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2014/6/27 -NO.

Military Council hits back on Tu`mah decision
New FSA Chief appointed
Warring parties
communicate in
ISIS accepts re-
solving disputes
to stop war
ISIS enemy
to revolution,
Tu`mah lays off al-Bashir,
dissolves military leadership
Page NO.2 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (521) 2014/6/27
Tu`mah lays off al-Bashir, dissolves military leadership
Military Council
hits back on Tu`mah
Rebels commander: Tu`mah`s reformative
changes overdue
New FSA Chief appointed
Ahmad Tu`mah, head of
the interim government of
the opposition, has issued
a decree to dissolve the Su-
preme Military Command
and to refer its members to
the Supervisory Board of Fi-
nancial and administrative
Affairs in the interim gov-
The Supreme Military
Command responded to the
decree issued by Ahmad
Tu`mah, head of the in-
terim government by label-
ing it as serious errorThe
leadership explained in a
statement that the interim
government has no right to
interfere in military affairs,
the Council also called
on the Coalition to hold
Tu`mah accountable for
causing rifts among opposi-
tion parties.
Revolutionary forces com-
mander of liberating Syria,
Ahmad Rajal, viewed the
changes recently made by
Ahmed Tu`mah as reforma-
tive but overdueAntalya
conference was the reason
behind causing rifts in FSA,
emergence of warlords and
black fags, Rajal added.
Ahmad Tu`mah, head of the
interim government, has ap-
pointed Adel Islaim to re-
place Abdul Ilah al-Bashir
as heaf of FSA General
Staff. The new appointed
General said he has no prior
knowledge of the decree.I
do not know the reason be-
hind the dismissal of Bashir,
on Friday I will go to interim
governments headquarters
in Gaziantep city in Turkey,
if this will serve the revolu-
tion, I will immediately start
my work Ismail was born
in Hula city in Homs north-
ern countryside.
ernment for investigating.
FSA Chief of Staff Briga-
dier General Abdul Ilah
al-Bashir, has also been
discharged.Tu`ma called on
revolutionary forces to es-
tablish a new military coun-
cil, restructure Staff within
one month period.
Page NO.3
The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (521) 2014/6/27
Warring parties communicate in El-Waer
Aleppo villages declared military zones
Opposition storms
army checkpoint
Deputy Commander of military council denies
his killing
According to local sources,
an agreement has been held
between the Syrian govern-
ment and the rebel forces
in El-Waer district in Homs
countryside where mili-
tants shall to lay down their
arms, outlaws, dissidents
and those who have not per-
formed their military ser-
vice are to have their situ-
ations settled. For its part,
the opposition demanded
Syrian government to re-
lease all men and women
detainees.It is worth to men-
tion, Sheikh Ghazwan al-
Saqa has signed on behalf
of the opposition, whereas
the Syrian government was
represented byTHE Iranian
representative, branches of
A joint room of Aheel al-Sham
issued a statement declaring
the surrounding of Shahbaa
Dam, Al-guz village and
all nearby villagesmilitary
zones to repel ISIS offen-
sives.ISIS militants were
the military and political
security and the security of
the State.
able to regain control of three
villages that militants of
joint room of Aheel al-Sham
had previously taken control
of.On the other side, SAA
took over Beit Junaid and a
power station.
After clashes with the Syr-
ian army, Rebels in Hama`s
Morek have managed to take
over a Khasyah checkpoint,
killing all SAA`s soldiers.
Deputy chief of FSA military
council in Deir ez-Zor, Colo-
nel pilot Ismael Malla Omeir,
refuted recently-circulated
rumors of him being killed
by ISISIn a phone call with
Italian Agency (AKI) Mullah
Omeir said he was alive, ac-
cusing offcers in FSA of be-
traying people of Mohassan
city in Deir Ez-Zour.
Page NO.4
The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (521) 2014/6/27
Military leaders deny
ISIS control on Albu
ISIS enemy to revolu-
tion, Alloush
ISIS gives al-rivals deadline to join
ISIS accepts resolving disputes to stop war
Disputes raged among ISIS
FSA: lack of arms helped ISIS grow stronger
In a video posted online,
FSA military leaders were
shown touring the highway
of the city between the Syr-
ian and Iraqi borders, there
is no trace of ISIS whatso-
ever, one offcer said.The
video was posted to deny
ISIS control on the border-
ing city of Albu Kamal.
Islamic State in Iraq and
the Levant (ISIL) gave, in
a statement, locals of al-
Mayadeen city a deadline to
join ISIS and establish the
Caliphate State.The ultima-
tum ends Saturday, June 28,
ahead to sunset prayers.
Islamic State in Iraq and the
Levant (ISIL), called on Is-
lam Army to stop the war
and nullify all decrees issued
by the Unifed Judiciary.
In the eastern area, mem-
bers of Jabhet Al-Nusrah ac-
cused allies to contribute to
A senior FSA leader said
that in light of recent de-
velopments, ISIS conrol
on Abu-Kamal and large
swathes of border areas be-
tween Syria and Iraq, ISIS is
more likely to expand in the
eastern area to link the ter-
ritories they control in Iraq
and Syria.The reasons for
the increasing infuence of
ISIS is an enemy to the
nation as well as the revo-
lution, they are criminals
linked with the Iranian and
Syrian intelligence, Zahran
Aloush, commander of Islam
Army said in an interview
with (All For Syria) website,
The war against ISIS has
begun, ISIS commanders be-
came target. We are to nego-
tiate with the Syrian govern-
ment to exchange prisoners.
the Islamic State is the lack
arms which forced some
fghters to withdraw, others
to join to ISIS, he explained
the siege of Deir ez-Zour, by
preventing the access of two
aid vehicles to Deir ez-Zour.

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