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Tech Information Technology Semester III

IT-221 Discrete Structures (3-0-0) 3
Logic Introduction to Logic, Propositional Logic and Predicate Logic
!ro"ositional Logic Elements of Propositional Logic, Truth Table, Connectives, Construction of
Proposition, Converse and Contrapositive, Reasoning with Propositions, Identities of Propositions and
Dual, Use of Identities, Implications, Reasoning with Propositions, Proof of Identities, Proof of
!re#icate Logic !ell "ormed "ormula #!ff$ of Predicate Logic, Predicate, %uantification,
Constructing "ormulas, Reasoning with Predicate Logic, %uantifiers and Connectives
Set an# $unctions& 'ets, relations, functions, operations, and e(uivalence Relations, relation of
partial order, partitions, binar) relations, E(uivalence relations Recursion, Proof b) Induction
%um&er-theoretic algorithms& *reatest Common Divisor, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Primalit)
testing, pol)nomial representation of binar) number, *alois fields, primitive roots, discrete logarithms
Te't( )eferences
+ ,olman -, -usb) R& Discrete Mathematical Structures for Compute Science, P.I
/ Liu& Introduction to Discrete Mathemetics, 0c*raw1.ill
2 *raham, ,nuth, Pratshni3 & Concrete Mathematics
4 *rimaldi& Discrete Mathematical Structures
5 *rossman P, Discrete Mathematics for Computing, 0acmillan +665
7 Ross ,8 9 !right CR-, Discrete Mathematics, Prentice1.all +666
: ;ohnsonbaugh R, Discrete Mathematics, 0acmillan
< !iitala, Discrete Mathematics, 0c*raw .ill
6 -iggs = L, Discrete Mathematics, >?ford
+@ Truss ;, Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists, 8ddison !esle)
IT-223 Data Structures an# *lgorithms (3-0-0) 3
Introduction to data structures, d)namic aspects of operations on data, anal)sis of algorithms Creation
and manipulation of data structures& arra)s, lists, stac3s, (ueues, trees, graphs, heaps, hashing and hash
tables, height balanced trees, tries
8lgorithms and data structures for sorting and searching, merging, graph traversals, shortest path and
minimum spanning tree, order statistics, data structures for images, greed) algorithms, d)namic
programming, algorithms1 data structures dependenc), introduction to comple?it) anal)sis and measures
'pecial topics from problems in computational geometr) and string matching
Te't( )efernces&
+ ,ruse RL, Data 'tructure and Program Design, P.I
/ Rivest, Cormen, Introduction to 8lgorithms, 0IT Press
2 .orowitA and 'ahni& Data 'tructure in CBB , *lagotia
4 Ellis .orowitA, 'artaC 'ahni, "undamentals of Data 'tructures
5 8aron 0 Tenenbaum, D Langsam, 0oshe ; 8ugenstein, Data 'tructures Using C
IT-22+ $ormal Languages an# *utomata Theory (3-0-0) 3
Introduction to formal languages and their operations, abstract machines
"inite automata and regular e?pressions, =on1deterministic finite automata, 0eal) and 0oore machines,
minimiAation of finite automata, Pumping lemma for regular languages
Choms3) classification of languages, regular grammars, conte?t free grammars, simplification of conte?t
free grammars, =ormal forms of conte?t free grammars
Push Down 8utomata Theor)& Push down automata and conte?t free languages, Pumping lemma for
conte?t free languages
Turing h)pothesis, Turing machine, 0ins3e)Es theorem, T0 variation and encoding, computabilit) and
Te't( )eferences
+ .opcroft, 0otwani and Ullman& Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation,
Pearson Education
/ Cohen& Introduction to Computer Theory, 8ddison !esle)
2 0artin& Introduction to Languages and Theory of Computation, TMH.
IT-2+1 Data Structure an# *lgorithm La& (0-0-3) 2
The following proposed coverage are broad guiding areas in lab The instructor offering the course in
consultation with the theor) offered can adopt further variations in tune with IT1//2
+ Implementation of e?periments with, basic data structures and use in d)namic operations on data
for different algorithms and problem domainsF
/ 8nal)sis of basic sorting and searching algorithms and their relationship to these data structures
Comparison of as)mptotic comple?it) with real behaviour of algorithmsF
2 'orting programs& -ubble sort, 0erge sort, Insertion sort, 'election sort, and %uic3 sort
4 'earching programs& Linear 'earch, -inar) 'earch
5 8rra) implementation of 'tac3, %ueue, Circular %ueue, Lin3ed List
7 Implementation of 'tac3, %ueue, Circular %ueue, Lin3ed List using d)namic memor)
: Implementation of -inar) tree
< Program for Tree Traversals #preorder, inorder, postorder$
6 Program for graph traversal #-"', D"'$
+@ Program for minimum cost spanning tree, shortest path
Te't( )eferences&
+ ,ruse RL, Data 'tructure and Program Design, P.I
/ Rivest, Cormen, Introduction to 8lgorithms, 0IT Press
2 .orowitA and 'ahni& Data 'tructure in CBB , *lagotia
4 Ellis .orowitA, 'artaC 'ahni, "undamentals of Data 'tructures
5 8aron 0 Tenenbaum, D Langsam, 0oshe ; 8ugenstein, Data 'tructures Using C
,--2+1 ,lectronics De.ices an# -ircuits (3-0-2) / -
8s offered b) the ECE Department
,--2+3 S0itching Theory 1 $inite *utomata (3-0-0) 3 -
8s offered b) the ECE Department
2"en ,lecti.e I (3-3-3) 3(/
Please refer to concerned Department
B.Tech Information Technology Semester I4
5$-201 5umanities an# Social Sciences (3-3-3) 2
Please refer to .umanities and 'ocial 'ciences Department
IT-222 Data Base 6o#elling an# *#ministration (/-0-0) /
Design& Conceptual design, three tier architecture, ER Diagram G entit) #strong and wea3$, Data
aggregation, specialiAation, generaliAation
Data models& Relational, =etwor3, .ierarchical and >bCect >riented
=ormaliAation& Constraints G integrit) and domain, Primar) 3e), 'uper 3e), foreign 3e), 8lternate 3e),
candidate 3e), normal forms +=", /=", 2=", -C=", 4="
'%L& DDL and D0L, Relational 8lgebra, '%L %ueries, Triggers and views, Constraints assertions
Data >rganiAation& 'e(uential, inde?ed random and hashed files Inverted and multilist structures, -
trees, -B trees, %uer) >ptimiAation, ;oin 8lgorithm, 'tatistics and Cost -ase optimiAation
D-0' internals& Transaction Processing, concurrenc) control, and recover) management Transaction
model properties and state serialisabilit) , Loc3 base protocols, two phase loc3ing
+ 8lmasri and '- =avathe& Fundamentals of Dataase Systems, 8ddison !esle)
/ ,evine ,line, '%L in =utshell, >EReill) 9 8ssociates
2 Raghu Rama3rishnan, ;ohannes *ehr3e Database 0anagement ')stems, 0c*raw .ill
4 ." ,orth, 'ilberschatA, 'udarshan& Dataase Systems Concepts, 0c*raw .ill
5 C; Date& Data !ase Design, 8ddison !esle)
7 .ansen and .ansen & D!M and Design, P.I
IT-22/ 2"erating System (3-0-0) 3
>perating ')stem >verview& >perating ')stems obCectives 9 functions, the evolution of operating
')stems, 0aCor 8chievements, E?amples of >perating s)stems Process Description 9 Control& Process
states, Process Description, Process Control, and Processes 9 Threads Concurrenc)& 0utual E?clusion
9 ')nchroniAation Principles of Concurrenc), 0utual E?clusion1'oftware 8pproaches *raphical User
Interface 9 >'& Introduction, !indowing Technolog), *UI, Relationship between the >' 9 !indows,
Components of *UI, and Re(uirement of a !indows based *UI, 0'1!I=D>!' 9 =T, and !indows
/@@@ Introduction to U=IH >perating s)stem
+ 0odern >perating ')stems b) Tanembaum #P.I$
/ >perating ')stem Concepts1 8braham 'ilberchatA, Peter - *alvin, *reg *agne :th Edition,
;ohn !ile)
2 ')stems Programming 9 >perating ')stems #'econd Edition$ b) Dhamdhere #T0.$
IT-227 -om"uter *rchitecture (3-0-0) 3
Intro#uction to com"uter architecture an# organi8ation Digital components, Ion =eumann
0achine 8rchitecture, "l)nn Classification
)egister Transfer Language& 0icro operations 1 data transfer operations, arithmetic, logic and shift
micro operations and their hardware implementations as a simple 8rithmetic and logic unit
-!9 2rgani8ation& 8ddressing techni(ues 1 Immediate, direct, indirect, register, register indirect,
inde?, relative and stac3 addressing techni(ues
Instruction formats& Instruction set design, Instruction t)pes& e?ample for Aero address, one address,
two address and three address machines, 'tac3, accumulator and general purpose register organiAation
*rithmetic *lgorithms& 8rithmetic and Logic Unit, 8dders 1 "ull adder, Ripple carr) adder, Carr) loo3
ahead adder, Carr) select adder, carr) save adder, 0ultiplication 1 8dd and 'hift method, -oothJs
0ultiplier,m 8rra) 0ultiplier, Division 1 Restoring and =on restoring method
!i"elining Pipeline structure, pipeline performance measures, Pipeline t)pes 1 Instruction and
8rithmetic pipelines
6emory 2rgani8ation 0emor) device characteristics, R80 organiAation& +D and /D organiAation,
Iirtual memor) 1 Paging and 'egmentation, .igh speed memories& 8ssociative and Cache memor)
Control Unit Design, .ardwired and 0icro programmed control unit design implementation techni(ues
In"ut-2ut"ut Design I> interface, -us structure, 0odes of data transfer, Interrupts, Input >utput
Processor, 'erial Communication
+ Computer 8rchitecture& 8 %uantitative 8pproach, ;L .enness) and D8 Patterson, 4
IT-2+2 DB6S La& (0-0-3) 2
The following proposed coverage are broad guiding areas lab The instructor offering the course in
consultation with the theor) offered can adopt further variations in tune with IT1///
+ Conceptual designs using ER diagrams
/ Design of databases -ased on templates, files and relational basis
2 Development and implementation of D- s)stem from the fundamentals
4 E?periments on '%L (ueries
IT-2+/ 2S La& (0-0-3) 2
The following proposed coverage are broad guiding areas in lab The instructor offering the course in
consultation with the theor) offered can adopt further variations in tune with IT1//4
+ !rite shell scripts for #i$ multiplication table generation, #ii$ cop)ing multiple files to a
director), #iii$ counting the number of lines and words present in a given file, #iv$ displa)s the
list of all the files in a given director)
/ !rite a shell script to implement small calculator G addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division of two integers Division has two options& one returns the (uotient and the other returns
2 !rite a shell script to reverse the rows and column of a matri?
4 !rite a C program to implement CPU 'cheduling
5 !rite a C program to page replacement algorithms
7 !rite a C program to implement virtual memor)
: !rite a C program using for3#$ to illustrate process management
< !rite a C program to implement concurrent programming constructs through semaphores G
dining philosophersE problem, consumer1producer, readers1writers etc
6 !rite a C program that inllustrate how to e?ecute two commands concurrentl) with a command
+@ !rite a C program to implement deadloc3 avoidance algorithms
+ Uni? concepts and applicaions b) 'umitbha Das,T0. applications
/ Uni? Programming b) stevens, Pearsons Education
2 'hell Programming b) Dashwant ,anet3ar
4 >perating ')stem concepts b) silberschatA, and Peter *alvin
2"en ,lecti.e II (3-3-3) 3(/
Please refer to concerned Department
B.Tech Information Technology Semester 4
IT-321 Information System Security (3-0-0) 3
)e.ie0 of %um&er theory& Prime numbers, modular arithmetic, "ermatEs theorem, EulerEs theorem,
Chinese remainder theorem, Discrete logarithms, Random number, prime number, factoring,
-ry"togra"hy Classical, stream and bloc3 cipher, steganograph) Public vKs private 3e) cr)ptograph)
)an#om %um&er :eneration Pseudo Random =umber, PR=*, L"'R, -lum1-lum 'hub generator
!ri.ate-;ey cry"togra"hy& "eistel structure, DE', design of '1bo?es, 8E', Triple DE'
!u&lic ;ey cry"togra"hy ,e) management, ,e) e?change G Diffie1.ellman, El1*amal, 0er3leJs
PuAAle, 8uthentication, 'ignatures, Deniabilit), R'8
Threshol# -ry"rogra"hy& 'haring 'ecrets
Digital Signature D'8 and its variants, discrete logarithm based digital signatures
2ne-0ay hash functions G 0D5, '.8 #'ecure .ash 8lgorithm$
-ry"tanalysis Differential and linear cr)ptanal)sis 1 crac3ing DE'
Te't 1 )eferences
+ 'tallings, Cr)ptograph) and =etwor3 'ecurit)& Principles and Practice, Pearson Education 8sia
I'-= 6<+14@215<61@
/ - 'chneier, 8pplied Cr)ptograph), !ile) I'-= @14:+1++:@616
2 D ,ahn The Codebrea3ers, 'phere boo3s I'-= @1://+15+46:
4 P !a)ner, Disappearing Cr)ptograph), 8cademic Press I'-= @1+/1:2<7:+1<
5 Crac3ing DE', Electronic "rontier "oundation I'-= +15756/15/@12
7 8; 0eneAes, PC van >orschot and '8 Ianstone, 8pplied Cr)ptograph), CRC Press, I'-=
@1<4621<5/21:, +66:
: DR 'tinson, Cr)ptograph) 1 Theor) and practice, CRC Press, I'-= @1<4621<5/+1@, +665
IT-323 ,--ommerce an# <e& *""lications (3-0-0) 3
Electronic commerce environment and opportunities& -ac3 ground G The Electronic commerce
Environment G Electronic 0ar3et Place Technologies 0odes of electronic commerce& >verview G EDI
G 0igration to open EDI G E commerce with !!!KInternet G Commerce =et 8dvocac) G !eb
commerce going forward 8pproaches to safe electronic Commerce G >verview G 'ource G Transport
Protocols G 'ecure Transactions G 'ecure Electronic Pa)ment Protocol G 'ecure Electronic Transaction G
Certificates for 8uthentication G 'ecurit) on !eb 'ervers and enterprise networ3s Electronic cash and
electronic pa)ment schemes G Internet 0onitor) Pa)ment and 'ecurit) re(uirements G pa)ment and
purchase order process G online electronic cash 0aster cardK Iisa 'ecure electronic transaction&
Introduction G -usiness re(uirements 1 Concepts 1 Pa)ment Processing Email and 'ecure Email
Technologies for Electronic Commerce& Introduction G The means of Distribution G 8 model for
0essage .andling G .ow Does a Email !or3 Internet Resources for Commerce& Introduction G
Technologies for !eb 'ervers G Internet 8pplications for commerce G Internet Charges G Internet 8ccess
and 8rchitecture G 'earching the Internet
Te't( )eferences
+ !eb Commerce Technolog) .and -oo3 Daniel 0inoli, Emma 0inoli 0c*raw .ill
/ "rontiers of Electronic Commerce Ravi ,ala3otar, 8ndrew -!hinston 8ddison1!esle)
IT-32+ -om"uter %et0or;s 1 *#ministration (/-0-0) /
+ Computer networ3 architecture, Ph)sical la)er& .ardware, topolog), data encoding,
/ Data Lin3 La)er& Logical lin3 Control& Error detection and Correction, 8R% protocols, "raming
protocols# .DLC, LLC$ 0edium 8ccess Control& 0ultiple access protocols, Channel
8llocation, contention, reservation, round robin with E?amples
2 =etwor3 Inter connection& *eneric switches, switch design issues, switching mechanism & virtual
Circuit switching, datagram switching, source route switching, -ridge and bridge learning ,
*lobal 8ddressing scheme, fragmentation and reassembl), 8ddress translation& 8RP, R8RP,
IC0P, IP 'calabilit) Issues, sub netting and super netting #CIDR$ , IP Routing, E*P, -*P
4 End to End protocols& End to end issues, UDP and TCP segment formats, connection
establishment and termination, state transition sliding window protocol, TCP "low control, 'ill)
window s)ndrome, TCP retransmission, RTT Estimation, TCP Congestion Control and
congestion avoidance protocols
5 Internet applications& Client server paradigm, D=', '0TP, RPC, ="' and *eneral networ3
securit) issues
7 Introduction to =etwor3 management protocols Tools and techni(ues for networ3 monitoring
authentication, and administration
+ Data =etwor3s& -ertse3as and *allagher, Phi
/ Computer =etwor3ing 8 Top down 8pproach& ;",urose, Pearson
2 Computer =etwor3s 8 ')stems 8pproach& L Peterson and - Davie, Elsevier
4 Computer =etwor3s and Internet& DE Comer, Pearson
IT-3+1 Information System Security La& (0-0-3) 2
The following proposed coverage are broad guiding areas in lab The instructor offering the course in
consultation with the theor) offered can adopt further variations in tune with IT12/+
+ Implementation of Classic Ciphers
/ E?tended Euclid algorithm implementation
2 Implementation of DE' encr)ption and decr)ption
4 Implementation of Pol)nomial arithmetic, *alois "ields
5 Implementation of 8E' encr)ption and decr)ption
7 Implementation of hash function
: 'olution of E(uations through CRT
< Implementation of an authentication scheme
6 R'8 implementation
+@ Digital 'ignature implementation
+ - 'chneier, 8pplied Cr)ptograph), !ile) I'-= @14:+1++:@616
/ 8; 0eneAes, PC van >orschot and '8 Ianstone, 8pplied Cr)ptograph), CRC Press, I'-=
@1<4621<5/21:, +66:
2 DR 'tinson, Cr)ptograph) 1 Theor) and practice, CRC Press, I'-= @1<4621<5/+1@, +665
IT-3+3 <e& &ase# De.elo"ment La& (0-0-3) 2
Topics to be covered in the lab& Introduction to !eb Programming Installation of P.PK0)'(l and web
server Introduction to P.P programming !riting P.P Programs Loops, Control 'tructure and
8rra)s P.P functions 'tring functions 8rra) functions 0athematical function *raphics functions
"ile s)stem function Date and time function 0iscellaneous "unctions Error handling >bCect >riented
"eatures of P.P "ile and Director) handling 0)'(l database Configuration of 0)'(l server 'tarting
0)'(l server 0)'(l tables Displa)ing 0)'(l data 8dding and removing user access 8dvance P.P
programming mail P.P 1 generated PD" files !eb 'ervers II' web 'erver 8pache web server
+ -eginning P.P 4 Databases G Christopher 'collo, .arish Rawat, Dipa3 Thomas, 'anCa)
8braham, 8ndrew .ill 9 ;im .ubbardF !ro? Press
/ P.P 0)'(l !ebsite Programming G Chris -ea, 0i3e DuAAard, ;ess) !hite, Cinis 9 Dilip
ThomasF !ro? Press
2 P.P -lac3 -oo3 G Peter 0oulding, Coriolis *roup
4 0)'(l G P.P Database 8pplications G ;a) *reenspan 9 -rad -ulgerF ;ohn !ile) 9 'ons
5 P.P 0)'(l !ebsite Programming& Problem1Design1'olutions G Chris -ea, 0i3e DuAAard,
;ess) !hite, Cinis 9 Dilip ThomasF 8press
7 Essential P.P for !eb Professionals G Christopher CosentinoF Prentice .all
: 'amEs Teach Dourself P.P 4 in /4 .ours G 0att LandstraF '80'
< P.P 5+ "or -eginners G Ivan -a)ross, >EReill), 'hroff Publishers 9 Distributors Pvt Ltd
IT-3++ %et0or; !rogramming 1 *#ministration La& (0-0-3) 2
The following proposed coverage are broad guiding areas lab The instructor offering the course in
consultation with the theor) offered can adopt further variations in tune with IT12/5
+ Programming for data encoding, CRC detection and Correction
/ Estimation of networ3 dela) through >' utilities
2 'imulation and Emulation of -us and 'tar topolog), DLC, 08C protocols using -enchmar3
L8= trainer 3its
4 Pac3et measurement and observation using networ3 sniffing tools
5 Use of sniffers for protocol d)namics
7 Installation and wor3ing of RRD toold for looging administration data for networ3s
: -andwidth and other networ3 parameter mechanism through '=0P protocols
!rogram ,lecti.e I (3-0-2) /
>neK0ore of the following courses as offered b) Department
IT12:+ Programming in ;ava
IT12:2 P)thon Programming
IT12:5 'cripting Languages
IT12:: 0anagement Information ')stems
2"en ,lecti.e III (3-3-3) 3(/
Please refer to concerned Department
B.Tech Information Technology Semester 4I
IT-322 Soft0are ,ngg. (3-0-0) 3
Introductor) Concepts& .istorical perspective, ')stem Definition, 'oftware Life C)cle, 'oftware
Engineering paradigms
')stem anal)sis& "easibilit) stud) re(uirement anal)sis, Cost benefit anal)sis, Planning s)stems,
8nal)sis tools and techni(ues
')stem Design& design fundamentals, 0odular Design, Data and procedural design, obCect oriented
')stem Development& Code documentation, Program design paradigms
Ierification, Ialidation and Testing& testing methods, "ormal Program Ierification, Testing 'trategies
'oftware 0aintenance& 0aintenance Characteristics, 0aintainabilit), 0aintenance tas3s and side effects
+ Pressman R'& 'oftware Engineering& 8 Practitioner approach, 0c*raw .ill
/ 'ommerville I& 'oftware Engineering, 8ddison !esle)
2 *heAAi C ;aAa)eri 0 and 0andrioli& "undamentals of 'oftware Engg , P.I
IT-32/ -om"iler Design (3-0-0) 3
Introduction to translators, compilers versus interpreters, compilation process
Le?ical 8nal)sis& "inite automata and Regular e?pressions, 0inimiAation of finite automata
')nta? 8nal)sis& Conte?t "ree *rammars, -ottom1up and Top1down Parsing 8mbiguit), 'hift Reduce
Parser, >perator Precedence Parser, Predictive Parsers, LR parsers
')nta? directed translation& ')nta? directed translation, ')nthesiAed and Inherited attributes,
Intermediate codes1 Postfi?, %uadruples, Triples
Code optimiAation& -asic bloc3s, "low graphs, Local and *lobal data flow anal)sis G D8*, ud1
chaining, available e?pressions, Loop optimiAation
Code generation& Compilation of e?pression and control structures Error detection and recover)
')mbol table organiAation& .ashing, lin3ed list, tree structures
+ 8ho, Ullman and 'ethi& Compilers G Principles, techni(ues and tools, Pearson Education
/ Trembla), 'orenson& The Theor) and Practice of Compiler !riting, -'P
2 .olub, Compiler Design in C, P.I
IT-3+2 -om"iler La& (0-0-3) 2
The following proposed coverage are broad guiding areas in lab The instructor offering the course in
consultation with the theor) offered can adopt further variations in tune with IT12/4
+ Programming e?ercises to implement t)pical le?ical anal)Aers, parsers, intermediate code
/ 8ssignments using LEH and D8CC tools
2 Programming assignments on some of the concepts related to Code >ptimiAation
+ 8ho, Ullman and 'ethi& Compilers, Pearson Education
/ Levine, 0ason and -rown& Le? and Dacc, >JReill)
IT-3+/ Seminar (0-2-0) 2
The topics selection covering the latest and relevant topics related to the emerging areas Ideall), some
recent reputed Cournal papers abstraction and presentation shall be encouraged for presentation The
evaluation shall be continuous and through components evaluation viA content, coverage, depth,
presentation, response to the (ueries, and seminar report In case of unsatisfactor) performance, an H
grade can be awarded for e?tension wor3 during summer term
!rogram ,lecti.e II (3-0-2) /
>neK0ore of the following courses as offered b) Department
IT12:/ 'ignals and ')stems
IT12:4 >bCect >riented ')stem Design
IT12:7 0ultimedia Technolog)
IT12:< 8rtificial Intelligence
2"en ,lecti.e I4 (3-3-3) 3(/
Please refer to concerned Department
2"en ,lecti.e 4 (3-3-3) 3(/
Please refer to concerned Department
B.Tech Information Technology Semester 4II
IT-/+1 In#ustrial Training (0-2-0) 2
The evaluation shall be continuous and through components evaluation viA content, coverage, depth,
presentation, demonstration, response to the (ueries, and training report In case of unsatisfactor)
performance, and failure e?tra credit course from the department e(uivalent to CP145+ can be permitted
through consent of DU*C
IT-/+3 $ree an# 2"en Source La& (0-0-3) 2
The following proposed coverage are broad guiding areas lab The instructor offering the course in
consultation with the theor) offered can adopt further variations
1. Linu? basics and installation and management of the Linu?
2. Different t)pes of software development environment #Eclipse$
3. ma3e and other software construction utilities on Linu?
4. Iersion control and managing proCect in open source
5. 0anaging large software development through wi3i or ali3e proCect management tools
6. Introduction to scripting for s)stem management
!rogram ,lecti.e III (3-0-2) /
>neK0ore of the following courses as offered b) Department
IT14:+ Computer *raphics
IT14:2 .uman Computer Interaction
IT14:5 *UI Programming
IT14:: 'elected Topics in >'
IT14:6 0obile and !ireless Computing
!rogram ,lecti.e I4 (3-0-2) /
>neK0ore of the following courses as offered b) Department
IT14<+ 8dvanced Compiler
IT14<2 Design and 8nal)sis of 8lgorithms
IT14<5 'emantic !eb
IT14<: Data 0ining and Data !arehousing
IT14<6 Implementation of Data -ases
!rogram ,lecti.e 4 (3-0-2) /
>neK0ore of the following courses as offered b) Department
IT146+ Information Retrieval
IT1462 !ireless 'ensor =etwor3
IT1465 Topics in .igh 'peed =etwor3ing
IT146: Digital !atermar3ing and 'teganograph)
IT1466 'oftware ProCect 0anagement
IT-/++ !ro=ect La& (0-2-3) +
>bCective of this elective is to facilitate transfer of 3nowledge ac(uired b) a student to a field of his own
choice for application to solving a problem 'tudent is e?pected to collect and stud) relevant material
under mentorship of a facult) member wor3ing in similar areaF identif) a suitable problem and propose
methodolog) towards its solution 8lternatel) a student can e?plore hardware implementation of e?isting
solution#s$ This elective shall act as pre(uel to proCect wor3 for ne?t semester The proCect
coordinator#s$ from the department for continuit) shall coordinate this course *rouping and division
shall be applicable as defined in the maCor proCect of final semester
2"en ,lecti.e 4I (3-3-3) 3(/
Please refer to concerned Department
B.Tech Information Technology Semester 4III
IT-/+2 !ro=ect (3-3-3) 10
The maCor proCect covers lab component of the final semester wor3 The evaluation of proCect shall be
continuous and will be done through proCect coordinator#s$ The evaluation mechanism shall be evolved
based on the e?isting practices through DU*C rectified from time to time Ideall) the proCect should
comprise with group siAe of two students shall be limited to ma?imum 4 students and the groups shall be
evenl) distributed among facult) through coordinator#s$ Internal and e?ternal components shall not
e?ceed 4@M each of the overall mar3s
IT-/+/ :rou" Discussions (0-0-3) 2 4L
This la& 0ill remain only if In#ustrial training is gi.en 0eightage of 02 cre#its.
!rogram ,lecti.e 4I (3-0-2) /
>neK0ore of the following courses as offered b) Department
IT14:@ Digital "orensics
IT14:/ -iometric 'ecurit)
IT14:4 IL'I 8lgorithms
IT14:7 Intrusion Detection
IT14:< Pattern Recognition
!rogram ,lecti.e 4II (3-0-2) /
>neK0ore of the following courses as offered b) Department
IT14<@ 0ulti1Core 8rchitectures
IT14</ 'oftware Testing
IT14<4 Distributed ')stems
IT14<7 8dvanced Topics in Databases
IT14<< E?pert ')stems
2"en ,lecti.e 4II (3-3-3) 3(/
Please refer to concerned Department
!rogram ,lecti.e I (Semester 4)
IT-3>1 !rogramming in ?a.a (3-0-2) /
Intro#uction Internet, ;ava as a tool for internet applications, -)te Code and its advantages
2&=ect 2riente# !rogramming an# Design Review of 8bstraction, >bCects and other basics,
Encapsulation, Information hiding, 0ethod, 'ignature, Classes and Instances, Pol)morphism,
Inheritance, E?ceptions and E?ception .andling with reference to obCect modeling, Coupling and
Cohesion in obCect oriented software >bCect >riented Design G Process, E?ploration and 8nal)sis
?a.a !rogramming Basics "undamentals& Iariables and assignments, Input and >utput, Data T)pes
and E?pressions, "low of control, Local variables, >verloading Parameter passing, this pointer,
?a.a 2&=ect 2riente# -once"ts >bCects and Classes& Use of file for IK>, "ormatting output with
stream functions, Character IK>, Inheritance, Public and private members, Constructors for
initialiAations, Derived classes, "low of Control
?a.a Data Structures an# *#.ance# To"ics
8rra)s G Programming with arra)s, arra)s of classes, arra)s as function arguments, 'trings,
0ultidimensional arra)s, 8rra)s of strings, vectors, -ase classes
Introduction to ;ava 8pplets
+ .erbert 'childt& ;8I8 / 1 The Complete Reference, T0., Delhi
/ U, Cha3rabort) and D* Dastidar& 'oftware and ')stems 1 8n Introduction, !heeler
Publishing, Delhi
2 ;oseph >E=eil and .erb 'childt& Teach Dourself ;8I8, T0., Delhi
IT-3>3 !ython !rogramming (3-0-2) /
Introduction to P)thon& Data t)pes, variables, e?pressions, operators 'e(uence, set, dictionar), print
statement, control1flow statements, functions
>bCects and classes, metaclasses Decorators, special methods E?ception handling 0odules s)s, os, etc
'trings and regular e?pressions "ile operations
!or3ing with processes and threads Pipes and signals
*raphical user interface design in P)thon #including the T"inter module$, !idgets and basic
components, La)out options, Event handling
=etwor3 scripting #soc3ets, "TP, and e1mail clients$, 'erver1side scripting
Databases and persistence in P)thon #including pic"led obCects and shelf files$
Custom and built1in data structures in P)thon
C integration with P)thon #including the '!I* module$, Embedding P)thon calls within C
< Programming P)thon b) 0ar3 LutA, >JReill)
6 Learning P)thon, 2rd Edition b) 0ar3 LutA, >JReill)
+@ P)thon in a =utshell b) 8le? 0artelli, >JReill)
++ 8n Introduction to P)thon b) *uido van Rossum and ;r "red L Dra3e, =etwor3 Theor) Ltd
IT-3>+ Scri"ting Language (3-0-2) /
'hell and 'cripting languages introduction 8!,, Perl, and P)thon programming paradigms
+ Relevant online material with the latest version of the scripting languages
IT-3>> 6anagement Information Systems (3-0-2) /
Interpretation and understanding of information, need and role of information technolog) in business and
Information s)stem& -asic elements, data, information, 3nowledge, infrastructure and t)pes and its
development >rganiAing data and information& -asics of data arrangement and access, data 3nowledge
9 decision support, D-0' G 8n overview
Introduction to management information s)stem
.ardware and software used for information s)stems, transaction processing, office automation
Decision ma3ing process, concepts of information, humans as information processors, s)stem concepts,
organiAational structure and management concepts
Te't( )eferences
+ 0anagement Information and ')stem, Davis and >lson, 0c1graw .ill
/ Recent papers from conferences and Cournals
!rogram ,lecti.e II (Semester 4I)
IT-3>2 Signals an# Systems (3-0-2) /
Review of signal description
Review of "ourier and Laplace transforms
'pectrogramsF fre(uenc) modulation
'ampling and aliasing
The A1transform
"ilters& Transfer functions, "IR filters, IIR filters
'pectral anal)sis& D"T for periodic signals, D"T for non1periodic signals
+ ; . 0cClellan, R ! 'chafer 9 0 8 Doder, DS# First$ a Multimedia Approach, Prentice1.all
International +66<
/ 8 I >ppenheim , R ! 'chafer 9 ; R -ac3, Discrete%time Digital Signal #rocessing, Prentice
.all Int +666 Third maCor revision of classic te?t
2 8 I >ppenheim , 8 ' !ills3) 9 ' . =awab, Signals and Systems, Prentice .all Int +667
4 = , 'inha, Linear systems, ;ohn !ile) +66+
5 ; * Proa3is and D * .anola3is, Digital Signal #rocessing, 0a?well 0acmillan Int +66/
IT-3>/ 2&=ect 2riente# System Design (3-0-2) /
2&=ect 2riente# !rogramming an# Design& Review of abstraction, obCects and other basics,
Encapsulation, Information hiding, method, 'ignature, Classes and Instances, Pol)morphism and
-@@ !rogramming Basics& "undamentals, variables and assignments, Input and >utput, Data t)pes and
e?pressions, flow of control, subprograms, top1down design, predefined functions, user defined
functions, procedural abstractions, local variables, overloading function names, operator overloading,
parameter passing, this pointer, destructors, cop) constructor, overloading the assignment operator,
virtual functions, function calling functions, friend functions, recursive functions, recursive member
functions 'tatic member function
-@@ 2&=ect oriente# conce"ts& >bCects and classes, use of file for IK>, formatting output with stream
functions, Character IK>, inheritance, structures for diverse data, structures as function arguments,
initialiAing structures, defining classes and member functions, public and private members, constructors
for initialiAation, standard CBB classes, derived classes, flow of control, use of -oolean e?pressions,
multiwa) branches, use and design of loops "riend function and friend class
-@@ Data structures an# *#.ance# To"ics& 8rra)s G programming with arra)s, arra)s of classes,
arra)s as function arguments, strings, 0ultidimensional arra)s, 8rra)s of strings, pointers D)namic
arra)s, Classes and d)namic arra)s, -ase classes, access control, Templates1 generic classes and
functions, namespaces 'tandard Template Librar)
+ -alaguruswam)& >bCect1oriented Programming with CBB
/ Robert Lafore& CBB Programming
2 8sho3 = ,amthane & >bCect >riented with CBB, Pearson Education
IT-3>7 6ultime#ia Technology (3-0-2) /
Introduction to 0ultimedia, *raphics and Image data representations, Color in image and video
CIE, R*-, C0D, .'L color models
"undamental concepts in video, =T'C, P8L and Digital video
Compression methods& Loss) and Loss less compression techni(ues& .uffman coding, 8rithmetic
coding, LL!
Image compression standards& DCT Transform and "ourier transforms, ;PE* coding
Iideo representation and compression techni(ues
0otion vector search& se(uential, /D logarithmic search
I, P and - frames, 0PE* Iideo coding, 0PE*1+, 0PE*1/ and 0PE*12& video coding and decoding
-asic 8udio compression& "letcher1 0unson curves, Critical -ands, Ps)choacoustic phenomenon,
0PE* La)er 2 #0P2$ 8udio
IT-3>A *rtificial Intelligence (3-0-2) /
>verview of 8I, Problems, Problem space and searching techni(ues, Definition production s)stem,
Control strategies, .euristic search techni(ues
,nowledge representation& Representation, mappings, approaches and issues, Predicate logic,
prepositional logic, Resolution, Procedural and declarative 3nowledge, forward and bac3ward reasoning,
0atching, 'emantic nets, "rames scripts
Learning and learning s)stems& Introduction to .opfield networ3s, introduction to neural networ3s,
learning in neural networ3s, applications of neural networ3s, Recurrent networ3
=atural Language Processing, Perceptions and actions
Introduction to E?pert ')stems, Definition t)pes, Component, development process
Introduction to 8I languages& PR>L>* and LI'P
+ 8rtificial Intelligence& Elaine Rich, ,evin ,night, 0c1*raw .ill
/ Introduction to 8I 9 E?pert ')stem& Dan ! Patterson, P.I
!rogram ,lecti.e III (Semester 4II)
IT-/>1 -om"uter :ra"hics (3-0-2) /
Intro#uction to com"uter gra"hics& Iector and Raster graphics, *raphic primitives and attributes
Computer graphics devices - CRT, plasma, LCD, plotters, 'can conversion of line, circle and ellipse
4ie0ing Transformations& Coordinate s)stem 1 world, device and normaliAed device coordinates,
!indow and Iiewport and viewing transformations
$illing an# -li""ing 1 "lood fill and seed fill algorithms and scan line pol)gon filling algorithms,
Cohen 'utherland clipping algorithms for Pol)gon
:eometric transformations 1 /D and 2D transformations& Translation, 'caling, rotation, 'hearing,
reflection etc, Transformations about an arbitrar) a?is
!ro=ections& Parallel 1 >rthographic, Plans and Elevations, 8?onometric 1 Isometric, Diametric,
trimetric, Perspective 1 >ne point, two point, three point
5i##en surface >bCect space and image space algorithms, -ac3 space removal, L1buffer, scan
line, area subdivision, painters, -'P tree, "loating horiAon and ra) tracing methods 'pline representations, Curve representation techni(ues, Continuit) constraints, .ermite
Interpolation, -eAier curves, -1'pline curves
+ "ole), Ian Dam Computer *raphics& Principles and Practic 8ddison !esle)
/ .earn and -a3er Computer *raphics P.I
2 Rogers and 8dams 0athematical Elements of Computer *raphics 0c*raw .ill
4 Rogers and 8dams Procedural Elements of Computer *raphics 0c*raw .ill
IT-/>3 5uman -om"uter Interaction (3-0-2) /
.uman factors issues in the development of software, use of database s)stems, and design of user
interfaces for interactive s)stems 'cience base #theories, models, usabilit) studies, and controlled
e?perimentation$, and software engineering with user interface development environments Issues
include& command languages, menus, forms, and direct manipulation, graphical user interfaces,
computer supported cooperative wor3, information search and visualiAation, !orld !ide !eb design,
inputKoutput devices, and displa) design
Te't ()eferences
+ - 'hneiderman, Designing the User Interface, 2rd Edition, 8ddison1!esle), #+66<$
/ Interaction Design b) ;enn) Preece, Dvonne Rogers, and .elen 'harp ;ohn !ile) 9 'ons& =ew
Dor3, /@@/ I'-=& @4:+46/:<:
2 User Centered !eb 'ite Design, b) DD 0cCrac3en and R; !olfe Pearson Prentice .all&
Upper 'addle River, =;, /@@4 I'-=& @+2@4++7+1/
4 The !eb !iAardJs guide to !eb Design, ;* Lengel, 8ddison1!esle), /@@/ I'-=&
IT-/>+ :9I !rogramming (3-0-2) /
Issues and Challenges in *UI design >verview of intelligent interface design *raphics versus web
interface Principles of good interface ')stem 0enu and =avigation schemes Interaction devices
'creen based controls Usabilit), testing, design for web, humans Colors
Te't( )eferences&
+ !ilbert > *alitA The Essential *uide to User Interface Design !ile)
/ 'usan !einschen3, Pamela ;amar, 'arah C Deo *UI Design Essentials #Paperbac3$
2 ;enifer Tidwell Designing Interfaces& Patterns for Effective Interaction Design, >EReill)
4 - 'hneiderman, Designing the User Interface, 2rd Edition, 8ddison1!esle)
IT-/>> Selecte# To"ics in 2S (3-0-2) /
Processes and Threads, Concurrenc) control, Director) and "ile structure, "ile sharing, ="', 'torage
Design issues of Distributed >', Distributed vKs networ3 operating s)stem
Communication& Client 'erver, RPC
Distributed >'& Issues, process management, inter1process communication, scheduling, deadloc3s
Design and implementation of distributed file s)stems, distributed shared memor)
'ecurit)& Concepts and Distributed ')stems
Distributed Concurrenc), Transactions
Case stud)& Uni?, 8moeba
+ >perating ')stem 8 Design 8pproach1Crowle), T0.
/ Tanenbaum& Distriuted &perating Systems, Pearson Education
2 -ach, Design of 'ni( &)S
4 Coulouris et al, Distriuted Systems$ Concepts and Design, 8ddison !esle)
5 0ullender$ Distriuted Systems, 8ddison !esle)
7 Tanenbaum and 'teen& Distriuted Systems$ #rinciples and #aradigms, Pearson Education
IT-/>B 6o&ile an# <ireless -om"uting (3-0-2) /
!ireless communication fundamentals& Introduction, wireless transmission, fre(uencies for radio
transmission,signals, antennas, signal propagation, multiple?ing, modulations, spread spectrum, 08C,
'D08, "D08, TD08, CD08, cellular wireless networ3s
Telecommunication networ3s& Telecommunication s)stems &*'0,*PR', DECT, U0T', I0T1/@@@,
'atellite networ3s 1 basics G parameters and configurations G capacit) allocation& "808 and D808
!irless L8=& IEEE1 <@/++, architecture, services, 08C, ph)sical la)er, IEEE <@/++a, <@/++b
standards, .IPERL8=, -LUE T>>T.
0obile networ3 la)er& mobile ip, d)namic host configuration protocol,routing,D'DI,D'R
Transport and application la)ers & traditional TCP, classical TCP improvements G !8P, !8P /@
+ ;ochen 'chiller, N0obile CommunicationsO, P.IKPearson Education, 'econd Edition, /@@2
/ !illiam 'tallings, N!ireless Communications and =etwor3sO, P.IKPearson Education, /@@/
2 ,aveh Pahlavan, Prasanth ,rishnamoorth), NPrinciples of !ireless =etwor3sO, P.IKPearson
Education, /@@2
4 Uwe .ansmann, Lothar 0er3, 0artin ' =ic3lons and Thomas 'tober, NPrinciples of 0obile
ComputingO, 'pringer, =ew Dor3, /@@2
5 .aA)sAtof !esolowshi, N0obile Communication ')stemsO, ;ohn !ile) and 'ons Ltd, /@@/
!rogram ,lecti.e I4 (Semester 4II)
IT-/A1 *#.ance# -om"iler (3-0-2) /
8 Tour of Compiler Design, LR Parsers G 'LR parsers, Canonical LR and L8LR parsers, Le? and Dacc
Tools, Control1flow 8nal)sis, Control1flow *raphs, -asic -loc3s, Data1flow 8nal)sis, Dependence
8nal)sis, *lobal >ptimiAations, Loop >ptimiAations, Dominators, Loop1invariant computations, Code
motion, Data Dependence 8nal)sis in Loops, Loop 'cheduling, Runtime ')stem 8rchitectures and
8utomatic 0emor) 0anagement Techni(ues
+ 8ho, 8lfred I, 'ethi, Ravi, Ullman, ;effre) D, Compilers& Principles, Techni(ues and Tools,
/ 'teven 0uchnic3, 8dvanced Compiler Design 9 Implementation, 0organ ,aufmann
2 ,eith Cooper and Linda TorcAon, Engineering a Compiler, 0organ ,aufmann
IT-/A3 Design an# *nalysis of *lgorithms (3-0-2) /
)e.ie0 of *lgorithms& 'eaching and 'orting, Tree and *raph traversal D"' and its applications
'hortest path algorithms, minimum spanning tree algorithm 8lgorithm Design Techni(ues& *reed)
algorithm, d)namic programming, divide and con(uer, bac3trac3ing, branch and bound
*lgorithm *nalysis& 8s)mptotic notation, solution of recurrence, model of computation, time and space
comple?ities, average and worst case anal)sis, 8mortiAed anal)sis 0asterJs theorem Recurrence
:ra"h *lgorithms networ3 flow, matching, coverings, applications of D"'&1 bi1connectivit), Euler
circuits, strongl) connected components, topological sort, and articulation point =etwor3 "low
:ree#y *lgorithms& ,napsac3 problem
Dynamic !rogramming& Chained matri? multiplication, longest common subse(uence
Divide and Con(uer& >rder 'tatistics G finding the median, e?ponentiation, matri? multiplication, LC'
*""ro'imate *lgorithm& Travelling 'alesman Problem, verte?1cover problem
RandomiAed 8lgorithms&
6atri' *lgorithms G 'trassen 0atri? multiplication, LUP decomposition
%um&er Theoretic *lgorithms Primalit) Testing, "actoriAation
6iscellaneous& Introduction to appo?imate, randomiAed and probabilistic algorithms
Introduction to problem classes G =P, =PC, =P1.ard
Te't ( )eferences&
1. Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest& Introduction to Algorithms, Prentice .all of India
2. .orowitA and 'ahani& Fundamental of Computer algorithms
3. 8ho 8I , ;D Ulman& Design and analysis of Algorithms, 8ddison !esle)
4. -rassard & Fundamental of Algorithmics, P.I
5. !! Peterson and E ; !eldon& *rror correcting codes
6. 'ara -aase, 8llen Ian *elder& Computer Algorithms$ Introduction to Design and Analysis,
Pearson Education
IT-/A+ Semantic <e& (3-0-2) /
-asics of 3nowledge representation and informal introduction to >!L Description logics and classiers 1
the 8LC famil) and its e?tensions E?pressiveness versus tractabilit)F highl) e?pressive description
logicsF implemented description logic s)stemsF description logics and the PP'emantic !ebJJ Practical
issues in ontologies& -asic principles, normalisation and the Q>ntocleanQ methodolog), upper ontologies,
Common problems in ontolog) development& parts and wholes, time, space, fundamental limitations
+ The Description Logic .andboo3, -aader et al, CUP, /@@2
/ Ian Pratt 8rtificial Intelligence 0acmillan, +664
2 ;ohn 'owa Principles of 'emantic =etwor3s& E?plorations in the representation of 3nowledge
0organ ,aufmann, +66+
4 Russell and =orvig 8rtificial Intelligence& 8 0odern 8pproach Prentice .all, +665
5 .an Reichgelt ,nowledge Representation& 8n 8I Perspective 8ble? Publishing, +66+
IT-/A> Data 6ining an# Data <arehousing (3-0-2) /
Introduction to Decision 'upport ')stems, Data !arehouse and >nline 8nal)tical Processing Data
!arehouse 8rchitecture& ')stem
Processes, Process 8rchitecture& Load !arehouse, %uer), Detailed and 'ummariAed Information
Design& Data -ase 'chema "acts, Dimensions and 8ttributes Introduction to Data -ase and 0etadata
Data !arehouse Implementation
Data 0ining & Introduction and need
Data Processing & Data Cleaning, Data Integration and Transformation, Data Reduction
Data 0ining Primitives & Descriptive and Predicative Data 0ining, Language D0%L and its Preliminar)
Data 0ining 0ethods& 8ssociation G 'ingle and 0ultilevel, CharacteriAation and Comparison,
Regression 8nal)sis, Classification and Predication
Data 0ining 8lgorithms& Clustering, 8ssociation, Regression, Decision Trees
>L8P & >L8P 8rchitecture, R>L8P, and 0>L8P 8pplication and Trends in Data 0ining
+ Data !arehousing in the Real !orld G 8nahor) and 0urra), Pearson Education
/ Data 0ining G Concepts and Techni(ues G ;iawai .an and 0icheline ,amber
2 -uilding the Data !arehouse G !. Inmon, !ile)
IT-/AB Im"lementation of Data Bases (3-0-2) /
Issues in Implementation of CentraliAed Database ')stems 1 %uer) Processing, %uer) >ptimiAation,
Transaction Processing, Concurrenc), Recover) 0anagement
Database ')stem 8rchitectures G CentraliAed and Client1'erver architecture, Parallel ')stems,
Distributed Database ')stems
Implementation of Distributed Database ')stems1 Distributed Data 'torage, Distributed Transactions,
Concurrenc) control in Distributed Database ')stems, Distributed %uer) Processing
Te't 1 )eferences
+ 'ilberschatA 8, ,orth .", 'udarshan ', Database ')stem Concepts, 0c*rall .ill
/ Elmasri R and =avathe '-, Fundamentals of Dataase Systems, 2rd Edition, 8ddison
!esle),/@@@ This boo3 covers most of the material on the course
2 Ceri ', Pelagatti *, Distributed Databases G Principles and ')stems, 0c*raw .ill
!rogram ,lecti.e 4 (Semester 4II)
IT-/B1 Information ) (3-0-2) /
I=TR>DUCTI>=1 Information storage and retrieval s)stems, Data 'tructures and 8lgorithms Related
to Information Retrieval
RETRIEI8L 'TR8TE*IE' 1 Iector 'pace 0odel, Probabilistic Retrieval 'trategies, Language
0odels, Inference =etwor3, E?tended -oolean retrieval, Latent 'emantic Inde?ing
RETRIEI8L UTILITIE' 1 Relevance "eedbac3 , Clustering, Passage1-ased Retrieval, =1grams,
Regression 8nal)sis, Thesauri, 'temming, 'emantic =etwor3s, Parsing, Ran3ing
E""ICIE=CD1 Inverted Inde?, %uer) Processing, 'ignature "iles, Duplicate Document Detection
I=TE*R8TI=* 'TRUCTURED D8T8 8=D TEHT 1 Review of the Relation 0odel, 8 .istoric
Progression, Information Retrieval as a Relational 8pplication, 'emi1'tructured 'earch using a
Relational 'chema, 0ulti1dimensional Data 0odel
+ Information Retrieval Data 'tructures 9 8lgorithms b) !illiam - "ra3es, Ricardo -aeAa1Dates
/ Information retrieval1 b) D 8 *rossman , >phir "rieder, 'pringer International Edition
IT-/B3 <ireless Sensor %et0or;s (3-0-2) /
Introduction G motivation, applications, sensors, architectures, platforms for !'=
8ctual ')stems 1 -er3ele) motes, Tin)>' and nesC!ireless Radio Realities G radio irregularities and
impact on protocols 08C protocols G '108C, multi1channel 08C
Routing G*eographic routing, D'R, 8>DI, Directed Diffusion, 'PEED
Cloc3 ')nchroniAation 1 "T'P, TP'= LocaliAation G TD>8, !al3ing *P', range free solutions Power
0anagement G per node, s)stem1wide, sentr) services, sensing coverage
Data 'ervices and Databases G architectures, (ueries #'%L$, data dissemination
Programming 8bstractions G programming models, EnviroTrac3, new 8PIs
'ecurit) and Privac) G problems, attac3s, solutions, open research areasCase 'tud)& 8 Complete ')stem
G surveillance and trac3ing application .ow to program actual !'=
+ #rotocols and Architectures for +ireless Sensor ,et-or"s . ,arl and 8 !illig ;ohn !ile) 9
'ons, ;une /@@5
/ +ireless Sensor ,et-or"s$ Technology, #rotocols, and Applications , 'ohrab), D 0inoli, and
T Lnati ;ohn !ile) 9 'ons, 0arch /@@:
2 +ireless Sensor ,et-or"s C ' Raghavendra, , 0 'ivalingam, and T Lnati, Editors 'pringer
Ierlag, 'ep /@@7
4 +ireless Sensor ,et-or"s$ Architectures and #rotocols E . Callawa), ;r 8UER-8C., 8ug
5 ,et-or"ing +ireless Sensors - ,rishnamachari Cambridge Universit) Press, Dec /@@5
7 +ireless Sensor ,et-or"s$ An Information #rocessing Approach " Lhao and L *uibas
0organ ,aufmann, ;ul /@@4
: Sensor ,et-or"s and Configuration$ Fundamentals, Standards, #latforms, and Applications =
P 0ahali3 'pringer Ierlag, =ov /@@7
< +ireless Sensor ,et-or"s$ A Systems #erspecti.e, = -ulusu and ' ;ha, Editors, 8rtech .ouse,
8ugust /@@5
IT-/B+ To"ics in 5igh S"ee# %et0or;ing (3-0-2) /
>verview of Internet Technologies, Issues in ne?t generation Internet 1 Routing, 0ulticasting, Pac3et
'cheduling, %ualit) of 'ervice etc 8dmission control in Internet& Effective bandwidth,
Differentiated services, Polic)1based networ3ing, Real time communications over Internet, Internet
telephon), Ioice over IP, Integrated services !eb %o', Intelligent caching, Traffic measurement and
Te't( )eferences
+ ,urose& Computer ,et-or"ing A Top Do-n Approach, Pearson
/ Peterson and Davie& Computer ,et-or"s$ A systems approach, 0organ ,aufman and Elsevier
2 ;!alrand, High #erformance Computer ,et-or"s, Elsevier
4 8,umar, D0anCunath, Communication ,et-or" 0,P
5 Recent papers from conferences and Cournals
IT-/B> Digital <atermar;ing an# Steganogra"hy (3-0-2) /
!atermar3ing& 8pplications, techn(iues, models, detection techni(ues Iisible and invisible watermar3s
Embedding Robust watermar3ing, watermar3 securit)
'teganograph) G Least -it, DCT, 'pread spectrum 8udio seganograph)
'teganal)sis techni(ues
+ Ingemar Co?, 0atthew 0iller, ;effre) -loom, and ;essica "ridrich Digital +atermar"ing and
Steganography, /nd Ed, #The 0organ ,aufmann 'eries in 0ultimedia Information and
')stems$ #.ardcover 1 =ov +7, /@@:$
/ "ran3 D 'hih Digital +atermar"ing and Steganography$ Fundamentals and Techni/ues, CRC
2 'tefan ,atAenbeisser, "abien, and 8P Petitcolas Information Hiding Techni/ues for
Steganography and Digital +atermar"ing, 8rtech .ouse
4 =eil " ;ohnsonF Loran DuricF 'ushil ;aCodia Information Hiding$ Steganography and
+atermar"ing % Attac"s and Countermeasures, 'pringer
5 *regor) ,ipper In.estigator0s 1uide to Steganography, 8uerbach Publications
IT-/BB Soft0are !ro=ect 6anagement (3-0-2) /
'oftware ProCect 0anagement Concept& The 0anagement 'pectrum, People, Product, Process 9 ProCect
'oftware Process 9 ProCect 0atri?& 'oftware 0easurement, 'iAe >riented 0atrices, "unction >riented
'oftware ProCect Planning& >bCectives, Decomposition Techni(ues and Empirical Estimation 0odel
Ris3 8nal)ses and 0anagement& Ris3 Identification, ProCection, Ris3 Identification, ProCection, Ris3
Refinement, Ris3 0onitoring and 0anagement
ProCect 'cheduling 9 Trac3ing, 'oftware %ualit) 8ssurance, 'oftware Configuration 0anagement
Te't ()eferences
5 R ' Pressman, 'oftware Engineering
7 P ;alote, 'oftware ProCect 0anagement in Practice
: - .ughest 9 0 Cotterell, 'oftware ProCect 0anagement
!rogram ,lecti.e 4I (Semester 4III)
IT-/>0 Digital $orensics (3-0-2) /
$ile System $orensics& Duplicating hard dis3s for Qdead anal)sisO, reading hidden data on a dis3Js .ost
Protected 8rea #.P8$, Direct versus -I>' access, dead versus live ac(uisition, Dis3 partitions 1 D>',
8pple, and *PT partitions, -'D dis3 labels, 'un IolumeF multiple dis3 volumes 1 R8ID and dis3
spanningF 8nal)Aing "8T, =T"', E?t/, E?t2, U"'+, and U"'/ file s)stems, "inding evidence& "ile
metadata, recover) of deleted files, Using The 'leuth ,it #T',$, 8utops) "orensic -rowser, and related
open source tools
<e& $orensics networ31based evidence in !indows and Uni? environments, Reconstructing !eb
browsing, e1mail activit), Tracing domain name ownership and the source of e1mails
System $orensics !indows Registr) changes, Duplicating and anal)Aing the contents of PD8s and
flash memor) devices
Electronic document, computer image verification and authentication
+ -rian Carrier File System Forensic Analysis, 8ddison !esle)
/ Chris Prosise, ,evin 0andia Incident 2esponse and Computer Forensics, 0c*raw .ill
2 Linda Iolonino, Re)naldo 8nAaldua, and ;ana *odwin Computer Forensics$ #rinciples and
#ractices, Prentice .all
4 ,eith ; ;ones, Richard -eCtlich, and Curtis ! Rose 2eal Digital Forensics$ Computer Security
and Incident 2esponse, 8ddison !esle)
5 Iacca, ;ohn R, Computer Forensics Computer Crime Scene In.estigation, Charles River 0edia
7 =elson, Phillips, Enfinger, 'teuart 1uide to computer Forensics and In.estigation, Course
: Papers from ;ournalsKConferences
IT-/>2 Biometric Security (3-0-2) /
-iometrics& =eed, Conventional techni(ues of authentication, challenges 1 legal and privac) issues
-iometrics in use& D=8, fingerprint, Iris, Retinal scan, "ace, hand geometr), human gait, speech, ear
.andwriting, ,e)stro3e d)namics, 'ignature
0ultimodal biometrics& Combining biometrics, scaling issues
-iometric template securit)
+ ;ulian D 0 8shbourn, -iometrics& 8dvanced Identif) Ierification& The Complete *uide
/ Davide 0altoni #Editor$, et al, .andboo3 of "ingerprint Recognition
2 LC ;ain #Editor$ et al, Intelligent -iometric Techni(ues in "ingerprint and "ace Recognition
4 ;ohn Chirillo, 'cott -laul, Implementing -iometric 'ecurit)
IT-/>/ 4LSI *lgorithms (3-0-2) 3
+ Introduction of IL'I Technolog), IL'I design c)cle, design st)les, basic La)out rules and
circuit abstraction, introduction to standard Cell, *ate arra), "P*8
/ >verview of basic graph algorithms, *raph algorithms for ph)sical Design
2 Partitioning& Classification of partitioning algorithms, ,arnighan1Lin 8lgorithm, "0 8lgorithm,
Ratio cut algorithm
4 "loor1planning& Rectangular dual graph approach of floor1planning, hierarchical tree based
approach, Integer programming based floor1planning
5 Placement& placement b) simulated annealing and force directed method
7 Routing& classification of routing algorithms, *lobal routing& 0aAe routing algorithms, line
probe algorithms, 'teiner tree based algorithms, Detailed Routing& 'ingle la)er and two la)er
routing algorithms, routing in "P*8s
+ =aveed 'hervawani, N 8lgorithms for IL'I ph)sical Design 8utomation N III Ed 'pringer
/ 'arrafAadeh and !ong N 8n introduction to IL'I Ph)sical design N 0*.
2 'Ae& IL'I Technolog)
4 !este and Eshranghan, N Introduction toIL'I DesignO Pearson Edu
5 'adi( 0 'ait, .abib Doussef, QIL'I Ph)sical Design 8utomation& Theor) and PracticeQ,
!orld 'cientific Publishing Compan)F
7 Cormen Leiserson, Rivest, N Introduction to 8lgorithmsO, Pearson Edu
IT-/>7 Intrusion Detection (3-0-2) /
Introduction1 Intrusion detection s)stem #ID'$, intrusion prevention s)stem #IP'$,
UnauthoriAed access G buffer overflow, pac3et fragmentation, out1of1spec pac3ets
Review of =etwor3 protocol G TCPKIP Intrusiond detection through tcpdump ID' and IP' G
8rchitecture and internals
0alicious and non1malicious traffic, IP headers, TDP, UPD and IC0P protocols and header formats,
.eader information to detect intrusion, logs and their anal)sis, ID' through reaction and response
Intrusion anal)sis G data correlation, tools, '=>RT
1. 0att "earnow, 'tephen =orthcutt, ,aren "rederic3, and 0ar3 Cooper Intrusion Signatures and
Analysis, '80'
2. Carl Endorf, *ene 'chultA, ;im 0ellander, Intrusion Detection and #re.ention, 0c*raw .ill
3. 'tephen =orthcutt and ;ud) =ova3 ,et-or" Intrusion Detection, '80'
4. Paul E Proctor The #ractical Intrusion Detection Handoo", Prentice .all
IT-/>A !attern )ecognition (3-0-2) /
Digital Image "undamentals& Image 0odel, 'ampling, %uantiAation, =eighborhood, connectivit) of
pi?els, Labelling of connected components, Distance measures
Image Transforms& "ourier Transform, Discrete "ourier Transform, Properties of /D Discrete "ourier
Transform, The fast "ourier Transform and its algorithm, number of operations, the inverse ""T
Discrete Cosine Transform and its applications, ,L Transform, Convolution and correlation
Image Enhancement& Enhancement b) point processing, spatial filtering, enhancement in fre(uenc)
domain, generation of spatial mas3s from fre(uenc) domain specifications
Image 'egmentation& Detection of discontinuities, edge lin3ing and boundar) detection, thresholding,
region oriented segmentation
Representation and Description& Representation schemes, boundar) descriptors, regional descriptors
0orpholog)& Dilation, erosion, opening, closing, .it1or10iss Transform, some basic morphological
algorithms li3e pruning, thinning and thic3ening
+ *onAaleA and !oods Digital Image Processing, 8ddison !esle)
/ Castleman Digital Image Processing Prentice .all
2 Duda and .art Pattern Classification ;ohn !ile)
!rogram ,lecti.e 4II (Semester 4III)
IT-/A0 6ulti--ore *rchitectures (3-0-2) /
0ultiple core programming models *P*PU programming and streaming data processing Issues related
with coherenc), languages and communication overheads in multi1core programming
+ 8rt of 0ultiprocessor Programming& =ir 'havit, Elsevier
IT-/A2 Soft0are Testing (3-0-2) /
-asic software testing principles 1 'oftware testing, test case generation and test management
8cceptance Testing& User acceptance testing, alpha and beta testing Ierification and Ialidation,
"unctional and =on1functional s)stem testing 'oftware (ualit) assurance
'tatic and d)namic testing, -lac31bo? or functional testing, structural, white bo? or glass bo? testing
Integration testing, component testing
+ Recent papers from conferences and Cournals
/ 8 P 0athur, "undamentals of software testing
IT-/A/ Distri&ute# Systems (3-0-2) /
Introduction& !hat is a distributed s)stemR 0ain characteristics 8dvantagesKDisadvantages Design
goals 0ain problems 0odels of distributed s)stems
Communication in Distributed ')stems& 0essage passing and the clientKserver model Remote Procedure
Call *roup Communication
Time and 'tate in Distributed ')stems& Time in distributed s)stems Logical cloc3s Iector cloc3s
Causal ordering of messages *lobal state and state recording
Distributed 0utual E?clusion& 0utual e?clusion in distributed s)stems =on1to3en based algorithms
To3en based algorithms Distributed elections
Transaction and concurrenc) control& Introduction Transactions =ested transactions Loc3s >ptimistic
concurrenc) control Timestamp ordering Comparison method of concurrenc) control
Distributed Transactions& Introduction "lat and nested distributed transactions 8tomic commit
protocols, Concurrenc) control in distributed transactions, Distributed deadloc3s Transaction recover)
Replication& 0otivation for replication Consistenc) and ordering Total and causal ordering Update
protocols and voting
Recover) and "ault Tolerance& Transaction recover) Chec3pointing and recover) "ault tolerance in
distributed s)stems .ardware and software redundanc) -)Aantine agreement
"ile ')stems& Introduction, "ile 'ervice 8rchitecture 'un networ3 file s)stem The 8ndrew "ile s)stem
Recent 8dvances
+ Distributed ')stems& Concepts and Design, 4rd ed b) Coulouris, *, Dollimore, ;, and ,indberg,
T, 8ddison1!esle), /@@7 I'-=& @2/+/72545
/ Distributed ')stems& Principles and Paradigms, /nd ed b) Tanenbaum, 8 and van 'teen, 0,
Prentice .all, /@@: I'-=& @+2/26//:5
IT-/A7 *#.ance# To"ics in Data Bases (3-0-2) /
Transaction 0anagement 1 Transaction Processing, Concurrenc) Control, Recover) 0anagement
8dvanced '%L G Comple? (ueries, =ested 'ub(ueries, Iiews, 0aterialiAed Iiews, Triggers, Referential
Integrit), 'ecurit) and 8uthoriAation
%uer) Processing and %uer) >ptimiAations
Database ')stem 8rchitectures, Distributed Databases, Distributed Transactions, Distributed %uer)
+ 'ilberschatA 8, ,orth .", 'udarshan ', Database ')stem Concepts, 0c*rall .ill
/ Elmasri R and =avathe '-, Fundamentals of Dataase Systems, 2rd Edition, 8ddison
!esle),/@@@ This boo3 covers most of the material on the course
2 Date C;, An Introduction to Dataase Systems, :th Edition, 8ddison !esle)
IT-/AA ,'"ert Systems (3-0-2) /
>verview of 8I, Problem space and searching techni(ues, Production s)stem, Control strategies,
.euristic search techni(ues, ,nowledge representation ac(uisition and learning
Introduction to E?pert ')stems, Definition t)pes, Component, development process 8rchitecture of
E?pert ')stem, Case studies and e?pert s)stem development tools
Introduction to 8I languages& PR>L>* and LI'P
+ 8rtificial Intelligence& Elaine Rich, ,evin ,night, 0c1*raw .ill
/ Introduction to 8I 9 E?pert ')stem& Dan ! Patterson, P.I
2 "undamentals of e?pert s)stem, '= 'haran, C-' Publishers

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