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Teaching Plan

Session 54: A Conversation with Nicodemus

Biblical Truth: Entering God’s kingdom requires a new birth that is provided by God’s radical grace and accomplished by the
Holy Spirit.
Fanning the Flame Question: How do you define faith?

Large Group
Show “Play All” for session 54 on the DVD. If you want to lead a discussion after each section of the video, show “The
Spark,” “Fanning the Flame,” and “Combustion” separately. As an alternative, replace “Combustion” by using “Story Outline,
Session 54” to present the story of John 3:1-21. If desired, distribute copies of “Listening Guide 54” to the students to complete
during “Combustion.”

Small Groups:
(Note: Questions or activities that are more appropriate for younger youth or for older youth are marked by “YY” or “OY”
Preparation: Listen to “A Conversation with Nicodemus” by playing this CD in any CD player. Read John 2:23-25; 3:1-21
and “Background for the Bible Passages, Session 54.”
1. Ask three students to read John 3:1-21 aloud—one student reading as a narrator, one student reading as “Nicodemus,” and
the third student reading as “Jesus.” Be prepared to have Bibles available of a similar translation.
2. Lead students to express their level of curiosity about Jesus and eternal life. Point out Nicodemus’s statement about Jesus’
miracles. Ask: What would cause you to seriously consider Jesus’ claims and your own path toward eternity? (OY)
3. Ask: Based on these verses, what does it mean to be born again?
4. Ask: Who is worthy to enter heaven? Lead students to understand that heaven is for people who have been made
righteous by Jesus’ sacrifice. Comment about Nicodemus as a “good, religious” man. Say: Jesus told a religious leader
and teacher that he was not qualified for heaven until he had been born again. If righteous Nicodemus needed a
second birth, so do the rest of us.
5. Call attention to verses 13-15. Point out that Jesus was not saying that he was a spiritual teacher, a philosopher, or a holy
man. Say: Jesus clearly said that he was God’s Son, using Messianic imagery that Nicodemus would have
understood. Ask: How is a clear understanding of Jesus’ identity necessary for a born-again experience? (OY)
6. Observe that the meeting occurred at night, possibly because it would have been politically difficult for Nicodemus to be
seen conversing with Jesus. Ask: How willing are we to be “seen with Jesus”? Point out to the students that Nicodemus
later did identify with Jesus publicly after the crucifixion.
7. Ask: How do you “know what you know”? Remind students of the beginning of the video. Ask: How much proof do you
have to have before you believe? Can searching for proof get in the way of real faith?
7. Distribute copies of the “Birth Certificate” handout and pens. Ask students to fill in the details they know about their
physical birth. Tell students the details about your own spiritual birth experience. Point out the second blank available on
the Birth Certificate. Say: Those of us who have received Christ as Savior have a second birth date for these
certificates. Be prepared to review the plan of salvation and ask students whether they would like to receive Christ as
Savior. Lead inquiring students in prayer, or make yourself available for prayer after the session. (YY)

1. Consider creating table displays of baby items, such as: baby powder, clothing, blankets, bottles, pacifiers, stuffed animals
or pictures of babies. (YY)
2. Place a small fan near the group. Turn it on and talk about Jesus’ mention of the wind. Ask: What point was Jesus making
when he compared spiritual birth to the wind? Comment about the unseen power of the Holy Spirit.
3. Lead the group to create a list of youth who need to experience the second birth. Challenge the group to speak to some of
these youth during the next week. Pray for the youth to be receptive.

© 2005 LifeWay Press®. Fuel: Igniting New Life with God’s Story 2.1. Permission granted to reproduce this item for church use only. Published in the United States of America.
Hand out copies of “Exploring the Bible Daily 54.” Direct students to write questions or insights as they read.

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