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Translator: M.

Muhsin Khan
About the author:
Sahih Bukhari is a collection of sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhaad !pbuh"# also kno$n as the
sunnah% &he reports of the Prophet's sayings and deeds are called ahadith% Bukhari li(ed a couple of cen)
turies after the Prophet's death and $orked e*treely hard to collect his ahadith% +ach report in his collec)
tion $as checked for copatibility $ith the ,ur'an# and the (eracity of the chain of reporters had to be
painstakingly established% Bukhari's collection is recogni-ed by the o(er$heling a.ority of the Musli
$orld to be one of the ost authentic collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet !pbuh"%
Bukhari !full nae Abu Abdullah Muhaad bin Isail bin Ibrahi bin al)Mughira al)/a'fai" $as born
in 012 A%H% and died in 345 A%H% His collection of hadith is considered second to none% He spent si*teen
years copiling it# and ended up $ith 3#563 hadith !1#673 $ith repetition"% His criteria for acceptance into
the collection $ere aongst the ost stringent of all the scholars of ahadith%
It is iportant to reali-e# ho$e(er# that Bukhari's collection is not coplete: there are other scholars $ho
$orked as Bukhari did and collected other authentic reports%
8ocuent Inforation:
0st edition
+dited by: Mika'il al)Alany
9reated: 3661)06)63 0::20:42
;ast odified: 3661)06)00 3<:25:32
=ersion: 6106003<25322532)30
) 3 ? 0:66
=olue 0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5
Book 0: Re(elation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%:
Book 3: Belief %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0<
Book <: Kno$ledge %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%35
Book 2: Ablutions !@udu'" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%27
Book 4: Bathing !Ahusl" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%:3
Book 5: Menstrual Periods %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%70
Book :: Rubbing hands and feet $ith dust !&ayau" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%71
Book 7: Prayers !Salat" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%12
Book 1: =irtues of the Prayer Hall !Sutra of the Musalla" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%032
Book 06: &ies of the Prayers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0<6
Book 00: 9all to Prayers !Adhaan"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%027
Book 03: 9haracteristics of Prayer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0:4
=olue 3%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%364
Book 0<: Briday Prayer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%365
Book 02: Bear Prayer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%301
Book 04: &he &$o Besti(als !+ids" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%330
Book 05: @itr Prayer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3<0
Book 0:: In(oking Allah for Rain !IstisCaa"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3<2
Book 07: +clipses%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%323
Book 01: Prostration 8uring Recital of ,ur'an %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%321
Book 36: Shortening the Prayers !At)&aCseer" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%343
Book 30: Prayer at Dight !&aha..ud" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%341
Book 33: Actions $hile Praying %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3:4
Book 3<: Bunerals !Al)/anaa'i-" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%375
Book 32: Ebligatory 9harity &a* !Fakat" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%<3<
Book 34: Ebligatory 9harity &a* After Raadaan !Fakat ul Bitr" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%<25
Book 35: Pilgriage !Ha.." %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%<21
=olue <%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%263
Book 3:: Minor Pilgraage !Ura" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%26<
Book 37: Pilgris Pre(ented fro 9opleting the Pilgriage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%203
Book 31: Penalty of Hunting $hile on Pilgriage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%205
Book <6: =irtues of Madinah %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%235
Book <0: Basting %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2<3
) < ? 0:66
Book <3: Praying at Dight in Raadaan !&ara$eeh" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%245
Book <<: Retiring to a MosCue for Reebrance of Allah !I'tikaf" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%256
Book <2: Sales and &rade %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%254
Book <4: Sales in $hich a Price is paid for Aoods to be 8eli(ered ;ater !As)Sala" %%%%%%%46<
Book <5: Hiring %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%46:
Book <:: &ransferance of a 8ebt fro Ene Person to Another !Al)Ha$aala" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%402
Book <7: Representation# Authori-ation# Business by Pro*y %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%401
Book <1: Agriculture %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%434
Book 26: 8istribution of @ater %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%4<<
Book 20: ;oans# Payent of ;oans# Bree-ing of Property# Bankruptcy %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%420
Book 23: ;ost &hings Picked up by Soeone !;uCaata" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%440
Book 2<: Eppressions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%444
Book 22: Partnership %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%455
Book 24: Mortgaging %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%4:3
Book 25: Manuission of Sla(es %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%4:2
Book 2:: Aifts %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%474
Book 27: @itnesses %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%566
Book 21: Peaceaking %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%504
Book 46: 9onditions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%530
=olue 2%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5<3
Book 40: @ills and &estaents !@asaayaa" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5<<
Book 43: Bighting for the 9ause of Allah !/ihaad" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%52<
Book 4<: Ene)fifth of Booty to the 9ause of Allah !Khuus" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%:0<
Book 42: Beginning of 9reation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%:23
Book 44: Prophets %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%::6
Book 45: =irtues and Merits of the Prophet !pbuh" and his 9opanions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%762
=olue 4%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%740
Book 4:: 9opanions of the Prophet %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%743
Book 47: Merits of the Helpers in Madinah !Ansaar" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%772
Book 41: Military +*peditions led by the Prophet !pbuh" !Al)Maghaa-i" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1<3
=olue 5%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%157
Book 56: Prophetic 9oentary on the ,ur'an !&afseer of the Prophet !pbuh"" %%%%%%%%%%%%%151
Book 50: =irtues of the ,ur'an %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0000
=olue :%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%00<0
Book 53: @edlock# Marriage !Dikaah" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%00<3
Book 5<: 8i(orce %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%00::
) 2 ? 0:66
Book 52: Supporting the Baily %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0011
Book 54: Bood# Meals %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0364
Book 55: Sacrifice on Eccasion of Birth !GACiCa" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0334
Book 5:: Hunting# Slaughtering %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%033:
Book 57: Al)Adha Besti(al Sacrifice !Adaahi" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0323
Book 51: 8rinks %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0321
Book :6: Patients %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0353
Book :0: Medicine %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%03:0
Book :3: 8ress %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0313
=olue 7%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0<31
Book :<: Aood Manners and Bor !Al)Adab" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0<<6
Book :2: Asking Perission %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0<77
Book :4: In(ocations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0265
Book :5: &o ake the Heart &ender !Ar)RiCaC" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%02<0
Book ::: 8i(ine @ill !Al),adar" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%02:3
Book :7: Eaths and =o$s %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%02:1
Book :1: +*piation for Unfulfilled Eaths %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0217
Book 76: ;a$s of Inheritance !Al)Baraa'id" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%046<
Book 70: ;iits and Punishents set by Allah !Hudood" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0402
Book 73: Punishent of 8isbelie(ers at @ar $ith Allah and His Apostle %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0430
=olue 1%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%04<:
Book 72: 8ealing $ith Apostates %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%04<7
Book 74: Saying Soething under 9opulsion !Ikraah" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0422
Book 75: &ricks %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%042:
Book 7:: Interpretation of 8reas %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0444
Book 77: Afflictions and the +nd of the @orld %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%04:3
Book 71: /udgents !Ahkaa" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0410
Book 16: @ishes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0503
Book 10: Accepting Inforation Ai(en by a &ruthful Person %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%050:
Book 13: Holding Bast to the ,ur'an and Sunnah %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%053<
Book 1<: Eneness# UniCueness of Allah !&a$heed" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0521
) 4 ? 0:66
=olue 0 ) 5 ? 0:66
Book 0: Re(elation
=olue 0# Book 0# Duber 0:
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khattab:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H&he re$ard of deeds depends upon the intentions and e(ery person
$ill get the re$ard according to $hat he has intended% So $hoe(er eigrated for $orldly benefits or
for a $oan to arry# his eigration $as for $hat he eigrated for%H
=olue 0# Book 0# Duber 3:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the other of the faithful belie(ers" Al)Harith bin Hisha asked Allah's Apostle HE Allah's
ApostleI Ho$ is the 8i(ine Inspiration re(ealed to youJH Allah's Apostle replied# HSoeties it is !re)
(ealed" like the ringing of a bell# this for of Inspiration is the hardest of all and then this state
passes ' off after I ha(e grasped $hat is inspired% Soeties the Angel coes in the for of a an
and talks to e and I grasp $hate(er he says%H 'Aisha added: =erily I sa$ the Prophet being inspired
8i(inely on a (ery cold day and noticed the S$eat dropping fro his forehead !as the Inspiration
$as o(er"%
=olue 0# Book 0# Duber <:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the other of the faithful belie(ers" &he coenceent of the 8i(ine Inspiration to Allah's
Apostle $as in the for of good dreas $hich cae true like bright day light# and then the lo(e of
seclusion $as besto$ed upon hi% He used to go in seclusion in the ca(e of Hira $here he used to
$orship !Allah alone" continuously for any days before his desire to see his faily% He used to take
$ith hi the .ourney food for the stay and then coe back to !his $ife" Khadi.a to take his food like)
$ise again till suddenly the &ruth descended upon hi $hile he $as in the ca(e of Hira% &he angel
cae to hi and asked hi to read% &he Prophet replied# HI do not kno$ ho$ to read%
&he Prophet added# H&he angel caught e !forcefully" and pressed e so hard that I could not bear
it any ore% He then released e and again asked e to read and I replied# 'I do not kno$ ho$ to
read%' &hereupon he caught e again and pressed e a second tie till I could not bear it any ore%
He then released e and again asked e to read but again I replied# 'I do not kno$ ho$ to read !or
$hat shall I read"J' &hereupon he caught e for the third tie and pressed e# and then released
e and said# 'Read in the nae of your ;ord# $ho has created !all that e*ists" has created an fro a
clot% ReadI And your ;ord is the Most Aenerous%H !15%0# 15%3# 15%<" &hen Allah's Apostle returned
=olue 0 ) : ? 0:66
$ith the Inspiration and $ith his heart beating se(erely% &hen he $ent to Khadi.a bint Khu$ailid and
said# H9o(er eI 9o(er eIH &hey co(ered hi till his fear $as o(er and after that he told her
e(erything that had happened and said# HI fear that soething ay happen to e%H Khadi.a replied#
HDe(erI By Allah# Allah $ill ne(er disgrace you% Kou keep good relations $ith your Kith and kin# help
the poor and the destitute# ser(e your guests generously and assist the deser(ing calaity)afflicted
Khadi.a then accopanied hi to her cousin @araCa bin Daufal bin Asad bin 'Abdul 'U--a# $ho#
during the PreIslaic Period becae a 9hristian and used to $rite the $riting $ith Hebre$ letters%
He $ould $rite fro the Aospel in Hebre$ as uch as Allah $ished hi to $rite% He $as an old
an and had lost his eyesight% Khadi.a said to @araCa# H;isten to the story of your nephe$# E y
cousinIH @araCa asked# HE y nephe$I @hat ha(e you seenJH Allah's Apostle described $hate(er he
had seen% @araCa said# H&his is the sae one $ho keeps the secrets !angel Aabriel" $ho Allah had
sent to Moses% I $ish I $ere young and could li(e up to the tie $hen your people $ould turn you
out%H Allah's Apostle asked# H@ill they dri(e e outJH @araCa replied in the affirati(e and said#
HAnyone !an" $ho cae $ith soething siilar to $hat you ha(e brought $as treated $ith hostil)
ityL and if I should reain ali(e till the day $hen you $ill be turned out then I $ould support you
strongly%H But after a fe$ days @araCa died and the 8i(ine Inspiration $as also paused for a $hile%
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah Al)Ansari $hile talking about the period of pause in re(elation re)
porting the speech of the Prophet H@hile I $as $alking# all of a sudden I heard a (oice fro the sky%
I looked up and sa$ the sae angel $ho had (isited e at the ca(e of Hira' sitting on a chair
bet$een the sky and the earth% I got afraid of hi and cae back hoe and said# '@rap e !in
blankets"%' And then Allah re(ealed the follo$ing Holy =erses !of ,uran":
'E you !i%e% Muhaad"I $rapped up in garentsI' Arise and $arn !the people against Allah's
Punishent"#%%% up to 'and desert the idols%' !:2%0)4" After this the re(elation started coing strongly#
freCuently and regularly%H
=olue 0# Book 0# Duber 2:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
Ibn 'Abbas in the e*planation of the Stateent of Allah% 'Mo(e not your tongue concerning !the
,uran" to ake haste there$ith%H !:4%05" Said HAllah's Apostle used to bear the re(elation $ith great
trouble and used to o(e his lips !Cuickly" $ith the Inspiration%H Ibn 'Abbas o(ed his lips saying# HI
a o(ing y lips in front of you as Allah's Apostle used to o(e his%H Said o(ed his lips saying: HI
a o(ing y lips# as I sa$ Ibn 'Abbas o(ing his%H Ibn 'Abbas added# HSo Allah re(ealed 'Mo(e not
your tongue concerning !the ,ur'an" to ake haste there$ith% It is for us to collect it and to gi(e you
!E Muhaad" the ability to recite it !the ,ur'an" !:4%05)0:" $hich eans that Allah $ill ake
hi !the Prophet " reeber the portion of the ,ur'an $hich $as re(ealed at that tie by heart and
recite it% &he Stateent of Allah: And '@hen $e ha(e recited it to you !E Muhaad through Aab)
=olue 0 ) 7 ? 0:66
riel" then you follo$ its !,ur'an" recital' !:4%07" eans 'listen to it and be silent%' &hen it is for Us !Al)
lah" to ake It clear to you' !:4%01" eans '&hen it is !for Allah" to ake you recite it !and its ean)
ing $ill be clear by itself through your tongue"% After$ards# Allah's Apostle used to listen to Aabriel
$hene(er he cae and after his departure he used to recite it as Aabriel had recited it%H
=olue 0# Book 0# Duber 4:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle $as the ost generous of all the people# and he used to reach the peak in generos)
ity in the onth of Raadan $hen Aabriel et hi% Aabriel used to eet hi e(ery night of Ra)
adan to teach hi the ,ur'an% Allah's Apostle $as the ost generous person# e(en ore generous
than the strong uncontrollable $ind !in readiness and haste to do charitable deeds"%
=olue 0# Book 0# Duber 5:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
Abu Sufyan bin Harb infored e that Heraclius had sent a essenger to hi $hile he had been
accopanying a cara(an fro ,uraish% &hey $ere erchants doing business in Sha !Syria#
Palestine# ;ebanon and /ordan"# at the tie $hen Allah's Apostle had truce $ith Abu Sufyan and
,uraish infidels% So Abu Sufyan and his copanions $ent to Heraclius at Ilya !/erusale"% Heraclius
called the in the court and he had all the senior Roan dignitaries around hi% He called for his
translator $ho# translating Heraclius's Cuestion said to the# H@ho aongst you is closely related to
that an $ho clais to be a ProphetJH Abu Sufyan replied# HI a the nearest relati(e to hi !aongst
the group"%H
Heraclius said# HBring hi !Abu Sufyan" close to e and ake his copanions stand behind hi%H
Abu Sufyan added# Heraclius told his translator to tell y copanions that he $anted to put soe
Cuestions to e regarding that an !&he Prophet" and that if I told a lie they !y copanions"
should contradict e%H Abu Sufyan added# HBy AllahI Had I not been afraid of y copanions la)
beling e a liar# I $ould not ha(e spoken the truth about the Prophet% &he first Cuestion he asked e
about hi $as:
'@hat is his faily status aongst youJ'
I replied# 'He belongs to a good !noble" faily aongst us%'
Heraclius further asked# 'Has anybody aongst you e(er claied the sae !i%e% to be a Prophet"
before hiJ'
I replied# 'Do%'
He said# '@as anybody aongst his ancestors a kingJ'
I replied# 'Do%'
=olue 0 ) 1 ? 0:66
Heraclius asked# '8o the nobles or the poor follo$ hiJ'
I replied# 'It is the poor $ho follo$ hi%'
He said# 'Are his follo$ers increasing decreasing !day by day"J'
I replied# '&hey are increasing%'
He then asked# '8oes anybody aongst those $ho ebrace his religion becoe displeased and re)
nounce the religion after$ardsJ'
I replied# 'Do%'
Heraclius said# 'Ha(e you e(er accused hi of telling lies before his clai !to be a Prophet"J'
I replied# 'Do% '
Heraclius said# '8oes he break his proisesJ'
I replied# 'Do% @e are at truce $ith hi but $e do not kno$ $hat he $ill do in it%' I could not find
opportunity to say anything against hi e*cept that%
Heraclius asked# 'Ha(e you e(er had a $ar $ith hiJ'
I replied# 'Kes%'
&hen he said# '@hat $as the outcoe of the battlesJ'
I replied# 'Soeties he $as (ictorious and soeties $e%'
Heraclius said# '@hat does he order you to doJ'
I said# 'He tells us to $orship Allah and Allah alone and not to $orship anything along $ith Hi#
and to renounce all that our ancestors had said% He orders us to pray# to speak the truth# to be chaste
and to keep good relations $ith our Kith and kin%'
Heraclius asked the translator to con(ey to e the follo$ing# I asked you about his faily and
your reply $as that he belonged to a (ery noble faily% In fact all the Apostles coe fro noble fa)
ilies aongst their respecti(e peoples% I Cuestioned you $hether anybody else aongst you claied
such a thing# your reply $as in the negati(e% If the ans$er had been in the affirati(e# I $ould ha(e
thought that this an $as follo$ing the pre(ious an's stateent% &hen I asked you $hether anyone
of his ancestors $as a king% Kour reply $as in the negati(e# and if it had been in the affirati(e# I
$ould ha(e thought that this an $anted to take back his ancestral kingdo%
I further asked $hether he $as e(er accused of telling lies before he said $hat he said# and your
reply $as in the negati(e% So I $ondered ho$ a person $ho does not tell a lie about others could e(er
tell a lie about Allah% I# then asked you $hether the rich people follo$ed hi or the poor% Kou replied
that it $as the poor $ho follo$ed hi% And in fact all the Apostle ha(e been follo$ed by this (ery
class of people% &hen I asked you $hether his follo$ers $ere increasing or decreasing% Kou replied
that they $ere increasing# and in fact this is the $ay of true faith# till it is coplete in all respects% I
=olue 0 ) 06 ? 0:66
further asked you $hether there $as anybody# $ho# after ebracing his religion# becae displeased
and discarded his religion% Kour reply $as in the negati(e# and in fact this is !the sign of" true faith#
$hen its delight enters the hearts and i*es $ith the copletely% I asked you $hether he had e(er
betrayed% Kou replied in the negati(e and like$ise the Apostles ne(er betray% &hen I asked you $hat
he ordered you to do% Kou replied that he ordered you to $orship Allah and Allah alone and not to
$orship any thing along $ith Hi and forbade you to $orship idols and ordered you to pray# to
speak the truth and to be chaste% If $hat you ha(e said is true# he $ill (ery soon occupy this place
underneath y feet and I kne$ it !fro the scriptures" that he $as going to appear but I did not
kno$ that he $ould be fro you# and if I could reach hi definitely# I $ould go iediately to eet
hi and if I $ere $ith hi# I $ould certainly $ash his feet%' Heraclius then asked for the letter ad)
dressed by Allah's Apostle
$hich $as deli(ered by 8ihya to the Ao(ernor of Busra# $ho for$arded it to Heraclius to read%
&he contents of the letter $ere as follo$s: HIn the nae of Allah the Beneficent# the Merciful !&his
letter is" fro Muhaad the sla(e of Allah and His Apostle to Heraclius the ruler of By-antine%
Peace be upon hi# $ho follo$s the right path% Burtherore I in(ite you to Isla# and if you becoe
a Musli you $ill be safe# and Allah $ill double your re$ard# and if you re.ect this in(itation of Is)
la you $ill be coitting a sin by isguiding your Arisiyin !peasants"% !And I recite to you Allah's
'E people of the scriptureI 9oe to a $ord coon to you and us that $e $orship none but Allah
and that $e associate nothing in $orship $ith Hi# and that none of us shall take others as ;ords
beside Allah% &hen# if they turn a$ay# say: Bear $itness that $e are Muslis !those $ho ha(e sur)
rendered to Allah"%' !<:52"%
Abu Sufyan then added# H@hen Heraclius had finished his speech and had read the letter# there
$as a great hue and cry in the Royal 9ourt% So $e $ere turned out of the court% I told y copan)
ions that the Cuestion of Ibn)Abi)Kabsha" !the Prophet Muhaad" has becoe so proinent that
e(en the King of Bani Al)Asfar !By-antine" is afraid of hi% &hen I started to becoe sure that he !the
Prophet" $ould be the conCueror in the near future till I ebraced Isla !i%e% Allah guided e to it"%H
&he sub narrator adds# HIbn An)Datur $as the Ao(ernor of llya' !/erusale" and Heraclius $as the
head of the 9hristians of Sha% Ibn An)Datur narrates that once $hile Heraclius $as (isiting ilya'
!/erusale"# he got up in the orning $ith a sad ood% Soe of his priests asked hi $hy he $as in
that oodJ Heraclius $as a foreteller and an astrologer% He replied# 'At night $hen I looked at the
stars# I sa$ that the leader of those $ho practice circucision had appeared !becoe the
conCueror"% @ho are they $ho practice circucisionJ' &he people replied# '+*cept the /e$s nobody
practices circucision# so you should not be afraid of the !/e$s"%
'/ust Issue orders to kill e(ery /e$ present in the country%'
@hile they $ere discussing it# a essenger sent by the king of Ahassan to con(ey the ne$s of Al)
lah's Apostle to Heraclius $as brought in% Ha(ing heard the ne$s# he !Heraclius" ordered the people
=olue 0 ) 00 ? 0:66
to go and see $hether the essenger of Ahassan $as circucised% &he people# after seeing hi# told
Heraclius that he $as circucised% Heraclius then asked hi about the Arabs% &he essenger
replied# 'Arabs also practice circucision%'
!After hearing that" Heraclius rearked that so(ereignty of the 'Arabs had appeared% Heraclius
then $rote a letter to his friend in Roe $ho $as as good as Heraclius in kno$ledge% Heraclius then
left for Hos% !a to$n in Syrian and stayed there till he recei(ed the reply of his letter fro his friend
$ho agreed $ith hi in his opinion about the eergence of the Prophet and the fact that he $as a
Prophet% En that Heraclius in(ited all the heads of the By-antines to asseble in his palace at Hos%
@hen they assebled# he ordered that all the doors of his palace be closed% &hen he cae out and
said# 'E By-antinesI If success is your desire and if you seek right guidance and $ant your epire to
reain then gi(e a pledge of allegiance to this Prophet !i%e% ebrace Isla"%'
!En hearing the (ie$s of Heraclius" the people ran to$ards the gates of the palace like onagers
but found the doors closed% Heraclius reali-ed their hatred to$ards Isla and $hen he lost the hope
of their ebracing Isla# he ordered that they should be brought back in audience%
!@hen they returned" he said# '@hat already said $as .ust to test the strength of your con(iction
and I ha(e seen it%' &he people prostrated before hi and becae pleased $ith hi# and this $as the
end of Heraclius's story !in connection $ith his faith"%
=olue 0 ) 03 ? 0:66
Book 3: Belief
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber ::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said: Isla is based on !the follo$ing" fi(e !principles":
0% &o testify that none has the right to be $orshipped but Allah and Muhaad is Allah's Apostle%
3% &o offer the !copulsory congregational" prayers dutifully and perfectly%
<% &o pay Fakat !i%e% obligatory charity" %
2% &o perfor Ha..% !i%e% Pilgriage to Mecca"
4% &o obser(e fast during the onth of Raadan%
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 7:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HBaith !Belief" consists of ore than si*ty branches !i%e% parts"% And Haya !&his
ter HHayaH co(ers a large nuber of concepts $hich are to be taken togetherL aongst the are self
respect# odesty# bashfulness# and scruple# etc%" is a part of faith%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 1:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
&he Prophet said# HA Musli is the one $ho a(oids haring Muslis $ith his tongue and hands%
And a !eigrant" is the one $ho gi(es up !abandons" all $hat Allah has forbidden%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 06:
Darrated Abu Musa:
Soe people asked Allah's Apostle# H@hose Isla is the bestJ i%e% !@ho is a (ery good Musli"JH He
replied# HEne $ho a(oids haring the Muslis $ith his tongue and hands%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 00:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
=olue 0 ) 0< ? 0:66
A an asked the Prophet # H@hat sort of deeds or !$hat Cualities of" Isla are goodJH &he Prophet
replied# '&o feed !the poor" and greet those $ho you kno$ and those $ho you do not Kno$ !See
Hadith Do% 3:"%
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 03:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HDone of you $ill ha(e faith till he $ishes for his !Musli" brother $hat he likes
for hiself%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 0<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
HAllah's Apostle said# HBy Hi in @hose Hands y life is# none of you $ill ha(e faith till he lo(es
e ore than his father and his children%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 02:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said HDone of you $ill ha(e faith till he lo(es e ore than his father# his children
and all ankind%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 04:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er possesses the follo$ing three Cualities $ill ha(e the s$eetness !de)
light" of faith:
0% &he one to $ho Allah and His Apostle becoes dearer than anything else%
3% @ho lo(es a person and he lo(es hi only for Allah's sake%
<% @ho hates to re(ert to Atheis !disbelief" as he hates to be thro$n into the fire%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 05:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H;o(e for the Ansar is a sign of faith and hatred for the Ansar is a sign of hypo)
=olue 0 ) 02 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 0::
Darrated 'Ubada bin As)Sait:
$ho took part in the battle of Badr and $as a DaCib !a person heading a group of si* persons"# on
the night of Al)'ACaba pledge: Allah's Apostle said $hile a group of his copanions $ere around
hi# HS$ear allegiance to e for:
0% Dot to .oin anything in $orship along $ith Allah%
3% Dot to steal%
<% Dot to coit illegal se*ual intercourse%
2% Dot to kill your children%
4% Dot to accuse an innocent person !to spread such an accusation aong people"%
5% Dot to be disobedient !$hen ordered" to do good deed%H
&he Prophet added: H@hoe(er aong you fulfills his pledge $ill be re$arded by Allah% And $ho)
e(er indulges in any one of the !e*cept the ascription of partners to Allah" and gets the punishent
in this $orld# that punishent $ill be an e*piation for that sin% And if one indulges in any of the#
and Allah conceals his sin# it is up to Hi to forgi(e or punish hi !in the Hereafter"%H 'Ubada bin As)
Sait added: HSo $e s$ore allegiance for these%H !points to Allah's Apostle"
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 07:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# HA tie $ill coe that the best property of a Musli $ill be sheep $hich he
$ill take on the top of ountains and the places of rainfall !(alleys" so as to flee $ith his religion
fro afflictions%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 01:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle ordered the Muslis to do soething# he used to order the deeds
$hich $ere easy for the to do# !according to their strength endurance"% &hey said# HE Allah's
ApostleI @e are not like you% Allah has forgi(en your past and future sins%H So Allah's Apostle becae
angry and it $as apparent on his face% He said# HI a the ost Allah fearing# and kno$ Allah better
than all of you do%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 36:
Darrated Anas:
=olue 0 ) 04 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er possesses the follo$ing three Cualities $ill taste the s$eetness of faith:
0% &he one to $ho Allah and His Apostle becoe dearer than anything else%
3% @ho lo(es a person and he lo(es hi only for Allah's sake%
<% @ho hates to re(ert to disbelief !Atheis" after Allah has brought !sa(ed" hi out fro it# as he
hates to be thro$n in fire%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 30:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# H@hen the people of Paradise $ill enter Paradise and the people of Hell $ill go
to Hell# Allah $ill order those $ho ha(e had faith eCual to the $eight of a grain of ustard seed to
be taken out fro Hell% So they $ill be taken out but !by then" they $ill be blackened !charred"% &hen
they $ill be put in the ri(er of Haya' !rain" or Hayat !life" !the Darrator is in doubt as to $hich is the
right ter"# and they $ill re(i(e like a grain that gro$s near the bank of a flood channel% 8on't you
see that it coes out yello$ and t$istedH
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 33:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hile I $as sleeping I sa$ !in a drea" soe people $earing shirts of $hich
soe $ere reaching up to the breasts only $hile others $ere e(en shorter than that% Uar bin Al)
Khattab $as sho$n $earing a shirt that he $as dragging%H &he people asked# HHo$ did you interpret
itJ !@hat is its interpretation" E Allah's ApostleJH He !the Prophet " replied# HIt is the Religion%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 3<:
Darrated 'Abdullah !bin 'Uar":
Ence Allah's Apostle passed by an Ansari !an" $ho $as adonishing to his brother regarding
Haya'% En that Allah's Apostle said# H;ea(e hi as Haya' is a part of faith%H !See Hadith Do% 7"
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 32:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said: HI ha(e been ordered !by Allah" to fight against the people until they testify
that none has the right to be $orshipped but Allah and that Muhaad is Allah's Apostle# and offer
the prayers perfectly and gi(e the obligatory charity# so if they perfor a that# then they sa(e their
li(es an property fro e e*cept for Islaic la$s and then their reckoning !accounts" $ill be done
by Allah%H
=olue 0 ) 05 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 34:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle $as asked# H@hat is the best deedJH He replied# H&o belie(e in Allah and His Apostle
!Muhaad"% &he Cuestioner then asked# H@hat is the ne*t !in goodness"J He replied# H&o particip)
ate in /ihad !religious fighting" in Allah's 9ause%H &he Cuestioner again asked# H@hat is the ne*t !in
goodness"JH He replied# H&o perfor Ha.. !Pilgri age to Mecca" 'Mubrur# !$hich is accepted by Al)
lah and is perfored $ith the intention of seeking Allah's pleasure only and not to sho$ off and
$ithout coitting a sin and in accordance $ith the traditions of the Prophet"%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 35:
Darrated Sa'd:
Allah's Apostle distributed !Fakat" aongst !a group of" people $hile I $as sitting there but Allah's
Apostle left a an $ho I thought the best of the lot% I asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @hy ha(e you left
that personJ By Allah I regard hi as a faithful belie(er%H &he Prophet coented: HEr erely a
Musli%H I reained Cuiet for a $hile# but could not help repeating y Cuestion because of $hat I
kne$ about hi% And then asked Allah's Apostle# H@hy ha(e you left so and soJ By AllahI He is a
faithful belie(er%H &he Prophet again said# HEr erely a Musli%H And I could not help repeating y
Cuestion because of $hat I kne$ about hi% &hen the Prophet said# HE Sa'dI I gi(e to a person $hile
another is dearer to e# for fear that he ight be thro$n on his face in the Bire by Allah%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 3::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
A person asked Allah's Apostle % H@hat !sort of" deeds in or !$hat Cualities of" Isla are goodJH He
replied# H&o feed !the poor" and greet those $ho you kno$ and those $ho you don't kno$%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 37:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said: HI $as sho$n the Hell)fire and that the a.ority of its d$ellers $ere $oen
$ho $ere ungrateful%H It $as asked# H8o they disbelie(e in AllahJH !or are they ungrateful to AllahJ"
He replied# H&hey are ungrateful to their husbands and are ungrateful for the fa(ors and the good
!charitable deeds" done to the% If you ha(e al$ays been good !bene(olent" to one of the and then
she sees soething in you !not of her liking"# she $ill say# 'I ha(e ne(er recei(ed any good fro you%H
=olue 0 ) 0: ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 31:
Darrated Al)Ma'rur:
At Ar)Rabadha I et Abu 8har $ho $as $earing a cloak# and his sla(e# too# $as $earing a siilar
one% I asked about the reason for it% He replied# HI abused a person by calling his other $ith bad
naes%H &he Prophet said to e# 'E Abu 8harI 8id you abuse hi by calling his other $ith bad
naes Kou still ha(e soe characteristics of ignorance% Kour sla(es are your brothers and Allah has
put the under your coand% So $hoe(er has a brother under his coand should feed hi of
$hat he eats and dress hi of $hat he $ears% 8o not ask the !sla(es" to do things beyond their ca)
pacity !po$er" and if you do so# then help the%' H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber <6:
Darrated Al)Ahnaf bin ,ais:
@hile I $as going to help this an !'Ali Ibn Abi &alib"# Abu Bakra et e and asked# H@here are
you goingJH I replied# HI a going to help that person%H He said# HAo back for I ha(e heard Allah's
Apostle saying# '@hen t$o Muslis fight !eet" each other $ith their s$ords# both the urderer as
$ell as the urdered $ill go to the Hell)fire%' I said# 'E Allah's ApostleI It is all right for the urderer
but $hat about the urdered oneJ' Allah's Apostle replied# HHe surely had the intention to kill his
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber <0:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@hen the follo$ing =erse $as re(ealed: HIt is those $ho belie(e and confuse not their belief $ith
$rong !$orshipping others besides Allah%"H !5:7<"# the copanions of Allah's Apostle asked# H@ho is
aongst us $ho had not done in.ustice !$rong"JH Allah re(ealed: HDo doubt# .oining others in $or)
ship $ith Allah is a great in.ustice !$rong" indeed%H !<0%0<"
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber <3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he signs of a hypocrite are three:
0% @hene(er he speaks# he tells a lie%
3% @hene(er he proises# he al$ays breaks it !his proise "%
<% If you trust hi# he pro(es to be dishonest% !If you keep soething as a trust $ith hi# he $ill
not return it%"H
=olue 0 ) 07 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber <<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er has the follo$ing four !characteristics" $ill be a pure hypocrite and
$hoe(er has one of the follo$ing four characteristics $ill ha(e one characteristic of hypocrisy un)
less and until he gi(es it up%
0% @hene(er he is entrusted# he betrays%
3% @hene(er he speaks# he tells a lie%
<% @hene(er he akes a co(enant# he pro(es treacherous%
2% @hene(er he Cuarrels# he beha(es in a (ery iprudent# e(il and insulting anner%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber <2:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er establishes the prayers on the night of ,adr out of sincere faith and
hoping to attain Allah's re$ards !not to sho$ off" then all his past sins $ill be forgi(en%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber <4:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he person $ho participates in !Holy battles" in Allah's cause and nothing co)
pels hi to do so e*cept belief in Allah and His Apostles# $ill be recopensed by Allah either $ith a
re$ard# or booty !if he sur(i(es" or $ill be aditted to Paradise !if he is killed in the battle as a ar)
tyr"% Had I not found it difficult for y follo$ers# then I $ould not reain behind any sariya going
for /ihad and I $ould ha(e lo(ed to be artyred in Allah's cause and then ade ali(e# and then ar)
tyred and then ade ali(e# and then again artyred in His cause%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber <5:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said: H@hoe(er establishes prayers during the nights of Raadan faithfully out of
sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah's re$ards !not for sho$ing off"# all his past sins $ill be for)
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber <::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 0 ) 01 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er obser(es fasts during the onth of Raadan out of sincere faith#
and hoping to attain Allah's re$ards# then all his past sins $ill be forgi(en%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber <7:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HReligion is (ery easy and $hoe(er o(erburdens hiself in his religion $ill not
be able to continue in that $ay% So you should not be e*treists# but try to be near to perfection and
recei(e the good tidings that you $ill be re$ardedL and gain strength by $orshipping in the orn)
ings# the nights%H !See Bath)ul)Bari# Page 063# =ol 0"%
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber <1:
Darrated Al)Bara' !bin 'A-ib":
@hen the Prophet cae to Medina# he stayed first $ith his grandfathers or aternal uncles fro
Ansar% He offered his prayers facing Baitul)MaCdis !/erusale" for si*teen or se(enteen onths# but
he $ished that he could pray facing the Ka'ba !at Mecca"% &he first prayer $hich he offered facing
the Ka'ba $as the 'Asr prayer in the copany of soe people% &hen one of those $ho had offered that
prayer $ith hi cae out and passed by soe people in a osCue $ho $ere bo$ing during their
prayers !facing /erusale"% He said addressing the# HBy Allah# I testify that I ha(e prayed $ith Al)
lah's Apostle facing Mecca !Ka'ba"%' Hearing that# those people changed their direction to$ards the
Ka'ba iediately% /e$s and the people of the scriptures used to be pleased to see the Prophet facing
/erusale in prayers but $hen he changed his direction to$ards the Ka'ba# during the prayers# they
disappro(ed of it%
Al)Bara' added# HBefore $e changed our direction to$ards the Ka'ba !Mecca" in prayers# soe
Muslis had died or had been killed and $e did not kno$ $hat to say about the !regarding their
prayers%" Allah then re(ealed: And Allah $ould ne(er ake your faith !prayers" to be lost !i%e% the
prayers of those Muslis $ere (alid"%' H !3:02<"%
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 26:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf any one of you ipro(e !follo$s strictly" his Islaic religion then his good
deeds $ill be re$arded ten ties to se(en hundred ties for each good deed and a bad deed $ill be
recorded as it is%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 20:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue 0 ) 36 ? 0:66
Ence the Prophet cae $hile a $oan $as sitting $ith e% He said# H@ho is sheJH I replied# HShe
is so and so#H and told hi about her !e*cessi(e" praying% He said disappro(ingly# H8o !good" deeds
$hich is $ithin your capacity !$ithout being o(erta*ed" as Allah does not get tired !of gi(ing re)
$ards" but !surely" you $ill get tired and the best deed !act of @orship" in the sight of Allah is that
$hich is done regularly%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 23:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er said HDone has the right to be $orshipped but Allah and has in his
heart good !faith" eCual to the $eight of a barley grain $ill be taken out of Hell% And $hoe(er said:
HDone has the right to be $orshipped but Allah and has in his heart good !faith" eCual to the $eight
of a $heat grain $ill be taken out of Hell% And $hoe(er said# HDone has the right to be $orshipped
but Allah and has in his heart good !faith" eCual to the $eight of an ato $ill be taken out of Hell%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 2<:
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khattab:
Ence a /e$ said to e# HE the chief of belie(ersI &here is a (erse in your Holy Book @hich is read
by all of you !Muslis"# and had it been re(ealed to us# $e $ould ha(e taken that day !on $hich it
$as re(ealed as a day of celebration%H 'Uar bin Al)Khattab asked# H@hich is that (erseJH &he /e$
replied# H&his day I ha(e perfected your religion Bor you# copleted My fa(or upon you# And ha(e
chosen for you Isla as your religion%H !4:<" 'Uar replied#HDo doubt# $e kno$ $hen and $here this
(erse $as re(ealed to the Prophet% It $as Briday and the Prophet $as standing at 'Arafat !i%e% the 8ay
of Ha.."H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 22:
Darrated &alha bin 'Ubaidullah:
A an fro Da.d $ith unkept hair cae to Allah's Apostle and $e heard his loud (oice but
could not understand $hat he $as saying# till he cae near and then $e cae to kno$ that he $as
asking about Isla% Allah's Apostle said# HKou ha(e to offer prayers perfectly fi(e ties in a day and
night !32 hours"%H &he an asked# HIs there any ore !praying"JH Allah's Apostle replied# HDo# but if
you $ant to offer the Da$afil prayers !you can"%H Allah's Apostle further said to hi: HKou ha(e to
obser(e fasts during the onth of Raad# an%H &he an asked# HIs there any ore fastingJH Allah's
Apostle replied# HDo# but if you $ant to obser(e the Da$afil fasts !you can%"H &hen Allah's Apostle fur)
ther said to hi# HKou ha(e to pay the Fakat !obligatory charity"%H &he an asked# HIs there any thing
other than the Fakat for e to payJH Allah's Apostle replied# HDo# unless you $ant to gi(e als of
your o$n%H And then that an retreated saying# HBy AllahI I $ill neither do less nor ore than this%H
=olue 0 ) 30 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# HIf $hat he said is true# then he $ill be successful !i%e% he $ill be granted Para)
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 24:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H!A belie(er" $ho accopanies the funeral procession of a Musli out of sin)
cere faith and hoping to attain Allah's re$ard and reains $ith it till the funeral prayer is offered
and the burial cereonies are o(er# he $ill return $ith a re$ard of t$o ,irats% +ach ,irat is like the
si-e of the !Mount" Uhud% He $ho offers the funeral prayer only and returns before the burial# $ill
return $ith the re$ard of one ,irat only%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 25:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HAbusing a Musli is BusuC !an e(il doing" and killing hi is Kufr !disbelief"%H
Darrated 'Ubada bin As)Sait: HAllah's Apostle $ent out to infor the people about the !date of the"
night of decree !Al),adr" but there happened a Cuarrel bet$een t$o Musli en% &he Prophet said#
HI cae out to infor you about !the date of" the night of Al),adr# but as so and so and so and so
Cuarrelled# its kno$ledge $as taken a$ay !I forgot it" and aybe it $as better for you% Do$ look for
it in the :th# the 1th and the 4th !of the last 06 nights of the onth of Raadan"%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 2::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Ene day $hile the Prophet $as sitting in the copany of soe people# !&he angel" Aabriel cae
and asked# H@hat is faithJH Allah's Apostle replied# 'Baith is to belie(e in Allah# His angels# !the" eet)
ing $ith Hi# His Apostles# and to belie(e in Resurrection%H &hen he further asked# H@hat is IslaJH
Allah's Apostle replied# H&o $orship Allah Alone and none else# to offer prayers perfectly to pay the
copulsory charity !Fakat" and to obser(e fasts during the onth of Raadan%H &hen he further
asked# H@hat is Ihsan !perfection"JH Allah's Apostle replied# H&o $orship Allah as if you see Hi# and
if you cannot achie(e this state of de(otion then you ust consider that He is looking at you%H &hen
he further asked# H@hen $ill the Hour be establishedJH Allah's Apostle replied# H&he ans$erer has no
better kno$ledge than the Cuestioner% But I $ill infor you about its portents%
0% @hen a sla(e !lady" gi(es birth to her aster%
3% @hen the shepherds of black caels start boasting and copeting $ith others in the construc)
tion of higher buildings% And the Hour is one of fi(e things $hich nobody kno$s e*cept Allah%
=olue 0 ) 33 ? 0:66
&he Prophet then recited: H=erily# $ith Allah !Alone" is the kno$ledge of the Hour))%H !<0% <2"
&hen that an !Aabriel" left and the Prophet asked his copanions to call hi back# but they could
not see hi% &hen the Prophet said# H&hat $as Aabriel $ho cae to teach the people their religion%H
Abu 'Abdullah said: He !the Prophet" considered all that as a part of faith%
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 27:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
I $as infored by Abu Sufyan that Heraclius said to hi# HI asked you $hether they !follo$ers of
Muhaad" $ere increasing or decreasing% Kou replied that they $ere increasing% And in fact# this
is the $ay of true Baith till it is coplete in all respects% I further asked you $hether there $as any)
body# $ho# after ebracing his !the Prophets" religion !Isla" becae displeased and discarded it%
Kou replied in the negati(e# and in fact# this is !a sign of" true faith% @hen its delight enters the heart
and i*es $ith the copletely# nobody can be displeased $ith it%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 21:
Darrated An)Du'an bin Bashir:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# 'Both legal and illegal things are e(ident but in bet$een the there
are doubtful !suspicious" things and ost of the people ha(e no kno$ledge about the% So $hoe(er
sa(es hiself fro these suspicious things sa(es his religion and his honor% And $hoe(er indulges in
these suspicious things is like a shepherd $ho gra-es !his anials" near the Hia !pri(ate pasture"
of soeone else and at any oent he is liable to get in it% !E peopleI" Be$areI +(ery king has a
Hia and the Hia of Allah on the earth is His illegal !forbidden" things% Be$areI &here is a piece of
flesh in the body if it becoes good !refored" the $hole body becoes good but if it gets spoilt the
$hole body gets spoilt and that is the heart%
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 46:
Darrated Abu /ara:
I used to sit $ith Ibn 'Abbas and he ade e sit on his sitting place% He reCuested e to stay $ith
hi in order that he ight gi(e e a share fro his property% So I stayed $ith hi for t$o onths%
Ence he told !e" that $hen the delegation of the tribe of 'Abdul ,ais cae to the Prophet# the
Prophet asked the# H@ho are the people !i%e% you"J !Er" $ho are the delegateJH &hey replied# H@e
are fro the tribe of Rabi'a%H &hen the Prophet said to the# H@elcoeI E people !or E delegation of
'Abdul ,ais"I Deither $ill you ha(e disgrace nor $ill you regret%H &hey said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e
cannot coe to you e*cept in the sacred onth and there is the infidel tribe of Mudar inter(ening
bet$een you and us% So please order us to do soething good !religious deeds" so that $e ay in)
for our people $ho $e ha(e left behind !at hoe"# and that $e ay enter Paradise !by acting on
=olue 0 ) 3< ? 0:66
the"%H &hen they asked about drinks !$hat is legal and $hat is illegal"% &he Prophet ordered the to
do four things and forbade the fro four things% He ordered the to belie(e in Allah Alone and
asked the# H8o you kno$ $hat is eant by belie(ing in Allah AloneJH &hey replied# HAllah and His
Apostle kno$ better%H &hereupon the Prophet said# HIt eans:
0% &o testify that none has the right to be $orshipped but Allah and Muhaad is Allah's Apostle%
3% &o offer prayers perfectly
<% &o pay the Fakat !obligatory charity"
2% &o obser(e fast during the onth of Raadan%
4% And to pay Al)Khuus !one fifth of the booty to be gi(en in Allah's 9ause"%
&hen he forbade the four things# naely# Hanta# 8ubba#' DaCir Ann Mu-affat or MuCaiyarL
!&hese $ere the naes of pots in $hich Alcoholic drinks $ere prepared" !&he Prophet entioned
the container of $ine and he eant the $ine itself"% &he Prophet further said !to the": HMeori-e
the !these instructions" and con(ey the to the people $ho you ha(e left behind%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 40:
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khattab:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he re$ard of deeds depends upon the intention and e(ery person $ill get
the re$ard according to $hat he has intended% So $hoe(er eigrated for Allah and His Apostle# then
his eigration $as for Allah and His Apostle% And $hoe(er eigrated for $orldly benefits or for a
$oan to arry# his eigration $as for $hat he eigrated for%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 43:
Darrated Abu Mas'ud:
&he Prophet said# HIf a an spends on his faily !$ith the intention of ha(ing a re$ard fro Al)
lah" sincerely for Allah's sake then it is a !kind of" als)gi(ing in re$ard for hi%
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 4<:
Darrated Sa'd bin Abi @aCCas:
Allah's Apostle said# HKou $ill be re$arded for $hate(er you spend for Allah's sake e(en if it $ere
a orsel $hich you put in your $ife's outh%H
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 42:
Darrated /arir bin Abdullah:
=olue 0 ) 32 ? 0:66
I ga(e the pledge of allegiance to Allah's Apostle for the follo$ing:
0% offer prayers perfectly
3% pay the Fakat !obligatory charity"
<% and be sincere and true to e(ery Musli%
=olue 0# Book 3# Duber 44:
Darrated Fiyad bin'IlaCa:
I heard /arir bin 'Abdullah !Praising Allah"% En the day $hen Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba died# he
!/arir" got up !on the pulpit" and thanked and praised Allah and said# HBe afraid of Allah alone @ho
has none along $ith Hi to be $orshipped%!Kou should" be cal and Cuiet till the !ne$" chief coes
to you and he $ill coe to you soon% Ask Allah's forgi(eness for your !late" chief because he hiself
lo(ed to forgi(e others%H /arir added# HAa badu !no$ then"# I $ent to the Prophet and said# 'I gi(e
y pledge of allegiance to you for Isla%H &he Prophet conditioned !y pledge" for e to be sincere
and true to e(ery Musli so I ga(e y pledge to hi for this% By the ;ord of this osCueI I a sin)
cere and true to you !Muslis"% &hen /arir asked for Allah's forgi(eness and cae do$n !fro the
=olue 0 ) 34 ? 0:66
Book <: Kno$ledge
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 45:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hile the Prophet $as saying soething in a gathering# a Bedouin cae and asked hi# H@hen
$ould the Hour !8oosday" take placeJH Allah's Apostle continued his talk# so soe people said that
Allah's Apostle had heard the Cuestion# but did not like $hat that Bedouin had asked% Soe of the
said that Alllah's Apostle had not heard it% @hen the Prophet finished his speech# he said# H@here is
the Cuestioner# $ho enCuired about the Hour !8oosday"JH &he Bedouin said# HI a here# E Allah's
Apostle %H &hen the Prophet said# H@hen honesty is lost# then $ait for the Hour !8oosday"%H &he
Bedouin said# HHo$ $ill that be lostJH &he Prophet said# H@hen the po$er or authority coes in the
hands of unfit persons# then $ait for the Hour !8oosday%"H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 4::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
Ence the Prophet reained behind us in a .ourney% He .oined us $hile $e $ere perforing ablu)
tion for the prayer $hich $as o(er)due% @e $ere .ust passing $et hands o(er our feet !and not
$ashing the properly" so the Prophet addressed us in a loud (oice and said t$ice or thrice: HSa(e
your heels fro the fire%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 47:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HAongst the trees# there is a tree# the lea(es of $hich do not fall and is like a
Musli% &ell e the nae of that tree%H +(erybody started thinking about the trees of the desert areas%
And I thought of the date)pal tree but felt shy to ans$er the others then asked# H@hat is that tree# E
Allah's Apostle JH He replied# HIt is the date)pal tree%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 41:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HAongst the trees# there is a tree# the lea(es of $hich do not fall and is like a
Musli% &ell e the nae of that tree%H +(erybody started thinking about the trees of the desert areas%
And I thought of the date)pal tree% &he others then asked# HPlease infor us $hat is that tree# E Al)
lah's ApostleJH He replied# HIt is the date)pal tree%H
=olue 0 ) 35 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 56:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
sae as abo(e Hadith 41%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 50:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
sae as abo(e Hadith 41%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 53:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
sae as abo(e Hadith 41%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 5<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hile $e $ere sitting $ith the Prophet in the osCue# a an cae riding on a cael% He ade
his cael kneel do$n in the osCue# tied its foreleg and then said: H@ho aongst you is
MuhaadJH At that tie the Prophet $as sitting aongst us !his copanions" leaning on his ar%
@e replied# H&his $hite an reclining on his ar%H &he an then addressed hi# HE Son of 'Abdul
&he Prophet said# HI a here to ans$er your Cuestions%H &he an said to the Prophet# HI $ant to ask
you soething and $ill be hard in Cuestioning% So do not get angry%H &he Prophet said# HAsk $hate(er
you $ant%H &he an said# HI ask you by your ;ord# and the ;ord of those $ho $ere before you# has Al)
lah sent you as an Apostle to all the ankindJH &he Prophet replied# HBy Allah# yes%H &he an further
said# HI ask you by Allah% Has Allah ordered you to offer fi(e prayers in a day and night !32 hours"%J
He replied# HBy Allah# Kes%H &he an further said# HI ask you by AllahI Has Allah ordered you to ob)
ser(e fasts during this onth of the year !i%e% Raadan"JH He replied# HBy Allah# Kes%H &he an further
said# HI ask you by Allah% Has Allah ordered you to take Fakat !obligatory charity" fro our rich
people and distribute it aongst our poor peopleJH &he Prophet replied# HBy Allah# yes%H &hereupon
that an said# HI ha(e belie(ed in all that $ith $hich you ha(e been sent# and I ha(e been sent by y
people as a essenger# and I a 8ia bin &ha'laba fro the brothers of Bani Sa'd bin Bakr%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 52:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abbas:
=olue 0 ) 3: ? 0:66
Ence Allah's Apostle ga(e a letter to a person and ordered hi to go and deli(er it to the Ao(ernor
of Bahrain% !He did so" and the Ao(ernor of Bahrain sent it to 9housroes# $ho read that letter and
then tore it to pieces% !&he sub)narrator !Ibn Shihab" thinks that Ibn Al)Musaiyab said that Allah's
Apostle in(oked Allah against the !saying"# HMay Allah tear the into pieces# and disperse the all
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 54:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ence the Prophet $rote a letter or had an idea of $riting a letter% &he Prophet $as told that they
!rulers" $ould not read letters unless they $ere sealed% So the Prophet got a sil(er ring ade $ith
HMuhaad Allah's ApostleH engra(ed on it% As if I $ere .ust obser(ing its $hite glitter in the hand
of the Prophet
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 55:
Darrated Abu @aCid Al);aithi:
@hile Allah's Apostle $as sitting in the osCue $ith soe people# three en cae% &$o of the
cae in front of Allah's Apostle and the third one $ent a$ay% &he t$o persons kept on standing be)
fore Allah's Apostle for a $hile and then one of the found a place in the circle and sat there $hile
the other sat behind the gathering# and the third one $ent a$ay% @hen Allah's Apostle finished his
preaching# he said# HShall I tell you about these three personsJ Ene of the be)took hiself to Allah#
so Allah took hi into His grace and ercy and accoodated hi# the second felt shy fro Allah#
so Allah sheltered Hi in His ercy !and did not punish hi"# $hile the third turned his face fro
Allah and $ent a$ay# so Allah turned His face fro hi like$ise% H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 5::
Darrated 'Abdur Rahan bin Abi Bakra's father:
Ence the Prophet $as riding his cael and a an $as holding its rein% &he Prophet asked# H@hat
is the day todayJH @e kept Cuiet# thinking that he ight gi(e that day another nae% He said# HIsn't it
the day of Dahr !slaughtering of the anials of sacrifice"H @e replied# HKes%H He further asked#
H@hich onth is thisJH @e again kept Cuiet# thinking that he ight gi(e it another nae% &hen he
said# HIsn't it the onth of 8hul)Hi..aJH @e replied# HKes%H He said# H=erilyI Kour blood# property and
honor are sacred to one another !i%e% Muslis" like the sanctity of this day of yours# in this onth of
yours and in this city of yours% It is incubent upon those $ho are present to infor those $ho are
absent because those $ho are absent ight coprehend !$hat I ha(e said" better than the present
=olue 0 ) 37 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 57:
Darrated Ibn Mas'ud:
&he Prophet used to take care of us in preaching by selecting a suitable tie# so that $e ight not
get bored% !He abstained fro pestering us $ith serons and kno$ledge all the tie"%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 51:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HBacilitate things to people !concerning religious atters"# and do not ake it
hard for the and gi(e the good tidings and do not ake the run a$ay !fro Isla"%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber :6:
Darrated Abu @ail:
'Abdullah used to gi(e a religious talk to the people on e(ery &hursday% Ence a an said# HE Aba
'Abdur)RahanI !By Allah" I $ish if you could preach us daily%H He replied# H&he only thing $hich
pre(ents e fro doing so# is that I hate to bore you# and no doubt I take care of you in preaching by
selecting a suitable tie .ust as the Prophet used to do $ith us# for fear of aking us bored%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber :0:
Darrated Mua$iya:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HIf Allah $ants to do good to a person# He akes hi coprehend
the religion% I a .ust a distributor# but the grant is fro Allah% !And reeber" that this nation !true
Muslis" $ill keep on follo$ing Allah's teachings strictly and they $ill not be hared by any one
going on a different path till Allah's order !8ay of /udgent" is established%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber :3:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
@e $ere $ith the Prophet and a spadi* of date)pal tree $as brought to hi% En that he said#
HAongst the trees# there is a tree $hich resebles a Musli%H I $anted to say that it $as the date)
pal tree but as I $as the youngest of all !of the" I kept Cuiet% And then the Prophet said# HIt is the
date)pal tree%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber :<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud:
=olue 0 ) 31 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# H8o not $ish to be like anyone e*cept in t$o cases% !&he first is" A person# $ho
Allah has gi(en $ealth and he spends it righteouslyL !the second is" the one $ho Allah has gi(en
$isdo !the Holy ,ur'an" and he acts according to it and teaches it to others%H !Bateh)al)Bari page
0:: =ol% 0"
=olue 0# Book <# Duber :2:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&hat he differed $ith Hur bin ,ais bin Hisn Al)Ba-ari regarding the copanion of !the Prophet"
Moses% Ibn 'Abbas said that he $as Khadir% Mean$hile# Ubai bin Ka'b passed by the and Ibn 'Abbas
called hi# saying HMy friend !Hur" and I ha(e differed regarding Moses' copanion $ho Moses#
asked the $ay to eet% Ha(e you heard the Prophet entioning soething about hiJ He said# HKes%
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H@hile Moses $as sitting in the copany of soe Israelites# a an
cae and asked hi% H8o you kno$ anyone $ho is ore learned than youJ Moses replied: HDo%H So
Allah sent the 8i(ine Inspiration to Moses: 'Kes# Eur sla(e Khadir !is ore learned than you%"' Moses
asked !Allah" ho$ to eet hi !Khadir"% So Allah ade the fish as a sign for hi and he $as told
that $hen the fish $as lost# he should return !to the place $here he had lost it" and there he $ould
eet hi !Al)Khadir"% So Moses $ent on looking for the sign of the fish in the sea% &he ser(ant)boy
of Moses said to hi: 8o you reeber $hen $e betook oursel(es to the rock# I indeed forgot the
fish# none but Satan ade e forget to reeber it% En that Moses said: '&hat is $hat $e ha(e been
seekingJ !07%52" So they $ent back retracing their foot)steps# and found Khadir% !And" $hat
happened further to the is narrated in the Holy ,ur'an by Allah% !07%42 up to 07%73"
=olue 0# Book <# Duber :4:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ence the Prophet ebraced e and said# HE AllahI Besto$ on hi the kno$ledge of the Book
=olue 0# Book <# Duber :5:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ence I cae riding a she)ass and had !.ust" attained the age of puberty% Allah's Apostle $as offer)
ing the prayer at Mina% &here $as no $all in front of hi and I passed in front of soe of the ro$
$hile they $ere offering their prayers% &here I let the she)ass loose to gra-e and entered the ro$#
and nobody ob.ected to it%
=olue 0 ) <6 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book <# Duber :::
Darrated Mahud bin Rabi'a:
@hen I $as a boy of fi(e# I reeber# the Prophet took $ater fro a bucket !used far getting $a)
ter out of a $ell" $ith his outh and thre$ it on y face%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber :7:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
that he differed $ith Hur bin ,ais bin Hisn Al)Ba-ari regarding the copanion of the Prophet
Moses% Mean$hile# Ubai bin Ka'b passed by the and Ibn 'Abbas called hi saying# HMy friend !Hur"
and I ha(e differed regarding Moses' copanion $ho Moses asked the $ay to eet% Ha(e you
heard Allah's Apostle entioning soething about hiJ Ubai bin Ka'b said: HKes# I heard the Prophet
entioning soething about hi !saying" $hile Moses $as sitting in the copany of soe Israelites#
a an cae and asked hi: H8o you kno$ anyone $ho is ore learned than youJ Moses replied:
HDo%H So Allah sent the 8i(ine Inspiration to Moses: '))Kes# Eur sla(e Khadir is ore learned than
you% Moses asked Allah ho$ to eet hi !Al)Khadir"% So Allah ade the fish a sign for hi and he
$as told $hen the fish $as lost# he should return !to the place $here he had lost it" and there he
$ould eet hi !Al)Khadir"% So Moses $ent on looking for the sign of the fish in the sea% &he ser)
(ant)boy of Moses said: '8o you reeber $hen $e betook oursel(es to the rock# I indeed forgot the
fish# none but Satan ade e forget to reeber it% En that Moses said# '&hat is $hat $e ha(e been
seeking%' So they $ent back retracing their footsteps# and found Kha#dir% !and" $hat happened fur)
ther about the is narrated in the Holy ,ur'an by Allah%H !07%42 up to 07%73"
=olue 0# Book <# Duber :1:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# H&he e*aple of guidance and kno$ledge $ith $hich Allah has sent e is like
abundant rain falling on the earth# soe of $hich $as fertile soil that absorbed rain $ater and
brought forth (egetation and grass in abundance% !And" another portion of it $as hard and held the
rain $ater and Allah benefited the people $ith it and they utili-ed it for drinking# aking their an)
ials drink fro it and for irrigation of the land for culti(ation% !And" a portion of it $as barren
$hich could neither hold the $ater nor bring forth (egetation !then that land ga(e no benefits"% &he
first is the e*aple of the person $ho coprehends Allah's religion and gets benefit !fro the
kno$ledge" $hich Allah has re(ealed through e !the Prophets and learns and then teaches others%
&he last e*aple is that of a person $ho does not care for it and does not take Allah's guidance re)
(ealed through e !He is like that barren land%"H
=olue 0 ) <0 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 76:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle said# HBro aong the portents of the Hour are !the follo$ing":
0% Religious kno$ledge $ill be taken a$ay !by the death of Religious learned en"%
3% !Religious" ignorance $ill pre(ail%
<% 8rinking of Alcoholic drinks !$ill be (ery coon"%
2% &here $ill be pre(alence of open illegal se*ual intercourse%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 70:
Darrated Anas:
I $ill narrate to you a Hadith and none other than I $ill tell you about after it% I heard Allah's
Apostle saying: Bro aong the portents of the Hour are !the follo$ing":
0% Religious kno$ledge $ill decrease !by the death of religious learned en"%
3% Religious ignorance $ill pre(ail%
<% &here $ill be pre(alence of open illegal se*ual intercourse%
2% @oen $ill increase in nuber and en $ill decrease in nuber so uch so that fifty $oen
$ill be looked after by one an%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 73:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hile I $as sleeping# I sa$ that a cup full of ilk $as brought to e and I
drank y fill till I noticed !the ilk" its $etness coing out of y nails% &hen I ga(e the reaining
ilk to 'Uar Ibn Al)KhattabH &he copanions of the Prophet asked# H@hat ha(e you interpreted
!about this drea"J HE Allah's Apostle #IH he replied# H!It is religious" kno$ledge%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 7<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Ar bin Al 'Aas:
Allah's Apostle stopped !for a $hile near the /iar" at Mina during his last Ha.. for the people and
they $ere asking hi Cuestions% A an cae and said# HI forgot and got y head sha(ed before
slaughtering the Hadi !sacrificing anial"%H &he Prophet said# H&here is no har# go and do the
slaughtering no$%H &hen another person cae and said# HI forgot and slaughtered !the cael" before
=olue 0 ) <3 ? 0:66
Rai !thro$ing of the pebbles" at the /ara%H &he Prophet said# H8o the Rai no$ and there is no
&he narrator added: So on that day# $hen the Prophet $as asked about anything !as regards the
cereonies of Ha.." perfored before or after its due tie# his reply $as: H8o it !no$" and there is no
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 72:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Soebody said to the Prophet !during his last Ha.."# HI did the slaughtering before doing the Rai%'
&he Prophet beckoned $ith his hand and said# H&here is no har in that%H &hen another person said%
HI got y head sha(ed before offering the sacrifice%H &he Prophet beckoned $ith his hand saying#
H&here is no har in that%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 74:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H!Religious" kno$ledge $ill be taken a$ay !by the death of religious scholars"
ignorance !in religion" and afflictions $ill appearL and Har. $ill increase%H It $as asked# H@hat is
Har.# E Allah's ApostleJH He replied by beckoning $ith his hand indicating Hkilling%H !Bateh)al)Bari
Page 013# =ol% 0"
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 75:
Darrated Asa:
I cae to 'Aisha $hile she $as praying# and said to her# H@hat has happened to the peopleJH She
pointed out to$ards the sky% !I looked to$ards the osCue"# and sa$ the people offering the prayer%
Aisha said# HSubhan Allah%H I said to her# HIs there a signJH She nodded $ith her head eaning# HKes%H I#
too# then stood !for the prayer of eclipse" till I becae !nearly" unconscious and later on I poured
$ater on y head% After the prayer# the Prophet praised and glorified Allah and then said#
H/ust no$ at this place I ha(e seen $hat I ha(e ne(er seen before# including Paradise and Hell% Do
doubt it has been inspired to e that you $ill be put to trials in your gra(es and these trials $ill be
like the trials of Masiah)ad) or nearly like it !the sub narrator is not sure $hich e*pression
Asa' used"% Kou $ill be asked# '@hat do you kno$ about this an !the Prophet Muhaad"J' &hen
the faithful belie(er !or Asa' said a siilar $ord" $ill reply# 'He is Muhaad Allah's Apostle $ho
had coe to us $ith clear e(idences and guidance and so $e accepted his teachings and follo$ed
hi% And he is Muhaad%' And he $ill repeat it thrice% &hen the angels $ill say to hi# 'Sleep in
peace as $e ha(e coe to kno$ that you $ere a faithful belie(er%' En the other hand# a hypocrite or
=olue 0 ) << ? 0:66
a doubtful person $ill reply# 'I do not kno$# but I heard the people saying soething and so I said it%'
!the sae"% H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 7::
Darrated Abu /ara:
I $as an interpreter bet$een the people and Ibn 'Abbas% Ence Ibn 'Abbas said that a delegation of
the tribe of'Abdul ,ais cae to the Prophet $ho asked the# H@ho are the people !i%e% you"J !Er"
$ho are the delegatesJH &hey replied# H@e are fro the tribe of Rabi'a%H &hen the Prophet said to
the# H@elcoe# E people !or said# HE delegation !of 'Abdul ,ais"%H" Deither $ill you ha(e disgrace
nor $ill you regret%H &hey said# H@e ha(e coe to you fro a distant place and there is the tribe of
the infidels of Mudar inter(ening bet$een you and us and $e cannot coe to you e*cept in the sac)
red onth% So please order us to do soething good !religious deeds" and that $e ay also infor
our people $ho $e ha(e left behind !at hoe" and that $e ay enter Paradise !by acting on
the%"H &he Prophet ordered the to do four things# and forbade the fro four things% He ordered
the to belie(e in Allah Alone# the Honorable the Ma.estic and said to the# H8o you kno$ $hat is
eant by belie(ing in Allah AloneJH &hey replied# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ better%H &hereupon the
Prophet said# H!&hat eans to testify that none has the right to be $orshipped but Allah and that
Muhaad is His Apostle# to offer prayers perfectly# to pay Fakat# to obser(e fasts during the onth
of Raadan# !and" to pay Al)Khuus !one fifth of the booty to be gi(en in Allah's cause"%H &hen he
forbade the four things# naely Ad)8ubba%' Hanta# Mu-affat !and" An)DaCir or MuCaiyar!&hese
$ere the naes of pots in $hich alcoholic drinks used to be prepared"% &he Prophet further said#
HMeori-e the !these instructions" and tell the to the people $ho you ha(e left behind%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 77:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi Mulaika:
'UCba bin Al)Harith said that he had arried the daughter of Abi Ihab bin 'A-i-% ;ater on a $o)
an cae to hi and said# HI ha(e suckled !nursed" UCba and the $oan $ho he arried !his
$ife" at y breast%H 'UCba said to her# HDeither I kne$ that you ha(e suckled !nursed" e nor did you
tell e%H &hen he rode o(er to see Allah's Apostle at Medina# and asked hi about it% Allah's Apostle
said# HHo$ can you keep her as a $ife $hen it has been said !that she is your foster)sister"JH &hen
UCba di(orced her# and she arried another an%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 71:
Darrated 'Uar:
My Ansari neighbor fro Bani Uaiya bin Faid $ho used to li(e at 'A$ali Al)Medina and used to
(isit the Prophet by turns% He used to go one day and I another day% @hen I $ent I used to bring the
=olue 0 ) <2 ? 0:66
ne$s of that day regarding the 8i(ine Inspiration and other things# and $hen he $ent# he used to do
the sae for e% Ence y Ansari friend# in his turn !on returning fro the Prophet"# knocked (iol)
ently at y door and asked if I $as there%H I becae horrified and cae out to hi% He said# H&oday a
great thing has happened%H I then $ent to Hafsa and sa$ her $eeping% I asked her# H8id Allah's
Apostle di(orce you allJH She replied# HI do not kno$%H &hen# I entered upon the Prophet and said
$hile standing# HHa(e you di(orced your $i(esJH &he Prophet replied in the negati(e% En $hat I said#
HAllahu)Akbar !Allah is Areater"%H !See Hadith Do% 001# =ol% < for details"
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 16:
Darrated Abu Mas'ud Al)Ansari:
Ence a an said to Allah's Apostle HE Allah's ApostleI I ay not attend the !copulsory congrega)
tional" prayer because so and so !the Ia" prolongs the prayer $hen he leads us for it% &he narrat)
or added: HI ne(er sa$ the Prophet ore furious in gi(ing ad(ice than he $as on that day% &he
Prophet said# HE peopleI Soe of you ake others dislike good deeds !the prayers"% So $hoe(er leads
the people in prayer should shorten it because aong the there are the sick the $eak and the
needy !ha(ing soe .obs to do"%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 10:
Darrated Faid bin Khalid Al)/uhani:
A an asked the Prophet about the picking up of a H;uCataH !fallen lost thing"% &he Prophet replied#
HRecogni-e and reeber its tying aterial and its container# and ake public announceent
!about it" for one year# then utili-e it but gi(e it to its o$ner if he coes%H &hen the person asked
about the lost cael% En that# the Prophet got angry and his cheeks or his Bace becae red and he
said# HKou ha(e no concern $ith it as it has its $ater container# and its feet and it $ill reach $ater#
and eat !the lea(es" of trees till its o$ner finds it%H &he an then asked about the lost sheep% &he
Prophet replied# HIt is either for you# for your brother !another person" or for the $olf%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 13:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet $as asked about things $hich he did not like# but $hen the Cuestioners insisted# the
Prophet got angry% He then said to the people# HAsk e anything you like%H A an asked# H@ho is y
fatherJH &he Prophet replied# HKour father is Hudhafa%H &hen another an got up and said# H@ho is
y father# E Allah's Apostle JH He replied# HKour father is Sali# Maula !the freed sla(e" of Shaiba%H So
$hen 'Uar sa$ that !the anger" on the face of the Prophet he said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e repent to
Allah !Eur offending you"%H
=olue 0 ) <4 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 1<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ene day Allah's Apostle cae out !before the people" and 'Abdullah bin Hudhafa stood up and
asked !hi" H@ho is y fatherJH &he Prophet replied# HKour father is Hudhafa%H &he Prophet told
the repeatedly !in anger" to ask hi anything they liked% 'Uar knelt do$n before the Prophet and
said thrice# H@e accept Allah as !our" ;ord and Isla as !our" religion and Muhaad as !our"
Prophet%H After that the Prophet becae silent%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 12:
Darrated Anas:
@hene(er the Prophet asked perission to enter# he knocked the door thrice $ith greeting and
$hene(er he spoke a sentence !said a thing" he used to repeat it thrice% !See Hadith Do% 350# =ol% 7"%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 14:
Darrated Anas:
@hene(er the Prophet spoke a sentence !said a thing"# he used to repeat it thrice so that the people
could understand it properly fro hi and $hene(er he asked perission to enter# !he knocked the
door" thrice $ith greeting%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 15:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
Ence Allah's Apostle reained behind us in a .ourney% He .oined us $hile $e $ere perforing
ablution for the 'Asr prayer $hich $as o(er)due% @e $ere .ust passing $et hands o(er our feet !not
$ashing the properly" so the Prophet addressed us in a loud (oice and said t$ice or thrice# HSa(e
your heels fro the fire%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 1::
Darrated Abu Burda's father:
Allah's Apostle said H&hree persons $ill ha(e a double re$ard:
0% A Person fro the people of the scriptures $ho belie(ed in his prophet !/esus or Moses" and
then belie(ed in the Prophet Muhaad !i %e% has ebraced Isla"%
3% A sla(e $ho discharges his duties to Allah and his aster%
=olue 0 ) <5 ? 0:66
<% A aster of a $oan)sla(e $ho teaches her good anners and educates her in the best pos)
sible $ay !the religion" and anuits her and then arries her%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 1:g:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ence Allah's Apostle cae out $hile Bilal $as accopanying hi% He $ent to$ards the $oen
thinking that they had not heard hi !i%e% his seron"% So he preached the and ordered the to pay
als% !Hearing that" the $oen started gi(ing alsL soe donated their ear)rings# soe ga(e their
rings and Bilal $as collecting the in the corner of his garent%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 17:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I said: HE Allah's ApostleI @ho $ill be the luckiest person# $ho $ill gain your intercession on the
8ay of ResurrectionJH Allah's Apostle said: E Abu HurairaI HI ha(e thought that none $ill ask e
about it before you as I kno$ your longing for the !learning of" Hadiths% &he luckiest person $ho
$ill ha(e y intercession on the 8ay of Resurrection $ill be the one $ho said sincerely fro the
botto of his heart HDone has the right to be $orshipped but Allah%H
And 'Uar bin 'Abdul 'A-i- $rote to Abu Bakr bin Ha-# H;ook for the kno$ledge of Hadith and
get it $ritten# as I a afraid that religious kno$ledge $ill (anish and the religious learned en $ill
pass a$ay !die"% 8o not accept anything sa(e the Hadiths of the Prophet% 9irculate kno$ledge and
teach the ignorant# for kno$ledge does not (anish e*cept $hen it is kept secretly !to oneself"%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 11:
Darrated Abdullah Ibn 8inar:
also narrates the sae !abo(e)entioned stateent" as has been narrated by 'Uar bin 'Abdul
'A-i- up to H&he religious scholar !learned en" $ill pass a$ay !die"%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 066:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar bin Al' As:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HAllah does not take a$ay the kno$ledge# by taking it a$ay fro
!the hearts of" the people# but takes it a$ay by the death of the religious learned en till $hen none
of the !religious learned en" reains# people $ill take as their leaders ignorant persons $ho $hen
=olue 0 ) <: ? 0:66
consulted $ill gi(e their (erdict $ithout kno$ledge% So they $ill go astray and $ill lead the people
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 060:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Soe $oen reCuested the Prophet to fi* a day for the as the en $ere taking all his tie% En
that he proised the one day for religious lessons and coandents% Ence during such a lesson
the Prophet said# HA $oan $hose three children die $ill be shielded by the fro the Hell fire%H En
that a $oan asked# HIf only t$o dieJH He replied# H+(en t$o !$ill shield her fro the Hell)fire"%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 063:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
as abo(e !the sub narrators are different"% Abu Huraira Cualified the three children referred to in
the abo(e entioned Hadith as not ha(ing reached the age of coitting sins !i%e% age of puberty" %
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 06<:
Darrated Ibn Abu Mulaika:
@hene(er 'Aisha !the $ife of the Prophet" heard anything $hich she did not understand# she used
to ask again till she understood it copletely% Aisha said: HEnce the Prophet said# H@hoe(er $ill be
called to account !about his deeds on the 8ay of Resurrection" $ill surely be punished%H I said#
H8oesn't Allah say: HHe surely $ill recei(e an easy reckoning%H !72%7" &he Prophet replied# H&his eans
only the presentation of the accounts but $hoe(er $ill be argued about his account# $ill certainly be
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 062:
Darrated Said:
Abu Shuraih said# H@hen 'Ar bin Said $as sending the troops to Mecca !to fight 'Abdullah bin
A-)Fubair" I said to hi# 'E chiefI Allo$ e to tell you $hat the Prophet said on the day follo$ing
the conCuests of Mecca% My ears heard and y heart coprehended# and I sa$ hi $ith y o$n
eyes# $hen he said it% He glorified and praised Allah and then said# HAllah and not the people has
ade Mecca a sanctuary% So anybody $ho has belief in Allah and the ;ast 8ay !i%e% a Musli" should
neither shed blood in it nor cut do$n its trees% If anybody argues that fighting is allo$ed in Mecca as
Allah's Apostle did fight !in Mecca"# tell hi that Allah ga(e perission to His Apostle# but He did not
gi(e it to you% &he Prophet added: Allah allo$ed e only for a fe$ hours on that day !of the con)
Cuest" and today !no$" its sanctity is the sae !(alid" as it $as before% So it is incubent upon those
=olue 0 ) <7 ? 0:66
$ho are present to con(ey it !this inforation" to those $ho are absent%H Abu) Shuraih $as asked#
H@hat did 'Ar replyJH He said 'Ar said# HE Abu ShuraihI I kno$ better than you !in this respect"%
Mecca does not gi(e protection to one $ho disobeys !Allah" or runs after coitting urder# or
theft !and takes refuge in Mecca"%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 064:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
&he Prophet said% Do doubt your blood# property# the sub)narrator Muhaad thought that Abu
Bakra had also entioned and your honor !chastity"# are sacred to one another as is the sanctity of
this day of yours in this onth of yours% It is incubent on those $ho are present to infor those
$ho are absent%H !Muhaad the Subnarrator used to say# HAllah's Apostle told the truth%H" &he
Prophet repeated t$ice: HDo doubtI Ha(en't I con(eyed Allah's essage to you%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 065:
Darrated 'Ali:
&he Prophet said# H8o not tell a lie against e for $hoe(er tells a lie against e !intentionally" then
he $ill surely enter the Hell)fire%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 06::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair:
I said to y father# 'I do not hear fro you any narration !Hadith" of Allah s Apostle as I hear !his
narrations" fro so and soJH A-)Fubair replied% l $as al$ays $ith hi !the Prophet" and I heard hi
saying H@hoe(er tells a lie against e !intentionally" then !surely" let hi occupy# his seat in Hell)
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 067:
Darrated Anas:
&he fact $hich stops e fro narrating a great nuber of Hadiths to you is that the Prophet said:
H@hoe(er tells a lie against e intentionally# then !surely" let hi occupy his seat in Hell)fire%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 061:
Darrated Salaa:
I heard the Prophet saying# H@hoe(er !intentionally" ascribes to e $hat I ha(e not said then
!surely" let hi occupy his seat in Hell)fire%H
=olue 0 ) <1 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 006:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HDae yoursel(es $ith y nae !use y nae" but do not nae yoursel(es
$ith y Kunya nae !i%e% Abu)l ,asi"% And $hoe(er sees e in a drea then surely he has seen
e for Satan cannot ipersonate e% And $hoe(er tells a lie against e !intentionally"# then !surely"
let hi occupy his seat in Hell)fire%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 000:
Darrated Ash)Sha'bi:
Abu /uhaifa said# HI asked Ali# 'Ha(e you got any book !$hich has been re(ealed to the Prophet
apart fro the ,ur'an"J' 'Ali replied# 'Do# e*cept Allah's Book or the po$er of understanding $hich
has been besto$ed !by Allah" upon a Musli or $hat is !$ritten" in this sheet of paper !$ith e"%'
Abu /uhaifa said# HI asked# '@hat is !$ritten" in this sheet of paperJ' Ali replied# it deals $ith &he
8iyya !copensation !blood oney" paid by the killer to the relati(es of the (icti"# the ranso for
the releasing of the capti(es fro the hands of the eneies# and the la$ that no Musli should be
killed in ,isas !eCuality in punishent" for the killing of !a disbelie(er"%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 003:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
In the year of the 9onCuest of Mecca# the tribe of Khu-a'a killed a an fro the tribe of Bani ;aith
in re(enge for a killed person# belonging to the% &hey infored the Prophet about it% So he rode his
Rahila !she)cael for riding" and addressed the people saying# HAllah held back the killing fro
Mecca% !&he sub)narrator is in doubt $hether the Prophet said Helephant or killing#H as the Arabic
$ords standing for these $ords ha(e great siilarity in shape"# but He !Allah" let His Apostle and the
belie(ers o(er po$er the infidels of Mecca% Be$areI !Mecca is a sanctuary" =erilyI Bighting in Mecca
$as not peritted for anyone before e nor $ill it be peritted for anyone after e% It !$ar" in it
$as ade legal for e for fe$ hours or so on that day% Do doubt it is at this oent a sanctuary# it is
not allo$ed to uproot its thorny shrubs or to uproot its trees or to pick up its ;uCatt !fallen things"
e*cept by a person $ho $ill look for its o$ner !announce it publicly"% And if soebody is killed# then
his closest relati(e has the right to choose one of the t$o)) the blood oney !8iyya" or retaliation
ha(ing the killer killed% In the eantie a an fro Keen cae and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Aet
that $ritten for e%H &he Prophet ordered his copanions to $rite that for hi% &hen a an fro
,uraish said# H+*cept Al)IChkhir !a type of grass that has good sell" E Allah's Apostle# as $e use it
in our houses and gra(es%H &he Prophet said# H+*cept Al)Idhkhiri%e% Al)Idhkhir is allo$ed to be
=olue 0 ) 26 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 00<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&here is none aong the copanions of the Prophet $ho has narrated ore Hadiths than I e*cept
'Abdallah bin Ar !bin Al)'As" $ho used to $rite the and I ne(er did the sae%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 002:
Darrated 'Ubaidullah bin 'Abdullah:
Ibn 'Abbas said# H@hen the ailent of the Prophet becae $orse# he said# 'Bring for e !$riting"
paper and I $ill $rite for you a stateent after $hich you $ill not go astray%' But 'Uar said# '&he
Prophet is seriously ill# and $e ha(e got Allah's Book $ith us and that is sufficient for us%' But the
copanions of the Prophet differed about this and there $as a hue and cry% En that the Prophet said
to the# 'Ao a$ay !and lea(e e alone"% It is not right that you should Cuarrel in front of e%H Ibn
'Abbas cae out saying# HIt $as ost unfortunate !a great disaster" that Allah's Apostle $as pre(ented
fro $riting that stateent for the because of their disagreeent and noise% !Dote: It is apparent
fro this Hadith that Ibn 'Abbes had $itnessed the e(ent and cae out saying this stateent% &he
truth is not so# for Ibn 'Abbas used to say this stateent on narrating the Hadith and he had not $it)
nessed the e(ent personally% See Bath Al)Bari =ol% 0# p%336 footnote%" !See Hadith Do% 337# =ol% 2"%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 004:
Darrated U Salaa:
Ene night Allah's Apostle got up and said# HSubhan AllahI Ho$ any afflictions ha(e been descen)
ded tonight and ho$ any treasures ha(e been disclosedI Ao and $ake the sleeping lady occupants
of these d$ellings !his $i(es" up !for prayers"% A $ell)dressed !soul" in this $orld ay be naked in
the Hereafter% H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 005:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Ence the Prophet led us in the 'Isha' prayer during the last days of his life and after finishing it
!the prayer" !$ith &asli" he said: H8o you reali-e !the iportance of" this nightJH Dobody present
on the surface of the earth tonight $ill be li(ing after the copletion of one hundred years fro this
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 00::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
=olue 0 ) 20 ? 0:66
I stayed o(ernight in the house of y aunt Maiuna bint Al)Harith !the $ife of the Prophet "
$hile the Prophet $as there $ith her during her night turn% &he Prophet offered the 'Isha' prayer !in
the osCue"# returned hoe and after ha(ing prayed four Rakat# he slept% ;ater on he got up at night
and then asked $hether the boy !or he used a siilar $ord" had sleptJ &hen he got up for the prayer
and I stood up by his left side but he ade e stand to his right and offered fi(e Rakat follo$ed by
t$o ore Rakat% &hen he slept and I heard hi snoring and then !after a $hile" he left for the !Ba.r"
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 007:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
People say that I ha(e narrated any Hadiths !&he Prophet's narrations"% Had it not been for t$o
(erses in the ,ur'an# I $ould not ha(e narrated a single Hadith# and the (erses are:
H=erily those $ho conceal the clear sign and the guidance $hich @e ha(e sent do$n % % % !up to"
Most Merciful%H !3:041)056"% And no doubt our !eigrant" brothers used to be busy in the
arket $ith their business !bargains" and our Ansari brothers used to be busy $ith their property
!agriculture"% But I !Abu Huraira" used to stick to Allah's Apostle contented $ith $hat $ill fill y
stoach and I used to attend that $hich they used not to attend and I used to eori-e that $hich
they used not to eori-e%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 001:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I said to Allah's Apostle HI hear any narrations !Hadiths" fro you but I forget the%H Allah's
Apostle said# HSpread your Rida' !garent"%H I did accordingly and then he o(ed his hands as if
filling the $ith soething !and eptied the in y Rida'" and then said# H&ake and $rap this sheet
o(er your body%H I did it and after that I ne(er forgot any thing%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 036:
Darrated Ibrahi bin Al)Mundhir:
Ibn Abi Budaik narrated the sae as abo(e !Hadith%%%001" but added that the Prophet had o(ed
his hands as if filling the $ith soething and then he eptied the in the Rida' of Abu Huraira%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 030:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I ha(e eori-ed t$o kinds of kno$ledge fro Allah's Apostle % I ha(e propagated one of the to
you and if I propagated the second# then y pharyn* !throat" $ould be cut !i%e% killed"%
=olue 0 ) 23 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 033:
Darrated /arir:
&he Prophet said to e during': ;et the people keep Cuiet and listen% &hen he said
!addressing the people"# H8o not !becoe infidels" re(ert to disbelief after e by striking the necks
!cutting the throats" of one another !killing each other"%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 03<:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
I said to Ibn 'Abbas# HDauf)Al)Bakali clais that Moses !the copanion of Khadir" $as not the
Moses of Bani Israel but he $as another Moses%H Ibn 'Abbas rearked that the eney of Allah !Dauf"
$as a liar%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 032:
Darrated Ubai bin Ka'b:
&he Prophet said# HEnce the Prophet Moses stood up and addressed Bani Israel% He $as asked#
H@ho is the ost learned an aongst the people% He said# HI a the ost learned%H Allah adon)
ished Moses as he did not attribute absolute kno$ledge to Hi !Allah"% So Allah inspired to hi HAt
the .unction of the t$o seas there is a sla(e aongst y sla(es $ho is ore learned than you%H Moses
said# HE y ;ordI Ho$ can I eet hiJH Allah said: &ake a fish in a large basket !and proceed" and
you $ill find hi at the place $here you $ill lose the fish% So Moses set out along $ith his !ser(ant"
boy# Kusha' bin Duin and carried a fish in a large basket till they reached a rock# $here they laid
their heads !i%e% lay do$n" and slept% &he fish cae out of the basket and it took its $ay into the sea as
in a tunnel% So it $as an aa-ing thing for both Moses and his !ser(ant" boy% &hey proceeded for the
rest of that night and the follo$ing day% @hen the day broke# Moses said to his !ser(ant" boy: HBring
us our early eal% Do doubt# $e ha(e suffered uch fatigue in this .ourney%H Moses did not get tired
till he passed the place about $hich he $as told% &here the !ser(ant" boy told Moses# H8o you ree)
ber $hen $e betook oursel(es to the rock# I indeed forgot the fish%H Moses rearked# H&hat is $hat
$e ha(e been seeking% So they $ent back retracing their foot)steps# till they reached the rock% &here
they sa$ a an co(ered $ith a garent !or co(ering hiself $ith his o$n garent"% Moses greeted
hi% Al)Khadir replied saying# HHo$ do people greet each other in your landJH Moses said# HI a
Moses%H He asked# H&he Moses of Bani IsraelJH Moses replied in the affirati(e and added# HMay I fol)
lo$ you so that you teach e of that kno$ledge $hich you ha(e been taught%H Al)Khadir replied#
H=erilyI Kou $ill not be able to reain patient $ith e# E MosesI I ha(e soe of the kno$ledge of
Allah $hich He has taught e and $hich you do not kno$# $hile you ha(e soe kno$ledge $hich
Allah has taught you $hich I do not kno$%H Moses said# HAllah $illing# you $ill find e patient and I
$ill not disobey you in aught% So both of the set out $alking along the sea)shore# as they did not
=olue 0 ) 2< ? 0:66
ha(e a boat% In the eantie a boat passed by the and they reCuested the cre$ of the boat to take
the on board% &he cre$ recogni-ed Al)Khadir and took the on board $ithout fare% &hen a spar)
ro$ cae and stood on the edge of the boat and dipped its beak once or t$ice in the sea% Al)Khadir
said: HE MosesI My kno$ledge and your kno$ledge ha(e not decreased Allah's kno$ledge e*cept as
uch as this sparro$ has decreased the $ater of the sea $ith its beak%H Al)Khadir $ent to one of the
planks of the boat and plucked it out% Moses said# H&hese people ga(e us a free lift but you ha(e
broken their boat and scuttled it so as to dro$n its people%H Al)Khadir replied# H8idn't I tell you that
you $ill not be able to reain patient $ith e%H Moses said# H9all e not to account for $hat I for)
got%H &he first !e*cuse" of Moses $as that he had forgotten% &hen they proceeded further and found a
boy playing $ith other boys% Al)Khadir took hold of the boy's head fro the top and plucked it out
$ith his hands !i%e% killed hi"% Moses said# HHa(e you killed an innocent soul $ho has killed none%H
Al)Kha#dir replied# H8id I not tell you that you cannot reain patient $ith eJH &hen they both pro)
ceeded till $hen they cae to the people of a to$n# they asked the for food# but they refused to en)
tertain the% &hen they found there a $all on the point of collapsing% Al)Khadir repaired it $ith his
o$n hands% Moses said# HIf you had $ished# surely you could ha(e taken $ages for it%H Al)Khadir
replied# H&his is the parting bet$een you and e%H &he Prophet added# HMay Allah be Merciful to
MosesI @ould that he could ha(e been ore patient to learn ore about his story $ith Al)Khadir% H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 034:
Darrated Abu Musa:
A an cae to the Prophet and asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat kind of fighting is in Allah's
causeJ !I ask this"# for soe of us fight because of being enraged and angry and soe for the sake of
his pride and haughtiness%H &he Prophet raised his head !as the Cuestioner $as standing" and said#
HHe $ho fights so that Allah's @ord !Isla" should be superior# then he fights in Allah's cause%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 035:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Aar:
I sa$ the Prophet near the /ara and the people $ere asking hi Cuestions !about religious prob)
les"% A an asked# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e slaughtered the Hadi !anial" before doing the Rai%H
&he Prophet replied# H8o the Rai !no$" and there is no har%H Another person asked# HE Allah's
ApostleI I got y head sha(ed before slaughtering the anial%H &he Prophet replied# H8o the
slaughtering !no$" and there is no har%H So on that day# $hen the Prophet $as asked about any)
thing as regards the cereonies of Ha.. perfored before or after its due tie his reply $as# H8o it
!no$" and there is no har%H
=olue 0 ) 22 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 03::
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@hile I $as going $ith the Prophet through the ruins of Medina and he $as reclining on a date)
pal leaf stalk# soe /e$s passed by% Soe of the said to the others: Ask hi !the Prophet" about
the spirit% Soe of the said that they should not ask hi that Cuestion as he ight gi(e a reply
$hich $ould displease the% But soe of the insisted on asking# and so one of the stood up and
asked# HE Aba)l),asi I @hat is the spiritJH &he Prophet reained Cuiet% I thought he $as being in)
spired 8i(inely% So I stayed till that state of the Prophet !$hile being inspired" $as o(er% &he Prophet
then said# HAnd they ask you !E Muhaad" concerning the spirit ))Say: &he spirit )) its kno$ledge
is $ith y ;ord% And of kno$ledge you !ankind" ha(e been gi(en only a little"%H !0:%74"
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 037:
Darrated As$ad:
Ibn A-)Fubair said to e# HAisha used to tell you secretly a nuber of things% @hat did she tell you
about the Ka'baJH I replied# HShe told e that once the Prophet said# 'E 'AishaI Had not your people
been still close to the pre)Islaic period of ignorance !infidelity"I I $ould ha(e disantled the Ka'ba
and $ould ha(e ade t$o doors in itL one for entrance and the other for e*it%H ;ater on Ibn A-)
Fubair did the sae%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 031:
Darrated Abu At)&ufail:
the abo(e entioned Stateent of 'Ali%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 0<6:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
HEnce Mu'adh $as along $ith Allah's Apostle as a copanion rider% Allah's Apostle said# HE
Mu'adh bin /abal%H Mu'adh replied# H;abbaik and Sa'daik% E Allah's ApostleIH Again the Prophet said#
HE Mu'adhIH Mu'adh said thrice# H;abbaik and Sa'daik# E Allah's ApostleIH Allah's Apostle said# H&here
is none $ho testifies sincerely that none has the right to be $orshipped but Allah and Muhaad is
his Apostle# e*cept that Allah# $ill sa(e hi fro the Hell)fire%H Mu'adh said# HE Allah's Apostle I
Should I not infor the people about it so that they ay ha(e glad tidingsJH He replied# H@hen the
people hear about it# they $ill solely depend on it%H &hen Mu'adh narrated the abo(e)entioned
Hadith .ust before his death# being afraid of coitting sin !by not telling the kno$ledge"%
=olue 0 ) 24 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 0<0:
Darrated Anas:
I $as infored that the Prophet had said to Mu'adh# H@hosoe(er $ill eet Allah $ithout associat)
ing anything in $orship $ith Hi $ill go to Paradise%H Mu'adh asked the Prophet# HShould I not in)
for the people of this good ne$sJH &he Prophet replied# HDo# I a afraid# lest they should depend
upon it !absolutely"%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 0<3:
Darrated U Salaa:
U)Sulai cae to Allah's Apostle and said# H=erily# Allah is not shy of !telling you" the truth% Is it
necessary for a $oan to take a bath after she has a $et drea !nocturnal se*ual dischargeJ" &he
Prophet replied# HKes# if she notices a discharge%H U Salaa# then co(ered her face and asked# HE Al)
lah's ApostleI 8oes a $oan get a dischargeJH He replied# HKes# let your right hand be in dust !An Ar)
abic e*pression you say to a person $hen you contradict his stateent eaning Hyou $ill not
achie(e goodnessH"# and that is $hy the son resebles his other%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 0<<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Ence Allah's Apostle said# HAongst the trees there is a tree# the lea(es of $hich do not fall and is
like a Musli# tell e the nae of that tree%H +(erybody started thinking about the trees of the desert
areas and I thought of the date)pal tree but felt shy !to ans$er"% &he others asked# HE Allah's
ApostleI infor us of it%H He replied# Hit is the date)pal tree%H I told y father $hat had coe to y
ind and on that he said# HHad you said it I $ould ha(e preferred it to such and such a thing that I
ight possess%H
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 0<2:
Darrated 'Ali:
I used to get the eotional urethral discharge freCuently so I reCuested Al)MiCdad to ask the
Prophet about it% Al)MiCdad asked hi and he replied# HEne has to perfor ablution !after it"%H !See
Hadith Do% 351"%
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 0<4:
Darrated Dafi:
=olue 0 ) 25 ? 0:66
'Abdullah bin 'Uar said: HA an got up in the osCue and said: E Allah's Apostle 'At $hich place
you order us that $e should assue the IhraJ' Allah's Apostle replied# '&he residents of Medina
should assure the Ihra fro 8hil)Hulaifa# the people of Syria fro Al)/u#hfa and the people of
Da.d fro ,arn%H Ibn 'Uar further said# H&he people consider that Allah's Apostle had also said# '&he
residents of Keen should assue Ihra fro Kalala%' H Ibn 'Uar used to say# HI do not: ree)
ber $hether Allah's Apostle had said the last stateent or notJH
=olue 0# Book <# Duber 0<5:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
A an asked the Prophet : H@hat !kinds of clothes" should a Muhri !a Musli intending to per)
for 'Ura or Ha.." $earJ He replied# HHe should not $ear a shirt# a turban# trousers# a head cloak
or garent scented $ith saffron or @ars !kinds of perfues"% And if he has n slippers# then he can
use Khuffs !leather socks" but the socks should be cut short so as to ake the ankles bare%H !See
Hadith Do% 504# =ol% 3"%
=olue 0 ) 2: ? 0:66
Book 2: Ablutions !@udu'"
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 0<::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he prayer of a person $ho does #Hadath !passes# urine# stool or $ind" is not
accepted till he perfors !repeats" the ablution%H A person fro Hadaraout asked Abu Huraira#
H@hat is 'Hadath'JH Abu Huraira replied# H 'Hadath' eans the passing of $ind fro the anus%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 0<7:
Darrated Du'a Al)
Ence I $ent up the roof of the osCue# along $ith Abu Huraira% He perfor ablution and said# HI
heard the Prophet saying# HEn the 8ay of Resurrection# y follo$ers $ill be called HAl)Ahurr)ul)
Muha..alunH fro the trace of ablution and $hoe(er can increase the area of his radiance should do
so !i%e% by perforing ablution regularly"%' H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 0<1:
Darrated 'Abbas bin &ai:
My uncle asked Allah's Apostle about a person $ho iagined to ha(e passed $ind during the
prayer% Allah' Apostle replied: HHe should not lea(e his prayers unless he hears sound or sells soe)
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 026:
Darrated Kuraib:
Ibn 'Abbas said# H&he Prophet slept till he snored and then prayed !or probably lay till his breath
sounds $ere heard and then got up and prayed"%H Ibn 'Abbas added: HI stayed o(ernight in the house
of y aunt# Maiuna# the Prophet slept for a part of the night# !See Bateh)al)Bari page 321# =ol% 0"#
and late in the night# he got up and perfored ablution fro a hanging $ater skin# a light !perfect"
ablution and stood up for the prayer% I# too# perfored a siilar ablution# then I $ent and stood on
his left% He dre$ e to his right and prayed as uch as Allah $ished# and again lay and slept till his
breath sounds $ere heard% ;ater on the Mua'dhdhin !callaker for the prayer" cae to hi and in)
fored hi that it $as tie for Prayer% &he Prophet $ent $ith hi for the prayer $ithout perfor)
ing a ne$ ablution%H !Sufyan said to 'Ar that soe people said# H&he eyes of Allah's Apostle sleep but
his heart does not sleep%H 'Ar replied# HI heard 'Ubaid bin 'Uar saying that the dreas of Prophets
=olue 0 ) 27 ? 0:66
$ere 8i(ine Inspiration# and then he recited the (erse: 'I !Abraha" see in a drea# !E y son" that I
offer you in sacrifice !to Allah"%H !<:%063" !See Hadith Do% 07<"
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 020:
Darrated Usaa bin Faid:
Allah's Apostle proceeded fro 'Arafat till $hen he reached the ountain pass# he disounted#
urinated and then perfored ablution but not a perfect one% I said to hi# !HIs it the tie for" the
prayer# E Allah's ApostleJH He said# H&he !place of" prayer is ahead of you%H He rode till $hen he
reached Al)Mu-dalifa# he disounted and perfored ablution and a perfect one# &he !call for"
ICaa $as pronounced and he led the Maghrib prayer% &hen e(erybody ade his cael kneel do$n
at its place% &hen the ICaa $as pronounced for the 'Isha' prayer $hich the Prophet led and no
prayer $as offered in bet$een the t$o % prayers !'Isha' and Maghrib"%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 023:
Darrated 'Ata' bin Kasar:
Ibn 'Abbas perfored ablution and $ashed his face !in the follo$ing $ay": He ladled out a hand)
ful of $ater# rinsed his outh and $ashed his nose $ith it by putting in $ater and then blo$ing it
out% He then# took another handful !of $ater" and did like this !gesturing" .oining both hands# and
$ashed his face# took another handful of $ater and $ashed his right forear% He again took another
handful of $ater and $ashed his left forear# and passed $et hands o(er his head and took another
handful of $ater and poured it o(er his right foot !up to his ankles" and $ashed it thoroughly and
siilarly took another handful of $ater and $ashed thoroughly his left foot !up to the ankles" and
said# HI sa$ Allah's Apostle perforing ablution in this $ay%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 02<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HIf anyone of you on ha(ing se*ual relations $ith his $ife said !and he ust say
it before starting" 'In the nae of Allah% E AllahI Protect us fro Satan and also protect $hat you be)
sto$ upon us !i%e% the coing offspring" fro Satan# and if it is destined that they should ha(e a child
then# Satan $ill ne(er be able to har that offspring%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 022:
Darrated Anas:
=olue 0 ) 21 ? 0:66
@hene(er the Prophet $ent to ans$er the call of nature# he used to say# HAllah)ua inni a'udhu
bika inal khubuthi $al khaba'ith i%e% E Allah# I seek Refuge $ith Kou fro all offensi(e and $icked
things !e(il deeds and e(il spirits"%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 024:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ence the Prophet entered a la(atory and I placed $ater for his ablution% He asked# H@ho placed
itJH He $as infored accordingly and so he said# HE AllahI Make hi !Ibn 'Abbas" a learned scholar
in religion !Isla"%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 025:
Darrated Abu Aiyub Al)Ansari:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf anyone of you goes to an open space for ans$ering the call of nature he
should neither face nor turn his back to$ards the ,iblaL he should either face the east or the $est%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 02::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
People say# H@hene(er you sit for ans$ering the call of nature# you should not face the ,ibla or
Bait)ulMaCdis !/erusale"%H I told the% HEnce I $ent up the roof of our house and I sa$ Allah's
Apostle ans$ering the call of nature $hile sitting on t$o bricks facing Bait)ul)MaCdis !/erusale"
!but there $as a screen co(ering hi% ' !BatehAl)Bari# Page 347# =ol% 0"%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 027:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he $i(es of the Prophet used to go to Al)Manasi# a (ast open place !near BaCia at Medina" to an)
s$er the call of nature at night% 'Uar used to say to the Prophet H;et your $i(es be (eiled#H but Al)
lah's Apostle did not do so% Ene night Sauda bint Fa'a the $ife of the Prophet $ent out at 'Isha' tie
and she $as a tall lady% 'Uar addressed her and said# HI ha(e recogni-ed you# E Sauda%H He said so#
as he desired eagerly that the (erses of Al)Hi.ab !the obser(ing of (eils by the Musli $oen" ay
be re(ealed% So Allah re(ealed the (erses of HAl)Hi.abH !A coplete body co(er e*cluding the eyes"%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 021:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said to his $i(es# HKou are allo$ed to go out to ans$er the call of nature% H
=olue 0 ) 46 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 046:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
I $ent up to the roof of Hafsa's house for soe .ob and I sa$ Allah's Apostle ans$ering the call of
nature facing Sha !Syria# /ordan# Palestine and ;ebanon regarded as one country" $ith his back to)
$ards the ,ibla% !See Hadith Do% 02:"%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 040:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Ence I $ent up the roof of our house and sa$ Allah's Apostle ans$ering the call of nature $hile
sitting o(er t$o bricks facing Bait)ul)MaCdis !/erusale"% !See Hadith Do% 02:"%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 043:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle $ent to ans$er the call of nature# I along $ith another boy used to ac)
copany hi $ith a tubler full of $ater% !Hisha coented# HSo that he ight $ash his pri(ate
parts $ith it%"H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 04<:
Darrated Anas:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle $ent to ans$er the call of nature# I along $ith another boy fro us used
to go behind hi $ith a tubler full of $ater%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 042:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle $ent to ans$er the call of nature# I along $ith another boy used to
carry a tubler full of $ater !for cleaning the pri(ate parts" and an 'An-a !spear)headed stuck"%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 044:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hene(er anyone of you drinks $ater# he should not breathe in the drinking
utensil# and $hene(er anyone of you goes to a la(atory# he should neither touch his penis nor clean
his pri(ate parts $ith his right hand%H
=olue 0 ) 40 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 045:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
&he Prophet said# H@hene(er anyone of you akes $ater he should not hold his penis or clean his
pri(ate parts $ith his right hand% !And $hile drinking" one should not breathe in the drinking
utensil %H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 04::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I follo$ed the Prophet $hile he $as going out to ans$er the call of nature% He used not to look this
$ay or that% So# $hen I approached near hi he said to e# HBetch for e soe stones for ' cleaning
the pri(ates parts !or said soething siilar"# and do not bring a bone or a piece of dung%H So I
brought the stones in the corner of y garent and placed the by his side and I then $ent a$ay
fro hi% @hen he finished !fro ans$ering the call of nature" he used# the %
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 047:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet $ent out to ans$er the call of nature and asked e to bring three stones% I found t$o
stones and searched for the third but could not find it% So took a dried piece of dung and brought it
to hi% He took the t$o stones and thre$ a$ay the dung and said# H&his is a filthy thing%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 041:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet perfored ablution by $ashing the body parts only once%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 056:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Faid:
&he Prophet perfored ablution by $ashing the body parts t$ice%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 050:
Darrated Huran:
!the sla(e of 'Uthan" I sa$ 'Uthan bin 'Affan asking for a tubler of $ater !and $hen it $as
brought" he poured $ater o(er his hands and $ashed the thrice and then put his right hand in the
$ater container and rinsed his outh# $ashed his nose by putting $ater in it and then blo$ing it
=olue 0 ) 43 ? 0:66
out% then he $ashed his face and forearrlns up to the elbo$s thrice# passed his $et hands o(er his
head and $ashed his feet up to the ankles thrice% &hen he said# HAllah's Apostle said 'If anyone Per)
fors ablution like that of ine and offers a t$o)rak'at prayer during $hich he does not think of
anything else !not related to the present prayer" then his past sins $ill be forgi(en%' H After perfor)
ing the ablution 'Uthan said# HI a going to tell you a Hadith $hich I $ould not ha(e told you# had
I not been copelled by a certain Holy =erse !the sub narrator 'Ur$a said: &his (erse is: H=erily# those
$ho conceal the clear signs and the guidance $hich $e ha(e sent do$n%%%"H !3:041"% I heard the
Prophet saying# 'If a an perfors ablution perfectly and then offers the copulsory congregational
prayer# Allah $ill forgi(e his sins coitted bet$een that !prayer" and the !ne*t" prayer till he of)
fers it%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 053:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er perfors ablution should clean his nose $ith $ater by putting the
$ater in it and then blo$ing it out# and $hoe(er cleans his pri(ate parts $ith stones should do it
$ith odd nuber of stones%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 05<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf anyone of you perfors ablution he should put $ater in his nose and then
blo$ it out and $hoe(er cleans his pri(ate parts $ith stones should do so $ith odd nubers% And
$hoe(er $akes up fro his sleep should $ash his hands before putting the in the $ater for ablu)
tion# because nobody kno$s $here his hands $ere during sleep%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 052:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
&he Prophet reained behind us on a .ourney% He .oined us $hile $e $ere perforing ablution
for the 'Asr prayer $hich $as o(er)due and $e $ere .ust passing $et hands o(er our feet !not $ash)
ing the thoroughly" so he addressed us in a loud (oice saying t$ice orthriae# HSa(e your heels fro
the fire%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 054:
Darrated Huran:
!the freed sla(e of 'Uthan bin 'Affan" I sa$ 'Uthan bin 'Affan asking !for a tubler of $ater" to
perfor ablution !and $hen it $as brought" he poured $ater fro it o(er his hands and $ashed
=olue 0 ) 4< ? 0:66
the thrice and then put his right hand in the $ater container and rinsed his outh and $ashed his
nose by putting $ater in it and then blo$ing it out% &hen he $ashed his face thrice and !then" fore)
ars up to the elbo$s thrice# then passed his $et hands o(er his head and then $ashed each foot
thrice% After that 'Uthan said# HI sa$ the Prophet perforing ablution like this of ine# and he said#
'If anyone perfors ablution like that of ine and offers a t$o)rak'at prayer during $hich he does
not think of anything else !not related to the present prayer" then his past sins $ill be forgi(en% '
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 055:
Darrated Muhaad Ibn Fiyad:
I heard Abu Huraira saying as he passed by us $hile the people $ere perforing ablution fro a
utensil containing $ater# HPerfor ablution perfectly and thoroughly for Abul),asi !the Prophet"
said# 'Sa(e your heels fro the Hell)fire%' H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 05::
Darrated 'Ubaid Ibn /urai.:
I asked 'Abdullah bin 'Uar# HE Abu 'Abdur)RahanI I sa$ you doing four things $hich I ne(er
sa$ being done by anyone of you copanionsJH 'Abdullah bin 'Uar said# H@hat are those# E Ibn
/urai.JH I said# HI ne(er sa$ you touching any corner of the Ka'ba e*cept these !t$o" facing south !Ke)
en" and I sa$ you $earing shoes ade of tanned leather and dyeing your hair $ith HinnaL !a kind
of dye"% I also noticed that $hene(er you $ere in Mecca# the people assue l#hra on seeing the ne$
oon crescent !0st of 8hul)Hi..a" $hile you did not assue the Ihlal !Ihra"))!Ihra is also called
Ihlal $hich eans ';oud calling' because a Muhri has to recite &albiya aloud $hen assuing the
state of Ihra"))till the 7th of 8hul)Hi..a !8ay of &ar$iya"% 'Abdullah replied# HRegarding the
corners of Ka'ba# I ne(er sa$ Allah's Apostle touching e*cept those facing south !Keen" and re)
garding the tanned leather shoes# no doubt I sa$ Allah's Apostle $earing non)hairy shoes and he
used to perfor ablution $hile $earing the shoes !i%e% $ash his feet and then put on the shoes"% So I
lo(e to $ear siilar shoes% And about the dyeing of hair $ith HinnaL no doubt I sa$ Allah's Apostle
dyeing his hair $ith it and that is $hy I like to dye !y hair $ith it"% Regarding Ihlal# I did not see Al)
lah's Apostle assuing Ihlal till he set out for Ha.. !on the 7th of 8hul)Hi..a"%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 057:
Darrated U)'Atiya:
that the Prophet at the tie of $ashing his deceased daughter had said to the# HStart fro the
right side beginning $ith those parts $hich are $ashed in ablution%H
=olue 0 ) 42 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 051:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to like to start fro the right side on $earing shoes# cobing his hair and clean)
ing or $ashing hiself and on doing anything else%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 0:6:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
sa$ Allah's Apostle $hen the 'Asr prayer $as due and the people searched for $ater to perfor
ablution but they could not find it% ;ater on !a pot full of" $ater for ablution $as brought to Allah's
Apostle % He put his hand in that pot and ordered the people to perfor ablution fro it% I sa$ the
$ater springing out fro underneath his fingers till all of the perfored the ablution !it $as one
of the iracles of the Prophet"%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 0:0:
Darrated Ibn Sirrn:
I said to 'Ablda# HI ha(e soe of the hair of the Prophet $hich I got fro Anas or fro his faily%H
'Abida replied% HDo doubt if I had a single hair of that it $ould ha(e been dearer to e than the
$hole $orld and $hate(er is in it%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 0:3:
Darrated Anas:
@hen Allah's Apostle got his head sha(ed# Abu) &alha $as the first to take soe of his hair%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 0:<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf a dog drinks fro the utensil of anyone of you it is essential to $ash it se()
en ties%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 0:2:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HA an sa$ a dog eating ud fro !the se(erity of" thirst% So# that an took a
shoe !and filled it" $ith $ater and kept on pouring the $ater for the dog till it Cuenched its thirst% So
Allah appro(ed of his deed and ade hi to enter Paradise%H And narrated Ha-a bin 'Abdullah: My
=olue 0 ) 44 ? 0:66
father said% H8uring the lifetie of Allah's Apostle# the dogs used to urinate# and pass through the
osCues !coe and go"# ne(ertheless they ne(er used to sprinkle $ater on it !urine of the dog%"H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 0:4:
Darrated 'Adi bin Hati:
I asked the Prophet !about the hunting dogs" and he replied# HIf you let loose !$ith Allah's nae"
your taed dog after a gae and it hunts it# you ay eat it# but if the dog eats of !that gae" then do
not eat it because the dog has hunted it for itself%H I further said# HSoeties I send y dog for hunt)
ing and find another dog $ith it% He said# H8o not eat the gae for you ha(e entioned Allah's nae
only on sending your dog and not the other dog%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 0:5:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HA person is considered in prayer as long as he is $aiting for the prayer in the
osCue as long as he does not do Hadath%H A non)Arab an asked# HE Abii HurairaI @hat is
HadathJH I replied# HIt is the passing of $ind !fro the anus" !that is one of the types of Hadath"%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 0:::
Darrated 'Abbas bin &ai:
My uncle said: &he Prophet said# HEne should not lea(e his prayer unless he hears sound or sells
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 0:7:
Darrated 'Ali:
I used to get eotional urethral discharges freCuently and felt shy to ask Allah's Apostle about it%
So I reCuested Al)MiCdad bin Al)As$ad to ask !the Prophet " about it% Al)MiCdad asked hi and he
replied# HEn has to perfor ablution !after it"%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 0:1:
Darrated Faid bin Khalid:
I asked 'Uthan bin 'Affan about a person $ho engaged in intercourse but did no discharge% 'Uth)
an replied# HHe should perfor ablution like the one for ar ordinary prayer but he ust $ash his
penis%H 'Uthan added# HI heard it fro Allah's Apostle%H I asked 'Ali A-)Fubair# &alha and Ubai bin
=olue 0 ) 45 ? 0:66
Ka'b about it and they# too# ga(e the sae reply% !&his order $as cancelled later on and taking a bath
becae necessary for such cases"%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 076:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khud:
Allah's Apostle sent for a Ansari an $ho cae $ith $ater dropping fro his head% &he Prophet
said# HPerhaps $e ha(e forced you to hurry up# ha(en't $eJH &he Ansari replied# HKes%H Allah's Apostle
further said# HIf you are forced to hurry up !during intercourse" or you do not discharge then ablu)
tion is due on you !&his order $as cancelled later on# i%e% one has to take a bath"%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 070:
Darrated Usaa bin Faid:
H@hen Allah's Apostle departed fro 'Arafat# he turned to$ards a ountain pass $here he
ans$ered the call of nature% !After he had finished" I poured $ater and he perfored ablution and
then I said to hi# HE Allah's ApostleI @ill you offer the prayerJH He replied# H&he Musalla !place of
the prayer" is ahead of you !in Al)Mu-dalifa"%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 073:
Darrated Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba:
I $as in the copany of Allah's Apostle on one of the .ourneys and he $ent out to ans$er the call
of nature !and after he finished" I poured $ater and he perfored ablutionL he $ashed his face#
forears and passed his $et hand o(er his head and o(er the t$o Khuff# !leather socks"%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 07<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
that he stayed o(ernight in the house of Maiuna the $ife of the Prophet# his aunt% He added : I
lay on the bed !cushion trans(ersally" $hile Allah's Apostle and his $ife lay in the length)$ise direc)
tion of the cushion% Allah's Apostle slept till the iddle of the night# either a bit before or a bit after it
and then $oke up# rubbing the traces of sleep off his face $ith his hands% He then# recited the last ten
(erses of Sura Al)Iran# got up and $ent to a hanging $ater)skin% He then Perfored the ablution
fro it and it $as a perfect ablution# and then stood up to offer the prayer% I# too# got up and did as
the Prophet had done% &hen I $ent and stood by his side% He placed his right hand on y head and
caught y right ear and t$isted it% He prayed t$o Rakat then t$o Rakat and t$o Rakat and then t$o
Rakat and then t$o Rakat and then t$o Rakat !separately si* ties"# and finally one Rak'a !the @itr"%
=olue 0 ) 4: ? 0:66
&hen he lay do$n again in the bed till the Mu'adhdhin cae to hi $here upon the Prophet got up#
offered a t$o light Rakat prayer and $ent out and led the Ba.r prayer
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 072:
Darrated Asa' bint Abu Bakr:
I cae to 'Aisha the $ife of the Prophet during the solar eclipse% &he people $ere standing and of)
fering the prayer and she $as also praying% I asked her# H@hat is $rong $ith the peopleJH She
beckoned $ith her hand to$ards the sky and said# HSubhan Allah%H I asked her# HIs there a signJH She
pointed out# HKes%H So I# too# stood for the prayer till I fell unconscious and later on I poured $ater on
y head% After the prayer# Allah's Apostle praised and glorified Allah and said# H/ust no$ I ha(e seen
soething $hich I ne(er sa$ before at this place of ine# including Paradise and Hell% I ha(e been
inspired !and ha(e understood" that you $ill be put to trials in your gra(es and these trials $ill be
like the trials of Ad) or nearly like it !the sub narrator is not sure of $hat Asa' said"% Angels
$ill coe to e(ery one of you and ask# '@hat do you kno$ about this anJ' A belie(er $ill reply# 'He
is Muhaad# Allah's Apostle # and he cae to us $ith self)e(ident truth and guidance% So $e ac)
cepted his teaching# belie(ed and follo$ed hi%' &hen the angels $ill say to hi to sleep in peace as
they ha(e coe to kno$ that he $as a belie(er% En the other hand a hypocrite or a doubtful person
$ill reply# 'I do not kno$ but heard the people saying soething and so I said the sae%' H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 074:
Darrated Kahya Al)Ma-ini:
A person asked 'Abdullah bin Faid $ho $as the grandfather of 'Ar bin Kahya# H9an you sho$ e
ho$ Allah's Apostle used to perfor ablutionJH 'Abdullah bin Faid replied in the affirati(e and
asked for $ater% He poured it on his hands and $ashed the t$ice# then he rinsed his outh thrice
and $ashed his nose $ith $ater thrice by putting $ater in it and blo$ing it out% He $ashed his face
thrice and after that he $ashed his forears up to the elbo$s t$ice and then passed his $et hands
o(er his head fro its front to its back and (ice (ersa !beginning fro the front and taking the to
the back of his head up to the nape of the neck and then brought the to the front again fro $here
he had started" and $ashed his feet !up to the ankles"%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 075:
Darrated 'Ar:
My father sa$ 'Ar bin Abi Hasan asking 'Abdullah bin Faid about the ablution of the Prophet%
'Abdullah bin Faid asked for earthen)$are pot containing $ater and in front of the perfored
ablution like that of the Prophet % He poured $ater fro the pot o(er his hand and $ashed his hands
thrice and then he put his hands in the pot and rinsed his outh and $ashed his nose by putting
=olue 0 ) 47 ? 0:66
$ater in it and then blo$ing it out $ith three handfuls of $ater% Again he put his hand in the $ater
and $ashed his face thrice and $ashed his forears up to the elbo$s t$iceL and then put his hands
in the $ater and then passed the o(er his head by bringing the to the front and then to the rear
of the head once# and then he $ashed his feet up to the ankles%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 07::
Darrated Abu /uhaifa:
Allah's Apostle cae to us at noon and $ater for ablution $as brought to hi% After he had per)
fored ablution# the reaining $ater $as taken by the people and they started searing their bod)
ies $ith it !as a blessed thing"% &he Prophet offered t$o Rakat of the Fuhr prayer and then t$o Rakat
of the 'Asr prayer $hile an 'An-a !spear)headed stick" $as there !as a Sutra" in front of hi% Abu
Musa said: &he Prophet asked for a tubler containing $ater and $ashed both his hands and face in
it and then thre$ a outhful of $ater in the tubler and said to both of us !Abu Musa and Bilal"#
H8rink fro the tubler and pour soe of its $ater on your faces and chests%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 077:
Darrated Ibn Shihab:
Mahud bin Ar)Rabi' $ho $as the person on $hose face the Prophet had e.ected a outhful of
$ater fro his faily's $ell $hile he $as a boy# and 'Ur$a !on the authority of Al)Mis$ar and oth)
ers" $ho testified each other# said# H@hene(er the Prophet # perfored ablution# his copanions
$ere nearly fighting for the reains of the $ater%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 071:
Darrated As)Sa'ib bin Ka-id:
My aunt took e to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI &his son of y sister has got a disease
in his legs%H So he passed his hands on y head and prayed for Allah's blessings for eL then he per)
fored ablution and I drank fro the reaining $ater% I stood behind hi and sa$ the seal of
Prophethood bet$een his shoulders# and it $as like the HFir)al)Hi.laH !eans the button of a sall
tent# but soe said 'egg of a partridge%' etc%"
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 016:
Darrated 'Ar bin Kahya:
!on the authority of his father" 'Abdullah bin Faid poured $ater on his hands fro a utensil con)
taining $ater and $ashed the and then $ith one handful of $ater he rinsed his outh and
cleaned his nose by putting $ater in it and then blo$ing it out% He repeated it thrice% He# then#
=olue 0 ) 41 ? 0:66
$ashed his hands and forears up to the elbo$s t$ice and passed $et hands o(er his head# both
for$ards and back$ards# and $ashed his feet up to the ankles and said# H&his is the ablution of Al)
lah's Apostle%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 010:
Darrated Ar bin Kahya:
My father said# HI sa$ Ar bin Abi Hasan asking 'Abdullah bin Faid about the ablution of the
Prophet% Abdullah bin Faid asked for an earthen$are pot containing $ater and perfored ablution
in front of the% He poured $ater o(er his hands and $ashed the thrice% &hen he put his !right"
hand in the pot and rinsed his outh and $ashed his nose by putting $ater in it and then blo$ing it
out thrice $ith three handfuls of $ater Again he put his hand in the $ater and $ashed his face
thrice% After that he put his hand in the pot and $ashed his forears up to the elbo$s t$ice and then
again put his hand in the $ater and passed $et hands o(er his head by bringing the to the front
and then to the back and once ore he put his hand in the pot and $ashed his feet !up to the
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 013:
Darrated @uhaib: that he !the Prophet in narration 010 abo(e" had passed his $et hands
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 01<:
Darrated /abir:
Allah's Apostle cae to (isit e $hile I $as sick and unconscious% He perfored ablution and
sprinkled the reaining $ater on e and I becae conscious and said# HE Allah's ApostleI &o $ho
$ill y inheritance go as I ha(e neither ascendants nor descendantsJH &hen the 8i(ine (erses re)
garding Bara'id !inheritance" $ere re(ealed%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 012:
Darrated Anas:
It $as the tie for prayer# and those $hose houses $ere near got up and $ent to their people !to
perfor ablution"# and there reained soe people !sitting"% &hen a painted sto(e pot !Mikhdab"
containing $ater $as brought to Allah's Apostles &he pot $as sall# not broad enough for one to
spread one's hand inL yet all the people perfored ablution% !&he sub narrator said# H@e asked Anas#
'Ho$ any persons $ere youJ' Anas replied '@e $ere eighty or oreH"% !It $as one of the iracles of
Allah's Apostle"%
=olue 0 ) 56 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 014:
Darrated Abu Musa:
Ence the Prophet asked for a tubler containing $ater% He $ashed his hands and face in it and
also thre$ a outhful of $ater in it%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 015:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Faid:
Ence Allah's Apostle cae to us and $e brought out $ater for hi in a brass pot% He perfored
ablution thus: He $ashed his face thrice# and his forears to the elbo$s t$ice# then passed his $et
hands lightly o(er the head fro front to rear and brought the to front again and $ashed his feet
!up to the ankles"%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 01::
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen the ailent of the Prophet becae aggra(ated and his disease becae se(ere# he asked his
$i(es to perit hi to be nursed !treated" in y house% So they ga(e hi the perission% &hen the
Prophet cae !to y house" $ith the support of t$o en# and his legs $ere dragging on the ground#
bet$een 'Abbas# and another an%H 'Ubaid)Ullah !the sub narrator" said# HI infored 'Abdullah bin
'Abbas of $hat'Aisha said% Ibn 'Abbas said: '8o you kno$ $ho $as the other anJ' I replied in the
negati(e% Ibn 'Abbas said# 'He $as 'Ali !bin Abi &alib"%H 'Aisha further said# H@hen the Prophet cae to
y house and his sickness becae aggra(ated he ordered us to pour se(en skins full of $ater on
hi# so that he ight gi(e soe ad(ice to the people% So he $as seated in a Mikhdab !brass tub" be)
longing to Hafsa# the $ife of the Prophet% &hen# all of us started pouring $ater on hi fro the $a)
ter skins till he beckoned to us to stop and that $e ha(e done !$hat he $anted us to do"% After that he
$ent out to the people%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 017:
Darrated 'Ar bin Kahya:
!on the authority of his father" My uncle used to perfor ablution e*tra(agantly and once he
asked 'Abdullah bin Faid to tell hi ho$ he had seen the Prophet perforing ablution% He asked for
an earthen)$are pot containing $ater# and poured $ater fro it on his hands and $ashed the
thrice# and then put his hand in the earthen)$are pot and rinsed his outh and $ashed his nose by
putting $ater in it and then blo$ing it Eut thrice $ith one handful of $aterL he again put his hand
in the $ater and took a handful of $ater and $ashed his face thrice# then $ashed his hands up to
the elbo$s t$ice# and took $ater $ith his hand# and passed it o(er his head fro front to back and
=olue 0 ) 50 ? 0:66
then fro back to front# and then $ashed his feet !up to the ankles" and said# HI sa$ the Prophet per)
foring ablution in that $ay%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 011:
Darrated &habit:
Anas said# H&he Prophet asked for $ater and a tubler $ith a broad base and no so deep# contain)
ing a sall Cuantity of $ater# $as brought to hi $hereby he put his fingers in it%H Anas further said#
' noticed the $ater springing out fro aongst his fingers%H Anas added# ' estiated that the people
$ho perfored ablution $ith it nubered bet$een se(enty to eighty%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 366:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet used to take a bath $ith one Saor up to fi(e Mudds !0 Sa'M Mudds" of $ater and used
to perfor ablution $ith one Mudd of $ater%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 360:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Sa'd bin Abi @aCCas said# H&he Prophet passed $et hands o(er his Khuffs%H 'Abdullah bin 'Uar
asked Uar about it% 'Uar replied in the affirati(e and added# H@hene(er Sa'd narrates a Hadith
fro the Prophet# there is no need to ask anyone else about it%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 363:
Darrated Al)Mughlra bin Shu'ba:
Ence Allah's Apostle $ent out to ans$er the call of nature and I follo$ed hi $ith a tubler con)
taining $ater# and $hen he finished# I poured $ater and he perfored ablution and passed $et
hands o(er his Khuffs%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 36<:
Darrated /a'far bin 'Ar bin Uaiya Ad)8ari:
My father said# HI sa$ the Prophet passing $et hands o(er his Khuffs%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 362:
Darrated /a'far bin 'Ar:
=olue 0 ) 53 ? 0:66
My father said# HI sa$ the Prophet passing $et hands o(er his turban and Khuffs !leather socks"%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 364:
Darrated 'Ur$a bin Al)Mughira:
My father said# HEnce I $as in the copany of the Prophet on a .ourney and I dashed to take off
his Khuffs% He ordered e to lea(e the as he had put the after perforing ablution% So he passed
$et hands or the%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 365:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle ate a piece of cooked utton fro the shoulder region and prayed $ithout repeat)
ing ablution%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 36::
Darrated /a'far bin 'Ar bin Uaiya:
My father said# HI sa$ Allah's Apostle taking a piece of !cooked" utton fro the shoulder region
and then he $as called for prayer% He put his knife do$n and prayed $ithout repeating ablution%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 367:
Darrated Su$aid bin Al)Du'an:
In the year of the conCuest of Khaibar I $ent $ith Allah's Apostle till $e reached Sahba#' a place
near Khaibar# $here Allah's Apostle offered the 'Asr prayer and asked for food% Dothing but Sa$rC
$as brought% He ordered it to be oistened $ith $ater% He and all of us ate it and the Prophet got up
for the e(ening prayer !Maghrib prayer"# rinsed his outh $ith $ater and $e did the sae# and he
then prayed $ithout repeating the ablution%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 361:
Darrated Maiuna:
&he Prophet ate !a piece of" utton fro the shoulder region and then prayed $ithout repeating
the ablution%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 306:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
=olue 0 ) 5< ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle drank ilk# rinsed his outh and said# HIt has fat%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 300:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf anyone of you feels dro$sy $hile praying he should go to bed !sleep" till
his sluber is o(er because in praying $hile dro$sy one does not kno$ $hether one is asking for
forgi(eness or for a bad thing for oneself%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 303:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HIf anyone of you feels dro$sy $hile praying# he should sleep till he understands
$hat he is saying !reciting"%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 30<:
Darrated 'Ar bin 'Air:
Anas said# H&he Prophet used to perfor ablution for e(ery prayer%H I asked Anas# H@hat you used
to doJ' Anas replied# H@e used to pray $ith the sae ablution until $e break it $ith Hadath%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 302:
Darrated Su$aid bin Du'an:
In the year of the conCuest of Khaibar I $ent $ith Allah's Apostle till $e reached As)Sahba' $here
Allah's Apostle led the 'Asr prayer and asked for the food% Dothing but Sa$iC $as brought and $e ate
it and drank !$ater"% &he Prophet got up for the !Maghrib" Prayer# rinsed his outh $ith $ater and
then led the prayer $ithout repeating the ablution%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 304:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ence the Prophet# $hile passing through one of the gra(e)yards of Medina or Mecca heard the
(oices of t$o persons $ho $ere being tortured in their gra(es% &he Prophet said# H&hese t$o persons
are being tortured not for a a.or sin !to a(oid"%H &he Prophet then added# HKesI !they are being tor)
tured for a a.or sin"% Indeed# one of the ne(er sa(ed hiself fro being soiled $ith his urine
$hile the other used to go about $ith calunies !to ake eniy bet$een friends"% &he Prophet then
asked for a green leaf of a date)pal tree# broke it into t$o pieces and put one on each gra(e% En be)
=olue 0 ) 52 ? 0:66
ing asked $hy he had done so# he replied# HI hope that their torture ight be lessened# till these get
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 305:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hene(er the Prophet $ent to ans$er the call of nature# I used to bring $ater $ith $hich he used
to clean his pri(ate parts%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 30::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet once passed by t$o gra(es and said# H&hese t$o persons are being tortured not for a
a.or sin !to a(oid"% Ene of the ne(er sa(ed hiself fro being soiled $ith his urine# $hile the
other used to go about $ith calunies!to ake enity bet$een friends"%H &he Prophet then took a
green leaf of a date)pal tree# split it into !pieces" and fi*ed one on each gra(e% &hey said# HE Allah's
ApostleI @hy ha(e you done soJH He replied# HI hope that their punishent ight be lessened till
these !the pieces of the leaf" becoe dry%H !See the foot)note of Hadith 304"%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 307:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet sa$ a Bedouin aking $ater in the osCue and told the people not to disturb hi%
@hen he finished# the Prophet asked for soe $ater and poured it o(er !the urine"%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 301:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A Bedouin stood up and started aking $ater in the osCue% &he people caught hi but the
Prophet ordered the to lea(e hi and to pour a bucket or a tubler of $ater o(er the place $here
he had passed the urine% &he Prophet then said# HKou ha(e been sent to ake things easy and not to
ake the difficult%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 336:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said as abo(e !301"%
=olue 0 ) 54 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 330:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
A Bedouin cae and passed urine in one corner of the osCue% &he people shouted at hi but the
Prophet stopped the till he finished urinating% &he Prophet ordered the to spill a bucket of $ater
o(er that place and they did so%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 333:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the other of faithful belie(ers" A child $as brought to Allah's Apostle and it urinated on the gar)
ent of the Prophet% &he Prophet asked for $ater and poured it o(er the soiled place%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 33<:
Darrated U ,ais bint Mihsin:
I brought y young son# $ho had not started eating !ordinary food" to Allah's Apostle $ho took
hi and ade hi sit in his lap% &he child urinated on the garent of the Prophet# so he asked for
$ater and poured it o(er the soiled !area" and did not $ash it%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 332:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
Ence the Prophet $ent to the dups of soe people and passed urine $hile standing% He then
asked for $ater and so I brought it to hi and he perfored ablution%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 334:
Darrated Hudhaifa':
&he Prophet and I $alked till $e reached the dups of soe people% He stood# as any one of you
stands# behind a $all and urinated% I $ent a$ay# but he beckoned e to coe% So I approached hi
and stood near his back till he finished%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 335:
Darrated Abu @ail:
Abu Musa Al)Ash'ari used to lay great stress on the Cuestion of urination and he used to say# HIf
anyone fro Bani Israel happened to soil his clothes $ith urine# he used to cut that portion a$ay%H
Hearing that# Hudhaifa said to Abu @ail# HI $ish he !Abu Musa" didn't !lay great stress on that at)
=olue 0 ) 55 ? 0:66
ter"%H Hudhaifa added# HAllah's Apostle $ent to the dups of soe people and urinated $hile stand)
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 33::
Darrated Asa':
A $oan cae to the Prophet and said# HIf anyone of us gets enses in her clothes then $hat
should she doJH He replied# HShe should !take hold of the soiled place"# rub it and put it in the $ater
and rub it in order to reo(e the traces of blood and then pour $ater o(er it% &hen she can pray in
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 337:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Batia bint Abi Hubaish cae to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's Apostle I get persistent bleeding
fro the uterus and do not becoe clean% Shall I gi(e up y prayersJH Allah's Apostle replied# HDo#
because it is fro a blood (essel and not the enses% So $hen your real enses begins gi(e up your
prayers and $hen it has finished $ash off the blood !take a bath" and offer your prayers%H Hisha
!the sub narrator" narrated that his father had also said# !the Prophet told her": HPerfor ablution for
e(ery prayer till the tie of the ne*t period coes%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 331:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I used to $ash the traces of /anaba !seen" fro the clothes of the Prophet and he used to go for
prayers $hile traces of $ater $ere still on it !$ater spots $ere still (isible"%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 3<6:
Darrated 'Aisha:
as abo(e !331"%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 3<0:
Darrated Sulaian bin Kasar:
I asked 'Aisha about the clothes soiled $ith seen% She replied# HI used to $ash it off the clothes of
Allah's Apostle and he $ould go for the prayer $hile $ater spots $ere still (isible% H
=olue 0 ) 5: ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 3<3:
Darrated 'Ar bin Maiun:
I heard Sulaian bin Kasar talking about the clothes soiled $ith seen% He said that 'Aisha had
said# HI used to $ash it off the clothes of Allah's Apostle and he $ould go for the prayers $hile $ater
spots $ere still (isible on the%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 3<<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I used to $ash the seen off the clothes of the Prophet and e(en then I used to notice one or ore
spots on the%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 3<2:
Darrated Abu ,ilaba:
Anas said# HSoe people of 'Ukl or 'Uraina tribe cae to Medina and its cliate did not suit the%
So the Prophet ordered the to go to the herd of !Milch" caels and to drink their ilk and urine !as
a edicine"% So they $ent as directed and after they becae healthy# they killed the shepherd of the
Prophet and dro(e a$ay all the caels% &he ne$s reached the Prophet early in the orning and he
sent !en" in their pursuit and they $ere captured and brought at noon% He then ordered to cut their
hands and feet !and it $as done"# and their eyes $ere branded $ith heated pieces of iron# &hey $ere
put in 'Al)Harra' and $hen they asked for $ater# no $ater $as gi(en to the%H Abu ,ilaba said#
H&hose people coitted theft and urder# becae infidels after ebracing Isla and fought
against Allah and His Apostle %H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 3<4:
Darrated Anas:
Prior to the construction of the osCue# the Prophet offered the prayers at sheep)folds%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 3<5:
Darrated Maiuna:
Allah's Apostle $as asked regarding ghee !cooking butter" in $hich a ouse had fallen% He said#
H&ake out the ouse and thro$ a$ay the ghee around it and use the rest%H
=olue 0 ) 57 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 3<::
Darrated Maiuna:
&he Prophet $as asked regarding ghee in $hich a ouse had fallen% He said# H&ake out the ouse
and thro$ a$ay the ghee around it !and use the rest%"H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 3<7:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HA $ound $hich a Musli recei(es in Allah's cause $ill appear on the 8ay of
Resurrection as it $as at the tie of inflictionL blood $ill be flo$ing fro the $ound and its color
$ill be that of the blood but $ill sell like usk%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 3<1:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@e !Muslis" are the last !people to coe in the $orld" but !$ill be" the
foreost !on the 8ay of Resurrection"%H &he sae narrator told that the Prophet had said# HKou
should not pass urine in stagnant $ater $hich is not flo$ing then !you ay need to" $ash in it%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 326:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@hile Allah's Apostle $as prostrating !as stated belo$"%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 320:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud:
Ence the Prophet $as offering prayers at the Ka'ba% Abu /ahl $as sitting $ith soe of his copan)
ions% Ene of the said to the others# H@ho aongst you $ill bring the abdoinal contents !intest)
ines# etc%" of a cael of Bani so and so and put it on the back of Muhaad# $hen he prostratesJH
&he ost unfortunate of the got up and brought it% He $aited till the Prophet prostrated and then
placed it on his back bet$een his shoulders% I $as $atching but could not do any thing% I $ish I had
soe people $ith e to hold out against the% &hey started laughing and falling on one another% Al)
lah's Apostle $as in prostration and he did not lift his head up till Batia !Prophet's daughter" cae
and thre$ that !cael's abdoinal contents" a$ay fro his back% He raised his head and said thrice#
HE AllahI Punish ,uraish%H So it $as hard for Abu /ahl and his copanions $hen the Prophet in)
(oked Allah against the as they had a con(iction that the prayers and in(ocations $ere accepted in
this city !Mecca"% &he Prophet said# HE AllahI Punish Abu /ahl# 'Utba bin Rabi'a# Shaiba bin Rabi'a# Al)
=olue 0 ) 51 ? 0:66
@alid bin 'Utba# Uaiya bin Khalaf# and 'UCba bin Al Mu'it !and he entioned the se(enth $hose
nae I cannot recall"% By Allah in @hose Hands y life is# I sa$ the dead bodies of those persons
$ho $ere counted by Allah's Apostle in the ,alib !one of the $ells" of Badr%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 323:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet once spat in his clothes%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 32<:
Darrated Aisha:
&he Prophet said# HAll drinks that produce into*ication are Hara !forbidden to drink"%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 322:
Darrated Abu Ha-i:
Sahl bin Sa'd As)Sa'idi# $as asked by the people# H@ith $hat $as the $ound of the Prophet
treatedJ Sahl replied# HDone reains aong the people li(ing $ho kno$s that better than I% 'Ah used
to bring $ater in his shield and Batia used to $ash the blood off his face% &hen stra$ at $as
burnt and the $ound $as filled $ith it%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 324:
Darrated Abu Burda:
My father said# HI cae to the Prophet and sa$ hi carrying a Si$ak in his hand and cleansing his
teeth# saying# 'U' U'#H as if he $as retching $hile the Si$ak $as in his outh%H
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 325:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
@hene(er the Prophet got up at night# he used to clean his outh $ith Si$ak%
=olue 0# Book 2# Duber 32::
Darrated Al)Bara 'bin 'A-ib:
&he Prophet said to e# H@hene(er you go to bed perfor ablution like that for the prayer# lie or
your right side and say# HAllahua aslatu $a.hi ilaika# $a fau$adtu ari ilaika# $a al.a'tu Fahri
ilaika raghbatan $a rahbatan ilaika% ;a Mal.a' $a la an.a inka illa ilaika% Allahua aantu
=olue 0 ) :6 ? 0:66
bikitabika)l)ladhi an-alta $a bina)biyika)l ladhi arsaltaH !E AllahI I surrender to Kou and entrust
all y affairs to Kou and depend upon Kou for Kour Blessings both $ith hope and fear of Kou% &here
is no fleeing fro Kou# and there is no place of protection and safety e*cept $ith Kou E AllahI I be)
lie(e in Kour Book !the ,ur'an" $hich Kou ha(e re(ealed and in Kour Prophet !Muhaad" $ho
Kou ha(e sent"% &hen if you die on that (ery night# you $ill die $ith faith !i%e% or the religion of
Isla"% ;et the aforesaid $ords be your last utterance !before sleep"%H I repeated it before the Prophet
and $hen I reached HAllahua aantu bikitabika)l)ladhi an-alta !E Allah I belie(e in Kour Book
$hich Kou ha(e re(ealed"%H I said# H@a)rasulika !and your Apostle"%H &he Prophet said# HDo# !but say":
'@anabiyika)l)ladhi arsalta !Kour Prophet $ho Kou ha(e sent"# instead%H
=olue 0 ) :0 ? 0:66
Book 4: Bathing !Ahusl"
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 327:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hene(er the Prophet took a bath after /anaba he started by $ashing his hands and then per)
fored ablution like that for the prayer% After that he $ould put his fingers in $ater and o(e the
roots of his hair $ith the# and then pour three handfuls of $ater o(er his head and then pour $a)
ter all o(er his body%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 321:
Darrated Maiuna:
!the $ife of the Prophet" Allah's Apostle perfored ablution like that for the prayer but did not
$ash his feet% He $ashed off the discharge fro his pri(ate parts and then poured $ater o(er his
body% He $ithdre$ his feet fro that place !the place $here he took the bath" and then $ashed
the% And that $as his $ay of taking the bath of /anaba%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 346:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet and I used to take a bath fro a single pot called 'BaraC'%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 340:
Darrated Abu Salaa:
'Aisha's brother and I $ent to 'Aisha and he asked her about the bath of the Prophet% She brought a
pot containing about a Sa' of $ater and took a bath and poured it o(er her head and at $hat tie
there $as a screen bet$een her and us%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 343:
Darrated Abu /a'far:
@hile I and y father $ere $ith /abir bin 'Abdullah# soe People asked hi about taking a bath
He replied# HA Sa' of $ater is sufficient for you%H A an said# HA Sa' is not sufficient for e%H /abir said#
HA Sa $as sufficient for one $ho had ore hair than you and $as better than you !eaning the
Prophet"%H And then /abir !put on" his garent and led the prayer%
=olue 0 ) :3 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 34<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet and Maiuna used to take a bath fro a single pot%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 342:
Darrated /ubair bin Muti:
Allah's Apostle said# HAs for e# I pour $ater three ties on y head%H And he pointed $ith both
his hands%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 344:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet used to pour $ater three ties on his head%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 345:
Darrated Abu /a'far:
/abir bin Abdullah said to e# HKour cousin !Hasan bin Muhaad bin Al)Hanafiya" cae to e
and asked about the bath of /anaba% I replied# '&he Prophet uses to take three handfuls of $ater# pour
the on his head and then pour ore $ater o(er his body%' Al)Hasan said to e# 'I a a hairy an%' I
replied# '&he Prophet had ore hair than you'% H
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 34::
Darrated Maiuna:
I placed $ater for the bath of the Prophet% He $ashed his hands t$ice or thrice and then poured
$ater on his left hand and $ashed his pri(ate parts% He rubbed his hands o(er the earth !and
cleaned the"# rinsed his outh# $ashed his nose by putting $ater in it and blo$ing it out# $ashed
his face and both forears and then poured $ater o(er his body% &hen he $ithdre$ fro that place
and $ashed his feet%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 347:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hene(er the Prophet took the bath of /anaba !se*ual relation or $et drea" he asked for the Hil)
ab or soe other scent% He used to take it in his hand# rub it first o(er the right side of his head and
then o(er the left and then rub the iddle of his head $ith both hands%
=olue 0 ) :< ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 341:
Darrated Maiuna:
I placed $ater for the bath of the Prophet and he poured $ater $ith his right hand on his left and
$ashed the% &hen he $ashed his pri(ate parts and rubbed his hands on the ground# $ashed the
$ith $ater# rinsed his outh and $ashed his nose by putting $ater in it and blo$ing it out# $ashed
his face and poured $ater on his head% He $ithdre$ fro that place and $ashed his feet% A piece of
cloth !to$el" $as gi(en to hi but he did not use it%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 356:
Darrated Maiuna:
&he Prophet took the bath of /anaba% !se*ual relation or $et drea"% He first cleaned his pri(ate
parts $ith his hand# and then rubbed it!that hand" on the $all !earth" and $ashed it% &hen he per)
fored ablution like that for the prayer# and after the bath he $ashed his feet%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 350:
Darrated Aisha:
&he Prophet and I used to take a bath fro a single pot of $ater and our hands used to go in the
pot after each other in turn%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 353:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle took a bath of /anaba# he $ashed his hands first%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 35<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet and I used to take a bath fro a single pot of $ater after /anaba%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 352:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
the Prophet and one of his $i(es used to take a bath fro a single pot of $ater% !Shu'ba added to
Anas's Stateent HAfter the /anabaH"
=olue 0 ) :2 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 354:
Darrated Maiuna:
I placed $ater for the bath of Allah's Apostle and he poured $ater o(er his hands and $ashed
the t$ice or thriceL then he poured $ater $ith his right hand o(er his left and $ashed his pri(ate
parts !$ith his left hand"% He rubbed his hand o(er the earth and rinsed his outh and $ashed his
nose by putting $ater in it and blo$ing it out% After that he $ashed his face# both fore ars and head
thrice and then poured $ater o(er his body% He $ithdre$ fro that place and $ashed his feet%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 355:
Darrated Maiuna bint Al)Harith:
I placed $ater for the bath of Allah's Apostle and put a screen% He poured $ater o(er his hands#
and $ashed the once or t$ice% !&he subnarrator added that he did not reeber if she had said
thrice or not"% &hen he poured $ater $ith his right hand o(er his left one and $ashed his pri(ate
parts% He rubbed his hand o(er the earth or the $all and $ashed it% He rinsed his outh and $ashed
his nose by putting $ater in it and blo$ing it out% He $ashed his face# forears and head% He poured
$ater o(er his body and then $ithdre$ fro that place and $ashed his feet% I presented hi a piece
of cloth !to$el" and he pointed $ith his hand !that he does not $ant it" and did not take it%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 35::
Darrated Muhaad bin Al)Muntathir:
on the authority of his father that he had asked 'Aisha !about the Hadith of Ibn 'Uar"% She said#
HMay Allah be Merciful to Abu 'Abdur)Rahan% I used to put scent on Allah's Apostle and he used to
go round his $i(es# and in the orning he assued the Ihra# and the fragrance of scent $as still
coing out fro his body%H
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 357:
Darrated ,atada:
Anas bin Malik said# H&he Prophet used to (isit all his $i(es in a round# during the day and night
and they $ere ele(en in nuber%H I asked Anas# HHad the Prophet the strength for itJH Anas replied#
H@e used to say that the Prophet $as gi(en the strength of thirty !en"%H And Sa'id said on the au)
thority of ,atada that Anas had told hi about nine $i(es only !not ele(en"%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 351:
Darrated 'Ali:
=olue 0 ) :4 ? 0:66
I used to get eotional urethral discharge freCuently% Being the son)in)la$ of the Prophet I re)
Cuested a an to ask hi about it% So the an asked the Prophet about it% &he Prophet replied# HPer)
for ablution after $ashing your organ !penis"%H
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 3:6:
Darrated Muhaad bin Al)Muntathir:
on the authority of his father that he had asked 'Aisha about the saying of Ibn 'Uar!i%e% he did not
like to be a Muhri $hile the sell of scent $as still coing fro his body"% 'Aisha said# HI scented
Allah's Apostle and he $ent round !had se*ual intercourse $ith" all his $i(es# and in the orning he
$as Muhri !after taking a bath"%H
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 3:0:
Darrated 'Aisha:
It is as if I a .ust looking at the glitter of scent in the parting of the Prophet's head hair $hile he
$as a Muhri%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 3:3:
Darrated Hisha bin 'Ur$a:
!on the authority of his father" 'Aisha said# H@hene(er Allah's Apostle took the bath of /anaba# he
cleaned his hands and perfored ablution like that for prayer and then took a bath and rubbed his
hair# till he felt that the $hole skin of the head had becoe $et# then he $ould pour $ater thrice
and $ash the rest of the body%H 'Aisha further said# HI and Allah's Apostle used to take a bath fro a
single $ater container# fro $hich $e took $ater siultaneously%H
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 3:<:
Darrated Maiuna:
@ater $as placed for the ablution of Allah's Apostle after /anaba% He poured $ater $ith his right
hand o(er his left t$ice or thrice and then $ashed his pri(ate parts and rubbed his hand on the
earth or on a $all t$ice or thrice and then rinsed his outh# $ashed his nose by putting $ater in it
and then blo$ing it out arid then $ashed his face and forears and poured $ater o(er his head and
$ashed his body% &hen he shifted fro that place and $ashed his feet% I brought a piece of cloth# but
he did not take it and reo(ed the traces of $ater fro his body $ith his hand%H
=olue 0 ) :5 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 3:2:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Ence the call !ICaa" for the prayer $as announced and the ro$s $ere straightened% Allah's
Apostle cae outL and $hen he stood up at his Musalla# he reebered that he $as /unub% &hen he
ordered us to stay at our places and $ent to take a bath and then returned $ith $ater dropping fro
his head% He said# HAllahu)AkbarH# and $e all offered the prayer $ith hi%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 3:4:
Darrated Maiuna:
I placed $ater for the bath of the Prophet and screened hi $ith a garent% He poured $ater o(er
his hands and $ashed the% After that he poured $ater $ith his right hand o(er his left and $ashed
his pri(ate parts# rubbed his hands $ith earth and $ashed the# rinsed his outh# $ashed his nose
by putting $ater in it and then blo$ing it out and then $ashed his face and forears% He poured
$ater o(er his head and body% He then shifted fro that place and $ashed his feet% I ga(e hi a
piece of cloth but he did not take it and cae out reo(ing the $ater !fro his body" $ith both his
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 3:5:
Darrated Aisha:
@hene(er any one of us $as /unub# she poured $ater o(er her head thrice $ith both her hands
and then rubbed the right side of her head $ith one hand and rubbed the left side of the head $ith
the other hand%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 3:::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# '&he !people of" Bani Israel used to take bath naked !all together" looking at each
other% &he Prophet Moses used to take a bath alone% &hey said# 'By AllahI Dothing pre(ents Moses
fro taking a bath $ith us e*cept that he has a scrotal hernia%' So once Moses $ent out to take a bath
and put his clothes o(er a stone and then that stone ran a$ay $ith his clothes% Moses follo$ed that
stone saying# HMy clothes# E stoneI My clothes# E stoneI till the people of Bani Israel sa$ hi and
said# 'By Allah# Moses has got no defect in his body% Moses took his clothes and began to beat the
stone%H Abu Huraira added# HBy AllahI &here are still si* or se(en arks present on the stone fro
that e*cessi(e beating%H
Darrated Abu Huraira: &he Prophet said# H@hen the Prophet /ob !Aiyub" $as taking a bath naked#
golden locusts began to fall on hi% /ob started collecting the in his clothes% His ;ord addressed
=olue 0 ) :: ? 0:66
hi# 'E /obI Ha(en't I gi(en you enough so that you are not in need of the%' /ob replied# 'KesI' By
Kour Honor !po$er"I But I cannot dispense $ith Kour Blessings%' H
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 3:7:
Darrated U Hani bint Abi &alib:
I $ent to Allah's Apostle in the year of the conCuest of Mecca and found hi taking a bath $hile
Batia $as screening hi% &he Prophet asked# H@ho is itJH I replied# HI a U)Hani%H
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 3:1:
Darrated Maiuna:
I screened the Prophet $hile he $as taking a bath of /anaba% He $ashed his hands# poured $ater
fro his right hand o(er his left and $ashed his pri(ate parts% &hen he rubbed his hand o(er a $all
or the earth# and perfored ablution siilar to that for the prayer but did not $ash his feet% &hen he
poured $ater o(er his body# shifted fro that place# and $ashed his feet%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 376:
Darrated U)Salaa:
!the other of the belie(ers" U Sulai# the $ife of Abu &alha# cae to Allah's Apostle and said#
HE Allah's ApostleI =erily Allah is not shy of !telling you" the truth% Is it necessary for a $oan to
take a bath after she has a $et drea !nocturnal se*ual discharge"JH Allah's Apostle replied# HKes# if
she notices a discharge%H
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 370:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet cae across e in one of the streets of Medina and at that tie I $as /unub% So I
slipped a$ay fro hi and $ent to take a bath% En y return the Prophet said# HE Abu HurairaI
@here ha(e you beenJH I replied# HI $as /unub# so I disliked to sit in your copany%H &he Prophet said#
HSubhan AllahI A belie(er ne(er becoes ipure%H
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 373:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet used to (isit all his $i(es in one night and he had nine $i(es at that tie%
=olue 0 ) :7 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 37<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle cae across e and I $as /unub He took y hand and I $ent along $ith hi till
he sat do$n I slipped a$ay# $ent hoe and took a bath% @hen I cae back% he $as still sitting there%
He then said to e# HE Abu HurairaI @here ha(e you beenJ' I told hi about it &he Prophet said#
HSubhan AllahI E Abu HurairaI A belie(er ne(er becoes ipure%H
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 372:
Darrated Abu Salaa :
I asked 'Aisha H8id the Prophet use to sleep $hile he $as /unubJH She replied# HKes# but he used to
perfor ablution !before going to bed"%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 374:
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khattab:
I asked Allah's Apostle H9an any one of us sleep $hile he is /unubJH He replied# HKes# if he perfors
ablution# he can sleep $hile he is /unub%H
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 375:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hene(er the Prophet intended to sleep $hile he $as /unub# he used to $ash his pri(ate parts and
perfor ablution like that for the prayer%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 37::
Darrated 'Abdullah:
'Uar asked the Prophet H9an anyone of us sleep $hile he is /unubJH He replied# HKes# if he per)
fors ablution%H
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 377:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Uar bin Al)Khattab told Allah's Apostle# HI becae /unub at night%H Allah's Apostle replied# HPer)
for ablution after $ashing your pri(ate parts and then sleep%H
=olue 0 ) :1 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 371:
Darrated Hisha:
as the follo$ing Hadith 316%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 316:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hen a an sits in bet$een the four parts of a $oan and did the se*ual in)
tercourse $ith her# bath becoes copulsory%H
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 310:
Darrated Faid bin Khalid A./uhani:
I asked 'Uthan bin 'Affan about a an $ho engaged in the se*ual intercourse $ith his $ife but
did not discharge% 'Uthan replied# HHe should perfor ablution like that for the prayer after $ash)
ing his pri(ate parts%H 'Uthan added# HI heard that fro Allah's Apostle%H I asked 'Ali bin Abi &alib#
A-)Fubair bin Al)'A$$a# &alha bin 'Ubaidullah and Ubai bin Ka'b and a ga(e the sae reply% !Abu
Aiylub said that he had heard that fro Allah's Apostle " !&his order $as cancelled later on so one
has to take a bath% See# Hadith Do% 076"%
=olue 0# Book 4# Duber 313:
Darrated Ubai bin Ka'b:
I asked Allah's Apostle about a an $ho engages in se*ual intercourse $ith his $ife but does not
discharge% He replied# HHe should $ash the parts $hich coes in contact $ith the pri(ate parts of the
$oan# perfor ablution and then pray%H !Abu 'Abdullah said# H&aking a bath is safer and is the last
=olue 0 ) 76 ? 0:66
Book 5: Menstrual Periods
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber 31<:
Darrated Al),asi:
'Aisha said# H@e set out $ith the sole intention of perforing Ha.. and $hen $e reached Sarif# !a
place si* iles fro Mecca" I got y enses% Allah's Apostle cae to e $hile I $as $eeping% He
said '@hat is the atter $ith youJ Ha(e you got your ensesJ' I replied# 'Kes%' He said# '&his is a thing
$hich Allah has ordained for the daughters of Ada% So do $hat all the pilgris do $ith the e*cep)
tion of the &a$)af !9ircuabulation" round the Ka'ba%H 'Aisha added# HAllah's Apostle sacrificed
co$s on behalf of his $i(es%H
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber 312:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hile in enses# I used to cob the hair of Allah's Apostle %
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber 314:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
A person asked e# H9an a $oan in enses ser(e eJ And can a /unub $oan coe close to
eJH I replied# HAll this is easy for e% All of the can ser(e e# and there is no har for any other
person to do the sae% 'Aisha told e that she used to cob the hair of Allah's Apostle $hile she $as
in her enses# and he $as in Itikaf !in the osCue"% He $ould bring his head near her in her roo
and she $ould cob his hair# $hile she used to be in her enses%H
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber 315:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to lean on y lap and recite ,ur'an $hile I $as in enses%
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber 31::
Darrated U Salaa:
@hile I $as laying $ith the Prophet under a single $oolen sheet# I got the enses% I slipped a$ay
and put on the clothes for enses% He said# HHa(e you got HDifasH !enses"JH I replied# HKes%H He then
called e and ade e lie $ith hi under the sae sheet%
=olue 0 ) 70 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber 317:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet and I used to take a bath fro a single pot $hile $e $ere /unub% 8uring the enses#
he used to order e to put on an I-ar !dress $orn belo$ the $aist" and used to fondle e% @hile in
Itikaf# he used to bring his head near e and I $ould $ash it $hile I used to be in y periods
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber 311:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Al)As$ad:
!on the authority of his father" 'Aisha said: H@hene(er Allah's Apostle $anted to fondle anyone of
us during her periods !enses"# he used to order her to put on an I-ar and start fondling her%H 'Aisha
added# HDone of you could control his se*ual desires as the Prophet could%H
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <66:
Darrated Maiuna:
@hen e(er Allah's Apostle $anted to fondle any of his $i(es during the periods !enses"# he used
to ask her to $ear an I-ar%
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <60:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Ence Allah's Apostle $ent out to the Musalla !to offer the prayer" o 'Id)al)Adha or Al)Bitr prayer%
&hen he passed by the $oen and said# HE $oenI Ai(e als# as I ha(e seen that the a.ority of the
d$ellers of Hell)fire $ere you !$oen"%H &hey asked# H@hy is it so# E Allah's Apostle JH He replied#
HKou curse freCuently and are ungrateful to your husbands% I ha(e not seen anyone ore deficient in
intelligence and religion than you% A cautious sensible an could be led astray by soe of you%H &he
$oen asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat is deficient in our intelligence and religionJH He said# HIs not
the e(idence of t$o $oen eCual to the $itness of one anJH &hey replied in the affirati(e% He
said# H&his is the deficiency in her intelligence% Isn't it true that a $oan can neither pray nor fast
during her ensesJH &he $oen replied in the affirati(e% He said# H&his is the deficiency in her re)
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <63:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue 0 ) 73 ? 0:66
@e set out $ith the Prophet for Ha.. and $hen $e reached Sarif I got y enses% @hen the
Prophet cae to e# I $as $eeping% He asked# H@hy are you $eepingJH I said# HI $ish if I had not
perfored Ha.. this year%H He asked# HMay be that you got your ensesJH I replied# HKes%H He then said#
H&his is the thing $hich Allah has ordained for all the daughters of Ada% So do $hat all the pilgris
do e*cept that you do not perfor the &a$af round the Ka'ba till you are clean%H
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <6<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Batia bint Abi Hubaish said to Allah's Apostle# HE Allah's ApostleI I do not becoe clean !fro
bleeding"% Shall I gi(e up y prayersJH Allah's Apostle replied: HDo# because it is fro a blood (essel
and not the enses% So $hen the real enses begins gi(e up your prayers and $hen it !the period"
has finished $ash the blood off your body !take a bath" and offer your prayers%H
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <62:
Darrated Asa' bint Abi Bakr:
A $oan asked Allah's Apostle# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat should $e do# if the blood of enses falls
on our clothesJH Allah's Apostle replied# HIf the blood of enses falls on the garent of anyone of you#
she ust take hold of the blood spot# rub it# and $ash it $ith $ater and then pray in !$ith it"%H
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <64:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hene(er anyone of us got her enses# she# on becoing clean# used to take hold of the blood
spot and rub the blood off her garent# and pour $ater o(er it and $ash that portion thoroughly
and sprinkle $ater o(er the rest of the garent% After that she $ould pray in !$ith" it%
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <65:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Ence one of the $i(es of the Prophet did Itikaf along $ith hi and she $as getting bleeding in
bet$een her periods% She used to see the blood !fro her pri(ate parts" and she $ould perhaps put a
dish under her for the blood% !&he sub)narrator 'Ikria added# 'Aisha once sa$ the liCuid of saf)
flo$er and said# HIt looks like $hat so and so used to ha(e%H"
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <6::
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue 0 ) 7< ? 0:66
HEne of the $i(es of Allah's Apostle .oined hi in l'tikaf and she noticed blood and yello$ish dis)
charge !fro her pri(ate parts" and put a dish under her $hen she prayed%H
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <67:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Ene of the others of the faithful belie(ers !i%e% the $i(es of the Prophet " did l'tikaf $hile she $as
ha(ing bleeding in bet$een her periods%
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <61:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Done of us had ore than a single garent and $e used to ha(e our enses $hile $earing it%
@hene(er it got soiled $ith blood of enses $e used to apply sali(a to the blood spot and rub off the
blood $ith our nails%
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <06:
Darrated U)'Atiya:
@e $ere forbidden to ourn for a dead person for ore than three days e*cept in the case of a
husband for $ho ourning $as allo$ed for four onths and ten days% !8uring that tie" $e $ere
not allo$ed to put ko#hl !Antiony eye po$er" in our eyes or to use perfues or to put on colored
clothes e*cept a dress ade of 'Asb !a kind of Keen cloth# (ery coarse and rough"% @e $ere allo$ed
(ery light perfues at the tie of taking a bath after enses and also $e $ere forbidden to go $ith
the funeral procession %
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <00:
Darrated 'Aisha:
A $oan asked the Prophet about the bath $hich is take after finishing fro the enses% &he
Prophet told her $hat to do and said# HPurify yourself $ith a piece of cloth scented $ith usk%H &he
$oan asked# HHo$ shall I purify yself $ith itH He said# HSubhan AllahI Purify yourself !$ith it"%H I
pulled her to yself and said# HRub the place soiled $ith blood $ith it%H
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <03:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue 0 ) 72 ? 0:66
An Ansari $oan asked the Prophet ho$ to take a bath after finishing fro the enses% He
replied# H&ake a piece a cloth perfued $ith usk and clean the pri(ate parts $ith it thrice%H &he
Prophet felt shy and turned his face% So pulled her to e and told her $hat the Prophet eant%
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <0<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
In the last Ha.. of Allah's Apostle I assue the Ihra for Ha.. along $ith Allah Apostle% I $as one of
those $ho intended &aattu' !to perfor Ha.. an 'Ura" and did not take the Hadi !anial for sacri)
fice" $ith e% I got y enses and $as not clean till the night of 'Arafa I said# HE Allah's ApostleI It is
the night of the day of 'Arafat and I intended to perfor the Ha.. &aattu' $ith 'Ura Allah's Apostle
told e to undo y hair and cob it and to postpone the 'Ura% I did the sae and copleted the
Ha..% En the night of Al)Hasba !i%e% place outside Mecca $here the pilgris go after finishing all the
cereonies Ha.. at Mina" he !the Prophet ordered 'Abdur Rahan !'Aisha's brother" to take e to At)
&an'i to assue the lhra for'Ura in lieu of that of Ha..)at&aattu' $hich I had intended to per)
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <02:
Darrated 'Aisha:
En the 0st of 8hul)Hi..a $e set out $ith the intention of perforing Ha..% Allah's Apostle said#
HAny one $ho likes to assue the Ihra for 'Ura he can do so% Had I not brought the Hadi $ith e#
I $ould ha(e assued the Ihra for 'Ura% HSoe of us assued the Ihra for 'Ura $hile the oth)
ers assued the Ihra for Ha..% I $as one of those $ho assued the Ihra for 'Ura% I got enses
and kept on enstruating until the day of 'Arafat and coplained of that to the Prophet % He told e
to postpone y 'Ura# undo and cob y hair# and to assure the Ihra of Ha.. and I did so% En the
right of Hasba# he sent y brother 'Abdur)Rahan bin Abi Bakr $ith e to At)&ah'i# $here I as)
sued the Ihra for'Ura in lieu of the pre(ious one% Hisha said# HBor that !'Ura" no Hadi# fasting
or als $ere reCuired%
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <04:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HAt e(ery $ob Allah appoints an angel $ho says# 'E ;ordI A drop of seen# E
;ordI A clot% E ;ordI A little lup of flesh%H &hen if Allah $ishes !to coplete" its creation# the angel
asks# !E ;ordI" @ill it be a ale or feale# a $retched or a blessed# and ho$ uch $ill his pro(ision
beJ And $hat $ill his age beJ' So all that is $ritten $hile the child is still in the other's $ob%H
=olue 0 ) 74 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <05:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
'Aisha said# H@e set out $ith the Prophet in his last Ha..% Soe of us intended to perfor 'Ura
$hile others Ha..% @hen $e reached Mecca# Allah's Apostle said# '&hose $ho had assued the lhra
for'Ura and had not brought the Hadi should finish his lhra and $hoe(er had assued the
Ihra for 'Ura and brought the Hadi should not finish the Ihra till he has slaughtered his Hadi
and $hoe(er had assued the lhra for Ha.. should coplete his Ha..%H 'Aisha further said# HI got y
periods !enses" and kept on enstruating till the day of 'Arafat# and I had assued the Ihra for
'Ura only !&aattu'"% &he Prophet ordered e to undo and cob y head hair and assue the
lhra for Ha.. only and lea(e the 'Ura% I did the sae till I copleted the Ha..% &hen the Prophet
sent 'Abdur Rahan bin Abi Bakr $ith e and ordered e to perfor 'Ura fro At)&an'i in lieu
of the issed 'Ura%H
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <0::
Darrated 'Aisha:
Batia bint Abi Hubaish used to ha(e bleeding in bet$een the periods# so she asked the Prophet
about it % He replied# H&he bleeding is fro a blood (essel and not the enses% So gi(e up the prayers
$hen the !real" enses begin and $hen it has finished# take a bath and start praying%H
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <07:
Darrated Mu'adha:
A $oan asked 'Aisha# HShould I offer the prayers that $hich I did not offer because of ensesH
'Aisha said# HAre you fro the Huraura' !a to$n in IraCJ" @e $ere $ith the Prophet and used to get
our periods but he ne(er ordered us to offer the !the Prayers issed during enses"%H 'Aisha per)
haps said# H@e did not offer the%H
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <01:
Darrated Fainab bint Abi Salaa:
U)Salaa said# HI got y enses $hile I $as lying $ith the Prophet under a $oolen sheet% So I
slipped a$ay# took the clothes for enses and put the on% Allah's Apostle said# 'Ha(e you got your
ensesJ' I replied# 'Kes%' &hen he called e and took e $ith hi under the $oolen sheet%H U
Salaa further said# H&he Prophet used to kiss e $hile he $as fasting% &he Prophet and I used to
take the bath of /anaba fro a single pot%H
=olue 0 ) 75 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <36:
Darrated U Salaa:
@hile I $as lying $ith the Prophet under a $oolen sheet# I got y enses% I slipped a$ay and put
on the clothes for enses% &he Prophet said# HHa(e you got your ensesJH I replied# HKes%H He called
e and I slept $ith hi under the $oolen sheet%
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <30:
Darrated Aiyub:
Hafsa said# '@e used to forbid our young $oen to go out for the t$o 'Id prayers% A $oan cae
and stayed at the palace of Bani Khalaf and she narrated about her sister $hose husband took part in
t$el(e holy battles along $ith the Prophet and her sister $as $ith her husband in si* !out of these
t$el(e"% She !the $oan's sister" said# H@e used to treat the $ounded# look after the patients and
once I asked the Prophet# 'Is there any har for any of us to stay at hoe if she doesn't ha(e a (eilJ'
He said# 'She should co(er herself $ith the (eil of her copanion and should participate in the good
deeds and in the religious gathering of the Muslis%' @hen U 'Atiya cae I asked her $hether she
had heard it fro the Prophet% She replied# HKes% May y father be sacrificed for hi !the Prophet"I
!@hene(er she entioned the Prophet she used to say# 'May y father be sacrificed for hi" I ha(e
heard the Prophet saying# '&he unarried young (irgins and the ature girl $ho stay often screened
or the young unarried (irgins $ho often stay screened and the enstruating $oen should coe
out and participate in the good deeds as $ell as the religious gathering of the faithful belie(ers but
the enstruating $oen should keep a$ay fro the Musalla !praying place"%' H Hafsa asked U
'Atiya surprisingly# H8o you say the enstruating $oenJH She replied# H8oesn't a enstruating $o)
an attend 'Arafat !Ha.." and such and such !other deeds"JH
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <33:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Batia bint Abi Hubaish asked the Prophet# HI got persistent bleeding !in bet$een the periods" and
do not becoe clean% Shall I gi(e up prayersJH He replied# HDo# this is fro a blood (essel% Ai(e up the
prayers only for the days on $hich you usually get the enses and then take a bath and offer your
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <3<:
Darrated U 'Atiya:
@e ne(er considered yello$ish discharge as a thing of iportance !as enses"%
=olue 0 ) 7: ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <32:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" U Habiba got bleeding in bet$een the periods for se(en years% She
asked Allah's Apostle about it% He ordered her to take a bath !after the terination of actual periods"
and added that it $as !fro" a blood (essel% So she used to take a bath for e(ery prayer%
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <34:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" I told Allah's Apostle that Safiya bint Huyai had got her enses% He said#
HShe $ill probably delay us% 8id she perfor &a$af !Al)Ifada" $ith youJH @e replied# HKes%H En that
the Prophet told her to depart%
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <35:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
A $oan is al lo$ed to lea(e !go back hoe" if she gets enses !after &a$af)AlIfada"% Ibn 'Uar
forerly used to say that she should not lea(e but later on I heard hi saying# HShe ay lea(e# since
Allah's Apostle ga(e the the perission to lea(e !after &a$af)AlIfada%H
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <3::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said to e# HAi(e up the prayer $hen your enses begin and $hen it has finished#
$ash the blood off your body !take a bath" and start praying%H
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <37:
Darrated Saura bin /undab:
&he Prophet offered the funeral prayer for the dead body of a $oan $ho died of !during" deli()
ery !i%e% child birth" and he stood by the iddle of her body%
=olue 0# Book 5# Duber <31:
Darrated Maiuna:
!the $ife of the Prophet" 8uring y enses# I ne(er prayed# but used to sit on the at beside the
osCue of Allah's Apostle% He used to offer the prayer on his sheet and in prostration soe of his
clothes used to touch e%H
=olue 0 ) 77 ? 0:66
Book :: Rubbing hands and feet $ith dust
=olue 0# Book :# Duber <<6:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" @e set out $ith Allahs Apostle on one of his .ourneys till $e reached Al)
Baida' or 8hatul)/aish# a necklace of ine $as broken !and lost"% Allah's Apostle stayed there to
search for it# and so did the people along $ith hi% &here $as no $ater at that place# so the people
$ent to Abu) Bakr As)SiddiC and said# H8on't you see $hat 'Aisha has doneJ She has ade Allah's
Apostle and the people stay $here there is no $ater and they ha(e no $ater $ith the%H Abu Bakr
cae $hile Allah's Apostle $as sleeping $ith his head on y thigh# He said# to e: HKou ha(e de)
tained Allah's Apostle and the people $here there is no $ater and they ha(e no $ater $ith the%
So he adonished e and said $hat Allah $ished hi to say and hit e on y flank $ith his
hand% Dothing pre(ented e fro o(ing !because of pain" but the position of Allah's Apostle on y
thigh% Allah's Apostle got up $hen da$n broke and there $as no $ater% So Allah re(ealed the 8i(ine
=erses of &ayau% So they all perfored &ayau% Usaid bin Hudair said# HE the faily of Abu
BakrI &his is not the first blessing of yours%H &hen the cael on $hich I $as riding $as caused to
o(e fro its place and the necklace $as found beneath it%
=olue 0# Book :# Duber <<0:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HI ha(e been gi(en fi(e things $hich $ere not gi(en to any one else before e%
0% Allah ade e (ictorious by a$e# !by His frightening y eneies" for a distance of one onth's
3% &he earth has been ade for e !and for y follo$ers" a place for praying and a thing to per)
for &ayau# therefore anyone of y follo$ers can pray $here(er the tie of a prayer is due%
<% &he booty has been ade Halal !la$ful" for e yet it $as not la$ful for anyone else before e%
2% I ha(e been gi(en the right of intercession !on the 8ay of Resurrection"%
4% +(ery Prophet used to be sent to his nation only but I ha(e been sent to all ankind%
=olue 0 ) 71 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book :# Duber <<3:
Darrated 'Ur$a's father:
Aisha said# HI borro$ed a necklace fro Asa' and it $as lost% So Allah's Apostle sent a an to
search for it and he found it% &hen the tie of the prayer becae due and there $as no $ater% &hey
prayed !$ithout ablution" and infored Allah's Apostle about it# so the (erse of &ayau $as re)
(ealed%H Usaid bin Hudair said to 'Aisha# HMay Allah re$ard you% By Allah# $hene(er anything
happened $hich you did not like# Allah brought good for you and for the Muslis in that%H
Al)/urf and the tie for the 'Asr prayer becae due $hile he $as at Marbad)AnDa'a !sheep)
fold"# so he !perfored &ayau" and prayed there and then entered Medina $hen the sun $as
still high but he did not repeat that prayer%
=olue 0# Book :# Duber <<<:
Darrated Abu /uhai Al)Ansari:
&he Prophet cae fro the direction of Bir /aal% A an et hi and greeted hi% But he did not
return back the greeting till he $ent to a !ud" $all and seared his hands and his face $ith its
dust !perfored &ayau" and then returned back the greeting%
=olue 0# Book :# Duber <<2:
Darrated 'Abdur Rahan bin Ab-a:
A an cae to 'Uar bin Al)Khattab and said# HI becae /unub but no $ater $as a(ailable%H 'A)
ar bin Kasir said to 'Uar# H8o you reeber that you and I !becae /unub $hile both of us" $ere
together on a .ourney and you didn't pray but I rolled yself on the ground and prayedJ I infored
the Prophet about it and he said# 'It $ould ha(e been sufficient for you to do like this%' &he Prophet
then stroked lightly the earth $ith his hands and then ble$ off the dust and passed his hands o(er
his face and hands%H
=olue 0# Book :# Duber <<4:
Darrated Said bin 'Abdur Rahan bin Ab-a:
!on the authority of his father $ho said" 'Aar said so !the abo(e Stateent"% And Shu'ba stroked
lightly the earth $ith his hands and brought the close to his outh !ble$ off the dust" and passed
the o(er his face and then the backs of his hands% 'Aar said# HAblution !eaning &ayau
here" is sufficient for a Musli if $ater is not a(ailable%H
=olue 0 ) 16 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book :# Duber <<5:
Darrated 'Abdur Rahan bin Ab-a:
that $hile he $as in the copany of 'Uar# 'Aar said to 'Uar# H@e $ere in a detachent and
becae /unub and I ble$ the dust off y hands !perfored the rolling o(er the earth and prayed%"H
=olue 0# Book :# Duber <<::
Darrated 'Abdur Rahan bin Ab-a:
'Aar said to 'Uar HI rolled yself in the dust and cae to the Prophet $ho said# 'Passing dus)
ted hands o(er the face and the backs of the hands is sufficient for you%' H
=olue 0# Book :# Duber <<7:
Darrated 'Aar:
as abo(e%
=olue 0# Book :# Duber <<1:
Darrated 'Aar:
&he Prophet stroked the earth $ith his hands and then passed the o(er his face and the backs of
his hands !$hile deonstrating &ayau"%
=olue 0# Book :# Duber <26:
Darrated 'Iran:
Ence $e $ere tra(eling $ith the Prophet and $e carried on tra(eling till the last part of the night
and then $e !halted at a place" and slept !deeply"% &here is nothing s$eeter than sleep for a tra(eler
in the last part of the night% So it $as only the heat of the sun that ade us to $ake up and the first to
$ake up $as so and so# then so and so and then so and so !the narrator 'Auf said that Abu Ra.a' had
told hi their naes but he had forgotten the" and the fourth person to $ake up $as 'Uar bin
Al)Khattab% And $hene(er the Prophet used to sleep# nobody $ould $ake up hi till he hiself used
to get up as $e did not kno$ $hat $as happening !being re(ealed" to hi in his sleep% So# 'Uar got
up and sa$ the condition of the people# and he $as a strict an# so he said# HAllahu AkbarH and
raised his (oice $ith &akbir# and kept on saying loudly till the Prophet got up because of it% @hen he
got up# the people infored hi about $hat had happened to the% He said# H&here is no har !or it
$ill not be harful"% 8epartIH So they departed fro that place# and after co(ering soe distance the
Prophet stopped and asked for soe $ater to perfor the ablution% So he perfored the ablution
and the call for the prayer $as pronounced and he led the people in prayer% After he finished fro
=olue 0 ) 10 ? 0:66
the prayer# he sa$ a an sitting aloof $ho had not prayed $ith the people% He asked# HE so and soI
@hat has pre(ented you fro praying $ith usJH He replied# HI a /unub and there is no $ater% H &he
Prophet said# HPerfor &ayau $ith !clean" earth and that is sufficient for you%H
&hen the Prophet proceeded on and the people coplained to hi of thirst% &hereupon he got
do$n and called a person !the narrator 'Auf added that Abu Ra.a' had naed hi but he had forgot)
ten" and 'Ali# and ordered the to go and bring $ater% So they $ent in search of $ater and et a
$oan $ho $as sitting on her cael bet$een t$o bags of $ater% &hey asked# H@here can $e find
$aterJH She replied# HI $as there !at the place of $ater" this hour yesterday and y people are behind
e%H &hey reCuested her to accopany the% She asked# H@hereJH &hey said# H&o Allah's Apostle %H She
said# H8o you ean the an $ho is called the Sabi# !$ith a ne$ religion"JH &hey replied# HKes# the
sae person% So coe along%H &hey brought her to the Prophet and narrated the $hole story% He said#
HHelp her to disount%H &he Prophet asked for a pot# then he opened the ouths of the bags and
poured soe $ater into the pot% &hen he closed the big openings of the bags and opened the sall
ones and the people $ere called upon to drink and $ater their anials% So they all $atered their an)
ials and they !too" all Cuenched their thirst and also ga(e $ater to others and last of all the Prophet
ga(e a pot full of $ater to the person $ho $as /unub and told hi to pour it o(er his body% &he $o)
an $as standing and $atching all that $hich they $ere doing $ith her $ater% By Allah# $hen her
$ater bags $ere returned the looked like as if they $ere ore full !of $ater" than they had been be)
fore !Miracle of Allah's Apostle" &hen the Prophet ordered us to collect soething for herL so dates#
flour and Sa$iC $ere collected $hich aounted to a good eal that $as put in a piece of cloth% She
$as helped to ride on her cael and that cloth full of food)stuff $as also placed in front of her and
then the Prophet said to her# H@e ha(e not taken your $ater but Allah has gi(en $ater to us%H She re)
turned hoe late% Her relati(es asked her: HE so and so $hat has delayed youJH She said# HA strange
thingI &$o en et e and took e to the an $ho is called the Sabi' and he did such and such a
thing% By Allah# he is either the greatest agician bet$een this and this !gesturing $ith her inde*
and iddle fingers raising the to$ards the sky indicating the hea(en and the earth" or he is Allah's
true Apostle%H
After$ards the Muslis used to attack the pagans around her abode but ne(er touched her (il)
lage% Ene day she said to her people# HI think that these people lea(e you purposely% Ha(e you got any
inclination to IslaJH &hey obeyed her and all of the ebraced Isla%
Abu 'Abdultah said: &he $ord Saba'a eans H&he one $ho has deserted his old religion and e)
braced a ne$ religion%H Abul 'Ailya said# H&he Sabis are a sect of people of the Scripture $ho recite the
Book of Psals%H
=olue 0# Book :# Duber <20:
Darrated Abu @ail:
=olue 0 ) 13 ? 0:66
Abu Muisa said to'Abdullah bin Mas'ud# HIf one does not find $ater !for ablution" can he gi(e up
the prayerJH Abdullah replied# HIf you gi(e the perission to perfor &ayau they $ill perfor
&ayau e(en if $ater $as a(ailable if one of the found it cold%H Abu Musa said# H@hat about
the stateent of 'Aar to 'UarJH 'Abdullah replied# HUar $as not satisfied by his stateent%H
=olue 0# Book :# Duber <23:
Darrated ShaCiC bin Salaa:
I $as $ith 'Abdullah and Abu MusaL the latter asked the forer# HE Abu AbdurRahanI @hat is
your opinion if soebody becoes /unub and no $ater is a(ailableJH 'Abdullah replied# H8o not pray
till $ater is found%H Abu Musa said# H@hat do you say about the stateent of 'Aar !$ho $as
ordered by the Prophet to perfor &ayau"% &he Prophet said to hi: HPerfor &ayau and
that $ould be sufficient%H 'Abdullah replied# H8on't you see that 'Uar $as not satisfied by 'Aar's
stateentJH Abu) Musa said# HAll right# lea(e 'Aalr's stateent# but $hat $ill you say about this
(erse !of &ayau"JH 'AbCiullah kept Cuiet and then said# HIf $e allo$ed it# then they $ould prob)
ably perfor &ayau e(en if $ater $as a(ailable# if one of the found it !$ater" cold%H &he nar)
rator added# HI said to ShaCrC# H&hen did 'Abdullah dislike to perfor &ayau because of thisJH
He replied# HKes%H
=olue 0# Book :# Duber <2<:
Darrated Al)A'ash:
ShaCiC said# H@hile I $as sitting $ith 'Abdullah and Abu Musa Al)Ash)'ari# the latter asked the
forer# 'If a person becoes /unub and does not find $ater for one onth# can he perfor &aya)
u and offer his prayerJ' !He applied in the negati(e"% Abu Musa said# '@hat do you say about this
(erse fro Surat HAl)Ma'idaH: @hen you do not find $ater then perfor &ayau $ith clean
earthJ 'Abdullah replied# 'If $e allo$ed it then they $ould probably perfor &ayau $ith clean
earth e(en if $ater $ere a(ailable but cold%' I said to ShaCiC# 'Kou then disliked to perfor &aya)
u because of thisJ' ShaCiC said#'Kes%' !ShaCiC added"# HAbu Musa said# 'Ha(en't you heard the
stateent of 'Aar to 'UarJ He said: I $as sent out by Allah's Apostle for soe .ob and I becae
/unub and could not find $ater so I rolled yself o(er the dust !clean earth" like an anial does# and
$hen I told the Prophet of that he said# ';ike this $ould ha(e been sufficient%' &he Prophet !saying so"
lightly stroked the earth $ith his hand once and ble$ it off# then passed his !left" hand o(er the back
of his right hand or his !right" hand o(er the back of his left hand and then passed the o(er his
face%' So 'Abdullah said to Abu) Musa# '8on't you kno$ that 'Uar $as not satisfied $ith 'Aar's
stateentJ' H
Darrated ShaCiC: @hile I $as $ith 'Abdullah and Abu Musa# the latter said to the forer# HHa(en't
you heard the stateent of 'Aar to 'UarJ He said# HAllah's Apostle sent you and e out and I be)
cae /unub and rolled yself in the dust !clean earth" !for &ayau"% @hen $e cae to Allah's
=olue 0 ) 1< ? 0:66
Apostle I told hi about it and he said# '&his $ould ha(e been sufficient#' passing his hands o(er his
face and the backs of his hands once only%' H
=olue 0# Book :# Duber <22:
Darrated 'Iran bin Husain Al)Khu-a'i:
Allah's Apostle sa$ a person sitting aloof and not praying $ith the people% He asked hi# HE so and
soI @hat pre(ented you fro offering the prayer $ith the peopleJH He replied# HE Allah's ApostleI I
a /unub and there is no $ater%H &he Prophet said# HPerfor &ayau $ith clean earth and that
$ill be sufficient for you%H
Book 7: Prayers !Salat"
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <24:
Darrated Abu 8har:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hile I $as at Mecca the roof of y house $as opened and Aabriel descen)
ded# opened y chest# and $ashed it $ith Fa)-a $ater% &hen he brought a golden tray full of
$isdo and faith and ha(ing poured its contents into y chest# he closed it% &hen he took y hand
and ascended $ith e to the nearest hea(en# $hen I reached the nearest hea(en# Aabriel said to the
gatekeeper of the hea(en# 'Epen !the gate"%' &he gatekeeper asked# '@ho is itJ' Aabriel ans$ered:
'Aabriel%' He asked# 'Is there anyone $ith youJ' Aabriel replied# 'Kes# Muhaad I is $ith e%' He
asked# 'Has he been calledJ' Aabriel said# 'Kes%' So the gate $as opened and $e $ent o(er the nearest
hea(en and there $e sa$ a an sitting $ith soe people on his right and soe on his left% @hen he
looked to$ards his right# he laughed and $hen he looked to$ard his left he $ept% &hen he said#
'@elcoeI E pious Prophet and pious son%' I asked Aabriel# '@ho is heJ' He replied# 'He is Ada and
the people on his right and left are the souls of his offspring% &hose on his right are the people of
Paradise and those on his left are the people of Hell and $hen he looks to$ards his right he laughs
and $hen he looks to$ards his left he $eeps%'
&hen he ascended $ith e till he reached the second hea(en and he !Aabriel" said to its gatekeep)
er# 'Epen !the gate"%' &he gatekeeper said to hi the sae as the gatekeeper of the first hea(en had
said and he opened the gate% Anas said: HAbu 8har added that the Prophet et Ada# Idris# Moses#
/esus and Abraha# he !Abu 8har" did not ention on $hich hea(en they $ere but he entioned
that he !the Prophet " et Adarn on the nearest hea(en and Abraha on the si*th hea(en% Anas said#
H@hen Aabriel along $ith the Prophet passed by Idris# the latter said# '@elcoeI E pious Prophet
and pious brother%' &he Prophet asked# '@ho is heJ' Aabriel replied# 'He is Idris%H &he Prophet added# HI
passed by Moses and he said# '@elcoeI E pious Prophet and pious brother%' I asked Aabriel# '@ho is
=olue 0 ) 12 ? 0:66
heJ' Aabriel replied# 'He is Moses%' &hen I passed by /esus and he said# '@elcoeI E pious brother and
pious Prophet%' I asked# '@ho is heJ' Aabriel replied# 'He is /esus%
&hen I passed by Abraha and he said# '@elcoeI E pious Prophet and pious son%' I asked Aabriel#
'@ho is heJ' Aabriel replied# 'He is Abraha% &he Prophet added# '&hen Aabriel ascended $ith e to
a place $here I heard the creaking of the pens%H Ibn Ha- and Anas bin Malik said: &he Prophet said#
H&hen Allah en.oined fifty prayers on y follo$ers $hen I returned $ith this order of Allah# I passed
by Moses $ho asked e# '@hat has Allah en.oined on your follo$ersJ' I replied# 'He has en.oined
fifty prayers on the%' Moses said# 'Ao back to your ;ord !and appeal for reduction" for your follo$)
ers $ill not be able to bear it%' !So I $ent back to Allah and reCuested for reduction" and He reduced
it to half% @hen I passed by Moses again and infored hi about it# he said# 'Ao back to your ;ord as
your follo$ers $ill not be able to bear it%' So I returned to Allah and reCuested for further reduction
and half of it $as reduced% I again passed by Moses and he said to e: 'Return to your ;ord# for your
follo$ers $ill not be able to bear it% So I returned to Allah and He said# '&hese are fi(e prayers and
they are all !eCual to" fifty !in re$ard" for My @ord does not change%' I returned to Moses and he
told e to go back once again% I replied# 'Do$ I feel shy of asking y ;ord again%' &hen Aabriel took
e till $e '' reached Sidrat)il)Muntaha !;ote tree ofL the utost boundry" $hich $as shrouded in
colors# indescribable% &hen I $as aditted into Paradise $here I found sall !tents or" $alls !ade"
of pearls and its earth $as of usk%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <25:
Darrated 'Aisha:
the other of belie(ers: Allah en.oined the prayer $hen He en.oined it# it $as t$o Rakat only !in
e(ery prayer" both $hen in residence or on .ourney% &hen the prayers offered on .ourney reained
the sae# but !the Rakat of" the prayers for non)tra(ellers $ere increased%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <2::
Darrated U 'Atiya:
@e $ere ordered to bring out our enstruating $oen and (eiled $oen in the religious gath)
erings and in(ocation of Muslis on the t$o 'Id festi(als% &hese enstruating $oen $ere to keep
a$ay fro their Musalla% A $oan asked# HE Allah's Apostle ' @hat about one $ho does not ha(e a
(eilJH He said# H;et her share the (eil of her copanion%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <27:
Darrated Muhaad bin Al)Munkadir:
=olue 0 ) 14 ? 0:66
Ence /abir prayed $ith his I-ar tied to his back $hile his clothes $ere ;ying beside hi on a
$ooden peg% Soebody asked hi# H8o you offer your prayer in a single I-arJH He replied# HI did so to
sho$ it to a fool like you% Had anyone of us t$o garents in the life)tie of the ProphetJH
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <21:
Darrated Muhaad bin Al Munkadir:
I sa$ /abir bin 'Abdullah praying in a single garent and he said that he had seen the Prophet
praying in a single garent%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <46:
Darrated 'Uar bin Abi Salaa:
&he Prophet prayed in one garent and crossed its ends%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <40:
Darrated 'Uar bin Abi Salaa:
I sa$ the Prophet offering prayers in a single garent in the house of U)Salaa and he had
crossed its ends around his shoulders%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <43:
Darrated 'Uar bin Abi Salaa:
In the house of U)Salaa I sa$ Allah's Apostle offering prayers# $rapped in a single garent
around his body $ith its ends crossed round his shoulders%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <4<:
Darrated Abu Murra:
!the freed sla(e of U Hani" U Hani# the daughter of Abi &alib said# HI $ent to Allah's Apostle in
the year of the conCuest of Mecca and found hi taking a bath and his daughter Batia $as screen)
ing hi% I greeted hi% He asked# '@ho is sheJ' I replied# 'I a U Hani bint Abi &alib%' He said# '@el)
coeI E U Hani%' @hen he finished his bath he stood up and prayed eight Rak at $hile $earing a
single garent $rapped round his body and $hen he finished I said# 'E Allah's Apostle I My brother
has told e that he $ill kill a person $ho I ga(e shelter and that person is so and so the son of
Hubaira%' &he Prophet said# '@e shelter the person $ho you ha(e sheltered%' H U Ha added# HAnd
that $as before noon !8uha"%H
=olue 0 ) 15 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <42:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A person asked Allah's Apostle about the offering of the prayer in a single garent% Allah's Apostle
replied# HHas e(ery one of you got t$o garentsJH
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <44:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HDone of you should offer prayer in a single garent that does not co(er the
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <45:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er prays in a single garent ust cross its ends !o(er the shoulders"%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <4::
Darrated Said bin Al)Harith:
I asked /abir bin 'Abdullah about praying in a single garent% He said# HI tra(elled $ith the Prophet
during soe of his .ourneys# and I cae to hi at night for soe purpose and I found hi praying%
At that tie# I $as $earing a single garent $ith $hich I co(ered y shoulders and prayed by his
side% @hen he finished the prayer# he asked# 'E /abirI @hat has brought you hereJ' I told hi $hat I
$anted% @hen I finished# he asked# 'E /abirI @hat is this garent $hich I ha(e seen and $ith $hich
you co(ered your shouldersJ' I replied# 'It is a !tight" garent%' He said# 'If the garent is large
enough# $rap it round the body !co(ering the shoulders" and if it is tight !too short" then use it as an
I-ar !tie it around your $aist only%"' H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <47:
Darrated Sahl:
&he en used to pray $ith the Prophet $ith their I-ars tied around their necks as boys used to doL
therefore the Prophet told the $oen not to raise their heads till the en sat do$n straight !$hile
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <41:
Darrated Mughira bin Shu'ba:
=olue 0 ) 1: ? 0:66
Ence I $as tra(eling $ith the Prophet and he said# HE MughiraI take this container of $ater%H I
took it and Allah's Apostle $ent far a$ay till he disappeared% He ans$ered the call of nature and $as
$earing a Syrian cloak% He tried to take out his hands fro its slee(e but it $as (ery tight so he took
out his hands fro under it% I poured $ater and he perfored ablution like that for prayers and
passed his $et hands o(er his Khuff !leather socks" and then prayed %
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <56:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
@hile Allah's Apostle $as carrying stones !along" $ith the people of Mecca for !the building of"
the Ka'ba $earing an I-ar !$aist)sheet co(er"# his uncle Al)'Abbas said to hi# HE y nephe$I !It
$ould be better" if you take off your I-ar and put it o(er your shoulders underneath the stones%H So
he took off his I-ar and put it o(er his shoulders# but he fell unconscious and since then he had ne(er
been seen naked%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <50:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an stood up and asked the Prophet about praying in a single garent% &he Prophet said# HHas
e(ery one of you t$o garentsJH A an put a siilar Cuestion to 'Uar on $hich he replied# H@hen
Allah akes you $ealthier then you should clothe yourself properly during prayers% Ether$ise one
can pray $ith an I-ar and a Rida' !a sheet co(ering the upper part of the body%" I-ar and a shirt# I-ar
and a ,aba'# trousers and a Rida# trousers and a shirt or trousers and a ,aba'# &ubban and a ,aba' or
&ubban and a shirt%H !&he narrator added# HI think that he also said a &ubban and a Rida% H"
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <53:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
A person asked Allah's Apostle# H@hat should a Muhri $earJH He replied# HHe should not $ear
shirts# trousers# a burnus !a hooded cloak"# or clothes $hich are stained $ith saffron or @ars !a kind
of perfue"% @hoe(er does not find a sandal to $ear can $ear Khuffs# but these should be cut short
so as not to co(er the ankles%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <5<:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri
Allah's Apostle forbade Ishtial)As)Saa' !$rapping one's body $ith a garent so that one
cannot raise its end or take one's hand out of it"% He also forbade Al)Ihtiba' !sitting on buttocks $ith
=olue 0 ) 17 ? 0:66
knees close to abdoen and feet apart $ith the hands circling the knees" $hile $rapping oneself
$ith a single garent# $ithout ha(ing a part of it o(er the pri(ate parts%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <52:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet forbade t$o kinds of sales i%e% Al);iais and An)Dibadh !the forer is a kind of sale
in $hich the deal is copleted if the buyer touches a thing# $ithout seeing or checking it properly
and the latter is a kind of a sale in $hich the deal is copleted $hen the seller thro$s a thing to)
$ards the buyer gi(ing hi no opportunity to see# touch or check it" and !the Prophet forbade" also
Ishtial)As)Saa' and Al)Ihtiba' in a single garent%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <54:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
En the 8ay of Dahr !06th of 8hul)Hi..a# in the year prior to the last Ha.. of the Prophet $hen Abu
Bakr $as the leader of the pilgris in that Ha.." Abu Bakr sent e along $ith other announcers to
Mina to ake a public announceent: HDo pagan is allo$ed to perfor Ha.. after this year and no
naked person is allo$ed to perfor the &a$af around the Ka'ba% &hen Allah's Apostle sent 'All to read
out the Surat Bara'a !At)&auba" to the peopleL so he ade the announceent along $ith us on the
day of Dahr in Mina: HDo pagan is allo$ed to perfor Ha.. after this year and no naked person is al)
lo$ed to perfor the &a$af around the Ka'ba%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <55:
Darrated Muhaad bin Al)Munkadir:
I $ent to /abir bin 'Abdullah and he $as praying $rapped in a garent and his Rida $as ;ying
beside hi% @hen he finished the prayers# I said HE 'AbdullahI Kou pray !in a single garent" $hile
your Rida' is lying beside you%H He replied# HKes# I did it intentionally so that the ignorant ones like
you ight see e% I sa$ the Prophet praying like this% H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <5::
Darrated 'Abdul 'A-i-:
Anas said# '@hen Allah's Apostle in(aded Khaibar# $e offered the Ba.r prayer there yearly in the
orning" $hen it $as still dark% &he Prophet rode and Abu &alha rode too and I $as riding behind
Abu &alha% &he Prophet passed through the lane of Khaibar Cuickly and y knee $as touching the
thigh of the Prophet % He unco(ered his thigh and I sa$ the $hiteness of the thigh of the Prophet%
@hen he entered the to$n# he said# 'Allahu AkbarI Khaibar is ruined% @hene(er $e approach near a
=olue 0 ) 11 ? 0:66
!hostile" nation !to fight" then e(il $ill be the orning of those $ho ha(e been $arned%' He repeated
this thrice% &he people cae out for their .obs and soe of the said# 'Muhaad !has coe"%'
!Soe of our copanions added# H@ith his ary%H" @e conCuered Khaibar# took the capti(es# and the
booty $as collected% 8ihya cae and said# 'E Allah's ProphetI Ai(e e a sla(e girl fro the capti(es%'
&he Prophet said# 'Ao and take any sla(e girl%' He took Safiya bint Huyai% A an cae to the Prophet
and said# 'E Allah's ApostlesI Kou ga(e Safiya bint Huyai to 8ihya and she is the chief istress of the
tribes of ,urai-a and An)Dadir and she befits none but you%' So the Prophet said# 'Bring hi along
$ith her%' So 8ihya cae $ith her and $hen the Prophet sa$ her# he said to 8ihya# '&ake any sla(e
girl other than her fro the capti(es%' Anas added: &he Prophet then anuitted her and arried
&habit asked Anas# HE Abu Ha-aI @hat did the Prophet pay her !as Mahr"JH He said# HHer self
$as her Mahr for he anuitted her and then arried her%H Anas added# H@hile on the $ay# U
Sulai dressed her for arriage !cereony" and at night she sent her as a bride to the Prophet % So
the Prophet $as a bridegroo and he said# '@hoe(er has anything !food" should bring it%' He spread
out a leather sheet !for the food" and soe brought dates and others cooking butter% !I think he
!Anas" entioned As)Sa$&C"% So they prepared a dish of Hais !a kind of eal"% And that $as @alra
!the arriage banCuet" of Allah's Apostle %H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <57:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to offer the Ba.r prayer and soe belie(ing $oen co(ered $ith their (eiling
sheets used to attend the Ba.r prayer $ith hi and then they $ould return to their hoes unrecog)
ni-ed %
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <51:
Darrated 'Aisha:
the Prophet prayed in a Khaisa !a sCuare garent" ha(ing arks% 8uring the prayer# he looked
at its arks% So $hen he finished the prayer he said# H&ake this Khaisa of ine to Abu /ah and get
e his Inbi.aniya !a $oolen garent $ithout arks" as it !the Khaisa" has di(erted y attention
fro the prayer%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <:6:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# 'I $as looking at its !Khaisa's" arks during the prayers and I $as afraid that it
ay put e in trial !by taking a$ay y attention"%
=olue 0 ) 066 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <:0:
Darrated Anas:
'Aisha had a ,ira !a thin arked $oolen curtain" $ith $hich he had screened one side of her
hoe% &he Prophet said# H&ake a$ay this ,ira of yours# as its pictures are still displayed in front of
e during y prayer !i%e% they di(ert y attention fro the prayer"%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <:3:
Darrated 'UCba bin 'Air:
&he Prophet $as gi(en a silken Barru. as a present% He $ore it $hile praying% @hen he had fin)
ished his prayer# he took it off (iolently as if $ith a strong a(ersion to it and said# HIt is not the dress
of Allah)fearing pious people%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <:<:
Darrated Abu /uhaifa:
I sa$ Allah's Apostle in a red leather tent and I sa$ Bilal taking the reaining $ater $ith $hich
the Prophet had perfored ablution% I sa$ the people taking the utili-ed $ater ipatiently and $ho)
e(er got soe of it rubbed it on his body and those $ho could not get any took the oisture fro the
others' hands% &hen I sa$ Bilal carrying an 'An-a !a spear)headed stick" $hich he planted in the
ground% &he Prophet cae out tucking up his red cloak# and led the people in prayer and offered t$o
Rakat !facing the Ka'ba" taking 'An-a as a Sutra for his prayer% I sa$ the people and anials passing
in front of hi beyond the 'An-a%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <:2:
Darrated Abu Ha-i:
Sahl bin Sa'd $as asked about the !Prophet's" pulpit as to $hat thing it $as ade ofJ Sahl replied:
HDone reains ali(e aongst the people# $ho kno$s about it better than I% It $as ade of taarisk
!$ood" of the forest% So and so# the sla(e of so and so prepared it for Allah's Apostle % @hen it $as
constructed and place !in the MosCue"# Allah's Apostle stood on it facing the ,ibla and said 'Allahu
Akbar'# and the people stood behind hi !and led the people in prayer"% He recited and bo$ed and
the people bo$ed behind hi% &hen he raised his head and stepped back# got do$n and prostrated
on the ground and then he again ascended the pulpit# recited# bo$ed# raised his head and stepped
back# got do$n and prostrate on the ground% So# this is $hat I kno$ about the pulpit%H
Ahad bin Hanbal said# HAs the Prophet $as at a higher le(el than the people# there is no har
according to the abo(e)entioned Hadith if the Ia is at a higher le(el than his follo$ers during
the prayers%H
=olue 0 ) 060 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <:4:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ence Allah's Apostle fell off a horse and his leg or shoulder got in.ured% He s$ore that he $ould
not go to his $i(es for one onth and he stayed in a Mashruba !attic roo" ha(ing stairs ade of
date pal trunks% So his copanions cae to (isit hi# and he led the in prayer sitting# $hereas
his copanions $ere standing% @hen he finished the prayer# he said# HIa is eant to be follo$ed#
so $hen he says 'Allahu Akbar#' say 'Allahu Akbar' and $hen he bo$s# bo$ and $hen he prostrates#
prostrate and if he prays standing pray# standing% After the 31th day the Prophet cae do$n !fro
the attic roo" and the people asked hi# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou s$ore that you $ill not go to your
$i(es for one onth%H He said# H&he onth is 31 days%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <:5:
Darrates 'Abdullah bin Shaddad:
Maiuna said# HAllah's Apostle $as praying $hile I $as in y enses# sitting beside hi and
soeties his clothes $ould touch e during his prostration%H Maiuna added# HHe prayed on a
Khura !a sall at sufficient .ust for the face and the hands $hile prostrating during prayers"%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <:::
Darrated IshaC:
Anas bin Malik said# HMy grand)other Mulaika in(ited Allah's Apostle for a eal $hich she her)
self had prepared% He ate fro it and said# 'Aet upI I $ill lead you in the prayer%' H Anas added# HI took
y Hasir# $ashed it $ith $ater as it had becoe dark because of long use and Allah's Apostle stood
on it% &he orphan !8aira or Ruh" and I aligned behind hi and the old lady !Mulaika" stood behind
us% Allah's Apostle led us in the prayer and offered t$o Rak'at and then left%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <:7:
Darrated Maiuna:
Allah's Apostle used to pray on Khura%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <:1:
Darrated Abu Salaa:
'Aisha the $ife of the Prophet said# HI used to sleep in front of Allah's Apostle and y legs $ere op)
posite his ,ibla and in prostration he pushed y legs and I $ithdre$ then and $hen he stood# I
stretched the%' 'Aisha added# HIn those days the houses $ere $ithout lights%H
=olue 0 ) 063 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <76:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah Apostle prayed $hile I $as lying like a dead body on his faily bed bet$een hi and his
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <70:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
&he Prophet prayed $hile 'Aisha $as lying bet$een hi and his ,ibla on the bed on $hich they
used to sleep%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <73:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@e used to pray $ith the Prophet and soe of us used to place the ends of their clothes at the
place of prostration because of scorching heat%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <7<:
Darrated Abu Maslaa:
Said bin Ka-id Al)A-di: I asked Anas bin Malik $hether the Prophet had e(er# prayed $ith his
shoes on% He replied HKes%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <72:
Darrated Ibrahi:
Haa bin Al)Harith said# HI sa$ /arir bin 'Abdullah urinating% &hen he perfored ablution and
passed his !$et" hands o(er his Khuffs# stood up and prayed% He $as asked about it% He replied that
he had seen the Prophet doing the sae%H &hey appro(ed of this narration as /arir $as one of those
$ho ebraced Isla (ery late%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <74l:
Darrated Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba:
I helped the Prophet in perforing ablution and he passed his $et hands o(er his Khuffs and
=olue 0 ) 06< ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <74u:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Malik:
Ibn Buhaina# H@hen the Prophet prayed# he used to separate his ars fro his body so $idely that
the $hiteness of his arpits $as (isible%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <75:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er prays like us and faces our ,uibla and eats our slaughtered anials
is a Musli and is under Allah's and His Apostle's protection% So do not betray Allah by betraying
those $ho are in His protection%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <7::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# HI ha(e been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'Done has the right to be
$orshipped but Allah%' And if they say so# pray like our prayers# face our ,ibla and slaughter as $e
slaughter# then their blood and property $ill be sacred to us and $e $ill not interfere $ith the e*)
cept legally and their reckoning $ill be $ith Allah%H Darrated Maiun ibn Siyah that he asked Anas
bin Malik# HE Abu Ha-aI @hat akes the life and property of a person sacredJH He replied# H@ho)
e(er says# 'Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah'# faces our ,ibla during the prayers# prays
like us and eats our slaughtered anial# then he is a Musli# and has got the sae rights and obliga)
tions as other Muslis ha(e%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <77:
Darrated Abu Aiyub Al)Ansari:
&he Prophet said# H@hile defecating# neither face nor turn your back to the ,ibla but face either
east or $est%H Abu Aiyub added% H@hen $e arri(ed in Sha $e cae across soe la(atories facing
the ,iblaL therefore $e turned oursel(es $hile using the and asked for Allah's forgi(eness%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <71:
Darrated 'Ar bin 8ar:
I asked Ibn 'Uar# H9an a person $ho has perfored the &a$af around the Ka'ba for 'Ura but
has not perfored the !Sa'i" &a$af of Safa and Mar$a# ha(e a se*ual relation $ith his $ifeJH Ibn
'Uar replied H@hen the Prophet reached Mecca he perfored the &a$af around the Ka'ba !cir)
cuabulated it se(en ties" and offered a t$o)Rak'at prayer !at the place" behind the station !of
=olue 0 ) 062 ? 0:66
Abraha" and then perfored the &a$af !Sa'i" of Safa and Mar$a# and (erily in Allah's Apostle you
ha(e a good e*aple%H &hen $e put the sae Cuestion to /abir bin 'Abdullah and he too replied# HHe
should not go near his $ife !for se*ual relation" till he has finished the &a$af of Safa and Mar$a%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <16:
Darrated Mu.ahid:
Soeone cae to Ibn 'Uar and said# HHere is Allah's Apostle entering the Ka'ba%H Ibn 'Uar said# HI
$ent there but the Prophet had coe out of the Ka'ba and I found Bilal standing bet$een its t$o
doors% I asked Bilal# '8id the Prophet pray in the Ka'baJ' Bilal replied# 'Kes# he prayed t$o Rakat
bet$een the t$o pillars $hich are to your left on entering the Ka'ba% &hen Allah's Apostle cae out
and offered a t$o)Rak'at prayer facing the Ka'ba%' H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <10:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen the Prophet entered the Ka'ba# he in(oked Allah in each and e(ery side of it and did not
pray till he cae out of it# and offered a t$o)Rak'at prayer facing the Ka'ba and said# H&his is the
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <13:
Darrated Bara' bin 'A-ib:
Allah's Apostle prayed facing Baitul)MaCdis for si*teen or se(enteen onths but he lo(ed to face
the Ka'ba !at Mecca" so Allah re(ealed: H=erily# @e ha(e seen the turning of your face to the hea(enIH
!3:022" So the Prophet faced the Ka'ba and the fools aongst the people naely Hthe /e$sH said#
H@hat has turned the fro their ,ibla !Bait)ul)MaCdis" $hich they forerly obser(edHH !Allah re)
(ealed": HSay: '&o Allah belongs the +ast and the @est% He guides $ho he $ill to a straight path'%H
!3:023" A an prayed $ith the Prophet !facing the Ka'ba" and $ent out% He sa$ soe of the Ansar
praying the 'Asr prayer $ith their faces to$ards Bait)ul)MaCdis# he said# HI bear $itness that I
prayed $ith Allah's Apostle facing the Ka'ba%H So all the people turned their faces to$ards the Ka'ba%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <1<:
Darrated /abir:
Allah's Apostle used to pray !optional# non)obligatory prayer" $hile riding on his ount !Rahila"
$here(er it turned# and $hene(er he $anted to pray the copulsory prayer he disounted and
prayed facing the ,ibla%
=olue 0 ) 064 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <12:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet prayed !and the subnarrator Ibrahi said# HI do not kno$ $hether he prayed ore or
less than usualH"# and $hen he had finished the prayers he $as asked# HE Allah's ApostleI Has there
been any change in the prayersJH He said# H@hat is itJ' &he people said# HKou ha(e prayed so uch
and so uch%H So the Prophet bent his legs# faced the ,ibla and perfored t$o prostrations !of Sahu"
and finished his prayers $ith &asii !by turning his face to right and left saying: 'As)Sal)
au'Alaiku)@arahat)ullah'"% @hen he turned his face to us he said# HIf there had been anything
changed in the prayer# surely I $ould ha(e infored you but I a a huan being like you and liable
to forget like you% So if I forget reind e and if anyone of you is doubtful about his prayer# he
should follo$ $hat he thinks to be correct and coplete his prayer accordingly and finish it and do
t$o prostrations !of Sahu"%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <14:
Darrated 'Uar !bin Al)Khattab":
My ;ord agreed $ith e in three things:
0% I said#HE Allah's Apostle# I $ish $e took the station of Abraha as our praying place !for soe
of our prayers"% So cae the 8i(ine Inspiration: And take you !people" the station of Abraha as a
place of prayer !for soe of your prayers e%g% t$o Rakat of &a$af of Ka'ba"H% !3%034"
3% And as regards the !(erse of" the (eiling of the $oen# I said# 'E Allah's ApostleI I $ish you
ordered your $i(es to co(er thesel(es fro the en because good and bad ones talk to the%' So
the (erse of the (eiling of the $oen $as re(ealed%
<% Ence the $i(es of the Prophet ade a united front against the Prophet and I said to the# 'It
ay be if he !the Prophet" di(orced you# !all" that his ;ord !Allah" $ill gi(e hi instead of you $i(es
better than you%' So this (erse !the sae as I had said" $as re(ealed%H !55%4"%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <15:
Darrated Anas:
as abo(e !<14"%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <1::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
@hile the people $ere offering the Ba.r prayer at ,uba !near Medina"# soeone cae to the and
said: HIt has been re(ealed to Allah's Apostle tonight# and he has been ordered to pray facing the
=olue 0 ) 065 ? 0:66
Ka'ba%H So turn your faces to the Ka'ba% &hose people $ere facing Sha !/erusale" so they turned
their faces to$ards Ka'ba !at Mecca"%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <17:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
HEnce the Prophet offered fi(e Rakat in Fuhr prayer% He $as asked# HIs there an increase in the
prayerJH &he Prophet said# HAnd $hat is itJH &hey said# HKou ha(e prayed fi(e Rakat%' So he bent his
legs and perfored t$o prostrations !of Sahu"%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber <11:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet sa$ soe sputu in the direction of the ,ibla !on the $all of the osCue" and he
disliked that and the sign of disgust $as apparent fro his face% So he got up and scraped it off $ith
his hand and said# H@hene(er anyone of you stands for the prayer# he is speaking in pri(ate to his
;ord or his ;ord is bet$een hi and his ,ibla% So# none of you should spit in the direction of the
,ibla but one can spit to the left or under his foot%H &he Prophet then took the corner of his sheet and
spat in it and folded it and said# HEr you can do like this% H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 266:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar: Allah's Apostle sa$ sputu on the $all of the osCue in the direc)
tion of the ,ibla and scraped it off% He faced the people and said# H@hene(er any one of you is pray)
ing# he should not spit in front of hi because in the prayer Allah is in front of hi%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 260:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the other of faithful belie(ers" Allah's Apostle sa$ soe nasal secretions# e*pectoration or spu)
tu on the $all of the osCue in the direction of the ,ibla and scraped it off%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 263:
Darrated Abd Huraira and Abu Said:
Allah's Apostle sa$ soe e*pectoration on the $all of the osCueL he took gra(el and scraped it
off and said# HIf anyone of you $anted to spit he should neither spit in front of hi nor on his right
but he could spit either on his left or under his left foot%H
=olue 0 ) 06: ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 26<:
Darrated Abd Huraira and Abu Sa'id:
Allah's Apostle sa$ soe e*pectoration on the $all of the osCueL he took gra(el and scraped it
off and said# HIf anyone of you $anted to spit# he should neither spit in front of hi nor on his right
but could spit either on his left or under his left foot%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 262:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HDone of you should spit in front or on his right but he could spit either on his
left or under his foot%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 264:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HA faithful belie(er $hile in prayer is speaking in pri(ate to his ;ord# so he
should neither spit in front of hi nor to his right side but he could spit either on his left or under
his foot%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 265:
Darrated Abu Said:
&he Prophet sa$ sputu on !the $all of" the osCue in the direction of the ,ibla and scraped it
off $ith gra(el% &hen he forbade Spitting in front or on the right# but allo$ed it on one's left or under
one's left foot%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 26::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HSpitting in the osCue is a sin and its e*piation is to bury it%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 267:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Prophet said# HIf anyone of you stands for prayer# he should not spit in front of hi because in
prayer he is speaking in pri(ate to Allah and he should not spit on his right as there is an angel# but
he can spit either on his left or under his left foot and bury it !i%e% e*pectoration"%H
=olue 0 ) 067 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 261:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet sa$ e*pectoration !on the $all of the osCue" in the direction of the ,ibla and
scraped it off $ith his hand% It seeed that he disliked it and the sign of disgust $as apparent fro
his face% He said# HIf anyone of you stands for the prayer# he is speaking in pri(ate to his ;ord# !or" his
;ord is bet$een hi and his ,ibla# therefore he should not spit to$ards his ,ibla# but he could spit
either on his left or under his foot%H &hen he took the corner of his sheet and spat in it# folded it and
said# HEr do like this%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 206:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H8o you consider or see that y face is to$ards the ,iblaJ By Allah# neither
your subissi(eness nor your bo$ing is hidden fro e# surely I see you fro y back%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 200:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet led us in a prayer and then got up on the pulpit and said# HIn your prayer and bo$ing#
I certainly see you fro y back as I see you !$hile looking at you%"H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 203:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle ordered for a horse raceL the trained horses $ere to run fro a place called Al)
Hafya' to &haniyat Al)@ada' and the horses $hich $ere not trained $ere to run fro Al)&haniya to
the !osCue of" Bani FuraiC% &he sub narrator added: Ibn Uar $as one of those $ho took
part in the race%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 20<:
Darrated Anas:
Soe goods cae to Allah's Apostle fro Bahrain% &he Prophet ordered the people to spread the
in the osCue ))it $as the biggest aount of goods Allah's Apostle had e(er recei(ed% He left for
prayer and did not e(en look at it% After finishing the prayer# he sat by those goods and ga(e fro
those to e(erybody he sa$% Al)'Abbas cae to hi and said# HE Allah's ApostleI gi(e e !soething"
too# because I ga(e ranso for yself and 'ACilH Allah's Apostle told hi to take% So he stuffed his
garent $ith it and tried to carry it a$ay but he failed to do so% He said# HE Allah's ApostleI Erder
=olue 0 ) 061 ? 0:66
soeone to help e in lifting it%H &he Prophet refused% He then said to the Prophet: @ill you please
help e to lift itJH Allah's Apostle refused% &hen Al)'Abbas thre$ soe of it and tried to lift it !but
failed"% He again said# HE Allah's Apostle Erder soeone to help e to lift it%H He refused% Al)'Abbas
then said to the Prophet: H@ill you please help e to lift itJH He again refused% &hen Al)'Abbas thre$
soe of it# and lifted it on his shoulders and $ent a$ay% Allah's Apostle kept on $atching hi till he
disappeared fro his sight and $as astonished at his greediness% Allah's Apostle did not get up till the
last coin $as distributed%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 202:
Darrated Anas:
I found the Prophet in the osCue along $ith soe people% He said to e# H8id Abu &alha send
youJH I said# HKesH% He said# HBor a ealJH I said# HKes%H &hen he said to his copanions# HAet up%H &hey
set out and I $as ahead of the%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 204:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd:
A an said# HE Allah's ApostleI If a an finds another an $ith his $ife# !coitting adultery"
should the husband kill hiJH ;ater on I sa$ the !the an and his $ife" doing ;ian in the osCue%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 205:
Darrated 'Itban bin Malik:
&he Prophet cae to y house and said# H@here do you like e to prayJH I pointed to a place% &he
Prophet then said# HAllahu AkbarH# and $e aligned behind hi and he offered a t$o)Rak'at prayer%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 20::
Darrated 'Itban bin Malik:
$ho $as one of the copanions of Allah's Apostle and one of the Ansar's $ho took part in the
battle of Badr: I cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's Apostle I ha(e $eak eyesight and I lead
y people in prayers% @hen it rains the $ater flo$s in the (alley bet$een e and y people so I
cannot go to their osCue to lead the in prayer% E Allah's ApostleI I $ish you $ould coe to y
house and pray in it so that I could take that place as a Musalla% Allah's Apostle said% HAllah $illing# I
$ill do so%H De*t day after the sun rose high# Allah's Apostle and Abu Bakr cae and Allah's Apostle
asked for perission to enter% I ga(e hi perission and he did not sit on entering the house but
said to e# H@here do you like e to prayJH I pointed to a place in y house% So Allah's Apostle stood
there and said# 'Allahu Akbar'# and $e all got up and aligned behind hi and offered a t$o)Rak'at
=olue 0 ) 006 ? 0:66
prayer and ended it $ith &asli% @e reCuested hi to stay for a eal called HKha-iraH $hich $e had
prepared for hi% Many ebers of our faily gathered in the house and one of the said# H@here
is Malik bin Al)8ukhaishin or Ibn Al)8ukhshunJH Ene of the replied# HHe is a hypocrite and does
not lo(e Allah and His Apostle%H Hearing that# Allah's Apostle said# H8o not say so% Ha(en't you seen
that he said# 'Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah' for Allah's sake onlyJH He said# HAllah
and His Apostle kno$ better% @e ha(e seen hi helping and ad(ising hypocrites%H
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah has forbidden the !Hell" fire for those $ho say# 'Done has the right to be
$orshipped but Allah' for Allah's sake only%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 207:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to start e(ery thing fro the right !for good things" $hene(er it $as possible in
all his affairsL for e*aple: in $ashing# cobing or $earing shoes%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 201:
Darrated 'Aisha:
U Habiba and U Salaa entioned about a church they had seen in +thiopia in $hich there
$ere pictures% &hey told the Prophet about it# on $hich he said# HIf any religious an dies aongst
those people they $ould build a place of $orship at his gra(e and ake these pictures in it% &hey $ill
be the $orst creature in the sight of Allah on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 236:
Darrated Anas:
@hen the Prophet arri(ed Medina he disounted at 'A$ali)i)Medina aongst a tribe called Banu
'Ar bin 'Auf% He stayed there Bor fourteen nights% &hen he sent for Bani An) and they cae
ared $ith their s$ords% As if I a looking !.ust no$" as the Prophet $as sitting o(er his Rahila
!Mount" $ith Abu Bakr riding behind hi and all Banu An) around hi till he disounted at
the courtyard of Abu Aiyub's house% &he Prophet lo(ed to pray $here(er the tie for the prayer $as
due e(en at sheep)folds% ;ater on he ordered that a osCue should be built and sent for soe people
of Banu)An) and said# HE Banu An)Da..arI Suggest to e the price of this !$alled" piece of
land of yours%H &hey replied# HDoI By AllahI @e do not deand its price e*cept fro Allah%H Anas ad)
ded: &here $ere gra(es of pagans in it and soe of it $as unle(eled and there $ere soe date)pal
trees in it% &he Prophet ordered that the gra(es of the pagans be dug out and the unle(eled land be
le(el led and the date)pal trees be cut do$n % !So all that $as done"% &hey aligned these cut date)
pal trees to$ards the ,ibla of the osCue !as a $all" and they also built t$o stone side)$alls !of
the osCue"% His copanions brought the stones $hile reciting soe poetic (erses% &he Prophet $as
=olue 0 ) 000 ? 0:66
$ith the and he kept on saying# H&here is no goodness e*cept that of the Hereafter# E AllahI So
please forgi(e the Ansars and the eigrants% H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 230:
Darrated Abu Al)&aiyah:
Anas said# H&he Prophet prayed in the sheep fold%H ;ater on I heard hi saying# HHe prayed in the
sheep folds before the construction of the# osCue%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 233:
Darrated Dafi:
HI sa$ Ibn 'Uar praying $hile taking his cael as a Sutra in front of hi and he said# HI sa$ the
Prophet doing the sae%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 23<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
&he sun eclipsed and Allah's Apostle offered the eclipse prayer and said# HI ha(e been sho$n the
Hellfire !no$" and I ne(er sa$ a $orse and horrible sight than the sight I ha(e seen today%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 232:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet had said# HEffer soe of your prayers !Da$afil" at hoe# and do not take your houses
as gra(es%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 234:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H8o not enter !the places" of these people $here Allah's punishent had fallen
unless you do so $eeping% If you do not $eep# do not enter !the places of these people" because Al)
lah's curse and punishent $hich fell upon the ay fall upon you%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 235:
Darrated 'Aisha:
U Salaa told Allah's Apostle about a church $hich she had seen in +thiopia and $hich $as
called Mariya% She told hi about the pictures $hich she had seen in it% Allah's Apostle said# HIf any
=olue 0 ) 003 ? 0:66
righteous pious an dies aongst the# they $ould build a place of $orship at his gra(e and ake
these pictures in itL they are the $orst creatures in the sight of Allah%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 23::
Darrated 'Aisha and 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
@hen the last oent of the life of Allah's Apostle cae he started putting his 'Khaisa' on his
face and $hen he felt hot and short of breath he took it off his face and said# HMay Allah curse the
/e$s and 9hristians for they built the places of $orship at the gra(es of their Prophets%H &he Prophet
$as $arning !Muslis" of $hat those had done%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 237:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HMay Allah's curse be on the /e$s for they built the places of $orship at the
gra(es of their Prophets%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 231:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# HI ha(e been gi(en fi(e things $hich $ere not gi(en to any aongst the
Prophets before e% &hese are:
0% Allah ade e (ictorious by a$e !by His frightening y eneies" for a distance of one onth's
3% &he earth has been ade for e !and for y follo$ers" a place for praying and a thing to per)
for &ayau% &herefore y follo$ers can pray $here(er the tie of a prayer is due%
<% &he booty has been ade Halal !la$ful" for e !and $as not ade so for anyone else"%
2% +(ery Prophet used to be sent to his nation e*clusi(ely but I ha(e been sent 0o all ankind%
4% I ha(e been gi(en the right of intercession !on the 8ay of Resurrection%"
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 2<6:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&here $as a black sla(e girl belonging to an 'Arab tribe and they anuitted her but she re)
ained $ith the% &he sla(e girl said# HEnce one of their girls !of that tribe" cae out $earing a red
leather scarf decorated $ith precious stones% It fell fro her or she placed it soe$here% A kite
passed by that place# sa$ it ;ying there and istaking it for a piece of eat# fle$ a$ay $ith it% &hose
=olue 0 ) 00< ? 0:66
people searched for it but they did not find it% So they accused e of stealing it and started searching
e and e(en searched y pri(ate parts%H &he sla(e girl further said# HBy AllahI $hile I $as standing
!in that state" $ith those people# the sae kite passed by the and dropped the red scarf and it fell
aongst the% I told the# '&his is $hat you accused e of and I $as innocent and no$ this is it%' H
'Aisha added: &hat sla(e girl cae to Allah's Apostle and ebraced Isla% She had a tent or a sall
roo $ith a lo$ roof in the osCue% @hene(er she called on e# she had a talk $ith e and
$hene(er she sat $ith e# she $ould recite the follo$ing: H&he day of the scarf !band" $as one of the
$onders of our ;ord# (erily He rescued e fro the disbelie(ers' to$n% 'Aisha added: HEnce I asked
her# '@hat is the atter $ith youJ @hene(er you sit $ith e# you al$ays recite these poetic (erses%'
En that she told e the $hole story% H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 2<0:
Darrated Daf'a:
'Abdullah bin 'Uar said: I used to sleep in the osCue of the Prophet $hile I $as young and un)
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 2<3:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd:
Allah's Apostle $ent to Batia's house but did not find 'Ali there% So he asked# H@here is your cous)
inJH She replied# H&here $as soething bet$een us and he got angry $ith e and $ent out% He did
not sleep !id)day nap" in the house%H Allah's Apostle asked a person to look for hi% &hat person
cae and said# HE Allah's ApostleI He !Ali" is sleeping in the osCue%H Allah's Apostle $ent there and
'Ali $as lying% His upper body co(er had fallen do$n to one side of his body and he $as co(ered
$ith dust% Allah's Apostle started cleaning the dust fro hi saying: HAet upI E Aba &urab% Aet upI E
Aba &urab !literally eans: E father of dust"%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 2<<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I sa$ se(enty of As)Suffa en and none of the had a Rida' !a garent co(ering the upper part of
the body"% &hey had either I-ars !only" or sheets $hich they tied round their necks% Soe of these
sheets reached the iddle of their legs and soe reached their heels and they used to gather the
$ith their hands lest their pri(ate parts should becoe naked%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 2<2:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
=olue 0 ) 002 ? 0:66
I $ent to the Prophet in the osCue !the sub)narrator Mas'ar thought that /abir had said# HIn the
forenoon%H" He ordered e to pray t$o Rakat% He o$ed e soe oney and he repaid it to e and
ga(e ore than $hat $as due to e%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 2<4:
Darrated Abu ,atada Al)Aslai:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf anyone of you enters a osCue# he should pray t$o Rakat before sitting%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 2<5:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he angels keep on asking Allah's forgi(eness for anyone of you# as long as he
is at his Mu#salla !praying place" and he does not pass $ind !Hadath"% &hey say# 'E AllahI Borgi(e
hi# E AllahI be Merciful to hi%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 2<::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
In the life)tie of Allah's Apostle the osCue $as built of adobes# its roof of the lea(es of date)
pals and its pillars of the stes of date)pals% Abu Bakr did not alter it% 'Uar e*panded it on the
sae pattern as it $as in the lifetie of Allah's Apostle by using adobes# lea(es of date)pals and
changing the pillars into $ooden ones% 'Uthan changed it by e*panding it to a great e*tent and
built its $alls $ith engra(ed stones and lie and ade its pillars of engra(ed stones and its roof of
teak $ood%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 2<7:
Darrated 'Ikria:
Ibn 'Abbas said to e and to his son 'Ali# HAo to Abu Sa'id and listen to $hat he narrates%H So $e
$ent and found hi in a garden looking after it% He picked up his Rida'# $ore it and sat do$n and
started narrating till the topic of the construction of the osCue reached% He said# H@e $ere carrying
one adobe at a tie $hile 'Aar $as carrying t$o% &he Prophet sa$ hi and started reo(ing the
dust fro his body and said# HMay Allah be Merciful to 'Aar% He $ill be in(iting the !i%e% his
urderers# the rebellious group" to Paradise and they $ill in(ite hi to Hell)fire%H 'Aar said# HI
seek refuge $ith Allah fro affliction%H
=olue 0 ) 004 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 2<1:
Darrated Sahl:
Allah's Apostle sent soeone to a $oan telling her to HErder her sla(e# carpenter# to prepare a
$ooden pulpit for hi to sit on%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 226:
Darrated /abir:
A $oan said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall I get soething constructed for you to sit on as I ha(e a
sla(e $ho is a carpenterJH He replied# HKes# if you like%H So she had that pulpit constructed%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 220:
Darrated 'Ubdaidullah Al)Khaulani:
I heard 'Uthan bin 'Affan saying# $hen people argued too uch about his intention to recon)
struct the osCue of Allah's Apostle# HKou ha(e talked too uch% I heard the Prophet saying# '@ho)
e(er built a osCue# !Bukair thought that 'Asi# another subnarrator# added# HIntending Allah's
PleasureH"# Allah $ould build for hi a siilar place in Paradise%' H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 223:
Darrated 'Ar:
I heard /abir bin 'Abdullah saying# HA an passed through the osCue carrying arro$s% Allah's
Apostle said to hi# 'Hold the by their heads%' H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 22<:
Darrated Abu Burda bin 'Abdulla:
!on the authority of his father" &he Prophet said# H@hoe(er passes through our osCues or ar)
kets $ith arro$s should hold the by their heads lest he should in.ure a Musli%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 222:
Darrated Hassan bin &habit Al)Ansari:
I asked Abu Huraira HBy AllahI &ell e the truth $hether you heard the Prophet saying# 'E HassanI
Reply on behalf of Allah's Apostle% E AllahI Help hi $ith the Holy Spirit%H Abu Huraira said# HKes % H
=olue 0 ) 005 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 224:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Ence I sa$ Allah's Apostle at the door of y house $hile soe +thiopians $ere playing in the
osCue !displaying their skill $ith spears"% Allah's Apostle $as screening e $ith his Rida' so as to
enable e to see their display% !'Ur$a said that 'Aisha said# HI sa$ the Prophet and the +thiopians
$ere playing $ith their spears%H"
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 225:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Barira cae to seek y help regarding her anuission% I told herself you like I $ould pay your
price to your asters but your Al)@ala!0" $ould be for e%H Her asters said# HIf you like# you can
pay $hat reains !of the price of her anuission"# !Sufyan the sub)narrator once said"# or if you
like you can anuit her# but her !inheritance" Al)@ala $ould be for us% H@hen Allah's Apostle
cae# I spoke to hi about it% He said# HBuy her and anuit her% Do doubt Al)@ala!0" is for the
anuitted%H &hen Allah's Apostle stood on the pulpit !or Allah's Apostle ascended the pulpit as Sufy)
an once said"# and said# H@hat about soe people $ho ipose conditions $hich are not present in
Allah's Book !;a$s"J @hoe(er iposes conditions $hich are not in Allah's Book !;a$s"# his condi)
tions $ill be in(alid e(en if he iposed the a hundred ties%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 22::
Darrated Ka'b:
In the osCue l asked Ibn Abi Hadrad to pay the debts $hich he o$ed to e and our (oices gre$
louder% Allah's Apostle heard that $hile he $as in his house% So he cae to us raising the curtain of
his roo and said# HE Ka'bIH I replied# H;abaik# E Allah's ApostleIH He said# HE Ka'bI reduce your debt
to one half#H gesturing $ith his hand% I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e done so%H &hen Allah's Apostle
said !to Ibn Abi Hadrad"# HAet up and pay the debt to hi%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 227:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A black an or a black $oan used to s$eep the osCue and he or she died% &he Prophet asked
about her !or hi"% He $as told that she !or he" had died% He said# H@hy did you not infor eJ
Sho$ e his gra(e !or her gra(e"%H So he $ent to her !his" gra(e and offered her !his" funeral pray)
=olue 0 ) 00: ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 221:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen the (erses of Surat HAl)BaCaraH' about the usury Riba $ere re(ealed# the Prophet $ent to the
osCue and recited the in front of the people and then banned the trade of alcohol%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 246f:
Darrated Abu Rafi:
Abu Huraira said# HA an or a $oan used to clean the osCue%H !A sub)narrator said# 'Most
probably a $oan%%'" &hen he narrated the Hadith of the Prophet
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 246:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
H&he Prophet said# H;ast night a big deon !afreet" fro the /inns cae to e and $anted to inter)
rupt y prayers !or said soething siilar" but Allah enabled e to o(erpo$er hi% I $anted to
fasten hi to one of the pillars of the osCue so that all of you could See hi in the orning but I
reebered the stateent of y brother Soloon !as stated in ,uran": My ;ordI Borgi(e e and
besto$ on e a kingdo such as shall not belong to anybody after e !<7%<4"%H &he sub narrator
Rauh said# HHe !the deon" $as disissed huiliated%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 240:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet sent soe horseen to Da.d and they brought a an called &huaa bin Uthal fro
Bani Hanifa% &hey fastened hi to one of the pillars of the osCue% &he Prophet cae and ordered
the to release hi% He $ent to a !garden of" date)pals near the osCue# took a bath and entered
the# osCue again and said# HDone has the right to be $orshipped but Allah an Muhaad is His
Apostle !i%e% he ebraced Isla"%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 243:
Darrated 'Aisha:
En the day of Al)KhandaC !battle of the &rench' the edial ar (ein of Sa'd bin Mu'ad $as in)
.ured and the Prophet pitched a tent in the osCue to look after hi% &here $as another tent for
Banu Ahaffar in the osCue and the blood started flo$ing fro Sa'd's tent to the tent of Bani Ahaf)
far% &hey shouted# HE occupants of the tentI @hat is coing fro you to usJH &hey found that Sa'd'
$ound $as bleeding profusely and Sa'd died in his tent%
=olue 0 ) 007 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 24<:
Darrated U Salaa:
I coplained to Allah's Apostle that I $as sick% He told e to perfor the &a$af behind the people
$hile riding% So I did so and Allah's Apostle $as praying beside the Ka'ba and reciting the Sura start)
ing $ith H@at)tur)$a)Kitabinastur%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 242:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&$o of the copanions of the Prophet departed fro hi on a dark night and $ere led by t$o
lights like laps !going in front of the fro Allah as a iracle" lighting the $ay in front of the#
and $hen they parted# each of the $as accopanied by one of these lights till he reached their !re)
specti(e" houses%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 244:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet deli(ered a seron and said# HAllah ga(e a choice to one of !His" sla(es either to
choose this $orld or $hat is $ith Hi in the Hereafter% He chose the latter%H Abu Bakr $ept% I said lo
yself# H@hy is this Sheikh $eeping# if Allah ga(e choice to one !of His" sla(es either to choose this
$orld or $hat is $ith Hi in the Here after and he chose the latterJH And that sla(e $as Allah's
Apostle hiself% Abu Bakr kne$ ore than us% &he Prophet said# HE Abu BakrI 8on't $eep% &he
Prophet added: Abu) Bakr has fa(ored e uch $ith his property and copany% If I $ere to take a
Khalil fro ankind I $ould certainly ha(e taken Abu Bakr but the Islaic brotherhood and friend)
ship is sufficient% 9lose all the gates in the osCue e*cept that of Abu Bakr%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 245:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
HAllah's Apostle in his fatal illness cae out $ith a piece of cloth tied round his head and sat on the
pulpit% After thanking and praising Allah he said# H&here is no one $ho had done ore fa(or to e
$ith life and property than Abu Bakr bin Abi ,uhafa% If I $ere to take a Khalil# I $ould certainly
ha(e taken Abu) Bakr but the Islaic brotherhood is superior% 9lose all the sall doors in this
osCue e*cept that of Abu Bakr%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 24::
Darrated Dafi:
=olue 0 ) 001 ? 0:66
Ibn 'Uar said# H&he Prophet arri(ed at Mecca and sent for 'Uthan bin &alha% He opened the gate
of the Ka'ba and the Prophet# Bilal# Usaa bin Faid and 'Uthan bin &alha entered the Ka'ba and
then they closed its door !fro inside"% &hey stayed there for an hour# and then cae out%H Ibn 'Uar
added# HI Cuickly $ent to Bilal and asked hi !$hether the Prophet had prayed"% Bilal replied# 'He
prayed in it%' I asked# '@hereJ' He replied# 'Bet$een the t$o pillars%' HIbn 'Uar added# HI forgot to ask
ho$ any Rakat he !the Prophet" had prayed in the Ka'ba%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 247:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle sent soe horse en to Da.d and they brought a an called &huaa bin Uthal
fro Bani Hanifa% &hey fastened hi to one of the pillars of the osCue%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 241:
Darrated Al)Sa'ib bin Ka-id:
I $as standing in the osCue and soebody thre$ a gra(el at e% I looked and found that he $as
'Uar bin Al)Khattab% He said to e# HBetch those t$o en to e%H @hen I did# he said to the# H@ho
are youJ !Er" $here do you coe froJH &hey replied# H@e are fro &a'if%H 'Uar said# H@ere you
fro this city !Medina" I $ould ha(e punished you for raising your (oices in the osCue of Allah's
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 256:
Darrated 'Kab bin Malik:
8uring the life)tie of Allah's Apostle I asked Ibn Abi Hadrad in the osCue to pay the debts
$hich he o$ed to e and our (oices gre$ so loud that Allah's Apostle heard the $hile he $as in
his house% So he cae to us after raising the curtain of his roo% &he Prophet said# HE Ka'b bin
MalikIH I replied# H;abaik# E Allah's Apostle%H He gestured $ith his hand to e to reduce the debt to
one half% I said# HE Allah's Apostle ha(e done it%H Allah's Apostle said !to Ibn Hadrad"# HAet up and pay
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 250:
Darrated Dafi':
Ibn 'Uar said# H@hile the Prophet $as on the pulpit# a an asked hi ho$ to offer the night
prayers% He replied# 'Pray t$o Rakat at a tie and then t$o and then t$o and so on# and if you are
afraid of the da$n !the approach of the tie of the Ba.r prayer" pray one Rak'a and that $ill be the
=olue 0 ) 036 ? 0:66
$itr for all the Rakat $hich you ha(e offered%H Ibn 'Uar said# H&he last Rakat of the night prayer
should be odd for the Prophet ordered it to be so%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 253:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
A an cae to the Prophet $hile he $as deli(ering the seron and asked hi ho$ to offer the
night prayers% &he Prophet replied# 'Pray t$o Rakat at a tie and then t$o and then t$o and so on
and if you are afraid of da$n !the approach of the tie of the Ba.r prayer" pray one Rak'a and that
$ill be the $ith for all the Rakat $hich you ha(e prayed%H Darrated 'Ubaidullah bin 'Abdullah bin
'Uar: A an called the Prophet $hile he $as in the osCue%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 25<:
Darrated Abu @aCid al);aithi:
@hile Allah's Apostle $as sitting in the osCue !$ith soe people" three en cae# t$o of the
cae in front of Allah's Apostle and the third one $ent a$ay# and then one of the found a place in
the circle and sat there $hile the second an sat behind the gathering# and the third one $ent a$ay%
@hen Allah's Apostle finished his preaching# he said# HShall I tell you about these three personsJ Ene
of the betook hiself to Allah and so Allah accepted hi and accoodated hiL the second felt
shy before Allah so Allah did the sae for hi and sheltered hi in His Mercy !and did not punish
hi"# $hile the third turned his face fro Allah# and $ent a$ay# so Allah turned His face fro hi
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 252:
Darrated 'Abbad bin &ai:
that his uncle said# HI sa$ Allah's Apostle lying flat !on his back" in the osCue $ith one leg on the
other%H Darrated Said bin Al)Musaiyab that 'Uar and 'Uthan used to do the sae%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 254:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" I had seen y parents follo$ing Isla since I attained the age of puberty%
Dot a day passed but the Prophet (isited us# both in the ornings and e(enings% My father Abii Bakr
thought of building a osCue in the courtyard of his house and he did so% He used to pray and recite
the ,ur'an in it% &he pagan $oen and their children used to stand by hi and look at hi $ith
surprise% Abu Bakr $as a Softhearted person and could not help $eeping $hile reciting the ,uran%
=olue 0 ) 030 ? 0:66
&he chiefs of the ,uraish pagans becae afraid of that !i%e% that their children and $oen ight be
affected by the recitation of ,uran"%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 255:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he prayer offered in congregation is t$enty fi(e ties ore superior !in re)
$ard" to the prayer offered alone in one's house or in a business center# because if one perfors
ablution and does it perfectly# and then proceeds to the osCue $ith the sole intention of praying#
then for each step $hich he takes to$ards the osCue# Allah upgrades hi a degree in re$ard and
!forgi(es" crosses out one sin till he enters the osCue% @hen he enters the osCue he is considered
in prayer as long as he is $aiting for the prayer and the angels keep on asking for Allah's forgi(eness
for hi and they keep on saying: 'E AllahI Be Merciful to hi# E AllahI Borgi(e hi# as long as he
keeps on sitting at his praying place and does not pass $ind% !See Hadith Do% 536"%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 25::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar or Ibn 'Ar:
&he Prophet clasped his hands# by interlacing his fingers% Darrated 'Abdullah that Allah's Apostle
said# HE 'Abdullah bin 'ArI @hat $ill be your condition $hen you $ill be left $ith the sedients of
!$orst" peopleJH !&hey $ill be in conflict $ith each other"%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 257:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# HA faithful belie(er to a faithful belie(er is like the bricks of a $all# enforcing
each other%H @hile !saying that" the Prophet clasped his hands# by interlacing his fingers%
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 251:
Darrates Ibn Sirin:
Abu Huraira said# HAllah's Apostle led us in one of the t$o 'Isha' prayers !Abu Huraira naed that
prayer but I forgot it"%H Abu Huraira added# HHe prayed t$o Rakat and then finished the prayer $ith
&asll% He stood up near a piece of $ood ;ying across the osCue and leaned on it in such a $ay as
if he $as angry% &hen he put his right hand o(er the left and clasped his hands by interlacing his fin)
gers and then put his / right cheek on the back of his left hand% &he people $ho $ere in haste left the
osCue through its gates% &hey $ondered $hether the prayer $as reduced% And aongst the $ere
Abu Bakr and 'Uar but they hesitated to ask the Prophet% A long)handed an called 8hul)Kadain
asked the Prophet# 'E Allah's ApostleI Ha(e youL forgotten or has the prayer been reducedJ' &he
=olue 0 ) 033 ? 0:66
Prophet replied# 'I ha(e neither forgotten nor has the prayer been reduced' &he Prophet added# 'Is
$hat 8hul Kadain has said trueJ' &hey !the people" said# 'Kes# it is true%' &he Prophet stood up again
and led the prayer# copleting the reaining prayer# forgotten by hi# and perfored &alsr# and
then said# 'Allahu Akbar%' And then he did a prostration as he used to prostrate or longer than that%
He then raised his head saying# 'Allahu AkbarL he then again said# 'Allahu Akbar'# and prostrated as
he used to prostrate or longer than that% &hen he raised his head and said# 'Allahu Akbar%' H !&he sub)
narrator added# HI think that they asked !Ibn Sirin" $hether the Prophet copleted the prayer $ith
&asli% He replied# HI heard that 'Iran bin Husain had said# '&hen he !the Prophet" did &asli%H"
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 2:6:
Darrated Budail bin Sulaian:
Musa bin 'UCba said# HI sa$ Sali bin 'Abdullah looking for soe places on the $ay and prayed
there% He narrated that his father used to pray there# and had seen the Prophet praying at those (ery
Darrated Dafi' on the authority of Ibn 'Uar $ho said# HI used to pray at those places%H Musa the
narrator added# HI asked Sali on $hich he said# 'I agree $ith Dafi' concerning those places# e*cept
the osCue situated at the place called Sharaf Ar)Ra$ha%H
=olue 0# Book 7# Duber 2:0:
Darrated Hadith is about the (arious places on the $ay fro Medina to Mecca $here the Prophet
prayed and their In locations ipossible to translate%
=olue 0 ) 03< ? 0:66
Book 1: =irtues of the Prayer Hall !Sutra of the
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 2:3:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ence I cae riding a she)ass $hen I had .ust attained the age of puberty% Allah's Apostle $as of)
fering the prayer at Mina $ith no $all in front of hi and I passed in front of soe of the ro$%
&here I disounted and let y she)ass loose to gra-e and entered the ro$ and nobody ob.ected to
e about it%
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 2:<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle cae out on 'Id day# he used to order that a Harba !a short spear" to be
planted in front of hi !as a Sutra for his prayer" and then he used to pray facing it $ith the people
behind hi and used to do the sae $hile on a .ourney% After the Prophet # this practice $as adopted
by the Musli rulers !$ho follo$ed his traditions"%
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 2:2:
Darrated 'Aun bin Abi /uhaifa:
I heard y father saying# H&he Prophet led us# and prayed a t$o)Rak'at Fuhr prayer and then a
t$o)Rak'at 'Asr prayer at Al)Batha' $ith an 'An-a !planted" in front of hi !as a Sutra" $hile $oen
and donkeys $ere passing in front of hi !beyond that 'An-a"%H
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 2:4:
Darrated Sahl !bin Sa'd":
&he distance bet$een the Musalla of Allah's Apostle and the $all $as .ust sufficient for a sheep to
pass through %
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 2:5:
Darrated Salaa:
=olue 0 ) 032 ? 0:66
&he distance bet$een the $all of the osCue and the pulpit $as hardly enough for a sheep to pass
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 2:::
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet used to get a Harba planted in front of hi !as a Sutra" and pray behind it%
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 2:7:
Darrated 'Aun bin Abi /uhaifa:
that he had heard his father saying# HAllah's Apostle cae to us at id)day and $ater $as brought
for his ablution% He perfored ablution and led us in Fuhr and 'Asr prayers $ith an 'An-a planted in
front of hi !as a Sutra"# $hile $oen and donkeys $ere passing beyond it%H
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 2:1:
Darrated Anas Ibn Malik:
@hene(er the Prophet $ent for ans$ering the call of nature# I and another boy used to go after
hi $ith a staff# a stick or an 'An-a and a tubler of $ater and $hen he finished fro ans$ering
the call of nature $e $ould hand that tubler of $ater to hi%
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 276:
Darrated Abu /uhaifa:
Allah's Apostle cae out at idday and offered a t$o)Rak'at Fuhr and 'Asr prayers at Al)Batha
and an 'An-a $as planted in front of hi !as a Sutra"% He perfored ablution and the people took the
reaining $ater left after his ablution and rubbed their bodies $ith it%
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 270:
Darrated Ka-id bin Al 'Ubaid:
I used to accopany Salaa bin Al)Ak$a' and he used to pray behind the pillar $hich $as near
the place $here the ,uran's $ere kept I said# HE Abu MusliI I see you al$ays seeking to pray be)
hind this pillar%H He replied# HI sa$ Allah's Apostle al$ays seeking to pray near that pillar%H
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 273:
Darrated Anas:
=olue 0 ) 034 ? 0:66
I sa$ the ost faous people aongst the copanions of the Prophet hurrying to$ards the pil)
lars at the Maghrib prayer before the Prophet cae for the prayer%
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 27<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet entered the Ka'ba along $ith Usaa bin Faid# 'Uthan bin &alha and Bilal and re)
ained there for a long tie% @hen they cae out# I $as the first an to enter the Ka'ba% I asked
Bilal H@here did the Prophet prayJH Bilal replied# HBet$een the t$o front Pillars%H
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 272:
Darrated Dafi':
'Abdullah bin 'Uar said# HAllah's Apostle entered the Ka'ba along $ith Usaa bin Faid# Bilal and
'Uthan bin &alha Al)Ha.abi and closed the door and stayed there for soe tie% I asked Bilal $hen
he cae out# '@hat did the Prophet doJ' He replied# 'He offered prayer $ith one pillar to his left and
one to his right and three behind%' In those days the Ka'ba $as supported by si* pillars%H Malik said:
H&here $ere t$o pillars on his !the Prophet's" right side%H
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 274:
Darrated Dafi:
H&he Prophet used to ake his she)cael sit across and he $ould pray facing it !as a Sutra"%H I
asked# H@hat $ould the Prophet do if the she)cael $as pro(oked and o(edJH He said# HHe $ould
take its cael)saddle and put it in front of hi and pray facing its back part !as a Sutra"% And Ibn
'Uar used to do the sae%H !&his indicates that one should not pray e*cept behind a Sutra"%
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 275:
Darrated 'Aisha:
8o you ake us !$oen" eCual to dogs and donkeysJ @hile I used to lie in y bed# the Prophet
$ould coe and pray facing the iddle of the bed% I used to consider it not good to stand in front of
hi in his prayers% So I used to slip a$ay slo$ly and Cuietly fro the foot of the bed till I got out of
y guilt%
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 27::
Darrated Abu Sa'id:
=olue 0 ) 035 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# !$hat is ascribed to hi in the follo$ing Hadith 277":
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 277:
Darrated Abu Salih As)Saan:
I sa$ Abu Said Al)Khudri praying on a Briday# behind soething $hich acted as a Sutra% A young
an fro Bani Abi Mu'ait# $anted to pass in front of hi# but Abu Said repulsed hi $ith a push on
his chest% Binding no alternati(e he again tried to pass but Abu Said pushed hi $ith a greater force%
&he young an abused Abu Said and $ent to Mar$an and lodged a coplaint against Abu Said and
Abu Said follo$ed the young an to Mar$an $ho asked hi# HE Abu SaidI @hat has happened
bet$een you and the son of your brotherJH Abu Sa'id said to hi# HI heard the Prophet saying# 'If any)
body aongst you is praying behind soething as a Sutra and soebody tries to pass in front of hi#
then he should repulse hi and if he refuses# he should use force against hi for he is a satan%' H
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 271:
Darrated Busr bin Said:
that Faid bin Khalid sent hi to Abi /uhai to ask hi $hat he had heard fro Allah's Apostle
about a person passing in front of another person $ho $as praying% Abu /uhai replied# HAllah's
Apostle said# 'If the person $ho passes in front of another person in prayer kne$ the agnitude of
his sin he $ould prefer to $ait for 26 !days# onths or years" rather than to pass in front of hi%H
Abu An)Dadr said# HI do not reeber e*actly $hether he said 26 days# onths or years%H
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 216:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he things $hich annul the prayers $ere entioned before e% &hey said# HPrayer is annulled by a
dog# a donkey and a $oan !if they pass in front of the praying people"%H I said# HKou ha(e ade us
!i%e% $oen" dogs% I sa$ the Prophet praying $hile I used to lie in y bed bet$een hi and the
,ibla% @hene(er I $as in need of soething# I $ould slip a$ay% for I disliked to face hi%H
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 210:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to pray $hile I $as sleeping across in his bed in front of hi% @hene(er he
$anted to pray @itr# he $ould $ake e up and I $ould pray @itr%
=olue 0 ) 03: ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 213:
Darrated 'Aisha:
the $ife of the Prophet# HI used to sleep in front of Allah's Apostle $ith y legs opposite his ,ibla
!facing hi"L and $hene(er he prostrated# he pushed y feet and I $ithdre$ the and $hene(er he
stood# I stretched the%H 'Aisha added# HIn those days there $ere no laps in the houses%H
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 21<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he things $hich annual prayer $ere entioned before e !and those $ere": a dog# a donkey and
a $oan% I said# HKou ha(e copared us !$oen" to donkeys and dogs% By AllahI I sa$ the Prophet
praying $hile I used to lie in !y" bed bet$een hi and the ,ibla% @hene(er I $as in need of soe)
thing# I disliked to sit and trouble the Prophet% So# I $ould slip a$ay by the side of his feet%H
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 212:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" Allah's Apostle used to get up at night and pray $hile I used to lie across
bet$een hi and the ,ibla on his faily's bed%
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 214:
Darrated Abu ,atada Al)Ansari:
Allah's Apostle $as praying and he $as carrying Uaa the daughters of Fainab# the daughter of
Allah's Apostle and she $as the daughter of 'As bin Rabi'a bin 'AbduShas% @hen he prostrated# he
put her do$n and $hen he stood# he carried her !on his neck"%
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 215:
Darrated Maiuna bint Al)Harith:
My bed $as beside the praying place !Musalla" of the Prophet and soeties his garent fell on
e $hile I used to lie in y bed%
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 21::
Darrated Maiuna:
&he Prophet used to pray $hile I used to sleep beside hi during y periods !enses" and in
prostrations his garent used to touch e%
=olue 0 ) 037 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 217:
Darrated 'Aisha:
It is not good that you people ha(e ade us !$oen" eCual to dogs and donkeys% Do doubt I sa$
Allah's Apostle praying $hile I used to lie bet$een hi and the ,ibla and $hen he $anted to pros)
trate# he pushed y legs and I $ithdre$ the%
=olue 0# Book 1# Duber 211:
Darrated 'Ar bin Maiuin:
'Abdullah bin Mas'ud said# H@hile Allah's Apostle $as praying beside the Ka'ba# there $ere soe
,uraish people sitting in a gathering% Ene of the said# '8on't you see this !$ho does deeds .ust to
sho$ off"J @ho aongst you can go and bring the dung# blood and the abdoinal contents !intest)
ines# etc"% of the slaughtered caels of the faily of so and so and then $ait till he prostrates and put
that in bet$een his shouldersJ' &he ost unfortunate aongst the !'UCba bin Abi Mu'ait" $ent
!and brought the" and $hen Allah's Apostle prostrated# he put the bet$een his shoulders% &he
Prophet reained in prostration and they laughed so uch so that they fell on each other% A
passerby $ent to Batia# $ho $as a young girl in those days% She cae running and the Prophet $as
still in prostration% She reo(ed the and cursed upon the ,uraish on their faces% @hen Allah's
Apostle copleted his prayer# he said# 'E AllahI &ake re(enge on ,uraish%' He said so thrice and ad)
ded# 'E AllahI take re(enge on 'Ar bin Hisha# 'Utba bin Rabia# Shaiba bin Rabi'a# Al)@alid bin'Ut)
ba# Uaiya bin Khalaf# 'UCba bin Abi Mu'ait and 'Uar a bin Al)@alid%H Abdullah added# HBy AllahI I
sa$ all of the dead in the battle field on the day of Badr and they $ere dragged and thro$n in the
,alib !a $ell" at Badr: Allah's Apostle then said# 'Allah's curse has descended upon the people of the
,alib !$ell"%
=olue 0 ) 031 ? 0:66
Book 06: &ies of the Prayers
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 466:
Darrated Ibn Shihab:
Ence'Uar bin 'Abdul 'A-i- delayed the prayer and 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair $ent to hi and said#
HEnce in 'IraC# Al)Mugh&ra bin Shu'ba delayed his prayers and Abi Mas'ud Al)Ansari $ent to hi
and said# 'E MughiraI @hat is thisJ 8on't you kno$ that once Aabriel cae and offered the prayer
!Ba.r prayer" and Allah's Apostle prayed too# then he prayed again !Fuhr prayer" and so did Allah's
Apostle and again he prayed !'Asr prayers and Allah's Apostle did the saeL again he prayed
!Maghrib)prayer" and so did Allah's Apostle and again prayed !'Isha prayer" and so did Allah's
Apostle and !Aabriel" said# 'I $as ordered to do so !to deonstrate the prayers prescribed to you"J'H
'Uar !bin 'Abdul 'A-&-" said to 'Ur$a# HBe sure of $hat you Say% 8id Aabriel lead Allah's Apostle at
the stated ties of the prayersJH 'Ur$a replied# HBashir bin Abi Mas'ud narrated like this on the au)
thority of his father%H Ur$a added# HAisha told e that Allah's Apostle used to pray 'Asr prayer $hen
the sun)shine $as still inside her residence !during the early tie of 'Asr"%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 460:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
HEnce a delegation of 'Abdul ,ais cae to Allah's Apostle and said# H@e belong to such and such
branch of the tribe of Rab'a and $e can only coe to you in the sacred onths% Erder us to do soe)
thing good so that $e ay !carry out" take it fro you and also in(ite to it our people $ho $e
ha(e left behind !at hoe"%H &he Prophet said# H I order you to do four things and forbid you fro
four things% !&he first four are as follo$s":
0% &o belie(e in Allah% !And then he: e*plained it to the i%e%" to testify that none has the right to be
$orshipped but Allah and !Muhaad" a Allah's Apostle
3% &o offer prayers perfectly !at the stated ties":
<% &o pay Fakat !obligatory charity"
2% &o gi(e e Khuus
!&he other four things $hich are forbidden are as follo$s":
0% 8ubba
3% Hanta
=olue 0 ) 0<6 ? 0:66
<% MuCaiyat
2% DaCir !all these are utensils used for the preparation of alcoholic drinks"%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 463:
Darrated /arir bin 'Abdullah:
I ga(e the pledge of allegiance to Allah's Apostle for to offer prayers perfectly# to pay Fakat regu)
larly# and to gi(e good ad(ice to e(ery Musli%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 46<:
Darrated ShaCiC:
that he had heard Hudhaifa saying# HEnce I $as sitting $ith 'Uar and he said# '@ho aongst you
reebers the stateent of Allah's Apostle about the afflictionsJ' I said# 'I kno$ it as the Prophet had
said it%' 'Uar said# 'Do doubt you are bold%' I said# '&he afflictions caused for a an by his $ife#
oney# children and neighbor are e*piated by his prayers# fasting# charity and by en.oining !$hat is
good" and forbidding !$hat is e(il"%' 'Uar said# 'I did not ean that but I asked about that affliction
$hich $ill spread like the $a(es of the sea%' I !Hudhaifa" said# 'E leader of the faithful belie(ersI Kou
need not be afraid of it as there is a closed door bet$een you and it%' 'Uar asked# @ill the door be
broken or openedJ' I replied# 'It $ill be broken%' 'Uar said# '&hen it $ill ne(er be closed again%' I $as
asked $hether 'Uar kne$ that door% I replied that he kne$ it as one kno$s that there $ill be night
before the toorro$ orning% I narrated a Hadith that $as free fro any is)stateentH &he sub)
narrator added that they deputed MasruC to ask Hudhaifa !about the door"% Hudhaifa said# H&he door
$as 'Uar hiself%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 462:
Darrated Ibn Mas'ud:
A an kissed a $oan !unla$fully" and then $ent to the Prophet and infored hi% Allah re)
And offer prayers perfectly At the t$o ends of the day And in soe hours of the night !i%e% the fi(e
copulsory prayers"% =erilyI good deeds reo(e !annul" the e(il deeds !sall sins" !00%002"% &he
an asked Allah's Apostle# HIs it for eJH He said# HIt is for all y follo$ers%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 464:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
=olue 0 ) 0<0 ? 0:66
I asked the Prophet H@hich deed is the dearest to AllahJH He replied# H&o offer the prayers at their
early stated fi*ed ties%H I asked# H@hat is the ne*t !in goodness"JH He replied# H&o be good and dutiful
to your parentsH I again asked# H@hat is the ne*t !in goodness"JH He replied# '&o participate in /ihad
!religious fighting" in Allah's cause%H 'Abdullah added# HI asked only that uch and if I had asked
ore# the Prophet $ould ha(e told e ore%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 465:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HIf there $as a ri(er at the door of anyone of you and he took a bath
in it fi(e ties a day $ould you notice any dirt on hiJH &hey said# HDot a trace of dirt $ould be left%H
&he Prophet added# H&hat is the e*aple of the fi(e prayers $ith $hich Allah blots out !annuls" e(il
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 46::
Darrated Ahailan:
Anas said# HI do not find !no$)a)days" things as they $ere !practiced" at the tie of the Prophet%H
Soebody said H&he prayer !is as it $as%"H Anas said# HHa(e you not done in the prayer $hat you ha(e
Darrated A-)Fuhri that he (isited Anas bin Malik at 8aascus and found hi $eeping and asked
hi $hy he $as $eeping% He replied# HI do not kno$ anything $hich I used to kno$ during the life)
tie of Allah's Apostle e*cept this prayer $hich is being lost !not offered as it should be"%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 467:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H@hene(er anyone of you offers his prayer he is speaking in pri(ate to his ;ord%
So he should not spit to his right but under his left foot%H ,atada said# HHe should not spit in front of
hi but to his left or under his feet%H And Shu'ba said# HHe should not spit in front of hi# nor to his
right but to his left or under his foot%H Anas said: &he Prophet said# HHe should neither spit in the dir)
ection of his ,ibla nor to his right but to his left or under his foot%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 461:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H8o the prostration properly and do not put your fore)ars flat $ith elbo$s
touching the ground like a dog% And if you $ant to spit# do not spit in front# nor to the right for the
person in prayer is speaking in pri(ate to his ;ord%H
=olue 0 ) 0<3 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 406:
Darrated Abu Huraira and 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf it is (ery hot# then pray the Fuhr prayer $hen it becoes !a bit" cooler# as
the se(erity of the heat is fro the raging of the Hell)fire%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 400:
Darrated Abu 8har:
&he Muadhdhin !call)aker" of the Prophet pronounced the Adhan !call" for the Fuhr prayer but
the Prophet said# H;et it be cooler# let it be cooler%H Er said# '@ait# $ait# because the se(erity of heat is
fro the raging of the Hell)fire% In se(ere hot $eather# pray $hen it becoes !a bit" cooler and the
shado$s of hillocks appear%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 403:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIn (ery hot $eather delay the Fuhr prayer till it becoes !a bit" cooler because
the se(erity of heat is fro the raging of Hell)fire% &he Hell)fire of Hell coplained to its ;ord say)
ing: E ;ordI My parts are eating !destroying" one another% So Allah allo$ed it to take t$o breaths#
one in the $inter and the other in the suer% &he breath in the suer is at the tie $hen you
feel the se(erest heat and the breath in the $inter is at the tie $hen you feel the se(erest cold%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 40<:
Darrated Abu Sa'id:
that Allah's Apostle said# HPray Fuhr prayer $hen it becoes !a bit" cooler as the se(erity of heat is
fro the raging of the Hell)fire%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 402:
Darrated Abu 8har Al)Ahifar:
@e $ere $ith the Prophet on a .ourney and the Mu'adhdhin !call aker for the prayer" $anted to
pronounce the Adhan !call" for the Fuhr prayer% &he Prophet said# ';et it becoe cooler%H He again
!after a $hile" $anted to pronounce the Adhan but the Prophet said to hi# H;et it becoe cooler till
$e see the shado$s of hillocks%H &he Prophet added# H&he se(erity of heat is fro the raging of the
Hell)fire# and in (ery hot $eather pray !Fuhr" $hen it becoes cooler%H
=olue 0 ) 0<< ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 404:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle cae out as the sun declined at id)day and offered the Fuhr prayer% He then
stood on the pulpit and spoke about the Hour !8ay of /udgent" and said that in it there $ould be
treendous things% He then said# H@hoe(er likes to ask e about anything he can do so and I shall
reply as long as I a at this place of ine% Most of the people $ept and the Prophet said repeatedly#
HAsk e%H Abdullah bin Hudhafa As)Sahi stood up and said# H@ho is y fatherJH &he Prophet said#
HKour father is Hudhafa%H &he Prophet repeatedly said# HAsk e%H &hen Uar knelt before hi and
said# H@e are pleased $ith Allah as our ;ord# Isla as our religion# and Muhaad as our Prophet%H
&he Prophet then becae Cuiet and said# HParadise and Hell)fire $ere displayed in front of e on
this $all .ust no$ and I ha(e ne(er seen a better thing !than the forer" and a $orse thing !than the
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 405:
Darrated Abu Al)Minhal:
Abu Bar-a said# H&he Prophet used to offer the Ba.r !prayer" $hen one could recogni-e the person
sitting by hi !after the prayer" and he used to recite bet$een 56 to 066 Ayat !(erses" of the ,ur'an%
He used to offer the Fuhr prayer as soon as the sun declined !at noon" and the 'Asr at a tie $hen a
an ight go and return fro the farthest place in Medina and find the sun still hot% !&he sub)nar)
rator forgot $hat $as said about the Maghrib"% He did not ind delaying the 'Isha prayer to one
third of the night or the iddle of the night%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 40::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hen $e offered the Fuhr prayers behind Allah's Apostle $e used to prostrate on our clothes to
protect oursel(es fro the heat%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 407:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
H&he Prophet prayed eight Rakat for the Fuhr and 'Asr# and se(en for the Maghrib and 'Isha pray)
ers in Medina%H Aiyub said# HPerhaps those $ere rainy nights%H Anas said# HMay be%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 401:
Darrated Aisha:
=olue 0 ) 0<2 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle used to offer the 'Asr prayer $hen the sunshine had not disappeared fro y
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 436:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to offer the 'Asr prayers at a tie $hen the sunshine $as still inside y
chaber and no shado$ had yet appeared in it%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 430:
Darrated Aisha:
&he Prophet used to pray the 'Asr prayers at a tie $hen the sunshine $as still inside y chaber
and no shado$ had yet appeared in it%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 433:
Darrated Saiyar bin Salaa:
I along $ith y father $ent to Abu) Bar-a Al)Aslarrni and y father asked hi# HHo$ Allah's
Apostle used to offer the fi(e copulsory congregational prayersJH Abu) Bar-a said# H&he Prophet
used to pray the Fuhr prayer $hich you !people" call the first one at id)day $hen the sun had .ust
declined &he Asr prayer at a tie $hen after the prayer# a an could go to the house at the farthest
place in Medina !and arri(e" $hile the sun $as still hot% !I forgot about the Maghrib prayer"% &he
Prophet ;o(ed to delay the 'Isha $hich you call Al) Ataa and he disliked sleeping before it and
speaking after it% After the Ba.r prayer he used to lea(e $hen a an could recogni-e the one sitting
beside hi and he used to recite bet$een 56 to 066 Ayat !in the Ba.r prayer" %
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 43<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@e used to pray the Asr prayer and after that if soeone happened to go to the tribe of Bani Ar
bin Auf# he $ould find the still praying the Asr !prayer"%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 432:
Darrated Abu Bakr bin Uthan bin Sahl bin Hunaif:
that he heard Abu Uaa saying: @e prayed the Fuhr prayer $ith 'Uar bin Abdul A-i- and
then $ent to Anas bin Malik and found hi offering the Asr prayer% I asked hi# HE uncleI @hich
=olue 0 ) 0<4 ? 0:66
prayer ha(e you offeredJH He said '&he Asr and this is !the tie of" the prayer of Allah s Apostle
$hich $e used to pray $ith hi%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 434:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle used to offer the 'Asr prayer at a tie $hen the sun $as still hot and high and if a
person $ent to Al)'A$ali !a place" of Medina# he $ould reach there $hen the sun $as still high%
Soe of Al)'A$ali of Medina $ere about four iles or so fro the to$n%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 435:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@e used to pray the 'Asr and after that if one of US $ent to ,uba'he $ould arri(e there $hile the
sun $as still high%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 43::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er isses the 'Asr prayer !intentionally" then it is as if he lost his fa)
ily and property%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 437:
Darrated Abu Al)Mahh:
@e $ere $ith Buraida in a battle on a cloudy day and he said# HEffer the 'Asr prayer early as the
Prophet said# H@hoe(er lea(es the 'Asr prayer# all his !good" deeds $ill be annulled%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 431:
Darrated ,ais:
/arir said# H@e $ere $ith the Prophet and he looked at the oon))full)oon))and said# '9ertainly
you $ill see your ;ord as you see this oon and you $ill ha(e no trouble in seeing Hi% So if you
can a(oid issing !through sleep or business# etc%" a prayer before the sun)rise !Ba.r" and a prayer
before sunset !'Asr"# you ust do so%' He then recited Allah's Stateent:
And celebrate the praises Ef your ;ord before &he rising of the sun And before !its" setting%H
!46%<1" Isa'il said# HEffer those prayers and do not iss the%H
=olue 0 ) 0<5 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 4<6:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAngels coe to you in succession by night and day and all of the get to)
gether at the tie of the Ba.r and 'Asr prayers% &hose $ho ha(e passed the night $ith you !or stayed
$ith you" ascend !to the Hea(en" and Allah asks the# though He kno$s e(erything about you# $ell#
HIn $hat state did you lea(e y sla(esJH &he angels reply: H@hen $e left the they $ere praying and
$hen $e reached the# they $ere praying%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 4<0:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf anyone of you can get one Rak'a of the 'Asr prayer before sunset# he should
coplete his prayer% If any of you can get one Rak'a of the Ba.r prayer before sunrise# he should co)
plete his prayer%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 4<3:
Darrated Sali bin 'Abdullah:
My father said# HI heard Allah's Apostle saying# '&he period of your stay as copared to the pre(i)
ous nations is like the period eCual to the tie bet$een the 'Asr prayer and sunset% &he people of the
&orah $ere gi(en the &orah and they acted !upon it" till id)day then they $ere e*hausted and
$ere gi(en one ,irat !of gold" each% And then the people of the Aospel $ere gi(en the Aospel and
they acted !upon it" till the 'Asr prayer then they $ere e*hausted and $ereI gi(en one ,irat each%
And then $e $ere gi(en the ,ur'an and $e acted !upon it" till sunset and $e $ere gi(en t$o ,irats
each% En that the people of both the scriptures said# 'E our ;ordI Kou ha(e gi(en the t$o ,irats
and gi(en us one ,irat# though $e ha(e $orked ore than they%' Allah said# 'Ha(e I usurped soe of
your rightJ' &hey said# 'Do%' Allah said: H&hat is y blessing I besto$ upon $hosoe(er I $ish%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 4<<:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# H&he e*aple of Muslis# /e$s and 9hristians is like the e*aple of a an $ho
eployed laborers to $ork for hi fro orning till night% &hey $orked till id)day and they said#
'@e are not in need of your re$ard%' SE the an eployed another batch and said to the# '9o)
plete the rest of the day and yours $ill be the $ages I had fi*ed !for the first batch"% &hey $orked Up
till the tie of the 'Asr prayer and said# '@hate(er $e ha(e done is for you%' He eployed another
batch% &hey $orked for the rest of the day till sunset# and they recei(ed the $ages of the t$o forer
=olue 0 ) 0<: ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 4<2:
Darrated Rafi' bin Khadi.:
@e used to offer the Maghrib prayer $ith the Prophet and after finishing the prayer one of us
ay go a$ay and could still see as Par as the spots $here one's arro$ ight reach $hen shot by a
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 4<4:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet used to pray the Fuhr at id)day# and the 'Asr at a tie $hen the sun $as still bright#
the Maghrib after sunset !at its stated tie" and the Isha at a (ariable tie% @hene(er he sa$ the
people assebled !for Isha' prayer" he $ould pray earlier and if the people delayed# he $ould delay
the prayer% And they or the Prophet used to offer the Ba.r Prayers $hen it still dark%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 4<5:
Darrated Salaa:
@e used to pray the Maghrib prayer $ith the Prophet $hen the sun disappeared fro the hori)
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 4<::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet prayed se(en Rakat together and eight Rakat together%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 4<7:
Darrated 'Abdullah Al)Mu-ani:
&he Prophet said# H8o not be influenced by bedouins regarding the nae of your Maghrib prayer
$hich is called 'Isha' by the%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 4<1:
Darrated Abdullah:
HEne night Allah's Apostle led us in the 'Isha' prayer and that is the one called Al)'Ata by the
people% After the copletion of the prayer# he faced us and said# H8o you kno$ the iportance of this
nightJ Dobody present on the surface of the earth to)night $ill be li(ing after one hundred years
fro this night%H !See Hadith Do% 4:4"%
=olue 0 ) 0<7 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 426:
Darrated Muhaad bin 'Ar:
@e asked /abir bin 'Abdullah about the prayers of the Prophet % He said# HHe used to pray Fuhr
prayer at id)day# the 'Asr $hen the sun $as still hot# and the Maghrib after sunset !at its stated
tie"% &he 'Isha $as offered early if the people gathered# and used to be delayed if their nuber $as
lessL and the orning prayer $as offered $hen it $as still dark% H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 420:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle once delayed the 'Isha' prayer and that $as during the days $hen Isla still had
not spread% &he Prophet did not coe out till 'Uar infored hi that the $oen and children had
slept% &hen he cae out and said to the people of the osCue:HDone aongst the d$ellers of the
earth has been $aiting for it !'Isha prayer" e*cept you%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 423:
Darrated Abu Musa:
My copanions# $ho cae $ith e in the boat and I landed at a place called BaCi Buthan% &he
Prophet $as in Medina at that tie% Ene of us used to go to the Prophet by turns e(ery night at the
tie of the Isha prayer% Ence I along $ith y copanions $ent to the Prophet and he $as busy in
soe of his affairs# so the 'Isha' prayer $as delayed to the iddle of the night He then cae out and
led the people !in prayer"% After finishing fro the prayer# he addressed the people present there
saying# HBe patientI 8on't go a$ay% Ha(e the glad tiding% It is fro the blessing of Allah upon you that
none aongst ankind has prayed at this tie sa(e you%H Er said# HDone e*cept you has prayed at
this tie%H Abu Muisa added# 'So $e returned happily after $hat $e heard fro Alllah's Apostle %H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 42<:
Darrated Abu Bar-a:
Allah's Apostle disliked to sleep before the 'Isha' prayer and to talk after it%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 422:
Darrated Ibn Shihab fro 'Ur$a:
'Aisha said# HEnce Allah's Apostle delayed the 'Isha' prayer till 'Uar reinded hi by saying# H&he
prayerIH &he $oen and children ha(e slept% &hen the Prophet cae out and said# 'Done aongst the
d$ellers of the earth has been $aiting for it !the prayer" e*cept you%H Ur$a said# HDo$here e*cept in
=olue 0 ) 0<1 ? 0:66
Medina the prayer used to be offered !in those days"%H He further said# H&he Prophet used to offer the
'Isha' prayer in the period bet$een the disappearance of the t$ilight and the end of the first third of
the night%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 424:
Darrated Ibn /urai. fro Dafi:
'Abdullah bin 'Uar said# HEnce Allah's Apostle $as busy !at the tie of the 'Isha'"# so the prayer
$as delayed so uch so that $e slept and $oke up and slept and $oke up again% &he Prophet cae
out and said# 'Done aongst the d$ellers of the earth but you ha(e been $aiting for the prayer%H Ibn
'Uar did not find any har in praying it earlier or in delaying it unless he $as afraid that sleep
ight o(er$hel hi and he ight iss the prayer# and soeties he used to sleep before the 'Isha'
prayer% Ibn /urai. said# HI said to 'Ata'# 'I heard Ibn 'Abbas saying: Ence Allah's Apostle delayed the
'Isha' prayer to such an e*tent that the people slept and got up and slept again and got up again%
&hen 'Uar bin Al)Khattab I# stood up and reinded the Prophet I of the prayer%' 'Ata' said# 'Ibn 'Ab)
bas said: &he Prophet cae out as if I $as looking at hi at this tie# and $ater $as trickling fro
his head and he $as putting his hand on his head and then said# 'Hadn't I thought it hard for y fol)
lo$ers# I $ould ha(e ordered the to pray !'Isha' prayer" at this tie%' I asked 'Ata' for further in)
foration# ho$ the Prophet had kept his hand on his head as he $as told by Ibn 'Abbas% 'Ata' separ)
ated his fingers slightly and put their tips on the side of the head# brought the fingers do$n$ards
appro*iating the till the thub touched the lobe of the ear at the side of the teple and the beard
on the face% He neither slo$ed nor hurried in this action but he acted like that% &he Prophet said:
HHadn't I thought it hard for y follo$ers I $ould ha(e ordered the to pray at this tie%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 425:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet delayed the'lsha' prayer till idnight and then he offered the prayer and said# H&he
people prayed and slept but you ha(e been in prayer as long as you ha(e been $aiting for it !the
prayer"%H Anas added: As if I a looking no$ at the glitter of the ring of the Prophet on that night%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 42::
Darrated /arir bin 'Abdullah:
@e $ere $ith the Prophet on a full oon night% He looked at the oon and said# HKou $ill cer)
tainly see your ;ord as you see this oon# and there $ill be no trouble in seeing Hi% So if you can
a(oid issing !through sleep# business# etc%" a prayer before the rising of the sun !Ba.r" and before its
setting !'Asr" you ust do so% He !the Prophet " then recited the follo$ing (erse:
=olue 0 ) 026 ? 0:66
And celebrate the praises Ef Kour ;ord before &he rising of the sun And before !its" setting%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 427:
Darrated Abu Bakr bin Abi Musa:
My father said# HAllah's Apostle said# '@hoe(er prays the t$o cool prayers !'Asr and Ba.r" $ill go to
Paradise%' H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 421:
Darrated Anas:
Faid bin &habit said# H@e took the HSuhurH !the eal taken before da$n $hile fasting is obser(ed"
$ith the Prophet and then stood up for the !orning" prayer%H I asked hi ho$ long the inter(al
bet$een the t$o !Suhur and prayer" $as% He replied# '&he inter(al bet$een the t$o $as .ust suffi)
cient to recite fifty to Si*th 'Ayat%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 446:
Darrated ,atada:
Anas bin Malik said# H&he Prophet and Faid bin &habit took the 'Suhur' together and after finishing
the eal# the Prophet stood up and prayed !Ba.r prayer"%H I asked Anas# HHo$ long $as the inter(al
bet$een finishing their 'Suhur' and starting the prayerJH He replied# H&he inter(al bet$een the t$o
$as .ust sufficient to recite fifty 'Ayat%H !=erses of the ,uran"%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 440:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd:
I used to take the HSuhurH eal $ith y faily and hasten so as to catch the Ba.r !orning prayer"
$ith Allah's Apostle
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 443:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he belie(ing $oen co(ered $ith their (eiling sheets used to attend the Ba.r prayer $ith Allah's
Apostle# and after finishing the prayer they $ould return to their hoe and nobody could recogni-e
the because of darkness%
=olue 0 ) 020 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 44<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er could get one Rak'a !of the Ba.r prayer" before sunrise# he has got
the !orning" prayer and $hoe(er could get one Rak'a of the'Asr prayer before sunset# he has got the
!'Asr" prayer%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 442:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er could get one Rak'a of a prayer# !in its proper tie" he has got the
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 444:
Darrated 'Uar:
H&he Prophet forbade praying after the Ba.r prayer till the sun rises and after the 'Asr prayer till the
sun sets%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 445:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Soe people told e the sae narration !as abo(e"%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 44::
Darrated Hisha's father:
Ibn 'Uar said# HAllah's Apostle said# '8o not pray at the tie of sunrise and at the tie of sunset%' H
Ibn 'Uar said# HAllah's Apostle said# 'If the edge of the sun appears !abo(e the hori-on" delay the
prayer till it becoes high# and if the edge of the sun disappears# delay the prayer till it sets !disap)
pears copletely"%' H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 447:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle forbade t$o kinds of sales# t$o kinds of dresses# and t$o prayers% He forbade offer)
ing prayers after the Ba.r prayer till the rising of the sun and after the 'Asr prayer till its setting% He
also forbade HIshtial)AssaaH and Hal)IhtibaH in one garent in such a $ay that one's pri(ate parts
=olue 0 ) 023 ? 0:66
are e*posed to$ards the sky% He also forbade the sales called HMunabadhaH and HMulaasa%H !See
Hadith Do% <42 and <44 =ol% <"%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 441:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HDone of you should try to pray at sunrise or sunset%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 456:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H&here is no prayer after the orning prayer till the sun rises# and
there is no prayer after the Asr prayer till the sun sets%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 450:
Darrated Mua$iya:
Kou offer a prayer $hich I did not see being offered by Allah's Apostle $hen $e $ere in his co)
pany and he certainly had forbidden it !i%e% t$o Rakat after the Asr prayer"%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 453:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle forbade the offering of t$o prayers:
0% after the orning prayer till the sunrises%
3% after the 'Asr prayer till the sun sets%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 45<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
I pray as I sa$ y copanions praying% I do not forbid praying at any tie during the day or
night e*cept at sunset and sunrise%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 452:
Darrated 'Aisha:
By Allah# @ho took a$ay the Prophet% &he Prophet ne(er issed the !t$o Rakat" after the 'Asr
prayer till he et Allah and he did not eet Allah till it becae hea(y for hi to pray $hile standing
=olue 0 ) 02< ? 0:66
so he used to offer ost of the prayers $hile sitting% !She eant the t$o Rakat after Asr" He used to
pray the in the house and ne(er prayed the in the osCue lest it ight be hard for his follo$ers
and he lo(ed $hat $as easy for the %
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 454:
Darrated Hisha's father:
'Aisha !addressing e" said# HE son of y sisterI &he Prophet ne(er issed t$o prostrations !i%e%
Rakat" after the 'Asr prayer in y house%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 455:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle ne(er issed t$o Rakat before the Ba.r prayer and after the Asr prayer openly and
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 45::
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hene(er the Prophet coe to e after the 'Asr prayer# he al$ays prayed t$o Rakat%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 457:
Darrated Ibn Abu Malih:
I $as $ith Buraida on a cloudy day and he said# HEffer the 'Asr prayer earlier as the Prophet said#
'@hoe(er lea(es the 'Asr prayer $ill ha(e all his !good" deeds annulled%H !See Hadith Do% 43: and
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 451:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi ,atada:
My father said# HEne night $e $ere tra(eling $ith the Prophet and soe people said# '@e $ish
that Allah's Apostle $ould take a rest along $ith us during the last hours of the night%' He said# 'I a
afraid that you $ill sleep and iss the !Ba.r" prayer%' Bilal said# 'I $ill ake you get up%' So all slept
and Bilal rested his back against his Rahila and he too $as o(er$heled !by sleep" and slept% &he
Prophet got up $hen the edge of the sun had risen and said# 'E BilalI @hat about your stateentJ'
He replied# 'I ha(e ne(er slept such a sleep%' &he Prophet said# 'Allah captured your souls $hen He
$ished# and released the $hen He $ished% E BilalI Aet up and pronounce the Adhan for the pray)
=olue 0 ) 022 ? 0:66
er%' &he Prophet perfored ablution and $hen the sun cae up and becae bright# he stood up and
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 4:6:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
En the day of Al)KhandaC !the battle of trench%" 'Uar bin Al)Khattab cae cursing the disbe)
lie(ers of ,uraish after the sun had set and said# HE Allah's Apostle I could not offer the 'Asr prayer
till the sun had set%H &he Prophet said# HBy AllahI I# too# ha(e not prayed%H So $e turned to$ards
Buthan# and the Prophet perfored ablution and $e too perfored ablution and offered the 'Asr
prayer after the sun had set# and then he offered the Maghrib prayer%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 4:0:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HIf anyone forgets a prayer he should pray that prayer $hen he reebers it%
&here is no e*piation e*cept to pray the sae%H &hen he recited: H+stablish prayer for My !i%e% Allah's"
reebrance%H !36%02"%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 4:3:
Darrated /abir:
Uar cae cursing the disbelie(ers !of ,uraish" on the day of Al)KhandaC !the battle of &rench"
and said# HI could not offer the 'Asr prayer till the sun had set% &hen $e $ent to Buthan and he
offered the !'Asr" prayer after sunset and then he offered the Maghrib prayer%
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 4:<:
Darrated Abu)l)Minhal:
My father and I $ent to Abi Bar-a Al)Aslai and y father said to hi# H&ell us ho$ Allah's
Apostle used to offer the copulsory congregational prayers%H He said# HHe used to pray the Fuhr
prayer# $hich you call the first prayer# as the sun declined at noon# the 'Asr at a tie $hen one of US
could go to his faily at the farthest place in Medina $hile the sun $as still hot% !&he narrator forgot
$hat Abu Bar-a had said about the Maghrib prayer"# and the Prophet preferred to pray the 'Isha' late
and disliked to sleep before it or talk after it% And he used to return after finishing the orning pray)
er at such a tie $hen it $as possible for one to recogni-e the person sitting by his side and he !the
Prophet" used to recite 56 to 066 'Ayat' !(erses" of the ,ur'an in it%H
=olue 0 ) 024 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 4:2:
Darrated ,urra bin Khalid:
Ence he $aited for Al)Hasan and he did not sho$ up till it $as about the usual tie for hi to
start his speechL then he cae and apologi-ed saying# HEur neighbors in(ited us%H &hen he added#
HDarrated Anas# 'Ence $e $aited for the Prophet till it $as idnight or about idnight% He cae and
led the prayer# and after finishing it# he addressed us and said# 'All the people prayed and then slept
and you had been in prayer as long as you $ere $aiting for it%H Al)Hasan said# H&he people are re)
garded as perforing good deeds as long as they are $aiting for doing good deeds%H Al)Hasan's state)
ent is a portion of Anas's Hadith fro the Prophet %
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 4:4:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he Prophet prayed one of the'lsha' prayer in his last days and after finishing it $ith &asli# he
stood up and said# H8o you reali-e !the iportance of" this nightJ Dobody present on the surface of
the earth to)night $ould be li(ing after the copletion of one hundred years fro this night%H
&he people ade a istake in grasping the eaning of this stateent of Allah's Apostle and they
indulged in those things $hich are said about these narrators !i%e% soe said that the 8ay of Resur)
rection $ill be established after 066 years etc%" But the Prophet said# HDobody present on the surface
of earth tonight $ould be li(ing after the copletion of 066 years fro this nightHL he eant H@hen
that century !people of that century" $ould pass a$ay%H
=olue 0# Book 06# Duber 4:5:
Darrated Abu 'Uthan:
'Abdur Rahan bin Abi Bakr said# H&he Suffa 9opanions $ere poor people and the Prophet said#
'@hoe(er has food for t$o persons should take a third one fro the !Suffa copanions"% And $ho)
soe(er has food for four persons he should take one or t$o fro the' Abu Bakr took three en and
the Prophet took ten of the%H
'Abdur Rahan added# y father y other and I $ere there !in the house"% !&he sub)narrator is
in doubt $hether 'Abdur Rahan also said# 'My $ife and our ser(ant $ho $as coon for both y
house and Abu Bakr's house"% Abu Bakr took his supper $ith the Prophet and reained there till the
'Isha' prayer $as offered% Abu Bakr $ent back and stayed $ith the Prophet till the Prophet took his
eal and then Abu Bakr returned to his house after a long portion of the night had passed% Abu
Bakr's $ife said# '@hat detained you fro your guests !or guest"J' He said# 'Ha(e you not ser(ed the
yetJ' She said# '&hey refused to eat until you coe% &he food $as ser(ed for the but they refused%H
'Abdur Rahan added# HI $ent a$ay and hid yself !being afraid of Abu Bakr" and in the eantie
=olue 0 ) 025 ? 0:66
he !Abu Bakr" called e# 'E Ahunthar !a harsh $ord"I' and also called e bad naes and abused e
and then said !to his faily"# '+at% Do $elcoe for you%' &hen !the supper $as ser(ed"% Abu Bakr took
an oath that he $ould not eat that food% &he narrator added: By Allah# $hene(er any one of us !y)
self and the guests of Suffa copanions" took anything fro the food# it increased fro underneath%
@e all ate to our fill and the food $as ore than it $as before its ser(ing%
Abu Bakr looked at it !the food" and found it as it $as before ser(ing or e(en ore than that% He
addressed his $ife !saying" 'E the sister of Bani BirasI @hat is thisJ' She said# 'E the pleasure of y
eyesI &he food is no$ three ties ore than it $as before%' Abu Bakr ate fro it# and said# '&hat
!oath" $as fro Satan' eaning his oath !not to eat"% &hen he again took a orsel !outhful" fro it
and then took the rest of it to the Prophet% So that eal $as $ith the Prophet% &here $as a treaty
bet$een us and soe people# and $hen the period of that treaty had elapsed the Prophet di(ided us
into t$el(e !groups" !the Prophet's copanions" each being headed by a an% Allah kno$s ho$
any en $ere under the coand of each !leader"% So all of the !03 groups of en" ate of that
=olue 0 ) 02: ? 0:66
Book 00: 9all to Prayers !Adhaan"
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 4:::
Darrated Anas:
&he people entioned the fire and the bell !they suggested those as signals to indicate the starting
of prayers"# and by that they entioned the /e$s and the 9hristians% &hen Bilal $as ordered to pro)
nounce Adhan for the prayer by saying its $ordings t$ice# and for the ICaa !the call for the actual
standing for the prayers in ro$s" by saying its $ordings once% !ICaa is pronounced $hen the
people are ready for the prayer"%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 4:7:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
@hen the Muslis arri(ed at Medina# they used to asseble for the prayer# and used to guess the
tie for it% 8uring those days# the practice of Adhan for the prayers had not been introduced yet%
Ence they discussed this proble regarding the call for prayer% Soe people suggested the use of a
bell like the 9hristians# others proposed a trupet like the horn used by the /e$s# but 'Uar $as the
first to suggest that a an should call !the people" for the prayerL so Allah's Apostle ordered Bilal to
get up and pronounce the Adhan for prayers%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 4:1:
Darrated Anas:
Bilal $as ordered to repeat the $ording of the Adhan for prayers t$ice# and to pronounce the
$ording of the ICaas once e*cept H,ad)Caat)is)SalatH%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 476:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hen the nuber of Muslis increased they discussed the Cuestion as to ho$ to kno$ the tie
for the prayer by soe failiar eans% Soe suggested that a fire be lit !at the tie of the prayer"
and others put for$ard the proposal to ring the bell% Bilal $as ordered to pronounce the $ording of
Adhan t$ice and of the ICaa once only%
=olue 0 ) 027 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 470:
Darrated Abu ,ilaba:
Anas said# HBilal $as ordered to pronounce the $ording of Adhan t$ice and of ICaa once only%H
&he sub narrator Isa'li said# HI entioned that to Aiyub and he added !to that"# H+*cept ICaa !i%e%
,ad),aatis)Salat $hich should be said t$ice"%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 473:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen the Adhan is pronounced Satan takes to his heels and passes $ind $ith
noise during his flight in order not to hear the Adhan% @hen the Adhan is copleted he coes back
and again takes to his heels $hen the ICaa is pronounced and after its copletion he returns again
till he $hispers into the heart of the person !to di(ert his attention fro his prayer" and akes hi
reeber things $hich he does not recall to his ind before the prayer and that causes hi to for)
get ho$ uch he has prayed%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 47<:
Darrated 'Abdul Rahan:
Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri told y father# HI see you liking sheep and the $ilderness% So $hene(er you
are $ith your sheep or in the $ilderness and you $ant to pronounce Adhan for the prayer raise your
(oice in doing so# for $hoe(er hears the Adhan# $hether a huan being# a .inn or any other
creature# $ill be a $itness for you on the 8ay of Resurrection%H Abu Said added# HI heard it !this nar)
ration" fro Allah's Apostle%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 472:
Darrated Huaid:
Anas bin Malik said# H@hene(er the Prophet $ent out $ith us to fight !in Allah's cause" against
any nation# he ne(er allo$ed us to attack till orning and he $ould $ait and see: if he heard Adhan
he $ould postpone the attack and if he did not hear Adhan he $ould attack the%H Anas added# H@e
reached Khaibar at night and in the orning $hen he did not hear the Adhan for the prayer# he !the
Prophet " rode and I rode behind Abi &alha and y foot $as touching that of the Prophet%
&he inhabitants of Khaibar cae out $ith their baskets and spades and $hen they sa$ the Prophet
they shouted 'MuhaadI By Allah# Muhaad and his ary%' @hen Allah's Apostle sa$ the# he
said# HAllahu)AkbarI Allahu)AkbarI Khaibar is ruined% @hene(er $e approach a !hostile" nation !to
fight"# then e(il $ill be the orning of those $ho ha(e been $arned%H
=olue 0 ) 021 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 474:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hene(er you hear the Adhan# say $hat the Mu'adhdhin is saying%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 475:
Darrated 'Isa bin &alha:
that he had heard Mua$iya repeating the $ords of Adhan up to H@a ash)hadu Anna
Muhaadan Rasulul)lah !and I testify that Muhaad is Allah's Apostle%"H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 47::
Darrated Kahya as abo(e !475" and added:
HSoe of y copanions told e that Hisha had said# H@hen the Mu'adhdhin said# HHaiya alas)
sala!t" !coe for the prayer"%H Mua$iya said# H;a ha$la $ala Cu$ata illa billah !&here is neither
ight nor any po$er e*cept $ith Allah"H and added# H@e heard your Prophet saying the sae%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 477:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er after listening to the Adhan says# 'Allahua Rabba hadhihi)d)da'
$atit)taati $as)salatil Ca'iati# ati Muhaadan al)$asilata $al)fadilata# $ab' athhu aCa)
an ahudan)il)ladhi $a' adtahu !E AllahI ;ord of this perfect call !of not ascribing partners to
Kou" and of the regular prayer $hich is going to be establishedI Kindly gi(e Muhaad the right of
intercession and superiority and send hi !on the 8ay of /udgent" to the best and the highest place
in Paradise $hich Kou proised hi"'# then intercession for e $ill be peritted for hi on the 8ay
of ResurrectionH"%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 471:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf the people kne$ the re$ard for pronouncing the Adhan and for standing
in the first ro$ !in congregational prayers" and found no other $ay to get that e*cept by dra$ing
lots they $ould dra$ lots# and if they kne$ the re$ard of the Fuhr prayer !in the early oents of
its stated tie" they $ould race for it !go early" and if they kne$ the re$ard of 'Isha' and Ba.r !orn)
ing" prayers in congregation# they $ould coe to offer the e(en if they had to cra$l%H
=olue 0 ) 046 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 416:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Al)Harith:
Ence on a rainy uddy day# Ibn 'Abbas deli(ered a seron in our presence and $hen the Mu'ad)
hdhin pronounced the Adhan and said# HHaiya ala)s)sala!t" !coe for the prayer"H Ibn 'Abbas
ordered hi to say 'Pray at your hoes%' &he people began to look at each other !surprisingly"% Ibn
'Abbas said% HIt $as done by one $ho $as uch better than I !i%e% the Prophet or his Mu'adhdhin"#
and it is a license%'
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 410:
Darrated Sali bin Abdullah:
My father said that Allah s Apostle said# HBilal pronounces 'Adhan at night# so keep on eating and
drinking !Suhur" till Ibn U Maktu pronounces Adhan%H Sali added# HHe $as a blind an $ho
$ould not pronounce the Adhan unless he $as told that the day had da$ned%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 413:
Darrated Hafsa:
@hen the Muadh)dhin pronounced the Adhan for Ba.r prayer and the da$n becae e(ident the
Prophet ordered a t$o Rakat light prayer !Sunna" before the ICaa of the copulsory !congrega)
tional" prayer%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 41<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to offer t$o light Rakat bet$een the Adhan and the ICaa of the Ba.r prayer%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 412:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HBilal pronounces the Adhan at night# so keep on eating and drinking !Suhur"
till Ibn U Maktu pronounces the Adhan%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 414:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud:
&he Prophet said# H&he Adhan pronounced by Bilal should not stop you fro taking Suhur# for he
pronounces the Adhan at night# so that the one offering the late night prayer !&aha..ud" fro aong
=olue 0 ) 040 ? 0:66
you ight hurry up and the sleeping fro aong you ight $ake up% It does not ean that da$n or
orning has started%H &hen he !the Prophet" pointed $ith his fingers and raised the up !to$ards
the sky" and then lo$ered the !to$ards the earth" like this !Ibn Mas'ud iitated the gesture of the
Prophet"% A-)Fuhri gestured $ith his t$o inde* fingers $hich he put on each other and then
stretched the to the right and left% &hese gestures illustrate the $ay real da$n appears% It spreads
left and right hori-ontally% &he da$n that appears in the high sky and lo$ers do$n is not the real
da$n" %
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 415:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# HBilal pronounces the Adhan at night# so eat and drink !Suhur" till Ibn U
Maktu pronounces the Adhan%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 41::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mughaffal Al)Mu-ani:
Allah's Apostle said thrice# H&here is a prayer bet$een the t$o Adhans !Adhan and ICaa"#H and
added# HBor the one $ho $ants to pray%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 417:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
H@hen the Mu'adhdhin pronounced the Adhan# soe of the copanions of the Prophet $ould
proceed to the pillars of the osCue !for the prayer" till the Prophet arri(ed and in this $ay they
used to pray t$o Rakat before the Maghrib prayer% &here used to be a little tie bet$een the Adhan
and the ICaa%H Shu'ba said# H&here used to be a (ery short inter(al bet$een the t$o !Adhan and
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 411:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to pray t$o light Rakat before the orning !copulsory" prayer after the day
da$ned and the Mu'adhdhin had finished his Adhan% He then $ould lie on his right side till the
Mu'adhdhin cae to pronounce the ICaa%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 566:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mughaffal:
=olue 0 ) 043 ? 0:66
&he prophet said# H&here is a prayer bet$een the t$o Adhans !Adhan and ICaa"# there is a prayer
bet$een the t$o Adhans%H And then $hile saying it the third tie he added# HBor the one $ho $ants
to !pray"%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 560:
Darrated Malik bin Hu$airth:
I cae to the Prophet $ith soe en fro y tribe and stayed $ith hi for t$enty nights% He
$as kind and erciful to us% @hen he reali-ed our longing for our failies# he said to us# HAo back
and stay $ith your failies and teach the the religion# and offer the prayer and one of you should
pronounce the Adhan for the prayer $hen its tie is due and the oldest one aongst you should
lead the prayer%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 563:
Darrated Abu 8har:
@e $ere in the copany of the Prophet on a .ourney and the Mu'adhdhin $anted to pronounce
the Adhan for the !Fuhr" prayer% &he Prophet said to hi# H;et it becoe cooler%H &hen he again
$anted to pronounce the Adhan but the ProphetL said to hi# H;et it becoe cooler%H &he Mu'adh)
dhin again $anted to pronounce the Adhan for the prayer but the Prophet said# H;et it becoe cool)
er#H till the shado$s of the hillocks becoe eCual to their si-es% &he Prophet added# H&he se(erity of
the heat is fro the raging of Hell%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 56<:
Darrated Malik bin Hu$airth:
&$o en cae to the Prophet $ith the intention of a .ourney% &he Prophet said# H@hen !both of"
you set out# pronounce Adhan and then ICaa and the oldest of you should lead the prayer%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 562:
Darrated Malik:
@e cae to the Prophet and stayed $ith hi for t$enty days and nights% @e $ere all young and
of about the sae age% &he Prophet $as (ery kind and erciful% @hen he reali-ed our longing for
our failies# he asked about our hoes and the people there and $e told hi% &hen he asked us to go
back to our failies and stay $ith the and teach the !the religion" and to order the to do good
things% He also entioned soe other things $hich I ha(e !reebered or" forgotten% &he Prophet
then added# HPray as you ha(e seen e praying and $hen it is the tie for the prayer one of you
should pronounce the Adhan and the oldest of you should lead the prayer%
=olue 0 ) 04< ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 564:
Darrated Dafi:
Ence in a cold night# Ibn 'Uar pronounced the Adhan for the prayer at #8a.nan !the nae of a
ountain" and then said# HPray at your hoesH# and infored us that Allah's Apostle used to tell the
Mu'adhdin to pronounce Adhan and say# HPray at your hoesH at the end of the Adhan on a rainy or
a (ery cold night during the .ourney%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 565:
Darrated 'Aun bin Abi /uhaifa:
My father said# HI sa$ Allah's Apostle at a place called Al)Abtah% Bilal cae and infored hi
about the prayer and then cae out $ith an An-a and planted it in front of Allah's Apostle at Al)Ab)
tah and pronounced the ICaa%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 56::
Darrated 'Aun bin Abi /uhaifa:
My father said# HI sa$ Bilal turning his face fro side to side $hile pronouncing the Adhan for the
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 567:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi ,atada:
My father said# H@hile $e $ere praying $ith the Prophet he heard the noise of soe people% After
the prayer he said# '@hat is the atterJ' &hey replied '@e $ere hurrying for the prayer%' He said# '8o
not ake haste for the prayer# and $hene(er you coe for the prayer# you should coe $ith
calness# and pray $hate(er you get !$ith the people" and coplete the rest $hich you ha(e
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 561:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hen you hear the ICaa# proceed to offer the prayer $ith calness and
solenity and do not ake haste% And pray $hate(er you are able to pray and coplete $hate(er
you ha(e issed%
=olue 0 ) 042 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 506:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi ,atada:
My father said% HAllah's Apostle said# 'If the ICaa is pronounced then do not stand for the prayer
till you see e !in front of you"%' H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 500:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi:
,atada# My father said# HAllah's Apostle said# 'If the ICaa is pronounced# then do not stand for the
prayer till you see e !in front of you" and do it cally%' H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 503:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle $ent out !of the osCue" $hen the ICaa had been pronounced and the ro$s
straightened% &he Prophet stood at his Musalla !praying place" and $e $aited for the Prophet to be)
gin the prayer $ith &akbir% He left and asked us to reain in our places% @e kept on standing till the
Prophet returned and the $ater $as trickling fro his head for he had taken a bath !of /anaba"%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 50<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Ence iCaa $as pronounced and the people had straightened the ro$s# Allah's Apostle $ent for)
$ard !to lead the prayer" but he $as /unub# so he said# HReain in your places%H And he $ent out#
took a bath and returned $ith $ater trickling fro his head% &hen he led the prayer%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 502:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
En the day of Al)KhandaC !the trench"# 'Uar bin Al)Khattab $ent to the Prophet and said# HE Al)
lah's ApostleI By Allah# I could not pray !the 'Asr" till the sun had set%H 'Uar told this to the Prophet
at the tie $hen a fasting person had done Iftar !taken his eals"% &he Prophet then $ent to Buthan
and I $as $ith hi% He perfored ablution and offered the 'Asr prayer after the sun had set and
then the Maghrib prayer%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 504:
Darrated Anas:
=olue 0 ) 044 ? 0:66
Ence the ICaa $as pronounced and the Prophet $as talking to a an !in a lo$ (oice" in a
corner of the osCue and he did not lead the prayer till !soe of" the people had slept !do-ed in a
sitting posture" %
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 505:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ence ICaa $as pronounced a an cae to the Prophet and detained hi !fro the prayer"%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 50::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HBy Hi in @hose Hand y soul is I $as about to order for collecting fire)
$ood !fuel" and then order Soeone to pronounce the Adhan for the prayer and then order soeone
to lead the prayer then I $ould go fro behind and burn the houses of en $ho did not present
thesel(es for the !copulsory congregational" prayer% By Hi# in @hose Hands y soul is# if any)
one of the had kno$n that he $ould get a bone co(ered $ith good eat or t$o !sall" pieces of
eat present in bet$een t$o ribs# he $ould ha(e turned up for the 'Isha' prayer%'
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 507:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he prayer in congregation is t$enty se(en ties superior to the prayer
offered by person alone%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 501:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# H&he prayer in congregation is t$enty fi(e ties superior to the prayer offered
by person alone%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 536:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he re$ard of the prayer offered by a person in congregation is t$enty fi(e
ties greater than that of the prayer offered in one's house or in the arket !alone"% And this is be)
cause if he perfors ablution and does it perfectly and then proceeds to the osCue $ith the sole in)
tention of praying# then for e(ery step he takes to$ards the osCue# he is upgraded one degree in re)
$ard and his one sin is taken off !crossed out" fro his accounts !of deeds"% @hen he offers his pray)
=olue 0 ) 045 ? 0:66
er# the angels keep on asking Allah's Blessings and Allah's forgi(eness for hi as long as he is !stay)
ing" at his Musalla% &hey say# 'E AllahI Besto$ Kour blessings upon hi# be Merciful and kind to
hi%' And one is regarded in prayer as long as one is $aiting for the prayer%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 530:
Darrated Abu Salaa bin 'Abdur Rahan:
Abu Huraira said# HI heard Allah's Apostle saying# '&he re$ard of a prayer in congregation is
t$enty fi(e ties greater than that of a prayer offered by a person alone% &he angels of the night and
the angels of the day gather at the tie of Ba.r prayer%' H Abu Huraira then added# HRecite the Holy
Book if you $ish# for HIndeed# the recitation of the ,ur'an in the early da$n !Ba.r prayer" is e(er $it)
nessed%H !0:%07"%
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar: &he re$ard of the congregational prayer is t$enty se(en ties
greater !than that of the prayer offered by a person alone"%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 533:
Darrated Sali:
I heard U Ad)8arda' saying# HAbu Ad)8arda' entered the house in an angry ood% I said to hi%
'@hat akes you angryJ' He replied# 'By AllahI I do not find the follo$ers of Muhaad doing those
good things !$hich they used to do before" e*cept the offering of congregational prayer%H !&his
happened in the last days of Abu Ad)8arda' during the rule of 'Uthan" %
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 53<:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# H&he people $ho get treendous re$ard for the prayer are those $ho are
farthest a$ay !fro the osCue" and then those $ho are ne*t farthest and so on% Siilarly one $ho
$aits to pray $ith the Ia has greater re$ard than one $ho prays and goes to bed% H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 532:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hile a an $as going on a $ay# he sa$ a thorny branch and reo(ed it
fro the $ay and Allah becae pleased by his action and forga(e hi for that%H &hen the Prophet
said# HBi(e are artyrs: Ene $ho dies of plague# one $ho dies of an abdoinal disease# one $ho dies
of dro$ning# one $ho is buried ali(e !and" dies and one $ho is killed in Allah's cause%H !&he Prophet
further said# HIf the people kne$ the re$ard for pronouncing the Adhan and for standing in the first
ro$ !in the congregational prayer" and found no other $ay to get it e*cept by dra$ing lots they
=olue 0 ) 04: ? 0:66
$ould do so# and if they kne$ the re$ard of offering the Fuhr prayer early !in its stated tie"# they
$ould race for it and they kne$ the re$ard for 'Isha' and Ba.r prayers in congregation# they $ould
attend the e(en if they $ere to cra$l'"
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 534:
Darrated Huaid:
Anas said# H&he Prophet said# 'E Bani SaliaI 8on't you think that for e(ery step of yours !that you
take to$ards the osCue" there is a re$ard !$hile coing for prayer"JH Mu.ahid said: HRegarding
Allah's Stateent: H@e record that $hich they ha(e sent before !the"# and their tracesH !<5%03"%
'&heir traces' eans 'their steps%' H And Anas said that the people of Bani Salia $anted to shift to a
place near the Prophet but Allah's Apostle disliked the idea of lea(ing their houses uninhabited and
said# H8on't you think that you $ill get the re$ard for your footprints%H Mu.ahid said# H&heir foot
prints ean their foot steps and their going on foot%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 535:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HDo prayer is harder for the hypocrites than the Ba.r and the 'Isha' prayers and if
they kne$ the re$ard for these prayers at their respecti(e ties# they $ould certainly present the)
sel(es !in the osCues" e(en if they had to c a$l%H &he Prophet added# H9ertainly I decided to order
the Mu'adh)dhin !call)aker" to pronounce ICaa and order a an to lead the prayer and then
take a fire flae to burn all those $ho had not left their houses so far for the prayer along $ith their
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 53::
Darrated Malik bin Hu$airith:
Prophet said !to t$o persons"# H@hene(er the prayer tie becoes due# you should pronounce
Adhan and then ICaa and the older of you should lead the prayer%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 537:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he angels keep on asking for Allah's Blessing and Borgi(eness for anyone of
you as long as he is at his Musalla !praying place" and does not do Hadath !passes $ind"% &he angels
say# 'E AllahI Borgi(e hi and be Merciful to hi%' +ach one of you is in the prayer as long as he is
$aiting for the prayer and nothing but the prayer detains hi fro going to his faily%H
=olue 0 ) 047 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 531:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah $ill gi(e shade# to se(en# on the 8ay $hen there $ill be no shade but His%
!&hese se(en persons are" a .ust ruler# a youth $ho has been brought up in the $orship of Allah !i%e%
$orships Allah sincerely fro childhood"# a an $hose heart is attached to the osCues !i%e% to pray
the copulsory prayers in the osCue in congregation"# t$o persons $ho lo(e each other only for
Allah's sake and they eet and part in Allah's cause only# a an $ho refuses the call of a charing
$oan of noble birth for illicit intercourse $ith her and says: I a afraid of Allah# a an $ho gi(es
charitable gifts so secretly that his left hand does not kno$ $hat his right hand has gi(en !i%e%
nobody kno$s ho$ uch he has gi(en in charity"# and a person $ho reebers Allah in seclusion
and his eyes are then flooded $ith tears%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5<6:
Darrated Huaid:
Anas $as asked# H8id Allah's Apostle $ear a ringJH He said# HKes% Ence he delayed the 'Isha' prayer
till id)night and after the prayer# he faced us and said# '&he people prayed and ha(e slept and you
reained in prayer as long as you $aited for it%' H Anas added# HAs if I $ere .ust no$ obser(ing the
glitter of his ring%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5<0:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah $ill prepare for hi $ho goes to the osCue !e(ery" orning and in the
afternoon !for the congregational prayer" an honorable place in Paradise $ith good hospitality for
!$hat he has done" e(ery orning and afternoon goings%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5<3:
Darrated Malik Ibn Buhaina:
Allah's Apostle passed by a an praying t$o Rakat after the ICaa !had been pronounced"% @hen
Allah's Apostle copleted the prayer# the people gathered around hi !the Prophet" or that an and
Allah's Apostle said to hi !protesting"# Are there four Rakat in Ba.r prayerJ Are there four Rakat in
Ba.r prayerJH
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5<<:
Darrated Al)As$ad:
=olue 0 ) 041 ? 0:66
H@e $ere $ith 'Aisha discussing the regularity of offering the prayer and dignifying it% She said#
'@hen Allah's Apostle fell sick $ith the fatal illness and $hen the tie of prayer becae due and
Adhan $as pronounced# he said# '&ell Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer%' He $as told that Abu
Bakr $as a soft)hearted an and $ould not be able to lead the prayer in his place% &he Prophet ga(e
the sae order again but he $as gi(en the sae reply% He ga(e the order for the third tie and said#
'Kou !$oen" are the copanions of /oseph% &ell Abu Bakr to lead the prayer%' So Abu Bakr cae out
to lead the prayer% In the eantie the condition of the Prophet ipro(ed a bit and he cae out
$ith the help of t$o en one on each side% As if I $as obser(ing his legs dragging on the ground
o$ing to the disease% Abu Bakr $anted to retreat but the Prophet beckoned hi to reain at his
place and the Prophet $as brought till he sat beside Abu Bakr%H Al)A'ash $as asked# H@as the
Prophet praying and Abu Bakr follo$ing hi# and $ere the people follo$ing Abu Bakr in that pray)
erJH Al)A'ash replied in the affirati(e $ith a nod of his head% Abu Mua$iya said# H&he Prophet
$as sitting on the left side of Abu Bakr $ho $as praying $hile standing%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5<2:
Darrated 'Aisha:
H@hen the Prophet becae seriously ill and his disease becae aggra(ated he asked for peris)
sion fro his $i(es to be nursed in y house and he $as allo$ed% He cae out $ith the help of t$o
en and his legs $ere dragging on the ground% He $as bet$een Al)Abbas and another an%H
'Ubaid Ullah said# HI told Ibn 'Abbas $hat 'Aisha had narrated and he said# '8o you kno$ $ho $as
the !second" an $hose nae 'Aisha did not ention'H I said# 'Do%' Ibn 'Abbas said# 'He $as 'Ali Ibn
Abi &alib%' H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5<4:
Darrated Dafi':
Ence on a (ery cold and story night# Ibn 'Uar pronounced the Adhan for the prayer and then
said# HPray in your hoes%H He !Ibn 'Uar" added% HEn (ery cold and rainy nights Allah's Apostle used
to order the Mu'adhdhin to say# 'Pray in your hoes%' H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5<5:
Darrated Mahuid bin Rabi' Al)Ansari:
'Itban bin Malik used to lead his people !tribe" in prayer and $as a blind an# he said to Allah's
Apostle # HE Allah's ApostleI At ties it is dark and flood $ater is flo$ing !in the (alley" and I a
blind an# so please pray at a place in y house so that I can take it as a Musalla !praying place"%H So
Allah's Apostle $ent to his house and said# H@here do you like e to prayJH 'Itban pointed to a place
in his house and Allah's Apostle# offered the prayer there%
=olue 0 ) 056 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5<::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Al)Harith:
Ibn Abbas addressed us on a !rainy and" uddy day and $hen the Mu'adh)dhin said# H9oe for
the prayerH Ibn 'Abbas ordered hi to say# HPray in your hoes%H &he people began to look at one an)
other $ith surprise as if they did not like it% Ibn 'Abbas said# HIt sees that you thought ill of it but no
doubt it $as done by one $ho $as better than I !i%e% the Prophet"% It !the prayer" is a strict order and I
disliked to bring you out%H
Ibn 'Abbas narrated the sae as abo(e but he said# HI did not like you to ake you sinful !in re)
fraining fro coing to the osCue" and to coe !to the osCue" co(ered $ith ud up to the
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5<7:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
A cloud cae and it rained till the roof started leaking and in those days the roof used to be of the
branches of date)pals% ICaa $as pronounced and I sa$ Allah's Apostles prostrating in $ater and
ud and e(en I sa$ the ark of ud on his forehead%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5<1:
Darrated Anas bin Sirin:
I heard Anas saying# HA an fro Ansar said to the Prophet# 'I cannot pray $ith you !in congrega)
tion"%' He $as a (ery fat an and he prepared a eal for the Prophet and in(ited hi to his house%
He spread out a at for the Prophet# and $ashed one of its sides $ith $ater# and the Prophet prayed
t$o Rakat on it%H A an fro the faily of Al)/aruid asked# H8id the Prophet used to pray the 8uha
!forenoon" prayerJH Anas said# HI did not see hi praying the 8uha prayer e*cept on that day%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 526:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# HIf supper is ser(ed# and ICaa is pronounced one should start $ith the supper%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 520:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf the supper is ser(ed start ha(ing it before praying the Maghrib prayer and
do not be hasty in finishing it%H
=olue 0 ) 050 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 523:
Darrated Dafi':
Ibn 'Uar said# HAllah's Apostle said# 'If the supper is ser(ed for anyone of you and the ICaa is
pronounced# start $ith the supper and don't be in haste !and carry on eating" till you finish it%H If
food $as ser(ed for Ibn 'Uar and ICaa $as pronounced# he ne(er cae to the prayer till he fin)
ished it !i%e% food" in spite of the fact that he heard the recitation !of the ,ur'an" by the Ia !in the
prayer"% Darrated Ibn 'Uar: &he Prophet said# HIf anyone of you is ha(ing his eals# he should not
hurry up till he isL satisfied e(en if the prayer has been started%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 52<:
Darrated /a'far bin 'Ar bin Uaiya:
My father said# HI sa$ Allah's Apostle eating a piece of eat fro the shoulder of a sheep and he
$as called for the prayer% He stood up# put do$n the knife and prayed but did not perfor
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 522:
Darrated Al)As$ad:
&hat he asked 'Aisha H@hat did the Prophet use to do in his houseJH She replied# HHe used to keep
hiself busy ser(ing his faily and $hen it $as the tie for prayer he $ould go for it%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 524:
Darrated Aiyub:
Abu ,ilaba said# HMalik bin Hu$airith cae to this MosCue of ours and said# 'I pray in front of
you and y ai is not to lead the prayer but to sho$ you the $ay in $hich the Prophet used to pray%'
H I asked Abu ,ilaba#HHo$ did he use to prayJ' H He replied# H!&he Prophet used to pray" like this
Sheikh of ours and the Sheikh used to sit for a $hile after the prostration# before getting up after the
first Rak'a% H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 525:
Darrated Abu Musa:
H&he Prophet becae sick and $hen his disease becae aggra(ated# he said# H&ell Abu Bakr to lead
the prayer%H 'Aisha said# HHe is a soft)hearted an and $ould not be able to lead the prayer in your
place%H &he Prophet said again# H&ell Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer%H She repeated the sae
reply but he said# H&ell Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer% Kou are the copanions of /oseph%H So
=olue 0 ) 053 ? 0:66
the essenger $ent to Abu Bakr !$ith that order" and he led the people in prayer in the lifetie of
the Prophet%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 52::
Darrated 'Aisha:
the other of the belie(ers: Allah's Apostle in his illness said# H&ell Abu Bakr to lead the people in
prayer%H I said to hi# HIf Abu Bakr stands in your place# the people $ould not hear hi o$ing to his
!e*cessi(e" $eeping% So please order 'Uar to lead the prayer%H 'Aisha added I said to Hafsa# HSay to
hi: If Abu Bakr should lead the people in the prayer in your place# the people $ould not be able to
hear hi o$ing to his $eepingL so please# order 'Uar to lead the prayer%H Hafsa did so but Allah's
Apostle said# HKeep CuietI Kou are (erily the 9opanions of /oseph% &ell Abu Bakr to lead the people
in the prayer% H Hafsa said to 'Aisha# HI ne(er got anything good fro you%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 527:
Darrated A-)Fuhn:
Anas bin Malik Al)Ansari# told e# HAbu Bakr used to lead the people in prayer during the fatal ill)
ness of the Prophet till it $as Monday% @hen the people aligned !in ro$s" for the prayer the Prophet
lifted the curtain of his house and started looking at us and $as standing at that tie% His face $as
!glittering" like a page of the ,ur'an and he siled cheerfully% @e $ere about to be put to trial for
the pleasure of seeing the Prophet# Abu Bakr retreated to .oin the ro$ as he thought that the Prophet
$ould lead the prayer% &he Prophet beckoned us to coplete the prayer and he let the curtain fall%
En the sae day he died%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 521:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet did not coe out for three days% &he people stood for the prayer and Abu Bakr $ent
ahead to lead the prayer% !In the eantie" the Prophet caught hold of the curtain and lifted it%
@hen the face of the Prophet appeared $e had ne(er seen a scene ore pleasing than the face of the
Prophet as it appeared then% &he Prophet beckoned to Abu Bakr to lead the people in the prayer and
then let the curtain fall% @e did not see hi !again" till he died%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 546:
Darrated Ha-a bin 'Abdullah:
My father said# H@hen Allah's Apostle becae seriously ill# he $as told about the prayer% He said#
'&ell Abu Bakr to lead the people in the prayer%' 'Aisha said# 'Abu Bakr is a soft)hearted an and he
=olue 0 ) 05< ? 0:66
$ould be o(er)po$ered by his $eeping if he recited the ,ur'an%' He said to the# '&ell hi !Abu
Bakr" to lead the prayer% &he sae reply $as gi(en to hi% He said again# '&ell hi to lead the prayer%
Kou !$oen" are the copanions of /oseph%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 540:
Darrated 'Ur$a's father:
'Aisha said# HAllah's Apostle ordered Abu Bakr to lead the people in the prayer during his illness
and so he led the in prayer%H 'Ur$a# a sub narrator# added# HAllah's Apostle felt a bit relie(ed and
cae out and Abu Bakr $as leading the people% @hen Abu Bakr sa$ the Prophet he retreated but the
Prophet beckoned hi to reain there% Allah's Apostle sat beside Abu Bakr% Abu Bakr $as follo$ing
the prayer of Allah's Apostle and the people $ere follo$ing the prayer of Abu Bakr%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 543:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd As)Sa'idi:
Allah's Apostle $ent to establish peace aong Bani 'Ar bin 'Auf% In the eantie the tie of
prayer $as due and the Mu'adh)dhin $ent to Abu Bakr and said# H@ill you lead the prayer# so that I
ay pronounce the ICaaJH Abu Bakr replied in the affirati(e and led the prayer% Allah's Apostle
cae $hile the people $ere still praying and he entered the ro$s of the praying people till he stood
in the !first ro$"% &he people clapped their hands% Abu Bakr ne(er glanced side$ays in his prayer but
$hen the people continued clapping# Abu Bakr looked and sa$ Allah's Apostle% Allah's Apostle
beckoned hi to stay at his place% Abu Bakr raised his hands and thanked Allah for that order of Al)
lah's Apostle and then he retreated till he reached the first ro$% Allah's Apostle $ent for$ard and led
the prayer% @hen Allah's Apostle finished the prayer# he said# HE Abu BakrI @hat pre(ented you
fro staying $hen I ordered you to do soJH
Abu Bakr replied# HHo$ can Ibn Abi ,uhafa !Abu Bakr" dare to lead the prayer in the presence of
Allah's ApostleJH &hen Allah's Apostle said# H@hy did you clap so uchJ If soething happens to
anyone during his prayer he should say Subhan Allah% If he says so he $ill be attended to# for clap)
ping is for $oen%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 54<:
Darrated Malik bin Hu$airth:
@e $ent to the Prophet and $e $ere all young en and stayed $ith hi for about t$enty nights%
&he Prophet $as (ery erciful% He said# H@hen you return hoe# ipart religious teachings to your
failies and tell the to offer perfectly such and such a prayer at such and such a tie and such
and such a prayer at such and such a tie% And al the tie of the prayer one of you should pro)
nounce the Adhan and the oldest of you should lead the prayer%H
=olue 0 ) 052 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 542:
Darrated Itban bin Malik Al)Ansari:
&he Prophet !cae to y house and" asked perission for entering and I allo$ed hi% He asked#
H@here do you like e to pray in your houseJH I pointed to a place $hich I liked% He stood up for
prayer and $e aligned behind hi and he finished the prayer $ith &asli and $e did the sae%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 544:
Darrated 'Ubaid)Ullah Ibn 'Abdullah bin 'Utba:
I $ent to 'Aisha and asked her to describe to e the illness of Allah's Apostle% 'Aisha said# HKes% &he
Prophet becae seriously ill and asked $hether the people had prayed% @e replied# 'Do% E Allah's
ApostleI &hey are $aiting for you%' He added# 'Put $ater for e in a trough%H 'Aisha added# H@e did so%
He took a bath and tried to get up but fainted% @hen he reco(ered# he again asked $hether the
people had prayed% @e said# 'Do# they are $aiting for you% E Allah's Apostle#' He again said# 'Put $a)
ter in a trough for e%' He sat do$n and took a bath and tried to get up but fainted again% &hen he
reco(ered and said# 'Ha(e the people prayedJ' @e replied# 'Do# they are $aiting for you% E Allah's
Apostle%' He said# 'Put $ater for e in the trough%' &hen he sat do$n and $ashed hiself and tried to
get up but he fainted% @hen he reco(ered# he asked# 'Ha(e the people prayedJ' @e said# 'Do# they are
$aiting for you% E Allah's ApostleI &he people $ere in the osCue $aiting for the Prophet for the
'Isha prayer% &he Prophet sent for Abu Bakr to lead the people in the prayer% &he essenger $ent to
Abu Bakr and said# 'Allah's Apostle orders you to lead the people in the prayer%' Abu Bakr $as a soft)
hearted an# so he asked 'Uar to lead the prayer but 'Uar replied# 'Kou are ore rightful%' So Abu
Bakr led the prayer in those days% @hen the Prophet felt a bit better# he cae out for the Fuhr prayer
$ith the help of t$o persons one of $ho $as Al)'Abbas% $hile Abu Bakr $as leading the people in
the prayer% @hen Abu Bakr sa$ hi he $anted to retreat but the Prophet beckoned hi not to do so
and asked the to ake hi sit beside Abu Bakr and they did so% Abu Bakr $as follo$ing the Proph)
et !in the prayer" and the people $ere follo$ing Abu Bakr% &he Prophet !prayed" sitting%H
'Ubaid)Ullah added HI $ent to 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas and asked hi# Shall I tell you $hat Aisha has
told e about the fatal illness of the ProphetJ' Ibn 'Abbas said# 'Ao ahead% I told hi her narration
and he did not deny anything of it but asked $hether 'Aisha told e the nae of the second person
!$ho helped the Prophet " along $ith Al)Abbas% I said% 'Do%' He said# 'He $as 'Ali !Ibn Abi &alib"%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 545:
Darrated Aisha:
the other of the belie(ers: Allah's Apostle during his illness prayed at his house $hile sitting
$hereas soe people prayed behind hi standing% &he Prophet beckoned the to sit do$n% En
copletion of the prayer# he said# '&he Ia is to be follo$ed: bo$ $hen he bo$s# raise up your
=olue 0 ) 054 ? 0:66
heads !stand erect" $hen he raises his head and $hen he says# 'Sai a)l)lahu lian)haida ' !Allah
heard those $ho sent praises to Hi" say then 'Rabbana $a laka)l)had' !E our ;ordI All the praises
are for Kou"# and if he prays sitting then pray sitting%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 54::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ence Allah's Apostle rode a horse and fell do$n and the right side !of his body" $as in.ured% He
offered one of the prayers $hile sitting and $e also prayed behind hi sitting% @hen he copleted
the prayer# he said# H&he Ia is to be follo$ed% Pray standing if he prays standing and bo$ $hen he
bo$sL rise $hen he risesL and if he says# 'Sai a)l)lahu)lian haida# say then# 'Rabbana $a ;akal)
had' and pray standing if he prays standing and pray sitting !all of you" if he prays sitting%H
Huaid said: &he saying of the Prophet HPray sitting# if he !Ia" prays sittingH $as said in his
forer illness !during his early life" but the Prophet prayed sitting after$ards !in the last illness" and
the people $ere praying standing behind hi and the Prophet did not order the to sit% @e should
follo$ the latest actions of the Prophet%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 547:
Darrated Al)Bara:
!and he $as not a liar" @hen Allah's Apostle said# HSai a)l)lahu ;ian haida H none of us bent
his back !for prostrations" till the Prophet prostrated and then $e $ould prostrate after hi%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 541:
Darrated Abu IshaC:
as abo(e%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 556:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIsn't he $ho raises his head before the Ia afraid that Allah ay transfor
his head into that of a donkey or his figure !face" into that of a donkeyJH
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 550:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
=olue 0 ) 055 ? 0:66
@hen the earliest eigrants cae to Al)'Usba a place in ,uba'# before the arri(al of the Prophet)
Sali# the sla(e of Abu Hudhaifa# $ho kne$ the ,ur'an ore than the others used to lead the in
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 553:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H;isten and obey !your chief" e(en if an +thiopian $hose head is like a raisin
$ere ade your chief%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 55<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf the Ia leads the prayer correctly then he and you $ill recei(e the re)
$ards but if he akes a istake !in the prayer" then you $ill recei(e the re$ard for the prayer and
the sin $ill be his%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 552:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said to Abu)8har# H;isten and obey !your chief" e(en if he is an +thiopian $ith a head
like a raisin%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 554:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ence I passed the night in the house of y aunt Maiuna% Allah's Apostle offered the 'Isha' prayer
and then cae to the house and offered four Rakat an slept% ;ater on# he $oke up and stood for the
prayer and I stood on his left side% He dre$ e to his right and prayed fi(e Rakat and then t$o% He
then slept till I heard hi snoring !or heard his breath sounds"% After$ards he $ent out for the
orning prayer%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 555:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ene night I slept at the house of !y aunt" Maiuna and the Prophet $as there on that night% He
perfored ablution and stood up for the prayer% I .oined hi and stood on his left side but he dre$
e to his right and prayed thirteen Rakat and then slept till I heard his breath sounds% And $hene(er
=olue 0 ) 05: ? 0:66
he slept# he used to breathe $ith audible sounds% &he Mu'adhdhin cae to the Prophet and he $ent
out and prayed the orning prayer" $ithout repeating the ablution%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 55::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ence I passed the night in the house of y aunt Maiuna% &he Prophet stood for the night prayer
and I .oined hi and stood on his left side but he dre$ e to his right by holding e by the head%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 557:
Darrated Mu'adh bin /abal:
I used to pray the 'Isha prayer $ith the Prophet and then go to lead y people in the prayer%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 551:
Darrated 'Ar:
/abir bin 'Abdullah said# HMu'adh bin /abal used to pray $ith the Prophet and then go to lead his
people in prayer Ence he led the 'Isha' prayer and recited Surat HAl)BaCra%H Soebody left the prayer
and Mu'adh critici-ed hi% &he ne$s reached the Prophet and he said to Mu'adh# 'Kou are putting
the people to trial#' and repeated it thrice !or said soething siilar" and ordered hi to recite t$o
ediu Suras of Mufassal%H !'Ar said that he had forgotten the naes of those Suras"%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5:6:
Darrated Abu Mas'ud:
A an cae and said# HE Allah's ApostleI By Allah# I keep a$ay fro the orning prayer only be)
cause So and so prolongs the prayer $hen he leads us in it%H &he narrator said# HI ne(er sa$ Allah's
Apostle ore furious in gi(ing ad(ice than he $as at that tie% He then said# HSoe of you ake
people dislike good deeds !the prayer"% So $hoe(er aong you leads the people in prayer should
shorten it because aong the are the $eak# the old and the needy%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5:0:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf anyone of you leads the people in the prayer# he should shorten it for
aongst the are the $eak# the sick and the oldL and if anyone aong your prays alone then he ay
prolong !the prayer" as uch as he $ishes% H
=olue 0 ) 057 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5:3:
Darrated Abu Mas'ud:
A an cae and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I keep a$ay fro the orning prayer because so)and)so
!Ia" prolongs it too uch%H Allah's Apostle becae furious and I had ne(er seen hi ore furious
than he $as on that day% &he Prophet said# HE peopleI Soe of you ake others dislike the prayer# so
$hoe(er becoes an Ia he should shorten the prayer# as behind hi are the $eak# the old and
the needy%''
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5:<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah Al)Ansari:
Ence a an $as dri(ing t$o Dadihas !caels used for agricultural purposes" and night had
fallen% He found Mu'adh praying so he ade his cael kneel and .oined Mu'adh in the prayer% &he
latter recited Surat 'AlBaCaraH or Surat HAn)DisaH# !so" the an left the prayer and $ent a$ay% @hen
he cae to kno$ that Mu'adh had critici-ed hi# he $ent to the Prophet# and coplained against
Mu'adh% &he Prophet said thrice# HE Mu'adh I Are you putting the people to trialJH It $ould ha(e
been better if you had recited HSabbih Isa Rabbika)l)a)la !7:"H# @ash)Shasi $adu)haha !10"H# or
H@al)laili Idha yaghsha !13"H# for the old# the $eak and the needy pray behind you%H /abir said that
Mu'adh recited Sura Al)BaCara in the 'Isha' prayer%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5:2:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet used to pray a short prayer !in congregation" but used to offer it in a perfect anner%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5:4:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abi ,atada:
My father said# H&he Prophet said# '@hen I stand for prayer# I intend to prolong it but on hearing
the cries of a child# I cut it short# as I dislike to trouble the child's other%' H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5:5:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
I ne(er prayed behind any Ia a prayer lighter and ore perfect than that behind the Prophet
and he used to cut short the prayer $hene(er he heard the cries of a child lest he should put the
child's other to trial%
=olue 0 ) 051 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5:::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# H@hen I start the prayer I intend to prolong it# but on hearing the cries of a
child# I cut short the prayer because I kno$ that the cries of the child $ill incite its other's pas)
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5:7:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet# said# H@hene(er I start the prayer I intend to prolong it# but on hearing the cries of a
child# I cut short the prayer because I kno$ that the cries of the child $ill incite its other's pas)
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 5:1:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Mu'adh used to pray $ith the Prophet and then go and lead his people !tribe" in the prayer%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 576:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen the Prophet# becae ill in his fatal illness# Soeone cae to infor hi about the prayer#
and the Prophet told hi to tell Abu Bakr to lead the people in the prayer% I said# HAbu Bakr is a soft)
hearted an and if he stands for the prayer in your place# he $ould $eep and $ould not be able to
recite the ,ur'an%H &he Prophet said# H&ell Abu Bakr to lead the prayer%H I said the sae as before% He
!repeated the sae order and" on the third or the fourth tie he said# HKou are the copanions of
/oseph% &ell Abu Bakr to lead the prayer%H So Abu Bakr led the prayer and ean$hile the Prophet felt
better and cae out $ith the help of t$o enL as if I see hi .ust no$ dragging his feet on the
ground% @hen Abu Bakr sa$ hi# he tried to retreat but the Prophet beckoned hi to carry on% Abu
Bakr retreated a bit and the Prophet sat on his !left" side% Abu Bakr $as repeating the &akbir !Allahu
Akbar" of Allah's Apostle for the people to hear%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 570:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen Allah's Apostle becae seriously ill# Bilal cae to hi for the prayer% He said# H&ell Abu Bakr
to lead the people in the prayer%H I said# HE Allah's ApostleI Abu Bakr is a soft)hearted an and if he
stands in your place# he $ould not be able to ake the people hear hi% @ill you order 'Uar !to
=olue 0 ) 0:6 ? 0:66
lead the prayer"JH &he Prophet said# H&ell Abu Bakr to lead the people in the prayer%H &hen I said to
Hafsa# H&ell hi# Abu i Bakr is a soft)hearted an and if he stands in his place# he $ould not be able
to ake the people hear hi% @ould you order 'Uar to lead the prayerJ' H Hafsa did so% &he Prophet
said# H=erily you are the copanions of /oseph% &ell Abu Bakr to lead the people in the prayer%H So
Abu) Bakr stood for the prayer% In the eantie Allah's Apostle felt better and cae out $ith the
help of t$o persons and both of his legs $ere dragging on the ground till he entered the osCue%
@hen Abu Bakr heard hi coing# he tried to retreat but Allah's Apostle beckoned hi to carry on%
&he Prophet sat on his left side% Abu Bakr $as praying $hile standing and Allah's Apostle $as lead)
ing the prayer $hile sitting% Abu Bakr $as follo$ing the Prophet and the people $ere follo$ing Abu
Bakr !in the prayer"%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 573:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Ence Allah's Apostle prayed t$o Rakat !instead of four" and finished his prayer% 8hu)l)yadain
asked hi $hether the prayer had been reduced or $hether he had forgotten% Allah's Apostle asked
the people $hether 8hu)l)yadain $as telling the truth% &he people replied in the affirati(e% &hen
Allah's Apostle stood up# offered the reaining t$o Rakat and then finished his prayer $ith &asli
and then said# HAllahu Akbar%H He follo$ed it $ith t$o prostrations like ordinary prostrations or a bit
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 57<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet prayed t$o Rakat of Fuhr prayer !instead of four" and he $as told that he had prayed
t$o Rakat only% &hen he prayed t$o ore Rakat and finished the $ith the &asli follo$ed by t$o
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 572:
Darrated 'Aisha:
the other of the faithful belie(ers: Allah's Apostle in his last illness said# H&ell Abu Bakr to lead the
people in the prayer%H I said# HIf Abu Bakr stood in your place# he $ould not be able to ake the
people hear hi o$ing to his $eeping% So please order 'Uar to lead the prayer%H He said# H&ell Abu
Bakr to lead the people in the prayer%H I said to Hafsa# HSay to hi# 'Abu Bakr is a softhearted an and
if he stood in your place he $ould not be able to ake the people hear hi o$ing to his $eeping% So
order 'Uar to lead the people in the prayer%' H Hafsa did so but Allah's Apostle said# HKeep Cuiet% =er)
ily you are the copanions of !Prophet" /oseph% &ell Abu Bakr to lead the people in the prayer%H Hafsa
said to e# HI ne(er got any good fro you%H
=olue 0 ) 0:0 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 574:
Darrated An)Du'an bin 'Bashir:
&he Prophet said# HStraighten your ro$s or Allah $ill alter your faces%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 575:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HStraighten your ro$s# for I see you fro behind y back%'
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 57::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ence the ICaa $as pronounced and Allah's Apostle faced us and said# HStraighten your ro$s and
stand closer together# for I see you fro behind y back%'
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 577:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HMartyrs are those $ho die because of dro$ning# plague# an abdoinal disease#
or of being buried ali(e by a falling building%H And then he added# HIf the people kne$ the Re$ard for
the Fuhr prayer in its early tie# they $ould race for it% If they kne$ the re$ard for the 'Isha' and the
Ba.r prayers in congregation# they $ould .oin the e(en if they had to cra$l% If they kne$ the re)
$ard for the first ro$# they $ould dra$ lots for it%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 571:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he Ia is !appointed" to be follo$ed% So do not differ fro hi# bo$ $hen
he bo$s# and say# HRabbana)lakal hadH if he says HSai'a)l)lahu ;ian haidaHL and if he pros)
trates# prostrate !after hi"# and if he prays sitting# pray sitting all together# and straighten the ro$s
for the prayer# as the straightening of the ro$s is aongst those things $hich ake your prayer a
correct and perfect one% !See Hadith Do% 54:"%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 516:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HStraighten your ro$s as the straightening of ro$s is essential for a perfect and
correct prayer% H
=olue 0 ) 0:3 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 510:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
I arri(ed at Medina and $as asked $hether I found any change since the days of Allah's Apostle% I
said# HI ha(e not found any change e*cept that you do not stand in alignent in your prayers%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 513:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HStraighten your ro$s for I see you fro behind y back%H Anas added# H+(ery)
one of us used to put his shoulder $ith the shoulder of his copanion and his foot $ith the foot of
his copanion%H
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 51<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
I prayed $ith the Prophet one night and stood on his left side% Allah's Apostle caught hold of y
head fro behind and dre$ e to his right and then offered the prayer and slept% ;ater the Mu'adh)
dhin cae and the Prophet stood up for prayer $ithout perforing ablution%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 512:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ene night an orphan and I offered the prayers behind the Prophet in y house and y other
!U Sulai" $as standing behind us !by herself foring a ro$"%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 514:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ene night I stood to the left of the Prophet in the prayer but he caught hold of e by the hand or
by the shoulder !ar" till he ade e stand on his right and beckoned $ith his hand !for e" to go
fro behind !hi"% !Al)Kashaihani)Bateh al)Bari"%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 515:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to pray in his roo at night% As the $all of the roo $as ;E@# the people sa$
hi and soe of the stood up to follo$ hi in the prayer% In the orning they spread the ne$s%
&he follo$ing night the Prophet stood for the prayer and the people follo$ed hi% &his $ent on for
=olue 0 ) 0:< ? 0:66
t$o or three nights% &hereupon Allah's Apostle did not stand for the prayer the follo$ing night# and
did not coe out% In the orning# the people asked hi about it% He replied# that he $ay afraid that
the night prayer ight becoe copulsory%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 51::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet had a at $hich he used to spread during the day and use as a curtain at night% So a
nuber of people gathered at night facing it and prayed behind hi%
=olue 0# Book 00# Duber 517:
Darrated Faid bin &habit:
Allah's Apostle ade a sall roo in the onth of Raadan !Sa'id said# HI think that Faid bin
&habit said that it $as ade of a atH" and he prayed there for a fe$ nights# and so soe of his co)
panions prayed behind hi% @hen he cae to kno$ about it# he kept on sitting% In the orning# he
$ent out to the and said# HI ha(e seen and understood $hat you did% Kou should pray in your
houses# for the best prayer of a person is that $hich he prays in his house e*cept the copulsory
=olue 0 ) 0:2 ? 0:66
Book 03: 9haracteristics of Prayer
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 511:
Darrated Anas bin Malik Al)Ansari:
Allah's Apostle rode a horse and fell do$n and the right side of his body $as in.ured% En that day
he prayed one of the prayers sitting and $e also prayed behind hi sitting% @hen the Prophet fin)
ished the prayer $ith &asli# he said# H&he Ia is to be follo$ed and if he prays standing then pray
standing# and bo$ $hen he bo$s# and raise your heads $hen he raises his headL prostrate $hen he
prostratesL and if he says HSai'a)l)lahu ;ian haidaH# you should say# HRabbana $a)laka)l had%:
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :66:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle fell fro a horse and got in.ured so he led the prayer sitting and $e also prayed
sitting% @hen he copleted the prayer he said# H&he Ia is to be follo$edL if he says &akbir then
say &akbir# bo$ if he bo$sL raise your heads $hen he raises his head# $hen he says# 'Sai' a)l)lahu
;ian haida say# 'Rabbana laka)l)had'# and prostrate $hen he prostrates%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :60:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he Ia is to be follo$ed% Say the &akbir $hen he says itL bo$ if he bo$sL if
he says 'Sai a)l)lahu ;ian haida'# say# ' Rabbana $a)laka)l)had'# prostrate if he prostrates and
pray sitting altogether if he prays sitting%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :63:
Darrated Sali bin 'Abdullah:
My father said# HAllah's Apostle used to raise both his hands up to the le(el of his shoulders $hen
opening the prayerL and on saying the &akbir for bo$ing% And on raising his head fro bo$ing he
used to do the sae and then say HSai a)l)lahu ;ian haida# Rabbana $alaka)l)had%H And he
did not do that !i%e% raising his hands" in prostrations%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :6<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
=olue 0 ) 0:4 ? 0:66
I sa$ that $hene(er Allah's Apostle stood for the prayer# he used to raise both his hands up to the
shoulders# and used to do the sae on saying the &akbir for bo$ing and on raising his head fro it
and used to say# HSai a)l)lahu ;ian haidaH% But he did not do that !i%e% raising his hands" in pros)
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :62:
Darrated Abu ,ilaba:
I sa$ Malik bin Hu$airith saying &akbir and raising both his hands !on starting the prayers and
raising his hands on bo$ing and also on raising his head after bo$ing% Malik bin Hu$airith said#
HAllah's Apostle did the sae%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :64:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
I sa$ Allah's Apostle opening the prayer $ith the &akbir and raising his hands to the le(el of his
shoulders at the tie of saying the &akbir# and on saying the &akbir for bo$ing he did the saeL and
$hen he said# HSai a)l)lahu ;ian haida H# he did the sae and then said# HRabbana $a laka)l)
had%H But he did not do the sae on prostrating and on lifting the head fro it%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :65:
Darrated Dafi':
@hene(er Ibn 'Uar started the prayer $ith &akbir# he used to raise his hands: $hene(er he
bo$ed# he used to raise his hands !before bo$ing" and also used to raise his hands on saying# HSai
a)l)lahu ;ian haidaH# and he used to do the sae on rising fro the second Rak'a !for the <rd
Rak'a"% Ibn 'Uar said: H&he Prophet used to do the sae%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :6::
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd:
&he people $ere ordered to place the right hand on the left forear in the prayer% Abu Ha-i
said# HI kne$ that the order $as fro the Prophet %H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :67:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HKou see e facing the ,iblaL but# by Allah# nothing is hidden fro e re)
garding your bo$ing and subissi(eness and I see you fro behind y back%H
=olue 0 ) 0:5 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :61:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HPerfor the bo$ing and the prostrations properly% By Allah# I see you fro be)
hind e !or fro behind y back" $hen you bo$ or prostrate%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :06:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet# Abu Bakr and 'Uar used to start the prayer $ith HAl)hadu lil)lahi Rabbil)'ala)in
!All praises are for Allah the ;ord of the @orlds"%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :00:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle used to keep silent bet$een the &akbir and the recitation of ,ur'an and that inter)
(al of silence used to be a short one% I said to the Prophet HMay y parents be sacrificed for youI
@hat do you say in the pause bet$een &akbir and recitationJH &he Prophet said# HI say# 'Allahua#
ba'id baini $a baina khatayaya kaa ba'adta baina)l)ashriCi $a)l)aghrib% Allahua# naCCi
in khatayaya kaa yunaCCa)ththa$bu)l)abyadu ina)ddanas% Allahua# ighsil khatayaya bil)
a'i $a)th)thal.i $al)barad !E AllahI Set e apart fro y sins !faults" as the +ast and @est are set
apart fro each other and clean e fro sins as a $hite garent is cleaned of dirt !after thorough
$ashing"% E AllahI @ash off y sins $ith $ater# sno$ and hail%"H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :03:
Darrated Asa' bint Abi Bakr:
&he Prophet once offered the eclipse prayer% He stood for a long tie and then did a prolonged
bo$ing% He stood up straight again and kept on standing for a long tie# then bo$ed a long bo$ing
and then stood up straight and then prostrated a prolonged prostration and then lifted his head and
prostrated a prolonged prostration% And then he stood up for a long tie and then did a prolonged
bo$ing and then stood up straight again and kept on standing for a long tie% &hen he bo$ed a long
bo$ing and then stood up straight and then prostrated a prolonged prostration and then lifted his
head and $ent for a prolonged prostration% En copletion o the prayer# he said# HParadise becae s
near to e that if I had dared# I $ould ha(e plucked one of its bunches for you and Hell becae so
near to e that said# 'E y ;ord $ill I be aong those peopleJ' &hen suddenly I sa$ a $oan and a
cat $as lacerating her $ith it cla$s% En inCuiring# it $as said that the $oan had iprisoned the
cat till it died of star(ation and she neither fed it no freed it so that it could feed itself%H
=olue 0 ) 0:: ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :0<:
Darrated Abu Ma'ar:
@e asked Khabbab $hether Allah's Apostle used to recite !the ,ur'an" in the Fuhr and the 'Asr
prayers% He replied in the affirati(e% @e said# HHo$ did you coe to kno$ about itJH He said# HBy
the o(eent of his beard%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :02:
Darrated Al)Bara:
!And Al)Bara $as not a liar" @hene(er $e offered prayer $ith the Prophet and he raised his head
fro the bo$ing# $e used to reain standing till $e sa$ hi prostrating %
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :04:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
Ence solar eclipse occurred during the lifetie of Allah's Apostle% He offered the eclipse prayer%
His copanions asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @e sa$ you trying to take soething $hile standing at
your place and then $e sa$ you retreating%H &he Prophet said# HI $as sho$n Paradise and $anted to
ha(e a bunch of fruit fro it% Had I taken it# you $ould ha(e eaten fro it as long as the $orld re)
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :05:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet led us in prayer and then $ent up to the pulpit and beckoned $ith both hands to)
$ards the ,ibla of the osCue and then said# H@hen I started leading you in prayer# I sa$ the dis)
play of Paradise and Hell on the $all of the osCue !facing the ,ibla"% I ne(er sa$ good and bad as I
ha(e seen today%H He repeated the last stateent thrice%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :0::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# H@hat is $rong $ith those people $ho look to$ards the sky during the prayerJH
His talk gre$ stern $hile deli(ering this speech and he said# H&hey should stop !looking to$ards the
sky during the prayer"L other$ise their eye)sight $ould be taken a$ay%H
=olue 0 ) 0:7 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :07:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I asked Allah's Apostle about looking hither and thither in prayer% He replied# HIt is a $ay of steal)
ing by $hich Satan takes a$ay !a portion" fro the prayer of a person%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :01:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Ence the Prophet prayed on a Khaisa $ith arks on it and said# H&he arks on it di(erted y
attention# take this Khaisa to Abu /ah and bring an Inbi.aniya !fro hi%"H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :36:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet sa$ e*pectoration in the direction of the ,ibla of the osCue $hile he $as leading
the prayer# and scratched it off% After finishing the prayer# he said# H@hene(er any of you is in prayer
he should kno$ that Allah is in front of hi% So none should spit in front of hi in the prayer%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :30:
Darrated Anas:
@hile the Muslis $ere offering the Ba.r prayer# Allah's Apostle suddenly appeared before the
by li(ing the curtain of the d$elling place of 'Aisha# looked to$ards the Muslis $ho $ere standing
in ro$s% He siled $ith pleasure% Abu Bakr started retreating to .oin the ro$ on the assuption that
the Prophet $anted to coe out for the prayer% &he Muslis intended to lea(e the prayer !and $ere
on the (erge of being put to trial"# but the Prophet beckoned the to coplete their prayer and then
he let the curtain fall% He died in the last hours of that day%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :33:
Darrated /abir bin Saura:
&he People of Kufa coplained against Sa'd to 'Uar and the latter disissed hi and appointed
'Aar as their chief % &hey lodged any coplaints against Sa'd and e(en they alleged that he did
not pray properly% 'Uar sent for hi and said# HE Aba IshaCI &hese people clai that you do not
pray properly%H Abu IshaC said# HBy Allah# I used to pray $ith the a prayer siilar to that of Allah's
Apostle and I ne(er reduced anything of it% I used to prolong the first t$o Rakat of 'Isha prayer and
shorten the last t$o Rakat%H 'Uar said# HE Aba IshaC# this $as $hat I thought about you%H And then
he sent one or ore persons $ith hi to Kufa so as to ask the people about hi% So they $ent there
=olue 0 ) 0:1 ? 0:66
and did not lea(e any osCue $ithout asking about hi% All the people praised hi till they cae to
the osCue of the tribe of Bani 'AbsL one of the en called Usaa bin ,atada $ith a surnae of Aba
Sa'da stood up and said# HAs you ha(e put us under an oathL I a bound to tell you that Sa'd ne(er
$ent hiself $ith the ary and ne(er distributed !the $ar booty" eCually and ne(er did .ustice in
legal (erdicts%H !En hearing it" Sa'd said# HI pray to Allah for three things: E AllahI If this sla(e of
yours is a liar and got up for sho$ing off# gi(e hi a long life# increase his po(erty and put hi to
trials%H !And so it happened"% ;ater on $hen that person $as asked ho$ he $as# he used to reply that
he $as an old an in trial as the result of Sa'd's curse% 'Abdul Malik# the sub narrator# said that he
had seen hi after$ards and his eyebro$s $ere o(er)hanging his eyes o$ing to old age and he used
to tease and assault the sall girls in the $ay%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :3<:
Darrated 'Ubada bin As)Sait:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er does not recite Al)Batiha in his prayer# his prayer is in(alid%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :32:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle entered the osCue and a person follo$ed hi% &he an prayed and $ent to the
Prophet and greeted hi% &he Prophet returned the greeting and said to hi# HAo back and pray# for
you ha(e not prayed%H &he an $ent back prayed in the sae $ay as before# returned and greeted
the Prophet $ho said# HAo back and pray# for you ha(e not prayed%H &his happened thrice% &he an
said# HBy Hi @ho sent you $ith the &ruth# I cannot offer the prayer in a better $ay than this% Please#
teach e ho$ to pray%H &he Prophet said# H@hen you stand for Prayer say &akbir and then recite fro
the Holy ,ur'an !of $hat you kno$ by heart" and then bo$ till you feel at ease% &hen raise your head
and stand up straight# then prostrate till you feel at ease during your prostration# then sit $ith
calness till you feel at ease !do not hurry" and do the sae in all your prayers
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :34:
Darrated /abir bin Saura:
Sa'd said# HI used to pray $ith the a prayer siilar to that of Allah's Apostle !the prayer of Fuhr
and 'Asr" reducing nothing fro the% I used to prolong the first t$o Rakat and shorten the last t$o
Rak'at%H 'Uar said to Sa'd H&his $as $hat $e thought about you%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :35:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi ,atada:
=olue 0 ) 076 ? 0:66
My father said# H&he Prophet in Fuhr prayers used to recite Al)Batiha along $ith t$o other Suras
in the first t$o Rakat: a long one in the first Rak'a and a shorter !Sura" in the second# and at ties the
(erses $ere audible% In the 'Asr prayer the Prophet used to recite Al)Batiha and t$o ore Suras in the
first t$o Rakat and used to prolong the first Rak'a% And he used to prolong the first Rak'a of the Ba.r
prayer and shorten the second%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :3::
Darrated Abu Ma'ar:
I asked Khabbab $hether the Prophet used to recite the ,ur'an in the Fuhr and the 'Asr prayers%
He replied in the affirati(e% @e said# HHo$ did you coe to kno$ thatJH He said# HBro the o(e)
ent of his beard%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :37:
Darrated Abu Ma'ar:
I asked Khabbab bin Al)Art $hether the Prophet used to recite the ,ur'an in the Fuhr and the 'Asr
prayers% He replied in the affirati(e% I said# HHo$ did you coe to kno$ thatJH He replied# HBro the
o(eent of his beard%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :31:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi ,atada:
My father said# H&he Prophet used to recite Al)Batiha along $ith another Sura in the first t$o
Rakat of the Fuhr and the 'Asr prayers and at ties a t (erse or so $as audible to us%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :<6:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
!My other" Uu)l)Badl heard e reciting H@al Mursalati 'UrfanH !::" and said# HE y sonI By
Allah# your recitation ade e reeber that it $as the last Sura I heard fro Allah's Apostle% He
recited it in the Maghrib prayer% H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :<0:
Darrated Mar$an bin Al)Haka:
Faid bin &habit said to e# H@hy do you recite (ery short SNras in the Maghrib prayer $hile I
heard the Prophet reciting the longer of the t$o long SurasJH
=olue 0 ) 070 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :<3:
Darrated /ubair bin Mut'i:
My father said# HI heard Allah's Apostle reciting HAt)&urH !43" in the Maghrib prayer%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :<<:
Darrated Abu Rafi:
I offered the 'Isha' prayer behind Abu Huraira and he recited# HIdha)s)Saa'u)n)ShaCCatH !72"
and prostrated% En y inCuiring# he said# HI prostrated behind Abu)l),asi !the Prophet" !$hen he
recited that Sura" and I $ill go on doing it till I eet hi%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :<2:
Darrated Al)Bara:
&he Prophet $as on a .ourney and recited in one of the first t$o Rakat of the 'Isha' prayer H@at)
tini $a-)-aituni%H !14"
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :<4:
Darrated Abu Rafi':
Ence I prayed the 'Isha' prayer $ith Abu Huraira and he recited# HIdha)s)Saa' u)nShaCCatH !72"
and prostrated% I said# H@hat is thatJH He said# HI prostrated behind Abu)l),asi# !the Prophet" !$hen
he recited that Sura" and I $ill go on doing it till I eet hi%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :<5:
Darrated Al)Bara:
I heard the Prophet reciting $at)tini $a--aituniH !14" in the 'Isha' prayer# and I ne(er heard a
s$eeter (oice or a better $ay of recitation than that of the Prophet%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :<::
Darrated /abir bin Saura:
'Uar said to Sa'd# H&he people coplained against you in e(erything# e(en in prayer%H Sa'd replied#
HReally I used to prolong the first t$o Rakat and shorten the last t$o and I $ill ne(er shorten the
prayer in $hich I follo$ Allah's Apostle%H 'Uar said# HKou are telling the truth and that is $hat I
think a tout you%H
=olue 0 ) 073 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :<7:
Darrated Saiyar bin Salaa:
My father and I $ent to Abu Bar-a)al)Aslai to ask hi about the stated ties for the prayers% He
replied# H&he Prophet used to offer the Fuhr prayer $hen the sun .ust declined fro its highest posi)
tion at noonL the 'Asr at a tie $hen if a an $ent to the farthest place in Medina !after praying" he
$ould find the sun still hot !bright"% !&he sub narrator said: I ha(e forgotten $hat Abu Bar-a said
about the Maghrib prayer"% &he Prophet ne(er found any har in delaying the 'Isha' prayer to the
first third of the night and he ne(er liked to sleep before it and to talk after it% He used to offer the
orning prayer at a tie $hen after finishing it one could recogni-e the person sitting beside hi
and used to recite bet$een 56 to 066 (erses in one or both the Rakat%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :<1:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he ,ur'an is recited in e(ery prayer and in those prayers in $hich Allah's Apostle recited aloud
for us# $e recite aloud in the sae prayers for youL and the prayers in $hich the Prophet recited
Cuietly# $e recite Cuietly% If you recite HAl)BatihaH only it is sufficient but if you recite soething else
in addition# it is better%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :26:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet set out $ith the intention of going to SuC 'Uka- !arket of 'Uka-" along $ith soe of
his copanions% At the sae tie# a barrier $as put bet$een the de(ils and the ne$s of hea(en% Bire
coenced to be thro$n at the% &he 8e(ils $ent to their people# $ho asked the# H@hat is $rong
$ith youJH &hey said# HA barrier has been placed bet$een us and the ne$s of hea(en% And fire has
been thro$n at us%H &hey said# H&he thing $hich has put a barrier bet$een you and the ne$s of
hea(en ust be soething $hich has happened recently% Ao east$ard and $est$ard and see $hat
has put a barrier bet$een you and the ne$s of hea(en%H &hose $ho $ent to$ards &uhaa cae
across the Prophet at a place called Dakhla and it $as on the $ay to SuC 'Uka- and the Prophet $as
offering the Ba.r prayer $ith his copanions% @hen they heard the ,ur'an they listened to it and
said# HBy Allah# this is the thing $hich has put a barrier bet$een us and the ne$s of hea(en%H &hey
$ent to their people and said# HE our peopleL (erily $e ha(e heard a $onderful recital !,ur'an"
$hich sho$s the true pathL $e belie(ed in it and $ould not ascribe partners to our ;ord%H Allah re)
(ealed the follo$ing (erses to his Prophet !Sura '/inn'" !:3": HSay: It has been re(ealed to e%H And
$hat $as re(ealed to hi $as the con(ersation of the /inns%
=olue 0 ) 07< ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :20:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet recited aloud in the prayers in $hich he $as ordered to do so and Cuietly in the pray)
ers in $hich he $as ordered to do so% HAnd your ;ord is not forgetful%H H=erily there $as a good e*)
aple for you in the $ays of the Prophet%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :23:
Darrated Abu @a'il:
A an cae to Ibn Mas'ud and said# HI recited the Mufassal !Suras" at night in one Rak'a%H Ibn
Mas'ud said# H&his recitation is !too Cuick" like the recitation of poetry% I kno$ the identical Suras
$hich the Prophet used to recite in pairs%H Ibn Mas'ud then entioned 36 Mufassal Suras including
t$o Suras fro the faily of !i%e% those (erses $hich begin $ith" A;# HA# MIM !$hich the Prophet
used to recite" in each Rak'a%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :2<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi ,atada:
My father said# H&he Prophet uses to recite Al)Batiha follo$ed by another Sura in the first t$o
Rakat of the prayer and used to recite only Al)Batiha in the last t$o Rakat of the Fuhr prayer% Soe)
ties a (erse or so $as audible and he used to prolong the first Rak'a ore than the second and used
to do the sae in the 'Asr and Ba.r prayers%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :22:
Darrated Abu Ma'ar:
@e said to Khabbab H8id Allah's Apostle used to recite in Fuhr and 'Asr prayersJH He replied in the
affirati(e% @e said# HHo$ did you coe to kno$ about itJH He said# HBy the o(eent of his beard%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :24:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi ,atada:
My father said# H&he Prophet used to recite Al)Batiha along $ith another Sura in the first t$o
Rakat of the Fuhr and 'Asr prayers% A (erse or so $as audible at ties and he used to prolong the
first Rak'a%H
=olue 0 ) 072 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :25:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi ,atada:
My father said# H&he Prophet used to prolong the first Rak'a of the Fuhr prayer and shorten the
second one and used to do the sae in the Ba.r prayer%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :2::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HSay AinH $hen the Ia says it and if the Ain of any one of you coincides
$ith that of the angels then all his past sins $ill be forgi(en%H Ibn Shihab said# HAllah's Apostle used to
Say HAin%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :27:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf any one of you says# HAinH and the angels in the hea(ens say HAinH and
the forer coincides $ith the latter# all his past sins $ill be forgi(en%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :21:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HSay Aen' $hen the Ia says HAhair)il)aghdubi 'alaihi $ala)ddal)linL
not the path of those $ho earn Kour Anger !such as /e$s" nor of those $ho go astray !such as 9hris)
tians"L all the past sins of the person $hose saying !of Ain" coincides $ith that of the angels# $ill be
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :46:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
I reached the Prophet in the osCue $hile he $as bo$ing in prayer and I too bo$ed before .oin)
ing the ro$ entioned it to the Prophet and he said to e# HMay Allah increase your lo(e for the
good% But do not repeat it again !bo$ing in that $ay"%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :40:
Darrated Iran bin Husain:
I offered the prayer $ith 'Ali in Basra and he ade us reeber the prayer $hich $e used to pray
$ith Allah's Apostle% 'Ali said &akbir on each rising and bo$ing%
=olue 0 ) 074 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :43:
Darrated Abu Salaa:
@hen Abu Huraira led us in prayer he used to say &akbir on each bo$ing and rising% En the co)
pletion of the prayer he used to say# HMy prayer is ore siilar to the prayer of Allah's Apostle than
that of anyone of you%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :4<:
Darrated Mutarrif bin 'Abdullah:
'Iran bin Husain and I offered the prayer behind Ali bin Abi &alib% @hen 'Ali prostrated# he said
the &akbir# $hen he raised his head# he said the &akbir and $hen he got up for the third Rak'a he
said the &akbir% En copletion of the prayer Iran took y hand and said# H&his !i%e% 'Ali" ade e
reeber the prayer of MuhaadH Er he said# HHe led us in a prayer like that of Muhaad%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :42:
Darrated 'Ikria:
I sa$ a person praying at MuCa)lbrahi !the place of Abraha by the Ka'ba" and he $as saying
&akbir on e(ery bo$ing# rising# standing and sitting% I asked Ibn 'Abbas !about this prayer"% He ad)
onished e saying: HIsn't that the prayer of the ProphetJH
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :44:
Darrated 'Ikria:
I prayed behind a Sheikh at Mecca and he said t$enty t$o &akbirs !during the prayer"% I told Ibn
'Abbas that he !i%e% that Sheikh" $as foolish% Ibn 'Abbas adonished e and said# H&his is the tradition
of Abu)l),asi%H And narrated Abu Huraira: @hene(er Allah's Apostle stood for the prayer# he said
&akbir on starting the prayer and then on bo$ing% En rising fro bo$ing he said# HSai' a)l)lahu li)
an haida#H and then $hile standing straight he used to say# HRabbana laka)l hadH !Al);aith said#
H!&he Prophet said"# '@alaka)l)had'%H He used to say &akbir on prostrating and on raising his head
fro prostrationL again he $ould Say &akbir on prostrating and raising his head% He $ould then do
the sae in the $hole of the prayer till it $as copleted% En rising fro the second Rak'a !after sit)
ting for At)&ahiyyat"# he used to say &akbir%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :45:
Darrated Mus'ab bin Sa'd:
=olue 0 ) 075 ? 0:66
I offered prayer beside y father and appro*iated both y hands and placed the in bet$een
the knees% My father told e not to do so and said# H@e used to do the sae but $e $ere forbidden
!by the Prophet" to do it and $ere ordered to place the hands on the knees%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :4::
Darrated Faid bin@ahb:
Hudhaifa sa$ a person $ho $as not perforing the bo$ing and prostrations perfectly% He said to
hi# HKou ha(e not prayed and if you should die you $ould die on a religion other than that of
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :47:
Darrated Al)Bara:
&he bo$ing# the prostration the sitting in bet$een the t$o prostrations and the standing after the
bo$ing of the Prophet but not ,iya !standing in the prayer" and ,u'ud !sitting in the prayer" used
to be appro*iately eCual !in duration"%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :41:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Ence the Prophet entered the osCue# a an cae in# offered the prayer and greeted the Prophet%
&he Prophet returned his greeting and said to hi# HAo back and pray again for you ha(e not
prayed%H &he an offered the prayer again# cae back and greeted the Prophet% He said to hi thrice#
HAo back and pray again for you ha(e not prayed%H &he an said# HBy Hi @ho has sent you $ith the
truthI I do not kno$ a better $ay of praying% Kindly teach Me ho$ to pray%H He said# H@hen you
stand for the prayer# say &akbir and then recite fro the ,ur'an $hat you kno$ and then bo$ $ith
calness till you feel at ease# then rise fro bo$ing till you stand straight% After$ards prostrate
cally till you feel at ease and then raise !your head" and sit $ith 9alness till you feel at ease and
then prostrate $ith calness till you feel at ease in prostration and do the sae in the $hole of your
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :56:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to say in his bo$ing and prostrations# HSubhanaka)Allahua Rabbana $a)bi)
hadika Allahua)ighfirli%' !I honor Allah fro all $hat !unsuitable things" is ascribed to Hi% E
Allah Eur ;ordI And all the praises are for Kou% E AllahI Borgi(e e"%H
=olue 0 ) 07: ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :50:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hen the Prophet said# HSai' a)l)lahu ;ian haida#H !Allah heard those $ho sent praises to
Hi"# he $ould say# HRabbana $a)laka)l)had%H En bo$ing and raising his head fro it the Prophet
used to say &akbir% He also used to say &akbir on rising after the t$o prostrations% !See Hadith Do%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :53:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen the Ia says# HSai' a)l)lahu ;ian haida#H you should say# HAl)
lahua Rabbana laka)l)had%H And if the saying of any one of you coincides $ith that of the an)
gels# all his past sins $ill be forgi(en%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :5<:
Darrated Anas:
&he ,unut used to be recited in the Maghrib and the Ba.r prayers%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :52:
Darrated Rifa'a bin Rafi A-FuraCi:
Ene day $e $ere praying behind the Prophet% @hen he raised his head fro bo$ing# he said#
HSai'a)l)lahu ;ian haida%H A an behind hi said# HRabbana $alaka)l had hadan Kathiran
taiyiban ubarakan fihiH !E our ;ordI All the praises are for Kou# any good and blessed praises"%
@hen the Prophet copleted the prayer# he asked# H@ho has said these $ordsJH &he an replied# HI%H
&he Prophet said# HI sa$ o(er thirty angels copeting to $rite it first%H Prophet rose !fro bo$ing"
and stood straight till all the (ertebrae of his spinal colun cae to a natural position%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :54:
Darrated &habit:
Anas used to deonstrate to us the prayer of the Prophet and $hile deonstrating# he used to
raise his head fro bo$ing and stand so long that $e $ould say that he had forgotten !the prostra)
=olue 0 ) 077 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :55:
Darrated Al)Bara':
&he bo$ing# the prostrations# the period of standing after bo$ing and the inter(al bet$een the
t$o prostrations of the Prophet used to be eCual in duration %
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :5::
Darrated Aiyub:
Abu ,ilaba said# HMalik bin Hu$airith used to deonstrate to us the prayer of the Prophet at ties
other than that of the copulsory prayers% So !once" he stood up for prayer and perfored a perfect
,iya !standing and reciting fro the Holy ,ur'an" and then bo$ed and perfored bo$ing per)
fectlyL then he raised his head and stood straight for a $hile%H Abu ,ilaba added# HMalik bin
Hu$airith in that deonstration prayed like this Sheikh of ours# Abu Ka-id%H Abu# Ka-id used to sit
!for a $hile" on raising his head fro the second prostration before getting up%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :57:
Darrated Abu Bakr bin 'Abdur Rahan Ibn Harith bin Hisha and Abu Salaa bin 'Abdur Rah)
Abu Huraira used to say &akbir in all the prayers# copulsory and optional )) in the onth of Ra)
adan or other onths% He used to say &akbir on standing for prayer and on bo$ingL then he $ould
say# HSali'a)l)lahu ;ian haida#H and before prostrating he $ould say HRabbana $alaka)l)had%H
&hen he $ould say &akbir on prostrating and on raising his head fro the prostration# then another
&akbir on prostrating !for the second tie"# and on raising his head fro the prostration% He also
$ould say the &akbir on standing fro the second Rak'a% He used to do the sae in e(ery Rak'a till he
copleted the prayer% En copletion of the prayer# he $ould say# HBy Hi in @hose Hands y soul
isI Do doubt y prayer is closer to that of Allah's Apostle than yours# and this $as His prayer till he
left this $orld%H And Abu Huraira said# H@hen Allah's Apostle raised his head fro !bo$ing" he used
to say HSai' a)l)lahu ;ian haida# Rabbana $alakal)had%H He @ould in(oke Allah for soe
people by naing the: HE AllahI Sa(e Al)@alid bin Al)@alid and Salaa bin Hisha and 'Aiyash
bin Abi Rabi'a and the $eak and the helpless people aong the faithful belie(ers E AllahI Be hard on
the tribe of Mudar and let the suffer fro faine years like that of the tie of /oseph%H In those
days the +astern section of the tribe of Mudar $as against the Prophet%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :51:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
=olue 0 ) 071 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle fell fro a horse and the right side of his body $as in.ured% @e $ent to enCuire
about his health ean$hile it $as tie for the prayer and he led the prayer sitting and $e also
prayed $hile sitting% En copletion of the prayer he said# H&he Ia is to be follo$edL say &akbir
$hen he says itL bo$ $hen he bo$sL rise $hen he rises and $hen he says HSai'a)l)lahu ;ian
haida#H say# HRabbana $alaka)lhadH# and prostrate if he prostrates%H Sufyan narrated the sae
fro Ma'ar% Ibn /urai. said that his !the Prophet's" right leg had been in.ured%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber ::6:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he people said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall $e see our ;ord on the 8ay of ResurrectionJH He replied#
H8o you ha(e any doubt in seeing the full oon on a clear !not cloudy" nightJH &hey replied# HDo# E
Allah's ApostleIH He said# H8o you ha(e any doubt in seeing the sun $hen there are no cloudsJH &hey
replied in the negati(e% He said# HKou $ill see Allah !your ;ord" in the sae $ay% En the 8ay of Re)
surrection# people $ill be gathered and He $ill order the people to follo$ $hat they used to $orship%
So soe of the $ill follo$ the sun# soe $ill follo$ the oon# and soe $ill follo$ other deitiesL
and only this nation !Muslis" $ill be left $ith its hypocrites% Allah $ill coe to the and say# 'I a
Kour ;ord%' &hey $ill say# '@e shall stay in this place till our ;ord coes to us and $hen our ;ord
$ill coe# $e $ill recogni-e Hi% &hen Allah $ill coe to the again and say# 'I a your ;ord%'
&hey $ill say# 'Kou are our ;ord%' Allah $ill call the# and As)Sirat !a bridge" $ill be laid across Hell
and I !Muhaad" shall be the first aongst the Apostles to cross it $ith y follo$ers% Dobody e*)
cept the Apostles $ill then be able to speak and they $ill be saying then# 'E AllahI Sa(e us% E Allah
Sa(e us%'
&here $ill be hooks like the thorns of Sa'dan in Hell% Ha(e you seen the thorns of Sa'danJH &he
people said# HKes%H He said# H&hese hooks $ill be like the thorns of Sa'dan but nobody e*cept Allah
kno$s their greatness in si-e and these $ill entangle the people according to their deedsL soe of
the $ill fall and stay in Hell fore(erL others $ill recei(e punishent !torn into sall pieces" and
$ill get out of Hell# till $hen Allah intends ercy on $hoe(er He likes aongst the people of Hell#
He $ill order the angels to take out of Hell those $ho $orshipped none but Hi alone% &he angels
$ill take the out by recogni-ing the fro the traces of prostrations# for Allah has forbidden the
!Hell" fire to eat a$ay those traces% So they $ill coe out of the Bire# it $ill eat a$ay fro the $hole
of the huan body e*cept the arks of the prostrations% At that tie they $ill coe out of the Bire as
ere skeletons% &he @ater of ;ife $ill be poured on the and as a result they $ill gro$ like the
seeds gro$ing on the bank of flo$ing $ater% &hen $hen Allah had finished fro the /udgents
aongst his creations# one an $ill be left bet$een Hell and Paradise and he $ill be the last an
fro the people of Hell to enter paradise% He $ill be facing Hell# and $ill say# 'E AllahI &urn y face
fro the fire as its $ind has dried e and its stea has burnt e%' Allah $ill ask hi# H@ill you ask
for anything ore in case this fa(or is granted to youJ' He $ill say# HDo by Kour !Honor" Po$erIH And
he $ill gi(e to his ;ord !Allah" $hat he $ill of the pledges and the co(enants% Allah $ill then turn his
=olue 0 ) 016 ? 0:66
face fro the Bire% @hen he $ill face Paradise and $ill see its char# he $ill reain Cuiet as long as
Allah $ill% He then $ill say# 'E y ;ordI ;et e go to the gate of Paradise%' Allah $ill ask hi# '8idn't
you gi(e pledges and ake co(enants !to the effect" that you $ould not ask for anything ore than
$hat you reCuested at firstJ' He $ill say# 'E y ;ordI 8o not ake e the ost $retched# aongst
Kour creatures%' Allah $ill say# 'If this reCuest is granted# $ill you then ask for anything elseJ' He $ill
say# 'DoI By Kour Po$erI I shall not ask for anything else%' &hen he $ill gi(e to his ;ord $hat He $ill
of the pledges and the co(enants% Allah $ill then let hi go to the gate of Paradise% En reaching then
and seeing its life# char# and pleasure# he $ill reain Cuiet as long as Allah $ills and then $ill say#
'E y ;ord I ;et e enter Paradise%' Allah $ill say# May Allah be erciful unto you# E son of AdaI
Ho$ treacherous you areI Ha(en't you ade co(enants and gi(en pledges that you $ill not ask for
anything ore that $hat you ha(e been gi(enJ' He $ill say# 'E y ;ordI 8o not ake e the ost
$retched aongst Kour creatures%' So Allah $ill laugh and allo$ hi to enter Paradise and $ill ask
hi to reCuest as uch as he likes% He $ill do so till all his desires ha(e been fulfilled % &hen Allah
$ill say# 'ReCuest ore of such and such things%' Allah $ill reind hi and $hen all his desires and
$ishesL ha(e been fulfilled# Allah $ill say HAll this is granted to you and a siilar aount besides%H
Abu Said Al)Khudri# said to Abu Huraira# 'Allah's Apostle said# HAllah said# '&hat is for you and ten
ties ore like it%' HAbu Huraira said# HI do not reeber fro Allah's Apostle e*cept !his saying"#
'All this is granted to you and a siilar aount besides%H Abu Sahd said# HI heard hi saying# '&hat is
for you and ten ties ore the like of it%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber ::0:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Malik bin Buhaina:
@hene(er the Prophet used to offer prayer he used to keep ars a$ay !fro the body" so that the
$hiteness of his arpits $as (isible%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber ::3:
Darrated Abu @ail:
Hudhaifa said# HI sa$ a person not perforing his bo$ing and prostrations perfectly% @hen he
copleted the prayer# I told hi that he had not prayed%H I think that Hudhaifa added !i%e% said to the
an"# HHad you died# you $ould ha(e died on a tradition other than that of the Prophet Muhaad%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber ::<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet $as ordered !by Allah" to prostrate on se(en parts and not to tuck up the clothes or
hair !$hile praying"% &hose parts are: the forehead !along $ith the tip of nose"# both hands# both
knees# and !toes of" both feet%
=olue 0 ) 010 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber ::2:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# H@e ha(e been ordered to prostrates on se(en bones and not to tuck up the
clothes or hair%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber ::4:
Darrated Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib:
!and he $as not a liar" @e used to pray behind the Prophet and $hen he said# HSai' a)l)lahu ;i)
an haidaH# none of us $ould bend his back !to go for prostration" till the Prophet had placed his#
forehead on the ground%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber ::5:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HI ha(e been ordered to prostrate on se(en bones i%e% on the forehead along $ith
the tip of the nose and the Prophet pointed to$ards his nose# both hands# both knees and the toes of
both feet and not to gather the clothes or the hair%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber ::::
Darrated Abu Salaa:
Ence I $ent to Abu) Sa'id Al)Khudri and asked hi# H@on't you coe $ith us to the date)pal
trees to ha(e a talkJH So Abu Said $ent out and I asked hi# H&ell e $hat you heard fro the
Prophet about the Dight of ,adr%H Abu Said replied# HEnce Allah's Apostle perfored I'tikaf !seclu)
sion" on the first ten days of the onth of Raadan and $e did the sae $ith hi% Aabriel cae to
hi and said# '&he night you are looking for is ahead of you%' So the Prophet perfored the I'tikaf in
the iddle !second" ten days of the onth of Raadan and $e too perfored I'tikaf $ith hi% Aab)
riel cae to hi and said# '&he night $hich you are looking for is ahead of you%' In the orning of
the 36th of Raadan the Prophet deli(ered a seron saying# '@hoe(er has perfored I'tikaf $ith e
should continue it% I ha(e been sho$n the Dight of H,adrH# but ha(e forgotten its date# but it is in the
odd nights of the last ten nights% I sa$ in y drea that I $as prostrating in ud and $ater%' In
those days the roof of the osCue $as ade of branches of date)pal trees% At that tie the sky $as
clear and no cloud $as (isible# but suddenly a cloud cae and it rained% &he Prophet led us in the
prayer and I sa$ the traces of ud on the forehead and on the nose of Allah's Apostle% So it $as the
confiration of that drea%H
=olue 0 ) 013 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber ::7:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd:
&he people used to pray $ith the Prophet tying their I-ars around their necks because of their
sall si-es and the $oen $ere directed that they should not raise their heads fro the prostrations
till the en had sat straight%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber ::1:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet $as ordered to prostrate on se(en bony parts and not to tuck up his clothes or hair%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :76:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HI ha(e been ordered to prostrate on se(en !bones" and not to tuck up the hair or
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :70:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to say freCuently in his bo$ing and prostrations HSubhanaka)Allahua Rab)
bana @abihadika# Allahua Ighfir)liH !I honor Allah fro all $hat !unsuitable things" is
ascribed to Hi# E AllahI Eur ;ordI All praises are for Kou% E AllahI Borgi(e e"% In this $ay he $as
acting on $hat $as e*plained to hi in the Holy ,ur'an%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :73:
Darrated Abu ,ilaba:
Ence Malik bin Hu$airith said to his friends# HShall I sho$ you ho$ Allah's Apostle used to offer
his prayersJH And it $as not the tie for any of the copulsory congregational prayers% So he stood
up !for the prayer" bo$ed and said the &akbir# then he raised his head and reained standing for a
$hile and then prostrated and raised his head for a $hile !sat up for a $hile"% He prayed like our
Sheikh 'Ar Ibn Salaa% !Aiyub said# H&he latter used to do a thing $hich I did not see the people do)
ing i%e% he used to sit bet$een the third and the fourth Rak'a"% IMalik bin Hu$airith said# H@e cae to
the Prophet !after ebracing Isla" and stayed $ith hi% He said to us# '@hen you go back to your
failies# pray such and such a prayer at such and such a tie# pray such and such a prayer at such
and such a tie# and $hen there is the tie for the prayer then only of you should pronounce the
Adhan for the prayer and the oldest of you should lead the prayer%H
=olue 0 ) 01< ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :7<:
Darrated Al)Bara':
&he tie taken by the Prophet in prostrations# bo$ing# and the sitting inter(al bet$een the t$o
prostrations $as about the sae%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :72:
Darrated &habit:
Anas said# HI $ill lea(e no stone unturned in aking you offer the prayer as I ha(e seen the Proph)
et aking us offer it%H Anas used to do a thing $hich I ha(e not seen you doing% He used to stand
after the bo$ing for such a long tie that one $ould think that he had forgotten !the prostrations"
and he used to sit in)bet$een the prostrations so long that one $ould think that he had forgotten the
second prostration%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :74:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HBe straight in the prostrations and none of you should put his forears on the
ground !in the prostration" like a dog%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :75:
Darrated Malik bin Hu$airith Al);aithi:
I sa$ the Prophet praying and in the odd Rakat# he used to sit for a oent before getting up%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :7::
Darrated Aiyub:
Abu ,ilaba said# HMalik bin Hu$airith cae to us and led us in the prayer in this osCue of ours
and said# 'I lead you in prayer but I do not $ant to offer the prayer but .ust to sho$ you ho$ Allah's
Apostle perfored his prayers%H I asked Abu ,ilaba# HHo$ $as the prayer of Malik bin Hu$airithJH
He replied# H;ike the prayer of this Sheikh of ours)) i%e% 'Ar bin Salia%H &hat Sheikh used to pro)
nounce the &akbir perfectly and $hen he raised his head fro the second prostration he $ould sit
for a $hile and then support hiself on the ground and get up%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :77:
Darrated Said bin Al)Harith:
=olue 0 ) 012 ? 0:66
Abu Said led us in the prayer and said the &akbir aloud on arising fro the prostration# and on
prostrating# on rising again# and on getting up fro the second Rak'a% Abu Said said# HI sa$ the
Prophet doing the sae%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :71:
Darrated Mutarrif:
'Iran and I prayed behind 'Ali bin Abi &alib and he said &akbir on prostrating# on rising and on
getting up after the t$o Rakat !i%e% after the second Rak'a"% @hen the prayer $as finished# 'Iran took
e by the hand and said# HHe !'Ali" has prayed the prayer of MuhaadH !or said# HHe ade us re)
eber the prayer of Muhaad"%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :16:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abdullah:
I sa$ 'Abdullah bin 'Uar crossing his legs $hile sitting in the prayer and I# a ere youngster in
those days# did the sae% Ibn 'Uar forbade e to do so# and said# H&he proper $ay is to keep the
right foot propped up and bend the left in the prayer%H I said Cuestioningly# HBut you are doing so
!crossing the legs"%H He said# HMy feet cannot bear y $eight%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :10:
Darrated Muhaad bin 'Ar bin 'Ata':
I $as sitting $ith soe of the copanions of Allah's Apostle and $e $ere discussing about the
$ay of praying of the Prophet% Abu Huaid As)Saidi said# HI reeber the prayer of Allah's Apostle
better than any one of you% I sa$ hi raising both his hands up to the le(el of the shoulders on say)
ing the &akbirL and on bo$ing he placed his hands on both knees and bent his back straight# then he
stood up straight fro bo$ing till all the (ertebrate took their noral positions% In prostrations# he
placed both his hands on the ground $ith the forears a$ay fro the ground and a$ay fro his
body# and his toes $ere facing the ,ibla% En sitting In the second Rak'a he sat on his left foot and
propped up the right oneL and in the last Rak'a he pushed his left foot for$ard and kept the other
foot propped up and sat o(er the buttocks H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :13:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Buhaina:
!he $as fro the tribe of U-d Shan'u'a and $as the ally of the tribe of 'Abdul)Manaf and $as one
of the copanions of the Prophet": Ence the Prophet led us in the Fuhr prayer and stood up after the
second Rak'a and did not sit do$n% &he people stood up $ith hi% @hen the prayer $as about to end
=olue 0 ) 014 ? 0:66
and the people $ere $aiting for hi to say the &asli# he said &akbir $hile sitting and prostrated
t$ice before saying the &asli and then he said the &asli%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :1<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Malik bin Buhaina:
Ence Allah's Apostle led us in the Fuhr prayer and got up !after the prostrations of the second
Rak'a" although he should ha(e sat !for the &ashah)hud"% So at the end of the prayer# he prostrated
t$ice $hile sitting !prostrations of Sahu"%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :12:
Darrated ShaClC bin Salaa:
'Abdullah said# H@hene(er $e prayed behind the Prophet $e used to recite !in sitting" 'Peace be on
Aabriel# Michael# peace be on so and so% Ence Allah's Apostle looked back at us and said# 'Allah Hi)
self is As)Sala !Peace"# and if anyone of you prays then he should say# At)&ahiyatu lil)lahi $as)
sala$atu $at)taiyibatu% AsSalau 'alalika aiyuha)n)Dabiyu $a rahatu)l)lahi $a barakatuhu% As)
Sala alaina $a ala ibadil)lah is)salihin% !All the coplients# prayers and good things are due to
Allah: peace be on you# E Prophet and Allah's ercy and blessings be on you% Peace be on us an on
the true pious sla(es of Allah"% !If you say that# it $ill be for all the sla(es in the hea(en and the
earth"% Ash)hadu an la)ilaha illa)l)lahu $a ash)hadu anna Muhaadan 'abduhu $a Rasuluhu% !I
testify that none has the right to be $orshipped but Allah and I also testify that Muhaad is His
sla(e and His Apostle"%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :14:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" Allah's Apostle used to in(oke Allah in the prayer saying HAllahua inni
a'udhu bika in adhabil)Cabri# $a a'udhu bika in fitnatil)asihid) $a a'udhu bika in fit)
natil)ahya $a fitnatil)aati% Allahua inni a'udhu bika inal)a thai $al)aghrai% !E
Allah# I seek refuge $ith Kou fro the punishent of the gra(e and fro the afflictions of Masi#h
Ad) and fro the afflictions of life and death% E Allah# I seek refuge $ith Kou fro the sins
and fro being in debt"%H Soebody said to hi# H@hy do you so freCuently seek refuge $ith Allah
fro being in debtJH &he Prophet replied# HA person in debt tells lies $hene(er he speaks# and breaks
proises $hene(er he akes !the"%H 'Aisha also narrated: I heard Allah's Apostle in his prayer seek)
ing refuge $ith Allah fro the afflictions of Ad)
=olue 0 ) 015 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :15:
Darrated Abu Bakr As)SiddiC:
I asked Allah's Apostle to teach e an in(ocation so that I ay in(oke Allah $ith it in y prayer%
He told e to say# HAllahua inni -alutu nafsi -ulan kathiran# @ala yaghfirudhdhunuba illa
anta faghfirli aghfiratan in 'Indika# $ar)hani innaka antal)ghafururrahi !E AllahI I ha(e
done great in.ustice to yself and none e*cept Kou forgi(es sins# so please forgi(e e and be Merci)
ful to e as Kou are the Borgi(er# the Merciful"%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :1::
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@hen $e prayed $ith the Prophet $e used to say# HPeace be on Allah fro His sla(es and peace be
on so and so%H &he Prophet said# H8on't say As)Sala be on Allah# for He Hiself is As)Sala# but say#
'At)tahiyatu lil)lahi $as)sala$atu $at)taiyibatu% As)salau 'Alaika aiyuhan)Dabiyu $arahatu)l)
lahi $a barakatuhu% As)salau 'alaina $a 'ala ibadillahis)salihin% !If you say this then it $ill be for
all the sla(es in hea(en or bet$een hea(en and earth"% Ashhadu an la)ilaha illallahu $a ashhadu
anna Muhaadan 'Abduhu $a Rasuluhu%' &hen select the in(ocation you like best and recite it%H
!See Hadith Do% :12# :14 N :15"%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :17:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
I sa$ Allah's Apostle prostrating in ud and $ater and sa$ the ark of ud on his forehead%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber :11:
Darrated U Salaa:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle finished his prayers $ith &asli# the $oen $ould get up and he $ould
stay on for a $hile in his place before getting up% Ibn Shihab said# HI think !and Allah kno$s better"#
that the purpose of his stay $as that the $oen ight lea(e before the en $ho had finished their
prayer% H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 766:
Darrated 'Itban bin Malik:
@e prayed $ith the Prophet and used to finish our prayer $ith the &asli along $ith hi%
=olue 0 ) 01: ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 760:
Darrated Mahud bin Ar)Rabi':
I reeber Allah's Apostle and also the outhful of $ater $hich he took fro a bucket in our
house and e.ected !on e"% I heard fro ltban bin Malik Al)Ansari# $ho $as one fro Bani Sali#
saying# HI used to lead y tribe of Bani Sali in prayer% Ence I $ent to the Prophet and said to hi# 'I
ha(e $eak eye)sight and at ties the rain$ater flood inter(enes bet$een e and the osCue of y
tribe and I $ish that you $ould coe to y house and pray at soe place so that I could take that
place as a place for praying !osCue"% He said# HAllah $illing# I shall do that%H De*t day Allah's
Apostle along $ith Abu Bakr# cae to y house after the sun had risen high and he asked peris)
sion to enter% I ga(e hi perission# but he didn't sit till he said to e# H@here do you $ant e to
pray in your houseJH I pointed to a place in the house $here I $anted hi to pray% So he stood up for
the prayer and $e aligned behind hi% He copleted the prayer $ith &asli and $e did the sae
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 763:
Darrated Abu Ma'bad:
!the freed sla(e of Ibn 'Abbas" Ibn 'Abbas told e# HIn the lifetie of the Prophet it $as the custo
to celebrate Allah's praises aloud after the copulsory congregational prayers%H Ibn 'Abbas further
said# H@hen I heard the 8hikr# I $ould learn that the copulsory congregational prayer had ended%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 76<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
I used to recogni-e the copletion of the prayer of the Prophet by hearing &akbir%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 762:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Soe poor people cae to the Prophet and said# H&he $ealthy people $ill get higher grades and
$ill ha(e peranent en.oyent and they pray like us and fast as $e do% &hey ha(e ore oney by
$hich they perfor the Ha..# and 'UraL fight and struggle in Allah's 9ause and gi(e in charity%H &he
Prophet said# HShall I not tell you a thing upon $hich if you acted you $ould catch up $ith those
$ho ha(e surpassed youJ Dobody $ould o(ertake you and you $ould be better than the people
aongst $ho you li(e e*cept those $ho $ould do the sae% Say HSub)han)al)lahH# HAlhadu)lil)
lahH and HAllahu AkbarH thirty three ties each after e(ery !copulsory" prayer%H @e differed and
soe of us said that $e should say# HSubhan)al)lahH thirty three ties and HAlhadu lillahH thirty
=olue 0 ) 017 ? 0:66
three ties and HAllahu AkbarH thirty four ties% I $ent to the Prophet $ho said# HSay# HSubhan)al)
lahH and HAlhadu lillahH and HAllahu AkbarH all together for thirty three ties%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 764:
Darrated @arrad:
!the clerk of Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba" Ence Al)Mughira dictated to e in a letter addressed to
Mu'a$iya that the Prophet used to say after e(ery copulsory prayer# H;a ilaha ilallah $ahdahu la
sharika lahu# lahul)ulku $a)lahul)hadu# $ahu$a ala kulli shai in Cadir% Allahua la ani 'a
lia a'taita# $a la u'tiya lia ana'ta# $a la yanfa'u dhal).addi inka)l).add% !Done has the right
to be $orshipped but Allah and He has no partner in ;ordship or in $orship or in the Daes and the
,ualities# and for Hi is the Kingdo and all the praises are for Hi and He is onipotent% E AllahI
Dobody can hold back $hat you gi(e and nobody can gi(e $hat Kou hold back% Hard !efforts by
anyone for anything cannot benefit one against Kour @ill"%H And Al)Hasan said# HAl).add' eans
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 765:
Darrated Saura bin /undab:
&he Prophet used to face us on copletion of the prayer%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 76::
Darrated Faid bin Khalid Al)/uhani:
&he Prophet led us in the Ba.r prayer at Hudaibiya after a rainy night% En copletion of the pray)
er# he faced the people and said# H8o you kno$ $hat your ;ord has said !re(ealed"JH &he people
replied# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ better%H He said# HAllah has said# 'In this orning soe of y
sla(es reained as true belie(ers and soe becae non)belie(ersL $hoe(er said that the rain $as
due to the Blessings and the Mercy of Allah had belief in Me and he disbelie(es in the stars# and
$hoe(er said that it rained because of a particular star had no belief in Me but belie(es in that star%' H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 767:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ence the Prophet delayed the 'Isha' prayer until idnight and then cae to us% Ha(ing prayed he
faced us and said# H&he people had prayed and slept but you $ere in the prayer as long as you $ere
$aiting for it%H
=olue 0 ) 011 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 761:
Darrated U Salaa:
H&he Prophet after finishing the prayer $ith &asli used to stay at his place for a $hile%H Ibn Shi)
hab said# HI think !and Allah kno$s better"# that he used to $ait for the departure of the $oen $ho
had prayed%H Ibn Shihab $rote that he had heard it fro Hind bint Al)Harith Al)Birasiya fro U
Salaa# the $ife of the Prophet !Hind $as fro the copanions of U Salaa" $ho said# H@hen the
Prophet finished the prayer $ith &asli# the $oen $ould depart and enter their houses before Al)
lah's Apostle departed%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 706:
Darrated 'UCba:
I offered the 'Asr prayer behind the Prophet at Medina% @hen he had finished the prayer $ith
&asli# he got up hurriedly and $ent out by crossing the ro$s of the people to one of the d$ellings
of his $i(es% &he people got scared at his speed % &he Prophet cae back and found the people sur)
prised at his haste and said to the# HI reebered a piece of gold ;ying in y house and I did not
like it to di(ert y attention fro Allah's $orship# so I ha(e ordered it to be distributed !in charity"%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 700:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Kou should not gi(e a$ay a part of your prayer to Satan by thinking that it is necessary to depart
!after finishing the prayer" fro one's right side onlyL I ha(e seen the Prophet often lea(e fro the
left side%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 703:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
8uring the holy battle of Khaibar the Prophet said# H@hoe(er ate fro this plant !i%e% garlic"
should not enter our osCue%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 70<:
Darrated 'Ata':
I heard /abir bin 'Abdullah saying# H&he Prophet said# '@hoe(er eats !fro" this plant !he eant
garlic" should keep a$ay fro our osCue%H I said# H@hat does he ean by thatJH He replied# HI think
he eans only ra$ garlic%H
=olue 0 ) 366 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 702:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er eats garlic or onion should keep a$ay fro our osCue or should re)
ain in his house%H !/abir bin 'Abdullah# in another narration said# HEnce a big pot containing cooked
(egetables $as brought% En finding unpleasant sell coing fro it# the Prophet asked# '@hat is in
itJ' He $as told all the naes of the (egetables that $ere in it% &he Prophet ordered that it should be
brought near to soe of his copanions $ho $ere $ith hi% @hen the Prophet sa$ it he disliked to
eat it and said# '+at% !I don't eat" for I con(erse $ith those $ho you don't con(erse $ith !i%e% the an)
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 704:
Darrated 'Abdul 'A-i-:
A an asked Anas# H@hat did you hear fro the Prophet about garlicJH He said# H&he Prophet said#
'@hoe(er has eaten this plant should neither coe near us nor pray $ith us%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 705:
Darrated Sulaian Ash)Shaiba:
I heard Ash)Sha'bi saying# HA person $ho $as accopanying the Prophet passed by a gra(e that
$as separated fro the other gra(es told e that the Prophet once led the people in the !funeral"
prayer and the people had aligned behind hi% I said# HE Aba 'ArI @ho told you about itJH He said#
HIbn Abbas%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 70::
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# HAhusl !taking a bath" on Briday is copulsory for e(ery Musli reaching the
age of puberty%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 707:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ene night I slept at the house of y aunt Maiuna and the Prophet slept !too"% He got up !for
prayer" in the last hours of the night and perfored a light ablution fro a hanging leather skin%
!'Ar# the sub)narrator described that the ablution $as (ery light"% &hen he stood up for prayer and
I got up too and perfored the ablution in the sae $ay and .oined hi on his left side% He pulled
e to the right and prayed as uch as Allah $ill% &hen he lay do$n and slept and I heard his breath
=olue 0 ) 360 ? 0:66
sounds till the Mu'adh)dhin cae to hi to infor hi about the !Ba.r" prayer% He left $ith hi for
the prayer and prayed $ithout repeating the ablution% !Sufyan the subnarrator said: @e said to 'Ar#
HSoe people say# '&he eyes of the Prophet sleep but his heart ne(er sleeps%' H 'Ar said# H'Ubai bin
'Uar said# '&he dreas of the Prophets are 8i(ine Inspirations% &hen he recited# '!E y son"# I ha(e
seen in drea that I $as slaughtering you !offering you in sacrifice"%H" !<:%063"
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 701:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
My grandother Mulaika in(ited Allah's Apostle for a eal $hich she had prepared specially for
hi% He ate soe of it and said# HAet up% I shall lead you in the prayer%H I brought a at that had be)
coe black o$ing to e*cessi(e use and I sprinkled $ater on it% Allah's Apostle stood on it and prayed
t$o RakatL and the orphan $as $ith e !in the first ro$"# and the old lady stood behind us%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 736:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ence I cae riding a she)ass and I# then# had .ust attained the age of puberty% Allah's Apostle $as
leading the people in prayer at Mina facing no $all% I passed in front of the ro$ and let loose the
she)ass for gra-ing and .oined the ro$ and no one ob.ected to y deed%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 730:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Ence Allah's Apostle delayed the 'Isha' prayer till 'Uar infored hi that the $oen and chil)
dren had slept% &hen Allah's Apostle cae out and said: HDone fro aongst the d$ellers of earth
ha(e prayed this prayer e*cept you%H In those days none but the people of Medina prayed%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 733:
Darrated 'Abdur Rahan bin 'Abis:
A person asked Ibn Abbas# HHa(e you e(er presented yourself at the !'Id" prayer $ith Allah's
ApostleJH He replied# HKes%H And had it not been for y kinship !position" $ith the Prophet it $ould
not ha(e been possible for e to do so !for he $as too young"% &he Prophet $ent to the ark near the
house of Kathir bin As)Salt and deli(ered a seron% He then $ent to$ards the $oen% He ad(ised
and reinded the and asked the to gi(e als% So the $oan $ould bring her hand near her neck
and take off her necklace and put it in the garent of Bilal% &hen the Prophet and Bilal cae to the
=olue 0 ) 363 ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 73<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Ence Allah's Apostle delayed the 'Isha' prayer till 'Uar infored hi that the $oen and chil)
dren had slept% &he Prophet cae out and said# HDone e*cept you fro aongst the d$ellers of earth
is $aiting for this prayer%H In those days# there $as no prayer e*cept in Medina and they used to pray
the 'Isha' prayer bet$een the disappearance of the t$ilight and the first third of the night%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 732:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HIf your $oen ask perission to go to the osCue at night# allo$ the%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 734:
Darrated U Salaa:
!the $ife of the Prophet" In the lifetie of Allah's Apostle the $oen used to get up $hen they fin)
ished their copulsory prayers $ith &asli% &he Prophet and the en $ould stay on at their places
as long as Allah $ill% @hen the Prophet got up# the en $ould then get up%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 735:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen Allah's Apostle finished the Ba.r prayer# the $oen $ould lea(e co(ered in their sheets and
$ere not recogni-ed o$ing to the darkness%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 73::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi ,atada Al)Ansari:
My father said# HAllah's Apostle said# H@hene(er I stand for prayer# I $ant to prolong it but on
hearing the cries of a child# I $ould shorten it as I dislike to put its other in trouble%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 737:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Had Allah's Apostle kno$n $hat the $oen $ere doing# he $ould ha(e forbidden the fro go)
ing to the osCue as the $oen of Bani Israel had been forbidden% Kahya bin Said !a sub)narrator"
asked 'Ara !another sub)narrator"# H@ere the $oen of Bani Israel forbiddenJH She replied HKes%H
=olue 0 ) 36< ? 0:66
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 731:
Darrated U Salaa:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle copleted the prayer $ith &asli# the $oen used to get up iedi)
ately and Allah's Apostle $ould reain at his place for soeone before getting up% !&he sub)narrator
!A-)Fuhri" said# H@e think# and Allah kno$s better# that he did so# so that the $oen ight lea(e
before en could get in touch $ith the"%H
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 7<6:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet prayed in the house of U SulaiL and I# along $ith an orphan stood behind hi
$hile U Sulai !stood" behind us%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 7<0:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to offer the Ba.r prayer $hen it $as still dark and the belie(ing $oen used
to return !after finishing their prayer" and nobody could recogni-e the o$ing to darkness# or they
could not recogni-e one another%
=olue 0# Book 03# Duber 7<3:
Darrated Sali bin 'Abdullah:
My father said# H&he Prophet said# 'If the $ife of any one of you asks perission !to go to the os)
Cue" do not forbid her%H
=olue 0 ) 362 ? 0:66
=olue 3 ) 364 ? 0:66
Book 0<: Briday Prayer
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 0:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" saying# H@e !Muslis" are the last !to coe" but !$ill be" the fore)
ost on the 8ay of Resurrection though the forer nations $ere gi(en the Holy Scriptures before us%
And this $as their day !Briday" the celebration of $hich $as ade copulsory for the but they
differed about it% So Allah ga(e us the guidance for it !Briday" and all the other people are behind us
in this respect: the /e$s' !holy day is" toorro$ !i%e% Saturday" and the 9hristians' !is" the day after
toorro$ !i%e% Sunday"%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 3:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Uar:
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" said# HAnyone of you attending the Briday !prayers" should take a bath%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber <:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
@hile Uar bin Al)Khattab $as standing and deli(ering the seron on a Briday# one of the co)
panions of the Prophet# $ho $as one of the foreost Muha.irs !eigrants" cae% 'Uar said to hi#
H@hat is the tie no$JH He replied# HI $as busy and could not go back to y house till I heard the
Adhan% I did not perfor ore than the ablution%H &hereupon 'Uar said to hi# H8id you perfor
only the ablution although you kno$ that Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" used to order us to take a bath !on
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 2:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" said# H&he taking of a bath on Briday is copulsory for e(ery ale
!Musli" $ho has attained the age of puberty%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 4:
Darrated Abu Said:
=olue 3 ) 365 ? 0:66
I testify that Allah's Apostle said# H&he taking of a bath on Briday is copulsory for e(ery ale
Musli $ho has attained the age of puberty and !also" the cleaning of his teeth $ith Si$ak# and the
using of perfue if it is a(ailable%H Ar !a sub)narrator" said# HI confir that the taking of a bath is
copulsory# but as for the Si$ak and the using of perfue# Allah kno$s better $hether it is obligat)
ory or not# but according to the Hadith it is as abo(e%H"
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 5:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" said# HAny person $ho takes a bath on Briday like the bath of /anaba and
then goes for the prayer !in the first hour i%e% early"# it is as if he had sacrificed a cael !in Allah's
cause"L and $hoe(er goes in the second hour it is as if he had sacrificed a co$L and $hoe(er goes in
the third hour# then it is as if he had sacrificed a horned raL and if one goes in the fourth hour#
then it is as if he had sacrificed a henL and $hoe(er goes in the fifth hour then it is as if he had
offered an egg% @hen the Ia coes out !i%e% starts deli(ering the Khutba"# the angels present
thesel(es to listen to the Khutba%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber ::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hile 'Uar !bin Al)Khattab" $as deli(ering the Khutba on a Briday# a an entered !the osCue"%
'Uar asked hi# H@hat has detained you fro the prayerJH &he an said# HIt $as only that $hen I
heard the Adhan I perfored ablution !for the prayer"%H En that 'Uar said# H8id you not hear the
Prophet saying: 'Anyone of you going out for the /uua prayer should take a bath'JH%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 7:
Darrated Salan)Al)Barsi:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" said# H@hoe(er takes a bath on Briday# purifies hiself as uch as he can#
then uses his !hair" oil or perfues hiself $ith the scent of his house# then proceeds !for the /uua
prayer" and does not separate t$o persons sitting together !in the osCue"# then prays as uch as
!Allah has" $ritten for hi and then reains silent $hile the Ia is deli(ering the Khutba# his sins
in)bet$een the present and the last Briday $ould be forgi(en%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 1:
Darrated &a$us:
I said to Ibn 'Abbas# H&he people are narrating that the Prophet said# '&ake a bath on Briday and
$ash your heads !i%e% take a thorough bath" e(en though you $ere not /unub and use perfue'%H En
=olue 3 ) 36: ? 0:66
that Ibn 'Abbas replied# HI kno$ about the bath# !i%e% it is essential" but I do not kno$ about the per)
fue !i%e% $hether it is essential or not%"O
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 06:
Darrated &a$us:
Ibn 'Abbas entioned the stateent of the Prophet regarding the taking of a bath on Briday and
then I asked hi $hether the Prophet !p%b%u%h" had ordered perfue or !hair" oil to be used if they
could be found in one's house% He !Ibn 'Abbas" replied that he did not kno$ about it%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 00:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Uar bin Al)Khattab sa$ a silken cloak !being sold" at the gate of the MosCue and said to Allah's
Apostle# HI $ish you $ould buy this to $ear on Bridays and also on occasions of the arri(als of the
delegations%H Allah's Apostle replied# H&his $ill be $orn by a person $ho $ill ha(e no share !re$ard"
in the Hereafter%H ;ater on siilar cloaks $ere gi(en to Allah's Apostle and he ga(e one of the to
'Uar bin Al)Khattab% En that 'Uar said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou ha(e gi(en e this cloak although
on the cloak of Atarid !a cloak erchant $ho $as selling that silken cloak at the gate of the osCue"
you passed such and such a reark%H Allah's Apostle replied# HI ha(e not gi(en you this to $earH% And
so 'Uar bin Al)Khattab ga(e it to his pagan brother in Mecca to $ear%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 03:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf I had not found it hard for y follo$ers or the people# I $ould ha(e
ordered the to clean their teeth $ith Si$ak for e(ery prayer%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 0<:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle I said# HI ha(e told you repeatedly to !use" the Si$ak% !&he Prophet put ephasis on
the use of the Si$ak%"
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 02:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
@hen the Prophet !p%b%u%h" got up at night !for the night prayer"# he used to clean his outh %
=olue 3 ) 367 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 04:
Darrated 'Aisha:
AbdurRahan bin Abi Bakr cae holding a Si$ak $ith $hich he $as cleaning his teeth% Allah's
Apostle looked at hi% I reCuested Abdur)Rahan to gi(e the Si$ak to e and after he ga(e it to e
I di(ided it# che$ed it and ga(e it to Allah's Apostle% &hen he cleaned his teeth $ith it and !at that
tie" he $as resting against y chest%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 05:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet used to recite the follo$ing in the Ba.r prayer of Briday# HAlif# ;a# Mi# &an-ilH !Sur)
at)as)Sa.da P<3" and HHal)ata)ala)l)InsaniH !i%e% Surah)Ad)8ahr P:5"%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 0::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he first /uua prayer $hich $as offered after a /uua prayer offered at the osCue of Allah's
Apostle took place in the osCue of the tribe of 'Abdul ,ais at /a$athi in Bahrain%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 07:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HAll of you are Auardians%H Kunis said: Ru-aiC bin Hukai $rote to
Ibn Shihab $hile I $as $ith hi at @adi)al),ura saying# HShall I lead the /uua prayerJH Ru-aiC
$as $orking on the land !i%e faring" and there $as a group of Sudanese people and soe others
$ith hiL Ru-aiC $as then the Ao(ernor of Aila% Ibn Shihab $rote !to Ru-aiC" ordering hi to lead
the /uua prayer and telling hi that Sali told hi that 'Abdullah bin 'Uar had said# HI heard Al)
lah's Apostle saying# 'All of you are guardians and responsible for your $ards and the things under
your care% &he Ia !i%e% ruler" is the guardian of his sub.ects and is responsible for the and a an
is the guardian of his faily and is responsible for the% A $oan is the guardian of her husband's
house and is responsible for it% A ser(ant is the guardian of his aster's belongings and is responsible
for the%' I thought that he also said# 'A an is the guardian of his father's property and is respons)
ible for it% All of you are guardians and responsible for your $ards and the things under your care%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 01:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HAnyone of you coing for the /uua prayer should take a bath%H
=olue 3 ) 361 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 36:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he taking of a bath on Briday is copulsory for e(ery Musli $ho has at)
tained the age of puberty%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 30:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said H@e are the last !to coe aongst the nations" but !$ill be" the foreost on
the 8ay of Resurrection% &hey $ere gi(en the Holy Scripture before us and $e $ere gi(en the ,uran
after the% And this $as the day !Briday" about $hich they differed and Allah ga(e us the guidance
!for that"% So toorro$ !i%e% Saturday" is the /e$s' !day"# and the day after toorro$ !i%e% Sunday" is
the 9hristians'%H &he Prophet !p%b%u%h" reained silent !for a $hile" and then said# HIt is obligatory for
e(ery Musli that he should take a bath once in se(en days# $hen he should $ash his head and
Darrated Abu Huraira through different narrators that the Prophet said# HIt is Allah's right on
e(ery Musli that he should take a bath !at least" once in se(en days%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 33:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" said# HAllo$ $oen to go to the MosCues at night%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 3<:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
Ene of the $i(es of Uar !bin Al)Khattab" used to offer the Ba.r and the 'Isha' prayer in congrega)
tion in the MosCue% She $as asked $hy she had coe out for the prayer as she kne$ that Uar dis)
liked it# and he has great ghaira !self)respect"% She replied# H@hat pre(ents hi fro stopping e
fro this actJH &he other replied# H&he stateent of Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h": '8o not stop Allah's $o)
en)sla(e fro going to Allah s MosCues' pre(ents hi%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 32:
Darrated Muhaad bin Sirin:
En a rainy day Ibn Abbas said to his Muadh)dhin# HAfter saying# 'Ash)hadu anna Muhaadan
Rasulullah' !I testify that Muhaad is Allah's Apostle"# do not say 'Haiya 'Alas)Salat' !coe for the
prayer" but say 'Pray in your houses'%H !&he an did so"% But the people disliked it% Ibn Abbas said# HIt
=olue 3 ) 306 ? 0:66
$as done by one $ho $as uch better than I !i%e% the Prophet !p%b%u%h" "% Do doubt# the /uua prayer
is copulsory but I dislike to put you to task by bringing you out $alking in ud and slush%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 34:
Darrated Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" &he people used to coe fro their abodes and fro Al)'A$ali !i%e% out)
skirts of Medina up to a distance of four iles or ore fro Medina"% &hey used to pass through
dust and used to be drenched $ith s$eat and co(ered $ith dustL so s$eat used to trickle fro the%
Ene of the cae to Allah's Apostle $ho $as in y house% &he Prophet said to hi# HI $ish that you
keep yourself clean on this day of yours !i%e% take a bath"%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 35:
Darrated Kahya bin Said:
I asked 'Ara about taking a bath on Bridays% She replied# H Aisha said# '&he people used to $ork
!for their li(elihood" and $hene(er they $ent for the /uua prayer# they used to go to the osCue in
the sae shape as they had been in $ork% So they $ere asked to take a bath on Briday%' H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 3::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet used to offer the /uua prayer iediately after id)day%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 37:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@e used to offer the /uua prayer early and then ha(e an afternoon nap%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 31:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet used to offer the prayer earlier if it $as (ery coldL and if it $as (ery hot he used to
delay the prayer# i%e% the /uua prayer%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber <6:
Darrated Abu 'Abs:
=olue 3 ) 300 ? 0:66
I heard the Prophet saying# HAnyone $hose feet are co(ered $ith dust in Allah's cause# shall be
sa(ed by Allah fro the Hell)Bire%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber <0:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
heard Allah's Apostles !p%b%u%h" saying# HIf the prayer is started do not run for it but .ust $alk for it
cally and pray $hate(er you get# and coplete $hate(er is issed% H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber <3:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi ,atada on the authority of his father:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" said# H8o not stand up !for prayer" unless you see e# and obser(e calness
and solenityH%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber <<:
Darrated Salan Al)Barsi:
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" said# HAnyone $ho takes a bath on Briday and cleans hiself as uch as
he can and puts oil !on his hair" or scents hiselfL and then proceeds for the prayer and does not
force his $ay bet$een t$o persons !assebled in the osCue for the Briday prayer"# and prays as
uch as is $ritten for hi and reains Cuiet $hen the Ia deli(ers the Khutba# all his sins in
bet$een the present and the last Briday $ill be forgi(en%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber <2:
Darrated Ibn /urai.:
I heard Da-i' saying# HIbn Uar# said# '&he Prophet forbade that a an should ake another an
to get up to sit in his place' H% I said to Dafi'# 'Is it for /uua prayer onlyJ' He replied# HBor /uua pray)
er and any other !prayer"%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber <4:
Darrated As)Saib bin Ka-id:
In the life)tie of the Prophet# Abu Bakr and Uar# the Adhan for the /uua prayer used to be
pronounced $hen the Ia sat on the pulpit% But during the 9aliphate of 'Uthan $hen the
Muslis increased in nuber# a third Adhan at A-)Faura' $as added% Abu 'Abdullah said# HA-)
Faura' is a place in the arket of Medina%H
=olue 3 ) 303 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber <5:
Darrated As)Saib bin Ka-id:
&he person $ho increased the nuber of Adhans for the /uua prayers to three $as Uthan bin
Affan and it $as $hen the nuber of the !Musli" people of Medina had increased% In the life)tie
of the Prophet I there $as only one Muadh)dhin and the Adhan used to be pronounced only after
the Ia had taken his seat !i%e% on the pulpit"%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber <::
Darrated Abu Uaa bin Sahl bin Hunaif:
I heard Mua$iya bin Abi Sufyan !repeating the stateents of the Adhan" $hile he $as sitting on
the pulpit% @hen the Muadh)dhin pronounced the Adhan saying# HAllahu)Akbar# Allahu AkbarH#
Mua$iya said: HAllah Akbar# Allahu Akbar%H And $hen the Muadh)dhin said# HAsh)hadu an la ilaha
illal)lah !I testify that none has the right to be $orshipped but Allah"H# Mua$iya said# HAnd !so do" IH%
@hen he said# HAsh)hadu anna Muhaadan RasulullahH !I testify that Muhaad is Allah's
Apostle"# Mua$iya said# HAnd !so do" IH% @hen the Adhan $as finished# Mua$iya said# HE people#
$hen the Muadh)dhin pronounced the Adhan I heard Allah's Apostle on this (ery pulpit saying
$hat you ha(e .ust heard e sayingH%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber <7:
Darrated As)Sa'ib bin Ka-id I:
'Uthan bin 'Affan introduced the second Adhan on Bridays $hen the nuber of the people in the
osCue increased% Pre(iously the Adhan on Bridays used to be pronounced only after the Ia had
taken his seat !on the pulpit"%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber <1:
Darrated A-)Fuhri:
I heard As)Saib bin Ka-id# saying# HIn the life)tie of Allah's Apostle# and Abu Bakr and Uar# the
Adhan for the /uua prayer used to be pronounced after the Ia had taken his seat on the pulpit%
But $hen the people increased in nuber during the caliphate of 'Uthan# he introduced a third
Adhan !on Briday for the /uua prayer" and it $as pronounced at A-)Faura' and that ne$ state of
affairs reained so in the succeeding years%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 26:
Darrated Abu Ha-i bin 8inar:
=olue 3 ) 30< ? 0:66
Soe people $ent to Sahl bin Sad As)Sa'idi and told hi that they had different opinions regard)
ing the $ood of the pulpit% &hey asked hi about it and he said# HBy Allah# I kno$ of $hat $ood the
pulpit $as ade# and no doubt I sa$ it on thy (ery first day $hen Allah's Apostle I took his seat on it%
Allah's Apostle sent for such and such an Ansari $oan !and Sahl entioned her nae" and said to
her# 'Erder your sla(e)carpenter to prepare for e soe pieces of $ood !i%e% pulpit" on $hich I ay
sit at the tie of addressing the people%' So she ordered her sla(e)carpenter and he ade it fro the
taarisk of the forest and brought it !to the $oan"% &he $oan sent that !pulpit" to Allah's Apostle
$ho ordered it to be placed here% &hen I sa$ Allah's Apostle praying on it and then bo$ed on it%
&hen he stepped back# got do$n and prostrated on the ground near the foot of the pulpit and again
ascended the pulpit% After finishing the prayer he faced the people and said# 'I ha(e done this so that
you ay follo$ e and learn the $ay I pray%' H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 20:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet used to stand by a ste of a date)pal tree !$hile deli(ering a seron"% @hen the
pulpit $as placed for hi $e heard that ste crying like a pregnant she)cael till the Prophet got
do$n fro the pulpit and placed his hand o(er it%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 23:
Darrated Sali:
My father said # HI heard the Prophet deli(ering the Khutba on the pulpit and he said# '@hoe(er
coes for the /uua prayer should take a bath !before coing"%' H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 2<:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" used to deli(er the Khutba $hile standing and then he $ould sit# then stand
again as you do no$)a)days%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 22:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Ene day the Prophet sat on the pulpit and $e sat around hi%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 24:
Darrated 'Ar bin &aghlib:
=olue 3 ) 302 ? 0:66
Soe property or soething $as brought to Allah's Apostle and he distributed it% He ga(e to soe
en and ignored the others% ;ater he got the ne$s of his being adonished by those $ho he had
ignored% So he glorified and praised Allah and said# HAa ba'du% By Allah# I ay gi(e to a an and
ignore another# although the one $ho I ignore is ore belo(ed to e than the one $ho I gi(e%
But I gi(e to soe people as I feel that they ha(e no patience and no contentent in their hearts and
I lea(e those $ho are patient and self)contented $ith the goodness and $ealth $hich Allah has put
into their hearts and 'Ar bin &aghlib is one of the%H Ar added# By AllahI &hose $ords of Allah's
Apostle are ore belo(ed to e than the best red caels%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 25:
Darrated Aisha:
Ence in the iddle of the night Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" $ent out and prayed in the osCue and
soe en prayed $ith hi% &he ne*t orning the people spoke about it and so ore people
gathered and prayed $ith hi !in the second night"% &hey circulated the ne$s in the orning# and
so# on the third night the nuber of people increased greatly% Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" cae out and
they prayed behind hi% En the fourth night the osCue $as o(er$heled by the people till it
could not accoodate the% Allah's Apostle cae out only for the Ba.r prayer and $hen he fin)
ished the prayer# he faced the people and recited H&ashah)hudH !I testify that none has the right to be
$orshipped but Allah and that Muhaad is His Apostle"# and then said# HAa ba'du% =erily your
presence !in the osCue at night" $as not hidden fro e# but I $as afraid that this prayer !Prayer
of &aha..ud" ight be ade copulsory and you ight not be able to carry it out%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 2::
Darrated Abu Huaid As)Sa'idi
Ene night Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" stood up after the prayer and recited H&ashah)hudH and then
praised Allah as He deser(ed and said# HAa ba'du%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 27:
Darrated Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa:
Ence Allah's Apostle got up for deli(ering the Khutba and I heard hi after H&ashah)hudH saying
HAa ba'du%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 21:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
=olue 3 ) 304 ? 0:66
Ence the Prophet ascended the pulpit and it $as the last gathering in $hich he took part% He $as
co(ering his shoulder $ith a big cloak and binding his head $ith an oily bandage% He glorified and
praised Allah and said# HE peopleI 9oe to e%H So the people cae and gathered around hi and he
then said# HAa ba'du%H HBro no$ on$ard the Ansar $ill decrease and other people $ill increase%
So anybody $ho becoes a ruler of the follo$ers of Muhaad and has the po$er to har or be)
nefit people then he should accept the good fro the bene(olent aongst the !Ansar" and o(erlook
the faults of their $rong)doers%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 46:
Darrated 'Abdullah Ibn Uar:
&he Prophet used to deli(er t$o Khutbas and sit in bet$een the
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 40:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hen it is a Briday# the angels stand at the gate of the osCue and keep on
$riting the naes of the persons coing to the osCue in succession according to their arri(als% &he
e*aple of the one $ho enters the osCue in the earliest hour is that of one offering a cael !in
sacrifice"% &he one coing ne*t is like one offering a co$ and then a ra and then a chicken and
then an egg respecti(ely% @hen the Ia coes out !for /uua prayer" they !i%e% angels" fold their
papers and listen to the Khutba%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 43:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
A person entered the osCue $hile the Prophet $as deli(ering the Khutba on a Briday% &he Proph)
et said to hi# HHa(e you prayedJH &he an replied in the negati(e% &he Prophet said# HAet up and
pray t$o Rakat%H
= olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 4<:
Darrated /abir:
A an entered the MosCue $hile the Prophet $as deli(ering the Khutba% &he Prophet said to hi#
HHa(e you prayedJH &he an replied in the negati(e% &he Prophet said# HPray t$o Rakat%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 42:
Darrated Anas:
=olue 3 ) 305 ? 0:66
@hile the Prophet $as deli(ering the Khutba on a Briday# a an stood up and said# HE# Allah's
ApostleI &he li(estock and the sheep are dying# so pray to Allah for rain%H So he !the Prophet" raised
both his hands and in(oked Allah !for it"%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 44:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ence in the lifetie of the Prophet !p%b%u%h" the people $ere afflicted $ith drought !faine"%
@hile the Prophet $as deli(ering the Khutba on a Briday# a Bedouin stood up and said# HE# Allah's
ApostleI Eur possessions are being destroyed and the children are hungryL Please in(oke Allah !for
rain"H% So the Prophet raised his hands% At that tie there $as not a trace of cloud in the sky% By Hi
in @hose Hands y soul is as soon as he lo$ered his hands# clouds gathered like ountains# and be)
fore he got do$n fro the pulpit# I sa$ the rain falling on the beard of the Prophet% It rained that
day# the ne*t day# the third day# the fourth day till the ne*t Briday% &he sae Bedouin or another an
stood up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI &he houses ha(e collapsed# our possessions and li(estock ha(e
been dro$nedL Please in(oke Allah !to protect us"H% So the Prophet I raised both his hands and said#
HE AllahI Round about us and not on usH% So# in $hate(er direction he pointed $ith his hands# the
clouds dispersed and cleared a$ay# and Medina's !sky" becae clear as a hole in bet$een the clouds%
&he (alley of ,anat reained flooded# for one onth# none cae fro outside but talked about the
abundant rain%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 45:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" said# H@hen the Ia is deli(ering the Khutba# and you ask your co)
panion to keep Cuiet and listen# then no doubt you ha(e done an e(il act%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 4::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" talked about Briday and said# H&here is an hour !opportune tie" on Briday
and if a Musli gets it $hile praying and asks soething fro Allah# then Allah $ill definitely eet
his deand%H And he !the Prophet" pointed out the shortness of that tie $ith his hands%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 47:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
@hile $e $ere praying !/uua Khutba N prayer" $ith the Prophet !p%b%u%h"# soe caels loaded
$ith food# arri(ed !fro Sha%O &he people di(erted their attention to$ards the caels !and left the
=olue 3 ) 30: ? 0:66
osCue"# and only t$el(e persons reained $ith the Prophet% So this (erse $as re(ealed: HBut $hen
they see Soe bargain or soe auseent# &hey disperse headlong to it# And lea(e you standing%H
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 41:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Uar:
Allah's Apostle used to pray t$o Rakat before the Fuhr prayer and t$o Rakat after it% He also used
to pray t$o Rakat after the Maghrib prayer in his house# and t$o Rakat after the 'Isha' prayer% He
ne(er prayed after /uua prayer till he departed !fro the MosCue"# and then he $ould pray t$o
Rakat at hoe%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 56:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
&here $as a $oan aongst us $ho had a far and she used to so$ SilC !a kind of (egetable" on
the edges of streas in her far% En Bridays she used to pull out the SilC fro its roots and put the
roots in a utensil% &hen she $ould put a handful of po$dered barley o(er it and cook it% &he roots of
the SilC $ere a substitute for eat% After finishing the /uua prayer $e used to greet her and she
$ould gi(e us that food $hich $e $ould eat $ith our hands# and because of that eal# $e used to
look for$ard to Briday%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 50:
Darrated Sahl:
As abo(e $ith the addition: @e ne(er had an afternoon nap nor eals e*cept after offering the
/uua prayer%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 53:
Darrated Anas:
@e used to offer the /uua prayer early and then ha(e the afternoon nap%
=olue 3# Book 0<# Duber 5<:
Darrated Sahl:
@e used to offer the /uua prayer $ith the Prophet and then take the afternoon nap%
=olue 3 ) 307 ? 0:66
Book 02: Bear Prayer
=olue 3# Book 02# Duber 52:
Darrated Shu'aib:
I asked A-)Fuhri# H8id the Prophet e(er offer the Bear PrayerJH A-)Fuhri said# HI $as told by Sali
that 'Abdullah bin Uar I had said# 'I took part in a holy battle $ith Allah's Apostle I in Da.d% @e
faced the eney and arranged oursel(es in ro$s% &hen Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" stood up to lead the
prayer and one party stood to pray $ith hi $hile the other faced the eney% Allah's Apostle
!p%b%u%h" and the forer party bo$ed and perfored t$o prostrations% &hen that party left and took
the place of those $ho had not prayed% Allah's Apostle prayed one Raka !$ith the latter" and per)
fored t$o prostrations and finished his prayer $ith &asli% &hen e(eryone of the bo$ed once
and perfored t$o prostrations indi(idually%' H
=olue 3# Book 02# Duber 54:
Darrated Dafi':
Ibn Uar said soething siilar to Mu.ahid's saying: @hene(er !Muslis and non)Muslis"
stand face to face in battle# the Muslis can pray $hile standing% Ibn Uar added# H&he Prophet said#
'If the nuber of the eney is greater than the Muslis# they can pray $hile standing or riding !in)
di(idually"%' H
=olue 3# Book 02# Duber 55:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Ence the Prophet !p%b%u%h" led the fear prayer and the people stood behind hi% He said &akbir
!Allahu)Akbar" and the people said the sae% He bo$ed and soe of the bo$ed% &hen he pros)
trated and they also prostrated% &hen he stood for the second Raka and those $ho had prayed the
first Raka left and guarded their brothers% &he second party .oined hi and perfored bo$ing and
prostration $ith hi% All the people $ere in prayer but they $ere guarding one another during the
=olue 3# Book 02# Duber 5::
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
En the day of the KhandaC Uar cae# cursing the disbelie(ers of ,uraish and said# HE Allah's
ApostleI I ha(e not offered the 'Asr prayer and the sun has set%H &he Prophet replied# HBy AllahI I too#
=olue 3 ) 301 ? 0:66
ha(e not offered the prayer yet% H&he Prophet then $ent to Buthan# perfored ablution and per)
fored the 'Asr prayer after the sun had set and then offered the Maghrib prayer after it%H
=olue 3# Book 02# Duber 57:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" offered the Ba.r prayer $hen it $as still dark# then he rode and said# 'Allah
AkbarI Khaibar is ruined% @hen $e approach near to a nation# the ost unfortunate is the orning
of those $ho ha(e been $arned%H &he people cae out into the streets saying# HMuhaad and his
ary%H Allah's Apostle (anCuished the by force and their $arriors $ere killedL the children and
$oen $ere taken as capti(es% Safiya $as taken by 8ihya Al)Kalbi and later she belonged to Allah's
Apostle go $ho arried her and her Mahr $as her anuission%
=olue 3 ) 336 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 3 > BEEK 04: &H+ &@E B+S&I=A;S !+I8S"
Book 04: &he &$o Besti(als !+ids"
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 51:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Uar:
Uar bought a silk cloak fro the arket# took it to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI
&ake it and adorn yourself $ith it during the 'Id and $hen the delegations (isit you%H Allah's Apostle
!p%b%u%h" replied# H&his dress is for those $ho ha(e no share !in the Hereafter"%H After a long period
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" sent to Uar a cloak of silk brocade% Uar cae to Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h"
$ith the cloak and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou said that this dress $as for those $ho had no share
!in the Hereafter"L yet you ha(e sent e this cloak%H Allah's Apostle said to hi# HSell it and fulfill your
needs by it%H
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber :6:
Darrated Aisha:
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" cae to y house $hile t$o girls $ere singing beside e the songs of
Buath !a story about the $ar bet$een the t$o tribes of the Ansar# the Kha-ra. and the Aus# before Is)
la"% &he Prophet !p%b%u%h" lay do$n and turned his face to the other side% &hen Abu Bakr cae and
spoke to e harshly saying# HMusical instruents of Satan near the Prophet !p%b%u%h" JH Allah's
Apostle !p%b%u%h" turned his face to$ards hi and said# H;ea(e the%H @hen Abu Bakr becae inat)
tenti(e# I signalled to those girls to go out and they left% It $as the day of 'Id# and the Black people
$ere playing $ith shields and spearsL so either I reCuested the Prophet !p%b%u%h" or he asked e
$hether I $ould like to see the display% I replied in the affirati(e% &hen the Prophet !p%b%u%h" ade
e stand behind hi and y cheek $as touching his cheek and he $as saying# H9arry onI E Bani
Arfida#H till I got tired% &he Prophet !p%b%u%h" asked e# HAre you satisfied !Is that sufficient for you"JH I
replied in the affirati(e and he told e to lea(e%
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber :0:
Darrated Al)Bara':
I heard the Prophet !p%b%u%h" deli(ering a Khutba saying# H&he first thing to be done on this day
!first day of 'Id ul Adha" is to prayL and after returning fro the prayer $e slaughter our sacrifices
!in the nae of Allah" and $hoe(er does so# he acted according to our Sunna !traditions"%H
=olue 3 ) 330 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 3 > BEEK 04: &H+ &@E B+S&I=A;S !+I8S"
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber :3:
Darrated Aisha:
Abu Bakr cae to y house $hile t$o sall Ansari girls $ere singing beside e the stories of the
Ansar concerning the 8ay of Buath% And they $ere not singers% Abu Bakr said protestingly# HMusical
instruents of Satan in the house of Allah's Apostle IH It happened on the 'Id day and Allah's Apostle
said# HE Abu BakrI &here is an 'Id for e(ery nation and this is our 'Id%H
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber :<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik#:
Allah's Apostle ne(er proceeded !for the prayer" on the 8ay of 'Id)ul)Bitr unless he had eaten soe
dates% Anas also narrated: &he Prophet used to eat odd nuber of dates%
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber :2:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er slaughtered !his sacrifice" before the 'Id prayer# should slaughter
again%H A an stood up and said# H&his is the day on $hich one has desire for eat#H and he en)
tioned soething about his neighbors% It seeed that the Prophet I belie(ed hi% &hen the sae an
added# HI ha(e a young she)goat $hich is dearer to e than the eat of t$o sheep%H &he Prophet per)
itted hi to slaughter it as a sacrifice% I do not kno$ $hether that perission $as (alid only for
hi or for others as $ell%
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber :4:
Darrated Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib:
&he Prophet deli(ered the Khutba after offering the prayer on the 8ay of Dahr and said# H@hoe(er
offers the prayer like us and slaughters like us then his Dusuk !sacrifice" $ill be accepted by Allah%
And $hoe(er slaughters his sacrifice before the 'Id prayer then he has not done the sacrifice%H Abi
Burda bin Diyar# the uncle of Al)Bara' said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e slaughtered y sheep before
the 'Id prayer and I thought today as a day of eating and drinking !not alcoholic drinks"# and I liked
that y sheep should be the first to be slaughtered in y house% So slaughtered y sheep and took
y food before coing for the prayer%H &he Prophet said# H&he sheep $hich you ha(e slaughtered is
.ust utton !not a Dusuk"%H He !Abu Burda" said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e a young she)goat $hich is
dearer to e than t$o sheep% @ill that be sufficient as a Dusuk on y behalfJ H&he Prophet !p%b%u%h"
said# HKes# it $ill be sufficient for you but it $ill not be sufficient !as a Dusuk" for anyone else after
=olue 3 ) 333 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 3 > BEEK 04: &H+ &@E B+S&I=A;S !+I8S"
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber :5:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet used to proceed to the Musalla on the days of Id)ul)Bitr and Id)ul)AdhaL the first
thing to begin $ith $as the prayer and after that he $ould stand in front of the people and the
people $ould keep sitting in their ro$s% &hen he $ould preach to the# ad(ise the and gi(e the
orders# !i%e% Khutba"% And after that if he $ished to send an ary for an e*pedition# he $ould do soL
or if he $anted to gi(e and order# he $ould do so# and then depart% &he people follo$ed this tradition
till I $ent out $ith Mar$an# the Ao(ernor of Medina# for the prayer of Id)ul)Adha or Id)ul)Bitr%
@hen $e reached the Musalla# there $as a pulpit ade by Kathir bin As)Salt% Mar$an $anted to
get up on that pulpit before the prayer% I got hold of his clothes but he pulled the and ascended the
pulpit and deli(ered the Khutba before the prayer% I said to hi# HBy Allah# you ha(e changed !the
Prophet's tradition"%H He replied# HE Abu Sa'idI Aone is that $hich you kno$%H I said# HBy AllahI @hat I
kno$ is better than $hat I do not kno$%H Mar$an said# HPeople do not sit to listen to our Khutba after
the prayer# so I deli(ered the Khutba before the prayer%H
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber :::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Uar:
Allah's Apostle used to offer the prayer of 'Id)ul)Adha and 'Id)ul)Bitr and then deli(er the Khutba
after the prayer%
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber :7:
Darrated Ibn /urai.:
'Ata' said# H/abir bin 'Abdullah said# '&he Prophet $ent out on the 8ay of 'Id)ul)Bitr and offered the
prayer before deli(ering the Khutba# Ata told e that during the early days of IbnA-)Fubair# Ibn Ab)
bas had sent a essage to hi telling hi that the Adhan for the 'Id Prayer $as ne(er pronounced
!in the life tie of Allah's Apostle" and the Khutba used to be deli(ered after the prayer% Ata told e
that Ibn Abbas and /abir bin 'Abdullah# had said# ) $here $as no Adhan for the prayer of ':d)ul)
Bitr and 'Id)ul)ACha%H 'At a' said# HI heard /abir bin 'Abdullah saying# '&he Prophet stood up and star)
ted $ith the prayer# and after it he deli(ered the Khutba% @hen the Prophet of Allah !p%b%u%h" fin)
ished !the Khutba"# he $ent to the $oen and preached to the# $hile he $as leaning on Bilal's
hand% Bilal $as spreading his garent and the ladies $ere putting als in it%' H I said to Ata# H8o you
think it incubent upon an Ia to go to the $oen and preach to the after finishing the prayer
and KhutbaJH 'Ata' said# HDo doubt it is incubent on Ias to do so# and $hy should they not do
=olue 3 ) 33< ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 3 > BEEK 04: &H+ &@E B+S&I=A;S !+I8S"
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber :1:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
I offered the 'Id prayer $ith Allah's Apostle# Abu Bakr# Uar and 'Uthan and all of the offered
the prayer before deli(ering the Khutba%
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 76:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
Allah's Apostle# Abu Bakr and UarI used to offer the t$o 'Id prayers before deli(ering the Khutba%
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 70:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet offered a t$o Rakat prayer on the 8ay of Id ul Bitr and he did not pray before or after
it% &hen he $ent to$ards $oen along $ith Bilal and ordered the to pay als and so they started
gi(ing their earrings and necklaces !in charity"%
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 73:
Darrated Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" said# H&he first thing that $e should do on this day of ours is to pray and then
return to slaughter the sacrifice% So anyone $ho does so# he acted according to our Sunna !tradition"#
and $hoe(er slaughtered the sacrifice before the prayer# it $as .ust eat $hich he presented to his
faily and $ould not be considered as Dusuk%H A person fro the Ansar naed Abu Burda bin Diy)
yar said# HE Allah's ApostleI I slaughtered the Dusuk !before the prayer" but I ha(e a young she)goat
$hich is better than an older sheep%H &he Prophet I said# HSacrifice it in lieu of the first# but it $ill be
not sufficient !as a sacrifice" for anybody else after you%H
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 7<:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
I $as $ith Ibn Uar $hen a spear head pierced the sole of his foot and his foot stuck to the
paddle of the saddle and I got do$n and pulled his foot out# and that happened in Mina% Al)Ha..a.
got the ne$s and cae to enCuire about his health and said# HAlasI If $e could only kno$ the an
$ho $ounded youIH Ibn Uar said# HKou are the one $ho $ounded e%H Al)Ha..a. said# HHo$ is
thatJH Ibn Uar said# HKou ha(e allo$ed the ars to be carried on a day on $hich nobody used to
carry the and you allo$ed ars to be carried in the Hara e(en though it $as not allo$ed before%H
=olue 3 ) 332 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 3 > BEEK 04: &H+ &@E B+S&I=A;S !+I8S"
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 72:
Darrated Said bin 'Ar bin Said bin Al)'Aas:
Al)Ha..a. $ent to Ibn Uar $hile I $as present there% Al)Ha..a. asked Ibn Uar# HHo$ are youJH
Ibn Uar replied# HI a all right#H Al)Ha..a. asked# H@ho $ounded youJH Ibn Uar replied# H&he per)
son $ho allo$ed ars to be carried on the day on $hich it $as forbidden to carry the !he eant
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 74:
Darrated Al)Bara':
&he Prophet deli(ered the Khutba on the day of Dahr !'Id)ul)Adha" and said# H&he first thing $e
should do on this day of ours is to pray and then return and slaughter !our sacrifices"% So anyone
$ho does so he acted according to our SunnaL and $hoe(er slaughtered before the prayer then it
$as .ust eat that he offered to his faily and $ould not be considered as a sacrifice in any $ay% My
uncle Abu Burda bin Diyyar got up and said# HE# Allah's ApostleI I slaughtered the sacrifice before the
prayer but I ha(e a young she)goat $hich is better than an older sheep%H &he Prophet said# HSlaughter
it in lieu of the first and such a goat $ill not be considered as a sacrifice for anybody else after you%H
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 75:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HDo good deeds done on other days are superior to those done on these !first ten
days of 8hul Hi..a"%H &hen soe copanions of the Prophet said# HDot e(en /ihadJH He replied# HDot
e(en /ihad# e*cept that of a an $ho does it by putting hiself and his property in danger !for Al)
lah's sake" and does not return $ith any of those things%H
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 7::
Darrated Muhaad bin Abi Bakr Al)&haCafi:
@hile $e $ere going fro Mina to 'Arafat# I asked Anas bin Malik# about &albiya# HHo$ did you
use to say &albiya in the copany of the ProphetJH Anas said: HPeople used to say &albiya and their
saying $as not ob.ected to and they used to say &akbir and that $as not ob.ected to either% H
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 77:
Darrated U 'Atiya:
@e used to be ordered to coe out on the 8ay of 'Id and e(en bring out the (irgin girls fro their
houses and enstruating $oen so that they ight stand behind the en and say &akbir along $ith
=olue 3 ) 334 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 3 > BEEK 04: &H+ &@E B+S&I=A;S !+I8S"
the and in(oke Allah along $ith the and hope for the blessings of that day and for purification
fro sins%
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 71:
Darrated Ibn Uar: En the day of 'Id)ul)Bitr and 'Id)ul)Adha a spear used to be planted in front
of the Prophet I !as a Sutra for the prayer" and then he $ould pray%
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 16:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
&he Prophet used to proceed to the Musalla and an 'Ana-a used to be carried before hi and
planted in the Musalla in front of hi and he $ould pray facing it !as a Sutra"%
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 10:
Darrated Muhaad:
U 'Atiyya said: HEur Prophet ordered us to coe out !on 'Id day" $ith the ature girls and the
(irgins staying in seclusion%H Hafsa narrated the abo(e entioned Hadith and added# H&he ature
girls or (irgins staying in seclusion but the enstruating $oen had to keep a$ay fro the Mus)
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 13:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
I !in y boyhood" $ent out $ith the Prophet on the day of 'Id ul Bitr or Id)ul)Adha% &he Prophet
prayed and then deli(ered the Khutba and then $ent to$ards the $oen# preached and ad(ised
the and ordered the to gi(e als%
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 1<:
Darrated Al)Bara':
&he Prophet $ent to$ards Al)BaCi !the gra(e)yard at Medina" on the day of Id)ul)Adha and
offered a t$o)Rakat prayer !of 'Id)ul)Adha" and then faced us and said# HEn this day of ours# our
first act of $orship is the offering of prayer and then $e $ill return and slaughter the sacrifice# and
$hoe(er does this concords $ith our SunnaL and $hoe(er slaughtered his sacrifice before that !i%e%
before the prayer" then that $as a thing $hich he prepared earlier for his faily and it $ould not be
considered as a Dusuk !sacrifice%"H A an stood up and said# HE# Allah's ApostleI I slaughtered !the
anial before the prayer" but I ha(e a young she)goat $hich is better than an older sheep%H &he
=olue 3 ) 335 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 3 > BEEK 04: &H+ &@E B+S&I=A;S !+I8S"
Prophet !p%b%u%h" said to hi# HSlaughter it% But a siilar sacrifice $ill not be sufficient for anybody
else after you%H
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 12:
Darrated 'Abdur Rahan bin 'Abis:
Ibn Abbas $as asked $hether he had .oined the Prophet in the 'Id prayer% He said# HKes% And I
could not ha(e .oined hi had I not been young% !&he Prophet cae out" till he reached the ark
$hich $as near the house of Kathir bin As)Salt# offered the prayer# deli(ered the Khutba and then
$ent to$ards the $oen% Bilal $as accopanying hi% He preached to the and ad(ised the and
ordered the to gi(e als% I sa$ the $oen putting their ornaents $ith their outstretched hands
into Bilal's garent% &hen the Prophet along $ith Bilal returned hoe%
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 14:
Darrated Ibn /urai.:
'Ata' told e that he had heard /abir bin 'Abdullah saying# H&he Prophet stood up to offer the pray)
er of the 'Id ul Bitr% He first offered the prayer and then deli(ered the Khutba% After finishing it he got
do$n !fro the pulpit" and $ent to$ards the $oen and ad(ised the $hile he $as leaning on
Bilal's hand% Bilal $as spreading out his garent $here the $oen $ere putting their als%H I asked
'Ata' $hether it $as the Fakat of 'Id ul Bitr% He said# HDo# it $as .ust als gi(en at that tie% Soe lady
put her finger ring and the others $ould do the sae%H I said# !to 'Ata'"# H8o you think that it is in)
cubent upon the Ia to gi(e ad(ice to the $oen !on 'Id day"JH He said# HDo doubt# it is incu)
bent upon the Ias to do so and $hy should they not do soJH Al)Hasan bin Musli told e that
Ibn Abbas had said# HI .oin the Prophet# Abu Bakr# Uar and 'Uthan in the 'Id ul Bitr prayers% &hey
used to offer the prayer before the Khutba and then they used to deli(er the Khutba after$ards% Ence
the Prophet I cae out !for the 'Id prayer" as if I $ere .ust obser(ing hi $a(ing to the people to sit
do$n% He# then accopanied by Bilal# cae crossing the ro$s till he reached the $oen% He recited
the follo$ing (erse: 'E ProphetI @hen the belie(ing $oen coe to you to take the oath of fealty to
you % % % !to the end of the (erse" !56%03"%' After finishing the recitation he said# HE ladiesI Are you ful)
filling your co(enantJH Done e*cept one $oan said# HKes%H Hasan did not kno$ $ho $as that $o)
an% &he Prophet said# H&hen gi(e als%H Bilal spread his garent and said# HKeep on gi(ing als% ;et
y father and other sacrifice their li(es for you !ladies"%H So the ladies kept on putting their Batkhs
!big rings" and other kinds of rings in Bilal's garent%H Abdur)Ra-aC said# H 'Batkhs' is a big ring
$hich used to be $orn in the !Pre)lslaic" period of ignorance%
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 15:
Darrated Aiyub:
=olue 3 ) 33: ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 3 > BEEK 04: &H+ &@E B+S&I=A;S !+I8S"
Hafsa bint Sirin said# HEn Id $e used to forbid our girls to go out for 'Id prayer% A lady cae and
stayed at the palace of Bani Khalaf and I $ent to her% She said# '&he husband of y sister took part in
t$el(e holy battles along $ith the Prophet and y sister $as $ith her husband in si* of the% My
sister said that they used to nurse the sick and treat the $ounded% Ence she asked# 'E Allah's ApostleI
If a $oan has no (eil# is there any har if she does not coe out !on 'Id day"J' &he Prophet said#
'Her copanion should let her share her (eil $ith her# and the $oen should participate in the good
deeds and in the religious gatherings of the belie(ers%' H Hafsa added# H@hen U)'Atiya cae# I $ent
to her and asked her# '8id you hear anything about so)and)soJ' U)'Atlya said# 'Kes# let y father be
sacrificed for the Prophet !p%b%u%h"% !And $hene(er she entioned the nae of the Prophet she al)
$ays used to say# ';et y father be' sacrificed for hi"% He said# '=irgin ature girls staying often
screened !or said# 'Mature girls and (irgins staying often screened))Aiyub is not sure as $hich $as
right" and enstruating $oen should coe out !on the 'Id day"% But the enstruating $oen
should keep a$ay fro the Musalla% And all the $oen should participate in the good deeds and in
the religious gatherings of the belie(ers'%H Hafsa said# HEn that I said to U)'Atiya# 'Also those $ho are
enstruatingJ' H U)'Atiya replied# HKes% 8o they not present thesel(es at 'Arafat and else$hereJH%
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 1::
Darrated U)'Atiya:
@e $ere ordered to go out !for 'Id" and also to take along $ith us the enstruating $oen# a)
ture girls and (irgins staying in seclusion% !Ibn 'Aun said# HEr ature (irgins staying in seclusion"%H
&he enstruating $oen could present thesel(es at the religious gathering and in(ocation of
Muslis but should keep a$ay fro their Musalla%
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 17:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" used to Dahr or slaughter sacrifices at the Musalla !on 'Id)ul)Adha"%
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 11:
Darrated Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib:
En the day of Dahr Allah's Apostle deli(ered the Khutba after the 'Id prayer and said# HAnyone $ho
prayed like us and slaughtered the sacrifice like $e did then he acted according to our !Dusuk" tra)
dition of sacrificing# and $hoe(er slaughtered the sacrifice before the prayer# then that $as .ust
utton !i%e% not sacrifice"%H Abu Burda bin Daiyar stood up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI By Allah# I
slaughtered y sacrifice before I offered the !Id" prayer and thought that today $as the day of eating
and drinking !non)alcoholic drinks" and so I ade haste !in slaughtering" and ate and also fed y
faily and neighbors%H Allah's Apostle said# H&hat $as .ust utton !not a sacrifice"%H &hen Abu Burda
=olue 3 ) 337 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 3 > BEEK 04: &H+ &@E B+S&I=A;S !+I8S"
said# HI ha(e a young she)goat and no doubt# it is better than t$o sheep% @ill that be sufficient as a
sacrifice for eJH &he Prophet replied# HKes% But it $ill not be sufficient for anyone else !as a
sacrifice"# after you%H
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 066:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle %O offered the prayer on the day of Dahr and then deli(ered the Khutba and
ordered that $hoe(er had slaughtered his sacrifice before the prayer should repeat it# that is# should
slaughter another sacrifice% &hen a person fro the Ansar stood up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI be)
cause of y neighbors !he described the as being (ery needy or poor" I slaughtered before the
prayer% I ha(e a young she)goat $hich# in y opinion# is better than t$o sheep%H &he Prophet ga(e
hi the perission for slaughtering it as a sacrifice%
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 060:
Darrated /undab:
En the day of Dahr the Prophet offered the prayer and deli(ered the Khutba and then slaughtered
the sacrifice and said# HAnybody $ho slaughtered !his sacrifice" before the prayer should slaughter
another anial in lieu of it# and the one $ho has not yet slaughtered should slaughter the sacrifice
entioning Allah's nae on it%H
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 063:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
En the 8ay of 'Id the Prophet used to return !after offering the 'Id prayer" through a $ay different
fro that by $hich he $ent%
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 06<:
Darrated 'Ur$a on the authority of 'Aisha:
En the days of Mina# !00th# 03th# and 0<th of 8hul)Hi..ah" Abu Bakr cae to her $hile t$o
young girls $ere beating the tabourine and the Prophet $as lying co(ered $ith his clothes% Abu
Bakr scolded the and the Prophet unco(ered his face and said to Abu Bakr# H;ea(e the# for these
days are the days of 'Id and the days of Mina%H 'Aisha further said# HEnce the Prophet $as screening
e and I $as $atching the display of black sla(es in the MosCue and !'Uar" scolded the% &he
Prophet said# ';ea(e the% E Bani ArfidaI !carry on"# you are safe !protected"'%H
=olue 3 ) 331 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 3 > BEEK 04: &H+ &@E B+S&I=A;S !+I8S"
=olue 3# Book 04# Duber 062:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet $ent out and offered a t$o Rakat prayer on the 8ay of 'Id ul Bitr and did not offer any
other prayer before or after it and at that tie Bilal $as accopanying hi%
=olue 3 ) 3<6 ? 0:66
Book 05: @itr Prayer
=olue 3# Book 05# Duber 064:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
Ence a person asked Allah's Apostle about the night prayer% Allah's Apostle replied# H&he night
prayer is offered as t$o Rakat follo$ed by t$o Rakat and so on and if anyone is afraid of the ap)
proaching da$n !Ba.r prayer" he should pray one Raka and this $ill be a @itr for all the Rakat
$hich he has prayed before%H Dafi' told that 'Abdullah bin 'Uar used to say &asli bet$een !the
first" t$o Rakat and !the third" odd one in the @itr prayer# $hen he $anted to attend to a certain
atter !during that inter(al bet$een the Rakat"%
=olue 3# Book 05# Duber 065:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ence I passed the night in the house of Maiuna !his aunt"% I slept across the bed $hile Allah's
Apostle and his $ife slept length)$ise% &he Prophet slept till idnight or nearly so and $oke up rub)
bing his face and recited ten (erses fro Surat HAal)Iran%H Allah's Apostle $ent to$ards a leather
skin and perfored ablution in the ost perfect $ay and then stood for the prayer% I did the sae
and stood beside hi% &he Prophet put his right hand on y head# t$isted y ear and then prayed
t$o Rakat fi(e ties and then ended his prayer $ith @itr% He laid do$n till the Muadh)dhin cae
then he stood up and offered t$o Rakat !Sunna of Ba.r prayer" and then $ent out and offered the
Ba.r prayer%
!See Hadith Do% 07<# =ol% 0"
=olue 3# Book 05# Duber 06::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HDight prayer is offered as t$o Rakat follo$ed by t$o Rakat and so on# and if you
$ant to finish it# pray only one Raka $hich $ill be @itr for all the pre(ious Rakat%H Al),asi said#
HSince $e attained the age of puberty $e ha(e seen soe people offering a three)Rakat prayer as
@itr and all that is perissible% I hope there $ill be no har in it%H
=olue 3# Book 05# Duber 067:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue 3 ) 3<0 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle used to pray ele(en Rakat at night and that $as his night prayer and each of his
prostrations lasted for a period enough for one of you to recite fifty (erses before Allah's Apostle
raised his head% He also used to pray t$o Rakat !Sunna" before the !copulsory" Ba.r prayer and then
lie do$n on his right side till the Muadh)dhin cae to hi for the prayer%
=olue 3# Book 05# Duber 061:
Darrated Anas bin Sirin:
I asked Ibn 'Uar# H@hat is your opinion about the t$o Rakat before the Ba.r !copulsory" prayer#
as to prolonging the recitation in theJH He said# H&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" used to pray at night t$o
Rakat follo$ed by t$o and so on# and end the prayer by one Raka @itr% He used to offer t$o Rakat
before the Ba.r prayer iediately after the Adhan%H !Haad# the sub)narrator said# H&hat eant
!that he prayed" Cuickly%"H
=olue 3# Book 05# Duber 006:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle offered @itr prayer at different nights at (arious hours e*tending !fro the 'Isha'
prayer" up to the last hour of the night%
=olue 3# Book 05# Duber 000:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" used to offer his night prayer $hile I $as sleeping across in his bed%
@hene(er he intended to offer the @itr prayer# he used to $ake e up and I $ould offer the @itr
prayer too%
=olue 3# Book 05# Duber 003:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" said# HMake s your last prayer at night%H
=olue 3# Book 05# Duber 00<:
Darrated Said bin Kasar:
I $as going to Mecca in the copany of 'Abdullah bin 'Uar and $hen I apprehended the ap)
proaching da$n# I disounted and offered the @itr prayer and then .oined hi% 'Abdullah bin
'Uar said# H@here ha(e you beenJH I replied# HI apprehended the approaching da$n so I disounted
and prayed the @itr prayer%H 'Abdullah said# HIsn't it sufficient for you to follo$ the good e*aple of
=olue 3 ) 3<3 ? 0:66
Allah's ApostleJH I replied# HKes# by Allah%H He said# HAllah's Apostle used to pray @itr on the back of
the cael !$hile on a .ourney"%H
=olue 3# Book 05# Duber 002:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet used to offer !Da$afil" prayers on his Rahila !ount" facing its direction by signals#
but not the copulsory prayer% He also used to pray @itr on his !ount" Rahila%
=olue 3# Book 05# Duber 004:
Darrated Muhaad bin Sirin:
Anas $as asked# H8id the Prophet recite ,unut in the Ba.r prayerJH Anas replied in the affirati(e%
He $as further asked# H8id he recite ,unut before bo$ingJH Anas replied# HHe recited ,unut after
bo$ing for soe tie !for one onth"%H
=olue 3# Book 05# Duber 005:
Darrated 'Asi:
I asked Anas bin Malik about the ,unut% Anas replied# H8efinitely it $as !recited"H% I asked# HBefore
bo$ing or after itJH Anas replied# HBefore bo$ing%H I added# HSo and so has told e that you had in)
fored hi that it had been after bo$ing%H Anas said# HHe told an untruth !i%e% H$as istaken#H ac)
cording to the Hi.a-i dialect"% Allah's Apostle recited ,unut after bo$ing for a period of one onth%H
Anas added# H&he Prophet sent about se(enty en !$ho kne$ the ,uran by heart" to$ards the pa)
gans !of Da.d" $ho $ere less than they in nuber and there $as a peace treaty bet$een the and
Allah's Apostles !but the Pagans broke the treaty and killed the se(enty en"% So Allah's Apostle re)
cited ,unut for a period of one onth asking Allah to punish the%H
=olue 3# Book 05# Duber 00::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet recited ,unut for one onth !in the Ba.r prayer" asking Allah to punish the tribes of
Ral and 8hak$an%
=olue 3# Book 05# Duber 007:
Darrated Anas:
&he ,unut used to be recited in the Maghrib and the Ba.r prayers%
=olue 3 ) 3<< ? 0:66
Book 0:: In(oking Allah for Rain !IstisCaa"
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 001:
Darrated 'Abbas bin &ai's uncle:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" $ent out to offer the IstisCa' prayer and turned !and put on" his cloak inside
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 036:
Darrated Abu HurairaL
@hene(er the Prophet !p%b%u%h" lifted his head fro the bo$ing in the last Raka he used to say: HE
AllahI Sa(e 'Aiyash bin Abi Rabi'a% E AllahI Sa(e Salaa bin Hisha% E AllahI Sa(e @alid bin @alid%
E AllahI Sa(e the $eak faithful belie(ers% E AllahI Be hard on the tribes of Mudar and send !faine"
years on the like the faine years of !Prophet" /oseph %H &he Prophet further said# HAllah forgi(e the
tribes of Ahifar and sa(e the tribes of Asla%H Abu A-)Finad !a sub)narrator" said# H&he ,unut used
to be recited by the Prophet in the Ba.r prayer%H
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 030:
Darrated MasruC:
@e $ere $ith 'Abdullah and he said# H@hen the Prophet sa$ the refusal of the people to accept Is)
la he said# HE AllahI Send !faine" years on the for !se(en years" like the se(en years !of faine
during the tie" of !Prophet" /oseph%H So faine o(ertook the for one year and destroyed e(ery
kind of life to such an e*tent that the people started eating hides# carcasses and rotten dead anials%
@hene(er one of the looked to$ards the sky# he $ould !iagine hiself to" see soke because of
hunger% So Abu Sufyan $ent to the Prophet and said# HE MuhaadI Kou order people to obey Allah
and to keep good relations $ith kith and kin% Do doubt the people of your tribe are dying# so please
pray to Allah for the%H So Allah re(ealed: H&hen $atch you Bor the day that &he sky $ill bring forth
a kind Ef soke Plainly (isible %%% =erilyI Kou $ill return !to disbelief" En the day $hen @e shall
sei-e Kou $ith a ighty grasp% !22%06)05" Ibn Masud added# HAl)Batsha !i%e% grasp" happened in the
battle of Badr and no doubt soke# Al)Batsha# Al);i-a# and the (erse of Surat Ar)Ru ha(e all
passed %
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 033:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 8inar:
=olue 3 ) 3<2 ? 0:66
My father said# HI heard Ibn 'Uar reciting the poetic (erses of Abu &alib: And a $hite !person"
!i%e% the Prophet" $ho is reCuested to pray for rain and $ho takes care of the orphans and is the
guardian of $ido$s%H Sali's father !Ibn 'Uar" said# H&he follo$ing poetic (erse occurred to y
ind $hile I $as looking at the face of the Prophet !p%b%u%h" $hile he $as praying for rain% He did
not get do$n till the rain $ater flo$ed profusely fro e(ery roof)g utter: And a $hite !person" $ho
is reCuested to pray for rain and $ho takes care of the orphans and is the guardian of $ido$s % % %
And these $ere the $ords of Abu &alib%H
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 03<:
Darrated Anas:
@hene(er drought threatened the# 'Uar bin Al)Khattab# used to ask Al)Abbas bin 'Abdul Mut)
talib to in(oke Allah for rain% He used to say# HE AllahI @e used to ask our Prophet to in(oke Kou for
rain# and Kou $ould bless us $ith rain# and no$ $e ask his uncle to in(oke Kou for rain% E Allah I
Bless us $ith rain%H!0" And so it $ould rain%
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 032:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Faid:
&he Prophet turned his cloak inside out on IstisCa%
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 034:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Faid
&he Prophet $ent to$ards the Musalla and in(oked Allah for rain% He faced the ,ibla and $ore
his cloak inside out# and offered t$o Rakat%
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 035:
Darrated Sharik bin 'Abdullah bin Abi Dair:
I heard Anas bin Malik saying# HEn a Briday a person entered the ain MosCue through the gate
facing the pulpit $hile Allah's Apostle $as deli(ering the Khutba% &he an stood in front of Allah's
Apostle and said# 'E Allah's ApostleI &he li(estock are dying and the roads are cut offL so please pray
to Allah for rain%' H Anas added# HAllah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" raised both his hands and said# 'E AllahI
Bless us $ith rainI E AllahI Bless us $ith rainI E AllahI Bless us $ith rainI' H Anas added# HBy Allah#
$e could not see any trace of cloud in the sky and there $as no building or a house bet$een us and
!the ountains of" Sila%H Anas added# HA hea(y cloud like a shield appeared fro behind it !i%e% Sila'
Mountain"% @hen it cae in the iddle of the sky# it spread and then rained%H Anas further said# HBy
AllahI @e could not see the sun for a $eek% De*t Briday a person entered through the sae gate and
=olue 3 ) 3<4 ? 0:66
at that tie Allah's Apostle $as deli(ering the Briday's Khutba% &he an stood in front of hi and
said# 'E Allah's ApostleI &he li(estock are dying and the roads are cut off# please pray to Allah to
$ith)hold rain%' H Anas added# HAllah's Apostle I raised both his hands and said# 'E AllahI Round about
us and not on us% E AllahI En the plateaus# on the ountains# on the hills# in the (alleys and on the
places $here trees gro$%' So the rain stopped and $e cae out $alking in the sun%H Sharik asked
Anas $hether it $as the sae person $ho had asked for the rain !the last Briday"% Anas replied that
he did not kno$%
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 03::
Darrated Sharik:
Anas bin Malik said# HA person entered the MosCue on a Briday through the gate facing the 8aril)
,ada' and Allah's Apostle $as standing deli(ering the Khutba !seron"% &he an stood in front of
Allah's Apostle and said# 'E Allah's Apostle# li(estock are dying and the roads are cut offL please pray
to Allah for rain%' So Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" raised both his hands and said# 'E AllahI Bless us $ith
rain% E AllahI Bless us $ith rain% E AllahI Bless us $ith rainIH Anas added# HBy Allah# there $ere no
clouds in the sky and there $as no house or building bet$een us and the ountain of Silas'% &hen a
big cloud like a shield appeared fro behind it !i%e% Silas Mountain" and $hen it cae in the iddle
of the sky# it spread and then rained% By AllahI @e could not see the sun for a $eek% &he ne*t Briday#
a person entered through the sae gate and Allah's Apostle $as deli(ering the Briday Khutba and the
an stood in front of hi and said# 'E Allah's ApostleI &he li(estock are dying and the roads are cut
offL Please pray to Allah to $ithhold rain%' H Anas added# HAllah's Apostle raised both his hands and
said# 'E AllahI Round about us and not on us% E AllahI' En the plateaus# on the ountains# on the
hills# in the (alleys and on the places $here trees gro$%' H Anas added# H&he rain stopped and $e
cae out# $alking in the sun%H Sharik asked Anas $hether it $as the sae person $ho had asked for
rain the pre(ious Briday% Anas replied that he did not kno$%
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 037:
Darrated ,atada:
Anas I said# H@hile Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" $as deli(ering the Briday Khutba !seron" a an
cae and said# 'E Allah's ApostleI Rain is scarceL please ask Allah to bless us $ith rain%' So he in(oked
Allah for it# and it rained so uch that $e could hardly reach our hoes and it continued raining till
the ne*t Briday%H Anas further said# H&hen the sae or soe other person stood up and said# 'E Allah's
ApostleI In(oke Allah to $ithhold the rain%' En that# Allah's Apostle I said# 'E AllahI Round about us
and not on us%' H Anas added# HI sa$ the clouds dispersing right and left and it continued to rain but
not o(er Medina%H
=olue 3 ) 3<5 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 031:
Darrated Anas:
A an cae to the Prophet !p%b%u%h" and said# H;i(estock are destroyed and the roads are cut off%H
So Allah's Apostle in(oked Allah for rain and it rained fro that Briday till the ne*t Briday% &he sae
person cae again and said# HHouses ha(e collapsed# roads are cut off# and the li(estock are des)
troyed% Please pray to Allah to $ithhold the rain%H Allah's Apostle !stood up and" said# HE AllahI !;et it
rain" on the plateaus# on the hills# in the (alleys and o(er the places $here trees gro$%H So the clouds
cleared a$ay fro Medina as clothes are taken off %
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 0<6:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
A an cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI ;i(estock are destroyed and the roads
are cut off% So please in(oke Allah%H So Allah's Apostle prayed and it rained fro that Briday to the
ne*t Briday% &hen he cae to Allah's Apostle I and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Houses ha(e collapsed#
roads are cut off and the li(estock are destroyed%H So Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" prayed# HE AllahI !;et it
rain" on the tops of ountains# on the plateaus# in the (alleys and o(er the places $here trees gro$%H
So the clouds cleared a$ay fro Medina as clothes are taken off%
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 0<0:
Darrated Anas bin Malik
I p an coplained to the Prophet about the destruction of li(estock and property and the hunger
of the offspring% So he in(oked !Allah for rain% &he narrator !Anas" did not ention that the Prophet
had $orn his cloak inside out or faced the ,ibla%
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 0<3:
Darrated Anas bin Malik
A an cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI ;i(estock are destroyed and the roads
are cut offL so please in(oke Allah%H So Allah's Apostle prayed for rain and it rained fro that Briday
till the ne*t Briday% &hen a an cae to the Prophet !p%b%u%h" and said# HE Allah's ApostleI &he houses
ha(e collapsed# roads are cut off and the li(estock are destroyed%H So Allah's Apostle said# HE Allah I
!;et it rain" on the tops of the ountains# on the plateaus# in the (alleys and o(er the places $here
trees gro$%H So the clouds cleared a$ay fro Medina as clothes are taken off%
=olue 3 ) 3<: ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 0<<:
Darrated MasruC:
Ene day I $ent to Ibn Masud $ho said# H@hen ,uraish delayed in ebracing Isla# the Prophet I
in(oked Allah to curse the# so they $ere afflicted $ith a !faine" year because of $hich any of
the died and they ate the carcasses and Abu Sufyan cae to the Prophet and said# 'E MuhaadI
Kou cae to order people to keep good relation $ith kith and kin and your nation is being destroyed#
so in(oke Allah I J So the Prophet I recited the Holy (erses of Sirat)Ad)8ukhan: '&hen $atch you Bor
the day that &he sky $ill Bring forth a kind Ef soke Plainly (isible%' !22%06" @hen the faine $as
taken off# the people renegade once again as nonbelie(ers% &he stateent of Allah# !in Sura HAd)
8ukhanH)22" refers to that: 'En the day $hen @e shall sei-e Kou $ith a ighty grasp%' !22%05" And
that $as $hat happened on the day of the battle of Badr%H Asbath added on the authority of Mansur#
HAllah's Apostle prayed for the and it rained hea(ily for se(en days% So the people coplained of the
e*cessi(e rain% &he Prophet said# 'E AllahI !;et it rain" around us and not on us%' So the clouds dis)
persed o(er his head and it rained o(er the surroundings%H
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 0<2:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle I $as deli(ering the Khutba !seron" on a Briday $hen the people stood up#
shouted and said# HE Allah's ApostleI &here is no rain !drought"# the trees ha(e dried and the li(e)
stock are destroyedL Please pray to Allah for rain%H So Allah's Apostle said t$ice# HE AllahI Bless us
$ith rain%H By Allah# there $as no trace of cloud in the sky and suddenly the sky becae o(ercast
$ith clouds and it started raining% &he Prophet cae do$n the pulpit and offered the prayer% @hen
he cae back fro the prayer !to his house" it $as raining and it rained continuously till the ne*t
Briday% @hen the Prophet started deli(ering the Briday Khutba !seron"# the people started shouting
and said to hi# H&he houses ha(e collapsed and the roads are cut offL so please pray to Allah to
$ithhold the rain%H So the Prophet siled and said# HE AllahI Round about us and not on us%H So the
sky becae clear o(er Medina but it kept on raining o(er the outskirts !of Medina" and not a single
drop of rain fell o(er Median% I looked to$ards the sky $hich $as as bright and clear as a cro$n%
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 0<4:
Darrated Abbas bin &ai
that his uncle !$ho $as one of the copanions of the Prophet" had told hi# H&he Prophet $ent
out $ith the people to in(oke Allah for rain for the% He stood up and in(oked Allah for rain# then
faced the ,ibla and turned his cloak !inside out" and it rained%H
=olue 3 ) 3<7 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 0<5:
Darrated Abbas bin &ai
fro his uncle $ho said# H&he Prophet $ent out to in(oke Allah for rain% He faced the ,ibla in(ok)
ing Allah% He turned o(er his cloak !inside out" and then offered t$o Rakat and recited the ,uran
aloud in the%H
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 0<::
Darrated Abbas bin &ai fro his uncle#
HI sa$ the Prophet on the day $hen he $ent out to offer the IstisCa' prayer% He turned his back to)
$ards the people and faced the ,ibla and asked Allah for rain% &hen he turned his cloak inside out
and led us in a t$o Rakat prayer and recited the ,ur'an aloud in the%H
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 0<7:
Darrated Abbas bin &ai fro his uncle $ho said#
H&he Prophet in(oked Allah for rain and offered a t$o Rakat prayer and he put his cloak inside
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 0<1:
Darrated Abbas bin &ai fro his uncle $ho said#
H&he Prophet $ent out to the Musalla to offer the IstisCa' prayer# faced the ,ibla and offered a
t$o)Rakat prayer and turned his cloak inside out%H Darrated Abu Bakr# H&he Prophet put the right
side of his cloak on his left side%H
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 026:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Faid Al)Ansari:
&he Prophet $ent out to$ards the Musalla in order to offer the IstisCa' prayer and $hen he inten)
ded to in(oke !Allah" or started in(oking# he faced the ,ibla and turned his cloak inside out%
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 020:
Darrated Anas bin Malik
&he Prophet ne(er raised his hands for any in(ocation e*cept for that of IstisCa' and he used to
raise the so uch that the $hiteness of his arpits becae (isible% !Dote: It ay be that Anas did
=olue 3 ) 3<1 ? 0:66
not see the Prophet raising his hands# but it is narrated that the Prophet used to raise his hands for
in(ocations other than IstisCa% See Hadith Do% 76: N 767 and also see Hadith Do% 503# =ol% 4"%
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 023:
Darrated Aisha:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle sa$ the rain# he used to say# HE AllahI ;et it be a strong fruitful rain%H
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 02<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
In the life)tie of Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" the people $ere afflicted $ith a !faine" year% @hile
the Prophet $as deli(ering the Khutba !seron" on the pulpit on a Briday# a Bedouin stood up and
said# HE Allah's ApostleI &he li(estock are dying and the failies !offspring" are hungry: please pray
to Allah to bless us $ith rain%H Allah's Apostle raised both his hands to$ards the sky and at that tie
there $as not a trace of cloud in they sky% &hen the clouds started gathering like ountains% Before
he got do$n fro the pulpit I sa$ rain)$ater trickling do$n his beard% It rained that day# the ne*t
day# the third day# the fourth day and till the ne*t Briday# $hen the sae Bedouin or soe other per)
son stood up !during the Briday Khutba" and said# HE Allah's ApostleI &he houses ha(e collapsed and
the li(estock are dro$ned% Please in(oke Allah for us%H So Allah's Apostle raised both his hands and
said# HE AllahI Around us and not on us%H @hiche(er side the Prophet directed his hand# the clouds
dispersed fro there till a hole !in the clouds" $as fored o(er Medina% &he (alley of ,anat re)
ained flo$ing !$ith $ater" for one onth and none# cae fro outside $ho didn't talk about the
abundant rain%
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 022:
Darrated Anas:
@hene(er a strong $ind ble$# an*iety appeared on the face of the Prophet !fearing that $ind
ight be a sign of Allah's $rath"%
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 024:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HI $as granted (ictory $ith As)Saba and the nation of 'Ad $as destroyed by Ad)
8abur !$esterly $ind" %
=olue 3 ) 326 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 025:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he Hour !;ast 8ay" $ill not be established until !religious" kno$ledge $ill be
taken a$ay !by the death of religious learned en"# earthCuakes $ill be (ery freCuent# tie $ill pass
Cuickly# afflictions $ill appear# urders $ill increase and oney $ill o(erflo$ aongst you%H !See
Hadith Do% 74 =ol 0"%
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 02::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
!&he Prophet" said# HE AllahI Bless our Sha and our Keen%H People said# HEur Da.d as $ell%H &he
Prophet again said# HE AllahI Bless our Sha and Keen%H &hey said again# HEur Da.d as $ell%H En
that the Prophet said# H&here $ill appear earthCuakes and afflictions# and fro there $ill coe out
the side of the head of Satan%H
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 027:
Darrated Faid bin Khalid Al)/uhani:
Allah's Apostle led the orning prayer in Al)Hudaibiya and it had rained the pre(ious night%
@hen the Prophet !p%b%u%h" had finished the prayer he faced the people and said# H8o you kno$ $hat
your ;ord has saidJH &hey replied# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ better%H !&he Prophet said"# HAllah
says# 'In this orning soe of My $orshipers reained as true belie(ers and soe becae non)be)
lie(ersL he $ho said that it had rained $ith the blessing and ercy of Allah is the one $ho belie(es
in Me and does not belie(e in star# but he $ho said it had rained because of such and such !star" is a
disbelie(er in Me and is a belie(er in star%' H
=olue 3# Book 0:# Duber 021:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" said# HKeys of the unseen kno$ledge are fi(e $hich nobody kno$s but Al)
lah % % % nobody kno$s $hat $ill happen toorro$L nobody kno$s $hat is in the $obL nobody
kno$s $hat he $ill gain toorro$L nobody kno$s at $hat place he $ill dieL and nobody kno$s
$hen it $ill rain%H
=olue 3 ) 320 ? 0:66
Book 07: +clipses
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 046:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
@e $ere $ith Allah's Apostle $hen the sun eclipsed% Allah's Apostle stood up dragging his cloak
till he entered the MosCue% He led us in a t$o)Rakat prayer till the sun !eclipse" had cleared% &hen
the Prophet !p%b%u%h" said# H&he sun and the oon do not eclipse because of soeone's death% So
$hene(er you see these eclipses pray and in(oke !Allah" till the eclipse is o(er%H
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 040:
Darrated Abu Masud:
&he Prophet said# H&he sun and the oon do not eclipse because of the death of soeone fro the
people but they are t$o signs aongst the signs of Allah% @hen you see the stand up and pray%H
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 043:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H&he sun and the oon do not eclipse because of the death or life !i%e% birth" of
soeone but they are t$o signs aongst the signs of Allah% @hen you see the offer the prayer%H
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 04<:
Darrated Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba:
H&he sun eclipsed in the life)tie of Allah's Apostle on the day $hen !his son" Ibrahi died% So the
people said that the sun had eclipsed because of the death of Ibrahi% Allah's Apostle said# H&he sun
and the oon do not eclipse because of the death or life !i%e% birth" of soe)one% @hen you see the
eclipse pray and in(oke Allah%H
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 042:
Darrated 'Aisha:
In the life)tie of Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" the sun eclipsed# so he led the people in prayer# and
stood up and perfored a long ,iya# then bo$ed for a long $hile% He stood up again and per)
fored a long ,iya but this tie the period of standing $as shorter than the first% He bo$ed again
for a long tie but shorter than the first one# then he prostrated and prolonged the prostration% He
=olue 3 ) 323 ? 0:66
did the sae in the second Raka as he did in the first and then finished the prayerL by then the sun
!eclipse" had cleared% He deli(ered the Khutba !seron" and after praising and glorifying Allah he
said# H&he sun and the oon are t$o signs against the signs of AllahL they do not eclipse on the death
or life of anyone% So $hen you see the eclipse# reeber Allah and say &akbir# pray and gi(e
SadaCa%H &he Prophet then said# HE follo$ers of MuhaadI By AllahI &here is none $ho has ore
ghaira !self)respect" than Allah as He has forbidden that His sla(es# ale or feale coit adultery
!illegal se*ual intercourse"% E follo$ers of MuhaadI By AllahI If you kne$ that $hich I kno$
you $ould laugh little and $eep uch%
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 044:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
H@hen the sun eclipsed in the life)tie of Allah's Apostle an announceent $as ade that a pray)
er $as to be offered in congregation%H
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 045:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet !p%b%u%h" In the lifetie of the Prophet the sun eclipsed and he $ent to the
MosCue and the people aligned behind hi% He said the &akbir !starting the prayer" and prolonged
the recitation !fro the ,uran" and then said &akbir and perfored a prolonged bo$ingL then he
!lifted his head and" said# HSai allahu lian haidahH !Allah heard hi $ho sent his praises to
Hi"% He then did not prostrate but stood up and recited a prolonged recitation $hich $as shorter
than the first recitation% He again said &akbir and then bo$ed a prolonged bo$ing but shorter than
the first one and then said# HSai 'a)l)lahu ;yan haidah Rabbana $alak)lhad# !Allah heard hi
$ho sent his praises to Hi% E our SustainerI All the praises are for Kou"H and then prostrated and
did the sae in the second RakaL thus he copleted four bo$ing and four prostrations% &he sun !ec)
lipse" had cleared before he finished the prayer% !After the prayer" he stood up# glorified and praised
Allah as He deser(ed and then said# H&he sun and the oon are t$o of the signs of Allah% &hey do not
eclipse because of the death or the life !i%e% birth" of soeone% @hen you see the ake haste for the
prayer%H Darrated A-)Fuhri: I said to 'Ursa# H@hen the sun eclipsed at Medina your brother !'Abdul)
lah bin A-)Fubair" offered only a t$o)Rakat prayer like that of the orning !Ba.r" prayer%H 'Ursa
replied# HKes# for he issed the Prophet's tradition !concerning this atter"%H
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 04::
Darrated Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" En the day $hen the sun Khasafat !eclipsed" Allah's Apostle prayedL he
stood up and said &akbir and recited a prolonged recitation# then he perfored a prolonged bo$ing#
=olue 3 ) 32< ? 0:66
then he raised his head and said# HSai'a)l)lahu ;yan Haidah#H and then reained standing and
recited a prolonged recitation $hich $as shorter than the first% &hen he perfored a prolonged
bo$ing $hich $as shorter than the first% &hen he prostrated and prolonged the prostration and he
did the sae in the second Raka as in the first and then finished the prayer $ith &asli% By that tie
the sun !eclipse" had cleared He addressed the people and said# H&he sun and the oon are t$o of the
signs of AllahL they do not eclipse !Kakhsifan" because of the death or the life !i%e% birth" of soeone%
So $hen you see the ake haste for the prayer%H
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 047:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
Allah's Apostle said: H&he sun and the oon are t$o signs aongst the signs of Allah and they do
not eclipse because of the death of soeone but Allah frightens His de(otees $ith the%H
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 041:
Darrated 'Ara bint 'AbdurRahan:
A /e$ess cae to ask 'Aisha !the $ife of the Prophet" about soething% She said to her# HMay Allah
gi(e you refuge fro the punishent of the gra(e%H So 'Aisha ' asked Allah's Apostle H@ould the
people be punished in their gra(esJH Allah's Apostle after seeking refuge $ith Allah fro the punish)
ent of the gra(e !and thus replied in the affirati(e"% &hen one day# Allah's Apostle rode to go to
soe place but the sun eclipsed% He returned in the forenoon and passed through the rear of the
d$ellings !of his $i(es" and stood for the !eclipse" prayer# and the people stood behind hi% He stood
up for a long period and then perfored a prolonged bo$ing $hich $as shorter than the first bo$)
ing% &hen he raised his head and prostrated% &hen he stood up !for the second Raka" for a long $hile
but the standing $as shorter than that of the first Raka% &hen he perfored a prolonged bo$ing
$hich $as shorter than the first one% &hen he raised his head and prostrated% &hen he stood up for a
long tie but shorter than the first% &hen he perfored a prolonged bo$ing but shorter than the
first% &hen he raised his head and prostrated and finished the prayer and !then deli(ered the seron
and" said as uch as Allah $ished% And then he ordered the people to seek refuge $ith Allah fro
the punishent of the gra(e%
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 056:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar
@hen the sun eclipsed in the lifetie of Allah's Apostle and an announceent $as ade that the
prayer $as to be held in congregation% &he Prophet perfored t$o bo$ing in one Raka% &hen he
stood up and perfored t$o bo$ing in one Raka% &hen he sat do$n and finished the prayerL and by
then the !eclipse" had cleared 'Aisha said# HI had ne(er perfored such a long prostration%H
=olue 3 ) 322 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 050:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abbas:
&he sun eclipsed in the life)tie of the Prophet !p%b%u%h" % Allah's Apostle offered the eclipse prayer
and stood for a long period eCual to the period in $hich one could recite Surat)al)BaCara% &hen he
bo$ed for a long tie and then stood up for a long period $hich $as shorter than that of the first
standing# then bo$ed again for a long tie but for a shorter period than the firstL then he prostrated
t$ice and then stood up for a long period $hich $as shorter than that of the first standingL then he
bo$ed for a long tie $hich $as shorter than the pre(ious one# and then he raised his head and
stood up for a long period $hich $as shorter than the first standing# then he bo$ed for a long tie
$hich $as shorter than the first bo$ing# and then prostrated !t$ice" and finished the prayer% By
then# the sun !eclipse" had cleared% &he Prophet then said# H&he sun and the oon are t$o of the
signs of Allah% &hey eclipse neither because of the death of soebody nor because of his life !i%e%
birth"% So $hen you see the# reeber Allah%H &he people say# HE Allah's ApostleI @e sa$ you tak)
ing soething fro your place and then $e sa$ you retreating%H &he Prophet replied# HI sa$ Paradise
and stretched y hands to$ards a bunch !of its fruits" and had I taken it# you $ould ha(e eaten fro
it as long as the $orld reains% I also sa$ the Hell)fire and I had ne(er seen such a horrible sight% I
sa$ that ost of the inhabitants $ere $oen%H &he people asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @hy is it soJH
&he Prophet replied# HBecause of their ungratefulness%H It $as asked $hether they are ungrateful to
Allah% &he Prophet said# H&hey are ungrateful to their copanions of life !husbands" and ungrateful
to good deeds% If you are bene(olent to one of the throughout the life and if she sees anything !un)
desirable" in you# she $ill say# 'I ha(e ne(er had any good fro you%' H
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 053:
Darrated Batia bint Al)Mundhir:
Asa' bint Al Bakr said# HI cae to 'Aisha the $ife of the Prophet !p%b%u%h" during the solar eclipse%
&he people $ere standing and offering the prayer and she $as also praying too% I asked her# '@hat
has happened to the peopleJ' She pointed out $ith her hand to$ards the sky and said# 'Subhan)
Allah'% I said# 'Is there a signJ' She pointed out in the affirati(e%H Asa' further said# HI too then stood
up for the prayer till I fainted and then poured $ater on y head% @hen Allah's Apostle had finished
his prayer# he thanked and praised Allah and said# 'I ha(e seen at this place of ine $hat I ha(e ne()
er seen e(en Paradise and Hell% Do doubt# it has been inspired to e that you $ill be put to trial in
the gra(es like or nearly like the trial of !Masih" Ad) !I do not kno$ $hich one of the t$o
Asa' said%" !&he angels" $ill coe to e(eryone of you and $ill ask $hat do you kno$ about this
an !i%e% Muhaad"% &he belie(er or a fir belie(er !I do not kno$ $hich $ord Asa' said" $ill
reply# 'He is Muhaad# Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" $ho cae to us $ith clear e(idences and guidance#
so $e accepted his teachings# belie(ed and follo$ed hi%' &he angels $ill then say to hi# 'Sleep
peacefully as $e kne$ surely that you $ere a fir belie(er%' &he hypocrite or doubtful person !I do
=olue 3 ) 324 ? 0:66
not kno$ $hich $ord Asa' said" $ill say# 'I do not kno$% I heard the people saying soething so I
said it !the sae"%' H
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 05<:
Darrated Asa:
Do doubt the Prophet ordered people to anuit sla(es during the solar eclipse%
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 052:
Darrated 'Ara bint 'AbdurRahan:
A /e$ess cae to 'Aisha to ask her about soething and then she said# HMay Allah gi(e you refuge
fro the punishent of the gra(e%H So 'Aisha asked Allah's Apostle# H@ould the people be punished in
their gra(esJH Allah's Apostle asked Allah's refuge fro the punishent of the gra(e !indicating an
affirati(e reply"% &hen one day Allah's Apostle rode !to lea(e for soe place" but the sun eclipsed%
He returned on the forenoon and passed through the rear of the d$ellings !of his $i(es" and stood
up and started offering the !eclipse" prayer and the people stood behind hi% He stood for a long
period and then perfored a long bo$ing and then stood straight for a long period $hich $as
shorter than that of the first standing# then he perfored a prolonged bo$ing $hich $as shorter
than the first bo$ing# then he raised his head and prostrated for a long tie and then stood up !for
the second Raka" for a long $hile# but the standing $as shorter than the standing of the first Raka%
&hen he perfored a prolonged bo$ing $hich $as shorter than that of the first one% He then stood
up for a long tie but shorter than the first# then again perfored a long bo$ing $hich $as shorter
than the first and then prostrated for a shorter $hile than that of the first prostration% &hen he fin)
ished the prayer and deli(ered the seron and" said $hat Allah $ishedL and ordered the people to
seek refuge $ith Allah fro the punishent of the gra(e%
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 054:
Darrated Abu Masud:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he sun and the oon do not eclipse because of soeone's death or life but
they are t$o signs aongst the signs of Allah# so pray $hene(er you see the%H
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 055:
Darrated 'Aisha:
In the lifetie of the Prophet the sun eclipsed and the Prophet !p%b%u%h" stood up to offer the pray)
er $ith the people and recited a long recitation# then he perfored a prolonged bo$ing# and then
lifted his head and recited a prolonged recitation $hich $as shorter than the first% &hen he per)
=olue 3 ) 325 ? 0:66
fored a prolonged bo$ing $hich $as shorter than the first and then lifted his head and perfored
t$o prostrations% He then stood up for the second Raka and offered it like the first% &hen he stood up
and said# H&he sun and the oon do not eclipse because of soeone's life or death but they are t$o
signs aongst the signs of Allah $hich He sho$s to His $orshipers% So $hene(er you see the#
ake haste for the prayer%H
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 05::
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he sun eclipsed and the Prophet got up# being afraid that it ight be the Hour !i%e% 8ay of /udg)
ent"% He $ent to the MosCue and offered the prayer $ith the longest ,iya# bo$ing and prostra)
tion that I had e(er seen hi doing% &hen he said# H&hese signs $hich Allah sends do not occur be)
cause of the life or death of soebody# but Allah akes His $orshipers afraid by the% So $hen you
see anything thereof# proceed to reeber Allah# in(oke Hi and ask for His forgi(eness%H
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 057:
Darrated Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba:
En the day of Ibrahi's death# the sun eclipsed and the people said that the eclipse $as due to the
death of Ibrahi !the son of the Prophet"% Allah's Apostle said# H&he sun and the oon are t$o signs
aongst the signs of Allah% &hey do not eclipse because of soeone's death or life% So $hen you see
the# in(oke Allah and pray till the eclipse is clear%H
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 051:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
In the life)tie of the Prophet the sun eclipsed and then he offered a t$o Rakat prayer%
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 0:6:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
In the life)tie of the Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" the sun eclipsed and he $ent out dragging his
clothes till he reached the MosCue% &he people gathered around hi and he led the and offered
t$o Rakat% @hen the sun !eclipse" cleared# he said# H&he sun and the oon are t$o signs aongst the
signs of AllahL they do not eclipse because of the death of soeone# and so $hen an eclipse occurs#
pray and in(oke Allah till the eclipse is o(er%H It happened that a son of the Prophet called Ibrahi
died on that day and the people $ere talking about that !saying that the eclipse $as caused by his
=olue 3 ) 32: ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 0:0:
Darrated Aisha:
&he Prophet led us and perfored four bo$ing in t$o Rakat during the solar eclipse and the first
Raka $as longer%
=olue 3# Book 07# Duber 0:3:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" recited !the ,uran" aloud during the eclipse prayer and $hen he had fin)
ished the eclipse prayer he said the &akbir and bo$ed% @hen he stood straight fro bo$ing he
$ould say HSai 'al)l)ahu ;yan haidah Rabbana $alaka)l)had%H And he $ould again start re)
citing% In the eclipse prayer there are four bo$ing and four prostrations in t$o Rakat% Al)Au-a'i and
others said that they had heard A-)Fuhi fro 'Ursa fro 'Aisha saying# HIn the life)tie of Allah's
Apostle the sun eclipsed# and he ade a person to announce: 'Prayer in congregation%' He led the
prayer and perfored four bo$ing and four prostrations in t$o Rakat%H Darrated Al)@alid that 'Ab)
dur)Rahan bin Dair had infored hi that he had heard the sae% Ibn Shihab heard the sae%
A-)Fuhrl said# HI asked !'Ursa"# '@hat did your brother 'Abdullah bin A-Fubair doJ He prayed t$o
Rakat !of the eclipse prayer" like the orning prayer# $hen he offered the !eclipse" prayer in Medi)
an%' 'Ursa replied that he had issed !i%e% did not pray according to" the Prophet's tradition%H Sulaian
bin Kathir and Sufyan bin Husain narrated fro A-)Fuhri that the prayer for the eclipse used to be
offered $ith loud recitation%
=olue 3 ) 327 ? 0:66
Book 01: Prostration 8uring Recital of ,ur'an
=olue 3# Book 01# Duber 0:<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Masud:
&he Prophet recited Suratan)Da. !06<" at Mecca and prostrated $hile reciting it and those $ho
$ere $ith hi did the sae e*cept an old an $ho took a handful of sall stones or earth and lif)
ted it to his forehead and said# H&his is sufficient for e%H ;ater on# I sa$ hi killed as a non)belie(er%
=olue 3# Book 01# Duber 0:2:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
En Bridays the Prophet used to recite Alf ;a Mi &an-il)As)Sa.da !in the first Raka" and Hal
ata'alal)lnsani i%e% Suratad)8ahr !;QQ=I" !in the second Raka"# in the Ba.r prayer%
=olue 3# Book 01# Duber 0:4:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he prostration of Sad is not a copulsory one but I sa$ the Prophet prostrating $hile reciting it%
=olue 3# Book 01# Duber 0:5:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Masud:
&he Prophet recited Surat)an)Da. !4<" and prostrated $hile reciting it and all the people pros)
trated and a an aongst the people took a handful of stones or earth and raised it to his face and
said# H&his is sufficient for e% ;ater on I sa$ hi killed as a Dobel e(er% H
=olue 3# Book 01# Duber 0:::
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet I prostrated $hile reciting An)Da. and $ith hi prostrated the Muslis# the pa)
gans# the .inns# and all huan beings%
=olue 3# Book 01# Duber 0:7:
Darrated 'Ata' bin Kasar:
I asked Faid bin &habit about prostration on $hich he said that he had recited An)Da. before
the Prophet# yet he !the Prophet" had not perfored a prostration%
=olue 3 ) 321 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 01# Duber 0:1:
Darrated Faid bin &habit:
I recited An)Da. before the Prophet# yet he did not perfor a prostration%
=olue 3# Book 01# Duber 076:
Darrated Abu Sala:
I sa$ Abu Huraira reciting Idha)Saa' un)ShaCCat and he prostrated during its recitation% I asked
Abu Huraira# H8idn't I see you prostratingJH Abu Huraira said# HHad I not seen the Prophet prostrat)
ing# I $ould not ha(e prostrated%H
=olue 3# Book 01# Duber 070:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
@hen the Prophet recited a Sura that contained the prostration he $ould prostrate and $e $ould
do the sae and soe of us !because of the hea(y rush" could not find a place for prostration%
=olue 3# Book 01# Duber 073:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar#
@hen the Prophet recited Surat As)Sa.da and $e $ere $ith hi# he $ould prostrate and $e also
$ould prostrate $ith hi and soe of us !because of the hea(y rush" $ould not find a place !for our
foreheads" to prostrate on%
=olue 3# Book 01# Duber 07<:
Darrated Rabi'a:
'Uar bin Al)Khattab recited Surat)an)Dahl on a Briday on the pulpit and $hen he reached the
(erse of Sa.da he got do$n fro the pulpit and prostrated and the people also prostrated% &he ne*t
Briday 'Uar bin Al)Khattab recited the sae Sura and $hen he reached the (erse of Sa.da he said#
HE peopleI @hen $e recite the (erses of Sa.da !during the seron" $hoe(er prostrates does the right
thing# yet it is no sin for the one $ho does not prostrate%H And 'Uar did not prostrate !that day"% Ad)
ded Ibn 'Uar HAllah has not ade the prostration of recitation copulsory but if $e $ish $e can do
=olue 3# Book 01# Duber 072:
Darrated Abu Rafi:
=olue 3 ) 346 ? 0:66
I offered the 'Isha' prayer behind Abu Huraira and he recited Idhas)Saa' Un)ShaCCat# and pros)
trated% I said# H@hat is thisJH Abu Huraira said# HI prostrated behind Abu)l),asi and I $ill do the
sae till I eet hi%H
=olue 3# Book 01# Duber 074:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar%
@hene(er the Prophet recited the Sura $hich contained the prostration of recitation he used to
prostrate and then# $e# too# $ould prostrate and soe of us did not find a place for prostration%
=olue 3 ) 340 ? 0:66
Book 36: Shortening the Prayers !At)&aCseer"
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 075:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet once stayed for nineteen days and prayed shortened prayers% So $hen $e tra(el led
!and stayed" for nineteen days# $e used to shorten the prayer but if $e tra(elled !and stayed" for a
longer period $e used to offer the full prayer%
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 07::
Darrated Kahya bin IshaC:
I heard Anas saying# H@e tra(elled $ith the Prophet fro Medina to Mecca and offered t$o Rakat
!for e(ery prayer" till $e returned to Medina%H I said# H8id you stay for a $hile in MeccaJH He replied#
H@e stayed in Mecca for ten days%H
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 077:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
I offered the prayer $ith the Prophet# Abu Bakr and 'Uar at Mina and it $as of t$o Rakat% 'Uth)
an in the early days of his caliphate did the sae# but later on he started praying the full prayer%
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 071:
Darrated Haritha bin @ahab:
&he Prophet I led us in the prayer at Mina during the peace period by offering t$o Rakat%
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 016:
Darrated 'Abdur Rahan bin Ka-id:
@e offered a four Rakat prayer at Mina behind Ibn 'Affan % 'Abdullah bin Masud $as infored
about it% He said sadly# H&ruly to Allah $e belong and truly to Hi $e shall return%H And added# HI
prayed t$o Rakat $ith Allah's Apostle at Mina and siilarly $ith Abu Bakr and $ith 'Uar !during
their caliphates"%H He further said# HMay I be lucky enough to ha(e t$o of the four Rakat accepted !by
=olue 3 ) 343 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 010:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet and his copanions reached Mecca in the orning of the 2th 8hul)Hi..a reciting
&albiya !E AllahI @e are obedient to your orders# $e respond to your call" intending to perfor
Ha..% &he Prophet ordered his copanions to assue the lhra for Ura instead of Ha..# e*cepting
those $ho had Hadi !sacrifice" $ith the%
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 013:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HA $oan should not tra(el for ore than three days e*cept $ith a 8hi)
Mahra !i%e% a ale $ith $ho she cannot arry at all# e%g% her brother# father# grandfather# etc%" or
her o$n husband%"H
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 01<:
Darrated Ibn'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HA $oan should not tra(el for ore than three days e*cept $ith a 8hi)
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 012:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" said# HIt is not perissible for a $oan $ho belie(es in Allah and the ;ast
8ay to tra(el for one day and night e*cept $ith a Mahra%H
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 014:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
offered four Rakat of Fuhr prayer $ith the Prophet !p%b%u%h" at Medina and t$o Rakat at 8hul)
Hulaifa% !i%e% shortened the 'Asr prayer"%
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 015:
Darrated 'Aisha:
H@hen the prayers $ere first en.oined they $ere of t$o Rakat each% ;ater the prayer in a .ourney
$as kept as it $as but the prayers for non)tra(ellers $ere copleted%H A-)Fuhri said# HI asked 'Ur$a
$hat ade Aisha pray the full prayers !in .ourney"%H He replied# HShe did the sae as 'Uthan did%H
=olue 3 ) 34< ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 01::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
HI sa$ Allah's Apostle delaying the Maghrib prayer till he offered it along $ith the 'Isha' prayer
$hene(er he $as in a hurry during the .ourney%H Sali narrated# HIbn 'Uar used to do the sae
$hene(er he $as in a hurry during the .ourney%H And Sali added# HIbn 'Uar used to pray the
Maghrib and 'Isha' prayers together in Al)Mu-dalifa%H Sali said# HIbn 'Uar delayed the Maghrib
prayer because at that tie he heard the ne$s of the death of his $ife Safiya bint Abi 'Ubaid% I said to
hi# '&he prayer !is due"%' He said# 'Ao on%' Again I said# '&he prayer !is due"%' He said# 'Ao on#' till $e
co(ered t$o or three iles% &hen he got do$n# prayed and said# 'I sa$ the Prophet praying in this
$ay# $hene(er he $as in a hurry during the .ourney%' 'Abdullah !bin 'Uar" added# H@hene(er the
Prophet $as in a hurry# he used to delay the Maghrib prayer and then offer three Rakat !of the
Maghrib" and perfor &asli# and after $aiting for a short $hile# ICaa used to be pronounced for
the 'Isha' prayer $hen he $ould offer t$o Rakat and perfor &asli% He $ould ne(er offer any op)
tional prayer till the iddle of the night !$hen he used to pray the &aha..ud"%H
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 017:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Air fro his father $ho said:
I sa$ the Prophet !p%b%u%h" offering the prayer on his ount !Rahila" $hate(er direction it took%
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 011:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah#
&he Prophet used to offer the Da$afil# $hile riding# facing a direction other than that of the ,ibla%
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 366:
Darrated Dafi:
Ibn 'Uar !$hile on a .ourney" used to offer the prayer and the @itr on his ount !Rahila"% He
said that the Prophet used to do so%
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 360:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 8inar:
En tra(eling# 'Abdullah bin 'Uar used to offer the prayer on his Mount by signs $hate(er direc)
tion it took% 'Abdullah said that the Prophet used to do so%
=olue 3 ) 342 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 363:
Darrated 'Air bin Rabi'a#
I sa$ the Prophet on his Mount praying Da$afil by nodding his head# $hate(er direction he
faced# but Allah's Apostle ne(er did the sae in offering the copulsory prayers% Darrated Sali: At
night'Abdullah bin 'Uar used to offer the prayer on the back of his anial during the .ourney and
ne(er cared about the direction he faced% Ibn 'Uar said# HAllah's Apostle used to offer the optional
prayer on the back of his Mount facing any direction and also used to pray the @itr on it but ne(er
offered the copulsory prayer on it%H
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 36<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah
&he Prophet used to pray !the Da$afil" on his Mount facing east and $hene(er he $anted to offer
the copulsory prayer# he used to disount and face the ,ibla%
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 362:
Darrated Anas bin Sirin:
@e $ent to recei(e Anas bin Malik $hen he returned fro Sha and et hi at a place called
'Ain)at)&ar% I sa$ hi praying riding the donkey# $ith his face to this direction# i%e% to the left of
the ,ibla% I said to hi# HI ha(e seen you offering the prayer in a direction other than that of the
,ibla%H He replied# HIf I had not seen Allah's Apostle doing it# I $ould not ha(e done it%H
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 364:
Darrated Hafs bin 'Asi:
Ibn 'Uar $ent on a .ourney and said# HI accopanied the Prophet and he did not offer optional
prayers during the .ourney# and Allah says: '=erilyI In Allah's Apostle you ha(e a good e*aple to
follo$%' H !<<%30"
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 365:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
I accopanied Allah's Apostle and he ne(er offered ore than t$o Rakat during the .ourney% Abu
Bakr# 'Uar and 'Uthan used to do the sae%
=olue 3 ) 344 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 36::
Darrated Ibn Abu ;aila:
Enly U Hani told us that she had seen the Prophet !p%b%u%h" offering the 8uha !forenoon prayer"%
She said# HEn the day of the conCuest of Mecca# the Prophet took a bath in y house and offered
eight Rakat% I ne(er sa$ hi praying such a light prayer but he perfored perfect prostration and
bo$ing% Darrated 'Abdullah bin air that his father had told hi that he had seen the Prophet
!p%b%u%h" praying Da$afil at night on the back of his Mount on a .ourney# facing $hate(er direction
it took%
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 367:
Darrated Sali bin Abdullah:
Ibn 'Uar said# HAllah's Apostle used to pray the Da$afil on the back of his Mount !carriage" by
signs facing any direction%H Ibn 'Uar used to do the sae%
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 361:
Darrated Sali's father:
&he Prophet used to offer the Maghrib and Isha' prayers together $hene(er he $as in a hurry on a
Darrated Ibn Abbas: Allah's Apostle used to offer the Fuhr and 'Asr prayers together on .ourneys#
and also used to offer the Maghrib and 'Isha' prayers together%
Darrated Anas bin Malik: &he Prophet used to offer the Maghrib and the 'Isha' prayers together on
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 306:
Darrated A-)Fuhri:
Sali told e# H'Abdullah bin 'Uar said# 'I sa$ Allah's Apostle delaying the Maghrib prayer till he
offered it along $ith the Isha prayer $hene(er he $as in a hurry during the .ourney%' H Sali said#
HAbdullah bin Uar used to do the sae $hene(er he $as in a hurry during the .ourney% After ak)
ing the call for ICaa# for the Maghrib prayer he used to offer three Rakat and then perfor &asll%
After $aiting for a short $hile# he $ould pronounce the ICaa for the 'Isha' prayer and offer t$o
Rakat and perfor &asli% He ne(er prayed any Da$afil in bet$een the t$o prayers or after the
'Isha' prayers till he got up in the iddle of the night !for &aha..ud prayer"%H
=olue 3 ) 345 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 300:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle used to offer these t$o prayers together on .ourneys i%e% the Maghrib and the 'Isha'%
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 303:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hene(er the Prophet started a .ourney before noon# he used to delay the Fuhr prayer till the tie
of 'Asr and then offer the togetherL and if the sun declined !at noon" he used to offer the Fuhr
prayer and then ride !for the .ourney"%
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 30<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hene(er the Prophet started the .ourney before noon# he used to delay the Fuhr prayer till the
tie for the 'Asr prayer and then he $ould disount and pray the togetherL and $hene(er the sun
declined before he started the .ourney he used to offer the Fuhr prayer and then ride !for the .our)
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 302:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle prayed in his house $hile sitting during his illness and the people prayed behind
hi standing and he pointed to the to sit do$n% @hen he had finished the prayer# he said# H&he
Ia is to be follo$ed and so $hen he bo$s you should bo$L and $hen he lifts his head you should
also do the sae%H
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 304:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" fell do$n fro a horse and his right side $as either in.ured or scratched#
so $e $ent to inCuire about his health% &he tie for the prayer becae due and he offered the pray)
er $hile sitting and $e prayed $hile standing% He said# H&he Ia is to be follo$edL so if he says
&akbir# you should also say &akbir# and if he bo$s you should also bo$L and $hen he lifts his head
you should also do the sae and if he says: Sai'a)l)lahu ;ian Haidah !Allah hears $hoe(er
sends his praises to Hi" you should say: Rabbana $alakal)Had !E our ;ordI All the praises are for
Kou%H" !See Hadith Do% 545 =ol% 0"%
=olue 3 ) 34: ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 305:
Darrated 'Iran bin Husain:
!$ho had piles" I asked Allah's Apostle about the praying of a an $hile sitting% He said# HIf he
prays $hile standing it is better and he $ho prays $hile sitting gets half the re$ard of that $ho
prays standingL and $hoe(er prays $hile ;ying gets half the re$ard of that $ho prays $hile sitting%H
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 30::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Buraida:
'Iran bin Husain had piles% Ence Abu Ma ar narrated fro 'Iran bin Husain had said# HI asked
the Prophet !p%b%u%h" about the prayer of a person $hile sitting% He said# 'It is better for one to pray
standingL and $hoe(er prays sitting gets half the re$ard of that $ho prays $hile standingL and
$hoe(er prays $hile ;ying gets half the re$ard of that $ho prays $hile sitting%' H
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 307:
Darrated 'Iran bin Husain:
had piles# so I asked the Prophet about the prayer% He said# HPray $hile standing and if you can't#
pray $hile sitting and if you cannot do e(en that# then pray ;ying on your side%H
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 301:
Darrated Aisha:
!the other of the faithful belie(ers" I ne(er sa$ Allah's Apostle offering the night prayer $hile
sitting e*cept in his old age and then he used to recite $hile sitting and $hene(er he $anted to bo$
he $ould get up and recite thirty or forty (erses !$hile standing" and then bo$%
=olue 3# Book 36# Duber 336:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the other of the faithful belie(ers" Allah's Apostle !in his last days" used to pray sitting% He
$ould recite $hile sitting# and $hen thirty or forty (erses reained fro the recitation he $ould get
up and recite the $hile standing and then he $ould bo$ and prostrate% He used to do the sae in
the second Raka% After finishing the Prayer he used to look at e and if I $as a$ake he $ould talk to
e and if I $as asleep# he $ould lie do$n%
=olue 3 ) 347 ? 0:66
Book 30: Prayer at Dight !&aha..ud"
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 330:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen the Prophet got up at night to offer the &aha..ud prayer# he used to say: Allahua lakal)
had% Anta Caiyius)saa$ati $al)ard $a an fihinna% @alakal)had# ;aka ulkus)saa$ati
$al)ard $a an fihinna% @alakal)had# anta nurus)saa$ati $al)ard% @alakalhad# anta)l)haC
$a $a'duka)l)haC# $a liCa'uka HaC# $a Cualuka HaC# $al).annatu Han $an)naru HaC $annabiy)
una HaC% @a Muhaadun# sallal)lahu'alaihi $asalla# HaC# $as)sa'atu HaC% Allahua aslatu
;aka $abika aantu# $a 'Alaika ta$akkaltu# $a ilaika anabtu $a bika khasatu# $a ilaika hakatu
faghfir li a Caddatu $aa akh)khartu $aa as)rartu $aa'a lantu# anta)l)uCaddi $a anta)
l)u akh)khir# la ilaha illa anta !or la ilaha ghairuka"% !E AllahI All the praises are for you# Kou are
the Holder of the Hea(ens and the +arth# And $hate(er is in the% All the praises are for KouL Kou
ha(e the possession of the Hea(ens and the +arth And $hate(er is in the% All the praises are for
KouL Kou are the ;ight of the Hea(ens and the +arth And all the praises are for KouL Kou are the King
of the Hea(ens and the +arthL And all the praises are for KouL Kou are the &ruth and Kour Proise is
the truth# And to eet Kou is true# Kour @ord is the truth And Paradise is true And Hell is true And
all the Prophets !Peace be upon the" are trueL And Muhaad is true# And the 8ay of Resurrection
is true% E Allah I I surrender !y $ill" to KouL I belie(e in Kou and depend on Kou% And repent to
Kou# And $ith Kour help I argue !$ith y opponents# the non)belie(ers" And I take Kou as a .udge
!to .udge bet$een us"% Please forgi(e e y pre(ious And future sinsL And $hate(er I concealed or
re(ealed And Kou are the Ene $ho ake !soe people" for$ard And !soe" back$ard% &here is
none to be $orshipped but you % Sufyan said that 'Abdul Kari Abu Uaiya added to the abo(e#
'@ala haula @ala Cu$ata illa billah' !&here is neither ight nor po$er e*cept $ith Allah"%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 333:
Darrated Sali's father:
In the life)tie of the Prophet $hosoe(er sa$ a drea $ould narrate it to Allah's Apostle% I had a
$ish of seeing a drea to narrate it to Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" I $as a gro$n up boy and used to
sleep in the MosCue in the life)tie of the Prophet% I sa$ in the drea that t$o angels caught hold of
e and took e to the Bire $hich $as built all round like a built $ell and had t$o poles in it and the
people in it $ere kno$n to e% I started saying# HI seek refuge $ith Allah fro the Bire%H &hen I et
another angel $ho told e not to be afraid% I narrated the drea to Hafsa $ho told it to Allah's
Apostle% &he Prophet said# HAbdullah is a good an% I $ish he prayed &aha..ud%H After that 'Abdullah
!i%e% Sali's father" used to sleep but a little at night%
=olue 3 ) 341 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 33<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to offer ele(en Rakat and that $as his prayer% He used to prolong the prostra)
tion to such an e*tent that one could recite fifty (erses !of the ,uran" before he $ould lift his head%
He used to pray t$o Rakat !Sunna" before the Ba.r prayer and then used to lie do$n on his right side
till the call)aker cae and infored hi about the prayer%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 332:
Darrated /undab:
&he Prophet becae sick and did not get up !for &aha..ud prayer" for a night or t$o%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 334:
Darrated /undab bin 'Abdullah:
Aabriel did not coe to the Prophet !for soe tie" and so one of the ,uraish $oen said# HHis
Satan has deserted hi%H So cae the 8i(ine Re(elation: HBy the forenoon And by the night @hen it is
stillI Kour ;ord !E Muhaad" has neither Borsaken you Dor hated you%H !1<%0)<"
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 335:
Darrated U Salaa:
Ene night the Prophet got up and said# HSubhan AllahI Ho$ any afflictions Allah has re(ealed
tonight and ho$ any treasures ha(e been sent do$n !disclosed"% Ao and $ake the sleeping lady oc)
cupants of these d$ellings up !for prayers"# perhaps a $ell)dressed in this $orld ay be naked in
the Hereafter%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 33::
Darrated 'Ali bin Abi &alib
Ene night Allah's Apostle cae to e and Batia# the daughter of the Prophet and asked# H@on't
you pray !at night"JH I said# HE Allah's ApostleI Eur souls are in the hands of Allah and if He $ants us
to get up He $ill ake us get up%H @hen I said that# he left us $ithout saying anything and I heard
that he $as hitting his thigh and saying# HBut an is ore Cuarrelsoe than anything%H !07%42"
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 337:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue 3 ) 356 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle used to gi(e up a good deed# although he lo(ed to do it# for fear that people ight
act on it and it ight be ade copulsory for the% &he Prophet ne(er prayed the 8uha prayer# but
I offer it%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 331:
Darrated 'Aisha# the other of the faithful belie(ers:
Ene night Allah's Apostle offered the prayer in the MosCue and the people follo$ed hi% &he ne*t
night he also offered the prayer and too any people gathered% En the third and the fourth nights
ore people gathered# but Allah's Apostle did not coe out to the% In the orning he said# HI sa$
$hat you $ere doing and nothing but the fear that it !i%e% the prayer" ight be en.oined on you#
stopped e fro coing to you%H And that happened in the onth of Raadan%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3<6:
Darrated Al)Mughira:
&he Prophet used to stand !in the prayer" or pray till both his feet or legs s$elled% He $as asked
$hy !he offered such an unbearable prayer" and he said# Hshould I not be a thankful sla(e%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3<0:
Darrated Abdullah bin 'Ar bin Al)'As:
Allah's Apostle told e# H&he ost belo(ed prayer to Allah is that of 8a(id and the ost belo(ed
fasts to Allah are those of 8a(id% He used to sleep for half of the night and then pray for one third of
the night and again sleep for its si*th part and used to fast on alternate days%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3<3:
Darrated MasruC:
I asked 'Aisha $hich deed $as ost lo(ed by the Prophet% She said# HA deed done continuously%H I
further asked# H@hen did he used to get up !in the night for the prayer"%H She said# HHe used to get up
on hearing the cro$ing of a cock%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3<<:
Darrated Al)Ashath:
He !the Prophet !p%b%u%h" " used to get up for the prayer on hearing the cro$ing of a cock%
=olue 3 ) 350 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3<2:
Darrated 'Aisha:
In y house he !Prophet !p%b%u%h" " ne(er passed the last hours of the night but sleeping%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3<4:
Darrated ,atada:
Anas bin Malik said# H&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" and Faid bin &habit took their Suhur together% @hen
they finished it# the Prophet stood for the !Ba.r" prayer and offered it%H @e asked Anas# H@hat $as the
inter(al bet$een their finishing the Suhur and the starting of the orning prayerJH Anas replied# HIt
$as eCual to the tie taken by a person in reciting fifty (erses of the ,uran%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3<5:
Darrated Abu)@a il:
'Abdullah said# HEne night I offered the &aha..ud prayer $ith the Prophet and he kept on standing
till an ill)thought cae to e%H @e said# H@hat $as the ill)thoughtJH He said# HIt $as to sit do$n and
lea(e the Prophet !standing"%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3<::
Darrated Hudhaifa:
@hene(er the Prophet got up for &aha..ud prayer he used to clean his outh !and teeth" $ith Si)
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3<7:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
A an said# HE Allah's ApostleI Ho$ is the prayer of the nightJH He said# H&$o Rakat follo$ed by
t$o Rakat and so on# and $hen you apprehend the approaching da$n# offer one Raka as @itr%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3<1:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he prayer of the Prophet used to be of thirteen Rakat# i%e% of the night prayer%
=olue 3 ) 353 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 326:
Darrated MasruC:
I asked Aisha about the night prayer of Allah's Apostle and she said# HIt $as se(en# nine or ele(en
Rakat besides the t$o Rakat of the Ba.r prayer !i%e% Sunna"% H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 320:
Darrated 'Aisha#
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" used to offer thirteen Rakat of the night prayer and that included the @itr
and t$o Rakat !Sunna" of the Ba.r prayer%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 323:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Soeties Allah's Apostle $ould not fast !for so any days" that $e thought that he $ould not
fast that onth and he soeties used to fast !for so any days" that $e thought he $ould not lea(e
fasting through)out that onth and !as regards his prayer and sleep at night"# if you $anted to see
hi praying at night# you could see hi praying and if you $anted to see hi sleeping# you could
see hi sleeping%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 32<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HSatan puts three knots at the back of the head of any of you if he is asleep% En
e(ery knot he reads and e*hales the follo$ing $ords# '&he night is long# so stay asleep%' @hen one
$akes up and reebers Allah# one knot is undoneL and $hen one perfors ablution# the second
knot is undone# and $hen one prays the third knot is undone and one gets up energetic $ith a good
heart in the orningL other$ise one gets up la-y and $ith a ischie(ous heart%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 322:
Darrated Saura bin /undab:
&he Prophet said in his narration of a drea that he sa$# HHe $hose head $as being crushed $ith
a stone $as one $ho learnt the ,uran but ne(er acted on it# and slept ignoring the copulsory
=olue 3 ) 35< ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 324:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
A person $as entioned before the Prophet !p%b%u%h" and he $as told that he had kept on sleeping
till orning and had not got up for the prayer% &he Prophet said# HSatan urinated in his ears%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 325:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" said# HEur ;ord# the Blessed# the Superior# coes e(ery night do$n on the
nearest Hea(en to us $hen the last third of the night reains# saying: HIs there anyone to in(oke Me#
so that I ay respond to in(ocationJ Is there anyone to ask Me# so that I ay grant hi his reCuestJ
Is there anyone seeking My forgi(eness# so that I ay forgi(e hiJH
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 32::
Darrated Al)As$ad:
I asked 'Aisha HHo$ is the night prayer of the ProphetJH She replied# HHe used to sleep early at
night# and get up in its last part to pray# and then return to his bed% @hen the Muadh)dhin pro)
nounced the Adhan# he $ould get up% If he $as in need of a bath he $ould take itL other$ise he
$ould perfor ablution and then go out !for the prayer"%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 327:
Darrated Abu Sala bin 'Abdur Rahan:
I asked 'Aisha# HHo$ is the prayer of Allah's Apostle during the onth of Raadan%H She said# HAl)
lah's Apostle ne(er e*ceeded ele(en Rakat in Raadan or in other onthsL he used to offer four
Rakat)) do not ask e about their beauty and length# then four Rakat# do not ask e about their
beauty and length# and then three Rakat%H Aisha further said# HI said# 'E Allah's ApostleI 8o you sleep
before offering the @itr prayerJ' He replied# 'E 'AishaI My eyes sleep but y heart reains a$ake'IH
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 321:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I did not see the Prophet reciting !the ,uran" in the night prayer $hile sitting e*cept $hen he be)
cae oldL $hen he used to recite $hile sitting# and $hen thirty or forty (erses reained fro the
Sura# he $ould get up and recite the and then bo$%
=olue 3 ) 352 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 346:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
At the tie of the Ba.r prayer the Prophet asked Bilal# H&ell e of the best deed you did after e)
bracing Isla# for I heard your footsteps in front of e in Paradise%H Bilal replied# HI did not do any)
thing $orth entioning e*cept that $hene(er I perfored ablution during the day or night# I
prayed after that ablution as uch as $as $ritten for e%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 340r:
Darrated Anas bin Malik
Ence the Prophet !p%b%u%h" entered the MosCue and sa$ a rope hanging in bet$een its t$o pillars%
He said# H@hat is this ropeJH &he people said# H&his rope is for Fainab $ho# $hen she feels tired# holds
it !to keep standing for the prayer%"H &he Prophet said# H8on't use it% Reo(e the rope% Kou should
pray as long as you feel acti(e# and $hen you get tired# sit do$n%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 340n:
Darrated 'Aisha:
A $oan fro the tribe of Bani Asad $as sitting $ith e and Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" cae to y
house and said# H@ho is thisJH I said# H!She is" So and so% She does not sleep at night because she is en)
gaged in prayer%H &he Prophet said disappro(ingly: 8o !good" deeds $hich is $ithin your capacity as
Allah ne(er gets tired of gi(ing re$ards till you get tired of doing good deeds%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 343:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar bin Al)'As:
Allah's Apostle said to e# HE 'AbdullahI 8o not be like so and so $ho used to pray at night and
then stopped the night prayer%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 34<:
Darrated 'Ubada bin As)Sait:
&he Prophet H@hoe(er gets up at night and says: )) ';a ilaha il)lallah @ahdahu la Sharika lahu
;ahu)l)ulk# $a;ahu)l)had $ahu$a 'ala kullishai'in ,adir% Alhadu lil)lahi $a subhanal)lahi
$a la)ilaha il)lal)lah $a)l)lahu akbar $a la ha$la @ala ,u$ata il)la)bil)lah%' !Done has the right
to be $orshipped but Allah% He is the Enly Ene and has no partners % Bor Hi is the Kingdo and all
the praises are due for Hi% He is Enipotent% All the praises are for Allah% All the glories are for Al)
lah% And none has the right to be $orshipped but Allah# And Allah is Areat And there is neither
=olue 3 ) 354 ? 0:66
Might nor Po$er +*cept $ith Allah"% And then says: )) Allahua# Ighfir li!E AllahI Borgi(e e"%
Er in(okes !Allah"# he $ill be responded to and if he perfors ablution !and prays"# his prayer $ill
be accepted%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 342:
Darrated Abu Huraira
&hat once Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" said# HKour brother# i%e% 'Abdullah bin Ra$aha does not say ob)
scene !referring to his (erses": Aongst us is Allah's Apostle# $ho recites His Book $hen it da$ns% He
sho$ed us the guidance# after $e $ere blind% @e belie(e that $hate(er he says $ill coe true% And
he spends his nights in such a $ay as his sides do not touch his bed% @hile the pagans $ere deeply
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 344:
Darrated Dafi:
Ibn 'Uar said# HIn the life)tie of the Prophet I dreat that a piece of silk cloth $as in y hand
and it fle$ $ith e to $hiche(er part of Paradise I $anted% I also sa$ as if t$o persons !i%e% angels"
cae to e and $anted to take e to Hell% &hen an angel et us and told e not to be afraid% He
then told the to lea(e e% Hafsa narrated one of y dreas to the Prophet and the Prophet said#
HAbdullah is a good an% @ould that he offer the night prayer !&aha..ud"IH So after that day 'Abdul)
lah !bin 'Uar" started offering &aha..ud% &he copanions of the Prophet !p%b%u%h" used to tell hi
their dreas that !;aila)tul),adr" $as on the 3:th of the onth of Raadan% &he Prophet said# HI see
that your dreas agree on the last ten nights of Raadan and so $hoe(er is in search of it should
seek it in the last ten nights of Raadan%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 345:
Darrated 'AishaL
Allah's Apostle offered the 'Isha' prayer !and then got up at the &aha..ud tie" and offered eight
Rakat and then offered t$o Rakat $hile sitting% He then offered t$o Rakat in bet$een the Adhan and
ICaa !of the Ba.r prayer" and he ne(er issed the%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 34::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to lie do$n on his right side# after offering t$o Rakat !Sunna" of the Ba.r prayer%
=olue 3 ) 355 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 347:
Darrated 'Aisha:
After offering the Sunna of the Ba.r prayer# the Prophet used to talk to e# if I happen to be a$akeL
other$ise he $ould lie do$n till the ICaa call $as proclaied !for the Ba.r prayer"%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 341:
Darrated 'Aisha:
After offering the t$o Rakat !Sunna" the Prophet !p%b%u%h" used to talk to e# if I happen to be
a$akeL other$ise he $ould lie do$n%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 356:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet $as ne(er ore regular and particular in offering any Da$afil than the t$o Rakat
!Sunna" of the Ba.r prayer%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 350:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to offer thirteen Rakat in the night prayer and on hearing the Adhan for the
orning prayer# he used to offer t$o light Rakat%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 353:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" used to ake the t$o Rakat before the Ba.r prayer so light that I $ould $on)
der $hether he recited Al)Batiha !or not"%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 35<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" used to teach us the $ay of doing Istikhara !Istikhara eans to ask Allah to
guide one to the right sort of action concerning any .ob or a deed"# in all atters as he taught us the
Suras of the ,uran% He said# HIf anyone of you thinks of doing any .ob he should offer a t$o Rakat
prayer other than the copulsory ones and say !after the prayer": )) 'Allahua inni astakhiruka
bi'ilika# @a astaCdiruka bi)Cudratika# @a as'alaka in fadlika al)'a-l Ba)innaka taCdiru @ala
aCdiru# @a ta'lau @ala a'lau# @a anta 'allau l)ghuyub% Allahua# in kunta ta'la anna
=olue 3 ) 35: ? 0:66
hadha)l)ara Khairun li fi dini $a a'ashi $a'aCibati ari !or 'a.ili ari $a'a.ilihi" BaCdirhu $a
yas)sirhu li thua barik li Bihi# @a in kunta ta'lau anna hadha)lara shar)run li fi dini $a
a'ashi $a'aCibati ari !or fi'a.ili ari $a a.ilihi" Basrifhu anni $as)rifni anhu% @aCdir li al)khaira
haithu kana &hua ardini bihi%' !E AllahI I ask guidance fro Kour kno$ledge# And Po$er fro
Kour Might and I ask for Kour great blessings% Kou are capable and I a not% Kou kno$ and I do not
and Kou kno$ the unseen% E AllahI If Kou kno$ that this .ob is good for y religion and y subsist)
ence and in y Hereafter))!or said: If it is better for y present and later needs"))&hen Kou ordain
it for e and ake it easy for e to get# And then bless e in it# and if Kou kno$ that this .ob is
harful to e In y religion and subsistence and in the Hereafter))!or said: If it is $orse for y
present and later needs"))&hen keep it a$ay fro e and let e be a$ay fro it% And ordain for e
$hate(er is good for e# And ake e satisfied $ith it"% &he Prophet added that then the person
should nae !ention" his need%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 352:
Darrated Abu ,atada bin Rabi Al)AnsariL
&he Prophet said# HIf anyone of you enters a MosCue# he should not sit until he has offered a t$o)
Rakat prayer%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 354:
Darrated Anas bin Malik
Allah's Apostle led us and offered a t$o Rakat prayer and then $ent a$ay%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 355:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar Abu#
I offered $ith Allah's Apostle a t$o Rakat prayer before the Fuhr prayer and t$o Rakat after the
Fuhr prayer# t$o Rakat after /uua# Maghrib and 'Isha' prayers%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 35::
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
@hile deli(ering a seron# Allah's Apostle said# HIf anyone of you coes $hile the Ia is deli()
ering the seron or has coe out for it# he should offer a t$o Rakat prayer%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 357:
Darrated Mu.ahid:
=olue 3 ) 357 ? 0:66
Soebody cae to the house of Ibn 'Uar and told hi that Allah's Apostles had entered the
Ka'ba% Ibn 'Uar said# HI $ent in front of the Ka'ba and found that Allah's Apostle had coe out of the
Ka'ba and I sa$ Bilal standing by the side of the gate of the Ka'ba% I said# 'E BilalI Has Allah's Apostle
!p%b%u%h" prayed inside the Ka'baJ' Bilal replied in the affirati(e% I said# '@here !did he pray"J' He
replied# '!He prayed" Bet$een these t$o pillars and then he cae out and offered a t$o Rakat prayer
in front of the Ka'ba%' H Abu 'Abdullah said: Abu Huraira said# H&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" ad(ised e to of)
fer t$o Rakat of 8uha prayer !prayer to be offered after sunrise and before idday"% H Itban !bin Ma)
lik" said# HAllah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" and Abu Bakr# cae to e after sunrise and $e aligned behind the
Prophet !p%b%u%h" and offered t$o Rakat%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 351:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
I offered $ith the Prophet t$o Rakat before the Fuhr and t$o Rakat after the Fuhr prayerL t$o
Rakat after Maghrib# Isha' and the /uua prayers% &hose of the Maghrib and 'Isha' $ere offered in his
house% My sister Hafsa told e that the Prophet used to offer t$o light Rakat after da$n and it $as
the tie $hen I ne(er $ent to the Prophet%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3:6:
Darrated 'Ar:
I heard Abu Ash)sha'tha' /abir saying# HI heard Ibn Abbas saying# 'I offered $ith Allah's Apostle
eight Rakat !of Fuhr and 'Asr prayers" together and se(en Rakat !the Maghrib and the 'Isha' prayers"
together%' H I said# HE Abu Ash)shathaI I think he ust ha(e prayed the Fuhr late and the 'Asr earlyL
the 'Isha early and the Maghrib late%H Abu Ash)sha'tha' said# HI also think so%H !See Hadith Do% 407 =ol%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3:0:
Darrated Mu$arriC:
I asked Ibn 'Uar H8o you offer the 8uha prayerJH He replied in the negati(e% I further asked# H8id
'Uar use to pray itJH He !Ibn 'Uar" replied in the negati(e% I again asked# H8id Abu Bakr use to
pray itJH He replied in the negati(e% I again asked# H8id the Prophet use to pray itJH Ibn 'Uar replied#
HI don't think he did%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3:3:
Darrated 'Abdur Rahan bin Abi ;aila:
=olue 3 ) 351 ? 0:66
Enly U Hani narrated to e that she had seen the Prophet offering the 8uha prayer% She said#
HEn the day of the conCuest of Mecca# the Prophet entered y house# took a bath and offered eight
Rakat !of 8uha prayers% I had ne(er seen the Prophet offering such a light prayer but he perfored
bo$ing and prostrations perfectly %
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3:<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I ne(er sa$ the Prophet offering the 8uha prayer but I al$ays offer it%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3:2:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
My friend !the Prophet" ad(ised e to do three things and I shall not lea(e the till I die# these
are: &o fast three days e(ery onth# to offer the 8uha prayer# and to offer @itr before sleeping%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3:4t:
Darrated Anas bin Sirin:
I heard Anas bin Malik al)Ansari saying# HAn Ansari an# $ho $as (ery fat# said to the Prophet# 'I
a unable to present yself for the prayer $ith you%' He prepared a eal for the Prophet and in(ited
hi to his house% He $ashed one side of a at $ith $ater and the Prophet offered t$o Rakat on it%H
So and so# the son of so and so# the son of Al)/arud asked Anas# H8id the Prophet use to offer the
8uha prayerJH Anas replied# HI ne(er sa$ hi praying !the 8uha prayer" e*cept on that day%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3:4:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
I reeber ten Rakat of Da$afil fro the Prophet# t$o Rakat before the Fuhr prayer and t$o
after itL t$o Rakat after Maghrib prayer in his house# and t$o Rakat after 'Isha' prayer in his
house# and t$o Rakat before the Ba.r prayer and at that tie nobody $ould enter the house of the
Prophet Hafsa told e that the Prophet used to offer t$o Rakat after the call aker had ade the
Adhan and the day had da$ned%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3:5:
Darrated Aisha:
&he Prophet ne(er issed four Rakat before the Fuhr prayer and t$o Rakat before the Ba.r prayer%
=olue 3 ) 3:6 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3:::
Darrated 'Abdullah Al)Mu-ni:
&he Prophet said# HPray before the Maghrib !copulsory" prayer%H He !said it thrice" and in the
third tie# he said# H@hoe(er $ants to offer it can do so%H He said so because he did not like the
people to take it as a tradition%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3:7:
Darrated Marthad bin 'Abdullah Al)Ka-ani:
I $ent to 'UCba bin 'Air Al)/uhani and said# HIs it not surprising that Abi &ai offers t$o Rakat
before the Maghrib prayerJH 'UCba said# H@e used to do so in the life)tie of Allah's Apostle%H I asked
hi# H@hat pre(ents you fro offering it no$JH He replied# HBusiness%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 3:1:
Darrated Mahud bin Ar)rabi' Al)Ansari#
that he reebered Allah's Apostle and he also reebered a outhful of $ater $hich he had
thro$n on his face# after taking it fro a $ell that $as in their house% Mahud said that he had
heard Itban bin Malik# $ho $as present $ith Allah's Apostle in the battle of Badr saying# HI used to
lead y people at Bani Sali in the prayer and there $as a (alley bet$een e and those people%
@hene(er it rained it used to be difficult for e to cross it to go to their osCue% So I $ent to Allah's
Apostle and said# 'I ha(e $eak eye)sight and the (alley bet$een e and y people flo$s during the
rainy season and it becoes difficult for e to cross itL I $ish you $ould coe to y house and pray
at a place so that I could take that place as a praying place%' Allah's Apostle said# 'I $ill do so%' So Al)
lah's Apostle and Abu Bakr cae to y house in the !ne*t" orning after the sun had risen high% Al)
lah's Apostle asked y perission to let hi in and I aditted hi% He did not sit before saying#
'@here do you $ant us to offer the prayer in your houseJ' I pointed to the place $here I $anted hi
to pray% So Allah's Apostle stood up for the prayer and started the prayer $ith &akbir and $e aligned
in ro$s behind hiL and he offered t$o Rakat# and finished the $ith &asli# and $e also per)
fored &asli $ith hi% I detained hi for a eal called HKha-irH $hich I had prepared for hi%))
!HKha-irH is a special type of dish prepared fro barley flour and eat soup"))
@hen the neighbors got the ne$s that Allah's Apostle $as in y house# they poured it till there
$ere a great nuber of en in the house% Ene of the said# '@hat is $rong $ith Malik# for I do not
see hiJ' Ene of the replied# 'He is a hypocrite and does not lo(e Allah and His Apostle%' En that
Allah's Apostle said# '8on't say this% Ha(en't you seen that he said# 'Done has the right to be $or)
shipped but Allah for Allah's sake only%' &he an replied# 'Allah and His Apostle kno$ betterL but by
Allah# $e ne(er sa$ hi but helping and talking $ith the hypocrites%' Allah's Apostle replied# 'Do
doubt# $hoe(er says% Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah# and by that he $ants the pleas)
=olue 3 ) 3:0 ? 0:66
ures of Allah# then Allah $ill sa(e hi fro Hell%H Mahud added# HI told the abo(e narration to
soe people# one of $ho $as Ab)u Aiyub# the copanion of Allah's Apostle in the battle in $hich
he !Ab)u Aiyub" died and Ka-id bin Mu'a$:ya $as their leader in Roan &erritory% Abu Aiyub de)
nounced the narration and said# 'I doubt that Allah's Apostle e(er said $hat you ha(e said%' I felt that
too uch# and I (o$ed to Allah that if I reained ali(e in that holy battle# I $ould !go to Medina
and" ask Itban bin Malik if he $as still li(ing in the osCue of his people% So $hen he returned# I as)
sued Ihra for Ha.. or 'Ura and then I proceeded on till I reached Medina% I $ent to Bani Sali
and Itban bin Malik# $ho $as by then an old blind an# $as leading his people in the prayer% @hen
he finished the prayer# I greeted hi and introduced yself to hi and then asked hi about that
narration% He told that narration again in the sae anner as he had narrated it the first tie%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 376:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar#
Allah's Apostle said# HEffer soe of your prayers in your houses and do not ake the gra(es%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 370:
Darrated ,u-a'a:
I heard Abu Said saying four $ords% He said# HI heard the Prophet !saying the follo$ing narrati(e"%H
He had participated in t$el(e holy battles $ith the Prophet%
Darrated Abu Huraira: &he Prophet said# H8o not set out on a .ourney e*cept for three MosCues i%e%
Al) the MosCue of Allah's Apostle # and the MosCue of Al)ACsa# !MosCue of /erus)
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 373:
Darrated Abu Huraira
Allah's Apostle said# HEne prayer in y MosCue is better than one thousand prayers in any other
osCue e*cepting Al)
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 37<:
Darrated Dafi':
Ibn 'Uar ne(er offered the 8uha prayer e*cept on t$o occasions:
!0" @hene(er he reached MeccaL and he al$ays used to reach Mecca in the forenoon% He $ould
perfor &a$af round the Ka'ba and then offer t$o Rakat at the rear of MaCa Ibrahi%
=olue 3 ) 3:3 ? 0:66
!3" @hene(er he (isited ,uba# for he used to (isit it e(ery Saturday% @hen he entered the MosCue#
he disliked to lea(e it $ithout offering a prayer% Ibn 'Uar narrated that Allah's Apostle used to (isit
the MosCue of ,uba !soetie" $alking and !soetie" riding% And he !i%e% Ibn 'Uar" used to say#
HI do only $hat y copanions used to do and I don't forbid anybody to pray at any tie during the
day or night e*cept that one should not intend to pray at sunrise or sunset%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 372:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 8inar:
Ibn 'Uar said# H&he Prophet used to go to the MosCue of ,uba e(ery Saturday !soeties" $alk)
ing and !soeties" riding%H 'Abdullah !Ibn 'Uar" used to do the sae%
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 374:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet used to go to the MosCue of ,uba !soeties" $alking and soeties riding% Added
Dafi !in another narration"# HHe then $ould offer t$o Rakat !in the MosCue of ,uba"%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 375:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Faid Al)Ma-ini:
Allah's Apostle said# HBet$een y house and the pulpit there is a garden of the gardens of Para)
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 37::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HBet$een y house and y pulpit there is a garden of the gardens of Paradise#
and y pulpit is on y fountain tank !i%e% Al)Kauthar"%H
=olue 3# Book 30# Duber 377:
Darrated ,a-a'a Maula:
!freed sla(e of" Fiyad: I heard Abu Said Al)khudri narrating four things fro the Prophet and I
appreciated the (ery uch% He said# con(eying the $ords of the Prophet%
!0" HA $oan should not go on a t$o day .ourney e*cept $ith her husband or a 8hi)Mahra%
!3" Do fasting is perissible on t$o days: 'Id)ul)Bitr and 'Id)ul)Adha%
=olue 3 ) 3:< ? 0:66
!<" Do prayer after t$o prayers# i%e% after the Ba.r prayer till the sunrises and after the 'Asr prayer
till the sun sets%
!2" 8o not prepare yourself for a .ourney e*cept to three MosCues# i%e% Al) the
MosCue of ACsa !/erusale" and y MosCue%H
=olue 3 ) 3:2 ? 0:66
Book 33: Actions $hile Praying
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber 371:
Darrated Kuraib Maula Ibn Abbas:
'Abdullah bin Abbas said that he had passed a night in the house of Maiuna the other of the
faithful belie(ers # $ho $as his aunt% He said# HI slept across the bed# and Allah's Apostle along $ith
his $ife slept length$ise% Allah's Apostle slept till id)night or slightly before or after it% &hen Allah's
Apostle $oke up# sat# and reo(ed the traces of sleep by rubbing his hands o(er his face% &hen he re)
cited the last ten (erses of Surat)Al Iran !3"% &hen he $ent to$ards a hanging leather $ater)con)
tainer and perfored a perfect ablution and then stood up for prayer%H 'Abdullah bin Abbas added# HI
got up and did the sae as Allah's Apostle had done and then $ent and stood by his side% Allah's
Apostle then put his right hand o(er y head and caught y right ear and t$isted it% He offered t$o
Rakat# then t$o Rakat# then t$o Rakat# then t$o Rakat# then t$o Rakat# then t$o Rakat and then
offered one Raka @itr% &hen he lay do$n till the Muadh)dhin cae and then he prayed t$o light
Rakat and $ent out and offered the early orning !Ba.r" prayer%H
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber 316:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@e used to greet the Prophet $hile he $as praying and he used to ans$er our greetings% @hen
$e returned fro AnDa.ashi !the ruler of +thiopia"# $e greeted hi# but he did not ans$er us !dur)
ing the prayer" and !after finishing the prayer" he said# HIn the prayer one is occupied !$ith a ore
serious atter"%H
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber 310:
Darrated 'Abdullah
the sae as Do% 316% fro the Prophet
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber 313:
Darrated Faid bin ArCa:
In the life)tie of the Prophet $e used to speak $hile praying# and one of us $ould tell his needs
to his copanions# till the (erse# 'Auard strictly your prayers !3%3<7" $as re(ealed% After that $e
$ere ordered to reain silent $hile praying%
=olue 3 ) 3:4 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber 31<:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
&he Prophet $ent out to affect a reconciliation bet$een the tribes of Bani 'Ar bin 'Auf and the
tie of the prayer becae dueL Bilal $ent to Abu Bakr and said# H&he Prophet is detained% @ill you
lead the people in the prayerJH Abu Bakr replied# HKes# if you $ish%H So Bilal pronounced the ICaa
and Abu Bakr led the prayer% In the eantie the Prophet cae crossing the ro$s !of the praying
people" till he stood in the first ro$ and the people started clapping% Abu Bakr ne(er looked hither
and thither during the prayer but $hen the people clapped too uch# he looked back and sa$ the
Prophet in the !first" ro$% &he Prophet $a(ed hi to reain at his place# but Abu Bakr raised both
his hands and sent praises to Allah and then retreated and the Prophet $ent for$ard and led the
prayer% !See Hadith Do% 314 N 315"
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber 312:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Masud:
@e used to say the greeting# nae and greet each other in the prayer% Allah's Apostle heard it and
said:))HSay# 'At)tahiyyatu lil)lahi $as)sala$atu $at)taiyibatu % Assalau 'Alaika aiyuha)n)Dabiyu
$a)rahatu)l)lahi $a)barakatuhu% R Assalau alaina $a)'ala 'ibadi)l)lahi as)salihin%% Ashhadu an
la ilaha illa)l)lah $a ashhadu anna Muhaadan 'abdu hu $a Rasuluh% !All the coplients are
for Allah and all the prayers and all the good things !are for Allah"% Peace be on you# E Prophet# and
Allah's ercy and blessings !are on you"% And peace be on us and on the good !pious" $orshipers of
Allah% I testify that none has the right to be $orshipped but Allah and that Muhaad is His sla(e
and Apostle%" So# $hen you ha(e said this# then you ha(e surely sent the greetings to e(ery good !pi)
ous" $orship per of Allah# $hether he be in the Hea(en or on the +arth % H
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber 314:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he saying 'Sub Han Allah' is for en and clapping is for $oen%H !If soething
happens in the prayer# the en can in(ite the attention of the Ia by saying HSub Han AllahH% And
$oen# by clapping their hands"%
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber 315:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad#
&he Prophet said# H&he saying 'Sub Han Allah' is for en and clapping is for $oen%
=olue 3 ) 3:5 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber 31::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hile Abu Bakr $as leading the people in the orning prayer on a Monday# the Prophet cae to)
$ards the suddenly ha(ing lifted the curtain of 'Aisha's house# and looked at the as they $ere
standing in ro$s and siled% Abu Bakr tried to coe back thinking that Allah's Apostle $anted to
coe out for the prayer% &he attention of the Muslis $as di(erted fro the prayer because they
$ere delighted to see the Prophet% &he Prophet $a(ed his hand to the to coplete their prayer#
then he $ent back into the roo and let do$n the curtain% &he Prophet e*pired on that (ery day%
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber 31::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HA $oan called her son $hile he $as in his heritage and said# 'E /urai.' He
said# 'E Allah# y other !is calling e" and !I a offering" y prayer !$hat shall I do"J' She again
said# 'E /urai.I' He said again# 'E Allah I My other !is calling e" and !I a offering" y prayer
!$hat shall I do"J' She again said# 'E /urai.' He again said# 'E AllahI My other !is calling e" and !I
a offering" y prayer% !@hat shall I doJ"' She said# 'E AllahI 8o not let /urai. die till he sees the
faces of prostitutes%' A shepherdess used to coe by his heritage for gra-ing her sheep and she ga(e
birth to a child% She $as asked $hose child that $as# and she replied that it $as fro /urai. and that
he had coe out fro his heritage% /urai. said# '@here is that $oan $ho clais that her child is
fro eJ' !@hen she $as brought to hi along $ith the child"# /urai. asked the child# 'E Babus# $ho
is your fatherJ' &he child replied# '&he shepherd%' H !See Hadith Do 553% =ol <"%
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber 317:
Darrated Mu'aiCib:
&he Prophet talked about a an le(eling the earth on prostrating# and said# HIf you ha(e to do so#
then do it once%H
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber 311:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@e used to pray $ith the Prophet in scorching heat# and if soeone of us could not put his face on
the earth !because of the heat" then he $ould spread his clothes and prostrate o(er the%
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <66:
Darrated Aisha:
=olue 3 ) 3:: ? 0:66
I used to stretch y legs to$ards the ,ibla of the Prophet $hile he $as prayingL $hene(er he
prostrated he touched e# and I $ould $ithdra$ y legs# and $hene(er he stood up# I $ould re)
stretch y legs%
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <60:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet once offered the prayer and said# HSatan cae in front of e and tried to interrupt y
prayer# but Allah ga(e e an upper hand on hi and I choked hi% Do doubt# I thought of tying hi
to one of the pillars of the osCue till you get up in the orning and see hi% &hen I reebered
the stateent of Prophet Soloon# 'My ;ord I Besto$ on e a kingdo such as shall not belong to
any other after e%' &hen Allah ade hi !Satan" return $ith his head do$n !huiliated"%H
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <63:
Darrated Al)A-raC bin ,ais:
@e $ere at Al)Ah$a- fighting the AlHaruriya !tribe"% @hile I $as at the bank of a ri(er a an
$as praying and the reins of his anial $ere in his hands and the anial $as struggling and he $as
follo$ing the anial% !Shu'ba# a sub)narrator# said that an $as Abu Bar-a al)Aslal"% A an fro
the Kha$ari. said# HE AllahI Be harsh to this sheik%H And $hen the sheik !Abu Bar-a" finished his
prayer# he said# HI heard your reark% Do doubt# I participated $ith Allah's Apostle in si* or se(en or
eight holy battles and sa$ his leniency# and no doubt# I $ould rather retain y anial than let it re)
turn to its stable# as it $ould cause e uch trouble% H
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <6<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Ence the sun eclipsed and Allah's Apostle stood up for the prayer and recited a (ery long Sura and
$hen bo$ed for a long $hile and then raised his head and started reciting another Sura% &hen he
bo$ed# and after finishing# he prostrated and did the sae in the second Raka and then said# H&hese
!lunar and solar eclipses" are t$o of the signs of Allah and if you see the# pray till the eclipse is
o(er% Do doubt# $hile standing at this place I sa$ e(erything proised to e by Allah and I sa$
!Paradise" and I $anted to pluck a bunch !of grapes" therefro# at the tie $hen you sa$ e step)
ping for$ard% Do doubt# I sa$ Hell $ith its different parts destroying each other $hen you sa$ e
retreating and in it I sa$ 'Ar bin ;uhai $ho started the tradition of freeing anials !set the free"
in the nae of idols%H
=olue 3 ) 3:7 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <62:
Darrated Ibn'Uar:
&he Prophet sa$ soe sputu on the $all facing the ,ibla of the osCue and becae furious
$ith the people of the osCue and said# H8uring the prayer# Allah is in front of e(eryone of you and
so he should not spit !or said# 'He should not e*pectorate'"%H &hen he got do$n and scratched the spu)
tu $ith his hand% Ibn 'Uar said !after narrating"# HIf anyone of you has to spit during the prayer#
he should spit to his left%H
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <64:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H@hene(er anyone of you is in prayer# he is speaking in pri(ate to his ;ord and
so he should neither spit in front of hi nor on his right side but to his left side under his left foot%H
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <65:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
&he people used to offer the prayer $ith the Prophet $ith their $aist)sheets tied round their necks
because of the shortness of the sheets and the $oen $ere ordered not to lift their heads till the en
had sat straight%
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <6::
I used to greet the Prophet $hile he $as in prayer and he $ould return y greeting# but $hen $e
returned !fro +thiopia" I greeted the Prophet !$hile he $as praying" but he did not return the
greeting# and !after finishing the prayer" he said# HIn the prayer one is occupied !$ith a ore serious
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <67:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle sent e for soe .ob and $hen I had finished it I returned and cae to the Prophet
and greeted hi but he did not return y greeting% So I felt so sorry that only Allah kno$s it and I
said to yself## 'Perhaps Allah's Apostle is angry because I did not coe Cuickly# then again I greeted
hi but he did not reply% I felt e(en ore sorry than I did the first tie% Again I greeted hi and he
returned the greeting and said# H&he thing $hich pre(ented e fro returning the greeting $as that
I $as praying%H And at that tie he $as on his Rahila and his face $as not to$ards the ,ibla%
=olue 3 ) 3:1 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <61:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
&he ne$s about the differences aongst the people of Bani 'Ar bin 'Auf at ,uba reached Allah's
Apostle and so he $ent to the along $ith soe of his copanions to affect a reconciliation% Allah's
Apostle $as delayed there and the tie for the prayer becae due% Bilal cae to Abu BakrI and said#
HE Abu BakrI Allah's Apostle is detained !there" and the tie for the prayer is due% @ill you lead the
people in prayerJH Abu Bakr replied# HKes# if you $ish%H So Bilal pronounced the ICaa and Abu Bakr
$ent for$ard and the people said &akbir% In the eantie# Allah's Apostle cae piercing through
the ro$s till he stood in the !first" ro$ and the people started clapping% Abu Bakr# $ould ne(er look
hither and thither during the prayer but $hen the people clapped uch he looked back and sa$ Al)
lah's Apostle% &he Prophet beckoned hi to carry on% Abu Bakr raised both his hands# praised Allah
and retreated till he stood in the ro$ and Allah's Apostle $ent for$ard and led the people in the
prayer% @hen he had finished the prayer# he addressed the people and said# HE peopleI @hy did you
start clapping $hen soething happened to you in the prayerJ 9lapping is for $oen% @hene(er
one is confronted $ith soething unusual in the prayer one should say# 'Sub Han Allah'%H &hen the
Prophet looked to$ards Abu Bakr and asked# H@hat pre(ented you fro leading the prayer $hen I
beckoned you to carry onJH Abu Bakr replied# HIt does not befit the son of Al ,uhafa to lead the pray)
er in the presence of Allah's Apostle
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <06:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
It $as forbidden to keep the hands on the hips during the prayer% !&his is narrated by Abu Huraira
fro the Prophet%"
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <00:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
It $as forbidden to pray $ith the hands o(er one's hips%
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <03:
Darrated 'UCba bin Al)Harith:
I offered the 'Asr prayer $ith the Prophet and after finishing the prayer $ith &asli he got up
Cuickly and $ent to soe of his $i(es and then cae out% He noticed the signs of astonishent on
the faces of the people caused by his speed% He then said# HI reebered $hile I $as in y prayer
that a piece of gold $as ;ying in y house and I disliked that it should reain $ith us throughout
the night# and so I ha(e ordered it to be distributed%H
=olue 3 ) 376 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <0<:
Darrated Abu Huraira#
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen the Adhan for the prayer is pronounced# then Satan takes to his heels
passing $ind so that he ay not hear the Adhan and $hen the Muadh)dhin finishes# he coes backL
and $hen the ICaa is pronounced he again takes to his heels and $hen it is finished# he again
coes back and continues reinding the praying person of things that he used not to reeber
$hen not in prayer till he forgets ho$ uch he has prayed%H Abu Salaa bin 'Abdur)Rahan said# HIf
anyone of you has such a thing !forgetting the nuber of Rakat he has prayed" he should perfor
t$o prostrations of Sahu !i%e% forgetfulness" $hile sitting%H Abu Salaa narrates this fro Abu
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <02:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
People say that I narrate too any narrations of the ProphetL once I et a an !during the life)
tie of the Prophet" and asked hi# H@hich Sura did Allah's Apostle s recite yesterday in the 'Isha'
prayerJH He said# HI do not kno$%H I said# H8id you not attend the prayerJH He said# HKes# !I did"%H I said#
HI kno$% He recited such and such Sura%H
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <04:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Buhaina:
Allah's Apostle once led us in a prayer and offered t$o Rakat and got up !for the third Raka"
$ithout sitting !after the second Raka"% &he people also got up $ith hi# and $hen he $as about to
finish his prayer# $e $aited for hi to finish the prayer $ith &asli but he said &akbir before &asli
and perfored t$o prostrations $hile sitting and then finished the prayer $ith &asli%
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <05:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Buhaina:
Allah's Apostle got up after the second Raka of the Fuhr prayer $ithout sitting in bet$een !the
second and the third Rakat"% @hen he finished the prayer he perfored t$o prostrations !of Sahu"
and then finished the prayer $ith &asll%
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <0::
Darrated' Abdullah:
=olue 3 ) 370 ? 0:66
Ence Allah's Apostle offered fi(e Rakat in the Fuhr prayer# and soebody asked hi $hether
there $as soe increase in the prayer% Allah's Apostle said# H@hat is thatJH He said# HKou ha(e offered
fi(e Rakat%H So Allah's Apostle perfored t$o prostrations of Sahu after &asli%
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <07:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet led us in the 'Asr or the Fuhr prayer and finished it $ith &asli% 8hul)Kadain said to
hi# HE Allah's ApostleI Has the prayer been reducedJH &he Prophet asked his copanions in the af)
firati(e% So Allah's Apostle I offered t$o ore Rakat and then perfored t$o prostrations !of Sahu"%
Sad said# HI sa$ that 'Ursa bin A-)Fubair had offered t$o Rakat in the Maghrib prayer and finished it
$ith &asli% He then talked !and $hen he $as infored about it" he copleted the rest of his prayer
and perfored t$o prostrations# and said# '&he Prophet prayed like this%' H
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <01:
Darrated Abu Huraira%
Ence Allah's Apostle offered t$o Rakat and finished his prayer% So 8hul)Kadain asked hi# HHas
the prayer been reduced or ha(e you forgottenJH Allah's Apostle said# HHas 8hulKadain spoken the
truthJH &he people replied in the affirati(e% &hen Allah's Apostle stood up and offered the reain)
ing t$o Rakat and perfored &asli# and then said &akbir and perfored t$o prostrations like his
usual prostrations# or a bit longer# and then got up%
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <36:
Darrated Salaa bin 'AlCaa:
I asked Muhaad !bin Sirin" $hether &ashah)hud should be recited after the t$o prostrations
of Sahu% He replied# HIt is not !entioned" in Abu Huraira's narration % H
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <30:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet offered one of the e(ening prayers !the sub)narrator Muhaad said# HI think that it
$as ost probably the 'Asr prayerH" and he finished it after offering t$o Rakat only% He then stood
near a price of $ood in front of the MosCue and put his hand o(er it% Abu Bakr and 'Uar $ere
aongst those $ho $ere present# but they dared not talk to hi about that !because of e*cessi(e re)
spect for hi"# and those $ho $ere in a hurry $ent out% &hey said# HHas the prayer been reducedJH A
an $ho $as called 8hulKadain by the Prophet said !to the Prophet"# HHas the prayer been reduced
or ha(e you forgottenJH He said# HDeither ha(e I forgotten# nor has the prayer been reduced%H He said#
=olue 3 ) 373 ? 0:66
H9ertainly you ha(e forgotten%H So the Prophet offered t$o ore Rakat and perfored &ash and
then said &akbir and perfored a prostration of Sahu like his ordinary prostration or a bit longer
and then raised his head and said &akbir and then put his head do$n and perfored a prostration
like his ordinary prostration or a bit longer# and then raised his head and said &akbir%
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <33:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Buhaina Al)Asdi:
!the ally of Bani 'Abdul Muttalib" Allah's Apostle stood up for the Fuhr prayer and he should ha(e
sat !after the second Raka but he stood up for the third Raka $ithout sitting for &ashah)hud" and
$hen he finished the prayer he perfored t$o prostrations and said &akbir on each prostration
$hile sitting# before ending !the prayer" $ith &asliL and the people too perfored the t$o prostra)
tions $ith hi instead of the sitting he forgot%
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <3<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen the call for prayer is ade# Satan takes to his heels passing $ind so
that he ay not hear the Adhan and $hen the call is finished he coes back# and $hen the ICaa is
pronounced# Satan again takes to his heels# and $hen the ICaa is finished he coes back again and
tries to interfere $ith the person and his thoughts and say# HReeber this and that !$hich he has
not thought of before the prayer"H# till the praying person forgets ho$ uch he has prayed% If anyone
of you does not reeber $hether he has offered three or four Rakat then he should perfor t$o
prostrations of Sahu $hile sitting%
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <32:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen anyone of you stands for the prayers# Satan coes and puts hi in
doubts till he forgets ho$ any Rakat he has prayed% So if this happens to anyone of you# he should
perfor t$o prostrations of Sahu $hile sitting%
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <34:
Darrated Kuraib:
I $as sent to Aisha by Ibn Abbas# Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa and 'Abdur)Rahan bin A-har % &hey
told e to greet her on their behalf and to ask her about the offering of the t$o Rakat after the 'Asr
prayer and to say to her# H@e $ere infored that you offer those t$o Rakat and $e $ere told that
the Prophet had forbidden offering the%H Ibn Abbas said# HI along $ith 'Uar bin Al)Khattab used to
=olue 3 ) 37< ? 0:66
beat the people $hene(er they offered the%H I $ent to Aisha and told her that essage% 'Aisha said#
HAo and ask U Salaa about the%H So I returned and infored the about her stateent% &hey
then told e to go to U Salaa $ith the sae Cuestion $ith $hich t sent e to 'Aisha% U Salaa
replied# HI heard the Prophet forbidding the% ;ater I sa$ hi offering the iediately after he
prayed the 'Asr prayer% He then entered y house at a tie $hen soe of the Ansari $oen fro
the tribe of Bani Hara $ere sitting $ith e# so I sent y sla(e girl to hi ha(ing said to her# 'Stand
beside hi and tell hi that U Salaa says to you# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e heard you forbidding
the offering of these !t$o Rakat after the 'Asr prayer" but I ha(e seen you offering the%H If he $a(es
his hand then $ait for hi%' &he sla(e girl did that% &he Prophet beckoned her $ith his hand and she
$aited for hi% @hen he had finished the prayer he said# HE daughter of Bani UaiyaI Kou ha(e
asked e about the t$o Rakat after the 'Asr prayer% &he people of the tribe of 'Abdul),ais cae to
e and ade e busy and I could not offer the t$o Rakat after the Fuhr prayer% &hese !t$o Rakat
that I ha(e .ust prayed" are for those !issed" ones%
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <35:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad As)Sa'idi:
&he ne$s about the differences aongst the people of Bani'Ar bin 'Auf reached Allah's Apostle
and so he $ent to the along $ith soe of his copanions to affect a reconciliation bet$een the%
Allah's Apostle $as delayed there# and the tie of the prayer $as due% Bilal $ent to Abu Bakr and
said to hi# HAllah's Apostle has been delayed !there" and the tie of prayer is due% So $ill you lead
the people in prayerJH Abu Bakr said# HKes# if you $ish%H Bilal pronounced the ICaa and Abu Bakr#
$ent for$ard and said &akbir for the people% In the ean)tie Allah's Apostle cae crossing the
ro$s !of the praying people" and stood in the !first" ro$ and the people started clapping% Abu Bakr#
$ould ne(er glance side)$ays in his prayer but $hen the people clapped uch he looked back and
!sa$" Allah's Apostle % Allah's Apostle beckoned hi to carry on the prayer% Abu Bakr raised his
hands and thanked Allah# and retreated till he reached the !first" ro$% Allah's Apostle $ent for$ard
and led the people in the prayer% @hen he copleted the prayer he faced the people and said# HE
peopleI @hy did you start clapping $hen soething unusual happened to you in the prayerJ 9lap)
ping is only for $oen% So $hoe(er aongst you coes across soething in the prayer should say#
'Subhan)Allah' for there is none $ho $ill not turn round on hearing hi saying Subhan)Allah% E
Ab)u BakrI @hat pre(ented you fro leading the people in the prayer $hen I beckoned you to do
soJH Abu Bakr replied# HHo$ dare the son of Abu ,uhafa lead the prayer in the presence of Allah's
Apostle JH
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <3::
Darrated Asa':
=olue 3 ) 372 ? 0:66
I $ent to 'Aisha and she $as standing praying and the people# too# $ere standing !praying"% So I
said# H@hat is the atter $ith the peopleJH She beckoned $ith her head to$ards the sky%
I said# H!Is there" a signJH She nodded intending to say# HKes%H
=olue 3# Book 33# Duber <37:
Darrated 'Aisha the $ife of the Prophet:
Allah's Apostle during his illness prayed in his house sitting# $hereas soe people follo$ed hi
standing# but the Prophet beckoned the to sit do$n% En copletion of the prayer he said# H&he
Ia is to be follo$ed% So# bo$ $hen he bo$s# and raise your head $hen he raises his head%H !See
Hadith Do% 54: =ol 0 for taking the (erdict"%
=olue 3 ) 374 ? 0:66
Book 3<: Bunerals !Al)/anaa'i-"
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <31:
Darrated Abu 8har:
Allah's Apostle said# HSoeone cae to e fro y ;ord and ga(e e the ne$s !or good tidings"
that if any of y follo$ers dies $orshipping none !in any $ay" along $ith Allah# he $ill enter Para)
dise%H I asked# H+(en if he coitted illegal se*ual intercourse !adultery" and theftJH He replied# H+(en
if he coitted illegal se*ual intercourse !adultery" and theft%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <<6:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# HAnyone $ho dies $orshipping others along $ith Allah $ill definitely enter
the Bire%H I said# HAnyone $ho dies $orshipping none along $ith Allah $ill definitely enter Paradise%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <<0:
Darrated Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib:
Allah's Apostle ordered us to do se(en things and forbade us to do other se(en% He ordered us to
follo$ the funeral procession% to (isit the sick# to accept in(itations# to help the oppressed# to fulfill
the oaths# to return the greeting and to reply to the snee-er: !saying# HMay Allah be erciful on you#H
pro(ided the snee-er says# HAll the praises are for Allah#H"% He forbade us to use sil(er utensils and
dishes and to $ear golden rings# silk !clothes"# 8iba. !pure silk cloth"# ,issi and IstabraC !t$o kinds
of silk cloths"%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <<3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H&he rights of a Musli on the Muslis are to follo$ the funeral
processions# to accept in(itation and to reply the snee-er% !see Hadith Do <<0"
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <<<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Abu Bakr cae riding his horse fro his d$elling place in As)Sunh% He got do$n fro it# entered
the MosCue and did not speak $ith anybody till he cae to e and $ent direct to the Prophet# $ho
=olue 3 ) 375 ? 0:66
$as co(ered $ith a arked blanket% Abu Bakr unco(ered his face% He knelt do$n and kissed hi
and then started $eeping and said# HMy father and y other be sacrificed for you# E Allah's Proph)
etI Allah $ill not cobine t$o deaths on you% Kou ha(e died the death $hich $as $ritten for you%H
Darrated Abu Salaa fro Ibn Abbas: Abu Bakr cae out and 'Uar # $as addressing the people#
and Abu Bakr told hi to sit do$n but 'Uar refused% Abu Bakr again told hi to sit do$n but 'Uar
again refused% &hen Abu Bakr recited the &ashah)hud !i%e% none has the right to be $orshipped but
Allah and Muhaad is Allah's Apostle" and the people attended to Abu Bakr and left 'Uar% Abu
Bakr said# HAa ba'du# $hoe(er aongst you $orshipped Muhaad# then Muhaad is dead#
but $hoe(er $orshipped Allah# Allah is ali(e and $ill ne(er die% Allah said: 'Muhaad is no ore
than an Apostle and indeed !any" Apostles ha(e passed a$ay before hi %%!up to the" grateful%' H
!<%022" !&he narrator added# HBy Allah# it $as as if the people ne(er kne$ that Allah had re(ealed
this (erse before till Abu Bakr recited it and then $hoe(er heard it# started reciting it H"
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <<2:
Darrated Khari.a bin Faid bin &habit:
U Al)'Ala'# an Ansari $oan $ho ga(e the pledge of allegiance to the Prophet said to e# H&he
eigrants $ere distributed aongst us by dra$ing lots and $e got in our share 'Uthan bin
Ma-'un% @e ade hi stay $ith us in our house% &hen he suffered fro a disease $hich pro(ed fatal
$hen he died and $as gi(en a bath and $as shrouded in his clothes# Allah's Apostle cae I said#
'May Allah be erciful to you# E Abu As)Sa'ibI I testify that Allah has honored you'% &he Prophet said#
'Ho$ do you kno$ that Allah has honored hiJ' I replied# 'E Allah's ApostleI ;et y father be sacri)
ficed for youI En $ho else shall Allah besto$ His honorJ' &he Prophet said# 'Do doubt# death cae
to hi% By Allah# I too $ish hi good# but by Allah# I do not kno$ $hat Allah $ill do $ith e though
I a Allah's Apostle% ' By Allah# I ne(er attested the piety of anyone after that%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <<4:
Darrated Al);aith as abo(e%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <<5:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
@hen y father $as artyred# I lifted the sheet fro his face and $ept and the people forbade
e to do so but the Prophet did not forbid e% &hen y aunt Batia began $eeping and the Prophet
said# HIt is all the sae $hether you $eep or not% &he angels $ere shading hi continuously $ith
their $ings till you shifted hi !fro the field"%H
=olue 3 ) 37: ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <<::
Darrated Abu Huraira#
Allah's Apostle infored !the people" about the death of An)Da.ashi on the (ery day he died% He
$ent to$ards the Musalla !praying place" and the people stood behind hi in ro$s% He said four
&akbirs !i%e% offered the Buneral prayer"%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <<7:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HFaid took o(er the flag and $as artyred% &hen it $as taken by /afar $ho $as
artyred as $ell% &hen 'Abdullah bin Ra$aha took the flag but he too $as artyred and at that tie
the eyes of Allah's Apostle $ere full of tears% &hen Khalid bin Al)@alid took the flag $ithout being
noinated as a chief !before hand" and $as blessed $ith (ictory%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <<1:
Darrated Ibn Abbas%
A person died and Allah's Apostle used to (isit hi% He died at night and !the people" buried hi at
night% In the orning they infored the Prophet !about his death"% He said# H@hat pre(ented you
fro inforing eJH &hey replied# HIt $as night and it $as a dark night and so $e disliked to trouble
you%H &he Prophet $ent to his gra(e and offered the !funeral" prayer%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <26:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HA Musli $hose three children die before the age of puberty $ill be granted
Paradise by Allah due to his ercy for the%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <20:
Darrated Abu Sa'id:
&he $oen reCuested the Prophet# HPlease fi* a day for us%H So the Prophet preached to the and
said# HA $oan $hose three children died $ould be screened fro the Hell Bire by the#H Hearing
that# a $oan asked# HIf t$o diedJH &he Prophet replied# H+(en t$o !$ould screen her fro the !Hell"
Bire% H And Abu Huraira added# H&hose children should be belo$ the age of puberty% H
=olue 3 ) 377 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <23:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HDo Musli $hose three children died $ill go to the Bire e*cept for Allah's oath
!i%e% e(eryone has to pass o(er the bridge abo(e the lake of fire"%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <2<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet passed by a $oan $ho $as sitting and $eeping beside a gra(e and said to her# HBear
Allah and be patient%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <22:
Darrated U 'Atiyya al)Ansariya:
Allah's Apostle cae to us $hen his daughter died and said# H@ash her thrice or fi(e ties or
ore# if you see it necessary# $ith $ater and Sidr and then apply caphor or soe caphor at the
endL and $hen you finish# notify e%H So $hen $e finished it# $e infored hi and he ga(e us his
$aist)sheet and told us to shroud the dead body in it%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <24:
Darrated U 'Atiyya
Allah's Apostle cae to us and $e $ere gi(ing a bath to his !dead" daughter and said# H@ash her
three# fi(e or ore ties $ith $ater and Sidr and sprinkle caphor on her at the endL and $hen you
finish# notify e%H So $hen $e finished# $e infored hi and he ga(e us his $aist)sheet and told us
to shroud her in it% Aiyub said that Hafsa narrated to hi a narration siilar to that of Muhaad
in $hich it $as said that the bath $as to be gi(en for an odd nuber of ties# and the nubers <# 4
or : $ere entioned% It $as also said that they $ere to start $ith the right side and $ith the parts
$hich $ere $ashed in ablution# and that U 'Atiyya also entioned# H@e cobed her hair and di)
(ided the in three braids%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <25:
Darrated U 'Atiyya:
Allah's Apostle# concerning his !dead" daughter's bath# said# HStart $ith the right side# and the parts
$hich are $ashed in ablution%H
=olue 3 ) 371 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <2::
Darrated U 'Atiyya:
@hen $e $ashed the deceased daughter of the Prophet# he said to us# $hile $e $ere $ashing her#
HStart the bath fro the right side and fro the parts $hich are $ashed in ablution%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <27:
Darrated U 'Atiyya:
&he daughter of the Prophet e*pired# and he said to us# H@ash her three or fi(e ties# or ore if
you see it necessary# and $hen you finish# notify e%H So# !$hen $e finished" $e infored hi and
he unfastened his $aist)sheet and told us to shroud her in it%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <21:
Darrated Muhaad:
U 'Atiyya said# HEne of the daughters of the Prophet died and he cae out and said# '@ash her
three or fi(e ties or ore# if you think it necessary# $ith $ater and Sidr# and last of all put caphor
!or soe caphor" and $hen you finish# infor e%' H U Atiyya added# H@hen $e finished $e in)
fored hi and he ga(e us his $aist)sheet and said# 'Shroud her in it%' H And U 'Atiyya !in another
narration" added# H&he Prophet said# '@ash her three# fi(e or se(en ties or ore# if you think it ne)
cessary%' H Hafsa said that U 'Atiyya had also said# H@e ent$ined her hair into three braids%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <46:
Darrated Hafsa bint Sirin:
U 'Atiyya said that they had ent$ined the hair of the daughter of Allah's Apostle in three braids%
&hey first undid her hair# $ashed and then ent$ined it in three braids%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <40:
Darrated Ibn Sirin:
U 'Atiyya !an Ansari $oan $ho ga(e the pledge of allegiance to the Prophet " cae to Basra to
(isit her son# but she could not find hi% She narrated to us# H&he Prophet cae to us $hile $e $ere
gi(ing bath to his !dead" daughter# he said: '@ash her three ties# fi(e ties or ore# if you think it
necessary# $ith $ater and Sidr# and last of all put caphor# and $hen you finish# notify e%' H U
'Atiyya added# HAfter finishing# $e infored hi and he ga(e us his $aist sheet and told us to shroud
her in it and did not say ore than that%H
=olue 3 ) 316 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <43:
Darrated U 'Atiyya:
@e ent$ined the hair of the dead daughter of the Prophet into three braids% @aki said that Sufyan
said# HEne braid $as ent$ined in front and the other t$o $ere ent$ined on the sides of the head%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <4<:
Darrated U 'Atiyya:
Ene of the daughters of the Prophet e*pired and he cae to us and said# H@ash her $ith Sidr !$a)
ter" for odd nuber of ties# i%e% three# fi(e or ore# if you think it necessary# and in the last# put
caphor or !soe caphor on her"# and $hen you finish# notify e%H So $hen $e finished $e in)
fored hi% He ga(e his $aist)sheet to us !to shroud her"% @e ent$ined the hair !of the deceased
girl" in three braids and ade the fall at her back%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <42:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle $as shrouded in three Keenite $hite Suhuliya !pieces of cloth" of cotton# and in
the there $as neither a shirt nor a turban%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <44:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hile a an $as riding !his Mount" in 'Arafat# he fell do$n fro it !his Mount" and broke his
neck !and died"% &he Prophet said# H@ash hi $ith $ater and Sidr and shroud hi in t$o pieces of
cloth# and neither perfue hi# nor co(er his head# for he $ill be resurrected on the 8ay of Resur)
rection saying# ';abbaik#' !i%e% like a pilgri"%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <45:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hile a an $as at 'Arafat !for Ha.." $ith Allah's Apostle the fell do$n fro his Mount and broke
his neck !and died"% So Allah's Apostle said# H@ash hi $ith $ater and Sidr and shroud hi in t$o
pieces of cloth and neither perfue hi nor co(er his head# for Allah $ill resurrect hi on the 8ay
of Resurrection and he $ill be saying ';abbaik%H
=olue 3 ) 310 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <4::
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
A an $as killed by his cael $hile $e $ere $ith the Prophet and he $as a Muhri% So the
Prophet said# H@ash hi $ith $ater and Sidr and shroud hi in t$o pieces of cloth and neither per)
fue hi nor co(er his head# for Allah $ill resurrect hi on the 8ay of Resurrection and he $ill be
saying ';abbaik' % H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <47:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
A an fell fro his Mount and died $hile he $as $ith the Prophet at 'Arafat% &he Prophet said#
H@ash hi $ith $ater and Sidr and shroud hi in t$o pieces of cloth and neither perfue hi nor
co(er his head# for he $ill be resurrected on the 8ay of Resurrection saying# ';abbaik'%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <41:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
@hen 'Abdullah bin Ubai !the chief of hypocrites" died# his son cae to the Prophet and said# HE
Allah's ApostleI Please gi(e e your shirt to shroud hi in it# offer his funeral prayer and ask for Al)
lah's forgi(eness for hi%H So Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" ga(e his shirt to hi and said# HInfor e
!@hen the funeral is ready" so that I ay offer the funeral prayer%H So# he infored hi and $hen
the Prophet intended to offer the funeral prayer# 'Uar took hold of his hand and said# HHas Allah not
forbidden you to offer the funeral prayer for the hypocritesJ &he Prophet said# HI ha(e been gi(en the
choice for Allah says: '!It does not a(ail" @hether you !E Muhaad" ask forgi(eness for the !hy)
pocrites"# or do not ask for forgi(eness for the% +(en though you ask for their forgi(eness se(enty
ties# Allah $ill not forgi(e the% !1%76"H So the Prophet offered the funeral prayer and on that the
re(elation cae: HAnd ne(er !E Muhaad" pray !funeral prayer" for any of the !i%e% hypocrites"
that dies%H !1% 72"
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <56:
Darrated /abir:
&he Prophet cae to !the gra(e of" 'Abdullah bin Ubai after his body $as buried% &he body $as
brought out and then the Prophet put his sali(a o(er the body and clothed it in his shirt%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <50:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue 3 ) 313 ? 0:66
&he Prophet $as shrouded in three pieces of cloth $hich $ere ade of Suhul !a type of cotton"#
and neither a shirt nor a turban $ere used%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <53:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle $as shrouded in three pieces of cloth and neither a shirt nor a turban $ere used%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <5<:
Darrated Aisha:
Allah's Apostle $as shrouded in three pieces of cloth $hich $ere ade of $hite Suhul and neither
a shirt nor a turban $ere used%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <52:
Darrated Sad fro his father:
Ence the eal of 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf $as brought in front of hi# and he said# HMustab bin
'Uar $as artyred and he $as better than I# and he had nothing e*cept his Burd !a black sCuare
narro$ dress" to be shrouded in% Ha-a or another person $as artyred and he $as also better than
I and he had nothing to be shrouded in e*cept his Burd% Do doubt# I fear that the re$ards of y
deeds ight ha(e been gi(en early in this $orld%H &hen he started $eeping%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <54:
Darrated Ibrahi:
Ence a eal $as brought to 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf and he $as fasting% He said# HMustab bin
'Uar $as artyred and he $as better than I and $as shrouded in his Burd and $hen his head $as
co(ered $ith it# his legs becae bare# and $hen his legs $ere co(ered his head got unco(ered%
Ha-a $as artyred and $as better than I% Do$ the $orldly $ealth ha(e been besto$ed upon us
!or said a siilar thing"% Do doubt# I fear that the re$ards of y deeds ight ha(e been gi(en earlier
in this $orld%H &hen he started $eeping and left his food%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <55:
Darrated Khabbab:
@e eigrated $ith the Prophet !p%b%u%h" in Allah's cause# and so our re$ard $as then surely in)
cubent on Allah% Soe of us died and they did not take anything fro their re$ards in this $orld#
and aongst the $as Mustab bin 'UarL and the others $ere those $ho got their re$ards% Mustab
=olue 3 ) 31< ? 0:66
bin 'Uar $as artyred on the day of the Battle of Uhud and $e could get nothing e*cept his Burd
to shroud hi in% And $hen $e co(ered his head his feet becae bare and (ice (ersa% So the Prophet
ordered us to co(er his head only and to put idhkhir !a kind of shrub" o(er his feet%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <5::
Darrated Sahl:
A $oan brought a $o(en Burda !sheet" ha(ing edging !border" to the Prophet# &hen Sahl asked
the $hether they kne$ $hat is Burda# they said that Burda is a cloak and Sahl confired their
reply% &hen the $oan said# HI ha(e $o(en it $ith y o$n hands and I ha(e brought it so that you
ay $ear it%H &he Prophet accepted it# and at that tie he $as in need of it% So he cae out $earing it
as his $aist)sheet% A an praised it and said# H@ill you gi(e it to eJ Ho$ nice it isIH &he other
people said# HKou ha(e not done the right thing as the Prophet is in need of it and you ha(e asked for
it $hen you kno$ that he ne(er turns do$n anybody's reCuest%H &he an replied# HBy Allah# I ha(e
not asked for it to $ear it but to ake it y shroud%H ;ater it $as his shroud%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <57:
Darrated U 'Atiyya:
@e $ere forbidden to accopany funeral processions but not strictly%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <51:
Darrated Muhaad bin Sirin:
Ene of the sons of U 'Atiyya died# and $hen it $as the third day she asked for a yello$ perfue
and put it o(er her body# and said# H@e $ere forbidden to ourn for ore than three days e*cept for
our husbands%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <:6:
Darrated Fainab bint Abi Salaa:
@hen the ne$s of the death of Abu Sufyan reached fro Sha# U Habiba on the third day#
asked for a yello$ perfue and scented her cheeks and forears and said# HDo doubt# I $ould not
ha(e been in need of this# had I not heard the Prophet saying: HIt is not legal for a $oan $ho be)
lie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay to ourn for ore than three days for any dead person e*cept her
husband# for $ho she should ourn for four onths and ten days%H
=olue 3 ) 312 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <:0:
Darrated Fainab bint Abi Salaa:
I $ent to U Habiba# the $ife of Prophet# $ho said# HI heard the Prophets saying# 'It is not legal for
a $oan $ho belie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay to ourn for any dead person for ore than three
days e*cept for her husband# !for $ho she should ourn" for four onths and ten days'%H ;ater I
$ent to Fainab bint /ahsh $hen her brother diedL she asked for soe scent# and after using it she
said# HI a not in need of scent but I heard Allah's Apostle saying# 'It is not legal for a $oan $ho be)
lie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay to ourn for ore than three days for any dead person e*cept her
husband# !for $ho she should ourn" for four onths and ten days%' H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <:3:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet passed by a $oan $ho $as $eeping beside a gra(e% He told her to fear Allah and be
patient% She said to hi# HAo a$ay# for you ha(e not been afflicted $ith a calaity like ine%H And
she did not recogni-e hi% &hen she $as infored that he $as the Prophet % so she $ent to the house
of the Prophet and there she did not find any guard% &hen she said to hi# HI did not recogni-e you%H
He said# H=erily# the patience is at the first stroke of a calaity%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <:<:
Darrated Usaa bin Faid:
&he daughter of the Prophet !p%b%u%h" sent !a essenger" to the Prophet reCuesting hi to coe as
her child $as dying !or $as gasping"# but the Prophet returned the essenger and told hi to con)
(ey his greeting to her and say: H@hate(er Allah takes is for Hi and $hate(er He gi(es# is for Hi#
and e(erything $ith Hi has a liited fi*ed ter !in this $orld" and so she should be patient and
hope for Allah's re$ard%H She again sent for hi# s$earing that he should coe% &he Prophet got up#
and so did Sad bin 'Ubada# Muadh bin /abal# Ubai bin Ka'b# Faid bin &habit and soe other en% &he
child $as brought to Allah's Apostle $hile his breath $as disturbed in his chest !the sub)narrator
thinks that Usaa added: " as if it $as a leather $ater)skin% En that the eyes of the Prophet !p%b%u%h"
started shedding tears% Sad said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat is thisJH He replied# HIt is ercy $hich Allah
has lodged in the hearts of His sla(es# and Allah is erciful only to those of His sla(es $ho are er)
ciful !to others"%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <:2:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
=olue 3 ) 314 ? 0:66
@e $ere !in the funeral procession" of one of the daughters of the Prophet and he $as sitting by
the side of the gra(e% I sa$ his eyes shedding tears% He said# HIs there anyone aong you $ho did not
ha(e se*ual relations $ith his $ife last nightJH Abu &alha replied in the affirati(e% And so the
Prophet told hi to get do$n in the gra(e% And so he got do$n in her gra(e%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <:4:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ubaidullah bin Abi Mulaika:
Ene of the daughters of 'Uthan died at Mecca% @e $ent to attend her funeral procession% Ibn
'Uar and Ibn Abbas $ere also present% I sat in bet$een the !or said# I sat beside one of the% &hen
a an cae and sat beside e%" 'Abdullah bin 'Uar said to 'Ar bin 'Uthan# H@ill you not prohibit
crying as Allah's Apostle has said# '&he dead person is tortured by the crying of his relati(es%JH Ibn
Abbas said# HUar used to say so%H &hen he added narrating# HI accopanied Uar on a .ourney fro
Mecca till $e reached Al)Baida% &here he sa$ soe tra(elers in the shade of a Saura !A kind of
forest tree"% He said !to e"# HAo and see $ho those tra(elers are%H So I $ent and sa$ that one of the
$as Suhaib% I told this to 'Uar $ho then asked e to call hi% So I $ent back to Suhaib and said to
hi# H8epart and follo$ the chief of the faithful belie(ers%H ;ater# $hen 'Uar $as stabbed# Suhaib
cae in $eeping and saying# HE y brother# E y friendIH !on this 'Uar said to hi# HE SuhaibI Are
you $eeping for e $hile the Prophet said# H&he dead person is punished by soe of the $eeping of
his relati(esJH Ibn Abbas added# H@hen 'Uar died I told all this to Aisha and she said# 'May Allah be
erciful to Uar% By Allah# Allah's Apostle did not say that a belie(er is punished by the $eeping of
his relati(es% But he said# Allah increases the punishent of a non)belie(er because of the $eeping of
his relati(es%H Aisha further added# H&he ,uran is sufficient for you !to clear up this point" as Allah
has stated: 'Do burdened soul $ill bear another's burden%' H !<4%07"% Ibn Abbas then said# HEnly Allah
akes one laugh or cry%H Ibn Uar did not say anything after that%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <:5:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" Ence Allah's Apostle passed by !the gra(e of" a /e$ess $hose relati(es
$ere $eeping o(er her% He said# H&hey are $eeping o(er her and she is being tortured in her gra(e%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <:::
Darrated Abu Burda:
&hat his father said# H@hen Uar $as stabbed# Suhaib started crying: E y brotherI 'Uar said#
'8on't you kno$ that the Prophet said: &he deceased is tortured for the $eeping of the li(ing'JH
=olue 3 ) 315 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <:7:
Darrated Al)Mughira:
I heard the Prophet saying# HAscribing false things to e is not like ascribing false things to anyone
else% @hosoe(er tells a lie against e intentionally then surely let hi occupy his seat in Hell)Bire%H I
heard the Prophet saying# H&he deceased $ho is $ailed o(er is tortured for that $ailing%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <:1:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar fro his father:
&he Prophet said# H&he deceased is tortured in his gra(e for the $ailing done o(er hi%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <76:
Darrated Shu'ba:
&he deceased is tortured for the $ailing of the li(ing ones o(er hi %
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <70:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
En the day of the Battle of Uhud# y father $as brought and he had been ayheed and $as
placed in front of Allah's Apostle and a sheet $as o(er hi% I $ent intending to unco(er y father
but y people forbade eL again I $anted to unco(er hi but y people forbade e% Allah's Apostle
ga(e his order and he $as shifted a$ay% At that tie he heard the (oice of a crying $oan and
asked# H@ho is thisJH &hey said# HIt is the daughter or the sister of Ar%H He said# H@hy does she $eepJ
!or let her stop $eeping"# for the angels had been shading hi $ith their $ings till he !i%e% the body
of the artyr" $as shifted a$ay%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <73:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HHe $ho slaps his cheeks# tears his clothes and follo$s the $ays and traditions of
the 8ays of Ignorance is not one of us%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <7<:
Darrated 'Air bin Sad bin Abi @aCCas:
&hat his father said# HIn the year of the last Ha.. of the Prophet I becae seriously ill and the
Prophet used to (isit e inCuiring about y health% I told hi# 'I a reduced to this state because of
=olue 3 ) 31: ? 0:66
illness and I a $ealthy and ha(e no inheritors e*cept a daughter# !In this narration the nae of
'Air bin Sad is entioned and in fact it is a istakeL the narrator is 'Aisha bint Sad bin Abi @aCCas"%
Should I gi(e t$o)thirds of y property in charityJ' He said# 'Do%' I asked# 'HalfJ' He said# 'Do%' then he
added# 'Ene)third# and e(en one)third is uch% Kou'd better lea(e your inheritors $ealthy rather
than lea(ing the poor# begging others% Kou $ill get a re$ard for $hate(er you spend for Allah's
sake# e(en for $hat you put in your $ife's outh%' I said# 'E Allah's ApostleI @ill I be left alone after
y copanions ha(e goneJ' He said# 'If you are left behind# $hate(er good deeds you $ill do $ill
up)grade you and raise you high% And perhaps you $ill ha(e a long life so that soe people $ill be
benefited by you $hile others $ill be hared by you% E AllahI 9oplete the eigration of y co)
panions and do not turn the renegades%' But Allah's Apostle felt sorry for poor Sad bin Khaula as he
died in Mecca%H !but Sad bin Abi @aCCas li(ed long after the Prophet !p%b%u%h"%"
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <72:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HHe $ho slaps the cheeks# tears the clothes and follo$s the tradition of the 8ays
of Ignorance is not fro us%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <74:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HHe $ho slaps the cheeks# tears the clothes and follo$s the traditions of the 8ays
of Ignorance is not fro us%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <75:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen the Prophet got the ne$s of the death of Ibn Haritha# /a'far and Ibn Ra$aha he sat do$n
and looked sad and I $as looking at hi through the chink of the door% A an cae and told hi
about the crying of the $oen of /a'far% &he Prophet ordered hi to forbid the% &he an $ent and
cae back saying that he had told the but they did not listen to hi% &he Prophet !p%b%u%h" said#
HBorbid the%H So again he $ent and cae back for the third tie and said# HE Allah's ApostleI By Al)
lah# they did not listen to us at all%H !'Aisha added": Allah's Apostle ordered hi to go and put dust in
their ouths% I said# !to that an" HMay Allah stick your nose in the dust !i%e% huiliate you"I Kou
could neither !persuade the $oen to" fulfill the order of Allah's Apostle nor did you relie(e Allah's
Apostle fro fatigue% H
=olue 3 ) 317 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <7::
Darrated Anas:
@hen the reciters of ,uran $ere artyred# Allah's Apostle recited ,unut for one onth and I
ne(er sa$ hi !i%e% Allah's Apostle" so sad as he $as on that day%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <77:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ene of the sons of Abu &alha becae sick and died and Abu &alha at that tie $as not at hoe%
@hen his $ife sa$ that he $as dead# she prepared hi !$ashed and shrouded hi" and placed hi
soe$here in the house% @hen Abu &alha cae# he asked# HHo$ is the boyJH She said# H&he child is
Cuiet and I hope he is in peace%H Abu &alha thought that she had spoken the truth% Abu &alha passed
the night and in the orning took a bath and $hen he intended to go out# she told hi that his son
had died# Abu &alha offered the !orning" prayer $ith the Prophet and infored the Prophet of
$hat happened to the% Allah's Apostle said# HMay Allah bless you concerning your night% !&hat is#
ay Allah bless you $ith good offspring"%H Sufyan said# HEne of the Ansar said# '&hey !i%e% Abu &alha
and his $ife" had nine sons and all of the becae reciters of the ,uran !by heart"%' H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <71:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H&he real patience is at the first stroke of a calaity%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <16:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@e $ent $ith Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" to the blacksith Abu Saif# and he $as the husband of the
$et)nurse of Ibrahi !the son of the Prophet"% Allah's Apostle took Ibrahi and kissed hi and
selled hi and later $e entered Abu Saif's house and at that tie Ibrahi $as in his last breaths#
and the eyes of Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" started shedding tears% 'Abdur Rahan bin 'Auf said# HE Al)
lah's Apostle# e(en you are $eepingIH He said# HE Ibn 'Auf# this is ercy%H &hen he $ept ore and
said# H&he eyes are shedding tears and the heart is grie(ed# and $e $ill not say e*cept $hat pleases
our ;ord# E Ibrahi I Indeed $e are grie(ed by your separation%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <10:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
=olue 3 ) 311 ? 0:66
Sad bin 'Ubada becae sick and the Prophet along $ith 'Abdur Rahan bin 'Auf# Sad bin Abi
@aCCas and 'Abdullah bin Masud (isited hi to enCuire about his health% @hen he cae to hi# he
found hi surrounded by his household and he asked# HHas he diedJH &hey said# HDo# E Allah's
Apostle%H &he Prophet $ept and $hen the people sa$ the $eeping of Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" they all
$ept% He said# H@ill you listenJ Allah does not punish for shedding tears# nor for the grief of the
heart but he punishes or besto$s His Mercy because of this%H He pointed to his tongue and added#
H&he deceased is punished for the $ailing of his relati(es o(er hi%H 'Uar used to beat $ith a stick
and thro$ stones and put dust o(er the faces !of those $ho used to $ail o(er the dead"%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <13:
Darrated Aisha:
@hen the ne$s of the artyrdo of Faid bin Haritha# /a'far and 'Abdullah bin Ra$aha cae# the
Prophet sat do$n looking sad# and I $as looking through the chink of the door% A an cae and
said# HE Allah's ApostleI &he $oen of /a'far#H and then he entioned their crying % &he Prophet
!p%b%u%h" ordered h i to stop the fro crying% &he an $ent and cae back and said# HI tried to
stop the but they disobeyed%H &he Prophet !p%b%u%h" ordered hi for the second tie to forbid the%
He $ent again and cae back and said# H&hey did not listen to e# !or HusH: the sub)narrator
Muhaad bin Haushab is in doubt as to $hich is right"% H !'Aisha added: &he Prophet said# HPut dust
in their ouths%H I said !to that an"# HMay Allah stick your nose in the dust !i%e% huiliate you"%H By
Allah# you could not !stop the $oen fro crying" to fulfill the order# besides you did not relie(e Al)
lah's Apostle fro fatigue%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <1<:
Darrated U 'Atiyya:
At the tie of gi(ing the pledge of allegiance to the Prophet one of the conditions $as that $e
$ould not $ail# but it $as not fulfilled e*cept by fi(e $oen and they are U Sulai# U Al)'Ala'#
the daughter of Abi Sabra !the $ife of Muadh"# and t$o other $oenL or the daughter of Abi Sabra
and the $ife of Muadh and another $oan%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <12:
Darrated 'Air bin Rabi'a:#
&he Prophet said# H@hene(er you see a funeral procession# stand up till the procession goes ahead
of you%H Al)Huaidi added# H&ill the coffin lea(es you behind or is put do$n%H
=olue 3 ) <66 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <14:
Darrated 'Air bin Rabi'a:
&he Prophet said# HIf any one of you see a funeral procession and he is not going along $ith it# then
he should stand and reain standing till he gets behind it# or it lea(es hi behind# or the coffin is
put do$n before it goes ahead of hi % H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <15:
Darrated Said Al)MaCburi:
&hat his father said# H@hile $e $ere accopanying a funeral procession# Abu Huraira got hold of
the hand of Mar$an and they sat do$n before the coffin $as put do$n% &hen Abu Said cae and
took hold of Mar$an's hand and said# HAet up% By Allah# no doubt this !i%e% Abu Huraira" kno$s that
the Prophet forbade us to do that%H Abu Huraira said# HHe !Abu Said" has spoken the truth%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <1::
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri
&he Prophet said# H@hen you see a funeral procession# you should stand up# and $hoe(er acco)
panies it should not sit till the coffin is put do$n%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <17:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
A funeral procession passed in front of us and the Prophet stood up and $e too stood up% @e said#
'E Allah's ApostleI &his is the funeral procession of a /e$%H He said# H@hene(er you see a funeral pro)
cession# you should stand up%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber <11:
Darrated 'Abdur Rahan bin Abi ;aila:
Sahl bin Hunaif and ,ais bin Sad $ere sitting in the city of Al),adisiya% A funeral procession
passed in front of the and they stood up% &hey $ere told that funeral procession $as of one of the
inhabitants of the land i%e% of a non)belie(er# under the protection of Muslis% &hey said# HA funeral
procession passed in front of the Prophet and he stood up% @hen he $as told that it $as the coffin of
a /e$# he said# HIs it not a li(ing being !soul"JH
=olue 3 ) <60 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 266:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# @hen the funeral is ready and the en carry it on their shoulders# if the de)
ceased $as righteous it $ill say# 'Present e !hurriedly"#' and if he $as not righteous# it $ill say# '@oe
to it !e"I @here are they taking it !e"J' Its (oice is heard by e(erything e*cept an and if he
heard it he $ould fall unconscious%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 260:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HHurry up $ith the dead body for if it $as righteous# you are for$arding it to
$elfareL and if it $as other$ise# then you are putting off an e(il thing do$n your necks%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 263:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri
&he Prophet said# H@hen a funeral is ready and the en carry the deceased on their necks
!shoulders"# if it $as pious then it $ill say# 'Present e Cuickly'# and if it $as not pious# then it $ill
say# '@oe to it !e"# $here are they taking it !e"J' And its (oice is heard by e(erything e*cept an)
kind and if he heard it he $ould fall unconscious%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 26<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle offered the funeral prayer for An)Da.ashi and I $as in the second or third ro$%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 262:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" infored his copanions about the death of AnDa.ashi and then he $ent
ahead !to lead the prayer" and the people lined up behind hi in ro$s and he said four &akbir%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 264:
Darrated Ash)Shaibani:
Ash Sha'bi said# HI $as infored by a an $ho had seen the Prophet going to a gra(e that $as
separate fro the other gra(es and he aligned the people in ro$s and said four &akbir%H I said# HE
Abu 'ArI $ho narrated !that" to youHJ He said# HIbn Abbas% H
=olue 3 ) <63 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 265:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H&oday a pious an fro +thiopia !i%e% An Da.ashi" has e*pired# coe on to offer
the funeral prayer%H !/abir said": @e lined up in ro$s and after that the Prophet led the prayer and
$e $ere in ro$s% /abir added# I $as in the second ro$%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 26::
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle passed by a gra(e of a deceased $ho had been buried at night% He said# H@hen $as
this !deceased" buriedJH &he people said# HKesterday%H He said# H@hy did you not infor eJH &hey
said# H@e buried hi $hen it $as dark and so $e disliked to $ake you up%H He stood up and $e lined
up behind hi% !Ibn Abbas said": I $as one of the# and the Prophet offered the funeral prayer%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 267:
Darrated Ash)Shaibani:
Ash)Sha'bi said# HSoebody $ho passed along $ith your Prophet !p%b%u%h" by a gra(e that $as sep)
arate fro the other gra(es infored e !saying"# H&he Prophet led us !in the prayer" and $e aligned
behind hi%H @e said# HE Abu 'ArI @ho told you this narrationJH He replied# HIbn Abbas%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 261:
Darrated Dafi:
Ibn Uar $as told that Abu Huraira said# H@hoe(er accopanies the funeral procession $ill ha(e
a re$ard eCual to one ,irat%H Ibn 'Uar said# HAbu Huraira talks of a too enorous re$ard%H Aisha
attested Abu Huraira's narration and said# HI heard Allah's Apostle saying like that%H Ibn Uar said#
H@e ha(e lost nuerous ,irats%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 206:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
that Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" said# H@hoe(er attends the funeral procession till he offers the funeral
prayer for it# $ill get a re$ard eCual to one ,irat# and $hoe(er accopanies it till burial# $ill get a
re$ard eCual to t$o ,irats%H It $as asked# H@hat are t$o ,iratsJH He replied# H;ike t$o huge oun)
=olue 3 ) <6< ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 200:
Darrated 'Air:
Ibn Abbas !$ho $as at that tie a boy" said# HAllah's Apostle cae to a gra(e and the people said#
'He or she $as buried yesterday%' H Ibn Abbas added# H@e aligned behind the Prophet and he led the
funeral prayer of the deceased%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 203:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle infored about the ne$s of the death of An)Da.ash !King of +thiopia" on the day
he e*pired% He said# HAsk Allah's forgi(eness for your brother% H Darrated Abu Huraira: &he Prophet
ade the align in ro$s at the Musalla and said four &akbir%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 20<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he /e$ brought to the Prophet a an and a $oan fro aongst the $ho ha(e coitted
!adultery" illegal se*ual intercourse% He ordered both of the to be stoned !to death"# near the place
of offering the funeral prayers beside the osCue%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 202:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
Aisha said# H&he Prophet in his fatal illness said# 'Allah cursed the /e$s and the 9hristians because
they took the gra(es of their Prophets as places for praying%H' Aisha added# HHad it not been for that
the gra(e of the Prophet !p%b%u%h" $ould ha(e been ade proinent but I a afraid it ight be taken
!as a" place for praying%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 204:
Darrated Saura bin /undab:
I offered the funeral prayer behind the Prophet for a $oan $ho had died during child)birth and
he stood up by the iddle of the coffin%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 205:
Darrated Saura bin /undab:
=olue 3 ) <62 ? 0:66
I offered the funeral prayer behind the Prophet for a $oan $ho had died during child)birth and
he stood up by the iddle of the coffin%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 20::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle infored about the ne$s of the death of An)Da.ash on the day he died% He $ent
out $ith us to the Musalla and $e aligned in ro$s and he said four &akbirs for An)Da.ashi's funeral
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 207:
Darrated /abir:
&he Prophet offered the funeral prayer of As)Haa An)Da.ash and said four &akbir%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 201:
Darrated &alha bin 'Abdullah bin 'Auf:
I offered the funeral prayer behind Ibn Abbas and he recited Al)Batiha and said# HKou should kno$
that it !i%e% recitation of Al)Batiha" is the tradition of the Prophet Muhaad%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 236:
Darrated Sulaian Ash)Shaibani:
I heard Ash)Sha'bi saying# HI $as told by a an $ho had passed $ith the Prophet !p%b%u%h" by a
gra(e that $as separate fro the other gra(es that he !the Prophet " led the in the prayer and they
prayed behind hi%H I said# HE Abu 'ArI @ho narrated that to youJH He replied# HIbn Abbas%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 230:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A black person# a ale or a feale used to clean the MosCue and then died% &he Prophet !p%b%u%h"
did not kno$ about it % Ene day the Prophet reebered hi and said# H@hat happened to that per)
sonJH &he people replied# HE Allah's ApostleI He died%H He said# H@hy did you not infor eJH &hey
said# HHis story $as so and so !i%e% regarded hi as insignificant"%H He said# HSho$ e his gra(e%H He
then $ent to his gra(e and offered the funeral prayer%
=olue 3 ) <64 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 233:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H@hen a huan being is laid in his gra(e and his copanions return and he
e(en hears their foot steps# t$o angels coe to hi and ake hi sit and ask hi: @hat did you use
to say about this an# Muhaad J He $ill say: I testify that he is Allah's sla(e and His Apostle%
&hen it $ill be said to hi# ';ook at your place in the Hell)Bire% Allah has gi(en you a place in Para)
dise instead of it%' H &he Prophet added# H&he dead person $ill see both his places% But a non)belie(er
or a hypocrite $ill say to the angels# 'I do not kno$# but I used to say $hat the people used to sayI It
$ill be said to hi# 'Deither did you kno$ nor did you take the guidance !by reciting the ,uran"%'
&hen he $ill be hit $ith an iron haer bet$een his t$o ears# and he $ill cry and that cry $ill be
heard by $hate(er approaches hi e*cept huan beings and .inns%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 23<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he angel of death $as sent to Moses and $hen he $ent to hi# Moses slapped hi se(erely#
spoiling one of his eyes% &he angel $ent back to his ;ord# and said# HKou sent e to a sla(e $ho does
not $ant to die%H Allah restored his eye and said# HAo back and tell hi !i%e% Moses" to place his hand
o(er the back of an o*# for he $ill be allo$ed to li(e for a nuber of years eCual to the nuber of
hairs coing under his hand%H !So the angel cae to hi and told hi the sae"% &hen Moses asked#
HE y ;ordI @hat $ill be thenJH He said# H8eath $ill be then%H He said# H!;et it be" no$%H He asked Al)
lah that He bring hi near the Sacred ;and at a distance of a stone's thro$% Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h"
said# H@ere I there I $ould sho$ you the gra(e of Moses by the $ay near the red sand hill%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 232:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" offered the funeral prayer of a an one night after he $as buried# he and his
copanions stood up !for the Prayer"% He had asked the about hi before standing# saying# H@ho is
thisJH &hey said# HHe is so and so and $as buried last night%H So all of the offered the funeral prayer%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 234:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen the Prophet becae ill# soe of his $i(es talked about a church $hich they had seen in
+thiopia and it $as called Mariya% U Sala and U Habiba had been to +thiopia# and both of the
narrated its !the 9hurch's" beauty and the pictures it contained% &he Prophet raised his head and
said# H&hose are the people $ho# $hene(er a pious an dies aongst the# ake a place of $orship
=olue 3 ) <65 ? 0:66
at his gra(e and then they ake those pictures in it% &hose are the $orst creatures in the Sight of Al)
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 235:
Darrated Anas:
@e $ere in the funeral procession of the daughter of Allah's Apostle and Allah's Apostle $as sit)
ting near the gra(e and I sa$ his eyes full of tears% He said# HIs there anyone aongst you $ho did
not ha(e se*ual relations $ith his $ife last nightJH Abu &alha replied in the affirati(e% And so Al)
lah's Apostle told hi to get do$n in her gra(e and he got do$n in her gra(e and buried her%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 23::
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
&he Prophet collected e(ery t$o artyrs of Uhud in one piece of cloth# then he $ould ask# H@hich
of the had !kne$" ore of the ,uranJH @hen one of the $as pointed out for hi# he $ould put
that one first in the gra(e and say# HI $ill be a $itness on these on the 8ay of Resurrection%H He
ordered the to be buried $ith their blood on their bodies and they $ere neither $ashed nor $as a
funeral prayer offered for the%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 237:
Darrated 'UCba bin 'Air:
Ene day the Prophet $ent out and offered the funeral prayers of the artyrs of Uhud and then
$ent up the pulpit and said# HI $ill pa(e the $ay for you as your predecessor and $ill be a $itness on
you% By AllahI I see y Bount !Kauthar" .ust no$ and I ha(e been gi(en the keys of all the treasures
of the earth !or the keys of the earth"% By AllahI I a not afraid that you $ill $orship others along
$ith Allah after y death# but I a afraid that you $ill fight $ith one another for the $orldly
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 231:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet buried e(ery t$o artyrs in of Uhud in one gra(e%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2<6:
Darrated /abir:
=olue 3 ) <6: ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HBury the !i%e% artyrs" $ith their blood%H !that $as" En the day of the Battle of
Uhud% He did not get the $ashed%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2<0:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle shrouded e(ery t$o artyrs of Uhud in one piece of cloth and then he $ould ask#
H@hich of the kne$ ore ,uranJH @hen one of the $as pointed out he $ould put hi first in
the gra(e% He said# HI a a $itness on these%H &hen he ordered the to be buried $ith blood on their
bodies% Deither did he offer their funeral prayer nor did he get the $ashed% !/abir bin Abdullah ad)
ded": Allah's Apostle used to ask about the artyrs of Uhud as to $hich of the kne$ ore of the
,uran%H And $hen one of the $as pointed out as ha(ing ore of it he $ould put hi first in the
gra(e and then his copanions% !/abir added": My father and y uncle $ere shrouded in one sheet%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2<3:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HAllah has ade Mecca a sanctuary !sacred place" and it $as a sanctuary before
e and $ill be so after e% It $as ade legal for e !to fight in it" for a fe$ hours of the day% Done is
allo$ed to uproot its thorny shrubs or to cut its trees or to chase its gae or to pick up its fallen
things e*cept by a person $ho announces it publicly%H En that Al)Abbas said !to the Prophet"# H+*)
cept Al)Idhkhir for our goldsiths and for our gra(es%H And so the Prophet added# H+*cept Al)Id)
hkhir% H And Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet said# H+*cept Al)Idhkhir for our gra(es and
houses%H And Ibn Abbas said# HBor their goldsiths and houses%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2<<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle cae to Abdullah bin Ubai !a hypocrite" after his death and he has been laid in his
pit !gra(e"% He ordered !that he be taken out of the gra(e" and he $as taken out% &hen he placed hi
on his knees and thre$ soe of his sali(a on hi and clothed hi in his !the Prophet's" o$n shirt%
Allah kno$s better !$hy he did so"% 'Abdullah bin Ubai had gi(en his shirt to Al)Abbas to $ear% Abu
Harun said# HAllah's Apostle at that tie had t$o shirts and the son of 'Abdullah bin Ubai said to hi#
'E Allah's ApostleI 9lothe y father in your shirt $hich has been in contact $ith your skin%' ' Sufyan
added# H&hus people think that the Prophet clothed 'Abdullah bin &ubal in his shirt in lieu of $hat he
!Abdullah" had done !for Al Abbas# the Prophet's uncle%"H
=olue 3 ) <67 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2<2:
Darrated /abir:
@hen the tie of the Battle of Uhud approached# y father called e at night and said# HI think
that I $ill be the first aongst the copanions of the Prophet to be artyred% I do not lea(e anyone
after e dearer to e than you# e*cept Allah's Apostle's soul and I o$e soe debt and you should re)
pay it and treat your sisters fa(orably !nicely and politely"%H So in the orning he $as the first to be
artyred and $as buried along $ith another !artyr"% I did not like to lea(e hi $ith the other
!artyr" so I took hi out of the gra(e after si* onths of his burial and he $as in the sae condi)
tion as he $as on the day of burial# e*cept a slight change near his ear%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2<4:
Darrated /abir:
A an $as buried along $ith y father and I did not like it till I took hi !i%e% y father" out and
buried hi in a separate gra(e%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2<5:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet collected e(ery t$o artyrs of Uhud !in one gra(e" and then he $ould ask# H@hich of
the kne$ the ,uran oreJH And if one of the $as pointed out for hi as ha(ing ore kno$)
ledge# he $ould put hi first in the ;ahd% &he Prophet said# HI $ill be a $itness on these on the 8ay
of Resurrection%H &hen he ordered the to be buried $ith their blood on their bodies and he did not
ha(e the $ashed%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2<::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
'Uar set out along $ith the Prophet !p%b%u%h" $ith a group of people to Ibn Saiyad till they sa$
hi playing $ith the boys near the hillocks of Bani Mughala% Ibn Saiyad at that tie $as nearing his
puberty and did not notice !us" until the Prophet stroked hi $ith his hand and said to hi# H8o you
testify that I a Allah's ApostleJH Ibn Saiyad looked at hi and said# HI testify that you are the Mes)
senger of illiterates%H &hen Ibn Saiyad asked the Prophet !p%b%u%h"# H8o you testify that I a Allah's
ApostleJH &he Prophet !p%b%u%h" refuted it and said# HI belie(e in Allah and His Apostles%H &hen he said
!to Ibn Saiyad"# H@hat do you thinkJH Ibn Saiyad ans$ered# H&rue people and liars (isit e%H &he
Prophet said# HKou ha(e been confused as to this atter%H &hen the Prophet said to hi# HI ha(e kept
soething !in y ind" for you# !can you tell e thatJ"H Ibn Saiyad said# HIt is Al)8ukh !the soke"%H
!3" &he Prophet said# H;et you be in ignoiny% Kou cannot cross your liits%H En that 'Uar# said# HE
=olue 3 ) <61 ? 0:66
Allah's ApostleI Allo$ e to chop his head off%H &he Prophet !p%b%u%h" said# HIf he is he !i%e%"#
then you cannot o(er)po$er hi# and if he is not# then there is no use of urdering hi%H !Ibn
'Uar added": ;ater on Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" once again $ent along $ith Ubai bin Ka'b to the
date)pal trees !garden" $here Ibn Saiyad $as staying% &he Prophet !p%b%u%h" $anted to hear soe)
thing fro Ibn Saiyad before Ibn Saiyad could see hi# and the Prophet !p%b%u%h" sa$ hi lying
co(ered $ith a sheet and fro $here his ururs $ere heard% Ibn Saiyad's other sa$ Allah's
Apostle $hile he $as hiding hiself behind the trunks of the date)pal trees% She addressed Ibn
Saiyad# HE Saf I !and this $as the nae of Ibn Saiyad" Here is Muhaad%H And $ith that Ibn Saiyad
got up% &he Prophet said# HHad this $oan left hi !Had she not disturbed hi"# then Ibn Saiyad
$ould ha(e re(ealed the reality of his case%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2<7:
Darrated Anas:
A young /e$ish boy used to ser(e the Prophet and he becae sick% So the Prophet $ent to (isit
hi% He sat near his head and asked hi to ebrace Isla% &he boy looked at his father# $ho $as sit)
ting thereL the latter told hi to obey Abu)l),asi and the boy ebraced Isla% &he Prophet cae
out saying: HPraises be to Allah @ho sa(ed the boy fro the Hell)fire%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2<1:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
My other and I $ere aong the $eak and oppressed% I fro aong the children# and y oth)
er fro aong the $oen%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 226:
Darrated Ibn Shihab:
&he funeral prayer should be offered for e(ery child e(en if he $ere the son of a prostitute as he
$as born $ith a true faith of Isla !i%e% to $orship none but Allah Alone"% If his parents are Muslis#
particularly the father# e(en if his other $ere a non)Musli# and if he after the deli(ery cries !e(en
once" before his death !i%e% born ali(e" then the funeral prayer ust be offered% And if the child does
not cry after his deli(ery !i%e% born dead" then his funeral prayer should not be offered# and he $ill be
considered as a iscarriage% Abu Huraira# narrated that the Prophet said# H+(ery child is born $ith a
true faith !i%e% to $orship none but Allah Alone" but his parents con(ert hi to /udais or to 9hris)
tianity or to Magainis# as an anial deli(ers a perfect baby anial% 8o you find it utilatedJH &hen
Abu Huraira recited the holy (erses: '&he pure Allah's Islaic nature !true faith i%e% to $orship none
but Allah Alone"# $ith $hich He has created huan beings%' H !<6%<6"%
=olue 3 ) <06 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 220:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H+(ery child is born $ith a true faith of Isla !i%e% to $orship none but Allah
Alone" but his parents con(ert hi to /udais# 9hristianity or Magainis# as an anial deli(ers a
perfect baby anial% 8o you find it utilatedJH &hen Abu Huraira recited the holy (erses: H&he pure
Allah's Islaic nature !true faith of Isla" !i%e% $orshipping none but Allah" $ith $hich He has cre)
ated huan beings% Do change let there be in the religion of Allah !i%e% .oining none in $orship $ith
Allah"% &hat is the straight religion !Isla" but ost of en kno$# not%H !<6%<6"
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 223:
Darrated Said bin Al)Musaiyab fro his father:
@hen the tie of the death of Abu &alib approached# Allah's Apostle $ent to hi and found Abu
/ahl bin Hisha and 'Abdullah bin Abi Uaiya bin Al)Mughira by his side% Allah's Apostle said to
Abu &alib# HE uncleI Say: Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah# a sentence $ith $hich I
shall be a $itness !i%e% argue" for you before Allah% Abu /ahl and 'Abdullah bin Abi Uaiya said# HE
Abu &alibI Are you going to denounce the religion of Abdul MuttalibJH Allah's Apostle kept on in(it)
ing Abu &alib to say it !i%e% 'Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah'" $hile they !Abu /ahl and
Abdullah" kept on repeating their stateent till Abu &alib said as his last stateent that he $as on
the religion of Abdul Muttalib and refused to say# 'Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah%'
!&hen Allah's Apostle said# HI $ill keep on asking Allah's forgi(eness for you unless I a forbidden !by
Allah" to do so%H So Allah re(ealed !the (erse" concerning hi !i%e% It is not fitting for the Prophet and
those $ho belie(e that they should in(oke !Allah" for forgi(eness for pagans e(en though they be of
kin# after it has becoe clear to the that they are copanions of the fire !1%00<"%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 22<:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet once passed by t$o gra(es# and those t$o persons !in the gra(es" $ere being tortured%
He said# H&hey are being tortured not for a great thing !to a(oid"% Ene of the ne(er sa(ed hiself
fro being soiled $ith his urine# $hile the other $as going about $ith calunies !to ake enity
bet$een friends"% He then took a green leaf of a date)pal tree split it into t$o pieces and fi*ed one
on each gra(e% &he people said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hy ha(e you done soJH He replied# HI hope that
their punishent ay be lessened till they !the leaf" becoe dry%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 222:
Darrated 'Ali:
=olue 3 ) <00 ? 0:66
H@e $ere accopanying a funeral procession in BaCi)I)AharCad% &he Prophet cae to us and sat
and $e sat around hi% He had a sall stick in his hand then he bent his head and started scraping
the ground $ith it% He then said# H&here is none aong you# and not a created soul# but has place
either in Paradise or in Hell assigned for hi and it is also deterined for hi $hether he $ill be
aong the blessed or $retched%H A an said# HE Allah's ApostleI Should $e not depend on $hat has
been $ritten for us and lea(e the deeds as $hoe(er aongst us is blessed $ill do the deeds of a
blessed person and $hoe(er aongst us $ill be $retched# $ill do the deeds of a $retched personJH
&he Prophet said# H&he good deeds are ade easy for the blessed# and bad deeds are ade easy for the
$retched%H &hen he recited the =erses:)) HAs for hi $ho gi(es !in charity" and is Allah)fearing And
belie(es in the Best re$ard fro Allah% H !13%4)5"
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 224:
Darrated &habit bin Ad)8ahhak:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" said# H@hoe(er intentionally s$ears falsely by a religion other than Isla#
then he is $hat he has said# !e%g% if he says# 'If such thing is not true then I a a /e$#' he is really a
/e$"% And $hoe(er coits suicide $ith piece of iron $ill be punished $ith the sae piece of iron
in the Hell Bire%H Darrated /undab the Prophet said# HA an $as inflicted $ith $ounds and he co)
itted suicide# and so Allah said: My sla(e has caused death on hiself hurriedly# so I forbid Para)
dise for hi%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 225:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HHe $ho coits suicide by throttling shall keep on throttling hiself in the
Hell Bire !fore(er" and he $ho coits suicide by stabbing hiself shall keep on stabbing hiself in
the Hell)Bire%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 22::
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khattab:
@hen 'Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul died# Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" $as called upon to offer his fu)
neral prayer% @hen Allah's Apostle stood up to offer the prayer# I got up Cuickly and said# HE Allah's
ApostleI Are you going to pray for Ibn Ubai and he said so and so on such and such occasionsJH And
started entioning all that he had said% Allah's Apostle siled and said# HE 'UarI Ao a$ay fro e%H
@hen I talked too uch he said# HI ha(e been gi(en the choice and so I ha(e chosen !to offer the
prayer"% Had I kno$n that he $ould be forgi(en by asking for Allah's forgi(eness for ore than se()
enty ties# surely I $ould ha(e done so%H !'Uar added": Allah's Apostle offered his funeral prayer
and returned and after a short $hile the t$o (erses of Surat Bara' $ere re(ealed: i%e% HAnd ne(er !E
=olue 3 ) <03 ? 0:66
Muhaad" pray for any of the $ho dies % % % !to the end of the (erse" rebellion !1%72"H )) !'Uar
added"# H;ater I astonished at y daring before Allah's Apostle on that day% And Allah and His Apostle
kno$ better%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 227:
Darrated Anas bin Malik#:
A funeral procession passed and the people praised the deceased% &he Prophet said# HIt has been af)
fired to hi%H &hen another funeral procession passed and the people spoke badly of the deceased%
&he Prophet said# HIt has been affired to hiH% 'Uar bin Al)Khattab asked !Allah's Apostle
!p%b%u%h" "# H@hat has been affiredJH He replied# HKou praised this# so Paradise has been affired to
hiL and you spoke badly of this# so Hell has been affired to hi% Kou people are Allah's $itnesses
on earth%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 221:
Darrated Abu Al)As$ad:
I cae to Medina $hen an epideic had broken out% @hile I $as sitting $ith 'Uar bin Al)Khat)
tab a funeral procession passed by and the people praised the deceased% 'Uar said# HIt has been af)
fired to hi%H And another funeral procession passed by and the people praised the deceased%
'Uar said# HIt has been affired to hi%H A third !funeral procession" passed by and the people spoke
badly of the deceased% He said# HIt has been affired to hi%H I !Abu Al)As$ad" asked# HE chief of the
belie(ersI @hat has been affiredJH He replied# HI said the sae as the Prophet had said# that is: if
four persons testify the piety of a Musli# Allah $ill grant hi Paradise%H @e asked# HIf three persons
testify his pietyJH He !the Prophet" replied# H+(en three%H &hen $e asked# HIf t$oJH He replied# H+(en
t$o%H @e did not ask hi regarding one $itness%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 246:
Darrated Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" said# H@hen a faithful belie(er is ade to sit in his gra(e# then !the angels"
coe to hi and he testifies that none has the right to be $orshipped but Allah and Muhaad is
Allah's Apostle% And that corresponds to Allah's stateent: Allah $ill keep fir those $ho belie(e
$ith the $ord that stands fir % % % !02%3:"%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 240:
Darrated Shu'ba:
=olue 3 ) <0< ? 0:66
Sae as abo(e and added# HAllah $ill keep fir those $ho belie(e % % % !02%3:" $as re(ealed con)
cerning the punishent of the gra(e%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 243:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet looked at the people of the $ell !the $ell in $hich the bodies of the pagans killed in
the Battle of Badr $ere thro$n" and said# HHa(e you found true $hat your ;ord proised youJH
Soebody said to hi# HKou are addressing dead people%H He replied# HKou do not hear better than
they but they cannot reply%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 24<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# H&hey no$ reali-e that $hat I used to tell the $as the truth% HAnd Allah said#
'=erilyI Kou cannot ake the dead to hear !i%e% benefit the# and siilarly the disbelie(ers" nor can
you ake the deaf hear% !3:%76"%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 242:
Darrated MasruC:
'Aisha said that a /e$ess cae to her and entioned the punishent in the gra(e# saying to her#
HMay Allah protect you fro the punishent of the gra(e%H 'Aisha then asked Allah's Apostle about
the punishent of the gra(e% He said# HKes# !there is" punishent in the gra(e%H 'Aisha added# HAfter
that I ne(er sa$ Allah's Apostle but seeking refuge $ith Allah fro the punishent in the gra(e in
e(ery prayer he prayed%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 244:
Darrated Asa' bint Abi Bakr:
Allah's Apostle once stood up deli(ering a seron and entioned the trial $hich people $ill face
in the gra(e% @hen he entioned that# the Muslis started shouting loudly%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 245:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen !Allah's" sla(e is put in his gra(e and his copanions return and he
e(en hears their footsteps# t$o angels coe to hi and ake hi sit and ask# '@hat did you use to
say about this an !i%e% Muhaad"J' &he faithful Belie(er $ill say# 'I testify that he is Allah's sla(e
=olue 3 ) <02 ? 0:66
and His Apostle%' &hen they $ill say to hi# ';ook at your place in the Hell BireL Allah has gi(en you a
place in Paradise instead of it%' So he $ill see both his places%H !,atada said# H@e $ere infored that
his gra(e $ould be ade spacious%H &hen ,atada $ent back to the narration of Anas $ho saidL"
@hereas a hypocrite or a non)belie(er $ill be asked# H@hat did you use to say about this an%H He
$ill reply# HI do not kno$L but I used to say $hat the people used to say%H So they $ill say to hi#
HDeither did you kno$ nor did you take the guidance !by reciting the ,uran"%H &hen he $ill be hit
$ith iron haers once# that he $ill send such a cry as e(erything near to hi $ill hear# e*cept
/inns and huan beings% !See Hadith Do% 233"%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 24::
Darrated Abi Aiyub:
Ence the Prophet $ent out after sunset and heard a dreadful (oice# and said# H&he /e$s are being
punished in their gra(es%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 247:
Darrated Musa bin 'UCba:
!Bro the daughter of Khalid bin Sa id bin Al)'Asi" $ho said that she had heard the Prophet seek)
ing refuge $ith Allah fro the punishent in the gra(e%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 241:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle used to in(oke !Allah": HAllahua ini a'udhu bika in 'adhabi)l),abr# $a in
'adhabi)nnar# $a in fitnati)l)ahya $a)laat# $a in fitnati)l)asih ad) !E AllahI I seek
refuge $ith you fro the punishent in the gra(e and fro the punishent in the Hell fire and
fro the afflictions of life and death# and the afflictions of Al)Masih Ad)
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 256:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet once passed by t$o gra(es and said# H&hey !the deceased persons in those gra(es" are
being tortured not for a great thing to a(oid%H And then added# HKes# !they are being punished for a
big sin"# for one of the used to go about $ith calunies $hile the other ne(er sa(ed hiself fro
being soiled $ith his urine%H !Ibn Abbas added": &hen he took a green leaf of a date)pal" and split it
into t$o pieces and fi*ed one piece on each gra(e and said# HMay their punishent be abated till
these !t$o pieces" get dry%H
=olue 3 ) <04 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 250:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen anyone of you dies# he is sho$n his place both in the orning and in
the e(ening% If he is one of the people of ParadiseL he is sho$n his place in it# and if he is fro the
people of the Hell)BireL he is sho$n his place there)in% &hen it is said to hi# '&his is your place till
Allah resurrect you on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 253:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen the funeral is ready !for its burial" and the people lift it on their
shoulders# then if the deceased is a righteous person he says# '&ake e ahead#' and if he is not a right)
eous one then he says# '@oe to it !e"I @here are you taking it !e"J' And his (oice is audible to
e(erything e*cept huan beingsL and if they heard it they $ould fall do$n unconscious % H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 25<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" said# HAny Musli $hose three children died before the age of puberty
$ill be granted Paradise by Allah because of His ercy to the%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 252:
Darrated Al)Bara':
@hen Ibrahi !the son of Prophet" e*pired# Allah's Apostle said# H&here is a $et)nurse for hi in
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 254:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" $as asked about the children of !Mushrikeen" pagans% &he Prophet
replied# HSince Allah created the# He kno$s $hat sort of deeds they $ould ha(e done%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 255:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet $as asked about the offspring of pagans !Mushrakeen"L so he said# HAllah kno$s $hat
sort of deeds they $ould ha(e done%H
=olue 3 ) <05 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 25::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H+(ery child is born $ith a true faith of Isla !i%e% to $orship none but Allah
Alone" and his parents con(ert hi to /udais or 9hristianity or Magianis# as an anial deli(ers a
perfect baby anial% 8o you find it utilatedJH
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 257:
Darrated Saura bin /undab:
@hene(er the Prophet finished the !orning" prayer# he $ould face us and ask# H@ho aongst
you had a drea last nightJH So if anyone had seen a drea he $ould narrate it% &he Prophet $ould
say: HMa sha'a)llahH !An Arabic a*i eaning literally# '@hat Allah $ished#' and it indicates a good
oen%" Ene day# he asked us $hether anyone of us had seen a drea% @e replied in the negati(e%
&he Prophet said# HBut I had seen !a drea" last night that t$o en cae to e# caught hold of y
hands# and took e to the Sacred ;and !/erusale"% &here# I sa$ a person sitting and another stand)
ing $ith an iron hook in his hand pushing it inside the outh of the forer till it reached the .a$)
bone# and then tore off one side of his cheek# and then did the sae $ith the other sideL in the ean)
tie the first side of his cheek becae noral again and then he repeated the sae operation again%
I said# '@hat is thisJ' &hey told e to proceed on and $e $ent on till $e cae to a an ;ying flat on
his back# and another an standing at his head carrying a stone or a piece of rock# and crushing the
head of the ;ying an# $ith that stone% @hene(er he struck hi# the stone rolled a$ay%
&he an $ent to pick it up and by the tie he returned to hi# the crushed head had returned to
its noral state and the an cae back and struck hi again !and so on"% I said# '@ho is thisJ' &hey
told e to proceed onL so $e proceeded on and passed by a hole like an o(enL $ith a narro$ top and
$ide botto# and the fire $as kindling underneath that hole% @hene(er the fire)flae $ent up# the
people $ere lifted up to such an e*tent that they about to get out of it# and $hene(er the fire got
Cuieter# the people $ent do$n into it# and there $ere naked en and $oen in it% I said# '@ho is
thisJ' &hey told e to proceed on% So $e proceeded on till $e reached a ri(er of blood and a an $as
in it# and another an $as standing at its bank $ith stones in front of hi# facing the an standing
in the ri(er% @hene(er the an in the ri(er $anted to coe out# the other one thre$ a stone in his
outh and caused hi to retreat to his original positionL and so $hene(er he $anted to coe out
the other $ould thro$ a stone in his outh# and he $ould retreat to his original position% I asked#
'@hat is thisJ' &hey told e to proceed on and $e did so till $e reached a $ell)flourished green
garden ha(ing a huge tree and near its root $as sitting an old an $ith soe children% !I sa$" An)
other an near the tree $ith fire in front of hi and he $as kindling it up% &hen they !i%e% y t$o
copanions" ade e clib up the tree and ade e enter a house# better than $hich I ha(e e(er
seen% In it $ere soe old en and young en# $oen and children%
=olue 3 ) <0: ? 0:66
&hen they took e out of this house and ade e clib up the tree and ade e enter another
house that $as better and superior !to the first" containing old and young people% I said to the !i%e%
y t$o copanions"# 'Kou ha(e ade e rable all the night% &ell e all about that I ha(e seen%'
&hey said# 'Kes% As for the one $hose cheek you sa$ being torn a$ay# he $as a liar and he used to tell
lies# and the people $ould report those lies on his authority till they spread all o(er the $orld% So# he
$ill be punished like that till the 8ay of Resurrection%
&he one $hose head you sa$ being crushed is the one $ho Allah had gi(en the kno$ledge of
,uran !i%e% kno$ing it by heart" but he used to sleep at night !i%e% he did not recite it then" and did
not use to act upon it !i%e% upon its orders etc%" by dayL and so this punishent $ill go on till the 8ay
of Resurrection% And those you sa$ in the hole !like o(en" $ere adulterers !those en and $oen
$ho coit illegal se*ual intercourse"% And those you sa$ in the ri(er of blood $ere those dealing
in Riba !usury"% And the old an $ho $as sitting at the base of the tree $as Abraha and the little
children around hi $ere the offspring of the people% And the one $ho $as kindling the fire $as
Malik# the gate)keeper of the Hell)fire% And the first house in $hich you ha(e gone $as the house of
the coon belie(ers# and the second house $as of the artyrs% I a Aabriel and this is Michael%
Raise your head%' I raised y head and sa$ a thing like a cloud o(er e% &hey said# '&hat is your
place%' I said# ';et e enter y place%' &hey said# 'Kou still ha(e soe life $hich you ha(e not yet co)
pleted# and $hen you coplete !that reaining portion of your life" you $ill then enter your place%' H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 251:
Darrated Hisha's father:
Aisha said# HI $ent to Abu Bakr !during his fatal illness" and he asked e# 'In ho$ any garents
$as the Prophet shroudedJ' She replied# 'In three Sahuliya pieces of $hite cloth of cotton# and there
$as neither a shirt nor a turban aong the%' Abu Bakr further asked her# 'En $hich day did the
Prophet dieJ' She replied# 'He died on Monday%' He asked# '@hat is todayJ' She replied# '&oday is
Monday%' He added# 'I hope I shall die soetie bet$een this orning and tonight%' &hen he looked
at a garent that he $as $earing during his illness and it had soe stains of saffron% &hen he said#
'@ash this garent of ine and add t$o ore garents and shroud e in the%' I said# '&his is $orn
out%' He said# 'A li(ing person has ore right to $ear ne$ clothes than a dead oneL the shroud is only
for the body's pus%' He did not die till it $as the night of &uesday and $as buried before the orning%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2:6:
Darrated Aisha:
A an said to the Prophet !p%b%u%h"# HMy other died suddenly and I thought that if she had li(ed
she $ould ha(e gi(en als% So# if I gi(e als no$ on her behalf# $ill she get the re$ardJH &he
Prophet replied in the affirati(e%
=olue 3 ) <07 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2:0:
Darrated 'Aisha:
8uring his sickness# Allah's Apostle $as asking repeatedly# H@here a I todayJ @here $ill I be to)
orro$JH And I $as $aiting for the day of y turn !ipatiently"% &hen# $hen y turn cae# Allah
took his soul a$ay !in y lap" bet$een y chest and ars and he $as buried in y house%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2:3:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle in his fatal illness said# HAllah cursed the /e$s and the 9hristians# for they built the
places of $orship at the gra(es of their prophets%H And if that had not been the case# then the
Prophet's gra(e $ould ha(e been ade proinent before the people% So !the Prophet " $as afraid# or
the people $ere afraid that his gra(e ight be taken as a place for $orship%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2:<:
Darrated Abu Bakr bin 'Aiyash:
Sufyan At)&aar told e that he had seen the gra(e of the Prophet ele(ated and con(e*%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2:2:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
@hen the $all fell on the !i%e% gra(es" during the caliphate of Al)@alid bin 'Abdul Malik# the
people started repairing it# and a foot appeared to the% &he people got scared and thought that it
$as the foot of the Prophet% Do)one could be found $ho could tell the about it till I !'Ur$a" said to
the# HBy Allah# this is not the foot of the Prophet but it is the foot of Uar%H Aisha narrated that she
ade a $ill to 'Abdullah bin Fubair# H8o not bury e $ith the !the Prophet and his t$o copan)
ions" but bury e $ith y copanions !$i(es of the Prophet !p%b%u%h" " in Al)BaCi as I $ould not
like to be looked upon as better than I really a !by being buried near the Prophet"%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2:4:
Darrated 'Ar bin Maiun Al)Audi:
I sa$ 'Uar bin Al)Khattab !$hen he $as stabbed" saying# HE 'Abdullah bin 'UarI Ao to the
other of the belie(ers Aisha and say# 'Uar bin Al)Khattab sends his greetings to you#' and reCuest
her to allo$ e to be buried $ith y copanions%H !So# Ibn 'Uar con(eyed the essage to 'Aisha%"
She said# HI had the idea of ha(ing this place for yself but today I prefer hi !'Uar" to yself !and
allo$ hi to be buried there"%H @hen 'Abdullah bin 'Uar returned# 'Uar asked hi# H@hat !ne$s"
=olue 3 ) <01 ? 0:66
do you ha(eJH He replied# HE chief of the belie(ersI She has allo$ed you !to be buried there"%H En that
'Uar said# HDothing $as ore iportant to e than to be buried in that !sacred" place% So# $hen I
e*pire# carry e there and pay y greetings to her !'Aisha " and say# 'Uar bin Al)Khattab asks per)
issionL and if she gi(es perission# then bury e !there" and if she does not# then take e to the
gra(e)yard of the Muslis% I do not think any person has ore right for the caliphate than those
$ith $ho Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" $as al$ays pleased till his death% And $hoe(er is chosen by the
people after e $ill be the caliph# and you people ust listen to hi and obey hi#H and then he
entioned the nae of 'Uthan# 'Ali# &alha# A-)Fubair# 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf and Sad bin Abi
By this tie a young an fro Ansar cae and said# HE chief of the belie(ersI Be happy $ith Al)
lah's glad tidings% &he grade $hich you ha(e in Isla is kno$n to you# then you becae the caliph
and you ruled $ith .ustice and then you ha(e been a$arded artyrdo after all this%H 'Uar replied#
HE son of y brotherI @ould that all that pri(ileges $ill counterbalance !y short coings"# so that
I neither lose nor gain anything% I recoend y successor to be good to the early eigrants and
reali-e their rights and to protect their honor and sacred things% And I also recoend hi to be
good to the Ansar $ho before the# had hoes !in Medina" and had adopted the Baith% He should
accept the good of the righteous aong the and should e*cuse their $rongdoers% I recoend
hi to abide by the rules and regulations concerning the 8hiis !protectees" of Allah and His
Apostle# to fulfill their contracts copletely and fight for the and not to ta* !o(erburden" the
beyond their capabilities%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2:5:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" said# H8on't abuse the dead# because they ha(e reached the result of $hat
they for$arded%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2:::
Darrated Ibn Abbas%:
Abu ;ahab# ay Allah curse hi# once said to the Prophet !p%b%u%h"# HPerish you all the day%H
&hen the 8i(ine Inspiration cae: HPerish the hands of Abi ;ahabI And perish heIH !000%0"%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2:7:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&hy Prophet sent Muadh to Keen and said# HIn(ite the people to testify that none has the right to
be $orshipped but Allah and I a Allah's Apostle# and if they obey you to do so# then teach the that
=olue 3 ) <36 ? 0:66
Allah has en.oined on the fi(e prayers in e(ery day and night !in t$enty)four hours"# and if they
obey you to do so# then teach the that Allah has ade it obligatory for the to pay the Fakat fro
their property and it is to be taken fro the $ealthy aong the and gi(en to the poor%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 2:1:
Darrated Abu Aiyub:
A an said to the Prophet H&ell e of such a deed as $ill ake e enter Paradise%H &he people said#
H@hat is the atter $ith hiJ @hat is the atter $ith hiJH &he Prophet said# HHe has soething to
ask% !@hat he needs greatly" &he Prophet said: !In order to enter Paradise" you should $orship Allah
and do not ascribe any partners to Hi# offer prayer perfectly# pay the Fakat and keep good relations
$ith your Kith and kin%H !See Hadith Do% 03# =ol 7"%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 276:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A Bedouin cae to the Prophet and said# H&ell e of such a deed as $ill ake e enter Paradise# if
I do it%H &he Prophet !p%b%u%h" said# H@orship Allah# and $orship none along $ith Hi# offer the !fi(e"
prescribed copulsory prayers perfectly# pay the copulsory Fakat# and fast the onth of Ra)
adan%H &he Bedouin said# HBy Hi# in @hose Hands y life is# I $ill not do ore than this%H @hen
he !the Bedouin" left# the Prophet said# H@hoe(er likes to see a an of Paradise# then he ay look at
this an%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 270:
Darrated Abu Fur'a:
fro the Prophet the sae as abo(e%
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 273:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
A delegation of the tribe of 'Abdul ,ais cae to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e are
fro the tribe of Rabi'a# and the infidels of the tribe of Mudar stands bet$een us and youL so $e can)
not coe to you e*cept during the Sacred Months% Please order us to do soething !religious deeds"
$hich $e ay carry out and also in(ite to it our people $ho $e ha(e left behind%H &he Prophet
said# HI order you to do four things and forbid you four others: !I order you" to ha(e faith in Allah#
and confess that none has the right to be $orshipped but Allah# !and the Prophet gestured $ith his
hand like this !i%e% one knot" and to offer prayers perfectly and to pay the Fakat# and to pay one)fifth
=olue 3 ) <30 ? 0:66
of the booty in Allah's 9ause% And I forbid you to use 8ubba'# Hanta# DaCir and Mu-affat !all these
are the naes of utensils used for preparing alcoholic drinks"%H
=olue 3# Book 3<# Duber 27<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hen Allah's Apostle died and Abu Bakr becae the caliph soe Arabs renegade !re(erted to dis)
belief" !Abu Bakr decided to declare $ar against the"# 'Uar# said to Abu Bakr# HHo$ can you fight
$ith these people although Allah's Apostle said# 'I ha(e been ordered !by Allah" to fight the people till
they say: HDone has the right to be $orshipped but Allah# and $hoe(er said it then he $ill sa(e his
life and property fro e e*cept on trespassing the la$ !rights and conditions for $hich he $ill be
punished .ustly"# and his accounts $ill be $ith Allah%' H Abu Bakr said# HBy AllahI I $ill fight those
$ho differentiate bet$een the prayer and the Fakat as Fakat is the copulsory right to be taken
fro the property !according to Allah's orders" By AllahI If they refuse to pay e e(en a she)kid
$hich they used to pay at the tie of Allah's Apostle % I $ould fight $ith the for $ithholding itH
&hen 'Uar said# HBy Allah# it $as nothing# but Allah opened Abu Bakr's chest to$ards the decision
!to fight" and I cae to kno$ that his decision $as right%H
=olue 3 ) <33 ? 0:66
Book 32: Ebligatory 9harity &a* !Fakat"
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 272:
Darrated /arir bin 'Abdullah#
I ga(e the pledge of allegiance to the Prophet for offering prayer perfectly gi(ing Fakat and gi(ing
good ad(ice to e(ery Musli%
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 274:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H!En the 8ay of Resurrection" caels $ill coe to their o$ner in the best state
of health they ha(e e(er had !in the $orld"# and if he had not paid their Fakat !in the $orld" then
they $ould tread hi $ith their feetL and siilarly# sheep $ill coe to their o$ner in the best state
of health they ha(e e(er had in the $orld# and if he had not paid their Fakat# then they $ould tread
hi $ith their hoo(es and $ould butt hi $ith their horns%H &he Prophet added# HEne of their rights
is that they should be ilked $hile $ater is kept in front of the%H &he Prophet added# HI do not $ant
anyone of you to coe to e on the 8ay of Resurrection# carrying o(er his neck a sheep that $ill be
bleating% Such a person $ill !then" say# 'E MuhaadI !please intercede for e#" I $ill say to hi% 'I
can't help you# for I con(eyed Allah's Message to you%' Siilarly# I do not $ant anyone of you to coe
to e carrying o(er his neck a cael that $ill be grunting% Such a person !then" $ill say HE
MuhaadI !please intercede for e"%H I $ill say to hi# HI can't help you for I con(eyed Allah's
essage to you%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 275:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er is ade $ealthy by Allah and does not pay the Fakat of his $ealth#
then on the 8ay of Resurrection his $ealth $ill be ade like a bald)headed poisonous ale snake
$ith t$o black spots o(er the eyes% &he snake $ill encircle his neck and bite his cheeks and say# 'I a
your $ealth# I a your treasure%' H &hen the Prophet recited the holy (erses:)) ';et not those $ho
$ithhold % % %' !to the end of the (erse"% !<%076"%
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 27::
Darrated Abu Said:
=olue 3 ) <3< ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" said# HDo Fakat is due on property ounting to less than fi(e UCiyas !of
sil(er"# and no Fakat is due on less than fi(e caels# and there is no Fakat on less than fi(e @asCs%H
!A @asCs eCuals 56 Sa's" N !0 SaM< K gs App%"
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 277:
Darrated Faid bin @ahab:
I passed by a place called Ar)Rabadha and by chance I et Abu 8har and asked hi# H@hat has
brought you to this placeJH He said# HI $as in Sha and differed $ith Mua$iya on the eaning of
!the follo$ing (erses of the ,uran": '&hey $ho hoard up gold and sil(er and spend the not in the
$ay of Allah%' !1%<2"% Mua$iya said# '&his (erse is re(ealed regarding the people of the scriptures%H I
said# It $as re(ealed regarding us and also the people of the scriptures%H So $e had a Cuarrel and
Mu'a$iya sent a coplaint against e to 'Uthan% 'Uthan $rote to e to coe to Medina# and I
cae to Medina% Many people cae to e as if they had not seen e before% So I told this to 'Uthan
$ho said to e# HKou ay depart and li(e nearby if you $ish%H &hat $as the reason for y being here
for e(en if an +thiopian had been noinated as y ruler# I $ould ha(e obeyed hi %
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 271:
Darrated Al)Ahnaf bin ,ais:
@hile I $as sitting $ith soe people fro ,uraish# a an $ith (ery rough hair# clothes# and ap)
pearance cae and stood in front of us# greeted us and said# HInfor those $ho hoard $ealth# that a
stone $ill be heated in the Hell)fire and $ill be put on the nipples of their breasts till it coes out
fro the bones of their shoulders and then put on the bones of their shoulders till it coes through
the nipples of their breasts the stone $ill be o(ing and hitting%H After saying that# the person re)
treated and sat by the side of the pillar# I follo$ed hi and sat beside hi# and I did not kno$ $ho
he $as% I said to hi# HI think the people disliked $hat you had said%H He said# H&hese people do not
understand anything# although y friend told e%H I asked# H@ho is your friendJH He said# H&he
Prophet said !to e"# 'E Abu 8harI 8o you see the ountain of UhudJ' And on that I !Abu 8har"
started looking to$ards the sun to .udge ho$ uch reained of the day as I thought that Allah's
Apostle $anted to send e to do soething for hi and I said# 'KesI' He said# 'I do not lo(e to ha(e
gold eCual to the ountain of Uhud unless I spend it all !in Allah's cause" e*cept three 8inars
!pounds"% &hese people do not understand and collect $orldly $ealth% Do# by Allah# Deither I ask
the for $orldly benefits nor a I in need of their religious ad(ice till I eet Allah# &he Honorable#
&he Ma.estic%H '
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 216:
Darrated Ibn Masud:
=olue 3 ) <32 ? 0:66
I heard the Prophet saying# H&here is no en(y e*cept in t$o: a person $ho Allah has gi(en $ealth
and he spends it in the right $ay# and a person $ho Allah has gi(en $isdo !i%e% religious kno$)
ledge" and he gi(es his decisions accordingly and teaches it to the others%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 210:
Darrated Abu Huraira
Allah's Apostle said# HIf one gi(e in charity $hat eCuals one date)fruit fro the honestly)earned
oney and Allah accepts only the honestly earned oney ))Allah takes it in His right !hand" ar then
enlarges its re$ard for that person !$ho has gi(en it"# as anyone of you brings up his baby horse# so
uch s that it becoes as big as a ountain
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 213:
Darrated Haritha bin @ahab:
I heard the Prophet saying# HE peopleI Ai(e in charity as a tie $ill coe upon you $hen a person
$ill $ander about $ith his ob.ect of charity and $ill not find anybody to accept it# and one !$ho
$ill be reCuested to take it" $ill say# HIf you had brought it yesterday# $ould ha(e taken it# but to)day
I a not in need of it%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 21<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he Hour !8ay of /udgent" $ill not be established till your $ealth increases so
uch so that one $ill be $orried# for no one $ill accept his Fakat and the person to $ho he $ill
gi(e it $ill reply# 'I a not in need of it%' H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 212:
Darrated 'Adi bin Hati:
@hile I $as sitting $ith Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" t$o person cae to hiL one of the coplained
about his po(erty and the other coplained about the pre(alence of robberies% Allah's Apostle said#
HAs regards stealing and robberies# there $ill shortly coe a tie $hen a cara(an $ill go to Mecca
!fro Medina" $ithout any guard% And regarding po(erty# &he Hour !8ay of /udgent" $ill not be
established till one of you $anders about $ith his ob.ect of charity and $ill not find anybody to ac)
cept it And !no doubt" each one of you $ill stand in front of Allah and there $ill be neither a curtain
nor an interpreter bet$een hi and Allah# and Allah $ill ask hi# '8id not I gi(e you $ealthJ' He
$ill reply in the affirati(e% Allah $ill further ask# '8idn't I send a essenger to youJ' And again that
person $ill reply in the affirati(e &hen he $ill look to his right and he $ill see nothing but Hell)
=olue 3 ) <34 ? 0:66
fire# and then he $ill look to his left and $ill see nothing but Hell)fire% And so# any !each one" of you
should sa(e hiself fro the fire e(en by gi(ing half of a date)fruit !in charity"% And if you do not
find a half date)fruit# then !you can do it through saying" a good pleasant $ord !to your brethren"%
!See Hadith Do% :1< =ol% 2"%
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 214:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&hy Prophet !p%b%u%h" said# HA tie $ill coe upon the people $hen a person $ill $ander about
$ith gold as Fakat and $ill not find anybody to accept it# and one an $ill be seen follo$ed by forty
$oen to be their guardian because of scarcity of en and great nuber of $oen% H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 215:
Darrated Abu Masud:
@hen the (erses of charity $ere re(ealed# $e used to $ork as porters% A an cae and distrib)
uted ob.ects of charity in abundance% And they !the people" said# HHe is sho$ing off%H And another
an cae and ga(e a sa !a sall easure of food grains"L they said# HAllah is not in need of this sall
aount of charity%H And then the 8i(ine Inspiration cae: H&hose $ho critici-e such of the belie(ers
$ho gi(e in charity (oluntarily and those $ho could not find to gi(e in charity e*cept $hat is a(ail)
able to the%H !1%:1"%
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 21::
Darrated Abu Masud Al)Ansar:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" ordered us to gi(e in charity# $e used to go to the arket and
$ork as porters and get a Mudd !a special easure of grain" and then gi(e it in charity% !&hose $ere
the days of po(erty" and to)day soe of us ha(e one hundred thousand%
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 217:
Darrated 'Adi bin Hati heard the Prophet saying:
HSa(e yourself fro Hell)fire e(en by gi(ing half a date)fruit in charity%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 211:
Darrated Aisha:
A lady along $ith her t$o daughters cae to e asking !for soe als"# but she found nothing
$ith e e*cept one date $hich I ga(e to her and she di(ided it bet$een her t$o daughters# and did
=olue 3 ) <35 ? 0:66
not eat anything herself# and then she got up and $ent a$ay% &hen the Prophet cae in and I in)
fored hi about this story% He said# H@hoe(er is put to trial by these daughters and he treats the
generously !$ith bene(olence" then these daughters $ill act as a shield for hi fro Hell)Bire%H !See
Hadith Do% 32# =ol% 7"%
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 466:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an cae to the Prophet and asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @hich charity is the ost superior in
re$ardJH He replied# H&he charity $hich you practice $hile you are healthy# niggardly and afraid of
po(erty and $ish to becoe $ealthy% 8o not delay it to the tie of approaching death and then say#
'Ai(e so uch to such and such# and so uch to such and such%' And it has already belonged to such
and such !as it is too late"%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 460:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Soe of the $i(es of the Prophet asked hi# H@ho aongst us $ill be the first to follo$ you !i%e%
die after you"JH He said# H@hoe(er has the longest hand%H So they started easuring their hands $ith
a stick and Sauda's hand turned out to be the longest% !@hen Fainab bint /ahsh died first of all in the
caliphate of 'Uar"# $e cae to kno$ that the long hand $as a sybol of practicing charity# so she
$as the first to follo$ the Prophet and she used to lo(e to practice charity% !Sauda died later in the
caliphate of Mua$iya"%
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 463:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" said# HA an said that he $ould gi(e soething in charity% He $ent out
$ith his ob.ect of charity and unkno$ingly ga(e it to a thief% De*t orning the people said that he
had gi(en his ob.ect of charity to a thief% !En hearing that" he said# HE AllahI All the praises are for
you% I $ill gi(e als again%H And so he again $ent out $ith his als and !unkno$ingly" ga(e it to an
adulteress% De*t orning the people said that he had gi(en his als to an adulteress last night% &he
an said# HE AllahI All the praises are for you% !I ga(e y als" to an adulteress% I $ill gi(e als
again%H So he $ent out $ith his als again and !unkno$ingly" ga(e it to a rich person% !&he people"
ne*t orning said that he had gi(en his als to a $ealthy person% He said# HE AllahI All the praises
are for you% !I had gi(en als" to a thief# to an adulteress and to a $ealthy an%H &hen soeone cae
and said to hi# H&he als $hich you ga(e to the thief# ight ake hi abstain fro stealing# and
that gi(en to the adulteress ight ake her abstain fro illegal se*ual intercourse !adultery"# and
=olue 3 ) <3: ? 0:66
that gi(en to the $ealthy an ight ake hi take a lesson fro it and spend his $ealth $hich Al)
lah has gi(en hi# in Allah's cause%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 46<:
Darrated Ma'n bin Ka-id:
My grandfather# y father and I ga(e the pledge of allegiance to Allah's Apostle% &he Prophet got
e engaged and then got e arried% Ene day I $ent to the Prophet $ith a coplaint% My father
Ka-id had taken soe gold coins for charity and kept the $ith a an in the osCue !to gi(e the
to the poor" But I $ent and took the and brought the to hi !y father"% My father said# HBy Al)
lahI I did not intend to gi(e the to you% H I took !the case" to Allah's Apostle % En that Allah's Apostle
said# HE Ka-idI Kou $ill be re$arded for $hat you intended% E ManI @hate(er you ha(e taken is
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 462:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" said# HSe(en people $ill be shaded by Allah under His shade on the day $hen
there $ill be no shade e*cept His% &hey are:
!0" a .ust rulerL
!3" a young an $ho has been brought up in the $orship of Allah# !i%e% $orship Allah !Alone" sin)
cerely fro his childhood"#
!<" a an $hose heart is attached to the osCue !$ho offers the fi(e copulsory congregational
prayers in the osCue"L
!2" t$o persons $ho lo(e each other only for Allah's sake and they eet and part in Allah's cause
!4" a an $ho refuses the call of a charing $oan of noble birth for an illegal se*ual inter)
course $ith her and says: I a afraid of AllahL
!5" a person $ho practices charity so secretly that his left hand does not kno$ $hat his right hand
has gi(en !i%e% nobody kno$s ho$ uch he has gi(en in charity"%
!:" a person $ho reebers Allah in seclusion and his eyes get flooded $ith tears%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 464:
Darrated Haritha bin @ahab Al)Khu-a'i:
I heard the Prophet !p%b%u%h" saying# H!E peopleI" Ai(e in charity !for Allah's cause" because a tie
$ill coe $hen a person $ill carry his ob.ect of charity fro place to place !and he $ill not find any
=olue 3 ) <37 ? 0:66
person to take it" and any person $ho he shall reCuest to take it# I $ill reply# 'If you had brought it
yesterday I $ould ha(e taken it# but today I a not in need of it%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 465:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen a $oan gi(es in charity soe of the foodstuff !$hich she has in her
house" $ithout spoiling it# she $ill recei(e the re$ard for $hat she has spent# and her husband $ill
recei(e the re$ard because of his earning# and the storekeeper $ill also ha(e a re$ard siilar to it%
&he re$ard of one $ill not decrease the re$ard of the others % H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 46::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" said# H&he best charity is that $hich is practiced by a $ealthy person% And
start gi(ing first to your dependents%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 467:
Darrated Haki bin Hi-a
&he Prophet said# H&he upper hand is better than the lo$er hand !i%e% he $ho gi(es in charity is
better than hi $ho takes it"% Ene should start gi(ing first to his dependents% And the best ob.ect of
charity is that $hich is gi(en by a $ealthy person !fro the oney $hich is left after his e*penses"%
And $hoe(er abstains fro asking others for soe financial help# Allah $ill gi(e hi and sa(e hi
fro asking others# Allah $ill ake hi self)sufficient%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 461:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
I heard Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" $hile he $as on the pulpit speaking about charity# to abstain fro
asking others for soe financial help and about begging others# saying# H&he upper hand is better
than the lo$er hand% &he upper hand is that of the gi(er and the lo$er !hand" is that of the beggar%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 406:
Darrated 'UCba bin Al)Harith:
Ence the Prophet offered the 'Asr prayer and then hurriedly $ent to his house and returned i)
ediately% I !or soebody else" asked hi !as to $hat $as the atter" and he said# HI left at hoe a
=olue 3 ) <31 ? 0:66
piece of gold $hich $as fro the charity and I disliked to let it reain a night in y house# so I got
it distributed % H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 400:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet $ent out for the 'Id prayer on the 'Id day and offered a t$o Rakat prayerL and he
neither offered a prayer before it or after it% &hen he $ent to$ards the $oen along $ith Bilal% He
preached the and ordered the to gi(e in charity% And soe !aongst the $oen" started gi(ing
their fore)ar bangles and ear)rings%
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 403:
Darrated Abu Burda bin Abu Musa:
that his father said# H@hene(er a beggar cae to Allah's Apostle or he $as asked for soething# he
used to say !to his copanions"# HHelp and recoend hi and you $ill recei(e the re$ard for itL
and Allah $ill bring about $hat He $ill through His Prophet's tongue%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 40<:
Darrated Asa:
&he Prophet said to e# H8o not $ithhold your oney# !for if you did so" Allah $ould $ith)hold
His blessings fro you%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 402:
Darrated 'Abda:
&he Prophet said# H8o not $ith)hold your oney by counting it !i%e% hoarding it"# !for if you did
so"# Allah $ould also $ith)hold His blessings fro you%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 404:
Darrated Asa' bint Abu Bakr:
that she had gone to the Prophet and he said# H8o not shut your oney bagL other$ise Allah too
$ill $ith)hold His blessings fro you% Spend !in Allah's 9ause" as uch as you can afford% H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 405:
Darrated Abu @ail:
=olue 3 ) <<6 ? 0:66
Hudhaifa said# H'Uar said# '@ho aongst you reebers the stateent of Allah's Apostle
!p%b%u%h" about afflictions'J' I said# 'I kno$ it as the Prophet had said it%' 'Uar said# 'Do doubt# you are
bold% Ho$ did he say itJ' I said# 'A an's afflictions !$rong deeds" concerning his $ife# children and
neighbors are e*piated by !his" prayers# charity# and en.oining good%' !&he sub)narrator Sulaian
added that he said# '&he prayer# charity# en.oining good and forbidding e(il%'" 'Uar said# 'I did not
ean that# but I ask about that affliction $hich $ill spread like the $a(es of the sea%' I said# 'E chief
of the belie(ersI Kou need not be afraid of it as there is a closed door bet$een you and it%' He asked#
'@ill the door be broken or openedJ' I replied# 'Do# it $ill be broken%' He said# '&hen# if it is broken# it
$ill ne(er be closed againJ' I replied# 'Kes%' H &hen $e $ere afraid to ask $hat that door $as# so $e
asked MasruC to inCuire# and he asked Hudhaifa regarding it% Hudhaifa said# H&he door $as 'Uar%
H@e further asked Hudhaifa $hether 'Uar kne$ $hat that door eant% Hudhaifa replied in the af)
firati(e and added# HHe kne$ it as one kno$s that there $ill be a night before the toorro$ orn)
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 40::
Darrated Haki bin Hi-a:
I said to Allah's Apostle# HBefore ebracing Isla I used to do good deeds like gi(ing in charity#
sla(e)anuitting# and the keeping of good relations $ith Kith and kin% Shall I be re$arded for
those deedsJH &he Prophet replied# HKou becae Musli $ith all those good deeds !@ithout losing
their re$ard"%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 407:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen a $oan gi(es in charity fro her husband's eals $ithout $asting
the property of her husband# she $ill get a re$ard for it# and her husband too $ill get a re$ard for
$hat he earned and the store)keeper $ill ha(e the re$ard like$ise%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 401:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# HAn honest Musli store)keeper $ho carries out the orders of his aster and
pays fully $hat he has been ordered to gi(e $ith a good heart and pays to that person to $ho he
$as ordered to pay# is regarded as one of the t$o charitable persons%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 436:
Darrate Aisha:
=olue 3 ) <<0 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HIf a $oan gi(es in charity fro her husband's house %%H &he Prophet !p%b%u%h"
also said# HIf a lady gi(es eals !in charity" fro her husband's house $ithout spoiling her husband's
property# she $ill get a re$ard and her husband $ill also get a re$ard like$ise% &he husband $ill
get a re$ard because of his earnings and the $oan because of her spending%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 430:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# H@hen a $oan gi(es in charity fro her house eals in Allah's 9ause $ithout
spoiling her husband's property# she $ill get a re$ard for it# and her husband $ill also get the re)
$ard for his earnings and the storekeeper $ill get a re$ard like$ise%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 433:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H+(ery day t$o angels coe do$n fro Hea(en and one of the says# 'E AllahI
9opensate e(ery person $ho spends in Kour 9ause#' and the other !angel" says# 'E AllahI 8estroy
e(ery iser%' H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 43<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he e*aple of a iser and an als)gi(er is like the e*aple of t$o persons
$earing iron cloaks%H Allah's Apostle also said# H&he e*aple of an als)gi(er and a iser is like the
e*aple of t$o persons $ho ha(e t$o iron cloaks on the fro their breasts to their collar bones#
and $hen the als)gi(er $ants to gi(e in charity# the cloak becoes capacious till it co(ers his
$hole body to such an e*tent that it hides his fingertips and co(ers his footprints !obliterates his
tracks"% !0" And $hen the iser $ants to spend# it !the iron cloak" sticks and e(ery ring gets stuck to
its place and he tries to $iden it# but it did not becoe $ide%
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 432:
Darrated Abu Burda:
fro his father fro his grandfather that the Prophet said# H+(ery Musli has to gi(e in charity%H
&he people asked# HE Allah's ProphetI If soeone has nothing to gi(e# $hat $ill he doJH He said# HHe
should $ork $ith his hands and benefit hiself and also gi(e in charity !fro $hat he earns"%H &he
people further asked# HIf he cannot find e(en thatJH He replied# HHe should help the needy $ho appeal
for help%H &hen the people asked# HIf he cannot do thatJH He replied# H&hen he should perfor good
deeds and keep a$ay fro e(il deeds and this $ill be regarded as charitable deeds%H
=olue 3 ) <<3 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 434:
Darrated U 'Atiyya:
A sheep $as sent to e !Dusaiba Al)Ansariya" !in charity" and I sent soe of it to 'Aisha% &he
Prophet asked 'Aisha for soething to eat% 'Aisha replied that there $as nothing e*cept $hat Dusaiba
Al)Ansariya had sent of that sheep% &he Prophet said to her# HBring it as it has reached its place%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 435:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here is no Fakat on less than fi(e caels and also there is no Fakat on less
than fi(e A$aC !of sil(er"% !4 A$aC M 33 Bransa Riyals of Kaen or 366 8irhas%" And there is no
Fakat on less than fi(e A$suC% !A special easure of food)grains# and one @asC eCuals 56 Sa's%" !Bor
gold 36# 8inars i%e% eCual to 03 Auinea +nglish% Do Fakat for less than 03 Auinea !+nglish" of gold or
for sil(er less than 33 Bransa Riyals of Kaen%"
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 43::
Darrated Abi Sa'id Al)Khudri:
I heard the Prophet saying !as abo(e))Do% 435 %%"
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 437:
Darrated Anas:
Abu Bakr $rote to e $hat Allah had instructed His Apostle !p%b%u%h" to do regarding the one $ho
had to pay one Bint Makhad !i%e% one year)old she)cael" as Fakat# and he did not ha(e it but had
got Bint ;abun !t$o year old she)cael"% !He $rote that" it could be accepted fro hi as Fakat# and
the collector of Fakat $ould return hi 36 8irhas or t$o sheepL and if the Fakat payer had not a
Bint Makhad# but he had Ibn ;abun !a t$o year old he)cael" then it could be accepted as his Fakat#
but he $ould not be paid anything %
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 431:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
I a a $itness that Allah's Apostle offered the Id prayer before deli(ering the seron and then he
thought that the $oen $ould not be able to hear hi !because of the distance"# so he $ent to the
along $ith Bilal $ho $as spreading his garent% &he Prophet ad(ised and ordered the to gi(e in
charity% So the $oen started gi(ing their ornaents !in charity"% !&he sub)narrator Aiyub pointed
=olue 3 ) <<< ? 0:66
to$ards his ears and neck eaning that they ga(e ornaents fro those places such as ear)rings
and necklaces%"
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4<6:
Darrated Anas:
Abu Bakr $rote to e $hat $as ade copulsory by Allah's Apostle and that $as !regarding the
payents of Fakat": Deither the property of different people ay be taken together nor the .oint
property ay be split for fear of !paying ore# or recei(ing less" Fakat% !0"
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4<0:
Darrated Anas:
Abu Bakr $rote to e $hat Allah's Apostle has ade copulsory !regarding Fakat" and this $as
entioned in it: If a property is eCually o$ned by t$o partners# they should pay the cobined Fakat
and it $ill be considered that both of the ha(e paid their Fakat eCually%
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4<3:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
A Bedouin asked Allah's Apostle about the eigration% &he Prophet !p%b%u%h" said# HMay Allah ha(e
ercy on youI &he atter of eigration is (ery hard% Ha(e you got caelsJ 8o you pay their FakatJH
&he Bedouin said# HKes# I ha(e caels and I pay their Fakat%H &he Prophet said# @ork beyond the seas
and Allah $ill not decrease !$aste" any of your good deeds%H !See Hadith Do% 356 =ol% 4"%
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4<<:
Darrated Anas:
Abu Bakr # $rote to e about the Fakat $hich Allah had ordered His Apostle to obser(e: @hoe(er
had to pay /ahda !/ahda eans a four)year)old she)cael" as Fakat fro his herd of caels and he
had not got one# and he had HiCCa !three)year)old she)cael"# that HiCCa should be accepted fro
hi along $ith t$o sheep if they $ere a(ailable or t$enty 8irhas !one 8urha eCuals about 0?2
Saudi Riyal" and $hoe(er had to pay HiCCa as Fakat and he had no HiCCa but had a /adha# the /adha
should be accepted fro hi# and the Fakat collector should repay hi t$enty 8irhas or t$o
sheepL and $hoe(er had to pay HiCCa as Fakat and he had not got one# but had a Bint ;abun !t$o)
year)old she)cael"# it should be accepted fro hi along $ith t$o sheep or t$enty 8irhasL and
$hoe(er had to pay Bint ;abun and had a HiCCa# that HiCCa should be accepted fro hi and the
Fakat collector should repay hi t$enty 8irhas or t$o sheepL and $hoe(er had to pay Bint ;abun
=olue 3 ) <<2 ? 0:66
and he had not got one but had a Bint Makhad !one)year)old she cael"# that Bint Makhad should
be accepted fro hi along $ith t$enty 8irhas or t$o sheep%
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4<2:
Darrated Anas:
@hen Abu BakrL sent e to !collect the Fakat fro" Bahrein# he $rote to e the follo$ing:)) !In
the nae of Allah# the Beneficent# the Merciful"% &hese are the orders for copulsory charity !Fakat"
$hich Allah's Apostle had ade obligatory for e(ery Musli# and $hich Allah had ordered His
Apostle to obser(e: @hoe(er aongst the Muslis is asked to pay Fakat accordingly# he should pay
it !to the Fakat collector" and $hoe(er is asked ore than that !$hat is specified in this script" he
should not pay itL for t$enty)four caels or less# sheep are to be paid as FakatL for e(ery fi(e caels
one sheep is to be paid# and if there are bet$een t$enty)fi(e to thirty)fi(e caels# one Bint Makhad
is to be paidL and if they are bet$een thirty)si* to forty)fi(e !caels"# one Bint ;abun is to be paidL
and if they are bet$een forty)si* to si*ty !caels"# one HiCCa is to be paidL and if the nuber is
bet$een si*ty)one to se(enty)fi(e !caels"# one /adh'a is to be paidL and if the nuber is bet$een
se(enty)si* to ninety !caels"# t$o Bint ;abuns are to be paidL and if they are fro ninety)one to
one)hundred)and t$enty !caels"# t$o HiCCas are to be paidL and if they are o(er one)hundred
and)t$enty !caels"# for e(ery forty !o(er one)hundred)and)t$enty" one Bint ;abun is to be paid#
and for e(ery fifty caels !o(er one)hundred)and)t$enty" one HiCCa is to be paidL and $ho e(er
has got only four caels# has to pay nothing as Fakat# but if the o$ner of these four caels $ants to
gi(e soething# he can% If the nuber of caels increases to fi(e# the o$ner has to pay one sheep as
Fakat% As regards the Fakat for the !flock" of sheepL if they are bet$een forty and one)hundred)and)
t$enty sheep# one sheep is to be paidL and if they are bet$een one)hundred)and)t$enty to t$o hun)
dred !sheep"# t$o sheep are to be paidL and if they are bet$een t$o)hundred to three)hundred
!sheep"# three sheep are to be paidL and for o(er three)hundred sheep# for e(ery e*tra hundred
sheep# one sheep is to be paid as Fakat% And if soebody has got less than forty sheep# no Fakat is re)
Cuired# but if he $ants to gi(e# he can% Bor sil(er the Fakat is one)fortieth of the lot !i%e% 3%4S"# and if
its (alue is less than t$o)hundred 8irhas# Fakat is not reCuired# but if the o$ner $ants to pay he
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4<4:
Darrated Anas:
Abu Bakr $rote to e $hat Allah had ordered His Apostle !about Fakat" $hich goes: Deither an
old nor a defected anial# nor a ale)goat ay be taken as Fakat e*cept if the Fakat collector
$ishes !to take it"%
=olue 3 ) <<4 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4<5:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Abu Bakr said# HBy AllahI If they !pay e the Fakat and" $ith)hold e(en a she)kid $hich they
used to pay during the life)tie of Allah's Apostle# I $ill fight $ith the for it%H 'Uar said# HIt $as
nothing but Allah @ho opened Abu Bakr's chest to$ards the decision to fight# and I cae to kno$
that his decision $as right%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4<::
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" sent Muadh to Keen# he said !to hi"# HKEU are going to people of
a !8i(ine" Book% Birst of all in(ite the to $orship Allah !alone" and $hen they coe to kno$ Allah#
infor the that Allah has en.oined on the# fi(e prayers in e(ery day and nightL and if they start
offering these prayers# infor the that Allah has en.oined on the# the Fakat% And it is to be taken
fro the rich aongst the and gi(en to the poor aongst theL and if they obey you in that# take
Fakat fro the and a(oid !don't take" the best property of the people as Fakat%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4<7:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# HDo Fakat is iposed on less than fi(e A$suC of datesL no Fakat is iposed on
less than fi(e A$aC of sil(er# and no Fakat is iposed on less than fi(e caels%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4<1:
Darrated Abu 8har:
Ence I $ent to hi !the Prophet " and he said# HBy Allah in @hose Hands y life is !or probably
said# 'By Allah# e*cept @ho none has the right to be $orshipped" $hoe(er had caels or co$s or
sheep and did not pay their Fakat# those anials $ill be brought on the 8ay of Resurrection far big)
ger and fatter than before and they $ill tread hi under their hoo(es# and $ill butt hi $ith their
horns# and !those anials $ill coe in circle": @hen the last does its turn# the first $ill start again#
and this punishent $ill go on till Allah has finished the .udgents aongst the people%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 426:
Darrated IshaC bin 'Abdullah bin Al &alha:
I heard Anas bin Malik saying# HAbu &alha had ore property of date)pal trees gardens than any
other aongst the Ansar in Medina and the ost belo(ed of the to hi $as Bairuha garden# and it
=olue 3 ) <<5 ? 0:66
$as in front of the MosCue of the Prophet % Allah's Apostle used to go there and used to drink its nice
$ater%H Anas added# H@hen these (erses $ere re(ealed:))'By no eans shall you Attain righteousness
unless Kou spend !in charity" of that @hich you lo(e% ' !<%13" Abu &alha said to Allah's Apostle 'E Al)
lah's ApostleI Allah# the Blessed# the Superior says: By no eans shall you attain righteousness# unless
you spend !in charity" of that $hich you lo(e% And no doubt# Bairuha' garden is the ost belo(ed of
all y property to e% So I $ant to gi(e it in charity in Allah's 9ause% I e*pect its re$ard fro Allah%
E Allah's ApostleI Spend it $here Allah akes you think it feasible%' En that Allah's Apostle said#
'Bra(oI It is useful property% I ha(e heard $hat you ha(e said !E Abu &alha"# and I think it $ould be
proper if you ga(e it to your Kith and kin%' Abu &alha said# I $ill do so# E Allah's Apostle%' &hen Abu
&alha distributed that garden aongst his relati(es and his cousins%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 420:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri
En 'Id ul Bitr or 'Id ul Adha Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" $ent out to the Musalla% After finishing the
prayer# he deli(ered the seron and ordered the people to gi(e als% He said# HE peopleI Ai(e als%H
&hen he $ent to$ards the $oen and said% HE $oenI Ai(e als# for I ha(e seen that the a.ority
of the d$ellers of Hell)Bire $ere you !$oen"%H &he $oen asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat is the
reason for itJH He replied# HE $oenI Kou curse freCuently# and are ungrateful to your husbands% I
ha(e not seen anyone ore deficient in intelligence and religion than you% E $oen# soe of you
can lead a cautious $ise an astray%H &hen he left% And $hen he reached his house# Fainab# the $ife
of Ibn Masud# cae and asked perission to enter It $as said# HE Allah's ApostleI It is Fainab%H He
asked# '@hich FainabJH &he reply $as that she $as the $ife of Ibn Mas'ub% He said# HKes# allo$ her to
enter%H And she $as aditted% &hen she said# HE Prophet of AllahI &oday you ordered people to gi(e
als and I had an ornaent and intended to gi(e it as als# but Ibn Masud said that he and his chil)
dren deser(ed it ore than anybody else%H &he Prophet replied# HIbn Masud had spoken the truth%
Kour husband and your children had ore right to it than anybody else%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 423:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here is no Fakat either on a horse or a sla(e belonging to a MusliH
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 42<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said#H&here is no Fakat either on a sla(e or on a horse belonging to a Musli%
=olue 3 ) <<: ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 422:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Ence the Prophet sat on a pulpit and $e sat around hi% &hen he said# H&he things I a afraid of
ost for your sake !concerning $hat $ill befall you after e" is the pleasures and splendors of the
$orld and its beauties $hich $ill be disclosed to you%H Soebody said# HE Allah's ApostleI 9an the
good bring forth e(ilJH &he Prophet reained silent for a $hile% It $as said to that person# H@hat is
$rong $ith youJ Kou are talking to the Prophet !p%b%u%h" $hile he is not talking to you%H &hen $e no)
ticed that he $as being inspired di(inely% &hen the Prophet $iped off his s$eat and said# H@here is
the CuestionerJH It seeed as if the Prophet liked his Cuestion% &hen he said# HAood ne(er brings forth
e(il% Indeed it is like $hat gro$s on the banks of a $ater)strea $hich either kill or ake the ani)
als sick# e*cept if an anial eats its fill the Khadira !a kind of (egetable" and then faces the sun# and
then defecates and urinates and gra-es again% Do doubt this $ealth is s$eet and green% Blessed is the
$ealth of a Musli fro $hich he gi(es to the poor# the orphans and to needy tra(elers% !Er the
Prophet said soething siilar to it" Do doubt# $hoe(er takes it illegally $ill be like the one $ho eats
but is ne(er satisfied# and his $ealth $ill be a $itness against hi on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 424:
Darrated 'Ar bin Al)Harith:
Fainab# the $ife of 'Abdullah said# HI $as in the MosCue and sa$ the Prophet !p%b%u%h" saying# 'E
$oen I Ai(e als e(en fro your ornaents%' H Fainab used to pro(ide for 'Abdullah and those
orphans $ho $ere under her protection% So she said to 'Abdullah# H@ill you ask Allah's Apostle
$hether it $ill be sufficient for e to spend part of the Fakat on you and the orphans $ho are under
y protectionJH He replied H@ill you yourself ask Allah's Apostle JH !Fainab added": So I $ent to the
Prophet and I sa$ there an Ansari $oan $ho $as standing at the door !of the Prophet " $ith a
siilar proble as ine% Bilal passed by us and $e asked hi# 'Ask the Prophet $hether it is per)
issible for e to spend !the Fakat" on y husband and the orphans under y protection%' And $e
reCuested Bilal not to infor the Prophet about us% So Bilal $ent inside and asked the Prophet re)
garding our proble% &he Prophet !p%b%u%h" asked# H@ho are those t$oJH Bilal replied that she $as
Fainab% &he Prophet said# H@hich FainabJH Bilal said# H&he $ife of 'Adullah !bin Masud"%H &he Prophet
said# HKes# !it is sufficient for her" and she $ill recei(e a double re$ards !for that": Ene for helping
relati(es# and the other for gi(ing Fakat%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 425:
Darrated Fainab#:
=olue 3 ) <<7 ? 0:66
!the daughter of U Salaa" My other said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall I recei(e a re$ard if I
spend for the sustenance of Abu Salaa's offspring# and in fact they are also y sonsJH &he Prophet
replied# HSpend on the and you $ill get a re$ard for $hat you spend on the%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 42::
Darrated Abu Huraira
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" ordered !a person" to collect Fakat# and that person returned and told hi
that Ibn /ail# Khalid bin Al)@alid# and Abbas bin 'Abdul Muttalib had refused to gi(e Fakat%H &he
Prophet said# H@hat ade Ibn /all refuse to gi(e Fakat though he $as a poor an# and $as ade
$ealthy by Allah and His Apostle J But you are unfair in asking Fakat fro Khalid as he is keeping
his aror for Allah's 9ause !for /ihad"% As for Abbas bin 'Abdul Muttalib# he is the uncle of Allah's
Apostle !p%b%u%h" and Fakat is copulsory on hi and he should pay it double%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 427:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Soe Ansari persons asked for !soething" fro Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" and he ga(e the% &hey
again asked hi for !soething" and he again ga(e the% And then they asked hi and he ga(e
the again till all that $as $ith hi finished% And then he said HIf I had anything% I $ould not keep it
a$ay fro you% !Reeber" @hoe(er abstains fro asking others# Allah $ill ake hi contented#
and $hoe(er tries to ake hiself self)sufficient# Allah $ill ake hi self)sufficient% And $hoe(er
reains patient# Allah $ill ake hi patient% Dobody can be gi(en a blessing better and greater than
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 421:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HBy Hi in @hose Hand y life is# it is better for anyone of you to take a rope
and cut the $ood !fro the forest" and carry it o(er his back and sell it !as a eans of earning his
li(ing" rather than to ask a person for soething and that person ay gi(e hi or not%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 446:
Darrated A-)Fubair bin Al'A$$a:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" said# HIt is better for anyone of you to take a rope !and cut" and bring a
bundle of $ood !fro the forest" o(er his back and sell it and Allah $ill sa(e his face !fro the Hell)
Bire" because of that# rather than to ask the people $ho ay gi(e hi or not%H
=olue 3 ) <<1 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 440:
Darrated 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair and Said bin Al)Musaiyab:
Haki bin Hi-a said# H!Ence" I asked Allah's Apostle !for soething" and he ga(e it to e% Again
I asked and he ga(e !it to e"% Again I asked and he ga(e !it to e"% And then he said# HE HakiI &his
property is like a s$eet fresh fruitL $hoe(er takes it $ithout greediness# he is blessed in it# and $ho)
e(er takes it $ith greediness# he is not blessed in it# and he is like a person $ho eats but is ne(er sat)
isfiedL and the upper !gi(ing" hand is better than the lo$er !recei(ing" hand%H Haki added# HI said to
Allah's Apostle # 'By Hi !Allah" @ho sent you $ith the &ruth# I shall ne(er accept anything fro
anybody after you# till I lea(e this $orld%' H &hen Abu Bakr !during his caliphate" called Haki to gi(e
hi his share fro the $ar booty !like the other copanions of the Prophet "# he refused to accept
anything% &hen 'Uar !during his caliphate" called hi to gi(e hi his share but he refused% En that
'Uar said# HE MuslisI I $ould like you to $itness that I offered Haki his share fro this booty
and he refused to take it%H So Haki ne(er took anything fro anybody after the Prophet till he died%
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 443:
Darrated 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle used to gi(e e soething but I $ould say to hi# H$ould you gi(e it to a poorer
and ore needy one than lJH &he Prophet !p%b%u%h" said to e# H&ake it% If you are gi(en soething
fro this property# $ithout asking for it or ha(ing greed for it take itL and if not gi(en# do not run for
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 44<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar
&he Prophet said# HA an keeps on asking others for soething till he coes on the 8ay of Resur)
rection $ithout any piece of flesh on his face%H &he Prophet added# HEn the 8ay of Resurrection# the
Sun $ill coe near !to# the people" to such an e*tent that the s$eat $ill reach up to the iddle of
the ears# so# $hen all the people are in that state# they $ill ask Ada for help# and then Moses# and
then Muhaad !p%b%u%h" %H &he sub)narrator added HMuhaad $ill intercede $ith Allah to .udge
aongst the people% He $ill proceed on till he $ill hold the ring of the door !of Paradise" and then
Allah $ill e*alt hi to MaCa Mahud !the pri(ilege of intercession# etc%"% And all the people of the
gathering $ill send their praises to Allah%
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 442:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 3 ) <26 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# H&he poor person is not the one $ho asks a orsel or t$o !of eals" fro the
others# but the poor is the one $ho has nothing and is ashaed to beg fro others%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 444:
Darrated Ash)sha'bi:
&he clerk of Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba narrated# HMua$iya $rote to Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba: @rite to
e soething $hich you ha(e heard fro the Prophet !p%b%u%h" %H So Al)Mughira $rote: I heard the
Prophet saying# HAllah has hated for you three things:
0% =ain talks# !useless talk" that you talk too uch or about others%
3% @asting of $ealth !by e*tra(agance"
<% And asking too any Cuestions !in disputed religious atters" or asking others for soething
!e*cept in great need"% !See Hadith Do% 410# =ol% Ill"
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 445:
Darrated Sad !bin Abi @aCCas":
Allah's Apostle distributed soething !fro the resources of Fakat" aongst a group of people
$hile I $as sitting aongst the# but he left a an $ho I considered the best of the lot% So# I $ent
up to Allah's Apostle and asked hi secretly# H@hy ha(e you left that personJ By AllahI I consider
hi a belie(er%H &he Prophet said# HEr erely a Musli !@ho surrender to Allah"%H I reained Cuiet
for a $hile but could not help repeating y Cuestion because of $hat I kne$ about hi% I said# HE
Allah's ApostleI @hy ha(e you left that personJ By AllahI I consider hi a belie(er% H &he Prophet
said# HEr erely a Musli%H I reained Cuiet for a $hile but could not help repeating y Cuestion
because of $hat I kne$ about hi% I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hy ha(e you left that personJ By Al)
lahI I consider hi a belie(er%H &he Prophet said# HEr erely a Musli%H &hen Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h"
said# HI gi(e to a person $hile another is dearer to e# for fear that he ay be thro$n in the Hell)fire
on his face !by renegating fro Isla"%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 44::
Darrated Abu Huraira
Allah's Apostle said# H&he poor person is not the one $ho goes round the people and ask the for a
outhful or t$o !of eals" or a date or t$o but the poor is that $ho has not enough !oney" to sat)
isfy his needs and $hose condition is not kno$n to others# that others ay gi(e hi soething in
charity# and $ho does not beg of people%H
=olue 3 ) <20 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 447:
Darrated Abu Huraira
&he Prophet said# HDo doubt# it is better for a person to take a rope and proceed in the orning to
the ountains and cut the $ood and then sell it# and eat fro this incoe and gi(e als fro it than
to ask others for soething%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 441:
Darrated Abu Huaid As)Sa'idi
@e took part in the holy battle of &abuk in the copany of the Prophet and $hen $e arri(ed at
the @adi)al),ura# there $as a $oan in her garden% &he Prophet asked his copanions to estiate
the aount of the fruits in the garden# and Allah's Apostle estiated it at ten A$suC !Ene @asaC M
56 Sa's" and 0 Sa'M < kg% appro*iately"% &he Prophet said to that lady# H9heck $hat your garden $ill
yield%H @hen $e reached &abuk# the Prophet said# H&here $ill be a strong $ind to)night and so no
one should stand and $hoe(er has a cael# should fasten it%H So $e fastened our caels% A strong
$ind ble$ at night and a an stood up and he $as blo$n a$ay to a ountain called &aiy# &he King
of Aila sent a $hite ule and a sheet for $earing to the Prophet as a present# and $rote to the
Prophet that his people $ould stay in their place !and $ill pay /i-ya ta*ation%" !0" @hen the Prophet
reached @adi)al),ura he asked that $oan ho$ uch her garden had yielded% She said# H&en
A$suC#H and that $as $hat Allah's Apostle had estiated% &hen the Prophet said# HI $ant to reach
Medina Cuickly# and $hoe(er aong you $ants to accopany e# should hurry up%H &he sub)nar)
rator Ibn Bakkar said soething $hich eant: @hen the Prophet !p%b%u%h" sa$ Medina he said# H&his
is &aba%H And $hen he sa$ the ountain of Uhud# he said# H&his ountain lo(es us and $e lo(e it%
Shall I tell you of the best aongst the AnsarJH &hey replied in the affirati(e% He said# H&he faily of
Bani)n) and then the faily of Bani Sa'ida or Bani Al)Harith bin Al)Kha-ra.% !&he abo(e)
entioned are the best" but there is goodness in all the failies of Ansar%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 456:
Darrated Sali bin 'Abdullah fro his father:
&he Prophet said# HEn a land irrigated by rain $ater or by natural $ater channels or if the land is
$et due to a near by $ater channel Ushr !i%e% one)tenth" is copulsory !as Fakat"L and on the land
irrigated by the $ell# half of an Ushr !i%e% one)t$entieth" is copulsory !as Fakat on the yield of the
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 450:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
=olue 3 ) <23 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# H&here is no Fakat on less than fi(e A$suC !of dates"# or on less than fi(e caels#
or on less than fi(e A$aC of sil(er%H !33 Kaeni Riyals Baransa"%
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 453:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
8ates used to be brought to Allah's Apostle iediately after being plucked% 8ifferent persons
$ould bring their dates till a big heap collected !in front of the Prophet"% Ence Al)Hasan and Al)Hu)
sain $ere playing $ith these dates% Ene of the took a date and put it in his outh% Allah's Apostle
looked at hi and took it out fro his outh and said# H8on't you kno$ that Muhaad's offspring
do not eat $hat is gi(en in charityJH
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 45<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet had forbidden the sale of dates till they $ere good !ripe"# and $hen it $as asked $hat
it eant# the Prophet said# H&ill there is no danger of blight%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 452:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet had forbidden the sale of fruits till they $ere ripe !free fro blight"%
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 454:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle forbade the selling of fruits until they $ere ripe% &he Prophet !p%b%u%h" added# HIt
eans that they becoe red %H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 455:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Uar bin Al)Khattab ga(e a horse in charity in Allah's 9ause and later he sa$ it being sold in the
arket and intended to purchase it% &hen he $ent to the Prophet and asked his perission% &he
Prophet said# H8o not take back $hat you ha(e gi(en in charity%H Bor this reason# Ibn 'Uar ne(er
purchased the things $hich he had gi(en in charity# and in case he had purchased soething !un)
kno$ingly" he $ould gi(e it in charity again%
=olue 3 ) <2< ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 45::
Darrated 'Uar:
Ence I ga(e a horse in Allah's 9ause !in charity" but that person did not take care of it% I intended
to buy it# as I thought he $ould sell it at a lo$ price% So# I asked the Prophet !p%b%u%h" about it% He said#
HDeither buy# nor take back your als $hich you ha(e gi(en# e(en if the seller $ere $illing to sell it
for one 8irha# for he $ho takes back his als is like the one $ho s$allo$s his o$n (oit%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 457:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Al)Hasan bin 'Ali took a date fro the dates gi(en in charity and put it in his outh% &he Prophet
said# H+*pel it fro your outh% 8on't you kno$ that $e do not eat a thing $hich is gi(en in
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 451:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet sa$ a dead sheep $hich had been gi(en in charity to a freed sla(egirl of Maiuna#
the $ife of the Prophet % &he Prophet said# H@hy don't you get the benefit of its hideJH &hey said# HIt is
dead%H He replied# HEnly to eat !its eat" is illegal%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4:6:
Darrated Al)As$ad:
'Aisha intended to buy Barira !a sla(e)girl" in order to anuit her and her asters intended to
put the condition that her Al)$ala $ould be for the% 'Aisha entioned that to the Prophet $ho said
to her# HBuy her# as the H@alaH is for the anuitted%H Ence soe eat $as presented to the Prophet
and 'Aisha said to hi# H&his !eat" $as gi(en in charity to Barira%H He said# HIt is an ob.ect of charity
for Barira but a gift for us%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4:0:
Darrated U 'Atiyya Al)Ansariya:
&he Prophet $ent to 'Aisha and asked her $hether she had soething !to eat"% She replied that she
had nothing e*cept the utton !piece" $hich Dusaiba !U 'Atiyya" had sent to us !Buraira" in char)
ity%H &he Prophet said# HIt has reached its place and no$ it is not a thing of charity but a gift for us%H
=olue 3 ) <22 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4:3:
Darrated Anas:
Soe eat $as presented to the Prophet !p%b%u%h" and it had been gi(en to Barira !the freed sla(e)
girl of Aisha" in charity% He said# H&his eat is a thing of charity for Barira but it is a gift for us%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4:<:
Darrated Abu Ma'bad#:
!the sla(e of Ibn Abbas" Allah's Apostle said to Muadh $hen he sent hi to Keen# HKou $ill go to
the people of the Scripture% So# $hen you reach there# in(ite the to testify that none has the right to
be $orshipped but Allah# and that Muhaad is His Apostle% And if they obey you in that# tell the
that Allah has en.oined on the fi(e prayers in each day and night% And if they obey you in that tell
the that Allah has ade it obligatory on the to pay the Fakat $hich $ill be taken fro the rich
aong the and gi(en to the poor aong the% If they obey you in that# then a(oid taking the best
of their possessions# and be afraid of the curse of an oppressed person because there is no screen
bet$een his in(ocation and Allah%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4:2i:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abu Aufa:
@hene(er a person cae to the Prophet $ith his als# the Prophet $ould say# HE AllahI Send your
Blessings upon so and so%H My father $ent to the Prophet $ith his als and the Prophet said# HE Al)
lahI Send your blessings upon the offspring of Abu Aufa%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4:2f:
Darrated Abu Huraira
&he Prophet said# HA an fro Bani Israel asked soeone fro Bani Israel to gi(e hi a loan of
one thousand 8inars and the later ga(e it to hi% &he debtor $ent on a (oyage !$hen the tie for
the payent of the debt becae due" but he did not find a boat# so he took a piece of $ood and bored
it and put 0666 diners in it and thre$ it into the sea% &he creditor $ent out and took the piece of
$ood to his faily to be used as fire)$ood%H !See Hadith Do% 277 B# =ol% <"% And the Prophet narrated
the narration !and said"# H@hen he sa$ed the $ood# he found his oney%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4:4:
Darrated Abu Huraira
=olue 3 ) <24 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# H&here is no copensation for one killed or $ounded by an anial or by fall)
ing in a $ell# or because of $orking in inesL but Khuus is copulsory on Rika-%H
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4:5:
Darrated Abu Huaid Al)Sa'idi:
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" appointed a an called Ibn Al);utbiya# fro the tribe of Al)Asd to collect
Fakat fro Bani Sulai% @hen he returned# !after collecting the Fakat" the Prophet checked the ac)
count $ith hi%
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4:::
Darrated Anas:
Soe people fro 'Uraina tribe cae to Medina and its cliate did not suit the# so Allah's
Apostle !p%b%u%h" allo$ed the to go to the herd of caels !gi(en as Fakat" and they drank their ilk
and urine !as edicine" but they killed the shepherd and dro(e a$ay all the caels% So Allah's
Apostle sent !en" in their pursuit to catch the# and they $ere brought# and he had their hands
and feet cut# and their eyes $ere branded $ith heated pieces of iron and they $ere left in the Harra
!a stony place at Medina" biting the stones% !See Hadith Do% 3<2# =ol% 0"
=olue 3# Book 32# Duber 4:7:
Darrated Anas bin Malik
took 'Abdullah bin Abu &alha to Allah's Apostle to perfor &ahnik for hi% !&ahnik $as a custo
aong the Muslis that $hene(er a child $as born they used to take it to the Prophet $ho $ould
che$ a piece of date and put a part of its .uice in the child's outh"% I sa$ the Prophet and he had an
instruent for branding in his hands and $as branding the caels of Fakat%
Book 34: Ebligatory 9harity &a* After Raa)
daan !Fakat ul Bitr"
=olue 3# Book 34# Duber 4:1:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
Allah's Apostle en.oined the payent of one Sa' of dates or one Sa' of barley as Fakat)ul)Bitr on
e(ery Musli sla(e or free# ale or feale# young or old# and he ordered that it be paid before the
people $ent out to offer the 'Id prayer% !Ene Sa' M < Kilogras appro*%"
=olue 3 ) <25 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 34# Duber 476:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle ade it incubent on all the sla(e or free Muslis# ale or feale# to pay one Sa'
of dates or barley as Fakat)ul)Bitr%
=olue 3# Book 34# Duber 470:
Darrated Abu Said:
@e used to gi(e one Sa' of barley as SadaCatul)Bitr !per head"%
=olue 3# Book 34# Duber 473:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
@e used to gi(e one Sa' of eal or one Sa' of barley or one Sa' of dates# or one Sa' of cottage cheese
or one Sa' of Raisins !dried grapes" as Fakat)ul)Bitr%
=olue 3# Book 34# Duber 47<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar
&he Prophet ordered !Muslis" to gi(e one Sa' of dates or one Sa' of barley as Fakat)ul)Bitr% &he
people re$arded t$o Mudds of $heat as eCual to that%
=olue 3# Book 34# Duber 472:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
In the life)tie of the Prophet $e used to gi(e one Sa' of food or one Sa' of dates or one Sa' of bar)
ley or one Sa' of Raisins !dried grapes" as SadaCat)ul)Bitr% And $hen Mua$iya becae the 9aliph
and the $heat $as !a(ailable in abundance" he said# HI think !obser(e" that one Mudd !of $heat"
eCuals t$o Mudds !of any of the abo(e entioned things"%
=olue 3# Book 34# Duber 474:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet ordered the people to pay Fakat)ul)Bitr before going to the 'Id prayer%
=olue 3# Book 34# Duber 475:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
=olue 3 ) <2: ? 0:66
In the life)tie of Allah's Apostle # $e used to gi(e one Sa' of food !edible things" as SadaCat)ul)
Bit#r !to the poor"% Eur food used to be either of barley# raisins !dried grapes"# cottage cheese or dates%
=olue 3# Book 34# Duber 47::
Darrated Dafi':
Ibn 'Uar said# H&he Prophet ade incubent on e(ery ale or feale# free an or sla(e# the
payent of one Sa' of dates or barley as SadaCat)ul)Bitr !or said SadaCa)Raadan"%H &he people then
substituted half Sa' of $heat for that% Ibn 'Uar used to gi(e dates !as SadaCat)ulBitr"% Ence there
$as scarcity of dates in Medina and Ibn 'Uar ga(e barley% 'And Ibn 'Uar used to gi(e SadaCat)ul)
Bitr for e(ery young and old person% He e(en used to gi(e on behalf of y children% Ibn 'Uar used
to gi(e SadaCatul)Bitr to those $ho had been officially appointed for its collection% People used to
gi(e SadaCat)ul)Bitr !e(en" a day or t$o before the 'Id%
=olue 3# Book 34# Duber 477:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle has ade SadaCatul)Bitr obligatory# !and it $as"# either one Sa' of barley or one Sa'
of dates !and its payent $as obligatory" on young and old people# and on free en as $ell as on
=olue 3 ) <27 ? 0:66
Book 35: Pilgriage !Ha.."
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 471:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abbas:
Al)Badl !his brother" $as riding behind Allah's Apostle and a $oan fro the tribe of Khath'a
cae and Al)Badl started looking at her and she started looking at hi% &he Prophet turned Al)Badl's
face to the other side% &he $oan said# HE Allah's ApostleI &he obligation of Ha.. en.oined by Allah
on His de(otees has becoe due on y father and he is old and $eak# and he cannot sit fir on the
MountL ay I perfor Ha.. on his behalfJH &he Prophet replied# HKes# you ay%H &hat happened dur)
ing the Ha..)al)@ida !of the Prophet "%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 416:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
I sa$ that Allah's Apostle used to ride on his Mount at 8hul Hulaifa and used to start saying# H;ab)
baikH $hen the Mount stood upright%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 410:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
that Allah's Apostle started saying# H;abbaikH fro 8hul)Hulaifa $hen his Mount stood upright
carrying hi %
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 413:
Darrated &huaa bin 'Abdullah bin Anas:
Anas perfored the Ha.. on a pack)saddle and he $as not a iser% Anas said# HAllah's Apostle per)
fored Ha.. on a pack)saddle and the sae Mount $as carrying his baggage too%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 41<:
Darrated Al),asi bin Muhaad:
'Aisha said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou perfored 'Ura but I did not%H He said# HE 'Abdur)RahanI
Ao along $ith your sister and let her perfor 'Ura fro &an'i%H 'Abdur)Rahan ade her ride
o(er the pack)saddle of a she)cael and she perfored 'Ura%
=olue 3 ) <21 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 412:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet $as asked# H@hich is the best deedJH He said# H&o belie(e in Allah and His Apostle%H He
$as then asked# H@hich is the ne*t !in goodness"JH He said# H&o participate in /ihad in Allah's 9ause%H
He $as then asked# H@hich is the ne*tJH He said# H&o perfor Ha..)Mabrur% H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 414:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the other of the faithful belie(ers" I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e consider /ihad as the best deed%H
&he Prophet said# H&he best /ihad !for $oen" is Ha.. Mabrur% H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 415:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" said# H@hoe(er perfors Ha.. for Allah's pleasure and does not ha(e se*ual
relations $ith his $ife# and does not do e(il or sins then he $ill return !after Ha.. free fro all sins"
as if he $ere born ane$%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 41::
Darrated Faid bin /ubair:
I $ent to (isit 'Abdullah bin 'Uar at his house $hich contained any tents ade of cotton cloth
and these $ere encircled $ith Suradik !part of the tent"% I asked hi fro $here# should one assue
Ihra for Ura% He said# HAllah's Apostle had fi*ed as MiCat !singular of Ma$aCit" ,arn for the
people of Da.d# 8hul)Hulaifa for the people of Medina# and Al)/uhfa for the people of Sha%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 417:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he people of Keen used to coe for Ha.. and used not to bring enough pro(isions $ith the
and used to say that they depend on Allah% En their arri(al in Medina they used to beg the people#
and so Allah re(ealed# HAnd take a pro(ision !$ith you" for the .ourney# but the best pro(ision is the
fear of Allah%H !3%01:"%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 411:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
=olue 3 ) <46 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" ade 8hul)Huiaifa as the MiCat for the people of MedinaL Al)/uhfa for
the people of ShaL ,arn)al)Mana-il for the people of Da.dL and Kalala for the people of KeenL
and these Ma$aCit are for the people at those (ery places# and besides the for those $ho coe
thorough those places $ith the intention of perforing Ha.. and 'UraL and $hoe(er is li(ing $ithin
these boundaries can assue lhra fro the place he starts# and the people of Mecca can assue
Ihra fro Mecca%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 566:
Darrated Dafi':
'Abdullah bin 'Uar said# HAllah's Apostle said# '&he people of Medina should assue lhra fro
8hul)HulaifaL the people of Sha fro Al)/uhfaL and the people of Da.d fro ,arn%H And 'Abdullah
added# HI $as infored that Allah's Apostle had said# '&he people of Keen should assue Ihra
fro Kalala%' H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 560:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle had fi*ed 8hul Hulaifa as the MlCat for the people of MedinaL Al)/uhfa for the
people of ShaL and ,arn Ul)Mana-il for the people of Da.dL and Kalala for the people of Ke)
en% So# these !abo(e entioned" are the Ma$aCit for all those li(ing at those places# and besides
the for those $ho coe through those places $ith the intention of perforing Ha.. and 'Ura and
$hoe(er li(es $ithin these places should assue Ihra fro his d$elling place# and siilarly the
people of Mecca can assue lhra fro Mecca%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 563:
Darrated Sali fro his father $ho said#:
H&he Prophet had fi*ed the Ma$aCit as follo$s: !Do% 56<"
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 56<:
Darrated Sali bin 'Abdullah fro his father:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H&he MiCat for the people of Medina is 8hul)HulaifaL for the people
of Sha is MahitaL !i%e% Al)/uhfa"L and for the people of Da.d is ,arn% And said Ibn 'Uar# H&hey
clai# but I did not hear personally# that the Prophet said# H&he MiCat for the people of Keen is
=olue 3 ) <40 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 562:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet fi*ed 8hul)Hulaifa as the MiCat for the people of Medina# Al)/uhfa# for the people of
Sha# Kalala for the people of Keen# and ,arn for the people of Da.d% And these Ma$aClt are
for those li(ing at those (ery places# and besides the for those $ho coe through those places $ith
the intention of perforing Ha.. and UraL and $hoe(er is li(ing inside these places can assue
lhra fro his o$n d$elling place# and the people of Mecca can assue lhra fro Mecca%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 564:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" fi*ed 8hul)Hulaifa as the MiCat for the people of Medina# Al)/uhfa for the
people of Sha# ,arn)ul)Mana-il for the people of Da.d# and Kalala for the people of KeenL
and these Ma$aCit are for those li(ing at those (ery places# and besides the for those $ho coe
through the $ith the intention of perforing Ha.. and UraL and $hoe(er is li(ing $ithin these
Ma$aCit should assue lhra fro $here he starts# and the people of Mecca can assue Ihra
fro Mecca%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 565:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
@hen these t$o to$ns !Basra and Kufa" $ere captured# the people $ent to 'Uar and said# HE the
9hief of the faithful belie(ersI &he Prophet fi*ed ,arn as the MiCat for the people of Da.d# it is bey)
ond our $ay and it is difficult for us to pass through it%H He said# H&ake as your MiCat a place situated
opposite to ,arn on your usual $ay% So# he fi*ed 8hatu)IrC !as their MiCat"%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 56::
Darrated Dafi:
'Abdullah bin 'Uar' said# HAllah's Apostle ade his cael sit !i%e% he disounted" at Al)Batha' in
8hul)Hulaifa and offered the prayer%H 'Abdullah bin 'Uar used to do the sae%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 567:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle used to go !for Ha.." (ia Ash)Sha.ara $ay and return (ia Muarras $ayL and no
doubt# $hene(er Allah's Apostle $ent to Mecca# he used to offer the prayer in the MosCue of Ash)
=olue 3 ) <43 ? 0:66
Sha.araL and on his return# he used to offer the prayer at 8hul)Hulaifa in the iddle of the (alley#
and pass the night there till orning%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 561:
Darrated 'Uar:
In the (alley of Al)'ACiC I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H&o night a essenger cae to e fro y
;ord and asked e to pray in this blessed (alley and to assue Ihra for Ha.. and 'Ura together% H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 506:
Darrated Musa bin 'UCba:
Sali bin 'Abdullah's father said# H&he Prophet said that $hile resting in the botto of the (alley at
Mu'arras in 8hul)Hulaifa# he had been addressed in a drea: 'Kou are (erily in a blessed (alley%' H
Sali ade us to disount fro our caels at the place $here 'Abdullah used to disount# aiing
at the place $here Allah's Apostle had rested and it $as belo$ the MosCue situated in the iddle of
the (alley in bet$een the !the residence" and the road%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 500:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
Ibn 'Uar used to oil his hair% I told that to Ibrahi $ho said# H@hat do you think about this state)
ent: Darrated As$ad fro 'Aisha: As if I $ere no$ obser(ing the glitter of the scent in the parting
of the hair of the Prophet $hile he $as MuhriJH
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 503:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet !p%b%u%h" I used to scent Allah's Apostle $hen he $anted to assue Ihra
and also on finishing Ihra before the &a$af round the Ka'ba !&a$af)al)ifada"%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 50<:
Darrated Sali fro his father:
I heard that Allah's Apostle assued Ihra $ith his hair atted together%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 502:
Darrated Sali bin 'Abdullah:
=olue 3 ) <4< ? 0:66
I heard y father saying# HDe(er did Allah's Apostle assue Ihra e*cept at the MosCue# that is# at
the MosCue of 8hul)Hulaifa%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 504:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
A an asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat kind of clothes should a Muhri $earJH Allah's Apostle
replied# HHe should not $ear a shirt# a turban# trousers# a headcloak or leather socks e*cept if he can
find no slippers# he then ay $ear leather socks after cutting off $hat ight co(er the ankles% And
he should not $ear clothes $hich are scented $ith saffron or @ars !kinds of Perfues" % H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 505:
Darrated 'Ubaidullah bin 'Abdullah:
Ibn Abbas' said# HUsaa rode behind Allah's Apostle fro 'Arafat to Al)Mu-dalifaL and then Al)
Badl rode behind Allah's Apostle fro Al)Mu-dalifa to Mina%H Ibn Abbas added# HBoth of the said#
'&he Prophet kept on reciting &albiya till he did the Rai of /arat)al)'ACaba%' H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 50::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abbas:
&he Prophet $ith his copanions started fro Medina after cobing and oiling his hair and put)
ting on t$o sheets of lhra !upper body co(er and $aist co(er"% He did not forbid anyone to $ear
any kind of sheets e*cept the ones colored $ith saffron because they ay lea(e the scent on the skin%
And so in the early orning# the Prophet ounted his Mount $hile in 8hul)Hulaifa and set out till
they reached Baida'# $here he and his copanions recited &albiya# and then they did the cereony
of &aClid !$hich eans to put the colored garlands around the necks of the Budn !caels for sacri)
fice"% And all that happened on the 34th of 8hul),a'da% And $hen he reached Mecca on the 2th of
8hul)Hi..a he perfored the &a$af round the Ka'ba and perfored the &a$af bet$een Safa and
Mar$a% And as he had a Badana and had garlanded it# he did not finish his Ihra% He proceeded to)
$ards the highest places of Mecca near Al)Hu.un and he $as assuing the Ihra for Ha.. and did
not go near the Ka'ba after he perfored &a$af !round it" till he returned fro 'Arafat% &hen he
ordered his copanions to perfor the &a$af round the Ka'ba and then the &a$af of Safa and Mar)
$a# and to cut short the hair of their heads and to finish their Ihra% And that $as only for those
people $ho had not garlanded Budn% &hose $ho had their $i(es $ith the $ere peritted to con)
tact the !ha(e se*ual intercourse"# and siilarly perfue and !ordinary" clothes $ere perissible
for the%
=olue 3 ) <42 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 507:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet offered four Rakat in Medina and then t$o Rakat at 8hulI lulaifa and then passed the
night at 8hul)Hulaifa till it $as orning and $hen he ounted his Mount and it stood up# he star)
ted to recite &albiya%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 501:
Darrated Abu ,ilaba:
Anas bin Malik said# H&he Prophet offered four Rakat of the Fuhr prayer in Medina and t$o Rakat
of 'Asr prayer at 8hul)Hulaifa%H I think that the Prophet passed the night there till orning%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 536:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet offered four Rakat of the Fuhr prayer in Medina and t$o Rakat of the 'Asr prayer in
8hul)Hulaifa and I heard the !the copanions of the Prophet" reciting &albiya together loudly to
the e*tent of shouting%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 530:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he &albiya of Allah's Apostle $as: ';abbaika Allahua labbaik# ;abbaika la sharika ;aka lab)
baik# Inna)l)hada $an)ni'ata ;aka $alu ;k# ;a sharika ;aka' !I respond to Kour call E Allah# I
respond to Kour call# and I a obedient to Kour orders# Kou ha(e no partner# I respond to Kour call
All the praises and blessings are for Kou# All the so(ereignty is for Kou# And Kou ha(e no partners
$ith you%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 533:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I kno$ ho$ the Prophet used to say !&albiya" and it $as: ';abbaika Allahua ;abbaik# ;abbaika
la sharika ;aka labbaik# Inna)l)hada $an)ni'ata ;aka $alu ;k# ;a sharika ;aka'%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 53<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
=olue 3 ) <44 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle offered four Rakat of Fuhr prayer at Medina and $e $ere in his copany# and t$o
Rakat of the Asr prayer at 8hul)Hulaifa and then passed the night there till it $as da$nL then he
rode# and $hen he reached Al)Baida'# he praised and glorified Allah and said &akbir !i%e% Alhadu)
lillah and Subhanallah!0" and Allahu)Akbar"% &hen he and the people along $ith hi recited &albiya
$ith the intention of perforing Ha.. and Ura% @hen $e reached !Mecca" he ordered us to finish
the lhra !after perforing the Ura" !only those $ho had no Hadi !anial for sacrifice" $ith the
$ere asked to do so" till the day of &ar$iya that is 7th 8hul)Hi..a $hen they assued Ihra for Ha..%
&he Prophet sacrificed any caels !slaughtering the" $ith his o$n hands $hile standing% @hile
Allah's Apostle $as in Medina he sacrificed t$o horned ras black and $hite in color in the Dae
of Allah%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 532:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" recited &albiya $hen he had ounted his Mount and $as ready to set out%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 534:
Darrated Dafi':
@hene(er Ibn 'Uar intended to go to Mecca he used to oil hiself $ith a sort of oil that had no
pleasant sell# then he $ould go to the MosCue of Al)Hulaita and offer the prayer# and then ride%
@hen he ounted $ell on his Mount and the Mount stood up straight# he $ould proclai the in)
tention of assuing Ihra# and he used to say that he had seen the Prophet doing the sae%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 535:
Darrated Mu.ahid:
I $as in the copany of Ibn Abbas and the people talked about Ad) and said# HAd) $ill
coe $ith the $ord Kafir !non)belie(er" $ritten in bet$een his eyes%H En that Ibn Abbas said# HI
ha(e not heard this fro the Prophet but I heard hi saying# 'As if I sa$ Moses .ust no$ entering the
(alley reciting &albyia% ' H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 53::
Darrated Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet !p%b%u%h" @e set out $ith the Prophet in his last Ha.. and $e assued
Ihra for Ura% &he Prophet then said# H@hoe(er has the Hadi $ith hi should assue Ihra for
Ha.. along $ith 'Ura and should not finish the Ihra till he finishes both%H I $as enstruating
$hen I reached Mecca# and so I neither did &a$af round the Ka'ba nor &a$af bet$een Safa and
=olue 3 ) <45 ? 0:66
Mar$a% I coplained about that to the Prophet on $hich he replied# HUndo and cob your head
hair# and assue Ihra for Ha.. !only" and lea(e the Ura%H So# I did so% @hen $e had perfored
the Ha..# the Prophet sent e $ith y brother 'Abdur)Rahan bin Abu Bakr to &an'i% So I per)
fored the 'Ura% &he Prophet said to e# H&his 'Ura is instead of your issed one%H &hose $ho had
assued Ihra for 'Ura !Ha..)at&aattu" perfored &a$af round the Ka'ba and bet$een Safa and
Mar$a and then finished their Ihra% After returning fro Mina# they perfored another &a$af
!bet$een Safa and Mar$a"% &hose $ho had assued Ihra for Ha.. and 'Ura together !Ha..)al)
,iran" perfored only one &a$af !bet$een Safa and Mar$a"%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 537:
Darrated Ata:
/abir said# H&he Prophet ordered Ali to keep on assuing his Ihra%H &he narrator then infored
about the narration of SuraCa%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 531:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ali cae to the Prophet !p%b%u%h" fro Keen !to Mecca"% &he Prophet asked Ali# H@ith $hat in)
tention ha(e you assued IhraJH Ali replied# HI ha(e assued Ihra $ith the sae intention as that
of the Prophet%H &he Prophet said# HIf I had not the Hadi $ith e I $ould ha(e finished the Ihra%H
Muhaad bin Bakr narrated e*tra fro Ibn /urai.# H&he Prophet said to Ali# H@ith $hat intention
ha(e you assued the Ihra# E AliJH He replied# H@ith the sae !intention" as that of the Prophet%H
&he Prophet said# HHa(e a Hadi and keep your Ihra as it is%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5<6:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet sent e to soe people in Keen and $hen I returned# I found hi at Al)Batha% He
asked e# H@ith $hat intention ha(e you assued Ihra !i%e% for Ha.. or for Ura or for bothJH" I
replied# HI ha(e assued Ihra $ith an intention like that of the Prophet%H He asked# HHa(e you a
Hadi $ith youJH I replied in the negati(e% He ordered e to perfor &a$af round the Ka'ba and
bet$een Safa and Mar$a and then to finish y Ihra% I did so and $ent to a $oan fro y tribe
$ho cobed y hair or $ashed y head% &hen# $hen Uar cae !i%e% becae 9aliph" he said# HIf
$e follo$ Allah's Book# it orders us to coplete Ha.. and UraL as Allah says: HPerfor the Ha.. and
Ura for Allah%H !3%015"% And if $e follo$ the tradition of the Prophet $ho did not finish his Ihra
till he sacrificed his Hadi%H
=olue 3 ) <4: ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5<0:
Darrated Al),asi bin Muhaad:
' Aisha said# H@e set out $ith Allah's Apostles in the onths of Ha..# and !in" the nights of Ha..# and
at the tie and places of Ha.. and in a state of Ha..% @e disounted at Sarif !a (illage si* iles fro
Mecca"% &he Prophet then addressed his copanions and said# HAnyone $ho has not got the Hadi and
likes to do Ura instead of Ha.. ay do so !i%e% Ha..)al)&aattu" and anyone $ho has got the Hadi
should not finish the Ihra after perforing ' Ura"% !i%e% Ha..)al),iran"% Aisha added# H&he co)
panions of the Prophet obeyed the abo(e !order" and soe of the !i%e% $ho did not ha(e Hadi" fin)
ished their Ihra after Ura%H Allah's Apostle and soe of his copanions $ere resourceful and had
the Hadi $ith the# they could not perfor Ura !alone" !but had to perfor both Ha.. and Ura
$ith one Ihra"% Aisha added# HAllah's Apostle cae to e and sa$ e $eeping and said# H@hat
akes you $eep# E HantahJH I replied# HI ha(e heard your con(ersation $ith your copanions and I
cannot perfor the Ura%H He asked# H@hat is $rong $ith youJ' I replied# ' I do not offer the prayers
!i%e% I ha(e y enses"%' He said# ' It $ill not har you for you are one of the daughters of Ada# and
Allah has $ritten for you !this state" as He has $ritten it for the% Keep on $ith your intentions for
Ha.. and Allah ay re$ard you that%H Aisha further added# H&hen $e proceeded for Ha.. till $e
reached Mina and I becae clean fro y enses% &hen I $ent out fro Mina and perfored
&a$af round the Ka'ba%H Aisha added# HI $ent along $ith the Prophet in his final departure !fro
Ha.." till he disounted at Al)Muhassab !a (alley outside Mecca"# and $e too# disounted $ith hi%H
He called ' Abdur)Rahan bin Abu Bakr and said to hi# ' &ake your sister outside the sanctuary of
Mecca and let her assue Ihra for ' Ura# and $hen you had finished ' Ura# return to this place
and I $ill $ait for you both till you both return to e%' H ' Aisha added# ' ' So $e $ent out of the sanc)
tuary of Mecca and after finishing fro the ' Ura and the &a$af $e returned to the Prophet at
da$n% He said# 'Ha(e you perfored the ' UraJ' @e replied in the affirati(e% So he announced the
departure aongst his copanions and the people set out for the .ourney# and the Prophet: too left
for Medina%''
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5<3:
Darrated Al)As$ad:
' Aisha said# @e $ent out $ith the Prophet !fro Medina" $ith the intention of perforing Ha..
only and $hen $e reached Mecca $e perfored &a$af round the Kaba and then the Prophet
ordered those $ho had not dri(en the Hadi along $ith the to finish their Ihra% So the people $ho
had not dri(en the Hadi along $ith the finished their Ihra% &he Prophet's $i(es# too# had not
dri(en the Hadi $ith the# so they too# finished their Ihra%H 'Aisha added# HI got y enses and
could not perfor &a$af round the Ka'ba%H So $hen it $as the night of Hasba !i%e% $hen $e stopped
at Al)Muhassab"# I said# 'E Allah's ApostleI +(eryone is returning after perforing Ha.. and 'Ura
but I a returning after perforing Ha.. only%' He said# '8idn't you perfor &a$af round the Ka'ba
=olue 3 ) <47 ? 0:66
the night $e reached MeccaJ' I replied in the negati(e% He said# 'Ao $ith your brother to &an'i and
assue the Ihra for'Ura# !and after perforing it" coe back to such and such a place%' En that
Safiya said# 'I feel that I $ill detain you all%' &he Prophet said# 'E 'ACra HalCaI 8idn't you perfor
&a$af of the Ka'ba on the day of sacrificeJ !i%e% &a$af)al)ifada" Safiya replied in the affirati(e% He
said# !to Safiya"% '&here is no har for you to proceed on $ith us%' H 'Aisha added# H!after returning
fro 'Ura"# the Prophet et e $hile he $as ascending !fro Mecca" and I $as descending to it#
or I $as ascending and he $as descending%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5<<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@e set out $ith Allah's Apostles !to Mecca" in the year of the Prophet's ;ast Ha..% Soe of us had
assued Ihra for 'Ura only# soe for both Ha.. and 'Ura# and others for Ha.. only% Allah's
Apostle assued Ihra for Ha..% So $hoe(er had assued Ihra for Ha.. or for both Ha.. and 'Ura
did not finish the Ihra till the day of sacrifice% !See Hadith Do% 5<0# 5<5# and 5<1"%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5<2:
Darrated Mar$an bin Al)Haka:
I sa$ 'Uthan and 'Ali% 'Uthan used to forbid people to perfor Ha..)at)&aattu' and Ha..)al)
,iran !Ha.. and 'Ura together"# and $hen 'Ali sa$ !this act of 'Uthan"# he assued Ihra for Ha..
and 'Ura together saying# H;ubbaik for 'Ura and Ha..#H and said# HI $ill not lea(e the tradition of
the Prophet on the saying of soebody%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5<4:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he people !of the Pre)lslaic Period" used to think that to perfor 'Ura during the onths of
Ha.. $as one of the a.or sins on earth% And also used to consider the onth of Safar as a forbidden
!i%e% sacred" onth and they used to say# H@hen the $ounds of the cael's back heal up !after they
return fro Ha.." and the signs of those $ounds (anish and the onth of Safar passes a$ay then !at
that tie" 'Ura is perissible for the one $ho $ishes to perfor it%H In the orning of the 2th of
8hul)Hi..a# the Prophet and his copanions reached Mecca# assuing Ihra for Ha.. and he
ordered his copanions to ake their intentions of the Ihra for'Ura only !instead of Ha.." so they
considered his order as soething great and $ere pu--led# and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat kind
!of finishing" of Ihra is allo$edJH &he Prophet replied# HBinish the Ihra copletely like a non)
Muhri !you are allo$ed e(erything"%H
=olue 3 ) <41 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5<5:
Darrated Abu Musa:
cae to the Prophet !fro Keen and $as assuing Ihra for Ha.." and he ordered e to finish
the Ihra !after perforing the 'Ura"%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5<::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Hafsa the $ife of the Prophet said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hy ha(e the people finished their Ihra
after perforing 'Ura but you ha(e not finished your Ihra after perforing 'UraJH He replied# HI
ha(e atted y hair and garlanded y Hadi% So I $ill not finish y Ihra till I ha(e slaughtered
!y Hadi"% H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5<7:
Darrated Shu'ba:
Abu /ara Dasr bin 'Iran Ad)8uba'i said# HI intended to perfor Ha..)at)&aattu' and the
people ad(ised e not to do so% I asked Ibn Abbas regarding it and he ordered e to perfor Ha..)
at)&aatu'% ;ater I sa$ in a drea soeone saying to e# 'Ha..)Mabrur !Ha.. perfored in ac)
cordance $ith the Prophet's tradition $ithout coitting sins and accepted by Allah" and an accep)
ted 'Ura%' So I told that drea to Ibn Abbas% He said# '&his is the tradition of Abu)l),asi%' &hen he
said to e# 'Stay $ith e and I shall gi(e you a portion of y property%' H I !Shu'ba" asked# H@hy !did
he in(ite you"JH He !Abu /ara" said# HBecause of the drea $hich I had seen%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5<1:
Darrated Abu Shihab:
I left for Mecca for Ha..)at)&aattu' assuing Ihra for 'Ura% I reached Mecca three days be)
fore the day of &ar$iya !7th 8hul)Hi..a"% Soe people of Mecca said to e# HKour Ha.. $ill be like
the Ha.. perfored by the people of Mecca !i%e% you $ill lose the superiority of assuing Ihra fro
the MiCat"% So I $ent to 'Ata' asking hi his (ie$ about it% He said# H/abir bin 'Abdullah narrated to
e# 'I perfored Ha.. $ith Allah's Apostle on the day $hen he dro(e caels $ith hi% &he people
had assued Ihra for Ha..)al)Ifrad% &he Prophet ordered the to finish their Ihra after &a$af
round the Ka'ba# and bet$een Safa and Mar$a and to cut short their hair and then to stay there !in
Mecca" as non)Muhris till the day of &ar$iya !i%e% 7th of 8hul)Hi..a" $hen they $ould assue
Ihra for Ha.. and they $ere ordered to ake the Ihra $ith $hich they had coe as for 'Ura
only% &hey asked# 'Ho$ can $e ake it 'Ura !&aattu'" as $e ha(e intended to perfor Ha..J' &he
Prophet said# '8o $hat I ha(e ordered you% Had I not brought the Hadi $ith e# I $ould ha(e done
=olue 3 ) <56 ? 0:66
the sae# but I cannot finish y Ihra till the Hadi reaches its destination !i%e% is slaughtered"%' So#
they did !$hat he ordered the to do"%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 526:
Darrated Said bin Al)Musaiyab:
'Ali and 'Uthan differed regarding Ha..)at)&aattu' $hile they $ere at 'Usfan !a failiar place
near Mecca"% 'Ali said# HI see you $ant to forbid people to do a thing that the Prophet didJH @hen 'Ali
sa$ that# he assued Ihra for both Ha.. and 'Ura%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 520:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
@e cae $ith Allah's Apostle !to Mecca" and $e $ere saying: ';abbaika Allahua ;abbaik' for
Ha..% Allah's Apostle ordered us to perfor 'Ura $ith that Ihra !instead of Ha.."%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 523:
Darrated 'Iran:
@e perfored Ha..)at)&aattu' in the lifetie of Allah's Apostle and then the ,uran $as re(ealed
!regarding Ha..)at)&aattu'" and soebody said $hat he $ished !regarding Ha..)at)&aattu'" ac)
cording his o$n opinion%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 52<:
Darrated Dafi:
En reaching the sanctuary of Mecca# Ibn 'Uar used to stop# reciting &albiya and then he $ould
pass the night at 8hi)&u$a and then offer the Ba.r prayer and take a bath% He used to say that the
Prophet used to do the sae%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 522:
Darrated Dafi:
' Ibn 'Uar said# H&he Prophet passed the night at 8hi)&u$a till it $as da$n and then he entered
Mecca%H Ibn 'Uar used to do the sae%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 524:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
=olue 3 ) <50 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle used to enter Mecca fro the high &haniya and used to lea(e Mecca fro the lo$
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 525:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle entered Mecca fro Kada' fro the highest &haniya $hich is at Al)Batha' and used
to lea(e Mecca fro the lo$ &haniya%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 52::
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen the Prophet cae to Mecca he entered fro its higher side and left fro its lo$er side%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 527:
Darrated 'Aisha':
In the year of the conCuest of Mecca# the Prophet entered Mecca fro Kada' and left Mecca fro
Kuda# fro the higher part of Mecca%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 521:
Darrated 'Aisha:
In the year of the conCuest of Mecca# the Prophet entered Mecca fro Kada' at the higher place of
Mecca% !Hisha# a sub)narrator said# H 'Ur$a used to enter !Mecca" fro both Kada' and Kuda and
he often entered through Kada' $hich $as nearer to his d$elling place%"H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 546:
Darrated Hisha:
'Ur$a said# H&he Prophet entered Mecca in the year of the conCuest of Mecca fro the side of
Kada' $hich is at the higher part of Mecca%H 'Ur$a often entered fro Kada' $hich $as nearer of the
t$o to his d$elling place%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 540:
Darrated Hisha fro his father:
=olue 3 ) <53 ? 0:66
In the year of the conCuest of Mecca# the Prophet entered Mecca fro the side of Kada% Ur$a used
to enter through both places and he often entered through Kada' $hich $as nearer of the t$o to his
d$elling place%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 543:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
@hen the Ka'ba $as built# the Prophet and Abbas $ent to bring stones !for its construction"% Al
Abbas said to the Prophet# H&ake off your $aist sheet and put it on your neck%H !@hen the Prophet
took it off" he fell on the ground $ith his eyes open to$ards the sky and said# HAi(e e y $aist
sheet%H And he co(ered hiself $ith it%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 54<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" that Allah's Apostle said to her# H8o you kno$ that $hen your people
!,uraish" rebuilt the Ka'ba# they decreased it fro its original foundation laid by AbrahaJH I said#
HE Allah's ApostleI @hy don't you rebuild it on its original foundation laid by AbrahaJH He replied#
H@ere it not for the fact that your people are close to the pre)lslaic Period of ignorance !i%e% they
ha(e recently becoe Muslis" I $ould ha(e done so%H &he sub)narrator# 'Abdullah !bin 'Uar "
stated: 'Aisha 'ust ha(e heard this fro Allah's Apostle for in y opinion Allah's Apostle had not
placed his hand o(er the t$o corners of the Ka'ba opposite Al)Hi.r only because the Ka'ba $as not
rebuilt on its original foundations laid by Abraha%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 542:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I asked the Prophet $hether the round $all !near Ka'ba" $as part of the Ka'ba% &he Prophet replied
in the affirati(e% I further said# H@hat is $rong $ith the# $hy ha(e they not included it in the
building of the Ka'baJH He said# H8on't you see that your people !,uraish" ran short of oney !so they
could not include it inside the building of Ka'ba"JH I asked# H@hat about its gateJ @hy is it so highJH
He replied# HKour people did this so as to adit into it $hoe(er they liked and pre(ent $hoe(er
they liked% @ere your people not close to the Pre)lslaic Period of ignorance !i%e% they ha(e recently
ebraced Isla" and $ere I not afraid that they $ould dislike it# surely I $ould ha(e included the
!area of the" $all inside the building of the Ka'ba and I $ould ha(e lo$ered its gate to the le(el of the
=olue 3 ) <5< ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 544:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said to e# H@ere your people not close to the Pre)lslaic period of ignorance# I
$ould ha(e deolished the Ka'ba and $ould ha(e rebuilt it on its original foundations laid by Abra)
ha !for ,uraish had curtailed its building"# and I $ould ha(e built a back door !too"%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 545:
Darrated Ka-id bin Ruan fro 'Ur$a:
'Aisha said that the Prophet said to her# HE AishaI @ere your nation not close to the Pre)lslaic
Period of Ignorance# I $ould ha(e had the Ka'ba deolished and $ould ha(e included in it the por)
tion $hich had been left# and $ould ha(e ade it at a le(el $ith the ground and $ould ha(e ade
t$o doors for it# one to$ards the east and the other to$ards the $est# and then by doing this it $ould
ha(e been built on the foundations laid by Abraha%H &hat $as $hat urged Ibn)A-)Fubair to deol)
ish the Ka'ba% /a-- said# HI sa$ Ibn)A-)Fubair $hen he deolished and rebuilt the Ka'ba and in)
cluded in it a portion of Al)Hi.r !the unroofed portion of Ka'ba $hich is at present in the for of a
copound to$ards the north)$est of the Ka'ba"% I sa$ the original foundations of Abraha $hich
$ere of stones resebling the hups of caels%H So /arir asked Ka-id# H@here $as the place of those
stonesJH /a-- said# HI $ill .ust no$ sho$ it to you%H So /arir accopanied Ka-id and entered Al)Hi.r#
and /a-- pointed to a place and said# HHere it is%H /arir said# HIt appeared to e about si* cubits fro
Al)Hi.r or so%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 54::
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
En the 8ay of the 9onCuest of Mecca# Allah's Apostle said# HAllah has ade this to$n a sanctuary%
Its thorny bushes should not be cut# its gae should not be chased# and its fallen things should not be
picked up e*cept by one $ho $ould announce it publicly%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 547:
Darrated 'Usaa bin Faid:
I asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @here $ill you stay in MeccaJ @ill you stay in your house in MeccaJH
He replied# HHas 'ACil left any property or houseJH ACil along $ith &alib had inherited the property of
Abu &alib% /afar and Ali did not inherit anything as they $ere Muslis and the other t$o $ere non)
belie(ers% 'Uar bin Al)Khattab used to say# HA belie(er cannot inherit !anything fro an" infidel%H
Ibn Shihab# !a sub)narrator" said# H&hey !Uar and others" deri(ed the abo(e (erdict fro Allah's
Stateent: H=erilyI those $ho belie(ed and +igrated and stro(e $ith their life And property in Al)
=olue 3 ) <52 ? 0:66
lah's 9ause# And those $ho helped !the eigrants" And ga(e the their places to li(e in# &hese are
!all" allies to one another%H !7%:3"
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 541:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hen Allah's Apostle intended to enter Mecca he said# HEur destination toorro$# if Allah $ished#
$ill be Khaif Bani Kinana $here !the pagans" had taken the oath of Kufr%H !Against the Prophet i%e% to
be loyal to heathenis by boycotting Bani Ha shi# the Prophets folk" !See Hadith Do% 330 =ol% 4"
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 556:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
En the 8ay of Dahr at Mina# the Prophet said# H&oorro$ $e shall stay at Khaif Bani Kinana
$here the pagans had taken the oath of Kufr !heathenis"%H He eant !by that place" Al)Muhassab
$here the ,uraish tribe and Bani Kinana concluded a contract against Bani Hashi and Bani 'Ab)
dul)Muttalib or Bani Al)Muttalib that they $ould not interarry $ith the or deal $ith the in
business until they handed o(er the Prophet to the%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 550:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he ProphetLL said# H8hus)Su$aiCa)tain !literally: Ene $ith t$o lean legs" fro +thiopia $ill de)
olish the Ka'ba%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 553:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he people used to fast on 'Ashura !the tenth day of the onth of Muharra" before the fasting of
Raadan $as ade obligatory% And on that day the Ka'ba used to be co(ered $ith a co(er% @hen Al)
lah ade the fasting of the onth of Raadan copulsory# Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er $ishes to
fast !on the day of 'Ashura'" ay do soL and $hoe(er $ishes to lea(e it can do so%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 55<:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said H&he people $ill continue perforing the Ha.. and 'Ura to the Ka'ba e(en after
the appearance of Aog and Magog%H
Darrated Shu'ba e*tra:
=olue 3 ) <54 ? 0:66
&he Hour !8ay of /udgent" $ill not be established till the Ha.. !to the Ka'ba" is abandoned%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 552:
Darrated Abu @ail:
!Ene day" I sat along $ith Shaiba on the chair inside the Ka'ba% He !Shaiba" said# HDo doubt# Uar
sat at this place and said# 'I intended not to lea(e any yello$ !i%e% gold" or $hite !i%e% sil(er" !inside the
Ka'ba" undistributed%' I said !to 'Uar"# 'But your t$o copanions !i%e% &he Prophet and Abu Bakr" did
not do so%' 'Uar said# &hey are the t$o persons $ho I al$ays follo$%' H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 554:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HAs if I $ere looking at hi# a black person $ith thin legs plucking the stones of
the Ka'ba one after another% H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 555:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H8husSu$aiCatain !the thin legged an" fro +thiopia $ill deolish the
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 55::
Darrated 'Abis bin Rabia:
'Uar cae near the Black Stone and kissed it and said HDo doubt# I kno$ that you are a stone and
can neither benefit anyone nor har anyone% Had I not seen Allah's Apostle kissing you I $ould not
ha(e kissed you%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 557:
Darrated Sali that his father said#
HAllah's Apostle# Usaa bin Faid# Bilal# and 'Uthan bin abu &alha entered the Ka'ba and then
closed its door% @hen they opened the door I $as the first person to enter !the Ka'ba"% I et Bilal and
asked hi# H8id Allah's Apostle offer a prayer inside !the Ka'ba"JH Bilal replied in the affirati(e and
said# H!&he Prophet offered the prayer" in bet$een the t$o right pillars%H
=olue 3 ) <55 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 551:
Darrated Dafi':
@hene(er Ibn 'Uar entered the Ka'ba he used to $alk straight keeping the door at his back on
entering# and used to proceed on till about three cubits fro the $all in front of hi# and then he
$ould offer the prayer there aiing at the place $here Allah's Apostle prayed# as Bilal had told hi%
&here is no har for any person to offer the prayer at any place inside the Ka'ba%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5:6:
Darrated Isa'li bin Abu Khalid:
'Abdullah bin Abu Aufa said# HAllah's Apostle perfored the 'Ura% He perfored &a$af of the
Ka'ba and offered t$o Rakat behind the MaCa !Abraha's place" and $as accopanied by those
$ho $ere screening hi fro the people%H Soebody asked 'Abdullah# H8id Allah's Apostle enter the
Ka'baJH 'Abdullah replied in the negati(e%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5:0:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen Allah's Apostle cae to Mecca# he refused to enter the Ka'ba $ith idols in it% He ordered
!idols to be taken out"% So they $ere taken out% &he people took out the pictures of Abraha and Ish)
ael holding A-las in their hands% Allah's Apostle said# HMay Allah curse these people% By Allah#
both Abraha and Ishael ne(er did the gae of chance $ith A-las%H &hen he entered the Ka'ba
and said &akbir at its corners but did not offer the prayer in it%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5:3:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen Allah's Apostle and his copanions cae to Mecca# the pagans circulated the ne$s that a
group of people $ere coing to the and they had been $eakened by the Be(er of Kathrib
!Medina"% So the Prophet ordered his copanions to do Raal in the first three rounds of &a$af of
the Ka'ba and to $alk bet$een the t$o corners !&he Black Stone and Keenite corner"% &he Prophet
did not order the to do Raal in all the rounds of &a$af out of pity for the%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5:<:
Darrated Sali that his father said:
I sa$ Allah's Apostle arri(ing at MeccaL he kissed the Black Stone 9orner first $hile doing &a$af
and did raal in the first three rounds of the se(en rounds !of &a$af"%
=olue 3 ) <5: ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5:2:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
&he Prophet did Raal in !first" three rounds !of &a$af"# and $alked in the reaining four# in
Ha.. and Ura%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5:4:
Darrated Faid bin Asla fro his father $ho said:
HUar bin Al)Khattab addressed the 9orner !Black Stone" saying# 'By AllahI I kno$ that you are a
stone and can neither benefit nor har% Had I not seen the Prophet touching !and kissing" you# I
$ould ne(er ha(e touched !and kissed" you%' &hen he kissed it and said# '&here is no reason for us to
do Raal !in &a$af" e*cept that $e $anted to sho$ off before the pagans# and no$ Allah has des)
troyed the%' 'Uar added# '!De(ertheless"# the Prophet did that and $e do not $ant to lea(e it !i%e%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5:5:
Darrated Dafi':
Ibn 'Uar% said# HI ha(e ne(er issed the touching of these t$o stones of Ka'ba !the Black Stone
and the Keenite 9orner" both in the presence and the absence of cro$ds# since I sa$ the Prophet
touching the%H I asked Dafi': H8id Ibn 'Uar use to $alk bet$een the t$o 9ornersJH Dafi' replied#
HHe used to $alk in order that it ight be easy for hi to touch it !the 9orner Stone"%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5:::
Darrated Ibn Abbas%:
In his ;ast Ha.. the Prophet perfored &a$af of the Ka'ba riding a cael and pointed a bent)
headed stick to$ards the 9orner !Black Stone"%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5:7:
Darrated Sali bin 'Abdullah that his father said:
HI ha(e not seen the Prophet touching e*cept the t$o Keenite 9orners !i%e% the ones facing Ke)
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 5:1:
Darrated Faid bin Asla that his father said:
=olue 3 ) <57 ? 0:66
HI sa$ 'Uar bin Al)Khattab kissing the Black Stone and he then said# !to it" 'Had I not seen Allah's
Apostle kissing you# !stone" I $ould not ha(e kissed you%' H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 576:
Darrated A-)Fubair bin 'Arabi:
A an asked Ibn 'Uar about the touching of the Black Stone% Ibn 'Uar said# HI sa$ Allah's
Apostle touching and kissing it%H &he Cuestioner said# HBut if there $ere a throng !uch rush" round
the Ka'ba and the people o(erpo$ered e# !$hat $ould I doJ"H He replied angrily# HStay in Keen !as
that an $as fro Keen"% I sa$ Allah's Apostle touching and kissing it%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 570:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet perfored &a$af of the Ka'ba $hile riding a cael# and $hene(er he cae in front
of the 9orner# he pointed to$ards it !$ith soething"%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 573:
Darrated Ibn Abbas
&he Prophet perfored &a$af of the Ka'ba riding a cael# and e(ery tie he cae in front of the
9orner !ha(ing the Black Stone"# he pointed to$ards it $ith soething he had $ith hi and said
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 57<:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
'Aisha said# H&he first thing the Prophet did on reaching Mecca# $as the ablution and then he per)
fored &a$af of the Ka'ba and that $as not 'Ura !alone"# !but Ha..)al),iran"% 'Ur$a added: ;ater
Abu Bakr and 'Uar did the sae in their Ha..%H And I perfored the Ha.. $ith y father A-)Fubair#
and the first thing he did $as &a$af of the Ka'ba% ;ater I sa$ the Muha.irin !+igrants" and the An)
sar doing the sae% My other !Asa'" told e that she# her sister !'Aisha"# A-)Fubair and such and
such persons assued Ihra for 'Ura# and after they passed their hands o(er the Black Stone
9orner !of the Ka'ba" they finished the Ihra% !i%e% After doing &a$af of the Ka'ba and Sa'i bet$een
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 572:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
=olue 3 ) <51 ? 0:66
@hen Allah's Apostle perfored &a$af of the Ka'ba for Ha.. or 'Ura# he used to do Raal during
the first three rounds# and in the last four rounds he used to $alkL then after the &a$af he used to
offer t$o Rakat and then perfored &a$af bet$een Safa and Mar$a%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 574:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
@hen the Prophet perfored the &a$af of the Ka'ba# he did Raal during the first three rounds
and in the last four rounds he used to $alk and $hile doing &a$af bet$een Safa and Mar$a# he
used to run in the idst of the rain $ater passage%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 575:
Darrated U Salaa:
!the $ife of the Prophet" I infored Allah's Apostle that I $as ill% So he said# HPerfor the &a$af
$hile riding behind the people%H I did so# and at that tie the Prophet $as praying beside the Ka'ba
and reciting Surat)at)&ur%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 57::
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hile the Prophet $as perforing &a$af of the Kaba# he passed by a person $ho had tied his
hands to another person $ith a rope or string or soething like that% &he Prophet cut it $ith his o$n
hands and said# H;ead hi by the hand%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 577:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet sa$ a an perforing &a$af of the Kaba tied $ith a string or soething else% So the
Prophet cut that string%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 571:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
In the year prior to the last Ha.. of the Prophet $hen Allahs Apostle ade Abu Bakr the leader of
the pilgris# the latter !Abu Bakr" sent e in the copany of a group of people to ake a public an)
nounceent: 'Do pagan is allo$ed to perfor Ha.. after this year# and no naked person is allo$ed to
perfor &a$af of the Kaba%' !See Hadith Do% <54 =ol% 0"
=olue 3 ) <:6 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 516:
Darrated Ar:
@e asked Ibn Uar: HMay a an ha(e se*ual relations $ith his $ife during the Ura before per)
foring &a$af bet$een Safa and Mar$aJH He said# HAllah's Apostle arri(ed !in Mecca" and circu)
abulated the Kaba se(en ties# then offered t$o Rakat behind MaCa Ibrahi !the station of Ab)
raha"# then perfored &a$af bet$een Safa and Mar$a%H Ibn Uar added# H=erilyI In Allah's
Apostle you ha(e a good e*aple%H And I asked /abir bin Abdullah !the sae Cuestion"# and he
replied# HKou should not go near your $i(es !ha(e se*ual relations" till you ha(e finished &a$af
bet$een Safa and Mar$a% H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 510:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet arri(ed at Mecca and perfored &a$af of the Kaba and Sa'i bet$een Safa and Mar$a#
but he did not go near the Kaba after his &a$af till he returned fro Arafat%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 513:
Darrated U Salaa:
!the $ife of the Prophet" I infored Allah's Apostle !about y illness"% !&hrough other sub)narrat)
ors# U Salaa narrated that $hen Allah's Apostle $as at Mecca and had .ust decided to lea(e
!Mecca" $hile she had not yet done &a$af of the Kaba !and after listening to her"% &he Prophet said#
H@hen the orning prayer is established# perfor the &a$af on your cael $hile the people are in
prayer%H So she did the sae and did not offer the t$o Rakat of &a$af until she cae out of the
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 51<:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
&he Prophet reached Mecca# circuabulated the Kaba se(en ties and then offered a t$o Rakat
prayer behind MaCa ibrahi% &hen he $ent to$ards the Safa% Allah has said# H=erily# in Allah's
Apostle you ha(e a good e*aple%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 512:
Darrated Ur$a fro Aisha:
Soe people perfored &a$af !of the Kaba" after the orning prayer and then sat to listen to a
preacher till sunrise# and then they stood up for the prayer% &hen Aisha coented# H&hose people
=olue 3 ) <:0 ? 0:66
kept on sitting till it $as the tie in $hich the prayer is disliked and after that they stood up for the
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 514:
Darrated Abdullah:
heard the Prophet forbidding the offering of prayers at the tie of sunrise and sunset%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 515:
Darrated Abida bin Huaid:
Abdul# A-i- bin Rufai Said# HI sa$ Abdullah bin A-)Fubair perforing &a$af of the Kaba after the
orning prayer then offering the t$o Rakat prayer%H Abdul A-i- added# HI sa$ Abdullah bin A-)
Fubair offering a t$o Rakat prayer after the Asr prayer%H He infored e that Aisha told hi that
the Prophet used to offer those t$o Rakat $hene(er he entered her house%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 51::
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle perfored &a$af !of the Kaba" ending a cael !at that tie the Prophet had foot
in.ury"% @hene(er he cae to the 9orner !ha(ing the Black Stone" he $ould point out to$ards it
$ith a thing in his hand and say# HAllahu)Akbar%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 517:
Darrated U Salaa:
I infored Allah's Apostle that I $as sick% He said# HPerfor &a$af !of the Kaba" $hile riding be)
hind the people%H So# I perfored the &a$af $hile Allah's Apostle $as offering the prayer beside the
Kaba and $as reciting Surat)at)&ur%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 511:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
Al Abbas bin Abdul)Muttalib asked the perission of Allahs Apostle to let hi stay in Mecca dur)
ing the nights of Mina in order to pro(ide the pilgris $ith $ater to drink# so the Prophet peritted
=olue 3 ) <:3 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :66:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle cae to the drinking place and asked for $ater% Al)Abbas said# HE BadlI Ao to your
other and bring $ater fro her for Allah's Apostle %H Allah's Apostle said# HAi(e e $ater to drink%H
Al)Abbas said# HE Allahs ApostleI &he people put their hands in it%H Allah's Apostle again said# 'Ai(e
e $ater to drink% So# he drank fro that $ater and then $ent to the Fa)-a !$ell" and there the
people $ere offering $ater to the others and $orking at it !dra$ing $ater fro the $ell"% &he
Prophet then said to the# H9arry onI Kou are doing a good deed%H &hen he said# H@ere I not afraid
that other people $ould copete $ith you !in dra$ing $ater fro Fa)-a"# I $ould certainly take
the rope and put it o(er this !i%e% his shoulder" !to dra$ $ater"%H En saying that the Prophet pointed
to his shoulder%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :60:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
I ga(e Fa)-a $ater to Allah's Apostle and he drank it $hile standing% 'Asia !a sub)narrator"
said that 'Ikria took the oath that on that day the Prophet had not been standing but riding a cael%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :63:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@e set out $ith Allah's Apostle in the year of his ;ast Ha.. and $e ended !the Ihra" for 'Ura%
&hen the Prophet said# H@hoe(er has a Hadi $ith hi should assue Ihra for both Ha.. and 'Ura#
and should not finish it till he perfors both of the the !Ha.. and 'Ura"%H @hen $e reached
Mecca# I had y enses% @hen $e had perfored our Ha..# the Prophet sent e $ith 'Abdur)Rah)
an to &an'i and I perfored the 'Ura% &he Prophet said# H&his is in lieu of your issed 'Ura%H
&hose $ho had assued Ihra for 'Ura perfored &a$af !bet$een Safa and Mar$a" and then fin)
ished their Ihra% And then they perfored another &a$af !bet$een Safa and Mar$a" after return)
ing fro Mina% And those $ho had assued lhra for Ha.. and 'Ura to get her ! Ha..),iran " per)
fored only one &a$af !bet$een Safa and Mar$a"%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :6<:
Darrated Dafi':
'Abdullah bin 'Abdullah bin 'Uar and his riding anial entered the house of Ibn 'Uar% He !the
son of Ibn 'Uar" said# HI fear that this year a battle ight take place bet$een the people and you
ight be pre(ented fro going to the Ka'ba% I suggest that you should stay here%H Ibn Uar said#
HEnce Allah's Apostle set out for the pilgriage# and the pagans of ,uraish inter(ened bet$een hi
=olue 3 ) <:< ? 0:66
and the Ka'ba% So# if the people inter(ened bet$een e and the Ka'ba# I $ould do the sae as Allah's
Apostle had done % % % H=erily# in Allah's Apostle you ha(e a good e*aple%H &hen he added# HI ake
you a $itness that I ha(e intended to perfor Ha.. along $ith 'Ura%H After arri(ing at Mecca# Ibn
'Uar perfored one &a$af only !bet$een Safa and Mar$a"%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :62:
Darrated Dafi':
Ibn 'Uar intended to perfor Ha.. in the year $hen Al)Ha..a. attacked Ibn A-)Fubair% Soebody
said to Ibn 'Uar# H&here is a danger of an ipending $ar bet$een the%H Ibn 'Uar said# H=erily# in
Allah's Apostle you ha(e a good e*aple% !And if it happened as you say" then I $ould do the sae as
Allah's Apostle had done% I ake you $itness that I ha(e decided to perfor 'Ura%H &hen he set out
and $hen he reached Al)Baida'# he said# H&he cereonies of both Ha.. and 'Ura are siilar% I ake
you $itness that I ha(e ade Ha.. copulsory for e along $ith 'Ura%H He dro(e !to Mecca" a Hadi
$hich he had bought fro !a place called" ,udaid and did not do ore than that% He did not
slaughter the Hadi or finish his Ihra# or sha(e or cut short his hair till the day of slaughtering the
sacrifices !06th 8hul)Hi..a"% &hen he slaughtered his Hadi and sha(ed his head and considered the
first &a$af !of Safa and Mar$a" as sufficient for Ha.. and 'Ura% Ibn 'Uar said# HAllah's Apostle did
the sae%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :64:
Darrated Muhaad bin 'AbdurRahan bin Da$fal Al),urashi:
I asked 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair !regarding the Ha.. of the Prophet"% 'Ur$a replied# HAisha narrated#
'@hen the Prophet reached Mecca# the first thing he started $ith $as the ablution# then he per)
fored &a$af of the Ka'ba and his intention $as not 'Ura alone !but Ha.. and 'Ura together"%' H
;ater Abu Bakr I perfored the Ha.. and the first thing he started $ith $as &a$af of the Ka'ba and it
$as not 'Ura alone !but Ha.. and 'Ura together"% And then 'Uar did the sae% &hen 'Uthan
perfored the Ha.. and the first thing he started $ith $as &a$af of the Ka'ba and it $as not 'Ura
alone% And then Mua$iya and 'Abdullah bin 'Uar did the sae% I perfored Ha.. $ith Ibn A-)
Fubair and the first thing he started $ith $as &a$af of the Ka'ba and it $as not 'Ura alone# !but
Ha.. and 'Ura together"% &hen I sa$ the Muha.irin !+igrants" and Ansar doing the sae and it
$as not 'Ura alone% And the last person I sa$ doing the sae $as Ibn 'Uar# and he did not do an)
other 'Ura after finishing the first% Do$ here is Ibn 'Uar present aongst the peopleI &hey neither
ask hi nor anyone of the pre(ious ones% And all these people# on entering Mecca# $ould not start
$ith anything unless they had perfored &a$af of the Ka'ba# and $ould not finish their Ihra% And
no doubt# I sa$ y other and y aunt# on entering Mecca doing nothing before perforing &a$af
of the Ka'ba# and they $ould not finish their lhra% And y other infored e that she# her sister#
=olue 3 ) <:2 ? 0:66
A-)Fubair and such and such persons had assued lhra for 'Ura and after passing their hands
o(er the 9orner !the Black Stone" !i%e% finishing their Ura" they finished their Ihra%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :65:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
I asked 'Aisha: HHo$ do you interpret the stateent of Allah#%: =erilyI !the ountains" As)Safa and
Al)Mar$a are aong the sybols of Allah# and $hoe(er perfors the Ha.. to the Ka'ba or perfors
'Ura# it is not harful for hi to perfor &a$af bet$een the !Safa and Mar$a%" !3%047"% By Al)
lahI !it is e(ident fro this re(elation" there is no har if one does not perfor &a$af bet$een Safa
and Mar$a%H 'Aisha said# HE# y nephe$I Kour interpretation is not true% Had this interpretation of
yours been correct# the stateent of Allah should ha(e been# 'It is not harful for hi if he does not
perfor &a$af bet$een the%' But in fact# this di(ine inspiration $as re(ealed concerning the Ansar
$ho used to assue lhra for $orship ping an idol called HManatH $hich they used to $orship at a
place called Al)Mushallal before they ebraced Isla# and $hoe(er assued Ihra !for the idol"#
$ould consider it not right to perfor &a$af bet$een Safa and Mar$a%
@hen they ebraced Isla# they asked Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" regarding it# saying# HE Allah's
ApostleI @e used to refrain fro &a$af bet$een Safa and Mar$a%H So Allah re(ealed: '=erilyL !the
ountains" As)Safa and Al)Mar$a are aong the sybols of Allah%' H Aisha added# HSurely# Allah's
Apostle set the tradition of &a$af bet$een Safa and Mar$a# so nobody is allo$ed to oit the &a$af
bet$een the%H ;ater on I !'Ur$a" told Abu Bakr bin 'Abdur)Rahan !of 'Aisha's narration" and he
said# 'i ha(e not heard of such inforation# but I heard learned en saying that all the people# e*cept
those $ho 'Aisha entioned and $ho used to assue lhra for the sake of Manat# used to perfor
&a$af bet$een Safa and Mar$a%
@hen Allah referred to the &a$af of the Ka'ba and did not ention Safa and Mar$a in the ,uran#
the people asked# 'E Allah's ApostleI @e used to perfor &a$af bet$een Safa and Mar$a and Allah
has re(ealed !the (erses concerning" &a$af of the Ka'ba and has not entioned Safa and Mar$a% Is
there any har if $e perfor &a$af bet$een Safa and Mar$aJ' So Allah re(ealed: H=erily As)Safa
and Al)Mar$a are aong the sybols of Allah%H Abu Bakr said# HIt sees that this (erse $as re(ealed
concerning the t$o groups# those $ho used to refrain fro &a$af bet$een Safa and Mar$a in the
Pre)lslaic Period of ignorance and those $ho used to perfor the &a$af then# and after ebracing
Isla they refrained fro the &a$af bet$een the as Allah had en.oined &a$af of the Ka'ba and did
not ention &a$af !of Safa and Mar$a" till later after entioning the &a$af of the Ka'ba%'
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :6::
Darrated Dafi':
=olue 3 ) <:4 ? 0:66
Ibn 'Uar said# H@hen Allah's Apostle perfored the first &a$af he did Raal in the first three
rounds and then $alked in the reaining four rounds !of &a$af of the Ka'ba"# $here as in perfor)
ing &a$af bet$een Safa and Mar$a he used to run in the idst of the rain)$ater passage#H I asked
Dafi'# H8id 'Abdullah !bin 'Uar" use to $alk steadily on reaching the Keenite 9ornerJH He replied#
HDo# unless people $ere cro$ded at the 9ornerL other$ise he $ould not lea(e it $ithout touching it%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :67:
Darrated 'Ar bin 8inar:
@e asked Ibn 'Uar $hether a an $ho# $hile perforing 'Ura# had perfored &a$af of the
Ka'baL and had not yet perfored &a$af bet$een Safa and Mar$a# could ha(e se*ual relation $ith
his $ife# Ibn 'Uar replied H&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" reached Mecca and perfored the se(en rounds
!of &a$af" of the Ka'ba and then offered a t$o)Rakat prayer behind MaCa ibrahi and then per)
fored the se(en rounds !of &a$af" bet$een Safa and Mar$a%H He added# H=erilyI In Allah's Apostle
!p%b%u%h" you ha(e a good e*aple%H @e asked /abir bin 'Abdullah !the sae Cuestion" and he said#
HHe !that an" should not coe near !his $ife" till he has copleted &a$af bet$een Safa and Mar)
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :61:
Darrated 'Ar bin 8inar:
I heard Ibn 'Uar saying# H&he Prophet arri(ed at Mecca and perfored &a$af of the Ka'ba and
then offered a t$o)Rakat prayer and then perfored &a$af bet$een Safa and Mar$a%H Ibn 'Uar
then recited !the (erse": H=erilyI In Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" you ha(e a good e*aple% H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :06:
Darrated 'Asi:
I asked Anas bin Malik: H8id you use to dislike to perfor &a$af bet$een Safa and Mar$aJH He
said# HKes# as it $as of the cereonies of the days of the Pre)lslaic period of ignorance# till Allah re)
(ealed: '=erilyI !&he t$o ountains" As)Safa and Al)Mar$a are aong the sybols of Allah% It is
therefore no sin for hi $ho perfors the pilgriage to the Ka'ba# or perfors 'Ura# to perfor
&a$af bet$een the%' H !3%047"
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :00:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle perfored &a$af of the Ka'ba and the Sa'i of Safa and Mar$a so as to sho$ his
strength to the pagans%
=olue 3 ) <:5 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :03:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I $as enstruating $hen I reached Mecca% So# I neither perfored &a$af of the Ka'ba# nor the
&a$af bet$een Safa and Mar$a% &hen I infored Allah's Apostle about it% He replied# HPerfor all the
cereonies of Ha.. like the other pilgris# but do not perfor &a$af of the Ka'ba till you get clean
!fro your enses"%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :0<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet and his copanions assued Ihra for Ha.. and none e*cept the Prophet !p%b%u%h"
and &alha had the Hadi !sacrifice" $ith the% 'Ali arri(ed fro Keen and had a Hadi $ith hi% 'Ali
said# HI ha(e assued Ihra for $hat the Prophet has done%H &he Prophet ordered his copanions to
perfor the 'Ura $ith the lhra $hich they had assued# and after finishing &a$af !of Ka'ba# Safa
and Mar$a" to cut short their hair# and to finish their lhra e*cept those $ho had Hadi $ith the%
&hey !the people" said# HHo$ can $e proceed to Mina !for Ha.." after ha(ing se*ual relations $ith
our $i(esJH @hen that ne$s reached the Prophet he said# HIf I had forerly kno$n $hat I cae to
kno$ lately# I $ould not ha(e brought the Hadi $ith e% Had there been no Hadi $ith e# I $ould
ha(e finished the state of lhra%H 'Aisha got her enses# so she perfored all the cereonies of Ha..
e*cept &a$af of the Ka'ba# and $hen she got clean !fro her enses"# she perfored &a$af of the
Ka'ba% She said# HE Allah's ApostleI !All of you" are returning $ith the Ha.. and 'Ura# but I a re)
turning after perforing Ha.. only%H So the Prophet ordered 'Abdur)Rahan bin Abu Bakr to acco)
pany her to &an'i and thus she perfored the 'Ura after the Ha..%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :02:
Darrated Hafsa:
!En 'Id" @e used to forbid our (irgins to go out !for 'Id prayer"% A lady cae and stayed at the
Palace of Bani Khalaf% She entioned that her sister $as arried to one of the copanions of Allah's
Apostle $ho participated in t$el(e Aha-a$ats along $ith Allah's Apostle and her sister $as $ith
hi in si* of the% She said# H@e used to dress the $ounded and look after the patients%H She !her sis)
ter" asked Allah's Apostle # HIs there any har for a $oan to stay at hoe if she doesn't ha(e a (eilJH
He said# HShe should co(er herself $ith the (eil of her copanion and she should take part in the
good deeds and in the religious gatherings of the belie(ers%H @hen U 'Atiyya cae# I asked her% H8id
you hear anything about thatJH U 'Atiyya said# HBi AbiH and she ne(er entioned the nae of Allah's
Apostle $ithout saying HBi AbiH !i%e% ';et y father be sacrificed for you'"% @e asked her# HHa(e you
heard Allah's Apostle saying so and so !about $oen"JH She replied in the affirati(e and said# H;et
y father be sacrificed for hi% He told us that unarried ature (irgins $ho stay often screened or
=olue 3 ) <:: ? 0:66
unarried young (irgins and ature girls $ho stay often screened should coe out and take part in
the good deeds and in the religious gatherings of the belie(ers% But the enstruating $oen should
keep a$ay fro the Musalla !praying place"%H I asked her# H&he enstruating $oenJH She replied#
H8on't they present thesel(es at 'Arafat and at such and such placesJH
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :04:
Darrated 'Abdul 'A-i- bin Rufai:
I asked Anas bin Malik# H&ell e $hat you reeber fro Allah's Apostle !regarding these Cues)
tions": @here did he offer the Fuhr and 'Asr prayers on the day of &ar$iya !7th day of 8hul)Ha..a"JH
He relied# H!He offered these prayers" at Mina%H I asked# H@here did he offer the 'Asr prayer on the day
of Dafr !i%e% departure fro Mina on the 03th or 0<th of 8hul)Hi..a"JH He replied# HAt Al)Abtah#H and
then added# HKou should do as your chiefs do%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :05:
Darrated 'Abdul 'A-i-:
I $ent out to Mina on the day of &ar$iya and et Anas going on a donkey% I asked hi# H@here
did the Prophet offer the Fuhr prayer on this dayJH Anas replied# HSee $here your chiefs pray and
pray siilarly%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :0::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle offered a t$o)Rakat prayer at Mina% Abu Bakr# 'Uar and 'Uthan# !during the
early years of his caliphate" follo$ed the sae practice%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :07:
Darrated Haritha bin @ahab Al)Khu-a'i:
&he Prophet led us in a t$o)Rakat prayer at Mina although our nuber $as ore than e(er and
$e $ere in better security than e(er%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :01:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Masud:
I offered !only a" t$o Rakat prayer $ith the Prophet !at Mina"# and siilarly $ith Abu Bakr and
$ith 'Uar# and then you d offered in opinions% @ish that I $ould be lucky enough to ha(e t$o of
the four Rakat accepted !by Allah"%
=olue 3 ) <:7 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :36:
Darrated U Al)Badl:
&he people doubted $hether the Prophet $as obser(ing the fast on the 8ay of 'Arafat# so I sent
soething for hi to drink and he drank it%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :30:
Darrated Muhaad bin Abu Bakr Al)&haCafi:
I asked Anas bin Malik $hile $e $ere proceeding fro Mina to 'Arafat# H@hat do you use to do on
this day $hen you $ere $ith Allah's Apostle JH Anas said# HSoe of us used to recite &albiya and
nobody ob.ected to that# and others used to recite &akbir and nobody ob.ected to that%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :33:
Darrated Sali:
'Abdul Malik $rote to Al)Ha..a. that he should not differ fro Ibn 'Uar during Ha..% En the 8ay
of 'Arafat# $hen the sun declined at idday# Ibn 'Uar cae along $ith e and shouted near Al)
Ha..a.'s cotton !cloth" tent% Al)Ha..a. cae Eut# $rapping hiself $ith a $aist)sheet dyed $ith saf)
flo$er# and said# HE Abu Abdur)RahanI @hat is the atterJH He said# If you $ant to follo$ the
Sunna !the tradition of the Prophet !p%b%u%h" " then proceed !to 'Arafat"%H Al)Ha..a. asked# HAt this (ery
hourJH Ibn 'Uar said# HKes%H He replied# HPlease $ait for e till I pour soe $ater o(er y head !i%e%
take a bath" and coe out%H &hen Ibn 'Uar disounted and $aited till Al)Ha..a. cae out% So# he
!Al)Ha..a." $alked in bet$een e and y father !Ibn 'Uar"% I said to hi# HIf you $ant to follo$ the
Sunna then deli(er a brief seron and hurry up for the stay at 'Arafat%H He started looking at 'Abdul)
lah !Ibn 'Uar" !inCuiringly"# and $hen 'Abdullah noticed that# he said that he had told the truth%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :3<:
Darrated U Al)Badl bint Al Harith:
En the day of 'Arafat# soe people $ho $ere $ith e# differed about the fasting of the Prophet
!p%b%u%h" soe said that he $as fasting $hile others said that he $as not fasting% So I sent a bo$l full
of ilk to hi $hile he $as riding his cael# and he drank that ilk%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :32:
Darrated Sali bin 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
'Abdul)Malik bin Mar$an $rote to Al)Ha..a. that he should follo$ 'Abdullah bin 'Uar in all the
cereonies of Ha..% So $hen it $as the 8ay of 'Arafat !1th of 8hul)Ha..a"# and after the sun has de)
=olue 3 ) <:1 ? 0:66
(iated or has declined fro the iddle of the sky# I and Ibn 'Uar cae and he shouted near the
cotton !cloth" tent of Al)Ha..a.# H@here is heJH Al)Ha..a. cae out% Ibn 'Uar said# H;et us proceed !to
'Arafat"%H Al)Ha..a. asked# H/ust no$JH Ibn 'Uar replied# HKes%H Al)Ha..a. said# H@ait for e till I pour
$ater on e !i%e% take a bath"%H So# Ibn 'Uar disounted !and $aited" till Al)Ha..a. cae out% He $as
$alking bet$een e and y father% I infored Al)Ha..a.# HIf you $ant to follo$ the Sunna today#
then you should shorten the seron and then hurry up for the stay !at 'Arafat"%H Ibn 'Uar said# HHe
!Sali" has spoken the truth%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :34:
Darrated Muhaad bin /ubair bin Mut'i:
My father said# H!Before Isla" I $as looking for y cael %%H &he sae narration is told by a dif)
ferent sub)narrator% /ubair bin Mut'i said# HMy cael $as lost and I $ent out in search of it on the
day of 'Arafat# and I sa$ the Prophet standing in 'Arafat% I said to yself: By Allah he is fro the
Hus !literally: strictly religious# ,uraish $ere called so# as they used to say# '@e are the people of
Allah $e shall not go out of the sanctuary"% @hat has brought hi hereJH
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :35:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
8uring the pre)lslaic period of Ignorance# the people used to perfor &a$af of the Ka'ba naked
e*cept the HusL and the Hus $ere ,uraish and their offspring% &he Hus used to gi(e clothes to
the en $ho $ould perfor the &a$af $earing theL and $oen !of the Hus" used to gi(e
clothes to the $oen $ho $ould perfor the &a$af $earing the% &hose to $ho the Hus did
not gi(e clothes $ould perfor &a$af round the Ka'ba naked% Most of the people used to go a$ay
!disperse" directly fro 'Arafat but they !Hus" used to depart after staying at Al)Mu-dalifa% 'Ur$a
added# HMy father narrated that 'Aisha had said# '&he follo$ing (erses $ere re(ealed about the Hus:
&hen depart fro the place $hence all the people depart))!3%011" 'Ur$a added# H&hey !the Hus"
used to stay at Al)Mu-dalifa and used to depart fro there !to Mina" and so they $ere sent to 'Arafat
!by Allah's order"%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :3::
Darrated 'Ur$a:
Usaa $as asked in y presence# HHo$ $as the speed of !the cael of" Allah's Apostle $hile de)
parting fro 'Arafat during the Ha..atul @adaJH Usaa replied# H&he Prophet proceeded on $ith a
odest pace# and $hen there $as enough space he $ould !ake his cael" go (ery fast%H
=olue 3 ) <76 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :37:
Darrated Usaa bin Faid:
As soon as the Prophet departed fro 'Arafat# he $ent to$ards the ountain pass# and there he
ans$ered the call of" the prayer is ahead of you !i%e% at asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @ill you offer the
prayer hereJH He replied# H!&he place of" the prayer is ahead of you !i%e% at Al)Mu-dalifa"%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :31:
Darrated Dafi':
'Abdullah bin 'Uar used to offer the Maghrib and 'Isha' prayers together at /a' !Al)Mu-dalifa"%
But he used to pass by that ountain pass $here Allah's Apostle $ent# and he $ould enter it and an)
s$er the call of nature and perfor ablution# and $ould not offer any prayer till he had prayed at
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :<6:
Darrated Usaa bin Faid
rode behind Allah's Apostle fro 'Arafat and $hen Allah's Apostle reached the ountain pass on
the left side $hich is before Al)Mu-dalifa he ade his cael kneel and then urinated# and then I
poured $ater for his ablution% He perfored light ablution and then I said to hi: !Is it the tie for"
the prayer# E Allah's ApostleIH He replied# H&he !place of" prayer is ahead of you !i%e% at Al)
Mu-dalifa"%H So Allah's Apostle rode till he reached Al)Mu-dalifa and then he offered the prayer
!there" % &hen in the orning !06th 8hul)Hi..a" Al)BaCl !bin Abbas" rode behind Allah's Apostle%
Kuraib# !a sub)narrator" said that 'Abdullah bin Abbas narrated fro Al)Badl# HAllah's Apostle
!p%b%u%h" kept on reciting &albiya !during the .ourney" till he reached the /ara%H !/arat)al)ACaba"
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :<0:
Darrated Ibn Abbas%:
I proceeded along $ith the Prophet on the day of 'Arafat !1th 8hul)Hi..a"% &he Prophet heard a
great hue and cry and the beating of caels behind hi% So he beckoned to the people $ith his lash#
HE peopleI Be Cuiet% Hastening is not a sign of righteousness%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :<3:
Darrated Usaa bin Faid:
Allah's Apostle proceeded fro 'Arafat and disounted at the ountainous pass and then urinated
and perfored a light ablution% I said to hi# H!Shall $e offer" the prayerJH He replied# H&he prayer is
=olue 3 ) <70 ? 0:66
ahead of you !i%e% at Al)Mu-dalifa"%H @hen he cae to Al)Mu-dalifa# he perfored a perfect ablu)
tion% &hen ICaa for the prayer $as pronounced and he offended the Maghrib prayer and then
e(ery person ade his cael kneel at his placeL and then ICaa for the prayer $as pronounced and
he offered the !'Isha'" prayer and he did not offer any prayer in bet$een the !i%e% Maghrib and 'Isha'
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :<<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet offered the Maghrib and 'Isha' prayers together at /a' !i%e% Al)Mu-dalifa" $ith a sep)
arate ICaa for each of the and did not offer any optional prayer in bet$een the or after each of
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :<2:
Darrated Abu Aiyub Al)Ansari:
Allah's Apostle coffered the Maghrib and 'Isha' prayers together at Al)Mu-dalifa%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :<4:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Ka-id:
'AbdullahL) perfored the Ha.. and $e reached Al)Mu-dalifa at or about the tie of the 'Isha'
prayer% He ordered a an to pronounce the Adhan and ICaa and then he offered the Maghrib
prayer and offered t$o Rakat after it% &hen he asked for his supper and took it# and then# I think# he
ordered a an to pronounce the Adhan and ICaa !for the 'isha' prayer"% !'Ar# a sub)narrator said:
&he inter(ening stateent 'I think'# $as said by the sub)narrator Fuhair" !i%e% not by 'Abdu)Rahan"%
&hen 'Abdullah offered t$o Rakat of 'Isha' prayer% @hen the day da$ned# 'Abdullah said# H&he Proph)
et ne(er offered any prayer at this hour e*cept this prayer at this tie and at this place and on this
day%H 'Abdullah added# H&hese t$o prayers are shifted fro their actual ties )) the Maghrib prayer
!is offered" $hen the people reached Al)Mu-dalifa and the Ba.r !orning" prayer at the early da$n%H
'Abdullah added# HI sa$ the Prophet doing that%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :<5:
Darrated Sali:
'Abdullah bin 'Uar used to send the $eak aong his faily early to Mina% So they used to depart
fro Al)Mash'ar Al)Hara !that is Al)Mu-dalifa" at night !$hen the oon had set" and in(oke Al)
lah as uch as they could# and then they $ould return !to Mina" before the Ia had started fro
Al)Mu-dalifa to Mina% So soe of the $ould reach Mina at the tie of the Ba.r prayer and soe of
=olue 3 ) <73 ? 0:66
the $ould coe later% @hen they reached Mina they $ould thro$ pebbles on the /ara !/arat)
al)ACaba" Ibn 'Uar used to say# HAllah's Apostle ga(e the perission to the !$eak people" to do
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :<::
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle had sent e fro /a' !i%e% Al)Mu-dalifa" at night%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :<7:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
I as aong those $ho the Prophet sent on the night of Al)Mu-dalifa early being aong the
$eak ebers of his faily%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :<1:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
!the sla(e of Asa'" 8uring the night of /a'# Asa' got do$n at Al)Mu-dalifa and stood up for
!offering" the prayer and offered the prayer for soe tie and then asked# HE y sonI Has the oon
setJH I replied in the negati(e and she again prayed for another period and then asked# HHas the oon
setJH I replied# HKes%H So she said that $e should set out !for Mina"# and $e departed and $ent on till
she thre$ pebbles at the /ara !/arat)al)ACaba" and then she returned to her d$elling place and
offered the orning prayer% I asked her# HE youI I think $e ha(e coe !to Mina" early in the night%H
She replied# HE y sonI Allah's Apostle ga(e perission to the $oen to do so%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :26:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Sauda asked the perission of the Prophet to lea(e earlier at the night of /a'# and she $as a fat
and (ery slo$ $oan% &he Prophet ga(e her perission%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :20:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@e got do$n at Al)Mu-dalifa and Sauda asked the perission of the Prophet to lea(e !early" be)
fore the rush of the people% She $as a slo$ $oan and he ga(e her perission# so she departed
!fro Al)Mu-dalifa" before the rush of the people% @e kept on staying at Al)Mu-dalifa till da$n#
=olue 3 ) <7< ? 0:66
and set out $ith the Prophet but !I suffered so uch that" I $ished I had taken the perission of Al)
lah's Apostle as Sauda had done# and that $ould ha(e been dearer to e than any other happiness%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :23:
Darrated Abdullah:
I ne(er sa$ the Prophet offering any prayer not at its stated tie e*cept t$oL he prayed the
Maghrib and the 'Isha' together and he offered the orning prayer before its usual tie%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :2<:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Ka-id
I $ent out $ith 'Abdullah # to Mecca and $hen $e proceeded to a' he offered the t$o prayers
!the Maghrib and the 'Isha'" together# aking the Adhan and ICaa separately for each prayer% He
took his supper in bet$een the t$o prayers% He offered the Ba.r prayer as soon as the day da$ned%
Soe people said# H&he day had da$ned !at the tie of the prayer"#H and others said# H&he day had not
da$ned%H 'Abdullah then said# HAllah's Apostle said# '&hese t$o prayers ha(e been shifted fro their
stated ties at this place only !at Al)Mu-dalifa"L first: &he Maghrib and the 'Isha'% So the people
should not arri(e at Al)Mu-dalifa till the tie of the 'Isha' prayer has becoe due% &he second prayer
is the orning prayer $hich is offered at this hour%' H &hen 'Abdullah stayed there till it becae a bit
brighter% He then said# HIf the chief of the belie(ers hastened on$ards to Mina .ust no$# then he had
indeed follo$ed the Sunna%H I do not kno$ $hich proceeded the other# his !'Abdullah's" stateent or
the departure of 'Uthan % Abdullah $as reciting &albiya till he thre$ pebbles at the /arat)
al)'ACaba on the 8ay of Dahr !slaughtering" !that is the 06th of 8hul)Hi..a"%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :22:
Darrated 'Ar bin Maiun:
I sa$ 'Uar# offering the Ba.r !orning" prayer at /a'L then he got up and said# H&he pagans did
not use to depart !fro /a'" till the sun had risen# and they used to say# ';et the sun shine on &habir
!a ountain"%' But the Prophet contradicted the and departed fro /a' before sunrise%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :24:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet ade Al)BaCl ride behind hi# and Al)Badl infored that he !the Prophet " kept on
reciting &albiya till he did the Rai of the /ara% !/arat)al)ACaba%"
=olue 3 ) <72 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :25:
Darrated 'Ubaidullah bin 'Abdullah:
Ibn Abbas said# HUsaa bin Faid rode behind the Prophet fro 'Arafat to Al)Mu-dalifaL and then
fro Al)Mu-dalifa to Mina# Al)Badl rode behind hi%H He added# HBoth of the !Usaa and Al)Badl"
said# '&he Prophet $as constantly reciting &albiya till he did Rai of the /aarat)al)'ACaba%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :2::
Darrated Abu /ara:
I asked Ibn Abbas about Ha..)at)&aattu'% He ordered e to perfor it% I asked hi about the
Hadi !sacrifice"% He said# HKou ha(e to slaughter a cael# a co$ or a sheep# or you ay share the Hadi
$ith the others%H It seeed that soe people disliked it !Ha..)at)&aattu"% I slept and dreat as if a
person $as announcing: HHa.. Mabrur and accepted Mut'ah !Ha..)At)&aattu'"H I $ent to Ibn Abbas
and narrated it to hi% He said# HAllah is Areater% !&hat $as" the tradition of Abu Al),asi !i%e%
Prophet"% Darrated Shu'ba that the call in the drea $as% HAn accepted 'Ura and Ha..)Mabrur% H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :27:
Darrated Abu Huraira':
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" sa$ a an dri(ing his Badana !sacrificial cael"% He said# HRide on it%H &he
an said# HIt is a Badana%H &he Prophet said# HRide on it%H He !the an" said# HIt is a Badana%H &he
Prophet said# HRide on it%H And on the second or the third tie he !the Prophet " added# H@oe to you%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :21:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet sa$ a an dri(ing a Badana% He said# HRide on it%H &he an replied# HIt is a Badana%H
&he Prophet said !again"# HRide on it%H He !the an" said# HIt is a Badana%H &he Prophet said thrice#
HRide on it%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :46:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
8uring the last Ha.. !Ha..)al)@ada'" of Allah's Apostle he perfored 'Ura and Ha..% He dro(e a
Hadi along $ith hi fro 8hul)Hulaifa% Allah's Apostle started by assuing Ihra for'Ura and
Ha..% And the people# too# perfored the 'Ura and Ha.. along $ith the Prophet% Soe of the
brought the Hadi and dro(e it along $ith the# $hile the others did not% So# $hen the Prophet ar)
ri(ed at Mecca% he said to the people# H@hoe(er aong you has dri(en the Hadi# should not finish his
=olue 3 ) <74 ? 0:66
Ihra till he copletes his Ha..% And $hoe(er aong you has not !dri(en" the Hadi $ith hi# should
perfor &a$af of the Ka'ba and the &a$af bet$een Safa and Mar$a# then cut short his hair and fin)
ish his Ihra# and should later assue Ihra for Ha..L but he ust offer a Hadi !sacrifice"L and if
anyone cannot afford a Hadi# he should fast for three days during the Ha.. and se(en days $hen he
returns hoe% &he Prophet perfored &a$af of the Ka'ba on his arri(al !at Mecca"L he touched the
!Black Stone" corner first of all and then did Raal !fast $alking $ith o(ing of the shoulders" dur)
ing the first three rounds round the Ka'ba# and during the last four rounds he $alked% After finishing
&a$af of the Ka'ba# he offered a t$o Rakat prayer at MaCa Ibrahi# and after finishing the prayer
he $ent to Safa and Mar$a and perfored se(en rounds of &a$af bet$een the and did not do any
deed forbidden because of Ihra# till he finished all the cereonies of his Ha.. and sacrificed his
Hadi on the day of Dahr !06th day of 8hul)Hi..a"% He then hastened on$ards !to Mecca" and per)
fored &a$af of the Ka'ba and then e(erything that $as forbidden because of Ihra becae per)
issible% &hose $ho took and dro(e the Hadi $ith the did the sae as Allah's Apostle did%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :40:
Darrated Dafi':
'Abdullah !bin 'Abdullah" bin 'Uar said to his father# HStay here# for I a afraid that it !affliction
bet$een Ibn Fubair and Al)Ha..a." ight pre(ent you fro reaching the Ka'ba%H Ibn 'Uar said# H!In
this case" I $ould do the sae as Allah's Apostle did# and Allah has said# '=erily# in Allah's Apostle#
you ha(e a good e*aple !to follo$"%' So# I ake you# people# $itness that I ha(e ade 'Ura co)
pulsory for e%H So he assued lhra for'Ura% &hen he $ent out and $hen he reached Al)Baida'#
he assued Ihra for Ha.. and 'Ura !together" and said# H&he conditions !reCuisites" of Ha.. and
'Ura are the sae%H He# then brought a Hadi fro ,udaid% &hen he arri(ed !at Mecca" and per)
fored &a$af !bet$een Safa and Mar$a" once for both Ha.. and 'Ura and did not finish the lhra
till he had finished both Ha.. and 'Ura%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :43:
Darrated Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa and Mar$an:
&he Prophet set out fro Medina $ith o(er one thousand of his copanions !at the tie of the
&reaty of Hudaibiya" and $hen they reached 8hul)Hulaifa# the Prophet garlanded his Hadi and
arked it and assued Ihra for'Ura%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :4<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue 3 ) <75 ? 0:66
I t$isted $ith y o$n hands the garlands for the Budn of the Prophet $ho garlanded and arked
the# and then ade the proceed to MeccaL Ket no perissible thing $as regarded as illegal for
hi then%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :42:
Darrated Hafsa:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat is $rong $ith the people# they ha(e finished their Ihra but you
ha(e notJH He said# HI atted y hair and I ha(e garlanded y Hadi# so I $ill not finish y Ihra till
I finished y Ha.. %H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :44:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to send the Hadi fro Medina and I used to t$ist the garlands for his Hadi
and he did not keep a$ay fro any of these things $hich a Muhri keeps a$ay fro%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :45:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I t$isted the garlands for the Hadis of the Prophet and then he arked and garlanded the !or I
garlanded the" and then ade the proceed to the Ka'ba but he reained in Medina and no per)
issible thing $as regarded as illegal for hi then %
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :4::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abu Bakr bin 'Ar bin Ha-
that 'Ara bint 'Abdur)Rahan had told hi# HFaid bin Abu Sufyan $rote to 'Aisha that 'Abdullah
bin Abbas had stated# '@hoe(er sends his Hadi !to the Ka'ba"# all the things $hich are illegal for a
!pilgri" becoe illegal for that person till he slaughters it !i%e% till the 06th of 8hul)Hi..a"%' H 'Ara
added# 'Aisha said# 'It is not like $hat Ibn Abbas had said: I t$isted the garlands of the Hadis of Allah's
Apostle $ith y o$n hands% &hen Allah's Apostle put the round their necks $ith his o$n hands#
sending the $ith y fatherL Ket nothing peritted by Allah $as considered illegal for Allah's
Apostle till he slaughtered the Hadis%' H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :47:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Ence the Prophet sent sheep as Hadi%
=olue 3 ) <7: ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :41:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I used to ake the garlands for !the Hadis of" the Prophet and he $ould garland the sheep !$ith
the" and $ould stay $ith his faily as a non)Muhri%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :56:
Darrated Aisha:
I used to t$ist the garlands for the sheep of the Prophet and he $ould send the !to the Ka'ba"#
and stay as a non)Muhri%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :50:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I t$isted !the garlands" for the Hadis of the Prophet before he assued Ihra%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :53:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I t$isted the garlands of the Hadis fro the $ool $hich $as $ith e%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :5<:
Darrated 'Ikria:
Abu Huraira said# H&he Prophet sa$ a an dri(ing a Badana !sacrificial cael"% &he Prophet
!p%b%u%h" said !to hi"# 'Ride on it%' He replied# 'It is a Badana%' &he Prophet again said# 'Ride on itI' Abu
Huraira added# '&hen I sa$ that an riding it# sho$ing obedience to the Prophet !p%b%u%h"# and a shoe
$as !hanging" fro its neck%' H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :52:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Bro the Prophet: !as abo(e"%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :54:
Darrated 'Ali:
=olue 3 ) <77 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle ordered e to gi(e in charity the skin and the co(erings of the Budn $hich I had
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :55:
Darrated Dafi':
Ibn 'Uar intended to perfor Ha.. in the year of the Ha.. of Al)Hara$riya during the rule of Ibn
A-)Fubair% Soe people said to hi# HIt is (ery likely that there $ill be a fight aong the people# and
$e are afraid that they ight pre(ent you !fro perforing Ha.."%H He replied# H=erily# in Allah's
Apostle there is a good e*aple for you !to follo$"% In this case I $ould do the sae as he had done% I
ake you $itness that I ha(e intended to perfor 'Ura%H @hen he reached Al)Baida'# he said# H&he
conditions for both Ha.. and 'Ura are the sae% I ake you $itness that I ha(e intended to perfor
Ha.. along $ith 'Ura%H After that he took a garlanded Hadi !to Mecca" $hich he bought !on the
$ay"% @hen he reached !Mecca"# he perfored &a$af of the Ka'ba and of Safa !and Mar$a" and did
not do ore than that% He did not ake legal for hiself the things $hich $ere illegal for a Muhri
till it $as the 8ay of Dahr !sacrifice"# $hen he had his head sha(ed and slaughtered !the sacrifice"
and considered sufficient his first &a$af !bet$een Safa and Mar$a"# as a !Sa'i" for his Ha.. and 'Ura
both% He then said# H&he Prophet used to do like that%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :5::
Darrated 'Ara bint 'AbdurRahan:
I heard 'Aisha saying# HBi(e days before the end of 8hul),a'ada $e set out fro Medina in the
copany of Allah's Apostle $ith the intention of perforing Ha.. only% @hen $e approached Mecca#
Allah's Apostle ordered those $ho had no Hadi $ith the to finish their lhra after perforing
&a$af of the Ka'ba and !Sa'i" and bet$een Safa and Mar$a%H 'Aisha added# HEn the day of Dahr
!slaughtering of sacrifice" beef $as brought to us% I asked# '@hat is thisJ' &he reply $as# 'Allah's
Apostle !p%b%u%h" has slaughtered !sacrifices" on behalf of his $i(es%' H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :57:
Darrated Dafi':
'Abdullah !bin 'Uar"# used to slaughter !his sacrifice" at the Manhar% !'Ubaidullah# a sub)narrator
said# H&he Manhar of Allah's Apostle%H"
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :51:
Darrated Dafi':
=olue 3 ) <71 ? 0:66
Ibn 'Uar used to send his Hadi fro /a' !to Mina" in the last third of the night $ith the pilgris
aongst $ho there $ere free en and sla(es# till it $as taken into the Manhar !slaughtering
place" of the Prophet %
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber ::6:
Darrated Sahl bin Bakkar:
&he narration of Anas abridged# saying# H&he Prophet slaughtered se(en Budn !caels" $hile
standing# $ith his o$n hands% En the day of 'Id)ul)Adha he slaughtered !sacrificed" t$o horned
ras# black and $hite in color%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber ::0:
Darrated Faid bin /ubair:
I sa$ Ibn 'Uar passing by a an $ho had ade his Badana sit to slaughter it% Ibn 'Uar said#
HSlaughter it $hile it is standing $ith one leg tied up as is the tradition of Muhaad%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber ::3:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet offered four Rakat of Fuhr prayer at MedinaL and t$o Rakat of 'Asr prayer at 8hul)
hulaifa and spent the night there and $hen !the day" da$ned# he ounted his Mount and started
saying# HDone has the right to be $orshipped but Allah# and Alorified be Allah%H @hen he reached
Al)Baida' he recited &albiya for both Ha.. and 'Ura% And $hen he arri(ed at Mecca# he ordered
the !his copanions" to finish their Ihra% &he Prophet slaughtered se(en Budn !cael" $ith his
o$n hands $hile the caels $ere standing He also sacrificed t$o horned ras !black and $hite in
color" at Medina%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber ::<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet !p%b%u%h" offered four Rakat of Fuhr prayer at Medina and t$o Rakat of 'Asr prayer at
8hul)Hulaifa% Darrated Aiyub: HA an said: Anas said# H&hen he !the Prophet passed the night there
till da$n and then he offered the orning !Ba.r" prayer# and ounted his Mount and $hen it ar)
ri(ed at Al)Baida' he assued Ihra for both 'Ura and Ha..%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber ::2:
Darrated 'Ali:
=olue 3 ) <16 ? 0:66
&he Prophet sent e to super(ise the !slaughtering of" Budn !Hadi caels" and ordered e to dis)
tribute their eat# and then he ordered e to distribute their co(ering sheets and skins% 'All added#
H&he Prophet ordered e to super(ise the slaughtering !of the Budn" and not to gi(e anything !of
their bodies" to the butcher as $ages for slaughtering%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber ::4:
Darrated 'Ali:
&he Prophet ordered e to super(ise the !slaughtering" of Budn !Hadi cael" and to distribute
their eat# skins and co(ering sheets in charity and not to gi(e anything !of their bodies" to the
butcher as $ages for slaughtering%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber ::5:
Darrated 'Ali:
&he Prophet offered one hundred Budn as Hadi and ordered e to distribute their eat !in char)
ity" and I did so% &hen he ordered e to distribute their co(ering sheets in charity and I did so% &hen
he ordered e to distribute their skins in charity and I did so%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber ::::
Darrated Ibn /urai.:
'Ata' said# HI heard /abir bin 'Abdullah saying# '@e ne(er ate the eat of the Budn for ore than
three days of Mina% ;ater# the Prophet ga(e us perission by saying: '+at and take !eat" $ith you% So
$e ate !soe" and took !soe" $ith us%' H I asked 'Ata'# H8id /abir say !that they $ent on eating the
eat" till they reached MedinaJH 'Ata' replied# HDo%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber ::7:
Darrated 'Ara:
I heard 'Aisha saying# H@e set out !fro Medina" along $ith Allah's Apostle fi(e days before the
end of 8hul),a'da $ith the intention of perforing Ha.. only% @hen $e approached Mecca# Allah's
Apostle ordered those $ho had no Hadi along $ith the to finish the lhra after perforing &a$af
of the Ka'ba# !Safa and Mar$a"% 'Aisha added# HBeef $as brought to us on the 8ay of Dahr and I said#
'@hat is thisJ' Soebody said# '&he Prophet has slaughtered !co$s" on behalf of his $i(es%' H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber ::1:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
=olue 3 ) <10 ? 0:66
&he Prophet $as asked about a person $ho had his head sha(ed before slaughtering !his Hadi" !or
other siilar cereonies of Ha.."% He replied# H&here is no har# there is no har%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :76:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
A an said to the Prophet HI perfored the &a$af)al)Ifada before the Rai !thro$ing pebbles at
the /ara"%H &he Prophet replied# H&here is no har%H &he an said# HI had y head sha(ed before
slaughtering%H &he Prophet replied# H&here is no har%H He said# HI ha(e slaughtered the Hadi before
the Rai%H &he Prophet replied# H&here is no har%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :70:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet $as asked by a an $ho said# HI ha(e done the Rai in the e(ening%H &he Prophet
replied# H&here is no har in it%H Another an asked# HI had y head sha(ed before the slaughtering%H
&he Prophet replied# H&here is no har in it%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :73:
Darrated Abu Musa:
cae upon Allah's Apostle $hen he $as at Al)Bat)ha% He asked e# HHa(e you intended to per)
for the Ha..JH I replied in the affirati(e% He asked# HBor $hat ha(e you assued lhraJH I replied#H
I ha(e assued Ihra $ith the sae intention as that of the Prophet %H &he Prophet said# HKou ha(e
done $ellI Ao and perfor &a$af round the Ka'ba and bet$een Safa and Mar$a%H &hen I $ent to
one of the $oen of Bani ,ais and she took out lice fro y head% ;ater# I assued the Ihra for
Ha..% So# I used to gi(e this (erdict to the people till the caliphate of 'Uar% @hen I told hi about it#
he said# HIf $e take !follo$" the Holy Book# then it orders us to coplete Ha.. and 'Ura !Ha..)at)
&aattu'" and if $e follo$ the tradition of Allah's Apostle then Allah's Apostle did not finish his
lhra till the Hadi had reached its destination !had been slaughtered"% !i%e% Ha..)al),iran"% !See
Hadith Do% 5<6"
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :7<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Hafsa said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat is $rong $ith the peopleL they finished their Ihra after per)
foring 'Ura# but you ha(e not finished it after your 'UraJH He replied# HI atted y hair and
ha(e garlanded y Hadi% So# I cannot finish y Ihra till I slaughter !y Hadi"% H
=olue 3 ) <13 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :72:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle !p%b%u%h" !got" his head sha(ed after perforing his Ha..%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :74:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HE AllahI Be erciful to those $ho ha(e their head sha(ed%H &he people said#
HE Allah's ApostleI And !in(oke Allah for" those $ho get their hair cut short%H &he Prophet said# HE
AllahI Be erciful to those $ho ha(e their head sha(ed%H &he people said# HE Allah's ApostleI And
those $ho get their hair cut short%H &he Prophet said !the third tie"# HAnd to those $ho get their hair
cut short%H Dafi' said that the Prophet had said once or t$ice# HE AllahI Be erciful to those $ho get
their head sha(ed#H and on the fourth tie he added# HAnd to those $ho ha(e their hair cut short%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :75:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HE AllahI Borgi(e those $ho get their heads sha(ed%H &he people asked% HAlso
those $ho get their hair cut shortJH &he Prophet said# HE AllahI Borgi(e those $ho ha(e their heads
sha(ed%H &he people said# HAlso those $ho get their hair cut shortJH &he Prophet !in(oke Allah for
those $ho ha(e their heads sha(ed and" at the third tie said# Halso !forgi(e" those $ho get their hair
cut short%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :7::
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet and soe of his copanions got their heads sha(ed and soe others got their hair cut
short% Darrated Mua$iya: I cut short the hair of Allah's Apostle $ith a long blade%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :77:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen the Prophet cae to Mecca# he ordered his 9opanions to perfor &a$af round the Ka'ba
and bet$een Safa and Mar$a# to finish their Ihra and get their hair sha(ed off or cut short%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :71:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue 3 ) <1< ? 0:66
@e perfored Ha.. $ith the Prophet and perfored &a$af)al)ifada on the 8ay of Dahr
!slaughtering"% Safiya got her enses and the Prophets desired fro her $hat a husband desires
fro his $ife% I said to hi# HE Allah's ApostleI She is ha(ing her enses%H He said# HIs she going to
detain usJH @e infored hi that she had perfored &a$af)al)Ifada on the 8ay of Dahr% He said#
H!&hen you can" depart%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :16:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet $as asked about the slaughtering# sha(ing !of the head"# and the doing of Rai before
or after the due ties% He said# H&here is no har in that%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :10:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet $as asked !as regards the cereonies of Ha.." at Mina on the 8ay of Dahr and he
replied that there $as no har% &hen a an said to hi# HI got y head sha(ed before slaughtering%H
He replied# HSlaughter !no$" and there is no har in it%H !Another" an said# HI did the Rai !of the
/iar" after idday%H &he Prophet replied# H&here $as no har in it%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :13:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
Allah's Apostle stopped !for a $hile near the /iar at Mina" during his last Ha.. and the people
started asking hi Cuestions% A an said# HIgnorantly I got y head sha(ed before slaughtering%H &he
Prophet replied# HSlaughter !no$" and there is no har in it%H Another an said# HUnkno$ingly I
slaughtered the Hadi before doing the Rai%H &he Prophet said# H8o Rai no$ and there is no har
in it%H So# on that day# $hen the Prophet $as asked about anything !about the cereonies of Ha.."
done before or after !its stated tie" his reply $as# H8o it !no$" and there is no har%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :1<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar bin Al)'As:
I $itnessed the Prophet $hen he $as deli(ering the seron on the 8ay of Dahr% A an stood up
and said# HI thought that such and such $as to be done before such and such% I got y hair sha(ed
before slaughtering%H !Another said"# HI slaughtered the Hadi before doing the Rai%H So# the people
asked about any siilar things% &he Prophet said# H8o it !no$" and there is no har in all these
cases%H @hene(er the Prophet $as asked about anything on that day# he replied# H8o it !no$" and
there is no har in it%H
=olue 3 ) <12 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :12:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar bin Al)'As:
Allah's Apostle stopped $hile on his she)cael !the subnarrator then narrated the Hadith as
abo(e# i%e% :1<"%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :14:
Darrated 'Ikria:
Ibn Abbas said: HAllah's Apostle deli(ered a seron on the 8ay of Dahr# and said# 'E peopleI !&ell
e" $hat is the day todayJ' &he people replied# 'It is the forbidden !sacred" day%' He asked again#
'@hat to$n is thisJ' &hey replied# 'It is the forbidden !Sacred" to$n%' He asked# '@hich onth is thisJ'
&hey replied# 'It is the forbidden !Sacred" onth%' He said# 'Do doubtI Kour blood# your properties#
and your honor are sacred to one another like the sanctity of this day of yours# in this !sacred" to$n
!Mecca" of yours# in this onth of yours%' &he Prophet repeated his stateent again and again% After
that he raised his head and said# 'E AllahI Ha(en't con(eyed !Kour Message" to the'% Ha(en't I con)
(eyed Kour Message to theJ' H Ibn Abbas added# HBy Hi in @hose Hand y soul is# the follo$ing
$as his $ill !Prophet's $ill" to his follo$ers:))It is incubent upon those $ho are present to con(ey
this inforation to those $ho are absent Be$are don't renegade !as" disbelie(ers !turn into infidels"
after e# Striking the necks !cutting the throats" of one another%' H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :15:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
I heard the Prophet deli(ering a seron at 'Arafat%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :1::
Darrated Abu Bakra:
&he Prophet deli(ered to us a seron on the 8ay of Dahr% He said# H8o you kno$ $hat is the day
todayJH @e said# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ better%H He reained silent till $e thought that he
ight gi(e that day another nae% He said# HIsn't it the 8ay of DahrJH @e said# HIt is%H He further
asked# H@hich onth is thisJH @e said# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ better%H He reained silent till
$e thought that he ight gi(e it another nae% He then said# HIsn't it the onth of 8hul)Hi..aJH @e
replied: HKesI It is%H He further asked# H@hat to$n is thisJH @e replied# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ it
better%H He reained silent till $e thought that he ight gi(e it another nae% He then said# HIsn't it
the forbidden !Sacred" to$n !of Mecca"JH @e said# HKes% It is%H He said# HDo doubt# your blood and
your properties are sacred to one another like the sanctity of this day of yours# in this onth of
yours# in this to$n of yours# till the day you eet your ;ord% Do doubtI Ha(en't I con(eyed Allah's
=olue 3 ) <14 ? 0:66
essage to youJ &hey said# HKes%H He said# HE AllahI Be $itness% So it is incubent upon those $ho
are present to con(ey it !this inforation" to those $ho are absent because the infored one ight
coprehend it !$hat I ha(e said" better than the present audience# $ho $ill con(ey it to hi% Be)
$areI 8o not renegade !as" disbelie(ers after e by striking the necks !cutting the throats" of one
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :17:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
At Mina# the Prophet !p%b%u%h" said# H8o you kno$ $hat is the day todayJH &he people replied# HAl)
lah and His Apostle kno$ it better%H He said# HIt is the forbidden !sacred" day% And do you kno$ $hat
to$n is thisJH &hey replied# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ it better%H He said# H&his is the forbidden
!Sacred" to$n !Mecca"% And do you kno$ $hich onth is thisJH &he people replied# HAllah and His
Apostle kno$ it better%H He said# H&his is the forbidden !sacred" onth%H &he Prophet added# HDo
doubt# Allah ade your blood# your properties# and your honor sacred to one another like the sanc)
tity of this day of yours in this onth of yours in this to$n of yours%H Darrated Ibn 'Uar: En the 8ay
of Dahr !06th of 8hul)Hi..a"# the Prophet stood in bet$een the /arat during his Ha.. $hich he per)
fored !as in the pre(ious Hadith" and said# H&his is the greatest 8ay !i%e% 06th of 8hul)Hi..ah"%H &he
Prophet started saying repeatedly# HE AllahI Be @itness !I ha(e con(eyed Kour Message"%H He then
bade the people fare$ell% &he people said# H&his is"%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber :11:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet peritted !the"%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 766:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar
&hat the Prophet allo$ed !as abo(e"%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 760:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Al)Abbas asked the perission fro the Prophet to stay at Mecca during the nights of Mina in or)
der to pro(ide $ater to the people# so the Prophet allo$ed hi%
=olue 3 ) <15 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 763:
Darrated @abra:
I asked Ibn 'Uar# H@hen should I do the Rai of the /iarJH He replied# H@hen your leader does
that%H I asked hi again the sae Cuestion% He replied# H@e used to $ait till the sun declined and then
$e $ould do the Rai !i%e% on the 00th and 03th of 8hul)Hi..a"%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 76<:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Ka-id:
'Abdullah# did the Rai fro the iddle of the (alley% So# I said# HE# Abu 'Abdur)RahanI Soe
people do the Rai !of the /ara" fro abo(e it !i%e% fro the top of the (alley"%H He said# HBy Hi e*)
cept $ho none has the right to be $orshipped# this is the place fro $here the one on $ho Sur)
at)al)BaCara $as re(ealed !i%e% Allah's Apostle" did the Rai%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 762:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Ka-id:
@hen 'Abdullah# reached the big /ara !i%e% /arat)ul)ACaba" he kept the Ka'ba on the left side
and Mina on his right side and thre$ se(en pebbles !at the /ara" and said# H&he one on $ho Sur)
at)al)BaCara $as re(ealed !i%e% the Prophet" had done the Rai siilarly%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 764:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Ka-id:
I perfored Ha.. $ith Ibn Masud # and sa$ hi doing Rai of the big /ara !/arat)ul)ACaba"
$ith se(en sall pebbles# keeping the Ka'ba on his left side and Mina on his right% He then said# H&his
is the place $here the one on $ho Surat)al)BaCara $as re(ealed !i%e% Allah's Apostle " stood%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 765:
Darrated Al)Aash:
I heard Al)Ha..a. saying on the pulpit# H&he Sura in $hich Al)BaCara !the co$" is entioned and
the Sura in $hich the faily of 'Iran is entioned and the Sura in $hich the $oen !An)Disa" is
entioned%H I entioned this to Ibrahi# and he said# 'Abdur)Rahan bin Ka-id told e# 'I $as $ith
Ibn Masud# $hen he did the Rai of the /arat)ul)ACaba% He $ent do$n the iddle of the (alley#
and $hen he cae near the tree !$hich $as near the /ara" he stood opposite to it and thre$ se(en
sall pebbles and said: 'Allahu)Akbar' on thro$ing e(ery pebble%' &hen he said# 'By Hi# e*cept
=olue 3 ) <1: ? 0:66
@ho none has the right to be $orshipped# here !at this place" stood the one on $ho Surat)al)
BaCra $as re(ealed !i%e% Allah's Apostle"%' H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 76::
Darrated Sali:
Ibn 'Uar used to do Rai of the /arat)ud)8unya !the /ara near to the Khaif osCue" $ith
se(en sall stones and used to recite &akbir on thro$ing e(ery pebble% He then $ould go ahead till
he reached the le(el ground $here he $ould stand facing the ,ibla for a long tie to in(oke !Allah"
$hile raising his hands !$hile in(oking"% &hen he $ould do Rai of the /arat)ul)@usta !iddle
/ara" and then he $ould go to the left to$ards the iddle ground# $here he $ould stand facing
the ,ibla% He $ould reain standing there for a long period to in(oke !Allah" $hile raising his
hands# and $ould stand there for a long period% &hen he $ould do Rai of the /arat)ul)ACaba
fro the iddle of the (alley# but he $ould not stay by it# and then he $ould lea(e and say# HI sa$
the Prophet doing like this%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 767:
Darrated Sali bin Abdullah:
'Abdullah bin 'Uar used to do Rai of the /arat)ud)8unya $ith se(en sall pebbles and used
to recite &akbir on thro$ing each stone% He# then# $ould proceed further till he reached the le(el
ground# $here he $ould stay for a long tie# facing the ,ibla to in(oke !Allah" $hile raising his
hands% &hen he $ould do Rai of the /arat)ul)@usta siilarly and $ould go to the left to$ards
the le(el ground# $here he $ould stand for a long tie facing the ,ibla to in(oke !Allah" $hile rais)
ing his hands% &hen he $ould do Rai of the /arat)ul)'ACaba fro the iddle of the (alley# but he
$ould not stay by it% Ibn 'Uar used to say# HI sa$ Allah's Apostle doing like that%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 761:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Al),asi:
I heard y father $ho $as the best an of his age# saying# HI heard 'Aisha saying# 'I perfued Al)
lah's Apostle $ith y o$n hands before finishing his Ihra $hile yet he has not perfored &a$af)
al)Ifada%' She spread her hands !$hile saying so%"H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 706:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he people $ere ordered to perfor the &a$af of the Ka'ba !&a$af)al)@ada'" as the lastly thing#
before lea(ing !Mecca"# e*cept the enstruating $oen $ho $ere e*cused%
=olue 3 ) <17 ? 0:66
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 700:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet offered the Fuhr# 'Asr# Maghrib and the 'Isha' prayers and slept for a $hile at a place
called Al)Mahassab and then rode to the Ka'ba and perfored &a$af round it %
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 703:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Safiya bint Huyay# the $ife of the Prophet got her enses# and Allah's Apostle $as infored of
that% He said# H@ould she delay usJH &he people said# HShe has already perfored &a$af)al)Ifada%H He
said# H&herefore she $ill not !delay us"%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 70<:
Darrated 'Ikria:
&he people of Medina asked Ibn Abbas about a $oan $ho got her enses after perforing
&a$af)al)Ifada% He said# HShe could depart !fro Mecca"%H &hey said# H@e $ill not act on your (erdict
and ignore the (erdict of Faid%H Ibn Abbas said# H@hen you reach Medina# inCuire about it%H So# $hen
they reached Medina they asked !about that"% Ene of those $ho they asked $as U Sulai% She
told the the narration of Safiya !703"%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 702:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
A enstruating $oan $as allo$ed to lea(e Mecca if she had done &a$af)al)Ifada% &a$us !a
sub)narrator" said fro his father# HI heard Ibn 'Uar saying that she $ould not depart% &hen later I
heard hi saying that the Prophet had allo$ed the !enstruating $oen" to depart%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 704:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@e set out $ith the Prophet $ith the intention of perforing Ha.. only% &he Prophet reached
Mecca and perfored &a$af of the Ka'ba and bet$een Safa and Mar$a and did not finish the Ihra#
because he had the Hadi $ith hi% His copanions and his $i(es perfored &a$af !of the Ka'ba and
bet$een Safa and Mar$a"# and those $ho had no Hadi $ith the finished their Ihra% I got the
enses and perfored all the cereonies of Ha..% So# $hen the Dight of Hasba !night of departure"
cae# I said# HE Allah's ApostleI All your copanions are returning $ith Ha.. and 'Ura e*cept e%H
He asked e# H8idn't you perfor &a$af of the Ka'ba !Ura" $hen you reached MeccaJH I said# HDo%H
=olue 3 ) <11 ? 0:66
He said# HAo to &an'i $ith your brother 'Abdur)Rahan# and assue Ihra for 'Ura and I $ill
$ait for you at such and such a place%H So I $ent $ith 'Abdur)Rahan to &an'i and assued Ihra
for 'Ura% &hen Safiya bint Huyay got enses% &he Prophet said# H 'ACra HalCaI Kou $ill detain usI
8idn't you perfor &a$af)al)Ifada on the 8ay of Dahr !slaughtering"JH She said# HKes# I did%H He said#
H&hen there is no har# depart%H So I et the Prophet $hen he $as ascending the heights to$ards
Mecca and I $as descending# or (ice)(ersa%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 705:
Darrated 'Abdul)A-i- bin Rufai:
I asked Anas bin Malik# H&ell e soething you ha(e obser(ed about the Prophet concerning
$here he offered the Fuhr prayer on the 8ay of &ar$iya !7th 8hul)Hi..a"%H Anas replied# HHe offered
it at Mina%H I said# H@here did he offer the Asr prayer on the 8ay of Dafr !day of departure fro
Mina"JH He replied# HAt Al)Abtah#H and added# HKou should do as your leaders do%H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 70::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet offered the Fuhr# 'Asr# Maghrib and 'Isha' prayers and slept for a $hile at a place
called Al)Mahassab and then he rode to$ards the Ka'ba and perfored &a$af !al)@ada'"%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 707:
Darrated 'Aisha:
It !i%e% Al)Abtah" $as a place $here the Prophet used to cap so that it ight be easier for hi to
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 701:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Staying at Al)Mahassab is not one of the cereonies !of Ha.."# but Al)Mahassab is a place $here
Allah's Apostle caped !during his$ida"%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 736:
Darrated Dafi:
Ibn 'Uar used to spend the night at 8hi)&u$a in bet$een the t$o &haniyas and then he $ould
enter Mecca through the &haniya $hich is at the higher region of Mecca# and $hene(er he cae to
Mecca for Ha.. or 'Ura# he ne(er ade his she cael kneel do$n e*cept near the gate of the
=olue 3 ) 266 ? 0:66
!Sacred MosCue" and then he $ould enter !it" and go to the Black !stone" 9orner and start fro there
circuabulating the Ka'ba se(en ties: hastening in the first three rounds !Raal" and $alking in
the last four% En finishing# he $ould offer t$o Rakat prayer and set out to perfor &a$af bet$een
Safa and Mar$a before returning to his d$elling place% En returning !to Medina" fro Ha.. or
'Ura# he used to ake his cael kneel do$n at Al)Batha $hich is at 8hu)l)Hulaifa# the place
$here the Prophet used to ake his cael kneel do$n%
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 730:
Darrated Khalid bin Al)Harith:
'Ubaidullah $as asked about Al Mahassab% 'Ubaidullah narrated: Dafi' said# 'Allah's Apostles# 'Uar
and Ibn 'Uar caped there%H Dafi' added# HIbn 'Uar used to offer the Fuhr and 'Asr prayers at it
!i%e% Al)Mahassab"%H I think he entioned the Maghrib prayer also% I said# HI don't doubt about 'Isha'
!i%e% he used to offer it there also"# and he used to sleep there for a $hile% He used to say# '&he Prophet
used to do the sae%' H
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 733:
Darrated Ibn ' Abbas:
8hul)Ma.a- and 'Uka- $ere the arkets of the people during the pre)lslaic period of ignorance%
@hen the people ebraced Isla# they disliked to do bargaining there till the follo$ing Holy =erses
$ere re(ealed:)) &here is no har for you If you seek of the bounty Ef your ;ord !during Ha.. by
trading# etc%" !3%017"
=olue 3# Book 35# Duber 73<:
Darrated ' Aisha:
Safiya got her enses on the night of Dafr !departure fro Ha.."# and she said# HI see that I $ill de)
tain you%H &he Prophet said# HACra HalCaI 8id she perfor the &a$af on the 8ay of Dahr !slaughte)
ring"JH Soebody replied in the affirati(e% He said# H&hen depart%H !8ifferent narrators entioned
that" 'Aisha said# H@e set out $ith Allah's Apostle !fro Medina" $ith the intention of perforing
Ha.. only% @hen $e reached Mecca# he ordered us to finish the Ihra% @hen it $as the night of Dafr
!departure"# Safiya bint Huyay got her enses% &he Prophet said# HHalCa ACraI I think that she $ill
detain you#H and added# H8id you perfor the &a$af !Al)Ifada" on the 8ay of Dahr !slaughtering"JH
She replied# HKes%H He said# H&hen depart%H I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e not !done the Ura"%H He
replied# HPerfor 'Ura fro &an'i%H My brother $ent $ith e and $e cae across the Prophet in
the last part of the night% He said# H@ait at such and such a place%H
=olue 3 ) 260 ? 0:66
=olue < ) 263 ? 0:66
Book 3:: Minor Pilgraage !Ura"
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 0:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H!&he perforance of" 'Ura is an e*piation for the sins coitted !bet$een
it and the pre(ious one"% And the re$ard of Ha.. Mabrur !the one accepted by Allah" is nothing e*)
cept Paradise%H
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 3:
Darrated Ibn /urai.:
Ikria bin Khalid asked Ibn 'Uar about perforing 'Ura before Ha..% Ibn 'Uar replied# H&here
is no har in it%H 'Ikria said# HIbn 'Uar also said# '&he Prophet had perfored 'Ura before per)
foring Ha..%'H
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber <:
Darrated 'Ikria bin Khalid:
HI asked Ibn 'Uar the sae !as abo(e"%H
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 2:
Darrated Mu.ahid:
Ursa bin A-Fubair and I entered the MosCue !of the Prophet" and sa$ 'Abdullah bin Uar sitting
near the d$elling place of Aisha and soe people $ere offering the 8uha prayer% @e asked hi
about their prayer and he replied that it $as a heresy% He !Ursa" then asked hi ho$ any ties the
Prophet had perfored 'Ura% He replied# 'Bour tiesL one of the $as in the onth of Ra.ab%H @e
disliked to contradict hi% &hen $e heard 'Aisha# the Mother of faithful belie(ers cleaning her teeth
$ith Si$ak in the d$elling place% 'Ursa said# HE MotherI E Mother of the belie(ersI 8on't you hear
$hat Abu 'Abdur Rahan is sayingJH She said# H@hat does he sayJH 'Ursa said# HHe says that Allah's
Apostle perfored four 'Ura and one of the $as in the onth of Ra.ab%H 'Aisha said# HMay Allah be
erciful to Abu 'Abdur RahanI &he Prophet did not perfor any 'Ura e*cept that he $as $ith
hi# and he ne(er perfored any 'Ura in Ra.ab%H
=olue < ) 26< ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 4:
Darrated 'Ursa bin A-)Fubair:
I asked 'Aisha !$hether the Prophet had perfored 'Ura in Ra.ab"% She replied# HAllah's Apostle
ne(er perfored any 'Ura in Ra.ab%H
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 5:
Darrated ,atada:
I asked Anas ho$ any ties the Prophet had perfored 'Ura% He replied# HBour ties% 0% 'Ura
of Hudaibiya in 8hi)l),a'da $hen the pagans hindered hiL 3% 'Ura in the follo$ing year in 8hi)
l),a'da after the peace treaty $ith the !the pagans"L <% 'Ura fro Al)/r'rana $here he distributed
the $ar booty%H I think he eant the booty !of the battle" of Hunain% I asked# HHo$ any ties did he
perfor Ha..JH He !Anas" replied# HEnce% H
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber ::
Darrated ,atada:
I asked Anas !about the Prophet's 'Ura" and he replied# H&he Prophet perfored 'Ura $hen the
pagans ade hi return# and Ura of al)Hudaibiya !the ne*t year"# and another 'Ura in 8hi)l)
,a'da# and another 'Ura in cobination $ith his Ha..%H
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 7:
Darrated Haa:
&he Prophet perfored four 'Ura !three" in 8hi)l),a'da e*cept the !one" 'Ura $hich he per)
fored $ith his Ha..: His 'Ura fro Al)hudaibiya# and the one of the follo$ing year# and the one
fro Al)/r'rana $here he distributed the booty !of the battle" of Hunain# and another 'Ura $ith his
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 1:
Darrated Abu IshaC:
I asked MasruC# 'Ata' and Mu.ahid !about the 'Ura of Allah's Apostle"% &hey said# HAllah's Apostle
had perfored 'Ura in 8hi)l),a'da before he perfored Ha..%H I heard Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib saying#
HAllah's Apostle had perfored 'Ura in 8hi)l),a'da t$ice before he perfored Ha..%H
=olue < ) 262 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 06:
Darrated Ata:
I heard Ibn 'Abbas saying# HAllah's Apostle asked an Ansari $oan !Ibn 'Abbas naed her but 'Ata'
forgot her nae"# '@hat pre(ented you fro perforing Ha.. $ith usJ' She replied# '@e ha(e a
cael and the father of so)and)so and his son !i%e% her husband and her son" rode it and left one
cael for us to use for irrigation%' He said !to her"# 'Perfor 'Ura $hen Raadan coes# for 'Ura
in Raadan is eCual to Ha.. !in re$ard"#' or said soething siilar%H
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 00:
Darrated Aisha:
@e set out along $ith Allah's Apostle shortly before the appearance of the ne$ oon !crescent" of
the onth of 8hi)l)Hi..a and he said to us# H@hoe(er $ants to assue Ihra for Ha.. ay do soL and
$hoe(er $ants to assue Ihra for 'Ura ay do so% Hadn't I brought the Hadi !anial for sacrifi)
cing" !$ith e"# I $ould ha(e assued Ihra for 'Ura%H !'Aisha added#": So soe of us assued
Ihra for 'Ura $hile the others for Ha..% I $as aongst those $ho assued Ihra for 'Ura% &he
day of 'Arafat approached and I $as still enstruating% I coplained to the Prophet !about that" and
he said# HAbandon your 'Ura# undo and cob your hair# and assue Ihra for Ha..L%H @hen it $as
the night of Hasba# he sent 'Abdur Rahan $ith e to At)&an'i and I assued Ihra for 'Ura
!and perfored it" in lieu of y issed 'Ura%
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 03:
Darrated 'Ar bin Aus:
Abdul Rahan bin Abu Bakr told e that the Prophet had ordered hi to let 'Aisha ride behind
hi and to ake he perfor 'Ura fro At)&an'i%
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 0<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet and his copanions assued Ihra for Ha.. and none e*cept the Prophet and &alha
had the Hadi $ith the% 'Ali had coe fro Keen and he had the Hadi $ith hi% He !'Ali" said# HI
ha(e assued Ihra $ith an intention like that of Allah's Apostle has assued it%H &he Prophet
ordered his copanions to intend the Ihra $ith $hich they had coe for 'Ura# to perfor the
&a$af of the Ka'ba !and bet$een Safa and Mar$a"# to get their hair cut short and then to finish their
Ihra $ith the e*ception of those $ho had the Hadi $ith the% &hey asked# HShall $e go to Mina
and the pri(ate organs of soe of us are dribbling !if $e finish Ihra and ha(e se*ual relations $ith
our $i(es"JH &he Prophet heard that and said# HHad I kno$n $hat I kno$ no$# I $ould not ha(e
=olue < ) 264 ? 0:66
brought the Hadi% If I did not ha(e the Hadi $ith e I $ould ha(e finished y Ihra%H 'Aisha got her
enses and perfored all the cereonies !of Ha.." e*cept the &a$af % So $hen she becae clean
fro her enses# and she had perfored the &a$af of the Ka'ba# she said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou
!people" are returning $ith both Ha.. and 'Ura and I a returning only $ith Ha..IH So# he ordered
'Abdur Rahan bin Abu Bakr to go $ith her to At)&an'i% &hus she perfored 'Ura after the Ha..
in the onth of 8hi)l)Hi..a% SuraCa bin Malik bin /u'sha et the Prophet at Al)'ACaba !/arat)ul
'ACaba" $hile the latter $as stoning it and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Is this perissible only for youJH
&he Prophet replied# HDo# it is for e(er !i%e% it is perissible for all Muslis to perfor 'Ura before
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 02:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@e set out $ith Allah's Apostle shortly before the appearance of the ne$ oon of 8hi)l)Hii.a and
he said# H@hoe(er $ants to assue Ihra for 'Ura ay do so# and $hoe(er $ants to assue Ihra
for Ha.. ay do so% Had not I brought the Hadi $ith e# I $ould ha(e assued Ihra for 'Ura%H
Soe of the people assued Ihra for 'Ura $hile others for Ha..% I $as aongst those $ho had as)
sued Ihra for 'Ura% I got y enses before entering Mecca# and $as enstruating till the day of
'Arafat% I coplained to Allah's Apostle about it# he said# HAbandon your 'Ura# undo and cob your
hair# and assue Ihra for Ha..%H So# I did that accordingly% @hen it $as the night of Hasba !day of
departure fro Mina"# the Prophet sent 'Abdur Rahan $ith e to At)&ani%
&he sub)narrator adds: He !'AbdurRahan" let her ride behind hi% And she assued Ihra for
'Ura in lieu of the abandoned one% Aisha copleted her Ha.. and 'Ura# and no Hadi# SadaCa
!charity"# or fasting $as obligatory for her%
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 04:
Darrated Al)As$ad:
&hat 'Aisha said# HE Allah's ApostleI &he people are returning after perforing the t$o Dusuks !i%e%
Ha.. and 'Ura" but I a returning $ith one onlyJH He said# H@ait till you becoe clean fro your
enses and then go to At)&an'i# assue Ihra !and after perforing 'Ura" .oin us at such)and)
such a place% But it !i%e% the re$ard if 'Ura" is according to your e*penses or the hardship !$hich
you $ill undergo $hile perforing it"%H
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 05:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@e set out assuing the Ihra for Ha.. in the onths of Ha.. to$ards the sacred precincts of Ha..%
@e disounted at Sarif and the Prophet said to his copanions# H@hoe(er has not got the Hadi $ith
=olue < ) 265 ? 0:66
hi and likes to ake it as 'Ura# he should do it# but he $ho has got the Hadi $ith hi should not
do it%H &he Prophet and soe of his $ealthy copanions had the Hadi $ith the# so they did not fin)
ish Ihra after perforing the 'Ura% &he Prophet cae to e $hile I $as $eeping% He asked e
the reason for it% I replied# HI ha(e heard of $hat you ha(e said to your copanions and I cannot do
the 'Ura%H He asked e# H@hat is the atter $ith youJH I replied# HI a not praying%H He said# H&here
is no har in it as you are one of the daughters of Ada and the sae is $ritten for you as for oth)
ers% So# you should perfor Ha.. and I hope that Allah $ill enable you to perfor the 'Ura as $ell%H
So# I carried on till $e departed fro Mina and halted at Al)Mahassab% &he Prophet called 'Abdur)
Rahan and said# HAo out of the sanctuary $ith your sister and let her assue Ihra for 'Ura# and
after both of you ha(e finished the &a$af I $ill be $aiting for you at this place%H @e cae back at
id)night and the Prophet asked us# HHa(e you finishedJH I replied in the affirati(e% He announced
the departure and the people set out for the .ourney and soe of the had perfored the &a$af of
the Ka'ba before the orning prayer# and after that the Prophet set out for Medina%
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 0::
Darrated Saf$an bin Ka'la bin Uaiya fro his father $ho said:
HA an cae to the Prophet $hile he $as at /i'rana% &he an $as $earing a cloak $hich had
traces of KhaluC or Sufra !a kind of perfue"% &he an asked !the Prophet "# '@hat do you order e
to perfor in y 'UraJ' So# Allah inspired the Prophet di(inely and he $as screened by a place of
cloth% I $ished to see the Prophet being di(inely inspired% 'Uar said to e# '9oeI @ill you be
pleased to look at the Prophet $hile Allah is inspiring hiJ' I replied in the affirati(e% 'Uar lifted
one corner of the cloth and I looked at the Prophet $ho $as snoring% !&he sub)narrator thought that
he said: &he snoring $as like that of a cael"% @hen that state $as o(er# the Prophet asked# H@here is
the Cuestioner $ho asked about 'UraJ Put off your cloak and $ash a$ay the traces of KhaluC fro
your body and clean the Sufra !yello$ color" and perfor in your Ura $hat you perfor in your
Ha.. !i%e% the &a$af round the Ka'ba and the Sa'i bet$een Safa and Mar$a"% H
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 07:
Darrated Hisha Ibn 'Ur$a fro his father $ho said:
@hile I $as a youngster# I asked 'Aisha the $ife of the Prophet% H@hat about the eaning of the
Stateent of AllahL
H=erilyI !the ountains" As)Safa and Al Mar$a# are aong the sybols of Allah% So# it is not
harful if those $ho perfor Ha.. or 'Ura of the House !Ka'ba at Mecca" to perfor the going
!&a$af" bet$een theJ !3%047" I understand !fro that" that there is no har if soebody does not
perfor the &a$af bet$een the%H 'Aisha replied# HDo# for if it $ere as you are saying# then the recit)
ation $ould ha(e been like this: 'It is not harful not to perfor &a$af bet$een the%' &his (erse
$as re(ealed in connection $ith the Ansar $ho used to assue the Ihra for the idol Manat $hich
=olue < ) 26: ? 0:66
$as put beside a place called ,udaid and those people thought it not right to perfor the &a$af of
As)Safa and Al)Mar$a% @hen Isla cae# they asked Allah's Apostle about that# and Allah
H=erilyI !the ountains" As)Safa and Al)Mar$a Are aong the sybols of Allah% So# it is not
harful of those $ho perfor Ha.. or 'Ura of the House !Ka'ba at Mecca" to perfor the going
!&a$af" bet$een the%H !3%047" Sufyan and Abu Mua$iya added fro Hisha !fro 'Aisha": H&he
Ha.. or 'Ura of the person $ho does not perfor the going !&a$af" bet$een As)Safa and Al)Mar)
$a is incoplete in Allah's sight%
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 01:
Darrated Isa'il:
Abdullah bin Abu Aufa said: HAllah's Apostle perfored 'Ura and $e too perfored 'Ura along
$ith hi% @hen he entered Mecca he perfored the &a$af !of Ka'ba" and $e too perfored it along
$ith hi# and then he cae to the As)Safa and Al)Mar$a !i%e% perfored the Sai" and $e also cae
to the along $ith hi% @e $ere shielding hi fro the people of Mecca lest they ay hit hi $ith
an arro$%H A friend of his asked hi !i%e% 'Abdullah bin Aufa"# H8id the Prophet enter the Ka'ba !dur)
ing that 'Ura"JH He replied in the negati(e% &hen he said# H@hat did he !the Prophet " say about
Khadi.aJH He !Abdullah bin Aufa" said# H!He said" 'Ai(e Khadi.a the good tidings that she $ill ha(e a
palace ade of ,asab in Paradise and there $ill be neither noise nor any trouble in it%H
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 36:
Darrated 'Ar bin 8inar:
@e asked Ibn 'Uar $hether a an $ho had perfored the &a$af of the Ka'ba but had not per)
fored the &a$af bet$een As)Safa and Al)Mar$a yet# $as peritted to ha(e se*ual relation $ith
his $ife% He replied# H&he Prophet arri(ed !at Mecca" and circuabulated the Ka'ba se(en ties
and then offered a t$o Rak'at prayer behind MaCa)lbrahi and then perfored the going !&a$af"
bet$een As)Safa and Al)Mar$a !se(en ties" !and (erily# in Allah's Apostle you ha(e a good e*)
aple%H And $e asked /abir bin 'Abdullah !the sae Cuestion" and he replied# HHe should not go near
her till he has finished the going !&a$af" bet$een As)Safa and Al)Mar$a%H
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 30:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ashari:
I cae to the Prophet at Al)Batha' $hile his cael $as kneeling do$n and he asked e# HHa(e you
intended to perfor the Ha..JH I replied in the affirati(e% He asked e# '@ith $hat intention ha(e
you assued IhraJH I replied# HI ha(e assued Ihra $ith the sae intention as that of the Prophet%
He said# HKou ha(e done $ell% Perfor the &a$af of the Ka'ba and !the Sai" bet$een As)safa and Al)
=olue < ) 267 ? 0:66
Mar$a and then finish the Ihra%H So# I perfored the &a$af around the Ka'ba and the Sai" bet$een
As)Safa and Al)Mar$a and then $ent to a $oan of the tribe of ,ais $ho cleaned y head fro
lice% ;ater I assued the Ihra for Ha..% I used to gi(e the (erdict of doing the sae till the caliphate
of 'Uar $ho said# HIf you follo$ the Holy Book then it orders you to reain in the state of Ihra till
you finish fro Ha..# if you follo$ the Prophet then he did not finish his Ihra till the Hadi !sacri)
fice" had reached its place of slaughtering !Ha..)al),iran"%H
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 33:
Darrated Al)As$ad:
Abdullah the sla(e of Asa bint Abu Bakr# told e that he used to hear Asa'# $hene(er she
passed by Al)Ha.un# saying# HMay Allah bless His Apostle Muhaad% Ence $e disounted here
$ith hi# and at that tie $e $ere tra(eling $ith light luggageL $e had a fe$ riding anials and a
little food ration% I# y sister# 'Aisha# A-)Fubair and such and such persons perfored 'Ura# and
$hen $e had passed our hands o(er the Ka'ba !i%e% perfored &a$af round the Ka'ba and bet$een
As)Safa and Al)Mar$a" $e finished our lhra% ;ater on $e assued Ihra for Ha.. the sae e(en)
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 3<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle returned fro a Aha-$a# Ha.. or 'Ura# he used to say &akbir thrice at
e(ery ele(ation of the ground and then $ould say# HDone has the right to be $orshipped but AllahL
He is Ene and has no partner% All the kingdos is for Hi# and all the praises are for Hi# and He is
Enipotent% @e are returning $ith repentance# $orshipping# prostrating# and praising our ;ord% He
has kept up His proise and ade His sla(e (ictorious# and He Alone defeated all the clans of !non)
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 32:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen the Prophet arri(ed at Mecca# soe boys of the tribe of Bani 'Abdul Muttalib $ent to recei(e
hi# and the Prophet ade one of the ride in front of hi and the other behind hi%
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 34:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
=olue < ) 261 ? 0:66
@hene(er Allah's Apostle left for Mecca# he used to pray in the osCue of Ash)Sha.ra# and $hen
he returned !to Medina"# he used to pray in the iddle of the (alley of 8hul)Hulaifa and used to pass
the night there till orning%
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 35:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet ne(er returned to his faily fro a .ourney at night% He
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 3::
Darrated /abir:
&he Prophet forbade going to one's faily at night !on arri(al fro a
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 37:
Darrated Huaid:
Anas said# H@hene(er Allah's Apostle returned fro a .ourney# he# on seeing the high places of
Medina# $ould ake his she)cael proceed fasterL and if it $ere another anial# e(en then he used
to ake it proceed faster%H
Darrated Huaid that the Prophet used to ake it proceed faster out of his lo(e for Medina%
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber 31:
Darrated Anas:
As abo(e# but entioned Hthe $alls of MedinaH instead of Hthe high places of Medina% Al)Harith bin
Uar agrees $ith Anas%
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber <6:
Darrated Abu IshaC:
I heard Al)Bara' saying# H&he abo(e =erse $as re(ealed regarding us# for the Ansar on returning
fro Ha.. ne(er entered their houses through the proper doors but fro behind% Ene of the Ansar
cae and entered through the door and he $as taunted for it% &herefore# the follo$ing $as re(ealed:
HIt is not righteousness &hat you enter the houses fro the back# But the righteous an is He $ho
fears Allah# Ebeys His order and keeps a$ay fro @hat He has forbidden So# enter houses through
the proper doors%H !3%071"
=olue < ) 206 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber <0:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&ra(eling is a kind of torture as it pre(ents one fro eating# drinking and sleep)
ing properly% So# $hen one's needs are fulfilled# one should return Cuickly to one's faily%H
=olue <# Book 3:# Duber <3:
Darrated Faid bin Asla fro his father:
I $as $ith Ibn 'Uar on the $ay to Mecca# and he got the ne$s that Safiya bint Abu Ubaid $as
seriously ill% So# he hastened his pace# and $hen the t$ilight disappeared# he disounted and offered
the Maghrib and 'Isha' prayers together% &hen he said# HI sa$ that $hene(er the Prophet had to
hasten $hen tra(eling# he $ould delay the Maghrib prayer and .oin the together !i%e% offer the
Maghrib and the Isha prayers together"%H
=olue < ) 200 ? 0:66
Book 37: Pilgris Pre(ented fro 9opleting
the Pilgriage
=olue <# Book 37# Duber <<:
Darrated Dafi:
@hen Abdullah bin Uar set out for Mecca intending to perfor Ura# at the tie of afflictions#
he said# HIf I should be pre(ented fro reaching the Kaba# then I $ould do the sae as Allah's Apostle
did# so I assue the lhra for Ura as Allah's Apostle assued the Ihra for Ura in the year of
=olue <# Book 37# Duber <2:
Darrated Dafi:
&hat Ubaidullah bin 'Abdullah and Sali bin 'Abdullah infored hi that they told Ibn 'Uar
$hen Ibn A-)Fubair $as attacked by the ary# saying H&here is no har for you if you did not per)
for Ha.. this year% @e are afraid that you ay be pre(ented fro reaching the Kaba%H Ibn 'Uar
said H@e set out $ith Allah's Apostle and the non)belie(ers of ,uraish pre(ented us fro reaching
the Ka'ba# and so the Prophet slaughtered his Hadi and got his head sha(ed%H Ibn 'Uar added# HI
ake you $itnesses that I ha(e ade 'Ura obligatory for e% And# Allah $illing# I $ill go and then
if the $ay to Ka'ba is clear# I $ill perfor the &a$af# but if I a pre(ented fro going to the Ka'ba
then I $ill do the sae as the Prophet did $hile I $as in his copany%H Ibn 'Uar then assued
Ihra for Ura fro 8hul)Hulaifa and proceeded for a $hile and said# H&he conditions of 'Ura
and Ha.. are siilar and I ake you $itnesses that I ha(e ade 'Ura and Ha.. obligatory for y)
self%H So# he did not finish the Ihra till the day of Dahr !slaughtering" cae# and he slaughtered his
Hadi% He used to say# HI $ill not finish the Ihra till I perfor the &a$af# one &a$af on the day of en)
tering Mecca !i%e% of Safa and Mar$a for both 'Ura and Ha.."%H
=olue <# Book 37# Duber <4:
Darrated Dafi: Soe of the sons of 'Abdullah told hi !i%e% 'Abdullah" if he had sta JJJ
=olue <# Book 37# Duber <5:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
=olue < ) 203 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle $as pre(ented fro perforing !'Ura" &herefore# he sha(ed his head and had
se*ual relations $ith his $i(es and slaughtered his Hadi and perfored Ura in the follo$ing year%
=olue <# Book 37# Duber <::
Darrated Sali:
!Abdullah" bin 'Uar used to say# HIs not !the follo$ing of" the tradition of Allah's Apostle suffi)
cient for youJ If anyone of you is pre(ented fro perforing Ha..# he should perfor the &a$af of
the Ka'ba and bet$een As)Safa and Al)Mar$a and then finish the Ihra and e(erything $ill becoe
legal for hi $hich $as illegal for hi !during the state of Ihra" and he can perfor Ha.. in a fol)
lo$ing year and he should slaughter a Hadi or fast in case he cannot afford the Hadi%H
=olue <# Book 37# Duber <7:
Darrated Al)Mis$ar:
Allah's Apostle slaughtered !the Hadi" before he had his head sha(ed and then he ordered his
9opanions to do the sae%
=olue <# Book 37# Duber <1:
Darrated Dafi:
&hat Abdullah and Sali said to 'Abdullah bin 'Uar# H!Kou should not go for Ha.. this year"%H 'Ab)
dullah bin 'Uar replied# H@e set out $ith the Prophet !to Mecca for perforing 'Ura" and e infi)
dels of ,uraish pre(ented us fro reaching the Ka'ba% Allah's Apostle slaughtered his Budn !caels
for sacrifice" and got his head sha(ed%H
=olue <# Book 37# Duber 26:
Darrated Dafi:
@hen Abdullah bin 'Uar set out for Mecca $ith the intentions perforing 'Ura in the period
of afflictions# he said# HIf I should be pre(ented fro reaching the Ka'ba# then I $ould do the sae as
$e did $hile in the copany of Allah's Apostle %H So# he assued the Ihra for 'Ura since the
Prophet had assued the Ihra for 'Ura in the year of Al)Hudaibiya% &hen 'Abdullah bin 'Uar
thought about it and said# H&he conditions for both Ha.. and 'Ura are siilar%H He then turned to)
$ards his copanions and said# H&he conditions of both Ha.. and 'Ura are siilar and I ake you
$itnesses that I ha(e ade the perforance of Ha.. obligatory for yself along $ith 'Ura%H He then
perfored one &a$af !bet$een As)Safa and Al)Mar$a" for both of the !i%e% Ha.. and !'Ura" and
considered that to be sufficient for hi and offered a Hadi%
=olue < ) 20< ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 37# Duber 20:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Abu ;ayla:
Ka'b bin 'U.ra said that Allah's Apostle said to hi !Ka'b"# HPerhaps your lice ha(e troubled youJH
Ka'b replied# HKesI E Allah's Apostle%H Allah's Apostle said# HHa(e your head sha(ed and then either
fast three days or feed si* poor persons or slaughter one sheep as a sacrifice%H
=olue <# Book 37# Duber 23:
Darrated Ka'b bin 'Ura:
Allah's Apostle stood beside e at Al)Hudaibiya and the lice $ere falling fro y head in great
nuber% He asked e# HHa(e your lice troubled youJH I replied in the affirati(e% He ordered e to
get y head sha(ed% Ka'b added# H&his Holy =erse:))'And if any of you is ill# or has ailent in his
scalp !3%015"# etc% $as re(ealed regarding e% H&he Prophet then ordered e either to fast three days#
or to feed si* poor persons $ith one BaraC !three Sas" !of dates"# or to slaughter a sheep# etc !sacri)
fice" $hate(er $as a(ailable%
=olue <# Book 37# Duber 2<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Ma'Cal:
I sat $ith Ka'b bin 'U.ra and asked hi about the Bidya% He replied# H&his re(elation $as re(ealed
concerning y case especially# but it is also for you in general% I $as carried to Allah's Apostle and
the lice $ere falling in great nuber on y face% &he Prophet said# HI ha(e ne(er thought that your
ailent !or struggle" has reached to such an e*tent as I see% 9an you afford a sheepJH I replied in the
negati(e% He then said# HBast for three days# or feed si* poor persons each $ith half a Sa of food%H !0 Sa
M < Kilogras appro*%"
=olue <# Book 37# Duber 22:
Darrated Abdur)Rahan bin Abu ;ayla:
!Reporting the speech of Ka'b bin Ura" Allah's Apostle sa$ hi !i%e% Ka'b" $hile the lice $ere fall)
ing on his face% He asked !hi"# HHa(e your lice troubled youJH He replied in the affirati(e% So# he
ordered hi to get his head sha(ed $hile he $as at Al)Hudaibiya% At that tie they $ere not perit)
ted to finish their Ihra# and $ere still hoping to enter Mecca% So# Allah re(ealed the (erses of Al)
Bidya% Allah's Apostle ordered hi to feed si* poor persons $ith one BaraC of food or to slaughter one
sheep !as a sacrifice" or to fast for three days%
=olue < ) 202 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 37# Duber 24:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er perfors Ha.. to this House !Ka'ba" and does not approach his $ife
for se*ual relations nor coits sins !$hile perforing Ha.."# he $ill coe out as sinless as a ne$ly)
born child% !/ust deli(ered by his other"%H
=olue <# Book 37# Duber 25:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er perfors Ha.. to this Ka'ba and does not approach his $ife for se*ual
relations nor coit sins !$hile perforing Ha.."# he $ill coe out as sinless as a ne$)born child#
!.ust deli(ered by his other"%H
=olue < ) 204 ? 0:66
Book 31: Penalty of Hunting $hile on Pil)
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 2::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abu ,atada:
My father set out !for Mecca" in the year of Al)Hudaibiya# and his copanions assued Ihra#
but he did not% At that tie the Prophet $as infored that an eney $anted to attack hi# so the
Prophet proceeded on$ards% @hile y father $as aong his copanions# soe of the laughed
aong thesel(es% !My father said"# HI looked up and sa$ an onager% I attacked# stabbed and caught
it% I then sought y copanions' help but they refused to help e% !;ater" $e all ate its eat% @e
$ere afraid that $e ight be left behind !separated" fro the Prophet so I $ent in search of the
Prophet and ade y horse to run at a galloping speed at ties and let it go slo$ at an ordinary
speed at other ties till I et a an fro the tribe of Bani Ahifar at idnight% I asked hi# H@here
did you lea(e the Prophet JH He replied# HI left hi at &a'hun and he had the intention of ha(ing the
idday rest at As)SuCya% I follo$ed the trace and .oined the Prophet and said# 'E Allah's ApostleI
Kour people !copanions" send you their coplients# and !ask for" Allah's Blessings upon you%
&hey are afraid lest they ay be left behindL so please $ait for the%' I added# 'E Allah's ApostleI I
hunted an onager and soe of its eat is $ith e% &he Prophet told the people to eat it though all of
the $ere in the state of Ihra%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 27:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abu ,atada:
&hat his father said H@e proceeded $ith the Prophet in the year of Al)Hudaibiya and his copan)
ions assued Ihra but I did not% @e $ere infored that soe eneies $ere at AhaiCa and so $e
$ent on to$ards the% My copanions sa$ an onager and soe of the started laughing aong
thesel(es% I looked and sa$ it% I chased it $ith y horse and stabbed and caught it% I $anted soe
help fro y copanions but they refused% !I slaughtered it all alone"% @e all ate fro it !i%e% its
eat"% &hen I follo$ed Allah's Apostle lest $e should be left behind% At ties I urged y horse to run
at a galloping speed and at other ties at an ordinary slo$ speed% En the $ay I et a an fro the
tribe of Bani Ahifar at idnight% I asked hi $here he had left Allah's Apostle % &he an replied that
he had left the Prophet at a place called &a'hun and he had the intention of ha(ing the idday rest at
As)SuCya% So# I follo$ed Allah's Apostle till I reached hi and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e been
sent by y copanions $ho send you their greetings and coplients and ask for Allah's Mercy
and Blessings upon you% &hey $ere afraid lest the eney ight inter(ene bet$een you and theL so
=olue < ) 205 ? 0:66
please $ait for the%H So he did% &hen I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e ha(e hunted an onager and ha(e
soe of it !i%e% its eat" left o(er%H Allah's Apostle told his copanions to eat the eat although all of
the $ere in a state of Ihra%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 21:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
@e $ere in the copany of the Prophet at a place called Al),aha !$hich is at a distance of three
stages of .ourney fro Medina"% Abu ,atada narrated through another group of narrators: @e $ere
in the copany of the Prophet at a place called Al),aha and soe of us had assued Ihra $hile
the others had not% I noticed that soe of y copanions $ere $atching soething# so I looked up
and sa$ an onager% !I rode y horse and took the spear and $hip" but y $hip fell do$n !and I
asked the to pick it up for e" but they said# H@e $ill not help you by any eans as $e are in a
state of Ihra%H So# I picked up the $hip yself and attacked the onager fro behind a hillock and
slaughtered it and brought it to y copanions% Soe of the said# H+at it%H @hile soe others said#
H8o not eat it%H So# I $ent to the Prophet $ho $as ahead of us and asked hi about it# He replied# H+at
it as it is Halal !i%e% it is legal to eat it"%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 46:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abu ,atada:
&hat his father had told hi that Allah's Apostle set out for Ha.. and so did his copanions% He
sent a batch of his copanions by another route and Abu ,atada $as one of the% &he Prophet said
to the# HProceed along the sea)shore till $e eet all together%H So# they took the route of the sea)
shore# and $hen they started all of the assued Ihra e*cept Abu ,atada% @hile they $ere pro)
ceeding on# his copanions sa$ a group of onagers% Abu ,atada chased the onagers and attacked
and $ounded a she)onager% &hey got do$n and ate soe of its eat and said to each other: HHo$ do
$e eat the eat of the gae $hile $e are in a state of IhraJH So# $e !they" carried the rest of the
she)onager's eat# and $hen they et Allah's Apostle they asked# saying# HE Allah's ApostleI @e as)
sued Ihra $ith the e*ception of Abu ,atada and $e sa$ !a group" of onagers% Abu ,atada at)
tacked the and $ounded a she)onager fro the% &hen $e got do$n and ate fro its eat% ;ater#
$e said# !to each other"# 'Ho$ do $e eat the eat of the gae and $e are in a state of IhraJ' So# $e
carried the rest of its eat% &he Prophet asked# H8id anyone of you order Abu ,atada to attack it or
point at itJH &hey replied in the negati(e% He said# H&hen eat $hat is left of its eat%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 40:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
=olue < ) 20: ? 0:66
Bro As)Sa'b bin /ath)thaa Al);aithi that the latter presented an onager to Allah's Apostle $hile
he $as at Al)Ab$a' or at @addan# and he refused it% En noticing the signs of soe unpleasant feel)
ing of disappointent on his !As)Sab's" face# the Prophet said to hi# HI ha(e only returned it because
I a Muhri%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 43:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HIt is not sinful of a Muhri to kill fi(e kinds of anials%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 4<:
Ene of the $i(es of the Prophet narrated:
&he Prophet said# HA Muhri can kill !fi(e kinds of anials%"H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 42:
Darrated Hafsa:
Allah's Apostle said# HIt is not sinful !of a Muhri" to kill fi(e kinds of anials# naely: the cro$#
the kite# the ouse# the scorpion and the rabid dog%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 44:
Darrated Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said# HBi(e kinds of anials are harful and could be killed in the Hara !Sanctu)
ary"% &hese are: the cro$# the kite# the scorpion# the ouse and the rabid dog%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 45:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@hile $e $ere in the copany of the Prophet in a ca(e at Mina# $hen Surat)$al)Mursalat $ere
re(ealed and he recited it and I heard it !directly" fro his outh as soon as he recited its re(elation%
Suddenly a snake sprang at us and the Prophet said !ordered us": HKill it%H @e ran to kill it but it es)
caped Cuickly% &he Prophet said# HIt has escaped your e(il and you too ha(e escaped its e(il%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 4::
Darrated 'Aisha the $ife of the Prophet:
Allah's Apostle called the salaander a bad anial# but I did not hear hi ordering it to be killed%H
=olue < ) 207 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 47:
Darrated Said bin Abu Said Al)MaCburi:
Abu Shuraih# Al)'Ada$i said that he had said to 'Ar bin Sa'id $hen he $as sending the troops to
Mecca !to fight 'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair"# HE 9hiefI Allo$ e to tell you $hat Allah's Apostle said on
the day follo$ing the 9onCuest of Mecca% My ears heard that and y heart understood it thoroughly
and I sa$ $ith y o$n eyes the Prophet $hen he# after Alorifying and Praising Allah# started saying#
'Allah# not the people# ade Mecca a sanctuary# so anybody $ho has belief in Allah and the ;ast 8ay
should neither shed blood in it# nor should he cut do$n its trees% If anybody tells !argues" that fight)
ing in it is perissible on the basis that Allah's Apostle did fight in Mecca# say to hi# 'Allah allo$ed
His Apostle and did not allo$ you%' HAllah allo$ed e only for a fe$ hours on that day !of the con)
Cuest" and today its sanctity is (alid as it $as before% So# those $ho are present should infor those
$ho are absent !concerning this fact%H Abu Shuraih $as asked# H@hat did 'Ar replyJH He said# !'Ar
said" 'E Abu ShuraihI I kno$ better than you in this respect Mecca does not gi(e protection to a sin)
ner# a urderer or a thief%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 41:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
H&he Prophet said# 'Allah has ade Mecca# a sanctuary# so it $as a sanctuary before e and $ill
continue to be a sanctuary after e% It $as ade legal for e !i%e% I $as allo$ed to fight in it" for a
fe$ hours of a day% It is not allo$ed to uproot its shrubs or to cut its trees# or to chase !or disturb" its
gae# or to pick up its luCata !fallen things" e*cept by a person $ho $ould announce that !$hat he
has found" publicly%' Al)'Abbas said# 'E Allah's ApostleI +*cept Al)ldhkhir !a kind of grass" !for it is
used" by our goldsiths and for our gra(es%' &he Prophet then said# '+*cept Al)idhkhir%' H 'Ikria said#
'8o you kno$ $hat Hchasing or disturbingH the gae eansJ It eans dri(ing it out of the shade to
occupy its place%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 56:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
their blacksiths and for their doestic purposes"%H So# the Prophet s
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 50:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle $as cupped $hile he $as in a state of Ihra%
=olue < ) 201 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 53:
Darrated Ibn Buhaina: &he Prophet# $hile in the state of Ihra# $as cupped at the iddle of his
head at ;iha)/aal%
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 5<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet arried Maiuna $hile he $as in the state of Ihra# !only the cereonies of ar)
riage $ere held"%
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 52:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Uar:
A person stood up and asked# HE Allah's: ApostleI @hat clothes ay be $orn in the state of
IhraJH &he Prophet replied# H8o not $ear a shirt or trousers# or any headgear !e%g% a turban"# or a
hooded cloakL but if soebody has no shoes he can $ear leather stockings pro(ided they are cut
short off the ankles# and also# do not $ear anything perfued $ith @ars or saffron# and the
Muhria !a $oan in the state of Ihra" should not co(er her face# or $ear glo(es%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 54:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
A an $as crushed to death by his she)cael and $as brought to Allah's Apostle $ho said# HAi(e
hi a bath and shroud hi# but do not co(er his head# and do not bring any perfue near to hi# as
he $ill be resurrected reciting &albiya%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 55:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Hunain:
Abdullah bin Al)Abbas and Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa differed at Al)Ab$a'L Ibn 'Abbas said that a
Muhri could $ash his headL $hile Al)Mis$ar aintained that he should not do so% 'Abdullah bin
'Abbas sent e to Abu Aiyub Al)Ansari and I found hi bathing bet$een the t$o $ooden posts !of
the $ell" and $as screened $ith a sheet of cloth% I greeted hi and he asked $ho I $as% I replied# HI
a 'Abdullah bin Hunain and I ha(e been sent to you by Ibn 'Abbas to ask you ho$ Allah's Apostle
used to $ash his head $hile in the state of lhra%H Abu Aiyub Al)Ansarl caught hold of the sheet of
cloth and lo$ered it till his head appeared before e# and then told soebody to pour $ater on his
head% He poured $ater on his head# and he !Abu Aiyub" rubbed his head $ith his hands by bringing
the fro back to front and fro front to back and said# HI sa$ the Prophet doing like this%H
=olue < ) 236 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 5::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
I heard the Prophet deli(ering a seron at 'Arafat saying# HIf a Muhri does not find slippers# he
could $ear Khuffs !but he has to cut short the Khuffs belo$ the ankles"# and if he does not find an
I-ar !a $aist sheet for $rapping the lo$er half of the body" he could $ear trousers%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 57:
Darrated Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle $as asked $hat sort of clothes a Muhri should $ear% He replied# HHe should not
$ear a shirt# turbans# trousers# a hooded cloak# or a dress perfued $ith saffron or @arsL and if slip)
pers are not a(ailable he can $ear Khuffs but he should cut the so that they reach belo$ the
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 51:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet deli(ered a seron at 'Arafat and said# H@hoe(er does not get an I-ar can $ear
trousers# and $hoe(er cannot get a pair of shoes can $ear Khuffs%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber :6:
Darrated Al)Bara:
&he Prophet assued Ihra for Ura in the onth of 8hul),a'da but the !pagan" people of
Mecca refused to adit hi into Mecca till he agreed on the condition that he $ould not bring into
Mecca any ars but sheathed%
=olue <# Book 31# Duber :0:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet fi*ed 8hul)Hulaifa as the MiCat !the place for assuing Ihra" for the people of
Medina# and ,aran)al)Mana-il for the people of Da.d# and Kalala for the people of Keen%
&hese Ma$aCit are for those people and also for those $ho coe through these Ma$aCit !fro
places other than the abo(e)entioned" $ith the intention of !perforing" Ha.. and Ura% And
those li(ing inside these Ma$aCit can assue Ihra fro the place $here they startL e(en the people
of Mecca can assue Ihra fro Mecca%
=olue < ) 230 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 31# Duber :3:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle entered Mecca in the year of its 9onCuest $earing an Arabian helet on his head
and $hen the Prophet took it off# a person cae and said# HIbn Khatal is holding the co(ering of the
Ka'ba !taking refuge in the Ka'ba"%H &he Prophet said# HKill hi%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber :<:
Darrated Ka'li:
ae as you do in your Ha..%H A an bit the hand of another an but in JJJ
=olue <# Book 31# Duber :2:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
=olue <# Book 31# Duber :4:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
@hile a an $as standing $ith the Prophet at 'Arafat# he fell fro his Mount and his neck $as
crushed by it% &he Prophet said# H@ash the deceased $ith $ater and Sidr and shroud hi in t$o
pieces of cloth# and neither perfue hi nor co(er his head# for Allah $ill resurrect hi on the 8ay
of Resurrection and he $ill be reciting &albiya%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber :5:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
A an $as in the copany of the Prophet and his she)cael crushed his neck $hile he $as in a
state of Ihra and he died Allah's Apostle said# H@ash hi $ith $ater and Sidr and shroud hi in
his t$o garentsL neither perfue hi nor co(er his head# for he $ill be resurrected on the 8ay of
Resurrection# reciting &albiya%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber :::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
A $oan fro the tribe of /uhaina cae to the Prophet and said# HMy other had (o$ed to per)
for Ha.. but she died before perforing it% May I perfor Ha.. on y other's behalfJH &he Proph)
=olue < ) 233 ? 0:66
et replied# HPerfor Ha.. on her behalf% Had there been a debt on your other# $ould you ha(e paid
it or notJ So# pay Allah's debt as He has ore right to be paid%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber :7:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
A $oan fro the tribe of Khath'a cae in the year !of$ada' of the Prophet " and
said# HE Allah's ApostleI My father has coe under Allah's obligation of perforing Ha.. but he is a
(ery old an and cannot sit properly on his Mount% @ill the obligation be fulfilled if I perfor Ha..
on his behalfJH &he Prophet replied in the affirati(e%
=olue <# Book 31# Duber :1:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
Al)Badl $as riding behind the Prophet and a $oan fro the tribe of Khath'a cae up% Al)Badl
started looking at her and she looked at hi% &he Prophet turned Al)Badl's face to the other side% She
said# HMy father has coe under Allah's obligation of perforing Ha.. but he is a (ery old an and
cannot sit properly on his Mount% Shall I perfor Ha.. on his behalfJ &he Prophet replied in the af)
firati(e% &hat happened during$ada' of the Prophet %
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 76:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet sent e !to Mina" $ith the luggage fro /a'!i%e% Al)Mu-dalifa" at night%
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 70:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
I cae riding on y she)ass and had !.ust" then attained the age of puberty% Allah's Apostle $as
praying at Mina% I passed in front of a part of the first ro$ and then disounted fro it# and the an)
ial started gra-ing% I aligned $ith the people behind Allah's Apostle !&he sub)narrator added that
happened in Mina during the Prophet's$ada%"
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 73:
Darrated As)Sa'ib bin Ka-id:
!@hile in the copany of y parents" I $as ade to perfor Ha.. $ith Allah's Apostle and I $as a
se(en)year)old boy then% !Batch)Al)Bari# p%22<# =ol%2"
=olue < ) 23< ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 7<:
Darrated Al)/u'aid bin 'AbdurRahan:
I heard 'Uar bin 'Abdul A-l- telling about As)Sa'ib bin Ka-id that he had perfored Ha.. !$hile
carried" $ith the belongings of the Prophet
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 72:
Darrated Aisha !other of the faithful belie(ers":
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shouldn't $e participate in Holy battles and /ihad along $ith youJH He
replied# H&he best and the ost superior /ihad !for $oen" is Ha.. $hich is accepted by Allah%H 'Aisha
added: +(er since I heard that fro Allah's Apostle I ha(e deterined not to iss Ha..%
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 74:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HA $oan should not tra(el e*cept $ith a 8hu)Mahra !her husband or a an
$ith $ho that $oan cannot arry at all according to the Islaic /urisprudence"# and no an
ay (isit her e*cept in the presence of a 8hu)Mahra%H A an got up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I
intend to go to such and such an ary and y $ife $ants to perfor Ha..%H &he Prophet said !to
hi"# HAo along $ith her !to Ha.."%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 75:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
@hen the Prophet returned after perforing his Ha..# he asked U Sinan Al)Ansari# H@hat did
forbid you to perfor Ha..JH She replied# HBather of so)and)so !i%e% her husband" had t$o caels and
he perfored Ha.. on one of the# and the second is used for the irrigation of our land%H &he Prophet
said !to her"# HPerfor 'Ura in the onth of Raadan# !as it is eCui(alent to Ha.. or Ha.. $ith e !in
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 7::
Darrated ,a-a'a# the sla(e of Fiyad:
Abu Said $ho participated in t$el(e Aha-a$at $ith the Prophet said# HI heard four things fro
Allah's Apostle !or I narrate the fro the Prophet " $hich $on y adiration and appreciation%
&hey are:
0% HDo lady should tra(el $ithout her husband or $ithout a 8hu)Mahra for a t$o)days' .ourney%
=olue < ) 232 ? 0:66
3% Do fasting is perissible on t$o days of 'Id)al)Bitr# and 'Id)al)Adha%
<% Do prayer !ay be offered" after t$o prayers: after the 'Asr prayer till the sun set and after the
orning prayer till the sun rises%
2% Dot to tra(el !for (isiting" e*cept for three osCues: !in Mecca"# y MosCue
!in Medina"# and !in /erusale"%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 77:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet sa$ an old an $alking# supported by his t$o sons# and asked about hi% &he people
infored hi that he had (o$ed to go on foot !to the Ka'ba"% He said# HAllah is not in need of this old
an's torturing hiself#H and ordered hi to ride%
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 71:
Darrated 'UCba bin 'Air:
My sister (o$ed to go on foot to the Ka'ba# and she asked e to take the (erdict of the Prophet
about it% So# I did and the Prophet said# HShe should $alk and also should ride%H
=olue <# Book 31# Duber 16:
Darrated Abu)l)Khair fro 'UCba as abo(e%
=olue < ) 234 ? 0:66
Book <6: =irtues of Madinah
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 10:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HMedina is a sanctuary fro that place to that% Its trees should not be cut and no
heresy should be inno(ated nor any sin should be coitted in it# and $hoe(er inno(ates in it an
heresy or coits sins !bad deeds"# then he $ill incur the curse of Allah# the angels# and all the
people%H !See Hadith Do% 261# =ol 1"%
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 13:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet cae to Medina and ordered a osCue to be built and said# HE Bani Da..arI Suggest to
e the price !of your land"%H &hey said# H@e do not $ant its price e*cept fro AllahH !i%e% they $ished
for a re$ard fro Allah for gi(ing up their land freely"% So# the Prophet ordered the gra(es of the pa)
gans to be dug out and the land to be le(elled# and the date)pal trees to be cut do$n% &he cut date)
pals $ere fi*ed in the direction of the ,ibla of the osCue%
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 1<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HI ha(e ade Medina a sanctuary bet$een its t$o !Harrat" ountains%H &he
Prophet $ent to the tribe of Bani Haritha and said !to the"# HI see that you ha(e gone out of the
sanctuary#H but looking around# he added# HDo# you are inside the sanctuary%H
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 12:
Darrated 'Ali:
@e ha(e nothing e*cept the Book of Allah and this $ritten paper fro the Prophet !$here)in is
$ritten:" Medina is a sanctuary fro the 'Air Mountain to such and such a place# and $hoe(er in)
no(ates in it an heresy or coits a sin# or gi(es shelter to such an inno(ator in it $ill incur the
curse of Allah# the angels# and all the people# none of his copulsory or optional good deeds of $or)
ship $ill be accepted% And the asylu !of protection" granted by any Musli is to be secured !re)
spected" by all the other MuslisL and $hoe(er betrays a Musli in this respect incurs the curse of
Allah# the angels# and all the people# and none of his copulsory or optional good deeds of $orship
$ill be accepted# and $hoe(er !freed sla(e" befriends !take as asters" other than his anuitters
=olue < ) 235 ? 0:66
$ithout their perission incurs the curse of Allah# the angels# and all the people# and none of his
copulsory or optional good deeds of $orship $ill be accepted%
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 14:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HI $as ordered to igrate to a to$n $hich $ill s$allo$ !conCuer" other to$ns
and is called Kathrib and that is Medina# and it turns out !bad" persons as a furnace reo(es the i)
purities of iron%
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 15:
Darrated Abu Huaid:
@e cae $ith the Prophet fro &abuk# and $hen $e reached near Medina# the Prophet said#
H&his is &abah%H
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 1::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
If I sa$ deers gra-ing in Medina# I $ould not chase the# for Allah's Apostle said# H!Medina" is a
sanctuary bet$een its t$o ountains%H
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 17:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H&he people $ill lea(e Medina in spite of the best state it $ill ha(e#
and none e*cept the $ild birds and the beasts of prey $ill li(e in it# and the last persons $ho $ill die
$ill be t$o shepherds fro the tribe of Mu-aina# $ho $ill be dri(ing their sheep to$ards Medina#
but $ill find nobody in it# and $hen they reach the (alley of &haniyat)al)@ada'# they $ill fall do$n
on their faces dead%H
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 11:
Darrated Abu Fuhair:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HKeen $ill be conCuered and soe people $ill igrate !fro
Medina" and $ill urge their failies# and those $ho $ill obey the to igrate !to Keen" although
Medina $ill be better for theL if they but kne$% Sha $ill also be conCuered and soe people $ill
igrate !fro Medina" and $ill urge their failies and those $ho $ill obey the# to igrate !to
Sha" although Medina $ill be better for theL if they but kne$% 'IraC $ill be conCuered and soe
=olue < ) 23: ? 0:66
people $ill igrate !fro Medina" and $ill urge their failies and those $ho $ill obey the to i)
grate !to 'IraC" although Medina $ill be better for theL if they but kne$%H
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 066:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H=erily# Belief returns and goes back to Medina as a snake returns and goes
back to its hole !$hen in danger"%H
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 060:
Darrated Sad:
I heard the Prophet saying# HDone plots against the people of Medina but that he $ill be dissol(ed
!destroyed" like the salt is dissol(ed in $ater%H
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 063:
Darrated Usaa:
Ence the Prophet stood at the top of a !looked out fro upon one" castle aongst the castles !or
the high buildings" of Medina and said# H8o you see $hat I seeJ !Do doubt" I see the spots $here af)
flictions $ill take place aong your houses !and these afflictions $ill be" as nuerous as the spots
$here rain)drops fall%H
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 06<:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
&he Prophet said# H&he terror caused by Al)Masih Ad) $ill not enter Medina and at that tie
Medina $ill ha(e se(en gates and there $ill be t$o angels at each gate guarding the%H
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 062:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here are angels guarding the entrances !or roads" of Medina# neither plague
nor Ad) $ill be able to enter it%H
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 064:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
=olue < ) 237 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# H&here $ill be no to$n $hich Ad) $ill not enter e*cept Mecca and Med)
ina# and there $ill be no entrance !road" !of both Mecca and Medina" but the angels $ill be standing
in ro$s guarding it against hi# and then Medina $ill shake $ith its inhabitants thrice !i%e% three
earth)Cuakes $ill take place" and Allah $ill e*pel all the nonbelie(ers and the hypocrites fro it%H
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 065:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle told us a long narrati(e about Ad) and aong the any things he en)
tioned# $as his saying# HAd) $ill coe and it $ill be forbidden for hi to pass through the en)
trances of Medina% He $ill land in soe of the salty barren areas !outside" MedinaL on that day the
best an or one of the best en $ill coe up to hi and say# 'I testify that you are the sae
$hose description $as gi(en to us by Allah's Apostle %' Ad) $ill say to the people# 'If I kill this
an and bring hi back to life again# $ill you doubt y claiJ' &hey $ill say# 'Do%' &hen Ad)
$ill kill that an and bring hi back to life% &hat an $ill say# 'Do$ I kno$ your reality better than
before%' Ad) $ill say# 'I $ant to kill hi but I cannot%' H
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 06::
Darrated /abir:
A bedouin cae to the Prophet and ga(e a pledge of allegiance for ebracing Isla% &he ne*t day
he cae $ith fe(er and said !to the Prophet "# HPlease cancel y pledge !of ebracing Isla and of
eigrating to Medina"%H &he Prophet refused !that reCuest" three ties and said# HMedina is like a
furnace# it e*pels out the ipurities !bad persons" and selects the good ones and akes the per)
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 067:
Darrated Faid bin &habit:
@hen the Prophet $ent out for !the battle of" Uhud# soe of his copanions !hypocrites" returned
!hoe"% A party of the belie(ers rearked that they $ould kill those !hypocrites" $ho had returned#
but another party said that they $ould not kill the% So# this 8i(ine Inspiration $as re(ealed: H&hen
$hat is the atter $ith you that you are di(ided into t$o parties concerning the hypocrites%H !2%77"
&he Prophet said# HMedina e*pels the bad persons fro it# as fire e*pels the ipurities of iron%H
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 061:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HE AllahI Besto$ on Medina t$ice the blessings Kou besto$ed on Mecca%H
=olue < ) 231 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 006:
Darrated Anas:
@hene(er the Prophet returned fro a .ourney and obser(ed the $alls of Medina# he $ould ake
his Mount go fast# and if he $as on an anial !i%e% a horse"# he $ould ake it gallop because of his
lo(e for Medina%
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 000:
Darrated Anas:
!&he people of" Bani Salaa intended to shift near the osCue !of the Prophet" but Allah's Apostle
disliked to see Medina (acated and said# HE the people of Bani SalaaI 8on't you think that you $ill
be re$arded for your footsteps $hich you take to$ards the osCueJH So# they stayed at their old
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 003:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&here is a garden fro the gardens of Paradise bet$een y house and y pul)
pit# and y pulpit is on y ;ake Bount !Al)Kauthar"%H
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 00<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen Allah's Apostle reached Medina# Abu Bakr and Bilal becae ill% @hen Abu Bakr's fe(er got
$orse# he $ould recite !this poetic (erse": H+(erybody is staying ali(e $ith his People# yet 8eath is
nearer to hi than His shoe laces%H And Bilal# $hen his fe(er deserted hi# $ould recite: H@ould that
I could stay o(ernight in A (alley $herein I $ould be Surrounded by Idhkhir and /alil !kinds of
good)selling grass"% @ould that one day I could 8rink the $ater of the Ma.anna# and @ould that
!&he t$o ountains" Shaa and &afil $ould appear to eIH &he Prophet said# HE AllahI 9urse Shaiba
bin Rabi'a and 'Utba bin Rabi'a and Uaiya bin Khalaf as they turned us out of our land to the land
of epideics%H Allah's Apostle then said# HE AllahI Make us lo(e Medina as $e lo(e Mecca or e(en
ore than that% E AllahI Ai(e blessings in our Sa and our Mudd !easures syboli-ing food" and
ake the cliate of Medina suitable for us# and di(ert its fe(er to$ards Al.uhfa%H Aisha added: @hen
$e reached Medina# it $as the ost unhealthy of Allah's lands# and the (alley of Bathan !the (alley
of Medina" used to flo$ $ith ipure colored $ater%
=olue < ) 2<6 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <6# Duber 002:
Darrated Faid bin Asla fro his father:
Uar said# E AllahI Arant e artyrdo in Kour cause# and let y death be in the city of Kour
=olue < ) 2<0 ? 0:66
Book <0: Basting
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 004:
Darrated &alha bin 'Ubaid)Ullah:
A bedouin $ith unkept hair cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Infor e $hat
Allah has ade copulsory for e as regards the prayers%H He replied: HKou ha(e to offer perfectly
the fi(e copulsory prayers in a day and night !32 hours"# unless you $ant to pray Da$afil%H &he
bedouin further asked# HInfor e $hat Allah has ade copulsory for e as regards fasting%H He
replied# HKou ha(e to fast during the $hole onth of Raadan# unless you $ant to fast ore as
Da$afil%H &he bedouin further asked# H&ell e ho$ uch Fakat Allah has en.oined on e%H &hus# Al)
lah's Apostle infored hi about all the rules !i%e% fundaentals" of Isla% &he bedouin then said# HBy
Hi @ho has honored you# I $ill neither perfor any Da$afil nor $ill I decrease $hat Allah has
en.oined on e% Allah's Apostle said# HIf he is saying the truth# he $ill succeed !or he $ill be granted
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 005:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet obser(ed the fast on the 06th of Muharra !'Ashura"# and ordered !Muslis" to fast
on that day# but $hen the fasting of the onth of Raadan $as prescribed# the fasting of the
'Ashura' $as abandoned% 'Abdullah did not use to fast on that day unless it coincided $ith his routine
fasting by chance%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 00::
Darrated 'Aisha:
!&he tribe of" ,uraish used to fast on the day of Ashura' in the Pre)lslaic period# and then Allah's
Apostle ordered !Muslis" to fast on it till the fasting in the onth of Raadan $as prescribedL
$hereupon the Prophet said# HHe $ho $ants to fast !on 'Ashura'" ay fast# and he $ho does not $ant
to fast ay not fast%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 007:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HBasting is a shield !or a screen or a shelter"% So# the person obser(ing fasting
should a(oid se*ual relation $ith his $ife and should not beha(e foolishly and ipudently# and if
=olue < ) 2<3 ? 0:66
soebody fights $ith hi or abuses hi# he should tell hi t$ice# 'I a fasting%H &he Prophet added#
HBy Hi in @hose Hands y soul is# the sell coing out fro the outh of a fasting person is bet)
ter in the sight of Allah than the sell of usk% !Allah says about the fasting person"# 'He has left his
food# drink and desires for My sake% &he fast is for Me% So I $ill re$ard !the fasting person" for it and
the re$ard of good deeds is ultiplied ten ties%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 001:
Darrated Abu @ail fro Hudhaifa:
Uar asked the people# H@ho reebers the narration of the Prophet about the afflictionJH Hud)
haifa said# HI heard the Prophet saying# '&he affliction of a person in his property# faily and neigh)
bors is e*piated by his prayers# fasting# and gi(ing in charity%H 'Uar said# HI do not ask about that#
but I ask about those afflictions $hich $ill spread like the $a(es of the sea%H Hudhaifa replied# H&here
is a closed gate in front of those afflictions%H 'Uar asked# H@ill that gate be opened or brokenJH He
replied# HIt $ill be broken%H 'Uar said# H&hen the gate $ill not be closed again till the 8ay of Resur)
rection%H @e said to MasruC# H@ould you ask Hudhaifa $hether 'Uar kne$ $hat that gate sybol)
i-edJH He asked hi and he replied HHe !'Uar" kne$ it as one kno$s that there $ill be night before
toorro$# orning%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 036:
Darrated Sahl:
&he Prophet said# H&here is a gate in Paradise called Ar)Raiyan# and those $ho obser(e fasts $ill
enter through it on the 8ay of Resurrection and none e*cept the $ill enter through it% It $ill be
said# '@here are those $ho used to obser(e fastsJ' &hey $ill get up# and none e*cept the $ill enter
through it% After their entry the gate $ill be closed and nobody $ill enter through it%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 030:
'Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er gi(es t$o kinds !of things or property" in charity for Allah's 9ause#
$ill be called fro the gates of Paradise and $ill be addressed# 'E sla(es of AllahI Here is prosperity%'
So# $hoe(er $as aongst the people $ho used to offer their prayers# $ill be called fro the gate of
the prayerL and $hoe(er $as aongst the people $ho used to participate in /ihad# $ill be called
fro the gate of /ihadL and $hoe(er $as aongst those $ho used to obser(e fasts# $ill be called
fro the gate of Ar)RaiyanL $hoe(er $as aongst those $ho used to gi(e in charity# $ill be called
fro the gate of charity%H Abu Bakr said# H;et y parents be sacrificed for you# E Allah's ApostleI Do
distress or need $ill befall hi $ho $ill be called fro those gates% @ill there be any one $ho $ill
be called fro all these gatesJH &he Prophet replied# HKes# and I hope you $ill be one of the%H
=olue < ) 2<< ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 033:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen Raadan begins# the gates of Paradise are opened%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 03<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen the onth of Raadan starts# the gates of the hea(en are opened and
the gates of Hell are closed and the de(ils are chained%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 032:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H@hen you see the crescent !of the onth of Raadan"# start fast)
ing# and $hen you see the crescent !of the onth of Sha$$al"# stop fastingL and if the sky is o(ercast
!and you can't see It" then regard the crescent !onth" of Raadan !as of <6 days"H%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 034:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er established prayers on the night of ,adr out of sincere faith and hop)
ing for a re$ard fro Allah# then all his pre(ious sins $ill be forgi(enL and $hoe(er fasts in the
onth of Raadan out of sincere faith# and hoping for a re$ard fro Allah# then all his pre(ious
sins $ill be forgi(en%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 035:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet $as the ost generous aongst the people# and he used to be ore so in the onth of
Raadan $hen Aabriel (isited hi# and Aabriel used to eet hi on e(ery night of Raadan till the
end of the onth% &he Prophet used to recite the Holy ,ur'an to Aabriel# and $hen Aabriel et hi#
he used to be ore generous than a fast $ind !$hich causes rain and $elfare"%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 03::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er does not gi(e up forged speech and e(il actions# Allah is not in need of
his lea(ing his food and drink !i%e% Allah $ill not accept his fasting%"H
=olue < ) 2<2 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 037:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah said# 'All the deeds of Ada's sons !people" are for the# e*cept fasting
$hich is for Me# and I $ill gi(e the re$ard for it%' Basting is a shield or protection fro the fire and
fro coitting sins% If one of you is fasting# he should a(oid se*ual relation $ith his $ife and
Cuarreling# and if soebody should fight or Cuarrel $ith hi# he should say# 'I a fasting%' By Hi in
@hose Hands y soul is' &he unpleasant sell coing out fro the outh of a fasting person is bet)
ter in the sight of Allah than the sell of usk% &here are t$o pleasures for the fasting person# one at
the tie of breaking his fast# and the other at the tie $hen he $ill eet his ;ordL then he $ill be
pleased because of his fasting%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 031:
Darrated 'AlCaa:
@hile I $as $alking $ith 'Abdullah he said# H@e $ere in the copany of the Prophet and he said#
'He $ho can afford to arry should arry# because it $ill help hi refrain fro looking at other
$oen# and sa(e his pri(ate parts fro looking at other $oen# and sa(e his pri(ate parts fro
coitting illegal se*ual relationL and he $ho cannot afford to arry is ad(ised to fast# as fasting
$ill diinish his se*ual po$er%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0<6:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
Allah's Apostle entioned Raadan and said# H8o not fast unless you see the crescent !of Ra)
adan"# and do not gi(e up fasting till you see the crescent !of Sha$$al"# but if the sky is o(ercast !if
you cannot see it"# then act on estiation !i%e% count Sha'ban as <6 days"%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0<0:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he onth !can be" 31 nights !i%e% days"# and do not fast till you see the oon#
and if the sky is o(ercast# then coplete Sha'ban as thirty days%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0<3:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H&he onth is like this and this#H !at the sae tie he sho$ed the fingers of both
his hands thrice" and left out one thub on the third tie%
=olue < ) 2<4 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0<<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet or Abu)l),asi said# HStart fasting on seeing the crescent !of Raadan"# and gi(e up
fasting on seeing the crescent !of Sha$$al"# and if the sky is o(ercast !and you cannot see it"# co)
plete thirty days of Sha'ban%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0<2:
Darrated U Salaa:
&he Prophet (o$ed to keep aloof fro his $i(es for a period of one onth# and after the cople)
tion of 31 days he $ent either in the orning or in the afternoon to his $i(es% Soeone said to hi
HKou (o$ed that you $ould not go to your $i(es for one onth%H He replied# H&he onth is of 31
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0<4:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle (o$ed to keep aloof fro his $i(es for one onth# and he had dislocation of his
leg% So# he stayed in a Mashruba for 31 nights and then cae do$n% Soe people said# HE Allah's
ApostleI Kou (o$ed to stay aloof for one onth#H He replied# H&he onth is of 31 days%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0<5:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
&he Prophet said# H&he t$o onths of 'Id i%e% Raadan and 8hul)Hi..a# do not decrease !in superi)
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0<::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H@e are an illiterate nationL $e neither $rite# nor kno$ accounts% &he onth is
like this and this# i%e% soeties of 31 days and soeties of thirty days%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0<7:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue < ) 2<5 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HDone of you should fast a day or t$o before the onth of Raadan unless he
has the habit of fasting !Da$afil" !and if his fasting coincides $ith that day" then he can fast that
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0<1:
Darrated Al)Bara:
It $as the custo aong the copanions of Muhaad that if any of the $as fasting and the
food $as presented !for breaking his fast"# but he slept before eating# he $ould not eat that night and
the follo$ing day till sunset%
,ais bin Sira)al)Ansari $as fasting and cae to his $ife at the tie of Iftar !breaking one's fast"
and asked her $hether she had anything to eat% She replied# HDo# but I $ould go and bring soe for
you%H He used to do hard $ork during the day# so he $as o(er$heled by sleep and slept% @hen his
$ife cae and sa$ hi# she said# H8isappointent for you%H @hen it $as idday on the follo$ing
day# he fainted and the Prophet $as infored about the $hole atter and the follo$ing (erses $ere
re(ealed: HKou are peritted &o go to your $i(es !for se*ual relation" At the night of fasting%H So# they
$ere o(er.oyed by it% And then Allah also re(ealed: HAnd eat and drink Until the $hite thread Ef
da$n appears to you 8istinct fro the black thread !of the night"%H !3%07:"
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 026:
Darrated 'Adi bin Hati:
@hen the abo(e (erses $ere re(ealed: 'Until the $hite thread appears to you# distinct fro the
black thread#' I took t$o !hair" strings# one black and the other $hite# and kept the under y pil)
lo$ and $ent on looking at the throughout the night but could not ake anything out of it% So# the
ne*t orning I $ent to Allah's Apostle and told hi the $hole story% He e*plained to e# H&hat (erse
eans the darkness of the night and the $hiteness of the da$n%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 020:
Darrated Sahl bin Saud:
@hen the follo$ing (erses $ere re(ealed: '+at and drink until the $hite thread appears to you#
distinct fro the black thread' and of da$n $as not re(ealed# soe people $ho intended to fast# tied
black and $hite threads to their legs and $ent on eating till they differentiated bet$een the t$o% Al)
lah then re(ealed the $ords# 'of da$n'# and it becae clear that eant night and day%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 023:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue < ) 2<: ? 0:66
Bilal used to pronounce the Adhan at night# so Allah's ApostleJ said# H9arry on taking your eals
!eat and drink" till Ibn U Maktu pronounces the Adhan# for he does not pronounce it till it is
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 02<:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
I used to take y Suhur eals $ith y faily and then hurry up for presenting yself for the
!Ba.r" prayer $ith Allah's Apostle%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 022:
Darrated Anas:
Faid bin &habit said# H@e took the Suhur $ith the Prophet % &hen he stood for the prayer%H I asked#
H@hat $as the inter(al bet$een the Suhur and the AdhanJH He replied# H&he inter(al $as sufficient
to recite fifty (erses of the ,uran%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 024:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet fasted for days continuouslyL the people also did the sae but it $as difficult for
the% So# the Prophet forbade the !to fast continuously for ore than one day"% &hey slid# HBut you
fast $ithout break !no food $as taken in the e(ening or in the orning"%H &he Prophet replied# HI a
not like you# for I a pro(ided $ith food and drink !by Allah"%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 025:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# H&ake Suhur as there is a blessing in it%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 02::
Darrated Salaa bin Al)Ak$a:
Ence the Prophet ordered a person on 'Ashura' !the tenth of Muharra" to announce# H@hoe(er
has eaten# should not eat any ore# but fast# and $ho has not eaten should not eat# but coplete his
fast !till the end of the day"%
=olue < ) 2<7 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 027:
Darrated 'Aisha and U Salaa:
At ties Allah's Apostle used to get up in the orning in the state of /anaba after ha(ing se*ual re)
lations $ith his $i(es% He $ould then take a bath and fast%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 021:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to kiss and ebrace !his $i(es" $hile he $as fasting# and he had ore po$er to
control his desires than any of you% Said /abir# H&he person $ho gets discharge after casting a look
!on his $ife" should coplete his fast%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 046:
Darrated Hisha's father:
Aisha said# HAllah's Apostle used to kiss soe of his $i(es $hile he $as fasting#H and then she
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 040:
Darrated Fainab:
!daughter of U Salaa" that her other said# H@hile I $as !lying" $ith Allah's Apostle under)
neath a $oolen sheet# I got the enstruation# and then slipped a$ay and put on the clothes !$hich I
used to $ear" in enses% He asked# H@hat is the atterJ 8id you get your ensesJH I replied in the
affirati(e and then entered underneath that $oolen sheet% I and Allah's Apostle used to take a bath
fro one $ater pot and he used to kiss e $hile he $as fasting%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 043:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!At ties" in Raadan the Prophet used to take a bath in the orning not because of a $et drea
and $ould continue his fast%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 04<:
Darrated Abu Bakr bin 'Abdur)Rahan:
=olue < ) 2<1 ? 0:66
My father and I $ent to 'Aisha and she said# HI testify that Allah's Apostle at ties used to get up in
the orning in a state of /anaba fro se*ual intercourse# not fro a $et drea and then he $ould
fast that day%H &hen he $ent to U Salaa and she also narrated a siilar thing%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 042:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIf soebody eats or drinks forgetfully then he should coplete his fast# for $hat
he has eaten or drunk# has been gi(en to hi by Allah%H Darrated 'Air bin Rabi'a# HI sa$ the Prophet
cleaning his teeth $ith Si$ak $hile he $as fasting so any ties as I can't count%H And narrated Abu
Huraira# H&he Prophet said# 'But for y fear that it $ould be hard for y follo$ers# I $ould ha(e
ordered the to clean their teeth $ith Si$ak on e(ery perforance of ablution%H &he sae is nar)
rated by /abir and Faid bin Khalid fro the Prophet $ho did not differentiate bet$een a fasting and
a nonfasting person in this respect !using Si$ak"%
Aisha said# H&he Prophet said# HIt !i%e% Si$ak" is a purification for the outh and it is a $ay of seek)
ing Allah's pleasures%H Ata' and ,atada said# H&here is no har in s$allo$ing the resultant sali(a%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 044:
Darrated Huran:
I sa$ 'Uthan perforing ablutionL he $ashed his hands thrice# rinsed his outh and then
$ashed his nose# by putting $ater in it and then blo$ing it out# and $ashed his face thrice# and then
$ashed his right forear up to the elbo$ thrice# and then the left)forear up to the elbo$ thrice#
then seared his head $ith $ater# $ashed his right foot thrice# and then his left foot thrice and said#
HI sa$ Allah's Apostle perforing ablution siilar to y present ablution# and then he said# '@hoe(er
perfors ablution like y present ablution and then offers t$o Rakat in $hich he does not think of
$orldly things# all his pre(ious sins $ill be forgi(en%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 045:
Darrated 'Aisha:
A an cae to the Prophet and said that he had been burnt !ruined"% &he Prophet asked hi $hat
$as the atter% He replied# HI had se*ual intercourse $ith y $ife in Raadan !$hile I $as fasting"%H
&hen a basket full of dates $as brought to the Prophet and he asked# H@here is the burnt !ruined"
anJH He replied# HI a present%H &he Prophet told hi to gi(e that basket in charity !as e*piation"%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 04::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue < ) 226 ? 0:66
@hile $e $ere sitting $ith the Prophet a an cae and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e been
ruined%H Allah's Apostle asked $hat $as the atter $ith hi% He replied HI had se*ual intercourse
$ith y $ife $hile I $as fasting%H Allah's Apostle asked hi# H9an you afford to anuit a sla(eJH
He replied in the negati(e% Allah's Apostle asked hi# H9an you fast for t$o successi(e onthsJH He
replied in the negati(e% &he Prophet asked hi# H9an you afford to feed si*ty poor personsJH He
replied in the negati(e% &he Prophet kept silent and $hile $e $ere in that state# a big basket full of
dates $as brought to the Prophet % He asked# H@here is the CuestionerJH He replied# HI !a here"%H &he
Prophet said !to hi"# H&ake this !basket of dates" and gi(e it in charity%H &he an said# HShould I gi(e
it to a person poorer than IJ By AllahL there is no faily bet$een its !i%e% Medina's" t$o ountains
$ho are poorer than I%H &he Prophet siled till his pre)olar teeth becae (isible and then said#
'Beed your faily $ith it%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 047:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an cae to the Prophet and said# HI had se*ual intercourse $ith y $ife on Raadan !$hile
fasting"%H &he Prophet asked hi# H9an you afford to anuit a sla(eJH He replied in the negati(e%
&he Prophet asked hi# H9an you fast for t$o successi(e onthsJH He replied in the negati(e% He
asked hi# H9an you afford to feed si*ty poor personsJH He replied in the negati(e% !Abu Huraira ad)
ded": &hen a basket full of dates $as brought to the Prophet and he said !to that an"# HBeed !poor
people" $ith this by $ay of atoneent%H He said# H!Should I feed it" to poorer people than $eJ &here is
no poorer house than ours bet$een its !Medina's" ountains%H &he Prophet said# H&hen feed your
faily $ith it%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 041:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet $as cupped $hile he $as in the state of lhra# and also $hile he $as obser(ing a
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 056:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet $as cupped $hile he $as fasting%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 050:
Darrated &habit Al)Bunani:
=olue < ) 220 ? 0:66
Anas bin Malik $as asked $hether they disliked the cupping for a fasting person% He replied in
the negati(e and said# HEnly if it causes $eakness%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 053:
Darrated Ibn Abi Aufa:
@e $ere in the copany of Allah's Apostle on a .ourney% He said to a an# HAet do$n and i*
Sa$iC !po$dered barley" $ith $ater for e%H &he an said# H&he sun !has not set yet"# E Allah's
Apostle%H &he Prophet again said to hi# HAet do$n and i* Sa$iC $ith $ater for e%H &he an
again said# HE Allah's ApostleI &he sunIH &he Prophet said to hi !for the third tie" HAet do$n and
i* Sa$iC $ith $ater for e%H &he an disounted and i*ed Sa$iC $ith $ater for hi% &he
Prophet drank it and then beckoned $ith his hand !to$ards the +ast" and said# H@hen you see the
night falling fro this side# then a fasting person should break his fast%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 05<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Ha-a bin 'Ar Al)Aslai said# HE Allah's ApostleI I fast continuously%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 052:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" Ha-a bin 'Ar Al)Aslai asked the Prophet# HShould I fast $hile tra(el)
ingJH &he Prophet replied# HKou ay fast if you $ish# and you ay not fast if you $ish%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 054:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle set out for Mecca in Raadan and he fasted# and $hen he reached Al)Kadid# he
broke his fast and the people !$ith hi" broke their fast too% !Abu 'Abdullah said# HAl)Kadid is a land
co(ered $ith $ater bet$een Usfan and ,udaid%H"
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 055:
Darrated Abu Ad)8arda:
@e set out $ith Allah's Apostle on one of his .ourneys on a (ery hot day# and it $as so hot that one
had to put his hand o(er his head because of the se(erity of heat% Done of us $as fasting e*cept the
Prophet and Ibn Ra$aha%
=olue < ) 223 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 05::
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle $as on a .ourney and sa$ a cro$d of people# and a an $as being shaded !by
the"% He asked# H@hat is the atterJH &hey said# HHe !the an" is fasting%H &he Prophet said# HIt is not
righteousness that you fast on a .ourney%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 057:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@e used to tra(el $ith the Prophet and neither did the fasting persons critici-e those $ho $ere
not fasting# nor did those $ho $ere not fasting critici-e the fasting ones%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 051:
Darrated &a$us:
Ibn 'Abbas said# HAllah's Apostle set out fro Medina to Mecca and he fasted till he reached 'Usfan#
$here he asked for $ater and raised his hand to let the people see hi# and then broke the fast# and
did not fast after that till he reached Mecca# and that happened in Raadan%H Ibn 'Abbas used to say#
HAllah's Apostle !soeties" fasted and !soeties" did not fast during the .ourneys so $hoe(er
$ished to fast could fast# and $hoe(er $ished not to fast# could do so%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0:6:
Darrated Dafi:
Ibn 'Uar recited the (erse: H&hey had a choice either to fast or to feed a poor person for e(ery
day# and said that the order of this =erse $as cancelled%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0:0:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Soeties I issed soe days of Raadan# but could not fast in lieu of the e*cept in the onth
of Sha'ban%H Said Kahya# a sub)narrator# HShe used to be busy ser(ing the Prophet %H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0:3:
Darrated Abu Said:
&he Prophet said# HIsn't it true that a $oan does not pray and does not fast on enstruatingJ And
that is the defect !a loss" in her religion%H
=olue < ) 22< ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0:<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er died and he ought to ha(e fasted !the issed days of Raadan" then
his guardians ust fast on his behalf%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0:2:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
A an cae to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI My other died and she ought to ha(e
fasted one onth !for her issed Raadan"% Shall I fast on her behalfJH &he Prophet replied in the
affirati(e and said# HAllah's debts ha(e ore right to be paid%H In another narration a $oan is re)
ported to ha(e said# HMy sister died%%%H
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas: A $oan said to the Prophet HMy other died and she had (o$ed to fast but
she didn't fast%H In another narration Ibn 'Abbas is reported to ha(e said# HA $oan said to the Proph)
et# HMy other died $hile she ought to ha(e fasted for fifteen days%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0:4:
Darrated Uar bin Al)Khattab:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen night falls fro this side and the day (anishes fro this side and the
sun sets# then the fasting person should break his fast%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0:5:
Darrated Abdullah bin Abi Aufa:
@e $ere in the copany of the Prophet on a .ourney and he $as fasting# and $hen the sun set# he
addressed soebody# HE so)and)so# get up and i* Sa$iC $ith $ater for us%H He replied# HE Allah's
ApostleI !@ill you $ait" till it is e(eningJH &he Prophet said# HAet do$n and i* Sa$iC $ith $ater for
us%H He replied# HE Allah's ApostleI !If you $ait" till it is e(ening%H &he Prophet said again# HAet do$n
and i* Sa$iC $ith $ater for us%H He replied# HIt is still daytie%H!0" &he Prophet said again# HAet
do$n and i* Sa$iC $ith $ater for us%H He got do$n and i*ed Sa$iC for the% &he Prophet drank
it and then said# H@hen you see night falling fro this side# the fasting person should break his fast%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0:::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi AufaH
@e $ere tra(eling $ith Allah's Apostle and he $as fasting# and $hen the sun set# he said to
!soeone"# HAet do$n and i* Sa$iC $ith $ater for us%H He replied# HE Allah's ApostleI !@ill you
=olue < ) 222 ? 0:66
$ait" till it is e(eningJH &he Prophet again said# HAet do$n and i* Sa$iC $ith $ater for us%H He
replied# HE Allah's ApostleI It is still daytie%H &he Prophet said again# HAet do$n and i* Sa$iC $ith
$ater for us%H So# he got do$n and carried out that order% &he Prophet then said# H@hen you see night
falling fro this side# the fasting person should break his fast#H and he beckoned $ith his finger to)
$ards the east%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0:7:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he people $ill reain on the right path as long as they hasten the breaking
of the fast%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 0:1:
Darrated Ibn Abi Aufa:
I $as $ith the Prophet on a .ourney# and he obser(ed the fast till e(ening% &he Prophet said to a
an# HAet do$n and i* Sa$iC $ith $ater for e%H He replied# H@ill you $ait till it is e(eningJH &he
Prophet said# HAet do$n and i* Sa$iC $ith $ater for eL $hen you see night falling fro this side#
the fasting person should break his fast%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 076:
Darrated Abu Usaa fro Hisha bin 'Ursa fro Batia:
Asa bint Abi Bakr said# H@e broke our fast during the lifetie of the Prophet on a cloudy day and
then the sun appeared%H Hisha $as asked# H@ere they ordered to fast in lieu of that dayJH He
replied# HIt had to be ade up for%H Ma'ar said# HI heard Hisha saying# HI don't kno$ $hether they
fasted in lieu of that day or not%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 070:
Darrated Ar)Rubi' bint Mu'a$adh:
H&he Prophet sent a essenger to the (illage of the Ansar in the orning of the day of 'Ashura'
!06th of Muharra" to announce: '@hoe(er has eaten soething should not eat but coplete the
fast# and $hoe(er is obser(ing the fast should coplete it%' HShe further said# HSince then $e used to
fast on that day regularly and also ake our boys fast% @e used to ake toys of $ool for the boys and
if anyone of the cried for# he $as gi(en those toys till it $as the tie of the breaking of the fast%H
=olue < ) 224 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 073:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H8o not practice Al)@isal !fasting continuously $ithout breaking one's fast in
the e(ening or eating before the follo$ing da$n"%H &he people said to the Prophet# HBut you practice
Al)@isalJH &he Prophet replied# HI a not like any of you# for I a gi(en food and drink !by Allah"
during the night%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 07<:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
Allah's Apostle forbade Al)@isal% &he people said !to hi"# HBut you practice itJH He said# HI a not
like you# for I a gi(en food and drink by Allah%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 072:
'Darrated Abu Sa'id:
&hat he had heard the Prophet saying# H8o not fast continuously !practise Al)@isal"# and if you in)
tend to lengthen your fast# then carry it on only till the Suhur !before the follo$ing da$n"%H &he
people said to hi# HBut you practice !Al)@isal"# E Allah's ApostleIH He replied# HI a not siilar to
you# for during y sleep I ha(e Ene @ho akes e eat and drink%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 074:
Darrated Aisha:
Allah's Apostle forbade Al)@isal out of ercy to the% &hey said to hi# HBut you practice Al)@is)
alJH He said# HI a not siilar to you# for y ;ord gi(es e food and drink% H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 075:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle forbade Al)@isal in fasting% So# one of the Muslis said to hi# HBut you practice
Al)@isal% E Allah's ApostleIH &he Prophet replied# H@ho aongst you is siilar to eJ I a gi(en
food and drink during y sleep by y ;ord%H So# $hen the people refused to stop Al)@isal !fasting
continuously"# the Prophet fasted day and night continuously along $ith the for a day and then
another day and then they sa$ the crescent oon !of the onth of Sha$$al"% &he Prophet said to
the !angrily"# HIf It !the crescent" had not appeared# I $ould ha(e ade you fast for a longer peri)
od%H &hat $as as a punishent for the $hen they refused to stop !practising Al)@isal"%
=olue < ) 225 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 07::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said t$ice# H!E you people" Be cautiousI 8o not practice Al)@isal%H &he people said to
hi# HBut you practice Al)@isalJH &he Prophet replied# HMy ;ord gi(es e food and drink during y
sleep% 8o that uch of deeds $hich is $ithin your ability%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 077:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# H8o not fast continuously day and night !practise Al)@isal" and if anyone of
you intends to fast continuously day and night# he should continue till the Suhur tie%H &hey said#
HBut you practise Al)@isal# E Allah's ApostleIH &he Prophet said# HI a not siilar to youL% during y
sleep I ha(e Ene @ho akes e eat and drink%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 071:
Darrated Abu /uhaifa:
&he Prophet ade a bond of brotherhood bet$een Salan and Abu Ad)8arda%' Salan paid a (isit
to Abu Ad)8arda' and found U Ad)8arda' dressed in shabby clothes and asked her $hy she $as in
that state% She replied# HKour brother Abu Ad)8arda' is not interested in !the lu*uries of" this $orld%H
In the eantie Abu Ad)8arda' cae and prepared a eal for Salan% Salan reCuested Abu Ad)
8arda' to eat !$ith hi"# but Abu Ad)8arda' said# HI a fasting%H Salan said# HI a not going to eat
unless you eat%H So# Abu Ad)8arda' ate!$ith Salan"% @hen it $as night and !a part of the night
passed"# Abu Ad)8arda' got up !to offer the night prayer"# but Salan told hi to sleep and Abu Ad)
8arda' slept% After soetie Abu Ad)8arda' again got up but Salan told hi to sleep% @hen it $as
the last hours of the night# Salan told hi to get up then# and both of the offered the prayer% Sal)
an told Abu Ad)8arda'# HKour ;ord has a right on you# your soul has a right on you# and your fa)
ily has a right on youL so you should gi(e the rights of all those $ho has a right on you%H Abu Ad)
8arda' cae to the Prophet and narrated the $hole story% &he Prophet said# HSalan has spoken the
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 016:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to fast till one $ould say that he $ould ne(er stop fasting# and he $ould
abandon fasting till one $ould say that he $ould ne(er fast% I ne(er sa$ Allah's Apostle fasting for a
$hole onth e*cept the onth of Raadan# and did not see hi fasting in any onth ore than in
the onth of Sha'ban%
=olue < ) 22: ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 010:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet ne(er fasted in any onth ore than in the onth of Sha'ban% He used to say# H8o
those deeds $hich you can do easily# as Allah $ill not get tired !of gi(ing re$ards" till you get bored
and tired !of perforing religious deeds"%H &he ost belo(ed prayer to the Prophet $as the one that
$as done regularly !throughout the life" e(en if it $ere little% And $hene(er the Prophet offered a
prayer he used to offer it regularly %
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 013:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet ne(er fasted a full onth e*cept the onth of Raadan# and he used to fast till one
could say# HBy Allah# he $ill ne(er stop fasting#H and he $ould abandon fasting till one $ould say# HBy
Allah# he $ill ne(er fast%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 01<:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle used to lea(e fasting in a certain onth till $e thought that he $ould not fast in
that onth# and he used to fast in another onth till $e thought he $ould not stop fasting at all in
that onth% And if one $anted to see hi praying at night# one could see hi !in that condition"# and
if one $anted to see hi sleeping at night# one could see hi !in that condition" too%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 012:
Darrated Huaid:
I asked Anas about the fasting of the Prophet% He said H@hene(er I liked to see the Prophet fasting
in any onth# I could see that# and $hene(er I liked to see hi not fasting# I could see that too# and if
I liked to see hi praying in any night# I could see that# and if I liked to see hi sleeping# I could see
that# too%H Anas further said# HI ne(er touched silk or (el(et softer than the hand of Allah's Apostle and
ne(er selled usk or perfued soke ore pleasant than the sell of Allah's Apostle%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 014:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar bin Al)'As:
HEnce Allah's Apostle cae to e#H and then he narrated the $hole narration# i%e% your guest has a
right on you# and your $ife has a right on you% I then asked about the fasting of 8a(id% &he Prophet
replied# HHalf of the year#H !i%e% he used to fast on e(ery alternate day"%
=olue < ) 227 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 015:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar bin Al)'As:
Allah's Apostle said to e# HE 'AbdullahI Ha(e I not been infored that you fast during the day and
offer prayers all the night%H 'Abdullah replied# HKes# E Allah's ApostleIH &he Prophet said# H8on't do
thatL fast for fe$ days and then gi(e it up for fe$ days# offer prayers and also sleep at night# as your
body has a right on you# and your $ife has a right on you# and your guest has a right on you% And it
is sufficient for you to fast three days in a onth# as the re$ard of a good deed is ultiplied ten
ties# so it $ill be like fasting throughout the year%H I insisted !on fasting" and so I $as gi(en a hard
instruction% I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e po$er%H &he Prophet said# HBast like the fasting of the
Prophet 8a(id and do not fast ore than that%H I said# HHo$ $as the fasting of the Prophet of Allah#
8a(idJH He said# HHalf of the year#H !i%e% he used to fast on e(ery alternate day"%
After$ards $hen 'Abdullah becae old# he used to say# HIt $ould ha(e been better for e if I had
accepted the perission of the Prophet !$hich he ga(e e i%e% to fast only three days a onth"%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 01::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
Allah's Apostle $as infored that I had taken an oath to fast daily and to pray !e(ery night" all the
night throughout y life !so Allah's Apostle cae to e and asked $hether it $as correct": I replied#
H;et y parents be sacrificed for youI I said so%H &he Prophet said# HKou can not do that% So# fast for
fe$ days and gi(e it up for fe$ days# r ray and sleep% Bast three days a onth as the re$ard of good
deeds is ultiplied ten ties and that $ill be eCual to one year of fasting%H I replied# HI can do better
than that%H &he Prophet said to e# HBast one day and gi(e up fasting for a day and that is the fasting
of Prophet 8a(id and that is the best fasting%H I said# HI ha(e the po$er to fast better !ore" than that%H
&he Prophet said# H&here is no better fasting than that%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 017:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
&he ne$s of y daily fasting and praying e(ery night throughout the night reached the Prophet%
So he sent for e or I et hi# and he said# HI ha(e been infored that you fast e(eryday and pray
e(ery night !all the night"% Bast !for soe days" and gi(e up fasting !for soe days"L pray and sleep#
for your eyes ha(e a right on you# and your body and your faily !i%e% $ife" ha(e a right on you%H I
replied# HI ha(e ore po$er than that !fasting"%H &he Prophet said# H&hen fast like the fasts of !the
Prophet" 8a(idH% I said# HHo$JH He replied# HHe used to fast on alternate days# and he used not to flee
on eeting the eney%H I said# HBro $here can I get that chanceJH !'Ata' said# HI do not kno$ ho$ the
=olue < ) 221 ? 0:66
e*pression of fasting daily throughout the life occurred%H" So# the Prophet said# t$ice# H@hoe(er fasts
daily throughout his life is .ust as the one $ho does not fast at all%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 011:
Darrated Mu.ahid fro 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
&he Prophet said !to 'Abdullah"# HBast three days a onth%H 'Abdullah said# !to the Prophet" HI a
able to fast ore than that%H &hey kept on arguing on this atter till the Prophet said# HBast on altern)
ate days# and recite the $hole ,ur'an once a onth%H 'Abdullah said# HI can recite ore !in a onth"#H
and the arguent $ent on till the Prophet said# HRecite the ,ur'an once each three days%H !i%e% you
ust not recite the $hole ,ur'an in less than three days"%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 366:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar bin Al)'As:
&he Prophet said to e# HKou fast daily all the year and pray e(ery night all the nightJH I replied in
the affirati(e% &he Prophet said# HIf you keep on doing this# your eyes $ill becoe $eak and your
body $ill get tired% He $ho fasts all the year is as he $ho did not fast at all% &he fasting of three days
!a onth" $ill be eCual to the tasting of the $hole year%H I replied# HI ha(e the po$er for ore than
this%H &he Prophet said# H&hen fast like the fasting of 8a(id $ho used to fast on alternate days and
$ould ne(er flee fro the battle field# on eeting the eney%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 360:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
Allah's Apostle $as infored about y fasts# and he cae to e and I spread for hi a leather
cushion stuffed $ith pal fires# but he sat on the ground and the cushion reained bet$een e and
hi# and then he said# HIsn't it sufficient for you to fast three days a onthJH I replied# HE Allah's
ApostleI !I can fast ore"%H He said# HBi(eJH I replied# HE Allah's ApostleI !I can fast ore"%H He said#
HSe(enJH I replied# HE Allah's ApostleI !I can fast ore"%H He said# HDine !days per onth"JH I replied#
HE Allah's ApostleI !I can fast ore"H He said# H+le(en !days per onth"JH And then the Prophet said#
H&here is no fast superior to that of the Prophet 8a(id it $as for half of the year% So# fast on alternate
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 363:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
My friend !the Prophet " ad(ised e to obser(e three things:
!0" to fast three days a onthL
=olue < ) 246 ? 0:66
!3" to pray t$o Rakat of 8uha prayer !fore)noon prayer"L and
!<" to pray @itr before sleeping%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 36<:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet paid a (isit to U)Sulai and she placed before hi dates and ghee% &he Prophet
said# HReplace the ghee and dates in their respecti(e containers for I a fasting%H &hen he stood soe)
$here in her house and offered an optional prayer and then he in(oked good on U)Sulai and her
faily% &hen U)Sulai said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e a special reCuest !today"%H He said# H@hat is
itJH She replied# H!Please in(oke for" your ser(ant Anas%H So Allah's Apostle did not lea(e anything
good in the $orld or the Hereafter $hich he did not in(oke !Allah to besto$" on e and said# HE Al)
lahI Ai(e hi !i%e% Anas" property and children and bless hi%H &hus I a one of the richest aong
the Ansar and y daughter Uaina told e that $hen A)Ha..a. cae to Basra# ore than 036 of y
offspring had been buried%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 362:
Darrated Mutarrif fro 'Iran Ibn Husain:
&hat the Prophet asked hi !Iran" or asked a an and Iran $as listening# HE Abu so)and)soI
Ha(e you fasted the last days of this onthJH !&he narrator thought that he said# Hthe onth of Ra)
adanH"% &he an replied# HDo# E Allah's ApostleIH &he Prophet said to hi# H@hen you finish your
fasting !of Raadan" fast t$o days !in Sha$$al"%H &hrough another series of narrators 'Iran said#
H&he Prophet said# '!Ha(e you fasted" the last days of Sha'banJH
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 364:
Darrated Muhaad bin 'Abbas:
I asked /abir H8id the Prophet forbid fasting on BridaysJH He replied# HKes%H !Ether narrators added#
HIf he intends to fast only that day%H"
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 365:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard the Prophet saying# HDone of you should fast on Briday unless he fasts a day before or after
=olue < ) 240 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 36::
Darrated Abu Aiyub fro /u$airiya bint Al)Harith:
&he Prophet (isited her !/u$airiya" on a Briday and she $as fasting% He asked her# H8id you fast
yesterdayJH She said# HDo%H He said# H8o you intend to fast toorro$JH She said# HDo%H He said# H&hen
break your fast%H &hrough another series of narrators# Abu Aiyub is reported to ha(e said# HHe
ordered her and she broke her fast%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 367:
Darrated AlCaa:
I asked 'Aisha H8id Allah s Apostle# use to choose soe special days !for fasting"JH She replied# HDo#
but he used to be regular !constant" !in his ser(ice of $orshipping"% @ho aongst you can endure
$hat Allah's Apostle used to endureJH
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 361:
Darrated U Al)Badl bint Al)Harith:
H@hile the people $ere $ith e on the day of 'Arafat they differed as to $hether the Prophet $as
fasting or notL soe said that he $as fasting $hile others said that he $as not fasting% So# I sent to
hi a bo$l full of ilk $hile he $as riding o(er his cael and he drank it%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 306:
Darrated Maiuna:
&he people doubted $hether the Prophet $as fasting on the day of 'Arafat or not# so I sent ilk
$hile he $as standing at 'Arafat# he drank it and the people $ere looking at hi%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 300:
Darrated Abu 'Ubaid:
!the sla(e of Ibn A-har" I $itnessed the 'Id $ith 'Uar bin Al)Kattab $ho said# Allah's Apostle has
forbidden people to fast on the day on $hich you break fasting !the fasts of Raadan" and the day on
$hich you eat the eat of your sacrifices !the first day of 'Id ul Bitr and 'Id ul)Adha"%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 303:
Darrated Abu Sa'id:
=olue < ) 243 ? 0:66
&he Prophet forbade the fasting of 'Id)ul)Bitr and 'Id)ul)Adha !t$o feast days" and also the $ear)
ing of As)Saa' !a single garent co(ering the $hole body"# and sitting $ith one's leg dra$n up
$hile being $rapped in one garent% He also forbade the prayers after the Ba.r !orning" and the
'Asr !afternoon" prayers%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 30<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&$o fasts and t$o kinds of sale are forbidden: fasting on the day of 'Id ul Bitr and 'Id)ul)Adha and
the kinds of sale called Mulaasa and Munabadha% !&hese t$o kinds of sale used to be practiced in
the days of Pre)lslaic period of ignoranceL Mulaasa eans $hen you touch soething displayed
for sale you ha(e to buy itL Munabadha eans $hen the seller thro$s soething to you# you ha(e to
buy it%"
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 302:
Darrated Fiyad bin /ubair:
A an $ent to Ibn 'Uar I% and said# HA an (o$ed to fast one day !the sub)narrator thinks that
he said that the day $as Monday"# and that day happened to be 'Id day%H Ibn 'Uar said# HAllah orders
(o$s to be fulfilled and the Prophet forbade the fasting on this day !i%e% Id"%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 304:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
!$ho fought in t$el(e Aha-a$at in the copany of the Prophet"% I heard four things fro the
Prophet and they $on y adiration% He saidL
0% HDo lady should tra(el on a .ourney of t$o days e*cept $ith her husband or a 8hi)MahraL
3% HDo fasting is perissible on the t$o days of Id)ul)Bitr and 'Id)ul)AdhaL
<% HDo prayer !ay be offered" after the orning copulsory prayer until the sun risesL and no
prayer after the 'Asr prayer till the sun setsL
2% HEne should tra(el only for (isiting three !MosCues": !Mecca"# !/erusale"# and this !y" MosCue !at Medina"%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 305:
Darrated 'Aisha and Ibn 'Uar:
Dobody $as allo$ed to fast on the days of &ashrlC e*cept those $ho could not afford the Hadi
=olue < ) 24< ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 30::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Basting for those $ho perfor #Ha..)at)&aattu' !in lieu of the Hadi $hich they cannot afford"
ay be perfored up to the day of 'Arafat% And if one does not get a Hadi and has not fasted !before
the 'Id" then one should fast of the days of Mina% !00# 03 and 0<th of 8hul Ha..a"%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 307:
Darrated Sali's father:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er $ishes ay fast on the day of 'Ashura'%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 301:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle ordered !the Muslis" to fast on the day of 'Ashura'# and $hen fasting in the onth
of Raadan $as prescribed# it becae optional for one to fast on that day !'Ashura'" or not%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 336:
Darrated Aisha:
,uraish used to fast on the day of 'Ashura' in the Pre)lslaic period# and Allah's Apostle too# used
to fast on that day% @hen he cae to Medina# he fasted on that day and ordered others to fast# too%
;ater $hen the fasting of the onth of Raadan $as prescribed# he ga(e up fasting on the day of
'Ashura' and it becae optional for one to fast on it or not%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 330:
Darrated Huaid bin 'Abdur Rahan:
&hat he heard Mua$iya bin Abi Sufyan on the day of 'Ashura' during the year he perfored the
Ha..# saying on the pulpit# HE the people of MedinaI @here are your Religious ScholarsJ I heard Al)
lah's Apostle saying# '&his is the day of 'Ashura'% Allah has not en.oined its fasting on you but I a
fasting it% Kou ha(e the choice either to fast or not to fast !on this day"%' H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 333:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet cae to Medina and sa$ the /e$s fasting on the day of Ashura% He asked the about
that% &hey replied# H&his is a good day# the day on $hich Allah rescued Bani Israel fro their eney%
=olue < ) 242 ? 0:66
So# Moses fasted this day%H &he Prophet said# H@e ha(e ore clai o(er Moses than you%H So# the
Prophet fasted on that day and ordered !the Muslis" to fast !on that day"%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 33<:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he day of 'Ashura' $as considered as 'Id day by the /e$s% So the Prophet ordered# HI recoend
you !Muslis" to fast on this day%H
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 332:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
I ne(er sa$ the Prophet seeking to fast on a day ore !preferable to hi" than this day# the day of
'Ashura'# or this onth# i%e% the onth of Raadan%
=olue <# Book <0# Duber 334:
Darrated Salaa bin Al)Ak$a:
&he Prophet ordered a an fro the tribe of Bani Asla to announce aongst the people that
$hoe(er had eaten should fast the rest of the day# and $hoe(er had not eaten should continue his
fast# as that day $as the day of 'Ashura' %
=olue < ) 244 ? 0:66
Book <3: Praying at Dight in Raadaan !&a)
=olue <# Book <3# Duber 335:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying regarding Raadan# H@hoe(er prayed at night in it !the onth of
Raadan" out of sincere Baith and hoping for a re$ard fro Allah# then all his pre(ious sins $ill be
=olue <# Book <3# Duber 33::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er prayed at night the $hole onth of Raadan out of sincere Baith
and hoping for a re$ard fro Allah# then all his pre(ious sins $ill be forgi(en%H Ibn Shihab !a sub)
narrator" said# HAllah's Apostle died and the people continued obser(ing that !i%e% Da$afil offered in)
di(idually# not in congregation"# and it reained as it $as during the 9aliphate of Abu Bakr and in
the early days of 'Uar's 9aliphate%H 'Abdur Rahan bin 'Abdul ,ari said# HI $ent out in the copany
of 'Uar bin Al)Khattab one night in Raadan to the osCue and found the people praying in dif)
ferent groups% A an praying alone or a an praying $ith a little group behind hi% So# 'Uar said#
'In y opinion I $ould better collect these !people" under the leadership of one ,ari !Reciter" !i%e% let
the pray in congregationI"'% So# he ade up his ind to congregate the behind Ubai bin Ka'b%
&hen on another night I $ent again in his copany and the people $ere praying behind their re)
citer% En that# 'Uar rearked# '@hat an e*cellent Bid'a !i%e% inno(ation in religion" this isL but the
prayer $hich they do not perfor# but sleep at its tie is better than the one they are offering%' He
eant the prayer in the last part of the night% !In those days" people used to pray in the early part of
the night%H
=olue <# Book <3# Duber 337:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" Allah's Apostle used to pray !at night" in Raadan%
=olue <# Book <3# Duber 331:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
=olue < ) 245 ? 0:66
&hat he $as infored by 'Aisha# HAllah's Apostle $ent out in the iddle of the night and prayed in
the osCue and soe en prayed behind hi% In the orning# the people spoke about it and then a
large nuber of the gathered and prayed behind hi !on the second night"% In the ne*t orning
the people again talked about it and on the third night the osCue $as full $ith a large nuber of
people% Allah's Apostle cae out and the people prayed behind hi% En the fourth night the MosCue
$as o(er$heled $ith people and could not accoodate the# but the Prophet cae out !only"
for the orning prayer% @hen the orning prayer $as finished he recited &ashah)hud and !ad)
dressing the people" said# HAa ba'du# your presence $as not hidden fro e but I $as afraid lest
the night prayer !,iya" should be en.oined on you and you ight not be able to carry it on%H So# Al)
lah's Apostle died and the situation reained like that !i%e% people prayed indi(idually"% H
=olue <# Book <3# Duber 3<6:
Darrated Abu Salaa bin 'Abdur Rahan:
that he asked 'Aisha HHo$ $as the prayer of Allah's Apostle in RaadanJH She replied# HHe did not
pray ore than ele(en Rakat in Raadan or in any other onth% He used to pray four Rakat )))) let
alone their beauty and length))))and then he $ould pray four ))))let alone their beauty and length
))))and then he $ould pray three Rakat !@itr"%H She added# HI asked# 'E Allah's ApostleI 8o you sleep
before praying the @itrJ' He replied# 'E 'AishaI My eyes sleep but y heart does not sleep%H
=olue <# Book <3# Duber 3<0:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er fasted the onth of Raadan out of sincere Baith !i%e% belief" and hop)
ing for a re$ard fro Allah# then all his past sins $ill be forgi(en# and $hoe(er stood for the prayers
in the night of ,adr out of sincere Baith and hoping for a re$ard fro Allah# then all his pre(ious
sins $ill be forgi(en %H
=olue <# Book <3# Duber 3<3:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Soe en aongst the copanions of the Prophet $ere sho$n in their dreas that the night of
,adr $as in the last se(en nights of Raadan% Allah's Apostle said# HIt sees that all your dreas
agree that !the Dight of ,adr" is in the last se(en nights# and $hoe(er $ants to search for it !i%e% the
Dight of ,adr" should search in the last se(en !nights of Raadan"%H
=olue <# Book <3# Duber 3<<:
Darrated Abu Salaa:
=olue < ) 24: ? 0:66
I asked Abu Sa'id# and he $as a friend of ine# !about the Dight of ,adr" and he said# H@e prac)
ticed Itikaf !seclusion in the osCue" in the iddle third of the onth of Raadan $ith the Prophet %
In the orning of the 36th of Raadan# the Prophet cae and addressed us and said# 'I $as in)
fored of !the date of the Dight of ,adr" but I $as caused to forget itL so search for it in the odd
nights of the last ten nights of the onth of Raadan% !In the drea" I sa$ yself prostrating in
ud and $ater !as a sign"% So# $hoe(er $as in l'tikaf $ith e should return to it $ith e !for anoth)
er 06)day's period"'# and $e returned% At that tie there $as no sign of clouds in the sky but sud)
denly a cloud cae and it rained till rain)$ater started leaking through the roof of the osCue
$hich $as ade of date)pal leaf stalks% &hen the prayer $as established and I sa$ Allah's Apostle
prostrating in ud and $ater and I sa$ the traces of ud on his forehead%H
=olue <# Book <3# Duber 3<2:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said# HSearch for the Dight of ,adr in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ra)
=olue <# Book <3# Duber 3<4:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle used to practice Itikaf !in the osCue" in the iddle third of Raadan and after
passing the t$enty nights he used to go back to his house on the 30st# and the people $ho $ere in
Itikaf $ith hi also used to go back to their houses% Ence in Raadan# in $hich he practiced Itikaf#
he established the night prayers at the night in $hich he used to return hoe# and then he addressed
the people and ordered the $hate(er Allah $ished hi to order and said# HI used to practice Itikaf
for these ten days !i%e% the iddle 00<rd but no$ I intend to stay in Itikaf for the last ten days !of the
onth"L so $hoe(er $as in Itikaf $ith e should stay at his place of seclusion% I ha(e (erily been
sho$n !the date of" this Dight !of ,adr" but I ha(e forgotten it% So search for it in the odd nights of
the last ten days !of this onth"% I also sa$ yself !in the drea" prostrating in ud and $ater%H En
the night of the 30st# the sky $as co(ered $ith clouds and it rained# and the rain)$ater started leak)
ing through the roof of the osCue at the praying place of the Prophet % I sa$ $ith y o$n eyes the
Prophet at the copletion of the orning prayer lea(ing $ith his face co(ered $ith ud and $ater%
=olue <# Book <3# Duber 3<5:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# H;ook for !the Dight of ,adr"%H
=olue < ) 247 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <3# Duber 3<::
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to practice Itikaf in the last ten nights of Raadan and used to say# H;ook for
the Dight of ,adr in the last ten nights of the onth of Raadan #H
=olue <# Book <3# Duber 3<7:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet said# H;ook for the Dight of ,adr in the last ten nights of Raadan #' on the night
$hen nine or se(en or fi(e nights reain out of the last ten nights of Raadan !i%e% 30# 3<# 34# re)
=olue <# Book <3# Duber 3<1:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he Dight of ,adr is in the last ten nights of the onth !Raadan"# either on
the first nine or in the last !reaining" se(en nights !of Raadan"%H Ibn 'Abbas added# HSearch for it
on the t$enty)fourth !of Raadan"%H
=olue <# Book <3# Duber 326:
Darrated 'Ubada bin As)Sait:
&he Prophet cae out to infor us about the Dight of ,adr but t$o Muslis $ere Cuarreling
$ith each other% So# the Prophet said# HI cae out to infor you about the Dight of ,adr but such)
and)such persons $ere Cuarreling# so the ne$s about it had been taken a$ayL yet that ight be for
your o$n good# so search for it on the 31th# 3:th and 34th !of Raadan"%
=olue <# Book <3# Duber 320:
Darrated Aisha:
@ith the start of the last ten days of Raadan# the Prophet used to tighten his $aist belt !i%e% $ork
hard" and used to pray all the night# and used to keep his faily a$ake for the prayers%
=olue < ) 241 ? 0:66
Book <<: Retiring to a MosCue for Ree)
brance of Allah !I'tikaf"
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 323:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
Allah's Apostle used to practise Itikaf in the last ten days of the onth of Raadan%
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 32<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" &he Prophet used to practice Itikaf in the last ten days of Raadan till he
died and then his $i(es used to practice Itikaf after hi%
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 322:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle used to practice Itikaf in the iddle ten days of Raadan and once he stayed in
Itikaf till the night of the t$enty)first and it $as the night in the orning of $hich he used to coe
out of his Itikaf% &he Prophet said# H@hoe(er $as in Itikaf $ith e should stay in Itikaf for the last ten
days# for I $as infored !of the date" of the Dight !of ,adr" but I ha(e been caused to forget it% !In
the drea" I sa$ yself prostrating in ud and $ater in the orning of that night% So# look for it in
the last ten nights and in the odd ones of the%H It rained that night and the roof of the osCue
dribbled as it $as ade of leaf stalks of date)pals% I sa$ $ith y o$n eyes the ark of ud and
$ater on the forehead of the Prophet !i%e% in the orning of the t$enty)first"%
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 324:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to !put" bend his head !out" to e $hile he $as in Itikaf in the osCue during
y onthly periods and I $ould cob and oil his hair%
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 325:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue < ) 256 ? 0:66
!the $ife of the Prophet" Allah's Apostle used to let his head in !the house" $hile he $as in the
osCue and I $ould cob and oil his hair% @hen in Itikaf he used not to enter the house e*cept for a
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 32::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to ebrace e during y enses% He also used to put his head out of the
osCue $hile he $as in Itikaf# and I $ould $ash it during y enses%
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 327:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Uar asked the Prophet HI (o$ed in the Pre)lslaic period of ignorance to stay in Itikaf for one
night in Al) al)Hara%H &he Prophet said to hi# HBulfill your (o$%H
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 321:
Darrated 'Ara:
Aisha said# Hthe Prophet used to practice Itikaf in the last ten days of Raadan and I used to pitch a
tent for hi# and after offering the orning prayer# he used to enter the tent%H Hafsa asked the per)
ission of 'Aisha to pitch a tent for her and she allo$ed her and she pitched her tent% @hen Fainab
bint /ahsh sa$ it# she pitched another tent% In the orning the Prophet noticed the tents% He said#
'@hat is thisJH He $as told of the $hole situation% &hen the Prophet said# H8o you think that they in)
tended to do righteousness by doing thisJH He therefore abandoned the Itikaf in that onth and
practiced Itikaf for ten days in the onth of Sha$$al%H
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 346:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet intended to practice Itikaf and $hen he reached the place $here he intended to per)
for Itikaf# he sa$ soe tents# the tents of 'Aisha# Hafsa and Fainab% So# he said# H8o you consider
that they intended to do righteousness by doing thisJH And then he $ent a$ay and did not perfor
Itikaf !in Raadan" but perfored it in the onth of Sha$$al for ten days%
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 340:
Darrated Ali bin Al)Husain:
=olue < ) 250 ? 0:66
Safiya# the $ife of the Prophet told e that she $ent to Allah's Apostle to (isit hi in the osCue
$hile he $as in Itikaf in the last ten days of Raadan% She had a talk $ith hi for a $hile# then she
got up in order to return hoe% &he Prophet accopanied her% @hen they reached the gate of the
osCue# opposite the door of U)Salaa# t$o Ansari en $ere passing by and they greeted Allah's
Apostle % He told the: 8o not run a$ayI And said# HShe is !y $ife" Safiya bint Huyai%H Both of the
said# HSubhan Allah# !Ho$ dare $e think of any e(il" E Allah's ApostleIH And they felt it% &he Prophet
said !to the"# HSatan reaches e(ery$here in the huan body as blood reaches in it# !e(ery$here in
one's body"% I $as afraid lest Satan ight insert an e(il thought in your inds%H
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 343:
Darrated Abu Salaa bin 'Abdur)Rahan:
I asked Abu Said Al)Khudri# H8id you hear Allah's Apostle talking about the Dight of ,adrJH He
replied in the affirati(e and said# HEnce $e $ere in Itikaf $ith Allah's Apostle in the iddle ten
days of !Raadan" and $e cae out of it in the orning of the t$entieth# and Allah's Apostle) de)
li(ered a seron on the 36th !of Raadan" and said# 'I $as infored !of the date" of the Dight of
,adr !in y drea" but had forgotten it% So# look for it in the odd nights of the last ten nights of the
onth of Raadan% I sa$ yself prostrating in ud and $ater on that night !as a sign of the Dight
of ,adr"% So# $hoe(er had been in Itikaf $ith Allah's Apostle should return for it%' &he people re)
turned to the osCue !for Itikaf"% &here $as no trace of clouds in the sky% But all of a sudden a cloud
cae and it rained% &hen the prayer $as established !they stood for the prayer" and Allah's Apostle
prostrated in ud and $ater and I sa$ ud o(er the forehead and the nose of the Prophet%
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 34<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Ene of the $i(es of Allah's Apostle practiced Itikaf $ith hi $hile she ad bleeding in bet$een her
periods and she $ould see red !blood" or yello$ish traces# and soeties $e put a tray beneath her
$hen she offered the prayer%
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 342:
Darrated 'Ali bin Al)Husain !fro Safiya# the Prophet's $ife":
&he $i(es of the Prophet $ere $ith hi in the osCue !$hile he $as in Itikaf" and then they de)
parted and the Prophet said to Safiya bint Huyai# H8on't hurry up# for I shall accopany you#H !and
her d$elling $as in the house of Usaa"% &he Prophet $ent out and in the eantie t$o Ansari
en et hi and they looked at the Prophet and passed by% &he Prophet said to the# H9oe here%
She is !y $ife" Safiya bint Huyai%H &hey replied# HSubhan Allah# !Ho$ dare $e think of e(il" E Al)
lah's ApostleI !$e ne(er e*pect anything bad fro you"%H &he Prophet replied# HSatan circulates in the
=olue < ) 253 ? 0:66
huan being as blood circulates in the body# and I $as afraid lest Satan ight insert an e(il thought
in your inds%H
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 344:
Darrated 'Ali bin Al)Husain fro Safiya:
Safiya $ent to the Prophet $hile he $as in Itikaf% @hen she returned# the Prophet accopanied
her $alking% An Ansari an sa$ hi% @hen the Prophet noticed hi# he called hi and said# H9oe
here% She is Safiya% !Sufyan a sub)narrator perhaps said that the Prophet had said# H&his is SafiyaH"%
And Satan circulates in the body of Ada's offspring as his blood circulates in it%H
!A sub)narrator asked Sufyan# H8id Safiya (isit hi at nightJH He said# HEf course# at night%H"
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 345:
Darrated Abu Said:
@e practiced Itikaf $ith Allah's Apostle in the iddle ten days !of Raadan"% In the orning of
the t$entieth !of Raadan" $e shifted our baggage# but Allah's Apostle cae to us and said# H@ho)
e(er $as Itikaf should return to his place of Itikaf# for I sa$ !i%e% $as infored about the date of"
this Dight !of ,adr" and sa$ yself prostrating in ud and $ater%H @hen I returned to y place the
sky $as o(ercast $ith clouds and it rained% By Hi @ho sent Muhaad $ith the &ruth# the sky
$as co(ered $ith clouds fro the end of that day# and the osCue $hich $as roofed $ith leaf)stalks
of date pal trees !leaked $ith rain" and I sa$ the trace of ud and $ater o(er the nose of the
Prophet and its tip%
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 34::
Darrated 'Ara bint 'Abdur)Rahan fro 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to practice Itikaf e(ery year in the onth of Raadan% And after offering the
orning prayer# he used to enter the place of his Itikaf% 'Aisha asked his perission to let her practice
Itikaf and he allo$ed her# and so she pitched a tent in the osCue% @hen Hafsa heard of that# she
also pitched a tent !for herself"# and $hen Fainab heard of that# she too pitched another tent% @hen#
in the orning# Allah's Apostle had finished the orning prayer# he sa$ four tents and asked# H@hat
is thisJH He $as infored about it% He then said# H@hat ade the do thisJ Is it righteousnessJ Re)
o(e the tents# for I do not $ant to see the%H So# the tents $ere reo(ed% &he Prophet did not per)
for Itikaf that year in the onth of Raadan# but did it in the last ten days of Sha$$al%
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 347:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
=olue < ) 25< ? 0:66
'Uar bin Al)Khattab said# HE Allah's ApostleI I (o$ed in the Pre)lslaic period to perfor Itikaf
in Al) for one night%H &he Prophet said# HBulfill your (o$%H So# he perfored Itikaf
for one night%
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 341:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
that 'Uar had (o$ed in the Pre)lslaic period to perfor Itikaf in Al) !A sub)
narrator thinks that 'Uar (o$ed to perfor Itikaf for one night%" Allah's Apostle said to 'Uar# HBul)
fill your (o$%H
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 356:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet used to perfor Itikaf e(ery year in the onth of Raadan for ten days# and $hen it
$as the year of his death# he stayed in Itikaf for t$enty days%
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 350:
Darrated 'Ara bint 'AbdurRahan fro 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle entioned that he $ould practice Itikaf in the last ten days of Raadan% 'Aisha
asked his perission to perfor Itikaf and he peritted her% Hafsa asked 'Aisha to take his peris)
sion for
=olue <# Book <<# Duber 353:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
Aisha during her enses used to cob and oil the hair of the Prophet $hile he used to be in Itikaf
in the osCue% He $ould stretch out his head to$ards her $hile she $as in her chaber%
=olue < ) 252 ? 0:66
Book <2: Sales and &rade
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 35<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Kou people say that Abu Huraira tells any narrations fro Allah's Apostle and you also $onder
$hy the eigrants and Ansar do not narrate fro Allah's Apostle as Abu Huraira does% My eigrant
brothers $ere busy in the arket $hile I used to stick to Allah's Apostle content $ith $hat fills y
stoachL so I used to be present $hen they $ere absent and I used to reeber $hen they used to
forget# and y Ansari brothers used to be busy $ith their properties and I $as one of the poor en
of Suffa% I used to reeber the narrations $hen they used to forget% Do doubt# Allah's Apostle once
said# H@hoe(er spreads his garent till I ha(e finished y present speech and then gathers it to hi)
self# $ill reeber $hate(er I $ill say%H So# I spread y colored garent $hich I $as $earing till
Allah's Apostle had finished his saying# and then I gathered it to y chest% So# I did not forget any of
that narrations%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 352:
Darrated Ibrahi bin Sad fro his father fro his grand)father:
Abdur Rahan bin Auf said# H@hen $e cae to Medina as eigrants# Allah's Apostle established a
bond of brotherhood bet$een e and Sad bin Ar)Rabi'% Sad bin Ar)Rabi' said !to e"# 'I a the
richest aong the Ansar# so I $ill gi(e you half of y $ealth and you ay look at y t$o $i(es and
$hiche(er of the t$o you ay choose I $ill di(orce her# and $hen she has copleted the prescribed
period !before arriage" you ay arry her%' Abdur)Rahan replied# HI a not in need of all that% Is
there any arket)place $here trade is practicedJ' He replied# H&he arket of ,ainuCa%H Abdur)Rah)
an $ent to that arket the follo$ing day and brought soe dried butter)ilk !yogurt" and butter#
and then he continued going there regularly% Be$ days later# 'AbdurRahan cae ha(ing traces of
yello$ !scent" on his body% Allah's Apostle asked hi $hether he had got arried% He replied in the
affirati(e% &he Prophet said# '@ho ha(e you arriedJ' He replied# 'A $oan fro the Ansar%'
&hen the Prophet asked# 'Ho$ uch did you pay herJ' He replied# '!I ga(e her" a gold piece eCual in
$eigh to a date stone !or a date stone of gold"I &he Prophet said# 'Ai(e a @alia !$edding banCuet"
e(en if $ith one sheep %' H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 354:
Darrated Anas:
=olue < ) 254 ? 0:66
@hen Abdur)Rahan bin Auf cae to Medina# the Prophet established a bond of brotherhood
bet$een hi and Sad bin Ar)Rabi al)Ansari% Sad $as a rich an# so he said to 'Abdur)Rahan# HI
$ill gi(e you half of y property and $ill help you arry%H 'Abdur)Rahan said !to hi"# HMay Al)
lah bless you in your faily and property% Sho$ e the arket%H So 'Abdur)Rahan did not return
fro the arket" till he gained soe dried butterilk !yoghurt" and butter !through trading"% He
brought that to his house)hold% @e stayed for soe)tie !or as long as Allah $ished"# and then Ab)
dur)Rahan cae# scented $ith yello$ish perfue% &he Prophet said !to hi" H@hat is thisJH He
replied# HI got arried to an Ansari $oan%H &he Prophet asked# H@hat did you pay herJH He replied#
HA gold stone or gold eCual to the $eight of a date stone%H &he Prophet said !to hi"# HAi(e a $edding
banCuet e(en if $ith one sheep%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 355:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
'Uka-# Ma.anna and 8hul)Ma.a- $ere arket)places in the Pre)lslaic period of ignorance%
@hen Isla cae# Muslis felt that arketing there ight be a sin% So# the 8i(ine Inspiration cae:
H&here is no har for you to seek the bounty of your ;ord !in the seasons of Ha.."%H !3%017" Ibn 'Abbas
recited the =erse in this $ay%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 35::
Darrated An)Du'an bin Bashir:
&he Prophet said HBoth legal and illegal things are ob(ious# and in bet$een the are !suspicious"
doubtful atters% So $ho)e(er forsakes those doubtful things lest he ay coit a sin# $ill defin)
itely a(oid $hat is clearly illegalL and $ho)e(er indulges in these !suspicious" doubtful things
bra(ely# is likely to coit $hat is clearly illegal% Sins are Allah's Hia !i%e% pri(ate pasture" and
$hoe(er pastures !his sheep" near it# is likely to get in it at any oent%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 357:
Darrated Abdullah bin Abu Mulaika:
y the sae $oan"JH His $ife $as the daughter of Abu Ihab)al)&aii% JJJJ
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 351:
Darrated Aisha:
Utba bin Abu @aCCas took a fir proise fro his brother Sad bin Abu @aCCas to take the son of
the sla(e)girl of Fa'a into his custody as he $as his !i%e% 'Utba's" son% In the year of the 9onCuest !of
Mecca" Sad bin Abu @aCCas took hi# and said that he $as his brother's son# and his brother took a
=olue < ) 255 ? 0:66
proise fro hi to that effect% 'Abu bin Fa'a got up and said# HHe is y brother and the son of the
sla(e)girl of y father and $as born on y father's bed%H &hen they both $ent to the Prophet Sad
said# HE Allah's ApostleI He is the son of y brother and he has taken a proise fro e that I $ill
take hi%H 'Abu bin Fa'a said# H!He is" y brother and the son of y father's sla(e)girl and $as born
on y father's bed%H Allah's Apostle said# H&he boy is for you% E 'Abu bin Fa'a%H &hen the Prophet
said# H&he son is for the bed !i%e the an on $hose bed he $as born" and stones !disappointent and
depri(ation" for the one $ho has done illegal se*ual intercourse%H &he Prophet told his $ife Sauda
bint Fa'a to screen herself fro that boy as he noticed a siilarity bet$een the boy and 'Utba% So#
the boy did not see her till he died%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 3:6:
Darrated 'Adi bin Hati:
I asked Allah's Apostle about Al Mirad !i%e% a sharp)edged piece of $ood or a piece of $ood
pro(ided $ith a piece of iron used for hunting"% He replied# HIf the gae is hit by its sharp edge# eat it#
and if it is hit by its broad side# do not eat it# for it has been beaten to death%H I asked# HE Allah's
ApostleI I release y dog by the nae of Allah and find $ith it at the gae# another dog on $hich I
ha(e not entioned the nae of Allah# and I do not kno$ $hich one of the caught the gae%H Al)
lah's Apostle said !to hi"# '8on't eat it as you ha(e entioned the nae of Allah on your dog and not
on the other dog%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 3:0:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet passed by a fallen date and said# H@ere it not for y doubt that this ight ha(e been
gi(en in charity# I $ould ha(e eaten it%H And narrated Abu Huraira the Prophet said# HI found a date)
fruit fallen on y bed%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 3:3:
Darrated 'Abbas bin &ai:
that his uncle said: H&he Prophet $as asked: If a person feels soething during his prayerL should
one interrupt his prayerJH &he Prophet said: DoI Kou should not gi(e it up unless you hear a sound or
sell soething%H Darrated Ibn Abi Hafsa: A-)Fuhri said# H&here is no need of repeating ablution un)
less you detect a sell or hear a sound%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 3:<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue < ) 25: ? 0:66
Soe people said# HE Allah's ApostleI Meat is brought to us by soe people and $e are not sure
$hether the nae of Allah has been entioned on it or not !at the tie of slaughtering the anials"%H
Allah's Apostle said !to the"# HMention the nae of Allah and eat it%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 3:2:
Darrated /abir:
@hile $e $ere offering the prayer $ith the Prophet a cara(an carrying food cae fro Sha%
&he people looked to$ards the cara(an !and $ent to it" and only t$el(e persons reained $ith the
Prophet% So# the 8i(ine Inspiration caeL HBut $hen they see soe bargain or soe auseent# they
disperse headlong to it%H !53%00"
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 3:4:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HA tie $ill coe $hen one $ill not care ho$ one gains one's oney# legally or
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 3:5:
Darrated Abu Al)Minhal:
I used to practice oney e*change# and I asked Faid bin 'ArCa about it# and he narrated $hat
the Prophet said in the follo$ing: Abu Al)Minhal said# HI asked Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib and Faid bin Ar)
Ca about practicing oney e*change% &hey replied# '@e $ere traders in the tie of Allah's Apostle
and I asked Allah's Apostle about oney e*change% He replied# 'If it is fro hand to hand# there is no
har in itL other$ise it is not perissible%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 3:::
Darrated 'Ubai bin 'Uar:
Abu Musa asked Uar to adit hi but he $as not aditted as 'Uar $as busy# so Abu Musa
$ent back% @hen 'Uar finished his .ob he said# H8idn't I hear the (oice of 'Abdullah bin ,aisJ ;et
hi coe in%H 'Uar $as told that he had left% So# he sent for hi and on his arri(al# he !Abu Musa"
said# H@e $ere ordered to do so !i%e% to lea(e if not aditted after asking perission thrice"% 'Uar
told hi# HBring $itness in proof of your stateent%H Abu Musa $ent to the Ansar's eeting places
and asked the% &hey said# HDone aongst us $ill gi(e this $itness e*cept the youngest of us# Abu
Said Al)Khudri% Abu Musa then took Abu Said Al)Khudri !to 'Uar" and 'Uar said# surprisingly#
HHas this order of Allah's Apostle been hidden fro eJH !&hen he added"# HI used to be busy trading
in arkets%H
=olue < ) 257 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 3:7:
Darrated /abir:
A cara(an arri(ed !at Medina" $hile $e $ere offering the /uua prayer $ith the Prophet% &he
people left out for the cara(an# $ith the e*ception of t$el(e persons% &hen this =erse $as re(ealed:
'But $hen they see soe bargain or soe auseent# they disperse headlong to it and lea(e you
standing%H !53%00"
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 3:1:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# HIf a $oan gi(es in charity fro her house eals $ithout $asting !i%e% being
e*tra(agant"# she $ill get the re$ard for her gi(ing# and her husband $ill also get the re$ard for his
earning and the storekeeper $ill also get a siilar re$ard% &he acCuisition of the re$ard of none of
the $ill reduce the re$ard of the others%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 376:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIf a $oan gi(es soething !i%e% in charity" fro her husband's earnings
$ithout his perission# she $ill get half his re$ard%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 370:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H$hoe(er desires an e*pansion in his sustenance and age# should
keep good relations $ith his Kith and kin%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 373:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet purchased food grains fro a /e$ on credit and ortgaged his iron aror to hi%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 37<:
Darrated ,atada:
Anas $ent to the Prophet $ith barley bread ha(ing soe dissol(ed fat on it% &he Prophet had
ortgaged his aror to a /e$ in Medina and took fro hi soe barley for his faily% Anas heard
=olue < ) 251 ? 0:66
hi saying# H&he household of Muhaad did not possess e(en a single Sa of $heat or food grains
for the e(ening eal# although he has nine $i(es to look after%H !See Hadith Do% 574"
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 372:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen Abu Bakr As)SiddiC $as chosen 9aliph# he said# HMy people kno$ that y profession $as
not incapable of pro(iding substance to y faily% And as I $ill be busy ser(ing the Musli nation#
y faily $ill eat fro the Dational &reasury of Muslis# and I $ill practise the profession of
ser(ing the Muslis%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 374:
Darrated Aisha:
&he copanions of Allah's Apostle used to practise anual labor# so their s$eat used to sell# and
they $ere ad(ised to take a bath%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 375:
Darrated Al)MiCda:
&he Prophet said# HDobody has e(er eaten a better eal than that $hich one has earned by $ork)
ing $ith one's o$n hands% &he Prophet of Allah# 8a(id used to eat fro the earnings of his anual
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 37::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he Prophet 8a(id used not to eat e*cept fro the earnings of his anual
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 377:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HEne $ould rather cut and carry a bundle of $ood on his back than ask
soebody $ho ay or ay not li(e hi%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 371:
Darrated A-)Fubair bin Al)A$$a:
=olue < ) 2:6 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HEne $ould rather take a rope and cut $ood and carry it than ask others"%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 316:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# HMay Allah's ercy be on hi $ho is lenient in his buying# selling# and in de)
anding back his oney%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 310:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
&he Prophet said# HBefore your tie the angels recei(ed the soul of a an and asked hi# '8id you
do any good deeds !in your life"J' He replied# 'I used to order y eployees to grant tie to the rich
person to pay his debts at his con(enience%' So Allah said to the angelsL H+*cuse hi%H Rabi said that
!the dead an said"# 'I used to be easy to the rich and grant tie to the poor%' Er# in another narra)
tion# 'grant tie to the $ell)off and forgi(e the needy#' or# 'accept fro the $ell)off and forgi(e the
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 313:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&here $as a erchant $ho used to lend the people# and $hene(er his debtor
$as in straitened circustances# he $ould say to his eployees# 'Borgi(e hi so that Allah ay for)
gi(e us%' So# Allah forga(e hi%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 31<:
Darrated Haki bin Hi-a:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he seller and the buyer ha(e the right to keep or return goods as long as
they ha(e not parted or till they partL and if both the parties spoke the truth and described the defects
and Cualities !of the goods"# then they $ould be blessed in their transaction# and if they told lies or
hid soething# then the blessings of their transaction $ould be lost%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 312:
Darrated Abu Said:
@e used to be gi(en i*ed dates !fro the booty" and used to sell !barter" t$o Sas of those dates"
for one Sa !of good dates"% &he Prophet said !to us"# HDo !bartering of" t$o Sas for one Sa nor t$o
8irhas for one 8irha is perissibleH# !as that is a kind of usury"% !See Hadith Do% 264"%
=olue < ) 2:0 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 314:
Darrated Abu Mas'ud:
An Ansari an# called Abu Shu'aib# cae and told his butcher sla(e# HPrepare eals sufficient for
fi(e persons# for I $ant to in(ite the Prophet along $ith four other persons as I sa$ signs of hunger
on his face%H Abu Shu'aib in(ited the and another person cae along $ith the% &he Prophet said
!to Abu Shu'aib"# &his an follo$ed us# so if you allo$ hi# he $ill .oin us# and if you $ant hi to
return# he $ill go back%H Abu Shu'aib said# HDo# I ha(e allo$ed hi !i%e% he# too# is $elcoed to the
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 315:
Darrated Haki bin Hi-a:
&he Prophet aid# H&he buyer and the seller ha(e the option to cancel or to confir the deal# as long
as they ha(e not parted or till they part# and if they spoke the truth and told each other the defects of
the things# then blessings $ould be in their deal# and if they hid soething and told lies# the blessing
of the deal $ould be lost%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 31::
Darrated Aisha:
@hen the last =erses of Surat al) BaCara $ere re(ealed# the Prophet recited the in the osCue
and proclaied the trade of alcohol as illegal%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 317:
Darrated Saura bin /undab:
&he Prophet said# H&his night I dreat that t$o en cae and took e to a Holy land $hence $e
proceeded on till $e reached a ri(er of blood# $here a an $as standing# and on its bank $as stand)
ing another an $ith stones in his hands% &he an in the iddle of the ri(er tried to coe out# but
the other thre$ a stone in his outh and forced hi to go back to his original place% So# $hene(er
he tried to coe out# the other an $ould thro$ a stone in his outh and force hi to go back to
his forer place% I asked# '@ho is thisJ' I $as told# '&he person in the ri(er $as a Riba)eater%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 311:
Darrated 'Aun bin Abu /uhaifa:
My father bought a sla(e $ho practiced the profession of cupping% !My father broke the sla(e's in)
struents of cupping"% I asked y father $hy he had done so% He replied# H&he Prophet forbade the
=olue < ) 2:3 ? 0:66
acceptance of the price of a dog or blood# and also forbade the profession of tattooing# getting tat)
tooed and recei(ing or gi(ing Riba# !usury"# and cursed the picture)akers%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <66:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H&he s$earing !by the seller" ay persuade the buyer to purchase
the goods but that $ill be depri(ed of Allah's blessing%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <60:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abu Aufa:
A an displayed soe goods in the arket and s$ore by Allah that he had been offered so uch
for that# that $hich $as not offered# and he said so# so as to cheat a Musli% En that occasion the
follo$ing =erse $as re(ealed: H=erilyI &hose $ho purchase a sall gain at the cost of Allah's co(en)
ant and their oaths !&hey shall ha(e no portion in the Hereafter %%etc%"' !<%::"
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <63:
Darrated 'Ali:
I got an old she)cael as y share fro the booty# and the Prophet had gi(en e another fro
Al)Khuus% And $hen I intended to arry Batia !daughter of the Prophet"# I arranged that a gold)
sith fro the tribe of Bani ,ainuCa' $ould accopany e in order to bring Idhkhir and then sell it
to the goldsiths and use its price for y arriage banCuet%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <6<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah ade Mecca a sanctuary and it $as neither peritted for anyone be)
fore# nor $ill it be peritted for anyone after e !to fight in it"% And fighting in it $as ade legal for
e for a fe$ hours of a day only% Done is allo$ed to uproot its thorny shrubs or to cut do$n its trees
or to chase its gae or to pick up its ;uCata !fallen things" e*cept by a person $ho $ould announce
it publicly%H 'Abbas bin 'Abdul)Muttlib reCuested the Prophet# H+*cept Al)Idhkhir# for our goldsiths
and for the roofs of our houses%H &he Prophet said# H+*cept Al)Idhkhir%H 'Ikria said# H8o you kno$
$hat is eant by chasing its gaeJ It is to dri(e it out of the shade and sit in its place%H Khalid said#
H!'Abbas said: Al)Idhkhir" for our goldsiths and our gra(es%H
=olue < ) 2:< ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <62:
Darrated Khabbab:
I $as a blacksith in the Pre)lslaic period# and 'Asi bin @ail o$ed e soe oney# so I $ent to
hi to deand it% He said !to e"# HI $ill not pay you unless you disbelie(e Muhaad%H I said# HI
$ill not disbelie(e till Allah kills you and then you get resurrected%H He said# H;ea(e e till I die and
get resurrected# then I $ill be gi(en $ealth and children and I $ill pay you your debt%H En that occa)
sion it $as re(ealed to the Prophet:
'Ha(e you seen hi $ho disbelie(ed in Eur signs and says: Surely I $ill be gi(en $ealth and chil)
drenJ Has he kno$n the unseen# or has he taken a co(enant fro the Beneficent !Allah"J !01%::):7"
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <64:
Darrated IshaC bin 'Abdullah bin Abu &alha:
I heard Anas bin Malik saying# HA tailor in(ited Allah's Apostle to a eal $hich he had prepared% H
Anas bin Malik said# HI accopanied Allah's Apostle to that eal% He ser(ed the Prophet $ith bread
and soup ade $ith gourd and dried eat% I sa$ the Prophet taking the pieces of gourd fro the
dish%H Anas added# HSince that day I ha(e continued to like gourd%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <65:
Darrated Abu Ha-i:
I heard Sahl bin Sad saying# HA $oan brought a Burda !i%e% a sCuare piece of cloth ha(ing
edging"% I asked# '8o you kno$ $hat a Burda isJ' &hey replied in the affirati(e and said# HIt is a
cloth sheet $ith $o(en argins%H Sahl $ent on# HShe addressed the Prophet and said# 'I ha(e $o(en it
$ith y hands for you to $ear%' &he Prophet took it as he $as in need of it# and cae to us $earing it
as a $aist sheet% Ene of us said# 'E Allah's ApostleI Ai(e it to e to $ear%' &he Prophet agreed to gi(e
it to hi% &he Prophet sat $ith the people for a $hile and then returned !hoe"# $rapped that $aist
sheet and sent it to hi% &he people said to that an# 'Kou ha(en't done $ell by asking hi for it
$hen you kno$ that he ne(er turns do$n anybody's reCuest%' &he an replied# 'By Allah# I ha(e not
asked hi for it e*cept to use it as y shroud $hen I die%H Sahl addedL H;ater it !i%e% that sheet" $as
his shroud%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <6::
Darrated Abu Ha-i:
Soe en cae to Sahl bin Sad to ask hi about the pulpit% He replied# HAllah's Apostle sent for a
$oan !Sahl naed her" !this essage": 'Erder your sla(e carpenter to ake pieces of $ood !i%e% a
pulpit" for e so that I ay sit on it $hile addressing the people%' So# she ordered hi to ake it
=olue < ) 2:2 ? 0:66
fro the taarisk of the forest% He brought it to her and she sent it to Allah's Apostle % Allah's Apostle
ordered it to be placed in the osCue: so# it $as put and he sat on it%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <67:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
An Ansari $oan said to Allah's Apostle# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall I ake soething for you to sit
on# as I ha(e a sla(e $ho is a carpenterJH He replied# HIf you $ish%H So# she got a pulpit ade for hi%
@hen it $as Briday
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <61:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle bought food grains fro a /e$ on credit and ortgaged his aror to hi%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <06:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
I $as $ith the Prophet in a Aha-$a !Military +*pedition" and y cael $as slo$ and e*hausted%
&he Prophet cae up to e and said# HE /abir%H I replied# HKesJH He said# H@hat is the atter $ith
youJH I replied# HMy cael is slo$ and tired# so I a left behind%H So# he got do$n and poked the
cael $ith his stick and then ordered e to ride% I rode the cael and it becae so fast that I had to
hold it fro going ahead of Allah's Apostle % He then asked e# ha(e you got arriedJH I replied in
the affirati(e% He asked# HA (irgin or a atronJH I replied# HI arried a atron%H &he Prophet said#
H@hy ha(e you not arried a (irgin# so that you ay play $ith her and she ay play $ith youJH
/abir replied# HI ha(e sisters !young in age" so I liked to arry a atron $ho could collect the all
and cob their hair and look after the%H &he Prophet said# HKou $ill reach# so $hen you ha(e ar)
ri(ed !at hoe"# I ad(ise you to associate $ith your $ife !that you ay ha(e an intelligent son"%H &hen
he asked e# H@ould you like to sell your caelJH I replied in the affirati(e and the Prophet pur)
chased it for one UCiya of gold% Allah's Apostle reached before e and I reached in the orning# and
$hen I $ent to the osCue# I found hi at the door of the osCue% He asked e# HHa(e you arri(ed
.ust no$JH I replied in the affirati(e% He said# H;ea(e your cael and coe into !the osCue" and
pray t$o Rakat%H I entered and offered the prayer% He told Bilal to $eigh and gi(e e one UCiya of
gold% So Bilal $eighed for e fairly and I $ent a$ay% &he Prophet sent for e and I thought that he
$ould return to e y cael $hich I hated ore than anything else% But the Prophet said to e#
H&ake your cael as $ell as its price%H
=olue < ) 2:4 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <00:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
'Uka-# Ma.anna and 8hul)Ma.a- $ere arkets in the Pre)lslaic period% @hen the people e)
braced Isla they considered it a sin to trade there% So# the follo$ing Holy =erse cae:)) '&here is no
har for you if you seek of the bounty of your ;ord !Allah" in the Ha.. season%H !3%017" Ibn 'Abbas
recited it like this%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <03:
Darrated 'Ar:
Here !i%e% in Mecca" there $as a an called Da$$as and he had caels suffering fro the disease
of e*cessi(e and unCuenchable thirst% Ibn 'Uar $ent to the partner of Da$$as and bought those
caels% &he an returned to Da$$as and told hi that he had sold those caels% Da$$as asked
hi# H&o $ho ha(e you sold theJH He replied# H&o such and such Sheikh%H Da$$as said# H@oe to
youL By Allah# that Sheikh $as Ibn 'Uar%H Da$$as then $ent to Ibn 'Uar and said to hi# HMy
partner sold you caels suffering fro the disease of e*cessi(e thirst and he had not kno$n you%H
Ibn 'Uar told hi to take the back% @hen Da$$as $ent to take the# Ibn 'Uar said to hi#
H;ea(e the there as I a happy $ith the decision of Allah's Apostle that there is no oppression % H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <0<:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
@e set out $ith Allah's Apostle in the year of Hunain# !the Prophet ga(e e an aror"% I sold that
aror and bought a garden in the region of the tribe of Bani Salaa and that $as the first property I
got after ebracing Isla%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <02:
Darrated Abu Musa:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he e*aple of a good copanion !$ho sits $ith you" in coparison $ith a
bad one# is I like that of the usk seller and the blacksith's bello$s !or furnace"L fro the first you
$ould either buy usk or en.oy its good sell $hile the bello$s $ould either burn your clothes or
your house# or you get a bad nasty sell thereof%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <04:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
=olue < ) 2:5 ? 0:66
Abu &aiba cupped Allah's Apostle so he ordered that he be paid one Sa of dates and ordered his
asters to reduce his ta* !as he $as a sla(e and had to pay a ta* to the"%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <05:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ence the Prophet got his blood out !edically" and paid that person $ho had done it% If it had
been illegal# the Prophet $ould not ha(e paid hi%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <0::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Uar:
Ence the Prophet sent to 'Uar a silken t$o)piece garent# and $hen he sa$ 'Uar $earing it#
he said to hi# HI ha(e not sent it to you to $ear% It is $orn by hi $ho has no share in the Hereafter#
and I ha(e sent it to you so that you could benefit by it !i%e% sell it"%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <07:
Darrated Aisha:
!other of the faithful belie(ers" I bought a cushion $ith pictures on it% @hen Allah's Apostle sa$
it# he kept standing at the door and did not enter the house% I noticed the sign of disgust on his face#
so I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I repent to Allah and H is Apostle % !Please let e kno$" $hat sin I ha(e
done%H Allah's Apostle said# H@hat about this cushionJH I replied# HI bought it for you to sit and recline
on%H Allah's Apostle said# H&he painters !i%e% o$ners" of these pictures $ill be punished on the 8ay of
Resurrection% It $ill be said to the# 'Put life in $hat you ha(e created !i%e% painted"%' H &he Prophet
added# H&he angels do not enter a house $here there are pictures%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <01:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HE Bani Da..arI Suggest a price for your garden%H Part of it $as a ruin and it con)
tained soe date pals%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <36:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H&he buyer and the seller ha(e the option to cancel or confir the bargain be)
fore they separate fro each other or if the sale is optional%H Dafi said# HIbn 'Uar used to separate
Cuickly fro the seller if he had bought a thing $hich he liked%H
=olue < ) 2:: ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <30:
Darrated Haki bin Hi-aH
&he Prophet said# H&he buyer and the seller ha(e the option of cancelling or confiring the deal
unless they separate%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <33:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he seller and the buyer ha(e the option of cancelling or confiring the deal
unless they separate# or one of the says to the other# '9hoose !i%e% decide to cancel or confir the
bargain no$"%H Perhaps he said# 'Er if it is an optional sale%' H Ibn Uar# Shuraih# Ash)Shabi# &a$us#
Ata# and Ibn Abu Mulaika agree upon this .udgent%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <3<:
Darrated Haki bin Hi-a:
&he Prophet said# H&he buyer and the seller ha(e the option of cancelling or confiring the bar)
gain unless they separate# and if they spoke the truth and ade clear the defects of the goods# the
they $ould be blessed in their bargain# and if they told lies and hid soe facts# their bargain $ould
be depri(ed of Allah's blessings%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <32:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HBoth the buyer and the seller ha(e the option of cancelling or confiring a
bargain unless they separate# or the sale is optional%H !See Hadith Do%<36"%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <34:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HBoth the buyer and the seller ha(e the option of cancelling or confiring the
bargain# as long as they are still together# and unless they separate or one of the gi(es the other the
option of keeping or re.ecting%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <35:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
=olue < ) 2:7 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HDo deal is settled and finali-ed unless the buyer and the seller separate# e*cept if
the deal is optional !$hereby the (alidity of the bargain depends on the stipulations agreed upon"%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <3::
Darrated Haki bin Hi-a:
&he Prophet said# HBoth the buyer and the seller ha(e the option of cancelling or confiring the
bargain unless they separate%H &he sub)narrator# Haa said# HI found this in y book: 'Both the
buyer and the seller gi(e the option of either confiring or cancelling the bargain three ties# and if
they speak the truth and ention the defects# then their bargain $ill be blessed# and if they tell lies
and conceal the defects# they ight gain soe financial gain but they $ill depri(e their sale of !Al)
lah's" blessings%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <37:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
A person cae to the Prophet and told hi that he $as al$ays betrayed in purchasing% &he
Prophet told hi to say at the tie of buying# HDo cheating%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <31:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said# HAn ary $ill in(ade the Ka'ba and $hen the in(aders reach Al)Baida'# all the
ground $ill sink and s$allo$ the $hole ary%H I said# HE Allah's ApostleI Ho$ $ill they sink into the
ground $hile aongst the $ill be their arkets !the people $ho $orked in business and not in)
(aders" and the people not belonging to theJH &he Prophet replied# Hall of those people $ill sink but
they $ill be resurrected and .udged according to their intentions%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <<6:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he congregational prayer of anyone aongst you is ore than t$enty !fi(e
or t$enty se(en" ties in re$ard than his prayer in the arket or in his house# for if he perfors
ablution copletely and then goes to the osCue $ith the sole intention of perforing the prayer#
and nothing urges hi to proceed to the osCue e*cept the prayer# then# on e(ery step $hich he
takes to$ards the osCue# he $ill be raised one degree or one of his sins $ill be forgi(en% &he angels
$ill keep on asking Allah's forgi(eness and blessings for e(eryone of you so long as he keeps sitting
at his praying place% &he angels $ill say# 'E Allah# bless hiI E Allah# be erciful to hiI' as long as
=olue < ) 2:1 ? 0:66
he does not do Hadath or a thing $hich gi(es trouble to the other%H &he Prophet further said# HEne is
regarded in prayer so long as one is $aiting for the prayer%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <<0:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hile the Prophet $as in the arket# soebody# called# HE Abu)l),asi%H &he Prophet turned to
hi% &he an said# HI ha(e called to this !i%e% another an"%H &he Prophet said# HDae yoursel(es by
y nae but not by y Kuniya !nae"%H !In Arabic $orld it is the custo to call the an as the fath)
er of his eldest son# e%g% Abu)l),asi%"
!See Hadith Do% :<:# =ol% 2"
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <<3:
Darrated Anas:
A an at Al)BaCi' called# HE Abu)l),asiIH &he Prophet turned to hi and the an said !to the
Prophet "# HI did not intend to call you%H &he prophet said# HDae yoursel(es by y nae but not by
y kuniya !nae"%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <<<:
Darrated Abu Huraira Ad)8ausi:
Ence the Prophet $ent out during the day% Deither did he talk to e nor I to hi till he reached
the arket of Bani ,ainuCa and then he sat in the copound of Batia's house and asked about the
sall boy !his grandson Al)Hasan" but Batia kept the boy in for a $hile% I thought she $as either
changing his clothes or gi(ing the boy a bath% After a $hile the boy cae out running and the
Prophet ebraced and kissed hi and then said# 'E AllahI ;o(e hi# and lo(e $hoe(er lo(es hi%'
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <<2:
Darrated Dafi:
Ibn 'Uar told us that the people used to buy food fro the cara(ans in the lifetie of the Prophet%
&he Prophet used to forbid the to sell it at the (ery place $here they had purchased it !but they
$ere to $ait" till they carried it to the arket $here foodstuff $as sold% Ibn 'Uar said# '&he Prophet
also forbade the reselling of foodstuff by soebody $ho had bought it unless he had recei(ed it $ith
e*act full easure'
=olue < ) 276 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <<4:
Darrated Ata bin Kasar:
I et Abdullah bin 'Ar bin Al)'As and asked hi# H&ell e about the description of Allah's Apostle
$hich is entioned in &orah !i%e% Eld &estaent%H" He replied# 'Kes% By Allah# he is described in &orah
$ith soe of the Cualities attributed to hi in the ,uran as follo$s:
HE Prophet I @e ha(e sent you as a $itness !for Allah's &rue religion" And a gi(er of glad tidings
!to the faithful belie(ers"# And a $arner !to the unbelie(ers" And guardian of the illiterates% Kou are
My sla(e and My essenger !i%e% Apostle"% I ha(e naed you HAl)Muta$akkilH !$ho depends upon
Allah"% Kou are neither discourteous# harsh Dor a noise)aker in the arkets And you do not do e(il
to those @ho do e(il to you# but you deal @ith the $ith forgi(eness and kindness% Allah $ill not let
hi !the Prophet" 8ie till he akes straight the crooked people by aking the say: HDone has the
right to be $orshipped but Allah#H @ith $hich $ill be opened blind eyes And deaf ears and en(el)
oped hearts%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <<5:
Darrated Abdullah ibn Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HHe $ho buys foodstuff should not sell it till he is satisfied $ith the easure
$ith $hich he has bought it%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <<::
Darrated /abir:
Abdullah bin 'Ar bin Hara died and $as in debt to others% I asked the Prophet to intercede $ith
his creditors for soe reduction in the debts% &he Prophet reCuested the !to reduce the debts" but
they refused% &he Prophet said to e# HAo and put your dates !In heaps" according to their different
kinds% &he A.$a on one side# the cluster of Ibn Faid on another side# etc%% &hen call e%H I did that and
called the Prophet He cae and sat at the head or in the iddle of the heaps and ordered e% Meas)
ure !the dates" for the people !creditors"%H I easured for the till I paid all the debts% My dates re)
ained as it nothing had been taken fro the% In other narrations# /abir saidL &he Prophet said# HHe
!i%e% 'Abdullah" continued easuring for the till he paid all the debts%H &he Prophet said !to 'Abdul)
lah"# H9ut !clusters" for hi !i%e% one of the creditors" and easure for hi fully%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <<7:
Darrated Al)MiCda bin Ma'diyakrib:
&he Prophet said# HMeasure your foodstuff and you $ill be blessed%H
=olue < ) 270 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <<1:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Faid:
&he Prophet said# H&he Prophet Abraha ade Mecca a sanctuary# and asked for Allah's blessing
in it% I ade Medina a sanctuary as Abraha ade Mecca a sanctuary and I asked for Allah's Bless)
ing in its easures the Mudd and the Sa as Abraha did for Mecca%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <26:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# HE Allah besto$ your blessings on their easures# bless their Mudd and Sa%H
&he Prophet eant the people of Medina%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <20:
Darrated Sali:
that his father said% HI sa$ those# $ho used to buy foodstuff $ithout easuring or $eighing in the
life tie of the Prophet being punished if they sold it before carrying it to their o$n houses%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <23:
Darrated &a$us:
Ibn 'Abbas said# HAllah's Apostle forbade the selling of foodstuff before its easuring and transfer)
ring into one's possession%H I asked Ibn 'Abbas# HHo$ is thatJH Ibn 'Abbas replied# HIt $ill be .ust like
selling oney for oney# as the foodstuff has not been handed o(er to the first purchaser $ho is the
present seller%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <2<:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
&he Prophet said# HHe $ho buys foodstuff should not sell it till he has recei(ed it%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <22:
Darrated A-)Fuhri fro Malik bin Aus:
that the latter said# H@ho has changeJH &alha said# HI !$ill ha(e change" $hen our store)keeper
coes fro the forest%H
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khattab: Allah's Apostle said# H&he bartering of gold for sil(er is Riba#
!usury"# e*cept if it is fro hand to hand and eCual in aount# and $heat grain for $heat grain is
=olue < ) 273 ? 0:66
usury e*cept if it is for hand to hand and eCual in aount# and dates for dates is usury e*cept if it
is fro hand to hand and eCual in aount# and barley for barley is usury e*cept if it is fro hand to
hand and eCual in aount%H !See Riba)Badl in the glossary"%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <24:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet forbade the selling of foodstuff before recei(ing it% I consider that all types of sellings
should be done siilarly%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <25:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H&he buyer of foodstuff should not sell it before it has been easured for hi%H
Isa'il narrated instead# HHe should not sell it before recei(ing it%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <2::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
I sa$ the people buy foodstuff randoly !i%e% blindly $ithout easuring it" in the life)tie of Al)
lah's Apostle and they $ere punished !by beating"# if they tried to sell it before carrying it to their
o$n houses%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <27:
Darrated Aisha:
Rarely did the Prophet fail to (isit Abu Bakr's house e(eryday# either in the orning or in the
e(ening% @hen the perission for igration to Medina $as granted# all of a sudden the Prophet
cae to us at noon and Abu Bakr $as infored# $ho said# H9ertainly the Prophet has coe for soe
urgent atter%H &he Prophet said to Abu Bark# $hen the latter entered H;et nobody stay in your
hoe%H Abu Bakr said# HE Allah's ApostleI &here are only y t$o daughters !naely 'Aisha and
Asa'" present%H &he Prophet said# HI feel !a infored" that I ha(e been granted the perission for
igration%H Abu Bakr said# HI $ill accopany you# E Allah's ApostleIH &he Prophet said# HKou $ill ac)
copany e%H Abu Bakr then said HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e t$o she)caels I ha(e prepared spe)
cially for igration# so I offer you one of the% &he Prophet said# HI ha(e accepted it on the condition
that I $ill pay its price%H
=olue < ) 27< ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <21:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H8o not urge soebody to return $hat he has already bought !i%e% in optional
sale" fro another seller so as to sell hi your o$n goods%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <46:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle forbade the selling of things by a to$n d$eller on behalf of a desert d$ellerL and
siilarly $as forbidden% And one should not urge soebody to return the goods to the seller so
as to sell hi his o$n goodsL nor should one deand the hand of a girl $ho has already been en)
gaged to soeone elseL and a $oan should not try to cause soe other $oan to be di(orced in
order to take her place%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <40:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
A an decided that a sla(e of his $ould be anuitted after his death and later on he $as in
need of oney# so the Prophet took the sla(e and said# H@ho $ill buy this sla(e fro eJH Du'ai bin
'Abdullah bought hi for such and such price and the Prophet ga(e hi the sla(e%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <43:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle forbade
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <4<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle forbade the sale called 'Habal)al)Habala $hich $as a kind of sale practiced in the
Pre)lslaic Period of ignorance% Ene $ould pay the price of a she)cael $hich $as not born yet
$ould be born by the iediate offspring of an e*tant she)cael%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <42:
Darrated Abu Said:
=olue < ) 272 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle forbade the selling by Munabadha# i%e% to sell one's garent by casting it to the
buyer not allo$ing hi to e*aine or see it% Siilarly he forbade the selling by Mulaasa% Mu)
laasa is to buy a garent# for e*aple# by erely touching it# not looking at it%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <44:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet forbade t$o kinds of dressingL !one of the" is to sit $ith one's legs dra$n up $hile
$rapped in one garent% !&he other" is to lift that garent on one's shoulders% And also forbade t$o
kinds of sale: Al);ias and An)Dibadh%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <45:
Darrated Abu Huraira :
Allah's Apostle forbade selling by Mulaasa and Munabadha%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <4::
Darrated Abu Said:
&he Prophet forbade t$o kinds of dresses and t$o kinds of sale# i%e%# Mulaasa and Munabadha%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <47:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H8on't keep caels and sheep unilked for a long tie# for $hoe(er buys such
an anial has the option to ilk it and then either to keep it or return it to the o$ner along $ith one
Sa of dates%H Soe narrated fro Ibn Sirin !that the Prophet had said"# HEne Sa of $heat# and he has
the option for three days%H And soe narrated fro Ibn Sirin# H %%% a Sa of dates#H not entioning the
option for three days% But a Sa of dates is entioned in ost narrations%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <41:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud:
@hoe(er buys a sheep $hich has not been ilked for a long tie# has the option of returning it
along $ith one Sa of datesL and the Prophet forbade going to eet the seller on the $ay !as he has no
kno$ledge of the arket price and he ay sell his goods at a lo$ price"%
=olue < ) 274 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <56:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H8o not go for$ard to eet the cara(an !to buy fro it on the $ay before it
reaches the to$n"% And do not urge buyers to cancel their purchases to sell the !your o$n goods"
yoursel(es# and do not practice A to$n d$eller should not sell the goods for the desert d$ell)
er% 8o not lea(e sheep unilked for a long tie# $hen they are on sale# and $hoe(er buys such an
anial has the option of returning it# after ilking it# along $ith a Sa of dates or keeping it% it has
been kept unilked for a long period by the seller !to decei(e others"%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <50:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er buys a sheep $hich has been kept unilked for a long period# and
ilks it# can keep it if he is satisfied# and if he is not satisfied# he can return it# but he should pay one
Sa of dates for the ilk%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <53:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIf a sla(e)girl coits illegal se*ual intercourse and it is pro(ed beyond doubt#
then her o$ner should lash her and should not blae her after the legal punishent% And then if she
repeats the illegal se*ual intercourse he should lash her again and should not blae her after the
legal punishent# and if she coits it a third tie# then he should sell her e(en for a hair rope%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <5<:
Darrated Abu Huraira and Faid bin Khalid:
Allah's Apostle $as asked about the sla(e)girl# if she $as a (irgin and coitted illegal se*ual in)
tercourse% &he Prophet said# HIf she coitted illegal se*ual intercourse# lash her# and if she did it a
second tie# then lash her again# and if she repeated the third tie# then sell her e(en for a hair
rope%H Ibn Shihab said# HI don't kno$ $hether to sell her after the third or fourth offense%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <52:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle cae to e and I told hi about the sla(e)girl !Buraira" Allah's Apostle said# HBuy
and anuit her# for the @ala is for the one $ho anuits%H In the e(ening the Prophet got up and
glorified Allah as He deser(ed and then said# H@hy do soe people ipose conditions $hich are not
=olue < ) 275 ? 0:66
present in Allah's Book !;a$s"J @hoe(er iposes such a condition as is not in Allah's ;a$s# then that
condition is in(alid e(en if he iposes one hundred conditions# for Allah's conditions are ore bind)
ing and reliable%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <54:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
Aisha $anted to buy Buraira and he !the Prophet " $ent out for the prayer% @hen he returned# she
told hi that they !her asters" refused to sell her e*cept on the condition that her @ala' $ould go
to the% &he Prophet replied# '&he @ala' $ould go to hi $ho anuits%' H Haa asked Dafi'
$hether her !Buraira's" husband $as a free an or a sla(e% He replied that he did not kno$%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <55:
Darrated /arir:
I ha(e gi(en a pledge of allegiance to Allah's Apostle for to testify that Done has the right to be
$orshipped but Allah# and Muhaad is His Apostle# to offer prayers perfectly# to pay Fakat# to
listen to and obey !Allah's and His Prophet's orders"# and to gi(e good ad(ice to e(ery Musli%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <5::
Darrated &a$us:
Ibn 'Abbas said# HAllah's Apostle said# '8o not go to eet the cara(ans on the $ay !for buying their
goods $ithout letting the kno$ the arket price"L a to$n d$eller should not sell the goods of a
desert d$eller on behalf of the latter%' I asked Ibn 'Abbas# '@hat does he ean by not selling the
goods of a desert d$eller by a to$n d$ellerJ' He said# 'He should not becoe his broker%' H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <57:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Uar:
Allah's Apostle forbade the selling of the goods of a desert d$eller by a to$n person%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <51:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HA buyer should not urge a seller to restore a purchase so as to buy it hiself#
and do not practice Da.shL and a to$n d$eller should not sell goods of a desert d$eller%H
=olue < ) 27: ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <:6:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@e $ere forbidden that a to$n d$eller should sell goods of a desert d$eller%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <:0:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet forbade the eeting !of cara(ans" on the $ay and the selling of goods by an inhabit)
ant of the to$n on behalf of a desert d$eller%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <:3:
Darrated &a$us:
I asked Ibn 'Abbas# H@hat is the eaning of# 'Do to$n d$eller should sell !or buy" for a desert
d$eller'JH Ibn 'Abbas said# HIt eans he should not becoe his broker%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <:<:
Darrated Abdullah:
@hoe(er buys an anial $hich has been kept unilked for a long tie# could return it# but has to
pay a Sa of dates along $ith it% And the Prophet forbade eeting the o$ners of goods on the $ay
a$ay fro the arket%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <:2:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HKou should not try to cancel the purchases of one another !to get a benefit
thereof"# and do not go ahead to eet the cara(an !for buying the goods" !but $ait" till it reaches the
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <:4:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@e used to go ahead to eet the cara(an and used to buy foodstuff fro the% &he Prophet for)
bade us to sell it till it $as carried to the arket%
=olue < ) 277 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <:5:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Soe people used to buy foodstuff at the head of the arket and used to sell it on the spot% Allah's
Apostle forbade the to sell it till they brought it to !their" places%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <:::
Darrated 'Ur$a:
Aisha said# HBuraira cae to e and said# 'I ha(e agreed $ith y asters to pay the nine UCiyas
!of gold" !in installents" one UCiya per yearL please help e%' I said# 'I a ready to pay the $hole
aount no$ pro(ided your asters agree that your @ala $ill be for e%' So# Buraira $ent to her
asters and told the about that offer but they refused to accept it% She returned# and at that tie#
Allah's Apostle $as sitting !present"% Buraira said# 'I told the of the offer but they did not accept it
and insisted on ha(ing the @ala%'%' &he Prophet heard that%H 'Aisha narrated the $hole story to the
Prophet % He said to her# HBuy her and stipulate that her @ala' $ould be yours as the @ala' is for the
anuitted%H 'Aisha did so% &hen Allah's Apostle stood up in front of the people# and after glorifying
Allah he said# HAa Badu !i%e% then after"I @hat about the people $ho ipose conditions $hich are
not in Allah's Book !;a$s"J Any condition that is not in Allah's Book !;a$s" is in(alid e(en if they
$ere one hundred conditions# for Allah's decisions are the right ones and His conditions are the
strong ones !firer" and the @ala' $ill be for the anuitted%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <:7:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Aisha# !other of the faithful belie(ers" $anted to buy a sla(e girl and anuit her# but her as)
ters said that they $ould sell her only on the condition that her @ala' $ould be for the% 'Aisha told
Allah's Apostle of that% He said# H@hat they stipulate should not hinder you fro buying her# as the
@ala' is for the anuitted%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <:1:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H&he selling of $heat for $heat is Riba !usury" e*cept if it is handed fro hand
to hand and eCual in aount% Siilarly the selling of barley for barley# is Riba e*cept if it is fro
hand to hand and eCual in aount# and dates for dates is usury e*cept if it is fro hand to hand and
eCual in aount% !See Riba)Badl in the glossary"%
=olue < ) 271 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <76:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle forbade Mu-abanaL and Mu-abana is the selling of fresh dates for dried old dates
by easure# and the selling of fresh grapes for dried grapes by easure%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <70:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet forbade Mu-abanaL and Mu-abana is the selling of fresh fruit !$ithout easuring it"
for soething by easure on the basis that if that thing turns to be ore than the fruit# the increase
$ould be for the seller of the fruit# and if it turns to be less# that $ould be of his lot%
Darrated Ibn 'Uar fro Faid bin &habit that the Prophet allo$ed the selling of the fruits on the
trees after estiation !$hen they are ripe"%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <73:
Darrated Ibn Shihab:
that Malik bin Aus said# HI $as in need of change for one)hundred 8inars% &alha bin 'Ubaid)Ullah
called e and $e discussed the atter# and he agreed to change !y 8inars"% He took the gold pieces
in his hands and fidgeted $ith the# and then said# H@ait till y storekeeper coes fro the forest%H
'Uar $as listening to that and said# HBy AllahI Kou should not separate fro &alha till you get the
oney fro hi# for Allah's Apostle said# '&he selling of gold for gold is Riba !usury" e*cept if the e*)
change is fro hand to hand and eCual in aount# and siilarly# the selling of $heat for $heat is
Riba !usury" unless it is fro hand to hand and eCual in aount# and the selling of barley for barley
is usury unless it is fro hand to hand and eCual in aount# and dates for dates# is usury unless it is
fro hand to hand and eCual in aountH
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <7<:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
Allah's Apostle said# H8on't sell gold for gold unless eCual in $eight# nor sil(er for sil(er unless
eCual in $eight# but you could sell gold for sil(er or sil(er for gold as you like%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <72:
Darrated Abu Said:
!9oncerning e*change" that he heard Allah's Apostle saying# H8o not sell gold for gold unless eCual
in $eight# and do not sell sil(er unless eCual in $eight%H
=olue < ) 216 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <74:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# H8o not sell gold for gold unless eCui(alent in $eight# and do not sell less
aount for greater aount or (ice (ersaL and do not sell sil(er for sil(er unless eCui(alent in $eight#
and do not sell less aount for greater aount or (ice (ersa and do not sell gold or sil(er that is not
present at the oent of e*change for gold or sil(er that is present%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <75:
Darrated Abu Salih A-)Faiyat:
I heard Abu Said Al)Khudri saying# H&he selling of a 8inar for a 8inar# and a 8irha for a 8irha
!is perissible"%H I said to hi# HIbn 'Abbas does not say the sae%H Abu Said replied# HI asked Ibn 'Ab)
bas $hether he had heard it fro the Prophet s or seen it in the Holy Book% Ibn 'Abbas replied# HI do
not clai that# and you kno$ Allah's Apostle better than I# but Usaa infored e that the Prophet
had said# '&here is no Riba !in oney e*change" e*cept $hen it is not done fro hand to hand !i%e%
$hen there is delay in payent"%' H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <7::
Darrated Abu Al)Minhal:
I asked Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib and Faid bin ArCa about oney e*changes% +ach of the said# H&his is
better than I#H and both of the said# HAllah's Apostle forbade the selling of sil(er for gold on credit% H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <77:
Darrated Abdur)Rahan bin Abu Bakra:
that his father said# H&he Prophet forbade the selling of gold for gold and sil(er for sil(er e*cept if
they are eCui(alent in $eight# and allo$ed us to sell gold for sil(er and (ice (ersa as $e $ished%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <71:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H8o not sell fruits of dates until they becoe free fro all the dangers of being
spoilt or blightedL and do not sell fresh dates for dry dates%H
Darrated Sali and 'Abdullah fro Faid bin Habit' H;ater on Allah's Apostle peritted the selling
of ripe fruits on trees for fresh dates or dried dates in Bai')l)'Araya# and did not allo$ it for any other
kind of sale%H
=olue < ) 210 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <16:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle forbade Mu-abanaL and Mu-abana eans the selling of fresh dates !on the trees"
for dried dates by easure and also the selling of fresh grapes for dried grapes by easure%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <10:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle forbade Mu-abana and MuhaCalaL and Mu-abana eans the selling of ripe dates
for dates still on the trees%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <13:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet forbade Mu-abana and MuhaCala%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <1<:
Darrated Faid bin &habit:
Allah's Apostle al lo$ed the o$ner of 'Araya to sell the fruits on the trees by eans of estiation%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <12:
Darrated /abir:
&he Prophet forbade the selling of fruits unless they get ripe# and none of the should be sold e*)
cept for 8inar or 8irha !i%e% oney"# e*cept the 'Araya trees !the dates of $hich could be sold for
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <14:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet allo$ed the sale of the dates of 'Araya pro(ided they $ere about fi(e A$suC !singular:
@asaC $hich eans si*ty Sa's" or less !in aount"%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <15:
Darrated Sahl bin Abu Hatha:
=olue < ) 213 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle forbade the selling of fruits !fresh dates" for dried dates but allo$ed the sale of
fruits on the 'Araya by estiation and their ne$ o$ners ight eat their dates fresh% Sufyan !in an)
other narration" said# HI told Kahya !a sub)narrator" $hen I $as a ere boy# 'Meccans say that the
Prophet allo$ed the the sale of the fruits on 'Araya by estiation%' Kahya asked# 'Ho$ do the Mec)
cans kno$ about itJ' I replied# '&hey narrated it !fro the Prophet " through /abir%' En that# Kahya
kept Cuiet%H Sufyan said# HI eant that /abir belonged to Medina%H Sufyan $as asked $hether in /abir's
narration there $as any prohibition of selling fruits before their benefit is e(ident !i%e% no dangers of
being spoilt or blighted"% He replied that there $as none%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <1::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar fro Faid bin &habit:
Allah's Apostle allo$ed the sale of 'Araya by estiating the dates on the for easured aounts of
dried dates% Musa bin 'UCba said# HAl) 'Araya $ere distinguished date palsL one could coe and buy
the !i%e% their fruits"%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <17:
Darrated Faid:
Sae as abo(e !Hadith <1:"%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber <11:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle forbade the sale of fruits till their benefit is e(ident% He forbade both the seller and
the buyer !such sale"%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 266:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle forbade the sale of date fruits till they $ere ripe% Abu 'Abdullah !Al)Bukhari" said#
H&hat eans till they $ere red !can be eaten"%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 260:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet forbade the s of !date" fruits till they $ere red or yello$ and fit for eating%
=olue < ) 21< ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 263:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet forbade the sale of fruits till their benefit is e(identL and the sale of date pals till the
dates are alost ripe% He $as asked $hat 'are alost ripe' eant% He replied# HAot red and yello$%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 26<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle forbade the sale of fruits till they are alost ripe% He $as asked $hat is eant by
'are alost ripe%' He replied# H&ill they becoe red%H Allah's Apostle further said# HIf Allah spoiled the
fruits# $hat right $ould one ha(e to take the oney of one's brother !i%e% other people"JH
Darrated Ibn Shihab: If soebody bought fruits before their benefit is e(ident and then the fruits
$ere spoiled $ith blights# the loss $ould be suffered by the o$ner !not the buyer"%
Darrated Sali bin 'Abdullah fro Ibn Uar: Allah's Apostle said# H8o not sell or buy fruits before
their benefit $as e(ident and do not sell fresh fruits !dates" for dried dates%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 262:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet bought soe foodstuff fro a /e$ on credit and ortgaged his aror to hi%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 264:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri and Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle appointed soebody as a go(ernor of Khaibar% &hat go(ernor brought to hi an
e*cellent kind of dates !fro Khaibar"% &he Prophet asked# HAre all the dates of Khaibar like thisJH He
replied# HBy Allah# no# E Allah's ApostleI But $e barter one Sa of this !type of dates" for t$o Sas of
dates of ours and t$o Sas of it for three of ours%H Allah's Apostle said# H8o not do so !as that is a kind
of usury" but sell the i*ed dates !of inferior Cuality" for oney# and then buy good dates $ith that
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 265:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf soebody sells pollinated date pals# the fruits $ill be for the seller unless
the buyer stipulates that they $ill be for hiself !and the seller agrees"%H
=olue < ) 212 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 26::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle forbade Al)Mu-abana# i%e% to sell ungathered dates of one's garden for easured
dried dates or fresh ungathered grapes for easured dried grapesL or standing crops for easured
Cuantity of foodstuff% He forbade all such bargains%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 267:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er pollinates date pals and then sells the# the fruits $ill belong to hi
unless the buyer stipulates that the fruits should belong to hi !and the seller agrees"%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 261:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle forbade MuhaCala# Mukhadara# Mulaasa# Munabadha and Mu-abana% !See
glossary and pre(ious Hadiths for the eanings of these ters%"
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 206:
Darrated Huaid:
Anas said# H&he Prophet forbade the selling of dates till they $ere alost ripe%H @e asked Anas#
H@hat does 'alost ripe' eanJH He replied# H&hey get red and yello$% &he Prophet added# 'If Allah
destroyed the fruits present on the trees# $hat right $ould the seller ha(e to take the oney of his
brother !soebody else"J' H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 200:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
I $as $ith the Prophet $hile he $as eating spadi*% He said# HBro the trees there is a tree $hich
resebles a faithful belie(er%H I $anted to say that it $as the date pal# but I $as the youngest
aong the !so I kept Cuiet"% He added# HIt is the date pal%H Shuraih told the $ea(ers# HKou are per)
itted to follo$ your o$n con(entions to sol(e your probles !it is legal for you to stick to your tra)
ditions in bargain" % H
Darrated 'Abdul @ahab: Aiyub said: Muhaad said# H&here is no har in selling for ele(en $hat
you buy for ten# and you are allo$ed to take a profit for e*penses % H
=olue < ) 214 ? 0:66
&he Prophet told Hind# H&ake $hat is reasonable and sufficient for you and your sons%H Allah says:
@hoe(er is poor# can eat !fro the orphan's property" reasonably !according to his labors"%
Al)Hasan hired a donkey fro 'Abdullah bin Mirdas and asked hi about the hire% &he latter
replied that it $as for t$o 8aniCs !a 8aniC eCuals 005th 8irha"% So Al)Hasan rode a$ay% Another
tie# Al)Hasan cae to 'Abdullah bin Mirdas and asked hi to hire the donkey to hi and rode
a$ay $ithout asking hi about the hire# but he sent hi half a 8irha%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 203:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Abu &aiba cupped Allah's Apostle and so Allah's Apostle ordered that a Sa of dates be paid to hi
and ordered his asters !for he $as a sla(e" to reduce his ta*%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 20<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Hind# the other of Mu'a$iya said to Allah's Apostle# HAbu Sufyan !her husband" is a iser% A I
allo$ed to take fro his oney secretlyJH &he Prophet said to her# HKou and your sons ay take $hat
is sufficient reasonably and fairly%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 202:
Darrated Hisha bin 'Ur$a fro his father:
$ho heard Aisha saying# H&he Holy =erseL '@hoe(er aongst the guardians is rich# he should take
no $ages !fro the property of the orphans" but If he is poor# let hi ha(e for hiself $hat is .ust
and reasonable !according to his labors"' !2%5" $as re(ealed concerning the guardian of the orphans
$ho looks after the and anages fa(orably their financial affairsL If the guardian Is poor# he could
ha(e fro It $hat Is .ust and reasonable# !according to his labors"%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 204:
Darrated /abir:
Allah's Apostle ga(e pre)eption !to the partner" in e(ery .oint property# but if the boundaries of
the property $ere dearcated or the $ays and streets $ere fi*ed# then there $as no pre)eption%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 205:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
=olue < ) 215 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle decided the (alidity of pre)eption in e(ery .oint undi(ided property# but if the
boundaries $ere $ell arked or the $ays and streets $ere fi*ed# then there $as no pre)eption%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 20::
Darrated Mussaddad fro 'Abdul @ahid:
the sae as abo(e but said# H%%% in e(ery .oint undi(ided thing%%%H Darrated Hisha fro Ma'ar the
sae as abo(e but said# H %%% in e(ery property%%% H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 207:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H@hile three persons $ere $alking# rain began to fall and they had to enter a
ca(e in a ountain% A big rock rolled o(er and blocked the outh of the ca(e% &hey said to each oth)
er# 'In(oke Allah $ith the best deed you ha(e perfored !so Allah ight reo(e the rock"'% Ene of
the said# 'E AllahI My parents $ere old and I used to go out for gra-ing !y anials"% En y re)
turn I $ould ilk !the anials" and take the ilk in a (essel to y parents to drink% After they had
drunk fro it# I $ould gi(e it to y children# faily and $ife% Ene day I $as delayed and on y re)
turn I found y parents sleeping# and I disliked to $ake the up% &he children $ere crying at y
feet !because of hunger"% &hat state of affairs continued till it $as da$n% E AllahI If Kou regard that I
did it for Kour sake# then please reo(e this rock so that $e ay see the sky%' So# the rock $as o(ed
a bit% &he second said# 'E AllahI Kou kno$ that I $as in lo(e $ith a cousin of ine# like the deepest
lo(e a an ay ha(e for a $oan# and she told e that I $ould not get y desire fulfilled unless I
paid her one)hundred 8inars !gold pieces"% So# I struggled for it till I gathered the desired aount#
and $hen I sat in bet$een her legs# she told e to be afraid of Allah# and asked e not to deflo$er
her e*cept rightfully !by arriage"% So# I got up and left her% E AllahI If Kou regard that I did if for
Kour sake# kindly reo(e this rock%' So# t$o)thirds of the rock $as reo(ed% &hen the third an
said# 'E AllahI Do doubt Kou kno$ that once I eployed a $orker for one BaraC !three Sa's" of illet#
and $hen I $anted to pay hi# he refused to take it# so I so$ed it and fro its yield I bought co$s
and a shepherd% After a tie that an cae and deanded his oney% I said to hi: Ao to those
co$s and the shepherd and take the for they are for you% He asked e $hether I $as .oking $ith
hi% I told hi that I $as not .oking $ith hi# and all that belonged to hi% E AllahI If Kou regard
that I did it sincerely for Kour sake# then please reo(e the rock%' So# the rock $as reo(ed co)
pletely fro the outh of the ca(e%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 201:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Abu Bakr:
=olue < ) 21: ? 0:66
@e $ere $ith the Prophet $hen a tall pagan $ith long atted unkept hair cae dri(ing his
sheep% &he Prophet asked hi# HAre those sheep for sale or for giftsJH &he pagan replied# H&hey are for
sale%H &he Prophet bought one sheep fro hi%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 236:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he Prophet Abraha eigrated $ith Sarah and entered a (illage $here there
$as a king or a tyrant% !&he king" $as told that Abraha had entered !the (illage" accopanied by a
$oan $ho $as one of the ost charing $oen% So# the king sent for Abraha and asked# 'E Ab)
rahaI @ho is this lady accopanying youJ' Abraha replied# 'She is y sister !i%e% in religion"%'
&hen Abraha returned to her and said# '8o not contradict y stateent# for I ha(e infored the
that you are y sister% By Allah# there are no true belie(ers on this land e*cept you and 0%' &hen Ab)
raha sent her to the king% @hen the king got to her# she got up and perfored ablution# prayed
and said# 'E AllahI If I ha(e belie(ed in Kou and Kour Apostle# and ha(e sa(ed y pri(ate parts fro
e(erybody e*cept y husband# then please do not let this pagan o(erpo$er e%' En that the king fell
in a ood of agitation and started o(ing his legs% Seeing the condition of the king# Sarah said# 'E
AllahI If he should die# the people $ill say that I ha(e killed hi%' &he king regained his po$er# and
proceeded to$ards her but she got up again and perfored ablution# prayed and said# 'E AllahI If I
ha(e belie(ed in Kou and Kour Apostle and ha(e kept y pri(ate parts safe fro all e*cept y hus)
band# then please do not let this pagan o(erpo$er e%' &he king again fell in a ood of agitation and
started o(ing his legs% En seeing that state of the king# Sarah said# 'E AllahI If he should die# the
people $ill say that I ha(e killed hi%' &he king got either t$o or three attacks# and after reco(ering
fro the last attack he said# 'By AllahI Kou ha(e sent a satan to e% &ake her to Abraha and gi(e
her' So she cae back to Abraha and said# 'Allah huiliated the pagan and ga(e us a sla(egirl
for ser(ice%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 230:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Sad bin Abi @aCCas and 'Abu bin Fa'a Cuarreled o(er a boy% Sad said# HE Allah's ApostleI &his
boy is the son of y brother !'Utba bin Abi @aCCas" $ho took a proise fro e that I $ould take
hi as he $as his !illegal" son% ;ook at hi and see $ho he resebles%H 'Abu bin Fa'a said# HE Al)
lah's ApostleI &his is y brother and $as born on y father's bed fro his sla(e)girl%H Allah's Apostle
cast a look at the boy and found definite reseblance to 'Utba and then said# H&he boy is for you# E
'Abu bin Fa'a% &he child goes to the o$ner of the bed and the adulterer gets nothing but the stones
!despair# i%e% to be stoned to death"% &hen the Prophet said# HE Sauda bint FaaI Screen yourself fro
this boy%H So# Sauda ne(er sa$ hi again%
=olue < ) 217 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 233:
Darrated Sad that his father said:
Abdur)Rahan bin Auf said to Suhaib# 'Bear Allah and do not ascribe yourself to soebody other
than your father%' Suhaib replied# 'I $ould not like to say it e(en if I $ere gi(en large aounts of
oney# but I say I $as kidnapped in y childhood%' H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 23<:
Darrated 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair:
Haki bin Hi-a said# HE Allah's ApostleI I used to do good deeds in the Pre)lslaic period of Ig)
norance# e%g%# keeping good relations $ith y Kith and kin# anuitting sla(es and gi(ing als%
Shall I recei(e a re$ard for all thatJH Allah's Apostle replied# HKou ebraced Isla $ith all the good
deeds $hich you did in the past%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 232:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
Ence Allah's Apostle passed by a dead sheep and said to the people# H@ouldn't you benefit by its
skinJH &he people replied that it $as dead% &he Prophet said# HBut its eating only is illegal%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 234:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HBy Hi in @hose Hands y soul is# son of Mary !/esus" $ill shortly descend
aongst you people !Muslis" as a .ust ruler and $ill break the 9ross and kill the pig and abolish
the /i-ya !a ta* taken fro the non)Muslis# $ho are in the protection# of the Musli go(ernent"%
&hen there $ill be abundance of oney and no)body $ill accept charitable gifts%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 235:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ence 'Uar $as infored that a certain an sold alcohol% 'Uar said# HMay Allah curse hiI
8oesn't he kno$ that Allah's Apostle said# 'May Allah curse the /e$s# for Allah had forbidden the to
eat the fat of anials but they elted it and sold it%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 23::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue < ) 211 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# HMay Allah curse the /e$s# because Allah ade fat illegal for the but they
sold it and ate its price% H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 237:
Darrated Said bin Abu Al)Hasan:
@hile I $as $ith Ibn 'Abbas a an cae and said# HE father of 'AbbasI My sustenance is fro y
anual profession and I ake these pictures%H Ibn 'Abbas said# HI $ill tell you only $hat I heard fro
Allah's Apostle % I heard hi saying# '@hoe(er akes a picture $ill be punished by Allah till he puts
life in it# and he $ill ne(er be able to put life in it%' H Hearing this# that an hea(ed a sigh and his face
turned pale% Ibn 'Abbas said to hi# H@hat a pityI If you insist on aking pictures I ad(ise you to
ake pictures of trees and any other unaniated ob.ects%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 231:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen the last (erses of Surat)al)BaCara $ere re(ealed# the Prophet $ent out !of his house to the
MosCue" and said# H&he trade of alcohol has becoe illegal%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 2<6:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah says# 'I $ill be against three persons on the 8ay of Resurrection:
0% Ene $ho akes a co(enant in My Dae# but he pro(es treacherous%
3% Ene $ho sells a free person !as a sla(e" and eats the price#
<% And one $ho eploys a laborer and gets the full $ork done by hi but does not pay hi his
$ages%' H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 2<0:
Darrated Anas:
Aongst the capti(es $as Safiya% Birst she $as gi(en to 8ihya Al)Kalbi and then to the Prophet%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 2<3:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
that $hile he $as sitting $ith Allah's Apostle he said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e get feale capti(es as
our share of booty# and $e are interested in their prices# $hat is your opinion about coitus interrupt
=olue < ) 466 ? 0:66
usJH &he Prophet said# H8o you really do thatJ It is better for you not to do it% Do soul that $hich Al)
lah has destined to e*ist# but $ill surely coe into e*istence%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 2<<:
Darrated /abir:
&he Prophet sold a Mudabbar !on behalf of his aster $ho $as still li(ing and in need of oney"%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 2<2:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle sold a Mudabbar%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 2<4:
Darrated Faid bin Khalid and Abu Huraira:
that Allah's Apostle $as asked about an unarried sla(e)girl $ho coitted illegal se*ual inter)
course% &hey heard hi saying# HBlog her# and if she coits illegal se*ual intercourse after that# flog
her again# and on the third !or the fourth" offense# sell her%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 2<5:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard the Prophet saying# HIf a sla(e)girl of yours coits illegal se*ual intercourse and her il)
legal se*ual intercourse is pro(ed# she should be lashed# and after that nobody should blae her# and
if she coits illegal se*ual intercourse the second tie# she should be lashed and nobody should
blae her after that# and if she does the offense for the third tie and her illegal se*ual intercourse
is pro(ed# she should be sold e(en for a hair rope%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 2<::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet cae to Khaibar and $hen Allah ade hi (ictorious and he conCuered the to$n by
breaking the eney's defense# the beauty of Safiya bint Huyai bin Akhtab $as entioned to hi and
her husband had been killed $hile she $as a bride% Allah's Apostle selected her for hiself and he set
out in her copany till he reached Sadd)ar)Ra$ha' $here her enses $ere o(er and he arried
her% &hen Hais !a kind of eal" $as prepared and ser(ed on a sall leather sheet !used for ser(ing
eals"% Allah's Apostle then said to e# HInfor those $ho are around you !about the $edding ban)
Cuet"%H So that $as the arriage banCuet gi(en by Allah's Apostle for !his arriage $ith" Safiya% After
=olue < ) 460 ? 0:66
that $e proceeded to Medina and I sa$ that Allah's Apostle $as co(ering her $ith a cloak $hile she
$as behind hi% &hen he $ould sit beside his cael and let Safiya put her feet on his knees to ride
!the cael"%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 2<7:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
I heard Allah's Apostle# in the year of the 9onCuest of Mecca# saying# HAllah and His Apostle ade
illegal the trade of alcohol# dead anials# pigs and idols%H &he people asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat
about the fat of dead anials# for it $as used for greasing the boats and the hidesL and people use it
for lightsJH He said# HDo# it is illegal%H Allah's Apostle further said# HMay Allah curse the /e$s# for Allah
ade the fat !of anials" illegal for the# yet they elted the fat and sold it and ate its price%H
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 2<1:
Darrated Abu Mas'ud Al)Ansari:
Allah's Apostle forbade taking the price of a dog# oney earned by prostitution and the earnings of
a soothsayer%
=olue <# Book <2# Duber 226:
Darrated Aun bin Abu /uhaifa:
I sa$ y father buying a sla(e $hose profession $as cupping# and ordered that his instruents
!of cupping" be broken% I asked hi the reason for doing so% He replied# HAllah's Apostle prohibited
taking oney for blood# the price of a dog# and the earnings of a sla(e)girl by prostitutionL he cursed
her $ho tattoos and her $ho gets tattooed# the eater of Riba !usury"# and the aker of pictures%H
=olue < ) 463 ? 0:66
Book <4: Sales in $hich a Price is paid for
Aoods to be 8eli(ered ;ater !As)Sala"
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 220:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle cae to Medina and the people used to pay in ad(ance the price of fruits to be de)
li(ered $ithin one or t$o years% !&he sub)narrator is in doubt $hether it $as one to t$o years or
t$o to three years%" &he Prophet said# H@hoe(er pays oney in ad(ance for dates !to be deli(ered
later" should pay it for kno$n specified $eight and easure !of the dates"%H
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 223:
Darrated Ibn Abi Da.ih:
as abo(e# entioning only specific easure%
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 22<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet cae to Medina and the people used to pay in ad(ance the price of dates to be de)
li(ered $ithin t$o or three years% He said !to the"# H@hoe(er pays in ad(ance the price of a thing to
be deli(ered later should pay it for a specified easure at specified $eight for a specified period%H
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 222:
Darrated Ibn Abi Da.ih:
as abo(e# saying# HHe should pay the price in ad(ance for a specified easure and for a specified
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 224:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet cae !to Medina" and he told the people !regarding the payent of oney in ad)
(ance that they should pay it" for a kno$n specified easure and a kno$n specified $eight and a
kno$n specified period%
=olue < ) 46< ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 225:
Darrated Shu'ba:
Muhaad or 'Abdullah bin Abu Al)Mu.alid said# HAbdullah bin Shaddad and Abu Burda differed
regarding As)Sala# so they sent e to Ibn Abi Aufa and I asked hi about it% He replied# 'In the life)
tie of Allah's Apostle# Abu Bakr and 'Uar# $e used to pay in ad(ance the prices of $heat# barley#
dried grapes and dates to be deli(ered later% I also asked Ibn Ab-a and he# too# replied as abo(e%' H
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 22::
Darrated Muhaad bin Al)Ma.alid:
Abdullah bin Shaddad and Abu Burda sent e to 'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa and told e to ask 'Ab)
dullah $hether the people in the life)tie of the Prophet used to pay in ad(ance for $heat !to be de)
li(ered later"% Abdullah replied# H@e used to pay in ad(ance to the peasants of Sha for $heat# bar)
ley and oli(e oil of a kno$n specified easure to be deli(ered in a specified period%H I asked !hi"#
H@as the price paid !in ad(ance" to those $ho had the things to be deli(ered laterJH Abdullah bin
Aufa replied# H@e did not use to ask the about that%H &hen they sent e to 'Abdur Rahan bin Ab-a
and I asked hi% He replied# H&he copanions of the Prophet used to practice Sala in the life)tie
of the ProphetL and $e did not use to ask the $hether they had standing crops or not%H
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 227:
Darrated Muhaad bin Abi Al)Mu.alid:
as abo(e !225" and said# H@e used to pay the in ad(ance for $heat and barley !to be deli(ered
later"% Darrated Ash)Shaibani))HAnd also for oil%H
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 221:
Darrated Ash)Shaibani:
$ho said H@e used to pay in ad(ance for $heat barley and dried grapes%H
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 246:
Darrated Abu Bakhtari At)&ai:
I asked Ibn 'Abbas about Sala for !the fruits of" date)pals% He replied H&he Prophet forbade the
sale a dates on the trees till they becae fit for eating and could be $eighed%H A an asked $hat to
be $eighed !as the dates $ere still on the trees"% Another an sitting beside Ibn 'Abbas replied# H&ill
they are cut and stored%H Darrated Abu Al)Bakhtari: I heard Ibn Abbas !saying" that the Prophet for)
bade %%% etc% as abo(e%
=olue < ) 462 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 240:
Darrated Abu Al)Bakhtari:
I asked Ibn Uar about Sala !the fruits of" date)pals% He replied# H&he Prophet forbade the sale
of dates till their benefit becoes e(ident and fit for eating and also the sale of sil(er !for gold" on
credit%H I asked Ibn 'Abbas about Sala for dates and he replied# H&he Prophet forbade the sale of
dates till they $ere fit for eating and could be estiated%H
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 243:
Darrated Abu Al)Bakhtari:
I asked Ibn 'Uar about Sala for dates% Ibn 'Uar replied# H&he Prophet forbade the sale !the
fruits" of datepals until they $ere fit for eating and also forbade the sale of sil(er for gold on cred)
it%H I also asked Ibn 'Abbas about it% Ibn 'Abbas replied# H&he Prophet forbade the sale of dates till they
$ere fit for eating# and could be $eighed%H I asked hi# H@hat is to be $eighed !as the dates are on
the trees"JH A an sitting by Ibn 'Abbas said# HIt eans till they are cut and stored%H
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 24<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle bought soe foodstuff !barley" fro a /e$ on credit and ortgaged his iron aror
to hi !the aror stands for a guarantor"%
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 242:
Darrated Al)A'ash:
@e argued at Ibrahi's d$elling place about ortgaging in Sala% He said# HAisha said# '&he
Prophet bought soe foodstuff fro a /e$ on credit and the payent $as to be ade by a definite
period# and he ortgaged his iron aror to hi%H
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 244:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet cae to Medina and the people used to pay in ad(ance the prices of fruits to be de)
li(ered $ithin t$o to three years% &he Prophet said !to the"# HBuy fruits by paying their prices in ad)
(ance on condition that the fruits are to be deli(ered to you according to a fi*ed specified easure
$ithin a fi*ed specified period%H Ibn Da.ih said# H %%% by specified easure and specified $eight%H
=olue < ) 464 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 245:
Darrated Muhaad bin Abi Al)Mu.alid:
Abu Burda and 'Abdullah bin Shaddad sent e to 'Abdur Rahan bin Ab-a and 'Abdullah bin Abi
Aufa to ask the about the Salaf !Sala"% &hey said# H@e used to get $ar booty $hile $e $ere $ith
Allah's Apostle and $hen the peasants of Sha cae to us $e used to pay the in ad(ance for
$heat# barley# and oil to be deli(ered $ithin a fi*ed period%H I asked the# H8id the peasants o$n
standing crops or notJH &hey replied# H@e ne(er asked the about it%H
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 24::
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he people used to sell caels on the basis of Habal)al)Habala% &he Prophet forbade such sale%
Dafi' e*plained Habalal)Habala by saying% H&he cael is to be deli(ered to the buyer after the she)
cael gi(es birth%H
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 247:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle ga(e a (erdict regarding Shuf'a in e(ery undi(ided .oint thing !property"% But if the
liits are defined !or dearcated" or the $ays and streets are fi*ed# then there is no pre)eption%
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 241:
Darrated 'Ar bin Ash)Sharid:
@hile I $as standing $ith Sad bin Abi @aCCas# Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa cae and put his hand
on y shoulder% Mean$hile Abu Rafi'# the freed sla(e of the Prophet cae and asked Sad to buy fro
hi the !t$o" d$ellings $hich $ere in his house% Sad said# HBy Allah I $ill not buy the%H Al)Mis$ar
said# HBy Allah# you shall buy the%H Sad replied# HBy Allah# I $ill not pay ore than four thousand
!8irhas" by installents%H Abu Rafi' said# HI ha(e been offered fi(e hundred 8inars !for it" and had I
not heard the Prophet saying# '&he neighbor has ore right than anyone else because of his nearness#
I $ould not gi(e the to you for four)thousand !8irhas" $hile I a offered fi(e)hundred 8inars
!one 8inar eCuals ten 8irhas" for the%H So# he sold it to Sad%
=olue <# Book <4# Duber 256:
Darrated Aisha:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e t$o neighbors and $ould like to kno$ to $hich of the I should
gi(e presents%H He replied# H&o the one $hose door is nearer to you%H
=olue < ) 465 ? 0:66
Book <5: Hiring
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 250:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ashari:
&he Prophet said# H&he honest treasurer $ho gi(es $illingly $hat he is ordered to gi(e# is one of
the t$o charitable persons# !the second being the o$ner"%H
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 253:
Darrated Abu Musa:
I $ent to the Prophet $ith t$o en fro Ash)ari tribe% I said !to the Prophet"# HI do not kno$ that
they $ant eployent%H &he Prophet said# HDo# $e do not appoint for our .obs anybody $ho de)
ands it earnestly%H
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 25<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah did not send any prophet but shepherded sheep%H His copanions asked
hi# H8id you do the saeJH &he Prophet replied# HKes# I used to shepherd the sheep of the people of
Mecca for soe ,irats%H
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 252:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet and Abu Bakr eployed a !pagan" an fro the tribe of Bani Ad)8ail and the tribe
of Bani 'Abu bin 'Adi as a guide% He $as an e*pert guide and he broke the oath contract $hich he
had to abide by $ith the tribe of Al)'Asi bin @ail and he $as on the religion of ,uraish pagans% &he
Prophet and Abu Bakr had confidence in hi and ga(e hi their riding caels and told hi to bring
the to the 9a(e of &haur after three days% So# he brought the their t$o riding caels after three
days and both of the !&he Prophet and Abu Bakr" set out accopanied by 'Air bin Buhaira and
the 8ili guide $ho guided the belo$ Mecca along the road leading to the sea)shore%
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 254:
Darrated Aisha:
=olue < ) 46: ? 0:66
!the $ife of the Prophet" Allah's Apostle and Abu Bakr hired a an fro the tribe of Bani)Ad)8il
as an e*pert guide $ho $as a pagan !follo$er of the religion of the pagans of ,uraish"% &he Prophet
and Abu Bakr ga(e hi their t$o riding caels and took a proise fro hi to bring their riding
caels in the orning of the third day to the 9a(e of &haur%
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 255:
Darrated Ka'la bin Uaya:
I fought in /aish)al)Usra !Aha-$a of &abuk" along $ith the Prophet and in y opinion that $as
the best of y deeds% &hen I had an eployee# $ho Cuarrel led $ith soeone and one of the the bit
and cut the other's finger and caused his o$n tooth to fall out% He then $ent to the Prophet !$ith a
coplaint" but the Prophet cancelled the suit and said to the coplainant# H8id you e*pect hi to let
his finger in your outh so that you ight snap and cut it !as does a stallion cael"JH
Darrated Ibn /urai. fro Abdullah bin Abu Mulaika fro his grandfather a siilar story: A an
bit the hand of another an and caused his o$n tooth to fall out# but Abu Bakr .udged that he had
no right for copensation !for the broken tooth"%
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 25::
Darrated Ubai bin Ka'b:
Allah's Apostle said# HBoth of the !Moses and Al)Khadir" proceeded on till they reached a $all
$hich $as about to fall%H Sa'd said# H!Al)Khadir pointed" $ith his hands !to$ards the $all" and then
raised his hands and the $all becae straightened up%H Ka'la said# HI think Said said# 'He !Khadir"
passed his hand o(er it and it $as straightened up%H !Moses said to hi"# Hif you had $anted# you
could ha(e taken $ages for it%H Said said# H@ages $ith $hich to buy food % H
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 257:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HKour e*aple and the e*aple of the people of the t$o Scriptures !i%e% /e$s and
9hristians" is like the e*aple of a an $ho eployed soe laborers and asked the# '@ho $ill
$ork for e fro orning till idday for one ,iratJ' &he /e$s accepted and carried out the $ork%
He then asked# @ho $ill $ork for e fro idday up to the 'Asr prayer for one ,iratJ' &he 9hristi)
ans accepted and fulfilled the $ork% He then said# '@ho $ill $ork for e fro the 'Asr till sunset for
t$o ,iratsJ' Kou# Muslis ha(e accepted the offer% &he /e$s and the 9hristians got angry and said#
'@hy should $e $ork ore and get lesser $agesJ' !Allah" said# 'Ha(e I $ith)held part of your rightJ'
&hey replied in the negati(e% He said# 'It is My Blessing# I besto$ upon $hoe(er I $ish %'
=olue < ) 467 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 251:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar bin Al)Khattab:
Allah's Apostle said# HKour e*aple and the e*aple of /e$s and 9hristians is like the e*aple of a
an $ho eployed soe laborers to $ho he said# '@ho $ill $ork for e up to idday for one
,irat eachJ' &he /e$s carried out the $ork for one ,irat eachL and then the 9hristians carried out
the $ork up to the 'Asr prayer for one ,irat eachL and no$ you Muslis are $orking fro the 'Asr
prayer up to sunset for t$o ,irats each% &he /e$s and 9hristians got angry and said# '@e $ork ore
and are paid less%' &he eployer !Allah" asked the# 'Ha(e I usurped soe of your rightJ' &hey
replied in the negati(e% He said# '&hat is My Blessing# I besto$ upon $hoe(er I $ish%' H
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 2:6:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah said# 'I $ill be an opponent to three types of people on the 8ay of Resur)
0% Ene $ho akes a co(enant in My Dae# but pro(es treacherousL
3% Ene $ho sells a free person and eats his priceL and
<% Ene $ho eploys a laborer and takes full $ork fro hi but does not pay hi for his lab our%'H
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 2:0:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# H&he e*aple of Muslis# /e$s and 9hristians is like the e*aple of a an $ho
eployed laborers to $ork for hi fro orning till night for specific $ages% &hey $orked till id)
day and then said# '@e do not need your oney $hich you ha(e fi*ed for us and let $hate(er $e
ha(e done be annulled%' &he an said to the# '8on't Cuit the $ork# but coplete the rest of it and
take your full $ages%' But they refused and $ent a$ay% &he an eployed another batch after the
and said to the# '9oplete the rest of the day and yours $ill be the $ages I had fi*ed for the first
batch%' So# they $orked till the tie of 'Asr prayer% &hen they said# H;et $hat $e ha(e done be an)
nulled and keep the $ages you ha(e proised us for yourself%' &he an said to the# '9oplete the
rest of the $ork# as only a little of the day reains#' but they refused% &hereafter he eployed another
batch to $ork for the rest of the day and they $orked for the rest of the day till the sunset# and they
recei(ed the $ages of the t$o forer batches% So# that $as the e*aple of those people !Muslis"
and the e*aple of this light !guidance" $hich they ha(e accepted $illingly%
=olue < ) 461 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 2:3:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H&hree en fro aong those $ho $ere before you# set out togeth)
er till they reached a ca(e at night and entered it% A big rock rolled do$n the ountain and closed
the outh of the ca(e% &hey said !to each other"# Dothing could sa(e you &o this rock but to in(oke
Allah by gi(ing referenda to the righteous deed $hich you ha(e done !for Allah's sake only"%' So# one
of the said# 'E AllahI I had old parents and I ne(er pro(ided y faily !$ife# children etc%" $ith
ilk before the% Ene day# by chance I $as delayed# and I cae late !at night" $hile they had slept% I
ilked the sheep for the and took the ilk to the# but I found the sleeping% I disliked to pro(ide
y faily $ith the ilk before the% I $aited for the and the bo$l of ilk $as in y hand and I
kept on $aiting for the to get up till the day da$ned% &hen they got up and drank the ilk% E Al)
lahI If I did that for Kour Sake only# please relie(e us fro our critical situation caused by this rock%'
So# the rock shifted a little but they could not get out%H
&he Prophet added# H&he second an said# 'E AllahI I had a cousin $ho $as the dearest of all
people to e and I $anted to ha(e se*ual relations $ith her but she refused% ;ater she had a hard
tie in a faine year and she cae to e and I ga(e her one)hundred)and)t$enty 8inars on the
condition that she $ould not resist y desire# and she agreed% @hen I $as about to fulfill y desire#
she said: It is illegal for you to outrage y chastity e*cept by legitiate arriage% So# I thought it a
sin to ha(e se*ual intercourse $ith her and left her though she $as the dearest of all the people to
e# and also I left the gold I had gi(en her% E AllahI If I did that for Kour Sake only# please relie(e us
fro the present calaity%' So# the rock shifted a little ore but still they could not get out fro
&he Prophet added# H&hen the third an said# 'E AllahI I eployed fe$ laborers and I paid the
their $ages $ith the e*ception of one an $ho did not take his $ages and $ent a$ay% I in(ested his
$ages and I got uch property thereby% !&hen after soe tie" he cae and said to e: E Allah's
sla(eI Pay e y $ages% I said to hi: All the caels# co$s# sheep and sla(es you see# are yours% He
said: E Allah's sla(eI 8on't ock at e% I said: I a not ocking at you% So# he took all the herd and
dro(e the a$ay and left nothing% E AllahI If I did that for Kour Sake only# please relie(e us fro
the present suffering%' So# that rock shifted copletely and they got out $alking%
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 2:<:
Darrated Abu May' id Al)Ansari:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle ordered us to gi(e in charity $e $ould go to the arket and $ork as
porters to earn a Mudd !t$o hand)fulls" !of foodstuff" but no$ soe of us ha(e one)hundred thou)
sand 8irhas or 8iners% !&he sub)narrator" ShaCiC said# HI think Abu Mas'ud eant hiself by say)
ing !soe of us" %
=olue < ) 406 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 2:2:
Darrated &a$us:
Ibn 'Abbas said# H&he Prophet forbade the eeting of cara(ans !on the $ay" and ordained that no
to$nsan is peritted to sell things on behalf of a bedouin%H I asked Ibn 'Abbas# H@hat is the ean)
ing of his saying# 'Do to$nsan is peritted to sell things on behalf of a bedouin%' H He replied# HHe
should not $ork as a broker for hi%H
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 2:4:
Darrated Khabbab:
I $as a blacksith and did soe $ork for Al)'As bin @ail% @hen he o$ed e soe oney for y
$ork# I $ent to hi to ask for that aount% He said# HI $ill not pay you unless you disbelie(e in
Muhaad%H I said# HBy AllahI I $ill ne(er do that till you die and be resurrected%H He said# H@ill I be
dead and then resurrected after y deathJH I said# HKes%H He said# H&here I $ill ha(e property and off)
spring and then I $ill pay you your due%H &hen Allah re(ealed% 'Ha(e you seen hi $ho disbelie(ed
in Eur signs# and yet says: I $ill be gi(en property and offspringJ' !01%::"
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 2:5:
Darrated Abu Said:
Soe of the copanions of the Prophet $ent on a .ourney till they reached soe of the 'Arab
tribes !at night"% &hey asked the latter to treat the as their guests but they refused% &he chief of that
tribe $as then bitten by a snake !or stung by a scorpion" and they tried their best to cure hi but in
(ain% Soe of the said !to the others"# HDothing has benefited hi# $ill you go to the people $ho
resided here at night# it ay be that soe of the ight possess soething !as treatent"#H &hey
$ent to the group of the copanions !of the Prophet " and said# HEur chief has been bitten by a snake
!or stung by a scorpion" and $e ha(e tried e(erything but he has not benefitted% Ha(e you got any)
thing !useful"JH Ene of the replied# HKes# by AllahI I can recite a RuCya# but as you ha(e refused to
accept us as your guests# I $ill not recite the RuCya for you unless you fi* for us soe $ages for it%H
&hey agrees to pay the a flock of sheep% Ene of the then $ent and recited !Suratul)Batiha": 'All
the praises are for the ;ord of the @orlds' and puffed o(er the chief $ho becae all right as if he
$as released fro a chain# and got up and started $alking# sho$ing no signs of sickness%
&hey paid the $hat they agreed to pay% Soe of the !i%e% the copanions" then suggested to di)
(ide their earnings aong thesel(es# but the one $ho perfored the recitation said# H8o not di(ide
the till $e go to the Prophet and narrate the $hole story to hi# and $ait for his order%H So# they
$ent to Allah's Apostle and narrated the story% Allah's Apostle asked# HHo$ did you coe to kno$
that Surat)ul)Batiha $as recited as RuCyaJH &hen he added# HKou ha(e done the right thing% 8i(ide
!$hat you ha(e earned" and assign a share for e as $ell%H &he Prophet siled thereupon%
=olue < ) 400 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 2:::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hen Abu &aiba cupped the Prophet and the Prophet ordered that he be paid one or t$o Sas of
foodstuff and he interceded $ith his asters to reduce his ta*es%
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 2:7:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
@hen the Prophet $as cupped# he paid the an $ho cupped hi his $ages%
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 2:1:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
@hen the Prophet $as cupped# he paid the an $ho cupped hi his $ages% If it had been un)
desirable he $ould not ha(e paid hi%
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 276:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet used to get cupped and $ould ne(er $ithhold the $ages of any person %
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 270:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet sent for a sla(e $ho had the profession of cupping# and he cupped hi% &he Prophet
ordered that he be paid one or t$o Sas# or one or t$o Mudds of foodstuff# and appealed to his as)
ters to reduce his ta*es:
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 273:
Darrated Abu Masud Al)Ansari:
Allah's Apostle regarded illegal the price of a dog# the earnings of a prostitute# and the charges
taken by a soothsayer%
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 27<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet prohibited the earnings of sla(e girls !through prostitution"%
=olue < ) 403 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 272:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet forbade taking a price for anial copulation%
=olue <# Book <5# Duber 274:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
HAllah's Apostle ga(e the land of Khaibar to the /e$s to $ork on and culti(ate and take half of its
yield% Ibn 'Uar added# H&he land used to be rented for a certain portion !of its yield"%H Dafi en)
tioned the aount of the portion but I forgot it% Rafi' bin Khadi. said# H&he Prophet forbade renting
fars%H Darrated 'Ubaid)Ullah Dafi' said: Ibn 'Uar said: !&he contract of Khaibar continued" till
'Uar e(acuated the /e$s !fro Khaibar"%
=olue < ) 40< ? 0:66
Book <:: &ransferance of a 8ebt fro Ene
Person to Another !Al)Ha$aala"
=olue <# Book <:# Duber 275:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HProcrastination !delay" in paying debts by a $ealthy an is in.ustice% So# if your
debt is transferred fro your debtor to a rich debtor# you should agree%H
=olue <# Book <:# Duber 27::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HProcrastination !delay" in paying debts by a $ealthy person is in.ustice% So# if
your debt is transferred fro your debtor to a rich debtor# you should agree%H
=olue <# Book <:# Duber 277r:
Darrated Salaa bin Al)Ak$a:
Ence# $hile $e $ere sitting in the copany of Prophet# a dead an $as brought% &he Prophet $as
reCuested to lead the funeral prayer for the deceased% He said# HIs he in debtJH &he people replied in
the negati(e% He said# HHas he left any $ealthJH &hey said# HDo%H So# he led his funeral prayer% Another
dead an $as brought and the people said# HE Allah's ApostleI ;ead his funeral prayer%H &he Prophet
said# HIs he in debtJH &hey said# HKes%H He said# HHas he left any $ealthJH &hey said# ''&hree 8inars%H So#
he led the prayer% &hen a third dead an $as brought and the people said !to the Prophet "# Please
lead his funeral prayer%H He said# HHas he left any $ealthJH &hey said# HDo%H He asked# HIs he in debtJH
&hey said# !HKesI He has to pay" three 8iners%'# He !refused to pray and" said# H&hen pray for your
!dead" copanion%H Abu ,atada said# HE Allah's ApostleI ;ead his funeral prayer# and I $ill pay his
debt%H So# he led the prayer%
=olue <# Book <:# Duber 277h:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAn Israeli an asked another Israeli to lend hi one thousand 8inars% &he
second an reCuired $itnesses% &he forer replied# 'Allah is sufficient as a $itness%' &he second said#
'I $ant a surety%' &he forer replied# 'Allah is sufficient as a surety%' &he second said# 'Kou are right#'
and lent hi the oney for a certain period% &he debtor $ent across the sea% @hen he finished his
=olue < ) 402 ? 0:66
.ob# he searched for a con(eyance so that he ight reach in tie for the repayent of the debt# but
he could not find any% So# he took a piece of $ood and ade a hole in it# inserted in it one thousand
8inars and a letter to the lender and then closed !i%e% sealed" the hole tightly% He took the piece of
$ood to the sea and said% 'E AllahI Kou kno$ $ell that I took a loan of one thousand 8inars fro so)
and)so% He deanded a surety fro e but I told hi that Allah's Auarantee $as sufficient and he
accepted Kour guarantee% He then asked for a $itness and I told hi that Allah $as sufficient as a
@itness# and he accepted Kou as a @itness% Do doubt# I tried hard to find a con(eyance so that I
could pay his oney but could not find# so I hand o(er this oney to Kou%' Saying that# he thre$ the
piece of $ood into the sea till it $ent out far into it# and then he $ent a$ay% Mean$hile he started
searching for a con(eyance in order to reach the creditor's country%
Ene day the lender cae out of his house to see $hether a ship had arri(ed bringing his oney#
and all of a sudden he sa$ the piece of $ood in $hich his oney had been deposited% He took it
hoe to use for fire% @hen he sa$ed it# he found his oney and the letter inside it% Shortly after that#
the debtor cae bringing one thousand 8inars to hi and said# 'By Allah# I had been trying hard to
get a boat so that I could bring you your oney# but failed to get one before the one I ha(e coe by%'
&he lender asked# 'Ha(e you sent soething to eJ' &he debtor replied# 'I ha(e told you I could not
get a boat other than the one I ha(e coe by%' &he lender said# 'Allah has deli(ered on your behalf the
oney you sent in the piece of $ood% So# you ay keep your one thousand 8inars and depart guided
on the right path%' H
=olue <# Book <:# Duber 271:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
Ibn Abbas said# HIn the (erse: &o e(ery one @e ha(e appointed ' !Mu$aliya Ma$aliya eans one's"
heirs !2%<<"%' !And regarding the (erse" 'And those $ith $ho your right hands ha(e ade a pledge%'
Ibn 'Abbas said# H@hen the eigrants cae to the Prophet in Medina# the eigrant $ould inherit the
Ansari $hile the latter's relati(es $ould not inherit hi because of the bond of brotherhood $hich
the Prophet established bet$een the !i%e% the eigrants and the Ansar"% @hen the (erse: 'And to
e(eryone @e ha(e appointed heirs' !2%<<" $as re(ealed# it cancelled !the bond !the pledge" of broth)
erhood regarding inheritance"%H &hen he said# H&he (erse: &o those also to $ho your right hands
ha(e pledged# reained (alid regarding co)operation and utual ad(ice# $hile the atter of inher)
itance $as e*cluded and it becae perissible to assign soething in one's testaent to the person
$ho had the right of inheriting before%
=olue <# Book <:# Duber 216:
Darrated Anas:
Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf cae to us and Allah's Apostle established a bond of brotherhood
bet$een hi and Sad bin Rabi'a%
=olue < ) 404 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <:# Duber 210:
Darrated Asi:
I heard Anas bin Malik# HHa(e you e(er heard that the Prophet said# '&here is no alliance in IslaJ'
H He replied# H&he Prophet ade alliance bet$een ,uarish and the Ansar in y house%H
=olue <# Book <:# Duber 213:
Darrated Salaa bin Al)Ak$a:
A dead person $as brought to the Prophet so that he ight lead the funeral prayer for hi% He
asked# HIs he in debtJH @hen the people replied in the negati(e# he led the funeral prayer% Another
dead person $as brought and he asked# HIs he in debtJH &hey said# HKes%H He !refused to lead the pray)
er and" said# H;ead the prayer of your friend%H Abu ,atada said# HE Allah's ApostleI I undertake to pay
his debt%H Allah's Apostle then led his funeral prayer%
=olue <# Book <:# Duber 21<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Ence the Prophet said !to e"# HIf the oney of Bahrain coes# I $ill gi(e you a certain aount of
it%H &he Prophet had breathed his last before the oney of Bahrain arri(ed% @hen the oney of
Bahrain reached# Abu Bakr announced# H@hoe(er $as proised by the Prophet should coe to us%H I
$ent to Abu Bakr and said# H&he Prophet proised e so and so%H Abu Bakr ga(e e a handful of
coins and $hen I counted the# they $ere fi(e)hundred in nuber% Abu Bakr then said# H&ake t$ice
the aount you ha(e taken !besides"%H
=olue <# Book <:# Duber 212:
Darrated Aisha:
!$ife of the Prophet" Since I reached the age $hen I could reeber things# I ha(e seen y par)
ents $orshipping according to the right faith of Isla% Dot a single day passed but Allah's Apostle
(isited us both in the orning and in the e(ening% @hen the Muslis $ere persecuted# Abu Bakr set
out for +thiopia as an eigrant% @hen he reached a place called Bark)al)Ahiad# he et Ibn Ad)
8aghna# the chief of the ,ara tribe# $ho asked Abu Bakr# H@here are you goingJH Abu Bakr said# HMy
people ha(e turned e out of the country and I $ould like to tour the $orld and $orship y ;ord%H
Ibn Ad)8aghna said# HA an like you $ill not go out# nor $ill he be turned out as you help the poor
earn their li(ing# keep good relation $ith your Kith and kin# help the disabled !or the dependents"#
pro(ide guests $ith food and shelter# and help people during their troubles% I a your protector% So#
go back and $orship your ;ord at your hoe%H Ibn Ad)8aghna $ent along $ith Abu Bakr and took
hi to the chiefs of ,uraish saying to the# HA an like Abu Bakr $ill not go out# nor $ill he be
=olue < ) 405 ? 0:66
turned out% 8o you turn out a an $ho helps the poor earn their li(ing# keeps good relations $ith
Kith and kin# helps the disabled# pro(ides guests $ith food and shelter# and helps the people during
their troublesJH
So# ,uraish allo$ed Ibn Ad)8aghna's guarantee of protection and told Abu) Bakr that he $as se)
cure# and said to Ibn Ad)8aghna# HAd(ise Abu Bakr to $orship his ;ord in his house and to pray and
read $hat he liked and not to hurt us and not to do these things publicly# for $e fear that our sons
and $oen ay follo$ hi%H Ibn Ad)8aghna told Abu Bakr of all that# so Abu) Bakr continued $or)
shipping his ;ord in his house and did not pray or recite ,ur'an aloud e*cept in his house% ;ater on
Abu Bakr had an idea of building a osCue in the court yard of his house% He fulfilled that idea and
started praying and reciting ,ur'an there publicly% &he $oen and the offspring of the pagans star)
ted gathering around hi and looking at hi astonishingly% Abu Bakr $as a softhearted person and
could not help $eeping $hile reciting ,ur'an% &his horrified the pagan chiefs of ,uraish% &hey sent
for Ibn Ad)8aghna and $hen he cae# they said# H@e ha(e gi(en Abu Bakr protection on condition
that he $ill $orship his ;ord in his house# but he has transgressed that condition and has built a
osCue in the court yard of his house and offered his prayer and recited ,ur'an in public% @e are
afraid lest he islead our $oen and offspring% So# go to hi and tell hi that if he $ishes he can
$orship his ;ord in his house only# and if not# then tell hi to return your pledge of protection as $e
do not like to betray you by re(oking your pledge# nor can $e tolerate Abu Bakr's public declaration
of Isla !his $orshipping"%H
'Aisha added: Ibn Ad)8aghna cae to Abu Bakr and said# HKou kno$ the conditions on $hich I
ga(e you protection# so you should either abide by those conditions or re(oke y protection# as I do
not like to hear the 'Arabs saying that Ibn Ad)8aghna ga(e the pledge of protection to a person and
his people did not respect it%H Abu Bakr said# HI re(oke your pledge of protection and a satisfied $ith
Allah's protection%H At that tie Allah's Apostle $as still in Mecca and he said to his copanions#
HKour place of eigration has been sho$n to e% I ha(e seen salty land# planted $ith date)pals and
situated bet$een t$o ountains $hich are the t$o #Harras%H So# $hen the Prophet told it# soe of the
copanions igrated to Medina# and soe of those $ho had igrated to +thiopia returned to Med)
ina% @hen Abu Bakr prepared for eigration# Allah's Apostle said to hi# H@ait# for I e*pect to be
peritted to eigrate%H Abu Bakr asked# HMay y father be sacrificed for your sake# do you really e*)
pect thatJH Allah's Apostle replied in the affirati(e% So# Abu Bakr postponed his departure in order
to accopany Allah's Apostle and fed t$o caels $hich he had# $ith the lea(es of Saor trees for
four onths%
=olue <# Book <:# Duber 214:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hene(er a dead an in debt $as brought to Allah's Apostle he $ould ask# HHas he left anything
to repay his debtJH If he $as infored that he had left soething to repay his debts# he $ould offer
=olue < ) 40: ? 0:66
his funeral prayer# other$ise he $ould tell the Muslis to offer their friend's funeral prayer% @hen
Allah ade the Prophet $ealthy through conCuests# he said# HI a ore rightful than other belie(ers
to be the guardian of the belie(ers# so if a Musli dies $hile in debt# I a responsible for the repay)
ent of his debt# and $hoe(er lea(es $ealth !after his death" it $ill belong to his heirs%H
=olue < ) 407 ? 0:66
Book <7: Representation# Authori-ation# Busi)
ness by Pro*y
=olue <# Book <7# Duber 215:
Darrated 'Ali: Allah's Apostle ordered e to distribute the saddles and skins of the Budn $hich had
=olue <# Book <7# Duber 21::
Darrated 'UCba bin Air:
that the Prophet had gi(en hi sheep to distribute aong his copanions and a ale kid $as left
!after the distribution"% @hen he infored the Prophet of it# he said !to hi"# HEffer it as a sacrifice
on your behalf%H
=olue <# Book <7# Duber 217:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf:
I got an agreeent $ritten bet$een e and Uaiya bin Khalaf that Uaiya $ould look after y
property !or faily" in Mecca and I $ould look after his in Medina% @hen I entioned the $ord 'Ar)
Rahan' in the docuents# Uaiya said# HI do not kno$ 'Ar)Rahan%' @rite do$n to e your nae#
!$ith $hich you called yourself" in the Pre)lslaic Period of Ignorance%H So# I $rote y nae ' 'Abdu
'Ar'% En the day !of the battle" of Badr# $hen all the people $ent to sleep# I $ent up the hill to pro)
tect hi% Bilal!0" sa$ hi !i%e% Uaiya" and $ent to a gathering of Ansar and said# H!Here is" Uaiya
bin KhalafI @oe to e if he escapesIH So# a group of Ansar $ent out $ith Bilal to follo$ us !'Abdur)
Rahan and Uaiya"% Being afraid that they $ould catch us# I left Uaiya's son for the to keep
the busy but the Ansar killed the son and insisted on follo$ing us% Uaiya $as a fat an# and
$hen they approached us# I told hi to kneel do$n# and he knelt# and I laid yself on hi to protect
hi# but the Ansar killed hi by passing their s$ords underneath e# and one of the in.ured y
foot $ith his s$ord% !&he sub narrator said# H 'Abdur)Rahan used to sho$ us the trace of the $ound
on the back of his foot%H"
=olue <# Book <7# Duber 211:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri and Abu Huraira:
=olue < ) 401 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle eployed soeone as a go(ernor at Khaibar% @hen the an cae to Medina# he
brought $ith hi dates called /anib% &he Prophet asked hi# HAre all the dates of Khaibar of this
kindJH &he an replied# H!Do"# $e e*change t$o Sa's of bad dates for one Sa of this kind of dates !i%e%
/anib"# or e*change three Sa's for t$o%H En that# the Prophet said# H8on't do so# as it is a kind of usury
!Riba" but sell the dates of inferior Cuality for oney# and then buy /anib $ith the oneyH% &he
Prophet said the sae thing about dates sold by $eight% !See Hadith Do% 465"%
=olue <# Book <7# Duber 466:
Darrated Ibn Ka'b bin Malik fro his father:
@e had soe sheep $hich used to gra-e at Sala'% Ene of our sla(egirls sa$ a sheep dying and she
broke a stone and slaughtered the sheep $ith it% My father said to the people# H8on't eat it till I ask
the Prophet about it !or till I send soebody to ask the Prophet"%H So# he asked or sent soebody to
ask the Prophet# and the Prophet peritted hi to eat it% 'Ubaidullah !a sub)narrator" said# HI adire
that girl# for though she $as a sla(e)girl# she dared to slaughter the sheep % H
=olue <# Book <7# Duber 460:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet o$ed soebody a cael of a certain age% @hen he cae to deand it back# the
Prophet said !to soe people"# HAi(e hi !his due"%H @hen the people searched for a cael of that
age# they found none# but found a cael one year older% &he Prophet said# HAi(e !it to" hi%H En that#
the an rearked# HKou ha(e gi(en e y right in full% May Allah gi(e you in full%H &he Prophet
said# H&he best aongst you is the one $ho pays the rights of others generously%H
=olue <# Book <7# Duber 463:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an cae to the Prophet deanding his debts and beha(ed rudely% &he copanions of the
Prophet intended to har hi# but Allah's Apostle said !to the"# H;ea(e hi# for the creditor !i%e%
o$ner of a right" has the right to speak%H Allah's Apostle then said# HAi(e hi a cael of the sae age
as that of his%H &he people said# HE Allah's ApostleI &here is only a cael that is older than his%H Allah's
Apostle said# HAi(e !it to" hi# for the best aongst you is he $ho pays the rights of others hand)
=olue <# Book <7# Duber 46<:
Darrated Mar$an bin Al)Haka and Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa:
=olue < ) 436 ? 0:66
@hen the delegates of the tribe of Ha$a-in after ebracing Isla# cae to Allah's Apostle# he got
up% &hey appealed to hi to return their properties and their capti(es% Allah's Apostle said to the#
H&he ost belo(ed stateent to e is the true one% So# you ha(e the option of restoring your proper)
ties or your capti(es# for I ha(e delayed distributing the%H &he narrator added# Allah's Apostle c had
been $aiting for the for ore than ten days on his return fro &aif% @hen they reali-ed that Al)
lah's Apostle $ould return to the only one of t$o things# they said# H@e choose our capti(es%H So#
Allah's Apostle got up in the gathering of the Muslis# praised Allah as He deser(ed# and said# H&hen
afterI &hese brethren of yours ha(e coe to you $ith repentance and I see it proper to return their
capti(es to the% So# $hoe(er aongst you likes to do that as a fa(or# then he can do it# and $hoe(er
of you $ants to stick to his share till $e pay hi fro the (ery first booty $hich Allah $ill gi(e us
then he can do so%H &he people replied# H@e agree to gi(e up our shares $illingly as a fa(or for Al)
lah's Apostle%H &hen Allah's Apostle said# H@e don't kno$ $ho aongst you has agreed and $ho
hasn't% Ao back and your chiefs ay tell us your opinion%H So# all of the returned and their chiefs
discussed the atter $ith the and then they !i%e% their chiefs" cae to Allah's Apostle to tell hi
that they !i%e% the people" had gi(en up their shares gladly and $illingly%
=olue <# Book <7# Duber 462:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
I $as accopanying the Prophet on a .ourney and $as riding a slo$ cael that $as lagging be)
hind the others% &he Prophet passed by e and asked# H@ho is thisJH I replied# H/abir bin 'Abdullah%H
He asked# H@hat is the atter# !$hy are you late"JH I replied# HI a riding a slo$ cael%H He asked#
H8o you ha(e a stickJH I replied in the affirati(e% He said# HAi(e it to e%H @hen I ga(e it to hi# he
beat the cael and rebuked it% &hen that cael surpassed the others thenceforth% &he Prophet said#
HSell it to e%H I replied# HIt is !a gift" for you# E Allah's Apostle%H He said# HSell it to e% I ha(e bought it
for four 8inars !gold pieces" and you can keep on riding it till Medina%H @hen $e approached Med)
ina# I started going !to$ards y house"% &he Prophet said# H@here are you goingJH I Sad# HI ha(e ar)
ried a $ido$%H He said# H@hy ha(e you not arried a (irgin to fondle $ith each otherJH I said# HMy
father died and left daughters# so I decided to arry a $ido$ !an e*perienced $oan" !to look after
the"%H He said# H@ell done%H @hen $e reached Medina# Allah's Apostle said# HE Bilal# pay hi !the
price of the cael" and gi(e hi e*tra oney%H Bilal ga(e e four 8inars and one ,irat e*tra% !A
sub)narrator said": /abir added# H&he e*tra ,irat of Allah's Apostle ne(er parted fro e%H &he ,irat
$as al$ays in /abir bin 'Abdullah's purse%
=olue <# Book <7# Duber 464r:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
=olue < ) 430 ? 0:66
A $oan cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I $ant to gi(e up yself to you%H A
an said# HMarry her to e%H &he Prophet said# H@e agree to arry her to you $ith $hat you kno$
of the ,ur'an by heart%H
=olue <# Book <7# Duber 464t:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle deputed e to keep SadaCat !al)Bitr" of Raadan% A coer cae and started taking
handfuls of the foodstuff !of the SadaCa" !stealthily"% I took hold of hi and said# HBy Allah# I $ill take
you to Allah's Apostle %H He said# HI a needy and ha(e any dependents# and I a in great need%H I
released hi# and in the orning Allah's Apostle asked e# H@hat did your prisoner do yesterdayJH I
said# HE Allah's ApostleI &he person coplained of being needy and of ha(ing any dependents# so# I
pitied hi and let hi go%H Allah's Apostle said# HIndeed# he told you a lie and he $ill be coing
again%H I belie(ed that he $ould sho$ up again as Allah's Apostle had told e that he $ould return%
So# I $aited for hi $atchfully% @hen he !sho$ed up and" started stealing handfuls of foodstuff# I
caught hold of hi again and said# HI $ill definitely take you to Allah's Apostle% He said# H;ea(e e#
for I a (ery needy and ha(e any dependents% I proise I $ill not coe back again%H I pitied hi
and let hi go%
In the orning Allah's Apostle asked e# H@hat did your prisoner do%H I replied# HE Allah's ApostleI
He coplained of his great need and of too any dependents# so I took pity on hi and set hi free%H
Allah's Apostle said# H=erily# he told you a lie and he $ill return%H I $aited for hi attenti(ely for the
third tie# and $hen he !cae and" started stealing handfuls of the foodstuff# I caught hold of hi
and said# HI $ill surely take you to Allah's Apostle as it is the third tie you proise not to return# yet
you break your proise and coe%H He said# H!Borgi(e e and" I $ill teach you soe $ords $ith
$hich Allah $ill benefit you%H I asked# H@hat are theyJH He replied# H@hene(er you go to bed# recite
HAyat)al)KursiH)) 'Allahu la ilaha illa hu$a)l)Haiy)ul ,aiyu' till you finish the $hole (erse% !If you
do so"# Allah $ill appoint a guard for you $ho $ill stay $ith you and no satan $ill coe near you
till orning% H So# I released hi% In the orning# Allah's Apostle asked# H@hat did your prisoner do
yesterdayJH I replied# HHe claied that he $ould teach e soe $ords by $hich Allah $ill benefit
e# so I let hi go%H Allah's Apostle asked# H@hat are theyJH I replied# HHe said to e# '@hene(er you
go to bed# recite Ayat)al)Kursi fro the beginning to the end )))) Allahu la ilaha illa hu$a)lHaiy)
ul),aiyu))))%' He further said to e# '!If you do so"# Allah $ill appoint a guard for you $ho $ill
stay $ith you# and no satan $ill coe near you till orning%' !Abu Huraira or another sub)narrator"
added that they !the copanions" $ere (ery keen to do good deeds% &he Prophet said# HHe really
spoke the truth# although he is an absolute liar% 8o you kno$ $ho you $ere talking to# these three
nights# E Abu HurairaJH Abu Huraira said# HDo%H He said# HIt $as Satan%H
=olue < ) 433 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <7# Duber 465:
Darrated Abu Said al)Khudri:
Ence Bilal brought Barni !i%e% a kind of dates" to the Prophet and the Prophet asked hi# HBro
$here ha(e you brought theseJH Bilal replied# HI had soe inferior type of dates and e*changed t$o
Sas of it for one Sa of Barni dates in order to gi(e it to the ProphetL to eat%H &hereupon the Prophet
said# HBe$areI Be$areI &his is definitely Riba !usury"I &his is definitely Riba !Usury"I 8on't do so# but
if you $ant to buy !a superior kind of dates" sell the inferior dates for oney and then buy the su)
perior kind of dates $ith that oney%H
=olue <# Book <7# Duber 46::
Darrated 'Ar:
9oncerning the @aCf of 'Uar: It $as not sinful of the trustee !of the @aCf" to eat or pro(ide his
friends fro it# pro(ided the trustee had no intention of collecting fortune !for hiself"% Ibn 'Uar
$as the anager of the trust of 'Uar and he used to gi(e presents fro it to those $ith $ho he
used to stay at Mecca%
=olue <# Book <7# Duber 467:
Darrated Faid bin Khalid and Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HE UnaisI Ao to the $ife of this !an" and if she confesses !that she has coit)
ted illegal se*ual intercourse"# then stone her to death%H
=olue <# Book <7# Duber 461:
Darrated 'UCba bin Al)Harith:
@hen An)Duaan or his son $as brought in a state of drunkenness# Allah's Apostle ordered all
those $ho $ere present in the house to beat hi% I $as one of those $ho beat hi% @e beat hi $ith
shoes and pal)leaf stalks%
=olue <# Book <7# Duber 406:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I t$isted the garlands of the Hadis !i%e% anials for sacrifice" of Allah's Apostle $ith y o$n
hands% &hen Allah's Apostle put the around their necks $ith his o$n hands# and sent the $ith y
father !to Mecca"% Dothing legal $as regarded illegal for Allah's Apostle till the anials $ere
=olue < ) 43< ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <7# Duber 400:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Abu &alha $as the richest an in Medina aongst the Ansar and Beeruha' !garden" $as the ost
belo(ed of his property# and it $as situated opposite the osCue !of the Prophet%"% Allah's Apostle
used to enter it and drink fro its s$eet $ater% @hen the follo$ing 8i(ine =erse $ere re(ealed: 'you
$ill not attain righteousness till you spend in charity of the things you lo(e' !<%1<"# Abu &alha got up
in front of Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Allah says in His Book# 'Kou $ill not attain
righteousness unless you spend !in charity" that $hich you lo(e#' and (erily# the ost belo(ed to e
of y property is Beeruha !garden"# so I gi(e it in charity and hope for its re$ard fro Allah% E Al)
lah's ApostleI Spend it $here(er you like%H Allah's Apostle appreciated that and said# H&hat is perish)
able $ealth# that is perishable $ealth% I ha(e heard $hat you ha(e saidL I suggest you to distribute it
aong your relati(es%H Abu &alha said# HI $ill do so# E Allah's Apostle%H So# Abu &alha distributed it
aong his relati(es and cousins% &he sub)narrator !Malik" said: &he Prophet said: H&hat is a profit)
able $ealth#H instead of Hperishable $ealthH%
=olue <# Book <7# Duber 403:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# HAn honest treasurer $ho gi(es $hat he is ordered to gi(e fully# perfectly and
$illingly to the person to $ho he is ordered to gi(e# is regarded as one of the t$o charitable per)
=olue < ) 432 ? 0:66
Book <1: Agriculture
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 40<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here is none aongst the Muslis $ho plants a tree or so$s seeds# and then
a bird# or a person or an anial eats fro it# but is regarded as a charitable gift for hi%H
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 402:
Darrated Abu Uaa al)Bahili:
I sa$ soe agricultural eCuipents and said: HI heard the Prophet saying: H&here is no house in
$hich these eCuipent enters e*cept that Allah $ill cause huiliation to enter it%H
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 404:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er keeps a dog# one ,irat of the re$ard of his good deeds is deducted
daily# unless the dog is used for guarding a far or cattle%H Abu Huraira !in another narration" said
fro the Prophet# Hunless it is used for guarding sheep or fars# or for hunting%H Darrated Abu
Ha-i fro Abu Huraira: &he Prophet said# HA dog for guarding cattle or for hunting%H
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 405:
Darrated As)Sa'ib bin Ka-id:
Abu Sufyan bin Abu Fuhair# a an fro A-d Shanu'a and one of the copanions of the Prophet
said# HI heard Allah's Apostle saying# 'If one keeps a dog $hich is eant for guarding neither a far
nor cattle# one ,irat of the re$ard of his good deeds is deducted daily%H I said# H8id you hear this
fro Allah's ApostleJH He said# HKes# by the ;ord of this MosCue%H
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 40::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hile a an $as riding a co$# it turned to$ards hi and said# 'I ha(e not been
created for this purpose !i%e% carrying"# I ha(e been created for sloughing%H &he Prophet added# HI# Abu
Bakr and 'Uar belie(e in the story%H &he Prophet $ent on# HA $olf caught a sheep# and $hen the
shepherd chased it# the $olf said# '@ho $ill be its guard on the day of $ild beasts# $hen there $ill be
=olue < ) 434 ? 0:66
no shepherd for it e*cept eJ' HAfter narrating it# the Prophet said# HI# Abu Bakr and 'Uar too be)
lie(e it%H Abu Salaa !a sub)narrator" said# HAbu Bakr and 'Uar $ere not present then%H !It has been
$ritten that a $olf also spoke to one of the copanions of the Prophet near Medina as narrated in
Darrated Unais bin 'Ar: Ahban bin Aus said# HI $as aongst y sheep% Suddenly a $olf caught a
sheep and I shouted at it% &he $olf sat on its tail and addressed e# saying# '@ho $ill look after it !i%e%
the sheep" $hen you $ill be busy and not able to look after itJ 8o you forbid e the pro(ision $hich
Allah has pro(ided eJ' H Ahban added# HI clapped y hands and said# 'By Allah# I ha(e ne(er seen
anything ore curious and $onderful than thisI' En that the $olf said# '&here is soething !ore
curious" and $onderful than thisL that is# Allah's Apostle in those pal trees# in(iting people to Allah
!i%e% Isla"%' HUnais bin 'Ar further said# H&hen Ahban $ent to Allah's Apostle and infored hi
$hat happened and ebraced Isla%"H pal trees or other trees and share the fruits $ith e%H
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 407:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Ansar said to the Prophet H8istribute the date pal trees bet$een us and our eigrant broth)
ers%H He replied# HDo%H &he Ansar said !to the eigrants"# H;ook after the trees !$ater and $atch the"
and share the fruits $ith us%H &he eigrants said# H@e listen and obey%H
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 401:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet got the date pal trees of the tribe of Bani)An)Dadir burnt and the trees cut do$n at
a place called Al)Bu$aira % Hassan bin &habit said in a poetic (erse: H&he chiefs of Bani ;u'ai found it
easy to $atch fire spreading at Al)Bu$aira%H
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 436:
Darrated Rafi' bin Khadi.:
@e $orked on fars ore than anybody else in Medina% @e used to rent the land at the yield of
specific deliited portion of it to be gi(en to the landlord% Soeties the (egetation of that portion
$as affected by blights etc%# $hile the rest reained safe and (ice (ersa# so the Prophet forbade this
practice% At that tie gold or sil(er $ere not used !for renting the land"% If they pro(ided the seeds#
they $ould get so)and)so uch% Al)Hasan said# H&here is no har if the land belongs to one but both
spend on it and the yield is di(ided bet$een the%H A-)Fuhri had the sae opinion% Al)Hasan said#
H&here is no har if cotton is picked on the condition of ha(ing half the yield%H Ibrahi# Ibn Siain#
'Ata'# Al)Haka# A-)Fuhri and ,atada said# H&here is no har in gi(ing the yarn to the $ea(er to
$ea(e into cloth on the basis that one)third or one)fourth !or any other portion" of the cloth is gi(en
=olue < ) 435 ? 0:66
to the $ea(er for his labor%H Ma'a said# H&here is no har in hiring anials for a definite !fi*ed"
period on the basis that one)third or one)fourth of the products carried by the anials is gi(en to
the o$ner of the anials%H
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 430:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he Prophet concluded a contract $ith the people of Khaibar to utili-e the land on the condition
that half the products of fruits or (egetation $ould be their share% &he Prophet used to gi(e his $i(es
one hundred @asCs each# eighty @asCs of dates and t$enty @asCs of barley% !@hen 'Uar becae
the 9aliph" he ga(e the $i(es of the Prophet the option of either ha(ing the land and $ater as their
shares# or carrying on the pre(ious practice% Soe of the chose the land and soe chose the @asCs#
and 'Aisha chose the land%
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 433:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet ade a deal $ith the people of Khaibar that they $ould ha(e half the fruits and (e)
getation of the land they culti(ated%
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 43<:
Darrated 'Ar:
I said to &a$us# HI $ish you $ould gi(e up Mukhabara !Share)cropping"# for the people say that
the Prophet forbade it%H En that &a$us replied# HE 'ArI I gi(e the land to share)croppers and help
the% Do doubtL the ost learned an# naely Ibn 'Abbas told e that the Prophet had not forbid)
den it but said# 'It is ore beneficial for one to gi(e his land free to one's brother than to charge hi
a fi*ed rental%H
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 432:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle ga(e the land of Khaibar to the /e$'s on the condition that they $ork on it and cul)
ti(ate it# and be gi(en half of its yield%
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 434:
Darrated Rafi:
=olue < ) 43: ? 0:66
@e $orked on fars ore than anybody else in Medina% @e used to rent the land and say to the
o$ner# H&he yield of this portion is for us and the yield of that portion is for you !as the rent"%H Ene of
those portions ight yield soething and the other ight not% So# the Prophet forbade us to do so%
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 435:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H@hile three en $ere $alking# It started raining and they took shelter !refuge"
in a ca(e in a ountain% A big rock rolled do$n fro the ountain and closed the outh of the
ca(e% &hey said to each other# H&hink of good deeds $hich you did for Allah's sake only# and in(oke
Allah by gi(ing reference to those deeds so that He ay reo(e this rock fro you%H Ene of the
said# 'E AllahI I had old parents and sall children and I used to gra-e the sheep for the% En y
return to the in the e(ening# I used to ilk !the sheep" and start pro(iding y parents first of all
before y children% Ene day I $as delayed and cae late at night and found y parents sleeping% I
ilked !the sheep" as usual and stood by their heads% I hated to $ake the up and disliked to gi(e
ilk to y children before the# although y children $ere $eeping !because of hunger" at y feet
till the day da$ned% E AllahI If I did this for Kour sake only# kindly reo(e the rock so that $e could
see the sky through it%' So# Allah reo(ed the rock a little and they sa$ the sky% &he second an said#
'E AllahI I $as in lo(e $ith a cousin of ine like the deepest lo(e a an ay ha(e for a $oan% I
$anted to outrage her chastity but she refused unless I ga(e her one hundred 8inars% So# I struggled
to collect that aount% And $hen I sat bet$een her legs# she said# 'E Allah's sla(eI Be afraid of Allah
and do not deflo$er e e*cept rightfully !by arriage"%' So# I got up% E AllahI If I did it for Kour sake
only# please reo(e the rock%' &he rock shifted a little ore% &hen the third an said# 'E AllahI I e)
ployed a laborer for a BaraC of rice and $hen he finished his .ob and deanded his right# I presented
it to hi# but he refused to take it% So# I so$ed the rice any tie till I gathered co$s and their shep)
herd !fro the yield"% !&hen after soe tie" He cae and said to e# 'Bear Allah !and gi(e e y
right"%H I said# 'Ao and take those co$s and the shepherd%' He said# 'Be afraid of AllahI 8on't ock at
e%' I said# 'I a not ocking at you% &ake !all that"%' So# he took all that% E AllahI If I did that for Kour
sake only# please reo(e the rest of the rock%' So# Allah reo(ed the rock%H
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 43::
Darrated Faid bin Asla fro his father:
Uar said# HBut for the future Musli generations# I $ould ha(e distributed the land of the (il)
lages I conCuer aong the soldiers as the Prophet distributed the land of Khaibar%H
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 437:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue < ) 437 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HHe $ho culti(ates land that does not belong to anybody is ore rightful !to o$n
it"%H 'Ur$a said# HUar ga(e the sae (erdict in his 9aliphate%H
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 431:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
@hile the Prophet $as passing the night at his place of rest in 8hul)Hulaifa in the botto of the
(alley !of ACiC"# he sa$ a drea and it $as said to hi# HKou are in a blessed (alley%H Musa said#
HSali let our caels kneel at the place $here 'Abdullah used to ake his cael kneel# seeking the
place $here Allah's Apostle used to take a rest# $hich is situated belo$ the osCue $hich is in the
botto of the (alleyL it is id$ay bet$een the osCue and the road%H
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 4<6:
Darrated 'Uar:
@hile the Prophet $as in Al)'ACiC he said# HSoeone !eaning Aabriel" cae to e fro y ;ord
tonight !in y drea" and said# 'Effer the prayer in this blessed (alley and say !I intend to perfor"
Ura along $ith Ha.. !together"%' H
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 4<0:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Uar e*pelled the /e$s and the 9hristians fro Hi.a-% @hen Allah's Apostle had conCuered
Khaibar# he $anted to e*pel the /e$s fro it as its land becae the property of Allah# His Apostle#
and the Muslis% Allah's Apostle intended to e*pel the /e$s but they reCuested hi to let the stay
there on the condition that they $ould do the labor and get half of the fruits% Allah's Apostle told
the# H@e $ill let you stay on thus condition# as long as $e $ish%H So# they !i%e% /e$s" kept on li(ing
there until 'Uar forced the to go to$ards &aia' and Ariha'%
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 4<3:
Darrated Rafi bin Khadi.:
My uncle Fuhair said# HAllah's Apostle forbade us to do a thing $hich $as a source of help to us%H I
said# H@hate(er Allah's Apostle said $as right%H He said# HAllah's Apostle sent for e and asked# '@hat
are you doing $ith your farsJ' I replied# '@e gi(e our fars on rent on the basis that $e get the
yield produced at the banks of the $ater streas !ri(ers" for the rent# or rent it for soe @asCs of
barley and dates%' Allah's Apostle said# '8o not do so# but culti(ate !the land" yoursel(es or let it be
culti(ated by others gratis# or keep it unculti(ated%' I said# '@e hear and obey%'
=olue < ) 431 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 4<<:
Darrated /abir:
&he people used to rent their land for culti(ation for one)third# one)fourth or half its yield% &he
Prophet said# H@hoe(er has land should culti(ate it hiself or gi(e it to his !Musli" brother gratisL
other$ise keep it unculti(ated%H
Darrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er has land should culti(ate it hiself or gi(e it
to his !Musli" brother gratisL other$ise he should keep it unculti(ated%H
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 4<2:
Darrated 'Ar:
@hen I entioned it !i%e% the narration of Rafi 'bin Khadi.: no% 4<3" to &a$us# he said# HIt is per)
issible to rent the land for culti(ation# for Ibn 'Abbas said# '&he Prophet did not forbid that# but said:
Ene had better gi(e the land to one's brother gratis rather than charge a certain aount for it%' H
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 4<4:
Darrated Dafi:
Ibn 'Uar used to rent his fars in the tie of Abu Bakr# 'Uar# 'Uthan# and in the early days of
Mua$iya% &hen he $as told the narration of Rafi 'bin Khadi. that the Prophet had forbidden the rent)
ing of fars% Ibn 'Uar $ent to Rafi' and I accopanied hi% He asked Rafi $ho replied that the
Prophet had forbidden the renting of fars% Ibn 'Uar said# HKou kno$ that $e used to rent our
fars in the life)tie of Allah's Apostle for the yield of the banks of the $ater streas !ri(ers" and
for certain aount of figs%
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 4<5:
Darrated Sali:
Abdullah bin 'Uar said# HI kne$ that the land $as rented for culti(ation in the life)tie of Allah's
Apostle %H ;ater on Ibn 'Uar $as afraid that the Prophet had forbidden it# and he had no kno$ledge
of it# so he ga(e up renting his land%
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 4<::
Darrated Han-la bin ,ais:
Rafi bin Khadi. said# HMy t$o uncles told e that they !i%e% the copanions of the Prophet" used to
rent the land in the life)tie of the Prophet for the yield on the banks of $ater streas !ri(ers" or for
a portion of the yield stipulated by the o$ner of the land% &he Prophet forbade it%H I said to Rafi#
=olue < ) 4<6 ? 0:66
H@hat about renting the land for 8inars and 8irhasJH He replied# H&here is no har in renting for
8inars)8irhas% Al);aith said# HIf those $ho ha(e discernent for distinguishing $hat is legal fro
$hat is illegal looked into $hat has been forbidden concerning this atter they $ould not perit it#
for it is surrounded $ith dangers%H
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 4<7:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Ence the Prophet $as narrating !a story"# $hile a bedouin $as sitting $ith hi% HEne of the in)
habitants of Paradise $ill ask Allah to allo$ hi to culti(ate the land% Allah $ill ask hi# 'Are you
not li(ing in the pleasures you likeJ' He $ill say# 'Kes# but I like to culti(ate the land%' H &he Prophet
added# H@hen the an !$ill be peritted he" $ill so$ the seeds and the plants $ill gro$ up and get
ripe# ready for reaping and so on till it $ill be as huge as ountains $ithin a $ink% Allah $ill then
say to hi# 'E son of AdaI &ake here you are# gather !the yield"L nothing satisfies you%' H En that# the
bedouin said# H&he an ust be either fro ,uraish !i%e% an eigrant" or an Ansari# for they are
farers# $hereas $e are not farers%H &he Prophet siled !at this"%
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 4<1:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
@e used to be (ery happy on Briday as an old lady used to cut soe roots of the SilC# $hich $e
used to plant on the banks of our sall $ater streas# and cook the in a pot of her's# adding to
the# soe grains of barley% !Ka'Cub# the sub)narrator said# HI think the narrator entioned that the
food did not contain fat or elted fat !taken fro eat"%H" @hen $e offered the Briday prayer $e
$ould go to her and she $ould ser(e us $ith the dish% So# $e used to be happy on Bridays because of
that% @e used not to take our eals or the idday nap e*cept after the /uua prayer !i%e% Briday
prayer" %
=olue <# Book <1# Duber 426:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he people say that Abu Huraira narrates too any narrations% In fact Allah kno$s $hether I say
the truth or not% &hey also ask# H@hy do the eigrants and the Ansar not narrate as he doesJH In fact#
y eigrant brethren $ere busy trading in the arkets# and y Ansar brethren $ere busy $ith
their properties% I $as a poor an keeping the copany of Allah's Apostle and $as satisfied $ith
$hat filled y stoach% So# I used to be present $hile they !i%e% the eigrants and the Ansar" $ere
absent# and I used to reeber $hile they forgot !the Hadith"% Ene day the Prophet said# H@hoe(er
spreads his sheet till I finish this stateent of ine and then gathers it on his chest# $ill ne(er forget
anything of y stateent%H So# I spread y co(ering sheet $hich $as the only garent I had# till the
=olue < ) 4<0 ? 0:66
Prophet finished his stateent and then I gathered it o(er y chest% By Hi @ho had sent hi !i%e%
Allah's Apostle" $ith the truth# since then I did not forget e(en a single $ord of that stateent of his#
until this day of ine% By Allah# but for t$o (erses in Allah's Book# I $ould ne(er ha(e related any
narration !fro the Prophet"% !&hese t$o (erses are": H=erilyI &hose $ho conceal the clear signs and
the guidance $hich $e ha(e sent do$n %%%%%!up to" the Merciful%' !3%041)056"
=olue < ) 4<3 ? 0:66
Book 26: 8istribution of @ater
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 420:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
A tubler !full of ilk or $ater" $as brought to the Prophet $ho drank fro it# $hile on his right
side there $as sitting a boy $ho $as the youngest of those $ho $ere present and on his left side
there $ere old en% &he Prophet asked# HE boy# $ill you allo$ e to gi(e it !i%e% the rest of the drink"
to the old enJH &he boy said# HE Allah's ApostleI I $ill not gi(e preference to anyone o(er e to
drink the rest of it fro $hich you ha(e drunk%H So# the Prophet ga(e it to hi%
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 423:
Darrated A-)Fuhri:
Anas bin Malik said# that once a doestic sheep $as ilked for Allah's Apostle $hile he $as in the
house of Anas bin Malik% &he ilk $as i*ed $ith $ater dra$n fro the $ell in Anas's house% A
tubler of it $as presented to Allah's Apostle $ho drank fro it% &hen Abu Bakr $as sitting on his
left side and a bedouin on his right side% @hen the Prophet reo(ed the tubler fro his outh#
'Uar $as afraid that the Prophet ight gi(e it to the bedouin# so he said% HE Allah's ApostleI Ai(e it
to Abu Bakr $ho is sitting by your side%H But the Prophet ga(e it to the bedouin# $ho $as to his right
and said# HKou should start $ith the one on your right side%H
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 42<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H8o not $ithhold the superfluous $ater# for that $ill pre(ent people fro
gra-ing their cattle%H
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 422:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
that Allah's Apostle said# H8o not $ithhold the superfluous $ater in order to $ithhold the super)
fluous grass%H
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 424:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue < ) 4<< ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# HDo bloodoney $ill be charged if soebody dies in a ine or in a $ell or is
killed by an anialL and if soebody finds a treasure in his land he has to gi(e one)fifth of it to the
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 425:
Darrated 'Abdullah !bin Mas'ud":
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er takes a false oath to depri(e soebody of his property $ill eet Allah
$hile He $ill be angry $ith hi%H Allah re(ealed: '=erily those $ho purchase a little gain at the cost
of Allah's co(enant# and their oaths%' %%%%%%%%!<%::"
Al)Ash'ath cae !to the place $here 'Abdullah $as narrating" and said# H@hat has Abu 'Abdur)
Rahan !i%e% Abdullah" been telling youJ &his (erse $as re(ealed concerning e% I had a $ell in the
land of a cousin of ine% &he Prophet asked e to bring $itnesses !to confir y clai"% I said# 'I
don't ha(e $itnesses%' He said# ';et the defendant take an oath then%' I said# 'E Allah's ApostleI He $ill
take a !false" oath iediately%' &hen the Prophet entioned the abo(e narration and Allah re(ealed
the (erse to confir $hat he had said%H !See Hadith Do% 513"
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 42::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here are three persons $ho Allah $ill not look at on the 8ay of Resurrec)
tion# nor $ill he purify the and theirs shall be a se(ere punishent% &hey are:
0% A an possessed superfluous $ater# on a $ay and he $ithheld it fro tra(elers%
3% A an $ho ga(e a pledge of allegiance to a ruler and he ga(e it only for $orldly benefits% If the
ruler gi(es hi soething he gets satisfied# and if the ruler $ithholds soething fro hi# he gets
<% And an displayed his goods for sale after the 'Asr prayer and he said# 'By Allah# e*cept @ho
Done has the right to be $orshipped# I ha(e been gi(en so uch for y goods#' and soebody be)
lie(es hi !and buys the"%H
&he Prophet then recited: H=erilyI &hose $ho purchase a little gain at the cost of Allah's 9o(enant
and their oaths%H !<%::"
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 427:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair:
An Ansari an Cuarrelled $ith A-)Fubair in the presence of the Prophet about the Harra 9anals
$hich $ere used for irrigating the date)pals% &he Ansari an said to A-)Fubair# H;et the $ater
=olue < ) 4<2 ? 0:66
pass' but A-)Fubair refused to do so% So# the case $as brought before the Prophet $ho said to A-)
Fubair# HE FubairI Irrigate !your land" and then let the $ater pass to your neighbor%H En that the
Ansari got angry and said to the Prophet# HIs it because he !i%e% Fubair" is your aunt's sonJH En that
the color of the face of Allah's Apostle changed !because of anger" and he said# HE FubairI Irrigate
!your land" and then $ithhold the $ater till it reaches the $alls bet$een the pits round the trees%H
Fubair said# HBy Allah# I think that the follo$ing (erse $as re(ealed on this occasionH: HBut no# by
your ;ord &hey can ha(e Do faith Until they ake you .udge In all disputes bet$een the%H !2%54"
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 421:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
@hen a an fro the Ansar Cuarrelled $ith A-Fubair# the Prophet said# HE FubairI Irrigate !your
land" first and then let the $ater flo$ !to the land of the others"%H HEn that the Ansari said# !to the
Prophet"# HIt is because he is your aunt's son%H En that the Prophet said# HE FubairI Irrigate till the
$ater reaches the $alls bet$een the pits around the trees and then stop !i%e% let the $ater go to the
other's land"%H I think the follo$ing (erse $as re(ealed concerning this e(ent: HBut no# by your ;ord
&hey can ha(e Do faith Until they ake you .udge In all disputes bet$een the%H !2%54"
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 446:
Darrated 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair:
An)Ansari an Cuarrelled $ith A-)Fubair about a canal in the Harra $hich $as used for irrigat)
ing date)pals% Allah's Apostle# ordering Fubair to be oderate# said# HE FubairI Irrigate !your land"
first and then lea(e the $ater for your neighbor%H &he Ansari said# HIs it because he is your aunt's
sonJH En that the color of the face of Allah's Apostle changed and he said# HE FubairI Irrigate !your
land" and $ithhold the $ater till it reaches the $alls that are bet$een the pits around the trees%H So#
Allah's Apostle ga(e Fubair his full right% Fubair said# HBy Allah# the follo$ing (erse $as re(ealed in
that connectionH: HBut no# by your ;ord &hey can ha(e Do faith Until they ake you .udge In all dis)
putes bet$een the%H !2%54"
!&he sub)narrator#" Ibn Shihab said to /urai. !another sub)narrator"# H&he Ansar and the other
people interpreted the saying of the Prophet# 'Irrigate !your land" and $ith)hold the $ater till it
reaches the $alls bet$een the pits around the trees#' as eaning up to the ankles%H
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 440:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hile a an $as $alking he felt thirsty and $ent do$n a $ell and drank
$ater fro it% En coing out of it# he sa$ a dog panting and eating ud because of e*cessi(e thirst%
&he an said# '&his !dog" is suffering fro the sae proble as that of ine% So he !$ent do$n the
=olue < ) 4<4 ? 0:66
$ell"# filled his shoe $ith $ater# caught hold of it $ith his teeth and clibed up and $atered the dog%
Allah thanked hi for his !good" deed and forga(e hi%H &he people asked# HE Allah's ApostleI Is
there a re$ard for us in ser(ing !the" anialsJH He replied# HKes# there is a re$ard for ser(ing any
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 443:
Darrated Asa' bint Abi Bakr:
&he Prophet prayed the eclipse prayer# and then said# HHell $as displayed so close that I said# 'E y
;ord I A I going to be one of its inhabitantsJH' Suddenly he sa$ a $oan% I think he said# $ho $as
being scratched by a cat% He said# H@hat is $rong $ith herJH He $as told# HShe had iprisoned it !i%e%
the cat" till it died of hunger%H
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 44<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HA $oan $as tortured and $as put in Hell because of a cat $hich she had
kept locked till it died of hunger%H Allah's Apostle further said# !Allah kno$s better" Allah said !to the
$oan"# 'Kou neither fed it nor $atered $hen you locked it up# nor did you set it free to eat the in)
sects of the earth%H
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 442:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
Ence a tubler !full of ilk or $ater" $as brought to Allah's Apostle $ho drank fro it# $hile on
his right side there $as sitting a boy $ho $as the youngest of those $ho $ere present# and on his left
side there $ere old en% &he Prophet asked# HE boy I 8o you allo$ e to gi(e !the drink" to the elder
people !first"JH &he boy said# HI $ill not prefer anybody to ha(e y share fro you# E Allah's
ApostleIH So# he ga(e it to the boy%
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 444:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HBy Hi in @hose Hands y soul is# I $ill dri(e soe people out fro y !sac)
red" Bount on the 8ay of Resurrection as strange caels are e*pelled fro a pri(ate trough%H
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 445:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
=olue < ) 4<5 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HMay Allah be erciful to the other of IshaelI If she had left the $ater of
Fa)Fa !fountain" as it $as# !$ithout constructing a basin for keeping the $ater"# !or said# HIf she
had not taken handfuls of its $aterH"# it $ould ha(e been a flo$ing strea% /urhu !an Arab tribe"
cae and asked her# 'May $e settle at your d$ellingJ' She said# 'Kes# but you ha(e no right to possess
the $ater%' &hey agreed%H
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 44::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&here are three types of people $ho Allah $ill neither talk to# nor look at# on
the 8ay of Resurrection% !&hey are":
0% A an $ho takes an oath falsely that he has been offered for his goods so uch ore than $hat
he is gi(en#
3% a an $ho takes a false oath after the 'Asr prayer in order to grab a Musli's property# and
<% a an $ho $ith)holds his superfluous $ater% Allah $ill say to hi# H&oday I $ill $ith)hold My
Arace fro you as you $ith)held the superfluity of $hat you had not created%H
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 447:
Darrated As)Sab bin /aththaa:
Allah's Apostle said# Do Hia e*cept for Allah and His Apostle% @e ha(e been told that Allah's
Apostle ade a place called An)DaCi' as Hia# and 'Uar ade Ash)Sharaf and Ar)Rabadha Hia
!for gra-ing the anials of Fakat"%
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 441:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HKeeping horses ay be a source of re$ard to soe !an"# a shelter to another
!i%e% eans of earning one's li(ing"# or a burden to a third% He to $ho the horse $ill be a source of
re$ard is the one $ho keeps it in Allah's 9ause !prepare it for holy battles" and ties it by a long rope
in a pasture !or a garden"% He $ill get a re$ard eCual to $hat its long rope allo$s it to eat in the pas)
ture or the garden# and if that horse breaks its rope and crosses one or t$o hills# then all its foot)
steps and its dung $ill be counted as good deeds for its o$nerL and if it passes by a ri(er and drinks
fro it# then that $ill also be regarded as a good deed for its o$ner e(en if he has had no intention
of $atering it then% Horses are a shelter fro po(erty to the second person $ho keeps horses for
earning his li(ing so as not to ask others# and at the sae tie he gi(es Allah's right !i%e% Rakat" !fro
the $ealth he earns through using the in trading etc%#" and does not o(erburden the% He $ho
keeps horses .ust out of pride and for sho$ing off and as a eans of haring the Muslis# his horses
=olue < ) 4<: ? 0:66
$ill be a source of sins to hi%H @hen Allah's Apostle $as asked about donkeys# he replied# HDothing
particular $as re(ealed to e regarding
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 456:
Darrated Faid bin Khalid:
A an cae to Allah's Apostle and asked about Al);uCata !a fallen thing"% &he Prophet said# HRe)
cogni-e its container and its tying aterial and then ake a public announceent about it for one
year and if its o$ner sho$s up# gi(e it to hiL other$ise use it as you like%H &he an said# H@hat
about a lost sheepJH &he Prophet said# HIt is for you# your brother or the $olf%H &he an said H@hat
about a lost caelJH &he Prophet said# H@hy should you take it as it has got its $ater)container !its
stoach" and its hoo(es and it can reach the places of $ater and can eat the trees till its o$ner finds
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 450:
Darrated A-)Fubair bin Al 'A$$a:
&he Prophet said# HDo doubt# one had better take a rope !and cut" and tie a bundle of $ood and sell
it $hereby Allah $ill keep his face a$ay !fro Hell)fire" rather than ask others $ho ay gi(e hi
or not%H
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 453:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HDo doubt# you had better gather a bundle of $ood and carry it on your back
!and earn your li(ing thereby" rather than ask soebody $ho ay gi(e you or not%H
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 45<:
Darrated Husain bin Ali:
Ali bin Abi &alib said: HI got a she)cael as y share of the $ar booty on the day !of the battle" of
Badr# and Allah's Apostle ga(e e another she)cael% I let both of the kneel at the door of one of
the Ansar# intending to carry Idhkhir on the to sell it and use its price for y $edding banCuet on
arrying Batia% A goldsith fro Ba ,ainCa' $as $ith e% Ha-a bin 'Abdul)Muttalib $as in
that house drinking $ine and a lady singer $as reciting: HE Ha-aI !Kill" the !t$o" fat old she
caels !and ser(e the to your guests"%H
So Ha-a took his s$ord and $ent to$ards the t$o she)caels and cut off their hups and
opened their flanks and took a part of their li(ers%H !I said to Ibn Shihab# H8id he take part of the
hupsJH He replied# HHe cut off their hups and carried the a$ay%H" 'Ali further said# H@hen I sa$
=olue < ) 4<7 ? 0:66
that dreadful sight# I $ent to the Prophet and told hi the ne$s% &he Prophet cae out in the co)
pany of Faid bin Haritha $ho $as $ith hi then# and I too $ent $ith the% He $ent to Ha-a and
spoke harshly to hi% Ha-a looked up and said# 'Aren't you only the sla(es of y forefathersJ' &he
Prophet retreated and $ent out% &his incident happened before the prohibition of drinking%H
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 452:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet decided to grant a portion of !the unculti(ated land of" Bahrain to the Ansar% &he An)
sar said# H!@e $ill not accept it" till you gi(e a siilar portion to our eigrant brothers !fro
,uraish"%H He said# H!E AnsarI" Kou $ill soon see people gi(ing preference to others# so reain pa)
tient till you eet e !on the 8ay of Resurrection"%
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 454:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HEne of the rights of a she cael is that it should be ilked at a place of $ater%H
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 455:
Darrated Faid bin &habit:
&he Prophet peritted selling the dates of the 'Araya for ready dates by estiating the aount of
the forer !as they are still on the trees"%
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 45::
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet forbade the sales called Al)Mukhabara# Al)MuhaCala and Al)Mu-abana and the
selling of fruits till they are free fro blights% He forbade the selling of the fruits e*cept for oney#
e*cept the 'Araya%
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 457:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet allo$ed the sale of the dates of the 'Araya for ready dates by estiating the forer
$hich should be estiated as less than fi(e A$suC or fi(e A$suC% !8a$ud# the sub)narrator is not
sure as to the right aount%"
=olue < ) 4<1 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 26# Duber 451:
Darrated Rafi 'bin Khadi. and Sahl bin Al Hatha:
Allah's Apostle forbade the sale of Mu-abana# i%e% selling of fruits for fruits# e*cept in the case of
'ArayaL he allo$ed the o$ners of 'Araya such kind of sale%
=olue < ) 426 ? 0:66
Book 20: ;oans# Payent of ;oans# Bree-ing of
Property# Bankruptcy
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 4:6:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
@hile I $as in the copany of the Prophet in one of his Aha-a$at# he asked# H@hat is $rong $ith
your caelJ @ill you sell itJH I replied in the affirati(e and sold it to hi% @hen he reached Med)
ina# I took the cael to hi in the orning and he paid e its price%
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 4:0:
Darrated Al)Aash:
@hen $e $ere $ith Ibrahi# $e talked about ortgaging in deals of Sala% Ibrahi narrated
fro As$ad that 'Aisha had said# H&he Prophet bought soe foodstuff on credit fro a /e$ and ort)
gaged an iron aror to hi%H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 4:3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er takes the oney of the people $ith the intention of repaying it# Allah
$ill repay it on his behalf# and $hoe(er takes it in order to spoil it# then Allah $ill spoil hi%H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 4:<:
Darrated Abu 8har:
Ence# $hile I $as in the copany of the Prophet# he sa$ the ountain of Uhud and said# HI $ould
not like to ha(e this ountain turned into gold for e unless nothing of it# not e(en a single 8inar
reains of it $ith e for ore than three days !i%e% I $ill spend all of it in Allah's 9ause"# e*cept that
8inar $hich I $ill keep for repaying debts%H &hen he said# H&hose $ho are rich in this $orld $ould
ha(e little re$ard in the Hereafter e*cept those $ho spend their oney here and there !in Allah's
9ause"# and they are fe$ in nuber%H &hen he ordered e to stay at y place and $ent not far a$ay%
I heard a (oice and intended to go to hi but I reebered his order# HStay at your place till I re)
turn%H En his return I said# HE Allah's ApostleI !@hat $as" that noise $hich I heardJH He said# H8id
you hear anythingJH I said# HKes%H He said# HAabriel cae and said to e# '@hoe(er aongst your fol)
=olue < ) 420 ? 0:66
lo$ers dies# $orshipping none along $ith Allah# $ill enter Paradise%' H I said# H+(en if he did such)
and)such things !i%e% e(en if he stole or coitted illegal se*ual intercourse"H He said# HKes%H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 4:2:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf I had gold eCual to the ountain of Uhud# it $ould not please e that it
should reain $ith e for ore than three days# e*cept an aount $hich I $ould keep for repay)
ing debts%H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 4:4:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an deanded his debts fro Allah's Apostle in such a rude anner that the copanions of the
Prophet intended to har hi# but the Prophet said# H;ea(e hi# no doubt# for he !the creditor" has
the right to deand it !harshly"% Buy a cael and gi(e it to hi%H &hey said# H&he cael that is a(ail)
able is older than the cael he deands% H&he Prophet said# HBuy it and gi(e it to hi# for the best
aong you are those $ho repay their debts handsoely% H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 4:5:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
I heard the Prophet saying# HEnce a an died and $as asked# '@hat did you use to say !or do" !in
your life tie"J' He replied# 'I $as a business)an and used to gi(e tie to the rich to repay his debt
and !used to" deduct part of the debt of the poor%' So he $as forgi(en !his sins%"H Abu Masud said# HI
heard the sae !Hadith" fro the Prophet%H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 4:::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an cae to the Prophet and deanded a cael !the Prophet o$ed hi"% Allah's Apostle told his
copanions to gi(e hi !a cael"% &hey said# H@e do not find e*cept an older cael !than $hat he
deands"% !&he Prophet ordered the to gi(e hi that cael"% &he an said# HKou ha(e paid e in
full and ay Allah also pay you in full%H Allah's Apostle said# HAi(e hi# for the best aongst the
people is he $ho repays his debts in the ost handsoe anner%H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 4:7:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue < ) 423 ? 0:66
&he Prophet o$ed a cael of a certain age to a an $ho cae to deand it back% &he Prophet
ordered his copanions to gi(e hi% &hey looked for a cael of the sae age but found nothing but
a cael one year older% &he Prophet told the to gi(e it to hi% &he an said# HKou ha(e paid e in
full# and ay Allah pay you in full%H &he Prophet said# H&he best aongst you is he $ho pays his debts
in the ost handsoe anner%H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 4:1:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
I $ent to the Prophet $hile he $as in the MosCue% !Mis'ar thinks# that /abir $ent in the forenoon%"
After the Prophet told e to pray t$o Rakat# he repayed e the debt he o$ed e and ga(e e an e*)
tra aount%
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 476:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
My father $as artyred on the day !of the battle" of Uhud# and he $as in debt% His creditors de)
anded their rights persistently% I $ent to the Prophet !and infored hi about it"% He told the to
take the fruits of y garden and e*ept y father fro the debts but they refused to do so% So# the
Prophet did not gi(e the y garden and told e that he $ould coe to e the ne*t orning% He
cae to us early in the orning and $andered aong the datepals and in(oked Allah to bless their
fruits% I then plucked the dates and paid the creditors# and there reained soe of the dates for us%
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 470:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
@hen y father died he o$ed a /e$ thirty A$suC !of dates"% I reCuested hi to gi(e e respite for
repaying but he refused% I reCuested Allah's Apostle to intercede $ith the /e$% Allah's Apostle $ent to
the /e$ and asked hi to accept the fruits of y trees in place of the debt but the /e$ refused% Allah's
Apostle entered the garden of the date)pals# $andering aong the trees and ordered e !saying"#
HPluck !the fruits" and gi(e hi his due%H So# I plucked the fruits for hi after the departure of Allah's
Apostle and ga(e his thirty A$suC# and still had se(enteen A$suC e*tra for yself% /abir said: I $ent
to Allah's Apostle to infor of $hat had happened# but found hi praying the 'Asr prayer% After the
prayer I told hi about the e*tra fruits $hich reained% Allah's Apostle told e to infor !Uar"
Ibn Al)Khatab about it% @hen I $ent to 'Uar and told hi about it# 'Uar said# H@hen Allah's
Apostle $alked in your garden# I $as sure that Allah $ould definitely bless it%H
=olue < ) 42< ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 473:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to in(oke Allah in the prayer saying# HE Allah# I seek refuge $ith you fro all
sins# and fro being in debt%H Soeone said# E Allah's ApostleI !I see you" (ery often you seek refuge
$ith Allah fro being in debt% He replied# HIf a person is in debt# he tells lies $hen he speaks# and
breaks his proises $hen he proises%H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 47<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIf soeone lea(es soe property# it $ill be for the inheritors# and if he lea(es
soe $eak offspring# it $ill be for us to support the%H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 472:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HI a closer to the belie(ers than their sel(es in this $orld and in the Hereafter#
and if you like# you can read Allah's Stateent: H&he Prophet is closer to the belie(ers than their o$n
sel(es%H !<<%5" So# if a true belie(er dies and lea(es behind soe property# it $ill be for his inheritors
!fro the father's side"# and if he lea(es behind soe debt to be paid or needy offspring# then they
should coe to e as I a the guardian of the deceased%H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 474:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HProcrastination !delay" in repaying debts by a $ealthy person is in.ustice%H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 475:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an cae to the Prophet and deanded his debts and used harsh $ords% &he copanions of the
Prophet $anted to har hi# but the Prophet said# H;ea(e hi# as the creditor !o$ner of the right"
has the right to speak%H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 47::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue < ) 422 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# HIf a an finds his (ery things $ith a bankrupt# he has ore right to take
the back than anyone else%H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 477:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
A an pledged that his sla(e $ould be anuitted after his death% &he Prophet asked# H@ho $ill
buy the sla(e fro eJH Do'ai bin 'Abdullah bought the sla(e and the Prophet took its price and
ga(e it to the o$ner%
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 471:
Darrated /abir:
@hen 'Abdullah !y father" died# he left behind children and debts% I asked the lenders to put
do$n soe of his debt# but they refused# so I $ent to the Prophet to intercede $ith the# yet they re)
fused% &he Prophet said !to e"# H9lassify your dates into their different kinds: 'AdhC bin Faid# ;ean
and 'A.$a# each kind alone and call all the creditors and $ait till I coe to you%H I did so and the
Prophet cae and sat beside the dates and started easuring to each his due till he paid the fully#
and the aount of dates reained as it $as before# as if he had not touched the%
!En another occasion" I took part in one of Aha-a$at aong $ith the Prophet and I $as riding
one of our caels% &he cael got tired and $as lagging behind the others% &he Prophet hit it on its
back% He said# HSell it to e# and you ha(e the right to ride it till Medina%'' @hen $e approached
Medina# I took the perission fro the Prophet to go to y house# saying# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e
ne$ly arried%H &he Prophet asked# HHa(e you arried a (irgin or a atron !a $ido$ or di(orcee"JH
I said# HI ha(e arried a atron# as 'Abdullah !y father" died and left behind daughters sall in
their ages# so I arried a atron $ho ay teach the and bring the up $ith good anners%H &he
Prophet then said !to e"# HAo to your faily%H @hen I $ent there and told y aternal uncle about
the selling of the cael# he adonished e for it% En that I told hi about its slo$ness and e*haus)
tion and about $hat the Prophet had done to the cael and his hitting it% @hen the Prophet arri(ed#
I $ent to hi $ith the cael in the orning and he ga(e e its price# the cael itself# and y share
fro the $ar booty as he ga(e the other people%
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 416:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
A an cae to the Prophet and said# HI a often betrayed in bargaining%H &he Prophet ad(ised hi#
H@hen you buy soething# say !to the seller"# 'Do deception%H &he an used to say so after$ards%
=olue < ) 424 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 410:
Darrated Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba:
&he Prophet said# HAllah has forbidden for you# !0" to be undutiful to your others# !3" to bury
your daughters ali(e# !<" to not to pay the rights of the others !e%g% charity# etc%" and !2" to beg of en
!begging"% And Allah has hated for you !0" (ain# useless talk# or that you talk too uch about others#
!3" to ask too any Cuestions# !in disputed religious atters" and !<" to $aste the $ealth !by e*tra)
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 413:
Darrated Abdullah bin 'Uar:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H+(eryone of you is a guardian# and responsible for $hat is in his
custody% &he ruler is a guardian of his sub.ects and responsible for theL a husband is a guardian of
his faily and is responsible for itL a lady is a guardian of her husband's house and is responsible for
it# and a ser(ant is a guardian of his aster's property and is responsible for it%H I heard that fro Al)
lah's Apostle and I think that the Prophet also said# HA an is a guardian of is father's property and is
responsible for it# so all of you are guardians and responsible for your $ards and things under your
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 41<:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
I heard a an reciting a (erse !of the Holy ,ur'an" but I had heard the Prophet reciting it differ)
ently% So# I caught hold of the an by the hand and took hi to Allah's Apostle $ho said# HBoth of you
are right%H Shu'ba# the sub)narrator said# HI think he said to the# H8on't differ# for the nations before
you differed and perished !because of their differences"% H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 412:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&$o persons# a Musli and a /e$# Cuarrelled% &he Musli said# HBy Hi @ho ga(e Muhaad
superiority o(er all the peopleI &he /e$ said# HBy Hi @ho ga(e Moses superiority o(er all the
peopleIH At that the Musli raised his hand and slapped the /e$ on the face% &he /e$ $ent to the
Prophet and infored hi of $hat had happened bet$een hi and the Musli% &he Prophet sent for
the Musli and asked hi about it% &he Musli infored hi of the e(ent% &he Prophet said# H8o not
gi(e e superiority o(er Moses# for on the 8ay of Resurrection all the people $ill fall unconscious
and I $ill be one of the# but I $ill% be the first to gain consciousness# and $ill see Moses standing
=olue < ) 425 ? 0:66
and holding the side of the &hrone !of Allah"% I $ill not kno$ $hether !Moses" has also fallen un)
conscious and got up before e# or Allah has e*epted hi fro that stroke%H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 414:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
@hile Allah's Apostle $as sitting# a /e$ cae and said# HE Abul ,asiI Ene of your copanions
has slapped e on y face%H &he Prophet asked $ho that $as% He replied that he $as one of the An)
sar% &he Prophet sent for hi# and on his arri(al# he asked hi $hether he had beaten the /e$% He
!replied in the affirati(e and" said# HI heard hi taking an oath in the arket saying# 'By Hi @ho
ga(e Moses superiority o(er all the huan beings%' I said# 'E $icked anI !Has Allah gi(en Moses
superiority" e(en o(er Muhaad I becae furious
and slapped hi o(er his face%H &he Prophet said# H8o not gi(e a prophet superiority o(er another#
for on the 8ay of Resurrection all the people $ill fall unconscious and I $ill be the first to eerge
fro the earth# and $ill see Moses standing and holding one of the legs of the &hrone% I $ill not
kno$ $hether Moses has fallen unconscious or the first unconsciousness $as sufficient for hi%H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 415:
Darrated Anas:
A /e$ crushed the head of a girl bet$een t$o stones% &he girl $as asked $ho had crushed her
head# and soe naes $ere entioned before her# and $hen the nae of the /e$ $as entioned#
she nodded agreeing% &he /e$ $as captured and $hen he confessed# the Prophet ordered that his
head be crushed bet$een t$o stones%
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 41::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
A an $as often cheated in buying% &he Prophet said to hi# H@hen you buy soething# say !to
the seller"# Do cheating%H &he an used to say so thencefor$ard %
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 417:
Darrated /abir: A an anuitted a sla(e and he had no other property than that# so the Prophet
cancelled the anuission !and sold the sla(e for hi"% Do'ai bin Al)Dahha bought the sla(e
fro hi%
=olue < ) 42: ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 411:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er takes a false oath so as to take the property of a Musli !illegally"
$ill eet Allah $hile He $ill be angry $ith hi%H Al)Ash'ath said: By Allah# that saying concerned
e% I had coon land $ith a /e$# and the /e$ later on denied y o$nership# so I took hi to the
Prophet $ho asked e $hether I had a proof of y o$nership% @hen I replied in the negati(e# the
Prophet asked the /e$ to take an oath% I said# HE Allah's ApostleI He $ill take an oath and depri(e e
of y property%H So# Allah re(ealed the follo$ing (erse: H=erilyI &hose $ho purchase a little gain at
the cost of Allah's co(enant and their oaths%H !<%::"
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 566:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Ka'b bin Malik:
Ka'b deanded his debt back fro Ibn Abi Hadrad in the MosCue and their (oices gre$ louder till
Allah's Apostle heard the $hile he $as in his house% He cae out to the raising the curtain of his
roo and addressed Ka'b# HE Ka'bIH Ka'b replied# H;abaik# E Allah's Apostle%H !He said to hi"# HReduce
your debt to one half#H gesturing $ith his hand% Kab said# HI ha(e done so# E Allah's ApostleIH En that
the Prophet said to Ibn Abi Hadrad# HAet up and repay the debt# to hi%H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 560:
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khattab:
I heard Hisha bin Haki bin Hi-a reciting Surat)al)BurCan in a $ay different to that of ine%
Allah's Apostle had taught it to e !in a different $ay"% So# I $as about to Cuarrel $ith hi !during
the prayer" but I $aited till he finished# then I tied his garent round his neck and sei-ed hi by it
and brought hi to Allah's Apostle and said# HI ha(e heard hi reciting Surat)al)BurCan in a $ay
different to the $ay you taught it to e%H &he Prophet ordered e to release hi and asked Hisha
to recite it% @hen he recited it# Allah s Apostle said# HIt $as re(ealed in this $ay%H He then asked e to
recite it% @hen I recited it# he said# HIt $as re(ealed in this $ay% &he ,ur'an has been re(ealed in se()
en different $ays# so recite it in the $ay that is easier for you%H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 563:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HDo doubt# I intended to order soebody to pronounce the ICaa of the !co)
pulsory congregational" prayer and then I $ould go to the houses of those $ho do not attend the
prayer and burn their houses o(er the%H
=olue < ) 427 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 56<:
Darrated Aisha:
Abu bin Fa'a and Sad bin Abi @aCCas carried the case of their clai of the !o$nership" of the
son of a sla(e)Cirl of Fa'a before the Prophet% Sad said# HE Allah's ApostleI My brother# before his
death# told e that $hen I $ould return !to Mecca"# I should search for the son of the sla(e)girl of
Fa'a and take hi into y custody as he $as his son%H 'Abu bin Fa'a said# 'the is y brother and
the son of the sla(e)girl of y father# and $as born or y father's bed%H &he Prophet noticed a re)
seblance bet$een Utba and the boy but he said# HE 'Abu bin Fa'aI Kou $ill get this boy# as the son
goes to the o$ner of the bed% Kou# Sauda# screen yourself fro the boy%H
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 562:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle sent horseen to Da.d and they arrested and brought a an called &huaa bin
Uthal# the chief of Kaaa# and they fastened hi to one of the pillars of the MosCue% @hen Allah's
Apostle cae up to hiL he asked# H@hat ha(e you to say# E &huaaJH He replied# HI ha(e good
ne$s# E MuhaadIH Abu Huraira narrated the $hole narration $hich ended $ith the order of the
Prophet HRelease hiIH
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 564:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet sent soe horseen to Da.d and they arrested and brought a an called &huaa
bin Uthal fro the tribe of Bani Hanifa# and they fastened hi to one of the pillars of the MosCue%
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 565:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Ka'b bin Malik Al)Ansari fro Ka'b bin Malik:
&hat 'Abdullah bin Abi Hadrad Al)Aslai o$ed hi soe debt% Ka'b et hi and caught hold of
hi and they started talking and their (oices gre$ loudest% &he Prophet passed by the and ad)
dressed Ka'b# pointing out to hi to reduce the debt to one half% So# Ka'b got one half of the debt and
e*epted the debtor fro the other half%
=olue <# Book 20# Duber 56::
Darrated Khabbab:
I $as a blacksith In the Pre)lslaic period of ignorance# and 'Asi bin @ail o$ed e soe
oney% I $ent to hi to deand it# but he said to e# HI $ill not pay you unless you re.ect faith in
=olue < ) 421 ? 0:66
Muhaad%H I replied# HBy Allah# I $ill ne(er disbelie(e Muhaad till Allah let you die and then
resurrect you%H He said# H&hen $ait till I die and coe to life again# for then I $ill be gi(en property
and offspring and $ill pay your right%H So# thus re(elation cae: HHa(e you seen hi $ho disbelie(ed
in Eur signs and yet says# 'I $ill be gi(en property and offspringJ' H !01%::"
=olue < ) 446 ? 0:66
Book 23: ;ost &hings Picked up by Soeone
=olue <# Book 23# Duber 567:
Darrated Ubai bin Ka'b:
I found a purse containing one hundred 8iners% So I $ent to the Prophet !and infored hi about
it"# he said# HMake public announceent about it for one yearH I did so# but nobody turned up to
clai it# so I again $ent to the Prophet $ho said# HMake public announceent for another year%H I
did# but none turned up to clai it% I $ent to hi for the third tie and he said# HKeep the container
and the string $hich is used for its tying and count the oney it contains and if its o$ner coes#
gi(e it to hiL other$ise# utili-e it%H
&he sub)narrator Salaa said# HI et hi !Su$aid# another sub)narrator" in Mecca and he said# 'I
don't kno$ $hether Ubai ade the announceent for three years or .ust one year%' H
=olue <# Book 23# Duber 561:
Darrated Faid bin Khalid Al)/uhani:
A bedouin $ent to the Prophet and asked hi about picking up a lost thing% &he Prophet said#
HMake public announceent about it for one year% Reeber the description of its container and the
string $ith $hich it is tiedL and if soebody coes and clais it and describes it correctly# !gi(e it to
hi"L other$ise# utili-e it%H He said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat about a lost sheepJH &he Prophet said# HIt
is for you# for your brother !i%e% its o$ner"# or for the $olf%H He further asked# H@hat about a lost
caelJH En that the face of the Prophet becae red !$ith anger" and said# HKou ha(e nothing to do
$ith it# as it has its feet# its $ater reser(e and can reach places of $ater and drink# and eat trees%H
=olue <# Book 23# Duber 506:
Darrated Sulaian bin Bilal fro Kahya:
Ka-id Maula Al)Munba'ith heard Faid bin Khalid al)/uha saying# H&he Prophet $as asked about
;uCata% He said# 'Reeber the description of its container and the string it is tied $ith# and an)
nounce it publicly for one year%' H Ka-id added# HIf nobody clais then the person $ho has found it
can spend it# and it is regarded as a trust entrusted to hi%H Kahya said# HI do not kno$ $hether the
last sentences $ere said by the Prophet or by Ka-id%H Faid further said# H&he Prophet $as asked#
'@hat about a lost sheepJ' &he Prophet said# '&ake it# for it is for you or for your brother !i%e% its o$n)
er" or for the $olf%H Ka-id added that it should also be announced publicly% &he an then asked the
=olue < ) 440 ? 0:66
Prophet about a lost cael% &he Prophet said# H;ea(e it# as it has its feet# $ater container !reser(oir"#
and it $ill reach a place of $ater and eat trees till its o$ner finds it%H
=olue <# Book 23# Duber 500:
Darrated Faid bin Khalid:
A an cae and asked Allah's Apostle about picking a lost thing% &he Prophet said# HReeber the
description of its container and the string it is tied $ith# and ake public announceent about it for
one year% If the o$ner sho$s up# gi(e it to hiL other$ise# do $hate(er you like $ith it%H He then
asked# H@hat about a lost sheepJH &he Prophet said# HIt is for you# for your brother !i%e% its o$ner"# or
for the $olf%H He further asked# H@hat about a lost caelJH &he Prophet said# HIt is none of your con)
cern% It has its $ater)container !reser(oir" and its feet# and it $ill reach $ater and drink it and eat
the trees till its o$ner finds it%H
=olue <# Book 23# Duber 503:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet passed a date fallen on the $ay and said# H@ere I not afraid that it ay be fro a
SadaCa !charitable gifts"# I $ould ha(e eaten it%H
Darrated Abu Huraira: &he Prophet said# HSoeties $hen I return hoe and find a date fallen on
y bed# I pick it up in order to eat it# but I fear that it ight be fro a SadaCa# so I thro$ it%H
=olue <# Book 23# Duber 50<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hen Allah ga(e (ictory to His Apostle o(er the people of Mecca# Allah's Apostle stood up aong
the people and after glorifying Allah# said# HAllah has prohibited fighting in Mecca and has gi(en au)
thority to His Apostle and the belie(ers o(er it# so fighting $as illegal for anyone before e# and $as
ade legal for e for a part of a day# and it $ill not be legal for anyone after e% Its gae should not
be chased# its thorny bushes should not be uprooted# and picking up its fallen things is not allo$ed
e*cept for one $ho akes public announceent for it# and he $hose relati(e is urdered has the
option either to accept a copensation for it or to retaliate%H Al)'Abbas said# H+*cept Al)ldhkhir# for
$e use it in our gra(es and houses%H Allah's Apostle said# H+*cept Al)ldhkhir%H Abu Shah# a Keenite#
stood up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Aet it $ritten for e%H Allah's Apostle said# H@rite it for Abu
Shah%H !&he sub)narrator asked Al)Au-a'i": @hat did he ean by saying# HAet it $ritten# E Allah's
ApostleJH He replied# H&he speech $hich he had heard fro Allah's Apostle %H
=olue < ) 443 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 23# Duber 502:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HAn anial should not be ilked $ithout the perission of its o$ner% 8oes
any of you like that soebody coes to his store and breaks his container and takes a$ay his foodJ
&he udders of the anials are the stores of their o$ners $here their pro(ision is kept# so nobody
should ilk the anials of soebody else# $ithout the perission of its o$ner%H
=olue <# Book 23# Duber 504:
Darrated Faid bin Khalid Al)/uhani:
A an asked Allah's Apostle about the ;uCata% He said# HMake public announceent of it for one
year# then reeber the description of its container and the string it is tied $ith# utili-e the oney#
and if its o$ner coes back after that# gi(e it to hi%H &he people asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat
about a lost sheepJH Allah's Apostle said# H&ake it# for it is for you# for your brother# or for the $olf%H
&he an asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat about a lost caelJH Allah's Apostle got angry and his
cheeks or face becae red# and said# HKou ha(e no concern $ith it as it has its feet# and its $ater)
container# till its o$ner finds it%H
=olue <# Book 23# Duber 505:
Darrated Su$aid bin Ahafala:
@hile I as in the copany of Salan bin Rabi'a and Suhan# in one of the holy battles# I found a
$hip% Ene of the told e to drop it but I refused to do so and said that I $ould gi(e it to its o$ner
if I found hi# other$ise I $ould utili-e it% En our return $e perfored Ha.. and on passing by
Medina# I asked Ubai bin Ka'b about it% He said# HI found a bag containing a hundred 8inars in the
lifetie of the Prophet and took it to the Prophet $ho said to e# 'Make public announceent about
it for one year%' So# I announced it for one year and $ent to the Prophet $ho said# 'Announce it pub)
licly for another year%' So# I announced it for another year% I $ent to hi again and he said# HAn)
nounce for an other year%H So I announced for still another year% I $ent to the Prophet for the fourth
tie# and he said# 'Reeber the aount of oney# the description of its container and the string it
is tied $ith# and if the o$ner coes# gi(e it to hiL other$ise# utili-e it%' H
=olue <# Book 23# Duber 50::
Darrated Salaa:
the abo(e narration !Hadith 505" fro Ubai bin Ka'b: adding# HI et the sub)narrator at Mecca
later on# but he did not reeber $hether Ka'b had announced $hat he had found one year or
three years%H
=olue < ) 44< ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 23# Duber 507:
Darrated Faid bin Khalid:
A bedouin asked the Prophet about the ;uCata% &he Prophet said# HMake public announceent
about it for one year and if then soebody coes and describes the container of the ;uCata and the
string it $as tied $ith# !gi(e it to hi"L other$ise# spend it%H He then asked the Prophet about a lost
cael% &he face of the Prophet becoe red and he said# HKou ha(e o concern $ith it as it has its $ater
reser(oir and feet and it $ill reach $ater and drink and eat trees% ;ea(e it till its o$ner finds it%H He
then asked the Prophet about a lost sheep% &he Prophet said# HIt is for you# for your brother# or for the
=olue <# Book 23# Duber 501:
Darrated Abu Bakr:
@hile I $as on y $ay# all of a sudden I sa$ a shepherd dri(ing his sheep# I asked hi $hose
ser(ant he $as% He replied that he $as the ser(ant of a an fro ,uraish# and then he entioned
his nae and I recogni-ed hi% I asked# H8o your sheep ha(e soe ilkJH He replied in the affirat)
i(e% I said# HAre you going to ilk for eJH He replied in the affirati(e% I ordered hi and he tied the
legs of one of the sheep% &hen I told hi to clean the udder !teats" of dust and to reo(e dust off his
hands% He reo(ed the dust off his hands by clapping his hands% He then ilked a little ilk% I put
the ilk for Allah's Apostle in a pot and closed its outh $ith a piece of cloth and poured $ater o(er
it till it becae cold% I took it to the Prophet and said# H8rink# E Allah's ApostleIH He drank it till I $as
=olue < ) 442 ? 0:66
Book 2<: Eppressions
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 536:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen the belie(ers pass safely o(er !the bridge across" Hell# they $ill be
stopped at a bridge in bet$een Hell and Paradise $here they $ill retaliate upon each other for the
in.ustices done aong the in the $orld# and $hen they get purified of all their sins# they $ill be
aditted into Paradise% By Hi in @hose Hands the life of Muhaad is e(erybody $ill recogni-e
his d$elling in Paradise better than he recogni-es his d$elling in this $orld%H
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 530:
Darrated Saf$an bin Muhri- Ala-ini:
@hile I $as $alking $ith Ibn 'Uar holding his hand# a an cae in front of us and asked#
H@hat ha(e you heard fro Allah's Apostle about An)Da.$aJH Ibn 'Uar said# HI heard Allah's
Apostle saying# 'Allah $ill bring a belie(er near Hi and shelter hi $ith His Screen and ask hi:
8id you coit such)and)such sinsJ He $ill say: Kes# y ;ord% Allah $ill keep on asking hi till he
$ill confess all his sins and $ill think that he is ruined% Allah $ill say: 'I did screen your sins in the
$orld and I forgi(e the for you today'# and then he $ill be gi(en the book of his good deeds% Re)
garding infidels and hypocrites !their e(il acts $ill be e*posed publicly" and the $itnesses $ill say:
&hese are the people $ho lied against their ;ord% BeholdI &he 9urse of Allah is upon the $rongdo)
ers%H !00%07"
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 533:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HA Musli is a brother of another Musli# so he should not oppress hi# nor
should he hand hi o(er to an oppressor% @hoe(er fulfilled the needs of his brother# Allah $ill ful)
fill his needsL $hoe(er brought his !Musli" brother out of a discofort# Allah $ill bring hi out of
the discoforts of the 8ay of Resurrection# and $hoe(er screened a Musli# Allah $ill screen hi
on the 8ay of Resurrection % H
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 53<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# HHelp your brother# $hether he is an oppressor or he is an oppressed one%H
=olue < ) 444 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 532:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle said# HHelp your brother# $hether he is an oppressor or he is an oppressed one%
People asked# HE Allah's ApostleI It is all right to help hi if he is oppressed# but ho$ should $e help
hi if he is an oppressorJH &he Prophet said# HBy pre(enting hi fro oppressing others%H
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 534:
Darrated Mua$iya bin Su$ald:
I heard Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib saying# H&he Prophet orders us to do se(en things and prohibited us fro
doing se(en other things%H &hen Al)Bara' entioned the follo$ing:))
!0" &o pay a (isit to the sick !inCuiring about his health"#
!3" to follo$ funeral processions#
!<" to say to a snee-er# HMay Allah be erciful to youH !if he says# HPraise be to AllahIH"#
!2" to return greetings#
!4" to help the oppressed#
!5" to accept in(itations#
!:" to help others to fulfill their oaths% !See Hadith Do% :4<# =ol% :"
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 535:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# HA belie(er to another belie(er is like a building $hose different parts enforce
each other%H &he Prophet then clasped his hands $ith the fingers interlaced !$hile saying that"%
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 53::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HEppression $ill be a darkness on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 537:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet sent Mu'adh to Keen and said# HBe afraid# fro the curse of the oppressed as there is
no screen bet$een his in(ocation and Allah%H
=olue < ) 445 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 531:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er has oppressed another person concerning his reputation or any)
thing else# he should beg hi to forgi(e hi before the 8ay of Resurrection $hen there $ill be no
oney !to copensate for $rong deeds"# but if he has good deeds# those good deeds $ill be taken
fro hi according to his oppression $hich he has done# and if he has no good deeds# the sins of the
oppressed person $ill be loaded on hi%H
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 5<6:
Darrated Aisha:
Regarding the e*planation of the follo$ing (erse:)) HIf a $ife fears 9ruelty or desertion En her
husband's part%H !2%037" A an ay dislike his $ife and intend to di(orce her# so she says to hi# HI
gi(e up y rights# so do not di(orce e%H &he abo(e (erse $as re(ealed concerning such a case%
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 5<0:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad As)Sa'idi:
A drink !ilk i*ed $ith $ater" $as brought to Allah's Apostle $ho drank soe of it% A boy $as
sitting to his right# and soe old en to his left% Allah's Apostle said to the boy# H8o you allo$ e to
gi(e the rest of the drink to these peopleJH &he boy said# HE Allah's ApostleI I $ill not gi(e preference
to anyone o(er e to drink the rest of it fro $hich you ha(e drunk%H Allah's Apostle then handed
the bo$l !of drink" to the boy% !See Hadith Do% 420"%
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 5<3:
Darrated Said bin Faid:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er usurps the land of soebody un.ustly# his neck $ill be encircled
$ith it do$n the se(en earths !on the 8ay of Resurrection"% H
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 5<<:
Darrated Abu Salaa:
&hat there $as a dispute bet$een hi and soe people !about a piece of land"% @hen he told
'Aisha about it# she said# HE Abu SalaaI A(oid taking the land un.ustly# for the Prophet said# '@ho)
e(er usurps e(en one span of the land of soebody# his neck $ill be encircled $ith it do$n the se(en
=olue < ) 44: ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 5<2:
Darrated Sali's father !i%e% 'Abdullah":
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er takes a piece of the land of others un.ustly# he $ill sink do$n the se()
en earths on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 5<4:
Darrated /abala:
H@e $ere in Medina $ith soe of the IraCi people# and $e $ere struck $ith faine and Ibn A-)
Fubair used to gi(e us dates% Ibn 'Uar used to pass by and say# H&he Prophet forbade us to eat t$o
dates at a tie# unless one takes the perission of one's copanions%H
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 5<5:
Darrated Abu Mas'ud:
&here $as an Ansari an called Abu Shu'aib $ho had a sla(e butcher% Abu Shu'aib said to hi#
HPrepare a eal sufficient for fi(e persons so that I ight in(ite the Prophet besides other four per)
sons%H Abu Shu'aib had seen the signs of hunger on the face of the Prophet and so he in(ited hi% An)
other an $ho $as not in(ited# follo$ed the Prophet% &he Prophet said to Abu Shu'aib# H&his an has
follo$ed us% 8o you allo$ hi to share the ealJH Abu Shu'aib said# HKes%H
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 5<::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# H&he ost hated person in the sight of Allah is the ost Cuarrelsoe person%H
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 5<7:
Darrated U Salaa:
!the $ife of the Prophet" Allah's Apostle heard soe people Cuarreling at the door of his d$elling%
He cae out and said# HI a only a huan being# and opponents coe to e !to settle their prob)
les"L aybe soeone aongst you can present his case ore eloCuently than the other# $hereby I
ay consider hi true and gi(e a (erdict in his fa(or% So# If I gi(e the right of a Musli to another by
istake# then it is really a portion of !Hell" Bire# he has the option to take or gi(e up !before the 8ay
of Resurrection"%H
=olue < ) 447 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 5<1:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er has !the follo$ing" four characters $ill be a hypocrite# and $hoe(er
has one of the follo$ing four characteristics $ill ha(e one characteristic of hypocrisy until he gi(es
it up% &hese are: !0 " @hene(er he talks# he tells a lieL !3" $hene(er he akes a proise# he breaks itL
!<" $hene(er he akes a co(enant he pro(es treacherousL !2" and $hene(er he Cuarrels# he beha(es
ipudently in an e(il insulting anner%H !See Hadith Do% << =ol% 0"
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 526:
Darrated Aisha:
Hind bint 'Utba !Abu Sufyan's $ife" cae and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Abu Sufyan is a iser% Is
there any har if I spend soething fro his property for our childrenJH He said# there is no har
for you if you feed the fro it .ustly and reasonably !$ith no e*tra(agance"%H
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 520:
Darrated 'UCba bin 'Air:
@e staid to the Prophet# HKou send us out and it happens that $e ha(e to stay $ith such people as
do not entertain us% @hat do you think about itJ He said to us# HIf you stay $ith soe people and they
entertain you as they should for a guest# accept their hospitality# but If they don't do# take the right of
the guest fro the%H
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 523:
Darrated 'Uar:
@hen Allah took a$ay the soul of His Prophet at his death# the Ansar assebled In the shed of
Bani Sa'ida% I said to Abu Bakr# H;et us go%H So# $e coe to the !i%e% to Ansar" at the shed of Bani
Sa'ida% !See Hadith Do% 01# =ol% 4 for details"
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 52<:
Darrated Al)Ara.:
Abu Huraira said# HAllah's Apostle said# 'Do)one should pre(ent his neighbor fro fi*ing a $ooden
peg in his $all%H Abu Huraira said !to his copanions"# H@hy do I find you a(erse to itJ By Allah# I
certainly $ill narrate it to you%H
=olue < ) 441 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 522:
Darrated Anas:
I $as the butler of the people in the house of Abu &alha# and in those days drinks $ere prepared
fro dates% Allah's Apostle ordered soebody to announce that alcoholic drinks had been prohibited%
Abu &alha ordered e to go out and spill the $ine% I $ent out and spilled it# and it flo$ed in the
streets of Medina% Soe people said# HSoe people $ere killed and $ine $as still in their stoachs%H
En that the 8i(ine re(elation cae:)) HEn those $ho belie(e And do good deeds &here is no blae
Bor $hat they ate !in the past"%H !4%1<"
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 524:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# HBe$areI A(oid sitting on he roads !$ays"%H &he people said# H&here is no $ay out
of it as these are our sitting places $here $e ha(e talks%H &he Prophet said# HIf you ust sit there# then
obser(e the rights of the $ay%H &hey asked# H@hat are the rights of the $ayJH He said# H&hey are the
lo$ering of your ga-es !on seeing $hat is illegal to look at"# refraining fro haring people# return)
ing greetings# ad(ocating good and forbidding e(il%H
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 525:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HA an felt (ery thirsty $hile he $as on the $ay# there he cae across a $ell% He
$ent do$n the $ell# Cuenched his thirst and cae out% Mean$hile he sa$ a dog panting and licking
ud because of e*cessi(e thirst% He said to hiself# H&his dog is suffering fro thirst as I did%H So# he
$ent do$n the $ell again and filled his shoe $ith $ater and $atered it% Allah thanked hi for that
deed and forga(e hi% &he people said# HE Allah's ApostleI Is there a re$ard for us in ser(ing the an)
ialsJH He replied: HKes# there is a re$ard for ser(ing any aniate !li(ing being"%H !See Hadith Do%
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 52::
Darrated Usaa bin Faid:
Ence the Prophet stood at the top of one of the castles !or higher buildings" of Medina and said#
H8o you see $hat I seeJ Do doubt I a seeing the spots of afflictions aongst your houses as nuer)
ous as the spots $here rain)drops fall !during a hea(y rain"% !See Hadith Do% 063"
=olue < ) 456 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 527:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
I had been eager to ask 'Uar about the t$o ladies fro aong the $i(es of the Prophet regarding
$ho Allah said !in the ,ur'an saying": If you t$o !$i(es of the Prophet naely Aisha and Hafsa"
turn in repentance to Allah your hearts are indeed so inclined !to oppose $hat the Prophet likes"
!55%2"# till perfored the Ha.. along $ith 'Uar !and on our $ay back fro Ha.." he $ent aside !to
ans$er the call of nature" and I also $ent aside along $ith hi carrying a tubler of $ater% @hen
he had ans$ered the call of nature and returned% I poured $ater on his hands fro the tubler and
he perfored ablution% I said# HE 9hief of the belie(ersI ' @ho $ere the t$o ladies fro aong the
$i(es of the Prophet to $ho Allah said:
'If you t$o return in repentance !55%2"J He said# HI a astonished at your Cuestion# E Ibn 'Abbas%
&hey $ere Aisha and Hafsa%H
&hen 'Uar $ent on relating the narration and said% HI and an Ansari neighbor of ine fro Bani
Uaiya bin Faid $ho used to li(e in 'A$ali Al)Medina# used to (isit the Prophet in turns% He used to
go one day# and I another day% @hen I $ent I $ould bring hi the ne$s of $hat had happened that
day regarding the instructions and orders and $hen he $ent# he used to do the sae for e% @e# the
people of ,uraish# used to ha(e authority o(er $oen# but $hen $e cae to li(e $ith the Ansar# $e
noticed that the Ansari $oen had the upper hand o(er their en# so our $oen started acCuiring
the habits of the Ansari $oen% Ence I shouted at y $ife and she paid e back in y coin and I
disliked that she should ans$er e back% She said# '@hy do you take it ill that I retort upon youJ By
Allah# the $i(es of the Prophet retort upon hi# and soe of the ay not speak $ith hi for the
$hole day till night%' @hat she said scared e and I said to her# '@hoe(er aongst the does so# $ill
be a great loser%' &hen I dressed yself and $ent to Hafsa and asked her# '8oes any of you keep Al )
lah's Apostle angry all the day long till nightJ' She replied in the affirati(e% I said# 'She is a ruined
losing person !and $ill ne(er ha(e success"I 8oesn't she fear that Allah ay get angry for the anger
of Allah's Apostle and thus she $ill be ruinedJ 8on't ask Allah's Apostle too any things# and don't
retort upon hi in any case# and don't desert hi% 8eand fro e $hate(er you like# and don't be
tepted to iitate your neighbor !i%e% 'Aisha" in her beha(ior to$ards the Prophet"# for she !i%e%
Aisha" is ore beautiful than you# and ore belo(ed to Allah's Apostle%
In those days it $as ruored that Ahassan# !a tribe li(ing in Sha" $as getting prepared their
horses to in(ade us% My copanion $ent !to the Prophet on the day of his turn# $ent and returned to
us at night and knocked at y door (iolently# asking $hether I $as sleeping% I $as scared !by the
hard knocking" and cae out to hi% He said that a great thing had happened% I asked hi: @hat is
itJ Ha(e Ahassan coeJ He replied that it $as $orse and ore serious than that# and added that Al)
lah's Apostle had di(orced all his $i(es% I said# Hafsa is a ruined loserI I e*pected that $ould happen
soe day%' So I dressed yself and offered the Ba.r prayer $ith the Prophet% &hen the Prophet entered
an upper roo and stayed there alone% I $ent to Hafsa and found her $eeping% I asked her# '@hy are
=olue < ) 450 ? 0:66
you $eepingJ 8idn't I $arn youJ Ha(e Allah's Apostle di(orced you allJ' She replied# 'I don't kno$%
He is there in the upper roo%' I then $ent out and cae to the pulpit and found a group of people
around it and soe of the $ere $eeping% &hen I sat $ith the for soe tie# but could not endure
the situation% So I $ent to the upper roo $here the Prophet $as and reCuested to a black sla(e of
his: H@ill you get the perission of !Allah's Apostle" for Uar !to enter"J &he sla(e $ent in# talked to
the Prophet about it and cae out saying# 'I entioned you to hi but he did not reply%' So# I $ent
and sat $ith the people $ho $ere sitting by the pulpit# but I could not bear the situation# so I $ent to
the sla(e again and said: H@ill you get he perission for UarJ He $ent in and brought the sae
reply as before% @hen I $as lea(ing# behold# the sla(e called e saying# HAllah's Apostle has granted
you perission%H So# I entered upon the Prophet and sa$ hi lying on a at $ithout $edding on it#
and the at had left its ark on the body of the Prophet# and he $as leaning on a leather pillo$
stuffed $ith pal fires% I greeted hi and $hile still standing# I said: HHa(e you di(orced your $i(esJ'
He raised his eyes to e and replied in the negati(e% And then $hile still standing# I said chatting:
H@ill you heed $hat I say# 'E Allah's ApostleI @e# the people of ,uraish used to ha(e the upper hand
o(er our $oen !$i(es"# and $hen $e cae to the people $hose $oen had the upper hand o(er
'Uar told the $hole story !about his $ife"% HEn that the Prophet siled%H 'Uar further said# HI
then said# 'I $ent to Hafsa and said to her: 8o not be tepted to iitate your copanion !'Aisha" for
she is ore beautiful than you and ore belo(ed to the Prophet%' &he Prophet siled again% @hen I
sa$ hi siling# I sat do$n and cast a glance at the roo# and by Allah# I couldn't see anything of
iportance but three hides% I said !to Allah's Apostle" HIn(oke Allah to ake your follo$ers prosper)
ous for the Persians and the By-antines ha(e been ade prosperous and gi(en $orldly lu*uries#
though they do not $orship AllahJ' &he Prophet $as leaning then !and on hearing y speech he sat
straight" and said# 'E Ibn Al)KhatttabI 8o you ha(e any doubt !that the Hereafter is better than this
$orld"J &hese people ha(e been gi(en re$ards of their good deeds in this $orld only%' I asked the
Prophet % 'Please ask Allah's forgi(eness for e% &he Prophet did not go to his $i(es because of the
secret $hich Hafsa had disclosed to 'Aisha# and he said that he $ould not go to his $i(es for one
onth as he $as angry $ith the $hen Allah adonished hi !for his oath that he $ould not ap)
proach Maria"% @hen t$enty)nine days had passed# the Prophet $ent to Aisha first of all% She said to
hi# 'Kou took an oath that you $ould not coe to us for one onth# and today only t$enty)nine
days ha(e passed# as I ha(e been counting the day by day%' &he Prophet said# '&he onth is also of
t$enty)nine days%' &hat onth consisted of t$enty)nine days% 'Aisha said# '@hen the 8i(ine re(ela)
tion of 9hoice $as re(ealed# the Prophet started $ith e# saying to e# 'I a telling you soething#
but you needn't hurry to gi(e the reply till you can consult your parents%H 'Aisha kne$ that her par)
ents $ould not ad(ise her to part $ith the Prophet % &he Prophet said that Allah had said:))
'E ProphetI Say &o your $i(esL If you desire &he life of this $orld And its glitter# %%% then coeI I
$ill ake a pro(ision for you and set you free In a handsoe anner% But if you seek Allah And His
Apostle# and &he Hoe of the Hereafter# then =erily# Allah has prepared Bor the good)doers aongst
you A great re$ard%' !<<%37" 'Aisha said# 'A I to consult y parents about thisJ I indeed prefer Al)
=olue < ) 453 ? 0:66
lah# His Apostle# and the Hoe of the Hereafter%' After that the Prophet ga(e the choice to his other
$i(es and they also ga(e the sae reply as 'Aisha did%H
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 521:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle took an oath that he $ould not go to his $i(es for one onth as his foot had been
sprained% He stayed in an upper roo $hen 'Uar $ent to hi and said# HHa(e you di(orced your
$i(esJH He said# HDo# but I ha(e taken an oath that I $ould not go to the for one onth%H &he
Prophet stayed there for t$enty)nine days# and then cae do$n and $ent to his $i(es%
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 546:
Darrated /abir:
&he Prophet entered the MosCue# and I too $ent there after tying the cael at the pa(eent of the
MosCue% I said !to the Prophet "# H&his is your cael%H He cae out and started e*aining the cael
and said# HBoth the cael and its price are for you%H
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 540:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
I sa$ Allah's Apostle coing !or the Prophet cae" to the dups of soe people and urinated
there $hile standing %
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 543:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hile a an $as on the $ay# he found a thorny branch of a tree there on the
$ay and reo(ed it% Allah thanked hi for that deed and forga(e hi%H
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 54<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet .udged that se(en cubits should be left as a public $ay $hen there $as a dispute
about the land%
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 542:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Ka-id Al)Ansari:
=olue < ) 45< ? 0:66
&he Prophet forbade robbery !taking a$ay $hat belongs to others $ithout their perission"# and
also forbade utilation !or aiing" of bodies%
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 544:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hen an adulterer coits illegal se*ual intercourse# then he is not a belie(er
at the tie# he is doing it# and $hen a drinker of an alcoholic liCuor drinks it# then he is not a belie()
er at the tie of drinking it# and $hen a thief steals# then he is not a belie(er at the tie of stealing#
and $hen a robber robs# and the people look at hi# then he is not a belie(er at the tie of doing
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 545:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he Hour $ill not be established until the son of Mary !i%e% /esus" descends
aongst you as a .ust ruler# he $ill break the cross# kill the pigs# and abolish the /i-ya ta*% Money
$ill be in abundance so that nobody $ill accept it !as charitable gifts"%
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 54::
Darrated Salaa bin Al)Ak$a:
En the day of Khaibar the Prophet sa$ fires being lighted% He asked# H@hy are these fires being
lightedJH &he people replied that they $ere cooking the eat of donkeys% He said# HBreak the pots and
thro$ a$ay their contents%H &he people said# HShall $e thro$ a$ay their contents and $ash the pots
!rather than break the"JH He said# H@ash the%H
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 547:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Masud:
&he Prophet entered Mecca and !at that tie" there $ere three hundred)and)si*ty idols around
the Ka'ba% He started stabbing the idols $ith a stick he had in his hand and reciting: H&ruth !Isla"
has coe and Balsehood !disbelief" has (anished%H
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 541:
Darrated Al),asi:
=olue < ) 452 ? 0:66
Aisha said that she hung a curtain decorated $ith pictures !of aniates" on a cupboard% &he
Prophet tore that curtain and she turned it into t$o cushions $hich reained in the house for the
Prophet to sit on%
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 556:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar bin Al)'As:
I heard the Prophet saying# H@hoe(er is killed $hile protecting his property then he is a artyr%H
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 550:
Darrated Anas:
@hile the Prophet $as $ith one of his $i(es# one of the others of the belie(ers !i%e% one of his
$i(es" sent a $ooden bo$l containing food $ith a ser(ant% &he $ife !in $hose house he $as sitting"
stroke the bo$l $ith her hand and broke it% &he Prophet collected the shattered pieces and put the
food back in it and said# H+at%H He kept the ser(ant and the bo$l till he had eaten the food% &hen the
Prophet ga(e another unbroken% bo$l to the ser(ant and kept the broken one%
=olue <# Book 2<# Duber 553:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here $as an Israeli an called /urai.# $hile he $as praying# his other
cae and called hi# but he did not respond to her call% He said !to hiself" $hether he should con)
tinue the prayer or reply to his other% She cae to hi the second tie and called hi and said# HE
AllahI 8o not let hi die until he sees the faces of prostitutes%H /urai. used to li(e in a heritage% A
$oan said that she $ould entice /urai.# so she $ent to hi and presented herself !for an e(il act"
but he refused% She then $ent to a shepherd and allo$ed hi to coit an illegal se*ual intercourse
$ith her and later she ga(e birth to a boy% She alleged that the baby $as fro /urai.% &he people $ent
to /urai. and broke do$n his heritage# pulled hi out of it and abused hi% He perfored ablution
and offered the prayer# then he $ent to the ale !baby" and asked hiL HE boyI @ho is your fatherJH
&he baby replied that his father $as the shepherd% &he people said that they $ould build for hi a
heritage of gold but /urai. asked the to ake it of ud only%H
=olue < ) 454 ? 0:66
Book 22: Partnership
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 55<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
HAllah's Apostle sent an ary to$ards the east coast and appointed Abu 'Ubaida bin Al)/arrah as
their chief# and the ary consisted of three)hundred en including yself% @e arched on till $e
reached a place $here our food $as about to finish% Abu) 'Ubaida ordered us to collect all the .our)
ney food and it $as collected% My !our" .ourney food $as dates% Abu 'Ubaida kept on gi(ing us our
daily ration in sall aounts fro it# till it $as e*hausted% &he share of e(eryone of us used to be
one date only%H I said# HHo$ could one date benefit youJH /abir replied# H@e cae to kno$ its (alue
$hen e(en that too finished%H /abir added# H@hen $e reached the sea)shore# $e sa$ a huge fish
$hich $as like a sall ountain% &he ary ate fro it for eighteen days% &hen Abu 'Ubaida ordered
that t$o of its ribs be fi*ed and they $ere fi*ed in the ground% &hen he ordered that a she)cael be
ridden and it passed under the t$o ribs !foring an arch" $ithout touching the%H
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 552:
Darrated Salaa:
Ence the .ourney food diinished and the people $ere reduced to po(erty% &hey $ent to the
Prophet and asked his perission to slaughter their caels# and he agreed% 'Uar et the and they
told hi about it# and he said# HHo$ $ould you sur(i(e after slaughtering your caelsJH &hen he
$ent to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Ho$ $ould they sur(i(e after slaughtering their
caelsJH Allah's Apostle ordered 'Uar# H9all upon the people to bring $hat has reained of their
food%H A leather sheet $as spread and al I the .ourney food $as collected and heaped o(er it% Allah's
Apostle stood up and in(oked Allah to bless it# and then directed all the people to coe $ith their
utensils# and they started taking fro it till all of the got $hat $as sufficient for the% Allah's
Apostle then said# HI testify that Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah# and I a His Apostle% H
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 554:
Darrated Rafi bin Khadi.:
@e used to offer the 'Asr prayer $ith the Prophet and slaughter a cael# the eat of $hich $ould
be di(ided in ten parts% @e $ould eat the cooked eat before sunset%
=olue < ) 455 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 555:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# H@hen the people of Ash'ari tribe ran short of food during the holy battles# or the
food of their failies in Medina ran short# they $ould collect all their reaining food in one sheet
and then distribute it aong thesel(es eCually by easuring it $ith a bo$l% So# these people are
fro e# and I a fro the%H
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 55::
Darrated Anas:
that Abu Bakr As)SiddiC $rote to hi the la$ of Fakat $hich $as ade obligatory by Allah's
Apostle% He $rote: 'Partners possessing .oint property !sheep" ha(e to pay its Fakat eCually%
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 557:
Darrated 'Abaya bin Rafa'a bin Raft' bin Khadi.:
My grandfather said# H@e $ere in the copany of the Prophet at 8hul)Hulaifa% &he people felt
hungry and captured soe caels and sheep !as booty"% &he Prophet $as behind the people% &hey
hurried and slaughtered the anials and put their eat in pots and started cooking it% !@hen the
Prophet cae" he ordered the pots to be upset and then he distributed the anials !of the booty"# re)
garding ten sheep as eCual to one cael% Ene of the caels fled and the people ran after it till they
$ere e*hausted% At that tie there $ere fe$ horses% A an thre$ an arro$ at the cael# and Allah
stopped the cael $ith it% &he Prophet said# HSoe of these anials are like $ild anials# so if you
lose control o(er one of these anials# treat it in this $ay !i%e% shoot it $ith an arro$"%H Before distrib)
uting the aong the soldiers y grandfather said# H@e ay eet the eneies in the future and
ha(e no kni(esL can $e slaughter the anials $ith reedsJH &he Prophet said# HUse $hate(er causes
blood to flo$# and eat the anials if the nae of Allah has been entioned on slaughtering the% 8o
not slaughter $ith teeth or fingernails and I $ill tell you $hy: It is because teeth are bones !i%e% can)
not cut properly" and fingernails are the tools used by the +thiopians !$ho $e should not iitate
for they are infidels"%H
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 551:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet decreed that one should not eat t$o dates together at a tie unless he gets the per)
ission fro his copanions !sharing the eal $ith hi"%
=olue < ) 45: ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 5:6:
Darrated /abala:
H@hile at Medina $e $ere struck $ith faine% Ibn A-)Fubair used to pro(ide us $ith dates as our
food% Ibn 'Uar used to pass by us and say# H8on't eat t$o dates together at a tie as the Prophet has
forbidden eating t$o dates together at a tie !in a gathering" unless one takes the perission of
one's copanion brother%H
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 5:0:
Darrated Dafi:
Ibn 'Uar said# HAllah's Apostle said# 'If one anuits his share of a .ointly possessed sla(e# and
can afford the price of the other shares according to the adeCuate price of the sla(e# the sla(e $ill be
copletely anuittedL other$ise he $ill be partially anuitted%' H !Aiyub# a sub)narrator is not
sure $hether the saying H %%% other$ise he $ill be partially anuittedH $as said by Dafi' or the
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 5:3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er anuits his share of a .ointly possessed sla(e# it is iperati(e for
hi to get that sla(e anuitted copletely by paying the reaining price# and if he does not ha(e
sufficient oney to anuit hi# then the price of the sla(e should be estiated .ustly# and he is to
be allo$ed to $ork and earn the aount that $ill anuit hi !$ithout o(erburdening hi"H%
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 5:<:
Darrated An)Du'an bin Bashir:
&he Prophet said# H&he e*aple of the person abiding by Allah's order and restrictions in copar)
ison to those $ho (iolate the is like the e*aple of those persons $ho dre$ lots for their seats in a
boat% Soe of the got seats in the upper part# and the others in the lo$er% @hen the latter needed
$ater# they had to go up to bring $ater !and that troubled the others"# so they said# ';et us ake a
hole in our share of the ship !and get $ater" sa(ing those $ho are abo(e us fro troubling the% So#
if the people in the upper part left the others do $hat they had suggested# all the people of the ship
$ould be destroyed# but if they pre(ented the# both parties $ould be safe%H
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 5:2:
Darrated 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair:
=olue < ) 457 ? 0:66
&hat he had asked 'Aisha about the eaning of the Stateent of Allah: HIf you fear that you shall
not Be able to deal .ustly @ith the orphan girls# then Marry !Ether" $oen of your choice &$o or
three or four%H !2%<"
She said# HE y nephe$I &his is about the orphan girl $ho li(es $ith her guardian and shares his
property% Her $ealth and beauty ay tept hi to arry her $ithout gi(ing her an adeCuate Mahr
!bridal)oney" $hich ight ha(e been gi(en by another suitor% So# such guardians $ere forbidden
to arry such orphan girls unless they treated the .ustly and ga(e the the ost suitable MahrL
other$ise they $ere ordered to arry any other $oan%H 'Aisha further said# HAfter that (erse the
people again asked the Prophet !about the arriage $ith orphan 'girls"# so Allah re(ealed the follo$)
ing (erses:)) '&hey ask your instruction 9oncerning the $oen% Say: Allah Instructs you about the
And about $hat is Recited unto you In the Book# concerning &he orphan girls to $ho Kou gi(e not
the prescribed portions and yet $ho you 8esire to arry%%%H !2%03:"
@hat is eant by Allah's Saying:)) 'And about $hat is Recited unto you is the forer (erse $hich
goes:)) 'If you fear that you shall not Be able to deal .ustly @ith the orphan girls# then Marry !other"
$oen of your choice%' !2%<" 'Aisha said# HAllah's saying in the other (erse:))'Ket $ho you desire to
arry' !2%03:" eans the desire of the guardian to arry an orphan girl under his super(ision $hen
she has not uch property or beauty !in $hich case he should treat her .ustly"% &he guardians $ere
forbidden to arry their orphan girls possessing property and beauty $ithout being .ust to the# as
they generally refrain fro arrying the !$hen they are neither beautiful nor $ealthy"%H
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 5:4:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet established the right of Shu'fa !i%e% Pre)eption" in .oint propertiesL but $hen the land
is di(ided and the $ays are dearcated# then there is no pre)eption%
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 5:5:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H&he right of pre)eption is (alid in e(ery .oint property# but $hen the land is
di(ided and the $ay is dearcated# then there is no right of pre)eption%H
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 5:::
Darrated Sulaian bin Abu Musli:
I asked Abu Minhal about oney e*change fro hand to hand% He said# HI and a partner of ine
bought soething partly in cash and partly on credit%H Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib passed by us and $e asked
=olue < ) 451 ? 0:66
about it% He replied# HI and y partner Faid bin Al)ArCa did the sae and then $ent to the Prophet
and asked hi about it% He said# '&ake $hat $as fro hand to hand and lea(e $hat $as on credit%' H
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 5:7:
Darrated Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle rented the land of Khaibar to the /e$s on the condition that they $ould $ork on it
and culti(ate it and take half of its yield%
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 5:1:
Darrated 'UCba bin 'Air:
that Allah's Apostle ga(e hi soe sheep to distribute aong his copanions in order to sacrifice
the and a kid $as left% He told the Prophet about it and the Prophet said to hi# HSacrifice it on your
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 576:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Hisha:
that his other Fainab bint Huaid took hi to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI &ake the
pledge of allegiance fro hi%H But he said# HHe is still too young for the pledge#H and passed his hand
on his !i%e% 'Abdullah's" head and in(oked for Allah's blessing for hi% Fuhra bin Ma'bad stated that
he used to go $ith his grandfather# 'Abdullah bin Hisha# to the arket to buy foodstuff% Ibn 'Uar
and Ibn A-)Fubair $ould eet hi and say to hi# HBe our partner# as the Prophet in(oked Allah to
bless you%H So# he $ould be their partner# and (ery often he $ould $in a cael's load and send it
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 570:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er anuits his share o a .ointly possessed sla(e# it is iperati(e on hi
to anuit the sla(e copletely if he has sufficient oney to pay the rest of its price $hich is to be
estiated .ustly% He should pay his partners their shares and release hi !the freed one"%
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 573:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er anuits his share of a .ointly possessed sla(e# it is essential for hi
to anuit the sla(e copletely if he has sufficient oney% Ether$ise he should look for soe $ork
=olue < ) 4:6 ? 0:66
for the sla(e !to earn $hat $ould enable hi to eancipate hiself"# $ithout o(erburdening hi
$ith $ork%H
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 57<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet !along $ith his copanions" reached Mecca in the orning of the fourth of 8hul)
Hi..a assuing Ihra for Ha.. only% So $hen $e arri(ed at Mecca# the Prophet ordered us to change
our intentions of the Ihra for'Ura and that $e could finish our Ihra after perforing the 'Ura
and could go to our $i(es !for se*ual intercourse"% &he people began talking about that% /abir said
surprisingly# HShall $e go to Mina $hile seen is dribbling fro our ale organsJH /abir o(ed his
hand $hile saying so% @hen this ne$s reached the Prophet he deli(ered a seron and said# HI ha(e
been infored that soe peoples $ere saying so and soL By Allah I fear Allah ore than you do# and
a ore obedient to Hi than you% If I had kno$n $hat I kno$ no$# I $ould not ha(e brought the
Hadi !sacrifice" $ith e and had the Hadi not been $ith e# I $ould ha(e finished the Ihra%H At
that SuraCa bin Malik stood up and asked HE Allah's ApostleI Is this perission for us only or is it
fore(erJH &he Prophet replied# HIt is fore(er%H In the eantie 'Ali bin Abu &alib cae fro Keen
and $as saying ;abbaik for $hat the Prophet has intended% !According to another an# 'Ali $as say)
ing ;abbaik for Ha.. siilar to Allah's Apostle's"% &he Prophet told hi to keep on the Ihra and let
hi share the Hadi $ith hi%
=olue <# Book 22# Duber 572:
Darrated Abaya bin Rifaa:
My grandfather# Rafi bin Khadi. said# H@e $ere in the (alley of 8hul)Hulaifa of &uhaa in the
copany of the Prophet and had soe caels and sheep !of the booty"% &he people hurried !in
slaughtering the anials" and put their eat in the pots and started cooking% Allah's Apostle cae
and ordered the to upset the pots# and distributed the booty considering one cael as eCual to ten
sheep% Ene of the caels fled and the people had only a fe$ horses# so they got $orried% !&he cael
$as chased and" a an slopped the cael by thro$ing an arro$ at it% Allah's Apostle said# 'Soe of
these anials are untaed like $ild anials# so if anyone of the $ent out of your control# then you
should treat it as you ha(e done no$%' H My grandfather said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e fear that $e ay
eet our eney toorro$ and $e ha(e no kni(es# could $e slaughter the anials $ith reedsJH &he
Prophet said# HKes# or you can use $hat $ould ake blood flo$ !slaughter" and you can eat $hat is
slaughtered and the Dae of Allah is entioned at the tie of slaughtering% But don't use teeth or
fingernails !in slaughtering"% I $ill tell you $hy# as for teeth# they are bones# and fingernails are used
by +thiopians for slaughtering% !See Hadith 557"
=olue < ) 4:0 ? 0:66
Book 24: Mortgaging
=olue <# Book 24# Duber 574:
Darrated Anas:
Do doubt# the Prophet ortgaged his aror for barley gras% Ence I took barley bread $ith soe
dissol(ed fat on it to the Prophet and I heard hi saying# H&he household of Muhaad did not pos)
sess e*cept a Sa !of food grain# barley# etc%" for both the orning and the e(ening eals although
they $ere nine houses%H
=olue <# Book 24# Duber 575:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet bought soe foodstuff on credit for a liited period and ortgaged his aror for it%
=olue <# Book 24# Duber 57::
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# H@ho $ould kill Ka'b bin Al)Ashraf as he has hared Allah and His Apostle JH
Muhaad bin Maslaa !got up and" said# HI $ill kill hi%H So# Muhaad bin Maslaa $ent to
Ka'b and said# HI $ant a loan of one or t$o @asCs of food grains%H Ka'b said# HMortgage your $oen
to e%H Muhaad bin Maslaa said# HHo$ can $e ortgage our $oen# and you are the ost
handsoe aong the ArabsJH He said# H&hen ortgage your sons to e%H Muhaad said# HHo$ can
$e ortgage our sons# as the people $ill abuse the for being ortgaged for one or t$o @asCs of
food grainsJ It is shaeful for us% But $e $ill ortgage our ars to you%H So# Muhaad bin
Maslaa proised hi that he $ould coe to hi ne*t tie% &hey !Muhaad bin Maslaa and
his copanions cae to hi as proised and urdered hi% &hen they $ent to the Prophet and told
hi about it%
=olue <# Book 24# Duber 577:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HEne can ride the ortgaged anial because of $hat one spends on it# and one
can drink the ilk of a ilch anial as long as it is ortgaged% H
=olue < ) 4:3 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 24# Duber 571:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he ortgaged anial can be used for riding as long as it is fed and the ilk
of the ilch anial can be drunk according to $hat one spend on it% &he one $ho rides the anial
or drinks its ilk should pro(ide the e*penditures%H
=olue <# Book 24# Duber 516:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle bought soe foodstuff fro a /e$ and ortgaged his aror to hi%
=olue <# Book 24# Duber 510:
Darrated Ibn Abu Mulaika:
I $rote a letter to Ibn 'Abbas and he $rote to e that the Prophet had gi(en the (erdict that the
defendant had to take an oath%
=olue <# Book 24# Duber 513:
Darrated Abu @ail:
Abdullah !bin Mas'ud" said# H@hoe(er took a false oath in order to grab soebody's property $ill
eet Allah $hile Allah $ill be angry $ith hi%H Allah re(ealed the follo$ing (erse to confir
that:))H=erilyI &hose $ho purchase a sall gain at the cost of Allah's co(enant And their oaths%%%a
painful torent%H !<%::"
Al)Ash'ath bin ,ais cae to us and asked as to $hat Abu Abdur)Rehan !i%e% Ibn Mas'ud" $as
telling you%H @e related the story to hi% En that he said# HHe has told the truth% &his (erse $as re)
(ealed about e% I had soe dispute $ith another an regarding a $ell and $e took the case before
Allah's Apostle% Allah's Apostle said !to e"# HProduce t$o $itnesses !to support your clai"L other)
$ise the defendant has the right to take an oath !to refute your clai"%' I said# '&he defendant $ould
not ind to take a false oath%H Allah's Apostle then said# '@hoe(er took a false oath in order to grab
soeone else's property $ill eet Allah# Allah $ill be angry $ith hi%' Allah then re(ealed $hat
9onfired it%H Al)Ash'ath then recited the follo$ing =erse:))H=erilyI &hose $ho purchase a sall
gain at the cost of Allah's co(enant# And their oaths % % % !to" % % % they shall ha(e a painful torentI'
!<%::" !See Hadith Do% 425"
=olue < ) 4:< ? 0:66
Book 25: Manuission of Sla(es
=olue <# Book 25# Duber 51<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er frees a Musli sla(e# Allah $ill sa(e all the parts of his body fro the
!Hell" Bire as he has freed the body)parts of the sla(e%H Said bin Mar.ana said that he narrated that
Hadith to 'Ali bin Al)Husain and he freed his sla(e for $ho 'Abdullah bin /a'far had offered hi ten
thousand 8irhas or one)thousand 8inars%
=olue <# Book 25# Duber 512:
Darrated Abu 8har:
I asked the Prophet# H@hat is the best deedJH He replied# H&o belie(e in Allah and to fight for His
9ause%H I then asked# H@hat is the best kind of anuission !of sla(es"JH He replied# H&he anuis)
sion of the ost e*pensi(e sla(e and the ost belo(ed by his aster%H I said# HIf I cannot afford to do
thatJH He said# HHelp the $eak or do good for a person $ho cannot $ork for hiself%H I said# HIf I can)
not do thatJH He said# HRefrain fro haring others for this $ill be regarded as a charitable deed for
your o$n good%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber 514:
Darrated Asa' bint Abu Bakr:
&he Prophet ordered us to free sla(es at the tie of solar eclipses%
=olue <# Book 25# Duber 515:
Darrated Asa' bint Abu Bakr:
@e $ere ordered to free sla(es at the tie of lunar eclipses%
=olue <# Book 25# Duber 51::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er anuits a sla(e o$ned by t$o asters# should anuit hi co)
pletely !not partially" if he is rich after ha(ing its price e(aluated%H
=olue < ) 4:2 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 25# Duber 517:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er frees his share of a coon sla(e and he has sufficient oney to
free hi copletely# should let its price be estiated by a .ust an and gi(e his partners the price of
their shares and anuit the sla(eL other$ise !i%e% if he has not sufficient oney" he anuits the
sla(e partially%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber 511:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er anuits his share of a sla(e# then it is essential for hi to get that
sla(e anuitted' copletely as long as he has the oney to do so% If he has not sufficient oney to
pay the price of the other shares !after the price of the sla(e is e(aluated .ustly"# the anuitted a)
nuits the sla(e partially in proportion to his share%
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :66:
Darrated 'Ubaidullah:
as abo(e BRI+B;K%
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :60:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HHe $ho anuits his share of a sla(e and has oney sufficient to free the re)
aining portion of that sla(e's price !.ustly estiated" then he should anuit hi !by gi(ing the
rest of his price to the other co)o$ners"%H Dafi' added# HEther$ise the sla(e is partially free%H Aiyub is
not sure $hether the last stateent $as said by Dafi' or it $as a part of the Hadith%
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :63:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&hat he used to gi(e his (erdict regarding the ale or feale sla(es o$ned by ore than one as)
ter# one of $ho ay anuit his share of the sla(e% Ibn 'Uar used to say in such a case# H&he a)
nuitted should anuit the sla(e copletely if he has sufficient oney to pay the rest of the price
of that sla(e !$hich is to be .ustly estiated" and the other share)holders are to take the price of
their shares and the sla(e is freed !released fro sla(ery"%H Ibn 'Uar narrated this (erdict fro the
=olue < ) 4:4 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :6<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
that the Prophet said# H@hoe(er frees his portion of a !coon" sla(e%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :62:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er frees his portion of a coon sla(e should free the sla(e copletely
by paying the rest of his price fro his oney if he has enough oneyL other$ise the price of the
sla(e is to be estiated and the sla(e is to be helped to $ork $ithout hardship till he pays the rest of
his price%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :64:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah has accepted y in(ocation to forgi(e $hat $hispers in the hearts of y
follo$ers# unless they put it to action or utter it%H !See Hadith Do% 54: =ol% 7"
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :65:
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khattab:
&he Prophet said# H&he !re$ard of" deeds depend on intentions# and e(ery person $ill get the re)
$ard according to $hat he intends% So# $hoe(er igrated for Allah and His Apostle# then his igra)
tion $ill be for Allah and His Apostle# and $hoe(er igrated for $orldly benefits or for arrying a
$oan# then his igration $ill be for $hat he igrated for%H !See Hadith Do% 0# =ol% 0"
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :6::
Darrated ,ais:
@hen Abu Huraira accopanied by his sla(e set out intending to ebrace Isla they lost each
other on the $ay% &he sla(e then cae $hile Abu Huraira $as sitting $ith the Prophet% &he Prophet
said# HE Abu HurairaI Kour sla(e has coe back%H Abu Huraira said# HIndeed# I $ould like you to $it)
ness that I ha(e anuitted hi%H &hat happened at the tie $hen Abu Huraira recited !the follo$)
ing poetic (erse":)) '@hat a long tedious tiresoe nightI De(ertheless# it has deli(ered us Bro the
land of Kufr !disbelief"%
=olue < ) 4:5 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :67:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
En y $ay to the Prophet I $as reciting:)) '@hat a long tedious tiresoe nightI De(ertheless# it
has sa(ed us Bro the land of Kufr !disbelief"%' I had a sla(e $ho ran a$ay fro e on the $ay%
@hen I $ent to the Prophet and ga(e the pledge of allegiance for ebracing Isla# the sla(e sho$ed
up $hile I $as still $ith the Prophet $ho rearked# HE Abu HurairaI Here is your sla(eIH I said# HI
anuit hi for Allah's Sake#H and so I freed hi%
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :61:
Darrated ,ais:
@hen Abu Huraira accopanied by his sla(e cae intending to ebrace Isla# they lost each
other on the $ay% !@hen the sla(e sho$ed up" Abu Huraira said !to the Prophet"# HI ake you $it)
ness that the sla(e is free for Allah's 9ause%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :06:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Utba bin Abi @aCCas authori-ed his brother Sad bin Abi @aCCas to take the son of the sla(e)girl
of Fa'a into his custody# telling hi that the boy $as his o$n !illegal" son% @hen Allah's Apostle
$ent !to Mecca" at the tie of the 9onCuest# Sad took the son of the sla(egirl of Fa'a to Allah's
Apostle and also brought 'Abu bin Fa'a $ith hi and said# HE Allah's ApostleI &his is the son of y
brother 'Utba $ho authori-ed e to take hi into y custody%H 'Abu bin Fa'a said# HE Allah's
ApostleI He is y brother# the son of Fa'a' sla(e)girl and he $as born on his bed%H Allah's Apostle
looked at the son of the sla(e)girl of Fa'a and noticed uch reseblance !to 'Utba"% Allah's Apostle
said# HIt is for you# E 'Abu bin Fa'a as he $as born on the bed of your father%H Allah's Apostle then
told Sauda bint Fa'a to obser(e (eil in the presence of the boy as he noticed the boy's reseblance
to 'Utba and Sauda $as the $ife of the Prophet %
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :00:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
A an aongst us declared that his sla(e $ould be freed after his death% &he Prophet called for
that sla(e and sold hi% &he sla(e died the sae year%
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :03:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
=olue < ) 4:: ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle forbade the selling or donating the @ala' of a freed sla(e%
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :0<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I bought Buraira but her asters put the condition that her @ala' $ould be for the% I told the
Prophet about it% He said !to e"# HManuit her as her @ala' $ill be for the one $ho pays the price%H
So# I anuitted her% &he Prophet called Buraira and ga(e her the option of either staying $ith her
husband or lea(ing hi% She said# H+(en if he ga(e e so uch oney# I $ould not stay $ith hi#H
and so she preferred her freedo to her husband%
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :02:
Darrated Anas:
Soe en of the Ansar asked for the perission of Allah's Apostle and said# HAllo$ us to gi(e up
the ranso fro our nephe$ Al)'Abbas% &he Prophet said !to the"# H8o not lea(e !e(en" a 8irha
!of his ranso"%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :04:
Darrated Hisha:
My father told e that Haki bin Hi-a anuitted one)hundred sla(es in the pre)lslaic peri)
od of ignorance and slaughtered one)hundred caels !and distributed the in charity"% @hen he
ebraced Isla he again slaughtered one)hundred caels and anuitted one)hundred sla(es%
Haki said# HI asked Allah's Apostle# 'E Allah's ApostleI @hat do you think about soe good deeds I
used to practice in the prelslaic period of ignorance regarding the as deeds of righteousnessJ' Al)
lah's Apostle said# HKou ha(e ebraced Isla along $ith all those good deeds you did%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :05:
Darrated Mar$an and Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa:
@hen the delegates of the tribe of Ha$a-in cae to the Prophet and they reCuested hi to return
their properties and capti(es% &he Prophet stood up and said to the# HI ha(e other people $ith e in
this atter !as you see" and the ost belo(ed stateent to e is the true oneL you ay choose either
the properties or the prisoners as I ha(e delayed their distribution%H &he Prophet had $aited for the
for ore than ten days since his arri(al fro &a'if% So# $hen it becae e(ident to the that the
Prophet $as not going to return the e*cept one of the t$o# they said# H@e choose our prisoners%H
&he Prophet got up aongst the people and glorified and praised Allah as He deser(ed and said#
H&hen after# these brethren of yours ha(e coe to us $ith repentance# and I see it logical to return
=olue < ) 4:7 ? 0:66
the the capti(es% So# $hoe(er aongst you likes to do that as a fa(or# then he can do it# and $ho)
e(er of you likes to stick to his share till $e recopense hi fro the (ery first $ar booty $hich Al)
lah $ill gi(e us# then he can do so !i%e% gi(e up the present capti(es"%H &he people unaniously said#
H@e do that !return the capti(es" $illingly%H &he Prophet said# H@e do not kno$ $hich of you has
agreed to it and $hich ha(e not# so go back and let your leaders for$ard us your decision%H So# all the
people then $ent back and discussed the atter $ith their leaders $ho returned and infored the
Prophet that all the people had $illingly gi(en their consent to return the capti(es% &his is $hat has
reached us about the capti(es of Ha$a-in% Darrated Anas that 'Abbas said to the Prophet# HI paid for
y ranso and ACil's ranso%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :0::
Darrated Ibn Aun:
I $rote a letter to Dafi and Dafi $rote in reply to y letter that the Prophet had suddenly attacked
Bani MustaliC $ithout $arning $hile they $ere heedless and their cattle $ere being $atered at the
places of $ater% &heir fighting en $ere killed and their $oen and children $ere taken as cap)
ti(esL the Prophet got /u$airiya on that day% Dafi said that Ibn 'Uar had told hi the abo(e narra)
tion and that Ibn 'Uar $as in that ary%
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :07:
Darrated Ibn Muhairi-:
I sa$ Abu Said and asked hi about coitus interruptus% Abu Said said# H@e $ent $ith Allah's
Apostle# in the Aha-$a of Barli Al)MustaliC and $e captured soe of the 'Arabs as capti(es# and the
long separation fro our $i(es $as pressing us hard and $e $anted to practice coitus interruptus%
@e asked Allah's Apostle !$hether it $as perissible"% He said# HIt is better for you not to do so% Do
soul# !that $hich Allah has" destined to e*ist# up to the 8ay of Resurrection# but $ill definitely coe#
into e*istence%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :01:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I ha(e lo(ed the people of the tribe of Bani &ai e(er since I heard# three things# Allah's Apostle
said about the% I heard hi saying# &hese people !of the tribe of Bani &ai" $ould stand fir
against Ad) @hen the SadaCat !gifts of charity" fro that tribe cae# Allah's Apostle said#
H&hese are the SadaCat !i%e% charitable gifts" of our folk%H 'Aisha had a sla(e)girl fro that tribe# and
the Prophet said to 'Aisha# HManuit her as she is a descendant of Ishael !the Prophet"%H
=olue < ) 4:1 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :36:
Darrated Abu Musa:
Allah's Apostle said# HHe $ho has a sla(e)girl and educates and treats her nicely and then anu)
its and arries her# $ill get a double re$ard%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :30:
Darrated Al)Ma'rur bin Su$aid:
I sa$ Abu 8har Al)Ahifari $earing a cloak# and his sla(e# too# $as $earing a cloak% @e asked hi
about that !i%e% ho$ both $ere $earing siilar cloaks"% He replied# HEnce I abused a an and he
coplained of e to the Prophet % &he Prophet asked e# '8id you abuse hi by slighting his oth)
erJ' He added# 'Kour sla(es are your brethren upon $ho Allah has gi(en you authority% So# if one
has one's brethren under one's control# one should feed the $ith the like of $hat one eats and
clothe the $ith the like of $hat one $ears% Kou should not o(erburden the $ith $hat they can)
not bear# and if you do so# help the !in their hard .ob"%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :33:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf a sla(e is honest and faithful to his aster and $orships his ;ord !Allah" in
a perfect anner# he $ill get a double re$ard%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :3<:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ashari:
&he Prophet said# HHe $ho has a sla(e)girl and teaches her good anners and ipro(es her edu)
cation and then anuits and arries her# $ill get a double re$ardL and any sla(e $ho obser(es
Allah's right and his aster's right $ill get a double re$ard%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :32:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HA pious sla(e gets a double re$ard%H Abu Huraira added: By Hi in @hose
Hands y soul is but for /ihad !i%e% holy battles"# Ha..# and y duty to ser(e y other# I $ould ha(e
lo(ed to die as a sla(e%
=olue < ) 476 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :34:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAoodness and cofort are for hi $ho $orships his ;ord in a perfect anner
and ser(es his aster sincerely%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :35:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HIf a sla(e ser(es his Saiyid !i%e% aster" sincerely and $orships his ;ord !Allah"
perfectly# he $ill get a double re$ard%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :3::
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# H&he Maluk !sla(e" $ho $orships his ;ord in a perfect anner# and is dutiful#
sincere and obedient to his Saiyid !aster"# $ill get a double re$ard%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :37:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HKou should not say# 'Beed your lord !Rabbaka"# help your lord in perforing
ablution# or gi(e $ater to your lord# but should say# 'y aster !e%g% Beed your aster instead of lord
etc%" !Saiyidi"# or y guardian !Maulai"# and one should not say# y sla(e !Abdi"# or y girl)sla(e
!Aati"# but should say# y lad !Batai"# y lass !Batati"# and 'y boy !Ahulai"%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :31:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HIf one anuits his share of a coon sla(e !Abd"# and he has oney suffi)
cient to free the reaining portion of the price of the sla(e !.ustly estiated"# then he should free the
sla(e copletely by paying the rest of his priceL other$ise the sla(e is freed partly% H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :<6:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# H+(eryone of you is a guardian and is responsible for his charges% &he ruler
$ho has authority o(er people# is a guardian and is responsible for the# a an is a guardian of his
faily and is responsible for theL a $oan is a guardian of her husband's house and children and
=olue < ) 470 ? 0:66
is responsible for theL a sla(e !'Abu" is a guardian of his aster's property and is responsible for itL
so all of you are guardians and are responsible for your charges%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :<0:
Darrated Abu Huraira and Faid bin Khalid:
&he Prophet said# HIf a sla(e)girl !Aa" coits illegal se*ual intercourse# scourge herL if she does
it again# scourge her againL if she repeats it# scourge her again%H &he narrator added that on the third
or the fourth offence# the Prophet said# HSell her e(en for a hair rope%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :<3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hen your ser(ant brings your eals to you then if he does not let hi sit and
share the eals# then he should at least gi(e hi a outhful or t$o outhfuls of that eal or a eal
or t$o eals# as he has prepared it%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :<<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&hat he heard Allah's Apostle saying# H+(eryone of you is a guardian and is responsible for his
chargeL the ruler is a guardian and is responsible for his sub.ectsL the an is a guardian in his faily
and responsible for his chargesL a $oan is a guardian of her husband's house and responsible for
her chargesL and the ser(ant is a guardian of his aster's property and is responsible for his charge%H
I definitely heard the abo(e fro the Prophet and think that the Prophet also said# HA an is a guard)
ian of his father's property and responsible for his chargesL so e(eryone of you is a guardian and re)
sponsible for his charges%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :<2:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIf soebody fights !or beats soebody" then he should a(oid the face%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :<4:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
&hat 'Aisha told hi that Buraira cae to seek her help in her $riting of eancipation !for a cer)
tain su" and that tie she had not paid anything of it% 'Aisha said to her# HAo back to your asters#
and if they agree that I $ill pay the aount of your $riting of eancipation and get your @ala'# I
=olue < ) 473 ? 0:66
$ill do so%H Buraira infored her asters of that but they refused and said# HIf she !i%e% 'Aisha" is seek)
ing Allah's re$ard# then she can do so# but your @ala' $ill be for us%H 'Aisha entioned that to Allah's
Apostle $ho said to her# HBuy and anuit her# as the @ala' is for the liberator%H Allah's Apostle then
got up and said# H@hat about the people $ho stipulate conditions $hich are not present in Allah's
;a$sJ @hoe(er iposes conditions $hich are not present in Allah's ;a$s# then those conditions $ill
be in(alid# e(en if he iposed these conditions a hundred ties% Allah's conditions !;a$s" are the
truth and are ore solid%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :<5:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Aisha $anted to buy a sla(e)girl in order to anuit her% &he girl's asters stipulated that her
@ala' $ould be for the% Allah's Apostle said !to 'Aisha"# H@hat they stipulate should not stop you#
for the @ala' is for the liberator%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :<::
Darrated Aisha:
Buraira cae !to 'Aisha" and said# HI ha(e ade a contract of eancipation $ith y asters for
nine UCiyas !of gold" to be paid in yearly installents% &herefore# I seek your help%H 'Aisha said# HIf
your asters agree# I $ill pay the the su at once and free you on condition that your @ala' $ill
be for e%H Buraira $ent to her asters but they refused that offer% She !cae back" and said# HI
presented to the the offer but they refused# unless the @ala' $as for the%H Allah's Apostle heard of
that and asked e about it# and I told hi about it% En that he said# HBuy and anuit her and stipu)
late that the @ala' should be for you# as @ala' is for the liberator%H 'Aisha added# HAllah's Apostle then
got up aongst the people# Alorified and Praised Allah# and said# '&hen after: @hat about soe
people $ho ipose conditions $hich are not present in Allah's ;a$sJ So# any condition $hich is not
present in Allah's ;a$s is in(alid e(en if they $ere one)hundred conditions% Allah's ordinance is the
truth# and Allah's condition is stronger and ore solid% @hy do soe en fro you say# E so)and)
soI anuit the sla(e but the @ala $ill be for eJ =erily# the @ala is for the liberator%H
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :<7:
Darrated Ara bint 'AbdurRahan:
Buraira $ent to Aisha# the other of the faithful belie(ers to seek her help in her eancipation
Aisha said to her# HIf your asters agree# I $ill pay the your price in a lup su and anuit
you%H Buraira entioned that offer to her asters but they refused to sell her unless the @ala' $as
for the% 'Aisha told Allah's Apostle about it% He said# HBuy and anuit her as the @ala' is for the
=olue < ) 47< ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 25# Duber :<1:
Darrated 'Abdul @ahid bin Aian:
I $ent to 'Aisha and said# HI $as the sla(e of Utba bin Abu ;ahab% HUtba died and his sons becae
y asters $ho sold e to Ibn Abu Ar $ho anuitted e% &he sons of 'Utba stipulated that y
@ala' should be for the%H 'Aisha said# HBuraira cae to e and she $as gi(en the $riting of ean)
cipation by her asters and she asked e to buy and anuit her% I agreed to it# but Buraira told e
that her asters $ould not sell her unless her @ala' $as for the%H 'Aisha said# HI a not in need of
that%H @hen the Prophet heard that# or he $as told about it# he asked 'Aisha about it% 'Aisha en)
tioned $hat Buraira had told her% &he Prophet said# HBuy and anuit her and let the stipulate
$hate(er they like%H So# 'Aisha bought and anuitted her and her asters stipulated that her @ala'
should be for the%H &he ProphetL# said# H&he @ala' $ill be for the liberator e(en if they stipulated a
hundred conditions%H
=olue < ) 472 ? 0:66
Book 2:: Aifts
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :26:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HE Musli $oenI Done of you should look do$n upon the gift sent by her
she)neighbour e(en if it $ere the trotters of the sheep !fleshless part of legs"%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :20:
Darrated Ur$a:
Aisha said to e# HE y nephe$I @e used to see the crescent# and then the crescent and then the
crescent in this $ay $e sa$ three crescents in t$o onths and no fire !for cooking" used to be ade
in the houses of Allah's Apostle% I said# HE y auntI &hen $hat use to sustain youJH 'Aisha said# H&he
t$o black things: dates and $ater# our neighbors fro Ansar had soe Manarh and they used to
present Allah's Apostle soe of their ilk and he used to ake us drink%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :23:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HI shall accept the in(itation e(en if I $ere in(ited to a eal of a sheep's trotter#
and I shall accept the gift e(en if it $ere an ar or a trotter of a sheep%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :2<:
Darrated Sahl:
&he Prophet sent for a $oan fro the eigrants and she had a sla(e $ho $as a carpenter% &he
Prophet said to her HErder your sla(e to prepare the $ood !pieces" for the pulpit%H So# she ordered her
sla(e $ho $ent and cut the $ood fro the taarisk and prepared the pulpit# for the Prophet% @hen
he finished the pulpit# the $oan infored the Prophet that it had been finished% &he Prophet asked
her to send that pulpit to hi# so they brought it% &he Prophet lifted it and placed it at the place in
$hich you see no$%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :22:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abu ,atada Al)Aslai:
=olue < ) 474 ? 0:66
&hat his father said# HEne day I $as sitting $ith soe of the Prophet's copanions on the $ay to
Mecca% Allah's Apostle $as ahead of us% All of y copanions $ere in the state of Ihra $hile I $as
a non)Muhri% &hey sa$ an onager $hile I $as busy repairing y shoes# so they did not tell e
about it but they $ished I had seen it% By chance I looked up and sa$ it% So# I turned to the horse#
saddled it and rode on it# forgetting to take the spear and the $hip% I asked the if they could hand
o(er to e the $hip and the spear but they said# 'Do# by Allah# $e shall not help you in that in any
$ay%' I becae angry and got do$n fro the horse# picked up both the things and rode the horse
again% I attacked the onager and slaughtered it# and brought it !after it had been dead"% &hey took it
!cooked soe of it" and started eating it# but they doubted $hether it $as allo$ed for the to eat it
or not# as they $ere in the state of Ihra% So# $e proceeded and I hid $ith e one of its fore)legs%
@hen $e et Allah's Apostle and asked hi about the case# he asked# '8o you ha(e a portion of it
$ith youJ' I replied in the affirati(e and ga(e hi that fleshy fore)leg $hich he ate copletely
$hile he $as in the state of Ihra %
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :24:
Darrated Anas:
Ence Allah's Apostle (isited us in this house of ours and asked for soething to drink% @e ilked
one of our sheep and i*ed it $ith $ater fro this $ell of ours and ga(e it to hi% Abu Bakr $as
sitting on his left side and 'Uar in front of hi and a bedouin on his right side% @hen Allah's
Apostle finished# 'Uar said to Allah's Apostle HHere is Abu Bakr%H But Allah's Apostle ga(e the re)
aining ilk to the bedouin and said t$ice# H&he !persons on the" right sideI So# start fro the right
side%H Anas added# HIt is a Sunna !the Prophet's traditions"H and repeated it thrice%
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :25:
Darrated Anas:
@e chased a rabbit at Mar)al)Fahran and the people ran after it but $ere e*hausted% I o(er)
po$ered and caught it# and ga(e it to Abu &alha $ho slaughtered it and sent its hip or t$o thighs to
Allah's Apostle% !&he narrator confirs that he sent t$o thighs"% &he Prophet accepted that% !&he sub)
narrator asked Anas# H8id the ProphetL eat fro itJH Anas replied# HHe ate fro it%H"
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :2::
Darrated As)Sa'b bin /aththaa:
An onager $as presented to Allah's Apostle at the place called Al)Ab$a' or @addan# but Allah's
Apostle re.ected it% @hen the Prophet noticed the signs of sorro$ on the gi(er's face he said# H@e
ha(e not re.ected your gift# but $e are in the state of Ihra%H !i%e% if $e $ere not in a state of Ihra
$e $ould ha(e accepted your gift# Bateh)al)Bari page 0<6# =ol% 5"
=olue < ) 475 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :27:
Darrated Aisha:
&he people used to look for$ard for the days of y !'Aisha's" turn to send gifts to Allah's Apostle in
order to please hi%
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :21:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
Ibn Abbas said: U Hufaid# Ibn 'Abbas's aunt sent soe dried yogurt !butter free"# ghee !butter"
and a astigar to the Prophet as a gift% &he Prophet ate the dried yogurt and butter but left the ast)
igar because he disliked it% Ibn 'Abbas said# H&he astigar $as eaten at the table of Allah's Apostle and
if it had been illegal to eat# it could not ha(e been eaten at the table of Allah's Apostle%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :46:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hene(er a eal $as brought to Allah's Apostle# he $ould ask $hether it $as a gift or SadaCa
!soething gi(en in charity"% If he $as told that it $as SadaCa# he $ould tell his copanions to eat it#
but if it $as a gift# he $ould hurry to share it $ith the%
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :40:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Soe eat $as brought to the Prophet and it $as said that the eat had been gi(en in charity to
Buraira% He said# HIt $as SadaCa for Buraira but a gift for us%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :43:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I intended to buy Buraira but her asters stipulated that her @ala should be for the% @hen the
Prophet $as told about it# he said to e# HBuy and anuit her# as the @ala' is for the liberator%H
Ence Buraira $as gi(en soe eat# and the Prophet asked# H@hat is thisJH I said# HIt has been gi(en
to Buraira in charity%H He said# HIt is sadaCa for her but a gift for us%H Buraira $as gi(en the option !to
stay $ith her husband or to part $ith hi"% AbdurRahan !a sub)narrator" $ondered# H@as her
husband a sla(e or a free anJH Shu'ba !another sub)narrator" said# HI asked 'Abdur)Rahan $heth)
er her husband $as a sla(e or a free an% He replied that he did not kno$ $hether he $as a sla(e or
a free an%H
=olue < ) 47: ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :4<:
Darrated U 'Atiyya:
Ence the Prophet $ent to 'Aisha and asked her $hether she had soething !to eat"% She said that
she had nothing e*cept the utton $hich U 'Atiyya had sent to !Buraira" in charity% &he Prophet
said that it had reached its destination !i%e% it is no longer an ob.ect of charity%"
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :42:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he people used to send gifts to the Prophet on the day of y turn% U Salaa said: HMy copan)
ions !the $i(es of the Prophet Ether than Aisha" gathered and they coplained about it% So I in)
fored the Prophet about it on their behalf# but he reained silent%
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :44:
Darrated 'Ur$a fro 'Aisha:
&he $i(es of Allah's Apostle $ere in t$o groups% Ene group consisted of 'Aisha# Hafsa# Safiyya and
SaudaL and the other group consisted of U Salaa and the other $i(es of Allah's Apostle% &he
Muslis kne$ that Allah's Apostle lo(ed 'Aisha# so if any of the had a gift and $ished to gi(e to Al)
lah's Apostle# he $ould delay it# till Allah's Apostle had coe to 'Aisha's hoe and then he $ould send
his gift to Allah's Apostle in her hoe% &he group of U Salaa discussed the atter together and
decided that U Salaa should reCuest Allah's Apostle to tell the people to send their gifts to hi in
$hate(er $ife's house he $as% U Salaa told Allah's Apostle of $hat they had said# but he did not
reply% &hen they !those $i(es" asked U Salaa about it% She said# HHe did not say anything to e%H
&hey asked her to talk to hi again% She talked to hi again $hen she et hi on her day# but he
ga(e no reply% @hen they asked her# she replied that he had gi(en no reply% &hey said to her# H&alk to
hi till he gi(es you a reply%H @hen it $as her turn# she talked to hi again% He then said to her# H8o
not hurt e regarding Aisha# as the 8i(ine Inspirations do not coe to e on any of the beds e*cept
that of Aisha%H En that U Salaa said# HI repent to Allah for hurting you%H &hen the group of U
Salaa called Batia# the daughter of Allah's Apostle and sent her to Allah's Apostle to say to hi#
HKour $i(es reCuest to treat the and the daughter of Abu Bakr on eCual ters%H &hen Batia con)
(eyed the essage to hi% &he Prophet said# HE y daughterI 8on't you lo(e $ho I lo(eJH She
replied in the affirati(e and returned and told the of the situation% &hey reCuested her to go to
hi again but she refused% &hey then sent Fainab bint /ahsh $ho $ent to hi and used harsh $ords
saying# HKour $i(es reCuest you to treat the and the daughter of Ibn Abu ,uhafa on eCual ters%H
En that she raised her (oice and abused 'Aisha to her face so uch so that Allah's Apostle looked at
'Aisha to see $hether she $ould retort% 'Aisha started replying to Fainab till she silenced her% &he
Prophet then looked at 'Aisha and said# HShe is really the daughter of Abu Bakr%H
=olue < ) 477 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :45:
Darrated 'A-ra bin &habit Al)Ansari:
@hen I $ent to &huaa bin 'Abdullah# he ga(e e soe perfue and said that Anas $ould not
re.ect the gifts of perfue% Anas said: &he Prophet used not to re.ect the gifts of perfue%
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :4::
Darrated Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa and Mar$an:
@hen the delegates of the tribe of Ha$a-in cae to the Prophet he stood up aongst the people#
Alorified and Praised Allah as He deser(ed# and said# H&hen after: Kour brethren ha(e coe to you
$ith repentance and I see it logical to return to the their capti(esL so $hoe(er aongst you likes to
do that as a fa(or# then he can do it# and $hoe(er of you like to stick to his share till $e gi(e hi his
right fro the (ery first Bai !$ar booty" !0" $hich Allah $ill besto$ on us# then !he can do so"%H &he
people replied# H@e do that !to return the capti(es" $illingly as a fa(or for your sake%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :47:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostles used to accept gifts and used to gi(e soething in return%
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :41:
Darrated An)Du'an bin Bashir:
that his father took hi to Allah's Apostle and said# HI ha(e gi(en this son of ine a sla(e%H &he
Prophet asked# HHa(e you gi(en all your sons the likeJH He replied in the negati(e% &he Prophet said#
H&ake back your gift then%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :56:
Darrated 'Air:
I heard An)Du'an bin Bashir on the pulpit saying# HMy father ga(e e a gift but 'Ara bint
Ra$aha !y other" said that she $ould not agree to it unless he ade Allah's Apostle as a $itness
to it% So# y father $ent to Allah's Apostle and said# 'I ha(e gi(en a gift to y son fro 'Ara bint
Ra$aha# but she ordered e to ake you as a $itness to it# E Allah's ApostleI' Allah's Apostle asked#
'Ha(e you gi(en !the like of it" to e(eryone of your sonsJ' He replied in the negati(e% Allah's Apostle
said# 'Be afraid of Allah# and be .ust to your children%' My father then returned and took back his gift%H
=olue < ) 471 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :50:
Darrated A-)Fuhari:
Ubaidullah bin 'Abdullah told e that 'Aisha had said# H@hen the Prophet becae sick and his
condition becae serious# he reCuested his $i(es to allo$ hi to be treated in y house# and they
allo$ed hi% He cae out leaning on t$o en $hile his feet $ere dragging on the ground% He $as
$alking bet$een Al)'Abbas and another an%H 'Ubaidullah said# H@hen I infored Ibn 'Abbas of
$hat 'Aisha had said# he asked e $hether I kne$ $ho $as the second an $ho 'Aisha had not
naed% I replied in the negati(e% He said# 'He $as 'Ali bin Abi &alib%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :53:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HEne $ho takes back his gift !$hich he has already gi(en" is like a dog that
s$allo$s its (oit%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :5<:
Darrated Asa:
Ence I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e no property e*cept $hat has been gi(en to e by A-)Fubair
!i%e% her husband"% May I gi(e in charityJH &he Prophet said# HAi(e in charity and do not $ithhold itL
other$ise Allah $ill $ithhold it back fro you % H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :52:
Darrated Asa:
Allah's Apostle said# HAi(e !in charity" and do not gi(e reluctantly lest Allah should gi(e you in a
liited aountL and do not $ithhold your oney lest Allah should $ithhold it fro you%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :54:
Darrated Kurib:
the freed sla(e of Ibn 'Abbas# that Maiuna bint Al)Harith told hi that she anuitted a sla(e)
girl $ithout taking the perission of the Prophet% En the day $hen it $as her turn to be $ith the
Prophet# she said# H8o you kno$# E Allah's Apostle# that I ha(e anuitted y sla(e)girlJH He said#
HHa(e you reallyJH She replied in the affirati(e% He said# HKou $ould ha(e got ore re$ard if you
had gi(en her !i%e% the sla(e)girl" to one of your aternal uncles%H
=olue < ) 416 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :55:
Darrated Aisha:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle $anted to go on a .ourney# he $ould dra$ lots as to $hich of his $i(es
$ould accopany hi% He $ould take her $hose nae cae out% He used to fi* for each of the a
day and a night% But Sauda bint Fa'a ga(e up her !turn" day and night to 'Aisha# the $ife of the
Prophet in order to seek the pleasure of Allah's Apostle !by that action"%
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :5::
Darrated Aisha:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e t$o neighborsL $hich of the should I gi(e a gift toJH &he Prophet
said# H!Ai(e" to the one $hose door is nearer to you%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :57:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
&hat he heard As)Sa'b bin /aththaa Al);aithi# $ho $as one of the copanions of the Prophet#
saying that he ga(e the eat of an onager to Allah's Apostle $hile he $as at a place called Al)Ab$a'
or @addan# and $as in a state of Ihra% &he Prophet did not accept it% @hen the Prophet sa$ the
signs of sorro$ on As)Sa'b's face because of not accepting his present# he said !to hi"# H@e are not
returning your present# but $e are in the state of Ihra%H !See Hadith Do% :2:"
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :51:
Darrated Abu Huaid Al)Sa'idi:
&he Prophet appointed a an fro the tribe of Al)A-d# called Ibn 'Utbiyya for collecting the Fakat%
@hen he returned he said# H&his !i%e% the Fakat" is for you and this has been gi(en to y as a present%H
&he Prophet said# H@hy hadn't he stayed in his father's or other's house to see $hether he $ould be
gi(en presents or notJ By Hi in @hose Hands y life is# $hoe(er takes soething fro the re)
sources of the Fakat !unla$fully" $ill be carrying it on his neck on the 8ay of ResurrectionL if it be a
cael# it $ill be gruntingL if a co$# it $ill be ooingL and if a sheep# it $ill be bleating%H &he Prophet
then raised his hands till $e sa$ the $hiteness of his arpits# and he said thrice# HE AllahI Ha(en't I
con(eyed Kour Message !to the"JH
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber ::6:
Darrated /abir:
=olue < ) 410 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said to e# HI $ill gi(e you so uch !the Prophet pointed thrice $ith his hands" $hen
funds of Bahrain $ill coe to e%H But the Prophet died before the oney reached hi% !@hen it
cae" Abu Bakr ordered an announcer to announce that $hoe(er had a oney clai on the Prophet
or $as proised to be gi(en soething# should coe to Abu Bakr% I $ent to Abu Bakr and told hi
that the Prophet had proised to gi(e e so uch% En that Abu Bakr ga(e e three handfuls !of
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber ::0:
Darrated Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa:
Allah's Apostle distributed soe cloaks but did not gi(e anything thereof to Makhraa%
Makhraa said !to e"# HE sonI accopany e to Allah's Apostle%H @hen I $ent $ith hi# he said#
H9all hi to e%H I called hi !i%e% the Prophet " for y father% He cae out $earing one of those
cloaks and said# H@e kept this !cloak" for you# !Makhraa"%H Makhraa looked at the cloak and said#
HMakhraa is pleased#H !or the Prophet said"# HIs Makhraa pleasedJH
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber ::3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HI a ruined%H &he Prophet asked# H@hat do you eanJH He
said# HI had a se*ual intercourse $ith y $ife during Raadan !$hile fasting"%H &he Prophet asked
hi# H9an you anuit a sla(eJH He replied in the negati(e% He then asked hi# H9an you fast for t$o
successi(e onths continuouslyH He replied in the negati(e% &he Prophet then asked hi# H9an you
feed si*ty poor personsJH He replied in the negati(e% In the eantie an Ansari cae $ith a basket
full of dates% &he Prophet said to the an# H&ake it and gi(e it in charity !as an e*piation of your sin"%H
&he an said HShould I gi(e it to soe people $ho are poorer than $e E Allah's ApostleJ By Hi
@ho has sent you $ith the &ruth# there is no faily bet$een Medina's t$o ountains poorer than
$e%H Allah's Apostle told hi to take it and pro(ide his faily $ith it%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber ::<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
My father $as artyred on the day !of the battle" of Uhud and his creditors deanded the debt
back in a harsh anner% So I $ent to Allah's Apostle and infored hi of that# he asked the to ac)
cept the fruits of y garden and e*cuse y father# but they refused% So# Allah's Apostle did not gi(e
the the fruits# nor did he cut the and distribute the aong the# but said# HI $ill coe to you
toorro$ orning%H So# he cae to us the ne*t orning and $alked about in bet$een the date)
pals and in(oked Allah to bless their fruits% I plucked the fruits and ga(e back all the rights of the
creditors in full# and a lot of fruits $ere left for us% &hen I $ent to Allah's Apostle# $ho $as sitting#
=olue < ) 413 ? 0:66
and infored hi about $hat happened% Allah's Apostle told 'Uar# $ho $as sitting there# to listen
to the story% 'Uar said# H8on't $e kno$ that you are Allah's ApostleJ By AllahI you are Allah's
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber ::2:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
A drink !ilk i*ed $ith $ater" $as brought to the Prophet $ho drank soe of it $hile a boy
$as sitting on his right and old en on his left% &he Prophet said to the boy# HIf you perit e# I'll
gi(e !the rest of the drink to" these old en first%H &he boy said# HI $ill not gi(e preference to any one
o(er e as regards y share fro you# E Allah's ApostleIH &he Prophet then put that container in the
boy's hand% !See Hadith Do% 420"%
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber ::4:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
I sold a cael to the Prophet on one of the .ourneys% @hen $e reached Medina# he ordered e to
go to the MosCue and offer t$o Rakat% &hen he $eighed for e !the price of the cael in gold" and
ga(e an e*tra aount o(er it% A part of it reained $ith e till it $as taken by the ary of Sha on
the day of Harra%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber ::5:
Darrated Shal bin Sad:
A drink !of ilk and $ater" $as brought to Allah's Apostle $hile a boy $as sitting on his right side
and old en $ere sitting on his left side% He asked the boy# H@ill you allo$ e to gi(e it to these
!people"JH &he boy said# HDo# by Allah# I $ill not allo$ anyone to take y right fro you%H &hen the
Prophet put the bo$l in the boy's hand%
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber ::::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle o$ed a an soe debt !and that an deanded it (ery harshly"% &he copanions
of the Prophet $anted to har hi# but the Prophet said to the# H;ea(e hi# as the creditor has the
right to speak harshly%H He then added# HBuy !a cael" of the sae age and gi(e it to hi%H &hey said#
H@e cannot get e*cept a cael of an older age than that of his%H He said# HBuy it and gi(e it to hi# as
the best aongst you is he $ho pays back his debt in the ost handsoe $ay%'
=olue < ) 41< ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber ::7:
Darrated Mar$an bin Al)Haka and Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa:
@hen the delegates of the tribe of Ha$a-in cae to the Prophet they reCuested hi to return their
property and their capti(es% He said to the# H&his concerns also other people along $ith e as you
see# and the best stateent to e is the true one# so you ay choose one of t$o alternati(esL either
the capti(es or the property and !I ha(e not distributed the booty for" I ha(e been $aiting for you%H
@hen the Prophet had returned fro &a'if# he $aited for the for ore than ten nights% @hen
they cae to kno$ that the Prophet $ould not return e*cept one of the t$o# they chose their cap)
ti(es% &he Prophet then stood up aongst the Muslis# Alorified and Praised Allah as He deser(ed#
and then said# H&hen after: &hese brothers of yours ha(e coe to you $ith repentance and I see it
proper to return their capti(es# so $hoe(er aongst you likes to do that as a fa(or# then he can do it#
and $hoe(er of you $ants to stick to his share till $e pay hi fro the (ery first Bai !i%e% $ar booty"
$hich Allah $ill gi(e us# then he can do so%H &he people said# H@e return !the capti(es" to the $ill)
ingly as a fa(or# E Allah's ApostleIH &he Prophet said# HI do not kno$ $ho of you has gi(en his con)
sent and $ho has notL so go back and your leaders ay present your decision to e%H &he people
$ent a$ay# and their leaders discussed the atter $ith the# and then cae to the Prophet to tell
hi that all of the had gi(en their consent !to return the capti(es" $illingly% !A-)Fuhn# the sub)
narrator said# H&his is $hat $e kno$ about the capti(es# of Ha$a-in%H"
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber ::1:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas: &hat the people sitting $ith that person $ill be his co)o$ners% But this report
is not confired by an authentic narration% !Refer to Hadith ::7"
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :76:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet took a cael of special age fro soebody on credit% Its o$ner cae and deanded
it back !harshly"% &he Prophet said# HDo doubt# he $ho has a right# can deand it%H &hen the Prophet
ga(e hi an older cael than his cael and said# H&he best aongst you is he $ho repays his debts
in the ost handsoe $ay%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :70:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&hat he $as in the copany of the Prophet on a .ourney# riding a troublesoe cael belonging to
'Uar% &he cael used to go ahead of the Prophet# so Ibn 'Uar's father $ould say# HE 'AbdullahI Do
one should go ahead of the Prophet%H &he Prophet said to hi# HSell it to e%H 'Uar said to the Proph)
=olue < ) 412 ? 0:66
et HIt is for you%H So# he bought it and said# HE 'AbdullahI It is for you# and you can do $ith it $hat you
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :73:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Uar:
Uar bin Al)Khattab sa$ a silken dress !cloak" being sold at the gate of the MosCue and said# HE
Allah's ApostleI @ould that you buy it and $ear it on Bridays and $hen the delegates coe to youIH
Allah's Apostle said# H&his is $orn by the one $ho $ill ha(e no share in the Hereafter%H ;ater on soe
silk dresses $ere brought and Allah's Apostle sent one of the to 'Uar% 'Uar said# HHo$ do you
gi(e e this to $ear $hile you said $hat you said about the dress of 'UtaridJH Allah's Apostle said# HI
ha(e not gi(en it to you to $ear%H So# 'Uar ga(e it to a pagan brother of his in Mecca%
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :7<:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
Ence the Prophet $ent to the house of Batia but did not enter it% 'Ali cae and she told hi
about that% @hen 'All asked the Prophet about it# he said# HI sa$ a !ulti)colored" decorated curtain
on her door% I a not interested in $orldly things%H 'Ali $ent to Batia and told her about it% Batia
said# HI a ready to dispense $ith it in the $ay he suggests%H &he Prophet ordered her to send it to
such)and)such needy people% H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :72:
Darrated 'Ali:
&he Prophet ga(e e a silken dress as a gift and I $ore it% @hen I sa$ the signs of anger on his
face# I cut it into pieces and distributed it aong y $i(es%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :74:
Darrated Anas:
A /ubba !i%e% cloak" ade of thick silken cloth $as presented to the Prophet% &he Prophet used to
forbid people to $ear silk% So# the people $ere pleased to see it% &he Prophet said# HBy Hi in @hose
Hands Muhaad's soul is# the handkerchiefs of Sad bin Mu'adh in Paradise are better than this%H
Anas added# H&he present $as sent to the Prophet by Ukaidir !a 9hristian" fro 8aua%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :75:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
=olue < ) 414 ? 0:66
A /e$ess brought a poisoned !cooked" sheep for the Prophet $ho ate fro it% She $as brought to
the Prophet and he $as asked# HShall $e kill herJH He said# HDo%H I continued to see the effect of the
poison on the palate of the outh of Allah's Apostle %
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :7::
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Abu Bakr:
@e $ere one)hundred and thirty persons accopanying the Prophet $ho asked us $hether any)
one of us had food% &here $as a an $ho had about a Sa of $heat $hich $as i*ed $ith $ater
then% A (ery tall pagan cae dri(ing sheep% &he Prophet asked hi# H@ill you sell us !a sheep" or gi(e
it as a presentJH He said# HI $ill sell you !a sheep"%H &he Prophet bought a sheep and it $as
slaughtered% &he Prophet ordered that its li(er and other abdoinal organs be roasted% By Allah# the
Prophet ga(e e(ery person of the one)hundred)and)thirty a piece of thatL he ga(e all those of the
$ho $ere presentL and kept the shares of those $ho $ere absent%&he Prophet then put its eat in
t$o huge basins and all of the ate to their fill# and e(en then ore food $as left in the t$o basins
$hich $ere carried on the cael !or said soething like it"%
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :77:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Uar sa$ a silken cloak o(er a an for sale and reCuested the Prophet to buy it in order to $ear it
on Bridays and $hile eeting delegates% &he Prophet said# H&his is $orn by the one $ho $ill ha(e no
share in the Hereafter%H ;ater on Allah's Apostle got soe silken cloaks siilar to that one# and he
sent one to 'Uar% 'Uar said to the Prophet HHo$ can I $ear it# $hile you said about it $hat you
saidJH &he Prophet said# HI ha(e not gi(en it to you to $ear# but to sell or to gi(e to soeone else%H So#
'Uar sent it to his brother at Mecca before he ebraced Isla%
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :71:
Darrated Asa' bint Abu Bakr:
My other cae to e during the lifetie of Allah's Apostle and she $as a pagan% I said to Allah's
Apostle !seeking his (erdict"# HMy other has coe to e and she desires to recei(e a re$ard fro
e# shall I keep good relations $ith herJH &he Prophet said# HKes# keep good relation $ith her% H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :16:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HHe $ho takes back his present is like hi $ho s$allo$s his (oit%H
=olue < ) 415 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :10:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# H&he bad e*aple is not for us% He $ho takes back his present is like a dog that
s$allo$s back its (oit%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :13:
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khattab:
I ga(e a horse in Allah's 9ause% &he person to $ho it $as gi(en# did not look after it% I intended to
buy it fro hi# thinking that he $ould sell it cheap% @hen I asked the Prophet he said# H8on't buy it#
e(en if he gi(es it to you for one 8irha# as the person $ho takes back $hat he has gi(en in charity#
is like a dog that s$allo$s back its (oit%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :1<:
Darrated /abir: &he Prophet ga(e the (erdict that 'Ura is for the one to $ho it is presented%
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :12:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HUra is perissible%H Ata said# H/abir narrated the sae to e fro the Prophet%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :14:
Darrated Anas:
Ence the people of Medina $ere frightened# so the Prophet borro$ed a horse fro Abu &alha
called Al)Mandub# and rode it% @hen he cae back he said# H@e ha(e not seen anything !to be
afraid of"# but the horse $as (ery fast !ha(ing an energy as ine*haustible as the $ater of the sea"%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :15:
Darrated Aian:
I $ent to 'Aisha and she $as $earing a coarse dress costing fi(e 8irhas% 'Aisha said# H;ook up and
see y sla(e)girl $ho refuses to $ear it in the house though during the lifetie of Allah's Apostle I
had a siilar dress $hich no $oan desiring to appear elegant !before her husband" failed to bor)
ro$ fro e%H
=olue < ) 41: ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :1::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hat a good Maniha !the she)cael $hich has recently gi(en birth and
$hich gi(es profuse ilk" is# and !$hat a good Maniha" !the sheep $hich gi(es profuse ilk# a bo$l
in the orning and another in the e(ening" isIH
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :17:
Darrated Malik:
Maniha is a good deed of charity%
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber :11:
Darrated Ibn Shihab A-)Fuhri:
Anas bin Malik said# H@hen the eigrants cae Medina# they had nothing $hereas the Ansar had
land and property% &he Ansar ga(e the their land on condition that the eigrants $ould gi(e the
half the yearly yield and $ork on the land and pro(ide the necessaries for culti(ation%H His !i%e% Anas's
other $ho $as also the other of 'Abdullah bin Abu &alha# ga(e soe date)pals to Allah' Apostle
$ho ga(e the to his freed sla(e)girl !U Aian" $ho $as also the other of Usaa bin Faid%
@hen the Prophet finished fro the fighting against the people of Khaibar and returned to Medina#
the eigrants returned to the Ansar the fruit gifts $hich the Ansar had gi(en the% &he Prophet also
returned to Anas's other the date)palls% Allah's Apostle ga(e U Aian other trees fro his
garden in lieu of the old gift%
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber 766:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
&hat Allah's Apostle said# H&here are forty (irtuous deeds and the best of the is the Maniha of a
she)goat# and anyone $ho does one of these (irtuous deeds hoping for Allah's re$ard $ith fir con)
fidence that he $ill get it# then Allah $ill ake hi enter Paradise because of Hassan !a sub)narrat)
or" said# H@e tried to count those good deeds belo$ the ManihaL $e entioned replying to the snee-)
er# reo(ing harful things fro the road# etc%# but $e failed to count e(en fifteen%H
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber 760:
Darrated /abir:
=olue < ) 417 ? 0:66
Soe en had superfluous land and they said that they $ould gi(e it to others to culti(ate on the
condition that they $ould get one)third or one)fourth or one half of its yield% &he Prophet said#
H@hoe(er has land should culti(ate it hiself or gi(e it to his brother or keep it unculti(ated%H
Darrated Abu Said: A bedouin cae to the Prophet and asked hi about eigration% &he Prophet
said to hi# HMay Allah be erciful to you% &he atter of eigration is difficult% Ha(e you got soe
caelsJH He replied in the affirati(e% &he Prophet asked hi# H8o you pay their FakatJH He replied
in the affirati(e% He asked# H8o you lend the so that their ilk ay be utili-ed by othersJH &he
bedouin said# HKes%H &he Prophet asked# H8o you ilk the on the day off $atering theJH He replied#
HKes%H &he Prophet said# H8o good deeds beyond the erchants !or the sea" and Allah $ill ne(er dis)
regard any of your deeds%H !See Hadith Do% 356# =ol% 4"
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber 763:
Darrated &a$us:
&hat he $as told by the ost learned one aongst the !i%e% Ibn Abbas" that the Prophet $ent to)
$ards soe land $hich $as flourishing $ith (egetation and asked to $ho it belonged% He $as told
that such and such a person took it on rent% &he Prophet said# HIt $ould ha(e been better !for the
o$ner" if he had gi(en it to hi gratis rather than charging hi a fi*ed rent%
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber 76<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he Prophet Abraha igrated $ith Sarah% &he people !of the to$n $here
they igrated" ga(e her !i%e%"% Sarah returned and said to Abraha# H8o you kno$ that Al)
lah has huiliated that pagan and he has gi(en a sla(e)girl for y ser(iceJH
=olue <# Book 2:# Duber 762:
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khatab:
Ence I ga(e a horse !for riding" in Allah's 9ause% ;ater I sa$ it being sold% I asked Allah's Apostle
!$hether I could buy it"% He said# H8on't buy it# for you should not get back $hat you ha(e gi(en in
=olue < ) 411 ? 0:66
Book 27: @itnesses
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 764:
Darrated Ur$a bin Al)Musayyab# AlCaa bin @aCCas and Ubaidullah bin Abdullah:
About the story of 'Aisha and their narrations $ere siilar attesting each other# $hen the liars said
$hat they in(ented about 'Aisha# and the 8i(ine Inspiration $as delayed# Allah's Apostle sent for 'Ali
and Usaa to consult the in di(orcing his $ife !i%e% 'Aisha"% Usaa said# HKeep your $ife# as $e
kno$ nothing about her e*cept good%H Buraira said# HI cannot accuse her of any defect e*cept that
she is still a young girl $ho sleeps# neglecting her faily's dough $hich the doestic goats coe to
eat !i%e% she $as too sipleinded to decei(e her husband"%H Allah's Apostle said# H@ho can help e
to take re(enge o(er the an $ho has hared e by defaing the reputation of y failyJ By Al)
lah# I ha(e not kno$n about y faily)anything e*cept good# and they entioned !i%e% accused" a
an about $ho I did not kno$ anything e*cept good%H
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 765:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
Allah's Apostle and Ubai bin Kab Al)Ansari $ent to the garden $here Ibn Saiyad used to li(e%
@hen Allah's Apostle entered !the garden"# he !i%e% Allah's Apostle " started hiding hiself behind the
datepals as he $anted to hear secretly the talk of Ibn Saiyad before the latter sa$ hi% Ibn Saiyad
$rapped $ith a soft decorated sheet $as lying on his bed ururing% Ibn Saiyad's other sa$ the
Prophet hiding behind the stes of the date)pals% She addressed Ibn Saiyad saying# HE Saf# this is
Muhaad%H Hearing that Ibn Saiyad stopped ururing !or got cautious"# the Prophet said# HIf she
had left hi undisturbed# he $ould ha(e re(ealed his reality%H !See Hadith Do% 316# =ol 2 for details"
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 76::
Darrated Aisha:
&he $ife of Rifa'a Al),ura-i cae to the Prophet and said# HI $as Rifa'a's $ife# but he di(orced e
and it $as a final irre(ocable di(orce% &hen I arried AbdurRahan bin A-)Fubair but he is ipot)
ent%H &he Prophet asked her '8o you $ant to rearry Rifa'aJ Kou cannot unless you had a coplete
se*ual relation $ith your present husband%H Abu Bakr $as sitting $ith Allah's Apostle and Khalid bin
Said bin Al)'As $as at the door $aiting to be aditted% He said# HE Abu BakrI 8o you hear $hat this
!$oan" is re(ealing frankly before the Prophet JH
=olue < ) 566 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 767:
Darrated Abdullah bin Abu Mulaika fro 'UCba bin Al)Harith:
UCba arried the daughter of Abu Ihab bin A-i-# and then a $oan cae and said# HI suckled
'UCba and his $ife%H 'UCba said to her# HI do not kno$ that you ha(e suckled e# and you did not in)
for e%H He then sent soeone to the house of Abu Ihab to enCuire about that but they did not
kno$ that she had suckled their daughter% &hen 'UCba $ent to the Prophet in Medina and asked hi
about it% &he Prophet said to hi# HHo$ !can you keep your $ife" after it has been said !that both of
you $ere suckled by the sae $oan"JH So# he di(orced her and she $as arried to another !hus)
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 761:
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khattab:
People $ere !soeties" .udged by the re(ealing of a 8i(ine Inspiration during the lifetie of Al)
lah's Apostle but no$ there is no longer any ore !ne$ re(elation"% Do$ $e .udge you by the deeds
you practice publicly# so $e $ill trust and fa(or the one $ho does good deeds in front of us# and $e
$ill not call hi to account about $hat he is really doing in secret# for Allah $ill .udge hi for thatL
but $e $ill not trust or belie(e the one $ho presents to us $ith an e(il deed e(en if he clais that his
intentions $ere good%
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 706:
Darrated Anas:
A funeral procession passed in front of the Prophet and the people praised the deceased% &he
Prophet said# HIt has been affired !Paradise"%H &hen another funeral procession passed by and the
people talked badly of the deceased% &he Prophet said# HIt has been affired !Hell"%H Allah's Apostle
$as asked# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou said it has been affired for bothJH &he Prophet said# H&he testi)
ony of the people !is accepted"# !for" the belie(er are Allah's $itnesses on the earth%H
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 700:
Darrated Abu Al)As$ad:
Ence I $ent to Medina $here there $as an outbreak of disease and the people $ere dying rapidly%
I $as sitting $ith 'Uar and a funeral procession passed by% &he people praised the deceased% 'Uar
said# HIt has been affiredH !Paradise"% &hen another funeral procession passed by% &he people praised
the deceased% 'Uar said# HIt has been affired%H !Paradise"% &hen another funeral procession passed
by% &he people praised the deceased% 'Uar said# HIt has been affired !Paradise"%H &hen a third fu)
neral procession passed by and the people talked badly of the deceased% 'Uar said# HIt has been af)
=olue < ) 560 ? 0:66
fired !Hell"%H I asked Uar# HE chief of the belie(ersI @hat has been affiredJH He said# HI ha(e said
$hat the Prophet said% He said# 'Allah $ill adit into paradise any Musli $hose good character is
attested by four persons%' @e asked the Prophet# 'If there $ere three $itnesses onlyJ' He said# '+(en
three%' @e asked# 'If there $ere t$o onlyJ' He said# '+(en t$o%' But $e did not ask hi about one $it)
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 703:
Darrated Aisha:
Aflah asked the perission to (isit e but I did not allo$ hi% He said# H8o you (eil yourself be)
fore e although I a your uncleJH 'Aisha said# HHo$ is thatJH Aflah replied# HKou $ere suckled by
y brother's $ife $ith y brother's ilk%H I asked Allah's Apostle about it# and he said# HAllah is right#
so perit hi to (isit you%H
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 70<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said about Ha-a's daughter# HI a not legally peritted to arry her# as foster rela)
tions are treated like blood relations !in arital affairs"% She is the daughter of y foster brother%H
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 702:
Darrated Ara bint 'Abdur)Rahan:
&hat 'Aisha the $ife of the Prophet told her uncle that once# $hile the Prophet $as in her house#
she heard a an asking Hafsa's perission to enter her house% 'Aisha said# HI said# 'E Allah's ApostleI I
think the an is Hafsa's foster uncle%' H 'Aisha added# HE Allah's ApostleI &here is a an asking the
perission to enter your house%H Allah's Apostle replied# HI think the an is Hafsa's foster uncle%H
'Aisha said# HIf so)and)so $ere li(ing !i%e% her foster uncle" $ould he be allo$ed to (isit eJH Allah's
Apostle said# HKes# he $ould# as the foster relations are treated like blood relations !in arital
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 704:
Darrated Aisha:
Ence the Prophet cae to e $hile a an $as in y house% He said# HE 'AishaI @ho is this
!an"JH I replied# HMy foster brothersH He said# HE 'AishaI Be sure about your foster brothers# as
fostership is only (alid if it takes place in the suckling period !before t$o years of age"%H
=olue < ) 563 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 705:
Darrated 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair:
A $oan coitted theft in the Aha-$a of the 9onCuest !of Mecca" and she $as taken to the
Prophet $ho ordered her hand to be cut off% 'Aisha said# HHer repentance $as perfect and she $as
arried !later" and used to coe to e !after that" and I $ould present her needs to Allah's Apostle%H
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 70::
Darrated Faid bin Khalid:
Allah's Apostle ordered that an unarried an $ho coitted illegal se*ual intercourse be
scourged one hundred lashes and sent into e*ile for one year%
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 707:
Darrated An)Du'an bin Bashir:
My other asked y father to present e a gift fro his propertyL and he ga(e it to e after soe
hesitation% My other said that she $ould not be satisfied unless the Prophet $as ade a $itness to
it% I being a young boy# y father held e by the hand and took e to the Prophet % He said to the
Prophet# HHis other# bint Ra$aha# reCuested e to gi(e this boy a gift%H &he Prophet said# H8o you
ha(e other sons besides hiJH He said# HKes%H &he Prophet said# H8o not ake e a $itness for in)
.ustice%H Darrated Ash)Shabi that the Prophet said# HI $ill not becoe a $itness for in.ustice%H
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 701:
Darrated Fahda bin Mudrab:
I heard Iran bin Husain saying# H&he Prophet said# '&he best people are those li(ing in y gener)
ation# then those coing after the# and then those coing after !the second generation"%H Iran
said HI do not kno$ $hether the Prophet entioned t$o or three generations after your present gen)
eration% &he Prophet added# '&here $ill be soe people after you# $ho $ill be dishonest and $ill not
be trust$orthy and $ill gi(e $itness !e(idences" $ithout being asked to gi(e $itness# and $ill (o$
but $ill not fulfill their (o$s# and fatness $ill appear aong the%H
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 736:
Darrated Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H&he people of y generation are the best# then those $ho follo$ the# and then
$hose $ho follo$ the latter% After that there $ill coe soe people $hose $itness $ill go ahead of
their oaths# and their oaths $ill go ahead of their $itness%H Ibrahi !a sub)narrator" said# H@e used
=olue < ) 56< ? 0:66
to be beaten for taking oaths by saying# 'I bear $itness by the Dae of Allah or by the 9o(enant of
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 730:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet $as asked about the great sins He said# H&hey are:))
!0 " &o .oin others in $orship $ith Allah#
!3" &o be undutiful to one's parents%
!<" &o kill a person !$hich Allah has forbidden to kill" !i%e% to coit the crie of urdering"%
!2" And to gi(e a false $itness%H
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 733:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
&he Prophet said thrice# HShould I infor you out the greatest of the great sinsJH &hey said# HKes# E
Allah's ApostleIH He said# H&o .oin others in $orship $ith Allah and to be undutiful to one's parents%H
&he Prophet then sat up after he had been reclining !on a pillo$" and said# HAnd I $arn you against
gi(ing a false $itness# and he kept on saying that $arning till $e thought he $ould not stop% !See
Hadith Do% :# =ol% 7"
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 73<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet heard a an !reciting ,uran" in the MosCue# and he said# HMay Allah besto$ His
Mercy upon hi% Do doubt# he ade e reeber such)and such =erses of such)and)such Sura
$hich I dropped !fro y eory"%
Darrated Aisha: &he Prophet perfored the &aha..ud prayer in y house# and then he heard the
(oice of 'Abbas $ho $as praying in the MosCue# and said# HE 'AishaI Is this 'Abbad's (oiceJH I said#
HKes%H He said# HE AllahI Be erciful to 'AbbasIH
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 732:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
&he Prophet said# HBilal pronounces the Adhan $hen it is still night !before da$n"# so eat and drink
till the ne*t Adhan is pronounced !or till you hear Ibn U Maktu's Adhan"%H Ibn U Maktu $as
a blind an $ho $ould not pronounce the Adhan till he $as told that it $as da$n%
=olue < ) 562 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 734:
Darrated Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa:
Soe outer garents $ere recei(ed the Prophet and y father !Makhraa" said to e# H;et us go
to the Prophet so that he ay gi(e us soething fro the garents%H So# y father stood at the door
and spoke% &he Prophet recogni-ed his (oice and cae out carrying a garent and telling
Makhraa the good Cualities of that garent# adding# HI ha(e kept this for you# I ha(e sent this for
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 735:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# HIsn't the $itness of a $oan eCual to half of that of a anJH &he $oen said#
HKes%H He said# H&his is because of the deficiency of a $oan's ind%H
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 73::
Darrated UCba bin Al)Harith:
&hat he had arried U Kahya bint Abu Ihab% He said% HA black sla(e)lady cae and said# 'I
suckled you both%' I then entioned that to the Prophet $ho turned his face aside%H UCba further said#
HI $ent to the other side and told the Prophet about it% He said# 'Ho$ can you !keep her as your $ife"
$hen the lady has said that she suckled both of you !i%e% you and your $ifeJ"H So# the Prophet ordered
hi to di(orce her%
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 737:
Darrated 'UCba bin Al)Harith:
I arried a $oan and later on a $oan cae and said# HI suckled you both%H So# I $ent to the
Prophet !to ask hi about it"% He said# HHo$ can you !keep her as a $ife" $hen it has been said !that
you $ere foster brother and sister"J ;ea(e !di(orce" her%
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 731:
Darrated Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" H@hene(er Allah's Apostle intended to go on a .ourney# he $ould dra$
lots aongst his $i(es and $ould take $ith hi the one upon $ho the lot fell% 8uring a Aha-$a
of his# he dre$ lots aongst us and the lot fell upon e# and I proceeded $ith hi after Allah had
decreed the use of the (eil by $oen% I $as carried in a Ho$dah !on the cael" and disounted
$hile still in it% @hen Allah's Apostle $as through $ith his Aha-$a and returned hoe# and $e ap)
=olue < ) 564 ? 0:66
proached the city of Medina# Allah's Apostle ordered us to proceed at night% @hen the order of set)
ting off $as gi(en# I $alked till I $as past the ary to ans$er the call of nature% After finishing I re)
turned !to the cap" to depart !$ith the others" and suddenly reali-ed that y necklace o(er y
chest $as issing% So# I returned to look for it and $as delayed because of that% &he people $ho used
to carry e on the cael# cae to y Ho$dah and put it on the back of the cael# thinking that I
$as in it# as# at that tie# $oen $ere light in $eight# and thin and lean# and did not use to eat
uch% So# those people did not feel the difference in the hea(iness of the Ho$dah $hile lifting it# and
they put it o(er the cael% At that tie I $as a young lady% &hey set the cael o(ing and proceeded
on% I found y necklace after the ary had gone# and cae to their cap to find nobody% So# I $ent
to the place $here I used to stay# thinking that they $ould disco(er y absence and coe back in
y search% @hile in that state# I felt sleepy and slept%
Saf$an bin Mu'attal As)Sulai Adh)8hak$ani $as behind the ary and reached y abode in
the orning% @hen he sa$ a sleeping person# he cae to e# and he used to see e before (eiling%
So# I got up $hen I heard hi saying# HInna lil)lah)$a inn a ilaihi ra.iun !@e are for Allah# and $e
$ill return to Hi"%H He ade his cael knell do$n% He got do$n fro his cael# and put his leg on
the front legs of the cael and then I rode and sat o(er it% Saf$an set out $alking# leading the cael
by the rope till $e reached the ary $ho had halted to take rest at idday% &hen $hoe(er $as
eant for destruction# fell into destruction# !soe people accused e falsely" and the leader of the
false accusers $as 'Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul% After that $e returned to Medina# and I becae ill
for one onth $hile the people $ere spreading the forged stateents of the false accusers% I $as
feeling during y ailent as if I $ere not recei(ing the usual kindness fro the Prophet $hich I
used to recei(e fro hi $hen I got sick% But he $ould coe# greet and say# 'Ho$ is that !girl"J' I did
not kno$ anything of $hat $as going on till I reco(ered fro y ailent and $ent out $ith U
Mistah to the Manasi $here $e used to ans$er the call of nature# and $e used not to go to ans$er
the call of nature e*cept fro night to night and that $as before $e had la(atories near to our
houses% And this habit of ours $as siilar to the habit of the old 'Arabs in the open country !or a$ay
fro houses"% So% I and U Mistah bint Ruh $ent out $alking% U Mistah stubled because of her
long dress and on that she said# ';et Mistah be ruined%' I said# 'Kou are saying a bad $ord% @hy are
you abusing a an $ho took part in !the battle of" BadrJ' She said# 'E Hanata !you there" didn't you
hear $hat they saidJ' &hen she told e the ruors of the false accusers%
My sickness $as aggra(ated# and $hen I returned hoe# Allah's Apostle cae to e# and after
greeting he said# 'Ho$ is that !girl"J' I reCuested hi to allo$ e to go to y parents% I $anted then
to be sure of the ne$s through the I Allah's Apostle allo$ed e# and I $ent to y parents and
asked y other# '@hat are the people talking aboutJ' She said# 'E y daughterI 8on't $orry uch
about this atter% By Allah# ne(er is there a charing $oan lo(ed by her husband $ho has other
$i(es# but the $oen $ould forge false ne$s about her%' I said# 'Alorified be AllahI Are the people
really taking of this atterJ' &hat night I kept on $eeping and could not sleep till orning% In the
orning Allah's Apostle called Ali bin Abu &alib and Usaa bin Faid $hen he sa$ the 8i(ine In)
spiration delayed# to consul the about di(orcing his $ife !i%e% 'Aisha"% Usaa bin Faid said $hat he
=olue < ) 565 ? 0:66
kne$ of the good reputation of his $i(es and added# 'E Allah's ApostleI Keep you $ife# for# by Allah#
$e kno$ nothing about her but good%' 'Ali bin Abu &alib said# 'E Allah's ApostleI Allah has no i)
posed restrictions on you# and there are any $oen other than she# yet you ay ask the $oan)
ser(ant $ho $ill tell you the truth%' En that Allah's Apostle called Buraira and said# 'E Burair% 8id
you e(er see anything $hich roused your suspicions about herJ' Buraira said# 'Do# by Allah @ho has
sent you $ith the &ruth# I ha(e ne(er seen in her anything faulty e*cept that she is a girl of ia)
ture age# $ho soeties sleeps and lea(es the dough for the goats to eat%' En that day Allah's Apostle
ascended the pulpit and reCuested that soebody support hi in punishing 'Abdullah bin Ubai bin
Salul% Allah's Apostle said# '@ho $ill support e to punish that person !'Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul"
$ho has hurt e by slandering the reputation of y failyJ By Allah# I kno$ nothing about y
faily but good# and they ha(e accused a person about $ho I kno$ nothing e*cept good# and he
ne(er entered y house e*cept in y copany%'
Sad bin Mu'adh got up and said# 'E Allah's ApostleI by Allah# I $ill relie(e you fro hi% If that
an is fro the tribe of the Aus# then $e $ill chop his head off# and if he is fro our brothers# the
Kha-ra.# then order us# and $e $ill fulfill your order%' En that Sad bin 'Ubada# the chief of the
Kha-ra. and before this incident# he had been a pious an# got up# oti(ated by his -eal for his tribe
and said# 'By Allah# you ha(e told a lieL you cannot kill hi# and you $ill ne(er be able to kill hi%'
En that Usaid bin Al)Hadir got up and said !to Sad bin 'Ubada"# 'By AllahI you are a liar% By Allah# $e
$ill kill hiL and you are a hypocrite# defending the hypocrites%' En this the t$o tribes of Aus and
Kha-ra. got e*cited and $ere about to fight each other# $hile Allah's Apostle $as standing on the
pulpit% He got do$n and Cuietened the till they becae silent and he kept Cuiet% En that day I kept
on $eeping so uch so that neither did y tears stop# nor could I sleep%
In the orning y parents $ere $ith e and I had $ept for t$o nights and a day# till I thought
y li(er $ould burst fro $eeping% @hile they $ere sitting $ith e and I $as $eeping# an Ansari
$oan asked y perission to enter# and I allo$ed her to coe in% She sat do$n and started $eep)
ing $ith e% @hile $e $ere in this state# Allah's Apostle cae and sat do$n and he had ne(er sat
$ith e since the day they forged the accusation% Do re(elation regarding y case cae to hi for a
onth% He recited &ashah)hud !i%e% Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah and Muhaad
is His Apostle" and then said# 'E 'AishaI I ha(e been infored such)and)such about youL if you are
innocent# then Allah $ill soon re(eal your innocence# and if you ha(e coitted a sin# then repent
to Allah and ask Hi to forgi(e you# for $hen a person confesses his sin and asks Allah for forgi(e)
ness# Allah accepts his repentance%' @hen Allah's Apostle finished his speech y tears ceased co)
pletely and there reained not e(en a single drop of it% I reCuested y father to reply to Allah's
Apostle on y behalf% My father said# By Allah# I do not kno$ $hat to say to Allah's Apostle%' I said to
y other# '&alk to Allah's Apostle on y behalf%' She said# 'By Allah# I do not kno$ $hat to say to Al)
lah's Apostle%
I $as a young girl and did not ha(e uch kno$ledge of the ,uran% I said% 'I kno$# by Allah# that
you ha(e listened to $hat people are saying and that has been planted in your inds and you ha(e
=olue < ) 56: ? 0:66
taken it as a truth% Do$# if I told you that I a innocent and Allah kno$s that I a innocent# you
$ould not belie(e e and if I confessed to you falsely that I a guilty# and Allah kno$s that I a in)
nocent you $ould belie(e e% By Allah# I don't copare y situation $ith you e*cept to the situation
of /oseph's father !i%e% /acob" $ho said# 'So !for e" patience is ost fitting against that $hich you as)
sert and it is Allah !Alone" $hose help can be sought%' &hen I turned to the other side of y bed hop)
ing that Allah $ould pro(e y innocence% By Allah I ne(er thought that Allah $ould re(eal 8i(ine
Inspiration in y case# as I considered yself too inferior to be talked of in the Holy ,ur'an% I had
hoped that Allah's Apostle ight ha(e a drea in $hich Allah $ould pro(e y innocence% By Allah#
Allah's Apostle had not got up and nobody had left the house before the 8i(ine Inspiration cae to
Allah's Apostle% So# there o(ertook hi the sae state $hich used to o(ertake hi# !$hen he used to
ha(e# on being inspired di(inely"% He $as s$eating so uch so that the drops of the s$eat $ere
dropping like pearls though it $as a !cold" $intry day% @hen that state of Allah's Apostle $as o(er#
he $as siling and the first $ord he said# 'AishaI &hank Allah# for Allah has declared your inno)
cence%' My other told e to go to Allah's Apostle % I replied# 'By Allah I $ill not go to hi and $ill
not thank but Allah%' So Allah re(ealed: H=erilyI &hey $ho spread the slander are a gang aong
you % % %H !32%00"
@hen Allah ga(e the declaration of y Innocence# Abu Bakr# $ho used to pro(ide for Mistah bin
Uthatha for he $as his relati(e# said# 'By Allah# I $ill ne(er pro(ide Mistah $ith anything because of
$hat he said about Aisha%' But Allah later re(ealed: ))
HAnd let not those $ho are good and $ealthy aong you s$ear not to help their kinsen# those in
need and those $ho left their hoes in Allah's 9ause% ;et the forgi(e and o(erlook% 8o you not
$ish that Allah should forgi(e youJ =erilyI Allah is Eft)forgi(ing# Most Merciful%H !32%33" After that
Abu Bakr said# 'Kes I By AllahI I like that Allah should forgi(e e#' and resued helping Mistah
$ho he used to help before%
Allah's Apostle also asked Fainab bint /ahsh !i%e% the Prophet's $ife about e saying# '@hat do you
kno$ and $hat did you seeJ' She replied# 'E Allah's ApostleI I refrain to clai hearing or seeing $hat
I ha(e not heard or seen% By Allah# I kno$ nothing e*cept goodness about Aisha%H Aisha further ad)
ded HFainab $as copeting $ith e !in her beauty and the Prophet's lo(e"# yet Allah protected her
!fro being alicious"# for she had piety%H
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 7<6:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
A an praised another an in front of the Prophet % &he Prophet said to hi# H@oe to you# you
ha(e cut off your copanion's neck# you ha(e cut off your copanion's neck#H repeating it se(eral
ties and then added# H@hoe(er aongst you has to praise his brother should say# 'I think that he is
so and so# and Allah kno$s e*actly the truth# and I do not confir anybody's good conduct before
Allah# but I think hi so and so#' if he really kno$s $hat he says about hi%H
=olue < ) 567 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 7<0:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ashari:
&he Prophet heard soeone praising another and e*aggerating in his praise% &he Prophet said#
HKou ha(e ruined or cut the an's back !by praising hi so uch"%
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 7<3:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle called e to present yself in front of hi or the e(e of the battle of Uhud# $hile I
$as fourteen years of age at that tie# and he did not allo$ e to take part in that battle# but he
called e in front of hi on the e(e of the battle of the &rench $hen I $as fifteen years old# and he
allo$ed e !to .oin the battle"%H Dafi' said# HI $ent to 'Uar bin 'Abdul A-i- $ho $as 9aliph at that
tie and related the abo(e narration to hi# He said# H&his age !fifteen" is the liit bet$een child)
hood and anhood#H and $rote to his go(ernors to gi(e salaries to those $ho reached the age of fif)
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 7<<:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# HBath on Briday is copulsory for those $ho ha(e attained the age of puberty%H
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 7<2:
Darrated Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf soebody takes a false oath in order to get the property of a Musli !un)
.ustly" by that oath# then Allah $ill be angry $ith hi $hen he $ill eet Hi%H Al)Ash'ath infored
e# HBy AllahI &his $as said regarding e% &here $as a dispute about a piece of land bet$een e
and a an fro the /e$s $ho denied y right% I took hi to the Prophet% Allah's Apostle asked e#
'8o you ha(e an e(idenceJ' I replied in the negati(e% He said to the /e$# '&ake an oath%' I said# 'E Al)
lah's ApostleI He $ill surely take an oath and take y property un.ustly%H So# Allah re(ealed: H=erilyI
&hose $ho purchase a little gain at the cost of Allah's co(enant and their oaths % % % H !<%::"
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 7<4:
Darrated Ibn Abu Mulaika:
Ibn 'Abbas $rote that the Prophet ga(e his (erdict on the basis of the defendant's oath%
=olue < ) 561 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 7<5:
Darrated Abu @ail:
Abdullah !bin Mas'ud" said# H@hoe(er takes a !false" oath in order to grab soe property !un)
.ustly"# Allah $ill be angry $ith hi $hen he $ill eet Hi% Allah confired that through His 8i)
(ine Re(elation: H=erilyI &hose $ho purchase a little gain at the cost of Allah's co(enant and their
oaths % % % they $ill ha(e a painful punishent%H !<%::"
Al)Ash'ath bin ,ais cae to us and asked# '@hat is Abu Abdur)Rahan !i%e% 'Abdullah" telling
youJ '@e told hi $hat he $as narrating to us% He said# 'He $as telling the truthL this 8i(ine =erse
$as re(ealed in connection $ith e% &here $as a dispute bet$een e and another an about soe)
thing and the case $as filed before Allah's Apostle $ho said# 'Produce your t$o $itnesses or else the
defendant is to take an oath%' I said# &he defendant $ill surely take a !false" oath caring for nothing%'
&he Prophet said# '@hoe(er takes a false oath in order to grab !other's" property# then Allah $ill be
angry $ith hi $hen he $ill eet Hi%' &hen Allah re(ealed its confiration% Al)Ashath then re)
cited the abo(e 8i(ine =erse%H !<%::"
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 7<::
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Hilal bin Uaiya accused his $ife before the Prophet of coitting illegal se*ual intercourse
$ith Sharik bin Saha%' &he Prophet said# HProduce a proof# or else you $ould get the legal punish)
ent !by being lashed" on your back%H Hilal said# HE Allah's ApostleI If anyone of us sa$ another an
o(er his $ife# $ould he go to search for a proof%H &he Prophet $ent on saying# HProduce a proof or
else you $ould get the legal punishent !by being lashed" on your back%H &he Prophet then en)
tioned the narration of ;ian !as in the Holy Book"% !Surat)al)Dur: 32"
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 7<7:
Darrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said# H&here are three persons $ho Allah $ill neither talk
to nor look at# nor purify fro !the sins"# and they $ill ha(e a painful punishent% !&hey are":
!0" A an possessed superfluous $ater on a $ay and he $ithheld it fro the tra(elers%
!3" a an $ho gi(es a pledge of allegiance to a Musli ruler and gi(es it only for $orldly gains% If
the ruler gi(es hi $hat he $ants# he reains obedient to It# other$ise he does not abide by it# and
!<" a an bargains $ith another an after the Asr prayer and the latter takes a false oath in the
Dae of Allah" claiing that he has been offered so uch for the thing and the forer !belie(es hi
and" buys it%H
=olue < ) 506 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 7<1:
Darrated Ibn Mas'ud:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er takes a !false" oath in order to grab !others" property# then Allah $ill
be angry $ith hi $hen he $ill eet Hi%H
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 726:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet asked soe people to take an oath# and they hurried for it% &he Prophet ordered that
lots should be dra$n aongst the as to $ho $ould take an oath first%
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 720:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abu Aufa:
A an displayed soe goods in the arket and took a false oath that he had been offered so uch
for the though he $as not offered that aount &hen the follo$ing 8i(ine =erse $as re(ealed:))
H=erilyI &hose $ho purchase a little gain at the cost of Allah's co(enant and their oaths % % % @ill get
painful punishent%H !<%::" Ibn Abu Aufa added# HSuch person as described abo(e is a treacherous
Riba)eater !i%e% eater of usury"%
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 723:
Darrated Abu @ail fro Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er takes a false oath in order to grab another an's !or his brother's"
property# then Allah $ill be angry $ith hi $hen he $ill eet hi%H &hen Allah confired this by
re(ealing the 8i(ine =erse: H=erilyI &hose $ho purchase a little gain at the cost of Allah's 9o(enant
and their oaths % % % @ill get painful punishent%H !<%::" Al)Ash'ath et e and asked# H@hat did
'Abdullah tell you todayJH I said# HSo and so%H He said# H&he =erse $as re(ealed regarding y case%H
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 72<:
Darrated &alha bin 'Ubaidullah:
A an cae to Allah's Apostle asking hi about Isla# Allah's Apostle said# HKou ha(e to offer fi(e
copulsory prayers in a day and a night !32 hours"%H &he an asked# HIs there any ore copulsory
prayers for eJH Allah's Apostle said# HDo# unless you like to offer Da$afil !i%e% optional prayers"%H Al)
lah's Apostle then added# HKou ha(e to obser(e fasts during the onth of Raadan%H &he an said#
HA I to fast any other daysJ' Allah's Apostle said# HDo# unless you $ish to obser(e the optional fast
(oluntarily%H &hen Allah's Apostle told hi about the copulsory Fakat% &he an asked# H8o I ha(e to
=olue < ) 500 ? 0:66
gi(e anything besidesJH Allah's Apostle said# HDo# unless you $ish to gi(e in charity (oluntarily%H So#
the an departed saying# HBy Allah I $ill neither do ore nor less than that%H Allah's Apostle said# HIf
he has said the truth he $ill be successful%H
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 722:
Darrated Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er has to take an oath should s$ear by Allah or reain silent%H !i%e% He
should not s$ear by other than Allah%"
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 724:
Darrated U Salaa:
Ence Allah's Apostle said# HKou people present your cases to e and soe of you ay be ore elo)
Cuent and persuasi(e in presenting their arguent% So# if I gi(e soe one's right to another
!$rongly" because of the latter's !tricky" presentation of the case# I a really gi(ing hi a piece of
fireL so he should not take it%H
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 725:
Darrated Abdullah bin Abbas:
Abu Sufyan told e that Heraclius said to hi# H@hen I enCuired you $hat he !i%e% Muhaad"
ordered you# you replied that he ordered you to establish the prayer# to speak the truth# to be chaste#
to keep proises and to pay back trusts%H &hen Heraclius added# H&hese are really the Cualities of a
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 72::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he signs of a hypocrite are three:
!0" $hene(er he speaks# he tells a lie#
!3" $hene(er he is entrusted# he pro(es to be dishonest#
!<" $hene(er he proises# he breaks his proise%
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 727:
Darrated Muhaad bin Ali:
=olue < ) 503 ? 0:66
/abir bin Abdullah said# H@hen the Prophet died# Abu Bakr recei(ed soe property fro Al)Ala
bin Al)Hadrai% Abu Bakr said to the people# H@hoe(er has a oney clai on the Prophet# or $as
proised soething by hi# should coe to us !so that $e ay pay hi his right"%H /abir added# HI
said !to Abu Bakr"# Allah's Apostle proised e that he $ould gi(e e this uch# and this uch# and
this uch !spreading his hands three ties"%H /abir added# HAbu Bakr counted for e and handed e
fi(e)hundred !gold pieces"# and then fi(e)hundred# and then fi(e)hundred%H
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 721:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
A /e$ fro Hira asked e $hich one of the t$o periods Musa !i%e% Prophet Moses" copleted% I
said# HI don't kno$# !but $ait" till I see the ost learned 'Arab and enCuire hi about it%H So# I $ent to
Ibn 'Abbas and asked hi% He replied# HMoses copleted the longer and better period%H Ibn 'Abbas ad)
ded# HDo doubt# an apostle of Allah al$ays does $hat he says%H
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 746:
Darrated Ubaidullah bin Abdullah bin Utba:
Ibn Abbas said# HE MuslisJ Ho$ do you ask the people of the Scriptures# though your Book !i%e%
the ,uran" $hich $as re(ealed to His Prophet is the ost recent inforation fro Allah and you re)
cite it# the Book that has not been distortedJ Allah has re(ealed to you that the people of the scrip)
tures ha(e changed $ith their o$n hands $hat $as re(ealed to the and they ha(e said !as regards
their changed Scriptures": &his is fro Allah# in order to get soe $orldly benefit thereby%H Ibn Ab)
bas added: HIsn't the kno$ledge re(ealed to you sufficient to pre(ent you fro asking theJ By Allah
I ha(e ne(er seen any one of the asking !Muslis" about $hat has been re(ealed to you%H
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 740:
Darrated An)Du'an bin Bashir:
&he Prophet said# H&he e*aple of the person abiding by Allah's orders and liits !or the one $ho
abides by the liits and regulations prescribed by Allah" in coparison to the one $ho do $rong
and (iolate Allah's liits and orders is like the e*aple of people dra$ing lots for seats in a boat%
Soe of the got seats in the upper part $hile the others in the lo$er part L those in the# lo$er part
ha(e to pass by those in the upper one to get $ater# and that troubled the latter% Ene of the !i%e% the
people in the lo$er part" took an a*e and started aking a hole in the botto of the boat% &he people
of the upper part cae and asked hi# !saying"# '@hat is $rong $ith youJ' He replied# HKou ha(e
been troubled uch by y !coing up to you"# and I ha(e to get $ater%' Do$ if they pre(ent hi
fro doing that they $ill sa(e hi and thesel(es# but if they lea(e hi !to do $hat he $ants"# they
$ill destroy hi and thesel(es%H
=olue < ) 50< ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 743:
Darrated U Al)Ala:
&hat $hen the Ansar dre$ lots as to $hich of the eigrants should d$ell $ith $hich of the Ansar#
the nae of Uthan bin Ma-un cae out !to be in their lot"% U Al)Ala further said# HUthan
stayed $ith us# and $e nursed hi $hen he got sick# but he died% @e shrouded hi in his clothes#
and Allah's Apostle cae to our house and I said# !addressing the dead 'Uthan"# 'E Abu As)Sa'ibI
May Allah be erciful to you% I testify that Allah has blessed you%' &he Prophet said to e# HHo$ do
you kno$ that Allah has blessed hiJH I replied# 'I do not kno$ E Allah's ApostleI May y parents be
sacrificed for you%' Allah's Apostle said# 'As regards Uthan# by Allah he has died and I really $ish
hi e(ery good# yet# by Allah# although I a Allah's Apostle# I do not kno$ $hat $ill be done to hi%'
U Al)Ala added# 'By Allah I shall ne(er attest the piety of anybody after hi% And $hat Allah's
Apostles said ade e sad%H U Al)Ala further said# HEnce I slept and sa$ in a drea# a flo$ing
strea for Uthan% So I $ent to Allah's Apostle and told hi about it# he said# '&hat is !the sybol of"
his deeds%H
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 74<:
Darrated Aisha:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle intended to go on a .ourney# he used to dra$ lots aong his $i(es and
$ould take $ith hi the one on $ho the lot fell% He also used to fi* for e(eryone of his $i(es a day
and a night# but Sauda bint Fa'a ga(e her day and night to 'Aisha# the $ife of the Prophet intending
thereby to please Allah's Apostle%
=olue <# Book 27# Duber 742:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf the people kne$ $hat is the re$ard of aking the call !for the prayer" and
!of being in" the first ro$ !in the prayer"# and if they found no other $ay to get this pri(ilege e*cept
by casting lots# they $ould certainly cast lots for it% If they kne$ the re$ard of the noon prayer# they
$ould race for it# and if they kne$ the re$ard of the orning !i%e% Ba.r" and Isha prayers# they $ould
present thesel(es for the prayer e(en if they had to cra$l to reach there%
=olue < ) 502 ? 0:66
Book 21: Peaceaking
=olue <# Book 21# Duber 744:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
&here $as a dispute aongst the people of the tribe of Bani 'Ar bin 'Auf% &he Prophet $ent to
the along $ith soe of his copanions in order to ake peace bet$een the% &he tie for the
prayer becae due but the Prophet did not turn upL Bilal pronounced the Adhan !i%e% call" for the
prayer but the Prophet did not turn up# so Bilal $ent to Abu Bakr and said# H&he tie for the prayer is
due and the Prophet i detained# $ould you lead the people in the prayerJH Abu Bakr replied# HKes# you
$ish%H So# Bilal pronounced the ICaa of the prayer and Abu Bakr $ent ahead !to lead the prayer"#
but the Prophet cae $alking aong the ro$s till he .oined the first ro$% &he people started clap)
ping and they clapped too uch# and Abu Bakr used not to look hither and thither in the prayer# but
he turned round and sa$ the Prophet standing behind hi% &he Prophet beckoned hi $ith his
hand to keep on praying $here he $as% Abu Bakr raised his hand and praised Allah and then re)
treated till he cae in the !first" ro$# and the Prophet $ent ahead and lead the people in the prayer%
@hen the Prophet finished the prayer# he turned to$ards the people and said# HE peopleI @hen
soething happens to you during the prayer# you start clapping% Really clapping is !perissible" for
$oen only% If soething happens to one of you in his prayer# he should say: 'Subhan Allah'# !Alori)
fied be Allah"# for $hoe(er hears hi !saying so" $ill direct his attention to$ards hi% E Abu BakrI
@hat pre(ented you fro leading the people in the prayer $hen I beckoned to you !to continue"JH
Abu Bakr replied# HIt did not befit the son of Abu ,uhafa to lead the prayer in front of the Prophet%
=olue <# Book 21# Duber 745:
Darrated Anas:
It $as said to the Prophet H@ould that you see Abdullah bin Ubai%H So# the Prophet $ent to hi#
riding a donkey# and the Muslis accopanied hi# $alking on salty barren land% @hen the Proph)
et reached 'Abdullah bin Ubai# the latter said# HKeep a$ay fro eI By Allah# the bad sell of your
donkey has hared e%H En that an Ansari an said !to 'Abdullah"# HBy AllahI &he sell of the don)
key of Allah's Apostle is better than your sell%H En that a an fro 'Abdullah's tribe got angry for
'Abdullah's sake# and the t$o en abused each other $hich caused the friends of the t$o en to get
angry# and the t$o groups started fighting $ith sticks# shoes and hands% @e $ere infored that the
follo$ing 8i(ine =erse $as re(ealed !in this concern":)) HAnd if t$o groups of Belie(ers fall to fight)
ing then# ake peace bet$een the%H !21%1"
=olue < ) 504 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 21# Duber 74::
Darrated U Kulthu bint UCba:
&hat she heard Allah's Apostle saying# HHe $ho akes peace bet$een the people by in(enting good
inforation or saying good things# is not a liar%H
=olue <# Book 21# Duber 747:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
Ence the people of ,uba fought $ith each other till they thre$ stones on each other% @hen Al)
lah's Apostle $as infored about it# he said# H;et us go to bring about a reconciliation bet$een the%H
=olue <# Book 21# Duber 741:
Darrated Aisha:
&he follo$ing =erse: If a $oan fears cruelty or desertion on her husband's part !i%e% the husband
notices soething unpleasant about his $ife# such as old age or the like# and $ants to di(orce her#
but she asks hi to keep her and pro(ide for her as he $ishes"% !2%037" H&here is no blae on the if
they reconcile on such basis%H
=olue <# Book 21# Duber 756:
Darrated Abu Huraira and Faid bin Khalid Al)/uhani:
A bedouin cae and said# HE Allah's ApostleI /udge bet$een us according to Allah's ;a$s%H His op)
ponent got up and said# HHe is right% /udge bet$een us according to Allah's ;a$s%H &he bedouin said#
HMy son $as a laborer $orking for this an# and he coitted illegal se*ual intercourse $ith his
$ife% &he people told e that y son should be stoned to deathL so# in lieu of that# I paid a ranso of
one hundred sheep and a sla(e girl to sa(e y son% &hen I asked the learned scholars $ho said# HKour
son has to be lashed one)hundred lashes and has to be e*iled for one year%H &he Prophet said# HDo
doubt I $ill .udge bet$een you according to Allah's ;a$s% &he sla(e)girl and the sheep are to go back
to you# and your son $ill get a hundred lashes and one year e*ile%H He then addressed soebody# HE
UnaisI go to the $ife of this !an" and stone her to deathH So# Unais $ent and stoned her to death%
=olue <# Book 21# Duber 750:
Darrated Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf soebody inno(ates soething $hich is not in harony $ith the prin)
ciples of our religion# that thing is re.ected%H
=olue < ) 505 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 21# Duber 753:
Darrated Al)Bara bin 'A-ib:
@hen Allah's Apostle concluded a peace treaty $ith the people of Hudaibiya# Ali bin Abu &alib
$rote the docuent and he entioned in it# HMuhaad# Allah's Apostle %H &he pagans said# H8on't
$rite: 'Muhaad# Allah's Apostle'# for if you $ere an apostle $e $ould not fight $ith you%H Allah's
Apostle asked Ali to rub it out# but Ali said# HI $ill not be the person to rub it out%H Allah's Apostle
rubbed it out and ade peace $ith the on the condition that the Prophet and his copanions
$ould enter Mecca and stay there for three days# and that they $ould enter $ith their $eapons in
=olue <# Book 21# Duber 75<:
Darrated Al)Bara:
@hen the Prophet intended to perfor 'Ura in the onth of 8hul),ada# the people of Mecca
did not let hi enter Mecca till he settled the atter $ith the by proising to stay in it for three
days only% @hen the docuent of treaty $as $ritten# the follo$ing $as entioned: '&hese are the
ters on $hich Muhaad# Allah's Apostle agreed !to ake peace"%' &hey said# H@e $ill not agree to
this# for if $e belie(ed that you are Allah's Apostle $e $ould not pre(ent you# but you are
Muhaad bin 'Abdullah%H &he Prophet said# HI a Allah's Apostle and also Muhaad bin 'Abdul)
lah%H &hen he said to 'Ali# HRub off !the $ords" 'Allah's Apostle' H# but 'Ali said# HDo# by Allah# I $ill ne()
er rub off your nae%H So# Allah's Apostle took the docuent and $rote# '&his is $hat Muhaad bin
'Abdullah has agreed upon: Do ars $ill be brought into Mecca e*cept in their cases# and nobody
fro the people of Mecca $ill be allo$ed to go $ith hi !i%e% the Prophet " e(en if he $ished to fol )
lo$ hi and he !the Prophet " $ill not pre(ent any of his copanions fro staying in Mecca if the
latter $ants to stay%' @hen the Prophet entered Mecca and the tie liit passed# the Meccans $ent
to 'Ali and said# H&ell your Briend !i%e% the Prophet " to go out# as the period !agreed to" has passed%H So#
the Prophet $ent out of Mecca% &he daughter of Ha-a ran after the !i%e% the Prophet and his co)
panions"# calling# HE UncleI E UncleIH 'Ali recei(ed her and led her by the hand and said to Batia#
H&ake your uncle's daughter%H Faid and /a'far Cuarrel ed about her% 'Ali said# HI ha(e ore right to her
as she is y uncle's daughter%H /a'far said# HShe is y uncle's daughter# and her aunt is y $ife%H Faid
said# HShe is y brother's daughter%H &he Prophet .udged that she should be gi(en to her aunt# and
said that the aunt $as like the other% He then said to 'All# HKou are fro e and I a fro youH# and
said to /a'far# HKou reseble e both in character and appearanceH# and said to Faid# HKou are our
brother !in faith" and our freed sla(e%H
=olue <# Book 21# Duber 752:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
=olue < ) 50: ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle set out for the 'Ura but the pagans of ,uraish pre(ented hi fro reaching the
Ka'ba% So# he slaughtered his sacrifice and got his head sha(ed at Al)Hudaibiya# and agreed $ith
the that he $ould perfor 'Ura the follo$ing year and $ould not carry $eapons e*cept s$ords
and $ould not stay in Mecca e*cept for the period they al lo$ed% So# the Prophet perfored the
'Ura in the follo$ing year and entered Mecca according to the treaty# and $hen he stayed for three
days# the pagans ordered hi to depart# and he departed%
=olue <# Book 21# Duber 754:
Darrated Sahl bin Abu Hatha:
Abdullah bin Sahl and Muhaiyisa bin Mas'ud bin Faid $ent to Khaibar $hen it had a peace treaty
!$ith the Muslis"%
=olue <# Book 21# Duber 755:
Darrated Anas:
Ar)Rabi# the daughter of An)Dadr broke the tooth of a girl# and the relati(es of Ar)Rabi' reCuested
the girl's relati(es to accept the Irsh !copensation for $ounds etc%" and forgi(e !the offender"# but
they refused% So# they $ent to the Prophet $ho ordered the to bring about retaliation% Anas bin An)
Dadr asked# HE AllahHL ApostleI @ill the tooth of Ar)Rabi' be brokenJ Do# by Hi @ho has sent you
$ith the &ruth# her tooth $ill not be broken%H &he Prophet said# HE AnasI AllahHL la$ ordains retali)
ation%H ;ater the relati(es of the girl agreed and forga(e her% &he Prophet said# H&here are soe of Al)
lah's sla(es $ho# if they take an oath by Allah# are responded to by Allah i%e% their oath is fulfilled"%
Anas added# H&he people agreed and accepted the Irsh%H
=olue <# Book 21# Duber 75::
Darrated Al)Hasan Al)Basri:
By Allah# Al)Hasan bin Ali led large battalions like ountains against Mua$iya% Ar bin Al)As
said !to Mua$iya"# HI surely see battalions $hich $ill not turn back before killing their opponents%H
Mua$iya $ho $as really the best of the t$o en said to hi# HE 'ArI If these killed those and those
killed these# $ho $ould be left $ith e for the .obs of the public# $ho $ould be left $ith e for
their $oen# $ho $ould be left $ith e for their childrenJH &hen Mua$iya sent t$o ,uraishi en
fro the tribe of 'Abd)i)Shas called 'Abdur Rahan bin Suura and Abdullah bin 'Air bin Kura)
i- to Al)Hasan saying to the# HAo to this an !i%e% Al)Hasan" and negotiate peace $ith hi and talk
and appeal to hi%H So# they $ent to Al)Hasan and talked and appealed to hi to accept peace% Al)
Hasan said# H@e# the offspring of 'Abdul Muttalib# ha(e got $ealth and people ha(e indulged in
killing and corruption !and oney only $ill appease the"%H &hey said to Al)Hasan# HMua$iya offers
you so and so# and appeals to you and entreats you to accept peace%H Al)Hasan said to the# HBut $ho
=olue < ) 507 ? 0:66
$ill be responsible for $hat you ha(e saidJH &hey said# H@e $ill be responsible for it%H So# $hat)e(er
Al)Hasan asked they said# H@e $ill be responsible for it for you%H So# Al)Hasan concluded a peace
treaty $ith Mua$iya% Al)Hasan !Al)Basri" said: I heard Abu Bakr saying# HI sa$ Allah's Apostle on the
pulpit and Al)Hasan bin 'Ali $as by his side% &he Prophet $as looking once at the people and once at
Al)Hasan bin 'Ali saying# '&his son of ine is a Saiyid !i%e% a noble" and ay Allah ake peace
bet$een t$o big groups of Muslis through hi%H
=olue <# Book 21# Duber 757:
Darrated Aisha:
Ence Allah's Apostle heard the loud (oices of soe opponents Cuarreling at the door% Ene of the
$as appealing to the other to deduct his debt and asking hi to be lenient but the other $as saying#
HBy Allah I $ill not do so%H Allah's Apostle $ent out to the and said# H@ho is the one $ho $as
s$earing by Allah that he $ould not do a fa(orJH &hat an said# HI a that person# E Allah's ApostleI
I $ill gi(e y opponent $hate(er he $ishes%H
=olue <# Book 21# Duber 751:
Darrated Abdullah bin Kab bin Malik fro Kab bin Malik:
Abdullah bin Abu Hadrad Al)Aslai o$ed Kab bin Malik soe oney% Ene day the latter et the
forer and deanded his right# and their (oices gre$ (ery loud% &he Prophet passed by the and
said# HE Ka'b#H beckoning $ith his hand as if intending to say# H8educt half the debts%H So# Kab took
half $hat the other o$ed hi and reitted the other half%
=olue <# Book 21# Duber 7:6:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here is a SadaCa to be gi(en for e(ery .oint of the huan bodyL and for e(ery
day on $hich the sun rises there is a re$ard of a SadaCa !i%e% charitable gift" for the one $ho estab)
lishes .ustice aong people%H
=olue <# Book 21# Duber 7:0:
Darrated Ur$a bin A-)Fubair:
A-)Fubair told e that he Cuarrelled $ith an Ansari an $ho had participated in !the battle of"
Badr in front of Allah's Apostle about a $ater strea $hich both of the used for irrigation% Allah's
Apostle said to A-)Fubair# HE FubairI Irrigate !your garden" first# and then let the $ater flo$ to your
neighbor%H &he Ansari becae angry and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Is it because he is your cousinJH En
that the cople*ion of Allah's Apostle changed !because of anger" and said !to A-)Fubair"# HI irrigate
=olue < ) 501 ? 0:66
!your garden" and then $ith)hold the $ater till it reaches the $alls !surrounding the pals"%H So# Al)
lah's Apostle ga(e A-)Fubair his full right% Before that Allah's Apostle had gi(en a generous .udg)
ent beneficial for A-)Fubair and the Ansari# but $hen the Ansan irritated Allah's Apostle he ga(e
A-)Fubair his full right according to the e(ident la$% A-)Fubair said# HBy Allah I I think the follo$)
ing =erse $as re(ealed concerning that case: HBut no by your ;ord &hey can ha(e Do faith Until they
ake you .udge In all disputes bet$een the%H !2%54"
=olue <# Book 21# Duber 7:3:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
My father died and $as in debt% I suggested that his creditors take the fruits !i%e% dates" of y
garden in lieu of the debt of y father# but they refused the offer# as they thought that it $ould not
co(er the full debt% So# I $ent to the Prophet and told hi about it% He said !to e"# H@hen you pluck
the dates and collect the in the Mirbad !i%e% a place $here dates are dried"# call e !Allah's
Apostle"%H Binally he cae accopanied by Abu Bakr and 'Uar and sat on the dates and in(oked Al)
lah to bless the% &hen he said# H9all your creditors and gi(e the their full rights%H So# I paid all y
father's creditors in full and yet thirteen e*tra @asCs of dates reained# se(en of $hich $ere 'A.$a
and si* $ere ;aun or si* of $hich $ere A.$a and se(en $ere ;aun% I et Allah's Apostle at sunset
and infored hi about it% En that he siled and said# HAo to Abu Bakr and 'Uar and tell the
about it%H &hey said# H@e percei(ed that $as going to happen# as Allah's Apostle did $hat he did%H
=olue <# Book 21# Duber 7:<:
Darrated Abdullah bin Kab:
&hat Ka'b bin Malik told hi that in the lifetie of Allah's Apostle he deanded his debt fro Ibn
Abu Hadrad in the MosCue% &heir (oices gre$ louder till Allah's Apostle heard the $hile he $as in
his house% So he lifted the curtain of his roo and called Ka'b bin Malik saying# HE Ka'bIH He replied#
H;abbaikI E Allah's ApostleIH He beckoned to hi $ith his hand suggesting that he deduct half the
debt% Ka'b said# HI agree# E Allah's ApostleIH Allah's Apostle then said !to Ibn Abu Hadrad"# HAet up and
pay hi the rest%H
=olue < ) 536 ? 0:66
Book 46: 9onditions
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 7:2:
Darrated Mar$an and al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa:
!fro the copanions of Allah's Apostle" @hen Suhail bin Ar agreed to the &reaty !of Hudaib)
iya"# one of the things he stipulated then# $as that the Prophet should return to the !i%e% the pagans"
anyone coing to hi fro their side# e(en if he $as a MusliL and $ould not interfere bet$een
the and that person% &he Muslis did not like this condition and got disgusted $ith it% Suhail did
not agree e*cept $ith that condition% So# the Prophet agreed to that condition and returned Abu /an)
dal to his father Suhail bin 'Ar% &hencefor$ard the Prophet returned e(eryone in that period !of
truce" e(en if he $as a Musli% 8uring that period soe belie(ing $oen eigrants including U
Kalthu bint UCba bin Abu Muait $ho cae to Allah's Apostle and she $as a young lady then% Her
relati(e cae to the Prophet and asked hi to return her# but the Prophet did not return her to the
for Allah had re(ealed the follo$ing =erse regarding $oen:
HE you $ho belie(eI @hen the belie(ing $oen coe to you as eigrants% +*aine the# Allah
kno$s best as to their belief# then if you kno$ the for true belie(ers# Send the not back to the un)
belie(ers# !for" they are not la$ful !$i(es" for the disbelie(ers# Dor are the unbelie(ers la$ful !hus)
bands" for the !56%06"
Darrated 'Ur$a: Aisha told e# HAllah's Apostle used to e*aine the according to this =erse: HE
you $ho belie(eI @hen the belie(ing $oen coe to you# as eigrants test the % % % for Allah is
Eft)Borgi(ing# Most Merciful%H !56%06)03" Aisha said# H@hen any of the agreed to that condition
Allah's Apostle $ould say to her# 'I ha(e accepted your pledge of allegiance%' He $ould only say that#
but# by Allah he ne(er touched the hand of any $oen !i%e% ne(er shook hands $ith the" $hile
taking the pledge of allegiance and he ne(er took their pledge of allegiance e*cept by his $ords
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 7:4:
Darrated /arir:
@hen I ga(e the pledge of allegiance to Allah's Apostle and he stipulated that I should gi(e good
ad(ice to e(ery Musli%
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 7:5:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
=olue < ) 530 ? 0:66
I ga(e the pledge of allegiance to Allah's Apostle for offering the prayers perfectly paying the Fa)
kat and gi(ing good ad(ice to e(ery Musli%
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 7:::
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf soeone sells pollinated date)pals# their fruits $ill be for the seller# un)
less the buyer stipulates the contrary%H
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 7:7:
Darrated Ur$a:
Aisha told e that Buraira cae to seek her help in $riting for eancipation and at that tie she
had not paid any part of her price% 'Aisha said to her# HAo to your asters and if they agree that I $ill
pay your price !and free you" on condition that your @ala' $ill be for e# I $ill pay the oney%H
Buraira told her asters about that# but they refused# and said# HIf 'Aisha $ants to do a fa(or she
could# but your @ala $ill be for us%H Aisha infored Allah's Apostle of that and he said to her# HBuy
and anuit Buraira as the @ala' $ill go to the anuitted%H
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 7:1:
Darrated /abir:
@hile I $as riding a !slo$" and tired cael# the Prophet passed by and beat it and prayed for Al)
lah's Blessings for it% &he cael becae so fast as it had ne(er been before% &he Prophet then said#
HSell it to e for one UCiyya !of gold"%H I said# HDo%H He again said# HSell it to e for one UCiyya !of
gold"%H I sold it and stipulated that I should ride it to y house% @hen $e reached !Medina" I took
that cael to the Prophet and he ga(e e its price% I returned hoe but he sent for e !and $hen I
$ent to hi" he said# HI $ill not take your cael% &ake your cael as a gift for you%H !=arious narra)
tions are entioned here $ith slight (ariations in e*pressions relating the condition that /abir had
the right to ride the sold cael up to Medina"%
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 776:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Ansar said to the Prophet# H8i(ide our date)pals bet$een us and our eigrant brothers%H &he
Prophet said# HDo%H &he Ansar said to the eigrants# HKou ay do the labor !in our gardens" and $e
$ill share the fruits $ith you%H &he eigrants said# H@e hear and obey%H
=olue < ) 533 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 770:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
Allah's Apostle ga(e the land of Khaibar to the /e$s on the condition that they $ould $ork on it
and culti(ate it and they $ould get half of its yield%
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 773:
Darrated UCba bin Air:
Allah's Apostle said# HBro aong all the conditions $hich you ha(e to fulfill# the conditions
$hich ake it legal for you to ha(e se*ual relations !i%e% the arriage contract" ha(e the greatest
right to be fulfilled%H
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 77<:
Darrated Rafi bin Khadi.:
@e used to $ork on the fields ore than the other Ansar# and $e used to rent the land !for the
yield of a specific portion of it"% But soeties that portion or the rest of the land did not gi(e any
yield# so $e $ere forbidden !by the Prophet " to follo$ such a syste# but $e $ere allo$ed to rent
the land for oney%
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 772:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HDo to$n)d$eller should sell for a bedouin% 8o not practice !i%e% 8o not
offer a high price for a thing $hich you do not $ant to buy# in order to decei(e the people"% Do
Musli should offer ore for a thing already bought by his Musli brother# nor should he deand
the hand of a girl already engaged to another Musli% A Musli $oan shall not try to bring about
&he di(orce of her sister !i%e% another Musli $oan" in order to take her place herself%H
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 774:
Darrated Abu Huraira and Faid bin Khalid Al)/uhani:
A bedouin cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's apostleI I ask you by Allah to .udge My case
according to Allah's ;a$s%H His opponent# $ho $as ore learned than he# said# HKes# .udge bet$een
us according to Allah's ;a$s# and allo$ e to speak%H Allah's Apostle said# HSpeak%H He !i %e% the
bedouin or the other an" said# HMy son $as $orking as a laborer for this !an" and he coitted
illegal se*ual intercourse $ith his $ife% &he people told e that it $as obligatory that y son should
be stoned to death# so in lieu of that I ransoed y son by paying one hundred sheep and a sla(e
=olue < ) 53< ? 0:66
girl% &hen I asked the religious scholars about it# and they infored e that y son ust be lashed
one hundred lashes# and be e*iled for one year# and the $ife of this !an" ust be stoned to death%H
Allah's Apostle said# HBy Hi in @hose Hands y soul is# I $ill .udge bet$een you according to Al)
lah's ;a$s% &he sla(e)girl and the sheep are to be returned to you# your son is to recei(e a hundred
lashes and be e*iled for one year% Kou# Unais# go to the $ife of this !an" and if she confesses her
guilt# stone her to death%H Unais $ent to that $oan ne*t orning and she confessed% Allah's Apostle
ordered that she be stoned to death%
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 775:
Darrated Aian Al)Makki:
rs had stipulated that her @ala $ould be for the%' &he Prophet said# JJJ
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 77::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle forbade !0" the eeting of the cara(an !of goods" on the $ay# !3" and that a resid)
ing person buys for a bedouin# !<" and that a $oan stipulates the di(orce of the $ife of the $ould)
be husband# !2" and that a an tries to cause the cancellation of a bargain concluded by another% He
also forbade An) !see Hadith 732" and that one $ithholds the ilk in the udder of the anial
so that he ay decei(e people on selling it%
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 777:
Darrated Ubai bin Kab:
Allah's Apostle said# HMoses the Apostle of Allah#H and then he narrated the $hole story about hi%
Al)Khadir said to Moses# H8id not I tell you that you can ha(e no patience $ith e%H !07%:3"% Moses
then (iolated the agreeent for the first tie because of forgetfulness# then Moses proised that if
he asked Al)Khadir about anything# the latter $ould ha(e the right to desert hi% Moses abided by
that condition and on the third occasion he intentionally asked Al)Khadir and caused that condition
to be applied% &he three occasions referred to abo(e are referred to by the follo$ing =erses:
H9all e not to account for forgetting And be not hard upon e%H !07%:<"
H&hen they et a boy and Khadir killed hi%H !07%:2"
H&hen they proceeded and found a $all $hich $as on the (erge of falling and Khadir set it up
straight%H !07%::"
=olue < ) 532 ? 0:66
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 771:
Darrated Ur$a:
Aisha said# HBuraira cae to e and said# 'My people !asters" ha(e $ritten the contract for y
eancipation for nine A$aC " of gold" to be paid in yearly installents# one UCiyya per yearL so help
e%H Aisha said !to her"# HIf your asters agree# I $ill pay the the $hole su pro(ided the @ala $ill
be for e%H Buraira $ent to her asters and told the about it# but they refused the offer and she re)
turned fro the $hile Allah's Apostles $as sitting% She said# HI presented the offer to the# but they
refused unless the @ala' $ould be for the%H @hen the Prophet heard that and 'Aisha told hi about
It# he said to her# HBuy Buraira and let the stipulate that her @ala' $ill be for the# as the @ala' is
for the anuitted%H 'Aisha did so% After that Allah's Apostle got up aidst the people# Alorified and
Praised Allah and said# H@hat is $rong $ith soe people $ho stipulate things $hich are not in Al)
lah's ;a$sJ Any condition $hich is not in Allah's ;a$s is in(alid e(en if there $ere a hundred such
conditions% Allah's Rules are the ost (alid and Allah's 9onditions are the ost solid% &he @ala is for
the anuitted%H
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 716:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
@hen the people of Khaibar dislocated Abdullah bin Uar's hands and feet# Uar got up deli(er)
ing a seron saying# HDo doubt# Allah's Apostle ade a contract $ith the /e$s concerning their
properties# and said to the# '@e allo$ you !to stand in your land" as long as Allah allo$s you%' Do$
Abdullah bin Uar $ent to his land and $as attacked at night# and his hands and feet $ere dislo)
cated# and as $e ha(e no eneies there e*cept those /e$s# they are our eneies and the only people
$ho $e suspect# I ha(e ade up y ind to e*ile the%H @hen Uar decided to carry out his de)
cision# a son of Abu Al)HaCiC's cae and addressed 'Uar# HE chief of the belie(ers# $ill you e*ile us
although Muhaad allo$ed us to stay at our places# and ade a contract $ith us about our prop)
erties# and accepted the condition of our residence in our landJH 'Uar said# H8o you think that I
ha(e forgotten the stateent of Allah's Apostle# i%e%: @hat $ill your condition be $hen you are e*)
pelled fro Khaibar and your cael $ill be carrying you night after nightJH &he /e$ replied# H&hat
$as .oke fro Abu)l),asi%H 'Uar said# HE the eney of AllahI Kou are telling a lie%H 'Uar then
dro(e the out and paid the the price of their properties in the for of fruits# oney# cael
saddles and ropes# etc%H
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 710:
Darrated Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa and Mar$an:
!$hose narrations attest each other" Allah's Apostle set out at the tie of Al)Hudaibiya !treaty"#
and $hen they proceeded for a distance# he said# HKhalid bin Al)@alid leading the ca(alry of
=olue < ) 534 ? 0:66
,uraish constituting the front of the ary# is at a place called Al)Ahai# so take the $ay on the
right%H By Allah# Khalid did not percei(e the arri(al of the Muslis till the dust arising fro the
arch of the Musli ary reached hi# and then he turned back hurriedly to infor ,uraish% &he
Prophet $ent on ad(ancing till he reached the &haniyya !i%e% a ountainous $ay" through $hich
one $ould go to the !i%e% people of ,uraish"% &he she)cael of the Prophet sat do$n% &he people
tried their best to cause the she)cael to get up but in (ain# so they said# HAl),as$a' !i%e% the she)
cael's nae" has becoe stubbornI Al),as$a' has becoe stubbornIH &he Prophet said# HAl),as$a'
has not becoe stubborn# for stubbornness is not her habit# but she $as stopped by Hi @ho
stopped the elephant%H &hen he said# HBy the Dae of Hi in @hose Hands y soul is# if they !i%e% the
,uraish infidels" ask e anything $hich $ill respect the ordinances of Allah# I $ill grant it to the%H
&he Prophet then rebuked the she)cael and she got up% &he Prophet changed his $ay till he dis)
ounted at the farthest end of Al)Hudaibiya at a pit !i%e% $ell" containing a little $ater $hich the
people used in sall aounts# and in a short $hile the people used up all its $ater and coplained
to Allah's ApostleL of thirst% &he Prophet took an arro$ out of his arro$)case and ordered the to put
the arro$ in that pit% By Allah# the $ater started and continued sprouting out till all the people
Cuenched their thirst and returned $ith satisfaction% @hile they $ere still in that state# Budail bin
@arCa)al)Khu-a'i cae $ith soe persons fro his tribe Khu-a'a and they $ere the ad(isers of Al)
lah's Apostle $ho $ould keep no secret fro hi and $ere fro the people of &ihaa% Budail said# HI
left Kab bin ;uai and 'Air bin ;uai residing at the profuse $ater of Al)Hudaibiya and they had
ilch caels !or their $oen and children" $ith the# and $ill $age $ar against you# and $ill
pre(ent you fro (isiting the Kaba%H Allah's Apostle said# H@e ha(e not coe to fight anyone# but to
perfor the 'Ura% Do doubt# the $ar has $eakened ,uraish and they ha(e suffered great losses# so
if they $ish# I $ill conclude a truce $ith the# during $hich they should refrain fro interfering
bet$een e and the people !i%e% the 'Arab infidels other than ,uraish"# and if I ha(e (ictory o(er
those infidels# ,uraish $ill ha(e the option to ebrace Isla as the other people do# if they $ishL
they $ill at least get strong enough to fight% But if they do not accept the truce# by Allah in @hose
Hands y life is# I $ill fight $ith the defending y 9ause till I get killed# but !I a sure" Allah $ill
definitely ake His 9ause (ictorious%H Budail said# HI $ill infor the of $hat you ha(e said%H So# he
set off till he reached ,uraish and said# H@e ha(e coe fro that an !i%e% Muhaad" $ho $e
heard saying soething $hich $e $ill disclose to you if you should like%H Soe of the fools aong
,uraish shouted that they $ere not in need of this inforation# but the $iser aong the said# HRe)
late $hat you heard hi saying%H Budail said# HI heard hi saying so)and)so#H relating $hat the
Prophet had told hi%
Ur$a bin Mas'ud got up and said# HE peopleI Aren't you the sonsJ &hey said# HKes%H He added# HA I
not the fatherJH &hey said# HKes%H He said# H8o you istrust eJH &hey said# HDo%H He said# H8on't you
kno$ that I in(ited the people of 'Uka- for your help# and $hen they refused I brought y relati(es
and children and those $ho obeyed e !to help you"JH &hey said# HKes%H He said# H@ell# this an !i%e%
the Prophet" has offered you a reasonable proposal# you'd better accept it and allo$ e to eet hi%H
&hey said# HKou ay eet hi%H So# he $ent to the Prophet and started talking to hi% &he Prophet
=olue < ) 535 ? 0:66
told hi alost the sae as he had told Budail% &hen Ur$a said# HE MuhaadI @on't you feel any
scruple in e*tirpating your relationsJ Ha(e you e(er heard of anyone aongst the Arabs e*tirpating
his relati(es before youJ En the other hand# if the re(erse should happen# !nobody $ill aid you# for"
by Allah# I do not see !$ith you" dignified people# but people fro (arious tribes $ho $ould run
a$ay lea(ing you alone%H Hearing that# Abu Bakr abused hi and said# H8o you say $e $ould run
and lea(e the Prophet aloneJH Ur$a said# H@ho is that anJH &hey said# HHe is Abu Bakr%H Ur$a said
to Abu Bakr# HBy Hi in @hose Hands y life is# $ere it not for the fa(or $hich you did to e and
$hich I did not copensate# I $ould retort on you%H Ur$a kept on talking to the Prophet and sei-ing
the Prophet's beard as he $as talking $hile Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba $as standing near the head of
the Prophet# holding a s$ord and $earing a helet% @hene(er Ur$a stretched his hand to$ards the
beard of the Prophet# Al)Mughira $ould hit his hand $ith the handle of the s$ord and say !to
Ur$a"# HReo(e your hand fro the beard of Allah's Apostle%H Ur$a raised his head and asked# H@ho
is thatJH &he people said# HHe is Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba%H Ur$a said# HE treacherousI A I not doing
y best to pre(ent e(il conseCuences of your treacheryJH
Before ebracing Isla Al)Mughira $as in the copany of soe people% He killed the and took
their property and cae !to Medina" to ebrace Isla% &he Prophet said !to hi# HAs regards your Is)
la# I accept it# but as for the property I do not take anything of it% !As it $as taken through treason"%
Ur$a then started looking at the 9opanions of the Prophet% By Allah# $hene(er Allah's Apostle spat#
the spittle $ould fall in the hand of one of the !i%e% the Prophet's copanions" $ho $ould rub it on
his face and skinL if he ordered the they $ould carry his orders iediatelyL if he perfored ablu)
tion# they $ould struggle to take the reaining $aterL and $hen they spoke to hi# they $ould
lo$er their (oices and $ould not look at his face constantly out of respect% Ur$a returned to his
people and said# HE peopleI By Allah# I ha(e been to the kings and to 9aesar# Khosrau and An)Da)
.ashi# yet I ha(e ne(er seen any of the respected by his courtiers as uch as Muhaad is respec)
ted by his copanions% By Allah# if he spat# the spittle $ould fall in the hand of one of the !i%e% the
Prophet's copanions" $ho $ould rub it on his face and skinL if he ordered the# they $ould carry
out his order iediatelyL if he perfored ablution# they $ould struggle to take the reaining $a)
terL and $hen they spoke# they $ould lo$er their (oices and $ould not look at his face constantly
out of respect%H Ur$a added# HDo doubt# he has presented to you a good reasonable offer# so please
accept it%H A an fro the tribe of Bani Kinana said# HAllo$ e to go to hi#H and they allo$ed hi#
and $hen he approached the Prophet and his copanions# Allah's Ap le I said# HHe is so)and)so $ho
belongs to the tribe that respects the Budn !i%e% caels of the sacrifice"% So# bring the Budn in front of
hi%H So# the Budn $ere brought before hi and the people recei(ed hi $hile they $ere reciting
&albiya% @hen he sa$ that scene# he said# HAlorified be AllahI It is not fair to pre(ent these people
fro (isiting the Ka'ba%H @hen he returned to his people# he said# 'I sa$ the Budn garlanded !$ith
colored knotted ropes" and arked !$ith stabs on their backs"% I do not think it is ad(isable to pre)
(ent the fro (isiting the Ka'ba%H Another person called Mikra- bin Hafs got up and sought their
perission to go to Muhaad# and they allo$ed hi# too% @hen he approached the Muslis# the
=olue < ) 53: ? 0:66
Prophet said# HHere is Mikra- and he is a (icious an%H Mikra- started talking to the Prophet and as
he $as talking# Suhail bin Ar cae%
@hen Suhail bin Ar cae# the Prophet said# HDo$ the atter has becoe easy%H Suhail said to the
Prophet HPlease conclude a peace treaty $ith us%H So# the Prophet called the clerk and said to hi#
H@rite: By the Dae of Allah# the ost Beneficent# the ost Merciful%H Suhail said# HAs for 'Beneficent#'
by Allah# I do not kno$ $hat it eans% So $rite: By Kour Dae E Allah# as you used to $rite pre(i)
ously%H &he Muslis said# HBy Allah# $e $ill not $rite e*cept: By the Dae of Allah# the ost Benefi)
cent# the ost Merciful%H &he Prophet said# H@rite: By Kour Dae E Allah%H &hen he dictated# H&his is
the peace treaty $hich Muhaad# Allah's Apostle has concluded%H Suhail said# HBy Allah# if $e
kne$ that you are Allah's Apostle $e $ould not pre(ent you fro (isiting the Kaba# and $ould not
fight $ith you% So# $rite: HMuhaad bin Abdullah%H &he Prophet said# HBy AllahI I a Apostle of Al)
lah e(en if you people do not belie(e e% @rite: Muhaad bin Abdullah%H !A-)Fuhri said# H&he
Prophet accepted all those things# as he had already said that he $ould accept e(erything they $ould
deand if it respects the ordinance of Allah# !i%e% by letting hi and his copanions perfor 'Ura%"H
&he Prophet said to Suhail# HEn the condition that you allo$ us to (isit the House !i%e% Ka'ba" so that
$e ay perfor &a$af around it%H Suhail said# HBy Allah# $e $ill not !allo$ you this year" so as not
to gi(e chance to the 'Arabs to say that $e ha(e yielded to you# but $e $ill allo$ you ne*t year%H So#
the Prophet got that $ritten%
&hen Suhail said# H@e also stipulate that you should return to us $hoe(er coes to you fro us#
e(en if he ebraced your religion%H &he Muslis said# HAlorified be AllahI Ho$ $ill such a person be
returned to the pagans after he has becoe a MusliJ @hile they $ere in this state Abu) /andal bin
Suhail bin 'Ar cae fro the (alley of Mecca staggering $ith his fetters and fell do$n aongst the
Muslis% Suhail said# HE MuhaadI &his is the (ery first ter $ith $hich $e ake peace $ith
you# i%e% you shall return Abu /andal to e%H &he Prophet said# H&he peace treaty has not been $ritten
yet%H Suhail said# HI $ill ne(er allo$ you to keep hi%H &he Prophet said# HKes# do%H He said# HI $on't do%:
Mikra- said# H@e allo$ you !to keep hi"%H Abu /andal said# HE MuslisI @ill I be returned to the
pagans though I ha(e coe as a MusliJ 8on't you see ho$ uch I ha(e sufferedJH
Abu /andal had been tortured se(erely for the 9ause of Allah% Uar bin Al)Khattab said# HI $ent to
the Prophet and said# 'Aren't you truly the Apostle of AllahJ' &he Prophet said# 'Kes# indeed%' I said#
'Isn't our 9ause .ust and the cause of the eney un.ustJ' He said# 'Kes%' I said# '&hen $hy should $e be
huble in our religionJ' He said# 'I a Allah's Apostle and I do not disobey Hi# and He $ill ake
e (ictorious%' I said# '8idn't you tell us that $e $ould go to the Ka'ba and perfor &a$af around itJ'
He said# 'Kes# but did I tell you that $e $ould (isit the Ka'ba this yearJ' I said# 'Do%' He said# 'So you
$ill (isit it and perfor &a$af around itJ' H Uar further said# HI $ent to Abu Bakr and said# 'E Abu
BakrI Isn't he truly Allah's ProphetJ' He replied# 'Kes%' I said# '&hen $hy should $e be huble in our
religionJ' He said# 'Indeed# he is Allah's Apostle and he does not disobey his ;ord# and He $ill ake
hi (ictorious% Adhere to hi as# by Allah# he is on the right%' I said# '@as he not telling us that $e
$ould go to the Kaba and perfor &a$af around itJ' He said# 'Kes# but did he tell you that you $ould
=olue < ) 537 ? 0:66
go to the Ka'ba this yearJ' I said# 'Do%' He said# HKou $ill go to Ka'ba and perfor &a$af around it%H
!A-)Fuhri said# H 'Uar said# 'I perfored any good deeds as e*piation for the iproper Cuestions I
asked the%' H"
@hen the $riting of the peace treaty $as concluded# Allah's Apostle said to his copanions# HAet
up and' slaughter your sacrifices and get your head sha(ed%H By Allah none of the got up# and the
Prophet repeated his order thrice% @hen none of the got up# he left the and $ent to U Salaa
and told her of the people's attitudes to$ards hi% U Salaa said# HE the Prophet of AllahI 8o you
$ant your order to be carried outJ Ao out and don't say a $ord to anybody till you ha(e slaughtered
your sacrifice and call your barber to sha(e your head%H So# the Prophet $ent out and did not talk to
anyone of the till he did that# i%e% slaughtered the sacrifice and called his barber $ho sha(ed his
head% Seeing that# the copanions of the Prophet got up# slaughtered their sacrifices# and started
sha(ing the heads of one another# and there $as so uch rush that there $as a danger of killing
each other% &hen soe belie(ing $oen cae !to the Prophet "L and Allah re(ealed the follo$ing 8i)
(ine =erses:))
HE you $ho belie(e# $hen the belie(ing $oen coe to you as eigrants e*aine the % % %H
Uar then di(orced t$o $i(es of his $ho $ere infidels% ;ater on Mua$iya bin Abu Sufyan ar)
ried one of the# and Saf$an bin Uaya arried the other% @hen the Prophet returned to Medina#
Abu Basir# a ne$ Musli con(ert fro ,uraish cae to hi% &he Infidels sent in his pursuit t$o
en $ho said !to the Prophet "# HAbide by the proise you ga(e us%H So# the Prophet handed hi o(er
to the% &hey took hi out !of the 9ity" till they reached 8hul)Hulaifa $here they disounted to eat
soe dates they had $ith the% Abu Basir said to one of the# HBy Allah# E so)and)so# I see you ha(e
a fine s$ord%H &he other dre$ it out !of the scabbard" and said# HBy Allah# it is (ery fine and I ha(e
tried it any ties%H Abu Bair said# H;et e ha(e a look at it%H
@hen the other ga(e it to hi# he hit hi $ith it till he died# and his copanion ran a$ay till he
cae to Medina and entered the MosCue running% @hen Allah's Apostle sa$ hi he said# H&his an
appears to ha(e been frightened%H @hen he reached the Prophet he said# HMy copanion has been
urdered and I $ould ha(e been urdered too%H Abu Basir cae and said# HE Allah's Apostle# by Al)
lah# Allah has ade you fulfill your obligations by your returning e to the !i%e% the Infidels"# but
Allah has sa(ed e fro the%H &he Prophet said# H@oe to his otherI $hat e*cellent $ar kindler he
$ould be# should he only ha(e supporters%H @hen Abu Basir heard that he understood that the
Prophet $ould return hi to the again# so he set off till he reached the seashore% Abu /andal bin
Suhail got hiself released fro the !i%e% infidels" and .oined Abu Basir% So# $hene(er a an fro
,uraish ebraced Isla he $ould follo$ Abu Basir till they fored a strong group% By Allah#
$hene(er they heard about a cara(an of ,uraish heading to$ards Sha# they stopped it and at)
tacked and killed the !i%e% infidels" and took their properties% &he people of ,uraish sent a essage
to the Prophet reCuesting hi for the Sake of Allah and Kith and kin to send for !i%e% Abu Basir and
his copanions" proising that $hoe(er !aongst the" cae to the Prophet $ould be secure% So
=olue < ) 531 ? 0:66
the Prophet sent for the !i%e% Abu Basir's copanions" and Allah I re(ealed the follo$ing 8i(ine
HAnd it is He @ho Has $ithheld their hands fro you and your hands Bro the in the idst of
Mecca# After He ade you the (ictorious o(er the% % % % the unbelie(ers had pride and haughtiness#
in their hearts % % % the pride and haughtiness of the tie of ignorance%H !27%32)35" And their pride
and haughtiness $as that they did not confess !$rite in the treaty" that he !i%e% Muhaad" $as the
Prophet of Allah and refused to $rite: HIn the Dae of Allah# the ost Beneficent# the Most Merciful#H
and pre(ented the Mushriks fro (isiting the Ka'ba%
Darrated A-)Fuhri: Ur$a said# HAisha told e that Allah's Apostle used to e*aine the $oen
eigrants% @e ha(e been told also that $hen Allah re(ealed the order that the Muslis should re)
turn to the pagans $hat they had spent on their $i(es $ho eigrated !after ebracing Isla" and
that the Mushriks should not% keep unbelie(ing $oen as their $i(es# 'Uar di(orced t$o of his
$i(es# ,ariba# the daughter of Abu Urhaiya and the daughter of /ar$al Al)Khu-a'i% ;ater on
Mu'a$lya arried ,ariba and Abu /ah arried the other%H
@hen the pagans refused to pay $hat the Muslis had spent on their $i(es# Allah re(ealed: HAnd
if any of your $i(es ha(e gone fro you to the unbelie(ers and you ha(e an accession !By the co)
ing o(er of a $oan fro the other side" !&hen pay to those $hose $i(es ha(e gone" &he eCui(alent
of $hat they had spent !En their Mahr"%H !56%00"
So# Allah ordered that the Musli $hose $ife# has gone# should be gi(en# as a copensation of the
Mahr he had gi(en to his $ife# fro the Mahr of the $i(es of the pagans $ho had eigrated desert)
ing their husbands%
@e do not kno$ any of the $oen eigrants $ho deserted Isla after ebracing it% @e ha(e
also been told that Abu Basir bin Asid Ath)&haCafi cae to the Prophet as a Musli eigrant during
the truce% Al)Akhnas bin ShariC $rote to the Prophet reCuesting hi to return Abu Basir%
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 713:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle entioned a person $ho asked an Israeli an to lend hi one)thousand 8inars#
and the Israeli lent hi the su for a certain fi*ed period%
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 71<:
Darrated Ara:
Aisha said that Buraira cae to seek her help in the $riting of her eancipation% 'Aisha said to
her# HIf you $ish# I $ill pay your asters !your price" and the $ala' $ill be for e%H @hen Allah's
Apostle cae# she told hi about it% &he Prophet said to her# HBuy her !i%e% Buraira" and anuit her#
=olue < ) 5<6 ? 0:66
for the @ala is for the one $ho anuits%H &hen Allah's Apostle ascended the pulpit and said# H@hat
about those people $ho stipulate conditions $hich are not in Allah's ;a$sJ @hoe(er stipulates such
conditions as are not in Allah's ;a$s# then those conditions are in(alid e(en if he stipulated a hun)
dred such conditions%H
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 712:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah has ninety)nine naes# i%e% one)hundred inus one# and $hoe(er
kno$s the $ill go to Paradise%H !Please see Hadith Do% 201 =ol% 7"
=olue <# Book 46# Duber 714:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Uar bin Khattab got soe land in Khaibar and he $ent to the Prophet to consult hi about it
saying# HE Allah' Apostle got soe land in Khaibar better than $hich I ha(e ne(er had# $hat do you
suggest that I do $ith itJH &he Prophet said# HIf you like you can gi(e the land as endo$ent and gi(e
its fruits in charity%H So Uar ga(e it in charity as an endo$ent on the condition that $ould not be
sold nor gi(en to anybody as a present and not to be inherited# but its yield $ould be gi(en in charity
to the poor people# to the Kith and kin# for freeing sla(es# for Allah's 9ause# to the tra(elers and
guestsL and that there $ould be no har if the guardian of the endo$ent ate fro it according to
his need $ith good intention# and fed others $ithout storing it for the future%H
=olue < ) 5<0 ? 0:66
=olue 2 ) 5<3 ? 0:66
Book 40: @ills and &estaents !@asaayaa"
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 0:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar: Allah's Apostle said# HIt is not perissible for any Musli $ho has
soething to $ill to stay for t$o nights $ithout ha(ing his last $ill and testaent $ritten and kept
ready $ith hi%H
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 3:
Darrated Ar bin Al)Harith:
!&he brother of the $ife of Allah's Apostle% /u$aira bint Al)Harith" @hen Allah's Apostle died# he
did not lea(e any 8irha or 8inar !i%e% oney"# a sla(e or a sla(e $oan or anything else e*cept his
$hite ule# his ars and a piece of land $hich he had gi(en in charity %
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber <:
Darrated &alha bin Musarrif:
I asked 'Abdullah bin Abu Aufa H8id the Prophet ake a $illJH He replied# HDo#H I asked hi# HHo$
is it then that the aking of a $ill has been en.oined on people# !or that they are ordered to ake a
$ill"JH He replied# H&he Prophet beCueathed Allah's Book !i%e% ,uran"%H
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 2:
Darrated Al)As$ad:
In the presence of 'Aisha soe people entioned that the Prophet had appointed 'Ali by $ill as his
successor% 'Aisha said# H@hen did he appoint hi by $illJ =erily $hen he died he $as resting against
y chest !or said: in y lap" and he asked for a $ash)basin and then collapsed $hile in that state#
and I could not e(en percei(e that he had died# so $hen did he appoint hi by $illJH
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 4:
Darrated Sad bin Abu @aCCas:
&he Prophet cae (isiting e $hile I $as !sick" in Mecca# !'Air the sub)narrator said# and he
disliked to die in the land# $hence he had already igrated"% He !i%e% the Prophet" said# HMay Allah
besto$ His Mercy on Ibn Afra !Sad bin Khaula"%H I said# HE Allah's ApostleI May I $ill all y property
!in charity"JH He said# HDo%H I said# H&hen ay I $ill half of itJH He said# HDoH% I said# HEne thirdJH He
=olue 2 ) 5<< ? 0:66
said: HKes# one third# yet e(en one third is too uch% It is better for you to lea(e your inheritors
$ealthy than to lea(e the poor begging others# and $hate(er you spend for Allah's sake $ill be
considered as a charitable deed e(en the handful of food you put in your $ife's outh% Allah ay
lengthen your age so that soe people ay benefit by you# and soe others be hared by you%H At
that tie Sad had only one daughter%
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 5:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
I recoend that people reduce the proportion of $hat they beCueath by $ill to the fourth !of the
$hole legacy"# for Allah's Apostle said# HEne)third# yet e(en one third is too uch%H
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber ::
Darrated Sad:
I fell sick and the Prophet paid e a (isit% I said to hi# HE Allah's ApostleI I in(oke Allah that He
ay not let e e*pire in the land $hence I igrated !i%e% Mecca"%H He said# HMay Allah gi(e you
health and let the people benefit by you%H I said# HI $ant to $ill y property# and I ha(e only one
daughter and I $ant to $ill half of y property !to be gi(en in charity"%H He said#H Half is too uch%H I
said# H&hen I $ill one third%H He said# HEne)third# yet e(en one)third is too uch%H !&he narrator ad)
ded# HSo the people started to $ill one third of their property and that $as Peritted for the%H"
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 7:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" Utba bin Abi @aCCas entrusted !his son" to his brother Sad bin Abi
@aCCas saying# H&he son of the sla(e)girl of Fa'a is y !illegal" son# take hi into your custody%H So
during the year of the 9onCuest !of Mecca" Sad took the boy and said# H&his is y brother's son
$ho y brother entrusted to e%H 'Abu bin Fa's got up and said# HHe is y brother and the son of
the sla(e girl of y father and $as born on y father's bed%H &hen both of the cae to Allah's
Apostle and Sad said# HE Allah's ApostleI &his is y brother's son $ho y brother entrusted to e%H
&hen 'Abu bin Fa'a got up and said# H&his is y brother and the son of the sla(e)girl of y fath)
er%H Allah's Apostle said# HE Abu bin Fa'aI &his boy is for you as the boy belongs to the bed !$here
he $as born"# and for the adulterer is the stone !i%e% depri(ation"%H &hen the Prophet said to his $ife
Sauda bint Fa'a# HScreen yourself fro this boy#H $hen he sa$ the boy's reseblance to 'Utba% Since
then the boy did not see Sauda till he died%
=olue 2 ) 5<2 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 1:
Darrated Anas:
A /e$ crushed the head of a girl bet$een t$o stones% She $as asked# H@ho has done so to you# so)
and)soJ So)and)soJH &ill the nae of the /e$ $as entioned# $hereupon she nodded !in
agreeent"% So the /e$ $as brought and $as Cuestioned till he confessed% &he Prophet then ordered
that his head be crushed $ith stones%
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 06:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he custo !in old days" $as that the property of the deceased $ould be inherited by his off)
springL as for the parents !of the deceased"# they $ould inherit by the $ill of the deceased% &hen Al)
lah cancelled fro that custo $hate(er He $ished and fi*ed for the ale double the aount in)
herited by the feale# and for each parent a si*th !of the $hole legacy" and for the $ife an eighth or
a fourth and for the husband a half or a fourth%
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 00:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an asked the Prophet# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat kind of charity is the bestJH He replied% H&o gi(e
in charity $hen you are healthy and greedy hoping to be $ealthy and afraid of becoing poor%
8on't delay gi(ing in charity till the tie $hen you are on the death bed $hen you say# 'Ai(e so
uch to so)and)so and so uch to so)and so#' and at that tie the property is not yours but it be)
longs to so)and)so !i%e% your inheritors"%H
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 03:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he signs of a hypocrite are three: @hene(er he speaks he tells a lieL $hene(er
he is entrusted he pro(es dishonestL $hene(er he proises he breaks his proise%H
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 0<:
Darrated 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair: Haki bin Hi-a said# HI asked Allah's Apostle for soething# and
he ga(e e# and I asked hi again and he ga(e e and said# 'E HakiI &his $ealth is green and
s$eet !i%e% as tepting as fruits"# and $hoe(er takes it $ith
&he upper !i%e% gi(ing" hand is better than the lo$er !i%e% taking" hand%H Haki added# HI said# E Al)
lah's ApostleI By Hi @ho has sent you $ith the &ruth I $ill ne(er deand anything fro anybody
=olue 2 ) 5<4 ? 0:66
after you till I die%H After$ards Abu Bakr used to call Haki to gi(e hi soething but he refused to
accept anything fro hi% &hen 'Uar called hi to gi(e hi !soething" but he refused% &hen
'Uar said# HE MuslisI I offered to hi !i%e% Haki" his share $hich Allah has ordained for hi
fro this booty and he refuses to take it%H &hus Haki did not ask anybody for anything after the
Prophet# till he died))ay Allah besto$ His ercy upon hi%
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 02:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HAll of you are guardians and responsible for your charges: the
Ruler !i%e% Ia" is a guardian and responsible for his sub.ectsL and a an is a guardian of his faily
and is responsible for his chargesL and a lady is a guardian in the house of her husband and is re)
sponsible for her chargeL and a ser(ant is a guardian of the property of his aster and is responsible
for his charge%H I think he also said# HAnd a an is a guardian of the property of his father%H
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 04:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said to Abu &alha# HI recoend that you di(ide !this garden" aongst your relat)
i(es%H Abu &alha said# HE Allah's ApostleI I $ill do the sae%H So Abu &alha di(ided it aong his relat)
i(es and cousins%
Ibn 'Abbes said# H@hen the ,ur'anic =erse:
H@arn your nearest kinsen%H !35%302"
@as re(ealed# the Prophet started calling the (arious big failies of ,uraish# HE Bani BihrI E Bani
Abu Huraira said# H@hen the =erse: H@arn your nearest kinsenH $as re(ealed# the Prophet said
!in a loud (oice"# HE people of ,uraishIH
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 05:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hen Allah re(ealed the =erse: H@arn your nearest kinsen#H Allah's Apostle got up and said# HE
people of ,uraish !or said siilar $ords"I Buy !i%e% sa(e" yoursel(es !fro the Hellfire" as I cannot
sa(e you fro Allah's PunishentL E Bani Abd ManafI I cannot sa(e you fro Allah's Punishent# E
Safiya# the Aunt of Allah's ApostleI I cannot sa(e you fro Allah's PunishentL E Batia bint
MuhaadI Ask e anything fro y $ealth# but I cannot sa(e you fro Allah's Punishent%H
=olue 2 ) 5<5 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 0::
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet sa$ a an dri(ing a Badana !i%e% cael for sacrifice" and said to hi# HRide on it%H &he
an said# HE Allah's ApostleI It is a Bandana%H !&he Prophet repeated his order" and on the third or
fourth tie he said# HRide it# !$oe to youH or said: HMay Allah be erciful to you"%H
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 07:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle sa$ a an dri(ing a Badana and said to hi# HRide on it#H and on the second or the
third tie he added# H@oe to you%H
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 01:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he other of Sad bin 'Ubada died in his absence% He said# HE Allah's ApostleI My other died in
y absenceL $ill it be of any benefit for her if I gi(e SadaCa on her behalfJH &he Prophet said# HKes#H
Sad said# HI ake you a $itness that I ga(e y garden called Al Makhraf in charity on her behalf%H
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 36:
Darrated Kab bin Malik:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI Bor the acceptance of y repentance I $ish to gi(e all y property in
charity for Allah's sake through His Apostle %H He said# HIt is better for you to keep soe of the prop)
erty for yourself%H I said# H&hen I $ill keep y share in Khaibar%H
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 30:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Soe people clai that the order in the abo(e =erse is cancelled# by Allah# it is not cancelled# but
the people ha(e stopped acting on it% &here are t$o kinds of guardians !$ho are in charge of the in)
heritance": Ene is that $ho inheritsL such a person should gi(e !of $hat he inherits to the relati(es#
the orphans and the needy# etc%"# the other is that $ho does not inherit !e%g% the guardian of the
orphans": such a person should speak kindly and say !to those $ho are present at the tie of distri)
bution"# HI can not gi(e it to you !as the $ealth belongs to the orphans"%H
=olue 2 ) 5<: ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 33:
Darrated 'Aisha:
A an said to the Prophet# HMy other died suddenly# and I think that if she could speak# she
$ould ha(e gi(en in charity% May I gi(e in charity on her behalfJH He said# HKesI Ai(e in charity on
her behalf%H
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 3<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Sad bin Ubada consulted Allah's Apostle saying# HMy other died and she had an unfulfilled (o$%H
&he Prophet said# HBulfill it on her behalf%H
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 32:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&hat the other of Sad bin Ubada the brother of Bani Saida died in Sad's absence# so he cae to
the Prophet saying# HE Allah's ApostleI My other died in y absence# $ill it benefit her if I gi(e in
charity on her behalfJH &he Prophet said# HKes%H Sad said# HI take you as y $itness that I gi(e y
garden Al)Makhraf in charity on her behalf%H
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 34:
Darrated A-)Fuhri:
Ur$a bin A-)Fubair said that he asked 'Aisha about the eaning of the ,uranic =erse:))
HAnd if you fear that you $ill not deal fairly $ith the orphan girls then arry !other" $oen of
your choice%H !2%3)<"
Aisha said# HIt is about a feale orphan under the guardianship of her guardian $ho is inclined
to$ards her because of her beauty and $ealth# and likes to arry her $ith a Mahr less than $hat is
gi(en to $oen of her standard% So they !i%e% guardians" $ere forbidden to arry the orphans unless
they paid the a full appropriate Mahr !other$ise" they $ere ordered to arry other $oen in)
stead of the% ;ater on the people asked Allah's Apostle about it% So Allah re(ealed the follo$ing
H&hey ask your instruction !E MuhaadI" regarding $oen% Say: Allah instructs you regarding
the%%%H !2%03:"
and in this =erse Allah indicated that if the orphan girl $as beautiful and $ealthy# her guardian
$ould ha(e the desire to arry her $ithout gi(ing her an appropriate Mahr eCual to $hat her peers
could get# but if she $as undesirable for lack of beauty or $ealth# then he $ould not arry her# but
=olue 2 ) 5<7 ? 0:66
seek to arry soe other $oan instead of her% So# since he did not arry her $hen he had no in)
clination to$ards her# he had not the right to arry her $hen he had an interest in her# unless he
treated her .ustly by gi(ing her a full Mahr and securing all her rights%
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 35:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
In the lifetie of Allah's Apostle # Uar ga(e in charity soe of his property# a garden of date)
pals called &hagh% 'Uar said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e soe property $hich I pri-e highly and I
$ant to gi(e it in charity%H &he ProphetL said# HAi(e it in charity !i%e% as an endo$ent" $ith its land
and trees on the condition that the land and trees $ill neither be sold nor gi(en as a present# nor be)
Cueathed# but the fruits are to be spent in charity%H So 'Uar ga(e it in charity# and it $as for Allah's
9ause# the eancipation of sla(es# for the poor# for guests# for tra(elers# and for kinsen% &he person
acting as its adinistrator could eat fro it reasonably and fairly# and could let a friend of his eat
fro it pro(ided he had no intention of becoing $ealthy by its eans%
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 3::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he follo$ing =erse:))
HIf a guardian is $ell)off# let hi clai no reuneration !i%e% $ages"# but if he is poor# let hi ha(e
for hiself $hat is .ust and reasonable%H !2%5"
$as re(ealed in connection $ith the guardian of an orphan# and it eans that if he is poor he can
ha(e for hiself !fro the orphan's $ealth" $hat is .ust and reasonable according to the orphan's
share of the inheritance%
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 37:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HA(oid the se(en great destructi(e sins%H &he people enCuire# HE Allah's ApostleI
@hat are theyJ HHe said# H&o .oin others in $orship along $ith Allah# to practice sorcery# to kill the
life $hich Allah has forbidden e*cept for a .ust cause# !according to Islaic la$"# to eat up Riba
!usury"# to eat up an orphan's $ealth# to gi(e back to the eney and fleeing fro the battlefield at
the tie of fighting# and to accuse# chaste $oen# $ho ne(er e(en think of anything touching
chastity and are good belie(ers%
=olue 2 ) 5<1 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 31:
Darrated Anas:
@hen Allah's Apostle cae to MedinaL he did not ha(e any ser(ant% Abu &alha !Anas' step)father"
took e to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Anas is a $ise boy# so let hi ser(e you%H So# I
ser(ed hi at hoe and on .ourneys% If I did anything# he ne(er asked e $hy I did it# and if I re)
frained fro doing anything# he ne(er asked e $hy I refrained fro doing it%
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber <6:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Abu &alha had the greatest $ealth of date)pals aongst the Ansar in Medina# and he pri-ed
abo(e all his $ealth !his garden" Bairuha'# $hich $as situated opposite the MosCue !of the Prophet "%
&he Prophet used to enter It and drink fro its fresh $ater% @hen the follo$ing 8i(ine =erse
HBy no eans shall you attain piety until you spend of $hat you lo(e#H !<%13"
Abu &alha got up saying% HE Allah's ApostleI Allah says# 'Kou $ill not attain piety until you spend
of $hat you lo(e#' and I pri-e abo(e al I y $ealth# Bairuha' $hich I $ant to gi(e in charity for Al)
lah's Sake# hoping for its re$ard fro Allah% So you can use it as Allah directs you%H En that the
Prophet said# HBra(oI It is a profitable !or perishable" property% !Ibn Maslaa is not sure as to $hich
$ord is right# i%e% profitable or perishable%" I ha(e heard $hat you ha(e said# and I recoend that
you distribute this aongst your relati(es%H En that Abu &alha said# HE Allah's ApostleI I $ill do !as
you ha(e suggested"%H So# Abu &alha distributed that garden aongst his relati(es and cousins%
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber <0:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
A an said to Allah's Apostle # HMy other died# $ill it benefit her if I gi(e in charity on her be)
halfJH &he Prophet replied in the affirati(e% &he an said# HI ha(e a garden and I ake you a $it)
ness that I gi(e it in charity on her behalf%H
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber <3:
Darrated Anas:
@hen the Prophet ordered that the osCue be built# he said# HE Bani An)Da..arI Suggest to e a
price for this garden of yours%H &hey replied# HBy AllahI @e $ill deand its price fro none but Al)
=olue 2 ) 526 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber <<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
@hen 'Uar got a piece of land in Khaibar# he cae to the Prophet saying# HI ha(e got a piece of
land# better than $hich I ha(e ne(er got% So $hat do you ad(ise e regarding itJH &he Prophet said#
HIf you $ish you can keep it as an endo$ent to be used for charitable purposes%H So# 'Uar ga(e the
land in charity !i%e% as an endo$ents on the condition that the land $ould neither be sold nor gi(en
as a present# nor beCueathed# !and its yield" $ould be used for the poor# the kinsen# the eancipa)
tion of sla(es# /ihad# and for guests and tra(elersL and its adinistrator could eat in a reasonable .ust
anner# and he also could feed his friends $ithout intending to be $ealthy by its eans%H
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber <2:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Uar got soe property in Khaibar and he cae to the Prophet and infored hi about it% &he
Prophet said to hi# HIf you $ish you can gi(e it in charity%H So 'Uar ga(e it in charity !i%e% as an en)
do$ent" the yield of $hich $as to be used for the good of the poor# the needy# the kinsen and the
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber <4:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hen Allah's Apostle cae to Medina# he ordered that a osCue be built% He said# HE Bani An)Da)
..arI Suggest e a price for the garden of yours%H &hey replied# HBy Allah# $e $ill not ask its price e*)
cept fro Allah%H
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber <5:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Ence 'Uar ga(e a horse in charity to be used in holy fighting% It had been gi(en to hi by Allah's
Apostle % 'Uar ga(e it to another an to ride% &hen 'Uar $as infored that the an put the horse
for sale# so he asked Allah's Apostle $hether he could buy it% Allah's Apostle replied# HKou should not
buy it# for you should not take back $hat you ha(e gi(en in charity%H
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber <::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 2 ) 520 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# HMy heirs $ill not inherit a 8inar or a 8irha !i%e% oney"# for $hate(er I
lea(e !e*cluding the adeCuate support of y $i(es and the $ages of y eployees" is gi(en in char)
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber <7:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
@hen 'Uar founded an endo$ent he stipulated that its adinistrator could eat fro it and also
feed his friend on the condition that he $ould not store anything for hiself fro it%
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber <1:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said !at the tie of building the MosCue"# HE Ban# An)Da..arI Suggest to e a price
for your garden%H &hey replied# H@e do not ask its price e*cept fro Allah%H
=olue 2# Book 40# Duber 26:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah Al)Ansari:
My father $as artyred on the day !of the Aha-$a" of Uhud and left si* daughters and soe
debts to be paid% @hen the tie of plucking the date)fruits cae# I $ent to Allah's Apostle and said#
HE Allah's ApostleI you kno$ that y father $as artyred on Uhud's day and o$ed uch debt# and I
$ish that the creditors $ould see you%H &he Prophet said# HAo and collect the (arious kinds of dates
and place the separately in heapsH' I did accordingly and called hi% En seeing hi# the creditors
started claiing their rights pressingly at that tie% @hen the Prophet sa$ ho$ they beha(ed# he
$ent round the biggest heap for three ties and sat o(er it and said# H9all your copanions !i%e% the
creditors"%H &hen he kept on easuring and gi(ing the# till Allah cleared all y father's debts% By
Allah# it $ould ha(e pleased e that Allah $ould clear the debts of y father e(en though I had not
taken a single date to y sisters% But by Allah# all the heaps $ere coplete# !as they $ere" and I
looked at the heap $here Allah's Apostle $as sitting and noticed as if not a single date had been
taken thereof%
=olue 2 ) 523 ? 0:66
Book 43: Bighting for the 9ause of Allah !/i)
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 20:
Darrated Abdullah bin Masud:
I asked Allah's Apostle# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat is the best deedJH He replied# H&o offer the prayers
at their early stated fi*ed ties%H I asked# H@hat is ne*t in goodnessJH He replied# H&o be good and du)
tiful to your parents%H I further asked# $hat is ne*t in goodnessJH He replied# H&o participate in /ihad
in Allah's 9ause%H I did not ask Allah's Apostle anyore and if I had asked hi ore# he $ould ha(e
told e ore%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 23:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here is no Hi.ra !i%e% igration" !fro Mecca to Medina" after the 9onCuest
!of Mecca"# but /ihad and good intention reainL and if you are called !by the Musli ruler" for
fighting# go forth iediately%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 2<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!&hat she said"# HE Allah's ApostleI @e consider /ihad as the best deed% Should $e not fight in Al)
lah's 9auseJH He said# H&he best /ihad !for $oen" is Ha..)Mabrur !i%e% Ha.. $hich is done according
to the Prophet's tradition and is accepted by Allah"%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 22:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HInstruct e as to such a deed as eCuals /ihad !in re$ard"%H
He replied# HI do not find such a deed%H &hen he added# H9an you# $hile the Musli fighter is in the
battle)field# enter your osCue to perfor prayers $ithout cease and fast and ne(er break your
fastJH &he an said# HBut $ho can do thatJH Abu) Huraira added# H&he Mu.ahid !i%e% Musli fighter"
is re$arded e(en for the footsteps of his horse $hile it $anders bout !for gra-ing" tied in a long
=olue 2 ) 52< ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 24:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Soebody asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @ho is the best aong the peopleJH Allah's Apostle replied HA
belie(er $ho stri(es his utost in Allah's 9ause $ith his life and property%H &hey asked# H@ho is
ne*tJH He replied# HA belie(er $ho stays in one of the ountain paths $orshipping Allah and lea(ing
the people secure fro his ischief%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 25:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H&he e*aple of a Mu.ahid in Allah's 9ause)) and Allah kno$s bet)
ter $ho really stri(es in His 9ause))))is like a person $ho fasts and prays continuously% Allah guar)
antees that He $ill adit the Mu.ahid in His 9ause into Paradise if he is killed# other$ise He $ill re)
turn hi to his hoe safely $ith re$ards and $ar booty%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 2::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle used to (isit U Haran bint Milhan# $ho $ould offer hi reals% U)Hara $as
the $ife of Ubada bin As)Sait% Allah's Apostle# once (isited her and she pro(ided hi $ith food and
started looking for lice in his head% &hen Allah's Apostle slept# and after$ards $oke up siling% U
Haran asked# H@hat causes you to sile# E Allah's ApostleJH He said% HSoe of y follo$ers $ho !in a
drea" $ere presented before e as fighters in Allah's 9ause !on board a ship" aidst this sea cause
e to sileL they $ere as kings on the thrones !or like kings on the thrones"%H !IshaC# a sub)narrator
is not sure as to $hich e*pression the Prophet used%" U)Hara said# HE Allah's ApostleI In(oke Al)
lah that he akes e one of the% Allah's Apostle in(oked Allah for her and slept again and $oke up
siling% Ence again U Hara asked# H@hat akes you sile# E Allah's ApostleJH He replied# HSoe
of y follo$ers $ere presented to e as fighters in Allah's 9ause#H repeating the sae drea% U)
Hara said# HE Allah's ApostleI In(oke Allah that He akes e one of the%H He said# HKou are
aongst the first ones%H It happened that she sailed on the sea during the 9aliphate of Mu'a$lya bin
Abi Sufyan# and after she disebarked# she fell do$n fro her riding anial and died%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 27:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er belie(es in Allah and His Apostle# offer prayer perfectly and fasts the
onth of Raadan# $ill rightfully be granted Paradise by Allah# no atter $hether he fights in Al)
lah's 9ause or reains in the land $here he is born%H &he people said# HE Allah's Apostle I Shall $e
=olue 2 ) 522 ? 0:66
acCuaint the people $ith the is good ne$sJH He said# HParadise has one)hundred grades $hich Allah
has reser(ed for the Mu.ahidin $ho fight in His 9ause# and the distance bet$een each of t$o grades
is like the distance bet$een the Hea(en and the +arth% So# $hen you ask Allah !for soething"# ask
for Al)firdaus $hich is the best and highest part of Paradise%H !i%e% &he sub)narrator added# HI think
the Prophet also said# 'Abo(e it !i%e% Al)Birdaus" is the &hrone of Beneficent !i%e% Allah"# and fro it
originate the ri(ers of Paradise%H"
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 21:
Darrated Saura:
&he Prophet said# H;ast night t$o en cae to e !in a drea" and ade e ascend a tree and
then aditted e into a better and superior house# better of $hich I ha(e ne(er seen% Ene of the
said# '&his house is the house of artyrs%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 46:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HA single endea(or !of fighting" in Allah's 9ause in the forenoon or in the after)
noon is better than the $orld and $hate(er is in it%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 40:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HA place in Paradise as sall as a bo$ is better than all that on $hich the sun
rises and sets !i%e% all the $orld"%H He also said# HA single endea(or in Allah's 9ause in the afternoon or
in the forenoon is better than all that on $hich the sun rises and sets%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 43:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
&he Prophet said# HA single endea(or in Allah's 9ause in the afternoon and in the forenoon is better
than the $orld and $hate(er is in it%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 4<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HDobody $ho dies and finds good fro Allah !in the Hereafter" $ould $ish to
coe back to this $orld e(en if he $ere gi(en the $hole $orld and $hate(er is in it# e*cept the
=olue 2 ) 524 ? 0:66
artyr $ho# on seeing the superiority of artyrdo# $ould like to coe back to the $orld and get
killed again !in Allah's 9ause"%H
Darrated Anas: &he Prophet said# HA single endea(or !of fighting" in Allah's 9ause in the afternoon
or in the forenoon is better than all the $orld and $hate(er is in it% A place in Paradise as sall as
the bo$ or lash of one of you is better than all the $orld and $hate(er is in it% And if a houri fro
Paradise appeared to the people of the earth# she $ould fill the space bet$een Hea(en and the +arth
$ith light and pleasant scent and her head co(er is better than the $orld and $hate(er is in it%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 42:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HBy Hi in @hose Hands y life isI @ere it not for soe en aongst the be)
lie(ers $ho dislike to be left behind e and $ho I cannot pro(ide $ith eans of con(eyance# I
$ould certainly ne(er reain behind any Sariya' !ary)unit" setting out in Allah's 9ause% By Hi in
@hose Hands y life isI I $ould lo(e to be artyred in Al0ah's 9ause and then get resurrected and
then get artyred# and then get resurrected again and then get artyred and then get resurrected
again and then get artyred%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 44:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet deli(ered a seron and said# HFaid took the flag and $as artyred# and then /a'far
took the flag and $as artyred# and then 'Abdullah bin Ra$aha took the flag and $as artyred too#
and then Khalid bin Al)@alid took the flag though he $as not appointed as a coander and Allah
ade hi (ictorious%H &he Prophet further added# HIt $ould not please us to ha(e the $ith us%H Aiy)
ub# a sub)narrator# added# HEr the Prophet# shedding tears# said# 'It $ould not p ease the to be $ith
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 45:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
U Hara said# HEnce the Prophet slept in y house near to e and got up siling% I said# '@hat
akes you sileJ' He replied# 'Soe of y follo$ers $ho !i%e% in a drea" $ere presented to e sail)
ing on this green sea like kings on thrones%' I said# 'E Allah's ApostleI In(oke Allah to ake e one of
the%H So the Prophet in(oked Allah for her and $ent to sleep again% He did the sae !i%e% got up and
told his drea" and U Haran repeated her Cuestion and he ga(e the sae reply% She said# HIn(oke
Allah to ake e one of the%H He said# HKou are aong the first batch%H ;ater on it happened that
she $ent out in the copany of her husband 'Ubada bin As)Sait $ho $ent for /ihad and it $as the
first tie the Muslis undertook a na(al e*pedition led by Mu a$iya% @hen the e*pedition cae to
=olue 2 ) 525 ? 0:66
an end and they $ere returning to Sha# a riding anial $as presented to her to ride# but the ani)
al let her fall and thus she died%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 4::
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet sent se(enty en fro the tribe of Bani Sali to the tribe of Bani Air% @hen they
reached there# y aternal uncle said to the# HI $ill go ahead of you# and if they allo$ e to con)
(ey the essage of Allah's Apostle !it $ill be all right"L other$ise you $ill reain close to e%H So he
$ent ahead of the and the pagans granted hi security But $hile he $as reporting the essage of
the Prophet # they beckoned to one of their en $ho stabbed hi to death% My aternal uncle said#
HAllah is AreaterI By the ;ord of the Kaba# I a successful%H After that they attached the rest of the
party and killed the all e*cept a lae an $ho $ent up to the top of the ountain% !Haa# a
sub)narrator said# HI think another an $as sa(ed along $ith hi"%H Aabriel infored the Prophet
that they !i%e the artyrs" et their ;ord# and He $as pleased $ith the and ade the pleased% @e
used to recite# HInfor our people that $e ha(e et our ;ord# He is pleased $ith us and He has ade
us pleased H ;ater on this ,uranic =erse $as cancelled% &he Prophet in(oked Allah for forty days to
curse the urderers fro the tribe of Ral# 8hak$an# Bani ;ihyan and Ba Usaiya $ho disobeyed Al)
lah and his Apostle
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 47:
Darrated /undab bin Sufyan:
In one of the holy Battles a finger of Allah's Apostle !got $ounded and" bled% He said# HKou are .ust
a finger that bled# and $hat you got is in Allah's 9ause%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 41:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HBy Hi in @hose Hands y soul isI @hoe(er is $ounded in Allah's
9ause%%%%and Allah kno$s $ell $ho gets $ounded in His 9ause%%%%$ill coe on the 8ay of Resurrec)
tion $ith his $ound ha(ing the color of blood but the scent of usk%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 56:
Darrated Abdullah bin Abbas:
&hat Abu Sufyan told hi that Heraclius said to hi# HI asked you about the outcoe of your
battles $ith hi !i%e% the Prophet " and you told e that you fought each other $ith alternate success%
So the Apostles are tested in this $ay but the ultiate (ictory is al$ays theirs%
=olue 2 ) 52: ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 50:
Darrated Anas:
My uncle Anas bin An)Dadr $as absent fro the Battle of Badr% He said# HE Allah's ApostleI I $as
absent fro the first battle you fought against the pagans% !By Allah" if Allah gi(es e a chance to
fight the pagans# no doubt% Allah $ill see ho$ !bra(ely" I $ill fight%H En the day of Uhud $hen the
Muslis turned their backs and fled# he said# HE AllahI I apologi-e to Kou for $hat these !i%e% his
copanions" ha(e done# and I denounce $hat these !i%e% the pagans" ha(e done%H &hen he ad(anced
and Sad bin Muadh et hi% He said HE Sad bin Muadh I By the ;ord of An)Dadr# ParadiseI I a
selling its aroa coing fro before !the ountain of" Uhud#H ;ater on Sad said# HE Allah's
ApostleI I cannot achie(e or do $hat he !i%e% Anas bin An)Dadr" did% @e found ore than eighty
$ounds by s$ords and arro$s on his body% @e found hi dead and his body $as utilated so badly
that none e*cept his sister could recogni-e hi by his fingers%H @e used to think that the follo$ing
=erse $as re(ealed concerning hi and other en of his sort: HAong the belie(ers are en $ho
ha(e been true to their co(enant $ith Allah%%%%%%%%%%H !<<%3<"
His sister Ar)Rubbaya' broke a front tooth of a $oan and Allah's Apostle ordered for retaliation%
En that Anas !bin An)Dadr" said# HE Allah's ApostleI By Hi @ho has sent you $ith the &ruth# y
sister's tooth shall not be broken%H &hen the opponents of Anas's sister accepted the copensation and
ga(e up the clai of retaliation% So Allah's Apostle said# H&here are soe people aongst Allah's
sla(es $hose oaths are fulfilled by Allah $hen they take the%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 53:
Darrated Khari.a bin Faid:
Faid bin &habit said# H@hen the ,uran $as copiled fro (arious $ritten anuscripts# one of the
=erses of Surat Al)Ah-ab $as issing $hich I used to hear Allah's Apostle reciting% I could not find it
e*cept $ith Khu-aia bin &hab.t Al)Ansari# $hose $itness Allah's Apostle regarded as eCual to the
$itness of t$o en% And the =erse $as:)) HAong the belie(ers are en $ho ha(e been true to $hat
they co(enanted $ith Allah%H !<<%3<"
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 5<:
Darrated Al)Bara:
A an $hose face $as co(ered $ith an iron ask !i%e% clad in aror" cae to the Prophet and
said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall I fight or ebrace Isla firstJ H&he Prophet said# H+brace Isla first
and then fight%H So he ebraced Isla# and $as artyred% Allah's Apostle said# A ;ittle $ork# but a
great re$ard% H!He did (ery little !after ebracing Isla"# but he $ill be re$arded in abundance"%H
=olue 2 ) 527 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 52:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
U Ar)Rubai'bint Al)Bara'# the other of Hartha bin SuraCa cae to the Prophet and said# HE Al)
lah's ProphetI @ill you tell e about HarthaJH Hartha has been killed !i%e% artyred" on the day of
Badr $ith an arro$ thro$n by an unidentified person% She added# HIf he is in Paradise# I $ill be pa)
tientL other$ise# I $ill $eep bitterly for hi%H He said# HE other of HarthaI &here are Aardens in
Paradise and your son got the Birdausal)ala !i%e% the best place in Paradise"%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 54:
Darrated Abu Musa:
A an cae to the Prophet and asked# HA an fights for $ar bootyL another fights for fae and a
third fights for sho$ing offL $hich of the fights in Allah's 9auseJH &he Prophet said# HHe $ho fights
that Allah's @ord !i%e% Isla" should be superior# fights in Allah's 9ause%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 55:
Darrated Abu Abs:
!$ho is 'Abdur)Rahan bin /abir" Allah's Apostle said#H Anyone $hose both feet get co(ered $ith
dust in Allah's 9ause $ill not be touched by the !Hell" fire%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 5::
Darrated 'Ikria:
that Ibn 'Abbas told hi and 'Ali bin 'Abdullah to go to Abu Said and listen to soe of his narra)
tionsL So they both $ent !and sa$" Abu Said and his brother irrigating a garden belonging to the%
@hen he sa$ the# he cae up to the and sat do$n $ith his legs dra$n up and $rapped in his
garent and said# H!8uring the construction of the osCue of the Prophet" $e carried the adobe of
the osCue# one brick at a tie $hile 'Aar used to carry t$o at a tie% &he Prophet passed by
'Aar and reo(ed the dust off his head and said# HMay Allah be erciful to 'Aar% He $ill be
killed by a rebellious aggressi(e group% 'Aar $ill in(ite the to !obey" Allah and they $ill in(ite
hi to the !Hell" fire%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 57:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen Allah's Apostle returned on the day !of the battle" of Al)KhandaC !i%e% &rench"# he put do$n
his ars and took a bath% &hen Aabriel $hose head $as co(ered $ith dust# cae to hi saying# HKou
=olue 2 ) 521 ? 0:66
ha(e put do$n your arsI By Allah# I ha(e not put do$n y ars yet%H Allah's Apostle said# H@here
!to go no$"JH Aabriel said# H&his $ay#H pointing to$ards the tribe of Bani ,urai-a% So Allah's Apostle
$ent out to$ards the %
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 51:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Bor hirty days Allah's Apostle in(oked Allah to curse those $ho had killed the copanions of Bir)
MaunaL he in(oked e(il upon the tribes of Ral# 8hak$an# and Usaiya $ho disobeyed Allah and His
Apostle% &here $as re(eled about those $ho $ere killed at Bir)Mauna a ,uranic =erse $e used to
recite# but it $as cancelled later on% &he =erse $as:
HInfor our people that $e ha(e et our ;ord% He is pleased $ith us and He has ade us pleasedH
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber :6:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
HSoe people drank alcohol in the orning of the day !of the battle" of Uhud and $ere artyred
!on the sae day"%H Sufyan $as asked# H!@ere they artyred" in the last part of the dayJ"H He replied#
HSuch inforation does not occur in the narration%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber :0:
Darrated /abir:
My father's utilated body $as brought to the Prophet and $as placed in front of hi% I $ent to
unco(er his face but y copanions forbade e% &hen ourning cries of a lady $ere heard# and it
$as said that she $as either the daughter or the sister of Ar% &he Prophet said# H@hy is she cryingJH
Er said# H8o not cry# for the angels are still shading hi $ith their $ings%H !Al)Bukhari asked SadCa#
a sub)narrator# H8oes the narration include the e*pression: '&ill he $as liftedJ' H &he latter replied#
H/abir ay ha(e said it%H"
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber :3:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HDobody $ho enters Paradise likes to go back to the $orld e(en if he got
e(erything on the earth# e*cept a Mu.ahid $ho $ishes to return to the $orld so that he ay be ar)
tyred ten ties because of the dignity he recei(es !fro Allah"%H
Darrated Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba: Eur Prophet told us about the essage of our ;ord that H@ho)
e(er aongst us is killed $ill go to Paradise%H Uar asked the Prophet# HIs it not true that our en
=olue 2 ) 546 ? 0:66
$ho are killed $ill go to Paradise and their's !i%e% those of the Pagan's" $ill go to the !Hell" fireJH &he
Prophet said# HKes%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber :<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa:
Allah's Apostle said# HKno$ that Paradise is under the shades of s$ords%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber :2i:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HEnce Soloon# son of 8a(id said# '!By Allah" &onight I $ill ha(e se*ual inter)
course $ith one hundred !or ninety)nine" $oen each of $ho $ill gi(e birth to a knight $ho $ill
fight in Allah's 9ause%' En that a !i%e% if Allah $ills" but he did not say# 'Allah $illing%' &herefore only
one of those $oen concei(ed and ga(e birth to a half)an% By Hi in @hose Hands Muhaad's
life is# if he had said# HAllah $illing'# !he $ould ha(e begotten sons" all of $ho $ould ha(e been
knights stri(ing in Allah's 9ause%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber :2n:
Darrated Anas: &he Prophet $as the best# the bra(est and the ost generous of all the people%
Ence $hen the people of Medina got frightened# the Prophet rode a horse and $ent ahead of the
and said# H@e found this horse (ery fast%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber :4:
Darrated Muhaad bin /ubair:
/ubair bin Mut'i told e that $hile he $as in the copany of Allah's Apostle $ith the people re)
turning fro Hunain# soe people !bedouins" caught hold of the Prophet and started begging of hi
so uch so that he had to stand under a !kind of thorny tree !i%e% Saurah" and his cloak $as
snatched a$ay% &he Prophet stopped and said# HAi(e e y cloak% If I had as any caels as these
thorny trees# I $ould ha(e distributed the aongst you and you $ill not find e a iser or a liar
or a co$ard%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber :5:
Darrated 'Ar bin Maiun Al)Audi:
=olue 2 ) 540 ? 0:66
Sad used to teach his sons the follo$ing $ords as a teacher teaches his students the skill of $riting
and used to say that Allah's Apostle used to seek Refuge $ith Allah fro the !i%e% the e(ils" at the
end of e(ery prayer% &he $ords are:
'E AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kou fro co$ardice# and seek refuge $ith Kou fro being brought
back to a bad stage of old life and seek refuge $ith Kou fro the afflictions of the $orld# and seek
refuge $ith Kou fro the punishents in the gra(e%'
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber :::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet used to say# HE AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kou fro helplessness# la-iness# co$ardice
and feeble old ageL I seek refuge $ith Kou fro afflictions of life and death and seek refuge $ith Kou
fro the punishent in the gra(e%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber :7:
Darrated As)Sa')ib bin Ka-id:
I $as in the copany of &alha bin 'Ubaidullah# Sad# Al)MiCdad bin Al)As$ad and 'Abdur Rahan
bin 'Auf and I heard none of the narrating anything fro Allah's Apostle but &alha $as talking
about the day !of the battle" of Uhud%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber :1:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
En the day of the 9onCuest !of Mecca" the Prophet said# H&here is no eigration after the 9on)
Cuest but /ihad and intentions% @hen you are called !by the Musli ruler" for fighting# go forth i)
ediately%H !See Hadith Do% 23"
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 76i:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah $elcoes t$o en $ith a sileL one of $ho kills the other and both
of the enter Paradise% Ene fights in Allah's 9ause and gets killed% ;ater on Allah forgi(es the 'killer
$ho also get artyred !In Allah's 9ause"%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 76n:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 2 ) 543 ? 0:66
I $ent to Allah's Apostle $hile he $as at Khaibar after it had fallen in the Muslis' hands% I said#
HE Allah's ApostleI Ai(e e a share !fro the land of Khaibar"%H
Ene of the sons of Sa'id bin Al)'As said# HE Allah's ApostleI 8o not gi(e hi a share%H I said# H&his is
the urderer of Ibn ,auCal%H &he son of Said bin Al)As said# HStrangeI A @abr !i%e% guinea pig" $ho
has coe do$n to us fro the ountain of ,adui !i%e% gra-ing place of sheep" blaes e for
killing a Musli $ho $as gi(en superiority by Allah because of e# and Allah did not disgrace e at
his hands !i%e% $as not killed as an infidel"%H !&he sub)narrator said HI do not kno$ $hether the
Prophet ga(e hi a share or not%H"
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 70:
Darrated Anas bin Malik
In the life)tie of the Prophet# Abu &alha did not fast because of the /ihad# but after the Prophet
died I ne(er sa$ hi $ithout fasting e*cept on 'Id)ul)Bitr and 'Id)ul)Aclha%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 73:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HBi(e are regarded as artyrs: &hey are those $ho die because of plague# ab)
doinal disease# dro$ning or a falling building etc%# and the artyrs in Allah's 9ause%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 7<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HPlauge is the cause of artyrdo of e(ery Musli !$ho dies because of it"%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 72:
Darrated Al)Bara:
@hen the 8i(ine Inspiration: H&hose of the belie(ers $ho sit !at hoe"# $as re(ealed the Prophet
sent for Faid !bin &habit" $ho cae $ith a shoulder)blade and $rote on it% Ibn U)Maktu co)
plained about his blindness and on that the follo$ing re(elation cae: HDot eCual are those belie(ers
$ho sit !at hoe" e*cept those $ho are disabled !by in.ury# or are blind or lae etc%" and those $ho
stri(e hard and fight in the @ay of Allah $ith their $ealth and li(es"%H !2%14"
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 74:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad As)Sa'idi:
=olue 2 ) 54< ? 0:66
I sa$ Mar$an bin Al)Haka sitting in the MosCue% So I cae for$ard and sat by his side% He told
us that Faid bin &habit had told hi that Allah's Apostle had dictated to hi the 8i(ine =erse:
HDot eCual are those belie(ers $ho sit !at hoe" and those $ho stri(e hard and fight in the 9ause
of Allah $ith their $ealth and li(es%' !2%14"
Faid said# HIbn)Maktu cae to the Prophet $hile he $as dictating to e that (ery =erse% En that
Ibn U Maktu said# HE Allah's ApostleI If I had po$er# I $ould surely take part in /ihad%H He $as a
blind an% So Allah sent do$n re(elation to His Apostle $hile his thigh $as on ine and it becae
so hea(y for e that I feared that y thigh $ould be broken% &hen that state of the Prophet $as o(er
after Allah re(ealed H%%%e*cept those $ho are disabled !by in.ury or are blind or lae etc%" !2%14"
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 75:
Darrated Sali Abu)An)Dadr:
'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa $rote and I read $hat he $rote that Allah's Apostle said# H@hen you face
the ! i%e% your eney" then be patient%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 7::
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle $ent to$ards the KhandaC !i%e% &rench" and sa$ the +igrants and the Ansar dig)
ging in a (ery cold orning as they did not ha(e sla(es to do that for the% @hen he noticed their
fatigue and hunger he said# HE AllahI &he real life is that of the Here)after# !so please" forgi(e the
Ansar and the +igrants%H In its reply the +igrants and the Ansar said# H@e are those $ho ha(e gi()
en a pledge of allegiance to Muhaad that $e $ill carry on /ihad as long as $e li(e%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 77:
Darrated Anas:
&he +igrants and the Ansar started digging the trench around Medina carrying the earth on
their backs and saying# H@e are those $ho ha(e gi(en a pledge of allegiance to Muhaad that $e
$ill I carry on /ihad as long as $e li(e%H &he Prophet kept on replying# HE Allah# there is no good e*)
cept the good of the HereafterL so confer Kour Blessings on the Ansar and the +igrants%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 71:
Darrated Al)Bara:
&he Prophet $ent on carrying !i%e% the earth" and saying# H@ithout Kou !E AllahI" $e $ould ha(e
got no guidance%H
=olue 2 ) 542 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 16:
Darrated Al)Bara:
En the day !of the battle" of Al)Ah-ab !i%e% clans" I sa$ the Prophet carrying earth# and the earth
$as co(ering the $hiteness of his abdoen% And he $as saying# H@ithout Kou !E AllahI" $e $ould
ha(e got no guidance# nor gi(en in charity# nor prayed% So please bless us $ith tranCuility and ake
fir our feet $hen $e eet our eneies%
Indeed !these" people ha(e rebelled against !oppressed" us but ne(er shall $e yield if they try to
bring affliction upon us%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 10:
Darrated Anas:
@e returned fro the Aha-$a of &abuk along $ith the Prophet% !See Hadith Do% 13 belo$" %
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 13:
Darrated Anas:
@hile the Prophet $as in a Aha-$a he said# HSoe people ha(e reained behind us in Medina
and $e ne(er crossed a ountain path or a (alley# but they $ere $ith us !i%e% sharing the re$ard
$ith us"# as they ha(e been held back by a !legal" e*cuse% H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 1<:
Darrated Abu Said:
I heard the Prophet saying# HIndeed# anyone $ho fasts for one day for Allah's Pleasure# Allah $ill
keep his face a$ay fro the !Hell" fire for !a distance co(ered by a .ourney of" se(enty years%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 12:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er spends t$o things in Allah's 9ause# $ill be called by all the gate)keep)
ers of Paradise $ho $ill be saying# 'E so)and)soI 9oe here%' H Abu Bakr said# HE Allah's ApostleI
Such persons $ill ne(er be destroyed%H &he Prophet said# HI hope you $ill be one of the%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 14:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
=olue 2 ) 544 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle ascended the pulpit and said# HDothing $orries e as to $hat $ill happen to you
after e# e*cept the teptation of $orldly blessings $hich $ill be conferred on you%H &hen he en)
tioned the $orldly pleasures% He started $ith the one !i%e% the blessings" and took up the other !i%e% the
pleasures"% A an got up saying# HE Allah's ApostleI 9an the good bring about e(ilJH &he Prophet re)
ained silent and $e thought that he $as being inspired di(inely# so all the people kept silent $ith
a$e% &hen the Prophet $iped the s$eat off his face and asked# H@here is the present CuestionerJH H8o
you think $ealth is goodJH he repeated thrice# adding# HDo doubt# good produces nothing but good%
Indeed it is like $hat gro$s on the banks of a strea $hich either kills or nearly kills the gra-ing
anials because of gluttony e*cept the (egetation)eating anial $hich eats till both its flanks are
full !i%e% till it gets satisfied" and then stands in the sun and defecates and urinates and again starts
gra-ing% &his $orldly property is s$eet (egetation% Ho$ e*cellent the $ealth of the Musli is# if it is
collected through legal eans and is spent in Allah's 9ause and on orphans# poor people and tra(el)
ers% But he $ho does not take it legally is like an eater $ho is ne(er satisfied and his $ealth $ill be a
$itness against hi on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 15:
Darrated Faid bin Khalid:
Allah's Apostle said# H He $ho pre pares a Aha-i going in Allah's 9ause is gi(en a re$ard eCual to
that of" a Aha-iL and he $ho looks after properly the dependents of a Aha-i going in Allah's 9ause is
!gi(en a re$ard eCual to that of" Aha-i%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 1::
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet used not to enter any house in Medina e*cept the house of U Sulai besides those
of his $i(es $hen he $as asked $hy# he said# HI take pity on her as her brother $as killed in y
copany% H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 17:
Darrated Ibn Aun:
Ence Musa bin Anas $hile describing the battle of Kaaa# said# HAnas bin Malik $ent to &habit
bin ,ais# $ho had lifted his clothes fro his thighs and $as applying Hunut to his body% Anas asked#
'E UncleI @hat is holding you back !fro the battle"J' He replied# 'E y nephe$I I a coing .ust
no$#' and $ent on perfuing hiself $ith Hunut# then he cae and sat !in the ro$"% Anas then
entioned that the people fled fro the battle)field% En that &habit said# '9lear the $ay for e to
fight the eney% @e $ould ne(er do so !i%e% flee" in the copany of Allah's Apostle% Ho$ bad the
habits you ha(e acCuired fro your eneiesIH
=olue 2 ) 545 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 11:
Darrated /abir:
&he Prophet said# H@ho $ill bring e the inforation about the eney on the day !of the battle"
of Al)Ah-ab !i%e% 9lans"JH A-)Fubair said# HI $ill%H &he Prophet said again# H@ho $ill bring e the in)
foration about the eneyJH A-)Fubair said again# HI $ill%H &he Prophet said# H+(ery prophet had a
disciple and y disciple is A-)Fubair% H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 066:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
@hen the Prophet called the people !SadCa# a sub)narrator# said# 'Most probably that happened on
the day of Al)KhandaC" A-)Fubair responded to the call !i%e% to act as a reconnoiter"% &he Prophet"
called the people again and A-)Fubair responded to the call% &he Prophet then said# H+(ery prophet
had a disciple and y disciple is Fubair bin Al)'A$$a%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 060:
Darrated Malik bin Al)Hu$airith:
En y departure fro the Prophet he said to e and to a friend of ine# HKou t$o# pronounce the
Adhan and the ICaa for the prayer and let the elder of you lead the prayer%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 063:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HAood $ill reain !as a peranent Cuality" in the foreheads of horses till the
8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 06<:
Darrated Ursa bin A;AA:
&he Prophet said# HAood $ill reain !as a peranent Cuality" in the foreheads of horses till the
8ay of Resurrection%H
And narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah's Apostle said# H&here is a blessing in the fore)heads of horses%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 062:
Darrated 'Ur$a Al)BariCi:
=olue 2 ) 54: ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HAood $ill reain !as a peranent Cuality" in the foreheads of horses !for /ihad"
till the 8ay of Resurrection# for they bring about either a re$ard !in the Hereafter" or booty !in this
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 064:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIf soebody keeps a horse in Allah's 9ause oti(ated by his faith in Allah and
his belief in His Proise# then he $ill be re$arded on the 8ay of Resurrection for $hat the horse has
eaten or drunk and for its dung and urine%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 065:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi ,atada:
!fro his father" Abu ,atada $ent out !on a .ourney" $ith Allah's Apostle but he $as left behind
$ith soe of his copanions $ho $ere in the state of Ihra% He hiself $as not in the state of
Ihra% &hey sa$ an opener before he could see it% @hen they sa$ the opener# they did not speak
anything till Abu ,atada sa$ it% So# he rode o(er his horse called Al)/arada and reCuested the to
gi(e hi his lash# but they refused% So# he hiself took it and then attacked the opener and
slaughtered it% He ate of its eat and his copanions ate# too# but they regretted their eating% @hen
they et the Prophet !they asked hi about it" and he asked# HHa(e you soe of its eat !left" $ith
youJH Abu ,atada replied# HKes# $e ha(e its leg $ith us%H So# the Prophet took and ate it%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 06::
Darrated Sahl:
In our garden there $as a horse belonging to the Prophet called Al);uhaif or Al);akhif%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 067:
Darrated Mu'adh:
I $as a copanion rider of the Prophet on a donkey called 'Ufair% &he Prophet asked# HE Mu'adhI
8o you kno$ $hat Allah's right on His sla(es is# and $hat the right of His sla(es on Hi isJH I
replied# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ better%H He said# HAllah's right on His sla(es is that they should
$orship Hi !Alone" and should not $orship any besides Hi% And sla(e's right on Allah is that He
should not punish hi $ho $orships none besides Hi%H I said# HE Allah's ApostleI Should I not in)
for the people of this good ne$sJH He said# H8o not infor the of it# lest they should depend on it
=olue 2 ) 547 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 061:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ence there $as a feeling of fright in Medina# so the Prophet borro$ed a horse belonging to us
called Mandub !and he rode a$ay on it"% !@hen the Prophet returned" he said# HI ha(e not seen any)
thing of fright and I found it !i%e% this horse" (ery fast%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 006:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
I heard the Prophet saying% H+(il oen is in three things: &he horse# the $oan and the house%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 000:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad Saidi:
Allah's Apostle said HIf there is any e(il oen in anything# then it is in the $oan# the horse and
the house%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 003:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H Horses are kept for one of three purposesL for soe people they are a source
of re$ard# for soe others they are a eans of shelter and for soe others they are a source of sins%
&he one for $ho they are a source of re$ard# is he $ho keeps a horse for Allah's 9ause !i%e% /ihad"
tying it $ith a long tether on a eado$ or in a garden $ith the result that $hate(er it eats fro the
area of the eado$ or the garden $here it is tied $ill be counted as good deeds for his benefit# and
if it should break its rope and .up o(er one or t$o hillocks then all its dung and its foot arks $ill
be $ritten as good deeds for hiL and if it passes by a ri(er and drinks $ater fro it e(en though he
had no intention of $atering it# e(en then he $ill get the re$ard for its drinking% As for the an for
$ho horses are a source of sins# he is the one $ho keeps a horse for the sake of pride and pretense
and sho$ing enity for Muslis: such a horse $ill be a source of sins for hi% @hen Allah's Apostle
$as asked about donkeys# he replied# HDothing has been re(ealed to e about the e*cept this
uniCue# coprehensi(e =erse: H&hen anyone $ho does an ato's !or a sall ant's" $eight of good
shall see itL And anyone $ho does an ato's !or a sall ant's" $eight of e(il# shall see it%' !060%:)7"
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 00<:
Darrated Musli fro Abu ACil fro Abu Al)Muta$akkil An)Da.i:
=olue 2 ) 541 ? 0:66
I called on /abir bin 'Abdullah Al)Ansari and said to hi# HRelate to e $hat you ha(e heard fro
Allah's Apostle %H He said# HI accopanied hi on one of the .ourneys%H !Abu ACil said# HI do not kno$
$hether that .ourney $as for the purpose of /ihad or 'Ura%H" H@hen $e $ere returning#H /abir con)
tinued# Hthe Prophet said# '@hoe(er $ants to return earlier to his faily# should hurry up%' @e set off
and I $as on a black red tainted cael ha(ing no defect# and the people $ere behind e% @hile I
$as in that state the cael stopped suddenly !because of e*haustion"% En that the Prophet said to e#
'E /abir# $aitI' &hen he hit it once $ith his lash and it started o(ing on a fast pace% He then said#
'@ill you sell the caelJ' I replied in the affirati(e $hen $e reached Medina# and the Prophet $ent
to the MosCue along $ith his copanions% I# too# $ent to hi after tying the cael on the pa(eent
at the MosCue gate% &hen I said to hi# '&his is your cael%' He cae out and started e*aining the
cael and saying# '&he cael is ours%' &hen the Prophet sent soe A$aC !i%e% an aount" of gold say)
ing# 'Ai(e it to /abir%' &hen he asked# 'Ha(e you taken the full price !of the cael"J' I replied in the af)
firati(e% He said# 'Both the price and the cael are for you%' ''
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 002:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&here $as a feeling of fright in Medina# so the Prophet borro$ed a horse called Mandub belong)
ing 'to Abu &alha and ounted it% !En his return"# he said# HI did not see anything of fright and I
found this horse (ery fast%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 004:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle fi*ed t$o shares for the horse and one share for its rider !fro the $ar booty"%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 005:
Darrated Abu IshaC:
Soebody asked Al)Bar)a bin 'A-ib# H8id you flee deserting Allah's Apostle during the battle of
HunainJH Al)Bara replied# HBut Allah's Apostle did not flee% &he people of the &ribe of Ha$a-in $ere
good archers% @hen $e et the# $e attacked the# and they fled% @hen the Muslis started col)
lecting the $ar booty# the pagans faced us $ith arro$s# but Allah's Apostle did not flee% Do doubt# I
sa$ hi on his $hite ule and Abu Sufyan $as holding its reins and the Prophet $as saying# 'I a
the Prophet in truth: I a the son of 'Abdul Muttalib%' H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 00::
Darrated Ibn'Uar:
=olue 2 ) 556 ? 0:66
@hen the Prophet put his feet in the stirrup and the she)cael got up carrying hi he $ould
start reciting &albiya at the osCue of 8hul)Hulaifa%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 007:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet et the !i%e% the people" $hile he $as riding an unsaddled horse $ith his s$ord
slung o(er his shoulder%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 001:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ence the people of Medina $ere frightened# so the Prophet rode a horse belonging to Abu &alha
and it ran slo$ly# or $as of narro$ paces% @hen he returned# he said# HI found your !i%e% Abu &alha's"
horse (ery fast% After that the horse could not be surpassed in running%%'
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 036:
Darrated !'Abdullah" bin 'Uar:
&he Prophet arranged for a horse race aongst the horses that had been ade lean to take place
bet$een Al)Hafya'' and &haniyat Al)@ada' !i%e% naes of t$o places" and the horses $hich had not
been ad%J lean fro Ath)&haniyat to the osCue of Bani FuraiC% I $as also aongst those $ho
took part in that horse race% Sufyan# a sub)narrator# said# H&he distance bet$een Al)Hafya and &han)
iya Al)@ada' is fi(e or si* ilesL and bet$een &haniya and the osCue of Bani FuraiC is one ile%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 030:
Darrated Abdullah:
&he Prophet arranged for a horse race of the horses $hich had not been ade leanL the area of the
race $as fro Ath)&haniya to the osCue of Bani FuraiC% !&he sub)narrator said# H'Abdullah bin
'Uar $as aongst those $ho participated in that horse race%H"%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 033:
Darrated Abu IshaC fro Musa bin 'UCba fro Mafia fro Ibn 'Uar $ho said:
HAllah's Apostle arranged a horse race aongst the horses that had been ade lean# letting the
start fro Al)Hafya' and their liit !distance of running" $as up to &haniyat)al)@ada'% I asked
Musa# '@hat $as the distance bet$een the t$o placesJ' Musa replied# 'Si* or se(en iles% He ar)
ranged a race of the horses $hich had not been ade lean sending the fro &haniyat)al)@ada'#
=olue 2 ) 550 ? 0:66
and their liit $as up to the osCue of Bani FuraiC%' I asked# '@hat $as the distance bet$een those
t$o placesJ' He replied 'Ene ile or so%' Ibn 'Uar $as aongst those $ho participated in that horse
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 03<:
Darrated Anas:
&he she cael of the Prophet $as called Al)Adba%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 032:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet had a she cael called Al Adba $hich could not be e*celled in a race% !Huaid# a
sub)narrator said# HEr could hardly be e*celled%H" Ence a bedouin cae riding a cael belo$ si*
years of age $hich surpasses it !i%e% Al'Adba" in the race% &he Muslis felt it so uch that the Prophet
noticed their distress% He then said# HIt is Allah's ;a$ that He brings do$n $hate(er rises high in the
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 034:
Darrated 'Ar bin Al)Harith:
&he Prophet did not lea(e anything behind hi after his death e*cept a $hite ule# his ars and
a piece of land $hich he left to be gi(en in charity%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 035:
Darrated Al)Bara:
that a an asked hi% HE Abu 'UaraI 8id you flee on the day !of the battle" of HunainJH He
replied# HDo# by Allah# the Prophet did not flee but the hasty people fled and the people of the &ribe of
Ha$a-in attacked the $ith arro$s# $hile the Prophet $as riding his $hite ule and Abu Sufyan
bin Al)Harith $as holding its reins# and the Prophet $as saying# 'I a the Prophet in truth# I a the
son of 'Abdul Muttalib%' H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 03::
Darrated 'Aisha:
the other of the faithful belie(ers# I reCuested the Prophet perit e to participate in /ihad# but
he said# HKour /ihad is the perforance of Ha..%H
=olue 2 ) 553 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 037:
Darrated 'Aisha:
the other of the faithful belie(ers: &he Prophet $as asked by his $i(es about the /ihad and he
replied# H&he best /ihad !for you" is !the perforance of" Ha..%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 031:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle $ent to the daughter of Milhan and reclined there !and slept" and then !$oke up"
siling% She asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat akes you sileJH He replied# !I dreat that" soe
people aongst y follo$ers $ere sailing on the green sea in Allah's 9ause# resebling kings on
thrones%H She said# HE Allah's ApostleI In(oke Allah to ake e one of the%H He said# HE AllahI ;et
her be one of the%H &hen he !slept again and $oke up and" siled% She asked hi the sae Cuestion
and he ga(e the sae reply% She said# HIn(oke Allah to ake e one of the%H He replied# ''Kou $ill be
aongst the first group of theL you $ill not be aongst the last%H ;ater on she arried 'Ubada bin
As)Sait and then she sailed on the sea $ith bint ,ara-a# Mu'a$iya's $ife !for /ihad"% En her return#
she ounted her riding anial# $hich thre$ her do$n breaking her neck# and she died on falling
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0<6:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hene(er the Prophet intended to proceed on a .ourney# he used to dra$ lots aongst his $i(es
and $ould take the one upon $ho the lot fell% Ence# before setting out for /ihad# he dre$ lots
aongst us and the lot cae to eL so I $ent $ith the ProphetL and that happened after the re(ela)
tion of the =erse Hi.ab !i%e% (eiling"%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0<0:
Darrated Anas:
En the day !of the battle" of Uhad $hen !soe" people retreated and left the Prophet# I sa$ 'Aisha
bint Abu Bakr and U Sulai# $ith their robes tucked up so that the bangles around their ankles
$ere (isible hurrying $ith their $ater skins !in another narration it is said# Hcarrying the $ater skins
on their backsH"% &hen they $ould pour the $ater in the ouths of the people# and return to fill the
$ater skins again and cae back again to pour $ater in the ouths of the people%
=olue 2 ) 55< ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0<3:
Darrated &ha'laba bin Abi Malik:
'Uar bin Al)Khattab distributed soe garents aongst the $oen of Medina% Ene good gar)
ent reained# and one of those present $ith hi said# HE chief of the belie(ersI Ai(e this garent
to your $ife# the !grand" daughter of Allah's Apostle%H &hey eant U Kulthu# the daughter of 'Ali%
'Uar said# U Salit has ore right !to ha(e it"%H U Salit $as aongst those Ansari $oen $ho
had gi(en the pledge of allegiance to Allah's Apostle%' 'Uar said# HShe !i%e% U Salit" used to carry the
$ater skins for us on the day of Uhud%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0<<:
Darrated Ar)Rubayyi 'bint Mu'au$idh:
@e $ere in the copany of the Prophet pro(iding the $ounded $ith $ater and treating the and
bringing the killed to Medina !fro the battle field" %
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0<2:
Darrated Ar)Rabi'bint Mu'au$idh:
@e used to take part in holy battles $ith the Prophet by pro(iding the people $ith $ater and
ser(ing the and bringing the killed and the $ounded back to Medina%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0<4:
Darrated Abu Musa:
Abu 'Air $as hit $ith an arro$ in his knee# so I $ent to hi and he asked e to reo(e the ar)
ro$% @hen I reo(ed it# the $ater started dribbling fro it% &hen I $ent to the Prophet and told hi
about it% He said# HE AllahI Borgi(e 'Ubaid Abu 'Air%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0<5:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet $as (igilant one night and $hen he reached Medina# he said# H@ould that a pious
an fro y copanions guard e tonightIH Suddenly $e heard the clatter of ars% He said# H@ho
is thatJ H He !&he ne$ coer" replied# H I a Sad bin Abi @aCCas and ha(e coe to guard you%H So#
the Prophet slept !that night"%
=olue 2 ) 552 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0<::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H;et the sla(e of 8inar and 8irha of ,uantify and Khaisa !i%e% oney and
lu*urious clothes" perish for he is pleased if these things are gi(en to hi# and if not# he is dis)
Darrated Abu Huraira: &he Prophet said# H ;et the sla(e of 8inar and 8irha# of ,uantify and
Khaisa perish as he is pleased if these things are gi(en to hi# and if not# he is displeased% ;et such
a person perish and relapse# and if he is pierced $ith a thorn# let hi not find anyone to take it out
for hi% Paradise is for hi $ho holds the reins of his horse to stri(e in Allah's 9ause# $ith his hair
unkept and feet co(ered $ith dust: if he is appointed in the (anguard# he is perfectly satisfied $ith
his post of guarding# and if he is appointed in the rear$ard# he accepts his post $ith satisfactionL !he
is so siple and unabiguous that" if he asks for perission he is not peritted# and if he intercedes#
his intercession is not accepted%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0<7:
Darrated Anas:
I $as in the copany of /abir bin 'Abdullah on a .ourney and he used to ser(e e though he $as
older than I% /arir said# HI sa$ the Ansar doing a thing !i%e% sho$ing great re(erence to the Prophet "
for $hich I ha(e (o$ed that $hene(er I eet any of the# I $ill ser(e hi%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0<1:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
I $ent along $ith the Prophet to Khaibar so as to ser(e hi% !;ater on" $hen the Prophet returned
he# on seeing the Uhud ountain# said# H&his is a ountain that lo(es us andis lo(ed by us%H &hen he
pointed to Medina $ith his hand saying# HE AllahI I ake the area $hich is in bet$een Medina's t$o
ountains a sanctuary# as Abraha ade Mecca a sanctuary% E AllahI Bless us in our Sa and Mudd
!i%e% units of easuring"%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 026:
Darrated Anas:
@e $ere $ith the Prophet !on a .ourney" and the only shade one could ha(e $as the shade ade
by one's o$n garent% &hose $ho fasted did not do any $ork and those $ho did not fast ser(ed the
caels and brought the $ater on the and treated the sick and !$ounded"% So# the Prophet said#
H&oday# those $ho $ere not fasting took !all" the re$ard%H
=olue 2 ) 554 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 020:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H9harity is obligatory e(eryday on e(ery .oint of a huan being% If one helps a
person in atters concerning his riding anial by helping hi to ride it or by lifting his luggage on
to it# all this $ill be regarded charity% A good $ord# and e(ery step one takes to offer the copulsory
9ongregational prayer# is regarded as charityL and guiding soebody on the road is regarded as
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 023:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad As)Sa'di :
Allah's Apostle said# H&o guard Muslis fro infidels in Allah's 9ause for one day is better than the
$orld and $hate(er is on its surface# and a place in Paradise as sall as that occupied by the $hip of
one of you is better than the $orld and $hate(er is on its surfaceL and a orning's or an e(ening's
.ourney $hich a sla(e !person" tra(els in Allah's 9ause is better than the $orld and $hate(er is on its
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 02<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said to Abu &alha# H9hoose one of your boy ser(ants to ser(e e in y e*pedition to
Khaibar%H So# Abu &alha took e letting e ride behind hi $hile I $as a boy nearing the age of pu)
berty% I used to ser(e Allah's Apostle $hen he stopped to rest% I heard hi saying repeatedly# HE Al)
lahI I seek refuge $ith Kou fro distress and sorro$# fro helplessness and la-iness# fro iserli)
ness and co$ardice# fro being hea(ily in debt and fro being o(ercoe by en%H &hen $e reached
KhaibarL and $hen Allah enabled hi to conCuer the Bort !of Khaibar"# the beauty of Safiya bint
Huyai bin Akhtab $as described to hi% Her husband had been killed $hile she $as a bride% So Al)
lah's Apostle selected her for hiself and took her along $ith hi till $e reached a place called Sad)
AsSahba#' $here her enses $ere o(er and he took her for his $ife% Haris !a kind of dish" $as ser(ed
on a sall leather sheet% &hen Allah's Apostle told e to call those $ho $ere around e% So# that $as
the arriage banCuet of Allah's Apostle and Safiya% &hen $e left for Medina% I sa$ Allah's Apostle
folding a cloak round the hup of the cael so as to ake a $ide space for Safiya !to sit on behind
hi" He sat beside his cael letting his knees for Safiya to put her feet on so as to ount the cael%
&hen# $e proceeded till $e approached MedinaL he looked at Uhud !ountain" and said# H&his is a
ountain $hich lo(es us and is lo(ed by us%H &hen he looked at Medina and said# HE AllahI I ake
the area bet$een its !i%e% Medina's" t$o ountains a sanctuary as Abraha ade Mecca a sanctuary%
E AllahI Bless the !i%e% the people of Medina" in their Mudd and Sa !i%e% easures"%H
=olue 2 ) 555 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 022:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
U Hara told e that the Prophet one day took a idday nap in her house% &hen he $oke up
siling% U Hara asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat akes you sileJH He replied HI $as astonished
to see !in y drea" soe people aongst y follo$ers on a sea)(oyage looking like kings on the
thrones%H She said# HE Allah's ApostleI In(oke Allah to ake e one of the%H He replied# HKou are
aongst the%H He slept again and then $oke up siling and said the sae as before t$ice or thrice%
And she said# HE Allah's ApostleI In(oke Allah to ake e one of the%H And he said# HKou are
aongst the first batch%H 'Ubada bin As)Sait arried her !i%e% U Hara" and then he took her for
/ihad% @hen she returned# an anial $as presented to her to ride# but she fell do$n and her neck
$as broken%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 024:
Darrated Mus'ab bin Sad:
Ence Sad !bin Abi @aCCas" thought that he $as superior to those $ho $ere belo$ hi in rank%
En that the Prophet said# HKou gain no (ictory or li(elihood e*cept through !the blessings and in(oc)
ations of" the poor aongst you%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 025:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri
&he Prophet said# HA tie $ill coe $hen groups of people $ill go for /ihad and it $ill be asked# 'Is
there anyone aongst you $ho has en.oyed the copany of the ProphetJ' &he ans$er $ill be# 'Kes%'
&hen they $ill be gi(en (ictory !by Allah" !because of hi"% &hen a tie $ill coe $hen it $ill be
asked% 'Is there anyone aongst you $ho has en.oyed the copany of the copanions of the Proph)
etJ' It $ill be said# 'Kes#' and they $ill be gi(en (ictory !by Allah"% &hen a tie $ill coe $hen it $ill
be said% 'Is there anyone aongst you $ho has en.oyed the copany of the copanions of the co)
panions of the ProphetJ' It $ill be said# 'Kes#' and they $ill be gi(en (ictory !by Allah"%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 02::
Darrated Sahl bin Sad As)Sa'idi:
Allah's Apostle and the pagans faced each other and started fighting% @hen Allah's Apostle re)
turned to his cap and $hen the pagans returned to their cap# soebody talked about a an
aongst the copanions of Allah's Apostle $ho $ould follo$ and kill $ith his s$ord any pagan go)
ing alone% He said# HDobody did his .ob !i%e% fighting" so properly today as that an%H Allah's Apostle
said# HIndeed# he is aongst the people of the !Hell" Bire%H A an aongst the people said# HI shall ac)
=olue 2 ) 55: ? 0:66
copany hi !to $atch $hat he does"H &hus he accopanied hi# and $here(er he stood# he $ould
stand $ith hi# and $here(er he ran# he $ould run $ith hi%
&hen the !bra(e" an got $ounded seriously and he decided to bring about his death Cuickly% He
planted the blade of the s$ord in the ground directing its sharp end to$ards his chest bet$een his
t$o breasts% &hen he leaned on the s$ord and killed hiself% &he other an cae to Allah's Apostle
and said# HI testify that you are Allah's Apostle%H &he Prophet asked# H@hat has happenedJH He replied#
H!It is about" the an $ho you had described as one of the people of the !Hell" Bire% &he people
$ere greatly surprised at $hat you said# and I said# 'I $ill find out his reality for you%' So# I cae out
seeking hi% He got se(erely $ounded# and hastened to die by slanting the blade of his s$ord in the
ground directing its sharp end to$ards his chest bet$een his t$o breasts% &hen he eased on his
s$ord and killed hiself%H $hen Allah's Apostle said# HA an ay see to the people as if he $ere
practising the deeds of the people of Paradise $hile in fact he is fro the people of the Hell" Bire# an)
other ay see to the people as if he $ere practicing the deeds of the people of Hell !Bire"# $hile in
fact he is fro the people of Paradise%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 027:
Darrated Salaa bin Al)Ak$a:
&he Prophet passed by soe people of the tribe of Bani Asla $ho $ere practicing archery% &he
Prophet said# HE Bani Isail I Practice archery as your father Isa'il $as a great archer% Keep on
thro$ing arro$s and I a $ith Bani so)and)so%H So one of the parties ceased thro$ing% Allah's
Apostle said# H@hy do you not thro$JH &hey replied# HHo$ should $e thro$ $hile you are $ith the
!i%e% on their side"JH En that the Prophet said# H&hro$# and I a $ith all of you%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 021:
Darrated Abu Usaid:
En the day !of the battle" of Badr $hen $e stood in ro$s against !the ary of" ,uraish and they
stood in ro$s against us# the Prophet said# H@hen they do coe near you# thro$ arro$s at the%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 046:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hile soe +thiopians $ere playing in the presence of the Prophet# 'Uar cae in# picked up a
stone and hit the $ith it% En that the Prophet said# HE 'UarI Allo$ the !to play"%H Ma'ar !the
sub)narrator" added that they $ere playing in the MosCue%
=olue 2 ) 557 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 040:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Abu &alha and the Prophet used to shield thesel(es $ith one shield% Abu &alha $as a good arch)
er# and $hen he thre$ !his arro$s" the Prophet $ould look at the target of his arro$s%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 043:
Darrated Sahl:
@hen the helet of the Prophet $as sashed on his head and blood co(ered his face and one of
his front teeth got broken# 'Ali brought the $ater in his shield and Batia the Prophet's daughter"
$ashed hi% But $hen she sa$ that the bleeding increased ore by the $ater# she took a at# burnt
it# and placed the ashes on the $ound of the Prophet and so the blood stopped oo-ing out%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 04<:
Darrated 'Uar:
&he properties of Bani An)Dadir $hich Allah had transferred to His Apostle as Bai Booty $ere not
gained by the Muslis $ith their horses and caels% &he properties therefore# belonged especially to
Allah's Apostle $ho used to gi(e his faily their yearly e*penditure and spend $hat reained there)
of on ars and horses to be used in Allah's 9ause%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 042:
Darrated Ali:
I ne(er sa$ the Prophet saying# H;et y parents sacrifice their li(es for you#H to any an after Sad% I
heard hi saying !to hi"# H&hro$ !the arro$s"I ;et y parents sacrifice their li(es for you%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 044:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle cae to y house $hile t$o girls $ere singing beside e the songs of Bu'ath !a
story about the $ar bet$een the t$o tribes of the Ansar# i%e% Kha-ra. and Aus# before Isla%" &he
Prophet reclined on the bed and turned his face to the other side% Abu Bakr cae and scolded e and
said protestingly# HInstruent of Satan in the presence of Allah's ApostleJH Allah's Apostle turned his
face to$ards hi and said# H;ea(e the%H @hen Abu Bakr becae inattenti(e# I $a(ed the t$o girls
to go a$ay and they left% It $as the day of 'Id $hen negroes used to play $ith leather shields and
spears% +ither I reCuested Allah's Apostle or he hiself asked e $hether I $ould like to see the dis)
play% I replied in the affirati(e% &hen he let e stand behind hi and y cheek $as touching his
=olue 2 ) 551 ? 0:66
cheek and he $as saying# H9arry on# E Bani Arfida !i%e% negroes"IH @hen I got tired# he asked e if
that $as enough% I replied in the affirati(e and he told e to lea(e%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 045:
Darrated Anas:
&he 'Prophet $as the best and the bra(est aongst the people% Ence the people of Medina got ter)
rified at night# so they $ent in the direction of the noise !that terrified the"% &he Prophet et the
!on his $ay back" after he had found out the truth% He $as riding an unsaddled horse belonging to
Abu &alha and a s$ord $as hanging by his neck# and he $as saying# H8on't be afraidI 8on't be
afraidIH He further said# HI found it !i%e% the horse" (ery fast#H or said# H&his horse is (ery fast%H !,astala)
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 04::
Darrated Abu Uaa:
Soe people conCuered any countries and their s$ords $ere decorated neither $ith gold nor
sil(er# but they $ere decorated $ith leather# lead and iron%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 047:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
&hat he proceeded in the copany of Allah's Apostle to$ards Da.d to participate in a Aha-$a%
!Holy)battle" @hen Allah's Apostle returned# he too returned $ith hi% Midday cae upon the
$hile they $ere in a (alley ha(ing any thorny trees% Allah's Apostle and the people disounted and
dispersed to rest in the shade of the trees% Allah's Apostle rested under a tree and hung his s$ord on
it% @e all took a nap and suddenly $e heard Allah's Apostle calling us% !@e $oke up" to see a
bedouin $ith hi% &he Prophet said# H&his bedouin took out y s$ord $hile I $as sleeping and
$hen I $oke up# I found the unsheathed s$ord in his hand and he challenged e saying# '@ho $ill
sa(e you fro eJ' I said thrice# 'Allah%' &he Prophet did not punish hi but sat do$n%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 041:
Darrated Sahl:
&hat he $as asked about the $ound of the Prophet on the day !of the battle" of Uhud% He said# H&he
face of the Prophet as $ounded and one of his front teeth as broken and the helet o(er his head
$as sashed% Batia $ashed of the blood $hile Ali held $ater% @hen she sa$ that bleeding $as in)
creasing continuously# she burnt a at !of date)pal lea(es" till it turned into ashes $hich she put
o(er the $ound and thus the bleeding ceased%H
=olue 2 ) 5:6 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 056:
Darrated 'Ar bin Al)Harith:
&he Prophet did not lea(e behind hi after his death# anything e*cept his ars# his $hite ule#
and a piece of land at Khaibar $hich he left to be gi(en in charity %
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 050:
Darrated /abir:
as abo(e !Hadith Do% 047"%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 053:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&hat he participated in a Aha-$a !Holy)Battle" in the copany of Allah's Apostle% Midday cae
upon the $hile they $ere in a (alley ha(ing any thorny trees% &he people dispersed to rest in the
shade of the trees% &he Prophet rested under a tree# hung his s$ord on it# and then slept% &hen he
$oke up to find near to hi# a an $hose presence he had not noticed before% &he Prophet said#
H&his !an" took y s$ord !out of its scabbard" and said# '@ho $ill sa(e you fro e%' I replied# 'Al)
lah%' So# he put the s$ord back into its scabbard# and you see hi sitting here%H Anyho$# the Prophet
did not punish hi% !See Hadith Do% 047"
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 05<:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
&hat he $as in the copany of Allah's Apostle and $hen they had co(ered a portion of the road to
Mecca# he and soe of the copanions lagged behind% &he latter $ere in a state of Ihra# $hile he
$as not% He sa$ an onager and rode his horse and reCuested his copanions to gi(e hi his lash but
they refused% &hen he asked the to gi(e hi his spear but they refused# so he took it hiself# at)
tacked the onager# and killed it% Soe of the copanions of the Prophet ate of it $hile soe others
refused to eat% @hen they caught up $ith Allah's Apostle they asked hi about that# and he said#
H&hat $as a eal Allah fed you $ith%H !It is also said that Allah's Apostle asked# HHa(e you got soe)
thing of its eatJH"
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 052:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet # $hile in a tent !on the day of the battle of Badr" said# HE AllahI I ask you the fulfill)
ent of Kour 9o(enant and Proise% E AllahI If Kou $ish !to destroy the belie(ers" Kou $ill ne(er
=olue 2 ) 5:0 ? 0:66
be $orshipped after today%H Abu Bakr caught hi by the hand and said# H&his is sufficient# E Allah's
ApostleI Kou ha(e asked Allah pressingly%H &he Prophet $as clad in his aror at that tie% He $ent
out# saying to e: H&here ultitude $ill be put to flight and they $ill sho$ their backs% Day# but the
Hour is their appointed tie !for their full recopense" and that Hour $ill be ore grie(ous and
ore bitter !than their $orldly failure"%H !42%24)25" Khalid said that $as on the day of the battle of
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 054:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle died $hile his !iron" aror $as ortgaged to a /e$ for thirty Sas of barley%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 055:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he e*aple of a iser and the one $ho gi(es in charity# is like the e*aple of
t$o en $earing iron cloaks so tightly that their ars are raised forcibly to$ards their collar)bones%
So# $hene(er a charitable person $ants to gi(e in charity# his cloak spreads o(er his body so uch
so that it $ipes out his traces# but $hene(er the iser $ants to gi(e in charity# the rings !of the iron
cloak" coe closer to each other and press o(er his body# and his hands gets connected to his collar)
bones% Abu Huraira heard the Prophet saying% H&he iser then tries to $iden it but in (ain%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 05::
Darrated Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba:
Allah's Apostle $ent out to ans$er the call of nature and on his return I brought soe $ater to
hi% He perfored the ablution $hile he $as $earing a Sha'i cloak% He rinsed his outh and
$ashed his nose by putting $ater in it and then blo$ing it out# and $ashed his face% &hen he tried to
take out his hands through his slee(es but they $ere tight# so he took the out fro underneath#
$ashed the and passed $et hands o(er his head and o(er his leather socks%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 057:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet allo$ed 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf and A-)Fubair to $ear silken shirts because they
had a skin disease causing itching%
=olue 2 ) 5:3 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 051:
Darrated Anas:
as abo(e%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0:6:
Darrated Anas:
Abdur Rahan bin 'Auf and A-)Fubair coplained to the Prophet# i%e% about the lice !that caused
itching" so he allo$ed the to $ear silken clothes% I sa$ the $earing such clothes in a holy battle%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0:0:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet allo$ed 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf and A-)Fubair bin Al)'A$$a to $ear silk%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0:3:
Darrated Anas:
!@earing of silk" $as allo$ed to the !i%e% 'AbdurRahan and A-)Fubair" because of the itching
they suffered fro%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0:<:
Darrated Uaiya Ad)8ari:
I sa$ the Prophet eating of a shoulder !of a sheep" by cutting fro it and then he $as called to
prayer and he prayed $ithout repeating his ablution%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0:2:
Darrated A-)Fuhri:
as abo(e !Hadith Do% 0:<%%%" and added that the Prophet put the knife do$n%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0:4:
Darrated Khalid bin Madan:
&hat 'Uair bin Al)As$ad Al)Anasi told hi that he $ent to 'Ubada bin As)Sait $hile he $as
staying in his house at the sea)shore of His $ith !his $ife" U Hara% 'Uair said% U Hara in)
fored us that she heard the Prophet saying# HParadise is granted to the first batch of y follo$ers
=olue 2 ) 5:< ? 0:66
$ho $ill undertake a na(al e*pedition%H U Hara added# I said# 'E Allah's ApostleI @ill I be
aongst theJ' He replied# 'Kou are aongst the%' &he Prophet then said# '&he first ary aongst'
y follo$ers $ho $ill in(ade 9aesar's 9ity $ill be forgi(en their sins%' I asked# '@ill I be one of the#
E Allah's ApostleJ' He replied in the negati(e%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0:5:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HKou !i%e% Muslis" $ill fight $i the /e$s till soe of the $ill hide behind
stones% &he stones $ill !betray the" saying# 'E 'Abdullah !i%e% sla(e of Allah"I &here is a /e$ hiding
behind eL so kill hi%' H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0:::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he Hour $ill not be established until you fight $ith the /e$s# and the stone
behind $hich a /e$ $ill be hiding $ill say% HE MusliI &here is a /e$ hiding behind e# so kill hi%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0:7:
Darrated 'Ar bin &aghlib:
&he Prophet said# HEne of the portents of the Hour is that you $ill fight $ith people $earing shoes
ade of hairL and one of the portents of the Hour is that you $ill fight $ith broad)faced people
$hose faces $ill look like shields coated $ith leather%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 0:1:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he Hour $ill not be established until you fight $ith the &urksL people $ith
sall eyes# red faces# and flat noses% &heir faces $ill look like shields coated $ith leather% &he Hour
$ill not be established till you fight $ith people $hose shoes are ade of hair%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 076:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he Hour $ill not be established till you fight $ith people $earing shoes ade
of hair% And the Hour $ill not be established till you fight $ith people $hose faces look like shields
coated $ith leather% H !Abu Huraira added# H&hey $ill be" sall)eyed# flat nosed# and their faces $ill
look like shields coated $ith leather%H"
=olue 2 ) 5:2 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 070:
Darrated Abu IshaC:
A an asked Al)Bara'# HE Abu 'UaraI 8id you all flee on the day !of the battle" of HunainJH He
replied# HDo# by AllahI Allah's Apostle did not flee# but his young unared copanions passed by the
archers of the tribe of Ha$a-in and Bani Dasr $hose arro$s hardly issed a target# and they thre$
arro$s at the hardly issing a shot% So the Muslis retreated to$ards the Prophet $hile he $as
riding his $hite ule $hich $as being led by his cousin Abu Sufyan bin Al)Harith bin 'Abdul Mut)
talib% &he Prophet disounted and in(oked Allah for (ictoryL then he said# 'I a the Prophet# $ithout
a lieL I a the son of 'Abdul Muttalib# and then he arranged his copanions in ro$s%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 073:
Darrated 'Ali:
@hen it $as the day of the battle of Al)Ah-ab !i%e% the clans"# Allah's Apostle said# HE AllahI Bill
their !i%e% the infidels'" houses and gra(es $ith fire as they busied us so uch that $e did not perfor
the prayer !i%e% 'Asr" till the sun set%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 07<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet used to recite the follo$ing in(ocations during ,unut: HE AllahI Sa(e Salaa bin
Hisha% E AllahI Sa(e Al)@alid bin Al)@alid% E AllahI Sa(e 'Aiyash bin Rabi'a E Allah I Sa(e the
$eak Muslis% E AllahI Be (ery hard on Mudar tribe% E AllahI Afflict the $ith years !of faine"
siilar to the !faine" years of the tie of Prophet /oseph%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 072:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa:
Allah's Apostle in(oked e(il upon the pagans on the ay !of the battle" of Al)Ah-ab# saying# HE Al)
lahI &he Re(ealer of the Holy Book# the S$ift)&aker of Accounts# E Allah# defeat Al)Ah-ab !i%e% the
clans"# E Allah# defeat the and shake the%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 074:
Darrated Abdullah:
Ence the Prophet $as offering the prayer in the shade of the Ka'ba% Abu /ahl and soe ,uraishi
en sent soebody to bring the abdoinal contents of a shecael $hich had been slaughtered
soe$here in Mecca# and $hen he brought the# they put the o(er the Prophet &hen Batia !i%e%
=olue 2 ) 5:4 ? 0:66
the Prophet's daughter" cae and thre$ the a$ay fro hi# and he said# HE AllahI 8estroy !the
pagans of" ,uraishL E AllahI 8estroy ,uraishL E Allah 8estroy ,uraish#H naing especially Abu /ahl
bin Hisha# 'Utba bin Rabi'a# Shaiba bin Rabi'a# Al @alid bin 'Utba# Ubai bin Khalaf and 'UCba bin
Abi Mitt% !&he narrator# 'Abdullah added# HI sa$ the all killed and thro$n in the Badr $ell"%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 075:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Ence the /e$s cae to the Prophet and said# H8eath be upon you%H So I cursed the% &he Prophet
said# H@hat is the atterJH I said# HHa(e you not heard $hat they saidJH &he Prophet said# HHa(e you
not heard $hat I replied !to the"J !I said"# !'&he sae is upon you%'"H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 07::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abbas:
Allah's Apostle $rote a letter to 9aesar saying# HIf you re.ect Isla# you $ill be responsible for the
sins of the peasants !i%e% your people"%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 077:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&ufail bin 'Ar Ad)8ausi and his copanions cae to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI
&he people of the tribe of 8aus disobeyed and refused to follo$ youL so in(oke Allah against the%H
&he people said# H&he tribe of 8aus is ruined%H &he Prophet said# HE AllahI Ai(e guidance to the people
of 8aus# and let the ebrace Isla%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 071:
Darrated Anas:
@hen the Prophet intended to $rite a letter to the ruler of the By-antines# he $as told that those
people did not read any letter unless it $as staped $ith a seal% So# the Prophet got a sil(er ring)) as
if I $ere .ust looking at its $hite glitter on his hand )))) and staped on it the e*pression
HMuhaad# Apostle of AllahH%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 016:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle sent his letter to Khusrau and ordered his essenger to hand it o(er to the Ao()
ernor of Bahrain $ho $as to hand it o(er to Khusrau% So# $hen Khusrau read the letter he tore it%
=olue 2 ) 5:5 ? 0:66
Said bin Al)Musaiyab said# H&he Prophet then in(oked Allah to disperse the $ith full dispersion#
!destroy the !i%e% Khusrau and his follo$ers" se(erely"H%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 010:
Darrated Abdullah bin Abbas:
Allah's Apostle $rote to 9aesar and in(ited hi to Isla and sent hi his letter $ith 8ihya Al)
Kalbi $ho Allah's Apostle ordered to hand it o(er to the Ao(ernor of Busra $ho $ould for$ard it
to 9aesar% 9aesar as a sign of gratitude to Allah# had $alked fro His to Ilya !i%e% /erusale" $hen
Allah had granted Hi (ictory o(er the Persian forces% So# $hen the letter of Allah's Apostle reached
9aesar# he said after reading t# 'Seek for e any one of his peopleI !Arabs of ,uraish tribe" if present
here# in order to ask hi about Allah's Apostle% At that tie Abu Sufyan bin Harb $as in Sha $ith
soe en fro$n ,uraish $ho had coe !to Sha" as erchants during the truce that had been
concluded bet$een Allah's ApostleL and the infidels of ,uraish% Abu Sufyan said# 9aesar's essenger
found us soe$here in Sha so he took e and y copanions to Ilya and $e $ere aditted into
9easar's court to find hi sitting in his royal court $earing a cro$n and surrounded by the senior
dignitaries of the By-antine% He said to his translator% 'Ask the $ho aongst the is a close relation
to the an $ho clais to be a prophet%H Abu Sufyan added# HI replied# 'I a the nearest relati(e to
hi%' He asked# '@hat degree of relationship do you ha(e $ith hiJ' I replied# 'He is y cousin#' and
there $as none of Bani Abu Manaf in the cara(an e*cept yself% 9aesar said# ';et hi coe nearer%'
He then ordered that y copanions stand behind e near y shoulder and said to his translator#
'&ell his copanions that I a going to ask this an about the an $ho clais to be a prophet% If he
tells a lie# they should contradict hi iediately%H Abu Sufyan added# HBy Allah I Had it not been
shaeful that y copanions label e a liar# I $ould not ha(e spoken the truth about hi $hen he
asked e% But I considered it shaeful to be called a liar by y copanions% So I told the truth% He
then said to his translator# 'Ask hi $hat kind of faily does he belong to%' I replied# 'He belongs to a
noble faily aongst us%' He said# 'Ha(e anybody else aongst you e(er claied the sae before
hiJ 'I replied# 'Do%' He said# 'Had you e(er blaed hi for telling lies before he claied $hat he
claiedJ ' I replied# 'Do%' He said# '@as anybody aongst his ancestors a kingJ' I replied# 'Do%' He said#
H8o the noble or the poor follo$ hiJ' I replied# 'It is the poor $ho follo$ hi%' He said# 'Are they in)
creasing or decreasing !day by day"J' I replied#' &hey are increasing%' He said# '8oes anybody aongst
those $ho ebrace his !the Prophet's" Religion becoe displeased and then discard his ReligionJ'% I
replied# 'Do% ' He said# '8oes he break his proisesJ I replied# 'Do# but $e are no$ at truce $ith hi
and $e are afraid that he ay betray us%H Abu Sufyan added# HEther than the last sentence# I could
not say anything against hi% 9aesar then asked# 'Ha(e you e(er had a $ar $ith hiJ' I replied# 'Kes%'
He said# '@hat $as the outcoe of your battles $ith hiJ' I replied# '&he result $as unstableL soe)
ties he $as (ictorious and soeties $e%' He said# '@hat does he order you to doJ' I said# 'He tells
us to $orship Allah alone# and not to $orship others along $ith Hi# and to lea(e all that our fore)
fathers used to $orship% He orders us to pray# gi(e in charity# be chaste# keep proises and return
=olue 2 ) 5:: ? 0:66
$hat is entrusted to us%' @hen I had said that# 9aesar said to his translator# 'Say to hi: I ask you
about his lineage and your reply $as that he belonged to a noble faily% In fact# all the apostles cae
fro the noblest lineage of their nations% &hen I Cuestioned you $hether anybody else aongst you
had claied such a thing# and your reply $as in the negati(e% If the ans$er had been in the affir)
ati(e# I $ould ha(e thought that this an $as follo$ing a clai that had been said before hi%
@hen I asked you $hether he $as e(er blaed for telling lies# your reply $as in the negati(e# so I
took it for granted that a person $ho did not tell a lie about !others" the people could ne(er tell a lie
about Allah% &hen I asked you $hether any of his ancestors $as a king% Kour reply $as in the negat)
i(e# and if it had been in the affirati(e# I $ould ha(e thought that this an $anted to take back his
ancestral kingdo% @hen I asked you $hether the rich or the poor people follo$ed hi# you replied
that it $as the poor $ho follo$ed hi% In fact# such are the follo$ers of the apostles% &hen I asked
you $hether his follo$ers $ere increasing or decreasing% Kou replied that they $ere increasing% In
fact# this is the result of true faith till it is coplete !in all respects"% I asked you $hether there $as
anybody $ho# after ebracing his religion# becae displeased and discarded his religionL your reply
$as in the negati(e% In fact# this is the sign of true faith# for $hen its cheerfulness enters and i*es
in the hearts copletely# nobody $ill be displeased $ith it% I asked you $hether he had e(er broken
his proise% Kou replied in the negati(e% And such are the apostlesL they ne(er break their proises%
@hen I asked you $hether you fought $ith hi and he fought $ith you# you replied that he did# and
that soeties he $as (ictorious and soeties you% Indeed# such are the apostlesL they are put to
trials and the final (ictory is al$ays theirs% &hen I asked you $hat he ordered you% Kou replied that
he ordered you to $orship Allah alone and not to $orship others along $ith Hi# to lea(e all that
your fore)fathers used to $orship# to offer prayers# to speak the truth# to be chaste# to keep proises#
and to return $hat is entrusted to you% &hese are really the Cualities of a prophet $ho# I kne$ !fro
the pre(ious Scriptures" $ould appear# but I did not kno$ that he $ould be fro aongst you% If
$hat you say should be true# he $ill (ery soon occupy the earth under y feet# and if I kne$ that I
$ould reach hi definitely# I $ould go iediately to eet HiL and $ere I $ith hi# then I $ould
certainly $ash his feet%' H Abu Sufyan added# H9aesar then asked for the letter of Allah's Apostle and it
$as read% Its contents $ere:))
HIn the nae of Allah# the ost Beneficent# the ost Merciful !&his letter is" fro Muhaad# the
sla(e of Allah# and His Apostle# to Heraculius# the Ruler of the By-antine% Peace be upon the follo$ers
of guidance% Do$ then# I in(ite you to Isla !i%e% surrender to Allah"# ebrace Isla and you $ill be
safeL ebrace Isla and Allah $ill besto$ on you a double re$ard% But if you re.ect this in(itation of
Isla# you shall be responsible for isguiding the peasants !i%e% your nation"% E people of the Scrip)
turesI 9oe to a $ord coon to you and us and you# that $e $orship% Done but Allah# and that $e
associate nothing in $orship $ith HiL and that none of us shall take others as ;ords besides Allah%
&hen if they turn a$ay# say: Bear $itness that $e are !they $ho ha(e surrendered !unto Hi"%%!<%52"
Abu Sufyan added# H@hen Heraclius had finished his speech# there $as a great hue and cry caused
by the By-antine Royalties surrounding hi# and there $as so uch noise that I did not understand
$hat they said% So# $e $ere turned out of the court% @hen I $ent out $ith y copanions and $e
=olue 2 ) 5:7 ? 0:66
$ere alone# I said to the# '=erily# Ibn Abi Kabsha's !i%e% the Prophet's" affair has gained po$er% &his is
the King of Bani Al)Asfar fearing hi%H Abu Sufyan added# HBy Allah# I reained lo$ and $as sure
that his religion $ould be (ictorious till Allah con(erted e to Isla# though I disliked it H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 013:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
&hat he heard the Prophet on the day !of the battle" of Khaibar saying# HI $ill gi(e the flag to a per)
son at $hose hands Allah $ill grant (ictory%H So# the copanions of the Prophet got up# $ishing
eagerly to see to $ho the flag $ill be gi(en# and e(eryone of the $ished to be gi(en the flag% But
the Prophet asked for 'Ali% Soeone infored hi that he $as suffering fro eye)trouble% So# he
ordered the to bring 'Ali in front of hi% &hen the Prophet spat in his eyes and his eyes $ere cured
iediately as if he had ne(er any eye)trouble% 'Ali said# H@e $ill fight $ith the !i%e% infidels" till
they becoe like us !i%e% Muslis"%H &he Prophet said# HBe patient# till you face the and in(ite the
to Isla and infor the of $hat Allah has en.oined upon the% By AllahI If a single person e)
braces Isla at your hands !i%e% through you"# that $ill be better for you than the red caels%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 01<:
Darrated Anas:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle attacked soe people# he $ould ne(er attack the till it $as da$n% If he
heard the Adhan !i%e% call for prayer" he $ould delay the fight# and if he did not hear the Adhan# he
$ould attack the iediately after da$n% @e reached Khaibar at night%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 012:
Darrated Anas:
as Hadith Do% 01< abo(e%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 014:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet set out for Khaibar and reached it at night% He used not to attack if he reached the
people at night# till the day broke% So# $hen the day da$ned# the /e$s cae out $ith their bags and
spades% @hen they sa$ the ProphetL they said# HMuhaad and his aryIH &he Prophet said#
Allahu))AkbarI !Allah is Areater" and Khaibar is ruined# for $hene(er $e approach a nation !i%e%
eney to fight" then it $ill be a iserable orning for those $ho ha(e been $arned%H
=olue 2 ) 5:1 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 015:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah 's Apostle said# H I ha(e been ordered to fight $ith the people till they say# 'Done has the right
to be $orshipped but Allah#' and $hoe(er says# 'Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah#' his
life and property $ill be sa(ed by e e*cept for Islaic la$# and his accounts $ill be $ith Allah#
!either to punish hi or to forgi(e hi%"H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 01::
Darrated Ka'b bin Malik:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle intended to lead a Aha-$a# he $ould use an eCui(ocation fro $hich
one $ould understand that he $as going to a different destination %
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 017:
Darrated Ka'b bin Malik:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle intended to carry out a Aha-$a# he $ould use an eCui(ocation to con)
ceal his real destination till it $as the Aha-$a of &abuk $hich Allah's Apostle carried out in (ery hot
$eather% As he $as going to face a (ery long .ourney through a $asteland and $as to eet and at)
tack a large nuber of eneies% So# he ade the situation clear to the Muslis so that they ight
prepare thesel(es accordingly and get ready to conCuer their eney% &he Prophet infored the
of the destination he $as heading for !Ka'b bin Malik used to say# HScarcely did Allah's Apostle set out
for a .ourney on a day other than &hursday%H"
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 011:
Darrated Ka'b bin Malik:
&he Prophet set out on &hursday for the Aha-$a of &abuk and he used to prefer to set out !i%e%
tra(el" on &hursdays%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 366:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet offered a four)Rak'at Fuhr prayer at Medina and then offered a t$o Rak'at 'Asr prayer
at 8hul)Hulaifa and I heard the copanions of the Prophet reciting &albiya aloud !for Ha.. and
'Ura" altogether%
=olue 2 ) 576 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 360:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@e set out in the copany of Allah's Apostle fi(e days before the end of 8hul ,a'da intending to
perfor Ha.. only% @hen $e approached Mecca Allah's Apostle ordered those $ho did not ha(e the
Hadi !i%e% an anial for sacrifice" $ith the# to perfor the &a$af around the Ka'ba# and bet$een
Safa and Mar$a and then finish their Ihra% Beef $as brought to us on the day of !i%e% the days of
slaughtering" and I asked# H@hat is thisJH Soebody said# Allah's Apostle has slaughtered !a co$" on
behalf of his $i(es%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 363:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ence the Prophet set out in the onth of Raadan% He obser(ed fasting till he reached a place
called Kadid $here he broke his fast%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 36<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he 'Prophet said# HIt is obligatory for one to listen to and obey !the ruler's orders" unless these or)
ders in(ol(e one disobedience !to Allah"L but if an act of disobedience !to Allah" is iposed# he should
not listen to or obey it%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 362:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&hat heard Allah's Apostle saying# H@e are the last but $ill be the foreost to enter Paradise"%H &he
Prophet added# HHe $ho obeys e# obeys Allah# and he $ho disobeys e# disobeys Allah% He $ho
obeys the chief# obeys e# and he $ho disobeys the chief# disobeys e% &he Ia is like a shelter for
$hose safety the Muslis should fight and $here they should seek protection% If the Ia orders
people $ith righteousness and rules .ustly# then he $ill be re$arded for that# and if he does the op)
posite# he $ill be responsible for that%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 364:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
@hen $e reached !Hudaibiya" in the ne*t year !of the treaty of Hudaibiya"# not e(en t$o en
aongst us agreed unaniously as to $hich $as the tree under $hich $e had gi(en the pledge of
allegiance# and that $as out of Allah's Mercy% !&he sub narrator asked Daf'i# HBor $hat did the Proph)
=olue 2 ) 570 ? 0:66
et take their pledge of allegiance# $as it for deathJH Daf'i replied HDo# but he took their pledge of alle)
giance for patience%H"
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 365:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Faid:
that in the tie !of the battle" of Al)Harra a person cae to hi and said# HIbn Han-ala is taking
the pledge of allegiance fro the people for death%H He said# HI $ill ne(er gi(e a pledge of allegiance
for such a thing to anyone after Allah's Apostle%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 36::
Darrated Ka-id bin Ubaid:
Salaa said# HI ga(e the Pledge of allegiance !Al)Rid$an" to Allah's Apostle and then I o(ed to the
shade of a tree% @hen the nuber of people around the Prophet diinished# he said# 'E Ibn Al)Ak$a
I @ill you not gi(e to e the pledge of AllegianceJ' I replied# 'E Allah's ApostleI I ha(e already gi(en
to you the pledge of Allegiance%' He said# '8o it again%' So I ga(e the pledge of allegiance for the
second tie%H I asked 'E Abu MusliI Bor $hat did you gi(e he pledge of Allegiance on that dayJH He
replied# H@e ga(e the pledge of Allegiance for death%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 367:
Darrated Anas:
En the day !of the battle" of the &rench# the Ansar $ere saying# H@e are those $ho ha(e s$orn al)
legiance to Muhaad for /ihaid !for e(er" as long as $e li(e%H &he Prophet replied to the# HE Al)
lahI &here is no life e*cept the life of the Hereafter% So honor the Ansar and eigrants $ith Kour
And Darrated Mu.ashi: My brother and I cae to the Prophet and I reCuested hi to take the
pledge of allegiance fro us for igration% He said# HMigration has passed a$ay $ith its people%H I
asked# HBor $hat $ill you take the pledge of allegiance fro us thenJH He said# HI $ill take !the
pledge" for Isla and /ihad%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 361:
Darrated Abdullah:
&oday a an cae to e and asked e a Cuestion $hich I did not kno$ ho$ to ans$er% He said#
H&ell e# if a $ealthy acti(e an# $ell)eCuipped $ith ars# goes out on ilitary e*peditions $ith
our chiefs# and orders us to do such things as $e cannot do !should $e obey hiJ"H I replied# HBy Al)
lah# I do not kno$ $hat to reply you# e*cept that $e# $ere in the copany of the Prophet and he
=olue 2 ) 573 ? 0:66
used to order us to do a thing once only till $e finished it% And no doubt# e(eryone aong you $ill
reain in a good state as long as he obeys Allah% If one is in doubt as to the legality of soething# he
should ask soebody $ho $ould satisfy hi# but soon $ill coe a tie $hen you $ill not find such
a an% By Hi# e*cept @ho none has the right to be $orshipped% I see that the e*aple of $hat
has passed of this life !to $hat reains thereof" is like a pond $hose fresh $ater has been used up
and nothing reains but uddy $ater%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 306:
Darrated Sali Abu An)Dadr:
&he freed sla(e of 'Uar bin 'Ubaidullah $ho $as 'Uar's clerk: 'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa $rote hi
!i%e% 'Uar" a letter that contained the follo$ing:))
HEnce Allah's Apostle !during a holy battle"# $aited till the sun had declined and then he got up
aong the people and said# HE peopleI 8o not $ish to face the eney !in a battle" and ask Allah to
sa(e you !fro calaities" but if you should face the eney# then be patient and let it be kno$n to
you that Paradise is under the shades of s$ords%H He then said## HE AllahI &he Re(ealer of the !Holy"
Book# the Mo(er of the clouds# and 8efeater of Al)Ah-ab !i%e% the clans of infidels"# defeat the infi)
dels and besto$ (ictory upon us%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 300:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
I participated in a Aha-$a along $ith Allah's Apostle &he Prophet et e !on the $ay" $hile I
$as riding a cael of ours used for irrigation and it had got so tired that it could hardly $alk% &he
Prophet asked e# H@hat is $rong $ith the caelJH I replied# HIt has got tired%H So% Allah's Apostle
cae fro behind it and rebuked it and prayed for it so it started surpassing the other caels and
going ahead of the% &hen he asked e# HHo$ do you find your cael !no$"JH I replied# HI find it
Cuite $ell# no$ as it has recei(ed your blessings%H He said# H@ill you sell it to eJH I felt shy !to refuse
his offer" though it $as the only cael for irrigation $e had% So# I said# HKes%H He said# HSell it to e
then%H I sold it to hi on the condition that I should keep on riding it till I reached Medina% &hen I
said# HE Allah's ApostleI I a a bridegroo#H and reCuested hi to allo$ e to go hoe% He allo$ed
e# and I set out for Medina before the people till I reached Medina# $here I et y uncle# $ho
asked e about the cael and I infored hi all about it and he blaed e for that% @hen I took
the perission of Allah's Apostle he asked e $hether I had arried a (irgin or a atron and I
replied that I had arried a atron% He said# H@hy hadn't you arried a (irgin $ho $ould ha(e
played $ith you# and you $ould ha(e played $ith herJH I replied# HE Allah's ApostleI My father died
!or $as artyred" and I ha(e soe young sisters# so I felt it not proper that I should arry a young
girl like the $ho $ould neither teach the anners nor ser(e the% So# I ha(e arried a atron
=olue 2 ) 57< ? 0:66
so that she ay ser(e the and teach the anners%H @hen Allah's Apostle arri(ed in Medina# I took
the cael to hi the ne*t orning and he ga(e e its price and ga(e e the cael itself as $ell%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 303:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ence there $as a feeling of fright at Medina# so Allah's Apostle rode a horse belonging to Abu
&alha and !on his return" he said# H@e ha(e not seen anything !fearful"# but $e found this horse (ery
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 30<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ence the people got frightened# so Allah's Apostle rode a slo$ horse belonging to Abu &alha# and
he set out all alone# aking the horse gallop% &hen the people rode# aking their horses gallop after
hi% En his return he said# H8on't be afraid !there is nothing to be afraid of" !and I ha(e found" this
horse a (ery fast one%H &hat horse $as ne(er e*celled in running hence for$ard% !,astalani =ol% 4"
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 302:
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khattab:
I ga(e a horse to be used in Allah's 9ause# but later on I sa$ it being sold% I asked the Prophet
$hether I could buy it% He said# H8on't buy it and don't take back your gift of charity%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 304:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
'Uar ga(e a horse to be used in Allah's 9ause# but later on he found it being sold% So# he intended
to buy it and asked Allah's Apostle $ho said# H8on't buy it and don't take back your gift of charity%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 305:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@ere it not for the fear that it $ould be difficult for y follo$ers# I $ould
not ha(e reained behind any Sariya# !ary)unit" but I don't ha(e riding caels and ha(e no other
eans of con(eyance to carry the on# and it is hard for e that y copanions should reain be)
hind e% Do doubt I $ish I could fight in Allah's 9ause and be artyred and coe to life again to be
artyred and coe to life once ore%H
=olue 2 ) 572 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 30::
Darrated Kali:
I participated in the Aha-$a of &abuk along $ith Allah's Apostle and I ga(e a young cael to be
ridden in /ihad and that $as# to e# one of y best deeds% &hen I eployed a laborer $ho Cuarrelled
$ith another person% Ene of the bit the hand of the other and the latter dre$ his hand fro the
outh of the forer pulling out his front tooth% &hen the forer instituted a suit against the latter
before the Prophet $ho re.ected that suit saying# H8o you e*pect hi to put out his hand for you to
snap as a ale cael snaps !(egetation"JH
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 307:
Darrated &ha'laba bin Abi Malik Al),ura-i:
@hen ,ais bin Sad Al)Ansari# $ho used to carry the flag of the Prophet# intended to perfor Ha..#
he cobed his hair%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 301c:
Darrated Salaa bin Al)Ak$a:
Ali reained behind the Prophet during the battle of Khaibar as he $ay suffering fro soe eye
trouble but then he said# HHo$ should I stay behind Allah's ApostleJH So# he set out till he .oined the
Prophet% En the e(e of the day of the conCuest of Khaibar# Allah's Apostle said# H!Do doubt" I $ill gi(e
the flag or# toorro$# a an $ho Allah and His Apostle lo(e or $ho lo(es Allah and His apostle
$ill take the flag% Allah $ill besto$ (ictory upon hi%H Suddenly 'Ali .oined us though $e $ere not
e*pecting hi% &he people said# HHere is 'Ali% HSo# Allah's Apostle ga(e the flag to hi and Allah be)
sto$ed (ictory upon hi%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 301n:
Darrated Dafi bin /ubair:
I heard Al Abbas telling A-)Fubair# H&he Prophet ordered you to fi* the flag here%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 336:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HI ha(e been sent $ith the shortest e*pressions bearing the $idest eanings#
and I ha(e been ade (ictorious $ith terror !cast in the hearts of the eney"# and $hile I $as sleep)
ing# the keys of the treasures of the $orld $ere brought to e and put in y hand%H Abu Huraira ad)
=olue 2 ) 574 ? 0:66
ded: Allah's Apostle has left the $orld and no$ you# people# are bringing out those treasures !i%e% the
Prophet did not benefit by the"%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 330:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Abu Sufyan said# HHeraclius sent for e $hen I $as in 'llya' !i%e% /erusale"% &hen he asked for the
letter of Allah's Apostle and $hen he had finished its reading there $as a great hue and cry around
hi and the (oices gre$ louder and $e $ere asked to Cuit the place% @hen $e $ere turned out# I
said to y copanions# '&he cause of Ibn Abi Kabsha has becoe conspicuous as the King of Bani
Al)Asfar is afraid of hi%' H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 333:
Darrated Asa:
I prepared the .ourney)food for Allah's Apostle in Abu Bakr's house $hen he intended to eigrate
to Medina% I could not find anything to tie the food)container and the $ater skin $ith% So# I said to
Abu Bakr# HBy Allah# I do not find anything to tie !these things" $ith e*cept y $aist belt%H He said#
H9ut it into t$o pieces and tie the $ater)skin $ith one piece and the food)container $ith the other
!the sub)narrator added# HShe did accordingly and that $as the reason for calling her 8hatun)Dit)
aCain !i%e% t$o)belted $oan""%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 33<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
8uring the life)tie of the Prophet $e used to take the eat of sacrificed anials !as .ourney
food" to Medina% !See Hadith Do% 2:2 =ol% :"
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 332:
Darrated Su$aid bin An)Du'an:
&hat he $ent out in the copany oL the Prophet during the year of Khaibar !capaign till they
reached a place called As)Sahba'# the lo$er part of Khaibar% &hey offered the 'Asr prayer !there" and
the Prophet asked for the food% Dothing but Sa$iC $as brought to the Prophet% So# they che$ed it
and ate it and drank $ater% After that the Prophet got up# $ashed his outh# and they too $ashed
their ouths and then offered the prayer%
=olue 2 ) 575 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 334:
Darrated Salaa:
Ence the .ourney)food of the people ran short and they $ere in great need% So# they cae to the
Prophet to take his perission for slaughtering their caels# and he peritted the% &hen 'Uar et
the and they infored hi about it% He said# H@hat $ill sustain you after your caels !are fin)
ished"JH &hen 'Uar $ent to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat $ill sustain the after
their caels !are finished"JH Allah's Apostle said# HMake an announceent aongst the people that
they should bring all their reaining food !to e"%H !&hey brought it and" the Prophet in(oked Allah
and asked for His Blessings for it% &hen he asked the to bring their food utensils and the people
started filling their food utensils $ith their hands till they $ere satisfied% Allah's Apostle then said# HI
testify that Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah# and I a His Apostle% H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 335:
Darrated @ahb bin Kaisan:
/abir bin 'Abdullah said# H@e set out# and $e $ere three)hundred en carrying our .ourney)food
on our shoulders% &hen $e began to eat a single date each per day%H A an asked !/abir"# HE Abu 'Ab)
dullahI Ho$ could a person be satisfied $ith a single dateJH /abir replied# H@e reali-ed the (alue of
that one date $hen $e could not e(en ha(e that uch till $e reached the sea)shore# $hen all of a
sudden $e sa$ a huge fish cast by the sea% So# $e ate of it as uch as $e $ished for eighteen days%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 33::
Darrated Aisha:
&hat she said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kour copanions are returning $ith the re$ard of both Ha.. and
'Ura# $hile I a returning $ith !the re$ard of" Ha.. only%H He said to her# HAo# and let 'Abdur)Rah)
an !i%e% your brother" ake you sit behind hi !on the anial"%H So# he ordered 'AbdurRahan to
let her perfor 'Ura fro Al)&an'i% &hen the Prophet $aited for her at the higher region of
Mecca till she returned%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 337:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Abi Bakr As)SiddiC:
&he Prophet ordered e to let 'Aisha sit behind e !on the anial" and to let her perfor 'Ura
fro At)&an'i%
=olue 2 ) 57: ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 331:
Darrated Anas:
I $as riding behind Abu &alha !on the sae" riding anial" and !the Prophet's copanions" $ere
reciting &albiya aloud for both Ha.. and 'Ura%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3<6:
Darrated 'Ur$a fro Usaa bin Faid:
Allah's Apostle rode a donkey on $hich there $as a saddle co(ered by a (el(et sheet and let Usaa
ride behind hi !on the donkey"%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3<0:
Darrated Dafi fro 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle cae to Mecca through its higher region on the day of the 9onCuest !of Mecca"
riding his she)cael on $hich Usaa $as riding behind hi% Bilal and 'Uthan bin &alha# one of
the ser(ants of the Ka'ba# $ere also accopanying hi till he ade his cael kneel in the osCue
and ordered the latter to bring the key of the Ka'ba% He opened the door of the Ka'ba and Allah's
Apostle entered in the copany of Usaa# Bilal and 'Uthan# and stayed in it for a long period%
@hen he cae out# the people rushed to it# and 'Abdullah bin 'Uar $as the first to enter it and
found Bilal standing behind the door% He asked Bilal# H@here did the Prophet offer his prayerJH He
pointed to the place $here he had offered his prayer% 'Abdullah said# HI forgot to ask hi ho$ any
Rakat he had perfored%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3<3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here is a !copulsory" SadaCa !charity" to be gi(en for e(ery .oint of the hu)
an body !as a sign of gratitude to Allah" e(eryday the sun rises% &o .udge .ustly bet$een t$o per)
sons is regarded as SadaCa# and to help a an concerning his riding anial by helping hi to ride it
or by lifting his luggage on to it# is also regarded as SadaCa# and !saying" a good $ord is also SadaCa#
and e(ery step taken on one's $ay to offer the copulsory prayer !in the osCue" is also SadaCa and
to reo(e a harful thing fro the $ay is also SadaCa%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3<<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle forbade the people to tra(el to a hostile country carrying !copies of" the ,uran%
=olue 2 ) 577 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3<2:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet reached Khaibar in the orning# $hile the people $ere coing out carrying their
spades o(er their shoulders% @hen they sa$ hi they said# H&his is Muhaad and his aryI
Muhaad and his aryIH So# they took refuge in the fort% &he Prophet raised both his hands and
said# HAllahu Akbar# Khaibar is ruined# for $hen $e approach a nation !i%e% eney to fight" then
iserable is the orning of the $arned ones%H &hen $e found soe donkeys $hich $e !killed and"
cooked: &he announcer of the Prophet announced: HAllah and His Apostle forbid you to eat donkey's
eat%H So# all the pots including their contents $ere turned upside do$n%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3<4:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ashari:
@e $ere in the copany of Allah's Apostle !during Ha.."% @hene(er $e $ent up a high place $e
used to say: HDone has the right to be $orshipped but Allah# and Allah is Areater#H and our (oices
used to rise# so the Prophet said# HE peopleI Be erciful to yoursel(es !i%e% don't raise your (oice"# for
you are not calling a deaf or an absent one# but Ene @ho is $ith you# no doubt He is All)Hearer#
e(er Dear !to all things"%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3<5:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
@hene(er $e $ent up a place $e $ould say# HAllahu))Akbar !i%e% Allah is Areater"H# and $hene(er
$e $ent do$n a place $e $ould say# HSubhan Allah%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3<::
Darrated /abir:
@hene(er $e $ent up a place $e $ould say &akbir# and $hene(er $e $ent do$n $e $ould say#
HSubhan Allah%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3<7:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
@hene(er the Prophet returned fro the Ha.. or the 'Ura or a Aha-$a# he $ould say &akbir
thrice% @hene(er he cae upon a ountain path or $asteland# and then he $ould say# HDone has
the right to be $orshipped but Allah# Alone @ho has no partner% All the Kingdo belongs to Hi
and all the praises are for Hi and He is Enipotent% @e are returning $ith repentance# $orship)
=olue 2 ) 571 ? 0:66
ping# prostrating oursel(es and praising our ;ord% Allah fulfilled His Proise# granted (ictory to His
sla(e and He Alone defeated all the clans%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3<1:
Darrated Ibrahi Abu Isa'il As)Saksaki:
I heard Abu Burda $ho accopanied Ka-id bin Abi Kabsha on a .ourney% Ka-id used to obser(e
fasting on .ourneys% Abu Burda said to hi# HI heard Abu Musa se(eral ties saying that Allah's
Apostle said# '@hen a sla(e falls ill or tra(els# then he $ill get re$ard siilar to that he gets for good
deeds practiced at hoe $hen in good health%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 326:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
En the day of the battle of the &rench# the Prophet $anted soebody fro aongst the people to
(olunteer to be a reconnoitre% A-)Fubair (olunteered% He deanded the sae again and A-)Fubair
(olunteered again% &hen he repeated the sae deand !thrice" and A-Fubair (olunteered once
ore% &he Prophet then said# H +(ery prophet has a disciple and y disciple is A-)Fubair%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 320:
Darrated Ibn' Uar:
fro the Prophet the follo$ing Hadith !Do% 323"%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 323:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HIf the people kne$ $hat I kno$ about tra(eling alone# then nobody $ould
tra(el alone at night%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 32<:
Darrated Hisha's father:
Usaa bin Faid $as asked at $hat pace the Prophet rode during' HHe rode at a
ediu pace# but $hen he cae upon an open $ay he $ould go at full pace%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 322:
Darrated Asla:
=olue 2 ) 516 ? 0:66
@hile I $as in the copany of 'Abdullah bin 'Uar on the $ay to Mecca# he recei(ed the ne$s of
the se(ere illness of Safiya bint Abi Ubaid !i%e% his $ife"# so he proceeded at greater speed# and $hen
the t$ilight disappeared# he disounted and offered the Maghrib and 'Isha 'prayers together and
said# H I sa$ the Prophet delaying the Maghrib prayer to offer it along $ith the 'Isha' $hen he $as in
a hurry on a .ourney%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 324:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H/ourney is a piece of torture# for it disturbs one's sleep# eating and drinking%
So# $hen you fulfill your .ob# you should hurry up to your faily%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 325:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Uar bin Al)Khattab ga(e a horse to be ridden in Allah's 9ause and then he found it being sold%
He intended to purchase it% So# he consulted Allah's Apostle $ho said# H8on't buy it and don't take
back your gift of charity%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 32::
Darrated Asla:
I heard 'Uar bin Al)Khattab saying# HI ga(e a horse to be ridden in Allah's 9ause and the person
$ho got it intended to sell it or neglected it% So# I $anted to buy it as I thought he $ould sell it cheap%
I consulted the Prophet $ho said# H8o not buy it e(en if for one 8irha# because he $ho takes back
his gift is like a dog s$allo$ing its (oit%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 327:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
A an cae to the Prophet asking his perission to take part in /ihad% &he Prophet asked hi#
HAre your parents ali(eJH He replied in the affirati(e% &he Prophet said to hi# H&hen e*ert yourself
in their ser(ice%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 321:
Darrated Abu Bashir Al)Ansari:
&hat he $as in the copany of Allah's Apostle on soe of his .ourneys% !&he sub)narrator 'Abdul)
lah adds# HI think that Abu Bashir also said# 'And the people $ere at their sleeping places%H" Allah's
=olue 2 ) 510 ? 0:66
Apostle sent a essenger ordering: H&here shall not reain any necklace of string or any other kind
of necklace round the necks of caels e*cept it is cut off%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 346:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&hat he heard the Prophet saying# HIt is not perissible for a an to be alone $ith a $oan# and
no lady should tra(el e*cept $ith a Muhra !i%e% her husband or a person $ho she cannot arry
in any case for e(erL e%g% her father# brother# etc%"%H &hen a an got up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I
ha(e enlisted in the ary for such)and)such Aha-$a and y $ife is proceeding for Ha..%H Allah's
Apostle said# HAo# and perfor the Ha.. $ith your $ife%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 340:
Darrated 'Ubaidullah bin Abi Rafi:
I heard 'Ali saying# HAllah's Apostle sent e# A-)Fubair and Al)MiCdad soe$here saying# 'Pro)
ceed till you reach Ra$dat Khakh% &here you $ill find a lady $ith a letter% &ake the letter fro her%' H
So# $e set out and our horses ran at full pace till $e got at Ar)Ra$da $here $e found the lady and
said !to her"% H&ake out the letter%H She replied# HI ha(e no letter $ith e%H @e said# H+ither you take out
the letter or else $e $ill take off your clothes%H So# she took it out of her braid% @e brought the letter
to Allah's Apostle and it contained a stateent fro Hatib bin Abi Balta a to soe of the Meccan pa)
gans inforing the of soe of the intentions of Allah's Apostle% &hen Allah's Apostle said# HE HatibI
@hat is thisJH Hatib replied# HE Allah's ApostleI 8on't hasten to gi(e your .udgent about e% I $as a
an closely connected $ith the ,uraish# but I did not belong to this tribe# $hile the other eigrants
$ith you# had their relati(es in Mecca $ho $ould protect their dependents and property % So# I
$anted to recopense for y lacking blood relation to the by doing the a fa(or so that they
ight protect y dependents% I did this neither because of disbelief not apostasy nor out of prefer)
ring Kufr !disbelief" to Isla%H Allah's Apostle# said# HHatib has told you the truth%H Uar said# E Al)
lah's ApostleI Allo$ e to chop off the head of this hypocrite%H Allah's Apostle said# HHatib particip)
ated in the battle of Badr# and $ho kno$s# perhaps Allah has already looked at the Badr $arriors and
said# '8o $hate(er you like# for I ha(e forgi(en you%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 343:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
@hen it $as the day !of the battle" of Badr# prisoners of $ar $ere brought including Al)Abbas
$ho $as undressed% &he Prophet looked for a shirt for hi% It $as found that the shirt of 'Abdullah
bin Ubai $ould do# so the Prophet let hi $ear it% &hat $as the reason $hy the Prophet took off and
=olue 2 ) 513 ? 0:66
ga(e his o$n shirt to 'Abdullah% !&he narrator adds# HHe had done the Prophet soe fa(or for $hich
the Prophet liked to re$ard hi%H"
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 34<:
Darrated Sahl:
En the day !of the battle" of Khaibar the Prophet said# H&oorro$ I $ill gi(e the flag to soebody
$ho $ill be gi(en (ictory !by Allah" and $ho lo(es Allah and His Apostle and is lo(ed by Allah and
His Apostle%H So# the people $ondered all that night as to $ho $ould recei(e the flag and in the
orning e(eryone hoped that he $ould be that person% Allah's Apostle asked# H@here is 'AliJH He $as
told that 'Ali $as suffering fro eye)trouble# so he applied sali(a to his eyes and in(oked Allah to
cure hi% He at once got cured as if he had no ailent% &he Prophet ga(e hi the flag% 'Ali said#
HShould I fight the till they becoe like us !i%e% Musli"JH &he Prophet said# HAo to the patiently
and cally till you enter the land% &hen# in(ite the to Isla# and infor the $hat is en.oined
upon the# for# by Allah# if Allah gi(es guidance to soebody through you# it is better for you than
possessing red caels%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 342:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah $onders at those people $ho $ill enter Paradise in chains%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 344:
Darrated Abu Burda's father:
&he Prophet said# H&hree persons $ill get their re$ard t$ice% !Ene is" a person $ho has a sla(e girl
and he educates her properly and teaches her good anners properly !$ithout (iolence" and then
anuits and arries her% Such a person $ill get a double re$ard% !Another is" a belie(er fro the
people of the scriptures $ho has been a true belie(er and then he belie(es in the Prophet
!Muhaad"% Such a person $ill get a double re$ard% !&he third is" a sla(e $ho obser(es Allah's
Rights and Ebligations and is sincere to his aster%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 345:
Darrated As)Sab bin /aththaa:
&he Prophet passed by e at a place called Al)Ab$a or @addan# and $as asked $hether it $as
perissible to attack the pagan $arriors at night $ith the probability of e*posing their $oen and
children to danger% &he Prophet replied# H&hey !i%e% $oen and children" are fro the !i%e%
=olue 2 ) 51< ? 0:66
pagans"%H I also heard the Prophet saying# H&he institution of Hia is in(alid e*cept for Allah and His
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 34::
Darrated 'Abdullah:
8uring soe of the Aha-a$at of the Prophet a $oan $as found killed% Allah's Apostle disap)
pro(ed the killing of $oen and children%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 347:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
8uring soe of the Aha-a$at of Allah's Apostle a $oan $as found killed# so Allah's Apostle for)
bade the killing of $oen and children%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 341:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle sent us in a ission !i%e% a ary)unit" and said# HIf you find so)and)so and so)
and)so# burn both of the $ith fire%H @hen $e intended to depart# Allah's Apostle said# HI ha(e
ordered you to burn so)and)so and so)and)so# and it is none but Allah @ho punishes $ith fire# so# if
you find the# kill the%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 356:
Darrated Ikria:
Ali burnt soe people and this ne$s reached Ibn 'Abbas# $ho said# HHad I been in his place I
$ould not ha(e burnt the# as the Prophet said# '8on't punish !anybody" $ith Allah's Punishent%'
Do doubt# I $ould ha(e killed the# for the Prophet said# 'If soebody !a Musli" discards his reli)
gion# kill hi%' H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 350:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
A group of eight en fro the tribe of 'Ukil cae to the Prophet and then they found the cliate
of Medina unsuitable for the% So# they said# HE Allah's ApostleI Pro(ide us $ith soe ilk%H Allah's
Apostle said# HI recoend that you should .oin the herd of caels%H So they $ent and drank the ur)
ine and the ilk of the caels !as a edicine" till they becae healthy and fat% &hen they killed the
shepherd and dro(e a$ay the caels# and they becae unbelie(ers after $hey $ere Muslis% @hen
=olue 2 ) 512 ? 0:66
the Prophet $as infored by a shouter for help# he sent soe en in their pursuit# and before the
sun rose high# they $ere brought# and he had their hands and feet cut off% &hen he ordered for nails
$hich $ere heated and passed o(er their eyes# and $hey $ere left in the Harra !i%e% rocky land in
Medina"% &hey asked for $ater# and nobody pro(ided the $ith $ater till they died !Abu ,ilaba# a
sub)narrator said# H&hey coitted urder and theft and fought against Allah and His Apostle# and
spread e(il in the land%H"
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 353:
Darrated /arir:
Allah's Apostles said to e# H@ill you relie(e e fro 8hul)KhalasaJ 8hul)Khalasa $as a house
!of an idol" belonging to the tribe of Khath'a called Al)Ka'ba Al)Kaa)niya% So# I proceeded $ith
one hundred and fifty ca(alry en fro the tribe of Ahas# $ho $ere e*cellent knights% It
happened that I could not sit fir on horses# so the Prophet # stroke e o(er y chest till I sa$ his
finger)arks o(er y chest# he said# 'E AllahI Make hi fir and ake hi a guiding and rightly
guided an%' H /arir proceeded to$ards that house# and disantled and burnt it% &hen he sent a es)
senger to Allah's Apostle inforing hi of that% /arir's essenger said# HBy Hi @ho has sent you
$ith the &ruth# I did not coe to you till I had left it like an eancipated or gabby cael !i%e% co)
pletely arred and spoilt"%H /arir added# H&he Prophet asked for Allah's Blessings for the horses and
the en of Ahas fi(e ties%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 35<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet burnt the date)pals of Bani An)Dadir%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 352:
Darrated Al)Bara bin A-ib:
Allah's Apostle sent a group of Ansari en to kill Abu)Rafi% Ene of the set out and entered their
!i%e% the eneies" fort% &hat an said# HI hid yself in a stable for their anials% &hey closed the fort
gate% ;ater they lost a donkey of theirs# so they $ent out in its search% I# too# $ent out along $ith
the# pretending to look for it% &hey found the donkey and entered their fort% And I# too# entered
along $ith the% &hey closed the gate of the fort at night# and kept its keys in a sall $indo$ $here
I could see the% @hen those people slept# I took the keys and opened the gate of the fort and cae
upon Abu Rafi and said# 'E Abu Rafi% @hen he replied e# I proceeded to$ards the (oice and hit
hi% He shouted and I cae out to coe back# pretending to be a helper% I said# 'E Abu Rafi# chan)
ging the tone of y (oice% He asked e# '@hat do you $antL $oe to your otherJ' I asked hi# '@hat
has happened to youJ' He said# 'I don't kno$ $ho cae to e and hit e%' &hen I dro(e y s$ord
=olue 2 ) 514 ? 0:66
into his belly and pushed it forcibly till it touched the bone% &hen I cae out# filled $ith pu--leent
and $ent to$ards a ladder of theirs in order to get do$n but I fell do$n and sprained y foot% I
cae to y copanions and said# 'I $ill not lea(e till I hear the $ailing of the $oen%' So# I did not
lea(e till I heard the $oen be$ailing Abu Rafi# the erchant pf Hi.a-% &hen I got up# feeling no ail)
ent# !and $e proceeded" till $e cae upon the Prophet and infored hi%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 354:
Darrated Al)Bara bin A-ib:
Allah's Apostle sent a group of the Ansar to Abu Rafi% Abdullah bin Atik entered his house at night
and killed hi $hile he $as sleeping%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 355l:
Darrated Sali Abu An)Dadr:
!the freed sla(e of 'Uar bin 'Ubaidullah" I $as Uar's clerk% Ence Abdullah bin Abi Aufa $rote a
letter to 'Uar $hen he proceeded to Al)Haruriya% I read in it that Allah's Apostle in one of his ilit)
ary e*peditions against the eney# $aited till the sun declined and then he got up aongst the
people saying# HE peopleI 8o not $ish to eet the eney# and ask Allah for safety# but $hen you face
the eney# be patient# and reeber that Paradise is under the shades of s$ords%H &hen he said# HE
Allah# the Re(ealer of the Holy Book# and the Mo(er of the clouds and the 8efeater of the clans# de)
feat the# and grant us (ictory o(er the%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 355c:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said: H8o not $ish to eet the eney# but $hen you eet face" the eney# be patient%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 35::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HKhosrau $ill be ruined# and there $ill be no Khosrau after hi# and 9aesar $ill
surely be ruined and there $ill be no 9aesar after hi# and you $ill spend their treasures in Allah's
9ause%H He called# H@ar is deceit'%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 357:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle called#: H@ar is deceitH%
=olue 2 ) 515 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 351:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H@ar is deceit%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3:6:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H@ho is ready to kill Ka'b bin Al)Ashraf $ho has really hurt Allah and His
ApostleJH Muhaad bin Maslaa said# HE Allah's ApostleI 8o you like e to kill hiJH He replied
in the affirati(e% So# Muhaad bin Maslaa $ent to hi !i%e% Ka'b" and said# H&his person !i%e% the
Prophet" has put us to task and asked us for charity%H Ka'b replied# HBy Allah# you $ill get tired of
hi%H Muhaad said to hi# H@e ha(e follo$ed hi# so $e dislike to lea(e hi till $e see the end
of his affair%H Muhaad bin Maslaa $ent on talking to hi in this $ay till he got the chance to
kill hi%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3:0:
Darrated /abir:
&he Prophet said# H@ho is ready to kill Ka'b bin Ashraf !i%e% a /e$"%H Muhaad bin Maslaa
replied# H8o you like e to kill hiJH &he Prophet replied in the affirati(e% Muhaad bin
Maslaa said# H&hen allo$ e to say $hat I like%H &he Prophet replied# HI do !i%e% allo$ you"%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3:3:
Darrated Al)Bara:
I sa$ Allah's Apostle on the day !of the battle" of the &rench carrying earth till the hair of his chest
$ere co(ered $ith dust and he $as a hairy an% He $as reciting the follo$ing (erses of 'Abdullah
!bin Ra$aha": HE Allah# $ere it not for Kou# @e $ould not ha(e been guided# Dor $ould $e ha(e
gi(en in charity# nor prayed% So# besto$ on us calness# and $hen $e eet the eney% &hen ake
our feet fir# for indeed# Ket if they $ant to put us in affliction# !i%e% $ant to fight against us" $e
$ould not !flee but $ithstand the"%H &he Prophet used to raise his (oice $hile reciting these (erses%
!See Hadith Do% 2<3# =ol% 4"%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3:<:
Darrated /arir:
Allah's Apostle did not screen hiself fro e since y ebracing Isla# and $hene(er he sa$
e he $ould recei(e e $ith a sile% Ence I told hi that I could not sit fir on horses% He stroke
=olue 2 ) 51: ? 0:66
e on the chest $ith his hand and said# HE AllahI Make hi fir and ake hi a guiding and a
rightly)guided an%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3:2:
Darrated Abu Ha-i:
&he people asked Sahl bin Sad As)Sa' idi H@ith $hat thing !edicine" $as the $ound of Allah's
Apostle treatedJH He replied# H&here is none left !li(ing" aongst the people $ho kno$s it better than%
'Ali used to bring $ater in his shield and Batia !i%e% the Prophet's daughter" used to $ash the blood
off his face% &hen a at !of pal lea(es" $as burnt and its ash $as inserted in the $ound of Allah's
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3:4:
Darrated Abu Burda:
&hat his father said# H&he Prophet sent Mu'adh and Abu Musa to Keen telling the% '&reat the
people $ith ease and don't be hard on theL gi(e the glad tidings and don't fill the $ith a(ersionL
and lo(e each other# and don't differ%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3:5:
Darrated Al)Bara bin A-ib:
&he Prophet appointed 'Abdullah bin /ubair as the coander of the infantry en !archers" $ho
$ere fifty on the day !of the battle" of Uhud% He instructed the# HStick to your place# and don't lea(e
it e(en if you see birds snatching us# till I send for youL and if you see that $e ha(e defeated the infi)
dels and ade the flee# e(en then you should not lea(e your place till I send for you%H &hen the infi)
dels $ere defeated% By Allah# I sa$ the $oen fleeing lifting up their clothes re(ealing their leg)
bangles and their legs% So# the copanions of 'Abdullah bin /ubair said# H&he bootyI E people# the
booty I Kour copanions ha(e becoe (ictorious# $hat are you $aiting for no$JH 'Abdullah bin
/ubair said# HHa(e you forgotten $hat Allah's Apostle said to youJH &hey replied# HBy AllahI @e $ill go
to the people !i%e% the eney" and collect our share fro the $ar booty%H But $hen they $ent to the#
they $ere forced to turn back defeated% At that tie Allah's Apostle in their rear $as calling the
back% Enly t$el(e en reained $ith the Prophet and the infidels artyred se(enty en fro us%
En the day !of the battle" of Badr# the Prophet and his copanions had caused the 'Pagans to lose
026 en# se(enty of $ho $ere captured and se(enty $ere killed% &hen Abu Sufyan asked thrice# HIs
Muhaad present aongst these peopleJH &he Prophet ordered his copanions not to ans$er hi%
&hen he asked thrice# HIs the son of Abu ,uhafa present aongst these peopleJH He asked again
thrice# HIs the son of Al)Khattab present aongst these peopleJH He then returned to his copanions
and said# HAs for these !en"# they ha(e been killed%H 'Uar could not control hiself and said !to
=olue 2 ) 517 ? 0:66
Abu Sufyan"# HKou told a lie# by AllahI E eney of AllahI All those you ha(e entioned are ali(e# and
the thing $hich $ill ake you unhappy is still there%H Abu Sufyan said# HEur (ictory today is a coun)
terbalance to yours in the battle of Badr# and in $ar !the (ictory" is al$ays undecided and is shared
in turns by the belligerents# and you $ill find soe of your !killed" en utilated# but I did not urge
y en to do so# yet I do not feel sorry for their deedH After that he started reciting cheerfully# HE
Hubal# be highI !0" En that the Prophet said !to his copanions"# H@hy don't you ans$er hi backJH
&hey said# HE Allah's Apostle @hat shall $e sayJH He said# HSay# Allah is Higher and ore Sublie%H
!&hen" Abu Sufyan said# H@e ha(e the !idol" Al U--a# and you ha(e no U--a%H &he Prophet said !to his
copanions"# H@hy don't you ans$er hi backJH &hey asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat shall $e sayJH
He said# HSays Allah is our Helper and you ha(e no helper%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3:::
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle $as the !ost handsoe"# ost generous and the bra(est of all the people% Ence
the people of Medina got frightened ha(ing heard an uproar at night% So# the Prophet et the people
$hile he $as riding an unsaddled horse belonging to Abu &alha and carrying his s$ord !slung o(er
his shoulder"% He said !to the"# H8on't get scared# don't get scared%H &hen he added# HI found it !i%e the
horse" (ery fast%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3:7:
Darrated Salaa:
I $ent out of Medina to$ards Al)Ahaba% @hen I reached the ountain path of Al)Ahaba# a sla(e
of 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf et e% I said to hi# H@oe to youI @hat brought you hereJH He replied#
H&he she)caels of the Prophet ha(e been taken a$ay%H I said# H@ho took theJH He said# HAhatafan
and Ba-ara%H So# I sent three cries# HE Sabaha)h I E Sabahah IH so loudly that ade the people in
bet$een its !i%e% Medina's" t$o ountains hear e% &hen I rushed till I et the after they had taken
the caels a$ay% I started thro$ing arro$s at the saying# HI a the son of Al)Ak$aHL and today
perish the ean peopleIH So# I sa(ed the she)caels fro the before they !i%e% the robbers" could
drink $ater% @hen I returned dri(ing the caels# the Prophet et e# I said# HE Allah's Apostle &hose
people are thirsty and I ha(e pre(ented the fro drinking $ater# so send soe people to chase
the%H &he Prophet said# HE son of Al)Ak$a'# you ha(e gained po$er !o(er your eney"# so forgi(e
!the"% !Besides" those people are no$ being entertained by their folk%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 3:1:
Darrated Abu IshaC:
=olue 2 ) 511 ? 0:66
A an asked Al)Bara HE Abu 'UaraI 8id you flee on the day !of the battle" of HunainJH Al)Bara
replied $hile I $as listening# HAs for Allah's Apostle he did not flee on that day% Abu Sufyan bin Al)
Harith $as holding the reins of his ule and $hen the pagans attacked hi# he disounted and
started saying# 'I a the Prophet# and there is no lie about itL I a the son of 'Abdul Muttalib%' En that
day nobody $as seen bra(er than the Prophet
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 376:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
@hen the tribe of Bani ,urai-a $as ready to accept Sad's .udgent# Allah's Apostle sent for Sad
$ho $as near to hi% Sad cae# riding a donkey and $hen he cae near# Allah's Apostle said !to the
Ansar"# HStand up for your leader%H &hen Sad cae and sat beside Allah's Apostle $ho said to hi%
H&hese people are ready to accept your .udgent%H Sad said# HI gi(e the .udgent that their $arriors
should be killed and their children and $oen should be taken as prisoners%H &he Prophet then re)
arked# HE SadI Kou ha(e .udged aongst the $ith !or siilar to" the .udgent of the King Allah%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 370:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle sent a Sariya of ten en as spies under the leadership of 'Asi bin &habit al)Ansari#
the grandfather of 'Asi bin Uar Al)Khattab% &hey proceeded till they reached Hadaa# a place
bet$een 'Usfan# and Mecca# and their ne$s reached a branch of the tribe of Hudhail called Bani ;i)
hyan% About t$o)hundred en# $ho $ere all archers# hurried to follo$ their tracks till they found
the place $here they had eaten dates they had brought $ith the fro Medina% &hey said# H&hese
are the dates of Kathrib !i%e% Medina"# Hand continued follo$ing their tracks @hen 'Asi and his
copanions sa$ their pursuers# they $ent up a high place and the infidels circled the% &he infidels
said to the# H9oe do$n and surrender# and $e proise and guarantee you that $e $ill not kill
any one of youH 'Asi bin &habitL the leader of the Sariya said# HBy AllahI I $ill not coe do$n to be
under the protection of infidels% E AllahI 9on(ey our ne$s to Kour Prophet% &hen the infidels thre$
arro$s at the till they artyred 'Asi along $ith si* other en# and three en cae do$n accept)
ing their proise and con(ention# and they $ere Khubaib)al)Ansari and Ibn 8athina and another
an So# $hen the infidels captured the# they undid the strings of their bo$s and tied the% &hen
the third !of the capti(es" said# H&his is the first betrayal% By AllahI I $ill not go $ith you% Do doubt
these# naely the artyred# ha(e set a good e*aple to us%H So# they dragged hi and tried to copel
hi to accopany the# but as he refused# they killed hi% &hey took Khubaid and Ibn 8athina $ith
the and sold the !as sla(es" in Mecca !and all that took place" after the battle of Badr% Khubaib
$as bought by the sons of Al)Harith bin 'Air bin Daufal bin 'Abd Manaf% It $as Khubaib $ho had
killed Al)Harith bin 'Air on the day !of the battle of" Badr% So# Khubaib reained a prisoner $ith
those people%
=olue 2 ) :66 ? 0:66
Darrated A-)Fuhri: 'Ubaidullah bin 'Iyyad said that the daughter of Al)Harith had told hi#
H@hen those people gathered !to kill Khubaib" he borro$ed a ra-or fro e to sha(e his pubes and I
ga(e it to hi% &hen he took a son of ine $hile I $as una$are $hen he cae upon hi% I sa$ hi
placing y son on his thigh and the ra-or $as in his hand% I got scared so uch that Khubaib no)
ticed the agitation on y face and said# 'Are you afraid that I $ill kill hiJ Do# I $ill ne(er do so%' By
Allah# I ne(er sa$ a prisoner better than Khubaib% By Allah# one day I sa$ hi eating of a bunch of
grapes in his hand $hile he $as chained in irons# and there $as no fruit at that tie in Mecca%H &he
daughter of Al)Harith used to say# HIt $as a boon Allah besto$ed upon Khubaib%H @hen they took
hi out of the Sanctuary !of Mecca" to kill hi outside its boundaries# Khubaib reCuested the to let
hi offer t$o Rakat !prayer"% &hey allo$ed hi and he offered &$o Rakat and then said# HHadn't I
been afraid that you $ould think that I $as afraid !of being killed"# I $ould ha(e prolonged the
prayer% E Allah# kill the all $ith no e*ception%H !He then recited the poetic (erse":)) HI being ar)
tyred as a Musli# 8o not ind ho$ I a killed in Allah's 9ause# Bor y killing is for Allah's Sake#
And if Allah $ishes# He $ill bless the aputated parts of a torn bodyH &hen the son of Al Harith killed
hi% So# it $as Khubaib $ho set the tradition for any Musli sentenced to death in capti(ity# to offer
a t$o)Rak'at prayer !before being killed"% Allah fulfilled the in(ocation of Asi bin &habit on that
(ery day on $hich he $as artyred% &he Prophet infored his copanions of their ne$s and $hat
had happened to the% ;ater on $hen soe infidels fro ,uraish $ere infored that Asi had
been killed# they sent soe people to fetch a part of his body !i%e% his head" by $hich he $ould be re)
cogni-ed% !&hat $as because" 'Asi had killed one of their chiefs on the day !of the battle" of Badr%
So# a s$ar of $asps# resebling a shady cloud# $ere sent to ho(er o(er Asi and protect hi fro
their essenger and thus they could not cut off anything fro his flesh%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 373:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# HBree the capti(es# feed the hungry and pay a (isit to the sick%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 37<:
Darrated Abu /uhaifa:
I asked Ali# H8o you ha(e the kno$ledge of any 8i(ine Inspiration besides $hat is in Allah's BookJH
'Ali replied# HDo# by Hi @ho splits the grain of corn and creates the soul% I don't think $e ha(e such
kno$ledge# but $e ha(e the ability of understanding $hich Allah ay endo$ a person $ith# so that
he ay understand the ,ur'an# and $e ha(e $hat is $ritten in this paper as $ell%H I asked# H@hat is
$ritten in this paperJH He replied# H!&he regulations of" blood)oney# the freeing of capti(es# and the
.udgent that no Musli should be killed for killing an infidel%H
=olue 2 ) :60 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 372:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Soe Ansari en asked perission fro Allah's Apostle saying# HE Allah's ApostleI Allo$ us not to
take the ranso of our nephe$ Al Abbas% &he Prophet replied# H8o not lea(e a single 8irha there)
!In another narration" Anas said# HSoe $ealth $as brought to the Prophet fro Bahrain% Al Abbas
cae to hi and said# 'E Allah's ApostleI Ai(e e !soe of it"# as I ha(e paid y and 'ACil's ranso%'
&he Prophet said# '&ake#' and ga(e hi in his garent%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 374:
Darrated /ubair:
!$ho $as aong the capti(es of the Battle of Badr" I heard the Prophet reciting 'Surat)at)&ur' in
the Maghrib prayer%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 375:
Darrated Salaa bin Al)Ak$a:
HAn infidel spy cae to the Prophet $hile he $as on a .ourney% &he spy sat $ith the copanions of
the Prophet and started talking and then $ent a$ay% &he Prophet said !to his copanions"# '9hase
and kill hi%' So# I killed hi%H &he Prophet then ga(e hi the belongings of the killed spy !in addi)
tion to his share of the $ar booty"%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 37::
Darrated 'Ar bin Maiun:
Uar !after he $as stabbed"# instructed !his $ould)be)successor" saying# HI urge hi !i%e% the ne$
9aliph" to take care of those non)Muslis $ho are under the protection of Allah and His Apostle in
that he should obser(e the con(ention agreed upon $ith the# and fight on their behalf !to secure
their safety" and he should not o(er)ta* the beyond their capability%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 377:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
Ibn 'Abbas said# H&hursdayI @hat !great thing" took place on &hursdayIH &hen he started $eeping
till his tears $etted the gra(els of the ground % &hen he said# HEn &hursday the illness of Allah's
Apostle $as aggra(ated and he said# HBetch e $riting aterials so that I ay ha(e soething $rit)
ten to you after $hich you $ill ne(er go astray%H &he people !present there" differed in this atter
=olue 2 ) :63 ? 0:66
and people should not differ before a prophet% &hey said# HAllah's Apostle is seriously sick%' &he
Prophet said# H;et e alone# as the state in $hich I a no$# is better than $hat you are calling e
for%H &he Prophet on his death)bed# ga(e three orders saying# H+*pel the pagans fro the Arabian
Peninsula# respect and gi(e gifts to the foreign delegates as you ha(e seen e dealing $ith the%H I
forgot the third !order"H !Ka'Cub bin Muhaad said# HI asked Al)Mughira bin 'Abdur)Rahan
about the Arabian Peninsula and he said# 'It coprises Mecca# Medina# Al)Kaa)a and Keen%H
Ka'Cub added# HAnd Al)Ar.# the beginning of &ihaa%H"
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 371:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
'Uar sa$ a silken cloak being sold in the arket and he brought it to Allah's Apostle and said# HE
Allah's ApostleI Buy this cloak and adorn yourself $ith it on the 'Id festi(als and on eeting the del)
egations%H Allah's Apostle replied# H&his is the dress for the one $ho $ill ha(e no share in the Here)
after !or# this is $orn by one $ho $ill ha(e no share in the Hereafter"%H After soetie had passed#
Allah's Apostle sent a silken cloak to 'Uar% 'Uar took it and brought it to Allah's Apostle and said#
HE Allah's ApostleI Kou ha(e said that this is the dress of that $ho $ill ha(e no share in the Hereafter
!or# this is $orn by one $ho $ill ha(e no share in the Hereafter"# yet you ha(e sent e thisIH &he
Prophet said#H I ha(e sent it" so that you ay sell it or fulfill $ith it soe of your needs%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 316d:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Uar and a group of the copanions of the Prophet set out $ith the Prophet to Ibn Saiyad% He
found hi playing $ith soe boys near the hillocks of Bani Maghala% Ibn Saiyad at that tie $as
nearing his puberty% He did not notice !the Prophet's presence" till the Prophet stroked hi on the
back $ith his hand and said# HIbn SaiyadI 8o you testify that I a Allah's ApostleJH Ibn Saiyad looked
at hi and said# HI testify that you are the Apostle of the illiterates%H
&hen Ibn Saiyad asked the Prophet% H8o you testify that I a the apostle of AllahJH &he Prophet said
to hi# HI belie(e in Allah and His Apostles%H &hen the Prophet said !to Ibn Saiyad"% H@hat do you seeJH
Ibn Saiyad replied# H&rue people and false ones (isit e%H &he Prophet said# HKour ind is confused as
to this atter%H &he Prophet added# H I ha(e kept soething !in y ind" for you%H Ibn Saiyad said# HIt
is Ad)8ukh%H &he Prophet said !to hi"# HShae be on youI Kou cannot cross your liits%H En that
'Uar said# HE Allah's ApostleI Allo$ e to chop his head off%H &he Prophet said# HIf he should be hi
!i%e% Ad)" then you cannot o(erpo$er hi# and should he not be hi# then you are not going to
benefit by urdering hi%H
=olue 2 ) :6< ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 316:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
!;ater on" Allah's Apostle !once again" $ent along $ith Ubai bin Ka'b to the garden of date)pals
$here Ibn Saiyad $as staying% @hen the Prophet entered the garden# he started hiding hiself be)
hind the trunks of the date)pals as he $anted to hear soething fro the Ibn Saiyad before the
latter could see hi% Ibn Saiyad $as lying in his bed# co(ered $ith a (el(et sheet fro $here his
ururs $ere heard% Ibn Saiyad's other sa$ the Prophet $hile he $as hiding hiself behind the
trunks of the date)pals% She addressed Ibn Saiyad# HE SafIH !And this $as his nae"% Ibn Saiyad got
up% &he Prophet said# HHad this $oan let hi to hiself# he $ould ha(e re(ealed the reality of his
case%H &hen the Prophet got up aongst the people# glorifying Allah as He deser(es# he entioned
Ad) saying# HI $arn you about hi !i%e% Ad)" and there is no prophet $ho did not $arn
his nation about hi# and Doah $arned his nation about hi# but I tell you a stateent $hich no
prophet infored his nation of% Kou should understand that he is a one)eyed an and Allah is not
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 310:
Darrated Usaa bin Faid:
I asked the Prophet during his Ha..# HE Allah's ApostleI @here $ill you stay toorro$JH He said#
HHas ACil left for us any houseJH He then added# H&oorro$ $e $ill stay at Khaif Bani Kinana# i%e% Al)
Muhassab# $here !the Pagans of" ,uraish took an oath of Kufr !i%e% to be loyal to heathenis" in that
Bani Kinana got allied $ith ,uraish against Bani Hashi on the ters that they $ould not deal $ith
the ebers of the is tribe or gi(e the shelter%H !A-)Fuhri said# HKhaif eans (alley%H" !See Hadith
Do% 541# =ol% 3"
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 313:
Darrated Asla:
Uar bin Al)Khattab appointed a freed sla(e of his# called Hunai# anager of the Hia !i%e% a pas)
ture de(oted for gra-ing the anials of the Fakat or other specified anials"% He said to hi# HE
HunaiI 8on't oppress the Muslis and $ard off their curse !in(ocations against you" for the in(oca)
tion of the oppressed is responded to !by Allah"L and allo$ the shepherd ha(ing a fe$ caels and
those ha(ing a fe$ sheep !to gra-e their anials"# and take care not to allo$ the li(estock of 'Abdur)
Rahan bin 'Auf and the li(estock of !'Uthan" bin 'Affan# for if their li(estock should perish# then
they ha(e their fars and gardens# $hile those $ho o$n a fe$ caels and those $ho o$n a fe$
sheep# if their li(estock should perish# $ould bring their dependents to e and appeal for help say)
ing# 'E chief of the belie(ersI E chief of the belie(ersI' @ould I then neglect theJ !Do# of course"%
So# I find it easier to let the ha(e $ater and grass rather than to gi(e the gold and sil(er !fro the
=olue 2 ) :62 ? 0:66
Muslis' treasury"% By Allah# these people think that I ha(e been un.ust to the% &his is their land#
and during the pre)lslaic period# they fought for it and they ebraced Isla !$illingly" $hile it
$as in their possession% By Hi in @hose Hand y life isI @ere it not for the anials !in y cus)
tody" $hich I gi(e to be ridden for stri(ing in Allah's 9ause# I $ould not ha(e turned e(en a span of
their land into a Hia%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 31<:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
&he Prophet said !to us"# H ;ist the naes of those people $ho ha(e announced that they are
Muslis%H So# $e listed one thousand and fi(e hundred en% &hen $e $ondered# HShould $e be
afraid !of infidels" although $e are one thousand and fi(e hundred in nuberJH Do doubt# $e $it)
nessed oursel(es being afflicted $ith such bad trials that one $ould ha(e to offer the prayer alone in
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 312:
Darrated Al)Aash:
H@e !listed the Muslis and" found the fi(e hundred%H And Abu Mua$iya said# HBet$een si*)
hundred to se(en)hundred%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 314:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
A an cae to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e enlisted in the ary for such)and)
such Aha-$a# and y $ife is lea(ing for Ha..%H Allah's Apostle said# HAo back and perfor Ha.. $ith
your $ife%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 315:
Darrated A-)Fuhri:
as follo$s in Hadith 31:%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 31::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@e $ere in the copany of Allah's Apostle in a Aha-$a# and he rearked about a an $ho
claied to be a Musli# saying# H&his !an" is fro the people of the !Hell" Bire%H @hen the battle
started# the an fought (iolently till he got $ounded% Soebody said# HE Allah's ApostleI &he an
=olue 2 ) :64 ? 0:66
$ho you described as being fro the people of the !Hell" Bire fought (iolently today and died%H &he
Prophet said# HHe $ill go to the !Hell" Bire%H Soe people $ere on the point of doubting !the truth of
$hat the Prophet had said" $hile they $ere in this state# suddenly soeone said that he $as still
ali(e but se(erely $ounded% @hen night fell# he lost patience and coitted suicide% &he Prophet
$as infored of that# and he said# HAllah is AreaterI I testify that I a Allah's Sla(e and His Apostle%H
&hen he ordered Bilal to announce aongst the people: 'Done $ill enter Paradise but a Musli# and
Allah ay support this religion !i%e% Isla" e(en $ith a disobedient an%'
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 317:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle deli(ered a seron and said# HFaid recei(ed the flag and $as artyred# then /a'far
took it and $as artyred# then 'Abdullah bin Ra$aha took it and $as artyred# and then Khalid bin
Al)@alid took it $ithout being appointed# and Allah ga(e hi (ictory%H &he Prophet added# HI a not
pleased !or they $ill not be pleased" that they should reain !ali(e" $ith us#H $hile his eyes $ere
shedding tears%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber 311:
Darrated Anas:
&he people of the tribes of Ril# 8hak$an# 'Usiya and Bani ;ihyan cae to the Prophet and claied
that they had ebraced Isla# and they reCuested hi to support the $ith soe en to fight their
o$n people% &he Prophet supported the $ith se(enty en fro the Ansar $ho $e used to call
Al),urra'!i%e% Scholars" $ho !out of piety" used to cut $ood during the day and pray all the night% So#
those people took the !se(enty" en till they reached a place called Bi'r)Ma'ana $here they betrayed
and artyred the% So# the Prophet in(oked e(il on the tribe of Ril# 8hak$an and Bani ;ihyan for
one onth in the prayer%
Darrated ,atada: Anas told us that they !i%e% Muslis" used to recite a ,uranic =erse concerning
those artyrs $hich $as:)) HE AllahI ;et our people be infored on our behalf that $e ha(e et
our ;ord @ho has got pleased $ith us and ade us pleased%H &hen the =erse $as cancelled%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <66:
Darrated Abu &alha:
@hene(er the Prophet conCuered soe people# he $ould stay in their to$n for three days%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <60:
Darrated Anas:
=olue 2 ) :65 ? 0:66
&he Prophet perfored 'Ura# setting out fro Al)/arana $here he distributed the $ar booty of
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <63:
Darrated Dafi:
Ence a sla(e of Ibn 'Uar fled and .oined the By-antine% Khalid bin Al)@alid got hi back and
returned hi to 'Abdullah !bin 'Uar"% Ence a horse of Ibn 'Uar also ran a$ay and follo$ed the
By-antines# and he !i%e% Khalid" got it back and returned it to 'Abdullah%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <6<:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
&hat he $as riding a horse on the day# the Muslis fought !against the By-antines"# and the co)
ander of the Musli ary $as Khalid bin Al)@alid $ho had been appointed by Abu Bakr% &he en)
ey took the horse a$ay# and $hen the eney $as defeated# Khalid returned the horse to hi%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <62:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e ha(e slaughtered a young sheep of ours and ha(e ground one Sa of
barley% So# I in(ite you along $ith soe persons%H So# the Prophet said in a loud (oice# HE the people of
the &renchI /abir had prepared HSurH so coe along%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <64:
Darrated U Khalid:
!the daughter of Khalid bin Said" I $ent to Allah's Apostle $ith y father and I $as Dearing a yel)
lo$ shirt% Allah's Apostle said# HSanah# SanahIH !'Abdullah# the narrator# said that 'Sanah' eant 'good'
in the +thiopian language"% I then started playing $ith the seal of Prophethood !in bet$een the
Prophet's shoulders" and y father rebuked e harshly for that% Allah's Apostle said% H;ea(e her#H and
then Allah's Apostle !in(oked Allah to grant e a long life" by saying !thrice"# H@ear this dress till it
is $orn out and then $ear it till it is $orn out# and then $ear it till it is $orn out%H !&he narrator
adds# HIt is said that she li(ed for a long period# $earing that !yello$" dress till its color becae dark
because of long $ear%H"
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <65:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 2 ) :6: ? 0:66
Al)Hasan bin 'All took a date fro the dates of the SadaCa and put it in his outh% &he Prophet
said !to hi" in Persian# HKakh# kakhI !i%e% 8on't you kno$ that $e do not eat the SadaCa !i%e% $hat is
gi(en in charity" !charity is the dirt of the people""%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <6::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet got up aongst us and entioned Al Ahulul# ephasi-ed its agnitude and declared
that it $as a great sin saying# H8on't coit Ahulul for I should not like to see anyone aongst you
on the 8ay of Ressurection# carrying o(er his neck a sheep that $ill be bleating# or carrying o(er his
neck a horse that $ill be neighing% Such a an $ill be saying: 'E Allah's ApostleI Intercede $ith Al)
lah for e#' and I $ill reply# 'I can't help you# for I ha(e con(eyed Allah's Message to you Dor should I
like to see a an carrying o(er his neck# a cael that $ill be grunting% Such a an $ill say# 'E Al)
lah's ApostleI Intercede $ith Allah for e# and I $ill say# 'I can't help you for I ha(e con(eyed Allah's
Message to you#' or one carrying o(er his neck gold and sil(er and saying# 'E Allah's ApostleI Inter)
cede $ith Allah for e#' and I $ill say# 'I can't help you for I ha(e con(eyed Allah's Message to you#'
or one carrying clothes that $ill be fluttering# and the an $ill say# 'E Allah's ApostleI Intercede
$ith Allah for e%' And I $ill say# 'I can't help you# for I ha(e con(eyed Allah's Message to you%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <67:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
&here $as a an $ho looked after the faily and the belongings of the Prophet and he $as called
Karkara% &he an died and Allah's Apostle said# HHe is in the '!Hell" Bire%H &he people then $ent to
look at hi and found in his place# a cloak he had stolen fro the $ar booty%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <61:
Darrated Abaya bin Rifaa:
My grandfather# Rafi said# H@e $ere in the copany of the Prophet at 8hulHulaifa# and the people
suffered fro hunger% @e got soe caels and sheep !as booty" and the Prophet $as still behind the
people% &hey hurried and put the cooking pots on the fire% !@hen he cae" he ordered that the cook)
ing pots should be upset and then he distributed the booty !aongst the people" regarding ten sheep
as eCual to one cael then a cael fled and the people chased it till they got tired# as they had a fe$
horses !for chasing it"% So a an thre$ an arro$ at it and caused it to stop !$ith Allah's Perission"%
En that the Prophet said# 'Soe of these anials beha(e like $ild beasts# so# if any anial flee fro
you# deal $ith it in the sae $ay%H My grandfather asked !the Prophet "# H@e hope !or are afraid" that
$e ay eet the eney toorro$ and $e ha(e no kni(es% 9an $e slaughter our anials $ith
canesJH Allah's Apostle replied# HIf the instruent used for killing causes the anial to bleed pro)
=olue 2 ) :67 ? 0:66
fusely and if Allah's Dae is entioned on killing it# then eat its eat !i%e% it is la$ful" but $on't use a
tooth or a nail and I a telling you the reason: A tooth is a bone !and slaughtering $ith a bone is
forbidden "# and a nail is the slaughtering instruent of the +thiopians%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <06:
Darrated ,ais:
/arir bin 'Abdullah said to e# HAllah's Apostle said to e# '@on't you relie(e e fro 8hul)
KhalasaJ' 8hul)Khalasa $as a house $here the tribe of Khatha used to stay# and it used to be called
Ka'bat)ul Kaaniya% So I proceeded $ith one hundred)and)fifty !en" fro the tribe of Ahas $ho
$ere good ca(alry% I infored the Prophet that I could not sit fir on horses# so he stroke e on the
chest $ith his hand and I noticed his finger arks on y chest% He in(oked# 'E AllahI Make hi fir
and a guiding and rightly)guided an%H /arir set out to$ards that place# disantled and burnt it# and
then sent the good ne$s to Allah's Apostle % &he essenger of /arir said to Allah's Apostle% HE Allah's
ApostleI By Hi @ho has sent you $ith the &ruth# I did not coe to you till it !i%e% the house" had
been turned !black" like a scabby cael !co(ered $ith tar"%H So the Prophet in(okes Allah to Bless the
horses of the en of Ahas fi(e ties%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <00:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# on the day of the 9onCuest of Mecca# H&here is no igration !after the 9onCuest"#
but /ihad and good intentions# and $hen you are called for /ihad# you should iediately respond to
the call%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <03:
Darrated Abu Uthan An)Dahdi:
Mu.ashi !bin Mas'ud" took his brother Mu.alid bin Musud to the Prophet and said# H&his is Mu.alid
and he $ill gi(e a pledge of allegiance to you for igration%H &he Prophet said# H&here is no igration
after the 9onCuest of Mecca# but I $ill take his pledge of allegiance for Isla%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <0<:
Darrated 'Ata':
I and 'Ubai bin 'Uar $ent to 'Aisha $hile she $as staying near &habir !i%e% a ountain"% She said#
H&here is no Migration after Allah ga(e His Prophet (ictory o(er Mecca%H
=olue 2 ) :61 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <02:
Darrated Sad bin 'Ubaida:
Abu Abdur)Rahan $ho $as one of the supporters of Uthan said to Abu &alha $ho $as one of
the supporters of Ali# HI perfectly kno$ $hat encouraged your leader !i%e% 'Ali" to shed blood% I heard
hi saying: Ence the Prophet sent e and A-)Fubair saying# 'Proceed to such)and)such Ar)Roudah
!place" $here you $ill find a lady $ho Hatib has gi(en a letter% So $hen $e arri(ed at Ar)Roudah#
$e reCuested the lady to hand o(er the letter to us% She said# 'Hatib has not gi(en e any letter%' @e
said to her% '&ake out the letter or else $e $ill strip off your clothes%' So she took it out of her braid% So
the Prophet sent for Hatib# !$ho cae" and said# '8on't hurry in .udging e# for# by Allah# I ha(e not
becoe a disbelie(er# and y lo(e to Isla is increasing% !&he reason for $riting this letter $as" that
there is none of your copanions but has relati(es in Mecca $ho look after their failies and prop)
erty# $hile I ha(e nobody there# so I $anted to do the soe fa(or !so that they ight look after y
faily and property"%' &he Prophet belie(ed hi% 'Uar said# 'Allo$ e to chop off his !i%e% Hatib's"
neck as he has done hypocrisy%' &he Prophet said# !to 'Uar"# '@ho kno$s# perhaps Allah has looked
at the $arriors of Badr and said !to the"# '8o $hate(er you like# for I ha(e forgi(en you%' H 'Abdur)
Rahan added# HSo this is $hat encouraged hi !i%e% Ali"%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <04:
Darrated Ibn Abi Mulaika:
Ibn A-)Fubair said to Ibn /a'far H8o you reeber $hen I# you and Ibn 'Abbas $ent out to recei(e
Allah's ApostleJH Ibn /a'far replied in the affirati(e% Ibn A-)Fubair added# HAnd Allah's Apostle ade
us !i%e% I and Ibn 'Abbas" ride along $ith hi and left you%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <05:
Darrated As)Sa'ib bin Ka-id:
I along $ith soe boys $ent out to recei(e Allah's Apostle at &haniyatal)@ada'%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <0::
Darrated Abdullah:
@hen the Prophet returned !fro /ihad"# he $ould say &akbir thrice and add# H@e are returning#
if Allah $ishes# $ith repentance and $orshipping and praising !our ;ord" and prostrating oursel(es
before our ;ord% Allah fulfilled His Proise and helped His Sla(e# and He Alone defeated the !infidel"
=olue 2 ) :06 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <07:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@e $ere in the copany of the Prophet $hile returning fro 'Usfan# and Allah's Apostle $as rid)
ing his she)cael keeping Safiya bint Huyay riding behind hi% His she)cael slipped and both of
the fell do$n% Abu &alha .uped fro his cael and said# HE Allah's ApostleI May Allah sacrifice
e for you%H &he Prophet said# H&ake care of the lady%H So# Abu &alha co(ered his face $ith a garent
and $ent to Safiya and co(ered her $ith it# and then he set right the condition of their shecael so
that both of the rode# and $e $ere encircling Allah's Apostle like a co(er% @hen $e approached
Medina# the Prophet said# H@e are returning $ith repentance and $orshipping and praising our
;ord%H He kept on saying this till he entered Medina%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <01:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&hat he and Abu &alha cae in the copany of the Prophet and Safiya $as accopanying the
Prophet# $ho let her ride behind hi on his she)cael% 8uring the .ourney# the she)cael slipped
and both the Prophet and !his" $ife fell do$n% Abu &alha !the sub)narrator thinks that Anas said that
Abu &alha .uped fro his cael Cuickly" said# HE Allah's ApostleI May Allah sacrifice e for your
sakeI 8id you get hurtJH &he Prophet replied#HDo# but take care of the lady%H Abu &alha co(ered his
face $ith his garent and proceeded to$ards her and co(ered her $ith his garent# and she got up%
He then set right the condition of their she)cael and both of the !i%e% the Prophet and his $ife"
rode and proceeded till they approached Medina% &he Prophet said# H@e are returning $ith repent)
ance and $orshipping and praising our ;ord%H &he Prophet kept on saying this stateent till he
entered Medina%
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <36:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
I $as on a .ourney in the copany of the Prophet and $hen $e reached Medina# he said to e#
H+nter the MosCue and offer t$o Rakat%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <30:
Darrated Ka'b:
@hene(er the Prophet returned fro a .ourney in the forenoon# he $ould enter the MosCue and
offer t$o Rakat before sitting%
=olue 2 ) :00 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <33:
Darrated Muharib bin 8ithar:
/abir bin 'Abdullah said# H@hen Allah's Apostle arri(ed at Medina# he slaughtered a cael or a
co$%H /abir added# H&he Prophet bought a cael fro e for t$o UCiyas !of gold" and one or t$o
8irhas% @hen he reached Sirar# he ordered that a co$ be slaughtered and they ate its eat% @hen
he arri(ed at Medina# he ordered e to go to the MosCue and offer t$o Rakat# and $eighed !and
ga(e" e the price of the cael%H
=olue 2# Book 43# Duber <3<:
Darrated /abir:
Ence I returned fro a .ourney and the Prophet said !to e" HEffer t$o Rakat%H !Sirar is a place
near Medina"%
=olue 2 ) :03 ? 0:66
Book 4<: Ene)fifth of Booty to the 9ause of
Allah !Khuus"
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <32:
Darrated Ali:
I got a she)cael in y share of the $ar booty on the day !of the battle" of Badr# and the Prophet
had gi(en e a she)cael fro the Khuus% @hen I intended to arry Batia# the daughter of Al)
lah's Apostle# I had an appointent $ith a goldsith fro the tribe of Bani ,ainuCa' to go $ith e
to bring Idhkhir !i%e% grass of pleasant sell" and sell it to the goldsiths and spend its price on y
$edding party% I $as collecting for y she)caels eCuipent of saddles# sacks and ropes $hile y
t$o she)caels $ere kneeling do$n beside the roo of an Ansari an% I returned after collecting
$hate(er I collected# to see the hups of y t$o she)caels cut off and their flanks cut open and
soe portion of their li(ers $as taken out% @hen I sa$ that state of y t$o she)caels# I could not
help $eeping% I asked# H@ho has done thisJH &he people replied# HHa-a bin Abdul Muttalib $ho is
staying $ith soe Ansari drunks in this house%H I $ent a$ay till I reached the Prophet and Faid bin
Haritha $as $ith hi% &he Prophet noticed on y face the effect of $hat I had suffered# so the
Prophet asked% H@hat is $rong $ith you%H I replied# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e ne(er seen such a day
as today% Ha-a attacked y t$o she)caels# cut off their hups# and ripped open their flanks# and
he is sitting there in a house in the copany of soe drunks%H &he Prophet then asked for his co(er)
ing sheet# put it on# and set out $alking follo$ed by e and Faid bin Haritha till he cae to the
house $here Ha-a $as% He asked perission to enter# and they allo$ed hi# and they $ere drunk%
Allah's Apostle started rebuking Ha-a for $hat he had done# but Ha-a $as drunk and his eyes
$ere red% Ha-a looked at Allah's Apostle and then he raised his eyes# looking at his knees# then he
raised up his eyes looking at his ubilicus# and again he raised up his eyes look in at his face% Ha-a
then said# HAren't you but the sla(es of y fatherJH Allah's Apostle reali-ed that he $as drunk# so Al)
lah's Apostle retreated# and $e $ent out $ith hi%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <34:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!other of the belie(ers" After the death of Allah 's Apostle Batia the daughter of Allah's Apostle
asked Abu Bakr As)SiddiC to gi(e her# her share of inheritance fro $hat Allah's Apostle had left of
the Bai !i%e% booty gained $ithout fighting" $hich Allah had gi(en hi% Abu Bakr said to her# HAllah's
Apostle said# 'Eur property $ill not be inherited# $hate(er $e !i%e% prophets" lea(e is SadaCa !to be
used for charity"%H Batia# the daughter of Allah's Apostle got angry and stopped speaking to Abu
=olue 2 ) :0< ? 0:66
Bakr# and continued assuing that attitude till she died% Batia reained ali(e for si* onths after
the death of Allah's Apostle%
She used to ask Abu Bakr for her share fro the property of Allah's Apostle $hich he left at
Khaibar# and Badak# and his property at Medina !de(oted for charity"% Abu Bakr refused to gi(e her
that property and said# HI $ill not lea(e anything Allah's Apostle used to do# because I a afraid that
if I left soething fro the Prophet's tradition# then I $ould go astray%H !;ater on" Uar ga(e the
Prophet's property !of SadaCa" at Medina to 'Ali and 'Abbas# but he $ithheld the properties of
Khaibar and Badak in his custody and said# H&hese t$o properties are the SadaCa $hich Allah's
Apostle used to use for his e*penditures and urgent needs% Do$ their anageent is to be entrusted
to the ruler%H !A-)Fuhrl said# H&hey ha(e been anaged in this $ay till today%H"
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <35:
Darrated Malik bin Aus:
@hile I $as at hoe# the sun rose high and it got hot% Suddenly the essenger of 'Uar bin Al)
Khattab cae to e and said# H&he chief of the belie(ers has sent for you%H So# I $ent along $ith hi
till I entered the place $here 'Uar $as sitting on a bedstead ade of date)pal lea(es and co(ered
$ith no attress# and he $as leaning o(er a leather pillo$% I greeted hi and sat do$n% He said# HE
MalikI Soe persons of your people $ho ha(e failies cae to e and I ha(e ordered that a gift
should be gi(en to the# so take it and distribute it aong the%H I said# HE chief of the belie(ersI I
$ish that you order soeone else to do it%H He said# HE anI &ake it%H @hile I $as sitting there $ith
hi# his dooran Karfa' cae saying# H'Uthan# 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf# A-)Fubair and Sad bin
Abi @aCCas are asking your perission !to see you"L ay I adit theJH 'Uar said# HKesH# So they
$ere aditted and they cae in# greeted hi# and sat do$n% After a $hile Karfa' cae again and
said# HMay I adit 'Ali and 'AbbasJH 'Uar said# Hyes%H So# they $ere aditted and they cae in and
greeted !hi" and sat do$n% &hen 'Abbas said# HE chief of the belie(ersI /udge bet$een e and this
!i%e% 'Ali"%H &hey had a dispute regarding the property of Bani An)Dadir $hich Allah had gi(en to His
Apostle as Bai% &he group !i%e% 'Uthan and his copanions" said# HE chief of the belie(ersI /udge
bet$een the and relie(e both of the front each other%H 'Uar said# HBe patientI I beseech you by
Allah by @hose Perission the Hea(en and the +arth e*ist# do you kno$ that Allah's Apostle said#
'Eur !i%e% prophets'" property $ill not be inherited# and $hate(er $e lea(e# is SadaCa !to be used for
charity"#' and Allah's Apostle eant hiself !by saying H$e''"JH &he group said# HHe said so%H 'Uar
then turned to 'Ali and 'Abbas and said# HI beseech you by Allah# do you kno$ that Allah's Apostle said
soJH &hey replied# H He said so%H 'Uar then said# HSo# I $ill talk to you about this atter% Allah be)
sto$ed on His Apostle $ith a special fa(or of soething of this Bai !booty" $hich he ga(e to nobody
else%H 'Uar then recited the Holy =erses: H@hat Allah besto$ed as !Bai" Booty on his Apostle
!Muhaad" fro the ))) for this you ade no e*pedition $ith either ca(alry or caelry: But Al)
lah gi(es po$er to His Apostles o(er $hoe(er He $ill 'And Allah is able to do all things%H 1:5"
=olue 2 ) :02 ? 0:66
'Uar added HSo this property $as especially gi(en to Allah's Apostle# but# by Allah# neither did he
take possession of it and lea(e your# nor did he fa(or hiself $ith it to your e*clusion# but he ga(e it
to all of you and distributed it aongst you till this property reained out of it% Allah's Apostle used
to spend the yearly e*penses of his faily out of this property and used to keep the rest of its re(enue
to be spent on Allah 's 9ause% Allah 's Apostle kept on doing this during all his lifetie% I ask you by
Allah do you kno$ thisJH &hey replies in the affirati(e% 'Uar then said to 'Ali and 'Abbas% HI ask you
by Allah# do you kno$ thisJH 'Uar added# H@hen Allah had taken His Prophet unto Hi# 'Abu Bakr
said# 'I a the successor of Allah's Apostle so# Abu Bakr took o(er that property and anaged it in the
sae $ay as Allah's Apostle used to do# and Allah kno$s that he $as true# pious and rightly)guided#
and he $as a follo$er of $hat $as right% &hen Allah took Abu Bakr unto Hi and I becae Abu
Bakr's successor# and I kept that property in y possession for the first t$o years of y 9aliphate#
anaging it in the sae $ay as Allah's Apostle used to do and as Abu Bakr used to do# and Allah
kno$s that I ha(e been true# pious# rightly guided# and a follo$er of $hat is right% Do$ you both !i%e%
'Ah and 'Abbas" cae to talk to e# bearing the sae clai and presenting the sae caseL you# 'Ab)
bas# cae to e asking for your share fro your nephe$'s property# and this an# i%e% 'Ali# cae to
e asking for his $ife's share fro her father's property% I told you both that Allah's Apostle said#
'Eur !prophets'" properties are not to be inherited# but $hat $e lea(e is SadaCa !to be used for char)
ity"%' @hen I thought it right that I should hand o(er this property to you# I said to you# 'I a ready to
hand o(er this property to you if you $ish# on the condition that you $ould take Allah's Pledge and
9on(ention that you $ould anage it in the sae $ay as Allah's Apostle used to# and as Abu Bakr
used to do# and as I ha(e done since I $as in charge of it%' So# both of you said !to e"# 'Hand it o(er to
us#' and on that condition I handed it o(er to you% So# I ask you by Allah# did I hand it o(er to the on
this conditionJH &he group aid# HKes%H &hen 'Uar faced 'Ali and Abbas saying# HI ask you by Allah# did
I hand it o(er to you on this conditionJH &hey said# HKes% H He said# H 8o you $ant no$ to gi(e a differ)
ent decisionJ By Allah# by @hose ;ea(e both the Hea(en and the +arth e*ist# I $ill ne(er gi(e any
decision other than that !I ha(e already gi(en"% And if you are unable to anage it# then return it to
e# and I $ill do the .ob on your behalf%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <3::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he delegates of the tribe of 'Abdul),ais cae and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e are fro the tribe
of Rabi'a# and there is the infidels of the tribe of Mudar inter(ening bet$een you and us# so $e can)
not coe to you e*cept in the Sacred Months% So please order us soe instructions that $e ay ap)
ply it to oursel(es and also in(ite our people $ho $e left behind us to obser(e as $ell%H &he Prophet
said# HI order you !to do" four !things" and forbid you !to do" four: I order you to belie(e in Allah# that
is# to testify that Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah !the Prophet pointed $ith his hand"L
to offer prayers perfectlyL to pay FakatL to fast the onth of Raadan# and to pay the Khuus !i%e%
=olue 2 ) :04 ? 0:66
one)fifth" of the $ar booty to Allah and I forbid you to use Ad)dubba'# An)DaCir# Al)Hanta and Al)
Mu-affat !i%e% utensils used for preparing alcoholic drinks"%H !See Hadith Do% 46# =ol% 0"%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <37:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HMy heirs should not take e(en a single 8inar !i%e% anything fro y
property"# and $hate(er I lea(e# e*cluding the e*penditure of y $i(es and y laborers# $ill be
SadaCa !i%e% be used for charity"%H'
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <31:
Darrated Aisha:
Allah's Apostle died# and there $as nothing in y house that a li(ing being could eat# e*cept soe
barley ;ying on a shelf% So# I ate of it for a long period and easured it# and !after a short period" it
$as consued%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <<6:
Darrated 'Ar bin Al)Harith:
&he Prophet did not lea(e anything !after his death" e*cept his ars# a $hite ule# and a !piece of"
land $hich he had gi(en as SadaCa%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <<0:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" @hen the sickness of Allah's Apostle got aggra(ated# he asked the per)
ission of his $i(es that he should be treated in y house# and they peritted hi%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <<3:
Darrated Ibn Abu Mulaika:
'Aisha said# H&he Prophet died in y house on the day of y turn $hile he $as leaning on y
chest closer to y neck# and Allah ade y sali(a i* $ith his Sali(a%H 'Aisha added# H'AbdurRahan
cae $ith a Si$ak and the Prophet $as too $eak to use it so I took it# che$ed it and then !ga(e it to
hi and he" cleaned his teeth $ith it%H
=olue 2 ) :05 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <<<:
Darrated Safiya:
!the $ife of the Prophet" &hat she cae to (isit Allah's Apostle $hile he $as in Itikaf!i%e% seclusion
in the MosCue during the last ten days of Raadan% @hen she got up to return# Allah's Apostle got
up $ith her and accopanied her# and $hen he reached near the gate of the MosCue close to the
door !of the house" of U Salaa# the $ife of the Prophet# t$o Ansari en passed by the and
greeted Allah's Apostle and then $ent a$ay% Allah's Apostle addressed the saying# H8on't hurryI
!She is y $ife"#H &hey said# HAlorified be AllahI E Allah's Apostle !Kou are far a$ay fro any suspi)
cion"#H and his saying $as hard on the% Allah's Apostle said# HSatan circulates in the ind of a per)
son as blood does !in his body"% I $as afraid that Satan ight put soe !e(il" thoughts in your
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <<2:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Ence I $ent upstairs in Hafsa's house and sa$ the Prophet ans$ering the call of nature $ith his
back to$ards the ,ibla and facing Sha%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <<4:
Darrated Aisha:
&hat Allah's Apostle used to offer the 'Asr prayer $hile the sun $as still shining in her Hu.ra !i%e%
her d$elling place"%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <<5:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet stood up and deli(ered a seron# and pointing to 'Aisha's house !i%e% east$ards"# he
said thrice# HAffliction !$ill appear fro" here#H and# Hfro $here the side of the Satan's head coes
out !i%e% fro the +ast"%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <<::
Darrated 'Ara bint Abdur)Rahan:
'Aisha# the $ife of the Prophet told her that once Allah's Apostle $as $ith her and she heard soe)
body asking perission to enter Hafsa's house% She said# HE Allah's ApostleI &his an is asking per)
ission to enter your house%H Allah's Apostle replied# HI think he is so)and)so !eaning the foster
=olue 2 ) :0: ? 0:66
uncle of Hafsa"% @hat is rendered illegal because of blood relations# is also rendered illegal because
of the corresponding foster)relations%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <<7:
Darrated Anas:
&hat $hen Abu Bakr becae the 9aliph# he sent hi to Bahrain and $rote this letter for hi# and
staped it $ith the Ring of the Prophet% &hree lines $ere engra(ed on the Ring# !the $ord"
'Muhaad' $as in a line# 'Apostle' $as in another line# and 'Allah' in a third%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <<1:
Darrated 'Isa bin &ahan:
Anas brought out to us t$o $orn out leather shoes $ithout hair and $ith pieces of leather straps%
;ater on &habit Al)Banani told e that Anas said that they $ere the shoes of the Prophet%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <26:
Darrated Abu Burda:
'Aisha brought out to us a patched $ool ;en garent# and she said# H!It chanced that" the soul of
Allah's Apostle $as taken a$ay $hile he $as $earing this%H Abu)Burda added# HAisha brought out to
us a thick $aist sheet like the ones ade by the Keenites# and also a garent of the type called Al)
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <20:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hen the cup of Allah's Apostle got broken# he fi*ed it $ith a sil(er $ire at the crack% !&he sub)
narrator# 'Asi said# HI sa$ the cup and drank !$ater" in it%H"
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <23:
Darrated 'Ali bin Al)Husain:
&hat $hen they reached Medina after returning fro Ka-id bin Mu'a$aiya after the artyrdo
of Husain bin 'Ali !ay Allah besto$ His Mercy upon hi"# Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa et hi and
said to hi# H8o you ha(e any need you ay order e to satisfyJH 'Ali said# HDo%H Al)Mis$ar said# @ill
you gi(e e the s$ord of Allah's Apostle for I a afraid that people ay take it fro you by forceJ
By Allah# if you gi(e it to e# they $ill ne(er be able to take it till I die%H @hen Ali bin Abu &alib de)
anded the hand of the daughter of Abi /ahal to be his $ife besides Batia# I heard Allah's Apostle
=olue 2 ) :07 ? 0:66
on his pulpit deli(ering a seron in this connection before the people# and I had then attained y
age of puberty% Allah's Apostle said# HBatia is fro e# and I a afraid she $ill be sub.ected to trials
in her religion !because of .ealousy"%H &he Prophet then entioned one of his son)in)la$ $ho $as
fro the tribe of 'Abu Shas# and he praised hi as a good son)in)la$# saying# H@hate(er he said
$as the truth# and he proised e and fulfilled his proise% I do not ake a legal thing illegal# nor
do I ake an illegal thing legal# but by Allah# the daughter of Allah's Apostle and the daughter of the
eney of Allah# !i%e% Abu /ahl" can ne(er get together !as the $i(es of one an" !See Hadith Do% :5#
=o% 4"%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <2<:
Darrated Ibn Al)Hanafiya:
If Ali had spoken anything bad about 'Uthan then he $ould ha(e entioned the day $hen soe
persons cae to hi and coplained about the Fakat officials of 'Uthan% 'Ali then said to e# HAo
to 'Uthan and say to hi# '&his docuent contains the regulations of spending the SadaCa of Allah's
Apostle so order your Fakat officials to act accordingly%H I took the docuent to 'Uthan% 'Uthan
said# H&ake it a$ay# for $e are not in need of it%H I returned to 'Ali $ith it and infored hi of that%
He said# HPut it $hence you took it%H
Darrated Muhaad bin SuCa: I heard Mundhir At)&u-i reporting Ibn Hanafiya $ho said# HMy
father sent e saying# '&ake this letter to 'Uthan for it contains the orders of the Prophet concern)
ing the SadaCa%' H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <22:
Darrated 'Ali:
Batia coplained of $hat she suffered fro the hand ill and fro grinding# $hen she got the
ne$s that soe sla(e girls of the booty had been brought to Allah's Apostle% She $ent to hi to ask
for a aid)ser(ant# but she could not find hi# and told 'Aisha of her need% @hen the Prophet cae#
Aisha infored hi of that% &he Prophet cae to our house $hen $e had gone to our beds% !En see)
ing the Prophet" $e $ere going to get up# but he said# 'Keep at your places#' I felt the coolness of the
Prophet's feet on y chest% &hen he said# HShall I tell you a thing $hich is better than $hat you asked
e forJ @hen you go to your beds# say: 'Allahu Akbar !i%e% Allah is Areater"' for <2 ties# and 'Al)
hadu ;illah !i%e% all the praises are for Allah"' for << ties# and Subhan Allah !i%e% Alorified be Al)
lah" for << ties% &his is better for you than $hat you ha(e reCuested%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <24:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah Al)Ansari:
=olue 2 ) :01 ? 0:66
A an aongst us begot a boy $ho he naed Al),asi% En that the Ansar said# !to the an"#
H@e $ill ne(er call you Abu)al),asi and $ill ne(er please you $ith this blessed title%H So# he $ent
to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e begotten a boy $ho I naed Al),asi and the
Ansar said# '@e $ill ne(er call you Abu)al),asi# nor $ill $e please you $ith this title%' H &he
Prophet said# H&he Ansar ha(e done $ell% Dae by y nae# but do not nae by y Kunya# for I a
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <25:
Darrated Mua$iya:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf Allah $ants to do good for soebody# he akes hi coprehend the Reli)
gion !i%e% Isla"# and Allah is the Ai(er and I a Al),asi !i%e% the distributor"# and this !Musli" na)
tion $ill reain (ictorious o(er their opponents# till Allah's Erder coes and they $ill still be (ic)
torious H
Darrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said# HDeither do I gi(e you !anything" nor $ithhold !any)
thing" fro you# but I a .ust a distributor !i%e% ,asi"# and I gi(e as I a ordered%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <2::
Darrated Khaula Al)Ansariya:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HSoe people spend Allah's @ealth !i%e% Musli's $ealth" in an un)
.ust annerL such people $ill be put in the !Hell" Bire on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <27:
Darrated 'Ur$a)al)BariCi:
&he Prophet said# HHorses are al$ays the source of good# naely# re$ards !in the Hereafter" and
booty# till the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <21:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen Khosrau is ruined# there $ill be no Khosrau after hiL and $hen
9aesar is ruined# there $ill be no 9aesar after hi% By Hi in @hose Hands y life is# you $ill
spend their treasures in Allah's 9ause%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <46:
Darrated /abir bin Saura:
=olue 2 ) :36 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen Khosrau is ruined# there $ill be no Khosrau after hiL and $hen
9aesar is ruined# their $ill be no 9aesar after hi% By Hi in @hose Hands y life is# you $ill spend
their treasures in Allah's 9ause%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <40:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# HBooty has been ade legal for e%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <43:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah guarantees hi $ho stri(es in His 9ause and $hose oti(ation for go)
ing out is nothing but /ihad in His 9ause and belief in His @ord# that He $ill adit hi into Paradise
!if artyred" or bring hi back to his d$elling place# $hence he has coe out# $ith $hat he gains
of re$ard and booty%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <4<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HA prophet aongst the prophets carried out a holy ilitary e*pedition# so he
said to his follo$ers# 'Anyone $ho has arried a $oan and $ants to consuate the arriage#
and has not done so yet# should not accopany eL nor should a an $ho has built a house but has
not copleted its roofL nor a an $ho has sheep or shecaels and is $aiting for the birth of their
young ones%' So# the prophet carried out the e*pedition and $hen he reached that to$n at the tie or
nearly at the tie of the 'Asr prayer# he said to the sun# 'E sunI Kou are under Allah's Erder and I a
under Allah's Erder E AllahI Stop it !i%e% the sun" fro setting%' It $as stopped till Allah ade hi
&hen he collected the booty and the fire cae to burn it# but it did not burn it% He said !to his en"#
'Soe of you ha(e stolen soething fro the booty% So one an fro e(ery tribe should gi(e e a
pledge of allegiance by shaking hands $ith e%' !&hey did so and" the hand of a an got stuck o(er
the hand of their prophet% &hen that prophet said !to the an"# '&he theft has been coitted by
your people% So all the persons of your tribe should gi(e e the pledge of allegiance by shaking
hands $ith e%' &he hands of t$o or three en got stuck o(er the hand of their prophet and he said#
HKou ha(e coitted the theft%' &hen they brought a head of gold like the head of a co$ and put it
there# and the fire cae and consued the booty% &he Prophet added: &hen Allah sa$ our $eakness
and disability# so he ade booty legal for us%H
=olue 2 ) :30 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <42:
Darrated Asla:
'Uar said# H@ere it not for those Muslis $ho ha(e not coe to e*istence yet# I $ould ha(e dis)
tributed !the land of" e(ery to$n I conCuer aong the fighters as the Prophet distributed the land of
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <44:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ashari:
A bedouin asked the Prophet# HA an ay fight for the sake of booty# and another ay fight so
that he ay be entioned by the people# and a third ay fight to sho$ his position !i%e% bra(ery"L
$hich of these regarded as fighting in Allah's 9auseJH &he Prophet said# HHe $ho fights so that Allah's
@ord !i%e% Isla" should be superior# fights for Allah's 9ause%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <45:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abu Mulaika:
Soe silken cloaks $ith golden buttons $ere presented to the Prophet% He distributed the
aongst his copanions and kept one for Makhraa# bin Daufal% ;ater on Makhraa cae along
$ith his son Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa# and stood up at the gate and said !to his son"% H9all hi !i%e%
the Prophet" to e%H &he Prophet heard his (oice# took a silken cloak and brought it to hi# placing
those golden buttons in front of hi saying# HE Abu)al)Mis$arI I ha(e kept this aside for youI E
Abu)al Mis$arI I ha(e kept this aside for youIH Makhraa $as a bad)tepered an%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <4::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
People used to gi(e soe of their datepals to the Prophet !as a gift"# till he conCuered Bani ,ura)
i-a and Bani An)Dadir# $hereupon he started returning their fa(ors%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <47:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair:
@hen A-)Fubair got up during the battle of Al)/aal# he called e and I stood up beside hi# and
he said to e# HE y sonI &oday one $ill be killed either as an oppressor or as an oppressed one% I see
that I $ill be killed as an oppressed one% My biggest $orry is y debts% 8o you think# if $e pay the
debts# there $ill be soething left for us fro our oneyJH A-)Fubair added# HE y sonI Sell our
property and pay y debts%H A-)Fubair then $illed one)third of his property and $illed one)third of
=olue 2 ) :33 ? 0:66
that portion to his sonsL naely# 'Abdullah's sons% He said# HEne)third of the one third% If any prop)
erty is left after the payent of the debts# one)third !of the one)third of $hat is left" is to be gi(en to
your sons%H !Hisha# a sub)narrator added# HSoe of the sons of 'Abdullah $ere eCual in age to the
sons of A-)Fubair e%g% Khubaib and 'Abbas% 'Abdullah had nine sons and nine daughters at that tie%H
!&he narrator 'Abdullah added:" My father !A-)Fubair" $ent on dra$ing y attention to his debts
saying# HIf you should fail to pay part of the debts# appeal to y Master to help you%H By AllahI I could
not understand $hat he eant till I asked# HE fatherI @ho is your MasterJH He replied# HAllah !is y
Master"%H By Allah# $hene(er I had any difficulty regarding his debts# I $ould say# HMaster of A-)
FubairI Pay his debts on his behalf %H and Allah $ould !help e to" pay it% A-)Fubair $as artyred
lea(ing no 8inar or 8irha but t$o pieces of land# one of $hich $as !called" Al)Ahaba# and ele(en
houses in Medina# t$o in Basra# one in Kufa and one in +gypt% In fact# the source of the debt $hich
he o$ed $as# that if soebody brought soe oney to deposit $ith hi% A- Fubair $ould say# HDo#
!i $on't keep it as a trust"# but I take it as a debt# for I a afraid it ight be lost%H A-)Fubair $as ne()
er appointed go(ernor or collector of the ta* of Khara. or any other siilar thing# but he collected
his $ealth !fro the $ar booty he gained" during the holy battles he took part in# in the copany of
the Prophet# Abu Bakr# 'Uar# and 'Uthan% !'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair added:" @hen I counted his
debt# it turned to be t$o illion and t$o hundred thousand% !&he sub)narrator added:" Haki bin
Hi-a et Abdullah bin Fubair and asked# HE y nephe$I Ho$ uch is the debt of y brotherJH
'Abdullah kept it as a secret and said# HEne hundred thousand#H Haki said# HBy AllahI I don't think
your property $ill co(er it%H En that 'Abdullah said to hi# H@hat if it is t$o illion and t$o hun)
dred thousandJH Haki said# HI don't think you can pay itL so if you are unable to pay all of it# I $ill
help you%H A-)Fubair had already bought Al)Ahaba for one hundred and se(enty thousand% 'Abdul)
lah sold it for one illion and si* hundred thousand% &hen he called the people saying# HAny person
$ho has any oney clai on A-)Fubair should coe to us in Al)Ahaba%H &here cae to hi 'Abdul)
lah bin /a'far $ho A-)Fubair o$ed four hundred thousand% He said to 'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair# HIf
you $ish I $ill forgi(e you the debt%H 'Abdullah !bin A-)Fubair" said# HDo%H &hen Ibn /a'far said# HIf
you $ish you can defer the payent if you should defer the payent of any debt%H Ibn A-)Fubair
said# HDo%H 'Abdullah bin /a'far said# HAi(e e a piece of the land%H 'Abdullah bin A-Fubair said !to
hi"# HKours is the land e*tending fro this place to this place%H So# 'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair sold
soe of the property !including the houses" and paid his debt perfectly# retaining four and a half
shares fro the land !i%e% Al)Ahaba"% He then $ent to Mu'a$lya $hile 'Ar bin 'Uthan# Al)
Mundhir bin A-)Fubair and Ibn Fa'a $ere sitting $ith hi% Mu'a$iya asked# HAt $hat price ha(e
you appraised Al)AhabaJH He said# HEne hundred thousand for each share#H Mua$iya asked# HHo$
any shares ha(e been leftJH 'Abdullah replied# HBour and a half shares%H Al)Mundhir bin A-)Fubair
said# HI $ould like to buy one share for one hundred thousand%H 'Ar bin 'Uthan said# HI $ould like
to buy one share for one hundred thousand%H Ibn Fa'a said# HI $ould like to buy one share for one
hundred thousand%H Mua$iya said# HHo$ uch is left no$JH 'Abdullah replied# HEne share and a
half%H Mua$iya said# HI $ould like to buy it for one hundred and fifty thousand%H 'Abdullah also sold
his part to Mua$iya si* hundred thousand% @hen Ibn A-Fubair had paid all the debts% A-)Fubair's
=olue 2 ) :3< ? 0:66
sons said to hi# H8istribute our inheritance aong us%H He said# HDo# by Allah# I $ill not distribute it
aong you till I announce in four successi(e Ha.. seasons# '@ould those $ho ha(e oney clais on
A-)Fubair coe so that $e ay pay the their debt%H So# he started to announce that in public in
e(ery Ha.. season# and $hen four years had elapsed# he distributed the inheritance aong the inher)
itors% A-)Fubair had four $i(es# and after the one)third of his property $as e*cluded !according to
the $ill"# each of his $i(es recei(ed one illion and t$o hundred thousand% So the total aount of
his property $as fifty illion and t$o hundred thousand%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <41:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
'Uthan did not .oin the Badr battle because he $as arried to one of the daughters of Allah's
Apostle and she $as ill% So# the Prophet said to hi% HKou $ill get a re$ard and a share !fro the $ar
booty" siilar to the re$ard and the share of one $ho has taken part in the Badr battle%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <56:
Darrated Mar$an bin Al)Haki and Mis$ar bin Makhraa:
@hen the Ha$a-in delegation cae to Allah's Apostle after they had ebraced Isla and reCues)
ted hi to return their properties and $ar prisoners to the# Allah's Apostle said# H&o e the best
talk is the truest# so you ay choose either of t$o thingsL the $ar prisoners or the $ealth# for I ha(e
delayed their distribution%H Allah's Apostle had $aited for the for o(er ten days $hen he returned
fro &a'if% So# $hen those people cae to kno$ that Allah's Apostle $as not going to return to the
e*cept one of the t$o things the said# H@e choose our $ar Prisoners 'Allah's Apostle stood up
aongst the Muslis# and after glorifying Allah as He deser(ed# he said# HDo$ then# these brothers of
yours ha(e coe to us $ith repentance# and I see it logical that I should return their capti(es to
the# so $hoe(er of you likes to do that as a fa(or then he can do it# and $hoe(er aongst you likes
to stick to his share# let hi gi(e up his prisoners and $e $ill copensate hi fro the (ery first Bai'
!i%e% $ar booty recei(ed $ithout fight" $hich Allah $ill gi(e us%H En that# all the people said% 'E Al)
lah's Apostles @e ha(e agreed $illingly to do so !return the capti(es"H &hen Allah's Apostle said to
the HI do not kno$ $ho aongst you has agreed to this and $ho has not% Kou should return and let
your leaders infor e of your agreeent%H &he people returned and their leaders spoke to the#
and then cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HAll the people ha(e agreed $illingly to do so and ha(e
gi(en the perission to return the $ar prisoners !$ithout 9opensation"H !A-)Fuhri# the sub)nar)
rator states" &his is $hat has been related to us about the capti(es of Ha$a-in%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <50:
Darrated Fahda:
=olue 2 ) :32 ? 0:66
Ence $e $ere in the house of Abu Musa $ho presented a eal containing cooked chicken% A an
fro the tribe of Bani &ai Allah $ith red cople*ion as if he $ere fro the By-antine $ar prison)
ers# $as present% Abu Musa in(ited hi to share the eal but he !apologised" saying% HI sa$ chickens
eating dirty things and so I ha(e had a strong a(ersion to eating the# and ha(e taken an oath that I
$ill not eat chickens%H Abu Musa said# H9oe along# I $ill tell you about this atter !i%e% ho$ to can)
cel one's oat "% I $ent to the Prophet in the copany of a group of Al)Ashariyin# asked hi to pro(ide
us $ith eans of con(eyance% He said# 'By Allah# I $ill not pro(ide you $ith any eans of con(ey)
ance and I ha(e nothing to ake you ride on%' &hen soe caels as booty $ere brought to Allah's
Apostle and he asked for us saying% '@here are the group of Al)Ash'ariyunJ' &hen he ordered that $e
should be gi(en fi(e caels $ith $hite hups% @hen $e set out $e said# '@hat ha(e $e doneJ @e
$ill ne(er be blessed !$ith $hat $e ha(e been gi(en"%' So# $e returned to the Prophet and said# '@e
asked you to pro(ide us $ith eans of con(eyance# but you took an oath that you $ould not pro(ide
us $ith any eans of con(eyance% 8id you forget !your oath $hen you ga(e us the caels"J He
replied% 'I ha(e not pro(ided you $ith eans of con(eyance# but Allah has pro(ided you $ith it# and
by Allah# Allah $illing# if e(er I take an oath to do soething# and later on I find that it is ore bene)
ficial to do soething different# I $ill do the thing $hich is better# and gi(e e*piation for y oath%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <53:
Darrated Dafi fro Ibn Uar:
Allah's Apostle sent a Sariya to$ards Da.d# and Abdullah bin 'Uar $as in the Sariya% &hey gained
a great nuber of caels as $ar booty% &he share of each one of the $as t$el(e or ele(en caels#
and they $ere gi(en an e*tra cael each%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <5<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle used to gi(e e*tra share to soe of the ebers of the Sariya he used to send# in
addition to the shares they shared $ith the ary in general%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <52:
Darrated Abu Musa:
@e got the ne$s of the igration of the Prophet $hile $e $ere in Keen# so $e set out igrating
to hi% @e $ere# I and y t$o brothers# I being the youngest# and one of y brothers $as Abu
Burda and the other $as Abu Ruh% @e $ere o(er fifty !or fifty)three or fifty t$o" en fro our
people% @e got on board a ship $hich took us to An)Da.ashi in +thiopia# and there $e found /a'far
bin Abu &alib and his copanions $ith An)Da.aishi% /a'far said !to us"# HAllah's Apostle has sent us
=olue 2 ) :34 ? 0:66
here and ordered us to stay here# so you too# stay $ith us%H @e stayed $ith hi till $e all left
!+thiopia" and et the Prophet at the tie $hen he had conCuered Khaibar% He ga(e us a share fro
its booty !or ga(e us fro its booty"% He ga(e only to those $ho had taken part in the Aha-$a $ith
hi% but he did not gi(e any share to any person $ho had not participated in Khaibar's conCuest e*)
cept the people of our ship# besides /a'far and his copanions# $ho he ga(e a share as he did the
!i%e% the people of the ship"%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <54:
Darrated /abir:
Allah's Apostle said !to e"# HIf the property of Bahrain had coe to us# I $ould ha(e gi(en you so
uch and so uch%H But the Bahrain property did not coe till the Prophet had died% @hen the
Bahrain property cae% Abu Bakr ordered soebody to announce# HAny person $ho has oney
clai on Allah's Apostle or $ho Allah's Apostle had proised soething# should coe to us%H So# I
$ent to hi and said# HAllah's Apostle had proised to gi(e e so uch an so uch%H Abu Bakr
scooped up oney $ith both hands thrice for e%H !&he sub)narrator Sufyan illustrated this action
by scooping up $ith both hands and said# HIbn Munkadir# another sub)narrator# used to illustrate it
in this $ay%H"
Darrated /abir: Ence I $ent to Abu Bakr and asked for the oney but he did not gi(e e# and I
$ent to hi again# but he did not gi(e e# so I $ent to hi for the third tie and said# HI asked you#
but you did not gi(e eL then I asked you !for the second tie" and you did not gi(e eL then I asked
you !for the third tie" but you did not gi(e e% Kou should either gi(e e or allo$ yourself to be
considered a iser regarding y case%H Abu Bakr said# HKou tell e that I a a iser $ith regard to
you% But really# $hene(er I re.ected your reCuest# I had the inclination to gi(e you%H
!In another narration /abir added:" So# Abu Bakr scooped up oney $ith both hands for e and
asked e to count it% I found out that It $as fi(e hundred% Abu Bakr told e to take t$ice that
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <55:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
@hile Allah's Apostle $as distributing the booty at Al)/a'rana# soebody said to hi HBe .ust !in
your distribution"%H &he Prophet replied# H=erily I $ould be iserable if I did not act .ustly%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <5::
Darrated /ubair bin Muti:
=olue 2 ) :35 ? 0:66
&he Prophet talked about $ar prisoners of Badr saying# HHad Al)Muti bin Adi been ali(e and in)
terceded $ith e for these ean people# I $ould ha(e freed the for his sake%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <57:
Darrated /ubair bin Muti:
I and 'Uthan bin 'Affan $ent to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou ha(e gi(en to
Bani Al)Muttalib and left us although they and $e are of the sae kinship to you%H Allah's Apostle
said# HBani Muttalib and Bani Hashi are one and the sae%H &he Prophet did not gi(e a share to Bani
Abd Shas and Bani Daufai% !Ibn IshaC said# HAbd Shas and Hashi and Al)Muttalib $ere ater)
nal brothers and their other $as 'Atika bint Murra and Daufal $as their paternal brother%"
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <51:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf:
@hile I $as standing in the ro$ on the day !of the battle" of Badr# I looked to y right and y left
and sa$ t$o young Ansari boys# and I $ished I had been stronger than they% Ene of the called y
attention saying# HE UncleI 8o you kno$ Abu /ahlJH I said# HKes# @hat do you $ant fro hi# E y
nephe$JH He said# HI ha(e been infored that he abuses Allah's Apostle% By Hi in @hose Hands y
life is# if I should see hi# then y body $ill not lea(e his body till either of us eet his fate%H I $as
astonished at that talk% &hen the other boy called y attention saying the sae as the other had said%
After a $hile I sa$ Abu /ahl $alking aongst the people% I said !to the boys"# H;ookI &his is the an
you asked e about%H So# both of the attacked hi $ith their s$ords and struck hi to death and
returned to Allah'S Apostle to infor hi of that% Allah's Apostle asked# H@hich of you has killed
hiJH +ach of the said# HI Ha(e killed hi%H Allah's Apostle asked# HHa(e you cleaned your s$ordsJH
&hey said# HDo% H He then looked at their s$ords and said# HDo doubt# you both ha(e killed hi and
the spoils of the deceased $ill be gi(en to Muadh bin Ar bin Al)/auh%H &he t$o boys $ere Muadh
bin 'Afra and Muadh bin Ar bin Al)/auh%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <:6:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
@e set out in the copany of Allah's Apostle on the day !of the battle" of Hunain% @hen $e faced
the eney# the Muslis retreated and I sa$ a pagan thro$ing hiself o(er a Musli% I turned
around and cae upon hi fro behind and hit hi on the shoulder $ith the s$ord He !i%e% the pa)
gan" cae to$ards e and sei-ed e so (iolently that I felt as if it $ere death itself# but death o(er)
took hi and he released e% I follo$ed 'Uar bin Al Khattab and asked !hi"# H@hat is $rong $ith
the people !fleeing"JH He replied# H&his is the @ill of Allah#H After the people returned# the Prophet sat
and said# HAnyone $ho has killed an eney and has a proof of that# $ill posses his spoils%H I got up
=olue 2 ) :3: ? 0:66
and said# H@ho $ill be a $itness for eJH and then sat do$n% &he Prophet again said# HAnyone $ho
has killed an eney and has proof of that# $ill possess his spoils%H I !again" got up and said# H@ho $ill
be a $itness for eJH and sat do$n% &hen the Prophet said the sae for the third tie% I again got up#
and Allah's Apostle said# HE Abu ,atadaI @hat is your storyJH &hen I narrated the $hole story to hi%
A an !got up and" said# HE Allah's ApostleI He is speaking the truth# and the spoils of the killed an
are $ith e% So please copensate hi on y behalf%H En that Abu Bakr As)SiddiC said# HDo# by Al)
lah# he !i%e% Allah's Apostle " $ill not agree to gi(e you the spoils gained by one of Allah's ;ions $ho
fights on the behalf of Allah and His Apostle%H &he Prophet said# HAbu Bakr has spoken the truth%H So#
Allah's Apostle ga(e the spoils to e% I sold that aror !i%e% the spoils" and $ith its price I bought a
garden at Bani Salia# and this $as y first property $hich I gained after y con(ersion to Isla%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <:0:
Darrated Ur$a bin A-)Fubair:
Haki bin Hi-a said# HI asked Allah's Apostle for soething# and he ga(e e% I asked hi again#
and he ga(e e# and said to e% 'E HakiI &his $ealth is like green s$eet !i%e% fruit"# and if one takes
it $ithout greed# then one is blessed in it# and if one takes it $ith greediness# then one is not blessed
in it# and $ill be like the one $ho eats $ithout satisfaction% And an upper !i%e% gi(ing" hand is better
than a lo$er !i%e% taking" hand#' I said# 'E Allah's ApostleI By Hi @ho has sent you $ith the &ruth% I
$ill not ask anyone for anything after you till I lea(e this $orld%H So# $hen Abu Bakr during his 9a)
liphate# called Haki to gi(e hi !soe oney"# Haki refused to accept anything fro hi% Ence
'Uar called hi !during his 9aliphate" in order to gi(e hi soething# but Haki refused to accept
it# $hereupon 'Uar said# HE MuslisI I gi(e hi !i%e% Haki" his right $hich Allah has assigned to
hi" fro this Bai '!booty"# but he refuses to take it%H So Haki ne(er took anything fro anybody
after the Prophet till he died%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <:3:
Darrated Dafi:
'Uar bin Al)Khattab said# HE Allah's ApostleI I (o$ed to obser(e Itikaf for one day during the
Pre)lslaic period%H &he Prophet ordered hi to fulfill his (o$% 'Uar gained t$o lady capti(es fro
the $ar prisoners of Hunain and he left the in soe of the houses at Mecca% @hen Allah's Apostle
freed the capti(es of Hunain $ithout ranso# they cae out $alking in the streets% 'Uar said !to his
son"# HE AbdullahI See $hat is the atter%H 'Abdullah replied# HAllah's Apostle has freed the capti(es
$ithout ranso%H He said !to hi"# HAo and set free those t$o sla(e girls%H !Dafi added:" Allah's Apostle
did not perfor the 'Ura fro Al)/arana# and if he had perfored the 'Ura# it $ould not ha(e
been hidden fro 'Abdullah%
=olue 2 ) :37 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <:<:
Darrated 'Ar bin &aghlib:
Allah's Apostle ga(e !gifts" to soe people to the e*clusion of soe others% &he latter seeed to be
displeased by that% &he Prophet said# HI gi(e to soe people# lest they should de(iate fro &rue Baith
or lose patience# $hile I refer other people to the goodness and contentent $hich Allah has put in
their hearts# and 'Ar bin &aghlib is aongst the%H 'Ar bin &aghlib said# H&he stateent of Allah's
Apostle is dearer to e than red caels%H
Darrated Al)Hasan: 'Ar bin &aghlib told us that Allah's Apostle got soe property or soe $ar
prisoners and he distributed the in the abo(e $ay !i%e% gi(ing to soe people to the e*clusion of
others" %
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <:2:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HI gi(e to ,uraish people in order to let the adhere to Isla# for they are near
to their life of Ignorance !i%e% they ha(e ne$ly ebraced Isla and it is still not strong in their
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <:4:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hen Allah fa(ored His Apostle $ith the properties of Ha$a-in tribe as Bai !booty"# he started gi()
ing to soe ,uarries en e(en up to one)hundred caels each# $hereupon soe Ansari en said
about Allah's Apostle# HMay Allah forgi(e His ApostleI He is gi(ing to !en of" ,uraish and lea(es us#
in spite of the fact that our s$ords are still dropping blood !of the infidels"H @hen Allah's Apostle
$as infored of $hat they had said# he called the Ansar and gathered the in a leather tent and did
not call anybody else along# $ith the% @hen they gathered# Allah's Apostle cae to the and said#
H@hat is the stateent $hich# I ha(e been infored# and that $hich you ha(e saidJH &he learned
ones aong the replied#H E Allah's ApostleI &he $ise ones aongst us did not say anything# but the
youngsters aongst us said# 'May Allah forgi(e His ApostleL he gi(es the ,uarish and lea(es the An)
sar# in spite of the fact that our s$ords are still dribbling !$et" $ith the blood of the infidels%' H Allah's
Apostle replied# I gi(e to such people as are still close to the period of Infidelity !i%e% they ha(e re)
cently ebraced Isla and Baith is still $eak in their hearts"% @on't you be pleased to see people go
$ith fortune# $hile you return $ith Allah's Apostle to your housesJ By Allah# $hat you $ill return
$ith# is better than $hat they are returning $ith%H &he Ansar replied# HKes# E Allah's Apostle# $e are
satisfied' &hen the Prophet said to the%H Kou $ill find after e# others being preferred to you% &hen
be patient till you eet Allah and eet His Apostle at Al)Kauthar !i%e% a fount in Paradise"%H !Anas ad)
ded:" But $e did not reain patient%
=olue 2 ) :31 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <:5:
Darrated /ubair bin Muti:
&hat $hile he $as $ith Allah's Apostle $ho $as accopanied by the people on their $ay back
fro Hunain# the bedouins started begging things of Allah's Apostle so uch so that they forced hi
to go under a Saura tree $here his loose outer garent $as snatched a$ay% En that# Allah's
Apostle stood up and said to the# HReturn y garent to e% If I had as any caels as these trees#
I $ould ha(e distributed the aongst youL and you $ill not find e a iser or a liar or a co$ard%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <:::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hile I $as $alking $ith the Prophet $ho $as $earing a Da.rani outer garent $ith a thick
he# a bedouin cae upon the Prophet and pulled his garent so (iolently that I could recogni-e
the ipress of the he of the garent on his shoulder# caused by the (iolence of his pull% &hen the
bedouin said# HErder for e soething fro Allah's Bortune $hich you ha(e%H &he Prophet turned to
hi and siled# and ordered that a gift be gi(en to hi%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <:7:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
En the day !of the battle" of Hunain# Allah's Apostle fa(ored soe people in the distribution of the
booty !to the e*clusion of others"L he ga(e Al)ACra' bin Habis one)hundred caels and he ga(e
'Uyaina the sae aount# and also ga(e to soe of the einent Arabs# gi(ing the preference in this
regard% &hen a person cae and said# HBy Allah# in this distribution .ustice has not been obser(ed# nor
has Allah's Pleasure been aied at%H I said !to hi"# HBy Allah# I $ill infor the Prophet !of $hat you
ha(e said"# HI $ent and infored hi# and he said# HIf Allah and His Apostle did not act .ustly# $ho
else $ould act .ustly% May Allah be erciful to Moses# for he $as hared $ith ore than this# yet he
kept patient%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <:1:
Darrated Asa bint Abu Bakr:
I used to carry the date stones on y head fro the land of A-)Fubair $hich Allah's Apostle had
gi(en to hi# and it $as at a distance of 3?< of a Barsakh fro y house%
Darrated Hisha's father: &he Prophet !ga(e A-)Fubair a piece of land fro the property of Bani
An)Dadir !gained as $ar booty"%
=olue 2 ) :<6 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <76:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Uar bin Al)Khattab e*pelled all the /e$s and 9hristians fro the land of Hi.a-% Allah's Apostle
after conCuering Khaibar# thought of e*pelling the /e$s fro the land $hich# after he conCuered it
belonged to Allah# Allah's Apostle and the Muslis% But the /e$s reCuested Allah's Apostle to lea(e
the there on the condition that they $ould do the labor and get half of the fruits !the land $ould
yield"% Allah's Apostle said# H@e shall keep you on these ters as long as $e $ish%H &hus they stayed
till the tie of 'Uar's 9aliphate $hen he e*pelled the to &aia and Ariha%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <70:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mughaffal:
@hile $e $ere besieging the fort of Khaibar# a person thre$ a leather container containing fat#
and I ran to take it# but $hen I turned I sa$ the Prophet !standing behind"# so I felt ebarrassed in
front of hi%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <73:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
In our holy battles# $e used to get honey and grapes# as $ar booty $hich $e $ould eat and $ould
not store%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <7<:
Darrated Ibn Abi Aufa:
@e $ere afflicted $ith hunger during the besiege of Khaibar# and $hen it $as the day of !the
battle of" Khaibar# $e slaughtered the donkeys and $hen the pots got boiling !$ith their eat"% Al)
lah's Apostle ade an announceent that all the pots should be upset and that nobody should eat
anything of the eat of the donkeys% @e thought that the Prophet prohibited that because the Khu)
us had not been taken out of the booty !i%e% donkeys"L other people said# HHe prohibited eating the
for e(er%H &he sub)narrator added# HI asked Said bin /ubair $ho said# 'He has ade the eating of don)
keys' eat illegal for e(er%H"
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <72:
Darrated 'Uar bin 8inar:
I $as sitting $ith /abir bin Faid and 'Ar bin Aus# and B.alla $as narrating to the in :6 A%H% the
year $hen Musab bin A-)Fubair $as the leader of the pilgris of Basra% @e $ere sitting at the steps
=olue 2 ) :<0 ? 0:66
of Fa)-a $ell and Ba.ala said# HI $as the clerk of /u- bin Mua$iya# Al)Ahnaf's paternal uncle% A
letter cae fro 'Uar bin Al)Khattab one year before his deathL and it $as read:)) H9ancel e(ery
arriage contracted aong the Magians bet$een relati(es of close kinship !arriages that are re)
garded illegal in Isla: a relati(e of this sort being called 8hu)Mahra%"H 'Uar did not take the
/i-ya fro the Magian infidels till 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf testified that Allah's Apostle had taken
the /i-ya fro the Magians of
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <74:
Darrated 'Ar bin 'Auf Al)Ansari:
!$ho $as an ally of Ba 'Ar bin ;u'ai and one of those $ho had taken part in !the Aha-$a of"
Badr": Allah's Apostle sent Abu 'Ubaida bin Al)/arreh to Bahrain to collect the /i-ya% Allah's Apostle
had established peace $ith the people of Bahrain and appointed Al)'Ala' bin Al)Hadrai as their
go(ernor% @hen Abu 'Ubaida cae fro Bahrain $ith the oney# the Ansar heard of Abu 'Ubaida's
arri(al $hich coincided $ith the tie of the orning prayer $ith the Prophet% @hen Allah's Apostle
led the in the orning prayer and finished# the Ansar approached hi# and he looked at the and
siled on seeing the and said# HI feel that you ha(e heard that Abu% 'Ubaida has brought soe)
thingJH &hey said# HKes# E Allah's Apostle' He said# HRe.oice and hope for $hat $ill please youI By Al)
lah# I a not afraid of your po(erty but I a afraid that you $ill lead a life of lu*ury as past nations
did# $hereupon you $ill copete $ith each other for it# as they copeted for it# and it $ill destroy
you as it destroyed the%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <75:
Darrated /ubair bin Haiya:
'Uar sent the Muslis to the great countries to fight the pagans% @hen Al)Huru-an ebraced
Isla# 'Uar said to hi% HI $ould like to consult you regarding these countries $hich I intend to in)
(ade%H Al)Huru-an said# HKes# the e*aple of these countries and their inhabitants $ho are the en)
eies% of the Muslis# is like a bird $ith a head# t$o $ings and t$o legsL If one of its $ings got
broken# it $ould get up o(er its t$o legs# $ith one $ing and the headL and if the other $ing got
broken# it $ould get up $ith t$o legs and a head# but if its head got destroyed# then the t$o legs# t$o
$ings and the head $ould becoe useless% &he head stands for Khosrau# and one $ing stands for
9aesar and the other $ing stands for Baris% So# order the Muslis to go to$ards Khosrau%H So# 'Uar
sent us !to Khosrau" appointing An)Duan bin MuCrin as our coander% @hen $e reached the
land of the eney# the representati(e of Khosrau cae out $ith forty)thousand $arriors# and an in)
terpreter got up saying# H;et one of you talk to eIH Al)Mughira replied# HAsk $hate(er you $ish%H
&he other asked# H@ho are youJH Al)Mughira replied# H@e are soe people fro the ArabsL $e led a
hard# iserable# disastrous life: $e used to suck the hides and the date stones fro hungerL $e used
to $ear clothes ade up of fur of caels and hair of goats# and to $orship trees and stones% @hile
=olue 2 ) :<3 ? 0:66
$e $ere in this state# the ;ord of the Hea(ens and the +arths# +le(ated is His Reebrance and
Ma.estic is His Highness# sent to us fro aong oursel(es a Prophet $hose father and other are
kno$n to us% Eur Prophet# the Messenger of our ;ord# has ordered us to fight you till you $orship
Allah Alone or gi(e /i-ya !i%e% tribute"L and our Prophet has infored us that our ;ord says:)) H@ho)
e(er aongst us is killed !i%e% artyred"# shall go to Paradise to lead such a lu*urious life as he has
ne(er seen# and $hoe(er aongst us reain ali(e# shall becoe your aster%H !Al)Mughira# then
blaed An)Duan for delaying the attack and" An)Du' an said to Al)Mughira# HIf you had parti)
cipated in a siilar battle# in the copany of Allah's Apostle he $ould not ha(e blaed you for $ait)
ing# nor $ould he ha(e disgraced you% But I accopanied Allah's Apostle in any battles and it $as
his custo that if he did not fight early by daytie# he $ould $ait till the $ind had started blo$ing
and the tie for the prayer $as due !i%e% after idday"%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <7::
Darrated Abu Huaid As)Saidi:
@e accopanied the Prophet in the Aha-$a of &abuk and the king of 'Aila presented a $hite
ule and a cloak as a gift to the Prophet% And the Prophet $rote to hi a peace treaty allo$ing hi
to keep authority o(er his country%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <77:
Darrated /u$airiya bin ,udaa At)&aii:
@e said to 'Uar bin Al)Khattab# /o 9hief of the belie(ersI Ad(ise us%H He said# HI ad(ise you to ful)
fill Allah's 9on(ention !ade $ith the 8hiis" as it is the con(ention of your Prophet and the
source of the li(elihood of your dependents !i%e% the ta*es fro the 8hiis%" H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <71:
Darrated Kahya bin Said:
Ence the Prophet called the Ansar in order to grant the part of the land of Bahrain% En that they
said# HDoI By Allah# $e $ill not accept it unless you grant a siilar thing to our ,uarries brothers as
$ell%H He said# H&hat $ill be their's if Allah $ishes%H But $hen the Ansar persisted in their reCuest# he
said# HAfter e you $ill see others gi(en preference o(er you in this respect !in $hich case" you
should be patient till you eet e at the &ank !of Al)Kauthar"%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <16:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
=olue 2 ) :<< ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle once said to e# HIf the re(enue of Bahrain cae# I $ould gi(e you this uch and
this uch%H @hen Allah's Apostle had died# the re(enue of Bahrain cae# and Abu Bakr announced# H
;et $hoe(er $as proised soething by Allah's Apostle coe to e%H So# I $ent to Abu Bakr and
said# HAllah's Apostle said to e# 'If the re(enue of Bahrain cae# I $ould gi(e you this uch and this%
uch%H En that Abu Bakr said to e# HScoop !oney" $ith both your hands%H I scooped oney $ith
both y hands and Abu Bakr asked e to count it% I counted it and it $as fi(e)hundred !gold pieces"%
&he total aount he ga(e e $as one thousand and fi(e hundred !gold pieces%"
Darrated Anas: Money fro Bahrain $as brought to the Prophet % He said# HSpread it in the
MosCue%H It $as the biggest aount that had e(er been brought to Allah's Apostle % In the eantie
Al)'Abbas cae to hi and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Ai(e e# for I ga(e the ranso of yself and
ACil%H &he Prophet said !to hi"# H&ake%H He scooped oney $ith both hands and poured it in his gar)
ent and tried to lift it# but he could not and appealed to the Prophet# H@ill you order soeone to
help e in lifting itJH &he Prophet said# HDo%H &hen Al)'Abbas said# H&hen $ill you yourself help e
carry itJH &he Prophet said# HDo%H &hen Al 'Abbas thre$ a$ay soe of the oney# but e(en then he
$as not able to lift it# and so he gain reCuested the Prophet H@ill you order soeone to help e carry
itJH &he Prophet said# HDo%H &hen Al)'Abbas said# H&hen $ill you yourself yelp e carry itJH &he Proph)
et said# 'Do%H So# Al)'Abbas thre$ a$ay soe ore oney and lifted it on his shoulder and $ent
a$ay% &he Prophet kept on looking at hi $ith astonishent at his greediness till he $ent out of our
sight% Allah's Apostle did not get up fro there till not a single 8irha reained fro that oney%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <10:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er killed a person ha(ing a treaty $ith the Muslis# shall not sell the
sell of Paradise though its sell is percei(ed fro a distance of forty years%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <13:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hile $e $ere in the MosCue# the Prophet cae out and said# H;et us go to the /e$sH @e $ent out
till $e reached Bait)ul)Midras% He said to the# HIf you ebrace Isla# you $ill be safe% Kou should
kno$ that the earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle# and I $ant to e*pel you fro this land% So# if
anyone aongst you o$ns soe property# he is peritted to sell it# other$ise you should kno$ that
the +arth belongs to Allah and His Apostle%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <1<:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
=olue 2 ) :<2 ? 0:66
that he heard Ibn 'Abbas saying# H&hursdayI And you kno$ not $hat &hursday isJ After that Ibn
'Abbas $ept till the stones on the ground $ere soaked $ith his tears% En that I asked Ibn 'Abbas#
H@hat is !about" &hursdayJH He said# H@hen the condition !i%e% health" of Allah's Apostle deteriorated#
he said# 'Bring e a bone of scapula# so that I ay $rite soething for you after $hich you $ill ne()
er go astray%'&he people differed in their opinions although it $as iproper to differ in front of a
prophet# &hey said# '@hat is $rong $ith hiJ 8o you think he is deliriousJ Ask hi !to understand"%
&he Prophet replied# ';ea(e e as I a in a better state than $hat you are asking e to do%' &hen the
Prophet ordered the to do three things saying# '&urn out all the pagans fro the Arabian Peninsula#
sho$ respect to all foreign delegates by gi(ing the gifts as I used to do%' H &he sub)narrator added#
H&he third order $as soething beneficial $hich either Ibn 'Abbas did not ention or he entioned
but I forgot%'
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <12:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hen Khaibar $as conCuered# a roasted poisoned sheep $as presented to the Prophets as a gift
!by the /e$s"% &he Prophet ordered# H;et all the /e$s $ho ha(e been here# be assebled before e%H
&he /e$s $ere collected and the Prophet said !to the"# HI a going to ask you a Cuestion% @ill you
tell the truthJ'' &hey said# HKes%' &he Prophet asked# H@ho is your fatherJH &hey replied# HSo)and)so%H
He said# HKou ha(e told a ieL your father is so)and)so%H &hey said# HKou are right%H He siad# H@ill you
no$ tell e the truth# if I ask you about soethingJH &hey replied# HKes# E AbuAl),asiL and if $e
should tell a lie# you can reali-e our lie as you ha(e done regarding our father%H En that he asked#
H@ho are the people of the !Hell" BireJH &hey said# H@e shall reain in the !Hell" Bire for a short peri)
od# and after that you $ill replace us%H &he Prophet said# HKou ay be cursed and huiliated in itI By
Allah# $e shall ne(er replace you in it%'' &hen he asked# H@ill you no$ tell e the truth if I ask you a
CuestionJH &hey said# HKes# E Ab ;i)AI),asi%H He asked# HHa(e you poisoned this sheepJH &hey said#
HKes%H He asked# H@hat ade you do soJH &hey said# H@e $anted to kno$ if you $ere a liar in $hich
case $e $ould get rid of you# and if you are a prophet then the poison $ould not har you%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <14:
Darrated 'Asi:
I asked Anas about the ,unut !i%e% in(ocation in the prayer"% Anas said# HIt should be recited before
bo$ing%H I said# HSo)and)so clais that you say that it should be recited after bo$ing%H He replied# HHe
is istaken%H &hen Anas narrated to us that the Prophet in(oked e(il on the tribe of Bani)Sulai for
one onth after bo$ing% ' Anas Burther said# H&he Prophet had sent 26 or :6 ,aris !i%e% en $ell
(ersed in the kno$ledge of the ,ur'an" to soe pagans# but the latter struggled $ith the and ar)
tyred the# although there $as a peace pact bet$een the and the Prophet I had ne(er seen the
Prophet so sorry and $orried about anybody as he $as about the !i%e% the ,aris"%H
=olue 2 ) :<4 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <15:
Darrated U Hani:
the daughter of Abu &alib: I $ent to Allah's Apostle on the day of the conCuest of Mecca and found
hi taking a bath# and his daughter Batia $as screening hi% I greeted hi and he asked# H@ho is
thatJH I said# HI# U Hani bint Abi &alib%H He said# H@elcoe# E U Hani%H @hen he had finished his
bath# he stood up and offered eight Rakat $hile dressed in one garent% I said# HE Allah's ApostleI My
brother 'Ali has declared that he $ill kill a an to $ho I ha(e granted asylu% &he an is so and)
so bin Hubaira%H Allah's Apostle said# HE U HaniI @e $ill grant asylu to the one $ho you ha(e
granted asylu%H !U Hani said# H&hat !(isit" took place in the 8uha !i%e% forenoon""%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <1::
Darrated Ibrahi At)&aii's father:
'Ali deli(ered a seron saying# H@e ha(e no book to read e*cept the Book of Allah and $hat is
$ritten in this paper $hich contains (erdicts regarding !retaliation for" $ounds# the ages of the
caels !gi(en as Fakat or as blood oney" and the fact that Medina is a sanctuary in bet$een Air
ountain to so)and)so !ountain"% So# $hoe(er inno(ates in it an heresy or coits a sin or gi(es
shelter in it# to such an inno(ator $ill incur the 9urse of Allah# the angels and all the people# and
none of his copulsory or optional good deeds of $orship $ill be accepted% And $hoe(er !freed
sla(e" takes as his aster !i%e% befriends" other than his real asters $ill incur the sae !9urse"% And
the asylu granted by any Musli is to be secured by all the other Muslis# and $hoe(er betrays a
Musli in this respect $ill incur the sae !9urse"%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <17:
Darrated Sahl bin Abi Hatha:
'Abdullah bin Sahl and Muhaiyisa bin Mas'ud bin Faid set out to Khaibar# the inhabitants of $hich
had a peace treaty $ith the Muslis at that tie% &hey parted and later on Muhaiyisa cae upon
'Abdullah bin SahI and found hi urdered agitating in his blood% He buried hi and returned to
Medina% 'Abdur Rahan bin Sahl# Muhaiyisa and Hu$aiuisa# the sons of Mas'ud cae to the Prophet
and 'Abdur Rahan intended to talk# but the Prophet said !to hi"# H;et the eldest of you speak%H as
'Abdur)Rahan $as the youngest:% 'Abdur)Rahan kept silent and the other t$o spoke% &he Prophet
said# HIf you s$ear as to $ho has coitted the urder# you $ill ha(e the right to take your right
fro the urderer%H &hey said# HHo$ should $e s$ear if $e did not $itness the urder or see the
urdererJH &he Prophet said# H&hen the /e$s can clear thesel(es fro the charge by taking Alaska
!an oath taken by en that it $as not they $ho coitted the urder"%H &heIy said# HHo$ should $e
belie(e in the oaths of infidelsJH So# the Prophet hiself paid the blood oney !of 'Abdullah"% !See
Hadith Do% <5 =ol% 1%"
=olue 2 ) :<5 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber <11:
Darrated ' Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
&hat Abu Sufyan bin Harb Infored hi that Heraclius called hi and the ebers of a cara(an
fro ,uraish $ho had gone to Sha as traders# during the truce $hich Allah's Apostle had con)
cluded $ith Abu Sufyan and the ,uraish infidels%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber 266:
Darrated Aisha:
Ence the Prophet $as be$itched so that he began to iagine that he had done a thing $hich in
fact he had not done%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber 260:
Darrated Auf bin Mali:
I $ent to the Prophet during the Aha-$a of &abuk $hile he $as sitting in a leather tent% He said#
H9ount si* signs that indicate the approach of the Hour: y death# the conCuest of /erusale# a
plague that $ill afflict you !and kill you in great nubers" as the plague that afflicts sheep# the in)
crease of $ealth to such an e*tent that e(en if one is gi(en one hundred 8inars# he $ill not be satis)
fiedL then an affliction $hich no Arab house $ill escape# and then a truce bet$een you and Bani Al)
Asfar !i%e% the By-antines" $ho $ill betray you and attack you under eighty flags% Under each flag
$ill be t$el(e thousand soldiers%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber 263:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Abu Bakr# on the day of Dahr !i%e% slaughtering of anials for sacrifice"# sent e in the copany of
others to ake this announceent: HAfter this year# no pagan $ill be allo$ed to perfor the Ha..#
and none $ill be allo$ed to perfor the &a$af of the Ka'ba undressed%H And the day of Al)Ha..)ul)
Akbar is the day of Dahr# and it called Al)Akbar because the people call the 'Ura Al)Ha..)ul)
Asghar !i%e% the inor Ha.."% Abu Bakr thre$ back the pagans' co(enant that year# and therefore# no
pagan perfored the Ha.. in the year of Ha..)ul)@ada' of the Prophets%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber 26<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er has !the follo$ing" four characteristics $ill be a pure hypocrite: HIf
he speaks# he tells a lieL if he gi(es a proise# he breaks it# if he akes a co(enant he pro(es treacher)
=olue 2 ) :<: ? 0:66
ousL and if he Cuarrels# he beha(es in a (ery iprudent e(il insulting anner !un.ust"% And $hoe(er
has one of these characteristics# has one characteristic of a hypocrite# unless he gi(es it us%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber 262:
Darrated Ali:
@e did not# $rite anything fro the Prophet e*cept the ,uran and $hat is $ritten in this paper#
!$herein" the Prophet said# HMedina is a sanctuary fro !the ountain of" Air to so and)so# there)
fore# $hoe(er inno(ates !in it" an heresy or coits a sin# or gi(es shelter to such an inno(ator# $ill
incur the 9urse of Allah% the angels and all the peopleL and none of his copulsory or optional good
deeds of $orship $ill be accepted And the asylu granted by any Musli Is to be secured by all the
Muslis e(en if it is granted by one of the lo$est social status aong the% And $hoe(er betrays a
Musli in this respect $ill incur the 9urse of Allah# the angels and all the people# and his copuls)
ory and optional good deeds of $orship $ill not be accepted% And any freed sla(e $ill take as as)
ters !befriends" people other than his o$n real asters $ho freed hi $ithout taking the perission
of the latter# $ill incur the 9urse of Allah# the angels and all the people# and his copulsory and op)
tional good deeds of $orship $ill not be accepted%H
Darrated Said: Abu Huraira once said !to the people"# H@hat $ill your state be $hen you can get
no 8inar or 8irhan !i%e% ta*es fro the 8hiis"JH on that soeone asked hi# H@hat akes you
kno$ that this state $ill take place# E Abu) Hu rairaJH He said# HBy Hi in @hose Hands Abu
Huraira's life is# I kno$ it through the stateent of the true and truly inspired one !i%e% the Prophet"%H
&he people asked# H@hat does the Stateent sayJH He replied# HAllah and His Apostle's asylu granted
to 8hiis# i%e% non)Muslis li(ing in a Musli territory" $ill be outraged# and so Allah $ill ake
the hearts of these 8hiis so daring that they $ill refuse to pay the /i-ya they $ill be supposed to
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber 264:
Darrated Al)Aash:
I asked Abu @ail# H8id you take part in the battle of SiffinJH He said# 'Kes# and I heard Sahl bin
Hunaif !$hen he $as blaed for lack of -eal for fighting" saying# HKou'd better blae your $rong
opinions% I $ish you had seen e on the day of Abu /andal% If I had the courage to disobey the
Prophet's orders# I $ould ha(e done so% @e had kept out s$ords on our necks and shoulders# for a
thing $hich frightened us% And $e did so# $e found it easier for us# e*cept in the case of the abo(e
battle !of ours"%' H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber 265:
Darrated Abu @ail:
=olue 2 ) :<7 ? 0:66
@e $ere in Siffin and Sahl bin Hunaif got up and said# HE peopleI Blae yoursel(esI @e $ere
$ith the Prophet on the day of Hudaibiya# and if $e had been called to fight# $e $ould ha(e fought%
But 'Uar bin Al Khatab cae and said# 'E Allah's ApostleI Aren't $e in the right and our opponents
in the $rongs' Allah's Apostle said# 'Kes%' 'Uar said# 'Aren't our killed persons in Paradise and their's
in HellJ' He said# 'Kes%' 'Uar said# '&hen $hy should $e accept hard ters in atters concerning our
religionJ Shall $e return before Allah .udges bet$een us and theJ' Allah's Apostle said# 'E Ibn Al)
KhattabI I a the Apostle of Allah and Allah $ill ne(er degrade e% &hen 'Uar $ent to Abu Bakr
and told hi the sae as he had told the Prophet%
En that Abu Bakr said !to 'Uar"% 'He is the Apostle of Allah and Allah $ill ne(er degrade hi%'
&hen Surat)al)Bath !i%e% =ictory" $as re(ealed and Allah's Apostle recited it to the end in front of
'Uar% En that 'Uar asked# 'E Allah's ApostleI @as it !i%e% the Hudaibiya &reaty" a (ictoryJ' Allah's
Apostle said# HKesH
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber 26::
Darrated Asa 'bint Abi Bakr:
8uring the period of the peace treaty of ,uraish $ith Allah's Apostle# y other# accopanied by
her father# cae to (isit e# and she $as a pagan% I consulted Allah's Apostle# HE Allah's ApostleI My
other has coe to e and she desires to recei(e a re$ard fro e# shall I keep good relation $ith
herJH He said# HKes# keep good relation $ith her%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber 267:
Darrated Al)Bara:
@hen the Prophet intended to perfor the 'Ura he sent a person to the people of Mecca asking
their perission to enter Mecca% &hey stipulated that he $ould not stay for ore than three days and
$ould not enter it e*cept $ith sheathed ars and $ould not preach !Isla" to any of the% So Ali
bin Abi)&alib started $riting the treaty bet$een the% He $rote# H&his is $hat Muhaad# Apostle
of Allah has agreed to%H &he !Meccans" said# HIf $e kne$ that you !Muhaad" are the Apostle of Al)
lah# then $e $ould not ha(e pre(ented you and $ould ha(e follo$ed you% But $rite# '&his is $hat
Muhaad bin 'Abdullah has agreed to%%' H En that Allah's Apostle said# HBy Allah# I a Muhaad
bin 'Abdullah# and# by Allah# I a Apostle of 'Allah%H Allah's Apostle used not to $riteL so he asked 'Ali
to erase the e*pression of Apostle of Allah% En that 'Ali said# HBy Allah I $ill ne(er erase it%H Allah's
Apostle said !to 'Ali"# H;et e see the paper%H @hen 'Ali sho$ed hi the paper# the Prophet erased the
e*pression $ith his o$n hand% @hen Allah's Apostle had entered Mecca and three days had elapsed#
the Meccans cae to 'Ali and said# H;et your friend !i%e% the Prophet" Cuit Mecca%H Ali infored Allah's
Apostle about it and Allah's Apostle said# HKes#H and then he departed%
=olue 2 ) :<1 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber 261:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@hile the Prophet $as in the state of prostration# surrounded by a group of people fro ,uraish
pagans% 'UCba bin Abi Mu'ait cae and brought the intestines of a cael and thre$ the on the
back of the Prophet % &he Prophet did not raise his head fro prostration till Batia !i%e% his daugh)
ter" cae and reo(ed those intestines fro his back# and in(oked e(il on $hoe(er had done !the
e(il deed"% &he Prophet said# HE AllahI 8estroy the chiefs of ,uraish# E AllahI 8estroy Abu /ahl bin
Hisha# 'Utba bin Rabi'a# Shaiba bin Rabi'a% 'UCba bin Abi Mu'ait 'Uaiya bin Khalaf !or Ubai bin
Kalaf"%H ;ater on I sa$ all of the killed during the battle of Badr and their bodies $ere thro$n into a
$ell e*cept the body of Uaiya or Ubai# because he $as a fat person# and $hen he $as pulled# the
parts of his body got separated before he $as thro$n into the $ell%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber 206:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# ''+(ery betrayer $ill ha(e a flag on the 8ay of ResurrectionH Ene of the t$o sub)
narrators said that the flag $ould be fi*ed# and the other said that it $ould be sho$n on the 8ay of
Resurrection# so that the betrayer ight be recogni-ed by it%
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber 200:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
&he Prophet said# H+(ery betrayer $ill ha(e a flag $hich $ill be fi*ed on the 8ay of Resurrection#
and the flag's proinence $ill be ade in order to sho$ the betrayal he coitted%H
=olue 2# Book 4<# Duber 203:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle said on the day of the conCuest of Mecca# H&here is no igration no$# but there is
/ihad !i%e%% holy battle" and good intentions% And $hen you are called for /ihad# you should coe out
at onceH Allah's Apostle also said# on the day of the conCuest of Mecca# HAllah has ade this to$n a
sanctuary since the day He created the Hea(ens and the +arth% So# it is a sanctuary by Allah's 8ecree
till the 8ay of Resurrection% Bighting in it $as not legal for anyone before e# and it $as ade legal
for e only for an hour by daytie% So# it !i%e% Mecca" is a sanctuary by Allah's 8ecree till the 8ay of
Resurrection% Its thorny bushes should not be cut# and its gae should not be chased# its fallen prop)
erty !i%e% ;uCata" should not be picked up e*cept by one $ho $ill announce it publiclyL and its grass
should not be uprooted#H En that Al)'Abbas said# HE Allah's ApostleI +*cept the Idhkhir# because it is
=olue 2 ) :26 ? 0:66
used by the goldsiths and by the people for their houses%H En that the Prophet said# H+*cept the Id)
=olue 2 ) :20 ? 0:66
Book 42: Beginning of 9reation
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 20<:
Darrated 'Iran bin Husain:
Soe people of Bani &ai cae to the Prophet and he said !to the"# HE Bani &aiI re.oice
$ith glad tidings%H &hey said# HKou ha(e gi(en us glad tidings# no$ gi(e us soething%H En hearing
that the color of his face changed then the people of Keen cae to hi and he said# HE people of
Keen I Accept the good tidings# as Bani &ai has refused the%H &he Keenites said# H@e accept
the% &hen the Prophet started taking about the beginning of creation and about Allah's &hrone% In
the ean tie a an cae saying# HE 'IranI Kour she)cael has run a$ayI'' !I got up and $ent
a$ay"# but l $ish I had not left that place !for I issed $hat Allah's Apostle had said"%
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 202:
Darrated Iran bin Husain:
I $ent to the Prophet and tied y she)cael at the gate% &he people of Bani &ai cae to the
Prophet $ho said HE Bani &aiI Accept the good tidings%H &hey said t$ice# 'Kou ha(e gi(en us the
good tidings# no$ gi(e us soethingH &hen soe Keenites cae to hi and he said# HAccept the
good tidings# E people of Kee# for Bani &ai refused the%H &hey said# H@e accept it# E Allah's
ApostleI @e ha(e coe to ask you about this atter !i%e% the start of creations"%H He said# HBirst of all#
there $as nothing but Allah# and !then He created His &hrone"% His throne $as o(er the $ater# and
He $rote e(erything in the Book !in the Hea(en" and created the Hea(ens and the +arth%H &hen a
an shouted# HE Ibn HusainI Kour she)cael has gone a$ayIH So# I $ent a$ay and could not see the
she)cael because of the irage% By Allah# I $ished I had left that she)cael !but not that gather)
Darrated 'Uar: Ene day the Prophet stood up aongst us for a long period and infored us
about the beginning of creation !and talked about e(erything in detail" till he entioned ho$ the
people of Paradise $ill enter their places and the people of Hell $ill enter their places% Soe re)
ebered $hat he had said# and soe forgot it%
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 204:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah the Most Superior said# H&he son of Ada slights Me# and he should not
slight Me# and he disbelie(es in Me# and he ought not to do so% As for his slighting Me# it is that he
=olue 2 ) :23 ? 0:66
says that I ha(e a sonL and his disbelief in Me is his stateent that I shall not recreate hi as I ha(e
created !hi" before%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 205:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen Allah copleted the creation# He $rote in His Book $hich is $ith Hi
on His &hrone# HMy Mercy o(erpo$ers My Anger%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 20::
Darrated Muhaad bin Ibrahi bin Al)Harith:
fro Abu Salaa bin 'Abdur)Rahan $ho had a dispute $ith soe people on a piece of land# and
so he $ent to 'Aisha and told her about it% She said# HE Abu Salaa# a(oid the land# for Allah's Apostle
said# 'Any person $ho takes e(en a span of land un.ustly# his neck shall be encircled $ith it do$n
se(en earths%' H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 207:
Darrated Sali's father:
&he Prophet said# HAny person $ho takes a piece of land un.ustly $ill sink do$n the se(en earths
on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 201:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
&he Prophet said% H!&he di(ision of tie has turned to its original for $hich $as current $hen
Allah created the Hea(ens and the +arths% &he year is of t$el(e onths# out of $hich four onths
are sacred: &hree are in succession 8hul),a' da# 8hul)Hi..a and Muharra# and !the fourth is" Ra)
.ab of !the tribe of" Mudar $hich coes bet$een /uadi)ath)&haniyah and Sha ban%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 236:
Darrated Said bin Faid bin Ar bin Dufail:
&hat Ar$a sued hi before Mar$an for a right# $hich she claied# he had depri(ed her of% En
that Said said# HHo$ should I depri(e her of her rightJ I testify that I heard Allah's Apostle saying# 'If
anyone takes a span of land un.ustly# his neck $ill be encircled $ith it do$n se(en earths on the 8ay
of Resurrection%H
=olue 2 ) :2< ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 230:
Darrated Abu 8har:
&he Prophet asked e at sunset# H8o you kno$ $here the sun goes !at the tie of sunset"JH I
replied# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ better%H He said# HIt goes !i%e% tra(els" till it prostrates Itself un)
derneath the &hrone and takes the perission to rise again# and it is peritted and then !a tie $ill
coe $hen" it $ill be about to prostrate itself but its prostration $ill not be accepted# and it $ill ask
perission to go on its course but it $ill not be peritted# but it $ill be ordered to return $hence it
has coe and so it $ill rise in the $est% And that is the interpretation of the Stateent of Allah: HAnd
the sun Runs its fi*ed course Bor a ter !decreed"% that is &he 8ecree of !Allah" &he +*alted in Might#
&he All)Kno$ing%H !<5%<7"
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 233:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he sun and the oon $ill be folded up !depri(ed of their light" on the 8ay of
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 23<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H&he sun and the oon do not eclipse because of soeone's death or $ife !i%e%
birth"# but they are t$o signs aongst the Signs of Allah% So# if you see the !i%e% eclipse" offer the
Prayer !of eclipse"%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 232:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# H&he sun and the oon are t$o signs aongst the Signs of Allah% &hey do not ec)
lipse because of soeone's death or life% So# if you see the !i%e% eclipse"# celebrate the Praises of Allah
!i%e% pray"%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 234:
Darrated 'Aisha:
En the day of a solar eclipse# Allah's Apostle stood up !to offer the eclipse prayer"% He recited &ak)
bir# recited a long recitation !of Holy =erses"# bo$ed a long bo$ing# and then he raised h is head say)
ing% HAllah hears hi $ho sends his praises to Hi%H &hen he stayed standing# recited a long recita)
tion again# but shorter than the forer# bo$ed a long bo$ing# but shorter than the first# perfored a
=olue 2 ) :22 ? 0:66
long prostration and then perfored the second Rak'a in the sae $ay as he had done the first% By
the tie he had finished his prayer $ith &asli# the solar eclipse had been o(er% &hen he addressed
the people referring to the solar and lunar eclipses saying# H&hese are t$o signs aongst the Signs of
Allah# and they do not eclipse because of anyone's death or life% So# if you see the# hasten for the
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 235:
Darrated Abu Mas'ud:
&he Prophet said# Hthe sun and the oon do not eclipse because of the death or life of soeone# but
they are t$o signs aongst the Signs of Allah% So# if you see the# offer the Prayer !of eclipse"%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 23::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HI ha(e been ade (ictorious $ith the Saba !i%e% easterly $ind" and the people of
'Ad $ere destroyed $ith the 8abur !i%e% $esterly $ind" %H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 237:
Darrated Ata:
'Aisha said If the Prophet sa$ a cloud In the sky# he $ould $alk to and fro in agitation# go out and
coe in# and the color of his face $ould change# and if it rained# he $ould feel rela*ed%H So 'Aisha
kne$ that state of his% So the Prophet said# I don't kno$ !a afraid"# it ay be siilar to $hat
happened to soe people referred to in the Holy ,uran in the follo$ing =erse: )) H&hen $hen they
sa$ it as a dense cloud coing to$ards their (alleys# they said# '&his is a cloud bringing us rainI' Day#
but# it is that !torent" $hich you $ere asking to be hastened a $ind $herein is se(ere torent%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 231:
Darrated Malik bin Sasaa:
&he Prophet said# H@hile I $as at the House in a state id$ay bet$een sleep and $akefulness# !an
angel recogni-ed e" as the an lying bet$een t$o en% A golden tray full of $isdo and belief
$as brought to e and y body $as cut open fro the throat to the lo$er part of the abdoen and
then y abdoen $as $ashed $ith Fa)-a $ater and !y heart $as" filled $ith $isdo and be)
lief% Al)BuraC# a $hite anial# saller than a ule and bigger than a donkey $as brought to e and
I set out $ith Aabriel% @hen I reached the nearest hea(en% Aabriel said to the hea(en gate)keeper#
'Epen the gate%' &he gatekeeper asked# '@ho is itJ' He said# 'Aabriel%' &he gate)keeper#' @ho is acco)
=olue 2 ) :24 ? 0:66
panying youJ' Aabriel said# 'Muhaad%' &he gate)keeper said# 'Has he been calledJ' Aabriel said#
'Kes%' &hen it $as said# 'He is $elcoed% @hat a $onderful (isit his isI' &hen I et Ada and greeted
hi and he said# 'Kou are $elcoed E son and a Prophet%' &hen $e ascended to the second hea(en% It
$as asked# '@ho is itJ' Aabriel said# 'Aabriel%' It $as said# '@ho is $ith youJ' He said# 'Muhaad' It
$as asked# 'Has he been sent forJ' He said# 'Kes%' It $as said# 'He is $elcoed% @hat a $onderful (isit
his isIH &hen I et /esus and Kahya !/ohn" $ho said# 'Kou are $elcoed# E brother and a Prophet%'
&hen $e ascended to the third hea(en% It $as asked# '@ho is itJ' Aabriel said# 'Aabriel%' It $as asked#
'@ho is $ith youJ Aabriel said# 'Muhaad%' It $as asked# 'Has he been sent forJ' 'Kes#' said Aabriel%
'He is $elcoed% @hat a $onderful (isit his isI' !&he Prophet added:"% &here I et /oseph and greeted
hi# and he replied# 'Kou are $elcoed# E brother and a ProphetI' &hen $e ascended to the 2th
hea(en and again the sae Cuestions and ans$ers $ere e*changed as in the pre(ious hea(ens% &here
I et Idris and greeted hi% He said# 'Kou are $elcoed E brother and Prophet%' &hen $e ascended
to the 4th hea(en and again the sae Cuestions and ans$ers $ere e*changed as in pre(ious hea()
ens% there I et and greeted Aaron $ho said# 'Kou are $elcoed E brother and a ProphetH% &hen $e
ascended to the 5th hea(en and again the sae Cuestions and ans$ers $ere e*changed as in the
pre(ious hea(ens% &here I et and greeted Moses $ho said# 'Kou are $elcoed E brother and% a
Prophet%' @hen I proceeded on# he started $eeping and on being asked $hy he $as $eeping# he said#
'E ;ordI Bollo$ers of this youth $ho $as sent after e $ill enter Paradise in greater nuber than
y follo$ers%' &hen $e ascended to the se(enth hea(en and again the sae Cuestions and ans$ers
$ere e*changed as in the pre(ious hea(ens% &here I et and greeted Abraha $ho said# 'Kou are
$elcoed o son and a Prophet%' &hen I $as sho$n Al)Bait)al)Ma'ur !i%e% Allah's House"% I asked
Aabriel about it and he said# &his is Al Bait)ul)Ma'ur $here :6#666 angels perfor prayers daily
and $hen they lea(e they ne(er return to it !but al$ays a fresh batch coes into it daily"%' &hen I $as
sho$n Sidrat)ul)Muntaha !i%e% a tree in the se(enth hea(en" and I sa$ its Dabk fruits $hich re)
sebled the clay .ugs of Ha.r !i%e% a to$n in Arabia"# and its lea(es $ere like the ears of elephants#
and four ri(ers originated at its root# t$o of the $ere apparent and t$o $ere hidden% I asked Aab)
riel about those ri(ers and he said# '&he t$o hidden ri(ers are in Paradise# and the apparent ones are
the Dile and the +uphrates%' &hen fifty prayers $ere en.oined on e% I descended till I et Moses $ho
asked e# '@hat ha(e you doneJ' I said# 'Bifty prayers ha(e been en.oined on e%' He said# 'I kno$ the
people better than you# because I had the hardest e*perience to bring Bani Israel to obedience% Kour
follo$ers cannot put up $ith such obligation% So# return to your ;ord and reCuest Hi !to reduce the
nuber of prayers%' I returned and reCuested Allah !for reduction" and He ade it forty% I returned
and !et Moses" and had a siilar discussion# and then returned again to Allah for reduction and He
ade it thirty# then t$enty# then ten# and then I cae to Moses $ho repeated the sae ad(ice% Ulti)
ately Allah reduced it to fi(e% @hen I cae to Moses again# he said# '@hat ha(e you doneJ' I said#
'Allah has ade it fi(e only%' He repeated the sae ad(ice but I said that I surrendered !to Allah's Bi)
nal Erder"'H Allah's Apostle $as addressed by Allah# HI ha(e decreed My Ebligation and ha(e reduced
the burden on My sla(es# and I shall re$ard a single good deed as if it $ere ten good deeds%H
=olue 2 ) :25 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2<6:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mus'ud:
Allah's Apostle# the true and truly inspired said# H!&he atter of the 9reation of" a huan being is
put together in the $ob of the other in forty days# and then he becoes a clot of thick blood for a
siilar period# and then a piece of flesh for a siilar period% &hen Allah sends an angel $ho is
ordered to $rite four things% He is ordered to $rite do$n his !i%e% the ne$ creature's" deeds# his li(e)
lihood# his !date of" death# and $hether he $ill be blessed or $retched !in religion"% &hen the soul is
breathed into hi% So# a an aongst you ay do !good deeds till there is only a cubit bet$een hi
and Paradise and then $hat has been $ritten for hi decides his beha(ior and he starts doing !e(il"
deeds characteristic of the people of the !Hell" Bire% And siilarly a an aongst you ay do !e(il"
deeds till there is only a cubit bet$een hi and the !Hell" Bire# and then $hat has been $ritten for
hi decides his beha(ior# and he starts doing deeds characteristic of the people of Paradise%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2<0:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIf Allah lo(es a person# He calls Aabriel saying# 'Allah lo(es so and)soL E Aabri)
elI ;o(e hi%' Aabriel $ould lo(e hi and ake an announceent aongst the inhabitants of the
Hea(en% 'Allah lo(es so)and)so# therefore you should lo(e hi also#' and so all the inhabitants of the
Hea(en $ould lo(e hi# and then he is granted the pleasure of the people on the earth%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2<3:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H&he angels descend# the clouds and ention this or that atter de)
creed in the Hea(en% &he de(ils listen stealthily to such a atter# coe do$n to inspire the soothsay)
ers $ith it# and the latter $ould add to it one)hundred lies of their o$n%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2<<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HEn e(ery Briday the angels take heir stand at e(ery gate of the osCues to $rite
the naes of the people chronologically !i%e% according to the tie of their arri(al for the Briday
prayer and $hen the Ia sits !on the pulpit" they fold up their scrolls and get ready to listen to the
=olue 2 ) :2: ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2<2:
Darrated Sa'id bin Al)Musaiyab:
'Uar cae to the MosCue $hile Hassan $as reciting a poe% !'Uar disappro(ed of that"% En
that Hassan said# HI used to recite poetry in this (ery MosCue in the presence of one !i%e% the Prophet "
$ho $as better than you%H &hen he turned to$ards Abu Huraira and said !to hi"# HI ask you by Al)
lah# did you hear Allah's Apostle saying !to e"# HRetort on y behalf% E AllahI Support hi !i%e% Has)
san" $ith the Holy SpiritJH Abu Huraira said# HKes%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2<4:
Darrated Al Bara:
&he Prophet said to Hassan# H;apoon the !i%e% the pagans" and Aabriel is $ith you%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2<5:
Darrated /arir:
as belo$ !Hadith 2<:"%
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2<::
Darrated Huaid bin Hilal:
Anas bin Malik said# HAs if I say a cloud of dust s$irling up in the lane of Bani Ahani%H Musa ad)
ded# H&hat $as caused by the procession of Aabriel%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2<7:
Darrated Aisha:
Al Harith bin Hisha asked the Prophet# HHo$ does the di(ine inspiration coe to youJH He
replied# HIn all these $ays: &he Angel soeties coes to e $ith a (oice $hich resebles the sound
of a ringing bell# and $hen this state abandons e# I reeber $hat the Angel has said# and this
type of 8i(ine Inspiration is the hardest on eL and soeties the Angel coes to e in the shape of
a an and talks to e# and I understand and reeber $hat he says%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2<1:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 2 ) :27 ? 0:66
I heard the Prophet saying# H@ho e(er spends a couple !of ob.ects" in Allah's cause# $ill be called
by the Aatekeepers of Paradise $ho $ill say# HE so)and)so# coe onIH Abu Bakr said# HSuch a person
$ill ne(er perish or be iserable' &he Prophet said# HI hope you $ill be aong such person%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 226:
Darrated Abu Salaa:
'Aisha said that the Prophet said to her HE 'Aisha' &his is Aabriel and he sends his !greetings" sa)
lutations to you%H 'Aisha said# HSalutations !Areetings" to hi# and Allah's Mercy and Blessings be on
hi#H and addressing the Prophet she said# HKou see $hat I don't see%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 220:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle asked Aabriel# H@hy don't you (isit us ore often than you doJH &hen the follo$ing
Holy =erse $as re(ealed !in this respect":)) HAnd $e !angels" descend not but by the order of your
;ord% &o Hi belong $hat is before us and $hat is behind us# and $hat is bet$een those t$o and
your ;ord $as ne(er forgetful%H !01%52"
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 223:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle said# HAabriel read the ,ur'an to e in one $ay !i%e% dialect" and I continued asking
hi to read it in different $ays till he read it in se(en different $ays%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 22<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle $as the ost generous of all the people# and he used to be ore generous in the
onth of Raadan $hen Aabriel used to eet hi% Aabriel used to eet hi e(ery night in Ra)
adan to study the Holy ,uran carefully together% Allah's Apostle used to becoe ore generous
than the fast $ind $hen he et Aabriel
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 222:
Darrated Ibn Shihab:
Ence Uar bin Abdul A-i- delayed the 'Asr prayer a little% 'Ur$a said to hi# HAabriel descended
and led the prayer in front of the Prophet H En that 'Uar said# HE Ur$aI Be sure of $hat you say%H
HUr$a# HI heard Bashir bin Abi Masud narrating fro Ibn Masud $ho heard Allah's Apostle saying#
=olue 2 ) :21 ? 0:66
'Aabriel descended and led e in prayerL and then prayed $ith hi again# and then prayed $ith hi
again# and then prayed $ith hi again# and then prayed $ith hi again# counting $ith his fingers
fi(e prayers%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 224:
Darrated Abu 8har:
&he Prophet said# HAabriel said to e# '@hoe(er aongst your follo$ers die $ithout ha(ing $or)
shipped others besides Allah# $ill enter Paradise !or $ill not enter the !Hell" Bire"%H &he Prophet
asked% H+(en if he has coitted illegal se*ual intercourse or theftJH He replied# H+(en then%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 225:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAngels keep on descending fro and ascending to the Hea(en in turn# soe at
night and soe by daytie# and all of the asseble together at the tie of the Ba.r and 'Asr prayers%
&hen those $ho ha(e stayed $ith you o(er)night# ascent unto Allah @ho asks the# and He kno$s
the ans$er better than they# HHo$ ha(e you left My sla(esJH &hey reply# H@e ha(e left the praying
as $e found the praying%H If anyone of you says HAinH !during the Prayer at the end of the recita)
tion of Surat)al)Baitiha"# and the angels in Hea(en say the sae# and the t$o sayings coincide# all his
past sins $ill be forgi(en%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 22::
Darrated 'Aisha:
I stuffed for the Prophet a pillo$ decorated $ith pictures !of anials" $hich looked like a Da)
ruCa !i%e% a sall cushion"% He cae and stood aong the people $ith e*citeent apparent on his
face% I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat is $rongJH He said# H@hat is this pillo$JH I said# HI ha(e prepared
this pillo$ for you# so that you ay recline on it%H He said# H8on't you kno$ that angels do not enter a
house $herein there are picturesL and $hoe(er akes a picture $ill be punished on the 8ay of Re)
surrection and $ill be asked to gi(e life to !$hat he has created"JH
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 227:
Darrated Abu &alha:
I heard Allah's Apostle sayingL HAngels !of Mercy" do not enter a house $herein there is a dog or a
picture of a li(ing creature !a huan being or an anial"%H
=olue 2 ) :46 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 221:
Darrated Busr bin Said:
&hat Faid bin Khalid Al)/uhani narrated to hi soething in the presence of Said bin 'Ubaidullah
Al)Khaulani $ho $as brought up in the house of Maiuna the $ife of the Prophet% Faid narrated to
the that Abu &alha said that the Prophet said# H&he Angels !of Mercy" do not enter a house $herein
there is a picture%H Busr said# H;ater on Faid bin Khalid fell ill and $e called on hi% &o our surprise
$e sa$ a curtain decorated $ith pictures in his house% I said to Ubaidullah Al)Khaulani# H8idn't he
!i%e% Faid" tell us about the !prohibition of" picturesJH He said# HBut he e*cepted the ebroidery on
garents% 8idn't you hear hiJH I said# HDo%H He said# HKes# he did%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 246:
Darrated Sali's father:
Ence Aabriel proised the Prophet !that he $ould (isit hi# but Aabriel did not coe" and later
on he said# H@e# angels# do not enter a house $hich contains a picture or a dog%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 240:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen the Ia# during the prayer# says# HAllah hears hi $ho praises Hi'#
say: 'E AllahI Eur ;ordI All the praises are for Kou?# for if the saying of anyone of you coincides $ith
the saying of the angels# his past sins $ill be forgi(en%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 243:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAs long as any)one of you is $aiting for the prayer# he is considered to be pray)
ing actually# and the angels say# 'E AllahI Be erciful to hi and forgi(e hi'# !and go on saying so"
unless he lea(es his place of praying or passes $ind !i%e% breaks his ablution"%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 24<:
Darrated Kali:
I heard the Prophet reciting the follo$ing =erse on the pulpit: H&hey $ill call: E Mali%%%%%%' and Sufy)
an said that 'Abdullah recited it: '&hey $ill call: E Mali%%' !2<%::"
=olue 2 ) :40 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 242:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&hat she asked the Prophet # 'Ha(e you encountered a day harder than the day of the battle" of
UhudJH &he Prophet replied# HKour tribes ha(e troubled e a lot# and the $orse trouble $as the
trouble on the day of 'ACaba $hen I presented yself to Ibn 'Abd)Kalail bin 'Abd)Kulal and he did
not respond to y deand% So I departed# o(er$heled $ith e*cessi(e sorro$# and proceeded on#
and could not rela* till I found yself at ,arnath)&ha)alib $here I lifted y head to$ards the sky
to see a cloud shading e une*pectedly% I looked up and sa$ Aabriel in it% He called e saying# 'Al)
lah has heard your people's saying to you# and $hat they ha(e replied back to you# Allah has sent the
Angel of the Mountains to you so that you ay order hi to do $hate(er you $ish to these people%'
&he Angel of the Mountains called and greeted e# and then said# HE MuhaadI Erder $hat you
$ish% If you like# I $ill let Al)Akh)Shabain !i%e% t$o ountains" fall on the%H &he Prophet said# HDo
but I hope that Allah $ill let the beget children $ho $ill $orship Allah Alone# and $ill $orship
Done besides Hi%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 244:
Darrated Abu IshaC)Ash)Shaibani:
I asked Fir bin Hubaish regarding the Stateent of Allah: HAnd $as at a distance Ef but t$o bo$)
lengths Er !e(en" nearerL So did !Allah" con(ey &he Inspiration to His sla(e !Aabriel" and then he
!Aabriel" 9on(eyed !that to Muhaad"% !4<%1)06" En that# Fir said# HIbn Mas'ud infored us that
the Prophet had seen Aabriel ha(ing 566 $ings%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 245:
Darrated Abdullah:
Regarding the =erse: HIndeed he !Muhaad" did see% Ef the Signs of his ;ord# &he AreatestIH
!4<%07" &hat the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all o(er the hori-on of the sky%
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 24::
Darrated Aisha:
@hoe(er claied that !the Prophet" Muhaad sa$ his ;ord# is coitting a great fault# for he
only sa$ Aabriel in his genuine shape in $hich he $as created co(ering the $hole hori-on%
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 247:
Darrated MasruC:
=olue 2 ) :43 ? 0:66
I asked Aisha H@hat about His Stateent:)) H&hen he !Aabriel" approached And cae closer# And
$as at a distance Ef but t$o bo$)lengths Er !e(en" nearerJH !4<%7)1" She replied# HIt $as Aabriel
$ho used to coe to the Prophet in the figure of a an# but on that occasion# he cae in his actual
and real figure and !he $as so huge" that he co(ered the $hole hori-on%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 241:
Darrated Saura:
&he Prophet said# H;ast night I sa$ !in a drea" t$o en coing to e% Ene of the said# H&he
person $ho kindles the fire is Malik# the gate)keeper of the !Hell" Bire# and I a Aabriel# and this is
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 256:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf a husband calls his $ife to his bed !i%e% to ha(e se*ual relation" and she re)
fuses and causes hi to sleep in anger# the angels $ill curse her till orning%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 250:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
that he heard the Prophet saying# H&he 8i(ine Inspiration $as delayed for a short period but sud)
denly# as I $as $alking% I heard a (oice in the sky# and $hen I looked up to$ards the sky# to y sur)
prise# I sa$ the angel $ho had coe to e in the Hira 9a(e# and he $as sitting on a chair in bet$een
the sky and the earth% I $as so frightened by hi that I fell on the ground and cae to y faily and
said !to the"# '9o(er eI !$ith a blanket"# co(er eI' &hen Allah sent the Re(elation: HE# Kou
$rapped up !In a blanket"I !Arise and $arnI And your ;ord agnify And keep pure your garents#
And desert the idols%H !:2%0)4"
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 253:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HEn the night of y Ascent to the Hea(en# I sa$ Moses $ho $as a tall bro$n
curly)haired an as if he $as one of the en of Shan'a$a tribe# and I sa$ /esus# a an of ediu
height and oderate cople*ion inclined to the red and $hite colors and of lank hair% I also sa$
Malik# the gate)keeper of the !Hell" Bire and Ad) aongst the signs $hich Allah sho$ed e%H
!&he Prophet then recited the Holy =erse": HSo be not you in doubt of eeting hi' $hen you et
Moses during the night of Mi'ra. o(er the hea(ensH !<3%3<"
=olue 2 ) :4< ? 0:66
Darrated Anas and Abu Bakra: H&he Prophet said# H&he angels $ill guard Medina fro Ad)
!$ho $ill not be able to enter the city of Medina"%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 25<:
Darrated Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen anyone of you dies# he $ill be sho$n his destination both in the orn)
ing and in the e(ening# and if he belongs to the people of Paradise# he $ill be sho$n his place in
Paradise# and if he is fro the people of Hell# he $ill be sho$n his place in Hell%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 252:
Darrated 'Iran bin Husain:
&he Prophet said# HI looked at Paradise and found poor people foring the a.ority of its inhabit)
antsL and I looked at Hell and sa$ that the a.ority of its inhabitants $ere $oen%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 254:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hile $e $ere in the copany of the Prophet# he said# H@hile I $as asleep# I sa$ yself in Para)
dise and there I beheld a $oan aking ablution beside a palace# I asked# &o $ho does this palace
belongJ '&hey said# &o 'Uar bin Al)Khattab%' &hen I reebered 'Uar's Ahaira !concerning $o)
en"# and so I Cuickly $ent a$ay fro that palace%H !@hen 'Uar heard this fro the Prophet"# he
$ept and said# H8o you think it is likely that I feel Ahaira because of you# E Allah's ApostleJH
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 255:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin ,ais Al)Ashari:
&he Prophet said# HA tent !in Paradise" is like a hollo$ pearl $hich is thirty iles in height and on
e(ery corner of the tent the belie(er $ill ha(e a faily that cannot be seen by the others%H !Darrated
Abu Iran in another narration# H!&he tent is" si*ty iles !in height"H"
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 25::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah said# HI ha(e prepared for My Pious sla(es things $hich ha(e ne(er
been seen by an eye# or heard by an ear# or iagined by a huan being%H If you $ish# you can recite
this =erse fro the Holy ,uran:))HDo soul kno$s $hat is kept hidden for the# of .oy as a re$ard
for $hat they used to do%H !<3%0:"
=olue 2 ) :42 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 257:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he first group !of people" $ho $ill enter Paradise $ill be !glittering" like the
oon $hen it is full% &hey $ill not spit or blo$ their noses or relie(e nature% &heir utensils $ill be of
gold and their cobs of gold and sil(erL in their centers the aloe $ood $ill be used# and their s$eat
$ill sell like usk% +(eryone of the $ill ha(e t$o $i(esL the arro$ of the bones of the $i(es'
legs $ill be seen through the flesh out of e*cessi(e beauty% &hey ! i%e% the people of Paradise" $ill
neither ha(e differences nor hatred aongst thesel(esL their hearts $ill be as if one heart and they
$ill be glorifying Allah in the orning and in the e(ening%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 251:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he first batch !of people" $ho $ill enter Paradise $ill be !glittering" like a
full oonL and those $ho $ill enter ne*t $ill be !glittering" like the brightest star% &heir hearts $ill
be as if the heart of a single an# for they $ill ha(e no enity aongst thesel(es# and e(eryone of
the shall ha(e t$o $i(es# each of $ho $ill be so beautiful# pure and transparent that the arro$
of the bones of their legs $ill be seen through the flesh% &hey $ill be glorifying Allah in the orning
and e(ening# and $ill ne(er fall ill# and they $ill neither blo$ their noses# nor spit% &heir utensils
$ill be of gold and sil(er# and their cobs $ill be of gold# and the fuel used in their centers $ill be
the aloes)$ood# and their s$eat $ill sell like usk%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2:6:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
&he Prophet said# H=erilyI :6#666 or :66#666 of y follo$ers $ill enter Paradise altogetherL so
that the first and the last aongst the $ill enter at the sae tie# and their faces $ill be glittering
like the bright full oon%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2:0:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
A silken cloak $as presented to the Prophet and he used to forbid the usage of silk !by en"% @hen
the people $ere fascinated by the cloak% he said# HBy Allah in @hose Hands the life of Muhaad is#
the handkerchiefs of Sad bin Mu'adh in Paradise are better than this%H
=olue 2 ) :44 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2:3:
Darrated Al)Bara bin A-ib:
Allah's Apostle $as gi(en a silken garent# and its beauty and delicacy astonished the people% En
that# Allah's Apostle said# HDo doubt# the handkerchiefs of Sad bin Muadh in Paradise are better than
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2:<:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad Al)Saidi:
Allah's Apostle said# HA place in Paradise eCual to the si-e of a lash is better than the $hole $orld
and $hate(er is in it%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2:2:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# H&here is a tree in Paradise !$hich is so big and huge that" if a rider tra(els in its
shade for one hundred years# he $ould not be able to cross it%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2:4:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said H&here is a tree in Paradise !$hich is so big and huge that" a rider could tra(el in
its shade for a hundred years% And if you $ish# you can recite:))'In shade long e*tended%%' !45% <6"
and a place in Paradise eCual to an arro$ bo$ of one of you# is better than !the $hole earth" on
$hich the sun rises and sets%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2:5:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he first batch !of people" $ho $ill enter Paradise $ill be !glittering" like the
full oon# and the batch ne*t to the $ill be !glittering" like the ost brilliant star in the sky% &heir
hearts $ill be as if the heart of a single an# for they $ill ha(e neither enity nor .ealousy aongst
thesel(esL e(eryone $ill ha(e t$o $i(es fro the houris# !$ho $ill be so beautiful# pure and trans)
parent that" the arro$ of the bones of their legs $ill be seen through the bones and the flesh%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2:::
Darrated Al)Bara !bin A-ib":
=olue 2 ) :45 ? 0:66
&he Prophet# after the death of his son Ibrahi# said# H&here is a $et)nurse for hi !i%e% Ibrahi" in
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2:7:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# H&he people of Paradise $ill look at the d$ellers of the lofty ansions !i%e% a su)
perior place in Paradise" in the sae $ay as one looks at a brilliant star far a$ay in the +ast or in the
@est on the hori-onL all that is because of their superiority o(er one another !in re$ards"%H En that
the people said# HE Allah's ApostleI Are these lofty ansions for the prophets $hich nobody else can
reachJ &he Prophet replied#H DoI HBy Allah in $hose Hands y life is# these are for the en $ho be)
lie(ed in Allah and also belie(ed in the Apostles%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 2:1:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
&he Prophet said# HParadise has eight gates# and one of the is called Ar)Raiyan through $hich
none $ill enter but those $ho obser(e fasting%H &he Prophet also said# HIf a person spends t$o differ)
ent kinds of soething !for Allah's 9ause"# he $ill be called fro the gates of Paradise%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 276:
Darrated Abu 8har:
@hile the Prophet $as on a .ourney# he said !regarding the perforance of the Fuhr prayer"#
H@ait till it !i%e% the $eather" gets cooler%H He said the sae again till the shade of the hillocks e*ten)
ded% &hen he said# H8elay the !Fuhr" Prayer till it gets cooler# for the se(erity of heat is fro the in)
crease in heat of Hell !fire"%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 270:
Darrated Abu Sad:
&he Prophet said# H8elay the !Fuhr" Prayer till it gets cooler# for t JJJ
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 273:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he !Hell" Bire coplained to its ;ord saying# 'E y ;ordI My different parts
eat up each other%' So# He allo$ed it to take t$o breaths# one in the $inter and the other in suer#
and this is the reason for the se(ere heat and the bitter cold you find !in $eather"%H
=olue 2 ) :4: ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 27<:
Darrated Abu /ara Ad)8abi:
I used to sit $ith Ibn 'Abbas in Mecca% Ence I had a fe(er and he said !to e"# H9ool your fe(er
$ith Fa)-a $ater# for Allah's Apostle said: 'It# !the Be(er" is fro the heat of the !Hell" BireL so#
cool it $ith $ater !or Fa)-a $ater"%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 272:
Darrated Rafi bin Khadi.:
I heard the Prophet saying# HBe(er is fro the heat of the !Hell" BireL so cool it $ith $ater%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 274:
Darrated Aisha:
&he Prophet said# HBe(er is fro the heat of the !Hell" Bire# so cool it $ith $ater%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 275:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HBe(er is fro the heat of the !Hell" BireL so abate fe(er $ith $ater%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 27::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HKour !ordinary" fire is one of :6 parts of the !Hell" Bire%H Soeone asked# HE
Allah's Apostle &his !ordinary" fire $ould ha(e been sufficient !to torture the unbelie(ers"#H Allah's
Apostle said# H&he !Hell" Bire has 51 parts ore than the ordinary !$orldly" fire# each part is as hot as
this !$orldly" fire%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 277:
Darrated Kali:
&hat he heard the Prophet on the pulpit reciting:))
H&hey $ill cry: HE MalikI' !2<%::" !Malik is the gate)keeper !angel" of the !Hell" Bire%"
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 271:
Darrated Abu @ail:
=olue 2 ) :47 ? 0:66
Soebody said to Usaa# H@ill you go to so)and)so !i%e% 'Uthan" and talk to hi !i%e% ad(ise hi
regarding ruling the country"JH He said# HKou see that I don't talk to hi% Really I talk to !ad(ise" hi
secretly $ithout opening a gate !of affliction"# for neither do I $ant to be the first to open it !i%e% re)
bellion"# nor $ill I say to a an $ho is y ruler that he is the best of all the people after I ha(e heard
soething fro Allah s Apostle %H &hey said# @hat ha(e you heard hi sayingJ He said# HI ha(e heard
hi saying# HA an $ill be brought on the 8ay of Resurrection and thro$n in the !Hell" Bire# so that
his intestines $ill coe out# and he $ill go around like a donkey goes around a illstone% &he people
of !Hell" Bire $ill gather around hi and say: E so)and)soI @hat is $rong $ith youJ 8idn't you use
to order us to do good deeds and forbid us to do bad deedsJ He $ill reply: Kes# I used to order you to
do good deeds# but I did not do the yself# and I used to forbid you to do bad deeds# yet I used to do
the yself%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 216:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Magic $as $orked on the Prophet so that he began to fancy that he $as doing a thing $hich he
$as not actually doing% Ene day he in(oked !Allah" for a long period and then said# HI feel that Allah
has inspired e as ho$ to cure yself% &$o persons cae to e !in y drea" and sat# one by y
head and the other by y feet% Ene of the asked the other# H@hat is the ailent of this anJH &he
other replied# 'He has been be$itchedH &he first asked# '@ho has be$itched hiJ' &he other replied#
';ubaid bin Al)A'sa%' &he first one asked# '@hat aterial has he usedJ' &he other replied# 'A cob#
the hair gathered on it# and the outer skin of the pollen of the ale date)pal%' &he first asked#
'@here is thatJ' &he other replied# 'It is in the $ell of 8har$an%' H So# the Prophet $ent out to$ards
the $ell and then returned and said to e on his return# HIts date)pals !the date)pals near the
$ell" are like the heads of the de(ils%H I asked# H8id you take out those things $ith $hich the agic
$as $orkedJH He said# HDo# for I ha(e been cured by Allah and I a afraid that this action ay
spread e(il aongst the people%H ;ater on the $ell $as filled up $ith earth%
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 210:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
llah's Apostle said# H8uring your sleep# Satan knots three knots at the back of the head of each of
you# and he breathes the follo$ing $ords at each knot# '&he night is# long# so keep on sleeping#' If that
person $akes up and celebrates the praises of Allah# then one knot is undone# and $hen he perfors
ablution the second knot is undone# and $hen he prays# all the knots are undone# and he gets up in
the orning li(ely and gay# other$ise he gets up dull and glooy% H
=olue 2 ) :41 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 213:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
It $as entioned before the Prophet that there $as a an $ho slept the night till orning !after
sunrise"% &he Prophet said# HHe is a an in $hose ears !or ear" Satan had urinated%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 21<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HIf anyone of you# $hen ha(ing se*ual relation $ith his $ife# say: 'In the nae of
Allah% E AllahI Protect us fro Satan and pre(ent Satan fro approaching our offspring you are go)
ing to gi(e us#' and if he begets a child !as a result of that relation" Satan $ill not har it%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 212:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen the !upper" edge of the sun appears !in the orning"# don't perfor a
prayer till the sun appears in full# and $hen the lo$er edge of the sun sets# don't perfor a prayer
till it sets copletely% And you should not seek to pray at sunrise or sunset for the sun rises bet$een
t$o sides of the head of the de(il !or Satan"%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 214:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# HIf $hile you are praying# soebody intends to pass in front of you# pre(ent hiL
and should he insist# pre(ent hi againL and if he insists again# fight $ith hi !i%e% pre(ent hi (iol)
ently e%g% pushing hi (iolently"# because such a person is !like" a de(il%H
Darrated Muhaad bin Sirin: Abu Huraira said# HAllah's Apostle put e in charge of the Fakat of
Raadan !i%e% Fakat)ul)Bitr"% Soeone cae to e and started scooping soe of the foodstuff of !Fa)
kat" $ith both hands% I caught hi and told hi that I $ould take hi to Allah's Apostle%H &hen Abu
Huraira told the $hole narration and added HHe !i%e% the thief" said# '@hene(er you go to your bed#
recite the =erse of HAl)KursiH !3%344" for then a guardian fro Allah $ill be guarding you# and Satan
$ill not approach you till da$n%' H En that the Prophet said# HHe told you the truth# though he is a
liar# and he !the thief" hiself $as the Satan%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 215:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 2 ) :56 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# HSatan coes to one of you and says# '@ho created so)and)soJ 'till he says#
'@ho has created your ;ordJ' So# $hen he inspires such a Cuestion# one should seek refuge $ith Al)
lah and gi(e up such thoughts%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 21::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen the onth of Raadan coes# the gates of Paradise are opened and the
gates of the !Hell" Bire are closed# and the de(ils are chained%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 217:
Darrated Ubai bin Kab:
&hat he heard Allah's Apostle saying# H!&he prophet" Moses said to his attendant# HBring us our
early eal' !07%53"% &he latter said# '8id you reeber $hen $e betook oursel(es to the rockJ I in)
deed forgot the fish and none but Satan ade e forget to reeber it%H !07%5<" Moses did not feel
tired till he had crossed the place $hich Allah ordered hi to go to%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 211:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
I sa$ Allah's Apostle pointing to$ards the east saying# H;oI Afflictions $ill (erily eerge henceL af)
flictions $ill (erily eerge hence $here the !side of the head of" Satan appears%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 466:
Darrated /abir:
&he Prophet said# H@hen nightfalls# then keep your children close to you# for the de(il spread out
then% An hour later you can let the freeL and close the gates of your house !at night"# and ention
Allah's Dae thereupon# and co(er your utensils# and ention Allah's Dae thereupon# !and if you
don't ha(e soething to co(er your utensil" you ay put across it soething !e%g% a piece of $ood
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 460:
Darrated Safiya bint Huyay:
@hile Allah's Apostle $as in Itikaf# I called on hi at night and ha(ing had a talk $ith hi# I got
up to depart% He got up also to accopany e to y d$elling place# $hich $as then in the house of
Usaa bin Faid% &$o Ansari en passed by# and $hen they sa$ the Prophet they hastened a$ay%
=olue 2 ) :50 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said !to the"% H8on't hurryI It is Safiya# the daughter of Huyay !i%e% y $ife"%H &hey said#
HAlorified be AllahI E Allah's ApostleI !Ho$ dare $e suspect youJ"H He said# HSatan circulates in the
huan ind as blood circulates in it# and I $as afraid that Satan ight thro$ an e(il thought !or
soething" into your hearts%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 463:
Darrated Sulaian bin Surd:
@hile I $as sitting in the copany of the Prophet# t$o en abused each other and the face of one
of the becae red $ith anger# and his .ugular (eins s$elled !i%e% he becae furious"% En that the
Prophet said# HI kno$ a $ord# the saying of $hich $ill cause hi to rela*# if he does say it% If he says:
'I seek Refuge $ith Allah fro Satan%' then all is anger $ill go a$ay%H Soe body said to hi# H&he
Prophet has said# 'Seek refuge $ith Allah fro Satan%H' &he angry an said# HA I adJH
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 46<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HIf anyone of you# on ha(ing se*ual relation $ith his $ife# says: 'E AllahI Protect
e fro Satan# and pre(ent Satan fro approaching the offspring you are going to gi(e e#' and if it
happens that the lady concei(es a child# Satan $ill neither har it nor be gi(en po$er o(er it%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 462:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet offered a prayer# and !after finishing" he said# HSatan cae in front of e trying per)
sistently to di(ert y attention fro the prayer# but Allah ga(e e the strength to o(er)po$er hi%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 464:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hen the call for the prayer is pronounced# Satan takes to his heels# passing
$ind $ith noise# @hen the call for the prayer is finished# he coes back% And $hen the ICaa is
pronounced# he again takes to his heels# and after its copletion# he returns again to interfere
bet$een the !praying" person and his heart# saying to hi% 'Reeber this or that thing%' till the per)
son forgets $hether he has offered three or four Rakat: so if one forgets $hether he has prayed three
or four Rak'a)t# he should perfor t$o prostrations of Sahu !i%e% forgetfulness"%H
=olue 2 ) :53 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 465:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hen any huan being is born% Satan touches hi at both sides of the body
$ith his t$o fingers# e*cept /esus# the son of Mary# $ho Satan tried to touch but failed# for he
touched the placenta)co(er instead%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 46::
Darrated AlCaa:
I $ent to Sha !and asked% H@ho is hereJH"# &he people said# HAbu Ad)8arda%H Abu 8arda said# HIs
the person $ho Allah has protected against Satan# !as Allah's Apostle said" aongst youH% &he sub)
narrator# Mughira said that the person $ho $as gi(en Allah's Refuge through the tongue of the
Prophet $as 'Aar !bin Kasir"%
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 467:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# H@hile the angels talk aidst the clouds about things that are going to happen
on earth# the de(ils hear a $ord of $hat they say and pour it in the ears of a soothsayer as one pours
soething in a bottle# and they add one hundred lies to that !one $ord"%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 461:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HKa$ning is fro Satan and if anyone of you ya$ns# he should check his ya$n)
ing as uch as possible# for if anyone of you !during the act of ya$ning" should say: 'Ha'# Satan $ill
laugh at hi%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 406:
Darrated 'Aisha:
En the day !of the battle" of Uhud $hen the pagans $ere defeated# Satan shouted# HE sla(es of Al)
lahI Be$are of the forces at your back#H and on that the Muslis of the front files fought $ith the
Muslis of the back files !thinking they $ere pagans"% Hudhaifa looked back to see his father HAl)
Kaan#H !being attacked by the Muslis"% He shouted# HE Allah's Sla(esI My fatherI My fatherIH By
Allah# they did not stop till they killed hi% Hudhaifa said# HMay Allah forgi(e you%H 'Ur$a said that
Hudhaifa continued to do good !in(oking Allah to forgi(e the killer of his father till he et Allah !i%e%
=olue 2 ) :5< ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 400:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I asked the Prophet about one's looking here and there during the prayer% He replied# HIt is $hat
Satan steals fro the prayer of any one of you%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 403:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
as belo$ i%e% Hadith Do% 40<"
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 40<:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
&he Prophet said# HA good drea is fro Allah# and a bad or e(il drea is fro SatanL so if anyone
of you has a bad drea of $hich he gets afraid# he should spit on his left side and should seek Refuge
$ith Allah fro its e(il# for then it $ill not har hi%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 402:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf one says one)hundred ties in one day: HDone has the right to be $or)
shipped but Allah# the Alone @ho has no partners# to Hi belongs 8oinion and to Hi belong all
the Praises# and He has po$er o(er all things !i%e% Enipotent"H# one $ill get the re$ard of anuit)
ting ten sla(es# and one)hundred good deeds $ill be $ritten in his account# and one)hundred bad
deeds $ill be $iped off or erased fro his account# and on that day he $ill be protected fro the
orning till e(ening fro Satan# and nobody $ill be superior to hi e*cept one $ho has done ore
than that $hich he has done%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 404:
Darrated Sad bin Abi @aCCas:
Ence Uar asked the lea(e to see Allah's Apostle in $hose copany there $ere soe ,uraishi
$oen $ho $ere talking to hi and asking hi for ore financial support raising their (oices%
@hen 'Uar asked perission to enter the $oen got up !Cuickly" hurrying to screen thesel(es%
@hen Allah's Apostle aditted 'Uar# Allah's Apostle $as siling# 'Uar asked# HE Allah's ApostleI
May Allah keep you gay al$ays%H Allah's Apostle said# HI a astonished at these $oen $ho $ere
$ith e% As soon as they heard your (oice# they hastened to screen thesel(es%H 'Uar said# HE Allah's
ApostleI Kou ha(e ore right to be feared by the%H &hen he addressed !those $oen" saying# HE en)
=olue 2 ) :52 ? 0:66
eies of your o$n soulsI 8o you fear e and not Allah's Apostle JH &hey replied% HKes# for you are a
fearful and fierce an as copared $ith Allah's Apostle%H En that Allah's Apostle said !to 'Uar"# HBy
Hi in @hose Hands y life is# $hene(er Satan sees you taking a path# he follo$s a path other than
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 405:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIf anyone of you rouses fro sleep and perfors the ablution# he should $ash
his nose by putting $ater in it and then blo$ing it out thrice# because Satan has stayed in the upper
part of his nose all the night%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 40::
Darrated Abdur)Rahan bin Abdullah bin Abdur)Rahan bin Abi Sasaa Ansari:
&hat Abu Said Al)Khudri said to his father% HI see you are fond of sheep and the desert# so $hen
you $ant to pronounce the Adhan# raise your (oice $ith it for $hoe(er $ill hear the Adhan $hether
a huan being# or a /inn# or anything else# $ill bear $itness# in fa(or on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
Abu Said added# HI ha(e heard this fro Allah's Apostle %H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 407:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
&hat he heard the Prophet deli(ering a seron on the pulpit saying# HKill snakes and kill 8hu)at)
&ufyatain !i%e% a snake $ith t$o $hite lines on its back" and A;BA&RESS !i%e% a snake $ith short or
utilated tail" for they destroy the sight of one's eyes and bring about abortion%H !'Abdullah bin 'Uar
further added": Ence $hile I $as chasing a snake in order# to kill it# Abu ;ubaba called e saying:
H8on't kill it#H I said% HAllah's Apostle ordered us to kill snakes%H He said# HBut later on he prohibited the
killing of snakes li(ing in the houses%H !A-)Fubri said% HSuch snakes are called Al)A$air%H"
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 401:
Darrated Abu Said al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here $ill coe a tie $hen the best property of a an $ill be sheep $hich
he $ill gra-e on the tops of ountains and the places $here rain falls !i%e% pastures" escaping to pro)
tect his religion fro afflictions%H
=olue 2 ) :54 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 436:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he ain source of disbelief is in the east% Pride and arrogance are character)
istics of the o$ners of horses and caels# and those bedouins $ho are busy $ith their caels and
pay no attention to ReligionL $hile odesty and gentleness are the characteristics of the o$ners of
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 430:
Darrated 'UCba bin 'Uar and Abu Mas'ud:
Allah's Apostle pointed $ith his hand to$ards Keen and said# H&rue Belief is Keenite yonder
!i%e% the Keenite# had &rue Belief and ebraced Isla readily"# but sternness and ercilessness are
the Cualities of those $ho are busy $ith their caels and pay no attention to the Religion $here the
t$o sides of the head of Satan $ill appear% Such Cualities belong to the tribe of Rabi'a and Mudar%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 433:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hen you hear the cro$ing of cocks# ask for Allah's Blessings for !their cro$)
ing indicates that" they ha(e seen an angel% And $hen you hear the braying of donkeys# seek Refuge
$ith Allah fro Satan for !their braying indicates" that they ha(e seen a Satan%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 43<:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 432:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HA group of Israelites $ere lost% Dobody kno$s $hat they did% But I do not see
the e*cept that they $ere cursed and changed into rats# for if you put the ilk of a she)cael in
front of a rat# it $ill not drink it# but if the ilk of a sheep is put in front of it# it $ill drink it%H I told
this to Ka'b $ho asked e# H8id you hear it fro the Prophet JH I said# HKes%H Ka'b asked e the sae
Cuestion se(eral ties%L I said to Ka'b% H8o I read the &orahJ !i%e% I tell you this fro the Prophet%"H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 434:
Darrated Aisha:
=olue 2 ) :55 ? 0:66
&he Prophet called the Salaander# a ischief)doer% I ha(e not heard hi ordering that it should
be killed% Sad bin @aCCas clais that the Prophet ordered that it should be killed%
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 435:
Darrated U Sharik:
&hat the Prophet ordered her to kill Salaanders%
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 43::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# HKill the snake $ith t$o $hite lines on its back# for it blinds the on)looker and
causes abortion%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 437:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet ordered that a short)tailed or utilated)tailed snake !i%e% Abtar" should be killed# for
it blinds the on)looker and causes abortion%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 431:
Darrated Abu Mulaika:
Ibn Uar used to kill snakes# but after$ards he forbade their killing and said# HEnce the Prophet
pulled do$n a $all and sa$ a cast)off skin of a snake in it% He said# ';ook for the snake% '&hey found
it and the Prophet said# HKill it%H Bor this reason I used to kill snakes% ;ater on I et Abu ;ubaba $ho
told e the Prophet said# '8o not kill snakes e*cept the short)tailed or utilated)tailed snake $ith
t$o $hite lines on its back# for it causes abortion and akes one blind% So kill it%' H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 4<6:
Darrated Dafi:
Ibn 'Uar used to kill snakes but $hen Abu ;ubaba infored hi that the Prophet had forbidden
the killing of snakes li(ing in houses# he ga(e up killing the%
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 4<0:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue 2 ) :5: ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HBi(e kinds of anials are ischief)doers and can be killed e(en in the Sanctu)
ary: &hey are the rat the scorpion# the kite# the cro$ and the rabid dog%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 4<3:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HIt is not sinful of a person in the state of Ihra to kill any of these fi(e ani)
als: &he scorpion# the rat# the rabid dog# the cro$ and the kite%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 4<<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H9o(er your utensils and tie your $ater skins# and close your doors and keep
your children close to you at night# as the /inns spread out at such tie and snatch things a$ay%
@hen you go to bed# put out your lights# for the ischief)doer !i%e% the rat" ay drag a$ay the $ick
of the candle and burn the d$ellers of the house%H Ata said# H&he de(ils%H !instead of the /inns"%
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 4<2:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Ence $e $ere in the copany of Allah's Apostle in a ca(e% Surat)al)Mursalat !::" $as re(ealed
there# and $e $ere learning it fro Allah's Apostle % Suddenly a snake cae out of its hole and $e
rushed to$ards it to kill it# but it hastened and entered its hole before $e $ere able to catch it% Allah's
Apostle said#H It has been sa(ed fro your e(il and you ha(e been sa(ed fro its e(il%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 4<4:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar: &he Prophet said# HA $oan entered the !Hell" Bire because of a cat $
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 4<5:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HEnce $hile a prophet aongst the prophets $as taking a rest underneath a
tree# an ant bit hi% He# therefore# ordered that his luggage be taken a$ay fro underneath that tree
and then ordered that the d$elling place of the ants should be set on fire% Allah sent hi a re(ela)
tion:)) H@ouldn't it ha(e been sufficient to burn a single antJ !that bit you": !See Page 053# chapter
Do% 04<"%
=olue 2 ) :57 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 4<::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said HIf a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you# he should dip it !in the drink"#
for one of its $ings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 4<7:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HA prostitute $as forgi(en by Allah# because# passing by a panting dog near a
$ell and seeing that the dog $as about to die of thirst# she took off her shoe# and tying it $ith her
head)co(er she dre$ out soe $ater for it% So# Allah forga(e her because of that%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 4<1:
Darrated Abu &alha:
&he Prophet said# HAngels do not enter a house $itch has either a dog or a picture in it%H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 426:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle ordered that the dogs should be killed%
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 420:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf soebody keeps a dog# he loses one ,irat !of the re$ard" of his good deeds
e(eryday# e*cept if he keeps it for the purpose of agriculture or for the protection of li(estock% H
=olue 2# Book 42# Duber 423:
Darrated Sufyan bin Abi Fuhair Ash)Shani:
&hat he heard Allah's Apostle saying# HIf soebody keeps a dog that is neither used for far $ork
nor for guarding the li(estock# he $ill lose one ,irat !of the re$ard" of his good deeds e(eryday%H
=olue 2 ) :51 ? 0:66
Book 44: Prophets
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 42<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah created Ada# aking hi 56 cubits tall% @hen He created hi# He said
to hi# HAo and greet that group of angels# and listen to their reply# for it $ill be your greeting !sa)
lutation" and the greeting !salutations of your offspring%H So# Ada said !to the angels"# As)Salau
Alaiku !i%e% Peace be upon you"% &he angels said# HAs)salau Alaika $a Rahatu)l)lahiH !i%e% Peace
and Allah's Mercy be upon you"% &hus the angels added to Ada's salutation the e*pression# '@a
Rahatu)l)lahi#' Any person $ho $ill enter Paradise $ill reseble Ada !in appearance and
figure"% People ha(e been decreasing in stature since Ada's creation%
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 422:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he first group of people $ho $ill enter Paradise# $ill be glittering like the
full oon and those $ho $ill follo$ the# $ill glitter like the ost brilliant star in the sky% &hey $ill
not urinate# relie(e nature# spit# or ha(e any nasal secretions% &heir cobs $ill be of gold# and their
s$eat $ill sell like usk% &he aloes)$ood $ill be used in their centers% &heir $i(es $ill be houris%
All of the $ill look alike and $ill reseble their father Ada !in statute"# si*ty cubits tall%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 424:
Darrated Abu Salaa:
U Salaa said# HU Salai said# 'E Allah's ApostleI Allah does not refrain fro saying the truthI
Is it obligatory for a $oan to take a bath after she gets nocturnal dischargeJ' He said# 'Kes# if she
notices the $ater !i%e% discharge"%' U Salaa siled and said# '8oes a $oan get dischargeJ' Allah's
Apostle said% '&hen $hy does a child reseble !its other"JH
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 425:
Darrated Anas:
@hen 'Abdullah bin Sala heard the arri(al of the Prophet at Medina# he cae to hi and said# HI
a going to ask you about three things $hich nobody kno$s e*cept a prophet: @hat is the first
portent of the HourJ @hat $ill be the first eal taken by the people of ParadiseJ @hy does a child
reseble its father# and $hy does it reseble its aternal uncleH Allah's Apostle said# HAabriel has
=olue 2 ) ::6 ? 0:66
.ust no$ told e of their ans$ers%H 'Abdullah said# HHe !i%e% Aabriel"# fro aongst all the angels# is
the eney of the /e$s%H Allah's Apostle said# H&he first portent of the Hour $ill be a fire that $ill bring
together the people fro the east to the $estL the first eal of the people of Paradise $ill be +*tra)
lobe !caudate lobe" of fish)li(er% As for the reseblance of the child to its parents: If a an has se*u)
al intercourse $ith his $ife and gets discharge first# the child $ill reseble the father# and if the $o)
an gets discharge first# the child $ill reseble her%H En that 'Abdullah bin Sala said# HI testify that
you are the Apostle of Allah%H 'Abdullah bin Sala further said# HE Allah's ApostleI &he /e$s are liars#
and if they should coe to kno$ about y con(ersion to Isla before you ask the !about e"# they
$ould tell a lie about e%H &he /e$s cae to Allah's Apostle and 'Abdullah $ent inside the house% Al)
lah's Apostle asked !the /e$s"# H@hat kind of an is 'Abdullah bin Sala aongst youJH &hey replied#
HHe is the ost learned person aongst us# and the best aongst us# and the son of the best aongst
us%H Allah's Apostle said# H@hat do you think if he ebraces Isla !$ill you do as he does"JH &he /e$s
said# HMay Allah sa(e hi fro it%H &hen 'Abdullah bin Sala cae out in front of the saying# HI
testify that Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah and that Muhaad is the Apostle of Al)
lah%H &hereupon they said# HHe is the e(ilest aong us# and the son of the e(ilest aongst us#H and
continued talking badly of hi%
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 42::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HBut for the Israelis# eat $ould not decay and but for +(e# $i(es $ould ne(er
betray their husbands%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 427:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah 's Apostle said# H&reat $oen nicely# for a $oen is created fro a rib# and the ost cur(ed
portion of the rib is its upper portion# so# if you should try to straighten it# it $ill break# but if you
lea(e it as it is# it $ill reain crooked% So treat $oen nicely%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 421:
Darrated Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle# the true and truly inspired said# H!as regards your creation"# e(ery one of you is
collected in the $ob of his other for the first forty days# and then he becoes a clot for an other
forty days# and then a piece of flesh for an other forty days% &hen Allah sends an angel to $rite four
$ords: He $rites his deeds# tie of his death# eans of his li(elihood# and $hether he $ill be
$retched or blessed !in religion"% &hen the soul is breathed into his body% So a an ay do deeds
characteristic of the people of the !Hell" Bire# so uch so that there is only the distance of a cubit
=olue 2 ) ::0 ? 0:66
bet$een hi and it# and then $hat has been $ritten !by the angel" surpasses# and so he starts doing
deeds characteristic of the people of Paradise and enters Paradise% Siilarly# a person ay do deeds
characteristic of the people of Paradise# so uch so that there is only the distance of a cubit bet$een
hi and it# and then $hat has been $ritten !by the angel" surpasses# and he starts doing deeds of the
people of the !Hell" Bire and enters the !Hell" Bire%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 446:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HAllah has appointed an angel in the $ob# and the angel says# 'E ;ordI A drop
of discharge !i%e% of seen"# E ;ordI a clot# E ;ordI a piece of flesh%' And then# if Allah $ishes to co)
plete the child's creation# the angel $ill say% 'E ;ordI A ale or a fealeJ E ;ordI $retched or
blessed !in religion"J @hat $ill his li(elihood beJ @hat $ill his age beJ' &he angel $rites all this
$hile the child is in the $ob of its other%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 440:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HAllah $ill say to that person of the !Hell" Bire $ho $ill recei(e the least punish)
ent# 'If you had e(erything on the earth# $ould you gi(e it as a ranso to free yourself !i%e% sa(e
yourself fro this Bire"J' He $ill say# 'Kes%' &hen Allah $ill say# '@hile you $ere in the backbone of
Ada# I asked you uch less than this# i%e% not to $orship others besides Me# but you insisted on
$orshipping others besides e%' H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 443:
Darrated Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hene(er a person is urdered un.ustly# there is a share fro the burden of
the crie on the first son of Ada for he $as the first to start the tradition of urdering%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 44<:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
Ence Allah's Apostle stood aongst the people# glorified and praised Allah as He deser(ed and
then entioned the saying# Hl $arn you against hi !i%e% the" and there $as no prophet
but $arned his nation against hi% Do doubt# Doah $arned his nation against hi but I tell you
about hi soething of $hich no prophet told his nation before e% Kou should kno$ that he is
one)eyed# and Allah is not one)eyed%H
=olue 2 ) ::3 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 442:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HShall I not tell you about the a story of $hich no prophet told his na)
tionJ &he 8a..all is one)eyed and $ill bring $ith hi $hat $ill reseble Hell and Paradise# and
$hat he $ill call Paradise $ill be actually HellL so I $arn you !against hi" as Doah $arned his na)
tion against hi%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 444:
Darrated Abu Said:
Allah's Apostle said# HDoah and his nation $ill coe !on the 8ay of Resurrection and Allah $ill ask
!Doah"# H8id you con(ey !the Message"J' He $ill reply# 'Kes# E y ;ordI' &hen Allah $ill ask Doah's
nation# '8id Doah con(ey My Message to youJ' &hey $ill reply# 'Do# no prophet cae to us%' &hen Al)
lah $ill ask Doah# '@ho $ill stand a $itness for youJ' He $ill reply# 'Muhaad and his follo$ers
!$ill stand $itness for e"%' So# I and y follo$ers $ill stand as $itnesses for hi !that he con(eyed
Allah's Message"%H &hat is# !the interpretation" of the Stateent of Allah: H&hus $e ha(e ade you a
.ust and the best nation that you ight be $itnesses E(er ankind %%H !3%02<"
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 445:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@e $ere in the copany of the Prophet at a banCuet and a cooked !utton" forear $as set be)
fore hi# and he used to like it% He ate a orsel of it and said# HI $ill be the chief of all the people on
the 8ay of Resurrection% 8o you kno$ ho$ Allah $ill gather all the first and the last !people" in one
le(el place $here an obser(er $ill be able to see !all" of the and they $ill be able to hear the an)
nouncer# and the sun $ill coe near to the% Soe People $ill say: 8on't you see# in $hat condition
you are and the state to $hich you ha(e reachedJ @hy don't you look for a person $ho can inter)
cede for you $ith your ;ordJ Soe people $ill say: Appeal to your father# Ada%' &hey $ill go to hi
and say: 'E AdaI Kou are the father of all ankind# and Allah created you $ith His E$n Hands#
and ordered the angels to prostrate for you# and ade you li(e in Paradise% @ill you not intercede for
us $ith your ;ordJ 8on't you see in $hat !iserable" state $e are# and to $hat condition $e ha(e
reachedJ' En that Ada $ill reply# 'My ;ord is so angry as He has ne(er been before and $ill ne(er
be in the futureL !besides"# He forbade e !to eat fro" the tree# but I disobeyed !Hi"# !I a $orried
about" yselfI MyselfI Ao to soebody elseL go to Doah%' &hey $ill go to Doah and sayL 'E DoahI Kou
are the first aongst the essengers of Allah to the people of the earth# and Allah naed you a
thankful sla(e% 8on't you see in $hat a !iserable" state $e are and to $hat condition $e ha(e
reachedJ @ill you not intercede for us $ith your ;ordJ Doah $ill reply: '&oday y ;ord has becoe
so angry as he had ne(er been before and $ill ne(er be in the future MyselfI MyselfI Ao to the
=olue 2 ) ::< ? 0:66
Prophet !Muhaad"% &he people $ill coe to e# and I $ill prostrate yself underneath Allah's
&hrone% &hen I $ill be addressed: 'E MuhaadI Raise your headL intercede# for your intercession
$ill be accepted# and ask !for anything"% for you $ill be gi(en% H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 44::
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle recited the follo$ing =erse" in the usual tone: 'Bahal)Min)Muddalkir%' !42%04"
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 447:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HI ha(e been ade (ictorious $ith As)Saba !i%e% an easterly $ind" and the people
of 'Ad $ere destroyed by Ad)8abur !i%e% a $esterly $ind"%H Darrated Abu Said: Ali sent a piece of gold
to the Prophet $ho distributed it aong four persons: Al)ACra' bin Habis Al)Han-ali fro the tribe
of Mu.ashi# 'Uyaina bin Badr Al)Ba-ari# Faid At)&a'i $ho belonged to !the tribe of" Bani Dahban# and
'AlCaa bin Ulatha Al)'Air $ho belonged to !the tribe of" Bani Kilab% So the ,uraish and the Ansar
becae angry and said# HHe !i%e% the Prophet# " gi(es the chief of Da.d and does not gi(e us%H &he
Prophet said# HI gi(e the" so as to attract their hearts !to Isla"%H &hen a an $ith sunken eyes#
proinent checks# a raised forehead# a thick beard and a sha(en head# cae !in front of the
Prophet " and said# HBe afraid of Allah# E MuhaadIH &he Prophet ' said H@ho $ould obey Allah if I
disobeyed HiJ !Is it fair that" Allah has trusted all the people of the earth to e $hile# you do not
trust eJH Soebody $ho# I think $as Khalid bin Al)@alid# reCuested the Prophet to let hi chop
that an's head off# but he pre(ented hi% @hen the an left# the Prophet said# HAong the off)
spring of this an $ill be soe $ho $ill recite the ,ur'an but the ,ur'an $ill not reach beyond
their throats !i%e% they $ill recite like parrots and $ill not understand it nor act on it"# and they $ill
renegade fro the religion as an arro$ goes through the gae's body% &hey $ill kill the Muslis but
$ill not disturb the idolaters% If I should li(e up to their tie' I $ill kill the as the people of 'Ad
$ere killed !i%e% I $ill kill all of the"%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 441:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
I heard the Prophet reciting: HBahal Min Muddakir%H !See Hadith Do% 44:"
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 456:
Darrated Abdullah bin Fa'a:
=olue 2 ) ::2 ? 0:66
I heard the Prophet $hile referring to the person $ho had cut the legs of the she)cael !of the
Prophet Salih"# saying# H&he an $ho $as appointed for doing this .ob# $as a an of honor and
po$er in his nation like Abu Fa'a#H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 450:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
@hen Allah's Apostle landed at Al)Hi.r during the Aha-$a of &abuk# he ordered his copanions
not to drink $ater fro its $ell or reser(e $ater fro it% &hey said# H@e ha(e already kneaded the
dough $ith its $ater% and also filled our bags $ith its $ater%'' En that# the Prophet ordered the to
thro$ a$ay the dough and pour out the $ater%
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 453:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he people landed at the land of &haud called Al)Hi.r along $ith Allah's Apostle and they took
$ater fro its $ell for drinking and kneading the dough $ith it as $ell% !@hen Allah's Apostle heard
about it" he ordered the to pour out the $ater they had taken fro its $ells and feed the caels
$ith the dough# and ordered the to take $ater fro the $ell $hence the she)cael !of Prophet Sa)
lih" used to drink%
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 45<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
@hen the Prophet passed by !a place called" Al Hi.r# he said# H8o not enter the house of those $ho
$ere un.ust to thesel(es# unless !you enter" $eeping# lest you should suffer the sae punishent
as $as inflicted upon the%H After that he co(ered his face $ith his sheet cloth $hile he $as on the
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 452:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H8o not enter the ruined d$ellings of those $ho $ere un.ust to thesel(es
unless !you enter" $eeping# lest you should suffer the sae punishent as $as inflicted upon the%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 454:
Darrated Fainab bint /ahsh:
=olue 2 ) ::4 ? 0:66
&hat the Prophet once cae to her in a state of fear and said# HDone has the right to be $orshipped
but Allah% @oe unto the Arabs fro a danger that has coe near% An opening has been ade in the
$all of Aog and Magog like this#H aking a circle $ith his thub and inde* finger% Fainab bint /ah)
sh said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall $e be destroyed e(en though there are pious persons aong usJH He
said# HKes# $hen the e(il person $ill increase%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 455:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah has ade an opening in the $all of the Aog and Magog !people" like this#
and he ade $ith his hand !$ith the help of his fingers"%
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 45::
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# HAllah $ill say !on the 8ay of Resurrection"# 'E Ada%' Ada $ill reply# ';abbaik
$a Sa'daik'# and all the good is in Kour Hand%' Allah $ill say: 'Bring out the people of the fire%' Ada
$ill say: 'E AllahI Ho$ any are the people of the BireJ' Allah $ill reply: 'Bro e(ery one thousand#
take out nine)hundred)and ninety)nine%' At that tie children $ill becoe hoary headed# e(ery
pregnant feale $ill ha(e a iscarriage# and one $ill see ankind as drunken# yet they $ill not be
drunken# but dreadful $ill be the @rath of Allah%H &he copanions of the Prophet asked# HE Allah's
ApostleI @ho is that !e*cepted" oneJH He said# HRe.oice $ith glad tidingsL one person $ill be fro you
and one)thousand $ill be fro Aog and Magog%H
&he Prophet further said# HBy Hi in @hose Hands y life is# hope that you $ill be one)fourth of
the people of Paradise%H @e shouted# HAllahu AkbarIH He added# HI hope that you $ill be one)third of
the people of Paradise%H @e shouted# HAllahu AkbarIH He said# HI hope that you $ill be half of the
people of Paradise%H @e shouted# HAllahu AkbarIH He further said# HKou !Muslis" !copared $ith
non Muslis" are like a black hair in the skin of a $hite o* or like a $hite hair in the skin of a black
o* !i%e% your nuber is (ery sall as copared $ith theirs"%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 457:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HKou $ill be gathered !on the 8ay of /udgent"# bare)footed# naked and not cir)
cucised%H He then recited:))'As @e began the first creation# @e# shall repeat it: A Proise @e ha(e
undertaken: &ruly $e shall do it%' !30%062" He added# H&he first to be dressed on the 8ay of Resurrec)
tion# $ill be Abraha# and soe of y copanions $ill be taken to$ards the left side !i%e% to the
!Hell" Bire"# and I $ill say: 'My copanionsI My copanionsI' It $ill be said: '&hey renegade fro Is)
la after you left the%' &hen I $ill say as the Pious sla(e of Allah !i%e% /esus" said% 'And I $as a $it)
=olue 2 ) ::5 ? 0:66
ness E(er the $hile I d$elt aongst the% @hen Kou took e up Kou $ere the @atcher o(er
the# And Kou are a $itness to all things% If Kou punish the% &hey are Kour sla(es And if Kou for)
gi(e the# =erily you# only Kou are the All)Mighty# the All)@ise%H !4%036)030"
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 451:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HEn the 8ay of Resurrection Abraha $ill eet his father A-ar $hose face $ill
be dark and co(ered $ith dust%!&he Prophet Abraha $ill say to hi": '8idn't I tell you not to dis)
obey eJ' His father $ill reply: '&oday I $ill not disobey you%' 'Abraha $ill say: 'E ;ordI Kou pro)
ised e not to disgrace e on the 8ay of ResurrectionL and $hat $ill be ore disgraceful to e than
cursing and dishonoring y fatherJ' &hen Allah $ill say !to hi":' 'I ha(e forbidden Paradise for the
disbelie(ers%H &hen he $ill be addressed# 'E AbrahaI ;ookI @hat is underneath your feetJ' He $ill
look and there he $ill see a 8habh !an anial#" blood)stained# $hich $ill be caught by the legs and
thro$n in the !Hell" Bire%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 4:6:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet entered the Ka'ba and found in it the pictures of !Prophet" Abraha and Mary% En
that he said' H@hat is the atter $ith the ! i%e% ,uraish"J &hey ha(e already heard that angels do
not enter a house in $hich there are picturesL yet this is the picture of Abraha% And $hy is he de)
picted as practicing di(ination by arro$sJH
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 4:0:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen the Prophet sa$ pictures in the Ka'ba# he did not enter it till he ordered the to be erased%
@hen he sa$ !the pictures of Abraha and Ishael carrying the arro$s of di(ination# he said# HMay
Allah curse the !i%e% the ,uraish"I By Allah# neither Abraha nor Ishael practiced di(ination by
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 4:3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he people said# HE Allah's ApostleI @ho is the ost honorable aongst the people !in Allah's
Sight"JH He said# H&he ost righteous aongst the%H &hey said# H@e do not ask you# about this% H He
said# H&hen /oseph# Allah's Prophet# the son of Allah's Prophet# &he son of Allah's Prophet the son of
Allah's Khalil !i%e% Abraha"%H &hey said# H@e do not $ant to ask about this#H He said' H&hen you $ant
=olue 2 ) ::: ? 0:66
to ask about the descent of the Arabs% &hose $ho $ere the best in the pre)lslaic period of ignor)
ance $ill be the best in Isla pro(ided they coprehend the religious kno$ledge%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 4:<:
Darrated Saura:
Allah's Apostle said# H&$o persons cae to e at night !in drea" !and took e along $ith the"%
@e passed by a tall an $ho $as so tall that I $as not able to see his head and that person $as Ab)
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 4:2:
Darrated Mu.ahid:
&hat $hen the people entioned before Ibn 'Abbas that the $ould ha(e the $ord Kafir# !i%e%
unbelie(er" or the letters Kafir !the root of the Arabic (erb 'disbelie(e'" $ritten on his forehead# I
heard Ibn 'Abbas saying# HI did not hear this# but the Prophet said# 'If you $ant to see Abraha# then
look at your copanion !i%e% the Prophet" but Moses $as a curly)haired# bro$n an !$ho used to
ride" a red cael# the reins of $hich $as ade of fires of date)pals% As if I $ere no$ looking do$n
a (alley%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 4:4:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAbraha did his circucision $ith an ad-e at the age of eighty%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 4:5:
Darrated Abu A-)Finad:
!as abo(e in Hadith Do% 4:4" @ith an ad-e%
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 4:::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAbraha did not tell a lie e*cept on three occasions%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 4:7:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 2 ) ::7 ? 0:66
Abraha did not tell a lie e*cept on three occasion% &$ice for the Sake of Allah $hen he said# HI
a sick#H and he said# H!I ha(e not done this but" the big idol has done it%H &he !third $as" that $hile
Abraha and Sarah !his $ife" $ere going !on a .ourney" they passed by !the territory of" a tyrant%
Soeone said to the tyrant# H&his an !i%e% Abraha" is accopanied by a (ery charing lady%H So# he
sent for Abraha and asked hi about Sarah saying# H@ho is this ladyJH Abraha said# HShe is y
sister%H Abraha $ent to Sarah and said# HE SarahI &here are no belie(ers on the surface of the earth
e*cept you and I% &his an asked e about you and I ha(e told hi that you are y sister# so don't
contradict y stateent%H &he tyrant then called Sarah and $hen she $ent to hi# he tried to take
hold of her $ith his hand# but !his hand got stiff and" he $as confounded% He asked Sarah% HPray to
Allah for e# and I shall not har you%H So Sarah asked Allah to cure hi and he got cured% He tried
to take hold of her for the second tie# but !his hand got as stiff as or stiffer than before and" $as
ore confounded% He again reCuested Sarah# HPray to Allah for e# and I $ill not har you%H Sarah
asked Allah again and he becae alright% He then called one of his guards !$ho had brought her"
and said# HKou ha(e not brought e a huan being but ha(e brought e a de(il%H &he tyrant then
ga(e as a girl)ser(ant to Sarah% Sarah cae back !to Abraha" $hile he $as praying% Abra)
ha# gesturing $ith his hand# asked# H@hat has happenedJH She replied# HAllah has spoiled the e(il
plot of the infidel !or ioral person" and ga(e e for ser(ice%H !Abu Huraira then addressed
his listeners saying# H&hat !" $as your other# E Bani Ma)is)Saa !i%e% the Arabs# the descend)
ants of Ishael#'s son"%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 4:1:
Darrated U Sharik:
Allah's Apostle ordered that the salaander should be killed and said# HIt !i%e% the salaander" ble$
!the fire" on Abraha%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 476:
Darrated Abdullah:
@hen the =erse:))HIt is those $ho belie(e and do not confuse their belief $ith $rong ! i%e% .oining
others in $orship $ith AllahH !5%7<" $as re(ealed# $e said# HE Allah's ApostleI @ho is there aongst
us $ho has not done $rong to hiselfJH He replied# HIt is not as you say# for '$rong' in the =erse and
'do not confuse their belief# $ith $rong eans 'SHIRK' !i%e% .oining others in $orship $ith Allah"%
Ha(en't you heard ;uCan's saying to his son# 'E y sonI /oin not others in $orship $ith Allah# (er)
ily .oining others in $orship $ith Allah is a great $rong indeed%H !<0%0<"
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 470:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 2 ) ::1 ? 0:66
Ene day soe eat $as gi(en to the Prophet and he said# HEn the 8ay of Resurrection Allah $ill
gather all the first and the last !people" in one plain# and the (oice of the announcer $ill reach all of
the# and one $ill be able to see the all# and the sun $ill coe closer to the%H !&he narrator then
entioned the narration of intercession": H&he people $ill go to Abraha and say: 'Kou are Allah's
Prophet and His Khalil on the earth% @ill you intercede for us $ith your ;ordJ' Abraha $ill then
reeber his lies and say: 'MyselfI MyselfI Ao to Moses%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 473:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HMay Allah besto$ His Mercy on the other of IshaelI Had she not hastened
!to fill her $ater)skin $ith $ater fro the Fa)-a $ell"% Fa)-a $ould ha(e been a strea
flo$ing on the surface of the earth%H Ibn 'Abbas further added# H!&he Prophet" Abraha brought Ish)
ael and his other !to Mecca" and she $as suckling Ishael and she had a $ater)skin $ith her%'
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 47<:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he first lady to use a girdle $as the other of Ishael% She used a girdle so that she ight hide
her tracks fro Sarah% Abraha brought her and her son Ishael $hile she $as suckling hi# to a
place near the Ka'ba under a tree on the spot of Fa)-a# at the highest place in the osCue% 8ur)
ing those days there $as nobody in Mecca# nor $as there any $ater So he ade the sit o(er there
and placed near the a leather bag containing soe dates# and a sall $ater)skin containing soe
$ater# and set out hoe$ard% Ishael's other follo$ed hi saying# HE AbrahaI @here are you
going# lea(ing us in this (alley $here there is no person $hose copany $e ay en.oy# nor is there
anything !to en.oy"JH She repeated that to hi any ties# but he did not look back at her &hen she
asked hi# HHas Allah ordered you to do soJH He said# HKes%H She said# H&hen He $ill not neglect us#H
and returned $hile Abraha proceeded on$ards# and on reaching the &haniya $here they could
not see hi# he faced the Ka'ba# and raising both hands# in(oked Allah saying the follo$ing prayers:
'E our ;ordI I ha(e ade soe of y offspring d$ell in a (alley $ithout culti(ation# by Kour Sac)
red House !Kaba at Mecca" in order# E our ;ord# that they ay offer prayer perfectly% So fill soe
hearts aong en $ith lo(e to$ards the# and !E Allah" pro(ide the $ith fruits# so that they ay
gi(e thanks%' !02%<:" Ishael's other $ent on suckling Ishael and drinking fro the $ater !she
@hen the $ater in the $ater)skin had all been used up# she becae thirsty and her child also be)
cae thirsty% She started looking at hi !i%e% Ishael" tossing in agonyL She left hi# for she could not
endure looking at hi# and found that the ountain of Safa $as the nearest ountain to her on that
land% She stood on it and started looking at the (alley keenly so that she ight see soebody# but she
=olue 2 ) :76 ? 0:66
could not see anybody% &hen she descended fro Safa and $hen she reached the (alley# she tucked
up her robe and ran in the (alley like a person in distress and trouble# till she crossed the (alley and
reached the Mar$a ountain $here she stood and started looking# e*pecting to see soebody# but
she could not see anybody% She repeated that !running bet$een Safa and Mar$a" se(en ties%H
&he Prophet said# H&his is the source of the tradition of the $alking of people bet$een the !i%e%
Safa and Mar$a"% @hen she reached the Mar$a !for the last tie" she heard a (oice and she asked
herself to be Cuiet and listened attenti(ely% She heard the (oice again and said# 'E# !$hoe(er you ay
be"I Kou ha(e ade e hear your (oiceL ha(e you got soething to help eJH And beholdI She sa$
an angel at the place of Fa)-a# digging the earth $ith his heel !or his $ing"# till $ater flo$ed
fro that place% She started to ake soething like a basin around it# using her hand in this $ay#
and started filling her $ater)skin $ith $ater $ith her hands# and the $ater $as flo$ing out after
she had scooped soe of it%H
&he Prophet added# HMay Allah besto$ Mercy on Ishael's otherI Had she let the Fa)-a
!flo$ $ithout trying to control it" !or had she not scooped fro that $ater" !to fill her $ater)skin"#
Fa)-a $ould ha(e been a strea flo$ing on the surface of the earth%H &he Prophet further added#
H&hen she drank !$ater" and suckled her child% &he angel said to her# '8on't be afraid of being neg)
lected# for this is the House of Allah $hich $ill be built by this boy and his father# and Allah ne(er
neglects His people%' &he House !i%e% Kaba" at that tie $as on a high place resebling a hillock# and
$hen torrents cae# they flo$ed to its right and left% She li(ed in that $ay till soe people fro the
tribe of /urhu or a faily fro /urhu passed by her and her child# as they !i%e% the /urhu
people" $ere coing through the $ay of Kada'% &hey landed in the lo$er part of Mecca $here they
sa$ a bird that had the habit of flying around $ater and not lea(ing it% &hey said# '&his bird ust be
flying around $ater# though $e kno$ that there is no $ater in this (alley%' &hey sent one or t$o
essengers $ho disco(ered the source of $ater# and returned to infor the of the $ater% So# they
all cae !to$ards the $ater"%H &he Prophet added# HIshael's other $as sitting near the $ater% &hey
asked her# '8o you allo$ us to stay $ith youJH She replied# 'Kes# but you $ill ha(e no right to possess
the $ater%' &hey agreed to that%H &he Prophet further said# HIshael's other $as pleased $ith the
$hole situation as she used to lo(e to en.oy the copany of the people% So# they settled there# and
later on they sent for their failies $ho cae and settled $ith the so that soe failies becae
peranent residents there% &he child !i%e% Ishael" gre$ up and learnt Arabic fro the and !his
(irtues" caused the to lo(e and adire hi as he gre$ up# and $hen he reached the age of puberty
they ade hi arry a $oan fro aongst the%
After Ishael's other had died# Abraha cae after Ishael's arriage in order to see his faily
that he had left before# but he did not find Ishael there% @hen he asked Ishael's $ife about hi#
she replied# 'He has gone in search of our li(elihood%' &hen he asked her about their $ay of li(ing and
their condition# and she replied# '@e are li(ing in iseryL $e are li(ing in hardship and destitution#'
coplaining to hi% He said# '@hen your husband returns# con(ey y salutation to hi and tell hi
to change the threshold of the gate !of his house"%' @hen Ishael cae# he seeed to ha(e felt soe)
=olue 2 ) :70 ? 0:66
thing unusual# so he asked his $ife# 'Has anyone (isited youJ' She replied# 'Kes# an old an of so)
and)so description cae and asked e about you and I infored hi# and he asked about our state
of li(ing# and I told hi that $e $ere li(ing in a hardship and po(erty%' En that Ishael said# '8id he
ad(ise you anythingJ' She replied# 'Kes# he told e to con(ey his salutation to you and to tell you to
change the threshold of your gate%' Ishael said# 'It $as y father# and he has ordered e to di(orce
you% Ao back to your faily%' So# Ishael di(orced her and arried another $oan fro aongst
the !i%e% /urhu"%
&hen Abraha stayed a$ay fro the for a period as long as Allah $ished and called on the
again but did not find Ishael% So he cae to Ishael's $ife and asked her about Ishael% She said#
'He has gone in search of our li(elihood%' Abraha asked her# 'Ho$ are you getting onJ' asking her
about their sustenance and li(ing% She replied# '@e are prosperous and $ell)off !i%e% $e ha(e
e(erything in abundance"%' &hen she thanked Allah' Abraha said# '@hat kind of food do you eatJ'
She said% 'Meat%' He said# '@hat do you drinkJ' She said# '@ater%H He said# HE AllahI Bless their eat
and $ater%H &he Prophet added# HAt that tie they did not ha(e grain# and if they had grain# he $ould
ha(e also in(oked Allah to bless it%H &he Prophet added# HIf soebody has only these t$o things as his
sustenance# his health and disposition $ill be badly affected# unless he li(es in Mecca%H &he Prophet
added#H &hen Abraha said Ishael's $ife# H@hen your husband coes# gi(e y regards to hi and
tell hi that he should keep fir the threshold of his gate%' @hen Ishael cae back# he asked his
$ife# '8id anyone call on youJ' She replied# 'Kes# a good)looking old an cae to e#' so she praised
hi and added% 'He asked about you# and I infored hi# and he asked about our li(elihood and I
told hi that $e $ere in a good condition%' Ishael asked her# '8id he gi(e you any piece of ad(iceJ'
She said# 'Kes# he told e to gi(e his regards to you and ordered that you should keep fir the
threshold of your gate%' En that Ishael said# 'It $as y father# and you are the threshold !of the
gate"% He has ordered e to keep you $ith e%'
&hen Abraha stayed a$ay fro the for a period as long as Allah $ished# and called on the
after$ards% He sa$ Ishael under a tree near Fa-a# sharpening his arro$s% @hen he sa$ Abra)
ha# he rose up to $elcoe hi !and they greeted each other as a father does $ith his son or a son
does $ith his father"% Abraha said# 'E IshaelI Allah has gi(en e an order%' Ishael said# '8o $hat
your ;ord has ordered you to do%' Abraha asked# '@ill you help eJ' Ishael said# 'I $ill help you%'
Abraha said# Allah has ordered e to build a house here#' pointing to a hillock higher than the land
surrounding it%H &he Prophet added# H&hen they raised the foundations of the House !i%e% the Ka'ba"%
Ishael brought the stones and Abraha $as building# and $hen the $alls becae high# Ishael
brought this stone and put it for Abraha $ho stood o(er it and carried on building# $hile Ishael
$as handing hi the stones# and both of the $ere saying# 'E our ;ordI Accept !this ser(ice" fro
us# =erily# Kou are the All)Hearing# the All)Kno$ing%' &he Prophet added# H&hen both of the $ent
on building and going round the Ka'ba saying: E our ;ord I Accept !this ser(ice" fro us# =erily# Kou
are the All)Hearing# the All)Kno$ing%H !3%03:"
=olue 2 ) :73 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 472:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen Abraha had differences $ith his $ife"# !because of her .ealousy of Ishael's oth)
er"# he took Ishael and his other and $ent a$ay% &hey had a $ater)skin $ith the containing
soe $ater# Ishael's other used to drink $ater fro the $ater)skin so that her ilk $ould in)
crease for her child% @hen Abraha reached Mecca# he ade her sit under a tree and after$ards
returned hoe% Ishael's other follo$ed hi# and $hen they reached Kada'# she called hi fro
behind# 'E AbrahaI &o $ho are you lea(ing usJ' He replied# '!I a lea(ing you" to Allah's !9are"%'
She said# 'I a satisfied to be $ith Allah%' She returned to her place and started drinking $ater fro
the $ater)skin# and her ilk increased for her child% @hen the $ater had all been used up# she said
to herself# 'I'd better go and look so that I ay see soebody%' She ascended the Safa ountain and
looked# hoping to see soebody# but in (ain% @hen she cae do$n to the (alley# she ran till she
reached the Mar$a ountain% She ran to and fro !bet$een the t$o ountains" any ties% &hey she
said to herself# 'i'd better go and see the state of the child#' she $ent and found it in a state of one on
the point of dying% She could not endure to $atch it dying and said !to herself"# 'If I go and look# I
ay find soebody%' She $ent and ascended the Safa ountain and looked for a long $hile but
could not find anybody% &hus she copleted se(en rounds !of running" bet$een Safa and Mar$a%
Again she said !to herself"# 'I'd better go back and see the state of the child%' But suddenly she heard a
(oice# and she said to that strange (oice# 'Help us if you can offer any help%' ;oI It $as Aabriel !$ho
had ade the (oice"% Aabriel hit the earth $ith his heel like this !Ibn 'Abbas hit the earth $ith his
heel to Illustrate it"# and so the $ater gushed out% Ishael's other $as astonished and started dig)
ging% !Abu Al),asi" !i%e% the Prophet" said# HIf she had left the $ater# !flo$ naturally $ithout her in)
ter(ention"# it $ould ha(e been flo$ing on the surface of the earth%H" Ishael's other started drink)
ing fro the $ater and her ilk increased for her child % After$ards soe people of the tribe of
/urhu# $hile passing through the botto of the (alley# sa$ soe birds# and that astonished the#
and they said# 'Birds can only be found at a place $here there is $ater%' &hey sent a essenger $ho
searched the place and found the $ater# and returned to infor the about it% &hen they all $ent to
her and said# 'E ishael's otherI @ill you allo$ us to be $ith you !or d$ell $ith you"J' !And thus
they stayed there%" ;ater on her boy reached the age of puberty and arried a lady fro the% &hen
an idea occurred to Abraha $hich he disclosed to his $ife !Sarah"# 'I $ant to call on y depend)
ents I left !at Mecca"%' @hen he $ent there# he greeted !Ishael's $ife" and said# '@here is IshaelJ'
She replied# 'He has gone out hunting%' Abraha said !to her"# '@hen he coes# tell hi to change
the threshold of his gate%' @hen he cae# she told hi the sae $hereupon Ishael said to her# 'Kou
are the threshold# so go to your faily !i%e% you are di(orced"%' Again Abraha thought of (isiting his
dependents $ho he had left !at Mecca"# and he told his $ife !Sarah" of his intentions% Abraha
cae to Ishael's house and asked% H@here is IshaelJH Ishael's $ife replied# HHe has gone out
hunting#H and added# H@ill you stay !for soe tie" and ha(e soething to eat and drinkJ' Abraha
asked# '@hat is your food and $hat is your drinkJ' She replied# 'Eur food is eat and our drink is
=olue 2 ) :7< ? 0:66
$ater%' He said# 'E AllahI Bless their eals and their drink%H Abu Al),a)si !i%e% Prophet" said# HBe)
cause of Abraha's in(ocation there are blessings !in Mecca"%H Ence ore Abraha thought of (isit)
ing his faily he had left !at Mecca"# so he told his $ife !Sarah" of his decision% He $ent and found
Ishael behind the Fa)-a $ell# ending his arro$s% He said# HE Ishael# Kour ;ord has ordered
e to build a house for Hi%H Ishael said# HEbey !the order of" your ;ord%H Abraha said# HAllah has
also ordered e that you should help e therein%H Ishael said# H&hen I $ill do%H So# both of the
rose and Abraha started building !the Ka'ba" $hile Ishael $ent on handing hi the stones# and
both of the $ere saying# HE our ;ord I Accept !this ser(ice" fro us# =erily# Kou are the All)Hear)
ing# the All)Kno$ing%H !3%03:"% @hen the building becae high and the old an !i%e% Abraha"
could no longer lift the stones !to such a high position"# he stood o(er the stone of Al)MaCa and
Ishael carried on handing hi the stones# and both of the $ere saying# 'E our ;ordI Accept !this
ser(ice" fro us# =erily Kou are All)Hearing# All)Kno$ing%H !3%03:"
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 474:
Darrated Abu 8har:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hich osCue $as first built on the surface of the earthJH He said# HAl) !in Mecca"%H I said# H@hich $as built ne*tJH He replied H&he osCue of Al)ACsa
! in /erusale" %H I said# H@hat $as the period of construction bet$een the t$oJH He said# HBorty
years%H He added# H@here(er !you ay be# and" the prayer tie becoes due# perfor the prayer
there# for the best thing is to do so !i%e% to offer the prayers in tie"%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 475:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hen the ountain of Uhud cae in the sight of Allah's Apostle he said% H&his is a ountain that
lo(es us and is lo(ed by us% E AllahI Abraha ade Mecca a sanctuary# and I ake !the area" in
bet$een these t$o ountains !of Medina" a sanctuary%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 47::
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" Allah's Apostle said !to her"% H8on't you see that $hen your folk built the
Ka'ba# they did not build it on all the foundations built by AbrahaJH I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hy
don't $e rebuild it on the foundations of AbrahaJH He said% HBut for the fact that your folk ha(e re)
cently gi(en up infidelity !I $ould ha(e done so"%H
Darrated Ibn Uar: Aisha ust ha(e heard this fro Allah's Apostle for I see that Allah's Apostle
used not to touch the t$o corners facing Al)Hi.r only because the House had not been built on the
foundations of Abraha''
=olue 2 ) :72 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 477:
Darrated Abu Huaid As)Sa'idi:
&he people asked# HE Allah's ApostleI Ho$ shall $e !ask Allah to" send blessings on youJH Allah's
Apostle replied# HSay: E AllahI Send Kour Mercy on Muhaad and on his $i(es and on his off
spring# as Kou sent Kour Mercy on Abraha's failyL and send Kour Blessings on Muhaad and
on his offspring# as Kou sent Kour Blessings on Abraha's faily# for Kou are the Most Praise)
$orthy# the Most Alorious%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 471:
Darrated Abdur)Rahan bin Abi ;aila:
Ka'b bin U.rah et e and said# HShall I not gi(e you a present I got fro the ProphetJH 'Abdur)
Rahan said# HKes# gi(e it to e%H I said# H@e asked Allah's Apostle saying# 'E Allah's ApostleI Ho$
should one !ask Allah to" send blessings on you# the ebers of the faily# for Allah has taught us
ho$ to salute you !in the prayer"J' He said# 'Say: E AllahI Send Kour Mercy on Muhaad and on
the faily of Muhaad# as Kou sent Kour Mercy on Abraha and on the faily of Abraha# for
Kou are the Most Praise)$orthy# the Most Alorious% E AllahI Send Kour Blessings on Muhaad
and the faily of Muhaad# as Kou sent your Blessings on Abraha and on the faily of Abra)
ha# for Kou are the Most Praise)$orthy# the Most Alorious%' H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 416:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet used to seek Refuge $ith Allah for Al)Hasan and Al)Husain and say: HKour forefather
!i%e% Abraha" used to seek Refuge $ith Allah for Ishael and Isaac by reciting the follo$ing: 'E Al)
lahI I seek Refuge $ith Kour Perfect @ords fro e(ery de(il and fro poisonous pests and fro
e(ery e(il# harful# en(ious eye%' H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 410:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@e are ore liable to be in doubt than Abraha $hen he said# 'My ;ordI
Sho$ e ho$ Kou gi(e life to the dead%H % He !i%e% Allah" slid: '8on't you belie(e thenJ' He !i%e% Abra)
ha" said: HKes# but !I ask" in order to be stronger in Baith%H !3%356" And ay Allah send His Mercy
on ;otI He $ished to ha(e a po$erful support% If I $ere to stay in prison for such a long tie as
/oseph did I $ould ha(e accepted the offer !of freedo $ithout insisting on ha(ing y guiltless less
=olue 2 ) :74 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 413:
Darrated Salaa bin Al)Ak$a:
&he Prophet passed by soe persons of the tribe of Asla practicing archery !i%e% the thro$ing of
arro$s" Allah's Apostle said# HE offspring of IshaelI Practice archery !i%e% arro$ thro$ing" as your
father $as a great archer !i%e% arro$)thro$er"% I a $ith !on the side of" the son of so)and)so)%H
Hearing that# one of the t$o teas stopped thro$ing% Allah's Apostle asked the# ' @hy are you not
thro$ingJH &hey replied# HE Allah's ApostleI Ho$ shall $e thro$ $hen you are $ith the opposite
teaJH He said# H&hro$# for I a $ith you all%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 41<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Soe people asked the Prophet: H@ho is the ost honorable aongst the peopleJH He replied# H&he
ost honorable aong the is the one $ho is the ost Allah)fearing%H &hey said# HE Allah's ProphetI
@e do not ask about this%H He said# H&hen the ost honorable person is /oseph# Allah's Prophet# the
son of Allah's Prophet# the son of Allah's Prophet# the son of Allah's Khalil%H &hey said# H@e do not ask
about this%H He said# H&hen you $ant to ask e about the Arabs' descentJH &hey said# HKes%H He said#
H&hose $ho $ere best in the pre)lslaic period# are the best in Isla# if they coprehend !the reli)
gious kno$ledge"%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 412:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HMay Allah forgi(e ;ot: He $anted to ha(e a po$erful support%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 414:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet recited:)) 'Hal)in)Muddakir' !42%04" !Is there any that $ill reeber" !and a(oid
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 415:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
&he Prophet said# H&he honorable is the son of the honorable# the son the honorable# i%e% /oseph# the
son of /acob# the son of Isaac# the son of Abraha#
=olue 2 ) :75 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 41::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle $as asked# H@ho is the ost honorable aongst the peopleJH He replied# H&he ost
Allah fearing%H &he people said# H@e do not $ant to ask you about this%H He said# H&he ost honorable
person is /oseph# Allah's Prophet# the son of Allah's Prophet# the son of Allah's Prophet# the son of Al)
lah's KhalilH &he people said# '@e do not $ant to ask you about this%H He said#H &hen you $ant to ask
e about the origins of the ArabsJ People are of (arious origins% &he best in the pre)lslaic period
are the best in Isla# pro(ided they coprehend !the religious kno$ledge"%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 417:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&hat the Prophet said !to her"% HErder Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer%H She replied#H Abu
Bakr is a soft)hearted person and $hen he stands at your place# he $ill $eep !so he $ill not be able
to lead the prayer"%H &he Prophet repeated the sae order and she ga(e the sae reply% &he narrator#
Shuba said that the Prophet said on the third or fourth tie% HKou are !like" the feale copanions of
/oseph% Erder Abu Bakr to lead the prayer% H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 411:
Darrated Abu Musa:
@hen the Prophet fell ill# he said# HErder Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer%H 'Aisha said# HAbu
Bakr is a soft)hearted person% &he Prophet ga(e the sae order again and she again ga(e the sae
reply% He again said# HErder Abu Bakr !to lead the prayer"I Kou are !like" the feale copanions of
/oseph%H 9onseCuently Abu Bakr led the people in prayer in the life)tie of the Prophet
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 566:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HE AllahI Sa(e Aiyyash bin Abi Rabia !fro the un.ust treatent of the infi)
dels"% E AllahI Sa(e Salaa bin Hisha% E AllahI Send your Punishent on !the tribe of" Mudar% E
AllahI ;et the suffer fro years !of drought" siilar to that inflicted during the life)tie of /oseph%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 560:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 2 ) :7: ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# HMay Allah besto$ His Mercy on ;ot% He $anted to ha(e a po$erful support%
If I $ere to stay in prison !for a period eCual to" the stay of /oseph !prison" and then the offer of free)
do cae to e# then I $ould ha(e accepted it%H !See Hadith Do% 410"
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 563:
Darrated MasruC:
I asked U Ruan# 'Aisha's other about the accusation forged against 'Aisha% She said# H@hile I
$as sitting $ith 'Aisha# an Ansari $oan cae to us and said# ';et Allah conden such)and)such
person%' I asked her# '@hy do you say soJ' She replied# 'Bor he has spread the !slanderous" story%'
'Aisha said# '@hat storyJ' &he $oan then told her the story% 'Aisha asked# 'Ha(e Abu Bakr and Al)
lah's Apostle heard about it J' She said# 'Kes%' 'Aisha fell do$n senseless !on hearing that"# and $hen
she cae to her senses# she got fe(er and shaking of the body% &he Prophet cae and asked# '@hat is
$rong $ith herJ' I said# 'She has got fe(er because of a story $hich has been ruored%' 'Aisha got up
and said# 'By AllahI +(en if I took an oath# you $ould not belie(e e# and if I put for$ard an e*cuse#
Kou $ould not e*cuse e% My e*aple and your e*aple is .ust like that e*aple of /acob and his
sons% Against that $hich you assert# it is Allah !Alone" @hose Help can be sought%' !03%07" &he
Prophet left and then Allah re(ealed the =erses !concerning the atter"# and on that 'Aisha said#
'&hanks to Allah !only" and not to anybody else%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 56<:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
I asked 'Aisha the $ife of the Prophet about the eaning of the follo$ing =erse: )) H!Respite $ill
be granted" 'Until $hen the apostles gi(e up hope !of their people" and thought that they $ere
denied !by their people"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%H!03%006" 'Aisha replied# HReally# their nations did not belie(e the%H I
said# HBy AllahI &hey $ere definite that their nations treated the as liars and it $as not a atter of
suspecting%H 'Aisha said# HE 'Uraiya !i%e% 'Ur$a"I Do doubt# they $ere Cuite sure about it%H
I said# HMay the =erse be read in such a $ay as to ean that the apostles thought that Allah did not
help theJH Aisha said# HAllah forbidI !Ipossible" &he Apostles did not suspect their ;ord of such a
thing% But this =erse is concerned $ith the Apostles' follo$ers $ho had faith in their ;ord and be)
lie(ed in their apostles and their period of trials $as long and Allah's Help $as delayed till the
apostles ga(e up hope for the con(ersion of the disbelie(ers aongst their nation and suspected that
e(en their follo$ers $ere shaken in their belief# Allah's Help then cae to the%H Darrated Ibn
'Uar: &he Prophet said# H&he honorable# the son of the honorable# the son of the honorable# !$as"
/oseph# the son of /acobI the son of Isaac# the son of Abraha%H
=olue 2 ) :77 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 562:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hile /ob $as naked# taking a bath# a s$ar of gold locusts fell on hi and he
started collecting the in his garent% His ;ord called hi# 'E /obI Ha(e I not ade you rich enough
to need $hat you seeJ He said# 'Kes# E ;ordI But I cannot dispense $ith your Blessing%H'
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 564:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet returned to Khadi.a $hile his heart $as beating rapidly% She took hi to @araCa bin
Daufal $ho $as a 9hristian con(ert and used to read the Aospels in Arabic @araCa asked !the
Prophet"# H@hat do you seeJH @hen he told hi# @araCa said# H&hat is the sae angel $ho Allah
sent to the Prophet" Moses% Should I li(e till you recei(e the 8i(ine Message# I $ill support you
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 565:
Darrated Malik bin Sasaa:
Allah's Apostle talked to his copanions about his Dight /ourney to the Hea(ens% @hen he reached
the fifth Hea(en# he et Aaron% !Aabriel said to the Prophet"# H&his is Aaron%H &he Prophet said# HAab)
riel greeted and so did I# and he returned the greeting saying# '@elcoe# E Pious Brother and Pious
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 56::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HEn the night of y Ascension to Hea(en# I sa$ !the prophet" Moses $ho $as
a thin person $ith lank hair# looking like one of the en of the tribe of ShanuaL and I sa$ /esus $ho
$as of a(erage height $ith red face as if he had .ust coe out of a bathroo% And I reseble prophet
Abraha ore than any of his offspring does% &hen I $as gi(en t$o cups# one containing ilk and
the other $ine% Aabriel said# '8rink $hiche(er you like%' I took the ilk and drank it% Aabriel said#
'Kou ha(e accepted $hat is natural# !&rue Religion i%e% Isla" and if you had taken the $ine# your fol)
lo$ers $ould ha(e gone astray%' H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 567:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
=olue 2 ) :71 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HEne should not say that I a better than /onah !i%e% Kunus" bin Matta%H So# he
entioned his father Matta% &he Prophet entioned the night of his Ascension and said# H&he prophet
Moses $as bro$n# a tall person as if fro the people of the tribe of Shanu'a% /esus $as a curly)haired
an of oderate height%H He also entioned Malik# the gate)keeper of the !Hell" Bire# and Ad)
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 561:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
@hen the Prophet cae to Medina# he found !the /e$s" fasting on the day of 'Ashura' !i%e% 06th of
Muharra"% &hey used to say: H&his is a great day on $hich Allah sa(ed Moses and dro$ned the folk
of Pharaoh% Moses obser(ed the fast on this day# as a sign of gratitude to Allah%H &he Prophet said# HI
a closer to Moses than they%H So# he obser(ed the fast !on that day" and ordered the Muslis to fast
on it%
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 506:
Darrated Abu Said:
&he Prophet said# 'People $ill be struck unconscious on the 8ay of Resurrection and I $ill be the
first to regain consciousness# and beholdI &here I $ill see Moses holding one of the pillars of Allah's
&hrone% I $ill $onder $hether he has becoe conscious before e of he has been e*epted# be)
cause of his unconsciousness at the &ur !ountain" $hich he recei(ed !on the earth"%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 500:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@ere it not for Bani Israel# eat $ould not decayL and $ere it not for +(e# no
$oan $ould e(er betray her husband%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 503:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&hat he differed $ith Al)Hur bin ,ais Al)Ba-ari regarding the copanion of Moses% Ibn 'Abbas
said that he $as Al)Khadir% Mean$hile Ubai bin Ka'b passed by the and Ibn 'Abbas called hi say)
ing# HMy friend and I ha(e differed regarding Moses' copanion $ho Moses asked the $ay to eet%
Ha(e you heard Allah's Apostle entioning soething about hiJH He said# HKes# I heard Allah's
Apostle saying# '@hile Moses $as sitting in the copany of soe Israelites# a an cae and asked
!hi"# '8o you kno$ anyone $ho is ore learned than youJ' Moses replied# 'Do%' So# Allah sent the
8i(ine Inspiration to Moses: 'Kes# Eur sla(e# Khadir !is ore learned than you"%' Moses asked ho$ to
eet hi !i%e% Khadir"% So# the fish# $as ade# as a sign for hi# and he $as told that $hen the fish
=olue 2 ) :16 ? 0:66
$as lost# he should return and there he $ould eet hi% So# Moses $ent on looking for the sign of
the fish in the sea% &he ser(ant boy of Moses said to hi# '8o you kno$ that $hen $e $ere sitting by
the side of the rock# I forgot the fish# and t $as only Satan $ho ade e forget to tell !you" about it%'
Moses said# &hat $as $hat $e $ere seeking after#' and both of the returned# follo$ing their foot)
arks and found KhadirL and $hat happened further to the# is entioned in Allah's Book%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 50<:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
I said to Ibn Abbas# HDauf Al)Bukah clais that Moses# the copanion of Al)Khadir $as not Moses
!the prophet" of the children of Israel# but soe other Moses%H Ibn 'Abbas said# HAllah's eney !i%e%
Dauf" has told a lie% Ubai bin Ka'b told us that the Prophet said# 'Ence Moses stood up and addressed
Bani Israel% He $as asked $ho $as the ost learned an aongst the people% He said# 'I%' Allah ad)
onished hi as he did not attribute absolute kno$ledge to Hi !Allah"% So# Allah said to hi# 'Kes#
at the .unction of the t$o seas there is a Sla(e of Mine $ho is ore learned than you%' Moses said# 'E
y ;ordI Ho$ can I eet hiJ' Allah said# '&ake a fish and put it in a large basket and you $ill find
hi at the place $here you $ill lose the fish%' Moses took a fish and put it in a basket and proceeded
along $ith his !ser(ant" boy# Kusha 'bin Dun# till they reached the rock $here they laid their heads
!i%e% lay do$n"% Moses slept# and the fish# o(ing out of the basket# fell into the sea% It took its $ay
into the sea !straight" as in a tunnel% Allah stopped the flo$ of $ater o(er the fish and it becae like
an arch !the Prophet pointed out this arch $ith his hands"% &hey tra(elled the rest of the night# and
the ne*t day Moses said to his boy !ser(ant"# 'Ai(e us our food# for indeed# $e ha(e suffered uch fa)
tigue in this .ourney of ours%' Moses did not feel tired till he crossed that place $hich Allah had
ordered hi to seek after% His boy !ser(ant" said to hi# '8o you kno$ that $hen $e $ere sitting
near that rock# I forgot the fish# and none but Satan caused e to forget to tell !you" about it# and it
took its course into the sea in an aa-ing $ayJ%' So there $as a path for the fish and that astonished
the% Moses said# '&hat $as $hat $e $ere seeking after%' So# both of the retraced their footsteps till
they reached the rock% &here they sa$ a an ;ying co(ered $ith a garent% Moses greeted hi and
he replied saying# 'Ho$ do people greet each other in your landJ' Moses said# 'I a Moses%' &he an
asked# 'Moses of Bani IsraelJ' Moses said# 'Kes# I ha(e coe to you so that you ay teach e fro
those things $hich Allah has taught you%' He said# 'E MosesI I ha(e soe of the Kno$ledge of Allah
$hich Allah has taught e# and $hich you do not kno$# $hile you ha(e soe of the Kno$ledge of
Allah $hich Allah has taught you and $hich I do not kno$%' Moses asked# 'May I follo$ youJ' He
said# 'But you $ill not be able to reain patient $ith e for ho$ can you be patient about things
$hich you $ill not be able to understandJ' !Moses said# 'Kou $ill find e# if Allah so $ill# truly pa)
tient# and I $ill not disobey you in aught%'" So# both of the set out $alking along the sea)shore# a
boat passed by the and they asked the cre$ of the boat to take the on board% &he cre$ recogni-ed
Al)Khadir and so they took the on board $ithout fare% @hen they $ere on board the boat# a spar)
ro$ cae and stood on the edge of the boat and dipped its beak once or t$ice into the sea% Al)Khadir
=olue 2 ) :10 ? 0:66
said to Moses# 'E MosesI My kno$ledge and your kno$ledge ha(e not decreased Allah's Kno$ledge
e*cept as uch as this sparro$ has decreased the $ater of the sea $ith its beak%' &hen suddenly Al)
Khadir took an ad-e and plucked a plank# and Moses did not notice it till he had plucked a plank
$ith the ad-e% Moses said to hi# '@hat ha(e you doneJ &hey took us on board charging us nothingL
yet you I ha(e intentionally ade a hole in their boat so as to dro$n its passengers% =erily# you ha(e
done a dreadful thing%' Al)Khadir replied# '8id I not tell you that you $ould not be able to reain pa)
tient $ith eJ' Moses replied# '8o not blae e for $hat I ha(e forgotten# and do not be hard upon
e for y fault%' So the first e*cuse of Moses $as that he had forgotten% @hen they had left the sea#
they passed by a boy playing $ith other boys%
Al)Khadir took hold of the boys head and plucked it $ith his hand like this% !Sufyan# the sub nar)
rator pointed $ith his fingertips as if he $as plucking soe fruit%" Moses said to hi# HHa(e you
killed an innocent person $ho has not killed any personJ Kou ha(e really done a horrible thing%H Al)
Khadir said# H8id I not tell you that you could not reain patient $ith eJ' Moses said HIf I ask you
about anything after this# don't accopany e% Kou ha(e recei(ed an e*cuse fro e%' &hen both of
the $ent on till they cae to soe people of a (illage# and they asked its inhabitant for $ood but
they refused to entertain the as guests% &hen they sa$ therein a $all $hich $as .ust going to col)
lapse !and Al Khadir repaired it .ust by touching it $ith his hands"% !Sufyan# the sub)narrator# poin)
ted $ith his hands# illustrating ho$ Al)Khadir passed his hands o(er the $all up$ards%" Moses said#
H&hese are the people $ho $e ha(e called on# but they neither ga(e us food# nor entertained us as
guests# yet you ha(e repaired their $all% If you had $ished# you could ha(e taken $ages for it%H Al)
Khadir said# H&his is the parting bet$een you and e# and I shall tell you the e*planation of those
things on $hich you could not reain patient%H &he Prophet added# H@e $ished that Moses could
ha(e reained patient by (irtue of $hich Allah ight ha(e told us ore about their story% !Sufyan
the sub)narrator said that the Prophet said# HMay Allah besto$ His Mercy on MosesI If he had re)
ained patient# $e $ould ha(e been told further about their case%H"
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 502:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAl)Khadir $as naed so because he sat o(er a barren $hite land# it turned
green $ith plantation after !his sitting o(er it%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 504:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIt $as said to Bani Israel# +nter the gate !of the to$n" $ith huility !prostrat)
ing yoursel(es" and saying: HRepentanceH# but they changed the $ord and entered the to$n cra$ling
on their buttocks and saying: HA $heat grain in the hair%H
=olue 2 ) :13 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 505:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H!&he Prophet" Moses $as a shy person and used to co(er his body copletely
because of his e*tensi(e shyness% Ene of the children of Israel hurt hi by saying# 'He co(ers his
body in this $ay only because of soe defect in his skin# either leprosy or scrotal hernia# or he has
soe other defect%' Allah $ished to clear Moses of $hat they said about hi# so one day $hile Moses
$as in seclusion# he took off his clothes and put the on a stone and started taking a bath% @hen he
had finished the bath# he o(ed to$ards his clothes so as to take the# but the stone took his clothes
and fledL Moses picked up his stick and ran after the stone saying# 'E stoneI Ai(e e y garentI'
&ill he reached a group of Bani Israel $ho sa$ hi naked then# and found hi the best of $hat Al)
lah had created# and Allah cleared hi of $hat they had accused hi of% &he stone stopped there
and Moses took and put his garent on and started hitting the stone $ith his stick% By Allah# the
stone still has soe traces of the hitting# three# four or fi(e arks% &his $as $hat Allah refers to in
His Saying:)) HE you $ho belie(eI Be you not like those @ho annoyed Moses# But Allah pro(ed his
innocence of that $hich they alleged# And he $as honorable In Allah's Sight%H !<<%51"
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 50::
Darrated Abdullah:
Ence the Prophet distributed soething !aong his follo$ers% A an said# H&his distribution has
not been done !$ith .ustice" seeking Allah's 9ountenance%H I $ent to the Prophet and told hi !of
that"% He becae so angry that I sa$ the signs of anger oh his face% &hen he said# HMay Allah besto$
His Mercy on Moses# for he $as hared ore !in a $orse anner" than thisL yet he endured pa)
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 507:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
@e $ere $ith Allah's Apostle picking the fruits of the 'Arak trees# and Allah's Apostle said# HPick
the black fruit# for it is the best%H &he copanions asked# H@ere you a shepherdJH He replied# H&here
$as no prophet $ho $as not a shepherd%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 501:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Angel of 8eath $as sent to Moses $hen he cae to Moses# Moses slapped hi on the eye% &he
angel returned to his ;ord and said# HKou ha(e sent e to a Sla(e $ho does not $ant to die%H Allah
said# HReturn to hi and tell hi to put his hand on the back of an o* and for e(ery hair that $ill
=olue 2 ) :1< ? 0:66
coe under it# he $ill be granted one year of life%H Moses said# HE ;ordI @hat $ill happen after
thatJH Allah replied# H&hen death%H Moses said# H;et it coe no$%H Moses then reCuested Allah to let
hi die close to the Sacred ;and so uch so that he $ould be at a distance of a stone's thro$ fro
it%H Abu Huraira added# HAllah's Apostle said# 'If I $ere there# I $ould sho$ you his gra(e belo$ the
red sand hill on the side of the road%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 536:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A Musli and a /e$ Cuarreled% &he Musli taking an oath# said# HBy Hi @ho has preferred
Muhaad o(er all people%%%IH &he /e$ said# HBy Hi @ho has preferred Moses# o(er all people%H &he
Musli raised his hand and slapped the /e$ $ho cae to the Prophet to tell hi $hat had happened
bet$een hi and the Musli% &he Prophet said# H8on't gi(e e superiority o(er Moses# for the people
$ill becoe unconscious !on the 8ay of Resurrection" and I $ill be the first to gain consciousness to
see Moses standing and holding a side of Allah's &hrone% I $ill not kno$ if he has been aong those
people $ho ha(e becoe unconsciousL and that he has gained consciousness before e# or he has
been aongst those $ho Allah has e*epted%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 530:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAda and Moses argued $ith each other% Moses said to Ada% 'Kou are Ada
$hose istake e*pelled you fro Paradise%' Ada said to hi# 'Kou are Moses $ho Allah selected
as His Messenger and as the one to $ho He spoke directlyL yet you blae e for a thing $hich had
already been $ritten in y fate before y creationJH' Allah's Apostle said t$ice# HSo# Ada o(er)
po$ered Moses%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 533:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet once cae to us and said# HAll the nations $ere displayed in front of e# and I sa$ a
large ultitude of people co(ering the hori-on% Soebody said# '&his is Moses and his follo$ers%' H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 53<:
Darrated Abu Musa:
Allah's Apostle said# HMany aongst en reached !the le(el of" perfection but none aongst the
$oen reached this le(el e*cept Asia# Pharaoh's $ife# and Mary# the daughter of 'Iran% And no
=olue 2 ) :12 ? 0:66
doubt# the superiority of 'Aisha to other $oen is like the superiority of &harid !i%e% a eat and bread
dish" to other eals%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 532:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HDone of you should say that I a better than Kunus !i%e% /onah"%H Musadded ad)
ded# H/onah bin Matta%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 534:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HDo sla(e !of Allah" should say that I a better than Kunus bin Matta%H So the
Prophet entioned his father's nae $ith his nae%
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 535:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Ence $hile a /e$ $as selling soething# he $as offered a price that he $as not pleased $ith% So#
he said# HDo# by Hi @ho ga(e Moses superiority o(er all huan beingsIH Hearing hi# an Ansari
an got up and slapped hi on the face and said# HKou say: By Hi @ho Aa(e Moses superiority
o(er all huan beings although the Prophet !Muhaad" is present aongst usIH &he /e$ $ent to
the Prophet and said# HE Abu)l),asiI I a under the assurance and contract of security# so $hat
right does so)and)so ha(e to slap eJH &he Prophet asked the other# H@hy ha(e you slappedH% He told
hi the $hole story% &he Prophet becae angry# till anger appeared on his face# and said# H8on't gi(e
superiority to any prophet aongst Allah's Prophets# for $hen the trupet $ill be blo$n# e(eryone
on the earth and in the hea(ens $ill becoe unconscious e*cept those $ho Allah $ill e*ept% &he
trupet $ill be blo$n for the second tie and I $ill be the first to be resurrected to see Moses hold)
ing Allah's &hrone% I $ill not kno$ $hether the unconsciousness $hich Moses recei(ed on the 8ay
of &ur has been sufficient for hi# or has he got up before e% And I do not say that there is anybody
$ho is better than Kunus bin Matta%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 53::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HDone should say that I a better than Kunus bin Matta%H
=olue 2 ) :14 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 537:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he reciting of the Fabur !i%e% Psals" $as ade easy for 8a(id% He used to or)
der that his riding anials be saddled# and $ould finish reciting the Fabur before they $ere saddled%
And he $ould ne(er eat e*cept fro the earnings of his anual $ork%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 531:
Darrated Abdullah bin Ar:
Allah's Apostle $as infored that I ha(e said: HBy Allah# I $ill fast all the days and pray all the
nights as long as I li(e%H En that# Allah's Apostle asked e% HAre you the one $ho says: 'I $ill fast all
the days and pray all the nights as long as I li(eJ' H I said# HKes# I ha(e said it%H He said# HKou cannot do
that% So fast !soeties" and do not fast !soeties"% Pray and sleep% Bast for three days a onth# for
the re$ard of a good deed is ultiplied by ten tie# and so the fasting of three days a onth eCuals
the fasting of a year%H I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I can do !fast" ore than this%H He said# HBast on e(ery
third day% I said: I can do !fast" ore than that# He said: HBast on alternate days and this $as the fast)
ing of 8a(id $hich is the ost oderate sort of fasting%H I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I can do !fast"
ore than that%H He said# H&here is nothing better than that%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 5<6:
Darrated Abdullah bin Ar bin Al)As:
&he Prophet said to e# HI ha(e been infored that you pray all the nights and obser(e fast all the
daysL is this trueJH I replied# HKes%H He said# HIf you do so# your eyes $ill becoe $eak and you $ill get
bored% So fast three days a onth# for this $ill be the fasting of a $hole year# or eCual to the fasting
of a $hole year%H I said# HI find yself able to fast ore%H He said# H&hen fast like the fasting of !the
Prophet" 8a(id $ho used to fast on alternate days and $ould not flee on facing the eney%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 5<0:
Darrated Abdullah bin Ar:
Allah's Apostle said to e# H&he ost belo(ed fasting to Allah $as the fasting of !the Prophet" 8a(id
$ho used to fast on alternate days% And the ost belo(ed prayer to Allah $as the prayer of 8a(id
$ho used to sleep for !the first" half of the night and pray for 0?< of it and !again" sleep for a si*th of
=olue 2 ) :15 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 5<3:
Darrated Mu.ahid:
I asked Ibn 'Abbas# HShould $e perfor a prostration on reciting Surat)SadJH He recited !the Sura"
including: 'And aong his progeny# 8a(id# Soloon%%!up to"%%%so follo$ their guidance !5%72)10" And
then he said# HKour Prophet is aongst those people $ho ha(e been ordered to follo$ the !i%e% the
preceding apostles"%
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 5<<:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he prostration in Sura)Sad is not aongst the copulsory prostrations# though I sa$ the Prophet
prostrating on reciting &he Stateent of Allah:))and to 8a(id @e ga(e Soloon !for a son"% Ho$ e*)
cellent !a" sla(e he $as e(er oft)returning in repentance !to us" !<7%<6" And His Stateent:)) He
said: My ;ord Borgi(e e and grant e a kingdo such as shall not belong to any other after e%'
!<7%<4" And His Stateent:)) 'And they follo$ed $hat the 8e(ils ga(e out !falsely"# of agic in the
life)tie of Soloon%' !3%063"
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 5<2:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HA strong deon fro the /inns cae to e yesterday suddenly# so as to spoil y
prayer# but Allah enabled e to o(erpo$er hi# and so I caught hi and intended to tie hi to one
of the pillars of the MosCue so that all of you ight see hi# but I reebered the in(ocation of y
brother Soloon: 'And grant e a kingdo such as shall not belong to any other after e%' !<7%<4" so
I let hi go cursed%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 5<4:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HSoloon !the son of" 8a(id said# '&onight I $ill sleep $ith se(enty ladies each of
$ho $ill concei(e a child $ho $ill be a knight fighting for HAllah's 9ause%' His copanion said# 'If
Allah $ill%' But Soloon did not say soL therefore none of those $oen got pregnant e*cept one $ho
ga(e birth to a half child%H &he Prophet further said# HIf the Prophet Soloon had said it !i%e% 'If Allah
$ill'" he $ould ha(e begotten children $ho $ould ha(e fought in Allah's 9ause%H Shuaib and Ibn Abi
A-)Finad said# HDinety !$oen" is ore correct !than se(enty"%H
=olue 2 ) :1: ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 5<5:
Darrated Abu 8haar:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hich osCue $as built firstJH He replied# HAl) I
asked# H@hich !$as built" ne*tJH He replied# HAl) !i%e% /erusale"%H I asked# H@hat
$as the period in bet$een theJH He replied# HBorty !years"%H He then added# H@here(er the tie for
the prayer coes upon you# perfor the prayer# for all the earth is a place of $orshipping for you%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 5<::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HMy e*aple and the e*aple o the people is like that of a person $ho lit a
fire and let the oths# butterflies and these insects fall in it%H He also said# H&here $ere t$o $oen#
each of $ho had a child $ith her% A $olf cae and took a$ay the child of one of the# $hereupon
the other said# 'It has taken your child%' &he first said# 'But it has taken your child%' So they both car)
ried the case before 8a(id $ho .udged that the li(ing child be gi(en to the elder lady% So both of
the $ent to Soloon bin 8a(id and infored hi !of the case"% He said# 'Bring e a knife so as to
cut the child into t$o pieces and distribute it bet$een the%' &he younger lady said# 'May Allah be
erciful to youI 8on't do that# for it is her !i%e% the other lady's" child%' So he ga(e the child to the
younger lady%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 5<7:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@hen the =erse:)) '&hose $ho belie(e and i* not their belief $ith $rong%H $as re(ealed# the
copanions of the Prophet said# H@ho aongst us has not i*ed his belief $ith $rongJH &hen Allah
re(ealed: H/oin none in $orship $ith Allah# =erily .oining others in $orship $ith Allah is a great
$rong indeed%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 5<1:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@hen the =erse:)) '&hose $ho belie(e and i* not their belief $ith $rong%' $as re(ealed# the
Muslis felt it (ery hard on the and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @ho aongst us does not do $rong
to hiselfJH He replied# H&he =erse does not ean this% But that !$rong" eans to associate others in
$orship to Allah: 8on't you listen to $hat ;uCan said to his son $hen he $as ad(ising hi#H E y
sonI /oin not others in $orship $ith Allah% =erily .oining others in $orship $ith Allah is a great
$rong indeed%H !<0%0<"
=olue 2 ) :17 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 526:
Darrated Malik bin Sasaa:
&hat the Prophet talked to the about the night of his Ascension to the Hea(ens% He said# H!&hen
Aabriel took e" and ascended up till he reached the second hea(en $here he asked for the gate to
be opened# but it $as asked# '@ho is itJ' Aabriel replied# 'I a Aabriel%' It $as asked# '@ho is acco)
panying youJ' He replied# 'Muhaad%' It $as asked# 'Has he been calledJ' He said# 'Kes%' @hen $e
reached o(er the second hea(en# I sa$ Kahya !i%e% /ohn" and /esus $ho $ere cousins% Aabriel said#
'&hese are /ohn !Kahya" and /esus# so greet the%' I greeted the and they returned the greeting say)
ing# '@elcoe# E Pious Brother and Pious ProphetIL' H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 520:
Darrated Said bin Al)Musaiyab:
Abu Huraira said# HI heard Allah's Apostle saying# '&here is none born aong the off)spring of
Ada# but Satan touches it% A child therefore# cries loudly at the tie of birth because of the touch of
Satan# e*cept Mary and her child%H &hen Abu Huraira recited: HAnd I seek refuge $ith Kou for her
and for her offspring fro the outcast SatanH !<%<5"
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 523:
Darrated 'Ali:
I heard the Prophet saying# HMary# the daughter of 'Iran# $as the best aong the $oen !of the
$orld of her tie" and Khadi.a is the best aongst the $oen% !of this nation"%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 52<:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ashari:
&he Prophet said# H&he superiority of 'Aisha to other ladies is like the superiority of &harid !i%e%
eat and bread dish" to other eals% Many en reached the le(el of perfection# but no $oan
reached such a le(el e*cept Mary# the daughter of Iran and Asia# the $ife of Pharaoh%H
Darrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HAongst all those $oen $ho ride caels
!i%e% Arabs"# the ladies of ,uraish are the best% &hey are erciful and kind to their off)spring and the
best guardians of their husbands' properties%' Abu Huraira added# HMary the daughter of Iran ne(er
rode a cael%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 522:
Darrated 'Ubada:
=olue 2 ) :11 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HIf anyone testifies that Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah Alone
@ho has no partners# and that Muhaad is His Sla(e and His Apostle# and that /esus is Allah's
Sla(e and His Apostle and His @ord $hich He besto$ed on Mary and a Spirit created by Hi# and
that Paradise is true# and Hell is true# Allah $ill adit hi into Paradise $ith the deeds $hich he had
done e(en if those deeds $ere fe$%H !/unada# the sub)narrator said# H 'Ubada added# 'Such a person
can enter Paradise through any of its eight gates he likes%H"
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 524:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HDone spoke in cradle but three: !&he first $as" /esus# !the second $as"# there a
an fro Bani Israel called /urai.% @hile he $as offering his prayers# his other cae and called
hi% He said !to hiself"# 'Shall I ans$er her or keep on prayingJH !He $ent on praying" and did not
ans$er her# his other said# HE AllahI 8o not let hi die till he sees the faces of prostitutes%H So $hile
he $as in his heritage# a lady cae and sought to seduce hi# but he refused% So she $ent to a
shepherd and presented herself to hi to coit illegal se*ual intercourse $ith her and then later
she ga(e birth to a child and claied that it belonged to /urai.% &he people# therefore# cae to hi
and disantled his heritage and e*pelled hi out of it and abused hi% /urai. perfored the ablu)
tion and offered prayer# and then cae to the child and said# 'E childI @ho is your fatherJ' &he child
replied# '&he shepherd%' !After hearing this" the people said# '@e shall rebuild your heritage of gold#'
but he said# 'Do# of nothing but ud%'!&he third $as the hero of the follo$ing story" A lady fro Bani
Israel $as nursing her child at her breast $hen a handsoe rider passed by her% She said# 'E Allah I
Make y child like hi%' En that the child left her breast# and facing the rider said# 'E AllahI 8o not
ake e like hi%' &he child then started to suck her breast again% !Abu Huraira further said# HAs if I
$ere no$ looking at the Prophet sucking his finger !in $ay of deonstration%H" After a $hile the
people passed by# $ith a lady sla(e and she !i%e% the child's other" said# 'E AllahI 8o not ake y
child like this !sla(e girl"I# En that the child left her breast and said# 'E AllahI Make e like her%'
@hen she asked $hy# the child replied# '&he rider is one of the tyrants $hile this sla(e girl is falsely
accused of theft and illegal se*ual intercourse%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 525:
Darrated Hisha:
fro Ma'ar as belo$%
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 52::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 2 ) 766 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HI et Moses on the night of y Ascension to hea(en%H &he Prophet then de)
scribed hi saying# as I think# HHe $as a tall person $ith lank hair as if he belonged to the people of
the tribe of Shanu's%' &he Prophet further said# HI et /esus%H &he Prophet described hi saying# HHe
$as one of oderate height and $as red)faced as if he had .ust coe out of a bathroo% I sa$ Abra)
ha $ho I resebled ore than any of his children did%H &he Prophet further said# H!&hat night" I
$as gi(en t$o cupsL one full of ilk and the other full of $ine% I $as asked to take either of the
$hich I liked# and I took the ilk and drank it% En that it $as said to e# 'Kou ha(e taken the right
path !religion"% If you had taken the $ine# your !Musli" nation $ould ha(e gone astray%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 527:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
&he Prophet said# HI sa$ Moses# /esus and Abraha !on the night of y Ascension to the hea(ens"%
/esus $as of red cople*ion# curly hair and a broad chest% Moses $as of bro$n cople*ion# straight
hair and tall stature as if he $as fro the people of A-)Futt%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 521:
Darrated Abdullah:
&he Prophet entioned the Massiah Ad) in front of the people saying# Allah is not one eyed
$hile Messsiah# Ad) is blind in the right eye and his eye looks like a bulging out grape% @hile
sleeping near the Ka'ba last night# I sa$ in y drea a an of bro$n color the best one can see
aongst bro$n color and his hair $as long that it fell bet$een his shoulders% His hair $as lank and
$ater $as dribbling fro his head and he $as placing his hands on the shoulders of t$o en $hile
circuabulating the Kaba% I asked# '@ho is thisJ' &hey replied# '&his is /esus# son of Mary%' Behind
hi I sa$ a an $ho had (ery curly hair and $as blind in the right eye# resebling Ibn ,atan !i%e%
an infidel" in appearance% He $as placing his hands on the shoulders of a person $hile perforing
&a$af around the Ka'ba% I asked# '@ho is thisJ '&hey replied# '&he Masih# Ad)' H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 546:
Darrated Sali fro his father:
Do# By Allah# the Prophet did not tell that /esus $as of red cople*ion but said# H@hile I $as
asleep circuabulating the Ka'ba !in y drea"# suddenly I sa$ a an of bro$n cople*ion and
lank hair $alking bet$een t$o en# and $ater $as dropping fro his head% I asked# '@ho is thisJ'
&he people said# 'He is the son of Mary%' &hen I looked behind and I sa$ a red)cople*ioned# fat#
curly)haired an# blind in the right eye $hich looked like a bulging out grape% I asked# '@ho is thisJ'
&hey replied# 'He is Ad)' &he one $ho resebled to hi aong the people# $as Ibn ,atar%H
=olue 2 ) 760 ? 0:66
!A-)Fuhri said# HHe !i%e% Ibn ,atan" $as a an fro the tribe Khu-a'a $ho died in the pre)lslaic
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 540:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HI a the nearest of all the people to the son of Mary# and all the
prophets are paternal brothers# and there has been no prophet bet$een e and hi !i%e% /esus"%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 543:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HBoth in this $orld and in the Hereafter# I a the nearest of all the people to
/esus# the son of Mary% &he prophets are paternal brothersL their others are different# but their reli)
gion is one%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 54<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H/esus# seeing a an stealing# asked hi# '8id you stealJ# He said# 'Do# by Allah#
e*cept @ho there is Done $ho has the right to be $orshipped' /esus said# 'I belie(e in Allah and
suspect y eyes%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 542:
Darrated 'Uar:
I heard the Prophet saying# H8o not e*aggerate in praising e as the 9hristians praised the son of
Mary# for I a only a Sla(e% So# call e the Sla(e of Allah and His Apostle%H
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 544:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ash'ari:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf a person teaches his sla(e girl good anners properly# educates her prop)
erly# and then anuits and arries her# he $ill get a double re$ard% And if a an belie(es in /esus
and then belie(es in e# he $ill get a double re$ard% And if a sla(e fears his ;ord !i%e% Allah" and
obeys his asters# he too $ill get a double re$ard%H
=olue 2 ) 763 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 545:
Darrted Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle said# HKou $ill be resurrected !and assebled" bare)footed# naked and uncircu)
cised%H &he Prophet then recited the 8i(ine =erse:)) HAs @e began the first creation# @e shall repeat
it: A proise @e ha(e undertaken% &ruly $e shall do it%H !30%062"
He added# H&he first to be dressed $ill be Abraha% &hen soe of y copanions $ill take to the
right and to the left% I $ill say: 'My copanionsI 'It $ill be said# '&hey had been renegades since you
left the%' I $ill then say $hat the Pious Sla(e /esus# the son of Mary said: 'And I $as a $itness o(er
the $hile I d$elt aongst theL $hen Kou did take e up# Kou $ere the @atcher o(er the# and
Kou are a @itness to all things% If Kou punish the# they are Kour sla(es# and if you forgi(e the#
Kou# only Kou are the All)Mighty the All)@ise%' H !4%00:)007" Darrated ,uaggas# H&hose $ere the
apostates $ho renegade fro Isla during the 9aliphate of Abu Bakr $ho fought theH%
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 54::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HBy Hi in @hose Hands y soul is# surely !/esus#" the son of Mary $ill soon
descend aongst you and $ill .udge ankind .ustly !as a /ust Ruler"L he $ill break the 9ross and kill
the pigs and there $ill be no /i-ya !i%e% ta*ation taken fro non Muslis"% Money $ill be in abund)
ance so that nobody $ill accept it# and a single prostration to Allah !in prayer" $ill be better than the
$hole $orld and $hate(er is in it%H Abu Huraira added HIf you $ish# you can recite !this (erse of the
Holy Book": )) 'And there is none Ef the people of the Scriptures !/e$s and 9hristians" But ust be)
lie(e in hi !i%e /esus as an Apostle of Allah and a huan being" Before his death% And on the 8ay of
/udgent He $ill be a $itness Against the%H !2%041" !See Bateh Al Bari# Page <63 =ol :"
=olue 2# Book 44# Duber 547:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said HHo$ $ill you be $hen the son of Mary !i%e% /esus" descends aongst you and
he $ill .udge people by the ;a$ of the ,uran and not by the la$ of Aospel !Bateh)ul Bari page <62
and <64 =ol :"
=olue 2 ) 76< ? 0:66
Book 45: =irtues and Merits of the Prophet
!pbuh" and his 9opanions
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 541:
Darrated Rabi bin Hirash:
'UCba bin 'Ar said to Hudhaifa# H@on't you relate to us of $hat you ha(e heard fro Allah's
Apostle JH He said# HI heard hi saying# H@hen Al) appears# he $ill ha(e fire and $ater along
$ith hi% @hat the people $ill consider as cold $ater# $ill be fire that $ill burn !things"% So# if any)
one of you coes across this# he should fall in the thing $hich $ill appear to hi as fire# for in real)
ity# it $ill be fresh cold $ater%H Hudhaifa added# HI also heard hi saying# 'Bro aong the people
preceding your generation# there $as a an $ho the angel of death (isited to capture his soul% !So
his soul $as captured" and he $as asked if he had done any good deed%' He replied# 'I don't reeber
any good deed%' He $as asked to think it o(er% He said# 'I do not reeber# e*cept that I used to trade
$ith the people in the $orld and I used to gi(e a respite to the rich and forgi(e the poor !aong y
debtors"% So Allah ade hi enter Paradise%H Hudhaifa further said# HI also heard hi saying# 'Ence
there $as a an on his death)bed# $ho# losing e(ery hope of sur(i(ing said to his faily: @hen I
die# gather for e a large heap of $ood and ake a fire !to burn e"% @hen the fire eats y eat
and reaches y bones# and $hen the bones burn# take and crush the into po$der and $ait for a
$indy day to thro$ it !i%e% the po$der" o(er the sea% &hey did so# but Allah collected his particles and
asked hi:
@hy did you do soJ He replied: Bor fear of Kou% So Allah forga(e hi%H 'UCba bin 'Ar said# HI
heard hi saying that the Israeli used to dig the gra(e of the dead !to steal their shrouds"%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 556:
Darrated 'Aisha and Ibn 'Abbas:
En his death)bed Allah's Apostle put a sheet o(er his)face and $hen he felt hot# he $ould reo(e
it fro his face% @hen in that state !of putting and reo(ing the sheet" he said# HMay Allah's 9urse be
on the /e$s and the 9hristians for they build places of $orship at the gra(es of their prophets%H !By
that" he intended to $arn !the Musli" fro $hat they !i%e% /e$s and 9hristians" had done%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 550:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 2 ) 762 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# H&he Israelis used to be ruled and guided by prophets: @hene(er a prophet died#
another $ould take o(er his place% &here $ill be no prophet after e# but there $ill be 9aliphs $ho
$ill increase in nuber%H &he people asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat do you order us !to do"JH He
said# HEbey the one $ho $ill be gi(en the pledge of allegiance first% Bulfil their !i%e% the 9aliphs"
rights# for Allah $ill ask the about !any shortcoing" in ruling those Allah has put under their
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 553:
Darrated Abu Said:
&he Prophet said# HKou $ill follo$ the $rong $ays# of your predecessors so copletely and liter)
ally that if they should go into the hole of a astigure# you too $ill go there%H @e said# HE Allah's
ApostleI 8o you ean the /e$s and the 9hristiansJH He replied# H@ho elseJH !Meaning# of course#
the /e$s and the 9hristians%"
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 55<:
Darrated Anas:
&he people entioned the fire and the bell !as eans proposed for announcing the tie of prayer"
and by such a suggestion they referred to the /e$s and the 9hristians% But Bilal $as ordered# HPro)
nounce the $ords of the Adhan !i%e% call for the prayer" t$ice and the ICaa once only%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 552:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&hat she used to hate that one should keep his hands on his flanks $hile praying% She said that the
/e$ used to do so%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 554:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HKour period !i%e% the Muslis' period" in coparison to the periods of the
pre(ious nations# is like the period bet$een the 'Asr prayer and sunset% And your e*aple in co)
parison to the /e$s and the 9hristians is like the e*aple of a person $ho eployed soe laborers
and asked the# '@ho $ill $ork for e till idday for one ,irat eachJ' &he /e$s $orked for half a
day for one ,irat each% &he person asked# '@ho $ill do the $ork for e fro idday to the tie of
the 'Asr !prayer" for one ,irat eachJ' &he 9hristians $orked fro idday till the 'Asr prayer for one
,irat% &hen the person asked# '@ho $ill do the $ork for e fro the 'Asr till sunset for t$o ,irats
eachJ' H &he Prophet added# HIt is you !i%e% Muslis" $ho are doing the $ork fro the Asr till sunset#
=olue 2 ) 764 ? 0:66
so you $ill ha(e a double re$ard% &he /e$s and the 9hristians got angry and said# '@e ha(e done
ore $ork but got less $ages%' Allah said# 'Ha(e I been un.ust to you as regards your rightsJ' &hey
said# 'Do%' So Allah said# '&hen it is My Blessing $hich I besto$ on $hoe(er I like% H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 555:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
I heard 'Uar saying# HMay Allah 9urse so)and)soI 8oesn't he kno$ that the Prophet said# 'May
Allah curse the /e$s for# though they $ere forbidden !to eat" fat# they liCuefied it and sold it% H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 55::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
&he Prophet said# H9on(ey !y teachings" to the people e(en if it $ere a single sentence# and tell
others the stories of Bani Israel !$hich ha(e been taught to you"# for it is not sinful to do so% And
$hoe(er tells a lie on e intentionally# $ill surely take his place in the !Hell" Bire%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 557:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he /e$s and the 9hristians do not dye !their grey hair"# so you shall do the
opposite of $hat they do !i%e% dye your grey hair and beards"%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 551:
Darrated /undub:
Allah's Apostle said# HAongst the nations before you there $as a an $ho got a $ound# and
gro$ing ipatient !$ith its pain"# he took a knife and cut his hand $ith it and the blood did not stop
till he died% Allah said# 'My Sla(e hurried to bring death upon hiself so I ha(e forbidden hi !to
enter" Paradise%' H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 5:6:
Darrated Abu Huraira: that he heard Allah's Apostle saying# HAllah $illed to test three Israelis $ho
$ere a ;eper# a blind an and a bald)headed an% So# he sent the an angel $ho cae to the leper
and said# '@hat thing do you like ostJ' He replied# HAood color and good skin# for the people ha(e a
strong a(ersion to e%' &he angel touched hi and his illness $as cured# and he $as gi(en a good
color and beautiful skin% &he angel asked hi# '@hat kind of property do you like bestJ' He replied#
'9aels !or co$s"%' !&he narrator is in doubt# for either the leper or the bald)headed an deanded
=olue 2 ) 765 ? 0:66
caels and the other deanded co$s%" So he !i%e% the leper" $as gi(en a pregnant she)caei# and the
angel said !to hi"# 'May Allah bless you in it%'
&he angel then $ent to the bald)headed an and said# '@hat thing do you like ostJ' He said# 'I
like good hair and $ish to be cured of this disease# for the people feel repulsion for e%' &he angel
touched hi and his illness $as cured# and he $as gi(en good hair% &he angel asked !hi"# '@hat
kind of property do you like bests' He replied# '9o$s#' &he angel ga(e hi a pregnant co$ and said#
'May Allah bless you in it%' &he angel $ent to the blind an and asked# '@hat thing do you like bestJ'
He said# '!I like" that Allah ay restore y eye)sight to e so that I ay see the people%' &he angel
touched his eyes and Allah ga(e hi back his eye)sight% &he angel asked hi# H@hat kind of prop)
erty do you like bestJ' He replied# 'Sheep%' &he angel ga(e hi a pregnant sheep% After$ards# all the
three pregnant anials ga(e birth to young ones# and ultiplied and brought forth so uch that one
of the !three" en had a herd of caels filling a (alley# and one had a herd of co$s filling a (alley#
and one had a flock of sheep filling a (alley% &hen the angel# disguised in the shape and appearance
of a leper# $ent to the leper and said# I a a poor an# $ho has lost all eans of li(elihood $hile on
a .ourney% So none $ill satisfy y need e*cept Allah and then you% In the Dae of Hi @ho has gi()
en you such nice color and beautiful skin# and so uch property# I ask you to gi(e e a cael so that
I ay reach y destination% &he an replied# 'I ha(e any obligations !so I cannot gi(e you"%' &he
angel said# 'I think I kno$ youL $ere you not a leper to $ho the people had a strong a(ersionJ
@eren't you a poor an# and then Allah ga(e you !all this property"%' He replied# '!&his is all $rong"#
I got this property through inheritance fro y fore)fathers' &he angel said# 'If you are telling a lie#
then let Allah ake you as you $ere before% '
&hen the angel# disguised in the shape and appearance of a bald an# $ent to the bald an and
said to hi the sae as he told the first one# and he too ans$ered the sae as the first one did% &he
angel said# 'If you are telling a lie# then let Allah ake you as you $ere before%'
&he angel# disguised in the shape of a blind an# $ent to the blind an and said# 'I a a poor an
and a tra(eler# $hose eans of li(elihood ha(e been e*hausted $hile on a .ourney% I ha(e nobody to
help e e*cept Allah# and after Hi# you yourself% I ask you in the Dae of Hi @ho has gi(en you
back your eye)sight to gi(e e a sheep# so that $ith its help# I ay coplete y .ourney' &he an
said# 'Do doubt# I $as blind and Allah ga(e e back y eye)sightL I $as poor and Allah ade e
richL so take anything you $ish fro y property% By Allah# I $ill not stop you for taking anything
!you need" of y property $hich you ay take for Allah's sake%' &he angel replied# 'Keep your prop)
erty $ith you% Kou !i%e < en" ha(e been tested and Allah is pleased $ith you and is angry $ith your
t$o copanions%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 5:0:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
=olue 2 ) 76: ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# HEnce three persons !fro the pre(ious nations" $ere tra(eling# and suddenly
it started raining and they took shelter in a ca(e% &he entrance of the ca(e got closed $hile they $ere
inside% &hey said to each other# 'E youI Dothing can sa(e you e*cept the truth# so each of you should
ask Allah's Help by referring to such a deed as he thinks he did sincerely !i%e% .ust for gaining Allah's
Pleasure"%' So one of the said# 'E AllahI Kou kno$ that I had a laborer $ho $orked for e for one
BaraC !i%e% three Sas" of rice# but he departed# lea(ing it !i%e% his $ages"% I so$ed that BaraC of rice and
$ith its yield I bought co$s !for hi"% ;ater on $hen he cae to e asking for his $ages# I said !to
hi"# 'Ao to those co$s and dri(e the a$ay%' He said to e# 'But you ha(e to pay e only a BaraC of
rice#' I said to hi# 'Ao to those co$s and take the# for they are the product of that BaraC !of rice"%'
So he dro(e the% E AllahI If you consider that I did that for fear of Kou# then please reo(e the
rock%' &he rock shifted a bit fro the outh of the ca(e% &he second one said# 'E Allah# Kou kno$ that
I had old parents $ho I used to pro(ide $ith the ilk of y sheep e(ery night% Ene night I $as
delayed and $hen I cae# they had slept# $hile y $ife and children $ere crying $ith hunger% I
used not to let the !i%e% y faily" drink unless y parents had drunk first% So I disliked to $ake
the up and also disliked that they should sleep $ithout drinking it# I kept on $aiting !for the to
$ake" till it da$ned% E AllahI If Kou consider that I did that for fear of you# then please reo(e the
rock%' So the rock shifted and they could see the sky through it% &he !third" one said# 'E AllahI Kou
kno$ that I had a cousin !i%e% y paternal uncle's daughter" $ho $as ost belo(ed to e and I
sought to seduce her# but she refused# unless I paid her one)hundred 8inars !i%e% gold pieces"% So I
collected the aount and brought it to her# and she allo$ed e to sleep $ith her% But $hen I sat
bet$een her legs# she said# 'Be afraid of Allah# and do not deflo$er e but legally% 'I got up and left
the hundred 8inars !for her"% E AllahI If Kou consider that I did that for fear of you than please re)
o(e the rock% So Allah sa(ed the and they cae out !of the ca(e"%H !&his Hadith indicates that one
can only ask Allah for help directly or through his perfored good deeds% But to ask Allah through
dead or absent prophets# saints# spirits# holy en# angels etc% is absolutely forbidden in Isla and it is
a kind of disbelief%"
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 5:3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&hat he heard Allah's Apostle saying# H@hile a lady $as nursing her child# a rider passed by and
she said# 'E AllahI 8on't let y child die till he becoes like this !rider"%' &he child said# 'E AllahI
8on't ake e like hi#' and then returned to her breast !sucking it"% !After a $hile" they passed by
a lady $ho $as being pulled and teased !by the people"% &he child's other said# 'E AllahI 8o not
ake y child like her%' &he child said# 'E AllahI Make e like her%' &hen he said# 'As for the rider# he
is an infidel# $hile the lady is accused of illegal se*ual intercourse !falsely" and she says: Allah is suf)
ficient for e !He kno$s the truth"%H
=olue 2 ) 767 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 5:<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hile a dog $as going round a $ell and $as about to die of thirst# an Israeli
prostitute sa$ it and took off her shoe and $atered it% So Allah forga(e her because of that good
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 5:2:
Darrated Huaid bin 'Abdur)Rahan:
&hat he heard Mua$iya bin Abi Sufyan !talking" on the pulpit in the year $hen he perfored the
Ha..% He took a tuft of hair that $as in the hand of an orderly and said# HE people of MedinaI @here
are your learned enJ I heard the Prophet forbidding such a thing as this !i%e% false hair" and he used
to say# '&he Israelis $ere destroyed $hen their ladies practiced this habit !of using false hair to
lengthen their locks"%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 5:4:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAongst the people preceding you there used to be 'Muhaddithun' !i%e% persons
$ho can guess things that coe true later on# as if those persons ha(e been inspired by a di(ine
po$er"# and if there are any such persons aongst y follo$ers# it is 'Uar bin Al)Khattab%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 5:5:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# HAongst the en of Bani Israel there $as a an $ho had urdered ninety)
nine persons% &hen he set out asking !$hether his repentance could be accepted or not"% He cae
upon a onk and asked hi if his repentance could be accepted% &he onk replied in the negati(e
and so the an killed hi% He kept on asking till a an ad(ised to go to such and such (illage% !So he
left for it" but death o(ertook hi on the $ay% @hile dying# he turned his chest to$ards that (illage
!$here he had hoped his repentance $ould be accepted"# and so the angels of ercy and the angels
of punishent Cuarrelled aongst thesel(es regarding hi% Allah ordered the (illage !to$ards
$hich he $as going" to coe closer to hi# and ordered the (illage !$hence he had coe"# to go far
a$ay# and then He ordered the angels to easure the distances bet$een his body and the t$o (il)
lages% So he $as found to be one span closer to the (illage !he $as going to"% So he $as forgi(en%H
=olue 2 ) 761 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 5:::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Ence Allah's ApostleL offered the orning prayer and then faced the people and said# H@hile a
an $as dri(ing a co$# he suddenly rode o(er it and beat it% &he co$ said# H@e ha(e not been cre)
ated for this# but $e ha(e been created for sloughing%H En that the people said astonishingly# HAlori)
fied be AllahI A co$ speaksIH &he Prophet said# HI belie(e this# and Abu Bakr and 'Uar too# belie(e it#
although neither of the $as present there% @hile a person $as aongst his sheep# a $olf attacked
and took one of the sheep% &he an chased the $olf till he sa(ed it fro the $olf# $here upon the
$olf said# 'Kou ha(e sa(ed it fro eL but $ho $ill guard it on the day of the $ild beasts $hen there
$ill be no shepherd to guard the e*cept e !because of riots and afflictions"J ' H &he people said
surprisingly# HAlorified be AllahI A $olf speaksIH &he Prophet said# HBut I belie(e this# and Abu Bakr
and 'Uar too# belie(e this# although neither of the $as present there%H !See the Boot)note of page
Do% 06 =ol%4"
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 5:7:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HA an bought a piece of and fro another an# and the buyer found an
earthen$are .ar filled $ith gold in the land% &he buyer said to the seller% '&ake your gold# as I ha(e
bought only the land fro you# but I ha(e not bought the gold fro you%' &he !forer" o$ner of the
land said# HI ha(e sold you the land $ith e(erything in it%' So both of the took their case before a
an $ho asked# '8o you ha(e childrenJ' Ene of the said# HI ha(e a boy%' &he other said# HI ha(e a
girl%' &he an said# 'Marry the girl to the boy and spend the oney on both of the and gi(e the rest
of it in charity%' H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 5:1:
Darrated Usaa bin Faid:
Allah's Apostle said# HPlague $as a eans of torture sent on a group of Israelis !or on soe people
before you"% So if you hear of its spread in a land# don't approach it# and if a plague should appear in
a land $here you are present# then don't lea(e that land in order to run a$ay fro it !i%e% plague"%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 576:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" I asked Allah's Apostle about the plague% He told e that it $as a Punish)
ent sent by Allah on $ho he $ished# and Allah ade it a source of ercy for the belie(ers# for if
one in the tie of an epideic plague stays in his country patiently hoping for Allah's Re$ard and
=olue 2 ) 706 ? 0:66
belie(ing that nothing $ill befall hi e*cept $hat Allah has $ritten for hi# he $ill get the re$ard
of a artyr%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 570:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he people of ,uraish $orried about the lady fro Bani Makh-u $ho had coitted theft%
&hey asked# H@ho $ill intercede for her $ith Allah's ApostleJH Soe said# HDo one dare to do so e*)
cept Usaa bin Faid the belo(ed one to Allah's Apostle %H @hen Usaa spoke about that to Allah's
Apostle Allah's Apostle said# !to hi"# H8o you try to intercede for soebody in a case connected $ith
Allah's Prescribed PunishentsJH &hen he got up and deli(ered a seron saying# H@hat destroyed the
nations preceding you# $as that if a noble aongst the stole# they $ould forgi(e hi# and if a poor
person aongst the stole# they $ould inflict Allah's ;egal punishent on hi% By Allah# if Batia#
the daughter of Muhaad stole# I $ould cut off her hand%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 573:
Darrated Ibn Mas'ud:
I heard a person reciting a !,uranic" =erse in a certain $ay# and I had heard the Prophet reciting
the sae =erse in a different $ay% So I took hi to the Prophet and infored hi of that but I no)
ticed the sign of disappro(al on his face# and then he said# HBoth of you are correct# so don't differ# for
the nations before you differed# so they $ere destroyed%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 57<:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
As if I sa$ the Prophet talking about one of the prophets $hose nation had beaten hi and caused
hi to bleed# $hile he $as cleaning the blood off his face and saying# HE AllahI Borgi(e y nation#
for they ha(e no kno$ledge%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 572:
Darrated Abu Sa'id:
&he Prophet said# HAongst the people preceding your age# there $as a an $ho Allah had gi()
en a lot of oney% @hile he $as in his death)bed# he called his sons and said# '@hat type of father
ha(e I been to youJ &hey replied# 'Kou ha(e been a good father%' He said# 'I ha(e ne(er done a single
good deedL so $hen I die# burn e# crush y body# and scatter the resulting ashes on a $indy day%'
His sons did accordingly# but Allah gathered his particles and asked !hi"# '@hat ade you do soJ'
He replied# HBear of you%' So Allah besto$ed His Mercy upon hi% !forga(e hi"%H
=olue 2 ) 700 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 574:
Darrated Ribi bin Hirash:
'UCba said to Hudhaifa# H@on't you narrate to us $hat you heard fro Allah's Apostle JH Hudhaifa
said# HI heard hi saying# '8eath approached a an and $hen he had no hope of sur(i(ing# he said
to his faily# '@hen I die# gather for e uch $ood and build a fire !to burn e"#% @hen the fire has
eaten y flesh and reached y bones# take the bones and grind the and scatter the resulting
po$der in the sea on a hot !or $indy" day%' !&hat $as done%" But Allah collected his particles and
asked !hi"# '@hy did you do soJ' He replied# 'Bor fear of Kou%' So Allah forga(e hi%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 575:
Darrated 'Abdu Malik:
as abo(e# saying# HEn a $indy day%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 57::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HA an used to gi(e loans to the people and used to say to his ser(ant# 'If the
debtor is poor# forgi(e hi# so that Allah ay forgi(e us%' So $hen he et Allah !after his death"# Al)
lah forga(e hi%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 577:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HA an used to do sinful deeds# and $hen death cae to hi# he said to his sons#
'After y death# burn e and then crush e# and scatter the po$der in the air# for by Allah# if Allah
has control o(er e# He $ill gi(e e such a punishent as He has ne(er gi(en to anyone else%' @hen
he died# his sons did accordingly% Allah ordered the earth saying# '9ollect $hat you hold of his
particles%' It did so# and beholdI &here he $as !the an" standing% Allah asked !hi"# '@hat ade you
do $hat you didJ' He replied# 'E y ;ordI I $as afraid of Kou%' So Allah forga(e hi% H Another nar)
rator said H&he an said# Bear of Kou# E ;ordIH
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 571:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HA lady $as punished because of a cat $hich she had iprisoned till it died%
She entered the !Hell" Bire because of it# for she neither ga(e it food nor $ater as she had iprisoned
it# nor set it free to eat fro the (erin of the earth%H
=olue 2 ) 703 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 516:
Darrated Abu Masud UCba:
&he Prophet said# HEne of the sayings of the prophets $hich the people ha(e got# is% 'If you do not
feel ashaed# then do $hate(er you like%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 510:
Darrated Abu Mus'ud:
&he Prophet said# HEne of the sayings of the prophets $hich the people ha(e got is# 'If you do not
feel ashaed# then do $hate(er you like%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 513:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
&he Prophet said# H@hile a an $as $alking# dragging his dress $ith pride# he $as caused to be
s$allo$ed by the earth and $ill go on sinking in it till the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 51<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@e are the last !to coe" but $e $ill be the foreost on the 8ay of Resurrec)
tion# nations $ere gi(en the Book !i%e% Scripture" before us# and $e $ere gi(en the Holy Book after
the% &his !i%e% Briday" is the day about $hich they differed% So the ne*t day !i%e% Saturday" $as pre)
scribed for the /e$s and the day after it !i%e% Sunday" for the 9hristians% It is incubent on e(ery
Musli to $ash his head and body on a 8ay !i%e% Briday" !at least" in e(ery se(en days%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 512:
Darrated Said bin Al)Musaiyab:
@hen Mua$iya bin Abu Sufyan cae to Medina for the last tie# he deli(ered a seron before
us% He took out a tuft of hair and said# HI ne(er thought that soeone other than the /e$s $ould do
such a thing !i%e% use false hair"% &he Prophet naed such a practice# 'A-)Fur' !i%e% falsehood"#H ean)
ing the use of false hair%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 514:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
=olue 2 ) 70< ? 0:66
Regarding the =erse: 'And !@e" ade you into Shu'ub and ,abail)) !21%0<" that Shu'uib eans
the big ,abail !i%e% nations" $hile the ,abail !i%e% tribes" eans the branch tribes%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 515:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Ence Allah's Apostle $as asked# H@ho is the ost honorable aongst the peopleJH He said# H&he
ost righteous !i%e% Allah)fearing" aongst you%H &hey said# H@e do not ask you about this%H He said#
H&hen /oseph# the prophet of Allah%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 51::
Darrated Kulaib bin @ail:
I asked Fainab bint Abi Salaa !i%e% daughter of the $ife of the Prophet# H&ell e about the Prophet
% 8id he belong to the tribe of MudarJH She replied# HKes# he belonged to the tribe of Mudar and $as
fro the offspring of An)Dadr bin Kinana%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 517:
Darrated Kulaib:
I $as told by the Rabiba !i%e% daughter of the $ife of the Prophet" $ho# I think# $as Fainab# that the
Prophet !forbade the utensils !of $ine called" Ad)8ubba# Al)Hanta# Al)MuCaiyar and Al)Mu-affat%
I said to her# '&ell e as to $hich tribe the Prophet belongedL $as he fro the tribe of MudarJ'' She
replied# HHe belonged to the tribe of Mudar and $as fro the offspring of An)Dadr bin Kinana% H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 511:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HKou see that the people are of different natures% &hose $ho $ere the best in
the pre)lslaic period# are also the best in Isla if they coprehend religious kno$ledge% Kou see
that the best aongst the people in this respect !i%e% abition of ruling" are those $ho hate it ost%
And you see that the $orst aong people is the double faced !person" $ho appears to these $ith one
face and to the others $ith another face !i%e a hypocrite"%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :66:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he tribe of ,uraish has precedence o(er the people in this connection !i%e the
right of ruling"% &he Muslis follo$ the Muslis aongst the# and the infidels follo$ the infidels
=olue 2 ) 702 ? 0:66
aongst the% People are of different natures: &he best aongst the in the pre)lslaic period are
the best in Isla pro(ided they coprehend the religious kno$ledge% Kou $ill find that the best
aongst the people in this respect !i%e% of ruling" is he $ho hates it !i%e% the idea of ruling" ost# till
he is gi(en the pledge of allegiance%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :60:
Darrated &a$us:
Ibn 'Abbas recited the ,uranic =erse:))'+*cept to be kind to e for y kin)ship to you))H !23%3<"
Said bin /ubair said# H!&he =erse iplies" the kinship of Muhaad%H Ibn 'Abbas said# H&here $as not
a single house !i%e% sub)tribe" of ,uraish but had a kinship to the Prophet and so the abo(e =erse $as
re(ealed in this connection# and its interpretation is: 'E ,uraishI Kou should keep good relation
bet$een e !i%e% Muhaad" and you%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :63:
Darrated Abi Mas'ud:
&he Prophet said# HBro this side fro the east# afflictions $ill appear% Rudeness and lack of ercy
are characteristics of the rural bedouins $ho are busy $ith their caels and co$s !and pay no at)
tention to religion"% Such are the tribes of Rabi'a and Mudar%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :6<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HPride and arrogance are characteristics of the rural bedouins $hile
calness is found aong the o$ners of sheep% Belief is Keenite# and $isdo is also Keenite i%e%
the Keenites are $ell)kno$n for their true belief and $isdo"%H Abu 'Abdullah !Al)Bukhari" said#
HKeen $as called so because it is situated to the right of the Ka'ba# and Sha $as called so because
it is situated to the left of the Ka'ba%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :62:
Darrated Muhaad bin /ubair bin Mut'i:
&hat $hile he $as $ith a delegation fro ,uraish to Mua$iya# the latter heard the ne$s that 'Ab)
dullah bin 'Ar bin Al)'As said that there $ould be a king fro the tribe of ,ahtan% En that Mua$)
iya becae angry# got up and then praised Allah as He deser(ed# and said# HDo$ then# I ha(e heard
that soe en aongst you narrate things $hich are neither in the Holy Book# nor ha(e been told
by Allah's Apostle% &hose en are the ignorant aongst you% Be$are of such hopes as ake the
people go astray# for I heard Allah's Apostle saying# 'Authority of ruling $ill reain $ith ,uraish#
=olue 2 ) 704 ? 0:66
and $hoe(er bears hostility to the# Allah $ill destroy hi as long as they abide by the la$s of the
religion%' H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :64:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
&he Prophet said# HAuthority of ruling $ill reain $ith ,uraish# e(en if only t$o of the re)
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :65:
Darrated /ubair bin Mut'i:
'Uthan bin Affan $ent !to the Prophet" and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou ga(e property to Bani
Al)Muttalib and did not gi(e us# although $e and they are of the sae degree of relationship to you%H
&he Prophet said# HEnly Bani Hashi and Bani Al Muttalib are one thing !as regards faily status"%H
Darrated Ur$a bin A-)Fubair: 'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair $ent $ith soe $oen of the tribe of
Bani Fuhra to 'Aisha $ho used to treat the nicely because of their relation to Allah's Apostle%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :6::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he tribe of ,uraish# the Ansar# the !people of the tribe of" /ulhaina# Mu-aina#
Asla# Ash.a'# and Ahifar are y disciples and ha(e no protectors e*cept Allah and His Apostle%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :67:
Darrated 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair:
'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair $as the ost belo(ed person to 'Aisha e*cluding the Prophet and Abu
Bakr# and he in his turn# $as the ost de(oted to her# 'Aisha used not to $ithhold the oney gi(en to
her by Allah# but she used to spend it in charity% !'Abdullah" bin A-Fubair said# H 'Aisha should be
stopped fro doing so%H !@hen 'Aisha heard this"# she said protestingly# HShall I be stopped fro do)
ing soJ I (o$ that I $ill ne(er talk to 'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair%H En that# Ibn A-)Fubair asked soe
people fro ,uraish and particularly the t$o uncles of Allah's Apostle to intercede $ith her# but she
refused !to talk to hi"% A-)Fuhriyun# the uncles of the Prophet# including 'Abdur)Rahan bin Al)
As$ad bin 'Abd Kaghuth and Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa said to hi# H@hen $e ask for the peris)
sion to (isit her# enter her house along $ith us !$ithout taking her lea(e"%H He did accordingly !and
she accepted their intercession"% He sent her ten sla(es $ho she anuitted as an e*piation for
!not keeping" her (o$% 'Aisha anuitted ore sla(es for the sae purpose till she anuitted
=olue 2 ) 705 ? 0:66
forty sla(es% She said# HI $ish I had specified $hat I $ould ha(e done in case of not fulfilling y (o$
$hen I ade the (o$# so that I ight ha(e done it easily%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :61:
Darrated Anas:
Uthan called Faid bin &habit# Abdullah bin A-)Fubair# Said bin Al)'As and 'AbdurRahan bin
Al)Harith bin Hisha# and then they $rote the anuscripts of the Holy ,ur'an in the for of book
in se(eral copies% 'Uthan said to the three ,uraishi persons% H If you differ $ith Faid bin &habit on
any point of the ,uran# then $rite it in the language of ,uraish# as the ,uran $as re(ealed in their
language%H So they acted accordingly% !Said bin &habit $as an Ansari and not fro ,uraish "%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :06:
Darrated Salaa:
Allah's Apostle passed by soe people fro the tribe of Asla practicing archery% He said# HE chil)
dren of IshaelI &hro$ !arro$s"# for your father $as an archer% I a on the side of Bani so)and)so#H
eaning one of the t$o teas% &he other tea stopped thro$ing# $hereupon the Prophet said#
H@hat has happened to theJH &hey replied# HHo$ shall $e thro$ $hile you are $ith Bani so)and)
soJH He said# H&hro$ for I a $ith all of you%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :00:
Darrated Abu 8har:
&he Prophet said# HIf soebody clais to be the son of any other than his real father kno$ingly# he
but disbelie(es in Allah# and if soebody clais to belong to soe folk to $ho he does not belong#
let such a person take his place in the !Hell" Bire%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :03:
Darrated @athila bin Al)AsCa:
Allah's Apostle said# H=erily# one of the $orst lies is to clai falsely to be the son of soeone other
than one's real father# or to clai to ha(e had a drea one has not had# or to attribute to e $hat I
ha(e not said%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :0<:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
=olue 2 ) 70: ? 0:66
&he delegates of 'Abd)ul),ais cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e are fro
the tribe of Rabi'a and the infidels of Mudar tribe stand bet$een us and you# so that $e cannot coe
to you e*cept in the Sacred Months% &herefore $e $ould like you to gi(e us soe instructions $hich
$e ay follo$ and con(ey to our people staying behind us%H &he Prophet said# HI order you to obser(e
four things and forbid you !to do" four things: !I order you" to belie(e in Allah testifying that Done
has the right to be $orshipped e*cept AllahL to offer the prayer perfectlyL to pay the FakatL and to
gi(e one)fifth of the $ar booty to Allah% And I forbid you to use Ad)8ubba# Al)Hanta# An)DaCir
and Al)Mu-affat%H !&hese are naes of utensils in $hich alcoholic drinks $ere ser(ed%"
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :02:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
I heard Allah's Apostle on the pulpit saying# H=erily# afflictions !$ill start" fro here#H pointing to)
$ards the east# H$hence the side of the head of Satan coes out%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :04:
Darrated Abu Huraira: &he Prophet said# H&he tribes of ,uraish# Al)Ansar# /uhaina# Mu-aina#
Asla# Ahifar and Ash.a' are y helpers# and they ha(e no protector !i%e% Master" e*cept Allah and
His Apostle%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :05:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
@hile Allah's Apostle $as on the pulpit# he said# HMay Allah gi(e the tribe of AhifarI And ay Al)
lah sa(e the tribe of AslaI &he tribe of 'Usaiya ha(e disobeyed Allah and His Apostle%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :0::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HMay Allah sa(e the tribe of Asla# and ay Allah forgi(e the tribe of AhifarIH
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :07:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
&he Prophet said# H8o you think that the tribes of /uhaina# Mu-aina# Asla and Ahifar are better
than the tribes of Bani &ai# Bani Asad# Ba 'Abdullah bin Ahatafan and Bani Air bin SasaaJH A
an said# H&hey $ere unsuccessful and losers%H &he Prophet added#H !Kes"# they are better than the
tribes of Bani &ai# Bani Asad# Bani Abdullah bin Ahatafan and Bani Air bin Sasaa%H
=olue 2 ) 707 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :01:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
Al)ACra' bin Habis said to the Prophet HDobody ga(e you the pledge of allegiance but the robbers
of the pilgris !i%e% those $ho used to rob the pilgris" fro the tribes of Asla# Ahifar# Mu-aina%H
!Ibn Abi Ka'Cub is in doubt $hether Al)ACra' added% 'And /uhaina%'" &he Prophet said# H8on't you
think that the tribes of Asla# Ahifar# Mu-aina !and also perhaps" /uhaina are better than the tribes
of Bani &ai# Bani Air# Asad# and AhatafanJH Soebody said# H&hey $ere unsuccessful and
losersIH &he Prophet said# HKes# by Hi in @hose Hands y life is# they !i%e% the forer" are better
than they !i%e% the latter"%H
Abu Huraira said# H!&he Prophet said"# '!&he people of" Bani Asla# Ahifar and soe people of
Mu-aina !or soe people of /uhaina or Mu-aina" are better in Allah's Sight !or on the 8ay of Resur)
rection" than the tribes of Asad# &ai# Ha$a-in and Ahatafan%' H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :36:
Darrated /abir:
@e $ere in the copany of the Prophet in a Aha-$a% A large nuber of eigrants .oined hi
and aong the eigrants there $as a person $ho used to play .okes !or play $ith spears"L so he
!.okingly" stroked an Ansari an on the hip% &he Ans)ari got so angry that both of the called their
people% &he Ansari said# HHelp# E AnsarIH And the eigrant said HHelp# E eigrantsIH &he Prophet
cae out and said# H@hat is $rong $ith the people !as they are calling" this call of the period of Ig)
noranceJ H&hen he said# H@hat is the atter $ith theJH So he $as told about the stroke of the eig)
rant to the Ansari% &he Prophet said# HStop this !i%e% appeal for help" for it is an e(il call% HAbdullah bin
Ubai bin Salul !a hypocrite" said# H&he eigrants ha(e called and !gathered against us"L so $hen $e
return to Medina# surely# the ore honorable people $ill e*pel therefro the eaner#H Upon that
'Uar said# HE Allah's ProphetI Shall $e not kill this e(il person !i%e% Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul" JH
&he Prophet" said# H!Do"# lest the people should say that Muhaad used to kill his copanions%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :30:
Darrated 'Abdullah !bin Mas'ud":
&he Prophet said# H@ho)e(er slaps his face or tears the boso of his dress# or calls the calls of the
Period of Ignorance# is not fro us%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :33:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H'Ar bin ;uhai bin ,a'a bin Khindif $as the father of Khu-a'a%'
=olue 2 ) 701 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :3<:
Darrated Said bin Al)Musaiyab:
Al)Bahira $as an anial $hose ilk $as spared for the idols and other dieties# and so nobody
$as allo$ed to ilk it% As)Saiba $as an anial $hich they !i%e infidels" used to set free in the naes
of their gods so that it $ould not be used for carrying anything% Abu Huraira said# H&he Prophet said#
'I sa$ Ar bin 'Air bin ;uhai Al)Khu-ai dragging his intestines in the !Hell" Bire# for he $as the
first an $ho started the custo of releasing anials !for the sake of false gods"%' H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :32:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen the ne$s of the ad(ent of the Prophet reached Abu 8har# he said to his brother# HRide to this
(alley and bring e the ne$s of this an !i%e% the Prophet " $ho clais to be a Prophet recei(ing in)
foration fro the Hea(en% ;isten to hi and then coe to e%H His brother set out till he et the
Prophet and listened to his speech and returned to Abu 8har and said to hi# HI ha(e seen hi e*)
horting people to (irtues and his speech $as not like poetry%H Abu 8har said# HKou ha(e not satisfied
e as to $hat I $anted%H So# he took his .ourney)food and a $ater)skin full of $ater and set out till
he reached Mecca# $here he $ent to the MosCue looking for the Prophet # $ho he did not kno$#
and he $ould not like to ask soeone about hi% So# a portion of the night had passed $hen 'Ali sa$
hi and reali-ed that he $as a stranger% Abu 8har follo$ed hi !to his house"# but neither of the
asked the other about anything till it $as orning# $hen he carried his $ater)skin and food and
$ent to the MosCue% He spent that day $ithout being obser(ed by the Prophet till it $as night# $hen
he returned to his sleeping place% 'Ali again passed by hi and said# HHasn't the an !i%e% Abu 8har"
recogni-ed his d$elling place yetJH So# 'Ali let hi get up and took hi !to his house"# but neither of
the asked the other about anything# till it $as the third day $hen 'Ali had the sae e*perience
$ith hi and Abu 8har again stayed $ith hi% 'Ali then asked# H@on't you tell e $hat has brought
you hereJH He replied# HIf you gi(e e a proise and a con(ention that you $ill guide e# then I $ill
tell you%H @hen 'Ali did# Abu 8har infored hi !of his purpose"% 'Ali said# HIt is the &ruth# and he !i%e%
Muhaad" is the Apostle of Allah% So $hen the orning coes# follo$ e# and if I should percei(e
any danger threatening you# I $ill gi(e you a hint by pretending to go to the $atercloset% But if I car)
ried on $alking# follo$ e till you enter the place that I $ill enter%H Abu 8hur agreed and follo$ed
'Ali till he entered the place of the Prophet and Abu 8hur entered $ith hi% He then listened to the
speech of the Prophet and ebraced Isla on that (ery spot% &he Prophet said to hi# HAo back to
your people and infor the !of this religion" till you recei(e y !further" orders%H Abu 8hur said#
HBy Hi in @hose Hands y life isI I $ill proclai y con(ersion to Isla publicly aongst the
!i%e% infidels"%H He $ent out till he reached the MosCue and announced as loudly as possible# HI testify
that Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah and that Muhaad is the Apostle of Allah%H &he
people then got up and beat hi till they knocked hi do$n% Al)Abbas cae and thre$ hiself o(er
=olue 2 ) 736 ? 0:66
hi !to protect hi" saying# @oe to youI 8on't you kno$ that he is fro Ahifar and there is the
route !road" to your erchants to$ards Sha !i%e% through the place $here this tribe d$ells"JH &hus
he sa(ed hi fro the% Abu 8har did the sae on the ne*t day and the people beat hi again and
Al)'Abbas dre$ hiself o(er hi !to sa(e hi as before"%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :34:
Darrated Abu /ara:
Ibn 'Abbas said to us# HShall I tell you the story of Abu 8har's con(ersion to IslaJH @e said# HKes%H
He said# HAbu 8har said: I $as a an fro the tribe of Ahifar% @e heard that a an had appeared in
Mecca# claiing to be a Prophet% I said to y brother# 'Ao to that an and talk to hi and bring e
his ne$s%' He set out# et hi and returned% I asked hi# '@hat is the ne$s $ith youJ' He said# 'By
Allah# I sa$ a an en.oining $hat is good and forbidding $hat is e(il%' I said to hi# 'Kou ha(e not
satisfied e $ith this little inforation%' So# I took a $aterskin and a stick and proceeded to$ards
Mecca% Deither did I kno$ hi !i%e% the Prophet "# nor did I like to ask anyone about hi% I Kept on
drinking Fa -a $ater and staying in the MosCue% &hen 'Ali passed by e and said# 'It sees you
are a strangerJ' I said# 'Kes%' He proceeded to his house and I accopanied hi% Deither did he ask e
anything# nor did I tell hi anything% De*t orning I $ent to the MosCue to ask about the Prophet
but no)one told e anything about hi% Ali passed by e again and asked# 'Hasn't the an recog)
ni-ed his d$elling place yet' I said# 'Do%' He said# '9oe along $ith e%' He asked e# '@hat is your
businessJ @hat has brought you to this to$nJ' I said to hi# 'If you keep y secret# I $ill tell you%' He
said# 'I $ill do#' I said to hi# '@e ha(e heard that a person has appeared here# claiing to be a
Prophet% I sent y brother to speak to hi and $hen he returned# he did not bring a satisfactory re)
portL so I thought of eeting hi personally%' 'Ali said !to Abu 8har"# 'Kou ha(e reached your goalL I
a going to hi .ust no$# so follo$ e# and $here(er I enter# enter after e% If I should see soeone
$ho ay cause you trouble# I $ill stand near a $all pretending to end y shoes !as a $arning"#
and you should go a$ay then%' 'Ali proceeded and I accopanied hi till he entered a place# and I
entered $ith hi to the Prophet to $ho I said# 'Present !the principles of" Isla to e%' @hen he
did# I ebraced Isla 'iediately% He said to e# 'E Abu 8harI Keep your con(ersion as a secret
and return to your to$nL and $hen you hear of our (ictory# return to us% ' I said# 'By H hi @ho has
sent you $ith the &ruth# I $ill announce y con(ersion to Isla publicly aongst the !i%e% the infi)
dels"#' Abu 8har $ent to the MosCue# $here soe people fro ,uraish $ere present# and said# 'E
folk of ,uraish I I testify that Done has the right to be $orshipped e*cept Allah# and I !also" testify
that Muhaad is Allah's Sla(e and His Apostle%' !Hearing that" the ,uraishi en said# 'Aet at this
Sabi !i%e% Musli" I' &hey got up and beat e nearly to death% Al 'Abbas sa$ e and thre$ hiself
o(er e to protect e% He then faced the and said# '@oe to youI Kou $ant to kill a an fro the
tribe of Ahifar# although your trade and your counications are through the territory of AhifarJ'
&hey therefore left e% &he ne*t orning I returned !to the MosCue" and said the sae as I ha(e said
on the pre(ious day% &hey again said# 'Aet at this SabiI' I $as treated in the sae $ay as on the pre(i)
=olue 2 ) 730 ? 0:66
ous day# and again Al)Abbas found e and thre$ hiself o(er e to protect e and told the the
sae as he had said the day before%' So# that $as the con(ersion of Abu 8har !ay Allah be Merciful
to hi" to Isla%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :35:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
If you $ish to kno$ about the ignorance of the Arabs# refer to Surat)al)Ana after =erse Do%
0<6:))Indeed lost are those $ho ha(e killed their children Bro folly $ithout kno$ledge and ha(e
forbidden that $hich Allah has pro(ided for the# in(enting a lie against Allah% &hey ha(e indeed
gone astray and $ere not guided%' !5%02"
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :3::
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen the =erse:)) 'And $arn your tribe of near kindred%' !35%302" $as re(ealed# the Prophet star)
ted calling !the 'Arab tribes"# HE Bani Bihr# E Bani 'AdiH entioning first the (arious branch tribes of
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas: @hen the =erse:)) 'And $arn your tribe of near kindred' !35%302"% $as re)
(ealed# the Prophet started calling e(ery tribe by its nae%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :37:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HE Bani 'Abd MunafI Buy yoursel(es fro AllahL E Bani 'Abdul)MuttalibI Buy
yoursel(es fro AllahL E other of A-)Fubair bin Al)A$$a# the aunt of Allah's Apostle# and E
Batia bint MuhaadI Buy yoursel(es fro Allah# for I cannot defend you before Allah% Kou
!both" can ask e fro y property as uch as you like% H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :31:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet sent for the Ansar !and $hen they cae"# he asked# 'Is there any stranger aongst
youJH &hey said# HDo e*cept the son of our sister%H Allah's Apostle said# H&he son of the sister of soe
people belongs to the%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :<6:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue 2 ) 733 ? 0:66
&hat during the Mina days# Abu Bakr cae to her# $hile there $here t$o girls $ith her# beating
drus# and the Prophet $as !lying" co(ering hiself $ith his garent% Abu Bakr rebuked the t$o
girls# but the Prophet unco(ered his face and said# HE Abu BakrI ;ea(e the# for these are the days of
Id !festi(al"%H &hose days $ere the days of Mina)% 'Aisha added# HI $as being screened by the Prophet
$hile I $as $atching the +thiopians playing in the MosCue% 'Uar rebuked the# but the Prophet
said# H;ea(e the# E Bani ArfidaI Play% !for" you are safe%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :<0:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Ence Hassan bin &habit asked the perission of the Prophet to lapoon !i%e% copose satirical po)
etry defaing" the infidels% &he Prophet said# H@hat about the fact that I ha(e coon descent $ith
theJH Hassan replied# HI shall take you out of the as a hair is taken out of dough%H
Darrated 'Ur$a: I started abusing Hassan in front of 'Aisha# $hereupon she said% H8on't abuse hi#
for he used to defend the Prophet !$ith his poetry"%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :<3:
Darrated /ubair bin Muti:
Allah's Apostle said# HI ha(e fi(e naes: I a Muhaad and AhadL I a Al)Mahi through
$ho Allah $ill eliinate infidelityL I a Al)Hashir $ho $ill be the first to be resurrected# the
people being resurrected there afterL and I a also Al)'ACib !i%e% &here $ill be no prophet after e"%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :<<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H8oesn't it astonish you ho$ Allah protects e fro the ,uraish's abusing and
cursingJ &hey abuse Mudhaa and curse Mudhaa $hile I a Muhaad !and not Mud)
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :<2:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HMy siilitude in coparison $ith the other prophets is that of a an $ho has
built a house copletely and e*cellently e*cept for a place of one brick% @hen the people enter the
house# they adire its beauty and say: 'But for the place of this brick !ho$ splendid the house $ill
=olue 2 ) 73< ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :<4:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HMy siilitude in coparison $ith the other prophets before e# is that of a
an $ho has built a house nicely and beautifully# e*cept for a place of one brick in a corner% &he
people go about it and $onder at its beauty# but say: '@ould that this brick be put in its placeI' So I
a that brick# and I a the last of the Prophets%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :<5:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet died $hen he $as si*ty three years old%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :<::
Darrated Anas:
@hile the Prophet $as in the arket# a an called !soebody"# HE Abu)l),asiI' &he Prophet
turned to hi and said HDae yoursel(es after e but do not call yoursel(es by y Kuniya%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :<7:
Darrated /abir:
&he Prophet said# HDae yoursel(es after e# but do not call yoursel(es by y Kuniya%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :<1:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Abu)l),asi said# HDae yoursel(es after e# but do not call yoursel(es by y Kuniya%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :26:
Darrated Al)/u'aid bin 'Abdur Rahan:
I sa$ As)Sa'ib bin Ka-id $hen he $as ninety)four years old# Cuite strong and of straight figure% He
said# HI kno$ that I en.oyed y hearing and seeing po$ers only because of the in(ocation of Allah's
Apostle % My aunt took e to hi and said# 'E Allah's ApostleI My nephe$ is sickL $ill you in(oke Al)
lah for hiJ' So he in(oked !Allah" for e%H
=olue 2 ) 732 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :20:
Darrated As) Scab bin Ka-id:
My aunt took e to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI My nephe$ is sickH' &he Prophet
passed his hands o(er y head and blessed e% &hen he perfored ablution and I drank the reain)
ing $ater# and standing behind hi% A sa$ the seal in bet$een his shoulders%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :23:
Darrated 'UCba bin Al)Harith:
!Ence" Abu Bakr offered the 'Asr prayer and then $ent out $alking and sa$ Al)Hasan playing
$ith the boys% He lifted hi on to his shoulders and said# H ;et y parents be sacrificed for your sakeI
!Kou" reseble the Prophet and not 'Ali#H $hile 'Ali $as siling%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :2<:
Darrated Abu /uhaifa:
I sa$ the Prophet# and Al)Hasan resebled hi%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :22:
Darrated Isa'il bin Abi Khalid:
I heard Abii /uhaifa saying# HI sa$ the Prophet# and Al)Hasan bin 'Ali resebled hi%H I said to
Abu) /uhaifa# H8escribe hi for e%H He said# HHe $as $hite and his beard $as black $ith soe
$hite hair% He proised to gi(e us 0< young she)caels# but he e*pired before $e could get the%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :24:
Darrated @ahb Abu /uhaifa As)Sa$$ai:
I sa$ the Prophet and sa$ soe $hite hair belo$ his lo$er lip abo(e the chin%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :25:
Darrated Hari- bin 'Uthan:
&hat he asked 'Abdullah bin Busr !i%e% the copanion of the Prophet"# H8id you see the Prophet
$hen he $as oldJH He said# HHe had a fe$ $hite hairs bet$een the lo$er lip and the chin%H
=olue 2 ) 734 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :2::
Darrated Rabia bin Abi Abdur)Rahan:
I heard Anas bin Malik describing the Prophet saying# HHe $as of ediu height aongst the
people# neither tall nor shortL he had a rosy color# neither absolutely $hite nor deep bro$nL his hair
$as neither copletely curly nor Cuite lank% 8i(ine Inspiration $as re(ealed to hi $hen he $as
forty years old% He stayed ten years in Mecca recei(ing the 8i(ine Inspiration# and stayed in Medina
for ten ore years% @hen he e*pired# he had scarcely t$enty $hite hairs in his head and beard%H
Rabi'a said# HI sa$ soe of his hairs and it $as red% @hen I asked about that# I $as told that it turned
red because of scent% H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :27:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle $as neither (ery tall nor short# neither absolutely $hite nor deep bro$n% His hair
$as neither curly nor lank% Allah sent hi !as an Apostle" $hen he $as forty years old% After$ards
he resided in Mecca for ten years and in Medina for ten ore years% @hen Allah took hi unto Hi#
there $as scarcely t$enty $hite hairs in his head and beard%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :21:
Darrated Al)Bara:
Allah's Apostle $as the handsoest of all the people# and had the best appearance% He $as neither
(ery tall nor short%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :46:
Darrated ,atada:
I asked Anas# H8id the Prophet use to dye !his" hairJH He said# HDo# for there $ere only a fe$ $hite
hairs on his teples%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :40:
Darrated Al)Bara:
&he Prophet $as of oderate height ha(ing broad shoulders !long" hair reaching his ear)lobes%
Ence I sa$ hi in a red cloak and I had ne(er seen a ore handsoe than hi%H
=olue 2 ) 735 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :43:
Darrated Abu IshaC:
Al)Bara' $as asked# H@as the face of the Prophet !as bright" as a s$ordJH He said# HDo# but !as
bright" as a oon%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :4<:
Darrated Abu /uhaifa:
Ence Allah's Apostle $ent to Al)Batha' at noon# perfored the ablution and offered' a t$o Rakat
Fuhr prayer and a t$o)Rak'at 'Asr prayer $hile a spearheaded stick $as planted before hi and the
passersby $ere passing in front of it% !After the prayer"# the people got up and held the hands of the
Prophet and passed the on their faces% I also took his hand and kept it on y face and noticed that
it $as colder than ice# and its sell $as nicer than usk%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :42:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet $as the ost generous of all the people# and he used to becoe ore generous in Ra)
adan $hen Aabriel et hi% Aabriel used to eet hi e(ery night during Raadan to re(ise the
,ur'an $ith hi% Allah's Apostle then used to be ore generous than the fast $ind%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :44:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&hat Allah's Apostle cae to her in a happy ood $ith his features glittering $ith .oy# and said#
HHa(e you not heard $hat the ,aif has said about Faid and Us)aaJ He sa$ their feet and re)
arked% &hese belong to each other%H !i%e% &hey are father and son%"
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :45:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Ka'b:
I heard Ka'b bin Malik talking after his failure to .oin !the Aha-$a of" &abuk% He said# H@hen I
greeted Allah's Apostle $hose face $as glittering $ith happiness# for $hene(er Allah's Apostle $as
happy# his face used to glitter# as if it $as a piece of the oon# and $e used to recogni-e it !i%e% his
happiness" fro his face%H
=olue 2 ) 73: ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :4::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HI ha(e been sent !as an Apostle" in the best of all the generations of Ada's
offspring since their 9reation%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :47:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle used to let his hair hang do$n $hile the infidels used to part their hair% &he people
of the Scriptures $ere used to letting their hair hang do$n and Allah's Apostle liked to follo$ the
people of the Scriptures in the atters about $hich he $as not instructed other$ise% &hen Allah's
Apostle parted his hair%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :41:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
&he Prophet ne(er used bad language neither a HBahish nor a Mutafahish% He used to say H&he best
aongst you are those $ho ha(e the best anners and character%H !See Hadith Do% 45 !B" =ol% 7"
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :56:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle $as gi(en the choice of one of t$o atters# he $ould choose the easier
of the t$o# as long as it $as not sinful to do so# but if it $as sinful to do so# he $ould not approach it%
Allah's Apostle ne(er took re(enge !o(er anybody" for his o$n sake but !he did" only $hen Allah's
;egal Bindings $ere outraged in $hich case he $ould take re(enge for Allah's Sake%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :50:
Darrated Anas:
I ha(e ne(er touched silk or 8iba. !i%e% thick silk" softer than the pal of the Prophet nor ha(e I
selt a perfue nicer than the s$eat of the Prophet
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :53:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet $as shier than a (eined (irgin girl%
=olue 2 ) 737 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :5<:
Darrated Shuba:
A siilar Hadith !i e% Do% :53" $ith this addition: And if he !i%e% the Prophet" disliked soething#
the sign of a(ersion $ould appear on his face%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :52:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet ne(er critici-ed any food !presented hi"# but he $ould eat it if he liked itL other$ise#
he $ould lea(e it !$ithout e*pressing his dislike"%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :54:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Malik bin Buhaina Al)Asdi:
@hen the Prophet prostrated# he used to keep his ars so $idely apart that $e used to see his
arpits% !&he sub)narrator# Ibn Bukair said# H&he $hiteness of his arpits%H"
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :55:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle did not use to raise his hands in his in(ocations e*cept in the IstisCa !i%e% in(oking
Allah for the rain" in $hich he used to raise his hands so high that one could see the $hiteness of his
arpits% !Dote: It ay be that Anas did not see the prophet !as" raising his hands but it has been nar)
rated that the Prophet !as" used to raise his hands for in(ocations other than IstisCa% See Hadith Do%
503 =ol% 4% and Hadith Do% 76: N 767 =ol 3%"
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :5::
Darrated Abu /uhaifa:
By chance I $ent to the Prophet at noon $hile he $as at Al)Abtah !resting" in a tent% Bilal cae
out !of the tent" and pronounced the Adhan for the prayer# and entering again# he brought out the
$ater $hich $as left after Allah's Apostle had perfored the ablution% &he people rushed to take
soe of the $ater% Bilal again $ent in and brought out a spear)headed stick# and then Allah's Apostle
cae out% As if I $ere no$ looking at the $hiteness of his leg% Bilal fi*ed the stick and the Prophet
offered a t$o)Rakat Fuhr prayer and a t$o)Rak'at 'Asr prayer# $hile $oen and donkeys $ere
passing in front of the Prophet !beyond the stick" %
=olue 2 ) 731 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :57:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to talk so clearly that if soebody $anted to count the nuber of his $ords# he
could do so% Darrated Ur$a bin A-)Fubair: 'Aisha said !to e"# H8on't you $onder at Abu so)and)so
$ho cae and sat by y d$elling and started relating the traditions of Allah's Apostle intending to
let e hear that# $hile I $as perforing an optional prayer% He left before I finished y optional
prayer% Had I found hi still there% I $ould ha(e said to hi# 'Allah's Apostle ne(er talked so Cuickly
and (aguely as you do%' H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :51:
Darrated Abu Salaa bin 'Abdur)Rahan:
&hat he asked 'Aisha HHo$ $as the prayer of Allah's Apostle in the onth of RaadanJH She
replied# HHe used not to pray ore than ele(en Rakat $hether in Raadan or in any other onth% He
used to offer four Rakat# let alone their beauty and length# and then four Rakat# let alone their beauty
and length% After$ards he $ould offer three Rakat% I said# 'E Allah's ApostleI 8o you go to bed before
offering the @itr prayerJ' He said# 'My eyes sleep# but y heart does not sleep%H'
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber ::6:
Darrated Sharik bin 'Abdullah bin Abi Dar:
I heard Anas bin Malik telling us about the night $hen the Prophet $as ade to tra(el fro the
Ka'ba MosCue% &hree persons !i%e% angels" cae to the Prophet before he $as di(inely inspired $as an
Aspostle"# $hile he $as sleeping in Al &he first !of the three angels" said# H@hich
of the is heJH &he second said# HHe is the best of the%H &hat $as all that happened then# and he did
not see the till they cae at another night and he percei(ed their presence $ith his heart# for the
eyes of the Prophet $ere closed $hen he $as asleep# but his heart $as not asleep !not unconscious"%
&his is characteristic of all the prophets: &heir eyes sleep but their hearts do not sleep% &hen Aabriel
took charge of the Prophet and ascended along $ith hi to the Hea(en%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber ::0:
Darrated Iran bin Husain:
&hat they $ere $ith the Prophet on a .ourney% &hey tra(elled the $hole night# and $hen da$n
approached# they took a rest and sleep o(er$heled the till the sun rose high in the sky% &he first
to get up $as Abu Bakr% Allah's Apostles used not to be a$akened fro his sleep# but he $ould $ake
up by hiself% 'Uar $oke up and then Abu Bakr sat by the side of the Prophet's head and started
saying: Allahu)Akbar raising his (oice till the Prophet $oke up# !and after tra(eling for a $hile" he
=olue 2 ) 7<6 ? 0:66
disounted and led us in the orning prayer% A an aongst the people failed to .oin us in the
prayer% @hen the Prophet had finished the prayer# he asked !the an"# HE so)and)soI @hat pre(en)
ted you fro offering the prayer $ith usJH He replied# HI a /unub#H Alllah's Apostle ordered hi to
perfor &ayaa $ith clean earth% &he an then offered the prayer% Allah's Apostle ordered e
and a fe$ others to go ahead of hi% @e had becoe (ery thirsty% @hile $e $ere on our $ay !look)
ing for $ater"# $e cae across a lady !riding an anial"# hanging her legs bet$een t$o $ater)skins%
@e asked her# H@here can $e get $aterJH She replied# HEh I &here is no $ater%H @e asked# Hho$ far is
your house fro the $aterJH She replied# HA distance of a day and a night tra(el%H @e said# H9oe on
to Allah's Apostle# HShe asked# H@hat is Allah's Apostle JH So $e brought her to Allah's Apostle against
her $ill# and she told hi $hat she had told us before and added that she $as the other of
orphans% So the Prophet ordered that her t$o $ater)skins be brought and he rubbed the ouths of
the $ater)skins% As $e $ere thirsty# $e drank till $e Cuenched our thirst and $e $ere forty en%
@e also filled all our $aterskins and other utensils $ith $ater# but $e did not $ater the caels% &he
$aterskin $as so full that it $as alost about to burst% &he Prophet then said# HBring $hat !foodstuff"
you ha(e%H So soe dates and pieces of bread $ere collected for the lady# and $hen she $ent to her
people# she said# HI ha(e et either the greatest agician or a prophet as the people clai%H So Allah
guided the people of that (illage through that lady% She ebraced Isla and they all ebraced Isla%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber ::3:
Darrated Anas:
A bo$l of $ater $as brought to the Prophet $hile he $as at A-)Fa$ra% He placed his hand in it
and the $ater started flo$ing aong his fingers% All the people perfored ablution !$ith that
$ater"% ,atada asked Anas# HHo$ any people $ere youJH Anas replied# H&hree hundred or nearly
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber ::<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
I sa$ Allah's Apostle at the 'tie $hen the Asr prayer $as due% &hen the people $ere searching for
$ater for ablution but they could not find any% &hen soe $ater $as brought to Allah's Apostle and
he placed his hand in the pot and ordered the people to perfor the ablution $ith the $ater% I sa$
$ater flo$ing fro underneath his fingers and the people started perforing the ablution till all of
the did it%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber ::2:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
=olue 2 ) 7<0 ? 0:66
&he Prophet $ent out on one of his .ourneys $ith soe of his copanions% &hey $ent on $alking
till the tie of the prayer becae due% &hey could not find $ater to perfor the ablution% Ene of
the $ent a$ay and brought a little aount of $ater in a pot% &he Prophet took it and perfored
the ablution# and then stretched his four fingers on to the pot and said !to the people"# HAet up to per)
for the ablution%H &hey started perforing the ablution till all of the did it# and they $ere se(enty
or so persons%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber ::4:
Darrated Huaid:
Anas bin Malik said# HEnce the tie of the prayer becae due and the people $hose houses $ere
close to the MosCue $ent to their houses to perfor ablution# $hile the others reained !sitting
there"% A stone pot containing $ater $as brought to the Prophet# $ho $anted to put his hand in it#
but It $as too sall for hi to spread his hand in it# and so he had to bring his fingers together be)
fore putting his hand in the pot% &hen all the people perfored the ablution !$ith that $ater"%H I
asked Anas# HHo$ any persons $ere they%H He replied# H&here $ere eighty en%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber ::5:
Darrated Sali bin Abi A.)/ad:
/abir bin 'Abdullah said# H&he people becae (ery thirsty on the day of Al)Hudaibiya !&reaty"% A
sall pot containing soe $ater $as in front of the Prophet and $hen he had finished the ablution#
the people rushed to$ards hi% He asked# '@hat is $rong $ith youJ' &hey replied# '@e ha(e no $a)
ter either for perforing ablution or for drinking e*cept $hat is present in front of you%' So he
placed his hand in that pot and the $ater started flo$ing aong his fingers like springs% @e all
drank and perfored ablution !fro it"%H I asked /abir# HHo$ any $ere youJH he replied# H+(en if $e
had been one)hundred)thousand# it $ould ha(e been sufficient for us# but $e $ere fifteen)hun)
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber ::::
Darrated Al)Bara:
@e $ere one)thousand)and)four)hundred persons on the day of Al)Hudaibiya !&reaty"# and !at"
Al)Hudaibiya !there" $as a $ell% @e dre$ out its $ater not lea(ing e(en a single drop% &he Prophet
sat at the edge of the $ell and asked for soe $ater $ith $hich he rinsed his outh and then he
thre$ it out into the $ell% @e stayed for a short $hile and then dre$ $ater fro the $ell and
Cuenched our thirst# and e(en our riding anials drank $ater to their satisfaction%
=olue 2 ) 7<3 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber ::7:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Abu &alha said to U Sulai# HI ha(e noticed feebleness in the (oice of Allah's Apostle $hich I
think# is caused by hunger% Ha(e you got any foodJH She said# HKes%H She brought out soe loa(es of
barley and took out a (eil belonging to her# and $rapped the bread in part of it and put it under y
ar and $rapped part of the (eil round e and sent e to Allah's Apostle% I $ent carrying it and
found Allah's Apostle in the MosCue sitting $ith soe people% @hen I stood there# Allah's Apostle
asked# HHas Abu &alha sent youJH I said# HKesH% He asked# H@ith soe foodJ I said# HKesH Allah's Apostle
then said to the en around hi# HAet upIH He set out !accopanied by the" and I $ent ahead of
the till I reached Abu &alha and told hi !of the Prophet's (isit"% Abu &alha said# HE U SulaiI Al)
lah's Apostle is coing $ith the people and $e ha(e no food to feed the%H She said# HAllah and His
Apostle kno$ better%H So Abu &alha $ent out to recei(e Allah's Apostle% Allah's Apostle cae along
$ith Abu &alha% Allah's Apostle said# HE U SulaiI Bring $hate(er you ha(e%H She brought the
bread $hich Allah's Apostle ordered to be broken into pieces% U Sulai poured on the soe but)
ter fro an oilskin% &hen Allah's Apostle recited $hat Allah $ished hi to recite# and then said# H;et
ten persons coe !to share the eal"%H &en persons $ere aditted# ate their fill and $ent out% &hen
he again said# H;et another ten do the sae%H &hey $ere aditted# ate their fill and $ent out% &hen he
again said# 'H';et another ten persons !do the sae%"H &hey $ere aditted# ate their fill and $ent out%
&hen he said# H;et another ten persons coe%H In short# all of the ate their fill# and they $ere se(enty
or eighty en%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber ::1:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@e used to consider iracles as Allah's Blessings# but you people consider the to be a $arning%
Ence $e $ere $ith Allah's Apostle on a .ourney# and $e ran short of $ater% He said# HBring the $ater
reaining $ith you%H &he people brought a utensil containing a little $ater% He placed his hand in it
and said# H9oe to the blessed $ater# and the Blessing is fro Allah%H I sa$ the $ater flo$ing fro
aong the fingers of Allah's Apostle # and no doubt# $e heard the eal glorifying Allah# $hen it $as
being eaten !by hi"%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :76:
Darrated /abir:
My father had died in debt% So I cae to the Prophet and said# HMy father !died" lea(ing unpaid
debts# and I ha(e nothing e*cept the yield of his date palsL and their yield for any years $ill not
co(er his debts% So please coe $ith e# so that the creditors ay not isbeha(e $ith e%H &he
Prophet $ent round one of the heaps of dates and in(oked !Allah"# and then did the sae $ith an)
=olue 2 ) 7<< ? 0:66
other heap and sat on it and said# HMeasure !for the"%H He paid the their rights and $hat reained
$as as uch as had been paid to the%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :70:
Darrated Abdur)Rahan bin Abi Bakr:
&he copanions of Suffa $ere poor people% &he Prophet once said# H@hoe(er has food enough for
t$o persons# should take a third one !fro aong the"# and $hoe(er has food enough for four
persons# should take a fifth or a si*th !or said soething siilar"%H Abu Bakr brought three persons
$hile the Prophet took ten% And Abu Bakr $ith his three faily eber !$ho $ere I# y father and
y other" !the sub)narrator is in doubt $hether 'Abdur)Rahan said# HMy $ife and y ser(ant
$ho $as coon for both y house and Abu Bakr's house%H" Abu Bakr took his supper $ith the
Prophet and stayed there till he offered the 'Isha' prayers% He returned and stayed till Allah's Apostle
took his supper% After a part of the night had passed# he returned to his house% His $ife said to hi#
H@hat has detained you fro your guestsJH He said# HHa(e you ser(ed supper to theJH She said#
H&hey refused to take supper" until you coe% &hey !i%e% soe ebers of the household" presented
the eal to the but they refused !to eat"H I $ent to hide yself and he said# HE AhuntharIH He in)
(oked Allah to cause y ears to be cut and he rebuked e% He then said !to the": Please eatIH and
added# I $ill ne(er eat the eal%H By Allah# $hene(er $e took a handful of the eal# the eal gre$
fro underneath ore than that handful till e(erybody ate to his satisfactionL yet the reaining food
$as ore than the original eal% Abu Bakr sa$ that the food $as as uch or ore than the original
aount% He called his $ife# HE sister of Bani BirasIH She said# HE pleasure of y eyes% &he food has
been tripled in Cuantity%H Abu Bakr then started eating thereof and said# HIt !i%e% y oath not to eat"
$as because of Sa all%H He took a handful fro it# and carried the rest to the Prophet% SE that food
$as $ith the Prophet % &here $as a treaty bet$een us and soe people# and $hen the period of that
treaty had elapsed# he di(ided US into t$el(e groups# each being headed by a an% Allah kno$s ho$
any en $ere under the coand of each leader% Anyho$# the Prophet surely sent a leader $ith
each group% &hen all of the ate of that eal%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :73:
Darrated Anas:
Ence during the lifetie of Allah's Apostle# the people of Medina suffered fro drought% So $hile
the Prophet $as deli(ering a seron on a Briday a an got up saying# HE Allah's ApostleI &he horses
and sheep ha(e perished% @ill you in(oke Allah to bless us $ith rainJH &he Prophet lifted both his
hands and in(oked% &he sky at that tie $as as clear as glass% Suddenly a $ind ble$# raising clouds
that gathered together# and it started raining hea(ily% @e cae out !of the MosCue" $ading through
the flo$ing $ater till $e reached our hoes% It $ent on raining till the ne*t Briday# $hen the sae
an or soe other an stood up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI &he houses ha(e collapsedL please in)
=olue 2 ) 7<2 ? 0:66
(oke Allah to $ithhold the rain%H En that the Prophet siled and said# HE Allah# !let it rain" around us
and not on us%H I then looked at the clouds to see the separating foring a sort of a cro$n round
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :7<:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
&he Prophet used to deli(er his serons $hile standing beside a trunk of a datepal% @hen he
had the pulpit ade# he used it instead% &he trunk started crying and the Prophet $ent to it# rubbing
his hand o(er it !to stop its crying"%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :72:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet used to stand by a tree or a date)pal on Briday% &hen an Ansari $oan or an said%
HE Allah's ApostleI Shall $e ake a pulpit for youJH He replied# HIf you $ish%H So they ade a pulpit
for hi and $hen it $as Briday# he proceeded to$ards the pulpit !for deli(ering the seron"% &he
date)pal cried like a childI &he Prophet descended !the pulpit" and ebraced it $hile it continued
oaning like a child being Cuietened% &he Prophet said# HIt $as crying for !issing" $hat it used to
hear of religious kno$ledge gi(en near to it%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :74:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&hat he heard /abir bin 'Abdullah saying# H&he roof of the MosCue $as built o(er trunks of date)
pals $orking as pillars% @hen the Prophet deli(ered a seron# he used to stand by one of those
trunks till the pulpit $as ade for hi# and he used it instead% &hen $e heard the trunk sending a
sound like of a pregnant she)cael till the Prophet cae to it# and put his hand o(er it# then it be)
cae Cuiet%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :75:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
Ence 'Uar bin Al)Khattab said# said# H@ho aongst you reebers the stateent of Allah's
Apostle regarding the afflictionsJH Hudhaifa replied# HI reeber $hat he said e*actly%H 'Uar said%
H&ell !us"# you are really a daring anI'' Hudhaifa said# HAllah's Apostle said# 'A an's afflictions !i%e%
$rong deeds" concerning his relation to his faily# his property and his neighbors are e*piated by
his prayers# gi(ing in charity and en.oining $hat is good and forbidding $hat is e(il%' H 'Uar said# HI
don't ean these afflictions but the afflictions that $ill be hea(ing up and do$n like $a(es of the
=olue 2 ) 7<4 ? 0:66
sea%H Hudhaifa replied# HE chief of the belie(ersI Kou need not fear those !afflictions" as there is a
closed door bet$een you and the%H 'Uar asked# H@ill that door be opened or brokenJH Hudhaifa
replied# HDo# it $ill be broken%H 'Uar said# H&hen it is (ery likely that the door $ill not be closed
again%H ;ater on the people asked Hudhaifa# H8id 'Uar kno$ $hat that door eantJH He said% HKes#
'Uar kne$ it as e(eryone kno$s that there $ill be night before the toorro$ orning% I narrated
to 'Uar an authentic narration# not lies%H @e dared not ask HudhaifaL therefore $e reCuested Mas)
ruC $ho asked hi# H@hat does the door stand forJH He said# HUar%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :7::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he Hour $ill not be established till you fight a nation $earing hairy shoes# and
till you fight the &urks# $ho $ill ha(e sall eyes# red faces and flat nosesL and their faces $ill be like
flat shields% And you $ill find that the best people are those $ho hate responsibility of ruling ost of
all till they are chosen to be the rulers% And the people are of different natures: &he best in the pre)
lslaic period are the best in Isla% A tie $ill coe $hen any of you $ill lo(e to see e rather
than to ha(e his faily and property doubled%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :77:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he Hour $ill not be established till you fight $ith the Khudh and the Kiran
fro aong the non)Arabs% &hey $ill be of red faces# flat noses and sall eyesL their faces $ill look
like flat shields# and their shoes $ill be of hair%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :71:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I en.oyed the copany of Allah's Apostle for three years# and during the other years of y life#
ne(er $as I so an*ious to understand the !Prophet's" traditions as I $as during those three years% I
heard hi saying# beckoning $ith his hand in this $ay# HBefore the Hour you $ill fight $ith people
$ho $ill ha(e hairy shoes and li(e in Al)Bari-%H !Sufyan# the sub)narrator once said# HAnd they are
the people of Al)Ba-ir%H"
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :16:
Darrated 'Uar bin &aghlib:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HDear the Hour you $ill fight $ith people $ho $ill $ear hairy
shoesL and you $ill also fight people $ith flat faces like shields%H
=olue 2 ) 7<5 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :10:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H&he /e$s $ill fight $ith you# and you $ill be gi(en (ictory o(er
the so that a stone $ill say# 'E MusliI &here is a /e$ behind eL kill hiI' H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :13:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# HA tie $ill coe $hen the people $ill $age holy $ar# and it $ill be asked# 'Is
there any aongst you $ho has en.oyed the copany of Allah's ApostleJ' &hey $ill say: 'Kes%' And
then (ictory $ill be besto$ed upon the% &hey $ill $age holy $ar again# and it $ill be asked: 'Is
there any aong you $ho has en.oyed the copany of the copanions of Allah's Apostle J' &hey $ill
say: 'Kes%' And then (ictory $ill be besto$ed on the%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :1<:
Darrated 'Adi bin Hati:
@hile I $as in the city of the Prophet# a an cae and coplained to hi !the Prophet# " of desti)
tution and po(erty% &hen another an cae and coplained of robbery !by high$ayen"% &he
Prophet said# HAdiI Ha(e you been to Al)HiraJH I said# HI ha(en't been to it# but I $as infored about
it%H He said# HIf you should li(e for a long tie# you $ill certainly see that a lady in a Ho$dah tra(el)
ing fro Al)Hira $ill !safely reach Mecca and" perfor the &a$af of the Ka'ba# fearing none but Al)
lah%H I said to yself# H@hat $ill happen to the robbers of the tribe of &ai $ho ha(e spread e(il
through out the countryJH &he Prophet further said% HIf you should li(e long# the treasures of Khosrau
$ill be opened !and taken as spoils"%H I asked# HKou ean Khosrau# son of Huru-JH He said# HKhos)
rau# son of Huru-L and if you should li(e long# you $ill see that one $ill carry a handful of gold or
sil(er and go out looking for a person to accept it fro hi# but $ill find none to accept it fro hi%
And any of you# $hen eeting Allah# $ill eet Hi $ithout needing an interpreter bet$een hi
and Allah to interpret for hi# and Allah $ill say to hi: '8idn't I send a essenger to teach youJ' He
$ill say: 'Kes%' Allah $ill say: '8idn't I gi(e you $ealth and do you fa(orsJ' He $ill say: 'Kes%' &hen he
$ill look to his right and see nothing but Hell# and look to his left and see nothing but Hell%H
'Adi further said: I heard the Prophet saying# HSa(e yourself fro the !Hell" Bire e(en $ith half a
date !to be gi(en in charity" and if you do not find a half date# then $ith a good pleasant $ord%H 'Adi
added: !later on" I sa$ a lady in a Ho$dah tra(eling fro Al)Hira till she perfored the &a$af of the
Ka'ba# fearing none but Allah% And I $as one of those $ho opened !conCuered" the treasures of Khos)
rau# son of Huru-% If you should li(e long# you $ill see $hat the Prophet Abu)l),asi had said: 'A
person $ill coe out $ith a handful% of gold%%%etc%
=olue 2 ) 7<: ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :12:
Darrated 'Adi:
as abo(e !i%e% Hadith Do% :1<"%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :14:
Darrated 'UCba bin 'Ar:
&he Prophet once cae out and offered the funeral prayer for the artyrs of Uhud# and proceeded
to the pulpit and said# HI shall be your predecessor and a $itness on you# and I a really looking at
y sacred Bount no$# and no doubt# I ha(e been gi(en the keys of the treasures of the $orld% By Al)
lah# I a not afraid that you $ill $orship others along $ith Allah# but I a afraid that you $ill en(y
and fight one another for $orldly fortunes%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :15:
Darrated Usaa:
Ence the Prophet stood on one of the high buildings !of Medina" and said# H8o you see $hat I seeJ
I see affliction pouring aong your hours like raindrops%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :1::
Darrated Fainab bint /ahsh:
&hat the Prophet cae to her in a state of fear saying# HDone has the right to be $orshiped but Al)
lahI @oe to the Arabs because of e(il that has coe near% &oday a hole has been ade in the $all of
Aog and Magog as large as this%H pointing $ith t$o of his fingers aking a circle% Fainab said# HI said#
'E Allah's ApostleI Shall $e be destroyed though aongst us there are pious peopleJ ' He said# 'Kes# if
e(il increases%H
Darrated U Salaa: &he Prophet $oke up and said# HAlorified be Allah: @hat great !ho$ any"
treasures ha(e been sent do$n# and $hat great !ho$ any " afflictions ha(e been sent do$nIH
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :17:
Darrated Sasaa:
Abu Said Al)Khudr said to e# HI notice that you like sheep and you keep theL so take care of
the and their food# for I ha(e heard Allah's Apostle saying# 'A tie $ill coe upon the people $hen
the best of a Musli's property $ill be sheep# $hich he $ill take to the tops of ountains and to the
places of rain)falls to run a$ay $ith his religion in order to sa(e it fro afflictions%' H
=olue 2 ) 7<7 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber :11:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here $ill be afflictions !and at the tie" the sitting person $ill be better than
the standing one# and the standing one $ill be better than the $alking# and the $alking $ill be bet)
ter than the running% And $hoe(er $ill look to$ards those afflictions# they $ill o(ertake hi# and
$hoe(er $ill find a refuge or a shelter# should take refuge in it%H &he sae narration is reported by
Abu Bakr# $ith the addition# H!&he Prophet said"# 'Aong the prayers there is a prayer the issing of
$hich $ill be to one like losing one's faily and property%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 766:
Darrated Ibn Mas'ud:
&he Prophet said# HSoon others $ill be preferred to you# and there $ill be things $hich you $ill
not like%H &he copanions of the Prophet asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat do you order us to do !in
this case"J H He said# H!I order you" to gi(e the rights that are on you and to ask your rights fro Al)
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 760:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&his branch fro ,uraish $ill ruin the people%H &he copanions of the
Prophet asked# H@hat do you order us to do !then"JH He said# HI $ould suggest that the people keep
a$ay fro the%''
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 763:
Darrated Said Al)Ua$i:
I $as $ith Mar$an and Abu Huraira and heard Abu Huraira saying# HI heard the trust$orthy#
truly inspired one !i%e% the Prophet " saying# '&he destruction of y follo$ers $ill be brought about by
the hands of soe youngsters fro ,uraish%H Mar$an asked# HKoungstersJH Abu Huraira said# HIf you
$ish# I $ould nae the: &hey are the children of so)and)so and the children of so)and)so%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 76<:
Darrated Hudhaifa bin Al)Kaan:
&he people used to ask Allah's Apostle about good# but I used to ask hi about e(il for fear that it
ight o(ertake e% Ence I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e $ere in ignorance and in e(il and Allah has
besto$ed upon us the present goodL $ill there by any e(il after this goodJH He said# HKes%H I asked#
=olue 2 ) 7<1 ? 0:66
H@ill there be good after that e(ilJH He said# HKes# but it $ould be tained $ith 8akhan !i%e% ;ittle e(il"%H
I asked# H@hat $ill its 8akhan beJH He said# H&here $ill be soe people $ho $ill lead !people" ac)
cording to principles other than y tradition% Kou $ill see their actions and disappro(e of the%H I
said# H@ill there by any e(il after that goodJH He said# HKes# there $ill be soe people $ho $ill in(ite
others to the doors of Hell# and $hoe(er accepts their in(itation to it $ill be thro$n in it !by the"%H I
said# HE Allah's ApostleI 8escribe those people to us%H He said# H&hey $ill belong to us and speak our
languageH I asked# H@hat do you order e to do if such a thing should take place in y lifeJH He said#
HAdhere to the group of Muslis and their 9hief%H I asked# HIf there is neither a group !of Muslis"
nor a chief !$hat shall I do"JH He said# HKeep a$ay fro all those different sects# e(en if you had to
bite !i%e% eat" the root of a tree# till you eet Allah $hile you are still in that state%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 762:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
My copanions learned !soething about" good !through asking the Prophet $hile I learned
!soething about" e(il%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 764:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he 8ay of !/udgent" $ill not be established till there is a $ar bet$een t$o
groups $hose clais !or religion" $ill be the sae%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 765:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he Hour $ill not be established till there is a $ar bet$een t$o groups aong
$ho there $ill be a great nuber of casualties# though the clais !or religion" of both of the $ill
be one and the sae% And the Hour $ill not be established till there appear about thirty liars# all of
$ho $ill be claiing to be the essengers of Allah% H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 76::
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
@hile $e $ere $ith Allah's Apostle $ho $as distributing !i%e% soe property"# there cae 8hu)l)
Khu$aisira# a an fro the tribe of Bani &ai and said# HE Allah's ApostleI 8o /ustice%H &he Proph)
et said# H@oe to youI @ho could do .ustice if I did notJ I $ould be a desperate loser if I did not do
.ustice%H 'Uar said# HE Allah's ApostleI Allo$ e to chop his head off%H &he Prophet said# H;ea(e hi#
for he has copanions $ho pray and fast in such a $ay that you $ill consider your fasting negli)
=olue 2 ) 726 ? 0:66
gible in coparison to theirs% &hey recite ,ur'an but it does not go beyond their throats !i%e% they do
not act on it" and they $ill desert Isla as an arro$ goes through a (icti's body# so that the hunter#
on looking at the arro$'s blade# $ould see nothing on itL he $ould look at its Risaf and see nothing:
he $ould look at its Da#di and see nothing# and he $ould look at its ,udhadh ! 0 " and see nothing
!neither eat nor blood"# for the arro$ has been too fast e(en for the blood and e*cretions to sear%
&he sign by $hich they $ill be recogni-ed is that aong the there $ill be a black an# one of
$hose ars $ill reseble a $oan's breast or a lup of eat o(ing loosely% &hose people $ill ap)
pear $hen there $ill be differences aongst the people%H I testify that I heard this narration fro Al)
lah's Apostle and I testify that 'Ali bin Abi &alib fought $ith such people# and I $as in his copany%
He ordered that the an !described by the Prophet " should be looked for% &he an $as brought and
I looked at hi and noticed that he looked e*actly as the Prophet had described hi%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 767:
Darrated 'Ali:
I relate the traditions of Allah's Apostle to you for I $ould rather fall fro the sky than attribute
soething to hi falsely% But $hen I tell you a thing $hich is bet$een you and e# then no doubt#
$ar is guile% I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HIn the last days of this $orld there $ill appear soe
young foolish people $ho $ill use !in their clai" the best speech of all people !i%e% the ,ur'an" and
they $ill abandon Isla as an arro$ going through the gae% &heir belief $ill not go beyond their
throats !i%e% they $ill ha(e practically no belief"# so $here(er you eet the# kill the# for he $ho
kills the shall get a re$ard on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 761:
Darrated Khabbab bin Al)Arat:
@e coplained to Allah's Apostle !of the persecution inflicted on us by the infidels" $hile he $as
sitting in the shade of the Ka'ba# leaning o(er his Burd !i%e% co(ering sheet"% @e said to hi# H@ould
you seek help for usJ @ould you pray to Allah for usJH He said# HAong the nations before you a !be)
lie(ing" an $ould be put in a ditch that $as dug for hi# and a sa$ $ould be put o(er his head
and he $ould be cut into t$o piecesL yet that !torture" $ould not ake hi gi(e up his religion% His
body $ould be cobed $ith iron cobs that $ould reo(e his flesh fro the bones and ner(es# yet
that $ould not ake hi abandon his religion% By Allah# this religion !i%e% Isla" $ill pre(ail till a
tra(eler fro Sana !in Keen" to Hadraraut $ill fear none but Allah# or a $olf as regards his
sheep# but you !people" are hasty%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 706:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
=olue 2 ) 720 ? 0:66
&he Prophet noticed the absence of &habit bin ,ais% A an said# HE Allah's ApostleI I shall bring
you his ne$s%H So he $ent to hi and sa$ hi sitting in his house drooping his head !sadly"% He
asked &habit# H@hat's the atterJH &habit replied# HAn e(il situation: A an used to raise his (oice
o(er the (oice of the Prophet and so all his good deeds ha(e been annulled and he is fro the people
of Hell%H &he an $ent back and told the Prophet that &habit had said so)and)so% !&he sub)narrator#
Musa bin Anas said# H&he an $ent to &habit again $ith glad tidings"%H &he Prophet said to hi# HAo
and say to &habit: 'Kou are not fro the people of Bire# but fro the people of Paradise%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 700:
Darrated Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib:
A an recited Surat)al)Kahf !in his prayer" and in the house there $as a !riding" anial $hich
got frightened and started .uping% &he an finished his prayer $ith &asli# but beholdI A ist or a
cloud ho(ered o(er hi% He infored the Prophet of that and the Prophet said# HE so)and)soI Recite#
for this !ist or cloud" $as a sign of peace descending for the recitation of ,uran%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 703:
Darrated Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib:
Abu Bakr cae to y father $ho $as at hoe and purchased a saddle fro hi% He said to 'A-ib%
H&ell your son to carry it $ith e%H So I carried it $ith hi and y father follo$ed us so as to take the
price !of the saddle"% My father said# HE Abu BakrI &ell e $hat happened to you on your night .our)
ney $ith Allah's Apostle !during Migration"%H He said# HKes# $e tra(elled the $hole night and also the
ne*t day till idday% $hen nobody could be seen on the $ay ! because of the se(ere heat" % &hen
there appeared a long rock ha(ing shade beneath it# and the sunshine had not coe to it yet% So $e
disounted there and I le(elled a place and co(ered it $ith an anial hide or dry grass for the
Prophet to sleep on !for a $hile"% I then said# 'Sleep# E Allah's Apostle# and I $ill guard you%' So he
slept and I $ent out to guard hi% Suddenly I sa$ a shepherd coing $ith his sheep to that rock
$ith the sae intention $e had $hen $e cae to it% I asked !hi"% '&o $ho do you belong# E boyJ'
He replied# 'I belong to a an fro Medina or Mecca%' I said# '8o your sheep ha(e ilkJ' He said#
'Kes%' I said# '@ill you ilk for usJ' He said# 'Kes%' He caught hold of a sheep and I asked hi to clean
its teat fro dust# hairs and dirt% !&he sub)narrator said that he sa$ Al)Bara' striking one of his
hands $ith the other# deonstrating ho$ the shepherd reo(ed the dust%" &he shepherd ilked a
little ilk in a $ooden container and I had a leather container $hich I carried for the Prophet to
drink and perfor the ablution fro% I $ent to the Prophet# hating to $ake hi up# but $hen I
reached there# the Prophet had already a$akenedL so I poured $ater o(er the iddle part of the ilk
container# till the ilk $as cold% &hen I said# '8rink# E Allah's ApostleI' He drank till I $as pleased%
&hen he asked# 'Has the tie for our departure coeJ' I said# 'Kes%' So $e departed after idday% Sur)
aCa bin Malik follo$ed us and I said# '@e ha(e been disco(ered# E Allah's ApostleI' He said# 8on't
=olue 2 ) 723 ? 0:66
grie(e for Allah is $ith us%' &he Prophet in(oked e(il on hi !i%e% SuraCa" and so the legs of his horse
sank into the earth up to its belly% !&he subnarrator# Fuhair is not sure $hether Abu Bakr said# H!It
sank" into solid earth%H" SuraCa said# 'I see that you ha(e in(oked e(il on e% Please in(oke good on
e# and by Allah# I $ill cause those $ho are seeking after you to return%' &he Prophet in(oked good
on hi and he $as sa(ed% &hen# $hene(er he et soebody on the $ay# he $ould say# 'I ha(e looked
for hi here in (ain%' So he caused $hoe(er he et to return% &hus SuraCa fulfilled his proise%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 70<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet paid a (isit to a sick bedouin% &he Prophet $hen (isiting a patient used to say# HDo
har $ill befall youI May Allah cure youI May Allah cure youIH So the Prophet said to the bedouin%
HDo har $ill befall you% May Allah cure youIH &he bedouin said# HKou say# ay Allah cure eJ Do#
for it is a fe(er $hich boils in !the body of" an old an# and $ill lead hi to the gra(e%H &he Prophet
said# HKes# then ay it be as you say%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 702:
Darrated Anas:
&here $as a 9hristian $ho ebraced Isla and read Surat)al)BaCara and Al)Iran# and he used
to $rite !the re(elations" for the Prophet% ;ater on he returned to 9hristianity again and he used to
say: HMuhaad kno$s nothing but $hat I ha(e $ritten for hi%H &hen Allah caused hi to die# and
the people buried hi# but in the orning they sa$ that the earth had thro$n his body out% &hey
said# H&his is the act of Muhaad and his copanions% &hey dug the gra(e of our copanion and
took his body out of it because he had run a$ay fro the%H &hey again dug the gra(e deeply for
hi# but in the orning they again sa$ that the earth had thro$n his body out% &hey said# H&his is an
act of Muhaad and his copanions% &hey dug the gra(e of our copanion and thre$ his body
outside it# for he had run a$ay fro the%H &hey dug the gra(e for hi as deep as they could# but in
the orning they again sa$ that the earth had thro$n his body out% So they belie(ed that $hat had
befallen hi $as not done by huan beings and had to lea(e hi thro$n !on the ground"%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 704:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen Khosrau perishes# there $ill be no !ore" Khosrau after hi# and
$hen 9aesar perishes# there $ill be no ore 9aesar after hi% By Hi in @hose Hands
Muhaad's life is# you $ill spend the treasures of both of the in Allah's 9ause%H
=olue 2 ) 72< ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 705:
Darrated /abir bin Saura:
&he Prophet said# H@hen Khosrau perishes# there $ill be no ore Khosrau a after hi# and $hen
9aesar perishes# there $ill be no ore 9aesar after hi#H &he Prophet also said# HKou $ill spend the
treasures of both of the in Allah's 9ause%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 70::
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Musailaa)al)Kadhdhab !i%e% the liar" cae in the life)tie of Allah's Apostle $ith any of his
people !to Medina" and said# HIf Muhaad akes e his successor# I $ill follo$ hi%H Allah's
Apostle $ent up to hi $ith &habit bin ,ais bin ShasL and Allah's Apostle $as carrying a piece of a
date)pal leaf in his hand% He stood before Musailaa !and his copanions" and said# HIf you asked
e e(en this piece !of a leaf"# I $ould not gi(e it to you% Kou cannot a(oid the fate you are destined
to# by Allah% If you re.ect Isla# Allah $ill destroy you% I think that you are ost probably the sae
person $ho I ha(e seen in the drea%H Abu Huraira told e that Allah's ApostleL said# H@hile I $as
sleeping# I sa$ !in a drea" t$o gold bracelets round y ar# and that $orried e too uch% &hen I
$as instructed di(inely in y drea# to blo$ the off and so I ble$ the off# and they fle$ a$ay% I
interpreted the t$o bracelets as sybols of t$o liars $ho $ould appear after e% And so one of the
$as Al)Ansi and the other $as Musailaa Al)Kadhdhab fro Al)Kaaa%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 707:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# HIn a drea I sa$ yself igrating fro Mecca to a place ha(ing plenty of date
trees% I thought that it $as Al)Kaaa or but it cae to be Medina i%e% Kathrib% In the sae
drea I sa$ yself o(ing a s$ord and its blade got broken% It cae to syboli-e the defeat $hich
the Muslis suffered fro# on the 8ay of Uhud% I o(ed the s$ord again# and it becae noral as
before# and that $as the sybol of the (ictory Allah besto$ed upon Muslis and their gathering to)
gether% I sa$ co$s in y drea# and by Allah# that $as a blessing# and they syboli-ed the belie(ers
on the 8ay of Uhud% And the blessing $as the good Allah besto$ed upon us and the re$ard of true
belief $hich Allah ga(e us after the day of Badr%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 701:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Ence Batia cae $alking and her gait resebled the gait of the Prophet % &he Prophet said#
H@elcoe# E y daughterIH &hen he ade her sit on his right or on his left side# and then he told her
=olue 2 ) 722 ? 0:66
a secret and she started $eeping% I asked her# H@hy are you $eepingJH He again told her a secret and
she started laughing% I said# HI ne(er sa$ happiness so near to sadness as I sa$ today%H I asked her
$hat the Prophet had told her% She said# HI $ould ne(er disclose the secret of Allah's Apostle %H @hen
the Prophet died# I asked her about it% She replied% H&he Prophet said%" '+(ery year Aabriel used to re)
(ise the ,ur'an $ith e once only# but this year he has done so t$ice% I think this portends y death#
and you $ill be the first of y faily to follo$ e%' So I started $eeping% &hen he said% '8on't you like
to be the istress of all the ladies of Paradise or the istress of all the lady belie(ersJ So I laughed for
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 736:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet in his fatal illness# called his daughter Batia and told her a secret because of $hich
she started $eeping% &hen he called her and told her another secret# and she started laughing% @hen
I asked her about that# she replied# &he Prophet told e that he $ould die in his fatal illness# and so I
$ept# but then he secretly told e that fro aongst his faily# I $ould be the first to .oin hi# and
so I laughed%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 730:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
About Ibn 'Abbas: 'Uar bin Al)Khattab used to treat Ibn 'Abbas (ery fa(orably 'Abdur Rahan
bin 'Auf said to hi% H@e also ha(e sons that are eCual to hi !but you are partial to hi%"H Uar
said# HIt is because of his kno$ledge%H &hen 'Uar asked Ibn 'Abbas about the interpretation of the
=erse:) '@hen coe the Help of Allah and the conCuest !of Mecca" !006%0" Ibn 'Abbas said% HIt por)
tended the death of Allah's Apostle# $hich Allah had infored hi of%H 'Uar said# HI do not kno$
fro this =erse but $hat you kno$%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 733:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle in his fatal illness cae out# $rapped $ith a sheet# and his head $as $rapped $ith
an oiled bandage% He sat on the pulpit# and praising and glorifying Allah# he said# HDo$ then# people
$ill increase but the Ansar $ill decrease in nuber# so uch so that they# copared $ith the people#
$ill be .ust like the salt in theI eals% So# if any of you should take o(er the authority by $hich he
can either benefit soe people or har soe others# he should accept the goodness of their good
people !i%e% Ansar" and e*cuse the faults of their $rong)doers%H &hat $as the last gathering $hich the
Prophet attended%
=olue 2 ) 724 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 73<:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
Ence the Prophet brought out Al)Hasan and took hi up the pulpit along $ith hi and said# H&his
son of ine is a Saiyid !i%e% chief" and I hope that Allah $ill help hi bring about reconciliation
bet$een t$o Musli groups%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 732:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet had infored us of the death of /a'far and Faid before the ne$s of their death reached
us# and his eyes $ere shedding tears%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 734:
Darrated /abir:
!Ence" the Prophet said# HHa(e you got carpetsJH I replied# H@hence can $e get carpetsJH He said#
HBut you shall soon ha(e carpets%H I used to say to y $ife# HReo(e your carpets fro y sight#H but
she $ould say# H8idn't the Prophet tell you that you $ould soon ha(e carpetsJH So I $ould gi(e up y
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 735:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud:
Sa'd bin Mu'adh cae to Mecca $ith the intention of perforing 'Ura# and stayed at the house of
Uaiya bin Khalaf Abi Saf$an# for Uaiya hiself used to stay at Sa'd's house $hen he passed by
Medina on his $ay to Sha% Uaiya said to Sad# H@ill you $ait till idday $hen the people are !at
their hoes"# then you ay go and perfor the &a$af round the Ka'baJH So# $hile Sad $as going
around the Ka'ba# Abu /ahl cae and asked# H@ho is that $ho is perforing &a$afJH Sad replied# HI
a Sad%H Abu /ahl said# HAre you circuabulating the Ka'ba safely although you ha(e gi(en refuge
to Muhaad and his copanionsJH Sad said# HKes#H and they started Cuarreling% Uaiya said to Sad#
H8on't shout at Abi)l)Haka !i%e% Abu /ahl"# for he is chief of the (alley !of Mecca"%H Sad then said !to
Abu /ahl"% 'By Allah# if you pre(ent e fro perforing the &a$af of the Ka'ba# I $ill spoil your trade
$ith Sha%H Uaiya kept on saying to Sad# H8on't raise your (oice%H and kept on taking hold of hi%
Sad becae furious and said# !to Uaiya"# HBe a$ay fro e# for I ha(e heard Muhaad saying
that he $ill kill you%H Uaiiya said# H@ill he kill eJH Sad said# HKes#%H Uaiya said# HBy AllahI @hen
Muhaad says a thing# he ne(er tells a lie%H Uaiya $ent to his $ife and said to her# H8o you kno$
$hat y brother fro Kathrib !i%e% Medina" has said to eJH She said# H@hat has he saidJH He said#
HHe clais that he has heard Muhaad claiing that he $ill kill e%H
=olue 2 ) 725 ? 0:66
She said# By AllahI Muhaad ne(er tells a lie%H So $hen the infidels started to proceed for Badr
!Battle" and declared $ar !against the Muslis"# his $ife said to hi# H8on't you reeber $hat
your brother fro Kathrib told youJH Uaiya decided not to go but Abu /ahl said to hi# HKou are
fro the nobles of the (alley of Mecca"# so you should accopany us for a day or t$o%H He $ent $ith
the and thus Allah got hi killed%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 73::
Darrated Abu Uthan:
I got the ne$s that Aabriel cae to the Prophet $hile U Salaa $as present% Aabriel started
talking !to the Prophet and then left% &he Prophet said to U Salaa# H!8o you kno$" $ho it $asJH
!or a siilar Cuestion"% She said# HIt $as 8ihya !a handsoe person aongst the copanions of the
Prophet "%H ;ater on U Salaa said# HBy AllahI I thought he $as none but 8ihya# till I heard the
Prophet talking about Aabriel in his seron%H !&he Sub)narrator asked Abu 'Uthan# HBro $here
ha(e you heard this narrationJH He replied# HBro Usaa bin Faid%H"
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 737:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# HI sa$ !in a drea" the people assebled in a gathering# and then Abu Bakr
got up and dre$ one or t$o buckets of $ater !fro a $ell" but there $as $eakness in his dra$ing%
May Allah forgi(e hi% &hen 'Uar took the bucket and in his hands it turned into a (ery large
bucket% I had ne(er seen anyone aongst: the people $ho could dra$ the $ater as strongly as 'Uar
till all the people drank their fill and $atered their caels that knelt do$n there%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 731:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he /e$s cae to Allah's Apostle and told hi that a an and a $oan fro aongst the had
coitted illegal se*ual intercourse% Allah's Apostle said to the# H@hat do you find in the &orah
!old &estaent" about the legal punishent of Ar)Ra. !stoning"JH &hey replied# !But" $e announce
their crie and lash the%H Abdullah bin Sala said# HKou are telling a lieL &orah contains the order
of Ra.%H &hey brought and opened the &orah and one of the solaced his hand on the =erse of Ra.
and read the (erses preceding and follo$ing it% Abdullah bin Sala said to hi# H;ift your hand%H
@hen he lifted his hand# the =erse of Ra. $as $ritten there% &hey said# HMuhaad has told the
truthL the &orah has the =erse of Ra.% &he Prophet then ga(e the order that both of the should be
stoned to death% !'Abdullah bin 'Uar said# HI sa$ the an leaning o(er the $oan to shelter her
fro the stones%H
=olue 2 ) 72: ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 7<6:
Darrated Abdullah bin Masud:
8uring the lifetie of the Prophet the oon $as split into t$o parts and on that the Prophet said#
HBear $itness !to thus"%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 7<0:
Darrated Anas:
&hat the Meccan people reCuested Allah's Apostle to sho$ the a iracle# and so he sho$ed the
the splitting of the oon%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 7<3:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he oon $as split into t$o parts during the lifetie of the Prophet%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 7<<:
Darrated Anas:
Ence t$o en fro the copanions of Allah's Apostle $ent out of the house of the Prophet on a
(ery dark night% &hey $ere accopanied by t$o things that resebled t$o laps lighting the $ay in
front of the# and $hen they parted# each of the $as accopanied by one of those t$o things
!laps" till they reached their hoes%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 7<2:
Darrated Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba:
&he Prophet said# HSoe of y follo$ers $ill reain (ictorious !and on the right path" till the ;ast
8ay coes# and they $ill still be (ictorious%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 7<4:
Darrated Mua$iya:
I heard the Prophet saying# HA group of people aongst y follo$ers $ill reain obedient to Al)
lah's orders and they $ill not be hared by anyone $ho $ill not help the or $ho $ill oppose
the# till Allah's Erder !the ;ast 8ay" coes upon the $hile they are still on the right path%H
=olue 2 ) 727 ? 0:66
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 7<5:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
&hat the Prophet ga(e hi one 8inar so as to buy a sheep for hi% 'Ur$a bought t$o sheep for
hi $ith the oney% &hen he sold one of the sheep for one 8inar# and brought one 8inar and a
sheep to the Prophet% En that# the Prophet in(oked Allah to bless hi in his deals% So 'Ur$a used to
gain !fro any deal" e(en if he bought dust% !In another narration" 'Ur$a said# HI heard Allah's
Apostle saying# H&here is al$ays goodness in horses till the 8ay of Resurrection%H !&he subnarrator
added# HI sa$ :6 horses in 'Ur$a's house%'" !Sufyan said# H&he Prophet asked 'Ur$a to buy a sheep for
hi as a sacrifice%H"
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 7<::
Darrated Ibn Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here is al$ays goodness in horses till the 8ay of Resurrection% H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 7<7:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H&here is al$ays goodness in horses%
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 7<1:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HA horse ay be kept for one of three purposes: for a an it ay be a source of
re$ardL for another it ay be a eans of li(ingL and for a third it ay be a burden !a source of co)
itting sins"% As for the one for $ho it is a source of re$ard# he is the one $ho keeps his horse for
the sake of /ihad in Allah's 9auseL he ties it $ith a long rope on a pasture or in a garden% So $hate(er
its rope allo$s it to eat# $ill be regarded as good re$ardable deeds !for its o$ner"% And if it breaks off
its rope and .ups o(er one or t$o hillocks# e(en its dung $ill be considered aongst his good
deeds% And if it passes by a ri(er and drinks $ater fro it# that $ill be considered as good deeds for
his benefit" e(en if he has had no intention of $atering it% A horse is a shelter for the one $ho keeps
it so that he ay earn his li(ing honestly and takes it as a refuge to keep hi fro follo$ing illegal
$ays !of gaining oney"# and does not forget the rights of Allah !i%e% paying the Fakat and allo$ing
others to use it for Allah's Sake"% But a horse is a burden !and a source of coitting sins for hi
$ho keeps it out of pride and pretense and $ith the intention of haring the Muslis%H
&he Prophet $as asked about donkeys% He replied# HDothing has been re(ealed to be concerning
the e*cept this coprehensi(e =erse !$hich co(ers e(erything" :))'&hen $hosoe(er has done good
=olue 2 ) 721 ? 0:66
eCual to the $eight of an ato !or a sall ant"# Shall see it !its re$ard" And $hosoe(er has done e(il
eCual to the $eight of an ato !or a sall " ant"# Shall see it !Its punishent"%H !11%:)7"
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 726:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle reached Khaibar in the early orning and the people of Khaibar cae out $ith
their spades# and $hen they sa$ the Prophet they said# HMuhaad and his aryIH and returned
hurriedly to take refuge in the fort% &he Prophet raised his hands and said# HAllah is AreaterI Khaibar
is ruined I If $e approach a nation# then iserable is the orning of those $ho are $arned%H
=olue 2# Book 45# Duber 720:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I hear any narrations fro you but I forget the%H He said# HSpread
your co(ering sheet%H I spread y sheet and he o(ed both his hands as if scooping soething and
eptied the in the sheet and said# H@rap it%H I $rapped it round y body# and since then I ha(e ne)
(er forgotten a single Hadith%
=olue 2 ) 746 ? 0:66
=olue 4 ) 740 ? 0:66
Book 4:: 9opanions of the Prophet
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 0:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
HAllah's Apostle said# HA tie $ill coe upon the people# $hen a group of people $ill $age a holy
$ar and it $ill be said# 'Is there aongst you anyone $ho has accopanied Allah's ApostleJ' &hey
$ill say# 'Kes%' And so (ictory $ill be besto$ed on the% &hen a tie $ill coe upon the people $hen
a group of people $ill $age a holy $ar# and it $ill be said# HIs there aongst you a none $ho has ac)
copanied the copanions of Allah's ApostleJ' &hey $ill say# 'Kes%' And so (ictory $ill be besto$ed
on the% &hen a tie $ill coe upon the people $hen a group of people $ill $age a holy $ar# and
it $ill be said# HIs there aongst you anyone $ho has been in the copany of the copanions of the
copanions of Allah's Apostle J' &hey $ill say# 'Kes%' And (ictory $ill be besto$ed on the%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 3:
Darrated Iran bin Husain:
HAllah's Apostle said# '&he best of y follo$ers are those li(ing in y generation !i%e% y conte)
poraries"% and then those $ho $ill follo$ the latterH 'Iran added# HI do not reeber $hether he
entioned t$o or three generations after his generation# then the Prophet added# '&here $ill coe
after you# people $ho $ill bear $itness $ithout being asked to do so# and $ill be treacherous and
untrust$orthy# and they $ill (o$ and ne(er fulfill their (o$s# and fatness $ill appear aong the%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber <:
Darrated Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H&he best people are those li(ing in y generation# and then those $ho $ill fol)
lo$ the# and then those $ho $ill follo$ the latter% &hen there $ill coe soe people $ho $ill bear
$itness before taking oaths# and take oaths before bearing $itness%H !Ibrahi# a sub)narrator said#
H&hey used to beat us for $itnesses and co(enants $hen $e $ere still children%H"
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 2:
Darrated Al)Bara:
Abu Bakr bought a !cael" saddle fro 'A-ib for thirteen 8irhas% Abu Bakr said to 'A-ib# H&ell Al)
Bara' to carry the saddle for e%H 'A-ib said# HDo# unless you relate to e $hat happened to you and
Allah 's Apostle $hen you left Mecca $hile the pagans $ere in search of you%H Abu Bakr said# H@e
=olue 4 ) 743 ? 0:66
left Mecca and $e tra(el led continuously for that night and the follo$ing day till it $as idday% I
looked !around" searching for shade to take as shelter# and suddenly I cae across a rock# and found
a little shade there% So I cleaned the place and spread a bed for the Prophet in the shade and said to
hi# ';ie do$n# E Allah's Apostle%' So the Prophet lay do$n and I $ent out# looking around to see if
there $as any person pursuing us% Suddenly I sa$ a shepherd dri(ing his sheep to$ards the rock#
seeking $hat $e had already sought fro it% I asked hi# '&o $ho do you belong# E boyJ' He said# 'I
belong to a an fro ,uraish%' He naed the an and I recogni-ed hi% I asked hi# 'Is there any
ilk $ith your sheepJ' He said# 'Kes%' I said# '@ill you then ilk !soe" for usJ' He said# 'Kes%' &hen I
asked hi to tie the legs of one of the sheep and clean its udder# and then ordered hi to clean his
hands fro dust% &hen the shepherd cleaned his hands by striking his hands against one another%
After doing so# he ilked a sall aount of ilk% I used to keep for Allah's Apostle a leather $ater)
container# the outh of $hich $as co(ered $ith a piece of cloth% I poured $ater on the ilk con)
tainer till its lo$er part $as cold% &hen I took the ilk to the Prophet $ho I found a$ake% I said to
hi# '8rink# E Allah's Apostle%' So he drank till I becae pleased% &hen I said# 'It is tie for us to
o(e# E Allahs ApostleI' He said# 'Kes%' So $e set out $hile the people !i%e% ,uraish pagans" $ere
searching for us# but none found us e*cept SuraiCa bin Malik bin /ushu $ho $as riding his horse% I
said# '&hese are our pursuers $ho ha(e found us% E Allah's ApostleI' He said# '8o not grie(e# for Allah
is $ith us%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 4:
Darrated Abu Bakr:
I said to the Prophet $hile I $as in the 9a(e% HIf any of the should look under his feet# he $ould
see us%H He said# HE Abu BakrI @hat do you think of t$o !persons" the third of $ho is AllahJH
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 5:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle addressed the people saying# HAllah has gi(en option to a sla(e to choose this $orld
or $hat is $ith Hi% &he sla(e has chosen $hat is $ith Allah%H Abu Bakr $ept# and $e $ere aston)
ished at his $eeping caused by $hat the Prophet entioned as to a Sla(e ! of Allah" $ho had been
offered a choice# !$e learned later on" that Allah's Apostle hiself $as the person $ho $as gi(en the
choice# and that Abu Bakr kne$ best of all of us% Allah's Apostle added# H&he person $ho has fa(ored
e ost of all both $ith his copany and $ealth# is Abu Bakr% If I $ere to take a Khalil other than
y ;ord# I $ould ha(e taken Abu Bakr as such# but !$hat relates us" is the Islaic brotherhood and
friendliness% All the gates of the MosCue should be closed e*cept the gate of Abu Bakr%H
=olue 4 ) 74< ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber ::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
@e used to copare the people as to $ho $as better during the lifetie of Allah's Apostle % @e
used to regard Abu Bakr as the best# then 'Uar# and then 'Uthan %
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 7:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HIf I $ere to take a Khalil# I $ould ha(e taken Abu Bakr# but he is y brother and
y copanion !in Isla"%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 1:
Darrated Aiyub:
&he Prophet said# HIf I $ere to take a Khalil# I $ould ha(e taken hi !i%e% Abu Bakr" as a Khalil# but
the Islaic brotherhood is better%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 06:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi Mulaika:
&he people of Kufa sent a letter to Ibn A-)Fubair# asking about !the inheritance of" !paternal"
grandfather% He replied that the right of the inheritance of !paternal" grandfather is the sae as that
of father if the father is dead" and added# HAllah's Apostle said# ' If I $ere to take a Khalil fro this
nation# I $ould ha(e taken hi !i%e% Abu Bakr"%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 00:
Darrated /ubair bin Muti:
A $oan cae to the Prophet $ho ordered her to return to hi again% She said# H@hat if I cae
and did not find youJH as if she $anted to say# HIf I found you deadJH &he Prophet said# HIf you should
not find e# go to Abu Bakr%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 03:
Darrated 'Aar:
I sa$ Allah's Apostle and there $as none $ith hi but fi(e sla(es# t$o $oen and Abu Bakr !i%e%
those $ere the only con(erts to Isla then"%
=olue 4 ) 742 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 0<:
Darrated Abu Ad)8arda:
@hile I $as sitting $ith the Prophet# Abu Bakr cae# lifting up one corner of h is garent unco()
ering h is knee% &he Prophet said# HKour copanion has had a Cuarrel%H Abu Bakr greeted !the Proph)
et " and said# HE Allah's ApostleI &here $as soething !i%e% Cuarrel" bet$een e and the Son of Al)
Khattab% I talked to hi harshly and then regretted that# and reCuested hi to forgi(e e# but he re)
fused% &his is $hy I ha(e coe to you%H &he Prophet said thrice# HE Abu BakrI May Allah forgi(e you%H
In the ean$hile# 'Uar regretted !his refusal of Abu Bakr's e*cuse" and $ent to Abu Bakr's house
and asked if Abu Bakr $as there% &hey replied in the negati(e% So he cae to the Prophet and greeted
hi# but signs of displeasure appeared on the face of the Prophet till Abu Bakr pitied !'Uar"# so he
knelt and said t$ice# HE Allah's ApostleI By AllahI I $as ore un.ust to hi !than he to e"%H &he
Prophet said# HAllah sent e !as a Prophet" to you !people" but you said !to e"# 'Kou are telling a lie#'
$hile Abu Bakr said# 'He has said the truth#' and consoled e $ith hiself and his oney%H He then
said t$ice# H@on't you then gi(e up haring y copanionJH After that nobody hared Abu Bakr%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 02:
Darrated 'Ar bin Al)As:
&he Prophet deputed e to read the Ary of 8hat)as)Salasil% I cae to hi and said# H@ho is the
ost belo(ed person to youJH He said# H 'Aisha%H I asked# HAong the enJH He said# HHer father%H I said#
H@ho thenJH He said# H&hen 'Uar bin Al)Khattab%H He then naed other en%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 04:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H@hile a shepherd $as aongst his sheep# a $olf attacked the and
took a$ay one sheep% @hen the shepherd chased the $olf# the $olf turned to$ards hi and said#
'@ho $ill be its guard on the day of $ild anials $hen nobody e*cept I $ill be its shepherd% And
$hile a an $as dri(ing a co$ $ith a load on it# it turned to$ards hi and spoke to hi saying# 'I
ha(e not been created for this purpose# but for ploughing%H &he people said# HAlorified be Allah%H &he
Prophet said# HBut I belie(e in it and so does Abu Bakr end 'Uar%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 05:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H@hile I $as sleeping# I sa$ yself standing at a $ell# on it there
$as a bucket% I dre$ $ater fro the $ell as uch as Allah $ished% &hen Ibn Abi ,uhafa !i%e% Abu
Bakr" took the bucket fro e and brought out one or t$o buckets !of $ater" and there $as $eak)
=olue 4 ) 744 ? 0:66
ness in his dra$ing the $ater% May Allah forgi(e his $eakness for hi% &hen the bucket turned into
a (ery big one and Ibn Al)Khattab took it o(er and I had ne(er seen such a ighty person aongst
the people as hi in perforing such hard $ork# till the people drank to their satisfaction and
$atered their caels that knelt do$n there%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 0::
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
&hat Allah's Apostle said# HAllah $ill not look on the 8ay of /udgent at hi $ho drags his robe
!behind hi" out of pride%H Abu Bakr said HEne side of y robe slacks do$n unless I get (ery cautious
about it%H Allah's Apostle said# HBut you do not do that $ith a pride%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 07:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HAnybody $ho spends a pair of soething in Allah's 9ause $ill be
called fro all the gates of Paradise# HE Allah's sla(eI &his is good%' He $ho is aongst those $ho
pray $ill be called fro the gate of the prayer !in Paradise" and he $ho is fro the people of /ihad
$ill be called fro the gate of /ihad# and he $ho is fro those' $ho gi(e in charity !i%e% Fakat" $ill be
called fro the gate of charity# and he $ho is aongst those $ho obser(e fast $ill be called fro the
gate of fasting# the gate of Raiyan%H Abu Bakr said# HHe $ho is called fro all those gates $ill need
nothing#H He added# H@ill anyone be called fro all those gates# E Allah's ApostleJH He said# HKes# and
I hope you $ill be aong those# E Abu Bakr%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 01:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" Allah's Apostle died $hile Abu Bakr $as at a place called As)Sunah
!Al)'Aliya" 'Uar stood up and said# HBy AllahI Allah's Apostle is not deadIH 'Uar !later on" said# HBy
AllahI Dothing occurred to y ind e*cept that%H He said# H=erilyI Allah $ill resurrect hi and he
$ill cut the hands and legs of soe en%H &hen Abu Bakr cae and unco(ered the face of Allah's
Apostle# kissed hi and said# H;et y other and father be sacrificed for you# !E Allah's Apostle"# you
are good in life and in death% By Allah in @hose Hands y life is# Allah $ill ne(er ake you taste
death t$ice%H &hen he $ent out and said# HE oath)takerI 8on't be hasty%H @hen Abu Bakr spoke#
'Uar sat do$n% Abu Bakr praised and glorified Allah and said# Do doubtI @hoe(er $orshipped
Muhaad# then Muhaad is dead# but $hoe(er $orshipped Allah# then Allah is Ali(e and shall
ne(er die%H &hen he recited Allah's Stateent%:)) H!E Muhaad" =erily you $ill die# and they also
$ill die%H !<1%<6" He also recited:))
=olue 4 ) 745 ? 0:66
HMuhaad is no ore than an ApostleL and indeed any Apostles ha(e passed a$ay# before hi#
If he dies Er is killed# $ill you then &urn back on your heelsJ And he $ho turns back En his heels#
not the least Har $ill he do to Allah And Allah $ill gi(e re$ard to those @ho are grateful%H !<%022"
&he people $ept loudly# and the Ansar $ere assebled $ith Sad bin 'Ubada in the shed of Bani
Saida% &hey said !to the eigrants"% H&here should be one 'Air fro us and one fro you%H &hen Abu
Bakr# Uar bin Al)Khattab and Abu 'baida bin Al)/arrah $ent to the% 'Uar $anted to speak but
Abu Bakr stopped hi% 'Uar later on used to say# HBy Allah# I intended only to say soething that
appealed to e and I $as afraid that Abu Bakr $ould not speak so $ell% &hen Abu Bakr spoke and
his speech $as (ery eloCuent% He said in his stateent# H@e are the rulers and you !Ansars" are the
inisters !i%e% ad(isers"#H Hubab bin Al)Mundhir said# HDo# by Allah $e $on't accept this% But there
ust be a ruler fro us and a ruler fro you%H Abu Bakr said# HDo# $e $ill be the rulers and you $ill
be the inisters# for they !i%e% ,uarish" are the best faily aongst the 'Arabs and of best origin% So
you should elect either 'Uar or Abu 'Ubaida bin Al)/arrah as your ruler%H 'Uar said !to Abu Bakr"#
HDo but $e elect you# for you are our chief and the best aongst us and the ost belo(ed of all of us
to Allah's Apostle%H So 'Uar took Abu Bakr's hand and ga(e the pledge of allegiance and the people
too ga(e the pledge of allegiance to Abu Bakr% Soeone said# HKou ha(e killed Sad bin Ubada%H 'Uar
said# HAllah has killed hi%H 'Aisha said !in another narration"# !H@hen the Prophet $as on his death)
bed" he looked up and said thrice# !Aongst" the Highest 9opanion !See ,ur'an 2%51"' Aisha said#
Allah benefited the people by their t$o speeches% 'Uar frightened the people soe of $ho $ere
hypocrites $ho Allah caused to abandon Isla because of 'Uar's speech% &hen Abu Bakr led the
people to &rue Auidance and acCuainted the $ith the right path they $ere to follo$ so that they
$ent out reciting:)) HMuhaad is no ore than an Apostle and indeed any Apostles ha(e passed
a$ay before hi%%H !<%022"
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 36:
Darrated Muhaad bin Al)Hanafiya:
I asked y father !'Ali bin Abi &alib"# H@ho are the best people after Allah's Apostle JH He said# HAbu
Bakr%H I asked# H@ho thenJH He said# H&hen 'Uar% H I $as afraid he $ould say HUthan# so I said#
H&hen youJH He said# HI a only an ordinary person%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 30:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@e $ent out $ith Allah's Apostle on one of his .ourneys till $e reached Al)Baida or 8hatul)/aish
$here y necklace got broken !and lost"% Allah's Apostle stopped to search for it and the people too
stopped $ith hi% &here $as no $ater at that place and they had no $ater $ith the% So they $ent
to Abu Bakr and said# H8on't you see $hat 'Aisha has doneJ She has ade Allah's Apostle and the
people stop $here there is no $ater and they ha(e no $ater $ith the% Abu Bakr cae $hile Allah's
=olue 4 ) 74: ? 0:66
Apostle $as sleeping $ith his head on y thigh and said# HKou detained Allah Apostle and the people
$here there is no $ater and they ha(e no $ater%H He then adonished e and said $hat Allah
$ished and pinched e at y flanks $ith his hands# but I did not o(e because the head of Allah's
Apostle $as on y thigh %
Allah's Apostle kept on sleeping till be got up in the orning and found no $ater% &hen Allah re)
(ealed the 8i(ine =erse of &ayau# and the people perfored &ayau% Usaid bin AlHudair
said% HE faily of Abu BakrI &his is not the first blessings of yours%H @e urged the cael on $hich I
$as sitting to get up fro its place and the necklace $as found under it%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 33:
Darrated Abu Said:
&he Prophet said# H8o not abuse y copanions for if any one of you spent gold eCual to Uhud !in
Allah's 9ause" it $ould not be eCual to a Mud or e(en a half Mud spent by one of the%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 3<:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ashari:
I perfored ablution in y house and then $ent out and said# H&oday I shall stick to Allah's
Apostle and stay $ith hi all this day of ine !in his ser(ice"%H I $ent to the MosCue and asked about
the Prophet % &hey said# HHe had gone in this direction%H So I follo$ed his $ay# asking about hi till
he entered a place called Bir Aris% I sat at its gate that $as ade of date)pal lea(es till the Prophet
finished ans$ering the call of nature and perfored ablution% &hen I $ent up to hi to see hi sit)
ting at the $ell of Aris at the iddle of its edge $ith his legs unco(ered# hanging in the $ell% I
greeted hi and $ent back and sat at the gate% I said# H&oday I $ill be the gatekeeper of the Prophet%H
Abu Bakr cae and pushed the gate% I asked# H@ho is itJH He said# HAbu Bakr%H I told hi to $ait# $ent
in and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Abu Bakr asks for perission to enter%H He said# HAdit hi and gi(e
hi the glad tidings that he $ill be in Paradise%H So I $ent out and said to Abu Bakr# H9oe in# and
Allah's Apostle gi(es you the glad tidings that you $ill be in ParadiseH Abu Bakr entered and sat on
the right side of Allah's Apostle on the built edge of the $ell and hung his legs n the $ell as the
Prophet did and unco(ered his legs% I then returned and sat !at the gate"% I had left y brother per)
foring ablution and he intended to follo$ e% So I said !to yself"% HIf Allah $ants good for so)and)
so !i%e% y brother" He $ill bring hi here%H Suddenly soebody o(ed the door% I asked# H@ho is itJH
He said# H'Uar bin Al)Khattab%H I asked hi to $ait# $ent to Allah's Apostle# greeted hi and said#
'Uar bin Al)Khattab asks the perission to enter%H He said# HAdit hi# and gi(e hi the glad tid)
ings that he $ill be in Paradise%H I $ent to HUar and said H9oe in# and Allah's Apostle# gi(es you the
glad tidings that you $ill be in Paradise%H So he entered and sat beside Allah's Apostle on the built
=olue 4 ) 747 ? 0:66
edge of the $ell on the left side and hung his legs in the $ell% I returned and sat !at the gate" and
said# !to yself"# HIf Allah $ants good for so)and)so# He $ill bring hi here%H Soebody cae and
o(ed the door% I asked H@ho is itJH He replied# HUthan bin Affan%H I asked hi to $ait and $ent to
the Prophet and infored hi% He said# HAdit hi# and gi(e hi the glad tidings of entering Para)
dise# I asked hi to $ait and $ent to the Prophet and infored hi% He said# HAdult hi# and gi(e
hi the glad tidings of entering Paradise after a calaity that $ill befall hi%H So I $ent up to hi
and said to hi# H9oe inL Allah's Apostle gi(es you the glad tidings of entering Paradise after a
calaity that $ill befall you% HUthan then cae in and found that the built edge of the $ell $as oc)
cupied# so he sat opposite to the Prophet on the other side% Said bin Al)Musaiyab said# HI interpret this
!narration" in ters of their gra(es%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 32:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet once clibed the ountain of Uhud $ith Abu Bakr# 'Uar and 'Uthan% &he oun)
tain shook $ith the% &he Prophet said !to the ountain"# HBe fir# E UhudI Bor on you there are no
ore than a Prophet# a SiddiC and t$o artyrs%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 34:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar: Allah's Apostle said% H@hile !in a drea"# I $as standing by a $ell#
dra$ing $ater fro it% Abu Bakr and 'Uar cae to e% Abu Bakr took the bucket !fro e" and
dre$ one or t$o buckets of $ater# and there $as soe $eakness
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 35:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
@hile I $as standing aongst the people $ho $ere in(oking Allah for Uar bin Al)Khattab $ho
$as lying !dead" on his bed# a an behind e rested his elbo$s on y shoulder and said# H!E
'UarI" May Allah besto$ His Mercy on you% I al$ays hoped that Allah $ill keep you $ith your t$o
copanions# for I often heard Allah's Apostle saying# HI# Abu Bakr and 'Uar $ere !soe$here"% I#
Abu Bakr and 'Uar did !soething"% I# Abu Bakr and 'Uar set out%' So I hoped that Allah $ill keep
you $ith both of the%H I turned back to see that the speaker $as Ali bin Abi &alib%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 3::
Darrated 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair:
I asked 'Abdullah bin 'Ar# H@hat $as the $orst thing the pagans did to Allah's ApostleJH He said#
HI sa$ 'UCba bin Abi Mu'ait coing to the Prophet $hile he $as praying%' UCba put his sheet round
=olue 4 ) 741 ? 0:66
the Prophet's neck and sCuee-ed it (ery se(erely% Abu Bakr cae and pulled 'UCba a$ay fro the
Prophet and said# H8o you intend to kill a an .ust because he says: 'My ;ord is Allah# and he has
brought forth to you the +(ident Signs fro your ;ordJH
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 37:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HI sa$ yself !in a drea" entering Paradise# and beholdI I sa$ Ar)Ruaisa'#
Abu &alha's $ife% I heard footsteps% I asked# @ho is itJ Soebody said# 'It is Bilal ' &hen I sa$ a palace
and a lady sitting in its courtyard% I asked# 'Bor $ho is this palaceJ' Soebody replied# 'It is for
'Uar%' I intended to enter it and see it# but I thought of your !'Uar's" Ahira !and ga(e up the at)
tept"%H 'Uar said# H;et y parents be sacrificed for you# E Allah's ApostleI Ho$ dare I think of y
Ahira !self)respect" being offended by youJ
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 31:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hile $e $ere $ith Allah's Apostle he said# H@hile I $as sleeping# I sa$ yself in Paradise# and
suddenly I sa$ a $oan perforing ablution beside a palace% I asked# 'Bor $ho is this palaceJ'
&hey replied# 'It is for 'Uar%' &hen I reebered 'Uar's Ahira !self)respect" and $ent a$ay
Cuickly%H Uar $ept and Said# E Allah's ApostleI Ho$ dare I think of y ghira !self)respect" being
offended by youJ
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber <6:
Darrated Ha-a's father:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hile I $as sleeping# I sa$ yself drinking !i%e% ilk"# and I $as so contented
that I sa$ the ilk flo$ing through y nails% &hen I ga(e !the ilk" to 'Uar%H &hey !i%e% the co)
panions of the Prophet" asked# H@hat do you interpret itJH He said# HKno$ledge%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber <0:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HIn a drea I sa$ yself dra$ing $ater fro a $ell $ith a bucket% Abu Bakr
cae and dre$ a bucket or t$o $eakly% May Allah forgi(e hi% &hen 'Uar bin Al)Khattab cae
and the bucket turned into a (ery large one in his hands% I had ne(er seen such a ighty person as
he in doing such hard $ork till all the people drank to their satisfaction and $atered their caels
that knelt do$n there%
=olue 4 ) 756 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber <3:
Darrated Sad bin Abi @aCCas:
Uar bin Al)Khattab asked the perission of Allah's Apostle to see hi $hile soe ,uraishi $o)
en $ere sitting $ith hi# talking to hi and asking hi for ore e*penses# raising their (oices
abo(e the (oice of Allah's Apostle%
@hen 'Uar asked for the perission to enter# the $oen Cuickly put on their (eils% Allah'T
Apostle allo$ed hi to enter and 'Uar cae in $hile Allah's Apostle $as siling# 'Uar said HE Al)
lah's ApostleI May Allah al$ays keep you siling%H &he Prophet said# H&hese $oen $ho ha(e been
here# roused y $onder# for as soon as they heard your (oice# they Cuickly put on their (eils% H'Uar
said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou ha(e ore right to be feared by the than I%H &hen 'Uar addressed the
$oen saying# HE eneies of yoursel(esI Kou fear e ore than you do Allah's Apostle JH &hey said#
HKes# for you are harsher and sterner than Allah's Apostle%H &hen Allah's Apostle said# HE Ibn Al)Khat)
tabI By Hi in @hose Hands y life isI De(er does Satan find you going on a $ay# but he takes an)
other $ay other than yours%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber <<:
Darrated Abdullah:
@e ha(e been po$erful since 'Uar ebraced Isla%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber <2:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen !the dead body of" 'Uar $as put on his deathbed# the people gathered around hi and in)
(oked !Allah" and prayed for hi before the body $as taken a$ay# and I $as aongst the% Sud)
denly I felt soebody taking hold of y shoulder and found out that he $as 'Ali bin Abi &alib% 'Ali
in(oked Allah's Mercy for 'Uar and said# HE 'UarI Kou ha(e not left behind you a person $hose
deeds I like to iitate and eet Allah $ith ore than I like your deeds% By AllahI I al$ays thought
that Allah $ould keep you $ith your t$o copanions# for (ery often I used to hear the Prophet say)
ing# 'I# Abu Bakr and 'Uar $ent !soe$here"L I# Abu Bakr and 'Uar entered !soe$here"L and I#
Abu Bakr and 'Uar $ent out%H'
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber <4:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet ascended the ountain of Uhud and he $as accopanied by Abu Bakr# 'Uar and
'Uthan% &he ountain shook beneath the% &he Prophet hit it $ith his foot and said# HE Uhud I Be
fir# for on you there is none but a Prophet# a SiddiC and a artyr !i%e% and t$o artyrs"%
=olue 4 ) 750 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber <5:
Darrated Asla:
Ibn 'Uar asked e about soe atters concerning 'Uar% He said# HSince Allah's Apostle died% I
ha(e ne(er seen anybody ore serious# hard $orking and generous than 'Uar bin Al)Khattab !till
the end of his life%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber <::
Darrated Anas:
A an asked the Prophet about the Hour !i%e% 8ay of /udgent" saying# H@hen $ill the Hour beJH
&he Prophet said# H@hat ha(e you prepared for itJH &he an said# HDothing# e*cept that I lo(e Allah
and His Apostle%H &he Prophet said# HKou $ill be $ith those $ho you lo(e%H @e had ne(er been so
glad as $e $ere on hearing that saying of the Prophet !i%e%# HKou $ill be $ith those $ho you lo(e%H"
&herefore# I lo(e the Prophet# Abu Bakr and 'Uar# and I hope that I $ill be $ith the because of y
lo(e for the though y deeds are not siilar to theirs%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber <7:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAong the nations before you there used to be people $ho $ere inspired
!though they $ere not prophets"% And if there is any of such a persons aongst y follo$ers# it is
Darrated Abu Huraira: &he Prophet said# HAong the nation of Bani Israel $ho li(ed before you#
there $ere en $ho used to be inspired $ith guidance though they $ere not prophets# and if there
is any of such persons aongst y follo$ers# it is 'Uar%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber <1:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hilst a shepherd $as aongst his sheep# a $olf attacked the and took
a$ay a sheep% &he shepherd chased it and got that sheep freed fro the $olf% &he $olf turned to)
$ards the shepherd and said# '@ho $ill guard the sheep on the day of $ild anials $hen it $ill
ha(e no shepherd e*cept yselfJH &he people said# HAlorified be Allah%H &he Prophet said# HBut I be)
lie(e in it and so do Abu Bakr and 'Uar although Abu Bakr and 'Uar $ere not present there !at
the place of the e(ent"%
=olue 4 ) 753 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 26:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H@hile I $as sleeping# the people $ere presented to e !in a
drea"% &hey $ere $earing shirts# soe of $hich $ere erely co(ering their !chests"% and soe
$ere a bit longer% 'Uar $as presented before e and his shirt $as so long that he $as dragging it%H
&hey asked# HHo$ ha(e you interpreted it# E Allah's ApostleJH He said# HReligion%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 20:
Darrated Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa:
@hen 'Uar $as stabbed# he sho$ed signs of agony% Ibn 'Abbas# as if intending to encourage
'Uar# said to hi# HE 9hief of the belie(ersI De(er ind $hat has happened to you# for you ha(e
been in the copany of Allah's Apostle and you kept good relations $ith hi and you parted $ith
hi $hile he $as pleased $ith you% &hen you $ere in the copany of Abu Bakr and kept good rela)
tions $ith hi and you parted $ith hi !i%e% he died" $hile he $as pleased $ith you% &hen you $ere
in the copany of the Muslis# and you kept good relations $ith the# and if you lea(e the# you
$ill lea(e the $hile they are pleased $ith you%H 'Uar said# !to Ibn HAbbas"# HAs for $hat you ha(e
said about the copany of Allah's Apostle and his being pleased $ith e# it is a fa(or# Allah did to
eL and as for $hat you ha(e said about the copany of Abu Bakr and his being pleased $ith e# it
is a fa(or Allah did to eL and concerning y ipatience $hich you see# is because of you and your
copanions% By AllahI If !at all" I had gold eCual to the earth# I $ould ha(e ransoed yself $ith it
fro the Punishent of Allah before I eet Hi%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 23:
Darrated Abu Musa:
@hile I $as $ith the Prophet in one of the gardens of Medina# a an cae and asked e to open
the gate% &he Prophet said to e# HEpen the gate for hi and gi(e hi the glad tidings that he $ill
enter Paradise%H I opened !the gate" for hi# and beholdI It $as Abu Bakr% I infored hi of the glad
tidings the Prophet had said# and he praised Allah% &hen another an cae and asked e to open
the gate% &he Prophet said to e HEpen !the gate" and gi(e hi the glad tidings of entering Paradise%H
I opened !the gate" for hi# and beholdI It $as 'Uar% I infored hi of $hat the Prophet had said#
and he praised Allah% &hen another an cae and asked e to open the gate% &he Prophet said to
e% HEpen !the gate" for hi and infor hi of the glad tidings# of entering Paradise $ith a calaity
$hich $ill befall hi% H Behold I It $as 'Uthan# I infored hi of $hat Allah's Apostle had said% He
praised Allah and said# HI seek Allah's Aid%H
=olue 4 ) 75< ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 2<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Hisha:
@e $ere $ith the Prophet $hile he $as holding 'Uar bin Al)Khattab by the hand%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 22:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet entered a garden and ordered e to guard its gate% A an cae and asked perission
to enter% &he Prophet said# HAdit hi and gi(e hi the glad tidings of entering Paradise%H BeholdI It
$as Abu Bakr% Another an cae and asked the perission to enter% &he Prophet said# HAdit hi
and gi(e hi the glad tidings of entering Paradise%H BeholdI It $as 'Uar% &hen another an cae#
asking the perission to enter% &he Prophet kept silent for a short $hile and then said# HAdit hi
and gi(e hi the glad tidings of entering Paradise $ith a calaity $hich $ill befall hi%H BeholdI It
$as 'Uthan bin 'Affan% 'Asi# in another narration# said that the Prophet $as sitting in a place
$here there $as $ater# and he $as unco(ering both his knees or his knee# and $hen 'Uthan
entered# he co(ered the !or it"%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 24:
Darrated 'Ubaid)ullah bin 'Adi bin Al)Khiyar:
Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa and 'Abdur)Rahan bin Al)As$ad bin 'Abu Kaghuth said !to e"#
H@hat forbids you to talk to 'Uthan about his brother Al)@alid because people ha(e talked uch
about hiJH So I $ent to 'Uthan and $hen he $ent out for prayer I said !to hi"# HI ha(e soething
to say to you and it is a piece of ad(ice for you H 'Uthan said# HE an# fro you%H !Uar said: I see
that he said# HI seek Refuge $ith Allah fro you%H" So I left hi and $ent to the% &hen the essenger
of Uthan cae and I $ent to hi !i%e% 'Uthan"# 'Uthan asked# H@hat is your ad(iceJH I replied#
HAllah sent Muhaad $ith the &ruth# and re(ealed the 8i(ine Book !i%e% ,uran" to hiL and you
$ere aongst those $ho follo$ed Allah and His Apostle# and you participated in the t$o igrations
!to +thiopia and to Medina" and en.oyed the copany of Allah's Apostle and sa$ his $ay% Do doubt#
the people are talking uch about Al)@alid%H 'Uthan said# H8id you recei(e your kno$ledge dir)
ectly fro Allah's Apostle JH I said# HDo# but his kno$ledge did reach e and it reached !e(en" to a
(irgin in her seclusion%H 'Uthan said# HAnd then Allah sent Muhaad $ith the &ruth and I $as
aongst those $ho follo$ed Allah and His Apostle and I belie(ed in $hat e(er he !i%e% the Prophet"
$as sent $ith# and participated in t$o igrations# as you ha(e said# and I en.oyed the copany of
Allah's Apostle and ga(e the pledge of allegiance hi% By AllahI I ne(er disobeyed hi# nor did I
cheat hi till Allah took hi unto Hi% &hen I treated Abu Bakr and then 'Uar siilarly and then I
$as ade 9aliph% So# don't I ha(e rights siilar to theirsJH I said# HKes%H He said# H&hen $hat are these
talks reaching e fro you peopleJ Do$# concerning $hat you entioned about the Cuestion of Al)
=olue 4 ) 752 ? 0:66
@alid# Allah $illing# I shall deal $ith hi according to $hat is right%H &hen he called 'Ali and
ordered hi to flog hi# and 'Ali flogged hi !i%e% Al)@alid" eighty lashes%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 25:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle ascended the !ountain" of Uhud $ith Abu Bakr and 'Uthan and it shook% Allah's
Apostle said# HBe cal# E UhudIH I think he stroked it $ith his foot and added# H&here is none on you
but a Prophet# a SiddiC and t$o artyrs%H !&he t$o artyrs $ere Uar and Uthan" !See Hadith Do%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 2::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
8uring the lifetie of the Prophet $e considered Abu Bakr as peerless and then 'Uar and then
'Uthan !coing ne*t to hi in superiority" and then $e used not to differentiate bet$een the co)
panions of the Prophet
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 27:
Darrated 'Uthan:
!the son of Muhib" An +gyptian $ho cae and perfored the Ha.. to the Kaba sa$ soe people
sitting% He enCuire# H@ho are these peopleJH Soebody said# H&hey are the tribe of ,uraish%H He said#
H@ho is the old an sitting aongst theJH &he people replied# HHe is 'Abdullah bin 'Uar%H He said#
HE Ibn UarI I $ant to ask you about soethingL please tell e about it% 8o you kno$ that 'Uthan
fled a$ay on the day !of the battle" of UhudJH Ibn 'Uar said# HKes%H &he !+gyptian" an said# H8o you
kno$ that 'Uthan $as absent on the day !of the battle" of Badr and did not .oin itJH Ibn 'Uar said#
HKes%H &he an said# H8o you kno$ that he failed to attend the Ar Rid$an pledge and did not $itness
it !i%e% Hudaibiya pledge of allegiance"JH Ibn 'Uar said# HKes%H &he an said# HAllahu AkbarIH Ibn
'Uar said# H;et e e*plain to you !all these three things"% As for his flight on the day of Uhud# I testi )
fy that Allah has e*cused hi and forgi(en hiL and as for his absence fro the battle of Badr# it $as
due to the fact that the daughter of Allah's Apostle $as his $ife and she $as sick then% Allah's Apostle
said to hi# HKou $ill recei(e the sae re$ard and share !of the booty" as anyone of those $ho par)
ticipated in the battle of Badr !if you stay $ith her"%' As for his absence fro the Ar)Rid$an pledge of
allegiance# had there been any person in Mecca ore respectable than 'Uthan !to be sent as a rep)
resentati(e"% Allah's Apostle $ould ha(e sent hi instead of hi% Do doubt# Allah's Apostle had sent
hi# and the incident of the Ar)Rid$an pledge of Allegiance happened after 'Uthan had gone to
Mecca% Allah's Apostle held out his right hand saying# '&his is 'Uthan's hand%' He stroke his !other"
=olue 4 ) 754 ? 0:66
hand $ith it saying# '&his !pledge of allegiance" is on the behalf of 'Uthan%' &hen Ibn 'Uar said to
the an# 'Bear !these" e*cuses in ind $ith you%'
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 21:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet ascended the ountain of Uhud and Abu Bakr# 'Uar and 'Uthan $ere accopa)
nying hi% &he ountain ga(e a shake !i%e% trebled underneath the" % &he Prophet said# HE Uhud I
Be cal%H I think that the Prophet hit it $ith his foot# adding# HBor upon you there are none but a
Prophet# a SiddiC and t$o artyrs%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 46:
Darrated 'Ar bin Maiun:
I sa$ 'Uar bin Al)Khattab a fe$ days before he $as stabbed in Medina% He $as standing $ith
Hudhaifa bin Al)Kaan and 'Uthan bin Hunaif to $ho he said# H@hat ha(e you doneJ 8o you
think that you ha(e iposed ore ta*ation on the land !of As)S$ad i%e% 'IraC" than it can bearJH &hey
replied# H@e ha(e iposed on it $hat it can bear because of its great yield%H 'Uar again said# H9heck
$hether you ha(e iposed on the land $hat it can not bear%H &hey said# HDo# !$e ha(en't"%H 'Uar ad)
ded# HIf Allah should keep e ali(e I $ill let the $ido$s of IraC need no en to support the after
e%H But only four days had elapsed $hen he $as stabbed !to death "% &he day he $as stabbed# I $as
standing and there $as nobody bet$een e and hi !i%e% Uar" e*cept Abdullah bin 'Abbas%
@hene(er Uar passed bet$een the t$o ro$s# he $ould say# HStand in straight lines%H
@hen he sa$ no defect !in the ro$s"# he $ould go for$ard and start the prayer $ith &akbir% He
$ould recite Surat Kusuf or An)Dahl or the like in the first Rak'a so that the people ay ha(e the
tie to /oin the prayer% As soon as he said &akbir# I heard hi saying# H&he dog has killed or eaten
e#H at the tie he !i%e% the urderer" stabbed hi% A non)Arab infidel proceeded on carrying a
double)edged knife and stabbing all the persons he passed by on the right and left !till" he stabbed
thirteen persons out of $ho se(en died% @hen one of the Muslis sa$ that# he thre$ a cloak on
hi% Reali-ing that he had been captured# the non)Arab infidel killed hiself# 'Uar held the hand
of 'Abdur)Rahan bin Auf and let hi lead the prayer%
&hose $ho $ere standing by the side of 'Uar sa$ $hat I sa$# but the people $ho $ere in the
other parts of the MosCue did not see anything# but they lost the (oice of 'Uar and they $ere say)
ing# HSubhan AllahI Subhan AllahI !i%e% Alorified be Allah"%H Abdur)Rahan bin Auf led the people a
short prayer% @hen they finished the prayer# 'Uar said# HE Ibn 'AbbasI Bind out $ho attacked e%H
Ibn 'Abbas kept on looking here and there for a short tie and cae to say% H&he sla(e of Al
Mughira%H En that 'Uar said# H&he craftsanJH Ibn 'Abbas said# HKes%H 'Uar said# HMay Allah curse
hi% I did not treat hi un.ustly% All the Praises are for Allah @ho has not caused e to die at the
=olue 4 ) 755 ? 0:66
hand of a an $ho clais hiself to be a Musli% Do doubt# you and your father !Abbas" used to
lo(e to ha(e ore non)Arab infidels in Medina%H Al)Abbas had the greatest nuber of sla(es% Ibn
'Abbas said to 'Uar% HIf you $ish# $e $ill do%H He eant# HIf you $ish $e $ill kill the%H 'Uar said#
HKou are istaken !for you can't kill the" after they ha(e spoken your language# prayed to$ards
your ,ibla# and perfored Ha.. like yours%H
&hen Uar $as carried to his house# and $e $ent along $ith hi# and the people $ere as if they
had ne(er suffered a calaity before% Soe said# H8o not $orry !he $ill be Alright soon"%H Soe said#
H@e are afraid !that he $ill die"%H &hen an infusion of dates $as brought to hi and he drank it but it
cae out !of the $ound" of his belly% &hen ilk $as brought to hi and he drank it# and it also cae
out of his belly% &he people reali-ed that he $ould die% @e $ent to hi# and the people cae# prais)
ing hi% A young an cae saying# HE chief of the belie(ersI Recei(e the glad tidings fro Allah to
you due to your copany $ith Allah's Apostle and your superiority in Isla $hich you kno$% &hen
you becae the ruler !i%e% 9aliph" and you ruled $ith .ustice and finally you ha(e been artyred%H
'Uar said# HI $ish that all these pri(ileges $ill counterbalance !y shortcoings" so that I $ill
neither lose nor gain anything%H
@hen the young an turned back to lea(e# his clothes seeed to be touching the ground% 'Uar
said# H9all the young an back to e%H !@hen he cae back" 'Uar said# HE son of y brotherI ;ift
your clothes# for this $ill keep your clothes clean and sa(e you fro the Punishent of your ;ord%H
'Uar further said# HE 'Abdullah bin 'UarI See ho$ uch I a in debt to others%H @hen the debt
$as checked# it aounted to appro*iately eighty)si* thousand% 'Uar said# HIf the property of
'Uar's faily co(ers the debt# then pay the debt thereofL other$ise reCuest it fro Bani 'Adi bin
Ka'b# and if that too is not sufficient# ask for it fro ,uraish tribe# and do not ask for it fro any one
else# and pay this debt on y behalf%H
'Uar then said !to 'Abdullah"# HAo to 'Aisha !the other of the belie(ers" and say: HUar is paying
his salutation to you% But don't say: '&he chief of the belie(ers#' because today I a not the chief of the
belie(ers% And say: HUar bin Al)Khattab asks the perission to be buried $ith his t$o copanions
!i%e% the Prophet# and Abu Bakr"%H Abdullah greeted 'Aisha and asked for the perission for entering#
and then entered to her and found her sitting and $eeping% He said to her# H'Uar bin Al)Khattab is
paying his salutations to you# and asks the perission to be buried $ith his t$o copanions%H She
said# HI had the idea of ha(ing this place for yself# but today I prefer Uar to yself%H @hen he re)
turned it $as said !to 'Uar"# H'Abdullah bin 'Uar has coe%H 'Uar said# HMake e sit up%H Soe)
body supported hi against his body and 'Uar asked !'Abdullah"# H@hat ne$s do you ha(eJH He
said# HE chief of the belie(ersI It is as you $ish% She has gi(en the perission%H 'Uar said# HPraise be
to Allah# there $as nothing ore iportant to e than this% So $hen I die# take e# and greet 'Aisha
and say: HUar bin Al)Khattab asks the perission !to be buried $ith the Prophet "# and if she gi(es
the perission# bury e there# and if she refuses# then take e to the gra(e)yard of the Muslis%H
&hen Hafsa !the other of the belie(ers" cae $ith any other $oen $alking $ith her% @hen
$e sa$ her# $e $ent a$ay% She $ent in !to 'Uar" and $ept there for soetie% @hen the en
=olue 4 ) 75: ? 0:66
asked for perission to enter# she $ent into another place# and $e heard her $eeping inside% &he
people said !to 'Uar"# HE chief of the belie(ersI Appoint a successor%H Uar said# HI do not find any)
one ore suitable for the .ob than the follo$ing persons or group $ho Allah's Apostle had been
pleased $ith before he died%H &hen 'Uar entioned 'Ali# 'Uthan# A-Fubair# &alha# Sad and 'Abdur)
Rahan !bin Auf" and said# HAbdullah bin 'Uar $ill be a $itness to you# but he $ill ha(e no share
in the rule% His being a $itness $ill copensate hi for not sharing the right of ruling% If Sad be)
coes the ruler# it $ill be alright: other$ise# $hoe(er becoes the ruler should seek his help# as I
ha(e not disissed hi because of disability or dishonesty%H 'Uar added# HI recoend that y suc)
cessor takes care of the early eigrantsL to kno$ their rights and protect their honor and sacred
I also recoend that he be kind to the Ansar $ho had li(ed in Medina before the eigrants and
Belief had entered their hearts before the% I recoend that the !ruler" should accept the good of
the righteous aong the and e*cuse their $rong)doers# and I recoend that he should do good
to all the people of the to$ns !Al)Ansar"# as they are the protectors of Isla and the source of $ealth
and the source of annoyance to the eney% I also recoend that nothing be taken fro the e*)
cept fro their surplus $ith their consent% I also recoend that he do good to the 'Arab bedouin# as
they are the origin of the 'Arabs and the aterial of Isla% He should take fro $hat is inferior#
aongst their properties and distribute that to the poor aongst the% I also recoend hi con)
cerning Allah's and His Apostle's protectees !i%e% 8hiis" to fulfill their contracts and to fight for
the and not to o(erburden the $ith $hat is beyond their ability%H So $hen 'Uar e*pired# $e
carried hi out and set out $alking% 'Abdullah bin 'Uar greeted !'Aisha" and said# H'Uar bin Al)
Khattab asks for the perission%H 'Aisha said# HBring hi in%H He $as brought in and buried beside his
t$o copanions%
@hen he $as buried# the group !recoended by 'Uar" held a eeting% &hen 'Abdur)Rahan
said# H Reduce the candidates for rulership to three of you%H A-)Fubair said# HI gi(e up y right to Ali%H
&alha said# HI gi(e up y right to 'Uthan#H Sad# 'I gi(e up y right to 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf%H 'Ab)
dur)Rahan then said !to 'Uthan and 'Ali"# HDo$ $hich of you is $illing to gi(e up his right of
candidacy to that he ay choose the better of the !reaining" t$o# bearing in ind that Allah and
Isla $ill be his $itnesses%H So both the sheiks !i%e% 'Uthan and 'Ali" kept silent% 'Abdur)Rahan
said# H@ill you both lea(e this atter to e# and I take Allah as y @itness that I $ill not choose but
the better of youJH &hey said# HKes%H So 'Abdur)Rahan took the hand of one of the !i%e% 'Ali" and
said# HKou are related to Allah's Apostle and one of the earliest Muslis as you kno$ $ell% So I ask
you by Allah to proise that if I select you as a ruler you $ill do .ustice# and if I select 'Uthan as a
ruler you $ill listen to hi and obey hi%H &hen he took the other !i%e% 'Uthan" aside and said the
sae to hi% @hen 'Abdur)Rahan secured !their agreeent to" this co(enant# he said# HE 'UthanI
Raise your hand%H So he !i%e% 'Abdur)Rahan" ga(e hi !i%e% 'Uthan" the solen pledge# and then
'Ali ga(e hi the pledge of allegiance and then all the !Medina" people ga(e hi the pledge of allegi)
=olue 4 ) 757 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 40:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
Allah's Apostle said# H&oorro$ I $ill gi(e the flag to a an $ith $hose leadership Allah $ill
grant !the Musli" (ictory%H So the people kept on thinking the $hole night as to $ho $ould be gi()
en the flag% &he ne*t orning the people $ent to Allah's Apostle and e(ery one of the hoped that
he $ould be gi(en the flag% &he Prophet said# H@here is Ali bin Abi &alibJH &he people replied# HHe is
suffering fro eye trouble# E Allah's Apostle%H He said# HSend for hi and bring hi to e%H So $hen
'Ali cae# the Prophet spat in his eyes and in(oked good on hi# and he becae alright as if he had
no ailent% &he Prophet then ga(e hi the flag% 'Ali said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall I fight the !i%e%
eney" till they becoe like usJH &he Prophet said# HProceed to the steadily till you approach near
to the and then in(ite the to Isla and infor the of their duties to$ards Allah $hich Isla
prescribes for the# for by Allah# if one an is guided on the right path !i%e% con(erted to Isla"
through you# it $ould be better for you than !a great nuber of" red caels%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 43:
Darrated Salaa:
Ali happened to stay behind the Prophet and !did not .oin hi" during the battle of Khaibar for he
$as ha(ing eye trouble% &hen he said# HHo$ could I reain behind Allah's ApostleJH So 'Ali set out
follo$ing the Prophet # @hen it $as the e(e of the day in the orning of $hich Allah helped !the
Muslis" to conCuer it# Allah's Apostle said# HI $ill gi(e the flag !to a an"# or toorro$ a an
$ho Allah and His Apostle lo(e $ill take the flag#H or said# HA an $ho lo(es Allah and His ApostleL
and Allah $ill grant (ictory under his leadership%H Suddenly cae 'Ali $ho $e did not e*pect% &he
people said# H&his is 'Ali%H Allah's Apostle ga(e hi the flag and Allah granted (ictory under his lead)
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 4<:
Darrated Abu Ha-i:
A an cae to Sahl bin Sad and said# H&his is so)and)so#H eaning the Ao(ernor of Medina# HHe is
calling 'Ali bad naes near the pulpit%H Sahl asked# H@hat is he sayingJH He !i%e% the an" replied# HHe
calls hi !i%e% 'Ali" Abu &urab%H Sahl laughed and said# HBy Allah# none but the Prophet called hi by
this nae and no nae $as dearer to 'Ali than this%H So I asked Sahl to tell e ore# saying# HE Abu
'AbbasI Ho$ !$as this nae gi(en to 'Ali"JH Sahl said# H'Ali $ent to Batia and then cae out and
slept in the MosCue% &he Prophet asked Batia# H@here is your cousinJH She said# HIn the MosCue%H
&he Prophet $ent to hi and found that his !i%e% Ali's" co(ering sheet had slipped of his back and
dust had soiled his back% &he Prophet started $iping the dust off his back and said t$ice# HAet upI E
Abu &urab !i%e% E% an $ith the dust"%H
=olue 4 ) 751 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 42:
Darrated Sad bin 'Ubaida:
A an cae to Ibn 'Uar and asked about 'Uthan and Ibn 'Uar entioned his good deeds and
said to the Cuestioner% HPerhaps these facts annoy youJH &he other said# HKes%H Ibn 'Uar said# HMay
Allah stick your nose in the dust !i%e% degrade you"I' &hen the an asked hi about 'Ali% Ibn 'Uar
entioned his good deeds and said# HIt is all true# and that is his house in the idst of the houses of
the Prophet% Perhaps these facts ha(e hurt youJH &he Cuestioner said# HKes%H Ibn 'Uar said# HMay Al)
lah stick your nose in the dust !i%e% degrade you or ake you do things $hich you hate" I Ao a$ay
and do $hate(er you can against e%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 44:
Darrated 'Ali:
Batia coplained of the suffering caused to her by the hand ill% Soe 9apti(es $ere brought to
the Prophet# she cae to hi but did not find hi at hoe 'Aisha $as present there to $ho she told
!of her desire for a ser(ant"% @hen the Prophet cae# Aisha infored hi about Batia's (isit% Ali
added HSo the Prophet cae to us# $hile $e had gone to our bed I $anted to get up but the Prophet
said# HReain at your placeH% &hen he sat do$n bet$een us till I found the coolness of his feet on y
chest% &hen he said# HShall I teach you a thing $hich is better than $hat you ha(e asked eJ @hen
you go to bed# say# 'Allahu)Akbar' thirty)four ties# and 'Subhan Allah thirty)three ties# and 'Al)
hadu)lillah thirty)three ties for that is better for you both than a ser(ant%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 45:
Darrated Ubaida:
Ali said !to the people of 'IraC"# H/udge as you used to .udge# for I hate differences !and I do y
best " till the people unite as one group# or I die as y copanions ha(e died%H And narrated Sad that
the Prophet said to 'Ali# H@ill you not be pleased fro this that you are to e like Aaron $as to
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 4::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he people used to say# HAbu Huraira narrates too any narrations%H In fact I used to keep close to
Allah's Apostle and $as satisfied $ith $hat filled y stoach% I ate no lea(ened bread and dressed
no decorated striped clothes# and ne(er did a an or a $oan ser(e e# and I often used to press y
belly against gra(el because of hunger# and I used to ask a an to recite a ,uranic =erse to e al)
though I kne$ it# so that he $ould take e to his hoe and feed e% And the ost generous of all
=olue 4 ) 7:6 ? 0:66
the people to the poor $as /a'far bin Abi &alib% He used to take us to his hoe and offer us $hat $as
a(ailable therein% He $ould e(en offer us an epty folded leather container !of butter" $hich $e
$ould split and lick $hate(er $as in it%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 47:
Darrated Ash)Sha'bi:
@hene(er Ibn 'Uar greeted Ibn /afar# he used to say: HAs)salau)'Alaika !i%e% Peace be on you" E
son of 8hu)l)/anahain !son of the t$o)$inged person"%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 41:
Darrated Anas:
@hene(er there $as drought# 'Uar bin Al)Khattab used to ask Allah for rain through Al'Abbas
bin 'Abdul Muttalib# saying# HE AllahI @e used to reCuest our Prophet to ask Kou for rain# and Kou
$ould gi(e us% Do$ $e reCuest the uncle of our Prophet to ask Kou for rain# so gi(e us rain%H And
they $ould be gi(en rain%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 56:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Batia sent soebody to Abu Bakr asking hi to gi(e her her inheritance fro the Prophet fro
$hat Allah had gi(en to His Apostle through Bai !i%e% booty gained $ithout fighting"% She asked for
the SadaCa !i%e% $ealth assigned for charitable purposes" of the Prophet at Medina# and Badak# and
$hat reained of the Khuus !i%e%# one)fifth" of the Khaibar booty% Abu Bakr said# HAllah's Apostle
said# '@e !Prophets"# our property is not inherited# and $hate(er $e lea(e is SadaCa# but
Muhaad's Baily can eat fro this property# i%e% Allah's property# but they ha(e no right to take
ore than the food they need%' By AllahI I $ill not bring any change in dealing $ith the SadaCa of
the Prophet !and $ill keep the" as they used to be obser(ed in his !i%e% the Prophet's" life)tie# and I
$ill dispose $ith it as Allah's Apostle used to do#H &hen 'Ali said# HI testify that Done has the right to be
$orshipped but Allah# and that Muhaad is His Apostle#H and added# HE Abu BakrI @e ackno$)
ledge your superiority%H &hen he !i%e% 'Ali" entioned their o$n relationship to Allah's Apostle and
their right% Abu Bakr then spoke saying# HBy Allah in @hose Hands y life is% I lo(e to do good to the
relati(es of Allah's Apostle rather than to y o$n relati(esH Abu Bark added: ;ook at Muhaad
through his faily !i%e% if you are no good to his faily you are not good to hi"%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 50:
Darrated Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa:
=olue 4 ) 7:0 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# HBatia is a part of e# and he $ho akes her angry# akes e angry%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 53:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet called his daughter Batia during his illness in $hich he died# and told her a secret
$hereupon she $ept% &hen he called her again and told her a secret $hereupon she laughed% @hen
I asked her about that# she replied# H&he Prophet spoke to e in secret and infored e that he
$ould die in the course of the illness during $hich he died# so I $ept% He again spoke to e in secret
and infored e that I $ould be the first of his faily to follo$ hi !after his death" and on that I
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 5<:
Darrated Mar$an bin Al)Haka:
'Uthan bin 'Affan $as afflicted $ith se(ere nose)bleeding in the year $hen such illness $as
pre(elant and that pre(ented hi fro perforing Ha..# and !because of it" he ade his $ill% A an
fro ,uraish cae to hi and said# HAppoint your successor%H 'Uthan asked# H8id the people nae
hiJ !i%e% the successor" the an said# HKes%H Uthan asked# H@ho is thatJH &he an reained silent%
Another an cae to 'Uthan and I think it $as Al)Harith% He also said# HAppoint your successor%H
'Uthan asked# H8id the people nae hiJH &he an replied HKes%H 'Uthan said# H@ho is thatJH &he
an reained silent% 'Uthan said# HPerhaps they ha(e entioned A-)FubairJH &he an said# HKes%H
'Uthan said# HBy Hi in @hose Hands y life is# he is the best of the as I kno$# and the dearest of
the to Allah's Apostle %H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 52:
Darrated Mar$an bin Al)Haka:
@hile I $as $ith 'Uthan# a an cae to hi and said# HAppoint your successor%H 'Uthan said#
HHas such successor been naedJH He replied# HKes# A-)Fubair%H 'Uthan said# thrice# HBy AllahI In)
deed you kno$ that he is the best of you%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 54:
Darrated /abir:
&he Prophet said# H+(ery prophet used to ha(e a Ha$ari !i%e% disciple"# and y Ha$ari is A-)Fubair
bin Al)'A$$a%H
=olue 4 ) 7:3 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 55:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair:
8uring the battle of Al)Ah-ab# I and 'Uar bin Abi)Salaa $ere kept behind $ith the $oen%
BeholdI I sa$ !y father" A-)Fubair riding his horse# going to and coing fro Bani ,urai-a t$ice
or thrice% So $hen I cae back I said# HE y fatherI I sa$ you going to and coing fro Bani ,ura)
i-aJH He said# H8id you really see e# E y sonJH I said# HKes%H He said# HAllah's Apostle said# '@ho $ill
go to Bani ,urai-a and bring e their ne$sJ' So I $ent# and $hen I cae back# Allah's Apostle en)
tioned for e both his parents saying# H;et y father and other be sacrificed for you%H'
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 5::
Darrated 'Ur$a:
En the day of the battle of Al)Karuk# the copanions of the Prophet said to A-)Fubair# H@ill you
attack the eney (igorously so that $e ay attack the along $ith youJH So A-)Fubair attacked
the# and they inflicted t$o $ounds o(er his shoulder# and in bet$een these t$o $ounds there $as
an old scar he had recei(ed on the day of the battle of Badr @hen I $as a child# I used to insert y
fingers into those scars in play%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 57:
Darrated 'Uar:
HBefore the Prophet died# he $as pleased $ith hi !&alha bin 'Ubaidullah"%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 51:
Darrated Abu 'Uthan:
8uring one of the Aha-a$at in $hich Allah's Apostle $as fighting# none reained $ith the
Prophet but &alha and Sad%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber :6:
Darrated ,ais bin Abi Ha-i:
I sa$ &alha's paraly-ed hand $ith $hich he had protected the Prophet !fro an arro$" %
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber :0:
Darrated Sad: En the day of the battle of Uhud the Prophet entioned for e both hi
=olue 4 ) 7:< ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber :3:
Darrated Sad:
Do doubt# !for soe tie" I stood for one)third of the Muslis%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber :<:
Darrated Sad bin Abi @aCCas:
Do an ebraced Isla before the day on $hich I ebraced Isla# and no doubt# I reained for
se(en days as one third of the then e*tant Muslis%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber :2:
Darrated ,ais:
I heard Sad saying# HI $as the first aongst the 'Arabs $ho shot an arro$ for Allah's 9ause% @e
used to fight along $ith the Prophets# $hile $e had nothing to eat e*cept the lea(es of trees so that
one's e*crete $ould look like the e*crete balls of cael or a sheep# containing nothing to i* the
together% &oday Banu Asad tribe blae e for not ha(ing understood Isla% I $ould be a loser if y
deeds $ere in (ain%H &hose people coplained about Sad to 'Uar# claiing that he did not offer his
prayers perfectly%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber :4:
Darrated about the sons)in)la$ of the Prophet and one of the is Abu Al)'As bin Ar)Rabi'%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber :5:
Darrated Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa:
'Ali deanded the hand of the daughter of Abu /ahl% Batia heard of this and $ent to Allah's
Apostle saying# HKour people think that you do not becoe angry for the sake of your daughters as
'Ali is no$ going to arry the daughter of Abu /ahl% HEn that Allah's Apostle got up and after his re)
citation of &ashah)hud% I heard hi saying# H&hen afterI I arried one of y daughters to Abu Al)'As
bin Al)Rabi' !the husband of Fainab# the daughter of the Prophet " before Isla and he pro(ed truth)
ful in $hate(er he said to e% Do doubt# Batia is a part of e# I hate to see her being troubled% By
Allah# the daughter of Allah's Apostle and the daughter of Allah's +ney cannot be the $i(es of one
an%H So 'Ali ga(e up that engageent%
'Al)Mis$ar further said: I heard the Prophet talking and he entioned a son)in)la$ of his be)
longing to the tribe of Bani 'Abd)Shas% He highly praised hi concerning that relationship and said
=olue 4 ) 7:2 ? 0:66
!$hene(er" he spoke to e# he spoke the truth# and $hene(er he proised e# he fulfilled his pro)
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber :::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he Prophet sent an ary under the coand of Usaa bin Faid% @hen soe people critici-ed
his leadership# the Prophet said# HIf you are critici-ing Usaa's leadership# you used to critici-e his
father's leadership before% By AllahI He $as $orthy of leadership and $as one of the dearest persons
to e# and !no$" this !i%e% Usaa" is one of the dearest to e after hi !i%e% Faid"%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber :7:
Darrated Ur$a:
Aisha said# HA ,aif !i%e% one skilled in recogni-ing the lineage of a person through Physiognoy
and through e*aining the body parts of an infant" cae to e $hile the Prophet $as present# and
Usaa bin Faid and Faid bin Haritha $ere ;ying asleep% &he ,a'if said% &hese feet !of Usaa and his
father" are of persons belonging to the sae lineage%' H &he Prophet $as pleased $ith that saying
$hich $on his adiration# and he told 'Aisha of it%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber :1:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he people of the ,uraish tribe $ere $orried about the Makh-uiya $oan% &hey said% HDobody
dare speak to hi !i%e% the Prophet " e*cept Usaa bin Faid as he is the ost belo(ed to Allah's
Apostle%H Aisha said# HA $oan fro Bani Makh-uiya coitted a theft and the people said# '@ho
can intercede $ith the Prophet for herJ' So nobody dared speak to hi !i%e% the Prophet" but Usaa
bin Faid spoke to hi% &he Prophet said# 'If a reputable an aongst the children of Bani Israel
coitted a theft# they used to forgi(e hi# but if a poor an coitted a theft# they $ould cut his
hand% But I $ould cut e(en the hand of Batia !i%e% the daughter of the Prophet" if she coitted a
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 76:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 8inar:
Ene day Ibn 'Uar# $hile in the MosCue# looked at a an $ho $as dragging his clothes $hile
$alking in one of the corners of the MosCue He said# HSee $ho is that% I $ish he $as near to e%H
Soebody then said !to Ibn 'Uar"# H8on't you kno$ hi# E Abu 'Abdur)RahanJ He is Muhaad
=olue 4 ) 7:4 ? 0:66
bin Usaa%H En that Ibn 'Uar bo$ed his head and dug the earth $ith his hands and then# said# HIf
Allah's Apostle sa$ hi# he $ould ha(e lo(ed hi%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 70:
Darrated Usaa bin Faid:
&hat the Prophet used to take hi !i%e% Usaa" and Al)Hassan !in his lap" and say: HE AllahI ;o(e
the# as I lo(e the%H &he freed sla(e of Usaa bin Faid said# HAl)Ha..a. bin Aian bin U Aian
and Aian Ibn U Aian $as Usaa's brother fro the aternal side# and he $as one of the Ansar%
He $as seen by Ibn 'Uar not perforing his bo$ing and prostrations in a perfect anner% So Ibn
'Uar told hi to repeat his prayer% Harala# the freed sla(e of Usaa bin Faid said that $hile he
$as in the copany of 'Abdullah bin 'Uar# Al)Ha..a. bin Aian cae in and !$hile praying" he did
not perfor his bo$ing and prostrations properly% So Ibn 'Uar told hi to repeat his prayer% @hen
he $ent a$ay# Ibn 'Uar asked e# H@ho is heJH I said# HAl)Ha..a. bin U Aian%H Ibn 'Uar said# HIf
Allah's Apostle sa$ hi# he $ould ha(e lo(ed hi%H &hen Ibn 'Uar entioned the lo(e of the
Prophet for the children of U Ain% Sulaian said that U Aian $as one of the nurses of the
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 73:
&he erits of 'Abdullah bin Uar bin Al)Khattab%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 7<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
If a an sa$ a drea during the lifetie of the Prophet he $ould narrate it to the Prophet% Ence I
$ished to see a drea and narrate it to the Prophet I $as young# unarried# and used to sleep in the
MosCue during the lifetie of the Prophet% I dreat that t$o angels took e and $ent a$ay $ith e
to$ards the !Hell" Bire $hich looked like a $ell $ith the inside $alls built up# and had t$o side)
$alls like those of a $ell% &here I sa$ soe people in it $ho I kne$% I started saying# HI seek Refuge
$ith Allah fro the !Hell" Bire# I seek Refuge $ith Allah fro the !Hell" Bire%H &hen another angel et
the other t$o and said to e# H8o not be afraid%H I narrated y drea to Hafsa $ho# in her turn# nar)
rated it to the Prophet% He said# H@hat an e*cellent an Abdullah is if he only obser(es the night
prayer%H !Sale# a sub)narrator said# HAbdullah used not to sleep at night but (ery little hence for)
=olue 4 ) 7:5 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 72:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar fro Hafsa his sister:
&hat the Prophet had said to her# H'Abdullah is a pious an%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 74:
Darrated 'AlCaa:
I $ent to Sha and offered a t$o)Rak'at prayer and then said# HE AllahI Bless e $ith a good pi)
ous copanion%H So I $ent to soe people and sat $ith the% An old an cae and sat by y side% I
asked# H@ho is heJH &hey replied# H!He is" Abu)Ad)8arda%' I said !to hi"# HI prayed to Allah to bless
e $ith a pious copanion and He sent you to e%H He asked e# HBro $here are youJH I replied#
HBro the people of Al)Kufa%H He said# HIsn't there aongst you Ibn U 'Abd# the one $ho used to
carry the shoes# the cushion!or pillo$" and the $ater for ablutionJ Is there aongst you the one
$ho Allah ga(e Refuge fro Satan through the reCuest of His Prophet% Is there aongst you the
one $ho keeps the secrets of the Prophet $hich nobody kno$s e*cept hiJH Abu 8arda further
asked# HHo$ does 'Abdullah !bin Mas'ud" recite the Sura starting $ith# 'By the Dight as it conceals
!the light"%H !13%0" &hen I recited before hi:
'By the Dight as it en(elops: And by the 8ay as it appears in brightnessL And by ale and feale%'
!10%0)<" En this Abu Ad)8arda' said# HBy Allah# the Prophet ade e recite the Sura in this $ay
$hile I $as listening to hi !reciting it"%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 75:
Darrated Ibrahi: 'AlCaa $ent to Sha and $hen he entered the osCue# he said# HE Allah I
Bless e $ith a pious copanion%H So he sat $ith Abu Ad)8arda% Abu Ad)8arda' asked hi# H@here
are you froJH 'AlCaa replied# HBro the people of Kufa%H Abu Ad
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 7::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# H +(ery nation has an e*treely trust$orthy an# and the trust$orthy an of
this !i%e% Musli" nation is Abu 'Ubaida bin Al)/arrah%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 77:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
&he Prophet said to the people of Di.ran# HI $ill send you the ost trust$orthy an%H !+(ery one of"
the copanions of the Prophet $as looking for$ard !to be that person"% He then sent Abu 'Ubaida%
=olue 4 ) 7:: ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 71:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
I heard the Prophet talking at the pulpit $hile Al)Hasan $as sitting beside hi# and he !i%e% the
Prophet " $as once looking at the people and at another tie Al)Hasan# and saying# H&his son of ine
is a Saiyid !i%e% chief" and perhaps Allah $ill bring about an agreeent bet$een t$o sects of the
Muslis through hi%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 16:
Darrated Usaa bin Faid:
&hat the Prophet used to take hi and Al)Hasan# and used to say# HE AllahI I lo(e the# so please
lo(e the#H or said soething siilar%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 10:
Darrated Muhaad:
Anas bin Malik said# H&he head of Al)Husain $as brought to 'Ubaidullah bin Fiyad and $as put in
a tray# and then Ibn Fiyad started playing $ith a stick at the nose and outh of Al)Husain's head
and saying soething about his handsoe features%H Anas then said !to hi"# HAl)Husain resebled
the Prophet ore than the others did%H Anas added# HHis !i%e% Al)Husain's" hair $as dyed $ith @asa
!i%e% a kind of plant used as a dye"%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 13:
Darrated Al)Bara:
I sa$ the Prophet carrying Al)Hasan on his shoulder an saying# HE AllahI I lo(e hi# so please lo(e
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 1<:
Darrated 'UCba bin Al)Harith:
I sa$ Abu Bakr carrying Al)Hasan and saying# H;et y father be sacrificed for youL you reseble
the Prophet and not 'Ali#H $hile 'Ali $as laughing at this%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 12:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Abu Bakr used to say# HPlease Muhaad !i%e% the Prophet" by doing good to his faily%H
=olue 4 ) 7:7 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 14:
Darrated Anas:
Done resebled the Prophet ore than Al)Hasan bin 'Ali did%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 15:
Darrated Ibn Abi Du':
A person asked 'Abdullah bin 'Uar $hether a Musli could kill flies% I heard hi saying !in
reply"% H&he people of IraC are asking about the killing of flies $hile they thesel(es urdered the
son of the daughter of Allah's Apostle % &he Prophet said# &hey !i%e% Hasan and Husain" are y t$o
s$eet basils in this $orld%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 1::
Darrated the erits of Bilal bin Rabah the freed sla(e of Abu Bakr% &he Prophet said !to Bilal"# HI
heard the sound of your shoes in Paradise .ust in front of e%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 17:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Uar used to say# HAbu Bakr is our chief# and he anuitted our chief#H eaning Bilal%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 11:
Darrated ,ais:
Bilal said to Abu Bakr# HIf you ha(e bought e for yourself then keep e !for yourself"# but if you
ha(e bought e for Allah's Sake# then lea(e e for Allah's @ork%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 066:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Ence the Prophet ebraced e !pressed e to his chest" and said# HE Allah# teach hi $isdo !i%e%
the understanding of the kno$ledge of ,ur'an"%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 060r:
Darrated 'Abdul @arith:
=olue 4 ) 7:1 ? 0:66
&he sae but said# HE Allah# teach hi !Ibn Abbas" the Book !i%e% the understanding of the kno$)
ledge of ,ur'an"%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 060a:
Darrated Khalid:
As abo(e%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 063:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet had infored the people about the death of Faid# /a'far and Ibn Ra$aha before the
ne$s of their death reached the% He said $ith his eyes flo$ing $ith tears# HFaid took the flag and
$as artyredL then /a'far took the flag and $as artyred# and then Ibn Ra$aha took the flag and
$as artyred% Binally the flag $as taken by one of Allah's S$ords !i%e% Khalid bin Al)@alid" and Al)
lah ga(e the !i%e% the Muslis" (ictory%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 06<:
Darrated MasruC:
'Abdullah !bin Mas'ud" $as entioned before 'Abdullah bin 'Ar% &he latter said# H&hat is a an I
continue to lo(e because I heard Allah's Apostle saying# ' ;earn the recitation of the ,ur'an fro !any
of these" four persons: 'Abdullah bin Masud# Sali the freed sla(e of Abu Hudhaifa# Ubai bin Kab#
and Muadh bin /abal%H I do not reeber $hether he entioned Ubai first or Muadh%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 062:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
Allah's Apostle neither talked in an insulting anner nor did he e(er speak e(il intentionally% He
used to say# H&he ost belo(ed to e aongst you is the one $ho has the best character and an)
ners%H He added# H ;earn the ,ur'an fro !any of these" four persons% 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud# Sali the
freed sla(e of Abu Hudhaifa# Ubai bin Ka'b# and Mu'adh bin /abal%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 064:
Darrated AlCaa:
I $ent to Sha and $as offering a t$o)Rak'at prayerL I said# HE AllahI Bless e $ith a !pious"
copanion%H &hen I sa$ an old an coing to$ards e# and $hen he cae near I said# !to yself"#
HI hope Allah has gi(en e y reCuest%H &he an asked !e"# H@here are you froJH I replied# HI a
=olue 4 ) 776 ? 0:66
fro the people of Kufa%H He said# H@eren't there aongst you the 9arrier of the !Prophet's" shoes# Si)
$ak and the ablution $ater containerJ @eren't there aongst you the an $ho $as gi(en Allah's
Refuge fro the SatanJ And $eren't there aongst you the an $ho used to keep the !Prophet's"
secrets $hich nobody else kne$J Ho$ did Ibn U 'Abd !i%e% 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud" use to recite Sur)
at)al)lail !the Dight:13"JH I recited:))
HBy the Dight as it en(elops By the 8ay as it appears in brightness% And by ale and feale%H
!13%0)<" En that# Abu 8arda said# HBy Allah# the Prophet ade e read the =erse in this $ay after
listening to hi# but these people !of Sha" tried their best to let e say soething different%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 065:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Ka-id:
@e asked Hudhaifa to tell us of a person resebling !to soe e*tent" the Prophet in good appear)
ance and straight for$ard beha(ior so that $e ay learn fro hi !good anners and acceptable
conduct"% Hudhaifa replied# HI do not kno$ anybody resebling the Prophet !to soe e*tent" in ap)
pearance and conduct ore than Ibn U 'Abd%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 06::
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ashari:
My brother and I cae fro Keen# and for soe tie $e continued to consider 'Abdullah bin
Mas'ud as one of the ebers of the faily of the Prophet because $e used to see hi and his oth)
er going in the house of the Prophet (ery often%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 067:
Darrated Ibn Abu Mulaika:
Mua$iya offered one Rak'a @itr prayer after the 'Isha prayer# and at that tie a freed sla(e of Ibn
'Abbas $as present% He !i%e% the sla(e" $ent to Ibn 'Abbas !and told hi that Mua$iya offered one
Rak'a @itr prayer"% Ibn Abbas said# H;ea(e hi# for he $as in the copany of Allah's Apostle%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 061:
Darrated Ibn Abi Mulaika:
Soebody said to Ibn 'Abbas# H9an you speak to the chief of the belie(ers Mu$aiya# as he does not
pray e*cept one Rak'a as @itrJH Ibn 'Abbas replied# HHe is a BaCih !i%e% a learned an $ho can gi(e
religious (erdicts" %H
=olue 4 ) 770 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 006:
Darrated Huran bin Abbas:
Mua$iya said !to the people"# HKou offer a prayer $hich $e# $ho $ere the copanions of the
Prophet ne(er sa$ the Prophet offering# and he forbade its offering#H i%e% the t$o Rakat after the co)
pulsory 'Asr prayer%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 000:
Darrated Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa:
Allah's Apostle said# HBatia is a part of e# and $hoe(er akes her angry# akes e angry%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 003:
Darrated Abu Salaa:
'Aisha said# HEnce Allah's Apostle said !to e"# 'E Aish !'Aisha"I &his is Aabriel greeting you%' I said#
'Peace and Allah's Mercy and Blessings be on hi# you see $hat I don't see' H She $as addressing Al)
lah 's Apostle%
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 00<:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ash'ari:
Allah's Apostle said# HMany aongst en attained perfection but aongst $oen none attained
the perfection e*cept Mary# the daughter of Iran and Asiya# the $ife of Pharaoh% And the superior)
ity of 'Aisha to other $oen is like the superiority of &harid !i%e% an Arabic dish" to other eals%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 002:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he superiority of 'Aisha o(er other $oen is like the superiority of &harid to
other eals%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 004:
Darrated Al),asi bin Muhaad:
Ence 'Aisha becae sick and Ibn 'Abbas $ent to see her and said# HE other of the belie(ersI Kou
are lea(ing for truthful fore)runners i%e% for Allah's Apostle and Abu Bakr%
=olue 4 ) 773 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 005:
Darrated Abu @ail:
@hen 'Ali sent 'Aar and Al)Hasan to !the people of" Kufa to urge the to fight# 'Aar ad)
dressed the saying# HI kno$ that she !i%e% 'Aisha" is the $ife of the Prophet in this $orld and in the
Hereafter !$orld to coe"# but Allah has put you to test# $hether you $ill follo$ Hi !i%e% Allah" or
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 00::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&hat she borro$ed a necklace fro Asa' and it $as lost% Allah's Apostle sent soe of his copan)
ions to look for it% 8uring their .ourney the tie of prayer $as due and they prayed $ithout ablu)
tion% @hen they returned to the Prophet they coplained about it% So the 8i(ine =erse of &aya)
u $as re(ealed% Usaid bin Hudair said !to 'Aisha"# HMay Allah re$ard you handsoely% By Allah#
$hene(er you ha(e a difficulty# Allah took you out of it and brought $ith it# a Blessing for the
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 007:
Darrated Hisha's father:
@hen Allah's Apostle $as in his fatal illness# he started (isiting his $i(es and saying# H@here $ill I
be toorro$JH He $as an*ious to be in 'Aisha's hoe% 'Aisha said# HSo $hen it $as y day# the
Prophet becae silent !no longer asked the Cuestion"%H
=olue 4# Book 4:# Duber 001:
Darrated Hisha's father:
&he people used to send presents to the Prophet on the day of 'Aisha's turn% 'Aisha said# HMy co)
panions !i%e% the other $i(es of the Prophet" gathered in the house of U Salaa and said# H6 U
SalaaI By Allah# the people choose to send presents on the day of 'Aisha's turn and $e too# lo(e the
good !i%e% presents etc%" as 'Aisha does% Kou should tell Allah's Apostle to tell the people to send their
presents to hi $here(er he ay be# or $here(er his turn ay be%H U Salaa said that to the
Prophet and he turned a$ay fro her# and $hen the Prophet returned to her !i%e% U Salaa"# she
repeated the sae# and the Prophet again turned a$ay# and $hen she told hi the sae for the third
tie# the Prophet said# HE U SalaaI 8on't trouble e by haring 'Aisha# for by Allah# the 8i(ine
Inspiration ne(er cae to e $hile I $as under the blanket of any $oan aongst you e*cept her%H
=olue 4 ) 77< ? 0:66
Book 47: Merits of the Helpers in Madinah
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 036:
Darrated Ahailan bin /arir:
I asked Anas# H&ell e about the nae 'Al)Ansar%L 8id you call yoursel(es by it or did Allah call you
by itJH He said# HAllah called us by it%H @e used to (isit Anas !at Basra" and he used to narrate to us the
(irtues and deeds of the Ansar# and he used to address e or a person fro the tribe of Al)A-d and
say# HKour tribe did so)and)so on such)and)such a day%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 030:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he day of Bu'ath !i%e% 8ay of fighting bet$een the t$o tribes of the Ansar# the Aus and Kha-ra."
$as brought about by Allah for the good of His Apostle so that $hen Allah's Apostle reached !Med)
ina"# the tribes of Medina had already di(ided and their chiefs had been killed and $ounded% So Al)
lah had brought about the battle for the good of H is Apostle in order that they !i%e% the Ansar" ight
ebrace Isla%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 033:
Darrated Anas:
En the day of the 9onCuest of Mecca# $hen the Prophet had gi(en !fro the booty" the ,uraish#
the Ansar said# HBy Allah# this is indeed (ery strange: @hile our s$ords are still dribbling $ith the
blood of ,uraish# our $ar booty are distributed aongst the%H @hen this ne$s reached the Prophet
he called the Ansar and said# H@hat is this ne$s that has reached e fro youJH &hey used not to tell
lies# so they replied# H@hat has reached you is true%H He said# H8oesn't it please you that the people
take the booty to their hoes and you take Allah's Apostle to your hoesJ If the Ansar took their $ay
through a (alley or a ountain pass# I $ould take the Ansar's (alley or a ountain pass%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 03<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet or Abul),asi said# HIf the Ansar took their $ay through a (alley or a ountain pass#
I $ould take Ansar's (alley% And but for the igration# I $ould ha(e been one of the Ansar%H Abu
=olue 4 ) 772 ? 0:66
Huraira used to say# H&he Prophet is not un.ust !by saying so"% May y parents be sacrificed for hi#
for the Ansar sheltered and helped hi#H or said a siilar sentence%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 032:
Darrated Sa'd's father:
@hen the eigrants reached Medina% Allah's Apostle established the bond of fraternity bet$een
'Abdur)Rahan and Sad bin Ar)Rabi% Sad said to 'Abdur)Rahan# HI a the richest of all the Ansar#
so I $ant to di(ide y property !bet$een us"# and I ha(e t$o $i(es# so see $hich of the t$o you like
and tell e# so that I ay di(orce her# and $hen she finishes her prescribed period !i%e% 'Idda" of di)
(orce# then arry her%H Abdur)Rahan said# HMay Allah bless your faily and property for youL
$here is your arketJH So they sho$ed hi the ,ainuCa' arket% !He $ent there and" returned $ith
a profit in the for of dried yogurt and butter% He continued going !to the arket" till one day he
cae# bearing the traces of yello$ scent% &he Prophet asked# H@hat is this !scent"JH He replied# HI got
arried%H &he Prophet asked# HHo$ uch Mahr did you gi(e herJH He replied# HI ga(e her a date)
stone of gold or a gold piece eCual to the $eight of a date)stone%H !&he narrator# Ibrahi# is in doubt
as to $hich is correct%"
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 034:
Darrated Anas:
@hen 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf cae to us# Allah's Apostle ade a bond of fraternity bet$een hi
and Sad bin Ar)Rabi' $ho $as a rich an# Sad said# H&he Ansar kno$ that I a the richest of all of
the# so I $ill di(ide y property into t$o parts bet$een e and you# and I ha(e t$o $i(esL see
$hich of the t$o you like so that I ay di(orce her and you can arry her after she becoes la$ful
to you by her passing the prescribed period !i%e% 'Idda" of di(orce% 'Abdur Rahan said# HMay Allah
bless you your faily !i%e% $i(es" for you%H !But 'Abdur)Rahan $ent to the arket" and did not re)
turn on that day e*cept $ith soe gain of dried yogurt and butter% He $ent on trading .ust a fe$
days till he cae to Allah's Apostle bearing the traces of yello$ scent o(er his clothes% Allah's Apostle
asked hi# H@hat is this scentJH He replied# HI ha(e arried a $oan fro the Ansar%H Allah's Apostle
asked# HHo$ uch Mahr ha(e you gi(enJH He said# HA date)stone $eight of gold or a golden date)
stone%H &he Prophet said# HArrange a arriage banCuet e(en $ith a sheep%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 035:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Ansar said !to the Prophet "# HPlease di(ide the date)pal trees bet$een us and the !i%e%
eigrants"%H &he Prophet said# HDo%H &he Ansar said# H;et the !i%e% the eigrants" do the labor for us
in the gardens and share the date)fruits $ith us%H &he eigrants said# H@e accepted this%H
=olue 4 ) 774 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 03::
Darrated Al)Bara:
I heard the Prophet saying !or the Prophet said"# HDone lo(es the Ansar but a belie(er# and none
hates the but a hypocrite% So Allah $ill lo(e hi $ho lo(es the# and He $ill hate hi $ho hates
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 037:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# H&he sign of Belief is to lo(e the Ansar# and the sign of hypocrisy is to hate the
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 031:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet sa$ the $oen and children !of the Ansar" coing for$ard% !&he sub)narrator said#
HI think that Anas said# '&hey $ere returning fro a $edding party%H" &he Prophet stood up and said
thrice# HBy AllahI Kou are fro the ost belo(ed people to e%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0<6:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ence an Ansari $oan# accopanied by a son of hers# cae to Allah's Apostle% Allah's Apostle
spoke to her and said t$ice# HBy Hi in @hose Hand y life is# you are the ost belo(ed people to
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0<0:
Darrated Faid bin Al)ArCa:
&he Ann$ar said# HE Allah's ApostleI +(ery prophet has his o$n follo$ers and $e ha(e follo$ed
you% So $ill you in(oke Allah to let our follo$ers be considered fro us !as Ansar too"JH So he in)
(oked Allah accordingly%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0<3:
Darrated Abu Ha-a:
=olue 4 ) 775 ? 0:66
!A an fro the Ansar" &he Ansar said# H+(ery nation has follo$ers and !E Prophet" $e ha(e fol)
lo$ed you# so in(oke Allah to let our follo$ers be considered fro us !as Ansar like oursel(es"%H So
the Prophet said# HE AllahI ;et their follo$ers be considered as Ansar like thesel(es%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0<<:
Darrated Abu Usaid:
&he Prophet said# H&he best of the Ansar's failies !hoes" are those of Banu An) and then
!those of" Banu 'Abdul Ash)hal# then !those of" Banu Al)Harith bin Al)Kha-ra. and then !those of"
Banu Sa'idaL ne(ertheless# there is good in all the failies !houses" of the Ansar%H En this# Sad !bin
Ubada" said# HI see that the Prophet has preferred soe people to us%H Soebody said !to hi"# HDo#
but he has gi(en you superiority to any%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0<2:
Darrated Abu Usaid:
&hat he heard the Prophet saying# H&he best of the Ansar# or the best of the Ansar failies !hoes"
are Banu An) Bani 'Abdul Ash)hal# Banu Al)Harith and Banu Sai'da%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0<4:
Darrated Abu Huaid:
&he Prophet said# H&he best of the Ansar failies !hoes" are the failies !hoes" of Banu An)Da.)
.ar# and then that of Banu 'Abdul Ash)hal# and then that of Banu Al)Harith# and then that of Banu
SaidaL and there is good in all the failies !hoes" of the Ansar%H Sad bin 'Ubada follo$ed us and
said# HE Abu Usaid I 8on't you see that the Prophet copared the Ansar and ade us the last of the
in superiorityJ
&hen Sad et the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI In coparing the Ansar's failies !hoes"
as to the degree of superiority# you ha(e ade us the last of the%H Allah's Apostle replied# HIsn't it
sufficient that you are regarded aongst the bestJH
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0<5:
Darrated Usaid bin Hudair:
A an fro the Ansar said# HE Allah's ApostleI @ill you appoint e as you ha(e appointed so)
and)soJH &he Prophet said# HAfter e you $ill see others gi(en preference to youL so be patient till
you eet e at the &ank !i%e% ;ake of Kauthar"% !on the 8ay of Resurrection"%H
=olue 4 ) 77: ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0<::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said to the Ansar# HAfter e you $ill see others gi(en preference to youL so be patient
till you eet e# and your proised place !of eeting" $ill be the &ank !i%e% ;ake of Kauthar"%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0<7:
Darrated Kahya bin Said:
&hat he heard Anas bin Malik $hen he $ent $ith hi to Al)@alid# saying# HEnce the Prophet
called the Ansar in order to gi(e the the territory of Bahrain they said# 'Do# unless you gi(e to our
eigrant brethren a siilar share%' En that he said 'If you do not agree to it# then be patient till you
eet e# for after e others $ill be gi(en preference to you%H'
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0<1:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here is no life e*cept the life of the HereafterL so# E AllahI Ipro(e the state
of the Ansar and the Muha.irun%H And Anas added that the Prophet also said# HE AllahI Borgi(e the
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 026:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
En the day of the battle of the &rench !i%e% Aha-$at)ul)KhandaC" the Ansar used to say# H@e are
those $ho ha(e gi(en the pledge of allegiance to Muhaad for /ihad !i%e% holy fighting" as long as
$e li(e%H &he Prophet # replied to the# HE AllahI &here is no life e*cept the life of the HereafterL so
please honor the Ansar and the +igrants%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 020:
Darrated Sahl:
Allah's Apostle cae to us $hile $e $ere digging the trench and carrying out the earth on our
backs% Allah's Apostle then said# HE Allah I &here is no life e*cept the life of the Hereafter# so please
forgi(e the +igrants and the Ansar%H
=olue 4 ) 777 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 023:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an cae to the Prophet% &he Prophet sent a essenger to his $i(es !to bring soething for that
an to eat" but they said that they had nothing e*cept $ater% &hen Allah's Apostle said# H@ho $ill
take this !person" or entertain hi as a guestJH An Ansar an said# HI%H So he took hi to his $ife and
said to her# H+ntertain generously the guest of Allah's Apostle H She said# H@e ha(e got nothing e*cept
the eals of y children%H He said# HPrepare your eal# light your lap and let your children sleep if
they ask for supper%H So she prepared her eal# lighted her lap and ade her children sleep# and
then stood up pretending to end her lap# but she put it off% &hen both of the pretended to be
eating# but they really $ent to bed hungry% In the orning the Ansari $ent to Allah's Apostle $ho
said# H&onight Allah laughed or $ondered at your action%H &hen Allah re(ealed:
HBut gi(e the !eigrants" preference o(er thesel(es e(en though they $ere in need of that And
$hosoe(er is sa(ed fro the co(etousness Such are they $ho $ill be successful%H !41%1"
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 02<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Abu Bakr and Al)'Abbas passed by one of the gatherings of the Ansar $ho $ere $eeping then% He
!i%e% Abu Bakr or Al)'Abbas" asked# H@hy are you $eepingJH &hey replied# H@e are $eeping because
$e reeber the gathering of the Prophet $ith us%H So Abu Bakr $ent to the Prophet and told hi of
that% &he Prophet cae out# tying his head $ith a piece of the he of a sheet% He ascended the pulpit
$hich he ne(er ascended after that day% He glorified and praised Allah and then said# HI reCuest you
to take care of the Ansar as they are y near copanions to $ho I confided y pri(ate secrets%
&hey ha(e fulfilled their obligations and rights $hich $ere en.oined on the but there reains $hat
is for the% So# accept the good of the good)doers aongst the and e*cuse the $rongdoers
aongst the%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 022:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle !in his fatal illness" cae out $rapped in a sheet co(ering his shoulders and his
head $as tied $ith an oily tape of cloth till he sat on the pulpit# and after praising and glorifying Al)
lah# he said# H&hen)after# E peopleI &he people $ill go on increasing# but the Ansar $ill go on de)
creasing till they becoe .ust like salt in a eal% So $hoe(er aongst you $ill be the ruler and ha(e
the po$er to har or benefit others# should accept the good of the good)doers aongst the and
e*cuse the $rong)doers aongst the%H
=olue 4 ) 771 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 024:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# H&he Ansar are y near copanions to $ho I confided y pri(ate secrets#
People $ill go on increasing but the Ansar $ill go on decreasingL so accept the good of the good)
doers aongst the and e*cuse the $rong)doers aongst the% H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 025:
Darrated Al)Bara:
A silken cloth $as gi(en as a present to the Prophet % His copanions started touching it and ad)
iring its softness% &he Prophet said# HAre you adiring its softnessJ &he handkerchiefs of Sad bin
Muadh !in Paradise" are better and softer than it%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 02::
Darrated /abir:
I heard the Prophet saying# H&he &hrone !of Allah" shook at the death of Sad bin Muadh%H &hrough
another group of narrators# /abir added# HI heard the Prophet : saying# '&he &hrone of the Beneficent
shook because of the death of Sad bin Muadh%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 027:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Soe people !i%e% the /e$s of Bani bin ,urai-a" agreed to accept the (erdict of Sad bin Muadh so
the Prophet sent for hi !i%e% Sad bin Muadh"% He cae riding a donkey# and $hen he approached
the MosCue# the Prophet said# HAet up for the best aongst you%H or said# HAet up for your chief%H &hen
the Prophet said# HE SadI &hese people ha(e agreed to accept your (erdict%H Sad said# HI .udge that
their $arriors should be killed and their children and $oen should be taken as capti(es%H &he
Prophet said# HKou ha(e gi(en a .udgent siilar to Allah's /udgent !or the King's .udgent"%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 021:
Darrated Anas:
&$o en left the Prophet on a (ery dark night% Suddenly a light cae in front of the# and $hen
they separated# the light also separated along $ith the%
=olue 4 ) 716 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 046:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
I heard the Prophet saying# H;earn the recitation of ,ur'an fro four persons: Ibn Mas'ud# Sali#
the freed sla(e of Abu Hudhaifa# Ubai and Muadh bin /abal%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 040:
Darrated the (irtue of Sad bin Ubada:
Aisha said# HBefore that# he !i%e% Sad" $as a pious an%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 043:
Darrated Abu Usaid:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he best of the Ansar's houses are those of Bani An) then those of Bani
'Abdul Ash)hal# then those of Bani Al)Harith bin Al)Kha-ra.# then those of Bani SaidaL but there is
goodness in all the houses of the Ansar%H Sad bin Ubada $ho $as one of those $ho ebraced Isla
early# said# HI see that Allah's Apostle is gi(ing others superiority abo(e us%H Soe people said to hi#
HBut he has gi(en you superiority abo(e any other people%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 04<:
Darrated MasruC:
'Abdullah bin Masud $as entioned before Abdullah bin 'Ar $ho said# H&hat is a an I still lo(e#
as I heard the Prophet saying ';earn the recitation of ,uran fro four fro 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud
))he started $ith hi))Sali# the freed sla(e of Abu Hudaifa# Mu'adh bin /abal and Ubai bin Ka'b%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 042:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said to Ubai# HAllah has ordered e to recite to you: '&hose $ho disbelie(e !Surat)al)
Bayina 17"%' H Ubai said# HHas He entioned y naeJH &he Prophet said# HKes%H En hearing this# Ubai
started $eeping%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 044:
Darrated ,atada:
=olue 4 ) 710 ? 0:66
Anas said# H&he ,uran $as collected in the lifetie of the Prophet by four !en"# all of $ho $ere
fro the Ansar: Ubai# Muadh bin /abal# Abu Faid and Faid bin &habit%H I asked Anas# H@ho is Abu
FaidJH He said# HEne of y uncles%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 045:
Darrated Anas:
En the day of the battle of Uhud# the people ran a$ay# lea(ing the Prophet # but Abu) &alha $as
shielding the Prophet $ith his shield in front of hi% Abu &alha $as a strong# e*perienced archer
$ho used to keep his arro$ bo$ strong and $ell stretched% En that day he broke t$o or three arro$
bo$s% If any an passed by carrying a Cui(er full of arro$s# the Prophet $ould say to hi# H+pty it
in front of Abu &alha%H @hen the Prophet stated looking at the eney by raising his head# Abu &alha
said# HE Allah's ProphetI ;et y parents be sacrificed for your sakeI Please don't raise your head and
ake it (isible# lest an arro$ of the eney should hit you% ;et y neck and chest be $ounded instead
of yours%H !En that day" I sa$ 'Aisha# the daughter of Abu Bakr and U Sulai both lifting their
dresses up so that I $as able to see the ornaents of their legs# and they $ere carrying the $ater
skins of their ars to pour the $ater into the ouths of the thirsty people and then go back and fill
the and coe to pour the $ater into the ouths of the people again% !En that day" Abu &alha's
s$ord fell fro his hand t$ice or thrice%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 04::
Darrated Sad bin Abi @aCCas:
I ha(e ne(er heard the Prophet saying about anybody $alking on the earth that he is fro the
people of Paradise e*cept 'Abdullah bin Sala% &he follo$ing =erse $as re(ealed concerning hi:
HAnd a $itness fro the children of Israel testifies that this ,ur'an is trueH !25%06"
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 047:
Darrated ,ais bin Ubad:
@hile I $as sitting in the MosCue of Medina# there entered a an !Abdullah bin Sala" $ith signs
of solenity o(er his face% &he people said# HHe is one of the people of Paradise%H He prayed t$o light
Rakat and then left% I follo$ed hi and said# H@hen you entered the MosCue# the people said# 'He is
one of the people of Paradise%' H He said# HBy Allah# one ought not say $hat he does not kno$L and I
$ill tell you $hy% In the lifetie of the Prophet I had a drea $hich I narrated to hi% I sa$ as if I
$ere in a garden%H He then described its e*tension and greenery% He added: In its center there $as an
iron pillar $hose lo$er end $as fi*ed in the earth and the upper end $as in the sky# and at its upper
end there $as a !ring)shaped" hand)hold% I $as told to clib it% I said# HI can't%H H&hen a ser(ant cae
to e and lifted y clothes fro behind and I clibed till I reached the top !of the pillar"% &hen I got
=olue 4 ) 713 ? 0:66
hold of the hand)hold# and I $as told to hold it tightly# then I $oke up and !the effect of" the hand)
hold $as in y hand% I narrated al I that to the Prophet $ho said# '&he garden is Isla# and the
hand)hold is the Most &ruth)$orthy Hand)Hold% So you $ill reain as a Musli till you die%H &he
narrator added: H&he an $as 'Abdullah bin Sala%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 041:
Darrated Abu Burda:
@hen I cae to Medina% I et Abdullah bin Sala% He said# H@ill you coe to e so that I ay
ser(e you $ith Sa$iC !i%e% po$dered barley" and dates# and let you enter a !blessed" house that in
$hich the Prophet enteredJH &hen he added# HKou are In a country $here the practice of Riba !i%e%
usury" is pre(alentL so if soebody o$e you soething and he sends you a present of a load of
chopped stra$ or a load of barley or a load of pro(ender then do not take it# as it is Riba%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 056:
Darrated /arir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle has ne(er refused to adit e since I ebraced Isla# and $hene(er he sa$ e#
he $ould sile% !In another narration" /arir bin 'Abdullah narrated: &here $as a house called 8hul)
Khalasa in the Pre)lslaic Period and it $as also called Al)Ka'ba Al)Kaaniya or Al)Ka'ba Ash)
Shaiya% Allah's Apostle said to e# H@ill you relie(e e fro 8hul)KhalasaJH So I left for it $ith
046 ca(alryen fro the tribe of Ahas and then $e destroyed it and killed $hoe(er $e found
there% &hen $e cae to the Prophet and infored hi about it% He in(oked good upon us and upon
the tribe of Ahas%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 050:
Darrated 'Aisha:
En the day of the battle of Uhud the pagans $ere defeated copletely% &hen Satan shouted loudly#
HE Allah's sla(esI Be$are the ones behind youIH So the front files attacked the back ones% &hen Hud)
haifa looked and sa$ his father# and said loudly# HE Allah's sla(esI My fatherI My fatherIH By Allah#
they did not stop till they killed hi !i%e% Hudaifa's father"% Hudhaifa said# HMay Allah forgi(e youIH
&he sub)narrator said# HBy Allah# because of $hat Hudhaifa said# he reained in a good state till he
et Allah !i%e% died"%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 053:
Darrated 'Ali:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying !as belo$"%
=olue 4 ) 71< ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 05<:
Darrated 'Ali:
&he Prophet said# H&he best of the $orld's $oen is Mary !at her lifetie"# and the best of the
$orld's $oen is Khadi.a !at her lifetie"%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 052:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I did not feel .ealous of any of the $i(es of the Prophet as uch as I did of Khadi.a !although" she
died before he arried e# for I often heard hi entioning her# and Allah had told hi to gi(e her
the good tidings that she $ould ha(e a palace of ,asab !i%e% pipes of precious stones and pearls in
Paradise"# and $hene(er he slaughtered a sheep# he $ould send her $oen)friends a good share of
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 054:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I did not feel .ealous of any $oan as uch as I did of Khadi.a because Allah's Apostle used to
ention her (ery often% He arried e after three years of her death# and his ;ord !or Aabriel"
ordered hi to gi(e her the good ne$s of ha(ing a palace of ,asab in Paradise%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 055:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I did not feel .ealous of any of the $i(es of the Prophet as uch as I did of Khadi.a though I did
not see her# but the Prophet used to ention her (ery often# and $hen e(er he slaughtered a sheep#
he $ould cut its parts and send the to the $oen friends of Khadi.a% @hen I soeties said to
hi# H!Kou treat Khadi.a in such a $ay" as if there is no $oan on earth e*cept Khadi.a#H he $ould
say# HKhadi.a $as such)and)such# and fro her I had children%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 05::
Darrated Isail:
I asked 'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa# H8id the Prophet gi(e glad tidings to Khadi.aJH He said# HKes# of a
palace of ,asab !in Paradise" $here there $ill be neither any noise nor any fatigue%H
=olue 4 ) 712 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 057:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Aabriel cae to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI &his is Khadi.a coing to you $ith a dish
ha(ing eat soup !or soe food or drink"% @hen she reaches you# greet her on behalf of her ;ord
!i%e% Allah" and on y behalf# and gi(e her the glad tidings of ha(ing a ,asab palace in Paradise
$herein there $ill be neither any noise nor any fatigue !trouble" % H
Darrated 'Aisha: Ence Hala bint Khu$ailid# Khadi.a's sister# asked the perission of the Prophet to
enter% En that# the Prophet reebered the $ay Khadi.a used to ask perission# and that upset hi%
He said# HE AllahI HalaIH So I becae .ealous and said# H@hat akes you reeber an old $oan
aongst the old $oen of ,uraish an old $oan !$ith a teethless outh" of red gus $ho died
long ago# and in $hose place Allah has gi(en you soebody better than herJH
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 051:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he Prophet et Faid bin 'Ar bin Dufail in the botto of !the (alley of" Baldah before any 8i(ine
Inspiration cae to the Prophet% A eal $as presented to the Prophet but he refused to eat fro it%
!&hen it $as presented to Faid" $ho said# HI do not eat anything $hich you slaughter in the nae of
your stone idols% I eat none but those things on $hich Allah's Dae has been entioned at the tie
of slaughtering%H Faid bin 'Ar used to critici-e the $ay ,uraish used to slaughter their anials# and
used to say# HAllah has created the sheep and He has sent the $ater for it fro the sky# and He has
gro$n the grass for it fro the earthL yet you slaughter it in other than the Dae of Allah% He used to
say so# for he re.ected that practice and considered it as soething aboinable%
Darrated Ibn 'Uar: Faid bin 'Ar bin Dufail $ent to Sha# inCuiring about a true religion to fol)
lo$% He et a /e$ish religious scholar and asked hi about their religion% He said# HI intend to e)
brace your religion# so tell e soe thing about it%H &he /e$ said# HKou $ill not ebrace our religion
unless you recei(e your share of Allah's Anger%H Faid said# H'I do not run e*cept fro Allah's Anger#
and I $ill ne(er bear a bit of it if I ha(e the po$er to a(oid it% 9an you tell e of soe other
religionJH He said# HI do not kno$ any other religion e*cept the Hanif%H Faid enCuired# H@hat is
HanifJH He said# HHanif is the religion of !the prophet" Abraha $ho $as neither a /e$ nor a 9hristi)
an# and he used to $orship Done but Allah !Alone"H &hen Faid $ent out and et a 9hristian reli)
gious scholar and told hi the sae as before% &he 9hristian said# HKou $ill not ebrace our religion
unless you get a share of Allah's 9urse%H Faid replied# HI do not run e*cept fro Allah's 9urse# and I
$ill ne(er bear any of Allah's 9urse and His Anger if I ha(e the po$er to a(oid the% @ill you tell
e of soe other religionJH He replied# HI do not kno$ any other religion e*cept Hanif%H Faid en)
Cuired# H@hat is HanifJH He replied# Hanif is the religion of !the prophet" Abraha $ho $as neither
a /e$ nor a 9hristian and he used to $orship Done but Allah !Alone"H @hen Faid heard their State)
=olue 4 ) 714 ? 0:66
ent about !the religion of" Abraha# he left that place# and $hen he cae out# he raised both his
hands and said# HE AllahI I ake Kou y @itness that I a on the religion of Abraha%H
Darrated Asa bint Abi Bakr: I sa$ Faid bin Ar bin Dufail standing $ith his back against the
Ka'ba and saying# HE people of ,uraishI By Allah# none aongst you is on the religion of Abraha
e*cept e%H He used to preser(e the li(es of little girls: If soebody $anted to kill his daughter he
$ould say to hi# H8o not kill her for I $ill feed her on your behalf%H So he $ould take her# and $hen
she gre$ up nicely# he $ould say to her father# HDo$ if you $ant her# I $ill gi(e her to you# and if
you $ish# I $ill feed her on your behalf%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0:6:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
@hen the Ka'ba $as rebuilt# the Prophet and 'Abbas $ent to carry stones% 'Abbas said to the Proph)
et H!&ake off and" put your $aist sheet o(er your neck so that the stones ay not hurt you%H !But as
soon as he took off his $aist sheet" he fell unconscious on the ground $ith both his eyes to$ards the
sky% @hen he cae to his senses# he said# HMy $aist sheetI My $aist sheetIH &hen he tied his $aist
sheet !round his $aist"%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0:0:
Darrated 'Ar bin 8inar and 'Ubaidullah bin Abi Ka-id:
In the lifetie of the Prophet there $as no $all around the Ka'ba and the people used to pray
around the Ka'ba till 'Uar becae the 9aliph and he built the $all around it% 'Ubaidullah further
said# HIts $all $as lo$# so Ibn A-)Fubair built it%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0:3:
Darrated 'Aisha:
'Ashura' !i%e% the tenth of Muharra" $as a day on $hich the tribe of ,uraish used to fast in the
pre)lslaic period of ignorance% &he Prophet also used to fast on this day% So $hen he igrated to
Medina# he fasted on it and ordered !the Muslis" to fast on it% @hen the fasting of Raadan $as
en.oined# it becae optional for the people to fast or not to fast on the day of Ashura%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0:<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he people used to consider the perforance of 'Ura in the onths of Ha.. an e(il deed on the
earth# and they used to call the onth of Muharra as Safar and used to say# H@hen !the $ounds
o(er" the backs !of the caels" ha(e healed and the foot)arks !of the caels" ha(e (anished !after
=olue 4 ) 715 ? 0:66
coing fro Ha.."# then 'Ura becoes legal for the one $ho $ants to perfor 'Ura%H Allah's
Apostle and his copanions reached Mecca assuing Ihra for Ha.. on the fourth of 8hul)Hi..a%
&he Prophet ordered his copanions to perfor 'Ura !$ith that lhra instead of Ha.."% &hey asked#
HE Allah's ApostleI @hat kind of finishing of IhraJH &he Prophet said# HBinish the Ihra copletely%'
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0:2:
Darrated Sa'id bin Al)Musaiyab's grand)father:
In the pre)lslaic period of ignorance a flood of rain cae and filled the (alley in bet$een the
t$o ountains !around the Ka'ba"%%%%%%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0:4:
Darrated ,ais bin Abi Ha-i:
Abu Bakr $ent to a lady fro the Ahas tribe called Fainab bint Al) and found that she
refused to speak% He asked# H@hy does she not speak%H &he people said# HShe has intended to perfor
Ha.. $ithout speaking%H He said to her# HSpeak# for it is illegal not to speak# as it is an action of the
pre)islaic period of ignorance% So she spoke and said# H@ho are youJH He said# HA an fro the
+igrants%H She asked# H@hich +igrantsJH He replied# HBro ,uraish%H She asked# HBro $hat
branch of ,uraish are youJH He said# HKou ask too any CuestionsL I a Abu Bakr%H She said# HHo$
long shall $e en.oy this good order !i%e% Islaic religion" $hich Allah has brought after the period of
ignoranceJH He said# HKou $ill en.oy it as long as your Ias keep on abiding by its rules and regu)
lations%H She asked# H@hat are the IasJH He said# H@ere there not heads and chiefs of your nation
$ho used to order the people and they used to obey theJH She said# HKes%H He said# HSo they !i%e% the
Ias" are those $ho I eant%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0:5:
Darrated 'Aisha:
A black lady sla(e of soe of the 'Arabs ebraced Isla and she had a hut in the osCue% She
used to (isit us and talk to us# and $hen she finished her talk# she used to say: H&he day of the scarf
$as one of our ;ord's $onders: =erilyI He has deli(ered e fro the land of Kufr%H @hen she said
the abo(e (erse any ties# I !i%e% 'Aisha" asked her# H@hat $as the day of the scarfJH She replied#
HEnce the daughter of soe of y asters $ent out and she $as $earing a leather scarf !round her
neck" and the leather scarf fell fro her and a kite descended and picked it up# istaking it for a
piece of eat% &hey !i%e% y asters" accused e of stealing it and they tortured e to such an e*tent
that they e(en looked for it in y pri(ate parts% So# $hile they all $ere around e# and I $as in y
great distress# suddenly the kite cae o(er our heads and thre$ the scarf# and they took it% I said to
the '&his is $hat you accused e of stealing# though I $as innocent%H
=olue 4 ) 71: ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0:::
Darrated 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HIf anybody has to take an oath# he should s$ear only by Allah%H &he people of
,uraish used to s$ear by their fathers# but the Prophet said# H8o not s$ear by your fathers% H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0:7:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Al),asi:
Al),asi used to $alk in front of the funeral procession% He used not to get up for the funeral
procession !in case it passed by hi"% And he narrated fro 'Aisha that she said# H&he people of the
pre)lslaic period of ignorance used to stand up for the funeral procession% @hen they sa$ it they
used to say t$ice: 'Kou $ere noble in your faily% @hat are you no$JH
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 0:1:
Darrated 'Uar:
&he pagans used not to lea(e /a' !i%e% Mu-dalifa" till the sun had risen on &habir ountain% &he
Prophet contradicted the by lea(ing !Mu-dalifa" before the sun rose%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 076:
Darrated Husain:
&hat Ikria said# HKasan 8ihaCa eans glass full !of soething" follo$ed successi(ely $ith other
full glasses%H Ibn 'Abbas said# HIn the pre)lslaic period of ignorance I heard y father saying#
HPro(ide us $ith Kasan 8ihaCa%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 070:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he ost true $ords said by a poet $as the $ords of ;abid%H He said# =erily#
+(erything e*cept Allah is perishable and Uaiya bin As)Salt $as about to be a Musli !but he did
not ebrace Isla"%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 073:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue 4 ) 717 ? 0:66
Abu Bakr had a sla(e $ho used to gi(e hi soe of his earnings% Abu Bakr used to eat fro it% Ene
day he brought soething and Abu Bakr ate fro it% &he sla(e said to hi# H8o you kno$ $hat this
isJH Abu Bakr then enCuired# H@hat is itJH &he sla(e said# HEnce# in the pre)Islaic period of ignor)
ance I foretold soebody's future though I did not kno$ this kno$ledge of foretelling but I# cheated
hi# and $hen he et e# he ga(e e soething for that ser(ice# and that is $hat you ha(e eaten
fro%H &hen Abu Bakr put his hand in his outh and (oited $hate(er $as present in his stoach%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 07<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
In the pre)lslaic period of ignorance the people used to bargain $ith the eat of caels on the
principle of Habal)al)Habala $hich eant the sale of a she)cael that $ould be born by a she)
cael that had not yet been born% &he Prophet forbade the such a transaction%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 072:
Darrated Ahailan bin /arir:
@e used to (isit Anas bin Malik and he used to talk to us about the Ansar# and used to say to e:
HKour people did so)and)so on such)and)such a day# and your people did so)and)so on such)and)
such a day%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 074:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he first e(ent of ,asaa in the pre)lslaic period of ignorance $as practiced by us !i%e% Banu
Hashi"% A an fro Banu Hashi $as eployed by a ,uraishi an fro another branch)faily%
&he !Hashii" laborer set out $ith the ,uraishi dri(ing his caels% &here passed by hi another
an fro Banu Hashi% &he leather rope of the latter's bag had broken so he said to the laborer#
H@ill you help e by gi(ing e a rope in order to tie the handle of y bag lest the caels should
run a$ay fro eJH &he laborer ga(e hi a rope and the latter tied his bag $ith it% @hen the cara)
(an halted# all the caels' legs $ere tied $ith their fetters e*cept one cael% &he eployer asked the
laborer# H@hy# fro aong all the caels has this cael not been fetteredJH He replied# H&here is no
fetter for it%H &he ,uraishi asked# H@here is its fetterJH and hit the laborer $ith a stick that caused his
death !later on /ust before his death" a an fro Keen passed by hi% &he laborer asked !hi"#
H@ill you go for the pilgriageJH He replied# HI do not think I $ill attend it# but perhaps I $ill attend
it%H &he !Hashii" laborer said# H@ill you please con(ey a essage for e once in your lifeJH &he oth)
er an said# Hyes%H &he laborer $rote: '@hen you attend the pilgriage# call the faily of ,uraish#
and if they respond to you# call the faily of Banu Hashi# and if they respond to you# ask about Abu
&alib and tell hi that so)and)so has killed e for a fetter%H &hen the laborer e*pired% @hen the e)
=olue 4 ) 711 ? 0:66
ployer reached !Mecca"# Abu &alib (isited hi and asked# H@hat has happened to our copanionJH
He said# HHe becae ill and I looked after hi nicely !but he died" and I buried hi%H &hen Abu &alib
said# H&he deceased deser(ed this fro you%H After soe tie# the essenger $ho the laborer has
asked to con(ey the essage# reached during the pilgriage season% He called# HE the faily of
,uraishIH &he people replied# H&his is ,uraish%H &hen he called# HE the faily of Banu HashiIH Again
the people replied# H&his is Banu Hashi%H He asked# H@ho is Abu &alibJH &he people replied# H&his is
Abu &alib%H He said# H'So)and)so has asked e to con(ey a essage to you that so)and)so has killed
hi for a fetter !of a cael"%H &hen Abu &alib $ent to the !,uraishi" killer and said to hi# H9hoose
one of three alternati(es: !i" If you $ish# gi(e us one)hundred caels because you ha(e urdered
our copanion# !ii" or if you $ish# fifty of your en should take an oath that you ha(e not urdered
our copanion# and if you do not accept this# !iii" $e $ill kill you in ,isas%H &he killer $ent to his
people and they said# H@e $ill take an oath%H &hen a $oan fro Banu Hashi $ho $as arried to
one of the !i%e%the ,uraishis" and had gi(en birth to a child fro hi# cae to Abu &alib and said#
HE Abu &alibI I $ish that y son fro aong the fifty en# should be e*cused fro this oath# and
that he should not take the oath $here the oath)taking is carried on%H Abu &alib e*cused hi% &hen
another an fro the cae !to Abu &alib" and said# HE Abu &alibI Kou $ant fifty persons to take
an oath instead of gi(ing a hundred caels# and that eans each an has to gi(e t$o caels !in
case he does not take an oath"% So there are t$o caels I $ould like you to accept fro e and e*)
cuse e fro taking an oath $here the oaths are taken% Abu &alib accepted the fro hi% &hen 27
en cae and took the oath% Ibn 'Abbas further said:" By Hi in @hose Hand y life is# before the
end of that year# none of those 27 persons reained ali(e%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 075:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah caused the day of Buath to take place before Allah's Apostle $as sent !as an Apostle" so that
$hen Allah's Apostle reached Medina# those people had already di(ided !in different groups" and
their chiefs had been killed or $ounded% So Allah ade that day precede Allah's Apostle so that they
!i%e% the Ansar" ight ebrace Isla%
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas: &o run along the (alley bet$een t$o green pillars of Safa and Mar$a
!ountains" $as not Sunna# but the people in the pre)islaic period of ignorance used to run along
it# and used to say: H@e do not cross this rain strea e*cept running strongly% H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 07::
Darrated Abu As)Safar:
I heard Ibn 'Abbas saying# HE peopleI ;isten to $hat I say to you# and let e hear $hate(er you say#
and don't go !$ithout understanding"# and start saying# 'Ibn 'Abbas said so)and)so# Ibn 'Abbas said
so)and)so# Ibn 'Abbas said so)and)so%' He $ho $ants to perfor the &a$af around the Ka'ba should
=olue 4 ) 166 ? 0:66
go behind Al)Hi.r !i%e% a portion of the Ka'ba left out unroofed" and do not call it Al)Hati# for in the
pre)Islaic period of ignorance if any an took an oath# he used to thro$ his $hip# shoes or bo$ in
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 077:
Darrated 'Ar bin Maiun:
8uring the pre)lslaic period of ignorance I sa$ a she)onkey surrounded by a nuber of on)
keys% &hey $ere all stoning it# because it had coitted illegal se*ual intercourse% I too# stoned it
along $ith the%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 071:
Darrated Sufyan:
'Ubaidullah said: HI heard Ibn 'Abbas saying# HBollo$ing are soe traits of the people of the pre)Is)
laic period of ignorance !i" to defae the ancestry of other failies# !ii" and to $ail o(er the dead%H
'Ubaidullah forgot the third trait% Sufyan said# H&hey say it !i%e% the third trait" $as to belie(e that rain
$as caused by the influence of stars !i%e% if a special star appears it $ill rain"%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 016:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle $as inspired 8i(inely at the age of forty% &hen he stayed in Mecca for thirteen
years# and then $as ordered to igrate# and he igrated to Medina and stayed there for ten years
and then died%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 010:
Darrated Khabbaba:
I cae to the Prophet $hile he $as leaning against his sheet cloak in the shade of the Ka'ba% @e
$ere suffering greatly fro the pagans in those days% i said !to hi"% H@ill you in(oke Allah !to help
us"JH He sat do$n $ith a red face and said# H!A belie(er aong" those $ho $ere before you used to
be cobed $ith iron cobs so that nothing of his flesh or ner(es $ould reain on his bonesL yet
that $ould ne(er ake hi desert his religion% A sa$ ight be put o(er the parting of his head
$hich $ould be split into t$o parts# yet all that $ould ne(er ake hi abandon his religion% Allah
$ill surely coplete this religion !i%e% Isla" so that a tra(eler fro Sana to Hadra)aut $ill not be
afraid of anybody e*cept Allah%H !&he sub)narrator# Baiyan added# HEr the $olf# lest it should har
his sheep%H"
=olue 4 ) 160 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 013:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet recited Surat An)Da.a and prostrated# and there $as nobody $ho did not prostrate
then e*cept a an $ho I sa$ taking a handful of pebbles# lifting it# and prostrating on it% He then
said# H&his is sufficient for e%H Do doubt I sa$ hi killed as a disbelie(er after$ards%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 01<:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@hile the Prophet $as prostrating# surrounded by soe of ,uraish# 'UCba bin Abi Mu'ait brought
the intestines !i%e% abdoinal contents" of a cael and put the o(er the back of the Prophet% &he
Prophet did not raise his head# !till" Batia# cae and took it off his back and cursed the one $ho
had done the har% &he Prophet said# HE AllahI 8estroy the chiefs of ,uraish# Abu /ahl bin Hisha#
'Utba bin Rabi'al# Shaba bin Rabi'a# Uaiya bin Khalaf or Ubai bin Khalaf%H !&he sub)narrator Shu'ba#
is not sure of the last nae%" I sa$ these people killed on the day of Badr battle and thro$n in the
$ell e*cept Uaiya or Ubai $hose body parts $ere utilated but he $as not thro$n in the $ell%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 012:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
'AbdurRahan bin Ab-a said# HAsk Ibn 'Abbas about these t$o ,ur'anic =erses: 'Dor kill such life
as Allah has ade sacred# +*cept for .ust cause%' !34%057" HAnd $hoe(er kills a belie(er intentionally#
his recopense is Hell% !2%1<"
So I asked Ibn 'Abbas $ho said# H@hen the =erse that is in Sura)al)BurCan $as re(ealed# the pa)
gans of Mecca said# 'But $e ha(e slain such life as Allah has ade sacred# and $e ha(e in(oked other
gods along $ith Allah# and $e ha(e also coitted fornication%' So Allah re(ealed:)) '+*cept those
$ho repent# belie(e# and do good)) !34%:6"
So this =erse $as concerned $ith those people% As for the =erse in Surat)an)Disa !2)1<"# it eans
that if a an# after understanding Isla and its la$s and obligations# urders soebody# then his
punishent is to d$ell in the !Hell" Bire fore(er%H &hen I entioned this to Mu.ahid $ho said# H+*cept
the one $ho regrets !one's crie" % H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 014:
Darrated 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair:
I asked Ibn Ar bin Al)As# H&ell e of the $orst thing $hich the pagans did to the Prophet%H He
said# H@hile the Prophet $as praying in the Hi.r of the Ka'baL 'UCba bin Abi Mu'ait cae and put his
=olue 4 ) 163 ? 0:66
garent around the Prophet's neck and throttled hi (iolently% Abu Bakr cae and caught hi by
his shoulder and pushed hi a$ay fro the Prophet and said# H8o you $ant to kill a an .ust be)
cause he says# 'My ;ord is AllahJ' H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 015:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
As abo(e !Hadith 014"%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 01::
Darrated 'Aar bin Kasir:
I sa$ Allah's Apostle # and the only con(erts !to Isla" $ith hi# $ere fi(e sla(es# t$o $oen and
Abu Bakr%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 017:
Darrated Abu IshaC Saud bin Abi @aCCas:
Done ebraced Isla# e*cept on the day I ebraced it% And for se(en days I $as one of the three
persons $ho $ere Muslis !one)third of Isla"%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 011:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan:
HI asked MasruC# '@ho infored the Prophet about the /inns at the night $hen they heard the
,ur'anJ' He said# 'Kour father 'Abdullah infored e that a tree infored the Prophet about the%' H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 366:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&hat once he $as in the# copany of the Prophet carrying a $ater pot for his ablution and for
cleaning his pri(ate parts% @hile he $as follo$ing hi carrying it!i%e% the pot"# the Prophet said#
H@ho is thisJH He said# HI a Abu Huraira%H &he Prophet said# HBring e stones in order to clean y
pri(ate parts# and do not bring any bones or anial dung%H Abu Huraira $ent on narrating: So I
brought soe stones# carrying the in the corner of y robe till I put the by his side and $ent
a$ay% @hen he finished# I $alked $ith hi and asked# H@hat about the bone and the anial dungJH
He said# H&hey are of the food of /inns% &he delegate of /inns of !the city of" Dasibin cae to e))and
ho$ nice those /inns $ere))and asked e for the reains of the huan food% I in(oked Allah for
the that they $ould ne(er pass by a bone or anial dung but find food on the%H
=olue 4 ) 16< ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 360:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
@hen Abu 8har recei(ed the ne$s of the Ad(ent of the Prophet he said to his brother# HRide to this
(alley !of Mecca" and try to find out the truth of the person $ho clais to be a prophet $ho is in)
fored of the ne$s of Hea(en% ;isten to $hat he says and coe back to e%H So his brother set out
and cae to the Prophet and listened to soe of his talks# and returned to Abu 8har and said to hi%
HI ha(e seen hi en.oining (irtuous beha(ior and saying soething that is not poetry%H Abu 8har
said# HKou ha(e not satisfied e as to $hat I $anted%H He then took his .ourney)food and carried a
$ater)skin of his# containing soe $ater till be reached Mecca% He $ent to the MosCue and
searched for the Prophet and though he did not kno$ hi# he hated to ask anybody about hi%
@hen a part of the night had passed a$ay# 'Ali sa$ hi and kne$ that he $as a stranger% So $hen
Abu 8har sa$ 'Ali# he follo$ed hi# and none of the asked his copanion about anything# and
$hen it $as da$n# Abu 8har took his .ourney food and his $ater)skin to the MosCue and stayed
there all the day long $ithout being percei(ed by the Prophet# and $hen it $as e(ening# he cae
back to his retiring place% 'Ali passed by hi and said# HHas the an not kno$n his d$elling place
yetJH So 'Ali a$akened hi and took hi $ith hi and none of the spoke to the other about any)
thing% @hen it $as the third day% 'Ali did the sae and Abu 8har stayed $ith hi% &hen 'Ali said
H@ill you tell e $hat has brought you hereJH Abu 8har said# HIf you gi(e e a fir proise that
you $ill guide e# then I $ill tell you%H 'Ali proised hi# and he infored 'Ali about the atter% 'Ali
said# HIt is true# and he is the Apostle of Allah% De*t orning $hen you get up# accopany e# and if
I see any danger for you# I $ill stop as if to pass $ater# but if I go on# follo$ e and enter the place
$hich I $ill enter%H Abu 8har did so# and follo$ed 'Ali till he entered the place of the Prophet# and
Abu 8har $ent in $ith hi# Abu 8har listened to soe of the Prophet's talks and ebraced Isla on
the spot% &he Prophet said to hi# HAo back to your people and infor the !about it" till you recei(e
y order%H Abu 8har said# HBy Hi in @hose Hand y life is# I $ill proclai y con(ersion loudly
aongst the !i%e% the pagans"%H So he $ent out# and $hen he reached the MosCue# he said as loudly
as possible# HI bear $itness that Done has the right to be $orshipped e*cept Allah# and Muhaad is
the Apostle of Allah%H &he People got up and beat hi painfully% &hen Al)Abbas cae and knelt o(er
hi !!to protect hi" and said !to the people"# H@oe to youI 8on't you kno$ that this an belongs to
the tribe of Ahifar and your trade to Sha' is through their $ayJH So he rescued hi fro the% Abu
8har again did the sae the ne*t day% &hey beat hi and took (engeance on hi and again Al)Ab)
bas knelt o(er hi !to protect hi"%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 363:
Darrated ,ais:
I heard Said bin Faid bin 'Ar bin Dufail saying in the osCue of Al)Kufa% HBy Allah# I ha(e seen
yself tied and forced by 'Uar to lea(e Isla before 'Uar hiself ebraced Isla% And if the
=olue 4 ) 162 ? 0:66
ountain of Uhud could o(e fro its place for the e(il $hich you people ha(e done to 'Uthan#
then it $ould ha(e the right to o(e fro its place%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 36<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mus'ud:
@e ha(e been po$erful since 'Uar ebraced Isla%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 362:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Uar:
@hile 'Uar $as at hoe in a state of fear# there cae Al)'As bin @ail As)Sahi Abu 'Ar# $ear)
ing an ebroidered cloak and a shirt ha(ing silk hes% He $as fro the tribe of Bani Sah $ho
$ere our allies during the pre)Islaic period of ignorance% Al)'As said to 'Uar H@hat is $rong $ith
youJH He said# HKour people clai that they $ould kill e if I becoe a Musli%H Al)'As said# HDobody
$ill har you after I ha(e gi(en protection to you%H So Al)'As $ent out and et the people streaing
in the $hole (alley% He said# H@here are you goingJH &hey said# H@e $ant Ibn Al)Khattab $ho has
ebraced Isla%H Al)'As said# H&here is no $ay for anybody to touch hi%H So the people retreated%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 364:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
@hen 'Uar ebraced Isla# all &he !disbelie(ing" people gathered around his hoe and said#
H'Uar has ebraced Isla%H At that tie I $as still a boy and $as on the roof of y house% &here
cae a an $earing a cloak of 8iba. !i%e% a kind of silk"# and said# HUar has ebraced Isla%
Dobody can har hi for I a his protector%H I then sa$ the people going a$ay fro 'Uar and
asked $ho the an $as# and they said# HAl)'As bin @ail%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 365:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
I ne(er heard 'Uar saying about soething that he thought it $ould be so)and)so# but he $as
Cuite right% Ence# $hile 'Uar $as sitting# a handsoe an passed by hi# 'Uar said# HIf I a not
$rong# this person is still on his religion of the pre)lslaic period of ignorance or he $as their fore)
teller% 9all the an to e%H @hen the an $as called to hi# he told hi of his thought% &he an
said# HI ha(e ne(er seen such a day on $hich a Musli is faced $ith such an accusation%H 'Uar said#
HI a deterined that you should tell e the truth%H He said# HI $as a foreteller in the pre)lslaic
period of ignorance%H &hen 'Uar said# H&ell e the ost astonishing thing your feale /inn has told
you of%H He said# HEne)day $hile I $as in the arket# she cae to e scared and said# 'Ha(en't you
=olue 4 ) 164 ? 0:66
seen the /inns and their despair and they $ere o(erthro$n after their defeat !and pre(ented fro
listening to the ne$s of the hea(en" so that they !stopped going to the sky and" kept follo$ing cael)
riders !i%e% 'Arabs"JH 'Uar said# HHe is right%H and added# HEne day $hile I $as near their idols# there
cae a an $ith a calf and slaughtered it as a sacrifice !for the idols"% An !unseen" creature shouted
at hi# and I ha(e ne(er heard harsher than his (oice% He $as crying# 'E you bold e(il)doerI A at)
ter of successI An eloCuent an is saying: Done has the right to be $orshipped e*cept you !E Allah"%'
En that the people fled# but I said# 'I shall not go a$ay till I kno$ $hat is behind this%' &hen the cry
cae again: 'E you bold e(il)doerI A atter of successI An eloCuent an is saying: Done has the
right to be $orshipped e*cept Allah%' I then $ent a$ay and a fe$ days later it $as said# HA prophet
has appeared%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 36::
Darrated ,ais:
I heard Said bin Faid saying to the people# HIf you but sa$ e and 'Uar's sister tied and forced by
'Uar to lea(e Isla $hile he $as not yet a Musli% And if the ountain of Uhud could o(e fro
its place for the e(il $hich you people ha(e done to Uthan# it $ould ha(e the right to do that%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 367:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he people of Mecca asked Allah's Apostle to sho$ the a iracle% So he sho$ed the the oon
split in t$o hal(es bet$een $hich they sa$ the Hira' ountain%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 361:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he oon $as split ! into t$o pieces " $hile $e $ere $ith the Prophet in Mina% He said# HBe $it)
nesses%H &hen a Piece of the oon $ent to$ards the ountain%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 306:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
8uring the lifetie of Allah's Apostle the oon $as split !into t$o places"%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 300:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he oon $as split !into t$o pieces"%
=olue 4 ) 165 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 303:
Darrated 'Ubaidullah bin 'Adi bin Al)Khiyar:
&hat Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa and 'Abdur)Rahan bin Al)As$ad bin 'Abu Kaghuth had said to
hi# H@hat pre(ents you fro speaking to your uncle 'Uthan regarding his brother Al)@alid bin
'UCbaJH &he people $ere speaking against the latter for $hat he had done% 'Ubaidullah said# HSo I kept
$aiting for 'Uthan# and $hen he $ent out for the prayer# I said to hi# 'I ha(e got soething to say
to you as a piece of ad(ice%' 'Uthan said# 'E anI I seek Refuge $ith Allah fro you% So I $ent a$ay%
@hen I finished y prayer# I sat $ith Al)Mis$ar and Ibn 'Abu Kaghuth and talked to both of the
of $hat I had said to 'Uthan and $hat he had said to e% &hey said# 'Kou ha(e done your duty%' So
$hile I $as sitting $ith the% 'Uthan's Messenger cae to e% &hey said# 'Allah has put you to tri)
al%H I set out and $hen I reached 'Uthan# he said# '@hat is your ad(ice $hich you entioned a
$hile agoJ' I recited &ashahhud and added# 'Allah has sent Muhaad and has re(ealed the Holy
Book !i%e% ,uran" to hi% Kou !E UthanI" $ere aongst those $ho responded to the call of Allah
and His Apostle and had faith in hi% And you took part in the first t$o igrations !to +thiopia and
to Medina"# and you en.oyed the copany of Allah's Apostle and learned his traditions and ad(ice%
Do$ the people are talking uch about Al)@alid bin 'UCba and so it is your duty to ipose on hi
the legal punishent%' 'Uthan then said to e# 'E y nephe$I 8id you e(er eet Allah's Apostle J' I
said# 'Do# but his kno$ledge has reached e as it has reached the (irgin in her seclusion%' 'Uthan
then recited &ashahhud and said# 'Do doubt# Allah has sent Muhaad $ith the &ruth and has re)
(ealed to hi His Holy Book !i%e% ,uran" and I $as aongst those $ho responded to the call of Allah
and His Apostle and I had faith in Muhaad's Mission# and I had perfored the first t$o igra)
tions as you ha(e said# and I en.oyed the copany of Allah's Apostle and ga(e the pledge of allegi)
ance to hi% By Allah# I ne(er disobeyed hi and ne(er cheated hi till Allah caused hi to die%
&hen Allah ade Abu Bakr 9aliph# and by Allah# I $as ne(er disobedient to hi# nor did I cheat hi%
&hen 'Uar becae 9aliph# and by Allah# I $as ne(er disobedient to hi# nor did I cheat hi% &hen I
becae 9aliph% Ha(e I not then the sae rights o(er you as they had o(er eJ' I replied in the af)
firati(e% 'Uthan further said# '&he $hat are these talks $hich are reaching e fro youJ As for
$hat you ha entioned about Al)@alid bin 'UCbL Allah $illing# I shall gi(e hi the legL punishent
.ustly% &hen Uthan ordered that Al)@alid be flogged fort lashes% He ordered 'Ali to flog hi an he
hiself flogged hi as $ell%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 30<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
U Habiba and U Salaa entioned a church they had seen in +thiopia and in the church
there $ere pictures% @hen they told the Prophet of this# he said# H&hose people are such that if a pi)
ous an aongst the died# they build a place of $orship o(er his gra(e and paint these pictures in
it% &hose people $ill be Allah's $orst creatures on the 8ay of Resurrection % H
=olue 4 ) 16: ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 302:
Darrated U Khalid bint Khalid:
@hen I cae fro +thiopia !to Medina"# I $as a young girl% Allah's Apostle ade e $ear a sheet
ha(ing arks on it% Allah's Apostle $as rubbing those arks $ith his hands saying# HSanahI SanahIH
!i%e% good# good"%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 304:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@e used to greet the Prophet $hile he used to be in prayers# and he used to reply to our greetings%
But $hen $e cae back fro Da.ashi !the King of +thiopia" $e greeted hi !$hile he $as praying"
and he did not reply to us% @e said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e used to greet you in the past and you used
to reply to us%H He said# H=erily &he Mind is occupied and busy $ith ore iportant atter during
the prayer%H !So one cannot return Ene's greetings%"
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 305:
Darrated Abu Musa:
@e recei(ed the ne$s of the departure of the Prophet !to Medina" $hile $e $ere in Keen% So $e
$ent on board a ship but our ship took us a$ay to An)Da.ashi !the Degus" in +thiopia% &here $e et
/a'far bin Abi &alib and stayed $ith hi till $e cae !to Medina" by the tie $hen the Prophet had
conCuered Khaibar% &he Prophet said# HE you people of the shipI Kou $ill ha(e !the re$ard of" t$o
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 30::
Darrated /abir:
@hen Degus died# the Prophet said# H&oday a pious an has died% So get up and offer the funeral
prayer for your brother Ashaa
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 307:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah Al)Ansari:
Allah's Apostle led the funeral prayer for the Degus and ade us stand in ro$s behind hi and I
$as in the second or third ro$%
=olue 4 ) 167 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 301:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet offered the funeral prayer for Ashaa# the Degus# $ith four &akbir%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 336:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
that Allah's Apostle infored the !i%e% his copanions" of the death of Degus# the king of
+thiopia# on the (ery day on $hich the latter died# and said# HAsk Allah's Borgi(eness for your broth)
erH Abu Huraira further said# HAllah's Apostle ade the !i%e% the Muslis" stand in ro$s at the Mus)
alla !i%e% praying place" and led the funeral prayer for the Degus and said four &akbir%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 330:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle# $hile going out for the battle of Hunain# said# H&oorro$ Allah $illing# $e $ill
encap at Khaif Bani Kinana $here the pagans!of ,uraish" took the oath of Kufr !against the
Prophet i%e% to be loyal to heathenis# by boycotting Banu Hashi# the Prophet's folk# See Hadith Do%
541 =ol% 3" %
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 333:
Darrated Al)Abbas bin 'Abdul Muttalib:
&hat he said to the Prophet HKou ha(e not been of any a(ail to your uncle !Abu &alib" !though" by
Allah# he used to protect you and used to becoe angry on your behalf%H &he Prophet said# HHe is in a
shallo$ fire# and had It not been for e# he $ould ha(e been in the botto of the !Hell" Bire%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 33<:
Darrated Al)Musaiyab:
@hen Abu &alib $as in his death bed# the Prophet $ent to hi $hile Abu /ahl $as sitting beside
hi% &he Prophet said# HE y uncleI Say: Done has the right to be $orshipped e*cept Allah# an e*)
pression I $ill defend your case $ith# before Allah%H Abu /ahl and 'Abdullah bin Uaya said# HE Abu
&alibI @ill you lea(e the religion of 'Abdul MuttalibJH So they kept on saying this to hi so that the
last stateent he said to the !before he died" $as: HI a on the religion of 'Abdul Muttalib%H &hen
the Prophet said# H I $ill keep on asking for Allah's Borgi(eness for you unless I a forbidden to do
so%H &hen the follo$ing =erse $as re(ealed:))
=olue 4 ) 161 ? 0:66
HIt is not fitting for the Prophet and the belie(ers to ask Allah's Borgi(eness for the pagans# e(en if
they $ere their near relati(es# after it has becoe clear to the that they are the d$ellers of the
!Hell" Bire%H !1%00<"
&he other =erse $as also re(ealed:)) H!E ProphetI" =erily# you guide not $ho you like# but Allah
guides $ho He $ill %%%%%%%H !37%45"
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 332:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&hat he heard the Prophet $hen soebody entioned his uncle !i%e% Abu &alib"# saying# HPerhaps
y intercession $ill be helpful to hi on the 8ay of Resurrection so that he ay be put in a shallo$
fire reaching only up to his ankles% His brain $ill boil fro it%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 334:
Darrated Ka-id:
!as abo(e# Hadith 332" using the $ords: H$ill ake his brain boil%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 335:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&hat he heard Allah's Apostle saying# H@hen the people of ,uraish did not belie(e e !i%e% the story
of y Dight /ourney"# I stood up in Al)Hi.r and Allah displayed /erusale in front of e# and I began
describing it to the $hile I $as looking at it%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 33::
Darrated Abbas bin Malik:
Malik bin Sasaa said that Allah's Apostle described to the his Dight /ourney saying# H@hile I $as
lying in Al)Hati or Al)Hi.r# suddenly soeone cae to e and cut y body open fro here to
here%H I asked Al)/arud $ho $as by y side# H@hat does he eanJH He said# HIt eans fro his throat
to his pubic area#H or said# HBro the top of the chest%H &he Prophet further said# HHe then took out y
heart% &hen a gold tray of Belief $as brought to e and y heart $as $ashed and $as filled !$ith
Belief" and then returned to its original place% &hen a $hite anial $hich $as saller than a ule
and bigger than a donkey $as brought to e%H !En this Al)/arud asked# H@as it the BuraC# E Abu
Ha-aJH I !i%e% Anas" replied in the affirati(e"% &he Prophet said# H&he anial's step !$as so $ide
that it" reached the farthest point $ithin the reach of the anial's sight% I $as carried on it# and Aab)
riel set out $ith e till $e reached the nearest hea(en%
=olue 4 ) 106 ? 0:66
@hen he asked for the gate to be opened# it $as asked# '@ho is itJ' Aabriel ans$ered# 'Aabriel%' It
$as asked# '@ho is accopanying youJ' Aabriel replied# 'Muhaad%' It $as asked# 'Has Muhaad
been calledJ' Aabriel replied in the affirati(e% &hen it $as said# 'He is $elcoed% @hat an e*cellent
(isit his isI' &he gate $as opened# and $hen I $ent o(er the first hea(en# I sa$ Ada there% Aabriel
said !to e"% '&his is your father# AdaL pay hi your greetings%' So I greeted hi and he returned the
greeting to e and said# 'Kou are $elcoed# E pious son and pious Prophet%' &hen Aabriel ascended
$ith e till $e reached the second hea(en% Aabriel asked for the gate to be opened% It $as asked#
'@ho is itJ' Aabriel ans$ered# 'Aabriel%' It $as asked# '@ho is accopanying youJ' Aabriel replied#
'Muhaad%' It $as asked# 'Has he been calledJ' Aabriel ans$ered in the affirati(e% &hen it $as
said# 'He is $elcoed% @hat an e*cellent (isit his isI' &he gate $as opened%
@hen I $ent o(er the second hea(en# there I sa$ Kahya !i%e% /ohn" and 'Isa !i%e% /esus" $ho $ere
cousins of each other% Aabriel said !to e"# '&hese are /ohn and /esusL pay the your greetings%' So I
greeted the and both of the returned y greetings to e and said# 'Kou are $elcoed# E pious
brother and pious Prophet%' &hen Aabriel ascended $ith e to the third hea(en and asked for its gate
to be opened% It $as asked# '@ho is itJ' Aabriel replied# 'Aabriel%' It $as asked# '@ho is accopanying
youJ' Aabriel replied# 'Muhaad%' It $as asked# 'Has he been calledJ' Aabriel replied in the affir)
ati(e% &hen it $as said# 'He is $elcoed# $hat an e*cellent (isit his isI' &he gate $as opened# and
$hen I $ent o(er the third hea(en there I sa$ /oseph% Aabriel said !to e"# '&his is /osephL pay hi
your greetings%' So I greeted hi and he returned the greeting to e and said# 'Kou are $elcoed# E
pious brother and pious Prophet%' &hen Aabriel ascended $ith e to the fourth hea(en and asked for
its gate to be opened% It $as asked# '@ho is itJ' Aabriel replied# 'Aabriel' It $as asked# '@ho is acco)
panying youJ' Aabriel replied# 'Muhaad%' It $as asked# 'Has he been calledJ' Aabriel replied in the
affirati(e% &hen it $as said# 'He is $elcoed# $hat an e*cel lent (isit his isI'
&he gate $as opened# and $hen I $ent o(er the fourth hea(en# there I sa$ Idris% Aabriel said !to
e"# '&his is IdrisL pay hi your greetings%' So I greeted hi and he returned the greeting to e and
said# 'Kou are $elcoed# E pious brother and pious Prophet%' &hen Aabriel ascended $ith e to the
fifth hea(en and asked for its gate to be opened% It $as asked# '@ho is itJ' Aabriel replied# 'Aabriel%' It
$as asked% '@ho is accopanying youJ' Aabriel replied# 'Muhaad%' It $as asked# 'Has he been
calledJ' Aabriel replied in the affirati(e% &hen it $as said He is $elcoed# $hat an e*cellent (isit
his isI So $hen I $ent o(er the fifth hea(en# there I sa$ Harun !i%e% Aaron"# Aabriel said# !to e"% &his
is AaronL pay hi your greetings%' I greeted hi and he returned the greeting to e and said# 'Kou
are $elcoed# E pious brother and pious Prophet%' &hen Aabriel ascended $ith e to the si*th
hea(en and asked for its gate to be opened% It $as asked% '@ho is itJ' Aabriel replied# 'Aabriel%' It $as
asked# '@ho is accopanying youJ' Aabriel replied# 'Muhaad%' It $as asked# 'Has he been calledJ'
Aabriel replied in the affirati(e% It $as said# 'He is $elcoed% @hat an e*cellent (isit his isI'
@hen I $ent !o(er the si*th hea(en"# there I sa$ Moses% Aabriel said !to e"#' &his is MosesL pay
hi your greeting% So I greeted hi and he returned the greetings to e and said# 'Kou are $el)
coed# E pious brother and pious Prophet%' @hen I left hi !i%e% Moses" he $ept% Soeone asked
=olue 4 ) 100 ? 0:66
hi# '@hat akes you $eepJ' Moses said# 'I $eep because after e there has been sent !as Prophet" a
young an $hose follo$ers $ill enter Paradise in greater nubers than y follo$ers%' &hen Aabriel
ascended $ith e to the se(enth hea(en and asked for its gate to be opened% It $as asked# '@ho is itJ'
Aabriel replied# 'Aabriel%' It $as asked#' @ho is accopanying youJ' Aabriel replied# 'Muhaad%' It
$as asked# 'Has he been calledJ' Aabriel replied in the affirati(e% &hen it $as said# 'He is $elcoed%
@hat an e*cellent (isit his isI'
So $hen I $ent !o(er the se(enth hea(en"# there I sa$ Abraha% Aabriel said !to e"# '&his is your
fatherL pay your greetings to hi%' So I greeted hi and he returned the greetings to e and said#
'Kou are $elcoed# E pious son and pious Prophet%' &hen I $as ade to ascend to Sidrat)ul)Mun)
taha !i%e% the ;ote &ree of the utost boundary" BeholdI Its fruits $ere like the .ars of Ha.r !i%e% a
place near Medina" and its lea(es $ere as big as the ears of elephants% Aabriel said# '&his is the ;ote
&ree of the utost boundary" % Behold I &here ran four ri(ers# t$o $ere hidden and t$o $ere (isible#
I asked# '@hat are these t$o kinds of ri(ers# E AabrielJ' He replied#' As for the hidden ri(ers# they are
t$o ri(ers in Paradise and the (isible ri(ers are the Dile and the +uphrates%'
&hen Al)Bait)ul)Ma'ur !i%e% the Sacred House" $as sho$n to e and a container full of $ine and
another full of ilk and a third full of honey $ere brought to e% I took the ilk% Aabriel rearked#
'&his is the Islaic religion $hich you and your follo$ers are follo$ing%' &hen the prayers $ere en)
.oined on e: &hey $ere fifty prayers a day% @hen I returned# I passed by Moses $ho asked !e"#
'@hat ha(e you been ordered to doJ' I replied# 'I ha(e been ordered to offer fifty prayers a day%'
Moses said# 'Kour follo$ers cannot bear fifty prayers a day# and by Allah# I ha(e tested people before
you# and I ha(e tried y le(el best $ith Bani Israel !in (ain"% Ao back to your ;ord and ask for reduc)
tion to lessen your follo$ers' burden%' So I $ent back# and Allah reduced ten prayers for e% &hen
again I cae to Moses# but he repeated the sae as he had said before% &hen again I $ent back to Al)
lah and He reduced ten ore prayers% @hen I cae back to Moses he said the sae# I $ent back to
Allah and He ordered e to obser(e ten prayers a day% @hen I cae back to Moses# he repeated the
sae ad(ice# so I $ent back to Allah and $as ordered to obser(e fi(e prayers a day%
@hen I cae back to Moses# he said# '@hat ha(e you been orderedJ' I replied# 'I ha(e been ordered
to obser(e fi(e prayers a day%' He said# 'Kour follo$ers cannot bear fi(e prayers a day# and no doubt# I
ha(e got an e*perience of the people before you# and I ha(e tried y le(el best $ith Bani Israel# so go
back to your ;ord and ask for reduction to lessen your follo$er's burden%' I said# 'I ha(e reCuested so
uch of y ;ord that I feel ashaed# but I a satisfied no$ and surrender to Allah's Erder%' @hen I
left# I heard a (oice saying# 'I ha(e passed My Erder and ha(e lessened the burden of My @or)
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 337:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Regarding the Stateent of AllahH
=olue 4 ) 103 ? 0:66
HAnd @e granted the (ision !Ascension to the hea(ens" $hich @e ade you see !as an actual eye
$itness" $as only ade as a trial for the people%H !0:%56"
Ibn Abbas added: &he sights $hich Allah's Apostle $as sho$n on the Dight /ourney $hen he $as
taken to Bait)ulMaCdis !i%e% /erusale" $ere actual sights# !not dreas"% And the 9ursed &ree !en)
tioned" in the ,uran is the tree of FaCCu !itself" %
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 331:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Ka'b:
@ho $as Kab's guide $hen Ka'b turned blind: I heard Ka'b bin Malik narrating: @hen he re)
ained behind !i%e% did not /oin" the Prophet in the Aha-$a of &abuk% Ibn Bukair# in his narration
stated that Ka'b said# H I $itnessed the Al)'ACaba pledge of allegiance at night $ith the Prophet $hen
$e .ointly agreed to support Isla $ith all our efforts I $ould not like to ha(e attended the Badr
battle instead of that 'ACaba pledge although Badr is ore $ell)kno$n than it# aongst the people%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3<6:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
I $as present $ith y t$o aternal uncles at Al)'ACaba !$here the pledge of allegiance $as gi()
en"% !Ibn 'Uyaina said# HEne of the t$o $as Al)Bara' bin Marur%H"
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3<0:
Darrated /abir:
My father# y t$o aternal uncles and I $ere aong those $ho took part in the 'ACaba Pledge%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3<3:
Darrated 'Ubada bin As)Sait:
@ho had taken part in the battle of Badr $ith Allah's Apostle and had been aongst his copan)
ions on the night of Al)'ACaba Pledge: Allah's Apostle# surrounded by a group of his copanions said#
H9oe along and gi(e e the pledge of allegiance that you $ill not $orship anything besides Allah#
$ill not steal# $ill not coit illegal se*ual intercourse $ill not kill your children# $ill not utterL
slander# in(ented by yourself# and $ill not disobey e if I order you to do soething good% @hoe(er
aong you $ill respect and fulfill this pledge# $ill be re$arded by Allah% And if one of you coits
any of these sins and is punished in this $orld then that $ill be his e*piation for it# and if one of you
coits any of these sins and Allah screens his sin# then his atter# $ill rest $ith Allah: If He $ill#
He $ill punish hi and if He $ill#% He $ill e*cuse hi%H So I ga(e the pledge of allegiance to hi for
these conditions%
=olue 4 ) 10< ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3<<:
Darrated 'Ubada bin As Sait:
I $as one of the DaCibs $ho ga(e the !'ACaba" Pledge of Allegiance to Allah's Apostle % @e ga(e the
pledge of allegiance to hi that $e $ould not $orship anything other than Allah# $ould not steal#
$ould not coit illegal se*ual intercourse# $ould not kill a person $hose killing Allah has ade
illegal e*cept rightfully# $ould not rob each other# and $e $ould not be proised Paradise .f $e did
the abo(e sins# then if $e coitted one of the abo(e sins# Allah $ill gi(e His /udgent concerning
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3<2:
Darrated Aisha:
&he Prophet engaged e $hen I $as a girl of si* !years"% @e $ent to Medina and stayed at the
hoe of Bani)al)Harith bin Kha-ra.% &hen I got ill and y hair fell do$n% ;ater on y hair gre$
!again" and y other# U Ruan# cae to e $hile I $as playing in a s$ing $ith soe of y girl
friends% She called e# and I $ent to her# not kno$ing $hat she $anted to do to e% She caught e
by the hand and ade e stand at the door of the house% I $as breathless then# and $hen y
breathing becae Allright# she took soe $ater and rubbed y face and head $ith it% &hen she took
e into the house% &here in the house I sa$ soe Ansari $oen $ho said# HBest $ishes and Allah's
Blessing and a good luck%H &hen she entrusted e to the and they prepared e !for the arriage"%
Une*pectedly Allah's Apostle cae to e in the forenoon and y other handed e o(er to hi#
and at that tie I $as a girl of nine years of age%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3<4:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&hat the Prophet said to her# HKou ha(e been sho$n to e t$ice in y drea% I sa$ you pictured
on a piece of silk and soe)one said !to e"% '&his is your $ife%' @hen I unco(ered the picture# I sa$
that it $as yours% I said# 'If this is fro Allah# it $ill be done%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3<5:
Darrated Hisha's father:
Khadi.a died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina% He stayed there for t$o years or
so and then he arried 'Aisha $hen she $as a girl of si* years of age# and he consued that ar)
riage $hen she $as nine years old%
=olue 4 ) 102 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3<::
Darrated Abu @ail:
@e (isited Khabbaba $ho said# H@e igrated $ith the Prophet for Allah's Sake# so our re$ard be)
cae due and sure $ith Allah% Soe of us passed a$ay $ithout taking anything of their re$ards !in
this $orld" and one of the $as Mus'ab bin 'Uar $ho $as artyred on the day !of the battle" of
Uhud lea(ing a striped $oolen cloak% @hen $e co(ered his head $ith it# his feet becae naked# and
$hen co(ered his feet# his head becae naked%
So Allah's Apostle ordered us to co(er his head and put soe Idhkhir !i%e% a special kind of grass"
on his feet% !En the other hand" soe of us ha(e had their fruits ripened !in this $orld" and they are
collecting the%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3<7:
Darrated 'Uar:
I heard the Prophet saying# H&he re$ard of deeds depends on the intentions# so $hoe(er eigrated
for the $orldly benefits or to arry a $oan# his eigration $as for that for $hich he eigrated#
but $hoe(er eigrated for the Sake of Allah and His Apostle# his eigration is for Allah and His
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3<1:
Darrated Mu.ahid bin /abir Al)Makki:
Abdullah bin 'Uar used to say# H&here is no ore Hi.rah !i%e% igration" after the 9onCuest of
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 326:
Darrated 'Ata bin Abi Rabah:
'Ubaid bin 'Uar Al);aithi and I (isited Aisha and asked her about the Hi.ra !i%e% igration"# and
she said# H&oday there is no !Hi.rah" eigration% A belie(er used to run a$ay $ith his religion to Al)
lah and His Apostle lest he should be put to trial because of his religion% &oday Allah has ade Isla
triuphant# and today a belie(er can $orship his ;ord $here(er he likes% But the deeds that are still
re$ardable !in place of eigration" are /ihad and good intentions%H !See Hadith Do% 23 =ol% 2"%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 320:
Darrated Aisha:
=olue 4 ) 104 ? 0:66
Sad said# HE AllahI Kou kno$ that there is none against $ho I a eager to fight ore $illingly
for Kour 9ause than those people $ho disbelie(ed Kour Apostle and dro(e hi out !of his city"% E
AllahI I think that Kou ha(e ended the fight bet$een us and the%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 323:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle started recei(ing the 8i(ine Inspiration at the age of forty% &hen he stayed in Mecca
for thirteen years# recei(ing the 8i(ine Re(elation% &hen he $as ordered to igrate and he li(ed as
an +igrant for ten years and then died at the age of si*ty)three !years"%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 32<:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle stayed in Mecca for thirteen years !after recei(ing the first 8i(ine Inspiration" and
died at the age of si*ty)three%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 322:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle sat on the pulpit and said# HAllah has gi(en one of His Sla(es the choice of recei(ing
the splendor and lu*ury of the $orldly life $hate(er he likes or to accept the good !of the Hereafter"
$hich is $ith Allah% So he has chosen that good $hich is $ith Allah%H En that Abu Bakr $ept and
said# HEur fathers and others be sacrificed for you%H @e becae astonished at this% &he people said#
H;ook at this old anI Allah's Apostle talks about a Sla(e of Allah to $ho He has gi(en the option to
choose either the splendor of this $orldly life or the good $hich is $ith Hi# $hile he says% 'our
fathers and others be sacrifice!i for you%H But it $as Allah's Apostle $ho had been gi(en option# and
Abu Bakr kne$ it better than $e% Allah's Apostle added# HDo doubt# I a indebted to Abu Bakr ore
than to anybody else regarding both his copanionship and his $ealth% And if I had to take a Khalil
fro y follo$ers# I $ould certainly ha(e taken Abu Bakr# but the fraternity of Isla is% sufficient%
;et no door !i%e% Khoukha" of the MosCue reain open# e*cept the door of Abu Bakr%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 324:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" I ne(er reebered y parents belie(ing in any religion other than the
true religion !i%e% Isla"# and !I don't reeber" a single day passing $ithout our being (isited by Al)
lah's Apostle in the orning and in the e(ening% @hen the Muslis $ere put to test !i%e% troubled by
the pagans"# Abu Bakr set out igrating to the land of +thiopia# and $hen he reached Bark)al)Ahi)
=olue 4 ) 105 ? 0:66
ad# Ibn Ad)8aghina# the chief of the tribe of ,ara# et hi and said# HE Abu BakrI @here are you
goingJH Abu Bakr replied# HMy people ha(e turned e out !of y country"# so I $ant to $ander on
the earth and $orship y ;ord%H Ibn Ad)8aghina said# HE Abu BakrI A an like you should not lea(e
his hoe)land# nor should he be dri(en out# because you help the destitute# earn their li(ings# and
you keep good relations $ith your Kith and kin# help the $eak and poor# entertain guests generously#
and help the calaity)stricken persons% &herefore I a your protector% Ao back and $orship your
;ord in your to$n%H
So Abu Bakr returned and Ibn Ad)8aghina accopanied hi% In the e(ening Ibn Ad)8aghina (is)
ited the nobles of ,uraish and said to the% HA an like Abu Bakr should not lea(e his hoeland#
nor should he be dri(en out% 8o you !i%e% ,uraish" dri(e out a an $ho helps the destitute# earns
their li(ing# keeps good relations $ith his Kith and kin# helps the $eak and poor# entertains guests
generously and helps the calaity)stricken personsJH So the people of ,uraish could not refuse Ibn
Ad)8aghina's protection# and they said to Ibn Ad)8aghina# H;et Abu Bakr $orship his ;ord in his
house% He can pray and recite there $hate(er he likes# but he should not hurt us $ith it# and should
not do it publicly# because $e are afraid that he ay affect our $oen and children%H Ibn Ad)8agh)
ina told Abu Bakr of all that% Abu Bakr stayed in that state# $orshipping his ;ord in his house% He did
not pray publicly# nor did he recite ,uran outside his house%
&hen a thought occurred to Abu Bakr to build a osCue in front of his house# and there he used to
pray and recite the ,uran% &he $oen and children of the pagans began to gather around hi in
great nuber% &hey used to $onder at hi and look at hi% Abu Bakr $as a an $ho used to $eep
too uch# and he could not help $eeping on reciting the ,uran% &hat situation scared the nobles of
the pagans of ,uraish# so they sent for Ibn Ad)8aghina% @hen he cae to the# they said# H@e ac)
cepted your protection of Abu Bakr on condition that he should $orship his ;ord in his house# but he
has (iolated the conditions and he has built a osCue in front of his house $here he prays and re)
cites the ,uran publicly% @e are no$ afraid that he ay affect our $oen and children unfa(or)
ably% So# pre(ent hi fro that% If he likes to confine the $orship of his ;ord to his house# he ay do
so# but if he insists on doing that openly# ask hi to release you fro your obligation to protect hi#
for $e dislike to break our pact $ith you# but $e deny Abu Bakr the right to announce his act pub)
licly%H Ibn Ad)8aghina $ent to Abu) Bakr and said# !HE Abu BakrI" Kou kno$ $ell $hat contract I
ha(e ade on your behalfL no$# you are either to abide by it# or else release e fro y obligation
of protecting you# because I do not $ant the 'Arabs hear that y people ha(e dishonored a contract I
ha(e ade on behalf of another an%H Abu Bakr replied# HI release you fro your pact to protect e#
and a pleased $ith the protection fro Allah%H
At that tie the Prophet $as in Mecca# and he said to the Muslis# HIn a drea I ha(e been sho$n
your igration place# a land of date pal trees# bet$een t$o ountains# the t$o stony tracts%H So#
soe people igrated to Medina# and ost of those people $ho had pre(iously igrated to the land
of +thiopia# returned to Medina% Abu Bakr also prepared to lea(e for Medina# but Allah's Apostle said
to hi# H@ait for a $hile# because I hope that I $ill be allo$ed to igrate also%H Abu Bakr said# H8o
=olue 4 ) 10: ? 0:66
you indeed e*pect thisJ ;et y father be sacrificed for youIH &he Prophet said# HKes%H So Abu Bakr did
not igrate for the sake of Allah's Apostle in order to accopany hi% He fed t$o she)caels he
possessed $ith the lea(es of As)Saur tree that fell on being struck by a stick for four onths%
Ene day# $hile $e $ere sitting in Abu Bakr's house at noon# soeone said to Abu Bakr# H&his is Al)
lah's Apostle $ith his head co(ered coing at a tie at $hich he ne(er used to (isit us before%H Abu
Bakr said# HMay y parents be sacrificed for hi% By Allah# he has not coe at this hour e*cept for a
great necessity%H So Allah's Apostle cae and asked perission to enter# and he $as allo$ed to enter%
@hen he entered# he said to Abu Bakr% H&ell e(eryone $ho is present $ith you to go a$ay%H Abu Bakr
replied# H&here are none but your faily% May y father be sacrificed for you# E Allah's ApostleIH &he
Prophet said# Hi ha(e been gi(en perission to igrate%H Abu Bakr said# HShall I accopany youJ May
y father be sacrificed for you# E Allah's ApostleIH Allah's Apostle said# HKes%H Abu Bakr said# HE Al)
lah's ApostleI May y father be sacrificed for you# take one of these t$o she)caels of ine%H Allah's
Apostle replied# H!I $ill accept it" $ith payent%H So $e prepared the baggage Cuickly and put soe
.ourney food in a leather bag for the% Asa# Abu Bakr's daughter# cut a piece fro her $aist belt
and tied the outh of the leather bag $ith it# and for that reason she $as naed 8hat)un)DitaCain
!i%e% the o$ner of t$o belts"%
&hen Allah's Apostle and Abu Bakr reached a ca(e on the ountain of &haur and stayed there for
three nights% 'Abdullah bin Abi Bakr $ho $as intelligent and a sagacious youth# used to stay !$ith
the" a(er night% He used to lea(e the before day break so that in the orning he $ould be $ith
,uraish as if he had spent the night in Mecca% He $ould keep in ind any plot ade against the#
and $hen it becae dark he $ould !go and" infor the of it% 'Air bin Buhaira# the freed sla(e of
Abu Bakr# used to bring the ilch sheep !of his aster# Abu Bakr" to the a little $hile after night)
fall in order to rest the sheep there% So they al$ays had fresh ilk at night# the ilk of their sheep#
and the ilk $hich they $ared by thro$ing heated stones in it% 'Air bin Buhaira $ould then call
the herd a$ay $hen it $as still dark !before daybreak"% He did the sae in each of those three
nights% Allah's Apostle and Abu Bakr had hired a an fro the tribe of Bani Ad)8ail fro the faily
of Bani Abd bin Adi as an e*pert guide# and he $as in alliance $ith the faily of Al)'As bin @ail As)
Sahi and he $as on the religion of the infidels of ,uraish% &he Prophet and Abu Bakr trusted hi
and ga(e hi their t$o she)caels and took his proise to bring their t$o she caels to the ca(e of
the ountain of &haur in the orning after three nights later% And !$hen they set out"# 'Air bin
Buhaira and the guide $ent along $ith the and the guide led the along the sea)shore%
&he nephe$ of SuraCa bin /u'sha said that his father infored hi that he heard SuraCa bin
/u'sha saying# H&he essengers of the heathens of ,uraish cae to us declaring that they had as)
signed for the persons $hy $ould kill or arrest Allah's Apostle and Abu Bakr# a re$ard eCual to their
bloodoney% @hile I $as sitting in one of the gatherings of y tribe% Bani Mudli.# a an fro the
cae to us and stood up $hile $e $ere sitting# and said# HE SuraCaI Do doubt# I ha(e .ust seen soe
people far a$ay on the seashore# and I think they are Muhaad and his copanions%H SuraCa ad)
ded# HI too reali-ed that it ust ha(e been they% But I said 'Do# it is not they# but you ha(e seen so)
=olue 4 ) 107 ? 0:66
and)so# and so)and)so $ho $e sa$ set out%' I stayed in the gathering for a $hile and then got up
and left for y hoe% and ordered y sla(e)girl to get y horse $hich $as behind a hillock# and
keep it ready for e%
&hen I took y spear and left by the back door of y house dragging the lo$er end of the spear
on the ground and keeping it lo$% &hen I reached y horse# ounted it and ade it gallop% @hen I
approached the !i%e% Muhaad and Abu Bakr"# y horse stubled and I fell do$n fro it# &hen I
stood up# got hold of y Cui(er and took out the di(ining arro$s and dre$ lots as to $hether I
should har the !i%e% the Prophet and Abu Bakr" or not# and the lot $hich I disliked cae out% But I
reounted y horse and let it gallop# gi(ing no iportance to the di(ining arro$s% @hen I heard
the recitation of the ,uran by Allah's Apostle $ho did not look hither and thither $hile Abu Bakr
$as doing it often# suddenly the forelegs of y horse sank into the ground up to the knees# and I fell
do$n fro it% &hen I rebuked it and it got up but could hardly take out its forelegs fro the ground#
and $hen it stood up straight again# its fore)legs caused dust to rise up in the sky like soke% &hen
again I dre$ lots $ith the di(ining arro$s# and the lot $hich I disliked# cae out% So I called upon
the to feel secure% &hey stopped# and I reounted y horse and $ent to the% @hen I sa$ ho$ I
had been hapered fro haring the# it cae to y ind that the cause of Allah's Apostle !i%e% Is)
la" $ill becoe (ictorious% So I said to hi# HKour people ha(e assigned a re$ard eCual to the
bloodoney for your head%H &hen I told the all the plans the people of Mecca had ade concerning
the% &hen I offered the soe .ourney food and goods but they refused to take anything and did
not ask for anything# but the Prophet said# H8o not tell others about us%H &hen I reCuested hi to $rite
for e a stateent of security and peace% He ordered 'Ar bin Buhaira $ho $rote it for e on a
parchent# and then Allah's Apostle proceeded on his $ay%
Darrated 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair: Allah's Apostle et A-)Fubair in a cara(an of Musli erchants
$ho $ere returning fro Sha% A-)Fubair pro(ided Allah's Apostle and Abu Bakr $ith $hite
clothes to $ear% @hen the Muslis of Medina heard the ne$s of the departure of Allah's Apostle
fro Mecca !to$ards Medina"# they started going to the Harra e(ery orning % &hey $ould $ait for
hi till the heat of the noon forced the to return% Ene day# after $aiting for a long $hile# they re)
turned hoe# and $hen they $ent into their houses# a /e$ clibed up the roof of one of the forts of
his people to look for soe thing# and he sa$ Allah's Apostle and his copanions dressed in $hite
clothes# eerging out of the desert irage%
&he /e$ could not help shouting at the top of his (oice# HE you 'ArabsI Here is your great an
$ho you ha(e been $aiting forIH So all the Muslis rushed to their ars and recei(ed Allah's
Apostle on the suit of Harra% &he Prophet turned $ith the to the right and alighted at the Cuar)
ters of Bani 'Ar bin 'Auf# and this $as on Monday in the onth of Rabi)ul)A$al% Abu Bakr stood
up# recei(ing the people $hile Allah's Apostle sat do$n and kept silent% Soe of the Ansar $ho cae
and had not seen Allah's Apostle before# began greeting Abu Bakr# but $hen the sunshine fell on Al)
lah's Apostle and Abu Bakr cae for$ard and shaded hi $ith his sheet only then the people cae
to kno$ Allah's Apostle% Allah's Apostle stayed $ith Bani 'Ar bin 'Auf for ten nights and established
=olue 4 ) 101 ? 0:66
the osCue !osCue of ,uba" $hich $as founded on piety% Allah's Apostle prayed in it and then
ounted his she)cael and proceeded on# accopanied by the people till his she)cael knelt do$n
at !the place of" the MosCue of Allah's Apostle at Medina% Soe Muslis used to pray there in those
days# and that place $as a yard for drying dates belonging to Suhail and Sahl# the orphan boys $ho
$ere under the guardianship of 'Asad bin Furara% @hen his she)cael knelt do$n# Allah's Apostle
said# H&his place# Allah $illing# $ill be our abiding place%H Allah's Apostle then called the t$o boys
and told the to suggest a price for that yard so that he ight take it as a osCue% &he t$o boys said#
HDo# but $e $ill gi(e it as a gift# E Allah's ApostleIH Allah's Apostle then built a osCue there% &he
Prophet hiself started carrying unburnt bricks for its building and $hile doing so# he $as saying
H&his load is better than the load of Khaibar# for it is ore pious in the Sight of Allah and purer and
better re$ardable%H He $as also saying# HE AllahI &he actual re$ard is the re$ard in the Hereafter# so
besto$ Kour Mercy on the Ansar and the +igrants%H &hus the Prophet recited !by $ay of pro(erb"
the poe of soe Musli poet $hose nae is unkno$n to e%
!Ibn Shibab said# HIn the Hadiths it does not occur that Allah's Apostle recited a coplete poetic
(erse other than this one%H"
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 325:
Darrated Asa:
I prepared the .ourney food for the Prophet and Abu Bakr $hen they $anted !to igrate to" Med)
ina% I said to y father !Abu Bakr"# HI do not ha(e anything to tie the container of the .ourney food
$ith e*cept y $aist belt%H He said# H8i(ide it length$ise into t$o%H I did so# and for this reason I $as
naed '8hat)un)DitaCain' !i%e% the o$ner of t$o belts"% !Ibn 'Abbas said# HAsa'# 8hat)un)DitaC%H"
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 32::
Darrated Al)Bara:
@hen the Prophet igrated to Medina# SuraCa bin Malik bin /u'sha pursued hi% &he Prophet
in(oked e(il on hi# therefore the forelegs of his horse sank into the ground% SuraCa said !to the
Prophet "# HIn(oke Allah to rescue e# and I $ill not har you% H&he Prophet in(oked Allah for hi%
&hen Allah's Apostle felt thirsty and he passed by a shepherd% Abu Bakr said# HI took a bo$l and
ilked a little ilk in it and brought it to the Prophet and he drank till I $as pleased%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 327:
Darrated Asa:
&hat she concei(ed 'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair% She added# HI igrated to Medina $hile I $as at full
ter of pregnancy and alighted at ,uba $here I ga(e birth to hi% &hen I brought hi to the
Prophet and put hi in his lap% &he Prophet asked for a date# che$ed it# and put soe of its .uice in
=olue 4 ) 136 ? 0:66
the child's outh% So# the first thing that entered the child's stoach $as the sali(a of Allah's Apostle%
&hen the Prophet rubbed the child's palate $ith a date and in(oked for Allah's Blessings on hi# and
he $as the first child born aongst the +igrants in the Islaic ;and !i%e% Medina"%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 321:
Darrated Aisha:
&he first child $ho $as born in the Islaic ;and !i%e% Medina" aongst the +igrants# $as 'Abdul)
lah bin A-)Fubair% &hey brought hi to the Prophet% &he Prophet took a date# and after che$ing it#
put its .uice in his outh% So the first thing that $ent into the child's stoach# $as the sali(a of the
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 346:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle arri(ed at Medina $ith Abu Bakr# riding behind hi on the sae cael% Abu Bakr
$as an elderly an kno$n to the people# $hile Allah's Apostle $as a youth that $as unkno$n% &hus#
if a an et Abu Bakr# he $ould day# HE Abu BakrI @ho is this an in front of youJH Abu Bakr
$ould say# H&his an sho$s e the @ay#H Ene $ould think that Abu Bakr eant the road# $hile in
fact# Abu Bakr eant the $ay of (irtue and good% &hen Abu Bakr looked behind and sa$ a horse)
rider persuing the% He said# HE Allah's ApostleI &his is a horse)rider persuing us%H &he Prophet
looked behind and said# HE AllahI 9ause hi to fall do$n%H So the horse thre$ hi do$n and got up
neighing% After that the rider# SuraCa said# HE Allah's ProphetI Erder e $hate(er you $ant%H &he
Prophet said# HStay $here you are and do not allo$ anybody to reach us%H So# in the first part of the
day SuraCa $as an eney of Allah's Prophet and in the last part of it# he $as a protector% &hen Allah's
Apostle alighted by the side of the Al)Harra and sent a essage to the Ansar# and they cae to Al)
lah's Prophet and Abu Bakr# and ha(ing greeted the# they said# HRide !your she)caels" safe and
obeyed%H Allah's Apostle and Abu Bakr rode and the Ansar# carrying their ars# surrounded the%
&he ne$s that Allah's Prophet had coe circulated in Medina% &he people cae out and $ere eagerly
looking and saying HAllah's Prophet has coeI Allah's Prophet has coeI So the Prophet $ent on till
he alighted near the house of Abu Aiyub% @hile the Prophet $as speaking $ith the faily ebers
of Abu Aiyub# 'Abdullah bin Sala heard the ne$s of his arri(al $hile he hiself $as picking the
dates for his faily fro his faily garden% He hurried to the Prophet carrying the dates $hich he
had collected for his faily fro the garden% He listened to Allah's Prophet and then $ent hoe%
&hen Allah's Prophet said# H@hich is the nearest of the houses of our Kith and kinJH Abu Aiyub
replied# HMine# E Allah's ProphetI &his is y house and this is y gate%H &he Prophet said# HAo and
prepare a place for our idday rest%H Abu Aiyub said# HAet up !both of you" $ith Allah's Blessings%H So
$hen Allah's Prophet $ent into the house# 'Abdullah bin Salai cae and said HI testify that you !i%e%
Muhaad" are Apostle of Allah and that you ha(e coe $ith the &ruth% &he /e$s kno$ $ell that I
=olue 4 ) 130 ? 0:66
a their chief and the son of their chief and the ost learned aongst the and the son of the ost
learned aongst the% So send for the !i%e% /e$s" and ask the about e before they kno$ that I
ha(e ebraced Isla# for if they kno$ that they $ill say about e things $hich are not correct%H So
Allah's Apostle sent for the# and they cae and entered% Allah's Apostle said to the# HE !the group
of" /e$sI @oe to you: be afraid of Allah% By Allah e*cept @ho none has the right to be $orshipped#
you people kno$ for certain# that I a Apostle of Allah and that I ha(e coe to you $ith the &ruth#
so ebrace Isla%H &he /e$s replied# H@e do not kno$ this%H So they said this to the Prophet and he
repeated it thrice% &hen he said# H@hat sort of a an is 'Abdullah bin Sala aongst youJH &hey said#
HHe is our chief and the son of our chief and the ost learned an# and the son of the ost learned
aongst us%H He said# H@hat $ould you think if he should ebrace IslaJH &hey said# HAllah forbidI
He can not ebrace Isla%H He said# H @hat $ould you think if he should ebrace IslaJH &hey said#
HAllah forbidI He can not ebrace Isla%H He said# H@hat $ould you think if he should ebrace Is)
laJH &hey said# HAllah forbidI He can not ebrace Isla%H He said# HE Ibn SalaiI 9oe out to the%H
He cae out and said# HE !the group of" /e$sI 7e afraid of Allah e*cept @ho none has the right to
be $orshipped% Kou kno$ for certain that he is Apostle of Allah and that he has brought a &rue Reli)
gionI' &hey said# HKou tell a lie%H En that Allah's Apostle turned the out%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 340:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
Uar bin Al)Khattab fi*ed a grant of 2666 !8irhas" for e(ery +arly +igrant !i%e%" and
fi*ed a grant of <466 !8irhas" only for Ibn 'Uar% Soebody said to 'Uar# HIbn 'Uar is also one
of the +arly +igrantsL $hy do you gi(e hi less than four)thousandJH 'Uar replied# HHis parents
took hi $ith the $hen they igrated# so he $as not like the one $ho had igrated by hiself%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 343:
Darrated Khabbab:
@e igrated $ith Allah's Apostle !See Hadith Do% 34< belo$"%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 34<:
Darrated Khabbab:
@e igrated $ith Allah's Apostle seeking Allah's 9ountenance# so our re$ards becae due and
sure $ith Allah% Soe of us passed a$ay $ithout eating anything of their re$ards in this $orld% Ene
of these $as Mus'ab bin 'Uar $ho $as artyred on the day of the battle of Uhud% @e did not find
anything to shroud his body $ith e*cept a striped cloak% @hen $e co(ered his head $ith it# his feet
reained unco(ered# and $hen $e co(ered his feet $ith it# his head reained unco(ered% So Allah's
Apostle ordered us to co(er his head $ith it and put soe Idhkhir !i%e% a kind of grass" o(er his feet%
=olue 4 ) 133 ? 0:66
And there are soe aongst us $hose fruits ha(e ripened and they are collecting the !i%e% they
ha(e recei(ed their re$ards in this $orld"%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 342:
Darrated Abu Burda Bin Abi Musa Al)Ashari:
'Abdullah bin 'Uar said to e# H8o you kno$ $hat y father said to your father onceJH I said#
HDo%H He said# HMy father said to your father# 'E Abu Musa# $ill it please you that $e $ill be re$arded
for our con(ersion to Isla $ith Allah's Apostle and our igration $ith hi# and our /ihad $ith hi
and all our good deeds $hich $e did# $ith hi# and that all the deeds $e did after his death $ill be
disregarded $hether good or badJ' Kour father !i%e% Abu Musa" said# 'Do# by Allah# $e took part in /i)
had after Allah's Apostle # prayed and did plenty of good deeds# and any people ha(e ebraced Is)
la at our hands# and no doubt# $e e*pect re$ards fro Allah for these good deeds%' En that y
father !i%e% 'Uar" said# 'As for yself# By Hi in @hose Hand 'Uar's soul is# I $ish that the deeds
done by us at the tie of the Prophet reain re$ardable $hile $hatsoe(er $e did after the death of
the Prophet be enough to sa(e us fro Punishent in that the good deeds copensate for the bad
ones%' H En that I said !to Ibn 'Uar"# HBy Allah# your father $as better than y fatherIH
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 344:
Darrated Abu 'Uthan:
I heard that Ibn 'Uar used to becoe angry if soeone entioned that he had igrated before
his father !'Uar"# and he used to say# H 'Uar and I cae to Allah's Apostle and found hi ha(ing
his idday rest# so $e returned hoe% &hen 'Uar sent e again !to the Prophet " and said# 'Ao and
see $hether he is a$ake%' I $ent to hi and entered his place and ga(e hi the pledge of allegiance%
&hen I $ent back to 'Uar and infored hi that the Prophet $as a$ake% So $e both $ent# running
slo$ly# and $hen 'Uar entered his place# he ga(e hi the pledge of allegiance and thereafter I too
ga(e hi the pledge of allegiance#H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 345:
Darrated Al)Bara:
Abu Bakr bought a !cael's" saddle fro 'A-ib# and I carried it for hi% 'A-ib !i%e% y father" asked
Abu Bakr regarding the .ourney of the igration of Allah's Apostle% Abu Bakr said# H9lose obser(ers
$ere appointed by our eneies to $atch us% So $e $ent out at night and tra(elled throughout the
night and the follo$ing day till it $as noon# then $e percei(ed a rock and $ent to$ards it# and there
$as soe shade under it% I spread a cloak I had $ith e for Allah's Apostle and then the Prophet
layed on it% I $ent out to guard hi and all of a sudden I sa$ a shepherd coing $ith his sheep
looking for the sae# the shade of the rock as $e did# I asked hi# 'E boy# to $ho do you belongJ'
=olue 4 ) 13< ? 0:66
He replied# 'I belong to so)and)so%' I asked hi# 'Is there soe ilk in your sheepJ' He replied in the
affirati(e% I asked hi# '@ill you ilkJ' He replied in the affirati(e% &hen he got hold of one of his
sheep% I said to hi# 'Reo(e the dust fro its udder%' &hen he ilked a little ilk% I had a $ater)skin
$ith e $hich $as tied $ith a piece of cloth% I had prepared the $ater)skin for Allah's Apostle % So I
poured soe $ater o(er the ilk !container" till its botto becae cold% &hen I brought the ilk to
the Prophet and said# '8rink# E Allah's Apostle%' Allah's Apostle drank till I becae pleased% &hen $e
departed and the pursuers $ere follo$ing us%H Al)Bara added: I then $ent $ith Abu Bakr into his
hoe !carrying that saddle" and there I sa$ his daughter 'Aisha ;ying in a bed because of hea(y
fe(er and I sa$ her father Abu Bakr kissing her cheek and saying# HHo$ are you# little daughterJH
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 34::
Darrated Anas:
!the ser(ant of the Prophet" @hen the Prophet arri(ed !at Medina"# there $as not a single co)
panion of the Prophet $ho had grey and black hair e*cept Abu Bakr# and he dyed his hair $ith
Henna' and Kata !i%e% plants used for dying hair"% &hrough another group of narrators# Anas bin
Malik said#% H@hen the Prophet arri(ed at Medina# the eldest aongst his copanions $as Abu Bakr%
He dyed his hair $ith Hinna and Kata till it becae of dark red color%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 347:
Darrate Aisha:
Abu Bakr arried a $oan fro the tribe of Bani Kalb# called U Bakr% @hen Abu Bakr igrated
to Medina# he di(orced her and she $as arried by her cousin# the poet $ho said the follo$ing
poe laenting the infidels of ,uraish:
H@hat is there kept in the $ell# &he $ell of Badr# !&he o$ners of" the trays of Roasted cael
hupsJ @hat is there kept in the $ell# &he $ell of Badr# !&he o$ners of" lady singers And friends of
the honorable copanionsL $ho used to drink !$ine" together# U Bakr greets us @ith the greeting
of peace# But can I find peace After y people ha(e goneJ &he Apostle tells us that @e shall li(e
again# But $hat sort of life $ill o$ls and skulls li(eJ:
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 341:
Darrated Abu Bakr:
I $as $ith the Prophet in the 9a(e% @hen I raised y head# I sa$ the feet of the people% I said# HE
Allah's ApostleI If soe of the should look do$n# they $ill see us%H &he Prophet said# HE Abu Bakr#
be CuietI !Bor $e are" t$o and Allah is the &hird of us%H
=olue 4 ) 132 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 356:
Darrated Abu Said:
Ence a bedouin cae to the Prophet and asked hi about the igration% &he Prophet said# HMercy
of Allah be on youI &he igration is a Cuite difficult atter% Ha(e you got soe caelsJH He replied
in the affirati(e% &hen the Prophet said# H8o you gi(e their FakatJH He replied in the affirati(e%
&he Prophet said# H8o you let others benefit by their ilk gratisJH He replied in the affirati(e% &hen
the Prophet asked# H8o you ilk the on their $atering days and gi(e their ilk to the poor and
needyJH He replied in the affirati(e% &he Prophet# said# HAo on doing like this fro beyond the seas#
and there is no doubt that Allah $ill not o(erlook any of your good deeds%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 350:
Darrated Al)Bara:
&he first people $ho cae to us !in Medina" $ere Mus'ab bin 'Uar and Ibn U Maktu% &hen
cae to us 'Aar bin Kasir and Bilal%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 353:
Darrated Al)Bara bin A-ib:
&he first people $ho cae to us !in Medina" $ere Mus'ab bin 'Uar and Ibn U Maktu $ho
$ere teaching ,ur'an to the people% &hen their cae Bilal% Sad and 'Aar bin Kasir% After that
'Uar bin Al)Khattab cae along $ith t$enty other copanions of the Prophet% ;ater on the Proph)
et hiself !to Medina" and I had ne(er seen the people of Medina so .oyful as they $ere on the ar)
ri(al of Allah's Apostle# for e(en the sla(e girls $ere saying# HAllah's Apostle has arri(edIH And before
his arri(al I had read the Sura starting $ith:)) HAlorify the Dae of your ;ord# the Most HighH !7:%0"
together $ith other Suras of Al)Mufassal%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 35<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen Allah's Apostle cae to Medina# Abu Bakr and Bilal got fe(er# and I $ent to both of the
and said# HE y father# ho$ do you feelJ E Bilal# ho$ do you feelJH @hene(er Abu Bakr's fe(er got
$orse# he $ould say# H+(ery an $ill eet his death once in one orning $hile he $ill be aong
his faily# for death is really nearer to hi than his leather shoe laces !to his feet"%H And $hene(er
fe(er deserted Bilal# he $ould say aloud# H@ould that I kno$ $hether I shall spend a night in the
(alley !of Mecca" $ith Idhkhir and /alil !i%e% kinds of grass" around e# and $hether I shall drink one
day the $ater of Mi.annah# and $hether I shall see once again the hills of Shaah and &afilJH &hen I
$ent to Allah's Apostle and told hi of that% He said# HE Allah# ake us lo(e Medina as uch as or
=olue 4 ) 134 ? 0:66
ore than $e used to lo(e Mecca# E Allah# ake it healthy and bless its Sa' and Mud !i%e% easures"#
and take a$ay its fe(er to Al)/uhfa%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 352:
Darrated 'Ubaidullah bin Ad bin Khiyair:
I $ent to Uthan% After reciting &ashah)hud# he said#% H&hen after no doubt# Allah sent
Muhaad $ith the &ruth# and I $as aongst those $ho responded to the 9all of Allah and His
Prophet and belie(ed in the essage of Muhaad% &hen took part in the t$o igrations% I becae
the son)in)la$ of Allah's Apostle and ga(e the pledge of allegiance to hi By Allah# I ne(er dis)
obeyed hi# nor did I decei(e hi till Allah took hi unto Hi%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 354:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
8uring the last Ha.. led by 'Uar# 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf returned to his faily at Mina and et
e there% 'AbdurRahan said !to 'Uar"# HE chief of the belie(ersI &he season of Ha.. is the season
$hen there coes the scu of the people !besides the good aongst the"# so I recoend that you
should $ait till you go back to Medina# for it is the place of Migration and Sunna !i%e% the Prophet's
tradition"# and there you $ill be able to refer the atter to the religious scholars and the nobles and
the people of $ise opinions%H 'Uar said# HI $ill speak of it in Medina on y (ery first seron I $ill
deli(er there%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 355:
Darrated 'U al)'Ala:
An Ansari $oan $ho ga(e the pledge of allegiance to the Prophet that the Ansar dre$ lots con)
cerning the d$elling of the +igrants% 'Uthan bin Ma-'un $as decided to d$ell $ith the !i%e% U
al)'Ala's faily"# 'Uthan fell ill and I nursed hi till he died# and $e co(ered hi $ith his clothes%
&hen the Prophet cae to us and I !addressing the dead body" said# HE Abu As)Sa'ib# ay Allah's
Mercy be on youI I bear $itness that Allah has honored you%H En that the Prophet said# HHo$ do you
kno$ that Allah has honored hiJH I replied# HI do not kno$% May y father and y other be sac)
rificed for you# E Allah's ApostleI But $ho else is $orthy of it !if not 'Uthan"JH He said# HAs to hi#
by Allah# death has o(ertaken hi# and I hope the best for hi% By Allah# though I a the Apostle of
Allah# yet I do not kno$ $hat Allah $ill do to e#H By Allah# I $ill ne(er assert the piety of anyone
after hi% &hat ade e sad# and $hen I slept I sa$ in a drea a flo$ing strea for 'Uthan bin
Ma-'un% I $ent to Allah's Apostle and told hi of it% He rearked# H&hat syboli-es his !good" deeds%H
=olue 4 ) 135 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 35::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he day of Bu'ath $as a day !i%e% battle" $hich Allah caused to take place .ust before the ission of
His Apostle so that $hen Allah's Apostle cae to Medina# they !the tribes" had di(ided !into hostile
groups" and their nobles had been killedL and all that facilitated their con(ersion to Isla%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 357:
Darrated Aisha:
&hat once Abu Bakr cae to her on the day of 'Id)ul)Bitr or 'Id ul Adha $hile the Prophet $as
$ith her and there $ere t$o girl singers $ith her# singing songs of the Ansar about the day of Buath%
Abu Bakr said t$ice% HMusical instruent of SatanIH But the Prophet said# H;ea(e the Abu Bakr# for
e(ery nation has an 'Id !i%e% festi(al" and this day is our 'Id%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 351:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hen Allah's Apostle arri(ed at Medina# he alighted at the upper part of Medina aong the
people called Bani 'Ar bin 'Auf and he stayed $ith the for fourteen nights% &hen he sent for the
chiefs of Bani An) and they cae# carrying their s$ords% As if I a .ust no$ looking at Allah's
Apostle on his she)cael $ith Abu Bakr riding behind hi !on the sae cael" and the chiefs of
Bani An) around hi till he disounted in the courtyard of Abu Aiyub's hoe% &he Prophet
used to offer the prayer $here(er the prayer $as due# and he $ould pray e(en in sheepfolds% &hen
he ordered that the osCue be built% He sent for the chiefs of Banu An) and $hen they cae#
he said# HE Banu An)Da..arI Suggest to e the price of this garden of yours%H &hey replied HDoI By Al)
lah# $e do not deand its price e*cept fro Allah%H In that garden there $ere the !follo$ing" things
that I $ill tell you: Ara(es of pagans# unle(eled land $ith holes and pits etc%# and date)pal trees% Al)
lah's Apostle ordered that the gra(es of the pagans be dug up and# the unle(eled land be le(eled and
the date)pal trees be cut do$n% &he trunks of the trees $ere arranged so as to for the $all facing
the ,ibla% &he Stone pillars $ere built at the sides of its gate% &he copanions of the Prophet $ere
carrying the stones and reciting soe lyrics# and Allah's Apostle % % $as $ith the and they $ere say)
ing# HE AllahI &here is no good +*cel the good of the Hereafter# so besto$ (ictory on the Ansar and
the +igrants% H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3:6:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Huaid A-)Fuhri:
=olue 4 ) 13: ? 0:66
I heard 'Uar bin 'Abdul)A-i- asking As)Sa'ib# the nephe$ of An)Dir% H@hat ha(e you heard
about residing in MeccaJH &he other said# HI heard Al)Ala bin Al)Hadrai saying# Allah's Apostle
said: An +igrant is allo$ed to stay in Mecca for three days after departing fro Mina !i%e% after per)
foring all the cereonies of Ha.."H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3:0:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
&he Prophet's copanions did not take as a starting date for the Musli calendar# the day# the
Prophet had been sent as an Apostle or the day of his death# but the day of his arri(al at Medina%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3:3:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Eriginally# t$o Rakat $ere prescribed in e(ery prayer% @hen the Prophet igrated !to Medina"
four Rakat $ere en.oined# $hile the .ourney prayer reained unchanged!i%e% t$o Rakat"%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3:<:
Darrated Sad bin Malik:
In the year of' the Prophet (isited e $hen I fell ill and $as about to die because
of that illness% I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I a (ery ill as you see# and I a a rich an and ha(e no
heir e*cept y only daughter% Shall I gi(e 3?< of y property in charityJH He said# HDo%H I said# HShall I
then gi(e one half of it in charityJH He said# HE SadI Ai(e 0?< !in charity" and e(en 0?< is too uch%
Do doubt# it is better to lea(e your children rich than to lea(e the poor# reduced to begging fro
others% And Allah $ill re$ard you for $hate(er you spend $ith the intention of gaining Allah's
Pleasure e(en if it $ere a outhful of food you put into your $i(es outh%H I said# HE Allah's ApostleI
A I to be left behind !in Mecca" after y copanions ha(e goneJH He said# HIf you should be left be)
hind# you $ill be upgraded and ele(ated for e(ery deed you $ill do $ith a desire to achie(e Allah's
Pleasure% I hope that you $ill li(e long so that soe people $ill benefit by you $hile others $ill be
hared% E AllahI Please fulfill the igration of y copanions and do not ake the turn back on
their heels% But !$e feel sorry for" the unlucky Sad bin Khaulah%H Allah's Apostle laented his death
in Mecca%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3:2:
Darrated Anas:
@hen 'Abdur)Rahan bin Auf cae to Medina and the Prophet established the bond of brother)
hood bet$een hi and Sad bin Ar)Rabi)al)Ansari# Saud suggested that 'Abdur)Rahan should ac)
=olue 4 ) 137 ? 0:66
cept half of his property and faily% 'Abdur Rahan said# HMay Allah bless you in your faily and
propertyL guide e to the arket%H So 'Abdur)Rahan !$hile doing business in the arket" ade
soe profit of soe condensed dry yoghurt and butter% After a fe$ days the Prophet sa$ hi $ear)
ing clothes stained $ith yello$ perfue% &he Prophet asked# H@hat is this# E 'Abdur)RahanJH He
said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e arried an Ansar' $oan%H &he Prophet asked# H@hat ha(e you gi(en
her as MahrJH He !i%e% 'Abdur)Rahan" said# HA piece of gold# about the $eight of a date stone%H &hen
the Prophet said# Ai(e a banCuet# e(en though of a sheep%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3:4:
Darrated Anas:
@hen the ne$s of the arri(al of the Prophet at Medina reached 'Abdullah bin Sala# he $ent to
hi to ask hi about certain things# He said# HI a going to ask you about three things $hich only a
Prophet can ans$er: @hat is the first sign of &he HourJ @hat is the first food $hich the people of
Paradise $ill eatJ @hy does a child attract the siilarity to his father or to his otherJH &he Prophet
replied# HAabriel has .ust no$ infored e of that%H Ibn Sala said# HHe !i%e% Aabriel" is the eney of
the /e$s aongst the angels% &he Prophet said# HAs for the first sign of &he Hour# it $ill be a fire that
$ill collect the people fro the +ast to the @est% As for the first eal $hich the people of Paradise
$ill eat# it $ill be the caudate !e*tra" lobe of the fish)li(er% As for the child# if the an's discharge
proceeds the $oan's discharge# the child attracts the siilarity to the an# and if the $oan's dis)
charge proceeds the an's# then the child attracts the siilarity to the $oan%H
En this# 'Abdullah bin Sala said# HI testify that Done has the right to be $orshipped e*cept Allah#
and that you are the Apostle of Allah%H and added# HE Allah's ApostleI /e$s in(ent such lies as ake
one astonished# so please ask the about e before they kno$ about y con(ersion to I sla % H &he
/e$s cae# and the Prophet said# H@hat kind of an is 'Abdullah bin Sala aong youJH &hey
replied# H&he best of us and the son of the best of us and the ost superior aong us# and the son of
the ost superior aong us% H&he Prophet said# H@hat $ould you think if 'Abdullah bin Sala should
ebrace IslaJH &hey said# HMay Allah protect hi fro that%H &he Prophet repeated his Cuestion and
they ga(e the sae ans$er% &hen 'Abdullah cae out to the and said# HI testify that Done has the
right to be $orshipped e*cept Allah and that Muhaad is the Apostle of AllahIH En this# the /e$s
said# HHe is the ost $icked aong us and the son of the ost $icked aong us%H So they degraded
hi% En this# he !i%e% 'Abdullah bin Sala" said# HIt is this that I $as afraid of# E Allah's Apostle%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3:5:
Darrated Abu Al)Minhal 'AbdurRahan bin Mut'i:
A partner of ine sold soe 8irhas on credit in the arket% I said# HAlorified be AllahI Is this
legalJH He replied# HAlorified be AllahI By Allah# $hen I sold the in the arket# nobody ob.ected to
it%H &hen I asked Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib !about it" he said# H@e used to ake such a transaction $hen the
=olue 4 ) 131 ? 0:66
Prophet cae to Medina% So he said# '&here is no har in it if it is done fro hand to hand# but it is
not allo$ed on credit%' Ao to Faid bin Al) ArCa and ask hi about it for he $as the greatest trader
of all of us%H So I asked Faid bin Al)ArCa%# and he said the sae !as Al)Bara" did%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3:::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HHad only ten /e$s !aongst their chiefs" belie(e e# all the /e$s $ould defin)
itely ha(e belie(ed e%H
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3:7:
Darrated Abu Musa:
@hen the Prophet arri(ed at Medina# he noticed that soe people aong the /e$s used to respect
Ashura' !i%e% 06th of Muharra" and fast on it% &he Prophet then said# H@e ha(e ore right to ob)
ser(e fast on this day%H and ordered that fasting should be obser(ed on it%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 3:1:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
@hen the Prophet arri(ed at Medina he found that the /e$s obser(ed fast on the day of 'Ashura'%
&hey $ere asked the reason for the fast% &hey replied# H&his is the day $hen Allah caused Moses and
the children of Israel to ha(e (ictory o(er Pharaoh# so $e fast on this day as a sign of glorifying it%H
Allah's Apostle said# H@e are closer to Moses than you%H &hen he ordered that fasting on this day
should be obser(ed%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 376:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abbas:
&he Prophet used to keep his hair falling loose $hile the pagans used to part their hair# and the
People of the Scriptures used to keep their hair falling loose# and the Prophet liked to follo$ the
People of the Scriptures in atters about $hich he had not been instructed differently# but later on
the Prophet started parting his hair%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 370:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&hey# the people of the Scriptures# di(ided this Scripture into parts# belie(ing in soe portions of it
and disbelie(ing the others% !See 04:10"
=olue 4 ) 1<6 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 373:
Darrated Salan Al)Barisi:
&hat he $as sold !as a sla(e" by one aster to another for ore than ten ties !i%e bet$een 0< and
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 37<:
Darrated Salan:
I a fro Ra)Huru- !i%e% a Persian to$n"%
=olue 4# Book 47# Duber 372:
Darrated Salan:
&he inter(al bet$een /esus and Muhaad $as si* hundred years%
=olue 4 ) 1<0 ? 0:66
Book 41: Military +*peditions led by the Pro)
phet !pbuh" !Al)Maghaa-i"
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 374:
Darrated Abu IshaC:
Ence# $hile I $as sitting beside Faid bin Al)ArCa# he $as asked# HHo$ any Aha-$at did the
Prophet undertakeJH Faid replied# HDineteen%H &hey said# HIn ho$ any Aha-$at did you .oin hiJH
He replied# HSe(enteen%H I asked# H@hich of these $as the firstJH He replied# HAl)'Ashira or Al)'Ashiru%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 375:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud:
Bro Sad bin Mu'adh: Sad bin Mu'adh $as an intiate friend of Uaiya bin Khalaf and $hene(er
Uaiya passed through Medina# he used to stay $ith Sad# and $hene(er Sad $ent to Mecca# he used
to stay $ith Uaiya% @hen Allah's Apostle arri(ed at Medina# Sa'd $ent to perfor 'Ura and stayed
at Uaiya's hoe in Mecca% He said to Uaiya# H&ell e of a tie $hen !the MosCue" is epty so
that I ay be able to perfor &a$af around the Ka'ba%H So Uaiya $ent $ith hi about idday% Abu
/ahl et the and said# HE Abu Saf$anI @ho is this an accopanying youJH He said# HHe is Sad%H
Abu /ahl addressed Sad saying# HI see you $andering about safely in Mecca inspite of the fact that
you ha(e gi(en shelter to the people $ho ha(e changed their religion !i%e% becae Muslis" and
ha(e claied that you $ill help the and support the% By Allah# if you $ere not in the copany of
Abu Saf$an# you $ould not be able to go your faily safely%H Sad# raising his (oice# said to hi# HBy
Allah# if you should stop e fro doing this !i%e% perforing &a$af" I $ould certainly pre(ent you
fro soething $hich is ore (aluable for you# that is# your passage through Medina%H En this#
Uaiya said to hi# HE Sad do not raise your (oice before Abu)l)Haka# the chief of the people of
the =alley !of Mecca"%H Sad said# HE Uaiya# stop thatI By Allah# I ha(e heard Allah's Apostle predict)
ing that the Musli $ill kill you%H Uaiya asked# HIn MeccaJH Sad said# HI do not kno$%H Uaiya $as
greatly scared by that ne$s%
@hen Uaiya returned to his faily# he said to his $ife# HE U Saf$anI 8on't you kno$ $hat
Sad told eJ HShe said# H@hat has he told youJH He replied# HHe clais that Muhaad has infored
the !i%e% copanions that they $ill kill e% I asked hi# 'In MeccaJ' He replied# 'I do not kno$%H
&hen Uaiya added# HBy Allah# I $ill ne(er go out of Mecca%H But $hen the day of !the Aha-$a of"
Badr cae# Abu /ahl called the people to $ar# saying# HAo and protect your cara(an%H But Uaiya dis)
liked to go out !of Mecca"% Abu /ahl cae to hi and said# HE Abu Saf$anI If the people see you stay)
ing behind though you are the chief of the people of the =alley# then they $ill reain behind $ith
=olue 4 ) 1<3 ? 0:66
you%H Abu /ahl kept on urging hi to go until he !i%e% Uaiya" said# HAs you ha(e forced e to change
y ind# by Allah# I $ill buy the best cael in Mecca% &hen Uaiya said !to his $ife"% HE U
Saf$an# prepare $hat I need !for the .ourney"%H She said to hi# HE Abu Saf$anI Ha(e you forgotten
$hat your Kathribi brother told youJH He said# HDo# but I do not $ant to go $ith the but for a short
distance%H So $hen Uaiya $ent out# he used to tie his cael $here(er he caped% He kept on doing
that till Allah caused hi to be killed at Badr%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 37::
Darrated Kab bin Malik:
I ne(er failed to .oin Allah's Apostle in any of his Aha-a$at e*cept in the Aha-$a of &abuk% Ho$)
e(er# I did not take part in the Aha-$a of Badr# but none $ho failed to take part in it# $as blaed#
for Allah's Apostle had gone out to eet the cara(ans of !,uraish# but Allah caused the !i%e%
Muslis" to eet their eney une*pectedly !$ith no pre(ious intention" %
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 377:
Darrated Ibn Masud:
I $itnessed Al)MiCdad bin Al)As$ad in a scene $hich $ould ha(e been dearer to e than any)
thing had I been the hero of that scene% He !i%e% Al)MiCdad" cae to the Prophet $hile the Prophet
$as urging the Muslis to fight $ith the pagans% Al)MiCdad said# H@e $ill not say as the People of
Moses said: Ao you and your ;ord and fight you t$o% !4%3:"% But $e shall fight on your right and on
your left and in front of you and behind you%H I sa$ the face of the Prophet getting bright $ith hap)
piness# for that saying delighted hi%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 371:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
En the day of the battle of Badr# the Prophet said# HE AllahI I appeal to Kou !to fulfill" Kour 9o(en)
ant and Proise% E AllahI If Kour @ill is that none should $orship Kou !then gi(e (ictory to the pa)
gans"%H &hen Abu Bakr took hold of hi by the hand and said# H&his is sufficient for you%H &he Prophet
cae out saying# H&heir ultitude $ill be put to flight and they $ill sho$ their backs%H !42%24"
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 316:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he belie(ers $ho failed to .oin the Aha-$a of Badr and those $ho took part in it are not eCual !in
=olue 4 ) 1<< ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 310:
Darrated Al)Bara:
I and Ibn 'Uar $ere considered too young to take part in the battle of Badr%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 313:
Darrated Al)Bara:
I and Ibn 'Uar $ere considered too young !to take part" in the battle of Badr# and the nuber of
the +igrant $arriors $ere o(er si*ty !en" and the Ansar $ere o(er 321%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 31<:
Darrated Al)Bara:
&he copanions of !the Prophet" Muhaad $ho took part in Badr# told e that their nuber
$as that of Saul's !i%e% &alut's" copanions $ho crossed the ri(er !of /ordan" $ith hi and they $ere
o(er three)hundred)and)ten en% By Allah# none crossed the ri(er $ith hi but a belie(er% !See
,ur'an 3:321"
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 312:
Darrated Al)Bara:
@e# the 9opanions of Muhaad used to say that the nuber of the $arriors of Badr $as the
sae as the nuber of Saul's copanions $ho crossed the ri(er !of /ordan" $ith hi# and none
crossed the ri(er $ith hi but a belie(er# and the $ere o(er three)hundred)and)ten en%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 314:
Darrated Al)Bara:
As belo$ !Hadith 314"%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 315:
Darrated Al)Bara:
@e used to say that the $arriors of Badr $ere o(er three)hundred)and)ten# as any as the 9o)
panions of Saul $ho crossed the ri(er $ith hiL and none crossed the ri(er $ith hi but a belie(er%
=olue 4 ) 1<2 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 31::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud:
&he Prophet faced the Ka'ba and in(oked e(il on soe people of ,uraish# on Shaiba bin Rabi'a#
'Utba bin Rabi'a# Al)@alid bin 'Utba and Abu /ahl bin Hisha% I bear $itness# by Allah# that I sa$
the all dead# putrefied by the sun as that day $as a (ery hot day%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 317:
Darrated Abdullah: &hat he cae across Abu /ahl $hile he $as on the point of death on the day of
Badr% Abu /ahl said# HKou should not be proud that you ha(e killed e nor I a ashaed of being
killed by y o$n folk%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 311:
Darrated Anas:
As belo$ !Hadith <66"%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <66:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H@ho $ill go and see $hat has happened to Abu /ahlJH Ibn Mas'ud $ent and
found that the t$o sons of 'Afra had struck hi fatally !and he $as in his last breaths"% 'Abdullah bin
Mas'ud said# HAre you Abu /ahlJH And took hi by the beard% Abu /ahl said# H9an there be a an su)
perior to one you ha(e killed or one $ho his o$n folk ha(e killedJH
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <60:
Darrated Anas:
En the day of Badr# the Prophet said# H@ho $ill go and see $hat has happened to Abu /ahlJH Ibn
Mas'ud $ent and found that the t$o sons of 'Afra had struck hi fatally% 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud got
hold of his beard and said# H'Are you Abu /ahlJH He replied# H9an there be a an ore superior to one
$ho his o$n folk ha(e killed !or you ha(e killed"JH
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <63:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
!as abo(e Hadith <60"%
=olue 4 ) 1<4 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <6<:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf:
!the grandfather of Salih bin Ibrahi" the story of Badr# naely# the narration regarding the sons
of 'Afra'%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <62:
Darrated Abu
Bro ,ais bin Ubad: 'Ali bin Abi &alib said# HI shall be the first an to kneel do$n before !Allah"#
the Beneficent to recei(e His .udgent on the day of Resurrection !in y fa(or"%H ,ais bin Ubad also
said# H&he follo$ing =erse $as re(ealed in their connection:))
H&hese t$o opponents belie(ers and disbelie(ers" 8ispute $ith each other About their ;ord%H
!33%01" ,ais said that they $ere those $ho fought on the day of Badr# naely# Ha-a# 'Ali# 'Ubaida
or Abu 'Ubaida bin Al)Harith# Shaiba bin Rabi'a# 'Utba and Al)@ahd bin Utba%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <64:
Darrated Abu 8har:
&he follo$ing Holy =erse:))
H&hese t$o opponents !belie(ers N disbelie(ers" dispute $ith each other about their ;ord#H !33%01"
$as re(ealed concerning si* en fro ,uraish# naely# 'Ali# Ha-a# 'Ubaida bin Al)HarithL Shaiba
bin Rabi'a# 'Utba bin Rabi'a and Al)@alid bin 'Utba%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <65:
Darrated 'Ali:
&he follo$ing Holy =erse:)) H&hese t$o opponents !belie(ers and disbelie(ers" dispute $ith each
other about their ;ord%H !33%01" $as re(ealed concerning us%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <6::
Darrated ,ais bin Ubad:
I heard Abu 8har s$earing that these Holy =erses $ere re(ealed in connection $ith those si* per)
sons on the day of Badr%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <67:
Darrated ,ais:
=olue 4 ) 1<5 ? 0:66
I heard Abu 8har s$earing that the follo$ing Holy (erse:)) H&hese t$o opponents !belie(ers and
disbelie(ers" disputing $ith each other about their ;ord#H !33%01" $as re(ealed concerning those
en $ho fought on the day of Badr# naely# Ha-a# 'Ali# Ubaida bin Al)Harith# Utba and Shaiba))))
the t$o sons of Rabi'a)) and Al)@alid bin 'Utba%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <61:
Darrated Abu IshaC:
A an asked Al)Bara' and I $as listening# H8id 'Ali take part in !the battle of" BadrJH Al)Bara' said#
H!Kes"% he e(en et !his eneies" in a duel and $as clad in t$o arors !one o(er the other"#H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <06:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf:
HI had an agreeent $ith Uaiya bin Khalaf !that he $ould look after y relati(es and property
in Mecca# and I $ould look after his relati(es and property in Medina"%H 'Abdur)Rahan then en)
tioned the killing of Uaiya and his son on the day of Badr# and Bilal said# H@oe to e if Uaiya re)
ains safe !i%e% ali(e" % H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <00:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet recited Surat)an)Da. and then prostrated hiself# and all $ho $ere $ith hi pros)
trated too% But an old an took a handful of dust and touched his forehead $ith it saying# H&his is
sufficient for e%H ;ater on I sa$ hi killed as an infidel%
Darrated 'Ur$a !the son of A-) Fubair": A-)Fubair had three scars caused by the s$ord# one of
$hich $as o(er his shoulder and I used to insert y fingers in it% He recei(ed t$o of those $ounds
on the day of Badr and one on the day of Al)Karuk% @hen 'Abdullah bin Fubair $as killed# 'Abdul)
Malik bin Mar$an said to e# HE 'Ur$a# do you recogni-e the s$ord of A-)FubairJH I said# HKes%H He
said# H@hat arks does it ha(eJH I replied# HIt has a dent in its sharp edge $hich $as caused in it on
the day of Badr%H 'Abdul) Malik said# HKou are rightI !i%e% their s$ords" ha(e dents because of clashing
$ith the regients of the eneies &hen 'Abdul)Malik returned that s$ord to e !i%e% Ur$a"%
!Hisha# 'Ur$a's son said# H@e estiated the price of the s$ord as three)thousand !8inars" and after
that it $as taken by one of us !i%e% the inheritors" and I $ish I could ha(e had it%H"
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <03:
Darrated Hisha:
=olue 4 ) 1<: ? 0:66
&hat his father said# H&he s$ord of A-)Fubair $as decorated $ith sil(er%H Hisha added# H&he
s$ord of 'Ur$a $as !also" decorated $ith sil(er% H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <0<:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
En the day of !the battle" of Al)Karuk# the copanions of Allah's Apostle said to A-)Fubair#
H@ill you attack the eney so that $e shall attack the $ith youJH A-)Fubair replied# HIf I attack
the# you people $ould not support e%H &hey said# HDo# $e $ill support you%H So A-)Fubair attacked
the !i%e% By-antine" and pierced through their lines# and $ent beyond the and none of his co)
panions $as $ith hi% &hen he returned and the eney got hold of the bridle of his !horse" and
struck hi t$o blo$s !$ith the s$ord" on his shoulder% Bet$een these t$o $ounds there $as a scar
caused by a blo$# he had recei(ed on the day of Badr !battle"% @hen I $as a child I used to play $ith
those scars by putting y fingers in the% En that day !y brother" HAbdullah bin A-)Fubair $as
also $ith hi and he $as ten years old% A-)Fubair had carried hi on a horse and let hi to the
care of soe en%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <02:
Darrated Abu &alha:
En the day of Badr# the Prophet ordered that the corpses of t$enty four leaders of ,uraish should
be thro$n into one of the dirty dry $ells of Badr% !It $as a habit of the Prophet that $hene(er he
conCuered soe people# he used to stay at the battle)field for three nights% So# on the third day of the
battle of Badr# he ordered that his she)cael be saddled# then he set out# and his copanions fol)
lo$ed hi saying aong thesel(es%H H8efinitely he !i%e% the Prophet" is proceeding for soe great
purpose%H @hen he halted at the edge of the $ell# he addressed the corpses of the ,uraish infidels by
their naes and their fathers' naes# HE so)and)so# son of so)and)so and E so)and)so# son of so)
and)soI @ould it ha(e pleased you if you had obeyed Allah and His ApostleJ @e ha(e found true
$hat our ;ord proised us% Ha(e you too found true $hat your ;ord proised youJ H'Uar said# HE
Allah's ApostleI Kou are speaking to bodies that ha(e no soulsIH Allah's Apostle said# HBy Hi in
@hose Hand Muhaad's soul is# you do not hear# $hat I say better than they do%H !,atada said#
HAllah brought the to life !again" to let the hear hi# to repriand the and slight the and take
re(enge o(er the and caused the to feel reorseful and regretful%H"
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <04:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
regarding the Stateent of Allah:))H&hose $ho ha(e changed Allah's Blessings for disbelief%%%H
!02%37" &he people eant here by Allah# are the infidels of ,uraish% !'Ar# a sub)narrator said#
=olue 4 ) 1<7 ? 0:66
H&hose are !the infidels of" ,uraish and Muhaad is Allah's Blessing% Regarding Allah's
Stateent:H%%and ha(e led their people Into the house of destructionJ !02%31" Ibn 'Abbas said# HIt
eans the Bire they $ill suffer fro !after their death" on the day of Badr%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <05:
Darrated Hisha's father:
It $as entioned before 'Aisha that Ibn 'Uar attributed the follo$ing stateent to the Prophet
H&he dead person is punished in the gra(e because of the crying and laentation Ef his faily%H En
that# 'Aisha said# HBut Allah's Apostle said# '&he dead person is punished for his cries and sins $hile
his faily cry o(er hi then%H She added# HAnd this is siilar to the stateent of Allah's Apostle $hen
he stood by the !edge of the" $ell $hich contained the corpses of the pagans killed at Badr# '&hey
hear $hat I say%' She added# HBut he said no$ they kno$ (ery $ell $hat I used to tell the $as the
truth%H 'Aisha then recited: 'Kou cannot ake the dead hear%' !<6%43" and 'Kou cannot ake those
$ho are in their Ara(es# hear you%' !<4%33" that is# $hen they had taken their places in the !Hell" Bire%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <0::
Darrated Ibn Uar:
&he Prophet stood at the $ell of Badr !$hich contained the corpses of the pagans" and said# HHa(e
you found true $hat your lord proised youJH &hen he further said# H&hey no$ hear $hat I say%H
&his $as entioned before 'Aisha and she said# HBut the Prophet said# 'Do$ they kno$ (ery $ell that
$hat I used to tell the $as the truth%' &hen she recited !the Holy =erse":)) HKou cannot ake the
dead hear%%% %%%till the end of =erse"%H !<6%43"
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <07:
Darrated Anas:
Haritha $as artyred on the day !of the battle" of Badr# and he $as a young boy then% His other
cae to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou kno$ ho$ dear Haritha is to e% If he is in
Paradise# I shall reain patient# and hope for re$ard fro Allah# but if it is not so# then you shall see
$hat I doJH He said# HMay Allah be erciful to youI Ha(e you lost your sensesJ 8o you think there is
only one ParadiseJ &here are any Paradises and your son is in the !ost superior" Paradise of Al)
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <01:
Darrated 'Ali:
=olue 4 ) 1<1 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle sent e# Abu Marthad and A-)Fubair# and all of us $ere riding horses# and said#
HAo till you reach Raudat)Khakh $here there is a pagan $oan carrying a letter fro Hatib bin Abi
Balta' a to the pagans of Mecca%H So $e found her riding her cael at the place $hich Allah's Apostle
had entioned% @e said !to her"#H!Ai(e us" the letter%H She said# HI ha(e no letter%H &hen $e ade her
cael kneel do$n and $e searched her# but $e found no letter% &hen $e said# HAllah's Apostle had
not told us a lie# certainly% &ake out the letter# other$ise $e $ill strip you naked%H @hen she sa$ that
$e $ere deterined# she put her hand belo$ her $aist belt# for she had tied her cloak round her
$aist# and she took out the letter# and $e brought her to Allah's Apostle &hen 'Uar said# HE Allah's
ApostleI !&his Hatib" has betrayed Allah# His Apostle and the belie(ersI ;et e cut off his neckIH &he
Prophet asked Hatib# H@hat ade you do thisJH Hatib said# HBy Allah# I did not intend to gi(e up y
belief in Allah and His Apostle but I $anted to ha(e soe influence aong the !Mecca" people so
that through it# Allah ight protect y faily and property% &here is none of your copanions but
has soe of his relati(es there through $ho Allah protects his faily and property%H &he Prophet
said# HHe has spoken the truthL do no say to hi but good%H 'Uar said# HHe as betrayed Allah# His
Apostle and the faithful belie(ers% ;et e cut off his neckIH &he Prophet said# HIs he not one of the
Badr $arriorsJ May be Allah looked at the Badr $arriors and said# '8o $hate(er you like# as I ha(e
granted Paradise to you# or said# 'I ha(e forgi(en you%H' En this# tears cae out of Uar's eyes# and he
said# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ better%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <36:
Darrated Usaid:
En the day of Badr# Allah's Apostle said to us# H@hen the eney coes near to you# shoot at the
but use your arro$s sparingly !so that your arro$s should not be $asted"%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <30:
Darrated Abu Usaid:
En the day of !the battle of" Badr# Allah's Apostle said to us# H@hen your eney coes near to you
!i%e% o(ercoe you by sheer nuber"# shoot at the but use your arro$s sparingly%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <33:
Darrated Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib:
En the day of Uhud the Prophet appointed 'Abdullah bin /ubair as chief of the archers# and se()
enty aong us $ere in.ured and artyred% En the day !of the battle" of Badr# the Prophet and his
copanions had inflicted 026 casualties on the pagans# :6 $ere taken prisoners# and :6 $ere killed%
Abu Sufyan said# H&his is a day of !re(enge" for the day of Badr and the issue of $ar is undecided %H
=olue 4 ) 126 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <3<:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&hat the Prophet said# H&he good is $hat Allah ga(e us later on !after Uhud"# and the re$ard of
truthfulness is $hat Allah ga(e us after the day !of the battle" of Badr%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <32:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf:
@hile I $as fighting in the front file on the day !of the battle" of Badr# suddenly I looked behind
and sa$ on y right and left t$o young boys and did not feel safe by standing bet$een the% &hen
one of the asked e secretly so that his copanion ay not hear# HE UncleI Sho$ e Abu /ahl%H I
said# HE nephe$I @hat $ill you do to hiJH He said# HI ha(e proised Allah that if I see hi !i%e% Abu
/ahl"# I $ill either kill hi or be killed before I kill hi%H &hen the other said the sae to e secretly
so that his copanion should not hear% I $ould not ha(e been pleased to be in bet$een t$o other
en instead of the% &hen I pointed hi !i%e% Abu /ahl" out to the% Both of the attacked hi like
t$o ha$ks till they knocked hi do$n% &hose t$o boys $ere the sons of 'Afra' !i%e% an Ansari
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <34:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle sent out ten spies under the coand of 'Asi bin &habit Al)Ansari# the grand)
father of 'Asi bin 'Uar Al)Khattab% @hen they reached !a place called" Al)Hadah bet$een 'Usfan
and Mecca# their presence $as ade kno$n to a sub)tribe of Hudhail called Banu ;ihyan% So they
sent about one hundred archers after the% &he archers traced the footsteps !of the Muslis" till they
found the traces of dates $hich they had eaten at one of their caping places% &he archers said#
H&hese dates are of Kathrib !i%e% Medina"#H and $ent on tracing the Muslis' footsteps% @hen 'Asi
and his copanions becae a$are of the# they took refuge in a !high" place% But the eney en)
circled the and said# H9oe do$n and surrender% @e gi(e you a solen proise and co(enant that
$e $ill not kill anyone of you%H 'Asi bin &habit said# HE peopleI As for yself# I $ill ne(er get do$n
to be under the protection of an infidel% E AllahI Infor your Prophet about us%H So the archers
thre$ their arro$s at the and artyred 'Asi% &hree of the cae do$n and surrendered to the#
accepting their proise and co(enant and they $ere Khubaib# Faid bin Ad)8athina and another
an% @hen the archers got hold of the# they untied the strings of the arro$ bo$s and tied their
capti(es $ith the% &he third an said# H&his is the first proof of treacheryI By Allah# I $ill not go
$ith you for I follo$ the e*aple of these%H He eant the artyred copanions% &he archers
dragged hi and struggled $ith hi !till they artyred hi"% &hen Khubaib and Faid bin Ad)8ath)
=olue 4 ) 120 ? 0:66
ina $ere taken a$ay by the and later on they sold the as sla(es in Mecca after the e(ent of the
Badr battle%
&he sons of Al)Harit bin 'Ar bin Daufal bought Khubaib for he $as a person $ho had killed
!their father" Al)Hari bin 'Ar on the day !of the battle" of Badr% Khubaib reained iprisoned by
the till they decided unaniously to kill hi% Ene day Khubaib borro$ed fro a daughter of Al)
Harith# a ra-or for sha(ing his public hair# and she lent it to hi% By chance# $hile she $as inattent)
i(e# a little son of hers $ent to hi !i%e% Khubaib" and she sa$ that Khubaib had seated hi on his
thigh $hile the ra-or $as in his hand% She $as so uch terrified that Khubaib noticed her fear and
said# HAre you afraid that I $ill kill hiJ De(er $ould I do such a thing%H ;ater on !$hile narrating
the story" she said# HBy Allah# I had ne(er seen a better capti(e than Khubaib% By Allah# one day I sa$
hi eating fro a bunch of grapes in his hand $hile he $as fettered $ith iron chains and !at that
tie" there $as no fruit in Mecca%H She used to say#H It $as food Allah had pro(ided Khubaib $ith%H
@hen they took hi to Al)Hil out of Mecca sanctuary to artyr hi# Khubaib reCuested the%
HAllo$ e to offer a t$o)Rak'at prayer%H &hey allo$ed hi and he prayed t$o Rakat and then said#
HBy AllahI Had I not been afraid that you $ould think I $as $orried# I $ould ha(e prayed ore%H
&hen he !in(oked e(il upon the" saying# HE AllahI 9ount the and kill the one by one# and do not
lea(e anyone of theH' &hen he recited: HAs I a artyred as a Musli# I do not care in $hat $ay I
recei(e y death for Allah's Sake# for this is for the 9ause of Allah% If He $ishes# He $ill bless the cut
libs of y body%H &hen Abu Sar(a# 'UbCa bin Al)Harith $ent up to hi and killed hi% It $as
Khubaib $ho set the tradition of praying for any Musli to be artyred in capti(ity !before he is e*)
ecuted"% &he Prophet told his copanions of $hat had happened !to those ten spies" on the sae day
they $ere artyred% Soe ,uraish people# being infored of 'Asi bin &habit's death# sent soe
essengers to bring a part of his body so that his death ight be kno$n for certain# for he had pre)
(iously killed one of their leaders !in the battle of Badr"% But Allah sent a s$ar of $asps to protect
the dead body of 'Asi# and they shielded hi fro the essengers $ho could not cut anything fro
his body%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <35:
Darrated Dafi:
Ibn 'Uar $as once told that Said bin Faid bin 'Ar bin Dufail# one of the Badr $arriors# had
fallen ill on a Briday% Ibn 'Uar rode to hi late in the forenoon% &he tie of the Briday prayer ap)
proached and Ibn 'Uar did not take part in the Briday prayer%
Darrated Subaia bint Al)Harith: &hat she $as arried to Sad bin Khaula $ho $as fro the tribe
of Bani 'Ar bin ;uai# and $as one of those $ho fought the Badr battle% He died $hile she $a preg)
nant during' Soon after his death# she ga(e birth to a child% @hen she copleted
the ter of deli(er !i%e% becae clean"# she prepared herself for suitors% Abu As)Sanabil bin Bu'kak# a
an fro the tribe of Bani Abd)ud)8al called on her and said to her# H@hatI I see you dressed up
=olue 4 ) 123 ? 0:66
for the people to ask you in arriage% 8o you $ant to arry By Allah# you are not allo$ed to arry
unless four onths and ten days ha(e elapsed !after your husband's death"%H Subai'a in her narration
said# H@hen he !i%e% Abu As)Sanabil" said this to e% I put on y dress in the e(ening and $ent to Al)
lah's Apostle and asked hi about this proble% He ga(e the (erdict that I $as free to arry as I had
already gi(en birth to y child and ordered e to arry if I $ished%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <3::
Darrated Rifaa:
!$ho $as one of the Badr $arriors" Aabriel cae to the Prophet and said# HHo$ do you look upon
the $arriors of Badr aong yoursel(esJH &he Prophet said# HAs the best of the Muslis%H or said a
siilar stateent% En that# Aabriel said# HAnd so are the Angels $ho participated in the Badr !battle"%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <37:
Darrated Mu'adh bin Rifa'a bin Rafi:
Rifa'a $as one of the $arriors of Badr $hile !his father" Rafi' $as one of the people of Al)'ACaba
!i%e% those $ho ga(e the pledge of allegiance at Al)'ACaba"% Rafi' used to say to his son# HI $ould not
ha(e been happier if I had taken part in the Badr battle instead of taking part in the 'ACaba pledge%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <31:
Darrated Mu'adh:
&he one $ho asked !the Prophet" $as Aabriel%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <<6:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said on the day !of the battle" of Badr# H&his is Aabriel holding the head of his horse
and eCuipped $ith ars for the battle%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <<0:
Darrated Anas:
Abu Faid died and did not lea(e any offspring# and he $as one of the Badr $arriors%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <<3:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
=olue 4 ) 12< ? 0:66
Abu Said bin Malik Al)Khudri returned fro a .ourney and his faily offered hi soe eat of
sacrifices offered at 'Id ul Adha% En that he said# HI $ill not eat it before asking !$hether it is
allo$ed"%H He $ent to his aternal brother# ,atada bin D i 'an# $ho $as one of the Badr $arriors#
and asked hi about it% ,atada said# HAfter your departure# an order $as issued by the Prophet can)
celling the prohibition of eating sacrifices after three days%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <<<:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
A-)Fubair said# HI et Ubaida bin Said bin Al)As on the day !of the battle" of Badr and he $as
co(ered $ith arorL so uch that only his eyes $ere (isible% He $as surnaed Abu 8hat)al)Karish%
He said !proudly"# 'I a Abu)al)Karish%' I attacked hi $ith the spear and pierced his eye and he
died% I put y foot o(er his body to pull !that spear" out# but e(en then I had to use a great force to
take it out as its both ends $ere bent%H 'Ur$a said# H;ater on Allah's Apostle asked A-)Fubair for the
spear and he ga(e it to hi% @hen Allah's Apostle died# A-)Fubair took it back% After that Abu Bakr
deanded it and he ga(e it to hi# and $hen Abu Bakr died# A-)Fubair took it back% 'Uar then de)
anded it fro hi and he ga(e it to hi% @hen 'Uar died# A-)Fubair took it back# and then 'Uth)
an deanded it fro hi and he ga(e it to hi% @hen 'Uthan $as artyred# the spear reained
$ith Ali's offspring% &hen 'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair deanded it back# and it reained $ith hi till
he $as artyred%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <<2:
Darrated 'Ubada bin As)Sait:
!$ho $as one of the Badr $arriors" Allah's Apostle said# HAi(e e the pledge of allegiance%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <<4:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" Abu Hudhaifa# one of those $ho fought the battle of Badr# $ith Allah's
Apostle adopted Sali as his son and arried his niece Hind bint Al)@ahd bin 'Utba to hi' and
Sali $as a freed sla(e of an Ansari $oan% Allah's Apostle also adopted Faid as his son% In the Pre)
lslaic period of ignorance the custo $as that# if one adopted a son# the people $ould call hi by
the nae of the adopted)father $ho he $ould inherit as $ell# till Allah re(ealed: H9all the !adop)
ted sons" By !the naes of" their fathers%H !<<%4"
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <<5:
Darrated Ar)Rubai bint Muau$idh:
=olue 4 ) 122 ? 0:66
&he Prophet cae to e after consuing his arriage $ith e and sat do$n on y bed as you
!the sub)narrator" are sitting no$# and sall girls $ere beating the tabourine and singing in la)
entation of y father $ho had been killed on the day of the battle of Badr% &hen one of the girls said#
H&here is a Prophet aongst us $ho kno$s $hat $ill happen toorro$%H &he Prophet said !to her"#H
8o not say this# but go on saying $hat you ha(e spoken before%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <<::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
As belo$ !Hadith <<7"%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <<7:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Abu &alha# a copanion of Allah's Apostle and one of those $ho fought at Badr together $ith Al)
lah's Apostle told e that Allah's Apostle said% HAngels do not enter a house in $hich there is a dog or
a pictureH He eant the iages of creatures that ha(e souls%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <<1:
Darrated 'Ali:
as belo$ !Hadith <26"%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <26:
Darrated 'Ali:
I had a she)cael $hich I got in y share fro the booty of the battle of Badr# and the Prophet
had gi(en e another she cael fro the Khuus $hich Allah had besto$ed on hi that day% And
$hen I intended to celebrate y arriage to Batia# the daughter of the Prophet# I ade an ar)
rangeent $ith a goldsith fro Bani ,ainuCa 'that he should go $ith e to bring Idhkhir !i%e% a
kind of grass used by gold)siths" $hich I intended to sell to gold)siths in order to spend its price
on the arriage banCuet% @hile I $as collecting ropes and sacks of pack saddles for y t$o she)
caels $hich $ere kneeling do$n beside an Ansari's d$elling and after collecting $hat I needed# I
suddenly found that the hups of the t$o she)caels had been cut off and their flanks had been cut
open and portions of their li(ers had been taken out% En seeing that# I could not help $eeping% I
asked# H@ho has done thatJH &hey !i%e% the people" said# HHa-a bin 'Abdul Muttalib has done it% He is
present in this house $ith soe Ansari drinkers# a girl singer# and his friends% &he singer said in her
song# HE Ha-a# get at the fat she)caelsIH En hearing this# Ha-a rushed to his s$ord and cut of
the caels' hups and cut their flanks open and took out portions fro their li(ers%H &hen I cae to
=olue 4 ) 124 ? 0:66
the Prophet# $ith $ho Faid bin Haritha $as present% &he Prophet noticed y state and asked#
H@hat is the atterJH I said# HE Allah's Apostle# I ha(e ne(er e*perienced such a day as todayI Ha-a
attacked y t$o she)caels# cut off their hups and cut their flanks open# and he is still present in
a house along soe drinkers%H &he Prophet asked for his cloak# put it on# and proceeded# follo$ed by
Faid bin Haritha and yself# till he reached the house $here Ha-a $as% He asked the perission to
enter# and he $as peritted% &he Prophet started blaing Ha-a for $hat he had done% Ha-a $as
drunk and his eyes $ere red% He looked at the Prophet then raised his eyes to look at his knees and
raised his e(es ore to look at his face and then said# HKou are not but y father's sla(es%H @hen the
Prophet understood that Ha-a $as drunk# he retreated# $alking back$ards $ent out and $e left
$ith hi%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <20:
Darrated Ibn MaCal:
'Ali led the funeral prayer of Sahl bin Hunaif and said# HHe $as one of the $arriors of Badr%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <23:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Uar bin Al)Khattab said# H@hen !y daughter" Hafsa bint 'Uar lost her husband Khunais bin
Hudhaifa As)Sahrni $ho $as one of the copanions of Allah's Apostle and had fought in the battle
of Badr and had died in Medina# I et 'Uthan bin 'Affan and suggested that he should arry Hafsa
saying# HIf you $ish# I $ill arry Hafsa bint 'Uar to you#' on that# he said# 'I $ill think it o(er%' I
$aited for a fe$ days and then he said to e% 'I a of the opinion that I shall not arry at present%'
&hen I et Abu Bakr and said# 'if you $ish# I $ill arry you# Hafsa bint 'Uar%' He kept Cuiet and did
not gi(e e any reply and I becae ore angry $ith hi than I $as $ith Uthan % Soe days later#
Allah's Apostle deanded her hand in arriage and I arried her to hi% ;ater on Abu Bakr et e
and said# HPerhaps you $ere angry $ith e $hen you offered e Hafsa for arriage and I ga(e no
reply to youJ' I said# 'Kes%' Abu Bakr said# 'Dothing pre(ented e fro accepting your offer e*cept
that I learnt that Allah's Apostle had referred to the issue of Hafsa and I did not $ant to disclose the
secret of Allah's Apostle # but had he !i%e% the Prophet" gi(en her up I $ould surely ha(e accepted
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <2<:
Darrated Abu Masud Al)Badri:
&he Prophet said# HA an's spending on his faily is a deed of charity%H
=olue 4 ) 125 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <22:
Darrated A-)Fuhri:
I heard 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair talking to 'Uar bin 'Abdul 'A-i- during the latter's Ao(ernorship !at
Medina"# he said# HAl)Mughira bin Shu'ba delayed the 'Asr prayer $hen he $as the ruler of Al)Kufa%
En that# Abu Mas'ud% 'UCba bin 'Ar Al)Ansari# the grand)father of Faid bin Hasan# $ho $as one of
the Badr $arriors# cae in and said# !to Al)Mughira"# 'Kou kno$ that Aabriel cae do$n and
offered the prayer and Allah's Apostle prayed fi(e prescribed prayers# and Aabriel said !to the Proph)
et "# HI ha(e been ordered to do so !i%e% offer these fi(e prayers at these fi*ed stated hours of the day"%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <24:
Darrated Abu Masud Al)Badri:
Allah's Apostle said# HIt is sufficient for one to recite the last t$o =erses of Surat)al)BaCara at
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <25:
Darrated Mahud bin Ar)Rabi:
&hat 'Itban bin Malik $ho $as one of the copanions of the Prophet and one of the $arriors of
Badr# cae to Allah's Apostle%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <2::
Darrated Ibn Shihab:
I asked Al)Husain bin Muhaad $ho $as one of the sons of Sali and one of the nobles
aongst the# about the narration of Mahud bin Ar)Rabi 'fro 'Itban bin Malik# and he confired
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <27:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar bin Rabi'a:
$ho $as one of the leaders of Bani 'Adi and his father participated in the battle of Badr in the
copany of the Prophet% 'Uar appointed ,udaa bin Ma-'un as ruler of Bahrain# ,udaa $as one
of the $arriors of the battle of Badr and $as the aternal uncle of Abdullah bin 'Uar and Hafsa%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <21:
Darrated A-)Fuhri:
=olue 4 ) 12: ? 0:66
Sali bin 'Abdullah told e that Rafi' bin Khadi. told 'Abdullah bin 'Uar that his t$o paternal
uncles $ho had fought in the battle of Badr infored hi that Allah's Apostle forbade the renting of
fields% I said to Sali# H8o you rent your landJH He said# HKes# for Rafi' is istaken%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <46:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Shaddad bin Al)Had Al);aithi:
I sa$ Rifa'a bin Rafi Al)Ansari $ho $as a Badr $arrior%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <40:
Darrated Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa:
&hat 'Ar bin Auf# $ho $as an ally of Bani 'Air bin ;uai and one of those $ho fought at Badr in
the copany of the Prophet # said# HAllah's Apostle sent Abu 'Ubaida bin Al)/arrah to Bahrain to bring
the /i-ya ta*ation fro its people# for Allah's Apostle had ade a peace treaty $ith the people of
Bahrain and appointed Al)'Ala' bin Al)Hadrai as their ruler% So# Abu 'Ubaida arri(ed $ith the
oney fro Bahrain% @hen the Ansar heard of the arri(al of Abu 'Ubaida !on the ne*t day" they
offered the orning prayer $ith the Prophet and $hen the orning prayer had finished# they
presented thesel(es before hi% En seeing the Ansar# Allah's Apostle siled and said# HI think you
ha(e heard that Abu 'Ubaida has brought soethingJH &hey replied# HIndeed# it is so# E Allah's
ApostleIH He said# HBe happy# and hope for $hat $ill please you% By Allah# I a not afraid that you
$ill be poor# but I fear that $orldly $ealth $ill be besto$ed upon you as it $as besto$ed upon those
$ho li(ed before you% So you $ill copete aongst yoursel(es for it# as they copeted for it and it
$ill destroy you as it did the%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <43:
Darrated Dafi: Ibn 'Uar used to kill all kinds of snakes until Abu ;ubaba Al)Badri told hi that
the Prophet had forbidden the killing of harless snakes li(ing in houses and called /inan% So Ibn
'Uar ga(e up killing the%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <4<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Soe en of the Ansar reCuested Allah's Apostle to allo$ the to see hi# they said# HAllo$ us to
forgi(e the ranso of our sister's son# 'Abbas%H &he Prophet said# HBy Allah# you $ill not lea(e a single
8irha of itIH
=olue 4 ) 127 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <42:
Darrated 'Ubaidullah bin 'Adi bin Al)Khiyar:
&hat Al)MiCdad bin 'Ar Al)Kindi# $ho $as an ally of Bani Fuhra and one of those $ho fought
the battle of Badr together $ith Allah's Apostle told hi that he said to Allah's Apostle# HSuppose I et
one of the infidels and $e fought# and he struck one of y hands $ith his s$ord and cut it off and
then took refuge in a tree and said# HI surrender to Allah !i%e% I ha(e becoe a Musli"#' could I kill
hi# E Allah's Apostle# after he had said thisJH Allah's Apostle said# HKou should not kill hi%H Al)
MiCdad said# HE Allah's ApostleI But he had cut off one of y t$o hands# and then he had uttered
those $ordsJH Allah's Apostle replied# HKou should not kill hi# for if you kill hi# he $ould be in
your position $here you had been before killing hi# and you $ould be in his position $here he had
been before uttering those $ords%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <44:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle said on the day of Badr# H@ho $ill go and see $hat has happened to Abu /ahlJH Ibn
Mas'ud $ent and sa$ hi struck by the t$o sons of 'Afra and $as on the point of death % Ibn Mas'ud
said# HAre you Abu /ahlJH Abu /ahl replied# H9an there be a an ore superior to the one $ho you
ha(e killed !or as Sulaian said# or his o$n folk ha(e killed%"JH Abu /ahl added# H@ould that I had
been killed by other than a ere farer% H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <45:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
'Uar said# H@hen the Prophet died I said to Abu Bakr# ';et us go to our Ansari brethren%' @e et
t$o pious en fro the# $ho had fought in the battle of Badr%H @hen I entioned this to Ur$a bin
A-)Fubair# he said# H&hose t$o pious en $ere 'U$ai bin Sa'ida and Manbin Adi%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <4::
Darrated ,ais:
&he Badr $arriors $ere gi(en fi(e thousand !8irhas" each# yearly% 'Uar said# HI $ill surely gi(e
the ore than $hat I $ill gi(e to others%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <47:
Darrated /ubair bin Mut'i:
=olue 4 ) 121 ? 0:66
I heard the Prophet reciting Surat)at)&ur in Maghrib prayer# and that $as at a tie $hen belief
$as first planted in y heart% &he Prophet $hile speaking about the $ar prisoners of Badr# said#
H@ere Al)Muti bin Adi ali(e and interceded $ith e for these filthy people# I $ould definitely for)
gi(e the for his sake%H
Darrated Said bin Al)Musaiyab: @hen the first ci(il strife !in Isla" took place because of the
urder of 'Uthan# it left none of the Badr $arriors ali(e% @hen the second ci(il strife# that is the
battle of Al)Harra# took place# it left none of the Hudaibiya treaty copanions ali(e% &hen the third
ci(il strife took place and it did not subside till it had e*hausted all the strength of the people%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <41:
Darrated Kunus bin Ka-id:
I heard A-)Fuhri saying# HI heard 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair% Said bin Al)Musaiyab# 'AlCaa bin
@aCCas and 'Ubaidullah bin 'Abdullah each narrating part of the narrati(e concerning 'Aisha the
$ife of the Prophet% 'Aisha said: @hen I and U Mistah $ere returning# U Mistah stubled by
treading on the end of her robe# and on that she said# 'May Mistah be ruined%' I said# 'Kou ha(e said a
bad thing# you curse a an $ho took part in the battle of BadrI%H A-)Fuhri then narrated the narra)
tion of the ;ie !forged against 'Aisha"%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <56:
Darrated Ibn Shihab:
&hese $ere the battles of Allah's Apostle !$hich he fought"# and $hile entioning !the Badr battle"
he said# H@hile the corpses of the pagans $ere being thro$n into the $ell# Allah's Apostle said !to
the"# 'Ha(e you found $hat your ;ord proised trueJH 'Abdullah said# HSoe of the Prophet's co)
panions said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou are addressing dead people%' Allah's Apostle replied# 'Kou do not
hear $hat I a saying# better than they%' &he total nuber of Musli fighters fro ,uraish $ho
fought in the battle of Badr and $ere gi(en their share of the booty# $ere 70 en%H A-)Fubair said#
H@hen their shares $ere distributed# their nuber $as 060 en% But Allah kno$s it better%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <50:
Darrated A-)Fubair:
En the day of Badr# !,uraishi" +igrants recei(ed 066 shares of the $ar booty%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <53:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
=olue 4 ) 146 ? 0:66
Bani An)Dadir and Bani ,urai-a fought !against the Prophet (iolating their peace treaty"# so the
Prophet e*iled Bani An)Dadir and allo$ed Bani ,urai-a to reain at their places !in Medina" taking
nothing fro the till they fought against the Prophet again" % He then killed their en and distrib)
uted their $oen# children and property aong the Muslis# but soe of the cae to the Prophet
and he granted the safety# and they ebraced Isla% He e*iled all the /e$s fro Medina% &hey
$ere the /e$s of Bani ,ainuCa'# the tribe of 'Abdullah bin Sala and the /e$s of Bani Haritha and all
the other /e$s of Medina%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <5<:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
I entioned to Ibn 'Abbas Surat)Hashr% He said# H9all it Surat)an)Dadir%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <52:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Soe people used to allot soe date pal trees to the Prophet as gift till he conCuered Banu ,ura)
i-a and Bani An)Dadir# $here upon he started returning their date pals to the%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <54:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
Allah's Apostle had the date)pal trees of Bani Al)Dadir burnt and cut do$n at a place called Al)
Bu$aira% Allah then re(ealed: H@hat you cut do$n of the date)pal trees !of the eney" Er you left
the standing on their stes% It $as by Allah's Perission%H !41%4"
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <55:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
&he Prophet burnt the date)pal trees of Bani An)Dadir% Hassan bin &habit said the follo$ing po)
etic =erses about this e(ent:)) Hthe terrible burning of Al)Bu$aira Has been recei(ed indifferently By
the nobles of Bani ;uai !&he asters and nobles of ,uraish"%H Abu Sufyan bin Al)Harith !i%e% the
Prophet's cousin $ho $as still a disbelie(er then" replied to Hassan# saying in poetic (erses:)) HMay
Allah bless that burning And set all its !i%e% Medina's" Parts on burning fire% Kou $ill see $ho is far
fro it !i%e% Al)Bu$aira" And $hich of our lands $ill be Hared by it !i%e% the burning of Al)
=olue 4 ) 140 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <5::
Darrated Malik bin Aus Al)Hadathan An)Dasri:
&hat once 'Uar bin Al)Khattab called hi and $hile he $as sitting $ith hi# his gatekeeper#
Karfa cae and said# H@ill you adit 'Uthan# 'Abdur)Rahan bin Auf# A-Fubair and Sad !bin Abi
@aCCas" $ho are $aiting for your perissionJH 'Uar said# HKes# let the coe in%H After a $hile#
Karfa) cae again and said# H@ill you adit 'Ali and 'Abbas $ho are asking your perissionJH 'Uar
said# HKes%H So# $hen the t$o entered# 'Abbas said# HE chief of the belie(ersI /udge bet$een e and
this !i%e% 'Ali"% HBoth of the had a dispute regarding the property of Bani An)Dadir $hich Allah had
gi(en to His Apostle as Bai !i%e% booty gained $ithout fighting"# 'Ali and 'Abbas started reproaching
each other% &he !present" people !i%e% 'Uthan and his copanions" said# HE chief of the belie(ersI
Ai(e your (erdict in their case and relie(e each fro" the other%H 'Uar said# H@ait I beseech you# by
Allah# by @hose Perission both the hea(en and the earth stand fastI 8o you kno$ that Allah's
Apostle said# '@e !Prophets" our properties are not to be inherited# and $hate(er $e lea(e# is to be
spent in charity#' and he said it about hiselfJH &hey !i%e% 'Uthan and his copany" said# HHe did say
it% H'Uar then turned to$ards 'Ali and 'Abbas and said# HI beseech you both# by AllahI 8o you kno$
that Allah's Apostle said thisJH &hey replied in the affirati(e% He said# HDo$ I a talking to you
about this atter% Allah the Alorified fa(ored His Apostle $ith soething of this Bai !i%e% booty $on
$ithout fighting" $hich He did not gi(e to anybody else% Allah said:))
HAnd $hat Allah ga(e to His Apostle !HBaiHH Booty" fro the))Bor $hich you ade no e*pedition
@ith either 9al(ary or caelry% But Allah gi(es po$er to His Apostles E(er $hosoe(er He $ill And
Allah is able to do all things%H !41%5"
So this property $as especially granted to Allah's Apostle % But by Allah# the Prophet neither took it
all for hiself only# nor depri(ed you of it# but he ga(e it to all of you and distributed it aongst you
till only this reained out of it% And fro this Allah's Apostle used to spend the yearly aintenance
for his faily# and $hate(er used to reain# he used to spend it $here Allah's Property is spent !i%e%
in charity"# Allah's Apostle kept on acting like that during all his life# &hen he died# and Abu Bakr
said# 'I a the successor of Allah's Apostle%' So he !i%e% Abu Bakr" took charge of this property and dis)
posed of it in the sae anner as Allah's Apostle used to do# and all of you !at that tie" kne$ all
about it%H &hen 'Uar turned to$ards 'Ali and 'Abbas and said# HKou both reeber that Abu Bakr
disposed of it in the $ay you ha(e described and Allah kno$s that# in that atter# he $as sincere# pi)
ous# rightly guided and the follo$er of the right% &hen Allah caused Abu Bakr to die and I said# 'I a
the successor of Allah's Apostle and Abu Bakr%' So I kept this property in y possession for the first
t$o years of y rule !i%e% 9aliphate and I used to dispose of it in the sae $a as Allah's Apostle and
Abu Bakr used to doL and Allah kno$s that I ha(e been sincere# pious# rightly guided an the follo$er
of the right !in this atte ;ater on both of you !i%e% 'Ali and Abbas" cae to e# and the clai of you
both $as one and the sae# E 'AbbasI Kou also cae to e% So I told you both that Allah's Apostle
said# HEur property is not inherited# but $hate(er $e lea(e is to be gi(en in charity%' &hen $hen I
thought that I should better hand o(er this property to you both or the condition that you $ill pro)
=olue 4 ) 143 ? 0:66
ise and pledge before Allah that you $ill dispose it off in the sae $ay as Allah's Apostle and Abu
Bakr did and as I ha(e done since the beginning of y caliphate or else you should not speak to e
!about it"%' So# both of you said to e# 'Hand it o(er to us on this condition%' And on this condition I
handed it o(er to you% 8o you $ant e no$ to gi(e a decision other than that !decision"J By Allah#
$ith @hose Perission both the sky and the earth stand fast# I $ill ne(er gi(e any decision other
than that !decision" till the ;ast Hour is established% But if you are unable to anage it !i%e% that prop)
erty"# then return it to e# and I $ill anage on your behalf%H &he sub)narrator said# HI told 'Ur$a bin
A-)Fubair of this Hadith and he said# 'Malik bin Aus has told the truthH I heard 'Aisha# the $ife of the
Prophet saying# '&he $i(es of the Prophet sent 'Uthan to Abu Bakr deanding fro hi their 0?7
of the Bai $hich Allah had granted to his Apostle% But I used to oppose the and say to the: @ill
you not fear AllahJ 8on't you kno$ that the Prophet used to say: Eur property is not inherited# but
$hate(er $e lea(e is to be gi(en in charityJ &he Prophet entioned that regarding hiself% He ad)
ded: '&he faily of Muhaad can take their sustenance fro this property% So the $i(es of the
Prophet stopped deanding it $hen I told the of that%' So# this property !of SadaCa" $as in the
hands of Ali $ho $ithheld it fro 'Abbas and o(erpo$ered hi% &hen it cae in the hands of Hasan
bin 'Ali# then in the hands of Husain bin 'Ali# and then in the hands of Ali bin Husain and Hasan bin
Hasan# and each of the last t$o used to anage it in turn# then it cae in the hands of Faid bin Has)
an# and it $as truly the SadaCa of Allah's Apostle %H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <57:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Batia and Al'Abbas cae to Abu Bakr# claiing their inheritance of the Prophet's land of Badak
and his share fro Khaibar% Abu Bakr said# HI heard the Prophet saying# 'Eur property is not inher)
ited# and $hate(er $e lea(e is to be gi(en in charity% But the faily of Muhaad can take their
sustenance fro this property%' By Allah# I $ould lo(e to do good to the Kith and kin of Allah's
Apostle rather than to y o$n Kith and kin%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <51:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# H@ho is $illing to kill Ka'b bin Al)Ashraf $ho has hurt Allah and His
ApostleJH &hereupon Muhaad bin Maslaa got up saying# HE Allah's ApostleI @ould you like
that I kill hiJH &he Prophet said# HKes#H Muhaad bin Maslaa said# H&hen allo$ e to say a
!false" thing !i%e% to decei(e Kab"% H&he Prophet said# HKou ay say it%H &hen Muhaad bin Maslaa
$ent to Kab and said# H&hat an !i%e% Muhaad deands SadaCa !i%e% Fakat" fro us# and he has
troubled us# and I ha(e coe to borro$ soething fro you%H En that# Kab said# HBy Allah# you $ill
get tired of hiIH Muhaad bin Maslaa said# HDo$ as $e ha(e follo$ed hi# $e do not $ant to
lea(e hi unless and until $e see ho$ his end is going to be% Do$ $e $ant you to lend us a cael
=olue 4 ) 14< ? 0:66
load or t$o of food%H !Soe difference bet$een narrators about a cael load or t$o%" Kab said# HKes#
!I $ill lend you"# but you should ortgage soething to e%H Muhaad bin Mas)laa and his
copanion said# H@hat do you $antJH Ka'b replied# HMortgage your $oen to e%H &hey said# HHo$
can $e ortgage our $oen to you and you are the ost handsoe of the 'ArabsJH Ka'b said# H&hen
ortgage your sons to e%H &hey said# HHo$ can $e ortgage our sons to youJ ;ater they $ould be
abused by the people's saying that so)and)so has been ortgaged for a cael load of food% &hat
$ould cause us great disgrace# but $e $ill ortgage our ars to you%H Muhaad bin Maslaa
and his copanion proised Kab that Muhaad $ould return to hi% He cae to Kab at night
along $ith Kab's foster brother# Abu Da'ila% Kab in(ited the to coe into his fort# and then he $ent
do$n to the% His $ife asked hi# H@here are you going at this tieJH Kab replied# HDone but
Muhaad bin Maslaa and y !foster" brother Abu Da'ila ha(e coe%H His $ife said# HI hear a
(oice as if dropping blood is fro hi# Ka'b said% H&hey are none but y brother Muhaad bin
Maslaa and y foster brother Abu Daila% A generous an should respond to a call at night e(en if
in(ited to be killed%H Muhaad bin Maslaa $ent $ith t$o en% !Soe narrators ention the
en as 'Abu bin /abr% Al Harith bin Aus and Abbad bin Bishr"% So Muhaad bin Maslaa $ent in
together $ith t$o en# and sail to the# H@hen Ka'b coes# I $ill touch his hair and sell it# and
$hen you see that I ha(e got hold of his head# strip hi% I $ill let you sell his head%H Kab bin Al)
Ashraf cae do$n to the $rapped in his clothes# and diffusing perfue% Muhaad bin Maslaa
said% H ha(e ne(er selt a better scent than this% Ka'b replied% HI ha(e got the best 'Arab $oen $ho
kno$ ho$ to use the high class of perfue%H Muhaad bin Maslaa reCuested Ka'b H@ill you al)
lo$ e to sell your headJH Ka'b said# HKes%H Muhaad selt it and ade his copanions sell it
as $ell% &hen he reCuested Ka'b again# H@ill you let e !sell your head"JH Ka'b said# HKes%H @hen
Muhaad got a strong hold of hi# he said !to his copanions"# HAet at hiIH So they killed hi
and $ent to the Prophet and infored hi% !Abu Rafi" $as killed after Ka'b bin Al)Ashraf%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <:6:
Darrated Al)Bara bin A-ib:
Allah's Apostle sent a group of persons to Abu Rafi% Abdullah bin Atik entered his house at night#
$hile he $as sleeping# and killed hi%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <:0:
Darrated Al)Bara bin A-ib:
Allah's Apostle sent soe en fro the Ansar to !!kill" Abu Rafi# the /e$# and appointed 'Abdullah
bin Atik as their leader% Abu Rafi used to hurt Allah's Apostle and help his eneies against hi% He
li(ed in his castle in the land of Hi.a-% @hen those en approached !the castle" after the sun had set
and the people had brought back their li(estock to their hoes% Abdullah !bin Atik" said to his co)
panions# HSit do$n at your places% I a going# and I $ill try to play a trick on the gate)keeper so that
=olue 4 ) 142 ? 0:66
I ay enter !the castle"%H So 'Abdullah proceeded to$ards the castle# and $hen he approached the
gate# he co(ered hiself $ith his clothes# pretending to ans$er the call of nature% &he people had
gone in# and the gate)keeper !considered 'Abdullah as one of the castle's ser(ants" addressing hi
saying# HE Allah's Ser(antI +nter if you $ish# for I $ant to close the gate%H 'Abdullah added in his
story# HSo I $ent in !the castle" and hid yself% @hen the people got inside# the gate)keeper closed
the gate and hung the keys on a fi*ed $ooden peg% I got up and took the keys and opened the gate%
Soe people $ere staying late at night $ith Abu Rafi for a pleasant night chat in a roo of his%
@hen his copanions of nightly entertainent $ent a$ay# I ascended to hi# and $hene(er I
opened a door# I closed it fro inside% I said to yself# 'Should these people disco(er y presence#
they $ill not be able to catch e till I ha(e killed hi%' So I reached hi and found hi sleeping in a
dark house aidst his faily# I could not recogni-e his location in the house% So I shouted# 'E Abu
RafiI' Abu Rafi said# '@ho is itJ' I proceeded to$ards the source of the (oice and hit hi $ith the
s$ord# and because of y perple*ity# I could not kill hi% He cried loudly# and I cae out of the
house and $aited for a $hile# and then $ent to hi again and said# '@hat is this (oice# E Abu RafiJ'
He said# '@oe to your otherI A an in y house has hit e $ith a s$ordI I again hit hi se(erely
but I did not kill hi% &hen I dro(e the point of the s$ord into his belly !and pressed it through" till it
touched his back# and I reali-ed that I ha(e killed hi% I then opened the doors one by one till I
reached the staircase# and thinking that I had reached the ground# I stepped out and fell do$n and
got y leg broken in a oonlit night% I tied y leg $ith a turban and proceeded on till I sat at the
gate# and said# 'I $ill not go out tonight till I kno$ that I ha(e killed hi%' So# $hen !early in the
orning" the cock cro$ed# the announcer of the casualty stood on the $all saying# 'I announce the
death of Abu Rafi# the erchant of Hi.a-% &hereupon I $ent to y copanions and said# ';et us sa(e
oursel(es# for Allah has killed Abu Rafi#' So I !along $ith y copanions proceeded and" $ent to the
Prophet and described the $hole story to hi% HHe said# 'Stretch out your !broken" leg% I stretched it
out and he rubbed it and it becae All right as if I had ne(er had any ailent $hatsoe(er%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <:3:
Darrated Al)Bara:
Allah's Apostle sent 'Abdullah bin 'Atik and 'Abdullah bin 'Utba $ith a group of en to Abu Rafi !to
kill hi"% &hey proceeded till they approached his castle# $hereupon 'Abdullah bin Atik said to the#
H@ait !here"# and in the eantie I $ill go and see%H 'Abdullah said later on# HI played a trick in order
to enter the castle% By chance# they lost a donkey of theirs and cae out carrying a flaing light to
search for it% I $as afraid that they $ould recogni-e e# so I co(ered y head and legs and preten)
ded to ans$er the call to nature% &he gatekeeper called# '@hoe(er $ants to coe in# should coe in
before I close the gate%' So I $ent in and hid yself in a stall of a donkey near the gate of the castle%
&hey took their supper $ith Abu Rafi and had a chat till late at night% &hen they $ent back to their
hoes% @hen the (oices (anished and I no longer detected any o(eent# I cae out% I had seen
$here the gate)keeper had kept the key of the castle in a hole in the $all% I took it and unlocked the
=olue 4 ) 144 ? 0:66
gate of the castle# saying to yself# 'If these people should notice e# I $ill run a$ay easily%' &hen I
locked all the doors of their houses fro outside $hile they $ere inside# and ascended to Abu Rafi by
a staircase% I sa$ the house in coplete darkness $ith its light off# and I could not kno$ $here the
an $as% So I called# 'E Abu RafiI' He replied# '@ho is itJ' I proceeded to$ards the (oice and hit hi%
He cried loudly but y blo$ $as futile% &hen I cae to hi# pretending to help hi# saying $ith a
different tone of y (oice# ' @hat is $rong $ith you# E Abu RafiJ' He said# 'Are you not surprisedJ
@oe on your otherI A an has coe to e and hit e $ith a s$ordI' So again I aied at hi and
hit hi# but the blo$ pro(ed futile again# and on that Abu Rafi cried loudly and his $ife got up% I
cae again and changed y (oice as if I $ere a helper# and found Abu Rafi lying straight on his
back# so I dro(e the s$ord into his belly and bent on it till I heard the sound of a bone break% &hen I
cae out# filled $ith astonishent and $ent to the staircase to descend# but I fell do$n fro it and
got y leg dislocated% I bandaged it and $ent to y copanions liping% I said !to the"# 'Ao and
tell Allah's Apostle of this good ne$s# but I $ill not lea(e !this place" till I hear the ne$s of his !i%e%
Abu Rafi's" death%' @hen da$n broke# an announcer of death got o(er the $all and announced# 'I
con(ey to you the ne$s of Abu Rafi's death%' I got up and proceeded $ithout feeling any pain till I
caught up $ith y copanions before they reached the Prophet to $ho I con(eyed the good
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <:<:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
En the day of Uhud% the Prophet said# H&his is Aabriel holding the head of his horse and eCuipped
$ith $ar aterial%'
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <:2:
Darrated UCba bin Air:
Allah's Apostle offered the funeral prayers of the artyrs of Uhud eight years after !their death"# as
if bidding fare$ell to the li(ing and the dead# then he ascended the pulpit and said# HI a your pre)
decessor before you# and I a a $itness on you# and your proised place to eet e $ill be Al)
Haud !i%e% the &ank" !on the 8ay of Resurrection"# and I a !no$" looking at it fro this place of
ine% I a not afraid that you $ill $orship others besides Allah# but I a afraid that $orldly life $ill
tept you and cause you to copete $ith each other for it%H &hat $as the last look $hich I cast on
Allah's Apostle%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <:4:
Darrated Al)Bara:
=olue 4 ) 145 ? 0:66
@e faced the pagans on that day !of the battle of Uhud" and the Prophet placed a batch of archers
!at a special place" and appointed 'Abdullah !bin /ubair" as their coander and said# H8o not lea(e
this placeL and if you should see us conCuering the eney# do not lea(e this place# and if you should
see the conCuering us# do not !coe to" help us#H So# $hen $e faced the eney# they took to their
heel till I sa$ their $oen running to$ards the ountain# lifting up their clothes fro their legs#
re(ealing their leg)bangles% &he Muslis started saying# H&he booty# the bootyIH 'Abdullah bin /ubair
said# H&he Prophet had taken a fir proise fro e not to lea(e this place%H But his copanions re)
fused !to stay"% So $hen they refused !to stay there"# !Allah" confused the so that they could not
kno$ $here to go# and they suffered se(enty casualties% Abu Sufyan ascended a high place and said#
HIs Muhaad present aongst the peopleJH &he Prophet said# H8o not ans$er hi%H Abu Sufyan
said# HIs the son of Abu ,uhafa present aong the peopleJH &he Prophet said# H8o not ans$er hi%H
Abd Sufyan said# HIs the son of Al)Khattab aongst the peopleJH He then added# HAll these people
ha(e been killed# for# $ere they ali(e# they $ould ha(e replied%H En that# 'Uar could not help say)
ing# HKou are a liar# E eney of AllahI Allah has kept $hat $ill ake you unhappy%H Abu Safyan said#
HSuperior ay be HubalIH En that the Prophet said !to his copanions"# HReply to hi%H &hey asked#
H@hat ay $e sayJH He said# HSay: Allah is More +le(ated and More Ma.esticIH Abu Sufyan said# H@e
ha(e !the idol" Al)'U--a# $hereas you ha(e no 'U--aIH &he Prophet said !to his copanions"# HReply to
hi%H &hey said# H@hat ay $e sayJH &he Prophet said# HSay: Allah is our Helper and you ha(e no
helper%H Abu Sufyan said# H!&his" day copensates for our loss at Badr and !in" the battle !the (ictory"
is al$ays undecided and shared in turns by the belligerents% Kou $ill see soe of your dead en
utilated# but neither did I urge this action# nor a I sorry for it%H Darrated /abir: Soe people took
$ine in the orning of the day of Uhud and $ere then killed as artyrs%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <:5:
Darrated Sad bin Ibrahi:
A eal $as brought to 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf $hile he $as fasting% He said# HMusab bin 'Uar
$as artyred# and he $as better than I# yet he $as shrouded in a Burda !i%e% a sheet" so that# if his
head $as co(ered# his feet becae naked# and if his feet $ere co(ered# his head becae naked%H 'Ab)
dur)Rahan added# HHa-a $as artyred and he $as better than 0% &hen $orldly $ealth $as be)
sto$ed upon us and $e $ere gi(en thereof too uch% @e are afraid that the re$ard of our deeds
ha(e been gi(en to us in this life%H 'Abdur)Rahan then started $eeping so uch that he left the
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <:::
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
=olue 4 ) 14: ? 0:66
En the day of the battle of Uhud# a an cae to the Prophet and said# H9an you tell e $here I
$ill be if I should get artyredJH &he Prophet replied# HIn Paradise%H &he an thre$ a$ay soe dates
he $as carrying in his hand# and fought till he $as artyred %
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <:7:
Darrated Khabbab bin Al)Art:
@e igrated in the copany of Allah's Apostle# seeking Allah's Pleasure% So our re$ard becae
due and sure $ith Allah% Soe of us ha(e been dead $ithout en.oying anything of their re$ards
!here"# and one of the $as Mus'ab bin 'Uar $ho $as artyred on the day of the battle of Uhud#
and did not lea(e anything e*cept a Daira !i%e% a sheet in $hich he $as shrouded"% If $e co(ered
his head $ith it# his feet becae naked# and if $e co(ered his feet $ith it# his head becae naked% So
the Prophet said to us# H9o(er his head $ith it and put soe Idhkhir !i%e% a kind of grass" o(er his feet
or thro$ Idhkhir o(er his feet%H But soe aongst us ha(e got the fruits of their labor ripened# and
they are collecting the%
Darrated Anas: His uncle !Anas bin An)Dadr" $as absent fro the battle of Badr and he said# HI
$as absent fro the first battle of the Prophet !i%e% Badr battle"# and if Allah should let e participate
in !a battle" $ith the Prophet# Allah $ill see ho$ strongly I $ill fight%H So he encountered the day of
Uhud battle% &he Muslis fled and he said# HE Allah I I appeal to Kou to e*cuse e for $hat these
people !i%e% the Muslis" ha(e done# and I a clear fro $hat the pagans ha(e done%H &hen he $ent
for$ard $ith his s$ord and et Sad bin Mu'adh !fleeing"# and asked hi# H@here are you going# E
SadJ I detect a sell of Paradise before Uhud%H &hen he proceeded on and $as artyred% Do)body
$as able to recogni-e hi till his sister recogni-ed hi by a ole on his body or by the tips of his
fingers% He had o(er 76 $ounds caused by stabbing# striking or shooting $ith arro$s%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <:1:
Darrated Faid bin &habit:
@hen $e $rote the Holy ,uran# I issed one of the =erses of Surat)al)Ah-ab $hich I used to
hear Allah's Apostle reciting% &hen $e searched for it and found it $ith Khu-aia bin &habit Al)An)
sari% &he =erse $as:))
'Aong the Belie(ers are en @ho ha(e been true to &heir 9o(enant $ith Allah# Ef the# soe
ha(e fulfilled &heir obligations to Allah !i%e% they ha(e been Killed in Allah's 9ause"# And soe of
the are !still" $aitingH !<<%3<" So $e $rote this in its place in the ,uran%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <76:
Darrated Faid bin &habit:
=olue 4 ) 147 ? 0:66
@hen the Prophet set out for !the battle of" Uhud# soe of those $ho had gone out $ith hi# re)
turned% &he copanions of the Prophet $ere di(ided into t$o groups% Ene group said# H@e $ill fight
the !i%e% the eney"#H and the other group said# H@e $ill not fight the%H So there cae the 8i(ine
Re(elation:)) '!E MuslisI" &hen $hat is the atter $ithin you that you are di(ided% Into t$o parties
about the hypocritesJ Allah has cast the back !to disbelief" Because of $hat they ha(e earned%'
!2%77" En that# the Prophet said# H&hat is &aiba !i%e% the city of Medina" $hich clears one fro one's
sins as the fire e*pels the ipurities of sil(er%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <70:
Darrated /abir:
&his =erse: H@hen t$o of your parties alost 8ecided to fall a$ay%%%H $as re(ealed in our connec)
tion# i%e% Bani Salaa and Bani Haritha and I $ould not ha(e liked that# if it $as not re(ealed# for Al)
lah said:)) But Allah $as their Protector%%%%%!<%033"
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <73:
Darrated /abir:
HAllah's Apostle said to e# HHa(e you got arried E /abirJH I replied# HKes%H He asked H@hat# a (ir)
gin or a atronJH I replied# HDot a (irgin but a atron%H He said# H@hy did you not arry a young girl
$ho $ould ha(e fondled $ith youJH I replied# HE Allah's ApostleI My father $as artyred on the day
of Uhud and left nine !orphan" daughters $ho are y nine sistersL so I disliked to ha(e another
young girl of their age# but !I sought" an !elderly" $oan $ho could cob their hair and look after
the%H &he Prophet said# HKou ha(e done the right thing%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <7<:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
&hat his father $as artyred on the day of the battle of Uhud and $as in debt and left si*
!orphan" daughters% /abir# added# H@hen the season of plucking the dates cae# I $ent to Allah's
Apostle and said# HKou kno$ that y father $as artyred on the day of Uhud# and he $as hea(ily in
debt# and I $ould like that the creditors should see you%H &he Prophet said# HAo and pile e(ery kind of
dates apart%H I did so and called hi !i%e% the Prophet "% @hen the creditors sa$ hi# they started
claiing their debts fro e then in such a harsh anner !as they had ne(er done before"% So $hen
he sa$ their attitude# he $ent round the biggest heap of dates thrice# and then sat o(er it and said# 'E
/abir"# call your copanions !i%e% the creditors"%' &hen he kept on easuring !and gi(ing" to the cred)
itors !their due" till Allah paid all the debt of y father% I $ould ha(e been satisfied to retain nothing
of those dates for y sisters after Allah had paid the debts of y father% But Allah sa(ed all the heaps
=olue 4 ) 141 ? 0:66
!of dates"# so that $hen I looked at the heap $here the Prophet had been sitting# it seeed as if a
single date had not been taken a$ay thereof%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <72:
Darrated Sad bin Abi @aCCas:
I sa$ Allah's Apostle on the day of the battle of Uhud accopanied by t$o en fighting on his be)
half% &hey $ere dressed in $hite and $ere fighting as bra(ely as possible% I had ne(er seen the be)
fore# nor did I see the later on%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <74:
Darrated Sad bin Abi @aCCas:
&he Prophet took out a Cui(er !of arro$s" for e on the day of Uhud and said# H&hro$ !arro$s"L
let y father and other be sacrificed for you%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <75:
Darrated Sad:
Allah's Apostle entioned both his father and other for e on the day of the battle of Uhud%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <7::
Darrated Ibn Al Musaiyab:
Sad bin Abi @aCCas said# HAllah's Apostle entioned both his father and other for e on the day
of the battle of Uhud%H He eant $hen the Prophet said !to Sad" $hile the latter $as fighting% H;et y
father and other be sacrificed for youIH
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <77:
Darrated 'Ali: I ha(e ne(er heard the Prophet entioning both his father and other for anybody
other than Sad%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <71:
Darrated 'Ali: I ha(e ne(er heard the Prophet entioning his father and other for anybody other
than Sad bin Malik% I heard hi saying on the day of Uhud# HE Sad thro$ !arro$s"I ;et y father
and other be sacrificed for you IH
=olue 4 ) 156 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <16:
Darrated Mu'tair's father:
'Uthan said that on the day of the battle of Uhud# none reained $ith the Prophet but &alha and
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <10:
Darrated As)Saib bin Ka-id:
I ha(e been in the copany of 'AbdurRahan bin 'Auf# &alha bin 'Ubaidullah# Al)MiCdad and Sad#
and I heard none of the narrating anything fro the Prophet e*cepting the fact that I heard &alha
narrating about the day of Uhud !battle" %
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <13:
Darrated ,ais:
I sa$ &alha's paraly-ed hand $ith $hich he had protected the Prophet on the day of Uhud%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <1<:
Darrated Anas:
@hen it $as the day of Uhud# the people left the Prophet $hile Abu &alha $as in front of the
Prophet shielding hi $ith his leather shield% Abu &alha $as a skillful archer $ho used to shoot (i)
olently% He broke t$o or three arro$ bo$s on that day% If a an carrying a Cui(er full of arro$s
passed by# the Prophet $ould say !to hi"# put !scatter" its contents for Abu &alha%H &he Prophet
$ould raise his head to look at the eney# $hereupon Abu &alha $ould say# H;et y father and
other be sacrificed for you I 8o not raise your head# lest an arro$ of the eney should hit you%
!;et" y neck !be struck" rather than your neck%H I sa$ 'Aisha# the daughter of Abu Bakr# and U Su)
lai rolling up their dresses so that I sa$ their leg)bangles $hile they $ere carrying $ater skins on
their backs and eptying the in the ouths of the !$ounded" people% &hey $ould return to refill
the and again epty the in the ouths of the !$ounded" people% &he s$ord fell fro Abu &alha's
hand t$ice or thrice !on that day"%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <12:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen it $as the day of Uhud# the pagans $ere defeated% &hen Satan# Allah's 9urse be upon hi#
cried loudly# HE Allah's @orshippers# be$are of $hat is behindIH En that# the front files of the
!Musli" forces turned their backs and started fighting $ith the back files% Hudhaifa looked# and on
=olue 4 ) 150 ? 0:66
seeing his father Al)Kaan# he shouted# HE Allah's @orshippers# y father# y fatherIH But by Allah#
they did not stop till they killed hi% Hudhaifa said# HMay Allah forgi(e you%H !&he sub)narrator#
'Ur$a# said# HBy Allah# Hudhaifa continued asking Allah's Borgi(eness for the killers of his father till
he departed to Allah !i%e% died"%H"
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <14:
Darrated 'Uthan bin Mauhab:
A an cae to perfor the Ha.. to !Allah's" House% Seeing soe people sitting# he said# H@ho are
these sitting peopleJH Soebody said# H&hey are the people of ,uraish%H He said# H@ho is the old
anJH &hey said# HIbn 'Uar%H He $ent to hi and said# HI $ant to ask you about soethingL $ill you
tell e about itJ I ask you $ith the respect due to the sanctity of this !Sacred" House# do you kno$
that 'Uthan bin 'Affan fled on the day of UhudJH Ibn 'Uar said# HKes%H He said# H8o you kno$ that
he !i%e% 'Uthan" $as absent fro the Badr !battle" and did not .oin itJH Ibn 'Uar said# HKes%H He said#
H8o you kno$ that he failed to be present at the Rid$an Pledge of allegiance !i%e% Pledge of allegiance
at Hudaibiya" and did not $itness itJH Ibn 'Uar replied# HKes#H He then said# HAllahu)AkbarIH Ibn
'Uar said# H9oe alongL I $ill infor you and e*plain to you $hat you ha(e asked% As for the flight
!of 'Uthan" on the day of Uhud# I testify that Allah forga(e hi% As regards his absence fro the
Badr !battle"# he $as arried to the daughter of Allah's Apostle and she $as ill# so the Prophet said to
hi# 'Kou $ill ha(e such re$ard as a an $ho has fought the Badr battle $ill get# and $ill also ha(e
the sae share of the booty%' As for his absence fro the Rid$an Pledge of allegiance if there had
been anybody ore respected by the Meccans than 'Uthan bin 'Affan# the Prophet $ould surely
ha(e sent that an instead of 'Uthan% So the Prophet sent hi !i%e% 'Uthan to Mecca" and the Rid)
$an Pledge of allegiance took place after 'Uthan had gone to Mecca% &he Prophet raised his right
hand saying% '&his is the hand of 'Uthan#' and clapped it o(er his other hand and said# H&his is for
'Uthan%'H Ibn 'Uar then said !to the an"# HAo no$# after taking this inforation%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <15:
Darrated Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib:
&he Prophet appointed Abdullah bin /ubair as the coander of the ca(alry archers on the day of
the battle of Uhud% &hen they returned defeated# and that $hat is referred to by Allah's Stateent:))
HAnd the Apostle !Muhaad" in your rear $as calling you%H !<%04<"
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <1::
Darrated Sali's father:
&hat he heard Allah's Apostle# $hen raising his head fro bo$ing of the first Rak'a of the orning
prayer# saying# HE AllahI 9urse so)and)so and so)and)soH after he had said# HAllah hears hi $ho
=olue 4 ) 153 ? 0:66
sends his praises to Hi% Eur ;ord# all the Praises are for youIH So Allah re(ealed:)) HDot for you !E
MuhaadI "%%%%%%!till the end of =erse" they are indeed $rong)doers%H !<%037" Sali bin 'Abdullah
said' HAllah's Apostle used to in(oke e(il upon Saf$an bin Uaiya# Suhail bin 'Ar and Al)Harith bin
Hisha% So the =erse $as re(ealed:)) HDot for you !E MuhaadI"%%%%%%!till the end of =erse" Bor they
are indeed $rong)doers%H !<%037"
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <17:
Darrated &ha'laba bin Abi Malik:
'Uar bin Al)Khattab distributed $oolen clothes aongst soe $oen of Medina# and a nice
$oolen garent reained% Soe of those $ho $ere sitting $ith hi# said# HE chief of the belie(ersI
Ai(e it to the daughter of Allah's Apostle $ho is $ith you#H and by that# they eant U Kulthu# the
daughter of 'Ali% Uar said# HU Salit has got ore right than she%H U Saht $as aongst those An)
sari $oen $ho had gi(en the pledge of allegiance to Allah's Apostle % 'Uar added# HShe !i%e% U
Salit" used to carry the filled $ater skins for us on the day of the battle of Uhud%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber <11:
Darrated /afar bin 'Ar bin Uaiya:
I $ent out $ith 'Ubaidullah bin 'Adi Al)Khaiyar% @hen $e reached His !i%e% a to$n in Syria"#
'Ubaidullah bin 'Adi said !to e"# H@ould you like to see @ahshi so that $e ay ask hi about the
killing of Ha-aJH I replied# HKes%H @ahshi used to li(e in His% @e enCuired about hi and soe)
body said to us# HHe is that in the shade of his palace# as if he $ere a full $ater skin%H So $e $ent up
to hi# and $hen $e $ere at a short distance fro hi# $e greeted hi and he greeted us in return%
'Ubaidullah $as $earing his turban and @ahshi could not see e*cept his eyes and feet% 'Ubaidullah
said# HE @ahshiI 8o you kno$ eJH @ahshi looked at hi and then said# HDo# by AllahI But I kno$
that 'Adi bin Al)Khiyar arried a $oan called U ,ital# the daughter of Abu Al)Is# and she de)
li(ered a boy for hi at Mecca# and I looked for a $et nurse for that child% !Ence" I carried that child
along $ith his other and then I handed hi o(er to her# and your feet reseble that child's feet%H
&hen 'Ubaidullah unco(ered his face and said !to @ahshi"# H@ill you tell us !the story of" the killing
of Ha-aJH @ahshi replied HKes# Ha-a killed &uaia bin 'Adi bin Al)Khaiyar at Badr !battle" so y
aster# /ubair bin Mut'i said to e# 'If you kill Ha-a in re(enge for y uncle# then you $ill be set
free%H @hen the people set out !for the battle of Uhud" in the year of 'Ainain %%'Ainain is a ountain
near the ountain of Uhud# and bet$een it and Uhud there is a (alley%% I $ent out $ith the people
for the battle% @hen the ary aligned for the fight# Siba' cae out and said# 'Is there any !Musli" to
accept y challenge to a duelJ' Ha-a bin 'Abdul Muttalib cae out and said# 'E Siba'% E Ibn U
Anar# the one $ho circucises other ladiesI 8o you challenge Allah and His ApostleJ' &hen Ha-a
attacked and killed hi# causing hi to be non)e*tant like the bygone yesterday% I hid yself under
a rock# and $hen he !i%e% Ha-a" cae near e# I thre$ y spear at hi# dri(ing it into his ubil)
=olue 4 ) 15< ? 0:66
icus so that it cae out through his buttocks# causing hi to die% @hen all the people returned to
Mecca# I too returned $ith the% I stayed in !Mecca" till Isla spread in it !i%e% Mecca"% &hen I left for
&aif# and $hen the people !of &aif" sent their essengers to Allah's Apostle# I $as told that the Proph)
et did not har the essengersL So I too $ent out $ith the till I reached Allah's Apostle% @hen he
sa$ e# he said# 'Are you @ahshiJ' I said# 'Kes%' He said# '@as it you $ho killed Ha-aJ' I replied#
'@hat happened is $hat you ha(e been told of%' He said# '9an you hide your face fro eJ' So I $ent
out $hen Allah's Apostle died# and Musailaah Al)Kadhdhab appeared !claiing to be a prophet"% I
said# 'I $ill go out to Musailaah so that I ay kill hi# and ake aends for killing Ha-a% So I
$ent out $ith the people !to fight Musailaah and his follo$ers" and then faous e(ents took place
concerning that battle% Suddenly I sa$ a an !i%e% Musailaah" standing near a gap in a $all% He
looked like an ash)colored cael and his hair $as dishe(elled% So I thre$ y spear at hi# dri(ing it
into his chest in bet$een his breasts till it passed out through his shoulders# and then an Ansari an
attacked hi and struck hi on the head $ith a s$ord% 'Abdullah bin 'Uar said# 'A sla(e girl on the
roof of a house said: AlasI &he chief of the belie(ers !i%e% Musailaah" has been killed by a black
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 266:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle !pointing to his broken canine tooth" said# HAllah's @rath has becoe se(ere on the
people $ho hared His Prophet% Allah's @rath has becoe se(ere on the an $ho is killed by the
Apostle of Allah in Allah's 9ause%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 260:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas
Allah's @rath becae se(ere on hi $ho the Prophet had killed in Allah's 9ause% Allah's @rath
becae se(ere on the people $ho caused the face of Allah's Prophet to bleed%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 263:
Darrated Abu Ha-i:
&hat he heard Sahl bin Sad being asked about the $ounds of Allah's Apostle saying# HBy Allah# I
kno$ $ho $ashed the $ounds of Allah's Apostle and $ho poured $ater !for $ashing the"# and
$ith $hat he $as treated%H Sahl added# HBatia# the daughter of Allah's Apostle used to $ash the
$ounds# and 'Ali bin Abi &alib used to pour $ater fro a shield% @hen Batia sa$ that the $ater ag)
gra(ated the bleeding# she took a piece of a at# burnt it# and inserted its ashes into the $ound so
that the blood $as congealed !and bleeding stopped"% His canine tooth got broken on that day# and
face $as $ounded# and his helet $as broken on his head%H
=olue 4 ) 152 ? 0:66
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 26<:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's @rath gets se(ere on a person killed by a prophet# and Allah's @rath becae se(ere on
hi $ho had caused the face of Allah's Apostle to bleed
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 262:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Regarding the Holy =erse: H&hose $ho responded !&o the call" of Allah And the Apostle
!Muhaad"# After being $ounded# Bor those of the @ho did good deeds And refrained fro
$rong# there is a great re$ard%H !<%0:3"
She said to 'Ur$a# HE y nephe$I Kour father# A-)Fubair and Abu Bakr $ere aongst the !i%e%
those $ho responded to the call of Allah and the Apostle on the day !of the battle of Uhud"% @hen
Allah's Apostle# suffered $hat he suffered on the day of Uhud and the pagans left# the Prophet $as
afraid that they ight return% So he said# '@ho $ill go on their !i%e% pagans'" trackJ' He then selected
se(enty en fro aongst the !for this purpose"%H !&he sub)narrator added# HAbu Bakr and A-)
Fubair $ere aongst the%H"
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 264:
Darrated ,atada:
@e do not kno$ of any tribe aongst the 'Arab tribes $ho lost ore artyrs than Al)Ansar# and
they $ill ha(e superiority on the 8ay of Resurrection% Anas bin Malik told us that se(enty fro the
Ansar $ere artyred on the day of Uhud# and se(enty on the day !of the battle of" Bir Ma'una# and
se(enty on the day of Al)Kaaa% Anas added# H&he battle of Bir Ma'una took place during the life)
tie of Allah's Apostle and the battle of Al)Kaaa# during the caliphate of Abu Bakr# and it $as the
day $hen Musailaah Al)Kadhdhab $as killed%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 265:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah
Allah's Apostle used to shroud t$o artyrs of Uhud in one sheet and then say# H@hich of the
kne$ ,uran oreJH @hen one of the t$o $as pointed out# he $ould put hi first in the gra(e% &hen
he said# HI $ill be a $itness for the on the 8ay of Resurrection%H He ordered the to be buried $ith
their blood !on their bodies"% Deither $as the funeral prayer offered for the# nor $ere they $ashed%
/abir added# H@hen y father $as artyred# I started $eeping and unco(ering his face% &he co)
panions of the Prophet stopped e fro doing so but the Prophet did not stop e% &hen the Prophet
=olue 4 ) 154 ? 0:66
said# '!E /abir%" don't $eep o(er hi# for the angels kept on co(ering hi $ith their $ings till his
body $as carried a$ay !for burial"%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 26::
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# HI sa$ in a drea that I o(ed a s$ord and its blade got broken# and that sy)
boli-ed the casualties $hich the belie(ers suffered on the day of Uhud% &hen I o(ed it again# and it
becae as perfect as it had been# and that syboli-ed the 9onCuest !of Mecca" $hich Allah helped
us to achie(e# and the union of all the belie(ers% I !also" sa$ co$s in the drea# and $hat Allah does
is al$ays beneficial% &hose co$s appeared to syboli-e the faithful belie(ers !$ho $ere artyred"
on the day of Uhud%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 267:
Darrated Khabbab:
@e igrated $ith the Prophet for Allah's 9ause# so our re$ard becae due $ith Allah% Soe of us
passed a$ay !i%e% died" $ithout en.oying anything fro their re$ard# and one of the $as Mus'ab
bin 'Uar $ho $as killed !i%e% artyred" on the day of Uhud% He did not lea(e behind e*cept a sheet
of striped $oolen cloth% If $e co(ered his head $ith it# his feet becae naked# and if $e co(ered his
feet $ith it# his head becae naked% &he Prophet said to us# H9o(er his head $ith it and put Idhkhir
!i%e% a kind of grass" o(er his feet#H or said# HPut soe Idhkhir o(er his feet%H But soe of us ha(e got
their fruits ripened# and they are collecting the%
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 261:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H&his is a ountain that lo(es us and is lo(ed by us%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 206:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hen the ountain of Uhud appeared before Allah's Apostle he said# H&his IS a ountain that
lo(es us and is lo(ed by us% E# AllahI Abraha ade Mecca a Sanctuary# and I ha(e ade Medina
!i%e% the area bet$een its t$o ountains" a Sanctuary as $ell%H
=olue 4# Book 41# Duber 200:
Darrated UCba:
=olue 4 ) 155 ? 0:66
Ene day the Prophet $ent out and offered the !funeral" prayer for the people !i%e% artyrs" of
Uhud as he used to offer a funeral prayer for any dead person# and then !after returning" he ascen)
ded the pulpit and said# HI a your predecessor before you# and I a a $itness upon you# and I a
looking at y &ank .ust no$# and I ha(e been gi(en the keys of the treasures of the $orld !or the
keys of the $orld"% By Allah# I a not afraid that you $ill $orship others besides Allah after e# but I
a afraid that you $ill copete $ith each other for !the pleasures of" this $orld%H
=olue 4 ) 15: ? 0:66
=olue 5 ) 157 ? 0:66
Book 56: Prophetic 9oentary on the
,ur'an !&afseer of the Prophet !pbuh""
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0:
Darrated Abu Said bin Al)Mu'alla:
@hile I $as praying in the MosCue# Allah's Apostle called e but I did not respond to hi% ;ater I
said# HE Allah's ApostleI I $as praying%H He said# H8idn't Allah say'))HAi(e your response to Allah !by
obeying Hi" and to His Apostle $hen he calls you%H !7%32"
He then said to e# HI $ill teach you a Sura $hich is the greatest Sura in the ,ur'an# before you
lea(e the MosCue%H &hen he got hold of y hand# and $hen he intended to lea(e !the MosCue"# I said
to hi# H8idn't you say to e# 'I $ill teach you a Sura $hich is the greatest Sura in the ,uranJ' He
said# HAl)Hadu);illah Rabbi)l)Alain !i%e% Praise be to Allah# the ;ord of the $orlds" $hich is Al)
Sab'a Al)Mathani !i%e% se(en repeatedly recited =erses" and the Arand ,ur'an $hich has been gi(en
to e%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen the Ia says: 'Ahair)il)Maghdubi 'Alaihi @alad)8allin !i%e% not the
path of those $ho earn Kour Anger# nor the path of those $ho $ent astray !0%:""# then you ust say#
'Aeen'# for if one's utterance of 'Aeen' coincides $ith that of the angels# then his past sins $ill be
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HEn the 8ay of Resurrection the Belie(ers $ill asseble and say# ';et us ask
soebody to intercede for us $ith our ;ord%' So they $ill go to Ada and say# 'Kou are the father of
all the people# and Allah created you $ith His E$n Hands# and ordered the angels to prostrate to
you# and taught you the naes of all thingsL so please intercede for us $ith your ;ord# so that He
ay relie(e us fro this place of ours%' Ada $ill say# 'I a not fit for this !i%e% intercession for you"%'
&hen Ada $ill reeber his sin and feel ashaed thereof% He $ill say# 'Ao to Doah# for he $as the
first Apostle# Allah sent to the inhabitants of the earth%' &hey $ill go to hi and Doah $ill say#
=olue 5 ) 151 ? 0:66
'I a not fit for this undertaking%' He $ill reeber his appeal to his ;ord to do $hat he had no
kno$ledge of# then he $ill feel ashaed thereof and $ill say# 'Ao to the Khalil))r)Rahan !i%e% Abra)
ha"%' &hey $ill go to hi and he $ill say# 'I a not fit for this undertaking% Ao to Moses# the sla(e to
$ho Allah spoke !directly" and ga(e hi the &orah %' So they $ill go to hi and he $ill say# 'I a
not fit for this undertaking%' and he $ill ention !his" killing a person $ho $as not a killer# and so
he $ill feel ashaed thereof before his ;ord# and he $ill say# 'Ao to /esus# Allah's Sla(e# His Apostle
and Allah's @ord and a Spirit coing fro Hi% /esus $ill say# 'I a not fit for this undertaking# go
to Muhaad the Sla(e of Allah $hose past and future sins $ere forgi(en by Allah%' So they $ill
coe to e and I $ill proceed till I $ill ask y ;ord's Perission and I $ill be gi(en perission%
@hen I see y ;ord# I $ill fall do$n in Prostration and He $ill let e reain in that state as long as
He $ishes and then I $ill be addressed%' !MuhaadI" Raise your head% Ask# and your reCuest $ill
be grantedL say# and your saying $ill be listened toL intercede# and your intercession $ill be accep)
ted%' I $ill raise y head and praise Allah $ith a saying !i%e% in(ocation" He $ill teach e# and then I
$ill intercede% He $ill fi* a liit for e !to intercede for" $ho I $ill adit into Paradise% &hen I
$ill coe back again to Allah# and $hen I see y ;ord# the sae thing $ill happen to e% And then I
$ill intercede and Allah $ill fi* a liit for e to intercede $ho I $ill let into Paradise# then I $ill
coe back for the third tieL and then I $ill coe back for the fourth tie# and $ill say# 'Done re)
ains in Hell but those $ho the ,uran has iprisoned !in Hell" and $ho ha(e been destined to an
eternal stay in Hell%' H !&he copiler" Abu 'Abdullah said: 'But those $ho the ,ur'an has iprisoned
in Hell#' refers to the Stateent of Allah:
H&hey $ill d$ell therein fore(er%H !05%31"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
I asked the Prophet# H@hat is the greatest sin in the Sight of AllahJH He said# H&hat you set up a ri(al
unto Allah though He Alone created you%H I said# H&hat is indeed a great sin%H &hen asked# H@hat is
ne*tJH He said# H&o kill your son lest he should share your food $ith you%H I asked# H@hat is ne*tJH He
said# H&o coit illegal se*ual intercourse $ith the $ife of your neighbor%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 4:
Darrated Said bin Faid:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he Ka'a !i%e% a kind of edible fungus" is like the Manna !in that it is ob)
tained $ithout effort" and its $ater is a !edicine" cure for eye trouble%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 5:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 5 ) 1:6 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HIt $as said to the children of Israel# '+nter the gate !of the to$n"# prostrate !in
huility" and say: Hittatun !i%e% repentance" i%e% E AllahI
Borgi(e our sins%' But they entered by dragging thesel(es on their buttocks# so they did soething
different !fro $hat they had been ordered to do" and said# 'Hittatun#' but added# HA grain in a hair%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber ::
Darrated Anas:
'Abdullah bin Sala heard the ne$s of the arri(al of Allah's Apostle !at Medina" $hile he $as on a
far collecting its fruits% So he cae to the Prophet and said# HI $ill ask you about three things $hich
nobody kno$s unless he be a prophet% Birstly# $hat is the first portent of the HourJ @hat is the first
eal of the people of ParadiseJ And $hat akes a baby look like its father or otherJ'% &he Prophet
said# H/ust no$ Aabriel has infored e about that%H 'Abdullah said# HAabrielJH &he Prophet said#
HKes%H 'Abdullah said# HHe# aong the angels is the eney of the /e$s%H En that the Prophet recited this
Holy =erse:))
H@hoe(er is an eney to Aabriel !let hi die in his furyI" for he has brought it !i%e% ,ur'an" do$n
to your heart by Allah's perission%H !3%1:" &hen he added# HAs for the first portent of the Hour# it $ill
be a fire that $ill collect the people fro the +ast to @est% And as for the first eal of the people of
Paradise# it $ill be the caudite !i%e% e*tra" lobe of the fish li(er% And if a an's discharge proceeded
that of the $oan# then the child resebles the father# and if the $oan's discharge proceeded that
of the an# then the child resebles the other%H En hearing that# 'Abdullah said# HI testify that Done
has the right to be $orshipped but Allah# and that you are the Apostle of Allah# E# Allah's ApostleL the
/e$s are liars# and if they should coe to kno$ that I ha(e ebraced Isla# they $ould accuse e of
being a liar%H In the eantie soe /e$s cae !to the Prophet" and he asked the# H@hat is 'Abdul)
lah's status aongst youJH &hey replied# HHe is the best aongst us# and he is our chief and the son of
our chief%H &he Prophet said# H@hat $ould you think if 'Abdullah bin Sala ebraced IslaJH &hey
replied# HMay Allah protect hi fro thisIH &hen 'Abdullah cae out and said# HI testify that Done has
the right to be $orshipped but Allah and that Muhaad is the Apostle of Allah%H &he /e$s then
said# HAbdullah is the $orst of us and the son of the $orst of us#H and disparaged hi% En that 'Ab)
dullah said# HE Allah's ApostleI &his is $hat I $as afraid ofIH
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 7:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Uar said# HEur best ,ur'an reciter is Ubai and our best .udge is 'AliL and in spite of this# $e lea(e
soe of the stateents of Ubai because Ubai says# 'I do not lea(e anything that I ha(e heard fro Al)
lah's Apostle $hile Allah:
=olue 5 ) 1:0 ? 0:66
H@hate(er (erse !Re(elations" do @e abrogate or cause to be forgotten but @e bring a better one
or siilar to it%H !3%065"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 1:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HAllah said# '&he son of Ada tells a lie against e though he has no right to do
so# and he abuses Me though he has no right to do so% As for his telling a lie against Me# it is that he
clais that I cannot recreate hi as I created hi beforeL and as for his abusing Me# it is his state)
ent that I ha(e offspring% DoI Alorified be MeI I a far fro taking a $ife or offspring%' H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 06:
Darrated Anas:
Uar said# HI agreed $ith Allah in three things#H or said# HMy ;ord agreed $ith e in three things% I
said# 'E Allah's ApostleI @ould that you took the station of Abraha as a place of prayer%' I also said#
'E Allah's ApostleI Aood and bad persons (isit youI @ould that you ordered the Mothers of the be)
lie(ers to co(er thesel(es $ith (eils%' So the 8i(ine =erses of Al)Hi.ab !i%e% (eiling of the $oen"
$ere re(ealed% I cae to kno$ that the Prophet had blaed soe of his $i(es so I entered upon
the and said# 'Kou should either stop !troubling the Prophet " or else Allah $ill gi(e His Apostle bet)
ter $i(es than you%' @hen I cae to one of his $i(es# she said to e# 'E 'UarI 8oes Allah's Apostle
ha(en't $hat he could ad(ise his $i(es $ith# that you try to ad(ise theJ' H &hereupon Allah re)
HIt ay be# if he di(orced you !all" his ;ord $ill gi(e hi instead of you# $i(es better than you
Muslis !$ho subit to Allah"%%H !55%4"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 00:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!&he $ife of the Prophet" Allah's Apostle said# H8on't you see that $hen your people built the Ka'ba#
they did not build it on all Abraha's foundationsJH I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hy don't you rebuild
it on Abraha's foundationsJH He said# H@ere your people not so close to !the period of Heathenis#
i%e% the Period bet$een their being Muslis and being infidels"# I $ould do so%H &he sub)narrator#
'Abdullah bin 'Uar said# HAisha had surely heard Allah's Apostle saying that# for I do not think that
Allah's Apostle left touching the t$o corners of the Ka'ba facing Al)Hi.r e*cept because the Ka'ba $as
not built on all Abraha's foundations%H
=olue 5 ) 1:3 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 03:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he people of the Scripture !/e$s" used to recite the &orah in Hebre$ and they used to e*plain it
in Arabic to the Muslis% En that Allah's Apostle said# H8o not belie(e the people of the Scripture or
disbelie(e the# but say:)) H@e belie(e in Allah and $hat is re(ealed to us%H !3%0<5"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0<:
Darrated Al)Bara:
&he Prophet prayed facing Bait)ulMaCdis !i%e% /erusale" for si*teen or se(enteen onths but he
$ished that his ,ibla $ould be the Ka'ba !at Mecca"% !So Allah Re(ealed !3%022" and he offered 'Asr
prayers!in his MosCue facing Ka'ba at Mecca" and soe people prayed $ith hi% A an fro aong
those $ho had prayed $ith hi# $ent out and passed by soe people offering prayer in another
osCue# and they $ere in the state of bo$ing% He said# HI# !s$earing by Allah#" testify that I ha(e
prayed $ith the Prophet facing Mecca%H Hearing that# they turned their faces to the Ka'ba $hile they
$ere still bo$ing% Soe en had died before the ,ibla $as changed to$ards the Ka'ba% &hey had
been killed and $e did not kno$ $hat to say about the !i%e% $hether their prayers to$ards /erus)
ale $ere accepted or not"% So Allah re(ealed:)) HAnd Allah $ould ne(er ake your faith !i%e% pray)
er" to be lost !i%e% your prayers offered !to$ards /erusale"% &ruly Allah is Bull of Pity# Most Merciful
to$ards ankind%H !3%02<"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 02:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# HDoah $ill be called on the 8ay of Resurrection and he $ill say# ';abbaik and
Sa'daik# E y ;ordI' Allah $ill say# '8id you con(ey the MessageJ' Doah $ill say# 'Kes%' His nation $ill
then be asked# '8id he con(ey the Message to youJ' &hey $ill say# 'Do @arner cae to us%' &hen Allah
$ill say !to Doah"# '@ho $ill bear $itness in your fa(orJ' He $ill say# 'Muhaad and his follo$ers%
So they !i%e% Muslis" $ill testify that he con(eyed the Message% And the Apostle !Muhaad" $ill
be a $itness o(er yoursel(es# and that is $hat is eant by the Stateent of Allah H&hus @e ha(e
ade of you a .ust and the best nation that you ay be $itnesses o(er ankind and the Apostle
!Muhaad" $ill be a $itness o(er yoursel(es%H !3%02<"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 04:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
=olue 5 ) 1:< ? 0:66
@hile soe people $ere offering Ba.r prayer in the ,uba' osCue# soe)one cae and said# HAl)
lah has re(ealed to the Prophet ,ur'anic instructions that you should face the Ka'ba !$hile praying"
so you too# should face it%H &hose people then turned to$ards the Ka'ba%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 05:
Darrated Anas:
Done reains of those $ho prayed facing both ,iblas !that is# /erusale and Mecca" e*cept y)
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
@hile soe people $ere offering orning prayer at ,uba' a an cae to the and said# HA ,ur)
anic Erder has been re(ealed to Allah's Apostle tonight that he should face the Ka'ba at Mecca !in
prayer"# so you too should turn your faces to$ards it%H At that oent their faces $ere to$ards Sha
!i%e% /erusale" !and on hearing that" they turned to$ards the Ka'ba !at Mecca"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 07:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
@hile soe people $ere offering Ba.r prayer at ,uba' !osCue"# soe)one cae to the and said#
H&onight soe ,ur'anic =erses ha(e been re(ealed to the Prophet and he has been ordered to face the
Ka'ba !at Mecca" !during prayers"# so you too should turn your faces to$ards it%H At that tie their
faces $ere to$ards Sha !/erusale" so they turned to$ards the Ka'ba !at Mecca"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 01:
Darrated Al)Bara:
@e prayed along $ith the Prophet facing /erusale for si*teen or se(enteen onths% &hen Allah
ordered hi to turn his face to$ards the ,ibla !in Mecca":))
HAnd fro $hence)so)e(er you start forth !for prayers" turn your face in the direction of !the Sac)
red MosCue of Mecca" Al) Hara%%H !3%021"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 36:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
@hile soe people $ere at ,uba !offering" orning prayer# a an cae to the and said# H;ast
night ,uranic =erses ha(e been re(ealed $hereby the Prophet has been ordered to face the Ka'ba !at
=olue 5 ) 1:2 ? 0:66
Mecca"# so you too should face it%H So they# keeping their postures# turned to$ards the Ka'ba%
Borerly the people $ere facing Sha !/erusale" !Allah said":))
HAnd fro $hence)so)e(er you start forth !for prayers"# turn your face in the direction of the Sac)
red MosCue of Mecca !Al)"# and $hence)so)e(er you are# turn your face to$ards
it !$hen you pray"H !3%046"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 30:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
@hile soe people $ere offering Ba.r prayer at ,uba osCue# soeone cae to the and said#
H,uranic literatureH has been re(ealed to Allah's Apostle tonight# and he has been ordered to face the
Ka'ba !of Mecca" so you too# should turn your faces to$ards it% &heir faces $ere then to$ards Sha
!/erusale"# so they turned to$ards the ,ibla !i%e% Ka'ba of Mecca"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 33:
Darrated Ur$a:
I said to 'Aisha# the $ife of the Prophet# and I $as at that tie a young boy# HHo$ do you interpret
the Stateent of Allah:
H=erily# Safa and Mar$a !i%e% t$o ountains at Mecca" are aong the Sybols of Allah%H
So it is not harful of those $ho perfor the Ha.. to the House of Allah" or perfor the Ura# to
abulate !&a$af" bet$een the% In y opinion it is not sinful for one not to abulate !&a$af"
bet$een the%H 'Aisha said# HKour interpretation is $rong for as you say# the =erse should ha(e been:
HSo it is not harful of those $ho perfor the Ha.. or Ura to the House# not to abulate !&a$af"
bet$een the%' &his =erse $as re(ealed in connection $ith the Ansar $ho !during the Pre)Islaic
Period" used to (isit Manat !i%e% an idol" after assuing their Ihra# and it $as situated near ,udaid
!i%e% a place at Mecca"# and they used to regard it sinful to abulate bet$een Safa and Mar$a after
ebracing Isla% @hen Isla cae# they asked Allah's Apostle about it# $hereupon Allah
H=erily# Safa and Mar$a !i%e% t$o ountains at Mecca" are aong the Sybols of Allah% So it is not
harful of those $ho perfor the Ha.. of the House !of Allah" or perfor the Ura# to abulate
!&a$af" bet$een the%H !3%047"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3<:
Darrated 'Asi bin Sulaian:
=olue 5 ) 1:4 ? 0:66
I asked Anas bin Malik about Safa and Mar$a% Anas replied# H@e used to consider !i%e% going
around" the a custo of the Pre)islaic period of Ignorance# so $hen Isla cae# $e ga(e up go)
ing around the% &hen Allah re(ealedH H=erily# Safa and Mar$a !i%e% t$o ountains at Mecca" are
aong the Sybols of Allah% So it is not harful of those $ho perfor the Ha.. of the House !of Al)
lah" or perfor the Ura to abulate !&a$af" bet$een the%H !3%047"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 32:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said one stateent and I said another% &he Prophet said H@hoe(er dies $hile still in)
(oking anything other than Allah as a ri(al to Allah# $ill enter Hell !Bire"%H And I said# H@hoe(er dies
$ithout in(oking anything as a ri(al to Allah# $ill enter Paradise%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 34:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he la$ of ,isas !i%e% eCuality in punishent" $as prescribed for the children of Israel# but the
8iya !i%e% blood oney $as not ordained for the"% So Allah said to this Dation !i%e% Muslis":
HE you $ho belie(eI &he la$ of Al),isas !i%e% eCuality in punishent" is prescribed for you in
cases of urder: &he free for the free# the sla(e for the sla(e# and the feale for the feale% But if the
relati(es !or one of the" of the killed !person" forgi(e their brother !i%e% the killers soething of
,isas !i%e% not to kill the killer by accepting blood oney in the case of intentional urder"))))then
the relati(es !of the killed person" should deand blood)oney in a reasonable anner and the
killer ust pay $ith handsoe gratitude% &his is an alle(itation and a Mercy fro your ;ord# !in
coparison to $hat $as prescribed for the nations before you"%
So after this# $hoe(er transgresses the liits !i%e% to kill the killer after taking the blood)oney"
shall ha(e a painful torent%H !3%0:7"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 35:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H&he prescribed ;a$ of Allah is the eCuality in punishent !i%e% Al),isas"%H !In
cases of urders# etc%"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3::
Darrated Anas:
=olue 5 ) 1:5 ? 0:66
&hat his aunt# Ar)Rubai' broke an incisor tooth of a girl% My aunt's faily reCuested the girl's rel)
ati(es for forgi(eness but they refusedL then they proposed a copensation# but they refused% &hen
they $ent to Allah's Apostle and refused e(erything e*cept Al),isas !i%e% eCuality in punishent"% So
Allah's Apostle passed the .udgent of Al),isas !i%e% eCuality of punishent"% Anas bin Al)Dadr said#
HE Allah's ApostleI @ill the incisor tooth of Ar)Rubai be brokenJ Do# by Hi @ho sent you $ith the
&ruth# her incisor tooth $ill not be broken%H Allah's Apostle said# HE AnasI &he prescribed la$ of Al)
lah is eCuality in punishent !i%e% Al),isas%"H &hereupon those people becae satisfied and forga(e
her% &hen Allah's Apostle said# HAong Allah's @orshippers there are soe $ho# if they took Allah's
Eath !for soething"# Allah fulfill their oaths%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 37:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Basting $as obser(ed on the day of 'Ashura' !i%e% 06th of Muharra" by the people of the Pre)
lslaic Period% But $hen !the order of copulsory fasting" in the onth of Raadan $as re(ealed#
the Prophet said# HIt is up to one to fast on it !i%e% day of 'Ashura'" or not%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 31:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he people used to fast on the day of 'Ashura' before fasting in Raadan $as prescribed but $hen
!the order of copulsory fasting in" Raadan $as re(ealed# it $as up to one to fast on it !i%e%
'Ashura'" or not%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <6:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&hat Al)Ash'ath entered upon hi $hile he $as eating% Al)Ash'ath said# H&oday is 'Ashura%H I said
!to hi"# HBasting had been obser(ed !on such a day" before !the order of copulsory fasting in" Ra)
adan $as re(ealed% But $hen !the order of fasting in" Raadan $as re(ealed# fasting !on 'Ashura'"
$as gi(en up# so coe and eat%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <0:
Darrated Aisha:
8uring the Pre)lslaic Period of ignorance the ,uraish used to obser(e fasting on the day of
'Ashura'# and the Prophet hiself used to obser(e fasting on it too% But $hen he cae to Medina# he
fasted on that day and ordered the Muslis to fast on it% @hen !the order of copulsory fasting in "
=olue 5 ) 1:: ? 0:66
Raadan $as re(ealed# fasting in Raadan becae an obligation# and fasting on 'Ashura' $as gi(en
up# and $ho e(er $ished to fast !on it" did so# and $hoe(er did not $ish to fast on it# did not fast%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <3:
Darrated 'Ata:
&hat he heard Ibn 'Abbas reciting the 8i(ine =erse:))
HAnd for those $ho can fast they had a choice either fast# or feed a poor for e(ery day%%H !3%072" Ibn
'Abbas said# H&his =erse is not abrogated# but it is eant for old en and old $oen $ho ha(e no
strength to fast# so they should feed one poor person for each day of fasting !instead of fasting"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <<:
Darrated Dafi:
Ibn 'Uar recited:
H&hey had a choice# either fast or feed a poor for e(ery day%%H and added# H&his =erse is abrogated%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <2:
Darrated Salaa:
@hen the 8i(ine Re(elation:
HBor those $ho can fast# they had a choice either fast# or feed a poor for e(ery day#H !3%072" $as re)
(ealed# it $as perissible for one to gi(e a ranso and gi(e up fasting# till the =erse succeeding it
$as re(ealed and abrogated it%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <4:
Darrated Al)Bara:
@hen the order of copulsory fasting of Raadan $as re(ealed# the people did not ha(e se*ual
relations $ith their $i(es for the $hole onth of Raadan# but soe en cheated thesel(es !by
(iolating that restriction"% So Allah re(ealed:)) HAllah is a$are that you $ere decei(ing yoursel(es
but He accepted your repentance and for ga(e you%%H !<%07:"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <5:
Darrated Ash)Sha'bi:
'Adi took a $hite rope !or thread" and a black one# and $hen soe part of the night had passed# he
looked at the but he could not distinguish one fro the other% &he ne*t orning he said# HE Allah's
=olue 5 ) 1:7 ? 0:66
ApostleI I put !a $hite thread and a black thread" underneath y pillo$%H &he Prophet said# H&hen
your pillo$ is too $ide if the $hite thread !of da$n" and the black thread !of the night" are under)
neath your pillo$I H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <::
Darrated 'Adi bin Hati:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat is the eaning of the $hite thread distinct fro the black threadJ
Are these t$o threadsJH He said# HKou are not intelligent if you $atch the t$o threads%H He then ad)
ded# HDo# it is the darkness of the night and the $hiteness of the day%''
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <7:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad: &he =erse:))
HAnd eat and drink until the $hite thread appears to you distinct fro the black thread%H $as re)
(ealed# but: '%%% of da$n' $as not re(ealed !along $ith it" so soe en# $hen intending to fast# used to
tie their legs# one $ith $hite thread and the other $ith black thread and $ould keep on eating till
they could distinguish one thread fro the other% &hen Allah re(ealed' %%% of da$n#' $hereupon they
understood that eant the night and the day%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <1:
Darrated Al)Bara:
In the Pre)lslaic Period $hen the people assued Ihra# they $ould enter their houses fro the
back% So Allah re(ealed:))
HAnd it is not righteousness that you enter houses fro the back# but the righteous an is he $ho
fears Allah# obeys His Erders and keeps a$ay fro $hat He has forbidden% So enter houses through
their doors%H !3%071"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 26:
Darrated Dafi':
8uring the affliction of Ibn A-)Fubair# t$o en cae to Ibn 'Uar and said# H&he people are lost#
and you are the son of 'Uar# and the copanion of the Prophet# so $hat forbids you fro coing
outJH He said# H@hat forbids e is that Allah has prohibited the shedding of y brother's blood%H
&hey both said# H8idn't Allah say# 'And fight then until there is no ore afflictionJH He said H@e
fought until there $as no ore affliction and the $orship is for Allah !Alone $hile you $ant to fight
until there is affliction and until the $orship becoe for other than Allah%H
=olue 5 ) 1:1 ? 0:66
Darrated Dafi !through another group of sub)narrators": A an cae to Ibn 'Uar and said# HE
Abu Abdur RahanI @hat ade you perfor Ha.. in one year and Ura in another year and lea(e
the /ihad for Allah' 9ause though you kno$ ho$ uch Allah recoends itJH Ibn 'Uar replied# HE
son of y brotherI Isla is founded on fi(e principles# i%e% belie(e in Allah and His Apostle# the fi(e
copulsory prayers# the fasting of the onth of Raadan# the payent of Fakat# and the Ha.. to the
House !of Allah"%H &he an said# HE Abu Abdur RahanI @on't you listen to $hy Allah has en)
tioned in His Book: 'If t$o groups of belie(ers fight each other# then ake peace bet$een the# but if
one of then transgresses beyond bounds against the other# then you all fight against the one that
transgresses% !21%1" and:))HAnd fight the till there is no ore affliction !i%e% no ore $orshiping of
others along $ith Allah"%H Ibn 'Uar said# H@e did it# during the lifetie of Allah's Apostle $hen Is)
la had only a fe$ follo$ers% A an $ould be put to trial because of his religionL he $ould either be
killed or tortured% But $hen the Muslis increased# there $as no ore afflictions or oppressions%H
&he an said# H@hat is your opinion about 'Uthan and 'AliJH Ibn 'Uar said# HAs for 'Uthan# it
sees that Allah has forgi(en hi# but you people dislike that he should be forgi(en% And as for 'Ali#
he is the cousin of Allah's Apostle and his son)in)la$%H &hen he pointed $ith his hand and said# H&hat
is his house $hich you see%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 20:
Darrated Abu @ail:
Hudhaifa said# H&he =erse:))
HAnd spend !of your $ealth" in the 9ause of Allah and do not thro$ yoursel(es in destruction#H
!3%014" $as re(ealed concerning spending in Allah's 9ause !i%e% /ihad"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 23:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin MaCal:
I sat $ith Ka'b bin U.ra in this osCue# i%e% Kufa MosCue# and asked hi about the eaning
of:))HPay a ranso !i%e% Bidya" of either fasting or ) ) ) ) !3%015" He said# HI $as taken to the Prophet
$hile lice $ere falling on y face% &he Prophet said# 'I did not think that your trouble reached to
such an e*tent% 9an you afford to slaughter a sheep !as a ranso for sha(ing your head"J' I said# 'Do%'
He said# '&hen fast for three days# or feed si* poor persons by gi(ing half a Sa of food for each and
sha(e your head%' So the abo(e =erse $as re(ealed especially for e and generally for all of you%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2<:
Darrated 'Iran bin Husain:
=olue 5 ) 176 ? 0:66
&he =erse of Ha..)at)&aatu $as re(ealed in Allah's Book# so $e perfored it $ith Allah's Apostle#
and nothing $as re(ealed in ,ur'an to ake it illegal# nor did the Prophet prohibit it till he died% But
the an !$ho regarded it illegal" .ust e*pressed $hat his o$n ind suggested%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 22:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
'Uka-# Mi.anna and 8hul)Ma.a- $ere arkets during the Pre)islaic Period% &hey !i%e% Muslis"
considered it a sin to trade there during the Ha.. tie !i%e% season"# so this =erse $as re(ealed:))
H&here is no har for you if you seek of the Bounty of your ;ord during the Ha.. season%H !3%017"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 24:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he ,uraish people and those $ho ebraced their religion# used to stay at Mu-dalifa and used to
call thesel(es Al)Hus# $hile the rest of the Arabs used to stay at 'Arafat% @hen Isla cae# Allah
ordered His Prophet to go to 'Arafat and stay at it# and then pass on fro there# and that is $hat is
eant by the Stateent of Allah:))H&hen depart fro the place $hence all the people depart%%%%%%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 25:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
A an $ho $ants to perfor the Ha.. !fro Mecca" can perfor the &a$af around the Ka'ba as
long as he is not in the state of Ihra till he assues the Ihra for Ha..% &hen# if he rides and pro)
ceeds to 'Arafat# he should take a Hadi !i%e% anial for sacrifice"# either a cael or a co$ or a sheep#
$hate(er he can affordL but if he cannot afford it# he should fast for three days during the Ha.. be)
fore the day of 'Arafat# but if the third day of his fasting happens to be the day of 'Arafat !i%e% 1th of
8hul)Hi..a" then it is no sin for hi !to fast on it"% &hen he should proceed to 'Arafat and stay there
fro the tie of the 'Asr prayer till darkness falls% &hen the pilgris should proceed fro 'Arafat#
and $hen they ha(e departed fro it# they reach /a' !i%e% Al)Mu-dalifa" $here they ask Allah to
help the to be righteous and dutiful to Hi# and there they reeber Allah greatly or say &akbir
!i%e% Allah is Areater" and &ahlil !i%e% Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah" repeatedly before
da$n breaks% &hen# after offering the orning !Ba.r" prayer you should pass on !to Mina" for the
people used to do so and Allah said:))
H&hen depart fro the place $hence all the people depart% And ask for Allah's Borgi(eness% &rulyI
Allah is Eft)Borgi(ing# Most Merciful%H !3%011" &hen you should go on doing so till you thro$
pebbles o(er the /ara%
=olue 5 ) 170 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2::
Darrated Anas :
&he Prophet used to say# HE AllahI Eur ;ordI Ai(e us in this $orld that# $hich is good and in the
Hereafter that# $hich is good and sa(e us fro the torent of the Bire%H !3%360"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 27:
Darrated 'Aisha :
&he Prophet said# H&he ost hated an in the Sight of Allah is the one $ho is the ost Cuarrel)
soe%H Darrated 'Aisha: &he Prophet said# HEr do you think that you shall enter Paradise $ithout such
!trials" as cae to those $ho passed a$ay before youJH !3%302"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 21:
Darrated Ibn Abu Mulaika:
Ibn 'Abbas recited: H!Respite $ill be granted" until $hen the Apostles ga(e up hope !of their
people" and thought that they $ere denied !by their people"% &here cae to the Eur Help %%%%H
!03%006" reading Kudhibu $ithout doubling the sound 'dh'# and that $as $hat he understood of the
=erse% &hen he $ent on reciting: H%%e(en the Apostle and those $ho belie(ed along $ith hi said:
@hen !$ill coe" Allah's HelpJ Kes# (erily# Allah's Help is near%H !3%302"
&hen I et 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair and I entioned that to hi% He said# HAisha said# 'Allah forbidI
By Allah# Allah ne(er proised His Apostle anything but he kne$ that it $ould certainly happen be)
fore he died% But trials $ere continuously presented before the Apostles till they $ere afraid that
their follo$ers $ould accuse the of telling lies% So I used to recite:))
H&ill they !coe to" think that they $ere treated as liars%H reading 'Kudh)dhibu $ith double 'dh%'
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 46:
Darrated Dafi':
@hene(er Ibn 'Uar recited the ,ur'an# he $ould not speak to anyone till he had finished his re)
citation% Ence I held the ,ur'an and he recited Surat)al)BaCara fro his eory and then stopped
at a certain =erse and said# H8o you kno$ in $hat connection this =erse $as re(ealedJ H I replied#
HDo%H He said# HIt $as re(ealed in such)and)such connection%H Ibn 'Uar then resued his recitation%
Dafi added regarding the =erse:))HSo go to your tilth $hen or ho$ you $illH Ibn 'Uar said# HIt
eans one should approach his $ife in %%H
=olue 5 ) 173 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 40:
Darrated /abir:
/e$s used to say: HIf one has se*ual intercourse $ith his $ife fro the back# then she $ill deli(er a
sCuint)eyed child%H So this =erse $as re(ealed:))
HKour $i(es are a tilth unto youL so go to your tilth $hen or ho$ you $ill%H !3%33<"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 43:
Darrated Al)Hasan:
&he sister of Ma'Cal bin Kasar $as di(orced by her husband $ho left her till she had fulfilled her
ter of 'Iddat !i%e% the period $hich should elapse before she can Rearry" and then he $anted to
rearry her but MaCal refused# so this =erse $as re(ealed:))
H8o not pre(ent the fro arrying their !forer" husbands%H !3%3<3"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 4<:
Darrated Ibn A-)Fubair:
I said to 'Uthan bin 'Affan !$hile he $as collecting the ,ur'an" regarding the =erse:)) H&hose of
you $ho die and lea(e $i(es %%%H !3%326" H&his =erse $as abrogated by an other =erse% So $hy should
you $rite itJ !Er lea(e it in the ,ur'an"JH 'Uthan said% HE son of y brotherI I $ill not shift any)
thing of it fro its place%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 42:
Darrated Mu.ahi:
!regarding the =erse":)) H&hose of you $ho die and lea(e $i(es behind% &hey ) !their $i(es" ))
shall $ait !as regards their arriage " for four onths and ten days"%H !3%3<2"
&he $ido$# according to this =erse# $as to spend this period of $aiting $ith her husband's faily#
so Allah re(ealed: H&hose of you $ho die and lea(e $i(es !i%e% $ido$s" should beCueath for their
$i(es# a year's aintenance and residences $ithout turning the out# but if they lea(e !their resid)
ence"# there is no blae on you for $hat they do $ith thesel(es pro(ided it is honorable%' !i%e% la$)
ful arriage" !3%326"%
So Allah entitled the $ido$ to be beCueathed e*tra aintenance for se(en onths and t$enty
nights# and that is the copletion of one year% If she $ished she could stay !in her husband's hoe"
according to the $ill# and she could lea(e it if she $ished# as Allah says:
=olue 5 ) 17< ? 0:66
H%%$ithout turning the out# but if they lea(e !the residence"# there is no blae on you%H So the
'Idda !i%e% four onths and ten days as it" is obligatory for her%
'Ata said: Ibn 'Abbas said# H&his =erse# i%e% the Stateent of Allah: H%%$ithout turning the out%%H can)
celled the obligation of staying for the $aiting period in her dead husband's house# and she can
coplete this period $here(er she likes%H 'Ata's aid: If she $ished# she could coplete her 'Idda by
staying in her dead husband's residence according to the $ill or lea(e it according to Allah's State)
H&here is no blae on you for $hat they do $ith thesel(es%H 'Ata' added: ;ater the regulations of
inheritance cae and abrogated the order of the d$elling of the $ido$ !in her dead husband's
house"# so she could coplete the 'Idda $here(er she likes% And it $as no longer necessary to pro(ide
her $ith a residence% Ibn 'Abbas said# H&his =erse abrogated her !i%e% $ido$'s" d$elling in her dead
husband's house and she could coplete the 'Idda !i%e% four onths and ten days" $here(er she liked#
as Allah's Stateent says:))H%%%$ithout turning the out%%%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 44:
Darrated Muhaad bin Sirin:
I sat in a gathering in $hich the chiefs of the Ansar $ere present# and Abdur)Rahan bin Abu
;aila $as aongst the% I entioned the narration of 'Abdullah bin 'Utba regarding the Cuestion of
Subai'a bint Al)Harith% Abdur)Rahan said# HBut 'Abdullah's uncle used not to say so%H I said# HI a
too bra(e if I tell a lie concerning a person $ho is no$ in Al)Kufa#H and I raised y (oice% &hen I
$ent out and et Malik bin 'Air or Malik bin 'Auf# and said# H@hat $as the (erdict of Ibn Mas'ud
about the pregnant $ido$ $hose husband had diedJH He replied# HIbn Mas'ud said# '@hy do you i)
pose on her the hard order and don't let her ake use of the lea(eJ &he shorter Sura of $oen !i%e%
Surat)at)&alaC" $as re(ealed after the longer Sura !i%e% Surat)al)BaCara"%H !i%e% Her 'Idda is up till she
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 45:
Darrated 'Ali:
&he Prophet said !as belo$ Hadith 4:""%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 4::
Darrated 'Ali: on the day of Al)KhandaC !the battle of the &rench"% the Prophet said
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 47:
Darrated Faid bin ArCa:
=olue 5 ) 172 ? 0:66
@e used to speak $hile in prayer% Ene of us used to speak to his brother !$hile in prayer" about
his need# till the =erse $as re(ealed:))
HAuard strictly the !fi(e obligatory" prayers# especially the iddle !the Best" !Asr" Prayer and stand
before Allah $ith obedience !and not to speak to others during the prayers"%H &hen $e $ere ordered
not to speak in the prayers%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 41:
Darrated Dafi':
@hene(er 'Abdullah bin 'Uar $as asked about Salat)al)Khauf !i%e% prayer of fear" he said# H&he
Ia coes for$ard $ith a group of people and leads the in a one Rak'a prayer $hile another
group fro the $ho has not prayed yet# stay bet$een the praying group and the eney% @hen
those $ho are $ith the Ia ha(e finished their one Rak'a# they retreat and take the positions of
those $ho ha(e not prayed but they $ill not finish their prayers $ith &asli% &hose $ho ha(e not
prayed# coe for$ard to offer a Rak'a $ith the Ia !$hile the first group co(ers the fro the en)
ey"% &hen the Ia# ha(ing offered t$o Rakat# finishes his prayer% &hen each eber of the t$o
groups offer the second Rak'a alone after the Ia has finished his prayer% &hus each one of the t$o
groups $ill ha(e offered t$o Rakat% But if the fear is too great# they can pray standing on their feet or
riding on their ounts# facing the ,ibla or not%H Dafi added: I do not think that 'Abdullah bin 'Uar
narrated this e*cept fro Allah's Apostle !See Hadith Do% 240# =ol 4 to kno$ e*actly H&he Bear Pray)
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 56:
Darrated Ibn A-)Fubair:
I said to 'Uthan# H&his =erse $hich is in Surat)al)BaCara:
H&hose of you $ho die and lea(e $ido$s behind%%%$ithout turning the out%H has been abrogated
by another =erse% @hy then do you $rite it !in the ,ur'an"JH 'Uthan said% H;ea(e it !$here it is"# E
the son of y brother# for I $ill not shift anything of it !i%e% the ,uran" fro its original position%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 50:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@e ha(e ore right to be in doubt than Abraha $hen he said# 'My ;ordI
Sho$ e ho$ Kou gi(e life to the dead%' He said# '8o you not belie(eJ' He said# 'Kes !I belie(e" but to
be stronger in Baith%' H!3%356"
=olue 5 ) 174 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 53:
Darrated Ubaid bin Uair: Ence 'Uar !bin Al)Khattab" said to the copanions of the Prophet
H@hat do you think about this =erse:))H8oes any of you $ish that he should ha(e a gardenJH &hey
replied# HAllah kno$s best%H 'Uar becae angry and said# H+ither say that you kno$ or say that you
do not kno$IH En that Ibn Abbas said# HE chief of the belie(ersI I ha(e soething in y ind to say
about it%H Uar said# HE son of y brotherI Say# and do not under estiate yourself%H Ibn Abbas said#
H&his =erse has been set up as an e*aple for deeds%H Uar said# H@hat kind of deedsJH Ibn Abbas
said# HBor deeds%H Uar said# H&his is an e*aple for a rich an $ho does goods out of obedience of
Allah and then Allah sends hi Satan $hereupon he coits sins till all his good deeds are lost%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 5<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he poor person is not the one for $ho a date or t$o or a orsel or t$o !of
food is sufficient but the poor person is he $ho does not !beg or" ask the people !for soething" or
sho$ his po(erty at all% Recite if you $ish# !Allah's Stateent":
H&hey do not beg of people at all%H !3%3:<"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 52:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen the =erses of Surat)al)BaCara regarding usury !i%e% Riba" $ere re(ealed# Allah's Apostle re)
cited the before the people and then he prohibited the trade of alcoholic liCuors%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 54:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen the last =erses of Surat)al)BaCara $ere re(ealed% Allah's Apostle $ent out and recited the
in the MosCue and prohibited the trade of alcoholic liCuors%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 55:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen the last =erses of Surat)al)BaCara $ere re(ealed# the Prophet read the in the MosCue and
prohibited the trade of alcoholic liCuors% HIf the debtor is in difficulty# grant hi tie till it is easy for
hi to repay%%H !3%376"
Darrated 'Aisha: @hen the last =erses of Surat)al)BaCara $ere re(ealed# Allah's Apostle stood up
and recited the before us and then prohibited the trade of alcoholic liCuors%
=olue 5 ) 175 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 5::
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he last =erse !in the ,uran" re(ealed to the Prophet $as the =erse dealing $ith usury !i%e% Riba"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 57:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&his =erse:))H@hether you sho$ $hat is in your inds or conceal it%%H !3%372" $as abrogated%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 51:
Darrated Mar$an Al)Asghar:
A an fro the copanions of Allah's Apostle $ho I think# $as Ibn 'Uar said# H&he
=erse:))H@hether you sho$ $hat is in your inds or conceal it%%%%H $as abrogated by the =erse fol)
lo$ing it%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber :6:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle recited the =erse:))
HIt is He $ho has sent do$n to you the Book% In it are =erses that are entirely clear# they are the
foundation of the Book# others not entirely clear% So as for those in $hose hearts there is a de(iation
!fro the &ruth "% follo$ thereof that is not entirely clear seeking affliction and searching for its hid)
den eaningsL but no one kno$s its hidden eanings but Allah% And those $ho are firly grounded
in kno$ledge say: H@e belie(e in it !i%e% in the ,ur'an" the $hole of it !i%e% its clear and unclear
=erses" are fro our ;ord% And none recei(e adonition e*cept en of understanding%H !<%:"
&hen Allah's Apostle said# HIf you see those $ho follo$ thereof that is not entirely clear# then they
are those $ho Allah has naed Uas ha(ing de(iation !fro the &ruth"V 'So be$are of the%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber :0:
Darrated Said bin Al)Musaiyab:
Abu Huraira said# H&he Prophet said# 'Do child is born but that# Satan touches it $hen it is born
$here upon it starts crying loudly because of being touched by Satan# e*cept Mary and her Son%H
Abu Huraira then said# HRecite# it you $ish: HAnd I seek Refuge $ith Kou !Allah" for her and her off)
spring fro Satan# the outcast%H !<%<5"
=olue 5 ) 17: ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber :3:
Darrated Abu @ail:
'Abdullah bin Masud said# HAllah's Apostle said# '@hoe(er takes an oath $hen asked to do so# in
$hich he ay depri(e a Musli of his property unla$fully# $ill eet Allah @ho $ill be angry $ith
hi%' So Allah re(ealed in confiration of this stateent:))H=erilyI &hose $ho Purchase a sall gain
at the cost of Allah's 9o(enant and oaths# they shall ha(e no portion in the Hereafter%%%H !<%::" &hen
entered Al)Ash'ath bin ,ais and said# H@hat is Abu 'Abdur)Rahan narrating to youJH @e replied#
'So)and)so%H Al)Ash'ath said# H&his =erse $as re(ealed in y connection% I had a $ell in the land of
y cousin !and he denied y# possessing it"% En that the Prophet said to e# '+ither you bring for)
$ard a proof or he !i%e% your cousin" takes an oath !to confir his clai"' I said# 'I a sure he $ould
take a !false" oath# E Allah's Apostle%' He said# 'If soebody takes an oath $hen asked to do so
through $hich he ay depri(e a Musli of his property !unla$fully" and he is a liar in his oath# he
$ill eet Allah @ho $ill be angry $ith hi%' H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber :<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abu Aufa:
A an displayed soe erchandise in the arket and took an oath that he had been offered a
certain price for it $hile in fact he had not# in order to cheat a an fro the Muslis% So then $as
re(ealed:))H=erilyI &hose $ho purchase a sall gain at the cost of Allah's 9o(enant and their
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber :2:
Darrated Ibn Abu Mulaika:
&$o $oen $ere stitching shoes in a house or a roo% &hen one of the cae out $ith an a$l
dri(en into her hand# and she sued the other for it% &he case $as brought before Ibn 'Abbas# Ibn 'Ab)
bas said# HAllah's Apostle said# 'If people $ere to be gi(en $hat they clai !$ithout pro(ing their
clai" the life and property of the nation $ould be lost%' @ill you reind her !i%e% the defendant"# of
Allah and recite before her:))H=erilyI &hose $ho purchase a sall gain at the cost of Allah's 9o(en)
ant and their oaths%%%H!<%::"
So they reinded her and she confessed% Ibn 'Abbas then said# H&he Prophet said# '&he oath is to be
taken by the defendant !in the absence of any proof against hi"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber :4:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
=olue 5 ) 177 ? 0:66
Abu Sufyan narrated to e personally# saying# HI set out during the &ruce that had been concluded
bet$een e and Allah's Apostle% @hile I $as in Sha# a letter sent by the Prophet $as brought to
Heraclius% 8ihya Al)Kalbi had brought and gi(en it to the go(ernor of Busra# and the latter for$ar)
ded it to Heraclius% Heraclius said# 'Is there anyone fro the people of this an $ho clais to be a
prophetJ' &he people replied# 'Kes%' So I along $ith soe of ,uraishi en $ere called and $e entered
upon Heraclius# and $e $ere seated in front of hi% &hen he said# '@ho aongst you is the nearest
relati(e to the an $ho clais to be a prophetJ' So they ade e sit in front of hi and ade y
copanions sit behind e% &hen he called upon his translator and said !to hi"% '&ell the ! i%e% Abu
Sufyan's copanions" that I a going to ask hi !i%e% Abu Sufyan" regarding that an $ho clais to
be a prophet% So# if he tell e a lie# they should contradict hi !instantly"%' By Allah# had I not been
afraid that y copanions $ould consider e a liar# I $ould ha(e told lies% Heraclius then said to
his translator# 'Ask hi: @hat is his !i%e% the Prophet's" faily status aongst youJ I said# 'He belongs
to a noble faily aongst us%H Heraclius said# '@as any of his ancestors a kingJ' I said# 'Do%' He said#
'8id you e(er accuse hi of telling lies before his saying $hat he has saidJ' I said# 'Do%' He said# '8o
the nobles follo$ hi or the poor peopleJ' I said# 'It is the poor $ho follo$ed hi%' He said# 'Is the
nuber of his follo$er increasing or decreasingJ' I said# '&he are increasing%' He said# '8oes anyone
renounce his religion !i%e% Isla" after ebracing it# being displeased $ith itJ' I said# 'Do%' He said#
'8id you fight $ith hiJ' I replied# 'Kes%' He said# 'Ho$ $as your fighting $ith hiJ' I said# '&he fight)
ing bet$een us $as undecided and (ictory $as shared by hi and us by turns% He inflicts casualties
upon us and $e inflict casualties upon hi%' He said# '8id he e(er betrayJ' I said# 'Do# but no$ $e are
a$ay fro hi in this truce and $e do not kno$ $hat he $ill do in itH Abu Sufyan added# HBy Allah#
I $as not able to insert in y speech a $ord !against hi" e*cept that% Heraclius said# '8id anybody
else !aongst you" e(er claied the sae !i%e% Isla" before hiJ I said# 'Do%' &hen Heraclius told his
translator to tell e !i%e% Abu Sufyan"# 'I asked you about his faily status aongst you# and you told
e that he coes fro a noble faily aongst you =erily# all Apostles coe fro the noblest faily
aong their people% &hen I asked you $hether any of his ancestors $as a king# and you denied that%
&hereupon I thought that had one of his fore)fathers been a king# I $ould ha(e said that he !i%e%
Muhaad" $as seeking to rule the kingdo of his fore)fathers% &hen I asked you regarding his
follo$ers# $hether they $ere the noble or the poor aong the people# and you said that they $ere
only the poor !$ho follo$ hi"% In fact# such are the follo$ers of the Apostles% &hen I asked you
$hether you ha(e e(er accused hi of telling lies before saying $hat he said# and your reply $as in
the negati(e% &herefore# I took for granted that a an $ho did not tell a lie about others# could e(er
tell a lie about Allah% &hen I asked you $hether anyone of his follo$ers had renounced his religion
!i%e% Isla" after ebracing it# being displeased $ith it# and you denied that% And such is Baith $hen it
i*es $ith the cheerfulness of the hearts% &hen I asked you $hether his follo$ers $ere increasing or
decreasing Kou claied that they $ere increasing% &hat is the $ay of true faith till it is coplete%
&hen I asked you $hether you had e(er fought $ith hi# and you claied that you had fought $ith
hi and the battle bet$een you and hi $as undecided and the (ictory $as shared by you and hi
in turnsL he inflicted casual ties upon you and you inflicted casualties upon the% Such is the case
=olue 5 ) 171 ? 0:66
$ith the ApostlesL they are out to test and the final (ictory is for the% &hen I asked you $hether he
had e(er betrayedL you claied that he had ne(er betrayed% I need# Apostles ne(er betray% &hen I
asked you $hether anyone had said this stateent before hiL and you denied that% &hereupon I
thought if soebody had said that stateent before hi# then I $ould ha(e said that he $as but a
an copying soe sayings said before hi%H Abu Safyan said# HHeraclius then asked e# '@hat does
he order you to doJ' I said# 'He orders us !to offer" prayers and !to pay" Fakat and to keep good rela)
tionship $ith the Kith and kin and to be chaste%' &hen Heraclius said# 'If $hate(er you ha(e said# is
true# he is really a prophet# and I kne$ that he ! i%e% the Prophet " $as going to appear# but I ne(er
thought that he $ould be fro aongst you% If I $ere certain that I can reach hi# I $ould like to
eet hi and if I $ere $ith hi# I $ould $ash his feetL and his kingdo $ill e*pand !surely to $hat
is under y feet%' &hen Heraclius asked for the letter of Allah's Apostle and read it $herein $as $rit)
HIn the Dae of Allah# the Most Beneficent# the Most Merciful% &his letter is" fro Muhaad#
Apostle of Allah# to Heraclius# the so(ereign of By-antine%%%%%%%% Peace be upon hi $ho follo$s the
Right Path% Do$ then# I call you to ebrace Isla% +brace Isla and you $ill be sa(ed !fro Allah's
Punishent"L ebrace Isla# and Allah $ill gi(e you a double re$ard# but if you re.ect this# you $ill
be responsible for the sins of all the people of your kingdo !Allah's Stateent":))HE the people of
the Scripture !/e$s and 9hristians"I 9oe to a $ord coon to you and us that $e $orship Done
but Allah%%%%bear $itness that $e are Muslis%' !<%52"
@hen he finished reading the letter# (oices gre$ louder near hi and there $as a great hue and
cry# and $e $ere ordered to go out%H Abu Sufyan added# H@hile coing out# I said to y copanions#
'&he situation of Ibn Abu Kabsha !i%e% Muhaad" has becoe strongL e(en the king of Banu Al)As)
far is afraid of hi%' So I continued to belie(e that Allah's Apostle $ould be (ictorious# till Allah ade
e ebrace Isla%H A-)Fuhri said# HHeraclius then in(ited all the chiefs of the By-antines and had
the assebled in his house and said# 'E group of By-antinesI 8o you $ish to ha(e a peranent
success and guidance and that your kingdo should reain $ith youJ' !Iediately after hearing
that"# they rushed to$ards the gate like onagers# but they found the closed% Heraclius then said#
'Bring the back to e%' So he called the and said# 'I .ust $anted to test the strength of your adher)
ence to your religion% Do$ I ha(e obser(ed of you that $hich I like%' &hen the people fell in prostra)
tion before hi and becae pleased $ith hi%H !See Hadith Do% 5#=ol 0"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber :5:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Eut of all the Ansar# li(ing in Medina# Abu &alha had the largest nuber of !date pal trees" gar)
dens# and the ost belo(ed of his property to hi $as Bairuha garden $hich $as standing opposite
the MosCue !of the Prophet"% Allah's Apostle used to enter it and drink of its good $ater% @hen the
=erse:))HBy no eans shall you attain righteousness unless you spend !in charity" of that $hich you
=olue 5 ) 116 ? 0:66
lo(e%H !<%13" Abu &alha got up and said# HE Allah's Apostle# Allah says:))HBy no eans shall you attain
righteousness unless you spend !in charity" of that $hich you lo(e%H !<%13" and the ost belo(ed of
y property to e is the Bairuha garden# so I gi(e it !as a charitable gift" in Allah's 9ause and hope
to recei(e good out of it# and to ha(e it stored for e $ith Allah% So# E Allah's ApostleI 8ispose it of
!i%e% utili-e it" in the $ay Allah orders you !to dispose it of"%H Allah's Apostle said# HBra(oI &hat is a
fruitful propertyI &hat is a fruitful propertyI I ha(e heard $hat you ha(e said and I think that you
should distribute that !garden" aongst your relati(es%H &he Abu &alha distributed that garden
aongst his relati(es and his cousins%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber :::
Darrated Kahya bin Kahya:
I learnt fro Malik# H%%a fruitful property%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber :7:
Darrated Anas:
Abu &alha distributed the garden bet$een Hassan and Ubai# but he did not gi(e e anything
thereof although I $as a nearer relati(e to hi%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber :1:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Uar:
&he /e$s brought to the Prophet a an and a $oan fro aong the $ho had coitted illeg)
al se*ual intercourse% &he Prophet said to the# HHo$ do you usually punish the one aongst you
$ho has coitted illegal se*ual intercourseJH &hey replied# H@e blacken their faces $ith coal and
beat the#H He said# H8on't you find the order of Ar)Ra. !i%e% stoning to death" in the &orahJH &hey
replied# H@e do not find anything in it%H 'Abdullah bin Sala !after hearing this con(ersation" said to
the% HKou ha(e told a lieI Bring here the &orah and recite it if you are truthful%H !So the /e$s
brought the &orah"% And the religious teacher $ho $as teaching it to the# put his hand o(er the
=erse of Ar)Ra. and started reading $hat $as $ritten abo(e and belo$ the place hidden $ith his
hand# but he did not read the =erse of Ar)Ra.% 'Abdullah bin Sala reo(ed his !i%e% the teacher's"
hand fro the =erse of Ar)Ra. and said# H@hat is thisJH So $hen the /e$s sa$ that =erse# they said#
H&his is the =erse of Ar)Ra.%H So the Prophet ordered the t$o adulterers to be stoned to death# and
they $ere stoned to death near the place $here biers used to be placed near the MosCue% I sa$ her
copanion !i%e% the adulterer" bo$ing o(er her so as to protect her fro the stones%
=olue 5 ) 110 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 76:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he =erse:))HKou !true Muslis" are the best of peoples e(er raised up for ankind%H eans# the
best of peoples for the people# as you bring the $ith chains on their necks till they ebrace Isla%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 70:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he =erse:))H@hen t$o parties fro aong you $ere about to lose heart# but Allah $as their Pro)
tector#H !<%033" $as re(ealed concerning us# and $e $ere the t$o parties# i%e% Banu Haritha and Banu
Salaa# and $e do not $ish !that it had not been re(ealed" or I $ould not ha(e been pleased !if it
had not been re(ealed"# for Allah says:))H%%%Allah $as their Protector%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 73:
Darrated Sali's father:
&hat he heard Allah's Apostle on raising his head fro the bo$ing in the last Rak'a in the Ba.r
prayer# saying# HE Allah# curse such)and)such person and such)and)such person# and such)and)
such person#H after saying# HAllah hears hi $ho sends his praises to Hi# E our ;ord# all praise is for
you%H So Allah re(ealed:))HDot for you !E Muhaad" !but for Allah" is the decision# (erily they are
indeed $rongdoers%H !<%037"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 7<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle intended to in(oke e(il upon soebody or in(oke good upon soebody#
he used to in(oke !Allah after bo$ing !in the prayer"% Soeties after saying# HAllah hears hi $ho
sends his praises to Hi# all praise is for Kou# E our ;ord#H he $ould say# HE Allah% Sa(e Al)@alid bin
Al)@alid and Salaa bin Hisha# and 'Aiyash bin Abu Rabi'a% E AllahI Inflict Kour Se(ere &orture
on Mudar !tribe" and strike the $ith !faine" years like the years of /oseph%H &he Prophet used to
say in a loud (oice# and he also used to say in soe of his Ba.r prayers# HE AllahI 9urse so)and)so
and so)and)so%H naing soe of the Arab tribes till Allah re(ealed:))HDot for you !E Muhaad"
!but for Allah" is the decision%H !<%037"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 72:
Darrated Al)Bara bin A-ib:
=olue 5 ) 113 ? 0:66
&he Prophet appointed 'Abdullah bin /ubair as the coander of the infantry during the battle of
Uhud% &hey returned defeated# and that is $hat is eant by:))
HAnd the Apostle $as calling the back in the rear% Done reained $ith the Prophet then# but
t$el(e en%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 74:
Darrated Abu &alha:
Sluber o(ertook us during the battle of Uhud $hile $e $ere in the front files% My s$ord $ould
fall fro y hand and I $ould pick it up# and again it $ould fall do$n and I $ould pick it up again%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 75:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
'Allah is Sufficient for us and He Is the Best 8isposer of affairs#H $as said by Abraha $hen he $as
thro$n into the fireL and it $as said by Muhaad $hen they !i%e% hypocrites" said# HA great ary is
gathering against you# therefore# fear the#H but it only increased their faith and they said: HAllah is
Sufficient for us# and He is the Best 8isposer !of affairs# for us"%H !<%0:<"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 7::
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he last stateent of Abraha $hen he $as thro$n into the fire $as:))HAllah is Sufficient for us
and He is the Best 8isposer !of affairs for us"%H !<%0:<"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 77:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAnyone $ho Allah has gi(en $ealth but he does not pay its Fakat# then# on
the 8ay of Resurrection# his $ealth $ill be presented to hi in the shape of a bald)headed poisonous
ale snake $ith t$o poisonous glands in its outh and it $ill encircle itself round his neck and bite
hi o(er his cheeks and say# HI a your $ealthL I a your treasure%H &hen the Prophet recited this
8i(ine =erse:))
HAnd let not those $ho co(etously $ithhold of that $hich Allah has besto$ed upon the of His
Bounty%H !<%076"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 71:
Darrated Usaa bin Faid:
=olue 5 ) 11< ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle rode a donkey# eCuipped $ith a thick cloth)co(ering ade in Badak and $as riding
behind hi% He $as going to pay (isit to Sad bin Ubada in Banu Al)Harith bin Al)Kha-ra.L and this
incident happened before the battle of Badr% &he Prophet passed by a gathering in $hich 'Abdullah
bin Ubai bin Salul $as present# and that $as before 'Abdullah bin Ubai ebraced Isla% Behold in
that gathering there $ere people of different religions: there $ere Muslis# pagans# idol)$orship)
pers and /e$s# and in that gathering 'Abdullah bin Ra$aha $as also present% @hen a cloud of dust
raised by the donkey reached that gathering# 'Abdullah bin Ubai co(ered his nose $ith his garent
and then said# H8o not co(er us $ith dust%H &hen Allah's Apostle greeted the and stopped and dis)
ounted and in(ited the to Allah !i%e% to ebrace Isla" and recited to the the Holy ,ur'an% En
that# 'Abdullah bin Ubai bin Saluil said# HE an I &here is nothing better than that $hat you say% If it
is the truth# then do not trouble us $ith it in our gatherings% Return to your ount !or residence" and
if soebody coes to you# relate !your tales" to hi%H En that 'Abdullah bin Ra$aha said# HKes# E Al)
lah's ApostleI Bring it !i%e% $hat you $ant to say" to us in our gathering# for $e lo(e that%H
So the Muslis# the pagans and the /e$s started abusing one another till they $ere on the point of
fighting $ith one another% &he Prophet kept on Cuietening the till they becae Cuiet# $hereupon
the Prophet rode his anial !ount" and proceeded till he entered upon Sad bin Ubada% &he Prophet
said to Sad# H8id you not hear $hat 'Abu Hub)b saidJH He eant 'Abdullah bin Ubai% HHe said so)
and)so%H En that Sad bin Ubada said# HE Allah's ApostleI +*cuse and forgi(e hi# for by Hi @ho re)
(ealed the Book to you# Allah brought the &ruth $hich $as sent to you at the tie $hen the people
of this to$n !i%e% Medina" had decided unaniously to cro$n hi and tie a turban on his head
!electing hi as chief"% But $hen Allah opposed that !decision" through the &ruth $hich Allah ga(e
to you# he !i%e% 'Abdullah bin Ubai" $as grie(ed $ith .ealously% and that caused hi to do $hat you
ha(e seen%H So Allah's Apostle e*cused hi# for the Prophet and his copanions used to forgi(e the
pagans and the people of Scripture as Allah had ordered the# and they used to put up $ith their
ischief $ith patience% Allah said: HAnd you shall certainly hear uch that $ill grie(e you fro
those $ho recei(ed the Scripture before you and fro the pagans%%%%%%%%'!<%075" And Allah also
said:))HMany of the people of the Scripture $ish if they could turn you a$ay as disbelie(ers after you
ha(e belie(ed# fro selfish en(y%%H !3%061"
So the Prophet used to stick to the principle of forgi(eness for the as long as Allah ordered hi
to do so till Allah peritted fighting the% So $hen Allah's Apostle fought the battle of Badr and Al)
lah killed the nobles of ,uraish infidels through hi# Ibn Ubai bin Salul and the pagans and idolat)
ers $ho $ere $ith hi# said# H&his atter !i%e% Isla" has appeared !i%e% becae (ictorious"%H So they
ga(e the pledge of allegiance !for ebracing Isla" to Allah's Apostle and becae Muslis%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 16:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
=olue 5 ) 112 ? 0:66
8uring the lifetie of Allah's Apostle# soe en aong the hypocrites used to reain behind hi
!i%e% did not accopany hi" $hen he $ent out for a Aha-$a and they $ould be pleased to stay at
hoe behind Allah's Apostle @hen Allah's Apostle returned !fro the battle" they $ould put for$ard
!false" e*cuses and take oaths# $ishing to be praised for $hat they had not done% So there $as re)
H&hink not that those $ho re.oice in $hat they ha(e done# and lo(e to be praised for $hat they
ha(e not done%%H !<%077"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 10:
Darrated AlCaa bin @aCCas:
Mar$an said to his gatekeeper# HAo to Ibn 'Abbas# E Rafi# and say# 'If e(erybody $ho re.oices in
$hat he has done# and likes to be praised for $hat he has not done# $ill be punished# then all of us
$ill be punished%H Ibn Abbas said# H@hat connection ha(e you $ith this caseJ It $as only that the
Prophet called the /e$s and asked the about soething# and they hid the truth and told hi soe)
thing else# and sho$ed hi that they deser(ed praise for the fa(or of telling hi the ans$er to his
Cuestion# and they becae happy $ith $hat they had concealed%
&hen Ibn Abbas recited:))
H!And reeber" $hen Allah took a 9o(enant fro those $ho $ere gi(en the Scripture%%and those
$ho re.oice in $hat they ha(e done and lo(e to be praised for $hat they ha(e not done%' H !<%07:)
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 13:
Darrated Huaid bin 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf:
&hat Mar$an had told hi !the abo(e narration Do% 10"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 1<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
I stayed o(ernight in the house of y aunt Maiuna% Allah's Apostle talked $ith his $ife for a
$hile and then $ent to bed% @hen it $as the last third of the night# he got up and looked to$ards
the sky and said:
H=erilyI In the creation of the Hea(ens and the +arth and in the alteration of night and day# there
are indeed signs for en of understanding%H !<%016"
&hen he stood up# perfored ablution# brushed his teeth $ith a Si$ak# and then prayed ele(en
Rakat% &hen Bilal pronounced the Adhan !i%e% call for the Ba.r prayer"% &he Prophet then offered t$o
=olue 5 ) 114 ? 0:66
Rakat !Sunna" prayer and $ent out !to the MosCue" and offered the !copulsory congregational"
Ba.r prayer%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 12:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
!Ene night" I stayed o(ernight in the house of y aunt Maiuna# and said to yself# HI $ill $atch
the prayer of Allah's Apostle H My aunt placed a cushion for Allah's Apostle and he slept on it in its
length)$ise direction and !$oke)up" rubbing the traces of sleep off his face and then he recited the
last ten =erses of Surat)al)Iran till he finished it% &hen he $ent to a hanging $ater skin and took it#
perfored the ablution and then stood up to offer the prayer% I got up and did the sae as he had
done# and stood beside hi% He put his hand on y head and held e by the ear and t$isted it% He
offered t$o Rakat# then t$o Rakat# then t$o Rakat# then t$o Rakat# then t$o Rakat# then t$o Rakat#
and finally the @itr !i%e% one Rak'a" prayer%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 14:
Darrated Abdullah bin Abbas:
&hat once he stayed o(ernight !in the house" of his aunt Maiuna% the $ife of the Prophet% He ad)
ded: I lay on the cushion trans(ersely and Allah's Apostle lay along $ith his $ife in the length$ise
direction of the pillo$% Allah's Apostle slept till the iddle of the night# either a bit before or a bit
after it# and then $oke up rubbing the traces of sleep off his face $ith his hands and then he recited
the last ten =erses of Surat)al)Iran# got up and $ent to a hanging $ater skin% He then perfored
the ablution fro it# and it $as perfect ablution# and then stood up to offer the prayer% I too did the
sae as he had done# and then $ent to stand beside hi% Allah's Apostle put his right hand on y
head and held and t$isted y right ear% He then offered t$o Rakat# then t$o Rakat# then t$o Rakat#
then t$o Rakat# then t$o Rakat% then t$o Rakat# and finally one Rak'a# the @itr% &hen he lay do$n
again till the Muadhdhin !i%e% the call)aker" cae to hi# $hereupon he got up and offered a light
t$o)Rakat prayer# and $ent out !to the MosCue" and offered the !copulsory congregational" Ba.r
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 15:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&hat once he stayed o(ernight in the house of his aunt# the $ife of the Prophet% He added: I lay on
the cushion trans(ersely $hile Allah's Apostle lay along $ith his $ife in the length$ise direction of
cushion% Allah's Apostle slept till the iddle of the night# either a bit before or a bit after it# and then
$oke up rubbing the traces of sleep off his face $ith his hands# and then recited the last ten =erses of
Suratal)Iran% &hen he got up and $ent to a hanging $ater skin# perfored ablution fro it ))))
=olue 5 ) 115 ? 0:66
and perfored it perfectly% &hen he stood up to perfor the prayer% I also did the sae <S he had
done and then $ent to stand beside hi% Allah's Apostle put his right hand on y head and held and
t$isted y right ear% He then offered t$o Rakat# then t$o Rakat then t$o Rakat# then t$o then t$o
Rakat# then t$o Rakat# and finally# one Rak'a @itr% &hen lay do$n again till the Muadhdhin !i%e% the
call)aker" cae to hi# $hereupon he got up and offered a light t$o Rakat prayer and $ent out
!to the MosCue" and offered the !copulsory congregational" Ba.r prayer%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 1::
Darrated Aisha:
&here $as an orphan !girl" under the care of a an% He arried her and she o$ned a date pal
!garden"% He arried her .ust because of that and not because he lo(ed her% So the 8i(ine =erse cae
regarding his case: HIf you fear that you shall not be able to deal .ustly $ith the orphan girls%%%H !2%<"
&he sub)narrator added: I think he !i%e% another sub)narrator" said# H&hat orphan girl $as his partner
in that datepal !garden" and in his property%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 17:
Darrated 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair:
&hat he asked 'Aisha regarding the Stateent of Allah:
HIf you fear that you shall not be able to deal .ustly $ith the orphan girls%%%H !2%<" She said# HE son of
y sisterI An Erphan girl used to be under the care of a guardian $ith $ho she shared property%
Her guardian# being attracted by her $ealth and beauty# $ould intend to arry her $ithout gi(ing
her a .ust Mahr# i%e% the sae Mahr as any other person ight gi(e her !in case he arried her"% So
such guardians $ere forbidden to do that unless they did .ustice to their feale $ards and ga(e
the the highest Mahr their peers ight get% &hey $ere ordered !by Allah# to arry $oen of their
choice other than those orphan girls%H 'Aisha added#H &he people asked Allah's Apostle his instructions
after the re(elation of this 8i(ine =erse $hereupon Allah re(ealed:
H&hey ask your instruction regarding $oen H !2%03:" 'Aisha further said# HAnd the Stateent of
Allah: HAnd yet $ho you desire to arry%H !2%03:" as anyone of you refrains fro arrying an
orphan girl !under his guardianship" $hen she is lacking in property and beauty%H 'Aisha added# HSo
they $ere forbidden to arry those orphan girls for $hose $ealth and beauty they had a desire un)
less $ith .ustice# and that $as because they $ould refrain fro arrying the if they $ere lacking
in property and beauty%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 11:
Darrated Aisha:
=olue 5 ) 11: ? 0:66
regarding the Stateent of Allah: HAnd $hoe(er aongst the guardian is rich# he should take no
$ages# but if he is poor# let hi ha(e for hiself $hat is .ust and reasonable !according to his $ork"%
&his =erse $as re(ealed regarding the orphan's property% If the guardian is poor# he can take fro
the property of the orphan# $hat is .ust and reasonable according to his $ork and the tie he spends
on anaging it%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 066:
Darrated Ikraa:
Ibn Abbas said ! regarding the (erse"# HAnd $hen the relati(es and the orphans and the poor are
present at the tie of di(ision# Hthis (erse and its order is (alid and not abrogated%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 060:
Darrated /abir:
&he Prophet and Abu Bakr cae on foot to pay e a (isit !during y illness" at Banu Salaa's
!d$ellings"% &he Prophet found e unconscious# so he asked for $ater and perfored the ablution
fro it and sprinkled soe $ater o(er it% I cae to y senses and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat do
you order e to do as regards y $ealthJH So there $as re(ealed:))
HAllah coands you as regards your children's !inheritance":H !2%00"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 063:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
!In the Pre)Islaic Period " the children used to inherit all the property but the parents used to in)
herit only through a $ill% So Allah cancelled that $hich He liked to cancel and put decreed that the
share of a son $as to be t$ice the share of a daughter# and for the parents one)si*th for each one of
the# or one third# and for the $ife one)eighth or one)fourth# and for the husband one)half# or one)
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 06<:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
regarding the 8i(ine =erse: HE you $ho belie(eI Kou are forbidden to inherit $oen against their
$ill# and you should not treat the $ith harshness that you ay take back part of the !Mahr" do$er
you ha(e gi(en the%H !2%01" !Before this re(elation" if a an died# his relati(es used to ha(e the
right to inherit his $ife# and one of the could arry her if he $ould# or they $ould gi(e her in
arriage if they $ished# or# if they $ished# they $ould not gi(e her in arriage at all# and they
=olue 5 ) 117 ? 0:66
$ould be ore entitled to dispose her# than her o$n relati(es% So the abo(e =erse $as re(ealed in
this connection%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 062:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Regarding the =erse: H&o e(eryone# @e ha(e appointed heirs%H !2%<<" 'Ma$ali' eans heirs% And re)
garding:)) HAnd those to $ho your right hands ha(e pledged%H
@hen the +igrants cae to Medina# an +igrant used to be the heir of an Ansari $ith the e*clu)
sion of the latter's relati(es# and that $as because of the bond of brotherhood $hich the Prophet had
established bet$een the !i%e% the +igrants and the Ansar"% So $hen the =erses:)) H&o e(eryone @e
ha(e appointed heirs%H $as re(ealed# !the inheritance through bond of brotherhood" $as cancelled%
Ibn Abbas then said: HAnd those to $ho your right hands ha(e pledged%H is concerned $ith the co()
enant of helping and ad(ising each other% So allies are no longer to be the heir of each other# but they
can beCueath each other soe of their property by eans of a $ill%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 064:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
8uring the lifetie of the Prophet soe people said# : E Allah's ApostleI Shall $e see our ;ord on
the 8ay of ResurrectionJH &he Prophet said# HKesL do you ha(e any difficulty in seeing the sun at id)
day $hen it is bright and there is no cloud in the skyJH &hey replied# HDo%H He said# H8o you ha(e any
difficulty in seeing the oon on a full oon night $hen it is bright and there is no cloud in the skyJH
&hey replied# HDo%H &he Prophet said# H!Siilarly" you $ill ha(e no difficulty in seeing Allah on the
8ay of Resurrection as you ha(e no difficulty in seeing either of the% En the 8ay of Resurrection# a
call)aker $ill announce# H;et e(ery nation follo$ that $hich they used to $orship%H &hen none of
those $ho used to $orship anything other than Allah like idols and other deities but $ill fall in Hell
!Bire"# till there $ill reain none but those $ho used to $orship Allah# both those $ho $ere obedient
!i%e% good" and those $ho $ere disobedient !i%e% bad" and the reaining party of the people of the
Scripture% &hen the /e$s $ill be called upon and it $ill be said to the# '@ho do you use to $orshipJ'
&hey $ill say# '@e used to $orship +-ra# the son of Allah%' It $ill be said to the# 'Kou are liars# for
Allah has ne(er taken anyone as a $ife or a son% @hat do you $ant no$J' &hey $ill say# 'E our ;ordI
@e are thirsty# so gi(e us soething to drink%' &hey $ill be directed and addressed thus# '@ill you
drink#' $hereupon they $ill be gathered unto Hell !Bire" $hich $ill look like a irage $hose differ)
ent sides $ill be destroying each other% &hen they $ill fall into the Bire% After$ards the 9hristians
$ill be called upon and it $ill be said to the# '@ho do you use to $orshipJ' &hey $ill say# '@e used
to $orship /esus# the son of Allah%' It $ill be said to the# 'Kou are liars# for Allah has ne(er taken
anyone as a $ife or a son#' &hen it $ill be said to the# '@hat do you $antJ' &hey $ill say $hat the
forer people ha(e said% &hen# $hen there reain !in the gathering" none but those $ho used to
=olue 5 ) 111 ? 0:66
$orship Allah !Alone# the real ;ord of the @orlds" $hether they $ere obedient or disobedient% &hen
!Allah" the ;ord of the $orlds $ill coe to the in a shape nearest to the picture they had in their
inds about Hi% It $ill be said# '@hat are you $aiting forJ' +(ery nation ha(e follo$ed $hat they
used to $orship%' &hey $ill reply# '@e left the people in the $orld $hen $e $ere in great need of
the and $e did not take the as friends% Do$ $e are $aiting for our ;ord @ho $e used to $or)
ship%' Allah $ill say# 'I a your ;ord%' &hey $ill say t$ice or thrice# '@e do not $orship any besides
Allah%' H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 065:
Darrated Abdullah bin Masud:
Allah's Apostle said to e# HRecite !of the ,ur'an" for e#H I said# HShall I recite it to you although it
had been re(ealed to youJH He said# HI like to hear !the ,ur'an" fro others%H So I recited Surat)an)
Disa' till I reached: HHo$ !$ill it be" then $hen @e bring fro each nation a $itness# and @e bring
you !E Muhaad" as a $itness against these peopleJH !2%20" &hen he said# HStopIH And behold# his
eyes $ere o(erflo$ing $ith tears%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 06::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he necklace of Asa' $as lost# so the Prophet sent soe en to look for it% &he tie for the prayer
becae due and they had not perfored ablution and could not find $ater# so they offered the pray)
er $ithout ablution% &hen Allah re(ealed !the =erse of &ayau"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 067:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he =erse: HEbey Allah and Ebey the Apostle and those of you !Muslis" $ho are in authority%H
!2%41" $as re(ealed in connection $ith 'Abdullah bin Hudhafa bin ,ais bin 'Adi' $hen the Prophet
appointed hi as the coander of a Sariyya !ary detachent"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 061:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
A-)Fubair Cuarrelled $ith a an fro the Ansar because of a natural ountainous strea at Al)
Harra% &he Prophet said HE FubairI Irrigate !your lands and the let the $ater flo$ to your neighbor
&he Ansar said# HE Allah's Apostle !&his is because" he !Fubair" is your cousinJH At that# the Prophet's
face becae red !$ith anger" and he said HE FubairI Irrigate !your land" and then $ithhold the $a)
ter till it fills the land up to the $alls and then let it flo$ to your neighbor%H So the Prophet enabled
=olue 5 ) 0666 ? 0:66
A-)Fubair to take his full right after the Ansari pro(oked his anger% &he Prophet had pre(iously gi()
en a order that $as in fa(or of both of the A-)Fubair said# HI don't think but the =erse $as re(ealed
in this connection: HBut no# by your ;ord# they can ha(e no faith# until they ake you .udge in all dis)
putes bet$een the%H !2%5"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 006:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HDo prophet gets sick but he is gi(en the choice to select either this
$orld or the Hereafter%H 'Aisha added: 8uring his fatal illness# his (oice becae (ery husky and I
heard hi saying: HIn the copany of those $ho is the Arace of Allah# of the prophets# the SiddiCin
!those follo$ers of the prophets $ho $ere first and foreost to belie(e in the"# the artyrs and the
pious%' !2%51" And fro this I cae to kno$ that he has been gi(en the option%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 000:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
My other and I $ere aong the $eak and oppressed !Muslis at Mecca"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 003:
Darrated Ibn Abi Mulaika:
Ibn Abbas recited:)) H+*cept the $eak ones aong en $oen and children#H !2%17" and said#
HMy other and I $ere aong those $ho Allah had e*cused%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 00<:
Darrated Faid bin &habit: Regarding the =erse:)) H&hen $hat is the atter $ith you that you are
di(ided into t$o parties about the hypocritesJH !2%77" Soe of the copanions of the Prophet re)
turned fro the battle of Uhud !i%e% refused to
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 002:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
&he people of Kufa disagreed !disputed" about the abo(e =erse% So I $ent to Ibn Abbas and asked
hi about it% He said# H&his =erse:)) HAnd $hoe(er kills a belie(er intentionally# his recopense is
Hell%H $as re(ealed last of all !concerning preeditated urder" and nothing abrogated it%H
=olue 5 ) 0660 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 004:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Regarding the =erse: HAnd say not to anyone $ho offers you peace !by accepting Isla"# Kou are
not a belie(er%H &here $as a an aidst his sheep% &he Muslis pursued hi# and he said !to the"
HPeace be on you%H But they killed hi and took o(er his sheep% &hereupon Allah re(ealed in that con)
cern# the abo(e =erse up to:)) H%%%seeking the perishable good of this life%H !2%12" i%e% those sheep%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 005:
Darrated Faid bin &habit: &hat the Prophet dictated to hi: HDot eCual are those of the belie(ers
$ho sit !at hoe" and those $ho stri(e and fight in the 9ause of Allah%H
Faid added: Ibn U Maktu cae $hile the Prophet $as dictating to e and said# HE Allah's
ApostleI By Allah# if I had the po$er to fight !in Allah's 9ause"# I $ould#H and he $as a blind an% So
Allah re(ealed to his Apostle $hile his thigh $as on y thigh# and his thigh becae so hea(y that I
$as afraid it ight fracture y thigh% &hen that state of the Prophet passed and Allah re(ealed:))
H+*cept those $ho are disabled !by in.ury or are blind or lae etc"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 00::
Darrated Al)Bara:
@hen the =erse:)) HDot eCual are those of the belie(ers $ho sit !at hoe"H !2%14" $as re(ealed# Al)
lah Apostle called for Faid $ho $rote it% In the eantie Ibn U Maktu cae and coplained of
his blindness# so Allah re(ealed: H+*cept those $ho are disabled !by in.ury or are blind or lae%%%H etc%"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 007:
Darrated Al)Bara:
@hen the =erse:))HDot eCual are those of the belie(ers $ho sit !at hoe"#H !2%14" $as re(ealed# the
Prophet said# H9all so)and)so%H &hat person cae to hi $ith an ink)pot and a $ooden board or a
shoulder scapula bone% &he Prophet said !to hi"# H@rite: 'Dot eCual are those belie(ers $ho sit !at
hoe" and those $ho stri(e and fight in the 9ause of Allah%H Ibn U Maktu $ho $as sitting be)
hind the Prophet then said# HE Allah's ApostleI I a a blind an%H So there $as re(ealed in the place
of that =erse# the =erse:))HDot eCual are those of the belie(ers $ho sit !at hoe" e*cept those $ho
are disabled !by in.ury# or are blind or lae etc%" and those $ho stri(e and fight in the 9ause of Al)
lah%H !2%14"
=olue 5 ) 0663 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 001:
Darrated Ibn Abbas: Dot eCual are those belie(ers $ho sat !at hoe" and did not .oin the
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 036:
Darrated Muhaad bin Abdur)Rahan Abu Al)As$ad:
&he people of Medina $ere forced to prepare an ary !to fight against the people of Sha during
the caliphate of 'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair at Mecca"# and I $as enlisted in itL &hen I et 'Ikria# the
freed sla(e of Ibn 'Abbas# and infored hi !about it"# and he forbade e strongly to do so !i%e% to en)
list in that ary"# and then said# HIbn 'Abbas infored e that soe Musli people $ere $ith the
pagans# increasing the nuber of the pagans against Allah's Apostle% An arro$ used to be shot $hich
$ould hit one of the !the Muslis in the copany of the pagans" and kill hi# or he $ould be
struck and killed !$ith a s$ord"%H &hen Allah re(ealed:))
H=erilyI as for those $ho the angels take !in death" $hile they are $ronging thesel(es !by stay)
ing aong the disbelie(ers"H !2%1:" Abu As$ad added# H+*cept the $eak ones aong en# $oen#%%%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 030:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
'H+*cept the $eak onesH !2%17" and added: My other $as one of those $ho Allah e*cused%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 033:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hile the Prophet $as offering the 'Isha' prayer# he said# HAllah hears hi $ho sends his praises to
Hi#H and then said before falling in prostration# HE Allah# sa(e 'Aiyash bin Rabi'a% E Allah# sa(e
Salaa bin Hisha% E Allah# sa(e Al)@alid bin Al)@ahd% E Allah# sa(e the $eak ones aong the
belie(ers% E Allah# let Kour punishent be se(ere on the tribe of Mudar% E Allah# inflict upon the
years !of faine" like the years of /oseph%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 03<:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Regarding the =erse: HBecause of the incon(enience of rain or because you are ill%H !2%063" !It $as
re(ealed in connection $ith" 'Abdur)Rahan bin Auf $ho $as $ounded%
=olue 5 ) 066< ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 032:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Regarding the =erse:))H&hey ask your instruction concerning the $oen% Say: Allah instructs you
about the and yet $ho you desire to arry%H !2%03:" !has been re(ealed regarding the case of" a
an $ho has an orphan girl# and he is her guardian and her heir% &he girl shares $ith hi all his
property# e(en a date)pal !garden"# but he dislikes to arry her and dislikes to gi(e her in ar)
riage to soebody else $ho $ould share $ith hi the property she is sharing $ith hi# and for this
reason that guardian pre(ents that orphan girl fro arrying% So# this =erse $as re(ealed: !And Al)
lah's stateent:" HIf a $oan fears cruelty or desertion on her husband's part%H !2%037"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 034:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Regarding the =erse:))HIf a $oan fears cruelty or desertion on her husband's part%H !2%037" It is
about a an $ho has a $oan !$ife" and he does not like her and $ants to di(orce her but she says
to hi# HI ake you free as regards yself%H So this =erse $as re(ealed in this connection%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 035:
Darrated Al)As$ad:
@hile $e $ere sitting in a circle in 'Abdullah's gathering# Hudhaifa cae and stopped before us#
and greeted us and then said# HPeople better than you becae hypocrites%H Al)As$ad said: I testify the
uniCueness of AllahI Allah says: H=erilyI &he hypocrites $ill be in the lo$est depths of the Bire%H
En that 'Abdullah siled and Hudhaifa sat soe$here in the MosCue% 'Abdullah then got up and
his copanions !sitting around hi" dispersed% Hudhaifa then thre$ a pebble at e !to attract y
attention"% I $ent to hi and he said# HI $as surprised at 'Abdullah's sile though he understood
$hat I said% =erily# people better than you becae hypocrite and then repented and Allah forga(e
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 03::
Darrated Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HDone has the right to say that I a better than /onah bin Matta%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 037:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 5 ) 0662 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er says that I a better than /onah bin Matta# is a liar%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 031:
Darrated Al)Bara:
&he last Sura that $as re(ealed $as Bara'a# and the last =erse that $as re(ealed $as: H&hey ask you
for a legal (erdict# Say: Allah's directs !thus" about those $ho lea(e no descendants or ascendants as
heirs%H !2%0:5"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0<6:
Darrated &ariC bin Shihab:
&he /e$s said to 'Uar# HKou !i%e% Muslis" recite a =erse# and had it been re(ealed to us# $e $ould
ha(e taken the day of its re(elation as a day of celebration%H 'Uar said# HI kno$ (ery $ell $hen and
$here it $as re(ealed# and $here Allah's Apostle $as $hen it $as re(ealed% !It $as re(ealed on" the
day of Arafat !Ha.. 8ay"# and by Allah# I $as at ArafatH Sufyan# a sub)narrator said: I a in doubt
$hether the =erse:)) H&his day I ha(e perfected your religion for you%H $as re(ealed on a Briday or
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0<0:
Darrated Aisha:
&he $ife of the Prophet : @e set out $ith Allah's Apostle on one of his .ourneys# and $hen $e
$ere at Baida' or at 8hat)al)/aish# a necklace of ine $as broken !and lost"% Allah's Apostle stayed
there to look for it# and so did the people along $ith hi% Deither $ere they at a place of $ater# nor
did they ha(e any $ater $ith the% So the people $ent to Abu Bakr As)SiddiC and said# H8on't you
see $hat 'Aisha has doneJ She has ade Allah's Apostle and the people# stay $here there is no $ater
and they ha(e no $ater $ith the%H Abu Bakr cae $hile Allah's Apostle $as sleeping $ith his head
on y thigh% He said !to e"# HKou ha(e detained Allah's Apostle and the people $here there is no
$ater# and they ha(e no $ater $ith the%H So he adonished e and said $hat Allah $ished hi to
say# and he hit e on y flanks $ith his hand% Dothing pre(ented e fro o(ing !because of painI
but the position of Allah's Apostle on y thigh% So Allah's Apostle got up $hen da$n broke and there
$as no $ater# so Allah re(ealed the =erse of &ayau% Usaid bin Hudair said# HIt is not the first
blessing of yours# E the faily of Abu Bakr%H &hen $e ade the cael on $hich I $as riding# got up#
and found the necklace under it%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0<3:
Darrated Aisha:
=olue 5 ) 0664 ? 0:66
A necklace of ine $as lost at Al)Baida' and $e $ere on our $ay to Medina% &he Prophet ade
his cael kneel do$n and disounted and laid his head on y lap and slept% Abu Bakr cae to e
and hit e (iolently on the chest and said# HKou ha(e detained the people because of a necklace%H I
kept as otionless as a dead person because of the position of Allah's Apostle L !on y lap" although
Abu Bakr had hurt e !$ith the slap"% &hen the Prophet $oke up and it $as the tie for the orn)
ing !prayer"% @ater $as sought# but in (ainL so the follo$ing =erse $as re(ealed:))
HE you $ho belie(eI @hen you intend to offer prayer%%H !4%5" Usaid bin Hudair said# HAllah has
blessed the people for your sake# E the faily of Abu Bakr% Kou are but a blessing for the%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0<<:
Darrated Abdullah !bin Masud":
En the day of Badr# Al)MiCdad said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e do not say to you as the children of Is)
rael said to Moses# 'Ao you and your ;ord and fight you t$oL $e are sitting here# !4%32" but !$e say"%
HProceed# and $e are $ith you%H &hat seeed to delight Allah's Apostle greatly%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0<2:
Darrated Abu ,ilaba:
&hat he $as sitting behind Uar bin Abdul A-i- and the people entioned and entioned !about
At),asaa" and they said !(arious things"# and said that the 9aliphs had peritted it% 'Uar bin 'Ab)
dul 'A-i- turned to$ards Abu ,ilaba $ho $as behind hi and said% H@hat do you say# E 'Abdullah
bin FaidJH or said# H@hat do you say# E Abu ,ilabaJH Abu ,ilaba said# HI do not kno$ that killing a
person is la$ful in Isla e*cept in three cases: a arried person coitting illegal se*ual inter)
course# one $ho has urdered soebody unla$fully# or one $ho $ages $ar against Allah and His
Apostle%H 'Anbasa said# HAnas narrated to us such)and)such%H Abu ,ilaba said# HAnas narrated to e in
this concern# saying# soe people cae to the Prophet and they spoke to hi saying# '&he cliate of
this land does not suit us%' &he Prophet said# '&hese are caels belonging to us# and they are to be
taken out to the pasture% So take the out and drink of their ilk and urine%' So they took the and
set out and drank of their urine and ilk# and ha(ing reco(ered# they attacked the shepherd# killed
hi and dro(e a$ay the caels%' @hy should there be any delay in punishing the as they
urdered !a person" and $aged $ar against Allah and His Apostle and frightened Allah's Apostle JH
Anbasa said# HI testify the uniCueness of AllahIH Abu ,ilaba said# H8o you suspect eJH 'Anbasa said#
HDo# Anas narrated that !Hadith" to us%H &hen 'Anbasa added# HE the people of such)and)such !coun)
try"# you $ill reain in good state as long as Allah keeps this !an" and the like of this !an"
aongst you%H
=olue 5 ) 0665 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0<4:
Darrated Anas !bin Malik":
Ar)Rubai !the paternal aunt of Anas bin Malik" broke the incisor tooth of young Ansari girl% Her
faily deanded the ,isas and they cae to the Prophet $ho passed the .udgent of ,isas% Anas
bin An)Dadr !the paternal uncle of Anas bin Malik" said# HE Allah's ApostleI By Allah# her tooth $ill
not be broken%H &he Prophet said# HE AnasI !&he la$ prescribed in" Allah's Book is ,isas%H But the
people !i%e% the relati(es of the girl" ga(e up their clai and accepted a copensation% En that Allah's
Apostle said# HSoe of Allah's $orshippers are such that if they take an oath# Allah $ill fulfill it for
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0<5:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hoe(er tells that Muhaad concealed part of $hat $as re(ealed to hi# is a liar# for Allah
HE Apostle !Muhaad"I Proclai !the Message" $hich has been sent do$n to you fro your
;ord%H !4%5:"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0<::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&his =erse: HAllah $ill not punish you for $hat is unintentional in your oaths%H !4%71" $as re(ealed
about a an's state en !during his talk"# HDo# by Allah#H and HKes# by Allah%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0<7:
Darrated Aisha:
&hat her father !Abu Bakr" ne(er broke his oath till Allah re(ealed the order of the legal e*piation
for oath% Abu Bakr said# HIf I e(er take an oath !to do soething" and later find that to do soething
else is better# then I accept Allah's perission and do that $hich is better# !and do the legal e*piation
for y oath " H%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0<1:
Darrated Abdullah:
@e used to participate in the holy $ars carried on by the Prophet and $e had no $oen !$i(es"
$ith us% So $e said !to the Prophet "% HShall $e castrate oursel(esJH But the Prophet forbade us to do
that and thenceforth he allo$ed us to arry a $oan !teporarily" by gi(ing her e(en a garent#
=olue 5 ) 066: ? 0:66
and then he recited: HE you $ho belie(eI 8o not ake unla$ful the good things $hich Allah has
ade la$ful for you%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 026:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
!&he =erse of" prohibiting alcoholic drinks $as re(ealed $hen there $ere in Medina fi(e kinds of
!alcoholic" drinks none of $hich $as produced fro grapes%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 020:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@e had no alcoholic drink e*cept that $hich $as produced fro dates and $hich you call
Badikh% @hile I $as standing offering drinks to Abu &alh and so)and)so and so)and)so# a an ca
and said# HHas the ne$s reached youJ &hey said# H@hat is thatJH He said% HAlcoholic drinks ha(e been
prohibited% &hey said# HSpill !the contents of these pots# E AnasI H&hen they neither asked about it !al)
coholic drinks" nor returned it after the ne$s fro that an%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 023:
Darrated /abir:
Soe people drank alcoholic be(erages in the orning !of the day" of the Uhud battle and on the
sae day they $ere killed as artyrs# and that $as before $ine $as prohibited%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 02<:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
I heard 'Uar $hile he $as on the pulpit of the Prophet saying# HDo$ then E peopleI &he re(ela)
tion about the prohibition of alcoholic drinks $as re(ealedL and alcoholic drinks are e*tracted fro
fi(e things: Arapes# dates# honey# $heat and barley% And the alcoholic drink is that $hich confuses
and stupefies the ind%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 022:
Darrated Anas:
&he alcoholic drink $hich $as spilled $as Al)Badikh% I used to offer alcoholic drinks to the people
at the residence of Abu &alha% &hen the order of prohibiting Alcoholic drinks $as re(ealed# and the
Prophet ordered soebody to announce that: Abu &alha said to e# HAo out and see $hat this (oice
!this announceent " is%H I $ent out and !on coing back" said# H&his is soebody announcing that
=olue 5 ) 0667 ? 0:66
alcoholic be(erages ha(e been prohibited%H Abu &alha said to e# HAo and spill it !i%e% the $ine"#H &hen
it !alcoholic drinks" $as seen flo$ing through the streets of Medina% At that tie the $ine $as Al)
Badikh% &he people said# HSoe people !Muslis" $ere killed !during the battle of Uhud" $hile $ine
$as in their stoachs%H So Allah re(ealed: HEn those $ho belie(e and do good deeds there is no blae
for $hat they ate !in the past"%H !4%1<"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 024:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet deli(ered a seron the like of $hich I had ne(er heard before% He said# HIf you but
kne$ $hat I kno$ then you $ould ha(e laughed little and $ept uch%H En hearing that# the co)
panions of the Prophet co(ered their faces and the sound of their $eeping $as heard% A an said#
H@ho is y fatherJH &he Prophet said# HSo)and)so%H So this =erse $as re(ealed: HAsk not about things
$hich# if ade plain to you# ay cause you trouble%H !4%060"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 025:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Soe people $ere asking Allah's Apostle Cuestions ockingly% A an $ould say# H@ho is y fath)
erJH Another an $hose she)cael had gone astray $ould say# H@here is y she)caelJ HSo Allah
re(ealed this =erse in this connection: HE you $ho belie(eI Ask not about things $hich# if ade plain
to you# ay cause you trouble%H !4%060"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 02::
Darrated Said bin Al)Musaiyab:
Bahira is a she)cael $hose ilk is kept for the idols and nobody is allo$ed to ilk itL Sa'iba $as
the she)cael $hich they used to set free for their gods and nothing $as allo$ed to be carried on it%
Abu Huraira said: Allah's Apostle said# HI sa$ 'Ar bin 'Air Al)Khu-ai !in a drea" dragging his in)
testines in the Bire# and he $as the first person to establish the tradition of setting free the anials
!for the sake of their deities"#H @asila is the she)cael $hich gi(es birth to a she)cael as its first
deli(ery# and then gi(es birth to another she)cael as its second deli(ery% People !in the Pre)lslaic
periods of ignorance" used to let that she cael loose for their idols if it ga(e birth to t$o she)caels
successi(ely $ithout gi(ing birth to a ale cael in bet$een% 'Ha' $as the ale cael $hich $as
used for copulation% @hen it had finished the nuber of copulations assigned for it# they $ould let it
loose for their idols and e*cuse it fro burdens so that nothing $ould be carried on it# and they
called it the 'Hai%' Abu Huraira said# HI heard the Prophet saying so%H
=olue 5 ) 0661 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 027:
Darrated Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said# HI sa$ Hell and its different portions $ere consuing each other and sa$
'Ar dragging his intestines !in it"# and he $as the first person to establish the tradition of letting an)
ials loose !for the idols"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 021:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle deli(ered a seron and said# HE peopleI Kou $ill be gathered before Allah bare)
footed# naked and not circucised%H &hen !Cuoting ,uran" he said:))
HAs @e began the first creation# @e shall repeat it% A proise @e ha(e undertaken: &ruly $e shall
do it%%H !30%062"
&he Prophet then said# H&he first of the huan beings to be dressed on the 8ay of Resurrection#
$ill be Abraha% ;oI Soe en fro y follo$ers $ill be brought and then !the angels" $ill dri(e
the to the left side !Hell)Bire"% I $ill say% 'E y ;ordI !&hey are" y copanionsI' &hen a reply $ill
coe !fro Alighty"# 'Kou do not kno$ $hat they did after you%' I $ill say as the pious sla(e !the
Prophet /esus" said: And I $as a $itness o(er the $hile I d$elt aongst the% @hen Kou took e
up% Kou $ere the @atcher o(er the and Kou are a @itness to all things%' !4%00:" &hen it $ill be
said# H&hese people ha(e continued to be apostates since you left the%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 046:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HKou $ill be gathered !on the 8ay of Resurrection" and soe people $ill be
dri(en !by the angels" to the left side !and taken to Hell" $hereupon I $ill say as the pious sla(e !/e)
sus" said:)) HAnd I $as a $itness o(er the $hile I d$elt aongst the%%%the A;MIAH&K# the All
@ise%H !4%00:)007"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 040:
Darrated Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he key of the Unseen are fi(e: =erily $ith Allah !Alone" is the kno$ledge of
the Hour He sends do$n the rain and kno$s $hat is in the $obs% Do soul kno$s $hat it $ill earn
toorro$# and no soul kno$s in $hat land it $ill die% =erily# Allah is All)Kno$er# All)A$are%H
=olue 5 ) 0606 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 043:
Darrated /abir:
@hen this =erse $as re(ealed: HSay: He has po$er to send torent on you fro abo(e%H !5%54" Al)
lah's Apostle said# HE AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kour Bace !fro this punishent"%H And $hen the
(erse: Hor send torent fro belo$ your feet#H !$as re(ealed"# Allah's Apostle said# H!E AllahI" I seek
refuge $ith Kour Bace !fro this punishent"%H !But $hen there $as re(ealed": HEr confuse you in
party strife and ake you to taste the (iolence of one another%H !5%54" Allah's Apostle said# H&his is
lighter !or# this is easier"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 04<:
Darrated Abdullah:
@hen:H%%%and confuse not their belief $ith $rong%H !5%73" $as re(ealed# the Prophet's copanions
said# H@hich of us has not done $rongJH &hen there $as re(ealed:)) H=erily .oining others in $or)
ship $ith Allah is a treendous $rong indeed%H !<0%0<"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 042:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HDobody has the rights to say that I a better than /onah bin Matta%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 044:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HDobody has the right to say that I a better than /onah bin Matta%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 045:
Darrated Mu.ahid:
&hat he asked Ibn 'Abbas# HIs there a prostration Surat)al)SadJH !<7%32" Ibn Abbas said# HKes#H and
then recited: H@e ga(e%%%So follo$ their guidance%H !5%74#16" &hen he said# HHe !8a(id " is one the
!i%e% those prophets"%H Mu.ahid narrated: I asked Ibn 'Abbas !regarding the abo(e =erse"% He said#
HKour Prophet !Muhaad" $as one of those $ho $ere ordered to follo$ the%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 04::
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
=olue 5 ) 0600 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HMay Allah curse the /e$sI @hen Allah forbade the to eat the fat of anials#
they elted it and sold it# and utili-ed its priceI H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 047:
Darrated Abu @ail:
'Abdullah !bin Mas'ud" said# HDone has ore sense of ghaira than Allah therefore ) He prohibits
shaeful sins !illegal se*ual intercourse# etc%" $hether coitted openly or secretly% And none lo(es
to be praised ore than Allah does# and for this reason He praises Hiself%H I asked Abu @ali# H8id
you hear it fro AbdullahJH He said# HKes#H I said# H8id Abdullah ascribe it to Allah's ApostleJH He said#
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 041:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he Hour $ill not be established until the sun rises fro the @est: and $hen
the people see it# then $hoe(er $ill be li(ing on the surface of the earth $ill ha(e faith# and that is
!the tie" $hen no good $ill it do to a soul to belie(e then# if it belie(ed not before%H !5%047"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 056:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he hour $ill not be established till the sun rises fro the @estL and $hen it
rises !fro the @est" and the people see it# they all $ill belie(e% And that is !the tie" $hen no good
$ill it do to a soul to belie(e then%H &hen he recited the $hole =erse !5%047"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 050:
Darrated Abdullah bin Mas'ud:
Allah's Apostle said# HDone has ore sense of ghaira than Allah# and for this He has forbidden
shaeful sins $hether coitted openly or secretly# and none lo(es to be praised ore than Allah
does# and this is $hy He Praises Hiself%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 053:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
A an fro the /e$s# ha(ing been slapped on his face# cae to the Prophet and said# HE
MuhaadI A an fro your copanions fro the Ansar has slapped e on y faceIH &he Proph)
et said# H9all hi%H @hen they called hi# the Prophet said# H@hy did you slap hiJH He said# HE Al)
=olue 5 ) 0603 ? 0:66
lah's ApostleI @hile I $as passing by the /e$s# I heard hi saying# 'By Hi @ho selected Moses
abo(e the huan beings#' I said# '+(en abo(e MuhaadJ' I becae furious and slapped hi on the
face%H &he Prophet said# H8o not gi(e e superiority o(er the other prophets# for on the 8ay of Resur)
rection the people $ill becoe unconscious and I $ill be the first to regain consciousness% &hen I
$ill see Moses holding one of the legs of the &hrone% I $ill not kno$ $hether he has coe to his
senses before e or that the shock he had recei(ed at the Mountain# !during his $orldly life" $as
sufficient for hi%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 05<:
Darrated Said Ibn Faid:
&he Prophet said# HAl)Ka'a is like the Mann !s$eet resin or gu" !in that it gro$s naturally
$ithout huan care" and its $ater is a cure for the eye diseases%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 052:
Darrated Abu Ad)8arda:
&here $as a dispute bet$een Abu Bakr and 'Uar# and Abu Bakr ade Uar angry% So 'Uar left
angrily% Abu Bakr follo$ed hi# reCuesting hi to ask forgi(eness !of Allah" for hi# but 'Uar re)
fused to do so and closed his door in Abu Bakr's face% So Abu Bakr $ent to Allah's Apostle $hile $e
$ere $ith hi% Allah's Apostle said# H&his friend of yours ust ha(e Cuarrelled !$ith soebody"%H In
the eantie 'Uar repented and felt sorry for $hat he had done# so he cae# greeted !those $ho
$ere present" and sat $ith the Prophet and related the story to hi% Allah's Apostle becae angry
and Abu Bakr started saying# HE Allah's ApostleI By Allah# I $as ore at fault !than Uar"%H Allah's
Apostle said# HAre you !people" lea(ing for e y copanionJ !Abu Bakr"# Are you !people" lea(ing
for e y copanionJ @hen I said# 'E people I a sent to you all as the Apostle of Allah#' you said#
'Kou tell a lie%' $hile Abu Bakr said# 'Kou ha(e spoken the truth %H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 054:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIt $as said to the children of Israel# '+nter the gate in prostration and say
Hitatun% !:%050" @e shall forgi(e you# your faults%' But they changed !Allah's Erder" and entered#
dragging thesel(es on their buttocks and said# 'Habatun !a grain" in a Sha'ratin !hair"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 055:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
=olue 5 ) 060< ? 0:66
'Uyaina bin Hisn bin Hudhaifa cae and stayed $ith his nephe$ Al)Hurr bin ,ais $ho $as one
of those $ho 'Uar used to keep near hi# as the ,urra' !learned en kno$ing ,ur'an by heart"
$ere the people of 'Uar's eetings and his ad(isors $hether they $ere old or young% 'Uyaina said
to his nephe$# HE son of y brotherI Kou ha(e an approach to this chief# so get for e the peris)
sion to see hi%H Al)Hurr said# HI $ill get the perission for you to see hi%H So Al)Hurr asked the
perission for 'Uyaina and 'Uar aditted hi% @hen 'Uyaina entered upon hi# he said# HBe$areI
E the son of Al)KhattabI By Allah# you neither gi(e us sufficient pro(ision nor .udge aong us $ith
.ustice%H &hereupon 'Uar becae so furious that he intended to har hi# but Al)Hurr said# HE
chief of the Belie(ersI Allah said to His Prophet: HHold to forgi(enessL coand $hat is rightL and
lea(e !don't punish" the foolish%H !:%011" and this !i%e% 'Uyaina" is one of the foolish%H By Allah# 'Uar
did not o(erlook that =erse $hen Al)Hurr recited it before hiL he obser(ed !the orders of" Allah's
Book strictly%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 05::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin A-Fubair:
!&he =erse" HHold to forgi(enessL coand $hat is right%%%H $as re(ealed by Allah e*cept in con)
nection $ith the character of the people% 'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair said: Allah ordered His Prophet to
forgi(e the people their isbeha(ior !to$ards hi"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 057:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
I asked Ibn 'Abbas regarding Surat)al)Anfal% He said# HIt $as re(ealed in connection $ith the Battle
of Badr%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 051:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Regarding the =erse: H=erilyI &he $orst of beasts in the Sight of Allah are the deaf and the
dub))))those $ho understand not%H !7%33"
!&he people referred to here" $ere soe persons fro the tribe of Bani 'Abd)Addar%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0:6:
Darrated Abu Said bin Al)Mu'alla:
@hile I $as praying# Allah's Apostle passed e and called e# but I did not go to hi until I had
finished the prayer% &hen I $ent to hi# and he said# H@hat pre(ented you fro coing to eJ
8idn't Allah say:)) HE you $ho belie(eI Ans$er the call of Allah !by obeying Hi" and His Apostle
=olue 5 ) 0602 ? 0:66
$hen He calls youJH He then said# HI $ill infor you of the greatest Sura in the ,ur'an before I lea(e
!the osCue"%H @hen Allah's Apostle got ready to lea(e !the osCue"# I reinded hi% He said# HIt is:
'Praise be to Allah# the ;ord of the $orlds%' !i%e% Surat)al)Batiha" As)sab'a Al)Mathani !the se(en re)
peatedly recited =erses"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0:0:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Abu /ahl said# HE AllahI If this !,uran" is indeed the &ruth fro Kou# then rain do$n on us a
sho$er of stones fro the sky or bring on us a painful torent%H So Allah re(ealed:)) HBut Allah
$ould not punish the $hile you $ere aongst the# nor He $ill punish the $hile they seek !Al)
lah's" forgi(eness%%%H !7%<<" And $hy Allah should not punish the $hile they turn a$ay !en" fro
Al) !the Sacred MosCue of Mecca"%%%H !7%<<)<2"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0:3:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Abu /ahl said# HE AllahI If this !,ur'an" is indeed the &ruth fro Kou"# then rain do$n on us a
sho$er of stones fro the sky or bring on us a painful punishent%H So there $as re(ealed:)) 'But
Allah $ould not punish the $hile you !Muhaad" $ere aongst the# nor $ill He punish the
$hile they seek !Allah's" Borgi(eness% And $hy Allah should not punish the $hile they stop !en"
fro Al) %%' !7%<<)<2"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0:<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&hat a an cae to hi !$hile t$o groups of Muslis $ere fighting" and said# HE Abu 'Abdur
RahanI 8on't you hear $hat Allah has entioned in His Book:
'And if t$o groups of belie(ers fight against each other%%%' !21%1"
So $hat pre(ents you fro fighting as Allah has entioned in His BookJH' Ibn 'Uar said# HE son
of y brotherI I $ould rather be blaed for not fighting because of this =erse than to be blaed be)
cause of another =erse $here Allah says:
'And $hoe(er kills a belie(er intentionally%%%H !2%1<" &hen that an said# HAllah says:)) 'And fight
the until there is no ore afflictions !$orshipping other besides Allah" and the religion !i%e% $or)
ship" $ill be all for Allah !Alone"H !7%<1" Ibn 'Uar said# H@e did this during the lifetie of Allah's
Apostle $hen the nuber of Muslis $as sall# and a an $as put to trial because of his religion#
the pagans $ould either kill or chain hiL but $hen the Muslis increased !and Isla spread"# there
$as no persecution%H @hen that an sa$ that Ibn 'Uar did not agree to his proposal# he said# H@hat
=olue 5 ) 0604 ? 0:66
is your opinion regarding 'Ali and 'UthanJH Ibn 'Uar said# H@hat is y opinion regarding Ali and
'UthanJ As for 'Uthan# Allah forga(e hi and you disliked to forgi(e hi# and Ali is the cousin
and son)in)la$ of Allah's Apostle %H &hen he pointed out $ith his hand and said# HAnd that is his
daughter's !house" $hich you can see%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0:2:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
Ibn 'Uar cae to us and a an said !to hi"# H@hat do you think about ',it)alal)Bitnah' !fight)
ing caused by afflictions"%H Ibn 'Uar said !to hi"# HAnd do you understand $hat an affliction isJ
Muhaad used to fight against the pagans# and his fighting $ith the $as an affliction# !and his
fighting $as" not like your fighting $hich is carried on for the sake of ruling%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0:4:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen the =erse:)) HIf there are t$enty steadfast aongst you# they $ill o(ercoe t$o hundred%H
!7%54" $as re(ealed# then it becae obligatory for the Muslis that one !Musli" should not flee
fro ten !non)Muslis"% Sufyan !the sub)narrator" once said# H&$enty !Muslis" should not flee be)
fore t$o hundred !non Muslis"%H &hen there $as re(ealed: 'But no$ Allah has lightened your
!task"%%' !7%55"
So it becae obligatory that one)hundred !Muslis" should not flee before t$o hundred !non)
uslis"% !Ence Sufyan said e*tra# H&he =erse: 'Urge the belie(ers to the fight% If there are t$enty
steadfast aongst you !Muslis" %%' $as re(ealed%" Sufyan said# HIbn Shabraa said# HI see that this or)
der is applicable to the obligation of en.oining good and forbidding e(il%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0:5:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen the =erse:))'If there are t$enty steadfast aongst you !Muslis"# they $ill o(ercoe t$o)
hundred !non)Muslis"%' $as re(ealed# it becae hard on the Muslis $hen it becae copulsory
that one Musli ought not to flee !in $ar" before ten !non)Muslis"% So !Allah" lightened the order
by re(ealing:
'!But" no$ Allah has lightened your !task" for He kno$s that there is $eakness in you% So if there
are of you one)hundred steadfast# they $ill o(ercoe !t$o)hundred !non)Muslis"%' !7%55" So $hen
Allah reduced the nuber of eneies $hich Muslis should $ithstand# their patience and per)
se(erance against the eney decreased as uch as their task $as lightened for the%
=olue 5 ) 0605 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0:::
Darrated Al)Bara:
&he last =erse that $as re(ealed $as:
'&hey ask you for a legal (erdict: Say: Allah directs !thus" about Al)Kalalah !those $ho lea(e no
descendants or ascendants as heirs"%' And the last Sura $hich $as re(ealed $as Baraatun !1" %
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0:7:
Darrated Huaid bin Abdur)Rahan:
Abu Huraira said# H8uring that Ha.. !in $hich Abu Bakr $as the chief of the pilgris" Abu Bakr
sent e along $ith announcers on the 8ay of Dahr ! 06th of 8hul)Hi..a" in Mina to announce: HDo
pagans shall perfor# Ha.. after this year# and none shall perfor the &a$af around the Ka'ba in a
naked state%H Huaid bin 'Abdur Rahan added: &hen Allah's Apostle sent Ali bin Abi &alib !after
Abu Bakr" and ordered hi to recite aloud in public Surat Bara'a% Abu Huraira added# HSo 'Ali# along
$ith us# recited Bara'a !loudly" before the people at Mina on the 8ay of Dahr and announcedL HDo
pagan shall perfor Ha.. after this year and none shall perfor the &a$af around the Ka'ba in a na)
ked state%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 0:1:
Darrated Huaid bin Abdur Rahan:
Abu Huraira said# HAbu Bakr sent e in that Ha.. in $hich he $as the chief of the pilgris along
$ith the announcers $ho he sent on the 8ay of Dahr to announce at Mina: HDo pagan shall per)
for Ha.. after this year# and none shall perfor the &a$af around the Ka'ba in a naked state%H Hu)
aid added: &hat the Prophet sent 'Ali bin Abi &alib !after Abu Bakr" and ordered hi to recite aloud
in public Surat)Baraa% Abu Huraira added# HSo 'Ali# along $ith us# recited Bara'a !loudly" before the
people at Mina on the 8ay of Dahr and announced HDo pagan shall perfor Ha.. after this year and
none shall perfor the &a$af around the Ka'ba in a naked state%H%%e*cept those pagans $ith $ho
you !Muslis" ha(e a treaty%H !1%2"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 076:
Darrated Huaid bin 'Abdur)Rahan:
Abu Huraira said that Abu Bakr sent hi during the Ha.. in $hich Abu Bakr $as ade the chief
of the pilgris by Allah's Apostle before !the year of" al)@ada in a group !of announcers" to
announce before the peopleL 'Do pagan shall perfor the Ha.. after this year# and none shall perfor
the &a$af around the Ka'ba in a naked state% Huaid used to say &he 8ay of Dahr is the day of Al)
Ha.. Al)Akbar !the Areatest 8ay" because of the narration of Abu Huraira%
=olue 5 ) 060: ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 070:
Darrated Faid bin @ahb:
@e $ere $ith Hudhaifa and he said# HDone reains of the people described by this =erse !1%03"#
H+*cept three# and of the hypocrites e*cept four%H A bedouin said# HKou the copanions of
MuhaadI &ell us !things" and $e do not kno$ that about those $ho break open our houses and
steal our precious thingsJ ' He !Hudhaifa" replied# H&hose are Al BussaC !rebellious $rongdoers" !not
disbelie(ers or hypocrites"% Really# none reains of the !hypocrite" but four# one of $ho is a (ery
old an $ho# if he drinks $ater# does not feel its coldness%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 073:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he Kan- !oney# the Fakat of $hich is not paid" of anyone of you $ill ap)
pear in the for of bald)headed poisonous ale snake on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 07<:
Darrated Faid bin @ahb:
I passed by !(isited " Abu 8har at Ar)Rabadha and said to hi# H@hat has brought you to this
landJH He said# H@e $ere at Sha and I recited the =erse: H&hey $ho hoard up gold and sil(er and
spend the not in the $ay of AllahL announce to the a painful torent# H !1%<2" $here upon
Mua$iya said# '&his =erse is not for us# but for the people of the Scripture%' &hen I said# 'But it is both
for us !Musli" and for the%' H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 072:
Darrated Abu Bakr:
&he Prophet said# H&ie has coe back to its original state $hich it had $hen Allah created the
Hea(ens and the +arthL the year is t$el(e onths# four of $hich are sacred% &hree of the are in
successionL 8hul),a'da# 8hul)Hi..a and Al)Muharra# and !the fourth being" Ra.ab Mudar !naed
after the tribe of Mudar as they used to respect this onth" $hich stands bet$een /uad !ath)thani"
and Sha'ban%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 074:
Darrated Abu Bakr:
=olue 5 ) 0607 ? 0:66
I $as in the copany of the Prophet in the ca(e# and on seeing the traces of the pagans# I said# HE
Allah's Apostle If one of the !pagans" should lift up his foot# he $ill see us%H He said# H@hat do you
think of t$o# the third of $ho is AllahJH
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 075:
Darrated Ibn Abi Mulaika:
@hen there happened the disagreeent bet$een Ibn A-)Fubair and Ibn 'Abbas# I said !to the lat)
ter"# H!@hy don't you take the oath of allegiance to hi as" his father is A-)Fubair# and his other is
Asa#' and his aunt is 'Aisha# and his aternal grandfather is Abu Bakr# and his grandother is
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 07::
Darrated Ibn Abi Mulaika:
&here $as a disagreeent bet$een the !i%e% Ibn 'Abbas and Ibn A-)Fubair" so I $ent to Ibn 'Ab)
bas in the orning and said !to hi"# H8o you $ant to fight against Ibn Fubair and thus ake la$ful
$hat Allah has ade unla$ful !i%e% fighting in MeccasJH Ibn 'Abbas said# HAllah forbidI Allah or)
dained that Ibn Fubair and Bani Uaiya $ould perit !fighting in Mecca"# but by Allah# I $ill ne(er
regard it as perissible%H Ibn Abbas added% H&he people asked e to take the oath of allegiance to Ibn
A-Fubair% I said# 'He is really entitled to assue authority for his father# A-)Fubair $as the helper of
the Prophet# his !aternal" grandfather# Abu Bakr $as !the Prophet's" copanion in the ca(e# his
other# Asa' $as '8hatun)DitaC'# his aunt# 'Aisha $as the other of the Belie(ers# his paternal
aunt# Khadi.a $as the $ife of the Prophet # and the paternal aunt of the Prophet $as his grandoth)
er% He hiself is pious and chaste in Isla# $ell (ersed in the Kno$ledge of the ,uran% By AllahI
!Really# I left y relati(es# Bani Uaiya for his sake though" they are y close relati(es# and if they
should be y rulers# they are eCually apt to be so and are descended fro a noble faily%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 077:
Darrated Ibn Abi Mulaika:
@e entered upon Ibn 'Abbas and he said HAre you not astonished at Ibn A-)Fubair's assuing the
caliphateJH I said !to yself"# HI $ill support hi and speak of his good traits as I did not do e(en for
Abu Bakr and 'Uar though they $ere ore entitled to recei(e al I good than he $as%H I said HHe !i%e
Ibn A-)Fubair" is the son of the aunt of the Prophet and the son of A-Fubair# and the grandson of
Abu Bakr and the son of Khadi.a's brother# and the son of 'Aisha's sister%H De(ertheless# he considers
hiself to be superior to e and does not $ant e to be one of his friends% So I said# HI ne(er e*pec)
ted that he $ould refuse y offer to support hi# and I don't think he intends to do e any good#
=olue 5 ) 0601 ? 0:66
therefore# if y cousins should ine(itably be y rulers# it $ill be better for e to be ruled by the
than by soe others%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 071:
Darrated Abu Said:
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 016:
Darrated Abu Musud:
@hen $e $ere ordered to gi(e als# $e began to $ork as porters !to earn soething $e could
gi(e in charity"% Abu UCail cae $ith one half of a Sa !special easure for food grains" and another
person brought ore than he did% So the hypocrites said# HAllah is not in need of the als of this !i%e%
'UCail"L and this other person did not gi(e als but for sho$ing off%H &hen Allah re(ealed:))
'&hose $ho critici-e such of the Belie(ers $ho gi(e charity (oluntarily and those $ho could not
find to gi(e in charity e*cept $hat is a(ailable to the%' !1%:1"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 010:
Darrated ShaCiC:
Abu Mas'ud Al)Ansari said# HAllah's Apostle# used to order us to gi(e als% So one of us $ould e*ert
hiself to earn one Mud !special easure of $heat or dates# etc%#" to gi(e in charityL $hile today one
of us ay ha(e one hundred thousand%H ShaCiC said: As if Abu Masud referred to hiself%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 013:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen 'Abdullah bin 'Ubai died# his son 'Abdullah bin 'Abdullah cae to Allah's Apostle and asked
hi to gi(e hi his shirt in order to shroud his father in it% He ga(e it to hi and then 'Abdullah
asked the Prophet to offer the funeral prayer for hi !his father"% Allah's Apostle got up to offer the
funeral prayer for hi# but Uar got up too and got hold of the garent of Allah's Apostle and said#
HE Allah's Apostle @ill you offer the funeral prayer for hi though your ;ord has forbidden you to
offer the prayer for hiH Allah's Apostle said# HBut Allah has gi(en e the choice by saying:
'!@hether you" ask forgi(eness for the# or do not ask forgi(eness for theL e(en if you ask for)
gi(eness for the se(enty ties%%' !1%76" so I $ill ask ore than se(enty ties%H 'Uar said# HBut he
!'Abdullah bin 'Ubai" is a hypocriteIH Ho$e(er# Allah's Apostle did offer the funeral prayer for hi
$hereupon Allah re(ealed:
=olue 5 ) 0636 ? 0:66
'And ne(er !E Muhaad" pray for anyone of the that dies# nor stand at his gra(e%' !1%72"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 01<:
Darrated Uar bin Al)Khattab:
@hen 'Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul died# Allah's Apostle $as called in order to offer the funeral
prayer for hi% @hen Allah's Apostle got up !to offer the prayer" I .uped to$ards hi and said# HE
Allah's ApostleI 8o you offer the prayer for Ibn Ubai although he said so)and)so on such)and)such)
a dayJH I $ent on entioning his sayings% Allah's Apostle siled and said# HKeep a$ay fro e# E
'UarIH But $hen I spoke too uch to hi# he said# HI ha(e been gi(en the choice# and I ha(e chosen
!this" L and if I kne$ that if I asked forgi(eness for hi ore than se(enty ties# he $ould be for gi()
en# I $ould ask it for ore ties than that%H So Allah's Apostle offered the funeral prayer for hi and
then left# but he did not stay long before the t$o =erses of Surat)Bara'a $ere re(ealed# i%e%:)) 'And
ne(er !E Muhaad" pray for anyone of the that dies%%%% and died in a state of rebellion%' !1%72"
;ater I $as astonished at y daring to speak like that to Allah's Apostle and Allah and His Apostle
kno$ best%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 012:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
@hen Abdullah bin Ubai died# his son 'Abdullah bin 'Abdullah cae to Allah's Apostle $ho ga(e
his shirt to hi and ordered hi to shroud his father in it% &hen he stood up to offer the funeral
prayer for the deceased# but 'Uar bin Al)Khattab took hold of his garent and said# H8o you offer
the funeral prayer for hi though he $as a hypocrite and Allah has forbidden you to ask forgi(eness
for hypocritesJH &he Prophet said# HAllah has gi(en e the choice !or Allah has infored e" saying:
H@hether you# E Muhaad# ask forgi(eness for the# or do not ask forgi(eness for the# e(en if
you ask forgi(eness for the se(enty ties# Allah $ill not forgi(e the#H !1%76" &he he added# HI $ill
!appeal to Allah for his sake" ore than se(enty ties%H So Allah's Apostle offered the funeral prayer
for hi and $e too# offered the prayer along $ith hi% &hen Allah re(ealed: HAnd ne(er# E
Muhaad# pray !funeral prayer" for anyone of the that dies# nor stand at his gra(e% 9ertainly
they disbelie(ed in Allah and His Apostle and died in a state of rebellion%H !1%72"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 014:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Ka'b:
I heard Ka'b bin Malik at the tie he reained behind and did not .oin !the battle of" &abuk# say)
ing# HBy Allah# no blessing has Allah besto$ed upon e# besides y guidance to Isla# better than
that of helping e speak the truth to Allah's Apostle other$ise I $ould ha(e told the Prophet a lie
and $ould ha(e been ruined like those $ho had told a lie $hen the 8i(ine Inspiration $as
=olue 5 ) 0630 ? 0:66
re(ealed:)) H&hey $ill s$ear by Allah to you !Muslis" $hen you return to the%% the rebellious
people%H !1%14)15"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 015:
Darrated Saura bin /undab:
Allah's Apostle said# H&onight t$o !(isitors" cae to e !in y drea" and took e to a to$n built
$ith gold bricks and sil(er bricks% &here $e et en $ho# half of their bodies# look like the ost)
handsoe huan beings you ha(e e(er seen# and the other half# the ugliest huan beings you ha(e
e(er seen% &hose t$o (isitors said to those en# 'Ao and dip yoursel(es in that ri(er% So they dipped
thesel(es therein and then cae to us# their ugliness ha(ing disappeared and they $ere in the
ost)handsoe shape% &he (isitors said# '&he first is the Aarden of +den and that is your d$elling
place%' &hen they added# 'As for those people $ho $ere half ugly and half handsoe# they $ere those
$ho i*ed good deeds and bad deeds# but Allah forga(e the%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 01::
Darrated Al)Musaiyab:
@hen Abu &alib's death approached# the Prophet $ent to hi $hile Abu /ahl and 'Abdullah bin
Abi Uaiya $ere present $ith hi% &he Prophet said# HE uncle# say: Done has the right to be $or)
shipped e*cept Allah# so that I ay argue for your case $ith it before Allah%H En that# Abu /ahl and
'Abdullah bin Abu Uaiya said# HE Abu &alibI 8o you $ant to renounce 'Abdul Muttalib's religionJH
&hen the Prophet said# HI $ill keep on asking !Allah for" forgi(eness for you unless I a forbidden to
do so%H &hen there $as re(ealed:))
'It is not fitting for the Prophet and those $ho belie(e that they should in(oke !Allah" for forgi(e)
ness for pagans e(en though they be of kin# after it has becoe clear to the that they are copan)
ions of the Bire%' !1%00<"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 017:
Darrated Abdullah bin Ka'b:
I heard Ka'b bin Malik talking about the =erse:)) 'And to the three !He also forga(e" $ho re)
ained behind%' !1%007" saying in the last portion of his talk# H!I said"# 'As a part !sign" of y repent)
ance# I $ould like to gi(e up all y property in the cause of Allah and His Apostle#' &he Prophet said
to e# 'Keep soe of your $ealth as it is good for you%H !&o the three !He also forga(e" $ho reained
behind till for the the earth# (ast as it is# $as straitened%%%H !1%007"
=olue 5 ) 0633 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 011:
Darrated Abdullah bin Kab:
I heard Ka'b bin Malik $ho $as one of the three $ho $ere forgi(en# saying that he had ne(er re)
ained behind Allah's Apostle in any Aha-$a $hich he had fought e*cept t$o Aha-$at Aha-$at)
al'Usra !&abuk" and Aha-$at)Badr% He added% HI decided to tell the truth to Allah's Apostle in the
forenoon# and scarcely did he return fro a .ourney he ade# e*cept in the forenoon# he $ould go
first to the osCue and offer a t$o)Rak'at prayer% &he Prophet forbade others to speak to e or to y
t$o copanions# but he did not prohibit speaking to any of those $ho had reained behind e*cept)
ing us% So the people a(oided speaking to us# and I stayed in that state till I could no longer bear it#
and the only thing that $orried e $as that I ight die and the Prophet $ould not offer the funeral
prayer for e# or Allah's Apostle ight die and I $ould be left in that social status aong the people
that nobody $ould speak to e or offer the funeral prayer for e% But Allah re(ealed His Borgi(eness
for us to the Prophet in the last third of the night $hile Allah's Apostle $as $ith U Salaa% U
Salaa sypathi-ed $ith e and helped e in y disaster% Allah's Apostle said# 'E U SalaaI Ka'b
has been forgi(enI' She said# 'Shall I send soeone to hi to gi(e hi the good tidingsJ' He said# 'If
you did so# the people $ould not let you sleep the rest of the night%' So $hen the Prophet had offered
the Ba.r prayer# he announced Allah's Borgi(eness for us% His face used to look as bright as a piece of
the !full" oon $hene(er he $as pleased% @hen Allah re(ealed His Borgi(eness for us# $e $ere the
three $hose case had been deferred $hile the e*cuse presented by those $ho had apologi-ed had
been accepted% But $hen there $ere entioned those $ho had told the Prophet lies and reained
behind !the battle of &abuk" and had gi(en false e*cuses# they $ere described $ith the $orse de)
scription one ay be described $ith% Allah said: '&hey $ill present their e*cuses to you !Muslis"
$hen you return to the% Say: Present no e*cusesL $e shall not belie(e you% Allah has already in)
fored us of the true state of atters concerning you% Allah and His Apostle $ill obser(e your ac)
tions%H !1%12"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 366:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Kab:
I heard Ka'b bin Malik talking about the story of the battle of &abuk $hen he reained behind# HBy
Allah# I do not kno$ anyone $ho Allah has helped for telling the truth ore than e since I en)
tioned that truth to Allah's Apostle till today# I ha(e ne(er intended to tell a lie% And Allah re(ealed to
His Apostle: H=erilyI Allah has forgi(en the Prophet# the Muha.irin%%%%%%%%%%%% and be $ith those $ho are
true !in $ords and deeds"%H !1%00:)001" !See Hadith Do% :63 =ol 4"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 360:
Darrated Faid bin &habit Al)Ansari:
=olue 5 ) 063< ? 0:66
$ho $as one of those $ho used to $rite the 8i(ine Re(elation: Abu Bakr sent for e after the
!hea(y" casualties aong the $arriors !of the battle" of Kaaa !$here a great nuber of ,urra'
$ere killed"% 'Uar $as present $ith Abu Bakr $ho said# 'Uar has coe to e and said# &he people
ha(e suffered hea(y casualties on the day of !the battle of" Kaaa# and I a afraid that there $ill
be ore casualties aong the ,urra' !those $ho kno$ the ,ur'an by heart" at other battle)fields#
$hereby a large part of the ,ur'an ay be lost# unless you collect it% And I a of the opinion that you
should collect the ,ur'an%H Abu Bakr added# HI said to 'Uar# 'Ho$ can I do soething $hich Allah's
Apostle has not doneJ' 'Uar said !to e"# 'By Allah# it is !really" a good thing%' So 'Uar kept on
pressing# trying to persuade e to accept his proposal# till Allah opened y boso for it and I had
the sae opinion as 'Uar%H !Faid bin &habit added:" Uar $as sitting $ith hi !Abu Bakr" and $as
not speaking% e"% HKou are a $ise young an and $e do not suspect you !of telling lies or of forget)
fulness": and you used to $rite the 8i(ine Inspiration for Allah's Apostle% &herefore# look for the
,ur'an and collect it !in one anuscript"% H By Allah# if he !Abu Bakr" had ordered e to shift one of
the ountains !fro its place" it $ould not ha(e been harder for e than $hat he had ordered e
concerning the collection of the ,ur'an% I said to both of the# HHo$ dare you do a thing $hich the
Prophet has not doneJH Abu Bakr said# HBy Allah# it is !really" a good thing% So I kept on arguing $ith
hi about it till Allah opened y boso for that $hich He had opened the bosos of Abu Bakr and
Uar% So I started locating ,uranic aterial and collecting it fro parchents# scapula# leaf)stalks
of date pals and fro the eories of en !$ho kne$ it by heart"% I found $ith Khu-aia t$o
=erses of Surat)at)&auba $hich I had not found $ith anybody else# !and they $ere":))
H=erily there has coe to you an Apostle !Muhaad" fro aongst yoursel(es% It grie(es hi
that you should recei(e any in.ury or difficulty He !Muhaad" is ardently an*ious o(er you !to be
rightly guided"H !1%037"
&he anuscript on $hich the ,uran $as collected# reained $ith Abu Bakr till Allah took hi
unto Hi# and then $ith 'Uar till Allah took hi unto Hi# and finally it reained $ith Hafsa#
Uar's daughter%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 363:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen the Prophet arri(ed at Medina# the /e$s $ere obser(ing the fast on 'Ashura' !06th of
Muharra" and they said# H&his is the day $hen Moses becae (ictorious o(er Pharaoh#H En that#
the Prophet said to his copanions# HKou !Muslis" ha(e ore right to celebrate Moses' (ictory than
they ha(e# so obser(e the fast on this day%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 36<:
Darrated Muhaad bin 'Abbas bin /a'far:
=olue 5 ) 0632 ? 0:66
&hat he heard Ibn 'Abbas reciting: HDo doubtI &hey fold up their breasts%H !00%4" and asked hi
about its e*planation% He said# HSoe people used to hide thesel(es $hile ans$ering the call of
nature in an open space lest they be e*posed to the sky# and also $hen they had se*ual relation $ith
their $i(es in an open space lest they be e*posed to the sky# so the abo(e re(elation $as sent do$n
regarding the%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 362:
Darrated Muhaad bin Abbas bin /a'far:
Ibn Abbas recited% HDo doubtI &hey fold up their breasts%H I said# HE Abu AbbasI @hat is eant by
H&hey fold up their breastsJH He said# HA an used to feel shy on ha(ing se*ual relation $ith his $ife
or on ans$ering the call of nature !in an open space" so this =erse $as re(ealed:)) HDo doubtI &hey
fold up their breasts%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 364:
Darrated 'Ar:
Ibn 'Abbas recited:)) HDo doubtI &hey fold up their breasts in order to hide fro Hi% SurelyI +(en
$hen they co(er thesel(es $ith their garents%%H !00%4"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 365:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah said# 'Spend !E an"# and I shall spend on you%H He also said# HAllah's
Hand is full# and !its fullness" is not affected by the continuous spending night and day%H He also said#
H8o you see $hat He has spent since He created the Hea(ens and the +arthJ De(ertheless# $hat is in
His Hand is not decreased# and His &hrone $as o(er the $aterL and in His Hand there is the balance
!of .ustice" $hereby He raises and lo$ers !people"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 36::
Darrated Saf$an bin Muhri-:
@hile Ibn Uar $as perforing the &a$af !around the Ka'ba"# a an cae up to hi and said#
HE Abu 'AbdurRahanIH or said# HE Ibn UarI 8id you hear anything fro the Prophet about An)
Da.$aJH Ibn 'Uar said# HI heard the Prophet saying# '&he Belie(er $ill be brought near his ;ord%H
!Hisha# a sub)narrator said# reporting the Prophet's $ords"# H&he belie(er $ill coe near !his ;ord"
till his ;ord co(ers hi $ith His screen and akes hi confess his sins% !Allah $ill ask hi"# '8o you
kno$ !that you did" 'such)and)such sinJH He $ill say t$ice# 'Kes# I do%' &hen Allah $ill say# 'I con)
cealed it in the $orld and I forgi(e it for you today%' &hen the record of his good deeds $ill be folded
=olue 5 ) 0634 ? 0:66
up% As for the others# or the disbelie(ers# it $ill be announced publicly before the $itnesses: '&hese
are ones $ho lied against their ;ord%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 367:
Darrated Abu Musa:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah gi(es respite to the oppressor# but $hen He takes hi o(er# He ne(er
releases hi%H &hen he recited:))
HSuch is the sei-ure of your ;ord $hen He sei-es !population of" to$ns in the idst of their $rong:
Painful indeed# and se(ere is His sei-ure%' !00%063"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 361:
Darrated Ibn Masud:
A an kissed a $oan and then cae to Allah's Apostle and told hi of that# so this 8i(ine In)
spiration $as re(ealed to the Prophet 'And offer Prayers perfectly at the t$o ends of the day# and in
soe hours of the nightL !i%e% !fi(e" copulsory prayers"% =erily# the good deeds reo(e the e(il deeds
!sall sins" &hat is a reinder for the indful%' !00%002" &he an said# Is this instruction for e
onlyJ' &he Prophet said# HIt is for all those of y follo$ers $ho encounter a siilar situation%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 306:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Uar:
&he Prophet said# H&he honorable# the son of the honorable the son of the honorable# i%e% /oseph# the
son of /acob# the son of Isaac# the son of Abraha%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 300:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle $as asked# H@ho are the ost honorable of the peopleJH &he Prophet said# H&he
ost honorable of the in Allah's Sight are those $ho keep their duty to Allah and fear Hi% &hey
said# H@e do not ask you about that%H He said# H&hen the ost honorable of the people is /oseph# Al)
lah's prophet# the son of Allah's prophet# the son of Allah's prophet# the son of Allah's Khalil i%e% Abra)
ha" &hey said# H@e do not ask you about that%H &he Prophet said# 8o you ask about !the (irtues of
the ancestry of the ArabsJH &hey said# HKes#H He said# H&hose $ho $ere the best aongst you in the
Pre)lslaic Period are the
=olue 5 ) 0635 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 303:
Darrated A-)Fuhri:
Ur$a bin A-)Fubair# Said bin Al)Musaiyab# 'Al),aa bin @aCCas and 'Ubaidullah bin 'Abdullah
related the narration of 'Aisha# the $ife the Prophet# $hen the slanderers had said about her $hat
they had said and Allah later declared her innocence% +ach of the related a part of the narration
!$herein" the Prophet said !to 'Aisha"% HIf you are innocent# then Allah $ill declare your innocence:
but if you ha(e coitted a sin# then ask for Allah's Borgi(eness and repent to hi%H 'Aisha said# HBy
Allah# I find no e*aple for y case e*cept that of /oseph's father !$hen he said"# 'So !for e" pa)
tience is ost fitting%' H &hen Allah re(ealed the ten =erses:)) H=erily those $ho spread the slander
are a gang aongst you%%H !32%00"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 30<:
Darrated U Ruan:
@ho $as 'Aisha's other: @hile I $as $ith 'Aisha# 'Aisha got fe(er# $hereupon the Prophet said#
HProbably her fe(er is caused by the story related by the people !about her"%H I said# HKes%H &hen 'Aisha
sat up and said# HMy e*aple and your e*aple is siilar to that of /acob and his sons:))'Day# but
your inds ha(e ade up a tale% So !for e" patience is ost fitting% It is Allah !alone" @hose help
can be sought against that $hich you assert%' !03%07"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 302:
Darrated Abu @ail:
'Abdullah bin Mas'ud recited HHaita laka !9oe you"#H and added# H@e recite it as $e $ere taught
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 304:
Darrated Abdullah !bin Mas'ud":
@hen the Prophet reali-ed that the ,uraish had delayed in ebracing Isla# he said# HE AllahI
Protect e against their e(il by afflicting the $ith se(en !years of faine" like the se(en years of
!Prophet" /oseph%H So they $ere struck $ith a year of faine that destroyed e(erything till they had to
eat bones# and till a an $ould look to$ards the sky and see soething like soke bet$een hi and
it% Allah said:))
H&hen $atch you !E Muhaad" for the day $hen the sky $ill produce a kind of soke plainly
(isible%H !22%06" And Allah further said:)) H=erilyI @e shall $ithdra$ the punishent a little# =erily
you $ill return !to disbelief"%H !22%04" !@ill Allah relie(e the fro torture on the 8ay of Resurrec)
=olue 5 ) 063: ? 0:66
tionJ" !&he punishent of" the soke had passed and Al)Baltsha !the destruction of the pagans in
the Badr battle" had passed too%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 305:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HMay Allah besto$ His Mercy on !Prophet" ;ot% !@hen his nation troubled
hi" he $ished if he could betake hiself to soe po$erful supportL and if I $ere to reain in pris)
on for the period /oseph had reained# I $ould surely respond to the callL and $e shall ha(e ore
right !to be in doubt" than Abraha: @hen Allah said to hi# H8on't you belie(eJ' Abraha said#
'Kes# !I do belie(e" but to be stronger in faithL !3%356"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 30::
Darrated 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair:
&hat $hen he asked 'Aisha about the stateent of Allah HUntil $hen the Apostles ga(e up hope !of
their people"%H !03%006" she told hi !its eaning"# 'Ur$a added# HI said# '8id they !Apostles" suspect
that they $ere betrayed !by Allah" or that they $ere treated as liars by !their people"J' 'Aisha said#
'!&hey suspected" that they $ere treated as liars by !their people"#' I said# 'But they $ere sure that
their people treated the as liars and it $as not a atter of suspicion%' She said# 'Kes# upon y life
they $ere sure about it%' I said to her% 'So they !Apostles" suspected that they $ere betrayed !by
Allah"%' She said# HAllah forbidI &he Apostles ne(er suspected their ;ord of such a thing%' I said# '@hat
about this =erse thenJ' She said# 'It is about the Apostles' follo$ers $ho belie(ed in their ;ord and
trusted their Apostles# but the period of trials $as prolonged and (ictory $as delayed till the Apostles
ga(e up all hope of con(erting those of the people $ho disbelie(ed the and the Apostles thought
that their follo$ers treated the as liarsL thereupon Allah's help cae to the%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 307:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
HI told her !'Aisha": !Regarding the abo(e narration"# they !Apostles" $ere betrayed !by Allah"%H She
said: Allah forbid or said siilarly%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 301:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he keys of Unseen are fi(e $hich none kno$s but Allah: Done kno$s $hat
$ill happen toorro$ but AllahL none kno$s $hat is in the $obs !a ale child or a feale" but
=olue 5 ) 0637 ? 0:66
AllahL none kno$s $hen it $ill rain but AllahL none kno$s at $hat place one $ill dieL none kno$s
$hen the Hour $ill be established but Allah%H !See &he ,uran <0:<2%H"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 336:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
@hile $e $ere $ith Allah's Apostle he said# H&ell e of a tree $hich resebles a Musli an% Its
lea(es do not fall and it does not# and does not# and does not# and it gi(es its fruits e(ery no$ and
then%H It cae to y ind that such a tree ust be the date pal# but seeing Abu Bakr and 'Uar
saying nothing# I disliked to speak% So $hen they did not say anything# Allah's Apostle said# HIt is the
date)pal tree%H @hen $e got up !fro that place"# I said to 'Uar# HE y fatherI By Allah# it cae to
y ind that it ust be the date pal tree%H 'Uar said# H@hat pre(ented you fro speakingH I
replied# HI did not see you speaking# so I isliked to speak or say anything%H Uar then said# HIf you
had said it# it $ould ha(e been dearer to e than so)and)so%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 330:
Darrated Al)Bara bin A-ib:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen a Musli is Cuestioned in his gra(e# he $ill testify that none has the
right to be $orshipped but Allah and that Muhaad is Allah's Apostle# and that is $hat is eant by
Allah's Stateent:))
HAllah $ill keep fir those $ho belie(e $ith a @ord that stands fir in this $orld and in the
Hereafter%H !02%3:"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 333:
Darrated Ata:
@hen Ibn 'Abbas heard:)) HHa(e you not seen those $ho ha(e changed the fa(or of Allah into dis)
beliefJH !02%37" he said# H&hose $ere the disbelie(ing pagans of Mecca%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 33<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hen Allah has ordained soe affair in the Hea(en# the angels beat $ith their
$ings in obedience to His stateent# $hich sounds like a chain dragged o(er a rock%H !'Ali and other
sub)narrators said# H&he sound reaches the%H" HUntil $hen fear is banished fro their !angels"
hearts# they !angels" say# '@hat $as it that your ;ord saidJ &hey say# '&he truthL And He is the Most
High# the Most Areat%' !<2%3<" &hen those $ho gain a hearing by stealing !i%e% de(ils" $ill hear Allah's
Stateent:)) '&hose $ho gain a hearing by stealing# !stand one o(er the other like this"%
=olue 5 ) 0631 ? 0:66
!Sufyan# to illustrate this# spread the fingers of his right hand and placed the one o(er the other
hori-ontally%" A flae ay o(ertake and burn the ea(esdropper before con(eying the ne$s to the
one belo$ hiL or it ay not o(ertake hi till he has con(eyed it to the one belo$ hi# $ho in his
turn# con(eys it to the one belo$ hi# and so on till they con(ey the ne$s to the earth% !Er probably
Sufyan said# H&ill the ne$s reaches the earth%H" &hen the ne$s is inspired to a sorcerer $ho $ould
add a hundred lies to it% His prophecy $ill pro(e true !as far as the hea(enly ne$s is concerned"% &he
people $ill say% '8idn't he tell us that on such)and)such a day# such)and)such a thing $ill happenJ
@e ha(e found that is true because of the true ne$s heard fro hea(en%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 332:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
!&he sae Hadith abo(e# starting: '@hen Allah has ordained soe affair%%%'" In this narration the
$ord foreteller is added to the $ord $i-ard%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 334:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
!@hile $e $ere going for the Battle of &abuk and $hen $e reached the places of the d$ellers of
Al)Hi.r"# Allah's Apostle said about the d$ellers of Al)Hi.r !to us"% H8o not enter !the d$elling places"
of these people unless you enter $eeping# but if you $eep not# then do not enter upon the# lest you
be afflicted $ith $hat they $ere afflicted $ith%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 335:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Mualla:
@hile I $as praying# the Prophet passed by and called e# but I did not go to hi till I had fin)
ished y prayer% @hen I $ent to hi# he said# H@hat pre(ented you fro coingJH I said# HI $as
praying%H He said# H8idn't Allah sayH HE you $ho belie(es Ai(e your response to Allah !by obeying
Hi" and to His Apostle%H !7%32" &hen he added# HShall I tell you the ost superior Sura in the ,ur'an
before I go out of the osCueJH @hen the Prophet intended to go out !of the MosCue"# I reinded
hi and he said# H&hat is: HAlhadu)lillahi Rabbil)'Alain !Surat)al)fatiha"' $hich is the se(en oft
repeated (erses !Al)Mathani" and the Arand ,uran $hich has been gi(en to e%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 33::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he U !substance" of the ,uran is the se(en oft)repeated (erses !Al)Math)
aini" and is the Areat ,uran !i%e% Surat)al)Batiha"%H
=olue 5 ) 06<6 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 337:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&hose $ho ha(e ade their Scripture into parts are the people of the Scripture $ho di(ided it into
portions and belie(ed in a part of it and disbelie(ed the other%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 331:
Darrated Ibn Abbas: concerning:
HAs @e sent do$n !the Scripture" on those $ho are di(ided !/e$s and 9hristians"%H !04%16" &hey
belie(ed in part of it and disbelie(ed in the other# are the /e$s and the 9hristians% the 9hristians%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3<6:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle used to in(oke thus: HE AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kou fro iserliness# la-inessL
fro old geriatric age the punishent in the gra(eL fro the affliction of Ad)8a..alL and fro the
afflictions of life and death%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3<0:
Darrated Ibn Mas'ud:
Surat Bani Israel and Al)Kahf and Mary are aong y first old property%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3<3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle $as presented $ith t$o cups one containing $ine and the other ilk on the night
of his night .ourney at /erusale% He looked at it and took the ilk% Aabriel said# H&hanks to Allah
@ho guided you to the Bitra !i%e% Isla"L if you had taken the $ine# your follo$ers $ould ha(e gone
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3<<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H@hen the ,uraish disbelie(ed e !concerning y night .ourney"# I stood up in
Al)Hi.r !the unroofed portion of the Ka'ba" and Allah displayed Bait)ul)MaCdis before e# and I
started to infor the !,uraish" about its signs $hile looking at it%H
=olue 5 ) 06<0 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3<2:
Darrated Abdullah:
8uring the Pre)lslaic period of ignorance if any tribe becae great in nuber# $e used to say#
HAira the children of so)and)so%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3<4:
Darrated Al)Huaidi:
Sufyan narrated to us soething and used the $ord 'Aira'%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3<5:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Soe !cooked" eat $as brought to Allah Apostle and the eat of a forear $as presented to hi
as he used to like it% He ate a orsel of it and said# HI $ill be the chief of all the people on the 8ay of
Resurrection% 8o you kno$ the reason for itJ Allah $ill gather all the huan being of early genera)
tions as $ell as late generation on one plain so that the announcer $ill be able to ake the all)
hear his (oice and the $atcher $ill be able to see all of the% &he sun $ill coe so close to the
people that they $ill suffer such distress and trouble as they $ill not be able to bear or stand% &hen
the people $ill say# '8on't you see to $hat state you ha(e reachedJ @on't you look for soeone $ho
can intercede for you $ith your ;ord' Soe people $ill say to soe others# 'Ao to Ada%' So they $ill
go to Ada and say to hi% 'Kou are the father of ankindL Allah created you $ith His E$n Hand#
and breathed into you of His Spirit !eaning the spirit $hich he created for you"L and ordered the
angels to prostrate before youL so !please" intercede for us $ith your ;ord% 8on't you see in $hat state
$e areJ 8on't you see $hat condition $e ha(e reachedJ' Ada $ill say# '&oday y ;ord has becoe
angry as He has ne(er becoe before# nor $ill e(er becoe thereafter% He forbade e !to eat of the
fruit of" the tree# but I disobeyed Hi % MyselfI MyselfI MyselfI !has ore need for intercession"% Ao
to soeone elseL go to Doah%' So they $ill go to Doah and say !to hi"# 'E DoahI Kou are the first !of
Allah's Messengers" to the people of the earth# and Allah has naed you a thankful sla(eL please in)
tercede for us $ith your ;ord% 8on't you see in $hat state $e areJ' He $ill say%' &oday y ;ord has
becoe angry as He has ne(er becoe nor $ill e(er becoe thereafter% I had !in the $orld" the right
to ake one definitely accepted in(ocation# and I ade it against y nation% MyselfI MyselfI MyselfI
Ao to soeone elseL go to Abraha%' &hey $ill go to Abraha and say# 'E AbrahaI Kou are Allah's
Apostle and His Khalil fro aong the people of the earthL so please intercede for us $ith your ;ord%
8on't you see in $hat state $e areJ' He $ill say to the# 'My ;ord has today becoe angry as He has
ne(er becoe before# nor $ill e(er becoe thereafter% I had told three lies !Abu Haiyan !the sub)
narrator" entioned the in the Hadith" MyselfI MyselfI MyselfI Ao to soeone elseL go to Moses%'
&he people $ill then go to Moses and say# 'E MosesI Kou art Allah's Apostle and Allah ga(e you su)
=olue 5 ) 06<3 ? 0:66
periority abo(e the others $ith this essage and $ith His direct &alk to youL !please" intercede for us
$ith your ;ord 8on't you see in $hat state $e areJ' Moses $ill say# 'My ;ord has today becoe angry
as He has ne(er becoe before# nor $ill becoe thereafter# I killed a person $ho I had not been
ordered to kill% MyselfI MyselfI MyselfI Ao to soeone elseL go to /esus%' So they $ill go to /esus and
say# 'E /esusI Kou are Allah's Apostle and His @ord $hich He sent to Mary# and a superior soul cre)
ated by Hi# and you talked to the people $hile still young in the cradle% Please intercede for us $ith
your ;ord% 8on't you see in $hat state $e areJ' /esus $ill say% 'My ;ord has today becoe angry as He
has ne(er becoe before nor $ill e(er becoe thereafter% /esus $ill not ention any sin# but $ill
say# 'MyselfI MyselfI MyselfI Ao to soeone elseL go to Muhaad%' So they $ill coe to e and say#
'E Muhaad I Kou are Allah's Apostle and the last of the prophets# and Allah forga(e your early
and late sins% !Please" intercede for us $ith your ;ord% 8on't you see in $hat state $e areJH &he
Prophet added# H&hen I $ill go beneath Allah's &hrone and fall in prostration before y ;ord% And
then Allah $ill guide e to such praises and glorification to Hi as He has ne(er guided anybody
else before e% &hen it $ill be said# 'E Muhaad Raise your head% Ask# and it $ill be granted% In)
tercede It !your intercession" $ill be accepted%' So I $ill raise y head and Say# 'My follo$ers# E y
;ordI My follo$ers# E y ;ord'% It $ill be said# 'E MuhaadI ;et those of your follo$ers $ho ha(e
no accounts# enter through such a gate of the gates of Paradise as lies on the rightL and they $ill
share the other gates $ith the people%H &he Prophet further said# HBy Hi in @hose Hand y soul is#
the distance bet$een e(ery t$o gate)posts of Paradise is like the distance bet$een Mecca and Busra
!in Sha"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3<::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he recitation of Psals !8a(id's ,uran" $as ade light and easy for 8a(id that
he used to ha(e his ridding anial be saddled $hile he $ould finish the recitation before the ser(ant
had saddled it%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3<7:
Darrated Abdullah:
Regarding the e*planation of the =erse: '&hose $ho they call upon !$orship" !like /esus the Son
of Mary# angels etc%" desire !for thesel(es" eans of access to their ;ord !Allah" as to $hich of the
should be the nearer and they hope for His Mercy and fear His torent%' !0:%4:" &hey thesel(es
!e%g% Angels# saints# Apostles# /esus# etc%#" $orshipped Allah# &hose /inns $ho $ere $orshipped by
soe Arabs becae Muslis !ebraced Isla"# but those huan beings stuck to their !old" religion%
Al)Aash said e*tra: 'Say# !E Muhaad": 9all unto those besides Hi $ho you assue !to be
gods"%' !0:%45"
=olue 5 ) 06<< ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3<1:
Darrated Abdullah:
Regarding the =erse: '&hose $ho they call upon !$orship" !like /esus the Son of Mary or angels
etc%" desire !for thesel(es" eans of access# to their ;ord%%%%' !0:%4:" !It $as re(ealed regarding"
soe /inns $ho used to be $orshipped !by huan beings"% &hey later ebraced Isla !$hile those
people kept on $orshipping the"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 326:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Regarding: 'And @e granted the (ision !Ascension to the Hea(en HMira.H" $hich @e sho$ed you
!E Muhaad as an actual eye $itness" but as a trial for ankind%' !0:%56" It $as an actual eye)
$itness $hich $as sho$n to Allah's Apostle during the night he $as taken on a .ourney !through the
hea(ens"% And the cursed tree is the tree of A-)FaCCu !a bitter pungent tree $hich gro$s at the
botto of Hell"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 320:
Darrated Ibn Al)Musaiyab:
Abu Huraira said# H&he Prophet said# 'A prayer perfored in congregation is t$enty)fi(e ties
ore superior in re$ard to a prayer perfored by a single person% &he angels of the night and the
angels of the day are assebled at the tie of the Ba.r !Morning" prayer%H Abu Huraira added# HIf you
$ish# you can recite:)) '=erilyI &he recitation of the ,ur'an in the early da$n !Morning prayer" is
e(er $itnessed !attended by the angels of the day and the night"%' !0:%:7"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 323:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
En the 8ay of Resurrection the people $ill fall on their knees and e(ery nation $ill follo$ their
prophet and they $ill say# HE so)and)soI Intercede !for us $ith Allah"# Htill !the right" intercession is
gi(en to the Prophet !Muhaad" and that $ill be the day $hen Allah $ill raise hi into a station
of praise and glory !i%e% Al)MaCa )al)Mahud"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 32<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er# after listening to the Adhan !for the
prayer" says# 'E Allah# the ;ord of this coplete call and of this prayer# $hich is going to be estab)
lishedI Ai(e Muhaad Al)@asila and Al)Badila and
=olue 5 ) 06<2 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 322:
Darrated Abdullah bin Masud:
Allah's Apostle entered Mecca !in the year of the 9onCuest" and there $ere three)hundred and
si*ty idols around the Ka'ba% He then started hitting the $ith a stick in his hand and say: '&ruth !i%e%
Isla" has coe and falsehood !disbelief" (anished% &ruly falsehood !disbelief" is e(er bound to (an)
ish%' !0:%70" '&ruth has coe and falsehood !Iblis" can not create anything%' !<2%21"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 324:
Darrated Abdullah:
@hile I $as in the copany of the Prophet on a far and he $as reclining on a pal lea(e stalk#
soe /e$s passed by% Soe of the said to the others% HAsk hi !the Prophet about the spirit%H Soe
of the said# H@hat urges you to ask hi about itH Ethers said# H!8on't" lest he should gi(e you a
reply $hich you dislike%H But they said# HAsk hi%H So they asked hi about the Spirit% &he Prophet
kept Cuiet and did not gi(e the any ans$er% I kne$ that he $as being di(inely inspired so I stayed
at y place% @hen the di(ine inspiration had been re(ealed# the Prophet said% H&hey ask you !E#
Muhaad" concerning the Spirit# Say: H&he spirit#H its kno$ledge is $ith y ;ordL and of kno$)
ledge you !ankind" ha(e been gi(en only a ;ittle%H !0:%74"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 325:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
!regarding": 'Deither say your# prayer aloud# nor say it in a lo$ tone%' !0:%006" &his =erse $as re)
(ealed $hile Allah's Apostle $as hiding hiself in Mecca% @hen he prayed $ith his copanions# he
used to raise his (oice $ith the recitation of ,ur'an# and if the pagans happened to hear hi# they
$ould abuse the ,ur'an# the Ene $ho re(ealed it and the one $ho brought it% &herefore Allah said to
His Prophet : 'Deither say your prayer aloud%' !0:%006" i%e% do not recite aloud lest the pagans should
hear you# but follo$ a $ay bet$een%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 32::
Darrated Aisha:
&he !abo(e" (erse $as re(ealed in connection $ith the in(ocations%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 327:
Darrated 'Ali:
=olue 5 ) 06<4 ? 0:66
&hat one night Allah's Apostle cae to hi and Batia and said# H8on't you !both offer the !&a)
ha..ud" prayerJH Ali said# '@hen Allah $ishes us to get up# $e get up%H &he Prophet then recited: 'But
an is ore Cuarrelsoe than anything%' !07%42" !See Hadith Do% 33:#=ol% 3"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 321:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
I said to Ibn 'Abbas# HDauf Al)Bikali clais that Moses# the copanion of Al)Khadir $as not the
Moses of the children of IsraelH Ibn 'Abbas said# H&he eney of Allah !Dauf" told a lie%H Darrated Ubai
bin Ka'b that he heard Allah's Apostle saying# HMoses got up to deli(er a speech before the children of
Israel and he $as asked# @ho is the ost learned person aong the peopleJ' Moses replied# 'I !a
the ost learned"%' Allah adonished hi for he did not ascribe kno$ledge to Allah alone% So Allah
re(ealed to hi: 'At the .unction of the t$o seas there is a sla(e of Eurs $ho is ore learned than
you%' Moses asked# 'E y ;ord# ho$ can I eet hiJ' Allah said# '&ake a fish and put it in a basket
!and set out"# and $here you# $ill lose the fish# you $ill find hi%' So Moses !took a fish and put it in
a basket and" set out# along $ith his boy)ser(ant Kusha' bin Dun# till they reached a rock !on $hich"
they both lay their heads and slept% &he fish o(ed (igorously in the basket and got out of it and fell
into the sea and there it took its $ay through the sea !straight" as in a tunnel"% !07%50" Allah stopped
the current of $ater on both sides of the $ay created by the fish# and so that $ay $as like a tunnel%
@hen Moses got up# his copanion forgot to tell hi about the fish# and so they carried on their
.ourney during the rest of the day and the $hole night%
&he ne*t orning Moses asked his boy)ser(ant 'Bring us our early ealL no doubt# $e ha(e
suffered uch fatigue in this .ourney of ours%' !07%53" Moses did not get tired till he had passed the
place $hich Allah had ordered hi to seek after% His boy)ser(ant then said to hi#' '8o you ree)
ber $hen $e be)took oursel(es to the rock I indeed forgot the fish# none but Satan ade e forget to
reeber it% It took its course into the sea in a ar(elous $ay%' !07%5<"
&here $as a tunnel for the fish and for Moses and his boy)ser(ant there $as astonishent% Moses
said# '&hat is $hat $e ha(e been seeking'% So they $ent back retracing their footsteps% !07%52" &hey
both returned# retracing their steps till they reached the rock% Behold I &here they found a an
co(ered $ith a garent% Moses greeted hi% Al)Khadir said astonishingly% 'Is there such a greeting in
your landJ' Moses said# 'I a Moses%' He said# 'Are you the Moses of the children of IsraelJ' Moses
said# 'I ha(e coe to you so that you ay teach e of $hat you ha(e been taught%
Al)Khadir said# 'Kou $ill not be able to ha(e patience $ith e% !07%55" E MosesI I ha(e soe of
Allah's kno$ledge $hich He has besto$ed upon e but you do not kno$ itL and you too# ha(e soe
of Allah's kno$ledge $hich He has besto$ed upon you# but I do not kno$ it%H Moses said# HAllah $ill)
ing# you $ill find e patient# and I $ill not disobey you in anything%' !07%5" Al)Khadir said to hi% 'If
you then follo$ e# do not ask e about anything until I yself speak to you concerning it%' !07%:6"#
After that both of the proceeded along the sea coast# till a boat passed by and they reCuested the
=olue 5 ) 06<5 ? 0:66
cre$ to let the go on board% &he cre$ recogni-ed Al)Khadir and allo$ed the to get on board free
of charge% @hen they got on board suddenly Moses sa$ that Al)Khadir had pulled out one of the
planks of the boat $ith an ad-e% Moses said to hi%' &hese people ga(e us a free lift# yet you ha(e
scuttled their boat so as to dro$n its peopleI &ruly# you ha(e done a dreadful thing%' !07%:0"
Al)Khadir said# '8idn't I say that you can ha(e no patience $ith e J' !07%:3" Moses said# '9all e
not to account for $hat I forgot and be not hard upon e for y affair !$ith you%"H !07%:<"
Allah's Apostle said# H&he first e*cuse gi(en by Moses# $as that he had forgotten% &hen a sparro$
cae and sat o(er the edge of the boat and dipped its beak once in the sea% Al)Khadir said to Moses#
'My kno$ledge and your kno$ledge# copared to Allah's kno$ledge is like $hat this sparro$ has
taken out of the sea%' &hen they both got out of the boat# and $hile they $ere $alking on the sea
shore# Al)Khadir sa$ a boy playing $ith other boys% Al)Khadir got hold of the head of that boy and
pulled it out $ith his hands and killed hi% Moses said# 'Ha(e you killed an innocent soul $ho has
killed nobodyI &ruly# you ha(e done an illegal thing%' !07%:2" He said# H8idn't I tell you that you can
ha(e no patience $ith eJ' !07%:4" !&he sub narrator said# the second blae $as stronger than the
first one%" Moses said# 'If I ask you about anything after this# keep e not in your copany# you ha(e
recei(ed an e*cuse fro e%' !07%:5"
&hen they both proceeded until they cae to the inhabitants of a to$n% &hey asked the food but
they refused to entertain the% !In that to$n" they found there a $all on the point of falling do$n%
!07%::" Al)Khadir set it up straight $ith his o$n hands% Moses said# '&hese are people to $ho $e
cae# but they neither fed us nor recei(ed us as guests% If you had $ished# you could surely ha(e e*)
acted soe recopense for it% Al)Khadir said# '&his is the parting bet$een e and you %%that is the in)
terpretation of !those things" o(er $hich you $ere unable to hold patience%' !07%:7)73"
Allah's Apostle said# H@e $ished that Moses could ha(e been ore patient so that Allah ight
ha(e described to us ore about their story%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 346:
Darrated Ibn /urai.:
Ka'la bin Musli and 'Ar bin 8inar and soe others narrated the narration of Said bin /ubair%
Darrated Said: @hile $e $ere at the house of Ibn 'Abbas# Ibn 'Abbas said# HAsk e !any Cuestion"H I
said# HE Abu AbbasI May Allah let e be sacrificed for you I &here is a an at Kufa $ho is a story)
teller called DaufL $ho clais that he !Al)Khadir's copanion" is not Moses of Bani Israel%H As for
'Ar# he said to e# HIbn 'Abbas said# H!Dauf" the eney of Allah told a lie%H But Ka'la said to e# HIbn
'Abbas said# Ubai bin Ka'b said# Allah's Apostle said# 'Ence Moses# Allah's Apostle# preached to the
people till their eyes shed tears and their hearts becae tender# $hereupon he finished his seron%
&hen a an cae to Moses and asked# 'E Allah's ApostleI Is there anyone on the earth $ho is ore
learned than youJ' Moses replied# 'Do%' So Allah adonished hi !Moses"# for he did not ascribe all
=olue 5 ) 06<: ? 0:66
kno$ledge to Allah% It $as said# !on behalf of Allah"# 'Kes# !there is a sla(e of ours $ho kno$s ore
than you "%' Moses said# 'E y ;ordI @here is heJ' Allah said# 'At the .unction of the t$o seas%' Moses
said# 'E y ;ord I &ell I e of a sign $hereby I $ill recogni-e the place%' H 'Ar said to e# Allah said#
H&hat place $ill be $here the fish $ill lea(e you%H Ka'la said to e# HAllah said !to Moses"# '&ake a dead
fish !and your goal $ill be" the place $here it $ill becoe ali(e%' H So Moses took a fish and put it in
a basket and said to his boy)ser(ant HI don't $ant to trouble you# e*cept that you should infor e
as soon as this fish lea(es you%H He said !to Moses"%H Kou ha(e not deanded too uch%H And that is as
entioned by Allah:
'And !reeber" $hen Moses said to his attendant %%%% ' !07%56" Kusha' bin Dun% !Said did not state
that"% &he Prophet said# H@hile the attendant $as in the shade of the rock at a $et place# the fish
slipped out !ali(e" $hile Moses $as sleeping% His attend an said !to hiself"# HI $ill not $ake hi# but
$hen he $oke up# he forgot to tell hi &he fish slipped out and entered the sea% Allah stopped the
flo$ of the sea% $here the fish $as# so that its trace looked as if it $as ade on a rock% 'Ar foring
a hole $ith his t$o thubs an inde* fingers# said to e# H;ike this# as in its trace $as ade on a
rock%H Moses said H@e ha(e suffered uch fatigue on this .ourney of ours%H !&his $as not narrate by
Said"% &hen they returned back and found Al)Khadir% 'Uthan bin Abi Sulaian said to e# !they
found hi" on a green carpet in the iddle of the sea% Al)Khadir $as co(ered $ith his garent $ith
one end under his feet and the other end under his head% @hen Moses greeted# he unco(ered his
face and said astonishingly# 'Is there such a greeting in y landJ @ho are youJ' Moses said# 'I a
Moses%' Al)Khadir said# 'Are you the Moses of Bani IsraelJ' Moses said# 'Kes%' Al)Khadir said# H@hat do
you $antJ' Moses said# ' I cae to you so that you ay teach e of the truth $hich you $ere taught%'
Al)Khadir said# 'Is it not sufficient for you that the &orah is in your hands and the 8i(ine Inspiration
coes to you# E MosesJ =erily# I ha(e a kno$ledge that you ought not learn# and you ha(e a kno$)
ledge $hich I ought not learn%' At that tie a bird took $ith its beak !soe $ater" fro the sea: Al)
Khadir then said# 'By Allah# y kno$ledge and your kno$ledge besides Allah's Kno$ledge is like
$hat this bird has taken $ith its beak fro the sea%' Until# $hen they $ent on board the boat !07%:0"%
&hey found a sall boat $hich used to carry the people fro this sea)side to the other sea)side% &he
cre$ recogni-ed Al)Khadir and said# '&he pious sla(e of Allah%' !@e said to Said H@as that KhadirJH
He said# HKes%H" &he boat en said# '@e $ill not get hi on board $ith fare%' Al)Khadir scuttled the
boat and then plugged the hole $ith a piece o $ood% Moses said# 'Ha(e you scuttle it in order to
dro$n these people surely# you ha(e done a dreadful thing% !07%:0" !Mu.ahid said% HMoses said so
protestingly%H" Al)Khadir said# didn't I say that you can ha(e no patience $ith eJ' !07%:3" &he first
inCuiry of Moses $as done because of forget fullness# the second caused hi to be bound $ith a
stipulation# and the third $as done he intentionally% Moses said# '9all e not to account for $hat I
forgot and be not hard upon e for y affair !$ith you"%' !07%:<"
!&hen" they found a boy and Al)Khadir killed hi% Ka'la) said: Said said '&hey found boys playing
and Al)Khadir got hold of a handsoe infidel boy laid hi do$n and then sle$ hi $ith knife%
Moses said# 'Ha(e you killed a innocent soul $ho has killed nobody' !07%:2" &hen they proceeded
and found a $all $hich $as on the point of falling do$n# and Al)Khadir set it up straight Said
=olue 5 ) 06<7 ? 0:66
o(ed his hand thus and said 'Al)Khadir raised his hand and the $all becae straight% Ka'la said# 'I
think Said said# 'Al)Khadir touched the $all $ith his hand and it becae straight !Moses said to Al)
Khadir"# 'If you had $ished# you could ha(e taken $ages for it% Said said# '@ages that $e ight had
eaten%' And there $as a king in furor !ahead" of theH !07%:1" And there $as in front of the% Ibn
'Abbas recited: 'In front of the !$as" a king%'
It is said on the authority of soebody other than Said that the king $as Hudad bin Budad% &hey
say that the boy $as called Haisur% 'A king $ho sei-ed e(ery ship by force% !07%:1" So I $ished that if
that boat passed by hi# he $ould lea(e it because of its defect and $hen they ha(e passed they
$ould repair it and get benefit fro it% Soe people said that they closed that hole $ith a bottle# and
soe said $ith tar% 'His parents $ere belie(ers# and he !the boy" $as a non)belie(er and $e!Khadir"
feared lest he $ould oppress the by obstinate rebellion and disbelief%' !07%76" !i%e% that their lo(e for
hi $ould urge the to follo$ hi in his religion# 'so $e !Khadir" desired that their ;ord should
change hi for the for one better in righteousness and near to ercy' !07:70"% &his $as in reply to
Moses' saying: Ha(e you killed an innocent soul%'J !07%:2"% 'Dear to ercyH eans they $ill be ore
erciful to hi than they $ere to the forer $ho Khadir had killed% Ether than Sa'id# said that
they $ere copensated $ith a girl% 8a$ud bin Abi 'Asi said on the authority of ore than one that
this ne*t child $as a girl%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 340:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
I said to Ibn 'Abbas# HDauf)al)Bakali H clais that Moses of Bani Israel $as not Moses# the copan)
ion of Al)Khadir%H Ibn 'Abbas said# HAllah's eney tells a lieI Ubai bin Ka'b narrated to us that Allah's
Apostle said# 'Moses got up to deli(er a seron before Bani Israel and he $as asked# '@ho is the ost
learned person aong the peopleJ' Moses replied# 'I !a the ost learned"%' Allah then adonished
Moses for he did not ascribe all kno$ledge to Allah only !&hen" cae the 8i(ine Inspiration:)) 'Kes#
one of Eur sla(es at the .unction of the t$o seas is ore learned than you%'
Moses said# 'E y ;ord I Ho$ can eet hiJ' Allah said# '&ake a fish in a basket and $here(er the
fish is lost# follo$ it !you $ill find hi at that place"% So Moses set out along $ith his attendant
Kusha' bin Dun# and they carried $ith the a fish till they reached a rock and rested there% Moses
put his head do$n and slept% !Sufyan# a sub)narrator said that soebody other than 'Ar said" 'At
the rock there $as a $ater spring called 'Al)Hayat' and none cae in touch $ith its $ater but be)
cae ali(e% So soe of the $ater of that spring fell o(er that fish# so it o(ed and slipped out of the
basket and entered the sea% @hen Moses $oke up# he asked his attendant# 'Bring our early eal'
&he narrator added: Moses did not suffer fro fatigue e*cept after he had passed the place he had
been ordered to obser(e% His attendant Kusha bin Dun said to hi# '8o you reeber !$hat
happened" $hen $e betook oursel(es to the rockJ I did indeed forget !about" the fish %%%' !07%5<" &he
=olue 5 ) 06<1 ? 0:66
narrator added: So they cae back# retracing their steps and then they found in the sea# the $ay of
the fish looking like a tunnel% So there $as an astonishing e(ent for his attendant# and there $as tun)
nel for the fish% @hen they reached the rock# they found a an co(ered $ith a garent% Moses
greeted hi% &he an said astonishingly# 'Is there any such greeting in your landJ' Moses said# 'I a
Moses%' &he an said# 'Moses of Bani IsraelJ' Moses said# 'Kes#' and added# 'ay I follo$ you so that
you teach e soething of the Kno$ledge $hich you ha(e been taughtJ' !07%55"% Al)Khadir said to
hi# 'E MosesI Kou ha(e soething of Allah's kno$ledge $hich Allah has taught you and $hich I do
not kno$L and I ha(e soething of Allah's kno$ledge $hich Allah has taught e and $hich you do
not kno$%' Moses said# 'But I $ill follo$ you%' Al)Khadir said# '&hen if you follo$ e# ask e no Cues)
tion about anything until I yself speak to you concerning it%' !07%:6"% After that both of the pro)
ceeded along the seashore% &here passed by the a boat $hose cre$ recogni-ed Al)Khadir and re)
cei(ed the on board free of charge% So they both got on board% A sparro$ cae and sat on the edge
of the boat and dipped its beak unto the sea% Al)Khadir said to Moses% 'My kno$ledge and your
kno$ledge and all the creation's kno$ledge copared to Allah's kno$ledge is not ore than the
$ater taken by this sparro$'s beak%'
&hen Moses $as startled by Al)Khadir's action of taking an ad-e and scuttling the boat $ith it%
Moses said to hi# '&hese people ga(e us a free lift# but you intentionally scuttled their boat so as to
dro$n the% Surely you ha(e%%%' !07%:0" &hen they both proceeded and found a boy playing $ith
other boys% Al)Khadir took hold of hi by the head and cut it off% Moses said to hi# 'Ha(e you killed
an innocent soul $ho has killed nobodyJ Surely you ha(e done an illegal thingI ' !07%:2" He said#
H8idn't I tell you that you $ill not be able to ha(e patient $ith e up to %%but they refused to entertain
the as their guests% &here they found a $all therein at the point of collapsing%' !07%:4)::" Al)
Khadir o(ed his hand thus and set it upright !repaired it"% Moses said to hi# '@hen $e entered
this to$n# they neither ga(e us hospitality nor fed usL if you had $ished# you could ha(e taken $ages
for it#' Al)Khadir said# '&his is the parting bet$een you and e I $ill tell you the interpretation of
!those things" about $hich you $ere unable to hold patience%'%%%!07%:7"
Allah's Apostle said# '@e $ished that Moses could ha(e been ore patient so that He !Allah" could
ha(e described to us ore about their story%' Ibn 'Abbas used to recite:)) 'And in front !ahead" of
the there $as a king $ho used to sei-e e(ery !ser(iceable" boat by force% !07%:1" %%%and as for the
boy he $as a disbelie(er% H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 343:
Darrated Musab:
I asked y father# H@as the =erse:)) 'Say: !E Muhaad" Shall @e tell you the greatest losers in
respect of their deedsJ'!07%06<" re(ealed regarding Al)HaruriyyaJH He said# HDo# but regarding the
/e$s and the 9hristians# for the /e$s disbelie(ed Muhaad and the 9hristians disbelie(ed in Para)
=olue 5 ) 0626 ? 0:66
dise and say that there are neither eals nor drinks therein% Al) Hururiyya are those people $ho
break their pledge to Allah after they ha(e confired that they $ill fulfill it# and Sad used to call
the 'Al)BasiCin !e(ildoers $ho forsake Allah's obedience"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 34<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HEn the 8ay of Resurrection# a huge fat an $ill coe $ho $ill not $eigh#
the $eight of the $ing of a osCuito in Allah's Sight%H and then the Prophet added# '@e shall not gi(e
the any $eight on the 8ay of Resurrection ' !07%064"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 342:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# HEn the 8ay of Resurrection 8eath $ill be brought for$ard in the shape of a
black and $hite ra% &hen a call aker $ill call# 'E people of ParadiseI' &hereupon they $ill stretch
their necks and look carefully% &he caller $ill say# '8o you kno$ thisJ' &hey $ill say# 'Kes# this is
8eath%' By then all of the $ill ha(e seen it% &hen it $ill be announced again# 'E people of Hell I'
&hey $ill stretch their necks and look carefully% &he caller $ill say# '8o you kno$ thisJ' &hey $ill
say# 'Kes# this is 8eath%' And by then all of the $ill ha(e seen it% &hen it !that ra" $ill be
slaughtered and the caller $ill say# 'E people of ParadiseI +ternity for you and no death E people of
HellI +ternity for you and no death%H' &hen the Prophet# recited:))
'And $arn the of the 8ay of distress $hen the case has been decided# $hile !no$" they are in a
state of carelessness !i%e% the people of the $orld" and they do not belie(e%' !01%<1"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 344:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet said to Aabriel# H@hat pre(ents you fro (isiting us ore often than you (isit us
no$JH So there $as re(ealed:))
'And $e !angels" descend not but by the coand of your ;ord% &o Hi belongs $hat is before us
and $hat is behind us%%%'!01%52"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 345:
Darrated Khabbab:
I cae to Al)'Asi bin @ail As)Sahi and deanded soething $hich he o$ed e% He said# HI $ill
not gi(e you !your oney" till you disbelie(e in Muhaad%H I said# HDo# I shall not disbelie(e in
=olue 5 ) 0620 ? 0:66
Muhaad till you die and then be resurrected%H He said# H@ill I die and then be resurrectedJH I said#
'Kes'% He said'# H&hen I $ill ha(e $ealth and children there# and I $ill pay you !there"%H So this =erse
$as re(ealed:))
'Ha(e you then seen hi $ho disbelie(ed in Eur Signs and !yet" says: I shall certainly be gi(en
$ealth and childrenJ !01%::"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 34::
Darrated Khabbab:
I $as a blacksith in Mecca Ence I ade a s$ord for Al)'Asi bin @ail As)Sahi% @hen I $ent to
deand its price# he said# HI $ill not gi(e it to you till you disbelie(e in Muhaad%H I said# HI shall
not disbelie(e in Muhaad till Allah ake you die and then bring you to life again%H He said# HIf Al)
lah should ake e die and then resurrect e and I $ould ha(e $ealth and children%H So Allah re)
'Ha(e you seen hi $ho disbelie(ed in Eur Signs# and !yet" says I shall certainly be gi(en $ealth
and childrenJ Has he kno$n the unseen or has he taken a co(enant fro !Allah" the BeneficentJ'
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 347:
Darrated MasruC:
Khabbab said# H8uring the pre)lslaic period# I $as a blacksith and Al)Asi bin @ail o$ed e a
debt%H So Khabbab $ent to hi to deand the debt% He said# HI $ill not gi(e you !your due" till you
disbelie(e in Muhaad%H Khabbab said# HBy Allah# I shall not disbelie(e in Muhaad till Allah
akes you die and then resurrects you%H Al)Asi said# HSo lea(e e till I die and then be resurrected#
for I $ill be gi(en $ealth and children $hereupon I $ill pay you your debt%H So this =erse $as re)
'Ha(e you seen hi $ho disbelie(ed in Eur Signs and# !yet" says: I shall certainly be gi(en $ealth
and children%' !01%::"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 341:
Darrated Khabbab:
I $as a blacksith and Al)Asi Bin @ail o$ed e a debt# so I $ent to hi to deand it% He said to
e% HI $ill not pay you your debt till you disbelie(e in Muhaad%H I said# HI $ill not disbelie(e in
Muhaad till you die and then be resurrected%H He said# H@ill I be resurrected after y deathJ If
so# I shall pay you !there" if I should find $ealth and children%H So there $as re(ealed:))
=olue 5 ) 0623 ? 0:66
'Ha(e you seen hi $ho disbelie(ed in Eur Signs# and yet says: I shall certainly be gi(en $ealth
and childrenJ Has he# kno$n to the unseen or has he taken a co(enant fro !Allah" the BeneficentJ
Day I @e shall record $hat he says# and $e shall add and add to his punishent% And @e shall in)
herit fro hi all that he talks of# and he shall appear before Us alone%' !01%::)76"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 356:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAda and Moses et# and Moses said to Ada HKou are the one $ho ade
people iserable and turned the out of Paradise%H Ada said to hi# HKou are the one $ho Allah
selected for His essage and $ho He selected for Hiself and upon $ho He re(ealed the &orah%H
Moses said# 'Kes%' Ada said# H8id you find that $ritten in y fate before y creationJ' Moses said#
'Kes%' So Ada o(ercae Moses $ith this arguent%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 350:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen Allah's Apostle arri(ed at Medina# he found the /e$s obser(ing the fast on the day of
'Ashura' !06th of Muharra"% &he Prophet asked the !about it" and they replied# H&his is the day
$hen Moses becae (ictorious o(er Pharaoh%H &he Prophet said !to the Muslis"# H@e are nearer to
Moses than they# so fast on this day%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 353:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HMoses argued $ith Ada and said to hi !Ada"# 'Kou are the one $ho got the
people out of Paradise by your sin# and thus ade the iserable%H Ada replied# 'E MosesI Kou are
the one $ho Allah selected for His Message and for His direct talk% Ket you blae e for a thing
$hich Allah had ordained for e before He created eJ%H Allah's Apostle further said# HSo Ada
o(ercae Moses by this Arguent%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 35<:
Darrated Abdullah:
&he Suras of Bani Israel# Al)Kahf# Mariya# &aha and Al)Anbiya are fro the (ery old Suras
$hich I learnt by heart# and they are y first property%
=olue 5 ) 062< ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 352:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet deli(ered a seron and said# HKou !people" $ill be gathered before Allah !on the 8ay
of Resurrection" bare)footed# naked and uncircucised%H !&he Prophet then recited":)) 'As @e began
the first creation @e shall repeat it% !It is" a proise @e ha(e undertaken and truly @e shall do it%'
and added# H&he first an $ho $ill be dressed on the 8ay of Resurrection# $ill be Abraha% ;oI
Soe en fro y follo$ers $ill be brought and taken to$ards the left side# $hereupon I $ill say#
'E ;ord# !these are" y copanionsI' It $ill be said# 'Kou do not kno$ $hat ne$ things they intro)
duced !into the religion" after you%' I $ill then say as the righteous pious sla(e# /esus# said# 'I $as a
$itness o(er the $hile I d$elt aong the%%%!to His Stateent"%%and Kou are the @itness to all
things%' !4%00:" &hen it $ill be said# '!E Muhaad" &hese people ne(er stopped to apostate since
you left the%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 354:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# HEn the day of Resurrection Allah $ill say# 'E AdaI' Ada $ill reply# ';abbaik
our ;ord# and Sa'daik ' &hen there $ill be a loud call !saying"# Allah orders you to take fro aong
your offspring a ission for the !Hell" Bire%' Ada $ill say# 'E ;ordI @ho are the ission for the
!Hell" BireJ' Allah $ill say# 'Eut of each thousand# take out 111%' At that tie e(ery pregnant feale
shall drop her load !ha(e a iscarriage" and a child $ill ha(e grey hair% And you shall see ankind
as in a drunken state# yet not drunk# but se(ere $ill be the torent of Allah%H !33%3" !@hen the
Prophet entioned this"# the people $ere so distressed !and afraid" that their faces got changed !in
color" $hereupon the Prophet said# HBro Aog and Magog nine)hundred ninety)nine $ill be taken
out and one fro you% Kou Muslis !copared to the large nuber of other people" $ill be like a
black hair on the side of a $hite o*# or a $hite hair on the side of a black o*# and I hope that you $ill
be one)fourth of the people of Paradise%H En that# $e said# HAllahu)AkbarIH &hen he said# HI hope that
you $ill be" one)third of the people of Paradise%H @e again said# HAllahu)AkbarIH &hen he said# H!I
hope that you $ill be" one)half of the people of Paradise%H So $e said# Allahu Akbar%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 355:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Regarding the =erse: HAnd aong en is he $ho $orships Allah's as it $ere on the (ery edge%H
A an used to coe to Medina as if his $ife brought a son and his ares produces offspring% He
$ould say# H&his religion !Isla" is good#H but if his $ife did not gi(e birth to a child and his ares
produced no offspring# he $ould say# H&his religion is bad%H
=olue 5 ) 0622 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 35::
Darrated ,ais bin Ubad:
Abu 8harr used to take an oath confiring that the =erse:
'&hese t$o opponents !belie(ers# and disbelie(ers" dispute $ith each other about their ;ord%'
!33%01" $as Re(ealed in connection $ith Ha-a and his t$o copanions and 'Utbah and his t$o
copanions on the day $hen they ease out of the battle of Badr%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 357:
Darrated ,ais bin Ubad: 'Ali said# HI $ill be the first to kneel before the Beneficent on the
'&hese t$o opponents !belie(ers and disbelie(ers dispute $ith each other about their ;ord#' !33%01"
$as re(ealed in connection $ith those $ho cae out for the Battle of Badr# i%e% 'Ali# Ha-a# 'Ubaida#
Shaiba bin Rabi'a# 'Utba bin Rabi'a and Al)@alid bin Utba%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 351:
Darrated Sahl bin Saud:
'U$aiir cae to 'Asi bin 'Adi $ho $as the chief of Bani A.lan and said# H@hat do you say about
a an $ho has found another an $ith his $ifeJ Should he kill hi $hereupon you $ould kill hi
!i%e% the husband"# or $hat should he doJ Please ask Allah's Apostle about this atter on y behalf%H
Asi then $ent to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI !And asked hi that Cuestion" but Allah's
Apostle disliked the Cuestion#H @hen 'U$aiir asked 'Asi !about the Prophet's ans$er" 'Asi
replied that Allah's Apostle disliked such Cuestions and considered it shaeful% HU$aiir then said#
HBy Allah# I $ill not gi(e up asking unless I ask Allah's Apostle about it%H U$aiir cae !to the Proph)
et " and said# HE Allah's ApostleI A an has found another an $ith his $ifeI Should he kill hi
$hereupon you $ould kill hi !the husband# in ,isas" or $hat should he doJH Allah's Apostle said#
HAllah has re(ealed regarding you and your $ife's case in the ,ur'an HSo Allah's Apostle ordered
the to perfor the easures of Mula'ana according to $hat Allah had entioned in His Book% So
'U$aiir did Mula'ana $ith her and said# HE Allah's ApostleI If I kept her I $ould oppress her%H So
'U$aiir di(orced her and so di(orce becae a tradition after the for those $ho happened to be
in(ol(ed in a case of Mula'ana% Allah's Apostle then said# H;ookI If she !U$aiir's $ife" deli(ers a
black child $ith deep black large eyes# big hips and fat legs# then I $ill be of the opinion that
'U$aiir has spoken the truthL but if she deli(ers a red child looking like a @ahra then $e $ill con)
sider that 'U$aiir has told a lie against her%H ;ater on she deli(ered a child carrying the Cualities
$hich Allah's Apostle had entioned as a proof for 'U$aiir's claiL therefore the child $as
ascribed to its other henceforth%
=olue 5 ) 0624 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3:6:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
A an cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Suppose a an sa$ another an $ith
his $ife# should he kill hi $hereupon you ight kill hi !i%e% the killer" !in ,isas" or $hat should
he doJH So Allah re(ealed concerning their case $hat is entioned of the order of Mula'ana% Allah's
Apostle said to the an# H&he atter bet$een you and your $ife has been decided%H So they did Mu)
la'ana in the presence of Allah's Apostle and I $as present there# and then the an di(orced his $ife%
So it becae a tradition to dissol(e the arriage of those spouses $ho $ere in(ol(ed in a case of
Mula'ana% &he $oan $as pregnant and the husband denied that he $as the cause of her preg)
nancy# so the son $as !later" ascribed to her% &hen it becae a tradition that such a son $ould be the
heir of his other# and she $ould inherit of hi $hat Allah prescribed for her%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3:0:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Hilal bin Uaiya accused his $ife of coitting illegal se*ual intercourse $ith Sharik bin Saha'
and filed the case before the Prophet% &he Prophet said !to Hilal"# H+ither you bring forth a proof !four
$itnesses" or you $ill recei(e the legal punishent !lashes" on your back%H Hilal said# HE Allah's
ApostleI If anyone of us sa$ a an o(er his $ife# $ould he go to seek after $itnessesJH &he Prophet
kept on saying# H+ither you bring forth the $itnesses or you $ill recei(e the legal punishent !lashes"
on your back%H Hilal then said# HBy Hi @ho sent you $ith the &ruth# I a telling the truth and Allah
$ill re(eal to you $hat $ill sa(e y back fro legal punishent%H &hen Aabriel cae do$n and re)
(ealed to hi:))
'As for those $ho accuse their $i(es%%%' !32%5)1" &he Prophet recited it till he reached: '%%% !her ac)
cuser" is telling the truth%' &hen the Prophet left and sent for the $oan# and Hilal $ent !and
brought" her and then took the oaths !confiring the clai"% &he Prophet $as saying# HAllah kno$s
that one of you is a liar# so $ill any of you repentJH &hen the $oan got up and took the oaths and
$hen she $as going to take the fifth one# the people stopped her and said# HIt !the fifth oath" $ill def)
initely bring Allah's curse on you !if you are guilty"%H So she hesitated and recoiled !fro taking the
oath" so uch that $e thought that she $ould $ithdra$ her denial% But then she said# HI $ill not dis)
honor y faily all through these days#H and carried on !the process of taking oaths"% &he Prophet
then said# H@atch herL if she deli(ers a black)eyed child $ith big hips and fat shins then it is Sharik
bin Saha's child%H ;ater she deli(ered a child of that description% So the Prophet said# HIf the case $as
not settled by Allah's ;a$# I $ould punish her se(erely%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3:3:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
=olue 5 ) 0625 ? 0:66
A an accused his $ife of illegal se*ual intercourse and denied his paternity to her !concei(ed"
child during the lifetie of Allah's Apostle% Allah's Apostle ordered the both to do Mula'ana as Al)
lah decreed and then ga(e his decision that the child $ould be for the other# and a di(orce decree
$as issued for the couple in(ol(ed in a case of Mula'ana%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3:<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
And as for hi aong the $ho had the greater share%%' !32%00" $as Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3:2:
Darrated Aisha:
!&he $ife of the Prophet" @hene(er Allah's Apostle intended to go on a .ourney# he used to dra$
lots aong his $i(es and $ould take $ith hi the one on $ho the lot had fallen% Ence he dre$
lots $hen he $anted to carry out a Aha-$a# and the lot cae upon e% So I proceeded $ith Allah's
Apostle after Allah's order of (eiling !the $oen" had been re(ealed and thus I $as carried in y
ho$dah !on a cael" and disounted $hile still in it% @e carried on our .ourney# and $hen Allah's
Apostle had finished his Aha-$a and returned and $e approached Medina# Allah's Apostle ordered
to proceed at night% @hen the ary $as ordered to resue the hoe$ard .ourney# I got up and
$alked on till I left the ary !cap" behind% @hen I had ans$ered the call of nature# I $ent to$ards
y ho$dah# but behold I A necklace of ine ade of /a- A-far !a kind of black bead" $as broken
and I looked for it and y search for it detained e% &he group of people $ho used to carry e#
cae and carried y ho$dah on to the back of y cael on $hich I $as riding# considering that I
$as therein% At that tie $oen $ere light in $eight and $ere not fleshy for they used to eat little
!food"# so those people did not feel the lightness of the ho$dah $hile raising it up# and I $as still a
young lady% &hey dro(e a$ay the cael and proceeded% &hen I found y necklace after the ary
had gone% I cae to their cap but found nobody therein so I $ent to the place $here I used to stay#
thinking that they $ould iss e and coe back in y search% @hile I $as sitting at y place# I felt
sleepy and slept% Saf$an bin Al)Mu'attil As)Sulai Adh)8hak$)ani $as behind the ary% He had
started in the last part of the night and reached y stationing place in the orning and sa$ the fig)
ure of a sleeping person% He cae to e and recogni-ed e on seeing e for he used to see e be)
fore (eiling% I got up because of his saying: HInna ;illahi $a inna ilaihi ra.iun#H $hich he uttered on
recogni-ing e% I co(ered y face $ith y garent# and by Allah# he did not say to e a single
$ord e*cept# HInna ;illahi $a inna ilaihi ra.iun#H till he ade his she)cael kneel do$n $hereupon
he trod on its forelegs and I ounted it% &hen Saf$an set out# leading the she)cael that $as carry)
ing e# till $e et the ary $hile they $ere resting during the hot idday% &hen $hoe(er $as
eant for destruction# fell in destruction# and the leader of the Ifk !forged stateent" $as 'Abdullah
bin Ubai bin Salul% After this $e arri(ed at Medina and I becae ill for one onth $hile the people
=olue 5 ) 062: ? 0:66
$ere spreading the forged stateents of the people of the Ifk# and I $as not a$are of anything there)
of% But $hat aroused y doubt $hile I $as sick# $as that I $as no longer recei(ing fro Allah's
Apostle the sae kindness as I used to recei(e $hen I fell sick% Allah's Apostle $ould enter upon e#
say a greeting and add# HHo$ is that !lady"JH and then depart%
&hat aroused y suspicion but I $as not a$are of the propagated e(il till I reco(ered fro y ail)
ent% I $ent out $ith U Mistah to ans$er the call of nature to$ards Al)Manasi# the place $here
$e used to relie(e oursel(es# and used not to go out for this purpose e*cept fro night to night# and
that $as before $e had la(atories close to our houses% And this habit of ours $as siilar to the habit
of the old 'Arabs !in the deserts or in the tents" concerning the e(acuation of the bo$els# for $e con)
sidered it troublesoe and harful to take la(atories in the houses% So I $ent out $ith U Mistah
$ho $as the daughter of Abi Ruh bin Abd Manaf# and her other $as daughter of Sakhr bin Air
$ho $as the aunt of Abi Bakr As)SiddiC# and her son $as Mistah bin Uthatha% @hen $e had fin)
ished our affair# U Mistah and I cae back to$ards y house% U Mistah stubled o(er her robe
$hereupon she said# H;et Mistah be ruined I H I said to her# H@hat a bad $ord you ha(e saidI 8o you
abuse a an $ho has taken part in the Battle of BadrJ' She said# HE you thereI 8idn't you hear $hat
he has saidJH I said# HAnd $hat did he sayJH She then told e the stateent of the people of the Ifk
!forged stateent" $hich added to y ailent% @hen I returned hoe# Allah's Apostle cae to e#
and after greeting# he said# HHo$ is that !lady"JH I said# H@ill you allo$ e to go to y parentsJH At
that tie I intended to be sure of the ne$s through the% Allah's Apostle allo$ed e and I $ent to
y parents and asked y other# HE y otherI @hat are the people talking aboutJH My other
said# HE y daughterI &ake it easy# for by Allah# there is no charing lady $ho is lo(ed by her hus)
band $ho has other $i(es as $ell# but that those $i(es $ould find fault $ith her%H I said# HSubhan Al)
lahI 8id the people really talk about thatJH
&hat night I kept on $eeping the $hole night till the orning% My tears ne(er stopped# nor did I
sleep# and orning broke $hile I $as still $eeping# Allah's Apostle called 'Ali bin Abi &alib and
Usaa bin Faid $hen the 8i(ine Inspiration delayed# in order to consult the as to the idea of di)
(orcing his $ife% Usaa bin Faid told Allah's Apostle of $hat he kne$ about the innocence of his
$ife and of his affection he kept for her% He said# HE Allah's ApostleI She is your $ife# and $e do not
kno$ anything about her e*cept good%H But 'Ali bin Abi &alib said# HE Allah's ApostleI Allah does not
ipose restrictions on youL and there are plenty of $oen other than her% If you ho$e(er# ask !her"
sla(e girl# she $ill tell you the truth%H 'Aisha added: So Allah's Apostle called for Barira and said# HE
BariraI 8id you e(er see anything $hich ight ha(e aroused your suspicionJ !as regards Aisha"%
Barira said# HBy Allah @ho has sent you $ith the truth# I ha(e ne(er seen anything regarding Aisha
$hich I $ould blae her for e*cept that she is a girl of iature age $ho soeties sleeps and
lea(es the dough of her faily unprotected so that the doestic goats coe and eat it%H So Allah's
Apostle got up !and addressed" the people an asked for soebody $ho $ould take re(enge on 'Ab)
dullah bin Ubai bin Salul then% Allah's Apostle# $hile on the pulpit# said# HE MuslisI @ho $ill help
e against a an $ho has hurt e by slandering y failyJ By Allah# I kno$ nothing e*cept good
about y faily# and people ha(e blaed a an of $ho I kno$ nothing e*cept good# and he ne(er
=olue 5 ) 0627 ? 0:66
used to (isit y faily e*cept $ith e#H Sad bin Muadh Al)Ansari got up and said# HE Allah's
ApostleI By Allah# I $ill relie(e you fro hi% If he be fro the tribe of !Bani" Al)Aus# then I $ill
chop his head offL and if he be fro our brethren# the Kha-ra.# then you gi(e us your order and $e
$ill obey it%H En that# Sad bin 'Ubada got up# and he $as the chief of the Kha-ra.# and before this in)
cident he had been a pious an but he $as incited by his -eal for his tribe% He said to Sad !bin
Muadh"# HBy Allah the +ternal# you ha(e told a lieI Kou shall not kill hi and you $ill ne(er be able
to kill hiIH En that# Usaid bin Hudair# the cousin of Sad !bin Muadh" got up and said to Sad bin
'Ubada# HKou are a liarI By Allah the +ternal# $e $ill surely kill hiL and you are a hypocrite defend)
ing the hypocritesIH So the t$o tribes of Al)Aus and Al)Kha-ra. got e*cited till they $ere on the point
of fighting $ith each other $hile Allah's Apostle $as standing on the pulpit% Allah's Apostle contin)
ued Cuietening the till they becae silent $hereupon he becae silent too% En that day I kept on
$eeping so uch that neither did y tears stop# nor could I sleep% In the orning y parents $ere
$ith e# and I had $ept for t$o nights and a day $ithout sleeping and $ith incessant tears till they
thought that y li(er $ould burst $ith $eeping% @hile they $ere $ith e and I $as $eeping# an
Ansari $oan asked perission to see e% I aditted her and she sat and started $eeping $ith e%
@hile I $as in that state# Allah's Apostle cae to us# greeted# and sat do$n#% He had ne(er sat $ith
e since the day $hat $as said# $as said% He had stayed a onth $ithout recei(ing any 8i(ine In)
spiration concerning y case% Allah's Apostle recited the &ashahhud after he had sat do$n# and then
said# H&hereafter# E 'AishaI I ha(e been infored such and)such a thing about youL and if you are in)
nocent# Allah $ill re(eal your innocence# and if you ha(e coitted a sin# then ask for Allah's for)
gi(eness and repent to Hi# for $hen a sla(e confesses his sin and then repents to Allah# Allah ac)
cepts his repentance%H @hen Allah's Apostle had finished his speech# y tears ceased copletely so
that I no longer felt e(en a drop thereof% &hen I said to y father# HReply to Allah's Apostle on y be)
half as to $hat he said%H He said# HBy Allah# I do not kno$ $hat to say to Allah's Apostle%H &hen I said
to y other# HReply to Allah's Apostle%H
She said# HI do not kno$ $hat to say to Allah's Apostle%H Still a young girl as I $as and though I had
little kno$ledge of ,uran# I said# HBy Allah# I kno$ that you heard this story !of the Ifk" so uch so
that it has been planted in your inds and you ha(e belie(ed it% So no$# if I tell you that I a inno)
cent# and Allah kno$s that I a innocent# you $ill not belie(e eL and if I confess soething# and
Allah kno$s that I a innocent of it# you $ill belie(e e% By Allah# I cannot find of you an e*aple
e*cept that of /oseph's father: HSo !for e" patience is ost fitting against that $hich you assert and it
is Allah !Alone" @hose help can be sought% &hen I turned a$ay and lay on y bed# and at that tie I
kne$ that I $as innocent and that Allah $ould re(eal y innocence% But by Allah# I ne(er thought
that Allah $ould sent do$n about y affair# 8i(ine Inspiration that $ould be recited !fore(er"# as I
considered yself too un$orthy to be talked of by Allah $ith soething that $as to be recited: but I
hoped that Allah's Apostle ight ha(e a (ision in $hich Allah $ould pro(e y innocence% By Allah#
Allah's Apostle had not left his seat and nobody had left the house $hen the 8i(ine Inspiration cae
to Allah's Apostle % So there o(ertook hi the sae hard condition $hich used to o(ertake hi !$hen
he $as 8i(inely Inspired" so that the drops of his s$eat $ere running do$n# like pearls# though it
=olue 5 ) 0621 ? 0:66
$as a !cold" $inter day# and that $as because of the hea(iness of the Stateent $hich $as re(ealed
to hi% @hen that state of Allah's Apostle $as o(er# and he $as siling $hen he $as relie(ed# the
first $ord he said $as# HAisha# Allah has declared your innocence%H My other said to e# HAet up
and go to hi%H I said# HBy Allah# I $ill not go to hi and I $ill not thank anybody but Allah%H So Allah
re(ealed: H=erilyI &hey $ho spread the Slander are a gang aong you% &hink it not%%%%H !32%00)36"%
@hen Allah re(ealed this to confir y innocence# Abu Bakr As)SiddiC $ho used to pro(ide for
Mistah bin Uthatha because of the latter's kinship to hi and his po(erty# said# HBy Allah# I $ill ne(er
pro(ide for Mistah anything after $hat he has said about AishaH% So Allah re(ealed:
H;et not those aong you $ho are good and are $ealthy s$ear not to gi(e !help" to their kinsen#
those in need# and those $ho ha(e left their hoes for Allah's 9ause% ;et the Pardon and forgi(e
!i%e% do not punish the"% 8o you not lo(e that should forgi(e youJ =erily Allah is Eft)forgi(ing%
Most Merciful%H !32%33"
Abu Bakr said# HKes# by Allah# I $ish that Allah should forgi(e e%H So he resued gi(ing Mistah
the aid he used to gi(e hi before and said# HBy Allah# I $ill ne(er $ithold it fro hi at all%H Aisha
further said: Allah's Apostle also asked Fainab bint /ahsh about y case% He said# HE FainabI @hat
ha(e you seenJH She replied# HE Allah's ApostleI I protect y hearing and y sight !by refraining
fro telling lies"% I kno$ nothing but good !about Aisha"%H Ef all the $i(es of Allah's Apostle# it $as
Fainab $ho aspired to recei(e fro hi the sae fa(or as I used to recei(e# yet# Allah sa(ed her
!fro telling lies" because of her piety% But her sister# Hana# kept on fighting on her behalf so she
$as destroyed as $ere those $ho in(ented and spread the slander%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3:4:
Darrated U Ruan:
Aisha's other# @hen 'Aisha $as accused# she fell do$n Unconscious%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3:5:
Darrated Ibn Abi Mulaika:
I heard 'Aisha reciting: H@hen you in(ented a lie !and carry it" on your tongues%H !32%04"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3:::
Darrated Ibn Abu Mulaika:
Ibn 'Abbas asked perission to (isit Aisha before her death# and at that tie she $as in a state of
agony% She then said% HI a afraid that he $ill praise e too uch%H And then it $as said to her# HHe is
the cousin of Allah's Apostle and one of the proinent Muslis%H &hen she said# HAllo$ hi to enter%H
!@hen he entered" he said# HHo$ are youJH She replied# HI a Alright if I fear !Allah"%H Ibn Abbas said#
=olue 5 ) 0646 ? 0:66
HAllah $illing# you are Alright as you are the $ife of Allah's Apostle and he did not arry any (irgin
e*cept you and proof of your innocence $as re(ealed fro the Hea(en%H ;ater on Ibn A-)Fubair
entered after hi and 'Aisha said to hi# HIbn 'Abbas cae to e and praised e greatly# but I $ish
that I $as a thing forgotten and out of sight%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3:7:
Darrated Al),asi:
Ibn 'Abbas asked 'Aisha's perission to enter% Al),asi then narrated the $hole Hadith !as in
3::" but did not ention: H@ould that I had been forgotten and out of sight%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 3:1:
Darrated MasruC:
'Aisha said that Hassan bin &habit cae and asked perission to (isit her% I said# HHo$ do you per)
it such a personJH She said# HHasn't he recei(ed a se(erely penaltyJH !Sufyan# the subnarrator# said:
She eant the loss of his sight%" &hereupon Hassan said the follo$ing poetic (erse:
HA chaste pious $oan $ho arouses no suspicion% She ne(er talks about chaste heedless $oen
behind their backs%' En that she said# HBut you are not so%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 376:
Darrated MasruC:
Hassan cae to Aisha and said the follo$ing poetic =erse: 'A chaste pious $oan $ho arouses no
suspicion% She ne(er talks against chaste heedless $oen behind their backs%' 'Aisha said# HBut you
are not#H I said !to 'Aisha"# H@hy do you allo$ such a person to enter upon you after Allah has re)
H%%%and as for hi aong the $ho had the greater share therein'JH !32%00"
She said# H@hat punishent is $orse than blindnessJH She added# HAnd he used to defend Allah's
Apostle against the pagans !in his poetry"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 370:
Darrated Aisha:
@hen there $as said about e $hat $as said $hich I yself $as una$are of# Allah's Apostle got
up and addressed the people% He recited &ashah)hud# and after glorifying and praising Allah as He
deser(ed# he said# H&o proceed: E people Ai(e e your opinion regarding those people $ho ade a
forged story against y $ife% By Allah# I do not kno$ anything bad about her% By Allah# they accused
=olue 5 ) 0640 ? 0:66
her of being $ith a an about $ho I ha(e ne(er kno$n anything bad# and he ne(er entered y
house unless I $as present there# and $hene(er I $ent on a .ourney# he $ent $ith e%H Sad bin
Mu'adh got up and said# HE Allah's Apostle Allo$ e to chop their heads offH &hen a an fro the
Al)Kha-ra. !Sa'd bin 'Ubada" to $ho the other of !the poet" Hassan bin &habit $as a relati(e# got
up and said !to Sad bin Mu'adh"# HKou ha(e told a lieI By Allah# if those persons $ere fro the Aus
&ribe# you $ould not like to chop their heads off%H It $as probable that soe e(il $ould take place
bet$een the Aus and the Kha-ra. in the osCue# and I $as una$are of all that% In the e(ening of that
day# I $ent out for soe of y needs !i%e% to relie(e yself"# and U Mistah $as accopanying e%
En our return# U Mistah stubled and said# H;et Mistah% be ruinedH I said to her# HE other @hy
do you abuse your SonH En that U Mistah becae silent for a $hile# and stubling again# she said#
H;et Mistah be ruinedH I said to her# H@hy do you abuse your sonJH She stubled for the third tie
and said# H;et Mistah be ruinedH $hereupon I rebuked her for that% She said# HBy Allah# I do not abuse
hi e*cept because of you%H I asked her# H9oncerning $hat of y affairsJH So she disclosed the $hole
story to e% I said# HHas this really happenedJH She replied# HKes# by Allah%H I returned to y house# as)
tonished !and distressed" that I did not kno$ for $hat purpose I had gone out% &hen I becae sick
!fe(er" and said to Allah's Apostle HSend e to y father's house%H So he sent a sla(e $ith e# and
$hen I entered the house# I found U Ru)an !y other" do$nstairs $hile !y father" Abu Bakr
$as reciting soething upstairs% My other asked# H@hat has brought you# E !y" daughterJH I in)
fored her and entioned to her the $hole story# but she did not feel it as I did% She said# HE y
daughterI &ake it easy# for there is ne(er a charing lady lo(ed by her husband $ho has other $i(es
but that they feel .ealous of her and speak badly of her%H But she did not feel the ne$s as I did% I asked
!her"# H8oes y father kno$ about itJH She said# HyesH I asked# 8oes Allah's Apostle kno$ about it tooJH
She said# HKes# Allah's Apostle does too%H So the tears filled y eyes and I $ept% Abu Bakr# $ho $as
reading upstairs heard y (oice and cae do$n and asked y other# H@hat is the atter $ith
herJ H She said# HShe has heard $hat has been said about her !as regards the story of Al)lfk"%H En that
Abu) Bakr $ept and said# HI beseech you by Allah# E y daughter# to go back to your hoeH I $ent
back to y hoe and Allah's Apostle had coe to y house and asked y aid)ser(ant about e
!y character"% &he aid)ser(ant said# HBy Allah# I do not kno$ of any defect in her character e*cept
that she sleeps and let the sheep enter !her house" and eat her dough%H En that# soe of the Prophet's
copanions spoke harshly to her and said# H&ell the truth to Allah's Apostle%H Binally they told her of
the affair !of the slander"% She said# HSubhan AllahI By Allah# I kno$ nothing against her e*cept $hat
goldsith kno$s about a piece of pure gold%H &hen this ne$s reached the an $ho $as accused# and
he said# HSubhan AllahI By Allah# I ha(e ne(er unco(ered the pri(ate parts of any $oan%H ;ater that
an $as artyred in Allah's 9ause% De*t orning y parents cae to pay e a (isit and they stayed
$ith e till Allah's Apostle cae to e after he had offered the Asr prayer% He cae to e $hile y
parents $ere sitting around e on y right and y left% He praised and glorified Allah and said#
HDo$ then E 'AishaI If you ha(e coitted a bad deed or you ha(e $ronged !yourself"# then repent
to Allah as Allah accepts the repentance fro his sla(es%H An Al)Ansari $oan had coe and $as
sitting near the gate% I said !to the Prophet"% HIsn't it iproper that you speak in such a $ay in the
=olue 5 ) 0643 ? 0:66
presence of this ladyJ Allah's Apostle then ga(e a piece of ad(ice and I turned to y father and re)
Cuested hi to ans$er hi !on y behalf"% My father said# H@hat should I sayJH &hen I turned to y
other and asked her to ans$er hi% She said# H@hat should I sayJH @hen y parents did not gi(e a
reply to the Prophet# I said# HI testify that none has the right to be $orshipped e*cept Allah# and that
Muhaad is His ApostleIH And after praising and glorifying Allah as He deser(es# I said# HDo$ then#
by Allah# if I $ere to tell you that I ha(e not done !this e(il action" and Allah is a $itness that I a
telling the truth# that $ould not be of any use to e on your part because you !people" ha(e spoken
about it and your hearts ha(e absorbed itL and if I $ere to tell you that I ha(e done this sin and Allah
kno$s that I ha(e not done it# then you $ill say# 'She has confessed herself guilty%H By Allah# 'I do not
see a suitable e*aple for e and you but the e*aple of !I tried to reeber /acob's nae but
couldn't" /oseph's father $hen he saidL So !for e" HPatience is ost fitting against that $hich you as)
sert% It is Allah !alone" $hose help can be sought%' At that (ery hour the 8i(ine Inspiration cae to
Allah's Apostle and $e reained silent% &hen the Inspiration $as o(er and I noticed the signs of hap)
piness on his face $hile he $as reo(ing !the s$eat" fro his forehead and saying# HHa(e the good
tidings E ' HAishaI Allah has re(ealed your innocence%H At that tie I $as e*treely angry% My par)
ents said to e% HAet up and go to hi%H I said# HBy Allah# I $ill not do it and $ill not thank hi nor
thank either of you# but I $ill thank Allah @ho has re(ealed y innocence% Kou ha(e heard this
story but neither did not deny it nor change it !to defend e"#H !Aisha used to say:" HBut as regards
Fainab bint /ahsh# !the Prophet's $ife"# Allah protected her because of her piety# so she did not say
anything e*cept good !about e"# but her sister# Hana# $as ruined aong those $ho $ere ruined%
&hose $ho used to speak e(il about e $ere Mistah# Hassan bin &habit# and the hypocrite# Abdullah
bin Ubai# $ho used to spread that ne$s and tept others to speak of it# and it $as he and Hana
$ho had the greater share therein% Abu Bakr took an oath that he $ould ne(er do any fa(or to Mis)
tah at all% &hen Allah re(ealed the 8i(ine =erse:))
H;et not those aong you $ho are good and $ealthy !i%e% Abu Bakr" s$ear not to gi(e !any sort of
help" to their kinsen# and those in need# !i%e% Mistah" %%%8o you not lo(e that Allah should forgi(e
youJ And Allah if Eft)Borgi(ing# Most Merciful%H !32%33"
En that# Abu Bakr said# HKes# by Allah# E our ;ordI @e $ish that Kou should forgi(e us%H So Abu
Bakr again started gi(ing to Mistah the e*penditure $hich he used to gi(e hi before%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 373:
Darrated Safiya bint Shaiba:
'Aisha used to say: H@hen !the =erse": H&hey should dra$ their (eils o(er their necks and bosos#H
$as re(ealed# !the ladies" cut their $aist sheets at the edges and co(ered their faces $ith the cut
=olue 5 ) 064< ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 37<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
A an said# HE Allah's ProphetI @ill Allah gather the non)belie(ers on their faces on the 8ay of
ResurrectionJH He said# H@ill not the Ene @ho ade hi $alk on his feet in this $orld# be able to
ake hi $alk on his face on the 8ay of ResurrectionJH !,atada# a subnarrator# said: Kes# By the
Po$er of Eur ;ordI"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 372:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
I or soebody# asked Allah's Apostle H@hich is the biggest sin in the Sight of AllahJH He said# H&hat
you set up a ri(al !in $orship" to Allah though He Alone created you%H I asked# H@hat is ne*tJH He
said# H&hen# that you kill your son# being afraid that he ay share your eals $ith you%H I asked#
H@hat is ne*tJH He said# H&hat you coit illegal se*ual intercourse $ith the $ife of your neighbor%H
&hen the follo$ing =erse $as re(ealed to confir the stateent of Allah's Apostle:
H&hose $ho in(oke not $ith Allah# any other god# nor kill life as Allah has forbidden e*cept for
.ust cause# nor coit illegal se*ual intercourse%H !34%57"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 374:
Darrated Al),asi bin Abi Ba--a:
&hat he asked Said bin /ubair# HIs there any repentance of the one $ho has urdered a belie(er in)
tentionallyJH &hen I recited to hi:))
HDor kill such life as Allah has forbidden e*cept for a .ust cause%H Said said# HI recited this (ery
=erse before Ibn 'Abbas as you ha(e recited it before e% Ibn 'Abbas said# '&his =erse $as re(ealed in
Mecca and it has been abrogated by a =erse in Surat)An)Disa $hich $as later re(ealed in Medina%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 375:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
&he people of Kufa differed as regards the killing of a belie(er so I entered upon Ibn 'Abbas !and
asked hi" about that% Ibn 'Abbas said# H&he =erse !in Surat)An)Disa'# 2:1<" $as the last thing re)
(ealed in this respect and nothing cancelled its (alidity%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 37::
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
=olue 5 ) 0642 ? 0:66
I asked Ibn 'Abbas about Allah's saying:))
'%% this re$ard is Hell Bire%' !2%1<" He said# HDo repentance is accepted fro hi !i%e% the urderer
of a belie(er"%H I asked hi regarding the saying of Allah:
'&hose $ho in(oke not $ith Allah any other god%' %%%!34%57"
He said# H&his =erse $as re(ealed concerning the pagans of the pre)lslaic period%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 377:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
Ibn Ab-a said to e# HAsk Ibn 'Abbas regarding the Stateent of Allah:
'And $hoe(er urders a belie(er intentionally# his recopense is Hell%' !2%51"
And also His Stateent: '%%%nor kill such life as Allah has forbidden# e*cept for a .ust cause %%%%%e*cept
those $ho repent# belie(e# and do good deeds%' H !34%57):6" So I asked Ibn 'Abbas and he said# H@hen
this !34%57)51" $as re(ealed# the people of Mecca said# H@e ha(e in(oked other gods $ith Allah# and
$e ha(e urdered such li(es $hich Allah has ade sacred# and $e ha(e coitted illegal se*ual
intercourse% So Allah re(ealed:
'+*cept those $ho repent# belie(e# and do good deeds and Allah is Eft)Borgi(ing# Most Merciful%'
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 371:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
Abdur)Rahan bin Ab-a ordered e to ask Ibn 'Abbas regarding the t$o =erses !the first of
$hich $as ":
HAnd $hosoe(er urders a belie(er intentionally%H !2%1<" So I asked hi# and he said# HDothing has
abrogated this =erse%H About !the other =erse": 'And those $ho in(oke not $ith Allah any other god%'
he said# HIt $as re(ealed concerning the pagans#'
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 316:
Darrated Abdullah:
Bi(e !great e(ents" ha(e passed: the Soke# the Moon# the Roans# the Mighty grasp and the con)
stant Punishent $hich occurs in 'So the torent $ill be yours fore(er%' !34%::"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 310:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 5 ) 0644 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HEn the 8ay of Resurrection Abraha $ill see his father co(ered $ith ,atara
and Ahabara% !i%e% ha(ing a dark face"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 313:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# Abraha $ill eet his father !on the 8ay of Resurrection" and $ill say# 'E y
;ords Kou proised e that Kou $ould not let e in disgrace on the 8ay $hen people $ill be re)
surrected%' Allah $ill say# 'I ha(e forbidden Paradise to the non)belie(ers%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 31<:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen the =erse:))'And $arn your tribe of near)kindred# $as re(ealed# the Prophet ascended the
Safa !ountain" and started calling# HE Bani BihrI E Bani 'AdiIH addressing (arious tribes of ,uraish
till they $ere assebled% &hose $ho could not coe thesel(es# sent their essengers to see $hat
$as there% Abu ;ahab and other people fro ,uraish cae and the Prophet then said# HSuppose I
told you that there is an !eney" ca(alry in the (alley intending to attack you# $ould you belie(e
eJH &hey said# HKes# for $e ha(e not found you telling anything other than the truth%H He then said#
HI a a $arner to you in face of a terrific punishent%H Abu ;ahab said !to the Prophet" HMay your
hands perish all this day% Is it for this purpose you ha(e gathered usJH &hen it $as re(ealed: HPerish
the hands of Abu ;ahab !one of the Prophet's uncles"# and perish heI His $ealth and his children $ill
not profit hi%%%%H !000%0)4"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 312:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle got up $hen the =erse:))'And $arn your tribe of near kindred%%%%H !35%302" $as re)
(ealed and said# HE ,uraish peopleI !or he said a siilar $ord" Buy yoursel(esI I cannot sa(e you
fro Allah !if you disobey Hi" E Bani Abu ManafI I cannot sa(e you fro Allah !if you disobey
Hi"% E 'AbbasI &he son of 'Abdul MuttalibI I cannot sa(e you fro Allah !if you disobey Hi" E
Safiya# !the aunt of Allah's Apostle" I cannot sa(e you fro Allah !if you disobey Hi"% E Batia# the
daughter of Muhaad I Ask $hat you $ish fro y property# but I cannot sa(e you fro Allah !if
you disobey Hi"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 314:
Darrated Al)Musaiyab:
=olue 5 ) 0645 ? 0:66
@hen Abu &alib $as on his death bed# Allah's Apostle cae to hi and found $ith hi# Abu /ahl
and Abdullah bin Abi Uaiya bin Al)Mughira% Allah's Apostle said# HE uncleI Say: Done has the right
to be $orshipped e*cept Allah# a sentence $ith $hich I $ill defend you before Allah%H En that Abu
/ahl and 'Abdullah bin Abi Uaiya said to Abu &alib# H@ill you no$ lea(e the religion of 'Abdul Mut)
talibJH Allah's Apostle kept on in(iting hi to say that sentence $hile the other t$o kept on repeating
their sentence before hi till Abu &alib said as the last thing he said to the# HI a on the religion of
'Abdul Muttalib#H and refused to say: Done has the right to be $orshipped e*cept Allah% En that Al)
lah's Apostle said# HBy Allah# I $ill keep on asking Allah's forgi(eness for you unless I a forbidden
!by Allah" to do so%H So Allah re(ealed:))
'It is not fitting for the Prophet and those $ho belie(e that they should in(oke !Allah" for forgi(e)
ness for pagans%' !1%00<" And then Allah re(ealed especially about Abu &alib:))'=erilyI Kou !E#
Muhaad" guide not $ho you like# but Allah guides $ho He $ill%' !37%45"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 315:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
'%%%$ill bring you hoe' eans to Mecca%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 31::
Darrated MasruC:
@hile a an $as deli(ering a speech in the tribe of Kinda# he said# HSoke $ill pre(ail on the 8ay
of Resurrection and $ill depri(e the hypocrites their faculties of hearing and seeing% &he belie(ers
$ill be afflicted $ith soething like cold only thereof%H &hat ne$s scared us# so I $ent to !Abdullah"
Ibn Mas'ud $hile he $as reclining !and told hi the story" $hereupon he becae angry# sat up and
said# HHe $ho kno$s a thing can say# it# but if he does not kno$# he should say# 'Allah kno$s best#' for
it is an aspect of kno$ledge to say# 'I do not kno$#' if you do not kno$ a certain thing% Allah said to
His prophet% 'Say !E Muhaad": Do $age do I ask of you for this !,ur'an"# nor I a one of the pre)
tenders !a person $ho pretends things $hich do not e*ist%"' !<7%75"
&he ,ur'aish delayed in ebracing Isla for a period# so the Prophet in(oked e(il on the# saying#
'E AllahI Help e against the by sending se(en years of !faine" like those of /oseph%' So they $ere
afflicted $ith such a se(ere year of faine that they $ere destroyed therein and ate dead anials
and bones% &hey started seeing soething like soke bet$een the sky and the earth !because of
se(ere hunger"% Abu Sufyan then cae !to the Prophet" and said# HE MuhaadI Kou cae to order
us for to keep good relations $ith Kith and kin# and your kinsen ha(e no$ perished# so please in)
(oke Allah !to relie(e the"%' &hen Ibn Mas'ud recited:)) '&hen $atch you for the day that the sky
$ill bring forth a kind of soke plainly (isible%%%%but truly you $ill returnI !to disbelief" !22%06)04"
=olue 5 ) 064: ? 0:66
Ibn Mas'ud added# &hen the punishent $as stopped# but truly# they re(erted to heathenis !their
old $ay"% So Allah !threatened the thus": 'En the day $hen $e shall sei-e you $ith a ighty grasp%'
!22%05" And that $as the day of the Battle of Badr% Allah's saying) H;i-aaH !the punishent" refers
to the day of Badr Allah's Stateent:
'Alif);a)Mi# the Roans ha(e been defeated# and they# after their defeat# $ill be (ictorious#'
!<6%0)<" !&his (erse": Indicates that the defeat of By-antine has already passed%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 317:
Darrated Abu) Huraira: Allah's Apostle said# HDo child is born e*cept on Al)Bitra !Isla" and then
his parents ake hi /e$ish# 9hristian or Magian# as an anial produces a perfect young anial: do
you see any part of its body aputatedJH &hen he rec
'&he religion of pure Islaic Baith !Hanifa"#!i%e% to $orship none but Allah"# &he pure Allah's Isla)
ic nature $ith $hich He !Allah" has created ankind% ;et &here be no change in Allah's religion !i%e%
to .oin none in Allah's $orship"% &hat is the straight religionL but ost of en kno$ not%%%H !<6%<6"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 311:
Darrated Abdullah:
@hen there $as re(ealed: 'It is those $ho belie(e and confuse not their beliefs $ith $rong%' !5%73"
It $as (ery hard for the copanions of Allah's Apostle# so they said# H@hich of us has not confused
his belief $ith $rongJH Allah's Apostle said# H&he =erse does not ean this% 8on't you hear ;uCan's
stateent to his son: '=erilyI /oining others in $orship# $ith Allah is a great $rong indeed%' !<0%0<"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <66:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Ene day $hile Allah's Apostle $as sitting $ith the people# a an cae to hi $alking and said#
HE Allah's Apostle% @hat is BeliefJH &he Prophet said# HBelief is to belie(e in Allah# His Angels# His
Books# His Apostles# and the eeting $ith Hi# and to belie(e in the Resurrection%H &he an asked#
HE Allah's Apostle @hat is IslaJH &he Prophet replied# HIsla is to $orship Allah and not $orship
anything besides Hi# to offer prayers perfectly# to pay the !copulsory" charity i%e% Fakat and to fast
the onth of Raadan%H &he an again asked# HE Allah's Apostle @hat is Ihsan !i%e% perfection or Be)
ne(olence"JH &he Prophet said# HIhsan is to $orship Allah as if you see Hi# and if you do not achie(e
this state of de(otion# then !take it for granted that" Allah sees you%H &he an further asked# HE Allah's
Apostle @hen $ill the Hour be establishedJH
&he Prophet replied# H&he one $ho is asked about it does not kno$ ore than the Cuestioner does#
but I $ill describe to you its portents% @hen the lady sla(e gi(es birth to her istress# that $ill be of
=olue 5 ) 0647 ? 0:66
its portentsL $hen the bare)footed naked people becoe the chiefs of the people# that $ill be of its
portents% &he Hour is one of fi(e things $hich nobody kno$s e*cept Allah% =erily# the kno$ledge of
the Hour is $ith Allah !alone"% He sends do$n the rain# and kno$s that $hich is in the $obs%H
!<0%<2" &hen the an left% &he Prophet said# H9all hi back to e%H &hey $ent to call hi back but
could not see hi% &he Prophet said# H&hat $as Aabriel $ho cae to teach the people their religion%H
!See Hadith Do% 2: =ol 0"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <60:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
&he Prophet said# H&he keys of the Unseen are fi(e%H And then he recited:
'=erily# the kno$ledge of the Hour is $ith Allah !alone"%' !<0%<2"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <63:
Darrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said# HAllah said# 'I ha(e prepared for y pious $orshipers
such things as no eye has e(er seen# no ear has e(er heard of# and nobody has e(er thought of%H Abu
Huraira added: If you $ish you can read:)) 'Do soul
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <6<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet# said# HAllah said# 'I ha(e prepared for My pious $orshipers such things as no eye has
e(er seen# no ear has e(er heard of# and nobody has e(er thought of% All that is reser(ed# besides
$hich# all that you ha(e seen# is nothing%H &hen he recited:))
'Do soul kno$s $hat is kept hidden !in reser(e" for the of .oy as a re$ard for $hat they used to
do%' !<3%0:"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <62:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&here is no belie(er but I# of all the people# I a the closest to hi both in this
$orld and in the Hereafter% Recite if you $ish: '&he Prophet is closer to the belie(ers than their o$n
sel(es%' !<<%5" so if a belie(er !dies" lea(es soe property then his relati(es $ill inherit that propertyL
but if he is in debt or he lea(es poor children# let those !creditors and children" coe to e !that I
ay pay the debt and pro(ide for the children"# for the I a his sponsor !surely"%
=olue 5 ) 0641 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <64:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
@e used not to call Faid bin Haritha the freed sla(e of Allah's Apostle e*cept Faid bin Muhaad
till the ,u'anic =erse $as re(ealed: H9all the !adopted sons" by !the naes of" their fathers% &hat is
ore than .ust in the Sight of Allah%H !<<%4"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <65:
Darrated Anas:
@e think that the =erse: 'Aong the Belie(ers are en $ho ha(e been true to their co(enant $ith
Allah%' $as re(ealed in fa(or of Anas bin An)Dadir%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <6::
Darrated Faid bin &habit:
@hen $e collected the fragraentary anuscripts of the ,ur'an into copies# I issed one of the
=erses of Surat al)Ah-ab $hich I used to hear Allah's Apostle reading% Binally I did not find it $ith
anybody e*cept Khu-aia Al)Ansari# $hose $itness $as considered by Allah's Apostle eCual to the
$itness of t$o en% !And that =erse $as:"
'Aong the belie(ers are en $ho ha(e been true to their co(enant $ith Allah%'
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <67:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" Allah's Apostle cae to e $hen Allah ordered hi to gi(e option to his
$i(es% So Allah's Apostle started $ith e# saying# HI a going to ention to you soething but you
should not hasten !to gi(e your reply" unless you consult your parents%' He kne$ that y parents
$ould not order e to lea(e hi% &hen he said# HAllah says:))
HE ProphetI Say to your $i(es%%%H !<<%37)31"
En that I said to hi# H&hen $hy should I consult y parentsJ =erily# I seek Allah# His Apostle and
the Hoe of the Hereafter%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <61:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" $hen Allah's Apostle $as ordered to gi(e option to his $i(es# he started
$ith e# saying# HI a going to ention to you soething# but you shall not hasten !to gi(e your
=olue 5 ) 0656 ? 0:66
reply" unless you consult your parents%H &he Prophet kne$ that y parents $ould not order e to
lea(e hi% &hen he said# HAllah says: 'E Prophet !Muhaad"I Say to your $i(es: If you desire the
life of this $orld and its glitter%%%%%%%%a great re$ard%H !<<%37)31" I said# H&hen $hy I consult y par)
entsJ =erily# I seek Allah# His Apostle and the Hoe of the Hereafter%H &hen all the other $i(es of the
Prophet did the sae as I did%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <06:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he =erse: 'But you did hide in your ind that $hich Allah $as about to ake anifest%' !<<%<:"
$as re(ealed concerning Fainab bint /ahsh and Faid bin Haritha%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <00:
Darrated Aisha:
I used to look do$n upon those ladies $ho had gi(en thesel(es to Allah's Apostle and I used to
say# H9an a lady gi(e herself !to a an"JH But $hen Allah re(ealed: HKou !E Muhaad" can post)
pone !the turn of" $ho you $ill of the !your $i(es"# and you ay recei(e any of the $ho you
$illL and there is no blae on you if you in(ite one $hose turn you ha(e set aside !teporarily"%'
!<<%40" I said !to the Prophet"# HI feel that your ;ord hastens in fulfilling your $ishes and desires%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <03:
Darrated Muadha:
'Aisha said# HAllah's Apostle used to take the perission of that $ife $ith $ho he $as supposed
to stay o(ernight if he $anted to go to one other than her# after this =erse $as re(ealed:))
HKou !E Muhaad" can postpone !the turn of" $ho you $ill of the !your $i(es" and you
ay recei(e any !of the" $ho you $illL and there is no blae on you if you in(ite one $hose turn
you ha(e set aside !teporarily"% !<<%40" I asked Aisha# H@hat did you use to say !in this case"JH She
said# HI used to say to hi# HIf I could deny you the perission !to go to your other $i(es" I $ould not
allo$ your fa(or to be besto$ed on any other person%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <0<:
Darrated Uar: I said# HE Allah's ApostleI Aood and bad persons enter upon you# so I suggest that
you order the others of the Belie(ers !i%e% your $i(es" to obser(e (eils%H &hen Allah re(ealed the
=erses of Al)Hi.ab%
=olue 5 ) 0650 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <02:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hen Allah's Apostle arried Fainab bint /ahsh# he in(ited the people to a eal% &hey took the
eal and reained sitting and talking% &hen the Prophet !sho$ed the" as if he is ready to get up#
yet they did not get up% @hen he noticed that !there $as no response to his o(eent"# he got up#
and the others too# got up e*cept three persons $ho kept on sitting% &he Prophet cae back in order
to enter his house# but he $ent a$ay again% &hen they left# $hereupon I set out and $ent to the
Prophet to tell hi that they had departed# so he cae and entered his house% I $anted to enter along
$ith hi# but he put a screen bet$een e and hi% &hen Allah re(ealed:
'E you $ho belie(eI 8o not enter the houses of the Prophet%%%' !<<%4<"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <04:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
I of all the people kno$ best this (erse of Al)Hi.ab% @hen Allah's Apostle arried Fainab bint /ah)
sh she $as $ith hi in the house and he prepared a eal and in(ited the people !to it"% &hey sat
do$n !after finishing their eal" and started chatting% So the Prophet $ent out and then returned
se(eral ties $hile they $ere still sitting and talking% So Allah re(ealed the =erse:
'E you $ho belie(eI +nter not the Prophet's houses until lea(e is gi(en to you for a eal# !and
then" not !so early as" to $ait for its preparation %%%%%ask the fro behind a screen%' !<<%4<" So the
screen $as set up and the people $ent a$ay%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <05:
Darrated Anas:
A banCuet of bread and eat $as held on the occasion of the arriage of the Prophet to Fainab
bint /ahsh% I $as sent to in(ite the people !to the banCuet"# and so the people started coing !in
groups"L &hey $ould eat and then lea(e% Another batch $ould coe# eat and lea(e% So I kept on in(it)
ing the people till I found nobody to in(ite% &hen I said# HE Allah's ProphetI I do not find anybody to
in(ite%H He said# H9arry a$ay the reaining food%H &hen a batch of three persons stayed in the house
chatting% &he Prophet left and $ent to$ards the d$elling place of Aisha and said# HPeace and Allah's
Mercy be on you# E the people of the houseIH She replied# HPeace and the ercy of Allah be on you
too% Ho$ did you find your $ifeJ May Allah bless you% &hen he $ent to the d$elling places of all his
other $i(es and said to the the sae as he said to Aisha and they said to hi the sae as Aisha had
said to hi% &hen the Prophet returned and found a group of three persons still in the house chat)
ting% &he Prophet $as a (ery shy person# so he $ent out !for the second tie" and $ent to$ards the
d$elling place of 'Aisha% I do not reeber $hether I infored hi that the people ha(e gone a$ay%
=olue 5 ) 0653 ? 0:66
So he returned and as soon as he entered the gate# he dre$ the curtain bet$een e and hi# and
then the =erse of Al)Hi.ab $as re(ealed%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <0::
Darrated Anas:
@hen Allah's Apostle arried Fainab bint /ahsh# he ade the people eat eat and bread to their
fill !by gi(ing a @alia banCuet"% &hen he $ent out to the d$elling places of the others of the be)
lie(ers !his $i(es"# as he used to do in the orning of his arriage% He $ould greet the and in(oke
good on the# and they !too" $ould return his greeting and in(oke good on hi% @hen he returned
to his house# he found t$o en talking to each otherL and $hen he sa$ the# he $ent out of his
house again% @hen those t$o en sa$ Allah's Apostle: going out of his house# they Cuickly got up
!and departed"% I do not reeber $hether I infored hi of their departure# or he $as infored
!by soebody else"% So he returned# and $hen he entered the house# he lo$ered the curtain bet$een
e and hi% &hen the =erse of Al)Hi.ab $as re(ealed%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <07:
Darrated Aisha:
Sauda !the $ife of the Prophet" $ent out to ans$er the call of nature after it $as ade obligatory
!for all the Muslis ladies" to obser(e the (eil% She $as a fat huge lady# and e(erybody $ho kne$ her
before could recogni-e her% So 'Uar bin Al)Khattab sa$ her and said# HE SaudaI By Allah# you can)
not hide yourself fro us# so think of a $ay by $hich you should not be recogni-ed on going out%
Sauda returned $hile Allah's Apostle $as in y house taking his supper and a bone co(ered $ith
eat $as in his hand% She entered and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I $ent out to ans$er the call of
nature and 'Uar said to e so)and)so%H &hen Allah inspired hi !the Prophet" and $hen the state
of inspiration $as o(er and the bone $as still in his hand as he had not put in do$n# he said !to
Sauda"# HKou !$oen" ha(e been allo$ed to go out for your needs%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <01:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Aflah# the brother of Abi Al),uais# asked perission to (isit e after the order of Al)Hi.ab $as re)
(ealed% I said# HI $ill not perit hi unless I take perission of the Prophet about hi for it $as not
the brother of Abi Al),u'ais but the $ife of Abi Al),u'ais that nursed e%H &he Prophet entered upon
e# and I said to hi# HE Allah's ApostleI Allah# the brother of Abi Al),u'ais asked perission to (isit
e but I refused to perit hi unless I took your perission%H &he Prophet said# H@hat stopped you
fro peritting hiJ He is your uncle%H I said# HE Allah's ApostleI &he an $as not the person $ho
had nursed e# but the $oan# the $ife of Abi Al),u'ais had nursed e%H He said# HAdit hi# for
=olue 5 ) 065< ? 0:66
he is your uncle% &aribat Kainuki !ay your right hand be sa(ed"H 'Ur$a# the sub)narrator added:
Bor that 'Aisha used to say# H9onsider those things $hich are illegal because of blood relations as il)
legal because of the corresponding foster relations%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <36:
Darrated Ka'b bin U.ra:
It $as said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e kno$ ho$ to greet you# but ho$ to in(oke Allah for youJH &he
Prophet said# HSay: Allahua salli ala Muhaadin $a'ala Ali Muhaaddin# kaa sallaita 'ala
all Ibrahi# innaka Haidun
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <30:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
@e said# HE Allah's ApostleI !@e kno$" this greeting !to you" but ho$ shall $e in(oke Allah for
youJH He said# HSayI Allahua salli ala Muhaadin 'Abdika $a rasulika kaa) sallaita 'ala all
Ibrahi $a barik ala Muhaadin $a'ala all Muhaadin kaa barakta 'ala all Ibrahi%' Al);aith
said: 'Ala Muhaadin $a 'ala all Muhaadin kaa barakta ala all Ibrahi%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <33:
Darrated Ibn Abi Ha-i and Ad)8ara$ardi:
Ka-id said# HKaa sallaita ala Ibrahia $a barik 'ala Muhaad in $a all Muhaadin kaa
barakta 'ala Abrahia $a all Ibrahi%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <3<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HMoses $as a shy an# and that is $hat the Stateent of Allah eans:
'E you $ho belie(e Be not like those $ho annoyed Moses# but Allah pro(ed his innocence of that
$hich they alleged and he $as honorable in Allah's Sight%' !<<%51"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <32:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Prophet said# H@hen Allah decrees soe order in the hea(en# the angels flutter their $ings
indicating coplete surrender to His saying $hich sounds like chains being dragged on rock% And
$hen the state of fear disappears# they ask each other# H@hat has your ;ord orderedJ &hey say that
He has said that $hich is true and .ust# and He is the Most High# the Most Areat%H !<2%3<"% &hen the
=olue 5 ) 0652 ? 0:66
stealthy listeners !de(ils" hear this order# and these stealthy listeners are like this# one o(er the other%H
!Sufyan# a sub)narrator deonstrated that by holding his hand upright and separating the fingers%"
A stealthy listener hears a $ord $hich he $ill con(ey to that $hich is belo$ hi and the second $ill
con(ey it to that $hich is belo$ hi till the last of the $ill con(ey it to the $i-ard or foreteller%
Soeties a flae !fire" ay strike the de(il before he can con(ey it# and soeties he ay con(ey
it before the flae !fire" strikes hi# $hereupon the $i-ard adds to that $ord a hundred lies% &he
people $ill then say# '8idn't he !i%e% agician" tell such)and)such a thing on such)and)such dateJ'
So that agician is said to ha(e told the truth because of the Stateent $hich has been heard fro
the hea(ens%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <34:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Ene day the Prophet ascended Safa ountain and said# HEh SabahI H All the ,uraish gathered
round hi and said# H@hat is the atterJH He said# ;ook# if I told you that an eney is going to attack
you in the orning or in the e(ening# $ould you not belie(e eJH &hey said# HKes# $e $ill belie(e
you%H He said# HI a a $arner to you in face of a terrible punishent%H En that Abu ;ahab said# HMay
you perish I Is it for this thing that you ha(e gathered usJH So Allah re(ealed:
'Perish the hands of Abu ;ahabI%%%' !000%0"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <35:
Darrated Abu 8harr:
Ence I $as $ith the Prophet in the osCue at the tie of sunset% &he Prophet said# HE Abu 8harrI
8o you kno$ $here the sun setsJH I replied# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ best%H He said# HIt goes and
prostrates underneath !Allah's" &hroneL and that is Allah's Stateent:))
'And the sun runs on its fi*ed course for a ter !decreed"% And that is the decree of All)Mighty# the
All)Kno$ing%%%%' !<5%<7"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <3::
Darrated Abu 8harr:
I asked the Prophet about the Stateent of Allah:))
'And the sun runs on fi*ed course for a ter !decreed"# ' !<5%<7" He said# HIts course is underneath
HAllah's &hrone%H !Prostration of Sun trees# stars% entioned in ,ur'an and Hadith does not ean like
our prostration but it eans that these ob.ects are obedient to their 9reator !Allah" and they obey for
$hat they ha(e been created for"%
=olue 5 ) 0654 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <37:
Darrated Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# HDobody has the right to be better than !/onah" bin Matta%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <31:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HHe $ho says that I a better than /onah bin Matta# tells a lie%'
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <<6:
Darrated Al)A$$a:
I asked regarding the prostration in Surat Sad% He said# HIbn Abbas $as asked the sae
Cuestion and he said# '&hose are they !the prophets" $ho Allah had Auided% So follo$ their guid)
ance%H !5%16" Ibn 'Abbas used to perfor a prostration !on reading this Sura"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <<0:
Darrated Al)A$$a:
I asked Mu.ahid regarding the prostration in Surat Sad% He said# HI asked Ibn 'Abbas# '@hat e(id)
ence akes you prostrateJ' He said# H8on't you recite:))'And aong his progeny# 8a(id and So)
loon%%!5%72"% &hose are they $ho Allah had guided% So follo$ their guidance%' !5%16" So 8a(id $as
the one of those prophets $ho Prophet !Muhaad" $as ordered to follo$% 8a(id prostrated# so
Allah's Apostle !Muhaad" perfored this prostration too%'
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <<3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H;ast night a deon fro the /inns cae to e !or the Prophet said# a siilar
sentence" to disturb y prayer# but Allah ga(e e the po$er to o(ercoe hi% I intended to tie hi
to one of the pillars of the osCue till the orning so that all of you could see hi# but then I re)
ebered the Stateent of y brother Soloon:))'My ;ordI Borgi(e e and besto$ on e a king)
do such as shall not belong to any other after e%' !<7%<4" &he narrator added: &hen he !the Proph)
et" disissed hi# re.ected% 'Dor a I one of the pretenders !a person $ho pretends things $hich do
not e*ist"%' !<7%75"
=olue 5 ) 0655 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <<<:
Darrated MasruC:
@e cae upon 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud and he said HE peopleI If soebody kno$s soething# he can
say it# but if he does not kno$ it# he should say# HAllah kno$s better#' for it is a sign of ha(ing kno$)
ledge to say about soething $hich one does not kno$# 'Allah kno$s better%' Allah said to His Proph)
et: 'Say !E Muhaad I " Do $age do I ask of Kou for this !,uran" nor a I one of the pretenders !a
person $ho pretends things $hich do not e*ist"%' !<7%75" Do$ I $ill tell you about Ad)8ukhan !the
soke"# Allah's Apostle in(ited the ,uraish to ebrace Isla# but they delayed their response% So he
said# HE AllahI Help e against the by sending on the se(en years of faine siilar to the se(en
years of faine of /oseph%H So the faine year o(ertook the and e(erything $as destroyed till they
ate dead anials and skins% People started iagining to see soke bet$een the and the sky because
of se(ere hunger% Allah said:
'&hen $atch you for the 8ay that the sky $ill bring forth a kind of soke plainly (isible# co(ering
the people% % % &his is painful torent%' !22%06)00" !So they in(oked Allah" HEur ;ordI Reo(e the
punishent fro us really $e are belie(ers%H Ho$ can there be an !effectual" reinder for the
$hen an Apostle# e*plaining things clearly# has already coe to theJ &hen they had turned a$ay
fro hi and said: 'Ene taught !by a huan being"# a adanJ' '@e shall indeed reo(e punish)
ent for a $hile# but truly# you $ill re(ert !to disbelief"%' !22%03)04" @ill the punishent be re)
o(ed on the 8ay of ResurrectionJH 'Abdullah added# H&he punishent $as reo(ed fro the for a
$hile but they re(erted to disbelief# so Allah destroyed the on the 8ay of Badr% Allah said:
'&he day @e shall sei-e you $ith a ighty grasp% @e $ill indeed !then" e*act retribution%H !22%05"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <<2:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Soe pagans $ho coitted urders in great nuber and coitted illegal se*ual intercourse
e*cessi(ely# cae to Muhaad and said# HE MuhaadI @hate(er you say and in(ite people to# is
good: but $e $ish if you could infor us $hether $e can ake an e*piration for our !past e(il"
deeds%H So the 8i(ine =erses cae: '&hose $ho in(oke not $ith Allah any other god# not kill such life
as Allah has forbidden e*cept for .ust cause# nor coit illegal se*ual intercourse%' !34%57" And
there $as also re(ealed:)) 'Say: E My sla(es $ho ha(e transgressed against their soulsI 8espair not
of the Mercy of Allah%' !<1%4<"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <<4:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
=olue 5 ) 065: ? 0:66
A !/e$ish" Rabbi cae to Allah's Apostle and he said# HE MuhaadI @e learn that Allah $ill put
all the hea(ens on one finger# and the earths on one finger# and the trees on one finger# and the $a)
ter and the dust on one finger# and all the other created beings on one finger% &hen He $ill say# 'I a
the King%' &hereupon the Prophet siled so that his pre)olar teeth becae (isible# and that $as the
confiration of the Rabbi% &hen Allah's Apostle recited:
'Do .ust estiate ha(e they ade of Allah such as due to Hi%' !<1%5:"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <<5:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HAllah $ill hold the $hole earth# and roll all the hea(ens up in His
Right Hand# and then He $ill say# 'I a the KingL $here are the kings of the earthJH'
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <<::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HI $ill be the first to raise y head after the second blo$ing of the trupet and
$ill see Moses hanging the &hrone# and I $ill not kno$ $hether he had been in that state all the
tie or after the blo$ing of the trupet%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <<7:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HBet$een the t$o blo$ing of the trupet there $ill be forty%H &he people said# HE
Abu HurairaI Borty daysJH I refused to reply% &hey said# HBorty yearsJH I refused to reply and added:
+(erything of the huan body $ill decay e*cept the coccy* bone !of the tail" and fro that bone Al)
lah $ill reconstruct the $hole body%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <<1:
Darrated Ur$a bin A-)Fubair:
I asked 'Abdullah bin 'Ar bin Al)'As to infor e of the $orst thing the pagans had done to Al)
lah's Apostle% He said: H@hile Allah's Apostle $as praying in the courtyard of the ka'ba# 'UCba bin Abi
Mu'ait cae and sei-ed Allah's Apostle by the shoulder and t$isted his garent round his neck and
throttled hi se(erely% Abu Bakr cae and sei-ed 'UCba's shoulder and thre$ hi a$ay fro Allah's
Apostle and said# H@ould you kill a an because he says: 'My ;ord is Allah#' and has coe to you
$ith clear Signs fro your ;ordJH !26%37"
=olue 5 ) 0657 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <26:
Darrated Ibn Mas'ud:
!regarding" the =erse: 'And you ha(e not been screening against yourself lest your ears# and your
eyes and your skins should testify against you%%' !20%33" @hile t$o persons fro ,uraish and their
brother)in)la$ fro &haCif !or t$o persons fro &haCif and their brother)in)la$ fro ,uraish"
$ere in a house# they said to each other# H8o you think that Allah hears our talksJH Soe said# HHe
hears a portion thereofH Ethers said# HIf He can hear a portion of it# He can hear all of it%H &hen the
follo$ing =erse $as re(ealed:
'And you ha(e not been screening against yourself lest your ears# and your eyes and your skins
should testify against you%%%' !20%33"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <20:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&here gathered near the House !i%e% the Ka'ba" t$o ,uraishi persons and a person fro &haCif !or
t$o persons fro &haCif and one fro ,uraish"# and all of the $ith (ery fat bellies but (ery little
intelligence% Ene of the said# H8o you think that Allah hears $hat $e sayJH Another said# HHe hears
us $hen $e talk in a loud (oice# but He doesn't hear us $hen $e talk in a lo$ tone%H &he third said#
HIf He can hear $hen $e talk in a loud tone# then He can also hear $hen $e speak in a lo$ tone%H
&hen Allah# the Honorable# the Ma.estic re(ealed:
'And you ha(e not been screening against yourself lest your ears# and eyes and your skins should
testify against you%%%%' !20%33)3<"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <23:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud:
!As abo(e# Hadith Do% <20"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <2<:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&hat he $as asked !regarding":
H+*cept to be kind to e for y Kinship $ith you%' !23%3<" Said bin Fubair !$ho $as present then"
said# HIt eans here !to sho$ $hat is due for" the relati(es of Muhaad%H En that Ibn Abbas said:
you ha(e hurried in gi(ing the ans$erI &here $as no branch of the tribe of ,uraish but the Prophet
had relati(es therein% &he Prophet said# HI do not $ant anything fro !you " e*cept to be Kind to e
for y Kinship $ith you%H
=olue 5 ) 0651 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <22:
Darrated Ka'la:
I heard the Prophet reciting $hen on the pulpit: '&hey $ill cry# HE Malik !Keeper of Hell" ;et your
;ord ake an end of us%' !2<%::"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <24:
Darrated Abdullah:
Bi(e things ha(e passed# i%e% the soke# the defeat of the Roans# the splitting of the oon# Al)Bat)
sha !the defeat of the infidels in the battle of Badr" and Al);i-a !the punishent"'
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <25:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
It !i%e%# the iagined soke" $as because# $hen the ,uraish refused to obey the Prophet# he asked
Allah to afflict the $ith years of faine siilar to those of !Prophet" /oseph% So they $ere stricken
$ith faine and fatigue# so uch so that they ate e(en bones% A an $ould look to$ards the sky and
iagine seeing soething like soke bet$een hi and the sky because of e*tree fatigue% So Allah
'&hen $atch you for the 8ay that the sky $ill bring forth a kind of soke plainly (isible# co(ering
the peopleL this is a painfull of torent%' !22%06)00"
&hen soeone !Abu Sufyan" cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI In(oke Allah to
send rain for the tribes of Mudar for they are on the (erge of destruction%H En that the Prophet said
!astonishingly" HShall I in(oke Allah" for the tribes of MudarJ =erily# you are a bra(e anIH But the
Prophet prayed for rain and it rained for the% &hen the =erse $as re(ealed%
'But truly you $ill return !to disbelief"%' !22%04" !@hen the faine $as o(er and" they restored
prsperity and $elfare# they re(erted to their $ays !of heathenis" $hereupon Allah re(ealed:
'En the 8ay $hen @e shall sei-e you $ith a Mighty Arasp% @e $ill indeed !then" e*act retribu)
tion%' !22%05" &he narrator said# H&hat $as the day of the Battle of Badr%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <2::
Darrated Abdullah:
It is a sign of ha(ing kno$ledge that# $hen you do not kno$ soething# you say: 'Allah kno$s
better%' Allah said to his Prophet:
=olue 5 ) 06:6 ? 0:66
'Say: Do $age do I ask of you for this !,ur'an"# nor a I one of the pretenders !a person $ho pre)
tends things $hich do not e*ist"' !<7%75" @hen the ,uraish troubled and stood against the Prophet
he said# HE AllahI Help e against the by afflicting the $ith se(en years of faine like the se(en
years of /oseph%H So they $ere stricken $ith a year of faine during $hich they ate bones and dead
anials because of too uch suffering# and one of the $ould see soething like soke bet$een
hi and the sky because of hunger% &hen they said: Eur ;ordI Reo(e the torent fro us# really
$e are belie(ers% !22%03" And then it $as said to the Prophet !by Allah"# HIf $e reo(e it fro the%
they $ill re(ert to their $ays !of heathenis"%H So the Prophet in(oked his ;ord# $ho reo(ed the
punishent fro the# but later they re(erted !to heathenis"# $hereupon Allah punished the on
the day of the Battle of Badr# and that is $hat Allah's Stateent indicates:
'&hen $atch for the day that the sky $ill bring forth a kind of soke plainly (isible%%%$e $ill in)
deed !then" e*act retribution%' !22%06"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <27:
Darrated MasruC:
I cae upon 'Abdullah and he said# H@hen Allah's Apostle in(ited ,uraish !to Isla"# they disbe)
lie(ed hi and stood against hi% So he !the Prophet" said# HE AllahI Help e against the by afflict)
ing the $ith se(en years of faine siilar to the se(en years of /oseph%' So they $ere stricken $ith
a year of drought that destroyed e(erything# and they started eating dead anials# and if one of the
got up he $ould see soething like soke bet$een hi and the sky fro the se(ere fatigue and
hunger%H Abdullah then recited:))
'&hen $atch you for the 8ay that the sky $ill bring forth a kind of soke plainly (isible# co(ering
the people% &his is a painful torent%%% !till he reached" %%%%%%%% @e shall indeed reo(e the punishent
for a $hile# but truly you $ill re(ert !to heathenis": !22%06)04" 'Abdullah added: H@ill the punish)
ent be reo(ed fro the on the 8ay of ResurrectionJH He added#H &he se(ere graspH $as the 8ay
of the Battle of Badr%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <21:
Darrated Abdullah:
Allah sent !the Prophet" Muhaad and said:))
'Say# Do $age do I ask of you for this !,ur'an" nor a I one of the pretenders !i%e% a person $ho
pretends things $hich do not e*ist"% !<7%57" @hen Allah's Apostle sa$ ,uraish standing against hi#
he said# HE AllahI Help e against the by afflicting the $ith se(en years of faine siilar to the
se(en years !of faine" of /oseph% So they $ere afflicted $ith a year of drought that destroyed
e(erything# and they ate bones and hides% !Ene of the said"# HAnd they ate hides and dead anials#
and !it seeed to the that" soething like soke $as coing out of the earth% So Abu Sufyan cae
=olue 5 ) 06:0 ? 0:66
to the Prophet and said# HE MuhaadI Kour people are on the (erge of destructionI Please in(oke
Allah to relie(e the%H So the Prophet in(oked Allah for the !and the faine disappeared"% He said
to the% HKou $ill re(ert !to heathenis" after that%H 'Abdullah then recited:
'&hen $atch you for the 8ay that the sky $ill bring forth a kind of soke plainly (isible%%%%%%%but
truly you $ill re(ert !to disbelief"%' He added# H@ill the punishent be reo(ed fro the in the
HereafterJ &he soke and the grasp and the Al);i-a ha(e all passed%H Ene of the sub)narrater said#
H&he splitting of the oon%H And another said# H&he defeat of the Roans !has passed"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <46:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Bi(e things ha(e passed: Al);i-a# the defeat of the Roans# the ighty grasp# the splitting of the
oon# and the soke%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <40:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah said# '&he son of Ada hurts e for he abuses &ie though I a &ie:
in My Hands are all things# and I cause the re(olution of day and night%'
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <43:
Darrated Kusuf bin Mahak:
Mar$an had been appointed as the go(ernor of Hi.a- by Mua$iya% He deli(ered a seron and
entioned Ka-id bin Mua$iya so that the people ight take the oath of allegiance to hi as the suc)
cessor of his father !Mua$iya"% &hen 'Abdur Rahan bin Abu Bakr told hi soething $hereupon
Mar$an ordered that he be arrested% But 'Abdur)Rahan entered 'Aisha's house and they could not
arrest hi% Mar$an said# HIt is he !'AbdurRahan" about $ho Allah re(ealed this =erse:))
'And the one $ho says to his parents: 'Bie on youI 8o you hold out the proise to e%%J'H
En that# 'Aisha said fro behind a screen# HAllah did not re(eal anything fro the ,ur'an about us
e*cept $hat $as connected $ith the declaration of y innocence !of the slander"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <4<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet"# I ne(er sa$ Allah's Apostle laughing loudly enough to enable e to see
his u(ula# but he used to sile only% And $hene(er he sa$ clouds or $inds# signs of deep concern
$ould appear on his face% I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hen people see clouds they usually feel happy#
=olue 5 ) 06:3 ? 0:66
hoping that it $ould rain# $hile I see that $hen you see clouds# one could notice signs of dissatisfac)
tion on your face%H He said# HE 'AishaI @hat is the guarantee for e that there $ill be no punishent
in it# since soe people $ere punished $ith a $indJ =erily# soe people sa$ !recei(ed" the punish)
ent# but !$hile seeing the cloud" they said# '&his cloud $ill gi(e us rain%' H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <42:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah created His creation# and $hen He had finished it# the $ob# got up and
caught hold of Allah $hereupon Allah said# H@hat is the atterJ' En that# it said# 'I seek refuge $ith
you fro those $ho se(er the ties of Kith and kin%' En that Allah said# '@ill you be satisfied if I be)
sto$ My fa(ors on hi $ho keeps your ties# and $ithhold My fa(ors fro hi $ho se(ers your
tiesJ' En that it said# 'Kes# E y ;ordI' &hen Allah said# '&hat is for you%' H Abu Huraira added: If you
$ish# you can recite: H@ould you then if you $ere gi(en the authority% do ischief in the land and
se(er your ties of kinship% !2:% 33"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <44:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
!As abo(e# Do% <42# but added" &hen Allah's Apostle said# HRecite if you $ish: H@ould you then%H %%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <45:
Darrated Mua$iya bin Abi Al)Mu-arrad:
Allah's Apostle# said# HRecite if you $ish: @ould you then if you $ere gi(en the authority%H !2:%33"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <4::
Darrated Asla:
@hile Allah's Apostle $as proceeding at night during one of his .ourneys and 'Uar bin Al)Khat)
tab $as tra(eling beside hi# 'Uar asked hi about soething but Allah's Apostle did not reply% He
asked again# but he did not reply# and then he asked !for the third tie" but he did not reply% En that#
'Uar bin Al)Khattab said to hiself# H&hakilat Uu 'Uar !May 'Uar's other lose her son"I I
asked Allah's Apostle three ties but he did not reply%H 'Uar then said# HI ade y cael run faster
and $ent ahead of the people# and I $as afraid that soe ,ur'anic =erses ight be re(ealed about
e% But before getting in(ol(ed in any other atter% I heard soebody calling e% I said to yself# 'I
fear that soe ,ur'anic =erses ha(e been re(ealed about e#' and so I $ent to Allah's Apostle and
greeted hi%
=olue 5 ) 06:< ? 0:66
He !Allah's Apostle " said# '&onight a Sura has been re(ealed to e# and it is dearer to e than that
on $hich the sun rises !i%e% the $orld"' &hen he recited: H=erily# @e ha(e gi(en you a anifest (ic)
tory%H !27%0"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <47:
Darrated Anas:
H=erily# @e ha(e gi(en you !E Muhaad" a anifest (ictory%' refers to Al)Hudaibiya Peace
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <41:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mughaffal:
En the 8ay of the 9onCuest of Mecca# the Prophet recited Surat Al)Bath in a (ibrating and pleas)
ant (oice% !Mua$aiya# the subnarrator said# HIf I could iitate the recitation of the Prophet I $ould
do so%H"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <56:
Darrated Al)Mughira:
&he Prophet used to offer night prayers till his feet becae s$ollen% Soebody said# to hi#H HAllah
has forgi(en you# your faults of the past and those to follo$%H En that# he said# HShouldn't I be a
thankful sla(e of Allah"JH
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <50:
Darrated Aisha:
&he Prophet used to offer prayer at night !for such a long tie" that his feet used to crack% I said#
HE Allah's ApostleI @hy do you do it since Allah has forgi(en you your faults of the past and those to
follo$JH He said# HShouldn't I lo(e to be a thankful sla(e !of Allah"J' @hen he becae old# he prayed
$hile sitting# but if he $anted to perfor a bo$ing# he $ound get up# recite !soe other (erses" and
then perfor the bo$ing%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <53:
Darrated Abdullah bin Ar bin Al)As:
&his =erse:
'=erily @e ha(e sent you !E Muhaad" as a $itness# as a bringer of glad tidings and as a
$arner%' !27%7"
=olue 5 ) 06:2 ? 0:66
@hich is in the ,ur'an# appears in the Surah thus: '=erily @e ha(e sent you !E Muhaad" as a
$itness# as a bringer of glad tidings and as a $arner# and as a protector for the illiterates !i%e%# the Ar)
abs%" Kou are y sla(e and My Apostle# and I ha(e naed you Al)Muta$akkil !one $ho depends
upon Allah"% Kou are neither hard)hearted nor of fierce character# nor one $ho shouts in the ar)
kets% Kou do not return e(il for e(il# but e*cuse and forgi(e% Allah $ill not take you unto Hi till He
guides through you a crocked !cur(ed" nation on the right path by causing the to say: HDone has
the right to be $orshipped but Allah%H @ith such a stateent He $ill cause to open blind eyes# deaf
ears and hardened hearts%'
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <5<:
Darrated Al)Bara:
@hile a an fro the copanions of the Prophet $as reciting !,uran" and his horse $as tied in
the house# the horse got startled and started .uping% &he an cae out# looked around but could
not find anything# yet the horse $ent on .uping% &he ne*t orning he entioned that to the
&he Prophet said# H&hat $as the tranCuility !calness" $hich descended because of the recitation
of the ,uran%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <52:
Darrated /abir:
@e $ere one thousand and four hundred on the 8ay of Al)Hudaibiya%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <54:
Darrated 'UCba bin Sahban:
'Abdullah bin Mughaffal Al)Mu-ani $ho $as one of those $ho $itnessed !the e(ent of" the tree#
said# H&he Prophet forbade the thro$ing of sall stones !$ith t$o fingers"%H 'Abdullah bin Al)
Mughaffal Al)Mu-ani also said# H&he Prophet also forbade urinating at the place $here one takes a
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <55:
Darrated &habit bin Ad)8ahhak:
$ho $as one of the copanions of the tree !those $ho s$ore allegiance to the Prophet beneath
the tree at Al)Hudaibiya":
=olue 5 ) 06:4 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <5::
Darrated Habib bin Abi &habit:
I $ent to Abu @ail to ask hi !about those $ho had rebelled against 'Ali"% En that Abu @ail said#
H@e $ere at Siffin !a city on the bank of the +uphrates# the place $here e battle took place bet$een
'Ali and Mua$iya" A an said# H@ill you be on the side of those $ho are called to consult Allah's
Book !to settle the dispute"JH 'Ali said# 'Kes !I agree that $e should settle the atter in the light of the
,ur'an"%H ' Soe people ob.ected to 'Ali's agreeent and $anted to fight% En that Sahl bin Hunaif
said# 'Blae yoursel(esI I reeber ho$# on the day of Al)Hudaibiya !i%e% the peace treaty bet$een
the Prophet and the ,uraish pagans"# if $e had been allo$ed to choose fighting# $e $ould ha(e
fought !the pagans"% At that tie 'Uar cae !to the Prophet" and said# HAren't $e on the right !path"
and they !pagans" in the $rongJ @on't our killed persons go to Paradise# and theirs in the BireJH &he
Prophet replied# HKes%H Uar further said# H&hen $hy should $e let our religion be degraded and re)
turn before Allah has settled the atter bet$een usJH &he Prophet said# HE the son of Al)KhattabI Do
doubt# I a Allah's Apostle and Allah $ill ne(er neglect e%H So Uar left the place angrily and he
$as so ipatient that he $ent to Abu Bakr and said# HE Abu BakrI Aren't $e on the right !path" and
they !pagans" on the $rongJH Abu Bakr said# HE the son of Al)KhattabI He is Allah's Apostle# and Al)
lah $ill ne(er neglect hi%H &hen Sura Al)Bath !&he =ictory" $as re(ealed%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <57:
Darrated Ibn Abi Mulaika:
&he t$o righteous persons $ere about to be ruined% &hey $ere Abu Bakr and 'Uar $ho raised
their (oices in the presence of the Prophet $hen a ission fro Bani &ai cae to hi% Ene of the
t$o recoended Al)ACra' bin Habeas# the brother of Bani Mu.ashi !to be their go(ernor" $hile the
other recoended soebody else% !Dafi'# the sub)narrator said# I do not reeber his nae"% Abu
Bakr said to Uar# HKou $anted nothing but to oppose eIH 'Uar said# HI did not intend to oppose
you%H &heir (oices gre$ loud in that arguent# so Allah re(ealed:
'E you $ho belie(eI Raise not your (oices abo(e the (oice of the Prophet%' !21%3" Ibn A-)Fubair
said# HSince the re(elation of this =erse# 'Uar used to speak in such a lo$ tone that the Prophet had
to ask hi to repeat his stateents%H But Ibn A-)Fubair did not ention the sae about his !ater)
nal" grandfather !i%e% Abu Bakr"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <51:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet issed &habit bin ,ais for a period !So he inCuired about hi"% A an said% HE Allah's
ApostleI I $ill bring you his ne$s%H So he $ent to &habit and found hi sitting in his house and bo$)
ing his head% &he an said to &habit# H '@hat is the atter $ith youJH &habit replied that it $as an
=olue 5 ) 06:5 ? 0:66
e(il affair# for he used to raise his (oice abo(e the (oice of the Prophet and so all his good deeds had
been annulled# and he considered hiself as one of the people of the Bire% &hen the an returned to
the Prophet and told hi that &habit had said# so)and)so% !Musa bin Anas" said: &he an returned to
&habit $ith great glad tidings% &he Prophet said to the an% HAo back to hi and say to hi: HKou are
not fro the people of the Hell Bire# but fro the people of Paradise%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <:6:
Darrated Abdullah bin A-)Fubair:
A group of Bani &ai cae to the Prophet !and reCuested hi to appoint a go(ernor for the"%
Abu Bakr said# HAppoint Al),aCa bin Mabad%H Uar said# HAppoint Al)ACra' bin Habeas%H En that
Abu Bakr said !to 'Uar"% HKou did not $ant but to oppose eIH 'Uar replied HI did not intend to op)
pose youIH So both of the argued till their (oices gre$ loud% So the follo$ing =erse $as re(ealed:
'E you $ho belie(eI Be not for $ard%%%%%%' !21%0"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <:0:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H&he people $ill be thro$n into the !Hell" Bire and it $ill say: HAre there any
ore !to coe"J' !46%<6" till Allah puts His Boot o(er it and it $ill say# ',atiI ,atiI !+nough
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <:3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
!that the Prophet said" HIt $ill be said to the Hell# 'Are you filledJ' It $ill say# 'Are there any ore
!to coe"J' En that Allah $ill put His Boot on it# and it $ill say ',atiI ,atiI !+noughI +noughI"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <:<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HParadise and the Bire !Hell" argued# and the Bire !Hell" said# HI ha(e been gi(en
the pri(ilege of recei(ing the arrogant and the tyrants%' Paradise said# '@hat is the atter $ith eJ
@hy do only the $eak and the huble aong the people enter eJ' En that# Allah said to Paradise%
'Kou are My Mercy $hich I besto$ on $hoe(er I $ish of y ser(ants%' &hen Allah said to the !Hell"
Bire# 'Kou are y !eans of" punishent by $hich I punish $hoe(er I $ish of y sla(es% And each of
you $ill ha(e its fill%' As for the Bire !Hell"# it $ill not be filled till Allah puts His Boot o(er it
$hereupon it $ill say# ',atiI ,atiI' At that tie it $ill be filled# and its different parts $ill coe
=olue 5 ) 06:: ? 0:66
closer to each otherL and Allah $ill not $rong any of His created beings% As regards Paradise# Allah
$ill create a ne$ creation to fill it $ith%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <:2:
Darrated /arir bin Abdullah:
@e $ere in the copany of the Prophet on a fourteenth night !of the lunar onth"# and he looked
at the !full" oon and said# HKou $ill see your ;ord as you see this oon# and you $ill ha(e no
trouble in looking at Hi% So# $hoe(er can# should not iss the offering of prayers before sunrise
!Ba.r prayer" and before sunset !Asr prayer"%H &hen the Prophet recited:
'And celebrate the praises of your ;ord before the rising of the sun and before !its" setting%' !46%<1"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <:4:
Darrated Mu.ahid:
Ibn Abbas said# HAllah ordered His Prophet to celebrate Allah's praises after all prayers%H He refers
to His Stateent: 'After the prayers%' !46%26"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <:5:
Darrated U Salaa:
I coplained to Allah's Apostle that I $as sick# so he said# HPerfor the &a$af !of Ka'ba at Mecca"
$hile riding behind the people !$ho are perforing the &a$af on foot"%H So I perfored the &a$af
$hile Allah's Apostle $as offering the prayer by the side of the Ka'ba and $as reciting: 'By the Mount
!Saini" and by a 8ecree Inscribed%'
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <:::
Darrated /ubair bin Mut'i:
I heard the Prophet reciting Surat At)&ur in the Maghrib prayer# and $hen he reached the =erse:
'@ere they created by nothing# Er $ere they thesel(es the creators# Er did they create the Hea()
ens and the +arthJ Day# but they ha(e no fir belief Er do they o$n the treasures of Kour ;ordJ Er
ha(e they been gi(en the authority to do as they like%%%' !43%<4)<:" y heart $as about to fly !$hen I
reali-ed this fir arguent"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <:7:
Darrated MasruC:
=olue 5 ) 06:7 ? 0:66
I said to 'Aisha# HE MotherI 8id Prophet Muhaad see his ;ordJH Aisha said# H@hat you ha(e
said akes y hair stand on end I Kno$ that if soebody tells you one of the follo$ing three things#
he is a liar: @hoe(er tells you that Muhaad sa$ his ;ord# is a liar%H &hen Aisha recited the =erse:
'Do (ision can grasp Hi# but His grasp is o(er all (ision% He is the Most 9ourteous @ell)AcCuain)
ted $ith all things%' !5%06<" 'It is not fitting for a huan being that Allah should speak to hi e*cept
by inspiration or fro behind a (eil%' !23%40" 'Aisha further said# HAnd $hoe(er tells you that the
Prophet kno$s $hat is going to happen toorro$# is a liar%H She then recited:
'Do soul can kno$ $hat it $ill earn toorro$%' !<0%<2" She added: HAnd $hoe(er tell you that he
concealed !soe of Allah's orders"# is a liar%H &hen she recited: 'E ApostleI Proclai !the Message"
$hich has been sent do$n to you fro your ;ord%%' !4%5:" 'Aisha added% HBut the Prophet sa$ Aabriel
in his true for t$ice%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <:1:
Darrated Abdullah:
Regarding the =erses: 'And $as at a distance of but t$o bo$)lengths or !e(en" nearerL So did !Al)
lah" con(ey the Inspiration to His sla(e !Aabriel" and then he Aabriel" con(eyed !that to
Muhaad%%%' !4<%1)06" Ibn Mas'ud narrated to us that the Prophet had seen Aabriel $ith si* hun)
dred $ings%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <76:
Darrated ASSAI;AD&:
I asked Sir about the Stateent of Allah:
'And $as at a distance of but t$o bo$)lengths or !e(en" nearer% So did Allah con(ey the Inspira)
tion to His sla(e !Aabriel" and then he !Aabriel" con(eyed that to Muhaad%' !4<%06" He said# HAb)
dullah !bin Mas'ud" infored us that Muhaad had seen Aabriel $ith si* hundred $ings%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <70:
Darrated Abdullah:
!regarding the re(elation" &ruly he !Muhaad" did see of the signs of his ;ordL the AreatestI'
!4<%07" &he Prophet sa$ a green screen co(ering the hori-on%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <73:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
=olue 5 ) 06:1 ? 0:66
!regarding His Stateent about the ;at and the U--a: ;at $as originally a an $ho used to i*
Sa$iC for the pilgri%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <7<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er takes an oath in $hich he entions ;at and 'U--a !forgetfully"#
should say: Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah# and $hoe(er says to his copanion%
'9oe along# let us gable ust gi(e als !as an e*piation"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <72:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
I asked 'Aisha !regarding the Sai bet$een As Safa and Al)Mar$a"% She said# HEut of re(erence to
the idol Manat $hich $as placed in Al)Mushailal# those $ho used to assue Ihra in its nae# used
not to perfor Sai bet$een As)Safa and Al)Mar$a# so Allah re(ealed:
'=erilyI &he As)Safa and Al)Mar$a !t$o ountains at Mecca" are aong the sybols of Allah%'
&hereupon# Allah's Apostle and the Muslis used to perfor Sai !bet$een the"%H Sufyan said: &he
!idol" Manat $as at Al)Mushailal in ,udaid% 'Aisha added# H&he =erse $as re(ealed in connection
$ith the Ansar% &hey and !the tribe of" Ahassan used to assue lhra in the nae of Manat before
they ebraced Isla%H 'Aisha added# H&here $ere en fro the Ansar $ho used to assue lhra in
the nae of Manat $hich $as an idol bet$een Mecca and Medina% &hey said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e
used not to perfor the &a$af !Sai" bet$een As)Safa and Al)Mar$a out of re(erence to Manat%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <74:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet perfored a prostration $hen he finished reciting Surat)an)Da.# and all the
Muslis and pagans and /inns and huan beings prostrated along $ith hi%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <75:
Darrated Abdullah:
&he first Sura in $hich a prostration $as entioned# $as Sura An)Da. !&he Star"% Allah's Apostle
prostrated !$hile reciting it"# and e(erybody behind hi prostrated e*cept a an $ho I sa$ taking
a hand)full of dust in his hand and prostrated on it% ;ater I sa$ that an killed as an infidel# and he
$as Uaiya bin Khalaf%
=olue 5 ) 0676 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <7::
Darrated Ibn Masud:
8uring the lifetie of Allah's Apostle the oon $as split into t$o partsL one part reained o(er
the ountain# and the other part $ent beyond the ountain% En that# Allah's Apostle said# H@itness
this iracle%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <77:
Darrated Abdullah:
&he oon $as cleft asunder $hile $e $ere in the copany of the Prophet# and it becae t$o
parts% &he Prophet said# @itness# $itness !this iracle"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <71:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he oon $as cleft asunder during the lifetie of the Prophet
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <16:
Darrated Anas:
&he people of Mecca asked the Prophet to sho$ the a sign !iracle"% So he sho$ed the !the
iracle" of the clea(ing of the oon%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <10:
Darrated Anas:
&he oon $as cleft asunder into t$o parts%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <13:
Darrated Abdullah bin Masud:
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <1<:
Darrated Abdullah:
&he Prophet used to recite: 'Is there any that reeberJ And a furious $ind !plucking out en" as
if they $ere uprooted stes of pal trees# then ho$ terrible $as My punishent and My $arningsI'
=olue 5 ) 0670 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <12:
Darrated Abu IshaC:
A an asked Al)As$ad# 'is it 'Bahal in)Muddakir' or'%%MudhdhakirJH Al As$ad replied# 'I ha(e
heard Abdullah bin Masud reciting it# 'Bahal)in Muddakir'L I too# heard the Prophet reciting it 'Ba)
hal)in)Muddakir' $ith 'd'%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <14:
Darrated Abdullah:
&he Prophet recited: 'Bahal)in)Muddakir' HAnd =erily an abiding torent sei-ed the early in
the orning So# taste you My torent and My $arnings' !42%<7)<1"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <15:
Darrated Abdullah:
&he Prophet recited: 'Bahal)in Muddakir': 'And (erily# @e ha(e destroyed nations like unto youL
then is there any that $ill recei(e adonitionJ' !42%40"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <1::
Darrated Abdullah:
I recited before the Prophet 'Bahal)in)Mudhdhakir'% &he Prophet said# HIt is Bahal)in Mud)
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <17:
Darrated Abbas:
Allah's Apostle $hile in a tent on the day of the Battle of Badr# said# HE AllahI I reCuest you !to ful)
fill" Kour proise and contractI E AllahI If Kou $ish that you $ill not be $orshipped henceforth%%H
En that Abu Bakr held the Prophet by the hand and said# H&hat is enough# E Allah's Apostle Kou ha(e
appealed to your ;ord too pressingly#H $hile the Prophet $as putting on his aror% So Allah's Apostle
$ent out# reciting &heir ultitude $ill be put to flight# and they $ill sho$ their backs%' !42%24"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber <11:
Darrated Kusuf bin Mahik:
=olue 5 ) 0673 ? 0:66
I $as in the house of 'Aisha# the other of the Belie(ers% She said# H&his re(elation: HDay# but the
Hour is their appointed tie !for their full recopense"L and the Hour $ill be ore pre(ious and
ost bitter%H !42%25" $as re(ealed to Muhaad at Mecca $hile I $as a playfull little girl%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 266:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hile in his tent on the day the Battle of Badr# the Prophet said# HE AllahI I reCuest Kou !to fulfill"
Kour proise and contract% E AllahI It Kou $ish that the Belie(ers be destroyed"% Kou $ill ne(er be
$orshipped henceforth%H En that# Abu Bakr held the Prophet by the hand and said# H&hat is enough#
E Allah's ApostleI Kou ha(e appealed to your ;ord too pressinglyH &he Prophet $as $earing his ar)
or and then $ent out reciting:
'&heir ultitude $ill be put to flight and they $ill sho$ their backs% Day# but the Hour is their ap)
pointed tie !for their full recopense"# and the Hour $ill be ore pre(ious and ost bitter%'
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 260:
Darrated Abdullah bin ,ais:
Allah's Apostle said# H&$o gardens# the utensils and the contents of $hich are of sil(er# and t$o
other gardens# the utensils and contents of $hich are of gold% And nothing $ill pre(ent the people
$ho $ill be in the Aarden of +den fro seeing their ;ord e*cept the curtain of Ma.esty o(er His
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 263:
Darrated Abdullah bin ,ais:
Allah's Apostle said# HIn Paradise there is a pa(ilion ade of a single hollo$ pearl si*ty iles $ide#
in each corner of $hich there are $i(es $ho $ill not see those in the other cornersL and the belie()
ers $ill (isit and en.oy the% And there are t$o gardens# the utensils and contents of $hich are ade
of sil(erL and t$o other gardens# the utensils and contents of $hich are ade of so)and)so !i%e% gold"
and nothing $ill pre(ent the people staying in the Aarden of +den fro seeing their ;ord e*cept the
curtain of Ma.esty o(er His Bace%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 26<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIn Paradise there is a tree $hich is so big that a rider can tra(el in its shade for
one hundred years $ithout passing itL and if you $ish# you can recite:
=olue 5 ) 067< ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 262:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
I asked Ibn Abbas about Surat Al)&auba# and he said# HSurat Al)&aubaJ It is e*posure !of all the
e(ils of the infidels and the hypocrites"% And it continued re(ealing !that the oft)repeated
e*pression": '%%%and of the %%%and of the%' till they started thinking that none $ould be left unen)
tioned therein%H I said# H@hat about" Surat Al)AnfalJH He replied# HSurat Al)Anfal $as re(ealed in
connection $ith the Badr Battle%H I said# H!@hat about" Surat Al)HashrJH He replied# HIt $as re(ealed
in connection $ith Bani an)Dadir%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 264:
Darrated Said:
I asked Ibn 'Abbas about Surat Al)Hashr% He replied# HSay Surat An)Dadir%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 265:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
'Allah's Apostle burnt and cut do$n the pal trees of Bani An)Dadir $hich $ere at Al)Bu$air !a
place near Medina"% &here upon Allah re(ealed:
'@hat you !E Muslis" cut do$n of the pal trees !of the eney" or you left the standing on
their stes# it $as by the lea(e of Allah# so that He ight co(er $ith shae the rebellious%' !41%4"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 26::
Darrated Uar:
&he properties of Ba An)Dadir $ere aong the booty that Allah ga(e to His Apostle such Booty
$ere not obtained by any e*pedition on the part of Muslis# neither $ith ca(alry# nor $ith caelry%
So those properties $ere for Allah's Apostle only# and he used to pro(ide thereof the yearly e*pendit)
ure for his $i(es# and dedicate the rest of its re(enues for purchasing ars and horses as $ar ater)
ial to be used in Allah's 9ause%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 267:
Darrated AlCaa:
'Abdullah !bin Masud" said% HAllah curses those ladies $ho practice tattooing and those $ho get
thesel(es tattooed# and those ladies $ho reo(e the hair fro their faces and those $ho ake arti)
ficial spaces bet$een their teeth in order to look ore beautiful $hereby they change Allah's cre)
ation%H His saying reached a lady fro Bani Asd called U KaCub $ho cae !to Abdullah" and said#
=olue 5 ) 0672 ? 0:66
HI ha(e coe to kno$ that you ha(e cursed such)and)such !ladies"JH He replied# H@hy should I not
curse these $ho Allah's Apostle has cursed and $ho are !cursed" in Allah's BookIH U KaCub said#
HI ha(e read the $hole ,uran# but I did not find in it $hat you say%H He said# H=erily# if you ha(e read
it !i%e% the ,uran"# you ha(e found it% 8idn't you read:
'And $hatsoe(er the Apostle gi(es you take it and $hatsoe(er he forbids you# you abstain !fro it"%
She replied# HKes# I did#H He said# H=erily# Allah's Apostle forbade such things%H HShe said# HBut I see
your $ife doing these thingsJH He said# HAo and $atch her%H She $ent and $atched her but could not
see anything in support of her stateent% En that he said# HIf y $ife $as as you thought# I $ould
not keep her in y copany%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 261:
Darrated Abdullah !bin Mus'ud":
Allah's Apostle has cursed the lady $ho uses false hair%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 206:
Darrated 'Uar:
I recoend that y successor should take care of and secure the rights of the early eigrantsL
and I also ad(ise y successor to be kind to the Ansar $ho had hoes !in Medina" and had adopted
the Baith# before the Prophet igrated to the# and to accept the good fro their good ones and e*)
cuse their $rong doers%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 200:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I a suffering fro fatigue and hun)
ger%H &he Prophet sent !soebody" to his $i(es !to get soething"# but the essenger found nothing
$ith the% &hen Allah's Apostle said !to his copanions"% HIsn't there anybody $ho can entertain this
an tonight so that Allah ay be erciful to hiJH An Ansari an got up and said# HI !$ill# entertain
hi"# E Allah's ApostleIH So he $ent to his $ife and said to her# H&his is the guest of Allah's Apostle# so
do not keep anything a$ay fro hi%H She said% HBy Allah# I ha(e nothing but the children's food%H He
said# H@hen the children ask for their dinner# put the to bed and put out the lightL $e shall not take
our eals tonight#H She did so% In the orning the Ansari an $ent to Allah's Apostle $ho said# HAl)
lah $as pleased $ith !or He besto$ed His Mercy" on so)and)so and his $ife !because of their good
deed"%H &hen Allah re(ealed:
'But gi(e the preference o(er thesel(es e(en though they $ere in need of that%' !41%1"
=olue 5 ) 0674 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 203:
Darrated Ali:
Allah's Apostle sent e along $ith A-Fubair and Al)MiCdad and said# HProceed till you reach a
place called Raudat)Khakh $here there is a lady tra(elling in a ho$da on a cael% She has a letter%
&ake the letter fro her%H So $e set out# and our horses ran at full pace till $e reached Raudat Khakh#
and behold# $e sa$ the lady and said !to her"# H&ake out the letterIH She said# HI ha(e no letter $ith
e%H @e said# H+ither you take out the letter or $e $ill strip you of your clothes%H So she took the letter
out of her hair braid% @e brought the letter to the Prophet and behold# it $as addressed by Hatib bin
Abi Balta'a to soe pagans at Mecca# inforing the of soe of the affairs of the Prophet% &he
Prophet said# H@hat is this# E HatibJH Hatib replied# H8o not be hasty $ith e# E Allah's ApostleI I a
an Ansari an and do not belong to the !,uraish infidels" $hile the eigrants $ho $ere $ith you
had their relati(es $ho used to protect their failies and properties at Mecca% So# to copensate for
not ha(ing blood relation $ith the%' I intended to do the soe fa(or so that they ight protect y
relati(es !at Mecca"# and I did not do this out of disbelief or an inclination to desert y religion%H &he
Prophet then said !to his copanions"# HHe !Hatib" has told you the truth%H 'Uar said# HE Allah's
ApostleI Allo$ e to chop his head offJH &he Apostle said# HHe is one of those $ho $itnessed !fought
in" the Battle of Badr# and $hat do you kno$# perhaps Allah looked upon the people of Badr !Badr
$arriors" and said# '8o $hat you $ant as I ha(e forgi(en you%' H !Ar# a sub)narrator# said#: &his
=erse $as re(ealed about hi !Hatib":
'E you $ho belie(eI &ake not My eneies and your eneies as friends or protectors%' !56%0"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 20<:
Darrated 'Ali:
Sufyan $as asked $hether !the =erse": '&ake not My eneies and your eneies%%%'
$as re(ealed in connection $ith Hatib% Sufyan replied# H&his occurs only in the narration of the
people% I eori-ed the Hadith fro 'Ar# not o(erlooking e(en a single letter thereof# and I do not
kno$ of anybody $ho reebered it by heart other than yself%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 202:
Darrated Ur$a:
Aisha the $ife of the Prophet# said# HAllah's Apostle used to e*aine the belie(ing $oen $ho i)
grated to hi in accordance $ith this =erse: 'E ProphetI @hen belie(ing $oen coe to you to take
the oath of allegiance to you%%% =erilyI Allah is Eft)Borgi(ing Most Merciful%' !56%03" 'Aisha said# HAnd
if any of the belie(ing $oen accepted the condition !assigned in the abo(e)entioned =erse"# Al)
lah's Apostle $ould say to her% HI ha(e accepted your pledge of allegiance%H HHe $ould only say that#
=olue 5 ) 0675 ? 0:66
for# by Allah# his hand ne(er touched# any lady during that pledge of allegiance% He did not recei(e
their pledge e*cept by saying# HI ha(e accepted your pledge of allegiance for that%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 204:
Darrated U Atiya:
@e took the oath of allegiance to Allah's Apostle and he recited to us:
'&hey $ill not associate anything in $orship $ith Allah#' and forbade us to be$ail the dead%
&hereupon a lady $ithdre$ her hand !refrained fro taking the oath of allegiance"# and said# HBut
such)and)such lady laented o(er one of y relati(es# so I ust re$ard !do the sae o(er the dead
relati(es of" hers%H &he Prophet did not ob.ect to that# so she $ent !there" and returned to the Prophet
so he accepted her pledge of allegiance%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 205:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Regarding the saying of Allah:
'And they $ill not disobey you in any .ust atter%' !56%03" &hat $as one of the conditions $hich
Allah iposed on &he belie(ing" $oen !$ho cae to take the oath of allegiance to the Prophet"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 20::
Darrated 'Ubada bin As)Sait:
@hile $e $ere $ith the Prophet# he said# H@ill you s$ear to e the pledge of allegiance that you
$ill not $orship any thing besides Allah# $ill not coit illegal se*ual intercourse# and $ill not
stealJH &hen he recited the =erse concerning the $oen% !Sufyan# the subnarrator# often said that the
Prophet: added# H@hoe(er aong you fulfills his pledge# $ill recei(e his re$ard fro Allah# and
$hoe(er coits any of those sins and recei(es the legal punishent !in this life"# his punishent
$ill be an e*piation for that sinL and $hoe(er coits any of those sins and Allah screens hi# then
it is up to Allah to punish or forgi(e the%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 207:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
I $itnessed the 'Id)al)Bitr prayer $ith Allah's Apostle # Abu Bakr# 'Uar and 'UthanL and all of
the offered it before deli(ering the seron%%% and then deli(ered the seron% Ence the Prophet
!after copleting the prayer and the seron" cae do$n# as if I a no$ looking at hi $a(ing at
the en $ith his hand to sit do$n# and $alked through the till he# along $ith Bilal# reached !the
=olue 5 ) 067: ? 0:66
ro$s of" the $oen% &hen he recited: 'E ProphetI @hen belie(ing $oen coe to you to take the
oath of allegiance that they $ill not $orship anything other than Allah# $ill not steal# $ill not co)
it illegal se*ual intercourse# $ill not kill their children# and $ill not utter slander# intentionally
forging falsehood !by aking illegal children belonging to their husbands"'%%%%!56%03" Ha(ing fin)
ished# he said# '8o you agree to thatJH Ene lady# other than $ho none replied the Prophet said# HKes#
E Allah's ApostleIH !&he# sub)narrator# Al)Hasan did not kno$ $ho the lady $as%" &hen the Prophet
said to the: H@ill you gi(e alsJH &hereupon Bilal spread out his garent and the $oen started
thro$ing big
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 201:
Darrated /ubair bin Muti:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# 'I ha(e se(eral naes: I a Muhaad and I a Ahad# and I a
Al)Mahi $ith $ho Allah obliterates Kufr !disbelief"# and I a Al)Hashir !gatherer" at $hose feet
!i%e% behind $ho" the people $ill be gathered !on the 8ay of Resurrection"# and I a Al)ACib !i%e%
$ho succeeds the other prophets in bringing about good"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 236:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hile $e $ere sitting $ith the Prophet Surat Al)/uu'a $as re(ealed to hi# and $hen the =erse#
HAnd He !Allah" has sent hi !Muhaad" also to other !Muslis"%%%%%' !53%<" $as recited by the
Prophet# I said# H@ho are they# E Allah's ApostleJH &he Prophet did not reply till I repeated y Cues)
tion thrice% At that tie# Salan Al)Barisi $as $ith us% So Allah's Apostle put his hand on Salan#
saying# HIf Baith $ere at !the place of" Ath)&huraiya !pleiades# the highest star"# e(en then !soe en
or an fro these people !i%e% Salan's folk" $ould attain it%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 230:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said% &hen soe en fro these people $ould attain it%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 233:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
A cara(an of erchandise arri(ed at Medina on a Briday $hile $e $ere $ith the Prophet All the
people left !the Prophet and headed for the cara(an" e*cept t$el(e persons% &hen Allah re(ealed:))
'But $hen they see soe bargain or soe auseent they disperse headlong to it%' %%!53%00"
=olue 5 ) 0677 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 23<:
Darrated Faid bin ArCa:
@hile I $as taking part in a Aha-$a% I heard 'Abdullah bin Ubai !bin Abi Salul" saying% H8on't
spend on those $ho are $ith Allah's Apostle# that they ay disperse and go a$ay fro hi% If $e re)
turn !to Medina"# surely# the ore honorable $ill e*pel the eaner aongst the%H I reported that
!saying" to y uncle or to 'Uar $ho# in his turn# infored the Prophet of it% &he Prophet called e
and I narrated to hi the $hole story% &hen Allah's Apostle sent for 'Abdullah bin Ubai and his co)
panions# and they took an oath that they did not say that% So Allah's Apostle disbelie(ed y saying
and belie(ed his% I $as distressed as I ne(er $as before% I stayed at hoe and y uncle said to e%
HKou .ust $anted Allah's Apostle to disbelie(e your stateent and hate you%H So Allah re(ealed !the
Sura beginning $ith" '@hen the hypocrites coe to you%' !5<%0" &he Prophet then sent for e and
recited it and said# HE FaidI Allah confired your stateent%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 232:
Darrated Faid bin ArCa:
I $as $ith y uncle and I heard 'Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul# saying# H8on't spend on those $ho
are $ith Allah's Apostle that they ay disperse and go a$ay fro hi%H He also said# HIf $e return to
Medina# surely# the ore honorable $ill e*pel the eaner%H So I infored y uncle of that and then
y uncle infored Allah's Apostle thereof% Allah's Apostle sent for 'Abdullah bin Ubai and his co)
panions% &hey s$ore that they did not say anything of that sort Allah's Apostle deeed their state)
ent true and re.ected ine% &hereof I becae as distressed as I ha(e ne(er been before# and stayed
at hoe% &hen Allah re(ealed !Surat Al)MunafiCin":
'@hen the hypocrites coe to you%%%%%!5<%0" &hey are the ones $ho say: Spend nothing on those
$ho are $ith Allah's Apostle %%!5<%:" =erily the ore honorable $ill e*pel therefro the eaner%%'
Allah's Apostle sent for e and recited that Sura for e and said# HAllah has confired your state)
ent%H '&hat is because they belie(ed# then disbelie(ed# so a seal $as set on their hearts# therefore they
understand not%' !5<%<"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 234:
Darrated Faid bin ArCa:
@hen 'Abdullah bin Ubai said# H8o not spend on those $ho are $ith Allah's Apostle#H and also said#
HIf $e return to Medina#H I infored the Prophet of his saying% &he Ansar blaed e for that# and
'Abdullah bin Ubai s$ore that he did not say% I returned to y house and slept% Allah's Apostle then
=olue 5 ) 0671 ? 0:66
called e and I $ent to hi% He said# HAllah has confired your stateent%H &he =erse: H&hey are the
one $ho say: Spend nothing%%%%%%!5<%:" $as re(ealed%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 235:
Darrated Faid bin ArCa:
@e $ent out $ith the Prophet : on a .ourney and the people suffered fro lack of pro(isions% So
'Abdullah bin Ubai said to his copanions# H8on't spend on those $ho are $ith Allah's Apostle# that
they ay disperse and go a$ay fro hi%H He also said# HIf $e return to Medina# surely# the ore
honorable $ill e*pel therefro the eaner% So I $ent to the Prophet and infored hi of that% He
sent for 'Abdullah bin Ubai and asked hi# but 'Abdullah bin Ubai s$ore that he did not say so% &he
people said# HFaid told a lie to 'Allah's Apostle%H @hat they said distressed e (ery uch% ;ater Allah
re(ealed the confiration of y stateent in his saying:))
'!@hen the hypocrites coe to you%' !5<%0" So the Prophet called the that they ight ask Allah to
forgi(e the# but they turned their heads aside% !9oncerning Allah's saying: 'Pieces of $ood propped
up#' Faid saidL &hey $ere the ost handsoe en%"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 23::
Darrated Faid bin ArCa:
@hile I $as $ith y uncle# I heard 'Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul saying# H8o not spend on those
$ho are $ith Allah's Apostle# that they ay disperse and go a$ay !fro hi"% And if $e return to
Medina# surely# the ore honorable $ill e*pel therefro the eaner% HI entioned that to y uncle
$ho# in turn# entioned it to the Prophet% &he Prophet called e and I told hi about that% &hen he
sent for 'Abdullah bin Ubai and his copanions# and they s$ore that they did not say so% &he Prophet
disbelie(ed y stateent and belie(ed theirs% I $as distressed as I ha(e ne(er been before# and I re)
ained in y house% My uncle said to e# HKou .ust $anted the Prophet to consider you a liar and
hate you%H &hen Allah re(ealed:))
'@hen the hypocrites coe to you# they say: '@e bear $itness that you are indeed the Apostle of
Allah%H !5<%0" So the Prophet sent for e and recited it and said# HAllah has confired your state)
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 237:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
@e $ere in a Aha-$a !Sufyan once said# in an ary" and a an fro the eigrants kicked an
Ansari an !on the buttocks $ith his foot"% &he Ansari an said# HE the AnsarI !HelpI"H and the
eigrant said% HE the eigrantsI !HelpI" Allah's Apostle heard that and said# H@hat is this call for#
=olue 5 ) 0616 ? 0:66
$hich is characteristic of the period of ignoranceJH &hey said# HE Allah's ApostleI A an fro the
eigrants kicked one of the Ansar !on the buttocks $ith his foot"%H Allah's Apostle said# H;ea(e it !that
call" as is a detestable thing%H 'Abdullah bin Ubai heard that and said# 'Ha(e the !the eigrants" done
soJ By Allah# if $e return Medina# surely# the ore honorable $ill e*pel therefro the eaner%H
@hen this stateent reached the Prophet% 'Uar got up an# said# HE Allah's ApostleI ;et e chop off
the head of this hypocrite !'Abdullah bin Ubai"IH &he Prophet said H;ea(e hi# lest the people say that
Muhaad kills his copanions%H &he Ansar $ere then ore in nuber than the eigrants $hen
the latter cae to Medina# but later on the eigrant increased%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 231:
Darrated Musa bin 'UCba:
'Abdullah bin Al)Badl told e that Anas bin Malik said# HI $as uch grie(e o(er those $ho had
been killed in the Battle of Al)Harra% @hen Faid bin ArCarr heard of y intense grief !o(er the killed
Ansar"# he $rote a letter to e saying that he heard Allah's Apostle saying# E AllahI Borgi(e the An)
sar and the Ansar children% &he subnarrator# Ibn Al)Badl# is not sure $hether the Prophet also said#
And their grand)children%H Soe of those $ho $ere present# asked Anas !about Faid"% He said# HHe
!Faid" is the one about $ho Allah's Apostle said# 'He is the one $hose sound hearing Allah testified%'
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2<6:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
@e $ere in a Aha-$a and a an fro the eigrants kicked an Ansari !on the buttocks $ith his
foot"% &he Ansari an said# HE the AnsariI !HelpI"H &he eigrant said# HE the eigrantsI !Help"%H
@hen Allah's Apostle heard that# he said# H@hat is thatJH &hey said# HA an fro the eigrants
kicked a an fro the Ansar !on the buttocks his foot"% En that the Ansar said# 'E the AnsarI' and the
eigrant said# 'E the eigrantsIH &he Prophet said' H;ea(e it !that call" for it Is a detestable thing%H &he
nuber of Ansar $as larger !than that of the eigrants" at the tie $hen the Prophet cae to Med)
ina# but later the nuber of eigrants increased% 'Abdullah bin Ubai said# HHa(e they# !the eigrants"
done soJ By Allah# if $e return to Medina# surely# the ore honorable $ill e*pel therefro the
eaner#H 'Uar bin Al)Khattab said# HE Allah's ApostleI ;et e chop off the head of this hypocriteIH
&he Prophet said# H;ea(e hi# lest the people say Muhaad kills his copanions:H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2<0:
Darrated Sali:
&hat Abdullah bin Uar told hi that he had di(orced his $ife $hile she $as in her enses so
'Uar infored Allah's Apostle
=olue 5 ) 0610 ? 0:66
of that% Allah's Apostle becae (ery angry at that and said# H!Ibn 'Uar ust return her to his
house and keep her as his $ife till she becoes clean and then enstruates and becoes clean
again# $hereupon# if he $ishes to di(orce her# he ay do so $hile she is still clean and before ha(ing
any se*ual relations $ith her# for that is the legally prescribed period for di(orce as Allah has
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2<3:
Darrated Abu Salaa:
A an cae to Ibn 'Abbas $hile Abu Huraira $as sitting $ith hi and said# HAi(e e your (erdict
regarding a lady $ho deli(ered a baby forty days after the death of her husband%H Ibn 'Abbas said#
H&his indicates the end of one of the t$o prescribed periods%H I said HBor those $ho are pregnant# their
prescribed period is until they deli(er their burdens%H Abu Huraira said# I agree $ith y cousin !Abu
Salaa"%H &hen Ibn 'Abbas sent his sla(e# Kuraib to U Salaa to ask her !regarding this atter"% She
replied% H&he husband of Subai 'a al Aslaiya $as killed $hile she $as pregnant# and she deli(ered a
baby forty days after his death% &hen her hand $as asked in arriage and Allah's Apostle arried
her !to soebody"% Abu As)Sanabil $as one of those $ho asked for her hand in arriageH%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2<<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
If soeone says to his $ife# HKou are unla$ful to e%H he ust ake an e*piation !for his oath"%
Ibn 'Abbas added: &here is for you in Allah's Apostle# an e*cellent e*aple to follo$%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2<2:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to drink honey in the house of Fainab# the daughter of /ahsh# and $ould stay
there $ith her% So Hafsa and I agreed secretly that# if he coe to either of us# she $ould say to hi%
HIt sees you ha(e eaten Maghafir !a kind of bad)selling resin"# for I sell in you the sell of
Maghafir#H !@e did so" and he replied% HDo# but I $as drinking honey in the house of Fainab# the
daughter of /ahsh# and I shall ne(er take it again% I ha(e taken an oath as to that# and you should not
tell anybody about it%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2<4:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Bor the $hole year I had the desire to ask 'Uar bin Al)Khattab regarding the e*planation of a
=erse !in Surat Al)&ahri" but I could not ask hi because I respected hi (ery uch% @hen he
=olue 5 ) 0613 ? 0:66
$ent to perfor the Ha..# I too $ent along $ith hi% En our return# $hile $e $ere still on the $ay
hoe% 'Uar $ent aside to ans$er the call of nature by the Arak trees% I $aited till he finished and
then I proceeded $ith hi and asked hi% HE chief of the Belie(ersI @ho $ere the t$o $i(es of the
Prophet $ho aided one another against hiJH He said# H&hey $ere Hafsa and 'Aisha%H &hen I said to
hi# HBy Allah# I $anted to ask you about this a year ago# but I could not do so o$ing to y respect
for you%H 'Uar said# H8o not refrain fro asking e% If you think that I ha(e kno$ledge !about a
certain atter"# ask eL and if I kno$ !soething about it"# I $ill tell you%H &hen Uar added# HBy Al)
lah# in the Pre)lslaic Period of Ignorance $e did not pay attention to $oen until Allah re(ealed
regarding the $hat He re(ealed regarding the and assigned for the $hat He has assigned%
Ence $hile I $as thinking o(er a certain atter# y $ife said# HI recoend that you do so)and)so%H
I said to her# H@hat ha(e you got to do $ith the is atterJ @hy do you poke your nose in a atter
$hich I $ant to see fulfilled%JH She said# Ho$ strange you are# E son of Al)KhattabI Kou don't $ant to
be argued $ith $hereas your daughter# Hafsa surely# argues $ith Allah's Apostle so uch that he re)
ains angry for a full dayIH 'Uar then reportedL ho$ he at once put on his outer garent and $ent
to Hafsa and said to her# HE y daughterI 8o you argue $ith Allah's Apostle so that he reains
angry the $hole dayJH H% afsa said# HBy Allah# $e argue $ith hi%H 'Uar said# HKno$ that I $arn you
of Allah's punishent and the anger of Allah's Apostle % % % E y daughterI 8on't be betrayed by the
one $ho is proud of her beauty because of the lo(e of Allah's Apostle for her !i%e% 'Aisha"%H 'Uar
addled# H&hen I $ent out to U Salaa's house $ho $as one of y relati(es# and I talked to her% She
said# E son of Al)KhattabI It is rather astonishing that you interfere in e(erythingL you e(en $ant to
interfere bet$een Allah's Apostle and his $i(esI' By Allah# by her talk she influenced e so uch
that I lost soe of y anger% I left her !and $ent hoe"% At that tie I had a friend fro the Ansar
$ho used to bring ne$s !fro the Prophet" in case of y absence# and I used to bring hi the ne$s
if he $as absent% In those days $e $ere afraid of one of the kings of Ahassan tribe% @e heard that he
intended to o(e and attack us# so fear filled our hearts because of that% !Ene day" y Ansari friend
une*pectedly knocked at y door# and said# HEpen EpenI' I said# 'Has the king of Ahassan coeJ' He
said# 'Do# but soething $orseL Allah's Apostle has isolated hiself fro his $i(es%' I said# ';et the
nose of 'Aisha and Hafsa be stuck to dust !i%e% huiliated"I' &hen I put on y clothes and $ent to Al)
lah's Apostle's residence# and behold# he $as staying in an upper roo of his to $hich he ascended
by a ladder# and a black sla(e of Allah's Apostle $as !sitting" on the first step% I said to hi# 'Say !to
the Prophet " 'Uar bin Al)Khattab is here%' &hen the Prophet aditted e and I narrated the story to
Allah's Apostle% @hen I reached the story of U Salaa# Allah's Apostle siled $hile he $as lying on
a at ade of pal tree lea(es $ith nothing bet$een hi and the at% Underneath his head there
$as a leather pillo$ stuffed $ith pal fibres# and lea(es of a saut tree $ere piled at his feet# and
abo(e his head hung a fe$ $ater skins% En seeing the arks of the at iprinted on his side# I $ept%
He said%' '@hy are you $eepingJ' I replied# HE Allah's ApostleI 9aesar and Khosrau are leading the
life !i%e% ;u*urious life" $hile you# Allah's Apostle though you are# is li(ing in destituteH% &he Prophet
then replied% '@on't you be satisfied that they en.oy this $orld and $e the HereafterJ' H
=olue 5 ) 061< ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2<5:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
I intended to ask 'Uar so I said# H@ho $ere those t$o ladies $ho tried to back each other against
the ProphetJH I hardly finished y speech $hen he said# &hey $ere 'Aisha and Hafsa%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2<::
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
I intended to ask 'Uar about those t$o ladies $ho back each other against 'Allah's Apostle % Bor
one year I $as seeking the opportunity to ask this Cuestion# but in (ain# until once $hen I acco)
panied hi for Ha..% @hile $e $ere in Fahran# 'Uar $ent to ans$er the call of nature and told e
to follo$ hi $ith soe $ater for ablution% So I follo$ed hi $ith a container of $ater and started
pouring $ater for hi% I found it a good opportunity to ask hi# so I said# HE chief of the Belie(ersI
@ho $ere those t$o ladies $ho had backed each other !against the Prophet"JH Before I could co)
plete y Cuestion# he replied# H&hey $ere 'Aisha and Hafsa%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2<7:
Darrated 'Uar:
&he $i(es of the Prophet out of their .ealousy# backed each other against the Prophet# so I said to
the# HIt ay be# if he di(orced you all# that Allah $ill gi(e hi# instead of you $i(es better than
you%H So this =erse $as re(ealed% !55%4"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2<1:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
!regarding the =erse":)) '9ruel after all that# base)born !of illegitiate birth"%' !57%0<" It $as re)
(ealed in connection $ith a an fro ,uaraish $ho had a notable sign !Fanaah" siilar to the
notable sign $hich usually)hung on the neck of a sheep !to recogni-e it"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 226:
Darrated Haritha bin @ahb Al)Khu-ai:
I heard the Prophet saying% HMay I tell you of the people of ParadiseJ +(ery $eak and poor obscure
person $ho the people look do$n upon but his oath is fulfilled by Allah $hen he takes an oath to
do soething% And ay I infor you of the people of the Hell)BireJ &hey are all those (iolent# arrog)
ant and stubborn people%H
=olue 5 ) 0612 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 220:
Darrated Abu Said:
I heard the Prophet saying# HAllah $ill bring forth the se(erest Hour# and then all the Belie(ers#
en and $oen# $ill prostrate thesel(es before Hi# but there $ill reain those $ho used to
prostrate in the $orld for sho$ing off and for gaining good reputation% Such people $ill try to pros)
trate !on the 8ay of /udgent" but their back s$ill be as stiff as if it is one bone !a single (ertebra"%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 223:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
All the idols $hich $ere $orshipped by the people of Doah $ere $orshipped by the Arabs later
on% As for the idol @add# it $as $orshipped by the tribe of Kalb at 8auat)al)/andalL Su$a' $as the
idol of !the tribe of" Murad and then by Ban# Ahutaif at Al)/urf near SabaL KauC $as the idol of
Hadan# and Dasr $as the idol of Hiyr# the branch of 8hi)al)Kala%' &he naes !of the idols"
forerly belonged to soe pious en of the people of Doah# and $hen they died Satan inspired their
people to !prepare and place idols at the places $here they used to sit# and to call those idols by their
naes% &he people did so# but the idols $ere not $orshipped till those people !$ho initiated the"
had died and the origin of the idols had becoe obscure# $hereupon people began $orshipping
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 22<:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle $ent out along $ith a group of his copanions to$ards 'Uka- Market% At that tie
soething inter(ened bet$een the de(ils and the ne$s of the Hea(en# and flaes $ere sent do$n
upon the# so the de(ils returned% &heir fello$)de(ils said# H@hat is $rong $ith youJ H &hey said#
HSoething has inter(ened bet$een us and the ne$s of the Hea(en# and fires !flaes" ha(e been shot
at us%H &heir fello$)de(ils said# HDothing has inter(ened bet$een you and the ne$s of the Hea(en#
but an iportant e(ent has happened% &herefore# tra(el all o(er the $orld# east and $est# and try to
find out $hat has happened%H And so they set out and tra(elled all o(er the $orld# east and $est#
looking for that thing $hich inter(ened bet$een the and the ne$s of the Hea(en% &hose of the
de(ils $ho had set out to$ards &ihaa# $ent to Allah's Apostle at Dakhla !a place bet$een Mecca
and &aif" $hile he $as on his $ay to Uka- Market% !&hey et hi" $hile he $as offering the Ba.r
prayer $ith his copanions% @hen they heard the Holy ,ur'an being recited !by Allah's Apostle"#
they listened to it and said !to each other"% &his is the thing $hich has inter(ened bet$een you and
the ne$s of the Hea(ens%H &hen they returned to their people and said# HE our peopleI @e ha(e really
heard a $onderful recital !,ur'an"% It gi(es guidance to the right# and $e ha(e belie(ed therein% @e
=olue 5 ) 0614 ? 0:66
shall not .oin in $orship# anybody $ith our ;ord%H !See :3%0)3" &hen Allah re(ealed to His Prophet
!Surat al)/inn":
'Say: It has been re(ealed to e that a group !< to 1" of /inns listened !to the ,ur'an"%' !:3%0" &he
stateent of the /inns $as re(ealed to hi %
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 222:
Darrated Kahya bin Abi Kathir:
I asked Aba Salaa bin 'Abdur)Rahan about the first Sura re(ealed of the ,ur'an% He replied HE
you# $rapped)up !i%e% Al Muddaththir"%H I said# H&hey say it $as# 'Read# in the Dae of your ;ord @ho
created#' !i%e% Surat Al)'AlaC !the 9lot"%H En that# Abu Salaa said# HI asked /abir bin 'Abdullah about
that# saying the sae as you ha(e said# $hereupon he said# 'I $ill not tell you e*cept $hat Allah's
Apostle had told us% Allah's Apostle said# HI $as in seclusion in the ca(e of Hira'# and after I co)
pleted the liited period of y seclusion% I cae do$n !fro the ca(e" and heard a (oice calling e%
I looked to y right# but sa$ nothing% &hen I looked up and sa$ soething% So I $ent to Khadi.a !the
Prophet's $ife" and told her to $rap e up and pour cold $ater on e% So they $rapped e up and
poured cold $ater on e%H &hen# 'E you# !Muhaad" $rapped upI Arise and $arn#' !Surat Al Mud)
daththir" $as re(ealed%H !:2%0"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 224:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HI $as in a seclusion in the ca(e of Hira%%%%%%%%%H!siilar to the narration related by
'Ali bin Al)Mubarak# 222 abo(e"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 225:
Darrated Kahya: I asked Aba Salaa# H@hich Sura of the ,ur'an $as re(ealed firstJH He replied# HE
you# $rapped)up' !Al)Muddaththir"%H I said# HI ha(e been infored that it $as# 'Read# in the Dae of
your ;ord $ho created%%%%%%%% !i%e% Surat Al)AlaC"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 22::
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
I heard the Prophet describing the period of pause of the 8i(ine Inspiration% He said in his talk#
H@hile I $as $alking# I heard (oices fro the sky% I looked up# and behold I I sa$ the sae Angel
$ho cae to e in the ca(e of Hira' sitting on a chair bet$een the sky and the earth% I $as too uch
afraid of hi !so I returned to y house" and said# 'Bold e up in garentsI' &hey $rapped e up%
=olue 5 ) 0615 ? 0:66
&hen Allah re(ealed: 'E you $rapped%%%and desert the idols before the prayer becae copulsory%'
Ru.- eans idols%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 227:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&hat he heard Allah's Apostle describing the period of pause of the 8i(ine Inspiration# and in his
description he said# H@hile I $as $alking I heard a (oice fro the sky% I looked up to$ards the sky#
and beholdI I sa$ the sae Angel $ho cae to e in the 9a(e of Hira'# sitting on a chair bet$een
the sky and the earth% I $as so terrified by hi that I fell do$n on the ground% &hen I $ent to y
$ife and said# '@rap e in garentsI @rap e in garentsI' &hey $rapped e# and then Allah re)
HE you# !Muhaad" $rapped)upI Arise and $arn%%%and desert the idols%H !:2%0)4" Abu Salaa
said%%%%Ru.- eans idols%H After that# the 8i(ine Inspiration started coing ore freCuently and regu)
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 221:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet used to o(e his tongue $hen the di(ine Inspiration $as being re(ealed to hi%
!Sufyan# a subnarrator# deonstrated !ho$ the Prophet used to o(e his lips" and added% HIn order to
eori-e it%H So Allah re(ealed: HMo(e not your tongue concerning !the ,uran" to ake haste there)
$ith%H !:4%05"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 246:
Darrated Musa bin Abi Aisha:
&hat he asked Said bin /ubair regarding !the stateent of Allah"% 'Mo(e not your tongue concern)
ing !the ,uran" to ake haste there$ith%' He said# HIbn 'Abbas said that the Prophet used to o(e his
lips $hen the 8i(ine Inspiration $as being re(ealed to hi% So the Prophet $as ordered not to o(e
his tongue# $hich he used to do# lest soe $ords should escape his eory% 'It is for Us to collect it'
eans# @e $ill collect it in your chestL' and its recitation' eans# @e $ill ake you recite it% 'But
$hen @e recite it !i%e% $hen it is re(ealed to you"# follo$ its recitalL it is for Us to e*plain it and ake
it clear#' !i%e% @e $ill e*plain it through your tongue"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 240:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
!as regards" Allah's Stateent:
=olue 5 ) 061: ? 0:66
HMo(e not your tongue concerning !the ,uran" to ake haste there$ith%H !:4%05"
@hen Aabriel re(ealed the 8i(ine Inspiration in Allah's Apostle # he !Allah's Apostle" o(ed his
tongue and lips# and that state used to be (ery hard for hi# and that o(eent indicated that re(el)
ation $as taking place% So Allah re(ealed in Surat Al),iyaa $hich begins:
'I do s$ear by the 8ay of Resurrection%%%' !:4" the =erses:))
'Mo(e not your tongue concerning !the ,uran" to ake haste there$ith% It is for Us to collect it
!,uran" in your ind# and gi(e you the ability to recite it by heart% !:4%05)0:" Ibn Abbas added: It is
for Us to collect it !,ur'an" !in your ind"# and gi(e you the ability to recite it by heart eans#
H@hen @e re(eal it# listen% &hen it is for Us to e*plain it#H eans# 'It is for us to e*plain it through
your tongue%' So $hene(er Aabriel cae to Allah's Apostle ' he $ould keep Cuiet !and listen"# and
$hen the Angel left# the Prophet $ould recite that re(elation as Allah proised hi%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 243:
Darrated Abdullah:
@e $ere $ith the Prophet $hen Surat @al)Mursalat $as re(ealed to hi% @hile $e $ere recei()
ing it fro his outh# a snake suddenly cae and $e ran to kill it# but it outstripped us and entered
its hole Cuickly% Allah's le said# HIt has escaped your e(il# and you too# ha(e escaped its e(il%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 24<:
Darrated Abdullah:
!Siilarly))as no% 243 abo(e%"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 242:
Darrated Abdullah:
@hile $e $ere $ith Allah's Apostle in a ca(e# Surat H@al MursalatH $as re(ealed to hi and $e
recei(ed it directly fro his outh as soon as he had recei(ed the re(elation% Suddenly a snake cae
out and Allah's Apostle said# HAet at it and kill itIH @e ran to kill it but it outstripped us% Allah's
Apostle said# HIt has escaped your e(il# as you too# ha(e escaped its%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 244:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
!as regards the e*planation of Hadith 242"% 'Indeed# it !Hell" thro$s about sparks !huge" as Borts%'
@e used to collect $ood in the for of logs# three cubits long or shorter% for heating purposes in
$inter%# and $e used to call such $ood# the ,asr%
=olue 5 ) 0617 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 245:
Darrated Abdullah:
@hile $e $ere $ith the Prophet in a ca(e# Surat $al)Mursalat $as re(ealed to hi and he recited
it# and I heard it directly fro his outh as soon as he recited its re(elation% Suddenly a snake sprang
at us# and the Prophet said# HKill itIH @e ran to kill it but it escaped Cuickly% &he Prophet said% HIt has
escaped your e(il# and you too ha(e escaped its e(il%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 24::
Darrated Al))Aash:
Abu Huraira said# HAllah's Apostle said# 'Bet$een the t$o sounds of the trupet# there $ill be
forty%H Soebody asked Abu Huraira# HBorty daysJH But he refused to reply% &hen he asked# HBorty
onthsJH He refused to reply% &hen he asked# HBorty yearsJH Again# he refused to reply% Abu Huraira
added% H&hen !after this period" Allah $ill send $ater fro the sky and then the dead bodies $ill
gro$ like (egetation gro$s# &here is nothing of the huan body that does not decay e*cept one
boneL that is the little bone at the end of the coccy* of $hich the huan body $ill be recreated on
the 8ay of Resurrection%H !See Hadith Do% <<7"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 247:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
I sa$ Allah's Apostle pointing $ith his inde* and iddle fingers# saying% H&he tie of y Ad(ent
and the Hour are like these t$o fingers%H &he Areat 9atastrophe $ill o(er$hel e(erything%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 241:
Darrated Aisha:
&he Prophet said# HSuch a person as recites the ,uran and asters it by heart# $ill be $ith the
noble righteous scribes !in Hea(en"% And such a person e*erts hiself to learn the ,uran by heart#
and recites it $ith great difficulty# $ill ha(e a double re$ard%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 256:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
&he Prophet said# HEn the 8ay $hen all ankind $ill stand before the ;ord of the @orlds# soe of
the $ill be en(eloped in their s$eat up to the iddle of their ears%H
=olue 5 ) 0611 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 250:
Darrated Aisha:
I heard the Prophet saying%%%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 253:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I heard the Prophet saying%%%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 25<:
Darrated Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said#H !En the 8ay of Resurrection" any one $hose account $ill be taken $ill be
ruined !i%e% go to Hell"%H I said# HE Allah's ApostleI May Allah ake e be sacrificed for you% 8oesn't
Allah say:
H&hen as for hi $ho $ill be gi(en his record in his right hand# he surely $ill recei(e an easy
reckoning%JH !72%:)7" He replied# H&hat is only the presentation of the accountsL but he $hose record
is Cuestioned# $ill be ruined%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 252:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
!as regards the =erse":))'Kou shall surely tra(el fro stage to stage !in this life and in the Here)
after"%' !It eans" fro one state to another% &hat concerns your Prophet%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 254:
Darrated Al)Bara:
&he first of the copanions of the Prophet $ho cae to us !in Medina"# $ere Mus'ab bin 'Uar
and Ibn U Maktu# and they started teaching us the ,ur'an% &hen cae 'Aar# Bilal and Sad% Af)
ter$ards 'Uar bin Al)Kkattab cae along $ith a batch of t$enty !en": and after that the Prophet
cae% I ne(er sa$ the people of Medina so pleased $ith anything as they $ere $ith his arri(al# so
that e(en the little boys and girls $ere saying# H&his is Allah's Apostle $ho has coe%H He !the Prophet
" did not coe !to Medina" till I had learnt Surat Al)Ala and also other siilar Suras%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 255:
Darrated Abdullah bin Faa:
=olue 5 ) 0066 ? 0:66
&hat he heard the Prophet deli(ering a seron# and he entioned the shecael and the one $ho
hastrung it% Allah's Apostle recited:))
'@hen# the ost $icked an aong the $ent forth !to hastrung the she)cael"%' !10%03%"
&hen he said# HA tough an $hose eCual $as rare and $ho en.oyed the protection of his people# like
Abi Faa $ent forth to !hastrung" it%H &he Prophet then entioned about the $oen !in his ser)
on"% HIt is not $ise for anyone of you to lash his $ife like a sla(e# for he ight sleep $ith her the
sae e(ening%H &hen he ad(ised the not to laugh $hen soebody breaks $ind and said# H@hy
should anybody laugh at $hat he hiself doesJH
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 25::
Darrated AlCaa:
I $ent to Sha $ith a group of the copanions of 'Abdullah !bin Mas'ud"% Abu Ad)8arda' heard
of our arri(al so he cae to us and said# HIs there anybody aong you $ho can recite !,ur'an"H @e
replied in the affirati(e% &hen he asked# H@ho is the best reciterJH &hey pointed at e% &hen he told
e to recite# so I recited the (erse:))
'By the night as it en(elops 'By the day as it appears in brightnessL By !Hi @ho created" ale and
the feale%' !13%0)<" Abu Ad)8arda' then said to e# H8id you hear it !like this" fro the outh of
your friend !'Abdullah bin Mas'ud"JH I said# HKes%H He said# HI too# heard it !like this" fro the outh of
the Prophet# but these people do not consider this recitation as the correct one%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 257:
Darrated Ibrahi:
&he copanions of 'Abdullah !bin Mas'ud" cae to Abu 8arda'# !and before they arri(ed at his
hoe"# he looked for the and found the% &hen he asked the#: '@ho aong you can recite
!,ur'an" as 'Abdullah recites itJH &hey replied# HAll of us%H He asked# H@ho aong you kno$s it by
heartJH &hey pointed at 'AlCaa% &hen he asked AlCaa% HHo$ did you hear 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud re)
citing Surat Al);ail !&he Dight"JH AlCaa recited:
'By the ale and the feale%' Abu Ad)8arda said# HI testify that I heard e Prophet reciting it like)
$ise# but these people $ant e to recite it:))
'And by Hi @ho created ale and feale%' but by Allah# I $ill not follo$ the%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 251:
Darrated 'Ali:
@e $ere in the copany of the Prophet in a funeral procession at BaCi Al)AharCad% He said#
H&here is none of you but has his place $ritten for hi in Paradise or in the Hell) Bire%H &hey said# HE
=olue 5 ) 0060 ? 0:66
Allah's ApostleI Shall $e depend !on this fact and gi(e up $ork"JH He said# H9arry on doing !good
deeds"# for e(ery body $ill find it easy to do !$hat $ill lead hi to his destined place"%H &hen he re)
'As for hi $ho gi(es !in charity" and keeps his duty to Allah# and belie(es in the Best re$ard
fro Allah !i%e% Allah $ill copensate hi for $hat he $ill spend in Allah's $ay"% So# @e $ill ake
sooth for hi the path of ease% But he $ho is a greedy iser%%%%for hi# the path for e(il%' !13%4)06"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2:6:
Darrated Abu Abdur)Rahan:
'Ali said# H@e $ere sitting $ith the Prophet#H !He then entioned the Hadith abo(e !251"%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2:0:
Darrated 'Ali:
@hile the Prophet $as in a funeral procession# he took a sall stick and started scraping the earth
$ith it and said# H&here is none aong you but has his place $ritten for hi# either in the Hell Bire or
in Paradise%H &hey !the people" said# HAllah's ApostleI Shall $e depend on this !and lea(e $ork"JH He
replied% H9arry on doing !good deeds"# for e(erybody $ill find easy !to do" such deeds as $ill lead
hi to his destined place%H &he Prophet then recited:))
'As for hi $ho gi(es !in charity" and keeps his duty to Allah# and belie(es in the Best Re$ard%'%%%%%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2:3:
Darrated Ali:
@e $ere in the copany of the Prophet and he said# H&here is none aong you but has his place
$ritten for hi# either in Paradise or in the Hell)Bire%H @e said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall $e depend
!on this fact and gi(e up $ork"JH He replied# HDoI 9arry on doing good deeds# for e(erybody $ill find
easy !to do" such deeds as $ill lead hi to his destined place%H &hen the Prophet recited: 'As for hi
$ho gi(es !in charity" and keeps his duty to Allah# and belie(es in the Best re$ard% @e $ill ake
sooth for hi the path of ease%%%%the path for e(il%' !13%4)06"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2:<:
Darrated 'Ali:
@hile $e $ere in a funeral procession in BaCi Al)AharCad# Allah's Apostle cae and sat do$n#
and $e sat around hi% He had a sall stick in his hand and he bent his head and started scraping
=olue 5 ) 0063 ? 0:66
the ground $ith it% He then said# H&here is none aong you# and no created soul but has his place
$ritten for hi either in Paradise or in the Hell)Bire# and also has his happy or iserable fate !in the
Hereafter" $ritten for hi%H A an said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall $e depend upon $hat is $ritten for
us and gi(e up doing !good" deedsJ Bor $hoe(er aong us is destined to be fortunate !in the Here)
after"# $ill .oin the fortunate peoples and $hoe(er aong us is destined to be iserable $ill do such
deeds as are characteristic of the people $ho are destined to isery%H &he Prophet said# H&hose $ho
are destined to be happy !in the Hereafter" $ill find it easy and pleasant to do the deeds characterist)
ic of those destined to happiness# $hile those $ho are to be aong the iserable !in the Hereafter"#
$ill find it easy to do the deeds characteristic of those destined to isery%H &hen he recited: 'As for
hi $ho gi(es !in charity" and keeps his duty to Allah and belie(es in the Best re$ard fro Allah#
@e $ill ake sooth for hi the path of ease% But he $ho is a greedy iser and thinks hiself self
sufficient# and gi(es the lie to the Best re$ard fro Allah $e $ill ake sooth for hi the path for
e(il%' !13%4)06"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2:2:
Darrated Ali:
@hile the Prophet $as in a funeral procession% he picked up soething and started scraping the
ground $ith it# and said# H&here is none aong you but has his place $ritten for hi either in the
Hell Bire or in Paradise%H &hey said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall $e not depend upon $hat has been $rit)
ten for us and gi(e up deedsJ He said# H9arry on doing !good" deeds# for e(erybody $ill find easy to
do such deeds as $ill lead hi to his destined place for $hich he has been created% So he $ho is
destined to be aong the happy !in the Hereafter"# $ill find it easy to do the deeds characteristic of
such people# $hile he $ho is destined to be aong the iserable ones# $ill find it easy to do the
deeds characteristic of such people%H &hen he recited:
'As for hi $ho gi(es !in charity" and fears Allah# and belie(es in the best%%%%' !13%4)06"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2:4:
Darrated /undub bin Sufyan:
Ence Allah's Apostle becae sick and could not offer his night prayer !&aha..ud" for t$o or three
nights% &hen a lady !the $ife of Abu ;ahab" cae and said# HE MuhaadI I think that your Satan
has forsaken you# for I ha(e not seen hi $ith you for t$o or three nightsIH En that Allah re(ealed:
'By the fore)noon# and by the night $hen it darkens# your ;ord !E Muhaad" has neither for)
saken you# nor hated you%' !1<%0)<"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2:5:
Darrated /undub Al)Ba.ali:
=olue 5 ) 006< ? 0:66
A lady said# HE Allah's ApostleI I see that your friend has delayed% !in con(eying ,uran" to you%H So
there $as re(ealed: 'Kour ;ord !E Muhaad" has neither forsaken you# not hated you%' !1<%0)<"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2:::
Darrated Al)Bara:
@hile the Prophet $as on a .ourney# he recited Surat At)&ini $a-)Faituni !14" in one of the first
t$o Rakat of the Isha prayer%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2:7:
Darrated Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" &he coenceent !of the 8i(ine Inspiration" to Allah's Apostle $as in
the for of true dreas in his sleep# for he ne(er had a drea but it turned out to be true and clear
as the bright daylight% &hen he began to like seclusions# so he used to go in seclusion in the ca(e of
Hira $here he used to $orship Allah continuously for any nights before going back to his faily to
take the necessary pro(ision !of food" for the stay% He coe back to !his $ife" Khadi.a again to take
his pro(ision !of food" like$ise# till one day he recei(ed the Auidance $hile he $as in the ca(e of
Hira% An Angel cae to hi and asked hi to read% Allah's Apostle replied# HI do not kno$ ho$ to
read%H &he Prophet added# H&hen the Angel held e !forcibly" and pressed e so hard that I felt dis)
tressed% &hen he released e and again asked e to read# and I replied# 'I do not kno$ ho$ to read%'
&hereupon he held e again and pressed e for the second tie till I felt distressed% He then re)
leased e and asked e to read# but again I replied% 'I do not kno$ ho$ to read%' &hereupon he held
e for the third tie and pressed e till I got distressed# and then he released e and said# 'Read# in
the Dae of your ;ord @ho has created !all that e*ists"# has created an out of a clot# ReadI And
your ;ord is the Most Aenerous% @ho has taught !the $riting" by the pen# has taught an that
$hich he kne$ not%H !15%0)4"%
&hen Allah's Apostle returned $ith that e*perienceL and the uscles bet$een his neck and
shoulders $ere trebling till he cae upon Khadi.a !his $ife" and said# H9o(er eIH &hey co(ered
hi# and $hen the state of fear $as o(er# he said to Khadi.a# HE Khadi.aI @hat is $rong $ith eJ I
$as afraid that soething bad ight happen to e%H &hen he told her the story% Khadi.a said# HDayI
But recei(e the good tidingsI By Allah# Allah $ill ne(er disgrace you# for by Allah# you keep good re)
lations $ith your Kith and kin# speak the truth# help the poor and the destitute# entertain your guests
generously and assist those $ho are stricken $ith calaities%H Khadi.a then took hi to @araCa bin
Daufil# the son of Khadi.a's paternal uncle% @araCa had been con(erted to 9hristianity in the Pre)
lslaic Period and used to $rite Arabic and $rite of the Aospel in Arabic as uch as Allah $ished
hi to $rite% He $as an old an and had lost his eyesight% Khadi.a said !to @araCa"# HE y cousinI
;isten to $hat your nephe$ is going to say%H @araCa said# HE y nephe$I @hat ha(e you seenJH &he
Prophet then described $hate(er he had seen% @araCa said# H&his is the sae Angel !Aabriel" $ho
=olue 5 ) 0062 ? 0:66
$as sent to Moses% I $ish I $ere young%H He added soe other stateent% Allah's Apostle asked# H@ill
these people dri(e e outJH @araCa said# HKes# for nobody brought the like of $hat you ha(e
brought# but $as treated $ith hostility% If I $ere to reain ali(e till your day !$hen you start
preaching"% then I $ould support you strongly%H But a short $hile later @araCa died and the 8i(ine
Inspiration $as paused !stopped" for a $hile so that Allah's Apostle $as (ery uch grie(ed%
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah: @hile Allah's Apostle $as talking about the period of pause in re(el)
ation% he said in his narration% HEnce $hile I $as $alking# all of a sudden I heard a (oice fro the
sky% I looked up and sa$ to y surprise# the sae Angel as had (isited e in the ca(e of Hira%' He
$as sitting on a chair bet$een the sky and the earth% I got afraid of hi and cae back hoe and
said# @rap eI @rap eIH So they co(ered hi and then Allah re(ealed:
'E you# $rapped upI Arise and $arn and your ;ord agnify# and your garents purify and
dessert the idols%' !:2%0)4"
Abu Salaa said# H!Ri.-" are the idols $hich the people of the Pre)lslaic period used to $orship%H
After this the re(elation started coing freCuently and regularly%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 2:1:
Darrated Aisha:
&he coenceent of the 8i(ine Inspiration to Allah's Apostle $as in the for of true dreas%
&he Angel cae to hi and said# HRead# in the Dae of your ;ord @ho has created !all that e*ists"#
has created an a clot% ReadI And your ;ord is Most AenerousH %%!15%0#3#<"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 276:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he coenceent of !the 8i(ine Inspirations to" Allah's Apostle $as in the for of true dreas%
&he Angel cae to hi and said# HReadI In the Dae of your ;ord @ho has created all e*ists"# has
created an fro a clot% ReadI And your ;ord is Most Aenerous# @ho has taught !the $riting" by the
pen !the first person to $rite $as Prophet Idris% !15%0)2"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 270:
Darrated Aisha:
&he Prophet returned to Khadi.a and said# H@rap eI @rap eIH !&hen the sub)narrator narrated
the rest of the narration%"
=olue 5 ) 0064 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 273:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Abu /ahl said# HIf I see Muhaad praying at the Ka'ba# I $ill tread on his neck%H @hen the Proph)
et heard of that# he said# HIf he does so# the Angels $ill snatch hi a$ay%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 27<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said to Ubai !bin Ka'b"% HAllah has ordered e to recite to you:))'&hose $ho disbelie(e
aong the people of the Scripture and aong the idolators are not going to stop !fro their disbe)
lief%'" !Sura 17" Ubai said# H8id Allah ention e by naeJH &he Prophet said# HKes%H En that# Ubai
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 272:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said to Ubai# HAllah has ordered e recite ,uran to you%H Ubai asked# H8id Allah en)
tion e by nae to youJH &he Prophet said# HAllah has entioned your nae to e%H En that Ubai
started $eeping% !&he sub)narrator" ,atada added: I ha(e been infored that the Prophet recited:
'&hose $ho disbelie(e aong the people of the Scripture#H %%%to Ubai%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 274:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Prophet said to Ubai bin Ka'b# HAllah has ordered e to recite ,uran to you%H Ubai said# H8id
Allah ention e by nae to youJH &he Prophet said# HKes%H Ubai said# HHa(e I been entioned by the
;ord of the @orldsJH &he Prophet said# HKes%H &hen Ubai burst into tears%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 275:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H Horses are kept for one of three purposes: A an ay keep the !for Allah's
9ause" to recei(e a re$ard in the HereafterL another ay keep the as a eans of protectionL and a
third ay keep the to be a burden for hi% As for the an for $ho the horse is a source of re)
$ard# he is the one $ho ties it for Allah's 9ause# and he ties it $ith a long rope in a pasture or a
garden# then# $hate(er it eats or drinks in that pasture or garden $ill be added to his good deeds%
And if it breaks its rope and .ups o(er one or t$o hills# then# for all its footsteps and its anure#
good deeds $ill be $ritten for hi% And if it passes by a ri(er and drinks of its $ater though its o$n)
=olue 5 ) 0065 ? 0:66
er had no intention to $ater it fro that ri(er# e(en then he $ill ha(e good deeds $ritten for hi% So
that horse $ill be !a source of" re$ard for such a an%
If a an ties a horse for earning his li(elihood and abstaining fro asking others for help and he
does not forget Allah's right# i%e% pays its Fakat and gi(es it to be used in Allah's 9ause# then that horse
$ill be a eans of protection for hi% But if a an ties it out of pride and to sho$ off and to e*cite
others# then that horse $ill be a burden !of sins" for hi%H &hen Allah's Apostle $as asked regarding
donkeys% He replied# HDothing has been re(ealed to e e*cept this coprehensi(e =erse $hich in)
cludes e(erything:
'So $hoe(er does good eCual to the $eight of an ato !or a sallest ant" shall see itL and $hoe(er
does e(il eCual to the $eight of an ato !or a sallest ant" shall see it%' !11%:)7"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 27::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet $as asked about donkeys and he replied# HDothing has been re(ealed to e regarding
donkeys e*cept this coprehensi(e =erse $hich includes e(erything:
HSo $hoe(er does good eCual to the $eight of an ato !or a sallest ant" shall see itL And $hoe(er#
does e(il eCual to the $eight of an ato or a sallest ant" shall see it%' !11%:)7"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 277:
Darrated Anas:
@hen the Prophet $as ade to ascend to the Hea(ens# he said !after his return"# HI cae upon a
ri(er the banks of $hich $ere ade of tents of hollo$ pearls% I asked Aabriel% @hat is this !ri(erJ' He
replied# '&his is the Kauthar%'
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 271:
Darrated Abu Ubaida:
I asked 'Aisha 'regarding the (erse:))'=erily $e ha(e granted you the Kauthar%' She replied# H&he
Kauthar is a ri(er $hich has been gi(en to your Prophet on the banks of $hich there are !tents of"
hollo$ pearls and its utensils are as nuberless as the stars%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 216:
Darrated Abu Bishr:
=olue 5 ) 006: ? 0:66
Said bin /ubair said that Ibn 'Abbas said about Al)Kauthar% H&hat is the good $hich Allah has be)
sto$ed upon His Apostle%H I said to Sa'id bin /ubair% HBut the people clai that it is a ri(er in Paradise%H
Said said# H&he ri(er in Paradise is part of the good $hich Allah has besto$ed on His Apostle%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 210:
Darrated Aisha:
H@hen the HSurat)An)DasrH# '@hen coes the Help of Allah and the conCuest#' had been re(ealed
to the Prophet he did not offer any prayer e*cept that he said therein# HSubhanka Rabbana $a bi)
hadikaL Allahua ighfirli !I testify the UniCueness of our ;ord# and all the praises are for Hi: E
Allah# forgi(e eIH"
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 213:
Darrated Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to say (ery often in bo$ing and prostration !during his prayers"# Subhanka
Allahua Rabbana $a bihadikaL Allahua ighfirli#H according to the order of the ,ur'an%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 21<:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
'Uar asked the people regarding Allah's Stateent:
'@hen coes the Help of Allah !to you E Muhaad against your eneies" and the conCuest of
Mecca%' !006%0" &hey replied# HIt indicates the future conCuest of to$ns and palaces !by Muslis"%H
'Uar said# H@hat do you say about it# E Ibn 'AbbasJH I replied# H!&his Surat" indicates the terination
of the life of Muhaad% &hrough it he $as infored of the nearness of his death%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 212:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
'Uar used to ake e sit $ith the elderly en $ho had fought in the Battle of Badr% Soe of
the felt it !did not like that" and said to 'Uar H@hy do you bring in this boy to sit $ith us $hile $e
ha(e sons like hiJH Uar replied# HBecause of $hat you kno$ of his position !i%e% his religious
kno$ledge%"H Ene day 'Uar called e and ade e sit in the gathering of those peopleL and I think
that he called e .ust to sho$ the% !y religious kno$ledge"% 'Uar then asked the !in y pres)
ence"% H@hat do you say about the interpretation of the Stateent of Allah:
'@hen coes Help of Allah !to you E# Muhaad against your eneies" and the conCuest !of
Mecca"%' !006%0" Soe of the said# H@e are ordered to praise Allah and ask for His forgi(eness
=olue 5 ) 0067 ? 0:66
$hen Allah's Help and the conCuest !of Mecca" coes to us%H Soe others kept Cuiet and did not say
anything% En that# 'Uar asked e# H8o you say the sae# E Ibn 'AbbasJH I replied# HDo%H He said#
'@hat do you say thenJH I replied# H&hat is the sign of the death of Allah's Apostle $hich Allah in)
fored hi of% Allah said:))
'!E Muhaad" @hen coes the Help of Allah !to you against your eneies" and the conCuest
!of Mecca" !$hich is the sign of your death"% Kou should celebrate the praises of your ;ord and ask
for His Borgi(eness# and He is the Ene @ho accepts the repentance and forgi(es%' !006%<" En that
'Uar said# HI do not kno$ anything about it other than $hat you ha(e said%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 214:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen the =erse:)) 'And $arn your tribe of near kindred%' !35%302" $as re(ealed% Allah's Apostle
$ent out# and $hen he had ascended As)Safa ountain# he shouted# HE SabahahIH &he people said#
H@ho is thatJH H&hen they gathered around hi# $hereupon he said# H8o you seeJ If I infor you that
ca(alryen are proceeding up the side of this ountain# $ill you belie(e eJH &hey said# H@e ha(e
ne(er heard you telling a lie%H &hen he said# HI a a plain $arner to you of a coing se(ere punish)
ent%H Abu ;ahab said# HMay you perishI Kou gathered us only for this reasonJ H &hen Abu ;ahab
$ent a$ay% So the HSurat:))ul));AHABH 'Perish the hands of Abu ;ahabI' !000%0" $as re(ealed%
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 215:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet $ent out to$ards Al)Batha' and ascended the ountain and shouted# HE SabahahIH So
the ,uraish people gathered around hi% He said# H8o you seeJ If I tell you that an eney is going to
attack you in the orning or in the e(ening# $ill you belie(e eJH &hey replied# HKes%H He said# H&hen
I a a plain $arner to you of a coing se(ere punishent%H Abu ;ahab said# HIs it for this reason that
you ha(e gathered usJ May you perish I H &hen Allah re(ealed: 'Perish the hands of Abu ;ahabI'
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 21::
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Abu ;ahab said# HMay you perishI Is it' for this that you ha(e gathered usJH So there $as
re(ealed:)) 'Parish the hands of Abu ;ahab'
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 217:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 5 ) 0061 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HAllah said: '&he son of Ada tells a lie against Me## though he hasn't the right to
do so% He abuses e though he hasn't the right to do so% As for his telling a lie against Me# it is his
saying that I $ill not recreate hi as I created hi for the first tie% In fact# the first creation $as not
easier for Me than ne$ creation% As for his abusing Me# it is his saying that Allah has begotten chil)
dren# $hile I a the Ene# the Self)Sufficient Master @ho all creatures need# I beget not# nor $as I
begotten# and there is none like unto Me%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 211:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah said:)) '&he son of Ada tells a lie against Me and he hasn't the right to
do soL and he abuses e and he hasn't the right to do so% His telling a lie against Me is his saying that
I $ill not recreate hi as I created hi for the first tieL and his abusing Me is his saying that Allah
has begotten children# $hile I a the self)sufficient Master# @ho all creatures need# @ho begets
not nor $as He begotten# and there is none like unto Me%H
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 466:
Darrated Firr bin Hubaish:
I asked Ubai bin Ka'b regarding the t$o Mu$$idhat !Surats of taking refuge $ith Allah"% He said#
HI asked the Prophet about the# He said# '&hese t$o Surats ha(e been recited to e and I ha(e re)
cited the !and are present in the ,uran"%' So# $e say as Allah's Apostle said !i%e%# they are part of the
=olue 5# Book 56# Duber 460:
Darrated Firr bin Hubaish:
I asked Ubai bin Ka'b# HE Abu AlMundhirI Kour brother# Ibn Mas'ud said so)and)so !i%e%# the t$o
Mu'a$$idh)at do not belong to the ,uran"%H Ubai said# HI asked Allah's Apostle about the# and he
said# '&hey ha(e been re(ealed to e# and I ha(e recited the !as a part of the ,uran"#H So Ubai ad)
ded# HSo $e say as Allah's Apostle has said%H
=olue 5 ) 0006 ? 0:66
Book 50: =irtues of the ,ur'an
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 463:
Darrated 'Aisha and Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet reained in Mecca for ten years# during $hich the ,ur'an used to be re(ealed to
hiL and he stayed in Medina for ten years%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 46<:
Darrated Abu 'Uthan:
I $as infored that Aabriel cae to the Prophet $hile U Salaa $as $ith hi% Aabriel started
talking !to the Prophet"% &hen the Prophet asked U Salaa# H@ho is thisJH She replied# HHe is 8ihya
!al)Kalbi"%H @hen Aabriel had left# U Salaa said# HBy Allah# I did not take hi for anybody other
than hi !i%e% 8ihya" till I heard the seron of the Prophet $herein he infored about the ne$s of
Aabriel%H &he subnarrator asked Abu 'Uthan: Bro $ho ha(e you heard thatJ Abu 'Uthan said:
Bro Usaa bin Faid%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 462:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H+(ery Prophet $as gi(en iracles because of $hich people belie(ed# but $hat I
ha(e been gi(en# is 8i(ine Inspiration $hich Allah has re(ealed to e% So I hope that y follo$ers
$ill outnuber the follo$ers of the other Prophets on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 464:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah sent do$n His 8i(ine Inspiration to His Apostle continuously and abundantly during the
period preceding his death till He took hi unto Hi% &hat $as the period of the greatest part of re()
elationL and Allah's Apostle died after that%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 465:
Darrated /undub:
=olue 5 ) 0000 ? 0:66
Ence the Prophet fell ill and did not offer the night prayer !&aha..ud prayer" for a night or t$o% A
$oan !the $ife of Abu ;ahab" cae to hi and said# HE Muhaad I I do not see but that your
Satan has left you%H &hen Allah re(ealed !Surat)Ad)8uha":
'By the fore)noon# and by the night $hen it darkens !or is still"L Kour ;ord has not forsaken you#
nor hated you%' !1<"
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 46::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
!&he 9aliph 'Uthan ordered Faid bin &habit# Said bin Al)As# 'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair and 'Ab)
dur)Rahan bin Al)Harith bin Hisha to $rite the ,uran in the for of a book !Mushafs" and said
to the% HIn case you disagree $ith Faid bin &habit !Al)Ansari" regarding any dialectic Arabic utter)
ance of the ,uran# then $rite it in the dialect of ,uraish# for the ,uran $as re(ealed in this dialect%H
So they did it%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 467:
Darrated Saf$an bin Ka'la bin Uaiya:
Ka'la used to say# HI $ish I could see Allah's Apostle at the tie he is being inspired 8i(inely%H
@hen the Prophet $as at Al)/a'rana and $as shaded by a garent hanging o(er hi and soe of his
copanions $ere $ith hi# a an perfued $ith scent cae and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat is
your opinion regarding a an $ho assues Ihra and puts on a cloak after perfuing his body
$ith scentJH &he Prophet $aited for a $hile# and then the 8i(ine Inspiration descended upon hi%
'Uar pointed out to Ka'la# telling hi to coe% Ka'la cae and pushed his head !underneath the
screen $hich $as co(ering the Prophet " and beholdI &he Prophet's face $as red and he kept on
breathing hea(ily for a $hile and then he $as relie(ed% &hereupon he said# H@here is the Cuestioner
$ho asked e about 'Ura a $hile agoJH &he an $as sought and then $as brought before the
Prophet $ho said !to hi"# HAs regards the scent $hich you perfued your body $ith# you ust
$ash it off thrice# and as for your cloak# you ust take it offL and then perfor in your 'Ura all
those things $hich you perfor in Ha..%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 461:
Darrated Faid bin &habit:
Abu Bakr As)SiddiC sent for e $hen the peopleI of Kaaa had been killed !i%e%# a nuber of the
Prophet's 9opanions $ho fought against Musailaa"% !I $ent to hi" and found 'Uar bin Al)
Khattab sitting $ith hi% Abu Bakr then said !to e"# HUar has coe to e and said: H9asualties
$ere hea(y aong the ,urra' of theI ,ur'an !i%e% those $ho kne$ the ,uran by heart" on the day of
the Battle of Kalaa# and I a afraid that ore hea(y casualties ay take place aong the ,urra'
=olue 5 ) 0003 ? 0:66
on other battlefields# $hereby a large part of the ,ur'an ay be lost% &herefore I suggest# you !Abu
Bakr" order that the ,ur'an be collected%H I said to 'Uar# HHo$ can you do soething $hich Allah's
Apostle did not doJH 'Uar said# HBy Allah# that is a good pro.ect% HUar kept on urging e to accept
his proposal till Allah opened y chest for it and I began to reali-e the good in the idea $hich 'Uar
had reali-ed%H &hen Abu Bakr said !to e"% 'Kou are a $ise young an and $e do not ha(e any suspi)
cion about you# and you used to $rite the 8i(ine Inspiration for Allah's Apostle% So you should search
for !the fragentary scripts of" the ,ur'an and collect it in one book"%H By Allah If they had ordered
e to shift one of the ountains# it $ould not ha(e been hea(ier for e than this ordering e to
collect the ,ur'an% &hen I said to Abu Bakr# HHo$ $ill you do soething $hich Allah's Apostle did
not doJH Abu Bakr replied# HBy Allah# it is a good pro.ect%H Abu Bakr kept on urging e to accept his
idea until Allah opened y chest for $hat He had opened the chests of Abu Bakr and 'Uar% So I
started looking for the ,ur'an and collecting it fro !$hat $as $ritten on" paled stalks# thin $hite
stones and also fro the en $ho kne$ it by heart# till I found the last =erse of Surat At)&auba !Re)
pentance" $ith Abi Khu-aia Al)Ansari# and I did not find it $ith anybody other than hi% &he
=erse is:
'=erily there has coe unto you an Apostle !Muhaad" fro aongst yoursel(es% It grie(es hi
that you should recei(e any in.ury or difficulty%%!till the end of Surat)Baraa' !At)&auba" !1%037)031"
&hen the coplete anuscripts !copy" of the ,ur'an reained $ith Abu Bakr till he died# then $ith
'Uar till the end of his life# and then $ith Hafsa# the daughter of 'Uar%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 406:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Hudhaifa bin Al)Kaan cae to Uthan at the tie $hen the people of Sha and the people of
IraC $ere @aging $ar to conCuer Arinya and Hudhaifa $as afraid of their !the
people of Sha and IraC" differences in the recitation of the ,ur'an# so he said to 'Uthan# HE chief
of the Belie(ersI Sa(e this nation before they differ about the Book !,uran" as /e$s and the 9hristi)
ans did before%H So 'Uthan sent a essage to Hafsa saying# HSend us the anuscripts of the ,ur'an
so that $e ay copile the ,ur'anic aterials in perfect copies and return the anuscripts to you%H
Hafsa sent it to 'Uthan% 'Uthan then ordered Faid bin &habit# 'Abdullah bin A-Fubair# Said bin Al)
As and 'AbdurRahan bin Harith bin Hisha to re$rite the anuscripts in perfect copies% 'Uthan
said to the three ,uraishi en# HIn case you disagree $ith Faid bin &habit on any point in the
,ur'an# then $rite it in the dialect of ,uraish# the ,ur'an $as re(ealed in their tongue%H &hey did so#
and $hen they had $ritten any copies# 'Uthan returned the original anuscripts to Hafsa% 'Uth)
an sent to e(ery Musli pro(ince one copy of $hat they had copied# and ordered that all the other
,ur'anic aterials# $hether $ritten in fragentary anuscripts or $hole copies# be burnt% Said bin
&habit added# HA =erse fro Surat Ah-ab $as issed by e $hen $e copied the ,ur'an and I used to
hear Allah's Apostle reciting it% So $e searched for it and found it $ith Khu-aia bin &habit Al)An)
=olue 5 ) 000< ? 0:66
sari% !&hat =erse $as": 'Aong the Belie(ers are en $ho ha(e been true in their co(enant $ith Al)
lah%' !<<%3<"
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 400:
Darrated Faid bin &habit:
Abu Bakr sent for e and said# HKou used to $rite the 8i(ine Re(elations for Allah's Apostle : So
you should search for !the ,ur'an and collect" it%H I started searching for the ,ur'an till I found the
last t$o =erses of Surat At)&auba $ith Abi Khu-aia Al)Ansari and I could not find these =erses
$ith anybody other than hi% !&hey $ere":
'=erily there has coe unto you an Apostle !Muhaad" fro aongst yoursel(es% It grie(es hi
that you should recei(e any in.ury or difficulty %%%' !1%037)031"
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 403:
Darrated Al)Bara:
&here $as re(ealed: 'Dot eCual are those belie(ers $ho sit !at hoe" and those $ho stri(e and fight
in the 9ause of Allah%' !2%14"
&he Prophet said# H9all Faid for e and let hi bring the board# the inkpot and the scapula bone
!or the scapula bone and the ink pot"%H' &hen he said# H@rite: 'Dot eCual are those Belie(ers $ho sit%%H#
and at that tie 'Ar bin U Maktu# the blind an $as sitting behind the Prophet % He said# HE Al)
lah's ApostleI @hat is your order Bor e !as regards the abo(e =erse" as I a a blind anJH So# in)
stead of the abo(e =erse# the follo$ing =erse $as re(ealed:
'Dot eCual are those belie(ers $ho sit !at hoe" e*cept those $ho are disabled !by in.ury or are
blind or lae etc%" and those $ho stri(e and fight in the cause of Allah%' !2%14"
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 40<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle said# HAabriel recited the ,ur'an to e in one $ay% &hen I reCuested hi !to read it
in another $ay"# and continued asking hi to recite it in other $ays# and he recited it in se(eral
$ays till he ultiately recited it in se(en different $ays%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 402:
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khattab:
I heard Hisha bin Haki reciting Surat Al)BurCan during the lifetie of Allah's Apostle and I
listened to his recitation and noticed that he recited in se(eral different $ays $hich Allah's Apostle
=olue 5 ) 0002 ? 0:66
had not taught e% I $as about to .up o(er hi during his prayer# but I controlled y teper# and
$hen he had copleted his prayer# I put his upper garent around his neck and sei-ed hi by it
and said# H@ho taught you this Sura $hich I heard you recitingJH He replied# HAllah's Apostle taught
it to e%H I said# HKou ha(e told a lie# for Allah's Apostle has taught it to e in a different $ay fro
yours%H So I dragged hi to Allah's Apostle and said !to Allah's Apostle"#
HI heard this person reciting Surat Al)BurCan in a $ay $hich you ha(en't taught eIH En that Al)
lah's Apostle said# HRelease hi# !E 'UarI" Recite# E HishaIH &hen he recited in the sae $ay as I
heard hi reciting% &hen Allah's Apostle said# HIt $as re(ealed in this $ay#H and added# HRecite# E
'UarIH I recited it as he had taught e% Allah's Apostle then said# HIt $as re(ealed in this $ay% &his
,ur'an has been re(ealed to be recited in se(en different $ays# so recite of it $hiche(er !$ay" is easi)
er for you !or read as uch of it as ay be easy for you"%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 404:
Darrated Kusuf bin Mahk:
@hile I $as $ith Aisha# the other of the Belie(ers# a person fro IraC cae and asked# H@hat
type of shroud is the bestJH 'Aisha said# HMay Allah be erciful to youI @hat does it atterJH He said#
HE other of the Belie(ersI Sho$ e !the copy of" your ,ur'an#H She said# H@hyJH He said# HIn order
to copile and arrange the ,ur'an according to it# for people recite it $ith its Suras not in proper
order%H 'Aisha said# H@hat does it atter $hich part of it you read firstJ !Be infored" that the first
thing that $as re(ealed thereof $as a Sura fro Al)Mufassal# and in it $as entioned Paradise and
the Bire% @hen the people ebraced Isla# the =erses regarding legal and illegal things $ere re)
(ealed% If the first thing to be re(ealed $as: '8o not drink alcoholic drinks%' people $ould ha(e said#
'@e $ill ne(er lea(e alcoholic drinks#' and if there had been re(ealed# '8o not coit illegal se*ual
intercourse# 'they $ould ha(e said# '@e $ill ne(er gi(e up illegal se*ual intercourse%' @hile I $as a
young girl of playing age# the follo$ing =erse $as re(ealed in Mecca to Muhaad: 'DayI But the
Hour is their appointed tie !for their full recopense"# and the Hour $ill be ore grie(ous and
ore bitter%' !42%25" Sura Al)BaCara !&he 9o$" and Surat An)Disa !&he @oen" $ere re(ealed
$hile I $as $ith hi%H &hen 'Aisha took out the copy of the ,ur'an for the an and dictated to hi
the =erses of the Suras !in their proper order" %
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 405:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud:
Surat Bani)lsrael# Al)Kahf !&he 9a(e"# Marya# &aha# Al)Anbiya' !&he prophets" are aongst y
first earnings and y old property# and !in fact" they are y old property%
=olue 5 ) 0004 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 40::
Darrated Al)Bara':
I learnt# 'Alorify the Dae of your ;ord the Most High' !Surat al)A'la" Do 7:# before the Prophet
cae !to Medina" %
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 407:
Darrated ShaCiC:
Abdullah said# HI learnt An)Da-a'ir $hich the Prophet used to recite in pairs in each Rak'a%H &hen
Abdullah got up and AlCaa accopanied hi to his house# and $hen AlCaa cae out# $e asked
hi !about those Suras"% He said# H&hey are t$enty Suras that start fro the beginning of Al)Mufas)
sal# according to the arrangeent done be Ibn Mas'ud# and end $ith the Suras starting $ith Ha Mi#
e%g% Ha Mi !the Soke"% and HAbout $hat they Cuestion one anotherJH !:7%0"
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 401:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet $as the ost generous person# and he used to becoe ore so !generous" particu)
larly in the onth of Raadan because Aabriel used to eet hi e(ery night of the onth of Ra)
adan till it elapsed% Allah's Apostle used to recite the ,ur'an for hi% @hen Aabriel et hi# he
used to becoe ore generous than the fast $ind in doing good%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 436:
Darrated Abu)Huraira: Aabriel used to repeat the recitation of the ,ur'an $ith the Prophet once a
year# but he repeated it t$ice $ith hi in the year he died% &he Prophet used to stay in I'tikaf for ten
days e(ery year !in the onth of Raadan"# but
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 430:
Darrated MasriC:
'Abdullah bin 'Ar entioned 'Abdullah bin Masud and said# HI shall e(er lo(e that an# for I
heard the Prophet saying# '&ake !learn" the ,ur'an fro four: 'Abdullah bin Masud# Sali# Mu'adh
and Ubai bin Ka'b%' H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 433:
Darrated ShaCiC bin Salaa:
=olue 5 ) 0005 ? 0:66
Ence 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud deli(ered a seron before us and said# HBy Allah# I learnt o(er se(enty
Suras direct fro Allah's Apostle % By Allah# the copanions of the Prophet cae to kno$ that I a
one of those $ho kno$ Allah's Book best of all of the# yet I a not the best of the%H ShaCiC added: I
sat in his religious gathering and I did not hear anybody opposing hi !in his speech"%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 43<:
Darrated 'AlCaa:
@hile $e $ere in the city of His !in Syria"# Ibn Mas'ud recited Surat Kusuf% A an said to hi"#
HIt $as not re(ealed in this $ay%H &hen Ibn Mas'ud said# HI recited it in this $ay before Allah's Apostle
and he confired y recitation by saying# '@ell doneI' H Ibn Mas'ud detected the sell of $ine fro
the an's outh# so he said to hi# HAren't you ashaed of telling a lie about Allah's Book and !along
$ith this" you drink alcoholic liCuors tooJH &hen he lashed hi according to the la$%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 432:
Darrated 'Abdullah !bin Mas'ud":
By Allah other than @ho none has the right to be $orshippedI &here is no Sura re(ealed in Al)
lah's Book but I kno$ at $hat place it $as re(ealedL and there is no =erse re(ealed in Allah's Book
but I kno$ about $ho
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 434:
Darrated ,atada:
I asked Anas bin Malik: H@ho collected the ,ur'an at the tie of the Prophet JH He replied# HBour#
all of $ho $ere fro the Ansar: Ubai bin Ka'b# Mu'adh bin /abal# Faid bin &habit and Abu Faid%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 435:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hen the Prophet died# none had collected the ,ur'an but four personsL: Abu Ad)8arda'% Mu'adh
bin /abal# Faid bin &habit and Abu Faid% @e $ere the inheritor !of Abu Faid" as he had no offspring %
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 43::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
'Uar said# Ubai $as the best of us in the recitation !of the ,ur'an" yet $e lea(e soe of $hat he
recites%' Ubai says# 'PI ha(e taken it fro the outh of Allah's Apostle and $ill not lea(e for anything
$hate(er%H But Allah said
=olue 5 ) 000: ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 437:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Mu'alla:
@hile I $as praying# the Prophet called e but I did not respond to his call% ;ater I said# HE Allah's
ApostleI I $as praying%H He said# H8idn't Allah say: 'E you $ho belie(eI Ai(e your response to Allah
!by obeying Hi" and to His Apostle $hen he calls you'JH !7%32"
He then said# HShall I not teach you the ost superior Surah in the ,ur'anJH He said# '!It is"#
'Praise be to Allah# the ;ord of the $orlds% ' !i%e%# Surat Al)Batiha" $hich consists of se(en repeatedly
recited =erses and the Magnificent ,ur'an $hich $as gi(en to e%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 431:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
@hile $e $ere on one of our .ourneys# $e disounted at a place $here a sla(e girl cae and
said# H&he chief of this tribe has been stung by a scorpion and our en are not presentL is there any)
body aong you $ho can treat hi !by reciting soething"JH &hen one of our en $ent along $ith
her though $e did not think that he kne$ any such treatent% But he treated the chief by reciting
soething# and the sick an reco(ered $hereupon he ga(e hi thirty sheep and ga(e us ilk to
drink !as a re$ard"% @hen he returned# $e asked our friend# H8id you kno$ ho$ to treat $ith the
recitation of soethingJH He said# HDo# but I treated hi only $ith the recitation of the Mother of the
Book !i%e%# Al)Batiha"%H @e said# H8o not say anything !about it" till $e reach or ask the Prophet so
$hen $e reached Medina# $e entioned that to the Prophet !in order to kno$ $hether the sheep
$hich $e had taken $ere la$ful to take or not"% &he Prophet said# HHo$ did he coe to kno$ that it
!Al)Batiha" could be used for treatentJ 8istribute your re$ard and assign for e one share thereof
as $ell%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4<6:
Darrated Abu Mas'ud:
&he Prophet said# HIf soebody recited the last t$o =erses of Surat Al)BaCara at night# that $ill be
sufficient for hi%H
Darrated Abu Huraira: Allah 's Apostle ordered e to guard the Fakat re(enue of Raadan% &hen
soebody cae to e and started stealing of the foodstuff% I caught hi and said# HI $ill take you to
Allah's ApostleIH &hen Abu Huraira described the $hole narration and said:" &hat person said !to
e"# H!Please don't take e to Allah's Apostle and I $ill tell you a fe$ $ords by $hich Allah $ill be)
nefit you%" @hen you go to your bed# recite Ayat)al)Kursi# !3%344" for then there $ill be a guard
fro Allah $ho $ill protect you all night long# and Satan $ill not be able to coe near you till
=olue 5 ) 0007 ? 0:66
da$n%H !@hen the Prophet heard the story" he said !to e"# HHe !$ho cae to you at night" told you
the truth although he is a liarL and it $as Satan%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4<0:
Darrated Al)Bara':
A an $as reciting Surat Al)Kahf and his horse $as tied $ith t$o ropes beside hi% A cloud cae
do$n and spread o(er that an# and it kept on coing closer and closer to hi till his horse started
.uping !as if afraid of soething"% @hen it $as orning# the an cae to the Prophet# and told
hi of that e*perience% &he Prophet said# H&hat $as As)Sakina !tranCuility" $hich descended be)
cause of !the recitation of" the ,ur'an%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4<3:
Darrated Asla:
Allah's Apostle $as tra(eling on one of his .ourneys# and 'Uar bin Al)Khattab $as tra(eling
along $ith hi at night% 'Uar asked hi about soething# but Allah's Apostle I did not ans$er hi%
He asked again# but he did not ans$er% He asked for the third tieI# but he did not ans$er% En that#
'Uar said to hiself# HMay your other lose youI Kou ha(e asked Allah's Apostle three ties# but he
did not ans$er at allIH Uar said# HSo I ade y cael go fast till I $as ahead of the people# and I
$as afraid that soething ight beI re(ealed about e% After a little $hile I heard a call aker call)
ing e# I said# 'I $as afraid that soe ,ur'anic =erse ight be re(ealed about e%' So I $ent to Al)
lah's Apostle and greeted hi% He said# '&onight there has been re(ealed to e a Surah $hich is dear)
er to e than that on $hich the sun shines !i%e% the $orld"%' &hen he recited: '=erilyI @e ha(e gi(en
you !E Muhaad I# a anifest (ictory%' H !Surat al)Bath" Do% !27%0"%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4<<:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
A an heard another an reciting !Surat)Al)Ikhlas" 'Say He is Allah# !the" Ene%' !003% 0" re)
peatedly% &he ne*t orning he cae to Allah's Apostle and infored hi about it as if he thought
that it $as not enough to recite% En that Allah's Apostle said# HBy Hi in @hose Hand y life is# this
Surah is eCual to one)third of the ,ur'anIH
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri: My brother# ,atada bin An)Dau'an said# HA an perfored the
night prayer late at night in the lifetie of the Prophet and he read: 'Say: He is Allah# !the" Ene#'
!003%0" and read nothing besides that% &he ne*t orning a an $ent to the Prophet #O and told hi
about that % !&he Prophet replied the sae as !in Hadith 4<3" abo(e%"
=olue 5 ) 0001 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4<2:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said to his copanions# HIs it difficult for any of you to recite one third of the ,ur'an
in one nightJH &his suggestion $as difficult for the so they said# H@ho aong us has the po$er to
do so# E Allah's ApostleJH Allah Apostle replied: H Allah !the" Ene# the Self)Sufficient Master @ho
all creatures need%' !Surat Al)Ikhlas 003%0))to the +nd" is eCual to one third of the ,ur'an%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4<4:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle becae sick# he $ould recite Mu'a$$idhat !Surat Al)BalaC and Surat
An)Das" and then blo$ his breath o(er his body% @hen he becae seriously ill# I used to recite !these
t$o Suras" and rub his hands o(er his body hoping for its blessings%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4<5:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hene(er thy Prophet go $ent to bed e(ery night# he used to cup his hands together and blo$
o(er it after reciting Surat Al)Ikhlas# Surat Al)BalaC and Surat An)Das# and then rub his hands o(er
$hate(er parts of his body he $as able to rub# starting $ith his head# face and front of his body% He
used to do that three ties%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4<5t:
Darrated Usaid bin Hudair:
&hat $hile he $as reciting Surat Al)BaCara !&he 9o$" at night# and his horse $as tied beside hi#
the horse $as suddenly startled and troubled% @hen he stopped reciting# the horse becae Cuiet# and
$hen he started again# the horse $as startled again% &hen he stopped reciting and the horse becae
Cuiet too% He started reciting again and the horse $as startled and troubled once again% &hen he
stopped reciting and his son# Kahya $as beside the horse% He $as afraid that the horse ight traple
on hi% @hen he took the boy a$ay and looked to$ards the sky# he could not see it% &he ne*t orn)
ing he infored the Prophet $ho said# HRecite# E Ibn HudairI Recite# E Ibn HudairIH Ibn Hudair
replied# HE Allah's ApostleI My son# Kahya $as near the horse and I $as afraid that it ight traple
on hi# so I looked to$ards the sky# and $ent to hi% @hen I looked at the sky# I sa$ soething like
a cloud containing $hat looked like laps# so I $ent out in order not to see it%H &he Prophet said# H8o
you kno$ $hat that $asJH Ibn Hudair replied# HDo%H &he Prophet said# H&hose $ere Angels $ho cae
=olue 5 ) 0036 ? 0:66
near to you for your (oice and if you had kept on reciting till da$n# it $ould ha(e reained there till
orning $hen people $ould ha(e seen it as it $ould not ha(e disappear
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4<::
Darrated 'Abdul 'A-i- bin Rufai':
Shaddad bin Ma'Cil and I entered upon Ibn 'Abbas% Shaddad bin Ma'Cil asked hi# H8id the Proph)
et lea(e anything !besides the ,ur'an"JH He replied% HHe did not lea(e anything e*cept $hat is
Bet$een the t$o bindings !of the ,ur'an"%H &hen $e (isited Muhaad bin Al)Hanafiyya and asked
hi !the sae Cuestion"% He replied# H&he Prophet did not lea(e e*cept $hat is bet$een the bindings
!of the ,ur'an"%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4<7:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ash'ari:
&he Prophet said# H&he e*aple of hi !a belie(er" $ho recites the ,ur'an is like that of a citron
$hich tastes good and sells good% And he !a belie(er" $ho does not recite the ,ur'an is like a date
$hich is good in taste but has no sell% And the e*aple of a dissolute $icked person $ho recites
the ,ur'an is like the Raihana !s$eet basil" $hich sells good but tastes bitter% And the e*aple of a
dissolute $icked person $ho does not recite the ,ur'an is like the colocynth $hich tastes bitter and
has no sell%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4<1:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HKour life in coparison to the lifetie of the past nations is like the period
bet$een the tie of 'Asr prayer and sunset% Kour e*aple and the e*aple of the /e$s and 9hristi)
ans is that of person $ho eployed laborers and said to the# H@ho $ill $ork for e till the iddle
of the day for one ,irat !a special $eight"J' &he /e$s did% He then said# H@ho $ill $ork for e fro
the iddle of the day till the 'Asr prayer for one ,irat eachJH &he 9hristians $orked accordingly%
&hen you !Muslis" are $orking fro the bar prayer till the Maghrib prayer for t$o ,irats each%
&hey !the /e$s and the 9hristians" said# '@e did ore labor but took less $ages%' He !Allah" said#
'Ha(e I $ronged you in your rightsJ' &hey replied# 'Do%' &hen He said# '&his is My Blessing $hich I
gi(e to $ho I $ish%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 426:
Darrated &alha:
=olue 5 ) 0030 ? 0:66
I asked 'Abdullah bin Abi 'Aufa# H8id the Prophet ake a $ill !to appoint his successor or beCueath
$ealth"JH He replied# HDo%H I said# HHo$ is it prescribed then for the people to ake $ills# and they are
ordered to do so $hile the Prophet did not ake any $illJH He said# HHe ade a $ill $herein he re)
coended Allah's Book%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 420:
Darrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said# HAllah does not listen to a prophet as He listens to a
prophet $ho recites the ,ur'an in a pleasant tone%H &he copanion of the sub)narrator !Abu Salaa"
said# HIt eans# reciting it aloud%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 423:
Darrated Abu Huraira: &he Prophet I said# HAllah does not listen to a prophet as He listens to a
prophet $ho recites the ,ur'an in a loud and pleasant tone%H Sufyan said# H&his saying eans: a
prophet $ho regards the ,ur'an as soething that akes hi
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 42<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HDot to $ish to be the like e*cept of t$o en% A an $ho Allah has gi(en
the kno$ledge of the Book and he recites it during the hours of the night# and a an $ho Allah
has gi(en $ealth# and he spends it in charity during the night and the hours of the day%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 422:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle I said# HDot to $ish to be the like of e*cept t$o en: A an $ho Allah has taught
the ,ur'an and he recites it during the hours of the night and during the hours of the day# and his
neighbor listens to hi and says# 'I $ish I had been gi(en $hat has been gi(en to so)and)so# so that I
ight do $hat he doesL and a an $ho Allah has gi(en $ealth and he spends it on $hat is .ust
and right# $hereupon an other an May say# 'I $ish I had been gi(en $hat so)and)so has been gi()
en# for then I $ould do $hat he does%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 424:
Darrated 'Uthan:
&he Prophet said# H&he best aong you !Muslis" are those $ho learn the ,ur'an and teach it%H
=olue 5 ) 0033 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 425:
Darrated Uthan bin Affan:
&he Prophet said# H&he ost superior aong you !Muslis" are those $ho learn the ,ur'an and
teach it%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 42::
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
A lady cae to the Prophet and declared that she had decided to offer herself to Allah and His
Apostle% &he Prophet said# HI a not in need of $oen%H A an said !to the Prophet" HPlease arry her
to e%H &he Prophet said !to hi"# HAi(e her a garent%H &he an said# HI cannot afford it%H &he Proph)
et said# HAi(e her anything# e(en if it $ere an iron ring%H &he an apologi-ed again% &he Prophet then
asked hi# H@hat do you kno$ by heart of the ,ur'anJH He replied# HI kno$ such)and)such portion
of the ,ur'an !by heart"%H &he Prophet said# H&hen I arry her to you for that uch of the ,ur'an
$hich you kno$ by heart%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 427:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
A lady cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e coe to you to offer yself to
you%H He raised his eyes and looked at her and then lo$ered his head% @hen the lady sa$ that he did
not ake any decision# she sat do$n% En that# a an fro his copanions got up and said% HE Allah's
ApostleI If you are not in need of this $oan# then arry her to e%H Allah's Apostle said# H8o you
ha(e anything to offer herJH He replied% HDo# by Allah# E Allah's ApostleIH &he Prophet said to hi#
HAo to your faily and see if you can find soething%' &he an $ent and returned# saying# HDo# by
Allah# E Allah's ApostleI I ha(e not found anything%H &he Prophet said# H&ry to find soething# e(en if
it is an iron ring%'' He $ent again and returned# saying# HDo# by Allah# E Allah's Apostle# not e(en an
iron ring# but I ha(e this $aist sheet of ine%H &he an had no upper garent# so he intended to gi(e
her# half his $aist sheet% So Allah's Apostle said# ''@hat $ould she do $ith your $aist sheetJ If you
$ear it# she $ill ha(e nothing of it o(er her body# and if she $ears it# you $ill ha(e nothing o(er
your body%H So that an sat for a long period and then got up# and Allah's Apostle sa$ hi going
a$ay# so he ordered soebody to call hi% @hen he cae# the Prophet asked hi# H Ho$ uch of
the ,ur'an do you kno$JH He replied# HI kno$ such Surat and such Surat and such Surat#H and $ent
on counting it# &he Prophet asked hi# H9an you recite it by heartJH he replied# HKes%H &he Prophet
said# HAo# I ha(e arried this lady to you for the aount of the ,ur'an you kno$ by heart%H
=olue 5 ) 003< ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 421:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he e*aple of the person $ho kno$s the ,ur'an by heart is like the o$ner
of tied caels% If he keeps the tied# he $ill control the# but if he releases the# they $ill run
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 446:
Darrated Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HIt is a bad thing that soe of you say# 'I ha(e forgotten such)and)such (erse of
the ,ur'an#' for indeed# he has been caused !by Allah" to forget it% So you ust keep on reciting the
,ur'an because it escapes fro the hearts of en faster than cael do%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 440:
Darrated Abdullah:
I heard the Prophet saying%%% !as abo(e# no% 446"%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 443:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# HKeep on reciting the ,ur'an# for# by Hi in @hose Hand y life is# ,uran runs
a$ay !is forgotten" faster than caels that are released fro their tying ropes%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 44<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mughaffal:
I sa$ Allah's Apostle reciting Surat)al)Bath on his she)cael on the day of the 9onCuest of Mecca%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 442:
Darrated Said bid /ubair:
&hose Suras $hich you people call the Mufassal# are the Muhka% And Ibn 'Abbas said# HAllah's
Apostle died $hen I $as a boy of ten years# and I had learnt the Muhka !of the ,ur'an"%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 444:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
=olue 5 ) 0032 ? 0:66
Ibn 'Abbas said# HI ha(e learnt all the Muhka Suras during the life tie of Allah's Apostle%H I said
to hi# '@hat is eant by the MuhkaJH He replied# H&he Mufassal%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 445:
Darrated Aisha:
&he Prophet heard a an reciting the ,ur'an in the osCue and said# HMay Allah besto$ His
Mercy on hi# as he has reinded e of such)and)such =erses of such a Surah%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 44::
Darrated Hisha:
!&he sae Hadith# adding": $hich I issed !odifying the =erses"%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 447:
Darrated Aisha:
Allah's Apostle heard a an reciting the ,ur'an at night# and said# HMay Allah besto$ His Mercy
on hi# as he has reinded e of such)and)such =erses of such)and)such Suras# $hich I $as
caused to forget%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 441:
Darrated Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H@hy does anyone of the people say# 'I ha(e forgotten such)and)such =erses !of
the ,ur'an"J' He# in fact# is caused !by Allah" to forget%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 456:
Darrated Abu Mas'ud Al)Ansari:
&he Prophet said# HIf one recites the last t$o =erses of Surat)al)BaCara at night# it is sufficient for
hi !for that night"%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 450:
Darrated Uar bin Khattab:
I heard Hisha bin Haki bin Hi-a reciting Surat)al)BurCan during the lifetie of Allah's
Apostle# and I listened to his recitation and noticed that he recited it in se(eral $ays $hich Allah's
Apostle had not taught e% So I $as on the point of attacking hi in the prayer# but I $aited till he
=olue 5 ) 0034 ? 0:66
finished his prayer# and then I sei-ed hi by the collar and said# H@ho taught you this Surah $hich I
ha(e heard you recitingJH He replied# HAllah's Apostle taught it to e%H I said# HKou are telling a lieL By
AllahI Allah's Apostle taught e !in a different $ay" this (ery Surah $hich I ha(e heard you recit)
ing%H So I took hi# leading hi to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I heard this person re)
citing Surat)al)BurCan in a $ay that you did not teach e# and you ha(e taught e Surat)al)Bur)
Can%H &he Prophet said# HE Hisha# reciteIH So he recited in the sae $ay as I heard hi recite it be)
fore% En that Allah's Apostle said# HIt $as re(ealed to be recited in this $ay%H &hen Allah's Apostle said#
HRecite# E 'UarIH So I recited it as he had taught e% Allah's Apostle then said# HIt $as re(ealed to be
recited in this $ay%H AllahH Apostle added# H&he ,uran has been re(ealed to be recited in se(eral dif)
ferent $ays# so recite of it that $hich is easier for you%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 453:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet heard a reciter reciting# the ,ur'an in the osCue at night% &he Prophet said# HMay Al)
lah besto$ His Mercy on hi# as he has reind ed e of such)and)such =erses of such and)such
Suras# $hich I issedIH
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 45<:
Darrated Abu @ail:
@e $ent to 'Abdullah in the orning and a an said# HKesterday I recited all the Mufassal Suras%H
En that 'Abdullah said# H&hat is (ery Cuick# and $e ha(e the !Prophet's" recitation# and I reeber
(ery $ell the recitation of those Suras $hich the Prophet used to recite# and they $ere eighteen Suras
fro the Mufassal# and t$o Suras fro the Suras that start $ith Ha Mi%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 452:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Regarding His !Allah's" Stateent:)) 'Mo(e not your tongue concerning !the ,ur'an" to ake haste
there$ith%' !:4%05" And $hene(er Aabriel descended to Allah's Apostle $ith the 8i(ine Inspiration#
Allah's Apostle used to o(e his tongue and lips# and that used to be hard for hi# and one could
easily recogni-e that he $as being inspired 8i(inely% So Allah re(ealed the =erse $hich occurs in the
Surah starting $ith HI do s$ear by the 8ay of Resurrection%' !:4%0" i%e% 'Mo(e not your tongue con)
cerning !the ,ur'an" to ake haste then $ith% It is for Us to collect it !in your ind" !E Muhaad"
an gi(e you the ability to recite it 'by heart%' !:4%05)0:" $hich eans: It is for us to collect it !in your
ind" and gi(e you the ability to recite it by heart% And $hen @e ha(e recited it to you !E
Muhaad" through Aabriel then follo$ you its recital% !:4%07" eans: '@hen @e re(eal it !the
,ur'an" to you# ;isten to it%' for then: It is for Us to e*plain it and ake it clear to you' !:4%01" i%e% It is
=olue 5 ) 0035 ? 0:66
up to Us to e*plain it through your tongue% So# $hen Aabriel cae to hi# Allah's Apostle $ould
listen to hi attenti(ely# and as soon as Aabriel left# he $ould recite the Re(elations# as Allah had
proised hi%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 454:
Darrated ,atada:
I asked Anas bin Malik about the recitation of the Prophet% He said# HHe used to pray long !certain
sounds" (ery uch%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 455:
Darrated ,atada:
Anas $as asked# HHo$ $as the recitation !of the ,uran" of the ProphetJ' He replied# HIt $as char)
acteri-ed by the prolongation of certain sounds%H He then recited: In the Dae of Allah# the Most Be)
neficent# the Most Merciful prolonging the pronunciation of 'In the Dae of Allah# 'the ost Benefi)
cent#' and 'the Most Merciful%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 45::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mughaffal:
I sa$ the Prophet reciting !,ur'an" $hile he $as riding on his she cael or cael $hich $as
o(ing# carrying hi% He $as reciting Surat Bath or part of Surat Bath (ery softly and in an Attract)
i(e (ibrating tone%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 457:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&hat the Prophet said to hi' HE Abu MusaI Kou ha(e been gi(en one of the usical $ind)instru)
ents of the faily of 8a(id %'
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 451:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&hat the Prophet said to hi# HRecite the ,ur'an to e%H 'Abdullah said# HShall I recite !the ,ur'an"
to you $hile it has been re(ealed to youJH He said# HI like to hear it fro others%H
=olue 5 ) 003: ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4:6:
Darrated Abdullah bin Mas'ud:
&he Prophet said to e# HRecite !the ,uran" to e%H I said# HE Allah's Apostle Shall I recite !the
,ur'an" to you $hile it has been re(ealed to youJH He said# HKes%H So I recited Surat)An)Disa' !&he
@oen"# but $hen I recited the =erse:
'Ho$ !$ill it be" then $hen @e bring fro each nation a $itness and @e bring you !E
Muhaad" as a $itness against these people%' !2%20" He said# H+nough for the present#H I looked at
hi and beholdI His eyes $ere o(erflo$ing $ith tears
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4:0:
Darrated Sufyan:
Ibn Shubrua said# HI $anted to see ho$ uch of the ,ur'an can be enough !to recite in prayer"
and I could not find a Surah containing less than three =erses# therefore I said to yself"# HEne ought
not to recite less than three !,uranic" =erses !in prayer"%H
Darrated Abu Mas'ud: &he Prophet said# HIf soebody recites the last t$o =erses of Surat al)BaCara
at night# it $ill be sufficient for hi%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4:3:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Ar bin Al)As:
My father got e arried to a lady of a noble faily# and often used to ask y $ife about e# and
she used to reply# H@hat a $onderful an he isI He ne(er coes to y bed# nor has he approached
e since he arried e%H @hen this state continued for a long period# y father told the story to the
Prophet $ho said to y father# H;et e eet hi%H &hen I et hi and he asked e# HHo$ do you
fastJH I replied# HI fast daily#H He asked# HHo$ long does it take you to finish the recitation of the $hole
,uranJH I replied# HI finish it e(ery night%H En that he said# HBast for three days e(ery onth and recite
the ,ur'an !and finish it" in one onth%H I said# HBut I ha(e po$er to do ore than that%H He said#
H&hen fast for three days per $eek%H I said# Hi ha(e the po$er to do ore than that%H He said# H&here)
fore# fast the ost superior type of fasting# !that is# the fasting of !prophet" 8a(id $ho used to fast
e(ery alternate dayL and finish the recitation of the $hole ,ur'an In se(en days%H I $ish I had accep)
ted the perission of Allah's Apostle as I ha(e becoe a $eak old an% It is said that 'Abdullah used
to recite one)se(enth of the ,ur'an during the day)tie to soe of his faily ebers# for he used
to check his eori-ation of $hat he $ould recite at night during the daytie so that it $ould be
easier for hi to read at night% And $hene(er he $anted to gain soe strength# he used to gi(e up
fasting for soe days and count those days to fast for a siilar period# for he disliked to lea(e those
things $hich he used to do during the lifetie of the Prophet%
=olue 5 ) 0037 ? 0:66
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4:<:
Darrated Abdullah bin Ar:
&he Prophet asked e# HHo$ long does it take you to finish the recitation of the $hole ,ur'anJH
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4:2:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
Allah's Apostle said to e# HRecite the $hole ,ur'an in one onth's tie%H I said# HBut I ha(e po$er
!to do ore than that"%H Allah's Apostle said# H&hen finish the recitation of the ,ur'an in se(en days#
and do not finish it in less than this period%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4:4:
Darrated 'Abdullah !bin Mas'ud":
Allah's Apostle said !to e"# HRecite the ,ur'an to e%H I said# HShall I recite !it" to you $hile it has
been re(ealed to youJH He said# HI like to hear it fro another person%H So I recited Surat An)Disa !&he
@oen" till I reached the =erse: 'Ho$ !$ill it be" then $hen @e bring fro each nation a $itness#
and @e bring you !E Muhaad" as a $itness against these people%' !2%20" &hen he said to e#
HStopIH &hereupon I sa$ his eyes o(erflo$ing $ith tears%
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4:5:
Darrated Abdullah bin Masud:
&he Prophet said to e# HRecite ,uran to e%H I said to hi% HShall I recite !it" to you $hile it has
been re(ealed to youJH He said# HI like to hear it fro another person%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4:::
Darrated 'Ali:
I heard the Prophet saying# HIn the last days !of the $orld" there $ill appear young people $ith
foolish thoughts and ideas% &hey $ill gi(e good talks# but they $ill go out of Isla as an arro$ goes
out of its gae# their faith $ill not e*ceed their throats% So# $here(er you find the# kill the# for
there $ill be a re$ard for their killers on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4:7:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
=olue 5 ) 0031 ? 0:66
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H&here $ill appear soe people aong you $hose prayer $ill ake
you look do$n upon yours# and $hose fasting $ill ake you look do$n upon yours# but they $ill
recite the ,ur'an $hich $ill not e*ceed their throats !they $ill not act on it" and they $ill go out of
Isla as an arro$ goes out through the gae $hereupon the archer $ould e*aine the arro$head
but see nothing# and look at the unfeathered arro$ but see nothing# and look at the arro$ feathers
but see nothing# and finally he suspects to find soething in the lo$er part of the arro$%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 4:1:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# H&he e*aple of a belie(er $ho recites the ,ur'an and acts on it# like a citron
$hich tastes nice and sells nice% And the e*aple of a belie(er $ho does not recite the ,ur'an but
acts on it# is like a date $hich tastes good but has no sell% And the e*aple of a hypocrite $ho re)
cites the ,ur'an is like a Raihana !s$eet basil" $hich sells good but tastes bitter And the e*aple of
a hypocrite $ho does not recite the ,uran is like a colocynth $hich tastes bitter and has a bad
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 476:
Darrated Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HRecite !and study" the ,ur'an as long as you agree about its interpretation# but if
you ha(e any difference of opinion !as regards to its interpretation and eaning" then you should
stop reciting it !for the tie being"%H
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 470:
Darrated /undub:
&he Prophet said# HRecite !and study" the ,uran as long as you agree about its interpretation# but
$hen you ha(e any difference of opinion !as regards its interpretation and eaning" then you
should stop reciting it !for the tie being"'
=olue 5# Book 50# Duber 473:
Darrated Abdullah:
&hat he heard a an reciting a ,uranic =erse $hich he had heard the Prophet reciting in a diffe)
rent $ay% So he took that an to the Prophet !and told hi the story"% &he Prophet said# HBoth of you
are reciting in a correct $ay# so carry on reciting%H &he Prophet further added# H&he nations $hich
$ere before you $ere destroyed !by Allah" because they differed%H
=olue 5 ) 00<6 ? 0:66
=olue : ) 00<0 ? 0:66
Book 53: @edlock# Marriage !Dikaah"
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
A group of three en cae to the houses of the $i(es of the Prophet asking ho$ the Prophet $or)
shipped !Allah"# and $hen they $ere infored about that# they considered their $orship insufficient
and said# H@here are $e fro the Prophet as his past and future sins ha(e been forgi(en%H &hen one
of the said# HI $ill offer the prayer throughout the night fore(er%H &he other said# HI $ill fast
throughout the year and $ill not break y fast%H &he third said# HI $ill keep a$ay fro the $oen
and $ill not arry fore(er%H Allah's Apostle cae to the and said# HAre you the sae people $ho
said so)and)soJ By Allah# I a ore subissi(e to Allah and ore afraid of Hi than youL yet I fast
and break y fast# I do sleep and I also arry $oen% So he $ho does not follo$ y tradition in re)
ligion# is not fro e !not one of y follo$ers"%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 3:
Darrated 'Ursa:
that he asked 'Aisha about the Stateent of Allah: 'If you fear that you shall not be able to deal
.ustly $ith the orphan girls# then arry !other" $oen of your choice# t$o or three or fourL but if
you fear that you shall not be able to deal .ustly !$ith the"# then only one# or !the capti(es" that
your right hands possess% &hat $ill be nearer to pre(ent you fro doing in.ustice%' !2%<" 'Aisha said#
HE y nephe$I !&his =erse has been re(ealed in connection $ith" an orphan girl under the guardi)
anship of her guardian $ho is attracted by her $ealth and beauty and intends to arry her $ith a
Mahr less than $hat other $oen of her standard deser(e% So they !such guardians" ha(e been for)
bidden to arry the unless they do .ustice to the and gi(e the their full Mahr# and they are
ordered to arry other $oen instead of the%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber <:
Darrated 'AlCaa:
@hile I $as $ith Abdullah# 'Uthan et hi at Mina and said# HE Abu 'Abdur)Rahan I I ha(e
soething to say to you%H So both of the $ent aside and 'Uthan said# HE Abu 'Abdur)Rah% anI
Shall $e arry you to a (irgin $ho $ill ake you reeber your past daysJH @hen 'Abdullah felt
that he $as not in need of that# he beckoned e !to .oin hi" saying# HE 'AlCaaIH &hen I heard hi
saying !in reply to 'Uthan"# HAs you ha(e said that# !I tell you that" the Prophet once said to us# 'E
=olue : ) 00<3 ? 0:66
young peopleI @hoe(er aong you is able to arry# should arry# and $hoe(er is not able to
arry# is recoended to fast# as fasting diinishes his se*ual po$er%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 2:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@e $ere $ith the Prophet $hile $e $ere young and had no $ealth $hate(er% So Allah's Apostle
said# HE young peopleI @hoe(er aong you can arry# should arry# because it helps hi lo$er his
ga-e and guard his odesty !i%e% his pri(ate parts fro coitting illegal se*ual intercourse etc%"#
and $hoe(er is not able to arry# should fast# as fasting diinishes his se*ual po$er%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 4:
Darrated 'Ata:
@e presented oursel(es along $ith Ibn 'Abbas at the funeral procession of Maiuna at a place
called Sarif% Ibn 'Abbas said# H&his is the $ife of the Prophet so $hen you lift her bier# do not /erk it or
shake it uch# but $alk soothly because the Prophet had nine $i(es and he used to obser(e the
night turns $ith eight of the# and for one of the there $as no night turn%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 5:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet I used to go round !ha(e se*ual relations $ith" all his $i(es in one night# and he had
nine $i(es%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber ::
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
Ibn 'Abbas asked e# HAre you arriedJH I replied# HDo%H He said# HMarry# for the best person of this
!Musli" nation !i%e%# Muhaad" of all other Muslis# had the largest nuber of $i(es%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 7:
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khattab:
&he Prophet said# H&he re$ards !of deeds" are according to the intention# and e(erybody $ill get
the re$ard for $hat he has intended% So $hoe(er eigrated for Allah's and His Apostle's sake# his
eigration $as for Allah and His ApostleL and $hoe(er eigrated for $orldly benefits# or to arry a
$oan# then his eigration $as for the thing for $hat he eigrated for%H !0"
=olue : ) 00<< ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 1:
Darrated Ibn Masud:
@e used to fight in the holy battles in the copany of the Prophet and $e had no $i(es $ith us%
So $e said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall $e get castratedJH &he Prophet forbade us to do so%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 06:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf cae !fro Mecca to Medina" and the Prophet ade a bond of brother)
hood bet$een hi and Sad bin Ar)Rabi' Al)Ansari% Al)Ansari had t$o $i(es# so he suggested that
'Abdur)Rahan take half# his $i(es and property% 'Abdur)Rahan replied# HMay Allah bless you
$ith your $i(es and property% Kindly sho$ e the arket%H So 'Abdur)Rahan $ent to the arket
and gained !in bargains" soe dried yoghurt and soe butter% After a fe$ days the Prophet sa$ Ab)
dur)Rahan $ith soe yello$ stains on his clothes and asked hi# H@hat is that# E 'Abdur)Rah)
anJH He replied# HI had arried an Ansari $oan%H &he Prophet asked# HHo$ uch Mahr did you
gi(e herJH He replied# H&he $eight of one !date" stone of gold%H &he Prophet said# HEffer a banCuet#
e(en $ith one sheep%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 00:
Darrated Sad bin Abi @aCCas:
Allah's Apostle forbade 'Uthan bin Ma-'un to abstain fro arrying !and other pleasures" and if
he had allo$ed hi# $e $ould ha(e gotten oursel(es castrated%!0"
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 03:
Darrated Sad bin Abi @aCCas:
&he Prophet pre(ented 'Uthan bin Ma-un fro that !not arrying"# and had he allo$ed hi# $e
$ould ha(e got oursel(es castrated%!0"
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0<o:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@e used to participate in the holy battles led by Allah's Apostle and $e had nothing !no $i(es"
$ith us% So $e said# HShall $e get oursel(es castratedJH He forbade us that and then allo$ed us to
arry $oen $ith a teporary contract !3" and recited to us: )) 'E you $ho belie(e I Make not un)
la$ful the good things $hich Allah has ade la$ful for you# but coit no transgression%' !4%7:"
=olue : ) 00<2 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0<h:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I a a young an and I a afraid that I ay coit illegal se*ual in)
tercourse and I cannot afford to arry%H He kept silent# and then repeated y Cuestion once again#
but he kept silent% I said the sae !for the third tie" and he reained silent% &hen repeated y
Cuestion !for the fourth tie"# and only then the Prophet said# HE Abu HurairaI &he pen has dried
after $riting $hat you are going to confront% So !it does not atter $hether you" get yourself cas)
trated or not%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 02:
Darrated 'Aisha :
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI Suppose you landed in a (alley $here there is a tree of $hich soething
has been eaten and then you found trees of $hich nothing has been eaten# of $hich tree $ould you
let your cael gra-eJH He said# H!I $ill let y cael gra-e" of the one of $hich nothing has been
eaten before%H !&he sub)narrator added: 'Aisha eant that Allah's Apostle had not arried a (irgin
besides herself %"
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 04:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said !to e"# HKou ha(e been sho$n to e t$ice in !y" dreas% A an $as carry)
ing you in a silken cloth and said to e# '&his is your $ife%' I unco(ered itL and behold# it $as you% I
said to yself# 'If this drea is fro Allah# He $ill cause it to coe true%' H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 05:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
@hile $e $ere returning fro a Aha-$a !Holy Battle" $ith the Prophet# I started dri(ing y
cael fast# as it $as a la-y cael A rider cae behind e and pricked y cael $ith a spear he had
$ith hi# and then y cael started running as fast as the best cael you ay see% BeholdI &he
rider $as the Prophet hiself% He said# '@hat akes you in such a hurryJH I replied# I a ne$ly
arried H He said# H8id you arry a (irgin or a atronJ I replied# HA atron%H He said# H@hy didn't
you arry a young girl so that you ay play $ith her and she $ith youJH @hen $e $ere about to
enter !Medina"# the Prophet said# H@ait so that you ay enter !Medina" at night so that the lady of
unkept hair ay cob her hair and the one $hose husband has been absent ay sha(e her pubic
=olue : ) 00<4 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0::
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
@hen I got arried# Allah's Apostle said to e# H@hat type of lady ha(e you arriedJH I replied# HI
ha(e arried a atron' He said# H@hy# don't you ha(e a liking for the (irgins and for fondling
theJH /abir also said: Allah's Apostle said# H@hy didn't you arry a young girl so that you ight
play $ith her and she $ith youJ'
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 07:
Darrated 'Ursa:
&he Prophet asked Abu Bakr for 'Aisha's hand in arriage% Abu Bakr said HBut I a your brother%H
&he Prophet said# HKou are y brother in Allah's religion and His Book# but she !Aisha" is la$ful for
e to arry%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 01:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he best $oen are the riders of the caels and the righteous aong the $o)
en of ,uraish% &hey are the kindest $oen to their children in their childhood and the ore care)
ful $oen of the property of their husbands%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 36:
Darrated Abu Burda's father:
Allah's Apostle said# any an $ho has a sla(e girl $ho he educates properly# teaches good an)
ners# anuits and arries her# $ill get a double re$ard And if any an of the people of the Scrip)
tures belie(es in his o$n prophet and then belie(es in e too# he $ill !also" get a double re$ard And
any sla(e $ho fulfills his duty to his aster and to his ;ord# $ill !also" get a double re$ard%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 30:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said: Abraha did not tell lies e*cept three% !Ene of the $as" $hen Abraha passed
by a tyrant and !his $ife" Sara $as accopanying hi !Abu Huraira then entioned the $hole nar)
ration and said:" !&he tyrant" ga(e her Sara said# HAllah sa(ed e fro the hands of the Kafir
!i%e% infidel" and ga(e e to ser(e e%H !Abu Huraira added:" &hat !" is your other# E
Banu Ma')As)Saa' !i%e%# the Arabs"%
=olue : ) 00<5 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 33:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet stayed for three days bet$een Khaibar and Medina# and there he consuated his
arriage to Safiyya bint Huyai% I in(ited the Muslis to the $edding banCuet in $hich neither eat
nor bread $as offered% He ordered for leather dining)sheets to be spread# and dates# dried yoghurt
and butter $ere laid on it# and that $as the Prophet's $edding banCuet% &he Muslis $ondered# HIs
she !Saffiyya" considered as his $ife or his sla(e girlJH &hen they said# HIf he orders her to (eil herself#
she $ill be one of the others of the Belie(ersL but if he does not order her to (eil herself# she $ill be
a sla(e girl% So $hen the Prophet proceeded fro there# he spared her a space behind hi !on his
she)cael" and put a screening (eil bet$een her and the people%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 3<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle anuitted Safiyya and regarded her anuission as her Mahr%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 32:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad As)Sa'idi:
A $oan cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e coe to gi(e you yself in
arriage !$ithout Mahr"%H Allah's Apostle looked at her% He looked at her carefully and fi*ed his
glance on her and then lo$ered his head% @hen the lady sa$ that he did not say anything# she sat
do$n% A an fro his copanions got up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI If you are not in need of her#
then arry her to e%H &he Prophet said# HHa(e you got anything to offerJH &he an said# HDo# by Al)
lah# E Allah's ApostleIH &he Prophet said !to hi"# HAo to your faily and see if you ha(e soething%H
&he an $ent and returned# saying# HDo# by Allah# I ha(e not found anything%H Allah's Apostle said#
H!Ao again" and look for soething# e(en if it is an iron ring%H He $ent again and returned# saying#
HDo# by Allah# E Allah's ApostleI I could not find e(en an iron ring# but this is y I-ar !$aist sheet"%H
He had no rida% He added# HI gi(e half of it to her%H Allah's Apostle said# H@hat $ill she do $ith your
I-arJ If you $ear it# she $ill be naked# and if she $ears it# you $ill be naked%H So that an sat do$n
for a long $hile and then got up !to depart"% @hen Allah's Apostle sa$ hi going# he ordered that he
be called back% @hen he cae# the Prophet said# HHo$ uch of the ,uran do you kno$JH He said# HI
kno$ such Sura and such Sura#H counting the% &he Prophet said# H8o you kno$ the by heartJH He
replied# HKes%H &he Prophet said# HAo# I arry her to you for that uch of the ,uran $hich you ha(e%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 34:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue : ) 00<: ? 0:66
Abu Hudhaifa bin 'Utba bin Rabi'a bin Abdi Shas $ho had $itnessed the battle of Badr along
$ith the Prophet adopted Sali as his son# to $ho he arried his niece# Hind bint Al)@alid bin
'Utba bin Rabi'aL and Sali $as the freed sla(e of an Ansar $oan# .ust as the Prophet had adopted
Faid as his son% It $as the custo in the Pre)lslaic Period that if soebody adopted a boy# the
people $ould call hi the son of the adopti(e father and he $ould be the latter's heir% But $hen Al)
lah re(ealed the 8i(ine =erses: '9all the by !the naes of" their fathers % % % your freed)sla(es#'
!<<%4" the adopted persons $ere called by their fathers' naes% &he one $hose father $as not
kno$n# $ould be regarded as a Maula and your brother in religion% ;ater on Sahla bint Suhail bin
'Ar Al),uraishi Al)'Airi))and she $as the $ife of Abu) Hudhaifa bin 'Utba))cae to the Prophet
and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e used to consider Sali as our !adopted" son# and no$ Allah has re)
(ealed $hat you kno$ !regarding adopted sons"%H &he sub)narrator then entioned the rest of the
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 35:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle entered upon 8ubaa bint A-)Fubair and said to her# H8o you ha(e a desire to per)
for the Ha..JH She replied# HBy Allah# I feel sick%H He said to her# HIntend to perfor Ha.. and stipulate
soething by saying# 'E Allah# I $ill finish y Ihra at any place $here Kou stop e !i%e% I a un)
able to go further"%H She $as the $ife of Al)MiCdad bin Al)As$ad%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 3::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HA $oan is arried for four things# i%e%# her $ealth# her faily status# her
beauty and her religion% So you should arry the religious $oan !other$ise" you $ill be a losers%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 37:
Darrated Sahl:
A an passed by Allah's Apostle and Allah s Apostle asked !his copanions" H@hat do you say
about this !an"JH &hey replied HIf he asks for a lady's hand# he ought to be gi(en her in arriageL
and if he intercedes !for soeone" his intercessor should be acceptedL and if he speaks# he should be
listened to%H Allah's Apostle kept silent# and then a an fro aong the poor Muslis passed by# an
Allah's Apostle asked !the" H@hat do you say about this anJH &hey replied# HIf he asks for a lady's
hand in arriage he does not deser(e to be arried# and he intercedes !for soeone"# his interces)
sion should not be acceptedL And if he speaks# he should not be listened to%' Allah's Apostle said# H&his
poor an is better than so any of the first as filling the earth%'
=olue : ) 00<7 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 31:
Darrated 'Ursa:
that he asked 'Aisha regarding the =erse: 'If you fear that you shall not be able to deal .ustly $ith
the orphans !2%<" She said# HE y nephe$I &his =erse refers to the orphan girl $ho is under the
guardianship of her guardian $ho likes her beauty and $ealth and $ishes to !arry her and" cur)
tails her Mahr% Such guardians ha(e been forbidden to arry the unless they do .ustice by gi(ing
the their full Mahr# and they ha(e been ordered to arry other than the% &he people asked for
the (erdict of Allah's Apostle after that# so Allah re(ealed: '&hey ask your instruction concerning the
$oen % % % $ho you desire to arry%' !2%03:" So Allah re(ealed to the that if the orphan girl had
beauty and $ealth# they desired to arry her and for her faily status% &hey can only arry the if
they gi(e the their full Mahr% And if they had no desire to arry the because of their lack of
$ealth and beauty# they $ould lea(e the and arry other $oen% So# as they used to lea(e the#
$hen they had no interest# in the# they $ere forbidden to arry the $hen they had such interest#
unless they treated the .ustly and ga(e the their full Mahr Apostle said# 'If at all there is e(il
oen# it is in the horse# the $oan and the house%H a lady is to be $arded off% And the Stateent of
Allah: '&ruly# aong your $i(es and your children# there are eneies for you !i%e ay stop you fro
the obedience of Allah"' !52%02"
=olue :# Book 53# Duber <6:
Darrated Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H+(il oen is in the $oen# the house and the horse%'
=olue :# Book 53# Duber <0:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
+(il oen $as entioned before the Prophet: &he Prophet said# HIf there is e(il oen in anything#
it is in the house# the $oan and the horse%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber <3:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf at all there is bad oen# it is in the horse# the $oan# and the house%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber <<:
Darrated Usaa bin Faid:
&he Prophet said# HAfter e I ha(e not left any affliction ore harful to en than $oen%H
=olue : ) 00<1 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber <2:
Darrated 'Aisha :
&hree principles $ere established because of Barira: !i" @hen Banra $as anuitted she $as gi()
en the option !to reain $ith her sla(e husband or not"% !ii" Allah's Apostle said H&he @ala of the
sla(e" is for the one $ho anuits !the sla(e"% !iii" @hen Allah's Apostle entered !the house"# he sa$
a cooking pot on the fire but he $as gi(en bread and eat soup fro the soup of the hoe% &he
Prophet said# H8idn't I see the cooking pot !on the fire"JH It $as said# H&hat is the eat gi(en in charity
to Barira# and you do not eat the !things gi(en in" charity%H &he Prophet said# HIt is an ob.ect of charity
for Barira# and it is a present for us%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber <4:
Darrated AishaH
!regarding" the =erse: 'And if you fear that you shall not be able to deal .ustly $ith the orphans%%%'
!2%<" It is about the orphan girl $ho is in the custody of a an $ho is her guardian# and he intends
to arry her because of her $ealth# but he treats her badly and does not anage her property fairly
and honestly% Such a an should arry $oen of his liking other than her# t$o or three or four%
'Prohibited to you !for arriage" are: %%%your foster)others !$ho suckled you"%' !2%3<" Marriage is
prohibited bet$een persons ha(ing a foster suckling relationship corresponding to a blood relation)
ship $hich renders arriage unla$ful%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber <5:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" that $hile Allah's Apostle $as $ith her# she heard a (oice of a an ask)
ing perission to enter the house of Hafsa% 'Aisha added: I said# HE Allah's ApostleI &his an is asking
perission to enter your house%H &he Prophet said# HI think he is so)and)so#H naing the foster)uncle
of Hafsa% 'Aisha said# HIf so)and)so#H naing her foster uncle# H$ere li(ing# could he enter upon eJH
&he Prophet said# HKes# for foster suckling relations ake all those things unla$ful $hich are unla$)
ful through corresponding birth !blood" relations%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber <::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
It $as said to the Prophet# H@on't you arry the daughter of Ha-aJH He said# HShe is y foster
niece !brother's daughter"% H
=olue : ) 0026 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber <7:
Darrated U Habiba:
!daughter of Abu Sufyan" I said# HE Allah's ApostleI Marry y sister% the daughter of Abu Sufyan%H
&he Prophet said# H8o you like thatJH I replied# HKes# for e(en no$ I a not your only $ife and I like
that y sister should share the good $ith e%H &he Prophet said# HBut that is not la$ful for e%H I said#
@e ha(e heard that you $ant to arry the daughter of Abu Salaa%H He said# H!Kou ean" the
daughter of U SalaaJH I said# HKes%H He said# H+(en if she $ere not y step)daughter# she $ould be
unla$ful for e to arry as she is y foster niece% I and Abu Salaa $ere suckled by &hu$aiba% So
you should not present to e your daughters or your sisters !in arriage"%H Darrated 'UrsaL
&hu$aiba $as the freed sla(e girl of Abu ;ahb $ho he had anuitted# and then she suckled the
Prophet% @hen Abu ;ahb died# one of his relati(es sa$ hi in a drea in a (ery bad state and asked
hi# H@hat ha(e you encounteredJH Abu ;ahb said# HI ha(e not found any rest since I left you# e*cept
that I ha(e been gi(en $ater to drink in this !the space bet$een his thub and other fingers" and
that is because of y anuitting &hu$aiba%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber <1:
Darrated 'Aisha:
that the Prophet entered upon her $hile a an $as sitting $ith her% Signs of anger seeed to ap)
pear on his face as if he disliked that% She said# HHere is y !foster" brother%H He said# HBe sure as to
$ho is your foster brother# for foster suckling relationship is established only $hen ilk is the only
food of the child%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 26:
Darrated Aisha:
that Aflah the brother of Abu Al),u'ais# her foster uncle# cae# asking perission to enter upon
her after the =erse of Al)Hi.ab !the use of (eils by $oen" $as re(ealed% 'Aisha added: I did not al)
lo$ hi to enter# but $hen Allah's Apostle cae# I told hi $hat I had done# and he ordered e to
gi(e hi perission%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 20:
Darrated 'UCba bin Al)Harith:
I arried a $oan and then a black lady cae to us and said# HI ha(e suckled you both !you and
your $ife"%H So I cae to the Prophet and said# HI arried so)and)so and then a black lady cae to us
and said to e# 'I ha(e suckled both of you%' But I think she is a liar%H &he Prophet turned his face
a$ay fro e and I o(ed to face his face# and said# HShe is a liar%H &he Prophet said# HHo$ !can you
=olue : ) 0020 ? 0:66
keep her as your $ife" $hen that lady has said that she has suckled both of youJ So abandon !i%e%# di)
(orce" her !your $ife"%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 23:
Darrated U Habiba:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI 8o you like to ha(e !y sister" the daughter of Abu SufyanJH &he Prophet
said# H@hat shall I do !$ith her"JH I said# HMarry her%H He said# H8o you like thatJH I said# H!Kes"# for
e(en no$ I a not your only $ife# so I like that y sister should share you $ith e%H He said# HShe is
not la$ful for e !to arry"%H I said# H@e ha(e heard that you $ant to arry%H He said# H&he daughter
of U SalaaJH I said# HKes%H He said# H+(en if she $ere not y stepdaughter# she should be unla$ful
for e to arry# for &hu$aiba suckled e and her father !Abu Salaa"% So you should neither
present your daughters# nor your sisters# to e%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 2<:
Darrated U Habiba:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI Marry y sister# the daughter of Abu Sufyan%H He said# H8o you like thatJH
I said# HKes# for e(en no$ I a not your only $ifeL and the ost belo(ed person to share the good
$ith e is y sister%H &he Prophet said# HBut that is not la$ful for e !i%e%# to be arried to t$o sisters
at a tie%"H I said# HE Allah's ApostleI By Allah# $e ha(e heard that you $ant to arry 8urra# the
daughter of Abu Salaa%H He said# HKou ean the daughter of U SalaaJH I said# HKes%H He said# HBy
Allah I +(en if she $ere not y stepdaughter# she $ould not be la$ful for e to arry# for she is y
foster niece# for &hu$aiba has suckled e and Abu SalaaL so you should neither present your
daughters# nor your sisters to e%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 22:
Darrated /abir:
Allah's Apostle forbade that a $oan should be arried to an along $ith her paternal or ater)
nal aunt%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 24:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HA $oan and her paternal aunt should not be arried to the sae anL and
siilarly# a $oan and her aternal aunt should not be arried to the sae an%H
=olue : ) 0023 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 25:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet forbade that a $oan should be arried to a an along $ith her paternal aunt or
$ith her aternal aunt !at the sae tie"% A-)Fuhri !the sub)narrator" said: &here is a siilar order
for the paternal aunt of the father of one's $ife# for 'Ursa told e that 'Aisha said# H@hat is unla$ful
because of blood relations# is also unla$ful because of the corresponding foster suckling relations%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 2::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar :
Allah's Apostle forbade Ash)Shighar# $hich eans that soebody arries his daughter to soe)
body else# and the latter arries his daughter to the forer $ithout paying Mahr%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 27:
Darrated Hisha's father:
Khaula bint Haki $as one of those ladies $ho presented thesel(es to the Prophet for arriage%
'Aisha said# H8oesn't a lady feel ashaed for presenting herself to a anJH But $hen the =erse: H!E
Muhaad" Kou ay postpone !the turn of" any of the !your $i(es" that you please#' !<<%40" $as
re(ealed# H 'Aisha said# 'E Allah's ApostleI I do not see# but# that your ;ord hurries in pleasing you%' H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 21:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet got arried $hile he $as in the state of Ihra%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 46:
Darrated 'Ali:
I said to Ibn 'Abbas# H8uring the battle of Khaibar the Prophet forbade !Dikah" Al)Mut'a and the
eating of donkey's eat%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 40:
Darrated Abu /ara:
=olue : ) 002< ? 0:66
I heard Ibn Abbas !gi(ing a (erdict" $hen he $as asked about the Mut'a $ith the $oen# and he
peritted it !Dikah)al)Mut'a"% En that a freed sla(e of his said to hi# H&hat is only $hen it is (ery
badly needed and $oen are scarce%H En that# Ibn 'Abbas said# HKes%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 43:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah and Salaa bin Al)Ak$a':
@hile $e $ere in an ary# Allah's Apostle cae to us and said# HKou ha(e been allo$ed to do the
Mut'a !arriage"# so do it%H Salaa bin Al)Ak$a' said: Allah's Apostle's said# HIf a an and a $oan
agree !to arry teporarily"# their arriage should last for three nights# and if they like to continue#
they can do soL and if they $ant to separate# they can do so%H I do not kno$ $hether that $as only for
us or for all the people in general% Abu Abdullah !Al)Bukhari" said: 'Ali ade it clear that the Prophet
said# H&he Mut'a arriage has been cancelled !ade unla$ful"%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 4<:
Darrated &habit Al)Banani:
I $as $ith Anas $hile his daughter $as present $ith hi% Anas said# HA $oan cae to Allah's
Apostle and presented herself to hi# saying# 'E Allah's Apostle# ha(e you any need for e !i%e% $ould
you like to arry e"J' H&hereupon Anas's daughter said# H@hat a shaeless lady she $as I ShaeI
ShaeIH Anas said# HShe $as better than youL she had a liking for the Prophet so she presented herself
for arriage to hi%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 42:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
A $oan presented herself to the Prophet !for arriage"% A an said to hi# HE Allah's ApostleI !If
you are not in need of her" arry her to e%H &he Prophet said# H@hat ha(e you gotJH &he an said# HI
ha(e nothing%H &he Prophet said !to hi"# HAo and search for soething" e(en if it $ere an iron ring%H
&he an $ent and returned saying# HDo# I ha(e not found anything# not e(en an iron ringL but this is
y !I-ar" $aist sheet# and half of it is for her%H He had no Rida' !upper garent"% &he Prophet said#
H@hat $ill she do $ith your $aist sheetJ If you $ear it# she $ill ha(e nothing o(er herL and if she
$ears it# you $ill ha(e nothing o(er you%H So the an sat do$n and $hen he had sat a long tie# he
got up !to lea(e"% @hen the Prophet sa$ hi !lea(ing"# he called hi back# or the an $as called
!for hi"# and he said to the an# HHo$ uch of the ,uran do you kno$ !by heart"JH &he an
replied I kno$ such Sura and such Sura !by heart"#H naing the Suras &he Prophet said# HI ha(e ar)
ried her to you for $hat you kno$ of the ,uran H
=olue : ) 0022 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 44:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar :
'Uar bin Al)Khattab said# H@hen Hafsa bint 'Uar becae a $ido$ after the death of !her hus)
band" Khunais bin Hudhafa As)Sahi $ho had been one of the copanions of the Prophet# and he
died at Medina% I $ent to 'Uthan bin 'Affan and presented Hafsa !for arriage" to hi% He said# HI
$ill think it o(er%' I $aited for a fe$ days# then he et e and said# 'It sees that it is not possible for
e to arry at present%' H 'Uar further said# HI et Abu Bakr As)SiddiCue and said to hi# 'If you
$ish# I $ill arry y daughter Hafsa to you%H Abu Bakr kept Cuiet and did not say anything to e in
reply% I becae ore angry $ith hi than $ith 'Uthan% I $aited for a fe$ days and then Allah's
Apostle asked for her hand# and I ga(e her in arriage to hi% After$ards I et Abu Bakr $ho said#
'Perhaps you becae angry $ith e $hen you presented Hafsa to e and I did not gi(e you a replyJ'
I said# 'Kes%' Abu Bakr said# 'Dothing stopped e to respond to your offer e*cept that I kne$ that Al)
lah's Apostle had entioned her# and I ne(er $anted to let out the secret of Allah's Apostle% And if Al)
lah's Apostle had refused her# I $ould ha(e accepted her%' H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 45:
Darrated Fainab bint Salaa:
U Habiba said to Allah's Apostle H@e ha(e heard that you $ant to arry 8urra bint Abu)
Salaa%H Allah's Apostle said# H9an she be arried along $ith U Salaa !her other"J +(en if I
ha(e not arried U Salaa# she $ould not be la$ful for e to arry# for her father is y foster
brother%H 'And there is no blae on you if you ake hint of betrothal or conceal it in your hearts% Al)
lah is Eft)Borgi(ing# Most Borbearing%' !3%3<4" Ibn 'Abbas said# HHint your intention of arrying' is
ade by saying !to the $ido$" for e*aple: HI $ant to arry# and I $ish that Allah $ill ake a
righteous lady a(ailable for e%' H Al),asi said: Ene ay say to the $ido$: 'I hold all respect for
you# and I a interested in youL Allah $ill bring you uch good# or soething siilar 'Ata said: Ene
should hint his intention# and should not declare it openly% Ene ay say: 'I ha(e soe need% Ha(e
good tidings% Praise be to AllahL you are fit to rearry%' She !the $ido$" ay say in reply: I a listen)
ing to $hat you say#' but she should not ake a proise% Her guardian should not ake a proise
!to soebody to get her arried to hi" $ithout her kno$ledge% But if# $hile still in the Iddat period#
she akes a proise to arry soebody# and he ultiately arries her# they are not to be separated
by di(orce !i%e%# the arriage is (alid"%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 4::
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue : ) 0024 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said !to e"# HKou $ere sho$n to e in a drea% An angel brought you to e#
$rapped in a piece of silken cloth# and said to e# '&his is your $ife%' I reo(ed the piece of cloth
fro your face# and there you $ere% I said to yself% 'If it is fro Allah# then it $ill surely be%' H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 47:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
A $oan cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e coe to you to present yself
to you !for arriage"%H Allah's Apostle glanced at her% He looked at her carefully and fi*ed his glance
on her and then lo$ered his head% @hen the lady sa$ that he did not say anything# she sat do$n% A
an fro his copanions got up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI If you are not in need of her# then
arry her to e%H &he Prophet said# HHa(e you got anything to offer%H &he an said# 'Do# by Allah# E
Allah's ApostleIH &he Prophet said !to hi"# HAo to your faily and try to find soething%H So the an
$ent and returned# saying# HDo# by Allah# E Allah's ApostleI I ha(e not found anything%H &he Prophet
said# HAo again and look for soething# e(en if it $ere an iron ring%H He $ent and returned# saying#
HDo# by Allah# E Allah's ApostleI I could not find e(en an iron ring# but this is y I-ar !$aist sheet"%'
He had no Rida !upper garent"% He added# HI gi(e half of it to her%H Allah's Apostle said H@hat $ill
she do $ith your I-arJ If you $ear it# she $ill ha(e nothing o(er herself thereof !$ill be naked"L and
if she $ears it# then you $ill ha(e nothing o(er yourself thereof ' So the an sat for a long period
and then got up !to lea(e"% @hen Allah's Apostle sa$ hi lea(ing# he ordered that he e called back%
@hen he cae# the Prophet asked !hi"# HHo$ uch of the ,ur'an do you kno$ !by heart"JH &he
an replied# I kno$ such Sura and such Sura and such Sura#H naing the suras% &he Prophet said#
H9an you recite it by heartJH He said# 'Kes%H &he Prophet said# HAo I let you arry her for $hat you
kno$ of the ,uran !as her Mahr"%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 41:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!as regards the =erse": 'And about $hat is recited unto you in the Book# concerning orphan girls to
$ho you gi(e not the prescribed portions and yet# $ho you desire to arry%' !2%03:" &his =erse is
about the feale orphan $ho is under the guardianship of a an $ith $ho she shares her prop)
erty and he has ore right o(er her !than anybody else" but does not like to arry her# so he pre)
(ents her# fro arrying soebody else# lest he should share the property $ith hi%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 56:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
@hen Hafsa# 'Uar's daughter becae a $ido$ because of the death of her !husband" Ibn Hud)
hafa As)Sahi $ho $as one of the copanion of the Prophet and the one of the Badr $arriors and
=olue : ) 0025 ? 0:66
died at Medina# 'Uar said# HI et 'Uthan bin 'Affan and ga(e hi an offer# saying# 'If you $ish# I
$ill arry Hafsa to you%' He said% 'I $ill think it o(er' I $aited for a fe$ days# then he et e and
said# 'I ha(e ade up y ind not to arry at present' HUar added# H&hen I et Abu Bakr and said
to hi# 'If you $ish# I $ill arry Hafsa to you%' H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 50:
Darrated Al)Hasan:
concerning the =erse: '8o not pre(ent the' !3%3<3" Ma'Cil bin Kasar told e that it $as re(ealed
in his connection% He said# HI arried y sister to a an and he di(orced her# and $hen her days of
'Idda !three enstrual periods" $ere o(er# the an cae again and asked for her hand# but I said to
hi# 'I arried her to you and ade her your bed !your $ife" and fa(ored you $ith her# but you di)
(orced her% Do$ you coe to ask for her hand againJ Do# by Allah# she $ill ne(er go back to you
!again"I' &hat an $as not a bad an and his $ife $anted to go back to hi% So Allah re(ealed this
=erse: '8o not pre(ent the%' !3%3<3" So I said# 'Do$ I $ill do it !let her go back to hi"# E Allah's
Apostle%HSo he arried her to hi again%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 53:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!regarding His Stateent": '&hey ask your instruction concerning the $oen% Say: Allah instructs
you about the %%%' !2%03:" It is about the feale orphan $ho is under the guardianship of a an
$ith $ho she shares her property and he does not $ant to arry her and dislikes that soeone
else should arry her# lest he should share the property $ith hi# so he pre(ents her fro arrying%
So Allah forbade such a guardian to do so !i%e% to pre(ent her fro arrying"%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 5<:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
@hile $e $ere sitting in the copany of the Prophet a $oan cae to hi and presented herself
!for arriage" to hi% &he Prophet looked at her# lo$ering his eyes and raising the# but did not gi(e
a reply% Ene of his copanions said# HMarry her to e E Allah's ApostleIH &he Prophet asked !hi"#
HHa(e you got anythingJH He said# HI ha(e got nothing%H &he Prophet said# HDot e(en an iron ringJH He
Sad# HDot e(en an iron ring# but I $ill tear y garent into t$o hal(es and gi(e her one half and
keep the other half%H &he ProphetL said# HDo% 8o you kno$ soe of the ,uran !by heart"JH He said#
HKes%H &he Prophet said# HAo# I ha(e agreed to arry her to you $ith $hat you kno$ of the ,ur'an !as
her Mahr"%H 'And for those $ho ha(e no courses !i%e% they are still iature"% !54%2" And the 'Iddat
for the girl before puberty is three onths !in the abo(e =erse"%
=olue : ) 002: ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 52:
Darrated 'Aisha:
that the Prophet arried her $hen she $as si* years old and he consuated his arriage $hen
she $as nine years old# and then she reained $ith hi for nine years !i%e%# till his death"%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 54:
Darrated 'Aisha:
that the Prophet arried her $hen she $as si* years old and he consuated his arriage $hen
she $as nine years old% Hisha said: I ha(e been infored that 'Aisha reained $ith the Prophet for
nine years !i%e% till his death"%H $hat you kno$ of the ,uran !by heart"'
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 55:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
A $oan cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HI present yself !to you" !for arriage"% She stayed for
a long $hile# then a an said# HIf you are not in need of her then arry her to e%H &he Prophet said#
HHa(e you got anything order to pay her MahrJH He said# HI ha(e nothing $ith e e*cept y I-ar
!$aist sheet"%H &he Prophet said# HIf you gi(e her your I-ar# you $ill ha(e no I-ar to $ear# !so go" and
search for soething% He said# HI could not find anything%H &he Prophet said# H&ry !to find soething"#
e(en if it $ere an iron ring But he $as not able to find !e(en that" &he Prophet said !to hi"% H8o you
eori-e soething of the ,ur'anJH HKes% ' he said# Hsuch Sura and such Sura#H naing those Suras
&he Prophet said# H@e ha(e arried her to you for $hat you kno$ of the ,uran !by heart"%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 5::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HA atron should not be gi(en in arriage e*cept after consulting herL and a
(irgin should not be gi(en in arriage e*cept after her perission%H &he people asked# HE Allah's
ApostleI Ho$ can $e kno$ her perissionJH He said# HHer silence !indicates her perission"%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 57:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI A (irgin feels shy%H He said# HHer consent is !e*pressed by" her silence%H
=olue : ) 0027 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 51:
Darrated Khansa bint Khida Al)Ansariya:
that her father ga(e her in arriage $hen she $as a atron and she disliked that arriage% So
she $ent to Allah's Apostle and he declared that arriage in(alid%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber :6:
Darrated Abdur)Rahan bin Ka-id and bin Ka-id%
the sae #Hadith abo(e: A an called Khida arried a daughter of his !to soebody" against her
consent% 'If you fear that you shall not be able to deal .ustly $ith the orphan girls then arry !other"
$oen of your choice%' !2%<" And if soebody says to the guardian !of a $oan"# HMarry e to so)
and)so#H and the guardian reained silent or said to hi# H@hat ha(e you gotJH And the other said# HI
ha(e so uch and so uch !Mahr"#H or kept Cuiet# and then the guardian said# HI ha(e arried her to
you#H then the arriage is (alid !legal"% &his narration $as told by Sahl on the authority of the
=olue :# Book 53# Duber :0:
Darrated 'Ursa bin A-)Fubair:
that he asked 'Aisha# saying to her# HE MotherI !In $hat connection $as this =erse re(ealed":
'If you fear that you shall not be able to deal .ustly $ith orphan girls !to the end of the (erse" that
your right hands possessJH !2%<" Aisha said# HE y nephe$I It $as about the feale orphan under
the protection of her guardian $ho $as interested in her beauty and $ealth and $anted to arry
her $ith a little or reduced Mahr% So such guardians $ere forbidden to arry feale orphans unless
they deal $ith the .ustly and gi(e their full MahrL and they $ere ordered to arry $oen other
than the%H'Aisha added# H!;ater" the people asked Allah's Apostle# for instructions# and then Allah re)
(ealed: '&hey ask your instruction concerning the $oen % % % And yet $ho you desire to arry%'
!2%03:" So Allah re(ealed to the in this =erse that)if a feale orphan had $ealth and beauty# they
desired to arry her and $ere interested in her noble descent and the reduction of her MahrL but if
she $as not desired by the because of her lack in fortune and beauty they left her and arried
soe other $oan% So# as they used to lea(e her $hen they had no interest in her# they had no right
to arry her if they had the desire to do so# unless they deal .ustly $ith her and ga(e her a full
aount of Mahr%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber :3:
Darrated Sahl:
=olue : ) 0021 ? 0:66
A $oan cae to the Prophet## and presented herself to hi !for arriage"% He said# HI a not in
need of $oen these days%H &hen a an said# HE Allah's ApostleI Marry her to e%H &he Prophet asked
hi# H@hat ha(e you gotJH He said# HI ha(e got nothing%H &he Prophet said# HAi(e her soething# e(en
an iron ring%H He said# HI ha(e got nothing%H &he Prophet asked !hi"# HHo$ uch of the ,uran do
you kno$ !by heart"JH He said# HSo uch and so uch%H &he Prophet said# HI ha(e arried her to you
for $hat you kno$ of the ,uran%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber :<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet decreed that one should not try to cancel a bargain already agreed upon bet$een
soe other persons !by offering a bigger price"% And a an should not ask for the hand of a girl $ho
is already engaged to his Musli brother# unless the first suitor gi(es her up# or allo$s hi to ask for
her hand%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber :2:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HBe$are of suspicion !about others"# as suspicion is the falsest talk# and do not
spy upon each other# and do not listen to the e(il talk of the people about others' affairs# and do not
ha(e enity $ith one another# but be brothers% And none should ask for the hand of a girl $ho is
already engaged to his !Musli" brother# but one should $ait till the first suitor arries her or
lea(es her%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber :4:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
H@hen Hafsa becae a $ido$#H Uar said# HI et Abu Bakr and said to hi# 'If you $ish I $ill
arry Hafsa bint 'Uar to you%' I $aited for a fe$ days then Allah's Apostle asked for her hand% ;ater
Abu Bakr et e and said# 'Dothing stopped e fro returning to you concerning your offer e*cept
that I kne$ that Allah's Apostle had entioned !his $ish to arry" her# and I could ne(er let out the
secret of Allah's Apostle % If he had left her# I $ould ha(e accepted her%' H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber :5:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&$o en cae fro the east and deli(ered speeches# and the Prophet said# HSoe eloCuent speech
has the in fluency of agic !e%g%# soe people refuse to do soething and then a good eloCuent
speaker addresses the and then they agree to do that (ery thing after his speech"% H
=olue : ) 0046 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber :::
Darrated Ar)Rabi':
!the daughter of Mua$$idh bin Afra" After the consuation of y arriage# the Prophet cae
and sat on y bed as far fro e as you are sitting no$# and our little girls started beating the ta)
bourines and reciting elegiac (erses ourning y father $ho had been killed in the battle of Badr%
Ene of the said# HAong us is a Prophet $ho kno$s $hat $ill happen toorro$%H En that the
Prophet said# H;ea(e this !saying" and keep on saying the (erses $hich you had been saying before%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber :7:
Darrated Anas:
Abdur Rahan bin 'Auf arried a $oan and ga(e her gold eCual to the $eight of a date stone
!as Mahr"% @hen the Prophet noticed the signs of cheerfulness of the arriage !on his face" and
asked hi about it# he said# HI ha(e arried a $oan and ga(e !her" gold eCual to a date stone in
$eight !as Mahr"%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber :1:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad As)Sa'idi:
@hile I $as !sitting" aong the people in the copany of Allah's Apostle a $oan stood up and
said# HE Allah's ApostleI She has gi(en herself in arriage to youL please gi(e your opinion of her%H
&he Prophet did not gi(e her any reply% She again stood up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI She has gi(en
herself !in arriage" to youL so please gi(e your opinion of her% &he Prophet did not gi(e her any
reply% She again stood up for the third tie and said# HShe has gi(en herself in arriage to you: so
gi(e your opinion of her%H So a an stood up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Marry her to e%H &he
Prophet asked hi# HHa(e you got anythingJH He said# HDo%H &he Prophet said# HAo and search for
soething# e(en if it $ere an iron ring%H &he an $ent and searched and then returned saying# HI
could not find anything# not e(en an iron ring%H &hen the Prophet said# H8o you kno$ soething of
the ,uran !by heart"JH He replied# HI kno$ !by heart" such Sura and such Sura%H &he Prophet said#
HAoI I ha(e arried her to you for $hat you kno$ of the ,uran !by heart"%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 76:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
&he Prophet said to a an# HMarry# e(en $ith !a Mahr eCual to" an iron ring%H
=olue : ) 0040 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 70:
Darrated 'UCba:
&he Prophet said: H&he stipulations ost entitled to be abided by are those $ith $hich you are gi()
en the right to en.oy the !$oen's" pri(ate parts !i%e% the stipulations of the arriage contract"%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 73:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIt is not la$ful for a $oan !at the tie of $edding" to ask for the di(orce of
her sister !i%e% the other $ife of her $ould)be husband" in order to ha(e e(erything for herself# for
she $ill take only $hat has been $ritten for her%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 7<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf cae to Allah's Apostle and he had arks of Sufra !yello$ perfue"% Al)
lah's Apostle asked hi !about those arks"% 'AbdurRahan bin Auf told hi that he had arried a
$oan fro the Ansar% &he Prophet asked# HHo$ uch Mahr did you pay herJH He said# HI paid gold
eCual to the $eight of a date stone%H Allah's Apostle said to hi# HAi(e a $edding banCuet# e(en if
$ith one sheep%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 72:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet offered a $edding banCuet on the occasion of his arriage to Fainab# and pro(ided a
good eal for the Muslis% &hen he $ent out as $as his custo on arrying# he cae to the d$ell)
ing places of the others of the Belie(ers !i%e% his $i(es" in(oking good !on the"# and they $ere in)
(oking good !on hi"% &hen he departed !and cae back" and sa$ t$o en !still sitting there"% So he
left again% I do not reeber $hether I infored hi or he $as infored !by soebody else" of
their departure"%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 74:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet sa$ the traces of Sufra !yello$ perfue" on Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf and said# H@hat
is thisJH 'Abdur)Rahan# said# HI ha(e arried a $oan and ha(e paid gold eCual to the $eight of a
datestone !as her Mahr"% &he Prophet said to hi# HMay Allah bless you: Effer a $edding banCuet
e(en $ith one sheep%H
=olue : ) 0043 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 75:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen the Prophet arried e# y other cae to e and ade e enter the house $here I sa$
soe $oen fro the Ansar $ho said# HMay you prosper and ha(e blessings and ha(e good oen%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 7::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HA prophet aong the prophets $ent for a ilitary e*pedition and said to his
people: HA an $ho has arried a lady and $ants to consuate his arriage $ith her and he has
not done so yet# should not accopany e%' H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 77:
Darrated 'Ursa:
&he Prophet $rote the !arriage contract" $ith 'Aisha $hile she $as si* years old and consu)
ated his arriage $ith her $hile she $as nine years old and she reained $ith hi for nine years
!i%e% till his death"%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 71:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet stayed for three days at a place bet$een Khaibar and Medina# and there he consu)
ated his arriage $ith Safiyya bint Huyay% I in(ited the Muslis to a banCuet $hich included
neither eat nor bread% &he Prophet ordered for the leather dining sheets to be spread# and then
dates# dried yogurt and butter $ere pro(ided o(er it# and that $as the @alia !banCuet" of the
Prophet% &he Muslis asked $hether Safiyya $ould be considered as his $ife or as a sla(e girl of
$hat his right hands possessed% &hen they said# HIf the Prophet screens her fro the people# then she
Is the Prophet's $ife but if he does not screen her# then she is a sla(e girl%H So $hen the Prophet pro)
ceeded# he ade a place for her !on the cael" behind hi and screened her fro people%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 16:
Darrated Aisha:
@hen the Prophet arried e# y other cae to e and ade e enter the house !of the
Prophet" and nothing surprised e but the coing of Allah's Apostle to e in the forenoon%
=olue : ) 004< ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 10:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# H8id you get AnatJH I said# 'E Allah's ApostleI Bro $here can $e ha(e An)
atJH &he Prophet said# HSoon you $ill ha(e the Anat"
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 13p:
Darrated 'Aisha:
that she prepared a lady for a an fro the Ansar as his bride and the Prophet said# HE 'AishaI
Ha(en't you got any auseent !during the arriage cereony" as the Ansar like auseentJH
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 13:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
H@hene(er the Prophet passed by !y other U)Sulai" he used to enter her and greet her%
Anas further said: Ence the Prophet $ay a bridegroo during his arriage $ith Fainab# U Sulai
said to e# H;et us gi(e a gift to Allah's Apostle %H I said to her# H8o it%H So she prepared Haisa !a s$eet
dish" ade fro dates# butter and dried yoghurt and she sent it $ith e to hi% I took it to hi and
he said# HPut it do$n#H and ordered e to call soe en $ho he naed# and to in(ite $hoe(er I
$ould eet% I did $hat he ordered e to do# and $hen I returned# I found the house cro$ded $ith
people and sa$ the Prophet keeping his hand o(er the Haisa and saying o(er it $hate(er Allah
$ished !hi to say"% &hen he called the en in batches of ten to eat of it# and he said to the# HMen)
tion the Dae of Allah# and each an should eat of the dish the nearest to hi%H @hen all of the
had finished their eals# soe of the left and a fe$ reained there talking# o(er $hich I felt un)
happy% &hen the Prophet $ent out to$ards the d$elling places !of his $i(es" and I too# $ent out after
hi and told hi that those people had left% &hen he returned and entered his d$elling place and let
the curtains fall $hile I $as in !his" d$elling place# and he $as reciting the =erses:)) 'E you $ho
belie(eI +nter not the Prophet's house until lea(e is gi(en you for a eal# !and then" not !as early as"
to $hat for its preparation% But $hen you are in(ited# enter# and $hen you ha(e taken your eals#
disperse $ithout sitting for a talk% =erily such !beha(ior" annoys the ProphetL and he $ould be shy of
!asking" you !to go"# but Allah is not shy of !telling you" the &ruth%' !<<)4<" Abu Uthan said: Anas
said# HI ser(ed the Prophet for ten years%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 1<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
that she borro$ed a necklace fro Asa' and then it got lost% So Allah's Apostle
=olue : ) 0042 ? 0:66
sent soe people fro his copanions in search of it% In the eantie the stated tie for the
prayer becae due and they offered their prayer $ithout ablution% @hen they cae to the Prophet#
they coplained about it to hi# so the =erse regarding &ayau $as re(ealed %
Usaid bin Hudair said# H!E 'AishaI" ay Allah bless you $ith a good re$ard# for by Allah# ne(er did
a difficulty happen in connection $ith you# but Allah ade an escape fro it for you# and brought
Allah's Blessings for the Muslis%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 12:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HIf anyone of you# $hen ha(ing se*ual intercourse $ith his $ife# says: Bisillah#
Allahua .annibni)Sh)Shaitan $a .annib)ish)Shaitan a ra-aCtana# and if it is destined that they
should ha(e a child# then Satan $ill ne(er be able to har hi%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 14:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
I $as ten years old $hen Allah's Apostle arri(ed at Medina% My other and aunts used to urge e
to ser(e the Prophet regularly# and I ser(ed hi for ten years% @hen the Prophet died I $as t$enty
years old# and I kne$ about the order of Al)Hi.ab !(eiling of ladies" ore than any other person
$hen it $as re(ealed% It $as re(ealed for the first tie $hen Allah's Apostle had consuated his
arriage $ith Fainab bint /ahsh% @hen the day da$ned# the Prophet $as a bridegroo and he in)
(ited the people to a banCuet# so they cae# ate# and then all left e*cept a fe$ $ho reained $ith the
Prophet for a long tie% &he Prophet got up and $ent out# and I too $ent out $ith hi so that those
people ight lea(e too% &he Prophet proceeded and so did I# till he cae to the threshold of 'Aisha's
d$elling place% &hen thinking that these people ha(e left by then# he returned and so did I along
$ith hi till he entered upon Fainab and behold# they $ere still sitting and had not gone% So the
Prophet again $ent a$ay and I $ent a$ay along $ith hi% @hen $e reached the threshold of
'Aisha's d$elling place# he thought that they had left# and so he returned and I too# returned along
$ith hi and found those people had left% &hen the Prophet dre$ a curtain bet$een e and hi#
and the =erses of Al)Hi.ab $ere re(ealed%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 15:
Darrated Anas:
@hen 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf arried an Ansari $oan# the Prophet asked hi# HHo$ uch
Mahr did you gi(e herJH 'Abdur)Rahan said# HAold eCual to the $eight of a date stone%H Anas added:
@hen they !i%e% the Prophet and his copanions" arri(ed at Medina# the eigrants stayed at the An)
sar's houses% 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf stayed at Sad bin Ar)Rabi's house% Sad said to 'Abdur)Rahan#
=olue : ) 0044 ? 0:66
HI $ill di(ide and share y property $ith you and $ill gi(e one of y t$o $i(es to you%H 'Abdur)
Rahan said# HMay Allah bless you# your $i(es and property !I a not in need of thatL but kindly
sho$ e the $ay to the arket"%H So 'Abdur)Rahan $ent to the arket and traded there gaining a
profit of soe dried yoghurt and butter# and arried !an Ansari $oan"% &he Prophet said to hi#
HAi(e a banCuet# e(en if $ith one sheep%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 1::
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet did not gi(e a better $edding banCuet on the occasion of arrying any of his $i(es
than the one he ga(e on arrying Fainab# and that banCuet $as $ith !consisted of" one sheep%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 17:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle anuitted Safiyya and then arried her# and her Mahr $as her anuission#
and he ga(e a $edding banCuet $ith Hais !a sort of s$eet dish ade fro butter# cheese and dates"%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 11:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet consuated his arriage $ith a $oan !Fainab"# so he sent e to in(ite en to
the eals%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 066:
Darrated &habit:
&he arriage of Fainab bint /ahash $as entioned in the presence of Anas and he said# HI did not
see the Prophet gi(ing a better banCuet on arrying any of his $i(es than the one he ga(e on ar)
rying Fainab% He then ga(e a banCuet $ith one sheep%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 060:
Darrated Safiyya bint Shaiba:
&he Prophet ga(e a banCuet $ith t$o Mudds of barley on arrying soe of his $i(es% !0 MuddM 0
<?2 of a kilogra" %
=olue : ) 0045 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 063:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf anyone of you is in(ites to a $edding banCuet# he ust go for it !accept the
in(itation" %H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 06<:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# HSet the capti(es free# accept the in(itation !to a $edding banCuet"# and (isit the
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 062:
Darrated Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib:
&he Prophet ordered us to do se(en !things" and forbade us fro se(en% He ordered us to (isit the
patients# to follo$ the funeral procession# to reply to the snee-er !i%e%# say to hi# 'Karhauka)l)lah
!May Allah besto$ His Mercy upon you"# if he says 'Al)hadulillah' !Praise be to Allah"# to help oth)
ers to fulfill their oaths# to help the oppressed# to greet !$hoe(er one should eet"# and to accept
the in(itation !to a $edding banCuet"% He forbade us to $ear golden rings# to use sil(er utensils# to
use Mayathir !cushions of silk stuffed $ith cotton and placed under the rider on the saddle"# the
,asiyya !linen clothes containing silk brought fro an +gyptian to$n"# the IstibraC !thick silk" and
the 8iba. !another kind of silk"% !See Hadith Do% 4<1 and :4<"%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 064:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
Abu Usaid As)Sa'di in(ited Allah's Apostle to his $edding party and his $ife $ho $as the bride#
ser(ed the on that day% 8o you kno$ $hat drink she ga(e Allah's ApostleJ She had soaked soe
dates for hi !in $ater" o(ernight# and $hen he had finished his eal she ga(e hi that drink !of
soaked dates"%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 065:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he $orst food is that of a $edding banCuet to $hich only the rich are in(ited $hile the poor are
not in(ited% And he $ho refuses an in(itation !to a banCuet" disobeys Allah and His Apostle %
=olue : ) 004: ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 06::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIf I a in(ited to a eal of trotters I $ill accept itL and if I a gi(en a trotter as
a present I $ill accept it%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 067:
Darrated Dafi':
Abdullah bin 'Uar said# HAllah's Apostle said# 'Accept the arriage in(itation if you are in(ited to
it%' H Ibn 'Uar used to accept the in(itation $hether to a $edding banCuet or to any other party#
e(en $hen he $as fasting%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 061:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ence the Prophet sa$ soe $oen and children coing fro a $edding party% He got up ener)
getically and happily and said# HBy AllahI Kou !i%e%# the Ansar" are the ost belo(ed of all people to
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 006:
Darrated Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" I bought a cushion ha(ing on it pictures !of anials"% @hen Allah's
Apostle sa$ it# he stood at the door and did not enter% I noticed the sign of disappro(al on his face
and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I repent to Allah and His Apostle% @hat sin ha(e I coittedJ' Allah's
Apostle said% H@hat is this cushionJH I said# HI ha(e bought it for you so that you ay sit on it and re)
cline on it%H Allah's Apostle said# H&he akers of these pictures $ill be punished on the 8ay of Resur)
rection# and it $ill be said to the# 'Ai(e life to $hat you ha(e created !i%e%# these pictures"%' H &he
Prophet added# H&he Angels of !Mercy" do not enter a house in $hich there are pictures !of anials"%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 000:
Darrated Sahl:
@hen Abu Usaid As)Sa'idi got arried# he in(ited the Prophet and his copanions% Done pre)
pared the food for the and brought it to the but his $ife% She soaked soe dates in $ater in a
stone pot o(ernight# and $hen the Prophet had finished his food# she pro(ided hi $ith that drink
!of soaked dates"%
=olue : ) 0047 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 003:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
Abu Usaid As)Sa'idi in(ited the Prophet to his $edding party and his $ife ser(ed hi on that day#
and she $as the bride% She said !or Sahl said"# H8o you kno$ $hat she soaked for Allah's ApostleJ She
soaked soe dates for hi !in $ater" in a drinking bo$l o(ernight%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 00<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he $oan is like a ribL if you try to straighten her# she $ill break% So if you
$ant to get benefit fro her# do so $hile she still has soe crookedness%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 002:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er belie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay should not hurt !trouble" his neigh)
bor% And I ad(ise you to take care of the $oen# for they are created fro a rib and the ost
crooked portion of the rib is its upper partL if you try to straighten it# it $ill break# and if you lea(e it#
it $ill reain crooked# so I urge you to take care of the $oen%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 004:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
8uring the lifetie of the Prophet $e used to a(oid chatting leisurely and freely $ith our $i(es
lest soe 8i(ine inspiration ight be re(ealed concerning us% But $hen the Prophet had died# $e
started chatting leisurely and freely !$ith the"%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 005:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H+(eryone of you is a guardian and e(eryone of you is responsible !for his
$ards"% A ruler is a guardian and is responsible!for his sub.ects"L a an is a guardian of his faily
and responsible !for the"L a $ife is a guardian of her husband's house and she is responsible !for it"#
a sla(e is a guardian of his aster's property and is responsible !for that"% Be$areI All of you are
guardians and are responsible !for your $ards"%H
=olue : ) 0041 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 00::
Darrated 'Aisha:
+le(en $oen sat !at a place" and proised and contracted that they $ould not conceal anything
of the ne$s of their husbands% &he first one said# HMy husband is like the eat of a lean $eak cael
$hich is kept on the top of a ountain $hich is neither easy to clib# nor is the eat fat# so that one
ight put up $ith the trouble of fetching it%H &he second one said# HI shall not relate y husband's
ne$s# for I fear that I ay not be able to finish his story# for if I describe hi# I $ill ention all his
defects and bad traits%H &he third one said# HMy husband is a tall anL if I describe hi !and he hears
of that" he $ill di(orce e# and if I keep Cuiet# he $ill neither di(orce e nor treat e as a $ife%H &he
fourth one said# HMy husband is a oderate person like the night of &ihaa $hich is neither hot nor
cold% I a neither afraid of hi# nor a I discontented $ith hi%H &he fifth one said# HMy husband#
$hen entering !the house" is a leopard# and $hen going out# is a lion% He does not ask about
$hate(er is in the house%H &he si*th one said# HIf y husband eats% he eats too uch !lea(ing the
dishes epty"# and if he drinks he lea(es nothing# and if he sleeps he sleeps alone !a$ay fro e"
co(ered in garents and does not stretch his hands here and there so as to kno$ ho$ I fare !get
along"%H &he se(enth one said# HMy husband is a $rong)doer or $eak and foolish% All the defects are
present in hi% He ay in.ure your head or your body or ay do both%H &he eighth one said# HMy
husband is soft to touch like a rabbit and sells like a Farnab !a kind of good selling grass"%H &he
ninth one said# HMy husband is a tall generous an $earing a long strap for carrying his s$ord% His
ashes are abundant and his house is near to the people $ho $ould easily consult hi%H &he tenth one
said# HMy husband is Malik# and $hat is MalikJ Malik is greater than $hate(er I say about hi% !He
is beyond and abo(e all praises $hich can coe to y ind"% Most of his caels are kept at hoe
!ready to be slaughtered for the guests" and only a fe$ are taken to the pastures% @hen the caels
hear the sound of the lute !or the tabourine" they reali-e that they are going to be slaughtered for
the guests%H &he ele(enth one said# HMy husband is Abu Far and $hat is Abu Far !i%e%# $hat should I
say about hi"J He has gi(en e any ornaents and y ears are hea(ily loaded $ith the and
y ars ha(e becoe fat !i%e%# I ha(e becoe fat"% And he has pleased e# and I ha(e becoe so
happy that I feel proud of yself% He found e $ith y faily $ho $ere ere o$ners of sheep and
li(ing in po(erty# and brought e to a respected faily ha(ing horses and caels and threshing and
purifying grain % @hate(er I say# he does not rebuke or insult e% @hen I sleep# I sleep till late in the
orning# and $hen I drink $ater !or ilk"# I drink y fill% &he other of Abu Far and $hat ay
one say in praise of the other of Abu FarJ Her saddle bags $ere al$ays full of pro(ision and her
house $as spacious% As for the son of Abu Far# $hat ay one say of the son of Abu FarJ His bed is as
narro$ as an unsheathed s$ord and an ar of a kid !of four onths" satisfies his hunger% As for the
daughter of Abu Far# she is obedient to her father and to her other% She has a fat $ell)built body
and that arouses the .ealousy of her husband's other $ife% As for the !aid" sla(e girl of Abu Far#
$hat ay one say of the !aid" sla(egirl of Abu FarJ She does not unco(er our secrets but keeps
the# and does not $aste our pro(isions and does not lea(e the rubbish scattered e(ery$here in our
=olue : ) 0056 ? 0:66
house%H &he ele(enth lady added# HEne day it so happened that Abu Far $ent out at the tie $hen
the ilk $as being ilked fro the anials# and he sa$ a $oan $ho had t$o sons like t$o leo)
pards playing $ith her t$o breasts% !En seeing her" he di(orced e and arried her% &hereafter I
arried a noble an $ho used to ride a fast tireless horse and keep a spear in his hand% He ga(e e
any things# and also a pair of e(ery kind of li(estock and said# '+at !of this"# E U Far# and gi(e
pro(ision to your relati(es%H She added# HKet# all those things $hich y second husband ga(e e
could not fill the sallest utensil of Abu Far's%H 'Aisha then said: Allah's Apostle said to e# HI a to
you as Abu Far $as to his $ife U Far%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 007:
Darrated 'Ursa:
Aisha said# H@hile the +thiopians $ere playing $ith their sall spears# Allah's Apostle screened e
behind hi and I $atched !that display" and kept on $atching till I left on y o$n%H So you ay es)
tiate of $hat age a little girl ay listen to auseent%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 001:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas :
I had been eager to ask 'Uar bin Al)Khattab about the t$o ladies fro aong the $i(es of the
Prophet regarding $ho Allah said 'If you t$o !$i(es of the Prophet naely Aisha and Hafsa" turn
in repentance to Allah# your hearts are indeed so inclined !to oppose $hat the Prophet likes"% !55%2"
till 'Uar perfored the Ha.. and I too# perfored the Ha.. along $ith hi% !En the $ay" 'Uar
$ent aside to ans$er the call of nature# and I also $ent aside along $ith hi carrying a tubler full
of $ater# and $hen 'Uar had finished ans$ering the call of nature# I poured $ater o(er his hands
and he perfored the ablution% &hen I said to hi# HE chief of the Belie(ersI @ho $ere the t$o ladies
fro aong the $i(es of the Prophet regarding $ho Allah said: 'If you t$o !$i(es of the Prophet"
turn in repentance to Allah your hearts are indeed so inclined !to oppose $hat the Prophet likes"JH
!55%2" He said# HI a astonished at your Cuestion# E Ibn Abbas% &hey $ere 'Aisha and Hafsa%H &hen
'Uar $ent on narrating the Hadith and said# HI and an Ansari neighbor of ine fro Bani Uaiyya
bin Faid $ho used to li(e in A$ali)al)Medina# used to (isit the Prophet in turn% He used to go one
day and I another day% @hen I $ent# I $ould bring hi the ne$s of $hat had happened that day re)
garding the 8i(ine Inspiration and other things# and $hen he $ent# he used to do the sae for e%
@e# the people of ,uraish used to ha(e the upper hand o(er our $i(es# but $hen $e cae to the
Ansar# $e found that their $oen had the upper hand o(er their en# so our $oen also started
learning the $ays of the Ansari $oen% I shouted at y $ife and she retorted against e and I dis)
liked that she should ans$er e back% She said to e# '@hy are you so surprised at y ans$ering
you backJ By Allah# the $i(es of the Prophet ans$er hi back and soe of the ay lea(e !does not
speak to" hi throughout the day till the night%' &he !talk" scared e and I said to her# '@hoe(er has
=olue : ) 0050 ? 0:66
done so $ill be ruinedI' &hen I proceeded after dressing yself# and entered upon Hafsa and said to
her# '8oes anyone of you keep the Prophet angry till nightJ' She said# 'Kes%' I said# 'Kou are a ruined
losing personI 8on't you fear that Allah ay get angry for the anger of Allah's Apostle and thus you
$ill be ruinedJ So do not ask ore fro the Prophet and do not ans$er hi back and do not gi(e up
talking to hi% Ask e $hate(er you need and do not be tepted to iitate your neighbor !i%e%#
'Aisha" in her anners for she is ore charing than you and ore belo(ed to the Prophet %H Uar
added#HAt that tie a talk $as circulating aong us that !the tribe of" Ahassan $ere preparing their
horses to in(ade us% My Ansari copanion# on the day of his turn# $ent !to the to$n" and returned to
us at night and knocked at y door (iolently and asked if I $as there% I becae horrified and cae
out to hi% He said# '&oday a great thing has happened%' I asked# '@hat is itJ Ha(e !the people of"
Ahassan coeJ' He said# 'Do# but !@hat has happened" is greater and ore horrifying than that: Al)
lah's ApostleL has di(orced his $i(es% 'Uar added# H&he Prophet kept a$ay fro his $i(es and I said
HHafsa is a ruined loser%' I had already thought that ost probably this !di(orce" $ould happen in the
near future% So I dressed yself and offered the orning prayer $ith the Prophet and then the
ProphetL entered an upper roo and stayed there in seclusion% I entered upon Hafsa and sa$ her
$eeping% I asked# '@hat akes you $eepJ 8id I not $arn you about thatJ 8id the Prophet di(orce
you allJ' She said# 'I do not kno$% &here he is retired alone in the upper roo%' I cae out and sat
near the pulpit and sa$ a group of people sitting around it and soe of the $ere $eeping% I sat
$ith the for a $hile but could not endure the situation# so I $ent to the upper roo $here the
ProphetL $as and said to a black sla(e of his# '@ill you get the perission !of the Prophet " for 'Uar
!to enter"J' &he sla(e $ent in# talked to the Prophet about it and then returned saying# 'I ha(e spoken
to the Prophet and entioned you but he kept Cuiet%' &hen I returned and sat $ith the group of
people sitting near the pulpit% but I could not bear the situation and once again I said to the sla(e#
'@ill you get the perission for 'UarJ' He $ent in and returned saying# 'I entioned you to hi but
he kept Cuiet%' So I returned again and sat $ith the group of people sitting near the pulpit# but I could
not bear the situation# and so I $ent to the sla(e and said# '@ill you get the perission for 'UarJ' He
$ent in and returned to e saying# 'I entioned you to hi but he kept Cuiet%' @hen I $as lea(ing#
beholdI &he sla(e called e# saying# '&he Prophet has gi(en you perission%' &hen I entered upon Al)
lah's Apostle and sa$ hi ;ying on a bed ade of stalks of date pal lea(es and there $as no bed)
ding bet$een it and hi% &he stalks left arks on his side and he $as leaning on a leather pillo$
stuffed $ith date)pal fires% I greeted hi and $hile still standing I said# 'E Allah's ApostleI Ha(e
you di(orced your $i(esJ' He looked at e and said# 'Do%' I said# 'Allah AkbarI' And then# $hile still
standing# I said chatting# '@ill you heed $hat I say# E Allah's ApostleJ @e# the people of ,uraish
used to ha(e po$er o(er our $oen# but $hen $e arri(ed at Medina $e found that the en !here"
$ere o(erpo$ered by their $oen%' &he Prophet siled and then I said to hi# '@ill you heed $hat I
say# E Allah's ApostleJ I entered upon Hafsa and said to her# H8o not be tepted to iitate your co)
panion !'Aisha"# for she is ore charing than you and ore belo(ed to the Prophet%' H &he Prophet
siled for a second tie% @hen I sa$ hi siling# I sat do$n% &hen I looked around his house# and
by Allah# I could not see anything of iportance in his house e*cept three hides# so I said# 'E Allah's
=olue : ) 0053 ? 0:66
ApostleI In(oke Allah to ake your follo$ers rich# for the Persians and the Roans ha(e been ade
prosperous and they ha(e been gi(en !the pleasures of the $orld"# although they do not $orship Al)
lah%' &hereupon the Prophet sat up as he $as reclining% and said# 'Are you of such an opinion# E the
son of Al)KhattabJ &hese are the people $ho ha(e recei(ed the re$ards for their good deeds in this
$orld%' I said# 'E Allah's ApostleI Ask Allah to forgi(e e%' &hen the Prophet kept a$ay fro his $i(es
for t$enty)nine days because of the story $hich Hafsa had disclosed to 'Aisha% &he Prophet had said#
'I $ill not enter upon the !y $i(es" for one onth#' because of his anger to$ards the# $hen Al)
lah had adonished hi% So# $hen t$enty nine days had passed# the Prophet first entered upon
'Aisha% 'Aisha said to hi# 'E Allah's ApostleI Kou had s$orn that you $ould not enter upon us for
one onth# but no$ only t$enty)nine days ha(e passed# for I ha(e been counting the one by one%'
&he Prophet said# '&he !present" onth is of t$enty nine days%' 'Aisha added# '&hen Allah re(ealed the
=erses of the option% !3" And out of all his)$i(es he asked e first# and I chose hi%' &hen he ga(e
option to his other $i(es and they said $hat 'Aisha had said % H !0" &he Prophet# ' had decided to ab)
stain fro eating a certain kind of food because of a certain e(ent# so Allah blaed hi for doing so%
Soe of his $i(es $ere the cause of hi taking that decision# therefore he deserted the for one
onth% See ,uran: !55%2"
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 036:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HA $oan should not fast !optional fasts" e*cept $ith her husband's perission
if he is at hoe !staying $ith her"%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 030:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIf a an In(ites his $ife to sleep $ith hi and she refuses to coe to hi# then
the angels send their curses on her till orning%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 033:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIf a $oan spends the night deserting her husband's bed !does not sleep $ith
hi"# then the angels send their curses on her till she coes back !to her husband"%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 03<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue : ) 005< ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# HIt is not la$ful for a lady to fast !Da$afil" $ithout the perission of her hus)
band $hen he is at hoeL and she should not allo$ anyone to enter his house e*cept $ith his per)
issionL and if she spends of his $ealth !on charitable purposes" $ithout being ordered by hi# he
$ill get half of the re$ard%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 032:
Darrated Usaa:
&he Prophet said# HI stood at the gate of Paradise and sa$ that the a.ority of the people $ho
entered it $ere the poor# $hile the $ealthy $ere stopped at the gate !for the accounts"% But the co)
panions of the Bire $ere ordered to be taken to the Bire% &hen I stood at the gate of the Bire and sa$
that the a.ority of those $ho entered it $ere $oen%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 034:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abbas:
8uring the lifetie of Allah's Apostle# the sun eclipsed% Allah's Apostle offered the prayer of !the"
eclipse" and so did the people along $ith hi% He perfored a long ,iya !standing posture" during
$hich Surat)al)BaCara could ha(e been recitedL then he perfored a pro)longed bo$ing# then
raised his head and stood for a long tie $hich $as slightly less than that of the first ,iya !and re)
cited ,ur'an"% &hen he perfored a prolonged bo$ing again but the period $as shorter than the
period of the first bo$ing# then he stood up and then prostrated% Again he stood up# but this tie the
period of standing $as less than the first standing% &hen he perfored a prolonged bo$ing but of a
lesser duration than the first# then he stood up again for a long tie but for a lesser duration than
the first% &hen he perfored a prolonged bo$ing but of lesser duration than the first# and then he
again stood up# and then prostrated and then finished his prayer% By then the sun eclipse had
cleared% &he Prophet then said# H&he sun and the oon are t$o signs aong the signs of Allah# and
they do not eclipse because of the death or birth of soeone# so $hen you obser(e the eclipse# re)
eber Allah !offer the eclipse prayer"%H &hey !the people" said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e sa$ you
stretching your hand to take soething at this place of yours# then $e sa$ you stepping back$ard%H
He said# HI sa$ Paradise !or Paradise $as sho$n to e"# and I stretched y hand to pluck a bunch !of
grapes"# and had I plucked it# you $ould ha(e eaten of it as long as this $orld e*ists% &hen I sa$ the
!Hell" Bire# and I ha(e ne(er before# seen such a horrible sight as that# and I sa$ that the a.ority of
its d$ellers $ere $oen%H &he people asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat is the reason for thatJH He
replied# HBecause of their ungratefulness%H It $as said% H8o they disbelie(e in Allah !are they ungrate)
ful to Allah"JH He replied# H&hey are not thankful to their husbands and are ungrateful for the fa(ors
done to the% +(en if you do good to one of the all your life# $hen she sees soe harshness fro
you# she $ill say# HI ha(e ne(er seen any good fro you%' H
=olue : ) 0052 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 035:
Darrated Iran:
&he Prophet said# HI looked at Paradise and sa$ that the a.ority of its residents $ere the poorL and
I looked at the !Hell" Bire and sa$ that the a.ority of its residents $ere $oen%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 03::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar bin Al)'As:
Allah's Apostle said# HE 'AbdullahI Ha(e I not been fored that you fast all the day and stand in
prayer all nightJH I said# HKes# E Allah's ApostleIH He said# H8o not do thatI Ebser(e the fast soeties
and also lea(e the !the fast" at other tiesL stand up for the prayer at night and also sleep at night%
Kour body has a right o(er you# your eyes ha(e a right o(er you and your $ife has a right o(er you%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 037:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HAll of you are guardians and are responsible for your $ards% &he ruler is a
guardian and the an is a guardian of his failyL the lady is a guardian and is responsible for her
husband's house and his offspringL and so all of you are guardians and are responsible for your
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 031:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle took an oath that he $ould not (isit his $i(es for one onth# and he sat in an up)
per roo belonging to hi% &hen# on the t$enty ninth day he cae do$n% It $as said# HE Allah's
ApostleI Kou had taken an oath not to (isit your $i(es for one onth%H He said# H&he !present" onth
is of t$enty)nine days%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0<6:
Darrated U Salaa:
&he Prophet took an oath that he $ould not enter upon soe of his $i(es for one onth% But
$hen t$enty nine days had elapsed# he $ent to the in the orning or e(ening% It $as said to hi#
HE Allah's ProphetI Kou had taken an oath that you $ould not enter upon the for one onth%H He
replied# H&he onth can be of t$enty nine days%H
=olue : ) 0054 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0<0:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ene orning $e sa$ the $i(es of the Prophet $eeping# and e(eryone of the had her faily
$ith her# I $ent to the osCue and found that it $as cro$ded $ith people% &hen 'Uar bin Al)Khat)
tab cae and $ent up to the Prophet $ho $as in his upper roo% He greeted hi but nobody
ans$ered% He greeted again# but nobody ans$ered% &hen the gatekeeper called hi and he entered
upon the Prophet# and asked# HHa(e you di(orced your $i(esJH &he Prophet# said# HDo# but I ha(e
taken an oath not to go to the for one onth%H So the Prophet stayed a$ay !fro his $i(es" for
t$enty nine days and then entered upon the%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0<3:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Fa'a:
&he Prophet said# HDone of you should flog his $ife as he flogs a sla(e and then ha(e se*ual inter)
course $ith her in the last part of the day%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0<<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
An Ansari $oan ga(e her daughter in arriage and the hair of the latter started falling out% &he
Ansari $oen cae to the Prophet and entioned that to hi and said# HHer !y daughter's" hus)
band suggested that I should let her $ear false hair%H &he Prophet said# HDo# !don't do that" for Allah
sends His curses upon such ladies $ho lengthen their hair artificially%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0<2:
Darrated Aisha:
regarding the =erse: 'If a $ife fears cruelty or desertion on her husband's part %%%'" !2%037" It con)
cerns the $oan $hose husband does not $ant to keep her $ith hi any longer# but $ants to di)
(orce her and arry soe other lady# so she says to hi: 'Keep e and do not di(orce e# and then
arry another $oan# and you ay neither spend on e# nor sleep $ith e%' &his is indicated by
the Stateent of Allah: '&here is no blae on the if they arrange an aicable settleent bet$een
the both# and !such" settleent is better%H !2%037"
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0<4:
Darrated /abir:
=olue : ) 0055 ? 0:66
@e used to practice coitus interrupt us during the lifetie of Allah's Apostle %
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0<5:
Darrated /abir:
@e used to practice coitus interrupt us $hile the ,uran $as being re(ealed% /abir added: @e used
to practice coitus interrupt us during the lifetie of Allah's Apostle $hile the ,uran $as being Re)
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0<::
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
@e got feale capti(es in the $ar booty and $e used to do coitus interruptus $ith the% So $e
asked Allah's Apostle about it and he said# H8o you really do thatJH repeating the Cuestion thrice#
H&here is no soul that is destined to e*ist but $ill coe into e*istence# till the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0<7:
Darrated al),asi:
Aisha said that $hene(er the Prophet intended to go on a .ourney# he dre$ lots aong his $i(es
!so as to take one of the along $ith hi"% 8uring one of his .ourneys the lot fell on 'Aisha and Haf)
sa% @hen night fell the Prophet $ould ride beside 'Aisha and talk $ith her% Ene night Hafsa said to
'Aisha# H@on't you ride y cael tonight and I ride yours# so that you ay see !e" and I see !you"
!in ne$ situation"JH 'Aisha said# HKes# !I agree%"H So 'Aisha rode# and then the Prophet cae to$ards
'Aisha's cael on $hich Hafsa $as riding% He greeted Hafsa and then proceeded !beside her" till they
disounted !on the $ay"% 'Aisha issed hi# and so# $hen they disounted# she put her legs in the
Idhkhir and said# HE ;ord !Allah"I Send a scorpion or a snake to bite e for I a not to blae hi
!the Prophet "%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0<1:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Sada bint Fa'a ga(e up her turn to e !'Aisha"# and so the Prophet used to gi(e e !'Aisha" both
y day and the day of SadL
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 026:
Darrated Anas:
=olue : ) 005: ? 0:66
&he tradition# !of the Prophet" is that if soeone arries a (irgin and he has already a atron $ife
!$ith hi"# then he should stay $ith the (irgin for se(en daysL and if soeone arries a atron !and
he has already a (irgin $ife $ith hi" then he should stay $ith her for three days%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 020:
Darrated Anas:
It is the Prophet's tradition that if soeone arries a (irgin and he has already a atron $ife then
he should stay for se(en days $ith her !the (irgin" and then by turnsL and if soeone arries a at)
ron and he has already a (irgin $ife then he should stay $ith her !the atron" for three days# and
then by turns%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 023:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet used to pass by !ha(e se*ual relation $ith" all his $i(es in one night# and at that tie
he had nine $i(es%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 02<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle finished his 'Asr prayer# he $ould enter upon his $i(es and stay $ith
one of the% Ene day he $ent to Hafsa and stayed $ith her longer than usual%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 022:
Darrated 'Aisha:
that during his fatal ailent# Allah's Apostle# used to ask his $i(es# H@here shall I stay toorro$J
@here shall I stay toorro$JH He $as looking for$ard to Aisha's turn% So all his $i(es allo$ed hi
to stay $here he $ished# and he stayed at 'Aisha's house till he died there% 'Aisha added: He died on
the day of y usual turn at y house% Allah took hi unto Hi $hile his head $as bet$een y
chest and y neck and his sali(a $as i*ed $ith y sali(a%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 024:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
that 'Uar entered upon Hafsa and said# HE y daughterI 8o not be isled by the anners of her
$ho is proud of her beauty because of the lo(e of Allah's Apostle for her%H By 'her' he eant 'Aisha%
'Uar added# H&hen I told that to Allah's Apostle and he siled !on hearing that"%H
=olue : ) 0057 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 025:
Darrated Asa:
Soe lady said# HE Allah's ApostleI My husband has another $ife# so it is sinful of e to clai that
he has gi(en e $hat he has not gi(en e !in order to tease her"JH Allah's Apostle said# &he one $ho
pretends that he has been gi(en $hat he has not been gi(en# is .ust like the !false" one $ho $ears
t$o garents of falsehood%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 02::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Masud:
&he Prophet# said# H&here is none ha(ing a greater sense of Ahira than Allah% And for that He has
forbidden the doing of e(il actions !illegal se*ual intercourse etc%" &here is none $ho likes to be
praised ore than Allah does%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 027:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said# HE follo$ers of MuhaadI &here is none# $ho has a greater sense of Ahira
!self)respect" than Allah# so He has forbidden that His sla(e coits illegal se*ual intercourse or His
sla(e girl coits illegal se*ual intercourse% E follo$ers of MuhaadI If you but kne$ $hat I
kno$# you $ould laugh less and $eep oreIH
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 021:
Darrated Asa':
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H&here is nothing !none" ha(ing a greater sense of Ahira !self)re)
spect" than Allah%H And narrated Abu Huraira that he heard the Prophet !saying the sae"%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 046:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he ProphetL said# HAllah has a sense of Ahira# and Allah's sense of Ahira is pro(oked $hen a be)
lie(er does soething $hich Allah has prohibited%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 040:
Darrated Asa' bint Abu Bakr:
=olue : ) 0051 ? 0:66
@hen A-)Fubair arried e# he had no real property or any sla(e or anything else e*cept a
cael $hich dre$ $ater fro the $ell# and his horse% I used to feed his horse $ith fodder and dre$
$ater and se$ the bucket for dra$ing it# and prepare the dough# but I did not kno$ ho$ to bake
bread% So our Ansari neighbors used to bake bread for e# and they $ere honorable ladies% I used to
carry the date stones on y head fro Fubair's land gi(en to hi by Allah's Apostle and this land
$as t$o third Barsakh !about t$o iles" fro y house% Ene day# $hile I $as coing $ith the date
stones on y head# I et Allah's Apostle along $ith soe Ansari people% He called e and then# !dir)
ecting his cael to kneel do$n" said# HIkhI IkhIH so as to ake e ride behind hi !on his cael"% I
felt shy to tra(el $ith the en and reebered A-)Fubair and his sense of Ahira# as he $as one of
those people $ho had the greatest sense of Ahira% Allah's Apostle noticed that I felt shy# so he pro)
ceeded% I cae to A-)Fubair and said# HI et Allah's Apostle $hile I $as carrying a load of date
stones on y head# and he had soe copanions $ith hi% He ade his cael kneel do$n so that I
ight ride# but I felt shy in his presence and reebered your sense of Ahira !See the glossary"% En
that A-)Fubair said# HBy Allah# your carrying the date stones !and you being seen by the Prophet in
such a state" is ore shaeful to e than your riding $ith hi%H !I continued ser(ing in this $ay" till
Abu Bakr sent e a ser(ant to look after the horse# $hereupon I felt as if he had set e free%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 043:
Darrated Anas:
@hile the Prophet $as in the house of one of his $i(es# one of the others of the belie(ers sent a
eal in a dish% &he $ife at $hose house the Prophet $as# struck the hand of the ser(ant# causing the
dish to fall and break% &he Prophet gathered the broken pieces of the dish and then started collecting
on the the food $hich had been in the dish and said# HKour other !y $ife" felt .ealous%H &hen he
detained the ser(ant till a !sound" dish $as brought fro the $ife at $hose house he $as% He ga(e
the sound dish to the $ife $hose dish had been broken and kept the broken one at the house $here
it had been broken%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 04<:
Darrated /abir:
&he Prophet# said# HI entered Paradise and sa$ a palace and asked $hose palace is thisJ &hey !the
Angels" said# H&his palace belongs to 'Uar bin Al)Khattab%' I intended to enter it# and nothing
stopped e e*cept y kno$ledge about your sense of Ahira !self)respect !E Uar"%H 'Uar said# HE
Allah's ApostleI ;et y father and other be sacrificed for youI E Allah's ProphetI Ho$ dare I think
of y Ahira !self)respect" being offended by youJH
=olue : ) 00:6 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 042:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hile $e $ere sitting $ith Allah's Apostle# !he" Allah's Apostle said# H@hile I $as sleeping# I sa$ a
$oan perforing ablution beside a palace% I asked# H@hose palace is thisJ' It $as said# '&his palace
belongs to 'Uar%' &hen I reebered his sense of Ahira and returned%H En that 'Uar started $eep)
ing in that gathering and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Ho$ dare I think of y self)respect being offended
by youJH
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 044:
Darrated Aisha:
&hat Allah's Apostle said to her# HI you are pleased $ith e or angry $ith e%H I said# H@hence do
you kno$ thatJH He said# H@hen you are pleased $ith e# you say# 'Do# by the ;ord of Muhaad#'
but $hen you are angry $ith e# then you say# 'Do# by the ;ord of Abraha%' H &hereupon I said# HKes
!you are right"# but by Allah# E Allah's Apostle# I lea(e nothing but your nae%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 045:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I ne(er felt so .ealous of any $ife of Allah's Apostle as I did of Khadi.a because Allah's Apostle used
to reeber and praise her too often and because it $as re(ealed to Allah's Apostle that he should
gi(e her !Khadi.a" the glad tidings of her ha(ing a palace of ,asab in Paradise %
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 04::
Darrated Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa:
I heard Allah's Apostle $ho $as on the pulpit# saying# HBanu Hisha bin Al)Mughira ha(e reCues)
ted e to allo$ the to arry their daughter to Ali bin Abu &alib# but I don't gi(e perission# and
$ill not gi(e perission unless 'Ali bin Abi &alib di(orces y daughter in order to arry their
daughter# because Batia is a part of y body# and I hate $hat she hates to see# and $hat hurts her#
hurts e%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 047:
Darrated Anas:
I $ill narrate to you a Habith I heard fro Allah's Apostle and none other than I $ill tell you of it%
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HBro aong the portents of the Hour are the follo$ing: Religious
kno$ledge $ill be taken a$ayL Aeneral ignorance !in religious atters" $ill increaseL illegal Se*ual
=olue : ) 00:0 ? 0:66
intercourse $ill pre(ail: 8rinking of alcoholic drinks $ill pre(ail% Men $ill decrease in nuber# and
$oen $ill increase in nuber# so uch so that fifty $oen $ill be looked after by one an%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 041:
Darrated 'UCba bin 'Air:
Allah's Apostle said# HBe$are of entering upon the ladies%H A an fro the Ansar said# HAllah's
ApostleI @hat about Al)Hau the in)la$s of the $ife !the brothers of her husband or his nephe$s
etc%"JH &he Prophet replied: &he in)la$s of the $ife are death itself%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 056:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas :
&he Prophet said# HDo an should stay $ith a lady in seclusion e*cept in the presence of a 8hu)
Muhra%H A an stood up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI My $ife has gone out intending to perfor
the Ha.. and I ha(e been enrolled !in the ary" for such)and)such capaign%H &he Prophet said# HRe)
turn and perfor the Ha.. $ith your $ife%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 050:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
An Ansari $oan cae to the Prophet and he took her aside and said !to her"% HBy Allah# you !An)
sar" are the ost belo(ed people to e%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 053:
Darrated U Salaa:
that $hile the Prophet $as $ith her# there $as an effeinate an in the house% &he effeinate
an said to U Salaa's brother# 'Abdullah bin Abi Uaiyya# HIf Allah should ake you conCuer
&a'if toorro$# I recoend that you take the daughter of Ahailan !in arriage" for !she is so fat"
that she sho$s four folds of flesh $hen facing you and eight $hen she turns her back%H &hereupon
the Prophet said !to us"# H&his !effeinate an" should not enter upon you !anyore"%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 05<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet $as screening e $ith his Rida' !garent co(ering the upper part of the body" $hile
I $as looking at the +thiopians $ho $ere playing in the courtyard of the osCue% !I continued
=olue : ) 00:3 ? 0:66
$atching" till I $as satisfied% So you ay deduce fro this e(ent ho$ a little girl !$ho has not
reached the age of puberty" $ho is eager to en.oy auseent should be treated in this respect%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 052:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Ence Sada bint Fa'a $ent out at night for soe need# and 'Uar sa$ her# and recogni-ing her#
he said !to her"# HBy Allah# E SadaI Kou cannot hide yourself fro us%H So she returned to the Prophet
and entioned that to hi $hile he $as sitting in y d$elling taking his supper and holding a bone
co(ered $ith eat in his hand% &hen the 8i(ine Inspiration $as re(ealed to hi and $hen that state
$as o(er# he !the Prophet $as saying: HE $oenI Kou ha(e been allo$ed by Allah to go out for your
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 054:
Darrated Sali's father:
&he Prophet said# HIf the $ife of anyone of you asks perission to go to the osCue# he should not
forbid her%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 055:
Darrated 'Aisha:
My foster uncle cae and asked perission !to enter" but I refused to adit hi till I asked Allah's
Apostle about that% He said# HHe is your uncle# so allo$ hi to coe in%H I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I
ha(e been suckled by a $oan and not by a an%H Allah's Apostle said# HHe is your uncle# so let hi
enter upon you%H And that happened after the order of Al)Hi.ab !copulsory (eiling" $as re(ealed%
All things $hich becoe unla$ful because of blood relations are unla$ful because of the corres)
ponding foster suckling relations%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 05::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud:
&he Prophet said# HA $oan should not look at or touch another $oan to describe her to her
husband in such a $ay as if he $as actually looking at her%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 057:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
=olue : ) 00:< ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HA $oan should not look at or touch another $oan to describe her to her
husband in such a $ay as if he $as actually looking at her%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 051:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
!&he Prophet" Soloon son of !the Prophet" 8a(id said# H&onight I $ill go round !i%e% ha(e se*ual
relations $ith" one hundred $oen !y $i(es" e(eryone of $ho $ill deli(er a ale child $ho $ill
fight in Allah's 9ause%H En that an Angel said to hi# HSay: 'If Allah $ill%' H But Soloon did not say it
and forgot to say it% &hen he had se*ual relations $ith the but none of the deli(ered any child e*)
cept one $ho deli(ered a half person% &he Prophet said# HIf Soloon had said: 'If Allah $ill#' Allah
$ould ha(e fulfilled his !abo(e" desire and that saying $ould ha(e ade hi ore hopeful%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0:6:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
&he Prophet disliked that one should go to one's faily at night !on returning fro a .ourney"%
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0:0:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen anyone of you is a$ay fro his house for a long tie# he should not
return to his faily at night%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0:3:
Darrated /abir:
I $as $ith Allah's Apostle in a Aha-$a# and $hen $e returned# I $anted to hurry# $hile riding a
slo$ cael% A rider cae behind e% I looked back and sa$ that the rider $as Allah's Apostle % He
said !to e"# H@hat akes you in such a hurryJH I replied# HI a ne$ly arried%H He said# H8id you
arry a (irgin or a atronJH I replied# H!Dot a (irgin but" a atron%H He said# H@hy didn't you arry
a young girl $ith $ho you could play and $ho could play $ith youJH &hen $hen $e approached
!Medina" and $ere going to enter !it"# the Prophet said# H@ait till you enter !your hoes" at night !in
the first part of the night" so that the ladies $ith unkept hair ay cob their hair# and those $hose
husbands ha(e been absent !for a long tie" ay sha(e their pubic hair%H !&he sub)narrator# Hashi
said: A reliable narrator told e that the Prophet added in this Hadith: H!Seek to beget" childrenI
9hildren# E /abirIH"
=olue : ) 00:2 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0:<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HIf you enter !your to$n" at night !after coing fro a .ourney"# do not enter
upon your faily till the $oan $hose husband $as absent !fro the house" sha(es her pubic hair
and the $oan $ith unkept hair# cobs her hairH Allah's Apostle further said# H!E /abirI" Seek to
ha(e offspring# seek to ha(e offspringIH
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0:2:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
@e $ere $ith the Prophet in Aha-$a# and $hen $e returned and approached Medina# I $anted
to hurry $hile riding a slo$ cael% A rider o(ertook e and pricked y cael $ith a spear $hich
he had# $hereupon y cael started running as fast as any other fast cael you ay see% I looked
back# and behold# the rider $as Allah's Apostle % I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I a ne$ly arried H He
asked# HHa(e you got arriedJH I replied# HKes%H He said# HA (irgin or a atronJH I replied# H!Dot a (ir)
gin" but a atronH He said# H@hy didn't you arry a young girl so that you could play $ith her and
she $ith youJH @hen $e reached !near Medina" and $ere going to enter it# the Prophet said# H@ait
till you enter your hoe early in the night so that the lady $hose hair is unkept ay cob her
hair and that the lady $hose husband has been a$ay ay sha(e her pubic hair%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0:4:
Darrated Abu Ha-i:
&he people differed about the type of treatent $hich had been gi(en to Allah's Apostle on the day
!of the battle" of Uhud% So they asked Sahl bin Sad As)Sa'id $ho $as the only sur(i(ing 9opanion
!of the Prophet" at Medina% He replied# HDobody Is left at Medina $ho kno$s it better than I% Batia
$as $ashing the blood off his face and 'Ali $as bringing $ater in his shield# and then a at of date)
pal lea(es $as burnt and !the ash" $as inserted into the $ound%H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0:5:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Abis:
I heard Ibn 'Abbas ans$ering a an $ho asked hi# H8id you attend the prayer of 'Id al Adha or
'Id)al)Bitr $ith Allah's ApostleJH Ibn 'Abbas replied# HKes# and had it not been for y close relation)
ship $ith hi# I could not ha(e offered it%H !&hat $as because of his young age"% Ibn 'Abbas further
said# Allah's Apostle $ent out and offered the Id prayer and then deli(ered the seron%H Ibn 'Abbas
did not ention anything about the Adhan !the call for prayer" or the ICaa% He added# H&hen the
=olue : ) 00:4 ? 0:66
Prophet $ent to the $oen and instructed the and ga(e the religious ad(ice and ordered the
to gi(e als and I sa$ the reaching out !their hands to" their ears and necks !to take off the ear)
rings and necklaces# etc%" and thro$ing !it" to$ards Bilal% &hen the Prophet returned $ith Bilal to his
house % H
=olue :# Book 53# Duber 0:::
Darrated 'Aisha:
Abu Bakr adonished e and poked e $ith his hands in the flank# and nothing stopped e
fro o(ing at that tie e*cept the position of Allah's Apostle $hose head $as on y thigh%
=olue : ) 00:5 ? 0:66
Book 5<: 8i(orce
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 0:7:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
that he had di(orced his $ife $hile she $as enstruating during the lifetie of Allah's Apostle %
'Uar bin Al)Khattab asked Allah's Apostle about that% Allah's Apostle said# HErder hi !your son" to
take her back and keep her till she is clean and then to $ait till she gets her ne*t period and becoes
clean again# $hereupon# if he $ishes to keep her# he can do so# and if he $ishes to di(orce her he
can di(orce her before ha(ing se*ual intercourse $ith herL and that is the prescribed period $hich
Allah has fi*ed for the $oen eant to be di(orced%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 0:1:
Darrated Anas bin Sirin:
Ibn 'Uar said: HI di(orced y $ife $hile she $as enstruating% 'Uar entioned that to the
Prophet % &he Prophet said# !to y father"# H;et your son take her back%H I asked !Ibn 'Uar"# HIs such a
di(orce counted !i%e% as one legal di(orce"JH Ibn 'Uar said# HEf course%H Darrated Kunus bin /ubair:
Ibn 'Uar said# H&he Prophet said to 'Uar# 'Erder hi !Ibn 'Uar" to take her back%' H I asked# HIs
such a di(orce counted !as one legal di(orce"JH Ibn 'Uar said# H@hat do you think if soeone be)
coes helpless and foolishJH
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 076:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
!8i(orcing y $ife during her enses" $as counted as one legal di(orce%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 070:
Darrated Al)A$-a:
I asked A-)Fuhri# H@hich of the $i(es of the Prophet sought refuge $ith Allah fro hiJH He said
HI $as told by 'Ursa that 'Aisha said# '@hen the daughter of Al)/aun $as brought to Allah's Apostle !as
his bride" and he $ent near her# she said# HI seek refuge $ith Allah fro you%H He said# HKou ha(e
sought refuge $ith &he AreatL return to your faily%H
=olue : ) 00:: ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 073:
Darrated Abu Usaid:
@e $ent out $ith the Prophet to a garden called Ash)Shaut till $e reached t$o $alls bet$een
$hich $e sat do$n% &he Prophet said# HSit here#H and $ent in !the garden"% &he /auniyya !a lady fro
Bani /aun" had been brought and lodged in a house in a date)pal garden in the hoe of Uaia
bint An)Du'an bin Sharahil# and her $et nurse $as $ith her% @hen the Prophet entered upon her#
he said to her# HAi(e e yourself !in arriage" as a gift%H She said# H9an a princess gi(e herself in
arriage to an ordinary anJH &he Prophet raised his hand to pat her so that she ight becoe
tranCuil% She said# HI seek refuge $ith Allah fro you%H He said# HKou ha(e sought refuge $ith Ene
@ho gi(es refuge% &hen the Prophet cae out to us and said# HE Abu UsaidI Ai(e her t$o $hite linen
dresses to $ear and let her go back to her faily%H Darrated Sahl and Abu Usaid: &he Prophet ar)
ried Uaia bint Sharahil# and $hen she $as brought to hi# he stretched his hand to$ards her% It
seeed that she disliked that# $hereupon the Prophet ordered Abu Usaid to prepare her and to
pro(ide her $ith t$o $hite linen dresses% !See Hadith Do% 420"%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 07<:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
siilarly as abo(e !073"%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 072:
Darrated Abi Ahallab Kunus bin /ubair:
I asked Ibn 'Uar#H!@hat is said regarding" a an di(orces his $ife during her periodJH He said#
H8o you kno$ Ibn 'UarJ Ibn 'Uar di(orced his $ife $hile she $as enstruating% 'Uar then $ent
to the Prophet and entioned that to hi% &he Prophet ordered hi to take her back and $hen she
becae clean# he could di(orce her if he $anted%H I asked !Ibn 'Uar"# H@as that di(orce counted as
one legal di(orceJH He said# HIf one becoes helpless and foolish !$ill he be e*cusedJ Ef course not"%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 074:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad As)Sa'idi:
U$aiir Al)'A.lani cae to 'Asi bin Adi Al)Ansari and asked# HE 'AsiI &ell e# if a an sees his
$ife $ith another an# should he kill hi# $hereupon you $ould kill hi in ,isas# or $hat should
he doJ E 'AsiI Please ask Allah's Apostle about that%H 'Asi asked Allah's Apostle about that% Allah's
Apostle disliked that Cuestion and considered it disgraceful% @hat 'Asi heard fro Allah's Apostle
$as hard on hi% @hen he returned to his faily# 'U$aiir cae to hi and said HE 'AsiI @hat
did Allah's Apostle say to youJH 'Asi said# HKou ne(er bring e any good% Allah's Apostle disliked to
=olue : ) 00:7 ? 0:66
hear the proble $hich I asked hi about%H 'U$aiir said# HBy Allah# I $ill not lea(e the atter till I
ask hi about it%H So 'U$aiir proceeded till he cae to Allah's Apostle $ho $as in the idst of the
people and said# HE Allah's ApostleI If a an finds $ith his $ife another an# should he kill hi#
$hereupon you $ould kill hi !in ,isas": or other$ise# $hat should he doJH Allah's Apostle said# HAl)
lah has re(ealed soething concerning the Cuestion of you and your $ife% Ao and bring her here%H So
they both carried out the .udgent of ;ian# $hile I $as present aong the people !as a $itness"%
@hen both of the had finished# 'U$aiir said# HE Allah's ApostleI If I should no$ keep y $ife
$ith e# then I ha(e told a lieH% &hen he pronounced his decision to di(orce her thrice before Allah's
Apostle ordered hi to do so% !Ibn Shihab said# H&hat $as the tradition for all those $ho are in(ol(ed
in a case of ;ian%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 075:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he $ife of Rifa'a Al),ura-i cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Rifa'a di(orced
e irre(ocably% After hi I arried 'Abdur)Rahan bin A-)Fubair Al),ura-i $ho pro(ed to be i)
potent%H Allah's Apostle said to her# HPerhaps you $ant to return to Rifa'aJ Day !you cannot return to
Rifa'a" until you and 'Abdur)Rahan consuate your arriage%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 07::
Darrated 'Aisha:
A an di(orced his $ife thrice !by e*pressing his decision to di(orce her thrice"# then she arried
another an $ho also di(orced her% &he Prophet $as asked if she could legally arry the first hus)
band !or not"% &he Prophet replied# HDo# she cannot arry the first husband unless the second hus)
band consuates his arriage $ith her# .ust as the first husband had done%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 077:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle ga(e us the option !to reain $ith hi or to be di(orced" and $e selected Allah
and His Apostle % So# gi(ing us that option $as not regarded as di(orce%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 071:
Darrated MusruC:
I asked 'Aisha about the option: She said# H&he Prophet ga(e us the option% 8o you think that option
$as considered as a di(orceJH I said# HIt atters little to e if I gi(e y $ife the option once or a
hundred ties after she has chosen e%H
=olue : ) 00:1 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 016:
Darrated 'Aisha:
A an di(orced his $ife and she arried another an $ho pro(ed to be ipotent and di(orced
her% She could not get her satisfaction fro hi# and after a $hile he di(orced her% &hen she cae to
the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI My first husband di(orced e and then I arried another
an $ho entered upon e to consuate his arriage but he pro(ed to be ipotent and did not
approach e e*cept once during $hich he benefited nothing fro e% 9an I rearry y first hus)
band in this caseJH Allah's Apostle said# HIt is unla$ful to arry your first husband till the other hus)
band consuates his arriage $ith you%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 010:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
that he heard Ibn 'Abbas saying# HIf a an akes his $ife unla$ful for hi# it does not ean that
she is di(orced%H He added# HIndeed in the Apostle of Allah # you ha(e a good e*aple to follo$%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 013:
Darrated 'Ubaid bin 'Uar:
I heard 'Aisha saying# H&he Prophet used to stay for a long $hile $ith Fanab bint /ahsh and drink
honey at her house% So Hafsa and I decided that if the Prophet cae to anyone of us# she should say
hi# HI detect the sell of Maghafir !a nasty selling gu" in you% Ha(e you eaten MaghafirJ' H So
the Prophet (isited one of the and she said to hi siilarly% &he Prophet said# HDe(er ind# I ha(e
taken soe honey at the house of Fainab bint /ahsh# but I shall ne(er drink of it anyore%H So there
$as re(ealed: 'E Prophet I @hy do you ban !for you" that $hich Allah has ade la$ful for you % % % If
you t$o !$i(es of Prophet" turn in repentance to Allah#' !55%0)2" addressing Aisha and Hafsa% '@hen
the Prophet disclosed a atter in confidence to soe of his $i(es%' !55%<" naely his saying: But I
ha(e taken soe honey%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 01<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle $as fond of honey and s$eet edible things and !it $as his habit" that after finishing
the 'Asr prayer he $ould (isit his $i(es and stay $ith one of the at that tie% Ence he $ent to Haf)
sa# the daughter of 'Uar and stayed $ith her ore than usual% I got .ealous and asked the reason for
that% I $as told that a lady of her folk had gi(en her a skin filled $ith honey as a present# and that
she ade a syrup fro it and ga(e it to the Prophet to drink !and that $as the reason for the delay"% I
said# HBy Allah $e $ill play a trick on hi !to pre(ent hi fro doing so"%H So I said to Sada bint
=olue : ) 0076 ? 0:66
Fa'a H&he Prophet $ill approach you# and $hen he coes near you# say: 'Ha(e you taken Maghafir
!a bad)selling gu"J' He $ill say# 'Do%' &hen say to hi: '&hen $hat is this bad sell $hich i sell
fro youJ' He $ill say to you# 'Hafsa ade e drink honey syrup%' &hen say: Perhaps the bees of that
honey had sucked the .uice of the tree of Al)'Urfut%' I shall also say the sae% E you# Safiyya# say the
sae%H ;ater Sada said# HBy Allah# as soon as he !the Prophet " stood at the door# I $as about to say to
hi $hat you had ordered e to say because I $as afraid of you%H So $hen the Prophet cae near
Sada# she said to hi# HE Allah's ApostleI Ha(e you taken MaghafirJH He said# HDo%H She said% H&hen
$hat is this bad sell $hich I detect on youJH He said# HHafsa ade e drink honey syrup%H She said#
HPerhaps its bees had sucked the .uice of Al)'Urfut tree%H @hen he cae to e# I also said the sae#
and $hen he $ent to Safiyya# she also said the sae% And $hen the Prophet again $ent to Hafsa# she
said# 'E Allah's ApostleI Shall I gi(e you ore of that drinkJH He said# HI a not in need of it%H Sada
said# HBy Allah# $e depri(ed hi !of it"%H I said to her# HKeep Cuiet%H '
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 012:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah has forgi(en y follo$ers the e(il thoughts that occur to their inds# as
long as such thoughts are not put into action or uttered%H And ,atada said# HIf soeone di(orces his
$ife .ust in his ind# such an unuttered di(orce has no effect%:
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 014:
Darrated /abir:
A an fro the tribe of Bani Asla cae to the Prophet $hile he $as in the osCue and said# HI
ha(e coitted illegal se*ual intercourse%H &he Prophet turned his face to the other side% &he an
turned to$ards the side to$ards $hich the Prophet had turned his face# and ga(e four $itnesses
against hiself% En that the Prophet called hi and said# HAre you insaneJH !He added"# HAre you
arriedJH &he an said# 'Kes%H En that the Prophet ordered hi to be stoned to the death in the Mus)
alla !a praying place"% @hen the stones hit hi $ith their sharp edges and he fled# but he $as caught
at Al)Harra and then killed
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 015:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an fro Bani Asla cae to Allah's Apostle $hile he $as in the osCue and called !the
Prophet " saying# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e coitted illegal se*ual intercourse%H En that the Prophet
turned his face fro hi to the other side# $hereupon the an o(ed to the side to$ards $hich the
Prophet had turned his face# and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e coitted illegal se*ual inter)
course%H &he Prophet turned his face !fro hi" to the other side $hereupon the an o(ed to the
=olue : ) 0070 ? 0:66
side to$ards $hich the Prophet had turned his face# and repeated his stateent% &he Prophet turned
his face !fro hi" to the other side again% &he an o(ed again !and repeated his stateent" for
the fourth tie% So $hen the an had gi(en $itness four ties against hiself# the Prophet called
hi and said# HAre you insaneJH He replied# HDo%H &he Prophet then said !to his copanions"# HAo and
stone hi to death%H &he an $as a arried one% /abir bin 'Abdullah Al)Ansari said: I $as one of
those $ho stoned hi% @e stoned hi at the Musalla !'Id praying place" in Medina% @hen the stones
hit hi $ith their sharp edges# he fled# but $e caught hi at Al)Harra and stoned hi till he died%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 01::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he $ife of &habit bin ,ais cae to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I do not blae &habit
for defects in his character or his religion# but I# being a Musli# dislike to beha(e in un)Islaic
anner !if I reain $ith hi"%H En that Allah's Apostle said !to her"# H@ill you gi(e back the garden
$hich your husband has gi(en you !as Mahr"JH She said# HKes%H &hen the Prophet said to &habit# HE
&habitI Accept your garden# and di(orce her once%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 017:
Darrated 'Ikria:
&he sister of 'Abdullah bin Ubai narrated !the abo(e narration# 01:" $ith the addition that the
Prophet said to &habit's $ife# H@ill you return his gardenJH She said# HKes#H and returned it# and !then"
the Prophet ordered &habit to di(orce her% Darrated Ibn 'Abbas: &he $ife of &habit bin ,ais cae to
Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I do not blae &habit for any defects in his character or
his religion# but I cannot endure to li(e $ith hi%H En that Allah's Apostle said# H@ill you return his
garden to hiJH She said# HKes%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 011:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he $ife of &habit bin ,ais bin Shaas cae to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I do not
blae &habit for any defects in his character or his religion# but I a afraid that I !being a Musli"
ay becoe unthankful for Allah's Blessings%H En that# Allah's Apostle said !to her"# '@ill you return
his garden to hiJH She said# HKes%H So she returned his garden to hi and the Prophet told hi to di)
(orce her%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 366:
Darrated 'Ikria:
=olue : ) 0073 ? 0:66
that /aila%%% &hen he related the $hole #Hadith# !i%e% 011"%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 360:
Darrated Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa A-)Fuhri:
I heard the Prophet saying# HBanu Al)Mughira ha(e asked y lea(e to let 'Ali arry their daugh)
ter# but I gi(e no lea(e to this effect%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 363:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" &hree traditions $ere established concerning situations in $hich Barra
$as in(ol(ed: @hen she $as anuitted# she $as gi(en the option to keep her husband or lea(e
hiL Allah's Apostle said# H&he $ala is for the one $ho anuits# Ence Allah's Apostle entered the
house $hile soe eat $as being cooked in a pot# but only bread and soe soup of the house $ere
placed before# hi% He said# H8on't I see the pot containing eatJH &hey said# HKes# but that eat $as
gi(en to Barira in charity !by soeone"# and you do not eat $hat it gi(en in charity%H&he Prophet said
H&hat eat is als for her# but for us it is a present%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 36<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
I sa$ hi as a sla(e# !naely# Barira's husband"%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 362:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&hat $as Mughith# the sla(e of Bani so)and)so# i%e%# Barira's husband as if I a no$ looking at hi
follo$ing her !Barira" along the streets of Medina%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 364:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Barira's husband $as a black sla(e called Mughith# the sla(e of Bani so)and)so)) as if I a seeing
hi no$# $alking behind her along the streets of Medina%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 365:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
=olue : ) 007< ? 0:66
Barira's husband $as a sla(e called Mughith# as if I a seeing hi no$# going behind Barira and
$eeping $ith his tears flo$ing do$n his beard% &he Prophet said to 'Abbas# HE 'Abbas I are you not
astonished at the lo(e of Mughith for Barira and the hatred of Barira for MughithJH &he Prophet then
said to Barira# H@hy don't you return to hiJH She said# HE Allah's ApostleI 8o you order e to do
soJH He said# HDo# I only intercede for hi%H She said# HI a not in need of hi%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 36::
Darrated Al)As$ad:
Aisha intended to buy Barira# but her asters stipulated that her $ala $ound be for the% Aisha
entioned that to the Prophet $ho said !to 'Aisha"# HBuy and anuit her# for the $ala is for the one
$ho anuits%H Ence soe eL $as brought to the Prophet and $as said# H&his eat $as gi(en in
charity to Barira% H &he Prophet said# HIt an ob.ect of charity for Barira and present for us%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 367:
Darrated Ada:
Shu'ba relate the sae Hadith and added: Barira $as gi(en the option regarding her husband
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 361:
Darrated Dafi':
@hene(er Ibn 'Uar $as asked about arrying a 9hristian lady or a /e$ess# he $ould say: HAllah
has ade it unla$ful for the belie(ers to arry ladies $ho ascribe partners in $orship to Allah# and
I do not kno$ of a greater thing# as regards to ascribing partners in $orship# etc% to Allah# than that a
lady should say that /esus is her ;ord although he is .ust one of Allah's sla(es%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 306:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he pagans $ere of t$o kinds as regards their relationship to the Prophet and the Belie(ers% Soe
of the $ere those $ith $ho the Prophet $as at $ar and used to fight against# and they used to
fight hiL the others $ere those $ith $ho the Prophet ade a treaty# and neither did the Prophet
fight the# nor did they fight hi% If a lady fro the first group of pagans eigrated to$ards the
Muslis# her hand $ould not be asked in arriage unless she got the enses and then becae
clean% @hen she becae clean# it $ould be la$ful for her to get arried# and if her husband eig)
rated too before she got arried# then she $ould be returned to hi% If any sla(e or feale sla(e
eigrated fro the to the Muslis# then they $ould be considered free persons !not sla(es" and
they $ould ha(e the sae rights as gi(en to other eigrants% &he narrator then entioned about the
=olue : ) 0072 ? 0:66
pagans in(ol(ed $ith the Muslis in a treaty# the sae as occurs in Mu.ahid's narration% If a ale
sla(e or a feale sla(e eigrated fro such pagans as had ade a treaty $ith the Muslis# they
$ould not be returned# but their prices $ould be paid !to the pagans"% Darrated Ibn 'Abbas: ,ariba#
the daughter of Abi Uaiyya# $as the $ife of 'Uar bin Al)Khattab% 'Uar di(orced her and then
Mu'a$iyya bin Abi Sufyan arried her% Siilarly# U Al)Haka# the daughter of Abi Sufyan $as the
$ife of 'Iyad bin Ahan Al)Bihri% He di(orced her and then 'Abdullah bin 'Uthan Al)&haCafi ar)
ried her%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 300:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" @hen belie(ing $oen cae to the Prophet as eigrants# he used to test
the in accordance $ith the order of Allah% 'E you $ho belie(eI @hen belie(ing $oen coe to
you as eigrants# e*aine the % % %' !56%06" So if anyone of those belie(ing $oen accepted the
abo(e entioned conditions# she accepted the conditions of faith% @hen they agreed on those condi)
tions and confessed that $ith their tongues# Allah's Apostle $ould say to the# HAo# I ha(e accepted
your oath of allegiance !for Isla"% By Allah# and hand of Allah's Apostle ne(er touched the hand of
any $oan# but he only used to take their pledge of allegiance orally% By Allah# Allah's Apostle did
not take the pledge of allegiance of the $oen e*cept in accordance $ith $hat Allah had ordered
hi% @hen he accepted their pledge of allegiance he $ould say to the# HI ha(e accepted your oath
of allegiance%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 303:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle took an oath that he $ould abstain fro his $i(es# and at that tie his leg had
been sprained !dislocated"% So he stayed in the Mashruba !an attic roo" of his for 31 days% &hen he
cae do$n# and they !the people" said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou took an oath to abstain fro your
$i(es for one onth%H He said# H&he onth is of t$enty nine days%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 30<:
Darrated Dafi:
Ibn 'Uar used to say about the Ila !$hich Allah defined !in the Holy Book"# HIf the period of Ila
e*pires# then the husband has either to retain his $ife in a handsoe anner or to di(orce her as
Allah has ordered%H Ibn 'Uar added# H@hen the period of four onths has e*pired# the husband
should be put in prison so that he should di(orce his $ife# but the di(orce does not occur unless the
husband hiself declares it% &his has been entioned by 'Uthan# 'Ali# Abu Ad)8arda# 'Aisha and
t$el(e other copanions of the Prophet %H
=olue : ) 0074 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 302:
Darrated Ka-id:
!the Maula of Munba'ith" &he Prophet $as asked regarding the case of a lost sheep% He said# HKou
should take it# because it is for you# or for your brother# or for the $olf%H &hen he $as asked about a
lost cael% He got angry and his face becae red and he said !to the Cuestioner"# HKou ha(e nothing
to do $ith itL it has its feet and its $ater container $ith itL it can go on drinking $ater and eating
trees till its o$ner eets it%H And then the Prophet $as asked about a ;uCata !oney found by soe)
body"% He said# HReeber and recogni-e its tying aterial and its container# and ake public an)
nounceent about it for one year% If soebody coes and identifies it !then gi(e it to hi"# other$ise
add it to your property%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 304:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle perfored the &a$af !around the Ka'ba $hile riding his cael# and e(ery tie he
reached the corner !of the Black Stone" he pointed at it $ith his hand and said# HAllahu Akbar%H
!Fainab said: &he Prophet said# HAn opening has been ade in the $all of Aog and Magog like this
and this#H foring the nuber 16 !$ith his thub and inde* finger"%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 305:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Abul ,asi !the Prophet " said# H&here is an hour !or a oent" of particular significance on Bri)
day% If it happens that a Musli is offering a prayer and in(oking Allah for soe good at that (ery
oent# Allah $ill grant hi his reCuest%H !&he sub)narrator placed the top of his finger on the
pal of the other hand bet$een the iddle finger and the little one%"
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 305h:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
8uring the lifetie of Allah's Apostle a /e$ attacked a girl and took soe sil(er ornaents she $as
$earing and crushed her head% Her relati(e brought her to the Prophet $hile she $as in her last
breaths# and she $as unable to speak% Allah's Apostle asked her# H@ho has hit youJ So)and soJH# en)
tioning soebody other than her urderer% She o(ed her head# indicating denial% &he Prophet
entioned another person other than the urderer# and she again o(ed her head indicating deni)
al% &hen he asked# H@as it so)and)soJH# entioning the nae of her killer% She nodded# agreeing%
&hen Allah's ApostleL ordered that the head of that /e$ be crushed bet$een t$o stones%
=olue : ) 0075 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 30::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
I heard the Prophet saying# HAfflictions $ill eerge fro here#H pointing to$ards the +ast%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 307:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi A'ufa:
@e $ere $ith Allah's Apostle on a .ourney# and $hen the sun set# he said to a an# HAet do$n and
prepare a drink of Sa$iC for e%H &he an said# HE Allah's ApostleI @ill you $ait till it is e(eningJH
Allah's Apostle again said# HAet do$n and prepare a drink of Sa$iC%H &he an said# HE Allah's ApostleI
@ill you $ait till it is e(ening# for it is still daytie% H &he Prophet again said# HAet do$n and prepare
a drink of Sa$iC%H So the third tie the an got do$n and prepared a drink of sa$iC for hi% Allah's
Apostle drank thereof and pointed $ith his hand to$ards the +ast# saying# H@hen you see the night
falling fro this side# then a fasting person should break his fast%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 301a:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud:
&he Prophet said# H&he call !or the Adhan" of Bila should not stop you fro taking the Suhur)eals
for Bilal calls !or pronounces the Adhan" so that the one $ho is offering the night prayer should take
a rest# and he does not indicate the daybreak or da$n%H &he narrator# Ka-id# described !ho$ da$n
breaks" by stretching out his hands and then separating the $ide apart%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 301i:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# &he e*aple of a iser and a generous person is like that of t$o persons
$earing iron cloaks fro the breast upto the neck @hen the generous person spends# the iron cloak
enlarges and spread o(er his skin so uch so that it co(ers his fingertips and obliterates his tracks%
As for the iser# as soon as he thinks of spending e(ery ring of the iron cloak sticks to its place
!against his body" and he tries to e*pand it# but it does not e*pand% &he Prophet pointed $ith his
hand to$ards his throat%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 336:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# HShall I tell you of the best failies aong the AnsarJH &hey !the people" said#
HKes# E Allah's ApostleIH &he Prophet said# H&he best are Banu) An) and after the are Banu
=olue : ) 007: ? 0:66
'Abdil Ash)hal# and after the are Banu Al)Harith bin Al)Kha-ra.# and after the are Banu Sa'ida%H
&he Prophet then o(ed his hand by closing his fingers and then opening the like one thro$ing
soething# and then said# HAnyho$# there is good in all the failies of the Ansar% H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 330:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad As)Sa'idi:
!a copanion of Allah's Apostle" Allah's Apostle# holding out his iddle and inde* fingers# said#
HMy ad(ent and the Hour's are like this !or like these"#H naely# the period bet$een his era and the
Hour is like the distance bet$een those t$o fingers# i%e%# (ery short%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 333:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet !holding out his ten fingers thrice"# said# H&he onth is thus and thus and thus#H
naely thirty days% &hen !holding out his ten fingers t$ice and then nine fingers"# he said# HIt ay be
thus and thus and thus#H naely t$enty nine days% He eant once thirty days and once t$enty nine
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 33<:
Darrated Abu Masud:
&he Prophet pointed $ith his hand to$ards Keen and said t$ice# HBaith is there#H and then poin)
ted to$ards the +ast# and said# H=erily# sternness and ercilessness are the Cualities of those $ho are
busy $ith their caels and pay no attention to their religion# $here the t$o sides of the head of
Satan $ill appear#H naely# the tribes of Rabl'a and MuCar%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 332:
Darrated Sahl:
Allah's Apostle said# HI and the one $ho looks after an orphan $ill be like this in Paradise#H sho$)
ing his iddle and inde* fingers and separating the%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 334:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an cae to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI A black child has been born for e%H &he
Prophet asked hi# HHa(e you got caelsJH &he an said# HKes%H &he Prophet asked hi# H@hat color
are theyJH &he an replied# HRed%H &he Prophet said# HIs there a grey one aong theJ' &he an
=olue : ) 0077 ? 0:66
replied# HKes%H &he Prophet said# H@hence coes thatJH He said# HMay be it is because of heredity%H &he
Prophet said# HMay be your latest son has this color because of heredity%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 335:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
An Ansari an accused his $ife !of coitting illegal se*ual intercourse"% &he Prophet ade both
of the takes the oath of ;ian# and separated the fro each other !by di(orce"%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 33::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Hilal bin Uaiyya accused his $ife of illegal se*ual intercourse and cae to the Prophet to bear
$itness !against her"# !taking the oath of ;ian"% &he Prophet $as saying# HAllah kno$s that either of
you is a liar% @ill anyone of you repent !to Allah"JH &hen the lady got up and ga(e her $itness%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 337:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad As)Sa'idi:
'U$aiir Al)A.lani cae to 'Asi bin Ad Al)Ansari and said to hi# HE 'AsiI Suppose a an sa$
another an $ith his $ife# $ould he kill hi $hereupon you $ould kill hiL or $hat should he doJ
Please# E 'Asi# ask about this on y behalf%H 'Asi asked Allah's Apostle about it% Allah's Apostle# dis)
liked that Cuestion and considered it disgraceful% @hat 'Asi heard fro Allah's Apostle $as hard on
hi% @hen 'Asi returned to his faily# 'U$aiir cae to hi and said# HE 'AsiI @hat did Allah's
Apostle% say to youJH 'Asi said to 'U$aiir# HKou ne(er bring e any good% Allah's Apostle disliked
the proble $hich I asked hi about%H 'U$aiir said# HBy Allah# I $ill not gi(e up this atter until I
ask the Prophet about it%H So 'U$aiir proceeded till he cae to Allah's Apostle in the idst of
people# and said# HE Allah's ApostleI If a an sees another an $ith his $ife# $ould he kill hi#
$hereupon you $ould kill hi# or $hat should he doJH Allah's Apostle said# HAllah has re(ealed soe
decree as regards you and your $i(es case% Ao and bring her%H So they carried out the process of ;ian
$hile I $as present aong the people $ith Allah's Apostle% @hen they had finished their ;ian#
'U$aiir said# HE Allah's ApostleI If I should no$ keep her $ith e as a $ife# then I ha(e told a lie%H
So he di(orced her thrice before Allah's Apostle ordered hi% !Ibn Shihab said: So di(orce $as the
tradition for all those $ho $ere in(ol(ed in a case of ;ian%"
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 331:
Darrated Ibn /urai.:
=olue : ) 0071 ? 0:66
Ibn Shihab infored e of ;ian and the tradition related to it# referring to the narration of Sahl
bin Sad# the brother of Bani Sa'idi He said# HAn Ansari an cae to Allah's Apostle and said# 'E Allah's
ApostleI If a an sa$ another an $ith his $ife# should he kill hi# or $hat should he doJ' So Allah
re(ealed concerning his affair $hat is entioned in the Holy ,uran about the affair of those in)
(ol(ed in a case of ;ian% &he Prophet said# 'Allah has gi(en His (erdict regarding you and your $ife%'
So they carried out ;ian in the osCue $hile I $as present there% @hen they had finished# the an
said# HE Allah's ApostleI If I should no$ keep her $ith e as a $ife then I ha(e told a lie about her%
&hen he di(orced her thrice before Allah's Apostle ordered hi# $hen they had finished the ;ian
process% So he di(orced her in front of the Prophet %H Ibn Shihab added# HAfter their case# it becae a
tradition that a couple in(ol(ed in a case of ;ian should be separated by di(orce% &hat lady $as preg)
nant then# and later on her son $as called by his other's nae% &he tradition concerning their in)
heritance $as that she $ould be his heir and he $ould inherit of her property the share Allah had
prescribed for hi%H Ibn Shihab said that Sahl bin Sad As'Saidi said that the Prophet said !in the abo(e
narration"# HIf that lady deli(ers a sall red child like a li-ard# then the lady has spoken the truth and
the an $as a liar# but if she deli(ers a child $ith black eyes and huge lips# then her husband has
spoken the truth%H &hen she deli(ered it in the shape one $ould dislike !as it pro(ed her guilty"%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 3<6:
Darrated Al),asi bin Muhaad:
Ibn 'AbbasL said# HEnce ;ian $as entioned before the Prophet $hereupon 'Asi bin Adi said
soething and $ent a$ay% &hen a an fro his tribe cae to hi# coplaining that he had found a
an $idth his $ife% 'Asi said# 'I ha(e not been put to task e*cept for y stateent !about ;ian"%'
'Asi took the an to the Prophet and the an told hi of the state in $hich he had found his $ife%
&he an $as pale# thin# and of lank hair# $hile the other an $ho he claied he had seen $ith
his $ife# $as bro$n# fat and had uch flesh on his cal(es% &he Prophet in(oked# saying# 'E AllahI Re)
(eal the truth%' So that lady deli(ered a child resebling the an $ho her husband had entioned
he had found her $ith% &he Prophet then ade the carry out ;ian%H &hen a an fro that gather)
ing asked Ibn 'Abbas# H@as she the sae lady regarding $hich the Prophet had said# 'If I $ere to
stone to death soeone $ithout $itness# I $ould ha(e stoned this lady'JH Ibn 'Abbas said# HDo# that
$as another lady $ho# though being a Musli# used to arouse suspicion by her outright isbeha(i)
or% H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 3<0:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
I asked Ibn 'Uar# H!@hat is the (erdict if" a an accuses his $ife of illegal se*ual intercourseJH
Ibn 'Uar said# H&he Prophet separated !by di(orce" the couple of Bani Al)A.lan# and said# !to the"#
'Allah kno$s that one of you t$o is a liarL so $ill one of you repentJ' But both of the refused% He
=olue : ) 0016 ? 0:66
again said# 'Allah kno$s that one of you t$o is a liarL so $ill one of you repentJ' But both of the re)
fused% So he separated the by di(orce%H !Aiyub# a sub)narrator said: 'Ar bin 8inar said to e#
H&here is soething else in this Hadith $hich you ha(e not entioned% It goes thus: &he an said#
'@hat about y oney !i%e% the Mahr that I ha(e gi(en to y $ife"J' It $as said# 'Kou ha(e no right
to restore any oney# for if you ha(e spoken the truth !as regards the accusation"# you ha(e also
consuated your arriage $ith herL and if you ha(e told a lie# you are less rightful to ha(e your
oney back%' H"
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 3<3:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
I asked Ibn 'Uar about those $ho $ere in(ol(ed in a case of ;ien% He said# H&he Prophet said to
those $ho $ere in(ol(ed in a case of ;ien# 'Kour accounts are $ith Allah% Ene of you t$o is a liar#
and you !the husband" ha(e no right o(er her !she is di(orced"%H &he an said# '@hat about y
property !Mahr" J' &he Prophet said# 'Kou ha(e no right to get back your property% If you ha(e told
the truth about her then your property $as for the consuation of your arriage $ith herL and if
you told a lie about her# then you are less rightful to get your property back%' H Sufyan# a sub)narrator
said: I learned the Hadith fro 'Ar% Darrated Aiyub: I heard Sa'id bin /ubair saying# HI asked Ibn
'Uar# 'If a an !accuses his $ife for an illegal se*ual intercourse and" carries out the process of
;ian !$hat $ill happen"J' Ibn 'Uar set t$o of his fingers apart% !Sufyan set his inde* finger and
iddle finger apart%" Ibn 'Uar said# '&he Prophet separated the couple of Bani Al)A.lan by di(orce
and said thrice# HAllah kno$s that one of you t$o is a liarL so $ill one of you repent !to Allah"J' H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 3<<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle separated !di(orced" the $ife fro her husband $ho accused her for an illegal
se*ual intercourse# and ade the take the oath of ;ian %
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 3<2:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet ade an Ansari an and his $ife carry out ;ian# and then separated the by di(orce%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 3<4:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar: &he Prophet ade a an and his $ife carry out ;ian# and the husband repu)
diated her child% So the Prophet got the separated !by di(orce" and decided that the child belonged
to the other only%
=olue : ) 0010 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 3<5:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&hose in(ol(ed in a case of ;ian $ere entioned before Allah's Apostle Asi bin Adi said soe)
thing about that and then left% ;ater on a an fro his tribe cae to hi and told hi that he had
found another an $ith his $ife% En that 'Asi said# HI ha(e not been put to task e*cept for $hat I
ha(e said !about ;ian"%H 'Asi took the an to Allah's Apostle and he told hi of the state in $hich he
found his $ife% &he an $as pale# thin and lank)haired# $hile the other an $ho he had found
$ith his $ife $as bro$n# fat $ith thick cal(es and curly hair% Allah's Apostle said# HE AllahI Re(eal
the truth%H &hen the lady deli(ered a child resebling the an $ho her husband had entioned he
had found $ith her% So Allah's Apostle ordered the to carry out ;ien% A an fro that gathering
said to Ibn 'Abbas# H@as she the sae lady regarding $ho Allah's Apostle said# 'If I $ere to stone to
death soeone $ithout $itnesses# I $ould ha(e stoned this lady'JH Ibn 'Abbas said# HDo# that $as an)
other lady $ho# though being a Musli# used to arouse suspicion because of her outright isbeha(i)
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 3<::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said % % % !as in 326"%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 3<7:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Rifa'a Al),ura-i arried a lady and then di(orced her $hereupon she arried another an% She
cae to the Prophet and said that her ne$ husband did not approach her# and that he $as co)
pletely ipotent% &he Prophet said !to her"# HDo !you cannot rearry your first husband" till you taste
the second husband and he tastes you !i%e% till he consuates his arriage $ith you"%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 3<1:
Darrated U Salaa:
!the $ife of the Prophet" A lady fro Bani Asla# called Subai'a# becoe a $ido$ $hile she $as
pregnant% Abu As)Sanabil bin Ba'kak deanded her hand in arriage# but she refused to arry hi
and said# HBy Allah# I cannot arry hi unless I ha(e copleted one of the t$o prescribed periods%H
About ten days later !after ha(ing deli(ered her child"# she $ent to the Prophet and he said !to her"#
HKou can arry no$%H
=olue : ) 0013 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 326:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abdullah:
that his father had $ritten to Ibn Al)ArCa a letter asking hi to ask Subai'a Al)Aslaiya ho$ the
Prophet had gi(en her the (erdict% She said# H&he Prophet# ga(e e his (erdict that after I ga(e birth# I
could arry%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 320:
Darrated Al)Mis$er bin Makhraa:
Subai'a Al)Aslaiya ga(e birth to a child a fe$ days after the death of her husband% She cae to
the Prophet and asked perission to rearry# and the Prophet ga(e her perission# and she got
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 323:
Darrated ,asi bin Muhaad and Sulaian bin Kasar:
that Kahya bin Said bin Al)'As di(orced the daughter of 'Abdur)Rahan bin Al)Hakarn% Abdur)
Rahan took her to his house% En that 'Aisha sent a essage to Mar$an bin Al)Haka $ho $as the
ruler of Medina# saying# HBear Allah# and urge your brother" to return her to her house%H Mar$an !in
Sulaian's (ersion" said# HAbdur)Rahan bin Al)Haka did not obey e !or had a con(incing argu)
ent"%H !In Al),asi's (ersions Mar$an said# HHa(e you not heard of the case of Batia bint ,aisJH
Aisha said# H&he case of Batia bint ,ais is not in your fa(or%' Mar$an bin Al)Haka said to 'Aisha#
H&he reason that ade Batia bint ,ais go to her father's house is .ust applicable to the daughter of
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 32<:
Darrated Al),asi:
Aisha said# H@hat is $rong $ith BatiaJ @hy doesn't she fear AllahJH by saying that a di(orced
lady is not entitled to be pro(ided $ith residence and sustenance !by her husband"
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 322:
Darrated ,asi:
Ursa said to Aisha# H8o you kno$ so)and)so# the daughter of Al)HakaJ Her husband di(orced
her irre(ocably and she left !her husband's house"%H 'Aisha said# H@hat a bad thing she has doneIH
'Ursa said !to 'Aisha"# HHa(en't you heard the stateent of BatiaJH 'Aisha replied# HIt is not in her fa)
=olue : ) 001< ? 0:66
(or to ention%H 'Ursa added# 'Aisha reproached !Batia" se(erely and said# HBatia $as in a lonely
place# and she $as proned to danger# so the Prophet allo$ed her !to go out of her husband's house"%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 324:
Darrated 'Ursa:
Aisha disappro(ed of $hat Batia used to say%'
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 325:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen Allah's Apostle decided to lea(e Mecca after the Ha..# he sa$ Safiyya# sad and standing at
the entrance of her tent% He said to her# HACr !or" HalCI Kou $ill detain us% 8id you perfor &a$af)
al)Ifada on the day of DahrJ She said# HKes%H He said# H&hen you can depart%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 32::
Darrated Al)Hasan:
Ma'Cil ga(e his sister in arriage and later her husband di(orced her once%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 327:
Darrated Al)Hasan:
&he sister of Ma'Cil bin Kasar $as arried to a an and then that an di(orced her and reained
a$ay fro her till her period of the 'Iddah e*pired% &hen he deanded for her hand in arriage# but
Ma'Cil got angry out of pride and haughtiness and said# HHe kept a$ay fro her $hen he could still
retain her# and no$ he deands her hand againJH So Ma'Cil disagreed to rearry her to hi% &hen
Allah re(ealed: '@hen you ha(e di(orced $oen and they ha(e fulfilled the ter of their prescribed
period# do not pre(ent the fro arrying their !forer" husbands%' !3%3<3" So the Prophet sent for
Ma'Cil and recited to hi !Allah's order" and conseCuently Ma'Cil ga(e up his pride and haughtiness
and yielded to Allah's order%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 321:
Darrated Dafi:
Ibn 'Uar bin Al)Khattab di(orced his $ife during her enses% Allah's Apostle ordered hi to take
her back till she becae clean# and $hen she got another period $hile she $as $ith hi# she should
$ait till she becae clean again and only then# if he $anted to di(orce her# he could do so before
ha(ing se*ual relations $ith her% And that is the period Allah has fi*ed for di(orcing $oen%
=olue : ) 0012 ? 0:66
@hene(er 'Abdullah !bin 'Uar" $as asked about that# he $ould say to the Cuestioner# HIf you di)
(orced her thrice# she is no longer la$ful for you unless she arries another an !and the other
an di(orces her in his turn"%' Ibn 'Uar further said# '@ould that you !people" only gi(e one or t$o
di(orces# because the Prophet has ordered e so%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 346:
Darrated Kunus Ibn /ubair:
Ibn 'Uar di(orced his $ife $hile she $as ha(ing her enses% 'Uar asked the Prophet $ho said#
HErder hi !your son" to take her back# and then di(orced her before her period of the 'Iddah has
elapsed%H I asked Ibn 'Uar# H@ill that di(orce !during the enses" be countedJH He replied# HIf soe)
body beha(es foolishly !$ill his foolishness be an e*cuse for his isbeha(ior"JH
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 340:
Darrated Huaid bin Dafi':
Fainab bint Abu Salaa told e these three narrations: Fainab said: I $ent to U Habiba# the $ife
of the Prophet $hen her father# Abu) Sufyan bin Herb had died% U #Habiba asked for a perfue
$hich contained yello$ scent !KhaluC" or soe other scent# and she first perfued one of the girls
$ith it and then rubbed her cheeks $ith it and said# HBy Allah# I a not in need of perfue# but I
ha(e heard Allah's Apostle saying# 'It is not la$ful for a lady $ho belie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay
to ourn for a dead person for ore than three days unless he is her husband for $ho she should
ourn for four onths and ten days%' H Fainab further said: I $ant to Fainab bint /ahsh $hen her
brother died% She asked for perfue and used soe of it and said# HBy Allah# I a not in need of per)
fue# but I ha(e heard Allah's Apostle saying on the pulpit# 'It is not la$ful for a lady $ho belie(es in
Allah and the last day to ourn for ore than three days e*cept for her husband for $ho she
should ourn for four onths and ten days%' H Fainab further said# HI heard y other# U Salaa
saying that a $oan cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI &he husband of y daugh)
ter has died and she is suffering fro an eye disease# can she apply kohl to her eyeJH Allah's Apostle
replied# HDo#H t$ice or thrice% !+(ery tie she repeated her Cuestion" he said# HDo%H &hen Allah's
Apostle added# HIt is .ust a atter of four onths and ten days% In the Pre)Islaic Period of ignorance
a $ido$ aong you should thro$ a globe of dung $hen one year has elapsed%H I said to Fainab#
H@hat does 'thro$ing a globe of dung $hen one year had elapsed' eanJH Fainab said# H@hen a lady
$as berea(ed of her husband# she $ould li(e in a $retched sall roo and put on the $orst clothes
she had and $ould not touch any scent till one year had elapsed% &hen she $ould bring an anial#
e%g% a donkey# a sheep or a bird and rub her body against it% &he anial against $hich she $ould rub
her body $ould scarcely sur(i(e% Enly then she $ould coe out of her roo# $hereupon she $ould
be gi(en a globe of dung $hich she $ould thro$ a$ay and then she $ould use the scent she liked or
the like%H
=olue : ) 0014 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 343:
Darrated U Salaa:
A $oan $as berea(ed of her husband and her relati(es $orried about her eyes !$hich $ere dis)
eased"% &hey cae to Allah's Apostle# and asked hi to allo$ the to treat her eyes $ith kohl# but he
said# HShe should not apply kohl to her eyes% !In the Pre)Islaic period of Ignorance" a $ido$ed $o)
an aong you $ould stay in the $orst of her clothes !or the $orst part of her house" and $hen a
year had elapsed# if a dog passed by her# she $ould thro$ a globe of dung# Day# !she cannot use
kohl" till four onths and ten days ha(e elapsed%H
Darrated U Habiba: &he Prophet said# HIt is not la$ful for a Musli $oan $ho belie(es in Al)
lah and the ;ast 8ay to ourn for ore than three days# e*cept for her husband# for $ho she
should ourn for four onths and ten days%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 34<:
Darrated U 'Atiyya:
@e $ere forbidden to ourn for ore than three days e*cept for a husband%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 342:
Darrated U 'Atiyya:
@e $ere forbidden to ourn for ore than three days for a dead person# e*cept for a husband#
for $ho a $ife should ourn for four onths and ten days !$hile in the ourning period" $e
$ere not allo$ed to put kohl in our eyes# nor perfue our)sel(es# nor $ear dyed clothes# e*cept a
garent of 'Asb !special clothes ade in Keen"% But it $as perissible for us that $hen one of us
becae clean fro her enses and took a bath# she could use a piece of a certain kind of incense%
And it $as forbidden for us to follo$ funeral processions%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 344:
Darrated U 'Atiyya:
&he Prophet said# HIt is not la$ful for a lady $ho belie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay# to ourn for
ore than three days for a dead person# e*cept for her husband# in $hich case she should neither
put kohl in her eyes# nor perfue herself# nor $ear dyed clothes# e*cept a garent of 'AsbH U
'Atiyya added: &he Prophet said# HShe should not use perfue e*cept $hen she becoes clean fro
her enses $hereupon she can use ,ust# and A-far !t$o kinds of incense"%
=olue : ) 0015 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 345:
Darrated Mu.ahid:
!regarding the =erse": 'If any of you dies and lea(es $i(es behind#' &hat $as the period of the 'Id)
dah $hich the $ido$ $as obliged to spend in the house of the late husband% &hen Allah re(ealed:
And those of you $ho die and lea(e $i(es should beCueath for their $i(es a year's aintenance and
residence $ithout turning the out# but if they lea(e# there is no blae on you for $hat they do of
thesel(es# pro(ided it is honorable !i%e% la$ful arriage" !3%326" Mu.ahid said: Allah has ordered
that a $ido$ has the right to stay for se(en onths and t$enty days $ith her husband's relati(es
through her husband's $ill and testaent so that she $ill coplete the period of one year !of 'Iddah"%
But the $ido$ has the right to stay that e*tra period or go out of her husband's house as is indicated
by the stateent of Allah: 'But if they lea(e there is no blae on you#%%% ' !3%326" Ibn 'Abbas said: &he
abo(e =erse has cancelled the order of spending the period of the 'Iddah at her late husband's house#
and so she could spend her period of the 'Iddah $here(er she likes% And Allah says: '@ithout turning
the out%' 'Ata said: If she $ould# she could spend her period of the 'Iddah at her husband's house#
and li(e there according to her !husband's" $ill and testaent# and if she $ould# she could go out !of
her husband's house" as Allah says: '&here is no blae on you for $hat they do of thesel(es%'
!3%326" 'Ata added: &hen the =erses of inheritance $ere re(ealed and the order of residence !for the
$ido$" $as cancelled# and she could spend her period of the 'Iddah $here(er she $ould like# and
she $as no longer entitled to be accoodated by her husband's faily%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 34::
Darrated Fainab bint U Salaa:
@hen U Habiba bint Abi Sufyan $as infored of her father's death# she asked for perfue and
rubbed it o(er her ars and said# HI a not in need of perfue# but I ha(e heard the Prophet saying#
HIt is not la$ful for a lady $ho belie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay to ourn for ore than three days
e*cept for her husband for $ho the !ourning" period is four onths and ten days%H
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 347:
Darrated Abu Mas'ud:
&he Prophet prohibited taking the price of a dog# the earnings of a soothsayer and the oney
earned by prostitution%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 341:
Darrated Abu /uhaifa:
=olue : ) 001: ? 0:66
&he Prophet cursed the lady $ho practices tattooing and the one $ho gets herself tattooed# and
one $ho eats !takes" Riba' !usury" and the one $ho gi(es it% And he prohibited taking the price of a
dog# and the oney earned by prostitution# and cursed the akers of pictures%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 356:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet forbade taking the earnings of a sla(e girl by prostitution%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 350:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
I said to Ibn 'Uar# HIf a an accuses his $ife of illegal se*ual intercourse !$hat is the .udgent"JH
He said# HAllah's Prophet separated the couple of Bani 'A.lan !$hen the husband accused his $ife for
an illegal se*ual intercourse"% &he Prophet said# 'Allah kno$s that one of you t$o IS a liarL so $ill one
of you repentJ' But they refused% He then again said# 'Allah kno$s that one of you t$o is a liarL so $ill
one of you repentJ' But they refused# $hereupon he separated the by di(orce%H Aiyub !a sub)nar)
rator" said: 'Ar bin 8inar said to e# HIn the narration there is soething $hich I do not see you
entioning# i%e% the husband said# H@hat about y oney !Mahr"J' &he Prophet said# HKou are not
entitled to take back oney# for if you told the truth you ha(e already entered upon her !and con)
suated your arriage $ith her" and if you are a liar then you are less entitled to take it back%
=olue :# Book 5<# Duber 353:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said to those $ho $ere in(ol(ed in a case of ;ian# HKour accounts are $ith Allah% Ene
of you t$o is a liar% Kou !husband" ha(e right on her !$ife"%H &he husband said# HMy oney# E Allah's
ApostleIH &he Prophet said# HKou are not entitled to take back any oney% If you ha(e told the truth#
the Mahr that you paid# $as for ha(ing se*ual relations $ith her la$fullyL and if you are a liar# then
you are less entitled to get it back%H
=olue : ) 0017 ? 0:66
Book 52: Supporting the Baily
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 35<:
Darrated Abu Mas'ud Al)Ansari:
&he Prophet said# H@hen a Musli spends soething on his faily intending to recei(e Allah's re)
$ard it is regarded as SadaCa for hi%H
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 352:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah said# 'E son of AdaI Spend# and I shall spend on you%H
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 354:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he one $ho looks after a $ido$ or a poor person is like a Mu.ahid !$arrior"
$ho fights for Allah's 9ause# or like hi $ho perfors prayers all the night and fasts all the day%H
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 355:
Darrated Sad:
&he Prophet (isited e at Mecca $hile I $as ill% I said !to hi"# HI ha(e propertyL May I beCueath
all y property in Allah's 9auseJH He said# HDo%H I said# HHalf of itJH He said# HDo%H I said# HEne third of
itJH He said# HEne)third !is alright"# yet it is still too uch# for you'd better lea(e your inheritors
$ealthy than lea(e the poor# begging of others% @hate(er you spend $ill be considered a SadaCa
for you# e(en the outhful of food you put in the outh of your $ife% Anyho$ Allah ay let you re)
co(er# so that soe people ay benefit by you and others be hared by you%H
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 35::
Darrated Al)'Aash:
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 357:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue : ) 0011 ? 0:66
H&he Prophet said# '&he best als is that $hich is gi(en $hen one is rich# and a gi(ing hand is bet)
ter than a taking one# and you should start first to support your dependents%' A $ife says# 'Kou should
either pro(ide e $ith food or di(orce e%' A sla(e says# 'Ai(e e food and en.oy y ser(ice%H A son
says# HAi(e e foodL to $ho do you lea(e eJH &he people said# HE Abu HurairaI 8id you hear that
fro Allah's Apostle JH He said# HDo# it is fro y o$n self%H
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 351:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he best als is that $hich you gi(e $hen you are rich# and you should start
first to support your dependants%H
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 3:6:
Darrated 'Uar:
&he Prophet used to sell the dates of the garden of Bani An)Dadir and store for his faily so uch
food as $ould co(er their needs for a $hole year%
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 3:0:
Darrated Malik bin Aus bin Al)Hadathan:
Ence I set out to (isit 'Uar !bin Al)Khattab"% !@hile I $as sitting there $ith hi his gate)keeper#
Karfa# cae and said# HUthan AbdurRahan !bin 'Auf"# A-)Fubair and Sad !bin Abi @aCCas" are
seeking perission !to eet you"%H 'Uar said# HKes% So he aditted the and they entered# greeted#
and sat do$n% After a short $hile Karfa cae again and said to 'Uar 'Shall I adit 'Ali and 'AbbasJH
'Uar said# HKes%H He aditted the and $hen they entered# they greeted and sat do$n% 'Abbas said#
HE 9hief of the Belie(ersI /udge bet$een e and this !'Ali"%H &he group# 'Uthan and his copanions
Sad# 'E 9hief of the Belie(ersI /udge bet$een the and relie(e one fro the other%H 'Uar said% @aitI
I beseech you by Allah# by @hose perission both the Hea(en and the +arth stand fast I 8o you
kno$ that Allah's Apostle said% '@e !Apostles" do not beCueath anything to our heirs# but $hate(er
$e lea(e is to be gi(en in charity%' And by that Allah's Apostles eant hiselfJH &he group said# HHe
did say so%H 'Uar then turned to$ards 'All and 'Abbas and said% HI beseech you both by Allah# do you
kno$ that Allah's Apostle said thatJH &hey said# 'Kes H 'Uar said# HDo$# let e talk to you about this
atter% Allah fa(ored His Apostle $ith soething of this property !$ar booty" $hich He did not gi(e
to anybody else% And Allah said:)) 'And $hat Allah has besto$ed on His Apostle !as Bai Booty" fro
the for $hich you ade no e*pedition $ith either ca(alry or caelry % % % Allah is Able to do all
things%' !41%5" So this property $as especially granted to Allah's Apostle% But by Allah he neither
$ithheld it fro you# nor did he keep it for hiself and depri(e you of it# but he ga(e it all to you
and distributed it aong you till only this reained out of it% And out of this property Allah's Apostle
=olue : ) 0366 ? 0:66
used to pro(ide his faily $ith their yearly needs# and $hate(er reained# he $ould spend $here
Allah's Property !the re(enues of Fakat" used to be spent% Allah's Apostle kept on acting like this
throughout his lifetie% Do$ I beseech you by Allah# do you kno$ thatJH &hey said# HKes%H &hen 'Uar
said to 'Ali and 'Abbas# HI beseech you by Allah# do you both kno$ thatJH &hey said# HKes%H 'Uar ad)
ded# H@hen Allah had taken His Apostle unto Hi# Abu Bakr said# 'I a the successor of Allah's
Apostle% So he took charge of that property and did $ith it the sae $hat Allah's Apostle used to do#
and both of you kne$ all about it then%H &hen 'Uar turned to$ards 'Ali and Abbas and said# HKou
both clai that Abu) Bakr $as so)and)soI But Allah kno$s that he $as honest# sincere# pious and
right !in that atter"% &hen Allah caused Abu Bakr to die# and i said# 'I a the successor of Allah's
Apostle and Abu Bakr%' So I kept this property in y possession for the first t$o years of y rule# and
I used to do the sae $ith it as Allah's Apostle and Abu Bakr used to do% ;ater both of you !'Ali and
'Abbas" cae to e $ith the sae clai and the sae proble% !E 'AbbasI" Kou cae to e de)
anding your share fro !the inheritance of" the son of your brother# and he !'Ali" cae to e de)
anding his $i(es share fro !the inheritance of" her father% So I said to you# 'If you $ish I $ill
hand o(er this property to you# on condition that you both proise e before Allah that you $ill
anage it in the sae $ay as Allah's Apostle and Abu Bakr did# and as I ha(e done since the begin)
ning of y ruleL other$ise you should not speak to e about it%' So you both said# 'Hand o(er this
property to us on this condition%' And on this condition I handed it o(er to you% I beseech you by Al)
lah# did I hand it o(er to the on that conditionJH &he group said# HKes%H 'Uar then faced 'Ali and
'Abbas and said# HI beseech you both by Allah# did I hand it o(er to you both on that conditionJH &hey
both said# HKes%H 'Uar added# H8o you $ant e no$ to gi(e a decision other than thatJ By Hi $ith
@hose perission !order" both the Hea(en and the +arth stand fast# I $ill ne(er gi(e any decision
other than that till the Hour is establishedI But if you are unable to anage it !that property"# then
return it to e and I $ill be sufficient for it on your behalf % H
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 3:3:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Hind bint 'Utba cae and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Abu Sufyan is a iser so is it sinful of e to feed
our children fro his propertyJH Allah's Apostle said# HDo e*cept if you take for your needs $hat is
.ust and reasonable% H
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 3:<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIf the $ife gi(es of her husband's property !soething in charity" $ithout his
perission# he $ill get half the re$ard%H
=olue : ) 0360 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 3:2:
Darrated Ali:
Batia $ent to the Prophet coplaining about the bad effect of the stone hand)ill on her hand%
She heard that the Prophet had recei(ed a fe$ sla(e girls% But !$hen she cae there" she did not find
hi# so she entioned her proble to 'Aisha% @hen the Prophet cae# 'Aisha infored hi about
that% 'Ali added# HSo the Prophet cae to us $hen $e had gone to bed% @e $anted to get up !on his
arri(al" but he said# 'Stay $here you are%H &hen he cae and sat bet$een e and her and I felt the
coldness of his feet on y abdoen% He said# HShall I direct you to soething better than $hat you
ha(e reCuestedJ @hen you go to bed say 'Subhan Allah' thirty)three ties# 'Alhadulillah' thirty
three ties# and Allahu Akbar' thirty four ties# for that is better for you than a ser(ant%H
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 3:4:
Darrated 'Ali bin Abi &alib:
Batia cae to the Prophet asking for a ser(ant% He said# HMay I infor you of soething better
than thatJ @hen you go to bed# recite HSubhan Allah' thirty three ties# 'Alhadulillah' thirty three
ties# and 'Allahu Akbar' thirty four ties% 'All added# 'I ha(e ne(er failed to recite it e(er since%H
Soebody asked# H+(en on the night of the battle of SiffinJH He said# HDo# e(en on the night of the
battle of Siffin%H
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 3:5:
Darrated Al)As$ad bin Ka-id:
I asked 'Aisha H@hat did the Prophet use to do at hoeJH She said# HHe used to $ork for his faily#
and $hen he heard the Adhan !call for the prayer"# he $ould go out%H
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 3:::
Darrated 'Aisha:
Hind bint 'Utba said# HE Allah's ApostleI Abu Sufyan is a iser and he does not gi(e e $hat is
sufficient for e and y children% 9an I take of his property $ithout his kno$ledgeJH &he Prophet
said# H&ake $hat is sufficient for you and your children# and the aount should be .ust and reason)
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 3:7:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue : ) 0363 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# H&he best $oen aong the cael riders# are the $oen of ,uraish%H !Anoth)
er narrator said" &he Prophet said# H&he righteous aong the $oen of ,uraish are those $ho are
kind to their young ones and $ho look after their husband's property % H
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 3:1:
Darrated 'Ali:
&he Prophet ga(e e a silk suit and I $ore it# but $hen I noticed anger on his face# I cut it and dis)
tributed it aong y $oen)folk%
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 376:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
My father died and left se(en or nine girls and I arried a atron% Allah's Apostle said to e# HE
/abirI Ha(e you arriedJH I said# HKes%H He said# HA (irgin or a atronJH I replied# HA atron%H he said#
H@hy not a (irgin# so that you ight play $ith her and she $ith you# and you ight ause her and
she ause you%H I said# H 'Abdullah !y father" died and left girls# and I dislike to arry a girl like
the# so I arried a lady !atron" so that she ay look after the%H En that he said# HMay Allah bless
you#H or H&hat is good%H
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 370:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an cae to the Prophet and said# HI a ruinedIH &he Prophet said# H@hyJH He said# HI had se*ual
intercourse $ith y $ife $hile fasting !in the onth of Raadan"%H &he Prophet said to hi# HManu)
it a sla(e !as e*piation"%H He replied# HI cannot afford that%H &he Prophet said# H&hen fast for t$o suc)
cessi(e onths%H He said# HI cannot%H &he Prophet said# H&hen feed si*ty poor persons%H He said# HI ha(e
nothing to do that%H In the eantie a basket full of dates $as brought to the Prophet % He said#
H@here is the Cuestioner%H &he an said# HI a here%H &he Prophet said !to hi"# HAi(e this !basket of
dates" in charity !as e*piation"%H He said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall I gi(e it to poorer people than usJ
By Hi @ho sent you $ith the &ruth# there is no faily bet$een Medina's t$o ountains poorer
than us%H &he Prophet siled till his pre)olar teeth becae (isible% He then said# H&hen take it%H
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 373:
Darrated U Salaa:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall I get a re$ard !in the Hereafter" if I spend on the children of Abu
Salaa and do not lea(e the like this and like this !i%e%# poor" but treat the like y childrenJH &he
Prophet said# HKes# you $ill be re$arded for that $hich you $ill spend on the%H
=olue : ) 036< ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 37<:
Darrated 'Aisha :
Hind !bint 'Utba" said# HE Allah's ApostleI Abu Sufyan is a iser% Is there any har if I take of his
property $hat $ill co(er e and y children's needsJH &he Prophet said# H&ake !according to your
needs" in a reasonable anner%H
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 372:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A dead an in debt used to be brought to Allah's Apostle $ho $ould ask# HHas he left anything to
re pay his debtsJH If he $as infored that he had left soething to co(er his debts the Prophet $ould
offer the funeral prayer for hiL other$ise he $ould say to the Muslis present there"# HEffer the
funeral prayer for your friend:Hbut $hen Allah helped the Prophet to gain (ictory !on his e*pedi)
tions"# he said# HI a closer to the Belie(ers than thesel(es# so% if one of the Belie(ers dies in debt# I
$ill repay it# but if he lea(es $ealth# it $ill be for his heirs%
=olue :# Book 52# Duber 374:
Darrated U Habiba:
!the $ife of the Prophet" I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @ill you arry y sister# the daughter of Abu
Sufyan%H &he Prophet said# H8o you like thatJH I said# HKes# for I a not your only $ife# and the person
I like ost to share the good $ith e# is y sister%H He said# H&hat is not la$ful for e%H I said# HE Al)
lah's ApostleI @e ha(e heard that you $ant to arry 8urra# the daughter of Abu Salaa%H He said#
HKou ean the daughter of U SalaaJH I said# HKes%H He said# H+(en if she $ere not y step)daugh)
ter# she is unla$ful for e# for she is y foster niece% &hu$aiba suckled e and Abu Salaa% So you
should not present to e your daughters and sisters%H
Darrated 'Ursa:
&hu$aiba had been a sla(e girl $ho Abu ;ahab had eancipated%
=olue : ) 0362 ? 0:66
Book 54: Bood# Meals
=olue :# Book 54# Duber 375:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ash'ari:
&he Prophet said# HAi(e food to the hungry# pay a (isit to the sick and release !set free" the one in
capti(ity !by paying his ranso"%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber 37::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he faily of Muhaad did not eat their fill for three successi(e days till he died%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber 37:i:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Ence $hile I $as in a state of fatigue !because of se(ere hunger"# I et 'Uar bin Al)Khattab# so I
asked hi to recite a (erse fro Allah's Book to e% He entered his house and interpreted it to e%
!&hen I $ent out and" after $alking for a short distance# I fell on y face because of fatigue and
se(ere hunger% Suddenly I sa$ Allah's Apostle standing by y head% He said# HE Abu HurairaIH I
replied# H;abbaik# E Allah's Apostle# and SadaikIH &hen he held e by the hand# and ade e get up%
&hen he cae to kno$ $hat I $as suffering fro% He took e to his house# and ordered a big bo$l
of ilk for e% I drank thereof and he said# H8rink ore# E Abu HirrIH So I drank again# $hereupon
he again said# H8rink ore%H So I drank ore till y belly becae full and looked like a bo$l% After)
$ards I et 'Uar and entioned to hi $hat had happened to e# and said to hi# HSoebody#
$ho had ore right than you# E 'Uar# took o(er the case% By Allah# I asked you to recite a =erse to
e $hile I kne$ it better than you%H En that Uar said to e# HBy Allah# if I aditted and entertained
you# it $ould ha(e been dearer to e than ha(ing nice red caels%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber 377:
Darrated 'Uar bin Abi Salaa:
I $as a boy under the care of Allah's Apostle and y hand used to go around the dish $hile I $as
eating% So Allah's Apostle said to e# 'E boyI Mention the Dae of Allah and eat $ith your right
hand# and eat of the dish $hat is nearer to you%H Since then I ha(e applied those instructions $hen
=olue : ) 0364 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 54# Duber 371:
Darrated 'Uar bin Al Salaa:
@ho $as the son of U Salaa# the $ife of the Prophet:
Ence I ate a eal $ith Allah's Apostle and I $as eating fro all sides of the dish% So Allah's Apostle
said to e# H+at of the dish $hat is nearer to you%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber 316:
Darrated @ahb bin Kaisan Abi Du'ai:
A eal $as brought to Allah's Apostle $hile his step)son# 'Uar bin Abi Salaa $as $ith hi% Al)
lah's Apostle said to hi# HMention the Dae of Allah and eat of the dish $hat is nearer to you%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber 310:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
A tailor in(ited Allah's Apostle to a eal $hich he had prepared% I $ent along $ith Allah's Apostle
and sa$ hi seeking to eat the pieces of gourd fro the (arious sides of the dish% Since that day I
ha(e liked to eat gourd% 'Uar bin Abi Salaa said: &he Prophet# said to e# H+at $ith your right
=olue :# Book 54# Duber 313:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to lo(e to start doing things fro the right side $hene(er possible# in perfor)
ing ablution# putting on his shoes# and cobing his hair% !Al)Ash'ath said: &he Prophet used to do so
in all his affairs%"
=olue :# Book 54# Duber 31<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Abu &alha said to U Sulai# HI ha(e heard the (oice of Allah's Apostle $hich $as feeble# and I
think that he is hungry% Ha(e you got soething !to eat"JH She took out soe loa(es of barley bread#
then took her face)co(ering sheet and $rapped the bread in part of it# and pushed it under y gar)
ent and turned the rest of it around y body and sent e to Allah's Apostle % I $ent $ith that# and
found Allah's Apostle in the osCue $ith soe people% I stood up near the# and Allah's Apostle
asked e# HHa(e you been sent by Abu &alhaJH I said# HKes%H He asked# H@ith soe food !for us"JH I
said# HKes%H &hen Allah's Apostle said to all those $ho $ere $ith hi# HAet upIH He set out !and all the
people accopanied hi" and I proceeded ahead of the till I cae to Abu &alha% Abu &alha then
=olue : ) 0365 ? 0:66
said# HE U SulaiI Allah's Apostle has arri(ed along $ith the people# and $e do not ha(e food
enough to feed the all%H She said# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ better%H So Abu &alha $ent out till he
et Allah's Apostle% &hen Abu &alha and Allah's Apostle cae and entered the house% Allah's Apostle
said# HU Sulai I Bring $hate(er you ha(e%H She brought that (ery bread% &he Prophet ordered that
it be crushed into sall pieces# and U Sulai pressed a skin of butter on it% &hen Allah's Apostle
said $hate(er Allah $ished hi to say !to bless the food" and then added# HAdit ten !en"%H So they
$ere aditted# ate their fill and $ent out% &he Prophet then said# HAdit ten !ore"%H &hey $ere ad)
itted# ate their full# and $ent out% He then again said# HAdit ten oreIH &hey $ere aditted# ate
their fill# and $ent out% He aditted ten ore# and so all those people ate their fill# and they $ere
eighty en%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber 312:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Abu Bakr:
@e $ere one hundred and thirty en sitting $ith the Prophet% &he Prophet said# HHa(e anyone of
you any food $ith hiJH It happened that one an had one Sa of $heat flour !or so" $hich $as
turned into dough then% After a $hile a tall lanky pagan cae# dri(ing soe sheep% &he Prophet
asked# '@ill you sell us !a sheep"# or gi(e !it to" us as a giftJH &he pagan said# HDo# but I $ill sell it H So
the Prophet bought fro hi a sheep $hich $as slaughtered# and then the Prophet ordered that the
li(er# the kidneys# lungs and heart# etc%# of that sheep be roasted% By Allah# none of those one hundred
and thirty en but had his share of those things% &he Prophet ga(e to those $ho $ere present# and
also kept a share for those $ho $ere absent He then ser(ed that cooked sheep in t$o big trays and
$e all ate together our fillL yet there reained a part of it in those t$o trays $hich I carried on the
=olue :# Book 54# Duber 314:
Darrated 'Aisha :
&he Prophet died $hen $e had satisfied our hunger $ith the t$o black things# i%e% dates and $a)
=olue :# Book 54# Duber 315:
Darrated Su$aid bin An)Du'an:
@e $ent out $ith Allah's Apostle to Khaibar# and $hen $e $ere at As)Sahba'# !Kahya# a sub)nar)
rator said# HAs)Sahba' is a place at a distance of one day's .ourney to Khaibar"%H Allah's Apostle asked
the people to bring their food# but there $as nothing $ith the people e*cept Sa$iC% So $e all che$ed
and ate of it% &hen the Prophet asked for soe $ater and he rinsed his outh# and $e too# rinsed our
ouths% &hen he led us in the Maghrib prayer $ithout perforing ablution !again"%
=olue : ) 036: ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 54# Duber 31::
Darrated ,atada:
@e $ere in the copany of Anas $hose baker $as $ith hi% Anas said# &he Prophet did not eat
thin bread# or a roasted sheep till he et Allah !died"%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber 317:
Darrated Anas:
&o the best of y kno$ledge# the Prophet did not take his eals in a big tray at all# nor did he e(er
eat $ell)baked thin bread# nor did he e(er eat at a dining table%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber 311:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet halted to consuate his arriage $ith Safiyya% I in(ited the Muslis to his $edding
banCuet% He ordered that leather dining sheets be spread% &hen dates# dried yoghurt and butter $ere
put on those sheets% Anas added: &he Prophet consuated his arriage $ith Safiyya !during a
.ourney" $hereupon Hais !s$eet dish" $as ser(ed on a leather dining sheet%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <66:
Darrated @ahb bin Kaisan:
&he People of Sha taunted 'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair by calling hi H&he son of 8hatin)DataCainH
!the $oan $ho has t$o $aist)belts"% !His other" !Asa# said to hi# HE y sonI &hey taunt you
$ith HDataCainH% 8o you kno$ $hat the DataCain $ereJ &hat $as y $aist)belt $hich I di(ided in
t$o parts% I tied the $ater skin of Allah's Apostle $ith one part# and $ith the other part I tied his food
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <60:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
that his aunt# U Hufaid bint Al)Harith bin Ha-n# presented to the Prophet butter# dried yoghurt
and astigures% &he Prophet in(ited the people to those astigures and they $ere eaten on his din)
ing sheet# but the Prophet did not eat of it# as if he disliked it% De(ertheless% if it $as unla$ful to eat
that# the people $ould not ha(e eaten it on the dining sheet of the Prophet nor $ould he ha(e
ordered that they be eaten%
=olue : ) 0367 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <63:
Darrated Su$aid bin An)Du'an:
that $hile they $ere $ith the Prophet at As)Sahba' $hich $as at a distance of one day's .ourney
fro Khaibar the prayer becae due# and the Prophet asked the people for food but there $as noth)
ing $ith the people e*cept Sa$iC% He ate of it and $e ate along $ith hi# and then he asked for $a)
ter and rinsed his outh !$ith it"# and then offered the !Maghrib" prayer and $e too offered the
prayer but the Prophet did not perfor ablution !again after eating the Sa$iC%"%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <6<:
Darrated Khalid bin Al)@alid:
&hat he $ent $ith Allah's Apostle to the house of Maiuna# $ho $as his and Ibn 'Abbas' aunt% He
found $ith her a roasted astigure $hich her sister Hufaida bint Al)Harith had brought fro Da.d%
Maiuna presented the astigure before Allah's Apostle $ho rarely started eating any !unfailiar"
food before it $as described and naed for hi% !But that tie" Allah's Apostle stretched his hand
to$ards the !eat of the" astigure $hereupon a lady fro aong those $ho $ere present# said#
HKou should infor Allah's Apostle of $hat you ha(e presented to hi% E Allah's ApostleI It is the
eat of a astigure%H !En learning that" Allah's Apostle $ithdre$ his hand fro the eat of the
astigure% Khalid bin Al)@alid said# HE Allah's ApostleI Is this unla$ful to eatJH Allah's Apostle
replied# HDo# but it is not found in the land of y people# so I do not like it%H Khalid said# H&hen I
pulled the astigure !eat" to$ards e and ate it $hile Allah's Apostle $as looking at e%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <62:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he food for t$o persons is sufficient for three# and the food of three persons
is sufficient for four persons%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <64:
Darrated Dafi':
Ibn 'Uar ne(er used to take his eal unless a poor an $as called to eat $ith hi% Ene day I
brought a poor an to eat $ith hi# the an ate too uch# $hereupon Ibn 'Uar said# HE Dafi'I
8on't let this an enter y house# for I heard the Prophet saying# HA belie(er eats in one intestine !is
satisfied $ith a little food"# and a kafir !unbelie(er" eats in se(en intestines !eats uch food"%H
=olue : ) 0361 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <65:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HA belie(er eats in one intestine !is satisfied $ith a little food"# and a kafir !un)
belie(er" or a hypocrite eats in se(en intestines !eats too uch"%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <6::
Darrated 'Ar:
Abu Dahik $as a(aricious eater% Ibn 'Uar said to hi# HAllah's Apostle said# HA Kafir !unbelie(er"
eats in se(en intestines !eats uch"%H En that Abu Dahik said# HBut I belie(e in Allah and His Apostle %H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <67:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HA Musli eats in one intestine !i%e% he is satisfied $ith a little food" $hile a
Kafir !unbelie(er" eats in se(en intestines !eats uch"%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <61:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an used to eat uch# but $hen he ebraced Isla# he started eating less% &hat $as entioned
to the Prophet $ho then said# HA belie(er eats in one intestine !is satisfied $ith a little food" and a
Kafir eats in se(en intestines !eats uch"% H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <06:
Darrated Abu /uhaifa:
Allah's Apostle said# HI do not take y eals $hile leaning !against soething"%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <00:
Darrated Abu /uhaifa:
@hile I $as $ith the Prophet he said to a an $ho $as $ith hi# HI do not take y eals $hile
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <03:
Darrated Khalid bin Al)@alid:
=olue : ) 0306 ? 0:66
HA roasted astigure $as brought to the Prophet $ho stretched his hand to$ards it to eat it% But it
$as said to hi# HIt is a astigure%H So he $ithdre$ his hand% Khalid asked# HIs it unla$ful to eatJH the
Prophet said# HDo# but it is not found in the land of y people and that is $hy I do not like eating it%H
So Khalid started eating !it" $hile Allah's Apostle $as looking at hi% An)Dadr said: 'Al)Kha-ira' !is
prepared" fro bran $hile 'Al)Harira' is prepared fro ilk%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <0<:
Darrated 'Urban bin Malik:
$ho attended the Badr battle and $as fro the Ansar# that he cae to the Prophet and said# HE Al)
lah's ApostleI I ha(e lost y eyesight and I lead y people in the prayer !as an Ia"% @hen it rains#
the (alley $hich is bet$een e and y people# flo$s $ith $ater# and then I cannot go to their
osCue to lead the in the prayer% E Allah's ApostleI I $ish that you could coe and pray in y
house so that I ay take it as a praying place% &he Prophet said# HAllah $illing# I $ill do that%H &he
ne*t orning# soon after the sun had risen# Allah's Apostle cae $ith Abu Bakr% &he Prophet asked
for the perission to enter and I aditted hi% &he Prophet had not sat till he had entered the house
and said to e# H@here do you like e to pray in your houseJH I pointed at a place in y house
$hereupon he stood and said# HAllahu Akbar%H @e lined behind hi and he prayed t$o Rakat and
finished it $ith &asli% @e then reCuested hi to stay for a special eal of Kha-ira $hich $e had
prepared% A large nuber of en fro the ad.oining area gathered in the house% Ene of the said#
H@here is Malik bin Ad)8ukhshunJH Another an said# HHe is a hypocrite and does not lo(e Allah
and His Apostle%H &he Prophet said# H8o not say so% 8o you not think that he has said: HDone has the
right to be $orshipped but Allah#H seeking Allah's pleasureJ &he an said# HAllah and His Apostle
kno$ better# but $e ha(e al$ays seen hi i*ing $ith hypocrites and gi(ing the ad(ice%H &he
Prophet said# HAllah has forbidden the !Hell" Bire for those $ho testify that none has the right to be
$orshipped but Allah# seeking Allah's pleasure% H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <02:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
My aunt presented !roasted" astigures# ICt and ilk to the Prophet % &he astigures $ere put on
his dining sheet# and if it $as unla$ful to eat# it $ould not ha(e been put there% &he Prophet drank
the ilk and ate the ICt only%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <04:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
@e used to be happy on Bridays# for there $as an old lady $ho used to pull out the roots of SilC
and put it in a cooking pot $ith soe barley% @hen $e had finished the prayer# $e $ould (isit her
=olue : ) 0300 ? 0:66
and she $ould present that dish before us% So $e used to be happy on Bridays because of that# and $e
ne(er used to take our eals or ha(e a id)day nap e*cept after the Briday prayer% By Allah# that
eal contained no fat%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <05:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet ate of the eat of a shoulder !by cutting the eat $ith his teeth"# and then got up and
offered the prayer $ithout perforing the ablution ane$% Darrated Ibn 'Abbas: &he Prophet took out
a bone $ith eat on it fro a cooking pot and ate of it# and then offered the prayer $ithout per)
foring ablution ane$%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <0::
Darrated Abu ,atada:
@e $ent out to$ards Mecca $ith the Prophet%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <07:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
Ence# $hile I $as sitting $ith the copanions of the Prophet at a station on the road to Mecca
and Allah's Apostle $as stationing ahead of us and all the people $ere assuing Ihra $hile I $as
not% My copanion# sa$ an onager $hile I $as busy Mending y shoes% &hey did not Infor e of
the onager but they $ished that I $ould see it Suddenly I looked and sa$ the onager &hen I headed
to$ards y horse# saddled it and rode# but I forgot to take the lash and the spear% So I said to the
y copanions"# HAi(e e the lash and the spear%H But they said# HDo# by Allah $e $ill not help you
in any $ay to hunt it ' I got angry# disounted# took it the spear and the lash"# rode !the horse chased
the onager and $ounded it &hen I brought it $hen it had dyed% My copanions started eating of its
!cooked" eat# but they suspected that it ight be unla$ful to eat of its eat $hile they $ere in a
state of Ihra &hen I proceeded further and I kept one of its forelegs $ith e% @hen $e et Allah's
Apostle $e asked hi about that% He said# HHa(e you soe of its eat $ith youJH I ga(e hi that
foreleg and he ate the eat till he stripped the bone of its flesh although he $as in a state of Ihra%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <01:
Darrated 'Ar bin Uaiyya
that he sa$ the Prophet holding a shoulder piece of utton in his hand and cutting part of it $ith
a knife% &hen he $as called for the prayer $hereupon he put do$n the shoulder piece and the knife
$ith $hich he $as cutting it# and then stood for prayer $ithout perforing ablution again%
=olue : ) 0303 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <36:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet ne(er critici-ed any food !he $as in(ited to" but he used to eat if he liked the food#
and lea(e it if he disliked
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <30:
Darrated Abu Ha-i:
that he asked Sahl# H8id you use $hite flour during the lifetie of the Prophet JH Sahl replied# HDo%
Ha-i asked# H8id you use to sift barley flourJH He said# HDo# but $e used to blo$ off the husk !of the
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <33:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Ence the Prophet distributed dates aong his copanions and ga(e each one se(en dates% He ga(e
e se(en dates too# one of $hich $as dry and hard# but none of the other dates $as ore liked by
e than that one# for it prolonged y che$ing it%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <3<:
Darrated Sad:
I $as one of !the first" se(en !$ho had ebraced Isla" $ith Allah's Apostle and $e had nothing
to eat then# e*cept the lea(es of the Habala or Hubula tree# so that our stool used to be siilar to that
of sheep% Do$ the tribe of Bani Asad $ants to teach e IslaL I $ould be a loser and all y efforts
$ould be in (ain !if I learn Isla ane$ fro the"%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <32:
Darrated Abu Ha-i:
I asked Sahl bin Sad# H8id Allah's Apostle e(er eat $hite flourJH Sahl said# HAllah's Apostle ne(er
sa$ $hite flour since Allah sent hi as an Apostle till He took hi unto Hi%H I asked# H8id the
people ha(e !use" sie(es during the lifetie of Allah's ApostleJH Sahl said# HAllah's Apostle ne(er sa$
!used" a sie(e since Allah sent hi as an Apostle until He took hi unto Hi#H I said# HHo$ could you
eat barley unsiftedJH he said# H@e used to grind it and then blo$ off its husk# and after the husk fle$
a$ay# $e used to prepare the dough !bake" and eat it%H
=olue : ) 030< ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <34:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
that he passed by a group of people in front of $ho there $as a roasted sheep% &hey in(ited hi
but he refused to eat and said# HAllah's Apostle left this $orld $ithout satisfying his hunger e(en $ith
barley bread%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <35:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet ne(er took his eals at a dining table# nor in sall plates# and he ne(er ate thin $ell)
baked bread% !&he sub)narrator asked ,atada# HE(er $hat did they use to take their ealsJH ,atada
said# HEn leather dining sheets%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <3::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he faily of Muhaad had not eaten $heat bread to their satisfaction for three consecuti(e
days since his arri(al at Medina till he died%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <37:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" that $hene(er one of her relati(es died# the $oen assebled and then
dispersed !returned to their houses" e*cept her relati(es and close friends% She $ould order that a pot
of &albina be cooked% &hen &harid !a dish prepared fro eat and bread" $ould be prepared and
the &albina $ould be poured on it% 'Aisha $ould say !to the $oen"#H+at of it# for I heard Allah's
Apostle saying# '&he &albina soothes the heart of the patient and relie(es hi fro soe of his sad)
ness%' H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <31:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ash'ari:
&he Prophet said# HMany en reached perfection but none aong the $oen reached perfection
e*cept Mary# the daughter of ' Iran# and Asia# Pharoah's $ife% And the superiority of 'Aisha to other
$oen is like the superiority of &harid to other kinds of food%
=olue : ) 0302 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <<6:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H&he superiority of 'Aisha to other $oen is like the superiority of &harid to oth)
er kinds of food % H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <<0:
Darrated Anas:
I $ent along $ith the Prophet to the house of a young tailor of his% &he tailor presented a dish of
&harid to the Prophet and resued his $ork% &he Prophet started picking the pieces of gourd and I
too# started picking the and putting it before hi% Since then I ha(e al$ays lo(ed !to eat" gourd%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <<3:
Darrated ,atada:
@e used to (isit Anas bin Malik $hile his baker $as standing !and baking"% Anas $ould say# H+atI I
do not kno$ that the Prophet had e(er seen $ell)baked bread till he et Allah# nor had he e(er seen
a roasted sheep $ith his o$n eyes%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <<<:
Darrated 'Ar bin Uaiyay Ad)8ari:
I sa$ Allah's Apostle cutting part of the shoulder of utton $ith a knife% He ate of it and then $as
called for prayer $hereupon he got up and put do$n the knife and offered the prayer $ithout per)
foring ne$ ablution%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <<2:
Darrated 'Abis:
I asked 'Aisha H8id the Prophet forbid eating the eat of sacrifices offered on 'Id)ul)Adha for ore
than three daysH She said# H&he Prophet did not do this e*cept in the year $hen the people $ere
hungry# so he $anted the rich to feed the poor% But later $e used to store e(en a trotter of a sheep to
eat it fifteen days later%H She $as asked# H@hat copelled you to do soJH She siled and said# H&he
faily of Muhaad did not eat to their satisfaction $hite bread $ith eat soup for three success)
i(e days till he et Allah%H
=olue : ) 0304 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <<4:
Darrated /abir:
@e used to carry the eat of the Hadis !sacrificed anials" to Medina during the life)tie of the
Prophet %
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <<5:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said to Abu &alha# HSeek one of your boys to ser(e e%H Abu &alha ounted e be)
hind hi !on his riding anial" and took e !to the Prophet "% So I used to ser(e Allah's Apostle
$hene(er he disounted !to stay soe$here"% I used to hear hi saying (ery often# HE AllahI I seek
refuge $ith Kou fro# ha(ing $orries sadness# helplessness# la-iness# iserliness# co$ardice# fro
being hea(ily in debt and fro being o(erpo$ered by other persons un.ustly%H I kept on ser(ing till
$e )returned fro the battle of Khaibar% &he Prophet then brought Safiyya bint Huyai $ho he had
$on fro the $ar booty% I sa$ hi folding up a go$n or a garent for her to sit on behind hi !on
his she)cael"% @hen he reached As)Sahba'# he prepared Hais and placed it on a dining sheet% &hen
he sent e to in(ite en# $ho !cae and" ateL and that $as his and Safiyya's $edding banCuet% &hen
the Prophet proceeded# and $hen he sa$ !noticed" the ountain of Uhud# he said# H&his ountain
lo(es us# and $e lo(e it%H @hen $e approached Medina# he said# HE AllahI I ake the area bet$een
its t$o ountains a sanctuary as Abraha has ade Mecca a sanctuary% E AllahI Bless their Mudd
and Sa !special kinds of easure"%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <<::
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Abi ;aila:
@e $ere sitting in the copany of Hudhaifa $ho asked for $ater and a Magian brought hi $a)
ter% But $hen he placed the cup in his hand# he thre$ it at hi and said# HHad I not forbidden hi to
do so ore than once or t$iceJH He $anted to say# HI $ould not ha(e done so#H adding# Hbut I heard
the Prophet saying# H8o not $ear silk or 8iba.a# and do not drink in sil(er or golden (essels# and do
not eat in plates of such etals# for such things are for the unbelie(ers in this $orldly life and for us
in the Hereafter%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <<7:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ash'ari:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he e*aple of a Belie(er $ho recites the ,uran# is that of a citron $hich
sells good and tastes goodL And the e*aple of a Belie(er $ho does not recite the ,uran# is that of
a date $hich has no sell but tastes s$eetL and the e*aple of a hypocrite $ho recites the ,uran# is
=olue : ) 0305 ? 0:66
that of an aroatic plant $hich sells good but tastes bitterL and the e*aple of a hypocrite $ho
does not recite the ,uran# is that of a colocynth plant $hich has no sell and is bitter in taste%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <<1:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H&he superiority of 'Aisha to other ladies is like the superiority of &harid to other
kinds of food%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <26:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&ra(eling is a kind of torture# as it pre(ents one fro sleeping and eatingI So
$hen one has finished his .ob# he should return Cuickly to his faily%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <20:
Darrated ,asi bin Muhaad:
&hree traditions ha(e been established because of Barira: 'Aisha intended to buy her and set her
free# but Barira's asters said# HHer $ala' $ill be for us%H 'Aisha entioned that to Allah's Apostle $ho
said# HKou could accept their condition if you $ished# for the $ala is for the one $ho anuits the
sla(e%H Barira $as anuitted# then she $as gi(en the choice either to stay $ith her husband or
lea(e hiL Ene day Allah's Apostle entered 'Aisha's house $hile there $as a cooking pot of food boil)
ing on the fire% &he Prophet asked for lunch# and he $as presented $ith bread and soe e*tra food
fro the hoe)ade Ud !e%g% soup"% He asked# H8on't I see eat !being cooked"JH &hey said# HKes# E
Allah's ApostleI But it is the eat that has been gi(en to Barira in charity and she has gi(en it to us as
a present%H He said# HBor Barira it is als# but for us it is a present%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <23:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to lo(e s$eet edible things and honey%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <2<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I used to accopany Allah's Apostle to fill y stoachL and that $as $hen I did not eat baked
bread# nor $ear silk% Deither a ale nor a feale sla(e used to ser(e e# and I used to bind stones
o(er y belly and ask soebody to recite a ,uranic =erse for e though I kne$ it# so that he ight
=olue : ) 030: ? 0:66
take e to his house and feed e% /a'far bin Abi &alib $as (ery kind to the poor# and he used to take
us and feed us $ith $hat e(er $as a(ailable in his house# !and if nothing $as a(ailable"# he used to
gi(e us the epty !honey or butter" skin $hich $e $ould tear and lick $hate(er $as in it%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <22:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle $ent to !the house of" his sla(e tailor# and he $as offered !a dish of" gourd of
$hich he started eating% I ha(e lo(ed to eat gourd since I sa$ Allah's Apostle eating it%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <24:
Darrated Abu Mas'ud Al)Ansari:
&here $as a an called Abu Shu'aib# and he had a sla(e $ho $as a butcher% He said !to his sla(e"#
HPrepare a eal to $hich I ay in(ite Allah's Apostle along $ith four other en%H So he in(ited Al)
lah's Apostle and four other en# but another an follo$ed the $hereupon the Prophet said# HKou
ha(e in(ited e as one of fi(e guests# but no$ another an has follo$ed us% If you $ish you can ad)
it hi# and if you $ish you can refuse hi%H En that the host said# HBut I adit hi%H Darrated
Muhaad bin Isa'il: If guests are sitting at a dining table# they do not ha(e the right to carry food
fro other tables to theirs# but they can pass on food fro their o$n table to each otherL other$ise
they should lea(e it%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <25:
Darrated Anas:
I $as a young boy $hen I once $as $alking $ith Allah's Apostle % Allah's Apostle entered the
house of his sla(e tailor and the latter brought a dish filled $ith food co(ered $ith pieces of gourd%
Allah's Apostle started picking and eating the gourd% @hen I sa$ that# I started collecting and pla)
cing the gourd before hi% &hen the sla(e returned to his $ork% Anas added: I ha(e kept on lo(ing
gourd since I sa$ Allah's Apostle doing $hat he $as doing%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <2::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
A tailor in(ited the Prophet to a eal $hich he had prepared# and I $ent along $ith the Prophet %
&he tailor presented barley bread and soup containing gourd and cured eat% I sa$ the Prophet
picking the pieces of gourd fro around the dish# and since then I ha(e kept on liking gourd%
=olue : ) 0307 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <27:
Darrated Anas:
I sa$ the Prophet being ser(ed $ith soup and containing gourd and cured eat# and I sa$ hi
picking and eating the pieces of gourd%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <21:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet did not do that !i%e%# forbade the storage of the eat of sacrifices for three days" e*cept
!he did so" so that the rich $ould feed the poor% But later $e used to keep e(en trotters to cook# fif)
teen days later% &he faily of Muhaad did not eat $heat bread $ith eat or soup to their satis)
faction for three successi(e days%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <46:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
A tailor in(ited Allah's Apostle to a eal $hich he had prepared% I $ent $ith Allah's Apostle to that
eal# and the tailor ser(ed the Prophet $ith barley bread and soup of gourd and cured eat% I sa$
Allah's Apostle picking the pieces of gourd fro around the dish# and since then I ha(e kept on liking
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <40:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin /a'far bin Abi &alib:
I sa$ Allah's Apostle eating fresh dates $ith snake cucuber%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <43:
Darrated Abu 'Uthan:
I $as a guest of Abu Huraira for se(en days% Abu Huraira# his $ife and his sla(e used to get up and
reain a$ake for one)third of the night by turns% +ach $ould offer the night prayer and then
a$aken the other% I heard Abu Huraira saying# HAllah's Apostle distributed dates aong his copan)
ions and y share $as se(en dates# one of $hich $as a Hashafa !a date $hich dried on the tree be)
fore it $as fully ripe"%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <4<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue : ) 0301 ? 0:66
&he Prophet distributed dates aong us# and y share $as fi(e dates# four of $hich $ere good#
and one $as a #Hashafa# and I found the Hashafa the hardest for y teeth%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <42:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&here $as a /e$ in Medina $ho used to lend e oney up to the season of plucking dates% !/abir
had a piece of land $hich $as on the $ay to Rua"% &hat year the land $as not proising# so the
payent of the debt $as delayed one year% &he /e$ cae to e at the tie of plucking# but gathered
nothing fro y land% I asked hi to gi(e e one year respite# but he refused% &his ne$s reached the
Prophet $hereupon he said to his copanions# H;et us go and ask the /e$ for respite for /abir%H All of
the cae to e in y garden# and the Prophet started speaking to the /e$# but he /e$ said# HE Abu
,asiI I $ill not grant hi respite%H @hen the Prophet sa$ the /e$'s attitude# he stood up and
$alked all around the garden and cae again and talked to the /e$# but the /e$ refused his reCuest%
I got up and brought soe ripe fresh dates and put it in front of the Prophet% He ate and then said to
e# H@here is your hut# E /abirJH I infored hi# and he said# HSpread out a bed for e in it%H I
spread out a bed# and he entered and slept% @hen he $oke up# I brought soe dates to hi again
and he ate of it and then got up and talked to the /e$ again# but the /e$ again refused his reCuest%
&hen the Prophet got up for the second tie aidst the pal trees loaded $ith fresh dates# and said#
HE /abirI Pluck dates to repay your debt%H &he /e$ reained $ith e $hile I $as plucking the dates#
till I paid hi all his right# yet there reained e*tra Cuantity of dates% So I $ent out and proceeded
till I reached the Prophet and infored hi of the good ne$s# $hereupon he said# HI testify that I a
Allah's Apostle%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <44:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Uar:
@hile $e $ere sitting $ith the Prophet a spadi* of pal tree $as brought to hi% &he Prophet
said# H&here is a tree aong the trees $hich is as blessed as a MusliH I thought that it $as the date
pal tree and intended to say# HIt is the date)pal tree# E Allah's ApostleIH but I looked behind to see
that I $as the tenth and youngest of ten en present there# so I kept Cuiet' &hen the Prophet said# HIt
is the datepal tree%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <45:
Darrated Sad:
Allah's Apostle said# HHe $ho eats se(en 'A.$a dates e(ery orning# $ill not be affected by poison
or agic on the day he eats the%H
=olue : ) 0336 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <4::
Darrated /abala bin Suhai%
At the tie of Ibn A-)Fubair# $e $ere struck $ith faine# and he pro(ided us $ith dates for our
food% 'Abdullah bin 'Uar used to pass by us $hile $e $ere eating# and say# H8o not eat t$o dates to)
gether at a tie# for the Prophet forbade the taking of t$o dates together at a tie !in a gathering"%H
Ibn 'Uar used to add# HUnless one takes the perission of one's copanions%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <47:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin /a'far:
I sa$ the Prophet eating fresh dates $ith snake cucubers%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <41:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H&here is a tree aong the trees $hich is siilar to a Musli !in goodness"# and
that is the date pal tree%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <56:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin /a'far:
I sa$ Allah's Apostle eating fresh dates $ith snake cucubers%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <50:
Darrated Anas:
My other# U Sulai# took a Mudd of barley grain# ground it and ade porridge fro it# and
pressed !o(er it"# a butter skin she had $ith her% &hen she sent e to the Prophet# and I reached hi
$hile he $as sitting $ith his copanions% I in(ited hi# $hereupon he said# HAnd those $ho are
$ith eJ' I returned and said# HHe says# 'And those $ho are $ith eJH Abu &alha $ent out to hi
and said# HE Allah's ApostleI It is .ust a eal prepared by U Sulai%H &he Prophet entered and the
food $as brought to hi% He said# H;et ten persons enter upon e%H &hose ten entered and ate their
fill% Again he said# ';et ten !ore" enter upon e%H &hose ten entered and ate their fill% &hen he said#
H;et ten !ore" enter upon e%H He called forty persons in all &hen Allah's Apostle ate and got up% I
started looking !at the food" to see if it decreased or not%
=olue : ) 0330 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <53:
Darrated 'Abdul 'A-i-:
It $as said to Anas H@hat did you hear the Prophet saying about garlicJH Anas replied# H@hoe(er
has eaten !garlic" should not approach our osCue%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <5<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er has eaten garlic or onion should keep a$ay fro us !or should keep
a$ay fro our osCue"%'
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <52:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
@e $ere $ith Allah's Apostle collecting Al)Kabath at Mar)A-)Fahran% &he Prophet said# H9ollect
the black ones# for they are better%H Soebody said# !E Allah's ApostleI" Ha(e you e(er shepherded
sheepJH He said# H&here has been no prophet but has shepherded the% H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <54:
Darrated Su$aid bin An Du'an:
@e $ent out $ith Allah's Apostle to Khaibar# and $hen $e reached As)Sahba'# the Prophet asked
for food# and he $as offered nothing but Sa$iC% @e ate# and then Allah's Apostle stood up for the
prayer% He rinsed his outh $ith $ater# and $e too# rinsed our ouths% Darrated Su$aidL @e $ent
out $ith Allah's Apostle to Khaibar% and $hen $e reached As)Sahba'# $hich !Kahya says" is one day'
.ourney fro Khaibar# the Prophet asked for food# and he $as offered nothing but Sa$iC $hich $e
che$ed and ate% &hen the Prophet asked for $ater and rinsed his outh# and $e too# rinsed our
ouths along $ith hi% He then led us in the Maghrib prayer $ithout perforing ablution again
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <55:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# '@hen you eat# do not $ipe your hands till you ha(e licked it# or had it licked by
soebody else%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <5::
Darrated Said bin Al)Harith:
=olue : ) 0333 ? 0:66
that he asked /abir bin 'Abdullah about perforing ablution after taking a cooked eal% He
replied# HIt is not essential#H and added# H@e ne(er used to get such kind of food during the lifetie of
the Prophet e*cept rarelyL and if at all $e got such a dish# $e did not ha(e any handkerchiefs to $ipe
our hands $ith e*cept the pals of our hands# our forears and our feet% @e $ould perfor the
prayer thereafter $ith)out perforing ne$ ablution%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <57:
Darrated Abu Uaa:
@hene(er the dining sheet of the Prophet $as taken a$ay !i%e%# $hene(er he finished his eal"# he
used to say: HAl)hadu lillah kathiran taiyiban ubarakan fihi ghaira akfiy $ala u$ada' $ala
ustaghna'anhu Rabbuna%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <51:
Darrated Abu Uaa:
@hene(er the Prophet finished his eals !or $hen his dining sheet $as taken a$ay"# he used to
say% HPraise be to Allah @ho has satisfied our needs and Cuenched our thirst% Kour fa(or cannot by
copensated or denied%H Ence he said# upraise be to Kou# E our ;ordI Kour fa(or cannot be co)
pensated# nor can be left# nor can be dispensed $ith# E our ;ordIH
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <:6:
Darrated %Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hen your ser(ant brings your food to you# if you do not ask hi to .oin you#
then at least ask hi to take one or t$o handfuls# for he has suffered fro its heat !$hile cooking it"
and has taken pains to cook it nicely%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <:0:
Darrated Abu Mas'ud Al)Ansari:
&here $as an Ansari an nicknaed# Abu Shu'aib# $ho had a sla(e $ho $as a butcher% He cae
to the Prophet $hile he $as sitting $ith his copanions and noticed the signs of hunger on the face
of the Prophet % So he $ent to his butcher sla(e and said# HPrepare for e a eal sufficient for fi(e
persons so that I ay in(ite the Prophet along $ith four other en%H He had the eal prepared for
hi and in(ited hi% A !si*th" an follo$ed the% &he Prophet said# HE Abu Shu'aibI Another an
has follo$ed us% If you $ish# you ay in(ite hiL and if you $ish# you ay refuse hi%H Abu Shu'aib
said# HDo# I $ill adit hi%H
=olue : ) 033< ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <:3:
Darrated 'Ar bin Uaiyya:
that he sa$ Allah's Apostle cutting a piece of utton fro its shoulder part he $as carrying in his
hand% @hen he $as called for prayer# he put it do$n and the knife $ith $hich he $as cutting it%
&hen he stood up and offered the prayer $ithout perforing ne$ ablution
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <:<r:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# If supper is ser(ed and the ICaa for !Isha" prayer is proclaied# start $ith you
supper first%H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <:<i:
Darrated Dafi:
Ence Ibn Uar $as taking his supper $hile he $as listening to the recitation of !,uran by" the
Ia !in the Isha prayer"%
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <:2:
Darrated Aisha:
&he Prophet said# HIf the ICaa for !'Isha'" prayer is proclaied and supper is ser(ed# take your
supper first H
=olue :# Book 54# Duber <:4:
Darrated Anas:
I kno$ !about" the Hi.ab !the order of (eiling of $oen" ore than anybody else% Ubai bin Ka'b
used to ask e about it% Allah's Apostle becae the bridegroo of Fainab bint /ahsh $ho he ar)
ried at Medina% After the sun had risen high in the sky# the Prophet in(ited the people to a eal% Al)
lah's Apostle reained sitting and soe people reained sitting $ith hi after the other guests had
left% &hen Allah's Apostle got up and $ent a$ay# and I too# follo$ed hi till he reached the door of
'Aisha's roo% &hen he thought that the people ust ha(e left the place by then# so he returned and I
also returned $ith hi% Behold# the people $ere still sitting at their places% So he $ent back again for
the second tie# and I $ent along $ith hi too% @hen $e reached the door of 'Aisha's roo# he re)
turned and I also returned $ith hi to see that the people had left% &hereupon the Prophet hung a
curtain bet$een e and hi and the =erse regarding the order for !(eiling of $oen" Hi.ab $as re)
=olue : ) 0332 ? 0:66
Book 55: Sacrifice on Eccasion of Birth !GACi)
=olue :# Book 55# Duber <:5:
Darrated Abu Musa:
A son $as born to e and I took hi to the Prophet $ho naed hi Ibrahi# did &ahnik for hi
$ith a date# in(oked Allah to bless hi and returned hi to e% !&he narrator added: &hat $as Abu
Musa's eldest son%"
=olue :# Book 55# Duber <:::
Darrated 'Aisha:
A boy $as brought to the Prophet to do &ahnik for hi# but the boy urinated on hi# $hereupon
the Prophet had $ater poured on the place of urine%
=olue :# Book 55# Duber <:7:
Darrated Asa' bint Abu Bakr:
I concei(ed 'Abdullah bin A-Fubair at Mecca and $ent out !of Mecca" $hile I $as about to gi(e
birth% I cae to Medina and encaped at ,uba'# and ga(e birth at ,uba'% &hen I brought the child to
Allah's Apostle and placed it !on his lap"% He asked for a date# che$ed it# and put his sali(a in the
outh of the child% So the first thing to enter its stoach $as the sali(a of Allah's Apostle% &hen he
did its &ahnik $ith a date# and in(oked Allah to bless hi% It $as the first child born in the Islaic
era# therefore they !Muslis" $ere (ery happy $ith its birth# for it had been said to the that the
/e$s had be$itched the# and so they $ould not produce any offspring%
=olue :# Book 55# Duber <:1p:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Abu &alha had a child $ho $as sick% Ence# $hile Abu &alha $as out# the child died% @hen Abu
&alha returned hoe# he asked# HHo$ does y son fareJH U Salai !his $ife" replied# HHe is Cuieter
than he has e(er been%H &hen she brought supper for hi and he took his supper and slept $ith her%
@hen he had finished# she said !to hi"# HBury the child !as he's dead"%H De*t orning Abu &alha
cae to Allah's Apostle and told hi about that% &he Prophet said !to hi"# H8id you sleep $ith your
$ife last nightJH Abu &alha said# HKesH% &he Prophet said# HE AllahI Besto$ your blessing on the as
regards that night of theirs%H U Sulai ga(e birth to a boy% Abu &alha told e to take care of the
=olue : ) 0334 ? 0:66
child till it $as taken to the Prophet% &hen Abu &alha took the child to the Prophet and U Sulai
sent soe dates along $ith the child% &he Prophet took the child !on his lap" and asked if there $as
soething $ith hi% &he people replied# HKes# a fe$ dates%H &he Prophet took a date# che$ed it# took
soe of it out of his outh# put it into the child's outh and did &ahnik for hi $ith that# and
naed hi 'Abdullah%
=olue :# Book 55# Duber <:1i:
Darrated Anas:
As abo(e%
=olue :# Book 55# Duber <76:
Darrated Salan bin 'Air Ad)8abbi:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H'ACiCa is to be offered for a !ne$ly born" boy# so slaughter !an an)
ial" for hi# and relie(e hi of his suffering%H !Dote: It has been Cuoted in Bateh)A;)Bari that the
a.ority of the Religious Scholars agrees to the Hadith narrated in Sahih At)&lRMlFK that the
Prophet $as asked about ACiCa and he ordered 3 sheep for a boy and one sheep for a girl and that is
his tradition HSUDDAH%"
=olue :# Book 55# Duber <70:
Darrated Habib bin Ash)Shahid:
Ibn Sirin told e to ask Al)Hassan fro $ho he had heard the narration of 'ACiCa% I asked hi
and he said# HBro Saura bin /undab%H
=olue :# Book 55# Duber <73:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HDeither Bara' nor 'Atira !is perissible":H Al)Bara' nor 'Atira !is perissible":H Al)
Bara' $as the first offspring !of caels or sheep" $hich the pagans used to offer !as a sacrifice" to
their idols% And Al)'Atira $as !a sheep $hich $as to be slaughtered" during the onth of Ra.ab%
=olue :# Book 55# Duber <7<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HDeither Bara' nor 'Atira" is perissible"%H Al)Bara' $as the first offspring !they
got of caels or sheep" $hich they !pagans" used to offer !as a sacrifice" to their idols% 'Atira $as !a
sheep $hich used to be slaughtered" during the onth of Ra.ab%
=olue : ) 0335 ? 0:66
Book 5:: Hunting# Slaughtering
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber <72:
Darrated Adi bin Hati:
I asked the Prophet about the gae killed by a Mi'rad !i%e% a sharp)edged piece of $ood or a piece
of $ood pro(ided $ith a sharp piece of iron used for hunting"% He said# HIf the gae is killed $ith its
sharp edge# eat of it# but if it is killed $ith its shaft# $ith a hit by its broad side then the gae is !un)
la$ful to eat" for it has been beaten to death%H I asked hi about the gae killed by a trained hound%
He said# HIf the hound catches the gae for you# eat of it# for killing the gae by the hound# is like its
slaughtering% But if you see $ith your hound or hounds another dog# and you are afraid that it ight
ha(e shared in hunting the gae $ith your hound and killed it# then you should not eat of it# be)
cause you ha(e entioned Allah's nae on !sending" your hound only# but you ha(e not entioned
it on soe other hound
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber <74:
Darrated 'Adi bin Hati:
I asked Allah's Apostle about the Mi'rad% He said# HIf you hit the gae $ith its sharp edge# eat it# but
if the Mi'rad hits the gae $ith its shaft $ith a hit by its broad side do not eat it# for it has been
beaten to death $ith a piece of $ood% !i%e% unla$ful"%H I asked# HIf I let loose y trained hound after a
gaeJH He said# HIf you let loose your trained hound after gae# and ention the nae of Allah# then
you can eat%H I said# HIf the hound eats of the gaeJH He said H&hen you should not eat of it# for the
hound has hunted the gae for itself and not for you%H I said# HSoe ties I send y hound and then
I find soe other hound $ith itJH He said H8on't eat the gae# as you ha(e entioned the Dae of
Allah on your dog only and not on the other%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber <75:
Darrated Adi bin Hati:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e let loose our trained hounds after a gaeJH He said# H+at $hat they
hunt for you%H I said# H+(en if they killed !the gae"JH He replied# '+(en if they killed !the gae"%H I
said# '@e also hit !the gae" $ith the Mi'radJH He said# H+at of the anial $hich the Mi'rad kills by
piercing its body# but do not eat of the anial $hich is killed by the broad side of the Mi'rad%''
=olue : ) 033: ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber <7::
Darrated Abu &ha'laba Al)Khushani:
I said# HE Allah's ProphetI @e are li(ing in a land ruled by the people of the ScriptureL 9an $e take
our eals in their utensilsJ In that land there is plenty of gae and I hunt the gae $ith y bo$
and $ith y hound that is not trained and $ith y trained hound% &hen $hat is la$ful for e to
eatJH He said# HAs for $hat you ha(e entioned about the people of the Scripture# if you can get
utensils other than theirs# do not eat out of theirs# but if you cannot get other than theirs# $ash their
utensils and eat out of it% If you hunt an anial $ith your bo$ after entioning Allah's Dae# eat of
it% and if you hunt soething $ith your trained hound after entioning Allah's Dae# eat of it# and if
you hunt soething $ith your untrained hound !and get it before it dies" and slaughter it# eat of it%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber <77:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Maghaffal:
that he sa$ a an thro$ing stones $ith t$o fingers !at soething" and said to hi# H8o not thro$
stones# for Allah's Apostle has forbidden thro$ing stones# or e used to dislike it%H 'Abdullah added:
&hro$ing stones $ill neither hunt the gae# nor kill !or hurt" an eney# but it ay break a tooth or
gouge out an eye%H After$ards 'Abdullah once again sa$ the an thro$ing stones% He said to hi# HI
tell you that Allah's Apostle has forbidden or disliked the thro$ing the stones !in such a $ay"# yet you
are thro$ing stonesI I shall not talk to you for such)and)such a period%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber <71:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er keeps a !pet" dog $hich is neither a $atch dog nor a hunting dog# $ill
get a daily deduction of t$o ,irat fro his good deeds%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber <16:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Uar:
I heard the Prophet saying# HIf soeone keeps a dog neither for hunting# nor for guarding li(e)
stock# the re$ard !for his good deeds" $ill be reduced by t$o ,irats per day%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber <10:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf soeone keeps a dog neither for guarding li(estock# nor for hunting# his
good deeds $ill decrease !in re$ard" by t$o ,irats a day%'
=olue : ) 0337 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber <13:
Darrated Adi bin Hati:
I asked Allah's Apostle% H@e hunt $ith the help of these hounds%H He said# HIf you let loose your
trained hounds after a gae# and ention the nae of Allah# then you can eat $hat the hounds
catch for you# e(en if they killed the gae% But you should not eat of it if the hound has eaten of it#
for then it is likely that the hound has caught the gae for itself% And if other hounds .oin your
hound in hunting the gae# then do not eat of it%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber <1<:
Darrated Adi bin Hati:
&he Prophet said# HIf you let loose your hound after a gae and ention Allah's Dae on sending
it# and the hound catches the gae and kills it# then you can eat of it% But if the hound eats of it# then
you should not eat thereof# for the hound has caught it for itself% And if along $ith your hound# .oin
other hounds# and Allah's Dae $as not entioned at the tie of their sending# and they catch an
anial and kill it# you should not ea: of it# for you $ill not kno$ $hich of the has killed it% And if
you ha(e thro$n an arro$ at the gae and then find it !dead" t$o or three days later and# it bears
no ark other than the $ound inflicted by your arro$# then you can eat of it% But if the gae is
found !dead" in $ater# then do not eat of it%H And it has also been narrated by 'Adi bin Hati that he
asked the Prophet HIf a hunter thro$s an arro$ at the gae and after tracing it for t$o or three days
he finds it dead but still bearing his arro$# !can he eat of it"JH &he Prophet replied# HHe can eat if he
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber <12:
Darrated 'Adi bin Hati:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I let loose y hound after a gae and ention Allah's Dae on sending
it%H &he Prophet said# HIf you let loose your hound after a gae and you ention Allah's Dae on
sending it and the hound catches and kills the gae and eats of it# then you should not eat of it# for it
has killed it for itself%H I said# HSoeties $hen I send y hound after a gae# I find another hound
along $ith it and I do not kno$ $hich of the has caught the gae%H He said# HKou ust not eat of it
because you ha(e not entioned# the Dae of Allah e*cept on sending your o$n hound# and you did
not ention it on the other hound%H &hen I asked hi about the gae hunted $ith a Mi'rad !i%e% a
sharp edged piece of $ood or a piece of $ood pro(ided $ith a sharp piece of iron used for hunting"%
He said# HIf the gae is killed $ith its sharp edge# you can eat of it# but if it is killed by its broad side
!shaft"# you cannot eat of it# for then it is like an anial beaten to death $ith a pie
=olue : ) 0331 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber <14:
Darrated Adi Bin Hati:
I asked Allah's Apostle# H@e hunt $ith these hounds%H He said# HIf you send your trained hounds
after a gae and ention Allah's Dae on sending# you can eat of $hat they catch for you% But if the
hound eats of the gae# then you ust not eat of it# for I a afraid that the hound caught it for itself#
and if another hound .oins your hounds !during the hunt"# you should not eat of the gae%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber <15:
Darrated Abu &ha'laba Al)Khushani:
I cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e are li(ing in the land of the people of the
Scripture and $e take our eals in their utensils# and in the land there is gae and I hunt $ith y
bo$ and trained or untrained houndsL please tell e $hat is la$ful for us of that%H He said# HAs for
your saying that you are li(ing in the land of the people of the Scripture and that you eat in their
utensils# if you can get utensils other than theirs# do not eat in their utensils# but if you do not find
!other than theirs"# then $ash their utensils and eat in the% As for your saying that you are in the
land of gae# if you hung soething $ith your bo$# and ha(e entioned Allah's Dae $hile hunt)
ing# then you can eat !the gae"% And if you hunt soething $ith your trained hound# and ha(e
entioned Allah's Dae on sending it for hunting then you can eat !the gae"% But if you hunt
soething $ith your untrained hound and you $ere able to slaughter it before its death# you can eat
of it%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber <1::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@e pro(oked a rabbit at Marr A-)Fahran till it started .uping% My copanions chased it till they
got tired% But I alone ran after it and caught it and brought it to Abu &alha% He sent both its legs to the
Prophet $ho accepted the%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber <17:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
that once he $as $ith Allah's Apostle !on the $ay to Mecca"% @hen he had co(ered soe of the
$ay to Mecca# he and soe copanions of his# $ho $ere in the state of lhra% reained behind the
Prophet $hile Abu ,atada hiself $as not in the state of Ihra% Abu ,atada# seeing an onager rode
his horse and asked his copanions to hand hi a $hip# but they refused% He then asked the to
hand hi his spear# but they refused% &hen he took it hiself and attacked the onager and killed it%
=olue : ) 03<6 ? 0:66
Soe of the 9opanions of Allah's Apostle ate of it# but soe others refused to eat% @hen they et
Allah's Apostle they asked hi about that% He said# HIt $as eal gi(en to you by Allah%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber <11:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
!the sae Hadith abo(e# but he added"L &he Prophet asked# HIs there any of its eat left $ith youJH
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 266:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
I $as $ith the Prophet !on a .ourney" bet$een Mecca and Medina# and all of the# !i%e% the Proph)
et and his copanions" $ere in the state of Ihra# $hile I $as not in that state% I $as riding y
horse and I used to be fond of ascending ountains% So $hile I $as doing so I noticed that the people
$ere looking at soething% I $ent to see $hat it $as# and behold it $as an onager% I asked y co)
panions# H@hat is thatJH &hey said# H@e do not kno$%H I said# HIt is an onager%' &hey said# HIt is $hat
you ha(e seen%H I had left y $hip# so I said to the# HHand to e y $hip%H &hey said# H@e $ill not
help you in that !in hunting the onager"%H I got do$n# took y $hip and chased the anial !on y
horse" and did not stop till I killed it% I $ent to the and said# H9oe on# carry itIH But they said# H@e
$ill not e(en touch it%H At last I alone carried it and brought it to the% Soe of the ate of it and
soe refused to eat of it% I said !to the"# HI $ill ask the Prophet about it !on your behalf"%H @hen I
et the Prophet# I told hi the $hole story% He said to e# HHas anything of it been left $ith youJH I
said# HKes%H He said# H+at# for it is a eal Allah has offered to you%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 260:
Darrated /abir:
@e $ent out in a capaign and the ary $as called &he Ary of the Khabt# and Abu 'Ubaida $as
our coander% @e $ere struck $ith se(ere hunger% &hen the sea thre$ a huge dead fish called
Al)'Anbar# the like of $hich had ne(er been seen% @e ate of it for half a onth# and then Abu
'Ubaida took one of its bones !and ade an arch of it" so that a rider could easily pass under it%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 263:
Darrated /abir:
&he Prophet sent us as an ary unit of three hundred $arriors under the coand of Abu
'Ubaida to abush a cara(an of the ,uraish% But $e $ere struck $ith such se(ere hunger that $e
ate the Khabt !desert bushes"# so our ary $as called the Ary of the Khabt% &hen the sea thre$ a
=olue : ) 03<0 ? 0:66
huge fish called Al)'Anbar and $e ate of it for half a onth and rubbed our bodies $ith its fat till
our bodies becae healthy% &hen Abu Ubaida took one of its ribs and fi*ed it o(er the ground and a
rider passed underneath it% &here $as a an aongst us $ho slaughtered three caels $hen hun)
ger becae se(ere# and he slaughtered three ore# but after that Abu 'Ubaida forbade hi to do so%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 26<:
Darrated Ibn Abi Aufa:
@e participated $ith the Prophet in si* or se(en Aha-a$at# and $e used to eat locusts $ith hi%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 262:
Darrated Abu &ha'laba Al)Khushani:
I cae to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e are li(ing in the land of the people of the
Scripture# and $e take our eals in their utensils# and there is gae in that land and I hunt $ith y
bo$ and $ith y trained hound and $ith y untrained hound%H &he Prophet said# HAs for your say)
ing that you are in the land of people of the Scripture# you should not eat in their utensils unless you
find no alternati(e# in $hich case you ust $ash the utensils and then eat in the As for your say)
ing that you are in the land of gae# if you hunt soething $ith your bo$# ention Allah's Dae
!$hile hunting the gae" and eatL and if you hunt soething $ith your trained hound# ention Al)
lah's Dae on sending and eatL and if you hunt soething $ith your untrained hound and get it
ali(e# slaughter it and you can eat of itH
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 264:
Darrated Salaa bin Al)AC$a':
In the e(ening of the day of the conCuest of Khaibar# the ary ade fires !for cooking"% &he
Prophet said# HBor $hat ha(e you ade these firesJH &hey said# HBor cooking the eat of doestic
donkeys%H He said# H&hro$ a$ay $hat is in the cooking pots and break the pots%H A an fro the
people got up and said# HShall $e thro$ the contents of the cooking pots and then $ash the pots !in)
stead of breaking the"JH &he Prophet said# HKes# you can do either'
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 265:
Darrated Rafi bin Khadi.:
@e $ere $ith the Prophet in 8hul)Hulaifa and there the people $ere struck $ith se(ere hunger%
&hen $e got caels and sheep as $ar booty !and slaughtered the"% &he Prophet $as behind all the
people% &he people hurried and fi*ed the cooking pots !for cooking" but the Prophet cae there and
ordered that the cooking pots be turned upside do$n% &hen he distributed the anials# regarding ten
=olue : ) 03<3 ? 0:66
sheep as eCual to one cael% Ene of the caels ran a$ay and there $ere a fe$ horses $ith the
people% &hey chased the cael but they got tired# $hereupon a an shot it $ith an arro$ $hereby
Allah stopped it% &he Prophet said# HAong these anials soe are as $ild as $ild beasts# so if one of
the runs a$ay fro you# treat it in this $ay%H I said% H@e hope# or $e are afraid that toorro$ $e
$ill eet the eney and $e ha(e no kni(es# shall $e slaughter !our anials" $ith canesJH &he
Prophet said# HIf the killing tool causes blood to gush out and if Allah's Dae is entioned# eat !of the
slaughterer anial"% But do not slaughter $ith a tooth or a nail% I a telling you $hy: A tooth is a
bone# and the nail is the knife of +thiopians%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 26::
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said that he et Faid bin 'Ar Dufail at a place near Baldah and this had happened
before Allah's Apostle recei(ed the 8i(ine Inspiration% Allah's Apostle presented a dish of eat !that
had been offered to hi by the pagans" to Faid bin 'Ar# but Faid refused to eat of it and then said
!to the pagans"# HI do not eat of $hat you slaughter on your stonealtars !Ansabs" nor do I eat e*cept
that on $hich Allah's Dae has been entioned on slaughtering%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 267:
Darrated /undub bin Sufyan Al)Ba.ali:
Ence during the lifetie of Allah's Apostle $e offered soe anials as sacrifices% Soe people
slaughtered their sacrifices before the !Id" prayer# so $hen the Prophet finished his prayer# he sa$
that they had slaughtered their sacrifices before the prayer% He said# H@hoe(er has slaughtered !his
sacrifice" before the prayer# should slaughter !another sacrifice" in lieu of itL and $hoe(er has not yet
slaughtered it till $e ha(e prayedL should slaughter !it" by entioning Allah's Dae%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 261:
Darrated Ka'b:
that a sla(e girl of theirs used to shepherd soe sheep at Si'a !a ountain near Medina"% En seeing
one of her sheep dying# she broke a stone and slaughtered it% Ka'b said to his faily# H8o not eat !of it"
till I go to the Prophet and ask hi# or# till I send soeone to ask hi%H So he $ent to the Prophet or
sent soeone to hi &he Prophet peritted !the" to eat it%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 206:
Darrated 'Abdullah
=olue : ) 03<< ? 0:66
that Ka'b had a sla(e girl $ho used to gra-e his sheep on a sall ountain# called HSl'aH# situated
near the arket% Ence a sheep $as dying# so she broke a stone and slaughtered it $ith it% @hen they
entioned that to the Prophet# he# peritted the to eat it%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 200:
Darrated Rafi bin Khadi.:
that he said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e ha(e no knife%H &he Prophet said# Hif the killing tool causes
blood to gush out# and if Allah's Dae is entioned# eat !of the slaughtered anial"% But do not
slaughter $ith a nail or a tooth# for the nail is the knife of +thiopians and a tooth is a bone%H Suddenly
a cael ran a$ay and it $as stopped !$ith an arro$"% &he Prophet then said# HEf these caels there
are soe $hich are as $ild as $ild beastsL so if one of the runs a$ay fro you and you cannot
catch it# treat it in this anner !i%e% shoot it $ith an arro$"%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 203:
Darrated Ka'b bin Malik:
A lady slaughtered a sheep $ith a stone and then the Prophet $as asked about it and he peritted
it to be eaten%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 20<:
Darrated Mu'adh bin Sad or Sad bin Mu'adh:
A sla(e girl belonging to Ka'b used to gra-e soe sheep at Sl'a !ountain"% Ence one of her sheep
$as dying% She reached it !before it died" and slaughtered it $ith a stone% &he Prophet $as asked# and
he said# H+at it%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 202:
Darrated Rafi bin Khadi.:
&he Prophet said# H+at $hat is slaughtered !$ith any instruent" that akes blood flo$ out# e*cept
$hat is slaughtered $ith a tooth or a nail%'
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 204:
Darrated 'Aisha:
A group of people said to the Prophet# HSoe people bring us eat and $e do not kno$ $hether
they ha(e entioned Allah's Dae or not on slaughtering the anial%H He said# HMention Allah's
Dae on it and eat%H &hose people had ebraced Isla recently%
=olue : ) 03<2 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 205:
Darrates 'Abdullah bin Mughaffal:
@hile $e $ere besieging the castle of Khaibar# Soebody thre$ a skin full of fat and I $ent ahead
to take it# but on looking behind# I sa$ the Prophet and I felt shy in his presence !and did not take it"%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 20::
Darrated Rafi bin Khadi.:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e are going to face the eney toorro$ and $e do not ha(e kni(es%H
He said# HHurry up !in killing the anial"% If the killing tool causes blood to flo$ out# and if Allah's
Dae is entioned# eat !of the slaughtered anial"% But do not slaughter $ith a tooth or a nail% I $ill
tell you $hy: As for the tooth# it is a boneL and as for the nail# it is the knife of +thiopians%H &hen $e
got soe caels and sheep as $ar booty# and one of those caels ran a$ay# $hereupon a an shot
it $ith an arro$ and stopped it% Allah's Apostle said# HEf these caels there are soe $hich are as
$ild as $ild beasts# so if one of the !runs a$ay and" akes you tired# treat it in this anner%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 207:
Darrated Asa bint Abu Bakr:
@e slaughtered a horse !by Dahr" during the lifetie of the Prophet and ate it%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 201:
Darrated Asa':
@e slaughtered a horse !by 8habh" during the lifetie of Allah's Apostle $hile $e $ere at Med)
ina# and $e ate it%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 236:
Darrated Asa' bint Abu Bakr:
@e slaughtered a horse !by Dahr" during the lifetie of Allah's Apostle and ate it%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 230:
Darrated Hisha bin Faid:
Anas and I $ent to Al)Haka bin Aiyub% Anas sa$ soe boys shooting at a tied hen% Anas said#
H&he Prophet has forbidden the shooting of tied or confined anials%H
=olue : ) 03<4 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 233:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
that he entered upon Kahya bin Said $hile one of Kahya's sons $as aiing at a hen after tying it%
Ibn 'Uar $alked to it and untied it% &hen he brought it and the boy and said% HPre(ent your boys
fro tying the birds for the sake of killing the# as I ha(e heard the Prophet forbidding the killing of
an anial or other li(ing thing after tying the%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 23<:
Darrated Said bin /ubair:
@hile I $as $ith Ibn 'Uar# $e passed by a group of young en $ho had tied a hen and started
shooting at it% @hen they sa$ Ibn 'Uar# they dispersed# lea(ing it% En that Ibn 'Uar said# H@ho has
done thisJ &he Prophet cursed the one $ho did so%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 232:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet cursed the one $ho did Muthla to an anial !i e%# cut its libs or soe other part of
its body $hile it is still ali(e"%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 234:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Ka-id:
&he Prophet forbade An)Duhba and Al)Muthla%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 235:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ash'ari:
I sa$ the Prophet eating chicken%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 23::
Darrated Fahda:
@e $ere in the copany of Abu Musa Al)Ash'ari and there $ere friendly relations bet$een us
and this tribe of /ar% Abu Musa $as presented $ith a dish containing chicken% Aong the people
there $as sitting a red)faced an $ho did not coe near the food% Abu Musa said !to hi"# H9oe
on !and eat"# for I ha(e seen Allah's Apostle eating of it !i%e% chicken"%H He said# HI ha(e seen it eating
soething !dirty" and since then I ha(e disliked it# and ha(e taken an oath that I shall not eat it ' Abu
=olue : ) 03<5 ? 0:66
Musa said# H9oe on# I $ill tell you !or narrate to you"% Ence I $ent to Allah s Apostle $ith a group
of Al)Ash'ariyin# and et hi $hile he $as angry# distributing soe caels of Rakat% @e asked for
ounts but he took an oath that he $ould not gi(e us any ounts# and added# 'I ha(e nothing to
ount you on' In the eantie soe caels of booty $ere brought to Allah's Apostle and he asked
t$ice# '@here are Al)Ash'ariyinJH So he ga(e us fi(e $hite caels $ith big hups% @e stayed for a
short $hile !after $e had co(ered a little distance"# and then I said to y copanions# HAllah's
Apostle has forgotten his oath% By Allah# if $e do not reind Allah's Apostle of his oath# $e $ill ne(er
be successful%H So $e returned to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e asked you for ounts#
but you took an oath that you $ould not gi(e us any ountsL $e think that you ha(e forgotten your
oath%' He said# 'It is Allah @ho has gi(en you ounts% By Allah# and Allah $illing# if I take an oath
and later find soething else better than that% then I do $hat is better and e*piate y oath%' H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 237:
Darrated Asa':
@e slaughtered a horse during the lifetie of Allah's Apostle and ate it%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 231:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
En the 8ay of the battle of Khaibar# Allah's Apostle ade donkey's eat unla$ful and allo$ed the
eating of horse flesh%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 2<6:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet ade the eat of donkeys unla$ful on the day of the battle of Khaibar%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 2<0:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet prohibited the eating of donkey's eat%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 2<3:
Darrated 'Ali:
Allah's Apostle prohibited Al)Mut'a arriage and the eating of donkey's eat in the year of the
Khaibar battle
=olue : ) 03<: ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 2<<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet prohibited the eating of donkey's eat on the day of the battle of Khaibar# and al)
lo$ed the eating of horse flesh%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 2<2:
Darrated Al)Bara' and Ibn Abi 'Aufa:
&he Prophet prohibited the eating of donkey's eat%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 2<4:
Darrated Abu &ha'alba:
Allah's Apostle prohibited the eating of donkey's eat%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 2<4o:
Darrated A-)Fuhri:
&he Prophet prohibited the eating of beasts ha(ing fangs%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 2<5:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Soeone cae to Allah's Apostle and said# H&he donkeys ha(e been !slaughtered and" eaten% An)
other an cae and said# H&he donkeys ha(e been destroyed%H En that the Prophet ordered a caller to
announce to the people: Allah and His Apostle forbid you to eat the eat of donkeys# for it is ipure%'
&hus the pots $ere turned upside do$n $hile the !donkeys'" eat $as boiling in the%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 2<::
Darrated 'Ar:
I said to /abir bin Faid# H&he people clai that Allah's Apostle forbade the eating of donkey's eat%H
He said# HAl)Haka bin 'Ar Al)Ahifari used to say so $hen he $as $ith us# but Ibn 'Abbas# the
great religious learned an# refused to gi(e a final (erdict and recited:)) 'Say: I find not in that
$hich has been inspired to e anything forbidden to be eaten by one $ho $ishes to eat it# unless it
be carrion# blood poured forth or the flesh of s$ine%%%' !5%024"
=olue : ) 03<7 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 2<7:
Darrated Abu &ha'laba:
Allah's Apostle forbade the eating of the eat of beasts ha(ing fangs%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 2<1:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
Ence Allah's Apostle passed by a dead sheep and said !to the people"# H@hy don't you use its hideJH
&hey said# HBut it is dead#H He said# HEnly eating it# is prohibited%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 226:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet passed by a dead goat and said# H&here is no har if its o$ners benefit fro its skin%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 220:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HDone is $ounded in Allah's 9ause but $ill coe on the 8ay of Resurrection
$ith his $ound bleeding% &he thing that $ill coe out of his $ound $ill be the color of blood# but its
sell $ill be the sell of usk%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 223:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# '&he e*aple of a good pious copanion and an e(il one is that of a person car)
rying usk and another blo$ing a pair of bello$s% &he one $ho is carrying usk $ill either gi(e
you soe perfue as a present# or you $ill buy soe fro hi# or you $ill get a good sell fro
hi# but the one $ho is blo$ing a pair of bello$s $ill either burn your clothes or you $ill get a bad
sell fro hi%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 22<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ence $e pro(oked a rabbit at Marr)a-)Fahran% &he people chased it till they got tired% &hen I
caught It and brought it to Abu &alha# $ho slaughtered it and then sent both its pel(ic pieces !or
legs" to the Prophet# and the Prophet accepted the present%
=olue : ) 03<1 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 222:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HI do not eat astigure# but I do not prohibit its eating%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 224:
Darrated Khalid bin Al)@alid:
Allah's Apostle and I entered the house of Maiuna% A roasted astigure $as ser(ed% Allah's
Apostle stretched his hand out !to eat of it" but soe $oan said# HInfor Allah's Apostle of $hat he
is about to eat%H So they said# HIt is astigure# E Allah's ApostleIH He $ithdre$ his hand# $hereupon I
said# HE Allah's ApostleI Is it unla$fulJH He said# HDo# but this is not found in the land of y people# so
I dislike it%H So I pulled the astigure to$ards e and ate it $hile Allah's Apostle $as looking at e%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 225:
Darrated Maiuna:
A ouse fell into the butter)fat and died% &he Prophet $as asked about that% He said# H&hro$ a$ay
the ouse and the butter)fat that surrounded it# and eat the rest of the butter)fat !As)San"%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 22::
Darrated A-)Fhuri:
regarding an anial# e%g%# a ouse or soe other anial that had fallen into solid or liCuid oil or
butter)fat: I had been infored that a ouse had died in butter)fat $hereupon Allah's Apostle
ordered that the butter)fat near it be thro$n a$ay and the rest of the butter)fat can be eaten%
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 227:
Darrated Maiuna:
&he Prophet $as asked about a ouse that had fallen into butter)fat !and died"% He said# H&hro$
a$ay the ouse and the portion of butter)fat around it# and eat the rest%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 221:
Darrated Sali:
that Ibn 'Uar disliked the branding of anials on the face% Ibn 'Uar said# H&he Prophet forbade
beating !anials" on the face%H
=olue : ) 0326 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 246:
Darrated Anas:
I brought a brother of ine to the Prophet to do &ahnik for hi $hile the Prophet $as in a sheep
fold of his# and I sa$ hi branding a sheep% !&he sub)narrator said: I think Anas said# branding it on
the ear%"
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 240:
Darrated Rait' bin Khadi.:
I said to the Prophet# H@e $ill be facing the eney toorro$ and $e ha(e no kni(es !for
slaughtering"' He said# HIf you slaughter the anial $ith anything that causes its blood to flo$ out#
and if Allah's Dae is entioned on slaughtering it# eat of it# unless the killing instruent is a tooth
or nail% I $ill tell you $hy: As for the tooth# it is a boneL and as for the nail# it is the knife of +thiopi)
ans%H &he Cuick ones aong the people got the $ar booty $hile the Prophet $as behind the people%
So they placed the cooking pots on the fire# but the Prophet ordered the cooking pots to be turned
upside do$n% &hen he distributed !the $ar booty" aong the# considering one cael as eCual to
ten sheep% &hen a cael belonging to the first party of people ran a$ay and they had no horses $ith
the# so a an shot it $ith an arro$ $hereby Allah stopped it% &he Prophet said# HEf these anials
there are soe $hich are as $ild as $ild beasts% So# if anyone of the runs a$ay like this# do like this
!shoot it $ith an arro$"%H
=olue :# Book 5:# Duber 243:
Darrated Rafi bin Khadi.:
@hile $e $ere $ith the Prophet% on a .ourney# one of the caels ran a$ay% A an shot it $ith an
arro$ and stopped it% &he Prophet said# HEf these caels soe are as $ild as $ild beasts# so if one of
the runs a$ay and you cannot catch it# then do like this !shoot it $ith an arro$"%H I said# HE Allah's
ApostleI Soeties $hen $e are in battles or on a .ourney $e $ant to slaughter !anials" but $e
ha(e no kni(es%H He said# H;istenI If you slaughter the anial $ith anything that causes its blood to
flo$ out# and if Allah's Dae is entioned on slaughtering it# eat of it# pro(ided that the slaughtering
instruent is not a tooth or a nail# as the tooth is a bone and the nail is the knife of +thiopians%H
=olue : ) 0320 ? 0:66
Book 57: Al)Adha Besti(al Sacrifice !Adaahi"
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 24<:
Darrated Al)Bara:
&he Prophet said !on the day of Idal)Adha"# H&he first thing $e $ill do on this day of ours# is to of)
fer the !'Id" prayer and then return to slaughter the sacrifice% @hoe(er does so# he acted according to
our Sunna !tradition"# and $hoe(er slaughtered !the sacrifice" before the prayer# $hat he offered
$as .ust eat he presented to his faily# and that $ill not be considered as Dusak !sacrifice"%H !En
hearing that" Abu Burda bin Diyar got up# for he had slaughtered the sacrifice before the prayer# and
said# HI ha(e got a si* onth old ra%H &he Prophet said# 'Slaughter it !as a sacrifice" but it $ill not be
sufficient for any)one else !as a sacrifice after you"% Al)Bara' added: &he Prophet said# H@hoe(er
slaughtered !the sacrifice" after the prayer# he slaughtered it at the right tie and follo$ed the tradi)
tion of the Muslis%H
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 242:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er slaughtered the sacrifice before the prayer# he .ust slaughtered it for
hiself# and $hoe(er slaughtered it after the prayer# he slaughtered it at the right tie and follo$ed
the tradition of the Muslis%H
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 244:
Darrated 'UCba bin 'Air Al)/uhani:
that the Prophet distributed aong his copanions soe anials for sacrifice !to be slaughtered
on 'Id)al)Adha"% 'UCba's share $as a /adha'a !a si* onth old goat"% 'UCba said# HE Allah's ApostleI I
get in y share of /adha'a !a si* onth old ra"%H &he Prophet said# HSlaughter it as a sacrifice%H
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 245:
Darrated 'Aisha:
that the Prophet entered upon her $hen she had her enses at Sarif before entering Mecca# and
she $as $eeping !because she $as afraid that she $ould not be able to perfor the Ha.."% &he
Prophet said# H@hat is $rong $ith youJ Ha(e you got your periodJH She said# HKes%H He said# H&his is a
atter Allah has decreed for all the daughters of Ada# so perfor all the cereonies of Ha.. like the
others# but do not perfor the &a$af around the Ka'ba%H 'Aisha added: @hen $e $ere at Mina# beef
=olue : ) 0323 ? 0:66
$as brought to e and I asked# H@hat is thisJH &hey !the people" said# HAllah's Apostle has
slaughtered soe co$s as sacrifices on behalf of his $i(es%H
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 24::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said on the day of Dahr# H@hoe(er has slaughtered his sacrifice before the prayer#
should repeat it !slaughter another sacrifice"%H A an got up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI &his is a
day on $hich eat is desired%H He then entioned his neighbors saying# HI ha(e a si* onth old ra
$hich is to e better than the eat of t$o sheep%H &he Prophet allo$ed hi to slaughter it as a sacri)
fice# but I do not kno$ $hether this perission $as (alid for other than that an or not% &he Proph)
et then $ent to$ards t$o ras and slaughtered the# and then the people $ent to$ards soe sheep
and distributed the aong thesel(es%
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 247:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
&he Prophet said# H&ie has coe back to its original state $hich it had on the day Allah created
the Hea(ens and the +arth% &he year is t$el(e onths# four of $hich are sacred# three of the are in
succession# naely 8hul),a'da# 8hul Hi..a and Muharra# !the fourth being" Ra.ab Mudar $hich is
bet$een /ua'da !ath)tha. and Sha'ban% &he Prophet then asked# H@hich onth is thisJH @e said#
HAllah and his Apostle kno$ better%H He kept silent so long that $e thought that he $ould call it by a
nae other than its real nae% He said# HIsn't it the onth of 8hul)Hi..aJH @e said# HKes%H He said#
H@hich to$n is thisJH @e said# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ better%H He kept silent so long that $e
thought that he $ould call it t#y a nae other than its real nae% He said# Hisn't it the to$n !of
Mecca"JH @e replied# HKes%H He said# H@hat day is todayJH @e replied# HAllah and His Apostle kno$
better%H He kept silent so long that $e thought that he $ould call it by a nae other than its real
nae% He said# HIsn't it the day of DahrJH @e replied# HKes%H He then said# HKour blood# properties and
honor are as sacred to one another as this day of yours in this to$n of yours in this onth of yours%
Kou $ill eet your ;ord# and He $ill ask you about your deeds% Be$areI 8o not go astray after e
by cutting the necks of each other% It is incubent upon those $ho are present to con(ey this es)
sage to those $ho are absent# for soe of those to $ho it is con(eyed ay coprehend it better
than soe of those $ho ha(e heard it directly%H !Muhaad# the sub)narrator# on entioning this
used to say: &he Prophet then said# HDo doubtI Ha(en't I deli(ered !Allah's" Message !to you"J Ha(en't
I deli(ered Allah's essage !to you"JH
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 241:
Darrated Dafi':
=olue : ) 032< ? 0:66
'Abdullah !bin 'Uar" used to slaughter his sacrifice at the slaughtering place !i%e the slaughtering
place of the Prophet " % Ibn 'Uar said# HAllah's Apostle used to slaughter !caels and sheep# etc%#" as
sacrifices at the Musalla%H
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 256:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet used to offer t$o ras as sacrifices# and I also used to offer t$o ras%
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 250:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle cae to$ards t$o horned ras ha(ing black and $hite colors and slaughtered
the $ith his o$n hands%
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 253:
Darrated 'UCba bin 'Air:
that the Prophet ga(e hi soe sheep to distribute aong his copanions to slaughter as sacri)
fices !'Id))al))Adha"% A kid $as left and he told the Prophet of that $hereupon he said to hi#
HSlaughter it as a sacrifice !on your behalf"%H
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 25<:
Darrated Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib:
An uncle of ine called Abu Burda# slaughtered his sacrifice before the 'Id prayer% So Allah's
Apostle said to hi# HKour !slaughtered" sheep $as .ust utton !not a sacrifice"%H Abu Burda said# HE
Allah's ApostleI I ha(e got a doestic kid%H &he Prophet said# HSlaughter it !as a sacrifice" but it $ill
not be perissible for anybody other than youH &he Prophet added# H@hoe(er slaughtered his sacri)
fice before the !'Id" prayer# he only slaughtered for hiself# and $hoe(er slaughtered it after the
prayer# he offered his sacrifice properly and follo$ed the tradition of the Muslis%H
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 252:
Darrated Al)Bara':
Abu Burda slaughtered !the sacrifice" before the !'Id" prayer $hereupon the Prophet said to hi#
HSlaughter another sacrifice instead of that%H Abu Burda said# HI ha(e nothing e*cept a /adha'a%H
!Shu'ba said: Perhaps Abu Burda also said that /adha'a $as better than an old sheep in his opinion%"
=olue : ) 0322 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# H!De(er ind"# slaughter it to ake up for the other one# but it $ill not be sufficient
for anyone else after you%H
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 254:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet slaughtered t$o ras# black and $hite in color !as sacrifices"# and I sa$ hi putting
his foot on their sides and entioning Allah's Dae and &akbir !Allahu Akbar"% &hen he slaughtered
the $ith his o$n hands%
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 255:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle entered upon e at Sarif $hile I $as $eeping !because I $as afraid that I $ould
not be able to perfor the #Ha.."% He said# H@hat is $rong $ith youJ Ha(e you got your periodJH I
replied# HKes%H He said# H&his is a atter Allah has decreed for all the daughters of Ada# so perfor
the cereonies of the Ha.. as the pilgris do# but do not perfor the &a$af around the Ka'ba%H Al)
lah's Apostle slaughtered soe co$s as sacrifices on behalf of his $i(es%
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 25::
Darrated Al)Bara':
I heard the Prophet deli(ering a seron# and he said !on the 8ay of 'Id)Allah% a"# H&he first thing
$e $ill do on this day of ours is that $e $ill offer the 'Id prayer# then $e $ill return and slaughter
our sacrificesL and $hoe(er does so# then indeed he has follo$ed our tradition# and $hoe(er
slaughtered his sacrifice !before the prayer"# $hat he offered $as .ust eat that he presented to his
faily# and that $as not a sacrifice%H Abu Burda got up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I slaughtered the
sacrifice before the prayer and I ha(e got a /adha'a $hich is better than an old sheep%H &he Prophet
said# HSlaughter it to ake up for that# but it $ill not be sufficient for anybody else after you%H
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 257:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er slaughtered the sacrifice before the 'Id prayer# should repeat it
!slaughter another one"%H A an said H&his is the day on $hich eat is desired%H &hen he entioned
the need of his neighbors !for eat" and the Prophet seeed to accept his e*cuse% &he an said# HI
ha(e a /adha'a $hich is to e better than t$o sheep%H &he Prophet allo$ed hi !to slaughter it as a
sacrifice"% But I do not kno$ $hether this perission $as general for all Muslis or not% &he Proph)
=olue : ) 0324 ? 0:66
et then $ent to$ards t$o ras and slaughtered the# and the people $ent to$ards their sheep and
slaughtered the%
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 251:
Darrated /undab bin Sufyan Al)Ba.ali:
I $itnessed the Prophet on the 8ay of Dahr% He said# H@hoe(er slaughtered the sacrifice before of)
fering the 'Id prayer# should slaughter another sacrifice in its placeL and $hoe(er has not slaughtered
their sacrifice yet# should slaughter no$%H
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 2:6:
Darrated Al)Bara':
Ene day Allah's Apostle offered the 'Id prayer and said# H@hoe(er offers our prayer and faces our
,ibla should not slaughter the sacrifice till he finishes the 'Id prayer%H Abu Burda bin Diyar got up
and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e already done it% &he Prophet said# H&hat is soething you ha(e
done before its due tie%H Abu Burda said# HI ha(e a /adha'a $hich is better than t$o old sheepL shall I
slaughter itJH &he Prophet said# HKes# but it $ill not be sufficient for anyone after you%H
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 2:0:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet used to offer as sacrifices# t$o horned ras# black and $hite in color# and used to put
his foot on their sides and slaughter the $ith his o$n hands%
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 2:3:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet offered as sacrifices# t$o horned ras# black and $hite in color% He slaughtered the
$ith his o$n hands and entioned Allah's Dae o(er the and said &akbir and put his foot on their
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 2:<:
Darrated MasruC:
that he cae to 'Aisha and said to her# HE Mother of the Belie(ersI &here is a an $ho sends a
Hadi to Ka'ba and stays in his city and reCuests that his Hadi cael be garlanded $hile he reains in
a state of Ihra fro that day till the people finish their Ihra !after copleting all the cereonies
of Ha.."H !@hat do you say about itJ" MasruC added# I heard the clapping of her hands behind the
=olue : ) 0325 ? 0:66
curtain% She said# HI used to t$ist the garlands for the Hadi of Allah's Apostle and he used to send his
Hadi to Ka'ba but he ne(er used to regard as unla$ful $hat $as la$ful for en to do $ith their
$i(es till the people returned !fro the Ha.."%H
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 2:2:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
8uring the lifetie of the Prophet $e used to take $ith us the eat of the sacrifices !of Id al Adha"
to Medina% !&he narrator often said% &he eat of the Hadi"%
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 2:4:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
that once he $as not present !at the tie of 'Id)al)Adha" and $hen he cae% soe eat $as
presented to hi% and the people said !to hi"# '&his is the eat of our sacrificesH He said% '&ake it
a$ayL I shall not taste it% !In his narration" Abu Sa'id added: I got up and $ent to y brother# Abu
,atada !$ho $as his aternal brother and $as one of the $arriors of the battle of Badr" and en)
tioned that to hi He Sad% 'A ne$ (erdict $as gi(en in your absence !i%e%# eat of sacrifices $as al)
lo$ed to be stored and eaten later on"%H
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 2:5:
Darrated Salaa bin Al)ACua':
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er has slaughtered a sacrifice should not keep anything of Its eat after
three days%H @hen it $as the ne*t year the people said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall $e do as $e did last
yearJH He said# ' +at of it and feed of it to others and store of it for in that year the people $ere ha(ing
a hard tie and I $anted you to help !the needy"%H
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 2:::
Darrated 'Aisha:
@e used to salt soe of the eat of sacrifice and present it to the Prophet at Medina% Ence he said#
H8o not eat !of that eat" for ore than three days%H &hat $as not a final order# but !that year" he
$anted us to feed of it to others# Allah kno$s better%
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 2:7:
Darrated Abu 'Ubaid:
=olue : ) 032: ? 0:66
the freed sla(e of Ibn A-har that he $itnessed the 8ay of 'Id)al)Adha $ith 'Uar bin Al)Khattab%
'Uar offered the 'Id prayer before the seron and then deli(ered the seron before the people# say)
ing# HE peopleI Allah's Apostle has forbidden you to fast !on the first day of" each of these t$o 'Ida#
for one of the is the 8ay of breaking your fast# and the other is the one# on $hich you eat the eat
of your sacrifices%H
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 2:1:
Darrated Abu 'Ubaid:
!in continuation of 2:7"% &hen I $itnessed the 'Id $ith 'Uthan bin 'Affan# and that $as on a Bri)
day% He offered the prayer before the seron# saying# HE peopleI &oday you ha(e t$o 'Its !festi(als"
together# so $hoe(er of those $ho li(e at Al)'A$ali !suburbs" $ould like to $ait for the /uua pray)
er# he ay $ait# and $hoe(er $ould like to return !hoe" Is granted y perission to do so%H &hen I
$itnessed !the 'Its" $ith 'Ali bin Abi &alib# and he too offered the 'Id prayer before the seron and
then deli(ered the seron before the people and said# HAllah's Apostle has forbidden you to eat the
eat of your sacrifices for ore than three days%H
=olue :# Book 57# Duber 276:
Darrated Sali:
'Abdullah bin 'Uar said# HAllah's Apostle said# H+at of the eat of sacrifices !of 'Id al Adha" for
three days%H @hen 'Abdullah departed fro Mina# he used to eat !bread $ith" oil# lest he should eat of
the eat of Hadi !$hich is regarded as unla$ful after the three days of the 'Id"%
=olue : ) 0327 ? 0:66
Book 51: 8rinks
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 270:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er drinks alcoholic drinks in the $orld and does not repent !before
dying"# $ill be depri(ed of it in the Hereafter%H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 273:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
En the night Allah's Apostle $as taken on a night .ourney !Mira." t$o cups# one containing $ine
and the other ilk# $ere presented to hi at /erusale% He looked at it and took the cup of ilk%
Aabriel said# HPraise be to Allah @ho guided you to Al)Bitra !the right path"L if you had taken !the
cup of" $ine# your nation $ould ha(e gone astray%H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 27<:
Darrated Anas:
I heard fro Allah's Apostle a narration $hich none other than I $ill narrate to you% &he Prophet#
said# HBro aong the portents of the Hour are the follo$ing: Aeneral ignorance !in religious affairs"
$ill pre(ail# !religious" kno$ledge $ill decrease# illegal se*ual intercourse $ill pre(ail# alcoholic
drinks $ill be drunk !in abundance"# en $ill decrease and $oen $ill increase so uch so that for
e(ery fifty $oen there $ill be one an to look after the%H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 272:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAn adulterer# at the tie he is coitting illegal se*ual intercourse is not a be)
lie(erL and a person# at the tie of drinking an alcoholic drink is not a belie(erL and a thief# at the
tie of stealing# is not a belie(er%H Ibn Shihab said: 'Abdul Malik bin Abi Bakr bin 'Abdur)Rahan bin
Al) Harith bin Hisha told e that Abu Bakr used to narrate that narration to hi on the authority
of Abu Huraira% He used to add that Abu Bakr used to ention# besides the abo(e cases# HAnd he $ho
robs !takes illegally soething by force" $hile the people are looking at hi# is not a belie(er at the
tie he is robbing !taking"
=olue : ) 0321 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 274:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
HAlcoholic drinks $ere prohibited !by Allah" $hen there $as nothing of it !special kind of $ine" in
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 275:
Darrated Anas:
HAlcoholic drinks $ere prohibited at the tie $e could rarely find $ine ade fro grapes in
Medina# for ost of our liCuors $ere ade fro unripe and ripe dates%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 27::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
'Uar stood up on the pulpit and said# HDo$ then# prohibition of alcoholic drinks ha(e been re)
(ealed# and these drinks are prepared fro fi(e things# i%e%% grapes# dates# honey# $heat or barley And
an alcoholic drink is that# that disturbs the ind%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 277:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
I $as ser(ing Abu 'Ubaida# Abu &alha and Ubai bin Ka'b $ith a drink prepared fro ripe and un)
ripe dates% &hen soebody cae to the and said# HAlcoholic drinks ha(e been prohibited%H !En
hearing that" Abu &alha said# HAet up% E Anas# and pour !thro$" it outI So I poured !thre$" it out%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 271:
Darrated Anas:
@hile I $as $aiting on y uncles and ser(ing the $ith !$ine prepared fro" dates))))and I
$as the youngest of the))))it $as said# HAlcoholic drinks ha(e been prohibited%H So they said !to
e"# H&hro$ it a$ay%H So I thre$ it a$ay%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 216:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Alcoholic drinks $ere prohibited% At that tie these drinks used to be prepared fro unripe and
ripe dates%
=olue : ) 0346 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 210:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle $as asked about Al)Bit% He said# HAll drinks that into*icate are unla$ful !to drink%"
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 213a:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle $as asked about Al)Bit a liCuor prepared fro honey $hich the Keenites used to
drink% Allah's Apostle said# HAll drinks that into*icate are unla$ful !to drink"%H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 213b:
Anas bin Malik said:
Allah's Apostle said# H8o not ake drinks in Ad)8ubba' nor in Al)Mu-affat% Abu Huraira used to
add to the Al)Hanta and An)DaCir%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 21<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
'Uar deli(ered a seron on the pulpit of Allah's Apostle# saying# HAlcoholic drinks $ere prohib)
ited by 8i(ine Erder# and these drinks used to be prepared fro fi(e things# i%e%# grapes# dates# $heat#
barley and honey% Alcoholic drink is that# that disturbs the ind%H 'Uar added# HI $ish Allah's
Apostle had not left us before he had gi(en us definite (erdicts concerning three atters# i%e%# ho$
uch a grandfather ay inherit !of his grandson"# the inheritance of Al)Kalala !the deceased person
aong $hose heirs there is no father or son"# and (arious types of Riba!0 " !usury" %H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 212s:
Darrated 'Uar:
HAlcoholic drinks are prepared fro fi(e things# i%e%# raisins# dates% $heat# barley and honey%H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 212(:
Darrated Abu 'Air or Abu Malik Al)Ash'ari:
that he heard the Prophet saying# HBro aong y follo$ers there $ill be soe people $ho $ill
consider illegal se*ual intercourse# the $earing of silk# the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use
of usical instruents# as la$ful% And there $ill be soe people $ho $ill stay near the side of a
ountain and in the e(ening their shepherd $ill coe to the $ith their sheep and ask the for
=olue : ) 0340 ? 0:66
soething# but they $ill say to hi# 'Return to us toorro$%' Allah $ill destroy the during the
night and $ill let the ountain fall on the# and He $ill transfor the rest of the into onkeys
and pigs and they $ill reain so till the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 214:
Darrated Sahl:
Abu Usaid As)Sa'idi cae and in(ited Allah's Apostle on the occasion of his $edding% His $ife $ho
$as the bride# $as ser(ing the% 8o you kno$ $hat drink she prepared for Allah's Apostle J She had
soaked soe dates in $ater in a &ur o(ernight%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 215:
Darrated /abir:
Allah's Apostle forbade the use of !certain" containers# but the Ansar said# H@e cannot dispense
$ith the%H &he Prophet then said# HIf so# then use the%H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 21::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
@hen the Prophet forbade the use of certain containers !that $ere used for preparing alcoholic
drinks"# soebody said to the Prophet % HBut not all the people can find skins%H So he allo$ed the to
use clay .ars not co(ered $ith pitch%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 217:
Darrated 'Ali:
the Prophet forbade the use of Ad)8ubba' and Al Mu-affat%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 211:
Darrated Al)A'ash:
!As abo(e# 212"%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 466:
Darrated Ibrahi:
I asked Al)As$ad# H8id you ask 'Aisha# Mother of the Belie(ers# about the containers in $hich it is
disliked to prepare !non)alcoholic" drinksJH He said# HKes# I said to her# 'E Mother of the Belie(ersI
=olue : ) 0343 ? 0:66
@hat containers did the Prophet forbid to use for preparing !non)alcoholic" drinksJH She said# '&he
Prophet forbade us# !his faily"# to prepare !nonalcoholic" drinks in Ad)8ubba and Al)Mu-affat%' I
asked# '8idn't you ention Al /ar and Al HantaJ' She said# 'I tell $hat I ha(e heardL shall I tell you
$hat I ha(e not heardJ' H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 460:
Darrated Ash)Shaibani:
I heard 'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa saying# H&he Prophet forbade the use of green .ars%H I said# HShall $e
drink out of $hite .arsJH He said# HDo%H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 463:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad
Abu Usaid As Sa'idi in(ited the Prophet to his $edding banCuet% At that tie his $ife $as ser(ing
the and she $as the bride% She said# ''8o you kno$ $hat !kind of syrup" I soaked !ade" for Allah's
ApostleJ I soaked soe dates in $ater in a &ur !bo$l" o(ernight% '
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 46<:
Darrated Abu Al)/u$airiyya:
I asked Ibn 'Abbas about Al)BadhaC% He said# HMuhaad prohibited alcoholic drinks before It
$as called Al)BadhaC !by saying"# 'Any drink that into*icates is unla$ful%' I said# '@hat about good
la$ful drinksJ' He said#'Apart fro $hat is la$ful and good# all other things are unla$ful and not
good !unclean Al)Khabith"%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 462:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to like s$eet edible things and honey%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 464:
Darrated Anas:
@hile I $as ser(ing Abu &alha% Abu 8u.ana and Abu Suhail bin Al)Baida' $ith a drink ade fro
a i*ture of unripe and ripe dates# alcoholic drinks# $ere ade unla$ful# $hereupon I thre$ it
a$ay# and I $as their butler and the youngest of the# and $e used to consider that drink as an al)
coholic drink in those days
=olue : ) 034< ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 465:
Darrated /abir:
&he Prophet forbade the drinking of alcoholic drinks prepared fro raisins# dates# unripe dates
and fresh ripe dates%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 46::
Darrated Abu ,atada:
&he Prophet forbade the i*ing of ripe and unripe dates and also the i*ing of dates and raisins
!for preparing a syrup" but the syrup of each kind of fruit should be prepared separately% ! Ene ay
ha(e such drinks as long as it is fresh "
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 467:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle $as presented a bo$l of ilk and a bo$l of $ine on the night he $as taken on a
.ourney !Al)Mi'ra."%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 461:
Darrated U Al)Badl:
&he people doubted $hether Allah's Apostle $as fasting or the 8ay of 'Arafat or not% So I sent a cup
containing ilk to hi and he drank it%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 406:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Abu Huaid brought a cup of i* fro a place called Al)DaCi% Allah's Apostle said to hi# H@ill
you not co(er it# e(en by placing a stick across itsH
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 400:
Darrated /abir:
Abu Huaid# an Ansari an# cae fro AnDaCi carrying a cup of ilk to the Prophet% &he
Prophet said# H@ill you not co(er it e(en by placing a stick across itJH
=olue : ) 0342 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 403:
Darrated Al)Bara:
&he Prophet cae fro Mecca $ith Abu Bakr% Abu Bakr said H@e passed by a shepherd and at
that tie Allah's Apostle $as thirsty% I ilked a little ilk in a bo$l and Allah's Apostle drank till I
$as pleased% SuraCa bin /u'shu cae to us riding a horse !chasing us"% &he Prophet in(oked e(il
upon hi# $hereupon SuraCa reCuested hi not to in(oke e(il upon hi# in $hich case he $ould go
back% &he Prophet agreed%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 40<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he best ob.ect of charity is a she)cael $hich has !ne$ly" gi(en birth and
gi(es plenty of ilk# or a she)goat $hich gi(es plenty of ilkL and is gi(en to soebody to utili-e its
ilk by ilking one bo$l in the orning and one in the e(ening%H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 402:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas: Allah's Apostle drank ilk and then rinsed his outh and said# HIt contains
fat% &he Prophet added: I $as raised to the ;ote &ree and sa$ four ri(ers# t$o of $hich $ere coing
out and t$o going in% &hose $hich $ere coing out $ere the Dile and the +uphrates# and those
$hich $ere going in $ere t$o ri(ers in paradise% &hen I $as gi(en three bo$ls# one containing ilk#
and another containing honey# and a third containing $ine% I took the bo$l containing ilk and
drank it% It $as said to e# HKou and your follo$ers $ill be on the right path !of Isla"%H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 404:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Abu &alha had the largest nuber of datepals fro aongst the Ansars of Medina% &he dearest
of his property to hi $as Bairuha garden $hich $as facing the !Prophet's" MosCue% Allah's Apostle
used to enter it and drink of its good fresh $ater% @hen the Holy =erse:)) 'By no eans shall you at)
tain righteousness unless you spend !in charity" of that $hich you lo(e%' !<%13" $as re(ealed# Abu
&alha got up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Allah says: By no eans shall you attain righteousness un)
less you spend of that $hich you lo(e#' and the dearest of y property to e is the Bairuha garden
and I $ant to gi(e it in charity in Allah's 9ause# seeking to be re$arded by Allah for that% So you can
spend it# E Allah's Apostle# $here)e(er Allah instructs you% ' Allah s Apostle said# HAoodI &hat is a
perishable !or profitable" $ealthH !'Abdullah is in doubt as to $hich $ord $as used%" He said# HI ha(e
heard $hat you ha(e said but in y opinion you'd better gi(e it to your kith and kin%H En that Abu
=olue : ) 0344 ? 0:66
&alha said# HI $ill do so# E Allah's ApostleIH Abu &alha distributed that garden aong his kith and kin
and cousins%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 405:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
I sa$ Allah's Apostle drinking ilk% He cae to y house and I ilked a sheep and then i*ed the
ilk $ith $ater fro the $ell for Allah's Apostle% He took the bo$l and drank $hile on his left there
$as sitting Abu Bakr# and on his right there $as a bedouin% He then ga(e the reaining ilk to the
bedouin and said# H&he rightI &he right !first"%H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 40::
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle and one of his copanions entered upon an Ansari an and the Prophet said to
hi# HIf you ha(e $ater kept o(ernight in a $ater skin# !gi(e us"# other$ise $e $ill drink $ater by
putting our outh in it%H &he an $as $atering his garden then% He said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e
$ater kept o(ernightL let us go to the shade%H So he took the both there and poured $ater into a
bo$l and ilked a doestic goat of his in it% Allah's Apostle drank# and then the an $ho had coe
along $ith hi# drank%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 407:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to like s$eet edible things !syrup# etc%" and honey%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 401:
Darrated An)Da--al:
All cae to the gate of the courtyard !of the MosCue" and drank !$ater" $hile he $as standing
and said# HSoe people dislike to drink $hile standing# but I sa$ the Prophet doing !drinking $ater"
as you ha(e seen e doing no$%H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 436:
Darrated An)Da--al bin Sabra:
'Ali offered the Fuhr prayer and then sat do$n in the $ide courtyard !of the MosCue" of Kufa in
order to deal $ith the affairs of the people till the 'Asr prayer becae due% &hen $ater $as brought
to hi and he drank of it# $ashed his face# hands# head and feet% &hen he stood up and drank the re)
=olue : ) 0345 ? 0:66
aining $ater $hile he $as standing% and said# HSoe people dislike to drink $ater $hile standing
thought the Prophet did as I ha(e .ust done%H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 430:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet drank Fa)Fa !$ater" $hile standing%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 433:
Darrated U Al)Badl:
!daughter of Al)Harith" that she sent a bo$l of ilk to the Prophet $hile he $as standing !at 'Ara)
fat" in the afternoon of the 8ay of 'Arafat% He took it in his hands and drank it% Darrated Abu Dadr:
&he Prophet $as on the back of his cael%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 43<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Milk i*ed $ith $ater $as brought to Allah's Apostle $hile a bedouin $as on his right and Abu
Bakr $as on his left% He drank !of it" and then ga(e !it" to the bedouin and said# '&he rightH H&he right
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 432:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
Allah's Apostle $as offered soething to drink% He drank of it $hile on his right $as a boy and on
his left $ere soe elderly people% He said to the boy# HMay I gi(e these !elderly" people firstJH &he boy
said# HBy Allah# E Allah's ApostleI I $ill not gi(e up y share fro you to soebody else%H En that Al)
lah's Apostle placed the cup in the hand of that boy%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 434:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet and one of his copanions entered upon an Ansari an% &he Prophet and his co)
panion greeted !the an" and he replied# HE Allah's ApostleI ;et y father and other be sacrificed
for youI It is hot#H $hile he $as $atering his garden% &he Prophet asked hi# HIf you ha(e $ater kept
o(ernight in a $ater skin# !gi(e us"# or else $e $ill drink by putting our ouths in the basin%H &he
an $as $atering the garden &he an said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e $ater kept o(ernight in a $a)
ter)skin% He $ent to the shade and poured soe $ater into a bo$l and ilked soe ilk fro a do)
=olue : ) 034: ? 0:66
estic goat in it% &he Prophet drank and then ga(e the bo$l to the an $ho had coe along $ith
hi to drink%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 435:
Darrated Anas:
I $as $aiting on y uncles# ser(ing the $ith an alcoholic drink prepared fro dates# and I $as
the youngest of the% !Suddenly" it $as said that alcoholic drinks had been prohibited% So they said
!to e"# '&hro$ it a$ay%H And I thre$ it a$ay &he sub)narrator said: I asked Anas $hat their drink
$as !ade fro"# He replied# H!Bro" ripe dates and unripe dates%H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 43::
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen night falls !or $hen it is e(ening"# stop your children fro going out#
for the de(ils spread out at that tie% But $hen an hour of the night has passed# release the and
close the doors and ention Allah's Dae# for Satan does not open a closed door% &ie the outh of
your $ater)skin and ention Allah's DaeL co(er your containers and utensils and ention Allah's
Dae% 9o(er the e(en by placing soething across it# and e*tinguish your laps% H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 437:
Darrated /abir:
Allah's Apostle said# H+*tinguish the laps $hen you go to bedL close your doorsL tie the ouths of
your $ater skins# and co(er the food and drinks%H I think he added# H% % % e(en $ith a stick you place
across the container%H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 431:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle forbade the bending of the ouths of $ater skins for the sake of drinking fro
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 4<6:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
I heard Allah's Apostle forbidding the drinking of $ater by bending the ouths of $ater skins# i%e%#
drinking fro the ouths directly%
=olue : ) 0347 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 4<0:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle forbade drinking directly fro the outh of a $ater skin or other leather contain)
ers% and forbade pre(enting one's neighbor fro fi*ing a peg in !the $all of" one's house%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 4<3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet forbade the drinking of $ater directly fro the outh of a $ater skin %
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 4<<:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet forbade the drinking of $ater direct fro the outh of a $ater)skin%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 4<2:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen you drink !$ater"# do not breath in the (esselL and $hen you urinate#
do not touch your penis $ith your right hand% And $hen you cleanse yourself after defecation# do
not use your right hand%H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 4<4:
Darrated &huaa bin Abdullah:
Anas used to breathe t$ice or thrice in the (essel !$hile drinking" and used to say that the Proph)
etL used to take three breaths $hile drinking%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 4<5:
Darrated Ibn Abi ;aila:
@hile Hudhaita $as at Mada'in# he asked for $ater% &he chief of the (illage brought hi a sil(er
(essel% Hudhaifa thre$ it a$ay and said# HI ha(e thro$n it a$ay because I told hi not to use it# but
he has not stopped using it% &he Prophet forbade us to $ear clothes of silk or 8iba.# and to drink in
gold or sil(er utensils# and said# '&hese things are for the !unbelie(ers" in this $orld and for you
!Muslis" in the Hereafter%' H
=olue : ) 0341 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 4<::
Darrated Hudhaifa:
&he Prophet said# H8o not drink in gold or sil(er utensils# and do not $ear clothes of silk or 8iba.#
for these things are for the !unbelie(ers" in this $orld and for you in the Hereafter%H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 4<7:
Darrated U Salaa:
!the $ife of the Prophet" Allah's Apostle said# HHe $ho drinks in sil(er utensils is only filling his
abdoen $ith Hell Bire%H
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 4<1:
Darrated Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib:
Allah's Apostle ordered us to do se(en things and forbade us fro se(en% He ordered us to (isit the
sick# to follo$ funeral processions# !to say" to a snee-er# !May Allah besto$ His Mercy on you# if he
says# Praise be to Allah"# to accept in(itations# to greet !e(erybody"# to help the oppressed and to help
others to fulfill their oaths% He forbade us to $ear gold rings# to drink in sil(er !utensils"# to use
Mayathir !silken carpets placed on saddles"# to $ear Al),issi !a kind of silken cloth"# to $ear silk#
8iba. or IstabraC !t$o kinds of silk"%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 426:
Darrated U Al)Badl:
that the people $ere in doubt $hether the Prophet $as fasting on the 8ay of 'Arafat or not# so a
!$ooden" drinking (essel full of ilk $as sent to hi# and he drank it%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 420:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
An Arab lady $as entioned to the Prophet so he asked Abu Usaid As)Sa'idi to send for her# and
he sent for her and she cae and stayed in the castle of Bani Sa'ida% &he Prophet cae out and $ent
to her and entered upon her% Behold# it $as a lady sitting $ith a drooping head% @hen the Prophet
spoke to her# she said# HI seek refuge $ith Allah fro you%H He said# HI grant you refuge fro e%H
&hey said to her# H8o you kno$ $ho this isJH She said# HDo%H &hey said# H&his is Allah's Apostle $ho has
coe to coand your hand in arriage%H She said# HI a (ery unlucky to lose this chance%H &hen
the Prophet and his copanions $ent to$ards the shed of Bani Sa'ida and sat there% &hen he said#
HAi(e us $ater# E SahlIH So I took out this drinking bo$l and ga(e the $ater in it% &he sub)narrator
=olue : ) 0356 ? 0:66
added: Sahl took out for us that (ery drinking bo$l and $e all drank fro it% ;ater on Uar bin 'Ab)
dul 'A-i- reCuested Sahl to gi(e it to hi as a present# and he ga(e it to hi as a present%
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 423:
Darrated 'Asi al)Ah$al:
I sa$ the drinking bo$l of the Prophet $ith Anas bin Malik# and it had been broken# and he had
ended it $ith sil(er plates% &hat drinking bo$l $as Cuite $ide and ade of Dadar $ood# Anas said#
HI ga(e $ater to the Prophet in that bo$l ore than so)and)so !for a long period"%H Ibn Sirin said:
Around that bo$l there $as an iron ring# and Anas $anted to replace it $ith a sil(er or gold ring#
but Abu &alha said to hi# H8o not change a thing that Allah's Apostle has ade%H So Anas left it as it
=olue :# Book 51# Duber 42<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
I $as $ith the Prophet and the tie for the 'Asr prayer becae due% @e had no $ater $ith us e*)
cept a little $hich $as put in a (essel and $as brought to the Prophet % He put his hand into it and
spread out his fingers and then said# H9oe alongI Hurry upI All those $ho $ant to perfor ablu)
tion% &he blessing is fro Allah%'' I sa$ the $ater gushing out fro his fingers% So the people per)
fored the ablution and drank# and I tried to drink ore of that $ater !beyond y thirst and capa)
city"# for I kne$ that it $as a blessing% &he sub)narrator said: I asked /abir# HHo$ any persons $ere
you thenJH He replied# H@e $ere one)thousand four hundred en%H Sali said: /abir said# 0466%
=olue : ) 0350 ? 0:66
Book :6: Patients
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 422:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" Allah's Apostle said# HDo calaity befalls a Musli but that Allah e*piates
soe of his sins because of it# e(en though it $ere the prick he recei(es fro a thorn%H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 424:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri and Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HDo fatigue# nor disease# nor sorro$# nor sadness# nor hurt# nor distress befalls a
Musli# e(en if it $ere the prick he recei(es fro a thorn# but that Allah e*piates soe of his sins for
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 425:
Darrated Kab:
&he Prophet said# H&he e*aple of a belie(er is that of a fresh tender plant# $hich the $ind bends
lt soeties and soe other tie it akes it straight% And the e*aple of a hypocrite is that of a
pine tree $hich keeps straight till once it is uprooted suddenly%
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 42::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he e*aple of a belie(er is that of a fresh tender plantL fro $hate(er dir)
ection the $ind coes# it bends it# but $hen the $ind becoes Cuiet# it becoes straight again% Si)
ilarly# a belie(er is afflicted $ith calaities !but he reains patient till Allah reo(es his difficulties%"
And an ipious $icked person is like a pine tree $hich keeps hard and straight till Allah cuts
!breaks" it do$n $hen He $ishes%H !See Hadith Do% 447# =ol% 1%"
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 427:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf Allah $ants to do good to soebody# He afflicts hi $ith trials%H
=olue : ) 0353 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 421:
Darrated Aisha:
I ne(er sa$ anybody suffering so uch fro sickness as Allah's Apostle
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 446:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
I (isited the Prophet during his ailents and he $as suffering fro a high fe(er% I said# HKou ha(e
a high fe(er% Is it because you $ill ha(e a double re$ard for itJH He said# HKes# for no Musli is af)
flicted $ith any har but that Allah $ill reo(e his sins as the lea(es of a tree fall do$n%H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 440:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
I (isited Allah's Apostle $hile he $as suffering fro a high fe(er% I said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou
ha(e a high fe(er%H He said# HKes# I ha(e as uch fe(er as t$o en of you%H I said# HIs it because you
$ill ha(e a double re$ardJH He said# HKes# it is so% Do Musli is afflicted $ith any har# e(en if it
$ere the prick of a thorn# but that Allah e*piates his sins because of that# as a tree sheds its lea(es%H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 443:
Darrated Abu Muisa Al)Ash'ari:
&he Prophet said# HBeed the hungry# (isit the sick# and set free the capti(es%H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 44<:
Darrated Al)Bara bin A-ib:
Allah's Apostle ordered us to do se(en things and forbade us to do se(en other things% He forbade
us to $ear gold rings# silk# 8iba.# IstabriC# ,issy# and MaitharaL and ordered us to accopany funeral
processions# (isit the sick and greet e(erybody% !See Hadith Do% 062"
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 442:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Ence I fell ill% &he Prophet and Abu Bakr cae $alking to pay e a (isit and found e uncon)
scious% &he Prophet perfored ablution and then poured the reaining $ater on e# and I cae to
y senses to see the Prophet% I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat shall I do $ith y propertyJ Ho$ shall
I dispose of !distribute" y propertyJH He did not reply till the =erse of inheritance $as re(ealed%
=olue : ) 035< ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 444:
Darrated 'Ata bin Abi Rabah:
Ibn 'Abbas said to e# HShall I sho$ you a $oan of the people of ParadiseJH I said# HKes%H He said#
H&his black lady cae to the Prophet and said# 'I get attacks of epilepsy and y body becoes un)
co(eredL please in(oke Allah for e%' &he Prophet said !to her"# 'If you $ish# be patient and you $ill
ha(e !enter" ParadiseL and if you $ish# I $ill in(oke Allah to cure you%' She said# 'I $ill reain pa)
tient#' and added# 'but I becoe unco(ered# so please in(oke Allah for e that I ay not becoe un)
co(ered%' So he in(oked Allah for her%H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 445:
Darrated 'Ata:
&hat he had seen U Fafar# the tall black lady# at !holding" the curtain of the Ka'ba%
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 44::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HAllah said# 'If I depri(e y sla(e of his t$o belo(ed things !i%e%# his
eyes" and he reains patient# I $ill let hi enter Paradise in copensation for the%'H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 447:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen Allah's Apostle eigrated to Medina# Abu Bakr and Bilal got a fe(er% I entered upon the
and asked# HE y fatherI Ho$ are youJ E BilalI Ho$ are youJH @hene(er fe(er attacked Abu Bakr#
he $ould recite the follo$ing poetic (erses: '+(erybody is staying ali(e aong his people# yet death is
nearer to hi than his shoe laces%H And $hene(er the fe(er deserted Bilal# he $ould recite !t$o poet)
ic lines": '@ould that I could stay o(ernight in a (alley $herein I $ould be surrounded by Idhkhir
and /alil !t$o kinds of good selling grass"% @ould that one day I $ould drink of the $ater of
Ma.inna and $ould that Shaa and &afil !t$o ountains at Mecca" $ould appear to e%' &hen I
cae and infored Allah's Apostle about that# $hereupon he said# HE AllahI Make us lo(e Medina as
uch or ore than $e lo(e Mecca% E AllahI Make it healthy and bless its Mudd and Sa for us# and
take a$ay its fe(er and put it in Al'/uhfa%H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 441:
Darrated Abu 'Uthan:
=olue : ) 0352 ? 0:66
Usaa bin Faid said that $hile he% Sad and Ubai bin Ka'b $ere $ith the Prophet a daughter of the
Prophet sent a essage to hi# saying% 'My daughter is dyingL please coe to us%H &he Prophet sent
her his greetings and added HIt is for Allah $hat He takes# and $hat He gi(esL and e(erything before
His sight has a liited period% So she should hope for Allah's re$ard and reain patient%H She again
sent a essage# beseeching hi by Allah# to coe% So the Prophet got up% and so did $e !and $ent
there"% &he child $as placed on his lap $hile his breath $as irregular% &ears flo$ed fro the eyes of
the Prophet% Sad said to hi# H@hat is this# E Allah's ApostleJH He said% H&his Is Mercy $hich Allah
has ebedded in the hearts of $hoe(er He $ished of His sla(es% And Allah does not besto$ His
Mercy# e*cept on the erciful aong His sla(es% !See Hadith Do% <:< =ol% 3"
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 456:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet $ent to (isit a sick bedouin% @hene(er the Prophet $ent to a patient# he used to say to
hi# H8on't $orry# if Allah $ill# it $ill be e*piation !for your sins":H &he bedouin said# HKou say e*pi)
ationJ Do# it is but a fe(er that is boiling or harassing an old an and $ill lead hi to his gra(e
$ithout his $ill%H &he Prophet said# H&hen# yes# it is so%H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 450:
Darrated Anas:
A /e$ish boy used to ser(e the Prophet and becae ill% &he Prophet $ent to pay hi a (isit and
said to hi# H+brace Isla#H and he did ebrace Isla% Al)Musaiyab said: @hen Abu &alib $as on
his deathbed# the Prophet (isited hi%
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 453:
Darrated 'Aisha:
8uring the ailent of the Prophet soe people cae to (isits hi% He led the in prayer $hile
sitting% but they prayed standing# so he $a(ed to the to sit do$n% @hen he had finished the prayer#
he said# HAn Ia is to be follo$ed# so $hen he bo$s# you should bo$% and $hen he raises his head#
you should raise yours# and if he prays sitting% you should pray sitting%H Abu Abdullah said Al)Hu)
aidi said# !&he order of " H&his narration has been abrogated by the last action of the Prophet as he
led the prayer sitting# $hile the people prayed standing behind hi'
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 45<:
Darrated Sad:
=olue : ) 0354 ? 0:66
I becae seriously ill at Mecca and the Prophet cae to (isit e% I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I shall
lea(e behind e a good fortune# but y heir is y only daughterL shall I beCueath t$o third of y
property to be spent in charity and lea(e one third !for y heir"JH He said# HDo%H I said# HShall I be)
Cueath half and lea(e halfJH He said# HDo%H I said# HShall I beCueath one third and lea(e t$o thirdsJH
He said# HEne third is alright# though e(en one third is too uch%H &hen he placed his hand on his
forehead and passed it o(er y face and abdoen and said# HE AllahI 9ure Sad and coplete his
eigration%H I feel as if I ha(e been feeling the coldness of his hand on y li(er e(er since%
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 452:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud:
I (isited Allah's Apostle $hile he $as suffering fro a high fe(er% I touched hi $ith y hand and
said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou ha(e a high fe(er%H Allah's Apostle said# HKes# I ha(e as uch fe(er as t$o
en of you ha(e%H I said# HIs it because you $ill get a double re$ardJH Allah's Apostle said# HKes# no
Musli is afflicted $ith har because of sickness or soe other incon(enience# but that Allah $ill
reo(e his sins for hi as a tree sheds its lea(es%H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 454:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
I (isited the Prophet during his illness and touched hi $hile he $as ha(ing a fe(er% I said to hi#
HKou ha(e a high fe(erL is it because you $ill get a double re$ardJH He said# HKes% Do Musli is af)
flicted $ith any har# but that his sins $ill be annulled as the lea(e of a tree fall do$n%H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 455:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle entered upon sick an to pay hi a (isit# and said to hi# H8on't $orry# Allah $ill)
ing# !your sickness $ill be" an e*piation for your sins%H &he an said# HDo# it is but a fe(er that is boil)
ing $ithin an old an and $ill send hi to his gra(e%H En that# the Prophet said# H&hen yes# it is so%H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 45::
Darrated Usaa bin Faid:
&he Prophet rode a donkey ha(ing a saddle $ith a Badakiyya (el(et co(ering% He ounted e be)
hind hi and $ent to (isit Sad bin 'Ubada# and that had been before the battle of Badr% &he Prophet
proceeded till he passed by a gathering in $hich 'Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul $as present# and that
had been before 'Abdullah ebraced Isla% &he gathering coprised of Muslis# polytheists# i%e%#
isolators and /e$s% 'Abdullah bin Ra$aha $as also present in that gathering% @hen dust raised by the
=olue : ) 0355 ? 0:66
donkey co(ered the gathering# 'Abdullah bin Ubai co(ered his nose $ith his upper garent and said#
H8o not trouble us $ith dust%H &he Prophet greeted the# stopped and disounted% &hen he in(ited
the to Allah !i%e%# to ebrace Isla" and recited to the soe (erses of the Holy ,ur'an% En that#
'Abdullah bin Ubai said# HE an I &here is nothing better than $hat you say if it is true% 8o not
trouble us $ith it in our gathering# but return to your house# and if soebody coes to you# teach
hi there%H En that 'Abdullah bin Ra$aha said# Kes# E Allah's ApostleI Bring your teachings to our
gathering# for $e lo(e that%H So the Muslis# the pagans and the /e$s started abusing each other till
they $ere about to fight% &he Prophet kept on Cuietening the till they becae cal% &hereupon the
Prophet ounted his anial and proceeded till he entered upon Sad bin Ubada% He said to hi HE
SadI Ha(e you not heard $hat Abu Hubab !i%e%# 'Abdullah bin Ubai" saidJH Sad said# 'E Allah's
ApostleI +*cuse and forgi(e hi# for Allah has gi(en you $hat He has gi(en you% &he people of this
to$n !Medina decided unaniously to cro$n hi and ake hi their chief by placing a turban on
his head# but $hen that $as pre(ented by the &ruth $hich Allah had gi(en you he !'Abdullah bin
Ubai" $as grie(ed out of .ealously# and that $as the reason $hich caused hi to beha(e in the $ay
you ha(e seen%H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 457:
Darrated /abir:
&he Prophet cae to (isit e !$hile I $as sick" and he $as riding neither a ule# nor a horse%
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 451:
Darrated Ka'b bin 'U.ara:
&he Prophet passed by e $hile I $as kindling a fire under a !cooking" pot% He said# H8o the lice of
your head trouble youJH I said# HKes%H So he called a barber to sha(e y head and ordered e to ake
e*piation for that%H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 4:6:
Darrated Al),asi bin Muhaad:
'Aisha# !coplaining of headache" said# HEh# y headHI Allah's Apostle said# HI $ish that had
happened $hile I $as still li(ing# for then I $ould ask Allah's Borgi(eness for you and in(oke Allah
for you%H Aisha said# H@a thuklayahI By Allah# I think you $ant e to dieL and If this should happen#
you $ould spend the last part of the day sleeping $ith one of your $i(esIH &he Prophet said# HDay# I
should say# 'Eh y headI' I felt like sending for Abu Bakr and his son# and appoint hi as y suc)
cessor lest soe people claied soething or soe others $ished soething# but then I said !to y)
self"# 'Allah $ould not allo$ it to be other$ise# and the Muslis $ould pre(ent it to be other$iseH%
=olue : ) 035: ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 4:0:
Darrated Ibn Mas'ud:
I (isited the Prophet $hile he $as ha(ing a high fe(er% I touched hi an said# HKou ha(e a (ery
high fe(erH He said# HKes# as uch fe(er as t$o e of you ay ha(e%H I said% Hyou $ill ha(e a double
re$ardJH He said# HKes Do Musli is afflicted $ith hurt caused by disease or soe other incon(eni)
ence# but that Allah $ill reo(e his sins as a tree sheds its lea(es%H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 4:3:
Darrated Sad:
Allah's Apostle cae to (isit e during y ailent $hich had been aggra(ated during
@ada'% I said to hi# HKou see ho$ sick I a% I ha(e uch property but ha(e no heir e*cept y only
daughter May I gi(e t$o thirds of y property in charityJHI He said# HDo%H I said# HHalf of itJH He said#
HDo%H I said HEne thirdJH He said# HEne third is too uch# for to lea(e your heirs rich is better than to
lea(e the poor# begging of others% Dothing you spend seeking Allah's pleasure but you shall get a
re$ard for it# e(en for $hat you put in the outh of your $ife%H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 4:<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
@hen Allah's Apostle $as on his death)bed and in the house there $ere soe people aong
$ho $as 'Uar bin Al)Khattab# the Prophet said# H9oe# let e $rite for you a stateent after
$hich you $ill not go astray%H 'Uar said# H&he Prophet is seriously ill and you ha(e the ,ur'anL so
the Book of Allah is enough for us%H &he people present in the house differed and Cuarrelled% Soe
said HAo near so that the Prophet ay $rite for you a stateent after $hich you $ill not go astray#H
$hile the others said as Uar said% @hen they caused a hue and cry before the Prophet# Allah's
Apostle said# HAo a$ayIH Darrated 'Ubaidullah: Ibn 'Abbas used to say# HIt $as (ery unfortunate that
Allah's Apostle $as pre(ented fro $riting that stateent for the because of their disagreeent
and noise%H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 4:2:
Darrated As)Sa'ib:
My aunt took e to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI My nephe$ is) ill%H &he Prophet
touched y head $ith his hand and in(oked Allah to bless e% He then perfored ablution and I
drank of the reaining $ater of his ablution and then stood behind his back and sa$ HKhata An)
Dubu$$aH !&he Seal of Prophethood" bet$een his shoulders like a button of a tent%
=olue : ) 0357 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 4:4:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HDone of you should $ish for death because of a calaity befalling hiL but if he
has to $ish for death# he should say: HE AllahI Keep e ali(e as long as life is better for e# and let
e die if death is better for e%' H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 4:5:
Darrated ,ais bin Abi Ha-i:
@e $ent to pay a (isit to Khabbab !$ho $as sick" and he had been branded !cauteri-ed" at se(en
places in his body% He said# HEur copanions $ho died !during the lifetie of the Prophet" left !this
$orld" $ithout ha(ing their re$ards reduced through en.oying the pleasures of this life# but $e
ha(e got !so uch" $ealth that $e find no $ay to spend It e*cept on the construction of buildings
Had the Prophet not forbidden us to $ish for death# I $ould ha(e $ished for it%' @e (isited hi for
the second tie $hile he $as building a $all% He said# A Musli is re$arded !in the Hereafter" for
$hate(er he spends e*cept for soething that he spends on building%H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 4:::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H&he good deeds of any person $ill not ake hi enter Paradise%H
!i%e%# Done can enter Paradise through his good deeds%" &hey !the Prophet's copanions" said# 'Dot
e(en you# E Allah's ApostleJ' He said# HDot e(en yself# unless Allah besto$s His fa(or and ercy on
e%H So be oderate in your religious deeds and do the deeds that are $ithin your ability: and none
of you should $ish for death# for if he is a good doer# he ay increase his good deeds# and if he is an
e(il doer# he ay repent to Allah%H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 4:7:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I heard the Prophet # $ho $as resting against e# saying# HE AllahI +*cuse e and besto$ Kour
Mercy on e and let e .oin $ith the highest copanions !in Paradise"%H See ,ur'an !2%51"
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 4:1:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue : ) 0351 ? 0:66
@hene(er Allah's Apostle paid a (isit to a patient# or a patient $as brought to hi# he used to in)
(oke Allah# saying# H&ake a$ay the disease# E the ;ord of the peopleI 9ure hi as Kou are the Ene
@ho cures% &here is no cure but Kours# a cure that lea(es no disease%H
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 476:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
&he Prophet cae to e $hile I $as ill% He perfored ablution and thre$ the reaining $ater on
e !or said# HPour it on hi" H @hen I cae to y senses I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e no son or
father to be y heir# so ho$ $ill be y inheritanceJH &hen the =erse of inheritance $as re(ealed%
=olue :# Book :6# Duber 470:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen Allah's Apostle eigrated to Medina# Abu Bakr and Bilal had a fe(er% I entered upon the
and said# HE y fatherI Ho$ are youJ E BilalI Ho$ are youJH @hene(er Abu Bakr got the fe(er he
used to say# H+(erybody is staying ali(e $ith his people# yet death is nearer to hi than his shoe
laces%H And $hen fe(er deserted Bilal# he $ould recite !t$o poetic (erses": H@ould that I could stay
o(ernight in a (alley $herein I $ould be surrounded by Idhkhir and /alil !t$o kinds of good
selling grass"% @ould that one day I could drink of the $ater of Ma.inna# and $ould that Shaa
and &afil !t$o ountains at Mecca" $ould appear to eIH I $ent to Allah's Apostle and infored
hi about that% He said# HE AllahI Make us lo(e Medina as uch or ore than $e lo(e Mecca# and
ake it healthy# and bless its Sa and its Mudd# and take a$ay its fe(er and put it in Al)/uhfa%H !See
Hadith Do 447" %
=olue : ) 03:6 ? 0:66
Book :0: Medicine
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 473:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&here is no disease that Allah has created# e*cept that He also has created its
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 47<:
Darrated Rubai bint Mu'adh bin Afra:
@e used to go for Military e*peditions along $ith Allah's Apostle and pro(ide the people $ith $a)
ter# ser(e the and bring the dead and the $ounded back to Medina%
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 472:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
!&he Prophet said"# HHealing is in three things: A gulp of honey# cupping# and branding $ith fire
!cauteri-ing"%H But I forbid y follo$ers to use !cauteri-ation" branding $ith fire%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 474:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HHealing is in three things: cupping# a gulp of honey or cauteri-ation# !branding
$ith fire" but I forbid y follo$ers to use cauteri-ation !branding $ith fire"%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 475:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to like s$eet edible things and honey%
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 47::
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
I heard the Prophet saying# HIf there is any healing in your edicines# then it is in cupping# a gulp
of honey or branding $ith fire !cauteri-ation" that suits the ailent# but I don't like to be !cauteri-ed"
branded $ith fire%H
=olue : ) 03:0 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 477:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
A an cae to the Prophet and said# HMy brother has soe abdoinal trouble%H &he Prophet said
to hi H;et hi drink honey%H &he an cae for the second tie and the Prophet said to hi# ';et
hi drink honey%H He cae for the third tie and the Prophet said# H;et hi drink honey%H He re)
turned again and said# HI ha(e done that ' &he Prophet then said# HAllah has said the truth# but your
brother's abdoen has told a lie% ;et hi drink honey%H So he ade hi drink honey and he $as
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 471:
Darrated Anas:
Soe people $ere sick and they said# HE Allah's ApostleI Ai(e us shelter and food% So $hen they
becae healthy they said# H&he $eather of Medina is not suitable for us%H So he sent the to Al)Harra
$ith soe she)caels of his and said# H8rink of their ilk%H But $hen they becae healthy# they
killed the shepherd of the Prophet and dro(e a$ay his caels% &he Prophet sent soe people in their
pursuit% &hen he got their hands and feet cut and their eyes $ere branded $ith heated pieces of iron%
I sa$ one of the licking the earth $ith his tongue till he died%
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 416:
Darrated Anas:
&he cliate of Medina did not suit soe people# so the Prophet ordered the to follo$ his shep)
herd# i%e% his caels# and drink their ilk and urine !as a edicine"% So they follo$ed the shepherd
that is the caels and drank their ilk and urine till their bodies becae healthy% &hen they killed
the shepherd and dro(e a$ay the caels% @hen the ne$s reached the Prophet he sent soe people
in their pursuit% @hen they $ere brought# he cut their hands and feet and their eyes $ere branded
$ith heated pieces of iron%
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 410:
Darrated Khalid bin Sad:
@e $ent out and Ahalib bin $as accopanying us% He fell ill on the $ay and $hen $e ar)
ri(ed at Medina he $as still sick% Ibn Abi 'AtiC cae to (isit hi and said to us# H&reat hi $ith black
cuin% &ake fi(e or se(en seeds and crush the !i* the po$der $ith oil" and drop the resulting
i*ture into both nostrils# for 'Aisha has narrated to e that she heard the Prophet saying# '&his
black cuin is healing for all diseases e*cept As)Sa%' Aisha said# '@hat is As)SaJ' He said# '8eath%H
=olue : ) 03:3 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 413:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H&here is healing in black cuin for all diseases e*cept death%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 41<:
Darrated 'Ursa:
Aisha used to recoend At)&albina for the sick and for such a person as grie(ed o(er a dead
person% She used to say# HI heard Allah's Apostle saying# 'At)&albina gi(es rest to the heart of the pa)
tient and akes it acti(e and relie(es soe of his sorro$ and grief%' H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 412:
Darrated Hisha's father:
'Aisha used to recoend At)&albina and used to say# HIt is disliked !by the patient" although it is
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 414:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet $as cupped and he paid the $ages to the one $ho had cupped hi and then took
Su'ut !Medicine sniffed by nose"%
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 415:
Darrated U ,ais bint Mihsan:
I heard the Prophet saying# H&reat $ith the Indian incense# for it has healing for se(en diseasesL it is
to be sniffed by one ha(ing throat trouble# and to be put into one side of the outh of one suffering
fro pleurisy%H Ence I $ent to Allah's Apostle $ith a son of ine $ho $ould not eat any food# and
the boy passed urine on hi $hereupon he asked for soe $ater and sprinkled it o(er the place of
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 41::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet $as cupped $hile he $as fasting%
=olue : ) 03:< ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 417:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet $as cupped $hile he $as in a state of Ihra%
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 411:
Darrated Anas:
that he $as asked about the $ages of the one $ho cups others% He said# 'Allah's Apostle $as
cupped by Abd &aiba# to $ho he ga(e t$o Sa of food and interceded for hi $ith his asters $ho
conseCuently reduced $hat they used to charge hi daily% &hen the Prophet s said# H&he best edi)
cines you ay treat yoursel(es $ith are cupping and sea incense%' He added# HKou should not torture
your children by treating tonsillitis by pressing the tonsils or the palate $ith the finger# but use in)
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 566:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
that he paid Al)MuCanna a (isit during his illness and said# HI $ill not lea(e till he gets cupped# for
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H&here is healing in cupping%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 560:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Buhaina:
Allah's Apostle $as cupped on the iddle of his head at ;ahl /aal on his $ay to Mecca $hile he
$as in a state of Ihra% Darrated Ibn 'Abbas: Allah's Apostle $as cupped on his head%
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 563:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet $as cupped on his head for an ailent he $as suffering fro $hile he $as in a state
of Ihra% at a $ater place called ;ahl /aal% Ibn 'Abbas further said: Allah s Apostle $as cupped on
his head for unilateral headache $hile he $as in a state of Ihra %
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 56<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
I heard the Prophet saying# HIf there is any good in your edicines# then it is in a gulp of honey# a
cupping operation# or branding !cauteri-ation"# but I do not like to be !cauteri-ed" branded%
=olue : ) 03:2 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 562:
Darrated Ka'b bin U.rah:
&he Prophet cae to e during the period of Al)Hudaibiya# $hile I $as lighting fire underneath a
cooking pot and lice $ere falling do$n y head% He said# H8o your lice hurt yourJH I said# HKes%H He
said# HSha(e your head and fast for three days or feed si* poor persons or slaughter a sheep as a sac)
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 564:
Darrated /abir:
&he Prophet said# HIf there is any healing in your edicines then it is a cupping operation# or
branding !cauteri-ation"# but I do not like to be !cauteri-ed" branded%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 565:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle said# 'Dations $ere displayed before eL one or t$o prophets $ould pass by along
$ith a fe$ follo$ers% A prophet $ould pass by accopanied by nobody% &hen a big cro$d of people
passed in front of e and I asked# @ho are they Are they y follo$ersJH It $as said# 'Do% It is Moses
and his follo$ers It $as said to e# ';ook at the hori-on%'' BeholdI &here $as a ultitude of people
filling the hori-on% &hen it $as said to e# ';ook there and there about the stretching skyI BeholdI
&here $as a ultitude filling the hori-on#' It $as said to e# '&his is your nation out of $ho se(enty
thousand shall enter Paradise $ithout reckoning%' H&hen the Prophet entered his house $ithout
telling his copanions $ho they !the :6#666" $ere% So the people started talking about the issue and
said# HIt is $e $ho ha(e belie(ed in Allah and follo$ed His ApostleL therefore those people are either
oursel(es or our children $ho are born the Islaic era# for $e $ere born in the Pre)lslaic Peri)
od of Ignorance%'' @hen the Prophet heard of that# he cae out and said% H&hose people are those $ho
do not treat thesel(es $ith RuCya# nor do they belie(e in bad or good oen !fro birds etc%" nor do
they get thesel(es branded !9auteri-ed"% but they put their trust !only" in their ;ord H En that
'Ukasha bin Muhsin said% HA I one of the# E Allah's ApostleJ' &he Prophet said# HKes%H &hen another
person got up and said# HA I one of theJH &he Prophet said# 'Ukasha has anticipated you%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 56::
Darrated U Salaa:
&he husband of a lady died and her eyes becae sore and the people entioned her story to the
Prophet &hey asked hi $hether it $as perissible for her to use kohl as her eyes $ere e*posed to
danger% He said# HPre(iously# $hen one of you $as berea(ed by a husband she $ould stay in her dirty
=olue : ) 03:4 ? 0:66
clothes in a bad unhealthy house !for one year"# and $hen a dog passed by# she $ould thro$ a globe
of dung% Do# !she should obser(e the prescribed period Idda" for four onths and ten days%'
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 567:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# '!&here is" no 'Ad$a !no contagious disease is con(eyed $ithout Allah's per)
ission"% nor is there any bad oen !fro birds"# nor is there any Haah# nor is there any bad oen
in the onth of Safar# and one should run a$ay fro the leper as one runs a$ay fro a lion ''
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 561:
Darrated Said bin Faid:
I heard the Prophet saying# H&ruffles are like Manna !i%e% they gro$ naturally $ithout an's care"
and their $ater heals eye diseases%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 506:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas and 'Aisha:
Abu Bakr kissed !the forehead of" the Prophet $hen he $as dead% 'Aisha added: @e put edicine
in one side of his outh but he started $a(ing us not to insert the edicine into his outh% @e said#
HHe dislikes the edicine as a patient usually does%H But $hen he cae to his senses he said# H8id I not
forbid you to put edicine !by force" in the side of y outhJH @e said# H@e thought it $as .ust be)
cause a patient usually dislikes edicine%H He said# HDone of those $ho are in the house but $ill be
forced to take edicine in the side of his outh $hile I a $atching# e*cept Al)'Abbas# for he had
not $itnessed your deed%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 500:
Darrated U ,ais:
I $ent to Allah's Apostle along $ith a a son of ine $hose palate and tonsils I had pressed $ith
y finger as a treatent for a !throat and tonsil" disease% &he Prophet said# H@hy do you pain your
children by pressing their throatsI Use Ud Al)Hindi !certain Indian incense" for it cures se(en dis)
eases# one of $hich is pleurisy% It is used as a snuff for treating throat and tonsil disease and it is in)
serted into one side of the outh of one suffering fro pleurisy%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 503:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue : ) 03:5 ? 0:66
!the $ife of the Prophet"
@hen the health of Allah's Apostle deteriorated and his condition becae serious# he asked the
perission of all his $i(es to allo$ hi to be treated In y house# and they allo$ed hi% He cae
out# supported by t$o en and his legs $ere dragging on the ground bet$een Abbas and another
an% !&he sub)narrator told Ibn 'Abbas $ho said: 8o you kno$ $ho $as the other an $ho 'Aisha
did not entionJ &he sub)narrator said: Do% Ibn Abbas said: It $as 'Ali%" 'Aisha added: @hen the
Prophet entered y house and his disease becae aggra(ated# he said# HPour on e se(en $ater skins
full of $ater !the tying ribbons of $hich had not been untied" so that I ay gi(e soe ad(ice to the
people%H So $e ade hi sit in a tub belonging to Hafsa# the $ife of the Prophet and started pouring
$ater on hi fro those $ater skins till he $a(ed us to stop% &hen he $ent out to the people and led
the in prayer and deli(ered a speech before the%
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 50<:
Darrated U ,ais :
that she took to Allah's Apostle one of her sons $hose palate and tonsils she had pressed because
he had throat trouble% &he Prophet said# H@hy do you pain your children by getting the palate
pressed like thatJ Use the Ud Al)Hindi !certain Indian incense" for it cures se(en diseases one of
$hich is pleurisy%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 502:
Darrated Abu Said:
A an cae to the prophet and said# 'My brother has got loose otions% &he Prophet said# ;et hi
drink honey%H &he an again !cae" and said# 'I ade hi drink !honey" but that ade hi $orse%'
&he Prophet said# 'Allah has said the &ruth# and the abdoen of your brother has told a lie%H !See
Hadith Do% 77"
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 504:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# '&here is no 'Adha !no disease is con(eyed fro the sick to the healthy $ithout
Allah's perission"# nor Safar# nor Haa%H A bedouin stood up and said# H&hen $hat about y
caelsJ &hey are like deer on the sand# but $hen a angy cael coes and i*es $ith the# they
all get infected $ith angy%H &he Prophet said# H&hen $ho con(eyed the !ange" disease to the first
=olue : ) 03:: ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 505:
Darrated U Eais:
that she took to Allah's Apostle one of her sons $hose palate and tonsils she had pressed to treat a
throat trouble% &he Prophet said# HBe afraid of AllahI @hy do you pain your children by ha(ing their
tonsils pressed like thatJ Use the Ud Al)Hindi !a certain Indian incense" for it cures se(en diseases#
one of $hich is pleurisy%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 50::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle allo$ed one of the Ansar failies to treat persons $ho ha(e taken poison and also
$ho are suffering fro ear ailent $ith RuCya% Anas added: I got yself branded cauteri-ed" for
pleurisy# $hen Allah's Apostle $as still ali(e% Abu &alha# Anas bin An)Dadr and Faid bin &habit $it)
nessed that# and it $as Abu &alha $ho branded !cauteri-ed" e%
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 507:
Darrated Sahl bin Saud As)Sa'idi:
@hen the helet broke on the head of the Prophet and his face becae co(ered $ith blood and
his incisor tooth broke !i%e% during the battle of Uhud"# 'Ali used to bring $ater in his shield $hile
Batia $as $ashing the blood off his face% @hen Batia sa$ that the bleeding increased because of
the $ater# she took a at !of pal lea(es"# burnt it# and stuck it !the burnt ashes" on the $ound of
Allah's Apostle# $hereupon the bleeding stopped%
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 501:
Darrated Da-i':
Abdullah bin 'Uar said# H&he Prophet said# 'Be(er is fro the heat of Hell# so put it out !cool it"
$ith $ater%' H Dafi' added: 'Abdullah used to say# HE AllahI Relie(e us fro the punishent#H !$hen he
suffered fro fe(er"%
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 536:
Darrated Batia bint Al)Mundhir:
@hene(er a lady suffering fro fe(er $as brought to Asa' bint Abu Bakr# she used to in(oke Al)
lah for her and then sprinkle soe $ater on her body# at the chest and say# HAllah's Apostle used to
order us to abate fe(er $ith $ater%H
=olue : ) 03:7 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 530:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# HBe(er is fro the heat of Hell# so abate fe(er $ith $ater%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 533:
Darrated Rafi bin Khadi.:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HBe(er is fro the heat of Hell# so abate fe(er $ith $ater%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 53<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Soe people fro the tribes of 'Ukl and 'Uraina cae to Allah's Apostle and ebraced Isla and
said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e are o$ners of li(estock and ha(e ne(er been farers#H and they found
the cliate of Medina unsuitable for the% So Allah's Apostle ordered that they be gi(en soe caels
and a shepherd# and ordered the to go out $ith those caels and drink their ilk and urine% So
they set out# but $hen they reached a place called Al)Harra# they re(erted to disbelief after their
con(ersion to Isla# killed the shepherd and dro(e a$ay the caels% @hen this ne$s reached the
Prophet he sent in their pursuit !and they $ere caught and brought"% &he Prophet ordered that their
eyes be branded $ith heated iron bars and their hands be cut off# and they $ere left at Al)Harra till
they died in that state%
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 532:
Darrated Saud:
&he Prophet said# HIf you hear of an outbreak of plague in a land# do not enter itL but if the plague
breaks out in a place $hile you are in it# do not lea(e that place%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 534:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
'Uar bin Al)Khattab departed for Sha and $hen he reached Sargh# the coanders of the
!Musli" ary# Abu 'Ubaida bin Al)/arrah and his copanions et hi and told hi that an epi)
deic had broken out in Sha% 'Uar said# H9all for e the early eigrants%H So 'Uar called the#
consulted the and infored the that an epideic had broken out in Sha% &hose people differed
in their opinions% Soe of the said# H@e ha(e coe out for a purpose and $e do not think that it is
proper to gi(e it up#H $hile others said !to 'Uar"# HKou ha(e along $ith you% other people and the
copanions of Allah's Apostle so do not ad(ise that $e take the to this epideic%H 'Uar said to
=olue : ) 03:1 ? 0:66
the# H;ea(e e no$%H &hen he said# H9all the Ansar for e%H I called the and he consulted the and
they follo$ed the $ay of the eigrants and differed as they did% He then said to the# ;ea(e e
no$#H and added# H9all for e the old people of ,uraish $ho eigrated in the year of the 9onCuest
of Mecca%H I called the and they ga(e a unanious opinion saying# H@e ad(ise that you should re)
turn $ith the people and do not take the to that !place" of epideic%H So 'Uar ade an announce)
ent# HI $ill ride back to Medina in the orning# so you should do the sae%H Abu 'Ubaida bin Al)
/arrah said !to 'Uar"# HAre you running a$ay fro $hat Allah had ordainedJH 'Uar said# H@ould
that soeone else had said such a thing# E Abu 'UbaidaI Kes# $e are running fro $hat Allah had
ordained to $hat Allah has ordained% 8on't you agree that if you had caels that $ent do$n a (alley
ha(ing t$o places# one green and the other dry# you $ould gra-e the on the green one only if Allah
had ordained that# and you $ould gra-e the on the dry one only if Allah had ordained thatJH At
that tie 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf# $ho had been absent because of soe .ob# cae and said# HI ha(e
soe kno$ledge about this% I ha(e heard Allah's Apostle saying# 'If you hear about it !an outbreak of
plague" in a land# do not go to itL but if plague breaks out in a country $here you are staying# do not
run a$ay fro it%' H 'Uar thanked Allah and returned to Medina%
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 535:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Air
'Uar $ent to Sha and $hen h ached Sargh# he got the ne$s that an epideic !of plague" had
broken out in Sha% 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf told hi that Allah's Apostle said# HIf you hear that it
!plague" has broken out in a land# do not go to itL but if it breaks out in a land $here you are present#
do not go out escaping fro it%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 53::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HDeither Messiah !Ad)" nor plague $ill enter Medina%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 537:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# H!8eath fro" plague is artyrdo for e(ery Musli%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 531:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HHe !a Musli" $ho dies of an abdoinal disease is a a artyr# and he $ho dies
of plague is a artyr%H
=olue : ) 0376 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 5<6:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" that she asked Allah's Apostle about plague# and Allah's Apostle infored
her saying# HPlague $as a punishent $hich Allah used to send on $ho He $ished# but Allah ade
it a blessing for the belie(ers% Done !aong the belie(ers" reains patient in a land in $hich plague
has broken out and considers that nothing $ill befall hi e*cept $hat Allah has ordained for hi#
but that Allah $ill grant hi a re$ard siilar to that of a artyr%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 5<0:
Darrated 'Aisha:
8uring the Prophet's fatal illness# he used to recite the Mu'au$idhat !Surat An)Das and Surat Al)
BalaC" and then blo$ his breath o(er his body% @hen his illness $as aggra(ated# I used to recite those
t$o Suras and blo$ y breath o(er hi and ake hi rub his body $ith his o$n hand for its bless)
ings%H !Ma'ar asked A-)Fuhri: Ho$ did the Prophet use to blo$J A-)Fuhri said: He used to blo$ on
his hands and then passed the o(er his face%"
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 5<3:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Soe of the copanions of the Prophet cae across a tribe aongst the tribes of the Arabs# and
that tribe did not entertain the% @hile they $ere in that state# the chief of that tribe $as bitten by a
snake !or stung by a scorpion"% &hey said# !to the copanions of the Prophet "# HHa(e you got any
edicine $ith you or anybody $ho can treat $ith RuCyaJH &he Prophet's copanions said# HKou re)
fuse to entertain us# so $e $ill not treat !your chief" unless you pay us for it%H So they agreed to pay
the a flock of sheep% Ene of the !the Prophet's copanions" started reciting Surat)al)Batiha and
gathering his sali(a and spitting it !at the snake)bite"% &he patient got cured and his people presented
the sheep to the# but they said# H@e $ill not take it unless $e ask the Prophet !$hether it is la$ful"%H
@hen they asked hi# he siled and said# HHo$ do you kno$ that Surat)al)Batiha is a RuCyaJ &ake
it !flock of sheep" and assign a share for e%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 5<<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Soe of the copanions of the Prophet passed by soe people staying at a place $here there $as
$ater# and one of those people had been stung by a scorpion% A an fro those staying near the $a)
ter# cae and said to the copanions of the Prophet# HIs there anyone aong you $ho can do RuCya
as near the $ater there is a person $ho has been stung by a scorpion%H So one of the Prophet's co)
=olue : ) 0370 ? 0:66
panions $ent to hi and recited Surat)al)Batiha for a sheep as his fees% &he patient got cured and
the an brought the sheep to his copanions $ho disliked that and said# HKou ha(e taken $ages for
reciting Allah's Book%H @hen they arri(ed at Medina# they said# ' E Allah's ApostleI !&his person" has
taken $ages for reciting Allah's BookH En that Allah's Apostle said# HKou are ost entitled to take
$ages for doing a RuCya $ith Allah's Book%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 5<2:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet ordered e or soebody else to do RuCya !if there $as danger" fro an e(il eye%
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 5<4:
Darrated U Salaa:
that the Prophet sa$ in her house a girl $hose face had a black spot% He said% HShe is under the ef)
fect of an e(il eyeL so treat her $ith a RuCya%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 5<5:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he effect of an e(il eye is a fact%H And he prohibited tattooing
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 5<::
Darrated Al)As$ad:
I asked 'Aisha about treating poisonous stings !a snake)bite or a scorpion sting" $ith a RuCya% She
said# H&he Prophet allo$ed the treatent of poisonous sting $ith RuCya%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 5<7:
Darrated 'Abdul 'A-i-:
&habit and I $ent to Anas bin Malik% &habit said# HE Abu Ha-aI I a sick%H En that Anas said#
HShall I treat you $ith the RuCya of Allah's ApostleJH &habit said# HKes#H Anas recited# HE AllahI &he
;ord of the people# the Reo(er of troubleI !Please" cure !Heal" !this patient"# for Kou are the Healer%
Done brings about healing but KouL a healing that $ill lea(e behind no ailent%H
=olue : ) 0373 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 5<1:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to treat soe of his $i(es by passing his right hand o(er the place of ailent
and used to say# HE Allah# the ;ord of the peopleI Reo(e the trouble and heal the patient# for Kou
are the Healer% Do healing is of any a(ail but KoursL healing that $ill lea(e behind no ailent%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 526:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to treat $ith a RuCya saying# HE the ;ord of the peopleI Reo(e the trouble
&he cure is in Kour Hands# and there is none e*cept Kou $ho can reo(e it !the disease" % H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 520:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to say to the patient# HIn the Dae of Allah &he earth of our land and the sali(a
of soe of us cure our patient%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 523:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to read in his RuCya# HIn the Dae of AllahH &he earth of our land and the
sali(a of soe of us cure our patient $ith the perission of our ;ord%H $ith a slight sho$er of sali(a"
$hile treating $ith a RuCya%
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 52<:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
I heard the Prophet saying# HA good drea is fro Allah# and a bad drea is fro Satan% So if any)
one of you sees !in a drea" soething he dislikes# $hen he gets up he should blo$ thrice !on his
left side" and seek refuge $ith Allah fro its e(il for then it $ill not har hi%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 522:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle $ent to bed# he used to recite Surat)al)Ikhlas# Surat)al)BalaC and Surat)
an)Das and then blo$ on his pals and pass the o(er his face and those parts of his body that his
hands could reach% And $hen he fell ill# he used to order e to do like that for hi%
=olue : ) 037< ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 524:
Darrated Abu Said:
A group of the copanions of Allah's Apostle proceeded on a .ourney till they disounted near
one of the Arab tribes and reCuested the to entertain the as their guests# but they !the tribe
people" refused to entertain the% &hen the chief of that tribe $as bitten by a snake !or stung by a
scorpion" and he $as gi(en all sorts of treatent# but all in (ain% Soe of the said# H@ill you go to
the group !those tra(elers" $ho ha(e disounted near you and see if one of the has soething
usefulJH &hey cae to the and said# HE the groupI Eur leader has been bitten by a snake !or stung
by a scorpion" and $e ha(e treated hi $ith e(erything but nothing benefited hi Has anyone of
you anything usefulJH Ene of the replied# HKes# by Allah# I kno$ ho$ to treat $ith a RuCya% But% by
Allah# $e $anted you to recei(e us as your guests but you refused% I $ill not treat your patient $ith a
RuCya till you fi* for us soething as $ages%H 9onseCuently they agreed to gi(e those tra(ellers a
flock of sheep% &he an $ent $ith the !the people of the tribe" and started spitting !on the bite"
and reciting Surat)al)Batiha till the patient $as healed and started $alking as if he had not been
sick% @hen the tribe people paid the their $ages they had agreed upon# soe of the !the
Prophet's copanions" said# H8istribute !the sheep"%H But the one $ho treated $ith the RuCya said#
H8o not do that till $e go to Allah's Apostle and ention to hi $hat has happened# and see $hat he
$ill order us%H So they cae to Allah's Apostle and entioned the story to hi and he said# HHo$ do
you kno$ that Surat)al)Batiha is a RuCyaJ Kou ha(e done the right thing% 8i(ide !$hat you ha(e
got" and assign for e a share $ith you%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 525:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to treat soe of his $i(es by passing his right hand o(er the place of ailent
and used to say# HE ;ord of the peopleI Reo(e the difficulty and bring about healing as Kou are the
Healer% &here is no healing but Kour Healing# a healing that $ill lea(e no ailent%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 52::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet# during his fatal ailent used to blo$ !on his hands and pass the" o(er his body
$hile reciting the Mu'au$idhat !Surat)an)Das and Surat)al)BalaC"% @hen his disease got aggra()
ated# I used to recite the for hi and blo$ !on his hands" and let hi pass his hands o(er his body
because of its blessing% !Ma'ar asked Ibn Shihab: Ho$ did he use to do DafthJ He said: He used to
blo$ on his hands and then pass the o(er his face%"
=olue : ) 0372 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 527:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet once cae out to us and said# HSoe nations $ere displayed before e% A prophet
$ould pass in front of e $ith one an# and another $ith t$o en# and another $ith a group of
people% and another $ith nobody $ith hi% &hen I sa$ a great cro$d co(ering the hori-on and I
$ished that they $ere y follo$ers# but it $as said to e# '&his is Moses and his follo$ers%' &hen it
$as said to e# ';ook'' I looked and sa$ a big gathering $ith a large nuber of people co(ering the
hori-on% It $as said# H;ook this $ay and that $ay%' So I sa$ a big cro$d co(ering the hori-on% &hen it
$as said to e# H&hese are your follo$ers# and aong the there are :6#666 $ho $ill enter Paradise
$ithout !being asked about their" accounts% H &hen the people dispersed and the Prophet did not tell
$ho those :6#666 $ere% So the copanions of the Prophet started talking about that and soe of
the said# HAs regards us# $e $ere born in the era of heathenis# but then $e belie(ed in Allah and
His Apostle % @e think ho$e(er# that these !:6#666" are our offspring%H &hat talk reached the Prophet
$ho said# H&hese !:6#666" are the people $ho do not dra$ an e(il oen fro !birds" and do not get
treated by branding thesel(es and do not treat $ith RuCya# but put their trust !only" in their ;ord%H
then 'Ukasha bin Muhsin got up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI A I one of those !:6#666"JH &he
Prophet said# HKes%H &hen another person got up and said# HA I one of theJH &he Prophet said# H
'Ukasha has anticipated you%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 521:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here is neither 'Adha !no contagious disease is con(eyed to others $ithout
Allah's perission" nor &iyara# but an e(il oen ay be in three a $oan# a house or an anial%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 546:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H&here is no &iyara# and the best oen is the Bal%H &hey asked# H@hat
is the BalJH He said# HA good $ord that one of you hears !and takes as a good oen"%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 540:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&here is no &iyara and the best oen is the Bal#H Soebody said# H@hat is the Bal#
E Allah's ApostleJH He said# HA good $ord that one of you hears !and takes as a good oen"%H
=olue : ) 0374 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 543:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HDo 'Adha !no contagious disease is con(eyed to others $ithout Allah's peris)
sion"# nor &iyara# but I like the good Bal# i%e%# the good $ord%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 54<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&here is no 'Adha# nor &iyara# nor Haa# nor Safar%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 542:
Darrated Abu Huraira :
Allah's Apostle ga(e his (erdict about t$o ladies of the Hudhail tribe $ho had fought each other
and one of the had hit the other $ith a stone% &he stone hit her abdoen and as she $as pregnant#
the blo$ killed the child in her $ob% &hey both filed their case $ith the Prophet and he .udged that
the blood oney for $hat $as in her $ob% $as a sla(e or a feale sla(e% &he guardian of the lady
$ho $as fined said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall I be fined for a creature that has neither drunk nor
eaten# neither spoke nor criedJ A case like that should be nullified%H En that the Prophet said# H&his is
one of the brothers of soothsayers%
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 544:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&$o ladies !had a fight" and one of the hit the other $ith a stone on the abdoen and caused
her to abort% &he Prophet .udged that the (icti be gi(en either a sla(e or a feale sla(e !as blood)
oney"% Darrated Ibn Shihab: Said bin Al)Musayyab said# HAllah's Apostle .udged that in case of child
killed in the $ob of its other# the offender should gi(e the other a sla(e or a feale sla(e in re)
copense &he offender said# Ho$ can I be fined for killing one $ho neither ate nor drank# neither
spoke nor cried: a case like that should be denied ' En that Allah's Apostle said 'He is one of the
brothers of the foretellers
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 545:
Darrated Abu Mas'ud:
&he Prophet forbade the utili-ation of the price of a dog# the earnings of prostitute and the earn)
ings of a foreteller
=olue : ) 0375 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 54::
Darrated 'Aisha:
Soe people asked Allah's Apostle about the fore)tellers He said% ' &hey are nothingH &hey said# 'E
Allah's ApostleI Soeties they tell us of a thing $hich turns out to be true%H Allah's Apostle said# HA
/inn snatches that true $ord and pours it Into the ear of his friend !the fore)teller" !as one puts
soething into a bottle" &he foreteller then i*es $ith that $ord one hundred lies%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 547:
Darrated 'Aisha:
A an called ;abid bin al)A'sa fro the tribe of Bani FaraiC $orked agic on Allah's Apostle till
Allah's Apostle started iagining that he had done a thing that he had not really done% Ene day or
one night he $as $ith us# he in(oked Allah and in(oked for a long period# and then said# HE 'AishaI
8o you kno$ that Allah has instructed e concerning the atter I ha(e asked hi aboutJ &$o en
cae to e and one of the sat near y head and the other near y feet% Ene of the said to his
copanion# H@hat is the disease of this anJH &he other replied# HHe is under the effect of agic%'
&he first one asked# '@ho has $orked the agic on hiJ' &he other replied# H;abid bin Al)A'sa%' &he
first one asked# '@hat aterial did he useJ' &he other replied# 'A cob and the hairs stuck to it and
the skin of pollen of a ale date pal%' &he first one asked# '@here is thatJ' &he other replied# '!&hat
is" in the $ell of 8har$anL' H So Allah's Apostle along $ith soe of his copanions $ent there and
cae back saying# HE 'Aisha# the color of its $ater is like the infusion of Henna lea(es% &he tops of the
date)pal trees near it are like the heads of the de(ils%H I asked% HE Allah's ApostleJ @hy did you not
sho$ it !to the people"JH He said# HSince Allah cured e# I disliked to let e(il spread aong the
people%H &hen he ordered that the $ell be filled up $ith earth%
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 541:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HA(oid the MubiCat# i%e%# shirk and $itchcraft%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 556:
Darrated Aisha:
Magic $as $orked on Allah's Apostle so that he used to think that he had se*ual relations $ith his
$i(es $hile he actually had not !Sufyan said: &hat is the hardest kind of agic as it has such an ef)
fect"% &hen one day he said# HE 'Aisha do you kno$ that Allah has instructed e concerning the at)
ter I asked Hi aboutJ &$o en cae to e and one of the sat near y head and the other sat
near y feet% &he one near y head asked the other% @hat is $rong $ith this anJ' &he latter
=olue : ) 037: ? 0:66
replied the is under the effect of agic &he first one asked# @ho has $orked agic on hiJ' &he
other replied ;abid bin Al)A'sa# a an fro Bani FuraiC $ho $as an ally of the /e$s and $as a
hypocrite%' &he first one asked# @hat aterial did he use"J' &he other replied# 'A cob and the hair
stuck to it%' &he first one asked# '@here !is that"J' &he other replied% 'In a skin of pollen of a ale date
pal tree kept under a stone in the $ell of 8har$an' '' So the Prophet $ent to that $ell and took out
those things and said H&hat $as the $ell $hich $as sho$n to e !in a drea" Its $ater looked like
the infusion of Henna lea(es and its date)pal trees looked like the heads of de(ils%H &he Prophet ad)
ded# H&hen that thing $as taken out' I said !to the Prophet " H@hy do you not treat yourself $ith
DashraJH He said# HAllah has cured eL I dislike to let e(il spread aong y people%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 550:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Magic $as $orked on Allah's Apostle so that he began to iagine that he had done soething al)
though he had not% Ene day $hile he $as $ith e# he in(oked Allah and in(oked for a long period
and then said# HE 'AishaI 8o you kno$ that Allah has instructed e regarding the atter I asked Hi
aboutJH I asked# H@hat is that# E Allah's ApostleJH He said# H&$o en cae to eL one of the sat
near y head and the other sat near y feet% Ene of the asked his copanion# '@hat is the disease
of this anJ' &he other replied# 'He is under the effect of agic%' &he first one asked# '@ho has
$orked agic on hiJH &he other replied# ';abid bin A'sa# a /e$ fro the tribe of Bani FuraiC%' &he
!first one asked"# '@ith $hat has it been doneJ' &he other replied# '@ith a a cob and the hair stuck
to it and a skin of the pollen of a ale datepal tree%' &he first one asked# '@here is itJ' &he other
replied# 'In the $ell of 8har$an%' &hen the Prophet $ent along $ith soe of his copanions to that
$ell and looked at that and there $ere date pals near to it% &hen he returned to e and said# 'By
Allah the $ater of that $ell $as !red" like the infusion of Henna lea(es and its date)pals $ere like
the heads of de(ilsH I said# E Allah's ApostleI 8id you take those aterials out of the pollen skinJH He
said# 'DoI As for e Allah has healed e and cured e and I $as afraid that !by Sho$ing that to the
people" I $ould spread e(il aong the $hen he ordered that the $ell be filled up $ith earth# and it
$as filled up $ith earth H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 553:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
&$o en cae fro the +ast and addressed the people $ho $ondered at their eloCuent speeches
En that Allah's Apostle said% Soe eloCuent speech is as effecti(e as agic%'
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 55<:
Darrated Saud:
=olue : ) 0377 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HIf soebody takes soe 'A.$a dates e(ery orning# he $ill not be effected by
poison or agic on that day till night%H !Another narrator said se(en dates"%
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 552:
Darrated Saud:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HIf Soebody takes se(en 'A.$a dates in the orning# neither agic
nor poison $ill hurt hi that day%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 554o:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# 'Do 'Adha !i%e% no contagious disease is con(eyed to others $ithout Allah's per)
ission"L nor !any e(il oen the onth of" SafarL nor HaaH A bedouin said# HE Allah's ApostleI
@hat about the caels $hich# $hen on the sand !desert" look like deers# but $hen a angy cael
i*es $ith the they all get infected $ith angeJH En that Allah s Apostle said# H&hen $ho con)
(eyed the !ange" disease to the first !angy" caelJH
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 554e:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said: &he cattle !sheep# co$s# caels# etc%" suffering fro a disease should not be
i*ed up $ith healthy cattle# !or said: H8o not put a patient $ith a healthy person "% H !as a precau)
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 555:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# Hthere is neither 'Adha nor &iyara# and an e(il oen is only in three: a horse# a
$oan and a house%H !See the foot)note of Hadith Do% 521"
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 55::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HDo 'Adha%H Abu Huraira also said: &he Prophet said# H&he cattle suffering fro
a disease should not be i*ed up $ith healthy cattle !or said H8o not put a patient $ith a healthy
person as a precaution%H" Abu Huraira also said: Allah's Apostle said# HDo 'Adha%H A bedouin got up
and said# H8on't you see ho$ caels on the sand look like deer but $hen a angy cael i*es $ith
=olue : ) 0371 ? 0:66
the# they all get infected $ith angeJH En that the Prophet said# H&hen $ho con(eyed the !ange"
disease to the first caelJH
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 557:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HDo 'Adha nor &iyaraL but I like Bal%H &hey said# H@hat is the BalJH He said# HA good
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 551:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hen Khaibar $as conCuered# Allah's Apostle $as presented $ith a poisoned !roasted" sheep% Al)
lah's Apostle said# H9ollect for e all the /e$s present in this area%H !@hen they $ere gathered" Allah's
Apostle said to the# HI a going to ask you about soethingL $ill you tell e the truthJH &hey
replied# HKes# E Abal),asiIH Allah's Apostle said to the# H@ho is your fatherJH &hey said# HEur
father is so)and)so%H Allah's Apostle said# HKou ha(e told a lie% for your father is so)and)so#H &hey said#
HDo doubt# you ha(e said the truth and done the correct thing%H He again said to the# HIf I ask you
about soethingL $ill you tell e the truthJH &hey replied# HKes# E Abal),asiI And if $e should tell
a lie you $ill kno$ it as you ha(e kno$n it regarding our father#H Allah's Apostle then asked# H@ho
are the people of the !Hell" BireJH &hey replied# H@e $ill reain in the !Hell" Bire for a $hile and
then you !Muslis" $ill replace us in itH Allah's Apostle said to the% ''Kou $ill abide in it $ith igno)
iny% By Allah# $e shall ne(er replace you in it at all%H &hen he asked the again# HIf I ask you soe)
thing# $ill you tell e the truthJH &hey replied# HKes%H He asked% HHa(e you put the poison in this roas)
ted sheepJH &hey replied# HKes#H He asked# H@hat ade you do thatJH &hey replied# H@e intended to
learn if you $ere a liar in $hich case $e $ould be relie(ed fro you# and if you $ere a prophet
then it $ould not har you%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 5:6:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er purposely thro$s hiself fro a ountain and kills hiself# $ill be
in the !Hell" Bire falling do$n into it and abiding therein perpetually fore(erL and $hoe(er drinks
poison and kills hiself $ith it# he $ill be carrying his poison in his hand and drinking it in the
!Hell" Bire $herein he $ill abide eternally fore(erL and $hoe(er kills hiself $ith an iron $eapon#
$ill be carrying that $eapon in his hand and stabbing his abdoen $ith it in the !Hell" Bire $herein
he $ill abide eternally fore(er%H
=olue : ) 0316 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 5:0:
Darrated Sad:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H@hoe(er takes se(en 'A.$a dates in the orning $ill not be ef)
fected by agic or poison on that day%H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 5:3:
Darrated Abu &ha'laba Al)Khushani:
&he Prophet forbade the eating of $ild anials ha(ing fangs% !A-)Fuhri said: I did not hear this
narration e*cept $hen I $ent to Sha%" Al);aith said: Darrated Kunus: I asked Ibn Shihab# HMay $e
perfor the ablution $ith the ilk of she)asses or drink it# or drink the bile of $ild anials or urine
of caelsJH He replied# H&he Muslis used to treat thesel(es $ith that and did not see any har in
it% As for the ilk of she)asses# $e ha(e learnt that Allah's Apostle forbade the eating of their eat#
but $e ha(e not recei(ed any inforation $hether drinking of their ilk is allo$ed or forbidden%H
As for the bile of $ild anials# Ibn Shihab said# HAbu Idris Al)Khaulani told e that Allah's Apostle
forbade the eating of the flesh of e(ery $ild beast ha(ing fangs % H
=olue :# Book :0# Duber 5:<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf a fly falls in the (essel of any of you# let hi dip all of it !into the (essel" and
then thro$ it a$ay# for in one of its $ings there is a disease and in the other there is healing !anti)
dote for it" i e% the treatent for that disease%H
=olue : ) 0310 ? 0:66
Book :3: 8ress
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 5:2:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# 'Allah $ill not look at the person $ho drags his garent !behind hi" out of
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 5:4:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he Prophet said Allah $ill not look# on the 8ay of Resurrection at the person $ho drags his gar)
ent !behind hi" out of conceit% En that Abu Bakr said# HE Allah's ApostleI Ene side of y I-ar
hangs lo$ if I do not take care of it%H &he Prophet said# 'Kou are not one of those $ho do that out of
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 5:5:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
&he solar eclipse occurred $hile $e $ere sitting $ith the Prophet He got up dragging his garent
!on the ground" hurriedly till he reached the osCue &he people turned !to the osCue" and he
offered a t$o)Rak'at prayer $hereupon the eclipse $as o(er and he traced us and said# H&he sun and
the oon are t$o signs aong the signs of Allah# so if you see a thing like this !eclipse" then offer the
prayer and in(oke Allah till He reo(e that state#H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 5:::
Darrated Abu /uhaifa:
I sa$ Bilal bringing an 'An-a !a sall spear" and fi*ing it in the ground# and then he proclaied
the ICarna of the prayer# and I sa$ Allah's Apostle coing out# $earing a cloak $ith its slee(es rolled
up% He then offered a t$o)Rak'at prayer $hile facing the 'An-a# and I sa$ the people and anials
passing in front of hi beyond the 'An-a%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 5:7:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he part of an I-ar $hich hangs belo$ the ankles is in the Bire%H
=olue : ) 0313 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 5:1:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle# HAllah $ill not look# on the 8ay of Resurrection# at a person $ho drags his I-ar
!behind hi" out of pride and arrogance
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 576:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet !or 'Abul ,asi" said# H@hile a an $as $alking# clad in a t$o)piece garent and
proud of hiself $ith his hair $ell)cobed# suddenly Allah ade hi sink into the earth and he
$ill go on sinking into it till the 8ay of Resurrection%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 570:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hile a an $as dragging his I-ar on the ground !behind hi"# suddenly
Allah ade hi sink into the earth and he $ill go on sinking into it till the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 573:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
that he heard the Prophet !narrating as abo(e Do% 576"%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 57<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er drags his clothes !on the ground" out of pride and arrogance# Allah
$ill not look at hi on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 572:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet"
&he $ife of Rifa'a Al),ura-i cae to Allah's Apostle $hile I $as sitting# and Abu Bakr $as also
there% She said# 'E Allah s ApostleI I $as the $ife of Rifa'a and he di(orced e irre(ocably% &hen I
arried AbdurRahan bin A-)Fubair $ho# by Allah# E Allah's Apostle# has only soething like a
fringe of a garent# Sho$ing the fringe of her (eil% Khalid bin Sa'id# $ho $as standing at the door#
for he had not been aditted# heard her stateent and said# HE Abu BakrI @hy do you not stop this
=olue : ) 031< ? 0:66
lady fro saying such things openly before Allah's ApostleJH Do# by Allah# Allah's Apostle did nothing
but siled% &hen he said to the lady# HPerhaps you $ant to return to Rifa'aJ &hat is ipossible unless
'Abdur)Rahan consuates his arriage $ith you%H &hat becae the tradition after hi%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 574:
Darrated 'Ali:
&he Prophet asked for his Rida# put it on and set out $alking% Faid bin Haritha and I follo$ed hi
till he reached the house $here Harn-a !bin 'Abdul Muttalib" $as present and asked for perission
to enter# and they ga(e us perission%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 575:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
A an asked# HE Allah s Apostle @hat kind of clothes should a Muhri $earJH &he Prophet# said#
HA Muhri should not $ear a shirt# trousers a hooded cloak# or Khuffs !leather socks co(ering the
ankles" unless he cannot get sandals# in $hich case he should cut the part !of the Khuff" that co(ers
the ankles%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 57::
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
&he Prophet cae to (isit Abdullah bin Ubai !bin Salul" after he had been put in his gra(e% &he
Prophet ordered that 'Abdullah be taken out% He $as taken out and $as placed on the knees on the
knees of the Prophet# $ho ble$ his !blessed" breath on hi and dressed the body $ith his o$n shirt%
And Allah kno$s better%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 577:
Darrated Abdullah bin 'Uar:
@hen Abdullah bin Ubdi !bin Salul" died# his son cae to Allah's Apostle and said ' E Allah's
Apostle# gi(e e your shirt so that I ay shroud y fathers body in it% And please offer a funeral
prayer for hi and in(oke Allah for his forgi(eness%H &he Prophet ga(e hi his shirt and said to hi
'Infor us $hen you finish !and the funeral procession is ready" call us% @hen he had finished he
told the Prophet and the Prophet proceeded to order his funeral prayers but Uar stopped hi and
said# H8idn't Allah forbid you to offer the funeral prayer for the hypocrites $hen He said: H@hether
you !E Muhaad" ask forgi(eness for the or ask not forgi(eness for the: !and e(en" if you ask
forgi(eness for the se(enty ties% Allah $ill not forgi(e the%H !1%76" &hen there $as re(ealed:
=olue : ) 0312 ? 0:66
HAnd ne(er !E Muhaad" pray for any of the that dies# nor stand at his gra(e%H !1%<2" &hence)
forth the Prophet did not offer funeral prayers for the hypocrites%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 571:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle has set forth an e*aple for a iser and a charitable person by coparing the to
t$o en $earing t$o iron cloaks and their hands are raised to their breasts and necks% @hene(er
the charitable an tries to gi(e a charitable gift# his iron cloak e*pands till it becoes so $ide that it
$ill co(er his fingertips and obliterate his tracks And# $hene(er the iser $ants to gi(e a charitable
gift# his cloak becoes (ery tight o(er hi and e(ery ring gets stuck to its place Abu Huraira addedL I
sa$ Allah's Apostle putting his finger in the !chest" pocket of his shirt like that If you but sa$ hi
trying to $iden !the opening of his shirt" but it did not $iden
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 516:
Darrated Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba:
&he Prophet $ent to ans$er the call of nature# and $hen he returned# I et hi $ith $ater and
he perfored the ablution $hile he $as $earing a Sha# cloak% He rinsed his outh# put the $ater
in his nose and ble$ it out# $ashed his face and tried to take his hands out of his slee(es# but they
$ere too narro$# so he took out his hands fro under his chest and $ashed the and then passed
his $et hands o(er his head and Khuffs !leather socks" %
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 510:
Darrated Al)Mughira:
Ene night I $as $ith the Prophet on a .ourney% He asked !e"# HHa(e you got $ater $ith youJH I
replied# HKesH So he got do$n fro his she)cael and $ent a$ay till he disappeared in the darkness
of the night% &hen he cae back and I poured $ater for hi fro the pot !for the ablution"% He
$ashed his face and hands $hile he $as $earing a $oollen cloak !the slee(es of $hich $ere nar)
ro$"# so he could not take his ars out of it% So he took the out fro underneath the cloak% &hen he
$ashed his forears and passed his $et hands o(er his head% &hen I tried to take off his Khuffs# but
he said# H;ea(e the# for I ha(e perfored ablution before putting the on%H And so he passed his
$et hands o(er the
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 513:
Darrated Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa:
=olue : ) 0314 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle distributed soe ,aba's but he did not gi(e anything to Makhraa% Makhraa
said !to e"# HE y sonI ;et us go to Allah's Apostle%H So I proceeded $ith hi and he said# HAo in and
call hi 'or e%H So I called the Prophet for hi &he Prophet cae out to hi# $earing one of those
,aba's and said# !to Makhraa"# HI ha(e kept this for you H Makhraa looked at it and said#
HMakhraa is satisfied no$H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 51<:
Darrated 'UCba bin 'Air:
A silken Barru. $as presented to Allah's Apostle and he put it on and offered the prayer in it% @hen
he finished the prayer# he took it off (iolently as if he disliked it and said# H&his !garent" does not
befit those $ho fear AllahIH
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 512:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
A an said# HE Allah's Apostle% @hat type of clothes should a Muhri $ear Allah's Apostle replied#
'8o not $ear shirts# turbans trousers hooded cloaks or KhuffsL but if soeone cannot get sandals#
then he can $ear Khuffs after cutting the short belo$ the ankles% 8o not $ear clothes touched by
saffon or $ars !t$o kinds of perfues" H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 514:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er cannot get an I-ar# can $ear trousers# and $hoe(er cannot $ear san)
dals can $ear Khuffs%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 515:
Darrated Abdullah:
A an got up and said# E Allah's ApostleI @hat do you order us to $ear $hen $e assue the state
of IhraJH &he Prophet replied# H8o not $ear shirts# trousers# turbans# hooded cloaks or Khuffs# but if
a an has no sandals# he can $ear Khuffs after cutting the short belo$ the anklesL and do not
$ear clothes touched $ith !perfues" of saffron or $ars%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 51::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
=olue : ) 0315 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HA Muhri should not $ear a shirt# a turban# trousers# hooded cloaks# a garent
touched $ith !perfues" of saffron or $ars# or Khuffs e*cept if one has no sandals in $hich case he
should cut short the Khuffs belo$ the ankles%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 517:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Soe Musli en eigrated to +thiopia $hereupon Abu Bakr also prepared hiself for the
eigration# but the Prophet said !to hi"# H@ait# for I hope that Allah $ill allo$ e also to eigrate%H
Abu Bakr said# H;et y father and other be sacrificed for you% 8o you hope that !eigration"JH &he
Prophet said# 'Kes%H So Abu Bakr $aited to accopany the Prophet and fed t$o she)caels he had on
the lea(es of As)Saur tree regularly for four onths Ene day $hile $e $ere sitting in our house at
idday# soeone said to Abu Bakr# HHere is Allah's Apostle# coing $ith his head and a part of his
face co(ered $ith a cloth)co(ering at an hour he ne(er used to coe to us%H Abu Bakr said# H;et y
father and other be sacrificed for you# !E Prophet"I An urgent atter ust ha(e brought you here
at this hour%H &he Prophet cae and asked the perission to enter# and he $as allo$ed% &he Prophet
entered and said to Abu Bakr# H;et those $ho are $ith you# go out%H Abu Bakr replied# H!&here is no
stranger"L they are your faily% ;et y father be sacrificed for you# E Allah's ApostleIH &he Prophet
said# HI ha(e been allo$ed to lea(e !Mecca"%H Abu Bakr said# H I shall accopany you# E Allah's
Apostles# ;et y father be sacrificed for youIH &he Prophet said# HKes#H Abu Bakr said# 'E Allah's
ApostlesI ;et y father be sacrificed for you% &ake one of these t$o she)caels of ineH &he Prophet
said% I $ill take it only after paying its price%H So $e prepared their baggage and put their .ourney
food In a leather bag% And Asa' bint Abu Bakr cut a piece of her girdle and tied the outh of the
leather bag $ith it% &hat is $hy she $as called 8hat)an)DitaCaln% &hen the Prophet and Abu Bakr
$ent to a ca(e in a ountain called &hour and reained there for three nights% 'Abdullah bin Abu
Bakr% $ho $as a young intelligent an% used to stay $ith the at night and lea(e before da$n so
that in the orning# he $ould he $ith the ,uraish at Mecca as if he had spent the night aong
the% If he heard of any plot contri(ed by the ,uraish against the Prophet and Abu Bakr# he $ould
understand it and !return to" infor the of it $hen it becae dark% 'Air bin Buhaira# the freed
sla(e of Abu Bakr used to gra-e a flock of ilch sheep for the and he used to take those sheep to
the $hen an hour had passed after the 'Isha prayer% &hey $ould sleep soundly till 'Air bin
Buhaira a$akened the $hen it $as still dark% He used to do that in each of those three nights%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 511:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
In the year of the conCuest of Mecca the Prophet entered Mecca# $earing a helet on his head%
=olue : ) 031: ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :66:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ence I $as $alking $ith Allah's Apostle and he $as $earing a Da.ra Burd $ith thick argin% A
bedouin follo$ed hi and pulled his Burd so (iolently that I noticed the side of the shoulder of Al)
lah's Apostle affected by the argin of the Burd because of that (iolent pull% &he Bedouin said# HE
MuhaadI Ai(e e soe of Allah's $ealth $hich is $ith you%H Allah's Apostle turned and looked at
hi# and siling# 'he ordered that he be gi(en soething%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :60:
Darrated Abu Ha-i:
Shahl bin Sad said# HA lady cae $ith a Burda% Sahl then asked !the people"# H8o you kno$ $hat
Burda isJH Soebody said# HKes% it is a Shala $ith a $o(en border%H Sahl added# H&he lady said# 'E
Allah's ApostleI I ha(e knitted this !Burda" $ith y o$n hands for you to $ear it%H Allah's Apostle
took it and he $as in need of it% Allah's Apostle cae out to us and he $as $earing it as an I-ar% A
an fro the people felt it and said# 'E Allah's ApostleI Ai(e it to e to $ear%' &he Prophet s said#
'Kes%' &hen he sat there for soe tie !and $hen he $ent to his house"# he folded it and sent it to hi%
&he people said to that an# 'Kou ha(e not done a right thing% Kou asked hi for it# though you
kno$ that he does not put do$n anybody's reCuest%' &he an said# 'By AllahI I ha(e only asked hi
so that it ay be y shroud $hen I die%H Sahl added# H;ate it $as his shroud%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :63:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying HBro aong y follo$ers# a group !o :6#666" $ill enter Paradise
$ithout being asked for their accounts# &heir faces $ill be shining like the oon%H 'Ukasha bin
Muhsin Al)Asadi got up# lifting his co(ering sheet and said# HE Allah's Apostle In(oke Allah for e
that He ay include e $ith the%H &he Prophet saidI HE AllahI Make hi fro the%H &hen another
an fro Al)Ansar got up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI In(oke Allah for e that He ay include e
$ith the%H En that Allah's Apostle said# H'Ukasha has anticipated you%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :6<:
Darrated ,atada:
I asked Anas# H@hat kind of clothes $as ost belo(ed to the ProphetJH He replied# H&he Hibra !a
kind of Keenese cloth"%H
=olue : ) 0317 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :62:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he ost belo(ed garent to the Prophet to $ear $as the Hibra !a kind of Keenese cloth"%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :64:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" @hen Allah's Apostle died# he $as co(ered $ith a Hibra Burd !green
sCuare decorated garent"%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :65:
Darrated 'Aisha and 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
@hen the disease of Allah's Apostle got aggra(ated# he co(ered his face $ith a Khaisa# but $hen
he becae short of breath# he $ould reo(e it fro his face and say# HIt is like thatI May Allah curse
the /e$s 9hristians because they took the gra(es of their prophets as places of $orship%H By that he
$arned his follo$er of iitating the# by doing that $hich they did%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :6::
Darrated Abu Burda:
Aisha brought out to us a Kisa and an I-ar and said# H&he Prophet died $hile $earing these t$o%H
!Kisa# a sCuare black piece of $oolen cloth% I-ar# a sheet cloth garent co(ering the lo$er half of the
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :67:
Darrated Aisha:
Allah's Apostle offered prayer $hile he $as $earing a Khaisa of his that had printed arks% He
looked at its arks and $hen he finished prayer# he said# H&ake this Khaisa of ine to Abu /ah#
for it has .ust no$ di(erted y attention fro y prayer# and bring to e the Anbi.ania !a plain
thick sheet" of Abu /ah bin Hudhaifa bin Ahani $ho belonged to Bani Adi bin Ka'b%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :61:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet had forbidden: !A" the Mulaasa and Munabadha !bargains"# !B" the offering of t$o
prayers# one after the orning copulsory prayer till the sun rises# and the others# after the 'Asr
=olue : ) 0311 ? 0:66
prayer till the sun sets !9" He also forbade that one should sit $earing one garent# nothing of
$hich co(ers his pri(ate parts !8" and pre(ent the fro e*posure to the skyL !+" he also forbade
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :06:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri
Allah's Apostle forbade t$o $ays of $earing clothes and t$o kinds of dealings% !A" He forbade the
dealings of the Mulaasa and the Munabadha% In the Mulaasa transaction the buyer .ust touches
the garent he $ants to buy at night or by daytie# and that touch $ould oblige hi to buy it% In the
Munabadha# one an thro$s his garent at another and the latter thro$s his at the forer and the
barter is coplete and (alid $ithout e*aining the t$o ob.ects or being satisfied $ith the !B" &he
t$o $ays of $earing clothes $ere Ishtial)as)Saa# i e%# to co(er one's shoulder $ith one's gar)
ent and lea(e the other bare: and the other $ay $as to $rap oneself $ith a garent $hile one $as
sitting In such a $ay that nothing of that garent $ould co(er one's pri(ate part
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :00:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle forbade t$o types of dresses: !A" &o sit in an Ihtiba' posture in one garent nothing
of $hich co(ers his pri(ate parts% !B" to co(er one side of his body $ith one garent and lea(e the
other side bare &he Prophet also forbade the Mulaasa and Munabadha%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :03:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet forbade Ishtial)as)Saa' and that a an should sit in an Ihtiba' posture in one
garent# nothing of $hich co(ers his pri(ate parts%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :0<:
Darrated U Khalid bint Khalid:
&he Prophet $as gi(en soe clothes including a black Khaisa% &he Prophet said# H&o $ho shall
$e gi(e this to $earJH &he people kept silent $hereupon the Prophet said# HBetch U Khalid for e%H I
!U Khalid" $as brought carried !as I $as sall girl at that tie"% &he Prophet took the Khaisa in
his hands and ade e $ear it and said# HMay you li(e so long that your dress $ill $ear out and you
$ill end it any ties%H En the Khaisa there $ere soe green or pale designs !&he Prophet sa$
=olue : ) 0<66 ? 0:66
these designs" and said# HE U KhalidI &his is Sanah%H !Sanah in a +thiopian $ord eaning
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :02:
Darrated Anas:
@hen U Sulai ga(e birth to a child% she said to e# HE AnasI @atch this boy carefully and do
not gi(e hi anything to eat or drink until you ha(e taken hi to the Prophet toorro$ orning for
the &ahnik%H So the ne*t orning I took the child to the Prophet $ho $as sitting in a garden and $as
$earing a Huraithiya Khaisa and $as branding the she)cael on $hich he had coe during the
9onCuest of Mecca%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :04:
Darrated 'Ikria:
Rifa'a di(orced his $ife $hereupon 'AbdurRahan bin A-)Fubair Al),ura-i arried her% 'Aisha
said that the lady !cae"# $earing a green (eil !and coplained to her !Aisha" of her husband and
sho$ed her a green spot on her skin caused by beating"% It $as the habit of ladies to support each
other# so $hen Allah's Apostle cae# 'Aisha said# HI ha(e not seen any $oan suffering as uch as
the belie(ing $oen% ;ookI Her skin is greener than her clothesIH @hen 'AbdurRahan heard that
his $ife had gone to the Prophet# he cae $ith his t$o sons fro another $ife% She said# HBy AllahI I
ha(e done no $rong to hi but he is ipotent and is as useless to e as this#H holding and sho$ing
the fringe of her garent# 'Abdur)Rahan said# HBy Allah# E Allah's ApostleI She has told a lieI I a
(ery strong and can satisfy her but she is disobedient and $ants to go back to Rifa'a%H Allah's Apostle
said# to her# HIf that is your intention# then kno$ that it is unla$ful for you to rearry Rifa'a unless
Abdur)Rahan has had se*ual intercourse $ith you%H &hen the Prophet sa$ t$o boys $ith 'Abdur)
Rahan and asked !hi"# HAre these your sonsJH En that 'AbdurRahan said# HKes%H &he Prophet said#
HKou clai $hat you clai !i%e%% that he is ipotent"J But by Allah# these boys reseble hi as a
cro$ resebles a cro$#H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :05:
Darrated Sad:
En the day of the battle of Uhud# on the right and on the left of the Prophet $ere t$o en $ear)
ing $hite clothes# and I had neither seen the before# nor did I see the after$ards%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :0::
Darrated Abu 8harr:
=olue : ) 0<60 ? 0:66
I cae to the Prophet $hile he $as $earing $hite clothes and sleeping% &hen I $ent back to hi
again after he had got up fro his sleep% He said# HDobody says: 'Done has the right to be $orshipped
but Allah' and then later on he dies $hile belie(ing in that# e*cept that he $ill enter Paradise%' I said#
H+(en It he had coitted illegal se*ual intercourse and theft%H I said% H+(en if he had coitted il)
legal se*ual intercourse and theftJ He said% '+(en If he had coitted illegal se*ual intercourse and
theft#H I said# '+(en it he had coitted illegal se*ual intercourse and thefts%' He said# H+(en If he had
coitted Illegal se*ual intercourse and theft# inspite of the Abu 8harrs dislikeness% Abu 'Abdullah
said# H&his is at the tie of death or before it if one repents and regrets and says HDone has the right
to be $orshipped but Allah% He $ill be forgi(en his sins%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :07:
Darrated Aba 'Uthan An)Dahdi:
@hile $e $ere $ith 'Utba bin BarCad at there cae 'Uar's letter indicating that Al)
lah's Apostle had forbidden the use of silk e*cept this uch# then he pointed $ith his inde* and
iddle fingers% &o our kno$ledge# by that he eant ebroidery%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :01:
Darrated Abu 'Uthan:
@hile $e $ere at 'Uar $rote to us: 'Allah's Apostle forbade $earing silk e*cept this
uch% &hen the Prophet appro*iated his t$o fingers !inde* and iddle fingers" !to illustrate that"
to us%' Fuhair !the sub)narrator" raised up his iddle and inde* fingers%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :36:
Darrated Abu 'Uthan:
@hile $e $ere $ith 'Utba% 'Uar $rote to us: &he Prophet said# H&here is none $ho $ears silk in
this $orld e*cept that he $ill $ear nothing of it in the Hereafter%H ' Abu 'Uthan pointed out $ith
his iddle and inde* fingers%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :30:
Darrated Abu Uthan:
!as abo(e# :01"
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :33:
Darrated Ibn Abi ;aila:
=olue : ) 0<63 ? 0:66
@hile Hudhaifa $as at Al)Madain# he asked for $ater $hereupon the chief of the (illage brought
hi $ater in a sil(er cup% Hudhaifa thre$ it at hi and said# HI ha(e thro$n it only because I ha(e
forbidden hi to use it# but he does not stop using it% Allah's Apostle said# 'Aold# sil(er# silk and 8iba.
!a kind of silk" are for the !unbelie(ers" in this $orld and for you !Muslis" in the hereafter%'
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :3<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# @hoe(er $ears silk in this $orld shall not $ear it in the Hereafter%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :32:
Darrated &habit:
I heard Ibn A-)Fubair deli(ering a seron# saying# HMuhaad said# '@hoe(er $ears silk in this
$orld# shall not $ear it in the Hereafter%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :34:
Darrated Ibn A-)Fubair:
I heard 'Uar saying# H&he Prophet said# '@hoe(er $ears silk in this $orld# shall not $ear it in the
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :35:
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khattab:
Allah's Apostle said# HDone $ears silk in this $orld# but he $ho $ill ha(e no share in the Here)
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :3::
Darrated Al)Bara:
&he Prophet $as gi(en a silk garent as a gift and $e started touching it $ith our hands and ad)
iring it% En that the Prophet said# H8o you $onder at thisJH @e said# HKes%H He said# H&he handker)
chiefs of Sad bin Mu'adh in Paradise are better than this H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :37:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
=olue : ) 0<6< ? 0:66
&he Prophet forbade us to drink out of gold and sil(er (essels# or eat in it# Ann also forbade the
$earing of silk and 8iba. or sitting on it%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :31:
Darrated Ibn A-ib:
&he Prophet forbade us to use the red Mayathir and to use Al),assiy
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :<6:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet allo$ed A-)Fubair and 'Abdur)Rahan to $ear silk because they $ere suffering
fro an itch
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :<0:
Darrated Ali bin Abi &alib:
&he Prophet ga(e e a silk suit% I $ent out $earing it# but seeing the signs of anger on his face# I
tore it and distributed it aong y $i(es%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :<3:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
'Uar sa$ a silk suit being sold# so he said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hy don't you buy it so that you
ay $ear it $hen delegates coe to you# and also on BridaysJH &he Prophet said# H&his is $orn only
by hi $ho has no share in the Hereafter%H After$ards the Prophet sent to 'Uar a silk suit suitable
for $earing% 'Uar said to the Prophet# HKou ha(e gi(en it to e to $ear# yet I ha(e heard you saying
about it $hat you saidJH &he Prophet said# HI sent it to you so that you ight either sell it or gi(e it to
soebody else to $ear%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :<<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
that he had seen U Kulthu# the daughter of Allah's Apostle # $earing a red silk garent%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :<2:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
=olue : ) 0<62 ? 0:66
Bor one year I $anted to ask 'Uar about the t$o $oen $ho helped each other against the
Prophet but I $as afraid of hi% Ene day he disounted his riding anial and $ent aong the trees
of Arak to ans$er the call of nature# and $hen he returned# I asked hi and he said# H!&hey $ere"
'Aisha and Hafsa%H &hen he added# H@e ne(er used to gi(e significance to ladies in the days of the Pre)
lslaic period of ignorance# but $hen Isla cae and Allah entioned their rights# $e used to gi(e
the their rights but did not allo$ the to interfere in our affairs% Ence there $as soe dispute
bet$een e and y $ife and she ans$ered e back in a loud (oice% I said to her# 'StrangeI Kou can
retort in this $ayJ' She said# 'Kes% 8o you say this to e $hile your daughter troubles Allah's
ApostleJ' So I $ent to Hafsa and said to her# 'I $arn you not to disobey Allah and His Apostle%' I first
$ent to Hafsa and then to U Salaa and told her the sae% She said to e# 'E 'UarI It surprises
e that you interfere in our affairs so uch that you $ould poke your nose e(en into the affairs of
Allah's Apostle and his $i(es%' So she re.ected y ad(ice% &here $as an Ansari anL $hene(er he $as
absent fro Allah's Apostle and I $as present there# I used to con(ey to hi $hat had happened !on
that day"# and $hen I $as absent and he $as present there# he used to con(ey to e $hat had
happened as regards ne$s fro Allah's Apostle % 8uring that tie all the rulers of the nearby lands
had surrendered to Allah's Apostle e*cept the king of Ahassan in Sha# and $e $ere afraid that he
ight attack us% All of a sudden the Ansari cae and said# 'A great e(ent has happenedI' I asked hi#
'@hat is itJ Has the Ahassani !king" coeJ' He said# 'Areater than thatI Allah's Apostle has di(orced
his $i(esI I $ent to the and found all of the $eeping in their d$ellings# and the Prophet had as)
cended to an upper roo of his% At the door of the roo there $as a sla(e to $ho I $ent and said#
HAsk the perission for e to enter%H He aditted e and I entered to see the Prophet lying on a at
that had left its iprint on his side% Under his head there $as a leather pillo$ stuffed $ith pal
fires% BeholdI &here $ere soe hides hanging there and soe grass for tanning% &hen I entioned
$hat I had said to Hafsa and U Salaa and $hat reply U Salaa had gi(en e% Allah's Apostle
siled and stayed there for t$enty nine days and then cae do$n%H !See Hadith Do% 527# =ol% < for
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :<4:
Darrated U Salaa:
Ene night the Prophet $oke up# saying# HDone has the right to be $orshipped but AllahI Ho$
any afflictions ha(e been sent do$n tonight# and ho$ any treasures ha(e been sent do$n !dis)
closed"I @ho $ill go and $ake up !for prayers" the lady d$ellers of these roosJ Many $ell dressed
soul !people" in this $orld# $ill be naked on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :<5:
Darrated U Khalid bint Khalid:
=olue : ) 0<64 ? 0:66
Soe clothes $ere presented to Allah's Apostle as a gift and there $as a black Khaisa $ith it% &he
Prophet asked !his copanions"# H&o $ho do you suggest $e gi(e this KhaisaJH &he people kept
Cuiet% &hen he said# HBring e U Khalid#H So I $as brought to hi and he dressed e $ith it $ith
his o$n hands and said t$ice# HMay you li(e so long that you $ill $ear out any garents%H He then
started looking at the ebroidery of that Khaisa and said# HE U KhalidI &his is SanaIH !Sana in
+thiopian language eans beautiful%" IshaC# a sub)narrator# said: A $oan of y faily had told e
that she had seen the Khaisa $orn by U Khalid%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :<::
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet forbade en to use saffron%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :<7:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet forbade Muhris to $ear clothes dyed $ith @ars or saffron%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :<1:
Darrated Al)Bara:
&he Prophet $as of a odest height% I sa$ hi $earing a red suit# and I did not see anything bet)
ter than hi%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :26:
Darrated Al)Bara:
&he Prophet ordered us to obser(e se(en things: &o (isit the sickL follo$ funeral processionsL say
'May Allah besto$ His Mercy on you'# to the snee-er if he says# 'Praise be to AllahIL He forbade us to
$ear silk# 8iba.# ,assiy and IstibarC !(arious kinds of silken clothes"L or to use red Mayathir !silk)
cushions"% !See Hadith Do% 34< A# =ol% 7"%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :20:
Darrated Said Abu Maslaa:
I asked Anas !bin Malik"# H8id the Prophet use to offer the prayers $ith his shoes onJH He said#
=olue : ) 0<65 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :23:
Darrated Said Al)MaCburi:
'Ubai bin /urai. said to 'Abdullah Ben 'Uar# HI see you doing four things $hich are not done by
your friends%H Ibn 'Uar said# H@hat are they# E Ibn /urai.JH He said# HI see that you do not touch e*)
cept the t$o Keenite corners of the Ka'ba !$hile perforing the &a$af": and I see you $earing the
Sabtiyya shoesL and I see you dyeing !your hair" $ith SufraL and I see that $hen you are in Mecca#
the people assue the state of Ihra on seeing the crescent !on the first day of 8hul)Hi..a" $hile you
do not assue the state of Ihra till the 8ay of &ar$iya !7th 8hul Hi..a"%H 'Abdullah bin 'Uar said
to hi# HAs for the corners of the Ka'ba# I ha(e not seen Allah's Apostle touching e*cept the t$o Ke)
enite corners# As for the Sabtiyya shoes# I sa$ Allah's Apostle $earing leather shoes that had no
hair# and he used to perfor the ablution $hile $earing the% &herefore# I like to $ear such shoes%
As regards dyeing $ith Sufra# I sa$ Allah's Apostle dyeing his hair $ith it# so I like to dye !y hair"
$ith it% As regards the crescent !of 8hul)Hi..a"# I ha(e not seen Allah's Apostle assuing the state of
Ihra till his she)cael set out !on the 7th of 8hul)Hi..a"%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :2<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle forbade that a Muhri should $ear clothes dyed $ith Saffron or @ars# and said#
H@hoe(er has no shoes can put on Khuffs after cutting it belo$ the ankles%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :22:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er has no I-ar !$aist sheet"# can $ear trousersL and $hoe(er has no san)
dals# can $ear Khuffs%H !but cut the short belo$ the ankles"#
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :24:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to like starting fro the right in perforing ablution# cobing his hair and put)
ting on his shoes%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :25:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HDone of you should $alk# $earing one shoe onlyL he should either put on
both shoes or put on no shoes $hatsoe(er%H
=olue : ) 0<6: ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :2::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf you $ant to put on your shoes# put on the right shoe firstL and if you $ant
to take the off# take the left one first% ;et the right shoe be the first to be put on and the last to be
taken off%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :27:
Darrated Anas:
&he sandal of the Prophet had t$o straps%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :21:
Darrated Isaa bin &ahan:
Anas bin Malik brought out for us# t$o sandals ha(ing t$o straps% &habit Al)Banani said# H&hese
$ere the sandals of the Prophet %H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :46:
Darrated Abu /uhaifa:
I cae to the Prophet $hile he $as inside a red leather tent# and I sa$ Bilal taking the reaining
$ater of the ablution of the Prophet# and the people $ere taking of that $ater and rubbing it on their
facesL and $hoe(er could not get anything of it# $ould share the oisture of the hand of his co)
panion !and then rub it on his face"%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :40:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet called for the Ansar and gathered the in a leather tent%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :43:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to construct a loo $ith a Hasir at night order to pray therein# and during the
day he used to spread it out and sit on it% &he people started coing to the Prophet at night to offer
the prayer behind hi @hen their nuber increased# the Prophet faced the and said% E peopleI 8o
only those good deeds $hich you can do# for Allah does not get tired !of gi(ing re$ard" till you get
tired# and the best deeds to Allah are the incessant ones though they $ere fe$
=olue : ) 0<67 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :4<:
Darrated Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib:
&he Prophet forbade us to use se(en things: He forbade using gold rings# silk# IstabraC# 8iba.# red
Mayathir# Al),assiy# and sil(er utensils% He ordered us to do se(en other things% &o pay a (isit to the
sickL to follo$ funeral processionsL to say# HMay Allah be erciful to youH to a snee-er if he says
HPraise be to AllahHL to return greetings# to accept in(itationsL to help others to fulfil their oaths and to
help the oppressed ones%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :42:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet forbade the $earing of a gold ring%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :44:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle $ore a gold or sil(er %% ring and placed its stone to$ards the pal of his hand% &he
people also started $earing gold rings like it# but $hen the Prophet sa$ the $earing such rings# he
thre$ a$ay that golden ring and then $ore a sil(er ring%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :45:
Darrated Ibn% 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle $ore a gold ring or a sil(er ring and placed its stone to$ards the pal of his hand
and had the nae 'Muhaad# the Apostle of Allah' engra(ed on it% &he people also started $earing
gold rings like it# but $hen the Prophet sa$ the $earing such rings# he thre$ a$ay his o$n ring
and said% HI $ill ne(er $ear it#H and then $ore a sil(er ring# $hereupon the people too started $ear)
ing sil(er rings% Ibn Uar added: After the Prophet Abu Bakr $ore the ring# and then Uar and then
'Uthan $ore it till it fell in the Aris $ell fro 'Uthan% bin 'Uar : Allah's Apostle $ore a gold ring#
then he thre$ it and said# HI $ill ne(er $ear it%H &he people also thre$ their !gold" rings%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :4::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
that he sa$ a sil(er ring on the hand of Allah's Apostle for one day only% &hen the people had sil)
(er rings ade for thesel(es and $ore it% En that# Allah's Apostle thre$ a$ay their rings as $ell%
!Bor the details of this Hadith# see Bateh)Al)Bari# =ol% 03# page 2<7"%
=olue : ) 0<61 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :47:
Darrated Huaid:
Anas $as asked# H8id the Prophet $ear a ringJH Anas said# HEnce he delayed the: 'Isha' prayer till
idnight% &hen he cae# facing us %%%%% as if l a no$ ;ooking at the glitter of his ring %%%%% and said#
H&he people ha(e offered their prayers and slept but you ha(e been in prayer as you ha(e been $ait)
ing for it%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :41:
Darrated Anas:
&he ring of the Prophet $as of sil(er# and its stone $as of sil(er too%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :56:
Darrated Sahl:
A $oan cae to the Prophet and said# HI ha(e coe to present yself to you !for arriage"%H She
kept standing for a long period during $hich period the Prophet looked at her carefully% @hen she
stayed for a ;ong period# a an said to the Prophet HIf you are not in need of her# then arry her to
e%H &he Prophet said# HHa(e you got anything to gi(e her !as Mahr"JH &he an said# HDo%H &he
Prophet said# HAo !to your house" and search for soething%H &he an $ent and cae back to say#
HBy Allah# I could not find anything%H &he Prophet said# HAo again and search for soething# e(en if it
be an iron ring%H He $ent again and cae back saying# HDo# by Allah# I could not get e(en an iron
ring%H &he an had only an I-ar and had no Rida' !upper garent"% He said# HI $ill gi(e her y I-ar
as Mahr%H En that the Prophet said# HKour I-arJ If she $ears it# nothing of it $ill reain on you# and
if you $ear it nothing of it $ill be on herH &he an $ent aside and sat do$n @hen the Prophet sa$
hi lea(ing !after a $hile"# he called back and asked% HHo$ uch ,ur'an do you kno$ !by heart"J
He said# 'I kno$ such and such Suras#H naing soe Suras% &he Prophet said# HI arry her to you for
the aount of ,ur'an you kno$ !by heart"%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :50:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle $anted to $rite a letter to a group of people or soe non)Arabs% It $as said to hi#
H&hey do not accept any letter unless it is staped%H So the Prophet had a sil(er ring ade for hiself#
and on it $as engra(ed: 'Muhaad# the Apostle of Allah'% %% as if I a no$ looking at the glitter of
the ring on the finger !or in the pal" of the Prophet %
=olue : ) 0<06 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :53:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle had a sil(er ring ade for hiself and it $as $orn by hi on his hand% After$ards
it $as $orn by Abu Bakr# and then by 'Uar# and then by 'Uthan till it fell in the Aris $ell% !En that
ring" $as engra(ed: 'Muhaad# the Apostle of Allah%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :5<:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet got a ring ade for hiself and said# HI ha(e got a ring ade !for yself" and en)
gra(ed a certain engra(ing on it so none of you should get such an engra(ing on his ring%H I sa$ the
glitter of the ring on his little finger%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :52:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hen the Prophet intended to $rite to the By-antines# it $as said to hi# H&hose people do not
read your letter unless it is staped%H So the Prophet took a sil(er ring and got 'Muhaad# the
Apostle of Allah' engra(ed on it %%%% as if I a no$ looking at its glitter in his hand%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :54:
Darrated Abdullah:
&he Prophet had a golden ring ade for hiself# and $hen he $ore it% he used to turn its stone to)
$ard the pal of hisI hand% So the people too had gold ade for thesel(es% &he Prophet then as)
cended the pulpit# and after glorifying and praising Allah# he said# HI had it ade for e# but no$ I
$ill ne(er $ear it again%H He thre$ it a$ay# and then the people thre$ a$ay their rings too% !/u$air)
iya# a sub)narrator# said: I think Anas said that the Prophet $as $earing the ring in his right hand%"
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :55:
Darrated Anas bin Malik :
Allah's Apostle took a sil(er ring and had 'Muhaad# the Apostle' of Allah' engra(ed on it% &he
Prophet then said !to us"# 'I ha(e a sil(er ring $ith 'Muhaad# the Apostle of Allah engra(ed on it#
so none of you should ha(e the sae engra(ing on his ring%H
=olue : ) 0<00 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :5::
Darrated Anas:
that $hen Abu Bakr becae the 9aliph# he $rote a letter to hi !and staped it $ith the Prophet's
ring" and the engra(ing of the ring $as in three lines: Muhaad in one line# 'Apostle' in another
line# and 'Allah' in a third line% Anas added: 'the ring of the Prophet $as in his hand# and after hi# in
Abu Bakr's hand# and then in 'Uar's hand after Abu Bakr% @hen Uthan $as the 9aliph# once he
$as sitting at the $ell of Aris% He reo(ed the ring fro his hand and $hile he $as trifling $ith it#
dropped into the $ell% @e kept on going to the $ell $ith Uthan for three days looking for the ring#
and finally the $ell $as drained# but the ring $as not found%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :57:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
I offered the 'Id prayer $ith the Prophet and he offered prayer before the Khutba !seron"% ibn
'Abbas added: After the prayer the Prophet cae to$ards !the ro$s of" the $oen and ordered the
to gi(e als# and the $oen started putting their big and sall rings in the garent of Bilal%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :51:
Darrated ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet cae out on the day of 'Id and offered a t$o)Rak'at prayer# and he did not pray any
Rak'a before it# nor after it% &hen he $ent to$ards the $oen and ordered the to gi(e als% &he
$oen started donating their earring and necklaces%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber ::6:
Darrated 'Aisha:
A necklace belonging to Asa' $as lost# and the Prophet sent en in its search% &he tie for the
prayer becae due and they $ere $ithout ablution and they could not find $aterL therefore they
prayed $ithout ablution# &hey entioned that to the Prophet % &hen Allah re(ealed the =erse of
&ayau% !'Aisha added: that she had borro$ed !the necklace" fro Asa'"%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber ::0:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas
H&he Prophet offered a t$o)Rak'at prayer on 'Id day and he did not offer any !Da$afil prayer" be)
fore or after it% He then $ent to$ards the $oen# and Bilal $as accopanying hi# and ordered
the to gi(e als% And so the $oen started gi(ing their earrings !etc %"%H
=olue : ) 0<03 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :3# Duber ::3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I $as $ith Allah's Apostle in one of the Markets of Medina% He left !the arket" and so did I% &hen
he asked thrice# H@here is the sall !child"JH &hen he said# H9all Al)Hasan bin 'Ali%H So Al)Hasan bin
'Ali got up and started $alking $ith a necklace !of beads" around his neck% &he Prophet stretched his
hand out like this# and Al)Hasan did the sae% &he Prophet ebraced hi and said# H6 AllahI l lo(e
hi# so please lo(e hi and lo(e those $ho lo(e hi%H Since Allah's Apostle said that% nothing has
been dearer to e than Al)Hasan%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber ::<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle cursed those en $ho are in the siilitude !assue the anners" of $oen and
those $oen $ho are in the siilitude !assue the anners" of en%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber ::2:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet cursed effeinate en !those en $ho are in the siilitude !assue the anners of
$oen" and those $oen $ho assue the anners of en# and he said# H&urn the out of your
houses %H &he Prophet turned out such)and)such an# and 'Uar turned out such)and)such $oan%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber ::4:
Darrated U Salaa:
that once the Prophet $as in her house# and an effeinate an $as there too% &he effeinate an
said to 'Abdullah# !U Salaa's brother" H6 'AbdullahI If &a'if should be conCuered toorro$# I re)
coend you the daughter of Ahailan# for she is so fat that she has four cur(es in the front !of her
belly" and eight at the back%H So the Prophet said !to his $i(es" H&hese effeinate !en" should not
enter upon you !your houses"%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber ::5:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
&he Prophet said# H&o get the oustaches cut 'short is characteristic of the Bitra%H
=olue : ) 0<0< ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :3# Duber ::::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HBi(e practices are characteristics of the Bitra: circucision# sha(ing the pubic
region# clipping the nails and cutting the oustaches short%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber ::7:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H&o sha(e the pubic hair% to clip the nails and to cut the oustaches short# are
characteristics of the Bitra%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber ::1:
Darrated Abu Huraira :
I heard the Prophet saying% HBi(e practices are characteristics of the Bitra: circucision# sha(ing
the pubic hair# cutting the oustaches short# clipping the nails# and depilating the hair of the
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :76:
Darrated Dafi':
Ibn Uar said# &he Prophet said# '8o the opposite of $hat the pagans do% Keep the beards and cut
the oustaches short%' @hene(er Ibn 'Uar perfored the Ha.. or 'Ura# he used to hold his beard
$ith his hand and cut $hate(er oustaches% Ibn Uar used to cut his oustache so short that the
$hiteness of his skin !abo(e the upper lip" $as (isible# and he used to cut !the hair" bet$een his
oustaches and his beard%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :70:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H9ut the oustaches short and lea(e the beard !as it is"%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :73:
Darrated Muhaad bin Sirin:
I asked Anas# H8id the Prophet dye his hairJH Anas replied# H&he Prophet did not ha(e e*cept a fe$
grey hairs%H
=olue : ) 0<02 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :7<:
Darrated &habit:
Anas $as asked $hether the Prophet used a a hair dye or not% Anas replied# H&he Prophet had not
enough grey hair to dye% I could e(en count the $hite grey hairs oil his beard ill $ould%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :72:
Darrated IsraiI:
Uthan bin 'Abdullah bin Mauhab said# HMy people sent e $ith a bo$l of $ater to U Salaa%H
Isra'il appro*iated three fingers !'indicating the sall si-e of the container in $hich there $as
soe hair of the Prophet% 'Uthan added# HIf any person suffered fro e(il eye or soe other disease#
he $ould send a (essel !containing $ater" to U Salaa% I looked into the container !that held the
hair of the Prophet" and sa$ a fe$ red hairs in it#H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :74:
Darrated Uthan bin 'Abdullah bin Mauhab:
I $ent to U Salaa and she brought out for us soe of the dyed hair of the Prophet % ibn
Mauhab also said that U Salaa had sho$n hi the red hair of the
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :75:
Darrated Abu Huraira :
&he Prophet said# H/e$s and 9hristians do not dye their hair so you should do the opposite of $hat
they do%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :7::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet $as neither conspicuously tall# nor shortL neither# (ery $hite# nor ta$ny% His hair $as
neither uch curled# nor (ery straight% Allah sent hi !as an Apostle" at the age of forty !and after
that" he stayed for ten years in Mecca# and for ten ore years in Medina% Allah took hi unto Hi at
the age of si*ty# and he scarcely had ten $hite hairs on his head and in his beard%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :77:
Darrated Al)Bara':
=olue : ) 0<04 ? 0:66
I did not see anybody in a red cloak looking ore handsoe than the Prophet Darrated Malik: &he
hair of the Prophet used to hang near his shoulders% Darrated Shu'ba: &he hair of the Prophet used to
hang do$n to the earlobes%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :71:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H&oday I sa$ yself in a drea near the Ka'ba% I sa$ a $hitish bro$n an#
the handsoest of all bro$n en you ight e(er see% He had the ost beautiful ;ia !hair
hanging do$n to the earlobes" you ight e(er see% He had cobed it and it $as dripping $aterL and
he $as perforing the &a$af around the Kaba leaning on t$o en or on the shoulders of t$o en% l
asked# H@ho is thisJH It $as said% HMessiah# the son of Mary%H Suddenly I sa$ a curly)haired an#
blind in the right eye $hich looked like a protruding out grape% I asked# H@ho is thisJH It $as said#
HHe is Masiah Ad)
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :16a:
Darrated Anas :
&he hair of the Prophet used to hang do$n up to his shoulders%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :16b:
Darrated Anas:
&he head)hair of the Prophet used to hang do$n to his shoulders%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :10:
Darrated ,atada:
l asked Anas bin Malik about the hair of Allah's Apostle% He said# H&he hair of Allah's Apostle $as
neither uch straight# nor uch curly# and it used to hang do$n till bet$een his shoulders and his
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :13:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet had big hands# and I ha(e ne(er seen anybody like hi after hi% &he hair of the
Prophet $as $a(y# neither curly nor straight%
=olue : ) 0<05 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :1<:
Darrated Anas :
&he Prophet had big hands and feet# and I ha(e not seen anybody like hi# neither before nor after
hi# and his pals $ere soft%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :12:
Darrated Abu Huraira :
&he Prophet had big feet and a good)looking face and l ha(e not seen anybody like hi after hi%
Darrated Anas: &he Prophet had big feet and hands% Darrated Anas or /abir bin 'Abdullah &he Proph)
et had big hands and feet and I ha(e not seen anybody like hi after hi%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :14:
Darrated Mu.ahid:
@e $ere $ith Ibn 'Abbas and the people entioned Ad) Soeone said# H&he $ord 'Kafir'
!unbelie(er" is $ritten in bet$een his !Ad)'s" eyes%H Ibn 'Abbas said# HI ha(e not heard the
Prophet saying this# but he said# 'As regards Abraha# he looks like your copanion !i%e% the Prophet#
Muhaad"# and as regards Moses# he is a bro$n curly haired an riding a cael and reigned
$ith a strong .ute rope# as if la no$ looking at hi getting do$n in the (alley and saying#
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :15:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar :
I heard 'Uar saying# H@hoe(er braids his hair should sha(e it !on finishing lhra"% Kou'd better
not do# soething like &albid%H Ibn Uar used to say: HI sa$ Allah's Apostle $ith his hair stuck to)
gether $ith gu%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :1::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
I heard Allah's Apostle# $hile he $as in the state of lhra and his hair $as stuck together $ith
gu# saying# H;abbaik# Allahua ;abbaik# ;abbaik ;a Shanka laka ;abbaik% Inn)al)Hada @an)
Di'ata ;aka $al)Mulk# ;a Shanka ;ak%H He did not add anything to those $ords% !See Hadith Do%
530# =ol% 3"
=olue : ) 0<0: ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :17:
Darrated Hafsa:
!the $ife of the Prophet" I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hy ha(e the people finished their Ihra after
perforing the 'Ura $hile you ha(e not finished your lhra after your 'UraJH He said# HI ha(e
done &albid !of y hair" and ha(e decorated y Hadis $ith garlands# so I shall not finish y lhra
till l ha(e slaughtered y Hadi !anial for sacrifice"%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber :11:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet used to copy the people of the Scriptures in atters in $hich there $as no order fro
Allah% &he people of the Scripture used to let their hair hang do$n $hile the pagans used to part
their hair% So the Prophet let his hair hang do$n first# but later on he parted it%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 766:
Darrated 'Aisha :
As if I a no$ looking at the shine of the hair parting of the Prophet $hile he $as in the state of
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 760:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas :
Ence I stayed o(ernight in the house of y aunt Maiuna bint Al)Harith and Allah's Apostle $as
$ith her as it $as her turn% Allah's Apostle got up to offer the night prayer% I stood on his left but he
took hold of y t$o locks of hair and ade e stand on his right%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 763:
Darrated Abu Bishr
!the abo(e Hadith" but he Cuoted: Ibn 'Abbas said# !took hold of" y t$o braids on y head%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 76<:
Darrated Ubaidullah bin Hafs:
that 'Uar bin Dafi' told hi that Dafi'# Maula 'Abdullah had heard 'Uar saying# HI heard Allah's
Apostle forbidding Al),a-a'%H 'Ubaidullah added: I said# H@hat is Al),a-a'JH 'Ubaidullah pointed !to)
$ards his head" to sho$ us and added# HDafi' said# 'It is $hen a boy has his head sha(ed lea(ing a tuft
=olue : ) 0<07 ? 0:66
of hair here and a tuft of hair there%H Ubaidullah pointed to$ards his forehead and the sides of his
head% 'Ubaidullah $as asked# H8oes this apply to both girls and boysJH He said# HI don't kno$# but Dafi'
said# '&he boy%'H 'Ubaidullah added# HI asked Dafi' again# and he said# 'As for lea(ing hair on the
teples and the back part of the boy's head# there is no har# but Al),a-a' is to lea(e a tuft of hair
on his forehead unsha(ed $hile there is no hair on the rest of his head# and also to lea(e hair on
either side of his head%'H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 762:
Darrated !Abdullah" bin 'Uar :
Allah's Apostle forbade Al),a-a' !lea(ing a tuft of hair here and there after sha(ing one's head%"
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 764:
Darrated 'Aisha :
I applied perfue to the Prophet $ith y o$n hands $hen he $anted to assue the state of
Ihra# and I also perfued hi at Mina before he departed fro there !to perfor &a$af)al)Ifada"%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 765:
Darrated 'Aisha :
I used to perfue Allah's Apostle $ith the best scent a(ailable till I sa$ the shine of the scent on
his head and shine beard%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 76::
Darrated Sa'd:
A an peeped into the house of the Prophet through a hole $hile the Prophet $as scratching his
head $ith a Midrai !a certain kind of cob"% En that the Prophet said !to hi"# HIf I had kno$n you
had been looking# then I $ould ha(e pierced your eye $ith that instruent# because the asking of
perission has been ordained so that one $ould not see things unla$fully%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 767:
Darrated 'Aisha :
I used to cob the hair of Allah's Apostle during y periods%
=olue : ) 0<01 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 761:
Darrated 'Aisha
!As abo(e# !767"%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 706:
'Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to like to start fro the right side as far as possible in cobing and in perfor)
ing ablution%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 700:
Darrated Abu Huraira :
&he Prophet said# H!Allah said"# '+(ery good deed of Ada's son is for hi e*cept fastingL it is for
Me% and I shall re$ard !the fasting person" for it%' =erily# the sell of the outh of a fasting person is
better to Allah than the sell of usk%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 703:
Darrated 'Aisha :
used to perfue the Prophet before his assuing the state of $ith the best scent a(ailable%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 70<:
Darrated &huaa bin 'AbdullahL
Anas ne(er used to refuse !a gift of" scent and used to say that the Prophet ne(er used to refuse !a
gift of" scent%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 702:
Darrated 'Aisha :
8uring'# I perfued Allah's Apostle $ith 8harira $ith y o$n hands# both on his
assuing Ihra and on finishing it%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 704:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
=olue : ) 0<36 ? 0:66
Allah has cursed those $oen $ho practise tattooing and those $ho get thesel(es tattooed# and
those $ho reo(e their face hairs# and those $ho create a space bet$een their teeth artificially to
look beautiful# and such $oen as change the features created by Allah% @hy then should I not
curse those $ho the Prophet has cursedJ And that is in Allah's Book% i%e% His Saying: 'And $hat the
Apostle gi(es you take it and $hat he forbids you abstain !fro it"%' !41%:"
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 705:
Darrated Huaid bin 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf
that in the year he perfored Ha..% he heard Mu'a$iya bin Abi Sufyan# $ho $as on the pulpit and
$as taking a tuft of hair fro one of his guards# saying# H@here are your religious learned enJ I
heard Allah's Apostle forbidding this !false hair" and saying# '&he children of Israel $ere destroyed
$hen their $oen started using this%'H Darrated Abu Huraira: &he Prophet said# HAllah has cursed the
lady $ho artificially lengthens !her or soeone else's" hair and the one $ho gets her hair lengthened
and the Ene $ho tattoos !herself or soeone else" and the one $ho gets herself tattooedH
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 70::
Darrated 'Aisha :
An Ansari girl $as arried and she becae sick and all her hair fell out intending to pro(ide her
$ith false hair% &hey asked the Prophet $ho said# HAllah has cursed the lady $ho artificially
lengthens !her or soeone else's" hair and also the one $ho gets her hair lengthened%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 707:
Darrated Asa:
!the daughter of Abu' Bakr" A $oan cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HI arried y daughter to
soeone# but she becae sick and all her hair fell out# and !because of that" her husband does not
like her% May I let her use false hairJH En that the Prophet cursed such a lady as artificially lengthen)
ing !her or soeone else's" hair or got her hair lengthened artificially%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 701:
Darrated Asa'
!the daughter of Abu Bakr" Allah's Apostle has cursed such a lady as artificially lengthening !her
or soeone else's" hair or gets her hair lengthened%
=olue : ) 0<30 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 736:
Darrated Ibn Uar
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah has cursed such a lady as lengthens !her or soeone else's" hair artifi)
cially or gets it lengthened# and also a lady $ho tattoos !herself or soeone else" or gets herself tat)
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 730:
Darrated Sa'id bin Al)Musaiyab:
Mu'a$iya cae to Medina for the last tie and deli(ered a seron% He took out a tuft of hair and
said# HI thought that none used to do this !i%e% use false hair" e*cept /e$s% &he Prophet labelled such
practice# !i%e% the use of false hair"# as cheating%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 733:
Darrated 'AlCaa:
'Abdullah cursed those $oen $ho practiced tattooing and those $ho reo(ed hair fro their
faces and those $ho created spaces bet$een their teeth artificially to look beautiful# such ladies as
changed $hat Allah has created% U Ka'Cub said# H@hat is thatJH 'Abdullah said# H@hy should I not
curse those $ho $ere cursed by Allah's Apostle and are referred to in Allah's BookJH She said to hi
HBy Allah# I ha(e read the $hole ,ur'an but I ha(e not found such a thing% 'Abdullah said# HBy Allah#
if you had read it !carefully" you $ould ha(e found it% !Allah says:" 'And $hat the Apostle gi(es you
take it and $hat he forbids you abstain !fro it"%' !41%:"
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 73<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar :
&he Prophet has cursed the lady $ho lengthens her hair artificially and the one $ho gets her hair
lengthened# and also the lady $ho tattoos !herself or others" and the one $ho gets herself tattooed%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 732:
Darrated Asa':
A $oan asked the Prophet saying# H6 Allah's ApostleI My daughter got easles and her hair fell
out% Do$ that I got her arried# ay I let her use false hairJH He said !to her"# HAllah has cursed the
lady $ho lengthens hair artificially and the one $ho gets her hair lengthened artificially%H
=olue : ) 0<33 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 734:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar :
I heard the Prophet saying# !or the Prophet said"# HAllah has cursed the lady $ho practices tattoo)
ing and that $ho gets it done for herself# and also the lady $ho lengthens hair artificially and that
$ho gets her hair lengthened artificially%H &he Prophet has cursed such ladies%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 735:
Darrated Ibn Mas'ud:
Allah has cursed those $oen $ho practise tattooing or get it done for thesel(es# and those $ho
reo(e hair fro their faces# and those $ho create spaces bet$een their teeth artificially to look
beautiful# such ladies as change the features created by Allah% @hy then shall I not curse those
$ho Allah's Apostle has cursed and $ho are cursed in Allah's Book tooJ
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 73::
Darrated Abu Huraira :
Allah's Apostle said# H&he e(il eye is a fact#H and he forbade tattooing%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 737:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
!As abo(e 73:"%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 731:
Darrated Abu /uhaifa:
&he Prophet forbade the use of the price of blood and the price of a dog# the one $ho takes !eats"
usury the one $ho gi(es usury# the $oan $ho practises tattooing and the $oan $ho gets herself
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 7<6:
Darrated Abu Huraira :
A $oan $ho used to practise tattooing $as brought to 'Uar% 'Uar got up and said# HI beseech
you by Allah# $hich of you heard the Prophet saying soething about tattooingJH l got up and said#
H6 chief of the Belie(ersI l heard soething%H He said# H@hat did you hearJH I said# HI heard the Proph)
et !addressing the ladies"# saying# '8o not practise tattooing and do not get yoursel(es tattooed%'H
=olue : ) 0<3< ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 7<0:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar :
&he Prophet has cursed the lady $ho lengthens hair artificially and that $ho gets her hair
lengthened in such a$ay# and the lady $ho practises tattooing and that $ho gets it done for herself%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 7<3:
Darrated 'Abdullah :
Allah has cursed those $oen $ho practise tattooing and those $ho get it done for thesel(es#
and those $ho reo(e hair fro their faces# and those $ho artificially create spaces bet$een their
teeth to look beautiful# such $oen as alter the features created by Allah% @hy should I not then
curse those $ho Allah's Apostle has cursed and that is in Allah's BookJ
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 7<<:
Darrated Abu &alha :
&he Prophet said# HAngels do not enter a house in $hich there is a dog or there are pictures%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 7<2:
Darrated Musli:
@e $ere $ith MasruC at the house of Kasar bin Duair% MasruC sa$ pictures on his terrace and
said# HI heard 'Abdullah saying that he heard the Prophet saying# H&he people $ho $ill recei(e the
se(erest punishent fro Allah $ill be the picture akers%'H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 7<4:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar :
Allah's Apostle said# H&hose $ho ake these pictures $ill be punished on the 8ay of Resurrection#
and it $ill be said to the% 'Make ali(e $hat you ha(e created%'H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 7<5:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I ne(er used to lea(e in the Prophet house anything carrying iages or crosses but he obliterated
=olue : ) 0<32 ? 0:66
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 7<::
Darrated Abu Fur'a:
l entered a house in Medina $ith Abu Huraira# and he sa$ a an aking pictures at the top of
the house% Abu Huraira said# HI heard Allah's Apostle saying that Allah said# '@ho $ould be ore un)
.ust than the one $ho tries to create the like of My creaturesJ ;et the create a grain: let the create
a gnat%' HAbu Huraira then asked for a $ater container and $ashed his ars up to his arpits% I said#
H6 Abu i HurairaI Is this soething you ha(e heard I fro Allah's ApostleJH He said# H&he liit for
ablution is up to the place $here the ornaents $ill reach on the 8ay of Resurrection%'
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 7<7:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle returned fro a .ourney $hen I had placed a curtain of ine ha(ing pictures o(er
!the door of" a chaber of ine% @hen Allah's Apostle sa$ it# he tore it and said# H&he people $ho
$ill recei(e the se(erest punishent on the 8ay of Resurrection $ill be those $ho try to ake the
like of Allah's creations%H So $e turned it !i%e%# the curtain" into one or t$o cushions%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 7<1:
Darrated Aisha:
&he Prophet returned fro a .ourney $hen I had hung a thick curtain ha(ing pictures !in front of
a door"% He ordered e to reo(e it and I reo(ed it% Aisha added: &he Prophet and I used to take a
bath fro one container !of $ater"%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 726:
Darrated 'Aisha :
I purchased a cushion $ith pictures on it% &he Prophet !cae and" stood at the door but did not
enter% I said !to hi"# HI repent to Allah for $hat !the guilt" I ha(e done%H He said# H@hat is this cush)
ionJH I said# HIt is for you to sit on and recline on%H He said# H&he akers of these pictures $ill be pun)
ished on the 8ay of Resurrection and it $ill be said to the# 'Make ali(e $hat you ha(e created%'
Moreo(er# the angels do not enter a house $here there are pictures%'H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 720:
Darrated Abu &alha:
Allah's Apostle said# HAngels !of ercy" do not enter a house $here there are pictures%'H &he sub)
narrator Busr added: H&hen Faid fell ill and $e paid hi a (isit% BeholdI &here $as# hanging at his
=olue : ) 0<34 ? 0:66
door# a curtain decorated $ith a picture% I said to 'Ubaidullah Al)Khaulani# the step son of Maiuna#
the $ife of the Prophet # H8idn't Faid tell us about the picture the day before yesterdayJH 'Ubaidullah
said# H8idn't you hear hi saying: 'e*cept a design in a garent'JH
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 723:
Darrated Anas:
Aisha had a thick curtain !ha(ing pictures on it" and she screened the side of her i house $ith it%
&he Prophet said to her# HReo(e it fro y sight# for its pictures are still coing to y ind in y
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 72<:
Darrated Sali's father:
Ence Aabriel proised to (isit the Prophet but he delayed and the Prophet got $orried about that%
At last he cae out and found Aabriel and coplained to hi of his grief !for his delay"% Aabriel said
to hi# H@e do not enter a place in $hich there is a picture or a dog%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 722:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet"
I bought a cushion ha(ing pictures on it% @hen Allah's Apostle sa$ it# he stopped at the gate and
did not enter% I noticed the signs of hatred !for that" on his faceI I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I turn to
Allah and His Apostle in repentanceI @hat sin ha(e I coittedJH He said# H@hat about this cush)
ionJH I said# 'I bought it for you to sit on and recline on%H Allah's Apostle said# H&he akers of these
pictures $ill be punished !se(erely" on the 8ay of Resurrection and it $ill be said to the# 'Make
ali(e $hat you ha(e created%'H He added# HAngels do not enter a house in $hich there are pictures%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 724:
Darrated Abu /uhaifa:
that he had bought a sla(e $hose profession $as cupping% &he Prophet forbade taking the price of
blood and the price of a dog and the earnings of a prostitute# and cursed the one $ho took or ga(e
!Riba'" usury# and the lady $ho tattooed others or got herself tattooed# and the picture)aker%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 725:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
=olue : ) 0<35 ? 0:66
I heard Muhaad saying# H@hoe(er akes a picture in this $orld $ill be asked to put life into it
on the 8ay of Resurrection# but he $ill not be able to do so%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 72::
Darrated Usaa bin Faid:
Allah's Apostle rode a donkey saddled $ith a saddle co(ered $ith a Badakiyya (el(et sheet# and he
ade e ride behind hi%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 727:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
@hen the Prophet arri(ed at Mecca# the children of Bani 'Abdul Muttalib recei(ed hi% He then
ounted one of the in front of hi and the other behind hi%
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 721:
Darrated Aiyub:
&he $orst of three !persons riding one# anial" $as entioned in 'Ikria's presence 'Ikria said#
HIbn 'Abbas said# '!In the year of the conCuest of Mecca" the Prophet cae and ounted ,utha in
front of hi and Al)Badl behind hi# or ,utha behind hi and Al)Badl in front of hi%' Do$
$hich of the $as the $orst off and $hich $as the bestJH
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 746:
Darrated Mu'adh bin /abal
@hile I $as riding behind the Prophet and bet$een e and hi and bet$een e and hi there
$as only the back of the saddle# he said# H6 Mu'adhIH I replied# H;abbaik# 6 Allah's Apostle# and
Sa'daikIH he said# H8o you kno$ $hat is Allah's right upon his sla(eJH I said# HAllah and His Apostle
kno$ bestH He said HAllah's right upon his sla(es is that they should $orship Hi alone and not $or)
ship anything else besides Hi%H &hen he proceeded for a $hile and then said# HE Muadh bin /abalIH I
replied# H;abbaik# E Allah's Apostle:# Sa'daikI' He said# H8o you kno$ $hat is the right of the sla(es
upon Allah if they do thatJH I replied# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ best%H He said# H&he right of the
sla(es upon Allah is that He $ill not punish the !if they do that"%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 740:
Darrated Anas bin Malik :
=olue : ) 0<3: ? 0:66
@e $ere coing fro Khaibar along $ith Allah's Apostle $hile l $as riding behind Abu &alha
and he $as proceeding% @hile one of the $i(es of Allah's Apostle $as riding behind Allah's Apostle#
suddenly the foot of the cael Slipped and I said# H&he $oanIH and alighted !hurriedly"% Allah's
Apostle said# HShe is your other%H Sol resaddled the she)cael and Allah's Apostle ounted it% @hen
he approached or sa$ Medina# he said# HAyibun# ta'ibun# 'abidun# li)Rabbina hai)dun%H
=olue :# Book :3# Duber 743:
Darrated 'Abbad bin &ai's uncle:
I sa$ the Prophet lying)do$n in the osCue and placing one leg on the other%
=olue : ) 0<37 ? 0:66
=olue 7 ) 0<31 ? 0:66
Book :<: Aood Manners and Bor !Al)Adab"
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0:
Darrated Al)@alid bin 'Ai-ar:
I heard Abi Ar 'Ash)Shaibani saying# H&he o$ner of this house%H he pointed to 'Abdullah's house#
Hsaid# 'I asked the Prophet '@hich deed is lo(ed ost by AllahJH He replied# '&o offer prayers at their
early !(ery first" stated ties%' H 'Abdullah asked# H@hat is the ne*t !in goodness"JH &he Prophet said#
H&o be good and dutiful to one's parents#H 'Abdullah asked# H@hat is the ne*t !in goodness"JH &he
Prophet said# &o participate in /ihad for Allah's 9ause%H 'Abdullah added# H&he Prophet narrated to e
these three things# and if I had asked ore# he $ould ha(e told e ore%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @ho is ore entitled to be treated $ith
the best copanionship by eJH &he Prophet said# HKour other%H &he an said% H@ho is ne*tJH &he
Prophet said# HKour other%H &he an further said# H@ho is ne*tJH &he Prophet said# HKour other%H
&he an asked for the fourth tie# H@ho is ne*tJH &he Prophet said# HKour father% H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber <:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
A an said to the Prophet# HShall I participate in /ihadJH &he Prophet said# HAre your parents li()
ingJH &he an said# HKes%H the Prophet said# H8o /ihad for their benefit%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 2:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
Allah's Apostle said% HIt is one of the greatest sins that a an should curse his parents%H It $as asked
!by the people"# HE Allah's ApostleI Ho$ does a an curse his parentsJH &he Prophet said# H'&he an
abuses the father of another an and the latter abuses the father of the forer and abuses his oth)
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 4:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
=olue 7 ) 0<<6 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# H@hile three persons $ere tra(eling# they $ere o(ertaken by rain and they
took shelter in a ca(e in a ountain% A big rock fell fro the ountain o(er the outh of the ca(e
and blocked it% &hey said to each other% '&hink of such good !righteous" deeds $hich# you did for Al)
lah's sake only# and in(oke Allah by gi(ing reference to those deeds so that Allah ay relie(e you
fro your difficulty% one of the said# 'E AllahI I had y parents $ho $ere (ery old and I had sall
children for $hose sake I used to $ork as a shepherd% @hen I returned to the at night and ilked
!the sheep"# I used to start gi(ing the ilk to y parents first before gi(ing to y children% And one
day I $ent far a$ay in search of a gra-ing place !for y sheep"# and didn't return hoe till late at
night and found that y parents had slept% I ilked !y li(estock" as usual and brought the ilk
(essel and stood at their heads# and I disliked to $ake the up fro their sleep# and I also disliked to
gi(e the ilk to y children before y parents though y children $ere crying !fro hunger" at
y feet%
So this state of ine and theirs continued till the day da$ned% !E AllahI" If you considered that I
had done that only for seeking Kour pleasure# then please let there be an opening through $hich $e
can see the sky%' So Allah ade for the an opening through $hich they could see the sky% &hen the
second person said# 'E AllahI I had a she)cousin $ho I lo(ed as uch as a passionate an lo(e a
$oan% I tried to seduce her but she refused till I paid her one)hundred 8inars So I $orked hard till
I collected one hundred 8inars and $ent to her $ith that But $hen I sat in bet$een her legs !to ha(e
se*ual intercourse $ith her"# she said# 'E Allah's sla(eI Be afraid of Allah I 8o not deflo$er e e*)
cept legally !by arriage contract"% So I left her E AllahI If you considered that I had done that only
for seeking Kour pleasure then please let the rock o(e a little to ha(e a !$ider" opening%'
So Allah shifted that rock to ake the opening $ider for the% And the last !third" person said 'E
Allah I I eployed a laborer for $ages eCual to a BaraC !a certain easure: of rice# and $hen he had
finished his .ob he deanded his $ages# but $hen I presented his due to hi# he ga(e it up and re)
fused to take it% &hen I kept on so$ing that rice for hi !se(eral ties" till anaged to buy $ith the
price of the yield# soe co$s and their shepherd ;ater on the laborer cae to e an said% '!E Allah's
sla(eI" Be afraid o Allah# and do not be un.ust to e an gi(e e y due%' I said !to hi"% 'Ao and take
those co$s and their shepherd% So he took the and $ent a$ay% !So# E AllahI" If Kou considered that
I had done that for seeking Kour pleasure# then please reo(e the reaining part of the rock%' And so
Allah released the !fro their difficulty"%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 5:
Darrated Al)Mughira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah has forbidden you ! 0 " to be undutiful to your others !3" to $ithhold
!$hat you should gi(e" or !<" deand !$hat you do not deser(e"# and !2" to bury your daughters
ali(e% And Allah has disliked that !A" you talk too uch about others ! B"# ask too any Cuestions !in
religion"# or !9" $aste your property%H
=olue 7 ) 0<<0 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber ::
Darrated Abu Bakra:
Allah's Apostle said thrice# HShall I not infor you of the biggest of the great sinsJH @e said# HKes# E
Allah's ApostleH He said# H&o .oin partners in $orship $ith Allah: to be undutiful to one's parents%H &he
Prophet sat up after he had been reclining and added# HAnd I $arn you against gi(ing forged state)
ent and a false $itnessL I $arn you against gi(ing a forged stateent and a false $itness%H &he
Prophet kept on saying that $arning till $e thought that he $ould not stop%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 7:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle entioned the greatest sins or he $as asked about the greatest sins% He said# H&o
.oin partners in $orship $ith AllahL to kill a soul $hich Allah has forbidden to killL and to be undu)
tiful or unkind to one's parents%H &he Prophet added# HShall I infor you of the biggest of the great
sinsJ &hat is the forged stateent or the false $itness%H Shu'ba !the sub)narrator" states that ost
probably the Prophet said# Hthe false $itness%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 1:
Darrated Asa' bint Abu Bakr:
My other cae to e# hoping !for y fa(or" during the lifetie of the Prophet asked the Proph)
et# HMay I treat her kindlyJH He replied# HKes%H Ibn 'Uyaina said# H&hen Allah re(ealed: 'Allah forbids
you not $ith regards to those $ho fought not against you because of religion# and dro(e you not out
fro your hoes# that you should sho$ the kindness and deal .ustly $ith the%'%%%%%%%!56%7"
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 06:
Darrated Abu Sufyan:
&hat Heraclius sent for hi and said# H@hat did he# i%e% the Prophet order youJH I replied# HHe or)
ders us to offer prayersL to gi(e alsL to be chasteL and to keep good relations $ith our relati(es%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 00:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
My father# seeing a silken cloak being sold# said# HE Allah's ApostleI Buy this and $ear it on Bridays
and $hen the foreign delegates pay a (isit to you%H He said# H&his is $orn only by that person $ho
$ill ha(e no share in the Hereafter%H ;ater a fe$ silken cloaks $ere gi(en to the Prophet as a gift# and
he sent one of those cloaks to 'Uar% 'Uar said !to the Prophet"# HHo$ can I $ear it $hile you ha(e
=olue 7 ) 0<<3 ? 0:66
said about it $hat you saidJH &he Prophet said# HI did not gi(e it to you to $ear but to sell or to gi(e to
soeone else to $ear%H So 'Uar sent it to his !pagan" brother $ho $as fro the inhabitants of
Mecca before he !'Uar's brother" ebraced Isla%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 03:
Darrated Abu Aiyub Al)Ansari:
A an said# HE Allah's ApostleI Infor e of a deed $hich $ill ake e enter Paradise%H &he
people said# H@hat is the atter $ith hiJ @hat is the atter $ith hiJH Allah's Apostle said# HHe
has soething to ask !$hat he needs greatly"%H &he Prophet said !to hi"# !In order to enter Paradise"
you should $orship Allah and .oin none in $orship $ith Hi: Kou should offer prayers perfectly#
gi(e obligatory charity !Fakat"# and keep good relations $ith your Kith and kin%H He then said# H;ea(e
itIH !&he sub)narrator said# HIt sees that the Prophet $as riding his she cael%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0<:
Darrated /ubair bin Mut'i:
&hat he heard the Prophet saying# H&he person $ho se(ers the bond of kinship $ill not enter Para)
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 02:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H@ho e(er is pleased that he be granted ore $ealth and that his
lease of life be pro longed# then he should keep good relations $ith his Kith and kin%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 04:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah 's Apostle said# H@hoe(er lo(es that he be granted ore $ealth and that his lease of life be
prolonged then he should keep good relations $ith his Kith and kin%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 05:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah created the creations# and $hen He finished fro His creations# Ar)Rah
i%e%# $ob said# H!E Allah" at this place I seek refuge $ith Kou fro all those $ho se(er e !i%e% se(er
the ties of Kith and kin"% Allah said# 'Kes# $on't you be pleased that I $ill keep good relations $ith the
one $ho $ill keep good relations $ith you# and I $ill se(er the relation $ith the one $ho $ill se(er
=olue 7 ) 0<<< ? 0:66
the relations $ith you%' It said# 'Kes# E y ;ord%' Allah said# '&hen that is for you ' H Allah's Apostle ad)
ded% HRead !in the ,ur'an" if you $ish# the Stateent of Allah: '@ould you then# if you $ere gi(en the
authority# do ischief in the land and se(er your ties of kinshipJ' !2:%33"
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he $ord 'Ar)Rah !$ob" deri(es its nae fro Ar)Rahan !i%e%# one of the
naes of Allah" and Allah said: 'I $ill keep good relation $ith the one $ho $ill keep good relation
$ith you# !$ob i%e% Kith and Kin" and se(er the relation $ith hi $ho $ill se(er the relation $ith
you# !$ob# i%e% Kith and Kin"%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 07:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" &he Prophet said# H&he $ord 'Ar)Rah' !$ob" deri(es its nae fro
'Ar)Rahan' !i%e% Allah"% So $hosoe(er keeps good relations $ith it !$ob i%e% Kith and kin"# Allah
$ill keep good relations $ith hi# and $hosoe(er $ill se(er it !i%e% se(ers his bonds of Kith and kin"
Allah too $ill se(er His relations $ith hi%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 01:
Darrated 'Ar bin Al)'As:
I heard the Prophet saying openly not secretly# H&he faily of Abu so)and)so !i%e% &alib" are not
aong y protectors%H 'Ar said that there $as a blank space !0" in the Book of Muhaad bin /a')
far% He added# HMy Protector is Allah and the righteous belie(ing people%H 'Ar bin Al)'As added: I
heard the Prophet saying# 'But they !that faily" ha(e kinship !Rah" $ith e and I $ill be good and
dutiful to the% H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 36:
Darrated Abdullah bin 'Ar:
&he Prophet said# HAl)@asil is not the one $ho recopenses the good done to hi by his relati(es#
but Al)@asil is the one $ho keeps good relations $ith those relati(es $ho had se(ered the bond of
kinship $ith hi%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 30:
Darrated Haki bin Hi-a:
=olue 7 ) 0<<2 ? 0:66
&hat he said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat do you think about y good deeds $hich I used to do dur)
ing the period of ignorance !before ebracing Isla" like keeping good relations $ith y Kith and
kin# anuitting of sla(es and gi(ing als etcL Shall I recei(e the re$ard for thatJH Allah's Apostle
said# HKou ha(e ebraced Isla $ith all those good deeds $hich you did%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 33:
Darrated Sa'id:
U Khalid bint Khalid bin Said said# HI cae to Allah's Apostle along $ith y father and I $as
$earing a yello$ shirt% Allah's Apostle said# HSanah SanahIH !'Abdullah# the sub)narrator said# HIt
eans# 'Dice# niceI' in the +thiopian language%H" U Khalid added# H&hen I started playing $ith the
seal of Prophethood% My father adonished e% But Allah's Apostle said !to y father"# H;ea(e her#H
Allah's Apostle !then addressing e" said# HMay you li(e so long that your dress gets $orn out# and
you $ill end it any ties# and then $ear another till it gets $orn out !i%e% May Allah prolong your
life"%H !&he sub)narrator# 'Abdullah aid# H&hat garent !$hich she $as $earing reained usable for a
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 3<:
Darrated Ibn Abi Da':
)selling flo$ers in this $orld%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 32:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" A lady along $ith her t$o daughters cae to e asking e !for soe
als"# but she found nothing $ith e e*cept one date $hich I ga(e to her and she di(ided it bet$een
her t$o daughters# and then she got up and $ent a$ay% &hen the Prophet cae in and I infored
hi about this story% He said# H@hoe(er is in charge of !put to test by" these daughters and treats
the generously# then they $ill act as a shield for hi fro the !Hell" Bire%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 34:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
&he Prophet cae out to$ards us# $hile carrying Uaah# the daughter of Abi Al)As !his grand)
daughter" o(er his shoulder% He prayed# and $hen he $anted to bo$# he put her do$n# and $hen he
stood up# he lifted her up%
=olue 7 ) 0<<4 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 35:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle kissed Al)Hasan bin Ali $hile Al)ACra' bin Habis At)&ai $as sitting beside hi%
Al)ACra said# HI ha(e ten children and I ha(e ne(er kissed anyone of the#H Allah's Apostle cast a look
at hi and said# H@hoe(er is not erciful to others $ill not be treated ercifully%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 3::
Darrated 'Aisha:
A bedouin cae to the Prophet and said# HKou !people" kiss the boysI @e don't kiss the%H &he
Prophet said# HI cannot put ercy in your heart after Allah has taken it a$ay fro it%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 37:
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khattab:
Soe Sabi !i%e% $ar prisoners# children and $oan only" $ere brought before the Prophet and be)
hold# a $oan aongst the $as ilking her breasts to feed and $hene(er she found a child
aongst the capti(es# she took it o(er her chest and nursed it !she had lost her child but later she
found hi" the Prophet said to us# H8o you think that this lady can thro$ her son in the fireJH @e
replied# HDo# if she has the po$er not to thro$ it !in the fire"%H &he Prophet then said# HAllah is ore
erciful to His sla(es than this lady to her son%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 31:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# Allah di(ided Mercy into one)hundred parts and He kept its ninety)
nine parts $ith Hi and sent do$n its one part on the earth# and because of that# its one single part#
His creations are Merciful to each other# so that e(en the are lifts up its hoofs a$ay fro its baby
anial# lest it should traple on it%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber <6:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
I said 'E Allah's ApostleI @hich sin is the greatestJH He said# H&o set up a ri(al unto Allah# though
He Alone created you%H I said# H@hat ne*tJH He said# H&o kill your son lest he should share your food
$ith you%H I further asked# H@hat ne*tJH He said# H&o coit illegal se*ual intercourse $ith the $ife
of your neighbor%H And then Allah re(ealed as proof of the stateent of the Prophet: '&hose $ho in)
(oke not $ith Allah any other god"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !to end of (erse"%%%' !34%57"
=olue 7 ) 0<<5 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber <0:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet took a child in his lap for &ahnik !i%e% he che$ed a date in his outh and put its .uice
in the outh of the child"% &he child urinated on hi# so he asked for $ater and poured it o(er the
place of the urine%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber <3:
Darrated Usaa bin Faid:
Allah's Apostle used to put e on !one of" his thighs and put Al)Hasan bin 'Ali on his other thigh#
and then ebrace us and say# HE AllahI Please be Merciful to the# as I a erciful to the% H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber <<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I ne(er felt so .ealous of any $oan as I did of Khadi.a# though she had died three years before the
Prophet arried e# and that $as because I heard hi entioning her too often# and because his
;ord had ordered hi to gi(e her the glad tidings that she $ould ha(e a palace in Paradise# ade of
,asab and because he used to slaughter a sheep and distribute its eat aong her friends%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber <2:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd:
&he Prophet said# HI and the person $ho looks after an orphan and pro(ides for hi# $ill be in
Paradise like this#H putting his inde* and iddle fingers together%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber <4:
Darrated Saf$an bin Sali:
&he Prophet said H&he one $ho looks after and $orks for a $ido$ and for a poor person# is like a
$arrior fighting for Allah's 9ause or like a person $ho fasts during the day and prays all the night%H
Darrated Abu Huraira that the Prophet said as abo(e%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber <5:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 7 ) 0<<: ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# H&he one $ho looks after and $orks for a $ido$ and for a poor person is like
a $arrior fighting for Allah's 9ause%H !&he narrator Al),a'nabi is not sure $hether he also said H;ike
the one $ho prays all the night $ithout slackness and fasts continuously and ne(er breaks his fast%H"
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber <::
Darrated Abu Sulaian and Malik bin Hu$airith:
@e cae to the Prophet and $e $ere !a fe$" young en of appro*iately eCual age and stayed
$ith hi for t$enty nights% &hen he thought that $e $ere an*ious for our failies# and he asked us
$ho $e had left behind to look after our failies# and $e told hi% He $as kindhearted and er)
ciful# so he said# HReturn to your failies and teach the !religious kno$ledge" and order the !to
do good deeds" and offer your prayers in the $ay you sa$ e offering y prayers# and $hen the
stated tie for the prayer becoes due# then one of you should pronounce its call !i%e% the Adhan"#
and the eldest of you should lead you in prayer%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber <7:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hile a an $as $alking on a road% he becae (ery thirsty% &hen he cae
across a $ell# got do$n into it# drank !of its $ater" and then cae out% Mean$hile he sa$ a dog
panting and licking ud because of e*cessi(e thirst% &he an said to hiself H&his dog is suffering
fro the sae state of thirst as I did%H So he $ent do$n the $ell !again" and filled his shoe !$ith $a)
ter" and held it in his outh and $atered the dog% Allah thanked hi for that deed and forga(e hi%H
&he people asked# HE Allah's ApostleI Is there a re$ard for us in ser(ing the anialsJH He said# H!Kes"
&here is a re$ard for ser(ing any aniate !li(ing being" %H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber <1:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle stood up for the prayer and $e too stood up along $ith hi% &hen a bedouin
shouted $hile offering prayer% HE AllahI Besto$ Kour Mercy on e and Muhaad only and do not
besto$ it on anybody else along $ith us%H @hen the Prophet had finished his prayer $ith &asli# he
said to the Bedouin# HKou ha(e liited !narro$ed" a (ery (ast !thing"#H eaning Allah's Mercy%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 26:
Darrated An)Du'an bin Bashir:
=olue 7 ) 0<<7 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# HKou see the belie(ers as regards their being erciful aong thesel(es and
sho$ing lo(e aong thesel(es and being kind# resebling one body# so that# if any part of the body
is not $ell then the $hole body shares the sleeplessness !insonia" and fe(er $ith it%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 20:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HIf any Musli plants any plant and a huan being or an anial eats of it# he
$ill be re$arded as if he had gi(en that uch in charity%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 23:
Darrated /arir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HHe $ho is not erciful to others# $ill not be treated ercifully%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 2<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said HAabriel continued to recoend e about treating the neighbors Kindly and
politely so uch so that I thought he $ould order e to ake the as y heirs%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 22:
Darrates Ibn Uar:
Allah' Apostle said# Aabriel kept on recoending e about treating the neighbors in a kind and
polite anner# so uch so that I thought that he $ould order !e" to ake the !y" heirs%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 24:
Darrated Abu Shuraih:
&he Prophet said# HBy Allah# he does not belie(eI By Allah# he does not belie(eI By Allah# he does
not belie(eIH It $as said# H@ho is that# E Allah's ApostleJH He said# H&hat person $hose neighbor does
not feel safe fro his e(il%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 25:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet used to say# HE Musli ladiesI A neighbouress should not look do$n upon the present
of her neighbouress e(en it $ere the hoo(es of a sheep%H
=olue 7 ) 0<<1 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 2::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAnybody $ho belie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay should not har his neigh)
bor# and anybody $ho belie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay should entertain his guest generously and
anybody $ho belie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay should talk $hat is good or keep Cuiet% !i%e% abstain
fro all kinds of e(il and dirty talk"%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 27:
Darrated Abu Shuraih Al)Ada$i:
My ears heard and y eyes sa$ the Prophet $hen he spoke# HAnybody $ho belie(es in Allah and
the ;ast 8ay# should ser(e his neighbor generously# and anybody $ho belie(es in Allah and the ;ast
8ay should ser(e his guest generously by gi(ing hi his re$ard%H It $as asked% H@hat is his re$ard#
E Allah's ApostleJH He said# H!&o be entertained generously" for a day and a night $ith high Cuality of
food and the guest has the right to be entertained for three days !$ith ordinary food" and if he stays
longer# $hat he $ill be pro(ided $ith $ill be regarded as SadaCa !a charitable gift"% And anybody
$ho belie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay should talk $hat is good or keep Cuite !i%e% abstain fro all
kinds of dirty and e(il talks"%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 21:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e t$o neighborsI &o $ho shall I send y giftsJH He said# H&o the
one $hose gate in nearer to you%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 46:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# +n.oining# all that is good is a SadaCa%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 40:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ash'ari:
&he Prophet said# HEn e(ery Musli there is en.oined !a copulsory" SadaCa !als"%H &hey !the
people" said# HIf one has nothingJ' He said# HHe should $ork $ith his hands so that he ay benefit
hiself and gi(e in charity%H &hey said# HIf he cannot $ork or does not $orkJH He said# H&hen he
should help the oppressed unhappy person !by $ord or action or both"%H &hey said# HIf he does not do
itJH He said# H&hen he should en.oin $hat is good !or said $hat is reasonable"%' &hey said# HIf he does
=olue 7 ) 0<26 ? 0:66
not do that''' He said# H&hen he should refrain fro doing e(il# for that $ill be considered for Hi as a
SadaCa !charity" % H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 43:
Darrated 'Adi bin Hati:
&he Prophet entioned the !Hell" Bire and sought refuge !$ith Allah" fro it# and turned his face
to the other side% He entioned the !Hell" Bire again and took refuge !$ith Allah" fro it and turned
his face to the other side% !Shu'ba# the sub)narrator# said# HI ha(e no doubt that the Prophet repeated it
t$ice%H" &he Prophet then said# H!E peopleI" Sa(e yoursel(es fro the !Hell" Bire e(en if $ith one half
of a date fruit !gi(en in charity"# and if this is not a(ailable# then !sa(e yoursel(es" by saying a good
pleasant friendly $ord%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 4<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" A group of /e$s entered upon the Prophet and said# HAs)Sau)Alaiku%H
!i%e% death be upon you"% I understood it and said# H@a)Alaiku As)Sau $al)la'n% !death and the
curse of Allah be Upon you"%H Allah's Apostle said HBe cal# E 'AishaI Allah lo(es that on# should be
kind and lenient in all atters%H I said# HE Allah's ApostleI Ha(en't you heard $hat they !the /e$s"
ha(e saidJH Allah's Apostle said HI ha(e !already" said !to the" HAnd upon you I H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 42:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
A bedouin urinated in the osCue and the people ran to !beat" hi% Allah's Apostle said# H8o not
interrupt his urination !i%e% let hi finish"%H &hen the Prophet asked for a tubler of $ater and
poured the $ater o(er the place of urine%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 44:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# HA belie(er to another belie(er is like a building $hose different parts enforce
each other%H &he Prophet then clasped his hands $ith the fingers interlaced% !At that tie" the Proph)
et $as sitting and a an cae and begged or asked for soething% &he Prophet faced us and said#
HHelp and recoend hi and you $ill recei(e the re$ard for it# and Allah $ill bring about $hat
He $ill through His Prophet's tongue%H
=olue 7 ) 0<20 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 45o:
Darrated Abu Musa:
@hene(er a beggar or a person in need cae to the Prophet# the Prophet $ould say HHelp and re)
coend hi and you $ill recei(e the re$ard for it# and Allah $ill bring about $hat he $ill
through His Prophet's tongue
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 45:
Darrated MasruC:
Abdullah bin 'Ar entioned Allah's Apostle saying that he $as neither a Bahish nor a Muta)
fahish% Abdullah bin 'Ar added# Allah's Apostle said# '&he best aong you are those $ho ha(e the
best anners and character%'
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 4::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mulaika:
'Aisha said that the /e$s cae to the Prophet and said# HAs)Sau 'AlaikuH !death be on you"%
'Aisha said !to the"# H!8eath" be on you# and ay Allah curse you and sho$er His $rath upon youIH
&he Prophet said# HBe cal# E 'Aisha I Kou should be kind and lenient# and be$are of harshness and
Buhsh !i%e% bad $ords"%H She said !to the Prophet"# HHa(en't you heard $hat they !/e$s" ha(e saidJH He
said# HHa(en't you heard $hat I ha(e said !to the"J I said the sae to the# and y in(ocation
against the $ill be accepted $hile theirs against e $ill be re.ected !by Allah"% H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 47:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet $as not one $ho $ould abuse !others" or say obscene $ords# or curse !others"# and if
he $anted to adonish anyone of us# he used to say: H@hat is $rong $ith hi# his forehead be dus)
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 41o:
Darrated 'Aisha:
A an asked perission to enter upon the Prophet% @hen the Prophet sa$ hi# he said# H@hat an
e(il brother of his tribeI And $hat an e(il son of his tribeIH @hen that an sat do$n# the Prophet be)
ha(ed $ith hi in a nice and polite anner and $as copletely at ease $ith hi% @hen that person
had left# 'Aisha said !to the Prophet"% HE Allah's ApostleI @hen you sa$ that an# you said so)and)so
about hi# then you sho$ed hi a kind and polite beha(ior# and you en.oyed his copanyJH Allah's
=olue 7 ) 0<23 ? 0:66
Apostle said# HE 'AishaI Ha(e you e(er seen e speaking a bad and dirty languageJ !Reeber that"
the $orst people in Allah's sight on the 8ay of Resurrection $ill be those $ho the people lea(e
!undisturbed" to be a$ay fro their e(il !deeds"%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 41i:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet $as the best aong the people !both in shape and character" and $as the ost gen)
erous of the# and $as the bra(est of the% Ence# during the night# the people of Medina got afraid
!of a sound"% So the people $ent to$ards that sound# but the Prophet ha(ing gone to that sound be)
fore the# et the $hile he $as saying# H8on't be afraid# don't be afraid%H !At that tie" he $as rid)
ing a horse belonging to Abu &alha and it $as naked $ithout a saddle# and he $as carrying a s$ord
slung at his neck% &he Prophet said# HI found it !the horse" like a sea# or# it is the sea indeed%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 56:
Darrated /abir:
De(er $as the Prophet asked for a thing to be gi(en for $hich his ans$er $as 'no'%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 50:
Darrated MasruC:
@e $ere sitting $ith 'Abdullah bin 'Ar $ho $as narrating to us !Hadith": He said# HAllah's
Apostle $as neither a Bahish nor a Mutafahhish# and he used to say# '&he best aong you are the best
in character !ha(ing good anners"%H'
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 53:
Darrated Abu Ha-i:
Sahl bin Sa'd said that a $oan brought a Burda !sheet" to the Prophet% Sahl asked the people# H8o
you kno$ $hat is a BurdaJH &he people replied# HIt is a 'Shala'# a sheet $ith a fringe%H &hat $oan
said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e brought it so that you ay $ear it%H So the Prophet took it because he
$as in need of it and $ore it% A an aong his copanions# seeing hi $earing it# said# HE Allah's
ApostleI Please gi(e it to e to $ear%H &he Prophet said# HKes%H !and ga(e hi that sheet"% @hen the
Prophet left# the an $as blaed by his copanions $ho said# HIt $as not nice on your part to ask
the Prophet for it $hile you kno$ that he took it because he $as in need of it# and you also kno$
that he !the Prophet" ne(er turns do$n anybody's reCuest that he ight be asked for%H &hat an said#
HI .ust $anted to ha(e its blessings as the Prophet had put it on# so l hoped that I ight be shrouded
in it%H
=olue 7 ) 0<2< ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 5<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&ie $ill pass rapidly# good deeds $ill decrease# and iserliness $ill be
thro$n !in the hearts of the people"# and the Har. !$ill increase"%H &hey asked# H@hat is the Har.JH He
replied# H!It is" killing !urdering"# !it is" urdering !killing"%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 52:
Darrated Anas:
I ser(ed the Prophet for ten years# and he ne(er said to e# HUfH !a inor harsh $ord denoting i)
patience" and ne(er blaed e by saying# H@hy did you do so or $hy didn't you do soJH
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 54:
Darrated Al)As$ad:
I asked 'Aisha $hat did the Prophet use to do at hoe% She replied% HHe used to keep hiself busy
ser(ing his faily and $hen it $as tie for the prayer# he $ould get up for prayer%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 55:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIf Allah lo(es a person# He calls Aabriel saying: 'Allah lo(es so and soL E Aabriel#
lo(e hi%' Aabriel $ould lo(e hi# and then Aabriel $ould ake an announceent aong the res)
idents of the Hea(en# 'Allah lo(es so)and)so# therefore# you should lo(e hi also%' So# all the residents
of the Hea(ens $ould lo(e hi and then he is granted the pleasure of the people of the earth%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 5::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HDone $ill ha(e the s$eetness !delight" of Baith !a" till he lo(es a person and
lo(es hi only for Allah's sake# !b" and till it becoes dearer to hi to be thro$n in the fire than to
re(ert to disbelief !Heathenis" after Allah has brought hi out of it# !c" and till Allah and His
Apostle becoe dearer to hi than anything else%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 57:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Fa'a:
=olue 7 ) 0<22 ? 0:66
&he Prophet forbade laughing at a person $ho passes $ind# and said# HHo$ does anyone of you
beat his $ife as he beats the stallion cael and then he ay ebrace !sleep $ith" herJH And Hisha
said# HAs he beats his sla(eH
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 51:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said at Mina# H8o you kno$ $hat day is todayJH &hey !the people" replied# HAllah and
His Apostle kno$ better#H He said H&oday is 06th of 8hul)Hi..a# the sacred !forbidden" day% 8o you
kno$ $hat to$n is this to$nJH &hey !the people" replied# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ better%H He
said# H&his is the !forbidden" Sacred to$n !Mecca a sanctuary"%H And do you kno$ $hich onth is
this onthJH &hey !the People" replied# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ better%H He said# ''&his is the Sac)
red !forbidden" onth %H He added# HAllah has ade your blood# your properties and your honor Sac)
red to one another !i%e% Muslis" like the sanctity of this day of yours in this onth of yours# in this
to$n of yours%H !See Hadith Do% :1:# =ol% 3%"
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber :6:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# HAbusing a Musli is BusuC !i%e%# an e(il)doing"# and killing hi is Kufr !dis)
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber :0:
Darrated Abu 8har:
&hat he heard the Prophet saying# HIf soebody accuses another of BusuC !by calling hi 'BasiC' i%e%
a $icked person" or accuses hi of Kufr# such an accusation $ill re(ert to hi !i%e% the accuser" if his
copanion !the accused" is innocent%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber :3:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle $as neither a Bahish !one $ho had a bad tongue" nor a Sabbaba !one $ho abuses
others" and he used to say $hile adonishing soebody# H@hat is $rong $ith hiJ May dust be on
his foreheadIH
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber :<:
Darrated &habit bin Ad)8ahhak:
=olue 7 ) 0<24 ? 0:66
!$ho $as one of the copanions $ho ga(e the pledge of allegiance to the Prophet underneath the
tree !Al)Hudaibiya"" Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er s$ears by a religion other than Isla !i%e% if
soebody s$ears by saying that he is a non)Musli e%g%# a /e$ or a 9hristian# etc%" in case he is
telling a lie# he is really so if his oath is false# and a person is not bound to fulfill a (o$ about a thing
$hich he does not possess% And if soebody coits suicide $ith anything in this $orld# he $ill be
tortured $ith that (ery thing on the 8ay of ResurrectionL And if soebody curses a belie(er# then his
sin $ill be as if he urdered hiL And $hoe(er accuses a belie(er of Kufr !disbelief"# then it is as if
he killed hi%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber :2:
Darrated Sulaian bin Surad:
A an fro the copanions of the Prophet said# H&$o en abused each other in front of the
Prophet and one of the becae angry and his anger becae so intense that his face becae
s$ollen and changed% &he Prophet said# HI kno$ a $ord the saying of $hich $ill cause hi to rela* if
he does say it%H &hen a an $ent to hi and infored hi of the stateent of the Prophet and said#
HSeek refuge $ith Allah fro Satan%H En that# angry an said# '8o you find anything $rong $ith eJ
A I insaneJ Ao a$ayIH
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber :4:
Darrated 'Ubada bin As)Sait:
Allah's Apostle $ent out to infor the people about the !date of the Dight of decree !Al),adr"%
&here happened a Cuarrel bet$een t$o Musli en% &he Prophet said# HI cae out to infor you
about the Dight of Al),adr# but as so)and)so and so)and)so Cuarrelled# so the ne$s about it had
been taken a$ayL and ay be it $as better for you% So look for it in the ninth# the se(enth# or the fifth
!of the last ten days of Raadan"%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber :5:
Darrated Ma'rur:
I sa$ Abu 8har $earing a Burd !garent" and his sla(e too $as $earing a Burd# so I said !to Abu
8har"# HIf you take this !Burda of your sla(e" and $ear it !along $ith yours"# you $ill ha(e a nice suit
!costue" and you ay gi(e hi another garent%H Abu 8har said# H&here $as a Cuarrel bet$een e
and another an $hose other $as a non)Arab and I called her bad naes% &he an entioned
!coplained about" e to the Prophet% &he Prophet said# H8id you abuse so)and)soJH I said# HKesH He
said# H8id you call his other bad naesJH I said# HKesH% He said# HKou still ha(e the traits of !the Pre)
lslaic period of" ignorance%H I said% H!8o I still ha(e ignorance" e(en no$ in y old ageJH He said#
HKes# they !sla(es or ser(ants" are your brothers# and Allah has put the under your coand% So
=olue 7 ) 0<25 ? 0:66
the one under $hose hand Allah has put his brother# should feed hi of $hat he eats# and gi(e hi
dresses of $hat he $ears# and should not ask hi to do a thing beyond his capacity% And if at all he
asks hi to do a hard task# he should help hi therein%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber :::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet led us in the Fuhr prayer# offering only t$o Rakat and then !finished it" $ith &asli#
and $ent to a piece of $ood in front of the osCue and put his hand o(er it% Abu Bakr and 'Uar
$ere also present aong the people on that day but dared not talk to hi !about his unfinished
prayer"% And the hasty people $ent a$ay# $ondering% HHas the prayer been shortenedH Aong the
people there $as a an $ho the Prophet used to call 8hul)Kadain !the longared"% He said# HE
Allah's ProphetI Ha(e you forgotten or has the prayer been shortenedJH &he Prophet said# HDeither
ha(e I forgotten# nor has it been shortened%H &hey !the people" said# HSurely# you ha(e forgotten# E Al)
lah's ApostleIH &he Prophet said# 8hul)Kadain has told the truth%H So the Prophet got up and offered
other t$o Rakat and finished his prayer $ith &asli% &hen he said &akbir# perfored a prostration of
ordinary duration or longer# then he raised his head and said &akbir and perfored another pros)
tration of ordinary duration or longer and then raised his head and said &akbir !i%e% he perfored the
t$o prostrations of Sahu# i%e%# forgetfulness"%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber :7:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle passed by t$o gra(es and said# HBoth of the !persons in the gra(e" are being tor)
tured# and they are not being tortured for a a.or sin% &his one used not to sa(e hiself fro being
soiled $ith his urine# and the other used to go about $ith calunies !aong the people to rouse hos)
tilities# e%g%# one goes to a person and tells hi that so)and)so says about hi such)and)such e(il
things"% &he Prophet then asked for a green leaf of a date)pal tree# split it into t$o pieces and
planted one on each gra(e and said# HIt is hoped that their punishent ay be abated till those t$o
pieces of the leaf get dried%H !See Hadith Do 304# =ol 0"%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber :1:
Darrated Abu Usaid As)Sa'idi:
&he Prophet said# H&he best faily aong the Ansar is the Banu An) H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 76:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue 7 ) 0<2: ? 0:66
A an asked perission to enter upon Allah's Apostle% &he Prophet said# HAdit hi% @hat an e(il
brother of his people or a son of his people%H But $hen the an entered# the Prophet spoke to hi in
a (ery polite anner% !And $hen that person left" I said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou had said $hat you
had said# yet you spoke to hi in a (ery polite annerJH &he Prophet said# HE 'AishaI &he $orst
people are those $ho the people desert or lea(e in order to sa(e thesel(es fro their dirty lan)
guage or fro their transgression%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 70:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ence the Prophet $ent through the gra(e)yards of Medina and heard the (oices of t$o huans
$ho $ere being tortured in their gra(es% &he Prophet said# H&hey are being punished# but they are
not being punished because of a a.or sin# yet their sins are great% Ene of the used not to sa(e
hiself fro !being soiled $ith" the urine# and the other used to go about $ith calunies
!Daia"%H &hen the Prophet asked for a green pal tree leaf and split it into t$o pieces and placed
one piece on each gra(e# saying# HI hope that their punishent ay be abated as long as these pieces
of the leaf are not dried%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 73:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
I heard the Prophet saying# HA ,attat $ill not enter Paradise%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 7<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er does not gi(e up false stateents !i%e% telling lies"# and e(il deeds# and
speaking bad $ords to others# Allah is not in need of his !fasting" lea(ing his food and drink%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 72:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he $orst people in the Sight of Allah on the 8ay of Resurrection $ill be the
double faced people $ho appear to soe people $ith one face and to other people $ith another
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 74:
Darrated Ibn Mas'ud:
=olue 7 ) 0<27 ? 0:66
Ence Allah's Apostle di(ided and distributed !the $ar booty"% An Ansar an said# HBy Allah I
Muhaad# by this distribution# did not intend to please Allah%H So I cae to Allah's Apostle and in)
fored hi about it $hereupon his face becae changed $ith anger and he said# HMay Allah besto$
His Mercy on Moses for he $as hurt $ith ore than this# yet he reained patient%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 75:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet heard a an praising another an and he $as e*aggerating in his praise% &he Proph)
et said !to hi"% HKou ha(e destroyed !or cut" the back of the an%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 7::
Darrated Abu Bakra:
A an $as entioned before the Prophet and another an praised hi greatly &he Prophet said#
HMay Allah's Mercy be on you I Kou ha(e cut the neck of your friend%H &he Prophet repeated this sen)
tence any ties and said# HIf it is indispensable for anyone of you to praise soeone# then he should
say# 'I think that he is so)and)so#H if he really thinks that he is such% Allah is the Ene @ho $ill take
his accounts !as He kno$s his reality" and no)one can sanctify anybody before Allah%H !Khalid said#
H@oe to you#H instead of HAllah's Mercy be on you%H"
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 77:
Darrated Sali:
that his father saidL H@hen Allah's Apostle entioned $h at he entioned about !the hanging of"
the I-ar !$aist sheet"# Abu Bakr said# HE Allah's ApostleI My I-ar slackens on one side !$ithout y
intention"%H &he Prophet said# HKou are not aong those !$ho# out of pride" drag their I-ars behind
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 71:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet continued for such)and)such period iagining that he has slept !had se*ual rela)
tions" $ith his $i(es# and in fact he did not% Ene day he said# to e# HE 'AishaI Allah has instructed
e regarding a atter about $hich I had asked Hi% &here cae to e t$o en# one of the sat
near y feet and the other near y head% &he one near y feet# asked the one near y head !point)
ing at e"# '@hat is $rong $ith this anJ &he latter replied# 'He is under the effect of agic%' &he
first one asked# '@ho had $orked agic on hiJ' &he other replied# ';ubaid bin Asa%' &he first one
asked# '@hat aterial !did he use"J' &he other replied# '&he skin of the pollen of a ale date tree $ith
=olue 7 ) 0<21 ? 0:66
a cob and the hair stuck to it# kept under a stone in the $ell of 8har$an%H' &hen the Prophet $ent
to that $ell and said# H&his is the sae $ell $hich $as sho$n to e in the drea% &he tops of its
date)pal trees look like the heads of the de(ils# and its $ater looks like the Henna infusion%H &hen
the Prophet ordered that those things be taken out% I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @on't you disclose !the
agic ob.ect"JH &he Prophet said# HAllah has cured e and I hate to circulate the e(il aong the
people%H 'Aisha added# H!&he agician" ;ubaid bin Asa $as a an fro Bani FuraiC# an ally of the
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 16:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HBe$are of suspicion# for suspicion is the $orst of false talesL and do not look for
the others' faults and do not spy# and do not be .ealous of one another# and do not desert !cut your
relation $ith" one another# and do not hate one anotherL and E Allah's $orshipersI Be brothers !as
Allah has ordered youIH"
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 10:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# H8o not hate one another# and do not be .ealous of one another# and do not
desert each other# and E# Allah's $orshipersI Be brothers% ;oI It is not perissible for any Musli to
desert !not talk to" his brother !Musli" for ore than three days%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 13:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HBe$are of suspicion# for suspicion is the $orst of false tales% and do not look
for the others' faults# and do not do spying on one another# and do not practice and do not be
.ealous of one another and do not hate one another# and do not desert !stop talking to" one another%
And E# Allah's $orshipersI Be brothersIH
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 1<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# HI do not think that so)and)so and so)and)so kno$ anything of our religion%H
!And Al);aith said# H&hese t$o persons $ere aong the hypocrites%H"
=olue 7 ) 0<46 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 12:
Darrated Al);aith:
'Aisha said H&he Prophet entered upon e one day and said# 'E 'AishaI I do not think that so)and)
so and so)and)so kno$ anything of our religion $hich $e follo$%H'
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 14:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying% HAll the sins of y follo$ers $ill be forgi(en e*cept those of the
Mu.ahirin !those $ho coit a sin openly or disclose their sins to the people"% An e*aple of such
disclosure is that a person coits a sin at night and though Allah screens it fro the public# then
he coes in the orning# and says# 'E so)and)so# I did such)and)such !e(il" deed yesterday#' though
he spent his night screened by his ;ord !none kno$ing about his sin" and in the orning he reo(es
Allah's screen fro hiself%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 15:
Darrated Saf$an bin Muhri-:
A an asked Ibn 'Uar# H@hat did you hear Allah's Apostle saying regarding An)Da.$a !secret
talk bet$een Allah and His belie(ing $orshipper on the 8ay of /udgent"JH He said# H!&he Prophet
said"# HEne of you $ill coe close to his ;ord till He $ill shelter hi in His screen and say: 8id you
coit such)and)such sinJ He $ill say# 'Kes%' &hen Allah $ill say: 8id you coit such and such
sinJ He $ill say# 'Kes%' So Allah $ill ake hi confess !all his sins" and He $ill say# 'I screened the
!your sins" for you in the $orld# and today I forgi(e the for you%H'
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 1::
Darrated Haritha bin @ahb:
Al)Khu-ai: &he Prophet said# HShall I infor you about the people of ParadiseJ &hey coprise
e(ery obscure uniportant huble person# and if he takes Allah's Eath that he $ill do that thing#
Allah $ill fulfill his oath !by doing that"% Shall I infor you about the people of the BireJ &hey co)
prise e(ery cruel# (iolent# proud and conceited person%H Anas bin Malik said# HAny of the feale
sla(es of Medina could take hold of the hand of Allah's Apostle and take hi $here(er she $ished%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 17:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue 7 ) 0<40 ? 0:66
!the $ife of the Prophet" that she $as told that 'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair !on hearing that she $as
selling or gi(ing soething as a gift" said# HBy Allah# if 'Aisha does not gi(e up this# I $ill declare her
incopetent to dispose of her $ealth%H I said# H8id he !'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair" say soJH &hey
!people" said# HKes%H 'Aisha said# HI (o$ to Allah that I $ill ne(er speak to Ibn A-)Fubair%H @hen this
desertion lasted long# 'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair sought intercession $ith her# but she said# HBy Allah# I
$ill not accept the intercession of anyone for hi# and $ill not coit a sin by breaking y (o$%H
@hen this state of affairs $as prolonged on Ibn A-)Fubair !he felt it hard on hi"# he said to Al)
Mis$ar bin Makhraa and 'Abdur)Rahan bin Al)As$ad bin 'Abu Kaghuth# $ho $ere fro the
tribe of Bani Fahra# HI beseech you# by Allah# to let e enter upon 'Aisha# for it is unla$ful for her to
(o$ to cut the relation $ith e%H So Al)Mis$ar and 'Abdur)Rahan# $rapping their sheets around
thesel(es# asked 'Aisha's perission saying# HPeace and Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon youI
Shall $e coe inJH 'Aisha said# H9oe in%H &hey said# HAll of usJH She said# HKes# coe in all of you#H not
kno$ing that Ibn A-)Fubair $as also $ith the% So $hen they entered# Ibn A-)Fubair entered the
screened place and got hold of 'Aisha and started reCuesting her to e*cuse hi# and $ept% Al)Mis$ar
and 'Abdur Rahan also started reCuesting her to speak to hi and to accept his repentance% &hey
said !to her"# H&he Prophet forbade $hat you kno$ of deserting !not speaking to your Musli
Brethren"# for it is unla$ful for any Musli not to talk to his brother for ore than three nights
!days"%H So $hen they increased their reinding her !of the superiority of ha(ing good relation $ith
Kith and kin# and of e*cusing others' sins"# and brought her do$n to a critical situation# she started
reinding the# and $ept# saying# HI ha(e ade a (o$# and !the Cuestion of" (o$ is a difficult one%H
&hey !Al)Mis$ar and 'Abdur)Rahan" persisted in their appeal till she spoke $ith 'Abdullah bin A-)
Fubair and she anuitted forty sla(es as an e*piation for her (o$% ;ater on# $hene(er she re)
ebered her (o$# she used to $eep so uch that her (eil used to becoe $et $ith her tears%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 11:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# H8o not hate one another# nor be .ealous of one anotherL and do not desert one
another# but E Allah's $orshipersI Be BrothersI And it is unla$ful for a Musli to desert his brother
Musli !and not to talk to hi" for ore than three nights%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 066:
Darrated Abu Aiyub Al)Ansari:
Allah's Apostle said# HIt is not la$ful for a an to desert his brother Musli for ore than three
nights% !It is unla$ful for the that" $hen they eet# one of the turns his face a$ay fro the oth)
er# and the other turns his face fro the forer# and the better of the t$o $ill be the one $ho greets
the other first%H
=olue 7 ) 0<43 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 060:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said# H I kno$ $hether you are angry or pleased%H I said# HHo$ do you kno$ that#
Allah's ApostleJH He said# H@hen you are pleased# you say# HKes# by the ;ord of Muhaad#' but $hen
you are angry# you say# 'Do# by the ;ord of AbrahaI' H I said# HKes# I do not lea(e# e*cept your nae%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 063:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" HI do not reeber y parents belie(ing in any religion other than the
Religion !of Isla"# and our being (isited by Allah's Apostle in the orning and in the e(ening% Ene
day# $hile $e $ere sitting in the house of Abu Bakr !y father" at noon# soeone said# '&his is Allah's
Apostle coing at an hour at $hich he ne(er used to (isit us%' Abu Bakr said# '&here ust be soe)
thing (ery urgent that has brought hi at this hour%' &he Prophet said# 'I ha(e been allo$ed to go out
!of Mecca" to igrate%' H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 06<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle (isited a household aong the Ansars# and he took a eal $ith the% @hen he in)
tended to lea(e# he asked for a place in that house for hi# to pray so a at sprinkled $ith $ater $as
put and he offered prayer o(er it# and in(oked for Allah's Blessing upon the !his hosts"%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 062:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
'Uar sa$ a silken cloak o(er a an !for sale" so he took it to the Prophet and said# 'E Allah's
ApostleI Buy this and $ear it $hen the delegate coe to you%' He said# '&he silk is $orn by one $ho
$ill ha(e no share !in the Here)after"%' Soe tie passed after this e(ent# and then the Prophet sent a
!siilar" cloak to hi% 'Uar brought that cloak back to the Prophet and said# 'Kou ha(e sent this to
e# and you said about a siilar one $hat you saidJ' &he Prophet said# 'I ha(e sent it to you so that
you ay get oney by selling it%' Because of this# Ibn 'Uar used to hate the silken arkings on the
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 064:
Darrated Anas:
=olue 7 ) 0<4< ? 0:66
@hen 'Abdur)Rahan cae to us# the Prophet established a bond of brotherhood bet$een hi
and Sa'd bin Ar)Rabi'% Ence the Prophet said# HAs you !E 'Abdur)Rahan" ha(e arried# gi(e a $ed)
ding banCuet e(en if $ith one sheep%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 065:
Darrated 'Asi:
I said to Anas bin Malik# H8id it reach you that the Prophet said# H&here is no treaty of brotherhood
in Isla'JH Anas said# H&he Prophet ade a treaty !of brotherhood" bet$een the Ansar and the
,uraish in y hoe%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 06::
Darrated 'Aisha:
Rifa'a Al),ura-i di(orced his $ife irre(ocably !i%e% that di(orce $as the final"% ;ater on 'Abdur)
Rahan bin A-)Fubair arried her after hi% She cae to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I
$as Rifa'a's $ife and he di(orced e thrice# and then I $as arried to 'Abdur)Rahan bin
A-Fubair# $ho# by Allah has nothing $ith hi e*cept soething like this fringe# E Allah's Apostle#H
sho$ing a fringe she had taken fro her co(ering sheet% Abu Bakr $as sitting $ith the Prophet
$hile Khalid Ibn Said bin Al)As $as sitting at the gate of the roo $aiting for adission% Khalid
started calling Abu Bakr# HE Abu BakrI @hy don't you repro(e this lady fro $hat she is openly say)
ing before Allah's ApostleJH Allah's Apostle did nothing e*cept siling# and then said !to the lady"#
HPerhaps you $ant to go back to Rifa'aJ Do# !it is not possible"# unless and until you en.oy the se*ual
relation $ith hi !'Abdur Rahan"# and he en.oys the se*ual relation $ith you%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 067:
Darrated Sa'd:
'Uar bin Al)Khattab asked perission of Allah's Apostle to see hi $hile soe ,uraishi $oen
$ere sitting $ith hi and they $ere asking hi to gi(e the ore financial support $hile raising
their (oices o(er the (oice of the Prophet% @hen 'Uar asked perission to enter# all of the hurried
to screen thesel(es the Prophet aditted 'Uar and he entered# $hile the Prophet $as siling%
'Uar said# HMay Allah al$ays keep you siling# E Allah's ApostleI ;et y father and other be sac)
rificed for you IH &he Prophet said# HI a astonished at these $oen $ho $ere $ith e% As soon as
they heard your (oice# they hastened to screen thesel(es%H 'Uar said# HKou ha(e ore right# that
they should be afraid of you# E Allah's ApostleIH And then he !'Uar" turned to$ards the and said#
HE eneies of your soulsI Kou are afraid of e and not of Allah's ApostleJH &he $oen replied# HKes#
for you are sterner and harsher than Allah's Apostle%H Allah's Apostle said# HE Ibn Al)KhattabI By Hi
=olue 7 ) 0<42 ? 0:66
in @hose Hands y life is# $hene(er Satan sees you taking a $ay# he follo$s a $ay other than
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 061:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
@hen Allah Apostle $as in &a'if !trying to conCuer it"# he said to his copanions# H&oorro$ $e
$ill return !to Medina"# if Allah $ills%H Soe of the copanions of Allah's Apostle said# H@e $ill not
lea(e till $e conCuer it%H &he Prophet said# H&herefore# be ready to fight toorro$%H En the follo$ing
day# they !Muslis" fought fiercely !$ith the people of &a'if" and suffered any $ounds% &hen Al)
lah's Apostle said# H&oorro$ $e $ill return !to Medina"# if Allah $ills%H His copanions kept Cuiet
this tie% Allah's Apostle then siled%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 006:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an cae to the Prophet and said# HI ha(e been ruined for I ha(e had se*ual relation $ith y
$ife in Raadan !$hile I $as fasting"H &he Prophet said !to hi"# HManuit a sla(e%H &he an said# H
I cannot afford that%H &he Prophet said# H!&hen" fast for t$o successi(e onths continuouslyH% &he
an said# HI cannot do that%H &he Prophet said# H!&hen" feed si*ty poor persons%H &he an said# HI ha(e
nothing !to feed the $ith"%H &hen a big basket full of dates $as brought to the Prophet% &he Prophet
said# H@here is the CuestionerJ Ao and gi(e this in charity%H &he an said# H!Shall I gi(e this in char)
ity" to a poorer person than lJ By Allah# there is no faily in bet$een these t$o ountains !of Med)
ina" $ho are poorer than $e%H &he Prophet then siled till his preolar teeth becae (isible# and
said# H&hen !feed" your !faily $ith it"%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 000:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hile I $as going along $ith Allah's Apostle $ho $as $earing a Da.rani Burd !sheet" $ith a thick
border# a bedouin o(ertook the Prophet and pulled his Rida' !sheet" forcibly% I looked at the side of
the shoulder of the Prophet and noticed that the edge of the Rida' had left a ark on it because of the
(iolence of his pull% &he bedouin said# HE MuhaadI Erder for e soe of Allah's property $hich
you ha(e%H &he Prophet turned to$ards hi# !siled" and ordered that he be gi(en soething%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 003:
Darrated /arir:
=olue 7 ) 0<44 ? 0:66
&he Prophet did not screen hiself fro e !had ne(er pre(ented e fro entering upon hi"
since I ebraced Isla# and $hene(er he sa$ e# he $ould recei(e e $ith a sile% Ence I told hi
that I could not sit fir on horses% He stroked e on the chest $ith his hand# and said# HE AllahI
Make hi fir and ake hi a guiding and a rightly guided an%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 00<:
Darrated Fainab bint U Salaa:
U Sulai said# HE Allah's ApostleI =erily Allah is not shy of !telling you" the truth% Is it essential
for a $oan to take a bath after she had a $et drea !nocturnal se*ual discharge"JH He said# HKes# if
she notices discharge% En that U Salaa laughed and said# H8oes a $oan get a !nocturnal se*ual"
dischargeJH He said# HHo$ then does !her" son reseble her !his other"JH
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 002:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I ne(er sa$ the Prophet laughing to an e*tent that one could see his palate# but he al$ays used to
sile only%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 004:
Darrated Anas:
A an cae to the Prophet on a Briday $hile he !the Prophet" $as deli(ering a seron at Medina#
and said# H&here is lack of rain# so please in(oke your ;ord to bless us $ith the rain%H &he Prophet
looked at the sky $hen no cloud could be detected% &hen he in(oked Allah for rain% 9louds started
gathering together and it rained till the Medina (alleys started flo$ing $ith $ater% It continued
raining till the ne*t Briday% &hen that an !or soe other an" stood up $hile the Prophet $as de)
li(ering the Briday seron# and said# H@e are dro$nedL Please in(oke your ;ord to $ithhold it !rain"
fro usH &he Prophet siled and said t$ice or thrice# HE AllahI Please let it rain round about us and
not upon us%H &he clouds started dispersing o(er Medina to the right and to the left# and it rained
round about Medina and not upon Medina% Allah sho$ed the !the people" the iracle of His
Prophet and His response to his in(ocation%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 005:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H&ruthfulness leads to righteousness# and righteousness leads to Paradise% And a
an keeps on telling the truth until he becoes a truthful person% Balsehood leads to Al)Ba.ur !i%e%
=olue 7 ) 0<45 ? 0:66
$ickedness# e(il)doing"# and Al)Ba.ur !$ickedness" leads to the !Hell" Bire# and a an ay keep on
telling lies till he is $ritten before Allah# a liar%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 00::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he signs of a hypocrite are three: @hene(er he speaks# he tells a lieL and
$hene(er he proises# he breaks his proiseL and $hene(er he is entrusted# he betrays !pro(es to be
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 007:
Darrated Saura bin /undub:
&he Prophet said# HI sa$ !in a drea"# t$o en cae to e%H &hen the Prophet narrated the story
!saying"# H&hey said# '&he person# the one $hose cheek you sa$ being torn a$ay !fro the outh to
the ear" $as a liar and used to tell lies and the people $ould report those lies on his authority till
they spread all o(er the $orld% So he $ill be punished like that till the 8ay of Resurrection%H'
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 001:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
Bro aong the people# Ibn U 'Abd greatly resebled Allah's Apostles in solen gate and good
appearance of piety and in calness and sobriety fro the tie he goes out of his house till he re)
turns to it% But $e do not kno$ ho$ he beha(es $ith his faily $hen he is alone $ith the%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 036:
Darrated &ariC:
'Abdullah said# H&he best talk is Allah's Book !,ur'an"# and the best guidance is the guidance of
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 030:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said: Done is ore patient than Allah against the harful saying% He hears fro the
people they ascribe children to Hi# yet He gi(es the health and !supplies the $ith" pro(ision%H
=olue 7 ) 0<4: ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 033:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet di(ided and distributed soething as he used to do for soe of his distributions% A
an fro the Ansar said# HBy Allah# in this di(ision the pleasure of Allah has not been intended%H I
said# HI $ill definitely tell this to the Prophet %H So I $ent to hi $hile he $as sitting $ith his co)
panions and told hi of it secretly% &hat $as hard upon the Prophet and the color of his face
changed# and he becae so angry that I $ished I had not told hi% &he Prophet then said# HMoses
$as hared $ith ore than this# yet he reained patient%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 03<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet did soething and allo$ed his people to do it# but soe people refrained fro doing
it% @hen the Prophet learned of that# he deli(ered a seron# and after ha(ing sent Praises to Allah# he
said# H@hat is $rong $ith such people as refrain fro doing a thing that I doJ By Allah# I kno$ Allah
better than they# and I a ore afraid of Hi than they%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 032:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet $as ore shy than a (irgin in her separate roo% And if he sa$ a thing $hich he dis)
liked# $e $ould recogni-e that !feeling" in his face%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 034d:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf a an says to his brother# E Kafir !disbelie(er"I' &hen surely one of the is
such !i%e%# a Kifir"% H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 034:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# 'If anyone says to his brother# 'E isbelie(erI &hen surely# one of the such%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 035:
Darrated &habit bin Ad)8ahhak:
=olue 7 ) 0<47 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er s$ears by a religion other than Isla !i%e% if he s$ears by saying that
he is a non)Musli in case he is telling a lie"# then he is as he says if his oath is false and $hoe(er
coits suicide $ith soething# $ill be punished $ith the sae thing in the !Hell" fire# and cursing
a belie(er is like urdering hi# and $hoe(er accuses a belie(er of disbelief# then it is as if he had
killed hi%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 03::
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Mu'adh bin /abal used to pray $ith the Prophet and then go to lead his people in prayer% Ence he
led the people in prayer and recited Surat)al)BaCara% A an left !the ro$ of the praying people" and
offered !light" prayer !separately" and $ent a$ay% @hen Mu'adh cae to kno$ about it# he said% HHe
!that an" is a hypocrite%H ;ater that an heard $hat Mu'adh said about hi# so he cae to the
Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e are people $ho $ork $ith our o$n hands and irrigate !our
fars" $ith our caels% ;ast night Mu'adh led us in the !night" prayer and he recited Sura)al)
BaCara# so I offered y prayer separately# and because of that# he accused e of being a hypocrite%H
&he Prophet called Mu'adh and said thrice# HE Mu'adhI Kou are putting the people to trialsJ Recite
'@ash)shasi $ad)uhaha' !10" or'Sabbih isa Rabbi ka)l)A'la' !7:" or the like%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 037:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said: H@hoe(er aongst you s$ears# !saying by error" in his oath 'By Al);at and Al)
U--a'# then he should say# 'Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah%' And $hoe(er says to his
copanions# '9oe let e gable' $ith you# then he ust gi(e soething in charity !as an e*piation
for such a sin"%H !See Hadith Do% 524"
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 031:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
that he found 'Uar bin Al)Khattab in a group of people and he $as s$earing by his father% So Al)
lah's Apostle called the# saying# H=erilyI Allah forbids you to s$ear by your fathers% If one has to
take an oath# he should s$ear by Allah or other$ise keep Cuiet%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0<6:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet entered upon e $hile there $as a curtain ha(ing pictures !of anials" in the house%
His face got red $ith anger# and then he got hold of the curtain and tore it into pieces% &he Prophet
=olue 7 ) 0<41 ? 0:66
said# HSuch people as paint these pictures $ill recei(e the se(erest punishent on the 8ay of Resur)
rection %H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0<0:
Darrated Abu Mas'ud:
A an cae to the Prophet and said HI keep a$ay fro the orning prayer only because such and
such person prolongs the prayer $hen he leads us in it% &he narrator added: I had ne(er seen Allah's
Apostle ore furious in gi(ing ad(ice than he $as on that day% He said# HE peopleI &here are soe
aong you $ho ake others dislike good deeds" cause the others to ha(e a(ersion !to congregation)
al prayers"% Be$areI @hoe(er aong you leads the people in prayer should not prolong it# because
aong the there are the sick# the old# and the needy%H !See Hadith Do% 5:6# =ol 0"
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0<3:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
@hile the Prophet $as praying# he sa$ sputu !on the $all" of the osCue# in the direction of the
,ibla# and so he scraped it off $ith his hand# and the sign of disgust !$as apparent fro his face"
and then said# H@hene(er anyone of you is in prayer# he should not spit in front of hi !in prayer"
because Allah is in front of hi%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0<<:
Darrated Faid bin Khalid Al)/uhani:
A an asked Allah's Apostle about HAl);uCataH !a lost fallen purse or a thing picked up by soe)
body"% &he Prophet said# HKou should announce it publicly for one year# and then reeber and re)
cogni-e the tying aterial of its container# and then you can spend it% If its o$ner cae to you# then
you should pay hi its eCui(alent%H &he an said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat about a lost sheepJH &he
Prophet said# H&ake it because it is for you# for your brother# or for the $olf%H &he an again said# HE
Allah's ApostleI @hat about a lost caelJH Allah's Apostle becae (ery angry and furious and his
cheeks becae red !or his face becae red"# and he said# HKou ha(e nothing to do $ith it !the cael"
for it has its food and its $ater container $ith it till it eets its o$ner%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0<2:
Darrated Faid bin &habit:
Allah's Apostle ade a sall roo !$ith a pal leaf at"% Allah's Apostle cae out !of his house"
and prayed in it% Soe en cae and .oined hi in his prayer% &hen again the ne*t night they cae
for the prayer# but Allah's Apostle delayed and did not coe out to the% So they raised their (oices
=olue 7 ) 0<56 ? 0:66
and knocked the door $ith sall stones !to dra$ his attention"% He cae out to the in a state of an)
ger# saying# HKou are still insisting !on your deed# i%e% &ara$ih prayer in the osCue" that I thought
that this prayer !&ara$ih" ight becoe obligatory on you% So you people# offer this prayer at your
hoes# for the best prayer of a person is the one $hich he offers at hoe# e*cept the copulsory
!congregational" prayer%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0<4:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he strong is not the one $ho o(ercoes the people by his strength# but the
strong is the one $ho controls hiself $hile in anger%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0<5:
Darrated Sulaian bin Sarad:
&$o en abused each other in front of the Prophet $hile $e $ere sitting $ith hi% Ene of the
t$o abused his copanion furiously and his face becae red% &he Prophet said# HI kno$ a $ord !sen)
tence" the saying of $hich $ill cause hi to rela* if this an says it% Enly if he said# HI seek refuge
$ith Allah fro Satan# the outcast%' H So they said to that !furious" an# '8on't you hear $hat the
Prophet is sayingJH He said# HI a not ad%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0<::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an said to the Prophet # HAd(ise eI H&he Prophet said# H8o not becoe angry and furious%H &he
an asked !the sae" again and again# and the Prophet said in each case# H8o not becoe angry and
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0<7:
Darrated Abu As)Sa$ar Al)Ada$i:
'Iran bin Husain said# H&he Prophet said# 'Haya' does not bring anything e*cept good%H &hereupon
Bashir bin Ka'b said# 'It is $ritten in the $isdo paper: Haya leads to solenityL Haya leads to tran)
Cuility !peace of ind"%H 'Iran said to hi# HI a narrating to you the saying of Allah's Apostle and
you are speaking about your paper !$isdo book"JH
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0<1:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
=olue 7 ) 0<50 ? 0:66
&he Prophet passed by a an $ho $as adonishing his brother regarding Haya and $as saying#
HKou are (ery shy# and I a afraid that ight har you%H En that# Allah's Apostle said# H;ea(e hi# for
Haya is !a part" of Baith%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 026:
Darrated Abu Said:
&he Prophet $as shier than a (eiled (irgin girl% !See Hadith Do% :53# =ol% 2"
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 020:
Darrated Abu Mas'ud:
&he Prophet said# 'Ene of the sayings of the early Prophets $hich the people ha(e got is: If you
don't feel ashaed do $hate(er you like%H !See Hadith Do 516# 510# =ol 2"
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 023:
Darrated U Salaa:
U Sulai cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI =erily# Allah does not feel shy to
tell the truth% If a $oan gets a nocturnal se*ual discharge !has a $et drea"# is it essential for her
to take a bathJ He replied# HKes if she notices a discharge%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 02<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H&he e*aple of a belie(er is like a green tree# the lea(es of $hich do not fall%H
&he people said% HIt is such)and)such tree: It is such)and)such tree%H I intended to say that it $as the
datepal tree# but I $as a young boy and felt shy !to ans$er"% &he Prophet said# HIt is the date)pal
tree%H Ibn 'Uar added# H I told that to 'Uar $ho said# 'Had you said it# I $ould ha(e preferred it to
such)and such a thing%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 022:
Darrated &habit:
that he heard Anas saying# HA $oan cae to the Prophet offering herself to hi in arriage#
saying# HHa(e you got any interest in e !i%e% $ould you like to arry eJ"H Anas's daughter said#
HHo$ shaeless that $oan $asIH En that Anas said# HShe is better than you for# she presented her)
self to Allah's Apostle !for arriage"%H
=olue 7 ) 0<53 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 024:
Darrated Abu Musa:
that $hen Allah's Apostle sent hi and Mu'adh bin /abal to Keen# he said to the# HBacilitate
things for the people !treat the people in the ost agreeable $ay"# and do not ake things difficult
for the# and gi(e the glad tidings# and let the not ha(e a(ersion !i%e% to ake the people hate
good deeds" and you should both $ork in cooperation and utual understanding# obey each other%H
Abu Musa said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e are in a land in $hich a drink naed Al Bit' is prepared fro
honey# and another drink naed Al)Mi-r is prepared fro barley%H En that# Allah's Apostle said# HAll
into*icants !i%e% all alcoholic drinks" are prohibited%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 025:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HMake things easy for the people# and do not ake it difficult for the# and
ake the cal !$ith glad tidings" and do not repulse !the "%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 02::
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle $as gi(en the choice of one of t$o atters he $ould choose the easier
of the t$o as long as it $as not sinful to do so# but if it $as sinful# he $ould not approach it% Allah's
Apostle ne(er took re(enge o(er anybody for his o$n sake but !he did" only $hen Allah's legal bind)
ings $ere outraged# in $hich case he $ould take re(enge for Allah's sake%H !See Hadith Do% :56% =ol%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 027:
Darrated Al)A-raC bin ,ais:
@e $ere in the city of Al)Ah$a- on the bank of a ri(er $hich had dried up% &hen Abu Bar-a Al)
Aslai cae riding a horse and he started praying and let his horse loose% &he horse ran a$ay# so
Abu Bar-a interrupted his prayer and $ent after the horse till he caught it and brought it# and then
he offered his prayer% &here $as a an aongst us $ho $as !fro the Kha$ari" ha(ing a different
opinion% He cae saying% H;ook at this old anI He left his prayer because of a horse%H En that Abu
Bar-a cae to us and said# HSince the tie I left Allah's Apostle# nobody has adonished eL My
house is (ery far fro this place# and if I had carried on praying and left y horse# I could not ha(e
reached y house till night%H &hen Abu Bar-a entioned that he had been in the copany of the
Prophet# and that he had seen his leniency%
=olue 7 ) 0<5< ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 021:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A bedouin urinated in the osCue# and the people rushed to beat hi% Allah's Apostle ordered
the to lea(e hi and pour a bucket or a tubler !full" of $ater o(er the place $here he has passed
urine% &he Prophet then said# H Kou ha(e been sent to ake things easy !for the people" and you ha(e
not been sent to ake things difficult for the%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 046:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet used to i* $ith us to the e*tent that he $ould say to a younger brother of ine# 'E
father of 'UarI @hat did the Dughair !a kind of bird" doJH
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 040:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I used to play $ith the dolls in the presence of the Prophet# and y girl friends also used to play
$ith e% @hen Allah's Apostle used to enter !y d$elling place" they used to hide thesel(es# but
the Prophet $ould call the to .oin and play $ith e% !&he playing $ith the dolls and siilar iages
is forbidden# but it $as allo$ed for 'Aisha at that tie# as she $as a little girl# not yet reached the age
of puberty%" !Bateh)al)Bari page 02<# =ol%0<"
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 043:
Darrated Aisha:
A an asked perission to see the Prophet% He said# H;et Hi coe inL @hat an e(il an of the
tribe he isI !Er# @hat an e(il brother of the tribe he is"%H
But $hen he entered# the Prophet spoke to hi gently in a polite anner% I said to hi# HE Allah's
ApostleI Kou ha(e said $hat you ha(e said# then you spoke to hi in a (ery gentle and polite an)
nerJ &he Prophet said# H&he $orse people# in the sight of Allah are those $ho the people lea(e !un)
disturbed" to sa(e thesel(es fro their dirty language%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 04<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abu Mulaika:
&he Prophet $as gi(en a gift of a fe$ silken cloaks $ith gold buttons% He distributed the aongst
soe of his copanions and put aside one of the for Makhraa% @hen Makhraa cae# the
=olue 7 ) 0<52 ? 0:66
Prophet said# HI kept this for you%H !Aiyub# the sub)narrator held his garent to sho$ ho$ the Proph)
et sho$ed the cloak to Makhraa $ho had soething unfa(orable about his teper%"
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 042:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HA belie(er is not stung t$ice !by soething" out of one and the sae hole%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 044:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
Allah's Apostle entered upon e and said# HHa(e I not been infored that you offer prayer all the
night and fast the $hole dayJH I said# HKes%H He said# H8o not do soL Effer prayer at night and also
sleepL Bast for a fe$ days and gi(e up fasting for a fe$ days because your body has a right on you#
and your eye has a right on you# and your guest has a right on you# and your $ife has a right on you%
I hope that you $ill ha(e a long life# and it is sufficient for you to fast for three days a onth as the
re$ard of a good deed# is ultiplied ten ties# that eans# as if you fasted the $hole year%H I insisted
!on fasting ore" so I $as gi(en a hard instruction% I said# HI can do ore than that !fasting"H &he
Prophet said# HBast three days e(ery $eek%H But as I insisted !on fasting ore" so I $as burdened% I
said# HI can fast ore than that%H &he Prophet said# HBast as Allah's prophet 8a(id used to fast%H I said#
HHo$ $as the fasting of the prophet 8a(idJH &he Prophet said# HEne half of a year !i%e% he used to fast
on alternate days"% '
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 045:
Darrated Abu Shuraih Al)Ka'bi:
Allah's Apostle said# @hoe(er belie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay# should ser(e his guest gener)
ously% &he guest's re$ard is: &o pro(ide hi $ith a superior type of food for a night and a day and a
guest is to be entertained $ith food for three days# and $hate(er is offered beyond that# is regarded
as soething gi(en in charity% And it is not la$ful for a guest to stay $ith his host for such a long
period so as to put hi in a critical position%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 04::
Darrated Malik:
Siilarly as abo(e !045" adding# H@ho belie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay should talk $hat is good
or keep Cuiet%H !i%e% abstain fro dirty and e(il talk# and should think before uttering"%
=olue 7 ) 0<54 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 047:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er belie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay# should not hurt his neighbor and
$hoe(er belie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay# should ser(e his guest generously and $hoe(er belie(es
in Allah and the ;ast 8ay# should talk $hat is good or keep Cuiet%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 041:
Darrated UCba bin 'Air:
@e said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou send us out and it happens that $e ha(e to stay $ith such people
as do not entertain us% @hat do you think about itJH Allah's Apostle said to us# HIf you stay $ith soe
people and they entertain you as they should for a guest# accept isL but if they do not do then you
should take fro the the right of the guest# $hich they ought to gi(e%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 056:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er belie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay# should ser(e his guest generouslyL
and $hoe(er belie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay# should unite the bond of kinship !i%e% keep good re)
lation $ith his Kith and kin"L and $hoe(er belie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay# should talk $hat is
good or keep Cuit% H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 050:
Darrated Abu /uhaifa:
&he Prophet established a bond of brotherhood bet$een Salan and Abu 8arda'% Salan paid a
(isit to Abu ad)8arda and found U Ad)8arda' dressed in shabby clothes and asked her $hy she
$as in that state%JH She replied# HKour brother# Abu Ad)8arda is not interested in the lu*uries of this
$orld%H In the eantie Abu Ad)8arda cae and prepared a eal for hi !Salan"# and said to
hi# H!Please" eat for I a fasting%H Salan said# HI a not going to eat# unless you eat%H So Abu Ad)
8arda' ate% @hen it $as night# Abu Ad)8arda' got up !for the night prayer"% Salan said !to hi"#
HSleep#H and he slept% Again Abu)Ad)8arda' got up !for the prayer"# and Salan said !to hi"# HSleep%H
@hen it $as the last part of the night# Salan said to hi# HAet up no$ !for the prayer"%H So both of
the offered their prayers and Salan said to Abu Ad)8arda'#HKour ;ord has a right on youL and
your soul has a right on youL and your faily has a right on youL so you should gi(e the rights of all
those $ho ha(e a right on you"% ;ater on Abu Ad)8arda' (isited the Prophet and entioned that to
hi% &he Prophet# said# HSalan has spoken the truth%H
=olue 7 ) 0<55 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 053:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Abu Bakr:
Abu Bakr in(ited a group of people and told e# H;ook after your guests%H Abu Bakr added# I a
going to (isit the Prophet and you should finish ser(ing the before I return%H 'Abdur)Rahan said#
So I $ent at once and ser(ed the $ith $hat $as a(ailable at that tie in the house and reCuested
the to eat%H &hey said# H@here is the o$ner of the house !i%e%# Abu Bakr"JH 'Abdur)Rahan said#
H&ake your eal%H &hey said# H@e $ill not eat till the o$ner of the house coes%H 'Abdur)Rahan said#
HAccept your eal fro us# for if y father coes and finds you not ha(ing taken your eal yet# $e
$ill be blaed se(erely by hi# but they refused to take their eals % So I $as sure that y father
$ould be angry $ith e% @hen he cae# I $ent a$ay !to hide yself" fro hi% He asked# H@hat
ha(e you done !about the guests"JH &hey infored hi the $hole story% Abu Bakr called# HE 'Abdur
RahanIH I kept Cuiet% He then called again% HE 'Abdur)RahanIH I kept Cuiet and he called again# HE
ignorant !boy"I I beseech you by Allah# if you hear y (oice# then coe outIH I cae out and said#
HPlease ask your guests !and do not be angry $ith e"%H &hey said# HHe has told the truthL he brought
the eal to us%H He said# HAs you ha(e been $aiting for e# by Allah# I $ill not eat of it tonight%H &hey
said# HBy Allah# $e $ill not eat of it till you eat of it%H He said# I ha(e ne(er seen a night like this night
in e(il% @hat is $rong $ith youJ @hy don't you accept your eals of hospitality fro usJH !He said
to e"# HBring your eal%H I brought it to hi# and he put his hand in it# saying# HIn the nae of Allah%
&he first !state of fury" $as because of Satan%H So Abu Bakr ate and so did his guests%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 05<:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Abu Bakr:
Abu Bakr cae $ith a guest or soe guests# but he stayed late at night $ith the Prophet and $hen
he cae# y other said !to hi"# HHa(e you been detained fro your guest or guests tonightJH He
said# HHa(en't you ser(ed the supper to theJH She replied# H@e presented the eal to hi !or to
the"# but he !or they" refused to eat%H Abu Bakr becae angry# rebuked e and in(oked Allah to
cause !y" ears to be cut and s$ore not to eat of itIH I hid yself# and he called e# HE ignorant
!boy"IH Abu Bakr's $ife s$ore that she $ould not eat of it and so the guests or the guest s$ore that
they $ould not eat of it till he ate of it% Abu Bakr said# HAll that happened $as fro Satan%H So he
asked for the eals and ate of it# and so did they% @hene(er they took a handful of the eal# the eal
gre$ !increased" fro underneath ore than that outhful% He said !to his $ife"# HE# sister of Bani
BirasI @hat is thisJH She said# HE# pleasure of y eyesI &he eal is no$ ore than it had been before
$e started eating'' So they ate of it and sent the rest of that eal to the Prophet% It is said that the
Prophet also ate of it%
=olue 7 ) 0<5: ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 052:
Darrated Rafi bin Khadi. and Sahl bin Abu Hatha:
'Abdullah bin Sahl and Muhaiyisa bin Mas'ud $ent to Khaibar and they dispersed in the gardens
of the date)pal trees% 'Abdullah bin Sahl $as urdered% &hen 'Abdur)Rahan bin Sahl# Hu$aiyisa
and Muhaiyisa# the t$o sons of Mas'ud# cae to the Prophet and spoke about the case of their
!urdered" friend% 'Abdur)Rahan $ho $as the youngest of the all# started talking% &he Prophet
said# H;et the older !aong you" speak first%H So they spoke about the case of their !urdered" friend%
&he Prophet said# H@ill fifty of you take an oath $hereby you $ill ha(e the right to recei(e the blood
oney of your urdered an#H !or said# H%%your copanionH"% &hey said# HE Allah's ApostleI &he
urder $as a thing $e did not $itness%H &he Prophet said# H&hen the /e$s $ill release you fro the
oath# if fifty of the !the /e$s" should take an oath to contradict your clai%H &hey said# HE Allah's
ApostleI &hey are disbelie(ers !and they $ill take a false oath"%H &hen Allah's Apostle hiself paid the
blood oney to the%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 054:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HInfor e of a tree $hich resebles a Musli# gi(ing its fruits at e(ery sea)
son by the perission of its ;ord# and the lea(es of $hich do not fall%H I thought of the date)pal
tree# but I disliked to speak because Abu Bakr and 'Uar $ere present there% @hen nobody spoke#
the Prophet said# HIt is the date)pal treeH @hen I cae out $ith y father# I said# HE fatherI It cae
to y ind that it $as the date)pal tree%H He said# H@hat pre(ented you fro saying itJH Had you
said it# it $ould ha(e been ore dearer to e than such)and)such a thing !fortune"%H I said# HDothing
pre(ented e but the fact that neither you nor Abu Bakr spoke# so I disliked to speak !in your pres)
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 055:
Darrated Ubai bin Ka'b:
Allah's Apostle said# HSoe poetry contains $isdo%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 05::
Darrated /undub:
@hile the Prophet $as $alking# a stone hit his foot and stubled and his toe $as in.ured% He then
!Cuoting a poetic (erse" said# HKou are not ore than a toe $hich
=olue 7 ) 0<57 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 057:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he ost true $ords said by a poet $ere the $ords of ;abid% He said# i%e% '=erily#
e(erything e*cept Allah is perishable and Uaiya bin Abi As)Salt $as about to ebrace Isla '
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 051:
Darrated Salaa bin Al)AC$a:
@e $ent out $ith Allah's Apostle to Khaibar and $e tra(elled during the night% A an aongst
the people said to 'Air bin Al)AC$a'# H@on't you let us hear your poetryJH 'Air $as a poet# and so
he got do$n and started !chanting Huda" reciting for the people# poetry that keep pace $ith the
cael's foot steps# saying# HE AllahI @ithout Kou $e $ould not ha(e been guided on the right path#
neither $ould $e ha(e gi(en in charity# nor $ould $e ha(e prayed% So please forgi(e us $hat $e
ha(e coitted% ;et all of us be sacrificed for Kour cause and $hen $e eet our eney# ake our
feet fir and besto$ peace and calness on us and if they !our eney" $ill call us to$ards an un)
.ust thing $e $ill refuse%
&he infidels ha(e ade a hue and cry to ask others help against us% Allah's Apostle said# H@ho is
that dri(er !of the caels"JH &hey said# HHe is 'Air bin Al)AC$a%H' He said# HMay Allah besto$ His
ercy on hi%H A an aong the people said# Has Martyrdo been granted to hi# E Allah's Proph)
etI @ould that you let us en.oy his copany longer%H @e reached !the people of" Khaibar and be)
sieged the till $e $ere stricken $ith se(ere hunger but Allah helped the Muslis conCuer Khaibar%
In the e(ening of its conCuest the people ade any fires% Allah's Apostle asked# H@hat are those
firesJ Bor $hat are you aking firesJH &hey said# HBor cooking eat%H He asked# H@hat kind of eatJH
&hey said# H8onkeys' eat%H Allah's Apostle said# H&hro$ a$ay the eat and break the cooking pots%H A
an said# E Allah's ApostleI Shall $e thro$ a$ay the eat and $ash the cooking potsJH He said#
HKou can do that too%H @hen the ary files aligned in ro$s !for the battle"# 'Air's s$ord $as a short
one# and $hile attacking a /e$ $ith it in order to hit hi# the sharp edge of the s$ord turned back
and hit 'Air's knee and caused hi to die%
@hen the Muslis returned !fro the battle"# Salaa said# Allah's Apostle sa$ e pale and said#
'@hat is $rong $ith youJH' I said# H;et y parents be sacrificed for youI &he people clai that all the
deeds of Air ha(e been annulled%H &he Prophet asked# H@ho said soJH I replied# HSo)and)so and so)
and)so and Usaid bin Al)Hudair Al)Ansari said# '@hoe(er says so is telling a lie% =erily# 'Air $ill
ha(e double re$ard%H' !@hile speaking" the Prophet put t$o of his fingers together to indicate that#
and added# HHe $as really a hard)$orking an and a Mu.ahid !de(out fighter in Allah's 9ause" and
rarely ha(e there li(ed in it !i%e%# Medina or the battle)field" an HArab like hi%H
=olue 7 ) 0<51 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0:6:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet cae to soe of his $i(es aong $ho there $as U Sulai# and said# HMay Allah
be erciful to you# E An.ashaI 8ri(e the caels slo$ly# as they are carrying glass (esselsIH Abu
,alaba said# H&he Prophet said a sentence !i%e% the abo(e etaphor" $hich# had anyone of you said it#
you $ould ha(e adonished hi for itH%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0:0:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Hassan bin &habit asked the perission of Allah's Apostle to lapoon the pagans !in (erse"% Allah's
Apostle said# H@hat about y fore)fathers !ancestry"J' Hassan said !to the Prophet" HI $ill take you
out of the as a hair is taken out of dough%H
Darrated Hisha bin 'Ur$a that his father said# HI called Hassan $ith bad naes in front of
'Aisha%H She said# H8on't call hi $ith bad naes because he used to defend Allah's Apostle !against
the pagans"%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0:3:
Darrated Al)Haitha bin Abu Sinan:
that he heard Abu Huraira in his narration# entioning that the Prophet said# HA Musli brother
of yours $ho does not say dirty $ords%H and by that he eant Ibn Ra$aha# Hsaid !in (erse": '@e ha(e
Allah's Apostle $ith us $ho recites the Holy ,ur'an in the early orning tie% He ga(e us guidance
and light $hile $e $ere blind and astray# so our hearts are sure that $hate(er he says# $ill certainly
happen% He does not touch his bed at night# being busy in $orshipping Allah $hile the pagans are
sound asleep in their beds%' H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0:<:
Darrated Abu Salaa bin 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf:
that he heard Hassan bin &habit Al)Ansari asking the $itness of Abu Huraira# saying# HE Abu)
HurairaI I beseech you by Allah !to tell e"% 8id you hear Allah's Apostle saying' 'E Hassan I Reply on
behalf of Allah's Apostle% E Allah I Support hi !Hassan" $ith the Holy Spirit !Aabriel"%'JH Abu
Huraira said# HKes%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0:2:
Darrated Al)Bara:
=olue 7 ) 0<:6 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said to Hassan# H;apoon the !the pagans" in (erse# and Aabriel is $ith you%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0:4:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HIt is better for a an to fill the inside of his body $ith pus than to fill it $ith po)
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0:5:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's ApostleL said# HIt is better for anyone of you that the inside of his body be filled $ith pus
$hich ay consue his body# than it be filled $ith poetry%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0:::
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah# the brother of Abu Al),u'ais asked y perission to enter after the (erses of Al)Hi.ab !(eil)
ing the ladies" $as re(ealed# and I said# HBy Allah# I $ill not adit hi unless I take perission of Al)
lah's Apostle for it $as not the brother of Al),u'ais $ho had suckled e# but it $as the $ife of Al)
,u'ais# $ho had suckled e%H &hen Allah's Apostle entered upon e# and I said# HE Allah's ApostleI
&he an has not nursed e but his $ife has nursed e%H He said# HAdit hi because he is your
uncle !not fro blood relation# but because you ha(e been nursed by his $ife"# &aribat Kainuki%H
'Ur$a said# HBecause of this reason# ' Aisha used to say: Boster suckling relations render all those
things !arriages etc%" illegal $hich are illegal because of the corresponding blood relations%H !See
Hadith Do% <5# =ol% :"
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0:7:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet intended to return hoe after the perforance of the Ha..# and he sa$ Safiya stand)
ing at the entrance of her tent# depressed and sad because she got her enses% &he Prophet said#
HACra HalCaI ))An e*pression used in the ,uraish dialect))HKou $ill detain us%H &he Prophet then
asked !her"# H8id you perfor the &a$af Al)Ifada on the 8ay of Sacrifice !06th of 8hul)Hi..a"JH She
said# HKes%H &he Prophet said# H&hen you can lea(e !$ith us"%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 0:1:
Darrated U Hani:
=olue 7 ) 0<:0 ? 0:66
!the daughter of Abu &alib" I (isited Allah's Apostle in the year of the 9onCuest of Mecca and
found hi taking a bath# and his daughter# Batia $as screening hi% @hen I greeted hi# he said#
H@ho is itJH I replied# HI a U Hani# the daughter of Abu &alib%H He said# H@elcoe# E U Hani I H
@hen the Prophet had finished his bath# he stood up and offered eight Rakat of prayer $hile he $as
$rapped in a single garent% @hen he had finished his prayer# I said# HE Allah's ApostleI My ater)
nal brother assues !or clais" that he $ill urder soe an $ho I ha(e gi(en shelter# i%e%# so)
and)so bin Hubaira%H Allah's Apostle said# HE U HaniI @e shelter hi $ho you ha(e sheltered%H
U Hani added# H&hat happened in the forenoon%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 076:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet sa$ a an dri(ing a Badana !a cael for sacrifice" and said !to hi"% HRide it%H &he
an said# HIt is a Bandana%H &he Prophet said# HRide on it%H &he an said# HIt is a Bandana%H &he Prophet
said# Ride on it# $oe to youIH
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 070:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle sa$ a an dri(ing a Badana !a cael for sacrifice" and said to hi# HRide on it%H &he
an said# HE Allah's ApostleI It is a Bandana%H &he Prophet said# HRide on it# $oe to youIH on the
second or third tie%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 073:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle $as on a .ourney and he had a black sla(e called An.asha# and he $as dri(ing the
caels !(ery fast# and there $ere $oen riding on those caels"% Allah's Apostle said# H@aihaka
!May Allah be erciful to you"# E An.ashaI 8ri(e slo$ly !the caels" $ith the glass (essels
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 07<:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
A an praised another an in front of the Prophet% &he Prophet said thrice# H@ailaka !@oe on
you" I Kou ha(e cut the neck of your brotherIH &he Prophet added# HIf it is indispensable for anyone of
you to praise a person# then he should say# HI think that such)and)such person !is so)and)so"# and
Allah is the one $ho $ill take his accounts !as he kno$s his reality" and none can sanctify anybody
before Allah !and that only if he kno$s $ell about that person%"H%
=olue 7 ) 0<:3 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 072:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
@hile the Prophet $as distributing !$ar booty etc%" one day# 8hul Kha$aisira# a an fro the
tribe of Bani &ai# said# HE Allah's ApostleI Act .ustly%H &he Prophets said# H@oe to youI @ho else
$ould act .ustly if I did not act .ustlyJH 'Uar said !to the Prophet "# HAllo$ e to chop his neck off%H
&he Prophet said# HDo# for he has copanions !$ho are apparently so pious that" if anyone of !you
copares his prayer $ith" their prayer# he $ill consider his prayer inferior to theirs# and siilarly
his fasting inferior to theirs# but they $ill desert Isla !go out of religion" as an arro$ goes through
the (icti's body !gaes etc%" in $hich case if its Dasl is e*ained nothing $ill be seen thereon# and
if its Dady is e*ained# nothing $ill be seen thereon# and if its ,udhadh is e*ained# nothing $ill
be seen thereon# for the arro$ has gone out too fast e(en for the e*cretions and blood to sear o(er
it% Such people $ill coe out at the tie of difference aong the !Musli" people and the sign by
$hich they $ill be recogni-ed# $ill be a an $hose one of the t$o hands $ill look like the breast of
a $oan or a lup of flesh o(ing loosely%H Abu Said added# HI testify that I heard that fro the
Prophet and also testify that I $as $ith 'Ali $hen 'Ali fought against those people% &he an described
by the Prophet $as searched for aong the killed# and $as found# and he $as e*actly as the Prophet
had described hi%H !See Hadith Do% 76:# =ol% 2"
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 074:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I a ruinedIH &he Prophet said#
H@aihaka !May Allah be erciful to you" IH &he an said# HI ha(e done se*ual intercourse $ith y
$ife $hile fasting in Raadan%H &he Prophet said# HManuit a sla(e%H &he an said# H I cannot afford
that% H &he Prophet saidL H&hen fast for t$o successi(e onths%H &he an said# H I ha(e no po$er to do
so%H &he Prophet said# H&hen feed si*ty poor persons%H &he an said# HI ha(e nothing !to feed si*ty per)
sons"% ;ater a basket full of dates $ere brought to the Prophet and he said !to the an"# H&ake it and
gi(e it in charity%H &he an said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall I gi(e it to people other than y failyJ By
Hi in @hose Hand y life is# there is nobody poorer than e in the $hole city of Medina%H &he
Prophet siled till his preolar teeth becae (isible# and said# H&ake it%H A-)Fuhri said !that the
Prophet said"% H@ailaka%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 075:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
A bedouin said# HE Allah's ApostleI Infor e about the eigration%H &he Prophet said# H@aihaka
!May Allah be erciful to you"I &he Cuestion of eigration is a difficult one% Ha(e you got soe
caelsJH &he bedouin said# HKes%H &he Prophet said# H8o you pay their FakatJH He said# HKes%H &he
=olue 7 ) 0<:< ? 0:66
Prophet said# HAo on doing like this fro beyond the seas# for Allah $ill not let your deeds go in
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 07::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H@ailakuH !$oe to you" or H$aihakuH !May Allah be erciful to you"%H Shu'ba
is not sure as to $hich $as the right $ord% H8o not becoe disbelie(ers after e by cutting the necks
of one another%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 077:
Darrated Anas:
A bedouin cae to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hen $ill &he Hour be establishedJH
&he Prophet said# H@ailaka !@oe to you"# @hat ha(e you prepared for itJH &he bedouin said# HI ha(e
not prepared anything for it# e*cept that I lo(e Allah and H is Apostle%H &he Prophet said# HKou $ill be
$ith those $ho you lo(e%H @e !the copanions of the Prophet " said# HAnd $ill $e too be soJ &he
Prophet said# HKes%H So $e becae (ery glad on that day% In the eantie# a sla(e of Al)Mughira
passed by# and he $as of the sae age as I $as% &he Prophet said% HIf this !sla(e" should li(e long# he
$ill not reach the geriatric old age# but the Hour $ill be established%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 071:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H+(eryone $ill be $ith those $ho he lo(es%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 016:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud:
A an cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat do you say about a an $ho
lo(es soe people but cannot catch up $ith their good deedsJH Allah's Apostle said# H+(eryone $ill be
$ith those $ho he lo(es%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 010:
Darrated Abu Musa:
It $as said to the ProphetL # HA an ay lo(e soe people but he cannot catch up $ith their good
deedsJH &he Prophet said# H+(eryone $ill be $ith those $ho he lo(es%H
=olue 7 ) 0<:2 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 013:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
A an asked the Prophet H@hen $ill the Hour be established E Allah's ApostleJH &he Prophet %
said# H@hat ha(e you prepared for itJH &he an said# H I ha(en't prepared for it uch of prayers or
fast or als# but I lo(e Allah and His Apostle%H &he Prophet said# HKou $ill be $ith those $ho you
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 01<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle said to Ibn Saiyad HI ha(e hidden soething for you in y indL @hat is itJH He
said# HAd)8ukh%H &he Prophet said# HIkhsa%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 012:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
'Uar bin Al)Khattab set out $ith Allah's Apostle# and a group of his copanions to Ibn Saiyad%
&hey found hi playing $ith the boys in the fort or near the Hillocks of Bani Maghala% Ibn Saiyad
$as nearing his puberty at that tie# and he did not notice the arri(al of the Prophet till Allah's
Apostle stroked hi on the back $ith his hand and said# H8o you testify that I a Allah's ApostleJH
Ibn Saiyad looked at hi and said# HI testify that you are the Apostle of the unlettered ones
!illiterates"H% &hen Ibn Saiyad said to the Prophets % H8o you testify that I a Allah's ApostleJH &he
Prophet denied that# saying# HI belie(e in Allah and all His Apostles#H and then said to Ibn Saiyad#
H@hat do you seeJH Ibn Saiyad said# H&rue people and liars (isit e%H &he Prophet said# HKou ha(e been
confused as to this atter%H Allah's Apostle added# HI ha(e kept soething for you !in y ind"%H Ibn
Saiyad said# HAd)8ukh%H &he Prophet said# HIkhsa !you should be ashaed" for you can not cross your
liits%H 'Uar said# HE Allah's ApostleI Allo$ e to chop off h is neck%H Allah's Apostle said !to Uar"%
HShould this person be hi !i%e% Ad)" then you cannot o(er)po$er hiL and should he be
soeone else# then it $ill be no use your killing hi%H 'Abdullah bin 'Uar added: ;ater on Allah's
Apostle and Ubai bin Ka'b Al)Ansari !once again" $ent to the garden in $hich Ibn Saiyad $as
@hen Allah's Apostle entered the garden# he started hiding behind the trunks of the date)pals
intending to hear soething fro Ibn Saiyad before the latter could see hi% Ibn Saiyad $as ;ying
on his bed# co(ered $ith a (el(et sheet fro $here his uur $ere heard% Ibn Saiyad's other sa$
the Prophet and said# HE Saf !the nicknae of Ibn Saiyad"I Here is MuhaadIH Ibn Saiyad stopped
his ururing% &he Prophet said# HIf his other had kept Cuiet# then I $ould ha(e learnt ore about
hi%H 'Abdullah added: Allah's Apostle stood up before the people !deli(ering a seron"# and after
praising and glorifying Allah as He deser(ed# he entioned the Ad) saying# HI $arn you against
=olue 7 ) 0<:4 ? 0:66
hi# and there has been no prophet but $arned his follo$ers against hi% Doah $arned his follo$)
ers against hi but I a telling you about hi# soething $hich no prophet has told his people of#
and that is: Kno$ that he is blind in one eye $here as Allah is not so%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 014:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
@hen the delegation of 'Abdul ,ais cae to the Prophet# he said# H@elcoe# E the delegation $ho
ha(e coeI Deither you $ill ha(e disgrace# nor you $ill regret%H &hey said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e are
a group fro the tribe of Ar)Rabi'a# and bet$een you and us there is the tribe of Mudar and $e can)
not coe to you e*cept in the sacred onths% So please order us to do soething good !religious
deeds" so that $e ay enter Paradise by doing that# and also that $e ay order our people $ho are
behind us !$ho $e ha(e left behind at hoe" to follo$ it%H He said# HBour and four:H offer prayers
perfectly # pay the Fakat# !obligatory charity"# fast the onth of Raadan# and gi(e one)fifth of the
$ar booty !in Allah's cause"# and do not drink in !containers called" Ad)8uba#' Al)Hanta# An)DaCir
and Al)Mu-affat%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 015:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HBor e(ery betrayer !perfidious person"# a flag $ill be raised on the 8ay of Resur)
rection# and it $ill be announced !publicly" '&his is the betrayal !perfidy" of so)and)so# the son of so)
and)so%' H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 01::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HA flag $ill be fi*ed on the 8ay of Resurrection for e(ery betrayer# and it $ill
be announced !publicly in front of e(erybody"# '&his is the betrayal !perfidy" so)and)so# the son of
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 017:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# HDone of you should say Khabuthat Dafsi# but he is recoended to say ';aCisat
=olue 7 ) 0<:5 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 011:
Darrated Sal:
&he Prophet said# HDone of you should say Khabuthat Dafsi but he is recoended to say ';aCisat
Dafsi !See Hadith Do% 363"
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 366:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah said# H&he offspring of Ada abuse the 8ahr !&ie"# and I a the 8ahrL
in My Hands are the night and the day%H I
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 360:
Darrated Abu Huraira: &he Prophet said# H8on't call the grapes Al)Kar# and don't say 'Khai
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 363:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&hey say Al)Kar !the generous"# and in fact Al)Kar is the heart of a be)
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 36<:
Darrated 'Ali:
I ne(er heard Allah's Apostle saying# H;et y father and other be sacrificed for you#H e*cept for
Sa'd !bin Abi @aCCas"% I heard hi saying# H&hro$I !arro$s"# ;et y father and other be sacrificed
for you IH !&he sub)narrator added# HI think that $as in the battle of Uhud%H"
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 362:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&hat he and Abu &alha $ere coing in the copany of the Prophet to$ards Medina"# $hile Safiya
!the Prophet's $ife" $as riding behind hi on his she)cael% After they had co(ered a portion of the
$ay suddenly the foot of the she)cael slipped and both the Prophet and the $oan !i%e%# his $ife#
Safiya" fell do$n% Abu &alha .uped Cuickly off his cael and cae to the Prophet !saying%" HE Al)
lah's ApostleI ;et Allah sacrifice e for youI Ha(e you recei(ed any in.uryJH &he Prophet said# HDo#
but take care of the $oan !y $ife"%H Abu &alha co(ered his face $ith his garent and $ent to)
$ards her and thre$ his garent o(er her% &hen the $oan got up and Abu &alha prepared their
=olue 7 ) 0<:: ? 0:66
she cael !by tightening its saddle# etc%" and both of the !the Prophet and Safiya" ounted it% &hen
all of the proceeded and $hen they approached near Medina# or sa$ Medina# the Prophet said#
HAyibun#' abidun# taibun# liRabbina haidun !@e are coing back !to Medina" $ith repentance#
$orshipping !our ;ord" and celebrating His !our ;ord's" praisesH% &he Prophet continued repeating
these $ords till he entered the city of Medina%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 364:
Darrated /abir:
A boy $as born for a an aong us# and the an naed hi Al),asi% @e said to hi# H@e $ill
not call you Abu)l),asi# nor $ill $e respect you for that%H &he Prophet $as infored about that#
and he said# HDae your son 'Abdur)Rahan%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 365:
Darrated /abi:
A an aong us begot a boy $ho he naed Al),asi% &he people said# H@e $ill not call hi
!i%e%# the father" by that Kuniya !Abu)l),asi" till $e ask the Prophet about it% &he Prophet said%
HDae yoursel(es by y nae# but do not call !yoursel(es" by y Kuniya%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 36::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Abu)l),asi !&he Prophet" said# HDae yoursel(es by y nae# but do not call yoursel(es by y
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 367:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
A an aong us begot a boy $ho he naed Al),asi% &he people said !to hi"# H@e $ill not
call you Abul)l),asi# nor $ill $e please you by calling you so%H &he an cae to the Prophet and
entioned that to hi% &he Prophet said to hi# HDae your son 'Abdur)Rahan%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 361:
Darrated Al)Musaiyab:
&hat his father !Ha-n bin @ahb" $ent to the Prophet and the Prophet asked !hi"# H@hat is your
naeJH He replied# HMy nae is Ha-n%H &he Prophet said# HKou are Sahl%H Ha-n said# HI $ill not change
=olue 7 ) 0<:7 ? 0:66
the nae $ith $hich y father has naed e%H Ibn Al)Musaiyab added: @e ha(e had roughness !in
character" e(er since%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 306:
Darrated Al)Musaiyab:
on the authority of his father siilarly as abo(e !i%e%# 361"%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 300:
Darrated Sahl:
@hen Al)Mundhir bin Abu Usaid $as born# he $as brought to the Prophet $ho placed hi on his
thigh% @hile Abu Usaid $as sitting there# the Prophet $as busy $ith soething in his hands so Abu
Usaid told soeone to take his son fro the thigh of the Prophet % @hen the Prophet finished his .ob
!$ith $hich he $as busy"# he said# H@here is the boyJH Abu Usaid replied# H@e ha(e sent hi hoe%H
&he Prophet said# H@hat is his naeJH Abu Usaid said# H!His nae is" so)and)so% H &he Prophet said#
HDo# his nae is Al)Mundhir%H So he called hi Al)Mundhir fro that day%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 303:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Fainab's original nae $as HBarrah#H but it $as said' HBy that she is gi(ing herself the prestige of
piety%H So the Prophet changed her nae to Fainab%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 30<:
Darrated Said bin Al)Musaiyab:
&hat $hen his grandfather# Ha-n (isited the Prophet the Prophet said !to hi"# H@hat is your
naeJH He said# HMy nae is Ha-n%H &he Prophet said# H But you are Sahl%H He said# HI $ill not change
y nae $ith $hich y father naed e%H Ibn Al)Musaiyab added: So $e ha(e had roughness !in
character" e(er since%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 302:
Darrated Isa'il:
I asked Abi Aufa# H8id you see Ibrahi# the son of the Prophet JH He said# HKes# but he died in his
early childhood% Had there been a Prophet after Muhaad then his son $ould ha(e li(ed# but there
is no Prophet after hi%H
=olue 7 ) 0<:1 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 304:
Darrated Al)Bara:
@hen Ibrahi !the son of the Prophet" died# Allah's Apostle said# H&here is a $et nurse for hi in
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 305:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah Al)Ansari:
Allah's Apostle said# HDae yoursel(es after e !by y nae" but do not call !yoursel(es" by y
Kuniya !0"# for I a Al),asi !distributor"# and I distribute aong you Allah's blessings%H &his narra)
tion has also coe on the authority of Anas that the I Prophet said so%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 30::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HDae yoursel(es after e !by y nae"# but do not call yoursel(es by y
Kuniya# and $hoe(er sees e in a drea# he surely sees e# for Satan cannot ipersonate e !ap)
pear in y figure"% And $hoe(er intentionally ascribes soething to e falsely# he $ill surely take
his place in the !Hell" Bire%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 307:
Darrated Abu Musa:
I got a son and I took hi to the Prophet $ho naed hi Ibrahi# and put in his outh the .uice
of a date fruit !$hich be hiself had che$edJ# and in(oked for Allah's blessing upon hi# and then
ga(e hi back to e% He $as the eldest son of Abii Musa%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 301:
Darrated Al)Mughira bin Shuba:
Solar eclipse occurred on the day of Ibrahi's death !the Prophet's son"%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 336:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife the Prophet" Allah's Apostle said# HE AishaI &his is Aabriel sending his greetings to you%H I
said# HPeace# and Allah's Mercy be on hi%H 'Aisha added: &he Prophet used to see things $hich $e
used not to see%
=olue 7 ) 0<76 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 330:
Darrated Anas:
Ence U Sulai $as !$ith the $oen $ho $ere" in charge of the luggage on a .ourney# and An)
.ashah# the sla(e of the Prophet# $as dri(ing their caels !(ery fast"% &he Prophet said# HE An.ashI
8ri(e slo$ly !the caels" $ith the glass (essels !i%e%# ladies"%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 333:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet $as the best of all the people in character% I had a brother called Abu 'Uar# $ho# I
think# had been ne$ly $eaned% @hene(er he !that child" $as brought to the Prophet the Prophet
used to say# HE Abu 'UarI @hat did Al)Dughair !nightingale" !do"JH It $as a nightingale $ith
$hich he used to play% Soeties the tie of the Prayer becae due $hile he !the Prophet" $as in
our house% He $ould order that the carpet underneath hi be s$ept and sprayed $ith $ater# and
then he $ould stand up !for the prayer" and $e $ould line up behind hi# and he $ould lead us in
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 33<:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
&he ost belo(ed naes to 'Ali $as Abu &urab# and he used to be pleased $hen $e called hi by
it# for none naed hi Abu &urab !for the first tie"# but the Prophet% Ence 'Ali got angry $ith !his
$ife" Batia# and $ent out !of his house" and slept near a $all in the osCue% &he Prophet cae
searching for hi# and soeone said# HHe is there# ;ying near the $all%H &he Prophet cae to hi
$hile his !'Ali's" back $as co(ered $ith dust% &he Prophet started reo(ing the dust fro his back#
saying# HAet up# E Abu &urabIH
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 332:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he ost a$ful nae in Allah's sight on the 8ay of Resurrection# $ill be !that
of" a an calling hiself Malik Al)Alak !the king of kings"%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 334:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he ost a$ful !eanest" nae in Allah's sight%H Sufyan said ore than once#
H&he ost a$ful !eanest" nae in Allah's sight is !that of" a an calling hiself king of kings%H
=olue 7 ) 0<70 ? 0:66
Sufyan said# HSoebody else !i%e% other than Abu A-)Finad# a sub)narrator" says: @hat is eant by
'&he king of kings' is 'Shahan Shah%#H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 335:
Darrated Usaa bin Faid:
&hat Allah's Apostle rode o(er a donkey co(ered $ith a Badakiya !(el(et sheet" and Usaa $as
riding behind hi% He $as (isiting Sa'd bin 'Ubada !$ho $as sick" in the d$elling place of Bani Al)
Harith bin Al)Kha-ra. and this incident happened before the battle of Badr% &hey proceeded till they
passed by a gathering in $hich 'Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul $as present%# and that $as before 'Ab)
dullah bin Ubat ebraced Isla% In that gathering there $ere Muslis# pagan idolators and /e$s#
and aong the Muslis there $as 'Abdullah bin Ra$aha%
@hen a cloud of dust raised by !the o(eent of " the anial co(ered that gathering# 'Abdullah
bin Ubai co(ered his nose $ith his garent and said# H8o not co(er us $ith dust%H Allah's Apostle
greeted the# stopped# disounted and in(ited the to Allah !i%e% to ebrace Isla" and recited to
the the Holy ,ur'an% En that 'Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul said to hi# HE anI &here is nothing
better than $hat you say# if it is the truth% So do not trouble us $ith it in our gatherings# but if soe)
body coes to you# you can preach to hi%H En that 'Abdullah bin Ra$aha said HKes# E Allah's
ApostleI 9all on us in our gathering# for $e lo(e that%H So the Muslis# the pagans and the /e$s star)
ted abusing one another till they $ere about to fight $ith one another% Allah's Apostle kept on Cuiet)
ening the till all of the becae Cuiet# and then Allah's Apostle rode his anial and proceeded till
he entered upon Sa'd bin 'Ubada% Allah's Apostle said# HE Sa'dI 8idn't you hear $hat Abu Habab
saidJH !eaning 'Abdullah bin Unbar"% HHe said so)and)so%H Sa'd bin Ubada said# HE Allah's ApostleI
;et y father be sacrificed for you I +*cuse and forgi(e hi for# by Hi @ho re(ealed to you the
Book# Allah sent the &ruth $hich $as re(ealed to you at the tie $hen the people of this to$n had
decided to cro$n hi !'Abdullah bin Ubai" as their ruler%
So $hen Allah had pre(ented that $ith the &ruth He had gi(en you# he $as choked by that# and
that caused hi to beha(e in such an ipolite anner $hich you had noticed%H So Allah's Apostle
e*cused hi% !It $as the custo of" Allah's Apostle and his copanions to e*cuse the pagans and the
people of the scripture !9hristians and /e$s" as Allah ordered the# and they used to be patient
$hen annoyed !by the"% Allah said: 'Kou shall certainly hear uch that $ill grie(e you fro those
$ho recei(ed the Scripture before you%%%%%and fro the pagans !<%075"
He also said: 'Many of the people of the scripture $ish that if they could turn you a$ay as disbe)
lie(ers after you ha(e belie(ed% %%%% !3%061" So Allah's Apostle used to apply $hat Allah had ordered
hi by e*cusing the till he $as allo$ed to fight against the% @hen Allah's Apostle had fought the
battle of Badr and Allah killed $hoe(er He killed aong the chiefs of the infidels and the nobles of
,uraish# and Allah's Apostle and his copanions had returned $ith (ictory and booty# bringing $ith
the soe of the chiefs of the infidels and the nobles of the ,uraish as capti(es% 'Abdullah bin Ubai
=olue 7 ) 0<73 ? 0:66
bin Salul and the pagan idolators $ho $ere $ith hi# said# H&his atter !Isla" has no$ brought out
its face !triuphed"# so gi(e Allah's Apostle the pledge of allegiance !for ebracing Isla%"H% &hen
they becae Muslis%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 33::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Al)Harith bin Daufal:
Abbas bin 'Abdul Muttalib said# HE Allah's ApostleI 8id you benefit Abu &alib $ith anything as he
used to protect and take care of you# and used to becoe angry for youJH &he Prophet said# HKes# he is
in a shallo$ place of Bire% But for e he $ould ha(e been in the lo$est part of the Bire%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 337:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ence the Prophet $as on one of his .ourneys# and the dri(er of the caels started chanting !to let
the caels go fast"% &he Prophet said to hi% H!&ake care" 8ri(e slo$ly $ith the glass (essels# E An)
.ashaI @aihaka !May Allah be Merciful to you"%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 331:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet $as on a .ourney and a sla(e naed An.asha $as chanting !singing" for the caels to
let the go fast !$hile dri(ing"% &he Prophet said# HE An.asha# dri(e slo$ly !the caels" $ith the
glass (esselsIH Abu ,ilaba said# HBy the glass (essels' he eant the $oen !riding the caels"%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 3<6:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet had a Had !a cael dri(er" called An.asha# and he had a nice (oice% &he Prophet said
to hi# H!8ri(e" slo$ly# E An.ashaI 8o not break the glass (esselsIH And ,atada said# H!By (essels'" he
eant the $eak $oen%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 3<0:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&here $as a state of fear in Medina% Allah's Apostle rode a horse belonging to Abu &alha !in order
to see the atter"% &he Prophet said# H@e could not see anything# and $e found that horse like a sea
!fast in speed"%H
=olue 7 ) 0<7< ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 3<3:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Soe people asked Allah's Apostle about the fore)tellers% Allah's Apostle said to the# H&hey are
nothing !i%e%# liars"%H &he people said# 'E Allah's Apostle I Soeties they tell soething $hich coes
out to be true%H Allah's Apostle said# H&hat $ord $hich coes to be true is $hat a .in* snatches a$ay
by stealing and then pours it in the ear of his fore)teller $ith a sound siilar to the cackle of a hen#
and then they add to it one)hundred lies%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 3<<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&hat he heard Allah's Apostle saying% H&hen there $as a pause in the re(elation of the 8i(ine In)
spiration to e% &hen $hile I $as $alking all of a sudden I heard a (oice fro the sky# and I raised
y sight to$ards the sky and sa$ the sae angel $ho had (isited e in the ca(e of Hira#' sitting on a
chair bet$een the sky and the earth%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 3<2:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ence I stayed o(ernight at the house of Maiuna and the Prophet $as there $ith her% @hen it
$as the last third of the night# or soe part of the night# the Prophet got up looking to$ards the sky
and recited: '=erilyI In the creation of the hea(ens and the earth# and in the alternation of Dight and
8ay# there are indeed signs for en of u understanding%' !<%016"
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 3<4:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&hat he $as in the copany of the Prophet in one of the gardens of Medina and in the hand of the
Prophet there $as a stick# and he $as striking !slo$ly" the $ater and the ud $ith it% A an cae
!at the gate of the garden" and asked perission to enter% &he Prophet said# HEpen the gate for hi
and gi(e hi the glad tidings of entering Paradise% HI $ent# and beholdI It $as Abu Bakr% So I opened
the gate for hi and infored hi of the glad tidings of entering Paradise% &hen another an cae
and asked perission to enter% &he Prophet said# HEpen the gate for hi and gi(e hi the glad tid)
ings of entering Paradise%H BeholdI It $as 'Uar% So I opened the gate for hi and ga(e hi the glad
tidings of entering Paradise% &hen another an cae and asked perission to enter%
&he Prophet $as sitting in a leaning posture# so he sat up and said# HEpen the gate for hi and
gi(e hi the glad tidings of entering Paradise $ith a calaity $hich $ill befall hi or $hich $ill
take place%H I $ent# and behold I It $as Uthan% So I opened the gate for hi and ga(e hi the glad
=olue 7 ) 0<72 ? 0:66
tidings of entering Paradise and also infored hi of $hat the Prophet had said !about a calaity"%
'Uthan said# HAllah Alone @hose Help I seek !against that calaity"%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 3<5:
Darrated 'Ali:
@e $ere $ith the Prophet in a funeral procession# and he started scraping the ground $ith a
sall stick and said# H&here is none aongst you but has been assigned a place !either" in Paradise
and !or" in the Hell)Bire%H &he people said !to hi"# HShould $e not depend upon itJH He said: carry on
doing !good" deeds# for e(erybody $ill find easy such deeds as $ill lead hi to his destined place% He
then recited: HAs for hi $ho gi(es !in charity" and keeps his duty to Allah%%H !13%4"
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 3<::
Darrated U Salaa:
!Ene night" the Prophet $oke up and said# HSubhan Allah I Ho$ any treasures ha(e been !dis)
closed" sent do$nI And ho$ any afflictions ha(e been descendedI @ho $ill go and $ake the
sleeping lady)occupants up of these d$ellings !for praying"JH !He eant by this his $i(es%" &he
Prophet added# HA $ell)dressed soul !person" in this $orld ay be naked in the HHereafter%H 'Uar
said# HI asked the Prophet# 'Ha(e you di(orced your $i(esJ' He said# 'Do%' I said# 'Allahu Akbar%' H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 3<7:
Darrated Safiya bint Huyai:
&he $ife of the Prophet that she $ent to Allah's Apostle $hile he $as in Itikaf !staying in the
osCue" during the last ten nights of the onth of Raadan% She spoke to hi for an hour !a $hile"
at night and then she got up to return hoe% &he Prophet got up to accopany her# and $hen they
reached the gate of the osCue opposite the d$elling place of U Salaa# the $ife of the Prophet#
t$o Ansari en passed by# and greeting Allah's Apostle # they Cuickly $ent ahead% Allah's Apostle
said to the# H8o not be in a hurry She is Safiya# the daughter of Huyai%H &hey said# HSubhan AllahI E
Allah's Apostle !ho$ dare $e suspect you"%H &hat $as a great thing for both of the% &he Prophet
then said# HSatan runs in the body of Ada's son !i%e% an" as his blood circulates in it# and I $as
afraid that he !Satan" ight insert an e(il thought in your hearts%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 3<1:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mughaffal Al)Mu-ani:
=olue 7 ) 0<74 ? 0:66
&he Prophet forbade the thro$ing of stones !$ith the thub and the inde* or iddle finger"# and
said HIt neither hunts a gae nor kills !or hurts" an eney# but it gouges out an eye or breaks a
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 326:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&$o en snee-ed before the Prophet% &he Prophet said to one of the# HMay Allah besto$ His
Mercy on you#H but he did not say that to the other% En being asked !$hy"# the Prophet said# H&hat one
praised Allah !at the tie of snee-ing"# $hile the other did not praise Allah%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 320:
Darrated Al)Bara:
&he Prophet ordered us to do se(en !things" and forbade us fro se(en !other things": He ordered
us to pay a (isit to the sick# to follo$ funeral possessions# to say: May Allah be erciful to you to a
snee-er# ) if he says: Praise be to Allah# to accept in(itation !in(itation to a $edding banCuet"# to re)
turn greetings# to help the oppressed# and to help others to fulfill their oaths !pro(ided it $as not sin)
ful"% And he forbade us fro se(en !things": to $ear golden rings or golden bangles# to $ear silk
!cloth"# 8iba.# Sundus and Mayathir%
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 323:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah likes snee-ing and dislikes ya$ning# so if soeone snee-es and then
praises Allah# then it is obligatory on e(ery Musli $ho heard hi# to say: May Allah be erciful to
you !Kar)hauka)l)lah"% But as regards ya$ning# it is fro Satan# so one ust try one's best to stop
it# if one says 'Ha' $hen ya$ning# Satan $ill laugh at hi%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 32<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H If anyone of you snee-es# he should say 'Al)Hadulillah' !Praise be to Allah"#
and his !Musli" brother or copanion should say to hi# 'Kar)hauka)l)lah' !May Allah besto$
his Mercy on you"% @hen the latter says 'Kar)hauka)llahH# the forer should say# 'Kahdikuul)lah
$a Kuslih balaku' !May Allah gi(e you guidance and ipro(e your condition"%H
=olue 7 ) 0<75 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 322:
Darrated Anas:
&$o en snee-ed before the Prophet and he said &ashit to one of the# $hile he did not say
&ashit to the other% So that an said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou said &ashit to that fello$ but you did
not say &ashit to e% H&he Prophet said# H&hat an praised Allah# but you did not praise Allah%H
=olue 7# Book :<# Duber 324:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah lo(es snee-ing but dislikes ya$ningL so if anyone of you snee-es and then
praises Allah# e(ery Musli $ho hears hi !praising Allah" has to say &ashit to hi% But as regards
ya$ning# it is fro Satan# so if one of you ya$ns# he should try his best to stop it# for $hen anyone of
you ya$ns# Satan laughs at hi%H
=olue 7 ) 0<7: ? 0:66
Book :2: Asking Perission
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 325:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah created Ada in his coplete shape and for !directly"# si*ty cubits
!about <6 eters" in height% @hen He created hi# He said !to hi"# HAo and greet that group of an)
gels sitting there# and listen $hat they $ill say in reply to you# for that $ill be your greeting and the
greeting of your offspring%H Ada !$ent and" said# 'As)Salau alaiku !Peace be upon you"%' &hey
replied# 'AsSalau)'Alaika $a Rahatullah !Peace and Allah's Mercy be on you" So they increased
'@a Rahatullah' &he Prophet added 'So $hoe(er $ill enter Paradise# $ill be of the shape and for
of Ada% Since then the creation of Ada's !offspring" !i%e% stature of huan beings is being diin)
ished continuously" to the present tie%H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 32::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
Al)Badl bin 'Abbas rode behind the Prophet as his copanion rider on the back portion of his she
cael on the 8ay of Dahr !slaughtering of sacrifice# 06th 8hul)Hi..a" and Al)Badl $as a handsoe
an% &he Prophet stopped to gi(e the people (erdicts% In the eantie# a beautiful $oan Bro the
tribe of Khath'a cae# asking the (erdict of Allah's Apostle% Al)Badl started looking at her as her
beauty attracted hi% &he Prophet looked behind $hile Al)Badl $as looking at herL so the Prophet
held out his hand back$ards and caught the chin of Al)Badl and turned his face !to the o$ner sides
in order that he should not ga-e at her% She said# HE Allah's ApostleI &he obligation of Perforing
Ha.. en.oined by Allah on His $orshipers# has becoe due !copulsory" on y father $ho is an old
an and $ho cannot sit firly on the riding anial% @ill it be sufficient that I perfor Ha.. on his
behalfJH He said# HKes%H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 327:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# 'Be$areI A(oid sitting on the roads%H &hey !the people" said# HE Allah s ApostleI
@e can't help sitting !on the roads" as these are !our places" here $e ha(e talks%H &he Prophet said# ' l
f you refuse but to sit# then pay the road its right ' &hey said# H@hat is the right of the road# E Allah's
ApostleJH He said# ';o$ering your ga-e# refraining fro haring others# returning greeting# and en)
.oining $hat is good# and forbidding $hat is e(il%H
=olue 7 ) 0<77 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 321:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@hen $e prayed $ith the Prophet $e used to say: As)Sala be on Allah fro His $orshipers# As)
Sala be on Aabriel# As)Sala be on Michael# As)Sala be on so)and)so% @hen the Prophet fin)
ished his prayer# he faced us and said# HAllah Hiself is As)Sala !Peace"# so $hen one sits in the
prayer# one should say# 'At)&ahiyatu)lillahi @as)Sala$atu# @at)&aiyibatu# As)Salau 'Alaika aiy)
uhan)Dabiyyu $a Rah)atul)lahi $a Barakatuhu# As)Salau 'Alaina $a 'ala 'Ibadillahi assalihin#
for if he says so# then it $ill be for all the pious sla(e of Allah in the Hea(ens and the +arth% !&hen he
should say"# 'Ash)hadu an la ilaha illalllahu $a ash)hadu anna Muhaadan 'Abduhu $a rasulu)
hu#' and then he can choose $hate(er speech !i%e% in(ocation" he $ishes H !See Hadith Do% :1:# =ol% 0"
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 346:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he young should greet the old# the passer by should greet the sitting one# and
the sall group of persons should greet the large group of persons% H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 340:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he riding one should greet the $alking one# and the $alking one should
greet the sitting one# and the sall nuber of persons should greet the large nuber of persons%H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 343:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he riding person should greet the $alking one# and the $alking one should
greet the sitting one# and the sall nuber of persons should greet the large nuber of persons%H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 343e:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he younger person should greet the older one# and the $alking person
should greet the sitting one# and the sall nuber of persons should greet the large nuber of per)
=olue 7 ) 0<71 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 34<g:
Darrated Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib:
Allah's Apostle ordered us to do se(en !things": to (isit the sick# to follo$ the funeral processions# to
say &ashit to a snee-er# to help the $eak# to help the oppressed ones# to propagate As)Sala !greet)
ing"# and to help others to fulfill their oaths !if it is not sinful"% He forbade us to drink fro sil(er
utensils# to $ear gold rings# to ride on silken saddles# to $ear silk clothes# 8iba. !thick silk cloth"#
,assiy and IstabraC !t$o kinds of silk"% !See Hadith Do% 4<1# =ol% :"
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 34<k:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
A an asked the Prophet# H@hat Islaic traits are the bestJH &he Prophet said# HBeed the people#
and greet those $ho you kno$ and those $ho you do not kno$%H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 342:
Darrated Abu Aiyub:
&he Prophet said# HIt is not la$ful for a Musli to desert !not to speak to" his brother Musli for
ore than three days $hile eeting# one turns his face to one side and the other turns his face to the
other side% ;oI &he better of the t$o is the one $ho starts greeting the other%H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 344:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
that he $as a boy of ten at the tie $hen the Prophet eigrated to Medina% He added: I ser(ed Al)
lah's Apostle for ten years !the last part of his life tie" and I kno$ ore than the people about the
occasion $hereupon the order of Al)Hi.ab $as re(ealed !to the Prophet"% Ubai b n Ka'b used to ask
e about it% It $as re(ealed !for the first tie" during the arriage of Allah's Apostle $ith Fainab
bint /ahsh% In the orning# the Prophet $as a bride)groo of her and he In(ited the people# $ho
took their eals and $ent a$ay# but a group of the reained $ith Allah's Apostle and they pro)
longed their stay% Allah's Apostle got up and $ent out# and I too# $ent out along $ith hi till he
cae to the lintel of 'Aisha's d$elling place% Allah's Apostle thought that those people had left by
then# so he returned# and I too# returned $ith hi till he entered upon Fainab and found that they
$ere still sitting there and had not yet gone% &he Prophet $ent out again# and so did I $ith hi till he
reached the lintel of 'Aisha's d$elling place# and then he thought that those people ust ha(e left by
then# so he returned# and so did I $ith hi# and found those people had gone% At that tie the 8i(ine
=erse of Al)Hi.ab $as re(ealed# and the Prophet set a screen bet$een e and hi !his faily"%
=olue 7 ) 0<16 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 345:
Darrated Anas:
@hen the Prophet arried Fainab# the people cae and $ere offered a eal# and then they sat
do$n !after finishing their eals" and started chatting% &he Prophet sho$ed as if he $anted to get
up# but they did not get up% @hen he noticed that# he got up# and soe of the people also got up and
$ent a$ay# $hile soe others kept on sitting% @hen the Prophet returned to enter# he found the
people still sitting# but then they got up and left% So I told the Prophet of their departure and he cae
and $ent in% I intended to go in but the Prophet put a screen bet$een e and hi# for Allah re)
(ealed:)) 'E you $ho belie(eI +nter not the Prophet's houses%%' !<<%4<"
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 34::
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" 'Uar bin Al)Khattab used to say to Allah's Apostle H;et your $i(es be
(eiledH But he did not do so% &he $i(es of the Prophet used to go out to ans$er the call of nature at
night only at Al)Manasi%' Ence Sauda# the daughter of Fa'a $ent out and she $as a tall $oan%
'Uar bin Al)Khattab sa$ her $hile he $as in a gathering# and said# HI ha(e recogni-ed you# E
SaudaIH He !'Uar" said so as he $as an*ious for soe 8i(ine orders regarding the (eil !the (eiling
of $oen%" So Allah re(ealed the =erse of (eiling% !Al)Hi.abL a coplete body co(er e*cluding the
eyes"% !See Hadith Do% 027# =ol% 0"
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 347:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd:
A an peeped through a round hole into the d$elling place of the Prophet# $hile the Prophet had
a Midray !an iron cob" $ith $hich he $as scratching his head% the Prophet said# H Had kno$n you
$ere looking !through the hole"# I $ould ha(e pierced your eye $ith it !i%e%# the cob"%H =erilyI &he
order of taking perission to enter has been en.oined because of that sight# !that one should not look
unla$fully at the state of others"% !See Hadith Do% 76:# =ol% :"
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 341:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
A an peeped into a roo of the Prophet% &he Prophet stood up# holding an arro$ head% It is as if I
a .ust looking at hi# trying to stab the an%
=olue 7 ) 0<10 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 356:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
I ha(e not seen a thing resebling 'laa' !inor sins" than $hat Abu Huraira 'narrated fro the
Prophet $ho said HAllah has $ritten for Ada's son his share of adultery $hich he coits ine(it)
ably% &he adultery of the eyes is the sight !to ga-e at a forbidden thing"# the adultery of the tongue is
the talk# and the inner self $ishes and desires and the pri(ate parts testify all this or deny it%H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 350:
Darrated Anas:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle greeted soebody# he used to greet hi three ties# and if he spoke a
sentence# he used to repeat it thrice%
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 353:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
@hile I $as present in one of the gatherings of the Ansar# Abu Musa cae as if he $as scared# and
said# HI asked perission to enter upon 'Uar three ties# but I $as not gi(en the perission# so I re)
turned%H !@hen 'Uar cae to kno$ about it" he said to Abu Musa# H@hy did you not enterJ'% Abu
Musa replied# HI asked perission three ties# and I $as not gi(en it# so I returned# for Allah's Apostle
said# HIf anyone of you asks the perission to enter thrice# and the perission is not gi(en# then he
should return%' H 'Uar said# HBy AllahI @e $ill ask Abu Musa to bring $itnesses for it%H !Abu Musa
$ent to a gathering of the Ansar and said"% H8id anyone of you hear this fro the Prophet JH Ubai bin
Ka'b said# HBy Allah# none $ill go $ith you but the youngest of the people !as a $itness"%H !Abu Said"
$as the youngest of the# so I $ent $ith Abu Musa and infored 'Uar that the Prophet had said
so% !See Hadith Do% 3::# =ol% <"
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 35<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I entered !the house" along $ith Allah's Apostle % &here he found ilk in a basin% He said# HE Abu
HirrI Ao and call the people of Suffa to e%H I $ent to the and in(ited the% &hey cae and asked
perission to enter# and $hen it $as gi(en# they entered% !See Hadith Do% 241 for details"
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 352:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
that he passed by a group of boys and greeted the and said# H&he Prophet used to do so%H
=olue 7 ) 0<13 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 354:
Darrated Abu Ha-i:
Sahl said# H@e used to feel happy on Bridays%H I asked Sahl# H@hyJH He said# H&here $as an old $o)
an of our acCuaintance $ho used to send soebody to Buda'a !Ibn Maslaa said# HBuda'a $as a
garden of date)pals at Medina"% She used to pull out the silC !a kind of (egetable" fro its roots and
put it in a cooking pot# adding soe po$dered barley o(er it !and cook it"% After finishing the /uua
!Briday" prayer $e used to !pass by her and" greet her# $hereupon she $ould present us $ith that
eal# so $e used to feel happy because of that% @e used to ha(e neither a idday nap# nor eals# e*)
cept after the Briday prayer%H !See Hadith Do% 56# =ol%3"
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 355:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said# HE 'AishaI &his is Aabriel sending his greetings to you%H I said# HPeace# and Al)
lah's Mercy be on hi !Aabriel"% Kou see $hat $e do not see%H !She $as addressing Allah's Apostle"%
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 35::
Darrated /abir:
I cae to the Prophet in order to consult hi regarding y father's debt% @hen I knocked on the
door# he asked# H@ho is thatJH I replied# HIH He said# HI# IJH He repeated it as if he disliked it%
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 357:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an entered the osCue $hile Allah's Apostle $as sitting in one side of the osCue% &he an
prayed# cae# and greeted the Prophet% Allah's Apostle said to hi# H@a 'Alaikas Sala !returned his
greeting"% Ao back and pray as you ha(e not prayed !properly"%H &he an returned# repeated his
prayer# cae back and greeted the Prophet% &he Prophet said# H@a alaika)s)Sala !returned his
greeting"% Ao back and pray again as you ha(e not prayed !properly"%H &he an said at the second or
third tie# HE Allah's ApostleI Kindly teach e ho$ to prayH% &he Prophet said# H@hen you stand for
prayer# perfor ablution properly and then face the ,ibla and say &akbir !Allahu)Akbar"# and then
recite $hat you kno$ fro the ,ur'an# and then bo$ $ith calness till you feel at ease then rise
fro bo$ing# till you stand straight# and then prostrate cally !and reain in prostration" till you
feel at ease# and then raise !your head" and sit $ith calness till you feel at ease and then prostrate
$ith calness !and reain in prostration" till you feel at ease# and then raise !your head" and sit
$ith calness till you feel at ease in the sitting position# and do like$ise in $hole of your prayer%H
And Abu Usaa added# H&ill you stand straight%H !See Hadith Do% :41# =ol%0"
=olue 7 ) 0<1< ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 351:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said !in the abo(e narration Do% 357"# HAnd then raise your head till you feel at ease
$hile sitting% H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 3:6:
Darrated 'Aisha: that the Prophet said to her# HAabriel sends Sala !greetings" to you%H She replied#
H@a 'alaihi)s)Sala @a Rahatu)l)lah%H !Peace and Allah's Mercy be on hi"%
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 3:0:
Darrated 'Ur$a)bin A-)Fubair:
Usaa bin Faid said# H&he Prophet rode o(er a donkey $ith a saddle underneath $hich there $as
a thick soft Badakiya (el(et sheet% Usaa bin Faid $as his copanion rider# and he $as going to pay
a (isit to Sa'd bin Ubada !$ho $as sick" at the d$elling place of Bani Al)Harith bin Al)Kha-ra.# and
this incident happened before the battle of Badr% &he Prophet passed by a gathering in $hich there
$ere Muslis and pagan idolators and /e$s# and aong the there $as 'Abdullah bin Ubai bin Sa)
lul# and there $as 'Abdullah bin Ra$aha too% @hen a cloud of dust raised by the anial co(ered that
gathering# 'Abdullah bin Ubai co(ered his nose $ith his Rida !sheet" and said !to the Prophet"# H8on't
co(er us $ith dust%H &he Prophet greeted the and then stopped# disounted and in(ited the to Al)
lah !i%e%# to ebrace Isla" and also recited to the the Holy ,uran% 'Abdullah bin Ubai' bin Salul
said# HE anI &here is nothing better than $hat you say# if $hat you say is the truth% So do not
trouble us in our gatherings% Ao back to your ount !or house#" and if anyone of us coes to you#
tell !your tales" to hi%H En that 'Abdullah bin Ra$aha said# H!E Allah's ApostleI" 9oe to us and
bring it!$hat you $ant to say" in our gatherings# for $e lo(e that%H So the Muslis# the pagans and
the /e$s started Cuarreling till they $ere about to fight and clash $ith one another% &he Prophet kept
on Cuietening the !till they all becae Cuiet"% He then rode his anial# and proceeded till he
entered upon Sa'd bin 'Ubada# he said# HE Sa'd# didn't you hear $hat Abu Habbab saidJ !He eant
'Abdullah bin Ubai"% He said so)and)so%H Sa'd bin 'Ubada said# HE Allah's ApostleI +*cuse and forgi(e
hi# for by Allah# Allah has gi(en you $hat He has gi(en you% &he people of this to$n decided to
cro$n hi !as their chief" and ake hi their king% But $hen Allah pre(ented that $ith the &ruth
$hich He had gi(en you# it choked hi# and that $as $hat ade hi beha(e in the $ay you sa$
hi beha(ing%H So the Prophet e*cused hi%
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 3:3:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Ka'b:
=olue 7 ) 0<12 ? 0:66
I heard Ka'b bin Malik narrating !$hen he did not .oin the battle of &abuk": Allah's Apostle for)
bade all the Muslis to speak to us% I $ould coe to Allah's Apostle and greet hi# and I $ould
$onder $hether the Prophet did o(e his lips to return to y greetings or not till fifty nights passed
a$ay% &he Prophet then announced !to the people" Allah's forgi(eness for us !acceptance of our re)
pentance" at the tie $hen he had offered the Ba.r !orning" prayer%
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 3:<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
A group of /e$s cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HAs)sau 'Alaika H !8eath be on you"# and I un)
derstood it and said to the# HAlaiku AsSau $a)l)la'na !8eath and curse be on you"%H Allah's
Apostle said# HBe calI E 'Aisha# for Allah lo(es that one should be kind and lenient in all atters%H I
said% HE Allah's ApostleI Ha(en't you heard $hat they ha(e saidJH Allah's Apostle said# HI ha(e
!already" said !to the"# 'Alaiku !upon you"%' H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 3:2:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen the /e$s greet you# they usually say# 'As)Sau 'alaiku !8eath be on
you"#' so you should say !in reply to the"# '@a'alaiku !And on you"%H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 3:4:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
the Prophet said# HIf the people of the Scripture greet you# then you should say !in reply"#
'@a'alaiku !And on you"%' H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 3:5:
Darrated 'Ali:
Allah's Apostle sent e# A-)Fubair bin Al)A$$a and Abu Marthad Al)Ahana$i# and all of us
$ere horseen# and he said# HProceed till you reach Ra$dat Khakh# $here there is a $oan fro the
pagans carrying a letter sent by Hatib bin Abi Balta'a to the pagans !of Mecca"%H So $e o(ertook her
$hile she $as proceeding on her cael at the sae place as Allah's Apostle told us% @e said !to her"
H@here is the letter $hich is $ith youJH She said# HI ha(e no letter $ith e%H So $e ade her cael
kneel do$n and searched her ount !baggage etc" but could not find anything% My t$o copanions
said# H@e do not see any letter%H I said# HI kno$ that Allah's Apostle did not tell a lie% By Allah# if you
!the lady" do not bring out the letter# I $ill strip you of your clothes' @hen she noticed that I $as
serious# she put her hand into the knot of her $aist sheet# for she $as tying a sheet round herself#
=olue 7 ) 0<14 ? 0:66
and brought out the letter% So $e proceeded to Allah's Apostle $ith the letter% &he Prophet said !to
Habib"# H@hat ade you o $hat you ha(e done# E HatibJH Hatib replied# HI ha(e done nothing e*cept
that I belie(e in Allah and His Apostle# and I ha(e not changed or altered !y religion"% But I $anted
to do the fa(or to the people !pagans of Mecca" through $hich Allah ight protect y faily and
y property# as there is none aong your copanions but has soeone in Mecca through $ho
Allah protects his property !against har"% &he Prophet said# HHabib has told you the truth# so do not
say to hi !anything" but good%H 'Uar bin Al)Khattab said# H=erily he has betrayed Allah# His
Apostle# and the belie(ersI Allo$ e to chop his neck offIH &he Prophet said# HE 'UarI @hat do you
kno$L perhaps Allah looked upon the Badr $arriors and said# '8o $hate(er you like# for I ha(e or)
dained that you $ill be in Paradise%'H En that 'Uar $ept and said# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ best%H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 3:::
Darrated Abu Sufyan bin Harb:
that Heraclius had sent for hi to coe along $ith a group of the ,uraish $ho $ere trading in
Sha'# and they cae to hi% &hen Abu Sufyan entioned the $hole narration and said# HHeraclius
asked for the letter of Allah's Apostle % @hen the letter $as read# its contents $ere as follo$s: 'In the
nae of Allah# the Beneficent# the Merciful% Bro Muhaad# Allah's sla(e and His Apostle to Her)
aclius# the 9hief of By-antines: Peace be upon hi $ho follo$s the right path !guidance"I Aa
ba'du !to proceed "%%%' !See Hadith Do 5# =ol 0 for details"
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 3:7:
Darrated Abu Said:
&he people of !the tribe of" ,urai-a agreed upon to accept the (erdict of Sa'd% &he Prophet sent for
hi !Sa'd" and he cae% &he Prophet said !to those people"# HAet up for your chief or the best aong
youIH Sa'd sat beside the Prophet and the Prophet said !to hi"# H&hese people ha(e agreed to accept
your (erdict%H Sa'd said# HSo I gi(e y .udgent that their $arriors should be killed and their $oen
and children should be taken as capti(es%H &he Prophet said# HKou ha(e .udged according to the King's
!Allah's" .udgent%H !See Hadith Do% 22:# =ol% 4"
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 3:1:
Darrated ,atada:
I asked Anas# H@as it a custo of the copanions of the Prophet to shake hands $ith one
anotherJH He said# HKes%H
=olue 7 ) 0<15 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 376:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Hisha:
@e $ere in the copany of the Prophet and he $as holding the hand of 'Uar bin Al)Khattab%
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 370:
Darrated Ibn Mas'ud:
Allah's Apostle taught e the &ashah)hud as he taught e a Sura fro the ,uran# $hile y hand
$as bet$een his hands% !&ashah)hud $as" all the best coplients and the prayers and the good
things are for Allah% Peace and Allah's Mercy and Blessings be on you# E ProphetI Peace be on us and
on the pious sla(es of Allah# I testify that none has the right to be $orshipped but Allah# and I also
testify that Muhaad is Allah's sla(e and His Apostle% !@e used to recite this in the prayer" during
the lifetie of the Prophet # but $hen he had died# $e used to say# HPeace be on the Prophet%H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 373:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
'Ali bin Abu &alib cae out of the house of the Prophet during his fatal ailent% &he people asked
!'Ali"# HE Abu HasanI Ho$ is the health of Allah's Apostle this orningJH 'Ali said# H&his orning he is
better# $ith the grace of Allah%H Al)'Abbas held Ali by the hand and said# H8on't you see hi !about to
die"J By Allah# $ithin three days you $ill be the sla(e of the stick !i%e%# under the coand of anoth)
er ruler"% By Allah# I think that Allah's Apostle $ill die fro his present ailent# for I kno$ the signs
of death on the faces of the offspring of 'Abdul Muttalib% So let us go to Allah's Apostle to ask hi
$ho $ill take o(er the 9aliphate% If the authority is gi(en to us# $e $ill kno$ it# and if it is gi(en to
soebody else $e $ill reCuest hi to recoend us to hi% H 'Ali said# HBy AllahI If $e ask Allah's
Apostle for the rulership and he refuses# then the people $ill ne(er gi(e it to us% Besides# I $ill ne(er
ask Allah's Apostle for it%H !See Hadith Do :37# =ol 4"
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 37<:
Darrated Muadh:
@hile I $as a copanion rider $ith the Prophet he said# HE Mu'adhIH I replied# H;abbaik $a
Sa'daik%H He repeated this call three ties and then said# H8o you kno$ $hat Allah's Right on His
sla(es isJH I replied# HDo%H He said# Allah's Right on His sla(es is that they should $orship Hi !Alone"
and should not .oin partners in $orship $ith Hi%H He said# HE Mu'adhIH I replied# H;abbaik $a
Sa'daik%H He said# H8o you kno$ $hat the right of !Allah's" sal(es on Allah is# if they do that !$orship
Hi Alone and .oin none in His $orship"J It is that He $ill not punish the%H
=olue 7 ) 0<1: ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 372:
Darrated Mu'adh:
as abo(e# Do% 37<%
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 374:
Darrated Abu 8har:
@hile I $as $alking $ith the Prophet at the Hurra of Medina in the e(ening# the ountain of
Uhud appeared before us% &he Prophet said# HE Abu 8harI I $ould not like to ha(e gold eCual to
Uhud !ountain" for e# unless nothing of it# not e(en a single 8inar reains of it $ith e# for
ore than one day or three days# e*cept that single 8inar $hich I $ill keep for repaying debts% I $ill
spend all of it !the $hole aount" aong Allah's sla(es like this and like this and like this%H &he
Prophet pointed out $ith his hand to illustrate it and then said# HE Abu 8harIH I replied# H;abbaik $a
Sa'daik# E Allah's ApostleIH He said# H&hose $ho ha(e uch $ealth !in this $orld" $ill be the least re)
$arded !in the Hereafter" e*cept those $ho do like this and like this !i%e%# spend their oney in char)
ity"%H &hen he ordered e# HReain at your place and do not lea(e it# E Abu 8har# till I coe back%H
He $ent a$ay till he disappeared fro e% &hen I heard a (oice and feared that soething ight
ha(e happened to Allah's Apostle# and I intended to go !to find out" but I reebered the stateent
of Allah's Apostle that I should not lea(e# y place# so I kept on $aiting !and after a $hile the Proph)
et cae"# and I said to hi# HE Allah's Apostle# I heard a (oice and I $as afraid that soething ight
ha(e happened to you# but then I reebered your stateent and stayed !there"% &he Prophet said#
H&hat $as Aabriel $ho cae to e and infored e that $hoe(er aong y follo$ers died $ithout
.oining others in $orship $ith Allah# $ould enter Paradise%H I said# HE Allah's ApostleI +(en if he had
coitted illegal se*ual intercourse and theftJH He said# H+(en if he had coitted illegal se*ual in)
tercourse and theft '
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 375:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HA an should not ake another an get up fro his !the latter's" seat !in a
gathering" in order to sit there%
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 37::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet forbade that a an should be ade to get up fro his seat so that another ight sit
on it# but one should ake roo and spread out% Ibn 'Uar disliked that a an should get up fro
his seat and then soebody else sit at his place%
=olue 7 ) 0<17 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 377:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hen Allah's Apostle arried Fainab bint /ahsh# he in(ited the people $ho took their eals and
then reained sitting and talking% &he Prophet pretended to be ready to get up# but the people did
not get up% @hen he noticed that# he got up# and $hen he had got up# soe of those people got up
along $ith hi and there reained three !$ho kept on sitting"% &hen the Prophet cae back and
found those people still sitting% ;ater on those people got up and $ent a$ay% So I $ent to the Prophet
and infored hi that they had left%
&he Prophet cae# and entered !his house"% I $anted to enter!along $ith hi" but he dropped a
curtain bet$een e and hi% Allah then re(ealed: 'E you $ho belie(eI 8o not enter the Prophet's
Houses until lea(e is gi(en%%% !to His stateent"%%% =erilyI &hat shall be an enority# in Allah's sight%'
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 371:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
I sa$ Allah's Apostle in the courtyard of the Ka'ba in the Ihtiba%' posture putting his hand round
his legs like this%
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 316:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
Allah's Apostle said# HShall I infor you of the biggest of the great sinsJH &hey said# HKes# E Allah's
ApostleIH He said# H&o .oin partners in $orship $ith Allah# and to be undutiful to one's parents% H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 310:
Darrated Bishr:
as abo(e !Do% 316" adding: &he Prophet $as reclining !leaning" and then he sat up saying# HAnd I
$arn you against gi(ing a false stateent%H And he kept on saying that $arning so uch so that $e
said# H@ould that he had stopped%H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 313:
Darrated 'UCba bin Al)Harith:
Ence the Prophet offered the 'Asr prayer and then he $alked Cuickly and entered his house%
=olue 7 ) 0<11 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 31<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to offer his prayer !$hile standing" in the idst of the bed# and I used to lie in
front of hi bet$een hi and the ,ibla It I had any necessity for getting up and I used to dislike to
get up and face hi !$hile he $as in prayer"# but I $ould gradually slip a$ay fro the bed%
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 312:
Darrated Abdullah bin 'Ar:
&he ne$s of y fasting $as entioned to the Prophet % So he entered upon e and I put for hi a
leather cushion stuffed $ith pal)fibres% &he Prophet sat on the floor and the cushion $as bet$een
e and hi% He said to e# HIsn't it sufficient for you !that you fast" three days a onthJH I said# HE
Allah's ApostleI !I can fast ore than this"%H He said# HKou ay fast" fi(e days a onth%H I said# HE Al)
lah's ApostleI !I can fast ore than this"%H He said# H!Kou ay fast" se(en days%H I said# HE Allah's
ApostleIH He said# HDine%H I said# HE Allah's ApostleIH He said# H+le(en%H I said# HE Allah's ApostleIH He
said# HDo fasting is superior to the fasting of !the Prophet 8a(id" $hich $as one half of a year# and he
used# to fast on alternate days% !See Hadith Do% <66# =ol <"
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 314:
Darrated Ibrahi:
'AlaCaa $ent to Sha and cae to the osCue and offered a t$o)Rak'at prayer# and in(oked Al)
lah: HE AllahI Bless e $ith a !pious" good copanion%H So he sat beside Abu Ad)8arda' $ho asked#
HBro $here are youJH He said# HBro the people of Kufa%H Abu 8arda' said# H@asn't there aong you
the person $ho keeps the secrets !of the Prophet " $hich nobody kne$ e*cept hi !i%e%# Hudhaifa
!bin Al)Kaan""% And isn't there aong you the person $ho Allah ga(e refuge fro Satan through
the reCuest !tongue" of Allah's ApostleJ !i%e%# 'Aar"% Isn't there aong you the one $ho used to
carry the Si$ak and the cushion !or pillo$s !of the Prophets"J !i%e%# Ibn Mas'ud"% Ho$ did Ibn Mas'ud
use to recite 'By the night as it conceals !the light"JH !Sura 13"% 'AlCaa said# H@adhdhakari @al Un)
tha' !And by ale and feale%H" Abu Ad)8arda added% '&hese people continued to argue $ith e re)
garding it till they $ere about to cause e to ha(e doubts although I heard it fro Allah's Apostle H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 315:
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
@e used to ha(e a idday nap and take our eals after the /uua !prayer"%
=olue 7 ) 0266 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 31::
Darrated Sahl bin Sad:
&here $as no nae dearer to 'Ali than his nicknae Abu &urab !the father of dust"% He used to feel
happy $hene(er he $as called by this nae% Ence Allah's Apostle cae to the house of Batia but
did not find 'Ali in the house% So he asked H@here is your cousinJH She replied# H&here $as soething
!a Cuarrel" bet$een e and hi $hereupon he got angry $ith e and $ent out $ithout ha(ing a
idday nap in y house%H Allah's Apostle asked a person to look for hi% &hat person cae# and said#
HE Allah's ApostleI He !Ali" is sleeping in the osCue%H So Allah's Apostle $ent there and found hi
lying% His upper body co(er had fallen off to one side of his body# and so he $as co(ered $ith dust%
Allah's Apostle started cleaning the dust fro hi# saying# HAet up# E Abu &urabI Aet up# Abu
&urabIH !See Hadith Do% 2<3# =ol 0"
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 317:
Darrated &huaa:
Anas said# HU Sulai used to spread a leather sheet for the Prophet and he used to take a idday
nap on that leather sheet at her hoe%H Anas added# H@hen the Prophet had slept# she $ould take
soe of his s$eat and hair and collect it !the s$eat" in a bottle and then i* it $ith Suk !a kind of
perfue" $hile he $as still sleeping% H@hen the death of Anas bin Malik approached# he ad(ised that
soe of that Suk be i*ed $ith his Hanut !perfue for ebaling the dead body"# and it $as i*ed
$ith his Hanut%
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber 311:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle $ent to ,uba# he used to (isit U Hara bint Milhan $ho $ould offer
hi ealsL and she $as the $ife of 'Ubada bin As)sait% Ene day he $ent to her house and she
offered hi a eal# and after that he slept# and then $oke up siling% She !U Hara" said# HI asked
hi# '@hat akes you laugh# E Allah's ApostleJ' He said# 'Soe people of y follo$ers $ere dis)
played before e as $arriors fighting for Allah's 9ause and sailing o(er this sea# kings on thrones#' or
said# 'like kings on thrones%' !&he narrator# IshaC is in doubt about it%" I !U Hara" said# 'E Allah's
ApostleI In(oke Allah that He ay ake e one of the%' He in(oked !Allah" for her and then lay his
head and slept again and then $oke up siling% I asked# '@hat akes you laugh# E Allah's ApostleJ'
He said# 'Soe people of y follo$ers $ere displayed before e as $arriors fighting for Allah's
9ause and sailing o(er this sea# kings on the thrones#' or said# 'like kings on the thrones%' I !U
Hara" said# 'E Allah's ApostleI In(oke Allah that He ay ake e one of the%' He said# Kou $ill be
aongst the first ones%H It is said that U Hara sailed o(er the sea at the tie of Mua$iya# and on
coing out of the sea# she fell do$n fro her riding anial and died%
=olue 7 ) 0260 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber <66:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet forbade t$o kinds of dresses and t$o kinds of bargainsL Ishtial As)Saa and Al)
Ihtiba in one garent $ith no part of it co(ering one's pri(ate parts% !&he t$o kinds of bargains
$ere:" Al)Mulaasa and Al)Munabadha%
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber <60:
Darrated 'Aisha:
He added# 'But this year he re(ie$ed it $ith e t$ice# and therefore I think that y tie of death
has approached% So# be afraid of Allah# and be patient# for I a the best predecessor for you !in the
Hereafter"%' H Batia added# HSo I $ept as you !'Aisha" $itnessed% And $hen the Prophet sa$ e in
this sorro$ful state# he confided the second secret to e saying# 'E BatiaI @ill you not be pleased
that you $ill be chief of all the belie(ing $oen !or chief of the $oen of this nation i%e% y follo$)
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber <63:
Darrated the uncle of 'Abbas bin &ai:
I sa$ Allah's Apostle lying on his back in the osCue and putting one of his legs o(er the other%
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber <6<:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
the Prophet said H@hen three persons are together# then no t$o of the should hold secret coun)
sel e*cluding the third person%H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber <62:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet confided to e a secret $hich I did not disclose to anybody after hi% And U Sulai
asked e !about that secret" but I did not tell her%
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber <64:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
=olue 7 ) 0263 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# H@hen you are three persons sitting together# then no t$o of you should hold
secret counsel e*cluding the third person until you are $ith soe other people too# for that $ould
grie(e hi%H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber <65:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Ene day the Prophet di(ided and distributed soething aongst the people $hereupon an Ansari
an said# HIn this di(ision Allah's 9ountenance has not been sought%H I said# HBy AllahI I $ill go !and
infor" the Prophet%H So I $ent to hi $hile he $as $ith a group of people# and I secretly infored
hi of that# $hereupon he becae so angry that his face becae red# and he then said# HMay Allah
besto$ His Mercy on Moses !for" he $as hurt ore than that# yet he reained patient%H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber <6::
Darrated Anas:
&he ICaa for the prayer $as announced $hile a an $as talking to Allah's Apostle pri(ately% He
continued talking in that $ay till the Prophet's copanions slept# and after$ards the Prophet got up
and offered the prayer $ith the%
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber <67:
Darrated Sali's father:
&he Prophet said# H8o not keep the fire burning in your houses $hen you go to bed%H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber <61:
Darrated Abu Musa:
Ene night a house in Medina $as burnt $ith its occupants% &he Prophet spoke about the# saying#
H&his fire is indeed your eney# so $hene(er you go to bed# put it out to protect yoursel(es%H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber <06:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# H!At bedtie" co(er the utensils# close the doors# and put out the lights# lest the
e(il creature !the rat" should pull a$ay the $ick and thus burn the people of the house%H
=olue 7 ) 026< ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber <00:
Darrated /abir:
Allah s Apostle said# H@hen you intend going to bed at night# put out the lights# close the doors# tie
the ouths of the $ater skins# and co(er your food and drinks%H Harna said# HI think he !the other
narrator" added# 'e(en $ith piece of $ood across the utensil%'
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber <03:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said HBi(e things are in accordance $ith Al Bitra !i%e% the tradition of prophets": to be
circucised# to sha(e the pel(ic region# to pull out the hair of the arpits# to cut short the ous)
taches# and to clip the nails%'
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber <0<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said H&he Prophet" Abraha circucised hiself after he had passed the age of
eighty years and he circucised hiself $ith an ad-e%H
Darrated Said bin /ubair: Ibn 'Abbas $as asked# HHo$ old $ere you $hen the Prophet diedJH He
replied% HAt that tie I had been circucised%H At that tie# people did not circucise the boys till
they attained the age of puberty% Sa'id bin /ubair said# HIbn 'Abbas said# '@hen the Prophet died# I had
already been circucised% H
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber <02:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er aong you takes an oath $herein he says# 'By Al);at and Al)'U--a#'
naes of t$o Idols $orshipped by the Pagans# he should say# 'Done has the right to be $orshipped
but AllahL And $hoe(er says to his friend# '9oe# let e gable $ith you I He should gi(e soething
in charity% H !See Hadith Do% 524"
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber <04:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
8uring the life)tie of the Prophet I built a house $ith y o$n hands so that it ight protect e
fro the rain and shade e fro the sunL and none of Allah's creatures assisted e in building it%
=olue 7 ) 0262 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :2# Duber <05:
Darrated# 'Ar:
Ibn 'Uar said# HBy Allah# I ha(e not put a brick o(er a brick !i%e% constructed a building" or
planted any date)pal tree since the death of the Prophet%H Sufyan !the sub narrator" said# HI told this
narration !of Ibn 'Uar" to one of his !Ibn 'Uar's" relati(es# and he said# 'By Allah# he did build
!soething%' HSufyan added# HI said# 'He ust ha(e said !the abo(e narration" before he built%H
=olue 7 ) 0264 ? 0:66
Book :4: In(ocations
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <0:e:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HBor e(ery prophet there is one !special in(ocation !that $ill not be re.ected"
$ith $hich he appeals !to Allah"# and I $ant to keep such an in(ocation for interceding for y fol)
lo$ers in the Hereafter%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <0:o:
Darrated Anas:
that the Prophet said# HBor e(ery prophet there is an in(ocation that surely $ill be responded by
Allah#H !or said"# HBor e(ery prophet there $as an in(ocation $ith $hich he appealed to Allah# and his
in(ocation $as accepted !in his lifetie"# but I kept y !this special" in(ocation to intercede for y
follo$ers on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <07:
Darrated Shaddad bin Aus:
&he Prophet said H&he ost superior $ay of asking for forgi(eness fro Allah is: 'Allahua anta
Rabbi la ilaha illa anta# Anta KhalaCtani $a ana abduka# $a ana 'ala ahdika $a $a'dika astata'tu#
A'udhu bika in Sharri a sana'tu# abu'u ;aka bini'atika 'alaiya# $a Abu ;aka bidhanbi faghfirli
innahu la yaghfiru adhdhunuba illa anta%H &he Prophet added% HIf soebody recites it during the day
$ith fir faith in it# and dies on the sae day before the e(ening# he $ill be fro the people of Para)
diseL and if soebody recites it at night $ith fir faith in it# and dies before the orning# he $ill be
fro the people of Paradise%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <01:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying%H By AllahI I ask for forgi(eness fro Allah and turn to Hi in re)
pentance ore than se(enty ties a day%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <36:
Darrated Al)Harith bin Su$aid:
=olue 7 ) 0265 ? 0:66
'Abdullah bin Mas'ud related to us t$o narrations: Ene fro the Prophet and the other fro hi)
self# saying: A belie(er sees his sins as if he $ere sitting under a ountain $hich# he is afraid# ay
fall on hiL $hereas the $icked person considers his sins as flies passing o(er his nose and he .ust
dri(es the a$ay like this%H Abu Shihab !the sub)narrator" o(ed his hand o(er his nose in illustra)
tion% !Ibn Mas'ud added": Allah's Apostle said# HAllah is ore pleased $ith the repentance of His sla(e
than a an $ho encaps at a place $here his life is .eopardi-ed# but he has his riding beast carry)
ing his food and $ater% He then rests his head and sleeps for a short $hile and $akes to find his rid)
ing beast gone% !He starts looking for it" and suffers fro se(ere heat and thirst or $hat Allah $ished
!hi to suffer fro"% He then says# 'I $ill go back to y place%' He returns and sleeps again# and then
!getting up"# he raises his head to find his riding beast standing beside hi%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <30:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah is ore pleased $ith the repentance of His sla(e than anyone of you is
pleased $ith finding his cael $hich he had lost in the desert% H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <33:
Darrated Aisha:
&he Prophet used to pray ele(en Rakat in the late part of the night# and $hen da$n appeared# he
$ould offer t$o Rakat and then lie on his right side till the Muadhdhin cae to infor hi !that the
orning prayer $as due"%
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <3<:
Darrated Al)Bara bin 'A-ib:
Allah's Apostle said to e# H@hen you $ant to go to bed# perfor ablution as you do for prayer#
then lie do$n on your right side and say: 'Allahua aslatu $a.hi ilaika# $a fau$adtu Ari ilaika
$a al.atu -ahri ilaika# raghbatan $a rahbatan ilaika# laal.a'a $a la anna ink a ill a ilaika%
Aantu bikitabi kalladhi an-alta $a bi nabiyyikal)ladhi arsalta'% If you should die then !after recit)
ing this" you $ill die on the religion of Isla !i%e%# as a Musli"L so let these $ords be the last you say
!before going to bed"H @hile I $as eori-ing it# I said# H@a birasiulikal)ladhi arsalta !in Kour
Apostle $ho Kou ha(e sent"%' &he Prophet said# HDo# but say: @a binabiyyi)kalladhi arsalta !in Kour
Prophet $ho Kou ha(e sent"%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <32:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
=olue 7 ) 026: ? 0:66
@hen the Prophet $ent to bed# he $ould say: HBisika autu $a ahya%H and $hen he got up he
$ould say:H Al)hadu lillahil)ladhi ahyana ba'da a aatana $a ilaihin)nushur%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <34:
Darrated Al)Bara bin 'A-ib:
e then !after reciting this before going to bed" you $ill die on the r JJJ
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <35:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
@hen the Prophet $ent to bed at night# he $ould put his hand under his cheek and then say# HAl)
lahua bisika autu $a ahya#H and $hen he got up# he $ould say# HAl)Hadu lil)lahi al)ladhi
ahyana ba'da a aatana# $a ilaihi an)nushur%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <3::
Darrated Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib:
@hen Allah's Apostle $ent to bed# he used to sleep on his right side and then say# HAll)ahua
aslatu nafsi ilaika# $a $a..ahtu $a.hi ilaika# $a fau$adtu Ari ilaika# $a al.a'tu -ahri ilaika# ragh)
batan $a rahbatan ilaika% ;a Mal.a'a $a la an.a inka illa ilaika% Aantu bikitabika al)ladhi an-a)
lta $a nabiyyika al)ladhi arsaltaI Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er recites these $ords !before going to
bed" and dies the sae night# he $ill die on the Islaic religion !as a Musli"%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <37:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ene night I slept at the house of Maiuna% &he Prophet $oke up# ans$ered the call of nature#
$ashed his face and hands# and then slept% He got up !late at night"# $ent to a $ater skin# opened the
outh thereof and perfored ablution not using uch $ater# yet he $ashed al I the parts properly
and then offered the prayer% I got up and straightened y back in order that the Prophet ight not
feel that I $as $atching hi# and then I perfored the ablution# and $hen he got up to offer the
prayer# stood on his left% He caught hold of y ear and brought e o(er to his right side% He offered
thirteen Rak'at in all and then lay do$n and slept till he started blo$ing out his breath as he used to
do $hen he slept% In the eantie Bilal infored the Prophet of the approaching tie for the !Ba.r"
prayer# and the Prophet offered the Ba.r !Morning" prayer $ithout perforing ne$ ablution% He
used to say in his in(ocation# Allaihua i.'al fi Calbi nuran $a fi basari nuran# $a fi sa'i nuran#
$a'an yaini nuran# $a'an yasari nuran# $a fa$Ci nuran# $a tahti nuran# $a aai nuran# $a
khalfi nuran# $a.'al li nuran%H Kuraib !a sub narrator" said# HI ha(e forgotten se(en other $ords#
=olue 7 ) 0267 ? 0:66
!$hich the Prophet entioned in this in(ocation"% I et a an fro the offspring of Al)'Abbas and
he narrated those se(en things to e# entioning# '!;et there be light in" y ner(es# y flesh# y
blood# y hair and y body#' and he also entioned t$o other things%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <31:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
@hen the Prophet got up at night to offer the night prayer# he used to say: HAllahua laka)l)
haduL Anta nuras)saa$ati $al ardi $a an fihinna% @a laka)l)haduL Anta Caiyi as)
saa$ati $al ardi $a an flhinna% @a lakaI)haduL Anta)l)#haCCun# $a $a'daka haCCun# $a
Cauluka haCCun# $a liCauka haCCun# $al).annatu haCCun# $annaru haCCun# $as)sa atu haCCun#
$an)nabiyyuna huCCun# Mahaadun haCCun# Allahua laka aslatu# $a Alaika ta$akkaltu#
$a bika aantu# $a ilaika anabtu# $a bika Khasatu# $a ilaika hakatu# faghfirli a Caddatu $a
a akh)khartu# $a a asrartu# $a a a'lantu% Anta al)uCaddiu# $a anta al)u)'akhkhiru% ;a il)
aha il)la anta !or ;a ilaha ghairuka"H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <<6:
Darrated 'Ali:
Batia coplained about the blisters on her hand because of using a ill)stone% She $ent to ask
the Prophet for ser(ant# but she did not find hi !at hoe" and had to infor 'Aisha of her need%
@hen he cae# 'Aisha infored hi about it% Ali added: &he Prophet cae to us $hen $e had gone
to our beds% @hen I $as going to get up# he said# H'Stay in your places#H and sat bet$een us# till I felt
the coolness of the feet on y chest% &he Prophet then said# HShall I not tell you of a thing $hich is
better for you than a ser(antJ @hen you !both" go to your beds# say 'Allahu Akbar' thirty)four ties#
and 'Subhan Allah' thirty)three ties# 'Alhadu 'illah' thirty)three ties# for that is better for you
than a ser(ant%H Ibn Sirin said# HSubhan Allah' !is to be said for" thirty)four ties%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <<0:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle $ent to bed# he used to blo$ on his hands $hile reciting the Mu'au$id)
hat ! i%e% Suratal)BalaC and Surat)an)Das# 00< and 002" and then pass his hands o(er his body#
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <<3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hen anyone of you go to bed# he should shake out his bed $ith the inside of
his $aist sheet# for he does not kno$ $hat has coe on to it after hi# and then he should say: 'Bis)
=olue 7 ) 0261 ? 0:66
ika Rabbi $ada'tu /anbi $a bika arfa'uhu# In asakta nafsi farhaha $a in arsaltaha fahfa-ha
bia tahfa-u bihi ibadakas)salihin%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <<<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen it is the last third of the night# our ;ord# the Blessed# the Superior# des)
cends e(ery night to the hea(en of the $orld and says# 'Is there anyone $ho in(okes Me !deand
anything fro Me"# that I ay respond to his in(ocationL Is there anyone $ho asks Me for soething
that I ay gi(e !it to" hiL Is there anyone $ho asks My forgi(eness that I ay forgi(e hiJ' H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <<2:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hene(er the Prophet $ent to the la(atory# he used to say: HAllahua Inni a'udhu bika ina)
lkhubthi @al khaba'ith%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <<4:
Darrated Shaddad bin 'Aus:
&he Prophet said# H&he ost superior $ay of asking for forgi(eness fro Allah is: 'Allahua anta
Rabbi la ilaha illa anta% KhalaCtani $a ana 'abduka# $a ana 'ala 'ahdika $a @a'dika astata'tu abu'u
;aka bi ni 'atika $a abu'u ;aka bidhanbiL faghfirli fa'innahu la yaghfiru)dh)dhunuba ill a ant a%
A'uidhu bika in sharri a sana'tu%' If soebody recites this in(ocation during the night# and if he
should die then# he $ill go to Paradise !or he $ill be fro the people of Paradise"% And if he recites it
in the orning# and if he should die on the sae day# he $ill ha(e the sae fate%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <<5:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
@hene(er the Prophet intended to go to bed# he $ould recite: HBisika Allahua autu $a
ahya !@ith Kour nae# E Allah# I die and I li(e"%H And $hen he $oke up fro his sleep# he $ould
say: HAl)hadu lil)lahil)ladhi ahyana ba'da a aatanaL $a ilaihi an)nushur !All the Praises are for
Allah @ho has ade us ali(e after He ade us die !sleep" and unto Hi is the Resurrection"% H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <<::
Darrated Abu 8har:
=olue 7 ) 0206 ? 0:66
@hene(er the Prophet lay on his bed# he used to say: HAllahua bisika autu $a ahya#H and
$hen he $oke up he $ould say: HAl)hadu lil)lahilladhi ahyana ba'da a an atana# $a ilaihi an)
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <<7:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
Abu Bakr As)SiddiC said to the Prophet# H&each e an in(ocation $ith $hich I ay in(oke !Allah"
in y prayer%H &he Prophet said# HSay: Allahua inni -alatu nafsi -ulan kathiran $ala yagh)
firudh)dhunuba illa anta# Baghfirli aghfiratan in indika $ar)hani# innaka antalAhafur)
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <<1:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he =erse: 'Deither say your prayer aloud# nor say it in a lo$ tone%' !0:%006" $as re(ealed as re)
gards in(ocation%
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <26:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@e used to say in the prayer: 'AsSala be on Allah# As)Sala be on so)and so%' So one day the
Prophet said to us# HAllah Hiself is As)SalaL $hen anyone of you sits during his prayer# he should
say: 'At)tah# iyyatu)lillahi#' up to 'As)Salihin#' !All the coplients are for Allah %%%righteous people"
for $hen he recites this# then he says his Sala to all the righteous people present in the hea(ens and
on the earth% &hen he should say# 'I testify that none has the right to be $orshipped e*cept Allah# and
that Muhaad is His sla(e and His Apostle#' and then he can select $hate(er he likes to celebrate
!Allah's" Praises%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <20:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he people said# HE Allah's ApostleI &he rich people ha(e got the highest degrees of prestige and
the peranent pleasures !in this life and the life to coe in the Hereafter"%H He said# HHo$ is thatJH
&hey said# H&he rich pray as $e pray# and stri(e in Allah's 9ause as $e do# and spend fro their sur)
plus $ealth in charity# $hile $e ha(e no $ealth !to spend like$ise"%H He said# HShall I not tell you a
thing# by doing $hich# you $ill catch up $ith those $ho are ahead of you and supersede those $ho
$ill coe after youL and nobody $ill be able to do such a good deed as you do e*cept the one $ho
=olue 7 ) 0200 ? 0:66
does the sae !deed as you do"% &hat deed is to recite 'Subhan Allah ten ties# and 'Al)Hadulillah
ten ties# and 'AllahuAkbar' ten ties after e(ery prayer%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <23:
Darrated @arrad:
!the freed sla(e of Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba" Al)Mughira $rote to Mua$iya bin Abu Sufyan that Al)
lah's Apostle used to say at the end of e(ery prayer after the &asli# H;a ilaha illa)l)lahu $ahdahu la
sharika lahuL lahu)l)ulk $a lahu)l)had# $ahu$a 'ala kulli shai'n Cadir% Allahua la ani'a
;ia a taita# $a la u'ta ;ia ana'ta# $a la yanfa'u dhal).addu inkal).add%
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <2<:
Darrated Salaa bin Al)Ak$a':
@e $ent out $ith the Prophet to Khaibar% A an aong the people said# HE 'AirI @ill you please
recite to us soe of your poetic (ersesJH So 'Air got do$n and started chanting aong the# saying#
HBy AllahI Had it not been for Allah# $e $ould not ha(e been guided%H 'Air also said other poetic
(erses $hich I do not reeber% Allah's Apostle said# H@ho is this !cael" dri(erJH &he people said#
HHe is 'Air bin Al)Ak$a'#H He said# HMay Allah besto$ His Mercy on hi%H A an fro the People
said# HE Allah's ApostleI @ould that you let us en.oy his copany longer%H @hen the people
!Muslis" lined up# the battle started# and 'Air $as struck $ith his o$n s$ord !by chance" by hi)
self and died% In the e(ening# the people ade a large nuber of fires !for cooking eals"% Allah's
Apostle said# H@hat is this fireJ @hat are you aking the fire forJH &hey said# HBor cooking the eat
of donkeys%H He said# H&hro$ a$ay $hat is in the pots and break the potsIH A an said# HE Allah's
ProphetI May $e thro$ a$ay $hat is in the and $ash theJH He said# HDe(er ind# you ay do
so%H !See Hadith Do% 461# =ol% 4"%
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <22:
Darrated Ibn Abi Aufa:
@hene(er a an brought his als to the Prophet# the Prophet $ould say# HE AllahI Besto$ Kour
Blessing upon the faily of so)and)so%H @hen y father cae to hi !$ith his als"# he said# HE Al)
lahI Besto$ Kour Blessings upon the faily of Abi Aufa%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <24:
Darrated /arir:
Allah's Apostle said to e% H@ill you relie(e e fro 8hi)al)KhalasaJ H 8hi)al)Khalasa $as an
idol $hich the people used to $orship and it $as called Al)Ka'ba al Kaaniyya% I said# HE Allah's
=olue 7 ) 0203 ? 0:66
Apostle I a a an $ho can't sit fir on horses%H So he stroked y chest !$ith his hand" and said# HE
AllahI Make hi fir and ake hi a guiding and $ell)guided an%H So I $ent out $ith fifty !en"
fro y tribe of Ahrnas% !&he sub)narrator# Sufyan# Cuoting /arir# perhaps said# HI $ent out $ith a
group of en fro y nation%H" and cae to 8hi)al)Khalasa and burnt it# and then cae to the
Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e not coe to you till I left it like a cael $ith a skin dis)
ease%H &he Prophet then in(oked good upon Ahas and their ca(alry !fighters"%
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <25:
Darrated Anas:
U Sulai said to the Prophet HAnas is your ser(ant%H &he Prophet said# HE AllahI increase his
$ealth and offspring# and bless !for hi" $hat e(er you gi(e hi%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <2::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet heard a an reciting !the ,ur'an" in the osCue% He said#H May Allah besto$ His
Mercy on hi# as he ade e reeber such and)such =erse $hich I had issed in such)and)
such Sura%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <27:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet di(ided soething !aong the Muslis" and distributed the shares !of the booty"% A
an said# H&his di(ision has not been ade to please Allah%H @hen I infored the Prophet about it# he
becae so furious that I noticed the signs of anger on his face and he then said# HMay Allah besto$
His Mercy on Moses# for he $as hurt $ith ore than this# yet he reained patient%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <21:
Darrated 'Ikria:
Ibn 'Abbas said# HPreach to the people once a $eek# and if you $on't# then preach the t$ice# but if
you $ant to preach ore# then let it be three ties !a $eek only"# and do not ake the people fed)up
$ith this ,ur'an% If you coe to soe people $ho are engaged in a talk# don't start interrupting their
talk by preaching# lest you should cause the to be bored% Kou should rather keep Cuiet# and if they
ask you# then preach to the at the tie $hen they are eager to hear $hat you say% And a(oid the
use of rhyed prose in in(ocation for I noticed that Allah's Apostle and his copanions al$ays
a(oided it%H
=olue 7 ) 020< ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <46:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen anyone of you appeal to Allah for soething# he should ask $ith de)
terination and should not say# 'E Allah# if Kou $ish# gi(e e%'# for nobody can force Allah to do
soething against His @ill%
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <40:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HDone of you should say: 'E Allah# forgi(e e if Kou $ishL E Allah# be erciful
to e if Kou $ish#' but he should al$ays appeal to Allah $ith deterination# for nobody can force
Allah to do soething against His @ill%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <43:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he in(ocation of anyone of you is granted !by Allah" if he does not sho$ i)
patience !by saying# HI in(oked Allah but y reCuest has not been granted%H"
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <4<:
Darrated Anas:
@hile the Prophet $as deli(ering a seron on a Briday# a an stood up and said# HE Allah's
ApostleI In(oke Allah to bless us $ith rain%H !&he Prophet in(oked Allah for rain%" So# the sky becae
o(ercast and it started raining till one could hardly reach one's hoe% It kept on raining till the ne*t
Briday $hen the sae an or another an got up and said !to the Prophet"# HIn(oke Allah to $ith)
hold the rain fro us# for $e ha(e been dro$ned !$ith hea(y rain "%H &he Prophet said# HE AllahI ;et
it rain around us and not on us%H &hen the clouds started dispersing around Medina and rain ceased
to fall on the people of Medina%
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <42:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Faid:
Allah's Apostle $ent out to this Musalla !praying place" to offer the prayer of IstisCa%' He in(oked
Allah for rain and then faced the ,ibla and turned his Rida' !upper garent" inside out%
=olue 7 ) 0202 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <44:
Darrated Anas:
My other said# HE Allah's ApostleI Please in(oke Allah on behalf of your ser(ant%H He said# HE Al)
lahI Increase his $ealth and children# and besto$ Kour Blessing on $hate(er Kou gi(e hi%H a tie
of distress%
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <45:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet used to in(oke Allah at the tie of distress# saying# H;a ilaha illal)lahu al)'A-i# al)
Hali# ;a ilaha illal)lahu Rabbu)s)saa$ati $al)ard $a Rabbu)l)arsh il)a-i#H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <4::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle used to say at a tie of distress# H;a ilaha illal)lahu Rabbul)l)'arsh il)'a-i# ;a ilaha
illallahu Rabbu)s)saa$ati $a Rabbu)l)ard# Rabbu)l)'arsh)il)Kari%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <47:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle used to seek refuge $ith Allah fro the difficult oent of a calaity and fro
being o(ertaken by destruction and fro being destined to an e(il end# and fro the alicious .oy of
eneies% Sufyan said# H&his narration contained three ites only# but I added one% I do not kno$
$hich one that $as%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <41:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen Allah's Apostle $as healthy# he used to say# HDo prophet dies till he is sho$n his place in
Paradise# and then he is gi(en the option !to li(e or die"%H So $hen death approached hi!during his
illness"# and $hile his head $as on y thigh# he becae unconscious for a $hile# and $hen he re)
co(ered# he fi*ed his eyes on the ceiling and said# HE AllahI !;et e .oin" the Highest 9opanions
!see ,ur'an 2:51"#H I said# HSo# he does not choose us%H &hen I reali-ed that it $as the application of the
stateent he used to relate to us $hen he $as healthy% So that $as his last utterance !before he died"#
i%e% HE AllahI !;et e .oin" the Highest 9opanions%H
=olue 7 ) 0204 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <56:
Darrated ,ais:
I cae to Khabbab $ho had been branded $ith se(en brands!0" and he said# HHad Allah's Apostle
not forbidden us to in(oke !Allah" for death# I $ould ha(e in(oked !Allah" for it%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <50:
Darrated ,ais:
I cae to Khabbab $ho had been branded $ith se(en brands o(er his abdoen# and I heard hi
saying# HIf the Prophet: had not forbidden us to in(oke !Allah" for death# I $ould ha(e in(oked Allah
for it%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <53:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle said#H Done of you should long for death because of a calaity that had befallen
hi# and if he cannot# but long for death# then he should say# 'E AllahI ;et e li(e as long as life is
better for e# and take y life if death is better for e%' H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <5<:
Darrated As)Sa'ib bin Ka-id:
My aunt took e to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI My sister's son is sick%H So he
passed his hand o(er y head and in(oked for Allah's blessing upon e and then perfored the
ablution% I drank fro the $ater of his ablution and I stood behind hi and looked at his Khata
!the seal of Prophethood" bet$een his shoulders !and its si-e $as" like the button of a tent%
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <52:
Darrated Abu 'ACil:
that his grandfather% 'Abdullah bin Hisha used to take hi fro the arket or to the arket !the
narrator is in doubt" and used to buy grain and $hen Ibn A-)Fubair and Ibn 'Uar et hi# they
$ould say to hi# H;et us be your partners !in trading" as the Prophet in(oked for Allah's blessing
upon you%H He $ould then take the as partners and he $ould Soeties gain a $hole load carried
by an anial $hich he $ould send hoe%
=olue 7 ) 0205 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <54:
Darrated Mahud bin Ar)Rabi:
En $hose face Allah's Apostle had thro$n $ater fro his outh# the $ater ha(ing been taken
fro their $ell $hile he $as still a young boy !$ho has not yet attained the age of puberty"%
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <55:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he boys used to be brought to the Prophet and he used to in(oke for Allah's blessing upon the%
Ence an infant $as brought to hi and it urinated on his clothes% He asked for $ater and poured it
o(er the place of the urine and did not $ash his clothes%
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <5::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin &ha'laba bin Su'air:
$hose eye Allah's Apostle had touched# that he had seen Sa'd bin Abi @aCCas offering one Rak'a
only for the @itr prayer%
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <57:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Abi ;aila:
Ka'b bin 'U.ra et e and said# HShall I gi(e you a presentJ Ence the Prophet cae to us and $e
said# 'E Allah's Apostle I @e kno$ ho$ to greet youL but ho$ to send 'Salat' upon youJ He said# 'Say:
Allahua Salli ala Muhaadin $a 'ala Ali Muhaadin# kaa sal)laita 'ala all Ibrahia innaka
Haidun Allahua barik 'ala Muhaadin $a 'ala all Muhaadin# kaa barakta 'ala all
Ibrahia# innaka Haidun
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <51:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
@e said# HE Allah's Apostle &his is !i%e% $e kno$" the greeting to youL $ill you tell us ho$ to send
Salat on youJH He said# HSay: 'Allahua Salli 'ala Muhaadin 'abdika $a rasulika kaa sal)laita
'ala Ibrahia $a barik 'ala Muhaadin $a all Muhaadin kaa barakta 'ala Ibrahia $a Ali
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <:6:
Darrated Ibn Abi Aufa:
=olue 7 ) 020: ? 0:66
@hene(er soebody brought als to the Prophet the used to say# HAllahua Salli 'Alaihi !E Al)
lahI Send Kour Salat !Arace and Honor" on hi"%H Ence $hen y father brought his als to hi# he
said# HE AllahI Send Kour Salat !Arace and Honor" on the faily of Abi Aufa%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <:0:
Darrated Abu Huaid As)Saidi:
&he people said# HE Allah's Apostle I Ho$ ay $e send Salat on youJH He said# HSay: Allahua
Salli 'ala) Muhaadin $a a-$a.ihi $a dhurriyyatihi kaa sal)laita 'ala ali IbrahiL $a barik 'ala
Muhaadin $a a-$a.ihi $a dhurriyyatihi kaabarakta 'ala ali Ibrahi innaka haidun
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <:3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
that he heard the Prophet saying# HE AllahI If I should e(er abuse a belie(er# please let that be a
eans of bringing hi near to Kou on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <:<:
Darrated Anas:
Ence the people started asking Allah's Apostle Cuestions# and they asked so any Cuestions that he
becae angry and ascended the pulpit and said# HI $ill ans$er $hate(er Cuestions you ay ask e
today%H I looked right and left and sa$ e(eryone co(ering his face $ith his garent and $eeping% Be)
hold I &here $as a an $ho# on Cuarreling $ith the people# used to be called as a son of a person
other than h is father% He said# HE Allah's ApostleI @ho is y fatherJH &he Prophet replied# HKour
father is Hudhaifa%H And then 'Uar got up and said# H@e accept Allah as our ;ord# and Isla as
!our" religion# and Muhaad as !our" ApostleL and $e seek refuge $ith Allah fro the afflictions%H
Allah's Apostle said# H I ha(e ne(er seen a day like today in its good and its e(il for Paradise and the
Hell Bire $ere displayed in front of e# till I sa$ the .ust beyond this $all%H ,atada# $hen relating
this Hadith# used to ention the follo$ing =erse:))
'E you $ho belie(eI Ask not Cuestions about things $hich# If ade plain to you# May cause you
trouble% !4%060"
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <:2:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said to Abu &alha# H9hoose one of your boys to ser(e e%H So Abu &alha took e !to
ser(e the Prophet " by gi(ing e a ride behind hi !on his cael"% So I used to ser(e Allah's Apostle
$hene(er he stayed soe$here% I used to hear hi saying# HE AllahI I seek refuge $ith you !Allah"
=olue 7 ) 0207 ? 0:66
fro !$orries" care and grief# fro incapacity and la-iness# fro iserliness and co$ardice# fro
being hea(ily in debt and fro being o(erpo$ered by other en%H I kept on ser(ing hi till he re)
turned fro !the battle of" Khaibar% He then brought Safiya# the daughter of Huyay $ho he had got
!fro the booty"% I sa$ hi aking a kind of cushion $ith a cloak or a garent for her% He then let
her ride behind hi% @hen $e reached a place called As)Sahba'# he prepared !a special eal called"
Hais# and asked e to in(ite the en $ho !cae and" ate# and that $as the arriage banCuet gi(en
on the consuation of his arriage to her% &hen he proceeded till the ountain of Uhud appeared#
$hereupon he said# H&his ountain lo(es us and $e lo(e it%H @hen he approached Medina# he said#
HE AllahI I ake the land bet$een its !i%e%# Medina's" t$o ountains a sanctuary# as the prophet Ab)
raha ade Mecca a sanctuary% E AllahI Bless the !the people of Medina" in their Mudd and the
Sa' !units of easuring"%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <:4:
Darrated U Khalid bint Khalid:
I heard the Prophet seeking refuge $ith Allah fro the punishent of the gra(e%
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <:5:
Darrated Mus'ab:
Sa'd used to recoend fi(e !stateents" and entioned that the Prophet I used to recoend it%
!It $as" HE AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kou fro iserlinessL and seek refuge $ith Kou fro co$)
ardiceL and seek refuge $ith Kou fro being sent back to geriatric old ageL and I seek refuge $ith
Kou fro the affliction of this $orld !i%e%# the affliction of Ad) etc%"L and seek refuge $ith Kou
fro the punishent of the gra(e%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <:::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&$o old ladies fro aong the /e$ish ladies entered upon e and said' H&he dead are punished in
their gra(es#H but I thought they $ere telling a lie and did not belie(e the in the beginning% @hen
they $ent a$ay and the Prophet entered upon e# I said# HE Allah's ApostleI &$o old ladies%%H and
told hi the $hole story% He said# H&hey told the truthL the dead are really punished# to the e*tent
that all the anials hear !the sound resulting fro" their punishent%H Since then I al$ays sa$ hi
seeking refuge $ith Allah fro the punishent of the gra(e in his prayers%
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <:7:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
=olue 7 ) 0201 ? 0:66
Allah's Prophet used to say# HE AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kou fro incapacity and la-iness# fro
co$ardice and geriatric old age# and seek refuge $ith Kou fro the punishent of the gra(e# and I
seek refuge $ith Kou fro the afflictions of life and death%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <:1:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to say# HE AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kou fro la-iness and geriatric old age# fro
all kinds of sins and fro being in debtL fro the affliction of the Bire and fro the punishent of
the Bire and fro the e(il of the affliction of $ealthL and I seek refuge $ith Kou fro the affliction of
po(erty# and I seek refuge $ith Kou fro the affliction of Al)Mesiah Ad) E AllahI @ash a$ay
y sins $ith the $ater of sno$ and hail# and cleanse y heart fro all the sins as a $hite garent is
cleansed fro the filth# and let there be a long distance bet$een e and y sins# as Kou ade +ast
and @est far fro each other%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <76:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet used to say# HE AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kou fro $orry and grief# fro incapacity
and la-iness# fro co$ardice and iserliness# fro being hea(ily in debt and fro being o(er)
po$ered by !other" en%H !See Hadith Do% <:2"
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <70:
Darrated Mus'ab bin Sa'd:
Sa'd bin Abi @aCCas used to recoend these fi(e !stateents" and say that the Prophet said so
!and they are": HE AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kou fro iserliness# and seek refuge $ith Kou fro
co$ardice# and seek refuge $ith Kou fro being brought back to geriatric old age# and seek refuge
$ith Kou fro the afflictions of the $orld# and seek refuge $ith Kou fro the punishent of the
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <73:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle used to seek refuge $ith Allah saying# HE AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kou fro la-i)
ness# and seek refuge $ith Kou fro co$ardice# and seek refuge $ith Kou fro geriatric old age#
and seek refuge $ith Kou fro iserliness%H
=olue 7 ) 0236 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <7<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# HE AllahI Make us lo(e Medina as Kou ade us lo(e Mecca# or ore# and trans)
fer the fe(er that is in it# to Al)/uhfa% E AllahI Bless our Mudd and our Sa' !kinds of easures"%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <72:
Darrated 'Air bin Sa'd:
that his father said# HIn the year of Ha..atal)@ada'# the Prophet paid e a (isit $hile I $as suffer)
ing fro an ailent that had brought e to the (erge of death% I said# 'E Allah's ApostleI My sickness
has reduced e to the !bad" state as you see# and I a a rich an# but ha(e no heirs e*cept one
daughter% Shall I gi(e 3?< of y property in charityJ' He said# 'Do%' I said# '&hen 0?3 of itJ' He said#
'+(en 0?< is too uch# for# to lea(e your inheritors $ealthy is better than to lea(e the in po(erty#
begging fro people% And !kno$ that" $hate(er you spend in Allah's 9ause# you $ill get re$ard for
it# e(en for the orsel of food $hich you put in your $ife's outh%' I said# 'E Allah's ApostleI @ill I be
left behind y copanions !in Mecca"J' He said# 'If you reain behind# $hate(er good deed you $ill
do for Allah's Sake# $ill raise and upgrade you to a higher position !in Allah's Sight"% May be you $ill
li(e longer so that soe people ay benefit by you# and soe e others !pagans" ay get hared by
you% E AllahI 9oplete the igration of y copanions and do not turn the on their heelsL But
!$e pity" the poor Sa'd bin Khaula !not the abo(e entioned Sa'd" !died in Mecca"H Allah's Apostle
laented !or pitied" for hi as he died in Mecca% !See Hadith Do% 51<# =ol% 4"
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <74:
Darrated Sa'd:
Seek refuge $ith Allah by saying the $ords $hich the Prophet used to say $hile seeking refuge
$ith Allah# H6 AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kou fro co$ardice# and seek refuge $ith Kou fro iserli)
ness# and seek refuge $ith Kou fro reaching a degraded geriatric old age# and seek refuge $ith Kou
fro the afflictions of the $orld and fro the punishent in the gra(e%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <75:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to say# HE AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kou fro la-iness fro geriatric old age#
fro being in debt# and fro coitting sins% E AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kou fro the punishent
of the Bire# the afflictions of the gra(e# the punishent in the gra(e# and the e(il of the affliction of
po(erty and fro the e(il of the affliction caused by Al)Masih Ad) E AllahI @ash a$ay y
=olue 7 ) 0230 ? 0:66
sins $ith the $ater of sno$ and hail# and cleanse y heart fro the sins as a $hite garent is
cleansed of filth# and let there be a far a$ay distance bet$een e and y sins as Kou ha(e set far
a$ay the +ast and the @est fro each other%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <7::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to seek refuge $ith Allah !by saying"# HE AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kou fro the
affliction of the Bire and fro the punishent in the Bire# and seek refuge $ith Kou fro the afflic)
tion of the gra(e# and I seek refuge $ith Kou fro the affliction of $ealth# and I seek refuge $ith Kou
fro the affliction of po(erty# and seek refuge $ith Kou fro the affliction of Al)Masih Ad)
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <77:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to say# 'E AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kou fro the affliction of the Bire# the pun)
ishent of the Bire# the affliction of the gra(e# the punishent of the gra(e# and the e(il of the afflic)
tion of po(erty% E AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kou fro the e(il of the affliction of Al)Masih Ad)
E AllahI 9leanse y heart $ith the $ater of sno$ and hail# and cleanse y heart fro all sins as a
$hite garent is cleansed fro filth# and let there be a far a$ay distance bet$een e and y sins as
Kou ade the +ast and @est far a$ay fro each other% E AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kou fro la-i)
ness# sins# and fro being in debt%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <71:
Darrated U Sulai:
that she said# HE Allah's ApostleI Anas is your ser(ant# so please in(oke for Allah's blessing for hi%H
&he Prophet said# HE AllahI Increase his $ealth and offspring and bless !for hi" $hate(er Kou gi(e
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <16:
Darrated Anas:
U Sulai said !to the Prophet"# HAnas is your ser(antL so please in(oke for Allah's blessings for
hi%H He said HE AllahI Increase his $ealth and offspring# and Bless !for hi" $hate(er Kou gi(e
=olue 7 ) 0233 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <10:
Darrated /abir:
&he Prophet used to teach us the Istikhara for each and e(ery atter as he used to teach us the
Suras fro the Holy ,ur'an% !He used to say"# HIf anyone of you intends to do soething# he should
offer a t$o)Rak'at prayer other than the obligatory prayer# and then say: 'Allahua inni as)
takhiruka bi'ilika# $a astaCdiruka biCudratika# $a as'aluka in fadlika)l)'a-i# fa innaka taCdiru
$ala aCdiru# $a ta'lau $ala a'lau# $a anta'allau)l)ghuyub% Allahua in kunta ta'lau anna
hadha)lara khairun li fi dini $a a'ashi $a 'aCibati ari !or said# fi 'a.ili ari $a a.ilihi" fa)
Cdurhu li# @a in .unta ta'lau anna ha)dha)l)ara sharrun li fi dini $a a'ashi $a 'aCibati ari
!or said# fi a.ili ari $a a.ilihi" fasrifhu 'anni $as)rifni 'anhu $a aCdur li alkhaira haithu kana#
thua Raddani bihi#H &hen he should ention his atter !need"%
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <13:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet asked for soe $ater and perfored the ablution# and then raised his hands !to$ards
the sky" and said# HE AllahI Borgi(e 'Ubaid Abi 'Air%H I sa$ the $hiteness of his arpits !$hile he
$as raising his hands" and he added# HE AllahI Upgrade hi o(er any of Kour huan creatures on
the 8ay of Resurrection H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <1<:
Darrated Abu Musa:
@e $ere in the copany of the Prophet on a .ourney# and $hene(er $e ascended a high place# $e
used to say &akbir !in a loud (oice"% &he Prophet said# HE peopleI Be kind to yoursel(es# for you are
not calling upon a deaf or an absent one# but Kou are calling an All)Hearer# and an All)Seer%H &hen
he cae to e as I $as reciting silently# H;a haul a $ala Cu$$ata illa bil)lah%H He said# HE 'Abdullah
bin ,aisI Say: ;a haul a $alaCu$ata illa bil)lah# for it is one of the treasures of Paradise%H Er he said#
HShall I tell you a $ord $hich is one of the treasures of ParadiseJ It is: ;a haul a $ala Cu$$ata illa
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <12:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
@hene(er Allah's Apostle returned fro a Aha-$a or Ha.. or 'Ura# he used to say# HAllahu
Akbar#H three tiesL $hene(er he $ent up a high place# he used to say# H;a ilaha illal)lahu $ahdahu
la sharika lahu# lahu)l)ulk $a lahu)l)had# $a hu$a'ala kulli Shai 'in Cadir% Ayibuna ta'ibuna
=olue 7 ) 023< ? 0:66
'abiduna lirabbina haidun% SadaCa)l)lahu $a'dahu# $a nasara'abdahu $a ha-aa)l)ah-aba $ah)
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <14:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet seeing a yello$ ark !of perfue" on the clothes of 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Auf# said#
H@hat about youJH 'Abdur)Rahan replied# HI ha(e arried a $oan $ith a Mahr of gold eCual to a
date)stone%H &he Prophet said# HMay Allah besto$ His Blessing on you !in your arriage"% Ai(e a
$edding banCuet# !@alia" e(en $ith one sheep%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <15:
Darrated /abir:
My father died and left behind se(en or nine daughters# and I arried a $oan% &he Prophet said#
H8id you get arried# E /abirJH I replied# HKes%H He asked# HIs she a (irgin or a atronJH I replied# HShe
is a atron%H He said# H@hy didn't you arry a (irgin girl so that you ight play $ith her and she
$ith you !or# you ight ake her laugh and she ake you laugh"JH I said# HMy father died# lea(ing
se(en or nine girls !orphans" and I did not like to bring a young girl like the# so I arried a $oan
$ho can look after the%H He said# HMay Allah besto$ His Blessing on you%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <1::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HIf anyone of you# $hen intending to ha(e a se*ual intercourse $ith his $ife#
says: 'Bisillah# Allahua .annibna)sh)shaitan# $a .annibi)sh)shaitan a ra-aCtana#' and if the
couple are destined to ha(e a child !out of that (ery se*ual relation"# then Satan $ill ne(er be able to
har that child%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <17:
Darrated Anas:
&he ost freCuent in(ocation of &he Prophet $as: HE AllahI Ai(e to us in the $orld that $hich is
good and in the Hereafter that $hich is good# and sa(e us fro the torent of the Bire%H !3%360"
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber <11:
Darrated Sa'd bin Abi @aCCas:
=olue 7 ) 0232 ? 0:66
&he Prophet used to teach us these $ords as he used to teach us the Book !,ur'an": HE AllahI seek
refuge $ith Kou fro iserliness# and seek refuge $ith Kou fro co$ardice# and seek refuge $ith
Kou fro being brought back to !senile" geriatric old age# and seek refuge $ith Kou fro the afflic)
tion of the $orld and fro the punishent in the Hereafter%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 266:
Darrated 'Aisha:
that Allah's Apostle $as affected by agic# so uch that he used to think that he had done soe)
thing $hich in fact# he did not do# and he in(oked his ;ord !for a reedy"% &hen !one day" he said# HE
'AishaI" 8o you kno$ that Allah has ad(ised e as to the proble I consulted Hi aboutJH 'Aisha
said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat's thatJH He said# H&$o en cae to e and one of the sat at y head
and the other at y feet# and one of the asked his copanion# '@hat is $rong $ith this anJ' &he
latter replied# 'He is under the effect of agic%' &he forer asked# '@ho has $orked agic on hiJ'
&he latter replied# ';abid bin Al)A'sa%' &he forer asked# '@ith $hat did he $ork the agicJ' &he
latter replied# '@ith a cob and the hair# $hich are stuck to the cob# and the skin of pollen of a
date)pal tree%' &he forer asked# '@here is thatJ' &he latter replied# 'It is in 8har$an%' 8har$an
$as a $ell in the d$elling place of the !tribe of" Bani FuraiC% Allah's Apostle $ent to that $ell and
returned to 'Aisha# saying# 'By Allah# the $ater !of the $ell" $as as red as the infusion of Hinna# !0"
and the date)pal trees look like the heads of de(ils%' 'Aisha added# Allah's Apostle cae to e and
infored e about the $ell% I asked the Prophet# 'E Allah's Apostle# $hy didn't you take out the skin
of pollenJ' He said# 'As for e# Allah has cured e and I hated to dra$ the attention of the people to
such e(il !$hich they ight learn and har others $ith"%' H
Darrated Hisha's father: 'Aisha said# HAllah's Apostle $as be$itched# so he in(oked Allah re)
peatedly reCuesting Hi to cure hi fro that agic"%H Hisha then narrated the abo(e narration%
!See Hadith Do% 547# =ol% :"
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 260:
Darrated Ibn Abi Aufa:
Allah's Apostle asked for Allah's $rath upon the Ah-ab !confederates"# saying# HE Allah# the Re)
(ealer of the Holy Book# and the Ene s$ift at reckoningI 8efeat the confederatesL 8efeat the and
shake the%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 263:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hen the Prophet said# HSai' al)lahu ;ian haidah !Allah heard hi $ho sent his praises to
Hi"H in the last Rak'a of the 'Isha' prayer# he used to in(oke Allah# saying# HE AllahI Sa(e 'Aiyash bin
=olue 7 ) 0234 ? 0:66
Abi Rabi'aL E AllahI Sa(e Al)@alid bin Al)@alidL E AllahI Sa(e the $eak people aong the belie()
ersL E AllahI Be hard on the &ribe of MudarL E AllahI Inflict years of drought upon the like the
years !of drought" of the Prophet /oseph%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 26<:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet sent a Sariya !an ary detachent" consisting of en called Al),urra'# and all of
the $ere artyred% I had ne(er seen the Prophet so sad o(er anything as he $as o(er the% So he
said ,unut !in(ocation in the prayer" for one onth in the Ba.r prayer# in(oking for Allah's $rath
upon the tribe of 'Usaiya# and he used to say# H&he people of 'Usaiya ha(e disobeyed Allah and His
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 262:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he /e$s used to greet the Prophet by saying# HAs)Sau 'Alaika !i%e%# death be upon you"# so I un)
derstood $hat they said# and I said to the# HAs)Sau 'alaiku $al)la'na !i%e% 8eath and Allah's
9urse be upon you"%H &he Prophet said# HBe gentle and cal# E 'Aisha# as Allah likes gentleness in all
affairs%H I said# HE Allah's ProphetI 8idn't you hear $hat they saidJH He said# H8idn't you hear e an)
s$ering the back by saying# 'Alaiku !i%e%# the sae be upon you"JH
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 264:
Darrated 'Ali bin Abi &alib:
@e $ere in the copany of the Prophet on the day !of the battle" of Al)KhandaC !the &rench"% &he
Prophet said# HMay Allah fill their !the infidels'" gra(es and houses $ith fire# as they ha(e kept us so
busy that $e could not offer the iddle prayer till the sun had setL and that prayer $as the 'Asr pray)
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 265:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
At)&ufail bin 'Ar cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI &he tribe of 8aus has dis)
obeyed !Allah and His Apostle" and refused !to ebrace Isla"# therefore# in(oke Allah's $rath for
the%H &he people thought that the Prophet $ould in(oke Allah's $rath for the# but he said# HE Al)
lahI Auide the tribe Ef 8aus and let the coe to us#H
=olue 7 ) 0235 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 26::
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet used to in(oke Allah $ith the follo$ing in(ocation: 'Rabbi)ghfir)li Khati 'ati $a .ahli
$a israfi fi ari kullihi# $a a anta a'lau bihi inni% Allahua ighfirli khatayaya $a 'adi# $a
.ahli $a .iddi# $a kullu dhalika'indi% Allahua ighrifli a Caddatu $a a akhartu $a a as)
rartu $a a a'lantu% Anta)l)uCaddiu $a anta)l)u'akh)khiru# $a anta 'ala kulli shai'in Cadir%'
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 267:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ash'ari:
&he Prophet used to in(oke Allah# saying# HAllahua ighfirli khati'ati $a .ahli $a israfi fi ari#
$a a anta a)'lau bihi inni% Allahua ighfirli ha-ali $a .iddi $a khata'i $a adi# $a kullu
dhalika 'indiH
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 261:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Abu)l),asi !the Prophet" said# HEn Briday there is a particular tie% If a Musli happens to be
praying and in(oking Allah for soething good during that tie# Allah $ill surely fulfill his reCuest%H
&he Prophet pointed out $ith his hand% @e thought that he $anted to illustrate ho$ short that tie
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 206:
Darrated Ibn Abi Mulaika:
'Aisha said# H&he /e$s cae to the Prophet and said to hi# HAs)Sau 'Alaika !i%e%# 8eath be upon
you"%H He replied# '&he sae on you%' H 'Aisha said to the# H8eath be upon you# and ay Allah curse
you and sho$er His $rath upon youIH Allah's Apostle I said# HBe gentle and cal# E 'AishaI Be gentle
and be$are of being harsh and of saying e(il things%H She said# H8idn't you hear $hat they saidJH He
said# H8idn't you hear $hat I replied !to the"J ha(e returned their stateent to the# and y in)
(ocation against the $ill be accepted but theirs against e $ill not be accepted%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 200:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hen the Ia says 'Ain'# then you should all say 'Ain'# for the angels say
'Ain' at that tie# and he $hose 'Ain' coincides $ith the 'Ain' of the angels# all his past sins $ill
be forgi(en%H
=olue 7 ) 023: ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 203:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said#H @hoe(er says: H;a ilaha illal)lah $ahdahu la sharika lahu# lahu)l)ulk $a
lahu)l)had $a hu$a 'ala kulli shai'in Cadir#H one hundred ties $ill get the sae re$ard as gi(en
for anuitting ten sla(esL and one hundred good deeds $ill be $ritten in his accounts# and one
hundred sins $ill be deducted fro his accounts# and it !his saying" $ill be a shield for hi fro
Satan on that day till night# and nobody $ill be able to do a better deed e*cept the one $ho does
ore than he%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 20<:
Darrated 'Ar bin Maiun:
@hoe(er recites it !i%e%# the in(ocation in the abo(e Hadith !203" ten ties $ill be as if he anu)
itted one of Ishael's descendants% Abu Aiyub narrated the sae Hadith fro the Prophet saying#
H!@hoe(er recites it ten ties" $ill be as if he had anuitted one of Ishael's descendants%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 202:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er says# 'Subhan Allah $a bihadihi#' one hundred ties a day# $ill be
forgi(en all his sins e(en if they $ere as uch as the foa of the sea%
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 204:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&here are t$o e*pressions $hich are (ery easy for the tongue to say# but they
are (ery hea(y in the balance and are (ery dear to &he Beneficent !Allah"# and they are# 'Subhan Al)
lah Al)'A-i and 'Subhan Allah $a bihadihi%'H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 205:
Darrated Abu Musa: &he Prophet said# H&he e*aple of the one $ho celebrates the Praises of his
;ord !Allah" in coparison to the one $ho does not celebrate the Praises of his ;ord# is that of a li()
ing creature copared to a dead one%H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 20::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 7 ) 0237 ? 0:66
Allah 's Apostle said# HAllah has soe angels $ho look for those $ho celebrate the Praises of Allah
on the roads and paths% And $hen they find soe people celebrating the Praises of Allah# they call
each other# saying# H9oe to the ob.ect of your pursuit%' H He added# H&hen the angels encircle the
$ith their $ings up to the sky of the $orld%H He added% H!after those people celebrated the Praises of
Allah# and the angels go back"# their ;ord# asks the !those angels"))))though He kno$s better than
the))))'@hat do My sla(es sayJ' &he angels reply# '&hey say: Subhan Allah# Allahu Akbar# and Al)
ha)du)lillah# Allah then says '8id they see MeJ' &he angels reply# 'DoI By Allah# they didn't see
Allah says# Ho$ it $ould ha(e been if they sa$ MeJ' &he angels reply# 'If they sa$ Kou# they $ould
$orship Kou ore de(outly and celebrate Kour Alory ore deeply# and declare Kour freedo fro
any reseblance to anything ore often%' Allah says !to the angels"# '@hat do they ask Me forJ' &he
angels reply# '&hey ask Kou for Paradise%' Allah says !to the angels"# '8id they see itJ' &he angels say#
'DoI By Allah# E ;ordI &hey did not see it%' Allah says# Ho$ it $ould ha(e been if they sa$ itJ' &he an)
gels say# 'If they sa$ it# they $ould ha(e greater co(etousness for it and $ould seek It $ith greater
-eal and $ould ha(e greater desire for it%' Allah says# 'Bro $hat do they seek refugeJ' &he angels
reply# '&hey seek refuge fro the !Hell" Bire%' Allah says# '8id they see itJ' &he angels say# 'Do By Allah#
E ;ordI &hey did not see it%' Allah says# Ho$ it $ould ha(e been if they sa$ itJ' &he angels say# 'If
they sa$ it they $ould flee fro it $ith the e*tree fleeing and $ould ha(e e*tree fear fro it%'
&hen Allah says# 'I ake you $itnesses that I ha(e forgi(en the%H' Allah's Apostle added# HEne of the
angels $ould say# '&here $as so)and)so aongst the# and he $as not one of the# but he had .ust
coe for soe need%' Allah $ould say# '&hese are those people $hose copanions $ill not be re)
duced to isery%' H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 207:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ash'ari:
&he Prophet started ascending a high place or hill% A an !aongst his copanions" ascended it
and shouted in a loud (oice# H;a ilaha illal)lahu $allahu Akbar%H !At that tie" Allah's Apostle $as
riding his ule% Allah's Apostle said# HKou are not calling upon a deaf or an absent one%H and added#
HE Abu Musa !or# E 'Abdullah"I Shall I tell you a sentence fro the treasure of ParadiseJH I said# HKes%H
He said# H;a haul a $ala Cu$$ata illa billah#H
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 201:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah has ninety)nine Daes# i%e%# one hundred inus one# and $hoe(er belie(es in their ean)
ings and acts accordingly# $ill enter ParadiseL and Allah is @itr !one" and lo(es 'the @itr' !i%e%# odd
=olue 7 ) 0231 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :4# Duber 236:
Darrated ShaCiC:
@hile $e $ere $aiting for 'Abdullah !bin Mas'ud"% Ka-id bin Mua$iya cae% I said !to hi"# H@ill
you sit do$nJH He said# HDo# but I $ill go into the house !of Ibn Mas'ud" and let your copanion !Ibn
Mas'ud" coe out to youL and if he should not !coe out"# I $ill coe out and sit !$ith you"%H &hen
'Abdullah cae out# holding the hand of Ka-id# addressed us# saying# HI kno$ that you are assebled
here# but the reason that pre(ents e fro coing out to you# is that Allah's Apostle used to preach
to us at inter(als during the days# lest $e should becoe bored%H
=olue 7 ) 02<6 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
Book :5: &o ake the Heart &ender !Ar)Ri)
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 230:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# H&here are t$o blessings $hich any people lose: !&hey are" Health and free
tie for doing good%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 233:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HE AllahI &here is no life $orth li(ing e*cept the life of the Hereafter# so !please"
ake righteous the Ansar and the +igrants%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 23<:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd As)Sa'idi:
@e $ere in the copany of Allah's Apostle in !the battle of" Al)KhandaC# and he $as digging the
trench $hile $e $ere carrying the earth a$ay% He looked at us and said# HE AllahI &here is no life
$orth li(ing e*cept the life of the Hereafter# so !please" forgi(e the Ansar and the +igrants%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 232:
Darrated Sahl:
I heard the Prophet saying# HA !sall" place eCual to an area occupied by a $hip in Paradise is bet)
ter than the !$hole" $orld and $hate(er is in itL and an undertaking !.ourney" in the forenoon or in
the afternoon for Allah's 9ause# is better than the $hole $orld and $hate(er is in it%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 234:
Darrated Mu.ahid:
'Abdullah bin 'Uar said# HAllah's Apostle took hold of y shoulder and said# 'Be in this $orld as if
you $ere a stranger or a tra(eler%H &he sub)narrator added: Ibn 'Uar used to say# HIf you sur(i(e till
the e(ening# do not e*pect to be ali(e in the orning# and if you sur(i(e till the orning# do not e*)
=olue 7 ) 02<0 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
pect to be ali(e in the e(ening# and take fro your health for your sickness# and !take" fro your life
for your death%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 235:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet dre$ a sCuare and then dre$ a line in the iddle of it and let it e*tend outside the
sCuare and then dre$ se(eral sall lines attached to that central line# and said# H&his is the huan
being# and this# !the sCuare" in his lease of life# encircles hi fro all sides !or has encircled hi"#
and this !line"# $hich is outside !the sCuare"# is his hope# and these sall lines are the calaities and
troubles !$hich ay befall hi"# and if one isses hi# an)other $ill snap !i%e% o(ertake" hi# and if
the other isses hi# a third $ill snap !i%e% o(ertake" hi%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 23::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet dre$ a fe$ lines and said# H&his is !an's" hope# and this is the instant of his death#
and $hile he is in this state !of hope"# the nearer line !death" coes to Hi%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 237:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah $ill not accept the e*cuse of any person $hose instant of death is delayed
till he is si*ty years of age%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 231:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H&he heart of an old an reains young in t$o respects# i%e%# his
lo(e for the $orld !its $ealth# auseents and lu*uries" and his incessant hope%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2<6:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he son of Ada !i%e% an" gro$s old and so also t$o !desires" gro$ old $ith
hi# i%e%# lo(e for $ealth and !a $ish for" a long life%H
=olue 7 ) 02<3 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2<0:
Darrated 'Utban bin Malik Al)Ansari:
$ho $as one of the en of the tribe of Bani Sali: Allah's Apostle cae to e and said# HIf any)
body coes on the 8ay of Resurrection $ho has said: ;a ilaha illal)lah# sincerely# $ith the intention
to $in Allah's Pleasure# Allah $ill ake the Hell)Bire forbidden for hi%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2<3:
Darrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said# HAllah says# 'I ha(e nothing to gi(e but Paradise as a re)
$ard to y belie(er sla(e# $ho# if I cause his dear friend !or relati(e" to die# reains patient !and
hopes for Allah's Re$ard"%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2<<:
Darrated 'Ar bin 'Auf:
!an ally of the tribe of Bani 'Air bin ;u'ai and one of those $ho had $itnessed the battle of Badr
$ith Allah's Apostle" Allah's Apostle sent Abu 'Ubaida bin Al/arrah to Bahrain to collect the /i-ya ta*%
Allah's Apostle had concluded a peace treaty $ith the people of Bahrain and appointed Al 'Ala bin
Al)Hadrai as their chiefL Abu Ubaida arri(ed fro Bahrain $ith the oney% &he Ansar heard of
Abu 'Ubaida's arri(al $hich coincided $ith the Ba.r !orning" prayer led by Allah's Apostle% @hen
the Prophet finished the prayer# they cae to hi% Allah's Apostle siled $hen he sa$ the and
said# HI think you ha(e heard of the arri(al of Abu 'Ubaida and that he has brought soething%H &hey
replied# HKes# E Allah's ApostleI H He said# HHa(e the good ne$s# and hope for $hat $ill please you% By
Allah# I a not afraid that you $ill becoe poor# but I a afraid that $orldly $ealth $ill be gi(en to
you in abundance as it $as gi(en to those !nations" before you# and you $ill start copeting each
other for it as the pre(ious nations copeted for it# and then it $ill di(ert you !fro good" as it di)
(erted the%H '
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2<2:
Darrated 'UCba bin 'Air:
&he Prophet $ent out and offered the funeral prayer for the artyrs of the !battle of" Uhud and
then ascended the pulpit and said# HI a your predecessor and I a a $itness against you% By Allah# I
a no$ looking at y &ank)lake !Al)Kauthar" and I ha(e been gi(en the keys of the treasures of the
earth !or the keys of the earth"% By AllahI I a not afraid that after e you $ill $orship others be)
sides Allah# but I a afraid that you $ill start copeting for !the pleasures of" this $orld%H
=olue 7 ) 02<< ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2<4:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he thing I a afraid of ost for your sake# is the $orldly blessings $hich
Allah $ill bring forth to you%H It $as said# H@hat are the blessings of this $orldJH &he Prophet said#
H&he pleasures of the $orld%H A an said# H9an the good bring forth e(ilJH &he Prophet kept Cuiet for
a $hile till $e thought that he $as being inspired di(inely% &hen he started reo(ing the s$eat fro
his forehead and said#H @here is the CuestionerJH &hat an said# HI !a present"%H Abu Sa'id added:
@e thanked the an $hen the result !of his Cuestion" $as such% &he Prophet said# HAood ne(er
brings forth but good% &his $ealth !of the $orld" is !like" green and s$eet !fruit"# and all the (egeta)
tion $hich gro$s on the bank of a strea either kills or nearly kills the anial that eats too uch of
it# e*cept the anial that eats the Khadira !a kind of (egetation"% Such an anial eats till its stoach
is full and then it faces the sun and starts ruinating and then it passes out dung and urine and goes
to eat again% &his $orldly $ealth is !like" s$eet !fruit"# and if a person earns it !the $ealth" in a legal
$ay and spends it properly# then it is an e*cellent helper# and $hoe(er earns it in an illegal $ay# he
$ill be like the one $ho eats but is ne(er satisfied%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2<5:
Darrated Fahda bin Mudarrib:
'Iran bin Husain said: &he Prophet said# H&he best people are y conteporaries !i%e%# the present
!y" generation" and then those $ho coe after the !i%e%# the ne*t generation"%H Iran added: I a
not sure $hether the Prophet repeated the stateent t$ice after his first saying% &he Prophet added#
HAnd after the there $ill coe people $ho $ill bear $itness# though they $ill not be asked to gi(e
their $itnessL and they $ill be treacherous and nobody $ill trust the# and they $ill ake (o$s# but
$ill not fulfill the# and fatness $ill appear aong the%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2<::
Darrated 'Abdullah :
&he Prophet said# H&he best people are those of y generation# and then those $ho $ill coe after
the !the ne*t generation"# and then those $ho $ill coe after the !i%e% the ne*t generation"# and
then after the# there $ill coe people $hose $itness $ill precede their oaths# and $hose oaths $ill
precede their $itness%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2<7:
Darrated ,ais:
=olue 7 ) 02<2 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
I heard Khabbab# $ho had branded his abdoen $ith se(en brands# saying# HHad Allah's Apostle
not forbidden us to in(oke Allah for death# I $ould ha(e in(oked Allah for death% &he copanions of
Muhaad ha(e left this $orld $ithout taking anything of their re$ard in it !i%e%# they $ill ha(e
perfect re$ard in the Hereafter"# but $e ha(e collected of the $orldly $ealth $hat $e cannot spend
but on earth !i%e% on building houses"%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2<1:
Darrated ,ais:
I cae to Khabbab $hile he $as building a $all# and he !Khabbab" said# HEur copanions $ho
ha(e left this $orld# did not en.oy anything of their re$ard therein# $hile $e ha(e collected after
the# uch $ealth that $e cannot spend but on earth !i%e%# on building"%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 226:
Darrated Khabbab:
@e igrated $ith the Prophet%%!&his narration is related in the chapter of igration"%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 220:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
I brought $ater to Uthan bin 'Affan to perfor the ablution $hile he $as sitting on his seat% He
perfored the ablution in a perfect $ay and said# HI sa$ the Prophet perforing the ablution in this
place and he perfored it in a perfect $ay and said# H@hoe(er perfors the ablution as I ha(e done
this tie and then proceeds to the osCue and offers a t$o)Rak'at prayer and then sits there !$ait)
ing for the copulsory congregational prayers"# then all his past sins $ill be forgi(en%H &he Prophet
further added# H8o not be conceited !thinking that your sins $ill be forgi(en because of your
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 223:
Darrated Mirdas Al)Aslai:
&he Prophet said# H&he righteous !pious people $ill depart !die" in succession one after the other#
and there $ill reain !on the earth" useless people like the useless husk of barley seeds or bad dates#
and Allah $ill not
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 22<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 7 ) 02<4 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
&he Prophet said# HPerish the sla(e of 8inar# 8irha# ,atifa !thick soft cloth"# and Khaisa !a gar)
ent"# for if he is gi(en# he is pleasedL other$ise he is dissatisfied%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 222:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
I heard the Prophet saying# HIf the son of Ada !the huan being" had t$o (alley of oney# he
$ould $ish for a third# for nothing can fill the belly of Ada's son e*cept dust# and Allah forgi(es
hi $ho repents to Hi%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 224:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HIf the son of Ada had oney eCual to a (alley# then he $ill $ish
for another siilar to it# for nothing can satisfy the eye of Ada's son e*cept dust% And Allah forgi(es
hi $ho repents to Hi%H Ibn 'Abbas said: I do not kno$ $hether this saying $as Cuoted fro the
,ur'an or not% 'Ata' said# HI heard Ibn A-Fubair saying this narration $hile he $as on the pulpit%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 225:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd:
I heard Ibn A-)Fubair $ho $as on the pulpit at Mecca# deli(ering a seron# saying# HE enI &he
Prophet used to say# HIf the son of Ada $ere gi(en a (alley full of gold# he $ould lo(e to ha(e a
second oneL and if he $ere gi(en the second one# he $ould lo(e to ha(e a third# for nothing fills the
belly of Ada's son e*cept dust% And Allah forgi(es he $ho repents to Hi%H Ubai said# H@e con)
sidered this as a saying fro the ,ur'an till the Sura !beginning $ith" '&he utual ri(alry for piling
up of $orldly things di(erts you%%' !063%0" $as re(ealed%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 22::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf Ada's son had a (alley full of gold# he $ould like to ha(e t$o (alleys# for
nothing fills his outh e*cept dust% And Allah forgi(es hi $ho repents to Hi%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 227:
Darrated Haki bin Hi-a:
I asked the Prophet !for soe oney" and he ga(e e# and then again I asked hi and he ga(e e#
and then again I asked hi and he ga(e e and he then said# H&his $ealth is !like" green and s$eet
=olue 7 ) 02<5 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
!fruit"# and $hoe(er takes it $ithout greed# Allah $ill bless it for hi# but $hoe(er takes it $ith
greed# Allah $ill not bless it for hi# and he $ill be like the one $ho eats but is ne(er satisfied% And
the upper !gi(ing" hand is better than the lo$er !taking" hand%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 221:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H@ho aong you considers the $ealth of his heirs dearer to hi than his o$n
$ealthJH &hey replied# HE Allah's ApostleI &here is none aong us but lo(es his o$n $ealth ore%H
&he Prophet said# HSo his $ealth is $hate(er he spends !in Allah's 9ause" during his life !on good
deeds" $hile the $ealth of his heirs is $hate(er he lea(es after his death%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 246:
Darrated Abu 8har:
Ence I $ent out at night and found Allah's Apostle $alking all alone accopanied by nobody# and
I thought that perhaps he disliked that soeone should accopany hi% So I $alked in the shade#
a$ay fro the oonlight# but the Prophet looked behind and sa$ e and said# H@ho is thatJH I
replied# HAbu 8har# let Allah get e sacrificed for youIH He said# HE Abu 8har# coe hereIH So I ac)
copanied hi for a $hile and then he said# H&he rich are in fact the poor !little re$arded" on the
8ay of Resurrection e*cept hi $ho Allah gi(es $ealth $hich he gi(es !in charity" to his right#
left# front and back# and does good deeds $ith it% I $alked $ith hi a little longer% &hen he said to
e# HSit do$n here%H So he ade e sit in an open space surrounded by rocks# and said to e# HSit
here till I coe back to you%H He $ent to$ards Al)Harra till I could not see hi# and he stayed a$ay
for a long period# and then I heard hi saying# $hile he $as coing# H+(en if he had coitted
theft# and e(en if he had coitted illegal se*ual intercourseJH @hen he cae# I could not reain
patient and asked hi# HE Allah's ProphetI ;et Allah get e sacrificed for youI @ho $ere you
speaking to by the side of Al)HarraJ I did not hear anybody responding to your talk%H He said# HIt $as
Aabriel $ho appeared to e beside Al)Harra and said# 'Ai(e the good ne$s to your follo$ers that
$hoe(er dies $ithout ha(ing $orshipped anything besides Allah# $ill enter Paradise%' I said# 'E Aab)
rielI +(en if he had coitted theft or coitted illegal se*ual intercourseJ' He said# 'Kes%' I said#
'+(en if he has coitted theft or coitted illegal se*ual intercourseJ' He said# 'Kes%' I said# '+(en if
he has coitted theft or coitted illegal se*ual intercourseJ' He said# 'Kes%' H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 240:
Darrated Abu 8har:
@hile I $as $alking $ith the Prophet in the Harra of Medina# Uhud cae in sight% &he Prophet
said# HE Abu 8harIH I said# H;abbaik# E Allah's ApostleIH He said# HI $ould not like to ha(e gold eCual
=olue 7 ) 02<: ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
to this ountain of Uhud# unless nothing of it# not e(en a single 8inar of it reains $ith e for
ore than three days# e*cept soething $hich I $ill keep for repaying debts% I $ould ha(e spent all
of it !distributed it" aongst Allah's Sla(es like this# and like this# and like this%H &he Prophet pointed
out $ith his hand to$ards his right# his left and his back !$hile illustrating it"% He proceeded $ith
his $alk and said# H&he rich are in fact the poor !little re$arded" on the 8ay of Resurrection e*cept
those $ho spend their $ealth like this# and like this# and like this# to their right# left and back# but
such people are fe$ in nuber%H &hen he said to e# HStay at your place and do not lea(e it till I coe
back%H &hen he proceeded in the darkness of the night till he $ent out of sight# and then I heard a
loud (oice# and $as afraid that soething ight ha(e happened to the Prophet %0 intended to go to
hi# but I reebered $hat he had said to e# i%e% '8on't lea(e your place till I coe back to you#' so
I reained at y place till he cae back to e% I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I heard a (oice and I $as
afraid%H So I entioned the $hole story to hi% He said# H8id you hear itJH I replied# HKes%H He said# HIt
$as Aabriel $ho cae to e and said# '@hoe(er died $ithout .oining others in $orship $ith Allah#
$ill enter Paradise%' I asked !Aabriel"# '+(en if he had coitted theft or coitted illegal se*ual in)
tercourseJ Aabriel said# 'Kes# e(en if he had coitted theft or coitted illegal se*ual intercourse%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 243:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah Apostle said# HIf I had gold eCual to the ountain of Uhud# it $ould not please e that any)
thing of it should reain $ith e after three nights !i%e%# I $ould spend all of it in Allah's 9ause" e*)
cept $hat I $ould keep for repaying debts%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 24<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HRiches does not ean# ha(ing a great aount of property# but riches is self)
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 242:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd As)Sa'id:
A an passed by Allah's Apostle and the Prophet asked a an sitting beside hi# H@hat is your
opinion about this !passer)by"JH He replied# H&his !passer)by" is fro the noble class of people% By Al)
lah# if he should ask for a lady's hand in arriage# he ought to be gi(en her in arriage# and if he in)
tercedes for soebody# his intercession $ill be accepted% Allah's Apostle kept Cuiet# and then another
an passed by and Allah's Apostle asked the sae an !his copanion" again# H@hat is your opinion
about this !second" oneJH He said# HE Allah's ApostleI &his person is one of the poor Muslis% If he
should ask a lady's hand in arriage# no)one $ill accept hi# and if he intercedes for soebody# no
=olue 7 ) 02<7 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
one $ill accept his intercession# and if he talks# no)one $ill listen to his talk%H &hen Allah's Apostle
said# H&his !poor an" is better than such a large nuber of the first type !i%e% rich en" as to fill the
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 244:
Darrated Abu @ail:
@e paid a (isit to Khabbab $ho $as sick# and he said# H@e igrated $ith the Prophet for Allah's
Sake and our $ages becae due on Allah% Soe of us died $ithout ha(ing recei(ed anything of the
$ages# and one of the $as Mus'ab bin 'Uar# $ho $as artyred on the day of the battle of Uhud#
lea(ing only one sheet !to shroud hi in"% If $e co(ered his head $ith it# his feet becae unco(ered#
and if $e co(ered his feet $ith it# his head becae unco(ered% So the Prophet ordered us to co(er his
head $ith it and put soe Idhkhir !a kind of grass" o(er his feet% En the other hand# soe of us ha(e
had the fruits !of our good deed" and are plucking the !in this $orld"%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 245:
Darrated 'Iran bin Husain:
&he Prophet said# HI looked into Paradise and found that the a.ority of its d$ellers $ere the poor
people# and I looked into the !Hell" Bire and found that the a.ority of its d$ellers $ere $oen%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 24::
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet did not eat at a table till he died# and he did not eat a thin nicely baked $heat bread
till he died%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 247:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen the Prophet died# nothing $hich can be eaten by a li(ing creature $as left on y shelf e*)
cept soe barley grain% I ate of it for a period and $hen I easured it# it finished%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 241:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
By Allah e*cept @ho none has the right to) be $orshipped# !soeties" I used to lay !sleep" on
the ground on y li(er !abdoen" because of hunger# and !soeties" I used to bind a stone o(er
y belly because of hunger% Ene day I sat by the $ay fro $here they !the Prophet and h is co)
=olue 7 ) 02<1 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
panions" used to coe out% @hen Abu Bakr passed by# I asked hi about a =erse fro Allah's Book
and I asked hi only that he ight satisfy y hunger# but he passed by and did not do so% &hen
Uar passed by e and I asked hi about a =erse fro Allah's Book# and I asked hi only that he
ight satisfy y hunger# but he passed by $ithout doing so% Binally Abu)l),asi !the Prophet "
passed by e and he siled $hen he sa$ e# for he kne$ $hat $as in y heart and on y face% He
said# HE Aba Hirr !Abu Huraira"IH I replied# H;abbaik# E Allah's ApostleIH He said to e# HBollo$ e%H
He left and I follo$ed hi%
&hen he entered the house and I asked perission to enter and $as aditted% He found ilk in a
bo$l and said# HBro $here is this ilkJH &hey said# HIt has been presented to you by such)and)such
an !or by such and such $oan"%H He said# HE Aba HirrIH I said# H;abbaik# E Allah's ApostleIH He
said# HAo and call the people of Suffa to e%H &hese people of Suffa $ere the guests of Isla $ho had
no failies# nor oney# nor anybody to depend upon# and $hene(er an ob.ect of charity $as
brought to the Prophet # he $ould send it to the and $ould not take anything fro it# and $hene()
er any present $as gi(en to hi# he used to send soe for the and take soe of it for hiself% &he
order off the Prophet upset e# and I said to yself# HHo$ $ill this little ilk be enough for the
people of As)SuffaJH thought I $as ore entitled to drink fro that ilk in order to strengthen y)
self# but beholdI &he Prophet cae to order e to gi(e that ilk to the% I $ondered $hat $ill re)
ain of that ilk for e# but any$ay# I could not but obey Allah and His Apostle so I $ent to the
people of As)Suffa and called the# and they cae and asked the Prophet's perission to enter% &hey
$ere aditted and took their seats in the house%
&he Prophet said# HE Aba)HirrIH I said# H;abbaik# E Allah's ApostleIH He said# H&ake it and gi(e it to
the%H So I took the bo$l !of Milk" and started gi(ing it to one an $ho $ould drink his fill and re)
turn it to e# $hereupon I $ould gi(e it to another an $ho# in his turn# $ould drink his fill and
return it to e# and I $ould then offer it to another an $ho $ould drink his fill and return it to e%
Binally# after the $hole group had drunk their fill# I reached the Prophet $ho took the bo$l and put
it on his hand# looked at e and siled and said% HE Aba HirrIH I replied# H;abbaik# E Allah's ApostleIH
He said# H&here reain you and I%H I said# HKou ha(e said the truth# E Allah's ApostleIH He said# HSit
do$n and drink%H I sat do$n and drank% He said# H8rink#H and I drank% He kept on telling e re)
peatedly to drink# till I said# HDo% by Allah @ho sent you $ith the &ruth# I ha(e no space for it !in y
stoach"%H He said# HHand it o(er to e%H @hen I ga(e hi the bo$l# he praised Allah and pro)
nounced Allah's Dae on it and drank the reaining ilk%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 256:
Darrated Sa'd:
I $as the first an aong the Arabs to thro$ an arro$ for Allah's 9ause% @e used to fight in Al)
lah's 9ause $hile $e had nothing to eat e*cept the lea(es of the Hubla and the Suur trees !desert
trees" so that $e discharged e*creent like that of sheep !i%e% uni*ed droppings"% &oday the !people
=olue 7 ) 0226 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
of the" tribe of Bani Asad teach e the la$s of Isla% If so# then I a lost# and all y efforts of that
hard tie had gone in (ain%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 250:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he faily of Muhaad had ne(er eaten their fill of $heat bread for three successi(e days since
they had igrated to Medina till the death of the Prophet%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 253:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he faily of Muhaad did not eat t$o eals on one day# but one of the t$o $as of dates%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 25<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he bed attress of the Prophet $as ade of a leather case stuffed $ith pal fibres%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 252:
Darrated ,atada:
@e used to go to Anas bin Malik and see his baker standing !preparing the bread"% Anas said# H+at%
I ha(e not kno$n that the Prophet e(er sa$ a thin $ell)baked loaf of bread till he died# and he ne(er
sa$ a roasted sheep $ith his eyes%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 254:
Darrated 'Aisha:
A coplete onth $ould pass by during $hich $e $ould not ake a fire !for cooking"# and our
food used to be only dates and $ater unless $e $ere gi(en a present of soe eat%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 255:
Darrated 'Aisha:
that she said to Ur$a# HE# the son of y sisterI @e used to see three crescents in t$o onths# and
no fire used to be ade in the houses of Allah's Apostle !i%e% nothing used to be cooked"%H 'Ur$a said#
H@hat used to sustain youJH 'Aisha said# H&he t$o black things i%e% dates and $ater# e*cept that Allah's
=olue 7 ) 0220 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
Apostle had neighbors fro the Ansar $ho had soe ilch she)caels# and they used to gi(e the
Prophet soe ilk fro their house# and he used to ake us drink it%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 25::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HE AllahI Ai(e food to the faily of Muhaad%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 257:
Darrated MasruC:
I asked 'Aisha H@hat deed $as the ost belo(ed to the ProphetJH She said# H&he regular constant
one%H I said# HAt $hat tie did he use to get up at night !for the &aha..ud night prayer"J' She said# HHe
used to get up on hearing !the cro$ing of" the cock !the last third of the night"%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 251:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he ost belo(ed action to Allah's Apostle $as that $hose doer did it continuously and regularly%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2:6:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he deeds of anyone of you $ill not sa(e you !fro the !Hell" Bire"%H &hey
said# H+(en you !$ill not be sa(ed by your deeds"# E Allah's ApostleJH He said# HDo# e(en I !$ill not be
sa(ed" unless and until Allah besto$s His Mercy on e% &herefore# do good deeds properly# sincerely
and oderately# and $orship Allah in the forenoon and in the afternoon and during a part of the
night# and al$ays adopt a iddle# oderate# regular course $hereby you $ill reach your target
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2:0:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said# H8o good deeds properly# sincerely and oderately and kno$ that your deeds
$ill not ake you enter Paradise# and that the ost belo(ed deed to Allah's is the ost regular and
constant e(en though it $ere little%H
=olue 7 ) 0223 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2:3:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet $as asked# H@hat deeds are lo(ed ost by AllahJH He said# H&he ost regular constant
deeds e(en though they ay be fe$%H He added# '8on't take upon yoursel(es# e*cept the deeds $hich
are $ithin your ability%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2:<:
Darrated 'AlCaa:
I asked 'Aisha# other of the belie(ers# HE other of the belie(ersI Ho$ $ere the deeds of the
ProphetJ 8id he use to do e*tra deeds of $orship on special daysJH She said# HDo# but his deeds $ere
regular and constant# and $ho aong you is able to do $hat the Prophet $as able to do !i%e% in $or)
shipping Allah"JH
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2:2:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# H8o good deeds properly# sincerely and oderately# and recei(e good ne$s be)
cause one's good deeds $ill not ake hi enter Paradise%H &hey asked# H+(en you# E Allah's ApostleJH
He said# H+(en I# unless and until Allah besto$s His pardon and Mercy on e%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2:4:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Ence Allah's Apostle led us in prayer and then !after finishing it" ascended the pulpit and pointed
$ith his hand to$ards the ,ibla of the osCue and said# H@hile I $as leading you in prayer# both
Paradise and Hell $ere displayed in front of e in the direction of this $all% I had ne(er seen a better
thing !than Paradise" and a $orse thing !than Hell" as I ha(e seen today# I had ne(er seen a better
thing and a $orse thing as I ha(e seen today%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2:5:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# =erily Allah created Mercy% &he day He created it# He ade it into
one hundred parts% He $ithheld $ith Hi ninety)nine parts# and sent its one part to all His
creatures% Had the non)belie(er kno$n of all the Mercy $hich is in the Hands of Allah# he $ould not
lose hope of entering Paradise# and had the belie(er kno$n of all the punishent $hich is present
$ith Allah# he $ould not consider hiself safe fro the Hell)Bire%H
=olue 7 ) 022< ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2:::
Darrated Abu Said:
Soe people fro the Ansar asked Allah's Apostle !to gi(e the soething" and he ga(e to e(ery)
one of the# $ho asked hi# until all that he had $as finished% @hen e(erything $as finished and
he had spent all that $as in his hand# he said to the# 'H!Kno$" that if I ha(e any $ealth# I $ill not
$ithhold it fro you !to keep for soebody else"L And !kno$" that he $ho refrains fro begging
others !or doing prohibited deeds"# Allah $ill ake hi contented and not in need of othersL and he
$ho reains patient# Allah $ill besto$ patience upon hi# and he $ho is satisfied $ith $hat he has#
Allah $ill ake hi self)sufficient% And there is no gift better and (ast !you ay be gi(en" than pa)
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2:7:
Darrated Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba:
&he Prophet used to pray so uch that his feet used to becoe edeatous or s$ollen# and $hen
he $as asked as to $hy he prays so uch# he $ould say# HShall I not be a thankful sla(e !to Allah"JH
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 2:1:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle said# HSe(enty thousand people of y follo$ers $ill enter Paradise $ithout ac)
counts# and they are those $ho do not practice Ar)RuCya and do not see an e(il oen in things# and
put their trust in their ;ord%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 276:
Darrated @arrad:
!the clerk of Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba" Mua$iya $rote to Al)Mughira: H@rite to e a narration you
ha(e heard fro Allah's Apostle%H So Al)Mughira $rote to hi# HI heard hi saying the follo$ing
after each prayer: ';a ilaha illal)lahu $ahdahu la sharika lahu# lahu)l)ulk $a lahuI)had# $a
hu$a 'ala kulli Shai)in Cadir%' He also used to forbid idle talk# asking too any Cuestions !in
religion"# $asting oney# pre(enting $hat should be gi(en# and asking others for soething !e*cept
in great need"# being undutiful to others# and burying one's little daughters !ali(e"%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 270:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd:
=olue 7 ) 0222 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er can guarantee !the chastity of" $hat is bet$een his t$o .a$)bones
and $hat is bet$een his t$o legs !i%e% his tongue and his pri(ate parts"# I guarantee Paradise for hi%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 273:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er belie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay should talk $hat is good or keep
Cuiet# and $hoe(er belie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay should not hurt !or insult" his neighborL and
$hoe(er belie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay# should entertain his guest generously%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 27<:
Darrated Abu Shuraih Al)Khu-a'i:
My ears heard and y heart grasped !the stateent $hich" the Prophet said# H&he period for keep)
ing one's guest is three days !and don't forget" his re$ard%H It $as asked# H@hat is his re$ardJH He
said# HIn the first night and the day he should be gi(en a high class Cuality of ealsL and $hoe(er be)
lie(es in Allah and the ;ast 8ay# should entertain his guest generouslyL and $hoe(er belie(es in Allah
and the ;ast 8ay should talk $hat is good !sense" or keep Cuiet%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 272:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&hat he heard Allah's Apostle saying# HA sla(e of Allah ay utter a $ord $ithout thinking $hether
it is right or $rong# he ay slip do$n in the Bire as far a$ay a distance eCual to that bet$een the
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 274:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he ProphetL said# HA sla(e !of Allah" ay utter a $ord $hich pleases Allah $ithout gi(ing it uch
iportance# and because of that Allah $ill raise hi to degrees !of re$ard": a sla(e !of Allah" ay
utter a $ord !carelessly" $hich displeases Allah $ithout thinking of its gra(ity and because of that
he $ill be thro$n into the Hell)Bire%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 275:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 7 ) 0224 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
&he Prophet said Allah $ill gi(e shade to se(en !types of people" under His Shade !on the 8ay of
Resurrection"% !one of the $ill be" a person $ho reebers Allah and his eyes are then flooded
$ith tears%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 27::
Darrated Hudhaifa:
&he Prophet said# H&here $as a an aongst the people $ho had suspicion as to the righteousness
of his deeds% &herefore he said to his faily# 'If I die# take e and burn y corpse and thro$ y
ashes into the sea on a hot !or $indy" day%' &hey did so# but Allah# collected his particles and asked
!hi"# @hat ade you do $hat you didJ' He replied# '&he only thing that ade e do it# $as that I
$as afraid of Kou%' So Allah forga(e hi%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 277:
Darrated Abu Said :
&he Prophet entioned a an fro the pre(ious generation or fro the people preceding your
age $ho Allah had gi(en both $ealth and children% &he Prophet said# H@hen the tie of his death
approached# he asked his children# '@hat type of father ha(e I been to youJ' &hey replied: Kou ha(e
been a good father% He said# 'But he !i%e% your father" has not stored any good deeds $ith Allah !for
the Hereafter": if he should face Allah# Allah $ill punish hi% So listen# !E y children"# $hen I die#
burn y body till I becoe ere coal and then grind it into po$der# and $hen there is a story
$ind# thro$ e !y ashes" in it%' So he took a fir proise fro his children !to follo$ his instruc)
tions"% And by Allah they !his sons" did accordingly!fulfilled their proise%" &hen Allah said# HBeH' and
beholdI &hat an $as standing thereI Allah then said% HE y sla(eI @hat ade you do $hat you
didJH &hat an said# HBear of Kou%H So Allah forga(e hi%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 271:
Darrated Abu Musa:
Allah's Apostle said% HMy e*aple and the e*aple of the essage $ith $hich Allah has sent e is
like that of a an $ho cae to soe people and said# HI ha(e seen $ith y o$n eyes the eney
forces# and I a a naked $arner !to you" so sa(e yourself# sa(e yourselfI A group of the obeyed hi
and $ent out at night# slo$ly and stealthily and $ere safe# $hile another group did not belie(e hi
and thus the ary took the in the orning and destroyed the%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 216:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 7 ) 0225 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HMy e*aple and the e*aple of the people is that of a an $ho
ade a fire# and $hen it lighted $hat $as around it# Moths and other insects started falling into the
fire% &he an tried !his best" to pre(ent the# !fro falling in the fire" but they o(erpo$ered hi
and rushed into the fire% &he Prophet added: Do$# siilarly# I take hold of the knots at your $aist
!belts" to pre(ent you fro falling into the Bire# but you insist on falling into it%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 210:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
&he Prophet said# HA Musli is the one $ho a(oids haring Muslis $ith his tongue or his hands%
And a !an eigrant" is the one $ho gi(es up !abandons" all $hat Allah has forbidden%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 213:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf you kne$ that $hich I kno$ you $ould laugh little and $eep uch%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 21<:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HIf you kne$ that $hich I kno$# you $ould laugh little and $eep uch%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 212:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he !Hell" Bire is surrounded by all kinds of desires and passions# $hile Para)
dise is surrounded by all kinds of disliked undesirable things%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 214:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HParadise is nearer to any of you than the Shirak !leather strap" of his shoe# and
so is the !Hell" Bire%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 215:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he truest poetic (erse e(er said by a poet# is: IndeedI +(erything e*cept Allah# is
=olue 7 ) 022: ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 21::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf anyone of you looked at a person $ho $as ade superior to hi in prop)
erty and !in good" appearance# then he should also look at the one $ho is inferior to hi# and to
$ho he has been ade superior%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 217:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet narrating about his ;ord I' and said# HAllah ordered !the appointed angels o(er you"
that the good and the bad deeds be $ritten# and He then sho$ed !the $ay" ho$ !to $rite"% If soe)
body intends to do a good deed and he does not do it# then Allah $ill $rite for hi a full good deed
!in his account $ith Hi"L and if he intends to do a good deed and actually did it# then Allah $ill
$rite for hi !in his account" $ith Hi !its re$ard eCual" fro ten to se(en hundred ties to any
ore ties: and if soebody intended to do a bad deed and he does not do it# then Allah $ill $rite a
full good deed !in his account" $ith Hi# and if he intended to do it !a bad deed" and actually did it#
then Allah $ill $rite one bad deed !in his account" %H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 211:
Darrated Ahailan:
Anas said HKou people do !bad" deeds !coit sins" $hich see in your eyes as tiny !inute" than
hair $hile $e used to consider those !(ery deeds" during the life)tie of the Prophet as destructi(e
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 466:
Darrated Sa'd bin Sahl As)Sa'idi:
&he Prophet looked at a an fighting against the pagans and he $as one of the ost copetent
persons fighting on behalf of the Muslis% &he Prophet said# H;et hi $ho $ants to look at a an
fro the d$ellers of the !Hell" Bire# look at this !an"%H Another an follo$ed hi and kept on fol)
lo$ing hi till he !the fighter" $as in.ured and# seeking to die Cuickly# he placed the blade tip of his
s$ord bet$een his breasts and leaned o(er it till it passed through his shoulders !i%e%# coitted sui)
cide"%H &he Prophet added# HA person ay do deeds that see to the people as the deeds of the people
of Paradise $hile in fact# he is fro the d$ellers of the !Hell" Bire: and siilarly a person ay do
deeds that see to the people as the deeds of the people of the !Hell" Bire $hile in fact# he is fro the
d$ellers of Paradise% =erily# the !results of" deeds done# depend upon the last actions%H
=olue 7 ) 0227 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 460:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
A bedouin cae to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @ho is the best of ankindIH &he
Prophet said# HA an $ho stri(es for Allah's 9ause $ith his life and property# and also a an $ho
li(es !all alone" in a ountain path aong the ountain paths to $orship his ;ord and sa(e the
people fro his e(il%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 463:
Darrated Abu Said:
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 46<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen honesty is lost# then $ait for the Hour%H It $as asked# HHo$ $ill honesty
be lost# E Allah's ApostleJH He said# H@hen authority is gi(en to those $ho do not deser(e it# then $ait
for the Hour%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 462:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
Allah's Apostle narrated to us t$o narrations# one of $hich I ha(e seen !happening" and I a
$aiting for the other% He narrated that honesty $as preser(ed in the roots of the hearts of en !in
the beginning" and then they learnt it !honesty" fro the ,ur'an# and then they learnt it fro the
!Prophet's" Sunna !tradition"% He also told us about its disappearance# saying# HA an $ill go to sleep
$hereupon honesty $ill be taken a$ay fro his heart# and only its trace $ill reain# resebling the
traces of fire% He then $ill sleep $hereupon the reainder of the honesty $ill also be taken a$ay
!fro his heart" and its trace $ill reseble a blister $hich is raised o(er the surface of skin# $hen an
eber touches one's footL and in fact# this blister does not contain anything% So there $ill coe a day
$hen people $ill deal in business $ith each other but there $ill hardly be any trust$orthy persons
aong the% &hen it $ill be said that in such)and)such a tribe there is such)and)such person $ho
is honest# and a an $ill be adired for his intelligence# good anners and strength# though indeed
he $ill not ha(e belief eCual to a ustard seed in his heart%H &he narrator added: &here cae upon
e a tie $hen I did not ind dealing $ith anyone of you# for if he $as a Musli# his religion
$ould pre(ent hi fro cheatingL and if he $as a 9hristian# his Musli ruler $ould pre(ent hi
fro cheatingL but today I cannot deal e*cept $ith so)and)so and so)and)so% !See Hadith Do% 367#
=ol% 1"
=olue 7 ) 0221 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 464:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HPeople are .ust like caels# out of one hundred# one can hardly find
a single cael suitable to ride%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 465:
Darrated /undub:
&he Prophet said# HHe $ho lets the people hear of his good deeds intentionally# to $in their praise#
Allah $ill let the people kno$ his real intention !on the 8ay of Resurrection"# and he $ho does good
things in public to sho$ off and $in the praise of the people# Allah $ill disclose his real intention
!and huiliate hi"%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 46::
Darrated Mu'adh bin /abal:
@hile I $as riding behind the Prophet as a copanion rider and there $as nothing bet$een e
and hi e*cept the back of the saddle# he said# HE Mu'adhIH I replied# H;abbaik E Allah's ApostleI And
Sa'diakIH He proceeded for a $hile and then said# HE Mu'adhIH I said# H;abbaik and Sa'daik# E Allah's
ApostleIH He then proceeded for another $hile and said# HE Mu'adh bin /abalIH I replied# H;abbaik# E
Allah's Apostle# and Sa'daikIH He said# H8o you kno$ $hat is Allah's right on His sla(esJH I replied#
HAllah and His Apostle kno$ better%H He said# HAllah's right on his sla(es is that they should $orship
Hi and not $orship anything besides Hi%H He then proceeded for a $hile# and again said# HE
Mu'adh bin /abalIH I replied% H;abbaik# E Allah's Apostle# and Sa'daik%H He said# H8o you kno$ $hat is
!Allah's" sla(es' !people's" right on Allah if they did thatJH I replied# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ bet)
ter%H He said# H&he right of !Allah's" sla(es on Allah is that He should not punish the !if they did
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 467:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet had a she)cael called Al'Adba' and it $as too fast to surpass in speed% &here cae a
bedouin riding a cael of his# and that cael outstripped it !i%e% Al)ACba'"% &hat result $as hard on
the Muslis $ho said sorro$fully# HAl) Adba has been outstripped%H Allah's Apostle said# HIt is due
fro Allah that nothing $ould be raised high in this $orld e*cept that He lo$ers or puts it do$n%H
=olue 7 ) 0246 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 461:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah said# 'I $ill declare $ar against hi $ho sho$s hostility to a pious $or)
shipper of Mine% And the ost belo(ed things $ith $hich My sla(e coes nearer to Me# is $hat I
ha(e en.oined upon hiL and My sla(e keeps on coing closer to Me through perforing Da$afil
!praying or doing e*tra deeds besides $hat is obligatory" till I lo(e hi# so I becoe his sense of
hearing $ith $hich he hears# and his sense of sight $ith $hich he sees# and his hand $ith $hich he
grips# and his leg $ith $hich he $alksL and if he asks Me# I $ill gi(e hi# and if he asks My protec)
tion !Refuge"# I $ill protect hiL !i%e% gi(e hi My Refuge" and I do not hesitate to do anything as I
hesitate to take the soul of the belie(er# for he hates death# and I hate to disappoint hi%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 406:
Darrated Sahl:
Allah's Apostle said# HI ha(e been sent and the Hour !is at hand" as these t$o#H sho$ing his t$o fin)
gers and sticking !separating" the out%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 400:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle said# HI ha(e been sent and the Hour !is at hand" as these t$o !fingers"%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 403:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HI ha(e been sent and the Hour !is at hand" as these t$o !fingers"%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 40<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he Hour $ill not be established till the sun rises fro the $est# and $hen it
rises !fro the $est" and the people see it# then all of the $ill belie(e !in Allah"% But that $ill be the
tie $hen 'Do good it $ill do to a soul to belie(e then% If it belie(ed not before%%H' !5%047"
&he Hour $ill be established !so suddenly" that t$o persons spreading a garent bet$een the
$ill not be able to finish their bargain# nor $ill they be able to fold it up% &he Hour $ill be estab)
lished $hile a an is carrying the ilk of his she)cael# but cannot drink itL and the Hour $ill be
established $hen soeone is not able to prepare the tank to $ater his li(estock fro itL and the Hour
$ill be established $hen soe of you has raised his food to his outh but cannot eat it%H
=olue 7 ) 0240 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 402:
Darrated 'Ubada bin As)Sait:
&he Prophet said# H@ho)e(er lo(es to eet Allah# Allah !too" lo(es to eet hi and $ho)e(er hates
to eet Allah# Allah !too" hates to eet hiH% 'Aisha# or soe of the $i(es of the Prophet said# HBut $e
dislike death%H He said: It is not like this# but it is eant that $hen the tie of the death of a belie(er
approaches# he recei(es the good ne$s of Allah's pleasure $ith hi and His blessings upon hi# and
so at that tie nothing is dearer to hi than $hat is in front of hi% He therefore lo(es the eeting
$ith Allah# and Allah !too" lo(es the eeting $ith hi% But $hen the tie of the death of a disbelie()
er approaches# he recei(es the e(il ne$s of Allah's torent and His ReCuital# $hereupon nothing is
ore hateful to hi than $hat is before hi% &herefore# he hates the eeting $ith Allah# and Allah
too# hates the eeting $ith hi%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 404:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er lo(es the eeting $ith Allah# Allah too# lo(es the eeting $ith hiL
and $hoe(er hates the eeting $ith Allah# Allah too# hates the eeting $ith hi%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 405:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" @hen Allah's Apostle $as in good health# he used to say# HDo prophet's
soul is e(er captured unless he is sho$n his place in Paradise and gi(en the option !to die or
sur(i(e"%H So $hen the death of the Prophet approached and his head $as on y thigh# he becae
unconscious for a $hile and then he cae to his senses and fi*ed his eyes on the ceiling and said# HE
Allah !$ith" the highest copanions%H !See ,ur'an 2:51"% I said' HHence he is not going to choose us%H
And I cae to kno$ that it $as the application of the narration $hich he !the Prophet" used to nar)
rate to us% And that $as the last stateent of the Prophet !before his death" i%e%# HE AllahI @ith the
highest copanions%H !See ,ur'an 2:51"
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 40::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&here $as a leather or $ood container full of $ater in front of Allah's Apostle !at the tie of his
death"% He $ould put his hand into the $ater and rub his face $ith it# saying# HDone has the right to
be $orshipped but AllahI Do doubt# death has its stupors%H &hen he raised his hand and started say)
ing# H!E AllahI" $ith the highest copanions%H !See ,ur'an 2:51" !and kept on saying it" till he e*)
pired and his hand dropped%H
=olue 7 ) 0243 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 407:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Soe rough bedouins used to (isit the Prophet and ask hi# H@hen $ill the Hour beJH He $ould
look at the youngest of all of the and say# HIf this should li(e till he is (ery old# your Hour !the death
of the people addressed" $ill take place%H Hisha said that he eant !by the Hour"# their death%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 401:
Darrated Abu ,atada bin Rib'i Al)Ansari:
A funeral procession passed by Allah's Apostle $ho said# HRelie(ed or relie(ingJH &he people asked#
HE Allah's ApostleI @hat is relie(ed and relie(ingJH He said# HA belie(er is relie(ed !by death" fro
the troubles and hardships of the $orld and lea(es for the Mercy of Allah# $hile !the death of" a
$icked person relie(es the people# the land# the trees# !and" the anials fro hi%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 436:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
&he Prophet said# HRelie(ed or relie(ing% And a belie(er is relie(ed !by death"%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 430:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen carried to his gra(e# a dead person is follo$ed by three# t$o of $hich
return !after his burial" and one reains $ith hi: his relati(e# his property# and his deeds follo$
hiL relati(es and his property go back $hile his deeds reain $ith hi%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 433:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen anyone of you dies# his destination is displayed before hi in the
forenoon and in the afternoon# either in the !Hell" Bire or in Paradise# and it is said to hi# H&hat is
your place till you are resurrected and sent to it%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 43<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# H8o not abuse the dead# for they ha(e reached the result of $hat they ha(e
=olue 7 ) 024< ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 432:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&$o en# a Musli and a /e$# abused each other% &he Musli said# HBy Hi @ho ga(e superior)
ity to Muhaad o(er all the people%H En that# the /e$ said# HBy Hi @ho ga(e superiority to Moses
o(er all the people%H &he Musli becae furious at that and slapped the /e$ in the face% &he /e$
$ent to Allah's Apostle and infored hi of $hat had happened bet$een hi and the Musli% Al)
lah's Apostle said# H8on't gi(e e superiority o(er Moses# for the people $ill fall unconscious on the
8ay of Resurrection and I $ill be the first to gain consciousness# and behold I Moses $ill be there
holding the side of Allah's &hrone% I $ill not kno$ $hether Moses has been aong those people $ho
ha(e becoe unconscious and then has regained consciousness before e# or has been aong those
e*epted by Allah fro falling unconscious%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 434:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he people $ill fall do$n unconscious at the tie $hen they should fall do$n
!i%e%# on the 8ay of Resurrection"# and then I $ill be the first an to get up# and behold# Moses $ill be
there holding !Allah's" &hrone% I $ill not kno$ $hether he has been aongst those $ho ha(e fallen
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 435:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah $ill take the $hole earth !in His Hand" and $ill roll up the Hea(en in His
right Hand# and then He $ill say# HI a KingI @here are the kings of the earth J H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 43::
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# H&he !planet of" earth $ill be a bread on the 8ay of Resurrection# and &he resist)
ible !Allah" $ill topple turn it $ith His Hand like anyone of you topple turns a bread $ith his hands
$hile !preparing the bread" for a .ourney# and that bread $ill be the entertainent for the people of
Paradise%H A an fro the /e$s cae !to the Prophet" and said# HMay &he Beneficent !Allah" bless
you# E Abul ,asiI Shall I tell you of the entertainent of the people of Paradise on the 8ay of Re)
surrectionJH &he Prophet said# HKes%H &he /e$ said# H&he earth $ill be a bread#H as the Prophet had said%
&hereupon the Prophet looked at us and siled till his preolar tooth becae (isible% &hen the /e$
further said# HShall I tell you of the ud !additional food taken $ith bread" they $ill ha(e $ith the
=olue 7 ) 0242 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
breadJH He added# H&hat $ill be Bala and Dun%H &he people asked# H@hat is thatJH He said# HIt is an
o* and a fish# and se(enty thousand people $ill eat of the caudate lobe !i%e% e*tra lobe" of their li(ers%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 437:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd:
I heard the Prophet saying# H&he people $ill be gathered on the 8ay of Resurrection on reddish
$hite land like a pure loaf of bread !ade of pure fine flour"%H Sahl added: &hat land $ill ha(e no
landarks for anybody !to ake use of"%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 431:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he people $ill be gathered in three $ays: !&he first $ay $ill be of" those $ho
$ill $ish or ha(e a hope !for Paradise" and $ill ha(e a fear !of punishent"# !&he second batch $ill
be those $ho $ill gather" riding t$o on a cael or three on a cael or ten on a cael% !&he third
batch" the rest of the people $ill be urged to gather by the Bire $hich $ill accopany the at the
tie of their afternoon nap and stay $ith the $here they $ill spend the night# and $ill be $ith
the in the orning $here(er they ay be then# and $ill be $ith the in the afternoon $here(er
they ay be then%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4<6:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
A an said# HE Allah's ProphetI @ill a Kafir !disbelie(er" be gathered !dri(en prone" on his faceJH
&he Prophet said# HIs not He @ho ade hi $alk $ith his legs in this $orld# able to ake hi $alk
on his face on the 8ay of ResurrectionJH !,atada# a sub)narrator said: Kes# !He can"# by the Po$er of
Eur ;ordIH"
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4<0:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HKou $ill eet Allah barefooted# naked# $alking on feet# and uncircucised%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4<3:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
I heard Allah's Apostle $hile he $as deli(ering a seron on a pulpit# saying# HKou $ill eet Allah
barefooted# naked# and uncircucised%H
=olue 7 ) 0244 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4<<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet stood up aong us and addressed !saying" HKou $ill be gathered# barefooted# naked#
and uncircucised !as Allah says": 'As @e began the first creation# @e shall repeat it%%' !30%062" And
the first huan being to be dressed on the 8ay of Resurrection $ill be !the Prophet" Abraha Al)
Khalil% &hen $ill be brought soe en of y follo$ers $ho $ill be taken to$ards the left !i%e%# to the
Bire"# and I $ill say: 'E ;ordI My copanions $hereupon Allah $ill say: Kou do not kno$ $hat they
did after you left the% I $ill then say as the pious sla(e# /esus said# And I $as $itness o(er the
$hile I d$elt aongst the%%%%%%%%%%!up to" %%%the All)@ise%' !4%00:)007"% &he narrator added: &hen it
$ill be said that those people !relegated fro Isla# that is" kept on turning on their heels !deserted
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4<2:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he people $ill be gathered barefooted# naked# and uncircucised%H I said# HE
Allah's ApostleI @ill the en and the $oen look at each otherJH He said# H&he situation $ill be too
hard for the to pay attention to that%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4<4:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@hile $e $ere in the copany of the Prophet in a tent he said# ''@ould it please you to be one
fourth of the people of ParadiseJH @e said# HKes%H He said# H@ould It please you to be one)third of the
people of ParadiseJH @e said# HKes%H He said# H@ould it please you to be half of the people of
ParadiseJH @e said# HKes%H &hereupon he said# HI hope that you $ill be one half of the people of Para)
dise# for none $ill enter Paradise but a Musli soul# and you people# in coparison to the people
$ho associate others in $orship $ith Allah# are like a $hite hair on the skin of a black o*# or a black
hair on the skin of a red o*%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4<5:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he first an to be called on the 8ay of Resurrection $ill be Ada $ho $ill be
sho$n his offspring# and it $ill be said to the# '&his is your father# Ada%' Ada $ill say !respond)
ing to the call"# ';abbaik and Sa'daik' &hen Allah $ill say !to Ada"# '&ake out of your offspring# the
people of Hell%' Ada $ill say# 'E ;ord# ho$ any should I take outJ' Allah $ill say# '&ake out ninety)
nine out of e(ery hundred%H &hey !the Prophet's copanions" said# HE Allah's ApostleI If ninety)nine
=olue 7 ) 0245 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
out of e(ery one hundred of us are taken a$ay# $hat $ill reain out of usJH He said# HMy follo$ers
in coparison to the other nations are like a $hite hair on a black o*%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4<::
Darrated Abu Said:
&he Prophet said# HAllah $ill say# 'E AdaI% Ada $ill reply# ';abbaik and Sa'daik !I respond to
Kour 9alls# I a obedient to Kour orders"# $al Khair fi Kadaik !and all the good is in Kour Hands"I'
&hen Allah $ill say !to Ada"# Bring out the people of the Bire%' Ada $ill say# '@hat !ho$ any" are
the people of the BireJ' Allah $ill say# 'Eut of e(ery thousand !take out" nine)hundred and ninety)
nine !persons"%' At that tie children $ill becoe hoary)headed and e(ery pregnant feale $ill
drop her load !ha(e an abortion" and you $ill see the people as if they $ere drunk# yet not drunkL
But Allah's punishent $ill be (ery se(ere%H
&hat ne$s distressed the copanions of the Prophet too uch# and they said# HE Allah's ApostleI
@ho aongst us $ill be that an !the lucky one out of one)thousand $ho $ill be sa(ed fro the
Bire"JH He said# HHa(e the good ne$s that one)thousand $ill be fro Aog and Magog# and the one !to
be sa(ed $ill be" fro you%H &he Prophet added# HBy Hi in @hose Hand y soul is# I Hope that you
!Muslis" $ill be one third of the people of Paradise%H En that# $e glorified and praised Allah and
said# HAllahu Akbar%H &he Prophet then said# HBy Hi in @hose Hand y soul is# I hope that you $ill
be one half of the people of Paradise# as your !Muslis" e*aple in coparison to the other people
!non)Muslis"# is like that of a $hite hair on the skin of a black o*# or a round hairless spot on the
foreleg of a donkey%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4<7:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said !regarding the =erse"# HA 8ay $hen all ankind $ill stand before the ;ord of the
@orlds#' !that day" they $ill stand# dro$ned in their s$eat up to the iddle of their ears%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4<1:
Darrated Abu Huraira :
Allah's Apostle said# H&he people $ill s$eat so profusely on the 8ay of Resurrection that their
s$eat $ill sink se(enty cubits deep into the earth# and it $ill rise up till it reaches the people's
ouths and ears%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 426:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
=olue 7 ) 024: ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
&he Prophet said# H&he cases $hich $ill be decided first !on the 8ay of Resurrection" $ill be the
cases of blood)shedding% H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 420:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er has $ronged his brother# should ask for his pardon !before his
death"# as !in the Hereafter" there $ill be neither a 8inar nor a 8irha% !He should secure pardon in
this life" before soe of his good deeds are taken and paid to his brother# or# if he has done no good
deeds# soe of the bad deeds of his brother are taken to be loaded on hi !in the Hereafter"%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 423:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he belie(ers# after being sa(ed fro the !Hell" Bire# $ill be stopped at a
bridge bet$een Paradise and Hell and utual retaliation $ill be established aong the regarding
$rongs they ha(e coitted in the $orld against one another% After they are cleansed and purified
!through the retaliation"# they $ill be aditted into ParadiseL and by Hi in @hose Hand
Muhaad's soul is# e(eryone of the $ill kno$ his d$elling in Paradise better than he kne$ his
d$elling in this $orld%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 42<:
Darrated Ibn Abi Mulaika:
'Aisha said# H&he Prophet said# 'Anybody $hose account !record" is Cuestioned $ill surely be pun)
ished%' I said# '8oesn't Allah say: 'He surely $ill recei(e an easy reckoningJ' !72%7" &he Prophet
replied% '&his eans only the presentation of the account%H'
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 422:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said !as abo(e# 42<"%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 424:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle# said# HDone $ill be called to account on the 8ay of Resurrection# but $ill be
ruined%H I said HE Allah's ApostleI Hasn't Allah said: '&hen as for hi $ho $ill be gi(en his record in
his right hand# he surely $ill recei(e an easy reckoningJ !72%:)7" )) Allah's Apostle said# H&hat
=olue 7 ) 0247 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
!=erse" eans only the presentation of the accounts# but anybody $hose account !record" is Cues)
tioned on the 8ay of Resurrection# $ill surely be punished%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 425:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Prophet used to say# HA disbelie(er $ill be brought on the 8ay of Resurrection and $ill be
asked% HSuppose you had as uch gold as to fill the earth# $ould you offer it to ranso yourselfJH He
$ill reply# HKes%H &hen it $ill be said to hi# HKou $ere asked for soething easier than that !to .oin
none in $orship $ith Allah !i%e% to accept Isla# but you refused"%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 42::
Darrated 'Adi bin Hati:
&he Prophet said# H&here $ill be none aong you but $ill be talked to by Allah on the 8ay of Re)
surrection# $ithout there being an interpreter bet$een hi and Hi !Allah" % He $ill look and see
nothing ahead of hi# and then he $ill look !again for the second tie" in front of hi# and the
!Hell" Bire $ill confront hi% So# $hoe(er aong you can sa(e hiself fro the Bire# should do so
e(en $ith one half of a date !to gi(e in charity"%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 427:
Darrated 'Adi bin Hati:
&he Prophet said# HProtect yourself fro the Bire%H He then turned his face aside !as if he $ere look)
ing at it" and said again# HProtect yourself fro the Bire#H and then turned his face aside !as if he $ere
looking at it"# and he said so for the third tie till $e thought he $as looking at it% He then said# HPro)
tect yoursel(es fro the Bire# e(en if $ith one half of a date and he $ho hasn't got e(en this# !should
do so" by !saying" a good# pleasant $ord%'
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 421:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# H&he people $ere displayed in front of e and I sa$ one prophet passing by $ith
a large group of his follo$ers# and another prophet passing by $ith only a sall group of people#
and another prophet passing by $ith only ten !persons"# and another prophet passing by $ith only
fi(e !persons"# and another prophet passed by alone% And then I looked and sa$ a large ultitude of
people# so I asked Aabriel# HAre these people y follo$ersJ' He said# 'Do# but look to$ards the hori)
-on%' I looked and sa$ a (ery large ultitude of people% Aabriel said% '&hose are your follo$ers# and
those are se(enty thousand !persons" in front of the $ho $ill neither ha(e any reckoning of their
=olue 7 ) 0241 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
accounts nor $ill recei(e any punishent%' I asked# '@hyJ' He said# 'Bor they used not to treat the)
sel(es $ith branding !cauteri-ation" nor $ith RuCya !get oneself treated by the recitation of soe
=erses of the ,ur'an" and not to see e(il oen in things# and they used to put their trust !only" in
their ;ord%H En hearing that# 'Ukasha bin Mihsan got up and said !to the Prophet"# HIn(oke Allah to
ake e one of the%H &he Prophet said# HE Allah# ake hi one of the%H &hen another an got up
and said !to the Prophet"# HIn(oke Allah to ake e one of the%H &he Prophet said# 'Ukasha has pre)
ceded you%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 446:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HBro y follo$ers there $ill enter Paradise a cro$d# se(enty thou)
sand in nuber $hose faces $ill glitter as the oon does $hen it is full%H En hearing that# 'Ukasha
bin Mihsan Al)Asdi got up# lifting his co(ering sheet# and said# HE Allah's ApostleI In(oke Allah that
He ay ake e one of the%H &he Prophet said# HE Allah# ake hi one of the%H Another an
fro the Ansar got up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI In(oke Allah to ake e one of the% H&he
Prophet said !to hi"# H'Ukasha has preceded you%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 440:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd:
&he Prophet said# HSe(enty)thousand or se(en)hundred thousand of y follo$ers !the narrator is
in doubt as to the correct nuber" $ill enter Paradise holding each other till the first and the last of
the enter Paradise at the sae tie# and their faces $ill ha(e a glitter like that of the oon at night
$hen it is full%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 443:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he ProphetL said# H&he people of Paradise $ill enter Paradise# and the people of the !Hell" Bire $ill
enter the !Hell" Bire: then a call)aker $ill get up !and ake an announceent" aong the# 'E the
people of the !Hell" BireI Do death anyore I And E people of ParadiseI Do death !anyore" but
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 44<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H It $ill be said to the people of Paradise# 'E people of ParadiseI +ternity !for you"
and no death#' and to the people of the Bire# 'E people of the Bire# eternity !for you" and no deathIH
=olue 7 ) 0256 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 442:
Darrated 'Iran:
&he Prophet said# HI looked into paradise and sa$ that the a.ority of its people $ere the poor# and
I looked into the Bire and found that the a.ority of its people $ere $oen%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 444:
Darrated Usaa:
&he Prophet said# HI stood at the gate of Paradise and sa$ that the a.ority of the people $ho had
entered it $ere poor people# $hile the rich $ere forbidden !to enter along $ith the poor# because
they $ere $aiting the reckoning of their accounts"# but the people of the Bire had been ordered to be
dri(en to the Bire% And I stood at the gate of the Bire and found that the a.ority of the people enter)
ing it $ere $oen%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 445:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen the people of Paradise ha(e entered Paradise and the people of the Bire
ha(e entered the Bire# death $ill be brought and $ill be placed bet$een the Bire and Paradise# and
then it $ill be slaughtered# and a call $ill be ade !that"# 'E people of Paradise# no ore death I E
people of the Bire# no ore death I ' So the people of Paradise $ill ha(e happiness added to their pre)
(ious happiness# and the people of the Bire $ill ha(e sorro$ added to their pre(ious sorro$%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 44::
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah $ill say to the people of Paradise# 'E the people of ParadiseI' &hey $ill
say# ';abbaik# E our ;ord# and Sa'daikI' Allah $ill say# 'Are you pleasedJH &hey $ill say# '@hy should
$e not be pleased since Kou ha(e gi(en us $hat Kou ha(e not gi(en to anyone of Kour creationJ' Al)
lah $ill say# 'I $ill gi(e you soething better than that%' &hey $ill reply# 'E our ;ordI And $hat is
better than thatJ' Allah $ill say# 'I $ill besto$ My pleasure and contentent upon you so that I $ill
ne(er be angry $ith you after for)e(er%' H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 447:
Darrated Anas:
Haritha $as artyred on the day !of the battle" of Badr $hile he $as young% His other cae to
the Prophet saying# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou kno$ the relation of Haritha to e !ho$ fond of hi I
=olue 7 ) 0250 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
$as"L so# if he is in Paradise# I $ill reain patient and $ish for Allah's re$ard# but if he is not there#
then you $ill see $hat I $ill do%H &he Prophet replied# HMay Allah be erciful upon youI Ha(e you
gone adJ !8o you think" it is one ParadiseJ &here are any Paradises and he is in the !ost superi)
or" Paradise of Al)Birdaus%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 441:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he $idth bet$een the t$o shoulders of a Kafir !disbelie(er" $ill be eCual to the
distance co(ered by a fast rider in three days%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 441t:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd:
Allah's Apostle said# HIn Paradise there is a tree so big that in its shade a rider ay tra(el for one
hundred years $ithout being able to cross it%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 441e:
Darrated Abu Sa'id:
&he Prophet said: &here is a tree in Paradise !so huge" that a fast !or a trained" rider ay tra(el: for
one hundred years $ithout being able to cross it%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 456:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd:
Allah's Apostle said# HSe(enty thousand or se(en hundred thousand of y follo$ers $ill enter
Paradise% !Abu Ha-i# the sub)narrator# is not sure as to $hich of the t$o nubers is correct%" And
they $ill be holding on to one another# and the first of the $ill not enter till the last of the has
entered# and their faces $ill be like the oon on a full oon night%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 450:
Darrated Sahl:
&he Prophet said# H&he people of Paradise $ill see the Ahuraf !special abodes" in Paradise as you
see a star in the sky%H Abu Said added: HAs you see a glittering star reaining in the eastern hori-on
and the $estern hori-on%H
=olue 7 ) 0253 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 453:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HAllah $ill say to the person $ho $ill ha(e the iniu punishent in the Bire
on the 8ay of Resurrection# 'If you had things eCual to $hate(er is on the earth# $ould you ranso
yourself !fro the punishent" $ith itJ' He $ill reply# Kes% Allah $ill say# 'I asked you a uch easier
thing than this $hile you $ere in the backbone of Ada# that is# not to $orship others besides Me#
but you refused and insisted to $orship others besides Me%H'
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 45<:
Darrated Haad fro 'Ar fro /abir:
&he Prophet said# HSoe people $ill coe out of the Bire through intercession looking like &he
&haarir%H I asked 'Ar# H@hat is the &haarirJH He said# Ad 8aghabis# and at that tie he $as toothless%
Haad added: I said to 'Ar bin 8inar# HE Abu MuhaadI 8id you hear /abir bin 'Abdullah say)
ing# 'I heard the Prophet saying: 'Soe people $ill coe out of the Bire through intercessionJH He
said# HKes% H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 452:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HSoe people $ill coe out of the Bire after they ha(e recei(ed a touch of the
Bire# changing their color# and they $ill enter Paradise# and the people of Paradise $ill nae the
'Al)/ahannaiyin' the !Hell" Bire people%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 454:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen the people of Paradise ha(e entered Paradise# and the people of the Bire
ha(e entered the Bire# Allah $ill say% '&ake out !of the Bire" $hoe(er has got faith eCual to a ustard
seed in his heart%' &hey $ill coe out# and by that tie they $ould ha(e burnt and becae like coal#
and then they $ill be thro$n into the ri(er of Al)Hayyat !life" and they $ill spring up .ust as a seed
gro$s on the bank of a rain$ater strea%H &he Prophet said# H8on't you see that the gerinating seed
coes out yello$ and t$istedJH
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 455:
Darrated An)Du'an:
=olue 7 ) 025< ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
I heard the Prophet saying# H&he person $ho $ill ha(e the least punishent fro aongst the Hell
Bire people on the 8ay of Resurrection# $ill be a an under $hose arch of the feet a soldering e)
ber $ill be placed so that his brain $ill boil because of it%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 45::
Darrated An)Du'an bin Bashir:
I heard the Prophet saying# H&he least punished person of the !Hell" Bire people on the 8ay of Re)
surrection $ill be a an under $hose arch of the feet t$o soldering ebers $ill be placed# be)
cause of $hich his brain $ill boil .ust like Al) !copper (essel" or a ,u)Cu !narro$)necked
(essel" is boiling $ith $ater%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 457:
Darrated 'Adi bin Hati:
&he Prophet entioned the Bire and turned his face aside and asked for Allah's protection fro it#
and then again he entioned the Bire and turned his face aside and asked for Allah's protection fro
it and said# HProtect yoursel(es fro the Hell)Bire# e(en if $ith one half of a date# and he $ho cannot
afford that# then !let hi do so" by !saying" a good# pleasant $ord%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 451:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
I heard Allah's Apostles $hen his uncle# Abu &alib had been entioned in his presence# saying#
HMay be y intercession $ill help hi !Abu &alib" on the 8ay of Resurrection so that he ay be put
in a shallo$ place in the Bire# $ith fire reaching his ankles and causing his brain to boil%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4:6:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah $ill gather all the people on the 8ay of Resurrection and they $ill say#
';et us reCuest soeone to intercede for us $ith our ;ord so that He ay relie(e us fro this place of
ours%' &hen they $ill go to Ada and say# 'Kou are the one $ho Allah created $ith His E$n Hands#
and breathed in you of His soul# and ordered the angels to prostrate to youL so please intercede for us
$ith our ;ord%' Ada $ill reply# 'I a not fit for this undertaking# and $ill reeber his sin# and
$ill say# 'Ao to Doah# the first Apostle sent by Allah' &hey $ill go to hi and he $ill say# 'I a not fit
for this undertaking'# and $ill reeber his sin and say# 'Ao to Abraha $ho Allah took as a
Khalil% &hey $ill go to hi !and reCuest siilarly"% He $ill reply# 'I a not fit for this undertaking#'
=olue 7 ) 0252 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
and $ill reeber his sin and say# 'Ao to Moses to $ho Allah spoke directly%' &hey $ill go to Moses
and he $ill say# 'I a not fit for this undertaking#' and $ill reeber his sin and say# 'Ao to /esus%'
&hey $ill go to hi# and he $ill say# 'I a not fit for this undertaking# go to Muhaad as Allah has
forgi(en his past and future sins%' &hey $ill coe to e and I $ill ask y ;ord's perission# and
$hen I see Hi# I $ill fall do$n in prostration to Hi# and He $ill lea(e e in that state as long as
!He" Allah $ill# and then I $ill be addressed% 'Raise up your head !E Muhaad"I Ask# and your re)
Cuest $ill be granted# and say# and your saying $ill be listened toL intercede# and your intercession
$ill be accepted%' &hen I $ill raise y head# and I $ill glorify and praise y ;ord $ith a saying!i%e%
in(ocation" He $ill teach e# and then I $ill intercede# Allah $ill fi* a liit for e !i%e%# certain type
of people for $ho I ay intercede"# and I $ill take the out of the !Hell" Bire and let the enter
Paradise% &hen I $ill coe back !to Allah" and fall in prostration# and $ill do the sae for the third
and fourth ties till no)one reains in the !Hell" Bire e*cept those $ho the ,ur'an has iprisoned
therein%H !&he sub)narrator# ,atada used to say at that point# H%%%those upon $ho eternity !in Hell"
has been iposed%H" !See Hadith Do% <# =ol 5"%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4:0:
Darrated 'Iran bin Husain:
&he Prophet said# HSoe people $ill be taken out of the Bire through the intercession of
Muhaad they $ill enter Paradise and $ill be called Al)/ahannaiyin !the Hell Bire people"%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4:3:
Darrated Anas:
U !the other of" Haritha cae to Allah's Apostle after Haritha had been artyred on the 8ay
!of the battle" of Badr by an arro$ thro$n by an unkno$n person% She said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou
kno$ the position of Haritha in y heart !i%e% ho$ dear to e he $as"# so if he is in Paradise# I $ill
not $eep for hi# or other$ise# you $ill see $hat I $ill do%H &he Prophet said# HAre you adJ Is there
only one ParadiseJ &here are any Paradises# and he is in the highest Paradise of Birdaus%H &he
Prophet added# HA forenoon .ourney or an after noon .ourney in Allah's 9ause is better than the
$hole $orld and $hate(er is in itL and a place eCual to an arro$ bo$ of anyone of you# or a place
eCual to a foot in Paradise is better than the $hole $orld and $hate(er is in itL and if one of the $o)
en of Paradise looked at the earth# she $ould fill the $hole space bet$een the !the earth and the
hea(en" $ith light# and $ould fill $hate(er is in bet$een the# $ith perfue# and the (eil of her
face is better than the $hole $orld and $hate(er is in it%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4:<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 7 ) 0254 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
&he Prophet said# HDone $ill enter Paradise but $ill be sho$n the place he $ould ha(e occupied in
the !Hell" Bire if he had re.ected faith# so that he ay be ore thankfulL and none $ill enter the
!Hell" Bire but $ill be sho$n the place he $ould ha(e occupied in Paradise if he had faith# so that
ay be a cause of sorro$ for hi%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4:2:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @ho $ill be the luckiest person $ho $ill gain your intercession on the
8ay of ResurrectionJH &he Prophet said# HE Abu HurairaI I ha(e thought that none $ill ask e about
this Hadith before you# as I kno$ your longing for the !learning of" Hadiths% &he luckiest person $ho
$ill ha(e y intercession on the 8ay of Resurrection $ill be the one $ho said# 'Done has the right to
be $orshipped but Allah#' sincerely fro the botto of his heart%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4:4:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HI kno$ the person $ho $ill be the last to coe out of the !Hell" Bire# and the last
to enter Paradise% He $ill be a an $ho $ill coe out of the !Hell" Bire cra$ling# and Allah $ill say
to hi# 'Ao and enter Paradise%' He $ill go to it# but he $ill iagine that it had been filled# and then
he $ill return and say# 'E ;ord# I ha(e found it full%' Allah $ill say# 'Ao and enter Paradise# and you
$ill ha(e $hat eCuals the $orld and ten ties as uch !or# you $ill ha(e as uch as ten ties the
like of the $orld"%' En that# the an $ill say# '8o you ock at e !or laugh at e" though Kou are
the KingJH I sa$ Allah's Apostle !$hile saying that" siling that his preolar teeth becae (isible% It
is said that $ill be the lo$est in degree aongst the people of Paradise%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4:5:
Darrated 'Abbas:
that he said to the Prophet H8id you benefit Abu &alib $ith anythingJH
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4:::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Soe people said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall $e see our ;ord on the 8ay of ResurrectionJH He said#
H8o you cro$d and sCuee-e each other on looking at the sun $hen it is not hidden by cloudsJH &hey
replied# HDo# Allah's Apostle%H He said# H8o you cro$d and sCuee-e each other on looking at the oon
$hen it is full and not hidden by cloudsJH &hey replied# Do# E Allah's ApostleIH He said# HSo you $ill
see Hi !your ;ord" on the 8ay of Resurrection siilarly Allah $ill gather all the people and say#
=olue 7 ) 0255 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
'@hoe(er used to $orship anything should follo$ that thing% 'So# he $ho used to $orship the sun#
$ill follo$ it# and he $ho used to $orship the oon $ill follo$ it# and he $ho used to $orship false
deities $ill follo$ theL and then only this nation !i%e%# Muslis" $ill reain# including their hypo)
crites% Allah $ill coe to the in a shape other than they kno$ and $ill say# 'I a your ;ord%' &hey
$ill say# '@e seek refuge $ith Allah fro you% &his is our placeL !$e $ill not follo$ you" till our ;ord
coes to us# and $hen our ;ord coes to us# $e $ill recogni-e Hi%
&hen Allah $ill coe to then in a shape they kno$ and $ill say# HI a your ;ord%' &hey $ill say#
'!Do doubt" Kou are our ;ord#' and they $ill follo$ Hi% &hen a bridge $ill be laid o(er the !Hell"
Bire%H Allah's Apostle added# HI $ill be the first to cross it% And the in(ocation of the Apostles on that
8ay# $ill be 'Allahukka Salli# Salli !E Allah# sa(e us# sa(e usI"#' and o(er that bridge there $ill be
hooks Siilar to the thorns of As Sa'dan !a thorny tree"% 8idn't you see the thorns of As)Sa'danJH &he
copanions said# HKes# E Allah's Apostle%H He added# HSo the hooks o(er that bridge $ill be like the
thorns of As)Sa)dan e*cept that their greatness in si-e is only kno$n to Allah% &hese hooks $ill
snatch the people according to their deeds% Soe people $ill be ruined because of their e(il deeds#
and soe $ill be cut into pieces and fall do$n in Hell# but $ill be sa(ed after$ards# $hen Allah has
finished the .udgents aong His sla(es# and intends to take out of the Bire $hoe(er He $ishes to
take out fro aong those $ho used to testify that none had the right to be $orshipped but Allah%
@e $ill order the angels to take the out and the angels $ill kno$ the by the ark of the traces
of prostration !on their foreheads" for Allah banned the f ire to consue the traces of prostration on
the body of Ada's son% So they $ill take the out# and by then they $ould ha(e burnt !as coal"# and
then $ater# called Maul Hayat !$ater of life" $ill be poured on the# and they $ill spring out like a
seed springs out on the bank of a rain$ater strea# and there $ill reain one an $ho $ill be fa)
cing the !Hell" Bire and $ill say# 'E ;ordI It's !Hell's" (apor has Poisoned and soked e and its flae
has burnt eL please turn y face a$ay fro the Bire%' He $ill keep on in(oking Allah till Allah says#
'Perhaps# if I gi(e you $hat you $ant"# you $ill ask for another thingJ' &he an $ill say# 'Do# by Kour
Po$er# I $ill not ask Kou for anything else%'
&hen Allah $ill turn his face a$ay fro the Bire% &he an $ill say after that# 'E ;ord# bring e
near the gate of Paradise%' Allah $ill say !to hi"# '8idn't you proise not to ask for anything elseJ
@oe to you# E son of Ada I Ho$ treacherous you areI' &he an $ill keep on in(oking Allah till Al)
lah $ill say# 'But if I gi(e you that# you ay ask e for soething else%' &he an $ill say# 'Do# by
Kour Po$er% I $ill not ask for anything else%' He $ill gi(e Allah his co(enant and proise not to ask
for anything else after that% So Allah $ill bring hi near to the gate of Paradise# and $hen he sees
$hat is in it# he $ill reain silent as long as Allah $ill# and then he $ill say# 'E ;ordI ;et e enter
Paradise%' Allah $ill say# '8idn't you proise that you $ould not ask Me for anything other than
thatJ @oe to you# E son of Ada I Ho$ treacherous you areI' En that# the an $ill say# 'E ;ordI 8o
not ake e the ost $retched of Kour creation#' and $ill keep on in(oking Allah till Allah $ill
sile and $hen Allah $ill sile because of hi# then He $ill allo$ hi to enter Paradise# and $hen
he $ill enter Paradise# he $ill be addressed# '@ish fro so)and)so%' He $ill $ish till all his $ishes
=olue 7 ) 025: ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
$ill be fulfilled# then Allah $ill say# All this !i%e% $hat you ha(e $ished for" and as uch again there)
$ith are for you%' H
Abu Huraira added: &hat an $ill be the last of the people of Paradise to enter !Paradise"%
Darrated 'Ata !$hile Abu Huraira $as narrating": Abu Said $as sitting in the copany of Abu
Huraira and he did not deny anything of his narration till he reached his saying: HAll this and as
uch again there$ith are for you%H &hen Abu Sa'id said# HI heard Allah's Apostle saying# '&his is for
you and ten ties as uch%' H Abu Huraira said# HIn y eory it is 'as uch again there$ith%' H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4:7:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HI a your predecessor at the ;ake)Bount%H 'Abdullah added: &he Prophet said# HI
a your predecessor at the ;ake)Bount# and soe of you $ill be brought in front of e till I $ill see
the and then they $ill be taken a$ay fro e and I $ill say# 'E ;ord# y copanionsI' It $ill be
said# 'Kou do not kno$ $hat they did after you had left%'
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 4:1:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H&here $ill be a tank !;ake)Bount" in front of you as large as the distance
bet$een /arba and Adhruh !t$o to$ns in Sha"%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 476:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he $ord 'Al)Kauthar' eans the abundant good $hich Allah ga(e to hi !the Prophet
Muhaad"% Abu Bishr said: I said to Said# HSoe people clai that it !Al)Kauthar" is a ri(er in
Paradise%H Said replied# H&he ri(er $hich is in Paradise is one ite of that good $hich Allah has be)
sto$ed upon hi !Muhaad"%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 470:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
&he Prophet said# HMy ;ake)Bount is !so large that it takes" a onth's .ourney to cross it% Its $ater
is $hiter than ilk# and its sell is nicer than usk !a kind of Perfue"# and its drinking cups are
!as nuerous" as the !nuber of" stars of the skyL and $hoe(er drinks fro it# $ill ne(er be thirsty%H
=olue 7 ) 0257 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 473:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he $idth of y ;ake)Bount is eCual to the distance bet$een Aila !a to$n in
Sha" and Sana' !the capital of Keen" and it has as any !nuerous" .ugs as the nuber of stars of
the sky%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 47<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said: H@hile I $as $alking in Paradise !on the night of Mi'ra."# I sa$ a ri(er# on the
t$o banks of $hich there $ere tents ade of hollo$ pearls% I asked# H@hat is this# E AabrielJ' He
said# '&hat is the Kauthar $hich Kour ;ord has gi(en to you%' BeholdI Its scent or its ud $as sharp
selling uskIH !&he sub)narrator# Hudba is in doubt as to the correct e*pression% "
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 472:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HSoe of y copanions $ill coe to e at y ;ake Bount# and after I recog)
ni-e the# they $ill then be taken a$ay fro e# $hereupon I $ill say# 'My copanionsI' &hen it
$ill be said# 'Kou do not kno$ $hat they inno(ated !ne$ things" in the religion after you%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 474:
Darrated Abu Ha-i fro Sahl bin Sa'd:
&he Prophet said# HI a your predecessor !forerunner" at the ;ake)Bount# and $hoe(er $ill pass by
there# he $ill drink fro it and $hoe(er $ill drink fro it# he $ill ne(er be thirsty% &here $ill coe
to e soe people $ho I $ill recogni-e# and they $ill recogni-e e# but a barrier $ill be placed
bet$een e and the%H Abu Ha-i added: An)Du'an bin Abi 'Aiyash# on hearing e# said% H8id you
hear this fro SahlJH I said# HKes%H He said# H I bear $itness that I heard Abu Said Al)Khudri saying the
sae# adding that the Prophet said: 'I $ill say: &hey are of e !i%e% y follo$ers"% It $ill be said# 'Kou
do not kno$ $hat they inno(ated !ne$ things" in the religion after you left'% I $ill say# 'Bar reo(ed#
far reo(ed !fro ercy"# those $ho changed !their religion" after e%H Abu Huraira narrated that
the Prophet said# HEn the 8ay of Resurrection a group of copanions $ill coe to e# but $ill be
dri(en a$ay fro the ;ake)Bount# and I $ill say# 'E ;ord !those are" y copanionsI' It $ill be said#
'Kou ha(e no kno$ledge as to $hat they inno(ated after you leftL they turned apostate as renegades
!re(erted fro Isla"%H
=olue 7 ) 0251 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 475:
Darrated Ibn Al)Musaiyab:
&he copanions of the Prophet said# HSoe en fro y copanions $ill coe to y ;ake)Bount
and they $ill be dri(en a$ay fro it# and I $ill say# 'E ;ord# y copanionsI' It $ill be said# 'Kou
ha(e no kno$ledge of $hat they inno(ated after you left: they turned apostate as renegades !re(erted
fro Isla"%
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 47::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hile I $as sleeping# a group !of y follo$ers $ere brought close to e"# and
$hen I recogni-ed the# a an !an angel" cae out fro aongst !us" e and the# he said !to
the"# '9oe along%' I asked# '@hereJ' He said# '&o the !Hell" Bire# by Allah' I asked# '$hat is $rong
$ith the' He said# '&hey turned apostate as renegades after you left%' &hen beholdI !Another" group
!of y follo$ers" $ere brought close to e# and $hen I recogni-ed the# a an !an angel" cae out
fro !e and the" he said !to the"L 9oe along%' I asked# H@hereJ' He said# '&o the !Hell" Bire# by
Allah%' I asked# @hat is $rong $ith theJ' He said# '&hey turned apostate as renegades after you left%
So I did not see anyone of the escaping e*cept a fe$ $ho $ere like caels $ithout a shepherd%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 477:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HBet$een y house and y pulpit there is a garden fro aongst the gardens
of Paradise# and y pulpit is o(er y ;ake)Bount%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 471:
Darrated /undab:
I heard the Prophet# saying# HI a your predecessor at the ;ake)Bount% !Al)Kauthar" %
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 416:
Darrated 'UCba bin 'Air:
Ence the Prophet $ent out and offered the funeral prayers for the artyrs of Uhud# and then
$ent to the pulpit and said# HI a a predecessor for you and I a a $itness for you: and by Allah# I
a looking at y Bount .ust no$# and the keys of the treasures of the earth !or the keys of the earth"
ha(e been gi(en to e: and by Allah# I a not afraid that you $ill $orship others besides Allah after
=olue 7 ) 02:6 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK :5: &E MAK+ &H+ H+AR& &+D8+R !AR)RI,A,"
e# but I a afraid that you $ill stri(e and struggle against each other o(er these treasures of the
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 410:
Darrated Haritha bin @ahb:
I heard the Prophet entioning the ;ake)Bount !Al)Kauthar"# saying# H!&he $idth of the ;ake)
Bount" is eCual to the distance bet$een Medina and Sana' !capital of Keen"%H Haritha said that he
heard the Prophet saying that his ;ake)Bount $ould be as large as the distance bet$een Sana' and
Medina% Al)Mustaurid said to Haritha# H8idn't you hear hi talking about the (esselsJH He said# HDo%H
Al)Mustaurid said# H&he (essels are seen in it as !nuberless as" the stars%H
=olue 7# Book :5# Duber 413:
Darrated Asa 'bint Abu Bakr:
&he Prophet said# HI $ill be standing at the ;ake)Bount so that I $ill see $ho aong you $ill
coe to eL and soe people $ill be taken a$ay fro e# and I $ill say# 'E ;ord# !they are" fro e
and fro y follo$ers%' &hen it $ill be said# '8id you notice $hat they did after youJ By Allah# they
kept on turning on their heels !turned as renegades"%' H &he sub)narrator# Ibn Abi Mulaika said# HE
Allah# $e seek refuge $ith Kou fro turning on our heels# or being put to trial in our religion%H
=olue 7 ) 02:0 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK ::: 8I=ID+ @I;; !A;),A8AR"
Book ::: 8i(ine @ill !Al),adar"
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 41<:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle# the truthful and truly)inspired# said# H+ach one of you collected in the $ob of his
other for forty days# and then turns into a clot for an eCual period !of forty days" and turns into a
piece of flesh for a siilar period !of forty days" and then Allah sends an angel and orders hi to
$rite four things# i%e%# his pro(ision# his age# and $hether he $ill be of the $retched or the blessed !in
the Hereafter"% &hen the soul is breathed into hi% And by Allah# a person aong you !or a an" ay
do deeds of the people of the Bire till there is only a cubit or an ar)breadth distance bet$een hi
and the Bire# but then that $riting !$hich Allah has ordered the angel to $rite" precedes# and he
does the deeds of the people of Paradise and enters itL and a an ay do the deeds of the people of
Paradise till there is only a cubit or t$o bet$een hi and Paradise# and then that $riting precedes
and he does the deeds of the people of the Bire and enters it%H
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 412:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HAllah puts an angel in charge of the uterus and the angel says# 'E ;ord# !it is" se)
enI E ;ord# !it is no$ " a clotI E ;ord# !it is no$" a piece of flesh%' And then# if Allah $ishes to co)
plete its creation# the angel asks# 'E ;ord# !$ill it be" a ale or a fealeJ A $retched !an e(il doer" or
a blessed !doer of good"J Ho$ uch $ill his pro(isions beJ @hat $ill his age beJ' So all that is $rit)
ten $hile the creature is still in the other's $ob%H
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 414:
Darrated Iran bin Husain:
A an said# HE Allah's ApostleI 9an the people of Paradise be kno$n !differentiated" fro the
people of the BireL &he Prophet replied# HKes%H &he an said# H@hy do people !try to" do !good" deedsJH
&he Prophet said# H+(eryone $ill do the deeds for $hich he has been created to do or he $ill do those
deeds $hich $ill be ade easy for hi to do%H !i%e% e(erybody $ill find easy to do such deeds as $ill
lead hi to his destined place for $hich he has been created"%
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 415:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
=olue 7 ) 02:3 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK ::: 8I=ID+ @I;; !A;),A8AR"
&he Prophet L $as asked about the offspring of the pagans% He said# HAllah kno$s $hat they $ould
ha(e done !$ere they to li(e"%H
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 41::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle $as asked about the offspring of the pagans% He said# HAllah kno$s $hat they
$ould ha(e done !$ere they to li(e"%H
Darrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said# HDo child is born but has the Islaic Baith# but its par)
ents turn it into a /e$ or a 9hristian% It is as you help the anials gi(e birth% 8o you find aong their
offspring a utilated one before you utilate the yourselfJH &he people said# HE Allah's ApostleI
@hat do you think about those !of the" $ho die youngJH &he Prophet said# HAllah kno$s $hat they
$ould ha(e done !$ere they to li(e"%H
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 417:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HDo $oan should ask for the di(orce of her sister !Musli" so as to take her
place# but she should arry the an !$ithout copelling hi to di(orce his other $ife"# for she $ill
ha(e nothing but $hat Allah has $ritten for her%H
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 411:
Darrated Usaa:
Ence $hile I $as $ith the Prophet and Sa'd# Ubai bin Ka'b and Mu'adh $ere also sitting $ith hi#
there cae to hi a essenger fro one of his daughters# telling hi that her child $as on the
(erge of death% &he Prophet told the essenger to tell her# HIt is for Allah $hat He takes# and it is for
Allah $hat He gi(es# and e(erything has its fi*ed tie !liit"% So !she should" be patient and look for
Allah's re$ard%H
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 566:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&hat $hile he $as sitting $ith the Prophet a an fro the Ansar cae and said# HE Allah's
ApostleI @e get sla(e girls fro the $ar capti(es and $e lo(e propertyL $hat do you think about co)
itus interruptusJH Allah's Apostle said# H8o you do thatJ It is better for you not to do it# for there is no
soul $hich Allah has ordained to coe into e*istence but $ill be created%H
=olue 7 ) 02:< ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK ::: 8I=ID+ @I;; !A;),A8AR"
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 560:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
&he Prophet once deli(ered a speech in front of us $herein he left nothing but entioned !about"
e(erything that $ould happen till the Hour% Soe of us stored that our inds and soe forgot it%
!After that speech" I used to see e(ents taking place !$hich had been referred to in that speech" but I
had forgotten the !before their occurrence"% &hen I $ould recogni-e such e(ents as a an recog)
ni-es another an $ho has been absent and then sees and recogni-es hi%
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 563:
Darrated 'Ali:
@hile $e $ere sitting $ith the Prophet $ho had a stick $ith $hich he $as scraping the earth# he
lo$ered his head and said# H&here is none of you but has his place assigned either in the Bire or in
Paradise%H &hereupon a an fro the people said# HShall $e not depend upon this# E Allah's ApostleJH
&he Prophet said# HDo# but carry on and do your deeds# for e(erybody finds it easy to do such deeds
!as $ill lead hi to his place"%H &he Prophet then recited the =erse: 'As for hi $ho gi(es !in charity"
and keeps his duty to Allah%%' !13%4"
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 56<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@e $itnessed along $ith Allah's Apostle the Khaibar !capaign"% Allah's Apostle told his copan)
ions about a an $ho claied to be a Musli# H&his an is fro the people of the Bire%H @hen the
battle started# the an fought (ery bra(ely and recei(ed a great nuber of $ounds and got crippled%
En that# a an fro aong the copanions of the Prophet cae and said# HE Allah's ApostleI 8o
you kno$ $hat the an you described as of the people of the Bire has doneJ He has fought (ery
bra(ely for Allah's 9ause and he has recei(ed any $ounds%H &he Prophet said# HBut he is indeed one
of the people of the Bire%H Soe of the Muslis $ere about to ha(e soe doubt about that stateent%
So $hile the an $as in that state# the pain caused by the $ounds troubled hi so uch that he put
his hand into his Cui(er and took out an arro$ and coitted suicide $ith it% Eff $ent soe en
fro aong the Muslis to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Allah has ade your state)
ent true% So)and)so has coitted suicide%H Allah's Apostle said# HE BilalI Aet up and announce in
public: Done $ill enter Paradise but a belie(er# and Allah ay support this religion !Isla" $ith a
$icked an%H
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 562:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd:
=olue 7 ) 02:2 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK ::: 8I=ID+ @I;; !A;),A8AR"
&here $as a an $ho fought ost bra(ely of all the Muslis on behalf of the Muslis in a battle
!Aha-$a" in the copany of the Prophet% &he Prophet looked at hi and said% HIf anyone $ould like
to see a an fro the people of the Bire# let hi look at this !bra(e an"%H En that# a an fro the
People !Muslis" follo$ed hi# and he $as in that state i%e%# fighting fiercely against the pagans till
he $as $ounded# and then he hastened to end his life by placing his s$ord bet$een his breasts !and
pressed it $ith great force" till it cae out bet$een his shoulders% &hen the an !$ho $as $atching
that person" $ent Cuickly to the Prophet and said# HI testify that you are Allah's ApostleIH &he Prophet
asked hi# H@hy do you say thatJH He said# HKou said about so)and)so# 'If anyone $ould like to see a
an fro the people of the Bire# he should look at hi%' He fought ost bra(ely of all of us on behalf
of the Muslis and I kne$ that he $ould not die as a Musli !Martyr"% So $hen he got $ounded# he
hastened to die and coitted suicide%H &here)upon the Prophet said# HA an ay do the deeds of
the people of the Bire $hile in fact he is one of the people of Paradise# and he ay do the deeds of the
people of Paradise $hile in fact he belongs to the people of Bire# and (erily# !the re$ards of" the
deeds are decided by the last actions !deeds"H%
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 564:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet forbade (o$ing and said# HIn fact# (o$ing does not pre(ent anything# but it akes a
iser to spend his property%H
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 565:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said !that Allah said"# H=o$ing does not bring to the son of Ada anything I ha(e not
already $ritten in his fate# but (o$ing is iposed on hi by $ay of fore ordainent% &hrough (o$)
ing I ake a iser spend of his $ealth%H
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 56::
Darrated Abu Musa:
@hile $e $ere $ith Allah's Apostle in a holy battle# $e ne(er $ent up a hill or reached its peak or
$ent do$n a (alley but raised our (oices $ith &akbir% Allah's Apostle cae close to us and said# HE
peopleI 8on't e*ert yoursel(es# for you do not call a deaf or an absent one# but you call the All)
;istener# the All)Seer%H &he Prophet then said# HE 'Abdullah bin ,aisI Shall I teach you a sentence
$hich is fro the treasures of ParadiseJ ! It is": ';a haula $ala Cu$ata illa billah% !&here is neither
ight nor po$er e*cept $ith Allah"%H
=olue 7 ) 02:4 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK ::: 8I=ID+ @I;; !A;),A8AR"
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 567:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&hat the Prophet said# HDo 9aliph is appointed but has t$o groups of ad(isors: Ene group ad(ises
hi to do good and urges hi to adopt it# and the other group ad(ises hi to do bad and urges hi
to adopt itL and the protected is the one $ho Allah protects%H
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 561:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
I did not see anything so resebling inor sins as $hat Abu Huraira said fro the Prophet# $ho
said# HAllah has $ritten for the son of Ada his ine(itable share of adultery $hether he is a$are of it
or not: &he adultery of the eye is the looking !at soething $hich is sinful to look at"# and the adul)
tery of the tongue is to utter !$hat it is unla$ful to utter"# and the innerself $ishes and longs for
!adultery" and the pri(ate parts turn that into reality or refrain fro subitting to the teptation%H
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 506:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
!regarding the =erse" HAnd @e granted the (ision !Ascension to the hea(ens HMira.H" $hich @e
sho$ed you !E Muhaad as an actual eye $itness" but as a trial for ankind%' !0:%56": Allah's
Apostle actually sa$ $ith his o$n eyes the (ision !all the things $hich $ere sho$n to hi" on the
night of his Dight /ourney to /erusale !and then to the hea(ens"% &he cursed tree $hich is en)
tioned in the ,ur'an is the tree of A-)FaCCu%
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 500:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAda and Moses argued $ith each other% Moses said to Ada% 'E AdaI Kou
are our father $ho disappointed us and turned us out of Paradise%' &hen Ada said to hi# 'E MosesI
Allah fa(ored you $ith His talk !talked to you directly" and He $rote !the &orah" for you $ith His
E$n Hand% 8o you blae e for action $hich Allah had $ritten in y fate forty years before y
creationJ' So Ada confuted Moses# Ada confuted Moses#H the Prophet added# repeating the State)
ent three ties%
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 503:
Darrated @arrad:
=olue 7 ) 02:5 ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK ::: 8I=ID+ @I;; !A;),A8AR"
!the freed sla(e of Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba" Mua$iya $rote to Mughira% '@rite to e $hat you
heard the Prophet saying after his prayer%' So Al)Mughira dictated to e and said# HI heard the
Prophet saying after the prayer# 'Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah Alone @ho has no
partner% E AllahI Do)one can $ithhold $hat Kou gi(e# and none can gi(e $hat Kou $ithhold# and
the fortune of a an of eans is useless before Kou !i%e%# only good deeds are of (alue"%H
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 50<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&ake refuge $ith Allah fro the difficulties of se(ere calaities# fro ha(ing an
e(il end and a bad fate and fro the alicious .oy of your eneies%H
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 502:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@hen taking an oath# the Prophet (ery often used to say# HDo# by Hi @ho turns the hearts%H
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 504:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said to Ibn Saiyad# HI ha(e kept for you a secret%H Ibn Saiyad said# HAd)8ukh%H &he
Prophet said# HKeep Cuiet# for you cannot go beyond your liits !or you cannot e*ceed $hat has been
foreordained for you"%H En that# 'Uar said !to the Prophet "# HAllo$ e to chop off his neckIH &he
Prophet said# H;ea(e hi# for if he is he !i%e%# Ad)"# then you $ill not be able to o(ercoe hi#
and if he is not# then you gain no good by killing hi%H
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 505:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I asked Allah's Apostle about the plague% He said# H&hat $as a eans of torture $hich Allah used to
send upon $ho)so)e(er He $ished# but He ade it a source of ercy for the belie(ers# for anyone
$ho is residing in a to$n in $hich this disease is present# and reains there and does not lea(e that
to$n# but has patience and hopes for Allah's re$ard# and kno$s that nothing $ill befall hi e*cept
$hat Allah has $ritten for hi# then he $ill get such re$ard as that of a artyr%H
=olue 7# Book ::# Duber 50::
Darrated Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib:
=olue 7 ) 02:: ? 0:66
SAHIH BUKHARI =E;UM+ 7 > BEEK ::: 8I=ID+ @I;; !A;),A8AR"
I sa$ the Prophet on the 8ay of !the battle of" Al)KhandaC# carrying earth $ith us and saying# HBy
Allah# $ithout Allah $e $ould not ha(e been guided# neither $ould $e ha(e fasted# nor $ould $e
ha(e prayed% E AllahI Send do$n Sakina !calness" upon us and ake our feet fir $hen $e eet
!the eney"% &he pagans ha(e rebelled against us# but if they $ant to put us in affliction !i%e%# fight
us" $e refuse !to flee"%H !See Hadith Do% 2<6# =ol% 4"%
=olue 7 ) 02:7 ? 0:66
Book :7: Eaths and =o$s
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 507:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Abu Bakr As)SiddiC had ne(er broken his oaths till Allah re(ealed the e*piation for the oaths%
&hen he said# HIf I take an oath to do soething and later on I find soething else better than the first
one# then I do $hat is better and ake e*piation for y oath%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 501:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Saura:
&he Prophet said# HE 'Abdur)Rahan bin SauraI 8o not seek to be a ruler# because if you are
gi(en authority for it# then you $ill be held responsible for it# but if you are gi(en it $ithout asking
for it# then you $ill be helped in it !by Allah": and $hene(er you take an oath to do soething and
later you find that soething else is better than the first# then do the better one and ake e*piation
for your oath%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 536:
Darrated Abu Musa:
I $ent to the Prophet along $ith a group of Al)Ash'ariyin in order to reCuest hi to pro(ide us
$ith ounts% He said# HBy Allah# I $ill not pro(ide you $ith ounts and I ha(en't got anything to
ount you on%H &hen $e stayed there as long as Allah $ished us to stay# and then three (ery nice
looking she)caels $ere brought to hi and he ade us ride the% @hen $e left# $e# or soe of us#
said# HBy Allah# $e $ill not be blessed# as $e cae to the Prophet asking hi for ounts# and he
s$ore that he $ould not gi(e us any ounts but then he did gi(e us% So let us go back to the Prophet
and reind hi !of his oath"%H @hen $e returned to hi !and reinded hi of the fact"# he said# HI
did not gi(e you ounts# but it is Allah @ho ga(e you% By Allah# Allah $illing# if I e(er take an oath
to do soething and then I find soething else than the first# I $ill ake e*piation for y oath and
do the thing $hich is better !or do soething $hich is better and gi(e the e*piation for y oath"%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 530:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@e !Muslis" are the last in the $orld# but $ill be foreost on the 8ay of Re)
surrection%H Allah's Apostle also said# HBy Allah# if anyone of you insists on fulfilling an oath by $hich
=olue 7 ) 02:1 ? 0:66
he ay har his faily# he coits a greater sin in Allah's sight than that of dissol(ing his oath and
aking e*piation for it%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 533:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAnyone $ho takes an oath through $hich his faily ay be hared# and in)
sists on keeping it# he surely coits a sin greater !than that of dissol(ing his oath"% He should rather
copensate for that oath by aking e*piation%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 53<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle sent an ary detachent and ade Usaa bin Faid its coander% Soe people
critici-ed !spoke badly of" Usaa's leadership% So Allah's Apostle got up saying# HIf you people are
critici-ing Usaa's leadership# you ha(e already critici-ed the leadership of his father before% But
@a)aiullah !i%e%# By Allah"# he !i%e% Faid" deser(ed the leadership# and he $as one of the ost be)
lo(ed persons to eL and no$ this !his son Usaa" is one of the dearest persons to e after hi%H !See
Hadith Do% :24# =ol% 4"
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 532:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he oath of the Prophet used to be: HDo# by Hi $ho turns the hearts%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 534:
Darrated /abir bin Saura:
&he Prophet said# HIf 9aesar is ruined# there $ill be no 9aesar after hiL and if Khosrau is ruined#
there $ill be no Khosrau# after hiL and# by Hi in @hose Hand y soul is# surely you $ill spend
their treasures in Allah's 9ause%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 535:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf Khosrau is ruined# there $ill be no Khosrau after hiL and if 9aesar is
ruined# there $ill be no 9aesar after hi% By Hi in @hose Hand Muhaad's soul is# surely you
$ill spend their treasures in Allah's 9ause%H
=olue 7 ) 0276 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 53::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# HE follo$ers of MuhaadI By Allah# if you kne$ $hat I kno$# you $ould
$eep uch and laugh little%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 537:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Hisha:
@e $ere $ith the Prophet and he $as holding the hand of 'Uar bin Al)Khattab% 'Uar said to
Hi# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou are dearer to e than e(erything e*cept y o$n self%H &he Prophet said#
HDo# by Hi in @hose Hand y soul is# !you $ill not ha(e coplete faith" till I a dearer to you
than your o$n self%H &hen 'Uar said to hi# HHo$e(er# no$# by Allah# you are dearer to e than y
o$n self%H &he Prophet said# HDo$# E 'Uar# !no$ you are a belie(er"%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 531:
Darrated Abu Huraira and Faid bin Khalid:
&$o en had a dispute in the presence of Allah's Apostle% Ene of the said# HE Allah's ApostleI
/udge bet$een us according to Allah's ;a$s%H &he other $ho $as $iser# said# HKes# E Allah's ApostleI
/udge bet$een us according to Allah's ;a$s and allo$ e to speak% &he Prophet said# HSpeak%H He
said# HMy son $as a laborer ser(ing this !person" and he coitted illegal se*ual intercourse $ith
his $ife# &he people said that y son is to be stoned to death# but I ransoed hi $ith one)hundred
sheep and a sla(e girl% &hen I asked the learned people# $ho infored e that y son should recei(e
one hundred lashes and $ill be e*iled for one year# and stoning $ill be the lot for the an's $ife%H
Allah's Apostle said# HIndeed# by Hi in @hose Hand y soul is# I $ill .udge bet$een you according
to Allah's ;a$s: As for your sheep and sla(e girl# they are to be returned to you%H &hen he scourged
his son one hundred lashes and e*iled hi for one year% &hen Unais Al)Aslai $as ordered to go to
the $ife of the second an# and if she confessed !the crie"# then stone her to death% She did confess#
so he stoned her to death%
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5<6:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
&he Prophet said# H8o you think if the tribes of Asla# Ahifar# Mu-aina and /uhaina are better than
the tribes of &ai# 'Air bin Sa'sa'a# Ahatfan and Asad# they !the second group" are despairing and
losingJH &hey !the Prophet's copanions" said# HKes# !they are"%H He said# HBy Hi in @hose Hand y
soul is# they !the first group" are better than the !the second group"%H
=olue 7 ) 0270 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5<0:
Darrated Abu Huaid As)Sa'idi:
Allah's Apostle eployed an eployee !to collect Fakat"% &he eployee returned after copleting
his .ob and said# HE Allah's ApostleI &his !aount of Fakat" is for you# and this !other aount" $as
gi(en to e as a present%H &he Prophet said to hi# H@hy didn't you stay at your father's or other's
house and see if you $ould be gi(en presents or notJH &hen Allah's Apostle got up in the e(ening
after the prayer# and ha(ing testified that none has the right to be $orshipped but Allah and praised
and glorified Allah as He deser(ed# he said# HDo$ then I @hat about an eployee $ho $e eploy
and then he coes and says# '&his aount !of Fakat" is for you# and this !aount" $as gi(en to e as
a present'J @hy didn't he stay at the house of his father and other to see if he $ould be gi(en
presents or notJ By Hi in @hose Hand Muhaad's soul is# none of you $ill steal anything of it
!i%e% Fakat" but $ill bring it by carrying it o(er his neck on the 8ay of Resurrection% If it has been a
cael# he $ill bring it !o(er his neck" $hile it $ill be grunting# and if it has been a co$# he $ill
bring it !o(er his neck"# $hile it $ill be ooingL and if it has been a sheep# he $ill bring it !o(er his
neck" $hile it $ill be bleeding%H &he Prophet added# HI ha(e preached you !Allah's Message"%H Abu
Huaid said# H&hen Allah's Apostle raised his hands so high that $e sa$ the $hiteness of his
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5<3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Abu)l),asi !the Prophet" said# HBy Hi in @hose Hand Muhaad's soul is# if you kno$ that
$hich I kno$# you $ould $eep uch and laugh little%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5<<:
Darrated Abu 8har:
I reached hi !the Prophet " $hile in the shade of the Ka'baL he $as saying# H&hey are the losers# by
the ;ord of the Ka'baI &hey are the losers# by the ;ord of the Ka'baIH I said !to yself "# H@hat is
$rong $ith eJ Is anything iproper detected in eJ @hat is $rong $ith eJ &hen I sat beside
hi and he kept on saying his stateent% I could not reain Cuiet# and Allah kno$s in $hat sorro$)
ful state I $as at that tie% So I said# ' @ho are they !the losers"J ;et My father and other be sacri)
ficed for you# E Allah's ApostleIH He said# H&hey are the $ealthy people# e*cept the one $ho does like
this and like this and like this !i%e%# spends of his $ealth in Allah's 9ause"%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5<2:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 7 ) 0273 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# H!&he Prophet" Soloon once said# '&onight I $ill sleep $ith ninety $oen#
each of $ho $ill bring forth a !$ould)be" ca(alier $ho $ill fight in Allah's 9ause%H En this# his
copanion said to hi# HSay: Allah $illingIH But he did not say Allah $illing% Soloon then slept $ith
all the $oen# but none of the becae pregnant but one $oan $ho later deli(ered a half)an%
By Hi in @hose Hand Muhaad's soul is# if he !Soloon" had said# 'Allah $illing' !all his $i(es
$ould ha(e brought forth boys" and they $ould ha(e fought in Allah's 9ause as ca(aliers% H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5<4:
Darrated Al)Bara 'bin 'A-ib:
A piece of silken cloth $as gi(en to the Prophet as a present and the people handed it o(er
aongst thesel(es and $ere astonished at its beauty and softness% Allah's Apostle said# HAre you as)
tonished at itJH &hey said# HKes# E Allah's ApostleIH He said# HBy Hi in @hose Hand y soul is# the
handkerchiefs of Sa'd in Paradise are better than it%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5<5:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Hind bint 'Utba bin Rabi 'a said# HE Allah 's ApostleI !Before I ebraced Isla"# there $as no faily
on the surface of the earth# I $ish to ha(e degraded ore than I did your faily% But today there is
no faily $ho I $ish to ha(e honored ore than I did yours%H Allah's Apostle said# HI thought siil)
arly# by Hi in @hose Hand Muhaad's soul isIH Hind said# HE Allah's ApostleI !My husband" Abu
Sufyan is a iser% Is it sinful of e to feed y children fro his propertyJH &he Prophet said# HDo#
unless you take it for your needs $hat is .ust and reasonable%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5<::
Darrated Abdullah bin Masud:
@hile Allah's Apostle $as sitting# reclining his back against a Keenite leather tent he said to his
copanions# H@ill you be pleased to be one)fourth of the people of ParadiseJH &hey said# 'Kes%' He
said H@on't you be pleased to be one)third of the people of ParadiseH &hey said# HKes%H He said# HBy
Hi in @hose Hand Muhaad's soul is# I hope that you $ill be one)half of the people of Paradise%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5<7:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
A an heard another an reciting: Surat)ul)Ikhlas !&he Unity" 'Say: He is Allah# the Ene !003"
and he $as repeating it% &he ne*t orning he cae to Allah's Apostle and entioned the $hole story
=olue 7 ) 027< ? 0:66
to hi as if he regarded the recitation of that Sura as insufficient En that# Allah's Apostle said# HBy
Hi in @hose Hand y soul isI &hat !Sura Do% 003" eCuals one)third of the ,ur'an%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5<1:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
I heard the Prophet saying# HPerfor the bo$ing and the prostration properly !$ith peace of
ind"# for# by Hi in @hose Hand y soul is# I see you fro behind y back $hen you bo$ and
$hen you prostrate%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 526:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
An Ansari $oan cae to the Prophet in the copany of her children# and the Prophet said to
her# HBy Hi in @hose Hand y soul is# you are the ost belo(ed people to eIH And he repeated the
stateent thrice%
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 520:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle et 'Uar bin Al)Khattab $hile the latter $as going $ith a group of cael)riders#
and he $as s$earing by his father% &he Prophet said# H;oI Allah forbids you to s$ear by your fathers#
so $hoe(er has to take an oath# he should s$ear by Allah or keep Cuiet%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 523:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 52<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H8o not s$ear by your fathers%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 522:
Darrated Fahda:
&here $as a relation of lo(e and brotherhood bet$een this tribe of /ar and Al)Ash'ariyin% Ence
$e $ere $ith Abu Musa Al)Ash'ari# and then a eal containing chicken $as brought to Abu Musa#
=olue 7 ) 0272 ? 0:66
and there $as present# a an fro the tribe of &aiillah $ho $as of red cople*ion as if he $ere
fro non)Arab freed sla(es% Abu Musa in(ited hi to the eal% He said# HI ha(e seen chickens eating
dirty things# so I deeed it filthy and took an oath that I $ould ne(er eat chicken%H En that# Abu
Musa said# HAet up# I $ill narrate to you about that% Ence a group of the Ash'ariyin and I $ent to Al)
lah's Apostle and asked hi to pro(ide us $ith ountsL he said# 'By Allah# I $ill ne(er gi(e you any
ounts nor do I ha(e anything to ount you on%' &hen a fe$ caels of $ar booty $ere brought to
Allah's Apostle # and he asked about us# saying# '@here are the Ash)'ariyinJ' He then ordered fi(e nice
caels to be gi(en to us# and $hen $e had departed# $e said# '@hat ha(e $e doneJ Allah's Apostle
had taken the oath not to gi(e us any ounts# and that he had nothing to ount us on# and later he
ga(e us that $e ight rideJ 8id $e take ad(antage of the fact that Allah's Apostle had forgotten his
oathJ By Allah# $e $ill ne(er succeed%' So $e $ent back to hi and said to hi# '@e cae to you to
gi(e us ounts# and you took an oath that you $ould not gi(e us any ounts and that you had noth)
ing to ount us on%' En that he said# 'I did not pro(ide you $ith ounts# but Allah did% By Allah# if I
take an oath to do soething# and then find soething else better than it# I do that $hich is better
and ake e*piation for the dissolution of the oath%' H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 524:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er s$ears saying in his oath% 'By Al);at and Al'U--a#' should say# 'Done
has the right to be $orshipped but AllahL and $hoe(er says to his friend# '9oe# let e gable $ith
you#' should gi(e soething in charity%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 525:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle had a gold ring ade for hiself# and he used to $ear it $ith the stone to$ards the
inner part of his hand% 9onseCuently# the people had siilar rings ade for thesel(es% After$ards
the ProphetL sat on the pulpit and took it off# saying# HI used to $ear this ring and keep its stone to)
$ards the pal of y hand%H He then thre$ it a$ay and said# HBy Allah# I $ill ne(er $ear it%H &here)
fore all the people thre$ a$ay their rings as $ell%
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 52::
Darrated &habit bin Ad)8ahhak:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er s$ears by a religion other than Isla# is# as he saysL and $hoe(er
coits suicide $ith soething# $ill be punished $ith the sae thing in the !Hell" BireL and cursing
a belie(er is like urdering hiL and $hoe(er accuses a belie(er of disbelief# then it is as if he had
killed hi%H
=olue 7 ) 0274 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 527:
Darrated Al)Bara:
&he Prophet ordered us to help others to fulfill the oaths%
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 521:
Darrated Usaa:
Ence a daughter of Allah's Apostle sent a essage to Allah's Apostle $hile Usaa# Sa'd# and y
father or Ubai $ere !sitting there" $ith hi% She said# !in the essage"L My child is going to dieL
please coe to us%H Allah's Apostle returned the essenger and told hi to con(ey his greetings to
her# and say# H@hate(er Allah takes# is for Hi and $hate(er He gi(es is for Hi# and e(erything
$ith Hi has a liited fi*ed ter !in this $orld": so she should be patient and hope for Allah's re)
$ard%H &hen she again sent for hi s$earing that he should coeL so &he Prophet got up# and so did
$e% @hen he sat there !at the house of his daughter"# the child $as brought to hi# and he took hi
into his lap $hile the child's breath $as disturbed in his chest% &he eyes of Allah's Apostle started
shedding tears% Sa'd said# H@hat is this# E Allah's ApostleJH &he Prophet said# H&his is the ercy $hich
Allah has lodged in the hearts of $hoe(er He $ants of His sla(es# and (erily Allah is erciful only to
those of His sla(es $ho are erciful !to others"%'
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 546:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAny Musli $ho has lost three of his children $ill not be touched by the Bire
e*cept that $hich $ill render Allah's oath fulfilled%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 540:
Darrated Haritha bin @ahb:
I heard the Prophet saying# HShall I tell you of the people of ParadiseJ &hey coprise e(ery poor
huble person# and if he s$ears by Allah to do soething# Allah $ill fulfill itL $hile the people of the
fire coprise e(ery (iolent# cruel arrogant person%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 543:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet $as asked# H@ho are the best peopleJH He replied: &he people of y generation# and
then those $ho $ill follo$ !coe after" the# and then those $ho $ill coe after the laterL after that
there $ill coe soe people $hose $itness $ill precede their oaths and their oaths $ill go ahead of
=olue 7 ) 0275 ? 0:66
their $itness%H Ibrahi !a sub)narrator" said# H@hen $e $ere young# our elder friends used to pro)
hibit us fro taking oaths by saying# 'I bear $itness s$earing by Allah# or by Allah's 9o(enant%H'
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 54<:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er s$ears falsely in order to grab the property of a Musli !or of his
brother"# Allah $ill be angry $ith hi $hen he eets Hi%H Allah then re(ealed in confiration of
the abo(e stateent:))'=erily those $ho purchase a sall gain at the cost of Allah's 9o(enant and
their o$n oaths%' !<%::" Al)Ash'ath said# H&his =erse $as re(ealed regarding e and a copanion of
ine $hen $e had a dispute about a $ell%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 542:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# H&he Hell Bire $ill keep on saying: 'Are there anyore !people to coe"J' &ill the
;ord of Po$er and Honor $ill put His Boot o(er it and then it $ill say# ',atI ,atI !sufficientI suffi)
cientI" by Kour Po$er and Honor% And its (arious sides $ill coe close to each other !i%e%# it $ill con)
tract"% H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 544:
Darrated A-)Fuhri:
I heard 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair# Said bin Al)Musaiyab# 'AlCaa bin @aCCas and 'Ubaidullah bin 'Ab)
dullah narrating fro 'Aisha# the $ife of the Prophet# the story about the liars $ho said $hat they
said about her and ho$ Allah re(ealed her innocence after$ards% +ach one of the abo(e four narrat)
ors narrated to e a portion of her narration% !It $as said in it"# H&he Prophet stood up# saying# 'Is
there anyone $ho can relie(e e fro 'Abdullah bin UbaiJ' En that# Usaid bin Hudair got up and
said to Sa'd bin 'Ubada# ;a'arullahi !By the +ternity of Allah"# $e $ill kill hiI' H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 545:
Darrated 'Aisha:
regarding: 'Allah $ill not call you to account for that $hich is unintentional in your oaths%%%'
!3%334" &his =erse $as re(ealed concerning such oath forulas as: 'Do# by AllahI' and 'Kes# by AllahI'
soething against his oath due to forgetfulness should he ake e*piationJ"% And the Stateent of
Allah: 'And there is no blae on you if you ake a istake therein%' !<<%4" And Allah said:)) '!Moses
said to Khadir": 9all e not to account for $hat I forgot%' !07%:<"
=olue 7 ) 027: ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 54::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah forgi(es y follo$ers those !e(il deeds" the
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 547:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar bin Al)As:
@hile the Prophet $as deli(ering a seron on the 8ay of Dahr !i%e%# 06th 8hul)Hi..a)8ay of
slaughtering the sacrifice"# a an got up saying# HI thought# E Allah's Apostle# such)and)such a thing
$as to be done before such)and)such a thing%H Another an got up# saying# HE Allah's ApostleI As
regards these three !acts of Ha.."# thought so)and)so%H &he Prophet said# H8o# and there is no har#H
concerning all those atters on that day% And so# on that day# $hate(er Cuestion he $as asked# he
said# H8o it# do it# and there is no har therein%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 541:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
A an said to the Prophet !$hile he $as deli(ering a seron on the 8ay of Dahr"# HI ha(e per)
fored the &a$af round the Ka'ba before the Rai !thro$ing pebbles" at the /ara%H &he Prophet
said# H&here is no har !therein"%H Another an said# HI had y head sha(ed before slaughtering !the
sacrifice"%H &he Prophet said# H&here is no har%H A third said# HI ha(e slaughtered !the sacrifice" be)
fore the Rai !thro$ing pebbles" at the /ara%H &he Prophet said# H&here is no har%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 556:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an entered the osCue and started praying $hile Allah's Apostle $as sitting soe$here in the
osCue% &hen !after finishing the prayer" the an cae to the Prophet and greeted hi% &he Prophet
said to hi# HAo back and pray# for you ha(e not prayed% &he an $ent back# and ha(ing prayed# he
cae and greeted the Prophet% &he Prophet after returning his greetings said# HAo back and pray# for
you did not pray%H En the third tie the an said# H!E Allah's ApostleI" teach e !ho$ to pray"%H &he
Prophet said# H@hen you get up for the prayer# perfor the ablution properly and then face the
,ibla and say &akbir !Allahu Akbar"# and then recite of $hat you kno$ of the ,uran# and then bo$#
and reain in this state till you feel at rest in bo$ing# and then raise your head and stand straightL
and then prostrate till you feel at rest in prostration# and then sit up till you feel at rest $hile sittingL
and then prostrate again till you feel at rest in prostrationL and then get up and stand straight# and do
all this in all your prayers%H
=olue 7 ) 0277 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 550:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hen the pagans $ere defeated during the !first stage" of the battle of Uhud# Satan shouted# HE
Allah's sla(esI Be$are of $hat is behind youIH So the front files of the Muslis attacked their o$n
back files% Hudhaifa bin Al)Kaan looked and on seeing his father he shouted: HMy fatherI My fath)
erIH By AllahI &he people did not stop till they killed his father% Hudhaifa then said# HMay Allah for)
gi(e you%H 'Ur$a !the sub)narrator" added# HHudhaifa continued asking Allah forgi(eness for the
killers of his father till he et Allah !till he died"%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 553:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIf soebody eats soething forgetfully $hile he is fasting# then he should co)
plete his fast# for Allah has ade hi eat and drink%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 55<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Buhaina:
Ence Allah's Apostle led us in prayer# and after finishing the first t$o Rakat# got up !instead of sit)
ting for At)&ahiyyat" and then carried on $ith the prayer% @hen he had finished his prayer# the
people $ere $aiting for hi to say &asli# but before saying &asii# he said &akbir and prostratedL
then he raised his head# and saying &akbir# he prostrated !SAHU" and then raised his head and fin)
ished his prayer $ith &asli%
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 552:
Darrated Ibn Mas'ud:
that Allah's Prophet led the in the Fuhr prayer and he offered either ore or less Rakat# and it
$as said to hi# HE Allah's Apostle I Has the prayer been reduced# or ha(e you forgottenJH He asked#
H@hat is thatJH &hey said# HKou ha(e prayed so any Rak'at%H So he perfored $ith the t$o ore
prostrations and said# H&hese t$o prostrations are to be perfored by the person $ho does not kno$
$hether he has prayed ore or less !Rakat" in $hich case he should seek to follo$ $hat is right% And
then coplete the rest !of the prayer" and perfor t$o e*tra prostrations%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 554:
Darrated Ubai bin Ka'b:
=olue 7 ) 0271 ? 0:66
that he heard Allah's Apostle saying# H!Moses" said# '9all e not to account for $hat I forget and be
not hard upon e for y affair !$ith you"' !07%:<" the first e*cuse of Moses $as his forgetfulness%H
Darrated Al)Bara bin A-ib that once he had a guest# so he told his faily !on the 8ay of Id)ul)
Adha" that they should slaughter the anial for sacrifice before he returned fro the !'Id" prayer in
order that their guest could take his eal% So his faily slaughtered !the anial " before the prayer%
&hen they entioned that e(ent to the Prophet $ho ordered Al)Bara to slaughter another sacrifice%
Al)Bara' said to the Prophet # HI ha(e a young ilch she)goat $hich is better than t$o sheep for
slaughtering%H !&he sub)narrator# Ibn 'Aun used to say# HI don't kno$ $hether the perission !to
slaughter a she)goat as a sacrifice" $as especially gi(en to Al)Bara' or if it $as in general for all the
Muslis%H" !See Hadith Do% 11# =ol% 3%"
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 555:
Darrated /undub:
I $itnessed the Prophet offering the 'Id prayer !and after finishing it" he deli(ered a seron and
said# H@hoe(er has slaughtered his sacrifice !before the prayer" should ake up for it !i%e% slaughter
another anial" and $hoe(er has not slaughtered his sacrifice yet# should slaughter it by entioning
Allah's Dae o(er it%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 55::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
&he Prophet said# H&he biggest sins are: &o .oin others in $orship $ith AllahL to be undutiful to
one's parentsL to kill soebody unla$fullyL and to take an oath Al)Ahaus%
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 557:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf soebody is ordered !by the ruler or the .udge" to take an oath# and he
takes a false oath in order to grab the property of a Musli# then he $ill incur Allah's @rath $hen
he $ill eet Hi%H And Allah re(ealed in its confiration: '=erilyI &hose $ho purchase a sall gain
at the cost of Allah's co(enants and their o$n oaths%' !<%::" !&he sub)narrator added:" Al)Ash'ath bin
,ais entered# saying# H@hat did Abu 'Abdur)Rahan narrate to youJH &hey said# HSo)and)so#H Al)
Ash'ath said# H&his (erse $as re(ealed in y connection% I had a $ell on the land of y cousin !and
$e had a dispute about it"% I reported hi to Allah 's Apostle $ho said !to e"% HKou should gi(e e(id)
ence !i%e% $itness" other$ise the oath of your opponent $ill render your clai in(alid%H I said# H&hen
he !y opponent" $ill take the oath# E Allah's Apostle%H Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er is ordered !by
the ruler or the .udge" to gi(e an oath# and he takes a false oath in order to grab the property of a
Musli# then he $ill incur Allah's @rath $hen he eets Hi on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 7 ) 0216 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 551:
Darrated Abu Musa:
My copanions sent e to the Prophet to ask hi for soe ounts% He said# HBy AllahI I $ill not
ount you on anythingIH @hen I et hi# he $as in an angry ood# but $hen I et hi !again"# he
said# H&ell your copanions that Allah or Allah's Apostle $ill pro(ide you $ith ounts%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5:6:
Darrated A-)Fuhri:
I heard 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair# Said bin Al)Musaiyab# 'AlCaa bin @aCCas and 'Ubaidullah bin 'Ab)
dullah bin 'UCba relating fro 'Aisha# the $ife of the Prophet the narration of the people !i%e% the li)
ars" $ho spread the slander against her and they said $hat they said# and ho$ Allah re(ealed her in)
nocence% +ach of the related to e a portion of that narration% !&hey said that 'Aisha said"# ''&hen
Allah re(ealed the ten =erses starting $ith:))'=erilyI &hose $ho spread the slander%%' !32%00)30"
All these (erses $ere in proof of y innocence% Abu Bakr As)SiddiC $ho used to pro(ide for Mis)
tah soe financial aid because of his relation to hi# said# HBy Allah# I $ill ne(er gi(e anything !in
charity" to Mistah# after $hat he has said about 'AishaH &hen Allah re(ealed:)) 'And let not those
aong you $ho are good and are $ealthy s$ear not to gi(e !any sort of help" to their kins en%%%%'
!32%33" En that# Abu Bakr said# HKes# by Allah# I like that Allah should forgi(e e%H and then resued
gi(ing Mistah the aid he used to gi(e hi and said# HBy AllahI I $ill ne(er $ithhold it fro hi%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5:0:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ash'ari:
I $ent along $ith soe en fro the Ash)ariyin to Allah's Apostle and it happened that I et hi
$hile he $as in an angry ood% @e asked hi to pro(ide us $ith ounts# but he s$ore that he
$ould not gi(e us any% ;ater on he said# HBy Allah# Allah $illing# if e(er I take an oath !to do soe)
thing" and later on I find soething else better than the first# then I do the better one and gi(e e*pi)
ation for the dissolution of y oath%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5:3:
Darrated Al)Musaiyab:
@hen the death of Abu &alib approached# Allah's Apostle cae to hi and said# HSay: ;a ilaha illal)
lah# a $ord $ith $hich I $ill be able to defend you before Allah%H
=olue 7 ) 0210 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5:<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H!Bollo$ing are" t$o $ords !sentences or utterances that are (ery easy for the
tongue to say# and (ery hea(y in the balance !of re$ard#" and the ust belo(ed to the Aracious
Alighty !And they are": Subhan Allah $a bi)hadihiL Subhan Allahi)l)'A-i#H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5:2:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said a sentence and I said another% He said# H@hoe(er dies $hile he is setting up
ri(als along $ith Allah !i%e% $orshipping others along $ith Allah" shall be aditted into the !Hell"
Bire%H And I said the other: H@
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5:4:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle took an oath for abstention fro h is $i(es !for one onth"# and during those days
he had a sprain in his foot% He stayed in a Mashrubah !an upper roo" for t$enty)nine nights and
then cae do$n% &hen the people said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou took an oath for abstention !fro
your $i(es" for one onth%H En that he said# A onth can be of t$enty)nine days '
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5:5:
Darrated Abu Ha-i:
Sahl bin Sa'd said# HAbu Usaid# the copanion of the Prophet# got arried# so he in(ited the Proph)
et to his $edding party# and the bride herself ser(ed the% Sahl said to the People# '8o you kno$
$hat drink she ser(ed hi $ithJ She infused soe dates in a pot at night and the ne*t orning she
ser(ed hi $ith the infusion%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5:::
Darrated Sauda:
!the $ife of the Prophet" Ene of our sheep died and $e tanned its skin and kept on infusing dates
in it till it $as a $orn out $ater skin%
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5:7:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue 7 ) 0213 ? 0:66
&he faily of !the Prophet" Muhaad ne(er ate $heat)bread $ith eat for three consecuti(e
days to their fill# till he et Allah%
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 5:1:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Abu &alha said to U Sulai# HI heard the (oice of Allah's Apostle rather $eak# and I kne$ that it
$as because of hunger% Ha(e you anything !to present to the Prophet"JH She said# HKes%H &hen she took
out a fe$ loa(es of barley bread and took a (eil of hers and $rapped the bread $ith a part of it and
sent e to Allah's Apostle% I $ent and found Allah's Apostle sitting in the osCue $ith soe people% I
stood up before hi% Allah's Apostle said to e# HHas Abu &alha sent youJH I said# ' Kes% &hen Allah's
Apostle said to those $ho $ere $ith hi% HAet up and proceed%H I $ent ahead of the !as their fore)
runner" and cae to Abu &alha and infored hi about it% Abu &alha said# HE U SulaiI Allah's
Apostle has coe and $e ha(e no food to feed the%H U Sulai said# HAllah and His Apostle kno$
best%H So Abu &alha $ent out !to recei(e the" till he et Allah's Apostle%
Allah's Apostle cae in copany $ith Abu &alha and they entered the house% Allah's Apostle said#
HE U SulaiI Bring $hate(er you ha(e%H So she brought that !barley" bread and Allah's Apostle
ordered that bread to be broken into sall pieces# and then U Sulai poured o(er it soe butter
fro a leather butter container# and then Allah's Apostle said $hat Allah $anted hi to say# !i%e%
blessing the food"% Allah's Apostle then said# HAdit ten en%H Abu &alha aditted the and they ate
to their fill and $ent out% He again said# HAdit ten en%H He aditted the# and in this $ay all the
people ate to their fill# and they $ere se(enty or eighty en%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 576:
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khattab:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H&he !re$ard of" deeds# depend upon the intentions and e(ery per)
son $ill get the re$ard according to $hat he has intended% So $hoe(er eigrated for the sake of Al)
lah and His Apostle# then his eigration $ill be considered to be for Allah and His Apostle# and $ho)
e(er eigrated for the sake of $orldly gain or for a $oan to arry# then his eigration $ill be
considered to be for $hat he eigrated for%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 570:
Darrated Ka'b bin Malik:
In the last part of his narration about the three $ho reained behind !fro the battle of &abuk"% !I
said" HAs a proof of y true repentance !for not .oining the Holy battle of &abuk"# I shall gi(e up all
y property for the sake of Allah and His Apostle !as an e*piation for that sin"%H &he Prophet said !to
e"# HKeep soe of your $ealth# for that is better for you%H
=olue 7 ) 021< ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 573:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to stay !for a period" in the house of Fainab bint /ahsh !one of the $i(es of the
Prophet " and he used to drink honey in her house% Hafsa and I decided that $hen the Prophet
entered upon either of us# she $ould say# HI sell in you the bad sell of Maghafir !a bad selling
raisin"% Ha(e you eaten MaghafirJH @hen he entered upon one of us# she said that to hi% He replied
!to her"# HDo# but I ha(e drunk honey in the house of Fainab bint /ahsh# and I $ill ne(er drink it
again%H &hen the follo$ing (erse $as re(ealed: 'E Prophet I @hy do you ban !for you" that $hich Al)
lah has ade la$ful for youJ% %%!up to" If you t$o !$i(es of the Prophet turn in repentance to Allah%'
!55%0)2" &he t$o $ere 'Aisha and Hafsa And also the Stateent of Allah: 'And !Reeber" $hen the
Prophet disclosed a atter in confidence to one of his $i(esI' !55%<" i%e%# his saying# HBut I ha(e drunk
honey%H Hisha said: It also eant his saying# HI $ill not drink anyore# and I ha(e taken an oath# so
do not infor anybody of that '
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 57<:
Darrated Sa'id bin Al)Harith:
that he heard Ibn 'Uar saying# H@eren't people forbidden to ake (o$sJH &he Prophet said# 'A
(o$ neither hastens nor delays anything# but by the aking of (o$s# soe of the $ealth of a iser is
taken out%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 572:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he Prophet forbade the aking of (o$s and said# HIt !a (o$" does not pre(ent anything !that has
to take place"# but the property of a iser is spent !taken out" $ith it%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 574:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah says# '&he (o$# does not bring about for the son of Ada anything I ha(e
not decreed for hi# but his (o$ ay coincide $ith $hat has been decided for hi# and by this $ay
I cause a iser to spend of his $ealth% So he gi(es Me !spends in charity" for the fulfillent of $hat
has been decreed for hi $hat he $ould not gi(e Me before but for his (o$%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 575:
Darrated Fahda bin Mudarrab:
=olue 7 ) 0212 ? 0:66
'Iran bin Hussain said# H&he Prophet said# '&he best of you !people" are y generation# and the
second best $ill be those $ho $ill follo$ the# and then those $ho $ill follo$ the second genera)
tion%H Iran added# HI do not reeber $hether he entioned t$o or three !generations" after his
generation% He added# '&hen $ill coe soe people $ho $ill ake (o$s but $ill not fulfill theL
and they $ill be dishonest and $ill not be trust$orthy# and they $ill gi(e their $itness $ithout being
asked to gi(e their $itness# and fatness $ill appear aong the%' H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 57::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er (o$s that he $ill be obedient to Allah# should reain obedient to
HiL and $hoe(er ade a (o$ that he $ill disobey Allah# should not disobey Hi%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 577:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
'Uar said HE Allah's ApostleI I (o$ed to perfor I'tikaf for one night in Al)
during the Pre)Islaic Period of ignorance !before ebracing Isla"% H&he Prophet said# HBulfill your
(o$%H Ibn 'Uar said to the lady# HPray on her behalf%H Ibn 'Abbas said the sae%
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 571:
Darrated Sa'id bin 'Ubada Al)Ansari:
that he consulted the Prophet about a (o$ that had been ade by his other $ho died $ithout
fulfilling it% &he Prophet ga(e his (erdict that he should fulfill it on her behalf% &he (erdict becae
Sunna !i%e% the Prophet's tradition"%
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 516:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
A an cae to the Prophet and said to hi# HMy sister (o$ed to perfor the Ha..# but she died
!before fulfilling it"%H &he Prophet said# H@ould you not ha(e paid her debts if she had anyJH &he an
said# HKes%H &he Prophet said# HSo pay Allah's Rights# as He is ore entitled to recei(e His rights%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 510:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er (o$ed to be obedient to Allah# ust be obedient to HiL and $hoe(er
(o$ed to be disobedient to Allah# should not be disobedient to Hi%H
=olue 7 ) 0214 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 513:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HAllah is not in need of this an" torturing hiself#H $hen he sa$ the an $alk)
ing bet$een his t$o sons !$ho $ere supporting hi"%
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 51<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet sa$ a an perforing &a$af around the Ka'ba# tied $ith a rope or soething else
!$hile another person $as holding hi"% &he Prophet cut that rope off%
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 512:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
@hile perforing the &a$af around the Ka'ba# the Prophet passed by a person leading another
person by a hair)rope nose)ring in his nose% &he Prophet cut the hair)rope nose)ring off $ith his
hand and ordered the an to lead hi by the hand%
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 514:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
@hile the Prophet $as deli(ering a seron# he sa$ a an standing# so he asked about that an%
&hey !the people" said# HIt is Abu Israil $ho has (o$ed that he $ill stand and ne(er sit do$n# and he
$ill ne(er coe in the shade# nor speak to anybody# and $ill fast%'' &he Prophet said# HErder hi to
speak and let hi coe in the shade# and ake hi sit do$n# but let hi coplete his fast%H
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 515:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
that he $as asked about a an $ho had (o$ed that he $ould fast all the days of his life then the
day of 'Id al Adha or 'Id)al)Bitr cae% 'Abdullah bin 'Uar said: Kou ha(e indeed a good e*aple in
Allah's Apostle% He did not fast on the day of 'Id al Adha or the day of 'Id)al)Bitr# and $e do not in)
tend fasting on these t$o days%
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 51::
Darrated Fiyad bin /ubair:
=olue 7 ) 0215 ? 0:66
I $as $ith Ibn 'Uar $hen a an asked hi# HI ha(e (o$ed to fast e(ery &uesday or @ednesday
throughout y life and if the day of y fasting coincided $ith the day of Dahr !the first day of 'Id)
al)Adha"# !@hat shall I doJ"H Ibn 'Uar said# HAllah has ordered the (o$s to be fulfilled# and $e are
forbidden to fast on the day of Dahr%H &he an repeated his Cuestion and Ibn 'Uar repeated his
forer ans$er# adding nothing ore%
=olue 7# Book :7# Duber 517:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@e $ent out in the copany of Allah's Apostle on the day of !the battle of" Khaibar# and $e did
not get any gold or sil(er as $ar booty# but $e got property in the for of things and clothes% &hen a
an called Rifa'a bin Faid# fro the tribe of Bani Ad)8ubaib# presented a sla(e naed Mid'a to Al)
lah's Apostle% Allah's Apostle headed to$ards the (alley of Al),ura# and $hen he $as in the (alley of
Al),ura an arro$ $as thro$n by an unidentified person# struck and killed Mid'a $ho $as aking
a she)cael of Allah's Apostle kneel do$n% &he people said# H9ongratulations to hi !the sla(e" for
gaining Paradise%H Allah's Apostle said# HDoI By Hi in @hose Hand y soul is# for the sheet $hich he
stole fro the $ar booty before its distribution on the day of Khaibar# is no$ burning o(er hi%H
@hen the people heard that# a an brought one or t$o Shiraks !leather straps of shoes" to the
Prophet% &he Prophet said# HA Shirak of fire# or t$o Shiraks of fire%H
=olue 7 ) 021: ? 0:66
Book :1: +*piation for Unfulfilled Eaths
=olue 7# Book :1# Duber 511:
Darrated Ka'b bin 'U.ra:
I cae to the Prophet and he said to e# H9oe near%H So I $ent near to hi and he said# HAre your
lice troubling youJH I replied# HKes%H He said# H!Sha(e your head and" ake e*piation in the for of
fasting# SadaCa !gi(ing in charity"# or offering a sacrifice%H !&he sub)narrator" Aiyub said# HBasting
should be for three days# and the Dusuk !sacrifice" is to be a sheep# and the SadaCa is to be gi(en to
si* poor persons%H
=olue 7# Book :1# Duber :66:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an cae to the Prophet and said# HI a ruinedIH &he Prophet said# H@hat is the atter $ith
youJH He said# HI had se*ual relation $ith y $ife !$hile I $as fasting" in Raadan%H &he Prophet
said# HHa(e you got enough to anuit a sla(eJH He said# HDo%H &he Prophet said# H9an you fast for
t$o successi(e onthsJH &he an said# HDo%H &he Prophet said# H9an you feed si*ty poor personsJH
&he an said# HDo%H &hen the Prophet said to hi# HSit do$n#H and he sat do$n% After$ards an 'IrC# i%e%#
a big basket containing dates $as brought to the Prophet and the Prophet said to hi# H&ake this and
gi(e it in charity%H &he an said# H&o poorer people than $eJH En that# the Prophet siled till his pre)
olar teeth becae (isible# and then told hi# HBeed your faily $ith it%H !See Hadith Do% 04:# =ol <"
=olue 7# Book :1# Duber :60:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HI a ruinedIH &he Prophet said to hi# H@hat is the at)
terJH He said# HI ha(e done a se*ual relation $ith y $ife !$hile fasting" in Raadan%H &he Prophet
said to hiJH H9an you afford to anuit a sla(eJH He said# HDo%H &he Prophet said# H9an you fast for
t$o successi(e onthsJH He said# HDo%H &he Prophet said# H9an you feed si*ty poor personsJH He said#
HDo%H &hen an Ansari an cae $ith an IrC !a big basket full of dates"% &he Prophet said !to the an"#
H&ake this !basket" and gi(e it in charity%H &hat an said# H&o poorer people than $e# E Allah's
ApostleJ By Hi @ho has sent you $ith the &ruthI &here is no house in bet$een the t$o ountains
!of the city of Medina" poorer than $e%H So the Prophet said !to hi"# HAo and feed it to your faily%H
=olue 7 ) 0217 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :1# Duber :63:
Darrated Abu Huraira :
A an cae to the Prophets and said# HI a ruinedIH &he Prophet said# H@hat is the atter $ith
youJH He said# HI ha(e done a se*ual relation $ith y $ife !$hile fasting" in RaadanH &he Prophet
said to hi# H9an you afford to anuit a sla(eJH He said# HDo%H &he Prophet said# H9an you fast for
t$o successi(e onthsJH He said# HDo%H &he Prophet said# H9an you feed si*ty poor personsJH He said#
HI ha(e nothing%H ;ater on an IrC !big basket" containing dates $as gi(en to the Prophet# and the
Prophet said !to hi"# H&ake this basket and gi(e it in charity%H &he an said# H&o poorer people than
$eJ Indeed# there is nobody bet$een its !i%e%# Medina's" t$o ountains $ho is poorer than $e%H &he
Prophet then said# H&ake it and feed your faily $ith it%H
=olue 7# Book :1# Duber :6<:
Darrated Al)/u'aid bin Abdur)Rahan:
As)Sa'ib bin Ka-id said# H&he Sa' at the tie of the Prophet $as eCual to one Mudd plus one)third
of a Mudd of your tie# and then it $as increased in the tie of 9aliph 'Uar bin 'Abdul A-i-%H
=olue 7# Book :1# Duber :62:
Darrated Dafi:
Ibn Uar used to gi(e the Fakat of Raadan !Fakat)al)Bitr" according to the Mudd of the Proph)
et# the first Mudd# and he also used to gi(e things for e*piation for oaths according to the Mudd of
the Prophet% Abu ,utaiba said# HMalik said to us# 'Eur Mudd !i%e%# of Medina" is better than yours and
$e do not see any superiority e*cept in the Mudd of the ProphetI' Malik further said# to e# 'If a
ruler cae to you and fi*ed a Mudd saller than the one of the Prophet# by $hat Mudd $ould you
easure $hat you gi(e !for e*piation or Fakat)al)BitrJ' I replied# '@e $ould gi(e it according to the
Mudd of the Prophet' En that# Malik said# '&hen# don't you see that $e ha(e to re(ert to the Mudd of
the Prophet ultiatelyJ'H
=olue 7# Book :1# Duber :64:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# HE AllahI Besto$ Kour Blessings on their easures# Sa' and Mudd !i%e%# of the
people of Medina" H
=olue 7# Book :1# Duber :65:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 7 ) 0211 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HIf soebody anuits a Musli sla(e# Allah $ill sa(e fro the Bire e(ery part
of his body for freeing the corresponding parts of the sla(e's body# e(en his pri(ate parts $ill be
sa(ed fro the Bire" because of freeing the sla(e's pri(ate parts%H
=olue 7# Book :1# Duber :6::
Darrated 'Ar:
/abir said: An Ansari an ade his sla(e a Mudabbar and he had no other property than hi%
@hen the Prophet heard of that# he said !to his copanions"# H@ho $ants to buy hi !i%e%# the sla(e"
for eJH Du'ai bin An)Dahha bought hi for eight hundred 8irhas% I heard /abir saying# H&hat
$as a coptic sla(e $ho died in the sae year%H
=olue 7# Book :1# Duber :67:
Darrated 'Aisha:
that she intended to buy Barira !a sla(e girl" and her asters stipulated that they $ould ha(e her
@ala'% @hen 'Aisha entioned that to the Prophet L he said# HBuy her# for the @ala' is for the one $ho
=olue 7# Book :1# Duber :61:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ash'ari:
I $ent to Allah's Apostle along $ith a group of people fro !the tribe of" Al)Ash'ari# asking for
ounts% &he Prophet said# HBy Allah# I $ill not gi(e you anything to ride# and I ha(e nothing to ount
you on%H @e stayed there as long as Allah $ished# and after that# soe caels $ere brought to the
Prophet and he ordered that $e be gi(en three caels% @hen $e set out# soe of us said to others#
HAllah $ill not bless us# as $e all $ent to Allah's Apostle asking hi for ounts# and although he had
s$orn that he $ould not gi(e us ounts# he did gi(e us%H So $e returned to the ProphetL and en)
tioned that to hi% He said# HI ha(e not pro(ided you $ith ounts# but Allah has% By Allah# Allah $ill)
ing# if I e(er take an oath# and then see that another is better than the first# I ake e*piration for y
!dissol(ed" oath# and do $hat is better and ake e*piration%H
=olue 7# Book :1# Duber :06:
Darrated Haad:
the sae narration abo(e !i%e% :61"# HI ake e*piation for y dissol(ed oath# and I do $hat is bet)
ter# or do $hat is better and ake e*piation%H
=olue 7 ) 0466 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :1# Duber :00:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
!&he Prophet" Soloon said# H&onight I $ill sleep $ith !y" ninety $i(es# each of $ho $ill get a
ale child $ho $ill fight for Allah's 9ause%H En that# his copanion !Sufyan said that his copanion
$as an angel" said to hi# HSay# HIf Allah $ill !Allah $illing"%H But Soloon forgot !to say it"% He slept
$ith all his $i(es# but none of the $oen ga(e birth to a child# e*cept one $ho ga(e birth to a half)
boy% Abu Huraira added: &he Prophet said# HIf Soloon had said# HIf Allah $illH !Allah $illing"# he
$ould not ha(e been unsuccessful in his action# and $ould ha(e attained $hat he had desired%H Ence
Abu Huraira added: Allah apostle said# HIf he had accepted%H
=olue 7# Book :1# Duber :03:
Darrated Fahda al)/ari:
@e $ere sitting $ith Abu Musa Al)Ash'sari# and as there $ere ties of friendship and utual fa)
(ors bet$een us and his tribe% His eal $as presented before hi and there $as chicken eat in it%
Aong those $ho $ere present there $as a an fro Bani &aiillah ha(ing a red cople*ion as a
non)Arab freed sla(e# and that an did not approach the eal% Abu Musa said to hi# H9oe alongI
I ha(e seen Allah's Apostle eating of that !i%e%# chicken"%H &he an said# HI ha(e seen it !chickens" eat)
ing soething I regarded as dirty# and so I ha(e taken an oath that I shall not eat !its eat" chicken%H
Abu Musa said# H9oe alongI I $ill infor you about it !i%e%# your oath"%
Ence $e $ent to Allah's Apostle in copany $ith a group of Ash'airiyin# asking hi for ounts
$hile he $as distributing soe caels fro the caels of Fakat% !Aiyub said# HI think he said that the
Prophet $as in an angry ood at the tie%H" &he Prophet said# 'By AllahI I $ill not gi(e you ounts#
and I ha(e nothing to ount you on%' After $e had left# soe caels of booty $ere brought to Allah's
Apostle and he said# H@here are those Ash'ariyinJ @here are those Ash'ariyinJH So $e $ent !to hi"
and he ga(e us fi(e (ery fat good)looking caels% @e ounted the and $ent a$ay# and then I said
to y copanions# '@e $ent to Allah's Apostle to gi(e us ounts# but he took an oath that he $ould
not gi(e us ounts# and then later on he sent for us and ga(e us ounts# perhaps Allah's Apostle for)
got his oath% By Allah# $e $ill ne(er be successful# for $e ha(e taken ad(antage of the fact that Al)
lah's Apostle forgot to fulfill his oath% So let us return to Allah's Apostle to reind hi of his oath%'
@e returned and said# 'E Allah's ApostleI @e cae to you and asked you for ounts# but you took an
oath that you $ould not gi(e us ounts" but later on you ga(e us ounts# and $e thought or con)
sidered that you ha(e forgotten your oath%' &he Prophet said# '8epart# for Allah has gi(en you
Mounts% By Allah# Allah $illing# if I take an oath and then later find another thing better than that# I
do $hat is better# and ake e*piation for the oath%' H
=olue 7 ) 0460 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book :1# Duber :0<:
Darrated Fahda:
the sae narration as abo(e !i%e% Do% :03"%
=olue 7# Book :1# Duber :02:
Darrated Fahda:
the sae narration as abo(e !i%e% Do% :03"%
=olue 7# Book :1# Duber :04:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Saura:
Allah's Apostle said# H!E 'Abdur)RahanI" 8o not seek to be a ruler# for# if you are gi(en the au)
thority of ruling $ithout your asking for it# then Allah $ill help youL but if you are gi(en it by your
asking# then you $ill be held responsible for it !i%e% Allah $ill not help you " % And if you take an oath
to do soething and later on find another thing# better than that# then do $hat is better and ake
e*piation for !the dissolution of" your oath%H
=olue 7 ) 0463 ? 0:66
Book 76: ;a$s of Inheritance !Al)Baraa'id"
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :05:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
I becae sick so Allah's Apostle and Abu Bakr cae on foot to pay e a (isit% @hen they cae# I
$as unconscious% Allah's Apostle perfored ablution and he poured o(er e the $ater !of his ablu)
tion" and I cae to y senses and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat shall I do regarding y propertyJ
Ho$ shall I distribute itJH &he Prophet did not reply till the 8i(ine =erses of inheritance $ere re)
(ealed %
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :0::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# 'Be$are of suspicion# for it is the $orst of false tales and don't look for the
other's faults and don't spy and don't hate each other# and don't desert !cut your relations $ith" one
another E Allah's sla(es# be brothersIH !See Hadith Do% 16"
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :07:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Batia and Al 'Abbas cae to Abu Bakr# seeking their share fro the property of Allah's Apostle
and at that tie# they $ere asking for their land at Badak and their share fro Khaibar% Abu Bakr
said to the# H I ha(e heard fro Allah's Apostle saying# 'Eur property cannot be inherited# and
$hate(er $e lea(e is to be spent in charity# but the faily of Muhaad ay take their pro(isions
fro this property%H Abu Bakr added# HBy Allah# I $ill not lea(e the procedure I sa$ Allah's Apostle
follo$ing during his lifetie concerning this property%H &herefore Batia left Abu Bakr and did not
speak to hi till she died%
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :01:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# HEur !Apostles'" property should not be inherited# and $hate(er $e lea(e# is to be
spent in charity%H
=olue 7 ) 046< ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :36:
Darrated Malik bin Aus:
'I $ent and entered upon 'Uar# his dooran# Karfa cae saying 'Uthan# 'Abdur)Rahan# A-)
Fubair and Sa'd are asking your perission !to see you"% May I adit theJ 'Uar said# 'Kes%' So he
aditted the &hen he cae again and said# 'May I adit 'Ali and 'AbbasJ' He said# 'Kes%' 'Abbas said#
'E# chief of the belie(ersI /udge bet$een e and this an !Ali "% 'Uar said# 'I beseech you by Allah
by @hose perission both the hea(en and the earth e*ist# do you kno$ that Allah's Apostle said#
'Eur !the Apostles'" property $ill not be inherited# and $hate(er $e lea(e !after our death" is to be
spent in charityJ' And by that Allah's Apostle eant hiself%' &he group said# '!Do doubt"# he said so%'
'Uar then faced 'Ali and 'Abbas and said# '8o you both kno$ that Allah's Apostle said thatJ' &hey
replied# '!Do doubt"# he said so%' 'Uar said# 'So let e talk to you about this atter% Allah fa(ored His
Apostle $ith soething of this Bai' !i%e% booty $on by the Muslis at $ar $ithout fighting" $hich He
did not gi(e to anybody elseL
Allah said:)) 'And $hat Allah ga(e to His Apostle ! Bai' Booty" %%%%%%%%%to do all things%%%%!41%5" And so
that property $as only for Allah's Apostle % Ket# by Allah# he neither gathered that property for hi)
self nor $ithheld it fro you# but he ga(e its incoe to you# and distributed it aong you till there
reained the present property out of $hich the Prophet used to spend the yearly aintenance for
his faily# and $hate(er used to reain# he used to spend it $here Allah's property is spent !i%e% in
charity etc%"% Allah's Apostle follo$ed that throughout his life%
Do$ I beseech you by Allah# do you kno$ all thatJ' &hey said# 'Kes%' 'Uar then said to 'Ali and 'Ab)
bas# 'I beseech you by Allah# do you kno$ thatJ' Both of the said# 'Kes%' 'Uar added# 'And $hen the
Prophet died# Abu Bakr said# ' I a the successor of Allah's Apostle# and took charge of that property
and anaged it in the sae $ay as Allah's Apostle did%
&hen I took charge of this property for t$o years during $hich I anaged it as Allah's Apostle and
Abu Bakr did% &hen you both !'Ali and 'Abbas" cae to talk to e# bearing the sae clai and
presenting the sae case% !E 'AbbasI" Kou cae to e asking for your share fro the property of
your nephe$# and this an !Ali" cae to e# asking for the share of h is $ife fro the property of
her father% I said# 'If you both $ish# I $ill gi(e that to you on that condition !i%e% that you $ould fol)
lo$ the $ay of the Prophet and Abu Bakr and as I !Uar" ha(e done in an aging it"%' Do$ both of
you seek of e a (erdict other than thatJ ;oI By Allah# by @hose perission both the hea(en and the
earth e*ist# I $ill not gi(e any (erdict other than that till the Hour is established% If you are unable to
anage it# then return it to e# and I $ill be sufficient to anage it on your behalf%' H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :30:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 7 ) 0462 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# HDot e(en a single 8inar of y property should be distributed !after y deaths
to y inheritors# but $hate(er I lea(e e*cluding the pro(ision for y $i(es and y ser(ants# should
be spent in charity%H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :33:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
'Aisha said# H@hen Allah's Apostle died# his $i(es intended to send 'Uthan to Abu Bakr asking
hi for their share of the inheritance%H &hen 'Aisha said to the# H8idn't Allah's Apostle say# 'Eur
!Apostles'" property is not to be inherited# and $hate(er $e lea(e is to be spent in charityJ'H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :3<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HI a ore closer to the belie(ers than their o$n sel(es# so $hoe(er !of the"
dies $hile being in debt and lea(es nothing for its repayent# then $e are to pay his debts on his be)
half and $hoe(er !aong the belie(ers" dies lea(ing soe property# then that property is for his
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :32:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HAi(e the Bara'id !the shares of the inheritance that are prescribed in the ,ur'an"
to those $ho are entitled to recei(e it% &hen $hate(er reains# should be gi(en to the closest ale
relati(e of the deceased %H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :34:
Darrated Sa'd bin Abi @aCCas:
I $as stricken by an ailent that led e to the (erge of death% &he Prophet cae to pay e a (isit%
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e uch property and no heir e*cept y single daughter% Shall I gi(e
t$o)thirds of y property in charityJH He said# HDo%H I said# HHalf of itJH He said# HDo%H I said# HEne)
third of itJH He said# HKou ay do so" though one)third is also to a uch# for it is better for you to
lea(e your off)spring $ealthy than to lea(e the poor# asking others for help% And $hate(er you
spend !for Allah's sake" you $ill be re$arded for it# e(en for a orsel of food $hich you ay put in
the outh of your $ife%H I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @ill I reain behind and fail to coplete y
eigrationJH &he Prophet said# HIf you are left behind after e# $hate(er good deeds you $ill do for
Allah's sake# that $ill upgrade you and raise you high% May be you $ill ha(e long life so that soe
people ay benefit by you and others !the eneies" be hared by you%H But Allah's Apostle felt sorry
=olue 7 ) 0464 ? 0:66
for Sa'd bin Khaula as he died in Mecca% !Sufyan# a sub)narrator said that Sa'd bin Khaula $as a an
fro the tribe of Bani 'Air bin ;u'ai%"
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :35:
Darrated Al)As$ad bin Ka-id:
Mu'adh bin /abal cae to us in Keen as a tutor and a ruler# and $e !the people of Keen" asked
hi about !the distribution of the property of " a an $ho had died lea(ing a daughter and a sister%
Mu'adh ga(e the daughter one)half of the property and ga(e the sister the other half%
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :3::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle said# HAi(e the Bara'id !shares prescribed in the ,ur'an" to those $ho are entitled to
recei(e itL and $hate(er reains# should be gi(en to the closest ale relati(e of the deceased%'
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :37:
Darrated Hu-ail bin Shirahbil:
Abu Musa $as asked regarding !the inheritance of" a daughter# a son's daughter# and a sister% He
said# H&he daughter $ill take one)half and the sister $ill take one)half% If you go to Ibn Mas'ud# he
$ill tell you the sae%H Ibn Mas'ud $as asked and $as told of Abu Musa's (erdict% Ibn Mas'ud then
said# HIf I gi(e the sae (erdict# I $ould stray and $ould not be of the rightly)guided% &he (erdict I
$ill gi(e in this case# $ill be the sae as the Prophet did# i%e% one)half is for daughter# and one)si*th
for the son's daughter# i%e% both shares ake t$o)thirds of the total propertyL and the rest is for the
sister%H After$ards $e cas to Abu Musa and infored hi of Ibn Mas'ud's (erdict# $hereupon he
said# HSo# do not ask e for (erdicts# as long as this learned an is aong you%H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :31:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HAi(e the Bara'id# !the shares prescribed in the ,ur'an" to those $ho are entitled
to recei(e it# and then $hate(er reains# should be gi(en to the closest ale relati(e of the deceased%H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :<6:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
=olue 7 ) 0465 ? 0:66
&he person about $ho Allah's Apostle said# HIf I $ere to take a Khalil fro this nation !y fol)
lo$ers"# then I $ould ha(e taken hi !i%e%# Abu Bakr"# but the Islaic Brotherhood is better !or said:
good"#H regarded a grandfather as the father hiself !in inheritance"%
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :<0:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
!8uring the early days of Isla"# the inheritance used to be gi(en to one's offspring and legacy
used to be beCueathed to the parents# then Allah cancelled $hat He $ished fro that order and de)
creed that the ale should be gi(en the eCui(alent of the portion of t$o feales# and for the parents
one)si*th for each of the# and for one's $ife one)eighth !if the deceased has children" and one)
fourth !if he has no children"# for one's husband one)half !if the deceased has no children" and one)
fourth !if she has children"%H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :<3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle ga(e the .udgent that a ale or feale sla(e should be gi(en in ,isas for an
abortion case of a $oan fro the tribe of Bani ;ihyan !as blood oney for the fetus" but the lady
on $ho the penalty had been iposed died# so the Prophets ordered that her property be inherited
by her offspring and her husband and that the penalty be paid by her Asaba%
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :<<:
Darrated Al)As$ad:
Mu'adh bin /abal ga(e this (erdict for us in the lifetie of Allah's Apostle% Ene)half of the inherit)
ance is to be gi(en to the daughter and the other half to the sister% Sulaian said: Mu'adh ga(e a (er)
dict for us# but he did not ention that it $as so in the lifetie of Allah's Apostle%
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :<2:
Darrated Hu-ail:
'Abdullah said# H&he .udgent I $ill gi(e in this atter $ill be like the .udgent of the Prophet# i%e%
one)half is for the daughter and one)si*th for the son's daughter and the rest of the inheritance for
the sister%H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :<4:
Darrated /abir:
=olue 7 ) 046: ? 0:66
@hile I $as sick# the Prophet entered upon e and asked for soe $ater to perfor ablution# and
after he had finished his ablution# he sprinkled soe $ater of his ablution o(er e# $hereupon I be)
cae conscious and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e sisters%H &hen the 8i(ine =erses regarding the
la$s of inheritance $ere re(ealed%
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :<5:
Darrated Al)Bara:
&he last ,uranic =erse that $as re(ealed !to the Prophet" $as the final =erse of Surat)an)Disa# i%e%#
'&hey ask you for a legal (erdict Say: Allah directs !thus" About those $ho lea(e Do descendants or
ascendants as heirs%%%%' !2%0:5"
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :<::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HI a ore closer to the belie(ers than their o$nsel(es# so $hoe(er !aong
the" dies lea(ing soe inheritance# his inheritance $ill be gi(en to his 'Asaba# and $hoe(er dies
lea(ing a debt or dependants or destitute children# then I a their supporter%H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :<7:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HAi(e the Bara'id !the shares of the inheritance that are prescribed in the ,ur'an"
to those $ho are entitled to recei(e itL and $hate(er is left should be gi(en to the closest ale relati(e
of the deceased%H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :<1:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas: regarding the Holy =erse:))'And to e(eryone# @e ha(e appointed heirs%
@hen the eigrants cae to Medina# the Ansar used to be the heir of the eigrants !and (ice
(ersa" instead of their o$n kindred by blood !8ha$l)l)arha"# and that $as because of the bond of
brotherhood $hich the Prophet had established bet$een the# i%e% the Ansar and the eigrants% But
$hen the 8i(ine =erse:))
'And to e(eryone @e ha(e appointed heirs#' !2%<<" $as re(ealed# it cancelled the other# order i%e%
'&o those also# to $ho Kour right hands ha(e pledged%'
=olue 7 ) 0467 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :26:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
A an and his $ife had a case of ;ian !or Mula'ana" during the lifetie of the Prophet and the
an denied the paternity of her child% &he Prophet ga(e his (erdict for their separation !di(orce" and
then the child $as regarded as belonging to the $ife only%
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :20:
Darrated 'Aisha:
'Utba !bin Abi @aCCas" said to his brother Sa'd# H&he son of the sla(e girl of Fa'a is y son# so be
his custodian%H So $hen it $as the year of the 9onCuest of Mecca# Sa'd took that child and said# HHe is
y nephe$# and y brother told e to be his custodian%H En that# 'Abu bin Fa'a got up and said#
'but the child is y brother# and the son of y father's sla(e girl as he $as born on his bed%H So they
both $ent to the Prophet% Sa'd said# HE Allah's ApostleI !&his is" the son of y brother and he told e
to be his custodian%H &hen 'Abu bin Fa'a said# H!But he is" y brother and the son of the sla(e girl of
y father# born on his bed%H &he Prophet said# H&his child is for you% E 'Abu bin Fa'a# as the child is
for the o$ner of the bed# and the adulterer recei(es the stones%H He then ordered !his $ife" Sauda bint
Fa'a to co(er herself before that boy as he noticed the boy's reseblance to 'Utba% Since then the
boy had ne(er seen Sauda till he died%
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :23:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he boy is for the o$ner of the bed%H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :2<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I bought Barira !a feale sla(e"% &he Prophet said !to e"# HBuy her as the @ala' is for the anu)
itted%H Ence she $as gi(en a sheep !in charity"% &he Prophet said# HIt !the sheep" is a charitable gift
for her !Barira" and a gift for us%H Al)Haka said# HBarira's husband $as a free an%H Ibn 'Abbas said#
'@hen I sa$ hi# he $as a sla(e%H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :22:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H&he @ala' is for the anuitted !of the sla(e"%H
=olue 7 ) 0461 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :24:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Muslis did not free sla(es as Sa'iba# but the People of the Pre)lslaic Period of Ignorance
used to do so%
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :25:
Darrated Al)As$ad:
'Aisha bought Barira in order to anuit her# but her asters stipulated that her @ala' !after her
death" $ould be for the% 'Aisha said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e bought Barira in order to anuit
her# but her asters stipulated that her @ala' $ill be for the%H &he Prophet said# HManuit her as
the @ala is for the one $ho anuits !the sla(e"#H or said# H&he one $ho pays her price%H &hen 'Aisha
bought and anuitted her% After that# Barira $as gi(en the choice !by the Prophet" !to stay $ith
her husband or lea(e hi"% She said# HIf he ga(e e so uch and so uch !oney" I $ould not stay
$ith hi%H !Al)As$ad added: Her husband $as a free an%" &he sub)narrator added: &he series of
the narrators of Al)As$ad's stateent is incoplete% &he stateent of Ibn Abbas# i%e%# $hen I sa$ hi
he $as a sla(e# is ore authentic%
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :2::
Darrated 'Ali:
@e ha(e no Book to recite e*cept the Book of Allah !,ur'an" and this paper% &hen 'Ali took out the
paper# and behold I &here $as $ritten in it# legal (erdicts about the retaliation for $ounds# the ages
of the caels !to be paid as Fakat or as blood oney"% In it $as also $ritten: 'Medina is a sanctuary
fro Air !ountain" to &haur !ountain"% So $hoe(er inno(ates in it an heresy !soething ne$ in
religion" or coits a crie in it or gi(es shelter to such an inno(ator# $ill incur the curse of Allah#
the angels and all the people# and none of his copulsory or optional good deeds $ill be accepted on
the 8ay of Resurrection% And $hoe(er !a freed sla(e" takes as his aster !i%e% be)friends" soe people
other than hi real asters $ithout the perission of his real asters# $ill incur the curse of Allah#
the angels and all the people# and none of his copulsory# or optional good deeds $ill be accepted
on the 8ay of Resurrection% And the asylu granted by any Musli is to be secured by all the
Muslis# e(en if it is granted by one of the lo$est social status aong theL and $hoe(er betrays a
Musli# in this respect $ill incur the curse of Allah# the angels# and all the people# and none of his
9opulsory or optional good deeds $ill be accepted on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :27:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
=olue 7 ) 0406 ? 0:66
&he Prophet forbade the selling of the @ala' !of sla(es" or gi(ing it as a present%
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :21:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
&hat Aisha# the other of the Belie(ers# intended to buy a sla(e girl in order to anuit her% &he
sla(e girl's aster said# H@e are ready to sell her to you on the condition that her @ala should be for
us%H Aisha entioned that to Allah's Apostle $ho said# H&his !condition" should not pre(ent you fro
buying her# for the @ala is for the one $ho anuits !the sla(e"%H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :46:
Darrated Al)As$ad:
Aisha said# HI bought Barira and her asters stipulated that the @ala $ould be for the%H Aisha
entioned that to the Prophet and he said# HManuit her# as the @ala is for the one $ho gi(es the
sil(er !i%e% pays the price for freeing the sla(e"%H Aisha added# HSo I anuitted her% After that# the
Prophet caller her !Barira" and ga(e her the choice to go back to her husband or not% She said# HIf he
ga(e e so uch and so uch !oney" I $ould not stay $ith hi%H So she selected her o$nself !i%e%
refused to go back to her husband"%H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :40:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
@hen Aisha intended to buy Barira# she said to the Prophet# HBarira's asters stipulated that they
$ill ha(e the @ala%H &he Prophet said !to Aisha"# HBuy her# as the @ala is for the one $ho anuits%H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :43:
Darrated Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he $ala is for the one $ho gi(es the sil(er !pays the price" and does the fa)
(or !of anuission after paying the price"%H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :4<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# H&he freed sla(e belongs to the people $ho ha(e freed hi#H or said soething
=olue 7 ) 0400 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :42:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# H&he son of the sister of soe people is fro the or fro their o$n sel(es%H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :44:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H If soebody dies !aong the Muslis" lea(ing soe property# the property $ill
go to his heirsL and if he lea(es a debt or dependants# $e $ill take care of the%H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :45:
Darrated Usaa bin Faid:
the Prophet said# HA Musli cannot be the heir of a disbelie(er# nor can a disbelie(er be the heir of
a Musli%H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :4::
Darrated 'Aisha:
Sa'd bin Abi @aCCas and 'Abu bin Fa'a had a dispute o(er a boy% Sa'd said# HE Allah's ApostleI
&his !boy" is the son of y brother# 'Utba bin Abi @aCCas $ho told e to be his custodian as he $as
his son% Please notice to $ho he bears affinity%H And 'Abu bin Fa'a said# H&his is y brother# E Al)
lah's ApostleI He $as born on y father's bed by his sla(e girl%H &hen the Prophet looked at the boy
and noticed e(ident reseblance bet$een hi and 'Utba# so he said# HHe !the toy" is for you# E 'Abu
bin Fa'a# for the boy is for the o$ner of the bed# and the stone is for the adulterer% Screen yourself
before the boy# E Sauda bint Fa'a%H 'Aisha added: Since then he had ne(er seen Sauda%
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :47:
Darrated Sa'd:
I heard the Prophet saying# H@hoe(er clais to be the son of a person other than his father# and he
kno$s that person is not his father# then Paradise $ill be forbidden for hi%H I entioned that to Abu
Bakra# and he said# HMy ears heard that and y heart eori-ed it fro Allah's Apostle
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :41:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 7 ) 0403 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# H8o not deny your fathers !i%e% clai to be the sons of persons other than your
fathers"# and $hoe(er denies his father# is charged $ith disbelief%H
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :56:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here $ere t$o $oen $ith $ho there $ere their t$o sons% A $olf cae
and took a$ay the son of one of the% &hat lady said to her copanion# '&he $olf has taken your
son%' &he other said# 'But it has taken your son%' So both of the sought the .udgent of !the Prophet"
8a(id $ho .udged that the boy should be gi(en to the older lady% &hen both of the $ent to !the
Prophet" Soloon# son of 8a(id and infored hi of the case% Soloon said# 'Ai(e e a knife so that
I ay cut the child into t$o portions and gi(e one half to each of you%' &he younger lady said# '8o not
do soL ay Allah bless you I He is her child%' En that# he ga(e the child to the younger lady%H Abu
Huraira added: By AllahI I had ne(er heard the $ord 'Sakkin' as eaning knife# e*cept on that day#
for $e used to call it 'MudyaH
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :50:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle once entered upon e in a (ery happy ood# $ith his features glittering $ith .oy#
and said# HE 'AishaI $on't you see that Mu.a--i- !a ,a'if" looked .ust no$ at Faid bin Haritha and
Usaa bin Faid and said# '&hese feet !of Usaa and his father" belong to each other%H !See Hadith Do%
:44# =ol% 2"
=olue 7# Book 76# Duber :53:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Ence Allah's Apostle entered upon e and he $as in a (ery happy ood and said# HE 'Aisha: 8on't
you kno$ that Mu.a--i- Al)Mudli.i entered and sa$ Usaa and Faid $ith a (el(et co(ering on
the and their heads $ere co(ered $hile their feet $ere unco(ered% He said# '&hese feet belong to
each other%'
=olue 7 ) 040< ? 0:66
Book 70: ;iits and Punishents set by Allah
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :5<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen an adulterer coits illegal se*ual intercourse# then he is not a be)
lie(er at the tie he is doing itL and $hen soebody drinks an alcoholic drink# then he is not belie()
er at the tie of drinking# and $hen a thief steals# he is not a belie(er at the tie $hen he is stealingL
and $hen a robber robs and the people look at hi# then he is not a belie(er at the tie of doing it%H
Abu Huraira in another narration# narrated the sae fro the Prophet $ith the e*clusion of rob)
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :52:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet beat a drunk $ith pal)leaf stalks and shoes% And Abu Bakr ga(e !such a sinner"
forty lashes%
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :54:
Darrated 'UCba bin Al)Harith:
An)Du'an or the son of An)Du'an $as brought to the Prophet on a charge of drunkenness% So
the Prophet ordered all the en present in the house# to beat hi% So all of the beat hi# and I $as
also one of the $ho beat hi $ith shoes%
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :55:
Darrated' UCba bin Al)Harith:
An)Du'an or the son of An)Du'an $as brought to the Prophet in a state of into*ication% &he
Prophet felt it hard !$as angry" and ordered all those $ho $ere present in the house# to beat hi%
And they beat hi# using pal)leaf stalks and shoes# and I $as aong those $ho beat hi%
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :5::
Darrated Anas:
=olue 7 ) 0402 ? 0:66
&he Prophet lashed a drunk $ith dateleaf stalks and shoes% And Abu Bakr ga(e a drunk forty
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :57:
Darrated Abu Salaa:
Abu Huraira said# HA an $ho drank $ine $as brought to the Prophet% &he Prophet said# 'Beat
hiIH Abu Huraira added# HSo soe of us beat hi $ith our hands# and soe $ith their shoes# and
soe $ith their garents !by t$isting it" like a lash# and then $hen $e finished# soeone said to
hi# 'May Allah disgrace youI' En that the Prophet said# '8o not say so# for you are helping Satan to
o(erpo$er hi%' H
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :51:
Darrated 'Ali bin Abi &alib:
I $ould not feel sorry for one $ho dies because of recei(ing a legal punishent# e*cept the drunk#
for if he should die !$hen being punished"# I $ould gi(e blood oney to his faily because no fi*ed
punishent has been ordered by Allah's Apostle for the drunk%
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber ::6:
Darrated As)Sa'ib bin Ka-id:
@e used to strike the drunks $ith our hands# shoes# clothes !by t$isting it into the shape of lashes"
during the lifetie of the Prophet# Abu Bakr and the early part of 'Uar's caliphate% But during the
last period of 'Uar's caliphate# he used to gi(e the drunk forty lashesL and $hen drunks becae
ischie(ous and disobedient# he used to scourge the eighty lashes%
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber ::0:
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khattab:
8uring the lifetie of the Prophet there $as a an called 'Abdullah $hose nicknae $as 8onkey#
and he used to ake Allah's Apostle laugh% &he Prophet lashed hi because of drinking !alcohol"%
And one)day he $as brought to the Prophet on the sae charge and $as lashed% En that# a an
aong the people said# HE Allah# curse hi I Ho$ freCuently he has been brought !to the Prophet on
such a charge"IH &he Prophet said# H8o not curse hi# for by Allah# I kno$ for he lo(es Allah and His
=olue 7 ) 0404 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber ::3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A drunk $as brought to the Prophet and he ordered hi to be beaten !lashed"% Soe of us beat
hi $ith our hands# and soe $ith their shoes# and soe $ith their garents !t$isted in the for
of a lash"% @hen that drunk had left# a an said# H@hat is $rong $ith hiJ May Allah disgrace
hiIH Allah's Apostle said# H8o not help Satan against your !Musli" brother%H
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber ::<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# H@hen !a person" an adulterer coits illegal se*ual intercourse then he is not
a belie(er at the tie he is doing itL and $hen soebody steals# then he is not a belie(er at the tie
he is stealing%H
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber ::2:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah curses a an $ho steals an egg and gets his hand cut off# or steals a rope
and gets his hands cut off%H Al)A'ash said# HPeople used to interpret the Baida as an iron helet# and
they used to think that the rope ay cost a fe$ dirhas%H
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber ::4:
Darrated 'Ubada bin As)Sait:
@e $ere $ith the Prophet in a gathering and he said# 'S$ear allegiance to e that you $ill not
$orship anything besides Allah# @ill not steal# and $ill not coit illegal se*ual intercourse%H And
then !the Prophet" recited the $hole =erse !i%e% 56:03"% &he Prophet added# 'And $hoe(er aong you
fulfills his pledge# his re$ard is $ith AllahL and $hoe(er coits soething of such sins and re)
cei(es the legal punishent for it# that $ill be considered as the e*piation for that sin# and $hoe(er
coits soething of such sins and Allah screens hi# it is up to Allah $hether to e*cuse or punish
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber ::5:
Darrated Abdullah:
Allah Apostle said in H@hich onth !of the year" do you think is ost sacredJH
&he people said# H&his current onth of ours !the onth of 8hull)Hi..a"%H He said# H@hich to$n
!country" do you think is the ost sacredJH &hey said# H&his city of ours !Mecca"%H He said# H@hich
=olue 7 ) 0405 ? 0:66
day do you think is the ost sacredJH &he people said# H&his day of ours%H He then said# HAllah# the
Blessed# the Supree# has ade your blood# your property and your honor as sacred as this day of
yours in this to$n of yours# in this onth of yours !and such protection cannot be slighted" e*cept
rightfully%H He then said thrice# HHa(e I con(eyed Allah's Message !to you"JH &he people ans$ered
hi each tie saying# 'Kes%H &he Prophet added# 'May Allah be erciful to you !or# $oe on you"I 8o
not re(ert to disbelief after e by cutting the necks of each other%'
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber ::::
Darrated Aisha:
@hene(er the Prophet $as gi(en an option bet$een t$o things# he used to select the easier of the
t$o as long as it $as not sinfulL but if it $as sinful# he $ould reain far fro it% By Allah# he ne(er
took re(enge for hiself concerning any atter that $as presented to hi# but $hen Allah's ;iits
$ere transgressed# he $ould take re(enge for Allah's Sake%
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber ::7:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Usaa approached the Prophet on behalf of a $oan !$ho had coitted theft"% &he Prophet
said# H&he people before you $ere destroyed because they used to inflict the legal punishents on the
poor and forgi(e the rich% By Hi in @hose Hand y soul isI If Batia !the daughter of the Prophet "
did that !i%e% stole"# I $ould cut off her hand%H
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber ::1:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he ,uraish people becae (ery $orried about the Makh-uiya lady $ho had coitted theft%
&hey said# HDobody can speak !in fa(or of the lady" to Allah's Apostle and nobody dares do that e*)
cept Usaa $ho is the fa(orite of Allah's Apostle% H @hen Usaa spoke to Allah's Apostle about that
atter# Allah's Apostle said# H8o you intercede !$ith e" to (iolate one of the legal punishent of Al)
lahJH &hen he got up and addressed the people# saying# HE peopleI &he nations before you $ent
astray because if a noble person coitted theft# they used to lea(e hi# but if a $eak person aong
the coitted theft# they used to inflict the legal punishent on hi% By Allah# if Batia# the
daughter of Muhaad coitted theft# Muhaad $ill cut off her hand%IH
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :76:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue 7 ) 040: ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# H&he hand should be cut off for stealing soething that is $orth a Cuarter of a
8inar or ore%H
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :70:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# H&he hand of a thief should be cut off for stealing a Cuarter of a 8inar%H
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :73:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# H&he hand should be cut off for stealing a Cuarter of a 8inar%H
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :7<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he hand of a thief $as not cut off during the lifetie of the Prophet e*cept for stealing soething
eCual to a shield in (alue%
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :72:
Darrated 'Aisha:
as abo(e !:7<"%
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :74:
Darrated 'Aisha:
A thief's hand $as not cut off for stealing soething cheaper than a Ha.afa or a &urs !t$o kinds of
shields"# each of $hich $as $orth a !respectable" price%
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :75:
Darrated 'Aisha:
A thief's hand $as not cut off for stealing soething $orth less than the price of a shield# $hether
a &urs or Ha.afa !t$o kinds of shields"# each of $hich $as $orth a !respectable" price%
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :7::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
=olue 7 ) 0407 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle cut off the hand of a thief for stealing a shield that $as $orth three 8irhas%
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :77:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet cut off the hand of a thief for stealing a shield that $as $orth three 8irhas%
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :71:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he Prophet cut off the hand of a thief for stealing a shield that $as $orth three 8irhas%
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :16:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he Prophet cutoff the hand of a thief for stealing a shield that $as $orth three 8irhas%
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :10:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah 's Apostle said# HAllah curses the thief $ho steals an egg !or a helet" for $hich his hand is
to be cut off# or steals a rope# for $hich his hand is to be cut off%H
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :13:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet cut off the hand of a lady# and that lady used to coe to e# and I used to con(ey her
essage to the Prophet and she repented# and her repentance $as sincere%
=olue 7# Book 70# Duber :1<:
Darrated Ubada bin As)Sait:
I ga(e the pledge of allegiance to the Prophet $ith a group of people# and he said# HI take your
pledge that you $ill not $orship anything besides Allah# $ill not steal# $ill not coit infanticide#
$ill not slander others by forging false stateents and spreading it# and $ill not disobey e in any)
thing good% And $hoe(er aong you fulfill all these !obligations of the pledge"# his re$ard is $ith
Allah% And $hoe(er coits any of the abo(e cries and recei(es his legal punishent in this
$orld# that $ill be his e*piation and purification% But if Allah screens his sin# it $ill be up to Allah#
@ho $ill either punish or forgi(e hi according to His $ish%H Abu Abdullah said: HIf a thief repents
=olue 7 ) 0401 ? 0:66
after his hand has been cut off# the his $itness $ell be accepted% Siilarly# if any person upon $ho
any legal punishent has been inflicted# repents# his $itness $ill be accepted%H
=olue 7 ) 0436 ? 0:66
Book 73: Punishent of 8isbelie(ers at @ar
$ith Allah and His Apostle
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber :12:
Darrated Anas:
Soe people fro the tribe of 'Ukl cae to the Prophet and ebraced Isla% &he cliate of Med)
ina did not suit the# so the Prophet ordered the to go to the !herd of ilch" caels of charity and
to drink# their ilk and urine !as a edicine"% &hey did so# and after they had reco(ered fro their
ailent !becae healthy" they turned renegades !re(erted fro Isla" and killed the shepherd of the
caels and took the caels a$ay% &he Prophet sent !soe people" in their pursuit and so they $ere
!caught and" brought# and the Prophets ordered that their hands and legs should be cut off and that
their eyes should be branded $ith heated pieces of iron# and that their cut hands and legs should not
be cauteri-ed# till they die%
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber :14:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet cut off the hands and feet of the en belonging to the tribe of 'Uraina and did not
cauterise !their bleeding libs" till they died%
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber :15:
Darrated Anas:
A group of people fro 'Ukl !tribe" cae to the Prophet and they $ere li(ing $ith the people of
As)Suffa# but they becae ill as the cliate of Medina did not suit the# so they said# HE Allah's
ApostleI Pro(ide us $ith ilk%H &he Prophet said# I see no other $ay for you than to use the caels of
Allah's Apostle%H So they $ent and drank the ilk and urine of the caels# !as edicine" and becae
healthy and fat% &hen they killed the shepherd and took the caels a$ay% @hen a help)seeker cae
to Allah's Apostle# he sent soe en in their pursuit# and they $ere captured and brought before
id day% &he Prophet ordered for soe iron pieces to be ade red hot# and their eyes $ere branded
$ith the and their hands and feet $ere cut off and $ere not cauteri-ed% &hen they $ere put at a
place called Al)Harra# and $hen they asked for $ater to drink they $ere not gi(en till they died%
!Abu ,ilaba said# H&hose people coitted theft and urder and fought against Allah and His
=olue 7 ) 0430 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber :1::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
A group of people fro 'Ukl !or 'Uraina" tribe ))))but I think he said that they $ere fro 'Ukl
cae to Medina and !they becae ill# so" the Prophet ordered the to go to the herd of !Milch" she)
caels and told the to go out and drink the caels' urine and ilk !as a edicine"% So they $ent
and drank it# and $hen they becae healthy# they killed the shepherd and dro(e a$ay the caels%
&his ne$s reached the Prophet early in the orning# so he sent !soe" en in their pursuit and they
$ere captured and brought to the Prophet before idday% He ordered to cut off their hands and legs
and their eyes to be branded $ith heated iron pieces and they $ere thro$n at Al)Harra# and $hen
they asked for $ater to drink# they $ere not gi(en $ater% !Abu ,ilaba said# H&hose $ere the people
$ho coitted theft and urder and re(erted to disbelief after being belie(ers !Muslis"# and
fought against Allah and His ApostleH"%
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber :17:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HSe(en !people" $ill be shaded by Allah by His Shade on the 8ay of Resurrection
$hen there $ill be no shade e*cept His Shade% !&hey $ill be"# a .ust ruler# a young an $ho has
been brought up in the $orship of Allah# a an $ho reebers Allah in seclusion and his eyes are
then flooded $ith tears# a an $hose heart is attached to osCues !offers his copulsory congrega)
tional prayers in the osCue"# t$o en $ho lo(e each other for Allah's Sake# a an $ho is called by
a charing lady of noble birth to coit illegal se*ual intercourse $ith her# and he says# 'I a
afraid of Allah#' and !finally"# a an $ho gi(es in charity so secretly that his left hand does not kno$
$hat his right hand has gi(en%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber :11:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er guarantees e !the chastity of" $hat is bet$een his legs !i%e% his
pri(ate parts"# and $hat is bet$een his .a$s !i%e%# his tongue"# I guarantee hi Paradise%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 766i:
Darrated Anas:
I $ill narrate to you a narration $hich nobody $ill narrate to you after e% I heard that for the
Prophet% I heard the Prophet saying# H&he Hour sill not be establishedH or said: HBro aong the
portents of the Hour is that the religious kno$ledge $ill betaken a$ay !by the death of religious
Scholars" and general ignorance !of religion" $ill appearL and the drinking of alcoholic drinks $ill
=olue 7 ) 0433 ? 0:66
be (ery coon# and !open" illegal se*ual intercourse $ill pre(ail# and en $ill decrease in nuber
$hile $oen $ill increase so uch so that# for fifty $oen there $ill only be one an to look after
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 766e:
Darrated 'Ikria fro Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostles said# H@hen a sla(e !of Allah" coits illegal se*ual intercourse# he is not a be)
lie(er at the tie of coitting itL and if he steals# he is not a belie(er at the tie of stealingL and if
he drinks an alcoholic drink# $hen he is not a belie(er at the tie of drinking itL and he is not a be)
lie(er $hen he coits a urder#H 'Ikria said: I asked Ibn Abbas# HHo$ is faith taken a$ay fro
hiJH He said# ;ike this#H by clasping his hands and then separating the# and added# HBut if he re)
pents# faith returns to hi like this# by clasping his hands again%
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 760:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he one $ho coits an illegal se*ual intercourse is not a belie(er at the tie
of coitting illegal se*ual intercourse and a thief is not a belie(er at the tie of coitting theft
and a drinker of alcoholic drink is not a belie(er at the tie of drinking% Ket# !the gate of" repentance
is open thereafter%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 763:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hich is the biggest sinJH He said# H&o set up ri(als to Allah by $orship)
ping others though He alone has created you%H I asked# H@hat is ne*tJH He said# H&o kill your child lest
it should share your food%H I asked# H@hat is ne*tJH He said# H&o coit illegal se*ual intercourse
$ith the $ife of your neighbor%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 76<:
Darrated Ash)Sha'bi:
fro 'Ali $hen the latter stoned a lady to death on a Briday% 'Ali said# HI ha(e stoned her according
to the tradition of Allah's Apostle%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 762:
Darrated Ash Shaibani:
=olue 7 ) 043< ? 0:66
I asked 'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa# '8id Allah's Apostle carry out the Ra.a penalty ! i%e%# stoning to
death"J' He said# HKes%H I said# HBefore the re(elation of Surat)ar)Dur or after itJH He replied# HI don't
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 764:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah Al)Ansari:
A an fro the tribe of Bani Asla cae to Allah's Apostle and Infored hi that he had co)
itted illegal se*ual intercourse and bore $itness four ties against hiself% Allah's Apostle ordered
hi to be stoned to death as he $as a arried Person%
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 765:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an cae to Allah's Apostle $hile he $as in the osCue# and he called hi# saying# HE Allah's
ApostleI I ha(e coitted illegal se*ual intercourse%'H &he Prophet turned his face to the other side#
but that an repeated his stateent four ties# and after he bore $itness against hiself four ties#
the Prophet called hi# saying# HAre you adJH &he an said# HDo%H &he Prophet said# HAre you ar)
riedJH &he an said# HKes%H &hen the Prophet said# '&ake hi a$ay and stone hi to death%H /abir bin
'Abdullah said: I $as aong the ones $ho participated in stoning hi and $e stoned hi at the
Musalla% @hen the stones troubled hi# he fled# but $e o(er took hi at Al)Harra and stoned hi to
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 76::
Darrated 'Aisha:
Sa'd bin Abi @aCCas and 'Abd bin Fa'a Cuarrelled $ith each other !regarding a child"% &he
Prophet said# H&he boy is for you# E 'Abd bin Fa'a# for the boy is for !the o$ner" of the bed% E
Sauda I Screen yourself fro the boy%H &he sub)narrator# Al);aith added !that the Prophet also said"#
HAnd the stone is for the person $ho coits an illegal se*ual intercourse%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 767:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he boy is for !the o$ner of" the bed and the stone is for the person $ho co)
its illegal se*ual intercourse%'
=olue 7 ) 0432 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 761:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
A /e$ and a /e$ess $ere brought to Allah's Apostle on a charge of coitting an illegal se*ual in)
tercourse% &he Prophet asked the% H@hat is the legal punishent !for this sin" in your Book
!&orah"JH &hey replied# HEur priests ha(e inno(ated the punishent of blackening the faces $ith
charcoal and &a.biya%H 'Abdullah bin Sala said# HE Allah's Apostle# tell the to bring the &orah%H &he
&orah $as brought# and then one of the /e$s put his hand o(er the 8i(ine =erse of the Ra.a !ston)
ing to death" and started reading $hat preceded and $hat follo$ed it% En that# Ibn Sala said to the
/e$# H;ift up your hand%H BeholdI &he 8i(ine =erse of the Ra.a $as under his hand% So Allah's
Apostle ordered that the t$o !sinners" be stoned to death# and so they $ere stoned% Ibn 'Uar added:
So both of the $ere stoned at the Balat and I sa$ the /e$ sheltering the /e$ess%
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 706:
Darrated /abir:
A an fro the tribe of Asla cae to the Prophet and confessed that he had coitted an illegal
se*ual intercourse% &he Prophet turned his face a$ay fro hi till the an bore $itness against
hiself four ties% &he Prophet said to hi# HAre you adJH He said HDo%H He said# HAre you arriedJH
He said# HKes%H &hen the Prophet ordered that he be stoned to death# and he $as stoned to death at the
Musalla% @hen the stones troubled hi# he fled# but he $as caught and $as stoned till he died% &he
Prophet spoke $ell of hi and offered his funeral prayer%
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 700d:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A person had se*ual relation $ith his $ife in the onth of Raadan !$hile he $as fasting"# and
he cae to Allah's Apostle seeking his (erdict concerning that action% &he Prophet said !to hi"# H9an
you afford to anuit a sla(eJH &he an said# HDo%H &he Prophet said# H9an you fast for t$o success)
i(e onthsJH He said# HDo%H &he Prophet said# H&hen feed si*ty poor persons%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 700e:
Darrated 'Aisha:
A an cae to the Prophet in the osCue and said# HI a burnt !ruined"IH &he Prophet asked hi#
H@ith $hat !$hat ha(e you done"JH He said# HI ha(e had se*ual relation $ith y $ife in the onth of
Raadan !$hile fasting"%H &he Prophet said to hi# HAi(e in charity%H He said# HI ha(e nothing%H &he
an sat do$n# and in the eantie there cae a person dri(ing a donkey carrying food to the
Prophet %%%%% !&he sub)narrator# 'Abdur Rahan added: I do not kno$ $hat kind of food it $as"% En
=olue 7 ) 0434 ? 0:66
that the Prophet said# H@here is the burnt personJH &he an said# HHere I a%H &he Prophet said to
hi# H&ake this !food" and gi(e it in charity !to soeone"%H &he an said# H&o a poorer person than lJ
My faily has nothing to eat%H &hen the Prophet said to hi# H&hen eat it yoursel(es%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 703:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hile I $as $ith the Prophet a an cae and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e coitted a legally
punishable sinL please inflict the legal punishent on e'%' &he Prophet did not ask hi $hat he had
done% &hen the tie for the prayer becae due and the an offered prayer along $ith the Prophet #
and $hen the Prophet had finished his prayer# the an again got up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I
ha(e coitted a legally punishable sinL please inflict the punishent on e according to Allah's
;a$s%H &he Prophet said# HHa(en't you prayed $ith usJ' He said# HKes%H &he Prophet said# HAllah has
forgi(en your sin%H or said# H%%%%your legally punishable sin%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 70<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
@hen Ma'i- bin Malik cae to the Prophet !in order to confess"# the Prophet said to hi# HProbably
you ha(e only kissed !the lady"# or $inked# or looked at herJH He said# HDo# E Allah's ApostleIH &he
Prophet said# using no eupheis# H8id you ha(e se*ual intercourse $ith herJH &he narrator added:
At that# !i%e% after his confession" the Prophet ordered that he be stoned !to death"%
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 702:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an fro aong the people# cae to Allah's Apostle $hile Allah's Apostle $as sitting in the
osCue# and addressed hi# saying# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e coitted an illegal se*ual inter)
course%H &he Prophet turned his face a$ay fro hi% &he an cae to that side to $hich the Prophet
had turned his face# and said# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e coitted an illegal intercourse%H &he
Prophet turned his face to the other side# and the an cae to that side# and $hen he confessed four
ties# the Prophet called hi and said# HAre you adJH He said# HDo# E Allah's ApostleIH &he Prophet
said# HAre you arriedJH He said# HKes# E Allah's Apostle%H &he Prophet said !to the people"# H&ake hi
a$ay and stone hi to death%H Ibn Shihab added# HI $as told by one $ho heard /abir# that /abir said# 'I
$as aong those $ho stoned the an# and $e stoned hi at the Musalla !'Id praying Place"# and
$hen the stones troubled hi# he .uped Cuickly and ran a$ay# but $e o(ertook hi at Al)Harra
and stoned hi to death !there"%' H
=olue 7 ) 0435 ? 0:66
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 704:
Darrated Abu Huraira and Faid bin Khalid:
@hile $e $ere $ith the Prophet # a an stood up and said !to the Prophet "# HI beseech you by Al)
lah# that you should .udge us according to Allah's ;a$s%H &hen the an's opponent $ho $as $iser
than hi# got up saying !to Allah's Apostle" H/udge us according to Allah's ;a$ and kindly allo$ e
!to speak"%H &he Prophet said# H'Speak%H He said# HMy son $as a laborer $orking for this an and he
coitted an illegal se*ual intercourse $ith his $ife# and I ga(e one)hundred sheep and a sla(e as a
ranso for y son's sin% &hen I asked a learned an about this case and he infored e that y son
should recei(e one hundred lashes and be e*iled for one year# and the an's $ife should be stoned to
death%H &he Prophet said# HBy Hi in @hose Hand y soul is# I $ill .udge you according to the ;a$s
of Allah% Kour one)hundred sheep and the sla(e are to be returned to you# and your son has to re)
cei(e one)hundred lashes and be e*iled for one year% E UnaisI Ao to the $ife of this an# and if she
confesses# then stone her to death%H Unais $ent to her and she confessed% He then stoned her to death%
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 705:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
'Uar said# HI a afraid that after a long tie has passed# people ay say# H@e do not find the
=erses of the Ra.a !stoning to death" in the Holy Book#H and conseCuently they ay go astray by
lea(ing an obligation that Allah has re(ealed% ;oI I confir that the penalty of Ra.a be inflicted on
hi $ho coits illegal se*ual intercourse# if he is already arried and the crie is pro(ed by $it)
nesses or pregnancy or confession%H Sufyan added# HI ha(e eori-ed this narration in this $ay%H
'Uar added# HSurely Allah's Apostle carried out the penalty of Ra.a# and so did $e after hi%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 70::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
I used to teach !the ,ur'an to" soe people of the Muha.irln !eigrants"# aong $ho there $as
'Abdur Rahan bin 'Auf% @hile I $as in his house at Mina# and he $as $ith 'Uar bin Al)Khattab
during 'Uar's last Ha..# Abdur)Rahan cae to e and said# H@ould that you had seen the an
$ho cae today to the 9hief of the Belie(ers !'Uar"# saying# 'E 9hief of the Belie(ersI @hat do you
think about so)and)so $ho says# 'If 'Uar should die# I $ill gi(e the pledge of allegiance to such)
and)such person# as by Allah# the pledge of allegiance to Abu Bakr $as nothing but a propt sudden
action $hich got established after$ards%' 'Uar becae angry and then said# 'Allah $illing# I $ill
stand before the people tonight and $arn the against those people $ho $ant to depri(e the others
of their rights !the Cuestion of rulership"%H
'Abdur)Rahan said# HI said# 'E 9hief of the belie(ersI 8o not do that# for the season of Ha.. gath)
ers the riff)raff and the rubble# and it $ill be they $ho $ill gather around you $hen you stand to
=olue 7 ) 043: ? 0:66
address the people% And I a afraid that you $ill get up and say soething# and soe people $ill
spread your stateent and ay not say $hat you ha(e actually said and ay not understand its
eaning# and ay interpret it incorrectly# so you should $ait till you reach Medina# as it is the place
of eigration and the place of Prophet's &raditions# and there you can coe in touch $ith the
learned and noble people# and tell the your ideas $ith confidenceL and the learned people $ill un)
derstand your stateent and put it in its proper place%' En that# 'Uar said# 'By AllahI Allah $illing# I
$ill do this in the first speech I $ill deli(er before the people in Medina%H
Ibn Abbas added: @e reached Medina by the end of the onth of 8hul)Hi..a# and $hen it $as
Briday# $e $ent Cuickly !to the osCue" as soon as the sun had declined# and I sa$ Sa'id bin Faid bin
'Ar bin Dufail sitting at the corner of the pulpit# and I too sat close to hi so that y knee $as
touching his knee# and after a short $hile 'Uar bin Al)Khattab cae out# and $hen I sa$ hi
coing to$ards us# I said to Said bin Faid bin 'Ar bin Dufail H&oday 'Uar $ill say such a thing as
he has ne(er said since he $as chosen as 9aliph%H Said denied y stateent $ith astonishent and
said# H@hat thing do you e*pect 'Uar to say the like of $hich he has ne(er said beforeJH
In the eantie# 'Uar sat on the pulpit and $hen the callakers for the prayer had finished
their call# 'Uar stood up# and ha(ing glorified and praised Allah as He deser(ed# he said# HDo$ then#
I a going to tell you soething $hich !Allah" has $ritten for e to say% I do not kno$L perhaps it
portends y death# so $hoe(er understands and reebers it# ust narrate it to the others
$here(er his ount takes hi# but if soebody is afraid that he does not understand it# then it is un)
la$ful for hi to tell lies about e% Allah sent Muhaad $ith the &ruth and re(ealed the Holy
Book to hi# and aong $hat Allah re(ealed# $as the =erse of the Ra.a !the stoning of arried
person !ale N feale" $ho coits illegal se*ual intercourse# and $e did recite this =erse and un)
derstood and eori-ed it% Allah's Apostle did carry out the punishent of stoning and so did $e
after hi%
I a afraid that after a long tie has passed# soebody $ill say# 'By Allah# $e do not find the =erse
of the Ra.a in Allah's Book#' and thus they $ill go astray by lea(ing an obligation $hich Allah has
re(ealed% And the punishent of the Ra.a is to be inflicted to any arried person !ale N feale"#
$ho coits illegal se*ual intercourse# if the reCuired e(idence is a(ailable or there is conception or
confession% And then $e used to recite aong the =erses in Allah's Book: 'E peopleI 8o not clai to
be the offspring of other than your fathers# as it is disbelief !unthankfulness" on your part that you
clai to be the offspring of other than your real father%' &hen Allah's Apostle said# '8o not praise e
e*cessi(ely as /esus# son of Marry $as praised# but call e Allah's Sla(e and His Apostles%' !E peopleI"
I ha(e been infored that a speaker aongst you says# 'By Allah# if 'Uar should die# I $ill gi(e the
pledge of allegiance to such)and)such person%' Ene should not decei(e oneself by saying that the
pledge of allegiance gi(en to Abu Bakr $as gi(en suddenly and it $as successful% Do doubt# it $as
like that# but Allah sa(ed !the people" fro its e(il# and there is none aong you $ho has the Cualit)
ies of Abu Bakr% Reeber that $hoe(er gi(es the pledge of allegiance to anybody aong you
=olue 7 ) 0437 ? 0:66
$ithout consulting the other Muslis# neither that person# nor the person to $ho the pledge of al)
legiance $as gi(en# are to be supported# lest they both should be killed%
And no doubt after the death of the Prophet $e $ere infored that the Ansar disagreed $ith us
and gathered in the shed of Bani Sa'da% 'Ali and Fubair and $hoe(er $as $ith the# opposed us#
$hile the eigrants gathered $ith Abu Bakr% I said to Abu Bakr# ';et's go to these Ansari brothers of
ours%' So $e set out seeking the# and $hen $e approached the# t$o pious en of theirs et us
and infored us of the final decision of the Ansar# and said# 'E group of Muha.irin !eigrants" I
@here are you goingJ' @e replied# '@e are going to these Ansari brothers of ours%' &hey said to us#
'Kou shouldn't go near the% 9arry out $hate(er $e ha(e already decided%' I said# 'By Allah# $e $ill
go to the%' And so $e proceeded until $e reached the at the shed of Bani Sa'da% BeholdI &here $as
a an sitting aongst the and $rapped in soething% I asked# '@ho is that anJ' &hey said# 'He is
Sa'd bin 'Ubada%' I asked# '@hat is $rong $ith hiJ' &hey said# 'He is sick%' After $e sat for a $hile#
the Ansar's speaker said# 'Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah#' and praising Allah as He
deser(ed# he added# '&o proceed# $e are Allah's Ansar !helpers" and the a.ority of the Musli ary#
$hile you# the eigrants# are a sall group and soe people aong you cae $ith the intention of
pre(enting us fro practicing this atter !of caliphate" and depri(ing us of it%'
@hen the speaker had finished# I intended to speak as I had prepared a speech $hich I liked and
$hich I $anted to deli(er in the presence of Abu Bakr# and I used to a(oid pro(oking hi% So# $hen I
$anted to speak# Abu Bakr said# '@ait a $hile%' I disliked to ake hi angry% So Abu Bakr hiself
ga(e a speech# and he $as $iser and ore patient than I% By Allah# he ne(er issed a sentence that I
liked in y o$n prepared speech# but he said the like of it or better than it spontaneously% After a
pause he said# 'E AnsarI Kou deser(e all !the Cualities that you ha(e attributed to yoursel(es# but this
Cuestion !of 9aliphate" is only for the ,uraish as they are the best of the Arabs as regards descent
and hoe# and I a pleased to suggest that you choose either of these t$o en# so take the oath of
allegiance to either of the as you $ish% And then Abu Bakr held y hand and Abu Ubada bin Ab)
dullah's hand $ho $as sitting aongst us% I hated nothing of $hat he had said e*cept that proposal#
for by Allah# I $ould rather ha(e y neck chopped off as e*piator for a sin than becoe the ruler of
a nation# one of $hose ebers is Abu Bakr# unless at the tie of y death y o$n)self suggests
soething I don't feel at present%'
And then one of the Ansar said# 'I a the pillar on $hich the cael $ith a skin disease !ec-ea"
rubs itself to satisfy the itching !i%e%# I a a noble"# and I a as a high class pal treeI E ,uraish%
&here should be one ruler fro us and one fro you%'
&hen there $as a hue and cry aong the gathering and their (oices rose so that I $as afraid there
ight be great disagreeent# so I said# 'E Abu BakrI Hold your hand out%' He held his hand out and I
pledged allegiance to hi# and then all the eigrants ga(e the Pledge of allegiance and so did the
Ansar after$ards% And so $e becae (ictorious o(er Sa'd bin Ubada !$ho Al)Ansar $anted to
ake a ruler"% Ene of the Ansar said# 'Kou ha(e killed Sa'd bin Ubada%' I replied# 'Allah has killed Sa'd
bin Ubada%' Uar added# HBy Allah# apart fro the great tragedy that had happened to us !i%e% the
=olue 7 ) 0431 ? 0:66
death of the Prophet"# there $as no greater proble than the allegiance pledged to Abu Bakr because
$e $ere afraid that if $e left the people# they ight gi(e the Pledge of allegiance after us to one of
their en# in $hich case $e $ould ha(e gi(en the our consent for soething against our real
$ish# or $ould ha(e opposed the and caused great trouble% So if any person gi(es the Pledge of al)
legiance to soebody !to becoe a 9aliph" $ithout consulting the other Muslis# then the one he
has selected should not be granted allegiance# lest both of the should be killed%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 707:
Darrated Faid bin Khalid Al)/ihani:
I heard the Prophet ordering that an unarried person guilty of illegal se*ual intercourse be
flogged one)hundred stripes and be e*iled for one year% Uar bin Al)Khattab also e*iled such a per)
son# and this tradition is still (alid%
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 701:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle .udged that the unarried person $ho $as guilty of illegal se*ual intercourse be
e*iled for one year and recei(e the legal punishent !i%e%# be flogged $ith one)hundred stripes" %
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 736:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet cursed the effeinate en and those $oen $ho assue the siilitude !anners" of
en% He also said# H&urn the out of your houses%H He turned such)and)such person out# and 'Uar
also turned out such)and)such person%
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 730:
Darrated Abu Huraira and Faid bin Khalid:
A bedouin cae to the Prophet $hile he !the Prophet" $as sitting# and said# HE Allah's ApostleI
Ai(e your (erdict according to Allah's ;a$s !in our case"%H &hen his opponent got up and said# HHe
has told the truth# E Allah's ApostleI 8ecide his case according to Allah's ;a$s% My son $as a laborer
$orking for this person# and he coitted illegal se*ual intercourse $ith his $ife# and the people
told e that y son should be stoned to death# but I offered one)hundred sheep and a sla(e girl as a
ranso for hi% &hen I asked the religious learned people# and they told e that y son should be
flogged $ith one)hundred stripes and be e*iled for one year%H &he Prophet said# HBy Hi in @hose
Hand y soul is# I $ill .udge you according to Allah's ;a$s% &he sheep and the sla(e girl $ill be re)
turned to you and your son $ill be flogged one)hundred stripes and be e*iled for one year% And you#
=olue 7 ) 04<6 ? 0:66
E UnaisI Ao to the $ife of this an !and if she confesses"# stone her to death%H So Unais $ent in the
orning and stoned her to death !after she had confessed"%
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 733:
Darrated Abu Huraira and Said bin Khalid:
&he (erdict of Allah's Apostle $as sought about an unarried sla(e girl guilty of illegal inter)
course% He replied# HIf she coits illegal se*ual intercourse# then flog her !fifty stripes"# and if she
coits illegal se*ual intercourse !after that for the second tie"# then flog her !fifty stripes"# and if
she coits illegal se*ual intercourse !for the third tie"# then flog her !fifty stripes" and sell her for
e(en a hair rope%H Ibn Shihab said# HI a not sure $hether the Prophet ordered that she be sold after
the third or fourth tie of coitting illegal intercourse%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 73<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIf a lady sla(e coits illegal se*ual intercourse and she is pro(ed guilty of il)
legal se*ual intercourse# then she should be flogged !fifty stripes" but she should not be adonishedL
and if she coits illegal se*ual intercourse again# then she should be flogged again but should not
be adonishedL and if she coits illegal se*ual intercourse for the third tie# then she should be
sold e(en for a hair rope%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 732:
Darrated Ash)Shaibani:
I asked 'Abdullah bin Abi 'Aufa about the Ra.a !stoning soebody to death for coitting illegal
se*ual intercourse"% He replied# H&he Prophet carried out the penalty of Ra.a#H I asked# H@as that be)
fore or after the re(elation of Surat)an)DurJH He replied# HI do not kno$%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 734:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
&he .e$s cae to Allah's Apostle and entioned to hi that a an and a lady aong the had
coitted illegal se*ual intercourse% Allah's Apostle said to the# H@hat do you find in the &orah re)
garding the Ra.aJH &hey replied# H@e only disgrace and flog the $ith stripes%H 'Abdullah bin Sala
said to the# 'Kou ha(e told a lie the penalty of Ra.a is in the &orah%' &hey brought the &orah and
opened it% Ene of the put his hand o(er the (erse of the Ra.a and read $hat $as before and after
it% Abdullah bin Sala said to hi# H;ift up your hand%H @here he lifted it there appeared the (erse of
the Ra.a% So they said# HE MuhaadI He has said the truth# the (erse of the Ra.a is in it !&orah"%H
=olue 7 ) 04<0 ? 0:66
&hen Allah's Apostle ordered that the t$o persons !guilty of illegal se*ual intercourse" be stoned to
death# and so they $ere stoned# and I sa$ the an bending o(er the $oan so as to protect her fro
the stones%
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 735:
Darrated Abu Huraira and Faid bin Khalid:
&$o en had a dispute in the presence of Allah's Apostle% Ene of the said# H/udge us according to
Allah's ;a$s%H &he other $ho $as ore $ise said# HKes# Allah's Apostle# .udge us according to Allah's
;a$s and allo$ e to speak !first"H &he Prophet said to hi# 'Speak H He said# HMy son $as a laborer
for this an# and he coitted illegal se*ual intercourse $ith his $ife# and the people told e that
y son should be stoned to death# but I ha(e gi(en one)hundred sheep and a sla(e girl as a ranso
!e*piation" for y son's sin% &hen I asked the religious learned people !about It"# and they told e
that y son should he flogged one)hundred stripes and should be e*iled for one year# and only the
$ife of this an should be stoned to death H Allah's Apostle said# HBy Hi in @hose Hand y soul is# I
$ill .udge you according to Allah's ;a$s: E an# as for your sheep and sla(e girl# they are to be re)
turned to you%H &hen the Prophet had the an's son flogged one hundred stripes and e*iled for one
year# and ordered Unais Al)Aslai to go to the $ife of the other an# and if she confessed# stone her
to death% She confessed and $as stoned to death%
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 73::
Darrated 'Aisha:
Abu Bakr cae to e $hile Allah's Apostle $as sleeping $ith his head on y thigh% Abu Bakr said
!to e"# HKou ha(e detained Allah's Apostle and the people# and there is no $ater in this place%H So he
adonished e and struck y flanks $ith his hand# and nothing could stop e fro o(ing e*cept
the reclining of Allah's Apostle !on y thigh"# and then Allah re(ealed the 8i(ine =erse of &aya)
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 737:
Darrated Aisha:
Abu Bakr cae to to$ards e and struck e (iolently $ith his fist and said# HKou ha(e detained
the people because of your necklace%H But I reained otionless as if I $as dead lest I should a$ake
Allah's Apostle although that hit $as (ery painful%
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 731:
Darrated Al)Mughira:
=olue 7 ) 04<3 ? 0:66
Sa'd bin Ubada said# HIf I found a an $ith y $ife# I $ould kill hi $ith the sharp side of y
s$ord%H @hen the Prophet heard that he said# H8o you $onder at Sa'd's sense of ghira !self)respect"J
=erily# I ha(e ore sense of ghira than Sa'd# and Allah has ore sense of ghira than I%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 7<6:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A bedouin cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HMy $ife has deli(ered a black child%H &he Prophet said
to hi# HHa(e you caelsJH He replied# HKes%H &he Prophet said# H@hat color are theyJH He replied#
H&hey are red%H &he Prophet further asked# HAre any of the gray in colorJH He replied# HKes%H &he
Prophet asked hi# H@hence did that grayness coeJH He said# HI thing it descended fro the cael's
ancestors%H &hen the Prophet said !to hi"# H&herefore# this child of yours has ost probably inherited
the color fro his ancestors%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 7<0:
Darrated Abu Burda:
&he Prophet used to say# HDobody should be flogged ore than ten stripes e*cept if he is guilty of a
crie# the legal punishent of $hich is assigned by Allah%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 7<3:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin /abir:
En the authority of others# that the Prophet said# HDo Punishent e*ceeds the flogging of the ten
stripes# e*cept if one is guilty of a crie necessitating a legal punishent prescribed by Allah%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 7<<:
Darrated Abu Burda Al)Ansari:
I heard the Prophet saying# H8o not flog anyone ore than ten stripes e*cept if he is in(ol(ed in a
crie necessitating Allah's legal Punishent%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 7<2:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle forbade Al)@isal !fasting continuously for ore than one day $ithout taking any
eals"% A an fro the Muslis said# HBut you do Al)@isal# E Allah's ApostleIH Allah's Apostle I said#
H@ho aong you is siilar to eJ I sleep and y ;ord akes e eat and drink%H @hen the people
refused to gi(e up Al)@isal# the Prophet fasted along $ith the for one day# and did not break his
=olue 7 ) 04<< ? 0:66
fast but continued his fast for another day# and $hen they sa$ the crescent# the Prophet said# HIf the
crescent had not appeared# I $ould ha(e ade you continue your fast !for a third day"#H as if he
$anted to punish the for they had refused to gi(e up Al)@isal%
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 7<4:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&hose people $ho used to buy foodstuff at rando !$ithout $eighing or easuring it" $ere
beaten in the lifetie of Allah's Apostle if they sold it at the (ery place $here they had bought it# till
they carried it to their d$elling places%
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 7<5:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle ne(er took re(enge for his o$n self in any atter presented to hi till Allah's liits
$ere e*ceeded# in $hich case he $ould take re(enge for Allah's sake%
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 7<::
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd:
I $itnessed the case of ;ian !the case of a an $ho charged his $ife for coitting illegal se*ual
intercourse $hen I $as fifteen years old% &he Prophet ordered that they be di(orced# and the hus)
band said# HIf I kept her# I $ould be a liar%H I reeber that A-)Fubair also said# H!It $as said" that if
that $oan brought forth the child $ith such)and)such description# her husband $ould pro(e
truthful# but if she brought it $ith such)and)such description looking like a @ahra !a red insect"# he
$ould pro(e untruthful%H I heard A-)Fubair also saying# HBinally she ga(e birth to a child of descrip)
tion $hich her husband disliked %
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 7<7:
Darrated Al),asi bin Muhaad:
Ibn 'Abbas entioned the couple $ho had taken the oath of ;ian% 'Abdullah bin Shaddad said !to
hi"# H@as this $oan about $ho Allah's Apostle said# 'If I $ere e(er to stone to death any $oan
$ithout $itnesses% !I $ould ha(e stoned that $oan to death"J' Ibn 'Abbas replied#H Do# that lady e*)
posed herself !by her suspicious beha(ior"%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 7<1:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
=olue 7 ) 04<2 ? 0:66
;ian $as entioned in the presence of the Prophet# Asi bin Adi said a stateent about it# and
$hen he left# a an fro his tribe cae to hi coplaining that he had seen a an $ith his $ife%
Asi said# HI ha(e been put to trial only because of y stateent%H So he took the an to the Prophet
and the an told hi about the incident% &he an !husband" $as of yello$ cople*ion# thin# and of
lank hair# $hile the an $ho he had accused of ha(ing been $ith his $ife# $as reddish bro$n
$ith fat thick legs and fat body% &he Prophet said# HE AllahI Re(eal the truth%H ;ater on the lady de)
li(ered a child resebling the an $ho the husband had accused of ha(ing been $ith her% So the
Prophet ade the take the oath of ;ian% A an said to Ibn Abbas in the gathering# H@as that the
sae lady about $ho the Prophet said# HIf I $ere to stone any lady !for coitting illegal se*ual
intercourse" to death $ithout $itnesses# I $ould ha(e stoned that lade to deathJH Ibn Abbas said# HDo#
that $as another lady $ho used to beha(e in such a suspicious $ay aong the Muslis that one
ight accuse her of coitting illegal se*ual intercourse%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 726:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HA(oid the se(en great destructi(e sins%H &hey !the peopleI" asked# HE Allah's
ApostleI @hat are theyJH He said# H&o .oin partners in $orship $ith AllahL to practice sorceryL to kill
the life $hich Allah has forbidden e*cept for a .ust cause !according to Islaic la$"L to eat up usury
!Riba"# to eat up the property of an orphanL to gi(e one's back to the eney and freeing fro the
battle)field at the tie of fighting and to accuse chaste $oen $ho ne(er e(en think of anything
touching chastity and are good belie(ers%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 720:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Abu)l),asi !the Prophet" saying# HIf soebody slanders his sla(e and the sla(e is free
fro $hat he says# he $ill be flogged on the 8ay of Resurrection unless the sla(e is really as he has
described hi%H
=olue 7# Book 73# Duber 723:
Darrated Abu Huraira and Faid bin Khalid Al)/uhani:
A an cae to the Prophet and said# HI beseech you to .udge us according to Allah's ;a$s%H &hen
his opponent $ho $as $iser than he# got up and said# HHe has spoken the truth% So .udge us accor)
ding to Allah's ;a$s and please allo$ e !to speak"# E Allah's Apostle%H &he Prophet said# HSpeak%H He
said# HMy son $as a laborer for the faily of this an and he coitted illegal se*ual intercourse
$ith his $ife# and I ga(e one)hundred sheep and a sla(e as a ranso !for y son"# but I asked the
religious learned people !regarding this case"# and they infored e that y son should be flogged
=olue 7 ) 04<4 ? 0:66
one)hundred stripes# and be e*iled for one year# and the $ife of this an should be stoned !to
death"%H&he Prophet said# HBy Hi in @hose Hand y soul is# I $ill /udge you !in this case" according
to Allah's ;a$s% &he one)hundred !sheep" and the sla(e shall be returned to you and your son shall
be flogged one)hundred stripes and be e*iled for one year% And E UnaisI Ao in the orning to the
$ife of this an and ask her# and if she confesses# stone her to death%H She confessed and he stoned
her to death%
=olue 7 ) 04<5 ? 0:66
=olue 1 ) 04<: ? 0:66
Book 72: 8ealing $ith Apostates
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber 4<:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@hen the =erse: 'It is those $ho belie(e and confuse not their belief $ith $rong !i%e%# $orshipping
others besides Allah": !5%73" $as re(ealed# it becae (ery hard on the copanions of the Prophet
and they said# H@ho aong us has not confused his belief $ith $rong !oppression"JH En that# Allah's
Apostle said# H&his is not eant !by the =erse"% 8on't you listen to ;uCan's stateent: '=erilyI /oining
others in $orship $ith Allah is a great $rong indeed%' !<0%0<"
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber 42:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
&he Prophet% said# H&he biggest of the great sins are: &o .oin others in $orship $ith Allah# to be un)
dutiful to one's parents# and to gi(e a false $itness%H He repeated it thrice# or said# H%%%%a false
stateent#H and kept on repeating that $arning till $e $ished he $ould stop saying it% !See Hadith
Do%:# =ol% 7"
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber 44:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
A bedouin cae to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat are the biggest sinsJ: &he Proph)
et said# H&o .oin others in $orship $ith Allah%H &he bedouin said# H@hat is ne*tJH &he Prophet said# H&o
be undutiful to one's parents%H &he bedouin said H@hat is ne*tJH &he Prophet said H&o take an oath
'Al)Ahaus%H &he bedouin said# H@hat is an oath 'Al)Ahaus'JH &he Prophet said# H&he false oath
through $hich one depri(es a Musli of his property !un.ustly"%H
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber 45:
Darrated Ibn Mas'ud:
A an said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall $e be punished for $hat $e did in the Prelslaic Period of
ignoranceJH &he Prophet said# H@hoe(er does good in Isla $ill not be punished for $hat he did in
the Pre)lslaic Period of ignorance and $hoe(er does e(il in Isla $ill be punished for his forer
and later !bad deeds"%H
=olue 1 ) 04<7 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber 4::
Darrated 'Ikria:
Soe FanadiCa !atheists" $ere brought to 'Ali and he burnt the% &he ne$s of this e(ent# reached
Ibn 'Abbas $ho said# HIf I had been in his place# I $ould not ha(e burnt the# as Allah's Apostle for)
bade it# saying# '8o not punish anybody $ith Allah's punishent !fire"%' I $ould ha(e killed the ac)
cording to the stateent of Allah's Apostle# '@hoe(er changed his Islaic religion# then kill hi%'H
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber 47:
Darrated Abu Burda:
Abu Musa said# HI cae to the Prophet along $ith t$o en !fro the tribe" of Ash'ariyin# one on
y right and the other on y left# $hile Allah's Apostle $as brushing his teeth !$ith a Si$ak"# and
both en asked hi for soe eployent% &he Prophet said# 'E Abu Musa !E 'Abdullah bin ,aisI"%' I
said# 'By Hi @ho sent you $ith the &ruth# these t$o en did not tell e $hat $as in their hearts
and I did not feel !reali-e" that they $ere seeking eployent%' As if I $ere looking no$ at his Si$ak
being dra$n to a corner under his lips# and he said# '@e ne(er !or# $e do not" appoint for our affairs
anyone $ho seeks to be eployed% But E Abu MusaI !or 'Abdullah bin ,aisI" Ao to Keen%'H &he
Prophet then sent Mu'adh bin /abal after hi and $hen Mu'adh reached hi# he spread out a cush)
ion for hi and reCuested hi to get do$n !and sit on the cushion"% Behold: &here $as a fettered
an beside Abu Muisa% Mu'adh asked# H@ho is this !an"JH Abu Muisa said# HHe $as a /e$ and be)
cae a Musli and then re(erted back to /udais%H &hen Abu Muisa reCuested Mu'adh to sit do$n
but Mu'adh said# HI $ill not sit do$n till he has been killed% &his is the .udgent of Allah and His
Apostle !for such cases" and repeated it thrice% &hen Abu Musa ordered that the an be killed# and
he $as killed% Abu Musa added# H&hen $e discussed the night prayers and one of us said# 'I pray and
sleep# and I hope that Allah $ill re$ard e for y sleep as $ell as for y prayers%'H
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber 41:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hen the Prophet died and Abu Bakr becae his successor and soe of the Arabs re(erted to dis)
belief# 'Uar said# HE Abu BakrI Ho$ can you fight these people although Allah's Apostle said# 'I ha(e
been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah# 'and
$hoe(er said# 'Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah'# Allah $ill sa(e his property and his
life fro e# unless !he does soething for $hich he recei(es legal punishent" .ustly# and his ac)
count $ill be $ith AllahJ' HAbu Bakr said# HBy AllahI I $ill fight $hoe(er differentiates bet$een
prayers and Fakat as Fakat is the right to be taken fro property !according to Allah's Erders"% By
AllahI If they refused to pay e e(en a kid they used to pay to Allah's Apostle# I $ould fight $ith
=olue 1 ) 04<1 ? 0:66
the for $ithholding it%H 'Uar said# HBy Allah: It $as nothing# but I noticed that Allah opened Abu
Bakr's chest to$ards the decision to fight# therefore I reali-ed that his decision $as right%H
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber 56:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
A /e$ passed by Allah's Apostle and said# HAs)Sau 'Alaika%H Allah's Apostle said in reply# H@e
'Alaika%H Allah's Apostle then said to his copanions# H8o you kno$ $hat he !the /e$" has saidJ He
said# 'As)Sau 'Alaika%'H &hey said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall $e kill hiJH &he Prophet# said# HDo%
@hen the people of the Book greet you# say: '@a 'Alaiku%'H
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber 50:
Darrated 'Aisha:
A group of /e$s asked perission to (isit the Prophet !and $hen they $ere aditted" they said#
HAs)Sau 'Alaika !8eath be upon you"%H I said !to the"# HBut death and the curse of Allah be upon
youIH &he Prophet said# HE 'AishaI Allah is kind and lenient and likes that one should be kind and le)
nient in all atters%H I said# HHa(en't you heard $hat they saidJH He said# HI said !to the"# '@a
'Alaiku !and upon you"%
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber 53:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen the /e$s greet anyone of you they say: 'Sa'Alaika !death be upon
you"L so you should sayL '@a 'Alaika !and upon you"%'H
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber 5<:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
As if I a looking at the Prophet $hile he $as speaking about one of the prophets $hose people
ha(e beaten and $ounded hi# and he $as $iping the blood off his face and saying# HE ;ordI Bor)
gi(e y# people as they do not kno$%H
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber 52:
Darrated 'Ali:
@hene(er I tell you a narration fro Allah's Apostle# by Allah# I $ould rather fall do$n fro the
sky than ascribe a false stateent to hi# but if I tell you soething bet$een e and you !not a
Hadith" then it $as indeed a trick !i%e%# I ay say things .ust to cheat y eney"% Do doubt I heard
=olue 1 ) 0426 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle saying# H8uring the last days there $ill appear soe young foolish people $ho $ill
say the best $ords but their faith $ill not go beyond their throats !i%e% they $ill ha(e no faith" and
$ill go out fro !lea(e" their religion as an arro$ goes out of the gae% So# $here)e(er you find
the# kill the# for $ho)e(er kills the shall ha(e re$ard on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber 54:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar bin Kasar:
&hat they (isited Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri and asked hi about Al)Harauriyya# a special unorthodo*
religious sect# H8id you hear the Prophet saying anything about theJH Abu Sa'id said# HI do not kno$
$hat Al)Harauriyya is# but I heard the Prophet saying# H&here $ill appear in this nation)))) he did
not say: Bro this nation )))) a group of people so pious apparently that you $ill consider your
prayers inferior to their prayers# but they $ill recite the ,uran# the teachings of $hich $ill not go
beyond their throats and $ill go out of their religion as an arro$ darts through the gae#
$hereupon the archer ay look at his arro$# its Dasl at its Risaf and its BuCa to see $hether it is
blood)stained or not !i%e% they $ill ha(e not e(en a trace of Isla in the"%H
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber 55:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Regarding Al)Harauriyya: &he Prophet said# H&hey $ill go out of Isla as an arro$ darts out of the
gae's body%'
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber 5::
Darrated Abu Sa'id:
@hile the Prophet $as distributing !soething# 'Abdullah bin 8hil Kha$aisira At)&aii cae
and said# HBe .ust# E Allah's ApostleIH &he Prophet said# H@oe to you I @ho $ould be .ust if I $ere
notJH 'Uar bin Al)Khattab said# HAllo$ e to cut off his neck I H &he Prophet said# H ;ea(e hi# for he
has copanions# and if you copare your prayers $ith their prayers and your fasting $ith theirs#
you $ill look do$n upon your prayers and fasting# in coparison to theirs% Ket they $ill go out of
the religion as an arro$ darts through the gae's body in $hich case# if the ,udhadh of the arro$ is
e*ained# nothing $ill be found on it# and $hen its Dasl is e*ained# nothing $ill be found on itL
and then its Dadiyi is e*ained# nothing $ill be found on it% &he arro$ has been too fast to be
seared by dung and blood% &he sign by $hich these people $ill be recogni-ed $ill be a an $hose
one hand !or breast" $ill be like the breast of a $oan !or like a o(ing piece of flesh"% &hese people
$ill appear $hen there $ill be differences aong the people !Muslis"%H Abu Sa'id added: I testify
that I heard this fro the Prophet and also testify that 'Ali killed those people $hile I $as $ith hi%
&he an $ith the description gi(en by the Prophet $as brought to 'Ali% &he follo$ing =erses $ere
=olue 1 ) 0420 ? 0:66
re(ealed in connection $ith that (ery person !i%e%# 'Abdullah bin 8hil)Kha$aisira At)&arnii": 'And
aong the are en $ho accuse you !E Muhaad" in the atter of !the distribution of" the als%'
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber 57:
Darrated Kusair bin 'Ar:
I asked Sahl bin Hunaif# H8id you hear the Prophet saying anything about Al)Kha$ari.JH He said# HI
heard hi saying $hile pointing his hand to$ards IraC% H&here $ill appear in it !i%e# IraC" soe
people $ho $ill recite the ,uran but it $ill not go beyond their throats# and they $ill go out fro
!lea(e" Isla as an arro$ darts through the gae's body%' H
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber 51:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he Hour $ill not be established till t$o !huge" groups fight against each
other# their clai being one and the sae%H
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@hen the =erse:))'&hose $ho belie(e and did not confuse their belief $ith $rong !$orshipping
others besides Allah"%' !5%73" $as re(ealed# it $as hard on the copanions of the Prophet and they
said# H@ho aong us has not $ronged !oppressed" hiselfJH Allah's Apostle said# H&he eaning of
the =erse is not as you think# but it is as ;uCan said to his son# 'E y sonI /oin not in $orship oth)
ers $ith Allah# =erilyI /oining others in $orship $ith Allah is a great $rong indeed%'H !<0%0<"
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber :6:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@hen the =erse:))'&hose $ho belie(e and did not confuse their belief $ith $rong !$orshipping
others besides Allah"%' !5%73" $as re(ealed# it $as hard on the copanions of the Prophet and they
said# H@ho aong us has not $ronged !oppressed" hiselfJH Allah's Apostle said# H&he eaning of
the =erse is not as you think# but it is as ;uCan said to his son# 'E y sonI /oin not in $orship oth)
ers $ith Allah# =erilyI /oining others in $orship $ith Allah is a great $rong indeed%'H !<0%0<"
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber :0:
Darrated 'Itban bin Malik:
Ence Allah's Apostle cae to e in the orning# and a an aong us said# H@here is Malik bin
Ad)8ukhshunJH Another an fro us replied# HHe is a hypocrite $ho does not lo(e Allah and His
Apostle%H &he Prophet said# H8on't you think that he says: Done has the right to be $orshipped but Al)
=olue 1 ) 0423 ? 0:66
lah# only for Allah's sakeJH &hey replied# HKesH &he Prophet said# HDobody $ill eet Allah $ith that
saying on the 8ay of Resurrection# but Allah $ill sa(e hi fro the Bire%H
=olue 1# Book 72# Duber :3:
Abu 'Abdur)Rahan and Hibban bin 'Atiyya had a dispute% Abu 'Abdur)Rahan said to Hibban#
HKou kno$ $hat ade your copanions !i%e% Ali" dare to shed blood%H Hibban said# H9oe onI @hat
is thatJH 'Abdur)Rahan said# HSoething I heard hi saying%H &he other said# H@hat $as itJH 'Abdur)
Rahan said# H'Ali said# Allah's Apostle sent for e# A-)Fubair and Abu Marthad# and all of us $ere
ca(alry en# and said# 'Proceed to Raudat)Ha.. !Abu Salaa said that Abu 'A$ana called it like this#
i%e%# Ha.. $here there is a $oan carrying a letter fro Hatib bin Abi Balta'a to the pagans !of
Mecca"% So bring that letter to e%' So $e proceeded riding on our horses till $e o(ertook her at the
sae place of $hich Allah's Apostle had told us% She $as tra(eling on her cael% In that letter Hatib
had $ritten to the Meccans about the proposed attached of Allah's Apostle against the% @e asked
her# H@here is the letter $hich is $ith youJ' She replied# 'I ha(en't got any letter%' So $e ade her
cael kneel do$n and searched her luggage# but $e did not find anything% My t$o copanions said#
'@e do not think that she has got a letter%' I said# '@e kno$ that Allah's Apostle has not told a lie%'H
&hen 'Ali took an oath saying# HBy Hi by @ho one should s$earI Kou shall either bring out the
letter or $e shall strip off your clothes%H She then stretched out her hand for her girdle !round her
$aist" and brought out the paper !letter"% &hey took the letter to Allah's Apostle% 'Uar said# HE Allah's
ApostleI !Hatib" has betrayed Allah# His Apostle and the belie(ersL let e chop off his neckIH Allah's
Apostle said# HE HatibI @hat obliged you to do $hat you ha(e doneJH Hatib replied# HE Allah's
ApostleI @hy !for $hat reason" should I not belie(e in Allah and His ApostleJ But I intended to do
the !Mecca" people a fa(or by (irtue of $hich y faily and property ay be protected as there is
none of your copanions but has soe of his people !relati(es" $ho Allah urges to protect his
faily and property%H &he Prophet said# HHe has said the truthL therefore# do not say anything to hi
e*cept good%H 'Uar again said# HE Allah's ApostleI He has betrayed Allah# His Apostle and the belie()
ersL let e chop his neck offIH &he Prophet said# HIsn't he fro those $ho fought the battle of BadrJ
And $hat do you kno$# Allah ight ha(e looked at the !Badr $arriors" and said !to the"# '8o
$hat you like# for I ha(e granted you ParadiseJ' H En that# 'Uar's eyes becae flooded $ith tears
and he said# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ best%H
=olue 1 ) 042< ? 0:66
Book 74: Saying Soething under 9opulsi)
on !Ikraah"
=olue 1# Book 74# Duber :<:
Darrated Abi Huraira:
&he Prophet used to in(oke Allah in his prayer# HE AllahI Sa(e 'Aiyash bin Abi Rabi'a and Salaa
bin Hisha and Al)@alid bin Al)@alidL E AllahI Sa(e the $eak aong the belie(ersL E AllahI Be
hard upon the tribe of Mudar and inflict years !of faine" upon the like the !faine" years of
=olue 1# Book 74# Duber :2:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er possesses the !follo$ing" three Cualities $ill ha(e the s$eetness of
faith !0": &he one to $ho Allah and His Apostle becoes dearer than anything elseL !3" @ho lo(es a
person and he lo(es hi only for Allah's SakeL !<" $ho hates to re(ert to atheis !disbelief" as he
hates to be thro$n into the Bire%H
=olue 1# Book 74# Duber :4:
Darrated ,ais:
I heard Sa'id bin Faid saying# HI ha(e seen yself tied and forced by 'Uar to lea(e Isla !Before
'Uar hiself ebraced Isla"% And if the ountain of Uhud $ere to collapse for the e(il $hich you
people had done to 'Uthan# then Uhud $ould ha(e the right to do so%H !See Hadith Do% 363# =ol% 4"
=olue 1# Book 74# Duber :5:
Darrated Khabbab bin Al)Art:
@e coplained to Allah's Apostle !about our state" $hile he $as leaning against his sheet cloak in
the shade of the Ka'ba% @e said# H@ill you ask Allah to help usJ @ill you in(oke Allah for usJH He
said# HAong those $ho $ere before you a !belie(er" used to be sei-ed and# a pit used to be dug for
hi and then he used to be placed in it% &hen a sa$ used to be brought and put on his head $hich
$ould be split into t$o hal(es% His flesh ight be cobed $ith iron cobs and reo(ed fro his
bones# yet# all that did not cause hi to re(ert fro his religion% By AllahI &his religion !Isla" $ill
be copleted !and triuph" till a rider !tra(eler" goes fro San'a' !the capital of Keen" to Had)
=olue 1 ) 0422 ? 0:66
raout fearing nobody e*cept Allah and the $olf lest it should trouble his sheep# but you are ipa)
tient%H !See Hadith Do% 010# =ol% 4"
=olue 1# Book 74# Duber :::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hile $e $ere in the osCue# Allah's Apostle cae out to us and said# H;et us proceed to the /e$s%H
So $e $ent along $ith hi till $e reached Bait)al)Midras !a place $here the &orah used to be re)
cited and all the /e$s of the to$n used to gather"% &he Prophet stood up and addressed the# HE As)
sebly of /e$sI +brace Isla and you $ill be safeIH &he /e$s replied# HE Aba)l),asiI Kou ha(e
con(eyed Allah's essage to us%H &he Prophet said# H&hat is $hat I $ant !fro you"%H He repeated his
first stateent for the second tie# and they said# HKou ha(e con(eyed Allah's essage# E Aba)l)
,asi%H &hen he said it for the third tie and added# HKou should Kno$ that the earth belongs to Al)
lah and His Apostle# and I $ant to e*ile you fro### this land# so $hoe(er aong you o$ns soe prop)
erty# can sell it# other$ise you should kno$ that the +arth belongs to Allah and His Apostle%H !See
Hadith Do% <13# =ol% 2"
=olue 1# Book 74# Duber :7:
Darrated Khansa' bint Khida Al)Ansariya:
&hat her father ga(e her in arriage $hen she $as a atron and she disliked that arriage% So
she cae and !coplained" to the Prophets and he declared that arriage in(alid% !See Hadith Do%
51# =ol% :"
=olue 1# Book 74# Duber :1:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I asked the Prophet# HE Allah's ApostleI Should the $oen be asked for their consent to their ar)
riageJH He said# HKes%H I said# HA (irgin# if asked# feels shy and keeps Cuiet%H He said# HHer silence eans
her consent%H
=olue 1# Book 74# Duber 76:
Darrated /abir:
A an fro the Ansar ade his sla(e# a Mudabbar% And apart fro that sla(e he did not ha(e any
other property% &his ne$s reached Allah's Apostle and he said# H@ho $ill buy that sla(e fro eJH So
Du'ai bin An)Dahha bought hi for 766 8irha% /abir added: It $as a coptic !+gyptian" sla(e
$ho died that year%
=olue 1 ) 0424 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 74# Duber 70:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
$ished# for they had ore right to dispose of her than her o$n relati( JJJ
=olue 1# Book 74# Duber 73:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H!&he Prophet" Abraha igrated $ith his $ife Sarah till he reached a to$n
$here there $as a king or a tyrant $ho sent a essage# to Abraha# ordering hi to send Sarah to
hi% So $hen Abraha had sent Sarah# the tyrant got up# intending to do e(il $ith her# but she got
up and perfored ablution and prayed and said# 'E Allah I If I ha(e belie(ed in Kou and in Kour
Apostle# then do not epo$er this oppressor o(er e%' So he !the king" had an epileptic fit and star)
ted o(ing his legs (iolently% H
=olue 1# Book 74# Duber 7<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HA Musli is a brother of another Musli% So he should neither oppress hi
nor hand hi o(er to an oppressor% And $hoe(er fulfilled the needs of his brother# Allah $ill fulfill
his needs%H
=olue 1# Book 74# Duber 72:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle said# HHelp your brother $hether he is an oppressor or an oppressed#H A an said#
HE Allah's ApostleI I $ill help hi if he is oppressed# but if he is an oppressor# ho$ shall I help hiJH
&he Prophet said# HBy pre(enting hi fro oppressing !others"# for that is ho$ to help hi%H
=olue 1 ) 0425 ? 0:66
Book 75: &ricks
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 74:
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khattab:
&he Prophet said# 'E peopleI &he re$ard of deeds depends upon the intentions# and e(ery person
$ill get the re$ard according to $hat he has intended% So# $hoe(er eigrated for Allah and His
Apostle# then his eigration $as for Allah and His Apostle# and $hoe(er eigrated to take $orldly
benefit or for a $oan to arry# then his eigration $as for $hat he eigrated for%H
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 75:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah does not accept prayer of anyone of you if he does Hadath !passes $ind"
till he perfors the ablution !ane$"%H
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 7::
Darrated Anas:
&hat Abu Bakr $rote for hi# Fakat regulations $hich Allah's Apostle had ade copulsory# and
$rote that one should neither collect (arious portions !of the property" nor di(ide the property into
(arious portions in order to a(oid paying Fakat%
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 77:
Darrated &alha bin 'Ubaidullah:
A bedouin $ith unkept hair cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI &ell e $hat
Allah has en.oined on e as regards prayers%H &he Prophet said# HKou ha(e to offer perfectly the fi(e
!copulsory" prayers in a day and a night !32 hrs%"# e*cept if you $ant to perfor soe e*tra op)
tional prayers%H &he bedouin said# H&ell e $hat Allah has en.oined on e as regards fasting%H &he
Prophet said# HKou ha(e to obser(e fast during the onth of Raadan e*cept if you fast soe e*tra
optional fast%H &he bedouin said# H&ell e $hat Allah has en.oined on e as regard Fakat%H &he
Prophet then told hi the Islaic la$s and regulations $hereupon the bedouin said# HBy Hi @ho
has honored you# I $ill not perfor any optional deeds of $orship and I $ill not lea(e anything of
$hat Allah has en.oined on e%H Allah's Apostle said# HHe $ill be successful if he has told the truth !or
he $ill enter Paradise if he said the truth"%H And soe people said# H&he Fakat for one)hundred and
t$enty caels is t$o HiCCas# and if the Fakat payer slaughters the caels intentionally or gi(es the
=olue 1 ) 042: ? 0:66
as a present or plays soe other trick in order to a(oid the Fakat# then there is no har !in it" for
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 71:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HEn the 8ay of Resurrection the Kan- !&reasure or $ealth of $hich# Fakat has
not been paid" of anyone of you $ill appear in the shape of a huge bald headed poisonous ale
snake and its o$ner $ill run a$ay fro it# but it $ill follo$ hi and say# 'I a your Kan-%'H &he
Prophet added# HBy Allah# that snake $ill keep on follo$ing hi until he stretches out his hand and
let the snake s$allo$ it%H Allah's Apostle added# HIf the o$ner of caels does not pay their Fakat#
then# on the 8ay of Resurrection those caels $ill coe to hi and $ill strike his face $ith their
hoo(es%H Soe people said: 9oncerning a an $ho has caels# and is afraid that Fakat $ill be due so
he sells those caels for siilar caels or for sheep or co$s or oney one day before Fakat becoes
due in order to a(oid payent of their Fakat cunninglyI HHe has not to pay anything%H &he sae
scholar said# HIf one pays Fakat of his caels one day or one year prior to the end of the year !by the
end of $hich Fakat becoes due"# his Fakat $ill be (alid%H
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 16t:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Sa'd bin 'Ubada Al)Ansari sought the (erdict of Allah's Apostle regarding a (o$ ade by his oth)
er $ho had died before fulfilling it% Allah's Apostle said# HBulfill it on her behalf%H Soe people said# HIf
the nuber of caels reaches t$enty# then their o$ner has to pay four sheep as FakatL and if their
o$ner gi(es the as a gift or sells the in order to escape the payent of Fakat cunningly before
the copletion of a year# then he is not to pay anything# and if he slaughters the and then dies#
then no Fakat is to be taken fro his property%H
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 16:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Dafi narrated to e that 'Abdullah said that Allah's Apostle forbade the Shighar% I asked Dafi'#
H@hat is the ShigharJH He said# HIt is to arry the daughter of a an and arry one's daughter to
that an !at the sae tie" $ithout Mahr !in both cases"L or to arry the sister of a an and arry
one's o$n sister to that an $ithout Mahr%H Soe people said# HIf one# by a trick# arries on the basis
of Shighar# the arriage is (alid but its condition is illegal%H &he sae scholar said regarding Al)
Mut'a# H&he arriage is in(alid and its condition is illegal%H Soe others said# H&he Mut'a and the
Shighar are perissible but the condition is illegal%H
=olue 1 ) 0427 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 10:
Darrated Muhaad bin 'Ali:
'Ali $as told that Ibn 'Abbas did not see any har in the Mut'a arriage% 'Ali said# HAllah's Apostle
forbade the Mut'a arriage on the 8ay of the battle of Khaibar and he forbade the eating of donkey's
eat%H Soe people said# HIf one# by a tricky $ay# arries teporarily# his arriage is illegal%H Ethers
said# H&he arriage is (alid but its condition is illegal%H
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 13:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HEne should not pre(ent others fro $atering their anials $ith the surplus
of his $ater in order to pre(ent the fro benefiting by the surplus of grass%H
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 1<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle forbade the practice of An)
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 12:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
A an entioned to the Prophet that he had al$ays been cheated in bargains% &he Prophet said#
H@hene(er you do bargain# say# 'Do cheating%'H
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 14:
Darrated 'Ur$a:
&hat he asked 'Aisha regarding the =erse: 'If you fear that you shall not be able to deal .ustly $ith
the orphan girls# arry !other" $oen of your choice%' !2%<" 'Aisha said# HIt is about an orphan girl
under the custody of her guardian $ho being attracted by her $ealth and beauty $ants to arry her
$ith Mahr less than other $oen of her status% So such guardians $ere forbidden to arry the
unless they treat the .ustly by gi(ing the their full Mahr% &hen the people sought the (erdict of
Allah's Apostle for such cases# $hereupon Allah re(ealed: '&hey ask your instruction concerning $o)
en%%' !2%03:" !&he sub)narrator then entioned the Hadith%"
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 15:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
=olue 1 ) 0421 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HBor e(ery betrayer there $ill be a flag by $hich he $ill be recogni-ed on the
8ay of Resurrection% H
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 1::
Darrated U Salaa:
&he Prophet said# HI a only a huan being# and you people ha(e disputes% May be soe one
aongst you can present his case in a ore eloCuent and con(incing anner than the other# and I
gi(e y .udgent in his fa(or according to $hat I hear% Be$areI If e(er I gi(e !by error" soebody
soething of his brother's right then he should not take it as I ha(e only# gi(en hi a piece of Bire%H
!See Hadith Do% 5<7% =ol% <"
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 17:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HA (irgin should not be arried till she is asked for her consentL and the atron
should not be arried till she is asked $hether she agrees to arry or not%H It $as asked# HE Allah's
ApostleI Ho$ $ill she!the (irgin" e*press her consentJH He said# HBy keeping silent%H Soe people
said# HIf a (irgin is not asked for her consent and she is not arried# and then a an# by playing a
trick presents t$o false $itnesses that he has arried her $ith her consent and the .udge confirs
his arriage as a true one# and the husband kno$s that the $itnesses $ere false ones# then there is
no har for hi to consuate his arriage $ith her and the arriage is regarded as (alid%H
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 11:
Darrated Al),asi:
A $oan fro the offspring of /a'far $as afraid lest her guardian arry her !to soebody"
against her $ill% So she sent for t$o elderly en fro the Ansar# 'AbdurRahan and'# the
t$o sons of /ariya# and they said to her# H8on't be afraid# for Khansa' bint Khida $as gi(en by her
father in arriage against her $ill# then the Prophet cancelled that arriage%H !See Hadith Do% :7"
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 066:
Darrated Abu Haraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HA lady sla(e should not be gi(en in arriage until she is consulted# and a (ir)
gin should not be gi(en in arriage until her perission is granted%H &he people said# HHo$ $ill she
e*press her perissionJH &he Prophet said# HBy keeping silent !$hen asked her consent"%H Soe
people said# HIf a an# by playing a trick# presents t$o false $itnesses before the .udge to testify that
he has arried a atron $ith her consent and the .udge confirs his arriage# and the husband is
=olue 1 ) 0446 ? 0:66
sure that he has ne(er arried her !before"# then such a arriage $ill be considered as a legal one
and he ay li(e $ith her as husband%H
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 060:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said# HIt is essential to ha(e the consent of a (irgin !for the arriage"% I said# HA (ir)
gin feels shy%H &he ProphetL said# HHer silence eans her consent%H Soe people said# HIf a an falls in
lo(e $ith an orphan sla(e girl or a (irgin and she refuses !hi" and then he akes a trick by bring)
ing t$o false $itnesses to testify that he has arried her# and then she attains the age of puberty and
agrees to arry hi and the .udge accepts the false $itness and the husband kno$s that the $it)
nesses $ere false ones# he ay consuate his arriage%H
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 063:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle used to like s$eets and also used to like honey# and $hene(er he finished the 'Asr
prayer# he used to (isit his $i(es and stay $ith the% Ence he (isited Hafsa and reained $ith her
longer than the period he used to stay# so I enCuired about it% It $as said to e# HA $oan fro her
tribe ga(e her a leather skin containing honey as a present# and she ga(e soe of it to Allah's Apostle
to drink%H I said# HBy Allah# $e $ill play a trick on hi%H So I entioned the story to Sauda !the $ife of
the Prophet" and said to her# H@hen he enters upon you# he $ill coe near to you $hereupon you
should say to hi# 'E Allah's ApostleI Ha(e you eaten MaghafirJ' He $ill say# 'Do%' &hen you say to
hi# '@hat is this bad sellJ ' And it $ould be (ery hard on Allah's Apostle that a bad sell should
be found on his body% He $ill say# 'Hafsa has gi(en e a drink of honey%' &hen you should say to hi#
'Its bees ust ha(e sucked fro the Al)'Urfut !a foul selling flo$er"%' I too# $ill tell hi the sae%
And you# E Saifya# say the sae%H
So $hen the Prophet entered upon Sauda !the follo$ing happened"% Sauda said# HBy Hi e*cept
@ho none has the right to be $orshipped# I $as about to say to hi $hat you had told e to say
$hile he $as still at the gate because of fear fro you% But $hen Allah 's Apostle cae near to e# I
said to hi# 'E Allah's ApostleI Ha(e you eaten MaghafirJ' He replied# 'Do%' I said# '@hat about this
sellJ' He said# 'Hafsa has gi(en e a drink of honey%' I said# 'Its bees ust ha(e sucked Al)'Urfut%' H
@hen he entered upon e# I told hi the sae as that# and $hen he entered upon Safiya# she too
told hi the sae% So $hen he (isited Hafsa again# she said to hi# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall I gi(e
you a drink of it !honey"JH He said# HI ha(e no desire for it%H Sauda said# Subhan AllahI @e ha(e de)
pri(ed hi of it !honey"%H I said to her# HBe CuietIH
=olue 1 ) 0440 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 06<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Air bin Rabi'a:
'Uar bin Al)Khattab left for Sha# and $hen he reached a placed called Sargh# he cae to kno$
that there $as an outbreak of an epideic !of plague" in Sha% &hen 'AbdurRahan bin 'Auf told
hi that Allah's Apostle said# HIf you hear the ne$s of an outbreak of an epideic !plague" in a cer)
tain place# do not enter that place: and if the epideic falls in a place $hile you are present in it# do
not lea(e that place to escape fro the epideic%H So 'Uar returned fro Sargh%
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 062:
Darrated 'Air bin Sa'd bin Abi @aCCas:
&hat he heard Usaa bin Faid speaking to Sa'd# saying# HAllah's Apostle entioned the plague and
said# 'It is a eans of punishent $ith $hich soe nations $ere punished and soe of it has re)
ained# and it appears no$ and then% So $hoe(er hears that there is an outbreak of plague in soe
land# he should not go to that land# and if the plague breaks out in the land $here one is already
present# one should not run a$ay fro that land# escaping fro the plague%H
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 064:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# H&he one $ho takes back his gift is like a dog s$allo$ing its o$n (oit# and $e
!belie(ers" should not act according to this bad e*aple%H
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 065:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet has decreed that preeption is (alid in all cases $here the real estate concerned has
not been di(ided# but if the boundaries are established and the $ays are ade# then there is no pree)
ption% A an said# HPreeption is only for the neighbor#H and then he akes in(alid $hat he has
confired% He said# HIf soeone $ants to buy a house and being afraid that the neighbor !of the
house" ay buy it through preeption# he buys one share out of one hundred shares of the house
and then buys the rest of the house# then the neighbor can only ha(e the right of preeption for the
first share but not for the rest of the houseL and the buyer ay play such a trick in this case%H
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 06::
Darrated 'Ar bin Ash)Sharid:
=olue 1 ) 0443 ? 0:66
Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa cae and put his hand on y shoulder and I accopanied hi to Sa'd%
Abu Rafi' said to Al)Mis$ar# H@on't you order this !i%e% Sa'd" to buy y house $hich is in y yardJH
Sa'd said# HI $ill not offer ore than four hundred in installents o(er a fi*ed period%H Abu Rafi said#
HI $as offered fi(e hundred cash but I refused% Had I not heard the Prophet saying# 'A neighbor is
ore entitled to recei(e the care of his neighbor#' I $ould not ha(e sold it to you%H &he narrator said#
to Sufyan: Ma'ar did not say so% Sufyan said# HBut he did say so to e%H Soe people said# HIf
soeone $ants to sell a house and depri(ed soebody of the right of preeption# he has the right to
play a trick to render the preeption in(alid% And that is by gi(ing the house to the buyer as a
present and arking its boundaries and gi(ing it to hi% &he buyer then gi(es the seller one)thou)
sand 8irha as copensation in $hich case the preeptor loses his right of preeption%H
Darrated 'Ar bin Ash)Sharid: Abu Rafi' said that Sa'd offered hi four hundred MithCal of gold
for a house% Abu Rafi ' said# HIf I had not heard Allah's Apostle saying# 'A neighbor has ore right to
be taken care of by his neighbor#' then I $ould not ha(e gi(en it to you%H Soe people said# HIf one has
bought a portion of a house and $ants to cancel the right of preeption# he ay gi(e it as a present
to his little son and he $ill not be obliged to take an oath%H
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 067:
Darrated Abu Huaid As)Sa'idi:
Allah's Apostle appointed a an called Ibn Al);utabiyya to collect the Fakat fro Bani Sulai's
tribe% @hen he returned# the Prophet called hi to account% He said !to the Prophet# '&his is your
oney# and this has been gi(en to e as a gift%H En that# Allah's Apostle said# H@hy didn't you stay in
your father's and other's house to see $hether you $ill be gi(en gifts or not if you are telling the
truthJH &hen the Prophet addressed us# and after praising and glorifying Allah# he said: HAa
Ba'duH# I eploy a an fro aong you to anage soe affair of $hat Allah has put under y cus)
tody# and then he coes to e and says# '&his is your oney and this has been gi(en to e as a gift%
@hy didn't he stay in his father's and other's hoe to see $hether he $ill be gi(en gifts or notJ By
Allah# not anyone of you takes a thing unla$fully but he $ill eet Allah on the 8ay of Resurrection#
carrying that thing% I do not $ant to see any of you carrying a grunting cael or a ooing co$ or a
bleating sheep on eeting Allah%H &hen the Prophet raised both his hands till the $hiteness of his
arpits becae (isible# and he said# HE AllahI Ha(en't I ha(e con(eyed !Kour Message"JH &he narrat)
or added: My eyes $itnessed and y ears heard !that Hadith"%
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 061:
Darrated Abu Rafi':
&he Prophet said# H&he neighbor has ore right to be taken care of by his neighbor !than anyone
else"%H Soe en said# HIf one $ants to buy a house for 36#666 8irhas then there is no har to play
a trick to depri(e soebody of preeption by buying it !.ust on paper" $ith 36#666 8irhas but
=olue 1 ) 044< ? 0:66
paying to the seller only 1#111 8irhas in cash and then agree $ith the seller to pay only one 8inar
in cash for the rest of the price !i%e% 06#660 8irhas"% If the preeptor offers 36#666 8irhas for the
house# he can buy it other$ise he has no right to buy it !by this trick he got out of preeption"% If the
house pro(es to belong to soebody else other than the seller# the buyer should take back fro the
seller $hat he has paid# i%e%# 1#111 8irhas and one 8inar# because if the house pro(es to belong to
soebody else# so the $hole bargain !deal" is unla$ful% If the buyer finds a defect in the house and it
does not belong to soebody other than the seller# the buyer ay return it and recei(e 36#666
8irhas !instead of 1111 8irha plus one 8inar" $hich he actually paid%' Abu 'Abdullah said# HSo
that an allo$s !soe people" the playing of tricks aongst the Muslis !although" the Prophet
said# 'In dealing $ith Muslis one should not sell the sick !anials" or bad things or stolen things%H
=olue 1# Book 75# Duber 006:
Darrated 'Ar bin Ash)Sharid:
Abu Rafi' sold a house to Sa'd bin Malik for four)hundred MithCal of gold# and said# HIf I had not
heard the Prophet saying# '&he neighbor has ore right to be taken care of by his neighbor !than
anyone else"#' then I $ould not ha(e sold it to you%H
=olue 1 ) 0442 ? 0:66
Book 7:: Interpretation of 8reas
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 000:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he coenceent of the 8i(ine Inspiration to Allah's Apostle $as in the for of good righteous
!true" dreas in his sleep% He ne(er had a drea but that it cae true like bright day light% He used
to go in seclusion !the ca(e of" Hira $here he used to $orship!Allah Alone" continuously for any
!days" nights% He used to take $ith hi the .ourney food for that !stay" and then coe back to !his
$ife" Khadi.a to take his food like)$ise again for another period to stay# till suddenly the &ruth des)
cended upon hi $hile he $as in the ca(e of Hira% &he angel cae to hi in it and asked hi to
read% &he Prophet replied# HI do not kno$ ho$ to read%H !&he Prophet added"# H&he angel caught e
!forcefully" and pressed e so hard that I could not bear it anyore% He then released e and again
asked e to read# and I replied# HI do not kno$ ho$ to read#H $hereupon he caught e again and
pressed e a second tie till I could not bear it anyore% He then released e and asked e again to
read# but again I replied# HI do not kno$ ho$ to read !or# $hat shall I readJ"%H &hereupon he caught
e for the third tie and pressed e and then released e and said# HRead: In the Dae of your
;ord# @ho has created !all that e*ists"% Has created an fro a clot% Read and Kour ;ord is Most
Aenerous%%%up to%%%%% %%that $hich he kne$ not%H !15%04"
&hen Allah's Apostle returned $ith the Inspiration# his neck uscles t$itching $ith terror till he
entered upon Khadi.a and said# H9o(er eI 9o(er eIH &hey co(ered hi till his fear $as o(er and
then he said# HE Khadi.a# $hat is $rong $ith eJH &hen he told her e(erything that had happened
and said# 'I fear that soething ay happen to e%H Khadi.a said# 'De(erI But ha(e the glad tidings#
for by Allah# Allah $ill ne(er disgrace you as you keep good reactions $ith your Kith and kin# speak
the truth# help the poor and the destitute# ser(e your guest generously and assist the deser(ing#
calaity)afflicted ones%H Khadi.a then accopanied hi to !her cousin" @araCa bin Daufal bin Asad
bin 'Abdul 'U--a bin ,usai% @araCa $as the son of her paternal uncle# i%e%# her father's brother# $ho
during the Pre)Islaic Period becae a 9hristian and used to $rite the Arabic $riting and used to
$rite of the Aospels in Arabic as uch as Allah $ished hi to $rite% He $as an old an and had lost
his eyesight% Khadi.a said to hi# HE y cousinI ;isten to the story of your nephe$%H @araCa asked#
HE y nephe$I @hat ha(e you seenJH &he Prophet described $hate(er he had seen%
@araCa said# H&his is the sae Daus !i%e%# Aabriel# the Angel $ho keeps the secrets" $ho Allah
had sent to Moses% I $ish I $ere young and could li(e up to the tie $hen your people $ould turn
you out%H Allah's Apostle asked# H@ill they turn e outJH @araCa replied in the affirati(e and said:
HDe(er did a an coe $ith soething siilar to $hat you ha(e brought but $as treated $ith hos)
tility% If I should reain ali(e till the day $hen you $ill be turned out then I $ould support you
strongly%H But after a fe$ days @araCa died and the 8i(ine Inspiration $as also paused for a $hile
=olue 1 ) 0444 ? 0:66
and the Prophet becae so sad as $e ha(e heard that he intended se(eral ties to thro$ hiself
fro the tops of high ountains and e(ery tie he $ent up the top of a ountain in order to thro$
hiself do$n# Aabriel $ould appear before hi and say# HE MuhaadI Kou are indeed Allah's
Apostle in truthH $hereupon his heart $ould becoe Cuiet and he $ould cal do$n and $ould re)
turn hoe% And $hene(er the period of the coing of the inspiration used to becoe long# he $ould
do as before# but $hen he used to reach the top of a ountain# Aabriel $ould appear before hi and
say to hi $hat he had said before% !Ibn 'Abbas said regarding the eaning of: 'He it is that 9lea(es
the daybreak !fro the darkness"' !5%15" that Al)Asbah% eans the light of the sun during the day
and the light of the oon at night"%
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 003:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# HA good drea !that coes true" of a righteous an is one of forty)si* parts of
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 00<:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
&he Prophet said# HA true good drea is fro Allah# and a bad drea is fro Satan%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 002:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# HIf anyone of you sees a drea that he likes# then it is fro Allah# and he should
thank Allah for it and narrate it to othersL but if he sees soething else# i%e%# a drea that he dislikes#
then it is fro Satan# and he should seek refuge $ith Allah fro its e(il# and he should not ention it
to anybody# for it $ill not har hi%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 004:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
&he Prophet said# HA good drea that coes true is fro Allah# and a bad drea is fro Satan# so
if anyone of you sees a bad drea# he should seek refuge $ith Allah fro Satan and should spit on
the left# for the bad drea $ill not har hi%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 005:
Darrated 'Ubada bin As)Sait:
=olue 1 ) 0445 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# H&he !good" dreas of a faithful belie(er is a part of the forty)si* parts of proph)
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 00::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he !good" drea of a faithful belie(er is a part of the forty)si* parts of
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 007:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HA good drea is a part of the forty si* parts of prophetis%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 001:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HDothing is left of the prophetis e*cept Al)Mubashshirat%H &hey
asked# H@hat are Al)MubashshiratJH He replied# H&he true good dreas !that con(eys glad tidings"%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 036:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Soe people $ere sho$n the Dight of ,adr as being in the last se(en days !of the onth of Ra)
adan"% &he Prophet said# HSeek it in the last se(en days !of Raadan"%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 030:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf I stayed in prison as long as /oseph stayed and then the essenger cae# I
$ould respond to his call !to go out of the prison" %H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 033:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard the Prophet saying# H@hoe(er sees e in a drea $ill see e in his $akefulness# and Satan
cannot iitate e in shape%H Abu 'Abdullah said# HIbn Sirin said# 'Enly if he sees the Prophet in his
!real" shape%'H
=olue 1 ) 044: ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 03<:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er has seen e in a drea# then no doubt# he has seen e# for Satan can)
not iitate y shape%
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 032:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
&he Prophet said# HA good drea is fro Allah# and a bad drea is fro Satan% So $hoe(er has
seen !in a drea" soething he dislike# then he should spit $ithout sali(a# thrice on his left and seek
refuge $ith Allah fro Satan# for it $ill not har hi# and Satan cannot appear in y shape%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 034:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er sees e !in a drea" then he indeed has seen the truth %H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 035:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# H@ho e(er sees e !in a drea" then he indeed has seen the truth# as Satan can)
not appear in y shape%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 03::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HI ha(e been gi(en the keys of eloCuent speech and gi(en (ictory $ith a$e !cast
into the hearts of the eney"# and $hile I $as sleeping last night# the keys of the treasures of the
earth $ere brought to e till they $ere put in y hand%H Abu Huraira added: Allah's Apostle left !this
$orld" and no$ you people are carrying those treasures fro place to place%
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 037:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HI sa$ yself !in a drea" near the Ka'ba last night# and I sa$ a an $ith
$hitish red cople*ion# the best you ay see aongst en of that cople*ion ha(ing long hair
reaching his earlobes $hich $as the best hair of its sort# and he had cobed his hair and $ater $as
dropping fro it# and he $as perforing the &a$af around the Ka'ba $hile he $as leaning on t$o
=olue 1 ) 0447 ? 0:66
en or on the shoulders of t$o en% I asked# '@ho is this anJ' Soebody replied# '!He is" Messiah#
son of Mary%' &hen I sa$ another an $ith (ery curly hair# blind in the right eye $hich looked like a
protruding out grape% I asked# '@ho is thisJ' Soebody replied# '!He is" Messiah# Ad)'H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 031:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
About a an $ho cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HI $as sho$n in a drea last night%%%H &hen Ibn
'Abbas entioned the narration%
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 0<6:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle used to (isit U Hara bint Milhan she $as the $ife of 'Ubada bin As)Sait% Ene
day the Prophet (isited her and she pro(ided hi $ith food and started looking for lice in his head%
&hen Allah's Apostle slept and after$ards $oke up siling% U Hara asked# H@hat akes you
sile# E Allah's ApostleJH He said# HSoe of y follo$ers $ere presented before e in y drea as
fighters in Allah's 9ause# sailing in the iddle of the seas like kings on the thrones or like kings sit)
ting on their thrones%H !&he narrator IshaC is not sure as to $hich e*pression $as correct"% U
Hara added# 'I said# HE Allah's ApostleI In(oke Allah# to ake e one of theLH So Allah's Apostle
in(oked Allah for her and then laid his head do$n !and slept"% &hen he $oke up siling !again"%
!U Hara added": I said# H@hat akes you sile# E Allah's ApostleJH He said# HSoe people of y
follo$ers $ere presented before e !in a drea" as fighters in Allah's 9ause%H He said the sae as he
had said before% I said# HE Allah's ApostleI In(oke Allah to ake e fro the%H He said# HKou are
aong the first ones%H &hen U Hara sailed o(er the sea during the 9aliphate of Mua$iya bin Abu
Sufyan# and she fell do$n fro her riding anial after coing ashore# and died%
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 0<0:
Darrated Khari.a bin Faid bin &habit:
U Al)'Ala an Ansari $oan $ho had gi(en a pledge of allegiance to Allah's Apostle told e:#
H&he Muha.irln !eigrants" $ere distributed aongst us by dra$ing lots# and $e got 'Uthan bin
Ma-'un in our share% @e ade hi stay $ith us in our house% &hen he suffered fro a disease $hich
pro(ed fatal% @hen he died and $as gi(en a bath and $as shrouded in his clothes% Allah's Apostle
cae# I said# !addressing the dead body"# 'E Aba As)Sa'ibI May Allah be Merciful to youI I testify that
Allah has honored you%' Allah's Apostle said# 'Ho$ do you kno$ that Allah has honored hiJH I
replied# ';et y father be sacrificed for you# E Allah's ApostleI En $ho else shall Allah besto$% His
honorJ' Allah's Apostle said# 'As for hi# by Allah# death has coe to hi% By Allah# I $ish hi all
good !fro Allah"% By Allah# in spite of the fact that I a Allah's Apostle# I do not kno$ $hat Allah
=olue 1 ) 0441 ? 0:66
$ill do to e%H# U Al)'Ala added# HBy Allah# I $ill ne(er attest the righteousness of anybody after
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 0<3:
Darrated A-)Fuhri:
Regarding the abo(e narration# &he Prophet said# HI do not kno$ $hat Allah $ill do to hi !Uth)
an bin Ma-'un"%H U Al)'Ala said# HI felt (ery sorry for that# and then I slept and sa$ in a drea a
flo$ing spring for 'Uthan bin Ma-'un# and told Allah's Apostle of that# and he said# H&hat flo$ing
spring syboli-es his good deeds%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 0<<:
Darrated Abu ,atada Al)Ansari:
!a copanion of the Prophet and one of his ca(alry en" HI heard Allah's Apostle saying# HA good
drea is fro Allah# and a bad drea is fro SatanL so# if anyone of you had a bad drea $hich he
disliked# then he should spit on his left and seek refuge $ith Allah fro it# for it $ill not har hi%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 0<2:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H@hile I $as sleeping# I $as gi(en a bo$l full of ilk !in a drea"#
and I drank of it to y fill until I noticed its $etness coing out of y nails# and then I ga(e the rest
of it to 'Uar%H &hey !the people" asked# H@hat ha(e you interpreted !about the drea"J E Allah's
ApostleJH He said# H!It is Religious" kno$ledge%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 0<4:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hile I $as sleeping# I $as gi(en a bo$l full of ilk !in the drea" and I
drank fro it !to y fill" till I noticed its $etness coing out of y libs% &hen I ga(e the rest of it to
'Uar bin Al)Khattab%H &he persons sitting around hi# asked# H@hat ha(e you interpreted !about the
drea" E Allah's ApostleJH He said# H!It is religious" kno$ledge%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 0<5:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hile I $as sleeping# soe people $ere displayed before e !in a drea"%
&hey $ere $earing shirts# soe of $hich $ere erely co(ering their breasts# and soe a bit longer%
=olue 1 ) 0456 ? 0:66
&hen there passed before e# 'Uar bin Al)Khattab $earing a shirt he $as dragging it !on the
ground behind hi%"H &hey !the people" asked# H@hat ha(e you interpreted !about the drea" E Al)
lah's ApostleJH He said# H&he Religion%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 0<::
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H@hile I $as sleeping# I sa$ !in a drea" the people being displayed
before e# $earing shirts# soe of $hich !$ere so short that it" reached as far as their breasts and
soe reached belo$ that% &hen 'Uar bin Al)Khattab $as sho$n to e and he $as $earing a shirt
$hich he $as dragging !behind hi"%H &hey asked% @hat ha(e you interpreted !about the drea"J E
Allah's ApostleJH He said# H&he religion%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 0<7:
Darrated ,ais bin 'Ubada:
I $as sitting in a gathering in $hich there $as Sa'd bin Malik and Ibn 'Uar% 'Abdullah bin Sala
passed in front of the and they said# H&his an is fro the people of Paradise%H I said to 'Abdullah
bin Sala# H&hey said so)and)so%H He replied# HSubhan AllahI &hey ought not to ha(e said things of
$hich they ha(e no kno$ledge# but I sa$ !in a drea" that a post $as fi*ed in a green garden% At the
top of the post there $as a handhold and belo$ it there $as a ser(ant% I $as asked to clib !the
post"% So I clibed it till I got hold of the handhold%H &hen I narrated this drea to Allah's Apostle% Al )
lah's Apostle said# H'Abdullah $ill die $hile still holding the fir reliable handhold !i%e%# Isla"%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 0<1:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said !to e"# HKou $ere sho$n to e t$ice in !y" drea% Behold# a an $as car)
rying you in a silken piece of cloth and said to e# HShe is your $ife# so unco(er her#' and behold# it
$as you% I $ould then say !to yself"# 'If this is fro Allah# then it ust happen%' H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 026:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said to e# HKou $ere sho$n to e t$ice !in y drea" before I arried you% I sa$
an angel carrying you in a silken piece of cloth# and I said to hi# 'Unco(er !her"#' and behold# it $as
you% I said !to yself"# 'If this is fro Allah# then it ust happen%' &hen you $ere sho$n to e# the
angel carrying you in a silken piece of cloth# and I said !to hi"# 'Unco(er !her"# and behold# it $as
you% I said !to yself"# 'If this is fro Allah# then it ust happen%' H
=olue 1 ) 0450 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 020:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HI ha(e been sent $ith /a$ai al)Kali !i%e%# the shortest e*pression
carrying the $idest eanings"# and I $as ade (ictorious $ith a$e !caste into the hearts of the en)
ey"# and $hile I $as sleeping# the keys of the treasures of the earth $ere brought to e and $ere
put in y hand%H Muhaad said# /a$ai')al)Kali eans that Allah e*presses in one or t$o state)
ents or thereabouts the nuerous atters that used to be $ritten in the books re(ealed before !the
coing of" the Prophet %
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 023:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Sala:
!In a drea" I sa$ yself in a garden# and there $as a pillar in the iddle of the garden# and
there $as a handhold at the top of the pillar% I $as asked to clib it% I said# HI cannot%H &hen a ser(ant
cae and lifted up y clothes and I clibed !the pillar"# and then got hold of the handhold# and I
$oke up $hile still holding it% I narrated that to the Prophet $ho said# H&he garden syboli-es the
garden of Isla# and the handhold is the fir Islaic handhold $hich indicates that you $ill be ad)
hering firly to Isla until you die%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 02<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
I sa$ in a drea a piece of silken cloth in y hand# and in $hate(er direction in Paradise I $a(ed
it# it fle$# carrying e there% I narrated this !drea" to !y sister" Hafsa and she told it to the Prophet
$ho said# !to Hafsa"# HIndeed# your brother is a righteous an#H or# HIndeed# 'Abdullah is a righteous
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 022:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen the 8ay of Resurrection approaches# the dreas of a belie(er $ill
hardly fail to coe true# and a drea of a belie(er is one of forty)si* parts of prophetis# and
$hate(er belongs to prothetis can ne(er be false%H Muhaad bin Sirin said# HBut I say this%H He
said# HIt used to be said# '&here are three types of dreas: &he reflection of one's thoughts and e*peri)
ences one has during $akefulness# $hat is suggested by Satan to frighten the dreaer# or glad tid)
ings fro Allah% So# if soeone has a drea $hich he dislikes# he should not tell it to others# but get
up and offer a prayer%H He added# HHe !Abu Huraira" hated to see a Ahul !i%e%# iron collar around his
neck in a drea" and people liked to see fetters !on their feet in a drea"% &he fetters on the feet
=olue 1 ) 0453 ? 0:66
syboli-es one's constant and fir adherence to religion%H And Abu 'Abdullah said# HAhuls !iron col)
lars" are used only for necks%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 024:
Darrated Khari.a bin Faid bin &habit:
U Al)'Ala an Ansari $oan $ho had gi(en the Pledge of allegiance to Allah's Apostle said# H'Uth)
an bin Ma-'un cae in our share $hen the Ansars dre$ lots to distribute the eigrants !to d$ell"
aong thesel(es# He becae sick and $e looked after !nursed" hi till he died% &hen $e shrouded
hi in his clothes% Allah's Apostle cae to us# I !addressing the dead body" said# HMay Allah's Mercy
be on you# E Aba As)Sa'ibI I testify that Allah has honored you%H &he Prophet said# 'Ho$ do you kno$
thatJ' I replied# 'I do not kno$# by Allah%' He said# 'As for hi# death has coe to hi and I $ish hi
all good fro Allah% By Allah# though I a Allah's Apostle# I neither kno$ $hat $ill happen to e#
nor to you%'H U Al)'Ala said# HBy Allah# I $ill ne(er attest the righteousness of anybody after that%H
She added# H;ater I sa$ in a drea# a flo$ing spring for 'Uthan% So I $ent to Allah's Apostle and
entioned that to hi% He said# '&hat is !the sybol of" his good deeds !the re$ard for" $hich is go)
ing on for hi%' H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 025:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H!I sa$ in a drea that" $hile I $as standing at a $ell and dra$ing $ater
therefro# suddenly Abu Bakr and 'Uar cae to e% Abu Bakr took the bucket and dre$ one or
t$o buckets !full of $ater"# but there $as $eakness in his pulling# but Allah forga(e hi% &hen Ibn
Al)Khattab took the bucket fro Abu Bakr's hand and the bucket turned into a (ery large one in his
hand% I ha(e ne(er seen any strong an aong the people doing such a hard .ob as 'Uar did# till
!the people drank to their satisfaction" and $ater their caels to their fill and they sat near the $a)
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 02::
Darrated Sali's father:
about the Prophet's drea in $hich he has seen Abu Bakr and 'Uar: &he Prophet said# HI sa$ !in a
drea" that the people had gathered% &hen Abu Bakr stood up and pulled out one or t$o buckets full
of $ater !fro a $ell" and there $as $eakness in his pulling )) ay Allah forgi(e hi% &hen Ibn Al)
Khattab stood up# and the bucket turned into a (ery large one and I ha(e ne(er seen any strong an
aong the people doing such a hard .ob% He pulled out so uch $ater that the people !drank to their
satisfaction" and $atered their caels to their fill# !and then after Cuenching their thirst" they sat be)
side the $ater%H
=olue 1 ) 045< ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 027:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hile I $as sleeping# I sa$ yself standing at a $ell o(er $hich there $as a
bucket% I pulled out fro it as any buckets of $ater as Allah $ished# and then Ibn Abi ,uhafa !Abu
Bakr" took the bucket fro e and pulled out one or t$o full buckets# and there $as $eakness in his
pull))ay Allah forgi(e hi% &hen the bucket turned into a (ery large one and 'Uar bin Al)Khattab
took it% I ha(e ne(er seen any strong an aong the people# dra$ing $ater $ith such strength as
'Uar did# till the people !drank to their satisfaction and" $atered their caels to their fillL
$hereupon the caels sat beside the $ater%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 021:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hile I $as sleeping# I sa$ yself standing o(er a tank !$ell" gi(ing $ater to
the people to drink% &hen Abu Bakr cae to e and took the bucket fro e in order to relie(e e
and he pulled out one or t$o full buckets# and there $as $eakness in his pulling ))ay Allah for)
gi(e hi% &hen Ibn Al)Khattab took it fro hi and $ent on dra$ing $ater till the people left !after
being satisfied" $hile the tank $as o(er flo$ing $ith $ater%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 046:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@e $ere sitting $ith Allah's Apostle# he said# H@hile I $as sleeping# I sa$ yself in Paradise% Sud)
denly I sa$ a $oan perforing ablution beside a palace% I asked# HBor $ho is this palaceJH &hey
!the angels" replied# HIt is for 'Uar bin Al)Khattab%H &hen I reebered 'Uar's ghira and $ent
back hurriedly%H En hearing that# 'Uar started $eeping and said# H ;et y father and other be sac)
rificed for you% E Allah's ApostleI Ho$ dare I think of y Ahira being offended by youJ
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 040:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said: !I sa$ in a drea that" I entered Paradise# and behold# there $as a palace built
of goldI I asked# 'Bor $ho is this palaceJ' &hey !the angels" replied# 'Bor a an fro the ,uraish%' H
&he Prophet added# HE Ibn Al)KhattabI Dothing stopped e fro entering it e*cept your Ahira%H
'Uar said# HHo$ dare I think of y Ahira being offended by you# E Allah's ApostleJH
=olue 1 ) 0452 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 043:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@e $ere sitting $ith Allah's Apostle he said# H@hile I $as sleeping# I sa$ yself in Paradise# and
behold# a $oan $as perforing ablution by the side of a palace% I asked# 'Bor $ho is this palaceJ'
&hey replied# 'Bor 'Uar' &hen I reebered the Ahira of 'Uar and returned iediately%H 'Uar
$ept !on hearing that" and said# H ;et y father and other be sacrificed for you# E Allah's ApostleI
Ho$ dare I think of y Ahira being offended by you%'
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 04<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hile I $as sleeping# I sa$ yself perforing the &a$af of the Ka'ba% Behold#
there I sa$ a $hitish)red lank)haired an !holding hiself" bet$een t$o en $ith $ater dropping
fro his hair% I asked# '@ho is thisJ' &he people replied# 'He is the son of Mary%' &hen I turned y face
to see another an $ith red cople*ion# big body# curly hair# and blind in the right eye $hich
looked like a protruding out grape% I asked# '@ho is heJ' &hey replied# 'He is Ad)' Ibn ,atan re)
sebles hi ore than anybody else aong the people and Ibn ,atan $as a an fro Bani Al)
MustaliC fro Khu-a'a%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 042:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H@hile I $as sleeping# I sa$ a bo$l full of ilk $as brought to e
and I drank of it !to y fill" till I noticed its $etness flo$ing !in y body"% &hen I ga(e the reaining
of it to 'Uar%H &hey asked# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat ha(e you interpreted !about the drea"J He
said# H!It is Religious" kno$ledge%H !See Hadith Do% 0<2"
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 044:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Men fro the copanions of Allah's Apostle used to see dreas during the lifetie of Allah's
Apostle and they used to narrate those dreas to Allah's Apostle% Allah's Apostle $ould interpret
the as Allah $ished% I $as a young an and used to stay in the osCue before y $edlock% I said
to yself# HIf there $ere any good in yself# I too $ould see $hat these people see%H So $hen I $ent
to bed one night# I said# HE AllahI If you see any good in e# sho$ e a good drea%H So $hile I $as
in that state# there cae to e !in a drea" t$o angels% In the hand of each of the# there $as a
ace of iron# and both of the $ere taking e to Hell# and I $as bet$een the# in(oking Allah# HE
AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kou fro Hell%H &hen I sa$ yself being confronted by another angel hold)
=olue 1 ) 0454 ? 0:66
ing a ace of iron in his hand% He said to e# H8o not be afraid# you $ill be an e*cellent an if you
only pray ore often%H So they took e till they stopped e at the edge of Hell# and behold# it $as
built inside like a $ell and it had side posts like those of a $ell# and beside each post there $as an
angel carrying an iron ace% I sa$ therein any people hanging upside do$n $ith iron chains# and
I recogni-ed therein soe en fro the ,uraish% &hen !the angels" took e to the right side% I nar)
rated this drea to !y sister" Hafsa and she told it to Allah's Apostle% Allah's Apostle said# HDo doubt#
'Abdullah is a good an%H !Dafi' said# HSince then 'Abdullah bin 'Uar used to pray uch%"
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 045:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
I $as a young unarried an during the lifetie of the Prophet% I used to sleep in the osCue%
Anyone $ho had a drea# $ould narrate it to the Prophet% I said# HE AllahI If there is any good for
e $ith Kou# then sho$ e a drea so that Allah's Apostle ay interpret it for e%H So I slept and
sa$ !in a drea" t$o angels cae to e and took e along $ith the# and they et another angel
$ho said to e# H8on't be afraid# you are a good an%H &hey took e to$ards the Bire# and behold# it
$as built inside like a $ell# and therein I sa$ people soe of $ho I recogni-ed# and then the angels
took e to the right side% In the orning# I entioned that drea to Hafsa% Hafsa told e that she
had entioned it to the Prophet and he said# H'Abdullah is a righteous an if he only prays ore at
night%H !A-)Fuhri said# HAfter that# 'Abdullah used to pray ore at night%H"
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 04::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# H@hile I $as sleeping# I sa$ that a cup full of ilk $as brought to
e and I drank of it and ga(e the reaining of it to 'Uar bin Al)Khattab%H &hey asked% @hat ha(e
you interpreted !about the drea"J E Allah's ApostleJH &he Prophet said% H!It is Religious" kno$ledge%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 047:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hile I $as sleeping# t$o golden bangles $ere put in y t$o hands# so I got
scared !frightened" and disliked it# but I $as gi(en perission to blo$ the off# and they fle$ a$ay%
I interpret it as a sybol of t$o liars $ho $ill appear%H 'Ubaidullah said# HEne of the $as Al)'Ansi
$ho $as killed by Bairu- at Keen and the other $as Musailaa !at Da.d" %
=olue 1 ) 0455 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 041:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# HI sa$ in a drea that I $as igrating fro Mecca to a land $here there $ere
date pal trees% I thought that it ight be the land of Al)Kaaa or but behold# it turned out
to be Kathrib !i%e% Medina"% And I sa$ co$s !being slaughtered" there# but the re$ard gi(en by Allah
is better !than $orldly benefits"% Behold# those co$s pro(ed to syboli-e the belie(ers !$ho $ere
killed" on the 8ay !of the battle" of Uhud# and the good !$hich I sa$ in the drea" $as the good and
the re$ard and the truth $hich Allah besto$ed upon us after the Badr battle% !or the Battle of Uhud"
and that $as the (ictory besto$ed by Allah in the Battle of Khaibar and the conCuest of Mecca" %
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 056:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@e !Muslis" are the last !to coe" but !$ill be" the foreost !on the 8ay of
Resurrection"%H Allah's Apostle further said# ''@hile sleeping# I $as gi(en the treasures of the $orld
and t$o golden bangles $ere put in y hands# but I felt uch annoyed# and those t$o bangles dis)
tressed e (ery uch# but I $as inspired that I should blo$ the off# so I ble$ the and they fle$
a$ay% &hen I interpreted that those t$o bangles $ere the liars bet$een $ho I $as !i%e%# the one of
San'a' and the one of Kaaa"%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 050:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HI sa$ !in a drea" a black $oan $ith unkept hair going out of Medina and
settling at Mahai'a# i%e%# Al)/uhfa% I interpreted that as a sybol of epideic of Medina being trans)
ferred to that place !Al)/uhfa"%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 053:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
concerning the drea of the Prophet in Medina: &he Prophet said# HI sa$ !in a drea" a black $o)
an $ith unkept hair going out of Medina and settling at Mahai'a% I interpreted that as !a sybol
of" the epideic of Medina being transferred to Mahai'a# naely# Al)/uhfa%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 05<:
Darrated Sali's father:
=olue 1 ) 045: ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HI sa$ !in a drea" a black $oan $ith unkept hair going out of Medina and
settling in Mahai'a% I interpreted that as !a sybol of" epideic of Medina being transferred to Ma)
hai'a# naely# Al)/uhfa%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 052:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# HI sa$ in a drea that I $a(ed a s$ord and it broke in the iddle# and behold#
that syboli-ed the casualties the belie(ers suffered on the 8ay !of the battle" of Uhud% &hen I $a(ed
the s$ord again# and it becae better than it had e(er been before# and behold# that syboli-ed the
9onCuest !of Mecca" $hich Allah brought about and the gathering of the belie(ers% H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 054:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er clais to ha(e seen a drea $hich he did not see# $ill be ordered to
ake a knot bet$een t$o barley grains $hich he $ill not be able to doL and if soebody listens to
the talk of soe people $ho do not like hi !to listen" or they run a$ay fro hi# then olten lead
$ill be poured into his ears on the 8ay of ResurrectionL and $hoe(er akes a picture# $ill be pun)
ished on the 8ay of Resurrection and $ill be ordered to put a soul in that picture# $hich he $ill not
be able to do%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 055:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
as abo(e# 054%
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 05::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he $orst lie is that a person clais to ha(e seen a drea $hich he has not
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 057:
Darrated Abu Salaa:
I used to see a drea $hich $ould ake e sick till I heard Abu ,atada saying# HI too# used to see
a drea $hich $ould ake e sick till I heard the Prophet saying# HA good drea is fro Allah# so if
anyone of you sa$ a drea $hich he liked# he should not tell it to anybody e*cept to the one $ho
=olue 1 ) 0457 ? 0:66
he lo(es# and if he sa$ a drea $hich he disliked# then he should seek refuge $ith Allah fro its e(il
and fro the e(il of Satan# and spit three ties !on his left" and should not tell it to anybody# for it
$ill not har hi% H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 051:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HIf anyone of you sa$ a drea $hich he liked# then that $as fro
Allah# and he should thank Allah for it and tell it to othersL but if he sa$ soething else# i%e# a drea
$hich he did not like# then that is fro Satan and he should seek refuge $ith Allah fro it and
should not tell it to anybody for it $ill not har hi%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 0:6:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
A an cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HI sa$ in a drea# a cloud ha(ing shade% Butter and honey
$ere dropping fro it and I sa$ the people gathering it in their hands# soe gathering uch and
soe a little% And behold# there $as a rope e*tending fro the earth to the sky# and I sa$ that you
!the Prophet" held it and $ent up# and then another an held it and $ent up and !after that" another
!third" held it and $ent up# and then after another !fourth" an held it# but it broke and then got
connected again%H Abu Bakr said# HE Allah's ApostleI ;et y father be sacrificed for youI Allo$ e to
interpret this drea%H &he Prophet said to hi# HInterpret it%H Abu Bakr said# H&he cloud $ith shade
syboli-es Isla# and the butter and honey dropping fro it# syboli-es the ,uran# its s$eetness
dropping and soe people learning uch of the ,ur'an and soe a little% &he rope $hich is e*ten)
ded fro the sky to the earth is the &ruth $hich you !the Prophet" are follo$ing% Kou follo$ it and
Allah $ill raise you high $ith it# and then another an $ill follo$ it and $ill rise up $ith it and an)
other person $ill follo$ it and then another an $ill follo$ it but it $ill break and then it $ill be
connected for hi and he $ill rise up $ith it% E Allah's ApostleI ;et y father be sacrificed for youI
A I right or $rongJH &he Prophet replied# HKou are right in soe of it and $rong in soe%H Abu
Bakr said# HE Allah's ProphetI By Allah# you ust tell e in $hat I $as $rong%H &he Prophet said# H8o
not s$ear%H
=olue 1# Book 7:# Duber 0:0:
Darrated Saura bin /undub:
Allah's Apostle (ery often used to ask his copanions# H8id anyone of you see a dreaJH So dreas
$ould be narrated to hi by those $ho Allah $ished to tell% Ene orning the Prophet said# H;ast
night t$o persons cae to e !in a drea" and $oke e up and said to e# 'ProceedI' I set out $ith
the and $e cae across a an ;ying do$n# and behold# another an $as standing o(er his head#
=olue 1 ) 0451 ? 0:66
holding a big rock% Behold# he $as thro$ing the rock at the an's head# in.uring it% &he rock rolled
a$ay and the thro$er follo$ed it and took it back% By the tie he reached the an# his head re)
turned to the noral state% &he thro$er then did the sae as he had done before% I said to y t$o
copanions# 'Subhan AllahI @ho are these t$o personsJ' &hey said# 'ProceedI' So $e proceeded and
cae to a an ;ying flat on his back and another an standing o(er his head $ith an iron hook#
and behold# he $ould put the hook in one side of the an's outh and tear off that side of his face to
the back !of the neck" and siilarly tear his nose fro front to back and his eye fro front to back%
&hen he turned to the other side of the an's face and did .ust as he had done $ith the other side% He
hardly copleted this side $hen the other side returned to its noral state% &hen he returned to it to
repeat $hat he had done before% I said to y t$o copanions# 'Subhan AllahI @ho are these t$o
personsJ' &hey said to e# 'ProceedI' So $e proceeded and cae across soething like a &annur !a
kind of baking o(en# a pit usually clay)lined for baking bread"%H I think the Prophet said# HIn that
o(en t here $as uch noise and (oices%H &he Prophet added# H@e looked into it and found naked en
and $oen# and behold# a flae of fire $as reaching to the fro underneath# and $hen it reached
the# they cried loudly% I asked the# '@ho are theseJ' &hey said to e# 'ProceedI' And so $e pro)
ceeded and cae across a ri(er%H I think he said# H%%%% red like blood%H &he Prophet added# HAnd behold#
in the ri(er there $as a an s$iing# and on the bank there $as a an $ho had collected any
stones% Behold% $hile the other an $as s$iing# he $ent near hi% &he forer opened his outh
and the latter !on the bank" thre$ a stone into his outh $hereupon he $ent s$iing again% He
returned and e(ery tie the perforance $as repeated# I asked y t$o copanions# '@ho are these
!t$o" personsJ' &hey replied# 'ProceedI ProceedI' And $e proceeded till $e cae to a an $ith a re)
pulsi(e appearance# the ost repulsi(e appearance# you e(er sa$ a an ha(ingI Beside hi there
$as a fire and he $as kindling it and running around it% I asked y copanions# '@ho is this
!an"J' &hey said to e# 'ProceedI ProceedI' So $e proceeded till $e reached a garden of deep green
dense (egetation# ha(ing all sorts of spring colors% In the idst of the garden there $as a (ery tall
an and I could hardly see his head because of his great height# and around hi there $ere chil)
dren in such a large nuber as I ha(e ne(er seen% I said to y copanions# '@ho is thisJ' &hey
replied# 'ProceedI ProceedI' So $e proceeded till $e cae to a a.estic huge garden# greater and bet)
ter than I ha(e e(er seenI My t$o copanions said to e# 'Ao up and I $ent up' &he Prophet added#
HSo $e ascended till $e reached a city built of gold and sil(er bricks and $e $ent to its gate and
asked !the gatekeeper" to open the gate# and it $as opened and $e entered the city and found in it#
en $ith one side of their bodies as handsoe as the handsoest person you ha(e e(er seen# and
the other side as ugly as the ugliest person you ha(e e(er seen% My t$o copanions ordered those
en to thro$ thesel(es into the ri(er% Behold# there $as a ri(er flo$ing across !the city"# and its
$ater $as like ilk in $hiteness% &hose en $ent and thre$ thesel(es in it and then returned to
us after the ugliness !of their bodies" had disappeared and they becae in the best shape%H &he
Prophet further added# HMy t$o copanions !angels" said to e# '&his place is the +den Paradise# and
that is your place%' I raised up y sight# and behold# there I sa$ a palace like a $hite cloudI My t$o
copanions said to e# '&hat !palace" is your place%' I said to the# 'May Allah bless you bothI ;et e
=olue 1 ) 04:6 ? 0:66
enter it%' &hey replied# 'As for no$# you $ill not enter it# but you shall enter it !one day" I said to the#
'I ha(e seen any $onders tonight% @hat does all that ean $hich I ha(e seenJ' &hey replied# '@e
$ill infor you: As for the first an you cae upon $hose head $as being in.ured $ith the rock# he
is the sybol of the one $ho studies the ,uran and then neither recites it nor acts on its orders# and
sleeps# neglecting the en.oined prayers% As for the an you cae upon $hose sides of outh# nostrils
and eyes $ere torn off fro front to back# he is the sybol of the an $ho goes out of his house in
the orning and tells so any lies that it spreads all o(er the $orld% And those naked en and $o)
en $ho you sa$ in a construction resebling an o(en# they are the adulterers and the adul)
teressesL# and the an $ho you sa$ s$iing in the ri(er and gi(en a stone to s$allo$# is the eat)
er of usury !Riba" and the bad looking an $ho you sa$ near the fire kindling it and going round
it# is Malik# the gatekeeper of Hell and the tall an $ho you sa$ in the garden# is Abraha and the
children around hi are those children $ho die $ith Al)Bitra !the Islaic Baith"%H &he narrator ad)
ded: Soe Muslis asked the Prophet# HE Allah's ApostleI @hat about the children of pagansJH &he
Prophet replied# HAnd also the children of pagans%H &he Prophet added# HMy t$o copanions added#
'&he en you sa$ half handsoe and half ugly $ere those persons $ho had i*ed an act that $as
good $ith another that $as bad# but Allah forga(e the%'H
=olue 1 ) 04:0 ? 0:66
Book 77: Afflictions and the +nd of the @orld
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 0:3:
Darrated Asa':
&he Prophet said# HI $ill be at y ;ake)Bount !Kauthar" $aiting for $hoe(er $ill coe to e%
&hen soe people $ill be taken a$ay fro e $hereupon I $ill say# 'My follo$ersI' It $ill be said#
'Kou do not kno$ they turned Apostates as renegades !deserted their religion"%'H !Ibn Abi Mulaika
said# HAllah# $e seek refuge $ith Kou fro turning on our heels fro the !Islaic" religion and fro
being put to trialH"%
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 0:<:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HI a your predecessor at the ;ake)Bount !Kauthar" and soe en aongst you
$ill be brought to e# and $hen I $ill try to hand the soe $ater# they $ill be pulled a$ay fro
e by force $hereupon I $ill say# 'E ;ord# y copanionsI' &hen the Alighty $ill say# 'Kou do not
kno$ $hat they did after you left# they introduced ne$ things into the religion after you%'H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 0:2:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd:
I heard the Prophet saying# HI a your predecessor at the ;ake)Bount !Kauthar"# and $hoe(er $ill
coe to it# $ill drink fro it# and $hoe(er $ill drink fro it# $ill ne(er becoe thirsty after that%
&here $ill coe to e soe people $ho I kno$ and they kno$ e# and then a barrier $ill be set
up bet$een e and the%H Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri added that the Prophet further said: HI $ill say those
people are fro e% It $ill be said# 'Kou do not kno$ $hat changes and ne$ things they did after
you%' &hen I $ill say# 'Bar reo(ed !fro ercy"# far reo(ed !fro ercy"# those $ho changed !the
religion" after eI H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 0:4:
Darrated Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said to us# HKou $ill see after e# selfishness !on the part of other people" and other
atters that you $ill disappro(e of%H &hey asked# H@hat do you order us to do# E Allah's ApostleJ
!under such circustances"JH He said# HPay their rights to the !to the rulers" and ask your right
fro Allah%H
=olue 1 ) 04:3 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 0:5:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er disappro(es of soething done by his ruler then he should be patient#
for $hoe(er disobeys the ruler e(en a little !little M a span" $ill die as those $ho died in the Pre)
lslaic Period of Ignorance% !i%e% as rebellious Sinners"%
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 0:::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er notices soething $hich he dislikes done by his ruler# then he should
be patient# for $hoe(er becoes separate fro the copany of the Muslis e(en for a span and
then dies# he $ill die as those $ho died in the Pre)lslaic period of Ignorance !as rebellious sinners"%
!Bateh)Al)Bari page 003# =ol% 05"
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 0:7:
Darrated /unada bin Abi Uaiya:
@e entered upon 'Ubada bin As)Sait $hile he $as sick% @e said# HMay Allah ake you healthy%
@ill you tell us a Hadith you heard fro the Prophet and by $hich Allah ay ake you benefitJH He
said# H&he Prophet called us and $e ga(e hi the Pledge of allegiance for Isla# and aong the con)
ditions on $hich he took the Pledge fro us# $as that $e $ere to listen and obey !the orders" both at
the tie $hen $e $ere acti(e and at the tie $hen $e $ere tired# and at our difficult tie and at
our ease and to be obedient to the ruler and gi(e hi his right e(en if he did not gi(e us our right#
and not to fight against hi unless $e noticed hi ha(ing open Kufr !disbelief" for $hich $e $ould
ha(e a proof $ith us fro Allah%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 0:1:
Darrated Usaid bin Hudair:
A an cae to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou appointed such)and)such person and
you did not appoint eJH &he Prophet said# HAfter e you $ill see rulers not gi(ing you your right
!but you should gi(e the their right" and be patient till you eet e%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 076:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard the truthful and trusted by Allah !i%e%# the Prophet " saying# H&he destruction of y follo$)
ers $ill be through the hands of young en fro ,uraish%H
=olue 1 ) 04:< ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 070:
Darrated Fainab bint /ahsh:
&he Prophet got up fro his sleep $ith a flushed red face and said# HDone has the right to be $or)
shipped but Allah% @oe to the Arabs# fro the Areat e(il that is nearly approaching the% &oday a
gap has been ade in the $all of Aog and Magog like this%H !Sufyan illustrated by this foring the
nuber 16 or 066 $ith his fingers%" It $as asked# HShall $e be destroyed though there are righteous
people aong usJH &he Prophet said# HKes# if e(il increased%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 073:
Darrated Usaa bin Faid:
Ence the Prophet stood o(er one of the high buildings of Medina and then said !to the people"#
H8o you see $hat I seeJH &hey said# HDo%H He said# HI see afflictions falling aong your houses as rain
drops fall%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 07<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&ie $ill pass rapidly# good deeds $ill decrease# iserliness $ill be thro$n !in
the hearts of the people" afflictions $ill appear and there $ill be uch 'Al)Har.%H &hey said# HE Al)
lah's ApostleI @hat is HAl)Har.JH He said# HKillingI KillingIH !See Hadith Do% 5<# =ol% 7"
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 072:
Darrated 'Abdullah and Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# HDear the establishent of the Hour there $ill be days during $hich Religious
ignorance $ill spread# kno$ledge $ill be taken a$ay !(anish" and there $ill be uch Al)Har.# and
Al)Har. eans killing%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 074:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# HDear the establishent of the Hour there $ill be days during $hich !religious"
kno$ledge $ill be taken a$ay !(anish" and general ignorance $ill spread# and there $ill be Al)Har.
in abundance# and Al)Har. eans killing%H
=olue 1 ) 04:2 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 075:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said%%%!as abo(e# 074"% And Har.# in the +thiopian language# eans killing%
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 07::
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HDear the establishent of the Hour# there $ill be the days of Al)Har.# and the
religious kno$ledge $ill be taken a$ay !(anish i%e% by the death of Religious scholars" and general
ignorance $ill spread%H Abu Musa said# HAl)Har.# in the +thiopian language# eans killing#H Ibn
Mas'ud added: I heard Allah's Apostle sayingL !It $ill be" fro aong the ost $icked people $ho
$ill be li(ing at the tie $hen the Hour $ill be established%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 077:
Darrated A-)Fubair bin 'Adi:
@e $ent to Anas bin Malik and coplained about the $rong $e $ere suffering at the hand of Al)
Ha..a.% Anas bin Malik said# HBe patient till you eet your ;ord# for no tie $ill coe upon you but
the tie follo$ing it $ill be $orse than it% I heard that fro the Prophet%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 071:
Darrated U Salaa:
!the $ife of the Prophet" Allah's Apostle $oke up one night in a state of terror and said# HSubhan
Allah# Ho$ any treasures Allah has sent do$nI And ho$ any afflictions ha(e been sent do$nI
@ho $ill go and $ake the lady d$ellers !$i(es of the Prophet" up of these roos !for prayers"JH He
eant his $i(es# so that they ight pray% He added# HA $ell)dressed !soul" in this $orld ay be na)
ked in the Hereafter%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 016:
&he stateent of the Prophet: @hoe(er takes up ars against us# is not fro us%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 010:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
=olue 1 ) 04:4 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er takes up ars against us# is not fro us%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 013:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er takes up ars against us# is not fro us%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 01<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HDone of you should point out to$ards his Musli brother $ith a $eapon# for
he does not kno$# Satan ay tept hi to hit hi and thus he $ould fall into a pit of fire !Hell"H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 012:
Darrated Sufyan:
I said to 'Ar# HE Abu MuhaadI 8id you hear /abir bin 'Abdullah saying# 'A an carrying ar)
ro$s passed through the osCue and Allah's Apostle said to hi# 'Hold the arro$s by their headsI
H'Ar replied# HKes%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 014:
Darrated /abir:
A an passed through the osCue and he $as carrying arro$s# the heads of $hich $ere e*posed
!protruding"% &he an $as ordered !by the Prophet" to hold the iron heads so that it ight not
scratch !in.ure" any Musli%
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 015:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# HIf anyone of you passed through our osCue or through our arket $hile car)
rying arro$s# he should hold the iron heads#H or said# H%%%%% he should hold !their heads" firly $ith his
hand lest he should in.ure one of the Muslis $ith it%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 01::
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet# said# HAbusing a Musli is BusuC !e(il doing" and killing hi is Kufr !disbelief"%H
=olue 1 ) 04:5 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 017:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
I heard the Prophet saying# H8o not re(ert to disbelief after e by striking !cutting" the necks of
one another%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 011:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
Allah's Apostle addressed the people saying# H8on't you kno$ $hat is the day todayJH &hey replied#
HAllah and His Apostle kno$ better%H @e thought that he ight gi(e that day another nae% &he
Prophet said# HIsn't it the day of An)DahrJH @e replied# HKes% E Allah's Apostle%H He then said# H@hat
to$n is thisJ Isn't it the forbidden !Sacred" &o$n !Mecca"JH @e replied# HKes# E Allah's Apostle%H He
then said# HKour blood# your properties# your honors and your skins !i%e%# bodies" are as sacred to one
another like the sanctity of this day of yours in this onth of yours in this to$n of yours% !;isten"
Ha(en't I con(eyed Allah's essage to youJH @e replied# HKesH He said# HE AllahI Be $itness !for it"% So
it is incubent upon those $ho are present to con(ey it !this essage of ine" to those $ho are ab)
sent because the infored one ight coprehend $hat I ha(e said better than the present audience
$ho $ill con(ey it to hi%"H &he narrator added: In fact# it $as like that% &he Prophet added# HBe$areI
8o not renegade as disbelie(ers after e by striking !cutting" the necks of one another%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 366:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HBe$areI 8o not renegade as !disbelie(ers" after e by striking !cutting" the
necks of one another%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 360:
Darrated /arir:
&he Prophet said to e during'# H;et the people keep Cuiet and listen%H &hen he said
!addressing the people"# HBe$areI 8o not renegade as disbelie(ers after e by striking !cutting" the
necks of one another%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 363:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here $ill be afflictions !in the near future" during $hich a sitting person
$ill be better than a standing one# and the standing one $ill be better than the $alking one# and the
=olue 1 ) 04:: ? 0:66
$alking one $ill be better than the running one# and $hoe(er $ill e*pose hiself to these afflic)
tions# they $ill destroy hi% So $hoe(er can find a place of protection or refuge fro the# should
take shelter in it%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 36<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here $ill be afflictions !in the near future" during $hich a sitting person
$ill be better than a standing one# and the standing one $ill be better than a $alking one# and the
$alking one $ill be better than a running one# and $hoe(er $ill e*pose hiself to these afflictions#
they $ill destroy hi% So $hoe(er can find a place of protection or refuge fro the# should take
shelter in it%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 362:
Darrated Al)Hasan:
!Al)Ahnaf said:" I $ent out carrying y ars during the nights of the affliction !i%e% the $ar
bet$een 'Ali and 'Aisha" and Abu Bakra et e and asked# H@here are you goingJH I replied# HI in)
tend to help the cousin of Allah's Apostle !i%e%#'Ali"%H Abu Bakra said# HAllah's Apostle said# 'If t$o
Muslis take out their s$ords to fight each other# then both of the $ill be fro aongst the
people of the Hell)Bire%' It $as said to the Prophet# 'It is alright for the killer but $hat about the killed
oneJ' He replied# '&he killed one had the intention to kill his opponent%'H !See Hadith Do% <6# =ol% 0"
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 364:
Darrated Al)Ahnaf:
Abu Bakra said: &he Prophet said !as abo(e# 362"%
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 365:
Darrated Hudhaifa bin Al)Kaan:
&he people used to ask Allah's Apostle about the good but I used to ask hi about the e(il lest I
should be o(ertaken by the% So I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @e $ere li(ing in ignorance and in an
!e*treely" $orst atosphere# then Allah brought to us this good !i%e%# Isla"L $ill there be any e(il
after this goodJH He said# HKes%H I said# '@ill there be any good after that e(ilJH He replied# HKes# but it
$ill be tainted !not pure%"'' I asked# H@hat $ill be its taintJH He replied# H!&here $ill be" soe people
$ho $ill guide others not according to y traditionJ Kou $ill appro(e of soe of their deeds and
disappro(e of soe others%H I asked# H@ill there be any e(il after that goodJH He replied# HKes# !there
$ill be" soe people calling at the gates of the !Hell" Bire# and $hoe(er $ill respond to their call# $ill
=olue 1 ) 04:7 ? 0:66
be thro$n by the into the !Hell" Bire%H I said# HE Allah s ApostleI @ill you describe the to usJH He
said# H&hey $ill be fro our o$n people and $ill speak our language%H I said# H@hat do you order e
to do if such a state should take place in y lifeJH He said# HStick to the group of Muslis and their
Ia !ruler"%H I said# HIf there is neither a group of Muslis nor an Ia !ruler"JH He said# H&hen
turn a$ay fro all those sects e(en if you $ere to bite !eat" the roots of a tree till death o(ertakes you
$hile you are in that state%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 36::
Darrated Abu Al)As$ad:
An ary unit $as being recruited fro the people of Medina and y nae $as $ritten aong
the% &hen I et 'Ikria# and $hen I infored hi about it# he discouraged e (ery strongly and
said# HIbn 'Abbas told e that there $ere soe Muslis $ho $ere $ith the pagans to increase their
nuber against Allah's Apostle !and the Musli ary" so arro$s !fro the Musli ary" $ould hit
one of the and kill hi or a Musli $ould strike hi !$ith his s$ord" and kill hi% So Allah re)
'=erilyI As for those $ho the angels take !in death" $hile they are $ronging thesel(es !by stay)
ing aong the disbelie(ers"%' !2%1:"
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 367:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
Allah's Apostle related to us# t$o prophetic narrations one of $hich I ha(e seen fulfilled and I a
$aiting for the fulfillent of the other% &he Prophet told us that the (irtue of honesty descended in
the roots of en's hearts !fro Allah" and then they learned it fro the ,ur'an and then they
learned it fro the Sunna !the Prophet's traditions"% &he Prophet further told us ho$ that honesty
$ill be taken a$ay: He said: HMan $ill go to sleep during $hich honesty $ill be taken a$ay fro his
heart and only its trace $ill reain in his heart like the trace of a dark spotL then an $ill go to
sleep# during $hich honesty $ill decrease further still# so that its trace $ill reseble the trace of
blister as $hen an eber is dropped on one's foot $hich $ould ake it s$ell# and one $ould see it
s$ollen but there $ould be nothing inside% People $ould be carrying out their trade but hardly $ill
there be a trust$orthy person% It $ill be said# 'in such)and)such tribe there is an honest an#' and
later it $ill be said about soe an# '@hat a $ise# polite and strong an he isI' &hough he $ill not
ha(e faith eCual e(en to a ustard seed in his heart%H Do doubt# there cae upon e a tie $hen I
did not ind dealing !bargaining" $ith anyone of you# for if he $as a Musli his Isla $ould co)
pel hi to pay e $hat is due to e# and if he $as a 9hristian# the Musli official $ould copel
hi to pay e $hat is due to e# but today I do not deal e*cept $ith such)and)such person%
=olue 1 ) 04:1 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 361:
Darrated Salaa bin Al)Ak$a:
&hat he (isited Al)Ha..a. !bin Kusuf"% Al)Ha..a. said# HE son of Al)Ak$aI Kou ha(e turned on your
heels !i%e%# deserted Isla" by staying !in the desert" $ith the bedouins%H Salaa replied# HDo# but Al)
lah's Apostle allo$ed e to stay $ith the bedouin in the desert%H Darrated Ka-id bin Abi Ubaid: @hen
'Uthan bin Affan $as killed !artyred"# Salaa bin Al)Ak$a' $ent out to a place called Ar)Ra)
badha and arried there and begot children# and he stayed there till a fe$ nights before his death
$hen he cae to Medina%
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 306:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here $ill coe a tie $hen the best property of a Musli $ill be sheep
$hich he $ill take to the tops of ountains and the places of rainfall so as to flee $ith his religion
fro the afflictions%
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 300:
Darrated Anas:
&he people started asking the Prophet too any Cuestions iportunately% So one day he ascended
the pulpit and said# HKou $ill not ask e any Cuestion but I $ill e*plain it to you%H I looked right and
left# and behold# e(ery an $as co(ering his head $ith his garent and $eeping% &hen got up a
an $ho# $hene(er Cuarreling $ith soebody# used to be accused of not being the son of his father%
He said# HE Allah's ApostleI @ho is y fatherJH &he Prophet replied# HKour father is Hudhaifa%H &hen
'Uar got up and said# H@e accept Allah as our ;ord# Isla as our religion and Muhaad as our
Apostle and $e seek refuge $ith Allah fro the e(il of afflictions%H &he Prophet said# H I ha(e ne(er
seen the good and bad like on this day% Do doubt# Paradise and Hell $as displayed in front of e till I
sa$ the in front of that $all#H ,atada said: &his Hadith used to be entioned as an e*planation of
this =erse:)) 'E you $ho belie(eI Ask not Cuestions about things $hich# if ade plain to you# ay
cause you trouble%' !4%060"
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 303:
Darrated Sali's father:
&he Prophet stood up beside the pulpit !and pointed $ith his finger to$ards the +ast" and said#
HAfflictions are thereI Afflictions are there# fro $here the side of the head of Satan coes out#H or
said# H%%the side of the sun%%H
=olue 1 ) 0476 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 30<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
I heard Allah's Apostle $hile he $as facing the +ast# saying# H=erilyI Afflictions are there# fro
$here the side of the head of Satan coes out%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 302:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HE AllahI Besto$ Kour blessings on our ShaI E AllahI Besto$ Kour blessings
on our Keen%H &he People said# HAnd also on our Da.d%H He said# HE AllahI Besto$ Kour blessings on
our Sha !north"I E AllahI Besto$ Kour blessings on our Keen%H &he people said# HE Allah's
ApostleI And also on our Da.d%H I think the third tie the Prophet said# H&here !in Da.d" is the place of
earthCuakes and afflictions and fro there coes out the side of the head of Satan%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 304:
Darrated Sa'id bin /ubair:
'Abdullah bin 'Uar cae to us and $e hoped that he $ould narrate to us a good Hadith% But be)
fore $e asked hi# a an got up and said to hi# HE Abu 'Abdur)RahanI Darrate to us about the
battles during the tie of the afflictions# as Allah says:))
'And fight the until there is no ore afflictions !i%e% no ore $orshipping of others besides
Allah"%'H !3%01<" Ibn 'Uar said !to the an"# H8o you kno$ $hat is eant by afflictionsJ ;et your
other berea(e youI Muhaad used to fight against the pagans# for a Musli $as put to trial in
his religion !&he pagans $ill either kill hi or chain hi as a capti(e"% His fighting $as not like your
fighting $hich is carried on for the sake of ruling%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 305:
Darrated ShaCiC:
I heard Hudhaifa saying# H@hile $e $ere sitting $ith 'Uar# he said# '@ho aong you reebers
the stateent of the Prophet about the afflictionsJ' Hudhaifa said# H&he affliction of a an in his fa)
ily# his property# his children and his neighbors are e*piated by his prayers# Fakat !and als" and
en.oining good and forbidding e(il%H 'Uar said# HI do not ask you about these afflictions# but about
those afflictions $hich $ill o(e like the $a(es of the sea%H Hudhaifa said# H8on't $orry about it# E
chief of the belie(ers# for there is a closed door bet$een you and the%H 'Uar said# H@ill that door
be broken or openedJH I said# HDo% it $ill be broken%H 'Uar said# H&hen it $ill ne(er be closed#H I said#
HKes%H @e asked Hudhaifa# H8id 'Uar kno$ $hat that door eantJH He replied# HKes# as I kno$ that
there $ill be night before toorro$ orning# that is because I narrated to hi a true narration free
=olue 1 ) 0470 ? 0:66
fro errors%H @e dared not ask Hudhaifa as to $ho the door represented so $e ordered MasruC to
ask hi $hat does the door stand forJ He replied# H'Uar%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 30::
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ash'ari:
&he Prophet $ent out to one of the gardens of Medina for soe business and I $ent out to follo$
hi% @hen he entered the garden# I sat at its gate and said to yself# H&o day I $ill be the gatekeeper
of the Prophet though he has not ordered e%H &he Prophet $ent and finished his need and $ent to
sit on the constructed edge of the $ell and unco(ered his legs and hung the in the $ell% In the
eantie Abu Bakr cae and asked perission to enter% I said !to hi"# H@ait till I get you peris)
sion%H Abu Bakr $aited outside and I $ent to the Prophet and said# HE Allah's ProphetI Abu Bakr asks
your perission to enter%H He said# HAdit hi# and gi(e hi the glad tidings of entering Paradise%H So
Abu Bakr entered and sat on the right side of the Prophet and unco(ered his legs and hung the in
the $ell% &hen 'Uar cae and I said !to hi"# H@ait till I get you perission%H &he Prophet said# HAd)
it hi and gi(e hi the glad tidings of entering Paradise%H So Uar entered and sat on the left side
of the Prophet and unco(ered his legs and hung the in the $ell so that one side of the $ell becae
fully occupied and there reained no place for any)one to sit% &hen 'Uthan cae and I said !to
hi"# H@ait till I get perission for you%H &he Prophet said# HAdit hi and gi(e hi the glad tidings
of entering Paradise $ith a calaity $hich $ill befall hi%H @hen he entered# he could not find any
place to sit $ith the so he $ent to the other edge of the $ell opposite the and unco(ered his legs
and hung the in the $ell% I $ished that a brother of ine $ould coe# so I in(oked Allah for his
coing% !Ibn Al)Musaiyab said# HI interpreted that !narration" as indicating their gra(es% &he first
three are together and the gra(e of 'Uthan is separate fro theirs%H"
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 307:
Darrated Abu @ail:
Soeone said to Usaa# H@ill you not talk to this !Uthan"JH Usaa said# HI talked to hi
!secretly" $ithout being the first an to open an e(il door% I $ill ne(er tell a ruler $ho rules o(er
t$o en or ore that he is good after I heard Allah's Apostle saying# 'A an $ill be brought and put
in Hell !Bire" and he $ill circuabulate !go around and round" in Hell !Bire" like a donkey of a
!flour" grinding ill# and all the people of Hell !Bire" $ill gather around hi and $ill say to hi# E
so)and)soI 8idn't you use to order others for good and forbid the fro e(ilJ' &hat an $ill say# 'I
used to order others to do good but I yself ne(er used to do it# and I used to forbid others fro e(il
$hile I yself used to do e(il%' H
=olue 1 ) 0473 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 301:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
8uring the battle of Al)/aal# Allah benefited e $ith a @ord !I heard fro the Prophet"% @hen
the Prophet heard the ne$s that the people of the Persia had ade the daughter of Khosrau their
,ueen !ruler"# he said# HDe(er $ill succeed such a nation as akes a $oan their ruler%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 336:
Darrated Abu Marya Abdullah bin Fiyad Al)Aasadi:
@hen &alha# A-Fubair and 'Aisha o(ed to Basra# 'Ali sent 'Aar bin Kasir and Hasan bin 'Ali
$ho cae to us at Kufa and ascended the pulpit% Al)Hasan bin 'Ali $as at the top of the pulpit and
'Aar $as belo$ Al)Hasan% @e all gathered before hi% I heard 'Aar saying# H'Aisha has o(ed
to Al)Busra% By AllahI She is the $ife of your Prophet in this $orld and in the Hereafter% But Allah
has put you to test $hether you obey Hi !Allah" or her !'Aisha"%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 330:
Darrated Abu @ail:
'Aar stood on the pulpit at Kufa and entioned 'Aisha and her coing !to Busra" and said# HShe
is the $ife of your Prophet in this $orld and in the Hereafter# but you people are being put to test in
this issue%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 333:
Darrated Abu @ail:
Abu Musa and Abii Mas'ud $ent to 'Aar $hen 'Ali had sent hi to Kufa to e*hort the to fight
!on 'Ali's side"% &hey said to hi# HSince you ha(e becoe a Musli# $e ha(e ne(er seen you doing a
deed ore critici-able to us than your haste in this atter%H 'Aar said# HSince you !both" becae
Muslis# I ha(e ne(er seen you doing a deed ore critici-able to e than your keeping a$ay fro
this atter%H &hen Abu Mas'ud pro(ided 'Aar and Abu Musa $ith t$o)piece outfits to $ear# and
one of the $ent to the osCue !of Kufa"%
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 33<:
Darrated ShaCiC bin Salaa:
I $as sitting $ith Abu Mas'ud and Abu Musa and 'Aar% Abu Mas'ud said !to 'Aar"# H&here is
none of your copanions but# if I $ish# I could find fault $ith hi e*cept $ith you% Since you .oined
the copany of the Prophet I ha(e ne(er seen anything done by you ore critici-able by e than
=olue 1 ) 047< ? 0:66
your haste in this issue%H 'Aar said# E Abu Mas'ud I I ha(e ne(er seen anything done by you or by
this copanion of yours !i%e%# Abu Musa" ore critici-able by e than your keeping a$ay fro this
issue since the tie you both .oined the copany of the Prophet%H
&hen Abu Mas'ud $ho $as a rich an# said !to his ser(ant"# HE boyI Bring t$o suits%H &hen he ga(e
one to Abu Musa and the other to 'Aar and said !to the"# HPut on these suits before going for the
Briday prayer% H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 332:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf Allah sends punishent upon a nation then it befalls upon the $hole pop)
ulation indiscriinately and then they $ill be resurrected !and .udged" according to their deeds% H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 334:
Darrated Al)Hasan Al)Basri:
@hen Al)Hasan bin 'Ali o(ed $ith ary units against Mua$iya# 'Ar bin A;)As said to Mua$)
iya# HI see an ary that $ill not retreat unless and until the opposing ary retreats%H Mua$iya said#
H!If the Muslis are killed" $ho $ill look after their childrenJH 'Ar bin Al)As said: I !$ill look after
the"% En that# 'Abdullah bin 'Air and 'Abdur)Rahan bin Saura said# H;et us eet Mua$aiya
and suggest peace%H Al)Hasan Al)Basri added: Do doubt# I heard that Abu Bakra said# HEnce $hile the
Prophet $as addressing !the people"# Al)Hasan !bin 'Ali" cae and the Prophet said# '&his son of ine
is a chief# and Allah ay ake peace bet$een t$o groups of Muslis through hi%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 335:
Darrated Harala:
!Usaa's Maula" Usaa !bin Faid" sent e to 'Ali !at Kufa" and said# H'Ali $ill ask you# '@hat has
pre(ented your copanion fro .oining eJ' Kou then should say to hi# 'If you !'Ali" $ere in the
outh of a lion# I $ould like to be $ith you# but in this atter I $on't take any part%' H Harala ad)
ded: H'Ali didn't gi(e e anything !$hen I con(eyed the essage to hi" so I $ent to Hasan# Hussain
and Ibn /a'far and they loaded y caels $ith uch !$ealth"%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 33::
Darrated Dafi':
@hen the people of Medina dethroned Ka-id bin Mua$iya# Ibn 'Uar gathered his special friends
and children and said# HI heard the Prophet saying# 'A flag $ill be fi*ed for e(ery betrayer on the 8ay
of Resurrection#' and $e ha(e gi(en the oath of allegiance to this person !Ka-id" in accordance $ith
=olue 1 ) 0472 ? 0:66
the conditions en.oined by Allah and His Apostle and I do not kno$ of anything ore faithless than
fighting a person $ho has been gi(en the oath of allegiance in accordance $ith the conditions en)
.oined by Allah and His Apostle # and if e(er I learn that any person aong you has agreed to de)
throne Ka-id# by gi(ing the oath of allegiance !to soebody else" then there $ill be separation
bet$een hi and e%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 337:
Darrated Abu Al)Minhal:
@hen Ibn Fiyad and Mar$an $ere in Sha and Ibn A-)Fubair took o(er the authority in Mecca
and ,urra' !the Khari.ites" re(olted in Basra# I $ent out $ith y father to Abu Bar-a Al)Aslai till
$e entered upon hi in his house $hile he $as sitting in the shade of a roo built of cane% So $e sat
$ith hi and y father started talking to hi saying# HE Abu Bar-aI 8on't you see in $hat dilea
the people has fallenJH &he first thing heard hi saying HI seek re$ard fro Allah for yself because
of being angry and scornful at the ,uraish tribe% E you ArabsI Kou kno$ (ery $ell that you $ere in
isery and $ere fe$ in nuber and isguided# and that Allah has brought you out of all that $ith
Isla and $ith Muhaad till He brought you to this state !of prosperity and happiness" $hich you
see no$L and it is this $orldly $ealth and pleasures $hich has caused ischief to appear aong
you% &he one $ho is in Sha !i%e%# Mar$an"# by Allah# is not fighting e*cept for the sake of $orldly
gain: and those $ho are aong you# by Allah# are not fighting e*cept for the sake of $orldly gainL
and that one $ho is in Mecca !i%e%# Ibn A-)Fubair" by Allah# is not fighting e*cept for the sake of
$orldly gain%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 331:
Darrated Abi @aih:
Hudhaifa bin Al)Kaan said# '&he hypocrites of today are $orse than those of the lifetie of the
Prophet# because in those days they used to do e(il deeds secretly but today they do such deeds
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 3<6:
Darrated Abi Asha'sha:
Hudhaifa said# 'In fact# it $as hypocrisy that e*isted in the lifetie of the Prophet but today it is
Kufr !disbelief" after belief%'
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 3<0:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 1 ) 0474 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# H&he Hour $ill not be established till a an passes by a gra(e of soebody and
says# '@ould that I $ere in his place%' H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 3<3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he Hour $ill not be established till the buttocks of the $oen of the tribe of
8aus o(e $hile going round 8hi)al)Khalasa%H 8hi)al)Khalasa $as the idol of the 8aus tribe $hich
they used to $orship in the Pre Islaic Period of ignorance%
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 3<<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he Hour $ill not be established till a an fro ,ahtan appears# dri(ing the
people $ith his stick%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 3<2:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he Hour $ill not be established till a fire $ill coe out of the land of Hi.a-#
and it $ill thro$ light on the necks of the caels at Busra%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 3<4:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HSoon the ri(er H+uphratesH $ill disclose the treasure !the ountain" of gold# so
$hoe(er $ill be present at that tie should not take anything of it%H Al)A'ra. narrated fro Abii
Huraira that the Prophet said the sae but he said# HIt !+uphrates" $ill unco(er a ountain of gold
!under it"%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 3<5:
Darrated Haritha bin @ahb:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HAi(e in charity because there $ill coe a tie on the people $hen
a person $ill go out $ith his als fro place to place but $ill not find anybody to accept it%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 3<::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 1 ) 0475 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# H&he Hour $ill not be established !0" till t$o big groups fight each other
$hereupon there $ill be a great nuber of casualties on both sides and they $ill be follo$ing one
and the sae religious doctrine# !3" till about thirty 8a..als !liars" appear# and each one of the $ill
clai that he is Allah's Apostle# !<" till the religious kno$ledge is taken a$ay !by the death of Reli)
gious scholars" !2" earthCuakes $ill increase in nuber !4" tie $ill pass Cuickly# !5" afflictions $ill
appear# !:" Al)Har.# !i%e%# killing" $ill increase# !7" till $ealth $ill be in abundance )))) so abundant
that a $ealthy person $ill $orry lest nobody should accept his Fakat# and $hene(er he $ill present
it to soeone# that person !to $ho it $ill be offered" $ill say# 'I a not in need of it# !1" till the
people copete $ith one another in constructing high buildings# !06" till a an $hen passing by a
gra(e of soeone $ill say# '@ould that I $ere in his place !00" and till the sun rises fro the @est%
So $hen the sun $ill rise and the people $ill see it !rising fro the @est" they $ill all belie(e !e)
brace Isla" but that $ill be the tie $hen: !As Allah said#" 'Do good $ill it do to a soul to belie(e
then# if it belie(ed not before# nor earned good !by deeds of righteousness" through its Baith%' !5%047"
And the Hour $ill be established $hile t$o en spreading a garent in front of the but they $ill
not be able to sell it# nor fold it upL and the Hour $ill be established $hen a an has ilked his she)
cael and has taken a$ay the ilk but he $ill not be able to drink itL and the Hour $ill be estab)
lished before a an repairing a tank !for his li(estock" is able to $ater !his anials" in itL and the
Hour $ill be established $hen a person has raised a orsel !of food" to his outh but $ill not be
able to eat it%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 3<7:
Darrated Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba:
Dobody asked the Prophet as any Cuestions as I asked regarding Ad) &he Prophet said to
e# H@hat $orries you about hiJH I said# HBecause the people say that he $ill ha(e a ountain of
bread and a ri(er of $ater $ith hi !i%e% he $ill ha(e abundance of food and $ater"H &he Prophet
said# HDay# he is too ean to be allo$ed such a thing by AllahH' !but it is only to test ankind $hether
they belie(e in Allah or in Ad)"
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 3<1:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HAd) $ill coe and encap at a place close to Medina and then Medina
$ill shake thrice $hereupon e(ery Kafir !disbelie(er" and hypocrite $ill go out !of Medina" to$ards
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 326:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
=olue 1 ) 047: ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# H&he terror caused by Al)Masih Ad) $ill not enter Medina and at that tie
Medina $ill ha(e se(en gates and there $ill be t$o angels at each gate !guarding the"%
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 320:
Darrated Abdullah bin Uar:
Allah's Apostle stood up aongst the people and then praised and glorified Allah as He deser(ed
and then he entioned Ad) saying# HI $arn you of hi# and there $as no prophet but $arned
his follo$ers of hiL but I $ill tell you soething about hi $hich no prophet has told his follo$ers:
Ad) is one)eyed $hereas Allah is not%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 323:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said% H@hile I $as sleeping# I sa$ yself !in a drea" perforing &a$af around the
Ka'ba% Behold# I sa$ a reddish)$hite an $ith lank hair# and $ater $as dropping fro his head% I
asked# H@ho is thisJ' &hey replied# '&he son of Mary%' &hen I turned y face to see another an $ith
a huge body# red cople*ion and curly hair and blind in one eye% His eye looked like a protruding
out grape% &hey said !to e"# He is Ad) &he Prophet added# H&he an he resebled ost is Ibn
,atan# a an fro the tribe of Khu-a'a% H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 32<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I heard Allah's Apostle in his prayer# seeking refuge $ith Allah fro the afflictions of Ad)
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 322:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
&he Prophet said about Ad) that he $ould ha(e $ater and fire $ith hi: !$hat $ould see
to be" fire# $ould be cold $ater and !$hat $ould see to be" $ater# $ould be fire%
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 324:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HDo prophet $as sent but that he $arned his follo$ers against the one)eyed liar
!Ad)"% Be$areI He is blind in one eye# and your ;ord is not so# and there $ill be $ritten
bet$een his !Ad)'s" eyes !the $ord" Kafir !i%e%# disbelie(er"%H !&his Hadith is also Cuoted by Abu
Huraira and Ibn 'Abbas"%
=olue 1 ) 0477 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 325:
Darrated Abu Sa'id:
Ene day Allah's Apostle narrated to us a long narration about Ad) and aong the things he
narrated to us# $as: HAd) $ill coe# and he $ill be forbidden to enter the ountain passes of
Medina% He $ill encap in one of the salt areas neighboring Medina and there $ill appear to hi a
an $ho $ill be the best or one of the best of the people% He $ill say 'I testify that you are Ad)
$hose story Allah's Apostle has told us%' Ad) $ill say !to his audience"# ';ook# if I kill this an
and then gi(e hi life# $ill you ha(e any doubt about y claiJ' &hey $ill reply# 'Do#' &hen Ad)8a.)
.al $ill kill that an and then $ill ake hi ali(e% &he an $ill say# 'By Allah# no$ I recogni-e you
ore than e(erI' Ad) $ill then try to kill hi !again" but he $ill not be gi(en the po$er to do
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 32::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here are angels at the ountain passes of Medina !so that" neither plague
nor Ad) can enter it%'
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 327:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet said# HAd) $ill coe to Medina and find the angels guarding it% So Allah $illing#
neither Ad) nor plague $ill be able to coe near it%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 321:
Darrated Fainab bint /ahsh:
&hat one day Allah's Apostle entered upon her in a state of fear and said# HDone has the right to be
$orshipped but AllahI @oe to the Arabs fro the Areat e(il that has approached !the"% &oday a
hole has been opened in the da of Aog and Magog like this%H &he Prophet ade a circle $ith his in)
de* finger and thub% Fainab bint /ahsh added: I said# HE Alllah's ApostleI Shall $e be destroyed
though there $ill be righteous people aong usJH &he Prophet said# HKes# if the !nuber" of e(il
!persons" increased%H
=olue 1# Book 77# Duber 346:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 1 ) 0471 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# HA hole has been opened in the da of Aog and Magog%H @uhaib !the sub)nar)
rator" ade the nuber 16 !$ith his inde* finger and thub"%
=olue 1 ) 0416 ? 0:66
Book 71: /udgents !Ahkaa"
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 340:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hoe(er obeys e# obeys Allah# and $hoe(er disobeys e# disobeys Allah#
and $hoe(er obeys the ruler I appoint# obeys e# and $hoe(er disobeys hi# disobeys e%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 343:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HSurelyI +(eryone of you is a guardian and is responsible for his charges: &he
Ia !ruler" of the people is a guardian and is responsible for his sub.ectsL a an is the guardian of
his faily !household" and is responsible for his sub.ectsL a $oan is the guardian of her husband's
hoe and of his children and is responsible for theL and the sla(e of a an is a guardian of his
aster's property and is responsible for it% Surely# e(eryone of you is a guardian and responsible for
his charges%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 34<:
Darrated Muhaad bin /ubair bin Mut'i:
&hat $hile he $as included in a delegation of ,uraish staying $ith Mua$iya# Mua$iya heard
that 'Abdullah bin 'Ar had said that there $ould be a king fro ,ahtan tribe# $hereupon he be)
cae (ery angry% He stood up# and after glorifying and praising Allah as He deser(ed# said# H&o pro)
ceed# I ha(e coe to kno$ that soe of you en are narrating things $hich are neither in Allah's
Book# nor has been entioned by Allah's Apostle % Such people are the ignorant aong you% Be$are
of such (ain desires that islead those $ho ha(e the% I ha(e heard Allah's Apostle saying# '&his
atter !of the caliphate" $ill reain $ith the ,uraish# and none $ill rebel against the# but Allah
$ill thro$ hi do$n on his face as long as they stick to the rules and regulations of the religion !Is)
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 342:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# H&his atter !caliphate" $ill reain $ith the ,uraish e(en if only t$o of the
$ere still e*isting%H
=olue 1 ) 0410 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 344:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# H8o not $ish to be like anyone# e*cept in t$o cases: !0" A an $ho Allah
has gi(en $ealth and he spends it righteously% !3" A an $ho Allah has gi(en $isdo !kno$ledge
of the ,uran and the Hadith" and he acts according to it and teaches it to others%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 345:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# HKou should listen to and obey# your ruler e(en if he $as an +thiopian !black"
sla(e $hose head looks like a raisin%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 34::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HIf soebody sees his Musli ruler doing soething he disappro(es of# he
should be patient# for $hoe(er becoes separate fro the Musli group e(en for a span and then
dies# he $ill die as those $ho died in the Pre)lslaic period of ignorance !as rebellious sinners"% !See
Hadith Do% 0:5 and 0::"
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 347:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HA Musli has to listen to and obey !the order of his ruler" $hether he likes it or
not# as long as his orders in(ol(e not one in disobedience !to Allah"# but if an act of disobedience !to
Allah" is iposed one should not listen to it or obey it% !See Hadith Do% 36<# =ol% 2"
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 341:
Darrated 'Ali:
&he Prophet sent an ary unit !for soe capaign" and appointed a an fro the Ansar as its
coander and ordered the !the soldiers" to obey hi% !8uring the capaign" he becae angry
$ith the and said# H8idn't the Prophet order you to obey eJH &hey said# HKes%H He said# HI order you
to collect $ood and ake a fire and then thro$ yoursel(es into it%H So they collected $ood and ade
a fire# but $hen they $ere about to thro$ thesel(es into# it they started looking at each other# and
soe of the said# H@e follo$ed the Prophet to escape fro the fire% Ho$ should $e enter it no$JH
So $hile they $ere in that state# the fire e*tinguished and their coander's anger abated% &he
=olue 1 ) 0413 ? 0:66
e(ent $as entioned to the Prophet and he said# HIf they had entered it !the fire" they $ould ne(er
ha(e coe out of it# for obedience is reCuired only in $hat is good%H !See Hadith Do% 531% =ol% 4"
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 356:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Saura:
&he Prophet said# HE 'Abdur)RahanI 8o not seek to be a ruler# for if you are gi(en authority on
your deand then you $ill be held responsible for it# but if you are gi(en it $ithout asking !for it"#
then you $ill be helped !by Allah" in it% If you e(er take an oath to do soething and later on you
find that soething else is better# then you should e*piate your oath and do $hat is better%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 350:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin Saura:
Allah's Apostle said# HE 'Abdur)Rahan bin SauraI 8o not seek to be a ruler# for if you are gi(en
authority on your deand# you $ill be held responsible for it# but if you are gi(en it $ithout asking
for it# then you $ill be helped !by Allah" in it% If you e(er take an oath to do soething and later on
you find that soething else is better# then do $hat is better and ake e*piation for your oath%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 353:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HKou people $ill be keen to ha(e the authority of ruling $hich $ill be a thing of
regret for you on the 8ay of Resurrection% @hat an e*cellent $et nurse it is# yet $hat a bad $eaning
one it isIH
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 35<:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&$o en fro y tribe and I entered upon the Prophet% Ene of the t$o en said to the Prophet#
HE Allah's ApostleI Appoint e as a go(ernor#H and so did the second% &he Prophet said# H@e do not
assign the authority of ruling to those $ho ask for it# nor to those $ho are keen to ha(e it%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 352:
Darrated Ma'Cil:
I heard the Prophet saying# HAny an $ho Allah has gi(en the authority of ruling soe people
and he does not look after the in an honest anner# $ill ne(er feel e(en the sell of Paradise%H
=olue 1 ) 041< ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 354:
Darrated Ma'Cil:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf any ruler ha(ing the authority to rule Musli sub.ects dies $hile he is de)
cei(ing the# Allah $ill forbid Paradise for hi%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 355:
Darrated &arif Abi &aia:
I sa$ Saf$an and /undab and Saf$an's copanions $hen /undab $as ad(ising% &hey said# H8id
you hear soething fro Allah's ApostleJH /undab said# HI heard hi saying# '@hoe(er does a good
deed in order to sho$ off# Allah $ill e*pose his intentions on the 8ay of Resurrection !before the
people"# and $hoe(er puts the people into difficulties# Allah $ill put hi into difficulties on the 8ay
of Resurrection%'H &he people said !to /undab"# HAd(ise us%H He said# H&he first thing of the huan body
to purify is the abdoen# so he $ho can eat nothing but good food !Halal and earned la$fully"
should do so# and he $ho does as uch as he can that nothing inter(ene bet$een hi and Paradise
by not shedding e(en a handful of blood# !i%e% urdering" should do so%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 35::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Apostle%H &he Prophet said# HKou $ill be $ith the one $ho you lo(e%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 357:
Darrated &habit Al)Bunani:
Anas bin Malik said to a $oan of his faily# H8o you kno$ such)and)such a $oanJH She
replied# HKes%H He said# H&he Prophet passed by her $hile she $as $eeping o(er a gra(e# and he said to
her# 'Be afraid of Allah and be patient%' &he $oan said !to the Prophet"% 'Ao a$ay fro e# for you
do not kno$ y calaity%'H Anas added# H&he Prophet left her and proceeded% A an passed by her
and asked her# '@hat has Allah's Apostle said to youJ' She replied# 'I did not recogni-e hi%' &he an
said# 'He $as Allah's Apostle%H' Anas added# HSo that $oan cae to the gate of the Prophet and she
did not find a gate)keeper there# and she said# 'E Allah's ApostleI By Allah% I did not recogni-e youI'
&he Prophet said# 'Do doubt# patience is at the first stroke of a calaity%'H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 351:
Darrated Anas:
,ais bin Sa'd $as to the Prophet like a chief police officer to an Air !chief"%
=olue 1 ) 0412 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 3:6:
Darrated Abu Musa:
that the Prophet sent hi and sent Mu'adh after hi !as rulers to Keen"%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 3:0:
Darrated Abu Musa:
A an ebraced Isla and then re(erted back to /udais% Mu'adh bin /abal cae and sa$ the
an $ith Abu Musa% Mu'adh asked# H@hat is $rong $ith this !an"JH Abu Musa replied# HHe e)
braced Isla and then re(erted back to /udais%H Mu'adh said# HI $ill not sit do$n unless you kill
hi !as it is" the (erdict of Allah and His Apostle
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 3:3:
Darrated 'Abdur Rahan bin Abi Bakra:
Abu Bakra $rote to his son $ho $as in Si.istan: '8o not .udge bet$een t$o persons $hen you are
angry# for I heard the Prophet saying# HA .udge should not .udge bet$een t$o persons $hile he is in
an angry ood%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 3:<:
Darrated Abu Mas'ud Al)Ansari:
A an cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI By Allah# I fail to attend the orning
congregational prayer because so)and)so !i%e%# Muadh bin /abal" prolongs the prayer $hen he leads
us for it%H I had ne(er seen the Prophet ore furious in gi(ing ad(ice than he $as on that day% He
then said# HE peopleI soe of you ake others dislike !good deeds# i%e% prayers etc"% So $hoe(er
aong you leads the people in prayer# he should shorten it because aong the there are the old#
the $eak and the busy !needy ha(ing soe .obs to do"% !See Hadith Do% 16# =ol% 0"
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 3:2:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&hat he had di(orced his $ife during her enses% 'Uar entioned that to the Prophet% Allah's
Apostle becae angry and said# HHe ust take her back !his $ife" and keep her $ith hi till she be)
coes clean fro her enses and then to $ait till she gets her ne*t period and becoes clean again
fro it and only then# if he $ants to di(orce her# he ay do so%H
=olue 1 ) 0414 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 3:4:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Hind bint 'Utba bin Rabia cae and said% HE Allah's ApostleI By Allah# there $as no faily on the
surface of the earth# I like to see in degradation ore than I did your faily# but today there is no
faily on the surface of the earth $ho I like to see honored ore than yours%H Hind added# HAbu
Sufyan is a iser% Is it sinful of e to feed our children fro his propertyJH &he Prophet said# H&here
is no blae on you if you feed the !thereof" in a .ust and reasonable anner%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 3:5:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
@hen the Prophet intended to $rite to the By-antines# the people said# H&hey do not read a letter
unless it is sealed !staped"%H &herefore the Prophet took a sil(er ring))))as if I a looking at its glit)
ter no$))))and its engra(ing $as: 'Muhaad# Apostle of Allah'
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 3:::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin As)Sa'di:
&hat $hen he $ent to 'Uar during his 9aliphate% 'Uar said to hi# HHa(en't I been told that you
do certain .obs for the people but $hen you are gi(en payent you refuse to take itJH 'Abdullah ad)
ded: I said# HKes%H 'Uar said# H@hy do you do soJH I said# HI ha(e horses and sla(es and I a li(ing in
prosperity and I $ish that y payent should be kept as a charitable gift for the Muslis%H 'Uar
said# H8o not do so# for I intended to do the sae as you do% Allah's Apostles used to gi(e e gifts and
I used to say to hi# 'Ai(e it to a ore needy one than e%' Ence he ga(e e soe oney and I said#
'Ai(e it to a ore needy person than e#' $hereupon the Prophet said# '&ake it and keep it in your
possession and then gi(e it in charity% &ake $hat e(er coes to you of this oney if you are not keen
to ha(e it and not asking for itL other$ise !i%e%# if it does not coe to you" do not seek to ha(e it your)
self%' H
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar: I ha(e heard 'Uar saying# H&he Prophet used to gi(e e soe
oney !grant" and I $ould say !to hi"# 'Ai(e it to a ore needy one than e%' Ence he ga(e e
soe oney and I said# 'Ai(e it to a ore needy one than e%' &he Prophet said !to e"# '&ake it and
keep it in your possession and then gi(e it in charity% &ake $hate(er coes to you of this oney
$hile you are not keen to ha(e it and not asking for itL take it# but you should not seek to ha(e $hat
you are not gi(en% ' H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 3:7:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd:
=olue 1 ) 0415 ? 0:66
I $itnessed a husband and a $ife $ho $ere in(ol(ed in a case of ;ian% &hen !the .udgent of" di)
(orce $as passed% I $as fifteen years of age# at that tie%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 3:1:
Darrated Sahl:
!the brother of Bani Sa'ida" A an fro the Ansar cae to the Prophet and said# HIf a an finds
another an sleeping $ith his $ife# should he kill hiJH &hat an and his $ife then did ;ian in the
osCue $hile I $as present%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 376:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A an cae to Allah's Apostle $hile he $as in the osCue# and called hi# saying# HE Allah's
ApostleI I ha(e coitted illegal se*ual intercourse%H &he Prophet turned his face to the other side#
but $hen the an ga(e four $itnesses against hiself# the Prophet said to hi# HAre you adJH &he
an said# HDo%H So the Prophet said !to his copanions"# H&ake hi a$ay and stone hi to death% H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 370:
Darrated U Salaa:
Allah's Apostle said# HI a only a huan being# and you people !opponents" coe to e $ith your
casesL and it ay be that one of you can present his case eloCuently in a ore con(incing $ay than
the other# and I gi(e y (erdict according to $hat I hear% So if e(er I .udge !by error" and gi(e the
right of a brother to his other !brother" then he !the latter" should not take it# for I a gi(ing hi
only a piece of Bire%H !See Hadith Do% 5<7# =ol% <"%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 373:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
Allah's Apostle said on the 8ay of !the battle of" Hunain# H@hoe(er has killed an infidel and has a
proof or a $itness for it# then the salb !ars and belongings of that deceased" $ill be for hi%H I stood
up to seek a $itness to testify that I had killed an infidel but I could not find any $itness and then sat
do$n% &hen I thought that I should ention the case to Allah's Apostle I !and $hen I did so" a an
fro those $ho $ere sitting $ith hi said# H&he ars of the killed person he has entioned# are
$ith e# so please satisfy hi on y behalf%H Abu Bakr said# HDo# he $ill not gi(e the ars to a bird of
,uraish and depri(e one of Allah's lions of it $ho fights for the cause of Allah and His Apostle%H Al)
lah's Apostle I stood up and ga(e it to e# and I bought a garden $ith its price# and that $as y first
property $hich I o$ned through the $ar booty%
=olue 1 ) 041: ? 0:66
&he people of Hi.a- said# HA .udge should not pass a .udgent according to his kno$ledge# $heth)
er he $as a $itness at the tie he $as the .udge or before thatH And if a litigant gi(es a confession in
fa(or of his opponent in the court# in the opinion of soe scholars# the .udge should not pass a .udg)
ent against hi till the latter calls t$o $itnesses to $itness his confession% And soe people of IraC
said# HA .udge can pass a .udgeent according to $hat he hears or $itnesses !the litigant's confes)
sion" in the court itself# but if the confession takes place outside the court# he should not pass the
.udgent unless t$o $itnesses $itness the confession%H Soe of the said# HA .udge can pass a .udge)
ent depending on his kno$ledge of the case as he is trust)$orthy# and that a $itness is ReCuired
.ust to re(eal the truth% &he .udge's kno$ledge is ore than the $itness%H Soe said# HA .udge can
.udge according to his kno$ledge only in cases in(ol(ing property# but in other cases he cannot%H Al)
,asi said# HA .udge ought not to pass a .udgent depending on his kno$ledge if other people do
not kno$ $hat he kno$s# although his kno$ledge is ore than the $itness of soebody else be)
cause he ight e*pose hiself to suspicion by the Muslis and cause the Muslis to ha(e unreas)
onable doubt% H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 37<:
Darrated 'Ali bin Husain:
Safiya bint !daughter of" Huyai cae to the Prophet !in the osCue"# and $hen she returned
!hoe"# the Prophet accopanied her% It happened that t$o en fro the Ansar passed by the and
the Prophet called the saying# HShe is SafiyaIH those t$o en said# HSubhan AllahIH &he Prophet said#
HSatan circulates in the huan body as blood does%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 372:
Darrated Abu Burda:
&he Prophet sent y father and Mu'adh bin /abal to Keen and said !to the"# HMake things easy
for the people and do not put hurdles in their $ay# and gi(e the glad tiding# and don't let the
ha(e a(ersion !i%e% to ake people to hate good deeds" and you both should $ork in cooperation and
utual understandingH Abu Musa said to Allah's Apostle# HIn our country a special alcoholic drink
called Al)Bit'# is prepared !for drinking"%H &he Prophet said# H+(ery into*icant is prohibited% H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 374:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# HSet free the capti(es and accept in(itations%H
=olue 1 ) 0417 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 375:
Darrated Abu Huaid Al)Sa'idi:
&he Prophet appointed a an fro the tribe of Bani Asad# called Ibn Al)Utabiyya to collect the Fa)
kat% @hen he returned !$ith the oney" he said !to the Prophet"# H&his is for you and this has been
gi(en to e as a gift%H &he Prophet stood up on the pulpit !Sufyan said he ascended the pulpit"# and
after glorifying and praising Allah# he said# H@hat is $rong $ith the eployee $ho $e send !to
collect Fakat fro the public" that he returns to say# '&his is for you and that is for eJ' @hy didn't
he stay at his father's and other's house to see $hether he $ill be gi(en gifts or notJ By Hi in
@hose Hand y life is# $hoe(er takes anything illegally $ill bring it on the 8ay of Resurrection by
carrying it o(er his neck: if it is a cael# it $ill be grunting: if it is a co$# it $ill be ooing: and if it is
a sheep it $ill be bleatingIH &he Prophet then raised both his hands till $e sa$ the $hiteness of his
arpits !and he said"# HDo doubtI Ha(en't I con(eyed Allah's MessageJH And he repeated it three
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 37::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Sali# the freed sal(e of Abu Hudhaifa used to lead in prayer the early Muha.irin !eigrants" and
the copanions of the Prophet in the ,uba osCue% Aong those !$ho used to pray behind hi"
$ere Abu Bakr# 'Uar# Abu Salaa# and Air bin Rabi'a%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 377:
Darrated 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair:
Mar$an bin Al)Haka and Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa told hi that $hen the Muslis $ere per)
itted to set free the capti(es of Ha$a-in# Allah's Apostle said# HI do not kno$ $ho aongst you has
agreed !to it" and $ho has not% Ao back so that your 'Urafa' ay subit your decision to us%H So the
people returned and their 'Urafa' talked to the and then cae back to Allah's Apostle and told hi
that the people had gi(en their consent happily and peritted !their capti(es to be freed"%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 371:
Darrated Muhaad bin Faid bin Abdullah bin 'Uar:
Soe people said to Ibn 'Uar# H@hen $e enter upon our ruler!s" $e say in their praise $hat is
contrary to $hat $e say $hen $e lea(e the%H Ibn 'Uar said# H@e used to consider this as hypo)
=olue 1 ) 0411 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 316:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostles said# H&he $orst of all ankind is the double)faced one# $ho coes to soe
people $ith one countenance and to others# $ith another countenance%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 310:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Hind !bint 'Utba" said to the Prophet HAbu Sufyan is a iserly an and I need to take soe oney
of his $ealth%H &he Prophet said# H&ake reasonably $hat is sufficient for you and your children H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 313:
Darrated U Salaa:
!the $ife of the Prophet" Allah's Apostle heard soe people Cuarreling at the door of his d$elling#
so he $ent out to the and said# HI a only a huan being# and litigants $ith cases of dispute coe
to e# and soeone of you ay happen to be ore eloCuent !in presenting his case" than the other#
$hereby I ay consider that he is truthful and pass a .udgent in his fa(or% If e(er I pass a .udgent
in fa(or of soebody $hereby he takes a Musli's right un.ustly# then $hate(er he takes is nothing
but a piece of Bire# and it is up to hi to take or lea(e%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 31<:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the $ife of the Prophet" 'Utba bin Abi @aCCas said to his brother Sa'd bin Abi @aCCas# H&he son of
the sla(e girl of Fa'a is fro e# so take hi into your custody%H So in the year of 9onCuest of
Mecca# Sa'd took hi and said% !&his is" y brother's son $ho y brother has asked e to take into
y custody%H 'Abd bin Fa'a got up before hi and said# !He is" y brother and the son of the sla(e
girl of y father# and $as born on y father's bed%H So they both subitted their case before Allah's
Apostle% Sa'd said# HE Allah's ApostleI &his boy is the son of y brother and he entrusted hi to e%H
'Abd bin Fa'a said# H&his boy is y brother and the son of the sla(e girl of y father# and $as born
on the bed of y father%H Allah's Apostle said# H&he boy is for you# E 'Abd bin Fa'aIH &hen Allah's
Apostle further said# H&he child is for the o$ner of the bed# and the stone is for the adulterer#H He
then said to Sauda bint Fa'a# H=eil !screen" yourself before hi#H $hen he sa$ the child's reseb)
lance to 'Utba% &he boy did not see her again till he et Allah%
=olue 1 ) 0566 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 312:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HIf soebody on the deand of a .udge takes an oath to grab !a Musli's" prop)
erty and he is liar in it# he $ill eet Allah @ho $ill be angry $ith hiH% So Allah re(ealed#:))
'=erilyI those $ho purchase a sall gain at the cost of Allah's 9o(enant and their oaths%%' !<%::"
'Al)Ashath cae $hile Abdullah $as narrating !this" to the people% Al)Ashath said# H&his (erse $as
re(ealed regarding e and another an $ith $ho I had a Cuarrel about a $ell% &he Prophet said
!to e"# H8o you ha(e any e(idenceJ' I replied# 'Do%' He said# ';et your opponent take an oath%' I said: I
a sure he $ould take a !false" oath%H &hereupon it $as re(ealed: '=erilyI those $ho purchase a sall
gain at the cost of Allah's 9o(enant%%%%' !<%::" !See Hadith Do% :3# =ol 5"%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 314:
Darrated U Salaa:
&he Prophet heard the (oices of soe people Cuarreling near his gate# so he $ent to the and
said# HI a only a huan being and litigants $ith cases of disputes coe to e# and aybe one of
the presents his case eloCuently in a ore con(incing and ipressi(e $ay than the other# and I
gi(e y (erdict in his fa(or thinking he is truthful% So if I gi(e a Musli's right to another !by is)
take"# then that !property" is a piece of Bire# $hich is up to hi to take it or lea(e it%H !See Hadith Do%
370 "
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 315:
Darrated /abir:
&he Prophet cae to kno$ that one of his copanions had gi(en the proise of freeing his sla(e
after his death# but as he had no other property than that sla(e# the Prophet sold that sla(e for 766
dirhas and sent the price to hi%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 31::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle sent an ary unit headed by Usaa bin Faid and the people critici-ed his leader)
ship% &he Prophet said !to the people"# HIf you are critici-ing his leadership no$# then you used to cri)
tici-e his father's leadership before% By Allah# he !Usaa's father" deser(ed the leadership and used to
be one of the ost belo(ed persons to e# and no$ his son !Usaa" is one of the ost belo(ed per)
sons to e after hi% H !See Hadith Do% :24# =ol% 4"
=olue 1 ) 0560 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 317:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he ost hated person in the sight of Allah# is the ost Cuarrelsoe person%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber 311:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet sent !an ary unit under the coand of" Khalid bin Al)@alid to fight against the
tribe of Bani /adhia and those people could not e*press thesel(es by saying# HAslana#H but they
said# HSaba'naI Saba'naI H Khalid kept on killing soe of the and taking soe others as capti(es# and
he ga(e a capti(e to e(eryone of us and ordered e(eryone of us to kill his capti(e% I said# HBy Allah# I
shall not kill y capti(e and none of y copanions shall kill his capti(eIH &hen $e entioned that
to the Prophet and he said# HE AllahI I a free fro $hat Khalid bin Al)@alid has done#H and re)
peated it t$ice%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <66:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd As)Saidi:
&here $as soe Cuarrel !sighting" aong Bani 'Ar# and $hen this ne$s reached the Prophet# he
offered the Fuhr prayer and $ent to establish peace aong the% In the eantie the tie of 'Asr
prayer $as due# Bilal pronounced the Adhan and then the ICaa for the prayer and reCuested Abu
Bakr !to lead the prayer" and Abu Bakr $ent for$ard% &he Prophet arri(ed $hile Abu Bakr $as still
praying% He entered the ro$s of praying people till he stood behind Abu Bakr in the !first" ro$% &he
people started clapping# and it $as the habit of Abu Bakr that $hene(er he stood for prayer# he ne()
er glanced side)$ays till he had finished it# but $hen Abu Bakr obser(ed that the clapping $as not
coing to an end# he looked and sa$ the Prophet standing behind hi%
&he Prophet beckoned hi to carry on by $a(ing his hand% Abu Bakr stood there for a $hile#
thanking Allah for the saying of the Prophet and then he retreated# taking his steps back$ards%
@hen the Prophet sa$ that# he $ent ahead and led the people in prayer% @hen he finished the pray)
er# he said# HE Abu BakrI @hat pre(ented you fro carrying on $ith the prayer after I beckoned you
to do soJH Abu Bakr replied# HIt does not befit the son of Abi ,uhafa to lead the Prophet in prayer%H
&hen the Prophet said to the people# HIf soe proble arises during prayers# then the en should say#
Subhan AllahIL and the $oen should clap%H !See Hadith Do% 543# =ol% 0"
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <60:
Darrated Faid bin &habit:
=olue 1 ) 0563 ? 0:66
Abu Bakr sent for e o$ing to the large nuber of casualties in the battle of Al)Kaaa# $hile
'Uar $as sitting $ith hi% Abu Bakr said !to e"# 'Uar has coe to y and said# 'A great nuber
of ,aris of the Holy ,uran $ere killed on the day of the battle of Al)Kaaa# and I a afraid that
the casualties aong the ,aris of the ,uran ay increase on other battle)fields $hereby a large
part of the ,uran ay be lost% &herefore I consider it ad(isable that you !Abu Bakr" should ha(e the
,ur'an collected%' I said# 'Ho$ dare I do soething $hich Allah's Apostle did not doJ' 'Uar said# By
Allah# it is soething beneficial%' 'Uar kept on pressing e for that till Allah opened y chest for
that for $hich He had opened the chest of 'Uar and I had in that atter# the sae opinion as 'Uar
had%H Abu Bakr then said to e !Faid"# HKou are a $ise young an and $e do not ha(e any suspicion
about you# and you used to $rite the 8i(ine Inspiration for Allah's Apostle% So you should search for
the fragentary scripts of the ,uran and collect it !in one Book"%H Faid further said: By Allah# if Abu
Bakr had ordered e to shift a ountain aong the ountains fro one place to another it $ould
not ha(e been hea(ier for e than this ordering e to collect the ,ur'an% &hen I said !to 'Uar and
Abu Bakr"# HHo$ can you do soething $hich Allah's Apostle did not doJH Abu Bakr said# HBy Allah# it
is soething beneficial%H Faid added: So he !Abu Bakr" kept on pressing e for that until Allah
opened y chest for that for $hich He had opened the chests of Abu Bakr and 'Uar# and I had in
that atter# the sae opinion as theirs%
So I started copiling the ,uran by collecting it fro the leafless stalks of the date)pal tree and
fro the pieces of leather and hides and fro the stones# and fro the chests of en !$ho had
eori-ed the ,uran"% I found the last (erses of Sirat)at)&auba: !H=erily there has coe unto you an
Apostle !Muhaad" fro aongst yoursel(es))' !1%037)031" " fro Khu-aia or Abi Khu-aia
and I added to it the rest of the Sura% &he anuscripts of the ,uran reained $ith Abu Bakr till Al)
lah took hi unto Hi% &hen it reained $ith 'Uar till Allah took hi unto Hi# and then $ith
Hafsa bint 'Uar%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <63:
Darrated Abu ;aila bin 'Abdullah bin Abdur)Rahan bin Sahl:
Sahl bin Abi Hatha and soe great en of his tribe said# 'Abdullah bin 'Sahl and Muhaiyisa $ent
out to Khaibar as they $ere struck $ith po(erty and difficult li(ing conditions% &hen Muhaiyisa $as
infored that Abdullah had been killed and thro$n in a pit or a spring% Muhaiyisa $ent to the /e$s
and said# HBy Allah# you ha(e killed y copanion%H &he /e$s said# HBy Allah# $e ha(e not killed hi%H
Muhaiyisa then cae back to his people and told the the story% He# his elder brother Hu$aiyisa and
'Abdur)Rahan bin Sahl cae !to the Prophet" and he $ho had been at Khaibar# proceeded to speak#
but the Prophet said to Muhaiyisa# H&he eldestI &he eldestIH eaning# H;et the eldest of you speak%H So
Hu$aiyisa spoke first and then Muhaiyisa% Allah's Apostle said# H&he /e$s should either pay the blood
oney of your !deceased" copanion or be ready for $ar%H After that Allah's Apostle $rote a letter to
the /e$s in that respect# and they $rote that they had not killed hi% &hen Allah's Apostle said to
Hu$aiyisa# Muhaiyisa and 'Abdur)Rahan# H9an you take an oath by $hich you $ill be entitled to
=olue 1 ) 056< ? 0:66
take the blood oneyJH &hey said# HDo%H He said !to the"# HShall $e ask the /e$s to take an oath be)
fore youJH &hey replied# HBut the /e$s are not Muslis%H So Allah's Apostle ga(e the one)hundred
she)caels as blood oney fro hiself% Sahl added: @hen those she)caels $ere ade to enter
the house# one of the kicked e $ith its leg%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <6<:
Darrated Abu Huraira and Faid bin Khalid Al)/uhani:
A bedouin cae and said# HE Allah's ApostleI /udge bet$een us according to Allah's Book !;a$s"%H
His opponent stood up and said# HHe has said the truth# so .udge bet$een us according to Allah's
;a$s%H &he bedouin said# HMy son $as a laborer for this an and coitted illegal se*ual inter)
course $ith his $ife% &he people said to e# 'Kour son is to be stoned to death#' so I ransoed y son
for one hundred sheep and a sla(e girl% &hen I asked the religious learned en and they said to e#
'Kour son has to recei(e one hundred lashes plus one year of e*ile%' H &he Prophet said# HI shall .udge
bet$een you according to Allah's Book !;a$s"I As for the sla(e girl and the sheep# it shall be returned
to you# and your son shall recei(e one)hundred lashes and be e*iled for one year% E you# UnaisIH &he
Prophet addressed soe an# HAo in the orning to the $ife of this an and stone her to death%H So
Unais $ent to her the ne*t orning and stoned her to death%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <62:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
&hat Abu Sufyan bin Harb told hi that Heraclius had called hi along $ith the ebers of a
,uraish cara(an and then said to his interpreter# H&ell the that I $ant to ask this !Abu Sufyan" a
Cuestion# and if he tries to tell e a lie# they should contradict hi%H &hen Abu Sufyan entioned the
$hole narration and said that Heraclius said to the inter Peter# HSay to hi !Abu Sufyan"# 'If $hat you
say is true# then he !the Prophet" $ill take o(er the place underneath y t$o feet%' H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <64:
Darrated Abu Huaid As)Sa'idi:
&he Prophet eployed Ibn Al)Utbiyya to collect Fakat fro Bani Sulai# and $hen he returned
!$ith the oney" to Allah's Apostle the Prophet called hi to account# and he said# H&his !aount" is
for you# and this $as gi(en to e as a present%H Allah's Apostle said# H@hy don't you stay at your
father's house or your other's house to see $hether you $ill be gi(en gifts or not# if you are telling
the truthJH &hen Allah's Apostle stood up and addressed the people# and after glorifying and praising
Allah# he said: Aa Ba'du !then after" I eploy soe en fro aong you for soe .ob $hich Al)
lah has placed in y charge# and then one of you coes to e and says# '&his !aount" is for you
and this is a gift gi(en to e%' @hy doesn't he stay at the house of his father or the house of his oth)
=olue 1 ) 0562 ? 0:66
er and see $hether he $ill be gi(en gifts or not if he $as telling the truth by Allah# none of you takes
anything of it !i%e%# Fakat" for hiself !Hisha added: unla$fully" but he $ill eet Allah on the 8ay
of Resurrection carrying it on his neckI I do not $ant to see any of you carrying a grunting cael or
a ooing co$ or a bleating sheep on eeting Allah%H &hen the Prophet raised both his hands till I
sa$ the $hiteness of his arpits# and said# H!Do doubt"I Ha(en't I con(eyed Allah's MessageIH
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <65:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# HAllah ne(er sends a prophet or gi(es the 9aliphate to a 9aliph but that he !the
prophet or the 9aliph" has t$o groups of ad(isors: A group ad(ising hi to do good and e*horts hi
to do it# and the other group ad(ising hi to do e(il and e*horts hi to do it% But the protected per)
son !against such e(il ad(isors" is the one protected by Allah%' H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <6::
Darrated 'Ubada bin As)Sait:
@e ga(e the oath of allegiance to Allah's Apostle that $e $ould listen to and obey hi both at the
tie $hen $e $ere acti(e and at the tie $hen $e $ere tired and that $e $ould not fight against
the ruler or disobey hi# and $ould stand fir for the truth or say the truth $here(er $e ight be#
and in the @ay of Allah $e $ould not be afraid of the blae of the blaers% !See Hadith Do% 0:7
and <36"
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <67:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet $ent out on a cold orning $hile the Muha.irin !eigrants" and the Ansar $ere
digging the trench% &he Prophet then said# HE AllahI &he real goodness is the goodness of the Here
after# so please forgi(e the Ansar and the Muha.irin%H &hey replied# H@e are those $ho ha(e gi(en the
Pledge of allegiance to Muhaad for to obser(e /ihad as long as $e reain ali(e%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <61:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
@hene(er $e ga(e the Pledge of allegiance to Allah's Apostle for to listen to and obey# he used to
say to us# for as uch as you canH
=olue 1 ) 0564 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <06:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 8inar:
I $itnessed Ibn 'Uar $hen the people gathered around 'Abdul Malik% Ibn 'Uar $rote: I ga(e the
Pledge of allegiance that I $ill listen to and obey Allah's Sla(e# 'Abdul Malik# 9hief of the belie(ers
according to Allah's ;a$s and the &raditions of His Apostle as uch as I canL and y sons too# gi(e
the sae pledge%'
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <00:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
I ga(e the Pledge of allegiance to the Prophet that I $ould listen and obey# and he told e to add:
'As uch as I can# and $ill gi(e good ad(ice to e(ery Musli%'
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <03:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 8inar:
@hen the people took the oath of allegiance to 'Abdul Malik# 'Abdullah bin 'Uar $rote to hi:
H&o Allah's Sla(e# 'Abdul Malik# 9hief of the belie(ers# I gi(e the Pledge of allegiance that I $ill listen
to and obey Allah's Sla(e# 'Abdul Malik# 9hief of the belie(ers# according to Allah's ;a$s and the &ra)
ditions of His Apostle in $hate(er is $ithin y abilityL and y sons too# gi(e the sae pledge%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <0<:
Darrated Ka-id:
I said to Salaa# HBor $hat did you gi(e the Pledge of allegiance to the Prophet on the 8ay of
HudaibiyaJH He replied# HBor death%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <02:
Darrated Al)Mis$ar bin Makhraa:
&he group of people $ho 'Uar had selected as candidates for the 9aliphate gathered and con)
sulted each other% Abdur)Rahan said to the# HI a not going to copete $ith you in this atter#
but if you $ish# I $ould select for you a caliph fro aong you%H So all of the agreed to let 'Abdur)
Rahan decide the case% So $hen the candidates placed the case in the hands of 'Abdur)Rahan# the
people $ent to$ards hi and nobody follo$ed the rest of the group nor obeyed any after hi% So the
people follo$ed 'Abdur)Rahan and consulted hi all those nights till there cae the night $e ga(e
the oath of allegiance to 'Uthan% Al)Mis$ar !bin Makhraa" added: 'Abdur)Rahan called on e
after a portion of the night had passed and knocked on y door till I got up# and he said to e# HI see
=olue 1 ) 0565 ? 0:66
you ha(e been sleepingI By Allah# during the last three nights I ha(e not slept enough% Ao and call
A-)Fubair and Sa'd%' So I called the for hi and he consulted the and then called e saying# '9all
'Ali for e%H I called 'Ali and he held a pri(ate talk $ith hi till (ery late at night# and then 'Al# got up
to lea(e ha(ing had uch hope !to be chosen as a 9aliph" but 'Abdur)Rahan $as afraid of soe)
thing concerning 'Ali% 'Abdur)Rahan then said to e# H9all 'Uthan for e%H I called hi and he
kept on speaking to hi pri(ately till the Mu'adhdhin put an end to their talk by announcing the
Adhan for the Ba.r prayer% @hen the people finished their orning prayer and that !si* en" group
gathered near the pulpit# 'Abdur)Rahan sent for all the Muha.irin !eigrants" and the Ansar
present there and sent for the ary chief $ho had perfored the Ha.. $ith 'Uar that year% @hen
all of the had gathered# 'Abdur)Rahan said# HDone has the right to be $orshipped but Allah#H and
added# HDo$ then# E 'Ali# I ha(e looked at the people's tendencies and noticed that they do not con)
sider anybody eCual to 'Uthan# so you should not incur blae !by disagreeing"%H &hen 'Abdur)Rah)
an said !to 'Uthan"# HI ga(e the oath of allegiance to you on condition that you $ill follo$ Allah's
;a$s and the traditions of Allah's Apostle and the traditions of the t$o 9aliphs after hi%H So 'Abdur)
Rahan ga(e the oath of allegiance to hi# and so did the people including the Muha.irin !eig)
rants" and the Ansar and the chiefs of the ary staff and all the Muslis%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <04:
Darrated Salaa:
@e ga(e the oath of allegiance to the Prophet under the tree% He said to e# HE SalaaI @ill you
not gi(e the oath of allegianceJH I replied# HE Allah's ApostleI I ha(e already gi(en the oath of allegi)
ance for the first tie%H He said# !Ai(e it again" for the second tie%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <05:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
A bedouin ga(e the Pledge of allegiance to Allah's Apostle for Isla and the bedouin got a fe(er
$here upon he said to the Prophet H9ancel y Pledge%H But the Prophet refused% He cae to hi
!again" saying# H9ancel y Pledge%' But the Prophet refused% &hen !the bedouin" left !Medina"% Allah's
Apostle said: HMedina is like a pair of bello$s !furnace": It e*pels its ipurities and brightens and
clears its good%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <0::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Hisha:
$ho $as born during the lifetie of the Prophet that his other# Fainab bint Huaid had taken
hi to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI &ake his Pledge of allegiance !for Isla"%H &he
Prophet said# HHe !'Abdullah bin Hisha" is a little child#H and passed his hand o(er his head and in)
=olue 1 ) 056: ? 0:66
(oked Allah for hi% 'Abdullah bin Hisha used to slaughter one sheep as a sacrifice on behalf of all
of his faily%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <07:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
A bedouin ga(e the Pledge of allegiance to Allah's Apostle for Isla% &hen the bedouin got fe(er at
Medina# cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI 9ancel y Pledge#H But Allah's Apostle
refused% &hen he cae to hi !again" and said# HE Allah's ApostleI 9ancel y Pledge%H But the Proph)
et refused &hen he cae to hi !again" and said# HE Allah's ApostleI 9ancel y Pledge%H But the
Prophet refused% &he bedouin finally $ent out !of Medina" $hereupon Allah's Apostle said# HMedina
is like a pair of bello$s !furnace": It e*pels its ipurities and brightens and clears its good%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <01:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here $ill be three types of people $ho Allah $ill neither speak to the on
the 8ay of Resurrection nor $ill purify the fro sins# and they $ill ha(e a painful punishent:
&hey are# !0" a an possessed superfluous $ater !ore than he needs" on a $ay and he $ithholds it
fro the tra(elers% !3" a an $ho gi(es a pledge of allegiance to an Ia !ruler" and gi(es it only
for $orldly benefits# if the Ia gi(es hi $hat he $ants# he abides by his pledge# other$ise he does
not fulfill his pledgeL !<" and a an $ho sells soething to another an after the 'Asr prayer and
s$ears by Allah !a false oath" that he has been offered so uch for it $hereupon the buyer belie(es
hi and buys it although in fact# the seller has not been offered such a price%H !See Hadith Do% 7<7#
=ol% <"
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <36:
Darrated 'Ubada bin As)Sait:
Allah's Apostle said to us $hile $e $ere in a gathering# HAi(e e the oath !Pledge of allegiance for:
!0" Dot to .oin anything in $orship along $ith Allah# !3" Dot to steal# !<" Dot to coit illegal se*ual
intercourse# !2" Dot to kill your children# !4" Dot to accuse an innocent person !to spread such an ac)
cusation aong people"# !5" Dot to be disobedient !$hen ordered" to do good deeds% &he Prophet ad)
ded: @hoe(er aongst you fulfill his pledge# his re$ard $ill be $ith Allah# and $hoe(er coits
any of those sins and recei(es the legal punishent in this $orld for that sin# then that punishent
$ill be an e*piation for that sin# and $hoe(er coits any of those sins and Allah does not e*pose
hi# then it is up to Allah if He $ishes He $ill punish hi or if He $ishes# He $ill forgi(e hi%H So
$e ga(e the Pledge for that% !See Hadith Do% 0:# =ol% 0"
=olue 1 ) 0567 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <30:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet used to take the Pledge of allegiance fro the $oen by $ords only after reciting this
Holy =erse:))!56%03" H%%that they $ill not associate anything in $orship $ith Allah%H !56%03" And the
hand of Allah's Apostle did not touch any $oan's hand e*cept the hand of that $oan his right
hand possessed% !i%e% his capti(es or his lady sla(es"%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <33:
Darrated U Atiyya:
@e ga(e the Pledge of allegiance to the Prophet and he recited to e the (erse !56%03"% &hat they
$ill not associate anything in $orship $ith Allah !56%03"% And he also pre(ented us fro $ailing
and laenting o(er the dead% A $oan fro us held her hand out and said# HSuch)and)such a $o)
an cried o(er a dead person belonging to y faily and I $ant to copensate her for that cryingH
&he Prophet did not say anything in reply and she left and returned% Done of those $oen abided by
her pledge e*cept U Sulai# U Al)'Ala'# and the daughter of Abi Sabra# the $ife of Al)Muadh or
the daughter of Abi Sabra# and the $ife of Mu'adh%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <3<:
Darrated /abir:
A bedouin cae to the Prophet and said# HPlease take y Pledge of allegiance for Isla%H So the
Prophet took fro hi the Pledge of allegiance for Isla% He cae the ne*t day $ith a fe(er and said
to the Prophet H9ancel y pledge%H But the Prophet refused and $hen the bedouin $ent a$ay# the
Prophet said# HMedina is like a pair of bello$s !furnace": It e*pels its ipurities and brightens and
clears its good%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <32:
Darrated Al),asi bin Muhaad:
'Aisha said# HE y headIH Allah's Apostle said# HIf that !i%e%# your death" should happen $hile I a
still ali(e# I $ould ask Allah to forgi(e you and $ould in(oke Allah for you%H 'Aisha said# HE y life
$hich is going to be lostI By Allah# I think that you $ish for y death# and if that should happen
then you $ould be busy en.oying the copany of one of your $i(es in the last part of that day%H &he
Prophet said# HBut I should say# 'E y headI' I feel like calling Abu Bakr and his son and appoint !the
forer as y successors lest people should say soething or $ish for soething% Allah $ill insist !on
Abu Bakr becoing a 9aliph" and the belie(ers $ill pre(ent !anyone else fro claiing the 9a)
=olue 1 ) 0561 ? 0:66
liphate"#H or H%%Allah $ill pre(ent !anyone else fro claiing the 9aliphate" and the belie(ers $ill in)
sist !on Abu Bakr becoing the 9aliph"%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <34:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
It $as said to 'Uar# H@ill you appoint your successorJH Uar said# HIf I appoint a 9aliph !as y
successor" it is true that soebody $ho $as better than I !i%e%# Abu Bakr" did so# and if I lea(e the
atter undecided# it is true that soebody $ho $as better than I !i%e%# Allah's Apostle" did so%H En
this# the people praised hi% 'Uar said# HPeople are of t$o kinds: +ither one $ho is keen to take o(er
the 9aliphate or one $ho is afraid of assuing such a responsibility% I $ish I could be free fro its
responsibility in that I $ould recei(e neither re$ard nor retribution I $on't bear the burden of the
caliphate in y death as I do in y life%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <35:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&hat he heard 'Uar's second speech he deli(ered $hen he sat on the pulpit on the day follo$ing
the death of the Prophet 'Uar recited the &ashahhud $hile Abu Bakr $as silent% 'Uar said# HI $ish
that Allah's Apostle had outli(ed all of us# i%e%# had been the last !to die"% But if Muhaad is dead#
Allah ne(ertheless has kept the light aongst you fro $hich you can recei(e the sae guidance as
Allah guided Muhaad $ith that% And Abu Bakr is the copanion of Allah's Apostle He is the
second of the t$o in the ca(e% He is the ost entitled person aong the Muslis to anage your af)
fairs% &herefore get up and s$ear allegiance to hi%H Soe people had already taken the oath of alle)
giance to hi in the shed of Bani Sa'ida but the oath of allegiance taken by the public $as taken at
the pulpit% I heard 'Uar saying to Abu Bakr on that day% HPlease ascend the pulpit#H and kept on ur)
ging hi till he ascended the pulpit $hereupon# all the people s$ore allegiance to hi%
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <3::
Darrated /ubair bin Mut'i:
A $oan cae to the Prophet and spoke to hi about soething and he told her to return to hi%
She said# HE Allah's ApostleI If I coe and do not find youJH !As if she eant# H%%%if you dieJH" &he
Prophet said# HIf you should not find e# then go to Abu Bakr%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <37:
Darrated &ariC bin Shihab:
=olue 1 ) 0506 ? 0:66
Abu Bakr said to the delegate of Bu-akha% HBollo$ the tails of the caels till Allah sho$s the 9aliph
!successor" of His Prophet and Al)Muha.irin !eigrants" soething because of $hich you ay e*)
cuse yoursel(es H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <31:
Darrated /abir bin Saura:
I heard the Prophet saying# H&here $ill be t$el(e Musli rulers !$ho $ill rule all the Islaic
$orld"%H He then said a sentence $hich I did not hear% My father said# HAll of the !those rulers" $ill
be fro ,uraish%H
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <<6:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HBy Hi in @hose Hands y life is# I $as about to order for collecting fire
$ood and then order soeone to pronounce the Adhan for the prayer and then order soeone to
lead the people in prayer and then I $ould go fro behind and burn the houses of en $ho did not
present thesel(es for the !copulsory congregational" prayer% By Hi in @hose Hands y life is# if
anyone of you had kno$n that he $ould recei(e a bone co(ered $ith eat or t$o !sall" pieces of
eat present in bet$een t$o ribs# he $ould coe for 'Isha' prayer%H !See Hadith Do% 50:# =ol% 0"
=olue 1# Book 71# Duber <<0:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Ka'b bin Malik:
@ho $as Ka'b's guide fro aong his sons $hen Ka'b becae blind: I heard Ka'b bin Malik say)
ing# H@hen soe people reained behind and did not .oin Allah's Apostle in the battle of &abuk%%H
and then he described the $hole narration and said# HAllah's Apostle forbade the Muslis to speak to
us# and so $e !I and y copanions" stayed fifty nights in that state# and then Allah's Apostle an)
nounced Allah's acceptance of our repentance%H
W Sahih Bukhari
=olue 1 ) 0500 ? 0:66
Book 16: @ishes
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <<3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HBy Hi in @hose Hands y life isI @ere it not for soe en $ho
dislike to be left behind and for $ho I do not ha(e eans of con(eyance# I $ould not stay a$ay
!fro any Holy Battle"% I $ould lo(e to be artyred in Allah's 9ause and coe to life and then get#
artyred and then coe to life and then get artyred and then get resurrected and then get ar)
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <<<:
Darrated Al)A'rai:
Abu Huraira said# Allah's Apostle said# HBy Hi in @hose Hand y life is# I $ould lo(e to fight in
Allah's 9ause and then get artyred and then resurrected !coe to life" and then get artyred and
then resurrected !coe to life" and then get artyred# and then resurrected !coe to life" and then
get artyred and then resurrected !coe to life"%H Abu Huraira used to repeat those $ords three
ties and I testify to it $ith Allah's Eath%
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <<2:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HIf I had gold eCual to the ountain of Uhud# I $ould lo(e that# before three days
had passed# not a single 8inar thereof reained $ith e if I found soebody to accept it e*cluding
soe aount that I $ould keep for the payent of y debts%''
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <<4:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf I had forerly kno$n $hat I cae to kno$ lately# I $ould not ha(e dri(en
the Hadi $ith e and $ould ha(e finished the state of Ihra along $ith the people $hen they fin)
ished it
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <<5:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
=olue 1 ) 0503 ? 0:66
@e $ere in the copany of Allah's Apostle and $e assued the state of Ihra of Ha.. and arri(ed
at Mecca on the fourth of 8hul)Hi..a% &he Prophet ordered us to perfor the &a$af around the Ka'ba
and !Sa'i" bet$een As)Safa and Al)Mar$a and use our lhra .ust for 'Ura# and finish the state of
Ihra unless $e had our Hadi $ith us% Done of us had the Hadi $ith hi e*cept the Prophet and
&alha% 0AI. cae fro Keen and brought the Hadi $ith hi% 'Ali said# 'I had assued the state of
Ihra $ith the sae intention as that $ith $hich Allah's Apostle had assued it% &he people said#
HHo$ can $e proceed to Mina and our ale organs are dribblingJH Allah's Apostle said# HIf I had
forerly kno$n $hat I cae to kno$ latterly# I $ould not ha(e brought the Hadi# and had there
been no Hadi $ith e# I $ould ha(e finished y Ihra%H SuraCa !bin Malik" et the Prophet $hile
he $as thro$ing pebbles at the /arat)al)'ACaba# and asked# HE Allah's ApostleI Is this !peritted"
for us onlyJH &he Prophet replied% HDo# it is fore(erH 'Aisha had arri(ed at Mecca $hile she $as en)
struating# therefore the Prophet ordered her to perfor all the cereonies of Ha.. e*cept the &a$af
around the Ka'ba# and not to perfor her prayers unless and until she becae clean % @hen they en)
caped at Al)Batha# 'Aisha said# HE Allah's ApostleI Kou are proceeding after perforing both Ha..
and 'Ura $hile I a proceeding $ith Ha.. onlyJH So the Prophet ordered 'Abdur)Rahan bin Abu
Bakr As)SiddiC to go $ith her to At)&an'i# and so she perfored the 'Ura in 8hul)Hi..a after the
days of the Ha..%
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <<::
Darrated Aisha:
Ene night the Prophet $as unable to sleep and said# H@ould that a righteous an fro y co)
panions guarded e tonight%H Suddenly $e heard the clatter of ars# $hereupon the Prophet said#
H@ho is itJH It $as said# HI a Sa'd# E Allah's ApostleI I ha(e coe to guard you%H &he Prophet then
slept so soundly that $e heard hi snoring% Abu 'Abdullah said: 'Aisha said: Bilal said# H@ould that I
but stayed o(ernight in a (alley $ith Idhkhir and /alil !t$o kinds of grass" around e !i%e%# in
Mecca"%H &hen I told that to the Prophet %
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <<7:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HDot to $ish to be the like e*cept of t$o en% A an $ho Allah has gi(en
the !kno$ledge of the" ,ur'an and he recites it during the hours of night and day and the one $ho
$ishes says: If I $ere gi(en the sae as this !an" has been gi(en# I $ould do $hat he does# and a
an $ho Allah has gi(en $ealth and he spends it in the .ust and right $ay# in $hich case the one
$ho $ishes says# 'If I $ere gi(en the sae as he has been gi(en# I $ould do $hat he does%' H !See
Hadith Do% 42< and 422# =ol 5"
=olue 1 ) 050< ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <<1:
Darrated Anas:
If I had not heard the Prophet saying# HKou should not long for death#H I $ould ha(e longed !for it"%
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <26:
Darrated ,ais:
@e $ent to pay a (isit to Khabbab bin Al)Art and he had got hiself branded at se(en spots o(er
his body% He said# HIf Allah's Apostle had not forbidden us to in(oke Allah for death# I $ould ha(e in)
(oked for it%H
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <20:
Darrated Sa'd bin Ubaid:
!the Maula of 'Abdur)Rahan bin A-har" Allah's Apostle said# HDone of you should long for death#
for if he is a good an# he ay increase his good deeds# and if he is an e(il)doer# he ay stop the e(il
deeds and repent%H
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <23:
Darrated Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib:
&he Prophet $as carrying earth $ith us on the day of the battle of Al)Ah-ab !confederates" and I
sa$ that the dust $as co(ering the $hiteness of his abdoen# and he !the Prophet " $as saying# H!E
Allah" I @ithout Kou# $e $ould not ha(e been guided# nor $ould $e ha(e gi(en in charity# nor
$ould $e ha(e prayed% So !E AllahI" please send tranCuility !Sakina" upon us as they# !the chiefs of
the eney tribes" ha(e rebelled against us% And if they intend affliction !i%e% $ant to frighten us and
fight against us" then $e $ould not !flee but $ithstand the"% And the Prophet used to raise his
(oice $ith it% !See Hadith Do% 2<6 and 2<3# =ol% 4"
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <2<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa:
Allah's Apostle said# H8o not long for eeting your eney# and ask Allah for safety !fro all sorts
of e(il"%H !See Hadith Do% 355# =ol% 2"
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <22:
Darrated Al),asi bin Muhaad:
=olue 1 ) 0502 ? 0:66
Ibn 'Abbas entioned the case of a couple on $ho the .udgent of ;ian has been passed% 'Abdul)
lah bin Shaddad said# H@as that the lady in $hose case the Prophet said# HIf I $ere to stone a lady to
death $ithout a proof !against her"J' HIbn 'Abbas said# HDoI &hat $as concerned $ith a $oan $ho
though being a Musli used to arouse suspicion by her outright isbeha(ior%H !See Hadith Do% 3<6#
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <24:
Darrated 'Ata:
Ene night the Prophet delayed the Isha' prayer $hereupon 'Uar $ent to hi and said# H&he
prayer# E Allah's ApostleI &he $oen and children had slept%H &he Prophet cae out $ith $ater
dropping fro his head# and said# H@ere I not afraid that it $ould be hard for y follo$ers !or for
the people"# I $ould order the to pray Isha prayer at this tie%H !=arious (ersions of this Hadith are
gi(en by the narrators $ith slight differences in e*pression but not in content"%
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <25:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@ere I not afraid that it $ould be hard on y follo$ers# I $ould order the
to use the si$ak !as obligatory# for cleaning the teeth"
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <2::
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet fasted Al)@isal on the last days of the onth% Soe people did the sae# and $hen
the ne$s reached the Prophet he said# HIf the onth had been prolonged for e# then I $ould ha(e
fasted @isal for such a long tie that the ost e*aggerating ones aong you $ould ha(e gi(en up
their e*aggeration% I a not like youL y ;ord al$ays akes e eat and drink%H
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <27:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle forbade Al)@isal% &he people said !to hi"# HBut you fast Al)'@isal#H He said# H@ho
aong you is like eJ @hen I sleep !at night"# y ;ord akes e eat and drink% But $hen the
people refused to gi(e up Al)@isal# he fasted Al)@isal along $ith the for t$o days and then they
sa$ the crescent $hereupon the Prophet said# HIf the crescent had not appeared I $ould ha(e fasted
for a longer period#H as if he intended to punish the here$ith%
=olue 1 ) 0504 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <21:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I asked the Prophet about the $all !outside the Ka'ba"% HIs it regarded as part of the Ka'baJH He
replied# HKes%H I said# H&hen $hy didn't the people include it in the Ka'baJH He said# H!Because" your
people ran short of oney%H I asked# H&hen $hy is its gate so highJH He replied# ''Kour people did so in
order to adit to it $ho they $ould and forbid $ho they $ould% @ere your people not still close
to the period of ignorance# and $ere I not afraid that their hearts ight deny y action# then surely I
$ould include the $all in the Ka'ba and ake its gate touch the ground%H
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <46:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HBut for the eigration# I $ould ha(e been one of the Ansar: and if the people
took their $ay in a (alley !or a ountain pass"# I $ould take the Ansar's (alley or the ountain pass%H
=olue 1# Book 16# Duber <40:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Faid:
&he Prophet said# HBut for the eigration# I $ould ha(e been one of the AnsarL and if the people
took their $ay in a (alley !or a ountain pass"# I $ould take Ansar's (alley or their ountain pass%H
=olue 1 ) 0505 ? 0:66
Book 10: Accepting Inforation Ai(en by a
&ruthful Person
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <43:
Darrated Malik:
@e cae to the Prophet and $e $ere young en nearly of eCual ages and $e stayed $ith hi for
t$enty nights% Allah's Apostle $as a (ery kind an and $hen he reali-ed our longing for our fail)
ies# he asked us about those $ho $e had left behind% @hen $e infored hi# he said# HAo back to
your failies and stay $ith the and teach the !religion" and order the !to do good deeds"% &he
Prophet entioned things soe of $hich I reebered and soe I did not% &hen he said# HPray as
you ha(e seen e praying# and $hen it is the tie of prayer# one of you should pronounce the call
!Adhan" for the prayer and the eldest of you should lead the prayer% H
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <4<:
Darrated Ibn Mas'ud:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he !call for prayer" Adhan of Bilal should not stop anyone of you fro tak)
ing his Suhur for he pronounces the Adhan in order that $hoe(er aong you is praying the night
prayer# ay return !to eat his Suhur" and $hoe(er aong you is sleeping# ay get up# for it is not
yet da$n !$hen it is like this"%H !Kahya# the sub)narrator stretched his t$o inde* fingers side $ays"%
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <42:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# HBilal pronounces the Adhan at night so that you ay eat and drink till Ibn U
Maktu pronounces the Adhan !for the Ba.r prayer"%H
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <44:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet led us in Fuhr prayer and prayer fi(e Rakat% Soebody asked hi $hether the prayer
had been increased%H He !the Prophet " said# HAnd $hat is thatJH &hey !the people" replied# HKou ha(e
prayed fi(e Rakat%H &hen the Prophet offered t$o prostrations !of Sahu" after he had finished his
prayer $ith the &asli%
=olue 1 ) 050: ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <45:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle finished his prayer after offerings t$o Rakat only% 8hul)Kaddain asked hi
$hether the prayer had been reduced# or you had forgottenJH &he Prophet said# HIs 8hul)Kaddain
speaking the truthJH &he people said# HKes%H &hen Allah's Apostle stood up and perfored another t$o
Rakat and then finished prayer $ith &asli# and then said the &akbir and perfored a prostration
siilar to or longer than his ordinary prostrationsL then he raised his head# said &akbir and pros)
trated and then raised his head !Sahu prostrations"%
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <4::
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
@hile the people $ere at ,uba offering the orning prayer# suddenly a person cae to the say)
ing# H&onight 8i(ine Inspiration has been re(ealed to Allah's Apostle and he has been ordered to face
the Ka'ba !in prayers": therefore you people should face it%H &here faces $ere to$ards Sha# so they
turned their faces to$ards the Ka'ba !at Mecca"%
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <47:
Darrated Al)Bara':
@hen Allah's Apostle arri(ed at Medina# he prayed facing /erusale for si*teen or se(enteen
onths but he $ished that he $ould be ordered to face the Ka'ba% So Allah re(ealed: ))
'=erilyI @e ha(e seen the turning of your face to$ards the hea(enL surely $e shall turn you to a
prayer direction !,ibla" that shall please you%' !3%022" &hus he $as directed to$ards the Ka'ba% A
an prayed the 'Asr prayer $ith the Prophet and then $ent out# and passing by soe people fro
the Ansar# he said# HI testify% that I ha(e prayed $ith the Prophet and he !the Prophet" has prayed fa)
cing the Ka'ba%H &hereupon they# $ho $ere bo$ing in the 'Asr prayer# turned to$ards the Ka'ba%
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <41:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
I used to offer drinks prepared fro infused dates to Abu &alha Al)Ansari# Abu 'Ubada bin Al /ar)
rah and Ubai bin Ka'b% &hen a person cae to the and said# HAll alcoholic drinks ha(e been prohib)
ited%H Abii &alha then said# HE AnasI Aet up and break all these .ars%H So I got up and took a ortar
belonging to us# and hit the .ars $ith its lo$er part till they broke%
=olue 1 ) 0507 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <56:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
&he Prophet said to the people of Da.ran# HI $ill send to you an honest person $ho is really trust)
$orthy%H &he 9opanion# of the Prophet each desired to be that person# but the Prophet sent Abu
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <50:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HBor e(ery nation there is an Ain !honest# trust$orthy person" and the Ain of
this nation is Abu 'Ubaida%H
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <53:
Darrated 'Uar:
&here $as a an fro the Ansar !$ho $as a friend of ine"% If he $as not present in the copany
of Allah's Apostle I used to be present $ith Allah's Apostle# I $ould tell hi $hat I used to hear fro
Allah's Apostle# and $hen I $as absent fro Allah's Apostle he used to be present $ith hi# and he
$ould tell e $hat he used to hear fro Allah's Apostle %
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <5<:
Darrated Ali:
&he Prophet # sent an ary and appointed soe an their coander &he an ade a fire and
then said !to the soldiers"# H+nter it%H Soe of the intended to enter it $hile soe others said# '@e
ha(e run a$ay fro it !i%e%# ebraced Isla to sa(e oursel(es fro the 'fire'"%H &hey entioned that to
the Prophet# and he said about people $ho had intended to enter the fire% ''If they had entered it# they
$ould ha(e reained In it till the 8ay of Resurrection%'' &hen he said to others# HDo obedience for e(il
deeds# obedience is reCuired only in $hat is good %H
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <52:
Darrated Abu Huraira and Faid bin Khalid:
&$o en sued each other before the Prophet%
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <54:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 1 ) 0501 ? 0:66
@hile $e $ere $ith Allah's Apostle a bedouin got up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Settle y case
according to Allah's Book !;a$s"%H &hen his opponent got up and said# HE Allah's ApostleI He has said
the truthI Settle his case according to Allah's Book !;a$s%" and allo$ e to speak#H He said# HMy son
$as a laborer for this an and he coitted illegal se*ual intercourse $ith his $ife% &he people told
e that y son should be stoned to death but I ransoed hi $ith one)hundred sheep and a sla(e
girl% &hen I asked the religious learned people and they told e that his $ife should be stoned to
death and y son should recei(e one)hundred lashes and be sentenced to one year of e*ile%' &he
Prophet said# HBy Hi in @hose Hands y life is# I $ill .udge bet$een you according to Allah's Book
!;a$s": As for the sla(e girl and the sheep# they are to be returnedL and as for your son# he shall re)
cei(e one)hundred lashes and $ill be e*iled for one year% Kou# E UnaisIH addressing a an fro
Bani Asla# HAo toorro$ orning to the $ife of this !an" and if she confesses# then stone her to
death%H &he ne*t orning Unais $ent to the $ife and she confessed# and he stoned her to death%
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <55:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
En the day of !the battle of" the &rench# the Prophet called the people !to bring ne$s about the en)
ey"% A-)Fubair responded to his call% He called the again and A-)Fubair responded to his call
againL then he called the for the third tie and again A-)Fubair responded to his call $hereupon
the Prophet said# H+(ery prophet has his Ha$airi !helper"# and A-)Fubair is y Ha$ari%H
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <5::
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet entered a garden and told e to guard its gate% &hen a an cae and asked peris)
sion to enter% &he Prophet# said# HPerit hi and gi(e hi the good ne$s that he $ill enter Paradise%H
BeholdI It $as Abu Bakr% &hen 'Uar cae# and the Prophet said# HAdit hi and gi(e hi the good
ne$s that he $ill enter Paradise%H &hen 'Uthan cae and the Prophet said# HAdit hi and gi(e hi
the good ne$s that he $ill enter Paradise% H
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <57:
Darrated 'Uar:
I cae and behold# Allah's Apostle $as staying on a Mashroba !attic roo" and a black sla(e of Al)
lah's Apostle $as at the top if its stairs% I said to hi# H!&ell the Prophet" that here is 'Uar bin Al)
Khattab !asking for perission to enter"%H &hen he aditted e%
=olue 1 ) 0536 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <51:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle sent a letter to Khosrau and told his essenger to gi(e it first to the ruler of
Bahrain# and tell hi to deli(er it to Khosrau% @hen Khosrau had read it# he tore it into pieces% !A-)
Fuhri said: I think Ibn Al)Musaiyab said# HAllah's Apostle in(oked Allah to tear the !Khosrau and
his follo$ers" into pieces%H
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <:6:
Darrated Salaa bin Al)Ak$a':
Allah's Apostle said to a an fro the tribe of Al)Asla# HProclai aong your people !or the
people" on the day of 'Ashura' !tenth of Muharra"# '@hosoe(er has eaten anything should fast for
the rest of the dayL and $hoe(er has not eaten anything# should coplete his fast%' H
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <:0:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen the delegate of 'Abd Al),ais cae to Allah's Apostle# he said# H@ho are the delegateJH &hey
said# H&he delegate are fro the tribe of Rabi'a%H &he Prophet said# H@elcoe# E the delegate# and $el)
coeI E peopleI Deither you $ill ha(e any disgrace nor $ill you regret%H &hey said# HE Allah's
ApostleI Bet$een you and us there are the infidels of the tribe of Mudar# so please order us to do
soething good !religious deeds" that by acting on the $e ay enter Paradise# and that $e ay in)
for !our people" $ho $e ha(e left behind# about it%H &hey also asked !the Prophet" about drinks%
He forbade the fro four things and ordered the to do four things% He ordered the to belie(e in
Allah# and asked the# H8o you kno$ $hat is eant by belief in AllahJH &hey said# HAllah and His
Apostle kno$ best%H He said# ''&o testify that none has the right to be $orshipped e*cept Allah# the
Ene# @ho has no partners $ith Hi# and that Muhaad is Allah's ApostleL and to offer prayers
perfectly and to pay Fakat%H !the narrator thinks that fasting in Raadan is included"# Hand to gi(e
one)fifth of the $ar booty !to the state"%H &hen he forbade four !drinking utensils": Ad)8uba'# Al)
Hanta# Al)Ma-affat and An)DaCir# or probably# Al)MuCaiyar% And then the Prophet said# HRee)
ber all these things by heart and preach it to those $ho you ha(e left behind%H
=olue 1# Book 10# Duber <:3:
Darrated &auba Al)'Anbari:
Ash)'Sha'bi asked e# H8id you notice ho$ Al)Hasan used to narrate Hadiths fro the ProphetsJ I
stayed $ith Ibn 'Uar for about t$o or one)and)half years and I did not hear hi narrating any
thing fro the Prophet e*cept his !Hadith": He !Ibn 'Uar" said# HSoe of the copanions of the
=olue 1 ) 0530 ? 0:66
Prophet including Sa'd# $ere going to eat eat# but one of the $i(es of the Prophet called the# say)
ing# 'It is the neat of a Mastigure%' &he people then stopped eating it% En that Allah's Apostle said#
'9arry on eating# for it is la$ful%' Er said# '&here is no har in eating it# but it is not fro y eals%H
=olue 1 ) 0533 ? 0:66
Book 13: Holding Bast to the ,ur'an and Sun)
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <:<:
Darrated &ariC bin Shihab:
A /e$ said to 'Uar# HE 9hief of the Belie(ers# if this (erse: '&his day I ha(e perfected your religion
for you# copleted My fa(ors upon you# and ha(e chosen for you# Isla as your religion%' !4%<" had
been re(ealed upon us# $e $ould ha(e taken that day as an 'Id !festi(al" day%H 'Uar said# HI kno$
definitely on $hat day this =erse $as re(ealedL it $as re(ealed on the day of 'Arafat# on a Briday%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <:2:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&hat he heard 'Uar speaking $hile standing on the pulpit of the Prophet in the orning !follo$)
ing the death of the Prophet"# $hen the people had s$orn allegiance to Abu Bakr% He said the
&ashah)hud before Abu Bakr# and said# HAa Ba'du !then after" Allah has chosen for his Apostle
$hat is $ith Hi !Paradise" rather than $hat is $ith you !the $orld"% &his is that Book !,uran" $ith
$hich Allah guided your Apostle# so stick to it# for then you $ill be guided on the right path as Allah
guided His Apostle $ith it%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <:4:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet ebraced e and said# HE AllahI &each hi !the kno$ledge of" the Book !,uran"%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <:5:
Darrated Abal Minhal:
Abu Bar-a said# H!E peopleI" Allah akes you self)sufficient or has raised you high $ith Isla and
$ith Muhaad
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <:::
Darrated Abdullah bin 8inar:
=olue 1 ) 053< ? 0:66
'Abdullah Bin 'Uar $rote to 'Abdul Malik bin Mar$an# s$earing allegiance to hi: 'I s$ear alle)
giance to you in that I $ill listen and obey $hat is in accordance $ith the ;a$s of Allah and the &ra)
dition of His Apostle as uch as I can%'
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <:7:
Darrated Said bin Al)Musaiyab:
Abu Huraira said that Allah's Apostle said# HI ha(e been sent $ith '/a$ai)al)Kali ' !the shortest
e*pression $ith the $idest eaning" and ha(e been ade (ictorious $ith a$e !cast in y eney's
hearts"# and $hile I $as sleeping# I sa$ that the keys of the treasures of the $orld $ere placed in y
hand%H Abu Huraira added: Allah's Apostle has gone# and you people are utili-ing those treasures# or
digging those treasures out%H or said a siilar sentence%
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <:1:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&here $as no prophet aong the prophets but $as gi(en iracles because of
$hich people had security or had belief# but $hat I $as gi(en $as the 8i(ine Inspiration $hich Al)
lah re(ealed to e% So I hope that y follo$ers $ill be ore than those of any other prophet on the
8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <76:
Darrated Abu @ail:
I sat $ith Shaiba in this MosCue !Al)"# and he said# H'Uar once sat beside e
here as you are no$ sitting# and said# 'I feel like distributing all the gold and sil(er that are in it !i%e%#
the Ka'ba" aong the Muslis'% I said# 'Kou cannot do that%' 'Uar said# '@hyJ' I said# 'Kour t$o !pre)
(ious" copanions !the Prophet and Abu Bakr" did not do it% 'Uar said# '&hey are the t$o persons
$ho one ust follo$%'H !See Hadith Do% 552# =ol% 3"
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <70:
Darrated Hudhaifa:
Allah's Apostle said to us# HHonesty descended fro the Hea(ens and settled in the roots of the
hearts of en !faithful belie(ers"# and then the ,uran $as re(ealed and the people read the ,uran#
!and learnt it fro it" and also learnt it fro the Sunna%H Both ,uran and Sunna strengthened their
!the faithful belie(ers'" honesty% !See Hadith Do% 367"
=olue 1 ) 0532 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <73:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he best talk !speech" is Allah's Book ',uran"# and the best $ay is the $ay of Muhaad# and the
$orst atters are the heresies !those ne$ things $hich are introduced into the religion"L and
$hate(er you ha(e been proised $ill surely coe to pass# and you cannot escape !it"%
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <7<:
Darrated Abu Huraira and Faid bin Khalid:
@e $ere $ith the Prophet $hen he said !to t$o en"# HI shall .udge bet$een you according to Al)
lah's Book !;a$s"%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <72:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAll y follo$ers $ill enter Paradise e*cept those $ho refuse%H &hey said# HE
Allah's ApostleI @ho $ill refuseJH He said# H@hoe(er obeys e $ill enter Paradise# and $hoe(er dis)
obeys e is the one $ho refuses !to enter it"%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <74:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
Soe angels cae to the Prophet $hile he $as sleeping% Soe of the said# HHe is sleeping%H Eth)
ers said# HHis eyes are sleeping but his heart is a$ake%H &hen they said# H&here is an e*aple for this
copanion of yours%H Ene of the said# H&hen set forth an e*aple for hi%H Soe of the said# HHe
is sleeping%H &he others said# HHis eyes are sleeping but his heart is a$ake%H &hen they said# HHis e*)
aple is that of a an $ho has built a house and then offered therein a banCuet and sent an in(iter
!essenger" to in(ite the people% So $hoe(er accepted the in(itation of the in(iter# entered the house
and ate of the banCuet# and $hoe(er did not accept the in(itation of the in(iter# did not enter the
house# nor did he eat of the banCuet%H &hen the angels said# HInterpret this e*aple to hi so that he
ay understand it%H Soe of the said# HHe is sleeping%'' &he others said# HHis eyes are sleeping but his
heart is a$ake%H And then they said# H&he houses stands for Paradise and the call aker is
MuhaadL and $hoe(er obeys Muhaad# obeys AllahL and $hoe(er disobeys Muhaad# dis)
obeys Allah% Muhaad separated the people !i%e%# through his essage# the good is distinguished
fro the bad# and the belie(ers fro the disbelie(ers"%H
=olue 1 ) 0534 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <75:
Darrated Haa:
Hudhaifa said# HE the Aroup of Al),urraI Bollo$ the straight path# for then you ha(e taken a great
lead !and $ill be the leaders"# but if you di(ert right or left# then you $ill go astray far a$ay%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <7::
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# HMy e*aple and the e*aple of $hat I ha(e been sent $ith is that of a an
$ho cae to soe people and said# 'E peopleI I ha(e seen the eney's ary $ith y o$n eyes# and I
a the naked $arnerL so protect yoursel(esI' &hen a group of his people obeyed hi and fled at
night proceeding stealthily till they $ere safe# $hile another group of the disbelie(ed hi and
stayed at their places till orning $hen the ary cae upon the# and killed and ruined the
copletely So this is the e*aple of that person $ho obeys e and follo$s $hat I ha(e brought !the
,uran and the Sunna"# and the e*aple of the one $ho disobeys e and disbelie(es the truth I ha(e
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <77:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hen Allah's Apostle died and Abu Bakr $as elected as a 9aliph after hi# soe of the Arabs re)
(erted to disbelief# 'Uar said to Abu Bakr# HHo$ dare you fight the people $hile Allah's Apostle said#
I ha(e been ordered to fight the people till they say 'Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah'
And $hoe(er says: Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah%' $a(es his $ealth and his life
fro e unless he deser(es a legal punishent lusty# and his account $ill be $ith AllahI Abu Bakr
said# HBy Allah# I $ill fight hi $ho discriinates bet$een Fakat and prayers# for Fakat is the 9o)
pulsory right to be taken fro the $ealth By Allah# if they refuse to gi(e e e(en a tying rope $hich
they use to gi(e to Allah's Apostle# I $ould fight the for $ithholding it%H 'Uar said# 'By Allah# It $as
nothing# e*cept I sa$ that Allah had opened the chest of Abu Bakr to the fight# and I cae to kno$
for certain that $as the truth%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <71:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:
Uyaina bin Hisn bin Hudhaifa bin Badr cae and stayed !at Medina" $ith his nephe$ Al)Hurr
bin ,ais bin Hisn $ho has one of those $ho 'Uar used to keep near hi# as the ,urra' !learned
en kno$ing ,uran by heart" $ere the people of Uar's eetings and his ad(isors $hether they
$ere old or young% 'Uyaina said to his nephe$# HE y nephe$I Ha(e you an approach to this chief so
=olue 1 ) 0535 ? 0:66
as to get for e the perission to see hiJH His nephe$ said# HI $ill get the perission for you to see
hi%H !Ibn 'Abbas added: " So he took the perission for 'Uyaina# and $hen the latter entered# he said#
HE the son of Al)KhattabI By Allah# you neither gi(e us sufficient pro(ision nor .udge aong us $ith
.ustice%H En that 'Uar becae so furious that he intended to har hi% Al)Hurr# said# HE 9hief of
the Belie(ersIH Allah said to His Apostle 'Hold to forgi(eness# coand $hat is good !right"# and
lea(e the foolish !i%e% do not punish the"%' !:%011" and this person is aong the foolish%H By Allah#
'Uar did not o(erlook that =erse $hen Al)Hurr recited it before hi# and 'Uar said to obser(e
!the orders of" Allah's Book strictly%H !See Hadith Do% 055# =ol% 5"
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <16:
Darrated Asa' bint Abu Bakr:
I cae to 'Aisha during the solar eclipse% &he people $ere standing !offering prayer" and she too#
$as standing and offering prayer% I asked# H@hat is $rong $ith the peopleJH She pointed to$ards the
sky $ith her hand and said# Subhan AllahI'' I asked her# HIs there a signJH She nodded $ith her head
eaning# yes% @hen Allah's Apostle finished !the prayer"# he glorified and praised Allah and said#
H&here is not anything that I ha(e not seen before but I ha(e seen no$ at this place of ine# e(en
Paradise and Hell% It has been re(ealed to e that you people $ill be put to trial nearly like the trial
of Ad) in your gra(es% As for the true belie(er or a Musli !the sub)narrator is not sure as to
$hich of the t$o !$ords Asa' had said" he $ill say# 'Muhaad cae $ith clear signs fro Allah#
and $e responded to hi !accepted his teachings" and belie(ed !$hat he said"' It $ill be said !to hi"
'Sleep in peaceL $e ha(e kno$n that you $ere a true belie(er $ho belie(ed $ith certainty%' As for a
hypocrite or a doubtful person# !the sub)narrator is not sure as to $hich $ord Asa' said" he $ill
say# 'I do not kno$# but I heard the people saying soething and so I said the sae%' H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <10:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H;ea(e e as I lea(e you" for the people $ho $ere before you $ere ruined be)
cause of their Cuestions and their differences o(er their prophets% So# if I forbid you to do soething#
then keep a$ay fro it% And if I order you to do soething# then do of it as uch as you can%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <13:
Darrated Sa'd bin Abi @aCCas:
&he Prophet said# H&he ost sinful person aong the Muslis is the one $ho asked about soe)
thing $hich had not been prohibited# but $as prohibited because of his asking%H
=olue 1 ) 053: ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <1<:
Darrated Faid bin &habit:
&he Prophet took a roo ade of date pal lea(es ats in the osCue% Allah's Apostle prayed in it
for a fe$ nights till the people gathered !to pray the night prayer !&ara$ih" !behind hi%" &hen on
the 2th night the people did not hear his (oice and they thought he had slept# so soe of the star)
ted huing in order that he ight coe out% &he Prophet then said# HKou continued doing $hat I
sa$ you doing till I $as afraid that this !&ara$ih prayer" ight be en.oined on you# and if it $ere
en.oined on you# you $ould not continue perforing it% &herefore# E peopleI Perfor your prayers
at your hoes# for the best prayer of a person is $hat is perfored at his hoe e*cept the copuls)
ory congregational" prayer%H !See Hadith Do% 331#=ol% <" !See Hadith Do% 0<2# =ol% 7"
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <12:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ash'ari:
Allah's Apostle $as asked about things $hich he disliked# and $hen the people asked too any
Cuestions# he becae angry and said# HAsk e !any Cuestion"%H A an got up and said# HE Allah's
ApostleI @ho is y fatherJH &he Prophet replied# HKour father is Hudhaifa%H &hen another an got up
and said# HE Allah's ApostleI @ho is y fatherJH &he Prophet said# HKour father is Sali# Maula
Shaiba%H @hen 'Uar sa$ the signs of anger on the face of Allah's Apostle# he said# H@e repent to Al)
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <14:
Darrated @arrad:
!&he clerk of Al)Mughira" Mua$iya $rote to Al)Mughira '@rite to e $hat you ha(e heard fro
Allah's Apostle%' So he !Al)Mughira" $rote to hi: Allah's Prophet used to say at the end of each
prayer: H;a ilaha illalla)h $ahdahu la sharika lahu# lahul Mulku# $a lahul Hadu $a hula ala kulli
shai'in Cadir% 'Allahua la ani' a lia a'taita# $ala u'tiya lia ana'ta# $ala yanfa'u dhul.add
inkal).add%H He also $rote to hi that the Prophet used to forbid !0" ,il and ,al !idle useless talk
or that you talk too uch about others"# !3" Asking too any Cuestions !in disputed Religious at)
ters"L !<" And $asting one's $ealth by e*tra(aganceL !2" and to be undutiful to one's other !4" and
to bury the daughters ali(e !5" and to pre(ent your fa(ors !bene(olence to others !i%e% not to pay the
rights of others !:" And asking others for soething !e*cept $hen it is una(oidable"%
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <15:
Darrated Anas:
=olue 1 ) 0537 ? 0:66
@e $ere $ith 'Uar and he said# H@e ha(e been forbidden to undertake a difficult task beyond
our capability !i%e% to e*ceed the religious liits e%g%# to clean the inside of the eyes $hile doing ablu)
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <1::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Prophet cae out after the sun had declined and offered the Fuhr prayer !in congregation"%
After finishing it $ith &asli# he stood on the pulpit and entioned the Hour and entioned there
$ould happen great e(ents before it% &hen he said# H@hoe(er $ants to ask e any Cuestion# ay do
so# for by Allah# you $ill not ask e about anything but I $ill infor you of its ans$er as long as I
a at this place of ine%H En this# the Ansar $ept (iolently# and Allah's Apostle kept on saying# HAsk
MeI H &hen a an got up and asked# ''@here $ill y entrance be# E Allah's ApostleJH &he Prophet
said# H!Kou $ill go to" the Bire%H &hen 'Abdullah bin Hudhaifa got up and asked# H@ho is y father# E
Allah's ApostleJH &he Prophet replied# HKour father is Hudhaifa%H &he Prophet then kept on saying
!angrily"# HAsk eI Ask eIH 'Uar then knelt on his knees and said# H@e ha(e accepted Allah as our
;ord and Isla as our religion and Muhaad as an Apostle%H Allah's Apostle becae Cuiet $hen
'Uar said that% &hen Allah's Apostle said# HBy Hi in @hose Hand y life is# Paradise and Hell $ere
displayed before e across this $all $hile I $as praying# and I ne(er sa$ such good and e(il as I
ha(e seen today%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <17:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
A an said# HE Allah's ProphetI @ho is y fatherJH &he Prophet said# HKour father is so)and)so%H
And then the 8i(ine =erse:)) 'E you $ho belie(eI Ask not Cuestions about things%%!4%060"
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber <11:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# HPeople $ill not stop asking Cuestions till they say# '&his is Allah# the 9reator of
e(erything# then $ho created AllahJ' H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 266:
Darrated Ibn Masud:
I $as $ith the Prophet at one of the fars of Medina $hile he $as leaning on a date pal leaf)
stalk% He passed by a group of /e$s and soe of the said to the other# Ask hi !the Prophet" about
the spirit% Soe others said# H8o not ask hi# lest he should tell you $hat you dislikeH But they $ent
=olue 1 ) 0531 ? 0:66
up to hi and said# HE Abal ,asiI Infor us bout the spirit%H &he Prophet stood up for a $hile#
$aiting% I reali-ed that he $as being 8i(inely Inspired# so I kept a$ay fro hi till the inspiration
$as o(er% &hen the Prophet said# H!E Muhaad" they ask you regarding the spirit# Say: &he spirit its
kno$ledge is $ith y ;ord !i%e%# nobody has its kno$ledge e*cept Allah"H !0:%74" !&his is a iracle of
the ,ur'an that all the scientists up till no$ do not kno$ about the spirit# i%e# ho$ life coes to a
body and ho$ it goes a$ay at its death" !See Hadith Do% 324# =ol% 5"
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 260:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet $ore a gold ring and then the people follo$ed hi and $ore gold rings too% &hen the
Prophet said# HI had this golden ring ade for yself% He then thre$ it a$ay and said# HI shall ne(er
put it on%H &hereupon the people also thre$ their rings a$ay%
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 263:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said !to his copanions"# H8o not fast Al)@isal%H &hey said# HBut you fast Al)@isail%H
He said# HI a not like you# for at night y ;ord feeds e and akes e drink%H But the people did
not gi(e up Al)@isal# so the Prophet fasted Al)@isal $ith the for t$o days or t$o nights# and then
they sa$ the crescent $hereupon the Prophet said# HIf the crescent had delayed# I $ould ha(e contin)
ued fasting !because of you"#H as if he $anted to (anCuish the copletely !because they had refused
to gi(e up Al @isal"%
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 26<:
Darrated Ibrahi At &aii's father:
Ali addressed us $hile he $as standing on a brick pulpit and carrying a s$ord fro $hich $as
hanging a scroll He said HBy Allah# $e ha(e no book to read e*cept Allah's Book and $hate(er is on
this scroll#H And then he unrolled it# and behold# in it $as $ritten $hat sort of caels $ere to be gi()
en as blood oney# and there $as also $ritten in it: 'Medina is a sanctuary for 'Air !ountain" to
such and such place so $hoe(er inno(ates in it an heresy or coits a sin therein# he $ill incur the
curse of Allah# the angles# and all the people and Allah $ill not accept his copulsory or optional
good deeds%' &here $as also $ritten in it: '&he asylu !pledge of protection" granted by any Muslis
is one and the sae# !e(en a Musli of the lo$est status is to be secured and respected by all the oth)
er Muslis# and $hoe(er betrays a Musli in this respect !by (iolating the pledge" $ill incur the
curse of Allah# the angels# and all the people# and Allah $ill not accept his copulsory or optional
good deeds%' &here $as also $ritten in it: '@hoe(er !freed sla(e" befriends !takes as asters" other
than his real asters !anuitters" $ithout their perission $ill incur the curse of Allah# the an)
=olue 1 ) 05<6 ? 0:66
gels# and all the people# and Allah $ill not accept his copulsory or optional good deeds% ' !See
Hadith Do% 12# =ol% <"
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 262:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet did soething as it $as allo$ed fro the religious point of (ie$ but soe people re)
frained fro it% @hen the Prophet heard of that# he# after glorifying and praising Allah# said# H@hy
do soe people refrain fro doing soething $hich I doJ By Allah# I kno$ Allah ore than they%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 264:
Darrated Ibn Abi Mulaika:
Ence the t$o righteous en# i%e%# Abu Bakr and 'Uar $ere on the (erge of destruction !and that
$as because": @hen the delegate of Bani &ai cae to the Prophet# one of the !either Abu Bakr
or 'Uar" recoended Al)ACra' bin Habis At)&aii Al)Han-ali# the brother of Bani Ma.ashi !to
be appointed as their chief"# $hile the other recoended soebody else% Abu Bakr said to 'Uar#
HKou intended only to oppose e%H 'Uar said# HI did not intend to oppose youIH &hen their (oices
gre$ louder in front of the Prophet $hereupon there $as re(ealed: 'E you $ho belie(eI 8o not raise
your (oices abo(e the (oice of the Prophet%%a great re$ard%' !21%3)<" Ibn A-)Fubair said# '&hence for)
$ard $hen 'Uar talked to the Prophet# he $ould talk like one $ho $hispered a secret and $ould
e(en fail to ake the Prophet hear hi# in $hich case the Prophet $ould ask hi !to repeat his
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 265:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!the other of belie(ers" Allah's Apostle during his fatal ailent said# HErder Abu Bakr to lead the
people in prayer%H I said# HIf Abu Bakr stood at your place !in prayers# the people $ill not be able to
hear hi because of his $eeping# so order 'Uar to lead the people in prayer%H He again said# HErder
Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer H &hen I said to Hafsa# H@ill you say !to the Prophet"# 'If Abu
Bakr stood at your place# the people $ill not be able to hear hi be cause of his $eeping# so order
'Uar to lead the people in prayerJH Hafsa did so# $hereupon Allah's Apostle said# HKou are like the
copanions of /oseph !See ,ur'an# 03:<6)<3"% Erder Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer%H Hafsa
then said to e# HI ha(e ne(er recei(ed any good fro youIH
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 26::
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd As)Sa'idi:
=olue 1 ) 05<0 ? 0:66
'U$aiir Al)'A.lani cae to 'Asi bin 'Adi and said# HIf a an found another an $ith his $ife
and killed hi# $ould you sentence the husband to death !in ,isas#" i%e%# eCuality in punishent"J E
'AsiI Please ask Allah's Apostle about this atter on y behalf%H 'Asi asked the Prophet but the
Prophet disliked the Cuestion and disappro(ed of it% 'Asi returned and infored 'U$aiir that the
Prophet disliked that type of Cuestion% 'U$aiir said# HBy Allah# I $ill go !personally" to the Prophet%H
'U$aiir cae to the Prophet $hen Allah had already re(ealed ,ur'anic =erses !in that respect"#
after 'Asi had left !the Prophet "% So the Prophet said to 'U$aiir# HAllah has re(ealed ,ur'anic
=erses regarding you and your $ife%H &he Prophet then called for the# and they cae and carried
out the order of ;ian%
&hen 'U$aiir said# HE Allah's ApostleI Do$ if I kept her $ith e# I $ould be accused of telling a
lie%H So 'U$aiir di(orced her although the Prophet did not order hi to do so% ;ater on this practice
of di(orcing becae the tradition of couples in(ol(ed in a case of ;i'an% &he Prophet said !to the
people"% H@ait for herI If she deli(ers a red short !sall" child like a @ahra !a short red anial"% then
I $ill be of the opinion that he !'U$aiir" has told a lie but if she deli(ered a black big)eyed one
$ith big buttocks# then I $ill be of the opinion that he has told the truth about her%H 'Ultiately she
ga(e birth to a child that pro(ed the accusation% !See Hadith Do% 351# =ol% 5"
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 267:
Darrated Malik bin Aus An)Dasri:
I proceeded till I entered upon 'Uar !and $hile I $as sitting there"# his gate)keeper Karfa cae
to hi and said# H 'Uthan# 'Abdur)Rahan# A-)Fubair and Sa'd ask your perission to coe in%H
'Uar allo$ed the% So they entered# greeted# and sat do$n% !After a $hile the gatekeeper cae" and
said# HShall I adit 'Ali and 'AbbasJ'' 'Uar allo$ed the to enter% Al)'Abbas said HE 9hief of the be)
lie(ersI /udge bet$een e and the oppressor !'Ali"%H &hen there $as a dispute !regarding the property
of Bani Dadir" bet$een the !'Abbas and 'Ali"% 'Uthan and his copanions said# HE 9hief of the Be)
lie(ersI /udge bet$een the and relie(e one fro the other%H Uar said# HBe patientI beseech you by
Allah# $ith @hose perission the Hea(en and the +arth +*istI 8o you kno$ that Allah's Apostle said#
'Eur property is not to be inherited# and $hate(er $e lea(e is to be gi(en in charity#' and by this Al)
lah's Apostle eant hiselfJH En that the group said# HHe (erily said so%H 'Uar then faced 'Ali and
'Abbas and said# HI beseech you both by Allah# do you both kno$ that Allah's Apostle said soJH &hey
both replied# HKesH% 'Uar then said# HDo$ I a talking to you about this atter !in detail" % Allah
fa(ored Allah's Apostle $ith soe of this $ealth $hich He did not gi(e to anybody else# as Allah said:
'@hat Allah besto$ed as Bai !Booty on His Apostle for $hich you ade no e*pedition%%% ' !41%5"
So that property $as totally eant for Allah's Apostle# yet he did not collect it and ignore you# nor
did he $ithhold it $ith your e*clusion# but he ga(e it to you and distributed it aong you till this
uch of it $as left behind# and the Prophet# used to spend of this as the yearly e*penditures of his
faily and then take $hat reained of it and spent it as he did $ith !other" Allah's $ealth% &he
=olue 1 ) 05<3 ? 0:66
Prophet did so during all his lifetie# and I beseech you by Allah# do you kno$ thatJH &hey replied#
HKes%H 'Uar then addressed 'Ali and 'Abbas# saying# HI beseech you both by Allah# do you kno$ thatJH
Both of the replied# HKes%H 'Uar added# H&hen Allah took His Apostle unto Hi% Abu Bakr then said
'I a the successor of Allah's Apostle' and took o(er all the Prophet's property and disposed of it in
the sae $ay as Allah's Apostle used to do# and you $ere present then%H &hen he turned to 'Ali and
'Abbas and said# HKou both clai that Abu Bakr did so)and)so in anaging the property# but Allah
kno$s that Abu Bakr $as honest# righteous# intelligent# and a follo$er of $hat is right in anaging
&hen Allah took Abu Bakr unto Hi# 'I said: I a the successor of Allah's Apostle and Abu Bakr%' So
I took o(er the property for t$o years and anaged it in the sae $ay as Allah's Apostle# and Abu
Bakr used to do% &hen you both !'Ali and 'Abbas" cae to e and asked for the sae thingI !E 'AbbasI
Kou cae to e to ask e for your share fro nephe$'s propertyL and this !'Ali" cae to e asking
for his $i(es share fro her father's property# and I said to you both# 'If you $ish# I $ill place it in
your custody on condition that you both $ill anage it in the sae $ay as Allah's Apostle and Abu
Bakr did and as I ha(e been doing since I took charge of anaging itL other$ise# do not speak to e
anyore about it%'
&hen you both said# 'Ai(e it to us on that !condition"%' So I ga(e it to you on that condition% Do$ I
beseech you by Allah# did I not gi(e it to the on that conditionJH &he group !$ho he had been ad)
dressing" replied# HKes%H 'Uar then addressed 'Abbas and 'Ali saying# HI beseech you both by Allah#
didn't I gi(e you all that property on that conditionJH &hey said# HKes%H 'Uar then said# HAre you no$
seeking a (erdict fro e other than thatJ By Hi $ith @hose Perission the Hea(en and the +arth
e*ists I $ill not gi(e any (erdict other than that till the Hour is establishedL and if you both are un)
able to anage this property# then you can hand it back to e# and I $ill be sufficient for it on your
behalf%H !See# Hadith Do% <35# =ol% 2"
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 261:
Darrated 'Asi:
I said to Anas# H8id Allah's Apostle ake Medina a sanctuaryJH He replied# HKes# !Medina is a sanc)
tuary fro such)and)such place to such)and)such place% It is forbidden to cut its trees# and $hoe(er
inno(ates an heresy in it or coits a sin therein# $ill incur the curse of Allah# the angels# and all
the people%H &hen Musa bin Anas told e that Anas added# H%%%%% or gi(es refuge to such an heretic or a
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 206:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
=olue 1 ) 05<< ? 0:66
I heard the Prophet saying# HAllah $ill not depri(e you of kno$ledge after he has gi(en it to you#
but it $ill be taken a$ay through the death of the religious learned en $ith their kno$ledge% &hen
there $ill reain ignorant people $ho# $hen consulted# $ill gi(e (erdicts according to their opin)
ions $hereby they $ill islead others and go astray%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 200:
Darrated Al)A'ash:
I asked Abu @ail# H8id you $itness the battle of Siffin bet$een 'Ali and Mua$iyaJH He said# HKes#H
and added# H&hen I heard Sahl bin Hunaif saying# 'E peopleI Blae your personal opinions in your
religion% Do doubt# I reeber yself on the day of Abi /andalL if I had the po$er to refuse the order
of Allah's Apostle# I $ould ha(e refused it%
@e ha(e ne(er put our s$ords on our shoulders to get in(ol(ed in a situation that ight ha(e
been horrible for us# but those s$ords brought us to (ictory and peace# e*cept this present situation%'
H Abu @ail said# HI $itnessed the battle of Siffin# and ho$ nasty Siffin $asIH
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 203:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
I fell ill# Allah's Apostle and Abu Bakr cae to (isit e on foot% &he Prophet cae to e $hile I
$as unconscious% Allah's Apostle perfored ablution and poured the Reaining $ater of his ablu)
tion o(er e $hereupon I becae conscious and said# 'E Allah's ApostleI Ho$ should I spend y
$ealthJ Er ho$ should I deal $ith y $ealthJH But the Prophet did not gi(e e any reply till the
=erse of the la$s of inheritance $as re(ealed%
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 20<:
Darrated Abu Said:
A $oan cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE Allah's ApostleI Men !only" benefit by your teach)
ings# so please de(ote to us fro !soe of" your tie# a day on $hich $e ay coe to you so that
you ay teach us of $hat Allah has taught you%H Allah's Apostle said# HAather on such)and)such a
day at such)and)such a place%H &hey gathered and Allah's Apostle cae to the and taught the of
$hat Allah had taught hi% He then said# HDo $oan aong you $ho has lost her three children
!died" but that they $ill screen her fro the Bire%H A $oan aong the said# HE Allah's ApostleI If
she lost t$o childrenJH She repeated her Cuestion t$ice# $hereupon the Prophet said# H+(en t$o# e(en
t$o# e(en t$oIH !See Hadith Do% <20# =ol% 3"
=olue 1 ) 05<2 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 202:
Darrated Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba:
&he Prophet said# HA group of y follo$er s$ill reain predoinant !(ictorious" till Allah's Erder
!the Hour" coes upon the $hile they are still predoinant !(ictorious"%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 204:
Darrated Huaid:
I heard Mua$iya bin Abi Sufyan deli(ering a seron% He said# HI heard the Prophet saying# HIf Al)
lah $ants to do a fa(or to soebody# He besto$s on hi# the gift of understanding the ,uran and
Sunna% I a but a distributor# and Allah is the Ai(er% &he state of this nation $ill reain good till the
Hour is established# or till Allah's Erder coes%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 205:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
@hen the !follo$ing" =erse $as re(ealed to Allah's Apostle: 'Say: He has po$er to send torent on
you fro abo(e#'%%!5%54" he said# HE AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kour Bace !fro that punishent"%H And
$hen this $as re(ealed: '%%or fro beneath your feet%' !5%54" he said# HE AllahI I seek refuge $ith Kour
Bace !fro that"%H And $hen this =erse $as re(ealed: '%%or to co(er you $ith confusion in party)strife#
and ake you to taste the (iolence of one another#'%%%!5%54" he said: H&hese t$o $arnings are easier
!than the pre(ious ones"%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 20::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
A bedouin cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HMy $ife has deli(ered a black boy# and I suspect that
he is not y child%H Allah's Apostle said to hi# HHa(e you got caelsJH &he bedouin said# HKes%H &he
Prophet said# H@hat color are theyJH &he bedouin said# H&hey are red%H &he Prophet said# HAre any of
the AreyJH He said# H&here are Arey ones aong the%H &he Prophet said# H@hence do you think
this color cae to theJH &he bedouin said# HE Allah's ApostleI It resulted fro hereditary disposi)
tion%H &he Prophet said# HAnd this !i%e%# your child" has inherited his color fro his ancestors%H &he
Prophet did not allo$ hi to deny his paternity of the child%
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 207:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
=olue 1 ) 05<4 ? 0:66
A $oan cae to the Prophet and said# HMy other (o$ed to perfor the Ha.. but she died be)
fore perforing it% Should I perfor the Ha.. on her behalfJH He said# HKesI Perfor the Ha.. on her
behalf% See# if your other had been in debt# $ould you ha(e paid her debtJH She said# HKes%H He said#
HSo you should pay $hat is for Hi as Allah has ore right that one should fulfill one's obligations to
Hi% H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 201:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# H8o not $ish to be like anybody e*cept in t$o cases: &he case of a an $ho
Allah has gi(en $ealth and he spends it in the right $ay# and that of a an $ho Allah has gi(en
religious $isdo !i%e%# ,ur'an and Sunna" and he gi(es his (erdicts according to it and teaches it%H !to
others i%e%# religious kno$ledge of ,ur'an and Sunna !Prophet's &raditions""% H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 236:
Darrated Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba:
'Uar bin Al)Khattab asked !the people" about the Ilas of a $oan# i%e%# a $oan $ho has an
abortion because of ha(ing been beaten on her abdoen# saying# H@ho aong you has heard any)
thing about it fro the ProphetJH I said# HI did%'' He said# H@hat is thatJH I said# HI heard the Prophet
saying# HIts 8iya !blood oney" is either a ale or a feale sla(e%' H 'Uar said# H8o not lea(e till you
present $itness in support of your stateent%H So I $ent out# and found Muhaad bin Maslaa% I
brought hi# and he bore $itness $ith e that he had heard the Prophet saying# HIts 8iya !blood
oney" is either a ale sla(e or a feale sla(e%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 230:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he Hour $ill not be established till y follo$ers copy the deeds of the pre(ious
nations and follo$ the (ery closely# span by span# and cubit by cubit !i%e%# inch by inch"%H It $as
said# HE Allah's ApostleI 8o you ean by those !nations" the Persians and the By-antinesJH &he
Prophet said# H@ho can it be other than theyJH
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 233:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# HKou $ill follo$ the $ays of those nations $ho $ere before you# span by span
and cubit by cubit !i%e%# inch by inch" so uch so that e(en if they entered a hole of a astigure# you
=olue 1 ) 05<5 ? 0:66
$ould follo$ the%H @e said# HE Allah's ApostleI !8o you ean" the /e$s and the 9hristiansJH He
said# H@ho elseJH
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 23<:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HDone is killed un.ustly# but the first son of Ada $ill ha(e a part of its burden%H
Sufyan said# H%%a part of its blood because he $as the first to establish the tradition of urderingH
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 232t:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah As)Salai:
A bedouin ga(e the Pledge of allegiance for ebracing Isla to Allah's Apostle# and then he got an
attack of fe(er in Medina and cae to Allah's Apostle: and said# HE Allah's ApostleI 9ancel y
pledge%H Allah's Apostle refused to do so% &he bedouin cae to hi again and said# H9ancel y
pledge#H but he refused again# and then again# the bedouin cae to hi and said# H9ancel y pledge#H
and Allah's Apostle refused% &he bedouin finally $ent a$ay# and Allah's Apostle said# HMedina is like
a pair of bello$s !furnace"# it e*pels its ipurities $hile it brightens and clears its good%'
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 232:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
I used to teach ,ur'an to 'Abdur)Rahan bin Auf% @hen Uar perfored his last Ha..# 'Abdur)
Rahan said !to e" at Mina# H@ould that you had seen 9hief of the belie(ers todayI A an cae to
hi and said# HSo)and)so has said# HIf 9hief of the Belie(ers died# $e $ill gi(e the oath of allegiance
to such)and)such person#' 'Uar said# 'I $ill get up tonight and $arn those $ho $ant to usurp the
people's rights%' I said# '8o not do so# for the season !of Ha.." gathers the riffraff ob $ho $ill for
the a.ority of your audience# and I a afraid that they $ill not understand !the eaning of" your
saying properly and ay spread !an incorrect stateent" e(ery$here% Kou should $ait till $e reach
Medina# the place of igration and the place of the Sunna !the Prophet's &raditions"% &here you $ill
eet the copanions of Allah's Apostle fro the Muha.irin and the Ansar $ho $ill understand your
stateent and place it in its proper position' 'Uar said# 'By Allah# I shall do so the first tie I stand
!to address the people" in Medina%' @hen $e reached Medina# 'Uar !in a Briday Khutba)seron"
said# HDo doubt# Allah sent Muhaad $ith the &ruth and re(ealed to hi the Book !,uran"# and
aong $hat $as re(ealed# $as the =erse of Ar)Ra. !stoning adulterers to death"%'H !See Hadith Do%
70:#=ol% 7"
=olue 1 ) 05<: ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 234:
Darrated Muhaad:
@e $ere $ith Abu Huraira $hile he $as $earing t$o linen garents dyed $ith red clay% He
cleaned his nose $ith his garent# saying# HBra(oI Bra(oI Abu Huraira is cleaning his nose $ith lin)
enI &here cae a tie $hen I $ould fall senseless bet$een the pulpit of Allah's Apostle and 'Aisha's
d$elling $hereupon a passerby $ould coe and put his foot on y neck# considering e a ad
an# but in fact# I had no adness# I suffered nothing but hunger%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 235:
Darrated 'Abdur)Rahan bin 'Abis:
Ibn 'Abbas $as asked# H8id you offer the Id prayer $ith the ProphetJH He said# HKes# had it not been
for y close relation to the Prophet# I $ould not ha(e perfored it !$ith hi" because of y being
too young &he Prophet cae to the ark $hich is near the hoe of Kathir bin As)Salt and offered
the Id prayer and then deli(ered the seron% I do not reeber if any Adhan or ICaa $ere pro)
nounced for the prayer% &hen the Prophet ordered !the $oen" to gi(e als# and they started
stretching out their hands to$ards their ears and throats !gi(ing their ornaents in charity"# and the
Prophet ordered Bilal to go to the !to collect the als"# and then Bilal returned to the Prophet
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 23::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet used to go to the ,uba' osCue# soeties $alking# soeties riding%
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 237:
Darrated Hisha's father:
'Aisha said to 'Abdullah bin A-)Fubair# HBury e $ith y feale copanions !i%e% the $i(es of the
Prophet" and do not bury e $ith the Prophet in the house# for I do not like to be regarded as sancti)
fied !.ust for being buried there"%''
Darrated Hisha's father: 'Uar sent a essage to 'Aisha# saying# H@ill you allo$ e to be buried
$ith y t$o copanions !the Prophet and Abu Bakr" JH She said# HKes# by Allah%H though it $as her
habit that if a an fro aong the copanions !of the Prophet " sent her a essage asking her to
allo$ hi to be buried there# she $ould say# HDo# by Allah# I $ill ne(er gi(e perission to anyone to
be buried $ith the%H
=olue 1 ) 05<7 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 231:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle used to perfor the 'Asr prayer and then one could reach the 'A$ali !a place in the
outskirts of Medina" $hile the sun $as still Cuite high%
Darrated Kunus: &he distance of the 'A$ali !fro Medina" $as four or three iles%
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 2<6:
Darrated As)Sa'ib bin Ka-id:
&he Sa' !a kind of easure" during the lifetie of the Prophet used to be eCual to the one Mudd
!another kind of easure" and one third of a Mudd $hich $e use today# but the Sa' of today has be)
coe large%
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 2<0:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# HE AllahI Besto$ Kour Blessings on their easures# and besto$ Kour Blessings
on their Sa' and Mudd%H He eant those of the people of Medina%
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 2<3:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he /e$s brought a an and a $oan $ho had coitted illegal se*ual intercourse# to the
Prophet and the Prophet ordered the to be stoned to death# and they $ere stoned to death near the
osCue $here the biers used to be placed%
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 2<<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he Mountain of Uhud cae in sight of Allah's Apostle $ho then said# H&his is a ountain that
lo(es us and is lo(ed by us% E AllahI Abraha ade Mecca a sanctuary and I ake the area bet$een
its !Medina's" t$o ountains a sanctuary%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 2<2:
Darrated Sahl:
&he distance bet$een the pulpit and the $all of the osCue on the side of the ,ibla $as .ust suffi)
cient for a sheep to pass through%
=olue 1 ) 05<1 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 2<4:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HBet$een y house and y pulpit there is a garden fro one of the gardens
of Paradise# and y pulpit is o(er y ;ake)&ank% !Kauthar"L
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 2<5:
Darrated Dafi:
'Abdullah said# H&he Prophet arranged for a horse race# and the prepared horses $ere gi(en less
food for a fe$ days before the race to $in the race# and $ere allo$ed to run fro Al)Hafya to &han)
iyat)al)@ada'# and the unprepared horses $ere allo$ed to run bet$een &haniyat)al)@ada' and the
osCue of Bani FuraiC#H 'Abdullah $as one of those $ho participated in the race%
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 2<::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
I heard 'Uar !deli(ering a seron" on the pulpit of the Prophet%
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 2<7:
Darrated As)Sa'ib bin Ka-id:
&hat he heard 'Uthan bin 'Affan deli(ering a seron on the pulpit of the Prophet
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 2<1:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&his big copper (essel used to be put for e and Allah's Apostle and $e $ould take $ater fro it
together !on taking a bath" %
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 226:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet brought the Ansar and the ,uarish people into alliance in y house at Medina# and
he in(oked Allah for one onth against the tribe of Bani Sulai in !the last Rak'a of each copuls)
ory" prayer%
=olue 1 ) 0526 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 220:
Darrated Abu Burda:
@hen I arri(ed at Medina# 'Abdullah bin Sala et e and said to e# HAccopany e to y
house so that I ay ake you drink fro a bo$l fro $hich Allah's Apostle used to drink# and that
you ay offer prayer in the osCue in $hich the Prophet used to pray%H I accopanied hi# and he
ade e drink Sa$iC and ga(e e dates to eat# and then I prayed in his osCue%
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 223:
Darrated 'Uar:
&he Prophet said to e# HSoeone cae to e tonight fro y ;ord $hile I $as in the 'ACiC !(al)
ley"# and said to e# HEffer prayer in this blessed (alley and say: ';abbaik' for the !perforance of"
'Ura and Ha..%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 22<:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 8inar:
Ibn 'Uar said# H&he Prophet fi*ed ,arn as the MiCat !for assuing the Ihra" for the people of
Da.d# and Al)/uhfa for the people of Sha# and 8hul)Hulaifa for the people of Medina%H Ibn 'Uar
added# HI heard this fro the Prophet# and I ha(e been infored that the Prophet said# '&he MiCat for
the Keenites is Kalala%' H@hen IraC $as entioned# he said# HAt that tie it $as not a Musli
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 222:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he Prophet had a drea in the last portion of the night $hen he $as sleeping at 8hul)Hulaifa% !I
n the drea" it $as said to hi# HKou are in a blessed Batha' !i%e%# (alley"%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 224:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&hat he heard the Prophet# after raising his head fro the bo$ing in orning prayer# saying# HE
Allah# our ;ordI All the praises are for you%H And in the last !Rak'a" he said# HE AllahI 9urse so)and)so
and so))and)so%H And then Allah re(ealed:)) 'Dot for you !E Muhaad" is the decision# !but for
Allah"# $hether He turns in ercy to the or punish the# for they are indeed $rongdoers%' !<%037"
=olue 1 ) 0520 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 225:
Darrated 'Ali bin Abi &alib:
&hat Allah's Apostle cae to hi and Batia the daughter of Allah's Apostle at their house at night
and said# H@on't you prayJH 'Ali replied# HE Allah's ApostleI Eur souls are in the Hands of Allah and
$hen he $ants us to get up# He akes us get up%H @hen 'Ali said that to hi# Allah's Apostle left
$ithout saying anything to hi% @hile the Prophet $as lea(ing# 'Ali heard hi striking his thigh
!$ith his hand" and saying# HBut an is Cuarrelsoe ore than anything else%H !07%42"
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 22::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
@hile $e $ere in the osCue# Allah's Apostle cae out and said# H;et us proceed to the /e$s%H So
$e $ent out $ith hi till $e cae to Bait)al)Midras% &he Prophet stood up there and called the#
saying# HE assebly of /e$sI Surrender to Allah !ebrace Isla" and you $ill be safeIH &hey said#
HKou ha(e con(eyed Allah's essage# E Aba)al),asiH Allah's Apostle then said to the# H&hat is
$hat I $antL ebrace Isla and you $ill be safe%H &hey said# HKou ha(e con(eyed the essage# E
Aba)al),asi%H Allah's Apostle then said to the# H&hat is $hat I $ant#H and repeated his $ords for
the third tie and added# HKno$ that the earth is for Allah and I $ant to e*ile you fro this land# so
$hoe(er aong you has property he should sell it# other$ise# kno$ that the land is for Allah and His
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 227:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said# HDoah $ill be brought !before Allah" on the 8ay of Resurrection# and $ill be
asked# '8id you con(ey the essage of AllahJH He $ill reply# 'Kes# E ;ord%' And then Doah's nation
$ill be asked# '8id he !Doah" con(ey Allah's essage to youJ' &hey $ill reply# 'Do $arner cae to us%'
&hen Doah $ill be asked# '@ho are your $itnessesJ' He $ill reply% '!My $itnesses are" Muhaad
and his follo$ers%' &hereupon you !Muslis" $ill be brought and you $ill bear $itness%H &hen the
Prophet recited: 'And thus @e ha(e ade of you !Muslis" a .ust and the best nation# that you ight
be $itness o(er the nations# and the Apostle a $itness o(er you%' !3%02<"
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 221:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri and Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle sent the brother of the tribe of Bani Adi Al)Ansari as go(ernor of Khaibar% &hen the
an returned# bringing /anib !a good kind of date"% Allah's Apostle asked hi# HAre all the dates of
Khaibar like thatJH He replied# HDo# by Allah# E Allah's ApostleI @e take one Sa' of these !good" dates
=olue 1 ) 0523 ? 0:66
for t$o Sas of i*ed dates%H Allah's Apostle then said# H8o not do so% Kou should either take one Sa of
this !kind" for one Sa' of the otherL or sell one kind and then buy $ith its price the other kind !of
dates"# and you should do the sae in $eighing%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 246:
Darrated 'Ar bin Al)'As:
&hat he heard Allah's Apostle saying# HIf a .udge gi(es a (erdict according to the best of his kno$)
ledge and his (erdict is correct !i%e% agrees $ith Allah and His Apostle's (erdict" he $ill recei(e a
double re$ard# and if he gi(es a (erdict according to the best of his kno$ledge and his (erdict is
$rong# !i%e% against that of Allah and His Apostle" e(en then he $ill get a re$ard %H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 240:
Darrated 'Ubai bin 'Uar:
Abu Musa asked perission to enter upon 'Uar# but seeing that he $as busy# he $ent a$ay%
'Uar then said# H8idn't I hear the (oice of 'Abdullah bin ,aisJ Allo$ hi to coe in%H He $as called
in and 'Uar said to hi# H@hat ade you do $hat you did%H He replied# H@e ha(e been instructed
thus by the ProphetH 'Uar said# HBring proof !$itness" for this# other $ise I $ill do so)and)so to
you%H &hen 'Abdullah bin ,ais $ent to a gathering of the Ansar $ho then said# HDone but the young)
est of us $ill gi(e the $itness for it%H So Abu Said Al)Khudri got up and said# H@e used to be instruc)
ted thus !by the Prophet"%H 'Uar said# H&his tradition of the Prophet reained hidden fro e% Busi)
ness in the arket kept e busy%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 243:
Darrated Al)A'ra.:
Abu Huraira said# HKou people clai that Abu Huraira narrates any narrations of Allah's Apostle%
!Anyho$" $ith Allah $ill be our appointent% I $as a poor an# and used to stick to Allah's Apostle
contented $ith $hat $ill fill y stoach# and the Muha.irin !eigrants" used to be busy trading in
the arkets# and the Ansar used to be busy looking after their properties% Ene)day I heard Allah's
Apostle saying# '@ho $ill spread his Rida' !a garent co(ering the upper part of the body" till I fin)
ished y speech and then fold it# !i%e% $rap it o(er your body"# in $hich case he $ill ne(er forget
anything he had heard fro e%H So I spread y garent $hich I $as $earingL and by Hi @ho
sent Muhaad $ith the &ruth# e(er since# I ha(e ne(er forgotten $hate(er I heard fro hi !the
Prophet"H !See# Hadith Do% 001# =ol% 0"
=olue 1 ) 052< ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 24<:
Darrated Muhaad bin Al)Munkadir:
I sa$ /abir bin 'Abdullah s$earing by Allah that Ibn Sayyad $as the I said to /abir# HHo$
can you s$ear by AllahJH /abir said# HI ha(e heard 'Uar s$earing by Allah regarding this atter in
the presence of the Prophet and the Prophet did not disappro(e of it%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 242:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HHorses ay be used for three purposes: Bor a an they ay be a source of re)
$ard !in the Hereafter"L for another# a eans of protectionL and for another# a source of sin% &he an
for $ho they are a source of re$ard# is the one $ho keeps the for Allah's 9ause and ties the
$ith long ropes and lets the gra-e in a pasture or garden% @hate(er those long ropes allo$ the to
eat of that pasture or garden# $ill be $ritten as good deeds for hi and if they break their ropes and
run one or t$o rounds# then all their footsteps and dung $ill be $ritten as good deeds for hi# and if
they pass a ri(er and drink fro it though he has had no intention of $atering the# e(en then# that
$ill be $ritten as good deeds for hi% So such horses are a source of re$ard for that an% Bor the
an $ho keeps horses for his li(elihood in order not to ask others for help or beg his bread# and at
the sae tie he does not forget Allah's right of $hat he earns through the and of their backs !that
he presents it to be used in Allah's 9ause"# such horses are a shelter for hi !fro po(erty"% Bor the
an $ho keeps the .ust out of pride and for sho$ing off# they are a source of sin%H &hen Allah's
Apostle $as asked about donkeys% He said# HAllah has not re(ealed anything to e regarding the
e*cept this coprehensi(e =erse:
H&hen anyone $ho has done good# eCual to the $eight of an ato !or a sall ant" shall see it# and
any one $ho has done e(il# eCual to the $eight of an ato !or a sall ant" shall see it%H !11%:)7"
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 244:
Darrated 'Aisha:
A $oan asked the Prophet !Hadith 245"%
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 245:
Darrated 'Aisha:
A $oan asked the Prophet about the periods: Ho$ to take a bath after the periods% He said# H&ake
a perfued piece of cloth and clean yourself $ith it%H She said#' HHo$ shall I clean yself $ith it# E
Allah's ApostleJH &he Prophet said# H9lean yourselfH She said again# HHo$ shall I clean yself# E Al)
=olue 1 ) 0522 ? 0:66
lah's ApostleJH &he Prophet said# H9lean yourself $ith it%H &hen I kne$ $hat Allah's Apostle eant% So
I pulled her aside and e*plained it to her%
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 24::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
U Hufaid bint Al)Harith bin Ha-n presented the Prophet $ith soe butter# dried yoghurt !curd
ilk" and astigures as a gift% &he Prophet then asked for a eal !astigures etc% to be put" and it
$as eaten o(er his table cloth# but the Prophet did not eat of it# as he had a(ersion to it% But if it had
been illegal to eat# it $ould not ha(e been eaten o(er his table cloth nor $ould he ha(e ordered that
!astigures eat" to be eaten
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 247:
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er has eaten garlic or onion# should keep a$ay fro us# or should keep
a$ay fro our osCue and should stay at hoe%H Ibn @ahb said# HEnce a plate full of cooked (eget)
ables $as brought to the Prophet at Badr% 8etecting a bad sell fro it# he asked about the dish and
$as infored of the kinds of (egetables in contained% He then said# HBring it near#H and so it $as
brought near to one of his copanions $ho $as $ith hi% @hen the Prophet sa$ it# he disliked eat)
ing it and said !to his copanion"# H+at# for I talk in secret to ones $ho you do not talk to%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 241:
Darrated /ubair bin Muti:
A lady cae to Allah's Apostle and she talked to hi about soething# and he ga(e her soe or)
der% She said# HE Allah's ApostleI If I should not find youJH He said# HIf you should not find e# then go
to Abu Bakr%H Ibrahi bin Sa'd said# HAs if she eant the death !of the Prophet"%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 256:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he people of the Book used to read the &orah in Hebre$ and then e*plain it in Arabic to the
Muslis% Allah's Apostle said !to the Muslis"% H8o not belie(e the people of the Book# nor disbelie(e
the# but say# '@e belie(e in Allah and $hate(er is re(ealed to us# and $hate(er is re(ealed to you%' H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 250:
Darrated Ubaidullah:
=olue 1 ) 0524 ? 0:66
Ibn 'Abbas said# H@hy do you ask the people of the scripture about anything $hile your Book
!,uran" $hich has been re(ealed to Allah's Apostle is ne$er and the latestJ Kou read it pure# undis)
torted and unchanged# and Allah has told you that the people of the scripture !/e$s and 9hristians"
changed their scripture and distorted it# and $rote the scripture $ith their o$n hands and said# 'It is
fro Allah#' to sell it for a little gain% 8oes not the kno$ledge $hich has coe to you pre(ent you
fro asking the about anythingJ Do# by Allah# $e ha(e ne(er seen any an fro the asking you
regarding $hat has been re(ealed to youIH
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 253:
Darrated 'Aisha:
After the slanderers had gi(en a forged stateent against her# Allah's Apostle called 'Ali bin Abi
&alib and Usaa bin Faid $hen the 8i(ine Inspiration $as delayed% He $anted to ask the and
consult the about the Cuestion of di(orcing e% Usaa ga(e his e(idence that $as based on $hat
he kne$ about y innocence# but 'Ali said# HAllah has not put restrictions on you and there are any
$oen other than her% Burtherore you ay ask the sla(e girl $ho $ill tell you the truth%H So the
Prophet asked Barira !y sal(e girl"# HHa(e you seen anything that ay arouse your suspicionJH She
replied# HI ha(e not seen anything ore than that she is a little girl $ho sleeps# lea(ing the dough of
her faily !unguarded" that the doestic goats coe and eat it%H &hen the Prophet stood on the pul)
pit and said# HE MuslisI @ho $ill help e against the an $ho has hared e by slandering y
$ifeJ By Allah# I kno$ nothing about y faily e*cept good%H &he narrator added: &hen the Prophet
entioned the innocence of 'Aisha% !See Hadith Do% 3:2# =ol% 5"
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 25<:
Darrated Aisha:
Allah's Apostle addressed the people# and after praising and glorifying Allah# he said# H@hat do you
suggest e regarding those people $ho are abusing y $ifeJ I ha(e ne(er kno$n anything bad
about her%H &he sub)narrator# 'Ur$a# said: @hen 'Aisha $as told of the slander# she said# HE Allah's
ApostleI @ill you allo$ e to go to y parents' hoeJH He allo$ed her and sent a sla(e along $ith
her% An Ansari an said# HSubhanakaI It is not right for us to speak about this% SubhanakaI &his is a
great lieIH
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 252:
Darrated Ata:
I heard /abir bin 'Abdullah in a gathering saying# H@e# the copanions of Allah's Apostle assued
the state of Ihra to perfor only Ha.. $ithout 'Ura%H /abir added# H&he Prophet arri(ed !at Mecca"
on the fourth of 8hul)Hi..a% And $hen $e arri(ed !in Mecca" the Prophet ordered us to finish the
=olue 1 ) 0525 ? 0:66
state of Ihra# saying# HBinish your lhra and go to your $i(es !for se*ual relation"%H /abir added#
H&he Prophet did not oblige us !to go to our $i(es" but he only ade that legal for us% &hen he heard
that $e $ere saying# H@hen there reains only fi(e days bet$een us and the 8ay of Arafat he orders
us to finish our Ihra by sleeping $ith our $i(es in $hich case $e $ill proceed to 'Arafat $ith our
ale organs dribbling $ith seenJ' !/abir pointed out $ith his hand illustrating $hat he $as
saying"% Allah's Apostle stood up and said# 'Kou !People" kno$ that I a the ost Allah)fearing# the
ost truthful and the best doer of good deeds !pious" fro aong you% If I had not brought the Hadi
$ith e# I $ould ha(e finished y Ihra as you $ill do# so finish your Ihra% If I had forerly
kno$n $hat I cae to kno$ lately# I $ould not ha(e brought the Hadi $ith e%' So $e finished our
Ihra and listened to the Prophet and obeyed hi%H !See Hadith Do% :0<# =ol% 3"
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 254:
Darrated 'Abdullah Al Mu-a:
&he Prophet said# HPerfor !an optional" prayer before Maghrib prayer%H !He repeated it thrice"
and the third tie he said# H@hoe(er $ants to offer it can do so#H lest the people should take it as a
Sunna !tradition"% !See Hadith Do% 3::# =ol% 3"
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 255:
Darrated /undab bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# HRecite !and study" the ,uran as long as you are in agreeent as to its inter)
pretation and eanings# but $hen you ha(e differences regarding its interpretation and eanings#
then you should stop reciting it !for the tie being%" !See Hadith Do 470# =ol% 5"
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 25::
Darrated /undab bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# HRecite !and study" the ,ur'an as long as your hearts are in agreeent as to its
eanings# but if you ha(e differences as regards its eaning# stop reading it then%H
=olue 1# Book 13# Duber 257:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
@hen the tie of the death of the Prophet approached $hile there $ere soe en in the house#
and aong the $as 'Uar bin Al)Khatttab# the Prophet said# H9oe near let e $rite for you a
$riting after $hich you $ill ne(er go astray%H 'Uar said# H&he Prophet is seriously ill# and you ha(e
the ,uran# so Allah's Book is sufficient for us%H &he people in the house differed and disputed% Soe
of the said# H9oe near so that Allah's Apostle ay $rite for you a $riting after $hich you $ill not
=olue 1 ) 052: ? 0:66
go astray#H $hile soe of the said $hat 'Uar said% @hen they ade uch noise and differed
greatly before the Prophet# he said to the# HAo a$ay and lea(e e%H Ibn 'Abbas used to say# HIt $as a
great disaster that their difference and noise pre(ented Allah's Apostle fro $riting that $riting for
=olue 1 ) 0527 ? 0:66
Book 1<: Eneness# UniCueness of Allah !&a)
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 251:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hen the Prophet sent Muadh to Keen# he said to hi# HKou are going to a nation fro the
people of the Scripture# so let the first thing to $hich you $ill in(ite the# be the &auhid of Allah% If
they learn that# tell the that Allah has en.oined on the# fi(e prayers to be offered in one day and
one night% And if they pray# tell the that Allah has en.oined on the Fakat of their properties and it
is to be taken fro the rich aong the and gi(en to the poor% And if they agree to that# then take
fro the Fakat but a(oid the best property of the people%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 2:6:
Darrated Mu'adh bin /abal:
&he Prophet said# HE Mu'adhI 8o you kno$ $hat Allah's Right upon His sla(es isJH I said# HAllah
and His Apostle kno$ best%H &he Prophet said# H&o $orship Hi !Allah" Alone and to .oin none in
$orship $ith Hi !Allah"% 8o you kno$ $hat their right upon Hi isJH I replied# HAllah and His
Apostle kno$ best%H &he Prophet said# HDot to punish the !if they do so"%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 2:0:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
A an heard another an reciting !in the prayers": 'Say !E Muhaad": HHe is Allah# the Ene%H
!003%0" And he recited it repeatedly% @hen it $as orning# he $ent to the Prophet and infored
hi about that as if he considered that the recitation of that Sura by itself $as not enough% Allah's
Apostle said# HBy Hi in @hose Hand y life is# it is eCual to one)third of the ,uran%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 2:3:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet sent !an ary unit" under the coand of a an $ho used to lead his copanions
in the prayers and $ould finish his recitation $ith !the Sura 003": 'Say !E Muhaad": HHe is Allah#
the Ene%H ' !003%0" @hen they returned !fro the battle"# they entioned that to the Prophet% He said
!to the"# HAsk hi $hy he does so%H &hey asked hi and he said# HI do so because it entions the
=olue 1 ) 0521 ? 0:66
Cualities of the Beneficent and I lo(e to recite it !in y prayer"%H &he ProphetL said !to the"# H&ell hi
that Allah lo(es hiH
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 2:<:
Darrated /arir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah $ill not be erciful to those $ho are not erciful to ankind%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 2:2:
Darrated Usaa bin Faid:
@e $ere $ith the Prophet $hen suddenly there cae to hi a essenger fro one of his daugh)
ters $ho $as asking hi to coe and see her son $ho $as dying% &he Prophet said !to the essen)
ger"# HAo back and tell her that $hate(er Allah takes is His# and $hate(er He gi(es is His# and
e(erything $ith Hi has a liited fi*ed ter !in this $orld"% So order her to be patient and hope for
Allah's re$ard%H But she sent the essenger to the Prophet again# s$earing that he should coe to
her% So the Prophets got up# and so did Sa'd bin 'Ubada and Mu'adh bin /abal !and $ent to her"%
@hen the child $as brought to the Prophet his breath $as disturbed in his chest as if it $ere in a
$ater skin% En that the eyes of the Prophet % becae flooded $ith tears# $hereupon Sa'd said to hi#
HE Allah's ApostleI @hat is thisJH &he Prophet said# H&his is ercy $hich Allah has put in the heart of
His sla(es# and Allah besto$s His ercy only on those of His sla(es $ho are erciful !to others"%H !See
Hadith Do% <:<# =ol% 3"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 2:4:
Darrated Abu Musa Al)Ashari:
&he Prophet said# HDone is ore patient than Allah against the harful and annoying $ords He
hears !fro the people": &hey ascribe children to Hi# yet He besto$s upon the health and pro(i)
sion %
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 2:5:
Darrated Ibn Uar:
&he Prophet said# H&he keys of the unseen are fi(e and none kno$s the but Allah: !0" Done
kno$s $hat is in the $ob# but Allah: !3" Done kno$s $hat $ill happen toorro$# but AllahL !<"
Done kno$s $hen it $ill rain# but AllahL !2" Done kno$s $here he $ill die# but Allah !kno$s that"L
!4" and none kno$s $hen the Hour $ill be established# but Allah%H
=olue 1 ) 0546 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 2:::
Darrated MasruC:
'Aisha said# HIf anyone tells you that Muhaad has seen his ;ord# he is a liar# for Allah says: 'Do
(ision can grasp Hi%' !5%06<" And if anyone tells you that Muhaad has seen the Unseen# he is a
liar# for Allah says: HDone has the kno$ledge of the Unseen but Allah%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 2:7:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@e used to pray behind the Prophet and used to say: HAs)Salau 'Al)Allah% &he Prophet said# HAl)
lah hiself is As)Sala !Dae of Allah"# so you should say: 'At)&ahiyatu lil)laihi $as) sala)$atu
$at)taiyibatu# as)sallau 'Alasia aiyuha)n)nabiyyu $a rahratu)l)lahi $a barak)atuhu# As)sal)
au 'alaina $a 'ala 'ibaldi)l)lahi as)salihin% Ashhadu an la ilaha il)lallah# $a ash)hadu anna
Muhaadan 'abduhu $a rasuluhu%H'
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 2:1:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HEn the 8ay of Resurrection Allah $ill hold the $hole earth and fold the hea(en
$ith His right hand and say# 'I a the King: $here are the kings of the earthJH '
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 276:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet used to say# HI seek refuge !$ith KEU" by Kour 'I--at# Done has the right to be $or)
shipped but Kou @ho does not die $hile the /inns and the huan beings die%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 270:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H!&he people $ill be thro$n into Hell ! Bire" and it $ill keep on saying# 'Is there
any oreJ' till the ;ord of the $orlds puts His Boot o(er it# $hereupon its different sides $ill coe
close to each other# and it $ill say# ',adI ,adI !enoughI enoughI" By Kour 'I--at !Honor and Po$er"
and KEUR KARAM !Aenerosity"I' Paradise $ill reain spacious enough to accoodate ore
people until Allah $ill create soe ore people and let the d$ell in the superfluous space of Para)
dise% H
=olue 1 ) 0540 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 273:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet used to in(oke Allah at night# saying# HE Allah: All the Praises are for Kou: Kou are the
;ord of the Hea(ens and the +arth% All the Praises are for KouL Kou are the Maintainer of the Hea(en
and the +arth and $hate(er is in the% All the Praises are for KouL Kou are the ;ight of the Hea(ens
and the +arth% Kour @ord is the &ruth# and Kour Proise is the &ruth# and the Meeting $ith Kou is
the &ruth# and Paradise is the &ruth# and the !Hell" Bire is the &ruth# and the Hour is the &ruth% E Al)
lahI I surrender yself to Kou# and I belie(e in Kou and I depend upon Kou# and I repent to Kou and
$ith Kou !Kour e(idences" I stand against y opponents# and to you I lea(e the .udgent !for those
$ho refuse y essage"% E AllahI Borgi(e e y sins that I did in the past or $ill do in the future#
and also the sins I did in secret or in public% Kou are y only Aod !@ho I $orship" and there is no
other Aod for e !i%e% I $orship none but Kou"%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 27<:
Darrated Sufyan:
!regarding the abo(e narration" that the Prophet added# HKou are the &ruth# and Kour @ord is the
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 272:
Darrated Abu Musa:
@e $ere $ith the Prophet on a .ourney# and $hene(er $e ascended a high place# $e used to say#
HAllahu Akbar%H &he Prophet said# H8on't trouble yoursel(es too uchI Kou are not calling a deaf or
an absent person# but you are calling Ene @ho Hears# Sees# and is (ery near%H &hen he cae to e
$hile I $as saying in y heart# H;a ha$la $ala Cu$$atta illa billah !&here is neither ight nor
po$er but $ith Allah"%H He said# to e# HE 'Abdullah bin ,aisI Say# ';a ha$la $ala Cu$$ata illa bil)
lah !&here is neither ight nor po$er but $ith Allah"# for it is one of the treasures of Paradise%H Er
said# HShall I tell you of itJH
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 274:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Ar:
Abu Bakr As)SiddiC said to the Prophet HE Allah's ApostleI &each e an in(ocation $ith $hich I
ay in(oke Allah in y prayers%H &he Prophet said# HSay: E AllahI I ha(e $ronged y soul (ery uch
!oppressed yself"# and none forgi(es the sins but KouL so please besto$ Kour Borgi(eness upon e%
Do doubt# Kou are the Eft)Borgi(ing# Most Merciful%H
=olue 1 ) 0543 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 275:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he Prophet said# HAabriel called e and said# 'Allah has heard the stateent of your people and
$hat they replied to you%'H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 27::
Darrated /abir bin Abdullah:
As)Salai: Allah's Apostle used to teach his copanions to perfor the prayer of Istikhara for
each and e(ery atter .ust as he used to teach the the Suras fro the ,uran He used to say# HIf
anyone of you intends to do soe thing# he should offer a t$o rakat prayer other than the copuls)
ory prayers# and after finishing it# he should say: E AllahI I consult Kou# for Kou ha(e all kno$ledge#
and appeal to Kou to support e $ith Kour Po$er and ask for Kour Bounty# for Kou are able to do
things $hile I a not# and Kou kno$ $hile I do notL and Kou are the Kno$er of the Unseen% E Allah
If Kou kno$ It this atter !nae your atter" is good for e both at present and in the future# !or in
y religion"# in y this life and in the Hereafter# then fulfill it for e and ake it easy for e# and
then besto$ Kour Blessings on e in that atter% E AllahI If Kou kno$ that this atter is not good
for e in y religion# in y this life and in y coing Hereafter !or at present or in the future"#
then di(ert e fro it and choose for e $hat is good $here(er it ay be# and ake e be pleased
$ith it%H !See Hadith Do% <10# =ol% 7"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 277:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet freCuently used to s$ear# HDo# by the Ene @ho turns the hearts%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 271:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah has ninety)nine Daes# one)hundred less oneL and he $ho eori-ed
the all by heart $ill enter Paradise%H &o count soething eans to kno$ it by heart%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 216:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hen anyone of you goes to bed# he should dust it off thrice $ith the edge of
his garent# and say: Bisika Rabbi $ada'tu .anbi# $a bika arfa'hu% In asakta nafsi faghfir laha# $a
in arsaltaha fahfa-ha bia tahfa- bihi 'ibadaka)s)salihin%H
=olue 1 ) 054< ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 210:
Darrated /uhaifa:
@hen the Prophet $ent to bed# he used to say# HAllhua bisika ahya $a aut%H And $hen he
got Up in the ornings he used to say# HAlhadu lillahi al)ladhi ahyana ba'da a aatana $a ilaihi)
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 213:
Darrated Abu 8harr:
@hen the Prophet $ent to bed at night# he used to say: HBisika nautu $a nahya%H And $hen he
got up in the orning# he used to say# HAlhadu lillahi al)ladhi ahyana ba'da a aatana# $a ilaihi)
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 21<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf anyone of you# $hen intending to ha(e a se*ual relation !sleep" $ith his
$ife# says: Bisillah# Allahua .annibna ashShaitan# $a /annib ash)Shaitana a ra-aCtana# Satan
$ould ne(er har that child# should it be ordained that they $ill ha(e one% !Because of that sleep"%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 212:
Darrated 'Adi bin Hati:
I asked the Prophet# HI send off !for a gae" y trained hunting dogsL !$hat is your (erdict con)
cerning the gae they huntJH He said# HIf you send off your trained hunting dogs and ention the
Dae of Allah# then# if they catch soe gae# eat !thereof"% And if you hit the gae $ith a i'rad !a
hunting tool" and it $ounds it# you can eat !it"%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 214:
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he people said to the Prophet # HE Allah's ApostleI Here are people $ho ha(e recently ebraced
Isla and they bring eat# and $e do not kno$ $hether they had entioned Allah's Dae $hile
slaughtering the anials or not%H &he Prophet said# HKou should ention Allah's Dae and eat%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 215:
Darrated Anas:
=olue 1 ) 0542 ? 0:66
&he Prophet slaughtered t$o ras as sacrifice and entioned Allah's Dae and said# HAllahu)Ak)
barH $hile slaughtering"%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 21::
Darrated /undab:
&hat he $itnessed the Prophet on the 8ay of Dahr% &he Prophet offered prayer and then deli(ered
a seron saying# H@hoe(er slaughtered his sacrifice before offering prayer# should slaughter another
anial in place of the firstL and $hoe(er has not yet slaughtered any# should slaughter a sacrifice
and ention Allah's Dae $hile doing so%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 217:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H8o not s$ear by your fathersL and $hoe(er $ants to s$ear should s$ear by Al)
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 211:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle sent ten persons to bring the eney's secrets and Khubaib Al)Ansari $as one of
the% 'Ubaidullah bin 'Iyad told e that the daughter of Al)Harith told hi that $hen they gathered
!to kill Khubaib Al Ansari" he asked for a ra-or to clean his pubic region# and $hen they had taken
hi outside the sanctuary of Mecca in order to kill hi# he said in (erse# HI don't care if I a killed as
a Musli# on any side !of y body" I ay be killed in Allah's 9auseL for that is for the sake of Allah's
(ery SelfL and if He $ill# He $ill besto$ His Blessings upon the torn pieces of y body%H &hen Ibn Al)
Harith killed hi# and the Prophet infored his copanions of the death of those !ten en" on the
(ery day they $ere killed%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 466:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H&here is none ha(ing a greater sense of Ahira than Allah# and for that reason He
has forbidden shaeful deeds and sins !illegal se*ual intercourse etc%" And there is none $ho likes to
be praised ore than Allah does%H !See Hadith Do% 02:# =ol% :"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 460:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 1 ) 0544 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said# H@hen Allah created the 9reation# He $rote in His Book))and He $rote !that"
about Hiself# and it is placed $ith Hi on the &hrone))'=erily My Mercy o(ercoes My Anger%'H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 463:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah says: 'I a .ust as My sla(e thinks I a# !i%e% I a able to do for hi $hat
he thinks I can do for hi" and I a $ith hi if He reebers Me% If he reebers Me in hiself# I
too# reeber hi in MyselfL and if he reebers Me in a group of people# I reeber hi in a
group that is better than theyL and if he coes one span nearer to Me# I go one cubit nearer to hiL
and if he coes one cubit nearer to Me# I go a distance of t$o outstretched ars nearer to hiL and
if he coes to Me $alking# I go to hi running%' H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 46<:
Darrated /abir bin 'Abdullah:
$hen this =erse:))'Say !E MuhaadI": He has Po$er to send torents on you fro abo(e#'
!5%54" $as re(ealedL &he Prophet said# HI take refuge $ith Kour Bace%H Allah re(ealed:)) '%%or fro un)
derneath your feet%' !5%54" &he Prophet then said# HI seek refuge $ith Kour BaceIH &hen Allah re)
(ealed:))'%%%or confuse you in party)strife%' !5%54" Eh that# the Prophet said# H&his is easier%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 462:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Ad) $as entioned in the presence of the Prophet% &he Prophet said# HAllah is not hidden
fro youL He is not one)eyed#H and pointed $ith his hand to$ards his eye# adding# H@hile Al)Masih
Ad) is blind in the right eye and his eye looks like a protruding grape%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 464:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HAllah did not send any prophet but that he $arned his nation of the one)eyed
liar !Ad)"% He is one)eyed $hile your ;ord is not one)eyed# &he $ord 'Kafir' !unbelie(er" is
$ritten bet$een his t$o eyes%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 465:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
=olue 1 ) 0545 ? 0:66
&hat during the battle $ith Bani Al)MustaliC they !Muslis" captured soe feales and intended
to ha(e se*ual relation $ith the $ithout ipregnating the% So they asked the Prophet about coit)
us interrupt us% &he Prophet said# HIt is better that you should not do it# for Allah has $ritten $ho
He is going to create till the 8ay of Resurrection%H ,a-a'a said# HI heard Abu Sa'id saying that the
Prophet said# 'Do soul is ordained to be created but Allah $ill create it%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 46::
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HAllah $ill gather the belie(ers on the 8ay of Resurrection in the sae $ay !as
they are gathered in this life"# and they $ill say# ';et us ask soeone to intercede for us $ith our ;ord
that He ay relie(e us fro this place of ours%' &hen they $ill go to Ada and say# 'E AdaI 8on't
you see the people !people's condition"J Allah created you $ith His E$n Hands and ordered His an)
gels to prostrate before you# and taught you the naes of all the things% Please intercede for us $ith
our ;ord so that He ay relie(e us fro this place of ours%' Ada $ill say# 'I a not fit for this un)
dertaking' and ention to the the istakes he had coitted# and add# HBut you d better go to
Doah as he $as the first Apostle sent by Allah to the people of the +arth%' &hey $ill go to Doah $ho
$ill reply# 'I a not fit for this undertaking#' and ention the istake $hich he ade# and add# 'But
you'd better go to Abraha# Khalil Ar)Rahan%'
&hey $ill go to Abraha $ho $ill reply# 'I a not fit for this undertaking#' and ention to the
the istakes he ade# and add# 'But you'd better go to Moses# a sla(e $ho Allah ga(e the &orah and
to $ho He spoke directly' &hey $ill go to Moses $ho $ill reply# 'I a not fit for this undertaking#'
and ention to the the istakes he ade# and add# 'Kou'd better go to /esus# Allah's sla(e and His
Apostle and His @ord !Be: And it $as" and a soul created by Hi%' &hey $ill go to /esus $ho $ill say#
'I a not fit for this undertaking# but you'd better go to Muhaad $hose sins of the past and the
future had been forgi(en !by Allah"%' So they $ill coe to e and I $ill ask the perission of y
;ord# and I $ill be peritted !to present yself" before Hi% @hen I see y ;ord# I $ill fall do$n in
!prostration" before Hi and He $ill lea(e e !in prostration" as long as He $ishes# and then it $ill
be said to e# 'E MuhaadI Raise your head and speak# for you $ill be listened toL and ask# for you
$ill be granted !your reCuest"L and intercede# for your intercession $ill be accepted%' I $ill then raise
y head and praise y ;ord $ith certain praises $hich He has taught e# and then I $ill intercede%
Allah $ill allo$ e to intercede !for a certain kind of people" and $ill fi* a liit $ho I $ill adit
into Paradise%
I $ill coe back again# and $hen I see y ;ord !again"# I $ill fall do$n in prostration before Hi#
and He $ill lea(e e !in prostration" as long as He $ishes# and then He $ill say# 'E MuhaadI
Raise your head and speak# for you $ill be listened toL and ask# for you $ill be granted !your
reCuest"L and intercede# for your intercession $ill be accepted%' I $ill then praise y ;ord $ith cer)
tain praises $hich He has taught e# and then I $ill intercede% Allah $ill allo$ e to intercede !for
=olue 1 ) 054: ? 0:66
a certain kind of people" and $ill fi* a liit to $ho I $ill adit into Paradise# I $ill return again#
and $hen I see y ;ord# I $ill fall do$n !in prostration" and He $ill lea(e e !in prostration" as
long as He $ishes# and then He $ill say# 'E MuhaadI Raise your head and speak# for you $ill be
listened to# and ask# for you $ill be granted !your reCuest"L and intercede# for your intercession $ill
be accepted%' I $ill then praise y ;ord $ith certain praises $hich He has taught e# and then I $ill
intercede% Allah $ill allo$ e to intercede !for a certain kind of people" and $ill fi* a liit to $ho
I $ill adit into Paradise% I $ill coe back and say# 'E y ;ordI Done reains in Hell !Bire" but
those $ho ,ur'an has iprisoned therein and for $ho eternity in Hell !Bire" has becoe ine(it)
able%' H
&he Prophet added# H&here $ill coe out of Hell !Bire" e(eryone $ho says: ';a ilaha illal)lah#' and
has in his heart good eCual to the $eight of a barley grain% &hen there $ill coe out of Hell !Bire"
e(eryone $ho says: ' ;a ilaha illal)lah#' and has in his heart good eCual to the $eight of a $heat
grain% &hen there $ill coe out of Hell !Bire" e(eryone $ho says: ';a ilaha illal)lah#' and has in his
heart good eCual to the $eight of an ato !or a sallest ant"%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 467:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah's Hand is full# and !its fullness" is not affected by the continuous spend)
ing# day and night%H He also said# H8o you see $hat He has spent since He created the Hea(ens and
the +arthJ Ket all that has not decreased $hat is in His Hand%H He also said# HHis &hrone is o(er the
$ater and in His other Hand is the balance !of /ustice" and He raises and lo$ers !$hoe(er He
$ill"%H !See Hadith Do% 365# =ol% 5"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 461:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HEn the 8ay of Resurrection# Allah $ill grasp the $hole +arth by His Hand#
and all the Hea(ens in His right# and then He $ill say# 'I a the King%H Abu Huraira said# HAllah's
Apostle said#H Allah $ill grasp the +arth%%%' H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 406:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
A /e$ cae to the Prophet and said# HE MuhaadI Allah $ill hold the hea(ens on a Binger# and
the ountains on a Binger# and the trees on a Binger# and all the creation on a Binger# and then He
$ill say# 'I a the King%' H En that Allah's Apostle siled till his preolar teeth becae (isible# and
then recited:))
=olue 1 ) 0547 ? 0:66
'Do .ust estiate ha(e they ade of Allah such as due to hi%%%%!<1%5:" 'Abdullah added: Allah's
Apostle siled !at the /e$'s stateent" e*pressing his $onder and belie(e in $hat $as said%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 400:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
A an fro the people of the scripture cae to the Prophet and said# HE Abal),asiI Allah $ill
hold the Hea(ens upon a Binger# and the +arth on a Binger and the land on a Binger# and all the cre)
ation on a Binger# and $ill say# 'I a the KingI I a the KingI' H I sa$ the Prophet !after hearing that"#
siling till his preolar teeth becae (isible# and he then recited: )) 'Do .ust estiate ha(e they
ade of Allah such as due to hi%%% !<1%5:"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 403:
Darrated Al)Mughira:
Sa'd bin 'Ubada said# HIf I sa$ a an $ith y $ife# I $ould strike hi !behead hi" $ith the blade
of y s$ord%H &his ne$s reached Allah's Apostle $ho then said# HKou people are astonished at Sa'd's
Ahira% By Allah# I ha(e ore Ahira than he# and Allah has ore Ahira than I# and because of Allah's
Ahira# He has ade unla$ful Shaeful deeds and sins !illegal se*ual intercourse etc%" done in open
and in secret% And there is none $ho likes that the people should repent to Hi and beg His pardon
than Allah# and for this reason He sent the $arners and the gi(ers of good ne$s% And there is none
$ho likes to be praised ore than Allah does# and for this reason# Allah proised to grant Paradise
!to the doers of good"%H 'Abdul Malik said# HDo person has ore Ahira than Allah%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 40<:
Darrated Sahl bin Sa'd:
&he Prophet said to a an# HHa(e you got anything of the ,ur'anJH &he an said# HKes# such)and)
such Sura# and such)and)such Sura#H naing the Suras%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 402:
Darrated 'Iran bin Hussain:
@hile I $as $ith the Prophet # soe people fro Bani &ai cae to hi% &he Prophet said# HE
Bani &aiI Accept the good ne$sIH &hey said# HKou ha(e gi(en us the good ne$sL no$ gi(e us
!soething"%H !After a $hile" soe Keenites entered# and he said to the# HE the people of KeenI
Accept the good ne$s# as Bani &ai ha(e refused it% H &hey said# H@e accept it# for $e ha(e coe to
you to learn the Religion% So $e ask you $hat the beginning of this uni(erse $as%H &he Prophet said
H&here $as Allah and nothing else before Hi and His &hrone $as o(er the $ater# and He then cre)
=olue 1 ) 0541 ? 0:66
ated the Hea(ens and the +arth and $rote e(erything in the Book%H &hen a an cae to e and said#
'E IranI Bollo$ your she)cael for it has run a$ayIH So I set out seeking it# and behold# it $as bey)
ond the irageI By Allah# I $ished that it !y she)cael" had gone but that I had not left !the gath)
ering"% H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 404:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H&he Right !Hand" of Allah Is full# and !Its fullness" is not affected by the con)
tinuous spending night and day% 8o you see $hat He has spent since He created the Hea(ens and the
+arthJ Ket all that has not decreased $hat is in His Right Hand% His &hrone is o(er the $ater and in
His other Hand is the Bounty or the Po$er to bring about death# and He raises soe people and
brings others do$n%H !See Hadith Do% 467"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 405:
Darrated Anas:
Faid bin Haritha cae to the Prophet coplaining about his $ife% &he Prophet kept on saying !to
hi"# HBe afraid of Allah and keep your $ife%H Aisha said# HIf Allah's Apostle $ere to conceal anything
!of the ,uran he $ould ha(e concealed this =erse%H Fainab used to boast before the $i(es of the
Prophet and used to say# HKou $ere gi(en in arriage by your failies# $hile I $as arried !to the
Prophet" by Allah fro o(er se(en Hea(ens%H And &habit recited# H&he =erse:)) 'But !E Muhaad"
you did hide in your heart that $hich Allah $as about to ake anifest# you did fear the people#'
!<<%<:" $as re(ealed in connection $ith Fainab and Faid bin Haritha%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 40::
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he =erse of Al)Hi.ab !(eiling of $oen" $as re(ealed in connection $ith Fainab bint /ahsh% !En
the day of her arriage $ith hi" the Prophet ga(e a $edding banCuet $ith bread and eatL and
she used to boast before other $i(es of the Prophet and used to say# HAllah arried e !to the Proph)
et in the Hea(ens%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 407:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hen Allah had finished His creation# He $rote o(er his &hrone: 'My Mercy
preceded My Anger%'
=olue 1 ) 0556 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 401:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er belie(es in Allah and His Apostle offers prayers perfectly and fasts !the
onth of" Raadan then it is incubent upon Allah to adit hi into Paradise# $hether he eig)
rates for Allah's cause or stays in the land $here he $as born%H &hey !the copanions of the Prophet"
said# HE Allah's ApostleI Should $e not infor the people of thatJH He said# H&here are one)hundred
degrees in Paradise $hich Allah has prepared for those $ho carry on /ihad in His 9ause% &he dis)
tance bet$een e(ery t$o degrees is like the distance bet$een the sky and the +arth# so if you ask Al)
lah for anything# ask Hi for the Birdaus# for it is the last part of Paradise and the highest part of
Paradise# and at its top there is the &hrone of Beneficent# and fro it gush forth the ri(ers of Para)
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 436:
Darrated Abu 8harr:
I entered the osCue $hile Allah's Apostle $as sitting there% @hen the sun had set# the Prophet
said# HE Abu 8harrI 8o you kno$ $here this !sun" goesJH I said# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ best%H
He said# HIt goes and asks perission to prostrate# and it is allo$ed# and !one day" it# as if being
ordered to return $hence it cae# then it $ill rise fro the $est%H &hen the Prophet recited# H&hat:
HAnd the sun runs on its fi*ed course !for a ter decreed"#H !<5%<7" as it is recited by 'Abdullah%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 430:
Darrated Faid bin &habit:
Abu Bakr sent for e# so I collected the ,ur'an till I found the last part of Surat)at)&auba $ith Abi
Khu-aia Al)Ansari and did not find it $ith anybody else% !&he =erses are": )) '=erily# there has
coe to you an Apostle !Muhaad" fro aongst yoursel(es%%!till the end of Surat Bara'a" !i%e%# At)
&auba"%' !1%037)031"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 433:
Darrated Kunus:
!As 430"%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 43<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
=olue 1 ) 0550 ? 0:66
&he Prophet used to say at the tie of difficulty# ';a ilaha il)lallah Al)'Aliul)Hali% ;a)ilaha il)
lallah Rabul) Arsh)al)A-i# ;a ilaha)il)lallah Rabus)Saa$ati Rab)ul)ArdL $a Rab)ul)Arsh Al)
Kari%' !See Hadith Do% <45 and <4:# =ol% 7"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 432:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# H&he people $ill fall unconscious on the 8ay of Resurrection# then suddenly I
$ill see Moses holding one of the pillars of the &hrone%H Abu Huraira said: &he Prophet said# HI $ill be
the first person to be resurrected and $ill see Moses holding the &hrone%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 434:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H!A group of" angels stay $ith you at night and !another group of" angels by
daytie# and both groups gather at the tie of the 'Asr and Ba.r prayers% &hen those angels $ho ha(e
stayed $ith you o(ernight# ascend !to Hea(en" and Allah asks the !about you" )))) and He kno$s
e(erything about you% HIn $hat state did you lea(e My sla(esJ' &he angels reply# '@hen $e left the#
they $ere praying# and $hen $e reached the they $ere praying%' H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 434y:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf soebody gi(es in charity soething eCual to a date fro his honestly
earned oney ))))for nothing ascends to Allah e*cept good)))) then Allah $ill take it in His Right
!Hand" and bring it up for its o$ner as anyone of you brings up a baby horse# till it becoes like a
ountain%H Abu Huraira said: &he Prophet% said# HDothing ascends to Allah e*cept good%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 435:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
Allah's Apostle used to say at the tie of difficulty# HDone has the right to be $orshipped but Allah#
the Ma.estic# the Most Borbearing% Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah# the ;ord of the
&reendous &hrone% Done has the right to be $orshipped but Allah# the ;ord of the Hea(ens and the
;ord of the Honourable &hrone% !See Hadith Do% <4:# =ol% 7"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 43::
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
=olue 1 ) 0553 ? 0:66
@hen 'Ali $as in Keen# he sent soe gold in its ore to the Prophet% &he Prophet distributed it
aong Al)ACra' bin Habis Al)Han-ali $ho belonged to Bani Mu.ashi# 'Uyaina bin Badr Al)Ba-ari#
'AlCaa bin 'Ulatha Al)'Airi# $ho belonged to the Bani Kilab tribe and Faid AI)Khail At)&a'i $ho
belonged to Bani Dabhan% So the ,uraish and the Ansar becae angry and said# HHe gi(es to the
chiefs of Da.d and lea(es usIH &he Prophet said# HI .ust $anted to attract and unite their hearts !ake
the fir in Isla"%H &hen there cae a an $ith sunken eyes# bulging forehead# thick beard# fat
raised cheeks# and clean)sha(en head# and said# HE MuhaadI Be afraid of AllahI H &he Prophet
said# H@ho $ould obey Allah if I disobeyed HiJ !Allah"% He trusts e o(er the people of the earth#
but you do not trust eJH A an fro the people !present then"# $ho# I think# $as Khalid bin Al)
@alid# asked for perission to kill hi# but the Prophet pre(ented hi% @hen the an $ent a$ay#
the Prophet said# HEut of the offspring of this an# there $ill be people $ho $ill recite the ,uran but
it $ill not go beyond their throats# and they $ill go out of Isla as an arro$ goes out through the
gae# and they $ill kill the Muslis and lea(e the idolators% Should I li(e till they appear# I $ould
kill the as the Killing of the nation of 'Ad%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 437:
Darrated Abu 8harr:
I asked the Prophet regarding the =erse:))'And the sun runs on its fi*ed course for a ter decreed
for it%' !<5%37" He said# HIts fi*ed course is underneath Allah's &hrone%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 431:
Darrated /arir:
@e $ere sitting $ith the Prophet and he looked at the oon on the night of the full)oon and
said# HKou people $ill see your ;ord as you see this full oon# and you $ill ha(e no trouble in seeing
Hi# so if you can a(oid issing !through sleep or business# etc%" a prayer before sunrise !Ba.r" and a
prayer before sunset !Asr" you ust do so%H !See Hadith Do% 431# =ol% 0"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4<6:
Darrated /arir bin 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# HKou $ill definitely see your ;ord $ith your o$n eyes%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4<0:
Darrated /arir:
Allah's Apostle cae out to us on the night of the full oon and said# HKou $ill see your ;ord on
the 8ay of Resurrection as you see this !full oon" and you $ill ha(e no difficulty in seeing Hi%H
=olue 1 ) 055< ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4<3c:
Darrated 'Ata' bin Ka-id Al);aithi:
En the authority of Abu Huraira: &he people said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall $e see our ;ord on the
8ay of ResurrectionJH &he Prophet said# H8o you ha(e any difficulty in seeing the oon on a full
oon nightJH &hey said# HDo# E Allah's Apostle%H He said# H8o you ha(e any difficulty in seeing the sun
$hen there are no cloudsJH &hey said# HDo# E Allah's Apostle%H He said# HSo you $ill see Hi# like that%
Allah $ill gather all the people on the 8ay of Resurrection# and say# '@hoe(er $orshipped soe)
thing !in the $orld" should follo$ !that thing"#' so# $hoe(er $orshipped the sun $ill follo$ the sun#
and $hoe(er $orshiped the oon $ill follo$ the oon# and $hoe(er used to $orship certain !other
false" deities# he $ill follo$ those deities% And there $ill reain only this nation $ith its good people
!or its hypocrites"% !&he sub)narrator# Ibrahi is in doubt%" Allah $ill coe to the and say# 'I a
your ;ord%' &hey $ill !deny Hi and" say# '@e $ill stay here till our ;ord coes# for $hen our ;ord
coes# $e $ill recogni-e Hi%' So Allah $ill coe to the in His appearance $hich they kno$# and
$ill say# 'I a your ;ord%' &hey $ill say# 'Kou are our ;ord#' so they $ill follo$ Hi%
&hen a bridge $ill be laid across Hell !Bire"' I and y follo$ers $ill be the first ones to go across it
and none $ill speak on that 8ay e*cept the Apostles% And the in(ocation of the Apostles on that 8ay
$ill be# 'E Allah# sa(eI Sa(eI' In Hell !or o(er &he Bridge" there $ill be hooks like the thorns of As)
Sa'dan !thorny plant"% Ha(e you seen As)Sa'danJ H &hey replied# HKes# E Allah's ApostleIH He said# HSo
those hooks look like the thorns of As)Sa'dan# but none kno$s ho$ big they are e*cept Allah% &hose
hooks $ill snap the people a$ay according to their deeds% Soe of the people $ill stay in Hell !be
destroyed" because of their !e(il" deeds# and soe $ill be cut or torn by the hooks !and fall into Hell"
and soe $ill be punished and then relie(ed% @hen Allah has finished His /udgents aong the
people# He $ill take $hoe(er He $ill out of Hell through His Mercy% He $ill then order the angels
to take out of the Bire all those $ho used to $orship none but Allah fro aong those $ho Allah
$anted to be erciful to and those $ho testified !in the $orld" that none has the right to be $or)
shipped but Allah% &he angels $ill recogni-e the in the Bire by the arks of prostration !on their
foreheads"# for the Bire $ill eat up all the huan body e*cept the ark caused by prostration as Al)
lah has forbidden the Bire to eat the ark of prostration% &hey $ill coe out of the !Hell" Bire# co)
pletely burnt and then the $ater of life $ill be poured o(er the and they $ill gro$ under it as does
a seed that coes in the ud of the torrent%
&hen Allah $ill finish the .udgents aong the people# and there $ill reain one an facing the
!Hell" Bire and he $ill be the last person aong the people of Hell to enter Paradise% He $ill say# 'E
y ;ordI Please turn y face a$ay fro the fire because its air has hurt e and its se(ere heat has
burnt e%' So he $ill in(oke Allah in the $ay Allah $ill $ish hi to in(oke# and then Allah $ill say
to hi# 'If I grant you that# $ill you then ask for anything elseJ' He $ill reply# 'Do# by Kour Po$er#
!Honor" I $ill not ask Kou for anything else%' He $ill gi(e his ;ord $hate(er proises and co(enants
Allah $ill deand%
=olue 1 ) 0552 ? 0:66
So Allah $ill turn his face a$ay fro Hell !Bire"% @hen he $ill face Paradise and $ill see it# he $ill
reain Cuiet for as long as Allah $ill $ish hi to reain Cuiet# then he $ill say# 'E y ;ordI Bring
e near to the gate of Paradise%' Allah $ill say to hi# '8idn't you gi(e your proises and co(enants
that you $ould ne(er ask for anything ore than $hat you had been gi(enJ @oe on you# E Ada's
sonI Ho$ treacherous you areI' He $ill say# 'E y lord#' and $ill keep on in(oking Allah till He says
to hi# 'If I gi(e $hat you are asking# $ill you then ask for anything elseJ' He $ill reply# 'Do# by Kour
!Honor" Po$er# I $ill not ask for anything else%'
&hen he $ill gi(e co(enants and proises to Allah and then Allah $ill bring hi near to the gate
of Paradise% @hen he stands at the gate of Paradise# Paradise $ill be opened and spread before hi#
and he $ill see its splendor and pleasures $hereupon he $ill reain Cuiet as long as Allah $ill $ish
hi to reain Cuiet# and then he $ill say# E y ;ordI Adit e into Paradise%' Allah $ill say# '8idn't
you gi(e your co(enants and proises that you $ould not ask for anything ore than $hat you had
been gi(enJ' Allah $ill say# '@oe on you# E Ada's sonI Ho$ treacherous you areI '
&he an $ill say# 'E y ;ordI 8o not ake e the ost iserable of Kour creation#' and he $ill
keep on in(oking Allah till Allah $ill laugh because of his sayings# and $hen Allah $ill laugh be)
cause of hi# He $ill say to hi# '+nter Paradise#' and $hen he $ill enter it# Allah $ill say to hi#
'@ish for anything%' So he $ill ask his ;ord# and he $ill $ish for a great nuber of things# for Allah
Hiself $ill reind hi to $ish for certain things by saying# '!@ish for" so)and)so%' @hen there is
nothing ore to $ish for# Allah $ill say# '&his is for you# and its eCual !is for you" as $ell%H
'Ata' bin Ka-id added: Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri $ho $as present $ith Abu Huraira# did not deny
$hate(er the latter said# but $hen Abu Huraira said that Allah had said# H&hat is for you and its eCual
as $ell#H Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri said# HAnd ten ties as uch# E Abu HurairaIH Abu Huraira said# HI do
not reeber# e*cept his saying# '&hat is for you and its eCual as $ell%'H Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri then
said# HI testify that I reeber the Prophet saying# '&hat is for you# and ten ties as uch%' ' Abu
Huraira then added# H&hat an $ill be the last person of the people of Paradise to enter Paradise%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4<3s:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
@e said# HE Allah's ApostleI Shall $e see our ;ord on the 8ay of ResurrectionJH He said# H8o you
ha(e any difficulty in seeing the sun and the oon $hen the sky is clearJH @e said# HDo%H He said# HSo
you $ill ha(e no difficulty in seeing your ;ord on that 8ay as you ha(e no difficulty in seeing the
sun and the oon !in a clear sky"%H &he Prophet then said# HSoebody $ill then announce# ';et e(ery
nation follo$ $hat they used to $orship%' So the copanions of the cross $ill go $ith their cross#
and the idolators !$ill go" $ith their idols# and the copanions of e(ery god !false deities" !$ill go"
$ith their god# till there reain those $ho used to $orship Allah# both the obedient ones and the
ischie(ous ones# and soe of the people of the Scripture% &hen Hell $ill be presented to the as if
it $ere a irage% &hen it $ill be said to the /e$s# H@hat did you use to $orshipJ' &hey $ill reply# '@e
=olue 1 ) 0554 ? 0:66
used to $orship +-ra# the son of Allah%' It $ill be said to the# 'Kou are liars# for Allah has neither a
$ife nor a son% @hat do you $ant !no$"J' &hey $ill reply# '@e $ant Kou to pro(ide us $ith $ater%'
&hen it $ill be said to the '8rink#' and they $ill fall do$n in Hell !instead"% &hen it $ill be said to
the 9hristians# '@hat did you use to $orshipJ'
&hey $ill reply# '@e used to $orship Messiah# the son of Allah%' It $ill be said# 'Kou are liars# for
Allah has neither a $ife nor a son% @hat: do you $ant !no$"J' &hey $ill say# '@e $ant Kou to
pro(ide us $ith $ater%' It $ill be said to the# '8rink#' and they $ill fall do$n in Hell !instead"% @hen
there reain only those $ho used to $orship Allah !Alone"# both the obedient ones and the is)
chie(ous ones# it $ill be said to the# '@hat keeps you here $hen all the people ha(e goneJ' &hey
$ill say# '@e parted $ith the !in the $orld" $hen $e $ere in greater need of the than $e are
today# $e heard the call of one proclaiing# ';et e(ery nation follo$ $hat they used to $orship#' and
no$ $e are $aiting for our ;ord%' &hen the Alighty $ill coe to the in a shape other than the
one $hich they sa$ the first tie# and He $ill say# 'I a your ;ord#' and they $ill say# 'Kou are not
our ;ord%' And none $ill speak: to Hi then but the Prophets# and then it $ill be said to the# '8o
you kno$ any sign by $hich you can recogni-e HiJ' &hey $ill say% '&he Shin#' and so Allah $ill
then unco(er His Shin $hereupon e(ery belie(er $ill prostrate before Hi and there $ill reain
those $ho used to prostrate before Hi .ust for sho$ing off and for gaining good reputation% &hese
people $ill try to prostrate but their backs $ill be rigid like one piece of a $ood !and they $ill not be
able to prostrate"% &hen the bridge $ill be laid across Hell%H @e# the copanions of the Prophet said#
HE Allah's ApostleI @hat is the bridgeJ'
He said# HIt is a slippery !bridge" on $hich there are claps and !Hooks like" a thorny seed that is
$ide at one side and narro$ at the other and has thorns $ith bent ends% Such a thorny seed is found
in Da.d and is called As)Sa'dan% Soe of the belie(ers $ill cross the bridge as Cuickly as the $ink of
an eye# soe others as Cuick as lightning# a strong $ind# fast horses or she)caels% So soe $ill be
safe $ithout any harL soe $ill be safe after recei(ing soe scratches# and soe $ill fall do$n
into Hell !Bire"% &he last person $ill cross by being dragged !o(er the bridge"%H &he Prophet said# HKou
!Muslis" cannot be ore pressing in claiing fro e a right that has been clearly pro(ed to be
yours than the belie(ers in interceding $ith Alighty for their !Musli" brothers on that 8ay# $hen
they see thesel(es safe%
&hey $ill say# 'E AllahI !Sa(e" our brothers !for they" used to pray $ith us# fast $ith us and also do
good deeds $ith us%' Allah $ill say# 'Ao and take out !of Hell" anyone in $hose heart you find faith
eCual to the $eight of one !gold" 8inar%' Allah $ill forbid the Bire to burn the faces of those sinners%
&hey $ill go to the and find soe of the in Hell !Bire" up to their feet# and soe up to the iddle
of their legs% So they $ill take out those $ho they $ill recogni-e and then they $ill return# and Al)
lah $ill say !to the"# 'Ao and take out !of Hell" anyone in $hose heart you find faith eCual to the
$eight of one half 8inar%' &hey $ill take out $hoe(er they $ill recogni-e and return# and then Al)
lah $ill say# 'Ao and take out !of Hell" anyone in $hose heart you find faith eCual to the $eight of an
=olue 1 ) 0555 ? 0:66
ato !or a sallest ant"# and so they $ill take out all those $ho they $ill recogni-e%H Abu Sa'id said:
If you do not belie(e e then read the Holy =erse:))
'SurelyI Allah $rongs not e(en of the $eight of an ato !or a sallest ant" but if there is any good
!done" He doubles it%' !2%26" &he Prophet added# H&hen the prophets and Angels and the belie(ers $ill
intercede# and !last of all" the Alighty !Allah" $ill say# 'Do$ reains My Intercession% He $ill then
hold a handful of the Bire fro $hich He $ill take out soe people $hose bodies ha(e been burnt#
and they $ill be thro$n into a ri(er at the entrance of Paradise# called the $ater of life%
&hey $ill gro$ on its banks# as a seed carried by the torrent gro$s% Kou ha(e noticed ho$ it gro$s
beside a rock or beside a tree# and ho$ the side facing the sun is usually green $hile the side facing
the shade is $hite% &hose people $ill coe out !of the Ri(er of ;ife" like pearls# and they $ill ha(e
!golden" necklaces# and then they $ill enter Paradise $hereupon the people of Paradise $ill say#
'&hese are the people eancipated by the Beneficent% He has aditted the into Paradise $ithout
the ha(ing done any good deeds and $ithout sending forth any good !for thesel(es"%' &hen it $ill
be said to the# 'Bor you is $hat you ha(e seen and its eCui(alent as $ell%'H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4<3(:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# H&he belie(ers $ill be kept !$aiting" on the 8ay of Resurrection so long that they
$ill becoe $orried and say# H;et us ask soebody to intercede far us $ith our ;ord so that He ay
relie(e us fro our place%
&hen they $ill go to Ada and say# 'Kou are Ada# the father of the people% Allah created you $ith
His E$n Hand and ade you reside in His Paradise and ordered His angels to prostrate before you#
and taught you the naes of all things $ill you intercede for us $ith your ;ord so that He ay re)
lie(e us fro this place of oursJ Ada $ill say# 'I a not fit for this undertaking%' He $ill ention his
istakes he had coitted# i%e%# his eating off the tree though he had been forbidden to do so% He $ill
add# 'Ao to Doah# the first prophet sent by Allah to the people of the +arth%' &he people $ill go to
Doah $ho $ill say# 'I a not fit for this undertaking' He $ill ention his istake $hich he had done#
i%e%# his asking his ;ord $ithout kno$ledge%' He $ill say !to the"# 'Ao to Abraha# Khalil Ar)Rah)
an%' &hey $ill go to Abraha $ho $ill say# 'I a not fit for this undertaking% He $ould ention
three $ords by $hich he told a lie# and say !to the"% 'Ao to Moses# a sla(e $ho Allah ga(e the
&orah and spoke to# directly and brought near Hi# for con(ersation%'
&hey $ill go to Moses $ho $ill say# 'I a not fit for this undertaking% He $ill ention his istake
he ade# i%e%# killing a person# and $ill say !to the"# 'Ao to /esus# Allah's sla(e and His Apostle# and a
soul created by Hi and His @ord%' !Be: And it $as%" &hey $ill go to /esus $ho $ill say# 'I a not fit
for this undertaking but you'd better go to Muhaad the sla(e $hose past and future sins ha(e
been forgi(en by Allah%' So they $ill coe to e# and I $ill ask y ;ord's perission to enter His
House and then I $ill be peritted% @hen I see Hi I $ill fall do$n in prostration before Hi# and
=olue 1 ) 055: ? 0:66
He $ill lea(e e !in prostration" as long as He $ill# and then He $ill say# 'E Muhaad# lift up your
head and speak# for you $ill be listened to# and intercede# for your intercession $ill be accepted# and
ask !for anything" for it $ill be granted:' &hen I $ill raise y head and glorify y ;ord $ith certain
praises $hich He has taught e% Allah $ill put a liit for e !to intercede for a certain type of
people" I $ill take the out and ake the enter Paradise%H !,atada said: I heard Anas saying that"#
the Prophet said# HI $ill go out and take the out of Hell !Bire" and let the enter Paradise# and then I
$ill return and ask y ;ord for perission to enter His House and I $ill be peritted%
@hen I $ill see Hi I $ill fall do$n in prostration before Hi and He $ill lea(e e in prostration
as long as He $ill let e !in that state"# and then He $ill say# 'E Muhaad# raise your head and
speak# for you $ill be listened to# and intercede# for your intercession $ill be accepted# and ask# your
reCuest $ill be granted%' H &he Prophet added# HSo I $ill raise y head and glorify and praise Hi as
He has taught e% &hen I $ill intercede and He $ill put a liit for e !to intercede for a certain type
of people"% I $ill take the out and let the enter Paradise%H !,atada added: I heard Anas saying that"
the Prophet said# 'I $ill go out and take the out of Hell !Bire" and let the enter Paradise# and I $ill
return for the third tie and $ill ask y ;ord for perission to enter His house# and I $ill be al)
lo$ed to enter%
@hen I see Hi# I $ill fall do$n in prostration before Hi# and $ill reain in prostration as long
as He $ill# and then He $ill say# 'Raise your head# E Muhaad# and speak# for you $ill be listened
to# and intercede# for your intercession $ill be accepted# and ask# for your reCuest $ill be granted%' So
I $ill raise y head and praise Allah as He has taught e and then I $ill intercede and He $ill put a
liit for e !to intercede for a certain type of people"% I $ill take the out and let the enter Para)
dise%H !,atada said: I heard Anas saying that" the Prophet said# HSo I $ill go out and take the out of
Hell !Bire" and let the enter Paradise# till none $ill reain in the Bire e*cept those $ho ,uran
$ill iprison !i%e%# those $ho are destined for eternal life in the fire"%H &he narrator then recited the
=erse:)) HIt ay be that your ;ord $ill raise you to a Station of Praise and Alory%' !0:%:1" &he narrat)
or added: &his is the Station of Praise and Alory $hich Allah has proised to your Prophet%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4<<:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle sent for the Ansar and gathered the in a tent and said to the# HBe patient till you
eet Allah and His Apostle# and I $ill be on the lake)&ank !Al)Kauthar"%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4<2:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
@hene(er the Prophet offered his &aha..ud prayer# he $ould say# HE Allah# our ;ordI All the
praises are for KouL Kou are the Keeper !+stablisher or the Ene @ho looks after" of the Hea(ens and
=olue 1 ) 0557 ? 0:66
the +arth% All the Praises are for KouL Kou are the ;ight of the Hea(ens and the +arth and $hate(er is
therein% Kou are the &ruth# and Kour saying is the &ruth# and Kour proise is the &ruth# and the
eeting $ith Kou is the &ruth# and Paradise is the &ruth# and the !Hell" Bire is the &ruth% E AllahI I
surrender yself to Kou# and belie(e in Kou# and I put y trust in Kou !solely depend upon"% And to
Kou I coplain of y opponents and $ith Kour +(idence I argue% So please forgi(e the sins $hich I
ha(e done in the past or I $ill do in the future# and also those !sins" $hich I did in secret or in pub)
lic# and that $hich Kou kno$ better than I% Done has the right to be $orshipped but Kou%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4<4:
Darrated 'Adi bin Hati:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here $ill be none aong you but his ;ord $ill speak to hi# and there $ill
be no interpreter bet$een the nor a screen to screen Hi%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4<5:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin ,ais:
&he Prophet said# H!&here $ill be" t$o Paradises of sil(er and all the utensils and $hate(er is
therein !$ill be of sil(er"L and t$o Paradises of gold# and its utensils and $hate(er therein !$ill be of
gold"# and there $ill be nothing to pre(ent the people fro seeing their ;ord e*cept the 9o(er of
Ma.esty o(er His Bace in the Paradise of +den !eternal bliss"%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4<::
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&he Prophet said# H@hoe(er takes the property of a Musli by taking a false oath# $ill eet Allah
@ho $ill be angry $ith hi%H &hen the Prophet recited the =erse:)) '=erily those $ho purchase a
sall gain at the cost of Allah's 9o(enant and their oaths# they shall ha(e no portion in the Hereafter#
neither $ill Allah speak to the# nor look at the%' !<%::"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4<7:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H!&here are" three !types of persons to $ho" Allah $ill neither speak to the
on the 8ay of Resurrections# nor look at the !&hey are":))!0" a an $ho takes a false oath that he
has been offered for a coodity a price greater than $hat he has actually been offeredL !3" and a
an $ho takes a false oath after the 'Asr !prayer" in order to grab the property of a Musli through
itL !<" and a an $ho forbids others to use the reaining superfluous $ater% &o such a an Allah
=olue 1 ) 0551 ? 0:66
$ill say on the 8ay of Resurrection# '&oday I $ithhold My Blessings fro you as you $ithheld the su)
perfluous part of that !$ater" $hich your hands did not create%' H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4<1:
Darrated Abu Bakra:
&he Prophet said# H&ie has coe back to its original state $hich it had $hen Allah created the
Hea(ens and the +arth# the year is t$el(e onths# of $hich four are sacredL !and out of these four"
three are in succession# naely# 8hul),a'da# 8hul)Hi..a and Muharra# and !the fourth one" Ra.ab
Mudar $hich is bet$een /uad !Ath)&ha" and Sha'ban%H &he Prophet then asked us# H@hich
onth is thisJH @e said# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ !it" better%H He kept Cuiet so long that $e
thought he ight call it by another nae% &hen he said# HIsn't it 8hul)Hi..aJH @e said# HKes%H He asked
H@hat to$n is thisJH @e said# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ !it" better%' &hen he kept Cuiet so long that
$e thought he ight call it by another nae% He then said# HIsn't it the !forbidden" to$n !Mecca"JH
@e said# HKes%H He asked# H@hat is the day todayJH @e said# HAllah and His Apostle kno$ !it" better%
&hen he kept Cuiet so long that $e thought that he ight call it by another nae% &hen he said# HIsn't
it the 8ay of An)Dahr !slaughtering of sacrifices"JH @e said# HKes%H &hen he said# HKour blood !li(es"#
your properties#H !the sub narrator Muhaad# said: I think he also said": H%%and your honor" are as
sacred to one another like the sanctity of this 8ay of yours# in this to$n of yours# in this onth of
Kou shall eet your ;ord and He $ill ask you about your deeds% Be$areI 8on't go astray after e
by striking the necks of one another% ;oI It is incubent upon those $ho are present to infor it to
those $ho are absent for perhaps the infored one ight coprehend it !understand it" better than
soe of the present audience%H @hene(er the sub)narrator Muhaad entioned that stateent#
he $ould say# H&he Prophet said the truth%H" And then the Prophet added# HDo doubtI Ha(en't I con)
(eyed Allah's Message to youI Do doubtI Ha(en't I con(eyed Allah's Message to youJH
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 426:
Darrated Usaa:
A son of one of the daughters of the Prophet $as dying# so she sent a person to call the Prophet% He
sent !her a essage"# H@hat e(er Allah takes is for Hi# and $hate(er He gi(es is for Hi# and
e(erything has a liited fi*ed ter !in this $orld" so she should be patient and hope for Allah's re)
$ard%H She then sent for hi again# s$earing that he should coe% Allah's Apostle got up# and so did
Mu'adh bin /abal# Ubai bin Ka'b and 'Ubada bin As)Sait% @hen he entered !the house"# they ga(e
the child to Allah's Apostle $hile its breath $as disturbed in his chest% !&he sub)narrator said: I think
he said# H%%%as if it $as a $ater skin%H" Allah's Apostle started $eeping $hereupon Sa'd bin 'Ubada said#
H8o you $eepJH &he Prophet said# HAllah is erciful only to those of His sla(es $ho are erciful !to
=olue 1 ) 05:6 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 420:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HParadise and Hell !Bire" Cuarrelled in the presence of their ;ord% Paradise said#
'E ;ordI @hat is $rong $ith e that only the poor and huble people enter e J' Hell !Bire" said# I
ha(e been fa(ored $ith the arrogant people%' So Allah said to Paradise# 'Kou are My Mercy#' and said
to Hell# 'Kou are My Punishent $hich I inflict upon $ho I $ish# and I shall fill both of you%'H &he
Prophet added# HAs for Paradise# !it $ill be filled $ith good people" because Allah does not $rong any
of His created things# and He creates for Hell !Bire" $hoe(er He $ill# and they $ill be thro$n into
it# and it $ill say thrice# 'Is there any ore# till Allah !$ill put" His Boot o(er it and it $ill becoe full
and its sides $ill coe close to each other and it $ill say# ',atI ,atI ,atI !+noughI +noughI +noughI"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 423:
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HSoe people $ho $ill be scorched by Hell !Bire" as a punishent for sins they
ha(e coitted# and then Allah $ill adit the into Paradise by the grant of His Mercy% &hese
people $ill be called# 'Al)/ahannaiyy;in' !the people of Hell"%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 42<:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
A /e$ish Rabbi cae to Allah's Apostle and said# HE MuhaadI Allah $ill put the Hea(ens on
one finger and the earth on one finger# and the trees and the ri(ers on one finger# and the rest of the
creation on one finger# and then $ill say# pointing out $ith His Hand# 'I a the King%' HEn that Allah's
Apostle siled and said# HDo .ust estiate ha(e they ade of Allah such as due to Hi% !<1%5:"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 422:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Ence I stayed o(ernight at the house of !y aunt " Maiuna $hile the Prophet $as $ith her# to
see ho$ $as the night prayer of Allah s Apostle Allah's Apostle talked to his $ife for a $hile and then
slept% @hen it $as the last third of the night !or part of it"# the Prophet got up and looked to$ards
the sky and recited the =erse:)) '=erilyI In the creation of the Hea(ens and the +arth%%%%there are in)
deed signs for the en of understanding%' !<%016"
&hen He got up and perfored the ablution# brushed his teeth and offered ele(en Rakat% &hen Bilal
pronounced the Adhan $hereupon the Prophet offered a t$o)Rak'at !Sunna" prayer and $ent out to
lead the people in Ba.r !orning copulsory congregational prayer%
=olue 1 ) 05:0 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 424:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hen Allah created the creations# He $rote $ith Hi on His &hrone: 'My
Mercy has preceded My Anger%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 425:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud:
Allah's Apostle the true and truly inspired# narrated to us# H&he creation of e(eryone of you starts
$ith the process of collecting the aterial for his body $ithin forty days and forty nights in the
$ob of his other% &hen he becoes a clot of thick blood for a siilar period !26 days" and then
he becoes like a piece of flesh for a siilar period% &hen an angel is sent to hi !by Allah" and the
angel is allo$ed !ordered" to $rite four thingsL his li(elihood# his !date of" death# his deeds# and
$hether he $ill be a $retched one or a blessed one !in the Hereafter" and then the soul is breathed
into hi% So one of you ay do !good" deeds characteristic of the people of Paradise so uch that
there is nothing e*cept a cubit bet$een hi and Paradise but then $hat has been $ritten for hi
decides his beha(ior and he starts doing !e(il" deeds characteristic of the people of Hell !Bire" and
!ultiately" enters Hell !Bire"L and one of you ay do !e(il" deeds characteristic of the people of Hell
!Bire" so uch so that there is nothing e*cept a cubit bet$een hi and Hell !Bire"# then $hat has
been $ritten for hi decides his beha(ior and he starts doing !good" deeds characteristic of the
people of Paradise and ultiately" enters Paradise%H !See Hadith Do% 2<6# =ol% 2"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 42::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said# HE Aabriel# $hat pre(ents you% fro (isiting us ore often than you doJH &hen
this =erse $as re(ealed:))'And $e angels descend not but by 9oand of your ;ord% &o Hi be)
longs $hat is before us and $hat is behind us%%' !01%52" So this $as the ans$er to Muhaad%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 427:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
@hile I $as $alking $ith Allah's Apostle in one of the fields of Medina and he $as $alking lean)
ing on a stick# he passed a group of /e$s% Soe of the said to the others# HAsk hi !the Prophet"
about the spirit%H Ethers said# H8o not ask hi%H But they asked hi and he stood leaning on the stick
and I $as standing behind hi and I thought that he $as being di(inely inspired% &hen he said#
H&hey ask you concerning the spirit say: &he spirit# its kno$ledge is $ith My ;ord% And of kno$ledge
=olue 1 ) 05:3 ? 0:66
you !E enI" ha(e been gi(en only a little%H %%%!0:%74" En that soe of the /e$s said to the others#
H8idn't $e tell you not to askJH
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 421:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah guarantees to the person $ho carries out /ihad for His 9ause and noth)
ing copelled hi to go out but the /ihad in His 9ause# and belief in His @ords# that He $ill either
adit hi into Paradise or return hi $ith his re$ard or the booty he has earned to his residence
fro $here he $ent out%H !See Hadith Do% 444"%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 446:
Darrated Abu Musa:
A an cae to the Prophet and said# HA an fights for pride and haughtiness another fights for
bra(ery# and another fights for sho$ing offL $hich of these !cases" is in Allah's 9auseJH &he Prophet
said# H&he one $ho fights that Allah's @ord !Isla" should be superior# fights in Allah's 9ause%H !See
Hadith Do% 54# =ol% 2"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 440:
Darrated Al)Mughira bin Shu'ba:
I heard the Prophet saying# HSoe people fro y follo$ers $ill continue to be (ictorious o(er
others till Allah's Erder !&he Hour" is established%H !See Hadith Do% 202"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 443:
Darrated Mua$iya:
I heard the Prophet saying# HA group of y follo$ers $ill keep on follo$ing Allah's ;a$s strictly
and they $ill not be hared by those $ho $ill disbelie(e the or stand against the till Allah's Er)
der !&he Hour" $ill coe $hile they $ill be in that state%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 44<:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet stood before Musailaa !the liar" $ho $as sitting $ith his copanions then# and said
to hi# HIf you ask e for this piece !of pal)leaf stalk"# e(en then I $ould not gi(e it to you% Kou
cannot a(oid $hat Allah has ordained for you# and if you turn a$ay fro Isla# Allah $ill surely
ruin youI H
=olue 1 ) 05:< ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 442:
Darrated Ibn Mas'ud:
@hile I $as $alking in copany $ith the Prophet in one of the fields of Medina# the Prophet $as
reclining on a pal lea(e stalk $hich he carried $ith hi% @e passed by a group of /e$s% Soe of
the said to the others# HAsk hi about the spirit%H &he others said# H8o not ask hi# lest he $ould say
soething that you hate%H Soe of the said# H@e $ill ask hi%H So a an fro aong the stood up
and said# 'E Abal),asiI @hat is the spiritJH &he Prophet kept Cuiet and I kne$ that he $as being
di(inely inspired% &hen he said: H&hey ask you concerning the Spirit# Say: &he SpiritL its kno$ledge is
$ith y ;ord% And of kno$ledge you !ankind" ha(e been gi(en only a little%H !0:%74"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 444:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah guarantees !the person $ho carries out /ihad in His 9ause and nothing
copelled hi to go out but /ihad in His 9ause and the belief in His @ord" that He $ill either adit
hi into Paradise !Martyrdo" or return hi $ith re$ard or booty he has earned to his residence
fro $here he $ent out%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 445:
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hene(er anyone of you in(oke Allah for soething# he should be fir in
his asking# and he should not say: 'If Kou $ish# gi(e e%%%' for none can copel Allah to do soething
against His @ill%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 44::
Darrated 'Ali bin Abi &alib:
&hat one night Allah's Apostle (isited hi and Batia# the daughter of Allah's Apostle and said to
the# H@on 't you offer !night" prayerJ%% 'Ali added: I said# HE Allah's ApostleI Eur souls are in the
Hand of Allah and $hen He @ishes to bring us to life# He does%H &hen Allah's Apostle $ent a$ay
$hen I said so and he did not gi(e any reply% &hen I heard hi on lea(ing $hile he $as striking his
thighs# saying# 'But an is# ore Cuarrelsoe than anything%' !07%42"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 447:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 1 ) 05:2 ? 0:66
Allah's Apostle said# H&he e*aple of a belie(er is that of a fresh green plant the lea(es of $hich
o(e in $hate(er direction the $ind forces the to o(e and $hen the $ind becoes still# it stand
straight% Such is the siilitude of the belie(er: He is disturbed by calaities !but is like the fresh plant
he regains his noral state soon"% And the e*aple of a disbelie(er is that of a pine tree !$hich re)
ains" hard and straight till Allah cuts it do$n $hen He $ill%H !See Hadith Do% 425 and 42:# =ol% :"%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 441:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
I heard Allah's Apostle $hile he $as standing on the pulpit# saying# H&he reaining period of your
stay !on the earth" in coparison to the nations before you# is like the period bet$een the 'Asr prayer
and sunset% &he people of the &orah $ere gi(en the &orah and they acted upon it till idday# and
then they $ere $orn out and $ere gi(en for their labor# one ,irat each% &hen the people of the Aos)
pel $ere gi(en the Aospel and they acted upon it till the tie of the 'Asr prayer# and then they $ere
$orn out and $ere gi(en !for their labor"# one ,irat each% &hen you people $ere gi(en the ,uran
and you acted upon it till sunset and so you $ere gi(en t$o ,irats each !double the re$ard of the
pre(ious nations"%H &hen the people of the &orah said# 'E our ;ordI &hese people ha(e done a little
labor !uch less than $e" but ha(e taken a greater re$ard%' Allah said# 'Ha(e I $ithheld anything
fro your re$ardJ' &hey said# 'Do%' &hen Allah said# '&hat is My Ba(or $hich I besto$ on $ho I
$ish%' H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 456:
Darrated 'Ubada bin As)Sait:
I# along $ith a group of people# ga(e the pledge of allegiance to Allah's Apostle% He said# HI take
your Pledge on the condition that you !0" $ill not .oin partners in $orship $ith Allah# !3" $ill not
steal# !<" $ill not coit illegal se*ual intercourse# !2" $ill not kill your offspring# !4" $ill not
slander# !5" and $ill not disobey e $hen I order you to do good% @hoe(er aong you $ill abide by
his pledge# his re$ard $ill be $ith Allah# and $hoe(er coits any of those sins and recei(es the
punishent in this $orld# that punishent $ill be an e*piation for his sins and purificationL but if
Allah screens hi# then it $ill be up to Allah to punish hi if He $ill or e*cuse Hi# if He $ill%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 450:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Prophet Soloon $ho had si*ty $i(es# once said# H&onight I $ill ha(e se*ual relation
!sleep" $ith all y $i(es so that each of the $ill becoe pregnant and bring forth !a boy $ho $ill
gro$ into" a ca(alier and $ill fight in Allah's 9ause%H So he slept $ith his $i(es and none of the
!concei(ed and" deli(ered !a child" e*cept one $ho brought a half !body" boy !defored"% Allah's
=olue 1 ) 05:4 ? 0:66
Prophet said# HIf Soloon had saidL 'If Allah @ill#' then each of those $oen $ould ha(e deli(ered a
!$ould)be" ca(alier to fight in Allah's 9ause%H !See Hadith Do% :2 A# =ol% 2"%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 453:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle entered upon a sick bedouin in $ho he $ent to (isit and said to hi# H8on't
$orry# &ahur !i%e%# your illness $ill be a eans of cleansing of your sins"# if Allah @ill%H &he bedouin
said# H&ahurI Do# but it is a fe(er that is burning in the body of an old an and it $ill ake hi (isit
his gra(e%H &he Prophet said# H&hen it is so%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 45<:
Darrated Abu ,atada:
@hen the people slept till so late that they did not offer the !orning" prayer# the Prophet said#
HAllah captured your souls !ade you sleep" $hen He $illed# and returned the !to your bodies"
$hen He $illed%H So the people got up and $ent to ans$er the call of nature# perfored ablution# till
the sun had risen and it had becoe $hite# then the Prophet got up and offered the prayer%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 452:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
HA an fro the Muslis and a an fro the /e$s Cuarrelled# and the Musli said# HBy Hi @ho
ga(e superiority to Muhaad o(er all the peopleIH &he /e$ said# HBy Hi @ho ga(e superiority to
Moses o(er all the peopleI' En that the Musli lifted his hand and slapped the /e$% &he /e$ $ent to
Allah's Apostle and infored hi of all that had happened bet$een hi and the Musli% &he Proph)
et said# H8o not gi(e e superiority o(er Moses# for the people $ill fall unconscious on the 8ay of
Resurrection# I $ill be the first to regain consciousness and behold# Moses $ill be standing there#
holding the side of the &hrone% I $ill not kno$ $hether he has been one of those $ho ha(e fallen
unconscious and then regained consciousness before e# or if he has been one of those e*epted by
Allah !fro falling unconscious"%H !See Hadith Do% 432# =ol% 7"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 454:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said# HAd) $ill coe to Medina and find the angels guarding it% If Allah $ill#
neither Ad) nor plague $ill be able to coe near it%H
=olue 1 ) 05:5 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 455:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HBor e(ery Prophet there is one in(ocation $hich is definitely fulfilled by Al)
lah# and I $ish# if Allah $ill# to keep y that !special" in(ocation as to be the intercession for y fol)
lo$ers on the 8ay of Resurrection%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 45::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@hile I $as sleeping# I sa$ yself !in a drea" standing by a $ell% I dre$
fro it as uch $ater as Allah $ished e to dra$# and then Ibn ,uhafa !Abu Bakr" took the bucket
fro e and dre$ one or t$o buckets# and there $as $eakness in his dra$ing))))ay Allah forgi(e
hiI &hen 'Uar took the bucket $hich turned into soething like a big dru% I had ne(er seen a
po$erful an aong the people $orking as perfectly and (igorously as he did% !He dre$ so uch
$ater that" the people drank to their satisfaction and $atered their caels that knelt do$n there%
!See Hadith Do% 05# =ol% 4"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 457:
Darrated Abu Musa:
@hene(er a beggar or a person in need of soething cae to the Prophet # he used to say !to his
copanions"# HIntercede !for hi" and you $ill be re$arded for that# and Allah $ill fulfill $hat He
$ill through His Apostle's tongue%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 451:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HDone of you should say: 'E AllahI Borgi(e e if Kou $ish#' or 'Besto$ Kour
Mercy on e if Kou $ish#' or 'Pro(ide e $ith eans of subsistence if Kou $ish#' but he should be
fir in his reCuest# for Allah does $hat He $ill and nobody can force Hi !to do anything"%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4:6:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&hat he differed $ith Al)Hurr bin ,ais bin Hisn Al)Ba-ari about the copanion of Moses# !i%e%#
$hether he $as Kha#dir or not"% Ubai bin Ka'b Al)Ansari passed by the and Ibn 'Abbas called hi
saying# 'My friend !Hur" and I ha(e differed about Moses' 9opanion $ho Moses asked the $ay to
eet% 8id you hear Allah's Apostle entioning anything about hiJH Ubai said# HKes# I heard Allah's
=olue 1 ) 05:: ? 0:66
Apostle saying# H@hile Moses $as sitting in the copany of soe Israelites a an cae to hi and
asked# '8o you kno$ Soeone $ho is ore learned than you !Moses"J' Moses said# 'Do%' So Allah sent
the 8i(ine inspiration to Moses:))
'Kes# Eur Sla(e Khadir is ore learned than you' Moses asked Allah ho$ to eet hi ! Khadir" So
Allah ade the fish as a sign for hi and it $as said to hi# '@hen you lose the fish# go back !to the
place $here you lose it" and you $ill eet hi%' So Moses $ent on looking for the sign of the fish in
the sea% &he boy ser(ant of Moses !$ho $as accopanying hi" said to hi# '8o you reeber
!$hat happened" $hen $e betook oursel(es to the rockJ I did indeed forget to tell you !about" the
fish% Done but Satan ade e forget to tell you about it' !07%5<" Moses said:
'&hat is $hat $e ha(e been seeking%H Sa they $ent back retracing their footsteps% !07%52"% So they
both found Kadir !there" and then happened $hat Allah entioned about the !in the ,uran"I' !See
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4:0:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf Allah $ill# toorro$ $e $ill encap in Khaif Bani Kinana# the place
$here the pagans took the oath of Kufr !disbelief" against the Prophet% He eant Al)Muhassab% !See
Hadith Do% 541# =ol% 3"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4:3:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Uar:
&he Prophet besieged the people of &a'if# but he did not conCuer it% He said# H&oorro$# if Allah
$ill# $e $ill return hoe% En this the Muslis said# H&hen $e return $ithout conCuering itJH He
said# '&hen carry on fighting toorro$%H &he ne*t day any of the $ere in.ured% &he Prophet said#
HIf Allah $ill# $e $ill return hoe toorro$%H It seeed that stateent pleased the $hereupon Al)
lah's Apostle siled%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4:<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H@hen Allah ordains soething on the Hea(en the angels beat $ith their $ings
in obedience to His Stateent $hich sounds like that of a chain dragged o(er a rock% His Stateent:
HUntil $hen the fear is banished fro their hearts# the Angels say# '@hat $as it that your ;ord saidJ'
'&hey reply# '!He has said" the &ruth% And He is the Most High# &he Areat% H !<2%3<"
=olue 1 ) 05:7 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4:2:
Darrated Abu Huraira :
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah ne(er listens to anything as He listens to the Prophet reciting ,uran in
a pleasant s$eet sounding (oice%H A copanion of Abu Huraira said# HHe eans# reciting the ,uran
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4:4:
Darrated Abu Said Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# HAllah $ill say !on the 8ay of Resurrection"# 'E AdaI' Ada $ill reply# ';abbaik
$a Sa'daikI ' &hen a loud =oice $ill be heard !Saying" 'Allah 9oands you to take out the ission
of the Hell Bire fro your offspring%' H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4:5:
Darrated 'Aisha:
I ne(er felt so .ealous of any $oan as I felt of Khadi.a# for Allah ordered hi !the Prophet " to
gi(e Khadi.a the glad tidings of a palace in Paradise !for her"%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4:::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HIf Allah lo(es a person# He calls Aabriel# saying# 'Allah lo(es so and so# E Aab)
riel lo(e hi' So Aabriel $ould lo(e hi and then $ould ake an announceent in the Hea(ens:
'Allah has lo(ed so and)so therefore you should lo(e hi also%' So all the d$ellers of the Hea(ens
$ould lo(e hi# and then he is granted the pleasure of the people on the earth%H !See Hadith Do% 55#
=ol% 7"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4:7:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here are angels coing to you in succession at night# and others during the
day# and they all gather at the tie of 'Asr and Ba.r prayers% &hen the angels $ho ha(e stayed $ith
you o(ernight ascend !to the hea(en" and He !Allah" asks the though He perfectly kno$s their af)
fairs% 'In $hat state ha(e you left y sla(esJ' &hey say# '@hen $e left the# they $ere praying and
$hen $e cae to the they $ere praying%' H
=olue 1 ) 05:1 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 4:1:
Darrated Abu 8harr:
&he Prophet said# Aabriel cae to e and ga(e e the glad tidings that anyone $ho died $ithout
$orshipping anything besides Allah# $ould enter Paradise% I asked !Aabriel"# '+(en if he coitted
theft# and e(en if he coitted illegal se*ual intercourseJ' He said# '!Kes"# e(en if he coitted theft#
and e(en if he 9oitted illegal se*ual intercourse%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 476:
Darrated Al)Bara' bin 'A-ib:
Allah's Apostle said# HE so)and)so# $hene(er you go to your bed !for sleeping" say# 'E AllahI I ha(e
surrendered yself o(er to you and ha(e turned y face to$ards Kou# and lea(e all y affairs to
Kou and depend on Kou and put y trust in Kou e*pecting Kour re$ard and fearing Kour punish)
ent% &here is neither fleeing fro Kou nor refuge but $ith Kou% I belie(e in the Book !,ur'an"
$hich Kou ha(e re(ealed and in Kour Prophet !Muhaad" $ho Kou ha(e sent%' If you then die
on that night# then you $ill die as a Musli# and if you $ake ali(e in the orning then you $ill re)
cei(e the re$ard%H !See Hadith Do% <3<# =ol% 7"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 470:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa:
Allah's Apostle said on the 8ay of !the battle of" the 9lans# HE AllahI &he Re(ealer of the Holy Book#
&he ,uick &aker of AccountsI 8efeat the clans and shake the%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 473:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
!regarding the =erse":)) 'Deither say your prayer aloud# nor say it in a lo$ tone%' !0:%006" &his
=erse $as re(ealed $hile Allah's Apostle $as hiding hiself in Mecca# and $hen he raised his (oice
$hile reciting the ,ur'an# the pagans $ould hear hi and abuse the ,ur'an and its Re(ealer and to
the one $ho brought it% So Allah said:))
'Deither say your prayer aloud# nor say it in a lo$ tone%' !0:%006" &hat is# '8o not say your prayer
so loudly that the pagans can hear you# nor say it in such a lo$ tone that your copanions do not
hear you%' But seek a iddle course bet$een those !e*trees"# i%e%# let your copanions hear# but do
not relate the ,ur'an loudly# so that they ay learn it fro you%
=olue 1 ) 0576 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 47<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah said: H&he son of Ada hurts Me by abusing &ie# for I a &ieL in My
Hands are all things and I cause the re(olution of night and day%' H !See Hadith Do% <40# =ol% 5"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 472:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAllah said: &he Bast is for Me and I $ill gi(e the re$ard for it# as he !the one
$ho obser(es the fast" lea(es his se*ual desire# food and drink for My Sake% Basting is a screen !fro
Hell" and there are t$o pleasures for a fasting person# one at the tie of breaking his fast# and the
other at the tie $hen he $ill eet his ;ord% And the sell of the outh of a fasting person is better
in Allah's Sight than the sell of usk%H !See Hadith Do% 037# =ol% <"%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 474:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HEnce $hile /ob !Aiyub" $as taking a bath in a naked state% Suddenly a great
nuber of gold locusts started falling upon hi and he started collecting the in his clothes% His
;ord called hi# 'E /obI 8idn't I ake you rich enough to dispense $ith $hat you see no$J' /ob said#
'Kes# E ;ordI But I cannot dispense $ith Kour Blessings
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 475:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H+(ery night $hen it is the last third of the night# our ;ord# the Superior# the
Blessed# descends to the nearest hea(en and says: Is there anyone to in(oke Me that I ay respond to
his in(ocationJ Is there anyone to ask Me so that I ay grant hi his reCuestJ Is there anyone asking
My forgi(eness so that I ay forgi(e hiJ% H !See Hadith Do% 325#=ol% 3"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 47::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# H@e !Muslis" are the last !to coe" but $ill be the foreost on the 8ay of
Resurrection%H &he narrators of this Hadith said: Allah said !to an"# 'Spend !in charity"# for then I
$ill copensate you !generously"%' H
=olue 1 ) 0570 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 477:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said that Aabriel said# HHere is Khadi.a coing to you $ith a dish of food or a tubler
containing soething to drink% 9on(ey to her a greeting fro her ;ord !Allah" and gi(e her the glad
tidings that she $ill ha(e a palace in Paradise built of ,asab $herein there $ill be neither any noise
nor any fatigue !trouble"%H !See Hadith Do% 057# =ol% 4"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 471:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
the Prophet said# HAllah said# HI ha(e prepared for My righteous sla(es !such e*cellent things" as no
eye has e(er seen# nor an ear has e(er heard nor a huan heart can e(er think of%' H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 416:
Darrated Ibn Abbas:
@hene(er the Prophet offered the night !&aha..ud" prayer# he used to say# HE AllahI All the Praises
are for KouL Kou are the ;ight of the Hea(ens and the +arth% And all the Praises are for KouL Kou are
the Keeper of the Hea(ens and the +arth% All the Praises are for KouL Kou are the ;ord of the Hea(ens
and the +arth and $hate(er is therein% Kou are the &ruth# and Kour Proise is the &ruth# and Kour
Speech is the &ruth# and eeting Kou is the &ruth# and Paradise is the &ruth and Hell !Bire" is the
&ruth and all the prophets are the &ruth and the Hour is the &ruth% E AllahI I surrender to Kou# and
belie(e in Kou# and depend upon Kou# and repent to Kou# and in Kour cause I fight and $ith Kour
orders I rule% So please forgi(e y past and future sins and those sins $hich I did in secret or in pub)
lic% It is Kou @ho I $orship# Done has the right to be $orshipped e*cept Kou %H !See Hadith Do%
<31#=ol% 7"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 410:
Darrated 'Ur$a bin A-)Fubair:
Sa'id bin Al)Musaiyab# 'AlCaa bin @aCCas and 'Ubaidullah bin 'Abdullah regarding the narrat)
ing of the forged stateent against 'Aisha# the $ife of the Prophet# $hen the slanderers said $hat
they said and Allah re(ealed her innocence% 'Aisha said# HBut by Allah# I did not think that Allah# !to
confir y innocence"# $ould re(eal 8i(ine Inspiration $hich $ould be recited# for I consider y)
self too uniportant to be talked about by Allah through 8i(ine Inspiration re(ealed for recitation#
but I hoped that Allah's Apostle ight ha(e a drea in $hich Allah $ould re(eal y innocence% So
Allah re(ealed:)) '=erilyI &hose $ho spread the slander are a gang aong you%%%' !&he ten =erses in
Surat)an)Dur" !32%00)36"
=olue 1 ) 0573 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 413:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah says# HIf My sla(e intends to do a bad deed then !E Angels" do not $rite
it unless he does itL if he does it# then $rite it as it is# but if he refrains fro doing it for My Sake# then
$rite it as a good deed !in his account"% !En the other hand" if he intends to go a good deed# but does
not do it# then $rite a good deed !in his account"# and if he does it# then $rite it for hi !in his ac)
count" as ten good deeds up to se(en)hundred ties%' H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 41<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah created the creation# and $hen He finished fro His creation the Rah
!$ob" got up# and Allah said !to it"% HStopI @hat do you $antJ It saidL HAt this place I seek refuge
$ith Kou fro all those $ho se(er e !i%e% se(er the ties of Kinship%"H Allah said: H@ould you be
pleased that I $ill keep good relation $ith the one $ho $ill keep good relation $ith you# and I $ill
se(er the relation $ith the one $ho $ill se(er the relation $ith you% It said: 'Kes# 'E y ;ord%' Allah
said !to it"# '&hat is for you%'' And then Abu Huraira recited the =erse:)) H@ould you then if you $ere
gi(en the authority# do ischief in the land# and se(er your ties of kinship%H !2:%33"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 412:
Darrated Faid bin Khalid:
It rained !because of the Prophet's in(ocation for rain" and the Prophet said# HAllah said# 'Soe of
My sla(es ha(e becoe disbelie(ers in Me# and soe others# belie(ers in Me%'H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 414:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah said# 'If My sla(es lo(es the eeting $ith Me# I too lo(e the eeting
$ith hiL and if he dislikes the eeting $ith Me# I too dislike the eeting $ith hi%' H !See Hadith
Do% 402# =ol% 7"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 415:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HAllah said# 'I a to y sla(e as he thinks of Me# !i%e% I a able to do for hi
$hat he thinks I can do for hi"% !See Hadith Do% 463"
=olue 1 ) 057< ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 41::
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HA an $ho ne(er did any good deed# said that if he died# his faily should
burn hi and thro$ half the ashes of his burnt body in the earth and the other half in the sea# for by
Allah# if Allah should get hold of hi# He $ould inflict such punishent on hi as He $ould not in)
flict on anybody aong the people% But Allah ordered the sea to collect $hat $as in it !of his ashes"
and siilarly ordered the earth to collect $hat $as in it !of his ashes"% &hen Allah said !to the recre)
ated an "# '@hy did you do soJ' &he an replied# 'Bor being afraid of Kou# and Kou kno$ it !(ery
$ell"%' So Allah forga(e hi%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 417:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard the Prophet saying# HIf soebody coits a sin and then says# 'E y ;ordI I ha(e sinned#
please forgi(e eI' and his ;ord says# 'My sla(e has kno$n that he has a ;ord $ho forgi(es sins and
punishes for it# I therefore ha(e forgi(en y sla(e !his sins"%' &hen he reains $ithout coitting
any sin for a $hile and then again coits another sin and says# 'E y ;ord# I ha(e coitted an)
other sin# please forgi(e e#' and Allah says# 'My sla(e has kno$n that he has a ;ord $ho forgi(es
sins and punishes for it# I therefore ha(e forgi(en y sla(e !his sin"% &hen he reains $ithout 9o)
itting any another sin for a $hile and then coits another sin !for the third tie" and says# 'E y
;ord# I ha(e coitted another sin# please forgi(e e#' and Allah says# 'My sla(e has kno$n that he
has a ;ord @ho forgi(es sins and punishes for it I therefore ha(e forgi(en My sla(e !his sin"# he can
do $hate(er he likes%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 411:
Darrated Abu Said:
&he Prophet entioned a an fro the people of the past or those $ho preceded you% &he Prophet
said a sentence eaning: Allah had gi(en hi $ealth and children% @hen his death approached# he
said to his sons# H@hat kind of father ha(e I been to youJH &hey replied# HKou ha(e been a good fath)
er%H He told the that he had not presented any good deed before Allah# and if Allah should get hold
of hi He $ould punish hi%' HSo lookIH he added# H@hen I die# burn e# and $hen I turn into coal#
crush e# and $hen there coes a $indy day# scatter y ashes in the $ind%H &he Prophet added#
H&hen by Allah# he took a fir proise fro his children to do so# and they did so% !&hey burnt hi
after his death" and thre$ his ashes on a $indy day% &hen Allah coanded to his ashes% HBe#H and
beholdI He becae a an standingI Allah said# HE My sla(eI @hat ade you do $hat you didJH He
replied# HBor fear of Kou%H Dothing sa(ed hi then but Allah's Mercy !So Allah forga(e hi"%
=olue 1 ) 0572 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 566:
Darrated Anas:
I heard the Prophet saying# HEn the 8ay of Resurrection I $ill intercede and say# HE y ;ordI Ad)
it into Paradise !e(en" those $ho ha(e faith eCual to a ustard seed in their hearts%H Such people
$ill enter Paradise# and then I $ill say# 'E !Allah" adit into Paradise !e(en" those $ho ha(e the least
aount of faith in their hearts%H Anas then said: As if I $ere .ust no$ looking at the fingers of Allah's
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 560:
Darrated Ma'bad bin Hilal Al'An-i:
@e# i%e%# soe people fro Basra gathered and $ent to Anas bin Malik# and $e $ent in copany
$ith &habit Al)Bunnani so that he ight ask hi about the Hadith of Intercession on our behalf% Be)
hold# Anas $as in his palace# and our arri(al coincided $ith his 8uha prayer% @e asked perission
to enter and he aditted us $hile he $as sitting on his bed% @e said to &habit# H8o not ask hi about
anything else first but the Hadith of Intercession%H He said# HE Abu Ha-aI &here are your brethren
fro Basra coing to ask you about the Hadith of Intercession%H Anas then said# HMuhaad talked
to us saying# 'En the 8ay of Resurrection the people $ill surge $ith each other like $a(es# and then
they $ill coe to Ada and say# 'Please intercede for us $ith your ;ord%' He $ill say# 'I a not fit for
that but you'd better go to Abraha as he is the Khalil of the Beneficent%' &hey $ill go to Abraha
and he $ill say# 'I a not fit for that# but you'd better go to Moses as he is the one to $ho Allah
spoke directly%' So they $ill go to Moses and he $ill say# 'I a not fit for that# but you'd better go to
/esus as he is a soul created by Allah and His @ord%' !Be: And it $as" they $ill go to /esus and he $ill
say# 'I a not fit for that# but you'd better go to Muhaad%'
&hey $ould coe to e and I $ould say# 'I a for that%' &hen I $ill ask for y ;ord's perission#
and it $ill be gi(en# and then He $ill inspire e to praise Hi $ith such praises as I do not kno$
no$% So I $ill praise Hi $ith those praises and $ill fall do$n# prostrate before Hi% &hen it $ill be
said# 'E Muhaad# raise your head and speak# for you $ill be listened toL and ask# for your $ill be
granted !your reCuest"L and intercede# for your intercession $ill be accepted%' I $ill say# 'E ;ord# y
follo$ersI My follo$ersI' And then it $ill be said# 'Ao and take out of Hell !Bire" all those $ho ha(e
faith in their hearts# eCual to the $eight of a barley grain%' I $ill go and do so and return to praise
Hi $ith the sae praises# and fall do$n !prostrate" before Hi% &hen it $ill be said# 'E
Muhaad# raise your head and speak# for you $ill be listened to# and ask# for you $ill be granted
!your reCuest"L and intercede# for your intercession $ill be accepted%' I $ill say# 'E ;ord# y follo$)
ersI My follo$ersI' It $ill be said# 'Ao and take out of it all those $ho ha(e faith in their hearts eCual
to the $eight of a sall ant or a ustard seed%' I $ill go and do so and return to praise Hi $ith the
sae praises# and fall do$n in prostration before Hi% It $ill be said# 'E# Muhaad# raise your
head and speak# for you $ill be listened to# and ask# for you $ill be granted !your reCuest"L and inter)
=olue 1 ) 0574 ? 0:66
cede# for your intercession $ill be accepted%' I $ill say# 'E ;ord# y follo$ersI' &hen He $ill say# 'Ao
and take out !all those" in $hose hearts there is faith e(en to the lightest# lightest ustard seed% !&ake
the" out of the Bire%' I $ill go and do so%H'
@hen $e left Anas# I said to soe of y copanions# H;et's pass by Al)Hasan $ho is hiding hi)
self in the house of Abi Khalifa and reCuest hi to tell us $hat Anas bin Malik has told us%H So $e
$ent to hi and $e greeted hi and he aditted us% @e said to hi# HE Abu SaidI @e cae to you
fro your brother Anas Bin Malik and he related to us a Hadith about the intercession the like of
$hich I ha(e ne(er heard%H He said# H@hat is thatJH &hen $e told hi of the Hadith and said# HHe
stopped at this point !of the Hadith"%H He said# H@hat thenJH @e said# HHe did not add anything to
that%H He said# Anas related the Hadith to e t$enty years ago $hen he $as a young fello$% I don't
kno$ $hether he forgot or if he did not like to let you depend on $hat he ight ha(e said%H @e said#
HE Abu Said I ;et us kno$ that%H He siled and said# HMan $as created hasty% I did not ention that#
but that I $anted to infor you of it%
Anas told e the sae as he told you and said that the Prophet added# 'I then return for a fourth
tie and praise Hi siilarly and prostrate before Hi e the sae as he 'E Muhaad# raise
your head and speak# for you $ill be listened toL and ask# for you $ill be granted !your reCuest": and
intercede# for your intercession $ill be accepted %' I $ill say# 'E ;ord# allo$ e to intercede for $ho)
e(er said# 'Done has the right to be $orshiped e*cept Allah%' &hen Allah $ill say# 'By y Po$er# and
y Ma.esty# and by My Supreacy# and by My Areatness# I $ill take out of Hell !Bire" $hoe(er said:
'Done has the right to be $orshipped e*cept Allah%' ''
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 563:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he person $ho $ill be the last one to enter Paradise and the last to coe out
of Hell !Bire" $ill be a an $ho $ill coe out cra$ling# and his ;ord $ill say to hi# '+nter Paradise%'
He $ill reply# 'E ;ord# Paradise is full%' Allah $ill gi(e hi the sae order thrice# and each tie the
an $ill gi(e Hi the sae reply# i%e%# 'Paradise is full%' &hereupon Allah $ill say !to hi"# '&en ties
of the $orld is for you%' H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 56<:
Darrated 'Adi bin Hati:
Allah's Apostle said# H&here $ill be none aong you but his ;ord $ill talk to hi# and there $ill be
no interpreter bet$een hi and Allah% He $ill look to his right and see nothing but his deeds $hich
he has sent for$ard# and $ill look to his left and see nothing but his deeds $hich he has sent for)
$ard# and $ill look in front of hi and see nothing but the !Hell" Bire facing hi% So sa(e yourself
=olue 1 ) 0575 ? 0:66
fro the !Hell" Bire e(en $ith half a date !gi(en in charity"%H Al)A'ash said: 'Ar bin Murra said#
Khaithaa narrated the sae and added# '%%e(en $ith a good $ord%' H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 562:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
A priest fro the /e$s cae !to the Prophet" and said# HEn the 8ay of Resurrection# Allah $ill
place all the hea(ens on one finger# and the +arth on one finger# and the $aters and the land on one
finger# and all the creation on one finger# and then He $ill shake the and say% 'I a the KingI I a
the KingI'H I sa$ the Prophet siling till his preolar teeth becae (isible e*pressing his aa-eent
and his belief in $hat he had said% &hen the Prophet recited: 'Do .ust estiate ha(e they ade of Al)
lah such as due to Hi !up to"%%%L High is He abo(e the partners they attribute to Hi%' !<1%5:"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 564:
Darrated Saf$an bin Muhri-:
A an asked Ibn 'Uar# H@hat ha(e you heard fro Allah's Apostle regarding An)Da.$aJH He
said# H+(eryone of you $ill coe close to His ;ord @ho $ill screen hi fro the people and say to
hi# '8id you do so)and)soJ' He $ill reply# 'Kes%' &hen Allah $ill say# '8id you do so)and)soJ' He $ill
reply# 'Kes%' So Allah $ill Cuestion hi and ake hi confess# and then Allah $ill say# 'I screened
your sins in the $orld and forgi(e the for you today%' H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 565:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# HAda and Moses debated $ith each other and Moses said# 'Kou are Ada $ho
turned out your offspring fro Paradise%' Ada said# HKou are Moses $ho Allah chose for His Mes)
sage and for His direct talk# yet you blae e for a atter $hich had been ordained for e e(en be)
fore y creationJ' &hus Ada o(ercae Moses%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 56::
Darrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he belie(ers $ill be assebled on the 8ay of Resurrection and they $ill say#
';et us look for soeone to intercede for us $ith our ;ord so that He ay relie(e us fro this place of
ours%' So they $ill go to Ada and say# 'Kou are Ada# the father of ankind# and Allah created you
$ith His E$n Hands and ordered the Angels to prostrate before you# and He taught you the naes
of all thingsL so please intercede for us $ith our ;ord so that He ay relie(e us%' Ada $ill say# to
the# 'I a not fit for that#' and then he $ill ention to the his istake $hich he has coitted%' H
=olue 1 ) 057: ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 567:
Darrated Anas bin Malik:
&he night Allah's Apostle $as taken for a .ourney fro the sacred osCue !of Mecca" Al)Ka'ba:
&hree persons cae to hi !in a dreay $hile he $as sleeping in the Sacred MosCue before the 8i)
(ine Inspiration $as re(ealed to Hi% Ene of the said# H@hich of the is heJH &he iddle !second"
angel said# HHe is the best of the%H &he last !third" angle said# H&ake the best of the%H Enly that
uch happened on that night and he did not see the till they cae on another night# i%e% after &he
8i(ine Inspiration $as re(ealed to hi% !Bateh)Al)Bari Page 347# =ol% 0:" and he sa$ the# his eyes
$ere asleep but his heart $as not))))and so is the case $ith the prophets: their eyes sleep $hile
their hearts do not sleep% So those angels did not talk to hi till they carried hi and placed hi be)
side the $ell of Fa)Fa% Bro aong the Aabriel took charge of hi% Aabriel cut open !the part
of his body" bet$een his throat and the iddle of his chest !heart" and took all the aterial out of his
chest and abdoen and then $ashed it $ith Fa)Fa $ater $ith his o$n hands till he cleansed the
inside of his body# and then a gold tray containing a gold bo$l full of belief and $isdo $as brought
and then Aabriel stuffed his chest and throat blood (essels $ith it and then closed it !the chest"% He
then ascended $ith hi to the hea(en of the $orld and knocked on one of its doors%
&he d$ellers of the Hea(en asked# '@ho is itJ' He said# HAabriel%H &hey said# H@ho is accopanying
youJH He said# HMuhaad%H &hey said# HHas he been calledJH He said# HKesH &hey said# HHe is $el)
coed%H So the d$ellers of the Hea(en becae pleased $ith his arri(al# and they did not kno$ $hat
Allah $ould do to the Prophet on earth unless Allah infored the% &he Prophet et Ada o(er the
nearest Hea(en% Aabriel said to the Prophet# HHe is your fatherL greet hi%H &he Prophet greeted hi
and Ada returned his greeting and said# H@elcoe# E y SonI E $hat a good son you areIH Behold#
he sa$ t$o flo$ing ri(ers# $hile he $as in the nearest sky% He asked# H@hat are these t$o ri(ers# E
AabrielJH Aabriel said# H&hese are the sources of the Dile and the +uphrates%H
&hen Aabriel took hi around that Hea(en and behold# he sa$ another ri(er at the bank of $hich
there $as a palace built of pearls and eerald% He put his hand into the ri(er and found its ud like
usk Adhfar% He asked# H@hat is this# E AabrielJH Aabriel said# H&his is the Kauthar $hich your ;ord
has kept for you%H &hen Aabriel ascended !$ith hi" to the second Hea(en and the angels asked the
sae Cuestions as those on the first Hea(en# i%e%# H@ho is itJH Aabriel replied# HAabrielH% &hey asked#
H@ho is accopanying youJH He said# HMuhaad%H &hey asked# HHas he been sent forJH He said#
HKes%H &hen they said# HHe is $elcoed%'' &hen he !Aabriel" ascended $ith the Prophet to the third
Hea(en# and the angels said the sae as the angels of the first and the second Hea(ens had said%
&hen he ascended $ith hi to the fourth Hea(en and they said the saeL and then he ascended
$ith hi to the fifth Hea(en and they said the saeL and then he ascended $ith hi to the si*th
Hea(en and they said the saeL then he ascended $ith hi to the se(enth Hea(en and they said the
sae% En each Hea(en there $ere prophets $hose naes he had entioned and of $ho I ree)
ber Idris on the second Hea(en# Aaron on the fourth Hea(ens another prophet $hose nae I don't
=olue 1 ) 0577 ? 0:66
reeber# on the fifth Hea(en# Abraha on the si*th Hea(en# and Moses on the se(enth Hea(en be)
cause of his pri(ilege of talking to Allah directly% Moses said !to Allah"# HE ;ordI I thought that none
$ould be raised up abo(e e%H
But Aabriel ascended $ith hi !the Prophet" for a distance abo(e that# the distance of $hich only
Allah kno$s# till he reached the ;ote &ree !beyond $hich none ay pass" and then the Irresistible#
the ;ord of Honor and Ma.esty approached and cae closer till he !Aabriel" $as about t$o bo$
lengths or !e(en" nearer% !It is said that it $as Aabriel $ho approached and cae closer to the
Prophet% !Bate Al)Bari Page 35<# 352# =ol% 0:"% Aong the things $hich Allah re(ealed to hi then#
$as: HBifty prayers $ere en.oined on his follo$ers in a day and a night%H
&hen the Prophet descended till he et Moses# and then Moses stopped hi and asked# HE
Muhaad I @hat did your ;ord en .oin upon youJH &he Prophet replied#H He en.oined upon e to
perfor fifty prayers in a day and a night%H Moses said# HKour follo$ers cannot do thatL Ao back so
that your ;ord ay reduce it for you and for the%H So the Prophet turned to Aabriel as if he $anted
to consult hi about that issue% Aabriel told hi of his opinion# saying# HKes# if you $ish%H So Aabriel
ascended $ith hi to the Irresistible and said $hile he $as in his place# HE ;ord# please lighten our
burden as y follo$ers cannot do that%H So Allah deducted for hi ten prayers $here upon he re)
turned to Moses $ho stopped hi again and kept on sending hi back to his ;ord till the en.oined
prayers $ere reduced to only fi(e prayers%
&hen Moses stopped hi $hen the prayers had been reduced to fi(e and said# HE MuhaadI By
Allah# I tried to persuade y nation# Bani Israel to do less than this# but they could not do it and ga(e
it up% Ho$e(er# your follo$ers are $eaker in body# heart# sight and hearing# so return to your ;ord
so that He ay lighten your burden%H
&he Prophet turned to$ards Aabriel for ad(ice and Aabriel did not disappro(e of that% So he as)
cended $ith hi for the fifth tie% &he Prophet said# HE ;ord# y follo$ers are $eak in their bodies#
hearts# hearing and constitution# so lighten our burden%H En that the Irresistible said# HE
MuhaadIH the Prophet replied# H;abbaik and Sa'daik%H Allah said# H&he @ord that coes fro Me
does not change# so it $ill be as I en.oined on you in the Mother of the Book%H Allah added# H+(ery
good deed $ill be re$arded as ten ties so it is fifty !prayers" in the Mother of the Book !in re$ard"
but you are to perfor only fi(e !in practice"%H
&he Prophet returned to Moses $ho asked# H@hat ha(e you doneJH He said# HHe has lightened our
burden: He has gi(en us for e(ery good deed a tenfold re$ard%H Moses said# HBy AllahI I tried to ake
Bani Israel obser(e less than that# but they ga(e it up% So go back to your ;ord that He ay lighten
your burden further%H Allah's Apostle said# HE MosesI By Allah# I feel shy of returning too any ties
to y ;ord%H En that Aabriel said# H8escend in Allah's Dae%H &he Prophet then $oke $hile he $as in
the Sacred MosCue !at Mecca"%
=olue 1 ) 0571 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 561:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# HAllah $ill say to the people of Paradise# HE the people of ParadiseIH &hey $ill say#
';abbaik# E our ;ord# and Sa'daik# and all the good is in Kour HandsI' Allah $ill say# HAre you satis)
fiedJ' &hey $ill say# '@hy shouldn't $e be satisfied# E our ;ord as Kou ha(e gi(en us $hat Kou ha(e
not gi(en to any of Kour created beingsJ' He $ill say# 'Shall I not gi(e you soething better than
thatJ' &hey $ill say# 'E our ;ordI @hat else could be better than thatJ' He $ill say# 'I besto$ My
Pleasure on you and $ill ne(er be angry $ith you after that%' H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 506:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Ence the Prophet $as preaching $hile a bedouin $as sitting there% &he Prophet said# HA an fro
aong the people of Paradise $ill reCuest Allah to allo$ hi to culti(ate the land Allah $ill say to
hi# 'Ha(en't you got $hate(er you desireJ' He $ill reply# 'yes# but I like to culti(ate the land !Allah
$ill perit hi and" he $ill so$ the seeds# and $ithin seconds the plants $ill gro$ and ripen and
!the yield" $ill be har(ested and piled in heaps like ountains% En that Allah $ill say !to hi"# H&ake#
here you are# E son of Ada# for nothing satisfies you%' HEn that the bedouin said# HE Allah's ApostleI
Such an ust be either fro ,uraish or fro Ansar# for they are farers $hile $e are not%H En
that Allah's Apostle siled %
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 500:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
I asked Allah's Apostle H@hat is the biggest sin in the sight of AllahJH He said# H&o set up ri(als unto
Allah though He alone created you%H I said# HIn fact# that is a treendous sin#H and added# H@hat
ne*tJH He said# H&o kill your son being afraid that he ay share your food $ith you%H I further asked#
H@hat ne*tJH He said# H&o coit illegal se*ual intercourse $ith the $ife of your neighbor%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 503:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
&$o person of Bani &haCif and one fro ,uarish !or t$o persons fro ,uraish and one fro
Bani &haCif" $ho had fat bellies but little $isdo# et near the Ka'ba% Ene of the said# H8id you see
that Allah hears $hat $e sayJ H &he other said# HHe hears us if $e speak aloud# but He does not hear
if $e speak in stealthy Cuietness !softly"%H &he third fello$ said# HIf He hears $hen $e speak aloud#
then He surely hears us if $e speak in stealthy Cuietness !softly"%H So Allah re(ealed the =erse:))
=olue 1 ) 0516 ? 0:66
'And you ha(e not been screening against yoursel(es# lest your ears# and your eyes and your skins
should testify against you%%%H !20%33"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 50<:
Darrated 'Ikria:
Ibn 'Abbas said# HHo$ can you ask the people of the Scriptures about their Books $hile you ha(e
Allah's Book !the ,ur'an" $hich is the ost recent of the Books re(ealed by Allah# and you read it in
its pure undistorted forJH
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 502:
Darrated 'Ubaidullah bin 'Abdullah:
'Abdullah bin 'Abbas said# HE the group of MuslisI Ho$ can you ask the people of the Scriptures
about anything $hile your Book $hich Allah has re(ealed to your Prophet contains the ost recent
ne$s fro Allah and is pure and not distortedJ Allah has told you that the people of the Scriptures
ha(e changed soe of Allah's Books and distorted it and $rote soething $ith their o$n hands and
said# '&his is fro Allah# so as to ha(e a inor gain for it% @on't the kno$ledge that has coe to you
stop you fro asking theJ Do# by Allah# $e ha(e ne(er seen a an fro the asking you about
that !the Book Al),ur'an " $hich has been re(ealed to you%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 504:
Darrated Musa bin Abi 'Aisha:
Sa'id bin /ubair reported fro Ibn 'Abbas !regarding the e*planation of the =erse: '8o not o(e
your tongue concerning !the ,ur'an" to ake haste there$ith" % He said# H&he Prophet used to under)
go great difficulty in recei(ing the 8i(ine Inspiration and used to o(e his lips%' Ibn 'Abbas said !to
Sa'id"# HI o(e the !y lips" as Allah's Apostle used to o(e his lips%H And Said said !to e"# HI o(e
y lips as I sa$ Ibn 'Abbas o(ing his lips#H and then he o(ed his lips% So Allah re(ealed:))
'!E MuhaadI" 8o not o(e your tongue concerning !the ,ur'an" to ake haste there$ith% It is
for Us to collect it and gi(e you !E Muhaad" the ability to recite it% !i%e%# to collect it in your chest
and then you recite it"%' !:4%05)0:" But $hen @e ha(e recited it# to you !E Muhaad through
Aabriel" then follo$ you its recital%' !:4%07" &his eans# HKou should listen to it and keep Cuiet and
then it is upon Us to ake you recite it%H
&he narrator added# HSo Allah's Apostle used to listen $hene(er Aabriel cae to hi# and $hen
Aabriel left# the Prophet $ould recite the ,ur'an as Aabriel had recited it to hi%H
=olue 1 ) 0510 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 505:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
regarding the e*planation of the =erse:)) '!E MuhaadI" Deither say your prayer aloud# nor say
it in a lo$ tone%' !0:%006" &his =erse $as re(ealed $hile Allah's Apostle $as hiding hiself at Mecca%
At that tie# $hen he led his copanions in prayer# he used to raise his (oice $hile reciting the
,ur'anL and if the pagans heard hi# they $ould abuse the ,ur'an# its Re(ealer# and the one $ho
brought it% So Allah said to His Prophet: HDeither say your prayer aloud% i%e%# your recitation !of
,ur'an" lest the pagans should hear !it" and abuse the ,uranH nor say it in a lo$ tone# Hlest your
(oice should fail to reach your copanions# Hbut follo$ a $ay bet$een%H !0:%006"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 50::
Darrated 'Aisha:
&he =erse:)) '!E MuhaadI" Deither say your prayer aloud nor say it in a lo$ tone%' !0:%006"
$as re(ealed in connection $ith the in(ocations%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 507:
Darrated Abu Salaa:
Abu Huraira said# HAllah's Apostle said# '@hoe(er does not recite ,ur'an in a nice (oice is not fro
us#' and others said e*tra#H !that eans" to recite it aloud%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 501:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said# HDot to $ish to be the like of e*cept the like of t$o en: a an $ho Allah
has gi(en the ,ur'an and he recites it during the hours of the night and the hours of the day# in
$hich case one ay say# HIf I $ere gi(en the sae as this an has been gi(en# I $ould do the sae as
he is doing%' &he other is a an $ho Allah has gi(en $ealth and he spends it in the right $ay# in
$hich case one ay say# 'If I $ere gi(en the sae as he has been gi(en# I $ould do the sae as he is
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 536:
Darrated Sali's father:
&he Prophet said# HDot to $ish to be the like of e*cept the like of t$o !persons": a an $ho Allah
has gi(en the kno$ledge of the ,uran and he recites it during the hours of the night and the hours
=olue 1 ) 0513 ? 0:66
of the dayL and a an $ho Allah has gi(en $ealth and he spends it !in Allah's 9ause" during the
hours of the night and during the hours of the day%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 530:
Darrated Al)Mughira:
Eur Prophet has infored us our ;ord's Message that $hoe(er of us is artyred# $ill go to Para)
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 533:
Darrated 'Aisha:
@hoe(er tells you that the Prophet concealed soething of the 8i(ine Inspiration# do not belie(e
hi# for Allah said: 'E Apostle MuhaadI Proclai !the Message" $hich has been sent do$n to
you fro your ;ord# and if you do it not# then you ha(e not con(eyed His Message%' !4%5:"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 53<:
Darrated 'Abdullah:
A an said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hich sin is the biggest in Allah's SightJH &he Prophet said# H&o set
up ri(als unto Allah though He Alone created you%H &hat an said# H@hat is ne*tJH &he Prophet said#
H&o kill your son lest he should share your food $ith you%'' &he an said# H@hat is ne*tJH &he Prophet
said# H&o coit illegal se*ual intercourse $ith the $ife of your neighbor%H &hen Allah re(ealed in
confiration of that: HAnd those $ho in(oke not $ith Allah any other god# nor kill such life as Allah
has ade sacred e*cept for .ust cause# nor coit illegal se*ual intercourse and $hoe(er does this
shall recei(e the punishent%%%%% !34%57"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 532:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
Allah's Apostle said# HKour stay !in this $orld" in coparison to the stay of the nations preceding
you# is like the period bet$een 'Asr prayer and the sun set !in coparison to a $hole day"% &he
people of the &orah $ere gi(en the &orah and they acted on it till idday and then they $ere unable
to carry on% And they $ere gi(en !a re$ard eCual to" one ,irat each% &hen the people of the Aospel
$ere gi(en the Aospel and they acted on it till 'Asr Prayer and then they $ere unable to carry on# so
they $ere gi(en la re$ard eCual to" one ,irat each% &hen you $ere gi(en the ,ur'an and you acted
on it till sunset# therefore you $ere gi(en !a re$ard eCual to" t$o ,irats each% En that# the people of
the Scriptures said# '&hese people !Muslis" did less $ork than $e but they took a bigger re$ard%'
=olue 1 ) 051< ? 0:66
Allah said !to the"% 'Ha(e I done any oppression to you as regards your rightsJ' &hey said# HDo%H &hen
Allah said# '&hat is My Blessing $hich I grant to $hosoe(er I $ill%' H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 534:
Darrated Ibn Mas'ud:
A an asked the Prophet H@hat deeds are the bestJH &he Prophet said: !0" &o perfor the !daily
copulsory" prayers at their !early" stated fi*ed ties# !3" &o be good and dutiful to one's o$n par)
ents% !<" and to participate in /ihad in Allah's 9ause%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 535:
Darrated Al)Hasan:
'Ar bin &aghlib said# HSoe property $as gi(en to the Prophet and he ga(e it to soe people and
$ithheld it fro soe others% &hen he cae to kno$ that they !the latter" $ere dissatisfied% So the
Prophet said# 'I gi(e to one an and lea(e !do not gi(e" another# and the one to $ho I do not gi(e is
dearer to e than the one to $ho I gi(e% I gi(e to soe people because of the ipatience and dis)
content present in their hearts# and lea(e other people because of the content and goodness Allah has
besto$ed on the# and one of the is 'Ar bin &aghlib%H 'Ar bin &aghlib said# H&he sentence $hich
Allah's Apostle said in y fa(or is dearer to e than the possession of nice red caels%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 53::
Darrated Anas:
&he Prophet said# HMy ;ord says# 'If My sla(e coes nearer to e for a span# I go nearer to hi for
a cubitL and if he coes nearer to Me for a cubit# I go nearer to hi for the span of outstretched
arsL and if he coes to Me $alking# I go to hi running%' H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 537:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
Perhaps the Prophet entioned the follo$ing !as Allah's Saying": HIf My sla(e coes nearer to Me
for a span# I go nearer to hi for a cubitL and if he coes nearer to Me for a cubitL I go nearer to hi
for the span of outstretched ars% !See Hadith Do% 463"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 531:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 1 ) 0512 ? 0:66
&he Prophet said that your ;ord said# H+(ery !sinful" deed can be e*piatedL and the fast is for Me# so
I $ill gi(e the re$ard for itL and the sell $hich coes out of the outh of a fasting person# is better
in Allah's Sight than the sell of usk%H !See Hadith Do% 472"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 5<6:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet said that his ;ord said: HIt does not befit a sla(e that he should say that he is better
than /onah !Kunus" bin Matta%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 5<0:
Darrated Shu'ba:
Mu'a$iya bin ,urra reported that 'Abdullah bin Al)Maghaffal Al)Mu-ani said# HI sa$ Allah's
Apostle on the day of the 9onCuest of Mecca# riding his she)cael and reciting Surat)al)Bath !27" or
part of Surat)al)Bath% He recited it in a (ibrating and pleasant (oice% &hen Mu'a$iya recited as 'Ab)
dullah bin Mughaffal had done and said# H@ere I not afraid that the people $ould cro$d around e#
I $ould surely recite in a (ibrating pleasant (oice as Ibn Mughaffal did# iitating the Prophet%H I
asked Mua$iya# HHo$ did he recite in that toneJH He said thrice# HA# A # A%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 5<3:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he people of the Scripture used to read the &orah in Hebre$ and e*plain it to the Muslis in Ar)
abic% &hen Allah's Apostle said# H8o not belie(e the people of the Scripture# and do not disbelie(e
the# but say# '@e belie(e in Allah and $hate(er has been re(ealed%%%' !<%72"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 5<<:
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
A /e$ and /e$ess $ere brought to the Prophet on a charge of coitting an illegal se*ual inter)
course% &he Prophet asked the /e$s# H@hat do you !usually" do $ith theJH &hey said# H@e blacken
their faces and disgrace the%H He said# HBring here the &orah and recite it# if you are truthful%H &hey
!fetched it and" cae and asked a one)eyed an to recite% He $ent on reciting till he reached a por)
tion on $hich he put his hand% &he Prophet said# H;ift up your handIH He lifted his hand up and be)
hold# there appeared the (erse of Ar)Ra. !stoning of the adulterers to death"% &hen he said# HE
MuhaadI &hey should be stoned to death but $e conceal this 8i(ine ;a$ aong oursel(es%H &hen
the Prophet ordered that the t$o sinners be stoned to death and# and they $ere stoned to death# and I
sa$ the an protecting the $oan fro the stones% !See Hadith Do% 761# =ol% 7"
=olue 1 ) 0514 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 5<2:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
that he heard the Prophet saying# HAllah does not listen to anything as He listens to the recitation of
the ,uran by a Prophet $ho recites it in attracti(e audible s$eet sounding (oice%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 5<4:
Darrated 'Aisha:
!$hen the slanderers said $hat they said about her": I $ent to y bed kno$ing at that tie that I
$as innocent and that Allah $ould re(eal y innocence# but by Allah# I ne(er thought that Allah
$ould re(eal in y fa(or a re(elation $hich $ould be recited# for I considered yself too uniport)
ant to be talked about by Allah in the 8i(ine Re(elation that $as to be recited% So Allah re(ealed the
ten =erses !of Surat)an)Dur"% '&hose $ho brought a false charge%%%%%%%%' !32%00)36"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 5<5:
Darrated Al)Bara':
I heard the Prophet reciting Surat at)&in $a- Faitun !By the Big and the Eli(e" in the 'Isha' prayer
and I ha(e ne(er heard anybody $ith a better (oice or recitation than his%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 5<::
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he Prophet $as hiding hiself in Mecca and used to recite the !,ur'an" in a loud (oice% @hen
the pagans heard hi they $ould abuse the ,ur'an and the one $ho brought it# so Allah said to His
Prophet: 'Deither say your prayer aloud# nor say it in a lo$ tone%' !0:%006"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 5<7:
Darrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abdur)Rahan:
that Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri said to hi# HI see that you like sheep and the desert# so $hen you are
looking after your sheep or $hen you are in the desert and $ant to pronounce the Adhan# raise your
(oice# for no /inn# huan being or any other things hear the Mu'adh)dhin's (oice but $ill be a $it)
ness for hi on the 8ay of Resurrection%H Abu Sa'id added# HI heard this fro Allah's Apostle%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 5<1:
Darrated 'Aisha:
=olue 1 ) 0515 ? 0:66
&he Prophet used to recite the ,uran $ith his head in y lap $hile I used to be in y periods
!ha(ing enses"%
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 526:
Darrated 'Uar bin Al)Khattab:
I heard Hisha bin Haki reciting Surat)al)BurCan during the lifetie of Allah's Apostle# I
listened to his recitation and noticed that he $as reciting in a $ay that Allah's Apostle had not taught
e% I $as about to .up o(er hi $hile He $as still in prayer# but I $aited patiently and $hen he
finished his prayer# I put y sheet round his neck !and pulled hi" and said# H@ho has taught you
this Sura $hich I ha(e heard you recitingJH Hisha said# HAllah's Apostle taught it to e%H I said# HKou
are telling a lie# for he taught it to e in a $ay different fro the $ay you ha(e recited itIH &hen I
started leading !dragged" hi to Allah's Apostle and said !to the Prophet"# H I ha(e heard this an re)
citing Surat)al)BurCan in a $ay that you ha(e not taught e%H &he Prophet said: H!E 'Uar" release
hiI Recite# E Hisha%H Hisha recited in the $ay I heard hi reciting% Allah's Apostle said# HIt $as
re(ealed like this%H &hen Allah's Apostle said# HRecite# E 'UarIH I recited in the $ay he had taught e#
$hereupon he said# HIt $as re(ealed like this#H and added# H&he ,uran has been re(ealed to be recited
in se(en different $ays# so recite of it $hiche(er is easy for you %H !See Hadith Do% 402# =ol% 5"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 520:
Darrated 'Iran:
I said# HE Allah's ApostleI @hy should a doer !people" try to do good deedsJ' &he Prophet said#
H+(erybody $ill find easy to do such deeds as $ill lead hi to his destined place for $hich he has
been created%'
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 523:
Darrated 'Ali:
@hile the Prophet $as in a funeral procession# he took a stick and started scraping the earth $ith
it and said# H&here is none of you but has his place assigned either in Hell or in Paradise%H &hey !the
people" said# HShall $e not depend upon that !and gi(e up doing any deeds"J' He said# H 9arry on do)
ing !good deeds" for e(erybody $ill find it easy to do such deeds as $ill lead hi to his destined
place for $hich he has been created %H !And then the Prophet recited the =erse":)) 'As for hi $ho
gi(es !in charity" and keeps his duty to Allah%%%' !13%4"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 52<:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
=olue 1 ) 051: ? 0:66
I heard Allah's Apostle saying# HBefore Allah created the creations# He $rote a Book !$herein He
has $ritten": My Mercy has preceded y Anger%H and that !Book" is $ritten $ith Hi o(er the
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 522:
Darrated Fahda:
&here $ere good relations and brotherhood bet$een this tribe of /ur and the Ash'ariyyin% Ence#
$hile $e $ere sitting $ith Abu Musa Al)Ash'ari# there $as brought to hi a eal $hich contained
chicken eat# and there $as sitting beside hi# a an fro the tribe of Bani &aiul)lah $ho looked
like one of the Ma$ali% Abu Musa in(ited the an to eat but the an said# HI ha(e seen chicken eat)
ing soe dirty things# and I ha(e taken an oath not to eat chicken%H Abu Musa said to hi# H9oe
along# let e tell you soething in this regard% Ence I $ent to the Prophet $ith a fe$ en fro
Ash'ariyyin and $e asked hi for ounts% &he Prophet said# By Allah# I $ill not ount you on any)
thingL besides I do not ha(e anything to ount you on%' &hen a fe$ caels fro the $ar booty $ere
brought to the Prophet# and he asked about us# saying# '@here are the group of Ash'ariyyinJ' So he
ordered for fi(e fat caels to be gi(en to us and then $e set out% @e said# '@hat ha(e $e doneJ Al)
lah's Apostle took an oath that he $ould not gi(e us anything to ride and that he had nothing for us
to ride# yet he pro(ided us $ith ounts% @e ade Allah's Apostle forget his oathI By Allah# $e $ill
ne(er be successful%' So $e returned to hi and reinded hi of his oath% He said# 'I ha(e not
pro(ided you $ith the ount# but Allah has done so% By Allah# I ay take an oath to do soething#
but on finding soething else $hich is better# I do that $hich is better and ake the e*piation for
y oath%' H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 524:
Darrated Ibn 'Abbas:
&he delegates of 'Abdul ,ais cae to Allah's Apostle and said# H&he pagans of the tribe of Mudar
inter(ene bet$een you and us therefore $e cannot coe to you e*cept in the Holy onths% So please
order us to do soething good !Religious deeds" by $hich $e ay enter Paradise !by acting on
the" and $e ay infor our people $ho $e ha(e left behind to obser(e it%H &he Prophet said# HI
order you to do four things and forbid you fro four things: I order you to belie(e in Allah% 8o you
kno$ $hat is eant by belief in AllahJ It is to testify that none has the right to be $orshipped e*cept
Allah# to offer prayers perfectly# to gi(e Fakat# and to gi(e Al)Khuus !one)fifth of the $ar booty"
!in Allah's 9ause"% And I forbid you four things# !i%e%# 8o not drink alcoholic drinks" Ad)8ubba# An)
DaCir# !pitched $ater skins"# A-)Furuf# Al)Mu-affat and Al))Hanta !naes of utensils used for the
preparation of alcoholic drinks"%H !See Hadith Do% 46# =ol% 0"
=olue 1 ) 0517 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 525:
Darrated Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said# H&he painter of these pictures $ill be punished on the 8ay of Resurrection#
and it $ill be said to the# Make ali(e $hat you ha(e created%' H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 52::
Darrated Ibn 'Uar:
&he Prophet said# H&he painters of these pictures $ill be punished on the 8ay of Resurrection# and
it $ill be said to the# 'Make ali(e $hat you ha(e created%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 527:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
I heard the Prophet saying# HAllah said# '@ho are ost un.ust than those $ho try to create soe)
thing like My creationJ I challenge the to create e(en a sallest ant# a $heat grain or a barley
grain%' H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 521:
Darrated Abu Musa:
&he Prophet said# '&he e*aple of a belie(er $ho recites the ,ur'an is that of a citron !a citrus
fruit" $hich is good in taste and good in sell% And the belie(er $ho does not recite the ,uran is like
a date $hich has a good taste but no sell% And the e*aple of an ipious person $ho recites the
,ur'an is that of Ar)Rihana !an aroatic plant" $hich sells good but is bitter in taste% And the e*)
aple of an ipious person $ho does not recite the ,uran is that of a colocynth $hich is bitter in
taste and has no sell%H
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 546:
Darrated 'Aisha:
Soe people asked the Prophet regarding the soothsayers% He said# H&hey are nothing%H &hey said#
HE Allah's ApostleI Soe of their talks coe true%H &he Prophet said# H&hat $ord $hich happens to be
true is $hat a /inn snatches a$ay by stealth !fro the Hea(en" and pours it in the ears of his friend
!the foreteller" $ith a sound like the cackling of a hen% &he soothsayers then i* $ith that $ord# one
hundred lies%H
=olue 1 ) 0511 ? 0:66
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 540:
Darrated Abu Sa'id Al)Khudri:
&he Prophet said# H&here $ill eerge fro the +ast soe people $ho $ill recite the ,ur'an but it
$ill not e*ceed their throats and $ho $ill go out of !renounce" the religion !Isla" as an arro$
passes through the gae# and they $ill ne(er coe back to it unless the arro$# coes back to the
iddle of the bo$ !by itself" !i%e%# ipossible"% &he people asked# H@hat $ill their signs beJH He said#
H&heir sign $ill be the habit of sha(ing !of their beards"% !Bateh Al)Bari# Page <33# =ol% 0:th"
=olue 1# Book 1<# Duber 543:
Darrated Abu Huraira:
&he Prophet said# H!&here are" t$o $ords $hich are dear to the Beneficent !Allah" and (ery light
!easy" for the tongue !to say"# but (ery hea(y in $eight in the balance% &hey are: 'Subhan Allah $a)bi
hadihi' and 'Subhan Allah Al)'A-i%H !See Hadith Do% 5:<# =ol% 7"%
=olue 1 ) 0:66 ? 0:66

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