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PII: S0957-4158(97)00004-4
Mechatronics Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 369383, 1997
1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All fights reserved.
Printed in Great Britain.
0957-4158/97 $17.00+0.00
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Gaziantep, 27310 Gaziantep, Turkey
(Received 9 January 1996; revised 10 January 1997; accepted 29 January 1997)
Abstraet--A study is carried out to model, simulate and control a four-bar mechanism
driven by a brushless servo motor. A mathematical model for the servo motor-
mechanism system is developed and solved by using numerical methods. An exper-
imental set-up based on a four-bar mechanism is built and different crank motion
profiles are implemented. Simulation and experimental results are then presented,
compared and discussed. Adaptation of a traditional four-bar mechanism to flexible
manufacturing systems using a brushless servo motor is described theoretically and
experimentally validated. 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd
Servo control systems are finding widespread applications, mostly in automatic production.
This includes nearly all types of packaging machinery, material handling, assembly and
other applications including robotics. The programmability of servo systems gives flexibility
to respond to any changes. Production rates are improved by keeping the product quality
at its best. When a number of servo motors are employed for the particular requirements
of different applications, easy maintenance becomes increasingly important. The mechanical
commutator and brushes of the D.C. servo motor impose limitations on the motor per-
formance. They can also cause maintenance problems. Alternatively, by eliminating the
D.C. motor' s mechanical commutator and armature winding on the rotor, maintenance-
free motors--brushless servo motors--are realized. In a brushless servo motor, there is no
conventional brush-commutator interface and the mechanical commutator is replaced by
an electronic one. This design certainly results in lower rotor inertias, higher rotor speeds,
higher motor supply voltages and potential for higher reliability compared to the con-
ventional D.C. motor. A brushless motor system consists of a wound stator, a permanent
magnet rotor, a rotor position sensor and a solid state switching assembly. These motors
offer greater freedom and permit easy integration with main equipment [1-3].
Sadler et al. [4, 5] previously performed a generalized study of motor-mechanism systems.
An analytical model was developed for a system consisting of a crank rocker four-bar
370 L. C. T. DULGER and S. UYAN
mechani sm driven by a separately excited D. C. mot or . Lat er, Li ou et al. [6] investigated a
mot or - gear - mechani s m system consi deri ng the varyi ng inertia of the mechanism. The st udy
was per f or med f or a per manent magnet D. C. motor~ a gearbox and a cr ank r ocker four-
bar mechanism. In the st udy present ed, the dynami cs of brushless servo mot or - mechani s m
system is studied by mat hemat i cal modelling. The brushless servo mot or - f our - ba r mech-
anism system equat i ons are deri ved and solved numerically. Si mul at i on results are obt ai ned
for the different cr ank mot i on profiles, The experi ment al set-up built is t hen used to obt ai n
the experi ment al results. The system is oper at ed under different condi t i ons and speeds. The
experi ment al responses obt ai ned are compar ed with the simulated ones. The servo mo t o r -
mechani sm model is val i dat ed using t he experi ment al results.
The experi ment al set-up, shown schematically in Fig. 1, consists of a brushless servo
mot or , its mat chi ng servo drive, a servo mot or cont rol l er card, a personel comput er (IBM
compat i bl e PC-486 SX, 33 MHZ, 4 MB RAM) and a cr ank r ocker t ype f our - bar mechani sm
f or mot i on transmission. The mot or shaft is directly keyed t o the cr ank shaft in the set-up.
No mechani cal speed-reduci ng devices are needed and the drive system becomes simpler
mechanically. Several cr ank mot i on profiles are designed and i mpl ement ed on the set-up at
different speeds--60, 120, 240 to 360 r p m- - b y way of example.
l J _ , i J
J " " ~ [ C o n tro l . . . . ra~rcl
S a r v o m o to r
[ E n ~ d ~ C ~ k ~
I =
l = = , I
~ ~ . ~ I,
t -
Ri ~ P l ~ f n
Fig. I. The experimental set-up.
Four-bar mechanism with brushless servo motor 371
2.1. The brushless servo system
The brushless mot or used is a single phase per manent magnet synchr onous mot or wi t h
its digitally cont r ol l ed drive modul e (El ect ro Craft , BRU-200, S-4075 mot or , DM- 30 drive
modul e) [7]. The mot or has a maxi mum oper at i ng speed of 3000 r pm giving cont i nuous
power of 3 kW. The drive modul e ( DM) cont r ol ci rcui t ry utilizes a 16 bit mi cr opr ocessor
and a simple serial i nt erface f r om a host comput er t o t he servo drive. All set-up and t uni ng
is per f or med by a personal i t y modul e whi ch plugs i nt o t he drive modul e. Posi t i on feedback
is pr ovi ded by a preci si on i ncrement al encoder integrally mount ed t o t he mot or . The
resol ut i on of t he encoder fitted is 8000 pulses per r evol ut i on (ppr). The reference pulse
generat ed is used t o reset t he system and also t o set up a zero reference poi nt f or t he crank.
The encoder is power ed f r om a power suppl y wi t h 5 V D. C. Brushless system specifications
are given in Tabl e 1. The same mot or dat a is used duri ng t he system simulation.
2.2. The servo motor controller card
The car d is a full size PC car d (333 mm x 105mm 8 bit slot), compat i bl e wi t h t he I BM
PC (Warwi ck Comput er Designs) [8]. It is confi gured f or encoder i nput s and anal og out put s
at the 37 way D- t ype connect or . The car d i nt erfaces t hree Hewl et t Packar d HCTL 1100
Mot i on Cont r ol ICs t o t he PC bus such t hat t hree axes can be cont rol l ed.
Four cont r ol al gori t hms, posi t i on cont r ol , pr opor t i onal vel oci t y cont r ol , i nt egral vel oci t y
cont r ol and t r apezoi dal profile cont rol , can be executed. Posi t i on cont r ol mode is appl i ed
in t he st udy present ed here. Posi t i on cont r ol per f or ms poi nt t o poi nt posi t i on moves with
no vel oci t y profiling. The user specifies a 24 bi t posi t i on command, whi ch t he cont r ol l er
compar es t o t he 24 bi t act ual posi t i on. The posi t i on er r or is cal cul at ed, t he full digital lead
compensat i on is appl i ed and t he mot or posi t i on-l ocked at a dest i nat i on unt i l a new posi t i on
command is given. Mot or posi t i on is measur ed in encoder count s. Mot i on cont r ol pr ogr ams
are wri t t en in Tur bo Pascal wi t h the hel p of t he l i brary pr ogr ams of t he cont r ol l er card.
The l i brary pr ogr ams f or screen and keyboar d handl i ng and HCTL 1100 funct i ons are
suppl i ed by War wi ck Comput er Designs [8]. Since t he f our - bar mechani sm has a single
degree of freedom, the mot or cont r ol l er car d connect i ons are onl y per f or med f or one mot or
2.3. Four-bar mechanism
The f our - bar mechani sm confi gurat i on shown in Fig. 2 is referred t o in bot h t he exper-
i ment al set-up and the mat hemat i cal model . Mechani cal propert i es of the mechani sm are
Table 1. Brushless servo motor specifications
Rotor moment of inertia
Maximum operating speed
Motor torque constant
Motor voltage constant
Winding inductance
Winding resistance
Continuous stall torque
Peak torque
Continuous output power (DM30)
Jm = 6.8 x 10-4kg. m 2
nmax = 3000 rpm
Kt = 0.76 Nm/A
Ko = 90 V/krpm
L = 5.8mH
R = 0.8f~
T~ = 10.2Nm
Tp = 19,7Nm
P = 3kW
372 L. C. T, DULGER and S. UYAN
q"~ _ <7> ......
a2 / / ) 02'02 "I ~4'~4 /
02 " , 0 4 "~
~_ . . . . . . . . . . 3 ~ ~
al d X
m3,J 3 ~ P3
p~ ~ * - - \
. . . . . . . . . . . . ~ _ x p 4
t~ m2,J2
// r2
Fig. 2. Configuration of the four-bar mechanism.
Table 2. Mechanical properties of four-bar mechanism
a~ = 300 mm a~ = 90 mm a~ : 360 mm a 4 = 260 mm
r 2 = 68.16893 mm r4 = 145.14389mm p : 180mm q = O.Omm
m: = 0.190276 kg m~ = 0.198764 kg m~ = 0.306845 kg
J: = 407.655kg ' ram2 ./~ = 3503-14kg mme .L : 3673-87kg "ram2
i ncl uded in Tabl e 2. The c r a nk mo t i o n is p r o g r a mme d such t hat char act er i st i cal l y di fferent
coupl er cur ves on t he coupl er l i nk ar e obt ai ned. Fl exi bi l i t y o f t he o u t p u t is achi eved.
Var i abl es ar e defi ned as fol l ows.
al ~a2~a3~a4
P, q
P~, P, , [ ~, P, . , P, . , f f ,
a ngul a r pos i t i on o f links ( 02- - i nput , 03--~coupler link, 0 4 - - 0 u t p u t
a ngul a r vel oci t i es o f links [t ad/ s]
a ngul a r accel er at i ons o f l i nks [ r ad/ s 2]
link l engt hs o f t he me c ha ni s m i ncl udi ng t he g r o u n d l i nk [m]
posi t i ons t o t he cent r e o f gr avi t y [m]
masses o f links [kg]
mo me n t o f i nert i as o f links [ k g - m -~]
posi t i ons o f a poi nt fixed per pendi cul ar t o t he coupl er l i nk [m]
posi t i ons, vel oci t i es and accel er at i ons o f any poi nt c hos e n on t he
coupl er l i nk Ira, re~s, m/s2].
3. 1. Ma t h e ma t i c a l f o r mu l a t i o n
A ma t he ma t i c a l model f or a br ushl ess ser vo mo t o r dr i ven f our - ba r me c ha ni s m is
devel oped usi ng La gr a nge ' s f or mul a t i on. The s ys t em' s e qua t i on o f mo t i o n is der i ved by
usi ng expr essi ons f or t he syst em ener gy f unct i on, its par t i al and t i me der i vat i ves wi t h r espect
t o t he defi ned coor di nat e, 02. I deal r unni ng condi t i ons ar e as s umed f or model l i ng and
c o mp u t a t i o n a l ease, and mo t o r losses and f r i ct i on effects ar e not i ncl uded in t he f or mu-
l at i on. The me c ha ni s m oper at es on t he hor i zont al pl ane. A c ompl e t e des cr i pt i on o f t he
Four-bar mechanism with brushless servo motor 373
servo mot or-mechani sm system is obtained using the electrical equation of the mot or and
the dynamic equation of the mot or coupled to the mechanism.
A simplified electrical equation of a brushless servo mot or [9] is
dI dO2
L ~t t + I R + K e - ~ = Kp(O2c-O2)+ K,,(02c-02), (1)
where L is the winding inductance, R is the winding resistance, I is the mot or current, K~ is
the mot or voltage constant, Kp and Kv are the proportional and the derivative gain constants
for the position and velocity error respectively, and 0zc, 02~ are the reference position and
velocity command
The right hand side of Eqn (1) contains PD (Proportional + Derivative) control terms
to calculate the required servo mot or currents (/). All mot or specifications used in the
formulation are given in Table 1.
The dynamic equation for a mot or coupled to the mechanism is
02 [Jrn -b m2~ + ,12 + m sa~ -t- 2m3a2 [ 003\ ~ ) ( p c o s ( O2 - O3 ) +q s i n ( 0 2 - 0 3 ) )
f O O 3 V 2 2 /O04V (m4r~ + J4)]
+ ~ ) ( m 3 ( p + q ) + J 3 ) + l ~ 2 )
2 [-I/0203"~ 1/003"~ 2 2 / / 0203~
/0204"~ / / 0 0 4 ~ _
+ ( ~ 2 ) m a a z ( q C o s ( 0 2 - - 0 3 ) ( 1 - - O 0 3 \ ~ 2 2 ) - - , sln(02-- " 0 3 ) ( 1 - 0 0 3 ~ = 6~02]] j I t , , (2,
where the right hand side of the equation represents the generalized torque term which is
directly proportional to multiplication of the mot or torque constant (Kt) with the mot or
Intermediate steps of derivation and the partial derivative terms can be found in [10].
Implicit relations necessary for 03 and 0, are found using the Freudenstein equation [11].
These relations are included in the Appendix.
The dynamic behaviour of this system is studied by using numerical methods. The
equations representing the system are coupled equations. Equation (1) is of first order and
Eqn (2) is a second order differential equation. The variables Oz and 02 are chosen to be
state variables x, and xz (Oz = xi, 02 = x2). Equation (2) is then transformed into a system
of first order equations. Three first order differential equations are obtained in the state
variables. The fourth order Runge- Kut t a method, an explicit method, is chosen as the
integration technique. This is the commonly employed method for integration of the systems
of nonlinear equations [12]. The mot or current, the crank position and the crank velocity
are treated as unknowns and the time response of the brushless servo mot or-mechani sm
system is obtained by integrating the systems of first order equations through time. The
computer programs are written in Turbo Pascal.
374 L. C. T. DULGER and S. UYAN
3.2. Simulation results
The system is being tested under different mot i on profiles. Initially, test signals like step
i nput and r amp funct i on are studied. While appl yi ng these test signals, the cr ank is onl y
included in the model calculations, and no ot her link is t aken i nt o consi derat i on. The
system is simplified and t reat ed as a cr ank driven with a servo mot or . Later, the mot i on
profiles designed are i mpl ement ed with the inclusion of all links in the mechani sm and
simulation results are obt ai ned. The i nput f or the si mul at i on consists of the mot i on profile
requi red, the f our - bar mechani sm paramet ers, the servo mot or dat a and the initial con-
ditions for the i nt egrat i on.
To design the crank mot i on, the mot i on design soft ware MOTDES [13] is used and fifth
or der pol ynomi al funct i ons are applied for the cr ank rot at i ng at 120rpm. Two mot i on
examples are included in this study.
Mot i on profiles and their simulated results are given in Fig. 3a, b and c and Fig. 4a, b and
c as R- R ( Ri se- Ret ur n) , R- D- R- R ( Ri se- Dwel l - Ri se- Ret ur n) respectively. Si mul at i on
results are shown onl y f or one mot i on cycle.
In the first mot i on (R R) , the cr ank moves f r om 0 to 2n/3 radians; it then ret urns to its
original zero position. This mot i on consists of t wo equal mot i on segments each of 0.25 s.
In the second mot i on ( R- D- R- R) , the mot i on consists of f our equal segments. The cr ank
moves from 0 to rc/2 radi ans and stops f or 0.125 s (a dwell period). It t hen rises to ~ radi ans
and ret urns to zero posi t i on in 0.125 s. The whole mot i on is per f or med in 0.5 s.
Fi gure 3a, b and c show the simulation results for the R- R mot i on for the cr ank
displacement, velocity and acceleration. The gain const ant s f ound are Kp = 180 V as the
pr opor t i onal gain const ant and K, = 2V/ r ad/ s as the derivative gain const ant for this
mot i on.
Fi gure 4a, b and c show the simulation results f or the R D- R- R mot i on for the crank
displacement, velocity and acceleration. This mot i on profile is mor e difficult to achive t han
the first mot i on. Hi gher dampi ng values are required, especially for the dwell period.
Pr opor t i onal and derivative gain const ant s applied are Kg = 180 V and Kv = 7 V/rad/s.
These gain const ant s are simply f ound by trial and error. Initially the pr opor t i onal gain
const ant is set and t hen the derivative gain const ant is adjusted by l ooki ng at the system
response characteristics. Since zero initial condi t i ons are given f or the mot or current , the
cr ank position and the cr ank velocity, transients are not observed in the si mul at i on results.
Compar ed to the R- R mot i on, hi gher accelerations, decel erat i ons and also a dwell
segment are i nt r oduced in the second mot i on. Simulated results in Fig. 4a and b have shown
t hat t here were inaccuracies in the crank posi t i on and velocity response at the beginning of
the dwell segment. Addi t i onal l y an osci l l at ory behavi our (1/3 por t i on of the dwell) was
seen in the si mul at ed accel erat i on results given in Fig. 4c. This behavi our was expected
from the beginning. The cause of osci l l at ory behavi our is simply the inaccuracies seen
at the beginning of the dwell segment. When the mot i on is settled t hey are compl et el y
The mot i on profiles designed are i mpl ement ed on the experi ment al set-up. The l i brary
pr ogr ams supplied for t he servo mot or cont r ol l er card are used. This l i brary includes
Four-bar mechanism with brushless servo motor 375
2. 5
( a>
Time (s)
Time (s)
- 400- 1
0 0. 1 0. 2
0. 3
0. 4 0. 5
Time (s)
Fig. 3. Simulation results for the R-R motion. . simulation; -reference.
376 L. C. T. DULGER and S. UYAN
Time (s)
2 IO-
E o-
'2 -IO-
2 -2O-
v -30.
0 0. I 0.2 0.3 0.4 (
Time (s)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Time (s)
Fig. 4. Simulation results for the R-WR-R motion. simulation; -- reference
Four-bar mechanism with brushless servo motor 377
subprograms used for hardware reset, software reset, setting the axis under cont rol and the
cont rol mode applied. The mot i on cont rol programs are written separately. Initially test
signals are applied to the set up; R- R and R- D- R- R mot i on profiles are tested
subsequently. When the servo mot or cont rol pr ogr am is run, first a dat a file name is asked
for. Digital filter paramet ers and the number of mot i on cycles required are given. Next the
system is initialized and the encoder marker is f ound for dat umi ng. Aft er these steps are
achieved the mechani sm is started from its zero crank position and any mot i on profile
required is generated.
Mot i on cont rol techniques are studied and the self learning al gori t hm [13, 14] is intro-
duced. The approach used is based on utilizing previous cycle responses by t uni ng the
command mot i on. Duri ng the application of this al gori t hm, the difference between the
command and the response, the absolute error, is multiplied to obt ai n a por t i on of the
error and added sample by sample and cycle by cycle into the t uned command. A new
dynami cal l y t uned command is comput ed based on it. This al gori t hm is described as
o 2~ + , ,, = o ~ k , , + G(02c~,,- 0 2 ~ , , ) , ( 3 )
where 0~ is the t uned command, G is the learning gain (0 < G < 1), i is the sample number,
and k is the cycle number. The al gori t hm is cont i nuousl y applied until the error seen is
mi ni mum. The al gori t hm is t hen st opped to avoid furt her sat urat i on problems. The resulting
dat a for the command, the response and the error are stored for furt her use. The exper-
i ment al results are given wi t h 6-7 cycles of learning here.
Fi gure 5a shows the experimental results obt ai ned from the closed l oop servo system as
encoder count s and samples. Simulated results are given in Fig. 5b in radi ans and time in
seconds for the R- R mot i on. The experimental and simulated results are given in Fig. 6a
and b for the R- D- R- R mot i on. A lagging response in displacement is observed from bot h
results. When the two mot i on profiles are considered t oget her it is obvious t hat accelerations
required for the second mot i on are three to five times higher for the rise and ret urn mot i on
of the R- D- R- R. A more difficult mot i on charecteristic is achieved wi t h the inclusion of a
dwell. Bigger t racki ng errors, especially duri ng ret urn mot i on, are obt ai ned from bot h
results, also seen in Fig. 6a and b.
Using the simulated and experimental results, the positions Px and Py on the coupler link
are f ound as follows.
P:~ = a2 cos 02 +p cos 03 - q sin 03 (4)
Py = a2 sin 02 +p sin 03 + q cos 03. (5)
These values are calculated using the servo mot or position, 02, and the coupler link position,
03, in bot h si mul at i on and experiments.
Fi gure 7a and b show simulated and experimental calculations of Px and Py for the R-
R mot i on. Similarly, Px and Py coordi nat es for the R- D- R- R mot i on are given in Fig. 8a
and b.
The correl at i on between the simulated and the experimental system responses provides
satisfaction. Since the R- R mot i on is easier to achieve, no difficulty is seen duri ng its
si mul at i on and i mpl ement at i on. The results of the second mot i on have shown more devi-
at i on, especially duri ng its ret urn period. However, a parallelism between magni t udes and
characteristics is always kept, seen from the results of bot h studies. Bot h results have also
378 L. C. T. DULGER and S. UYAN
..-- . . . . . Response
..- . Response
Time (SJ
Fig. 5. Simulation and experimental results for the R-R motion
Four-bar mechanism with brushless servo motor
- Command
5253- (a)
g 3911-
0 12 144 216 288
3. 5-
3. 0- (b)
2. 5-
- I
0 0. 1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 4
Time (s)
Fig. 6. Simulation and experimental results for the R-D-R-R motion.
380 L. C. T. DULGER and S. UYAN
0. 26
0. 24
0. 16
- Command
-..w., Experiment
0.12 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0. 4 0. 5
Time (s)
0. 170
s O. ' ce
a" 0. 160
0 I 55
0. 145
_ Command
. . . I . , . . . . . . Experi ment
0. 140
0 01 0. 2 0. 3 0. 4 0. 5
Time (51
Fig. 7. P, and P, coordinates for the R-R motion.
Four-bar mechanism with brushless servo motor
0. 26
0. 24
0. 18
g 0. 16
0. 14
0. 10
- Command
_. . . . . . . . __ 0. 08 Si mul ati on
~~~~~- ~. ~ Experi ment
0. 06
0 0. 1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 4
Time (s)
0. 18
0. 13
~ ___. Simulation
0. 12- c
0 0. 1 0. 2
0. 3 0. 4 0. 5
Time (s)
Fig. 8. P, and P, coordinates for the R-D-R-R motion.
382 L. C. T. DULGER and S. UYAN
shown t hat the t racki ng errors of P~ and P,. were nearl y the same for the first mot i on ( R-
R). However, t racki ng errors in P,. and P,. were nearly 2.5 3 times great er in the experi ment al
results of the second mot i on (R D R R). Tracki ng er r or was consi derabl y increased when
mot i on profiles with quick changes and hi gher accelerations were i nt roduced. So, the
mot i on profile was a det ermi nat i ve fact or whet her the st udy was based on experi ment s or
simulation. Here bet t er per f or mance characteristics are observed f r om the R R t ype
mot i on; it is r ecommended for any appl i cat i on requi red f or this system, f or example.
In the present st udy experi ment s with an actual system are per f or med with a model of
the system. This st udy has utilized a t radi t i onal f our - bar mechani sm with a brushless
servomot or. Bot h a simplified model for the system and an experi ment al set-up built are
included. Equi val ent tests are carried out using the comput er model and the experi ment al
set-up. Pr ogr ammabi l i t y is i nt r oduced with the same mechani sm havi ng characteristically
different coupl er curves and flexibility in mot i on is provi ded. The dynami c coupl i ng of the
servo mot or - mechani sm, which is a highly non-l i near probl em, is revealed. Si mul at i on is
carried out for an idealized system free f r om real effects. This assumpt i on reduces possible
t racki ng errors and bet t er fol l owi ng characteristics are obt ai ned f r om the si mul at i on results.
Si mul at i on results are t hen verified experi ment al l y using two mot i on profiles each having
different characteristics. Qui t e good correl at i ons bet ween the simulated and experi ment al
results are obt ai ned in bot h magni t ude and characteristics. It is hoped t hat f ur t her st udy
can be done on the mat hemat i cal model devel oped by including real effects, friction and
mot or losses.
Acknowledgements This project was sponsored by the University of Gaziantep Research Fund. We
gratefully acknowledge the Rector of the University of Gaziantep and the Research Fund staff.
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Val ues us e d f or 03 a nd 04 s e e n i n Eq n (2) c a n be wr i t t e n as f ol l ows:
2 a r c t a n ( - Be - ~ i 2 ~ ~
O, ) f o r / = 3,4
A 3 = cos02(1 -t-K32)q-K33-K31
B 3 = - 2 sin 02
C3 = c os 02( K32- I ) +K33+K31
A 4 : c os 02(1 -- ](42) -q.-/(43 -- K41
/ / 4 = - 2 sin 02
C4 = - - cos 02(K42+ 1)+K43q-K41.
Expl i ci t f or ms o f Kq val ues (i = 3,4 a n d j = 1,2,3) ar e wr i t t e n as f ol l ows:
K33 ~--
g31 ~ - -
K32 ~ - -
( - - - )
K42 ~ - -
(a~--a~ + a~ + a~)

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