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Getting Started with Android

This guide describes how to set up your development environment for Cordova and run a sample application.
1. Minimum Requirements for Development
Identical to Android Minimum Requirements
1.1 Supported Android Devices
Android 2.1 (Deprecated May 2013)
Android 2.2
Android 2.3
Android 3.x (Deprecated May 2013)
Android 4.x
We currently do not support Android 1.x, and we plan to deprecate platforms in the future as they are updated
and dip below 5% on the distribution dashboard provided by Google.
2. Install SDK + Cordova
Download and install Eclipse Classic
Download and install Android SDK
Download and install ADT Plugin
Download the latest copy of Cordova and extract its contents. We will be working with the Android directory.
3A. Setup your PATH environment variable on Mac OS
Open the Terminal program (this is in your Applications/Utilites folder by default).
Run the following command
touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile
This will open the file in the your default text editor.
You need to add the path to your Android SDK platform-tools and tools directory. In my example I will use
"/Development/android-sdk-macosx" as the directory the SDK is installed in. Add the following line:
export PATH=${PATH}:/Development/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools:/Development/android-sdk-macosx/tools
Save the file and quit the text editor.
Execute your .bash_profile to update your PATH.
source ~/.bash_profile
Now everytime you open the Terminal program you PATH will included the Android SDK.
3B. Setup your PATH environment variable on Windows
From the Desktop, right-click My Computer and click Properties.
Click Advanced System Settings link in the left column.
In the System Properties window click the Environment Variables button.
Select the PATH variable from the System variables section.
Select the Edit button.
You need to add the path to your Android SDK platform-tools and tools directory. In my example I will use
"C:\Development\android-sdk-windows" as the directory the SDK is installed in. Append the following text into the
text box:
Save your edit. Close the Environment Variables dialog.
Additionally, you may need to include %JAVA_HOME%\bin to your PATH as well. To check to see if this is required,
run a command prompt and type java. If the program can not be found add %JAVA_HOME%\bin to the PATH. You
may need to specify the full path instead of using the %JAVA_HOME% environment variable.
Finally, you may need to include %ANT_HOME%\bin to your PATH as well. To check to see if this is required, run a
command prompt and type ant. If the program can not be found add %ANT_HOME%\bin to the PATH. You may need
to specify the full path instead of using the %ANT_HOME% environment variable.
4. Setup New Project
In a terminal window, navigate to the bin directory within the android subfolder of the Cordova distribution.
Type in ./create <project_folder_path> <package_name> <project_name> then press "Enter"
<project_folder_path> is the path to your new Cordova Android project
<package_name> is the package name, e.g. com.YourCompany.YourAppName
<project_name> is the project name, e.g. YourApp (Must not contain spaces)
Launch Eclipse, and select menu item New Project
Select the directory you used for <project_folder_path>
Click Finish.
If your project has a red X indicating there is a problem follow these additional steps:
Right click on the project folder.
In the Properties dialog that is displayed select Android from the navigation pane.
For the project build target select the highest Android API level you have installed.
Click OK
Then from the Project menu bar item select Clean.
This should correct all the errors in the project.
5A. Deploy to Emulator
Right click the project and go to Run As > Android Application
Eclipse will ask you to select an appropriate AVD. If there isn't one, then you'll need to create it.
Note: For a faster experience, use an Intel-based emulator image:
Open the Android SDK Manager
Install one or more Intel x86 Atom System Images as well as the Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager (under
Run the Intel installer, which has been downloaded to: extras/intel/Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Managerwithin
your Android SDK
Create a new AVD with the Target set to an Intel image.
When starting the emulator, ensure there are no error messages about the HAX module failing to load.
5B. Deploy to Device
Make sure USB debugging is enabled on your device and plug it into your system. Information can be found on
the Android Developer Site
Right click the project and go to Run As > Android Application

Command-Line Usage

Cordova now ships with a set of command-line tools that make it easier for you to develop
cross-platform applications. You can build, clean, and launch an emulator with a single
command. You can consider these instructions as an alternative to the Getting Started guides.
Whereas the Getting Started guides help you get setup with the default IDEs and tooling
surrounding the platforms you are working with, the command-line tools aim to provide a shell-
based approach to creating and working with Cordova projects.

Supported Platforms

Windows Phone 8
Windows Phone 8

The Windows Phone 8 command line tools support creating new projects.

Create a project

Run the create command with the following parameters:

Path to your new Cordova WP8 project
Package Name, following reverse-domain style convention ( this becomes the default
Namespace )
Project name
$ ./path/to/cordova-wp8/bin/create /path/to/my_new_cordova_project
com.example.cordova_project_name CordovaProjectName

The iOS command-line tools are built upon shell scripts and rely on Xcode command-line tools
such as xcode-select and xcodebuild.

Create a project

Run the create command with the following parameters:

Path to your new Cordova iOS project
Package name, following reverse-domain style convention
Project name
$ ./path/to/cordova-ios/bin/create /path/to/my_new_cordova_project
com.example.cordova_project_name CordovaProjectName
Build a project

$ /path/to/my_new_cordova_project/cordova/build
Run app on emulator

$ /path/to/my_new_cordova_project/cordova/run

$ /path/to/my_new_cordova_project/cordova/release

$ /path/to/my_new_cordova_project/cordova/log

The Android command-line tools are built upon shell scripts. You must have the Android SDK's
tools and platform-tools folders in your PATH!

Create a project

Run the create command with the following parameters:

Path to your new Cordova Android project
Package name, following reverse-domain style convention
Main Activity name
$ /path/to/cordova-android/bin/create /path/to/my_new_cordova_project
com.example.cordova_project_name CordovaProjectName
or, on Windows

$ /path/to/cordova-android/bin/create.bat /path/to/my_new_cordova_project
com.example.cordova_project_name CordovaProjectName
Build a project

$ /path/to/my_new_cordova_project/cordova/build
or, on Windows

$ /path/to/my_new_cordova_project/cordova/build.bat
Run app on emulator/device

$ /path/to/my_new_cordova_project/cordova/run
or, on Windows

$ /path/to/my_new_cordova_project/cordova/run.bat
Make sure you have created at least one Android Virtual Device. If you did not it will ask you to
create one with the android command. If you have multiple AVDs, it will prompt you to select an


$ /path/to/my_new_cordova_project/cordova/log
or, on Windows

$ /path/to/my_new_cordova_project/cordova/log.bat

$ /path/to/my_new_cordova_project/cordova/clean
or, on Windows

$ /path/to/my_new_cordova_project/cordova/clean.bat

$ /path/to/my_new_cordova_project/cordova/release
or, on Windows

$ /path/to/my_new_cordova_project/cordova/release.bat

The BlackBerry command-line tools are built upon shell scripts.

Create a project

Run the create command with the following parameters:

Path to your new Cordova BlackBerry project
Application name
$ /path/to/cordova-blackberry-webworks/bin/create /path/to/my_new_cordova_project
or, on Windows

$ /path/to/cordova-blackberry-webworks/bin/create.bat /path/to/my_new_cordova_project
Build a project

For BlackBerry projects, please make sure you customize the file in the root
of your Cordova project folder. This is necessary for things like supplying your BlackBerry signing
key password, location of the BlackBerry WebWorks SDK, and location of BlackBerry simulator

$ /path/to/my_new_cordova_project/cordova/debug
or, on Windows

$ /path/to/my_new_cordova_project/cordova/debug.bat
Launch emulator

For BlackBerry projects, please make sure you customize the file in the root
of your Cordova project folder. This is necessary for things like supplying your BlackBerry signing
key password, location of the BlackBerry WebWorks SDK, and location of BlackBerry simulator

$ /path/to/my_new_cordova_project/cordova/emulate
or, on Windows

$ /path/to/my_new_cordova_project/cordova/emulate.bat

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