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Eden Eternal: Redemption PvP Basics

- Party Structure: We try to form balanced parties as much as possible and dont
particularly mean to ever leave anyone out. The basis for balance is usually a party with 3
PDPS, 3 MDPS, and 3 Healers if we are capable of doing so. Not everyone can make the
same wars, people have lives, and people live in different time zones. We have to adjust
sometimes as needed.

- Prep: We try to host a banquet before every war, but at least for every important war
like a defense TW, a big GvG match, or an attempt to take a territory. Typically speaking,
we host preparation and party planning 30 minutes before the war and we will start the
banquets 15 minutes before the war. This is subject to change at times, but we will
announce it either way. The earlier you arrive, the sooner Asandra and other team leaders
can have a headcount and plan parties based on who they think is attending. Likewise,
you are more likely to get invited to a party if you are earlier or on time rather than
showing up late.

- Communication: TeamSpeak is BEST! We use it for a reason. Whether or not you have
a mic, youre shy, or you dont like talking is all fine and dandy. It still helps a ton with
organization if people come onto TS and at least listen to the plans, strategies, and party
leader directions. This saves party leaders a lot more time compared to having to type
everything out in party chat. For those who do talk on TS during wars, please be mindful
of traffic, at least during important matches. People need to be able to hear directions
rather than Oh, ouch! Sepr hurts! This also helps with efficiency if people announce on
TS which crystal is clear and which crystal is under attack, so others dont waste time
checking crystals that someone else has already seen is clear.

- Achievement Bonuses: I know not everyone is as familiar with or as fond of crafting as
some, nor can we always afford it, but keep in mind that some crafting Lv. 20-65 will
highly benefit your stats for pvp settings. Even if you cant afford to craft everything, at
least try for the most important achievement bonuses. This includes the following: 20-65
Rings (crit dmg & m-crit dmg), 20-65 Necklaces (atk speed & cast speed), 20-63 Heavy
Armor (physical resists), 20-63 Cloth Armor (elemental resists), 20-63 Light Armor
(evasion), 20-65 Shields (strike resistance & block rate for shield swaps), Lv. 1-3 Gems
(movement speed), and possibly Capes (parry). Also, choose what main weapon(s) you
use the most, and try to craft all of the oranges for them up to 65 as well. This will
increase your damage and stats while equipped with that weapon type. Class score bonus
stats are also something to be considered when trying to max out efficiency.

- Resists: From my experience in pvp, more than any other defensive stats, resists will
save you the most. Other defensive stats like evasion, parry, hp, block rate (if you use a
shield), and defense are all still great and helpful, but nowadays, if you are low on resists,
you are likely to die very quickly. Consider the armor achievements mentioned above if
you have not done them yet and consider a DD trophy combo for a nice boost in resists.

- Shield Swapping: It is important to keep a decent shield ready and available in your
inventory. For times when you get stunned, immobilized, feared, silenced, slept, heal
blocked, or just plain pinned down without an available healer nearby, shield swapping
can potentially save your life. I advise keeping the shield on a hotkey for quick
emergency swaps. This wont always save you, but it boosts your defense and there is a
chance to block incoming attacks. This can at least buy you a bit of time to retreat, have a
healer get to you, or kill more of the enemys time until reinforcements arrive.

- Spacing: Be very mindful of your surroundings, party members, and the environment
around you. Proper spacing is not-so-easily explained, but rather takes practice in-game.
You absolutely want to stick with your party, unless your party leader asks you to move
elsewhere, and not run off chasing kills. The point of being in a party is so that we may
watch each others backs and support one another on the battlefield. However, we need to
be aware of our spacing. By this, I simply mean our range from one another. We need to
be close enough to support each other and close enough to be healed by our healers.
However, if we stand directly on top of each other or in one big pile, were all going to
get hit by the same AOEs, stuns, and the like. Spread out a bit, but not too far. Likewise,
while assaulting a crystal, dont all stay on one side. This allows the enemy to openly
approach from the other open side of the crystal. Surround the crystal if possible and set
up a defensive perimeter. Make it difficult for the enemy to hit very many of us at one
time, but without being too far from our healers range.

- Crystal Capping (TW Only): For starters, topping on a crystal only requires 1-2 high
dps. There is not a collaborative grouped percentage of damage from everyone else
hitting the crystal. Topping a crystal only looks at the individual most dps done to the
crystal. Also, malice and agro have NOTHING to do with topping a crystal. A tank with
malice gear and skills can hold the attention of the crystal as much as they want, but the
top spot will still go to the single most dps done to the crystal. That means if we are under
attack while capping a crystal, everyone else who is not in that top 1-2 dps on crystal
needs to do their best to protect the 1-2 who are. Here is a little something else you might
not know: double hit and triple hit skills such as Deadly Icicle, Bombard, and the like do
NOT register on the crystal. Only the first individual hit from those skills will register.
Double damage WILL register, which is why mdps can effectively cap crystals using the
Super Iron Man bonus on Black Explosives. Also, if double hit, triple hit, or double
damage effects come from gear procs like the Sadness Ring, 75 Awakened Staff, or
Ripple Necklace, they WILL register in your effort on the crystal. The most efficient way
for an mdps to cap a crystal is using Black Explosives with the Super Iron Man buff on.
The most efficient way for a pdps to cap a crystal is to stack a flurry of buffs that boost
damage, attack speed, etc. and quickly burst down the crystal as fast and as focused as
you can. One final note for crystal capping is that if the person capping the crystal goes
down, it is like theyve barely touched the crystal to begin with, even if they get revived
by a healer. All of their contributed damage will be cut down from the capping calculator.
Say for example, someone bursts down 80% of a crystal by themselves, and then at 20%
remaining, some person from another guild comes over and starts to hit crystal.
Obviously, the person who knocked down 80% alone will claim top for their guild.
However, if that person is killed before the crystal is taken, the top spot is now in the
hands of the second person who joined in at 20%, unless someone else can still out-
damage that second person in the remaining time and health of the crystal. The moral of
the story here is to protect our top dps as they cap crystals for us, because they absolutely
must not go down while capping and they need to focus on the crystal, so they cant
move off to get rid of an attacking enemy.

- Belk Map (TW Only): This is the island battlefield with neutral ursun enemy in the
center known as Belk. When Belk is killed, two giant rays will be summoned to the
battlefield randomly at two of the four crystals. The rays can potentially 1-shot players
and 2-shot crystals. They give NO SHITS about what team youre on. They will reset
crystals back to neutral as if they were never taken and they will attack just about any
player they run into on their way to crystals. There is a strategy to this that sometimes
must be used and gambled with or prevented at all costs depending on how well we
capped crystals to begin with. If we are behind another guild on our team due to them
topping on crystals, we want to kill Belk and utilize the rays potential to reset crystals.
After crystals have been reset, we have a chance to recap the crystals and take the top
spots instead. However, if we are top on crystals, we dont want that to happen. This
means, if we can prevent Belk from being killed by pulling him and resetting him, then
by all means do it. If Belk is killed, we need to protect all crystals that we are top on. This
means 2-3 dps need to run to those crystals immediately and continuously take turns
resetting the rays before they have a chance to touch our crystals. Healers need to be
healing, so they should only be the last resort for resetting rays. DPS players need to step
up and make sure our crystals are safe from rays more than chasing kills. However,
resetting rays only takes about 2-3 people to be safe. The rest can comfortably continue
killing and adding to our guild points in the TW. East crystal is always one of the easiest
to reset rays on, so we really dont want another guild to top there to begin with. If by
chance a ray takes one of our crystals, we need to do our best to recap it once again. This
means dps will have to come back to the crystal and single target it (dont want to hit the
ray with an aoe) and a couple people will need to keep the ray away from our members
who are recapping the crystal.

- Totem Map (TW Only): This is the icy tundra battlefield that will periodically spawn
totems in the map that people can hit to turn into a giant troll. The giant trolls have the
potential to one-shot a majority of players, unless you have high hp, and in which case
the troll has the potential to two-shot you or weaken you for someone else to kill you.
These trolls have 3 different skills. One is a very close-ranged splash aoe that can be
devastating on large crowds piled too closely. The second is a drawn-in aoe that causes
no damage, but will pull all nearby enemies close to the troll, even if theyre invisible.
This is used to setup kills for that first skill. The third skill is a very slow-moving linear
tornado aoe. This isnt that threatening because it moves so slowly and most of the time
you can move out of the way. These totems / trolls can easily change the flow of the
battle and can potentially stack large amounts of kill points up for their guild. We NEED
to try and claim as many of them as possible! They spawn remotely near west crystal,
northwest of west crystal, northwest of north crystal, remotely near east crystal, and in
two places northeast of south crystal. If the enemy gets the totem, call it out, keep your
distance from them and try not to get killed. If we get the totem, call it out, and try to
keep enemies away from our crystals, help with crowd control, and others should try
stunning or keeping enemies in place under our totems. If someone on our team, but not
in our guild gets the totem, call it out, and try to steal kills away from their totem as much
as possible. If you plan to use totems to their fullest, I recommend having movement
speed gear ready to swap on.

- Crowd Control (Debuffs): These are highly used and effective in pvp. These cc
debuffs include stun, silence, sleep, fear, knockdown, anti-heal, mundane, and
immobilize. They are debuffs that prevent players from doing something such as moving,
using skills, or healing. I highly advise we all make use of these as much as possible and
guard ourselves from them as much as possible as well. In order to protect ourselves from
these, we need to have available purifies and make use of shield swapping. Healers can
purify in some instances, but other times they may be busy, under a cc effect themselves,
too far from you, or you may have way too many debuffs on you in the first place. You
need to be a part of your own rescue. This includes the following: swapping a shield on
when youre stuck with cc effects, letting your party know on TS, and possibly carrying
your own purify skill. I highly recommend the use of True Grit, as it can remove almost
any and all debuffs, can be used to purify your healer(s) when they are stuck with cc
effects, and can even be used on allies who arent in your party. However, be aware that
True Grit leaves a buff on you, and if someone uses a higher level True Grit on you, you
will not be able to use your own. Our guild has formed a pseudo-agreement to level our
True Grit skills to Lv. 20 and not a single level higher. Also, consider preventative
measures for cc effects, such as Hammer Friend which gives an immunity buff against
the knockdown effect. When using cc skills, be aware of whom youre using them on, if
they have a healer nearby, and the timing. You dont want to waste these effects and let
the target get away or get purified, because then they might gain immunity to that cc
effect for a while. Plan out when your stun or immobilize will be used. Be mindful of
silence and anti-heal effects for healers. Use sleep to separate individuals from their
groups. Quickly focus a kill while the target is knocked down. Dont waste a fear on
someone who is higher level than your fear skill. Bury anti-heal effects under a flurry of
other debuffs so it is harder for the enemy to purify it. Likewise, call out tough enemies
who are under cc effects for your party to focus target them and make sure the cc effect
does not go to waste.

- Coordination (GvG Only): Stay with your party! Never run around solo in a serious gvg
match. You will be fodder to the other team and only hurt our guilds morale. In fact, you
should not even enter the gvg match if you are without a party, unless you get permission
from the party leaders first. The only exception for separation is following party leader
orders to do so or members of the scout party. Members of assault parties need to regroup
as soon as possible if they are ever wiped or separated.

- Focus Targeting: It is true that many people hit harder than they used to. Likewise, some
people are even more tanky than they used to be. Sometimes certain people pose a much
greater threat to us, our guildmates, and our team effort than others. We need to make
these greater threats a priority kill, especially if we are having trouble bringing them
down. Please call out names of people that are threats (holding a crystal, wiping a lot of
our members, healing the enemy too well, etc) and make sure to have as many people as
possible focus that target to bring them down. If a name is called out on TS, please do
your best to target that person and do what you can to help kill them as quickly as

- Pressure Enemy Healers: This should be fairly common sense. If you notice an enemy
that is particularly hard to take down because of supporting healers, we need to apply
some pressure to those healers. We dont necessarily need to wipe each and every one of
them, but we need to get them to panic or back off. CC them or kill the weaker ones first.
Hit the enemy healers a bit so they have to worry about healing themselves too and not
just the dps they were healing. Likewise, try to keep enemy healers in combat as much as
possible (especially humans!). They can easily leave combat and revive enemies we just
worked hard to take down. Keep the pressure on enemy healers as much as possible.

- Chasing Kills: Its fine if you want to chase down different kills and make it onto
rankings during a match that doesnt affect us all that much or pose a real threat to us.
However, when a match has a serious tone like a defense TW, a tough gvg, and the like
DONT do it! None of that flying solo crap! This is a team effort. Coordinate with your
guildmates and if you dont get the last hit on someone, big deal! Were in TW and GvG
to help the guild win; were not there to wave our e-peens around and pretend were great
because we got first on the match kill ranks. Ill mention here that I kill people like Sepr
and iRed multiple times in a match. I feel better doing that because it is preventing more
of my teammates from dying, rather than chasing around random people I havent killed
yet to make my rank higher. We need to be selfless and considerate toward the rest of our
guild family. If you run off chasing kills and some of your party dies during that time,
youre hurting the guilds effort.

- Level Difference: To keep it simple, yes, higher levels will have more resistance to your
damage and will most likely be able to hit you harder. Also, being higher level than an
enemy means they cant fear you. However, keep class scores, current gear, and trial
drops in mind when deciding how high you want to level.

- Classes: When the match is a serious one, a defense, an important gvg, or the like play
your MAIN class and do your best. I dont care if the fight SEEMS like it might be
easier. If it is a defense TW or a serious toned match, do NOT swap to random classes for
ccm and such. If you do, your party leader has the right to kick you from party and give
your spot to someone else who is willing to try and fight seriously. Within the last 30-40
seconds of a TW, if we are free to (this entitles it isnt still a close battle where we need
to keep trying hard), you may swap classes for your daily.

- Other Guilds (TW Only): This one is simple, but NEVER rely on or count on another
guild to help us out under any circumstances. Its all fine and dandy if they do, but we
need to support ourselves. You can use another guilds positioning to your advantage, but
dont ever expect another guild will function as an ally or is willing to put forth a
collaborative team effort. Pretend as if every TW will be Redemption vs. the server.

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