Sie sind auf Seite 1von 4

General Notes:

1.6. The structure is designed for Ground floor + 1 upper floor + terrace + water tank, -
this comments applicable for all building
!.". #heck the data as per re$uirement.
%.%. &lain cement concrete shall ha'e cube strength of 1( n)mm at !* da+s. , #heck it.
6.! -dd the minimum thickness of structural member for fire resistance , .efer /0 "16.
2.% -dd as per tender specification
2.1 3a4imum water cement ratio is (.11, with a slump of 1%( to 1"(mm. check the
slump it ma+ be up to 1*( mm
2.* -dd chiseling criteria ,refer /0 !511
5.1 -dd as per drawing should be done.
1(. #uring 6-dd refer /0 "167
11. 8eshuttering time 6-dd refer /0 "167.
1!. #heck the construction 9oint
0tructural steel notes including design details.
8uctile details as per /0 1%5!(.
-dd in notes refer general notes along with drawings
--------------------------------- :::::::::::::: ---------------------------------
1."1 m le'el beam schedule:
T+pical 0plicing details in beam check 6details -;7 <the hoops shall be pro'ided
o'er the entire splice length with spacing not e4ceeding 11( mm.= check the
T+pical arrangement of reinforcement in beams , mention the span of the beam
>n1 ? >n!@.#heck (.%>n, check the cap of 1( mm.
3ention the effecti'e depth of the beam <d= checks.
#heck the T+pical 'alue check 1(d , >d
#heck the span is clear or centre to centre
dA21( side face reinforcement should be pro'ided.
/f dA"1( torsion side face reinforcement , check
#olumn cross ? beam cross will be shown in beam schedule
Beam end bar bending ha'e to check the line thickness.
T+pical cutout in beam will be remo'ed
----------------------------- ::::::::::::: ----------------------------------
Cilter room .# wall details
Bar bends at show dot.
The de'elopment length or %(( mm check
-dd notes , refer column schedule for column details
.efer Dp separate drawings
3ention column lettering in column outside
.emo'e lap Eone letter
3inimum distance should be maintain F >d
/n all cutouts dia *( diagonal bar ha'e to show.
>apping re$uirement at base slab reinforcement details
.e$uirement of shear link for .# wall , discuss with 0unil
GoriEontal arrangement, lap location mention in drawings. , 0p%"
-ll foundation check with de'elopment length criteria
#heck plan reinforcement details for raft, or raft rebar check in separate
0and ? gra'el filling , show as t+pical
0ection (* check the bars direction in horiEontal and 'ertical
Thickness check for >d
-------------------------- ::::::::::::::::::: -----------------------------
HGT structural details:
&lans, section in G- ? .einforcement should be in proper grid.
8esign basis:
Iertical rebar should be greater than ? e$ual to horiEontal rebar.
0ection launch bar should be as per sp %"
&lan reinforcement as per sp %", corner bar 1%5!(
3ention the grid marking
>e'els should be mention in drawings
Cont siEe ? t+pe in all drawing
-dd notes refer column details refer separate drawings
Thickness of slab mention in top ? bottom
Jall line check with slab line.
Bend bar F bottom le'el
3an hole co'er t+pical details check
Ient pipe check , t+pical
#hange <h= as >(F column schedule
#olumn shear reinforcement as per 1%5!(
#heck single cook
#olumn shear connection check , 6 connect all bars with shear
T+pical details should check
#larit+ of stirrups
------------------------ ::::::::::::::::::::::: ----------------------------------------
8uctile details of shear will discuss with sunil, t+pical details matrch with other drawings
Jater proofing
Hpening siEe
#heck the p'c rungs in water tank 6 ss rdd rungs onl+7
Darth fill mention or remo'e t+pical details
---------------------- :::::::::::::::::::::::: ----------------------------
2.%2 l'l slab bottom reinforcement drawings

Jater proofing should be mention in drawings
0lab reinforcement > check
Dnd of bars ha'e to check
#heck the steel structural arrangement
0huttering inner wall line thickness should not be dark
D4pansion drawings with distance in all drawings
#anop+ le'els should be mention in all drawings.

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