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Information Technology (It) can be defined as the use of hardware and
software for efficient management of information, ie storage, retrie!al,
"rocessing communication, diffusion and sharing of information for
social, economical and cultural u"liftment
#$E%CO considers information Technology (IT) as %cientific,
technological used in information handling and "rocessing their
a""lication, com"uters and their interaction with men and machines and
associated social, economical and cultural matters& ' mosaic of
technologies, "roducts and techni(ues has combined to "ro!ide new
electric dimensions to information management This mosaic is )nown
by the name of Information Technology as* a term use to co!er
technologies used in the collection, "rocessing and transmission of
information, it includes micro +electric and info,electronic based
technologies incor"orate in many "roducts and "roduction "rocesses
and increasingly affecting the ser!ice sector It co!ers interallies
com"uters, electronic office e(ui"ment, telecommunication, industrial
robots and com"uter controlled machine, electronic com"onents and
software "roducts
Concept of Networking
Com"uter $etwor)ing is a techni(ue in which two or more systems are
interconnected so that they can share the Information between them
moreo!er it is an interconnected collection of autonomous com"uters
The connection need not be !ia a co""er wire, but it can be the fiber
o"tics, microwa!es and communication satellites 'utonomous
com"uters are those in which there is no master + sla!e relationshi" '
system with one control unit and many sla!es is not a networ), nor is
large com"uter with remote "rinters and many sla!es is not a networ)
"rinters and terminal
Com"uter networ) is not same as the distributed system These ha!e
different conce"ts The )ey distinction is that in a distributed system,
the e-istence of multi"le autonomous com"uters is trans"arent (not
!isible) to the user It is u" to an o"erating system to select the best
"rocessor, find and trans"ort all the in"ut files to that "rocessor and
files to dis)s mo!ement of files between where they are stored and
where they are needed and all other system functions must be
.ith a networ), users must e-"licitly lag onto one machine,
e-"licitly submit /obs remotely, e-"licitly mo!e files around and
generally handle it the networ) management "ersonally
$etwor) is basically classified on the basis of 'rea co!ered and
software used
! On t"e #$%i% of &re$ co'ere(
$! )&N *)oc$+ &re$ Network!, -
.hen two or more com"uters are connected within
building or cam"us so that they can share their resources or
information then it is called 0'$, its area is a few 12 3m4s
but there is a condition that "ublic "ro"erty should not be
#! .&N *.etropo+it$n &re$ Network!, -
.hen two or more com"uters are connected within a city
so that they can share there information of resources then it
is called 5'$ In 5'$ "ublic "ro"erty will be used ie
tele"hone line 5odem will also be used in 5'$ 'rea is
in a few 122 3m
c! W&N *Wi(e &re$ Network!, -
.hen two or more com"uters are connected from one city
to another city of from one country another then it is called
as .'$ Its area is unlimited ($o geogra"hical limit)
On t"e #$%i% of %oftw$re /%e(, -
$! Ser'er-c+ient network , -
$etwor) in which all the "rocesses are not done by the
ser!ice "ro!ider (ie ser!er) then it is called a ser!er,
client networ) It is also called 6istributed networ)
#! Peer to Peer network , -
The networ) in which there is no fi- ser!er or in sim"le if
machines can share information without "re,mention
ser!er of client 7or e-am"le networ)ing between dos and
6os, win89 and win89, win:11 and win89, win8; and
win<222 are "eer,to,"eer networ)
c! 0o%t-Ter1in$+ network , -
The networ) in which all ser!ice "ro!ider does the
"rocess than it is called as =ost,Terminal networ) It is
also called a centrali>ed networ) %oftware used in this
networ) is #$I?, @$I?, and 0I$#?
A'%IC TER5% I$ $ET.OR3I$@
') SER2ER It is an intelligent machine, which "ro!ide ser!ice, it
should ha!e some higher hardware configuration as com"ared to
other machine say client in networ)
A) C)IENT It is an intelligent machine, which ta)es ser!iceB it
has its own local "ower
C) WORKST&TION It is an intelligent machine, which has hard
dis) dri!e or flo""y dis) dri!e so that if ser!er is down it can act
as stand,alone machine
') NODE It is an intelligent machine but without dri!e ie =66
or 766 It is used in dis)less networ)ing
A) 0OST It is an intelligent machine, which "ro!ide ser!ice as
well as all the "rocess are done by itself in networ)
C) TER.IN&) It is a dum" machine, ha!ing not its own local
"ower, e!erything is done by ser!ice "ro!ider
Re%o/rce %"$ring Ay setting a networ) it is "ossible to ha!e all the
"rograms or data a!ailable to any machine on the networ) without the
regard if the "hysical location of the resources and the user
0ig" re+i$#i+it3 %etting of networ), "ro!ides high reliability by
ha!ing alternati!e sources for information or any data
Powerf/+ co11/nic$tion 1e(i$ $etwor) "ro!ides the a!ailability
to increase the "erformance gradually as the wor)load increase ie by
adding more "rocessor and finally through this "ro!iding a "owerful
communication media
Econo1ic 's we )now that through networ) it is "ossible to share
the resources ie "rinter, C6,6ri!es etc so it cost low to us
Per%on to per%on co11/nic$tion Through networ) it become
"ossible to ha!e an internet ($etwor) of $etwor)) Through Internet
we can access any remote information .e ha!e Electronic,mail (E,
mail) by which any message can reach to its destination within a
second .e can tal) to anyone (chat) throughout the world in easy and
(uic)er way .e ha!e interacti!e entertainment through this
a) )e%% %ec/rit3 of ($t$
's we )now through networ) sharing of data of
information can ta)es "lace which can fed to the less security to our
data, for e-am"le in "eer to "eer there is no data security
b) Nee( of $(1ini%tr$tor
7or a large networ) there is the need of 0'$ administrator,
which can control the o!erall networ) =e "ro!ides the rights,
"ermission to different users or machine
c) $eed of oper$tion %3%te1
for a networ) we ha!e to choose our networ) o"erating
system de"ending on our need and a""lication Eg $o!ell
or $T
d) Corr/ption of ($t$
If !irus infects one machine in networ) then there is
"ossibility that it can corru"t the data of other machine
connected to it
The different ty"es of cables used in networ)ing de"ending u"on needs
and a""lication are
a) Twisted "air
b) Co,a-ial cable
c) 7iber o"tical cable
It consists of two insulated co""er wire ty"ically 1 mm thic) The
wire is twisted in a helical form The twisted "air is used to reduce
electrical interference to the similar "ath close to each other The most
common e-am"le is the tele"hone cable It can be used to transmit
either digital or analog transmission or the bandwidth de"ends u"on the
thic)ness of wire and the distance tra!eled
Twisted "air cable is of two ty"es
1) %TP (%hield Twisted Pair)
<) #TP (#nshielded Twisted Pair)
%TP cables has an R7I (Re(uest for Insulating material) wra""ed
around two twisted "air It is more immune to interference and is
more e-"ansi!e
#TP cable do not ha!e an R7I co!ering instead has a PCC
"rotecting co!ering It is less e-"ansi!e and widely used
'd!antage* ,
Twisted "air cables are lighter, thinner, and more fle-ible
CO-&5I&) C&4)E* ,
These cables ha!e an innermost conducting co""er wire which is
co!ered by insulating material and abo!e this there is a mesh of
conducting wire which act as an earth and finally it has an outer "lastic

C o p p e r w i r e
I n s u l a t o r
Co,a-ial cables are of two ty"es* ,
1) Aase band co,a-ial cable
<) Aroad band co,a-ial cable
Aase band are further of two ty"es* ,
a) 92 cable used for digital transmission
b) D9 cables used for analog transmission
Aroadband cable uses only analog transmission as it uses analog
am"lifier to gi!e the strength to the signal "eriodically
&('$nt$ge, -
=igh Aand width
E-cellent noise immunity
=igher s"eed of data rate
Ca"acity to transmit many signals at same time
This system consists of basically the three com"onents* ,
1) Transmission medium
It is an ultra thin fiber of glass of silica
<) 0ight source
It can be a light emitting diode of laser diode
:) 6etector
It is a "hotodiode, which generates an electrical "ulse when
light falls on it
0E6 or 0aser diode sends the signal down the cable ' detector
recei!es the signal and con!erts them bac) to the electrical im"ulse,
which the com"uter can understand
'd!antage* ,
1) =a!e e-tremely large bandwidth
<) Carry signals for long distances
:) Immune to electromagnetic interference
E) Can carry !oice, !ideo, and data
In networ)ing the different ty"es of connectors #sed are* ,
1) T,ty"e
<) Aarrel
:) A$C connector
E) Terminator
It is t, sha"ed connector, which is used for adding new clients or
e-"anding our networ)
It is a small rod sha"e connector, which is fre(uently used for
/oining the two "ieces of co,a-ial cable of /ust for e-"anding the length
It is used for connecting the co,a-ial wire with the de!ices ha!ing
A$C connector or soc)et ie in =ub of in 0'$ card
It is used for nullify the signals on both sides of networ) The
terminator consist of register at the end ( ie 92 or D9 )
To"ology may be defined as the techni(ue through which the different
com"uters are attached in a networ)
6ifferent ty"es of to"ologies are* ,
1 %T'R
< A#%
: RI$@
9 5E%=
In this to"ology all the systems are connected indi!idually with each
other with the hel" of hub This ty"e of to"ology is commonly used in
networ)ing Twisted "air cables are used in this

C o m p 1 C o m p 2
H u b
C o m p 3 S e r v e r
&('$nt$ge* ,
1) Easy to establish this ty"e of networ)ing
<) .hole networ) will wor) "ro"erly if any machine get out of
:) Troubleshooting of this networ) is easier
E) Pro!ides sim"le e-"ansion by adding a new hub
Di%$('$nt$ge* ,
1) E-tra cost of hub
<) 6ata transfer rate is slow
:) 5a-imum cable distance between a com"uter and the hub is :<;
feet (122 meters)
In this to"ology the systems are connected in a se(uence ie one after
another in one direction The co,a-ial cable is used in thid to"ology If
any system in this networ) gets out of order then whole networ) will
get down
&('$nt$ge* ,
1) $o e-tra de!ice is used for e-"anding the networ)
<) 6ata transfer s"eed is more
Di%$('$nt$ge* ,
1) If any systems get out of order, the whole networ) get down
<) Ta)e longer time to establish
In this to"ology the first system of the networ) is connected with the
last one in order to form a ring It is /ust li)e a bus to"ology whose both
ends are /oined with each other It sor)s on to)en management '
s"ecial ty"e of ring Ethernet cable is used

'd!antage* ,
1) %"eed is !ery high
<) Cable is not wasted
:) 6ue to busy cable system we will get networ) failure message if
nGw is down
6isad!antage* ,
1) Troubleshooting of this ty"e of networ) is not !ery easy
<) %"ecial ty"e of 0'$ card is used
=ybrid to"ology is the combination of two to"ologies ie %tar and Aus
$IC card consists of two connector ie RJ E9 and A$C if both these
connectors are used to form a networ) then we can say it =ybrid
If a networ) is (establish) with the hel" of more than two to"ologies
then we can say it as a mesh to"ology
1) =#A
<) %.ITC=
E) @'TE.'F
9) 5O6E5
=ub is a de!ice through which the different systems are connected in
the networ) es"ecially in star to"ology =ubs are of many ty"es ie ;
bits of 1H bits, which means it can connect, ma-imum u" to ; or 1H
com"uters res"ecti!ely
6e"ending u" on the wor)ing "rinci"les they are of different
ty"es* ,
1) 'cti!e =ub* These hubs ha!e ca"acity to am"lify the signal
<) Passi!e =ub* These hubs cannot am"lify the signals
:) Intelligent =ub* These hubs not only am"lify the signal but also
they "ro!ide the route to the signal
%witch is an ad!anced intelligent hub, which "ro!ides the route at the
high le!el
It is a de!ice, which am"lify the signal so that signal can tra!el u" to
more distance It does not "ro!ide route but sim"ly enlarge the networ)
lines In networ) we can use ma-imum E re"eaters It wor)s in "hysical
Router is a de!ice, which "ro!ide route It has buffers IC4s It wor) in
networ) layer It is used for connecting two networ)s ha!ing different
to"ologies but both networ)s should use same "rotocols Routers can be
de!ice or a ser!er machine acting as router It will ha!e two or more
0'$ cards
It is a de!ice (may be sGw), which is used for connecting two of more
networ)ing ha!ing different "rotocol It wor)s in networ) layer It may
also wor) in same u""er layer ' @ateway can actually con!ert data so
that it wor)s with an a""lication on the other com"uter ' gateway can
recei!e E,mail message and can con!ert them in another format
It is a de!ice which connect two different segments li)e re"eater, it also
am"lify signal at some le!el as well ad li)e router it also "ro!ide
destination address through address table facility
5odem is a de!ice, which wor)s on the basic "rinci"le of modulation
and demodulation .hen it recei!es the signal in analog form it con!ert
in digital, modulate it at higher fre(uency so that signal can tra!el a
longer distance and when the signal reached in its destination then
modem again demodulate the signal to its original form
' networ) in which all the connected com"uters are considered e(uals
each com"uter has its own hard dis) I has the ability is tal) to all the
other com"uter on the networ) sharing resources such as C6,RO5 ,
"rinters, modems I so on In this we are only considering those )ind of
networ) as it wor)s well in a star configuration
.indows <222 "rofessional does not )now which one of se!eral
"ossible networ)ing "rotocols you want to use so we still home to
com"lete a few more ste"s
1) 0og on to your windows <222 "rofessional com"uter as an
administrators, I load your windows <222 "rofessional C6 in
your C6 dri!e
<) Choose start settings control "anel, I o"en networ) I dial
u" connections
:) Right clic) local area connection, I choose "ro"erties to o"en
the local area connector "ro"erties dialogue bo-
E) 't the to" of the general tab, you will see the ma)e I model of
your networ) interface card, I below this you will see the
Ethernet or 5'C address that has been read from the card
9) In this center if this dialog bo-, we want to see at least three
com"onents others may be "resent too, between need to see these
a) Client for 5icrosoft networ)s
b) 7ile I "rinter sharing for 5icrosoft networ)s
c) $etwor) "rotocols
H) If these com"onents are not installed clic) install, then select
either client to install client for 5icrosoft networ) or "rotocol to
install $ETAE#I "rotocol I clic) add re"eat these ste"s until
these three com"onents are listed in the local area connection
"ro"erties dialog bo-
D) Clic) o), I then clic) o) again when you are "rom"ted to restart
your com"uters
SER2ER C)IENT NETWORK ' networ) in which one or more
central com"uters act as a ser!er, I all the other com"uters on the
networ) are connected to this ser!er 5anagement functions are
concentrated on the ser!er which administrator a""lications as well as
file I "rinter sharing for more information on wor)ing in this sort of
The ste"s of ser!er,client networ) are similar to the "eer,to,"eer
a) Client for 5icrosoft networ)
b) 7ile I "rinter sharing for 5icrosoft networ)
c) $tbeui "rotocol
Aut there is one another thing to add here that is the "ro"erties of client
for 5icrosoft nGw and mention here the domain name and clic) to (uic)
logon and then a""ly and o)
It was the most "o"ular networ) system in the "c world It was
designed to be used by com"anies downsi>ing from a mainframe to a
networ) of PCs In such systems, each user has a des)to" PC
functioning as a client In addition, some number of "owerful PCs
o"erate as ser!ers, other ser!ices to a collection of clients In other
words, $OCE00 $ET.'RE is based on the client,ser!er model
$o!ell $et.are is a networ) o"erating system made by $o!ell
com"any It has !arious !ersion <-, :-, E- and 9- among theses
o"erating system which means ser!er <- is not a dedicated o"erating
system which means ser!er <- is not a dedicated o"eration system
which means ser!er <- can also be used as client but rest are dedicated
Fe$t/re% of No'e++ NetW$re
1) 6ata sharing
<) %ecurity
:) Resource sharing and friend sha)e with other machine
En"$nce( fe$t/re%
1) 6irectory caching It means directory list (7'T) or data entry
table (6ET) will be co"ied into R'5 while loading o"erating
system due to which o!erall s"eed will be fast
<) 6irectory hashing It means directory list is "ut in accessioning
and descending order in the R'5
:) 7ile caching It means file which are used most widely will be
co"ied into R'5
E) %ee)ing Ele!ator It is /ust li)e interlea!e factor in sim"le
sense software is install in such a way that =66 will sense data
NO2E)) 6.7
5inimum re(uirements for installation of $o!ell ser!er :1<
1) :;H system
<) E5A R'5
:) :25A free s"ace of $O$,6O% "art ion and 95A "rimary 6O%
s"ace (to co"y some files of $o!ell form C6)
! Step% of in%t$++ No'e++ %er'er 6.7
a) 7irst of all create 6O% "artition and lea!e some s"ace free for
$O$,6O% "artition say :25A
b) Then co"y all files of system,1 from $o!ell C6 to a directory
in =66 say $o!ell then ty"e C*J$OCE000J%ERCER
'utomatically screen will run and first of all we get message
KEnter the name of ser!er&
c) $ow it as) K$etwor) IP? $O&
d) $ow we get the console "reem"ti!e K%ERCER&
e) $ow run from console "rom"tL
%ERCER*J0O'6 I%'6I%3
f) Then ty"e K %ERCER*J0O'6 I$%T'00&
'fter this we get a screen with a menu ha!ing o"tions li)e
a) DISK OPTION 7rom this o"tion we can create "rimary
dos "art ion, $et.are "artition and we can also delete these
b) 2O)U.E OPTION This o"tion will as) for creating
the !olume There is a !olume name M%F%4 which is created
by default
c) .OUNTING 'fter creating !olumes we ha!e to mount
them by mount o"tion
7or loading the 0'$ card dri!er we ha!e to /ust ty"e the name of lan
card in the console "rom"t eg
%ERCER* 0O'6 $E<222
%ERCER*AI$6 IP? TO $E<222
E) T3pe %ERCER* CO$7I@
It will show the name of 0'$ card and the name of "rotocol,
which is loaded
.e should ha!e ma-imum -tG;2;; motherboard, ha!ing HE2 3A R'5
7or installing the client we ha!e to go to .%6O%N1 directory and ty"e
.e get a screen and follow the ste"s as)ed by it
'fter this we "hysically connect the client,ser!er through cable and
then run startnetbat command at the client side %tartnetbat ha!e the E
files 0%0, IP?O6I, $E<222, C05
$T ($E. TEC=$O0O@F)
$T stands for new technology It is the "roduct of 5icrosoft It has
!arious !ersion li)e :92, :91, $T E2, and .I$6O.% <222 There
are further two ty"es of $T software
In win <222 wGs is )nown as win <222 "rofessional
Processor R'5 =ard dis)
.indows nt E
P,1, 1HH5=O 1H 5A re(
:<5A recomm
P,1, 1::5=O :<5A re(
HE5A recomm
H925A with
1@A of free
.innt E ser!er E;H6? re(
P,1 recomm
1H5A re(
:<5A recomm
.in <222
P,1, 1HH re(
P,II, :22
HE5A re(
E225A re(
1@A recomm
1) It su""orts 1H bit I $T7% 7'T system
<) =igh reliability (it does not crash easily)
:) 0ess cost of ownershi"s
E) =igh security
1) It su""orts dis) (uota system, which means we can fi- hard dis)
s"ace for se"arate user
<) 6is) com"ression is "ossible to sa!e hard dis) s"ace (only in
:) It su""orts Encry"tion file system which means data format will
be changed and hac)ers can4t find out the data
E) It ha!e inbuilt dri!er for 6C6, %C'$$ER I 6I@IT'0
9) It has =C0 (hardware com"ability list)

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