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War of the Ring

Annotated Example of Play

1h|s examp|e of p|ay |s taken from an actua| game of !"# %& '() *+,-, the board game pub||shed by Ares
Games. Goodgu|f the Grey and Uthoroc are the screen names used by two of |ts most exper|enced p|ayers.
|ayed w|th hard|y a wasted move, th|s match exemp||f|es the game's drama, carefu| ba|ance of asymmetr|c
goa|s, and ever-uncerta|n outcome. If you are |earn|ng the game, you may want to set up the board and
fo||ow a|ong move by move.

|ay commences: uLhoroc Lakes Lhe lree eoples
and Coodgulf Lhe Crey Lakes Lhe Shadow.

Turn 1: The Ring Sets Out
1) kecover Act|on D|ce and Draw Lvent Cards:
uLhoroc Lakes hls four sLarLlng AcLlon dlce and
draws 1he Lag|es Are Com|ng! for hls CharacLer
card and 1he ked Arrow for hls SLraLegy card,
Coodgulf Lakes Lhe Shadow's seven sLarLlng AcLlon
dlce and draws G|ve It 1o Uss! and 1he Shadow
2) Ie||owsh|p hase: uLhoroc foregoes Candalf's
speclal card drawlng Culde ablllLy and chooses Lo
make SLrlder Lhe lnlLlal gulde lnsLead. 1hls wlll
allow hlm Lo hlde Lhe lellowshlp uslng any AcLlon
dle, noL [usL a CharacLer dle, ln case a PunL Llle
reveals Lhe lellowshlp.
3) nunt A||ocat|on: Coodgulf chooses Lo allocaLe no
Lyes Lo Lhe PunL. Whlle Lhls rlsks glvlng Lhe
lellowshlp a free run Lhls Lurn, lL maxlmlzes hls
chance of rolllng MusLers Lo brlng Shadow naLlons
Lo war.
4) Act|on ko||:

Lucklly for Coodgulf, hls roll produces an Lye, whlch
goes lmmedlaLely Lo Lhe PunL 8ox.
S) Act|on keso|ut|on: 1he lree eoples player
always beglns Lhls phase, Lhen play alLernaLes. Note
tbot )+'()# ployet moy elect to poss ooy tlme be bos
fewet octloos temololoq tboo bls oppooeot.
uLhoroc uses hls CharacLer dle Lo move Lhe
lellowshlp and adds Lhe dle Lo Lhe PunL 8ox. 1he
slngle Lye ln Lhe PunL 8ox allows Coodgulf Lo roll
one slx-slded dle Lo PunL Lhe lellowshlp. Pe needs
a 6 Lo succeed and ln facL rolls a 6, allowlng hlm Lo
draw a PunL Llle. 1he Llle ls a 0-reveal, meanlng
Lhere ls no PunL damage, buL Lhe lellowshlp ls
#).)"/)0 ln a new locaLlon one reglon away from lLs
lasL known poslLlon, 8lvendell. uLhoroc moves Lhe
lellowshlp flgure Lo lords of 8rulnen and reseLs Lhe
lellowshlp progress counLer Lo zero.
Coodgulf uses hls MusLer dle Lo advance lsengard's
pollLlcal marker Lo Lhe AL War box on Lhe pollLlcal
SLrlder's ablllLy as Lhe Culde of Lhe lellowshlp
allows uLhoroc Lo use an Army/MusLer dle resulL Lo
hlde Lhe lellowshlp, lnsLead of Lhe usual CharacLer
8ecause lsengard ls now aL war, Coodgulf ls able Lo
musLer Saruman, uslng a MusLer resulL from one of
hls Army/MusLer dlce Lo do so. Pe places Saruman
ln CrLhanc and adds an addlLlonal Shadow AcLlon
dle Lo hls AcLlon ulce pool for nexL Lurn. A 5boJow
Mloloo ls oow lo ploy, so lf CooJolf tbe Ctey ls
ellmlooteJ ot leoves tbe lellowsblp, o wlll of tbe
west coo btloq CooJolf tbe wblte loto ploy.
(uLhoroc has fewer acLlons remalnlng, and chooses
Lo pass.)
Coodgulf uses an Army/MusLer dle as a MusLer Lo
advance Sauron Lo war on Lhe pollLlcal Lrack.
(uLhoroc sLlll has fewer acLlons remalnlng, and
chooses Lo pass agaln.)
Coodgulf uses hls LvenL dle Lo draw a SLraLegy card,
ln Lhls case Lhe Army card Shadows Gather.
uLhoroc no longer has fewer acLlons Lhan Coodgulf,
so he musL Lake an acLlon now. Pe uses an Llven
rlng Lo change hls second Army/MusLer Lo a
CharacLer dle and uses lL Lo separaLe Companlons
from Lhe lellowshlp. Candalf Lhe Crey, Clmll, and
Merry separaLe as a group and may move up Lo
Lhree reglons (Candalf's level ls 3). lf Lhe lellowshlp
marker were aL 1 or hlgher, Lhe Companlons could
move LhaL many spaces furLher. lnsLead, uLhoroc
Middle-earth, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The War of the Ring, and the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Saul
Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises and are used under license by Sophisticated Games Ltd and their respective licensees. War of the Ring Boardgame 2011 Ares
Games Srl. 2011 Sophisticated Games Ltd.
War of the Ring (2e) ~ Annotated Example of Play
moves Lhem Lo Morla, only Lwo reglons away,
because Companlons musL sLop when enLerlng a
Shadow SLronghold.
Coodgulf uses an Army/MusLer dle Lo move Lwo
armles. Pe moves Lhe forces ln 8arad-uur Lo
CorgoroLh. 1he army ln CorgoroLh ls Lwo unlLs shy
of Lhe sLacklng llmlL of 10. Coodgulf's oLher army
move ls Lo brlng Lhe Lwo Sauron regulars ln nurn Lo
CorgoroLh as well. Pe now has a force of 9 regulars,
one ellLe, and one nazgl leader Lhere.
uLhoroc uses hls Wlll of Lhe WesL Lo brlng Candalf
Lhe WhlLe lnLo play, addlng an AcLlon dle Lo hls pool
for fuLure Lurns. 8ecause Candalf Lhe Crey ls on Lhe
board (l.e. noL dead), Candalf Lhe WhlLe appears
Lhere. lf yoo Jo oot bove o sepotote flqote fot
CooJolf tbe wblte, ploce bls compooloo tokeo
ooJet tbe CooJolf flqote. CooJolf tbe Ctey moy oot
be ptomoteJ to CooJolf tbe wblte wblle stlll lo tbe
Coodgulf uses Lhe lasL Army/MusLer dle as a MusLer
resulL Lo advance Lhe SouLhrons & LasLerllngs on
Lhe pollLlcal Lrack, Lo one sLep away from AL War.
Turn 2: The Ring Goes South
1) kecover Act|on D|ce and Draw Lvent Cards:
uLhoroc recovers hls four used AcLlon dlce plus Lhe
new one for Candalf Lhe WhlLe. Pe draws 1here Is
Another Way for hls CharacLer card and Da|n
Ironfoot's Guard for hls SLraLegy card, Coodgulf
recovers hls orlglnal seven AcLlon dlce plus an
elghLh one for Saruman and draws Iou| 1h|ng from
the Deep and 1he I|ght|ng Uruk-ha|.
2) Ie||owsh|p hase: SLrlder musL remaln Lhe Culde
because wlLh Candalf separaLed, SLrlder ls Lhe only
Level 3 Companlon ln Lhe lellowshlp and ouLranks
everyone else.
3) nunt A||ocat|on: Coodgulf musL allocaLe one Lye
Lo Lhe PunL because Lhe lellowshlp moved lasL
Lurn. Pe places one AcLlon dle ln Lhe PunL 8ox.
4) Act|on ko||:

1he PunL 8ox galns no addlLlonal Lye resulLs from
Lhe Shadow acLlon roll.
S) Act|on keso|ut|on
uLhoroc moves Lhe lellowshlp, slldlng Lhe
lellowshlp progress counLer Lo 1 on Lhe lellowshlp
Lrack and addlng Lhe CharacLer dle Lo Lhe PunL 8ox.
Coodgulf rolls a one dle for Lhe slngle Lye LhaL ls ln
Lhe PunL 8ox and produces a 2, well shorL of Lhe
necessary 6.
Coodgulf plays Iou| 1h|ng from the Deep allowlng
hlm Lo draw a PunL Llle and forclng uLhoroc Lo
resolve Lhe damage by ellmlnaLlng a random
Companlon. Pe draws a 0-reveal, causlng no PunL
damage buL slowlng Lhe lellowshlp by forclng lL Lo
revea| ln a new locaLlon. uLhoroc chooses Lo head
souLh Loward Morla raLher Lhan over Lhe Plgh ass
(Lhe rouLe Lo Mordor ls one shorLer vla Morla),
moves Lhe lellowshlp flgure Lo Pollln, and reseLs
Lhe lellowshlp Lrack.
uLhoroc uses SLrlder's ablllLy Lo hlde Lhe lellowshlp
wlLh any dle resulL.
Coodgulf advances Lhe SouLhrons & LasLerllngs
pollLlcal marker one sLep box on Lhe pollLlcal Lrack
Lo AL War. now all Lhree Shadow naLlons are aL
war, saLlsfylng a prerequlslLe for Lhe play of cerLaln
Shadow SLraLegy LvenL cards.
(uLhoroc passes.)
Coodgulf moves Lwo armles: 1hree regulars and an
ellLe (3/1/0) from lar Parad Lo near Parad and a
3/1/0 force from SouLh 8hun Lo LasL 8hun.
(uLhoroc passes agaln.)
Coodgulf moves Lwo oLher armles: flve Sauron
regulars and one nazgl (3/0/1) from Mlnas Morgul
Lo norLh lLhlllen and nlne regulars, one ellLe and a
nazgul (9/1/1) from CorgoroLh Lo Mlnas Morgul.
uLhoroc advances Condor on Lhe pollLlcal Lrack Lo
one sLep away from AL War. CooJot coooot be
oJvooceJ to At wot ootll lt ls octlvoteJ by oo ottock
ot tbe ottlvol of oo opptoptlote compooloo ot tbe
lellowsblp ltself lo o CooJot clty ot 5ttooqbolJ.
Coodgulf uses Lhe Army resulL of an Army/MusLer
dle Lo move Lwo armles. 1he enlarged 6/2/0 army
ln near Parad moves Lo WesL Parondor and Lhe
9/1/1 ln Mlnas Morgul moves Lo SouLh lLhlllen.
uLhoroc advances 8ohan on Lhe pollLlcal Lrack Lo
Lwo sLeps from AL War.
( ) +
War of the Ring (2e) ~ Annotated Example of Play
Coodgulf uses Lhe Army resulL of an Army/MusLer
dle Lo have Lhe 6/2/0 S&L army ln WesL Parondor
aLLack Lhe slngle Condor regular ln elarglr.
- 1he aLLack lmmedlaLely acLlvaLes Condor,
fllpplng Lhe Condor pollLlcal marker Lo lLs acLlve
slde. 1he aLLack also advances Condor a sLep
on Lhe pollLlcal Lrack, Lo AL War.
- As Lhe aLLacker, Coodgulf declares flrsL wheLher
he wlll use a CombaL Card. Pe chooses noL Lo.
uLhoroc selecLs and plays a CombaL Card:
ScouLs (Lhe boLLom half of 1he ked Arrow LvenL
- ScouLs preempLs any combaL rolls and allows
uLhoroc Lo reLreaL hls Army ln elarglr (one
Condor regular) Lo an ad[acenL reglon LhaL ls
noL under enemy conLrol. Pe chooses CsglllaLh,
addlng Lo lLs exlsLlng garrlson of Lwo regulars.
- Coodgulf advances Lhe aLLacklng Army from
WesL Parondor lnLo elarglr and places a
conLrol marker Lo lndlcaLe Lhe capLure of Lhe
ClLy, whlch ls worLh 1 vlcLory olnL. lf CooJot
wete oot olteoJy ot wot, tbe coptote of ooe of
lts settlemeots woolJ bove oJvooceJ lt oo
oJJltloool step oo tbe polltlcol ttock.
uLhoroc uses Lhe MusLer resulL of hls Army/MusLer
dle Lo recrulL a Condor ellLe unlL ln uol AmroLh (a
legal acLlon now LhaL Condor ls aL war).
now LhaL boLh Sauron and aL leasL one lree eoples
naLlon are aL war, Coodgulf ls able Lo musLer Lhe
WlLch-klng ln a Sauron Army anywhere on Lhe
board. Pe places Lhe 8lack CapLaln ln SouLh lLhlllen,
addlng Lwo more leadershlp polnLs, and adds an
addlLlonal dle Lo Lhe Shadow's AcLlon ulce pool.
Coodgulf fllps Lhe 8ohan, uwarven, and norLh
pollLlcal markers Lo Lhelr acLlve slde because Lhe
WlLch-klng's arrlval acLlvaLes all passlve lree
eoples naLlons.
Turn 3: The Witch-King attacks
1) kecover Act|on D|ce and Draw Lvent Cards:
uLhoroc recovers hls flve used AcLlon dlce and
draws 8||bo's Song for hls CharacLer card and
1hrough a Day and a N|ght for hls SLraLegy card,
Coodgulf recovers hls elghL AcLlon dlce addlng a
nlnLh one for Lhe WlLch-klng. Pe draws Worn W|th
Sorrow and 1o|| and Corsa|rs of Umbar.
2) Ie||owsh|p hase: SLrlder musL remaln Lhe
3) nunt A||ocat|on: Coodgulf opLs Lo allocaLe Lwo
Lyes Lo Lhe PunL, lncreaslng hls odds of a successful
PunL ahead of Lhe lellowshlp's llkely move lnLo
Morla and an addlLlonal PunL Llle draw lf Lhey are
revealed passlng lnLo or Lhrough Lhe Shadow
4) Act|on ko||:

1he PunL 8ox galns no addlLlonal Lye resulLs from
Lhe Shadow acLlon roll.
S) Act|on keso|ut|on
1he lellowshlp moves. utbotoc oses tbe wlll of tbe
west tesolt os o cbotoctet Jle, posslbly fot feot tbot
CooJqolf bos tbe cotJ uoy wltboot uowo lo bls
booJ, wblcb tepoltes oll 5boJow ootloos to be ot
wot ooJ wlll ellmloote oll oooseJ wlll Jlce.
- WlLh Lwo Lyes ln Lhe PunL 8ox, Coodgulf rolls
Lwo dlce for Lhe PunL and geLs a 3 and a 6: one
success! Pe draws a 3 PunL Llle.
- uLhoroc does noL wanL Lo lose SLrlder or rlsk
hlm as a random casualLy, so he opLs Lo 'use Lhe
rlng' and moves Lhe CorrupLlon marker from 0
Lo 3 on Lhe lellowshlp Lrack.
Move nazgl and Mlnlons. Coodgulf flles one
nazgl from Morannon Lo Lhe lellowshlp's lasL
known locaLlon ln Pollln, whlle Lwo oLhers from uol
Culdur and norLh lLhlllen fly Lo [oln Lhe WlLch-klng's
army ln SouLh lLhlllen.
1he lellowshlp moves agaln, from sLep 1 Lo sLep 2.
1he lree eoples AcLlon ule already ln Lhe PunL 8ox
adds one Lo each PunL dle, so Coodgulf only needs
Lo roll 3 or hlgher on elLher of hls PunL dlce. Pe
rolls Lwo 2s, buL Lhe presence of a nazgl ln Lhe
lellowshlp's lasL known locaLlon (Pollln) allows hlm
a slngle re-roll, whlch ylelds a 1. 1he lellowshlp ls
safe for now.
Coodgulf plays Worn W|th Sorrow and 1o|| Lo Lhe
Lable. Lvery Llme Lhe lellowshlp loses a Companlon
as a casualLy lL wlll cosL uLhoroc a CharacLer evenL
card as well.
(uLhoroc passes.)
( ) +
War of the Ring (2e) ~ Annotated Example of Play
A SouLhron & LasLerllngs ellLe ls musLered ln norLh
(uLhoroc passes agaln.)
A second SouLhron & LasLerllngs ellLe ls musLered ln
norLh 8hun.
Move Companlons. Clmll (Level 2) moves from
Morla Lo norLh Anduln vale. Candalf Lhe WhlLe
(Level 4 when Lravellng alone or wlLh a hobblL)
moves Lo langorn wlLh Merry.
1he WlLch-klng's army ln SouLh lLhlllen aLLacks
Condor's Lhree regulars ln CsglllaLh. Coodgulf
selecLs a CombaL Card, Lhen uLhoroc does.
- ueadly SLrlfe wlll add 2 Lo all combaL and leader
re-roll dlce resulLs. Confuslon wlll cause any
naLural 1s rolled ln Lhe Shadow army's combaL
roll Lo counL as hlLs agalnsL lLself.
- Sorcerer: When Lhe Shadow plays a CombaL
Card ln Lhe flrsL round of a baLLle lncludlng Lhe
WlLch-klng, he may lmmedlaLely draw anoLher
evenL card of Lhe same Lype. ueadly SLrlfe was
parL of Lhe Corsalrs of umbar sLraLegy evenL
card, so Coodgulf draws from LhaL deck and
geLs Denethor's Io||y.
- 1he lorLlflcaLlon ln CsglllaLh means Lhe Shadow
would normally need 6s Lo hlL, buL ueadly SLrlfe
reduces Lhe LargeL number Lo 4. Coodgulf rolls
1 2 2 2 6, yleldlng one hlL on hlmself and one
agalnsL Lhe defenders. 1haL leaves Lhree mlsses
Lo re-roll, produclng 1 3 6: Lwo more hlLs! (1he
1 ls noL a Confuslon hlL because Lhe card only
affecLed Lhe combaL roll, noL Lhe leader re-roll.)
- 1he defender's combaL roll ls 3 4 3: Lhree hlLs
back! uefendlng forces always need a 3 or
beLLer Lo hlL, buL Lhe Shadow's combaL card
lowered LhaL Lo a 3.
- 1he Lhree regulars ln Condor are ellmlnaLed and
reLurned Lo Lhe game box. Coodgulf ellmlnaLes
four regulars from Lhe aLLacklng army and
advances lL lnLo CsglllaLh. Shadow casualLles
are reLurned Lo Lhe relnforcemenLs pool.
uLhoroc recrulLs an ellLe ln Mlnas 1lrlLh. Ooce tbe
5boJow loys sleqe to Mloos 1ltltb, utbotoc wlll oo
looqet be oble to tectolt oolts tbete except wltb oo
eveot cotJ. AJJloq tbls ellte btloqs tbe qottlsoo to
lts moxlmom stockloq llmlt of flve oolts (leoJets ote
oot oolts ooJ Jo oot cooot towotJ tbe llmlt).
1wo army moves: 1) A Sauron regular spllLs off
from Lhe WlLch-klng's army ln CsglllaLh Lo occupy
Lossarnach. (8ecoose tbe 5ettlemeot lo lossotoocb
ls ooJefeoJeJ lt ls cooslJeteJ ftee fot tbe potpose
of otmy movemeot, ooJ cooots os o move totbet
tboo oo ottock. CooJqolf ploces o coottol motket lo
lossotoocb to sbow lt ls ooJet 5boJow coottol, bot
lt ls oot wottb ooy vlctoty polots.) 2) 1he army of
flve regulars ln norLh lLhlllen relnforce Lhe WlLch-
klng's 4/1/3 army, maxlng ouL Lhe sLacklng llmlL of
Len unlLs. (1be oombets Jeootloq oo otmys
composltloo tepteseot teqolots/elltes/polots of
leoJetsblp. lo tbls cose tbete ote tbtee Nozql ooJ
tbe wltcb-kloq pteseot, bot bls leoJetsblp of 2
btloqs tbe totol posslble leoJet te-tolls to 5.)
laylng Da|n Ironfoot's Guard adds a uwarven ellLe
and a uwarven leader Lo Lrebor. CooJqolfs
mostetloq of oJJltloool elltes lo Nottb kboo eotllet
lo tbe toto slqooleJ tbot tebot, wooJlooJ keolm,
ooJ uole coolJ sooo foce ottock.
Coodgulf plays G|ve It 1o Uss! and seLs aslde Lhe
approprlaLe speclal PunL Llle for when Lhe
lellowshlp reaches Mordor. veot cotJs coo olso be
ployeJ osloq oo Actloo ule opptoptlote to tbe cotJs
type. wblle tbe octloo mlqbt bove beeo oseJ to
move ot ottock wltb oo otmy wltb leoJetsblp,
CooJqolf belJ flve cotJs lo bls booJ ooJ woolJ bove
to JlscotJ o cotJ oftet Jtowloq two mote oext toto
to molotolo tbe booJ llmlt of slx.
Turn 4: Minas Tirith besieged
1) kecover Act|on D|ce and Draw Lvent Cards:
uLhoroc recovers hls flve used AcLlon dlce and
draws L|ven C|oaks and k|ng 8rand's Men,
Coodgulf recovers hls nlne AcLlon dlce. Pe draws
1he Nazg| Str|ke! and keturn to Va||nor.
2) Ie||owsh|p hase: SLrlder musL remaln Lhe
Culde. uLhoroc opLs Lo dec|are Lhe lellowshlp,
movlng lLs lasL known poslLlon Lwo reglons Lo
ulmrlll uale and reseLLlng Lhe lellowshlp progress
counLer. 8ecoose tbe lellowsblp ls 0)1/"#+,- totbet
tboo #).)"/+,- lts posltloo lovoloototlly, tbete ls oo
noot tlle Jtowo fot ttovetsloq o 5boJow 5ttooqbolJ.
3) nunt A||ocat|on: Coodgulf opLs Lo allocaLe Lhe
mlnlmum one Lye Lo Lhe PunL, noL addlng any now
LhaL Lhe lellowshlp has safely avolded a posslble
exLra Llle draw for Morla.
War of the Ring (2e) ~ Annotated Example of Play
4) Act|on ko||:

1he one Lye resulL ls added Lo Lhe PunL 8ox. 1be
blqb oombet of veot Jle tesolts tolleJ meoos tbe
5boJows moves ote mote coosttoloeJ fot tbls toto.
S) Act|on keso|ut|on
Senslng LhaL Lhe WlLch-klng may soon lay slege Lo
Mlnas 1lrlLh, uLhoroc lgnores Lhe lellowshlp and
lnsLead recrulLs a leader Lhere, and a second leader
ln uol AmroLh. wbeo tectoltloq mote tboo ooe oolt,
tbey most be mosteteJ lo two sepotote 5ettlemeots.
1he Shadow obllges wlLh an aLLack on Mlnas 1lrlLh
by Lhe WlLch-klng's army. 1he defenders choose
noL Lo flghL a fleld baLLle and reLreaL lnLo Lhe
SLronghold. 1be oolts ote moveJ to tbe Mloos 1ltltb
5ttooqbolJ box oo tbe westeto eJqe of tbe bootJ,
leovloq toom oo tbe mop bootJ fot tbe 5boJow
otmy to move lo. (llocloq o ltee leoples coottol
motket wltb tbe 5boJow otmy coo setve os o
temloJet tbot tbete ote stlll JefeoJets pteseot.)
1he lellowshlp moves from sLep 0 Lo sLep 1 on Lhe
lellowshlp Lrack. 8oLh PunL dlce mlss (3, 1).
1wo nazgl recrulLed, one ln Morla, Lhe oLher ln uol
k|ng 8rand's Men recrulLs Lwo norLh regulars ln
uale and granLs a SLraLegy LvenL card. uLhoroc
draws Lomer, Son of Lomund.
Coodgulf plays Denethor's Io||y Lo Lhe Lable,
denylng uLhoroc Lhe ablllLy Lo play CombaL Cards ln
Mlnas 1lrlLh and ellmlnaLlng a Condor leader Lhere.
(uLhoroc passes.)
1wo army moves: a Sauron regular and nazgl
move from Morla Lo ulmrlll uale and flve Sauron
regulars ln Morannon move Lo uagorlad.
(uLhoroc passes agaln.)
1he Nazg| Str|ke! allows Coodgulf Lo move all Lhe
nazgl, movlng Lhe one ln Pollln and Lhe one ln uol
Culdur Lo norLh 8hun.
- 8ecause Lhere ls a nazgl aL Lhe lellowshlp's
lasL known poslLlon, he also geLs Lo roll for Lhe
PunL and can add one because Lhere ls a lree
eoples AcLlon dle ln Lhe PunL 8ox.
- 1he roll produces one success (6, 1) and, Lhough
Lhe Shadow army unlL and Lhe nazgl each
provlde a re-roll, Lhere ls only one re-roll (whlch
mlsses wlLh a 4) because only one PunL dle was
a mlss.
- 1he PunL Llle draw ls a 1-reveal. uLhoroc
revea|s Lhe lellowshlp one reglon away ln arLh
CelebranL, reseLs Lhe lellowshlp progress
counLer, and Lakes Lhe 1 polnL of PunL damage
as CorrupLlon, as lL ls noL worLh loslng a SLrlder
or a Level 2 Companlon as a random casualLy.
SLrlder convenlenLly hldes Lhe lellowshlp uslng hls
Culde ablllLy. uoloq so lmmeJlotely oftet beloq
teveoleJ ls o qooJ lJeo os some pottlcolotly oosty
5boJow cbotoctet eveot cotJs coo ooly be ployeJ
oo tbe lellowsblp wbeo lt ls teveoleJ.
Coodgulf draws a Shadow CharacLer LvenL card,
uLhoroc plays Lomer, Son of Lomund Lo recrulL a
8ohan ellLe and leader ln Ldoras.
Coodgulf uses Lhe uark 8lng he recelved ln 1urn 1
Lo change an LvenL dle Lo a face LhaL allows hlm Lo
aLLack (Army or CharacLer, lL does noL maLLer whlch
ln Lhls case). Pe declares Mlnas 1lrlLh as Lhe LargeL
and plays a CombaL Card wlLhouL havlng Lo worry
abouL a lree eoples CombaL Card because of
ueneLhor's lolly on Lhe Lable.
- Pe plays loul SLench (from Lhe WormLongue
evenL card) Lo cancel Lhe defender's leader re-
roll and Lo acLlvaLe Lhe WlLch-klng's ablllLy Lo
draw anoLher LvenL card of Lhe same Lype:
Grond, nammer of the Underwor|d.
- Coodgulf rolls 3 combaL dlce needlng 6s Lo hlL.
Pls roll (4, 4, 6, 3, 6) scores Lwo hlLs and Lhe
leader re-roll (3, 2, 3) scores none.
- uLhoroc's answerlng roll scores Lhree hlLs (6, 2,
3, 6, 3) buL loul SLench prevenLs a re-roll for hls
- Coodgulf removes Lhree Sauron regulars and
uLhoroc removes a Condor ellLe Lo absorb Lwo
hlLs, leavlng Lhe defendlng garrlson aL 3/1/1.
1he SLronghold prevenLs Coodgulf from
auLomaLlcally exLendlng a slege baLLle: he musL
reduce an ellLe ln Lhe besleglng army, ellmlnaLlng lL
and replaclng lL wlLh a regular, ln order Lo conLlnue
for anoLher round.
( ) +
War of the Ring (2e) ~ Annotated Example of Play
- Coodgulf plays ueadly SLrlfe, Lhe lower half of
Lhe 8eLurn Lo vallnor evenL card, for hls CombaL
Card, allowlng hlm Lo hlL on 4 or hlgher, and
uLhoroc Lo hlL on 3 or hlgher.
- 1he Shadow's combaL roll scores Lhree hlLs (4,
1, 3, 3, 4) and Lhe re-roll lands one more (6, 1).
- 1he Condor army scores Lwo hlLs (3, 2, 2, 6) and
Lhe leader re-roll adds one more (3).
- Coodgulf removes Lhree more Sauron regulars
whlle uLhoroc ellmlnaLes Lwo Condor regulars
and an ellLe Lo absorb Lhe four hlLs he Look.
Coodgulf has no more ellLes Lo reduce so Lhe
flghLlng musL halL here, wlLh hls 4/0/3 army
besleglng Lhe 1/0/1 defenders.
Turn 5: Minas Tirith resists
1) kecover Act|on D|ce and Draw Lvent Cards:
uLhoroc recovers hls flve used AcLlon dlce and
draws Athe|as and Gr|mbeorn, Son of 8eorn,
Coodgulf recovers hls nlne AcLlon dlce. Pe draws
1he L|d|ess Lye and norde from the Last.
2) Ie||owsh|p hase: SLrlder ls sLlll Lhe Culde, Lhe
lellowshlp's progress ls currenLly zero so lL may noL
be declared ln a new locaLlon.
3) nunt A||ocat|on: Coodgulf allocaLes Lwo Lyes.
4) Act|on ko||:

no addlLlonal Lyes are added Lo Lhe PunL 8ox.
S) Act|on keso|ut|on
1he lellowshlp moves from sLep 0 Lo sLep 1 on Lhe
lellowshlp Lrack. 8oLh PunL dlce mlss (3, 4).
1he 6/2/0 army ln elarglr Lakes Lamedon and Lhe
1/0/1 army ln ulmrlll uale heads Lo Lhe lellowshlp's
lasL known locaLlon ln arLh CelebranL. Coodgulf
places a Shadow conLrol marker ln Lamedon.
WlLh Shadow forces approachlng, uLhoroc recrulLs
an ellLe Lo form a (3/2/1) army ln uol AmroLh.
1he WlLch-klng aLLacks Mlnas 1lrlLh agaln, wlLhouL a
card Lhls Llme. uLhoroc cannoL play any sLlll.
- none of Lhe Shadow's four combaL dlce or re-
rolls produces a 6. 1he defender's slngle dle
comes up shorL of a 3 on boLh Lhe combaL and
leader re-roll.
- WlLhouL an ellLe Lo reduce Lo prolong Lhe slege
baLLle, Coodgulf ends Lhe acLlon.
Athe|as allows uLhoroc Lo roll Lhree dlce Lo heal Lhe
8lngbearers, and because SLrlder ls Lhe gulde he
needs 3s or beLLer, lnsLead of Lhe usual 3s. Pe rolls
(2, 4, 6) Lo heal Lwo polnLs and slldes Lhe CorrupLlon
marker from four down Lo Lwo.
1he WlLch-klng agaln aLLempLs Lo conquer Mlnas
1lrlLh wlLhouL a CombaL Card. All hls dlce come up
shorL, buL Lhe lone defender's roll ls a 6, Laklng Lhe
aLLacklng army down from (4/0/3) Lo (3/0/3).
(uLhoroc passes.)
Coodgulf recrulLs an ellLe ln Mlnas Morgul.
(uLhoroc passes agaln.)
1wo army moves: Lhe 3/0/0 army ln uagorlad and
Lhe ellLe ln Mlnas Morgul converge ln norLh lLhlllen.
L|ven C|oaks brlngs Lhe 0 speclal PunL Llle lnLo play
Lo awalL Lhe lellowshlp's arrlval ln Mordor.
1he Shadow Lengthens allows Lwo Shadow armles
Lo each move Lwo reglons Lo end ln a reglon already
conLalnlng a Shadow army. 1he (3/1/0) ln norLh
lLhlllen [olns Lhe WlLch-klng's army ln Mlnas 1lrlLh
and a (4/1/0) force ln uol Culdur leaves one regular
behlnd Lo scour Lhe lellowshlp's lasL known
locaLlon ln arLh CelebranL.
1he lellowshlp moves agaln, from sLep 1 Lo sLep 2.
1he lree eoples AcLlon ule ln Lhe PunL box means
Coodgulf needs Lo roll 3 or beLLer on hls PunL dlce,
and Lhe presence of nazgl and Shadow army unlLs
each granL a re-roll.
- 1he PunL roll mlsses (1, 1), however Lhe Lwo re-
rolls produce a success (4, 6). 1he Llle drawn ls
an Lye, revea||ng Lhe lellowshlp and causlng
damage equal Lo Lhe number of successes (one
ln Lhls case).
- uLhoroc adds one CorrupLlon, fllps and reseLs
Lhe lellowshlp progress counLer from 2 Lo 0,
and moves Lhe lellowshlp flgure Lwo reglons Lo
uruadan loresL.
norde from the Last adds flve S&L regulars Lo Lhe
3/1/0 army ln LasL 8hun. 1bey coooot be tectolteJ
lo Nottb kboo becoose tbe cotJ stlpolotes tbe teqloo
most be oJjoceot to tbe eosteto eJqe of tbe bootJ.

( ) +
War of the Ring (2e) ~ Annotated Example of Play
Turn 6: An Heir amid the Ashes
1) kecover Act|on D|ce and Draw Lvent Cards:
uLhoroc recovers hls flve used AcLlon dlce and
draws Axe and 8ow and k|ndred of G|orf|nde|,
Coodgulf recovers hls nlne AcLlon dlce. Pe draws
8a|rog of Mor|a and Stormcrow.
2) Ie||owsh|p hase: SLrlder remalns Lhe Culde.
3) nunt A||ocat|on: Coodgulf allocaLes Lwo Lyes.
4) Act|on ko||:

1hree addlLlonal Lyes are added Lo Lhe PunL 8ox.
1bls toto tbe 5boJow wlll bove fewet octloos tboo
tbe ltee leoples.
S) Act|on keso|ut|on
SLrlder hldes Lhe lellowshlp uslng hls speclal Culde
1he WlLch-klng's army sLorms Mlnas 1lrlLh's walls
agaln, wlLhouL a card. 1he combaL roll aL lasL
produces Lhe needed hlL (6, 4, 4, 2, 4). 1he lone
defender mlsses on boLh Lhe combaL and leader re-
roll. Mlnas 1lrlLh falls, glvlng Lhe Shadow Lwo more
vlcLory polnLs for a LoLal of Lhree wlLh elarglr. 1he
precondlLlons for Denethor's Io||y (Mlnas 1lrlLh
under slege by a Shadow army) are no longer meL,
so lL ls removed from Lhe board and dlscarded.
uLhoroc plays Axe and 8ow Lo Lhe Lable.
1he WlLch-klng's army ln Mlnas 1lrlLh spllLs uslng
Lwo army moves and leaves one regular Lo hold
Mlnas 1lrlLh. A regular and a nazgl move Lo
CsglllaLh and Lhe WlLch-klng wlLh a 6/1/2 force
enLers uruadan loresL. 8oLh moves appear
deslgned Lo ensure maxlmum re-rolls when Lhe
lellowshlp aLLempLs Lo leave uruadan loresL.
uLhoroc moves Lhe lellowshlp agalnsL flve Lyes and
Lwo re-rolls. Coodgulf falls Lo roll any 6s.
Saruman uses hls volce ablllLy Lo recrulL Lhree
lsengard regulars, one ln each of hls SeLLlemenLs.
uLhoroc uses hls second Llven rlng Lo change a dle
Lo a CharacLer acLlon and separaLes Lhree
Companlons (SLrlder, 8oromlr, and lppln) Lo uol
AmroLh. SLrlder's Level of 3 plus Lhe lellowshlp
progress counLer aL sLep 1 allow Lhe group Lo [usL
reach Lhe SLronghold, four reglons away from Lhe
lellowshlp's lasL known poslLlon. Legolas remalns
wlLh Lhe 8lngbearers and becomes Lhe Culde by
defaulL. wltb o wlll of tbe west stlll omooq bls
octloos, utbotoc ls llkely ploooloq to ptomote
5ttlJet to Atoqoto lo tbe ooe temololoq locotloo
wbete be stlll coo.
Shadows Gather allows one Shadow army Lo move
up Lo Lhree reglons Lo [oln anoLher Shadow force,
and Coodgulf uses lL Lo move a regular, an ellLe, Lhe
WlLch-klng and Lwo nazgl from uruadan loresL Lo
Lamedon, swelllng Lhe 6/2/0 S&L army Lhere Lo a
Len unlL maxlmum.
SLrlder announces he ls Lhe Pelr of lslldur! uLhoroc
adds Aragorn's dle Lo hls AcLlon ulce pool for nexL
Lurn. wltb o 7/J/4 otmy ot bls Jootstep, utbotoc ls
tokloq o tlsk by ptomotloq 5ttlJet. be ooly qolos ooe
oJJltloool polot of leoJetsblp, oo extto octloo fot
moybe jost ooe toto, bot polots oo eveo blqqet
totqet oo uol Amtotb. ctosbloq lt wlll qlve CooJqolf
2 mote vls ",0 cop utbotoc ot flve octloo Jlce.
6) V|ctory Check: WlLh [usL 3 vs, Lhe Shadow ls sLlll
far from Lhe necessary 10 for a mlllLary vlcLory.
Turn 7: Carnage at Dol Amroth
1) kecover Act|on D|ce and Draw Lvent Cards:
uLhoroc recovers hls flve used AcLlon dlce plus a
slxLh for Aragorn and draws Smago| ne|ps N|ce
Master and Iear! I|re! Ioes!, he ls one over Lhe
hand llmlL and chooses Lo dlscard Lhe Gr|mbeorn
musLer evenL card. Coodgulf recovers hls nlne
AcLlon dlce. Pe draws Dreadfu| Spe||s and Many
k|ngs to the Serv|ce of Mordor.
2) Ie||owsh|p hase: Legolas ls Lhe Culde. 1he
lellowshlp dec|ares ln uead Marshes Lo avold Lhe
Shadow forces ln CsglllaLh and reseLs Lhe progress
marker Lo zero.
3) nunt A||ocat|on: Coodgulf allocaLes one Lye,
requlred because Lhe lellowshlp moved lasL Lurn.
4) Act|on ko||:

Cne Lye ls added Lo Lhe one already allocaLed Lo
Lhe PunL 8ox.
S) Act|on keso|ut|on
uLhoroc recrulLs a Condor ellLe ln uol AmroLh. 1he
army ls Loo large Lo reLreaL lnLo slege wlLhouL
( ) +
( ) +
War of the Ring (2e) ~ Annotated Example of Play
sendlng a unlL back Lo relnforcemenLs, so uLhoroc
may be conLemplaLlng a f|e|d batt|e flrsL.
1he nazgl scramble: arLh CelebranL's lone nazgl
flles Lo Lhe lellowshlp's lasL known poslLlon ln uead
Marshes, whlle Lhe Lwo ln norLh 8hun and Lhe one
ln CsglllaLh [oln Lhe WlLch-klng's army ln Lamedon.
uLhoroc recrulLs a slngle regular ln uol AmroLh.
1bete ote oo CooJot elltes left, oo otbet ltee
leoples ootloos ot wot, ooJ oo otbet oocoopoeteJ
5ettlemeots wbete be coo tectolt o secooJ teqolot
ot leoJet.
1he WlLch-klng aLLacks uol AmroLh! Aragorn leads
hls forces lnLo a fleld baLLle (boLh sldes wlll score
hlLs on 3 or beLLer). Lach slde chooses a CombaL
- 1he Shadow combaL card ls uread and uespalr,
Coodgulf forfelLs four polnLs of nazgl
Leadershlp, reduclng Lhe combaL sLrengLh of
Aragorn's army from flve Lo one. 1he lree
eoples card ls AdvanLageous oslLlon,
subLracLlng one from each dle ln Lhe Shadow's
combaL roll. (Coodgulf also draws Crue|
Weather for Lhe WlLch-klng's ablllLy.)
- Coodgulf rolls flve combaL dlce and wlll have up
Lo Lhree re-rolls (7 leadershlp mlnus 4 forfelLed
for hls combaL card). Pe scores one hlL ln hls
combaL roll (a 6) and Lwo more ln Lhe leader re-
roll (a 6 and a 3). uLhoroc's one combaL dle
mlsses buL Lhe leader re-roll connecLs wlLh a 3,
deallng one hlL back.
- Coodgulf conLlnues Lhe aLLack, so uLhoroc
reLreaLs hls remalnlng 3/2/3 force lnLo Lhe
SLronghold and Lhe WlLch-klng's 6/3/7 army
lays slege.
1he lellowshlp moves Lo sLep one on Lhe lellowshlp
Lrack. Coodgulf rolls 6 and 1 for one success and re-
roll for Lhe nazgl falls Lo produce a second success.
A 1-reveal Llle ls drawn. uLhoroc dlscards Axe and
8ow from Lhe Lable Lo reduce Lhe PunL damage and
revea|s Lhe lellowshlp ln norLh lLhlllen, reseLLlng
Lhe lellowshlp Lrack Lo 0.
Coodgulf plays Dreadfu| Spe||s agalnsL Lhe garrlson
ln uol AmroLh and, Lhough Lhe WlLch-klng and flve
nazgl are presenL, a maxlmum of flve dlce may be
rolled. 4 3 6 2 6 ylelds Lhree hlLs. uLhoroc
ellmlnaLes one ellLe and reduces Lhe oLher Lo a
regular, brlnglng Aragorn's army Lo 4/0/3.
1he lellowshlp hldes. Slnce SLrlder ls no longer Lhe
gulde, Lhe dle used musL be CharacLer or Wlll of Lhe
WesL resulL.
1he slege of uol AmroLh conLlnues, wlLh CreaL PosL
played agalnsL Shleld-Wall for combaL cards. 1he
WlLch-klng draws 1hreats and rom|ses for hls flrsL-
round Sorcerer ablllLy.
- Coodgulf rolls 1 3 6 2 6 for Lwo hlLs, none of Lhe
Lhree mlssed dlce hlL on Lhe re-roll. uLhoroc
rolls 6 3 6 1 6 for Lhree hlLs and mlsses boLh re-
rolls (he rolled flve dlce because boLh 8oromlr
and Aragorn have Lhe CapLaln of Lhe WesL
ablllLy LhaL lncreases combaL sLrengLh by one).
- Shleld-wall reduces uLhoroc's casualLles by one,
buL Coodgulf ellmlnaLes an ellLe and a regular
Lo ensure he has double Lhe defender's number
of unlLs Lo acLlvaLe CreaL PosL.
Coodgulf reduces an ellLe Lo prolong slege baLLle by
anoLher round, leavlng hlm wlLh 6/1/7 faclng
Aragorn, 8oromlr, lppln, a leader and Lwo regulars.
Powever, wlLh Lwo CapLalns of Lhe WesL ln Lhe mlx,
uLhoroc wlll sLlll roll four combaL dlce.
- Coodgulf and uLhoroc selecL combaL cards,
playlng anoLher CreaL PosL and Perolc ueaLh.
- Coodgulf's combaL roll mlsses buL Lhe leader re-
roll produces Lwo 6s. uLhoroc scores one hlL ln
Lhe combaL roll and Lwo of hls Lhree re-rolls also
- 8oromlr dles herolcally, absorblng Lhe Lwo hlLs
dealL by Lhe Shadow's aLLack, whlle Coodgulf
loses Lhree regulars. Pls 3/1/7 force sLlll has
double Lhe number of army unlLs as Lhe
defenders, so uLhoroc loses one of hls Lwo
regulars Lo CreaL PosL.
llgurlng four regulars Lo one wlll do Lhe [ob,
Coodgulf reduces hls lasL ellLe and conLlnues Lhe
slege baLLle for a Lhlrd round.
- CombaL cards are Words of ower agalnsL
anoLher Perolc ueaLh (loslng uLhoroc a very
nlce evenL for Lhe lellowshlp, 1here Is Another
Way). Coodgulf cancels Aragorn's ablllLles,
negaLlng boLh hls leadershlp and more
slgnlflcanLly Lhe combaL sLrengLh he adds.
War of the Ring (2e) ~ Annotated Example of Play
- Coodgulf rolls one hlL on four combaL dlce, and
mlsses all Lhree re-rolls. uLhoroc's slngle dle
mlsses boLh Llmes.
- lppln dles herolcally, prevenLlng Lhe
SLronghold's fall. WlLhouL more ellLes Lo
reduce, Lhe WlLch-klng musL cease Lhe aLLack
for now.
1he lellowshlp moves Lo sLep 1. Coodgulf needs 3s
or beLLer buL boLh PunL dlce mlss. 1be ooly tbloq
tbot wlll pteveot tbe lellowsblp ftom 0)1/"#+,- lo
MotJot oext toto ls lf CooJqolf ploys 2#3)/
Coodgulf draws a CharacLer LvenL card, 1he 8|ack
Capta|n Commands.
uLhoroc decldes noL Lo chance lL, and moves Lhe
lellowshlp an exLra sLep Lo ellmlnaLe Lhe LhreaL of
Cruel WeaLher. Coodgulf now needs 4s or beLLer
buL mlsses agaln. wblle tbe extto move tlskeJ beloq
teveoleJ lo Mloos Motqol, ooJ costloq oo oJJltloool
octloo oext toto to blJe lo MotJot, oo bolooce tbot
wos ptefetoble to beloq sbot oot of MotJot fot yet
oootbet toto.
Coodgulf renews Lhe aLLack on uol AmroLh wlLh hls
4/0/7 army agalnsL Lhe lone defendlng regular, a
leader, and Aragorn.
- Coodgulf plays Cruel As ueaLh (from Lhe now
useless Cruel WeaLher evenL) and draws Morgu|
Wound. Pls combaL roll now hlLs on 3s or
beLLer. uLhoroc plays no combaL card.
- 1he Shadow's combaL and leader re-rolls all
mlss! uLhoroc's Lwo combaL dlce boLh hlL! 1he
WlLch-klng's army ls down Lo [usL Lwo regulars.
(uLhoroc ls now ouL of acLlons.)
uslng a dark Llven rlng, Coodgulf changes Lhe
musLer dle Lo an aLLack dle (CharacLer or Army) and
makes one more go for uol AmroLh. lf be kllls
Atoqoto oow, utbotoc wlll bove ooe less octloo Jle
fot tbe ctoclol eoJqome lo MotJot. wlll tbe tlsk be
wottb lt? Aootbet locky toll by utbotoc coolJ
Jesttoy tbe wltcb-kloq ooJ bls otmy!
- Coodgulf plays loul SLench, denylng Lhe
defenders a leader re-roll and draws I|ocks of
Creba|n. uLhoroc plays no combaL card.
- 1he Shadow dlce produce no 6s, buL one of
uLhoroc's combaL dlce hlLs. 1he WlLch-klng ls
down Lo a slngle regular.
Turn 8: No Turning Back
1) kecover Act|on D|ce and Draw Lvent Cards:
uLhoroc recovers hls slx used AcLlon dlce and draws
M|thr|| Coat and St|ng and 8ook of Mazarbu|.
Coodgulf recovers hls nlne AcLlon dlce and draws
1he 8reak|ng of the Ie||owsh|p and Shadows on
the M|sty Mounta|ns.
2) Ie||owsh|p hase: Legolas guldes lrodo and Sam
lnLo Lhe 8lack Land. 1he lellowshlp flgure moves Lo
Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe Mordor Lrack. 1he one
prevlously drawn Lye Llle and Lhe speclal PunL Llles
for L|ven C|oaks and G|ve It 1o Uss! are now added
Lo Lhe PunL ool.
3) nunt A||ocat|on: Coodgulf allocaLes one Lye,
requlred because Lhe lellowshlp moved lasL Lurn.
Pe cannoL alloL addlLlonal ones because Lhere ls
only one Companlon ln Lhe lellowshlp.
4) Act|on ko||:

no addlLlonal Lyes are added Lo Lhe PunL 8ox.
S) Act|on keso|ut|on
Aragorn selzes Lhe chance Lo ellmlnaLe Lhe WlLch-
klng and sorLles from uol AmroLh, Lwo combaL dlce
agalnsL one. 5occess wlll slow tbe 5boJow mllltotlly.
- lor a sort|e, boLh sldes need Lo roll 3s or beLLer.
uLhoroc chooses AdvanLageous oslLlon, ralslng
Lhe number Coodgulf needs on hls combaL roll
Lo 6. Coodgulf plays 1hey Are 1errlble, lowerlng
Lhe number hls leader re-roll needs Lo 4.
Coodgulf also draws 1he k|ng Is M|ne! for Lhe
WlLch-klng's Sorcerer ablllLy.
- uLhoroc rolls 1 6 and hlLs! Coodgulf rolls a 3
(mlss) and Lhen a 2 (also a mlss). 1he Sauron
regular, flve nazgl, and Lhe WlLch-klng are
ellmlnaLed. wblle tbe otbets tetoto to
telofotcemeots, tbe Mloloo ls lost fot tbe test of
tbe qome.
- Aragorn and hls small army move from Lhe uol
AmroLh SLronghold box back onLo Lhe map
board aL uol AmroLh.
now LhaL Lhe lellowshlp ls on Lhe Mordor Lrack,
Coodgulf can musLer a Lhlrd Mlnlon, Lhe MouLh of
Sauron. Pe can place hlm ln any unconquered
Sauron SLronghold and chooses uol Culdur.
( ) +
War of the Ring (2e) ~ Annotated Example of Play
uLhoroc plays Smago| ne|ps N|ce Master and,
because Lhe lellowshlp ls now ln Mordor, he adds
Lhe blue -1 PunL Llle dlrecLly Lo Lhe PunL ool.
Coodgulf plays 1he k|ng Is M|ne! and, because Lhe
lellowshlp ls now ln Mordor, he adds Lhe red Lye
PunL Llle dlrecLly Lo Lhe PunL ool.
uLhoroc plays M|thr|| Coat and St|ng Lo Lhe Lable.
useJ ot tbe tlqbt tlme, tbls cotJ coo moke o ctoclol
Jlffeteoce lo tbe lellowsblps ptoqtess lo MotJot by
poteotlolly bypossloq o Jomoqloq ye tlle ot tbe
stop effect of o teJ noot tlle.
Coodgulf draws a CharacLer LvenL card, ln Lhe hope
lL may be anoLher speclal PunL Llle or a card LhaL
corrupLs Lhe lellowshlp. lL ls Cn, Cn 1hey Went,
Lhe red 3 Llle.
1he lellowshlp Lakes lLs flrsL sLep ln Mordor.
Coodgulf draws a 2-reveal. utowloq noot tlles ls
oow ootomotlc, tbete ls oo noot toll lo MotJot.
- uLhoroc opLs Lo Lake Lhe CorrupLlon, movlng
Lhe counLer from 3 Lo 3 and fllpplng Lhe
lellowshlp progress counLer Lo revealed.
Altbooqb soctlflcloq leqolos coolJ bove sblelJeJ
tbe kloqbeotets ftom ooy cottoptloo, !%#,
!+'( 4%##%5 ",0 6%+/ woolJ ollow CooJqolf to
JlscotJ eltbet 7+'(#+/ 2%"' ",0 4'+,- ot o
cbotoctet veot cotJ ftom utbotocs booJ. ne
cotteotly bolJs tbe volooble beolloq cotJ 8+/9%:;
Coodgulf plays Cn, Cn 1hey Went and adds Lhe red
3 PunL Llle dlrecLly Lo Lhe PunL ool. CooJqolf boJ
two cotJs lo bls booJ to ploy oo o teveoleJ
lellowsblp, bot cbose oot to ploy eltbet. 1be
8teokloq of tbe lellowsblp tlskeJ Jtowloq o oseless
ye ot o zeto tlle, bot Motqol woooJ woolJ bove
beeo oo ootomotlc polot of cottoptloo.
uLhoroc hldes Lhe lellowshlp.
Shadows on the M|sty Mounta|ns recrulLs Lwo
ellLes and a nazgl ln Morla.
(uLhoroc passes.)
Coodgulf musLers a Sauron ellLe ln Morla.
(uLhoroc passes agaln.)
1he army ln LasL 8hun aLLacks lron Pllls. (8ecoose
tbe 8/1/0 5& otmy bos oo leoJets, ottockloq wltb lt
tepoltes oo Atmy octloo Jle tesolt.) 1he aLLack
moves Lhe uwarves one sLep on Lhe pollLlcal Lrack.
- 8oLh players decllne Lo use combaL cards. 1he
Shadow's flve combaL dlce score Lwo hlLs, more
Lhan enough Lo ellmlnaLe Lhe lone uwarf
regular, who ln Lurn scores a hlL.
- 1he S&L army, now 7/1/0, advances lnLo Lhe
empLy uwarven 1own, Lrlggerlng anoLher
advance for Lhe uwarves on Lhe pollLlcal Lrack,
Lo one sLep away from AL War.
uLhoroc plays 8||bo's Song, heallng one CorrupLlon.
lt woolJ bove beeo lJeol to ploy tbls fot two polots
of beolloq ooce Collom wos tbe qolJe, bot losloq
leqolos tlskeJ losloq tbe cotJ.
1wo army moves: Lhe 2/2/0 army ln norLh 8hun Lo
vale of Lhe Carnen and Lhe 1/3/1 army ln Morla Lo ulmrlll
Turn 9: The Shadow Regroups
1) kecover Act|on D|ce and Draw Lvent Cards:
uLhoroc recovers hls slx used AcLlon dlce and draws
Lnts Awake: Lntmoot and A ower 1oo Great.
Coodgulf recovers hls nlne AcLlon dlce (one less for
loslng Lhe WlLch-klng buL one more for Lhe MouLh
of Sauron) and draws Lure of the k|ng and 1he
Shadow Is Mov|ng.
2) Ie||owsh|p hase: Legolas sLlll guldes.
3) nunt A||ocat|on: Coodgulf allocaLes one Lye.
4) Act|on ko||:

1wo Lyes are added Lo Lhe PunL 8ox, LoLallng Lhree.
S) Act|on keso|ut|on
1he lellowshlp moves Lo Lhe second sLep ln
Mordor, and Lhe Llle draw ls a 3. uLhoroc opLs Lo
sacrlflce Lhe Culde for 2 polnLs, and Collum
lmmedlaLely becomes Lhe gulde, reveallng Lhe
lellowshlp Lo negaLe Lhe lasL polnL of CorrupLlon.
- Coodgulf uses Worn W|th Sorrow and 1o|| Lo
dlscard M|thr|| Coat and St|ng from Lhe Lable.
Altbooqb be coolJ oot koow wbot cbotoctet
cotJ utbotoc boJ jost Jtowo, ellmlootloq tbe
ooe oo tbe toble wos o sofe bet.
Coodgulf plays 1he 8reak|ng of the Ie||owsh|p Lo
push Lhe CorrupLlon counLer one more polnL Lo 3.
wbeo Collom ls tbe ColJe, oo tlle ls Jtowo, so tbete
wos oo tlsk of Jepletloq tbe noot lool by ooe ye
tlle fot oo effect.
( ) +
War of the Ring (2e) ~ Annotated Example of Play
uLhoroc hldes Lhe lellowshlp.
1he Shadow Is Mov|ng glves Coodgulf four army
- 0/2/0 spllL from vale of Lhe Carnen Lo [oln Lhe
7/1/0 ln lron Pllls.
- 3/1/0 from arLh CelebranL [olns Lhe 1/3/1 ln
ulmrlll uale.
- 3/0/0 from umbar Lo WesL Parondor.
- 2/0/0 from SouLh uunland Lo Cap of 8ohan.
uLhoroc draws from Lhe CharacLer LvenL deck, and
geLs h|a| of Ga|adr|e|.
Coodgulf aLLacks Lrebor from lron Pllls. 1he
garrlson reLreaLs lnLo slege. 1he aLLack pushes Lhe
uwarves one more sLep on Lhe pollLlcal Lrack Lo AL
uLhoroc advances Lhe Llves one sLep on Lhe pollLlcal
Lrack, placlng Lhem Lwo sLeps from AL War.
Coodgulf uses Lhe volce of Saruman Lo upgrade Lwo
regulars ln CrLhanc Lo ellLes.
uLhoroc advances 8ohan on Lhe pollLlcal Lrack Lo
one sLep away from AL War.
Coodgulf draws an evenL card from hls sLraLegy
deck and geLs |ts of Mordor.
uLhoroc plays h|a| of Ga|adr|e| and adds Lhe -2
blue PunL Llle Lo Lhe PunL ool.
Coodgulf uses Lhe MouLh of Sauron's speclal ablllLy
Lo use a MusLer resulL as an Army resulL Lo lnlLlaLe a
slege baLLle aL Lrebor.
- Coodgulf selecLs uesperaLe 8aLLle as hls combaL
card, addlng one Lo all dle resulLs on boLh sldes
of Lhe baLLle for Lhls round. uLhoroc foregoes a
combaL card.
- 1hree ouL of flve of Coodgulf's combaL dlce hlL.
uLhoroc's four combaL dlce produce Lhree hlLs,
and Lhe leader re-roll dellvers a fourLh.
- uLhoroc reduces hls Lhree uwarven ellLes Lo
regulars. Coodgulf ellmlnaLes four S&L regulars
and chooses noL Lo reduce an ellLe Lo exLend
Lhe baLLle.
6) V|ctory Check: 1he Shadow holds only 3 vs buL
ls besleglng Lrebor and LhreaLenlng Lorlen and
8ohan. 1he 8lngbearers, aL 3 CorrupLlon, need Lo
move Lhree more Llmes wlLhouL whlle Laklng less
Lhan 7 polnLs of CorrupLlon.

Turn 10: Frodo Weakens
1) kecover Act|on D|ce and Draw Lvent Cards:
uLhoroc recovers hls slx used AcLlon dlce and draws
L|ven kope and 1he Last 8att|e. Coodgulf recovers
hls nlne AcLlon dlce and draws Crc atro| and C|og-
2) Ie||owsh|p hase: Collum ls Lhe Culde.
3) nunt A||ocat|on: Coodgulf allocaLes one Lye.
4) Act|on ko||:

no Lyes are added Lo Lhe PunL 8ox.
S) Act|on keso|ut|on
uLhoroc decldes Lo forge ahead wlLh Lhe lellowshlp.
Coodgulf draws a 2. Collum reveals Lhe lellowshlp
Lo reduce damage by one. CorrupLlon rlses one
polnL Lo 6. 1wo more successful moves wlll desLroy
Lhe 8lng.
Coodgulf plays Lure of the k|ng, scorlng a polnL
uLhoroc could have avolded by remalnlng hldden.
CorrupLlon ls aL 7.
uLhoroc hldes Lhe lellowshlp.
Coodgulf draws from Lhe CharacLer evenL deck and
geLs 1he k|ngwra|ths Are Abroad.
(uLhoroc passes.)
1wo more nazgl musLer, ln uol Culdur and Morla.
(uLhoroc passes agaln.)
Coodgulf plays 1he k|ngwra|ths Are Abroad,
movlng all four nazgl. All fly Lo Lrebor and, per Lhe
card's second sLep, he can lnlLlaLe a slege baLLle.
- Coodgulf plays no combaL card, buL uLhoroc
plays uayllghL, llmlLlng Lhe Shadow Lo Lhree
combaL dlce.
- 1he uwarves Lake no hlLs, buL deal one Lo Lhe
AfLer loslng a regular and reduclng an ellLe,
Coodgulf exLends Lhe slege baLLle. nelLher player
uses a combaL card, llkely savlng Lhe cards Lhey
have Lo affecL Lhe faLe of Lhe 8lng.
- 1he Shadow scores one hlL, Lhe uwarves
anoLher Lhree hlLs, leavlng Lhe Shadow wlLh a
4/0/4 force faclng Lhe uwarves 3/0/2. 1here are
no more Shadow ellLes Lo exLend Lhe slege.
( ) +
War of the Ring (2e) ~ Annotated Example of Play
uLhoroc plays L|ven kope and adds Lhe oLher blue 0
PunL Llle Lo Lhe PunL ool.
Coodgulf plays Crc atro|, wlLh a beLLer Lhan even
chance of elLher corrupLlng Lhe 8lngbearers or
dlscardlng a blue PunL Llle. lnsLead, he draws Lhe
red Lye Llle, and because Lhe Llle bears an Lye, Lhere
ls no effecL.
uLhoroc advances 8ohan Lo war on Lhe pollLlcal
Coodgulf plays C|og-ha| Lo relnforce Lhe S&L army
aL Lrebor wlLh a Sauron ellLe.
uLhoroc brlngs Lhe 1/2/1 force ln Ldoras Lo
WesLemneL and merges lL wlLh a regular and a
leader from Lhe lords of lsen.
Coodgulf moves Lwo regulars from Cap of 8ohan Lo
CrLhanc and Lwo regulars from vale of Lhe Carnen
Lo lron Pllls.
uLhoroc uses hls lasL Llven rlng Lo move Lhe
lellowshlp Lo one sLep from Lhe Cracks of uoom.
Coodgulf draws a 3 Llle.
- uLhoroc uses Collum's ablllLy Lo reduce damage
Lo Lwo by reveallng Lhe lellowshlp. CorrupLlon
rlses from 7 Lo 9.
Coodgulf lnfllcLs a Morgu| Wound on Lhe revealed
lellowshlp, movlng CorrupLlon Lo 10!
6) V|ctory Check: Shadow at 3 Vs. wltb llttle
ptoqtess oo tbe mllltoty ftoot, ooJ tbe lellowsblp
ooe step ftom tbe ctocks of uoom, lt ls oollkely
CooJqolf wlll bove tlme to coopoet 7 mote polots
befote tbe qome ls JeclJeJ by tbe Ooest of tbe kloq.
wltb cottoptloo ot 10, lt wlll be o close tesolt. lt ls
ctltlcol tbot CooJqolf Jtow o cbotoctet veot tbot
coo cottopt tbe kloqbeotets, bot wlll be bove tbe
tempo to ploy lt?
Turn 11: The Hinge of Fate
1) kecover Act|on D|ce and Draw Lvent Cards:
uLhoroc recovers hls slx used AcLlon dlce and draws
Deadmen of Dunharrow and W|sdom of L|rond.
Coodgulf recovers nlne AcLlon dlce and draws 1he
a|ant|r of Crthanc and na|f-orcs and Gob||n-men.
2) Ie||owsh|p hase: Collum ls Lhe Culde.
3) nunt A||ocat|on: Coodgulf allocaLes one Lye.
4) Act|on ko||:

Cne badly needed Lye ls added Lo Lhe PunL 8ox.
S) Act|on keso|ut|on
uLhoroc hldes Lhe lellowshlp.
Coodgulf uses Lhe lasL Llven rlng Lo change an
acLlon dle Lo an LvenL dle resulL and draw a
CharacLer evenL card: Cand|es of Corpses.
uLhoroc calculaLes LhaL, havlng hldden Lhe
lellowshlp, he has already saLlsfled Lhe requlremenL
of movlng or hldlng once per Lurn ln Mordor Lo
avold a penalLy of one CorrupLlon polnL. Pe recrulLs
an ellLe ln WesLemneL, playlng for Llme.
Coodgulf plays Cand|es of Corpses, and needs Lo
roll 6s raLher Lhan 4s because Collum ls Lhe Culde.
- Pe rolls 6 2 3, pushlng CorrupLlon up Lo 11! Ooe
mote 6 ooJ CooJqolf coolJ bove woo tbe qome.
utbotoc bos too oot of optloos, oot of beolloq cotJs,
ooJ sees oo polot lo Jtowloq tbloqs oot. 1be noot
pool ls mlxeJ. 7 of tbe 1J tlles wlll Jellvet o 5boJow
cottoptloo vlctoty, 6 wlll leove ltoJo oobotmeJ ooJ
oomoke 5ootoos kloq.
uLhoroc moves Lhe lellowshlp and draws Lhe Llven
8ope Llle for 0 polnLs. 1he 8lng ls unmade and
Sauron desLroyed.

< &)5 +=>%#'",' ,%'); %, ?+1'%#@ 2%,0+'+%,;A
- kloq vlctotles fot eltbet slJe eoJ tbe qome lmmeJlotely, wblle mllltoty vlctotles ote JetetmloeJ ot tbe eoJ of
tbe toto Jotloq tbe vlctoty cbeck pbose.
- 5boJow vlctoty cooJltloos sopetseJe ltee leoples vlctoty cooJltloos, so eveo ooe mote polot of cottoptloo
oo tbe flool move woolJ bove booJeJ tbe qome to CooJqolf.
- 1be lellowsblp coo stlll wlo lf teveoleJ oo tbe flool step of tbe MotJot ttock, ptovlJeJ cottoptloo ls ot 11 ot
below. noJ tbe tlle Jtow qooe Jlffeteotly bete, Collom coolJ bove teveoleJ to oeqote tbe Jomoqe ftom o
stooJotJ 1 tlle, bot tbe stooJotJ 2 tlle woolJ bove Jooe lt fot tbe 5boJow.
- kofomlt
( ) +

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