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Cell Planning

The overall objectives of any RF Design depend on a number of factors that are determined by
the needs and expectations of the operator, the resources made available by the operator, any
service levels determined by the contract between operator and Vendor but only as they affect
the RF Design, and the resources that are available at the Technical Centre or usiness !nit
that is responsible for the RF Design"
#enerally spea$ing the RF Design should satisfy the following criteria%&
'aximi(ing coverage
)roviding sufficient capacity
)roviding an acceptable *uality of service
'inimi(ing cost
1.1 Maximizing Coverage
+lthough coverage can be measured or predicted in different ways, it is usually classified
according to the service level provided, such as in&building, in&car or on&street" Coverage needs
to be tailored according to the type of subscriber targeted ,such as business or residential-.
where that subscriber is li$ely to use their mobile telephone. and what probability of coverage is
being designed" For example, city&centre li$e CD area ,'uscat- coverage targeting business
subscribers would re*uire a design that provides a high probability of in&building service" The
design in rural areas would be based on providing a good probability of in&car service"
Coverage is then achieved by the careful positioning of base stations and adjusting the
orientation of their antennas and their transmit powers" +t all times coverage should be sufficient
to satisfy the service level and capacity re*uired"
1.2 Providing sufficient capacity
/nitial networ$ design provides a baseline capacity, usually calculated from preliminary mar$et
research or estimates of subscriber count" This baseline capacity may account for $nown traffic
hot&spots, such as in business area, busy road intersections or transport hubs, and provide a
very good grade of service" !pon turn&on, real&life traffic may exceed the networ$0s baseline
capacity in some areas and the RF Design would then need to increase the capacity, by
installing more base stations or channels, or improve the service level, usually by installing more
base stations" The overall measure of the networ$0s ability to carry its subscriber load during
pea$ hours is the grade of service, usually based on a maximum of 12 or 32"
1.3 Providing Acceptable Quality ervice
eside coverage and capacity, proper RF planning involves giving due consideration to
providing good *uality service in term of voice *uality, access time, etc" This can be done by
reducing interference & co&channel, adjacent channel and intermodulation, through proper
Fre*uency planning, optimi(ing and antenna4site location" +ccess time and other variables li$e
control channel congestion can be reduced through proper 5+C design and control channel

1.! Minimizing Cost
+ll the above three should be done in the most cost&effective way, while $eeping within the
budgetary constraints" These constraints may be defined either by a cap on the number and
type of base stations. or by ensuring a particular service level over as large a geographical area
as possible. or by ensuring that the combined e*uipment, transmission and spectrum costs of
the design do not exceed a fixed amount"
Cell planning can be described as all the activities involved in%
6electing the sites for the radio e*uipment
6electing the radio e*uipment
Configuring the radio e*uipment
7very cellular networ$ re*uires cell planning in order to provide ade*uate coverage and call
This document is intended to guide RF Design engineers during 6ite 6urveying, RF )lanning
and Design" /t is also intended to help optimi(ation engineers understand the process and
methodology of the RF planning group"
6tandardi(e the way RF design is implemented irrespective of region or area"
)rovide assistance to RF engineers in ensuring RF design is done in a deterministic
These guidelines are not intended to detail advanced RF or #6' concepts but rather to loo$
into all the processes and variables of RF design in practical situations"
The Cell )lanning )rocess Consist of following 6teps%
8"- Traffic +nalysis
1"- 9ominal Cell )lan
:"- Coverage ; /nterference )rediction
<"- 6urveys
3"- 6ystem Design
="- 6ystem /nstallation
>"- 6ystem Tuning
?"- 6ystem #rowth

"#e Cell Planning Process
Cell Planning Never End
Traffic Analysis
Nominal Cell Plan
System Growth
System Tuning
System Installation
System esign
Coverage ! Interference

!.1 "raffic Analysis
Cell planning begins with traffic and coverage analysis" The analysis should produce information
about the geographical area and the expected capacity ,traffic load-" The types of data collected
#rade @f 6ervice ,#@6-
+vailable fre*uencies
6peech *uality
6ystem growth capability
The basis for all cell planning is the traffic demand, i"e" how many subscribers use the networ$
and how much traffic they generate" The 7rlang ,7- is a unit of measurement of traffic intensity"
/t can be calculated with the following formula%
+ A n x T 4 :=BB 7rlang
+ A offered traffic from one or more users in the system
n A number of calls per hour
T A average call time in seconds
The geographical distribution of traffic demand can be calculated by the use of demographic
data such as%
)opulation distribution
Car usage distribution
/ncome level distribution
5and usage data
Telephone usage statistics
@ther factors, li$e subscription4call charge and price of '6s

4!2 N"#inal Cell Plan
+ nominal cell plan can be produced from the data compiled from traffic and coverage analysis"
The nominal cell plan is a graphical representation of the networ$ and loo$s li$e a cell pattern
on a map" 9ominal cell plans are the first cell plans and form the basis for further planning"
6uccessive planning must ta$e into account the radio propagation properties of the actual
environment" 6uch planning needs measurement techni*ues and computer&aided analysis tools
for radio propagation studies"
7ricsson0s planning tool T7st 'obile 6ystem ,T7'6- Cell)lanner ; 'otorola planning tool
9etplan includes a prediction pac$age which provides
Coverage predictions
Composite coverage synthesis
Co&channel interference predictions
+djacent channel interference predictions
)lanning Tool is a software pac$age designed to simplify the process of planning and optimi(ing
a cellular networ$" Cith )lanning Tool, traffic can be spread around on a map to determine
capacity planning" The traffic can be displayed using different colors for different amounts of
7rlangs4$m1 or the user can highlight the cells that do not meet the specified #@6" /t is possible
to import data from a test '6 and display it on the map" )lanning Tool can also import radio
survey files, which can be used to tune the prediction model for the area where the networ$ is to
be planned"
For example, if there are doubts about the ris$s of time dispersion at a particular site the
following steps could be ta$en%
The site location could be changed
The site could be measured with respect to time dispersion
The site could be analy(ed with a carrierDtoDreflection ratio ,C4R- prediction tool
4!2!1 $"del T%ning
Radio measurements are performed to adjust the parameters used in the planning tool to reality"
That is, adjustments are made to meet the specific site climate and terrain re*uirements" For
example, parameters used in a cold climate will differ from those used in a tropical climate"
+ test transmitter is mounted on a vehicle, and signal strength is measured while driving around
the site area" +fterwards, the results from these measurements can be compared to the values

the planning tool produces when simulating the same type of transmitter" The planning
parameters can then be adjusted to match the actual measurements
!.2.2 $% &esign
The RF design engineer for that particular region would then decide the type of antenna to be
used, the antenna height above ground level, Fre*uency Re !se pattern. the antenna
orientation, the antenna mechanical or electrical down tilt if re*uired and the base station
maximum transmit power" RF Design includes the following%
+ntenna 6election ,For detail refer +nnexure -
5+C Design ,For detail refer +nnexure -
#rid Design ,For detail refer +nnexure -
'orphology Definition ,For detail refer +nnexure -
5in$ udget ,For detail refer +nnexure -
Fre*uency Re !se Techni*ue ,For detail refer +nnexure -
!.3 'nterference Prediction
Cellular systems are often interference limited rather than signal strength limited and it will
therefore always exist interference in the system" The interference might affect the retainability
performance of a call and having it to drop before normal termination" The interference might
also affect the speech *uality ,integrity performance- during the call as well as the service
accessibility performance" /nterference )redictions can be chec$ed on the )lanning Tool for the
Co&Channel /nterference
+djacent Channel /nterference
!.3.1 Co(c#annel 'nterference )C*'+
Co&channel interference is caused by the use of a fre*uency close to the exact same fre*uency"
The former will interfere with the latter, leading to the terms interfering fre*uency ,/- and carrier
fre*uency ,C-"
The #6' specification recommends that the carrier&to&interference ,C4/- ratio is greater than E
decibels ,d-" This C4/ ratio is influenced by the following factors%
The location of the '6
5ocal geography and type of local scatters
T6 antenna type, site elevation and position

!.3.2 Ad,acent c#annel interference )C*A+
+djacent fre*uencies ,+-, that is fre*uencies shifted 1BB $F( from the carrier fre*uency ,C-,
must be avoided in the same cell and preferably in neighboring cells also" +lthough adjacent

fre*uencies are at different fre*uencies to the carrier fre*uency they can still cause interference
and *uality problems"
The #6' specification states that the carrier&to&adjacent ratio ,C4+- must be greater than &Ed"
/t is recommended to use higher than : d as planning criterion"
!.! ite urveys
@nce a nominal cell plan has been completed and basic coverage and interference predictions
are available, site surveys and radio measurements can be performed"
6ite surveys are performed for all proposed site locations" The following must be chec$ed for
each site%
7xact location
6pace for e*uipment, including antennas
Cable runs
)ower facilities
Contract with site owner
/n addition, the radio environment must be chec$ed to ensure that there is no other radio
e*uipment on site that causes problems" ,For detail refer +nnexure C-
!.- ystem &esign . 'nstallation
@nce the planning parameters have been adjusted to match the actual measurements,
dimensioning of the 6C, TRC and '6C4V5R can be adjusted and the final cell plan produced"
+s the name implies, this plan can then be used for system installation" 9ew coverage and
interference predictions are run at this stage, resulting in Cell Design Data ,CDD- documents
containing cell parameters for each cell"
@nce the system has been installed, it is continuously monitored to determine how well it meets
demand" This is called system tuning" 6ystem tuning actually means analy(ing the traffic data
collected to better adjust the system to the actual traffic demand distribution" +djustments that
can be made include%
Changing handover parameters to move traffic from a congested cell to a neighboring
cell with a low traffic load
Changing switch parameters to optimi(e the traffic handling capacity of the system
+dding cells or adding radio channels to congested cells and4or reducing the number of
radio channels in cells with lower traffic than expected
!./ ystem "uning
6ystem tuning ,i"e", diagnosing the networ$ and tuning it- often ta$es place in%
/nitial tuning
Radio 9etwor$ /nvestigation ,R9/-
/nitial tuning is the tuning that ta$es place either as part of the acceptance test with Vendor or
just prior to the acceptance test" This means that there is usually no ,or very little- traffic in the

system" +n R9/ can ta$e place when a system has been commissioned and used for
commercial traffic for some time" /t is then possible to collect statistics in the different networ$
elements from the 6tatistics and Traffic measurements 6ubsystem ,6T6-" These statistics are
used in the R9/" R9/s should be performed on a regular basis" This is followed by a short
overview of the use of parameter adjustment as a means of system tuning"
/t involves%
Chec$ing that the final cell plan was implemented successfully
7valuating customer complaints
Chec$ing that the networ$ performance is acceptable
Changing parameters and ta$ing other measurements, if necessary
!./.1 "est Mobile ystems )"0M+
T7st 'obile 6ystems ,T7'6- is a testing tool used to read and control the information sent over
the air interface between the T6 and the '6" /t can be used for radio coverage
measurements" /n addition, T7'6 can be used both for field measurements and post
processing" T7'6 consists of an '6 with special software, a portable )ersonal Computer ,)C-
and optionally a #lobal )ositioning 6ystem ,#)6- receiver"
The '6 can be used in active and idle mode" The )C is used for presentation, control and
measurements storage"
The #)6 receiver provides the exact position of the measurements by utili(ing satellites" Chen
satellite signals are shadowed by obstacles, the #)6 system switches to dead rec$oning" Dead
rec$oning consists of a speed sensor and a gyro" This provides the position if the satellite
signals are lost temporarily"
T7'6 measurements can be imported to )lanning Tool" This means that measurements can be
displayed on a map" For example, this enables measured handovers to be compared with the
predicted cell boundaries" 'easurements can also be downloaded to spreadsheet and word
processing pac$ages"

!.1 2"0M 3$45"6 * C6A730
Cell planning is an ongoing process" /f the networ$ needs to be expanded because of an
increase in traffic or because of a change in the environment ,e"g" a new building-, then the
operator must perform the cell planning process again, starting with a new traffic and coverage

Annexure A
T"&al TR'(
Ne& Erlang)2!*4(
Di&ri+%&e TR' de,ending %,"n
&-e ,a& &ra..i/ &rend in re,e/&ive
Net Forecasted Erlangs:
)Net /0102$+rlangs-
2Net Su.s3 Gross-Churn45econnection
4 $6 of inromers7
In,%& .r"# E1i&ing
T"&al Erlang 0%,,"r&ed B4 Ne&2"r3(
Total +rlangs8
3N1/)14141-4 N2/)24242-4N3/)34343-
9here N1: N2 an" N3 is of
5es;ective configure" site

N" need ."r /a,a/i&4 ,lan
N= A
E1i&ing 5 6"re/a&ed7

Annexure )8+
4mni vs. ectored Antenna
@ne of the essential RF design criteria is deciding whether a site needs to be sectorised"
Advantages of sectored sites
The main reason sites are sectorised is to fight against interference" y having the RF
propagation confined in a certain direction, a more efficient use of the RF bandwidth can be
utili(ed" 6ites can be designed much closer and as such a higher traffic capacity can be catered
for" 6ites are usually sectorised in urban areas" The other advantages of sectored sites are 3&
=d more gain, the ability to customi(e a particular area in terms of power and optimi(ation
parameters more efficiently, and better suited for roof&top sites where if the antennas were
situated at the side of a roof&top, with the same 7R), the coverage would better than that of
omni antenna situated at the center of a roof&top"
Advantages of omni sites
@mni antennas are more cost effective where interference is not a problem" Cost of additional
antennas, RF cables ,E for sectored in comparison with : for omni-, polyphasors, additional
cards for T6, etc" can be avoided" +lso for the same number of transceivers, omni sites re*uire
less control channels and have a higher 7rlang value" For three transceivers and assuming the
same number of control channels is re*uired, the 7rlang value for omni site is 8<"?E> in
comparison with the 7rlang value of :G1"E:=A?"?B? for : sectored sites with one transceiver
Antenna eparation
+lways $eep the antennas at least 8B & 1B wavelengths ,: & = meters- away from any obstacles
along the propagation paths" /f possible try to achieve propagation over the top of them by at
least 3 & 8B wavelengths ,8"3 & : meters-" The first Fresnel (one must always be $ept free"
For rooftop sites, it is always preferable to install sectored antenna at the edge of the rooftop"
This would help avoid obstacles li$e guide wires, TV antennas, air&conditioning hardware and
people wal$ing in&front of them"
Refer to below%&
Feight of antenna above roof ,for both omni and sector-

G /f possible, use 1m as the minimum height if there is a ris$ that people can wal$ close to the
Antenna do9n tilting
+ntenna down tilting can be accomplished either mechanically or electrically and is usually done
to either minimi(e interference or in cases where large amount of coverage overlap between
neighboring cells exist and the majority of the cell0s service area is below the hori(on" The
transmission range of the hori(ontal coverage mainly around the main lobe axis would be
Cith the exception of sites that are situated at very high location & a few thousand meters, down
tilting does not improve the coverage" /t got to be noted. up to a certain extent diffraction does
assist in bringing radio waves down" Though down tilting for sites that are more than fifty meters
high improves the signal strength around the sites ,H <BB meters-, it is seldom re*uired because
the signal strength close to the sites should have been sufficient in the first place" The exception
to this case is for sites on tall buildings, where coverage is re*uired in the basement or the lower
floors of the same building or buildings adjacent to it"
:AC &esign
The basic function of 5ocation +rea Code ,5+C- is to indicate to '6C which area a particular
mobile is in" The system need to $now this for paging purposes especially for incoming calls for
the mobile" /f the whereabouts of the mobile was un$nown then system wide paging would have
to ta$e place which is inefficient" 5+C design should be based on two criteria%&
The 5+C design should be done in such a way that '6C would be able to locate a '6 as
*uic$ly and with as little processing as possible" This is dependent on the geographical area" +s
remote area have less traffic, its 5+C area should be bigger in comparison with urban area" The
main aim should be to have an approximate e*ual distribution of traffic between the different
There should be as few 5+C updates as possible" 6ince 5+C updates is done on 6DCCF
channel in idle mode and is processed in '6C, too many 5+C updates would cause congestion
on 6DCCF channel and ta$e up the processing capacity of '6C" 5+C design on a single high
traffic highway as shown below where many 5+C updates would occur should be avoided"
5+C 8
Figh Traffic Fighway
5+C 1 5+C : 5+C <

+ compromise should be reached between the first and second criteria"
3rid &esign
The grid is a graphical way of representing the e*ual signal contours of the cell sites within a
given system so that the selection of such sites can be controlled and optimi(ed" From the
graphical relationship between the sites and the way signals attenuate as they travel from the
site ,'orphology-, relationships can be drawn which describe the theoretical limits in system
performance if the sites were placed exactly as intended"

+n example of grid design is indicated below%&

!rban 6ub&urban

9ormal practice in networ$ planning is to choose one point of a well $nown re&use model as a
starting point" From this cell, other cells are created around it" /t becomes necessary to use cells
of varying si(e" +s one move from high density area li$e urban environment to low density area
li$e rural environment, the cell si(e should increase as shown above"
The distance between co&channel sites using < reuse pattern is :GR ,D4RA:- with a carrier to
interference ratio of 81 d"

Morp#ology &efinition
To establish a service area categori(ation that can be used to estimate path loss accurately
'ajor morphology classes & based on observations and4or data derived from RF
6ub&classes & based on RF signal measurements, but does include area observation as
a necessary component
Morp#ology Class
$"r,-"l"g4 Clai.i/a&i"n De.ini&i"n
ense > A mi,ture of '-1$ storey commercial .l"gs?resi"ential
a;artments?sho;;ing com;le,es an" 1$-2$ storey s@yscra;ers1 Al"gs are
"ensely ;ac@e"1 BaCor roa"s are at least # lanes wi"e an" minor roa"s are 2
lanes wi"e1 There is very little or no trees1
> A mi,ture of #-% storey sho;houses "ensely ;ac@e" an" %-1$ storey
commercial .l"gs?resi"ential a;artments?sho;;ing com;le,es1 Com;are"
to "ense the .l"gs are not as tall or as "ensely ;ac@e"1 BaCor roa"s
are at least # lanes wi"e an" minor roa"s are 2 lanes wi"e1 There is very
little or no trees1
ense Ty;ically # storey sho;houses "ensely ;ac@e"1 There are occasional % to
12 storey .l"gs1 >sually a .usy town in .etween cities1 5oa"s are 2 to #
lanes wi"e1 Dight foliage1
Dight Ty;ically less than # storey sho;houses line" along highway?main roa"1
The sho;houses form 1 or 2 tier from the roa" an" the houses are not
"ensely ;ac@e"1 >sually at the outer fringe of a town1 Dight to mo"erate
5ural Along highway where there are isolate" houses or o;en groun"1

:in; budget
5in$ budget is a calculation to balance the uplin$ and downlin$ signal strength" The effect of this
calculation is basically applicable only in places where the signal level is very low ,below
&E3dbm- & usually at the fringe of a cell"
/n mobile communication environment the mobile 7R) is the limiting factor, i"e" up lin$ limited"
The losses4gain due to the following components e*ually affect both up ; down lin$s, so these
components have negligible effect on the path balance e*uation" The common components are
6 ,ase station- cable loss, 6 connector loss, 6 antenna gain, '6 ,'obile station- antenna
gain, '6 cable loss, ody4polari(ation loss"
7xample of 5in$ udget %
!plin$ Downli
'646 transmit power :: <1 dm before combiner
'646 transmit 7R) :: <?"E dm
6 combiner loss &1"8 d
6 cable loss &: &: d
6 connector loss &8 &8 d
6 +ntenna gain 8> 8> di
'6 +ntenna gain B B d
'6 cable loss B B d
6 diversity gain < d
Fade 'argin &= &= d
ody4polari(ation loss &< &< d
64'6 Receiver sensitivity &8B< &8B1 dm
'ax" )ath loss 8<B 8<B"E d
)ath imbalance &B"E B"E
%re<uency $e=use
'odern cellular networ$s are planned using the techni*ue of fre*uency re&use" Cithin a cellular
networ$, the number of calls that the networ$ can support is limited by the amount of radio
fre*uencies allocated to that networ$" Fowever, a cellular networ$ can overcome this constraint
and maximi(e the number of subscribers that it can service by using fre*uency re&use"
Fre*uency re&use means that two radio channels within the same networ$ can use exactly the
same pair of fre*uencies, provided that there is a sufficient geographical distance ,the
fre*uency reuse distance- between them so they will not interfere with each other" The tighter
fre*uency re&use plan, the greater the capacity potential of the networ$"
ased on the traffic calculations, the cell pattern and fre*uency re&use plan are wor$ed out not
only for the initial networ$, but so that future demands can be met"

#roups of fre*uencies can be placed together into patterns of cells called clusters" + cluster is a
group of cells in which all available fre*uencies have been used once and only once" 6ince the
same fre*uencies can be used in neighboring clusters, interference may become a problem"
Therefore, the fre*uency reuse distance must be $ept as large as possible" Fowever, to
maximi(e capacity the fre*uency re&use distance should be $ept as low as possible"
The re&use patterns recommended for #6' are the <481 and the :4E pattern" <481 means that
there are four three&sector sites supporting twelve cells using twelve fre*uency groups"
C8 C1
+8 +1
8 1
D8 D1

<481 Reuse )attern

The <481 cell pattern is in common use by #6' networ$ operators"
elow is an example of how a networ$ operator could divide 1> available fre*uencies ,8&1>- into
a :4E cell pattern%
/n the :4E cell pattern there are always E channels separating each fre*uency in a cell" Fowever,
when compared with the <481 pattern, cells +8 and C: are neighbors and use adjacent
fre*uencies ,8B and E respectively-" Therefore, the C4+ interference will increase" /n this case,
an operator may use fre*uency hopping which, if planned correctly, could reduce the possibility
of such adjacent channel interference"

+8 +1

+: 8 1

C8 C1
+8 +1

+8 8 C8 +1 1 C1 +: : C:
8 1 : < 3 = > ? E
8B 88 81 8: 8< 83 8= 8> 8?
8E 1B 18 11 1: 1< 13 1= 1>

:4E Reuse )attern
Annexure )C+
P$0('"0 >$?02 P$4C0&>$0
$esponsibility Matrix
6ome type of responsibility matrix must be understood by everyone who is involved in the
survey process" The matrix clearly defines the responsibilities to be performed by Vendor and
@mantel" /t also defines who is responsible for what" /t may happen that the survey team has
different members each time the survey is conducted" /n that case, a copy of the organi(ational
structure, or layout, must be provided for each new member who joins the survey team" This
provides information as to where the new member should position himself in the organi(ation"
Together with the assigned responsibilities for each team member, there should be a
coordination system that defines the agreed process flow for the duration of the survey" The
process flow will avoid repetition of activities, already performed by a team" 9ormally, the
intention is to survey a site only once, especially if there is large number of sites to be surveyed"
ite 6unting
6ite hunting is either performed by 7ricsson or the customer, depending on the agreement,
stipulated in the contract" 6ite hunting must be done with care and precision"
earc# $ing
/t is vital for the *uality of the system to maintain the grid" Thus, site hunters should find a site
location as close to the nominal location as possible" )ractical guidelines recommend maximum
off&grid tolerances of up to 832 of the site&to&site distance for analog systems, and 1B2 for
#6' systems" For #6', this means that, for a grid type of 8"3 $ilometers in an urban area, the
proposed site location is allowed to be off&grid up to a maximum of :BB meters" /t should be
noted that the considered grid type is the site&to&site distance of the networ$, planned for the
future" This means that, if the networ$ will expand in the future, there is no ris$ of relocating the
sites, since distances between the sites are well catered for from the very start"
/n practice, the search ring radius is normally set to 8BB meters for urban areas, and 1BB meters
for suburban and rural areas" /n places where site ac*uisition is difficult, the maximum
tolerances, mentioned earlier, may be applied" 6earch rings can be conveniently generated in
the planning tool and can be printed out to serve as a guide, if needed"
/f there is a limitation to the number of fre*uencies in the networ$, search rings must be $ept as
small as possible" This is very important, since a tighter re&use will be applied in the future,
which will re*uire shorter site&to&site distances"
/t should be emphasi(ed that a site must cover the area it is intended to cover, no more & no
less" /f, however, unfavorable circumstances cause a site to be too much off&grid, appropriate
measures must be underta$en to minimi(e the effects of interference, which may lead to
capacity constraints" /t re*uires creativity to deal with this situation. new antenna directions,
proposed antenna tilts or antenna beam widths may be considered"

8uilding election
/n places where building heights are approximately the same, the best choice for the site is as
close to the nominal site location as possible" For other areas, where building heights differ, the
choice is made considering antenna heights, antenna directions, upcoming obstructions, leasing
contracts, e*uipment delivery access, and installation, etc" For propagation purposes, the
selected building must be high enough to allow clearance for the antennas of immediate
obstacles in the vicinity" Fowever, the antenna height should not deviate too much from the
nominal height"
ite Candidates
/t may occur that there are several suitable site candidates within the search ring" Chen
selecting the best site candidate, these issues should be considered%
Distance from the nominal site" ,as close as possible-
6trategic location to fulfill coverage objectives"
etter leasing contract offered"
Clear of present and upcoming obstructions"
7ase of e*uipment and antenna installations"
7asy access for installation e*uipment ,crane, truc$s, etc"- and delivery"
'nstruments for ite urveys
@nly a few instruments are needed to perform a site survey, but in case something unexpected
happens, the surveyor should be prepared" Therefore, when pac$ing the e*uipment, bear in
mind that the surveyor must be able to move freely"
Chec$list of survey e*uipment%
Camera ,Film and batteries- 4 Video camera
#)6 ,with correct map datum setting-
8B or 3B meter tape measure
6ite survey document
@ffice materials
6afety e*uipment & 'ast climbing e*uipment
)rediction plots ,if available-

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