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Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved.

Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by nternational treaties. ! S
""E#A" A$% S!&C!"' P&()*!E% !( %S!&*U!E+ PU*"S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ "CE$SE (& SU*"CE$SE+ #-E (& %SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E&
PA&!'+ !)S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& %#!A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S /"" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.
Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright
laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$%
S!&C!"' P&()*!E% !( %S!&*U!E+ PU*"S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ "CE$SE (&
SU*"CE$SE+ #-E (& %SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !)S P&(%UC! $ )A&%
C(P' (& %#!A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S /"" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.
Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright
laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$%
S!&C!"' P&()*!E% !( %S!&*U!E+ PU*"S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ "CE$SE (&
SU*"CE$SE+ #-E (& %SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !)S P&(%UC! $ )A&%
C(P' (& %#!A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S /"" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.

Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of
the United States and Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!&C!"'
P&()*!E% !( %S!&*U!E+ PU*"S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ "CE$SE (&
SU*"CE$SE+ #-E (& %SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !)S P&(%UC! $ )A&%
C(P' (& %#!A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S /"" AU!(.A!CA""' *E SUE% $ A
C(U&! (, "A/.
!his #eneral E0ploy0ent Agree0ent 12Agree0ent23 is 0ade and effective this 4%A!E5+
BETWEEN: [EMPLOYEE NAME] 1the 2E0ployee23+ an individ6al with his 0ain address at7
AND: [EMPLOYER NAME] 1the 2E0ployer23+ a corporation organi8ed and e9isting
6nder the laws of the 4S!A!E:P&(-$CE5+ with its head office located at7

A. E0ployer is engaged in the b6siness of 4%ESC&*E5+ and 0aintains a branch office at
4A%%&ESS5+ 4C!'5+ 4S!A!E:P&(-$CE5.
*. E0ployee has been engaged and has had a great deal of e9perience in the above;designated
#eneral E0ploy0ent Agree0ent
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Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by nternational treaties. ! S
""E#A" A$% S!&C!"' P&()*!E% !( %S!&*U!E+ PU*"S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ "CE$SE (& SU*"CE$SE+ #-E (& %SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E&
PA&!'+ !)S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& %#!A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S /"" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.
C. E0ployee is willing to be e0ployed by e0ployer+ and e0ployer is willing to e0ploy e0ployee+ on
the ter0s+ covenants+ and conditions set forth in this Agree0ent.
n consideration of the 0atters described above+ and of the 06t6al benefits and obligations set forth in
this Agree0ent+ the parties agree as follows7
A. E0ployer e0ploys+ engages+ and hires e0ployee as a 4%ES#$A!E P(S!($5 to 4%ES#$A!E
%U!ES5+ and e0ployee accepts and agrees to s6ch hiring+ engage0ent+ and e0ploy0ent+
s6b>ect to the general s6pervision and p6rs6ant to the orders+ advice+ and direction of e0ployer.
*. E0ployee shall perfor0 s6ch other d6ties as are c6sto0arily perfor0ed by one holding s6ch
position in other+ sa0e+ or si0ilar b6sinesses or enterprises as that engaged in by e0ployer+ and
shall also additionally render s6ch other and 6nrelated services and d6ties as 0ay be assigned to
4). (& )E&5 fro0 ti0e to ti0e by e0ployer.
E0ployee agrees that 4)E (& S)E5 will at all ti0es faithf6lly+ ind6strio6sly+ and to the best of 4)S (&
)E&5 ability+ e9perience+ and talents+ perfor0 all of the d6ties that 0ay be re?6ired of and fro0 4). (&
)E&5 p6rs6ant to the e9press and i0plicit ter0s of this Agree0ent+ to the reasonable satisfaction of
e0ployer. S6ch d6ties shall be rendered at 4A%%&ESS5+ 4C!'5+ 4S!A!E:P&(-$CE5+ and at s6ch other
place or places as e0ployer shall in good faith re?6ire or as the interest+ needs+ b6siness+ or opport6nity
of e0ployer shall re?6ire.
#eneral E0ploy0ent Agree0ent
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Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by nternational treaties. ! S
""E#A" A$% S!&C!"' P&()*!E% !( %S!&*U!E+ PU*"S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ "CE$SE (& SU*"CE$SE+ #-E (& %SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E&
PA&!'+ !)S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& %#!A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S /"" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.

Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of
the United States and Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!&C!"'
P&()*!E% !( %S!&*U!E+ PU*"S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ "CE$SE (&
SU*"CE$SE+ #-E (& %SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !)S P&(%UC! $ )A&%
C(P' (& %#!A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S /"" AU!(.A!CA""' *E SUE% $ A
C(U&! (, "A/.
Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright
laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$%
S!&C!"' P&()*!E% !( %S!&*U!E+ PU*"S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ "CE$SE (&
SU*"CE$SE+ #-E (& %SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !)S P&(%UC! $ )A&%
C(P' (& %#!A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S /"" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.
!he ter0 of this Agree0ent shall be a period of 4$U.*E&5 years+ co00encing 4%A!E5+ and ter0inating
4%A!E5+ s6b>ect+ however+ to prior ter0ination as provided in this Agree0ent. At the e9piration date of
4%A!E5+ this Agree0ent shall be considered renewed for reg6lar periods of one year+ provided neither
party s6b0its a notice of ter0ination.
E0ployer shall pay e0ployee+ and e0ployee shall accept fro0 e0ployer+ in f6ll pay0ent for e0ployee@s
services 6nder this Agree0ent+ co0pensation at the rate of 4SA"A&'5 per 4.($!):'EA&5+ payable twice
a 0onth on the 4$U.*E&5 and 4$U.*E&5 days of each 0onth while this Agree0ent shall be in force.
E0ployer shall rei0b6rse e0ployee for all necessary e9penses inc6rred by e0ployee while traveling
p6rs6ant to e0ployer@s directions.
n spite of anything contained in this Agree0ent to the contrary+ in the event that e0ployer shall
discontin6e operating its b6siness at 4A%%&ESS5+ 4C!'5+ 4S!A!E:P&(-$CE5+ then this Agree0ent shall
ter0inate as of the last day of the 0onth in which e0ployer ceases operations at s6ch location with the
sa0e force and effect as if s6ch last day of the 0onth were originally set as the ter0ination date of this
E0ployee shall devote all of 4)S (& )E&5 ti0e+ attention+ Anowledge+ and sAills solely to the b6siness
and interest of e0ployer+ and e0ployer shall be entitled to all of the benefits+ profits+ or other iss6es
arising fro0 or incident to all worA+ services+ and advice of e0ployee+ and e0ployee shall not+ d6ring the
ter0 of this Agree0ent+ be interested directly or indirectly+ in any 0anner+ as partner+ officer+ director+
shareholder+ advisor+ e0ployee+ or in any other capacity in any other b6siness si0ilar to e0ployer@s
b6siness or any allied tradeB provided+ however+ that nothing contained in this section shall be dee0ed to
prevent or to li0it the right of e0ployee to invest any of 4)S (& )E&5 0oney in the capital stocA or other
#eneral E0ploy0ent Agree0ent
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Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by nternational treaties. ! S
""E#A" A$% S!&C!"' P&()*!E% !( %S!&*U!E+ PU*"S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ "CE$SE (& SU*"CE$SE+ #-E (& %SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E&
PA&!'+ !)S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& %#!A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S /"" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.
sec6rities of any corporation whose stocA or sec6rities are p6blicly owned or are reg6larly traded on any
p6blic e9change+ nor shall anything contained in this section be dee0ed to prevent e0ployee fro0
investing or li0it e0ployee@s right to invest 4)S (& )E&5 0oney in real estate.
E0ployee shall not at any ti0e or in any 0anner+ either directly or indirectly+ div6lge+ disclose or
co006nicate to any person+ fir0+ corporation+ or other entity in any 0anner whatsoever any infor0ation
concerning any 0atters affecting or relating to the b6siness of e0ployer+ incl6ding b6t not li0ited to any of
its c6sto0ers+ the prices it obtains or has obtained fro0 the sale of+ or at which it sells or has sold+ its
prod6cts+ or any other infor0ation concerning the b6siness of e0ployer+ its 0anner of operation+ its plans+
processes+ or other data witho6t regard to whether all of the above;stated 0atters will be dee0ed
confidential+ 0aterial+ or i0portant+ e0ployer and e0ployee specifically and e9pressly stip6lating that as
between the0+ s6ch 0atters are i0portant+ 0aterial+ and confidential and gravely affect the effective and
s6ccessf6l cond6ct of the b6siness of e0ployer+ and e0ployer@s good will+ and that any breach of the
ter0s of this section shall be a 0aterial breach of this Agree0ent.
Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright
laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$%
S!&C!"' P&()*!E% !( %S!&*U!E+ PU*"S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ "CE$SE (&
SU*"CE$SE+ #-E (& %SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !)S P&(%UC! $ )A&%
C(P' (& %#!A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S /"" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.
All of the ter0s of Section Eight of this Agree0ent shall re0ain in f6ll force and effect for the period of
4$U.*E&5 years after the ter0ination of e0ployee@s e0ploy0ent for any reason+ and d6ring s6ch
4$U.*E&5-year period+ e0ployee shall not 0aAe or per0it the 0aAing of any p6blic anno6nce0ent or
state0ent of any Aind that 4)E (& S)E5 was for0erly e0ployed by or connected with e0ployer.
!he E0ployee 0ay inc6r reasonable e9penses for f6rthering the Co0panyDs b6siness+ incl6ding
e9penses for entertain0ent+ travel+ and si0ilar ite0s. !he Co0pany shall rei0b6rse E0ployee for all
b6siness e9penses after the E0ployee presents an ite0i8ed acco6nt of e9pendit6res+ p6rs6ant to
Co0pany policy.
E0ployee shall 0aAe available to e0ployer all infor0ation of which e0ployee shall have any Anowledge
and shall 0aAe all s6ggestions and reco00endations that will be of 06t6al benefit to e0ployer and
#eneral E0ploy0ent Agree0ent
Page E of =
Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by nternational treaties. ! S
""E#A" A$% S!&C!"' P&()*!E% !( %S!&*U!E+ PU*"S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ "CE$SE (& SU*"CE$SE+ #-E (& %SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E&
PA&!'+ !)S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& %#!A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S /"" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.
E0ployee shall not be entitled to any additional co0pensation by reason of any service that 4)E (& S)E5
0ay perfor0 as the 0e0ber of any 0anaging co00ittee of e0ployer+ or in the event that 4)E (& S)E5
shall at any ti0e be elected an officer of director of e0ployer.
n spite of anything contained in this Agree0ent to the contrary+ e0ployee shall not have the right to 0aAe
any contracts or co00it0ents for or on behalf of e0ployer witho6t first obtaining the e9press written
consent of e0ployer.
!his Agree0ent contains the co0plete Agree0ent concerning the e0ploy0ent arrange0ent between the
parties and shall+ as of the effective date of this Agree0ent+ s6persede all other Agree0ents between the
parties. !he parties stip6late that neither of the0 has 0ade any representation with respect to the s6b>ect
0atter of this Agree0ent or any representations incl6ding the e9ec6tion and delivery of this Agree0ent
e9cept s6ch representations as are specifically set forth in this Agree0ent+ and each of the parties
acAnowledges that 4)E (& S)E (& !5 has relied on its own >6dg0ent in entering into this Agree0ent.
!he parties f6rther acAnowledge that any pay0ents or representations that 0ay have been 0ade by
either of the0 to the other prior to the date of e9ec6ting this Agree0ent are of no effect and that neither of
the0 has relied on s6ch pay0ents or representations in connection with 4)S (& )E& (& !S5 dealings
with the other.
E0ployee shall be entitled to 4$U.*E&5 days of paid vacation each year d6ring the ter0 of this
Agree0ent+ the ti0e for s6ch vacation to be deter0ined by 06t6al Agree0ent between e0ployer and
Any 0odification of this Agree0ent or additional obligation ass60ed by either party in connection with this
Agree0ent shall be binding only if evidenced in writing signed by each party or an a6thori8ed
representative of each party.
E0ployee will i00ediately 0aAe application for a fidelity or a s6rety bond+ to any co0pany designated by
e0ployer+ in s6ch a0o6nt as 0ay be specified by e0ployer. E0ployer shall pay the pre0i60 on s6ch
bond+ and s6ch bond shall contin6e in force in s6ch a0o6nts as e0ployer 0ay fro0 ti0e to ti0e re?6ire
and in the event s6ch bond is ref6sed+ or is ever canceled+ e9cept with the approval of e0ployer+
e0ployee@s e0ploy0ent 0ay be ter0inated i00ediately and e0ployee shall be entitled to co0pensation
to the date of s6ch ter0ination only.
#eneral E0ploy0ent Agree0ent
Page F of =
Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by nternational treaties. ! S
""E#A" A$% S!&C!"' P&()*!E% !( %S!&*U!E+ PU*"S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ "CE$SE (& SU*"CE$SE+ #-E (& %SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E&
PA&!'+ !)S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& %#!A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S /"" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.
A. !his Agree0ent 0ay be ter0inated by either party on 4$U.*E&5 days@ written notice to the other.
f e0ployer shall so ter0inate this Agree0ent+ e0ployee shall be entitled to co0pensation for
4$U.*E&5 days.
*. n the event of any violation by e0ployee of any of the ter0s of this Agree0ent+ e0ployer 0ay
ter0inate e0ploy0ent witho6t notice and with co0pensation to e0ployee only to the date of s6ch
C. t is f6rther agreed that any breach or evasion of any of the ter0s of this Agree0ent by either
party will res6lt in i00ediate and irreparable in>6ry to the other party and will a6thori8e reco6rse
to in>6nction and or specific perfor0ance as well as to all other legal or e?6itable re0edies to
which s6ch in>6red party 0ay be entitled 6nder this Agree0ent.
A. n spite of anything in this Agree0ent to the contrary+ e0ployer has the option to ter0inate this
Agree0ent in the event that e0ployee shall+ d6ring the ter0 of this Agree0ent+ beco0e
per0anently disabled as the ter0 per0anently disabled is fi9ed and defined in this Section. S6ch
option shall be e9ercised by e0ployer giving notice to e0ployee by registered 0ail+ addressed to
4). (& )E&5 in care of e0ployer at 4.A"$# A%%&ESS5 or at s6ch other address as
e0ployee shall designate in writing of e0ployer@s intention to ter0inate this Agree0ent on the last
day of the 0onth d6ring which s6ch notice is 0ailed. (n the giving of s6ch notice+ this Agree0ent
shall cease on the last day of the 0onth in which the notice is so 0ailed+ with the sa0e force and
effect as if s6ch last day of the 0onth were the date originally set forth in this Agree0ent as the
ter0ination date of this Agree0ent.
*. ,or the p6rposes of this Agree0ent+ e0ployee shall be dee0ed to have beco0e per0anently
disabled+ if+ d6ring any year of the ter0 of this Agree0ent+ beca6se of ill health+ physical or
0ental disability or for other ca6ses beyond e0ployee@s control 4)E (& S)E5 shall have been
contin6o6sly 6nable or 6nwilling or shall have failed to perfor0 4)S (& )E&5 d6ties 6nder this
Agree0ent for 4$U.*E&5 consec6tive days+ or if+ d6ring any year of the ter0 of this Agree0ent+
e0ployee shall have been 6nable or 6nwilling or shall have failed to perfor0 4)S (& )E&5
d6ties for a total period of 4$U.*E&5 days+ irrespective of whether or not s6ch days are
consec6tive. ,or the p6rposes of this Agree0ent+ the ter0 Gany year of the ter0 of this
Agree0entH is defined to 0ean any <2;calendar;0onths period co00encing on 4%A!E5+ and
ter0inating on 4%A!E5+ d6ring the ter0 of this Agree0ent.
Sho6ld E0ployee die d6ring the ter0 of e0ploy0ent+ the Co0pany shall pay to E0ployeeDs estate any
co0pensation d6e thro6gh the end of the 0onth in which death occ6rred.
!he invalidity of any portion of this Agree0ent will not and shall not be dee0ed to affect the validity of any
other provision. n the event that any provision of this Agree0ent is held to be invalid+ the parties agree
that the re0aining provisions shall be dee0ed to be in f6ll force and effect as if they had been e9ec6ted
by both parties s6bse?6ent to the e9p6nge0ent of the invalid provision.
#eneral E0ploy0ent Agree0ent
Page I of =
Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by nternational treaties. ! S
""E#A" A$% S!&C!"' P&()*!E% !( %S!&*U!E+ PU*"S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ "CE$SE (& SU*"CE$SE+ #-E (& %SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E&
PA&!'+ !)S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& %#!A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S /"" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.
t is the intention of the parties to this Agree0ent that this Agree0ent and the perfor0ance 6nder this
Agree0ent+ and all s6its and special proceedings 6nder this Agree0ent+ be constr6ed in accordance with
and 6nder and p6rs6ant to the laws of the State of 4S!A!E:P&(-$CE5 and that+ in any action+ special
proceeding or other proceeding that 0ay be bro6ght arising o6t of+ in connection with+ or by reason of this
Agree0ent+ the laws of the State of 4S!A!E:P&(-$CE5 shall be applicable and shall govern to the
e9cl6sion of the law of any other for60+ witho6t regard to the >6risdiction in which any action or special
proceeding 0ay be instit6ted.
!he fail6re of either party to this Agree0ent to insist 6pon the perfor0ance of any of the ter0s and
conditions of this Agree0ent+ or the waiver of any breach of any of the ter0s and conditions of this
Agree0ent+ shall not be constr6ed as thereafter waiving any s6ch ter0s and conditions+ b6t the sa0e
shall contin6e and re0ain in f6ll force and effect as if no s6ch forbearance or waiver had occ6rred.
n the event that any action is filed in relation to this Agree0ent+ the 6ns6ccessf6l party in the action shall
pay to the s6ccessf6l party+ in addition to all the s60s that either party 0ay be called on to pay+ a
reasonable s60 for the s6ccessf6l party@s attorney@s fees.
!he titles to the paragraphs of this Agree0ent are solely for the convenience of the parties and shall not
be 6sed to e9plain+ 0odify+ si0plify+ or aid in the interpretation of the provisions of this Agree0ent.
$ /!$ESS )E&E(,+ the parties have ca6sed it to be e9ec6ted on the date indicated above.
E.P"('EE E.P"('E&

A6thori8ed Signat6re A6thori8ed Signat6re

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#eneral E0ploy0ent Agree0ent
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