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1. Our Earth is surrounded by a ayer o! air "aed the atmosphere.
#. The atsos$here $rote"ts i%in& thin&s on the Earth har'!u rays !ro' the sun.
(. Air is "oouress) tasteess and odouress *no s'e+.
,. -e "annot see air but "an !ee it .hen it 'o%es as a wind.
/. Air is a 'i0ture o! 'any "o'$onents.
*a+ Nitro&en is a %ery ina"ti%e &as.
*b+ Nitro&en does not burn and does not support combustion i.e it does not ao. thin&s to burn
ini it.
*"+ Nitro&en diutes o0y&en in the air so that $ro"esses su"h as res$iration) burnin& and de"ay &o
on 'ore so.y.
2. O0y&en
*a+ O0y&en is used u$ durin&3
i4 res$iration
ii4 burnin&
iii4 de"ay
i%4 rustin&
*b+ O0y&en is needed !or i%in& thin&s to sur%i%e.
*"+ O0y&en is set !ree durin& the $ro"ess o! photosynthesis.
5. Rare &ases
*a+ The rare &ases in air are3
i4 heiu'
ii4 neon
iii4 ar&on
i%4 6ry$ton
%4 0enon
%i4 radon
*b+ these &ases are %ery in"ati%e but ha%e their uses.
7. Carbon dio0ide
*a+ Carbon dio0ide is set !ree durin&3
i4 res$iration
ii4 burnin&
iii4 de"ay
*b+ It is absorbed by &reen $ants durin& photosynthesis
18. -ater %a$our) dust and 'i"roor&anis's
*a+ These thin&s %ary in air.
*b+ Most 'i"roor&anis's in air are bacteria and spores !ro' !un&i.
E6s$eri'ent 1
E6s$eri'ent #
E6s$eri'ent (
E6s$eri'ent ,
1. O0y&en is a "oouress) odouress and tasteess &as.
#. It is not %ery soube in .ater.
(. It is neutra .hen tested .ith 'oist it'us $a$er.
,. It is si&hty denser *hea%ier+ than air.
/. It is an e0tre'ey a"ti%e ee'ent.
1. It su$$orts burnin&) breathin&) de"ayin& and rustin&.
2. it "o'bines easiy .ith 'any 'etas and non4'etas.
5. It does not burn by itse!.
1. Carbon dio0ide is a "oouress) odouress &as .ith a si&ht a"idi" taste.
#. It is denser *hea%ier+ than air.
(. It is si&hty soube in .ater.
,. It does not burn by itse!.
/. It does not su$$ort "o'bustion.
1. It is %ery soube in sodiu' hydro0ide soution.
2. It turns 'oist bue it'us $a$er to a !aint red= hen"e) it is a .ea6 a"id.
5. It turns i'e .ater "oudy.
1. O0y&en and "arbon dio0ide ha%e their s$e"i!i" $ro$erties.
#. ;ases in the air "an be identi!ied !ro' their $ro$erties.
(. The ! e0$eri'ent is "arried out to study the $ro$erties o! o0y&en and "arbon
dio0ide !ro' "ertain as$e"ts.
E6s$eri'ent /
E6s$eri'ent 1
E6s$eri'ent 2
Con!ir'atory tests !or o0y&en and "arbon dio0ide are sho.n beo..
*a+ Con!ir'atory test !or o0y&en
*b+ Con!ir'atory test !or "arbon dio0ide.
1. Respiration is "arried out in a i%in& "es. It is a "ontinuous $ro"ess that ta6es $a"e day
and ni&ht.
#. Durin& res$iration or breathin&) o0y&en is ta6en in !ro' the air and "arbon dio0ide is
(. O0y&en is needed !or res$iration. O0y&en is ta6en in to o0idise *burn a.ay+ the !ood in
"es to $rodu"e ener&y. This $ro"ess is "aed res$iration.
,. The ter' rs$iration "o%ers the breathin& in and out o! air and the use o! o0y&en in the
/. >i%in& thin&s use o0y&en and reease "arbon dio0ide durin& res$iration.
1. Si'$e "arbohydrates) e.&. &u"ose) are bro6en do.n by 'a6in& use o! the o0y&en
absorbed by the "es.
2. Energy, carbon dioxide and water vapour are the by4$rodu"ts o! res$iration.
5. The ! e0$eri'ent sho.s that i%in& thin&s use o0y&en and &i%e out "arbon dio0ide.
E6s$eri'ent 5
E6s$eri'ent 7
1. In the $ro"ess o! breathin&) air !ro' the surroundin&s is inhaed or su"6ed into the un&s.
This air is 6no.n as inhaled air.
#. Air that is e0haed or breathed out !ro' the un&s is 6no.n as exhaled air.
<reathin& $ro"ess
(. The e0haed air o! hu'ans "an be "oe"ted by breathin& out air throu&h a rubber tube into a
"ontainer !ied .ith .ater and o%erturned in .ater *'ethod o! .ater dis$a"e'ent+ as
sho.n in the !i&ure beo..
Coe"tion o! e0haed air
1. The ?uantities o! nitro&en and rare &ases in e0haed air stay un"han&ed i.e. 25@ and 8.7@
#. The ?uantity o! "arbon dio0ide in e0haed air is ,@) .hi"h is o%er a hundred ti'es &reater
than nor'ay $resent in the at'os$here.
(. E0haed air is saturated .ith .ater %a$our.
,. E0haed air is .ar'er than ordinary air due to the reease o! ener&y durin& res$iration.
E6s$eri'ent 18
E6s$eri'ent 11
E6s$eri'ent 1#
1. Co'bustion is a "he'i"a rea"tion .hi"h ta6es $a"e .hen a substan"e "o'bines .ith
o0y&en and $rodu"es3
*a+ an o0ide
*b+ heat ener&y
*"+ i&ht ener&y
*a+ Carbon dio0ide) heat ener&y and i&ht ener&y are $rodu"es .hen "arbon burns in air.
*b+ Ma&nesiu' o0ide) heat ener&y and i&ht ener&y are $rodu"ed .hen 'a&nesiu' burns in
#. -hen a hydrocarbon *a "o'$ound "ontainin& hydro&en and "arbon ony+ su"h as a "ande
burns) the $rodu"ts are3
*a+ .ater
*b+ "arbon dio0ide
*"+ heat ener&y
*d+ i&ht ener&y
(. The rea"tions in the abo%e e0a'$es sho. that "o'bustion needs oxygen. This "an aso
be sho.n in the ! .ays3
*a+ i. I! a &as Aar o! o0y&en is in%erted o%er a burnin& "ande) the "ande &oes on burnin& unti
the o0y&en it used u$.
ii. I! a &as o! nitro&en or "arbon dio0ide is in%erted o%er a burnin& "ande) the "ande
!a'e is e0tin&uished at on"e.
*b+ i. I! t.o &ass Aars) one s'a and one bi&) are in%erted o%er t.o si'iiar burnin& "andes)
the "ande in the ar&e Aar burns on&er. This is be"ause the ar&e Aar "ontains 'ore
o0y&en than the s'a Aar.
*"+ Co'bustion uses one4!i!th o! the air.
E6s$eri'ent 1(
1. Materias .hi"h are easiy burnt are "aed fuels.
#. The !ues used "o'e 'ainy !ro' three 'aterias) as &i%en beo..
(. Three "onditions are re?uired !or "o'bustion3
*a+ !ue
*b+ o0y&en
*"+ heat.
,. Co'bustion "annot ta6e $a"e i! one o! these "o'ditions is not !u!ied.
/. The $rin"i$e in !ire !i&htin& is to re'o%e one o! these !a"tors !ro' the !ire.
1. *a+ O0y&en
The su$$y o! o0y&en to a !ire "an be sto$$ed by usin& a !ire4e0tin&uisher to s$ray !oa'
or "arbon dio0ide on the !ire. The !oa' or dense "arbon dio0ide surrounds the !ire and
$re%ents air *o0y&en+ !ro' &ettin& to it.
*b+ Fue
I! a !ire is "aused by a &as) sto$$in& the &as su$$y .i $ut out the !ire. For e0a'$e) a
<unsen burner !a'e is e0tin&uished .hen the &as ta$ is turned o!!.
*"+ Heat
A !ue "annot burn i! its te'$erature is not hi&h enou&h. -ater "an e0tin&uish a !ire
be"ause it o.ers the te'$erature o! the !ue to beo. its in&ition $oint i.e. beo. the
te'$erature at .hi"h it burns.
2. The 'ethod !or e0tin&uishin& !ire de$ends on the sour"e o! the !ire.
Co'bustion $ays a %ery i'$ortant roe in our e%eryday i!e.
1. Un.anted and har'!u subtan"es are added to the air by !a"tories) 'otor %ehi"es) !orest
!ires) the de%eo$'ent o! ar&e housin& estates and the e0tensi%e use o!
#. The addition o! un.anted and har'!u substan"es to the air is 6no.n as air $oution.
(. The un.anted and har'!u substan"es are "aed the $outants.
,. The air su"h as dust and su$hur dio0ide har' our heath and the en%iron'ent.
/. The air in industria areas be"ause there are 'ore !a"tories) 'otor %ehi"es and
de%eo$'ent $roAe"ts &oin& on in industria areas.
1. Air $outants are due to 'anBs a"ti%ities.
2. Man 'ust "ontro his a"ti%ities so that they do not $oute the air) be"ause "ean air is
essentia !or a heathy i!e.
The 'ain air $outants) their sour"es and e!!e"ts are &i%en in the tabe beo..
1. Air $oution "auses har'!u e!!e"ts on i%in& thin&s) in"udin& 'an and on the en%iro'ent.
#. So'e o! these har'!u e!!e"ts are e0$ained beo..
(. Heath $robe's
*a+ Har'!u &ases) dust and soot in the air "ause se%era heath $robe's su"h as3
i. heada"hes
ii. s6in diseases
iii. asth'a
i%. bron"hitis
%. un& and throat "an"er.
*b+ Radioa"ti%e .astes thro.n into the en%iron'ent "ause3
i. &iddiness and %o'itin&
ii. in!ertiity
iii. "an"er
i%. de!e"ts to unborn babies.
*"+ HaCe "aused by dust and s'o6e3
i. redu"es %isibiity
ii. in"reases the ris6 o! road a""idents.
,. De$etion o! !ood resour"es
*a+ Dust and soot on the ea%es o! $ants redu"e the rate o! $hotosynthesis) "ausin& ess
!ood to be $rodu"ed by $ants.
*b+ A"id rain "auses $ants to die be"ause they be"o'e unabe to absorb .ater.
*"+ A"id rain "auses a?uati" ani'as su"h as !ish and $ra.ns to be 6ied.
/. Destru"tion o! habitats.
*a+ A"idi" &ases su"h as su$hur dio0ide and nitro&en o0ide .hi"h disso%e in .ater to !or'
a"id rain ha%e destroyed ar&e areas o! !orest and 'ade $onds and ri%ers unsuitabe !or
$ants and ani'as.
*b+ As a resut the natura habitats are destroyed.
1. E0tin"tion o! s$e"ies
*a+ Destru"tion o! natura habitats has "aused 'any $ants and ani'as to die and se%era
s$e"ies be"o'e e0tin"t.
*b+ Pants and ani'as in dan&er o! &oin& e0tin"t in"ude Ra!!esia) oran& utan) ta$ir) hornbi
and eathery4ba"6 turte.
2. Destru"tion o! $ro$erty
*a+ A"id rain is "orrodin& buidin&s and i'$ortant histori" 'onu'ents.
*b+ S'o6e and soot ha%e turned 'any buidin&s ba"6.
5. ;oba .ar'in&
*a+ The EarthBs at'os$here no. "ontains e0"ess "arbon dio0ide. This is due to ! !orests
to absorb the &as and industries reeasin& a ot o! it.
*b+ This ayer o! "arbon dio0ide tra$s heat !ro' the sun and $re%ents it !ro' es"a$in& into
outer s$a"e. As a resut the EarthBs te'$erature is risin&. The $heno'enon is "aed the
&reen house e!!e"t or &oba .arnin&.
*"+ ;oba .arnin& "auses3
i. i"eber&s in the $oes to 'et ?ui"6y
ii. e%e o! sea .ater to rise
iii. !oods in o.4yin& areas su"h as so'e "oasta re&ions
7. Thinnin& o! the oCone ayer
*a+ The oCone ayer on the at'os$here o! the Earth $rote"ts us !ro' the har'!u rays o! the
*b+ Har'!u utra%ioet rays !ro' the sun "an "ause3
i. Catara"t
The eye ens be"o'es o$a?ue and the $atient "annot see. He has to re$a"e the ens .ith a
syntheti" one.
ii. S6in "an"er
Constant e0$osure to har'!u utra%ioet rays "an "auses "an"er o! the s6in. &enera
"an"er o! the s6in) 6no.n as 'eano'a) "annot be "ured.
iii. >o.erin& o! the bodyBs de!en"e syste'
Har'!u utra%ioet rays 'a6e the body ess abe to resist diseases su"h as tuber"uosis
and di$htheria.
i%. Redu"in& the yied !ro' $ants
Pants "ro$s su"h as $addy &i%e yieds .hen e0$osed to har'!u utra%ioet rays.
*"+ Air $outants 'ainy "horo!uoro"arbon *CFC+) ha%e 'ade the oCone ayer %ery thin) a ot o! har'!u utra%ioet rays to rea"h the Earth.
1. Air $oution 'ust be "ontroed so that its har'!u e!!e"ts "an be redu"ed. So'e .ays !or
"ontroin& air $oution are e0$ained beo..
#. Rubbish
*a+ Do not ao. o$en burnin& in residentia areas.
*b+ <urnin& shoud ony be done in a$$ro%ed sites or in in"inerators buit !or the $ur$ose.
(. Motor %ehi"es
*a+ Fi0 "atayti" "on%erters to the e0haust $i$es o! 'otor %ehi"es so that har'!u. e0haust
&ases "an be "on%erted to har'ess substan"es.
*b+ Use uneaded $etro in 'otor %ehi"es.
*"+ Ensure that the en&ines o! 'otor %ehi"es do not &i%e out e0"essi%e e0haust &ases and
ba"6 s'o6e.
,. Fa"tories
*a+ <uid ta "hi'neys in !a"tories so that s'o6e and .aste &ases are dis"har&ed hi&h u$ in
the air and "an be easiy bo.n a.ay by .ind.
*b+ <uid ee"tri" $re"i$itators on the "hi'neys to attra"t $arti"es in the .aste &ases to
$re%ent the' !ro' es"a$in& into the air.
*"+ Treat .aste &ases in air "eanin& syste's be!ore reeasin& the' into the air.
/. A&ri"uture
*a+ Ad%ise !ar'ers to redu"e the use o! $esti"ides.
*b+ En"oura&e !ar'ers to use bioo&i"a "ontro .ays to 6i $ests. For e0a'$e) suitabe o.s
"an be reared in oi $a' $antations to "at"h rats.
1. Choro!uoro"arbon
*a+ Redu"e the use o! "horo!uoro"arbon and other &ases .hi"h destroy teh EarthBs oCone
*b+ Use oCone !riendy &ases su"h as hydro"horo!uoro"arbon *HCFC+
2. Nu"ear subtan"es
*a+ Store and thro. radioa"ti%e .astes in the re"o''ended .ays.
*b+ <an nu"ear tests throu&h an internationa a&&re'ent to be or&aniCed by the United
5. Re!orestation
*a+ re$ant !orest !or absorbon& "arbon dio0ide. This redu"es &oba .ar'in&.
7. Edu"atin& the $ubi"
*a+ Edu"ate 'e'bers o! the $ubi" to be a.are o! the dan&ers o! air $oution and ho. to
"ontro the'.
*b+ This "an be done throu&h "a'$ai&ns in s"hoo and ta6s o%er radio and tee%ision .
18. In order to "ontro air $oution e!!e"ti%ey) e%eryone in the .ord 'ust "o4o$erate and
$ay his $art.
1. S'o6in& is the "ause !or 'any deaths throu&h disease su"h as3
*a+ bron"hitis
*b+ un& "an"er
*"+ heart diseases
*d+ e'$hyse'a
#. Emphysema is a "ondition in .hi"h the air4sa"s in the un&s are de'a&ed by "i&arrate
s'o6e and "annot !un"tion $ro$ery. As a resut the $atient is short o! breath. It "annot be
(. Ci&arette s'o6e "ontains o%er a thousand $oisonous "he'i"as. So'e o! the' 'ay "ause
"an"er o! the un&s.
,. Nicotine in "i&arrate s'o6e3
*a+ sti'uates the ner%ous syste'. *6ee$s you a.a6e+
*b+ da'a&es brain tissues
*"+ hardens bood %esses *'a6es bood di!!i"ut to !o.+
/. Tar in "i&aratte s'o6e3
*a+ "onsists o! tiny ba"6 $arti"es
*b+ !or's in the un&s as a sti"6y i?uid *ba"6ens the un&s+
*"+ "orrodes the un&s *a"idi"+
*d+ "ontains 12 "he'i"as .hi"h "auses "an"er in ani'as.
1. Carbon monoxide &i%en out durin& s'o6in&3
*a+ is a $oisonous &as
*b+ "o'bines .ith hea'o&obin in the bood) "ausin& the body to a"6 o0y&en.
2. A $erson .ho is a non4s'o6er 'ay inhae "i&aratte s'o6e &i%en out by so'eone s'o6in&.
This is "aed $assi%e s'o6in&.
5. Passi%e s'o6in& "an be 'ore har'!u to a non4s'o6er than a s'o6er.
7. Pre&nant .o'en .ho s'o6e hea%iy ha%e the ris6 o! ha%in& s'aer babies) $re'ature
birth or sti4birth.
18. S'o6ers 'ust be "onsiderate and not s'o6e in $ubi" $a"es or near non4s'o6ers.
E6s$eri'ent 1,
1. There .i be $enty o! heath $robe's .ithout "ean air. Patients su!!erin& !ro' breathin&
di!!i"uties) asth'a) bron"hitis and s6in diseases .i in"reases.
#. HaCe .i redu"e %isibiity and 'ore a""idents .i o""urs.
(. >ess !ood .i be $rodu"ed as "ro$s a!!e"ted by a"id rain) soot and dust "annot "arry out
$hotosynthesis e!!e"ti%ey.
,. The air .i be"o'e .ar'er .ith 'ore "arbon dio0ide in it) "ausin& &oba .ar'in&.
/. -ar'er air in te'$erate "ountries .i "ause tro$i"a diseases to s$read to the'.
1. The oCone ayer .i be de$eted and 'ore $eo$e .i su!!er !ro' "atara"t and s6in "an"er.
1. Run "a'$ai&ns to dis"oura&e "i&arette s'o6in&.
#. Run "a'$ai&ns to e0$ain .hat indi%iduas 'ust do to 6ee$ the air "ean.
(. <an s'o6in& in $ubi" $a"es su"h as in hos$itas) "ine'a has) su$er'ar6ets and o!!i"es.
,. <an o$en burnin& o! rubbish.
/. Pre%ent !orest !ires.
1. Introdu"e a.s to !or"e !a"tories to treat their .aste &ases be!ore reeasin& the' into the
2. Ensure 'otor %ehi"es use "atayti" "on%erters.
5. Fine 'otor %ehi"es .hi"h &i%e out e0"essi%e ba"6 s'o6e.
7. Pra"tise re!orestation4 trees "ut do.n 'ust be re$anted.
18. Dee$ a stri"t .at"h on the dis$osa o! radioa"ti%e .astes.
1. Do not s'o6e in $ubi" $a"es.
#. Do not burn rubbish in o$en air.
(. Use ess ee"tri"ity. This .i redu"e the use o! !ues in $ stations and so redu"e air
,. -a6 or "y"e instead o& &oin& by "ars. This .i redu"e e0haust &ases !ro' 'otor
/. Redu"e the use o! inse"ti"ide s$rays and hair s$rays. This .i redu"e "horo!uoro"arbon
*CFC+ in the air.
1. Ensure your 'otor %ehi"es do not &i%e out e0"essi%e ba"6 s'o6e.
2. Pant trees in your house "o'$ounds and in o$en s$a"es.
Copyright 2005 Kenshido International S

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