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Small Group Teaching Plan

Session 82: The Judgment

Key Question: Am I going to be judged for everything I did wrong?
Biblical Truth: People who do not have a relationship with God will be judged, and those who do have a relationship
with God will have their works judged.

(Note: Questions or activities that are more appropriate for younger youth or for older youth are marked by “YY” or
“OY” respectively.”)

Preparation: Preview the video for this session. (See clip on this CD.) Read Matthew 25:31-40; 1 Corinthians 3:10-15;
Revelation 20:11-15; and the “Background for the Bible Passages, Session 82.”

After the Video:

1. Ask:
 Why are we so uncomfortable with being judged?
 Is judgment always negative? How can the judgment of believers result in a blessing? (OY)
Say: People who do not have a relationship with God will be judged on that matter, but believers who do have a
relationship with Him will have their works judged. Ask: What difference should it make in your daily life that
your works will be judged in heaven?
2. Distribute “Session 82 Outline” and review with students. Ask:
 Based on what this outlines states, for what will believers be judged? How would you define a believer’s
3. Call on a volunteer to read aloud Revelation 20:11-15. Ask:
 What scene is described in these verses? (YY)
 Who will be judged? What will be judged? (Works = deeds, words, thoughts)
 Who will be thrown into the lake of fire? What kind of emotion does this scene cause you to feel?
 Is your name written in the “book of life”?
4. Call on a volunteer to read aloud 1 Corinthians 3:10-15. Ask:
 On what foundation are believers to build? How will the quality of our work for God’s kingdom be
evaluated? (YY)
 Are all the “builders” saved? Which ones get the reward?
 On what basis will you be rewarded in heaven?
 Do you believe you are contributing valuable works to the foundation of Christ?
 Do you believe your works will withstand the “quality test” at judgment?
5. Call on a volunteer to read aloud Read Matthew 25:31-40. Ask:
 Who will be responsible for judging mankind?
 What are the actions Jesus will use as the basis of judgment?
 How can you be sure you are ready for judgment day? What should you be doing until that day?
6. Lead students to make commitments to follow Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 25:31-40. Distribute copies of the “Be a
Sheep” handout. Call on volunteers to share examples of works they want to do to help build the kingdom of God until
Christ comes. Review the “Eternal Questions” handout with students from Session 81. Provide extra copies of this
handout to students who do not have one. Ask: Did you find additional answers to any of the questions you
recorded on this handout? Discuss student responses.

1. Purchase cheap spiral notebooks for every student in your group. Prior to class, decorate the cover of a notebook for
each of your students. Tie each notebook closed with a ribbon. During class, present the notebooks to the students and
instruct them to leave them closed. Say: This is a book about your life. It has every thought and deed recorded in
it from the last week of your life. We are going to open these and read them aloud. Ask: How does this make you
feel? Lead students to see that, at the throne of judgment, books will be opened that will detail their works on behalf of
the kingdom of heaven. Ask: As a believer, what do you want written in those books about you?

Hand out copies of the “Exploring the Bible Daily 82.” Encourage students to read the passages for today’s session.
Direct students as they read to write questions or insights.

© 2007 LifeWay Press®. Fuel2: Owning Your Faith, Volume 7. Permission granted to reproduce this item for church use only. Published in the United States of America.

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