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Losmejoresmateriales, lasmejorestelas, lasmade-

rasmsnobles una cuidada decoracin, un minu-
cioso trabajo de interiorismo preside el hotel ms
lujoso de la capital del Turia, The Westin Valencia.
The best materials, the best fabrics, the noblest
wood... careful decoration, a meticulous work of
interior design preside over the most luxurious
hotel in the capital city of the Turia River, the Westin
Valencia (Espaa)
Hotel The Westin Valencia
Fotografa: Tato Baeza
Vicente A. J imnez
The Westin Valencia,
sentir el art dec
The Westin Valencia,
to feel art deco
Un hotel sensorial que despierta los cinco sentidos. Perfumes
suaves y relajantes, msica, flores y plantas complementan un
entorno en art dec capaz de seducir al visitante. El objetivo:
que la energa que aporta el interiorismo contribuya a crear en
sus huspedes una sensacin de paz, relax y confort difcil de
olvidar. A sensory hotel that alerts the five senses. Smooth
and relaxing perfumes, music, flowers and plants that comple-
ment surroundings of art deco capable of seducing the visitor.
The objective: that the energy that contributes the interior
design contributes to create in its guests a sensation of peace,
relax and comfort difficult to forget.
Si tuado j unto al Paseo de la
Alameda, el Hotel Westin se alza
imponente en los terrenos que una
vez formaron parte de la Exposicin
Regional de Valencia de 1909, y en los
que aosmstarde, en 1917, comen-
zara a construirse la fbrica La Lanera,
uno de losedificiosrepresentantesdel
M odernismo valenciano. Hoy, 90 aos
despus, esta fbrica se ha rehabilita-
do para convertirse en un hotel de
Gran Lujo.
El arqui tecto Jos M ar a Toms
Llavador ha sido el responsable de la
rehabilitacin integral de La Lanera,
cuya principal dificultad consista en
adaptar un interior industrial a un uso
hotelero, manteniendo la fachada ori-
ginal. Se ha respetado el gran patio
central donde se ha incorporado un
j ard n medi terrneo. Para Toms
Llavador ha sido un enorme reto
recuperar la memoria y el valor del
edificio histrico y el dilogo conse-
guido entre la nueva arquitectura y la
original . La luz esuna de lasprotago-
nistasde estasinstalacionesen lasque
reas de Ingeniera y Arquitectura ha
rehabilitado 450 ventanasy huecosal
exterior que aportan grandesdosisde
Spaincontract Zoom
Spaincontract Hotel The Westin Valencia
Spaincontract Zoom
transparencia y luminosidad al conjun-
Seguir la lnea que marca la empre-
sa americana HDC, encargada de la
decoracin de losWestin de la cadena
Starwood, era la premisa planteada a
Cota Cero Interiorismo, estudio valen-
ciano que se ha encargado de gestio-
nar la compra y ubicacin de todo el
mobiliario. Diana Artguez y Alfonso
Gmez, integrantes de este estudio,
aseguran que ha sido un placer traba-
jar en este importante proyecto, todo
un reto que han afrontado con la cola-
boracin de los proveedores valencia-
nos, encargados de fabricar cerca del
90% del mobiliario, lmparasy tejidos
utilizados para vestir las instalaciones
del Westin Valencia.
El estilo art dec americano es el
husped pri nci pal de este hotel.
Elegancia y buen gusto se respiran en
un espacio ideado para transmitir sen-
sacionesa sus visitantes.
Decoraci n clsi ca, pero nunca
recargada. Cota Cero Interiorismo ha
sabido encontrar el equilibrio entre la
cali dez y la funci onali dad. Di ana
Artguez comenta al respecto, siem-
pre se ha intentado seguir la lnea que
quera HDC, ellos buscaban que el
hotel tuviera un aspecto muy Westin,
que se respirara un ambiente clsico
pero que contara con todaslascomo-
didades modernas. Nosotros hemos
buscado conservar ese estilo pero
adaptndolo a la personalidad medi-
terrnea y a las caractersticas de esta
ci udad en la que se di sfruta de
muchashorasde sol y en la que la cli-
matologa suele ser benvola .
Una planta triangular cuyo patio
conforma tres cuerpos en forma de
tringulo constituye este edificio de
dosalturas. Semistano, planta baja y
dosplantascon un trazado regido por
la sencillez de lneasy el mximo apro-
vechamiento de luces y zonas abier-
El semistano se divide en tres
zonas: garaje, cocina con almacenesy
una tercera destinada al Spa. Para ilu-
minar y ventilar esta planta subterr-
nea se utilizan tragaluces situados en
la parte superior de los paramentos
verticales. En la planta baja se sita el
hall de distribucin que da acceso a las
oficinas, recepcin, biblioteca, pelu-
quera, guardarropa, galera comer-
cial, salones, y restaurantes. Todas las
reas comunican directamente con el
jardn central. El resto de plantas se
destinan a habitaciones.
Y en todos y cada uno de los espa-
cios, una caracterstica comn: la
amplitud y la cuidada decoracin.
Sedas, terciopelos y piel visten los
muebles fabricados expresamente por
las firmas valencianas: Syrna, Schuller,
Caballer y M artel, poca o CardellsS.L.
El bano de M acasar, los acabados
ebonizadosy el mongoy componen el
esqueleto del mobiliario del Hotel
Westin Valencia. Sus interioristas han
hecho hincapi en la mezcla de mue-
bles, en el uso de maderasde diferen-
testonos, la combinacin de piezasde
anticuario con otras de reciente fabri-
caci n. La i dea, comenta Di ana
Artiguez es que no d la sensacin
de que est todo comprado en el
mismo sitio, se busca un aspecto
mucho msacogedor .
Tan importante como los muebles
es la iluminacin. Elegantes, clsicas,
imponentes, majestuosaspero en nin-
gn caso abrumadoras o cargantes,
Crystalite ha llenado el hotel de lm-
paras de cristal spectra de Swarovsky,
que juega con la luz a formar peque-
os arco iris. Para el resto de lumina-
rias se ha contado con Grantlamp,
lmparasde techo, de pie, de mesa
luz directa e indirecta que sube o baja
de intensidad en funcin de lo gene-
roso que se encuentre el sol.
Y es ese sol mediterrneo el que
sublima la luz que el jardn aporta a
todo el edificio. Intercontrol Levante,
responsable del paisajismo del hotel,
ha conseguido conjugar dos elemen-
tos aparentemente tan opuestos
como son luz e intimidad. El jardn, de
1.850 m
, contena escaso terreno
natural para plantaciones, ya que la
mayor parte del patio est ocupada
por la losa del semistano. La solu-
cin: construir grandes jardineras que
den mayor sensacin de volumen.
rbolescomo el naranjo, la lavanda, el
olivo, el ciprs, el almez o las palme-
ras, un guio a la imagen histrica de
Valencia, rodean el patio y se aprecian
desde los restaurantes, la zona chill
out, o lashabitaciones.
Las diferentes zonas del jardn se
unen a travsde parterresde formasy
tamaos distintos, dando lugar a una
plaza central cruciforme en el centro
de la cual se ha colocado la palmera
canaria, de 11 metros de altura, que
naci con la antigua Lanera. Durante
la reforma del hotel, tuvo que ser des-
plazada de su ubicacin original. Una
vez terminadas las obras, y tras un
exhaustivo trabajo de conservacin,
volvi a su casa para convertirse en
protagonista del jardn y elemento
fundamental a la hora de plantear las
lneas generales del mismo, segn
comentan sus pai saj i stas. Rafael
Narbona ha querido destacar lasplan-
tas aromticas y las fuentes con surti-
dorescomo elementosclave a la hora
de seguir una de las filosofas ms
importantes de los Westin: despertar
los senti dos de los usuari os.
G reendesi gn, Unopi u y Auxlaper
amueblan con suscreacioneslosdife-
rentes ambientes concebidos alrede-
dor del jardn.
Ya en el interior, el husped puede
recorrer las amplias galeras del hotel
hasta llegar a susrestaurantes, piano-
bar, club bar, o cualquier zona comn
en la que quiera pasar parte de su
tiempo antesde llegar a la habitacin.
Durante su trayecto pisar suelo de
mrmol en el que se dibujan grandes
cenefas y podr apreciar las obras de
arte con lasque la Fundacin Bancaja,
Spaincontract Hotel The Westin Valencia
59 59
Spaincontract Zoom
transparency and luminosity.
To follow the strategy that marks
the American company HDC, charged
with handling the decoration of the
Westin from the Starwood chain, was
the premise handed to Cota Cero
Interiorismo, a Valencian studio that
hasbeen given the contract of mana-
ging the purchase and location of all
the furniture. Diana Artguez and
Alfonso Gmez, members of this stu-
dio assure that it has been a pleasure
to work on thisimportant project, and
isquite a challenge for those working
on the collaboration of the Valencian
suppli ers, responsi ble for maki ng
nearly 90% of the furniture, lamps
and fabricsfor decorating the Westin
The American art deco style is the
main guest at thishotel. Elegance and
good taste are breathed in an ideali-
sed space in order to transmit sensa-
tions to their visitors. Classic decora-
ti on but never false. Cota Cero
Interiorismo has known how to find
the balance between warmth and
functionality. Diana Artguez com-
mentson the matter in this, " we have
always been tried to follow the line
that HDC wants, we looked for a hotel
that had a very Westin aspect that
breathed a classic atmosphere but
called on all the modern comforts. We
have looked to conserve that style but
adapting it to the M editerranean per-
sonality and the characteristics of this
city which enjoys many hours of sun-
light and in a climatology that usually
isbenevolent " .
A triangular plant whose patio com-
prisesthree triangle shapesconstitutes
this building of two heights. Semi
basement, ground floor and two flo-
orswith a layout governed by the sim-
plicity of lines and the maximum
advantage of lights and open zones
M ic Vilar o M ara Ortiz, entre otros,
han decorado lasparedesdel edificio.
Significativo elemento de decora-
cin esprecisamente el papel pintado
utilizado en The Westin Valencia. No
existen dos baos iguales, para cada
uno de ellos, Amper Decor ha pro-
porcionado un tipo de papel decora-
tivo. Las paredes no slo se cubren
con papel, Porcelanosa ha revestido
elegante y funcionalmente los baos
de lashabitacionesy suministrado los
sanitarios. Los accesorios, de estilo
clsico y seorial, se encargaron a
PeralesS. L.
El interiorismo ana tcnica y estti-
ca. Cuestiones como el aislamiento
acstico son de vital importancia en
un hotel donde la comodidad del
husped espremisa indiscutible. Cada
sala del edificio est perfectamente
insonorizada, no slo a travs de los
elementosconstructivos, sino tambin
gracias a los decorativos. Las gruesas
moquetasde Common, el consistente
tapizado de loscabezalesde lascamas
o incluso las cortinas, elaboradas por
Gancedo o Gastn & Daniela, en tafe-
tn y terciopelo, contribuyen a crear
espacios ntimos que cuentan con el
confort del silencio.
The Westin Valencia ha mimado su
decoracin e interiorismo tanto como
cuida a sus huspedes. El objetivo es
que ellos se encuentren cmodos y
para ello todo el hotel, desde su equi-
po humano hasta su mobiliario, des-
prende calidez, confort y amabilidad.
Conseguir un espacio tan completo
no ha sido tarea fcil y coordinar el
trabajo de tantos profesionales tam-
poco. En este senti do, Franci sco
Silvestre, como project manager de la
propiedad se ha encargado de dirigir
todo el proyecto y a todos sus inte-
El resultado de tanto esfuerzo, un
hotel de cinco estrellas Gran Lujo
amueblado y decorado exquisitamen-
te por empresas valenci anas. The
Westin Valencia invita al relax, trans-
mite serenidad. Hospedarse en l,
tomarse una copa escuchando el
mejor jazz en su club-bar, disfrutar de
su degustacin gastronmica o sim-
plemente sentarse a contemplarlo.
Integrarse en su entorno es un placer
para todoslossentidos. Tocar lassen-
saciones, construir imgenes imborra-
bles es el recuerdo que la cadena
Westin espera que sushuspedescon-
serven al abandonar el hotel, es el
sello que identifica a la firma.
Located next to the Paseo de la
Alameda, The Westin Hotel risesin an
imposing way in landsthat once com-
prised part of the Regional Exhibition
of Valencia of 1909, and in where
yearslater, in 1917, the Lanera factory
would be constructed, one of the
representati ve bui ldi ngs of the
Valencia M odern M ovement. Today,
90 years later, this factory has been
rehabilitated to become a hotel of
great luxury. The architect Jos M ara
TomsLlavador hasbeen the person in
charge of the integrated rehabilitation
of the Lanera, whose main difficulty
was adapting an industrial interior to
that of a hotel use, and by maintai-
ning the facade original.
The great central patio hasbeen res-
pected where a M editerranean garden
has been created. For Toms Llavador
" it has been an enormous challenge
to recover the memory and the value
of the historical building and the dia-
logue obtained between the new
architecture and the original architec-
ture" . The light isone of the protago-
nistsof these facilitieswhere Areasof
Engineering and Architecture have
rehabilitated 450 windowsand empty
external spaces with large doses of
Tan importante como los muebles es la iluminacin. Elegantes, clsicas, imponen-
tes, majestuosas pero en ningn caso abrumadoras o cargantes, Crystalite ha lle-
nado el hotel de lmparas de cristal spectra de Swarovsky, que juega con la luz a
formar pequeos arco iris. Just as important as the furniture is the lighting.
Elegant, classical, imposing, majestic but in no case overwhelming or heavy,
Crystalite has filled the hotel with glass lamps by Swarovsky, that play with the
light to form little rainbows.
Spaincontract Hotel The Westin Valencia
The semi basement isdivided in three
zones: garage, kitchen with warehou-
ses and one third destined for a Spa.
In order to illuminate and to ventilate
thi s underground plant there are
skylights located in the higher part of
the vertical walls. On the ground floor
the distribution hall is the access for
the offices, reception, library, hairdres-
sing salon, cloakroom, commercial
gallery, halls, and restaurants. All the
areas communicate directly with the
central garden. The rest of the floors
are destined for rooms. And in all and
each one of the spaces a common
characteristic: a sense of space and
carefully selected decoration. Silks,
velvets and skin specifically decorate
the furniture made by the Valencian
companies: Syrna, Schuller, Caballer y
M artel, poca or CardellsS.L.
The ebony from M acasar, the ebony
finishesand the mongoy, comprise the
skeleton of the furniture of the Hotel
Westin Valencia. Its interior designers
have insisted on the mixture of furni-
ture, in the wood use of different
tones, the combination of antique pie-
ceswith othersof more recent manu-
facture. The idea, comments Diana
Artiguez is that it does not give the
sensation that everything has been
bought in the same place, looking for
a much cosier look" .
Just as important as the furniture is
the lighting. Elegant, classic, impo-
sing, majestic but in no case overwhel-
ming or heavy, Crystalite hasfilled the
hotel with glass spectra lamps from
Swarovsky, that plays with light to
form small rainbows. For the rest of
lightsit ishad counted on Grantlamp,
ceiling lighting , table lamps , foot
lamps, table lamps... direct and indi-
rect light whose intensity raisesor falls
based on the generous of the sun.
And it is the M editerranean sun that
sublimates the light that the garden
bringsto all the building.
Intercontrol Levante, who are in
charge of the paradise aspect of the
hotel, has been able to play with two
apparently opposite elements like the
light and the privacy. The garden,
1, 850 m
in size, contained little natu-
ral land for plantations, since most of
the patio is occupied by the slab for
the semibasement. The solution: to
construct large gardens that gives a
greater sensation of volume. Treeslike
the orange tree, lavender, the olive
tree, the cypress, the nettle tree or its
palms, a gesture towardsthe historical
image of Valencia, surround the patio
and can be appraised from the restau-
rants, the zone chill out, or the rooms.
The different zones from the garden
are united through ways of shapes
and different sizes, giving rise to a cru-
ciform central square in the centre of
which the canary palm has been pla-
ced, 11 meters of height, that was
born with the old Linear.
During the reform of the hotel, it
had to be moved from its original
location. Once the works were finis-
hed, and after an exhaustive work of
conservation, it returned to his home
to become the leading figure in the
garden and a fundamental element at
the time of creating the main lines of
the same, according to the comments
of the gardeni ng experts. Rafael
Narbona has wanted to emphasize
the aromatic plantsand the fountains
as key elements at the time of follo-
wing one of the most important philo-
sophiesof the Westin: to alert the sen-
sesof the users. Greendesign, Unopiu
and Auxlaper furnish with their crea-
tionsdifferent atmospheresconceived
around the garden.
As to the interior, the guest can
Spaincontract Zoom
cross the wide galleries of the hotel
arriving at his restaurants, piano-bar,
club bar, or any zone common in
which he wants to pass part of his
time before arriving at the his room.
During hiswalk he will step on marble
ground on which great borders are
drawn and will be able to appreciate
art wi th whi ch the Bancaj a
Foundation, M ic Vilar or M ara Ortiz,
among others, have decorated the
wallsof the building. A significant ele-
ment of decoration is actually the
painted paper used in The Westin
No two equal bath rooms are the
same, because for each one of them,
Amper Decor hasprovided a different
type of decorative paper. The wallsare
not only covered wi th paper,
Porcelanosa has decorated elegantly
and functionally the baths in the
roomsand have also provided the toi-
let. The accessories, in classical and
stately, were the responsi bi li ty of
The interior design combines aural
technique and aesthetic. Questionsas
the sound i nsulati on are of vi tal
importance in a hotel where the com-
fort of the guest isan unquestionable
premise. Each room of the building is
perfectly soundproofed, not only
through the construction elements,
but also thanks to the decorative
ones. The thi ck fi tted carpets by
Common, the consistent upholstery of
the headboards of the beds or even
the curtains, made by Gancedo or
Gastn & Daniela, in taffeta and vel-
vet, contribute to create intimate spa-
cesthat boast the comfort of silence.
The Westin Valencia hastaken exce-
llent care of itsdecoration and interior
design as much as it takes care of his
guests. The objective is that they feel
comfortable and for that reason all
the hotel, from its human team to its
furniture, gives off warmth, comfort
and amiability. To obtain such a com-
plete space hasnot been easy and nei-
ther has been coordinating the work
of so many professionalseither. In this
sense, Franci sco Si lvestre, proj ect
manager of the property has been in
charge of managing the entire project
and all its team members. The result
of so much effort is a hotel of five
stars G reat Luxury furni shed and
decorated exquisitely by Valencian
The Westin Valencia invites us to
relax, it transmits serenity. To stay
there, to have a drink listening to the
best jazz in its club-bar, to enjoy its
gastronomical tastes or simply to sit
down and to contemplate it. To inte-
grate oneself in its surroundings is a
pleasure for all the senses. To touch
the sensations, to construct indelible
imagesisthe memory that the Westin
chain hopesthat their guestswill con-
serve when leaving the hotel, is the
seal that identifiesthe company.
Spaincontract Hotel The Westin Valencia
Hotel The Westin Valencia
Amadeo de Saboya, 16, Valencia.
Proyect Manager de la propie-
dad/Project Manager of the pro-
perty: Francisco Silvestre
Proyecto de interiorismo/nterior
design Project: Cota Cero
Interiorismo. Diana Artguez y Alfonso
Asesor decorativo/Design
Consultant: Luis Navarro Decoracin.
Reforma del edificio: reas de
Ingeniera y
Arquitectura./Reformation of the
building: Engineering and
Architecture Areas: Arquitecto Jos
Mara Toms Llavador.
Gestin integral de proyecto y
obra/Integrated project and buil-
ding: IDOM Ingeniera y Arquitectura.
Gerardo Reillo, Gestor del Proyecto.
Jardinera y paisajismo/Gardening
and Landscaping: Intercontrol
Levante. Rafael Narbona y Lorena
Mobiliario/Furniture: Syrna, Schuller,
Caballer y Martel, poca, Cardells S.L.
Mobiliario exterior/External furni-
ture: Greendesign, Unopiu, Auxlaper
Iluminacin/Lighting: Crystalite,
Tejidos/Roofs: Gancedo, Gastn &
Moquetas/Fitted carpets: Common
Papel pintado/Painted Paper:
Amper Decor
Cuadros/Paintings: Fundacin
Bancaja, Mic Vilar, Mara Ortiz.
Saneamientos y accesorios de
bao/Cleaning and bathroom
accessories: Porcelanosa, Perales S.L.

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