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It Is Very Difficult To Identify

What Hate Speech Is Gota

I will resign if my links with BBS are proven.
| by Hafeel Farisz
Courtesy: aily !irror" Colombo
# $uly %" %&'(" Colombo" Sri )anka *uar+ian, Se-retary to the !inistry of efen-e an+ .rban
evelopment *otabaya /a0apaksa yester+ay +enie+ any involvement with the Bo+u Bala Sena
#BBS," or any fringe organisations as allege+.
Speaking to the aily !irror +uring an e1-lusive interview /a0apaksa asserte+ that he woul+
resign from his post if any -onne-tion with these organizations was prove+.
2I have nothing to +o with the BBS. I have not at all been involve+ in any of this. 3ll this is
be-ause of baseless a--usations" an+ I will always say that some !uslim politi-ians an+
opposition politi-ians have put the blame on me. 3t the en+ the me+ia has also +one that. 4hat
fa-ts +o they have to say that5 It6s very unfortunate that people write su-h baseless fa-tless
arti-les" that is very wrong.
Be-ause of these the international me+ia believes they are true7 he sai+.
2I will give up this post if they -an prove this. I will leave this post if they -an prove that I have
any -onne-tion with any of these things or organizations7 he sai+.
He further sai+ the re-ent in-i+ents in 3luthgama ha+ sa++ene+ him an+ asserte+ that he +i+ not
-on+one violen-e on any level.
Speaking further he +i+ not +eny the assertion that he woul+ enter politi-s in the future.
He sai+ he woul+ enter the politi-al s-ene if the 8resi+ent invite+ him to +o so.
2If the 8resi+ent invites me I will +efinitely -ome an+ I assure you that I -an +o mu-h better
than many of these politi-ians -urrently hol+ing offi-e.7
9he full interview
Sri )anka6s Se-retary of efen-e an+ .rban evelopment *otabaya /a0apaksa in an e1-lusive
interview base+ on the re-ent inter -ommunal violen-e that engulfe+ the South 4estern region
of the -ountry" +enie+ allegations that he was provi+ing -over to 2-ertain organisations7. He
instea+ asserte+ that the purporte+ Sinhala Bu++hist organisations are not his -reations. He
further went on to state that 2!uslim politi-ians an+ :pposition politi-ians7 are to blame for
-reating the ;myth6 that these organisations were his -reation.
<: 9o start off with" are you sa++ene+ by the re-ent inter -ommunal violen-e in Sri )anka"
having suffere+ +e-a+es through a -onfli-t on similar lines5
=es" I +efinitely am be-ause I am the first person an+ one who has worke+ very har+ to bring
stability to this -ountry together with the 8resi+ent. I was in the forefront of +efeating
9errorism from whi-h we suffere+ for >& long years. ue to the -orre-t approa-h an+
un+erstan+ing having un+erstoo+ the weaknesses we suffere+ in the past" we were able to
+efeat it an+ usher an era of pea-e an+ stability. Following this" a win+ow of opportunity
opene+ up to bring benefits to the people of this -ountry. 9hat is the main thing. 9his
government has +one a lot of work to this en+ ? +evelopment of infrastru-ture an+ ushering in a
very -on+u-ive environment for +evelopment et-. I think we were on the -orre-t path. 4e saw
massive investments flowing into the -ountry" an+ the in-rease of tourism among many other
areas in whi-h we have seen rapi+ progress. 9his is what the government -an +o ? -reating an
environment for entrepreneurs an+ the private se-tor to take this opportunity to parti-ipate an+
help e-onomi- +evelopment. In the meantime we also saw rapi+ progress in all war affe-te+
areas in the @orth whi-h in-lu+e+ +e?mining" re?settlement" infrastru-ture +evelopment"
rehabilitation among others. 3mong all else we have brought in free+om an+ +emo-ra-y to
these areas that ha+ not taste+ su-h for a long time. 4e have +one everything to bring stability
throughout the -ountry an+ to maintain the pea-e that we brought in after so mu-h sa-rifi-e.
:n-e all this was stoppe+ what we wante+ was to get the ma1imum out of the stability that we
have ushere+ in an+ from that point of view" I am very sa+ to have witnesse+ these in-i+ents.
9hey gave a very ba+ image to our -ountry an+ it affe-te+ many people who ha+ an image of
Sri )anka being a pea-eful an+ stable -ountry. 4e saw the international me+ia pro0e-ting Sri
)anka in ba+ light an+ that is very sa+. Aven the timings of the in-i+ent have affe-te+ all of us
be-ause we have a great -hallenge from within -ertain se-tions of the international -ommunity
after the en+ of the war" a team to inBuire has now been appointe+ by the Human /ights
Coun-il an+ we were working very har+ with like min+e+ -ountries to work with us an+ also to
win their support. 9herefore this is a very sa+ situation. 9his is why all -itizens of Sri )anka"
irrespe-tive of party politi-s" ra-e an+ religion must -ome together an+ not forget the past. 4e
must not forget the image that Sri )anka pro0e-te+ before !ay %&&C an+ all you woul+ have
seen was violen-e" this is what we saw. 4e must not forget this past whi-h was not very long
ago. 4e must ask ourselvesD +o you want to go ba-k to that era5 o you want the -ountry to be
pro0e-te+ to the worl+ on the same angles as before5. 4e live in a global worl+ an+ we have to
+epen+ on others" if you take tourism? no one woul+ -ome to this -ountry if the -ountry was not
per-eive+ to be pea-eful" woul+ investors -ome to this -ountry if there is no stability or pea-e5
@o. so we +on6t want this kin+ of in-i+ents ever taking pla-e.
I -an give you a personal e1ample of how these in-i+ents affe-t the image of this -ountry.
uring the time of the in-i+ent the Foreign !inister of Singapore was on a private holi+ay in
the same region +uring the violen-e. .sually Singapore sen+s se-urity personnel only to -ertain
-ountries whi-h they per-eive to be violent. Sri )anka is a -ountry to whi-h they +o not sen+
se-urity personnel with their +ignitaries" that6s the image that we ha+ -reate+. However" as soon
as this in-i+ent happene+ the Se-urity establishment in Singapore were worrie+ an+ ha+ wante+
to sen+ their personnel" but the Foreign !inister ha+ sai+ that there was no nee+ be-ause there
was no imminent threat. He tol+ me this +uring +inner at my house. But that6s the kin+ of effe-t
these in-i+ents have on the image of the -ountry. So this is why I am sa+ of these in-i+ents.
<: But are you surprise+ that this happene+5 9he last time I interviewe+ you" we spoke about
the Bo+u Bala Sena" the hate spee-h targeting one -ommunity an+ so on. How are you
surprise+ that this happene+5
=es" I am surprise+. 9he people have to be responsibleD we +on6t have to resort to violen-e in
any way to solve any problem. If it is terrorism then that6s a +ifferent issue an+ a militaristi-
approa-h must be taken. But when its an issues of this kin+" we must have +ialogue" +is-uss
an+ negotiate" there are other means to a++ress these issues. 4hy I am surprise+ is be-ause we
were 0ust getting over a very +ark perio+" where people were frightene+ to travel in a bus"
where there were no investors" tourists or pea-e of min+. For two generations we went through
this. 4hy +o we forget this within su-h a short perio+5 9hat is what surprises me. 9hat is why I
am surprise+. I am not talking about one -ommunity or organisation. I am not blaming
anybo+yD the blame game will not work. It is not one person or organisation that was
responsible for the re-ent in-i+ents. 9here were many parties who were responsible for this.
9his is why I am surprise+. Averybo+y must a-t wisely now.
<: 9o get +ire-tly to the point" many parties have allege+ an+ per-eive+ you to be the fatherly
figure that is provi+ing -over an+ ai+ing an+ abetting Sinhala e1tremism. 4hat is your
-onne-tion with these fringe organisations whi-h are per-eive+ to be the -atalyst for the re-ent
spate of violen-e5
It6s a -omplete baseless allegation. It is insane to blame me out of all the people as the person
who is seeking to +estroy the pea-e an+ stability of this -ountry. I am the first person who
woul+ want stability an+ pea-e in this -ountry an+ the first to +ispel any sort of +isturban-e to
the pea-e of this -ountry.
3fter the -onfli-t en+e+ I am sure many of the people of this -ountry whi-h in-lu+e+
professionals" politi-ians an+ others were rela1ing. 9hat6s what they have to +o. But I worke+
overtime" together with the efense establishment we never rela1e+. Soon after the en+ of the
war we worke+ har+ to ensure that pea-e sustains. 9hat is why this -ountry saw pea-e an+
stability all this while. 9here were so many attempts by the )99A to regroup an+ +estroy the
pea-e in this -ountry. 4e were able to prevent that. I also want to point out the irresponsible
statements of -ertain politi-ians regar+ing intelligen-e personnel. It was through the
intelligen-e operatives that we were able to keep the pea-e" it was they who brought in E8 who
was lea+ing an+ organising the international network of the )99A. It was all +ue to the work of
the intelligen-e agen-ies. It was they who provi+e+ all the intelligen-e for su--essful operations
sa-rifi-ing a lot for this -ountry. .nfortunately be-ause of irresponsible a-ts of some people
some of the intelligen-e personnel ha+ to sa-rifi-e their lives an+ I6m sure the -ountry -oul+
remember that. 9hese people are the ones who want to govern this -ountry in the future" an+ if
this is a -alibre an+ mentality of the people who are attempting to govern" I +on6t know what
will happen to the se-urity of this -ountry. 9hey have to be ashame+ of themselves. If you go
through a re-ent spee-h I ma+e at the Eothelawala efense 3-a+emy" you will see that I spoke
of various potential threats to the -ountry" an+ one of it was Islami- terrorism. I spoke of the
possibility. Aven at that time many !uslim politi-ians irresponsibly trie+ to blame me without
un+erstan+ing what I was talking about or the realities.
But +espite this I have no nee+ to -reate any organisation to -ounter any threat. 9hat is not the
way I work" that is not the way the Intelligen-e agen-ies or the government works. If there is a
problem we have more than a+eBuate resour-es to Buell it. I +on6t nee+ to -reate organisations
to +o this. If we i+entify a threat we will -ounter it +ire-tly. 4hy shoul+ I -reate any other
organisation5 9here are many other organizations to+ay that are base+ on ethni- an+ religious
lines. Is the BBS the only organisation that is base+ on these lines5 @o" there are !uslim an+
other religious organisations. It is the right of the people to -reate any organisation" this is a
+emo-rati- -ountry. )inking me is baseless. I know who put the blame on me. It is some of the
!uslim politi-ians an+ some of the opposition members. 9hey +i+ this to appease the
international -ommunity in or+er to +is-re+it me an+ the government. Some other people use+
this to get the a+vantage of the !uslims. Its purely politi-al. 9hese people have to be more
responsible. 9he only fa-t they use to blame me is a photograph of me visiting an opening
-eremony of a -entre. I was invite+ by a very respe-te+ monk who all politi-ians an+ others
know Fen . Eirama 4imala0othi 9hera. He is known to many in-lu+ing the :pposition )ea+er.
He is a priest a--epte+ an+ respe-te+ in so-iety who has +one yeoman servi-e to the
-ommunity. He invite+ me an+ that is why I went to this -eremony" an+ even +uring this
-eremony" there were very respe-te+ priests" politi-ians an+ offi-ials who were there. I +on6t
see anything wrong in atten+ing this -eremony. From that +ay onwar+s they have been linking
me. 4hat other fa-ts +o they have5 9hey have nothing else e1-ept this. I have never organise+
anything for them" in fa-t I have +one everything possible to prevent some of the things that
they wante+ to +o" take for instan-e the 8epiliyana in-i+ent.I spent the whole night there.
< 9he main reason is the -ulture of impunity these people seem to en0oy" isn6t it5 9hey have
been able to get away +oing things that others -oul+ not5
@o" that is wrong. 9here is -ertain a-tion that law an+ or+er -oul+ take an+ I think the 8oli-e
has taken a-tion imme+iately. But still why blame me5 9he 8oli-e +oesn6t -ome un+er me" it6s
a +ifferent !inistry in itself. 4hy am I blame+5
< So +o you think the 8oli-e has faile+ in its +uty5
@o" I think that6s wrong. 9he 8oli-e has taken a-tion at all times. 9he problem is that some
people e1pe-t the 8oli-e to take a-tion in +ifferent ways to +ifferent people. 9ake the e1ample
of the Bishop of !annar /ayappu $oseph. )ook at his a-tions an+ spee-hes. @o one has -alle+
for his arrest have they5 4hy is the approa-h +ifferent5 His spee-hes are +etrimental to the
-ountry" +etrimental to harmony. In his spee-hes he refers to the 3rmy as a Sinhalese 3rmy. So
why aren6t the people -alling for a-tion against him5 9hen look at some of the !uslim lea+ers
an+ the way they talk. 4hy +on6t you ask the same Buestion about them5 4hen you take legal
a-tion" or a-tion by the 8oli-e its very unfair to target one group or persons. 9he 8oli-e have
taken a-tion at all times even against the Bu++hist groups" what e1tra a-tion are you talking
< 9here have been instan-es of -hur-hes being atta-ke+ before " instan-es of !osBues being
atta-ke+" then most importantly there has been repeate+ hate spee-h. 4hat a-tion have they
It is not only about the !uslims.
< It6s about the !inorities.
)ook at the so-ial me+ia then" I am not +efen+ing the BBS. But I am +efen+ing the 8oli-e.
4hat a-tion -an you take against hate spee-h5
< 4hy" the 8revention of 9errorism 3-t is very -lear isn6t it5
@o" I have +is-usse+ this with many lawyers. Its very +iffi-ult to i+entify what hate spee-h is. If
there was su-h i+entifi-ation I woul+ have taken a-tion against Bishop /ayappu $oseph along
time ago. =ou must also un+erstan+ that when you take legal a-tion" that a-tion shoul+ not
aggravate the situation. 9hat is the most important thing. Its very easy to say? 9ake legal a-tion.
But see the +iffi-ulty the 8oli-e has. )ets leave out the BBS" Sihala /avaya" /ayappu $oseph
an+ 3zath Salley. 9ake in-i+ents of stu+ents. 9o+ay there are so many protests taking pla-e
+aily in this -ountry.
)ook at the +iffi-ulty the 8oli-e has in preventing them. 9hese are all legal" +espite the
+isturban-e to the publi-. 4hat a-tion -an the 8oli-e take5 )ook at /athupaswala" ultimately
there were three +eaths an+ the sol+iers who went to prote-t the -ivilians are behin+ bars.
<: oesn6t all of this in+i-ate isn6t there a failure in the system5
@o" not at all. 9his happens all over the worl+" look at the .nite+ Eing+om. :nly re-ently there
were images of the 8oli-e baton -harging an+ using +ogs against -ivilians. 9here have been
su-h instan-es even in the .S. Countering this type of protest is not an easy thing. It6s easy to
say but it6s +iffi-ult at times. 9he 8oli-e have their limitations. 4e shoul+ take a-tion against
people who +o wrong but we -ant go beyon+ it. 9here are laws regulations" we have to go to
<: 4hy +i+n6t the 8oli-e prevent this meeting or a rally of this sort from taking pla-e" when it
was obvious that the situation was tense an+ -oul+ lea+ to violen-e5
=es" that -an be viewe+ as a lapse on the part of the +e-ision making. But again I aske+ this
Buestion from the 8oli-e an+ what they tol+ me was that if they prevente+ the rally from taking
pla-e it -oul+ have le+ to a bigger an+ worse situation. But why are you starting from there5
4hy not start from the beginning5 :n 8oson 8oya +ay a priest was assaulte+.
<: 4as the priest a-tually assaulte+5
=es he was
<: But there is no $!: report to that effe-t5
9he $!: report is +ifferent" but what everybo+y is saying is that he was assaulte+. Aven
pushing will not +o big +amage. 9he $!: -an6t tell that. If there is a visible +amage to the
bo+y then the $!:6s report will in+i-ate it. But there nee+ not be physi-al +amage" right5 3n
in-i+ent took pla-e" an+ that happene+ on a very sensitive +ay to the Bu++hists. Some in-i+ent
involving a priest happene+ that +ay" isn6t it5 9hat6s a fa-t. In the first pla-e if that in-i+ent +i+
not happen then nothing else woul+ have happene+" isn6t it5 However" what you have to
un+erstan+ the a-tion taken by the 8oli-e. I was in !ihintale an+ the I*8 an+ the Se-retary to
the !inistry of )aw an+ :r+er was also there. 3s soon as we got to know about this I knew it
-oul+ es-alate into something unwarrante+ be-ause the area is a very sensitive one. Aven in
%&&G there was a similar tension in this area. I imme+iately instru-te+ the I*8 to go to
3luthgama. I also reBueste+ the se-retary of the !inistry of )aw an+ :r+er to go there. 9he
I*8 on the same night imme+iately -ame to 3luthgama. )ook at the a-tion taken. 9hat is why I
-ant see the reason as to why the people are blaming the 8oli-e. 3 senior I* of the 4estern
8rovin-e went there imme+iately" the S9F was also brought in. 9hat was the a-tion taken by the
8oli-e" that was how they were able to -ontain the situation on that +ay.
<: But a Cabinet !inister an+ your -lassmate" r. /a0itha Senarathne together with an
:pposition politi-ian who was on the groun+ 8alitha 9hewarapperuma very -learly sai+ that
this was planne+. 9hat these people were there with poles an+ ha+ petrol -ans. How +i+ all this
happen if the se-urity was that tight5
9hen you must blame both si+es. o you think both si+es ha+ planne+ it5 3ll these things were
foun+ near mosBues an+ near temples. 9hen the people of the area shoul+ have known before
han+ if this type of situation was happening. 9his is very irresponsible" be it a government
!inister or an :pposition politi-ian then they are wrong. 9hey shoul+ have informe+ us. 9hey
are wrong an+ I6m not frightene+ to say that. Aspe-ially a government !inister shoul+n6t say
that when they +on6t know the fa-ts. 9his is -heap politi-s. Can6t you get a pole to+ay5 within
five minutes -an6t you fin+ a pole5. 3re they saying that both parties were rea+y with this5
<: !y Buestion is why +i+n6t the 8oli-e take preventive a-tion5
9hey took a-tion. 9hey were living with the people. But in a situation like this where you have
to fight a mob it is not easy to -ontrol. 9his is what I6m saying. )ook at all the situations" in Sri
)anka or elsewhere. )ook at the Eatunayake in-i+ent" /athupuswela an+ Chilaw. It is
unreasonable to blame it on only one si+e. I want to take you ba-k to the in-i+ent of the
;*rease =aka6 when a !uslim person kille+ a 8oli-e -onstable whose wife was pregnant. 4as
there a ba-klash against the !uslim -ommunity5 @o. the 8oli-e worke+ har+ to prevent it
es-alating into any sort of violen-e. 4hy talk of only this in-i+ent5 It is very wrong to blame
the 8oli-e. 4hen that mur+er took pla-e the 8oli-e +i+ everything it -oul+ to prevent the
situation from es-alating. But when there is a situation of a mob running riot it is +iffi-ult an+
+ifferent. 9he same thing happene+ in Eatunayake" /athupaswela an+ Chilaw. 9here was
nothing ra-ial about it. In ompe when a -riminal +ie+ in 8oli-e -usto+y an+ the entire 8oli-e
station was burnt +own. 9hese were not ethni- or religious in-i+ents were they5 4hen it -omes
to -ertain situations it is not easy. 9his is where people who are instigating shoul+ be -areful.
9hey shoul+ not bring it to a situation like that. It happens all over the worl+. Its +iffi-ult for
the 8oli-e to -ontrol. 3lso on-e an in-i+ent of this sort happens" various other elements get in?
like looters. 9his blame game +oes not work. 4hat is important is to stop -reating situations of
this type. 9his is why I sai+ that we have to be very -areful. I also must say that it is the
8resi+ent who has solutions to all these problems. He Buelle+ terrorism an+ it is he who -oul+
solve problems of this sort. 4hat I6m saying is if there are issues that affe-t the people" if the
Sinhalese the 8resi+ent is the only person who -oul+ solve them. Averybo+y shoul+ present
these problems an+ the 8resi+ent will solve it. @obo+y else -an solve them. =ou -an shout an+
-ry" you -an fight on so-ial me+ia" but the problems will not be solve+. 9he problems -an only
be solve+ by him.
<: 9here is a sense of belief that *otabaya /a0apaksa6s military min+set has usurpe+ the
8oliti-al pro0e-t of the 8resi+ent. 9here have also been many writings appearing to this effe-t.
Has your !ilitary min+set usurpe+ the 8oliti-al min+set of the 8resi+ent5
I have nothing to +o with the BBS. I am not at all involve+ in any of this. 3ll this stems from
baseless a--usations" an+ I will always say that some !uslim politi-ians an+ :pposition
politi-ians have wrongfully put the blame on me. 9he me+ia also has +one the same thing.
4hat fa-ts +o they have to say that5 Its very unfortunate that some people write these baseless
fa-tless arti-les" that is very wrong. ue to these writings the international me+ia also believe
them to be true. 9his is very wrong. 9he people who write these arti-les are insane. 4hy woul+
the 8resi+ent want to +amage the stability" why woul+ he want to lose his vote base5 4hy
woul+ a lea+er want to -reate trouble in a -ountry5 its insane to think like that. I am the person
who worke+ +ay an+ night" working har+ to bring an+ keep stability in this -ountry while they
were sleeping an+ writing. 9hey want to be-ome heroes by writing this sort of nonsense. 9hey
write without any fa-ts.I am not worrie+ about them be-ause they -an6t +o any goo+ to this
-ountry. 9hey are the people who have a--use+ this -ountry of not having me+ia free+om" this
is evi+en-e of that free+om. But they misuse that free+om. I will give up this post if they -an
prove this. I will leave this post if they -an prove that I have any -onne-tion with any of these
organisations. I am not afrai+ to say that I am a Bu++hist. I am not afrai+ to say that there are
issues that are harmful to the sentiments of the people. But I +on6t -on+one violen-e. I +on6t
say that violen-e is the solution to this. I am not afrai+ to say that there are issues for the
Sinhalese. @ot only for the Sinhalese but even the 9amils have issues. If you spe-ifi-ally speak
about the !uslim -ommunity not only the Sinhalese Bu++hists" but the Sinhalese Catholi-s
also have -ertain issues with them. In !annar there are no Sinhalese but there are issues
between the !uslims an+ the 9amil Catholi-s. 4hat about the 9amils in Batti-aloa5 9hey have
issues. 4hat about the Catholi-s in 4attala an+ $a?ela who have brought these issues to me.
9his is why I believe that we have to talk to the !uslims. I am -urrently -on+u-ting a wi+e
ranging +ialogue with them. !o+erate !uslims have tol+ me that they have issues with -ertain
e1treme elements of the !uslim -ommunity. 9hey have tol+ me about them. 4e are working
with these mo+erates. I am not saying that there are !uslim terrorists in this -ountry. 9he
In+ian intelligen-e agen-ies have tol+ me that there is a possibility of Islami- 9errorism being
base+ in Sri )anka to a-t against In+ia. However" we investigate+ these -on-erns an+ foun+ that
there is no merit in these -on-erns or -laims. :ur intelligen-e agen-ies are very a-tive on these
issues. But there are -ertain instan-es whi-h go beyon+ the Se-urity for-es an+ the
*overnment. 9he religious lea+ers must work together on them" they have to ensure that other
-ommunities sentiments are not harme+. I have worke+ on this throughout. I have met the
!uslim -ommunity an+ religious lea+ers many times" our intelligen-e agen-ies have worke+
with them to prevent this sort of issue. 9his is not how the me+ia shoul+ work" this aggravates
the situation. It +oesn6t help the -ountry. I +on6t see how su-h foolish" baseless arti-les -oul+
bring harmony to this -ountry an+ so-iety. 9his is not the way to +o it. 9hey shoul+ un+erstan+
this an+ analyze this better. 9hey shoul+ -all for the el+ers an+ the lea+ers to -ome forwar+ an+
fin+ solutions.
<: It was reporte+ that you have now instru-te+ the se-urity agen-ies to take a stan+ against
hate on so-ial me+ia. 9o Buote Fen. Eirama 4imala0othi" isn6t this an instan-e of -losing the
+oor after the horse has bolte+ the stable5
9his is nothing new an+ I have 0ust reinfor-e+ what I sai+ before. It is very +iffi-ult to i+entify
an+ lo-ate these people on Fa-ebook or 9witter be-ause the servers are not in Sri )anka. 9his is
not something new. I wante+ to re emphasise this an+ wante+ it to stop whi-h is why I sai+ it
again. @ot only on this issue" look at the way they atta-k the 8resi+ent on so-ial me+ia. It6s not
+one in the right spirit or in a sensible manner" but our power is limite+ be-ause we +on6t have
the te-hnologi-al -apability to stop it. Its not easy. However" the people shoul+ rise up from
this" the whole -ountry has to -ome together to stop this. =ou must not leave this only to the
*overnment or the for-es. So-iety shoul+ stan+ up. 4hy am I blame+5 9his is purely +one by
people who are frighten of me -oming to politi-s. 9hey are frightene+ be-ause I have prove+
myself be it in either efense or .rban evelopment. 9hese people who blame me are people
who -an6t work but -an only talk. 9hese are the people who are afrai+ of me. 9hey are trying to
tarnish my name" that is all there is to it.
<: Finally" will you be -oming into politi-s5
# )aughs," If the 8resi+ent invites me I will +efinitely -ome an+ I assure you that I -an +o mu-h
better than many of these politi-ians -urrently hol+ing offi-e.

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