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have the time of your life...making mountains of music... record time...with devastating results.

Start Now...Finish Fast.
With Mike Monday
The Guerilla
Beginners Guide
In this free report
you will learn how to...
Get Your Foot In The Door!
(the quick n dirty way)
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Mike Mondays
A Quick (Fore)Word
This free report is meant for complete beginners.
Those who dont even know where to start with making music.
It answers the rst question from my video. The one youll be asking yourself now.
What tools do I use?
But even if you arent a complete beginner, its not long or involved (itll probably take
all of 10 minutes to read), and Im sure youll get something from it.
Maybe even a lot?
So go ahead. Take a peek. See what happens... :-)
Onwards and upwards,
Mike Monday

Mike Mondays
The Bottom Line
Before you do anything else, I want you to leave someone behind. I want you to
promise me youll leave him at the door youre about to step through.
Who am I talking about?
Perfection thinks a lot of himself. Hes that guy who always says yes but. He never fails
to point out why everything and everybody else is wrong...
Perfection is your enemy.
Perfection will stop you.
You must stop him rst.
So wave him bye bye. Forget about him. (Good riddance.)
And where does this start? Right now. With the subject of this free report...
Your tools.
You see, what tools do I need? isnt just the rst question you have to answer, its also
the most important. No, sorry - thats not quite right. Its not the most important...
...the way you answer it is important.
Because if you succumb to that smooth but smarmy guy whispering in your ear yes
but whats the perfect tool? - he will have you in his grasp.
But you are here to start now and nish fast - right?
Thats why youre not looking for perfection. You are looking for what works.
Mike Mondays
Some Background
Bear with me here. Its important you understand this for some very good reasons Ill
tell you about in a bit.
So I started making music with machines after I left Uni in 1994.
Back then things were very different. Everything that can now be done within a
computer (or an iPad or even iPhone now) had to be done on individual machines.
And this was my very rst set up:
An Apple Mac.

My Apple Mac had a program called Cubase on it.
Cubase was the software I used which told all the other machines what notes to play
and when. This type of program is called a sequencer because you place notes in a
sequence to create a tune.
Many machines have sequencers in them. Drum machines and synthesizers often have
simple sequencers which you can program patterns into. But at this point in electronic
music production history, most of the sequencing tended to be done in a computer.
In fact at this point, this was all I used the computer for. Apart from playing games and
writing letters! ;)
Mike Mondays
A midi keyboard.
My midi keyboard didnt make any sound itself.
I connected the midi keyboard to my Mac. I connected my Mac to my sound making
So when I played the midi keyboard I could play the sound making machines.
And when I pressed record in Cubase (the sequencer) I could record what I played
(like rhythms, melodies, bass lines etc.)
Id then edit and play back what Id recorded. Thats how I made music with machines.
By the way, midi stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. It was (and often still
is) the way the different machines speak to each other.
Still with me? Good...
A sampler
A sampler was a sound making machine.
It was basically a digital sound recorder which Id record, load (or sample) whatever
sounds I wanted into.
Id then manipulate each sample in various cool ways with the help of this sampler.
Mike Mondays
A synthesizer.
Another sound making machine.
But unlike the sampler I couldnt record anything into it. It already had electronic
waveforms and sounds (called presets) made out of these waveforms in it.
Id manipulate these sounds in the synth, just like I did the samples in the sampler.
A drum machine
Another sound making machine which does exactly what it says on the tin...
Boom tschhh boom tschhh boom tschhh (ad innitum).
An effects machine.
This is a type of processor. You put other sounds through it and it processes them to
make them sound different.
I could use reverb (to make it sound like theyre in a cave, cathedral or concert hall).
Delay (a fancy word for echo).
Flange, chorus or phaser (like when you play two of the same track together and they
sound like theyre moving up and down).
Mike Mondays
A compressor.
This is another type of processor.
It was originally developed for use on vocal recordings to smooth out the dynamic
range. Or level of the human voice.
You see, the human voice has a very wide dynamic range. It can be very loud and very
soft. This is a problem. Because when you record it, to make the soft bits loud enough -
you have to turn it up so much that the loud bits often distort.
So someone clever invented the compressor. It makes the loud bits softer and the soft
bits louder. It does this automatically according to the level coming into the machine. I
could change the particular way it did this (a lot/little, fast/slow, hard/soft) by twiddling
the knobs.
Of course, it is perfectly possible to compress other sounds than the human voice, and
I did this regularly which was very handy.
Because for some esoteric physics based reason, compressing a sound can make the
ear perceive it as louder (without it really being louder).
A mixing desk.
The mixing desk (or desk or mixer) is basically a load of volume and equaliser knobs in
one unit. I plugged all the sound making machines and processors into this.
I turned my sounds up or down. Made them brighter or duller. And I could send them
to my processors by pushing a button or turning a knob on the desk.
Mike Mondays
A big bunch of leads.
This was audio leads, midi leads and various other bits and pieces.
But everything had to be connected with these leads.
*Sigh*. (I hate untangling leads.)
What I Didnt Have. But Really Needed!
A DAT recorder.
Back then I had to record everything onto digital tape. There wasnt computer audio.
So I borrowed a DAT player from a mate which I recorded my nished music onto.
Half decent monitors (speakers)
I started off using my crappy old stereo speakers as monitors.
And that was it...
Mike Mondays
Why Am I Telling You This?
Before thinking about acquiring anything to make music, its important you get some
perspective on your situation now.
So trust me, understanding what Ive shared with you above will help you for a number
of very good reasons...
The cost.
Youll notice I included how much I had to spend on my (very rudimentary) setup.
So in total all my machines came to 7050 (British pounds).
Back then, this converted to $10,443.07 (US dollars).
In 1994, $10,443.07 had the same buying power as...
...does today.
Shocking isnt it? Over sixteen thousand dollars before Id even made a note.
Bear in mind, that set up was very small indeed, pretty much the very least you needed
to make decent music. Some would argue nowhere near enough.
Why is this important to you? Because now the cost of entry is so low, that one of the
biggest motivators I used to get over the hump, gure it all out, and actually nish a
tune - has now gone.
You see, when you spend $16,402.60 on your dream, doing something to make it
happen becomes...shall we say...
...more pressing.
So you are going to have to nd another way. Because I do not recommend spending
$16,402.60 as a means of gaining motivation.
Mike Mondays
The ease.
With all these separate machines, even to get a single peep out I had to...
Learn how to use the 6400. Learn how to use the 909. Learn how to use Cubase on the
mac. Learn how to use the EMU morpheus. Learn how to use the Alesis midi verb. Learn
how to use the Drawmer compressor. Learn how to connect everything via midi. Learn how
to connect everything via audio.
And all the machines had different operating systems and tiny little screens. Whats
more, the user experience philosophy of each company was totally different.
In fact you couldnt call them philosophies.
They were more like user experience accidents.
(The closest they got to user friendliness was the inevitable congratulations page at
the start of the manual.)
And I had to learn the stuff you do too like composition, arrangement and mixing.
Now I dont say this to be one of those old bores, telling you how bad it was for me
and how easy it is for you.
You see, I was a complete technophobe when I left Uni. I came out in hives if I thought
about programming a video recorder!
And I learnt how to make music with this heap of confusing buttons, knobs, ashing
lights and tiny screens with no instruction other than badly written manuals.
So if a technological no hoper can gure out how to make music with that stuff...
The tools you will use to make music are many times more user friendly than they
were. Intuitive even.
Which leads me onto the nal reason for showing you this...
Mike Mondays
Everything all those machines did? You now get in one piece of software.
This software is many times more easy to use than just one of those machines.
This software is innitely more powerful than all those machines put together.
This software is a tiny fraction of the price of those machines.
And the great news for you is each of the machines I used above, is reproduced in one
form or other within this one piece of software.
So me telling you exactly what the individual machines I used back in 1994 did,, is your
rst lesson (and hopefully only) music production lesson from me.
Because now you know the basic terminology, how an old studio worked, what each
machine did - you will understand what the equivalent parts of the software do.
So. Now you know the basics...
...what is this software?
Mike Mondays
The Digital Audio Workstation
Please remember, I had a tiny setup. I didnt even have all I needed to nish a tune for
the $16,402.60 I had to spend.
But now? You can get literally everything you need from the list above for...
(Well, for 30 days at least - as long as you already have a computer.)
And it is incredibly important you bear in mind:
Even the cheapest version of the software Im going to point you to is many times
more powerful than what I had at any point, even when I bought more machines.
So a digital audio workstation (DAW) is the piece of software you will use to make
music. It literally has everything you need in it.
And while many producers get into buying extra separate machines as they get better
(its called outboard), here we are talking about getting you started right now.
Because the more your have, the more you have to work out.
The more you have to learn.
The more obstacles you are putting between you and nishing music.
So please forget that idea of the perfect setup for at least the rst year of your music
making journey.
(In fact, forget it forever.)
Because even with what I am about to recommend, you are many times better off than
I was when I started.
So turn (or swipe) the page now for my quick n dirty low down on what you need
to make music now....
Mike Mondays
Your Setup
1. A computer.
I have a Mac. You might have a PC. It really doesnt matter.
All it needs
is a sound out hole.
2. Some stereo speakers and/or headphones.
I used my crappy old stereo speakers for ages.
If you are a DJ with a setup your DJ monitors are likely to be good enough.
Remember - we are leaving that nasty perfect bloke at the door arent we? :-)
3. A lead that connects your computer to your speakers.
Youve got one of these already - right?
4. Ableton Live
This is the DAW I recommend for beginners. Its what I would use if I was starting
today for 5 reasons:

Its hands down the easiest to use of the 4 different DAWs Ive used. (The others?
Logic, Reason and Cubase.)

It has brilliant tutorials right there in the program. The manual is great too. If you apply
yourself - you probably wouldnt need any further instruction.

It has a great community. I know I bang on about avoiding forums, but as long as
youre careful and do your forum time separate from youre working on music, the
support of a group of people who have been through/are going through the same as
you is a massive bonus!

It is a brilliant piece of software, and probably at least a third of the electronic music
you love has been made with the help of Ableton in one way or another. Probably
more. Trust me, you could make a whole career of great music with just this.

It has a 30 day free trial and after that, the lowest version is only $99!!!
Compare that to the $16,402.60 I had to spend...
Mike Mondays
Obviously your computer also needs to conform to the minimum spec for Ableton which you can nd here
Now, to be clear - Im not pretending this is all youll need forever.
Just to begin with.
Once youve got your foot in the door, youll want to think about getting a sound card, a midi
keyboard (or some other method of playing notes in like a midi drum pad) and some decent
speakers (if you dont have them already).
But seriously.
You can learn how to make music right now with just a laptop, some crappy speakers, and
Mike Mondays
Your Final (and most important)
Bit Of Kit
5. Your Brain
This is where I come in.
Because while Ableton is many times easier than the heap of stuff I gured out, while
the tutorials right there in the program teach you what you need to know to make
music, while it has an awesome online community to support you...
It is still going to be frustrating at rst.
Because Ableton does a lot. Im not joking when I say you could easily make a careers
worth of music on it. It really is that powerful.
But because its so powerful and does so much, it will feel complicated, maybe even
impossible at rst. You will end up banging your head against many things which you
dont understand, think you cant gure out, and get exasperated with.
Expect this.
Do not make the mistake of thinking that because you cant gure it out right now, you
wont be able to tomorrow. Or the day after. Or the week after.
You see, your brain is an amazing bit of kit. Waaaay better than Ableton.
Think of your grey matter as an overgrown jungle. The making music with Ableton
route has never been trodden. So the rst time you attempt to walk it, you have to
take a machete to it. Its long laborious, hard work. You dont get far and even wonder
how you ever will.
But then as you persevere, gradually you clear what starts to look like the beginnings of
a track. Over time it gets more well trodden. Its easier to walk your track. So more
trafc starts to use it. It becomes a path, then a road and before long you have a huge
multi-lane highway. The ride is now smooth and almost automatic.
This is similar to how your brain learns. And actually doing it is the only way youll get
that make music with Ableton multi-lane highway built in your brain.
Mike Mondays
Your Plan For Figuring It All Out
1. Show up regularly. Every day if possible. Just focus for 15 - 30 minutes every day of
that 30 day free trial and you will make progress.
2. Follow the tutorials built into Ableton. Even if you dont get them at rst. Do
them over and over until you do.
3. Once you have a vague idea of the principles - focus on getting a track done. Do
this way before you think you are ready. It doesnt matter if its the worst thing you ever
heard. (It probably will be.) Doesnt matter if you have little idea of what exactly youre
doing. (Which you probably wont.) Doesnt matter if its made up of just 2 different
parts. (In fact thats a good idea.) JUST. FINISH. SOMETHING.
4. Repeat, learning as you go.
Before you know it, your brain will have done amazing things.
If you ask it to do something, work on a problem, nd a solution that you care about? It
makes new connections, solves problems, nds solutions, even when youre asleep!
Youll be completely in the dark for days and all of a sudden in the shower a particular
connection will be made and BOOM.
Youve got it.
And that excitement will be an amazing feeling, because you gured it out for yourself.
Youll gain belief in yourself. Your problem solving brain will get stronger. And youll get
over the next hurdle quicker.
Trust me.
You can do it.
Remember what that total technological no hoper (me) somehow managed to do?
Mike Mondays
The Opportunity
If you really get what I have laid out for you in my Start Now Finish Fast system?
Every single challenge you are facing now when learning to make music with Ableton
becomes an opportunity. An opportunity to train your brain.

To develop your willpower, persistence or grit.

To practice your problem solving.

To learn how to make decisions fast.

To build powerful and lasting habits which will set you up for life.
How you approach this challenge (and let me stress - it will be a challenge) will
determine what you get from it and whether you continue.
You see, learning the basics of making music in Ableton is a challenge. But by no means
is it the biggest, meanest or most scary challenge you will face as an artist.
Call it paying your dues, the universe checking youre serious, or just plain training...
Overcoming this challenge, beating it, slaying it - will set you up for what is to come.
(Which is totally awesome by the way. Its just not particularly easy!)
So enjoy the process. Notice how you learn. See how your motivation rises and falls.
Feel that frustration, what it does to you, how you experience it.
And even if you nd yourself completely stuck? Remember you are still learning!
You are not wasting time.
You will gain valuable information about yourself and how you work best. This self
awareness will set you up for the rest of your creative life. Use it to make you stronger.
So please, take the action. Do the work.
The world needs your music!
And of course, I will do everything I can to help...
Mike Mondays
How I Can Help You Further...
I hope youve enjoyed and (more importantly) got something useful from this free
While I know you can already do it, all on your own, without my help, I do understand
how difcult this might feel right now. You might not even want to do it all alone!
And yes, there is a shortcut. If you want more of my help, you can get it.
You see, with my 6 month online coaching program for music producers I have already
helped a number of complete beginners just like you to get started making music.
But not with any specic music production skills.
Instead Ill focus on your...
Creativity. Productivity. And enjoyment...
Click here now to nd out more.
More questions? Please, feel free to email me here.
Onwards and upwards,
Mike Mondays

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