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applied soil ecology 40 (2008) 518–528

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Microbial community response to transition from

conventional to conservation tillage in cotton fields

Breana L. Simmons a,*, David C. Coleman b

Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80521-1499, USA
Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-2360, USA

article info abstract

Article history: In the southeastern United States, conservation tillage techniques are used to conserve soil
Received 20 July 2007 nutrients and structure, providing habitat and substrate for biota, which are largely
Received in revised form responsible for the mineralization of nutrients in the soil. A deterrent for growers con-
25 June 2008 sidering the transition to conservation tillage is the delay in soil response (e.g. increased soil
Accepted 7 August 2008 carbon, efficient nutrient cycling, impacts on yield) associated with the equilibration of the
soil food web. The objective of this study was to determine if the microbial community
composition and biomass changed with transition to conservation tillage. Soils sampled
Keywords: from five sites, representing a chronosequence of conservation tillage (from conventionally
Microbial community structure tilled to 30 year no-till), were collected for fatty acid analysis. Microbial communities were
Microbial biomass significantly different among sites. Fungi, characterized by 18:2v6, 18:1v9, and 18:3v6c fatty
EL-FAME acids, were typically lowest in the conventionally tilled soil, probably due to repeated
Conservation tillage disruption of the fungal hyphae associated with tillage. In all soils, soil nutrient concentra-
tions, moisture and microarthropod abundance were correlated with microbial structure.
Plots in conservation tillage were significantly different from the conventionally tilled plots,
but did not exhibit a clear linear pattern across the chronosequence. This evidence that
belowground food webs can respond quickly to a cessation in tillage suggests that the delay
in soil response may be due more to the time required to build organic matter than to a slow
response by the biota.
# 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction increases decomposition of crop residues and changes the

structure of the soil food web by relocating food resources and
Conventional tillage practices, where crop residues are incor- exposing protected carbon (Hendrix et al., 1986; Moore and
porated into the soil by plowing or disking, are used to aerate deRuiter, 1991; Beare et al., 1992; Wardle, 1995; Six et al., 2002).
soils, reduce compaction, and control herbaceous pests, thereby Conservation tillage is used to conserve soil nutrients and
increasing seedling germination and yield (Dickey et al., 1983; structure, increase sequestration of soil carbon, and to provide
Kettler et al., 2000; Raper et al., 2000). However in many cases habitat and substrate for biota (Hendrix et al., 1998; Lal et al.,
tillage results in soil erosion, loss of organic matter, decreased 1998; Paustian et al., 2000; Holland, 2004). However, a deterrent
water infiltration, loss of soil structure, decreased soil fertility for growers considering the transition to conservation tillage is
and a reduction in overall soil quality due to the destruction of the delay in soil response (e.g. increased soil carbon, efficient
soil aggregates and structure (Parr et al., 1992; Paustian et al., nutrient cycling, impacts on yield) associated with the equili-
1997; Allmaras et al., 2000; Nyakatawa et al., 2000). Tillage bration of the soil food web (Phatak et al., 1999).

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 970 491 3552; fax: +1 970 491 1965.
E-mail address: (B.L. Simmons).
0929-1393/$ – see front matter # 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
applied soil ecology 40 (2008) 518–528 519

Previous studies have shown that microbial community lipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles (Schutter and Dick, 2000; Grigera
composition can be altered by a change in management et al., 2007). This method has been useful for identifying
practices (Visser and Parkinson, 1992; Schutter and Dick, 2002; microbial community composition in a number of studies
Liebig et al., 2006; Yao et al., 2006; Elfstrand et al., 2007), (Cavigelli et al., 1995; Pankhurst, 1997; Ibekwe and Kennedy,
substrate availability and composition (Wardle et al., 1993; 1999; Schutter and Dick, 2000; Sullivan et al., 2006; Mechri
Grigera et al., 2006; Ha et al., 2008), soil type (Schutter et al., et al., 2007; Stromberger et al., 2007; Bünemann et al., 2008). We
2001), soil moisture (Chen et al., 2007; Stromberger et al., 2007), hypothesized that plots in conventional tillage would be
soil chemistry (Pankhurst et al., 2001), and seasonal variation dominated by bacteria, while plots in conservational tillage
in soil nutrient status (Bardgett et al., 1999; Schutter et al., would experience an increase in the abundance of fungal
2001). Plant characteristics can also affect soil microbial groups that correlated with time in no-till.
communities by changing the soil environment (Carney and
Matson, 2006; Chen et al., 2007), which may be especially
important for growers utilizing transgenic crops (Griffiths 2. Methods
et al., 2007; Widmer, 2007).
The activity of soil biota, responsible for the mineralization 2.1. Collection sites
of nutrients from the soil, is an important component of soil
function (Ingham et al., 1985; Hunt et al., 1987; Moore, 1988; Soil was collected from five cotton fields near Douglas in
Beare et al., 1992). This is especially important in low input Coffee County, Georgia (USA) at map coordinates 318 210 N, 828
sustainable agriculture, where increased microbial diversity is 520 W. These sites were selected based on previous positive
expected to increase soil quality (Parr et al., 1992; Visser and collaboration between Coffee County growers and University
Parkinson, 1992). In systems where crop residue is buried or of Georgia researchers (Adl et al., 2006). Monthly precipitation
where labile substrate is abundant, bacteria dominate, due to in the area is 107 mm with a mean annual rainfall of nearly
their ability to break down labile carbon sources more 1300 mm. Mean annual temperature is 18.7 8C. One field was in
efficiently than saprophytic fungi (Coleman et al., 1983; Curl conventional tillage, where crop residue was incorporated by
and Truelove, 1986; Moore et al., 2003). In these systems, the moldboard plow after both summer and winter crops. Another
rates of decomposition and nitrogen mineralization are grower reserved a portion of a conventionally tilled field for
accelerated (Moore and deRuiter, 1991; Doles et al., 2001). transition to conservation tillage, where no incorporation of
Microbial diversity is expected to increase with a reduction in residues took place and plantings were done using a no-till
tillage, as fungal species begin to dominate the system (Beare seed drill. Three other fields had been in conservation tillage
et al., 1992; Frey et al., 2003). In systems where crop residue is for several years and had not been tilled in several years. All
left on the surface, saprophytic fungi dominate, slowly fields are labeled by the number of years spent in conservation
breaking down more resistant substrates (Hendrix et al., tillage at the beginning of this study: 0,1,5,10, and 30.
1986; Moore et al., 2003). The soils are heavily weathered Ultisols: loamy to fine-
The ability of an ecosystem to withstand disturbance may loamy, kaolinitic, thermic Kanhapludults, Kandiudults and
lie in the energy pathway, where bacterial-dominated systems Paleaquults, characterized as fine-loamy to loamy, with low
are more resilient than fungal dominated systems (Allen- organic matter (SOM), high pH, and low fertility, with
Morley and Coleman, 1989; Moore and deRuiter, 1991; Bardgett moderate to slow permeability (Soil Survey Staff, NRCS-
and Cook, 1998). Moore et al. (2003) postulate that recovery USDA). All fields had been continuously cropped for at least
times of each energy channel to disturbance may be different, 30 years, and were planted in cotton for the duration of this
and result in an alteration of the food web. Fungi, especially study, except Site 30, which was cropped in no-till peanut
arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, may be particularly during Spring 2003. This crop requires plants to be pulled from
sensitive to tillage (Drijber et al., 2000). Acosta-Martinez the soil and set to dry, a practice that disturbs the topsoil.
et al. (2007) report an increase in fungi with a combination However, a one-time rotation of peanut has been shown to not
of no-till and increased cropping intensity, potentially due to significantly affect microbial biomass or soil organic carbon
greater residue quantity. In a study involving the transition (SOC) in sandy soils (Acosta-Martinez et al., 2004), Fields in
from conventional to alternative agriculture, Doran (1987) conservation tillage maintained a cover crop of rye in the
found that microbial populations and activities were regulated winter to add organic matter, which was rolled in the spring.
more by crop type and rotation than by soil physical proper- Herbicides and fertilizers were used at the beginning of each
ties. Gonzalez et al. (2003) observed an increase in humifica- crop rotation. Lime was added approximately every other year
tion in soils in no-till as compared to those in reduced tillage, or as needed in most fields. Two sites (5, 10) were managed in
indicating that microbial populations were probably influ- conjunction with broiler hen operations, and had previously
enced by increases in organic matter. In contrast, Spedding received applications of broiler litter after the cotton was
et al. (2004) showed no effect of tillage on the microbial mowed.
community but did find a significant effect of seasonality on This sampling design has received criticism for replicating
fungi. at the plot scale but not at the field scale. However, replication
The objective of this study was to determine if and when at that scale in this study would have required the cooperation
the microbial community composition and biomass changed of several more growers, and introduced several more sources
with the transition to conservation tillage. Extraction of fatty of potential error. Differences in equipment, land use history,
acid methyl esters (EL-FAME) from whole soil samples is landscape characteristics, crop variety, fertilizer and/or
simpler and less time consuming than analysis of phospho- pesticide use, and general management techniques between
520 applied soil ecology 40 (2008) 518–528

fields of the same ‘‘age’’ create a suite of new variables that 2.4. FAME procedures
have previously been shown to influence soil biological
properties (Visser and Parkinson, 1992; Schutter and Dick, FAME profiles were compiled using a modification of the ester-
2002; Liebig et al., 2006). Therefore, we replicated within fields, linked (EL) FAME method described by Schutter and Dick (2000).
rather than replicating between fields and bulking the For each sample 3.0 g of air-dried soil was placed in a 30-ml glass
samples. This design was successfully implemented in these centrifuge tube, 15 ml of methanol–KOH (0.2 M) was added to
same fields in a previous study (Adl et al., 2006). Furthermore, each tube, and the tubes were capped using Teflon-lined screw
in many systems it’s not uncommon to sample across caps. The centrifuge tubes were place in a test tube rack in a
gradients using replicate plots where it’s not possible to find 37 8C water bath for 1 h. Every 10 min the tubes were mixed for
similar, representative landscape sequences, and several 20 s. After the water bath, 0.5 ml of 1N acetic acid was repeatedly
recent studies have used this approach (DeLuca et al., 2008; added to each tube until the pH of the solution was neutral.
Doblas-Miranda et al., 2008; Liao and Boutton, 2008). 10 ml of hexane was added to the soil suspension, and the
mixture was vortexed for 30 s. The tubes were centrifuged at
2.2. Sampling 480  g for 20 min. Approximately 7 ml of the hexane layer was
transferred to a disposable test tube. The transferred hexane
Twelve replicate plots (2 m  3 m) were set up at each site, for was evaporated to complete dryness under a gentle stream of
a total of 60 experimental plots across the five sites. Each plot nitrogen. The dried extract was re-suspended in 1.0 ml of
was at least 5 m from its nearest neighbor plot. Plots were set hexane and dried down again for shipment to an analytical lab
up randomly but oriented perpendicularly to row direction so in Delaware. In the analytical lab, the samples were re-
that each pass of the equipment impacted the same number suspended in a 1:1 mixture of hexane and tertiary-butyl methyl
and type of plots. Plots were located using a handheld GPS unit ether. The solution was transferred to a 2.0-ml gas chromato-
because flags were inconvenient for growers. Sampling for site graphy vial and capped. The extract was analyzed with a HP
characteristics and microbial biomass occurred four times 5890 gas–liquid chromatograph equipped with a HP Ultra 2
over 2 years, at the end of each growing season but before the capillary column (5%-diphenyl-95%-dimethylpolysiloxane,
crop was mowed (sites 1, 5, 10, 30) or incorporated (site 0). In 25 m by 0.2 mm) and a flame ionization detector.
Spring 2004, only 4 plots were sampled at site 5, due to an error Fatty acid methyl esters described here use the standard
with the GPS unit. nomenclature for lipid markers, A:BvC. A is the number of
Samples were taken for soil C/N from the upper 5 cm of soil carbon atoms, B is the number of double bonds, and vC indicates
using a soil probe (dia = 2 cm). Nematodes were sampled using the number of carbon atoms from the aliphatic end of the
a soil probe (dia = 2 cm) from the upper 5 cm of soil. molecule and the first unsaturated bond. Isomers are denoted
Microarthropods were sampled from the upper 5 cm of soil with the suffixes c (cis) or t (trans). Methyl branching is described
using steel rings (dia 5 cm) in a specialized beveled metal by the prefixes i (iso) and a (anteiso), while methyl and cyclopropyl
corer, and were wrapped in aluminum foil for transport. Soil groups receive the notations Me and cy, respectively.
for FAME extractions were taken from each plot with a soil Peaks were identified by the analytical lab using MIDI peak
corer (dia = 2 cm) to a depth of 5 cm. All samples were sealed in identification software (Microbial ID, Newark, DE). Major
plastic bags and transported back to the lab in a cooler. microbial groups were assigned as follows: bacteria (i13:0
OH, i15:0, a15:0, 15:0, 16:0 2OH, i16:0,16:1v7c, 16:1v9c i17:0,
2.3. Laboratory procedures a17:0, cy17:0, cy19:0,18:0, cy19:0) and fungi (18:1v9, 18:2v6,
18:3v6c) (Frostegård et al., 1993; Bossio et al., 1998; Zelles, 1999;
Total soil carbon and nitrogen were determined on a Carlo Schutter and Dick, 2000). Bacterial/fungal ratios based on fatty
Erba analyzer in the UGA Institute of Ecology Analytical acid biomarkers have been used in other studies to char-
Laboratory on soil that was air-dried, ground, and weighed acterize functional diversity in microbial communities (Sped-
into tin capsules. Soil moisture values were obtained ding et al., 2004; Carney and Matson, 2006; Mechri et al., 2007).
gravimetrically, by drying soil subsamples in an oven at While multiple fatty acid markers may indicate single species,
105 8C for 48 h. An estimate of soil organic matter (SOM) was plant material, or other organic matter (Zelles, 1999), differ-
obtained by ashing soil subsamples at 450 8C for 4 h in a ences among these markers indicate a difference in the
muffle furnace. Microbial biomass estimates were obtained belowground community, and diversity analyses calculated
from soils stored at 4 8C for no more than 48 h by chloroform from fatty acid markers were used for comparative purposes
fumigation extraction using a constant value of 0.33 (Vance only (McCulley and Burke, 2004; Liebig et al., 2006; Sullivan
et al., 1987). et al., 2006; Minoshima et al., 2007).
Nematodes were extracted using the Baermann funnel
technique (Coleman et al., 2006). Nematodes were counted 2.5. Analysis
under an inverted microscope and categorized into feeding
groups by morphological characters (Yeates et al., 1993). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to determine if the
Microarthropods were heat extracted over 5 days using total quantity and composition of FAMEs differed among sites
modified Tullgren type funnels (Crossley and Blair, 1991). (0,1,5,10, and 30 years in no-till). Data were log transformed to fit
Animals were collected in 70% ethanol and identified to order, assumptions of normality and analyzed for significant differ-
suborder, or family under a dissecting microscope. Samples ences in percentages of mole fractions among sites using least
were prepared for permanent storage by transferring animals significant difference means separation test (P = 0.05). These
to 95% ethanol after identification. data were also used to determine if there were seasonal effects
applied soil ecology 40 (2008) 518–528 521

on microbial abundance using a repeated measures ANOVA. All samples at all sites (Table 1). Percent SOM was always highest
ANOVAs were performed in SAS (SAS Institute, 1989). Percent at site 30, and typically lowest at site 5. Soil moisture values
mole fractions were also summed for each microbial group varied among sites and were not consistently higher at any
(known bacterial and fungal markers) and subjected to ANOVA one site (Table 1). Mean annual temperatures in Coffee
using the pdiff option in the MIXED procedure to test for County, GA, for 2003 and 2004 were 19.3 8C and 19.6 8C,
significant differences in functional groups among sampling respectively, which is slightly higher than normal (18.7 8C).
dates and field sites. These were also used to determine During sampling, mean monthly temperatures were 19.2 8C
bacterial: fungal ratios (Spedding et al., 2004; Carney and (April) and 20.3 8C (October) in 2003, and 19.0 8C (April) and
Matson, 2006; Stromberger et al., 2007). The ratio of cy17:0 to 22.1 8C (October) in 2004. Total annual precipitation in 2003
16:1v7c was used as an indication of microbial stress (Bossio measured 1649 mm, and dropped to 1395 mm in 2004. Monthly
et al., 1998; Mechri et al., 2007; Stromberger et al., 2007). For precipitation levels during sampling were 117 mm (April) and
comparative analysis of the fields, 10 FAMES common to all 149 mm (October) in 2003, compared to 39 mm (April) and
samples and representing a range of microbial groups were 54 mm (October) in 2004.
chosen: gram-positive bacteria (i16:0, i17:0, a17:0), gram-
negative bacteria (16:1v7c, cy17:0, cy19:0), non-specific bacteria 3.2. Microbial community composition
(18:0) and fungi (18:1v9, 18:2v6, 18:3v6c). Non-metric multi-
dimensional scaling (NMS) was performed on the mole fractions Over 2 years, a total of 51 different FAMEs were extracted; 48 in
of these markers. Site characteristics (percent nitrogen, percent spring 2003, 45 in fall 2003, 33 in spring 2004 and 38 in Fall 2004.
carbon, C/N ratio, percent soil organic matter, soil moisture) and Total number of fatty acids at each site varied seasonally and
soil faunal abundances (microarthropods and nematodes) were among sites (Table 2). During the spring sampling periods,
log transformed and used to create a secondary matrix. This there were no significant differences in the number of fatty
secondary matrix was correlated with the main matrix and used acids extracted among sites (Table 2). In fall 2003, site 10 had
to evaluate the effects of environmental variables on the distri- significantly greater number of fatty acids compared to other
bution of microbial functional groups. All multivariate analyses fields; sites 5 and 30 had the lowest numbers (Table 2). In Fall
were calculated using PC-ORD (McCune and Mefford, 1999). 2004, this trend was repeated, with site 30 experiencing an
increase in total fatty acids extracted (Table 2). Diversity of
fatty acids, as measured by Simpson’s diversity index, was
3. Results similar among the sites, and did not consistently increase with
time in no-till.
3.1. Soil characteristics and climate conditions The NMS identified two axes that explained 90% of the
variance in the FAME data (stress = 16.15) (Fig. 1). Axis 1
Soil nutrient status varied seasonally and among sites, with explained 46% of the data variability and was most positively
spring samples having greater C/N ratios compared to the fall correlated with nutrient content and soil organic matter

Table 1 – Soil characteristics (0–5 cm) from samples collected from five sites in 2003 and 2004 across a chronosequence of
conservation tillage (0, 1, 5, 10, and 30 years) in southern Georgia, USA
Date Site N C/N ratio %SOM Water (%)

Spring 2003 30 12 16.48  0.59bc 1.02  0.09a 11.75  0.62b

10 12 14.65  0.26c 0.86  0.08ab 14.73  0.59a
5 12 17.11  0.82b 0.64  0.07b 9.39  0.78bc
1 12 16.07  0.42bc 0.60  0.04b 7.68  0.35c
0 12 18.99  0.40a 0.68  0.04b 10.49  0.54bc

Fall 2003 30 12 14.39  0.10b 0.83  0.04a 7.57  0.73b

10 12 13.02  0.14b 0.66  0.05bc 15.18  1.30a
5 12 12.60  0.43b 0.49  0.06d 5.86  0.83b
1 12 13.86  1.32b 0.53  0.01cd 17.17  0.89a
0 12 17.42  0.32a 0.74  0.02ab 4.85  0.25c

Spring 2004 30 12 16.69  0.26ab 0.75  0.03a 5.87  0.81b

10 12 16.52  0.66ab 0.66  0.02b 5.49  0.47b
5 4 15.30  063b 0.43  0.19d 3.79  1.23b
1 12 18.07  0.72a 0.49  0.02cd 14.61  0.63a
0 12 18.43  0.17a 0.55  0.05c 6.22  0.17b

Fall 2004 30 12 13.25  0.11bc 0.82  0.06a 13.56  0.98b

10 12 12.65  0.14c 0.69  0.03ab 24.20  0.62a
5 12 13.43  0.35bc 0.49  0.01c 14.36  0.72b
1 12 13.78  0.23b 0.61  0.03bc 22.96  0.60a
0 12 16.41  0.36a 0.75  0.03a 12.90  1.35b

Values are means  standard error. Letters within columns denote significant differences between treatments for one sampling date (Tukey’s).
522 applied soil ecology 40 (2008) 518–528

Table 2 – Diversity (D0 ) and total number (total) of fatty Table 3 – Results from NMS analysis (stress = 16.15) of
acids extracted at five sites across a chronosequence of percent mol fractions of FAMEs extracted from five sites
conservation tillage (0–30 years) in southern Georgia, across a chronosequence of conservation tillage in 2003
USA and 2004
Date Site N D0 Total (A) Environmental variables Axis 1 Axis 2
(mean  S.E.) (mean  S.E.)
% Nitrogen 0.115 0.077
Spring 2003 30 12 0.87  0.02a 15.75  1.89a % Carbon 0.101 0.006
10 12 0.86  0.03a 14.80  1.38a C:N ratio 0.074 0.207
5 10 0.80  0.09a 13.60  2.08a Soil organic matter 0.120 0.036
1 12 0.90  0.01a 18.40  1.29a Soil moisture 0.049 0.199
0 12 0.90  0.01a 18.50  1.42a Microarthropod abundance 0.027 0.106
Fall 2003 30 12 0.90  0.01bc 20.16  1.29c Nematode abundance 0.041 0.069
10 12 0.91  0.01a 27.58  1.40a
5 12 0.89  0.01c 18.08  0.64c (B) Fatty acids Axis 1 Axis 2 Microbial marker
1 11 0.91  0.01ab 21.72  0.77bc
i16:0 0.236 0.428 Gram-positive bacteria
0 12 0.91  0.01ab 24.17  0.94bc
i17:0 0.440 0.201 Gram-positive bacteria
Spring 2004 30 12 0.90  0.01a 25.83  0.79a a17:0 0.070 0.557 Gram-positive bacteria
10 12 0.91  0.01a 27.33  0.42a 16:1v7c 0.596 0.095 Gram-negative bacteria
5 4 0.88  0.01a 22.33  2.69a cy17:0 0.513 0.225 Gram-negative bacteria
1 12 0.91  0.01a 23.66  1.40a cy19:0 0.648 0.039 Gram-negative bacteria
0 12 0.90  0.01a 28.50  0.42a 18:0 0.419 0.091 Non-specific bacteria
18:2v6c 0.722 0.129 Fungi
Fall 2004 30 12 0.91  0.01b 27.83  1.40b
18:3v6c 0.011 0.058 Fungi
10 12 0.92  0.01a 32.66  0.88a
18:1v9c 0.584 0.732 Fungi
5 12 0.90  0.01b 23.17  1.51c
1 12 0.91  0.01a 27.83  1.13b Values are Pearson correlations from first and second ordination
0 12 0.91  0.01ab 29.33  0.21ab axes for (A) environmental variables and (B) microbial fatty acid
markers and corresponding microbial groups.
Statistic D0 = Simpsons diversity index. Letters denote differences
at P < 0.05 within sampling dates only.

(Table 3A). Axis 2 explained 44% of the data and was negatively a gram-positive bacterial marker and most negatively corre-
correlated with CN ratio and positively correlated with soil lated with 18:1v9, a fungal marker (Table 3B). Post hoc tests
moisture and microarthropod abundance (Table 3A). Pearson revealed that Site 5 was significantly different from the other
correlations for FAME groups were inconsistent across groups. sites (F = 9.97, P < 0.0001). Axis 1 was significantly affected by
Axis 1 was most positively correlated with 16:1v7c and cy17:0, years in no till (F = 6.49, P < 0.0001) while Axis 2 was affected by
gram-negative bacterial marker and 18:1v9, a fungal marker, years in no till (F = 9.97, P < 0.0001) and season (F = 12.95,
and was most negatively correlated with cy19:0, a gram- P < 0.0004).
negative bacterial marker, and 18:2v6, a fungal marker Overall, relative abundances of fungi, but not bacteria, were
(Table 3B). Axis 2 was most positively correlated with a17:0, higher at sites in conservation tillage compared to site 0
(Table 4). Relative abundances of gram-positive and gram-
negative bacteria were highest in fall 2003 and lowest in spring
2004 (Table 4). Relative abundances of eubacterial anaerobes
was also lowest in spring 2004 but highest in spring 2003. In
contrast, the relative abundance of fungi was highest in spring
2004. The sites in conservation tillage had significantly higher
relative abundances of fungi than the conventionally tilled site
in 2003, but this trend did not continue into 2004 (Table 4). Site
5 had the highest relative abundance of gram-positive bacteria
and fungi, while site 30 had the highest relative abundance of
gram-negative bacteria (Table 4). There was no significant
difference in the relative abundance of fungi in Fall 2004, and
relative abundances of other taxonomic groups were variable
across sites (Table 4).
Fig. 1 – Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) The ratio of bacterial to fungal FAMEs differed significantly
analysis of FAMEs extracted at five sites across a between sites and was highest in the conventionally tilled soil
chronosequence of conservation tillage (0, 1, 5, 10, and 30 (site 0), and lowest in sites 1 and 5 (Fig. 2A). This ratio also
years in no till). Symbols represent mean differed significantly between seasons, and was lowest in April
values W standard error for a 2-axis solution 2004 (data not shown). The relative % mole fraction of 16:1v5c
(stress = 16.15) across all sampling dates. The variance was significantly lower in the conventionally tilled soil (site 0)
explained by each axis is shown in parentheses. N = 48 compared to the other sites (Fig. 2B). This variable was also
(sites 0, 10, 30); 47 (site 1); 38 (site 5). significantly affected by season, and was highest in October
applied soil ecology 40 (2008) 518–528 523

Table 4 – Differences in FAME % mole fraction of functional groups between five sites across a chronosequence of
conservation tillage (0–30 years) in 2003 and 2004
Date Site N Gram-positive Gram-negative Eubacterial anaerobes Fungi

Spring 2003 30 9 8.81  0.41a 8.92  0.24ab 6.87  0.29ab 17.74  1.67a
10 12 8.19  0.37ab 8.51  0.90ab 7.01  0.66ab 16.01  0.64a
5 9 6.61  0.63bc 9.38  0.46a 8.10  0.59a 19.67  1.08a
1 12 5.76  0.36c 8.66  0.36ab 5.61  0.32b 19.38  0.99a
0 11 7.64  0.20bc 6.52  0.73b 6.15  0.68ab 9.08  0.48b

Fall 2003 30 12 8.84  1.01a 10.33  0.33a 7.50  0.45a 18.64  0.84a
10 12 8.41  0.25a 8.48  0.44bc 5.23  0.39bc 18.08  0.84a
5 12 9.41  0.29a 9.41  0.25ab 5.77  0.25bc 21.36  1.06a
1 11 6.98  0.21b 8.86  0.35bc 4.79  0.18c 18.75  0.67a
0 12 7.52  0.13a 7.85  0.35c 6.31  0.27b 11.90  0.36b

Spring 2004 30 12 7.46  0.13a 7.72  0.16a 4.44  0.19a 27.41  22.00ab
10 12 6.82  0.18b 6.96  0.12b 4.09  0.08a 28.02  1.59ab
5 4 7.25  00.28a 7.20  0.17b 3.34  0.38b 30.64  1.46a
1 12 4.72  0.21c 6.50  0.33c 3.08  0.17b 24.01  1.52b
0 11 6.60  0.18b 6.19  0.07c 4.49  0.10a 23.80  1.53b

Fall 2004 30 12 7.36  0.12b 6.56  0.26c 3.88  0.20a 15.51  0.35a
10 12 7.81  0.08a 7.49  0.11b 4.36  0.08b 17.13  0.31a
5 12 7.76  0.24a 8.09  0.18a 3.92  0.10a 21.81  0.51a
1 12 6.26  0.13d 7.67  0.27b 4.02  0.05a 16.01  0.91a
0 12 6.66  0.18c 6.63  0.13c 4.41  0.05b 15.87  0.88a

Values are means  standard error. Different letters denote significant differences between sites within date at P < 0.05. Differences in N
values reflect replicates that were lost due to either sampling or equipment error.

2003 (data not shown). The ratio of cy17:0 to 16:1v7C was spring may be explained by consistently low amounts of SOM
significantly higher in the conventionally tilled soil (site 0) throughout the study, which negatively affects the soil food
compared to the other sites (Fig. 2C), and was also significantly web (Linn and Doran, 1984). Environmental variables asso-
affected by season, being lowest in April 2003 (data not ciated with seasonality may have affected the ratio of
shown). bacterial: fungal FAMEs, significantly lower in April 2004,
which was much drier than the previous year, resulting in low
soil moisture levels at all but one site.
4. Discussion Crecchio et al. (2007) argue that microbial response to
tillage is minimal and that incorporation of residues is
Previous research in these fields indicated that microbial sustainable practice. However, our data show effects of tillage,
biomass would be greatest in the spring, due to increased soil particularly on fungi. The relative abundances of fungi were
carbon and residue from the winter cover crop exploited by also consistently higher in sites in conservation tillage, which
microbes (Adl et al., 2006). Current studies showed a decrease has been shown in other studies (Drijber et al., 2000; Acosta-
in C/N ratio and an increase in total number of fatty acids in Martinez et al., 2007; Minoshima et al., 2007; Roldan et al.,
the fall. However, microbial response to seasonality is 2007). Similarly, while bacterial: fungal FAMEs did not
inconsistent (Paul and Clark, 1996; Bardgett et al., 1999; decrease linearly with age in conservation tillage, there was
Spedding et al., 2004; Hamel et al., 2006), and may be still a significant difference between soils from the conven-
influenced by a complex set of variables associated with tionally tilled site compared to most other sites. This supports
seasonality (e.g. timing of residue incorporation, daily tem- research involving ‘‘fast’’ and ‘‘slow’’ energy channels in
perature and precipitation levels, continuous cropping or agricultural systems, where soils in no-till evolve fungal
periods of fallow) that interact with the microbial biomass to dominated, ‘‘slow’’ energy channels, while soils in conven-
produce a response. Because our samples were collected tional tillage break down substrate via a bacterial dominated,
before the crops were mowed or tilled, it is unlikely that a or ‘‘fast’’ energy channel (Coleman et al., 1983; Curl and
standing cover crop would provide microbes with enough Truelove, 1986; Hendrix et al., 1986; Allen-Morley and Cole-
residues to increase abundance and diversity. In the fall, man, 1989; de Ruiter et al., 1998). These energy channels can
microbial biomass may benefit from increased soil nitrogen have an impact on the stability of soil food webs (Moore, 1994;
from increased fertilization of the summer cash crop or slow Rooney et al., 2006). However, because not all fatty acids were
decomposition of surface residue from the winter cover. used in the taxonomic analysis, and other FAMEs have not yet
However, those plots that did not have a cover crop for one or been identified as specific microbial markers, it may be too
more years (site 0) also experienced a seasonal increase in early to say whether ‘‘fast’’ or ‘‘slow’’ energy channels are
total fatty acids, indicating that it may be an effect of soil dominant in these five soils.
nutrient status rather than residue quantity or quality. The Fungi appear to be more sensitive than bacteria, and have
low number of fatty acids extracted from site 5 during the been shown to respond negatively to fire (Hamman et al.,
524 applied soil ecology 40 (2008) 518–528

2007), application of biosolids (Sullivan et al., 2006), soil

salinity (Pankhurst et al., 2001), tillage (Drijber et al., 2000;
Acosta-Martinez et al., 2007; Minoshima et al., 2007) and
fertilizer application (Bradley et al., 2006), while responding
positively to the use of green manure (Elfstrand et al., 2007)
and olive waste water (Mechri et al., 2007). Studies have also
shown that levels of fungi react to a cessation in disturbance
(Hedlund, 2002), increasing in number before declining again
during natural succession (Allison et al., 2005). Reduction in
AM fungi due to tillage (Drijber et al., 2000) may be particularly
important, due to the role of these fungi on stable aggregate
formation (Roldan et al., 2007). In our experiment, levels of
16:1v5c, a fatty acid used as an indicator of AM fungi (Drijber
et al., 2000; Bradley et al., 2006; Hamel et al., 2006; Sullivan
et al., 2006; Hamman et al., 2007; Stromberger et al., 2007) were
low, but still show a significant reduction in the convention-
ally tilled soil. Concentrations of this marker were highest in
soils from site 5, which was typically the driest site, with the
lowest levels of SOM. Studies have shown AMF to be
stimulated by applications of green manure (Elfstrand et al.,
2007), and soils with a high proportion of 16:1v5c may store
condensed forms of soil P, although this is still unclear and
requires further research (Bünemann et al., 2008). Frostegård
et al. (1993) correlated a three-fold increase in 16:1v5c with
increased pH, which in these soils is naturally high. Site 5 was
farmed in conjunction with a broiler hen operation, and
potential applications of broiler litter to the soils may have
bolstered levels of AM fungi.
It is possible that the fungal communities in the four
conservation tillage sites are generally higher due to lessened
disturbance rather than to the inherent benefits of reduced
tillage, such as increased SOM, water holding capacity, and
nutrient status. Greater relative abundance of fungi during
spring 2004 was likely due to low soil moisture and high C/N
ratios. These conditions may have allowed the fungi to out
compete the bacteria. Particulate organic matter (POM) from
residues may also play a role in the abundance and diversity of
microbes. Ha et al. (2008) report that different residues result
in different levels of POM, which cultivate distinct microbial
communities. Furthermore, bacteria have been positively
correlated with levels of fine POM, while fungi and mycor-
rhizae correlate positively with coarse POM (Grigera et al.,
2006). In this study we assume sites in conservation tillage to
have a higher amount of coarse POM, due to rolling of winter
cereals and mowing of summer cotton, compared to the
conventional site, where residues were incorporated or
removed from the field. In fact Adl et al. (2006) showed higher
amounts of debris, organic matter and aggregated organic
matter in these same soils, while soil from the site in
Fig. 2 – The effect of age in conservation tillage on (A) conventional tillage consisted only of loose mineral soil. If
bacterial to fungal ratios as measured by FAME conservation tillage did result in an increase in coarse POM,
biomarkers, (B) arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) then this could explain greater relative abundances of fungal
expressed as the relative % mole fraction of 16:1v5c, and fatty acids.
(C) an indicator of microbial stress, cy17:0: 16:1v7c, from In our study, the ratio of cy17:0 to the precursor 16:1v7c,
soils (0–5 cm depth) at five sites across a chronosequence an indicator of bacterial stress (Bossio et al., 1998; Mechri
of conservation tillage. Data shown includes standard et al., 2007; Stromberger et al., 2007), was highest in the
error; different letters denote significant differences at conventionally tilled soil. This ratio has been linked to a
P < 0.05 (Tukey’s). variety of stress factors, summarized in Stromberger et al.
(2007), including extreme environmental conditions. Bacter-
ial stress as measured in this experiment was significantly
applied soil ecology 40 (2008) 518–528 525

higher in conventionally tilled soil in October 2003, and 5. Conclusions

continued to be the highest over the next two sampling
dates, although not significantly so. Environmental condi- In this study, the abundance and diversity of microbial fatty
tions in 2004, higher air temperatures and lower precipita- acids were most heavily influenced by soil nutrient concen-
tion, appeared to favor fungi, as the ratio of bacterial to trations, moisture and microarthropods, although environ-
fungal FAMEs decreased over the course of the experiment, mental conditions such as air temperature and precipitation
and was lowest in April 2004, the driest sampling date. may play a large role in community structure. Most sites in
Using these two ratios, we found that fungi increased conservation tillage were not significantly different from one
concurrently with an increase in bacterial stress in all soils. another in terms of microbial abundance and diversity. This
Harsher ambient conditions resulted in lower soil moist- is encouraging, because it implies that the microbial com-
ures, supporting the idea that hotter, drier environmental munity in the transitional field does not lag behind the other
conditions may select for fungi over bacteria, despite no-till sites, and this will benefit soil nutrient cycling.
management regimes. However, both the NMS and the ANOVA show consistent
Surprisingly, nematodes did not appear to influence soil differences among the four sites in conservation tillage and
microbial populations. Nematodes are important microbi- the site in conventional tillage. Season, crop type, and
vores and can stimulate microbial populations by grazing management regime all play a significant role in soil nutrient
(Ingham et al., 1985; Moore and deRuiter, 1991). This may be status, %SOM, and soil microclimate, which in turn have a
the result of their relatively low abundance at these sites (Adl significant effect on the stability and resilience of the
et al., 2006). Axis 2 was influenced by microarthropods, soil food web. More studies involving complete food
indicating that microarthropod abundance may have a webs and more complete habitat data should be done to
substantial influence on microbial communities. This is separate the effects of land management from the effects of
further supported by the negative weights of fungal FAMEs environment.
found on Axis 2. It is possible that microarthropods, such as
oribatids and collembola, affected the fungi by both predation
and competition. However, it is uncertain whether the Acknowledgements
microarthropods and fungi are directly or indirectly affecting
one another or simply responding similarly to environmental We thank Max Carter, Mike Nugent, Mark Vickers, Ricky
variables, such as soil moisture and %SOM. Our sampling Smith, and Adam Lott for the use of their fields, and to Rick
scheme provided a ‘‘snapshot’’ of the soil community at the Reed and Ed McGriff of the Coffee County Extension Office for
end of each growing season. Frequent sampling throughout their assistance. We also thank Mary Gresham, Sunny Shanks,
each crop cycle would yield more vigorous data for correlating and Amy Whitehead for field and laboratory assistance, Dr.
changes in the soil microbial community with a range of Peter Hartel for use of lab space and equipment, and Dr. Jeff
biotic and abiotic soil characteristics, but would be cost- Furhmann for analysis of our FAME samples. We are grateful
prohibitive. for the comments of five anonymous reviewers on an earlier
Overall, using FAMEs to compare fields across a chron- version of this manuscript.
osequence of tillage showed little difference in community
composition with age. Except for Site 5, which had the
lowest overall number of fatty acids and was significantly references
different from the other sites, all the other sites, including
the site in conventional tillage, had comparable levels of
fatty acids and microbial functional groups throughout the Acosta-Martinez, V., Mikha, M.M., Vigil, M.F., 2007. Microbial
course of the study. If this is accurate, then growers wishing communities and enzyme activities in soils under
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to reduce tillage may not have to wait as long as anticipated
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