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*Use verbs and make sentences from these words
1. Sarah often / tenni! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
#. $ar% / &er'an (er% )e**""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
*Put the verb in the right form.
+. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""a ni,e )ee-en./ 0%o1/ha(e2
A. Ye3I )ent to ta% )ith o'e frien. of 'ine.
*Compete the sentences. !rite about "oursef.

4. I(e 5een """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""on,e.
6. I(e """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" in,e """""""""""""""""""".
*Compete the sentence using the correct form of the verb
7. Are %o1 tire. thi 'ornin8/
Ye3 I""""""""""""""""""""" to 5e. *ate *at ni8ht.

9. What are %o1 .oin8 thi )ee-en./
I .ont -no) """""""""""""""""""""""""" 0I/not/.e,i.e/%et2

*!hich is correct# $ncirce "our answer.
:. Dont for8et """""""""""""""""" off the *i8ht 5efore %o1 8o o1t.
a. )it,h 5. to )it,h ,. )it,hin8
;. Yo1re 'a-in8 too '1,h noie. Can %o1 <*eae to<""""""""""""""/
a. ho1t 5. to ho1t ,. ho1tin8
1=. To' *oo-e. at 'e )itho1t """""""""""""""""" an%thin8.
a. a% 5. a%in8 ,. to a%
>. Cir,*e the *etter of the 5et an)er.
1. I """""""""""""""""""""""te*e(iion a *ot 51t I .ont an%'ore.
a . )a )at,hin8 5 )a 1e. to )at,h ,. 1e. to )at,h
#. That 5a8 *oo- hea(%. """"""""""""""""""""""""" %o1 )ith it.
a. I' he*<in8 5. I he*< ,. I** he*<
+. Ann """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" an. *eft.
a. ai. 8oo.5%e to 'e 5. ai. 'e 8oo.5%e ,. to*. 'e 8oo.5%e
4. Yo1 ,ant to< 'e fro' """""""""""""""""""""" )hat I )ant.
a. .oin8 5. .o ,. to .o .. that I .o
6. Where i"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""/
a. the 'ana8er offi,e 5. the 'ana8er offi,e
,. the offi,e of the 'ana8er .. the offi,e of the 'ana8er
7. What ti'e ha** )e """"""""""""""""""""" thi e(enin8/
a. 'eet 5. 'eet 1 ,. 'eet o1re*(e
9. Wh% .i. %o1 ta% at a hote* )hen %o1 )ent to Ne) Yor-/ Yo1 """""" )ith >ar5ara.
a. ,an ta% 5. ,o1*. ta% ,. ,o1*. ha(e ta%e.
:. The )o'an )a ,arr%in8 a """"""""""""""""""""""""" 5a8.
a. 5*a,- 'a** <*ati, 5. 'a** an. 5*a,- <*ati,
,. 'a** 5*a,- <*ati, ,. <*ati, 'a** 5*a,-
;. Yo1 ho1*. in1re %o1r 5i,%,*e """"""""""""""""""""" to*en.
a. in ,ae it )i** 5e 5. if it )i** 5e
,. in ,ae it i .. if it i
1=. When )e )ere in Ita*%3 )e <ent a fe) .a% """""""""Veni,e.
a. at 5. to ,. in
C. Cir,*e the *etter of the 5et an)er.
1. $1,h of the <o)er of the tra.e 1nion ha 5een *ot """" their <o*iti,a* inf*1en,e ho1*. not
5e 1n.ereti'ate..
a. E(en o 5. a*tho18h ,. e(en .. e(en tho18h
#. I** 5e )ith %o1 in""""""""""""""""""""""""
a. one ?1arter of an ho1r 5. a ?1arter of an ho1r
,. a ?1arter of an ho1r .. a ?1arter of ho1r

+. Fo**o)in8 the f*oo.3""""""""in the area"""""""""'a@or re<air.
a. ea,h of 51i*.in8nee. 5. e(er% 51i*.in8nee.
,. ea,h 51i*.in8nee. .. e(er% 51i*.in8nee.

4. I a*)a% ao,iate"""""""""""""""""""""""".
a. re. )ine 5. re. )ine 5% Fran,e ,. re. )ine )ith Fran,e

6. I re'e'5ere.""""""""""""""the ra,e.
a. the hore )innin8 5. the hore to )in
,. the hore )innin8 ..the hore to )in
A. Rea. the e*e,tion an. an)er the 1,,ee.in8 ?1etion
Low on cash? Try Paris for a Vacation!
Brian arrived at the San Francisco airport two hours before the flight to Paris. e was wearing three
shirts! a "ac#et! two pairs of soc#s! a pair of shorts! and two pairs of "eans. e was carrying a s$all bac# pac#!
which was very full! he didn%t have any other luggage. Brian needed to $eet a $an na$ed Tony before he
chec#ed in for his flight. e found Tony near the &ir France counter. Tony gave hi$ a round trip tic#et and a
s$all pac#age.
'(ive this pac#age to )ean Paul at the airport in Paris. )ean Paul is very tall with short! blond! curly hair.
e will have a sign with your na$e on it. * thin# you can find hi$ easily!' Tony said. '+ou don%t have any
luggage! right?' ',nly this bac# pac#!' Brian answered. '+ou said * could bring one carry-on bag.' 'That%s right.
,ne carry-on bag is fine. ave a good trip.'
*s Brian a cri$inal? .ot at all. e is an air courier. &nd he paid only /001 for the round-trip tic#et to
Paris. &ir couriers get cheap airline tic#ets because they ta#e i$portant pac#ages and papers to foreign
countries. Businesses so$eti$es need to get pac#ages and papers to people in foreign countries by the ne2t
day. ,ften! the only way they can do this is to use an air courier co$pany. *t is not cheap for a business to send
a pac#age with an air courier! but it is 3uic#. *nstead of luggage! couriers often have pac#ages for the air courier
co$pany. So$eti$es the pac#ages get chec#ed and so$eti$es air couriers carry the$ so that they don%t lose
ti$e waiting for baggage to be unloaded off the airplane. 4hether the pac#ages are chec#ed or carried on! they
go through custo$s 3uic#ly with an air courier. *n contrast! if the pac#age is sent in the $ail! it can stay in
custo$s for $any days while custo$ officials decide if it needs to be ta2ed.
5very year about 61! 111 people worldwide travel as air couriers. The nu$ber of tic#ets for air courier
travel is growing by about 01 percent a year. 7any people li#e traveling this way because the tic#ets are so
cheap. owever! air-courier travel has so$e disadvantages. you usually can%t chec# any luggage. +ou also
need to be very fle2ible about your travel plans because you can only travel when and where a business needs
you to go.
&ir courier travel obviously isn%t for everyone. But if you have only a little cash! can be fle2ible about your
plans! and don%t $ind wearing the sa$e clothes for a wee#! it can be a great way to ta#e a vacation.
&. 8eading for $ain ideas. 9ircle the best answer for each 3uestion.
0. 4hy do people want to be air couriers?
a. They want to find a good "ob.
b. They want to get cheap airline tic#ets.
c. They want to send pac#ages 3uic#ly.
:. 4hat is difficult about being an air courier?
a. +ou can%t ta#e $uch luggage! and you can travel only when a business needs an air courier.
b. There are fewer air-courier tic#ets every year! and travelers have difficulties finding tic#ets.
c. +ou need to arrive at the airport earlier than other passengers! and you need to go
through custo$s.
;. 4hy do businesses use air couriers?
a. *t is easy to fing couriers
b. *t is cheap to find a pac#age with an air courier.
c. Pac#ages arrive 3uic#ly with air couriers.
B.&ll of the following state$ents are false. 9hange a word or phrase in each state$ent to $a#e it true.
52a$ple< Brian wore one pair of "eans. two pairs
=. e arrived at the airport three hours before his flight to Paris.
>. Brian had a lot of luggage.
?. Tony gave Brian a large envelope.
@. )ean Paul is very tall with long! blond! curly hair.
6. Brian paid only /001 for a one-way tic#et to Paris.
A. &ir courier often can chec# luggage.
01. *f a pac#age is sent by $ail! it can be on a ship for $any days.

9.Becide if the sentences are true or false. 4rite T of F ne2t to each sentence.
00. Brian is probably traveling on business.
0:. )ean Paul wor#s for the air-courier co$pany.
0;. &ir couriers usually can ta#e only one set of clothes.
0=. *te$s in an air courier%s luggage don%t get ta2ed.
0>. &ir couriers are $ore necessary today than they were years ago.
B. 8ead the selection and answer the following 3uestions.
Buring the nineteenth century! wo$en in the Cnited States organiDed and participated in a large nu$ber
of refor$ $ove$ents! including $ove$ents to organiDe the prison syste$! i$prove education! ban the sale of
alcohol! and $ost i$portantly! to free the slaves. 4o$en li#e 5liDabeth 9ady Stanton and Lucy Stone were
fe$inists and abolitionists! including 4illia$ Lloyd (arrison and 4endell Philips! also supported the rights of
wo$en to spea# and participate e3ually with $en in antislavery activities. Probably $ore than any other
$ove$ent! abolitionis$ offered wo$en a previously denied entry into politics. They beca$e involved pri$arily in
order to better their living conditions and conditions of others.
4hen the 9ivil 4ar ended in 06?>! the Fourteenth and Fifteenth &$end$ents to the constitution
adopted in 06?6 and 06@1 granted citiDenship ang suffrage to blac#s but not to wo$en. Biscouraged but
resolved! fe$inists influenced $ore and $ore wo$en to de$and the right to vote. *n 06?A! the 4yo$ing territory
had yielded to de$ands by fe$inists! but eastern states resisited $ore stubbornly than before.
& wo$an%s suffrage bill had been presented to every 9ongress since 06@6 but it continually failed to pass until
0A:1! when the .ineteenth &$end$ent granted wo$en the right to vote.
&. 9ircle the best answer for each 3uestion.
0. 4ith what topic is the passage pri$arily concerned?
a. the 4yo$ing Territory
b. the Fourteenth and Fifteenth &$end$ents
c. abolitionists
d. wo$en%s suffrage
:. The word 'ban' in line ; $ost nearly $eans to EEEEEEEEEE.
a. encourage c. prohibit
b. publish d. li$it
;. The word 'supported' in line ? could best be replaced by EEEEEEEE.
a. disregard
b. ac#nowledge
c. contested
d. pro$oted
=. &ccording to the passage! why did wo$en beco$e active in politics?
a. to i$prove the conditions of life that e2isted that ti$e
b. to support 5liDabeth 9ady Stanton for president
c. to be elected to public office
d. to a$end the Beclaration of *ndependence
>. The word 'pri$arily' in line 00 is closest in $eaning to EEEEEEEEEE.

a. above all
b. so$ewhat
c. finally
d. always
?. 4hat had occurred shortly after the 9ivil 4ar?
a. the 4yo$ing Territory was ad$itted to the Cnion
b. a wo$en%s suffrage bill was introduced in 9ongress
c. the eastern states resisted the end of the war
d. blac# people were granted the right to vote
@. The word 'suffrage' in line 0> could best be replaced by which of the following?
a. pain c. freedo$ fro$ bondage
b. citiDenship d. the right to vote
6. 4hat does the .ineteenth &$end$ent guarantee?
a. voting rights for blac#s c. voting rights for wo$en
b. citiDenship for blac#s d. citiDenship for wo$en
A. The word 'it' in line 0A refers to EEEEEEEEEE.
a. bill c. .ineteenth &$end$ent
c. 9ongress d. vote
01. 4hen were the wo$en allowed to vote throughout the Cnited States?
a. after 06?? c. after 06@6
b. after 06@1 d. after 0A:1
***. 48*T*.(
&. &nswer the following 3uestions.
9o$plete the sentences by filling in the spaces provided below.
:. 7y first i$pression on the Philippines is EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
&rrange the following words and $a#e a sentence out of the$.

52.< prettyFalwaysFs$ileFgirl. * always s$ile when * see a pretty girl.
;. handicapFairplaneFrainFseldo$
=. s$artFideaFplanFwor#
&nswer the 3uestion given below. 4rite as $any sentences as you can.
>. 4hat do you thin# are the differences between you country and the Philippines?
B. Bescribe the picture below. 4rite as $any sentences as you can.

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