2. Place the A deck on top of the B deck to create the Market Deck.
Place this deck face-down on the Market Deck space of the Market area.
3. Deal the top (3) cards from the Market Deck face-up on the empty Market row spaces.
These (3) face-up cards form the Merchants at the Current Market.
A player may not sail
(3) hexes in a single turn
because the maximum
MP is (2).
A player may not
choose to sail to
end on the hex
they started on.
A player cannot sail
over a Barrier.
5. Players should adjust their boards according to their Specialists if necessary (see ). For
example, the Ambassador adds the double side Cargo Upgrade (for a total (4) Cargo) before the game begins.
Specialist Detail
Game End
Example setup for a three player game
Each turn is broken into two separate phases, which occur in the order listed:
1. Navigation - The Active Player must sail 1-2 times or Anchor
then after successfully sailing or choosing to Anchor
2. Take Action(s) - The Active Player may take one Main Action and one of each Free Action corresponding to
their Ship's current location.
The !rst phase of each turn is the Navigation Phase. During this phase, the Active Player must decide if they
want to sail or to Anchor. Attempting to navigate is mandatory.
SAILING - When choosing to sail, a player is allotted (2) Movement Points (2 MP). Players will use these MPs to
sail from one hex to another. Sailing is always from one hex to an adjacent hex, and never over barriers
(exception: Navigator). The Active Player may spend one or both of their MP one at a time.
Entering an unoccupied, adjacent hex requires one Movement Point (1MP).
6. Players should place their Favor Marker on the Favor track of their Specialist card according to their chosen
Specialists starting Favor.
Favor - Favor is acquired at the Temple through the Temple Trade action. Favor has a maximum of (6).
Specialists may grant players additional uses for, and means to acquire Favor (see ).

Specialist Detail
2 1
Failure: Otherwise the Active Player fails, does not sail into the target hex, and the player(s) with the
highest In!uence Die value in the target hex decrease their In!uence Die value by (1).
In both scenarios, the Active Player expends (1) MP to attempt to sail into an occupied hex whether the
roll was successful or not.
After a successful In!uence Check (or two failed attempts), the In!uence Die is placed back on the
Active Players board. The value shown becomes the Active Players new In!uence Die value.
Example of successful roll: Orange wants to sail into the center hex where Green is, therefore Orange must roll their
In!uence Die. Orange rolls a [5] which is greater than or equal to (") Greens In!uence value of [4]. Oranges In!uence
Check is successful. Their new In!uence value becomes [5], they expend (1) MP to move into the center hex, and may sail
to an additional adjacent hex or end their navigation to take the action(s) of their current hex.
Example of unsuccessful roll: Orange wants to sail into the center hex where Green is, therefore Orange must roll their
In!uence Die. Orange rolls a [3] which is not greater than or equal to (") Greens In!uence value of [4]. Oranges In!uence
Check is unsuccessful. Their new In!uence value becomes [3] and they expend (1) MP for their attempt to sail. Orange
may spend their (1) remaining MP to a) attempt another In!uence Check to sail into the center hex or b) sail into a
di#erent adjacent hex, but they may not end their navigation to take the action of their starting hex. Green must
decrease their In!uence value by (1) for preventing Orange from sailing into their hex.
Success: The roll is successful if it is greater than or equal to (") the In!uence Die with the highest value
of the occupant(s) in the target hex.
Entering an occupied, adjacent hex requires one Movement Point (1MP) and an In!uence Check before
sailing into the target hex.
In!uence Check - Only the Active Player must roll their In!uence Die.
ANCHORING - Instead of choosing to sail, the Active Player may
forfeit their MP this turn to Anchor.
To Anchor, the Active Player decreases their Favor
Marker on their Favor track by (1) during their turn to
immediately take the action(s) of their current hex.
If this action is chosen by the Active Player, their
turn is complete after taking the action(s) of their
current hex and no other Navigation or action(s)
may be taken.

In!uence Move - The Active Player may expend (1) Favor by decreasing their Favor Marker on their
Favor track to avoid any In!uence Checks during their turn. If the Active Player chooses to spend Favor
in this way, they must choose to do so before initiating an In!uence Check.

Main Action: Trade
Trade with (1) Merchant at the Market following these steps in this order:
1. Select a Merchant
- If on the Market hex, any Merchant in the Current Market may be selected.
- If on the Temple hex, only the Merchant with the Favor + VP marker may be selected.
(exception Advisor, see )
2. Ful!ll Trade
- Return the Goods from your ship back to the supply that match the quantities and types on the
Current Market card chosen. (exception Chancellor, see )
3. Collect Earnings
a. If you Trade while on the Market hex
- Take the Coins from the supply as indicated on the bottom of the card chosen, plus or minus
one depending on the Market Modi!er.
b. If you Trade while on the Temple hex
- Increase your Favor Marker on your Favor Track by the number indicated at the top of the
Current Market Card you traded with, up to a maximum of (6).
- Take VP cards from the supply equal to the number indicated at the top of the Current Market
Card you traded with. Players may make change as needed.
4. Cycle the Cards
- In the Market, the rightmost Market Card is discarded, all Market Cards shift one to the right,
the top card of the Future Market moves into the leftmost space, and the top card of the Market
Deck is turned face-up to reveal the next Future Market.
- If there are not enough Market Cards to !ll the 3 spaces of the Current Market, the game
immediately ends. (see )
After the navigation phase, the Active Player may take one main action and one of each free action, depending
on the icons present on the hex that their ship currently occupies. Actions are not mandatory.
Basic Goods and Metals are limited to components on hand, Coins are not piece-limited.
Main Action: Pick Up
Take (1) Goods Cube of the type indicated on your ships current hex, placing it on a Cargo Space of your
Each Basic Good !lls (1) Cargo Space on a ship.
If at any time, your ships cargo capacity is exceeded, you must choose a good to discard, returning it to
the supply.
Example of a Pick Up Action: Orange has ended their turn on the Gems hex and takes one (1) Gem Good from the supply
and places it in (1) empty Cargo Space of their Ship.
Specialist Detail
Game End
Specialist Detail
Main Action: Buy Metal(s)
Purchase metal(s) with Coins and/or Favor.
Each Metal !lls (2) Cargo Spaces on a ship.
If at any time, your ships cargo capacity is exceeded, you must choose a good to discard, returning it to
the supply.
1. If paying with Coins, the price of each Metal is shown on the topmost incomplete level of the Temple.
2. If paying with Favor, expend (5) Favor per Gold and (3) per Silver purchased.
Example of buying Metals: Orange has ended their turn on the Metals hex and they have (3) Coins and (3) Favor. The
current cost in Coins of Gold is (3) and Silver is (1) as indicted by the Temple. Orange spends (3) Coins to purchase a Gold
and expends (3) Favor to purchase a Silver places them on their Ship.
Example of a Trade while on the Market hex: Orange has ended their turn on the Market hex and chooses to Trade.
Orange is carrying (1) Wood that enables them to ful!ll the Market Card in the leftmost space. Orange returns their (1)
Wood to the supply and gains (2) Coins. All Market Cards shift one space to the right, forcing the rightmost Market Card
to be discarded. The Future Market moves into the leftmost space, and a new Future Market card is revealed.
Example of a Trade while on the Temple hex: Orange has ended their turn on the Temple hex and they choose to Trade.
Orange is carrying the goods that match the Market Card below the Favor + VP marker so they turn those Goods in to
take VP from the supply, increase their Favor by (2) as indicated by the top of the card, and then the Current Market
cycles to the right to !ll in the missing spaces.
Free Action: Upgrade Cargo
Purchase an additional Cargo Space for (2) Coins.
Players may do this twice per game, but only once per turn. (i.e. you may not pay (4) Coins for (2) Cargo
Upgrades on the same turn).
After the !rst purchase, a player places the single side of the Cargo Upgrade on their ship. This permits
them to carry (1) additional Basic Good.
After the second purchase, the Cargo Upgrade is turned over to the double side permitting them to
carry (2) additional Basic Goods or (1) additional Metal.
Free Action: Deliver Metal(s)
Deliver any/all Gold and Silver onboard your ship to the Temple, placing them in the available spaces of
the Temple Tier.
Receives a 5VP card per Silver delivered, and a 10VP card per Gold delivered.
When all spaces of the Temple Tier are !lled, return the Metals to the supply and place the next Temple
Tier on top of the one that was just completed.
When the last space of the !nal Temple Tier is !lled, the game immediately ends. (see )
Example of Delivering Metals: Orange has ended their turn on the Temple hex and they choose to deliver their Gold to the
Temple. The take their (1) Gold from their Ship and place it on the an available space of the topmost Temple Tier. Doing
so awards Orange a 10VP card they can keep face-down in front of them to be scored are the end of the game.
Once the Active Player is done taking (or unable to take) further actions, play passes to the left.
Game End
Free Action: Basic Trade
Some Specialists enable players to perform a Basic Trade at the Market.
If you have a Goods Cube onboard your ship that matches the Good shown on your Specialist card,
you may choose to return the matching Good(s) to the supply in exchange for (1) Coin per Good
returned to the supply.
A Basic Trade performed by itself does not cause the Market to cycle.
Some Specialists begin the game with Favor. The main way to earn Favor during the game is from Trades while
on the Temple hex and Specialist abilities. action. Favor is expended by decreasing your Favor Maker on your
Favor Track, has a maximum of (6), and it can be used to take the following Favor Actions:
Buy Metal(s) (3/5)
When ending your turn at the Metals hex, the Active Player may
expend Favor to acquire Silver and/or Gold.
Silver: Expend (3) Favor to acquire (1) Silver placing it in your
Cargo Space of your ship.
Gold: Expend (5) Favor to acquire (1) Gold placing it in your
Cargo Space of your ship.
Anchor (1)
Expend (1) Favor at the start of your turn to immediately take
the action(s) of your current hex.
The Active Players turn is complete after taking the
action(s) of their current hex.
No other navigation or actions may be taken and the
Anchor action may not be chosen after two failed In!uence
Checks on a single turn.
In!uence Move (1)
Expend (1) Favor to sail avoiding any In!uence Checks this turn.
No In!uence Die are rolled or adjusted when this action is
Barrier rules still apply.
The game ends immediately when the "nal space of the "nal Temple Tier has been "lled in with a Metal, or if
there are not enough Market Cards to re"ll the Current Market after a Trade.
1) VP Cards
Each player adds the VP values from the cards theyve acquired throughout the game.
2) Metals Onboard
If any Metals remain onboard your ship after the game has ended add (5) VP for Gold and (3) VP for
Silver to the total of your VP Cards above.
After all players have added up their VP from the two scoring conditions above, the player with the most
VP wins!
Any tie between players is broken by:
1. Most Favor remaining
2. If still tied, then most Coins remaining
3. If still tied, then most number of remaining Basic Goods
Advisor: Receive Favor for any Market Card | 1 Favor | Cloth
All (3) Merchants (not just the one under the Favor+VP marker) are available for a Trade when ending your
navigation at the Temple.

Ambassador: Start with 4 Cargo holds| 0 Favor
During setup, start the game with the double sided Cargo Upgrade on your ship.

Chancellor: May use Favor as a wild Good at the Market (1:1) | 1 Favor | Gem
May expend Favor at a 1:1 ratio to ful!ll a Trade when ending your navigation at the Market.
The Market will cycle as normal when the Trade is complete.

Harbormaster: May take 1 movement after trading at the Market | 1 Favor
After performing a Trade at the Market, you may spend (1) additional MP, then take the action(s) indicated
by your hex.
All occupied hex and Barrier rules still apply.

Moneychanger: May take a Market Trade at the Temple (instead of a Temple Trade) | 2 Favor | Cloth
When ending your navigation at the Temple hex, you may perform (1) Trade at the Market as if you were at
the Temple or the Market.
The Market will cycle as normal when the Trade is complete.

Navigator: May move over Barriers | 2 Favor | Wood
May disregard the Barrier navigation rules to treat hexes with Barriers as adjacent.

Priest: Receive Favor when ending turn at the Temple | 2 Favor | Stone
May increase your Favor by (+1) when you've ended your navigation at the Temple hex.

Temple Guard: Add +1 to In"uence Die rolls | 2 Favor | Wood
Spin your In"uence Die up one (+1) after rolling for an In"uence Check to enter an occupied hex.
This new value becomes your In"uence Die value.
Specialist Title
Favor Track
Starting Favor
Basic Trade Good
Important: If the Rival Ships navigation ends at the Market hex, the Active Player may cycle the
Current Market as if the Rival Ship completed a Trade.
No goods are ever gained by the Rival Ship.
The Active Player must then roll the In!uence Die of the Rival Ship.
The result is placed on the Rival Ships Player Board and becomes their new In!uence value.
When the Active Player fails to enter the hex occupied by the Rival Ship, they expend 1MP, do
not sail into the target hex, and each player (including the Rival Ship) in the target hex decreases
their In!uence Die value by (1).
Introduce the Rival Ship
After completing the Specialists setup from the base rules, select a third ship of any color not being
used this game and place it in any unoccupied hex. This is the Rival Ship that is a non-player
character in the game.
Setup the Rival Ships board
Place the chosen ships corresponding Player Board within reach of both players.
Set the In!uence Die to [4] and place it on the In!uence Die space of the Player Board.
The Rival Ship does not receive any Favor or a Specialist.
The Starting Player may now take their turn with these edits to the base game rules
Entering the Rival Ships hex:
Sailing into a hex occupied by the Rival Ship requires an In!uence Check by the Active Player against
the In!uence value of the Rival Ship.
Sailing into a hex occupied by the Rival Ship may not occur twice in one turn.
(Including when an In!uence Move is used) When the Active Player successfully enters the hex
occupied by the Rival Ship, the Active Player immediately moves the Rival Ship.
The Rival Ship must sail a distance of (1) or (2) adjacent hexes from their current hex location.
Barrier navigation rules still apply.
Q: I failed two In!uence Checks. May I take the action of the hex I stayed on?
A: No. Since both of your MP's were spent attempting to sail and no Anchor action was used, you must wait until
your next turn to sail and take an action.

Q: Can I use Favor for sailing and an action on my turn?
A: Yes. For example, a ship with six (6) Favor could use one (1) Favor to In!uence Move to the Metals hex
(assuming no barriers block the way) and then spend "ve (5) Favor to pickup a Gold. Players with Specialists will
also be able to use Favor in multiple ways per turn.

Q: Can I use Favor to sail into an occupied space after one failed In!uence Check?
A: No. Using Favor for an In!uence Move will avoid any In!uence Checks for this turn and must be chosen
before an In!uence Check is initiated.

Q: If I fail an In!uence Check with my "rst MP, may I choose to attempt to sail into a di#erent hex for
my second MP?
A: Yes. Attempting to sail into an adjacent hex and failing an In!uence Check on your "rst sail only expends one
(1) MP, therefore you still have one (1) MP remaining which can be used to sail into a di#erent unoccupied
adjacent hex or attempt another In!uence Check for a di#erent occupied adjacent hex.

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