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Images and Links

In HTML, images are defined with the <img> tag.
The <img> tag is empty, which means that it contains attributes only, and has no closing tag.
To display an image on a page, you need to use the src attribute. Src stands for source. The !alue of
the src attribute is the "#L of the image you want to display.
<img src="url" alt="some_text">
The re%uired alt attribute specifies an alternate te$t for an image, if the image cannot be displayed.
Preapard by: Romardymeo C. Santos
Images and Links
Exercise on Image
&. 'reate a folder in your des(top named image)sample. *ll web pages in this e$ercise must be
inside of this folder.
+. create a web page with a file name of ,image_sample.html-. *nd Insert these code.
</01'T234 html>
<title>Image Sample<5title>
<h&>Image Insert in HTML<5h&>
<img src6picture.7pg alt6sample picture only 5>
8. 9ow !iew the ,image_sample.html- in Mo:illa ;irefo$ and <oogle 'hrome. See the
difference how browsers handles errors.
=. 9ow select a picture within the picture folder on computer or o!er the internet.
>. 0rag5copy5download the image you ha!e selected inside the image)sample folder. Then edit the
source attribute of image to the file name of your selected image with its e$tension.
?. *gain try !iewing the site with Mo:illa ;irefo$ and <oogle 'hrome. 9ow you !iew the image
you ha!e selected. If not, there is something wrong on your source attribute, try rechec(ing it.
@. 9ow let try to resi:e the image with width and height attribute. Insert this inside of image tag.
width6>> height6>>
A. *gain try !iewing the site with Mo:illa ;irefo$ and5or <oogle 'hrome. 9otice the image being
re si:ed by the !alue we ha!e set.
B. 9ow let ma(e it proportional by deleted on of the attribute between height or width. Ciew your
page to see your changes.
&D. *fter completion of this e$ercise present your wor( to your instructor.
Preapard by: Romardymeo C. Santos
Images and Links
Lin(s are found in nearly all Eeb pages. Lin(s allow users to clic( their way from page to page.
The HTML <a> tag defines a hyperlin(.
* hyperlin( For lin(G is a word, group of words, or image that you can clic( on to 7ump to another
Ehen you mo!e the cursor o!er a lin( in a Eeb page, the arrow will turn into a little hand.
The most important attribute of the <a> element is the href attribute, which indicates the lin(Hs
Iy default, lin(s will appear as follows in all browsers.
*n un!isited lin( is underlined and blue
* !isited lin( is underlined and purple
*n acti!e lin( is underlined and red
<a href="url">Link text</a>
The href attribute specifies the destination of a lin(.
<a>Cisit <oogle search engine<5a>
If your are creating an offline page put the pages in one root folder to create a specified file path for
each of the page5s.
Preapard by: Romardymeo C. Santos
Images and Links
Exercise on Link
&. 'reate a folder in your des(top named lin()sample. *ll web pages in this e$ercise must be
inside of this folder.
+. 'reate a web page with these code ha!ing a file name of ,first_page.html:
</01'T234 html>
<title>;irst 3age<5title>
<h&>Eelcome to the first page<5h&>
<a href6second)page.html><o to the Second 3age<5a>
8. 'reate another page with these code ha!ing a file name of ,second_page.html.
</01'T234 html>
<title>Second 3age<5title>
<h&>Eelcome, 2ou are now on the Second 3age<5h&>
<a href6first)page.html><o bac( the ;irst 3age<5a>
=. Ciew the first)page.html in any browser.
>. 'lic( the lin( and see what happened what page are you now.
?. 9ow clic( the lin( to go the first)page.html.
@. 2ou now can na!igate between + pages. LetHs ma(e another web page with a file name
A. 3ut these code inside of ,floating_page.html-.
</01'T234 html>
<title>;loating 3age<5title>
<h&>This is a floating page<5h&>
<a href6first)page.html><o bac( the ;irst 3age<5a>
Preapard by: Romardymeo C. Santos
Images and Links
B. 9ow it is time to edit the ,first_page.html-. *fter the first *nchor tag insert this code.
<a href6floating)page.html target6)blan(><o to the ;loating 3age<5a>
&D. 1pen the ,first_page.html-. *nd 'lic( the lin( to floating page. *naly:e what target6-)blan(-
does to your browser.
&&. The last thing we need to do is put a title attribute to our anchor tag ha!ing the !alue of this
page name.
&+. 3resent your wor( to your instructor.
Preapard by: Romardymeo C. Santos
Images and Links
FOR !E "#I$I% FOR O&"%
'(RELI) L"*OR"O% E+"),
Ha!ing done with a simple calendar last time, 9ow.
&. 'reate a calendar for +D&=.
+. The 'alendar must 8 $ = formatJ
8. Ma(e all Sunday date appear red Fte$t5bac(groundG.
=. Ma(e your birth date te$t appear larger than the regular te$t. *nd create a lin( going to a
message of ,Happy Iirthday To 21"# 9*M4- and a lin( going bac(.
>. Ma(e the holidays ha!e a lin( that display the Holiday 9ame and title on its title attribute. *nd
when clic(ed, it will be !iewed by another tab of your browser.
?. 4ach holiday web page must display its name and must ha!e an image.
Holiday list.
Kan & 9ew 2earHs 0ay
;eb +> 3eople 3ower *nni!ersary
*pr B The 0ay of Calor
*pr &@ Maundy Thursday
*pr &A <ood ;riday
May & Labor 0ay
Kun &+ Independence 0ay
*ug += 9ational Heroes 0ay
9o! 8D Ionifacio 0ay
0ec +> 'hristmas 0ay
0ec 8D #i:al 0ay
Preapard by: Romardymeo C. Santos

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