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C"",' ;:~~:::II
Colorado Sblte Patrol
700 Kipling Sl
Suile 1000
- Denver, CO 80215-5865
(303) 239- E;3
COLORADO TOO (303) 239-4505


July I, 2006

Mr. John P. Clark

Deputy Assistant Secretary
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement
425 I Street NW Room 7000
Washington, DC 20536

Dear Deputy Assistant Secretary Clark:

I am writing to request participation in the Delegation of Authority Program pursuant to 287(g) of

the Immigration and Naturalization Act. This partnership will enable the Colorado State Patrol to
better serve and meet the needs of the residents of the State of Colorado.

I have been in communication with Assistant Special Agent in Charge!;::::::::;:=::J. who has
been very helpful and encouraging. With his advice, we propose the following:

• To train 23 Colorado State Patrol Troopers assigned to the Patrol's newly created
Immigration Enforcement Unit. All officers will have a minimum of two years experience
:and will pass a security background acceptable to Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE). Due to our current manpower situation, two training classes may be needed to
accomplish this standard.

• Training facilities are available at the Colorado State Patrol Training Academy located in
Golden, Colorado. There, instructors can utilize computer training aids, videos and any

,,,,. ...

Colorado Bureav
other materials they may need during instruction.

This Program will allow us to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with ICE to assist the
of nvesligation Patrol in identifying criminal illegal aliens who pose a public safety risk to the citizens of the State
OMsion 01 of Colorado. Should this Delegation of Authority Program be approved, Troopers who are trained
Cttrrlnal JusUolr
Officeof Pt~.
and certified under this program will take enforcement action only if they encounter immigration
~ty. and Are Safety violations during the course of their state trooper duties. I thank you for your time and look
forward to your positive consideration of this request.

In Service to Colorado,

Chief, Colorado State Patrol

Firs/in Traffic Safety

~~4 I 2006
, %
Mit JOhn P;~ark
Deputy AS$i~t Secretary
US Jmmigta~bn and Customs Bif'Ofcement
425 I Street N:W Room 7000
Washington, DC 20536

Dear Deputy Assistant Secretary Clark:

1 am writing to request,parti~patiOnjn the Delegation of Authority J?rogrant, pU$Wmt1n 487(s}Qf

the I'mmigt1lt1on and Naturalization Act. "fl'Uparlnership will enable the O~1~do State ~tltml to
better,8erve and meet the needs of the. re~:ents of the State of J~rado,
Co.. /~,; {j,)(J~;.
Ihave been in communication with Assi~t Special Agent in Char "no has
been very helpful and encouraging. WitH his advice. we propOSe the 0 "iWlng: ",

• To train 23 Colorado State Patrol Troopers assigned to the P~tml's newly created
Immigration Enforcement Unit. AUofficers wi11bavea~ o£lwOyears experience
and will pass a security backgroundaeceptableto Immigration and Customs Enforomtent
(lCE). Due to our current manpower situation, two training classes may be needed to
accomplish this sLandard.

~II'~ • Training facilities are available at the Colorado Sta~e Patrol Training Academy located in
Ja. MotlItea
Golden. Colorado. There, instructors can utilize computet: training aids. videos and allY
EXECUTIVE OIRECTOR other materials they may need during in~tion.
ColoradQ~ This Program win allow us roentel' into a Memorandum ofUilderstanding with ICE t.o assist the
QI' IIWe$Ilgllllon
Patrol in identifYing criminal illegal aliens who p()~a public s;tfetyrlsk t9t1te citizensofthe State
Crtmlnal JtlslIcIl
ofColorado. Should this Delegation of Authority Program be a,pproved, Troopers who are trained
and certified under this program wilt take enforcement action only ifthey encounter immigration
Sect.lrit¥. end FII'Il Safely vi.oJations during the course of their state trooper duties. I thank you for your time and look
forward to your positive consideration of this request.

.~~~S~~.t~~~lo1'a:~! ...

Colonel Mark V. Trostel
Chief; Colorado State Patrol

First in Traffic Safety

G. )( f lll'(!SligailOllS
U.S. D~pBrtmenl or UOIlll"IBnll Srcurily
425 I Sireet. NW
Washington. DC 20536

u.s. Immigration
and Customs

SEP 1 9 2006

Chief, Colorado State Patrol

700 Kipling St.
Suite 1000
Denver, CO 80215·5865

Dear r:::::::===l
This letter is to notify you that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (lCE) has received
your request for 287(g) Delegation of Authority training for the Colorado State Patrol.

Thank you for your interest and request for participation in the 287(g) Delegation of Authority
program. Your request is currently under review and a response is forthcoming.

..;h;e ~
T lo~c;
al::llcE point of contact will be Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC)
~ from the SAC Denver Office. will oversee your request for
287(g) Delegation of Authority training for the Colorado State Patrol. _ may
be reached at (303) 721· --


~~ 1'-"\
arcy . Fonnan
; q{I#llle8lfgl/ltiom

,u.s. ~of~Writy
~.mmgton,. DC 2~$3(i

¥r. Mark V. r~rI~

(flAW ~ ,

Colorado State Pa,trl)l

700 Kipling St.
Denvet. CO 80215

Dear Chief Tro~tel,

'.t:'ln:~Jetter is to notify you t~at Julie L. MYefS" Assistant Secretary funhe Department of'
Homeland Security (nBS), Immignuion and 'Customs Enforcement (ICE) approved your request
for Z87(g) Delegation of Authority Training tor the Colorado State Patrol (CSP), The letter also
serves as a notice of intent to negotiate an MOA between the :OHS!lCBa~ the esp.

OJ·IS/ICE is looking fonvard to the partnership and the success of this joint venture. The 187(g)
program has produced some very good successes ill other locations and I have no doubt. it will be
successful in Colorado. ~ (bJ(l J
who will program~"CE.,S,'
he 2S7(g)

A S A c _ a n be reached
(b)17)~ j . ' ' -~. Q;J~j
The local ICE point of contact is Assistant Special Agent in Charge
ov~rsee Agent in Charge l~


Immigration and Customs Enforcement


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