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Holy Family Catholic Church

830 Main Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96818

Telephone: 422-1135 Fax:423-0389
Email: and
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 6, 2014
Mass Schedule
Monday-Saturday: 7:15 AM
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM

Sunday: 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM &
7:00 PM

1st SundaySamoan Mass-2 PM

3rd Sunday-Pohnpeian Mass-2 PM

Confessions Saturday:
4:004:45 PM
and after daily Masses

First Friday of the Month
After 7:15 am Mass




Come Follow me.

Matthew 4:19

Our Readings this week-end, have a central theme. This
theme is very important for the followers of Christ to under-
stand and to accept. It is HUMILITY.

In the First Reading, we are told that the King, our Savior will
come to us humble, like an ordinary person. There will be no
pomp and show, just a down-to-earth human being. Yes,
Christ indeed is that Person! Born in a manger to an ordinary
Family of carpenters, from Nazareth, an insignificant village.
He chose men who were fishermen and tax-collectors, both
good and not-so-good men, who were transformed and made
into humble servants who died for their Faith.

Our Second Reading, focuses on the influence of the body on a
persons attitudes and goals in life. Saint Paul urges Chris-
tians not to focus on the body, the temporal but to use the
body to serve the soul and not the other way about. We are
serving our bodies that perish. Serving the soul brings not
only peace of the soul but also the well-being of the body. We
need some humility to correct our over-emphasis on our bod-
ies and the things of this world!

Jesus, claims to be the Savior, the Christ and He does so by
His life-style and His preaching. He preaches that he is hum-
ble and meek of heart. One would think that anybody who
says that of oneself, is proud and arrogant. But, on close ex-
amination and understanding, Christ was telling us the Truth.
Humility is Truth and the Truth will set us Free.

We thanked God on July 4th for our Freedom. True freedom
is gained by those who humbly admit God into their lives and
live as children of God, not princes of the Evil one. Serving
the Flesh with pride, is indeed serving the Evil one.
- Fr Sebastian

St. Thomas the Apostle
Poor Thomas! He made one remark and has been branded as Doubting Thomas ever since. But if he doubted, he
also believed. He made what is certainly the most explicit statement of faith in the New Testament: My Lord and
My God! (see John 20:24-28) and, in so expressing his faith, gave Christians a prayer that will be said till the end of
time. He also occasioned a compliment from Jesus to all later Christians: Have you come to believe because you
have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed (John 20:29).
Thomas should be equally well known for his courage. Perhaps what he said was impetuoussince he ran, like the
rest, at the showdownbut he can scarcely have been insincere when he expressed his willingness to die with Jesus.
The occasion was when Jesus proposed to go to Bethany after Lazarus had died. Since Bethany was near Jerusalem,
this meant walking into the very midst of his enemies and to almost certain death. Realizing this, Thomas said to the
other apostles, Let us also go to die with him (John 11:16b). Thomas shares the lot of Peter the impetuous, James
and John, the sons of thunder, Philip and his foolish request to see the Fatherindeed all the apostles in their
weakness and lack of understanding.
Church Bulletin: EditorJoe Padron, Phone 423-2439. Bulletin deadline is Tuesday 12:00 noon. Please
email notice and picture if applicable to
Our Weekly Offerings
June 29, 2014
Thank you for your generous
contribution for the past weekend.

5:00 PM $1,085.96
8:30 AM $1,477.00
11:00 AM $817.61
7:00 PM $1,757.02
Other donations $300.00
GRAND TOTAL $5,436.02

We have successfully concluded our Third An-
nual parish Picnic. Congratulations to the vol-
unteers, especially Chet and Christina Malins
for your excellent leadership and service. To
all the families and individuals who pitched in
with your contributions.
Such picnics hopefully bond our Families a little
more together and friendships help us worship
the Lord even more meaningfully. We will pub-
lish some photos in the next Bulletin. Mahalo.

The Navy is taking it slow, so we need to
storm Heaven. Please recite an Our Father, a
Hail Mary and a Glory be for the next Nine
days, starting on Sunday July 6th. Thank you.

The Parish and Academy will hold an Apprecia-
tions Dinner for the Teachers, Staff and Volun-
teers on July 31st at 6 PM. All the Leaders of
ALL organizations will be soon contacted by
Father Sebastian. We hope to start this tradi-
tion at the beginning of each year. We have
too many things going on at the end of the
Year. So we have decided to have it at the be-
ginning of the Year. Your presence and coop-
eration is anticipated. Thank you for all you do
for our Parish and our School. GOD BLESS YOU
Holy Family Third Annual Parish Picnic

Once again, we thank all the volunteers who
worked tirelessly for the success of our Third
Annual Picnic. It was super to see many you who
cooperated in setting up, serving, cleaning up,
grilling, etc. We also thank all of you who partici-
pated in the games and fun and excitement. Fi-
nally, thanks to all who provided the delicious pot-
luck food. Much thanks to all those who donated
money for the picnic. Thank you very much!!!
Pictures and more news will be included in the
next Church Bulletin. Yours truly, Chet Malins
and Picnic Committee.

Alleluia, Praise the Lord!

NEW PARISHIONERS: Newcomers are encouraged to register with the parish and are welcome to participate in all parish
activities and ministries. Registration forms are available in the back of the Church.

Ten Ways To Grow in Prayer

Prayer is the key to salvation. St. Augustine says that he
who prays well lives well; he who lives well dies well; and
to he who dies well all is well. St. Alphonsus reiterates the
same principle: He who prays much will be saved; he
who does not pray will be damned; he who prays little
places in jeopardy his eternal salvation. The same saint
asserted that there are neither strong people nor weak peo-
ple in the world, but those who know how to pray and
those who do not. In other words prayer is our strength in
all times and places. I would like to offer words of en-
couragement to help us on the highway towards heaven
through the effort to grow in our prayer life!

1. Conviction or Determination. There is no successful
person in this world in any enterprise who was not ani-
mated by a firm determination to achieve his goal. Super
athletes, accomplished musicians, expert teachers and writ-
ers never arrived at perfection by mere wishful thinking but
by a firm, tenacious determination to arrive at their goal
come hell or high water. For that reason, the Doctor of
prayer, Saint Teresa of Avila, stated: We must have a de-
termined determination to never give up prayer. If we
really believed in the depths of our hearts the priceless
treasures that flow from prayer, we would make it our aim
in life to grow constantly in prayer.

2. Holy Spirit As Teacher. St. Paul says that we do not
really know how to pray as we ought but that it is the Holy
Spirit who intercedes for us teaching us to say Abba Fa-
ther. The Holy Spirit is the Interior Master or
Teacher. With Mary the Apostles spent nine days and
nights praying and fasting and they were imbued with the
power from on highthe Holy Spirit. Before starting any
formal prayer period why not invoke the Person of the
Holy Spirit to help you in your weakness. During the
course of your prayer period why not beg the presence of
the Holy Spirit to enlighten your mind and ignite your
heart. He is closer to you than you are aware. If your are in
the state of grace He resides in your heart

3. Time, Place, Good Will, and Silence. As in any art we
learn by practicing. This applies to prayer. To learn how
to pray we must have a set time, a good place, good will on
our part and silence. The saying rings true in sports as well
as in prayer: Practice makes perfect.
4. Penance. It might be that our prayer has become
insipid, boring, lifeless, anemic and stagnant for
many reasons. One possible reason might be a life of
sensuality, indulgence, gluttony, and simply living
more according to the flesh then the spirit. As St.
Paul reminds us, the flesh and the spirit are in mutual
opposition. Jesus spent forty days and nights pray-
ing and fasting. The Apostles spent nine days and
nights praying and fasting. One cannot arrive at any
serious mystical life led by the spirit if he has not
passed through the ascetical life of self-denial, morti-
fication and penance. A bird needs two wings to fly;
so does the follower of Christ. To soar high in the
mystical life the two wings are prayer and pen-
ance. If you have no training in the penitential life
consult a good spiritual director and start with small
acts of penance to build up will-power so as to do the
more heroic acts of penance! If you have never run
before, start with a block and build up to the mile.

5. Spiritual Direction. Athletes need coaches; stu-
dents need teachers; teachers need mentors to learn
the art. Equally important, prayer-warriors must have
some form of guidance and this is called spiritual
direction. St. Ignatius of Loyola insisted on the spiri-
tual life as being a journey of accompaniment. St.
Teresa of Avila had several saints directing her on
her long and painful journey leading to perfection
St. John of the Cross, St Peter of Alcantara, and St.
Francis Borgia. There are many obstacles in the spiri-
tual journey, especially when one pursues a deeper
life of prayer; for that reason having a trained spiri-
tual director who knows the traps of the devil, the
pitfalls always present, and the dangers that are al-
ways present can help us to grow steadily in holiness
through a deeper and more authentic prayer life.

6. Prayer and Action. St. Teresa of Avila points out that
authentic growth in prayer is proven by growth in holiness
and that means by the practice of virtue. Jesus said that we
know the tree by the fruits. Likewise an authentic life of
prayer blossoms forth in the practice of virtues: faith,
hope, charity, purity, kindness, service, humility and a
constant love for neighbor and the salvation of his im-
mortal soul. Our Lady is model at all times but especially
in the intimate connection between contemplation in ac-
tion. In the Annunciation we admire Mary absorbed in
prayer; then in the following mystery (in the Visitation)
she follows the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to serve her
cousin in a mission of love. In truth we can call Mary a
true Contemplative in action. Like Mary we are
called to be Contemplatives in action.
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Pope Tells Priests, Show Mercy; Tells Faith-
ful, Pester Your Priests

VATICAN CITY (CNS) (Published May 12) Al-
ways be merciful, just like Jesus, who came to for-
give, not condemn, Pope Francis told new priests.

"Always have in front of your eyes the example of
the Good Shepherd, who didn't come to be served,
but to serve and to look for and save those who were
lost," he said in his homily May 11 -- the World Day
of Prayer for Vocations. The pope's remarks came
during an ordination Mass in St. Peter's Basilica,
where the pope ordained 13 new priests.

Most of the new priests six Italians, four Latin
Americans and one Korean will serve in the Dio-
cese of Rome. A 36-year-old new priest from Viet-
nam will serve the Diocese of Vinh in his home coun-
try and a new priest from Pakistan is part of the Order
of Discalced Augustinians. Pope Francis reminded
the men that they were called by Jesus to continue his
mission as teacher, priest and shepherd, and to serve
the church and the people of God.

He urged them to read, reflect on and teach the word
of God and to be a living example of what they
preach. Nourish God's people with his word and doc-
trine, "which isn't yours. You do not own the doctrine
(of the faith). It is the doctrine of the Lord and you
must be faithful to the Lord's doctrine," the pope said.

In their new role of administering the sacraments,
including reconciliation, he asked them to "never tire
of being merciful! Please! Have the same ability to
forgive that the Lord has, who didn't come to con-
demn, but to forgive! Have lots of mercy!" He said it
pains him terribly "when I see people who don't go to
confession anymore because they had been clob-
bered, yelled at. They felt that the doors of the church
had been closed in their face. Please, don't do this!"

He also encouraged the priests to show mercy. With
Christ as their model, priests must lead their people
by showing them the way ahead, they must walk with
their flock by showing mercy and friendship, and
walk behind their people to help those who are strug-
gling to keep up or who have lost their way, he said.
But often the faithful need to poke and prod their
priest to remind him to give them God's guidance and
support, he added. Pester your priests!" he said,
much like a baby calf pesters its mother for milk and
Babys Baptismal

Proud parents, Kari Adams and Isaac Slade-Matautia,
and grand parents Cami and Kirk Adams, and many
relatives witnessed Baby Klare Frances Adams
Baptismal last week Sunday by Fr. Sebastian. Con-
gratulations to the new parents and grand parents.
May the Holy Spirit blesses her and nurtures her dur-
ing her life.

NOTE: It is noteworthy both Kirk and Cami Adams
are active members of Holy Family Parish. They
taught a 12-weeks Bible Study Course About Ca-
tholicism during the past few years at Holy Family
Parish a course dedicated to making YOU experi-
ence a strengthening of faith, rekindling of hope and
deeper love for God and neighbor. Thank you both
for your love and dedication.

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