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E-government has many definition depends on the action performed or the services delivered to

certain system organisation. In general e- Government can be defined as the provision of services
and information to the individuals, Public sectors and Private sectors using electronic
communication. This can be Internet or Mobile services. E-Government increase information flow
speed, efficiency reliability and security. Electronic use in government communication helps
government officials to deliver quality services to the public.[1][2]
Public sector in Zanzibar is any organisation that provides public services to the citizens. It is
controlled and monitored by the revolutionary government of Zanzibar. In general this can be
identified by saying all Ministries and its departments available in Revolutionary Government of
Zanzibar. However there are some departments fall in public sector but it includes few services and
programmes which are private.
The following are some public services that are provided by the government of Zanzibar.

Education Health Water Electricity Military Telecommunication- Citizen ID/Marriage and
Birth certificates, Banking, Postal services, Immigration, Fire service, Waste management
E-services (Electronic services):- Is the use of Information and Communication Technology to
facilitate the delivery of services. The e-services cover all circumstances and participants of that
service as people who deliver that service, the people who receive that service and media used to
deliver that service.
E-services can be categorised into four main communication service relationships. This includes
communication between Citizen and Government (G2C), Government to Business (G2B) and the
communication between Government sectors (G2G).
Government to Citizen services (G2C) Business to Government services
Loan application for higher education Company registration
Birth and marriage certificates Social contribution for employers
Citizenship ID Data exchange between government and
business organisation
Social security benefits Tax payments
Electricity service application/payments
Water service application/payments
Car registration
Revenue Authority
House/land registration
Job Search

Centralized data processing: is one or combination of many processing devices access and process
data at the central station. The nodes are connected using communication media to the central data
station. Data can be kept at local storage as well as at the central device.
Data centralisation comprises both data collection and data dissemination where by data can use
internet or mobile services to perform either of them.

Information flow

1. Jeffrey W. Seifert, A Primer on E-Government: Sectors, Stages, Opportunities, and
Challenges of Online Governance, 2003

Data centre
Mobile Users
Data store
Data store

Decision makers

Fibre Link
Mobile Users
Current situation:
Zanzibar government have many departments offer public services, each department has its own
way to maintain its data. There is no common standard to purchase any government electronic
equipments and software; therefore each department are keeping their information in whatever
format and standard.
Since the government is moving towards ICT development in a manner that e-government has to
take place in all of its departments and create centralised information. Communication data transfer
line is on progress in which common backbone have been distributed all over the country (Zanzibar)
and the submarine cable to connect between mainland and the Zanzibar Island. There is a need to
have a common data centre.
Some information needed at many public and private organisations. To have data in one stop centre
will help government officials to know where the information is, how to get and what information is
needed at the particular task. Consular

What is the better way to implement centralised data centre based on the current situation?

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