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Nativos Americanos Nacional Socialistas

De acuerdo con documentos de alto secreto, desclasificados a principios del siglo 21, parece
que los nativos norte americanos serian parte de la creacin de un departamento de la Waffen
SS. De los documentos hechos finalmente pblicos, parece que las SS constituiran al final de la
Segunda Guerra Mundial un departamento de exploracin, cuyo nombre oficial es "Ilustracin
Reiter Kompanie Jefe Toro Sentado, (Enlightenment Reiter Kompanie Chief Sitting Bull).
Los nativos americanos que fueron reclutados por la fuerza en el Ejrcito de EE.UU., y fueron
capturados por la Wehrmacht en la batalla de Kasserine Pass en el norte de frica, en Monte
Cassino en Italia y Normanda.
A estos nativos les gust mucho a unirse a la Waffen SS, con la esperanza de que el Tercer
Reich saliera vencedor, primero en Europa y luego fuera a la conquista de Amrica para destruir
el Gobierno de Roosevelt al cual consideraban plutocrtico, con el objetivo final de ser capaces
de construir una nueva nacin independiente de nativos americanos. Su lder era un jefe
cherokee Standing Bull (Toro parado), cuyo abuelo fue Toro Sentado.
Toro Parado trato en vano de tener una reunin con el Fhrer para ser nombrado gobernador
de una tierra Cherokee independiente, pero fue en vano, ya que el Fhrer estaba en ese
momento en Prusia.
Jefe Toro Parado, sin embargo, haba disfrutado del honor de tener una reunin con el
Reichsfhrer SS Himmler. Despus de esa entrevista, se form un destacamento de exploracin
de caballera de "valientes" o "guerrero nativo" y fue nombrado Jefe Toro Parado del Braves-
Sturmbannfhrer por Himmler en persona.
Se ha informado que las unidades de guerreros nativos incorporadas en las SS fueron utilizados
durante la ofensiva en Ardenas. Luego se utilizaron en la batalla de Berln contra los soviticos.
Solo 30 nativos americanos sobrevivirn esta batalla, incluyendo al Jefe Toro Parado, quien
tambin fue testigo del matrimonio entre Eva Braun y Hitler en esos ltimos das caticos del
Tercer Reich. Sabiendo que los soviticos haban capturado a los nativos, El presidente de los
Estados Unidos, Truman, le dijo a Stalin que se alegraba de librarse de ellos. As que los 30
nativos fueron repatriados a los EE.UU. y en 1947 fueron juzgados por un consejo de guerra
por traicin.
Recordemos que cuando era un nio, Hitler haba sido un entusiasta lector de Karl May y le dijo
a Albert Speer que todava se diriga a ellos en busca de inspiracin como un adulto cuando se
encontraba en una situacin difcil, los libros de Karl May contenan representaciones muy
simpticas de nativos americanos.
Movimientos americanos pro-Nacionalsocialistas como Friends of the New Germany y el
German-American Bund junto con ciertos grupos defensores de los nativos americanos, como
fascist-leaning American Indian Federation, iban a ser utilizados para combatir la propaganda
anti-alemana. La historia ha olvidado Joseph Bruner, Alice Lee Jemison.
Los nativos americanos que estaban bastante dispuestos a aliarse con firmes Nacionalsocialistas
(tanto en Amrica como en Alemania) con el fin de promover sus propias agendas polticas.
Tenan un resentimiento comprensible contra la BIA, y decidieron hacer un trato con el NSDAP
que tambin favoreca que los nativos americanos fuesen "liberados" de sus reservas -para ser
sustituidos por Judios de Amrica.
Bajo la direccin de Joseph Goebbels una campaa fue dirigida contra el programa de John
Collier que se supone era una conspiracin sionista para convertir a los nativos en comunistas y
poner fin a la asimilacin forzada de los nativos, y tambin para acabar con el control cristiano
sobre la educacin indgena. Este programa enfureci a los partidarios de la asimilacin,
especialmente entre una serie destacada de lderes cristianos fundamentalistas.
Adems, el Nacional Socialismo y Hitler consideraban a los sioux, y por extensin a todos los
nativos americanos, arios, una teora que se hizo eco en el retrato simptico de los nativos en
los westerns alemanes de la dcada de 1930, como Der Kaiser von Kalifornien.
Los propagandistas Nacionalsocialistas llegaron al extremo de declarar que Alemania devolvera
los terrenos expropiados a los indgenas, mientras que Goebbels predijo que (los nativos)
posean poca lealtad hacia los Estados Unidos y preferan rebelarse que luchar contra Alemania.


According to top secret documents, declassified in the early 21 century, it appears that Native
North Americans would be part of setting up a department of the Waffen SS. From documents
finally made public, it seems that the SS would constitute the end of World War II an
exploration department, officially called Enlightenment Reiter Kompanie Chief Sitting Bull.
Native Americans who were forcibly enlisted in the U.S. Army, and were captured by the
Wehrmacht during the battles of Kasserine Pass in North Africa, at Monte Cassino in Italy and
Normandy. These Natives much like to join the Waffen SS with the hope that the Third Reich
came out the first winner in Europe and then went to the conquest of America to destroy the
Government of Roosevelt considered plutocratic, with the ultimate aim of being able to build a
new independent nation of Native Americans. Their leader was a Cherokee Chief Standing Bull,
whose grandfather was Sitting Bull. Standing Bull tried in vain to have a meeting with the
Fuhrer to be appointed governor of an independent Cherokee-land but in vain, because the
Fuhrer was then Prussia. Chief Standing Bull, however, had enjoyed the honor of having a
meeting with Reichsfuhrer SS Himmler. After that interview, was formed by a detachment of
cavalry exploration of braves or Native warrior and was appointed Chief Standing Bull
Braves-Sturmbannfhrer or more of the Natives by Himmler himself. It is reported that Native
warriors units incorporated in the SS were used during the Ardennes offensive and they were
looking especially scalps of the Americans taken prisoner. Then they were used in the Battle of
Berlin against the Soviets. Only 30 Native Americans will survive this battle, including Chief
Standing Bull, who was also a witness of the marriage between Eva Braun and Hitler in those
last chaotic days of Third Reich. Knowing that the Soviets had captured the Natives, U.S.
President Truman asked Stalin that he was glad to get rid of them. So the 30 Natives were
repatriated back to the U.S. in 1947 were judged by a military court martial for treason. Lets
remember that as a boy, Hitler had been an enthusiastic reader of Karl May westerns and he
told Albert Speer that he still turned to them for inspiration as an adult when he was in a tight
spot; the Karl May westerns contained highly sympathetic portrayals of Native Americans.
American pro-Nazi movements such as the Friends of the New Germany and the German-
American Bund along with certain Native American advocate groups, such as the fascist-leaning
American Indian Federation, were to be used to undermine the Roosevelt administration from
within by means of propaganda. History has forgotten Joseph Bruner, Alice Lee Jemison. Native
Americans who were quite willing to ally themselves with outright Nazis (both in America and in
Germany) in order to advance their own political agendas. They had an understandable grudge
against the BIA, and decided to make a deal with NSDAP which also favored that Native
Americans should be set free from their reservations to be replaced by American Jews.
Under the direction of Joseph Goebbels a campaign was directed against John Colliers program
that was alleged to be a Zionist conspiracy to make Natives into communist and to halt forced
Natives assimilation, and to also end Christian control over Native American education. This
program infuriated proponents of assimilation, especially among a prominent host of
Fundamentalist Christian leaders. In addition, National Socialism and Hitler considered the
Sioux, and by extension all Native Americans to be Aryans, a theory echoed in the sympathetic
portrayal of the Natives in German westerns of the 1930s such as Der Kaiser von Kalifornien.
Nazi propagandists went as far as declaring that Germany would return expropriated land to the
Natives, while Goebbels predicted they possessed little loyalty to America and would rather
rebel than to fight against Germany.

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