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NOTE: This document is circulated in advance in order to enable the participants to
follow more easily the comparative analysis that will be made by the author of the
This analysis will be divided in the following thee !ats"
I. Matters reguate! "# t$e Hague-V%s"# Rues, t$e Ha&"urg Rues a'! t$e
R(tter!a& Rues (pages 1-27)
II. Matters reguate! "# t$e Ha&"urg Rues a'! t$e R(tter!a& Rues (pages
III. Matters reguate! ('# "# t$e R(tter!a& Rues (pages 34-41)
# # #
I. Matters reguate! "# t$e Hague-V%s"# Rues,
t$e Ha&"urg Rues a'! t$e R(tter!a& Rues
$% &efinition of 'onta't of 'aiage%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(age $
)% Geoga!hi'al S'o!e of a!!li'ation%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* )
+% E,'l-sions fo. the s'o!e of a!!li'ation%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* +
/% (eiod of a!!li'ation and !eiod of es!onsibility of the 'aie%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* +
0% Obligations of the 'aie%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* /
1% Liability of the 'aie%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* 0
2% Noti'e of loss3 da.age o delay%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* 2
4% Liability of the 'aie fo othe !esons%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* 5
5% Liability of sevants3 agents and inde!endent 'onta'tos%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* $6
$6% Obligations and liability of the shi!!e%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* $$
$$% Conta't do'-.ents%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* $0
$)% Li.itation of liability%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* )$
$+% Ti.e fo s-it%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* )+
$/% Feedo. of 'onta't%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* )0
). De*%'%t%(' (* +('tra+t (* +arr%age
Article 1
In these R-les the following
wods ae e.!loyed3 with the
.eanings set o-t below"
%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
Article 1. Definitions
In this Convention"
%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
1% *Conta't of 'aiage by sea7
.eans any 'onta't wheeby the
Article 1. Definitions
Fo the !-!oses of this
$% *Conta't of 'aiage7 .eans
a 'onta't in whi'h a 'aie3
8b9 :Conta't of 'aiage;
a!!lies only to 'onta'ts of
'aiage 'oveed by a bill of
lading o any si.ila do'-.ent
of title3 in so fa as s-'h
do'-.ent elates to the 'aiage
of goods by sea3 in'l-ding any
bill of lading o any si.ila
do'-.ent as afoesaid iss-ed
-nde o !-s-ant to a 'hate
!aty fo. the .o.ent at whi'h
s-'h bill of lading o si.ila
do'-.ent of title eg-lates the
elations between a 'aie and a
holde of the sa.e%
'aie -ndeta<es against
!ay.ent of feight to 'ay
goods by sea fo. one !ot to
anothe= howeve3 a 'onta't
whi'h involves 'aiage by sea
and also 'aiage by so.e othe
.eans is dee.ed to be a
'onta't of 'aiage by sea fo
the !-!oses of this Convention
only in so fa as it elates to the
'aiage by sea%
against the !ay.ent of feight3
-ndeta<es to 'ay goods fo.
one !la'e to anothe% The
'onta't shall !ovide fo
'aiage by sea and .ay !ovide
fo 'aiage by othe .odes of
tans!ot in addition to the sea
,. Ge(gra-$%+a s+(-e (* a--%+at%('
Article 10
The !ovisions of these R-les
shall a!!ly to evey bill of
lading elating to the 'aiage of
goods between !ots in two
diffeent States if"
(a) the bill of lading is
iss-ed in a 'onta'ting State3 o
(b) the 'aiage is fo. a
!ot in a 'onta'ting State3 o
(c) the 'onta't 'ontained
in o eviden'ed by the bill of
lading !ovides that these R-les
o legislation of any State giving
effe't to the. ae to goven the
'onta't= whateve .ay be the
nationality of the shi!3 the
'aie3 the shi!!e3 the
'onsignee3 o any othe
inteested !eson%
Ea'h Conta'ting State shall
a!!ly the !ovisions of this
Convention to the Bills of
Lading .entioned above%
This Ati'le shall not !event a
Conta'ting State fo. a!!lying
the -les of this Convention to
Bills of Lading not in'l-ded in
the !e'eding !aaga!hs%
Article 2. Scope of application
$% The !ovisions of this
Convention ae a!!li'able to all
'onta'ts of 'aiage by sea
between two diffeent States3 if"
(a) the !ot of loading as
!ovided fo in the 'onta't of
'aiage by sea is lo'ated in a
Conta'ting State3 o
(b) the !ot of dis'hage as
!ovided fo in the 'onta't of
'aiage by sea is lo'ated in a
Conta'ting State3 o
(c) one of the o!tional
!ots of dis'hage !ovided fo
in the 'onta't of 'aiage by sea
is the a't-al !ot of dis'hage
and s-'h !ot is lo'ated in a
Conta'ting State3 o
(d) the bill of lading o
othe do'-.ent eviden'ing the
'onta't of 'aiage by sea is
iss-ed in a Conta'ting State3 o
(e) the bill of lading o
othe do'-.ent eviden'ing the
'onta't of 'aiage by sea
!ovides that the !ovisions of
this Convention o the
legislation of any State giving
effe't to the. ae to goven the
Article 5. eneral scope of
$% S-b>e't to ati'le 13 this
Convention a!!lies to 'onta'ts
of 'aiage in whi'h the !la'e of
e'ei!t and the !la'e of delivey
ae in diffeent States3 and the
!ot of loading of a sea 'aiage
and the !ot of dis'hage of the
sa.e sea 'aiage ae in
diffeent States3 if3 a''oding to
the 'onta't of 'aiage3 any one
of the following !la'es is
lo'ated in a Conta'ting State"
8a9 The !la'e of e'ei!t=
8b9 The !ot of loading=
8c9 The !la'e of delivey=
8d9 The !ot of dis'hage%
%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
.. E/+us%('s
Article 1
In these R-les the following
wods ae e.!loyed3 with the
.eanings set o-t below"
%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
8b9 :Conta't of 'aiage;
a!!lies only to 'onta'ts of
'aiage 'oveed by a bill of
lading o any si.ila do'-.ent
of title3 in so fa as s-'h
do'-.ent elates to the 'aiage
of goods by sea3 in'l-ding any
bill of lading o any si.ila
do'-.ent as afoesaid iss-ed
-nde o !-s-ant to a 'hate
!aty fo. the .o.ent at whi'h
s-'h bill of lading o si.ila
do'-.ent of title eg-lates the
elations between a 'aie and a
holde of the sa.e%
8'9 :Goods; in'l-des
goods3 waes3 .e'handise3 and
ati'les of evey <ind
whatsoeve e,'e!t live ani.als
and 'ago whi'h by the 'onta't
of 'aiage is stated as being
'aied on de'< and is so
%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
Article 2. Scope of application
+% The !ovisions of this
Convention ae not a!!li'able to
'hate?!aties% @oweve3 whee
a bill of lading is iss-ed
!-s-ant to a 'hate?!aty3 the
!ovisions of the Convention
a!!ly to s-'h a bill of lading if
it govens the elation between
the 'aie and the holde of the
bill of lading3 not being the
Article !. Specific e"cl#sions
$% This Convention does not
a!!ly to the following 'onta'ts
in line tans!otation"
8a9 Chate !aties= and
8b9 Othe 'onta'ts fo the
-se of a shi! o of any s!a'e
)% This Convention does not
a!!ly to 'onta'ts of 'aiage in
non?line tans!otation e,'e!t
8a9 Thee is no 'hate
!aty o othe 'onta't between
the !aties fo the -se of a shi!
o of any s!a'e theeon= and
8b9 A tans!ot do'-.ent
o an ele'toni' tans!ot e'od
is iss-ed%
Article 7. Application to certain
Notwithstanding ati'le 13
this Convention a!!lies as
between the 'aie and the
'onsignee3 'ontolling !aty o
holde that is not an oiginal
!aty to the 'hate !aty o
othe 'onta't of 'aiage
e,'l-ded fo. the a!!li'ation of
this Convention% @oweve3 this
Convention does not a!!ly as
between the oiginal !aties to a
'onta't of 'aiage e,'l-ded
!-s-ant to ati'le 1%
0. Per%(! (* a--%+at%(' a'! -er%(! (* res-('s%"%%t# (* t$e +arr%er
Article 1
(e) *Caiage of goods7
'oves the !eiod fo. the ti.e
when the goods ae loaded on to
the ti.e they ae dis'haged
fo. the shi!%
Article 4. $eriod of
$% The es!onsibility of the
'aie fo the goods -nde this
Convention 'oves the !eiod
d-ing whi'h the 'aie is in
'hage of the goods at the !ot
of loading3 d-ing the 'aiage
and at the !ot of dis'hage%
Article 12
$eriod of responsibilit% of t&e
$% The !eiod of es!onsibility
of the 'aie fo the goods
-nde this Convention begins
when the 'aie o a !
!aty e'eives the goods fo
'aiage and ends when the
goods ae deliveed%
1. O"%gat%('s (* t$e +arr%er
Article 2
S-b>e't to the !ovisions of
Ati'le AI3 -nde evey 'onta't
of 'aiage of goods by sea the
'aie3 in elation to the
loading3 handling3 stowage3
'aiage3 '-stody3 'ae and
dis'hage of s-'h goods3 shall
be s-b>e't to the es!onsibilities
and liabilities and entitled to the
ights and i..-nities
heeinafte set foth%
Article 3
$% The 'aie shall be bo-nd
befoe and at the beginning of
the voyage to e,e'ise d-e
diligen'e to"
8a9 Ba<e the shi!
8b9 (o!ely .an3 eC-i!
and s-!!ly the shi!=
8'9 Ba<e the holds3
efigeating and 'ool 'ha.bes3
and all othe !ats of the shi! in
whi'h goods ae 'aied3 fit and
safe fo thei e'e!tion3 'aiage
and !esevation%
)% S-b>e't to the !ovisions of
Ati'le IA3 the 'aie shall
!o!ely and 'aef-lly load3
handle3 stow3 'ay3 <ee!3 'ae
fo3 and dis'hage the goods
%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
Article 11
'arriage and deli(er% of t&e
The 'aie shall3 s-b>e't to this
Convention and in a''odan'e
with the te.s of the 'onta't of
'aiage3 'ay the goods to the
!la'e of destination and delive
the. to the 'onsignee%
Article 13. Specific obligations
$% The 'aie shall d-ing the
!eiod of its es!onsibility as
defined in ati'le $)3 and s-b>e't
to ati'le )13 !o!ely and
'aef-lly e'eive3 load3 handle3
stow3 'ay3 <ee!3 'ae fo3
-nload and delive the goods%
)% Notwithstanding !aaga!h
$ of this ati'le3 and witho-t
!e>-di'e to the othe !ovisions
in 'ha!te / and to 'ha!tes 0 to
23 the 'aie and the shi!!e
.ay agee that the loading3
handling3 stowing o -nloading
of the goods is to be !efo.ed
by the shi!!e3 the do'-.entay
shi!!e o the 'onsignee% S-'h
an agee.ent shall be efeed to
in the 'onta't !ati'-las%
Article 14. Specific obligations
applicable to t&e (o%age b% sea
The 'aie is bo-nd befoe3
at the beginning of3 and d-ing
the voyage by sea to e,e'ise
d-e diligen'e to"
8a9 Ba<e and <ee! the
shi! seawothy=
8b9 (o!ely 'ew3 eC-i!
and s-!!ly the shi! and <ee! the
shi! so 'ewed3 eC-i!!ed and
s-!!lied tho-gho-t the voyage=
8c9 Ba<e and <ee! the
holds and all othe !ats of the
shi! in whi'h the goods ae
'aied3 and any 'ontaines
s-!!lied by the 'aie in o
-!on whi'h the goods ae
'aied3 fit and safe fo thei
e'e!tion3 'aiage and
2. L%a"%%t# (* t$e +arr%er
Article 4
$% Neithe the 'aie no
the shi! shall be liable fo loss
o da.age aising o es-lting
fo. -nseawothiness -nless
'a-sed by want of d-e diligen'e
on the !at of the 'aie to
.a<e the shi! seawothy3 and to
se'-e that the shi! is !o!ely
.anned3 eC-i!!ed and s-!!lied3
and to .a<e the holds3
efigeating and 'ool 'ha.bes
and all othe !ats of the shi! in
whi'h goods ae 'aied fit and
safe fo thei e'e!tion3 'aiage
and !esevation in a''odan'e
with the !ovisions of !aaga!h
$ of Ati'le III% Dheneve loss
o da.age has es-lted fo.
-nseawothiness the b-den of
!oving the e,e'ise of d-e
diligen'e shall be on the 'aie
o othe !eson '
e,e.!tion -nde this ati'le%
)% Neithe the 'aie no
the shi! shall be es!onsible fo
loss o da.age aising o
es-lting fo."
8a9 A't3 negle't3 o
defa-lt of the .aste3 .aine3
!ilot3 o the sevants of the
'aie in the navigation o in
the .anage.ent of the shi!%
8b9 Fie3 -nless
'a-sed by the a't-al fa-lt o
!ivity of the 'aie%
8'9 (eils3 danges
and a''idents of the sea o othe
navigable wates%
8d9 A't of God%
8e9 A't of wa%
8f9 A't of !-bli'
8g9 Aest o estaint
of !in'es3 -les o !eo!le3 o
seiE-e -nde legal !o'ess%
8h9 F-aantine
8i9 A't o o.ission
of the shi!!e o owne of the
goods3 his agent o
8>9 Sti<es o
lo'<o-ts o sto!!age o estaint
Article 5. )asis of liabilit%
$% The 'aie is liable fo loss
es-lting fo. loss of o da.age
to the goods3 as well as fo.
delay in delivey3 if the
o''-en'e whi'h 'a-sed the
loss3 da.age o delay too< !la'e
while the goods wee in his
'hage as defined in ati'le /3
-nless the 'aie !oves that he3
his sevants o agents too< all
.eas-es that 'o-ld easonably
be eC-ied to avoid the
o''-en'e and its
)% &elay in delivey o''-s
when the goods have not been
deliveed at the !ot of
dis'hage !ovided fo in the
'onta't of 'aiage by sea
within the ti.e e,!essly ageed
-!on o3 in the absen'e of s-'h
agee.ent3 within the ti.e
whi'h it wo-ld be easonable to
eC-ie of a diligent 'aie3
having egad to the
'i'-.stan'es of the 'ase%
+% The !eson entitled to .a<e
a 'lai. fo the loss of goods
.ay teat the goods as lost if
they have not been deliveed as
eC-ied by ati'le / within 16
'onse'-tive days following the
e,!iy of the ti.e fo delivey
a''oding to !aaga!h ) of this
/% 8a9 The 'aie is liable
8i9 fo loss of o da.age
to the goods o delay in delivey
'a-sed by fie3 if the 'lai.ant
!oves that the fie aose fo.
fa-lt o negle't on the !at of
the 'aie3 his sevants o
8ii9 fo s-'h loss3 da.age
o delay in delivey whi'h is
!oved by the 'lai.ant to have
es-lted fo. the fa-lt o
negle't of the 'aie3 his
sevants o agents in ta<ing all
.eas-es that 'o-ld easonably
be eC-ied to !-t o-t the fie
and avoid o .itigate its
Article 17. )asis of liabilit%
$% The 'aie is liable fo loss
of o da.age to the goods3 as
well as fo delay in delivey3 if
the 'lai.ant !oves that the loss3
da.age3 o delay3 o the event o
'i'-.stan'e that 'a-sed o
'ontib-ted to it too< !la'e
d-ing the !eiod of the 'aie;s
es!onsibility as defined in
'ha!te /%
)% The 'aie is elieved of all
o !at of its liability !-s-ant to
!aaga!h $ of this ati'le if it
!oves that the 'a-se o one of
the 'a-ses of the loss3 da.age3
o delay is not attib-table to its
fa-lt o to the fa-lt of any
!eson efeed to in ati'le $4%
+% The 'aie is also elieved
of all o !at of its liability
!-s-ant to !aaga!h $ of this
ati'le if3 altenatively to
!oving the absen'e of fa-lt as
!ovided in !aaga!h ) of this
ati'le3 it !oves that one o
.oe of the following events o
'i'-.stan'es 'a-sed o
'ontib-ted to the loss3 da.age3
o delay"
8a9 A't of God=
8b9 (eils3 danges3 and
a''idents of the sea o othe
navigable wates=
8c9 Da3 hostilities3 a.ed
'onfli't3 !ia'y3 teois.3 iots3
and 'ivil 'o..otions=
8d9 F-aantine esti'tions=
intefeen'e by o i.!edi.ents
'eated by goven.ents3 !-bli'
a-thoities3 -les3 o !eo!le
in'l-ding detention3 aest3 o
seiE-e not attib-table to the
'aie o any !eson efeed to
in ati'le $4=
8e9 Sti<es3 lo'<o-ts3
sto!!ages3 o estaints of
8f9 Fie on the shi!=
8g9 Latent defe'ts not
dis'oveable by d-e diligen'e=
8&9 A't o o.ission of the
shi!!e3 the do'-.entay
shi!!e3 the 'ontolling !aty3 o
of labo- fo. whateve 'a-se3
whethe !atial o geneal%
8<9 Riots and 'ivil
8l9 Saving o
atte.!ting to save life o
!o!ety at sea%
8.9 Dastage in b-l<
of weight o any othe loss o
da.age aising fo. inheent
defe't3 C-ality o vi'e of the
8n9 Ins-ffi'ien'y of
8o9 Ins-ffi'ien'y o
inadeC-a'y of .a<s%
8!9 Latent defe'ts not
dis'oveable by d-e diligen'e%
8C9 Any othe 'a-se
aising witho-t the a't-al fa-lt
o !ivity of the 'aie3 o
witho-t the fa-lt o negle't of
the agents o sevants of the
'aie3 b-t the b-den of !oof
shall be on the !eson '
the benefit of this e,'e!tion to
show that neithe the a't-al fa-lt
o !ivity of the 'aie no the
fa-lt o negle't of the agents o
sevants of the 'aie
'ontib-ted to the loss o
8b9 In 'ase of fie on boad
the shi! affe'ting the goods3 if
the 'lai.ant o the 'aie so
desies3 a s-vey in a''odan'e
with shi!!ing !a'ti'es .-st be
held into the 'a-se and
'i'-.stan'es of the fie3 and a
'o!y of the s-veyos e!ot
shall be .ade available on
de.and to the 'aie and the
0% Dith es!e't to live ani.als3
the 'aie is not liable fo loss3
da.age o delay in delivey
es-lting fo. any s!e'ial is<s
inheent in that <ind of 'aiage%
If the 'aie !oves that he has
'o.!lied with any s!e'ial
inst-'tions given to hi. by the
shi!!e es!e'ting the ani.als
and that3 in the 'i'-.stan'es of
the 'ase3 the loss3 da.age o
delay in delivey 'o-ld be
attib-ted to s-'h is<s3 it is
!es-.ed that the loss3 da.age
o delay in delivey was so
'a-sed3 -nless thee is !oof that
all o a !at of the loss3 da.age
o delay in delivey es-lted
fo. fa-lt o negle't on the !at
of the 'aie3 his sevants o
1% The 'aie is not liable3
e,'e!t in geneal aveage3
whee loss3 da.age o delay in
delivey es-lted fo. .eas-es
to save life o fo. easonable
.eas-es to save !o!ety at
2% Dhee fa-lt o negle't on
the !at of the 'aie3 his
sevants o agents 'o.bines
with anothe 'a-se to !od-'e
loss3 da.age o delay in
delivey3 the 'aie is liable
only to the e,tent that the loss3
da.age o delay in delivey is
attib-table to s-'h fa-lt o
negle't3 !ovided that the 'aie
!oves the a.o-nt of the loss3
da.age o delay in delivey not
attib-table theeto%
any othe !eson fo whose a'ts
the shi!!e o the do'-.entay
shi!!e is liable !-s-ant to
ati'le ++ o +/=
8i9 Loading3 handling3
stowing3 o -nloading of the
goods !efo.ed !-s-ant to an
agee.ent in a''odan'e with
ati'le $+3 !aaga!h )3 -nless
the 'aie o a ! !aty
!efo.s s-'h a'tivity on behalf
of the shi!!e3 the do'-.entay
shi!!e o the 'onsignee=
8*9 Dastage in b-l< o
weight o any othe loss o
da.age aising fo. inheent
defe't3 C-ality3 o vi'e of the
8+9 Ins-ffi'ien'y o
defe'tive 'ondition of !a'<ing
o .a<ing not !efo.ed by o
on behalf of the 'aie=
8l9 Saving o atte.!ting to
save life at sea=
8,9 Reasonable .eas-es
to save o atte.!t to save
!o!ety at sea=
8n9 Reasonable .eas-es
to avoid o atte.!t to avoid
da.age to the envion.ent= o
8o9 A'ts of the 'aie in
!-s-an'e of the !owes
'onfeed by ati'les $0 and $1%
/% Notwithstanding !aaga!h
+ of this ati'le3 the 'aie is
liable fo all o !at of the loss3
da.age3 o delay"
8a9 If the 'lai.ant !oves
that the fa-lt of the 'aie o of
a !eson efeed to in ati'le $4
'a-sed o 'ontib-ted to the
event o 'i'-.stan'e on whi'h
the 'aie elies= o
8b9 If the 'lai.ant !oves
that an event o 'i'-.stan'e
not listed in !aaga!h + of this
ati'le 'ontib-ted to the loss3
da.age3 o delay3 and the 'aie
'annot !ove that this event o
'i'-.stan'e is not attib-table
to its fa-lt o to the fa-lt of any
!eson efeed to in ati'le $4%
0% The 'aie is also liable3
notwithstanding !aaga!h + of
this ati'le3 fo all o !at of the
loss3 da.age3 o delay if"
8a9 The 'lai.ant !oves
that the loss3 da.age3 o delay
was o was !obably 'a-sed by
o 'ontib-ted to by 8i9 the
-nseawothiness of the shi!= 8ii9
the i.!o!e 'ewing3
eC-i!!ing3 and s-!!lying of the
shi!= o 8iii9 the fa't that the
holds o othe !ats of the shi!
in whi'h the goods ae 'aied3
o any 'ontaines s-!!lied by
the 'aie in o -!on whi'h the
goods ae 'aied3 wee not fit
and safe fo e'e!tion3 'aiage3
and !esevation of the goods=
8b9 The 'aie is -nable to
!ove eithe that" 8i9 none of the
events o 'i'-.stan'es efeed
to in s-b!aaga!h 0 8a9 of this
ati'le 'a-sed the loss3 da.age3
o delay= o 8ii9 it 'o.!lied with
its obligation to e,e'ise d-e
diligen'e !-s-ant to ati'le $/%
1% Dhen the 'aie is elieved
of !at of its liability !-s-ant to
this ati'le3 the 'aie is liable
only fo that !at of the loss3
da.age o delay that is
attib-table to the event o
'i'-.stan'e fo whi'h it is
liable !-s-ant to this ati'le%
Article 24. De(iation
Dhen !-s-ant to a!!li'able
law a deviation 'onstit-tes a
bea'h of the 'aie;s
obligations3 s-'h deviation of
itself shall not de!ive the
'aie o a .aiti.e !
!aty of any defen'e o
li.itation of this Convention3
e,'e!t to the e,tent !ovided in
ati'le 1$%
3. N(t%+e (* (ss, !a&age (r !ea#
Article ---
%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
1% Gnless noti'e of loss o
da.age and the geneal nat-e
of s-'h loss o da.age be given
in witing to the 'aie o his
agent at the !ot of dis'hage
befoe o at the ti.e of the
e.oval of the goods into the
'-stody of the !eson entitled to
Article 1.. /otice of loss0
da,age or dela%
$% Gnless noti'e of loss o
da.age3 s!e'ifying the geneal
nat-e of s-'h loss o da.age3 is
given in witing by the
'onsignee to the 'aie not late
than the wo<ing day afte the
day when the goods wee
handed ove to the 'onsignee3
Article 23. /otice in case of
loss0 da,age or dela%
$% The 'aie is !es-.ed3 in
absen'e of !oof to the 'ontay3
to have deliveed the goods
a''oding to thei des'i!tion in
the 'onta't !ati'-las -nless
noti'e of loss of o da.age to
the goods3 indi'ating the geneal
nat-e of s-'h loss o da.age3
delivey theeof -nde the
'onta't of 'aiage3 o3 if the
loss o da.age be not a!!aent3
within thee days3 s-'h e.oval
shall be !i.a fa'ie eviden'e of
the delivey by the 'aie of the
goods as des'ibed in the bill of
The noti'e in witing need not
be given if the state of the goods
has3 at the ti.e of thei e'ei!t3
been the s-b>e't of >oint s-vey
o ins!e'tion%
%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
s-'h handing ove is pri,a
facie eviden'e of the delivey by
the 'aie of the goods as
des'ibed in the do'-.ent of
tans!ot o3 if no s-'h
do'-.ent has been iss-ed3 in
good 'ondition%
)% Dhee the loss o da.age is
not a!!aent3 the !ovisions of
!aaga!h $ of this ati'le a!!ly
'oes!ondingly if noti'e in
witing is not given within $0
'onse'-tive days afte the day
when the goods wee handed
ove to the 'onsignee%
+% If the state of the goods at
the ti.e they wee handed ove
to the 'onsignee has been the
s-b>e't of a >oint s-vey o
ins!e'tion by the !aties3 noti'e
in witing need not be given of
loss o da.age as'etained
d-ing s-'h s-vey o
/% In the 'ase of any a't-al o
a!!ehended loss o da.age3 the
'aie and the 'onsignee .-st
give all easonable fa'ilities to
ea'h othe fo ins!e'ting and
tallying the goods%
0% No 'o.!ensation shall be
!ayable fo loss es-lting fo.
delay in delivey -nless a noti'e
has been given in witing to the
'aie within 16 'onse'-tive
days afte the day when the
goods wee handed ove to the
1% If the goods have been
deliveed by an a't-al 'aie3
any noti'e given -nde this
ati'le to hi. shall have the
sa.e effe't as if it had been
given to the 'aie= and any
noti'e given to the 'aie shall
have effe't as if given to s-'h
a't-al 'aie%
2% Gnless noti'e of loss o
da.age3 s!e'ifying the geneal
nat-e of the loss o da.age3 is
given in witing by the 'aie o
a't-al 'aie to the shi!!e not
late than 56 'onse'-tive days
afte the o''-en'e of s-'h loss
o da.age o afte the delivey
of the goods in a''odan'e with
!aaga!h ) of ati'le /3
whi'heve is late3 the fail-e to
was given to the 'aie o the
! !aty that deliveed
the goods befoe o at the ti.e
of the delivey3 o3 if the loss o
da.age is not a!!aent3 within
seven wo<ing days at the !la'e
of delivey afte the delivey of
the goods%
)% Fail-e to !ovide the noti'e
efeed to in this ati'le to the
'aie o the ! !aty
shall not affe't the ight to 'lai.
'o.!ensation fo loss of o
da.age to the goods -nde this
Convention3 no shall it affe't
the allo'ation of the b-den of
!oof set o-t in ati'le $2%
+% The noti'e efeed to in this
ati'le is not eC-ied in es!e't
of loss o da.age that is
as'etained in a >oint ins!e'tion
of the goods by the !eson to
whi'h they have been deliveed
and the 'aie o the .aiti.e
! !aty against whi'h
liability is being asseted%
/% No 'o.!ensation in es!e't
of delay is !ayable -nless noti'e
of loss d-e to delay was given to
the 'aie within twenty?one
'onse'-tive days of delivey of
the goods%
0% Dhen the noti'e efeed to
in this ati'le is given to the
! !aty that deliveed
the goods3 it has the sa.e effe't
as if that noti'e was given to the
'aie3 and noti'e given to the
'aie has the sa.e effe't as a
noti'e given to a .aiti.e
! !aty%
1% In the 'ase of any a't-al o
a!!ehended loss o da.age3 the
!aties to the dis!-te shall give
all easonable fa'ilities to ea'h
othe fo ins!e'ting and tallying
the goods and shall !ovide
a''ess to e'ods and do'-.ents
elevant to the 'aiage of the
give s-'h noti'e is pri,a facie
eviden'e that the 'aie o the
a't-al 'aie has s-stained no
loss o da.age d-e to the fa-lt
o negle't of the shi!!e3 his
sevants o agents%
4% Fo the !-!ose of this
ati'le3 noti'e given to a !eson
a'ting on the 'aies o the
a't-al 'aies behalf3 in'l-ding
the .aste o the offi'e in
'hage of the shi!3 o to a !eson
a'ting on the shi!!es behalf is
dee.ed to have been given to
the 'aie3 to the a't-al 'aie
o to the shi!!e3 es!e'tively%
4. L%a"%%t# (* t$e +arr%er *(r (t$er -ers('s
Article 4
)% Neithe the 'aie no the
shi! shall be es!onsible fo loss
o da.age aising o es-lting
8a9 A't3 negle't3 o defa-lt
of the .aste3 .aine3 !ilot3 o
the sevants of the 'aie in the
navigation o in the
.anage.ent of the shi!%
8b9 Fie3 -nless 'a-sed by
the a't-al fa-lt o !ivity of the
%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
8C9 Any othe 'a-se
aising witho-t the a't-al fa-lt
o !ivity of the 'aie3 o
witho-t the a't-al fa-lt o
negle't of the agents o sevants
of the 'aie3 b-t the b-den of
!oof shall be on he !eson
' the benefit of this
e,'e!tion to show that neithe
the a't-al fa-lt o !ivity of the
'aie no the fa-lt o negle't of
the agents o sevants of the
'aie 'ontib-ted to the loss o
Article 5. )asis of liabilit%
$% The 'aie is liable fo loss
es-lting fo. loss of o da.age
to the goods3 as well as fo.
delay in delivey3 if the
o''-en'e whi'h 'a-sed the
loss3 da.age o delay too< !la'e
while the goods wee in his
'hage as defined in ati'le /3
-nless the 'aie !oves that he3
his sevants o agents too< all
.eas-es that 'o-ld easonably
be eC-ied to avoid the
o''-en'e and its
Article 10. 1iabilit% of t&e
carrier and act#al carrier
$% Dhee the !'e of
the 'aiage o !at theeof has
been ent-sted to an a't-al
'aie3 whethe o not in
!-s-an'e of a libety -nde the
'onta't of 'aiage by sea to do
so3 the 'aie nevetheless
e.ains es!onsible fo the
entie 'aiage a''oding to the
!ovisions of this Convention%
The 'aie is es!onsible3 in
elation to the 'aiage
!efo.ed by the a't-al 'aie3
fo the a'ts and o.issions of the
a't-al 'aie and of his sevants
and agents a'ting within the
s'o!e of thei e.!loy.ent%
Article 18. 1iabilit% of t&e
carrier for ot&er persons
The 'aie is liable fo the
bea'h of its obligations -nde
this Convention 'a-sed by the
a'ts o o.issions of"
8a9 Any ! !aty=
8b9 The .aste o 'ew of
the shi!=
8c9 E.!loyees of the
'aie o a ! !aty= o
8d9 Any othe !eson that
!efo.s o -ndeta<es to
!efo. any of the 'aie;s
obligations -nde the 'onta't of
'aiage3 to the e,tent that the
!eson a'ts3 eithe die'tly o
indie'tly3 at the 'aie;s
eC-est o -nde the 'aie;s
s-!evision o 'ontol%
5. L%a"%%t# (* ser6a'ts, age'ts a'! %'!e-e'!e't +('tra+t(rs
Article 4 bis
)% If s-'h an a'tion is bo-ght
against a sevant o agent of the
'aie 8s-'h sevant o agent
not being an inde!endent
'onta'to93 s-'h sevant o
agent shall be entitled to avail
hi.self of the defen'es and
li.its of liability whi'h the
'aie is entitled to invo<e
-nde these R-les%
+% The aggegate of the
a.o-nts e'oveable fo. the
'aie3 and s-'h sevants and
agents3 shall in no 'ase e,'eed
the !ovided fo in these
Article 7. Application to non-
contract#al clai,s
$% The defen'es and li.its of
liability !ovided fo in this
Convention a!!ly in any a'tion
against the 'aie in es!e't of
loss of o da.age to the goods
'oveed by the 'onta't of
'aiage by sea3 as well as of
delay in delivey whethe the
a'tion is fo-nded in 'onta't3 in
tot o othewise%
)% If s-'h an a'tion is bo-ght
against a sevant o agent of the
'aie3 s-'h sevant o agent3 if
he !oves that he a'ted within
the s'o!e of his e.!loy.ent3 is
entitled to avail hi.self of the
defen'es and li.its of liability
whi'h the 'aie is entitled to
invo<e -nde this Convention%
+% E,'e!t as !ovided in ati'le
43 the aggegate of the a.o-nts
e'oveable fo. the 'aie and
fo. any !esons efeed to in
!aaga!h ) of this ati'le shall
not e,'eed the li.its of liability
!ovided fo in this Convention%
Article 10. Liability of the
carrier and actual carrier
%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
2. All the provisions of
this Convention
governing the
responsibility of the
carrier also apply to the
responsibility of the
actal carrier for the
carriage perfor!e" by
hi!. #he provisions of
paragraphs 2 an" 3 of
article 7 an" of paragraph
2 of article 8 apply if an
action is broght against
a servant or agent of the
actal carrier.
3. Any special
agree!ent n"er $hich
the carrier ass!es
obligations not i!pose"
by this Convention or
$aives rights conferre"
Article 1.. 1iabilit% of ,ariti,e
perfor,ing parties
$% A .aiti.e !
!aty is s-b>e't to the
obligations and liabilities
i.!osed on the 'aie -nde
this Convention and is entitled
to the 'aie;s defen'es and
li.its of liability as !ovided fo
in this Convention if"
8a9 The .aiti.e
! !aty e'eived the
goods fo 'aiage in a
Conta'ting State3 o deliveed
the. in a Conta'ting State3 o
!efo.ed its a'tivities with
es!e't to the goods in a !ot in
a Conta'ting State= and
8b9 The o''-en'e that
'a-sed the loss3 da.age o delay
too< !la'e" 8i9 d-ing the !eiod
between the aival of the goods
at the !ot of loading of the shi!
and thei de!at-e fo. the !ot
of dis'hage fo. the shi!= 8ii9
while the .aiti.e !
!aty had '-stody of the goods=
o 8iii9 at any othe ti.e to the
e,tent that it was !ati'i!ating in
the !'e of any of the
a'tivities 'onte.!lated by the
'onta't of 'aiage%
)% If the 'aie agees to
ass-.e obligations othe than
those i.!osed on the 'aie
-nde this Convention3 o agees
that the li.its of its liability ae
highe than the li.its s!e'ified
-nde this Convention3 a
.aiti.e ! !aty is not
bo-nd by this agee.ent -nless
it e,!essly agees to a''e!t
s-'h obligations o s-'h highe
+% A .aiti.e !
!aty is liable fo the bea'h of
its obligations -nde this
Convention 'a-sed by the a'ts
o o.issions of any !eson to
whi'h it has ent-sted the
!'e of any of the
'aie;s obligations -nde the
'onta't of 'aiage -nde the
'onditions set o-t in !aaga!h $
by this Convention a%ects
the actal carrier only if
agree" to by hi!
e&pressly an" in $riting.
'hether or not the actal
carrier has so agree"( the
carrier nevertheless
re!ains bon" by the
obligations or $aivers
reslting fro! sch
special agree!ent.
4. 'here an" to the
e&tent that both the
carrier an" the actal
carrier are liable( their
liability is )oint an"
5. #he aggregate of the
a!onts recoverable
fro! the carrier( the
actal carrier an" their
servants an" agents shall
not e&cee" the li!its of
liability provi"e" for in
this Convention.
6. *othing in this article
shall pre)"ice any right
of recorse as bet$een
the carrier an" the actal
of this ati'le%
/% Nothing in this Convention
i.!oses liability on the .aste
o 'ew of the shi! o on an
e.!loyee of the 'aie o of a
.aiti.e ! !aty%
)7. O"%gat%('s a'! %a"%%t# (* t$e s$%--er
Article 3
0% The shi!!e shall be dee.ed
to have g-aanteed to the 'aie
the a''-a'y at the ti.e of
shi!.ent of the .a<s3 n-.be3
C-antity and weight3 as
f-nished by hi.3 and the
shi!!e shall inde.nify the
'aie against all loss3 da.ages
and e,!enses aising o
es-lting fo. ina''-a'ies in
s-'h !ati'-las% The ight of the
'aie to s-'h inde.nity shall
in no way his
es!onsibility and liability -nde
the 'onta't of 'aiage to any
!eson othe than the shi!!e%
Article 4
%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
+% The shi!!e shall not be
es!onsible fo loss o da.age
Article 12. eneral r#le
The shi!!e is not liable fo loss
s-stained by the 'aie o the
a't-al 'aie3 o fo da.age
s-stained by the shi!3 -nless
s-'h loss o da.age was 'a-sed
by the fa-lt o negle't of the
shi!!e3 his sevants o agents%
No is any sevant o agent of
the shi!!e liable fo s-'h loss
o da.age -nless the loss o
da.age was 'a-sed by fa-lt o
negle't on his !at%
Article 13. Special r#les on
dangero#s goods
$% The shi!!e .-st .a< o
label in a s-itable .anne
dangeo-s goods as dangeo-s%
)% Dhee the shi!!e hands
ove dangeo-s goods to the
'aie o an a't-al 'aie3 as
Article 27. Deli(er% for carriage
$% Gnless othewise ageed in
the 'onta't of 'aiage3 the
shi!!e shall delive the goods
eady fo 'aiage% In any event3
the shi!!e shall delive the
goods in s-'h 'ondition that
they will withstand the intended
'aiage3 in'l-ding thei loading3
handling3 stowing3 lashing and
se'-ing3 and -nloading3 and
that they will not 'a-se ha. to
!esons o !o!ety%
)% The shi!!e shall !o!ely
and 'aef-lly !efo. any
obligation ass-.ed -nde an
agee.ent .ade !-s-ant to
ati'le $+3 !aaga!h )%
+% Dhen a 'ontaine is !a'<ed
o a vehi'le is loaded by the
shi!!e3 the shi!!e shall
!o!ely and 'aef-lly stow3 lash
s-stained by the 'aie o the
shi! aising o es-lting fo.
any 'a-se witho-t the a't3 fa-lt
o negle't of the shi!!e3 his
agents o his sevants%
%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
1% Goods of an infla..able3
e,!losive o dangeo-s nat-e to
the shi!.ent wheeof the
'aie3 .aste o agent of the
'aie has not 'onsented with
<nowledge of thei nat-e and
'haa'te3 .ay at any ti.e
befoe dis'hage be landed at
any !la'e3 o destoyed o
endeed inno'-o-s by the
'aie witho-t 'o.!ensation
and the shi!!e of s-'h goods
shall be liable fo all da.ages
and e,!enses die'tly o
indie'tly aising o-t of o
es-lting fo. s-'h shi!.ent% If
any s-'h goods shi!!ed with
s-'h <nowledge and 'onsent
shall be'o.e a dange to the
shi! o 'ago3 they .ay in li<e
.anne be landed at any !la'e3
o destoyed o endeed
inno'-o-s by the 'aie witho-t
liability on the !at of the 'aie
e,'e!t to geneal aveage3 if
the 'ase .ay be3 the shi!!e
.-st info. hi. of the
dangeo-s 'haa'te of the
goods and3 if ne'essay3 of the
!e'a-tions to be ta<en% If the
shi!!e fails to do so and s-'h
'aie o a't-al 'aie does not
othewise have <nowledge of
thei dangeo-s 'haa'te"
8a9 the shi!!e is liable to
the 'aie and any a't-al 'aie
fo the loss es-lting fo. the
shi!.ent of s-'h goods3 and
8b9 the goods .ay at any
ti.e be -nloaded3 destoyed o
endeed inno'-o-s3 as the
'i'-.stan'es .ay eC-ie3
witho-t !ay.ent of
+% The !ovisions of !aaga!h
) of this ati'le .ay not be
invo<ed by any !eson if d-ing
the 'aiage he has ta<en the
goods in his 'hage with
<nowledge of thei dangeo-s
/% If3 in 'ases whee the
!ovisions of !aaga!h )3
s-b!aaga!h 8b93 of this ati'le
do not a!!ly o .ay not be
invo<ed3 dangeo-s goods
be'o.e an a't-al dange to life
o !o!ety3 they .ay be
-nloaded3 destoyed o endeed
inno'-o-s3 as the 'i'-.stan'es
.ay eC-ie3 witho-t !ay.ent
of 'o.!ensation e,'e!t whee
thee is an obligation to
'ontib-te in geneal aveage o
whee the 'aie is liable in
a''odan'e with the !ovisions
of ati'le 0%
Article 17. #arantees b% t&e
$% The shi!!e is dee.ed to
have g-aanteed to the 'aie
the a''-a'y of !ati'-las
elating to the geneal nat-e of
the goods3 thei .a<s3 n-.be3
weight and C-antity as f-nished
by hi. fo insetion in the bill
of lading% The shi!!e .-st
inde.nify the 'aie against the
loss es-lting fo. ina''-a'ies
in s-'h !ati'-las% The shi!!e
e.ains liable even if the bill of
lading has been tansfeed by
and se'-e the 'ontents in o on
the 'ontaine o vehi'le3 and in
s-'h a way that they will not
'a-se ha. to !esons o
Article 28. 'ooperation of t&e
s&ipper and t&e carrier in
pro(iding infor,ation and
The 'aie and the shi!!e
shall es!ond to eC-ests fo.
ea'h othe to !ovide
info.ation and inst-'tions
eC-ied fo the !o!e handling
and 'aiage of the goods if the
info.ation is in the eC-ested
!aty;s !ossession o the
inst-'tions ae within the
eC-ested !aty;s easonable
ability to !ovide and they ae
not othewise easonably
available to the eC-esting !aty%
Article 2.. S&ipper2s obligation
to pro(ide infor,ation0
instr#ctions and doc#,ents
$% The shi!!e shall !ovide to
the 'aie in a ti.ely .anne
s-'h info.ation3 inst-'tions
and do'-.ents elating to the
goods that ae not othewise
easonably available to the
'aie3 and that ae easonably
8a9 Fo the !o!e
handling and 'aiage of the
goods3 in'l-ding !e'a-tions to
be ta<en by the 'aie o a
! !aty= and
8b9 Fo the 'aie to
'o.!ly with law3 eg-lations o
othe eC-ie.ents of !-bli'
a-thoities in 'onne'tion with
the intended 'aiage3 !ovided
that the 'aie notifies the
shi!!e in a ti.ely .anne of
the info.ation3 inst-'tions and
do'-.ents it eC-ies%
)% Nothing in this ati'le
affe'ts any s!e'ifi' obligation to
!ovide 'etain info.ation3
inst-'tions and do'-.ents
elated to the goods !-s-ant to
law3 eg-lations o othe
eC-ie.ents of !-bli'
a-thoities in 'onne'tion with
the intended 'aiage%
hi.% The ight of the 'aie to
s-'h inde.nity in no way li.its
his liability -nde the 'onta't of
'aiage by sea to any !eson
othe than the shi!!e%
)% Any lette of g-aantee o
agee.ent by whi'h the shi!!e
-ndeta<es to inde.nify the
'aie against loss es-lting
fo. the iss-an'e of the bill of
lading by the 'aie3 o by a
!eson a'ting on his behalf3
witho-t enteing a esevation
elating to !ati'-las f-nished
by the shi!!e fo insetion in
the bill of lading3 o to the
a!!aent 'ondition of the goods3
is void and of no effe't as
against any thid !aty3
in'l-ding a 'onsignee3 to who.
the bill of lading has been
+% S-'h a lette of g-aantee o
agee.ent is valid as against the
shi!!e -nless the 'aie o the
!eson a'ting on his behalf3 by
o.itting the esevation efeed
to in !aaga!h ) of this ati'le3
intends to defa-d a thid !aty3
in'l-ding a 'onsignee3 who a'ts
in elian'e on the des'i!tion of
the goods in the bill of lading%
In the latte 'ase3 if the
esevation o.itted elates to
!ati'-las f-nished by the
shi!!e fo insetion in the bill
of lading3 the 'aie has no
ight of inde.nity fo. the
shi!!e !-s-ant to !aaga!h $
of this ati'le%
/% In the 'ase of intended fa-d
efeed to in !aaga!h + of this
ati'le3 the 'aie is liable3
witho-t the benefit of the
li.itation of liability !ovided
fo in this Convention3 fo the
loss in'-ed by a thid !aty3
in'l-ding a 'onsignee3 be'a-se
he has a'ted in elian'e on the
des'i!tion of the goods in the
bill of lading%
Article 30. )asis of s&ipper2s
liabilit% to t&e carrier
$% The shi!!e is liable fo loss
o da.age s-stained by the
'aie if the 'aie !oves that
s-'h loss o da.age was 'a-sed
by a bea'h of the shi!!e;s
obligations -nde this
)% E,'e!t in es!e't of loss o
da.age 'a-sed by a bea'h by
the shi!!e of its obligations
!-s-ant to ati'les +$3
!aaga!h )3 and +)3 the shi!!e
is elieved of all o !at of its
liability if the 'a-se o one of
the 'a-ses of the loss o da.age
is not attib-table to its fa-lt o
to the fa-lt of any !eson
efeed to in ati'le +/%
+% Dhen the shi!!e is elieved
of !at of its liability !-s-ant to
this ati'le3 the shi!!e is liable
only fo that !at of the loss o
da.age that is attib-table to its
fa-lt o to the fa-lt of any
!eson efeed to in ati'le +/%
Article 31. -nfor,ation for
co,pilation of contract
$% The shi!!e shall !ovide to
the 'aie3 in a ti.ely .anne3
a''-ate info.ation eC-ied
fo the 'o.!ilation of the
'onta't !ati'-las and the
iss-an'e of the tans!ot
do'-.ents o ele'toni'
tans!ot e'ods3 in'l-ding the
!ati'-las efeed to in ati'le
+13 !aaga!h $= the na.e of the
!aty to be identified as the
shi!!e in the 'onta't
!ati'-las= the na.e of the
'onsignee3 if any= and the na.e
of the !eson to whose ode the
tans!ot do'-.ent o ele'toni'
tans!ot e'od is to be iss-ed3
if any%
)% The shi!!e is dee.ed to
have g-aanteed the a''-a'y at
the ti.e of e'ei!t by the 'aie
of the info.ation that is
!ovided a''oding to !aaga!h
$ of this ati'le% The shi!!e
shall inde.nify the 'aie
against loss o da.age es-lting
fo. the ina''-a'y of s-'h
Article 32. Special r#les on
dangero#s goods
Dhen goods by thei nat-e o
'haa'te ae3 o easonably
a!!ea li<ely to be'o.e3 a
dange to !esons3 !o!ety o
the envion.ent"
8a9 The shi!!e shall
info. the 'aie of the
dangeo-s nat-e o 'haa'te of
the goods in a ti.ely .anne
befoe they ae deliveed to the
'aie o a ! !aty% If
the shi!!e fails to do so and the
'aie o ! !aty does
not othewise have <nowledge
of thei dangeo-s nat-e o
'haa'te3 the shi!!e is liable to
the 'aie fo loss o da.age
es-lting fo. s-'h fail-e to
info.= and
8b9 The shi!!e shall .a<
o label dangeo-s goods in
a''odan'e with any law3
eg-lations o othe
eC-ie.ents of !-bli'
a-thoities that a!!ly d-ing any
stage of the intended 'aiage of
the goods% If the shi!!e fails to
do so3 it is liable to the 'aie
fo loss o da.age es-lting
fo. s-'h fail-e%
Article 33. Ass#,ption of
s&ipper2s rig&ts and obligations
b% t&e doc#,entar% s&ipper
$% A do'-.entay shi!!e is
s-b>e't to the obligations and
liabilities i.!osed on the
shi!!e !-s-ant to this 'ha!te
and !-s-ant to ati'le 003 and is
entitled to the shi!!e;s ights
and defen'es !ovided by this
'ha!te and by 'ha!te $+%
)% (aaga!h $ of this ati'le
does not affe't the obligations3
liabilities3 ights o defen'es of
the shi!!e%
Article 34. 1iabilit% of t&e
s&ipper for ot&er persons
The shi!!e is liable fo the
bea'h of its obligations -nde
this Convention 'a-sed by the
a'ts o o.issions of any !eson3
in'l-ding e.!loyees3 agents and
s-b'onta'tos3 to whi'h it has
ent-sted the !'e of
any of its obligations3 b-t the
shi!!e is not liable fo a'ts o
o.issions of the 'aie o a
! !aty a'ting on
behalf of the 'aie3 to whi'h
the shi!!e has ent-sted the
!'e of its obligations%
)). C('tra+t !(+u&e'ts
Article 3
%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
+% Afte e'eiving the goods
into his 'hage the 'aie o the
.aste o agent of the 'aie
shall3 on de.and of the shi!!e3
iss-e to the shi!!e a bill of
lading showing othe
8a9 The leading .a<s
ne'essay fo identifi'ation of
the goods as the sa.e ae
f-nished in witing by the
shi!!e befoe the loading of
s-'h goods stats3 !ovided s-'h
.a<s ae sta.!ed o othewise
shown 'lealy -!on the goods if
-n'oveed3 o on the 'ases o
'oveings in whi'h s-'h goods
ae 'ontained3 in s-'h a .anne
as sho-ld odinaily e.ain
legible -ntil the end of the
8b9 Eithe the of
!a'<ages o !ie'es3 o the
C-antity3 o weight3 as the 'ase
.ay be3 as f-nished in witing
by the shi!!e%
8'9 The a!!aent ode and
'ondition of the goods%
(ovided that no 'aie3
.aste o agent of the 'aie
shall be bo-nd to state o show
in the bill of lading any .a<s3
n-.be3 C-antity o weight
whi'h he has easonable go-nd
fo s-s!e'ting not a''-ately to
e!esent the goods a't-ally
e'eived3 o whi'h he has had
no easonable .eans of
/% S-'h a bill of lading shall be
!i.a fa'ie eviden'e of the
e'ei!t by the 'aie of the
goods as theein des'ibed in
a''odan'e with !aaga!h +
8a93 8b9 and 8'9% @oweve3 !oof
to the 'ontay shall not be
ad.issible when the bill of
lading has been tansfeed to a
thid !aty a'ting in good faith%
2% Afte the goods ae loaded
the bill of lading to be iss-ed by
Article 14. -ss#e of bill of lading
$% Dhen the 'aie o the
a't-al 'aie ta<es the goods in
his 'hage3 the 'aie .-st3 on
de.and of the shi!!e3 iss-e to
the shi!!e a bill of lading%
)% The bill of lading .ay be
signed by a !eson having
a-thoity fo. the 'aie% A bill
of lading signed by the .aste
of the shi! 'aying the goods is
dee.ed to have been signed on
behalf of the 'aie%
+% The signat-e on the bill of
lading .ay be in handwiting3
!inted in fa'si.ile3 !efoated3
sta.!ed3 in sy.bols3 o .ade
by any othe .e'hani'al o
ele'toni' .eans3 if not
in'onsistent with the law of the
'o-nty whee the bill of lading
is iss-ed%
Article 15. 'ontents of bill of
$% The bill of lading .-st
in'l-de3 inter alia3 the following
8a9 the geneal nat-e of
the goods3 the leading .a<s
ne'essay fo identifi'ation of
the goods3 an e,!ess state.ent3
if a!!li'able3 as to the
dangeo-s 'haa'te of the
goods3 the of !a'<ages
o !ie'es3 and the weight of the
goods o thei C-antity
othewise e,!essed3 all s-'h
!ati'-las as f-nished by the
8b9 the a!!aent 'ondition
of the goods=
8'9 the na.e and !in'i!al
!la'e of b-siness of the 'aie=
8d9 the na.e of the
8e9 the 'onsignee if na.ed
by the shi!!e=
8f9 the !ot of loading
-nde the 'onta't of 'aiage by
sea and the date on whi'h the
goods wee ta<en ove by the
'aie at the !ot of loading=
8g9 the !ot of dis'hage
Article 35. -ss#ance of t&e
transport doc#,ent or t&e
electronic transport record
Gnless the shi!!e and the
'aie have ageed not to -se a
tans!ot do'-.ent o an
ele'toni' tans!ot e'od3 o it
is the '-sto.3 -sage o !a'ti'e
of the tade not to -se one3 -!on
delivey of the goods fo
'aiage to the 'aie o
! !aty3 the shi!!e o3
if the shi!!e 'onsents3 the
do'-.entay shi!!e3 is entitled
to obtain fo. the 'aie3 at the
shi!!e;s o!tion"
8a9 A non?negotiable
tans!ot do'-.ent o3 s-b>e't
to ati'le 43 s-b!aaga!h 8a93 a
non?negotiable ele'toni'
tans!ot e'od= o
8b9 An a!!o!iate
negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent
o3 s-b>e't to ati'le 43
s-b!aaga!h 8a93 a negotiable
ele'toni' tans!ot e'od3
-nless the shi!!e and the
'aie have ageed not to -se a
negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent
o negotiable ele'toni'
tans!ot e'od3 o it is the
'-sto.3 -sage o !a'ti'e of the
tade not to -se one%
Article 3!. 'ontract partic#lars
$% The 'onta't !ati'-las in
the tans!ot do'-.ent o
ele'toni' tans!ot e'od
efeed to in ati'le +0 shall
in'l-de the following
info.ation3 as f-nished by the
8a9 A des'i!tion of the
goods as a!!o!iate fo the
8b9 The leading .a<s
ne'essay fo identifi'ation of
the goods=
8c9 The of
!a'<ages o !ie'es3 o the
C-antity of goods= and
8d9 The weight of the
goods3 if f-nished by the
the 'aie3 .aste3 o agent of
the 'aie3 to the shi!!e shall3
if the shi!!e so de.ands be a
:shi!!ed; bill of lading3
!ovided that if the shi!!e shall
have !evio-sly ta<en -! any
do'-.ent of title to s-'h goods3
he shall s-ende the sa.e as
against the iss-e of the
:shi!!ed; bill of lading3 b-t at
the o!tion of the 'aie s-'h
do'-.ent of title .ay be noted
at the !ot of shi!.ent by the
'aie3 .aste3 o agent with the
na.e o of the shi! o
shi!s -!on whi'h the goods
have been shi!!ed and the date
o dates of shi!.ent3 and when
so noted3 if it shows the
!ati'-las .entioned in
!aaga!h + of Ati'le III3 shall
fo the !-!ose of this ati'le be
dee.ed to 'onstit-te a :shi!!ed;
bill of lading%
-nde the 'onta't of 'aiage by
8h9 the of oiginals
of the bill of lading3 if .oe
than one=
8i9 the !la'e of iss-an'e
of the bill of lading=
8>9 the signat-e of the
'aie o a !eson a'ting on his
8<9 the feight to the e,tent
!ayable by the 'onsignee o
othe indi'ation that feight is
!ayable by hi.=
8l9 the state.ent efeed
to in !aaga!h + of ati'le )+=
8.9 the state.ent3 if
a!!li'able3 that the goods shall
o .ay be 'aied on de'<=
8n9 the date o the !eiod
of delivey of the goods at the
!ot of dis'hage if e,!essly
ageed -!on between the
!aties= and
8o9 any in'eased o
li.its of liability whee ageed
in a''odan'e with !aaga!h /
of ati'le 1%
)% Afte the goods have been
loaded on boad3 if the shi!!e
so de.ands3 the 'aie .-st
iss-e to the shi!!e a *shi!!ed7
bill of lading whi'h3 in addition
to the !ati'-las eC-ied -nde
!aaga!h $ of this ati'le3 .-st
state that the goods ae on boad
a na.ed shi! o shi!s3 and the
date o dates of loading% If the
'aie has !evio-sly iss-ed to
the shi!!e a bill of lading o
othe do'-.ent of title with
es!e't to any of s-'h goods3 on
eC-est of the 'aie the shi!!e
.-st s-ende s-'h do'-.ent
in e,'hange fo a *shi!!ed7 bill
of lading% The 'aie .ay
a.end any !evio-sly iss-ed
do'-.ent in ode to .eet the
shi!!es de.and fo a
*shi!!ed7 bill of lading if3 as
a.ended3 s-'h do'-.ent
in'l-des all the info.ation
eC-ied to be 'ontained in a
*shi!!ed7 bill of lading%
+% The absen'e in the bill of
lading of one o .oe
!ati'-las efeed to in this
ati'le does not affe't the legal
)% The 'onta't !ati'-las in
the tans!ot do'-.ent o
ele'toni' tans!ot e'od
efeed to in ati'le +0 shall
also in'l-de"
8a9 A state.ent of the
a!!aent ode and 'ondition of
the goods at the ti.e the 'aie
o a ! !aty e'eives
the. fo 'aiage=
8b9 The na.e and addess
of the 'aie=
8c9 The date on whi'h the
'aie o a ! !aty
e'eived the goods3 o on whi'h
the goods wee loaded on boad
the shi!3 o on whi'h the
tans!ot do'-.ent o ele'toni'
tans!ot e'od was iss-ed= and
8d9 If the tans!ot
do'-.ent is negotiable3 the of oiginals of the
negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent3
when .oe than one oiginal is
+% The 'onta't !ati'-las in
the tans!ot do'-.ent o
ele'toni' tans!ot e'od
efeed to in ati'le +0 shall
f-the in'l-de"
8a9 The na.e and addess
of the 'onsignee3 if na.ed by
the shi!!e=
8b9 The na.e of a shi!3 if
s!e'ified in the 'onta't of
8c9 The !la'e of e'ei!t
and3 if <nown to the 'aie3 the
!la'e of delivey= and
8d9 The !ot of loading
and the !ot of dis'hage3 if
s!e'ified in the 'onta't of
/% Fo the !-!oses of this
ati'le3 the !hase *a!!aent
ode and 'ondition of the
goods7 in s-b!aaga!h ) 8a9 of
this ati'le efes to the ode
and 'ondition of the goods
based on"
8a9 A easonable e,tenal
ins!e'tion of the goods as
!a'<aged at the ti.e the shi!!e
delives the. to the 'aie o a
! !aty= and
8b9 Any additional
ins!e'tion that the 'aie o a
! !aty a't-ally
'haa'te of the do'-.ent as a
bill of lading !ovided that it
nevetheless .eets the
eC-ie.ents set o-t in
!aaga!h 2 of ati'le $%
Article 1!. )ills of lading3
reser(ations and e(identiar%
$% If the bill of lading 'ontains
!ati'-las 'on'ening the
geneal nat-e3 leading .a<s3 of !a'<ages of !ie'es3
weight o C-antity of the goods
whi'h the 'aie o othe !eson
iss-ing the bill of lading on his
behalf <nows o has easonable
go-nds to s-s!e't do not
a''-ately e!esent the goods
a't-ally ta<en ove o3 whee a
*shi!!ed7 bill of lading is
iss-ed3 loaded3 o if he had no
easonable .eans of 'he'<ing
s-'h !ati'-las3 the 'aie o
s-'h othe !eson .-st inset in
the bill of lading a esevation
s!e'ifying these ina''-a'ies3
go-nds of s-s!i'ion o the
absen'e of easonable .eans of
)% If the 'aie o othe !eson
iss-ing the bill of lading on his
behalf fails to note on the bill of
lading the a!!aent 'ondition of
the goods3 he is dee.ed to have
noted on the bill of lading that
the goods wee in a!!aent good
+% E,'e!t fo !ati'-las in
es!e't of whi'h and to the
e,tent to whi'h a esevation
!e.itted -nde !aaga!h $ of
this ati'le has been enteed"
8a9 the bill of lading is
pri,a facie eviden'e of the
ta<ing ove o3 whee a
*shi!!ed7 bill of lading is
iss-ed3 loading3 by the 'aie of
the goods as des'ibed in the
bill of lading= and
8b9 !oof to the 'ontay
by the 'aie is not ad.issible
if the bill of lading has been
tansfeed to a thid !aty3
in'l-ding a 'onsignee3 who in
good faith has a'ted in elian'e
on the des'i!tion of the goods
!efo.s befoe iss-ing the
tans!ot do'-.ent o ele'toni'
tans!ot e'od%
Article 37. -dentit% of t&e
$% If a 'aie is identified by
na.e in the 'onta't !ati'-las3
any othe info.ation in the
tans!ot do'-.ent o ele'toni'
tans!ot e'od elating to the
identity of the 'aie shall have
no effe't to the e,tent that it is
in'onsistent with that
)% If no !eson is identified in
the 'onta't !ati'-las as the
'aie as eC-ied !-s-ant to
ati'le +13 s-b!aaga!h ) 8b93
b-t the 'onta't !ati'-las
indi'ate that the goods have
been loaded on boad a na.ed
shi!3 the egisteed owne of
that shi! is !es-.ed to be the
'aie3 -nless it !oves that the
shi! was -nde a baeboat
'hate at the ti.e of the
'aiage and it identifies this
baeboat 'hatee and indi'ates
its addess3 in whi'h 'ase this
baeboat 'hatee is !es-.ed
to be the 'aie% Altenatively3
the egisteed owne .ay eb-t
the !es-.!tion of being the
'aie by identifying the 'aie
and indi'ating its addess% The
baeboat 'hatee .ay eb-t
any !es-.!tion of being the
'aie in the sa.e .anne%
+% Nothing in this ati'le
!events the 'lai.ant fo.
!oving that any !eson othe
than a !eson identified in the
'onta't !ati'-las o !-s-ant
to !aaga!h ) of this ati'le is
the 'aie%
Article 38. Signat#re
$% A tans!ot do'-.ent shall
be signed by the 'aie o a
!eson a'ting on its behalf%
)% An ele'toni' tans!ot
e'od shall in'l-de the
ele'toni' signat-e of the
'aie o a !eson a'ting on its
behalf% S-'h ele'toni' signat-e
shall identify the signatoy in
elation to the ele'toni'
/% A bill of lading whi'h does
not3 as !ovided in !aaga!h $3
s-b!aaga!h (+)3 of ati'le $03
set foth the feight o othewise
indi'ate that feight is !ayable
by the 'onsignee o does not set
foth de.-age in'-ed at the
!ot of loading !ayable by the
'onsignee3 is pri,a facie
eviden'e that no feight o s-'h
de.-age is !ayable by hi.%
@oweve3 !oof to the 'ontay
by the 'aie is not ad.issible
when the bill of lading has been
tansfeed to a thid !aty3
in'l-ding a 'onsignee3 who in
good faith has a'ted in elian'e
on the absen'e in the bill of
lading of any s-'h indi'ation%
Article 17. #arantees b% t&e
$% The shi!!e is dee.ed to
have g-aanteed to the 'aie
the a''-a'y of !ati'-las
elating to the geneal nat-e of
the goods3 thei .a<s3 n-.be3
weight and C-antity as f-nished
by hi. fo insetion in the bill
of lading% The shi!!e .-st
inde.nify the 'aie against the
loss es-lting fo. ina''-a'ies
in s-'h !ati'-las% The shi!!e
e.ains liable even if the bill of
lading has been tansfeed by
hi.% The ight of the 'aie to
s-'h inde.nity in no way li.its
his liability -nde the 'onta't of
'aiage by sea to any !eson
othe than the shi!!e%
)% Any lette of g-aantee o
agee.ent by whi'h the shi!!e
-ndeta<es to inde.nify the
'aie against loss es-lting
fo. the iss-an'e of the bill of
lading by the 'aie3 o by a
!eson a'ting on his behalf3
witho-t enteing a esevation
elating to !ati'-las f-nished
by the shi!!e fo insetion in
the bill of lading3 o to the
a!!aent 'ondition of the goods3
is void and of no effe't as
against any thid !aty3
in'l-ding a 'onsignee3 to who.
the bill of lading has been
+% S-'h a lette of g-aantee o
tans!ot e'od and indi'ate the
'aie;s a-thoiEation of the
ele'toni' tans!ot e'od%
Article 3.. Deficiencies in t&e
contract partic#lars
$% The absen'e o ina''-a'y
of one o .oe of the 'onta't
!ati'-las efeed to in ati'le
+13 !aaga!hs $3 ) o +3 does
not of itself affe't the legal
'haa'te o validity of the
tans!ot do'-.ent o of the
ele'toni' tans!ot e'od%
)% If the 'onta't !ati'-las
in'l-de the date b-t fail to
indi'ate its signifi'an'e3 the date
is dee.ed to be"
8a9 The date on whi'h all
of the goods indi'ated in the
tans!ot do'-.ent o ele'toni'
tans!ot e'od wee loaded on
boad the shi!3 if the 'onta't
!ati'-las indi'ate that the
goods have been loaded on
boad a shi!= o
8b9 The date on whi'h the
'aie o a ! !aty
e'eived the goods3 if the
'onta't !ati'-las do not
indi'ate that the goods have
been loaded on boad a shi!%
+% If the 'onta't !ati'-las
fail to state the a!!aent ode
and 'ondition of the goods at the
ti.e the 'aie o a !
!aty e'eives the.3 the 'onta't
!ati'-las ae dee.ed to have
stated that the goods wee in
a!!aent good ode and
'ondition at the ti.e the 'aie
o a ! !aty e'eived
Article 40. 4#alif%ing t&e
infor,ation relating to t&e
goods in t&e contract
$% The 'aie shall C-alify the
info.ation efeed to in ati'le
+13 !aaga!h $3 to indi'ate that
the 'aie does not ass-.e
es!onsibility fo the a''-a'y
of the info.ation f-nished by
the shi!!e if"
8a9 The 'aie has a't-al
<nowledge that any .ateial
state.ent in the tans!ot
agee.ent is valid as against the
shi!!e -nless the 'aie o the
!eson a'ting on his behalf3 by
o.itting the esevation efeed
to in !aaga!h ) of this ati'le3
intends to defa-d a thid !aty3
in'l-ding a 'onsignee3 who a'ts
in elian'e on the des'i!tion of
the goods in the bill of lading%
In the latte 'ase3 if the
esevation o.itted elates to
!ati'-las f-nished by the
shi!!e fo insetion in the bill
of lading3 the 'aie has no
ight of inde.nity fo. the
shi!!e !-s-ant to !aaga!h $
of this ati'le%
/% In the 'ase of intended fa-d
efeed to in !aaga!h + of this
ati'le3 the 'aie is liable3
witho-t the benefit of the
li.itation of liability !ovided
fo in this Convention3 fo the
loss in'-ed by a thid !aty3
in'l-ding a 'onsignee3 be'a-se
he has a'ted in elian'e on the
des'i!tion of the goods in the
bill of lading%
Article 18. Doc#,ents ot&er
t&an bills of lading
Dhee a 'aie iss-es a
do'-.ent othe than a bill of
lading to eviden'e the e'ei!t of
the goods to be 'aied3 s-'h a
do'-.ent is pri,a facie
eviden'e of the 'on'l-sion of
the 'onta't of 'aiage by sea
and the ta<ing ove by the
'aie of the goods as theein
do'-.ent o ele'toni' tans!ot
e'od is false o .isleading= o
8b9 The 'aie has
easonable go-nds to believe
that a .ateial state.ent in the
tans!ot do'-.ent o ele'toni'
tans!ot e'od is false o
)% Ditho-t !e>-di'e to
!aaga!h $ of this ati'le3 the
'aie .ay C-alify the
info.ation efeed to in ati'le
+13 !aaga!h $3 in the
'i'-.stan'es and in the .anne
set o-t in !aaga!hs + and / of
this ati'le to indi'ate that the
'aie does not ass-.e
es!onsibility fo the a''-a'y
of the info.ation f-nished by
the shi!!e%
+% Dhen the goods ae not
deliveed fo 'aiage to the
'aie o a ! !aty in
a 'losed 'ontaine o vehi'le3 o
when they ae deliveed in a
'losed 'ontaine o vehi'le and
the 'aie o a ! !aty
a't-ally ins!e'ts the.3 the
'aie .ay C-alify the
info.ation efeed to in ati'le
+13 !aaga!h $3 if"
8a9 The 'aie had no
!hysi'ally !a'ti'able o
'o..e'ially easonable .eans
of 'he'<ing the info.ation
f-nished by the shi!!e3 in
whi'h 'ase it .ay indi'ate
whi'h info.ation it was -nable
to 'he'<= o
8b9 The 'aie has
easonable go-nds to believe
the info.ation f-nished by the
shi!!e to be ina''-ate3 in
whi'h 'ase it .ay in'l-de a
'la-se !oviding what it
easonably 'onsides a''-ate
/% Dhen the goods ae
deliveed fo 'aiage to the
'aie o a ! !aty in
a 'losed 'ontaine o vehi'le3
the 'aie .ay C-alify the
info.ation efeed to in"
8a9 Ati'le +13
s-b!aaga!hs $ 8a93 8b93 o 8c93
8i9 The goods inside the
'ontaine o vehi'le have not
a't-ally been ins!e'ted by the
'aie o a ! !aty=
8ii9 Neithe the 'aie no
a ! !aty othewise
has a't-al <nowledge of its
'ontents befoe iss-ing the
tans!ot do'-.ent o the
ele'toni' tans!ot e'od= and
8b9 Ati'le +13
s-b!aaga!h $ 8d93 if"
8i9 Neithe the 'aie no
a ! !aty weighed the
'ontaine o vehi'le3 and the
shi!!e and the 'aie had not
ageed !io to the shi!.ent that
the 'ontaine o vehi'le wo-ld
be weighed and the weight
wo-ld be in'l-ded in the
'onta't !ati'-las= o
8ii9 Thee was no
!hysi'ally !a'ti'able o
'o..e'ially easonable .eans
of 'he'<ing the weight of the
'ontaine o vehi'le%
Article 41. 5(identiar% effect of
t&e contract partic#lars
E,'e!t to the e,tent that the
'onta't !ati'-las have been
C-alified in the 'i'-.stan'es
and in the .anne set o-t in
ati'le /6"
8a9 A tans!ot do'-.ent
o an ele'toni' tans!ot e'od
is !i.a fa'ie eviden'e of the
'aie;s e'ei!t of the goods as
stated in the 'onta't !ati'-las=
8b9 (oof to the 'ontay
by the 'aie in es!e't of any
'onta't !ati'-las shall not be
ad.issible3 when s-'h 'onta't
!ati'-las ae in'l-ded in"
8i9 A negotiable tans!ot
do'-.ent o a negotiable
ele'toni' tans!ot e'od that
is tansfeed to a thid !aty
a'ting in good faith= o
8ii9 A non?negotiable
tans!ot do'-.ent that
indi'ates that it .-st be
s-endeed in ode to obtain
delivey of the goods and is
tansfeed to the 'onsignee
a'ting in good faith=
8c9 (oof to the 'ontay
by the 'aie shall not be
ad.issible against a 'onsignee
that in good faith has a'ted in
elian'e on any of the following
'onta't !ati'-las in'l-ded in a
non?negotiable tans!ot
do'-.ent o a non?negotiable
ele'toni' tans!ot e'od"
8i9 The 'onta't
!ati'-las efeed to in ati'le
+13 !aaga!h $3 when s-'h
'onta't !ati'-las ae
f-nished by the 'aie=
8ii9 The n-.be3 ty!e and
identifying n-.bes of the
'ontaines3 b-t not the
identifying n-.bes of the
'ontaine seals= and
8iii9 The 'onta't
!ati'-las efeed to in ati'le
+13 !aaga!h )%
Article 42. 67reig&t prepaid8
If the 'onta't !ati'-las
'ontain the state.ent *feight
!e!aid7 o a state.ent of a
si.ila nat-e3 the 'aie 'annot
asset against the holde o the
'onsignee the fa't that the
feight has not been !aid% This
ati'le does not a!!ly if the
holde o the 'onsignee is also
the shi!!e%
),. L%&%tat%(' (* %a"%%t#
Article 4
0% 8a9 Gnless the nat-e and
val-e of s-'h goods have been
de'laed by the shi!!e befoe
shi!.ent and inseted in the bill
of lading3 neithe the 'aie no
the shi! shall in any event be o
be'o.e liable fo any loss o
da.age to o in 'onne'tion with
the goods in an a.o-nt
e,'eeding 222.23 -nits of
a''o-nt !e !a'<age o -nit o ,
-nits of a''o-nt !e <iloga..e
of goss weight of the goods lost
o da.aged3 whi'heve is the
8b9 The total a.o-nt
e'oveable shall be 'al'-lated
by efeen'e to the val-e of s-'h
goods at the !la'e and ti.e at
whi'h the goods ae dis'haged
fo. the shi! in a''odan'e
Article !. 1i,its of liabilit%
$% 8a9 The liability of the
'aie fo loss es-lting fo.
loss of o da.age to goods
a''oding to the !ovisions of
ati'le 0 is li.ited to an a.o-nt
eC-ivalent to 4.1 -nits of
a''o-nt !e !a'<age o othe
shi!!ing -nit o ,.1 -nits of
a''o-nt !e <iloga. of goss
weight of the goods lost o
da.aged3 whi'heve is the
8b9 The liability of the
'aie fo delay in delivey
a''oding to the !ovisions of
ati'le 0 is li.ited to an a.o-nt
eC-ivalent to two and a half the feight !ayable fo the
goods delayed3 b-t not
e,'eeding the total feight
!ayable -nde the 'onta't of
Article 5.. 1i,its of liabilit%
$% S-b>e't to ati'les 16 and
1$3 !aaga!h $3 the 'aie;s
liability fo bea'hes of its
obligations -nde this
Convention is li.ited to 431
-nits of a''o-nt !e !a'<age o
othe shi!!ing -nit3 o . -nits of
a''o-nt !e <iloga. of the
goss weight of the goods that
ae the s-b>e't of the 'lai. o
dis!-te3 whi'heve a.o-nt is
the highe3 e,'e!t when the
val-e of the goods has been
de'laed by the shi!!e and
in'l-ded in the 'onta't
!ati'-las3 o when a highe
a.o-nt than the a.o-nt of
li.itation of liability set o-t in
this ati'le has been ageed -!on
between the 'aie and the
with the 'onta't o sho-ld have
been so dis'haged%
The val-e of the goods shall be
fi,ed a''oding to the
'o..odity e,'hange !i'e3 o3
if thee be no s-'h !i'e3
a''oding to the '-ent .a<et
!i'e3 o3 if thee be no
'o..odity e,'hange !i'e o
'-ent .a<et !i'e3 by
efeen'e to the val-e of
goods of the sa.e <ind and
8'9 Dhee a 'ontaine3
!allet o si.ila ati'le of
tans!ot is -sed to 'onsolidate
goods3 the of !a'<ages
o -nits en-.eated in the bill
of lading as !a'<ed in s-'h
ati'le of tans!ot shall be
dee.ed the of !a'<ages
o -nits fo the !-!ose of this
!aaga!h as fa as these
!a'<ages o -nits ae 'on'ened%
E,'e!t as afoesaid s-'h ati'le
of tans!ot shall be 'onsideed
the !a'<age o -nit%
8d9 The -nit of a''o-nt
.entioned in this Ati'le is the
S!e'ial &awing Right as
defined by the Intenational
Bonetay F-nd% The a.o-nts
.entioned in s-b?!aaga!h 8a9
of this !aaga!h shall be
'onveted into national '-en'y
on the basis of the val-e of that
'-en'y on a date to be
dete.ined by the law of the
Co-t seiEed of the 'ase%
%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
8e9 Neithe the 'aie no
the shi! shall be entitled to the
benefit of the li.itation of
liability !ovided fo in this
!aaga!h if it is !oved that the
da.age es-lted fo. an a't o
o.ission of the 'aie done
with intent to 'a-se da.age3 o
e'<lessly and with <nowledge
that da.age wo-ld !obably
8f9 The de'laation
.entioned in s-b?!aaga!h 8a9
of this !aaga!h3 if e.bodied
in the bill of lading3 shall be
!i.a fa'ie eviden'e3 b-t shall
not be binding o 'on'l-sive on
the 'aie%
'aiage of goods by sea%
8'9 In no 'ase shall the
aggegate liability of the 'aie3
-nde both s-b!aaga!hs 8a9
and 8b9 of this !aaga!h3
e,'eed the li.itation whi'h
wo-ld be established -nde
s-b!aaga!h 8a9 of this
!aaga!h fo total loss of the
goods with es!e't to whi'h
s-'h liability was in'-ed%
)% Fo the !-!ose of
'al'-lating whi'h a.o-nt is the
highe in a''odan'e with
!aaga!h $ 8a9 of this ati'le3
the following -les a!!ly"
8a9 Dhee a 'ontaine3 !allet o
si.ila ati'le of tans!ot is
-sed to 'onsolidate goods3 the
!a'<age o othe shi!!ing -nits
en-.eated in the bill of lading3
if iss-ed3 o othewise in any
othe do'-.ent eviden'ing the
'onta't of 'aiage by sea3 as
!a'<ed in s-'h ati'le of
tans!ot ae dee.ed !a'<ages
o shi!!ing -nits% E,'e!t as
afoesaid the goods in s-'h
ati'le of tans!ot ae dee.ed
one shi!!ing -nit%
8b9 In 'ases whee the ati'le of
tans!ot itself has been lost o
da.aged3 that ati'le of
tans!ot3 if not owned o
othewise s-!!lied by the
'aie3 is 'onsideed one
se!aate shi!!ing -nit%
+% Gnit of a''o-nt .eans the
-nit of a''o-nt .entioned in
ati'le )1%
/% By agee.ent between the
'aie and the shi!!e3 li.its of
liability e,'eeding those
!ovided fo in !aaga!h $ .ay
be fi,ed%
Article 8. 1oss of rig&t to li,it
$% The 'aie is not entitled to
the benefit of the li.itation of
liability !ovided fo in ati'le 1
if it is !oved that the loss3
da.age o delay in delivey
es-lted fo. an a't o o.ission
of the 'aie done with the
intent to 'a-se s-'h loss3
da.age o delay3 o e'<lessly
and with <nowledge that s-'h
)% Dhen goods ae 'aied in
o on a 'ontaine3 !allet o
si.ila ati'le of tans!ot -sed
to 'onsolidate goods3 o in o on
a vehi'le3 the !a'<ages o
shi!!ing -nits en-.eated in the
'onta't !ati'-las as !a'<ed in
o on s-'h ati'le of tans!ot o
vehi'le ae dee.ed !a'<ages o
shi!!ing -nits% If not so
en-.eated3 the goods in o on
s-'h ati'le of tans!ot o
vehi'le ae dee.ed one shi!!ing
+% The -nit of a''o-nt efeed
to in this ati'le is the S!e'ial
&awing Right as defined by the
Intenational Bonetay F-nd%
The a.o-nts efeed to in this
ati'le ae to be 'onveted into
the national '-en'y of a State
a''oding to the val-e of s-'h
'-en'y at the date of
>-dge.ent o awad o the date
ageed -!on by the !aties% The
val-e of a national '-en'y3 in
te.s of the S!e'ial &awing
Right3 of a Conta'ting State
that is a of the
Intenational Bonetay F-nd is
to be 'al'-lated in a''odan'e
with the .ethod of val-ation
a!!lied by the Intenational
Bonetay F-nd in effe't at the
date in C-estion fo its
o!eations and tansa'tions%
%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
Article !0. 1i,its of liabilit% for
loss ca#sed b% dela%
S-b>e't to ati'le 1$3 !aaga!h
)3 'o.!ensation fo loss of o
da.age to the goods d-e to
delay shall be 'al'-lated in
a''odan'e with ati'le )) and
liability fo e'ono.i' loss d-e
to delay is li.ited to an a.o-nt
eC-ivalent to two and one?half the feight !ayable on the
goods delayed% The total a.o-nt
!ayable !-s-ant to this ati'le
and ati'le 053 !aaga!h $3 .ay
not e,'eed the that wo-ld
be established !-s-ant to ati'le
053 !aaga!h $3 in es!e't of
the total loss of the goods
8g9 By agee.ent between
the 'aie3 .aste o agent of
the 'aie and the shi!!e othe
.a,i.-. a.o-nts than those
.entioned in s-b?!aaga!h 8a9
of this !aaga!h .ay be fi,ed3
!ovided that no .a,i.-.
a.o-nt so fi,ed shall be less
than the a!!o!iate .a,i.-.
.entioned in that s-b?
loss3 da.age o delay wo-ld
!obably es-lt%
)% Notwithstanding the
!ovisions of !aaga!h ) of
ati'le 23 a sevant o agent of
the 'aie is not entitled to the
benefit of the li.itation of
liability !ovided fo in ati'le 1
if it is !oved that the loss3
da.age o delay in delivey
es-lted fo. an a't o o.ission
of s-'h sevant o agent3 done
with the intent to 'a-se s-'h
loss3 da.age o delay3 o
e'<lessly and with <nowledge
that s-'h loss3 da.age o delay
wo-ld !obably es-lt%
Article !1. 1oss of t&e benefit of
li,itation of liabilit%
$% Neithe the 'aie no any
of the !esons efeed to in
ati'le $4 is entitled to the
benefit of the li.itation of
liability as !ovided in ati'le
053 o as !ovided in the
'onta't of 'aiage3 if the
'lai.ant !oves that the loss
es-lting fo. the bea'h of the
'aie;s obligation -nde this
Convention was attib-table to a
!esonal a't o o.ission of the
!eson ' a ight to
done with the intent to 'a-se
s-'h loss o e'<lessly and with
<nowledge that s-'h loss wo-ld
!obably es-lt%
)% Neithe the 'aie no any
of the !esons .entioned in
ati'le $4 is entitled to the
benefit of the li.itation of
liability as !ovided in ati'le 16
if the 'lai.ant !oves that the
delay in delivey es-lted fo. a
!esonal a't o o.ission of the
!eson ' a ight to
done with the intent to 'a-se the
loss d-e to delay o e'<lessly
and with <nowledge that s-'h
loss wo-ld !obably es-lt%
).. T%&e *(r su%t
Article 3
1% %%%%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
S-b>e't to !aaga!h 1bis the
'aie and the shi! shall in any
event be dis'haged fo. all
liability whatsoeve in es!e't
of the goods3 -nless s-it is
bo-ght within one yea of thei
delivey o of the date when
they sho-ld have been
deliveed% This !eiod3 .ay
howeve3 be e,tended if the
!aties so agee afte the 'a-se
of a'tion has aisen%
%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
1 bis% An a'tion fo
inde.nity against a thid !eson
.ay be bo-ght even afte the
e,!iation of the yea !ovided
fo in the !e'eding !aaga!h if
bo-ght within the ti.e allowed
Article 20. 1i,itation of actions
$% Any a'tion elating to
'aiage of goods -nde this
Convention is ti.e?baed if
>-di'ial o abital !o'eedings
have not been instit-ted within a
!eiod of two yeas%
)% The li.itation !eiod
'o..en'es on the day on whi'h
the 'aie has deliveed the
goods o !at theeof o3 in 'ases
whee no goods have been
deliveed3 on the last day on
whi'h the goods sho-ld have
been deliveed%
+% The day on whi'h the
li.itation !eiod 'o..en'es is
not in'l-ded in the !eiod%
/% The !eson against who. a
'lai. is .ade .ay at any ti.e
d-ing the -nning of the
Article !2. $eriod of ti,e for
$% No >-di'ial o abital
!o'eedings in es!e't of 'lai.s
o dis!-tes aising fo. a bea'h
of an obligation -nde this
Convention .ay be instit-ted
afte the e,!iation of a !eiod
of two yeas%
)% The !eiod efeed to in
!aaga!h $ of this ati'le
'o..en'es on the day on whi'h
the 'aie has deliveed the
goods o3 in 'ases in whi'h no
goods have been deliveed o
only !at of the goods have been
deliveed3 on the last day on
whi'h the goods sho-ld have
been deliveed% The day on
whi'h the !eiod 'o..en'es is
not in'l-ded in the !eiod%
by the law of the Co-t seiEed of
the 'ase% @oweve3 the ti.e
allowed shall be not less than
thee .onths3 'o..en'ing fo.
the day when the !eson
binging s-'h a'tion fo
inde.nity has settled the 'lai.
o has been seved with !o'ess
in the a'tion against hi.self%
li.itation !eiod e,tend that
!eiod by a de'laation in
witing to the 'lai.ant% This
!eiod .ay be f-the e,tended
by anothe de'laation o
0% An a'tion fo inde.nity by
a !eson held liable .ay be
instit-ted even afte the
e,!iation of the li.itation
!eiod !ovided fo in the
!e'eding !aaga!hs if
instit-ted within the ti.e
allowed by the law of the State
whee !o'eedings ae
instit-ted% @oweve3 the ti.e
allowed shall not be less than 56
days 'o..en'ing fo. the day
when the !eson instit-ting s-'h
a'tion fo inde.nity has settled
the 'lai. o has been seved
with !o'ess in the a'tion
against hi.self%
+% Notwithstanding the
e,!iation of the !eiod set o-t
in !aaga!h $ of this ati'le3
one !aty .ay ely on its 'lai.
as a defen'e o fo the !-!ose
of set?off against a 'lai.
asseted by the othe !aty%
Article !3. 5"tension of ti,e for
The !eiod !ovided in ati'le
1) shall not be s-b>e't to
s-s!ension o inte-!tion3 b-t
the !eson against whi'h a 'lai.
is .ade .ay at any ti.e d-ing
the -nning of the !eiod e,tend
that !eiod by a de'laation to
the 'lai.ant% This !eiod .ay
be f-the e,tended by anothe
de'laation o de'laations%
Article !4. Action for inde,nit%
An a'tion fo inde.nity by a
!eson held liable .ay be
instit-ted afte the e,!iation of
the !eiod !ovided in ati'le 1)
if the inde.nity a'tion is
instit-ted within the late of"
8a9 The ti.e allowed by
the a!!li'able law in the
>-isdi'tion whee !o'eedings
ae instit-ted= o
8b9 Ninety days
'o..en'ing fo. the day when
the !eson instit-ting the a'tion
fo inde.nity has eithe settled
the 'lai. o been seved with
!o'ess in the a'tion against
itself3 whi'heve is ealie%
Article !5. Actions against t&e
person identified as t&e carrier
An a'tion against the baeboat
'hatee o the !eson identified
as the 'aie !-s-ant to ati'le
+23 !aaga!h )3 .ay be
instit-ted afte the e,!iation of
the !eiod !ovided in ati'le 1)
if the a'tion is instit-ted within
the late of"
8a9 The ti.e allowed by
the a!!li'able law in the
>-isdi'tion whee !o'eedings
ae instit-ted= o
8b9 Ninety days
'o..en'ing fo. the day when
the 'aie has been identified3
o the egisteed owne o
baeboat 'hatee has eb-tted
the !es-.!tion that it is the
'aie3 !-s-ant to ati'le +23
!aaga!h )%
)0. Free!(& (* +('tra+t
Article 3
%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
4% Any 'la-se3 'ovenant3 o
agee.ent in a 'onta't of
'aiage elieving the 'aie o
the shi! fo. liability fo loss o
da.age to3 o in 'onne'tion
with3 goods aising fo.
negligen'e3 fa-lt3 o fail-e in
the d-ties and obligations
!ovided in this ati'le o
lessening s-'h liability
othewise than as !ovided in
these R-les3 shall be n-ll and
void and of no effe't% A benefit
of ins-an'e in favo- of the
'aie o si.ila 'la-se shall be
dee.ed to be a 'la-se elieving
the 'aie fo. liability%
Article !
Notwithstanding the !ovisions
of the !e'eding ati'les3 a
'aie3 .aste o agent of the
'aie and a shi!!e shall in
egad to any !ati'-la goods
be at libety to ente into any
agee.ent in any te.s as to the
es!onsibility and liability of the
'aie fo s-'h goods3 and as to
the ights and i..-nities of the
'aie in es!e't of s-'h goods3
o his obligation as to
seawothiness3 so fa as this
sti!-lation is not 'ontay to
!-bli' !oli'y3 o the 'ae o
diligen'e of his sevants o
agents in egad to the loading3
handling3 stowage3 'aiage3
'-stody3 'ae and dis'hage of
the goods 'aied by sea3
!ovided that in this 'ase no bill
of lading has been o shall be
iss-ed and that the te.s ageed
shall be e.bodied in a e'ei!t
whi'h shall be a non?negotiable
do'-.ent and shall be .a<ed
as s-'h%
An agee.ent so enteed into
Article 23. 'ontract#al
$% Any sti!-lation in a 'onta't
of 'aiage by sea3 in a bill of
lading3 o in any othe do'-.ent
eviden'ing the 'onta't of
'aiage by sea is n-ll and void
to the e,tent that it deogates3
die'tly o indie'tly3 fo. the
!ovisions of this Convention%
The n-llity of s-'h a sti!-lation
does not affe't the validity of
the othe !ovisions of the
'onta't o do'-.ent of whi'h it
fo.s a !at% A 'la-se assigning
benefit of ins-an'e of goods in
favo- of the 'aie3 o any
si.ila 'la-se3 is n-ll and void%
)% Notwithstanding the
!ovisions of !aaga!h $ of this
ati'le3 a 'aie .ay in'ease
his es!onsibilities and
obligations -nde this
+% Dhee a bill of lading o
any othe do'-.ent eviden'ing
the 'onta't of 'aiage by sea is
iss-ed3 it .-st 'ontain a
state.ent that the 'aiage is
s-b>e't to the !ovisions of this
Convention whi'h n-llify any
sti!-lation deogating theefo.
to the deti.ent of the shi!!e
o the 'onsignee%
/% Dhee the 'lai.ant in
es!e't of the goods has
in'-ed loss as a es-lt of a
sti!-lation whi'h is n-ll and
void by vit-e of the !esent
ati'le3 o as a es-lt of the
o.ission of the state.ent
efeed to in !aaga!h + of this
ati'le3 the 'aie .-st !ay
'o.!ensation to the e,tent
eC-ied in ode to give the
'lai.ant 'o.!ensation in
a''odan'e with the !ovisions
of this Convention fo any loss
of o da.age to the goods as
Article 7.. eneral pro(isions
$% Gnless othewise !ovided
in this Convention3 any te. in a
'onta't of 'aiage is void to
the e,tent that it"
8a9 &ie'tly o indie'tly
e,'l-des o li.its the
obligations of the 'aie o a
.aiti.e ! !aty
-nde this Convention=
8b9 &ie'tly o indie'tly
e,'l-des o li.its the liability of
the 'aie o a .aiti.e
! !aty fo bea'h of
an obligation -nde this
Convention= o
8c9 Assigns a benefit of
ins-an'e of the goods in favo-
of the 'aie o a !eson
efeed to in ati'le $4%
)% Gnless othewise !ovided
in this Convention3 any te. in a
'onta't of 'aiage is void to
the e,tent that it"
8a9 &ie'tly o indie'tly
e,'l-des3 li.its o in'eases the
obligations -nde this
Convention of the shi!!e3
'onsignee3 'ontolling !aty3
holde o do'-.entay shi!!e=
8b9 &ie'tly o indie'tly
e,'l-des3 li.its o in'eases the
liability of the shi!!e3
'onsignee3 'ontolling !aty3
holde o do'-.entay shi!!e
fo bea'h of any of its
obligations -nde this
Article 80. Special r#les for
(ol#,e contracts
$% Notwithstanding ati'le 253
as between the 'aie and the
shi!!e3 a vol-.e 'onta't to
whi'h this Convention a!!lies
.ay !ovide fo geate o lesse
ights3 obligations and liabilities
than those i.!osed by this
shall have f-ll legal effe't%
(ovided that this ati'le shall
not a!!ly to odinay
'o..e'ial shi!.ents .ade in
the odinay 'o-se of tade3 b-t
only to othe shi!.ents whee
the 'haa'te o 'ondition of the
!o!ety to be 'aied o the
'i'-.stan'es3 te.s and
'onditions -nde whi'h the
'aiage is to be !efo.ed ae
s-'h as easonably to >-stify a
s!e'ial agee.ent%
well as fo delay in delivey%
The 'aie .-st3 in addition3
!ay 'o.!ensation fo 'osts
in'-ed by the 'lai.ant fo the
!-!ose of e,e'ising his ight3
!ovided that 'osts in'-ed in
the a'tion whee the foegoing
!ovision is invo<ed ae to be
dete.ined in a''odan'e with
the law of the State whee
!o'eedings ae instit-ted%
)% A deogation !-s-ant to
!aaga!h $ of this ati'le is
binding only when"
8a9 The vol-.e 'onta't
'ontains a !o.inent state.ent
that it deogates fo. this
8b9 The vol-.e 'onta't is
8i9 individ-ally negotiated o 8ii9
!o.inently s!e'ifies the
se'tions of the vol-.e 'onta't
'ontaining the deogations=
8c9 The shi!!e is given an
o!!ot-nity and noti'e of the
o!!ot-nity to 'on'l-de a
'onta't of 'aiage on te.s
and 'onditions that 'o.!ly with
this Convention witho-t any
deogation -nde this ati'le=
8d9 The deogation is
neithe 8i9 in'o!oated by
efeen'e fo. anothe
do'-.ent no 8ii9 in'l-ded in a
'onta't of adhesion that is not
s-b>e't to negotiation%
+% A 'aie;s !-bli' s'hed-le
of !i'es and sevi'es3 tans!ot
do'-.ent3 ele'toni' tans!ot
e'od o si.ila do'-.ent is
not a vol-.e 'onta't !-s-ant
to !aaga!h $ of this ati'le3 b-t
a vol-.e 'onta't .ay
in'o!oate s-'h do'-.ents by
efeen'e as te.s of the
/% (aaga!h $ of this ati'le
does not a!!ly to ights and
obligations !ovided in ati'les
$/3 s-b!aaga!hs 8a9 and 8b93
)5 and +) o to liability aising
fo. the bea'h theeof3 no
does it a!!ly to any liability
aising fo. an a't o o.ission
efeed to in ati'le 1$%
0% The te.s of the vol-.e
'onta't that deogate fo. this
Convention3 if the vol-.e
'onta't satisfies the
eC-ie.ents of !aaga!h ) of
this ati'le3 a!!ly between the
'aie and any !eson othe
than the shi!!e !ovided that"
8a9 S-'h !eson e'eived
info.ation that !o.inently
states that the vol-.e 'onta't
deogates fo. this Convention
and gave its e,!ess 'onsent to
be bo-nd by s-'h deogations=
8b9 S-'h 'onsent is not
solely set foth in a 'aie;s
!-bli' s'hed-le of !i'es and
sevi'es3 tans!ot do'-.ent o
ele'toni' tans!ot e'od%
1% The !aty ' the
benefit of the deogation beas
the b-den of !oof that the
'onditions fo deogation have
been f-lfilled%
Article 81. Special r#les for li(e
ani,als and certain ot&er goods
Notwithstanding ati'le 25 and
witho-t !e>-di'e to ati'le 463
the 'onta't of 'aiage .ay
e,'l-de o the obligations
o the liability of both the 'aie
and a .aiti.e ! !aty
8a9 The goods ae live
ani.als3 b-t any s-'h e,'l-sion
o li.itation will not be
effe'tive if the 'lai.ant !oves
that the loss of o da.age to the
goods3 o delay in delivey3
es-lted fo. an a't o o.ission
of the 'aie o of a !eson
efeed to in ati'le $43 done
with the intent to 'a-se s-'h
loss of o da.age to the goods
o s-'h loss d-e to delay o done
e'<lessly and with <nowledge
that s-'h loss o da.age o s-'h
loss d-e to delay wo-ld
!obably es-lt= o
8b9 The 'haa'te o
'ondition of the goods o the
'i'-.stan'es and te.s and
'onditions -nde whi'h the
'aiage is to be !efo.ed ae
s-'h as easonably to >-stify a
s!e'ial agee.ent3 !ovided that
s-'h 'onta't of 'aiage is not
elated to odinay 'o..e'ial
shi!.ents .ade in the odinay
'o-se of tade and that no
negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent
o negotiable ele'toni'
tans!ot e'od is iss-ed fo the
'aiage of the goods%
8 8 8
II. Matters reguate! "# t$e Ha&"urg Rues a'! t$e R(tter!a& Rues
$% &e'< 'ago%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(age )4
)% Live ani.als%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* )5
+% Obligations and liability of the a't-al 'aieH.aiti.e
! !aties%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* )5
/% I-isdi'tion%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* +6
0% Abitation%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* ++
). De+9 +arg(
Article .. Dec+ cargo
$% The 'aie is entitled to 'ay the goods on
de'< only if s-'h 'aiage is in a''odan'e with
an agee.ent with the shi!!e o with the -sage
of the !ati'-la tade o is eC-ied by stat-toy
-les o eg-lations%
)% If the 'aie and the shi!!e have ageed
that the goods shall o .ay be 'aied on de'<3 the
'aie .-st inset in the bill of lading o othe
do'-.ent eviden'ing the 'onta't of 'aiage by
sea a state.ent to that effe't% In the absen'e of
s-'h a state.ent the 'aie has the b-den of
!oving that an agee.ent fo 'aiage on de'<
has been enteed into= howeve3 the 'aie is not
entitled to invo<e s-'h an agee.ent against a
thid !aty3 in'l-ding a 'onsignee3 who has
a'C-ied the bill of lading in good faith%
+% Dhee the goods have been 'aied on de'<
'ontay to the !ovisions of !aaga!h $ of this
ati'le o whee the 'aie .ay not -nde
!aaga!h ) of this ati'le invo<e an agee.ent
fo 'aiage on de'<3 the 'aie3 notwithstanding
the !ovisions of !aaga!h $ of ati'le 03 is liable
fo loss of o da.age to the goods3 as well as fo
delay in delivey3 es-lting solely fo. the
'aiage on de'<3 and the e,tent of his liability is
to be dete.ined in a''odan'e with the
!ovisions of ati'le 1 o ati'le 4 of this
Convention3 as the 'ase .ay be%
/% Caiage of goods on de'< 'ontay to
e,!ess agee.ent fo 'aiage -nde de'< is
dee.ed to be an a't o o.ission of the 'aie
within the .eaning of ati'le 4%
Article 25. Dec+ cargo on s&ips
$% Goods .ay be 'aied on the de'< of a shi!
only if"
8a9 S-'h 'aiage is eC-ied by law=
8b9 They ae 'aied in o on 'ontaines o
vehi'les that ae fit fo de'< 'aiage3 and the
de'<s ae s!e'ially fitted to 'ay s-'h 'ontaines
o vehi'les= o
8c9 The 'aiage on de'< is in a''odan'e
with the 'onta't of 'aiage3 o the '-sto.s3
-sages o !a'ti'es of the tade in C-estion%
)% The !ovisions of this Convention elating to
the liability of the 'aie a!!ly to the loss of3
da.age to o delay in the delivey of goods
'aied on de'< !-s-ant to !aaga!h $ of this
ati'le3 b-t the 'aie is not liable fo loss of o
da.age to s-'h goods3 o delay in thei delivey3
'a-sed by the s!e'ial is<s involved in thei
'aiage on de'< when the goods ae 'aied in
a''odan'e with s-b!aaga!hs $ 8a9 o 8c9 of this
+% If the goods have been 'aied on de'< in
'ases othe than those !e.itted !-s-ant to
!aaga!h $ of this ati'le3 the 'aie is liable fo
loss of o da.age to the goods o delay in thei
delivey that is e,'l-sively 'a-sed by thei
'aiage on de'<3 and is not entitled to the
defen'es !ovided fo in ati'le $2%
/% The 'aie is not entitled to invo<e
s-b!aaga!h $ 8c9 of this ati'le against a thid
!aty that has a'C-ied a negotiable tans!ot
do'-.ent o a negotiable ele'toni' tans!ot
e'od in good faith3 -nless the 'onta't
!ati'-las state that the goods .ay be 'aied on
0% If the 'aie and shi!!e e,!essly ageed that
the goods wo-ld be 'aied -nde de'<3 the 'aie
is not entitled to the benefit of the li.itation of
liability fo any loss of3 da.age to o delay in the
delivey of the goods to the e,tent that s-'h loss3
da.age3 o delay es-lted fo. thei 'aiage on
,. L%6e a'%&as
Article 5. )asis of liabilit%
0% Dith es!e't to live ani.als3 the 'aie is
not liable fo loss3 da.age o delay in delivey
es-lting fo. any s!e'ial is<s inheent in that
<ind of 'aiage% If the 'aie !oves that he has
'o.!lied with any s!e'ial inst-'tions given to
hi. by the shi!!e es!e'ting the ani.als and
that3 in the 'i'-.stan'es of the 'ase3 the loss3
da.age o delay in delivey 'o-ld be attib-ted to
s-'h is<s3 it is !es-.ed that the loss3 da.age o
delay in delivey was so 'a-sed3 -nless thee is
!oof that all o a !at of the loss3 da.age o
delay in delivey es-lted fo. fa-lt o negle't on
the !at of the 'aie3 his sevants o agents%
Article 81. Special r#les for li(e ani,als and
certain ot&er goods
Notwithstanding ati'le 25 and witho-t
!e>-di'e to ati'le 463 the 'onta't of 'aiage
.ay e,'l-de o the obligations o the
liability of both the 'aie and a .aiti.e
! !aty if"
8a9 The goods ae live ani.als3 b-t any s-'h
e,'l-sion o li.itation will not be effe'tive if the
'lai.ant !oves that the loss of o da.age to the
goods3 o delay in delivey3 es-lted fo. an a't o
o.ission of the 'aie o of a !eson efeed to
in ati'le $43 done with the intent to 'a-se s-'h
loss of o da.age to the goods o s-'h loss d-e to
delay o done e'<lessly and with <nowledge that
s-'h loss o da.age o s-'h loss d-e to delay
wo-ld !obably es-lt= o
%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
.. O"%gat%('s a'! %a"%%t# (* t$e a+tua +arr%er:&ar%t%&e -er*(r&%'g -art%es
Article 10. 1iabilit% of t&e carrier and act#al
$% Dhee the !'e of the 'aiage o
!at theeof has been ent-sted to an a't-al
'aie3 whethe o not in !-s-an'e of a libety
-nde the 'onta't of 'aiage by sea to do so3 the
'aie nevetheless e.ains es!onsible fo the
entie 'aiage a''oding to the !ovisions of this
Convention% The 'aie is es!onsible3 in elation
to the 'aiage !efo.ed by the a't-al 'aie3 fo
the a'ts and o.issions of the a't-al 'aie and of
his sevants and agents a'ting within the s'o!e of
thei e.!loy.ent%
)% All the !ovisions of this Convention
govening the es!onsibility of the 'aie also
a!!ly to the es!onsibility of the a't-al 'aie fo
the 'aiage !efo.ed by hi.% The !ovisions of
!aaga!hs ) and + of ati'le 2 and of !aaga!h )
of ati'le 4 a!!ly if an a'tion is bo-ght against a
sevant o agent of the a't-al 'aie%
+% Any s!e'ial agee.ent -nde whi'h the
'aie obligations not i.!osed by this
Convention o waives ights 'onfeed by this
Convention affe'ts the a't-al 'aie only if
ageed to by hi. e,!essly and in witing%
Dhethe o not the a't-al 'aie has so ageed3
the 'aie nevetheless e.ains bo-nd by the
obligations o waives es-lting fo. s-'h s!e'ial
/% Dhee and to the e,tent that both the 'aie
and the a't-al 'aie ae liable3 thei liability is
>oint and seveal%
Article 1.. 1iabilit% of ,ariti,e perfor,ing
$% A .aiti.e ! !aty is s-b>e't to
the obligations and liabilities i.!osed on the
'aie -nde this Convention and is entitled
to the 'aie;s defen'es and li.its of liability
as !ovided fo in this Convention if"
8a9 The .aiti.e ! !aty
e'eived the goods fo 'aiage in a
Conta'ting State3 o deliveed the. in a
Conta'ting State3 o !efo.ed its a'tivities
with es!e't to the goods in a !ot in a
Conta'ting State= and
8b9 The o''-en'e that 'a-sed the loss3
da.age o delay too< !la'e" 8i9 d-ing the
!eiod between the aival of the goods at the
!ot of loading of the shi! and thei de!at-e
fo. the !ot of dis'hage fo. the shi!= 8ii9
while the .aiti.e ! !aty had
'-stody of the goods= o 8iii9 at any othe
ti.e to the e,tent that it was !ati'i!ating in
the !'e of any of the a'tivities
'onte.!lated by the 'onta't of 'aiage%
)% If the 'aie agees to ass-.e obligations
othe than those i.!osed on the 'aie -nde
this Convention3 o agees that the li.its of
its liability ae highe than the li.its
s!e'ified -nde this Convention3 a .aiti.e
! !aty is not bo-nd by this
0% The aggegate of the a.o-nts e'oveable
fo. the 'aie3 the a't-al 'aie and thei
sevants and agents shall not e,'eed the li.its of
liability !ovided fo in this Convention%
1% Nothing in this ati'le shall !e>-di'e any
ight of e'o-se as between the 'aie and the
a't-al 'aie%
agee.ent -nless it e,!essly agees to a''e!t
s-'h obligations o s-'h highe li.its%
+% A .aiti.e ! !aty is liable fo
the bea'h of its obligations -nde this
Convention 'a-sed by the a'ts o o.issions
of any !eson to whi'h it has ent-sted the
!'e of any of the 'aie;s
obligations -nde the 'onta't of 'aiage
-nde the 'onditions set o-t in !aaga!h $ of
this ati'le%
/% Nothing in this Convention i.!oses
liability on the .aste o 'ew of the shi! o
on an e.!loyee of the 'aie o of a
.aiti.e ! !aty%
0. ;ur%s!%+t%('
Article 21. 9#risdiction
$% In >-di'ial !o'eedings elating to 'aiage
of goods -nde this Convention the !laintiff3 at his
o!tion3 .ay instit-te an a'tion in a 'o-t whi'h
a''oding to the law of the State whee the 'o-t
is sit-ated3 is 'o.!etent and within the
>-isdi'tion of whi'h is sit-ated one of the
following !la'es"
8a9 the !in'i!al !la'e of b-siness o3 in
the absen'e theeof3 the habit-al esiden'e of the
defendant= o
8b9 the !la'e whee the 'onta't was .ade3
!ovided that the defendant has thee a !la'e of
b-siness3 ban'h o agen'y tho-gh whi'h the
'onta't was .ade= o
8'9 the !ot of loading o the !ot of
dis'hage= o
8d9 any additional !la'e designated fo that
!-!ose in the 'onta't of 'aiage by sea%
)% 8a9 Notwithstanding the !e'eding
!ovisions of this ati'le3 an a'tion .ay be
instit-ted in the 'o-ts of any !ot o !la'e in a
Conta'ting State at whi'h the 'aying vessel o
any othe vessel of the sa.e owneshi! .ay have
been aested in a''odan'e with a!!li'able -les
of the law of that State and of intenational law%
@oweve3 in s-'h a 'ase3 at the !etition of the
defendant3 the 'lai.ant .-st e.ove the a'tion3
at his 'hoi'e3 to one of the >-isdi'tions efeed to
in !aaga!h $ of this ati'le fo the dete.ination
of the 'lai.3 b-t befoe s-'h e.oval the
defendant .-st f-nish se'-ity s-ffi'ient to
ens-e !ay.ent of any >-dge.ent that .ay
s-bseC-ently be awaded to the 'lai.ant in the
8b9 All C-estions elating to the
s-ffi'ien'y o othewise of the se'-ity shall be
dete.ined by the 'o-t of the !ot o !la'e of the
Article !!. Actions against t&e carrier
Gnless the 'onta't of 'aiage 'ontains an
e,'l-sive 'hoi'e of 'o-t agee.ent that 'o.!lies
with ati'le 12 o 2)3 the !laintiff has the ight to
instit-te >-di'ial !o'eedings -nde this
Convention against the 'aie"
8a9In a 'o.!etent 'o-t within the >-isdi'tion
of whi'h is sit-ated one of the following !la'es"
8i9 The do.i'ile of the 'aie=
8ii9The !la'e of e'ei!t ageed in the 'onta't
of 'aiage=
8iii9 The !la'e of delivey ageed in the
'onta't of 'aiage= o
8iv9 The !ot whee the goods ae initially
loaded on a shi! o the !ot whee the goods ae
finally dis'haged fo. a shi!= o
8b9In a 'o.!etent 'o-t o 'o-ts designated
by an agee.ent between the shi!!e and the
'aie fo the !-!ose of de'iding 'lai.s against
the 'aie that .ay aise -nde this Convention%
Article !7. '&oice of co#rt agree,ents
$% The >-isdi'tion of a 'o-t 'hosen in
a''odan'e with ati'le 113 s-b!aaga!h b93 is
e,'l-sive fo dis!-tes between the !aties to the
'onta't only if the !aties so agee and the
agee.ent 'onfeing >-isdi'tion"
8a9 Is 'ontained in a vol-.e 'onta't that
'lealy states the and addesses of the
!aties and eithe 8i9 is individ-ally negotiated o
8ii9 'ontains a !o.inent state.ent that thee is an
e,'l-sive 'hoi'e of 'o-t agee.ent and s!e'ifies
the se'tions of the vol-.e 'onta't 'ontaining that
agee.ent= and
8b9 Clealy designates the 'o-ts of one
Conta'ting State o one o .oe s!e'ifi' 'o-ts
of one Conta'ting State%
)% A !eson that is not a !aty to the vol-.e
+% No >-di'ial !o'eedings elating to 'aiage
of goods -nde this Convention .ay be instit-ted
in a !la'e not s!e'ified in !aaga!h $ o ) of this
ati'le% The !ovisions of this !aaga!h do not
'onstit-te an obsta'le to the >-isdi'tion of the
Conta'ting States fo !ovisional o !ote'tive
/% 8a9 Dhee an a'tion has been instit-ted in
a 'o-t 'o.!etent -nde !aaga!hs $ o ) of this
ati'le o whee >-dge.ent has been deliveed by
s-'h a 'o-t3 no new a'tion .ay be stated
between the sa.e !aties on the sa.e go-nds
-nless the >-dge.ent of the 'o-t befoe whi'h
the fist a'tion was instit-ted is not enfo'eable in
the 'o-nty in whi'h the new !o'eedings ae
8b9 Fo the !-!ose of this ati'le3 the
instit-tion of .eas-es with a view to obtaining
enfo'e.ent of a >-dge.ent is not to be
'onsideed as the stating of a new a'tion=
8'9 Fo the !-!ose of this ati'le3 the
e.oval of an a'tion to a diffeent 'o-t within
the sa.e 'o-nty3 o to a 'o-t in anothe 'o-nty3
in a''odan'e with !aaga!h ) 8a9 of this ati'le3
is not to be 'onsideed as the stating of a new
0% Notwithstanding the !ovisions of the
!e'eding !aaga!hs3 an agee.ent .ade by the
!aties3 afte a 'lai. -nde the 'onta't of
'aiage by sea has aisen3 whi'h designates the
!la'e whee the 'lai.ant .ay instit-te an a'tions3
is effe'tive%
'onta't is bo-nd by an e,'l-sive 'hoi'e of 'o-t
agee.ent 'on'l-ded in a''odan'e with
!aaga!h $ of this ati'le only if"
8a9 The 'o-t is in one of the !la'es
designated in ati'le 113 s-b!aaga!h 8a9=
8b9 That agee.ent is 'ontained in the
tans!ot do'-.ent o ele'toni' tans!ot e'od=
8c9 That !eson is given ti.ely and adeC-ate
noti'e of the 'o-t whee the a'tion shall be
bo-ght and that the >-isdi'tion of that 'o-t is
e,'l-sive= and
8d9 The law of the 'o-t seiEed e'ogniEes
that that !eson .ay be bo-nd by the e,'l-sive
'hoi'e of 'o-t agee.ent%
Article !8. Actions against t&e ,ariti,e
perfor,ing part%
The !laintiff has the ight to instit-te >-di'ial
!o'eedings -nde this Convention against the
.aiti.e ! !aty in a 'o.!etent 'o-t
within the >-isdi'tion of whi'h is sit-ated one of
the following !la'es"
8a9 The do.i'ile of the .aiti.e !
!aty= o
8b9 The !ot whee the goods ae e'eived
by the .aiti.e ! !aty3 the !ot whee
the goods ae deliveed by the .aiti.e
! !aty o the !ot in whi'h the
.aiti.e ! !aty !efo.s its a'tivities
with es!e't to the goods%
Article !.. /o additional bases of *#risdiction
S-b>e't to ati'les 2$ and 2)3 no >-di'ial
!o'eedings -nde this Convention against the
'aie o a .aiti.e ! !aty .ay be
instit-ted in a 'o-t not designated !-s-ant to
ati'le 11 o 14%
Article 70. Arrest and pro(isional or protecti(e
Nothing in this Convention affe'ts >-isdi'tion
with egad to !ovisional o !ote'tive .eas-es3
in'l-ding aest% A 'o-t in a State in whi'h a
!ovisional o !ote'tive .eas-e was ta<en does
not have >-isdi'tion to dete.ine the 'ase -!on
its .eits -nless"
8a9 The eC-ie.ents of this 'ha!te ae
f-lfilled= o
8b9 An intenational 'onvention that a!!lies
in that State so !ovides%
Article 71. 'onsolidation and re,o(al of actions
$% E,'e!t when thee is an e,'l-sive 'hoi'e of
'o-t agee.ent that is binding !-s-ant to ati'le
12 o 2)3 if a single a'tion is bo-ght against both
the 'aie and the .aiti.e ! !aty
aising o-t of a single o''-en'e3 the a'tion .ay
be instit-ted only in a 'o-t designated !-s-ant to
both ati'le 11 and ati'le 14% If thee is no s-'h
'o-t3 s-'h a'tion .ay be instit-ted in a 'o-t
designated !-s-ant to ati'le 143 s-b!aaga!h
8b93 if thee is s-'h a 'o-t%
)% E,'e!t when thee is an e,'l-sive 'hoi'e of
'o-t agee.ent that is binding !-s-ant to ati'le
12 o 2)3 a 'aie o a .aiti.e ! !aty
that instit-tes an a'tion see<ing a de'laation of
non?liability o any othe a'tion that wo-ld
de!ive a !eson of its ight to sele't the fo-.
!-s-ant to ati'le 11 o 14 shall3 at the eC-est of
the defendant3 withdaw that a'tion on'e the
defendant has 'hosen a 'o-t designated !-s-ant
to ati'le 11 o 143 whi'heve is a!!li'able3 whee
the a'tion .ay be e'o..en'ed%
Article 72. Agree,ent after a disp#te &as arisen
and *#risdiction :&en t&e defendant &as entered
an appearance
$% Afte a dis!-te has aisen3 the !aties to the
dis!-te .ay agee to esolve it in any 'o.!etent
)% A 'o.!etent 'o-t befoe whi'h a defendant
a!!eas3 witho-t 'ontesting >-isdi'tion in
a''odan'e with the -les of that 'o-t3 has
Article 73. ;ecognition and enforce,ent
$% A de'ision .ade in one Conta'ting State by a
'o-t having >-isdi'tion -nde this Convention
shall be e'ogniEed and enfo'ed in anothe
Conta'ting State in a''odan'e with the law of
s-'h latte Conta'ting State when both States
have .ade a de'laation in a''odan'e with
ati'le 2/%
)% A 'o-t .ay ef-se e'ognition and
enfo'e.ent based on the go-nds fo the ef-sal
of e'ognition and enfo'e.ent available !-s-ant
to its law%
+% This 'ha!te shall not affe't the a!!li'ation of
the -les of a egional e'ono.i' integation
oganiEation that is a !aty to this Convention3 as
'on'ens the e'ognition o enfo'e.ent of
>-dge.ents as between States of the
egional e'ono.i' integation oganiEation3
whethe ado!ted befoe o afte this Convention%
Article 74. Application of c&apter 14
The !ovisions of this 'ha!te shall bind only
Conta'ting States that de'lae in a''odan'e with
ati'le 5$ that they will be bo-nd by the.%
1. Ar"%trat%('
Article 22. Arbitration
1. +b)ect to the provisions of this
article( parties !ay provi"e by
agree!ent evi"ence" in $riting that
any "ispte that !ay arise relating to
carriage of goo"s n"er this Convention
shall be referre" to arbitration.
2. 'here a charter,party contains a
provision that "isptes arising
theren"er shall be referre" to
arbitration an" a bill of la"ing isse"
prsant to the charter,party "oes not
contain special annotation provi"ing
that sch provision shall be bin"ing
pon the hol"er of the bill of la"ing( the
carrier !ay not invo-e sch provision
as against a hol"er having ac.ire" the
bill of la"ing in goo" faith.
3. #he arbitration procee"ings shall(
at the option of the clai!ant( be
institte" at one of the follo$ing
0a1 a place in a +tate $ithin $hose
territory is sitate"/
0i1 the principal place of bsiness
of the "efen"ant or( in the absence
thereof( the habital resi"ence of the
"efen"ant2 or
0ii1 the place $here the contract
$as !a"e( provi"e" that the "efen"ant
has there a place of bsiness( branch or
agency throgh $hich the contract $as
!a"e2 or
0iii1 the port of loa"ing or the port
of "ischarge2 or
0b1 any place "esignate" for that
prpose in the arbitration clase or
4. #he arbitrator or arbitration
tribnal shall apply the rles of this
5. #he provisions of paragraphs 2 an"
4 of this article are "ee!e" to be part
of every arbitration clase or
agree!ent( an" any ter! of sch
clase or agree!ent $hich is
inconsistent there$ith is nll an" voi".
6. *othing in this article a%ects the
vali"ity of an agree!ent relating to
arbitration !a"e by the parties after
the clai! n"er the contract of carriage
by sea has arisen.
Article 75. Arbitration agree,ents
$% S-b>e't to this 'ha!te3 !aties .ay agee that
any dis!-te that .ay aise elating to the 'aiage
of goods -nde this Convention shall be efeed
to abitation%
)% The abitation !o'eedings shall3 at the
o!tion of the !eson asseting a 'lai. against the
'aie3 ta<e !la'e at"
8a9 Any !la'e designated fo that !-!ose in
the abitation agee.ent= o
8b9 Any othe !la'e sit-ated in a State whee
any of the following !la'es is lo'ated"
8i9 The do.i'ile of the 'aie=
8ii9 The !la'e of e'ei!t ageed in the
'onta't of 'aiage=
8iii9 The !la'e of delivey ageed in the
'onta't of 'aiage= o
8iv9 The !ot whee the goods ae initially
loaded on a shi! o the !ot whee the goods ae
finally dis'haged fo. a shi!%
+% The designation of the !la'e of abitation in
the agee.ent is binding fo dis!-tes between the
!aties to the agee.ent if the agee.ent is
'ontained in a vol-.e 'onta't that 'lealy states
the and addesses of the !aties and eithe"
8a9 Is individ-ally negotiated= o
8b9 Contains a !o.inent state.ent that
thee is an abitation agee.ent and s!e'ifies the
se'tions of the vol-.e 'onta't 'ontaining the
abitation agee.ent%
/% Dhen an abitation agee.ent has been
'on'l-ded in a''odan'e with !aaga!h + of this
ati'le3 a !eson that is not a !aty to the vol-.e
'onta't is bo-nd by the designation of the !la'e
of abitation in that agee.ent only if"
8a9 The !la'e of abitation designated in the
agee.ent is sit-ated in one of the !la'es efeed
to in s-b!aaga!h ) 8b9 of this ati'le=
8b9 The agee.ent is 'ontained in the
tans!ot do'-.ent o ele'toni' tans!ot e'od=
8c9 The !eson to be bo-nd is given ti.ely
and adeC-ate noti'e of the !la'e of abitation=
8d9 A!!li'able law !e.its that !eson to be
bo-nd by the abitation agee.ent%
0% The !ovisions of !aaga!hs $3 )3 + and / of
this ati'le ae dee.ed to be !at of evey
abitation 'la-se o agee.ent3 and any te. of
s-'h 'la-se o agee.ent to the e,tent that it is
in'onsistent theewith is void%
Article 7!. Arbitration agree,ent in non-liner
$% Nothing in this Convention affe'ts the
enfo'eability of an abitation agee.ent in a
'onta't of 'aiage in non?line tans!otation to
whi'h this Convention o the !ovisions of this
Convention a!!ly by eason of"
8a9 The a!!li'ation of ati'le 2= o
8b9 The !aties; vol-ntay in'o!oation of
this Convention in a 'onta't of 'aiage that
wo-ld not othewise be s-b>e't to this
)% Notwithstanding !aaga!h $ of this ati'le3 an
abitation agee.ent in a tans!ot do'-.ent o
ele'toni' tans!ot e'od to whi'h this
Convention a!!lies by eason of the a!!li'ation of
ati'le 2 is s-b>e't to this 'ha!te -nless s-'h a
tans!ot do'-.ent o ele'toni' tans!ot e'od"
8a9 Identifies the !aties to and the date of
the 'hate !aty o othe 'onta't e,'l-ded fo.
the a!!li'ation of this Convention by eason of
the a!!li'ation of ati'le 1= and
8b9 In'o!oates by s!e'ifi' efeen'e the
'la-se in the 'hate !aty o othe 'onta't that
'ontains the te.s of the abitation agee.ent%
Article 77. Agree,ent to arbitrate after a disp#te
&as arisen
Notwithstanding the !ovisions of this 'ha!te and
'ha!te $/3 afte a dis!-te has aisen the !aties to
the dis!-te .ay agee to esolve it by abitation
in any !la'e%
Article 78. Application of c&apter 15
The !ovisions of this 'ha!te shall bind only
Conta'ting States that de'lae in a''odan'e with
ati'le 5$ that they will be bo-nd by the.%
8 8 8
III. Matters reguate! ('# "# t$e R(tter!a& Rues
$% Caiage beyond the sea leg%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(age +/
)% Ele'toni' e'ods%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* +0
+% Obligations and liabilities of .aiti.e ! !aties%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* +1
/% &elivey of the goods%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* +2
0% Rights of the 'ontolling !aty%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* +5
1% Tansfe of ights%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* /$
). Carr%age "e#('! t$e sea eg
Article 12. $eriod of responsibilit% of t&e carrier
$% The !eiod of es!onsibility of the 'aie fo the goods -nde this Convention begins when the
'aie o a ! !aty e'eives the goods fo 'aiage and ends when the goods ae deliveed%
)% 8a9 If the law o eg-lations of the !la'e of e'ei!t eC-ie the goods to be handed ove to an
a-thoity o othe thid !aty fo. whi'h the 'aie .ay 'olle't the.3 the !eiod of es!onsibility of
the 'aie begins when the 'aie 'olle'ts the goods fo. the a-thoity o othe thid !aty%
8b9 If the law o eg-lations of the !la'e of delivey eC-ie the 'aie to hand ove the goods to
an a-thoity o othe thid !aty fo. whi'h the 'onsignee .ay 'olle't the.3 the !eiod of
es!onsibility of the 'aie ends when the 'aie hands the goods ove to the a-thoity o othe thid
+% Fo the !-!ose of dete.ining the 'aie;s !eiod of es!onsibility3 the !aties .ay agee on the
ti.e and lo'ation of e'ei!t and delivey of the goods3 b-t a !ovision in a 'onta't of 'aiage is void
to the e,tent that it !ovides that"
8a9 The ti.e of e'ei!t of the goods is s-bseC-ent to the beginning of thei initial loading -nde
the 'onta't of 'aiage= o
8b9 The ti.e of delivey of the goods is !io to the 'o.!letion of thei final -nloading -nde the
'onta't of 'aiage%
Article 2!. 'arriage preceding or s#bse<#ent to sea carriage
Dhen loss of o da.age to goods3 o an event o 'i'-.stan'e 'a-sing a delay in thei delivey3 o''-s
d-ing the 'aie;s !eiod of es!onsibility b-t solely befoe thei loading onto the shi! o solely afte
thei dis'hage fo. the shi!3 the !ovisions of this Convention do not !evail ove those !ovisions of
anothe intenational inst-.ent that3 at the ti.e of s-'h loss3 da.age o event o 'i'-.stan'e 'a-sing
8a9 (-s-ant to the !ovisions of s-'h intenational inst-.ent wo-ld have a!!lied to all o any of
the 'aie;s a'tivities if the shi!!e had .ade a se!aate and die't 'onta't with the 'aie in es!e't
of the !ati'-la stage of 'aiage whee the loss of3 o da.age to goods3 o an event o 'i'-.stan'e
'a-sing delay in thei delivey o''-ed=
8b9 S!e'ifi'ally !ovide fo the 'aie;s liability3 li.itation of liability3 o ti.e fo s-it= and
8c9 Cannot be de!ated fo. by 'onta't eithe at all o to the deti.ent of the shi!!e -nde that
Article 82. -nternational con(entions go(erning t&e carriage of goods b% ot&er ,odes of transport
Nothing in this Convention affe'ts the a!!li'ation of any of the following intenational 'onventions in
fo'e at the ti.e this Convention entes into fo'e3 in'l-ding any f-t-e a.end.ent to s-'h
'onventions3 that eg-late the liability of the 'aie fo loss of o da.age to the goods"
8a9 Any 'onvention govening the 'aiage of goods by ai to the e,tent that s-'h 'onvention
a''oding to its !ovisions a!!lies to any !at of the 'onta't of 'aiage=
8b9 Any 'onvention govening the 'aiage of goods by oad to the e,tent that s-'h 'onvention
a''oding to its !ovisions a!!lies to the 'aiage of goods that e.ain loaded on a oad 'ago vehi'le
'aied on boad a shi!=
8c9 Any 'onvention govening the 'aiage of goods by ail to the e,tent that s-'h 'onvention
a''oding to its !ovisions a!!lies to 'aiage of goods by sea as a s-!!le.ent to the 'aiage by ail= o
8d9 Any 'onvention govening the 'aiage of goods by inland wateways to the e,tent that s-'h
'onvention a''oding to its !ovisions a!!lies to a 'aiage of goods witho-t tans?shi!.ent both by
inland wateways and sea%
,. Ee+tr('%+ re+(r!s
Article 8. =se and effect of electronic transport records
S-b>e't to the eC-ie.ents set o-t in this Convention"
8a9 Anything that is to be in o on a tans!ot do'-.ent -nde this Convention .ay be e'oded
in an ele'toni' tans!ot e'od3 !ovided the iss-an'e and s-bseC-ent -se of an ele'toni' tans!ot
e'od is with the 'onsent of the 'aie and the shi!!e= and
8b9 The iss-an'e3 e,'l-sive 'ontol3 o tansfe of an ele'toni' tans!ot e'od has the sa.e
effe't as the iss-an'e3 !ossession3 o tansfe of a tans!ot do'-.ent%
Article .. $roced#res for #se of negotiable electronic transport records
$% The -se of a negotiable ele'toni' tans!ot e'od shall be s-b>e't to !o'ed-es that !ovide fo"
8a9 The .ethod fo the iss-an'e and the tansfe of that e'od to an intended holde=
8b9 An ass-an'e that the negotiable ele'toni' tans!ot e'od etains its integity=
8c9 The .anne in whi'h the holde is able to de.onstate that it is the holde= and
8d9 The .anne of !oviding 'onfi.ation that delivey to the holde has been effe'ted3 o that3
!-s-ant to ati'les $63 !aaga!h )3 o /23 s-b!aaga!hs $ 8a9 8ii9 and 8c93 the ele'toni' tans!ot
e'od has 'eased to have any effe't o validity%
)% The !o'ed-es in !aaga!h $ of this ati'le shall be efeed to in the 'onta't !ati'-las and be
eadily as'etainable%
Article 10. ;eplace,ent of negotiable transport doc#,ent or negotiable electronic transport record
$% If a negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent has been iss-ed and the 'aie and the holde agee to e!la'e
that do'-.ent by a negotiable ele'toni' tans!ot e'od"
8a9 The holde shall s-ende the negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent3 o all of the. if .oe than one
has been iss-ed3 to the 'aie=
8b9 The 'aie shall iss-e to the holde a negotiable ele'toni' tans!ot e'od that in'l-des a
state.ent that it e!la'es the negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent= and
8c9 The negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent 'eases theeafte to have any effe't o validity%
)% If a negotiable ele'toni' tans!ot e'od has been iss-ed and the 'aie and the holde agee to
e!la'e that ele'toni' tans!ot e'od by a negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent"
8a9 The 'aie shall iss-e to the holde3 in !la'e of the ele'toni' tans!ot e'od3 a negotiable
tans!ot do'-.ent that in'l-des a state.ent that it e!la'es the negotiable ele'toni' tans!ot e'od=
8b9 The ele'toni' tans!ot e'od 'eases theeafte to have any effe't o validity%
NOTE< I' a -r(6%s%('s reat%'g t( tra's-(rt !(+u&e'ts re*ere'+e %s as( &a!e t(
ee+tr('%+ re+(r!s. See art%+es .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, 07, 0), 01, 03, 1), 13, 14.
.. O"%gat%('s a'! %a"%%t# (* &ar%t%&e -er*(r&%'g -art%es
Article 1. Definitions
%%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%%
1% 8a9 *( !aty7 .eans a !eson othe than the 'aie that !efo.s o -ndeta<es to
!efo. any of the 'aie;s obligations -nde a 'onta't of 'aiage with es!e't to the e'ei!t3 loading3
handling3 stowage3 'aiage3 'ae3 -nloading o delivey of the goods3 to the e,tent that s-'h !eson
a'ts3 eithe die'tly o indie'tly3 at the 'aie;s eC-est o -nde the 'aie;s s-!evision o 'ontol%
8b9 *( !aty7 does not in'l-de any !eson that is etained3 die'tly o indie'tly3 by a
shi!!e3 by a do'-.entay shi!!e3 by the 'ontolling !aty o by the 'onsignee instead of by the
2% *Baiti.e ! !aty7 .eans a ! !aty to the e,tent that it !efo.s o -ndeta<es
to !efo. any of the 'aie;s obligations d-ing the !eiod between the aival of the goods at the !ot
of loading of a shi! and thei de!at-e fo. the !ot of dis'hage of a shi!% An inland 'aie is a
.aiti.e ! !aty only if it !efo.s o -ndeta<es to !efo. its sevi'es e,'l-sively within a
!ot aea%
Article 1.. 1iabilit% of ,ariti,e perfor,ing parties
$% A .aiti.e ! !aty is s-b>e't to the obligations and liabilities i.!osed on the 'aie
-nde this Convention and is entitled to the 'aie;s defen'es and li.its of liability as !ovided fo in
this Convention if"
8a9 The .aiti.e ! !aty e'eived the goods fo 'aiage in a Conta'ting State3 o
deliveed the. in a Conta'ting State3 o !efo.ed its a'tivities with es!e't to the goods in a !ot in a
Conta'ting State= and
8b9 The o''-en'e that 'a-sed the loss3 da.age o delay too< !la'e" 8i9 d-ing the !eiod
between the aival of the goods at the !ot of loading of the shi! and thei de!at-e fo. the !ot of
dis'hage fo. the shi!= 8ii9 while the .aiti.e ! !aty had '-stody of the goods= o 8iii9 at
any othe ti.e to the e,tent that it was !ati'i!ating in the !'e of any of the a'tivities
'onte.!lated by the 'onta't of 'aiage%
)% If the 'aie agees to ass-.e obligations othe than those i.!osed on the 'aie -nde this
Convention3 o agees that the li.its of its liability ae highe than the li.its s!e'ified -nde this
Convention3 a .aiti.e ! !aty is not bo-nd by this agee.ent -nless it e,!essly agees to
a''e!t s-'h obligations o s-'h highe li.its%
+% A .aiti.e ! !aty is liable fo the bea'h of its obligations -nde this Convention 'a-sed
by the a'ts o o.issions of any !eson to whi'h it has ent-sted the !'e of any of the 'aie;s
obligations -nde the 'onta't of 'aiage -nde the 'onditions set o-t in !aaga!h $ of this ati'le%
/% Nothing in this Convention i.!oses liability on the .aste o 'ew of the shi! o on an e.!loyee
of the 'aie o of a .aiti.e ! !aty%
0. De%6er# (* t$e g((!s
Article 43. >bligation to accept deli(er%
Dhen the goods have aived at thei destination3 the 'onsignee that de.ands delivey of the goods
-nde the 'onta't of 'aiage shall a''e!t delivey of the goods at the ti.e o within the ti.e !eiod
and at the lo'ation ageed in the 'onta't of 'aiage o3 failing s-'h agee.ent3 at the ti.e and lo'ation
at whi'h3 having egad to the te.s of the 'onta't3 the '-sto.s3 -sages o !a'ti'es of the tade and
the 'i'-.stan'es of the 'aiage3 delivey 'o-ld easonably be e,!e'ted%
Article 44. >bligation to ac+no:ledge receipt
On eC-est of the 'aie o the ! !aty that delives the goods3 the 'onsignee shall
a'<nowledge e'ei!t of the goods fo. the 'aie o the ! !aty in the .anne that is
'-sto.ay at the !la'e of delivey% The 'aie .ay ef-se delivey if the 'onsignee ef-ses to
a'<nowledge s-'h e'ei!t%
Article 45. Deli(er% :&en no negotiable transport doc#,ent or negotiable electronic transport record
is iss#ed
Dhen neithe a negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent no a negotiable ele'toni' tans!ot e'od has been
8a9 The 'aie shall delive the goods to the 'onsignee at the ti.e and lo'ation efeed to in
ati'le /+% The 'aie .ay ef-se delivey if the !eson ' to be the 'onsignee does not !o!ely
identify itself as the 'onsignee on the eC-est of the 'aie=
8b9 If the na.e and addess of the 'onsignee ae not efeed to in the 'onta't !ati'-las3 the
'ontolling !aty shall !io to o -!on the aival of the goods at the !la'e of destination advise the
'aie of s-'h na.e and addess=
8c9 Ditho-t !e>-di'e to ati'le /43 !aaga!h $3 if the goods ae not deliveable be'a-se 8i9 the
'onsignee3 afte having e'eived a noti'e of aival3 does not3 at the ti.e o within the ti.e !eiod
efeed to in ati'le /+3 'lai. delivey of the goods fo. the 'aie afte thei aival at the !la'e of
destination3 8ii9 the 'aie ef-ses delivey be'a-se the !eson ' to be the 'onsignee does not
!o!ely identify itself as the 'onsignee3 o 8iii9 the 'aie is3 afte easonable effot3 -nable to lo'ate
the 'onsignee in ode to eC-est delivey inst-'tions3 the 'aie .ay so advise the 'ontolling !aty
and eC-est inst-'tions in es!e't of the delivey of the goods% If3 afte easonable effot3 the 'aie is
-nable to lo'ate the 'ontolling !aty3 the 'aie .ay so advise the shi!!e and eC-est inst-'tions in
es!e't of the delivey of the goods% If3 afte easonable effot3 the 'aie is -nable to lo'ate the
shi!!e3 the 'aie .ay so advise the do'-.entay shi!!e and eC-est inst-'tions in es!e't of the
delivey of the goods=
8d9 The 'aie that delives the goods -!on inst-'tion of the 'ontolling !aty3 the shi!!e o the
do'-.entay shi!!e !-s-ant to s-b!aaga!h 8c9 of this ati'le is dis'haged fo. its obligations to
delive the goods -nde the 'onta't of 'aiage%
Article 4!. Deli(er% :&en a non-negotiable transport doc#,ent t&at re<#ires s#rrender is iss#ed
Dhen a non?negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent has been iss-ed that indi'ates that it shall be s-endeed in
ode to obtain delivey of the goods"
8a9 The 'aie shall delive the goods at the ti.e and lo'ation efeed to in ati'le /+ to the
'onsignee -!on the 'onsignee !o!ely identifying itself on the eC-est of the 'aie and s-ende of
the non?negotiable do'-.ent% The 'aie .ay ef-se delivey if the !eson ' to be the
'onsignee fails to !o!ely identify itself on the eC-est of the 'aie3 and shall ef-se delivey if the
non?negotiable do'-.ent is not s-endeed% If .oe than one oiginal of the non?negotiable do'-.ent
has been iss-ed3 the s-ende of one oiginal will s-ffi'e and the othe oiginals 'ease to have any
effe't o validity=
8b9 Ditho-t !e>-di'e to ati'le /43 !aaga!h $3 if the goods ae not deliveable be'a-se 8i9 the
'onsignee3 afte having e'eived a noti'e of aival3 does not3 at the ti.e o within the ti.e !eiod
efeed to in ati'le /+3 'lai. delivey of the goods fo. the 'aie afte thei aival at the !la'e of
destination3 8ii9 the 'aie ef-ses delivey be'a-se the !eson ' to be the 'onsignee does not
!o!ely identify itself as the 'onsignee o does not s-ende the do'-.ent3 o 8iii9 the 'aie is3 afte
easonable effot3 -nable to lo'ate the 'onsignee in ode to eC-est delivey inst-'tions3 the 'aie
.ay so advise the shi!!e and eC-est inst-'tions in es!e't of the delivey of the goods% If3 afte
easonable effot3 the 'aie is -nable to lo'ate the shi!!e3 the 'aie .ay so advise the do'-.entay
shi!!e and eC-est inst-'tions in es!e't of the delivey of the goods=
8c9 The 'aie that delives the goods -!on inst-'tion of the shi!!e o the do'-.entay shi!!e
!-s-ant to s-b!aaga!h 8b9 of this ati'le is dis'haged fo. its obligation to delive the goods -nde
the 'onta't of 'aiage3 ies!e'tive of whethe the non?negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent has been
s-endeed to it%
Article 47. Deli(er% :&en a negotiable transport doc#,ent
or negotiable electronic transport record is iss#ed
$% Dhen a negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent o a negotiable ele'toni' tans!ot e'od has been iss-ed"
8a9 The holde of the negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent o negotiable ele'toni' tans!ot e'od is
entitled to 'lai. delivey of the goods fo. the 'aie afte they have aived at the !la'e of
destination3 in whi'h event the 'aie shall delive the goods at the ti.e and lo'ation efeed to in
ati'le /+ to the holde"
8i9 G!on s-ende of the negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent and3 if the holde is one of the !esons
efeed to in ati'le $3 s-b!aaga!h $6 8a9 8i93 -!on the holde !o!ely identifying itself= o
8ii9 G!on de.onstation by the holde3 in a''odan'e with the !o'ed-es efeed to in ati'le 53
!aaga!h $3 that it is the holde of the negotiable ele'toni' tans!ot e'od=
8b9 The 'aie shall ef-se delivey if the eC-ie.ents of s-b!aaga!h 8a9 8i9 o 8a9 8ii9 of this
!aaga!h ae not .et=
8c9 If .oe than one oiginal of the negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent has been iss-ed3 and the of oiginals is stated in that do'-.ent3 the s-ende of one oiginal will s-ffi'e and the othe
oiginals 'ease to have any effe't o validity% Dhen a negotiable ele'toni' tans!ot e'od has been
-sed3 s-'h ele'toni' tans!ot e'od 'eases to have any effe't o validity -!on delivey to the holde
in a''odan'e with the !o'ed-es eC-ied by ati'le 53 !aaga!h $%
)% Ditho-t !e>-di'e to ati'le /43 !aaga!h $3 if the negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent o the negotiable
ele'toni' tans!ot e'od e,!essly states that the goods .ay be deliveed witho-t the s-ende of the
tans!ot do'-.ent o the ele'toni' tans!ot e'od3 the following -les a!!ly"
8a9 If the goods ae not deliveable be'a-se 8i9 the holde3 afte having e'eived a noti'e of
aival3 does not3 at the ti.e o within the ti.e !eiod efeed to in ati'le /+3 'lai. delivey of the
goods fo. the 'aie afte thei aival at the !la'e of destination3 8ii9 the 'aie ef-ses delivey
be'a-se the !eson ' to be a holde does not !o!ely identify itself as one of the !esons
efeed to in ati'le $3 s-b!aaga!h $6 8a9 8i93 o 8iii9 the 'aie is3 afte easonable effot3 -nable to
lo'ate the holde in ode to eC-est delivey inst-'tions3 the 'aie .ay so advise the shi!!e and
eC-est inst-'tions in es!e't of the delivey of the goods% If3 afte easonable effot3 the 'aie is
-nable to lo'ate the shi!!e3 the 'aie .ay so advise the do'-.entay shi!!e and eC-est inst-'tions
in es!e't of the delivey of the goods=
8b9 The 'aie that delives the goods -!on inst-'tion of the shi!!e o the do'-.entay shi!!e
in a''odan'e with s-b!aaga!h ) 8a9 of this ati'le is dis'haged fo. its obligation to delive the
goods -nde the 'onta't of 'aiage to the holde3 ies!e'tive of whethe the negotiable tans!ot
do'-.ent has been s-endeed to it3 o the !eson ' delivey -nde a negotiable ele'toni'
tans!ot e'od has de.onstated3 in a''odan'e with the !o'ed-es efeed to in ati'le 53 !aaga!h
$3 that it is the holde=
8c9 The !eson giving inst-'tions -nde s-b!aaga!h ) 8a9 of this ati'le shall inde.nify the
'aie against loss aising fo. its being held liable to the holde -nde s-b!aaga!h ) 8 e9 of this
ati'le% The 'aie .ay ef-se to follow those inst-'tions if the !eson fails to !ovide adeC-ate
se'-ity as the 'aie .ay easonably eC-est=
8d9 A !eson that be' a holde of the negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent o the negotiable
ele'toni' tans!ot e'od afte the 'aie has deliveed the goods !-s-ant to s-b!aaga!h ) 8b9 of
this ati'le3 b-t !-s-ant to 'onta't-al o othe aange.ents .ade befoe s-'h delivey a'C-ies ights
against the 'aie -nde the 'onta't of 'aiage3 othe than the ight to 'lai. delivey of the goods=
8e9 Notwithstanding s-b!aaga!hs ) 8b9 and ) 8d9 of this ati'le3 a holde that be' a holde
afte s-'h delivey3 and that did not have and 'o-ld not easonably have had <nowledge of s-'h
delivey at the ti.e it be'a.e a holde3 a'C-ies the ights in'o!oated in the negotiable tans!ot
do'-.ent o negotiable ele'toni' tans!ot e'od% Dhen the 'onta't !ati'-las state the e,!e'ted
ti.e of aival of the goods3 o indi'ate how to obtain info.ation as to whethe the goods have been
deliveed3 it is !es-.ed that the holde at the ti.e that it be'a.e a holde had o 'o-ld easonably
have had <nowledge of the delivey of the goods%
Article 48. oods re,aining #ndeli(ered
$% Fo the !-!oses of this ati'le3 goods shall be dee.ed to have e.ained -ndeliveed only if3 afte
thei aival at the !la'e of destination"
8a9 The 'onsignee does not a''e!t delivey of the goods !-s-ant to this 'ha!te at the ti.e and
lo'ation efeed to in ati'le /+=
8b9 The 'ontolling !aty3 the holde3 the shi!!e o the do'-.entay shi!!e 'annot be fo-nd o
does not give the 'aie adeC-ate inst-'tions !-s-ant to ati'les /03 /1 and /2=
8c9 The 'aie is entitled o eC-ied to ef-se delivey !-s-ant to ati'les //3 /03 /1 and /2=
8d9 The 'aie is not allowed to delive the goods to the 'onsignee !-s-ant to the law o
eg-lations of the !la'e at whi'h delivey is eC-ested= o
8e9 The goods ae othewise -ndeliveable by the 'aie%
)% Ditho-t !e>-di'e to any othe ights that the 'aie .ay have against the shi!!e3 'ontolling !aty
o 'onsignee3 if the goods have e.ained -ndeliveed3 the 'aie .ay3 at the is< and e,!ense of the
!eson entitled to the goods3 ta<e s-'h a'tion in es!e't of the goods as 'i'-.stan'es .ay easonably
eC-ie3 in'l-ding"
8a9 To stoe the goods at any s-itable !la'e=
8b9 To -n!a'< the goods if they ae !a'<ed in 'ontaines o vehi'les3 o to a't othewise in es!e't
of the goods3 in'l-ding by .oving the.= and
8c9 To 'a-se the goods to be sold o destoyed in a''odan'e with the !a'ti'es o !-s-ant to the
law o eg-lations of the !la'e whee the goods ae lo'ated at the ti.e%
+% The 'aie .ay e,e'ise the ights -nde !aaga!h ) of this ati'le only afte it has given
easonable noti'e of the intended a'tion -nde !aaga!h ) of this ati'le to the !eson stated in the
'onta't !ati'-las as the !eson3 if any3 to be notified of the aival of the goods at the !la'e of
destination3 and to one of the following !esons in the ode indi'ated3 if <nown to the 'aie" the
'onsignee3 the 'ontolling !aty o the shi!!e%
/% If the goods ae sold !-s-ant to s-b!aaga!h ) 8c9 of this ati'le3 the 'aie shall hold the
!o'eeds of the sale fo the benefit of the !eson entitled to the goods3 s-b>e't to the ded-'tion of any
'osts in'-ed by the 'aie and any othe a.o-nts that ae d-e to the 'aie in 'onne'tion with the
'aiage of those goods%
0% The 'aie shall not be liable fo loss of o da.age to goods that o''-s d-ing the ti.e that they
e.ain -ndeliveed !-s-ant to this ati'le -nless the 'lai.ant !oves that s-'h loss o da.age es-lted
fo. the fail-e by the 'aie to ta<e ste!s that wo-ld have been easonable in the 'i'-.stan'es to
!eseve the goods and that the 'aie <new o o-ght to have <nown that the loss o da.age to the
goods wo-ld es-lt fo. its fail-e to ta<e s-'h ste!s%
Article 4.. ;etention of goods
Nothing in this Convention affe'ts a ight of the 'aie o a ! !aty that .ay e,ist !-s-ant to
the 'onta't of 'aiage o the a!!li'able law to etain the goods to se'-e the !ay.ent of s-.s d-e%
1. R%g$ts (* t$e +('tr(%'g -art#
Article 50. 5"ercise and e"tent of rig&t of control
$% The ight of 'ontol .ay be e,e'ised only by the 'ontolling !aty and is li.ited to"
8a9 The ight to give o .odify inst-'tions in es!e't of the goods that do not 'onstit-te a
vaiation of the 'onta't of 'aiage=
8b9 The ight to obtain delivey of the goods at a s'hed-led !ot of 'all o3 in es!e't of inland
'aiage3 any !la'e en o-te= and
8c9 The ight to e!la'e the 'onsignee by any othe !eson in'l-ding the 'ontolling !aty%
)% The ight of 'ontol e,ists d-ing the entie !eiod of es!onsibility of the 'aie3 as !ovided in
ati'le $)3 and 'eases when that !eiod e,!ies%
Article 51. -dentit% of t&e controlling part% and transfer of t&e rig&t of control
$% E,'e!t in the 'ases efeed to in !aaga!hs )3 + and / of this ati'le"
8a9 The shi!!e is the 'ontolling !aty -nless the shi!!e3 when the 'onta't of 'aiage is
'on'l-ded3 designates the 'onsignee3 the do'-.entay shi!!e o anothe !eson as the 'ontolling
8b9 The 'ontolling !aty is entitled to tansfe the ight of 'ontol to anothe !eson% The tansfe
be' effe'tive with es!e't to the 'aie -!on its ' the 'ontolling !aty= and
8c9 The 'ontolling !aty shall !o!ely identify itself when it e,e'ises the ight of 'ontol%
)% Dhen a non?negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent has been iss-ed that indi'ates that it shall be
s-endeed in ode to obtain delivey of the goods"
8a9 The shi!!e is the 'ontolling !aty and .ay tansfe the ight of 'ontol to the 'onsignee
na.ed in the tans!ot do'-.ent by tansfeing the do'-.ent to that !eson witho-t endose.ent% If
.oe than one oiginal of the do'-.ent was iss-ed3 all oiginals shall be tansfeed in ode to effe't a
tansfe of the ight of 'ontol= and
8b9 In ode to e,e'ise its ight of 'ontol3 the 'ontolling !aty shall !od-'e the do'-.ent and
!o!ely identify itself% If .oe than one oiginal of the do'-.ent was iss-ed3 all oiginals shall be
!od-'ed3 failing whi'h the ight of 'ontol 'annot be e,e'ised%
+% Dhen a negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent is iss-ed"
8a9 The holde o3 if .oe than one oiginal of the negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent is iss-ed3 the
holde of all oiginals is the 'ontolling !aty=
8b9 The holde .ay tansfe the ight of 'ontol by tansfeing the negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent
to anothe !eson in a''odan'e with ati'le 02% If .oe than one oiginal of that do'-.ent was iss-ed3
all oiginals shall be tansfeed to that !eson in ode to effe't a tansfe of the ight of 'ontol= and
8c9 In ode to e,e'ise the ight of 'ontol3 the holde shall !od-'e the negotiable tans!ot
do'-.ent to the 'aie3 and if the holde is one of the !esons efeed to in ati'le $3 s-b!aaga!h $6
8a9 8i93 the holde shall !o!ely identify itself% If .oe than one oiginal of the do'-.ent was iss-ed3
all oiginals shall be !od-'ed3 failing whi'h the ight of 'ontol 'annot be e,e'ised%
/% Dhen a negotiable ele'toni' tans!ot e'od is iss-ed"
8a9 The holde is the 'ontolling !aty=
8b9 The holde .ay tansfe the ight of 'ontol to anothe !eson by tansfeing the negotiable
ele'toni' tans!ot e'od in a''odan'e with the !o'ed-es efeed to in ati'le 53 !aaga!h $= and
8c9 In ode to e,e'ise the ight of 'ontol3 the holde shall de.onstate3 in a''odan'e with the
!o'ed-es efeed to in ati'le 53 !aaga!h $3 that it is the holde%
Article 52. 'arrier2s e"ec#tion of instr#ctions
$% S-b>e't to !aaga!hs ) and + of this ati'le3 the 'aie shall e,e'-te the inst-'tions efeed to in
ati'le 06 if"
8a9 The !eson giving s-'h inst-'tions is entitled to e,e'ise the ight of 'ontol=
8b9 The inst-'tions 'an easonably be e,e'-ted a''oding to thei te.s at the .o.ent that they
ea'h the 'aie= and
8c9 The inst-'tions will not intefee with the o!eations of the 'aie3 in'l-ding its
delivey !a'ti'es%
)% In any event3 the 'ontolling !aty shall ei.b-se the 'aie fo any easonable additional e,!ense
that the 'aie .ay in'- and shall inde.nify the 'aie against loss o da.age that the 'aie .ay
s-ffe as a es-lt of diligently e,e'-ting any inst-'tion !-s-ant to this ati'le3 in'l-ding 'o.!ensation
that the 'aie .ay be'o.e liable to !ay fo loss of o da.age to othe goods being 'aied%
+% The 'aie is entitled to obtain se'-ity fo. the 'ontolling !aty fo the a.o-nt of additional
e,!ense3 loss o da.age that the 'aie easonably e,!e'ts will aise in 'onne'tion with the e,e'-tion
of an inst-'tion !-s-ant to this ati'le% The 'aie .ay ef-se to 'ay o-t the inst-'tions if no s-'h
se'-ity is !ovided%
/% The 'aie;s liability fo loss of o da.age to the goods o fo delay in delivey es-lting fo. its
fail-e to 'o.!ly with the inst-'tions of the 'ontolling !aty in bea'h of its obligation !-s-ant to
!aaga!h $ of this ati'le shall be s-b>e't to ati'les $2 to )+3 and the a.o-nt of the 'o.!ensation
!ayable by the 'aie shall be s-b>e't to ati'les 05 to 1$%
Article 53. Dee,ed deli(er%
Goods that ae deliveed !-s-ant to an inst-'tion in a''odan'e with ati'le 0)3 !aaga!h $3 ae
dee.ed to be deliveed at the !la'e of destination3 and the !ovisions of 'ha!te 5 elating to s-'h
delivey a!!ly to s-'h goods%
Article 54. ?ariations to t&e contract of carriage
$% The 'ontolling !aty is the only !eson that .ay agee with the 'aie to vaiations to the 'onta't
of 'aiage othe than those efeed to in ati'le 063 s-b!aaga!hs $ 8b9 and 8c9%
)% Aaiations to the 'onta't of 'aiage3 in'l-ding those efeed to in ati'le 063 s-b!aaga!hs $ 8b9
and 8c93 shall be stated in a negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent o in a non?negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent
that eC-ies s-ende3 o in'o!oated in a negotiable ele'toni' tans!ot e'od3 o3 -!on the eC-est
of the 'ontolling !aty3 shall be stated in a non?negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent o in'o!oated in a
non?negotiable ele'toni' tans!ot e'od% If so stated o in'o!oated3 s-'h vaiations shall be signed
in a''odan'e with ati'le +4%
Article 55. $ro(iding additional infor,ation0 instr#ctions or doc#,ents to carrier
$% The 'ontolling !aty3 on eC-est of the 'aie o a ! !aty3 shall !ovide in a ti.ely
.anne info.ation3 inst-'tions o do'-.ents elating to the goods not yet !ovided by the shi!!e
and not othewise easonably available to the 'aie that the 'aie .ay easonably need to !efo. its
obligations -nde the 'onta't of 'aiage%
)% If the 'aie3 afte easonable effot3 is -nable to lo'ate the 'ontolling !aty o the 'ontolling
!aty is -nable to !ovide adeC-ate info.ation3 inst-'tions o do'-.ents to the 'aie3 the shi!!e
shall !ovide the.% If the 'aie3 afte easonable effot3 is -nable to lo'ate the shi!!e3 the
do'-.entay shi!!e shall !ovide s-'h info.ation3 inst-'tions o do'-.ents%
Article 5!. ?ariation b% agree,ent
The !aties to the 'onta't of 'aiage .ay vay the effe't of ati'les 063 s-b!aaga!hs $ 8b9 and 8c93
063 !aaga!h )3 and 0)% The !aties .ay also esti't o e,'l-de the tansfeability of the ight of
'ontol efeed to in ati'le 0$3 s-b!aaga!h $ 8b9%
2. Tra's*er (* r%g$ts
Article 57. @&en a negotiable transport doc#,ent or negotiable electronic transport record is iss#ed
$% Dhen a negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent is iss-ed3 the holde .ay tansfe the ights in'o!oated in
the do'-.ent by tansfeing it to anothe !eson"
8a9 &-ly endosed eithe to s-'h othe !eson o in blan<3 if an ode do'-.ent= o
8b9 Ditho-t endose.ent3 if" 8i9 a beae do'-.ent o a blan< endosed do'-.ent= o 8ii9 a
do'-.ent .ade o-t to the ode of a na.ed !eson and the tansfe is between the fist holde and the
na.ed !eson%
)% Dhen a negotiable ele'toni' tans!ot e'od is iss-ed3 its holde .ay tansfe the ights
in'o!oated in it3 whethe it be .ade o-t to ode o to the ode of a na.ed !eson3 by tansfeing the
ele'toni' tans!ot e'od in a''odan'e with the !o'ed-es efeed to in ati'le 53 !aaga!h $%
Article 58. 1iabilit% of &older
$% Ditho-t !e>-di'e to ati'le 003 a holde that is not the shi!!e and that does not e,e'ise any ight
-nde the 'onta't of 'aiage does not ass-.e any liability -nde the 'onta't of 'aiage solely by
eason of being a holde%
)% A holde that is not the shi!!e and that e,e'ises any ight -nde the 'onta't of 'aiage
any liabilities i.!osed on it -nde the 'onta't of 'aiage to the e,tent that s-'h liabilities ae
in'o!oated in o as'etainable fo. the negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent o the negotiable ele'toni'
tans!ot e'od%
+% Fo the !-!oses of !aaga!hs $ and ) of this ati'le3 a holde that is not the shi!!e does not
e,e'ise any ight -nde the 'onta't of 'aiage solely be'a-se"
8a9 It agees with the 'aie3 !-s-ant to ati'le $63 to e!la'e a negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent by
a negotiable ele'toni' tans!ot e'od o to e!la'e a negotiable ele'toni' tans!ot e'od by a
negotiable tans!ot do'-.ent= o
8b9 It tansfes its ights !-s-ant to ati'le 02%

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