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While this may seem like a lot of things to consider when designing a lesson involving technology, you will

soon realize
that this is very similar to ideas you already think about as a part of backward design. The more that you think about
these ideas, the easier it will become to fluidly lesson design without using this as a resource.

1. Determine the Context.
Think of 1 group of students that you see during the day & define the context in which you work with them:

How many students are in this class?
In what way(s) does this group of students learn best?
Do you have the help of an Associate when these students are with you?
Do you have any special needs students in the group? If yes, what support do you need for those learners?
Think about culture and the impact on learning. Is there anything specific that you need to consider during this
lesson design? (Do you have bilingual students? Will there be possible misconceptions due to a cultural difference?)

2. Determine the Content.
Access your Content Knowledge to determine what needs to be addressed, misconceptions, & connections:

Think about the subject matter in a general sense
Is there a best way to sequence/scaffold the content for your learners?
What do you know about the content- how can it be broken down to be more digestible for your learners?
What misconceptions may students have when you are delivering this content?
What connections can you make to this content from prior knowledge?
What connections can you prepare students for with this knowledge?
What is the CCSS that you will be addressing in this lesson?

3. Determine the Pedagogical Strategy.
Access your Pedagogical Knowledge to determine which strategy will best support the content:

If you have taught this lesson before, what worked and what didnt work?
Remember the context and your learners, how do they learn best? How can you incorporate this into your
choice of pedagogical strategy for this piece of content?
Do some research and/or connect with colleagues! When others teach this content, what strategies do they
Pedagogical Strategies Quick Reference Guide

4. Reflect on the Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK):
How does pairing this pedagogical strategy with this piece of content make the learning more accessible to your
How does pairing this pedagogical strategy with this piece of content make the learning more engaging for your

5. Determine the Appropriate Technology.
Access your Technology Knowledge to determine what tech best supports the content & pedagogical strategy.

When trying to determine a technology to use, consider the following questions:
What are the affordances of this technology? (What are the benefits?)
What are the constraints of this technology? (What are the limitations?)

6. Reflect on the Technological Content Knowledge (TCK):
How does pairing this technology with this piece of content make the learning more accessible to your students?
How does pairing this technology with this piece of content make the learning more engaging for your students?

7. Reflect on the Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK):
How does pairing this technology with this pedagogical strategy make the learning more accessible to your
How does pairing this technology with this pedagogical strategy make the learning more engaging for your

8. How does this lesson design hit the Sweet Spot?
How does the overlap of the TPC make the learning more accessible to students?
How does the overlap of the TPC make the learning more engaging to students?


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