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Name: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Situation: The Community Health Nurse conducts home visit to families in the


1. Planning for a home visit is an essential tool in achieving best results in health care. The
following are the principles, except:
a. Home visit should have a purpose
b. Plans are based on available information including those from other agencies that
may have rendered services to the family.
c. Planning of continuing care must be developed by the nurse.
d. Planning should be flexible and practical.

2. A significant factor in determining the frequency of the home visit is the:

a. Continuing care involving individual and family.
b. Policy of the local government.
c. Acceptance of the family of the service offered.
d. Purpose of the visit.

3. The following are steps in home visit:

1- Wash hands
2- Explain purpose of the visit
3- Place bag in convenient place
4- Introduce self
a. 1, 4, 2, 3 c. 1, 2, 3, 4
b. 4, 2, 3, 1 d. 4, 3, 2, 1

4. The purpose of the first home visit is to:

a. Develop a health care plan to the family.
b. Make personal account of the family’s health situation.
c. Assess family situation through initial data base.
d. Promote health of the family.

5. To ensure that the nurse can perform nursing procedures with ease and deftness, saving
time and effort with the end in view of rendering effective nursing care, he/she must:
a. Apply nursing process c. Develop a family care plan
b. Perform bag technique d. Prioritize family health nursing problems

Situation: Health promotion at the community level.

6. The Basic aim of the CH nurse in health promotion is:

a. Health protection of each and every individual in the community
b. Physical and mental health of families in the community
c. Enabling people to assume usual functions the soonest possible time
d. Increase the level of wellness to the optimum

7. In promoting the health of the population groups the CH nurse embarks on the following
activities, except:
a. Sex education to high school students
b. Giving advice on balanced diet to adolescents
c. Strengthening support networks for women
d. Immediate referral of drug dependents in the community

8. Which of the following is a health promotion activity?

a. Use of alternative treatment modalities like phranic healing and acupressure
b. Administration of chemoprophylaxis
c. Growth monitoring and promotion of other components of the under-five care
d. Selective periodic examination

9. An example of self-care activity in health promotion is:

a. Self-injection of insulin c. Self learning
b. Self-dressing d. Self-breast exam

10. In propagating individual wellness in the community, the CH nurse promotes
a. Immunization c. Personal hygiene
b. Healthy norms d. Healthy lifestyles

Situation: The Sentrong Sigla Movement (SSM) promotes availability of quality

health services in health centers and hospitals and to make these services
accessible to every Filipino

11. The SSM is in accordance to the mission statement of the Department of Health which is:
a. Health for all Filipinos
b. Health for all in 2000 and health in the hands of the people in 2020
c. Health for all in 2000 and beyond
d. In partnership with the people, provision of access, equity and quality health services
to the marginalized segments of the population

12. SSM is done in collaboration between the DOH and the:

a. LGU c. People
b. NGOs d. Private sector

13. The promotion of the concept of health as personal responsibility is in an element of this
SSM pillar:
a. Quality assurance pillar c. Health promotion
b. Grants and technical assistance d. Award

14. Program categories of the SSM include the following, except:

a. STD/AIDS Prevention and Control c. Family Planning Program
b. Cancer Control Program d. Voluntary Blood Donation Program

15. The expected result of SSM is empowering individuals to:

a. Demand for quality health services
b. Develop quality services for health providers
c. Develop system for surveillance / merits
d. Advocate for laws that promote health

Situation: The CH Nurse must be adept with the concepts and principles of CHN

16. The ultimate goal of CHN is:

a. Health promotion and disease prevention
b. Upholding the worth and dignity of man
c. Enhancing health capabilities of the people towards self-reliance in health
d. Raising the level of health of the citizenry

17. The primary goal of CHN is:

a. Health promotion and disease prevention
b. Upholding the worth and dignity of man
c. Enhancing health capabilities of the people towards self-reliance in health
d. Raising the level of health of the citizenry

18. The focus of CHN is:

a. Health promotion and disease prevention
b. Upholding the worth and dignity of man
c. Enhancing health capabilities of the people towards self-reliance in health
d. Raising the level of health of the citizenry

19. The philosophy of CHN is

a. Health promotion and disease prevention
b. Upholding the worth and dignity of man
c. Enhancing health capabilities of the people towards self-reliance in health
d. Raising the level of health of the citizenry

20. The theoretical bases of CH nursing practice are theories and principles of:
a. Nursing c. Community Development
b. Public health d. Nursing & Public Health

Situation: The levels of clientele in CHN

21. The client in the community health nursing is:
a. Individual that is identified as a bio-psycho-social and spiritual being
b. Family as a socialization unit and undergoing different stages of development
c. Group of people sharing common characteristics and interests in a particular area
d. Population aggregates that require specialized care

22 .The focus of care in CHN is the:

a. Individual c. Community
b. Family d. Population group

23. In health promotion of the family as level of clientele in CHN, the focus will be the
promotion of healthy:
a. Practices c. Behaviors and beliefs
b. Norms d. Habits

24. In the mental health promotion of young adults, the following can be established by the
CH nurse, except:
a. Setting up a community-based theater group
b. Facilitating a sports festival for the youth
c. Installation of a watch committee for users and pushers of prohibited drugs
d. Initiating the formation of youth clubs in the community

25. In conducting a health promotion campaign to reach out the broadest members of the
community, the best method is:
a. Television plugging c. Radio blitz and spots
b. Community newsletter d. Community assembly

Situation: The use of Herbal Medicine

26. For Diarrhea, stomachache, we can use the leaves of:

a. Lagundi c. Yerba Buena
b. Sambong d. Tsaang gubat

27. For asthma, cough, fever, dysentery one may use:

a. Lagundi c. Yerba Buena
b. Sambong d. Tsaang gubat

28. For urolithiasis, edema, and diuresis, makes a decoction of:

a. Lagundi c. Yerba Buena
b. Sambong d. Tsaang gubat

29. For rheumatism, headache, coughs and colds, toothache with swollen gums, use leaves
a. Lagundi c. Yerba Buena
b. Sambong d. Tsaang gubat

30. For tinea flava, athlete’s foot and scabies, the medicinal plant of choice is:
a. Bayabas c. Niyug-Niyogan
b. Akapulko d. Ulasimang bato

Situation: Communicable Disease Control Program is one component of CHN

services. The nurse utilizes her concepts on disease prevention.

31. The best strategy in the prevention of communicable disease is:

a. Immunization / chemoprophylaxis c. Correct diagnosis and treatment
b. Screening d. Health education

32. For tuberculosis, screening is appropriately done through:

a. Mass screening c. Contact-tracing
b. Case finding d. Surveillance

33. In HIV infection, the ELISA test is not a confirmatory test because it has:
a. High sensitivity and low specificity

b. Low sensitivity and high specificity
c. High sensitivity and high specificity
d. Low sensitivity and low specificity

34. Primary level of prevention of ascariasis pertains to the following, except:

a. Septic tank toilet c. Handwashing
b. Food sanitation d. Mebendazole

35. Tertiary level of prevention methods in leprosy pertain to the following activities, except:
a. Monitoring of lepromatous reaction c. Compliance to Dapsone regimen
b. Submission to lepromin test d. Occupational therapy

Situation: Reproductive Health

36. The goals of Reproductive Health include

a. Achieve healthy sexual development and maturation
b. Achieve reproductive intention
c. Prevent diseases, disabilities and injuries related to sexuality and reproduction
d. All of these

37. The focus of the International Reproductive health framework is:

a. Women’s health c. Family planning
b. Men’s health d. Infertility

38. The local focus of reproductive heath is/are:

a. Young adults and women c. Women and men
b. Young adults and men d. All earthlings

39. The elements of Reproductive Health include the following:

a. Violence against women c. Family planning
b. Adolescent Reproductive Health d. All of these

40. Reproductive Health addresses the following issues:

1. Restricted social mobility of women
2. Domestic violence
3. Economic dependence of women
4. Husbands providing guidance to wives
a. 1, 2, 3 c. 2 ,3, 4
b. 1, 3, 4 d. All of these
Situation: Immunization

41. The original objective of the EPI is to:

a. Eradicate communicable disease among infants and young children
b. Reduce morbidity and mortality among infants, children caused by 6 immunizable
c. Correct epidemiological situation in the country
d. Reduce mortality and morbidity of infants and pregnant women

42. The target of the EPI is the:

a. Infants c. Mothers
b. Individual d. Community

43. BCG is given to school entrants at:

a. 0.05 ml IM c. 0.5 ml IM
b. 0.1 ml IM d. 0.5 ml ID

44. Most serious side effect of DPT is:

a. Fever c. Abscess at site
b. Inflamed site d. Convulsion

45. Of the immunizable diseases, eradication campaign is on:

a. Tuberculosis c. Measles
b. Poliomyelitis d. Diphtheria

Situation: Vital statistics

46. The relative decrease in population due to deaths refers to this rate:
a. Case fatality c. Cause-of-death
b. Proportionate mortality d. Crude death

47. The following are examples of specific mortality rates, except:

a. Infant mortality rate c. Maternal mortality rate
b. Neonatal mortality rate d. Incidence mortality rate

48. The relative importance of a cause as a killer is computed by this rate:

a. Case fatality c. Cause-of-death
b. Proportionate mortality d. Crude death

49. In identifying the leading causes of mortality, this formula is used:

a. Case fatality rate c. Cause-of-death rate
b. Proportionate mortality rate d. Specific mortality rate

50. The killing power of a disease as compared to others can be illustrated by computing for:
a. Case fatality rate c. Cause-of-death rate
b. Proportionate mortality rate d. Specific mortality rate

Situation: CHN as a comprehensive and integrated approach

51. Bitz is 2 months and with pneumonia. In the CARI program, the following are true,
a. His respiratory rate is about 60/min
b. Cotrimoxasole may be given
c. Treat fever and wheeze before referral
d. Refer immediately

52. Polo had 5-10 bouts of watery stool in a day. Nursing intervention will be:
a. Provide fluid electrolyte management via ORS
b. Refer for intravenous secretions.
c. Give ORS ad assess after 4-6 hours.
d. Explain to mother the implications of her child’s (++) skin fold test.

53. For Deep abscess of DPT site, the intervention is:

a. Warm compress c. Incision & Drainage plus powdered INH
b. Incision and drainage d. Postpone next DPT

54. Children with kwashiorkor have the following except:

a. Moon face c. Stunted growth
b. Anxious to eat d. Skin sores

55. The main aim of the family planning program is:

a. Family solidarity c. Maternal and child health
b. Fertility regulation d. Responsible parenthood

Situation: The roles of the Community Health Nurse.

56. The CH nurse as health monitor:

a. Participates in development and distribution of IEC materials.
b. Provides technical and administrative support to midwives.
c. Ensures continuity of care to clients
d. Detects deviation from health

57. The CH nurse as health educator counselor:

a. Participates in development and distribution of IEC materials.
b. Provides technical and administrative support to midwives.
c. Ensures continuity of care to clients
d. Detects deviation from health

58. The CH nurse as supervisor:

a. Participates in development and distribution of IEC materials.
b. Provides technical and administrative support to midwives.
c. Ensures continuity of care to clients
d. Detects deviation from health

59. The CH nurse as provider of care:

a. Participates in development and distribution of IEC materials.
b. Provides technical and administrative support to midwives.
c. Ensures continuity of care to clients
d. Detects deviation from health

60. When the CH nurse initiates community participation, she is performing the role of:
a. Role model c. Coordinator of services
b. Change agent d. Community health organizer

Situation: Nurse Calya has to deal with the indigenous people in the area.

61. When providing care to an indigenous family, the most important factor to consider is:
a. Close association with nature and its elements
b. Health practices of the family
c. Family time orientation
d. Meaningful communication

62. The family’s response to health and illness is reflected in:

a. It’s utilization of existing health services
b. The type of illness and causes of death
c. The number of vulnerable members of the family
d. The degree of assistance given to the family

63. To effectively give nursing care to an indigenous family, the nurse should first:
a. Understand their culture c. Work with their traditional healers
b. Assess health beliefs and practices d. Share experiences in community health work
64. To modify harmful practices among indigenous families, the most important factor is:
a. Ensure that change blends to their culture
b. Increase health knowledge of the family
c. Involve family in bringing out change
d. Persuade family to change practices

65. An indicator that behavior change is maintained and sustained is:

a. Change is incorporated to everyday life
b. Barrier to change has been removed
c. There is an awareness for need for change
d. Family verbalizes need for change

Situation: Summers met Regina, the School Nurse.

66. Summers establishes a working relationship with Regina. This is emphasizing the
component of School Health Nursing called:
a. School health nursing c. Healthful school living
b. School health instruction d. School community linkage

67. On April 20, there will be a fire drill in the school. This is an activity of this component of
school health nursing.
a. School health nursing c. Healthful school living
b. School health instruction d. School community linkage

68. Isolation of communicable diseases, referral and follow through are being performed by
the School Health Nurse in relation to:
a. School health services c. Healthful school living
b. School health instruction d. School community linkage

69. Which of the following is not an activity of the School Nurse in implementing the
component of healthful school living?
a. Drug watch committee c. Rehabilitation of substance abuse
b. Environmental Sanitation d. Food Sanitation

70. What is the role of the nurse in the component of healthful school living?
a. Health Educator-Counselor c. Health Monitor
b. Provider of care d. Community Health Organizer

Situation: Dennis coordinates with the members of the health team to determine
the health situation of Barangay Arimbay.

71. The most practical type of community survey accounting for the bulk of data is the:
a. Census c. Questionnaire
b. Sample Survey d. Interview

72. The best Instrument for the community survey is the:

a. Telephone Interview Questionnaire
b. Self-accomplish Questionnaire
c. Group Interview Guide
d. Personal interview schedule

73. Population size and composition can be generated by the:

a. Census c. Questionnaire
b. Sample Survey d. Interview
74. Dennis noted that there are conflicting data on recorded infant deaths. Which of the
following will she choose?
a. Health Center records: 29 c. Death registries: 33
b. Catholic Church: 44 d. None of the Above

75. Barangay Arimbay has 1,478 households. About 25% of these households will be
selected for the study. How many are these?
a. 369.5 c. 370
b. 368 d. 371

Situation: Dennis participates in data processing

76. To collapse data according to categories, Dennis takes note that there are dimensions
indirectly related to health that includes the following except:
a. Size, composition and distribution of population
b. Organization existing in the community
c. Most common diseases
d. Terrain, physical features and climate

77. The leading causes of morbidity can be best presented in the form of:
a. Line Graph c. Narrative
b. Table d. Bar Graph

78. Nominal data with three categories are best presented in a:

a. Vertical Bar Graph c. Line Graph
b. Pie Graph d. Histogram

79. Distribution of productive population in terms of monthly salaries is best presented in a

form of:
a. Bar Graph c. Pie Graph
b. Histogram d. Table

80. Observation of events in the community are presented in the form of tables/graphs,
which of the following graphs is best to use in presenting trend of births and death rates
over periods of time?
a. Pie Chart c. Line Graph
b. Bar Graph d. Area Diagram

Situation: The following questions pertain to the health programs implemented in

the Rural Health Units.

81. In order to solicit cooperation/assistance of the community in the environmental

sanitation program, which of the following needs to be done first?
a. Create public awareness on the environmental sanitation problems.
b. Form working groups or committee
c. Solicit the help of the municipality/barangay officials

d. Involved community members in the sanitation program.

82. The people must be informed that in order to prevent contamination of drinking water,
the source must be how many meters away from washing and bathing area?
a. 25 meters c. 20 meters
b. 30 meters d. 32 meters

83. The provision of plastic toilet bowls for toilet construction to families in the rural areas by
the Department of Health is in relation to the:
a. Oplan Alis Disease Program c. Filariasis Control Program
b. Schistosomiasis Control Program d. Environmental Sanitation Program
84. In order to raise people’s awareness on cancer prevention, the following danger signs of
cancer need to be disseminated.
a. Unexplained anemia and weight loss
b. All these signs
c. Indigestion and nagging
d. Change in normal bowel habits and unusual bleeding or discharged

85. Prevention and control of schistosomiasis is carried out thoroughly which of these
a. Case finding and Treatment
b. Environmental Sanitation through construction of sanitary toilets and provision of
safe source of water supply
c. Health education through community meetings or demonstrations.
d. All of these activities

Situation: In the municipality where you work as a Public Health Nurse, almost
80% of the children are Malnourished. Diarrhea, Parasitism, and Measles are
common health problems. For the prevention and control of malnutrition one of
your strategies is to conduct a series of health educator sessions for mothers
where you will discuss the following among others.

86. The causes of protein-energy malnutrition in children are:

a. Parasitism
b. Infections like diarrhea and measles
c. Mothers do not observe proper breastfeeding
d. All of these are causes

87. An early sign of malnutrition in infants is:

a. Light-colored thin hair that falls easily
b. Edema
c. Growth failure in the first 6 months
d. Repeated

88. Malnutrition in children can be prevented by which of the following:

a. Bring the children in the health center for consultation and growth monitoring
b. Give supplemental feeding as early as 4 months old and not later than 6 months old.
c. Prepare the right kind and amount of food for the children
d. All of these

89. In order to prevent infections you will emphasized the need for:
a. Environmental Sanitation c. Immunization
b. Good hygiene d. All of these

90. There are mothers who are afraid to give supplemental feeding for their child for fear
that some foods might cause allergy. For this, your advice would be to:
a. Give solid food later when child is not at least one year old.
b. Select from the foods the other members of the family are taking.
c. Initially give food that is soft like “lugaw”
d. Give new food items one at a time and in small amounts.

91. In the preparation of your nursing care plan for this community, which of the following
objectives should be least prioritized?
a. To conduct health education sessions on infant feeding and food preparation
b. To assess current practices regarding personal hygiene and environmental sanitation
c. To reduce incidence of ARI by 50% by the end of the year
d. To increase by 50% the number of households for health teaching on hygiene and

92. You made a home visit to Mr. Bautista who consulted for an On and Off diarrhea.
Meanwhile that bacteriological examination of water has not been done yet, the best
advice you can give the family is:
a. Let the water stand for one hour before pouring into the drinking container.
b. Go on with the usual procedure, anyway the patient cam tolerate diarrhea.
c. Aeration of water
d. Boil water for drinking

93. In one of your home visits, you found out that Nikki a 4 year old child is having diarrhea.
To prevent dehydration, you will advice Nikki’s mother to give her Oresol in the amount
a. 50-100 ml after each loose stool
b. 300 ml 2 times a day
c. 200-300 ml 3 times a day
d. 100-200 ml after each loose stool

94. Which of the following health measures need to be taught to the people in order to
reduce the incidence of the disease?
a. Washing all fruits and Vegetables that are eaten raw.
b. See to it that meat bought had been inspected by health inspector and is cooked
very well.
c. Practiced personal hygiene
d. All these measurers

95. To elicit cooperation of the community on the prevention and control of diarrhea, you
need to inform them of important facts about the disease and the program. The following
statement are correct except:
a. If diarrhea doesn’t stop for 3 days for home treatment, take the child with diarrhea to
health worker.
b. Continue giving home fluids until diarrhea stops.
c. Diarrhea is not so dangerous as it can only result to mild or moderate under nutrition.
d. It is a policy in the DOH to give Oresol to all children who see a health worker for

Situation: The following questions are in relation to policies and strategies on the
health programs that are implemented by public health nurses.

96. Under the expanded program of immunization the following are identified as “high risks”
groups, except:
a. Children in areas with Vitamin A deficiency
b. Children in remote areas
c. None of these groups of children
d. Children of urban poor

97. The strategy adopted by the department of health for the prevention of neonatal tetanus
a. Educating the public on the benefits of immunizing women of child bearing age with
tetanus toxoid
b. Training and retraining of “hilots”
c. Utilizing “hilots” in identifying mothers for tetanus toxoid immunization.
d. All of these

98. These are implemented in relation to the national anti-smoking campaign of the
department of health except:
a. Sale of cigarettes is prohibited
b. Notice of hazards of smoking on pack.
c. Non-smoking in enclosed and public places
d. Prohibition of smoking in public transportation

99. The following are strategies implemented by the department of health in order to
prevented transmission of malaria except:
a. Land filling of standing water
b. Chemoprophylaxis of none-immune persons going to endemic areas and pregnant
women in endemic areas.

c. Vector control by residual spraying of insecticides
d. None of these

100. Regarding measles control, which of these statements is incorrect?

a. Treating measles patient high dose of vitamin A significantly reduces mortality rate
b. All cases of measles should be reported
c. As a routine, measles vaccine is given to all infants between 9 to 12 months of age
d. There are evident contradictions for giving measles


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