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IP Office Contact Center


Edition: 1.0

COMPAS ID: 163723

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IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Contents 3
Introduction 8
Getting to know Voice Control .................................................................................................. 8
Features ....................................................................................................................... 8
Application examples .................................................................................................. 9
Architecture ............................................................................................................................. 11
Connecting Voice Control to an IP Office ................................................................ 11
Storing data................................................................................................................ 13
What can you do with the IVR Editor module? ....................................................................... 14
IVR script .................................................................................................................. 14
Important IVR script properties ................................................................................. 14
An overview of menus and commands ...................................................................... 15
An overview of the elements ..................................................................................... 15
Elements with a brief description ............................................................................................ 17
Basic elements ........................................................................................................... 17
Speech elements ........................................................................................................ 17
Telephony elements ................................................................................................... 18
Database elements ..................................................................................................... 19
Creating an IVR Script 20
Starting..................................................................................................................................... 20
Prerequisites for using the IVR Editor module in the IP Office Contact Center
system ........................................................................................................................ 20
Opening the IVR Editor module ................................................................................ 20
Working with IVR scripts ........................................................................................................ 21
Creating a folder ........................................................................................................ 21
Create an IVR script .................................................................................................. 22
Opening an IVR script ............................................................................................... 22
Which is the active IVR script? ................................................................................. 23
Moving an IVR script ................................................................................................ 23
Changing the name .................................................................................................... 23
Deleting a folder ....................................................................................................... 24
Delete an IVR script .................................................................................................. 24
Refresh ...................................................................................................................... 24
Changing size and position of the windows............................................................................. 25
Changing the size of a dialog .................................................................................... 25
Hiding or displaying the IVR scripts window ........................................................... 25
Close all windows ..................................................................................................... 25
Arrange windows ...................................................................................................... 26
Example for cascading windows ............................................................................... 26
Example for tiled windows ........................................................................................ 26
Working with elements ............................................................................................................ 27
Inserting an element .................................................................................................. 27
Editing an element ..................................................................................................... 27
Moving elements ....................................................................................................... 27
Deleing one or more elements ................................................................................... 27
Delete all elements .................................................................................................... 28
Displaying information on an element (tooltip) ........................................................ 28
Customizing connections ......................................................................................................... 29
Connecting elements ................................................................................................. 29
4 Contents IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Moving a corner point ............................................................................................... 29
Highlighting connections ........................................................................................... 29
Removing a connection ............................................................................................. 29
Creating an element ................................................................................................................. 30
Creating a logic ......................................................................................................... 30
Creating an announcement element ........................................................................... 30
Creating and editing local variables ......................................................................................... 31
Inserting a local variable ........................................................................................... 31
Editing a local variable .............................................................................................. 31
Deleting a local variable ............................................................................................ 32
Saving and enabling ................................................................................................................. 33
Save ........................................................................................................................... 33
Enabling .................................................................................................................... 33
Script debugging ........................................................................................................ 34
Printing .................................................................................................................................... 35
Print preview ............................................................................................................. 35
Printing ...................................................................................................................... 35
Properties in detail 36
Structure of the IVR Editor module ......................................................................................... 36
Icon ............................................................................................................................ 36
Menus ........................................................................................................................ 36
Commands of the IVR script menu ........................................................................... 36
Commands of the Edit Menu ..................................................................................... 37
Commands of the View menu ................................................................................... 37
Commands of the Tools menu ................................................................................... 37
Commands of the Window menu .............................................................................. 37
Commands of the Help menu .................................................................................... 38
Toolbar ...................................................................................................................... 38
Status bar ................................................................................................................... 39
Tab: IVR scripts ........................................................................................................ 39
Tab: Elements ............................................................................................................ 41
Working window: IVR script .................................................................................... 43
Columns .................................................................................................................... 43
Terms ....................................................................................................................................... 45
IVR script .................................................................................................................. 45
Folder ........................................................................................................................ 45
Variable and tags ....................................................................................................... 45
Input connector, exit connector, and connection ..................................................................... 47
What is an input or exit connector? ........................................................................... 47
What is a connection? ................................................................................................ 47
What are corner points? ............................................................................................. 47
Error-exit connector ................................................................................................................. 48
Setting an error for Logic, Branch and Define variable............................................. 48
Which information do LastError and ErrorInfo contain? .......................................... 49
Condition ................................................................................................................................. 50
Method of operation .................................................................................................. 50
Operators with a condition ........................................................................................ 50
Tags in a condition .................................................................................................... 53
Local variables in a condition .................................................................................... 53
Example of a condition .............................................................................................. 53
Elements .................................................................................................................................. 54
Structure of elements ................................................................................................. 54
General properties of all elements ............................................................................. 54
Element: Comment .................................................................................................... 55
Basic elements ......................................................................................................................... 56
Start ........................................................................................................................... 56
End ............................................................................................................................ 56
Trace .......................................................................................................................... 57
IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Contents 5
Logic .......................................................................................................................... 57
Check times ............................................................................................................... 60
Define variable .......................................................................................................... 61
Branch ....................................................................................................................... 63
Wait ........................................................................................................................... 64
Start script.................................................................................................................. 65
Start program ............................................................................................................. 66
Speech elements....................................................................................................................... 69
Announcement ........................................................................................................... 69
Announcement plus DTMF ....................................................................................... 71
Announcement plus DTMF sequence ....................................................................... 74
Announcement plus voice recognition ...................................................................... 76
Text to speech ............................................................................................................ 79
Record voicemail ....................................................................................................... 81
Record voicemail plus DTMF ................................................................................... 84
Send voicemail as email ............................................................................................ 87
Delete voicemail ........................................................................................................ 90
Telephony elements ................................................................................................................. 91
Call ............................................................................................................................ 91
Send DTMF tones ..................................................................................................... 95
Refer back.................................................................................................................. 96
Transfer ................................................................................................................... 100
Toggling .................................................................................................................. 101
Disconnect ............................................................................................................... 102
Release .................................................................................................................... 103
Information on connection ...................................................................................... 104
Database elements ................................................................................................................. 106
Previous knowledge of database elements .............................................................. 106
Note on modifying or deleting records .................................................................... 108
Open database .......................................................................................................... 109
Close database ......................................................................................................... 110
Insert record ............................................................................................................. 111
Modify records ........................................................................................................ 112
Delete records .......................................................................................................... 113
SQL query ............................................................................................................... 114
First record .............................................................................................................. 116
Next record .............................................................................................................. 118
Delete record ........................................................................................................... 120
Modify record .......................................................................................................... 121
Variables ................................................................................................................................ 122
Global variables ....................................................................................................... 122
List of predefined variables ..................................................................................... 122
Getting help ........................................................................................................................... 125
Using the Help ......................................................................................................... 125
Using tooltips .......................................................................................................... 125
Where can you find additional information? ........................................................... 126
Which edition are you reading? ............................................................................... 126
Working with folders and variables ....................................................................................... 127
Possibilities: Select program ................................................................................... 127
Possibilities: Select announcement text ................................................................... 129
Possibilities: Select text from file ............................................................................ 131
Possibilities: Select file ............................................................................................ 133
Tools 135
Configuring voice units ......................................................................................................... 135
What is a voice unit? ............................................................................................... 135
List of voice units .................................................................................................... 135
Properties of a voice unit ......................................................................................... 136
Editing the properties of an IVR script .................................................................... 138
6 Contents IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Editing voicemails ................................................................................................... 140
Editing the line allocation ........................................................................................ 140
Supported WAV format .......................................................................................... 140
Viewing the IVR script-VU assignment ................................................................................ 141
Opening the view ..................................................................................................... 141
What does the IVR script-VU assignment show? ................................................... 141
Defining time off periods ....................................................................................................... 142
Time off list ............................................................................................................. 142
Properties of a time off period ................................................................................. 142
Export .................................................................................................................................... 144
Why export data? ..................................................................................................... 144
Exporting in IVR format ......................................................................................... 144
Exporting in XML format ....................................................................................... 145
Import .................................................................................................................................... 146
Note already used names ......................................................................................... 146
Possible import formats ........................................................................................... 146
Import ...................................................................................................................... 146
Tips and tricks 147
Help with problems ................................................................................................................ 147
TTS file is not played .............................................................................................. 147
German umlauts ...................................................................................................... 147
Endless loop in an IVR script .................................................................................. 148
Write-protection for Text to speech element ........................................................... 148
Callers number cannot be identified ....................................................................... 148
Enabled IVR script does not work in Voice Control ............................................... 148
Scrollbar is no longer visible ................................................................................... 149
UNC path not working ............................................................................................ 149
Tips ........................................................................................................................................ 150
Variables for speech ................................................................................................ 150
Registry entries for filing ......................................................................................... 151
DTMF sequence for fax machine ............................................................................ 151
Text spell with TTS ................................................................................................. 152
Glossary 153
Index 155

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Introduction 7

8 Introduction IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Getting to know Voice Control
Voice Control in the IP Office Contact Center system is used as a speech dialog
system for automatic hold and information announcements, automatic querying
of the caller's entries, entry-controlled transfer and for voicemails.
IVR stands for Interactive Voice Response.
Voice Control with its components offers the following features in the IP Office
Contact Center system.
DTMF recognition for evaluating subscriber entries.
ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) for recognizing spoken
words such as "yes" or "no," for example. ASR can be used easily
and without knowing grammar. An external grammar can be
employed for further requirements.
TTS (Text to Speech) for having written text read out loud, for
An announcement can be a WAV file, or you can use TTS. You
can write texts for TTS directly into an element or use text files or
contents of variables or CallTags.
Database elements allow read and write access to an external
ODBC database. You can send any desired SQL queries through
SQL elements. You can used complex SQL queries, stored
procedures and built-in procedures. The possible functions are
determined by the database. For example, you can read out
customer data from a database and display them to the agent
through CallTags on FirstScreen.
An external application can be started through an element for the
use of external applications. You can assign and evaluate
parameters. A program can be started so that the IVR script waits
for the end of the program and is then implemented in the IVR
script or that the program is started as a stand-alone process.
You can exchange information between the TaskFlow script and
the IVR script using CallTags and then react accordingly in the
scripts. In many elements you can work with CallTags and
Use the interplay of the IVR script and TaskFlow to record and
distribute voicemails. You can also send a voicemail to an agent to
listen to or forward it via email.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Introduction 9
Graphical interface for easily and conveniently creating scripts.
You can easily add elements to an IVR script using drag & drop.
The appearance and working method is similar as in the TaskFlow
Editor module.
You can insert a logic element in the sequence of the IVR script in
order to program a specific sequence depending on the query. You
can also query times.
Querying elements such as call, refer-back, transfer and connection
information permit the use of telephony functions.
DTMF tones can be sent. This function can be used for automatic
remote queries and authentications, for example.
Import and export of IVR scripts.
Application examples
The following examples are an excerpt from the many possible applications.
Exampl e: Information announcement
A caller would like information about the winning numbers and jackpot of
various lottery drawings.
The caller gets an announcement and a query (DTMF) regarding which drawing
they want information about. The drawing data are in a database. The
corresponding information are read out from the database and provided to the
caller (TTS).
Exampl e: Qualifying a cal l
The customer number is queried.
The caller gets an announcement and is prompted to enter their customer
number. The customer number can be transferred to an external application, for
Exampl e: Queue announcement
No agent is available.
The caller is informed about the expected hold time and can choose to call back
or leave a message.

10 Introduction IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Exampl e: Voi cemail
If no agent is available, the caller can leave a voicemail.
The following TaskFlow set (routing sequence) shows an example of how you
can respond to a call. IP Office Contact Center first tries to route a call to the
agent who has a current connection to the customer (via email). Alternatively,
the IP Office Contact Center tries to route the call to the agent with which the
customer last had contact, and then to the preferred agent who should provide
service to the customer. If all of these agents are not available or are busy, then
the caller is connected to a voice dialog, depending on the time of day, where the
caller can leave a voicemail.

Exampl e: Cal l number scheme change
The call number scheme was changed from a three-digit call number scheme to a
four-digit call number scheme. The caller is informed about this new number and
connected to the desired subscriber.
The PBX forwards calls with a three-digit call number scheme to the IVR. The
old and new call numbers are saved in a database. If the call number is unknown,
the call is sent to the switchboard. For a known three-digit number, the caller is
informed about the new call number (TTS) and connected to the subscriber.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Introduction 11
The components that are part of a Voice Control depend on the employed PBX.
Connecting Voice Control to an IP Office
Illustration overview
The following illustration shows a schematic overview of how a Voice Control
in the IP Office Contact Center system is connected to an IPO PBX.

CIE server IP Office
Contact Center
Queue Topic

12 Introduction IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Illustration details
The following illustration shows a schematic overview of the details of
connecting a Voice Control to the IP Office Contact Center.

Method of operation
The CTI of the PBX is connected to the IP Office Contact Center using a TSAPI
interface. The CTI interface is not used by the IVR.
CORBA connects the Voice Control server (ivr.exe) to the CHAP (Common
Hardware Abstraction Platform) process, which abstracts the configured routes
to the PBX. The CHAP is connected to the PBX using VoIP. A CORBA
connection between the IP Office Contact Center server and the Voice Control
server to the task server process is used to control the Voice Control processes.
Parallel to this connection, the Voice Control server can access the IP Office
Contact Center system database using CORBA.
The Voice Control server (ivr.exe) controls the announcement channels.
Configuration and IVR scripts are saved in the IP Office Contact Center
You can connect several Voice Controls with one PBX. However, each PBX
must be connected to a Voice Control through a CHAP.
Voice Control

IPOCC server
PBX task server
CHAP adapter
SIP protocol
Task server
PBX driver

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Introduction 13
Storing data
The following illustration shows a schematic overview of how data for a Voice
Control are stored. The illustration shows two Voice Controls and two storage
areas for WAV files as an example.

Method of operation
All IVR scripts are created with the IVR Editor module and saved to the
database in XML format. During the initialization of the ivr process the IVR
scripts are loaded from the database and the respective objects (script classes) are
created. In addition, the IP Office Contact Center system is informed about all
loaded IVR scripts via the CORBA interface.
If the IP Office Contact Center system wants to start an IVR script, it triggers the
Voice Control server (ivr.exe) using the CORBA interface of the task server. The
Voice Control server can then start and process the IVR script. The IVR informs
the IP Office Contact Center system about errors and status changes, such as
whether the IVR script was processed successfully.
WAV files and voicemails are not saved in the database. The WAV files must be
saved locally on a network drive that can be reached from the Voice Control.
voicemails are also saved in a defined storage area. For network drives, quick
access is required so that the voicemails are not interrupted.
Customer databases are accessed through ODBC. ODBC access must be
configured on every Voice Control computer.
User interface
IVR Editor
CC database
Disk drive
Disk drive
voicemails announce

14 Introduction IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
What can you do with the IVR Editor module?
Das IVR Editor module is and editor used to create IVR scripts for the Voice
Control in the IP Office Contact Center system. In the IP Office Contact Center
user interface you can find the IVR Editor module under the Administration
menu item.
To configure the Voice Control environment, use the Configuration module in
the IP Office Contact Center user interface.
IVR script
An IVR script has the following functions.
It determines which process is requested.
What is done with a connection?
Which announcements are played to a caller?
Which entries can/ does the user have to make?
What happens with the user's entries (voicemail, database entries,
Important IVR script properties
You can use an IVR script as an announcement, a greeting or an automatic agent.
Always consider the different behavior of the corresponding IVR script.
Control of the call remains with the task flow. The call can be withdrawn from
Voice Control at any time. In an announcement IVR script you can only start
announcement or greeting IVR scripts.
Control of the call remains with the task flow, and the IVR script is selected as a
greeting for the task flow. In a greeting IVR script you can only start
announcement or greeting IVR scripts. Contrary to the announcement, the time
that a caller spends with an IVR script greeting is not counted as wait time in the
statistics but is calculated separately.
Automatic agent
Control of a call is transferred to the Voice Control by the IP Office Contact
Center. In an automatic agent IVR script you can only start automatic agent IVR

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Introduction 15
An overview of menus and commands
The following table provides an overview of the menus and command of the
IVR Editor module.

IVR script Edit View Tools Window Help
New ->IVR script Local Variables IVR scripts VU configuration Cascade
New ->Folder Select all Refresh IVR Script VU
assignment overview

Save Delete Time off Close all
Rename Script name
Delete DEL
Print preview
Export as an XML

An overview of the elements
You have the following elements available to you: With these elements it is
possible to create sequences, even of complex applications such as voice box
applications, etc.
Basic elements
Check times
Define variable
Start script
Start program
Speech elements
Announcement plus DTMF
Announcement plus DTMF sequence
Announcement plus voice recognition
Text to speech
Record voicemail

16 Introduction IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Record voicemail plus DTMF
Send voicemail as email
Delete voicemail
Telephony el ements
Send DTMF tones
Refer back
Information on connection
Database el ements
Open database
Close database
Insert record
Modify data records
Delete records
SQL query
First record
Next record
Delete record
Modify record

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Introduction 17
Elements with a brief description
The brief descriptions explain the use of an element. See the detailed
descriptions of the elements for more information.
Basic elements
The Start element specifies the beginning of the IVR script.
The End element specifies the end of the IVR script.
The Trace element generates texts in TTrace.
Logic elements can have several input connectors and they have a Y-, and a N-
exit connector. Distribution to the exit connector depends on the condition
defined for the logic unit.
Check times
The Check Time Periods element checks a configured period of time.
Define variable
The Define variable element is used to set a variable or a CallTag.
The value of a variable is queried with a Branch element. Depending on the
result it is then distributed to the corresponding exit connector.
In the Wait element you can define a wait time during which the IVR script
Start script
The Start script element is used to stop the current IVR script and start a new
IVR script.
Start program
An executable program can be started with the Start program element.
Speech elements
The Announcement element defines an announcement.
Announcement plus DTMF
The Announcement plus DTMF element defines an announcement. An entered
DTMF digit is recognized, and the element is exited via the assigned exit
Announcement plus DTMF sequence
The Announcement plus DTMF sequence element defines an announcement
where several DTMF tones can be entered.

18 Introduction IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Announcement plus voice recognition
The Announcement plus speech recognition element recognizes spoken words
(ASR) and stores them in a variable. ASR stands for Automatic Speech
Text to speech
The Text to speech element converts text to speech (TTS). TTS stands for Text
to Speech.
Record voicemail
The Record voicemail element saves speech to a WAV file.
Record voicemail plus DTMF
The Record voicemail plus DTMF element saves speech to a WAV file. The
voice recording ends when the recording time is over, the caller hangs up, or a
DTMF digit is entered.
Send voicemail as email
The Send voicemail as email element sends a WAV file in the attachment of an
email to a specified mailbox.
Delete voicemail
The Delete voicemail element deletes the specified WAV file.
Telephony elements
The Call element dials a number.
Send DTMF tones
The Send DTMF tones sends tones as DTMF tones (MFV).
Refer back
The Refer back element starts a refer back from an existing connection (puts the
active connection on hold).
The Transfer element transfers an active connection to a connection on hold.
The Toggle element puts the active connection on hold and activates the
connection previously on hold.
The Disconnect element disconnects the active connection and activates the
connection previously on hold.
The Release element clears all established connections.
Information on connection
The Information on connection element determines calling number information
regarding the active connection.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Introduction 19
Database elements
Open database
The Open database element opens a database.
Close database
The Close database element closes a database.
Insert record
The Insert record element adds a record to a table.
Modify data records
The Modify records element changes records that meet a defined condition.
Delete records
The Delete records element deletes all data records of a table that meet a
defined condition.
SQL query
You create an SQL query with the SQL query element and query the open
First record
The First record element navigates to the first data record, a database query
determined with SQL, and reads out the values.
Next record
The Next record element points to the next data record of a database query
determined with SQL and reads it out.
Delete record
The Delete record element deletes a record from a DB table.
Modify record
The Modify record element modifies a record in a DB table.

20 Creating an IVR Script IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Creating an IVR Script
To start an IVR script, you must comply with the prerequisites and open the IVR
Editor module.
Prerequisites for using the IVR Editor module in
the IP Office Contact Center system
The following requirements must be met so that you can use all the functions of
the IVR Editor module.
TheIP Office Contact Center server must already be configured
by your system administrator.
As authorized agent (user), your system administrator will provide
you with an agent name and personal password. You need both for
As user (agent) of the IP Office Contact Center system, you must
have the IVR- Editor privilege. Privileges are configured in the
Configuraion module for agents.
Opening the IVR Editor module
Proceed as follows to open the IVR Editor module:
1. Click Administration on the task bar.
2. Click the I IVR Editor icon. The IVR Editor module
will open.
1. Select IVR Editor in the Window menu. The IVR Editor-
module will open.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Creating an IVR Script 21
Working with IVR scripts
If you create, move, edit or delete an IVR script or a folder, these changes are
saved to the database immediately. You do not have to save these changes.
Please note, however, that you have to save the contents of an IVR script.
An IVR script can only be edited by one user at a time in the IP Office Contact
Center system.
Creating a folder
Folders are used to structure IVR scripts. A folder can contain any number of
IVR scripts. A folder is specified by its name. his name must be unique within
theIP Office Contact Centersystem. Proceed as follows to create a folder.
1. Right-click theIVR scripts tab. A pop-up menu opens.
2. SelectCreate folder.
3. Enter a name for the folder.
4. Click OKto save your settings. An empty folder is displayed to the
1. Select New Folder in the IVR script menu.
2. Enter a name for the folder.
3. Click OKto save your settings. An empty folder is displayed to the
1. Click . The Create folder dialog appears.
2. Enter a name for the folder.
3. Click OKto save your settings. An empty folder is displayed to the

22 Creating an IVR Script IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Create an IVR script
An IVR script is specified by its name. This name must be unique within theIP
Office Contact Center-system. You can use 30 alphanumeric characters
maximum for the name.
It should be no announcement script with the same name.
Proceed as follows to create an IVR script.
1. Right-click theIVR scripts tab. A pop-up menu opens.
2. Select Create IVR script. The New IVR Script dialog opens.
3. Enter a name. You can select a folder to create the script in.
4. Click OKto save your settings. An empty IVR script is displayed to
the right.
1. Select New IVR script in the IVR script menu. The New IVR
Script dialog opens.
2. Enter a name. You can select a folder to create the script in.
3. Click OKto save your settings. An empty IVR script is displayed to
the right.
1. Click . TheCreate IVR script dialog appears.
2. Enter a name. You can select a folder to create the script in.
3. Click OKto save your settings. An empty IVR script is displayed to
the right.
Opening an IVR script
Proceed as follows to open an IVR script. Several scripts can be open at the
same time.
1. Double-click the name of the IVR script in the IVR scripts tab.
The IVR script is opened and displayed on the right. The IVR
script is active.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Creating an IVR Script 23
Which is the active IVR script?
In active IVR script is marked in the window by the corresponding color of the
title bar.
Note that the functions Save, Enable, Print, Export as XML
script always refer to the active IVR-script.
Note the difference between active and enabled. Active means only
that the corresponding IVR script window is selected. Active does
not mean that the IVR script is enabled for the IP Office Contact
Center- system.

Moving an IVR script
Proceed as follows to move an IVR script within the IVR scripts tab, e.g. to a
certain folder.
1. You move an IVR script with drag & drop. The IVR script is
inserted below the selected IVR script.
Changing the name
Proceed as follows to change the name of a folder or an IVR script.
1. Double-click the name of an IVR script.
2. You can edit the name directly.
1. Select an IVR script or a folder.
2. Select Rename from the IVR script menu.
3. Change the name.

24 Creating an IVR Script IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Deleting a folder
Proceed as follows to delete a folder:
1. Right-click the folder to be deleted. A pop-up menu opens.
2. Select Delete. You are prompted.
3. To delete the folder, click Yes.
Delete an IVR script
Proceed as follows to delete an IVR script.
1. Right-click the IVR -script to be deleted. A pop-up menu opens.
2. Select Delete. You are prompted.
3. Click Yes to delete the IVR script.
Other users in the IP Office Contact Center system can create IVR scripts as
well. These IVR- scripts are not automatically displayed at your terminal. To
refresh the display of IVR scripts proceed as follows.
1. Select Refresh from theView menu or press F5. The display of
IVR scripts is updated.
1. Right-click the IVR scripts window. A pop-up menu opens.
2. Select Refresh. The display of IVR scripts is updated.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Creating an IVR Script 25
Changing size and position of the windows
If a dialog features this icon you can customize the size of this window.
You can choose between overlapping (cascading) and tiled window presentation.
Changing the size of a dialog
Proceed as follows to change the size of a dialog.
1. Point the mouse pointer to a corner. The pointer changes its icon.
2. Left-click a corner of the window, keeping the mouse button
3. Drag the corner of the window to its new size.
4. Release the left mouse button.
Hiding or displayi ng the IVR scripts window
Proceed as follows to hide or show the IVR scripts window:
1. Select IVR scripts in the View menu. If the IVR scripts window is
displayed, this action hides it now. If the IVR scripts window is
hidden, this displays it.
Close all windows
Proceed as follows to close all open windows:
1. Select Close all from the Window menu. All open windows are

26 Creating an IVR Script IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Arrange windows
Proceed as follows to arrange the windows.
1. SelectCascade windows in theWindowmenu. The windows are
arranged in overlapping form.
1. Click . The windows are arranged in overlapping form.
1. Select Arrange windows from the Windows menu. The windows
are tiled.
1. Click . The windows are tiled.
Example for cascading windows
The following illustration shows three cascading windows.

Example for tiled windows
The following illustration shows four tiled windows.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Creating an IVR Script 27
Working with elements
You use elements in an IVR script. The Elements tab shows the available
elements. You insert an element from the Elements tab into an IVR script with
drag & drop.
Inserting an element
Proceed as follows to insert an element in an IVR script.
1. In the Element tab, click an element, e.g. Start.
2. Keep the left mouse button pressed and drag the icon of the
element into the IVR script. Select a position, for example, the
upper left corner.
3. Release the left mouse button. The properties dialog of the element
Editing an element
Each element has certain properties. Proceed as follows to edit the properties of
an element.
1. Double-click the icon of the element in the IVR script. The
respective dialog opens.
2. You can change the properties.
Moving elements
You can move one or several elements in an IVR script.
One element
1. To move one element click it and drag it to its new position.
Several elements
1. To move several elements press Ctrl and click an element Repeat
this action until you have selected all desired elements.
2. Press CTRL and SHIFT and move the top element.
Deleing one or more elements
Proceed as follows to delete an element of an IVR script.
1. Select the elements to be deleted.
2. Press the DELETE key. You are prompted.
3. To delete the element, click Yes.

28 Creating an IVR Script IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Delete all elements
Proceed as follows to delete all elements of an IVR script.
1. Select Select all in the Edit menu or press the CTRL key and A.
All elements are now selected.
2. Select Delete in the Edit menu or press the DELETE key. You
are prompted.
3. To delete the element, click Yes.
Displayi ng information on an element (tooltip)
You can have the properties displayed for each element of an IVR script. You
use the tooltip to do so.
Proceed as follows to get information on an element.
1. Let the mouse pointer rest on the element for a short while. The
tooltip is displayed showing the properties of the element.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Creating an IVR Script 29
Customizing connections
The link between an input connector and an exit connector is called a
connection. A line represents a connection graphically.
For a clearer layout you can add corner points to connections.
You can only connect vacant input and exit connectors. You cannot assign
several connections to one connector.
Connecting elements
Proceed as follows to connect elements.
1. Click the exit connector of an element, e.g. Start.
2. Click to create a corner point (change of direction).
3. Drag the connection to the input connector of another element,
such as a Logic element. The two elements are connected.
Moving a corner point
Proceed as follows to move a corner point.
1. Point the mouse pointer to a corner. The icon of the pointer
2. Click the corner and keep the left mouse button pressed while you
drag the corner to its new position.
3. Release the mouse button.
Highlighting connections
You can color-highlight connections.
1. Right-click a port of the connection. A pop-up menu opens.
2. Select Highlight connection. The color of the connection changes.
1. Click a port. The color of the connection changes.
Removing a connection
You can delete connections.
1. Right-click a port of the connection. A pop-up menu opens.
2. Select Delete connection. The connection is deleted.

30 Creating an IVR Script IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Creating an element
Two examples help explain how you create elements.
Creating a logic
In a Logic element, you define a condition that determines the course of the IVR
script. If the condition is fulfilled the element at the Y-exit -connector is
processed next. If the condition is not fulfilled the element at the N-exit
connector is processed next.
Proceed as follows to create a Logic.
1. Drag & Drop the Logic element into an IVR- script. The Logic
dialog opens.
2. For a better overview of the IVR script enter a label for the Logic.
3. A condition can consist of operators, tags and local variables.
4. Click Operators to insert an operator. The Allowed operators and
functions dialog opens. To apply an operation or function, double-
click the corresponding item.
5. Click Tags to insert a tag. The Select Tag dialog opens. To insert a
tag in the condition, double-click the tag.
6. Click Local Var. to insert a variable. The Local Variables dialog
opens. To insert a variable in the condition, double-click the
7. You can select interruptible or not interruptible for the element.
8. Entering a comment is optional.
9. Click OKto confirm your entry.
Creating an announcement element
Announcement elements play announcements. Proceed as follows to create an
Announcement element.
1. Drag & Drop the Announcement element into an IVR- script.
The Announcement dialog opens.
2. Enter a label.
3. Click Browse to select a WAV file as announcement text. Double-
click the respective WAV file.
4. You can select interruptible or not interruptible for the element.
5. Entering a comment is optional.
6. Click OKto confirm your entry.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Creating an IVR Script 31
Creating and editing local variables
You use local variables for the conditions of Logic elements or for
announcement texts (WAV file).
Local variables have a name and a value. You can use 29 alphanumeric
characters maximum for the name. You can use 200 alphanumeric characters
maximum for the value. A variable does not need to have a value.
Local variables only apply to the active IVR script.
Local variables are system variables, user variables and start parameter variables.
The local variables are represented as follows.

Locale variable Presentation Description
System variable

System variables cannot be
changed or deleted.
User Variable

The user variables are provided by
an user.
Start Parameter Variable

Start parameter variables can not
be changed or deleted.
See also: Editing the properties of
an IVR script

Inserting a local variable
Proceed as follows to insert a local variable.
1. SelectLocal variables in the Edit menu or click . The Local
Variables dialog opens.
2. Click Insert. The Edit Local Variable dialog opens.
3. Enter a name and a value. If you want to enter a path as the value,
you can use the button.
4. Click OKto save your settings.
Editing a local variable
1. SelectLocal variables in the Edit menu or click . The Local
Variables dialog opens.
2. Select the local variable to be changed.
3. Click Change. The Edit Local Variable dialog opens.
4. Change the name and value.
5. Click OKto save your settings.

32 Creating an IVR Script IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Deleting a local variable
You can neither change nor delete the system variables LastError and
Proceed as follows to delete a local variable. Keep in mind that you are not
prompted even if the local variable is used in an element.
1. SelectLocal variables in the Edit menu or click . The Local
Variables dialog opens.
2. Select the local variable to be deleted.
3. Click Delete. The selected local variable is deleted.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Creating an IVR Script 33
Saving and enabling
Note the difference between Save and Enable. Keep in mind that the Save and
Enable functions always refer to the active IVR script.
When you save an IVR script, the active IVR script with the positions of its
elements is saved to the database. The Voice Control server does not yet receive
any information.
Proceed as follows to save an IVR script.
1. Select Save from the IVR script menu or click . The selected
IVR script is saved.
When you enable an IVR script, the following procedures are carried out. You
cannot enable an empty IVR script.
It is checked that all compulsory exit connectors of elements are
It is checked that the IVR script contains a Start element.
It is checked that the elements contain the necessary settings.
It is checked that no other types of IVR scripts are started in the
Start script. In an automatic agent IVR script you may only start an
automatic agent IVR script. In an announcement or greeting IVR
script you many only start an announcement or greeting IVR script.
It is checked that the IVR script contains an End element.
If the IVR script does not contain an End element the following
message is displayed. The IVR -script name does not have an End
element! Do you still want to enable it? Enable the script with Yes
or change it with No.
The IVR script is saved to the database in XML format.
The Voice Control process is informed that a new IVR script is
The IVR script is not enabled if an error occurs. The IVR script is not made
known to the Voice Control.
Proceed as follows to enable the active IVR script.
1. Select Enable from the IVR script menu or click . The selected
IVR script is enabled.

34 Creating an IVR Script IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Script debugging
Use TTrace to follow processes while searching for errors.
The following reporter categories are useful for error messages. The table lists
types of errors and the corresponding reporter categories.
Type of error Reporter categories
Speech recognition
Voice Control
Connection/disconnection VC_BASIC
Script flow VC_VUS

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Creating an IVR Script 35
You can print an active IVR script. Before the IVR script is printed you can
check the print preview. Please note that the Print function always refers to the
active IVR script.
Print preview
The print preview shows the printout appearance before you print the IVR script.
You can display several pages, change the page size on-screen and check page
breaks. Proceed as follows:
1. Select Preview from the IVR script menu. The preview of the
selected IVR script is displayed.
2. Click Print to print the IVR script.
Proceed as follows to print an IVR script.
1. Select Print from the IVR Editor menu or click . You can set
the properties of the printer.
2. Click OK to print the IVR script.

36 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Properties in detail
Structure of the IVR Editor module
The IVR Editor module is a part of the IP Office Contact Center system. The
IVR-Editor module features menus, commands, and a tool bar.
The following icon is used for the IVR Editor:

he following schematic illustration shows the menus of the IVR Editor
IVR Script Edit View Tools Window Help
Commands of the IVR script menu
The following table lists all commands and functions of the IVR script menu.
Command Function
New ->IVR script Creates a new IVR script.
New ->Folder Creates a new folder. You can organize related IVR
scripts in a folder.
Save Saves the active IVR script in the IP Office Contact
Center-database. In the window, the active IVR
script is marked by the corresponding color of the
title bar.
Rename You can rename the selected IVR script or the
selected folder .
Properties You can determine type and availability for selected
VU scripts.
See Editing the properties of an IVR script
Delete DEL You can delete the selected IVR script or folder.
Enabling Saves the active IVR script in XML -format in the
database and activates this IVR script for the server.
Print CRTL+P Prints the active IVR script.
Print preview Shows the print preview.
Import You can import one or several IVR scripts

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 37
Command Function
Export You can export one or several IVR scripts.
Export as an XML script Exports the active IVR script in XML- format.
Commands of the Edit Menu
The following table shows the commands and functions of the Edit menu.
Command Function
Local Variables You can create, edit or delete local variables for the
active IVR script. In the window, the active IVR
script is marked by the corresponding color of the
title bar.
Select all Ctrl+A Selects all elements of the active IVR script.
Deletes selected elements fromthe active IVR-
Commands of the View menu
The following table shows the commands and functions of the View menu.
Command Function
IVR scripts Switches the view of the IVR script on or off.
Updating the application
Refreshes the display of the IVR scripts.
Commands of the Tools menu
The following table shows the commands and functions of the Tools menu.
Command Function
VU configuration You can create, change, copy, or delete voice units.
IVR Script VU assignment
Shows the assignment of IVR scripts to voice units.
Time off You can define time off periods.
Commands of the Window menu
The following table shows the commands and functions of the Windows menu.
Command Function
Cascade windows Arranges all open IVR script windows in cascading
Arrange windows Arranges all open IVR script windowsin tiled form.
Close all Closes all open IVR script windows.
Script name Brings the window with the respective script name to the

38 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Commands of the Help menu
The following table shows the commands and functions of the Helps menu.
Command Function
Contents Displays the contents of the Online help. You can
performkey-word searches.
In addition to the keyboard shortcuts for some commands, the IVR- Editor
features a toolbar with several buttons. These buttons provide commands you
need frequently.
Tooltips are displayed for the icons of the tool bar.
The following table lists the toolbar icons and their functions.
Icon Function Corresponds


Saves the active IVR -script. IVR script Save

Prints the active IVR script. In the
window, the active IVR script is
marked by the corresponding
color of the title bar.
IVR script Print

Shows the local variables of the
open IVR script. You can edit the
local variables.
Edit Local Variables

Enables the active IVR script for
the server.
IVR script Enabling

Creates a new folder. IVR script New ->Folder

Creates a new IVR script. IVR script New ->IVR script

Switches the view of the IVR
-script on or off.
View IVR scripts

Arranges all open IVR script
windows-in tiled form.
Window Arrange windows

Arranges all open IVR script
windows- in cascading form.
Window Cascade windows

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 39
Status bar
The status bar shows current help information and the current date and time.
On the right, the status bar shows the icon. If a dialog box shows this icon,
you can change the size of the dialog box as desired.
Tab: IVR scripts
The IVR scripts tab shows the configured IVR scripts and folders. You can
create, edit, and delete folders and IVR scripts. Icons and names mark IVR
scripts and folders. A scroll bar is added if necessary. All changes are saved to
the IP Office Contact Center database right away.
Icons of the IVR scripts tab
The following table lists and explains the icons of the IVR scripts tab.
Icons Explanation

The IVR script is open in the IVR Editor. The IVR script is displayed
in the IVR script window. If cascading window arrangement is selected
the IVR script might be in the background.

The IVR script is not open in the IVR Editor.

The tab shows only the folder.

The tab shows the contents of the folder.

To have the contents of a folder displayed click .

To hide the contents of a folder click .
The following illustration shows theIVR scripts tab.

Please refer to the respective topics for explanations of the terms.

40 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Pop-up menu
You can open a pop-up menu for the IVR scripts tab by right-clicking with the
mouse. The following table lists and explains the possible commands of the pop-
up menu.
Commands of the pop-up menu Explanation
Create IVR Script Creates a new IVR script. You must enter
a name and can then select a folder.
Create Folder Creates a new folder. You must enter a
Properties Defines the script type and script name.
Delete DEL Deletes the selected folder or selected
IVR script.
Refreshing the application F5 Refreshes the display of the IVR- scripts.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 41
Tab: Elements
You find icons for all elements you can use in an IVR script in the Elements tab.
The list of icons is displayed as tab if you opened an IVR script or create a new
IVR script. A scroll bar is added if necessary.
The following schematic table shows the Elements tab.
IVR scripts


Basic elements





Check times

Define variable



Start script

Start program

IVR scripts

Speech elements


Announcement plus DTMF

Announcement plus DTMF sequence

Announcement plus voice recognition

Text to speech

Record voicemail

Record voicemail plus DTMF

Send voicemail as email

Delete voicemail

IVR scripts

Telephony elements


Send DTMF tones

Refer back




42 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
IVR scripts


Information on connection
IVR scripts

Database elements

Open database

Close database

Insert record

Modify data records

Delete records

Access record

SQL query

First record

Next record

Delete record

Modify record
Please refer to the respective topics for explanations of elements.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 43
Working window: IVR script
The IVR script window is used to determine the sequence of an announcement
with the help of elements.
Pop-up menu in the IVR script window
A pop-up menu opens if you right-click the input connector or exit connector of
an element in the IVR script window. The following table lists and explains the
possible commands of the pop-up menu.
Commands of the pop-up menu Explanation
Highlight connection Changes the color of the selected
connection (color of line).
Delete connection Deletes the selected connection.
->Other element Toggles to the input or exit connector of
the connected element.
Objects like VUs or tags are presented in tables. These tables show additional
information on objects in columns.
You can customize the column arrangement of these tables, change the order of
columns and display or hide columns. You can also search for certain entries.
Changing display order
Objects in a table are always shown in alphabetical order. You can sort the
display alphabetically according to any column. You can sort in ascending or
descending order. By default, the information, e.g. names, is presented
alphabetically. This means that A comes after B, followed by C, etc.
Proceed as follows to sort the table according to a certain column.
1. Click the column heading.
2. The table is sorted alphabetically according to this information,
e.g., the number. The column heading shows the icon arrow up.
3. Click the column heading again to change the order.
4. The table is sorted in reverse order. The column heading shows the
icon arrow down.

44 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Configuring the columns
You can configure which information is shown in the table. The standard setting
is used by default.
Proceed as follows to configure the columns.
1. Click the Columns button in the table view. The Column
Configuration dialog opens.
2. Deselect Use defaults.
3. You can customize the visible columns with the buttons <<<
(insert) >>>(remove), Up and Down.
4. Click OK to save your settings. The table of objects is then
displayed with the configured columns.
Searching in columns
You can search a table for certain entries. You will find the respective search
fields at the bottom area of the table. You can thus search a table containing
many objects for specific objects with certain properties.
For example, proceed as follows to search for a tag with a specific name:
1. Enter "b", for example, in the search field for the name.
3. The first entry found is selected in the table. In our case a tag
starting with "b".

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 45
You create IVR scripts with the IVR Editor. You can use folders to arrange
these IVR scripts.
IVR script
An IVR script contains configured elements. Elements define the course of a
call. You can create any number of IVR scripts. The limit is the memory
requirement of the database.
An IVR script can only be edited by one user at a time in the IP Office Contact
Center system. IVR scripts are inaccessible for all other users.
Folders are used to arrange IVR scripts. A folder can contain any number of IVR
scripts. You can create any number of folders.
Variable and tags
The IVR Editor offers variable for internal use in an IVR script. You use local
variables for the conditions of Logic elements or for announcement texts (WAV
file), for example. A tag, on the other hand, is information that is appended (call
or email) to a task and the value can be used in other IP Office Contact Center
If you use tags in an IVR script, then this affects the rleationship time in the IP
Office Contact Center system. Data exchange between the voice unit and IP
Office Contact Center system can take up to 200 for a tag. We therefore
recommend dealing with tags and variables as follows.
Use variables in IVR scripts
Only use tags if the information is needed in TaskFlow Editor, in
FirstScreen or for evaluations.
If you use a tag, then write the value at the beginning of the IVR
script in a variable and continue to work with the variable as much
as possible.
Elements with tags
You can use tags in the following elements. You can use variable in the other
Define variable
Start program
Announcement plus DTMF
Announcement plus DTMF sequence
Announcement plus voice recognition
Text to speech
Insert record

46 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Modify data records
Delete records
Modify record
The IP Office Contact Center system also offers system-wide or object-specific
variable. In the IVR Editor you can only access a variable when you have
assigned it to a tag in TaskFlow.
Additional Information

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 47
Input connector, exit connector, and connection
A connection starts at the exit connector of one element and ends at the input
connector Input connector of another element.
What is an input or exit connector?
All elements have at least one input connector and one exit connector.
The lower ports of an element are exit connectors and the upper ports of an
element are input connectors. You can connect the exit connector of one element
with the input connector of another element.
A Logic element features a Y-exit connector and an N-exit connector. It is
distributed to the Y-exit connector if the condition is met and to the N-exit
connector if the condition is not met.
Input connectors and exit connectors can be vacant or assigned. A number marks
a certain input or exit connector. Only one connection can be assigned to an
input or exit connector. Depending on the type of element a new input connector
is created when you assign a connection to an input connector. If you remove a
connection from an input connector, the connector is removed as well, unless it
is the only connector left.
What is a connection?
The link between two ports is called a connection. A line represents a connection
You can connect a vacant input connector with a vacant exit connector. You
cannot assign several connections to one input or exit connector.
What are corner points?
For a clearer layout you can add corner points to connections.

48 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Error-exit connector
Most elements have an Error-exit connector. If an error occurs during the
processing of an element it is distributed to the Error-exit connector. To check
the kind of error and thus be able to react to an error the system variables
LastError and ErrorInfo are used.
For elements with an Error-exit connector, a tooltip displays possible errors at
the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.
For all elements except Define variable, Branch, and Logic, the system
variables LastError and ErrorInfo are set to 0 when processing starts. If the
values of the variables LastError and ErrorInfo are needed further, the values
have to be saved in local variables or tags.
Setting an error for Logic, Branch and Define
Element: Logic
For a Logik element the system variables LastError und ErrorInfo are just
queried. If an error occurs while a Logic element is being processed the script is
cancelled and the default script started.
The following errors can occur for a Logic element.
The variable used does not exist.
The tag variable cannot be accessed (no connection with the IP
Office Contact Center system).
Element: Branch
For a Branch element the system variables LastError und ErrorInfo are just
queried. If an error occurs while a Branch element is being processed the script
is cancelled and the default- script started.
The following errors can occur for a Branch element.
The variable used does not exist.
Element: Define variable
For a Define variable element the values of the system variables LastError and
ErrorInfo are passed on to the following element. The Define variable element
does not set its own error value when exiting via the Error-exit -connector.
The following error possibilities can be determined with TTrace:
Errors Explanation
can't find variable to set

LogicParser returns with error:
Error: No variable: var1
wrong variable vu_tag
The variable a value is assigned to does not exist.
The local variable (e.g., var1) to be read does not
The tag (e.g., vu_tag) to be read does not exist.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 49
Which information do LastError and ErrorInfo
Values of the system variables LastError and ErrorInfo
When a script is started the value of the system variable LastError and
ErrorInfo is set to 0. The value is not changed if no error occurs during the
processing of the element.
Also, each element except for the Logic, Branch and Define variable elements
sets the LastError and ErrorInfo variables to 0 at the begining and assigns
them a corresponding error value before exiting through the error-exit connector.
With the Define variable, Logic and Branch elements the LastError and
ErrorInfo system variables can be saved or evaluated right away.
Database elements
If an error occurs during the processing of a database element, the value of the
system variable ErrorInfo is set with an ODBC error code for database-
elements. These error values are described in the relevant -ODBC manual for the
database used.
The Call, Consultation, Transfer and Toggle elements
The telephony elements Call, Consultation, Transfer and Toggle have several
different exit connectors. These exit connectors are used if the corresponding
conditions or causes happen. Not all possible telephony causes are taken into
account for exit connectors. Further telephony causes may occur in individual
cases. In these cases the element Call or Callback is exited via the Error-exit
connector. A corresponding message is saved in the ErrorInfo system variable.

50 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
You need conditions with Logic elements. You use operators, tags and variables
in conditions. It is also possible to specify a constant string in a condition . The
string must be marked by quotes ("2" +"3" =="23"). The string itself must not
contain quotes.
Please note that variables must first be treated as strings, as long as all operators
are not unambiguous numbers.
Method of operation
You use conditions to control the order of processes.
The flow is directed to the Y-exit connector if the condition is met.
The flow is directed to the N-exit connector if the condition is not met.
Examples for conditions:
Simple termwith two variables pin_input ==pin1
Simple termwith one variable and
a constant string
pin_input =="4711"
Complex term (pin_input ==pin1 ) && (var2 >=mask1)
Operators with a condition
The following table lists all available operators.

Operator Explanation
&& Logical AND, e.g. (1==1)&&(2==2) is true (1==1)&&(2==3) is
|| Logical OR, e.g. (1==1)||(2==3) is true, (1==0)||(2==3) is false
! Logical negation, e.g. !(1==1) is 0, !0 is 1
+ Plus (31 +5 is 36)
++ Increment
- Minus
-- Decrement
* Multiply
/ Divide
% modulo
& Arithmetic AND
| Arithmetic OR
( Open parenthesis
) Close parenthesis
== Equal to
!= not equal to
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 51
Operator Explanation
String operations
+ Links words (e.g. "Call"+"Center" becomes "CallCenter", "31"+"5"
becomes "315".
== Lexicographic comparison of words for equal to (e.g., "CallCenter"
=="CallCenter" is correct)
!= Lexicographic comparison of words for not equal to (e.g.,
"CallCenter" !="Callcenter" is correct)
< Lexicographic comparison of words for less than (e.g., "CallCenter"
<"callCenter" is correct).
<= Lexicographic comparison of words for less than or equal to. (e.g.,
"CallCenter" <="callCenter" is correct)
> Lexicographic comparison of words for greater than. (e.g.
"callCenter" >"CallCenter" is correct)
>= Lexicographic comparison of words for greater than or equal to.
(e.g., callCenter >=CallCenter is correct)
~ Lexicographic comparison of words contains a part. (e.g.
CallCenter" ~"Center" is true).
# Lexicographic comparison of words contains a part. Case sensitivity
is not taken into account (e.g. CallCenter" #"CENTER" is true).
Integer functions
cstr(?) Converts an integer to a string, e.g., cstr(3) returns "3"
?if(?) Returns Operand1 as integer if the condition in Operand2 is TRUE,
e.g.5 if (1==1) returns 5; 5 if (1==0) returns 0
?ifnot(?) Returns Operand1 as integer if the condition in Operand2 is FALSE,
e.g.5 if (1==1) returns 0; 5 if (1==0) returns 5
String functions
Upper(?) Changes strings to capital case, e.g. upper("CallCenter") to
Lower(?) Changes strings to lower-case letters, e.g. lower("CallCenter") to
cint(?) Changes strings to integers, e.g., cint("22") to 22
isempty(?) Checks a string for empty contents, e.g., isempty("") is true.
? if(?) Returns Operand1 if the condition in Operand2 is TRUE, e.g.,
"CallCenter" if (1==1) returns "CallCenter", "CallCenter" if (1==0)
returns ""
? ifnot(?) Returns Operand1 if the condition in Operand2 is FALSE, e.g.
"CallCenter" ifnot (1==1) returns "", "CallCenter" ifnot (1==0)
returns "CallCenter"
? left ? Returns the left n characters of Operand1, e.g. "CallCenter" left 4
returns "Call"
? leftfirst ? Returns the left part of Operand1 ending with the first appearance of
Operand2, e.g."CallCenter" leftfirst "a" returns "Ca"; "CallCenter"
leftfirst "z" returns ""

? leftfirstex ? Returns the left part of Operand1 ending before the first appearance
of Operand2, e.g., "CallCenter" leftfirstex "a" returns "C";
"CallCenter" leftfirstex "z" returns "".
? leftlast ? Returns the left part of Operand1 ending with the last appearance of
Operand2, e.g., "CallCenter" leftlast "C" returns "CallC";
"CallCenter" leftlast "z" returns "".
? leftlastex ? Returns the left part of Operand1 ending before the last appearance
of Operand2, e.g., "CallCenter" leftlastex "C" returns "Call";
"CallCenter" leftlastex "z" returns ""

52 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Operator Explanation
? mid ? Returns the right part of Operand1 fromthe character defined with
Operand2 (zero-based index), e.g., "CallCenter" mid 4 returns
? right ? Returns the right n characters of Operand1, e.g., "CallCenter" right 6
returns "Center"
? rightfirst ? Returns the right part of Operand1 beginning with the first
appearance of Operand2, e.g., "CallCenter" rightfirst "e" returns
"enter", "CallCenter" rightfirst "z" returns ""
? rightfirstex ? Returns the right part of Operand1 starting after the first appearance
of Operand2, e.g. "CallCenter" rightfirstex "e" returns "nter",
"CallCenter" rightfirstex "z" returns ""
? rightlast ? Returns the right part of Operand1 starting with the last appearance
of Operand2, e.g. "CallCenter" rightlast "C" returns "Center";
"CallCenter" rightlast "z" returns ""
? rightlastex ? Returns the right part of Operand1 starting after the last appearance
of Operand2, e.g. "CallCenter" rightlastex "C" returns "enter";
"CallCenter" rightlastex "z" returns ""
len ? Returns the length of a string, e.g., len 'abc' returns 3\n.
Date / time functions
_now Renders the current date and the current time in the format
DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS e.g. 17.11.2004 11:09:07 (this
function is only called once per condition, even if the termcontains
_now more than once).
_hour(?) Hour (0 to 23) of a time stamp: _hour(23:15:30) renders 23. (You
get the current hour with: _hour(_timeOfDay(_now)
_minute(?) Minute (0 to 59) of a time stamp: _minute(23:15:30) renders 15.
(You get the current minute with: _minute(_timeOfDay(_now)
_second(?) Second (0 to 59) of a time stamp: _second(23:15:30) renders 30.
You get the current second with: _second(_timeOfDay(_now)
_year(?) Year of a time stamp: _year(25.04.2004) renders 2004 (You get the
current year with: _year(_date(_now)
_month(?) Month (1 to 12) of a time stamp: _month(25.04.2004) renders 4.
You get the current month with: _month(_date(_now)
_dayOfMonth(?) Day of the month (1 to 31) of a time stamp:
_dayOfMonth(25.04.2004) renders 25. You get the current day of
the month with: _dayOfMonth(_date(_now)
Weekday (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, etc,, 6=Saturday) of a time stamp:
_dayOfWeek(25.04.2004) renders 0.You get the current day of the
week with: _dayOfWeek(_date(_now)
_date(?) Renders the date of a date-time stamp
(e.g. _date(25.04.2004 23:00:00) =>25.04.2004)
Renders the time of a date-time stamp
(e.g. _timeOfDay(25.04.2004 23:00:00) =>23:00:00)
+ Adds the number of days specified with Operand2 to the date of
Operand1, e.g. 31.01.2004 +4 =>04.02.2004.
+ Adds two times modulo 24 hours e.g. 12:00:00 +13:00:00 =>
- Subtracts the number of days specified with Operand2 fromthe date
of Operand1, e.g. 31.01.2004 - 32 =>30.12.2003.
- Determines the number of days between two date settings, e.g.
04.02.2004 - 31.01.2004 =>4; 31.01.2004 - 04.02.2004 =>-4.
- Subtracts two times modulo 24 hours e.g. 01:00:00 - 12:00:00 =>
< Date/ time comparison on less than, e.g. 25.04.2004 <01.05.2004
renders 1, 23:00:00 <19:00:00 renders 0

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 53
Operator Explanation
<= Date/ time comparison on less than or equal to, e.g. 25.04.2004 <=
01.05.2004 renders 1; 23:00:00 <=19:00:00 renders 0

Date/ time comparison on greater than, e.g. 25.04.2004 >
01.05.2004 renders 0, 23:00:00 >19:00:00 renders 1
>= Date/ time comparison on greater than or equal to, e.g. 25.04.2004
>=01.05.2004 renders 0; 23:00:00 >=19:00:00 renders 1
== Date/ time comparison on equal, e.g. 25.04.2004 ==01.05.2004
renders 0, 23:00:00 ==23:00:00 renders 1
!= Date/ time comparison on not equal to, e.g. 25.04.2004 !=
01.05.2004 renders 1; 23:00:00 !=19:00:00 renders 1
Tags in a condition
You can use Tags in a condition. A list of names, types, data types and
resolutions of all tags is provided. Tags are defined in Contact Center User
Interface under Administration Configuration .
Local variables in a condition
You can use variables in a condition. A list of names and values is provided. The
local variables apply to a certain IVR script.
Example of a condition
You can use a variety of tags, local variables, and operators for a condition. The
following example explains the syntax of a condition.

Condition: c.dialledTheme ==Load calls 2
Comment: Check for topic name

54 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
A unit in the IVR Editor is called an element. Each element has certain
Structure of elements
Elements are divided according to the following areas:
Basic elements
Speech elements
Telephony elements
Database elements
General properties of all elements
The following properties are valid for all elements except the elements
Comment (Label and Not interruptible are not available) and End (Not
interruptible is not available).
These properties are not explained in further detail in the description of each
Properties Explanation
Label The label is displayed on the icon, with the tooltip, on the
printout, and it is exported.
You can use up to 29 alphanumeric characters for the label.
Not interruptible The element is interruptible by default. Interruptible means
that the IP Office Contact Center systemcan end the IVR
script while the element is running, e.g. to route the call.
This applies to announcement and greeting IVR scripts.
Comment The comment is displayed with the tooltip and it is
exported. You can use up to 250 alphanumeric characters
for a comment.


Confirms your entries and closes the dialog.


Closes the dialog without applying the changes.
Do not use any special characters in file or folder names
When specifying files or folder names, you must not use the following
/ \ : * ? <>|
Using these characters will cause errors when creating files, as the operating
system does not allow these characters.
We recommend that you use the Browse button to select a file or folder.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 55
Element: Comment
The Comment element is used to add a comment to an IVR script. A comment
does not influence the flow of an IVR script.
The IVR Editor module uses the following icons for the element.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

For the general properties of the element refer to General properties of all

56 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Basic elements
The essential elements of an IVR script are called basic elements in the IVR
The Start element specifies the beginning of the IVR script.
You have to use exactly one Start element in an IVR script. Start elements have
one exit connector.
You cannot returen to the Start element.
For the Start element, the IVR Editor module uses the following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

For the general properties of the element refer to General properties of all
Error-exit connector
The Start element has no Error-exit connectors.
The End element specifies the end of the IVR script. The End element does not
clear an established connection. You can use any number of End elements in an
IVR script.
End elements can have several input connectors.
The IVR Editor module uses the following icons for the element.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

For the general properties of the element refer to General properties of all
Error-exit connector
The End element has no Error-exit connectors.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 57
The Trace element generates an output in Ttrace. You can use operators, local
variables and tags.
For the Trace element, the IVR Editor module uses the following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Trace element. For the general
properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
Condition Enter the condition.


Opens the Allowed operators and functions dialog. You
can use the listed operators and functions in the logic.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a variable.


Opens the Select tag dialog. You can select a tag.

Error-exit connector
The Trace element has an Error-exit connectors.
Logic elements can have several input connectors and they have a Y-, and a N-
exit -connector. The distribution to an exit connector depends on the condition-
defined in the logic unit. If the condition is met, the Y-exit connector is used,
and the N-exit connector is used when the condition is not met. You can use
variables and tags in a condition. Strings must be indicated with quotation
marks, e.g., "Avaya". In this element, variables do not have to be identified with
"<:" at the beginning and ":>" at the end.
You can create any number of logic elements.
For the Logic element, the IVR Editor module uses the following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Logic element. For the general
properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
Condition Enter the condition.

58 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Properties Explanation


Opens the Allowed operators and functions dialog. You
can use the listed operators and functions in the logic.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a variable.

Error codes

Opens the Error codes dialog. You can select an error code.


Opens the Select tag dialog. You can select a tag.

Error-exit connector
The Logic element has no Error-exit connectors. For error behavior, please refer
to the topic: Setting an error for Logic, Branch and Define variable.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 59
Display of error codes
The Error Codes dialog lists and describes error codes with numbers. Tooltips
at the Error-exit connectors of individual elements show error codes.
Error codes are divided as follows.
Audio error codes
IVR error codes
Voice unit error codes
Database error codes

60 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Check times
The Check Time Periods element checks a configured period of time. If the set
period is true it is distributed to the Y-exit connector, if not, to the N-exit
connector. You can thus select different flows e.g. for weekdays and weekends.
You can enter any combination of time, date, weekday, and time off as period.
You define time off periods in the Tools menu. The same database table as used
for the IP Office Contact Center system is used for time off. The IP Office
Contact Center system and Voice Control can thus run synchronously.
TheCheck Time Periods element can have several input connectors.
Interpreting the data entered
(Date && Time && (Day of week || Day of week)) || Breaks)
The date, time, and day of the week form a common block. They are linked with
a logical AND, whereby the selected day of the week is linked with a logical
OR. The breaks are linked with a logical OR.
For the Check Time Periods element, the IVR Editor module uses the
following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Check Time Periods element. For
the general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
Date fromto Specifies a period. The date format corresponds to the short
time format set by Windows users. You can only enter one
date. You can enter a time period ( or the starting
point (from) or the endpoint (to).
Time fromto Specifies a period. The time format corresponds to the time
format set by Windows users. You must always enter a
Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday,
Specifies one or more days of the week.
Time off You can also select time off periods. You can find more
details under Defining time off periods.
Error-exit connector
The Check Time Period element has no Error-exit connectors.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 61
Define variable
The Define variable element is used to set a variable. This variable can be a
variable or a tag.
The following values can be assigned to a variable:
A string (in quotes) e.g. "hello"
A number (without quotes) e.g. 1001
The value of another variable, e.g. var1
The result of a term with operators, e.g. var1+100 (the procedure
for creating a term and the allowed operators are identical with the
procedure and operators of Logic elements). In this element,
variables do not have to be identified with "<:" at the beginning
and ":>" at the end.
Define variable elements can have several input connectors but only one exit
You can use any number of Define variable elements.
Data base values and vari able
If you define values in a data base and use for this variables, then you must
define the variable with (quotation marks).
The value in the element Define variable must contain a quotation mark at the
beginning and at the end.
For the Define variable element, the IVR Editor module uses the following
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Define variable element. For the
general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
Variables Shows the name of the local variable or tag.
New value Shows the value set for the variable.


Opens the Allowed operators and functions dialog. You
can use the listed operators and functions.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a


Opens the Select tag dialog. You can select a tag.
Error-exit connector
Define variable elements have Error-exit connectors. For error behavior, please
refer to the topic: Setting an error for Logic, Branch and Define variable

62 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
In this element you can use variables called _VMDefault, D_LineFree,
D_LineBusy, D_LineAvailable and D_InvokeId. These elements must have
already been created in the correct style.
Variables Explanation
_VMDefault This variable is intended only for voicemail. This is the
default variable for the CC.VoiceMsgProcessed tag. For
more information see tips and tricks - Recording and
playing IVR script voicemails.
D_LineFree Indicates the number of available channels at the time the
variable is used.
D_LineBusy Indicates the number of busy channels at the time the
variable is used.
D_LineAvailable Indicates the total number of available channels.
D_InvokeId Indicates the InvokeId. This is a unique, invariable
identification number (ID) that exists during the entire script
flow, even in invoked sub-scripts, and cannot be changed. It
can be saved in the database, for example, to store
information about a specific call.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 63
The value of a variable is queried with Branch element. Depending on the result
it is then distributed to the corresponding exit connector.
You must specify a variable for this purpose.
An exit connector is created for each variable value. The first entry in the list of
variable values is assigned to the first exit connector of the element, the second
to the second connector, etc.
New variable values can only be added as long as there is no connection at the
D-exit connector (default).
You can only delete variable values until there is no connection at the respective
exit connector or a following connector.
Example: If exit connector 4 is assigned a connection, you cannot delete the first
four entries of the list of variable values.
If the D-exit connector is assigned you cannot delete any variable values.
The D-exit connector is used if the value of the variable does not match any
defined variable value.
Branch elements can have several input connectors.
For the Branch element, the IVR Editor module uses the following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Branch element. For the general
properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
Variable Specifies a variable. You can select a variable or a tag.
Values of variables



Shows the possible variable values. An exit connector is
created for each variable value. You can enter or delete
variable values.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a


Opens the Select tag dialog. You can select a tag.
Error-exit connector
The Branch element has no Error-exit connectors. For error behavior, please
refer to the topic: Setting an error for Logic, Branch and Define variable.

64 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
You can define a wait time with the Wait element. The IVR script continues
once the wait time is over.
Wait elements can have several input connectors but only one exit connector.
You can use any number of Wait elements.
For the Wait element, the IVR Editor module uses the following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Wait element. For the general
properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
Wait time (mm:ss) Specifies the wait time. Use the format
The minimumwait time is 1 second.
The maximumwait time is 60 minutes.
Error-exit connector
The Wait element has no Error-exit connectors.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 65
Start script
TheStart Script element is used to stop the current IVR script and start a new
IVR script. It does not affect any existing connections.
Values can be transferred to the script that is starting with the session variables
(e.g., _SessionVar1). Also refer to: List of predefined variables.
Start script elements have one input connector but no exit connector.
You can use any number of Start script elements.
Restri ctions
In an announcement or greeting IVR script you can only start
announcement or greeting IVR scripts.
In an automatic agent IVR script you can only start automatic agent
IVR scripts.
For the Start script element, the IVR Editor module uses the following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Start script element. For the
general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
Shows the name of the IVR script to be started. You can
select an IVR script with . This means, for example, that
in an automatic agent IVR script you can only start
automatic agent IVR scripts. Please note the following
Error-exit connector
Start script elements have no Error-exit connectors.

66 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Start program
Another program can be started with the Start program element.
Start program elements can have several input connectors.
For the Start program element, the IVR Editor module uses the following
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Start program element. For the
general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
Program Enter the name of the programto be started with parameters and
You can enter name, parameters or attributes as variables. You
must mark variables with "<:" at the beginning and ":>" at the
Var. activates the Tags and Local Variable dialogs.
If the programto be started cannot be found in a folder it is
started without a path setting [e.g. notepad].
There are several options for selecting the programto be started:
Possibilities: Select program
Waiting for end of
Waiting for end of programactivates the dialogs Program
output var.: and Return value var.:
You check this option if you want to wait for the end of the
programto be started to process possible outputs.
Waiting for end of program
If you do not check this option, the programto be started is
started as an individual process.
Waiting for end of program
If you check this option, the script can only be finished once the
programto be started is finished as well!
Programoutput var.: You can enter a variable for the programoutput. 1,000
characters maximumcan be added to this variable that the
programto be started returns via the standard output (cout,
Example: The dir command outputs the table of contents, which
is now available in the variable.
Please note: This variable is only useful if the programto be
started produces an output!
Return value var.: Enter the variable for the return value of the program.
Most programs return an integer value upon finishing stating
information about the course of the program(o.k./not o.k.).
Please note: This variable is only useful of you know which
return value a programrenders and what it means!


Opens a file manager. You can select a file.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a variable.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 67
Properties Explanation


Opens the Select tag dialog. You can select a tag.

Error-exit connector
Start program elements have an Error-exit connector. A tooltip displays
possible errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.
Exampl e
You have a created aVisual Basic program and would like to use it. The Visual
Basic program calculates the current offset from GMT.
on er r or r esume next

set s = l ocal t i me i s "
d = Dat e( )
t z = d. get Ti mezoneOf f set ( )
i f ( t z < 0)
s += t z / 60 + " hour s bef or e GMT"
el se i f ( t z == 0)
s += "GMT"
el se
s += t z / 60 + " hour s af t er GMT"

ost r eam. wr i t el i ne s

68 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Enter the following information in the properties of the Elements program.
Properties Explanation
Label timezoneoffset
Program cscript.exe /nologo timezoneoffset.vbs
Waiting for end of program
Programoutput var.: timeoffset

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 69
Speech elements
The IVR Editor uses speech elements for all tasks within an IVR script
concerning speech.
Announcement elements define announcements. You can specify which file to
use for the announcement or use a variable. The variable contains the respective
settings for the announcement. You can also enter several files separated by
semicolons (announcement1.wav; announcement2.wav; announcement3.wav)
Announcement elements can have several input connectors but only one exit
You can use any number of Announcement elements.
The IVR Editor module uses the following icons for the element.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Announcement element. For the
general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
Announcement Text There are several options for selecting an announcement text.
Recommendation: For flexibility and maintenance reasons, we
recommend that you always use variables for the folder if you
are not working with the standard folder.
Possibilities: Select announcement text
Max. running time
You can configure a continuous announcement. The
announcement text is restarted continuously. You can enter the
maximumrunning time for a continuous announcement. You
can enter 5 minutes as maximumrunning time. If you do not
enter a time, the announcement runs continuously.


Opens a file manager. You can select a file for the
Only the file name, not the folder, is used in the file manager.
The IVR Editor module used to create an IVR script can run on
another PC than the Voice Control server. However, the
perspective of the Voice Control server is essential for
accessing the file. It is thus recommended to work with
variables for the announcement folder.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a variable.

70 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Error-exit connector
Announcement elements have an Error-exit connector. A tooltip displays
possible errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.
Please note
that the Announcement element with continuous announcement (subscriber
hangs up) is exited via the Error-exit connector.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 71
Announcement plus DTMF
The Announcement plus DTMF element defines an announcement An entered
DTMF digit is recognized, and the element is exited via the assigned exit
connector. The announcement to be played can be available as announcement
file, as text or as text-file to be read with TTS. The text or text file can also
contain variables (<:variablename:>). You can also enter several files separated
by semicolons (announcement1.wav; announcement2.wav; announcement3.wav)
You can define which digits are to be recognized. If a wrong digit or no digit is
entered, the element distributes to the Error-exit connector. It is also distributed
to Error-exit connector if the maximum input time is exceeded. The Error-exit
connector must be connected with the input connector of another element.

Announcement plus DTMF elements can have several input connectors.
Each defined digit creates an exit connector.
You can use any number of Announcement plus DTMF elements.
For the Announcement plus DTMF element, the IVR Editor module uses the
following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Announcement plus
DTMFelement. For the general properties of the element refer to General
properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
Allowed digits Shows the allowed digits. You can add or delete digits.


Adds a digit. Allowed digits are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and
the characters #and *, a, b, c and d. Note that the characters a,
b, c, and d cannot be entered on all terminals.
Note: You can only insert and delete digits when the Error-
exit connector has not been assigned.


Deletes the selected digit.
You can only insert and delete digits when the
corresponding exit connector is not linked to an element and
when the subsequent exit connectors have not been assigned.
Announcement Text
Text to speech
The announcement can also be made via text to speech (TTS).
You can enter the announcement text directly, specify a variable
or file.
See also: Text spell with TTS
Text fromfile
Folder var. (opt)

If the text is in a file, the folder var. can be specified (handled
like wav -files). If no folder is specified, the folder defined in
the Windows registry (..\VoiceControl\Configuration) is used.
You can either select a variable for the text or enter the text
directly. The variable can be a variable or a tag. The length of
the text is not limited. All characters are allowed.

72 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Properties Explanation
You can select a language. The text is spoken in this language.
If you select Systemthe language of the operating systemis
You can also use a variable for the language. Read Tips and
tricks Variables for speech to find out which number you must
enter in the variable for which language.
Speed of speech
You can select a speed of speech. The text is spoken at this
speed. You can select values 1 (slow) to 9 (fast). The value 6 is
set as default.
Announcement Text There are several options for selecting an announcement text.
Recommendation: For flexibility and maintenance reasons, we
recommend that you always use variables for the folder if you
are not working with the standard folder.
Max. input time (mm:ss) Shows the maximuminput time. Use the format
minutes:seconds. 5 minutes is the maximumsetting. You must
enter a value for the maximuminput time. The input time is not
increased when a disallowed digit is entered.
The maximuminput time begins after the announcement has
been played.
If a permitted digit is entered during the input time, the element
is exited via the appropriate exit connector.
If the announcement can be interrupted, and a permitted digit is
entered during the announcement, the announcement is stopped,
and the element is exited via the appropriate exit connector.
Input possible during
Determines whether digits entered during the announcement are
recognized or not.


Opens a file manager. You can select a file for the
Only the file name, not the folder, is used in the file manager.
The IVR Editor module used to create an IVR script can run on
another PC other than the Voice Control server. It is thus
recommended to work with variables for the announcement

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a variable.


Opens the Select tag dialog. You can select a tag.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 73
Error-exit connector
Announcement plus DTMF elements have Error-exit connectors. A tooltip
displays possible errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and

74 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Announcement plus DTMF sequence
The Announcement plus DTMF element defines an announcement where
several DTMF digits can be entered. Either the number of digits is fixed or an
end code is defined. The announcement can be available as an announcement file
to be played or as text or a text file to be read with TTS. The text or text file can
also contain variables (<:variablename:>). You can also enter several files
separated by semicolons (announcement1.wav; announcement2.wav;
You can define which digits are not to be recognized.
It is distributed to Error-exit connector if the maximum input time is exceeded or
if an invalid digit is entered. The Error-exit connector must be connected with
the input connector of another element.
Announcement plus DTMF sequence elements can have several input
You can use any number of Announcement plus DTMF sequence elements.
For the Announcement plus DTMF sequencethe IVR- Editor module uses the
following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Announcement plus
DTMF-element. For the general properties of the element refer to General
properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
Announcement Text
Text to speech
The announcement can also be made via text to speech (TTS).
You can enter the announcement text directly, specify a variable
or file.
See also: Text spell with TTS
Text fromfile
Folder var. (opt)

If the text is in a file, the folder var. can be specified (handled
like wav -files). If no folder is specified, the folder defined in
the Windows registry (..\VoiceControl\Configuration) is used.
You can either select a variable for the text or enter the text
directly. The variable can be a variable or a tag. The length of
the text is not limited. All characters are allowed.
You can select a language. The text is spoken in this language.
If you select Systemthe language of the operating systemis
You can also use a variable for the language. Read Tips and
tricks Variables for speech to find out which number you must
enter in the variable for which language.
Speed of speech
You can select a speed of speech. The text is spoken at this
speed. You can select values 1 (slow) to 9 (fast). The value 6 is
set as default.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 75
Properties Explanation
Announcement Text There are several options for selecting an announcement text.
Recommendation: For flexibility and maintenance reasons, we
recommend that you always use variables for the folder if you
are not working with the standard folder.
Option: Select announcement text
Digits for variable Specifies a variable where the entered digits are stored. The
variable can be a variable or a tag.
Input possible during
Determines whether digits entered during the announcement are
recognized or not.
Number of digits Specifies the maximumnumber of digits. If more digits are
entered than the number specified, the extra digits are ignored
and the element is ended.
End digits Specifies the digits to end the element. All digits entered up to
the end digit are saved under digits for variable. The end digit
itself is not included.
Invalid digits (opt.): As an option you can enter invalid digits. If invalid digits are
dialed it is distributed to the Error-exit connector.
Max. input time (mm:ss) Shows the maximuminput time. Use the format
minutes:seconds. 5 minutes is the maximumsetting. You must
enter a value for the maximuminput time.
The maximuminput time begins after the announcement has
been played.
If a permitted digit is entered during the input time, the element
is exited via the default exit connector.
If the announcement can be interrupted, and a permitted digit is
entered during the announcement, the announcement is stopped,
and the input time is started.
If a permitted digit is entered during the maximuminput time,
the element is exited via the default exit connector.


Opens a file manager. You can select a file for the
Only the file name, not the folder, is used in the file manager.
The IVR Editor module used to create an IVR script can run on
another PC other than the Voice Control server. However, the
perspective of the Voice Control server is essential for
accessing the file. It is thus recommended to work with
variables for the announcement folder.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a variable.


Opens the Select tag dialog. You can select a tag.
Error-exit connector
Announcement plus DTMF sequence elements have Error-exit connectors. A
tooltip displays possible errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and

76 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Announcement plus voice recognition
The Announcement plus voice recognition element recognizes spoken words
(ASR) and stores them in a variable. For speech recognition you can also use
variables (<:variablename:>) in the Allowed terms field . A variable
(<:variablename:>) can contain several words to be recognized, separated by
semicolons (today; tomorrow; day after tomorrow).
If a text does not match the allowed words or if the maximum speech time is
over, it is distributed to the Error-exit connector.
Announcement plus speech recognition elements can have several input
You can use any number of Announcement plus speech recognition elements.
Al lowed terms
When the field Allowed terms contains the wordDTMF, telephone keystrokes
are also recognized and stored in the Result variable field. The Result variable
must be evaluated to check which key was pressed. Note that DTMF digits are
stored as digits (e.g., 1) in the Result variable, whereas spoken words are stored
as words (e.g., one).
You can also link a grammar file of your choice via the Allowed terms field. To
do so, you must create a local variable as usual and enter the name of the
grammar file as the value (e.g., saydigits.grxml). For further information please
refer to Grammar for speech recognition.
Which announcement files are possible?
The announcement can be available as announcement file to be played or as text
or a text file to be read with TTS. The text or text file can also contain- variables
(<:variablename:>). You can also enter several files separated by semicolons
(announcement1.wav; announcement2.wav; announcement3.wav)
For the Announcement plus speech recognition element the IVR- Editor
module uses the following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Announcement plus speech
recognitionelement. For the general properties of the element refer to General
properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
Announcement Text
Text to speech
The announcement can also be made via text to speech (TTS).
You can enter the announcement text directly, specify a variable
or file.
See also: Text spell with TTS
Text fromfile
Folder var. (opt)

If the text is in a file, the folder var. can be specified (handled
like wav -files). If no folder is specified, the folder defined in
the Windows registry (..\VoiceControl\Configuration) is used.
You can either select a variable for the text or enter the text
directly. The variable can be a variable or a tag. The length of
the text is not limited. All characters are allowed.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 77
Properties Explanation
You can select a language. The text is spoken in this language.
If you select Systemthe language of the operating systemis
You can also use a variable for the language. Read Tips and
tricks Variables for speech to find out which number you must
enter in the variable for which language.
Speed of speech
You can select a speed of speech. The text is spoken at this
speed. You can select values 1 (slow) to 9 (fast). The value 6 is
set as default.
Announcement Text There are several options for selecting an announcement file.
Recommendation: For flexibility and maintenance reasons, we
recommend that you always use variables for the folder if you
are not working with the standard folder.
Possibilities: Select announcement text
Allowed terms Shows the allowed terms. You can add any number of terms.
Allowed terms can e.g. be Yes and No. We recommend not
allowing more than ten words.
When you enter the keyword DTMF, telephone keystrokes are
also recognized (see above).
You can integrate any grammar file you wish by means of a
variable. For more information, refer to Tips and Tricks
Grammar for Speech recognition.


Adds an allowed term.


Deletes a selected term.
Result variable Specifies the result variable the input (recognized word) is
written to. If none of the terms can be recognized, the result
variable is empty.
Max. speech time
Specified the maximumspeech time allotted to a user to say
something. Use the format minutes:seconds. 5 minutes is the
maximumsetting. After the maximumspeech time is over it is
distributed to the Error-exit connector.
The maximumtalk time begins after the announcement has been
played. If a permitted termis recognized during the talk time,
the element is exited via the default exit connector. If speech
recognition is possible during the announcement, and a
permitted digit is recognized during the announcement, the
announcement is stopped, and the element is exited via the
default exit connector.
Voice recognition
during announcement
Specifies if speech recognition is active during an


Opens a file manager. You can select a file for the
Only the file name, not the folder, is used in the file manager.
The IVR Editor module used to create an IVR script can run on
another PC other than the Voice Control server. However, the
perspective of the Voice Control server is essential for
accessing the file. It is thus recommended to work with
variables for the announcement folder.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a variable.


Opens the Select tag dialog. You can select a tag.
Error-exit connector

78 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Announcement plus speech recognitionelements have Error-exit connectors. A
tooltip displays possible errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and
In this element, you can use the local variable called _Confidence. These
elements must have already been created with the correct style.
Variables Explanation
_Confidence Indicates the confidence level of the word recognition (0 =
not recognized, 1,000 or 10,000 =fully recognized). The
Nuance OSR 3.0 engine sends a value between 0 and 1,000
whereas the Nuance SpeechPearl sends a value between 0
and 10,000.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 79
Text to speech
The Text to speech (TSS) element converts text to speech. The text can be
entered directly or taken from a file. The text or text file can also contain
variables (<:variablename:>).
Text to speech elements can have several input connectors but only one exit
You can use any number of Text to speech elements.
For the Text to speech element, the IVR Editor module uses the following
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Text to speechelement. For the
general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
Text fromfile
You can either select a variable for the text or enter the text
directly. The variable can be a variable or a tag. The length of
the text is not limited. All characters are allowed.
See also: Text spell with TTS
Text fromfile
Folder var. (opt)
If the text is in a file, the folder var. can be specified (handled
like wav -files). If no folder is specified, the folder defined in
the Windows registry (..\VoiceControl\Configuration) is used.
Text fromfile There are several options for selecting an announcement file.
Recommendation: For flexibility and maintenance reasons, we
recommend that you always use variables for the folder if you
are not working with the standard folder.
Possibilities: Text fromfile
You can select a language. The text is spoken in this language.
If you select System(default) the language of the operating
systemis used. For a server with Windows 2008 R2, it may
happen that no systemdefault language is available. The
adjustment systemis not functioning. Select a language fromthe
installed TTS languages.
You can also use a variable for the language. Read Tips and
tricks Variables for speech to find out which number you must
enter in the variable for which language.
Speed of speech
You can select a speed of speech. The text is spoken at this
speed. You can select values 1 (slow) to 9 (fast). The value 6 is
set as default.


Opens a file manager. You can select a file.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a variable.


Opens the Select tag dialog. You can select a tag.
Error-exit connector

80 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Text to speech elements have Error-exit connectors. A tooltip displays possible
errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 81
Record voicemail
The Record voicemailelement saves speech to a WAV file. The voice recording
ends when the recording time is over or if the subscriber hangs up.
Record voicemail elements can have several input connectors.
The Error-exit connector is used if a subscriber does not say anything.
Condition that must be met to store a WAV fil e
The timer (maximum recording time) elapses (default case, exit via
the Success-exit connector).
The connection is cancelled during recording (exit via the Success-
exit connector).
If the connection is cancelled during voice recording, subsequent elements can
still be executed. The recording can still be sent as email and deleted even if the
connection was cancelled.
You can use any number of Record voicemail elements.
For the Record voicemail element, the IVR Editor module uses the following
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

82 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
The following table lists the properties of the Record voicemail element. For the
general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
File There are several options for selecting a file.
Recommendation: For flexibility and maintenance reasons, we
recommend that you always use variables for the folder if you
are not working with the standard folder.
Possibilities: Select file
in specified file
(overwrite if necessary)

to send as email
to retrieve as CC
This option is selected to specify the type of voicemail to be
saved. If a Var. folder is not specified, the voicemail is saved in
the folder specified for announcements in the Windows-
registry. Please note that an existing file is overwritten.
You can select whether a voicemail is saved to be sent as email
or as cc voicemail.
File var.: If you assign a File var. the full file name (path\file
name\extension.wav) is saved there. You need this path, for
example, if you want to use the file in another script. Note that
for this purpose, the file Var must be backed up using the
database elements.
Max. recording time
Specifies the maximumrecording time a user is given to speak.
Use the format minutes:seconds.
The minimumsetting is 1 second.
The maximumsetting is 60 minutes.
Max. time of silence
You can enter a maximumtime of silence. The maximum
setting is 60 seconds. Five seconds of maximumtime of silence
are preset.
If a subscriber does not say anything for the maximumtime of
silence, no voicemail is recorded and the element is ended via
the E-exit connector.
If a subscriber says something first and then keeps quiet for the
maximumtime of silence, the words spoken by the subscriber
are recorded and the element is exited via the Success-exit


Opens a file manager. You can select a WAV -file.
Only the file name, not the folder, is used in the file manager.
The IVR Editor module used to create an IVR script can run on
another PC other than the Voice Control server. However, the
perspective of the Voice Control server is essential for
accessing the file. It is thus recommended to work with
variables for the announcement folder.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a variable.
Error-exit connector
Record voicemail elements have Error-exit connectors. A tooltip displays
possible errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.
In this element, you can use local variables with the names _VMDuration,
_NoRecBeep, and _MinRecDuration. These elements must have already been
created in the correct style.
Variables Explanation
_VMDuration Specifies the length of recording in seconds.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 83
Variables Explanation
_NoRecBeep Specifies whether the signal tone indicating the start of the
recording is played. 1 or true means no signal tone.
_MinRecDuration Specifies the minimumlength of a recording in seconds. If a
recording is shorter than the specified time, it is deleted.

How is a voicemail saved?
If a voicemail is recorded to be sent as an email, Voice Control adds an
underscore, date, time of recording and one-digit index to the specified file
name. If another file is recorded simultaneously, the index is incremented.
Message 1: message_040422103253_1.wav
Message 2: message_040422103344_1.wav
When a voicemail for Retrieve as CC voicemail is recorded, then (no check
mark at send as email), then no file name can be indicated because the IVR
Editor blocks the input window for File / Folder Var. / File Var. Voice Control
creates a file with the file name VM, underscore, date, time of recording and
one-digit index. If another file is recorded simultaneously, the index is
Message 1: VM_040422103253_1.wav
Message 2: VM_040422103344_1.wav

84 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Record voicemail plus DTMF
The Record voicemail plus DTMF element saves a recording to a WAV file.
The voice recording ends when the recording time is over, the caller hangs up, or
a DTMF digit is dialed.
Note: The entered DTMF tone is part of the recording file. If no end digit is
specified all DTMF digits are considered as end digits.
Record voicemail plus DTMF elements can have several input connectors.
The Error-exit connector is used if a subscriber does not say anything or enters a
wrong end digit.
You can use any number of Record voicemail plus DTMF elements.
The Record voicemail plus DTMF element matches the Record voicemail
element plus the additional possibility of entering DTMF -tones.
For the voicemail plus DTMF element, the IVR Editor module uses the
following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 85
The following table lists the properties of the Record voicemail plus DTMF
element. For the general properties of the element refer to General properties of
all elements.
Properties Explanation

There are several options for selecting a file.
Recommendation: For flexibility and maintenance reasons, we
recommend that you always use variables for the folder if you
are not working with the standard folder.
Possibilities: Select file
in specified file
(overwrite if necessary)

to send as email
to retrieve as CC
With this option you determine the format the voicemail is to be
saved in. If a Var. folder is not specified, the voice message is
saved in the folder specified for announcements in the
Windows- registry. Please note that an existing file is
You can select whether a voicemail is saved to be sent as email
or as cc voicemail.
File var.: If you assign a File var. the full file name (path\file
name\extension.wav) is saved there. You need this path, for
example, if you want to use the file in another script. Note that
for this purpose, the file Var must be backed up using the
database elements.
Max. recording time
Specifies the maximumrecording time a user is given to speak.
Use the format minutes:seconds. You must enter a value for the
maximumrecording time.
The minimumsetting is 1 second.
The maximumsetting is 60 minutes.
DTMF end digits (var) Specifies the digits to end the voice recording. As an option you
can select a variable containing digits. The variable can be a
variable or a tag. If you do not enter digits for ending the
recording all keys of a telephone are valid (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, #, *).
Max. time of silence
You can enter a maximumtime of silence. The maximum
setting is 60 seconds. If a subscriber does not say anything for
the maximumtime of silence, no voicemail is recorded and the
element is ended via the E-exit connector. If a subscriber says
something first and then keeps quiet for the maximumtime of
silence, the subscribers spoken words are recorded and the
element is exited via the Success-exit connector.


Opens a file manager. You can select a WAV-file.
Only the file name, not the folder, is used in the file manager.
The IVR Editor module used to create an IVR script can run on
another PC other than the Voice Control server. It is thus
recommended to work with variables for the announcement

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a variable.

Error-exit connector
Record voicemail plus DTMF elements have Error--exit connectors. A tooltip
displays possible errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and

86 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
In this element, you can use local variables with the names _VMDuration,
_NoRecBeep, and _MinRecDuration. These elements must have already been
created in the correct style.
Variables Explanation
_VMDuration Specifies the length of recording in seconds.
_NoRecBeep Specifies whether the signal tone indicating the start of the
recording is played. 1 or true means no signal tone.
_MinRecDuration Specifies the minimumlength of a recording in seconds. If a
recording is shorter than the specified time, it is deleted.
Note: During voice recording, the end of the recording is filled with silence to
suppress any possible DTMF tone. The length of the silence (one unit
corresponds to approximately 100 milliseconds) can be set in the Windows
registry (..\VoiceControl\Configuration) under HideDTMFTone. A value
between 5 and 8 is recommended. A setting of 0 means that no silence is added.
How is a voicemail saved?
If a voice message is recorded to beSent as an email the Voice Control adds to
the indicated file name an underscore, date (YYMMDD), time (HHMMSS) of
the recording and a one-digit index (file
name_YYMMDDHHMMSS_Index.wav). If another file is recorded
simultaneously, the index is incremented.
Message 1: message_040422103253_1.wav
Message 2: message_040422103344_1.wav
When a voice message for Retrieve as CC voice message is recorded, then (no
check mark at send as email), then no file name can be indicated because the
IVR Editor blocks the input window for File / Folder Var. / File Var. Voice
Control creates a file with the file name VM, underscore, date, time of recording
and one-digit index. If another file is recorded simultaneously, the index is
Message 1: VM_040422103253_1.wav
Message 2: VM_040422103344_1.wav

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 87
Send voicemail as email
The Send voicemail as email element sends a WAV file in the attachment of an
email to a specified mailbox. You can also use this element to send an email as
an attachment without a WAV file.
You can determine an entry for the subject and a text. You can also specify the
sender, a reply address, a user name, and a password for SMTP- authentication.
To do so, you must create predefined variables as described under Variables.
Sending without voicemail
Send voicemail as emailelements can have several input connectors.
They are distributed to the Error-exit connector (Error) if the WAV-file cannot
be found.
You can use any number of Send voicemail as email elements.
For the Send voicemail as email element, the IVR Editor module uses the
following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

88 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
The following table lists the properties of the Send voicemail as email element.
For the general properties of the element refer to General properties of all
Properties Explanation
File There are several options for selecting a file.
Recommendation: For flexibility and maintenance reasons, we
recommend that you always use variables for the folder if you
are not working with the standard folder.
Possibilities: Select file
Email address:
Specifies the email address to which the WAV file is sent. You
can use either an email address (<Alias>Alias@<domain of the
email server >) or a variable. The variable contains the email


Opens a file manager. You can select a WAV -file.
Only the file name, not the folder, is used in the file manager.
The IVR Editor module used to create an IVR script can run on
another PC other than the Voice Control server. However, the
perspective of the Voice Control server is essential for
accessing the file. It is thus recommended to work with
variables for the announcement folder.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a variable.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 89
Error-exit connector
Send voicemail as email elements have Error-exit connectors. A tooltip displays
possible errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.
In this element you can use variable named _From, _ReturnPath, _Subject,
_Body, _AuthAccount and _AuthPassword. These elements must have already
been created in the correct style.
Variables Explanation
_From Displays the sender.
_ReturnPath Displays the email address to which a reply is sent.
_Subject Displays the subject.
_Body Shows the text of the email.
_AuthAccount Shows the SMTP user name.
_AuthPassword Shows the SMTP password.
No connection to the mai l server
If there is no connection to the mailserver at the time the e-mail is sent, the e-
mail is temporarily saved to a folder, and Voice Control automatically tries to
resend the email at regular intervals. This spooler mode is only activated if the
error code for a faulty connection to the mailserver has been output at the error-
exit connector. In all other cases, the IVR script must be constructed such that
the e-mail is resent with different parameters in this case.

90 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Delete voicemail
The Delete voicemail element deletes the specified WAV file.
Delete voicemail elements can have several input connectors.
They are distributed to the Error-exit connector (Error) if the WAV-file cannot
be found.
You can use any number of Delete voicemail elements.
For the Delete voicemail element, the IVR Editor module uses the following
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Delete voicemail element. For the
general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
File There are several options for selecting a file.
Recommendation: For flexibility and maintenance reasons, we
recommend that you always use variables for the folder if you
are not working with the standard folder.
Possibilities: Select file
Not interruptible
The element is interruptible by default. Interruptible means that
the IP Office Contact Center systemcan end the IVR script
while the element is running.
Comment The comment is displayed with the tooltip and it is exported.
You can use up to 250 alphanumeric characters for a comment.


Confirms your entries and closes the dialog.


Closes the dialog without applying the changes.


Opens a file manager. You can select a WAV -file.
Only the file name, not the folder, is used in the file manager.
The IVR Editor module used to create an IVR script can run on
another PC other than the Voice Control server. However, the
perspective of the Voice Control server is essential for
accessing the file. It is thus recommended to work with
variables for the announcement folder.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a variable.
Error-exit connector
Delete voicemail elements have Error-exit connectors. A tooltip displays
possible errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 91
Telephony elements
The IVR Editor uses telephony elements for all telephony tasks within an IVR
script. Scripts with telephony elements that affect the connection status must
have the automatic agent property.
For telephony elements, only the success- and error-exit connectors need to be
connected. You can use the other exit-connectors as necessary. If you are only
using the success- and error-exit connectors, all other exit connectors are
automatically assigned internally to the error-exit connector.
If there is no established connection for the running IVR script the Call element
dials a number. The connection is established as a 1st-party connection.
If a connection is already being established, the number is dialed afterward.
However, only one other Call element can be post-connected.
If a connection was already established, the element is exited with error. The
Call element only sends dial digits if the connection is not yet fully established.
Call elements can have several input connectors.
For the Call element, the IVR Editor module uses the following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

92 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
The following table lists the properties of the Call element. For the general
properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
Call number
Specifies the number to be dialed. You can enter the
number directly or use a variable. The variable must contain
the number. You can enter 24 characters maximumfor the
number. Only the alphanumeric characters 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, *, #, a, b, c, d can be used.
max. ring time (mm:ss) Specifies for how long a subscriber (number) is being
called. It is distributed to the Timeout-exit connector if the
maximumring time is exceeded. Enter the ring time in the
format mm:ss (minutes:seconds). 5 minutes is the maximum
You must enter a value for the maximumcall time.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a
Exit connectors
Call elements have the following exit connectors. To make it easier for
experienced users to track errors the table also shows the corresponding CAPI
Output Explanation Cause

This exit connector (Success) is used if
a connection is established.
B The B-exit connector (busy) is used if
the subscriber is busy.
In an IPO PBX, the Timeout- or Error-
exit connector is used, depending on
the maximumcall time (<1 minute or >
1 minute).
3491(busy terminal)
34a2 (no B-channel)
3495 (call rejected)
T The T-exit connector (timeout) is used
if the maximumring time is exceeded.
Voice Control releases the connection.
W The W-exit connector (wrong number)
is used if a number that does not exist
was dialed.
3481 (the internal number is
349c (invalid number format or
own MSN is wrong)
I The I-exit connector (incomplete
number) is used if the time (depending
on PBX and call type external or
internal) for canceling the incomplete
dialing is greater than the element timer
(maximumring time).
The time for canceling a dial operation
(timer in the PBX) depends on the PBX
and telephone network (fixed network,
mobile phone radio network,
international). The following values are
For specific extension dialing the
element timer (max. ring time) of the
first call element must be about eight
seconds to allow extention dialing of
another Call element via the
"incomplete number" exit.
For calling with full number (without
an extension) the timer must be set to at
least 15 seconds.
3481 (the internal number is

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 93
Output Explanation Cause
E The E-exit connector (error) is used in
all other cases where a connection
cannot be established.
Note the systemvariable ErrorInfo.
349f (ordinary end of
connection, error number).
3490 (ordinary end of
connection or cancellation of
dialing, error number. 6104)
34e6 (ISDN ring time
monitoring, error number).
3492 (Terminal is unplugged,
error number). 6118)
349b (Destination cannot be
reached, error number). 6118)
Open exit connectors
In an IVR script you only have to connect the exit connectors Success and Error
with another element. All unassigned exit connectors are automatically routed to
the Error-exit connector.
Error-exit connector
Call elements have an Error-exit connector. A tooltip displays possible errors at
the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.

94 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
In this element, you can use the local variable with the name _MaxRingTime.
These elements must have already been created in the correct style.
Variable Explanation
_MaxRingTime This variable has the same function as the Max. ring time
(mm:ss) field. This variable specifies the ring time in
seconds (e.g., 300 for 5 minutes) for a subscriber (number)
being called. It is distributed to the Timeout-exit connector
if the maximumring time is exceeded. The time
specification in the element itself (Max. ring time field) is

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 95
Send DTMF tones
The Send DTMF tones element dials further characters. These characters are
sent as DTMF tones in an existing connection (without an extension).
Send DTMF tones elements can have several input connectors.
For the Send DTMF tones element, the IVR Editor module uses the following
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Send DTMF tones element. For
the general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
DTMF tones
Specifies the DTMF characters. You can enter one or more
DTMF characters directly (with no separator) or use a
variable. The variable must contain the DTMF character.
The DTMF characters 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, *, #, a, b, c,
d can be used. The maximumnumber of DTMF characters
to be sent is 128.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a
Error-exit connector
Send DTMF tones elements have Error-exit connectors. A tooltip displays
possible errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.

96 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Refer back
The Consultation element starts a consultation call during a connection. The
first connection is put on hold. The new connection is the active connection. You
can only use consultations if there is no established second connection.
The Consultation is established as 1st-party call.
Consultation elements can have several input connectors.
For the Consultation element, the IVR Editor module uses the following icons.

Icon in the catalog of
Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Consultation element. For the
general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
Call number
Specifies the number to be dialed. You can enter the
number directly or use a variable. The variable must contain
the number. You can enter 24 characters maximumfor the
Wait until the
consultation call has been

Wait until the
consultation call has been

Wait until the consultation call has been accepted is
preset. The Max. ring time field is activated.
In order to be able to use the Transfer at once function,
you must remove the check mark in Wait until the
consultation call has been accepted. In this case, the
elements Consultation and Transfer must come in direct
succession. Connect the success-exit connector of the
Consultation element to the input connector of the
Transfer element. The active connection is put on hold, the
outgoing connection being initiated (the new active call)
and is exited via the success-exit connector. The successive
Transfer element transfers the active call to the call on
Max. ring time (mm:ss)

Specifies for how long a subscriber (number) is being
called. It is distributed to the Timeout-exit connector if the
maximumring time is exceeded. Enter the ring time in the
format mm:ss (minutes:seconds). 5 minutes is the maximum
You must enter a value for the maximumcall time.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 97
Exit connectors
Consultation elements have the following exit connectors. To make it easier for
experienced users to track errors the table also shows the corresponding CAPI
Output Explanation Cause

This exit connector (success) is used if
there is a connection.
B The B-exit connector (busy) is used if
the subscriber is busy.
In an IPO PBX, the Timeout- or Error-
exit connector is used, depending on
the maximumcall time (<1 minute or >
1 minute).
3491(busy terminal)
T The T-exit connector (timeout) is used
if the maximumring time is exceeded.
Voice Control releases the connection.
W The W-exit connector (wrong number)
is used if a number that does not exist
was dialed.
3481 (the internal number is
349c (invalid number format or
own MSN is wrong)
I The I-exit connector (incomplete
number) is used if the time (depending
on PBX and call type external or
internal) for canceling the incomplete
dialing is greater than the element timer
(maximumring time).
The time for canceling a dial operation
(timer in the PBX) depends on the PBX
and telephone network (fixed network,
mobile phone radio network,
international). The following value is a
For a Consultation element the time
must always be at least 15 seconds.
Unlike the Call element, an extension
cannot be dialed for this element.-
3481 (the internal number is
In an IPO PBX, the Timeout- or Error-
exit connector is used, depending on
the maximumcall time (<1 minute or >
1 minute).
3490 (ordinary end of
connection or cancellation of
dialing, error number. 6104)
34a2 (no B-channel)
3495 (call rejected)
P The P-exit (no passive call) is no
longer used for the following scenario:
The subscriber on hold hangs up while
the subscriber in consultation is being
In this case Voice Control cancels the
consultation call independently.
Since there is no longer a connection,
the Consultation element is exited via
the E-exit with error number 6102.
In the following case the Consultation
element is exited via the P-exit:
If messages overlap, e.g. due to
simultaneous "Answer consultation"
and "Disconnect hold call", the
connection via ISDN can be established
faster than the call on hold can be
3490 (no connection on hold).

98 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Output Explanation Cause
E The E-exit connector (error) is used in
all other cases where a connection
cannot be established.
Note the systemvariable ErrorInfo.
349f (ordinary end of
connection, error number).
34e6 (ISDN ring time
monitoring, error number).
3492 (Terminal is unplugged,
error number). 6118)
349b (Destination cannot be
reached, error number). 6118)
Open exit connectors
In an IVR script you only have to connect the exit connectors Success and Error
with another element. All unassigned exit connectors are automatically routed to
the Error-exit connector.
Error-exit connector
Consultation elements have an Error-exit connector. A tooltip displays possible
errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 99
In this element, you can use the local variables with the name _MaxRingTime
and _WaitIfBusy. These elements must have already been created in the correct
Variable Explanation
_MaxRingTime This variable has the same function as the Max. ring time
(mm:ss) field. This variable specifies the ring time in
seconds (e.g., 300 for 5 minutes) for a subscriber (number)
being called. It is distributed to the Timeout-exit connector
if the maximumring time is exceeded. The time
specification in the element itself (Max. ring time field) is
_WaitIfBusy If a consultation connection cannot be established, the value
can be set to true. This means that although the consulted
subscriber is busy, the element is not exited through the
Timeout-exit connector until the specified maximumcall
time is over.

100 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
The Transfer element transfers an active connection to a connection on hold.
Transfer elements can have several input connectors.
For the Transfer element, the IVR Editor module uses the following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

For the general properties of the element refer to General properties of all
Exit connectors
Transfer elements have the following exit connectors.
Output Explanation

This success-exit connector is used if the connection was transferred.
A The A-exit connector (no active call) is used if there is no longer an active
connection (active subscriber hung up).
Transfer is rejected, for example, when:
The consulted subscriber rejects with the Disconnect key.
The consulted subscriber is busy and the call is released.
The number of the subscriber to be consulted is unknown.
P The P-exit connector (no passive call) is used if there is no longer a
passive connection (subscriber on hold hung up).
E The E-exit connector (error) is used in all other cases where a connection
cannot be established.
Open exit connectors
In an IVR script you only have to connect the exit connectors Success and Error
with another element. All unassigned exit connectors are automatically routed to
the Error-exit connector.
Error-exit connector
Transfer elements have an Error-exit connector. A tooltip displays possible
errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.
The Error-exit is used:
If the transfer is not made.
If the call on hold cannot be switched through again.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 101
The Toggle element puts the active connection on hold and activates the
connection previously on hold (1st-party initiated).
Toggle elements can have several input connectors.
For the Toggle element, the IVR Editor module uses the following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

For the general properties of the element refer to General properties of all
Exit connectors
Toggle elements have the following exit connectors.
Output Explanation

This exit connector (success) is used if the connection previously on hold
is the active connection again.
A The A-exit connector (no active call) is used if there is no longer an active
connection (active subscriber hung up).
P The P-exit connector (no passive call) is used if there is no longer a
passive connection (subscriber on hold hung up).
E The E-exit connector (error) is used in all other cases where a connection
cannot be established.
Open exit connectors
In an IVR script you only have to connect the exit connectors Success and Error
with another element. All unassigned exit connectors are automatically routed to
the Error-exit connector.
Error-exit connector
Toggle elements have an Error-exit connector. A tooltip displays possible errors
at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.

102 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
The Disconnect element clears the active connection and activates the
connection previously on hold (1st-party initiated).
The Disconnect element is exited if the connection on hold is activated or if an
error occurred.
Disconnect elements can have several input connectors.
For the Disconnect element, the IVR Editor module uses the following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

For the general properties of the element refer to General properties of all
Error-exit connector
Disconnect elements have an Error-exit connector. A tooltip displays possible
errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 103
The Release element clears all established connections.
Release elements can have several input connectors but only one exit connector.
You can use any number of Release elements.
Difference between Release and Disconnect
Please note that with Release, active connections as well as connections on hold
are cleared. If you only want to clear the active connection use the Disconnect
For the Release element, the IVR Editor module uses the following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

For the general properties of the element refer to General properties of all
Error-exit connector
The Release element has no Error-exit connector.

104 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Information on connection
The Information on connection element determines additional information
regarding the active connection.
If, for example, a user redirects calls to a central voice box the redirecting
number shows who routed the call. With this additional information e.g. an email
address or a language for TTS can be determined.
The Information on connection element is exited via the Error-exit connector if
the requested information is not available (suppressed number, no redirected call,
If the information on the connection of a Call element is evaluated, the
information regarding the caller's number is not available. since it is hardly
Information on connection elements can have several input connectors.
What connection information is supplied by an IPO PBX?
The following list shows the connection information supplied by an IPO PBX.

Information on
connection el ement
IVR script type:
IVR script type:
Automatic agent
Call number of caller Number of the telephone
making the call
Number of the telephone
making the call
Number of called party Number of line to voice
Number of line to voice unit
Routing number No information No information
Note: You can find out the IVR script type by right-clicking the IVR script and
selecting Properties from the pop-up menu.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 105
For the Information on connection element, the IVR Editor module uses the
following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Information on connection
element. For the general properties of the element refer to General properties of
all elements.
Properties Explanation
Information about
You can select information. The following types of
information are possible. Number of called party, Caller's
number or Routing number.
Result variable Specifies a variable in which the information is saved. You
can thus retrieve this information, e.g. in a Logic element.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a
Error-exit connector
Information on connection elements have an Error-exit connector. A tooltip
displays possible errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and

106 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Database elements
The database elements in the IVR Editor are used to query and change the
records of a IP Office Contact Center-external database in an IVR script.
The following databases are tested with IVR Editor and Voice Control:
Microsoft Access (2003, 2007, 7)
Microsoft SQL-Server (2005 und 2008)
Sybase ASE (15.x)
Previous knowledge of database elements
Please note that you need to have a good knowledge about databases to work
with database elements in the IVR Editor. You must be familiar with the
common method of operation of databases. You further need detailed knowledge
of the database you want to use. You might have to use a user name and
password. You need to know which tables and fields are used in the database.
The database is accessed via ODBC and SQL.
Prerequisites for accessi ng databases
Names of data sources (DSN) must be defined on the Voice Control server
(Control Panel - Administrative Tools - ODBC Data Source Administrator) tht
refer to the respective databases Names of data sources must be defined Voice
Control server that refer to the respective databases Control Panel -
Administrative Tools - ODBC Data Source Administrator).
These data sources can also be installed on the computers writing the IVR scripts
but they do not have to.
If the name of the data source is also configured on the computer running the
IVR Editor and if it can access the database, the IVR Editor can support the
selection of tables and fields with database elements since it can read this data
directly from the database.
Consider with 64 bit operating system
With the setting-up of the data sources is to respected to open the suitable ODBC
administrator. On 64 bit operating systems (Windows 7, Windows 2008) you
must use the 32 bit version of the ODBC administrator
(C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe). Do not use the ODBC administrator
from the system control.
Differences between databases
Different types of databases provide different ODBC drivers. Details of their
implementation might differ from the default.
For SQL statements it is to be noted that the syntax is different for data types.
For example, a string in a simple query must be in quotes for Microsoft Access
2003 and Microsoft Access 2007 and in apostrophes for Sybase ASE and
Microsoft Access 7.
Especially date formats differ depending on the used type of database.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 107
Statistical nominal values
You can also calculate statistical values like sums (sum), minimums (min),
maximums (max), and averages (avg).
Sel ect count ( *) As number f r omUser wher e Subscr i ber = "266"xxx
renders the number of all entries in the "User" table where "266" is entered as
"Subscriber " in the "number" field.
Variable-markings per type of database
Microsoft Access 2003, 2007
Strings in double quotes "<:stringvar:>"
Numerical values without quotes <:numvar.>
Microsoft Access 7
Strings in single quotes '<:stringvar:>'
Microsoft SQL Server
Strings in double quotes "<:stringvar:>"
Sybase ASE 12.x
Strings in single quotes '<:stringvar:>'
Further information on the Internet
For further information please refer to the relevant literature or the Internet.
Data base values and vari able
If you define values in a data base and use for this variables, then you must
define the variable with (quotation marks).
The value in the element Define variable must contain a quotation mark at the
beginning and at the end.

108 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Note on modifying or deleting records
Some database elements delete or modify a record with certain properties or
contents. Please pay attention the following notes for the possible types of
Microsoft SQL Server
The SQL server changes or deletes a record only if a primary key is defined for
this table.
Sybase ASE
With Sybase, all records having the exact same properties or contents regarding
the queried columns or fields are changed or deleted. A following Next record
element can fail after a previous delete or can render no record since the desired
record might have been deleted as well.
Microsoft Access
The use of AutoNumbers in a table leads to problems regarding the changing of
records. Voice Control also tries to change this column which is denied by
Microsoft Access. To solve this problem a corresponding view (query) without
this column can be used.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 109
Open database
The Open database element opens a database. You must open a database first
before you can access its data.
You need the name of the data source which must be configured accordingly on
the Voice Control server (with the " ODBC Data Source Administrator") to
open a database.
If the name of the data source is also configured on the computer running the
IVR Editor and if it can access the database, the IVR Editor can support the
selection of tables and fields with database elements since it can read this data
directly from the database..
For the Open database element, the IVR Editor module uses the following
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Open database element. For the
general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
DB variable Variable for referencing the database. Is set by Voice
Control when the database is opened. This variable serves
as identifier for this database (database ID) for later
database accesses.
Name of data source
Specifies the name of the data source. You can also use a
variable. You must configure the name of the data source
with the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
Specifies the user name for the database. You can enter the
user name directly or use a variable.
Specifies the password for the database. You can enter a
password directly or use a variable.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a
Error-exit connector
Open database elements have an Error-exit connector. A tooltip displays
possible errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.

110 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Close database
The Close database element closes a database. The database must have been
opened before with the Open database element.
For the Closedatabase element, the IVR Editor module uses the following
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Close database element. For the
general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
DB variable Specifies the variable containing the database ID. Already
used DB variables can be selected with .

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a
Error-exit connector
Close database elements have no Error-exit connectors.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 111
Insert record
The Enter data record element adds a record to a table.
For the Insert record element, the IVR Editor module uses the following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Insert record element. For the
general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
DB variable Specifies the variable containing the database ID. Already
used DB variables can be selected with .
DB table
Specifies the name of the table. You can also use a variable.
The specified variable can contain the name of the table.
Already used variables for names of tables can be selected
with .
Field assignment Field assignments are listed. You can enter a field name
directly or use a variable. You can enter the value directly
or use a variable.


Creates a new field assignment.


Deletes a field assignment.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a


Opens the Select tag dialog. You can select a tag.
Error-exit connector
Insert record elements have an Error-exit connector. A tooltip displays possible
errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.

112 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Modify records
The Modify records element changes records that meet a defined condition.
For the Modify records element, the IVR Editor module uses the following
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Modify records element. For the
general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
DB variable Specifies the variable containing the database ID. Already
used DB variables can be selected with .
DB table
Specifies the name of the table. You can also use a variable.
Already used variables for names of tables can be selected
with .
Condition Specifies the condition records have to comply with to be
edited with the element.
You can enter four conditions maximumin default mode.
These conditions are linked with a logical "AND" rendering
the following query.
column=value AND column1>value AND column2<>value
AND column3<value
Advanced mode
You enter a SQL statement in advanced mode. You can use
variables in a SQL query. A variable must be marked with
"<:" at the beginning and ":>" at the end. (Example:
Depending on the type of database, the value or variable
must be in single or double quotation marks.
Field assignment A list shows the assignment of fields fromthe database with
values. You can enter field name and value directly or use
the contents of a variable. If you want to use a variable you
have to select the respective option in the Variable column.


Creates a new field assignment.


Deletes a field assignment.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a


Opens the Select tag dialog. You can select a tag.
Error-exit connector
Modify records elements have an Error-exit connector. A tooltip displays
possible errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 113
Delete records
The Delete records element deletes all records of a table that meet a defined
For the Delete records element, the IVR Editor module uses the following
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Delete records element. For the
general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
DB variable Specifies the variable containing the database ID. Already
used DB variables can be selected with .
DB table
Specifies the name of the table. You can also use a variable.
Already used variables for names of tables can be selected
with .
Condition Specifies the condition records have to comply with to be
deleted with the element.
You can enter four conditions maximumin default mode.
These conditions are linked with a logical "AND" rendering
the following query.
column=value AND column1>value AND column2<>value
AND column3<value
Advanced mode
You enter a SQL statement in advanced mode. You can use
variables in a SQL query. A variable must be marked with
"<:" at the beginning and ":>" at the end. (Example:
Depending on the type of database, the value or variable
must be in single or double quotation marks.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a
Error-exit connector
Delete records elements have Error-exit connectors. A tooltip displays possible
errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.

114 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
SQL query
You create an SQL query with the SQL query element and query the open
For the SQL query element, the IVR Editor module uses the following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the SQL query element. For the
general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
DB variable Specifies the variable containing the database ID. Already
used DB variables can be selected with .
SQL query Specifies a SQL query.
You select a DB table in default mode. You can enter four
conditions maximum. This condition is linked with a logical
"AND" so that the following query results:
SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE column=value AND
column1>value AND column2<>value AND
Advanced mode
DB table
You enter a SQL query in advanced mode. You can use
variables in a SQL query. A variable must be marked with
"<:" at the beginning and ":>" at the end. (Example:
Examples for SQL queries.
SELECT * FROM VoiceMail WHERE MsgName =
Reads all rows of the VoiceMail table where the MsgName
matches the contents of the variable VarMsgName.
SELECT convert (varchar(8), getdate(), 3) AS date
Reads the current date fromthe Sybase database in the
format to the Datumfield. xxx
Depending on the type of database, the value or variable
must be in single or double quotation marks.
Variables for result

Data record variable

Number of records
The result of the query can be accessed via the variable
specified here.

A reference to the result of the query is stored in the record
variable after the query. It is required for the elements First
record, Next record, Modify record and Delete record to
be able to access these results. You can work with several
parallel queries.
The number of records found is entered in the variable after
the query.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a
Error-exit connector

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 115
SQL query elements have Error-exit connectors. A tooltip displays possible
errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.

116 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
First record
The First record element navigates to the first data record, a database query
determined with SQL, and reads out the values.
For the First record element, the IVR Editor module uses the following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the First record element. For the
general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
DB variable Specifies the variable containing the database ID. Already
used DB variables can be selected with .
Data record variable The record variable specifies the variable containing the IDs
of found records. The assignment is made with an SQL
query generated with the SQL query element.
Field assignment A list shows the assignment of fields fromthe database with
values. You can enter field name and value directly or use
the contents of a variable. If you want to use a variable you
have to select this in the Variable column.


Creates a new field assignment.


Deletes a field assignment.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 117
Exit connectors
First record elements have the following exit connectors.
Output Explanation
S The Success-exit connector is used if the data was read without
F The F (Finish)-exit connector is used if the data was read without
errors and the end of the table is reached. No further records can be
read from this table.
E The E (Error)-exit connector is used if an error occurred during the
Error-exit connector
First record elements have Error-exit connectors. A tooltip displays possible
errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.
Message: Error: 1ZZ00
The error Error 1ZZ00 occurs when a binary field is defined in the table. In the
cc database and the tr database these are all columns in which IDs (CCID) are
saved by IP Office Contact Center objects. The standard SQL query (select *
from ...) always leads to abort when a CCID occurs in the table.
The command reads all the fields of the database, including the column with a
CCID. For binary data, there is no preset conversion (String). Sybase generated
for each query (get first / next record) a mistake and the IVR script terminates.
Solution 1
In the advanced mode in the Select query, the field can be left with the CCID, ie
it lists explicitly in the SQL query on the column names you want to query.
Instead of:
SELECT * FROM ValueTag where tagName ="ABC"
SELECT FROM tagValue ValueTag where tagName ="ABC"
Solution 2
If the object ID (CCID) is absolutely required in the query must be a conversion
(type-cast) are used in the SQL query.
SELECT bintostr (objid) tagName, tagValue FROM ValueTag where tagName
The CCID in the objid column is returned in this case as a hex string.

118 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Next record
The Next record element points to the next data record of a database query
determined with SQL and reads it out.
Note: The First record element must be used before the Next record element is
used for the first time.
For the Next record element, the IVR Editor module uses the following icons.
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Next record element. For the
general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
DB variable Specifies the variable containing the database ID. Already
used DB variables can be selected with .
Data record variable The record variable specifies the variable containing the IDs
of found records.
Field assignment A list shows the assignment of fields fromthe database with
values. You can enter field name and value directly or use
the contents of a variable. If you want to use a variable you
have to select this in the Variable column.
You can use other fields and variables here than in the First
record element. If you do not specify an assignment, the
assignment list of the First record element is used


Creates a new field assignment.


Deletes a field assignment.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 119
Exit connectors
Next record elements have the following exit connectors.
Output Explanation
S The Success-exit connector is used if the data was read without errors.
F The F (Finish)-exit connector is used if the data was read without errors
and the end of the table is reached. No further records can be read from
this table.
E The E (Error)-exit connector is used if an error occurred during the query.
Error-exit connector
Next record elements have Error-exit connectors. A tooltip displays possible
errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.

120 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Delete record
The Delete record element deletes a record from a DB table. This record is
previously selected with the elements First record or Next record.
Note: Data records are deleted with SQL. At present, this process is
implemented differently by the respective databases. With Sybase all identical
records are deleted. With Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL-Server only the
current record is deleted.
For the Delete record element, the IVR Editor module uses the following
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Delete record element. For the
general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
DB variable Specifies the variable containing the database ID. Already
used DB variables can be selected with .
Data record variable The record variable specifies the variable containing the IDs
of found records.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a
Error-exit connector
Delete record elements have Error-exit connectors. A tooltip displays possible
errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 121
Modify record
The Modify record element deletes a record from a DB table. This record is
previously selected with the elements First record or Next record.
Note: Data records are modified with SQL. At present, this process is
implemented differently by the respective databases. With Sybase all identical
records are modified. With Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL-Server only the
current record is modified.
For the Modify record element, the IVR Editor module uses the following
Icon in the catalog of elements Icon in the IVR script

The following table lists the properties of the Modify record element. For the
general properties of the element refer to General properties of all elements.
Properties Explanation
DB variable Specifies the variable containing the database ID. Already
used DB variables can be selected with .
Data record variable The record variable specifies the variable containing the IDs
of found records.
Field assignment A list shows the assignment of fields fromthe database with
values. You can enter field name and value directly or use
the contents of a variable. If you want to use a variable you
have to select this in the Variable column.


Creates a new field assignment.


Deletes a field assignment.

Local variables

Opens the Local variables dialog. You can select a
Error-exit connector
Modify record elements have Error-exit connectors. A tooltip displays possible
errors at the Error-exit connector with error number and explanation.

122 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
In IVR scripts, you can use global variables, local variables, or specific
predefined variables.
When you define variables with the Define variable element, you can enter any
number of characters for the value. Strings must be placed in double quotes (e.g.,
"Hello"). When you define variable with Local variables, you can specify 200
characters for the value. Strings must not be placed in double quotes.
Global variables
Global variables have the following properties:
They can be defined and read in the elements.
Global variables have a name and a value.
There are ten predefined global variables.
_SessionVar1 to _SessionVar10
They are valid until the first Stop element. They also retain their
value in any number of subscripts. This allows you to transfer
values from a main script to subscripts. A subscript is a script that
is called from another script with the Start Script element.
List of predefined variables
The following table provides an alphabetic listing of all predefined variables
with an explanation and specification of the elements they are written in.
Variable Explanation Element
_AuthAccount Shows the SMTP user name. Send voicemail as
_AuthPassword Shows the SMTP password. Send voicemail as
_Body Shows the text of the email. Send voicemail as
_Confidence Indicates the confidence level of the word
recognition. With OSR 3.0, this value is
between 0 and 1,000. With SpeechPearl,
the value is between 0 and 10,000. 0
means not recognized, and 1,000 or 10,000
means fully recognized.
plus voice
_From Shows the sender of the email. Send voicemail as

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 123
Variable Explanation Element
_MaxRingTime This variable has the same function as the
Max. ring time (mm:ss) field. This
variable specifies the ring time in seconds
(e.g., 300 for 5 minutes) for a subscriber
(number) being called. It is distributed to
the Timeout-exit connector if the
maximumring time is exceeded. The time
specification in the element itself (Max.
ring time field) is ignored.
Refer back
_MinRecDuration Specifies the minimumlength of a
recording in seconds. If a recording is
shorter than the specified time, it is
Record voicemail
Record voicemail
plus DTMF
_NoRecBeep Specifies whether the signal tone
indicating the start of the recording is
played. 1 or true means no signal tone.
Record voicemail
Record voicemail
plus DTMF
_ReturnPath Displays the email address to which a
reply is sent.
Send voicemail as
_SessionVar1 to _SessionVar10 are global
Global variables are valid until the first
End element. They also retain their value
in any number of subscripts. With global
variables, you can transfer values froma
main script to subscripts.
Creating an IVR
script Global
_Subject Shows the subject of the email. Send voicemail as
_VMDefault This variable is only used for voicemail.
This is the default variable for the
CC.VoiceMsgProcessed tag. For more
information, refer to Tips and tricks: IVR
scripts record and play voicemail
Define variable
_VMDuration Specifies the length of recording in
Record voicemail
Record voicemail
plus DTMF

124 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Variable Explanation Element
_WaitIfBusy If a consultation connection cannot be
established, the value can be set to true.
This causes the consultation connection to
be maintained until the specified
maximumring time is over.
Refer back
D_InvokeId Indicates the InvokeId. This is a unique,
invariable identification number (ID) that
exists during the entire script flow. It can
be saved in the database, for example, to
store information about a specific call.
Define variable
D_LineAvailable Shows the number of available channels. Define variable
D_LineBusy Indicates the number of busy channels at
the time the variable is used.
Define variable
D_LineFree Indicates the number of available channels
at the time the variable is used.
Define variable

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 125
Getting help
In this chapter you learn how to open the Help and how to use a tooltip.
Using the Help
The IVR Editor module offers a dialog-oriented, context-sensitive help for all
menus, commands and dialogs. You can search for information on a certain
Help during operation
You can open Help information for each command and dialog.
1. A dialog is open. Press the F1 key. The Online help for this dialog
Starting the Help contents
You want to read the contents of the Online Help.
1. Select Contents from the Help menu. The Online help opens.
2. Click a text to obtain further information.
Using tooltips
A tooltip provides quick information on elements and Error-exit connectors.
Information on an el ement
If you point the mouse pointer to an element for a short while, a tooltip is
The tooltip shows the configured data of the element.
Information on an Error-exit connector
If you point the mouse pointer to an Error-exit connector for a short while a
tooltip is displayed.
For an Error-exit connector the tooltip shows a list of possible errors of the

126 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Where can you find additional information?
This guide describes the skills and prerequisites that you will need to operate the
IVR Editor.
You will find additional information about the IP Office Contact Center system
in the following manuals:
Guides to the other IP Office Contact Center modules. Like this
document, you can use these documents online or in printed form.
System administrator manual
Which edition are you reading?
The following table lists information about this edition of the guide.
Compiled on: 2014-01-31
Based on: IVR Editor module
Coordinator Andreas Marquardt
Available as: Online Help
Acrobat Reader-file

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 127
Working with folders and variables
In the elements, you can use Folder, Variable and Folder Variable in the
Possibilities: Select program
There are several options for selecting the program to be started.
Option 1
Enter the name of the program to be started [for example: programm.exe]. The
folder defined in the Windows registry under PathExecuteFiles is used as folder.
Also refer to: Registry entries for filing

Option 2
You enter a program name and a folder.

128 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Option 3
Enter a variable for the name of the program to be started. The folder defined in
the Windows registry under PathExecuteFiles is used as folder.
Also refer to: Registry entries for filing


Option 4
Enter a variable for the name of the program to be started and a variable for the

Option 5
Enter the name of the program to be started and a variable for the folder.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 129
Possibilities: Select announcement text
There are several options for selecting an announcement text.
Option 1
You enter a file name. The folder defined in the Windows registry under
PathMsgAnnouncements is used as folder.

Option 2
You enter a file name and a folder.

Option 3
You enter a variable for the file name. The folder defined in the Windows
registry under PathMsgAnnouncements is used as a folder.

130 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Option 4
You enter a variable for the file name and a variable for the folder.

Option 5
You enter a file name and a variable for the folder.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 131
Possibilities: Select text from file
There are several options for selecting text from a file.
Option 1
You enter a file name. The folder defined in the Windows registry under
PathMsgTTS is used as folder.

Option 2
You enter a file name and a folder.

Option 3
You enter a variable for the file name. The folder defined in the Windows
registry PathMsgTTS is used as the folder.

132 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Option 4
You enter a variable for the file name and a variable for the folder.

Option 5
You enter a file name and a variable for the folder.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Properties in detail 133
Possibilities: Select file
There are several options for selecting a file.
Option 1
You enter a file name. The folder used is defined in the Windows registry under
PathDefaultRecordings (for sending as an email or retrieving as a CC voicemail)
or under PathMsgAnnouncements (for saving in a predefined file).

Option 2
You enter a file name and a folder.

Option 3
You enter a variable for the file name. The folder used is defined in the Windows
registry under PathDefaultRecordings (for sending as an email or retrieving as a
CC voicemail) or under PathMsgAnnouncements (for saving in a predefined

134 Properties in detail IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Option 4
You enter a variable for the file name and a variable for the folder.

Option 5
You enter a file name and a variable for the folder.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Tools 135
Configuring voice units
You can view the configured voice units (VU), edit properties and create, copy,
or delete voice units.
What is a voice unit?
A voice unit adds features like announcements, speech recognition, and
interaction with the caller via DTMF to the functional range of the IP Office
Contact Center system. DTMF stands for Dual Tone Multi Frequency Dialing.
A voice unit is installed on a computer with software and, if necessary, hardware
(card).The PBX is connected with the voice unit via a line (e.g. S2M with 30 B-
channels) or VoIP. Voice Control is a possible voice unit.
The voice unit scripts are created with the corresponding software (IVR Editor).
These scripts can then be used in the task flow.
List of voice units
The list of voice units shows all configured voice units. The list shows the
following information.
Header Explanation
Name Shows the name of the voice unit.
PBX Shows the PBX the voice unit is configured for.
Displaying the list
Proceed as follows to display the list of voice units:
1. Select VU configuration from the Tools menu. The voice unit
Configuration dialog opens and the list of voice units is displayed.
2. You can create, change, copy, or delete voice units.

136 Tools IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Properties of a voice unit
You configure the following properties for a voice unit in a IP Office Contact
Center system.
Settings Explanation
Name Specifies the name of the voice unit. You can use up to
28 alphanumeric characters.
You can choose between Voice Control and <external>.
Select <external>when you are using a different
manufacturer's voice unit.
Interface version
Specifies the version of the interface protocol. For
Voice Control, enter 1.070. For a different
manufacturer's voice unit, you must select a version
with fewer features if required.
Host Shows the host name of the voice unit. You can also use
the IP address.
TCP port no. Shows the port number of the voice unit. The TCP port
number is not required for an IPO.
Mail server Specifies the host name of an SMTP-capable mail
server. This mail server is used by Voice Control to
send emails (RelayHost Mailserver).
Default script
Shows the standard script. If an error occurs, it is started
by Voice Control.
Line allocation

Shows the line allocation. This box is blank for IPO.


Confirms your entries and closes the dialog.


Closes the dialog without applying the changes.


Opens the VU scripts dialog. The dialog shows the
configured VU scripts.


Opens the voicemails dialog. The dialog shows the
configured voicemails.


Inserts a line (channel number).


Replaces a line.


Deletes a line.


Moves the selected line upward in the order.


Moves the selected line downward in the order.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Tools 137
Which settings must you specify in conjunction with the PBX?
The following lists show the settings you must specify in conjunction with the
IPO and Voice Control
Mail server
Default script

Editing the properties of a voice unit
Proceed as follows to edit the properties of a voice unit.
1. Double-click a voice unit in the list of voice units. The Edit voice
unit Configuration dialog opens.
2. Change the properties.
3. Click OKto save your settings.

138 Tools IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Editing the properties of an IVR script
You can edit the properties of an IVR script.
Opening the Properties
Proceed as follows to open the properties of an IVR script.
1. Select the IVR script.
2. Select Properties from the IVR script menu. The Properties
dialog opens.
1. Right-click a drawn element. A pop-up menu opens.
2. Select Properties.
If the selected IVR script is being edited by another user, the Properties dialog
can only be opened as read-only. (The OK button is not active.)

Property Explanation
Name Shows the name of the IVR script.
Control of the call remains with the task flow. The
call can be withdrawn fromVoice Control at any
Welcome Announcement Control of the call remains with the task flow, and
the IVR script is selected as a welcome
announcement for the task flow.
Free of cost The IVR script is free of cost for the caller (no
Automatic agent
Control of the call is transferred to Voice Control.
Play on A list shows the assignment of voice units to
You can see the assignment of IVR scripts to voice
For further information please refer to: Viewing the
IVR script-VU assignment
Press DEL to remove a voice unit fromthe list.

Voice Unit

Adds a voice unit to the list of assignments.
Start Parameter The start parameters specify the tags, whose values
are handed over with the start of the IVR Script to
the IVR server. In the IVR Script these values can
be used with the start parameter variable. A start
parameter value is a static value, it is not updated.
The name of the start parameter variable is build
with the tag name and the prefix _Param.
The list shows the start paramaters. It shows the
start parameter variable and the appropriate tag.
A start parameter variable can be chosen with the
locale variables.
Click Delete to delete a start parameter in the list.


Add a start parameter to the list.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Tools 139
Property Explanation


Confirms your entries and closes the dialog.


Closes the dialog without applying the changes.

Conditions for voice unit Assignment
Note the following conditions for assigning voice units.
You can only assign an IVR script to voice units on the same PBX.
You cannot change the PBX assigned to a voice unit. You cannot
change the PBX in the VU configuration dialog.
When you delete a voice unit, the assignment to the IVR script is
removed via the database.
When you delete an IVR script, the assignment to the voice unit is
removed via the database.

140 Tools IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Editing voicemails
The Voicemails dialog shows a list of voicemails with the following
Property Explanation
Date/time Shows date and time of the creation.
Done Indicates that a voicemail has been marked as heard by an
agent with the VU script.
Type Shows the type of the voicemail.
Name Shows the name of the file in which the voicemail is stored.
Length Specifies the length of the voicemail in seconds.
Subject Indicates the topic for which the voicemail was recorded.
This information is important for subsequent distribution.
Proceed as follows to edit a voicemail:
1. In the IVR Editor, select VU configuration under Tools.
2. The voice unit Configuration dialog opens. Select a voice unit and
click OK.
3. The voice unit Configuration dialog opens. Click Voicemails
4. The Voicemails dialog opens. Select a voicemail if you want to
delete it.
5. Click Delete.
Editing the line allocation
Refer to the Configuration number allocation chapter in the Deploying IP
Office Contact Center manual to find out how to edit the number scheme and
the number of existing channels and how to distribute the existing
numbers/channels to different applications.
Supported WAV format
We recommend the following WAV format for Voice Control.
PCM 8,000 kHz, 16 Bit, Mono

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Tools 141
Viewing the IVR script-VU assignment
You can view the assignment of IVR scripts to the corresponding voice units.
These assignments are shown in a list.
Opening the view
Proceed as follows to view an IVR script-voice unit assignment.
1. Select IVR Script VU Assignment Overview from the Tools
menu. The IVR Script-VU assignment overview dialog appears.
4. You can only view this list.
For more information, refer to Editing the properties of an IVR script.
What does the IVR script-VU assignment show?
A list shows the assignment of IVR scripts to voice units.

Column Explanation
1. Shows the IVR script by name.

A green check mark indicates that the IVR script is enabled.
2. To n Shows the voice units by name and the PBX. The PBX appears in
If an IVR script is assigned to a voice unit, this is indicated by an "x."

142 Tools IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Defining time off periods
You can define time off periods, for example, one-time time off periods, regular
daily or weekly breaks, or public holidays. Time off applies to the whole IP
Office Contact Center system. A response to system-wide time off periods can
be made in the Check Time Periods element.
Time off list
The list of time off shows all defined time off periods.
Header Explanation
Start Shows the beginning of the time off period.
End Shows the end of the time off period.
Repetition Shows the repetition of time off periods, e.g. daily or yearly.
Displaying the list
Proceed as follows to display the Time off list.
1. Select Time off from the Tools menu. The Definition of Time Off
dialog opens showing a list of configured breaks.
2. You can add, change, or delete a time off period.
Properties of a time off period
You configure the following properties for a time off period.
Property Explanation
None (one-time time off)
Daily (e.g. regular breaks)
Weekly (e.g., weekly breaks)
Annually (e.g.: national
Specifies the repetition of time off periods.
You can select whether a break is to be repeated
daily, weekly, yearly, or not at all.
An example of a daily repetition is the daily lunch
break from12:00 to 12:30.
Beginning of time off You can set a date and time for the beginning of
time off.
If you set Daily or Weekly, you can only
set the time.
If you set Weekly, you can select a day of the
You can enter the time directly or using the up and
down buttons .
You can enter the date directly or by clicking .
A calendar page displaying a month appears. A red
circle indicates the current date. A blue circle
indicates the day that is set.
End of time off You can set a date and time for the end of time off.
The settings are the same as the settings described
above. The end of time off must occur after the


Confirms your entries and closes the dialog.


Closes the dialog without applying the changes.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Tools 143
Editing the properties of a time off period
Proceed as follows to edit the properties of a time off period.
1. Double-click a break in the list of time off periods. The Time off -
Edit dialog opens.
2. Change the properties.
3. Click OKto save your settings.

144 Tools IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
You can export IVR scripts. The data are saved to a file. You can export an IVR
script in IVR or XML format. In XML format you can only export one IVR
script. In IVR format you can export several IVR scripts.
Why export data?
Exporting IVR scripts enables you to create IVR scripts centrally and store them
on a data medium. You can then retrieve and use these IVR scripts in another IP
Office Contact Center system. You can select exactly which IVR scripts you
want to export.
Exporting in IVR format
The IVR format is an internal format of the IVR Editor. The advantage of this
format compared to XML format is that you can export several IVR scripts at
once. You can also export unfinished scripts, that is scripts with open input or
exit connectors, with IVR format.
Proceed as follows to export one or several IVR scripts.
1. Select Export from the IVR script menu. TheExport -IVR script
dialog appears.
2. Enter a name for the export file or select a file and folder Folder
with .
3. Select the IVR scripts to be exported.
4. Click Export to export the selected IVR scripts. The IVR scripts
are saved to the file.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Tools 145
Exporting in XML format
Please note the following restrictions.
You can only export one IVR script at a time in XML format.
The XML format contains all elements of an IVR script. Comments
are not exported.
The IVR script must be syntactically correct.
Proceed as follows to export an active IVR script in XML format.
1. Select Export as XML script in the IVR script menu. The Create
IVR Script dialog opens.
2. Enter a name for the export file or select a file and folder Folder
with .
3. Click Export to export the active IVR script . The IVR script is
saved to the file.

146 Tools IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
You can import IVR scripts.
Note already used names
If you import IVR scripts that have the same name as scripts already stored in
the database, the names of the imported (double) scripts are modified with an
index (postfix). It is possible that the imported IVR scripts are not working if
they refer to scripts whose names were thus modified.
Possible import formats
You can only import IVR script data in IVR or XML- format.
IVR format
IVR format has the following properties.
Internal format of the IVR Editor.
Can contain several IVR scripts
XML format
The XML format has the following properties:
Standardized format
Can only contain one IVR script
Proceed as follows to import IVR scripts.
1. Select Import from the IVR script menu. TheIVR -script import
dialog appears.
2. Select the import file with . Only files with formats IVR (file
extension ivr) and XML (extension xml) can be imported.
3. You can select IVR scripts once you selected an IVR file.
4. If you like to import a IVR script into a certain specific folder, then
select the appropriate folder.
5. Click Import to import the IVR scripts. The IVR scripts are read
from the file.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Tips and tricks 147
Tips and tricks
Help with problems
The following problems might occur. A possible solution is presented.
TTS file is not played
A TTS file is not played
A TTS file must be saved in ANSI format for TTS.
Use the NOTEPAD command Save as to check in which format a TTS file was
saved. ANSI must be used as format.
German umlauts
You want to query a word containing an umlaut with in a Logic element.
A recognized spoken word contains a question mark in the place of an umlaut.
This applies only when the Nuance SpeechPearl engine is used. The Nuance
OSR 3.0 engine can handle umlauts correctly.
Examples: Kapit?n (Kapitn), H?tte (Htte)
If a comparison follows a query must include the question mark (?) (var1==

148 Tips and tricks IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Endless loop in an IVR script
An unfavorable loop (flow) can result in a so-called endless loop. In some cases
this might result in a high load on the server.
In the Command field, select the VC_AbortScript trace system. The current
script is aborted without having to restart Voice Control.
Write-protection for Text to speech element
The Text to speech element works poorly or not at all in an IVR script.
The text file is write-protected. Change this properties.
Callers number cannot be identified
Use a script with the Automatic agent property. See Editing the properties of an
IVR script.
Enabled IVR script does not work in Voice
An enabled IVR script does not work in the Voice Control.
Check whether the IVR script is assigned to the relevant Voice Control.
1. Select IVR Script VU Assignment Overview from the Tools
2. Check the assignment.
Check also whether all IVR scripts used in the IVR script are enabled.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Tips and tricks 149
Scrollbar is no longer visible
It may happen that the scrollbar on the right-hand side is no longer visible.
Problem: Scrollbar not visible
If you enable the taskbar or Cockpit Bar in the user interface, it may happen that
the scrollbar on the right-hand side is no longer visible in the module.
Solution: Show the scroll bar
To display the scrollbar, do the following:
1. Double-click the window's title bar. The window is adjusted to the
actual section. The scrollbar appears again.
2. Select Arrange from the Windows menu. The window is adjusted
to the actual section. The scrollbar appears again.
UNC path not working
In folder and file settings (Browse button) you can use a UNC path.
Problem: Voice control does not work with UNC path
The Voice Control does not work with the appropriate folder or file.
Solution: Use UNC path
Note: If you start the Voice Control (ivr.exe) with the Watchdog
(recommended), then you can not use the path settings in the UNC format
of permission reasons.
You can use paths in UNC format if the process Voice Control (ivr.exe) is
started as a user with appropriate rights (not SYSTEM).

150 Tips and tricks IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
This topic provides information for special functions.
Variables for speech
You can use a variable for the language in elements Text to speech,
Announcement plus DTMF, Announcement plus DTMF sequence and
Announcement plus speech recognition.
You can enter the following numbers in the variables.

Number Explanation
0 The language of the operating system is used.
1 German
2 English
3 French
4 Spanish
5 Dutch
6 Flemish
7 Italian
8 Basque
9 Danish
10 Finnish
11 Swedish
12 Norwegian
13 Greek
14 Polish
15 Portuguese
16 Russian
17 Czech
18 Slovakian
19 Slovenian
20 Turkish
21 Hungarian
22 Hebrew
23 Chinese (Cantonese)
24 Chinese (Mandarin)
25 J apanese
26 Korean
40 User-defined 1
41 User-defined 2

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Tips and tricks 151
Number Explanation
42 User-defined 3
43 User-defined 4
44 User-defined 5
Registry entries for filing
Some elements access files. Folders defined in the Windows registry are used for
these files.
As experienced user you can change the corresponding entries in the Windows
You will find all configuration entries for Voice Control under
Registry entry for announcement texts
The following registry entry specifies the folder for announcement texts.
String: PathMsgAnnouncements
Example: C:\ProgramData\Avaya\IP Office Contact
Registry entry for TTS Announcements
The following registry entry specifies the folder for TTS announcements.
String: PathMsgTTS
Example: C:\ProgramData\Avaya\IP Office Contact
Registry entry for voicemails
The following registry entry specifies the folder for voicemails.
String: PathDefaultRecordings
Example: C:\ProgramData\Avaya\IP Office Contact
Registry entry for programs to be started
The following registry entry specifies the folder for programs to be started.
String: PathExecuteFiles
Example: C:\ProgramData\Avaya\IP Office Contact
DTMF sequence for fax machine
Elements that recognize DTMF characters can also be used to recognize a fax
connection. In this case, an "X" (FAX tone CNG 1.1 kHz) or a "Y" (FAX tone
CED 2.1 kHz) is received. In this way, the FAX connection can be transferred to
a FAX machine.

152 Tips and tricks IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Text spell with TTS
If you use TTS in an element, then you can also let a certain text spell with TTS.
You must use this function for example, if a call number is converted into
language. If you do not use this function, then a call number 4711 is announced
as four thousand eleven. You would like however that the call number is
announced as four seven one one.
Elements with TTS
In the following elements you can use TTS.
Announcement plus DTMF
Announcement plus DTMF sequence
Announcement plus voice recognition
Text to speech
In order to use the function, you must use the mark <spell>at the beginning of
the text and at the end of the text the mark </spell>.
You can let one part of the text spell also. In addition, you must insert at the
beginning the mark <spell></spell>.
The mark <spell>must always stand at the beginning of the text.
Exampl e of call number
Text: <spell><:cc_number:></spell>
Exampl e of text and call number
Text: <spell></spell>The call number is <spell>4711</spell>

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Glossary 153
Drag & Drop
This procedure is used to move elements within the IVR Editor. You select an
element and move it while keeping the left mouse button pressed. You can thus
e.g. move an IVR script to a certain folder.
DTMF stands for Dual Tone Multi Frequency. With DTMF, digits are
transmitted as sounds of different frequencies.
IVR stands for Interactive Voice Response.
UMS stands for Unified Messaging System.
UNC stands for Universal Naming Convention. UNC is a convention for naming
files and other resources using two backslashes (\) to indicate that the resource is
located on a network computer. The syntax for UNC names is
name of the server and ENABLENAME stands for the name of the enabled
resource. The UNC name of a directory of file can also contain the directory path
after the enable name. In this case, the following syntax applies:
Voice Control
Voice Control is an interactive language application.
XMLXML stands for Extensible Markup Language. XML is a standard for
data description.

IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor Index 155
Access record 42
Active IVR script 23, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 145
Alias 88
Allowed digits 71
AND 50
Announcement plus DTMF 41, 71
Announcement plus DTMF sequence 41, 74
Announcement plus voice recognition 41
Arithmetic AND 50
Arithmetic OR 50
Arranging 26
Background knowledge 106
Basic elements 41
Branch 41, 63
Call 41, 91
Check times 41, 60
Close database 42, 110
Comment 41
Comparison of words 51
Condition 30, 47, 50, 53, 57
Connect 29, 47
Connection 47
Corner points 29, 47
Create 21, 22
Creating 20, 30
Creating 30
Creating 30
Creating 31
Data type 53
Database elements 42, 106
Date / time functions 52
Define variable 41, 61
Delete 24, 27, 28, 32, 37
Delete connection 29, 43
Delete record 42, 120
Delete records 42, 113
Delete voicemail 41, 90
Disconnect 41, 102
Divide 50
DTMF 151
DTMF end digits 85
Edit 27, 28, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38
Edition 126
Element 54
Email address 88
Enabling 23, 33, 36, 38
End 41, 56, 75
Equal to 50
Error-exit connector 48, 71
ErrorInfo 49
Export 144, 145
FAX 151
First record 42, 116
Folder 21, 22, 23, 24, 36, 38, 39, 40, 45, 144, 145,
Global variables 122
Greater than 50
Greater than or equal to 50
Greeting 41
Help 36, 38, 39, 43, 125, 126
Help contents 125
Highlight connection 29, 43
Import 146
Information 126
Information on connection 42, 104
Input connector 29, 43, 47, 65, 71, 74
Insert record 42, 111
Integer functions 51
Invalid digits 75
IVR script 14, 45
IVR scripts 39
Knowledge 126
Language 150
LastError 49
Less than 50

156 Index IP Office Contact Center IVR-Editor
Less than or equal to 50
Line allocation 136
Linking words 51
Logic 29, 41, 47, 48, 57
Mail server 136
Max. Input time 72, 75
Maximum recording time 82, 85
Menus 36
minus 50
Modify data records 42
Modify record 42, 121
Modify records 112
modulo 50
Moving 23, 27, 29
Multiply 50
Next record 42, 118, 119
not equal to 50
Open database 42, 109
Opening 20
Operators 53
OR 50
Parenthesis 50
plus 50
Print preview 35, 36
Printing 23, 35, 36, 38
Program end 66
Properties 40
Record voicemail 81, 82, 84, 85
Record voicemail 84
Record voicemail plus DTMF 41, 84, 85
Refer back 41, 96
Refresh 24, 37, 40
Release 42, 103
Requirements 20
Resolution 53
Return value 66
S2M 135
Save 23, 33, 36, 38
Script name 37
Send DTMF tones 41, 95
Send voicemail as email 41, 87, 88
Speech elements 41
Speech recognition 76
SQL query 42, 114
Start 27, 29, 41, 56, 65
Start program 41, 66
Start script 41, 65
Status bar 39
String 50, 51
Tag 53
Telephony elements 41, 91
Text 71, 74, 76, 79
Text to speech 41, 79
Time off 142
Toggling 41, 101
Tool Bar 36
Toolbar 38
Tools 36, 37
Tooltip 28, 38, 125
Tooltips 125
Transfer 41, 100
Troubleshooting 34
TTrace 34
TTS 147, 151
Type 140
Uninstalling components 29
Variable 53, 75
Variable name 61, 83, 86, 89
Variable value 61, 83, 86, 89
Variables 122
View 24, 25, 36, 37, 38
Voice Control 14
Voice unit 135
voicemail 83
voicemails 136
Wait 41, 64
Wait time 64
WAV 140
Window 23, 24, 25, 26, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43
Windows registry 151
Write-protection 148
XML 23, 33, 36, 37, 144, 145, 146, 153

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